#but also i do not wanna be seen as binary male
queerghostboyo · 1 year
feelin very hashtag girlboy rn
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tanuki-kimono · 5 months
Hey! Might be a bit of a random one but as a non-binary (but basically male presenting) person married to a Japanese woman we've decided to both wear womens' iro-Uchikake and Shiromuku for our wedding photos. Already did the try-on and initial counseling. I'm not super interested in "passing" as I just wanna look like me — but wondered if you'd seen any womens' wasou-appropriate gender neutral wedding hairstyles in your travels? It's such a specific thing and I'm not having much luck.
Hi and congrats for your soon-to-come wedding pics :)
Tbh, you are not going to have much luck finding any formal wear kimono "neutral" hairstyle. The thing being that traditionally, Japanese hairstyles were SUPER gendered: they could tell age, sex, marital status, sometimes even where you'd come from etc.
The only exception I can think of are children hairstyles, which for long were basically unisex until coming of age ceremonies - but those would not be suitable for a wedding imo ^^;
Agender hairstyle is so definitely not a thing if you're searching for "classical kimono look" appropriate hairdo. Yet, that does not mean you cannot choose any style you like and run away with it!
Most wedding-looks now have brides in modern (=Westernized) fancy hairdo. If you see a "traditional" style (=taka shimada), it will 9 times out of 10 be a wig provided by the kimono rental. Very few undergo the tedious process of having their natural hair styled this way (and less and less hairstylists actually know how to do that):
So, what fancy style would YOU love?
Without knowing you or your hair lenght it's difficult for me to help, but my first thought was a variation of moga's 耳隠しmimikakushi (hairdo covering the ears, often with finger waves). As moga's chose not to follow traditions + as mimikakushi can work on long and shorter hair alike, this "historical" style could work for you?
Also, you might wanna look into any modern kimono stylist/photographer. For example, see Stasia Matsumoto's social accounts, as she's both a kimono and hair stylist.
Congrats again, and TLDR => don't fret too much over "traditional hairstyle": in nowadays bridal kimono world, that doesn't mean much anyway ;)
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boreal-sea · 6 months
People calling me a "gender defender just like the patriarchy is" is fucking hilarious.
"Gender" the way I use it is so, so far from its original definition. It is the word I'm using to mean "personal identity".
I'm here for the people who don't want a gender at ALL, who want to define their personal identity WITHOUT that word. I'm here to tear the concept of gender away from the patriarchy and pull it apart into a trillion pieces. No more gender roles! No more sex stereotypes!
I want the idea of what it means to have a gender to be personally defined by every individual who wants one. I want no woman or man or non-binary person to be the same. I want the biggest, gruffest dude you've ever seen to say he's an asexual nonbinary woman, and the femmest delicate dame to say she's a bi-lesbian man. I want no one to be able to guess your sex assigned at birth just by looking at you. What's in your pants? Mystery!
I'm here for body modification, HRT, surgery, all that shit. You wanna get elf ears? Sure! You want breast implants, a full body lizard tattoo, phalloplasty, and dermal implants? Hell yes. Full bodily autonomy is what I support.
I'm here for the neopronouns and nounself pronouns and xenogenders. I'm here for people identifying with the gender euphoria of clouds and trees. Fuck, half of the time I describe myself as "masculine like a misty mountain forest". I'm forest-gender. I'm they/them like the Pando Forest (a forest of aspen "trees" that are all technically one tree). I'm he/him like the snow you see walking through the woods when there's orange skyglow everywhere. I'm "it/its" like how you call the deer you see through the trees as you hush the person you're walking with - "Shhh- do you see it? Look!“
You know who hates this kind of shit? Transphobic radfems. Transphobic gender critical feminists. I think the original trans gender abolitionists would be on board with me, but that term has been stolen by a lot of terfs, radfems, and the GCers. That's why I use "gender liberation", to differentiate myself from transphobia.
I assure you, the patriarchy does not approve of any of this shit either, and while I use the word "gender" to mean "personal identity", I promise that the things I think "gender" encompasses is in defiance of anything the patriarchy would approve of.
The patriarchy only approves of two binary genders, that are rigidly based on birth sex, and are unchangeable. They believe being male makes you strong, and being female makes you weak. Their version of gender is based on those stereotypes about birth sexes, and comes with precise roles, behaviors, and places within a social hierarchy all based on your birth sex and the traits they think that biology gives you.
Transphobic radfems, terfs, and gender critical feminists also believe in two binary sexes that are rigidly based on birth sex and are unchangeable. Some of them believe just like the patriarchy that your birth sex determines your behaviors, that males are "inherently" violent, and females are "inherently" weaker. In fact, they believe that these biological qualities are WHY men invented the patriarchy in the first place: it's baked into their biology to oppress women. That's why so many of them are female separatists or female supremacists.
That is not what I'm here for. But I sure see a whole lot in common between the patriarchy and transphobic feminists.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
So I came across this quote by Julia Serano, and I wanted to share my take on it:
“When you’re a trans woman you are made to walk this very fine line, where if you act feminine you are accused of being a parody and if you act masculine, it is seen as a sign of your true male identity. And if you act sweet and demure, you’re accused of reinforcing patriarchal ideas of female passivity, but if you stand up for your own rights and make your voice heard, then you are dismissed as wielding male privilege and entitlement. We trans women are made to teeter on this tightrope, not because we are transsexuals, but because we are women. This is the same double bind that forces teenage girls to negotiate their way between virgin and whore, that forces female politicians and business women to be aggressive without being seen as a bitch, and to be feminine enough not to emasculate their alpha male colleagues, without being so girly as to undermine their own authority.”
Now, I absolutely agree that this behavior is based in misogyny. The only thing I really disagree with is the idea that it doesn't have anything to do with being trans.
For one, trans men also are forced to walk this tightrope, if in the opposite direction. If a trans man is feminine, he's actually a girl, but if he's masculine, he's idolizing toxic masculinity. If a trans man is sweet and passive, he'll never be a real man, but if he's outspoken and demands to be heard, he's a raging misogynist wielding male privilege. Nonbinary people, too, have to walk the tightrope, with the added element of "too masc/fem and you aren't really nonbinary, too androgynous and you are suspicious and cringe and probably a pedophile". Reducing this tightrope down to just misogyny, in my opinion, obscures the way that other trans people besides trans women are also forced to walk this tightrope.
Additionally, while I understand why she compares it to things like the madonna/whore complex, I don't feel like it's exactly the same thing. If a cis woman (especially/specifically a white, straight-presenting one*) acts masculine or assertive, she'll certainly be called a bitch, a cunt, evil, unfeminine and ugly, all the misogynistic tricks in the book- but she'll never be called a misogynistic entitled male.
Cis women do not face the combined forces of misandry/misogyny/misandrogyny the way trans people do. Cis women do not have to fear being seen as male and therefore sexually predatory, naturally aggressive, and an oppressor to be taken down in the way that all trans people are. Cis women are seen as women, while trans people are seen as grotesquely occupying the space between genders. Cis women are punished for acting outside of the bounds of the class of woman, while trans people are punished for acting outside the bounds of binary gender. We fail to be proper women or proper men, and so anything we do is punishable because transness is seen as something which taints any gender it touches. Trans people are deviant women who need to be put in their place, and dangerous men who are a threat to patriarchal men, and androgynous freaks who threaten the very foundation of the gender binary and the patriarchy built upon it.
I don't wanna claim to know the true reasons behind why Serano comes to the conclusions she does, so this is just my own reading of this quote:
It feels like she is leaning heavily into the "its all misogyny" to make a point about how trans women face the same struggles cis women do, therefore they should be considered equally female and equally oppressed by misogyny as cis women. Transmisogyny is just another way to oppress women, as women, and therefore cis feminists should accept trans women as women.
And I don't blame her for that, if that was her motive. Especially considering that a lot of her writing was done during a time where radical feminists were intensely scrutinizing trans women's oppression & trans activism was even less well known or supported by mainstream feminism than it is now. But I do think that, in trying to align the experiences of trans women with the experiences of cis women, it has led to the thriving idea that trans men cannot experience equal levels of oppression, because they are men and therefore their experiences must be closer to that of cis men's.
It's not that the thing she's talking about isn't transmisogyny, or that she should've brought up trans men- I have no issues with her specifically talking about how this impacts trans women and how its based in transmisogyny. But I feel very strongly that the three-arm model of transphobia explained by @transunity is a far more accurate way of conceptualizing transphobia & all of its individual forms (transmisogyny, transandrophobia, exorsexism). It accepts that all trans people can be attacked from the position that they are men, or women, or both/neither.
It also makes sense that this model comes from the transunity movement, because it prioritizes shared experience & solidarity between all trans people rather than shared experience & solidarity between trans people and cis people who share their gender. Not that that is intrinsically bad, because it isn't- but I feel that Serano's model of transmisogyny, in rejecting the idea of "trans" as a class of its own, negatively impacts other trans people and especially trans men by forcing them to be seen only in relation to their cis counterparts, and not as trans people first and foremost.
*Edited to specify white/straight womanhood
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transguydeuce · 4 months
queer twst headcanons pt 7: diasomnia
first. we must establish fae genderisms.
(if you wanna just scroll to the headcanons for the lads tho feel free)
i think fae have around 3 “sexes”. i say “around 3” “sexes” bc science has proven repeatedly that sex is way more complicated than it seems lol. anyway i think fae have majority intersexed individuals with some female and some male. this definitely means that there’s not really a gender binary to trans around in, and fae don’t have the same concepts of trans and cisgender that we do. plus the fact that most fae, including both male and female (which here i’m referring purely to whether they produce egg or sperm) have a range of traits that are traditionally viewed by humans as gendered aka breasts, external/internal genitalia, etc. i would say body hair also but tbh i don’t think they have any, baul’s beard looks more like scales or horns to me and unless i’m wrong i don’t think we’ve ever seen a fae with body hair.
i would almost hesitate to say that fae are mammalian but they do have some hair as well as boobs (thank u meleanor for screwing w my fae biology headcanon /j) and it’s also known that they r capable of creating hybrid offspring w humans so they have to be closely related enough to humans to do that so they are mammals, my thought is just that they have adapted to live in environments with higher magic. that’s why they’re typically more magically gifted yet it’s more dangerous for them to be without it (cough cough glomas cough cough) ALSO. BECAUSE THEY LAY EGGS, FAE ARE BASICALLY MONOTREMES. HAVE FUN WITH THAT.
anyway it's impossible to tell what bits a fae has just from looking at them. so they don’t really get assigned a gender at birth and therefore they don’t really have the same concepts of cis and trans that we do. personally, i hc that "he" is the default gender-neutral pronoun most fae use. that is all thank you for your time now ON TO THE HEADCANONS
malleus: personally hc him as intersex :) doesn’t really understand human concepts of gender, but is curious about it since arriving at night raven. he doesn’t really know what an “all boys” school is especially because some of his classmates r definitely not all boy. (he thinks that’s neat though.) dressed masculine primarily for convenience and would have no complaints wearing a gown. he/him pronouns bc it's the default fae pronoun and that’s what he grew up with but after interacting more with humans he enjoys a she or they from time to time. gender is like a fascinating human custom to him. also i love the hc that he’s pan bc he’s attracted to player character regardless of gender so i’m sticking to that
sebek: [just insert the entire knuckles pronouns comic here]
ok all jokes aside he uses he/him as well, and thinks that that’s the default for everyone. the most important human in his young life was his dad who is also he/him so naturally sebek gets very confused when humans have more than one gender. most likely finds out more after asking about why epel doesn’t like being mistook for a girl (uh oh) he concludes he must be a guy cuz he’s big and strong (epel what have you done). i don’t really have a read on sebek’s sexuality and i don’t think he does either tbh.
lilia: THEE genderqueer just look at him. she is genderfuck incarnate. he’s on that immortal vampire gender. he’s on that ftmtftmtftmtftmtf type shit. a different pronoun set each day. throw some neopronouns in and stir the pot. basically he’s genderfluid. gendergas even. she’s traveled all around the world, if you think he didn’t pick up all the different genders like a crow hoarding shiny objects you would be wrong. if you ask them directly they’d probably say their gender is gamer (to be hip with the kids). also a bisexual king and definitely had a thing for meleanor and her husband there is no doubt in my mind.
silver: well he was raised by lilia so….. afab doesn’t really apply to him. he grew up in briar valley and was never assigned a gender besides the default pronoun “he”. when he’s older lilia probably teaches him a bit about human culture and asks silver what he feels like doing and i think he’d most likely go on t, partially for gender feels and also partially to build muscle mass and be a better royal guard lmao. his gender is knight boyprincess. no i shall not explain. i think he’s sex-neutral grey ace that’s just the vibes i get from him
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kdinjenzen · 1 year
Do you also get a fuzzy feeling when people include LGBTQIA+? I feel like it and the I are the most frequently dropped and ignored...
Overall in major media I feel like pretty much all queer stories are sanitized in a way that will make it appeal to cishet folks more than the actual queer people who both want and need to see themselves represented in it.
I could make a huge reply here how gay men are still infantilized and written as two-dimensional “fashion forward, skinny, white, cis-woman’s best friend” type characters.
Or how lesbians are mostly written as hyper sexualized skinny white women for the sake of cis her male gaze or very (and here comes heavy quotation marks) “masculine” white butch women because that’s all people seem to think lesbians are.
Or that to be seen as bisexual in media you HAVE to be dating someone of the same gender, because dating someone of a different gender isn’t “bisexual enough” for people. Which is… stupid and annoying and wrong.
And on and on and on…
I’m a non-binary trans intersex pan/demi polyamorous woman and… yeah legitimately I’ll never see a character like me in mainstream media. More so, I will very likely never see a character that even touches one of those properly (and if so they will likely be portrayed by someone who is NOT those things) and there’s just… so much wrong with a lot of that.
Not to MENTION the fact that most of those stories (if you’ve been reading along I’ve hinted at it the whole post) focus on WHITE people and don’t even really show queer POC at all and if they DO it’s even more of a “let’s stereotype this up” writing that makes me want to scream and punch a wall in frustration.
This is why, above all else, I tell everyone to look to the indie space or specifically look towards queer creators who don’t have their IP tied to a major publisher or brand… because THOSE FOLKS are actually telling the stories you wanna see and will feel represented by.
Instead of the white washed and “for cishet people’s eyes” type of stories we get from literally every mainstream media.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 2 months
It's trans day of visibility and all I can feel is dread.
Because I am intersex nonbinary,
which means the only parts of me that are seen,
are whatever predatory intent can he projected onto me.
I'm both "invisible" (erased) and hypervisible,
which according to anyone who experiences the other
is "privilege" and not yet another form of violence.
Trans people tell me they can "always tell"
that I'm an "afab trying to invade women's spaces"
or "basically a cis man playing at femininity,
trying to invade femme spaces";
there are no spaces for me.
"Make your own and be alone" -
it matters not that I am trans woman and trans man -
the one taints the other and makes me neither;
for all that the two are treated like oil and water,
I am treated like sludge.
"TME doesn't reduce you to your sex" is cried,
while they scrutinize me for signs
of being "male intersex" or "female intersex",
"you probably just have PCOS" -
y'know, the well-accepted intersex variation
that causes hyperandrogeny
to the point of even affecting your genitalia,
and which has recently been discovered to occur
in people without ovaries
(or any of the other sex characteristics
typically associated with presence of ovaries
in dyadic people)?
And all for what?
To tell me I haven't experienced my own experiences,
and am wrong about them,
and that actually they weren't that bad,
because they must be "misdirected" -
because I must be the "wrong sex"
to have experienced them.
Believe trans women,
unless there's literally any reason you can come up with,
that we are predatory liars
invading real women's spaces.
That's fighting transmisogyny, dontcha know?
And always remember that trans men
are hysterical whiny men's rights activists
cuntboys and bitches who wanna be oppressed so badly
who have never experienced misogyny a day in our life
and always pass as soon as we first think about wearing a binder
because there famously aren't surgeries
to get rid of two very obvious things
front and center
that T can't change
Remember it's also fighting transmisogyny
to joke about raping specific people
who explictly haven't consented to it
and then claim
that it's transmisogyny to judge trans women
for a cnc kink.
Don't believe multigender trans women,
masc trans women, butch trans women,
AMAB transmascs and AMAB nonbinary people,
AFAB trans people, trans "transandrophobia truthers",
trans people of color, disabled trans people...
Hm, actually, there's an easier way of saying this.
Believe skinny white gender conforming trans women
with large active follower counts
that act as harassers on call
to enforce the party line
(what happened to acab?)
and no one else.
If you can't enforce acknowledgement of your pain,
you don't get any.
Apparently, it's a limited resource.
And any joy you take -
from being a man,
or a femboy,
or a nonbinary person,
or a woman if you do it the wrong way,
or a trans person in general
is a threat,
and a transmisogynistic one at that.
All while you speak over trans people
of every gender
and especially trans women
telling you "no the fuck it's not, you transphobe".
Oh and degendering is a real problem,
but if you ever call someone a person
because they only have their pronouns in bio
and pronouns≠gender,
remember that it's transphobia to not extrapolate
binary gender from binary pronouns.
Never mind all the nonbinary people you know
who use she/her, he/him, and she/him.
It's not transphobia to assume they're
basically cis women (dangerous),
cis men (dangerous),
trans men (dangerous)
or trans women (dangerous).
Obviously nonbinary identity is disingenous,
and doesn't really exist,
but that's not transmedicalism
because transmedicalism is a Bad Word!
Anyway, always call trans people "women" and "men"
even if you don't know,
because it's (trans)misogyny
to call (trans) women people.
(It's also "general transphobia" to call trans men people,
but also if they're upset about it
it's just fragile toxic masculinity,
and really everyone should be okay being perceived
as feminine and as women,
because why would anyone choose to be a MAN anyway?)
A bunch of radfems
with all the gender essentialism that goes with it,
that simply decided that women were the one with penises,
but that testosterone is still evil,
never mind non-transitioning and post-op trans women.
Insert required disclaimer:
Y'all are doing this, regardless of gender.
If you think calling out how you mistreat:
trans women, trans men, and nonbinary people,
is blaming trans women,
I think maybe you're desperately avoiding the conversation.
Anyway, I don't want to be visible,
on trans day of visibility,
because visibility without acceptance
just begets violence.
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
Ok so I might sound kinda crazy but hear me out, do you ever feel like you're cis when you're transgender based on reality? I know that doesn't sound like it makes sense so lemme explain my situation to you a little bit but please be aware it's probably not gonna make much sense to anyone other than me and hopefully a few other people I guess? But whatever, anyways: So basically to start us off at the beginning, I've known I was somewhere on the transgender/genderqueer spectrum for like I think a few years now or atleast 1-2 if that's important and at first it was like I was fine with not being completly a girl, but at the same time it didn't feel like a big deal because I was still mostly a girl and I had the idea that no one would get mad at me if I just lived like a cis person when I actually felt like a demigirl or something related to that because I still liked being feminine while at the same time I wasn't completly female like my birth gender. Then, awhile later I realized I felt more boyish when it came to my gender identity, but at the same time felt more girly and felt my sexuality changing it's personal definition so I was like..."Yo wtf why am I getting so upset all of a sudden being feminine? I atleast thought it wouldn't be that bad" because on certain days I would get dysphoric but also be ok on other days. Keep in mind, this was around the time still where younger me was being influenced by the transmedicalist/truscum debate points that were more popular on the internet to say the least so it was obviously gonna be negative and cause me to push those feelings of mine aside for not wanting to be seen as a "trender" or someone fake or whatever. Ofcourse I would eventually grow out of that and realize with the internet that all trans people are different and that you don't have to pick between trans boy, trans girl and nonbinary" which was slowly turning into a binary at some point by cis people. Blah blah blah, eventually I decided that I was a trans dude(ftm) but also genderfluid which is sorta accurate today but I felt more bigender then when I identified as such than anything now so I don't know uhh. Why'd I bring up all this past gender and sexuality spectrum clutter again??Oh right, because I've been noticing changes with how I present myself atleast sorta recently. To keep it somewhat sane-sounding, for the past 4 months at the very least, while I do recognize that I am technically and realistically a trans boy due to being afab, at the same time for some odd reason, I keep feeling...like a cis-ajacent man for a lack of a better term? Like its not that I wanna be some sort of "pick-me" or whatever, far from it actually but like...I do identify with the label being ftm but at the same time apart of me doesn't because I already am a man despite not being like that at birth???I feel less like a trans guy and more like a feminine cis dude trapped in a mostly female body??I know it doesn't sound accurate to you all but I hope it somewhat can make sense later? Tbh it's better when explained verbally irl than like me attempting to write down a complicated experience of mine coherently. I don't wanna be a cis male either since they hurt so many people so there's that...
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somechillthoughts · 9 months
ok this is my first ever tumblr text post (or whatever u call it) but i wanna just ramble about something interesting i like of always sunny.
(btw i'm not that far deep into sunny either, i just know a lot from clips and compilations)
one thing that always interests me when discussing sunny through a queer lens is that charlie is one of (if not the only) member of the gang that doesn't really lean that heavy into patriarchal, toxic masculine stereotypes unlike the rest.
dennis is a prolific sex addict who uses sex as a way of dominance over women and to fuel his egotistical behavior, constantly using women as sex objects and trying to portray himself as "the leader" of the gang (which he kinda is).
mac's constant inner fight with his own sexuality and religious/conservative upbringing made him conceive this persona of what a man is supposed to be. he shows off this posture of machismo that is clearly all a lie to keep his true emotions and feelings coming out, not to mention him trying to get his father's attention throughout his life made him adapt a lot of his harmful traits as well.
dee being the only women of the group has its faults surrounding herself with men who don't treat her at all good, but she's always able to throw that same shit to the other women in the show who she seems to think are competition, competing for male validation and a way of feeling superior to women beneath you.
frank is the oldest and more traditional of the gang, constantly displaying bigotry wherever he goes, this including instilling patriarchal and misogynistic tactics cause he doesn't know better (or just doesn't care). his constant homophobia towards mac in the early seasons to then his coming out episode is clear of a sort of insecurity and this old school way of thinking of how men should be.
but charlie? he's a whole different case all together.
ofc all the gang is bigoted, especially when it comes to misogyny and following patriarchal ideals, but when it comes to charlie, he doesn't really exude that kinda idea at all, maybe not even to the same extent as the other men. he's seen as the more open and comfortable in his masculinity, not really trying to be this macho man that he knows he can't be. he's very open with being effeminate, not afraid to question gender, and wouldn't mind partaking in roles that are specifically meant to be for women. (he even crossdresses for fun and to go to the bathroom). this could just be because alot of sunny fans like to headcanon him as non-binary/trans (which i also do as well), i think it could go deeper than that.
now, ofc with that being said, the others in the gang sometimes don't follow the same rules they put on for themselves (dennis wears makeup, mac's motherly nature, frank able to express his emotions with others, dee's camaraderie with other women at times) but it's usually one-off moments and sometimes doesn't even last a season, while charlie's like this (from what i know) throughout the whole show.
idk i just really like always sunny and the show is incredibly gay once u start digging for it and i like the charlie headcanons alot so yeah. sorry if this didn't make sense. i will probably do a remake of this when i actually finish the show but who knows. lemme know what y'all think
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kawaiiblue18 · 10 months
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Click for better quality Erm so I’ve seen a lot of making spidersonas for the turtles but I haven’t seen this done before
What if the rottmnt turtles were actually mutant spiders instead of turtles?
Individual refs and lore under the cut
⚠️Arachnophobia warning!⚠️
Alrighty so I have a bunch of extra stuff on these guys I wanna share. It’s gonna be a long one so um prepare for a lot. First off, design wise, I kept their builds and heights pretty much the same as canon with the lower 2 pairs of arms just slightly smaller than their main pair of arms. Also like canon, I assigned them different species of spider that I thought best correlated to their species of turtle.
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Raph is a Goliath Birdeater Tarantula which is the largest species of spider in the world. Although he isn’t blind, he still has the poorest eyesight out of his siblings (which is like average human eyesight really with a larger field of vision). However, his fur is hyper sensitive his surroundings. Another defense mechanism he has is the fur on his spider abdomen is barbed and can be flung at opponents, but this ability should only be used as a last resort. Raph can produce webs with his spinnerets, but he only uses them to make a web burrow to which he sleeps in. I also made Raph transmasc here simply because female Goliath Birdeaters are larger and have 4x longer of a lifespan than males
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Donnie is a Rabid Wolf Spider. While running on foot, Donnie is the fastest of their siblings. They also have the sharpest eyesight, being able to spot things from really far away. Donnie has fur, it’s just very thin. Unlike their siblings, Donnie does not have spinnerets and thus cannot produce natural webs. None the matter for Donnie as they have their own formula to make synthetic webs. Donnie took massive inspiration from Spiderman, making synthetic web shooters for their wrists. The gang starts using Donnie’s synthetic web more when they start going on missions since it’s much stronger and versatile than natural webs plus it dissolves after a couple hours. Another thing to note is that like Raph and Leo, Donnie has burrowing instincts so they will often sleep in a burrow of pillows/blankets or go sleep in Raph’s or Leo’s web burrows. Also the decision to make Donnie non-binary was simply because I read a fic recently where they were aha
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Leo is a Peacock Jumping Spider, specifically species Maratus Speciosus (I’m including this because there are A LOT of different species of Peacock Jumping Spiders). Like his species suggests, Leo is able to do something he calls “super jumps” where he can jump like 20ft in the air. While he doesn’t have the sharpest vision, he does have the widest field of vision with literally a pair of eyes on the back of his head. Leo does produce webs (his spinnerets are just usually hidden under his fan) and like Raph, Leo uses them to make a web burrow that he sleeps in. Leo also uses his webs as a safety line when he does a super jump or attempts a risky skateboard trick. Leo is a cis male here simply because only male jumping spiders are brightly colored and have the abdominal fan. He’s still fruity though lol. His fan will typically puff up whenever he trying to show off or when he looks at someone he finds attractive (especially around a certain rabbit)
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Mikey is a Marbled Orb Weaver Spider. Unlike his siblings, Mikey isn’t a terrestrial species of spider. This means xe is the only one of their siblings to weave traditional spider webs, one of which she sleeps on. Mikey also likes to use their webs to make web art to which he initially got inspired into doing from watching Charlotte’s Web. Mikey’s vision is slightly better than Raph’s, but not by much. Mikey does not have fur like xer siblings do. Mikey is gender-fluid here and uses any pronouns. Though she is amab since male Marbled Orb Weavers have a less bulbous abdomen and their own abdominal pattern
More notes to add is that since they are spiders, all of them have the ability to stick to walls. They also all have hollow fangs and venom, though none of their venom is lethal. (Might make you really sick depending on how much venom was injected.) Spiders don’t have digestive systems and eat by injecting digestive venom into prey, practically melting it into soup before consuming it. Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey all tend to do this with any food item that is larger than their mouth instinctually, Mikey sometimes wrapping food items with her webs. They have to drain their fangs of venom monthly or their venom glands will start to feel uncontrollable due to venom build up.
When threatened, the four of them do hiss and will bare their fangs. Donnie and Raph are more prone to bite on reflex. They are also all immune to spider venom because wouldn’t that be an inconvenience if they weren’t.
I know spiders don’t technically have very long life expectancies other than maybe tarantulas so I’m gonna say that the mutagen made their life spans similar to that of a human.
I included the ninpo activated versions mainly because I wanted to show that the color coded markings on them are what I’m calling ninpo markings. These are markings that they specifically have because of their Hamato Clan blood, not because of their spider species, thus it is the only markings that glow when ninpo is is use.
If I didn’t make it clear before, they all still have their canon personalities and ninpo powers. The only thing that changed is now they are spiders instead of turtles
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imustbenuts · 2 months
i mentioned ill rb a post about majima's sexuality/gender identity in the context of 1980s-2010s japan but i never got to it bc i cant find the post ;;
but gist of it is, the majima everyone knows is... kind of putting on an act. everything about the zanny funny majima everyone mostly knows is an act he puts on mostly to mess with kiryu. this video kinda sums it up succinctly:
even his kansai dialect is... fake as shit. (the meta explanation is that his voice actor isnt familiar with kansai accent and the director was like 'its majima its ok just roll with it')
it's probly hard to hear but his dialect is multiple levels of wrong. another joke video here but that isnt how kansai dialect sentence structure works! also his crazy persona is really how he behaves, mostly.
dont wanna inflate this post but theres plenty of kansai dialect language videos on youtube to hear what a usual kansai dialect phrase sounds like
majima's sounds like he smooshed standard tokyo japanese with some random stuff he picked up from osaka, which tracks with his backstory...
^^ he speaks with standard jp here. this takes place technically before y0 (i think)
anyway. so. the 'mad dog' persona both in universe and out he has is mostly an act and his character growth from 0-8 is largely like this: sane -> goes through SHIT -> plot -> snaps -> loses his sworn brother and is likely very depressed -> messes with kiryu for some semblance of normalcy -> kiryu helps stabilizes his life both directly and indirectly, thereby stabilizing his mental state -> sane but wears the mask bc hes made a name for himself as the mad dog
so all of that is important bc in a manner of speaking, LGBTQ in the 1980s to 2010s is considered... an 'act'.
super short summary of why: confucius idea dictates that men must pass on their bloodline to offsprings bc its honorable for the family bloodline. confucius bleeds into bushido, morphs, which bleeds into the larger fabric of japanese culture.
MEANING, its totally ok to be gay and play so long as a male offspring is produced. LGBTQ then is seen as a juvenile thing that most people will grow out off eventually. (at least prior to TV era)
then TV era brought in western media, and back the the mid 1900s, LGBTQ became synonymous with being a western idea. lots of tropes of flamboyancy is closely linked to westerness in characters. so queer became a foreign idea. JP TV then perpetuated this with okama stereotypes and sometimes made a mockery out of them, which continued pretty much until 2000s.
some also see it as a evil western mental virus/illness too.
(negative okama stereotypes are portrayed as highly thirsty male hunters dressed in a less than flattering drag with facial hair. often used to elicit"EW DISGUSTING GET AWAY FROM ME" reactions from other characters.)
smoosh that with existing cross-dressing theater arts and the idea of some 'kiddy phase' and suddenly being LGBTQ is more or less equated to an act.
add in the fact that transitioning is a very difficult thing to do if one doesnt conform fully into a binary Male or Female gender identity, suddenly genderfluidity looks very campy in JP media context.
which. majima kinda is. left: y0 appearance, taking place 1989. right, y1 onward, starting 2005
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leather and TIGHT leather has some associations with the BDSM scene, which intersects with the sleazy night life and sexually related things. (queerness is perceived to be mostly this bc demonization in a similar fashion to... everywhere basically)
and also, there was one time where majima was goromi:
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the context for this: Majima Everywhere was a system that y1k had, where Majima would spawn absolutely anywhere and everywhere to fight kiryu. for fun. theres a lot of interesting character moments bc his act or mask out slip off every now and then. this is one of those.
anyway, goromi is an interesting case of a more positive okama stereotype bc theres absolutely zero malice in the writing that i can tell. key thing: kiryu reacts bewildered but positively to this encounter
so all of this to say
yeah majima is really, really not straight.
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lazer-kat-art · 7 months
Some aimless rambling abt my genderfluid Sebastian hc
So this is an idea that i, surprisingly, haven’t seen explored before and i think that is sad. Therefore, i am taking up that responsibility and writing an entire ass essay about this idea that i have.
A few disclaimers:
1: i have no outline for this and am kind of just writing whatever comes into my head, so please forgive any tangents or just general gay nonsense.
2: i am not caught up on the manga, so this is based mainly off of the anime, the small bit of the manga i have read (vol 1-5), my general knowledge of the series, and small tidbits of the story that I’ve picked up from various sources
3: I am counting all of Black Butler as part of the same story. I know there are people who only use the manga canon when analysing Black Butler, but I prefer to assume that if something is true in, for example, season 1 it will be true in season 3. So if ur manga-only or just one of those ppl who hate everything about the anime, you might wanna leave
So I’ve basically had this idea ever since i saw this manga panel
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Honestly, when i look at this image, all i can think of is my intense gender envy for this guy AND how genderqueer it is. And that is for multiple reasons. One being that, in general, shapeshifter characters are often coded genderfluid due to the simple fact that they can turn into anything, and that would clearly include another gender. One notable example of this being Nimona. A character that, similarly to Sebastian, normally takes a single human form. But they also occasionally take the forms of different people or even animals. I’m not sure if it’s fully canon, but it’s pretty much agreed that Nimona is genderfluid.
Another reason is that fucking text. “I am no one, yet i can become anyone” you mean you can become a woman 🤨? Ayo? In all seriousness though, that is a very genderqueer thing to say. The idea of “being no one” sounds very non-binary in its own right, but pair that with the "becoming anyone" line, there is a very clear parrallel to the idea of being genderfluid or non-binary.
Sebastian is also just super queer-coded in general. Always going on about his "aesthetic" and have y'all seen those fucking high heels? He is shown to be not tradtionally masculine, what with his long and unkempt hair, black nails (i know it's implied that that just happens when demons take a human form, but i like to imagine they all just paint their nails bc it looks cool), and occupation with fashion and his looks. He has an interesting tendancy to flirt with literally everyone he talks to, including multiple men.
Overall, he is a very genderbending character. He is very effeminate, wears the pointest high heels known to man in his demon form, and is generally very queer coded. Although we aren't really given much info on demon lore, especially when it comes to things like gender, but we do know that angels have the ability to shift from a male body to a female one in a matter of seconds. Ash Landers is another character that I beleive to be at least very coded genderfluid. He has to ability to just...become a woman on a whim and also seems to hate the idea of binary gender. He describes man's separation by gender as the genisis of evil, for god's sake. It is fair to assume that demons live by the same rules.
That is all for now, I may post another one of these later on in time, either about the same topic, or about a different one. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense and I hope you enjoyed :D
In conclusion,
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bluravenite · 1 year
So i hadn't seen the original post since I try not to be too active here but... Im going to list off references just as a reminder 🫶 !!
A tumblr user in the ghost fandom posted about their opinion that people shouldn't write or draw dewdrop and copia as trans or emotionally complex characters. Their reasoning being:
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Here's the link to the og post as well as a great reply from media nocte, which i think VERY well sums up the general argument here. "Get fucked OP."
Also this wonderful response by leafy, my love...
As well as syringe's post which even lists Tobias Forge's opinions, which OP said the papas were 'his super secret fight club level identity' which if it were true, he wouldn't be accepting Ghost band awards as himself nor with his family, nor openly interviewing about it... If it was so secret...
Tobias has even been open about other characters of his (such as Mary Goore, as mentioned per an interview) used they/them pronouns even if not INHERENTLY trans or non-binary.
He's always been openly accepting of people regardless of their gender or sexuality (this isn't to idolize him, just stating my knowledge of his values.)
My last point to op?? Here's what those "trans" people think about mine and other works.
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I know i have more personal conversations with people where we have discussed how validating it can be for trans and non-binary people to write, read, explore these characters.
A reminder. Tags exist. Read the fucking tags on a fic, chances are the author wrote trans!dewdrop or "usage of cunt" in the tags or notes, and if they didn't?? It takes 3 seconds to comment "could you please add a trans character content tag please?"
As an artist myself, who originally stuck to the "stage representations of the characters" i the slowly started exploring the way i perceive their stories, how i can make MY OWN ART out of these characters that relates TO ME and MY FEELINGS and likes and opinions and such because THAT is what creativity is about. Taking what the world gives you and making it your own.
I am not trans, i am barely even nonbinary... Labels are scary, half the time i don't know who i am okay? I don't always feel like a girl, i don't always hate my body, sometimes i feel like if i live in this body for just a second longer I'll have to scratch all the skin off and crawl out of it myself... Sometimes i wish i could bind, be flat, have a deeper voice, be more masculine, sometimes i want to wear skirts that are way too short and the pretty corset from renfaire that makes my chest look so puffy and pretty... Sometimes it's nobody's fucking business... And sometimes my characters reflect what i am, what i wanna be, what i am not, and what i may never be. And just like my gender and my body?? It's nobody's fucking business.
In all my niceness and honesty. (Which are starting to run lower every time people say stupid shit in this fandom...)
Get. Fucked. OP.
Now let me get a bit more personal for a moment op... I've the posts saying you "went to a Catholic school"
As someone who grew up going to an All-girls Catholic private school, as my whole family before me had done, here's a little bit of insight.
All the shit they told you?? Yeah it causes trauma, it causes resentment and repression. Feeling disgusted and surprised when this "male character" has "female" genitals? Please ask yourself how you feel about your body first. Your mind. Why do you want to read "gay/bi men doing those activities" but not a trans man enjoying himself just as much? Would it be different if if were a ghoulette? Would it be different if the ghoulettes were the ones doing it?
OP please evaluate yourself before you OPENLY SPEAK for a community that you are not a part of, and if you ever do decide to explore your own repression, sexuality, and gender? Know that you deserve a chance at fucking up and learning about yourself. I say this from personal experiences. Making catholic school your whole personality internalizes that "sinful" feeling. That's probably why you enjoy ghost too... Not to psychoanalyze a random person on the internet but...
Get help.
Thank you.
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dappydaffer · 6 months
WW Normal Album Analysis (pt. 3) 💜
More Will Wood analysis, part whatever?!!! (cos I still cannot get over my WW/WWATTW hyperfixation)
If you saw my last couple of posts, you know the drill, you know what I'm babbling about.
For those of you who haven't seen my last posts or have no clue what Im talking about/getting into, for the sake of not sounding repetitive and/or annoying; Please just go check out my previous posts. I apologize, but I don't want these posts to become monotonous with the disclaimers, so I just gently encourage you to take a look at the first 2 parts of my WW analysis if you want full context. (This post isnt reallh connected to my previously stated theories to the album's message as a whole, but if you're curious enough, go look for yourself. Respectfully, I do not want to type more than I have to.)
(You can find the posts here): - Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/dappydaffer/733190401716027392/this-rant-im-about-to-go-on-will-probably-not?source=share - Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/dappydaffer/733737259322474496/ww-normal-album-analysis-pt-2?source=share
(And also, just a heads up: these are just MY opinions and MY personal takes/theories on WW's music. If you have anything different to say, please be respectful about it, yadda yadda, don't be a d*ck, you get the point, etc, etc.)
So with that out of the way, in this post, like my most previous one, I really wanna talk about one song specifically, what it means to me, and how the lyrics + choices of words make up the message, and that song is; I/Me/Myself
I'm sure like a lot of other people did, I initially thought the song was fully about being trans when I first listened. But after my first couple of listens and really looking into the lyrics, I figured that couldn't be right. So, I looked it up and surely enough, WW himself explained the broader scope of the song and what it really meant.
(Ik a lot of WW fans probably knew/know this already, but I'm still gonna bring it up anyway) Will said himself regarding the song;
"To boil it down, the song is about how I respond to my frustration with the limitations of the male gender role, the maladaptive ways I’ve coped with that frustration, and trying to figure out if this experience or any other regarding my gender can or should define me. It reaches the same conclusion that most of my work does – and that is that nothing is real and that if something is hurting us we have the power to cast it off." "This song is, as I’ve said, about my experiences with my gender identity. It’s none of your business, but I once identified as genderqueer, until I realized that my attraction to traditionally feminine things did not interfere with my identity as a man. I didn’t want to define non-binary with my good old-fashioned cross-dressing, because I don’t want to speak for anyone else. I came to realize that my refusal and/or failure to meet the behavioral standards of my gender role did not make me less of a man, and anyone (cis or trans) who tells me that wearing makeup now and again makes me less of a man can shove it. After struggling for some time, I realized that my genderqueer identity wasn’t necessary for me, that I was wearing it as a prop in order to serve a purpose. The song is about my experiences and any amount of satire or targeted poking fun it does is at people who are doing what I know I did at the time. Partially in the hopes of drawing people away from that toxicity like I wish something had for me at the time."
(WW's full breakdown here: https://genius.com/Will-wood-i-me-myself-lyrics)
The song is essentially a statement telling both cis and trans people that our actions and expressions dont define who we are and that you can act and do things a certain way without having to fit into a box or slap a label on yourself. You can still be one thing and do other things that dont align with it, and the song does a great job at expressing the frustrations of feeling like there's external pressure on both sides to behave in a specific way just because of how you define yourself (at least that's how I interpreted his explaination and I 100% agree with what he's saying.)
While the meaning might have been self-explainatory to most, I still wanna gush about the lyrics/choice of words that make up said meaning.
• "And now you've got me thinking, I wish I could be a girl, and that way - You'd wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend"
"You've got me thinking" "You".....the way he says, "you've got me thinking," and not, "I am thinking," only emphasizes that extremists or other people that overly care about their identity and/or label are pressuring him into feeling like he has to be x, y, z because of how he chooses to dress, behave, etc. as a cis man. The choice of language really astounds me and just goes to show that he really did wear his identity "as a prop" only to fulfill a purpose that focused more on other people's contentedness, rather than his own.
• "But if the shoe fits, then I won't try it on"
This lyric right possesses some of the best symbolism I have ever seen. This line from the song shows how he so quickly jumped to the conclusion that he must be genderqueer because of the pressure he might have felt seeing how other people's behavior fit that exact label. If other people have that label for themselves and behaved like me before coming out/realizing their identity, then surely I'm queer too? If the shoe fits everyone else with similar foot dimensions as me, why should I try it on? If it fits for other people, surely it must fit me. It says its my size on the box, so surely that means it will fit comfortably?
(I'm gonna rope in a lyric from the demo version of I/Me/Myself cos I think this part from this version of the song also plays into the message.)
• "I'll be your prosthetic meat/meet your anesthetic criteria"
Again (this may sound repetitive) like the aforementioned lyrics, WW stating he'll be (assuming this is what the "your" in this lyric is relating to) anyone's piece of "prosthetic meat" and (presumably) willing to do anything in order to "meet criteria," just further emphasizes that he cared far too much what people wanted for him, rather than what he actually wanted for himself, and also highlights the sheer desperation someone with this sort of mindset possesses. It doesn't matter how you get it or what lengths you go to, just as long as you recieve outside approval and have managed to people please.
• "No, I know that I'm wrong - But I love how you're on my side when I cross that line"
This lyric here showcases his knowledge that he knows this label or identity may not be right for him, but people are on his side anyway, no matter what, and in the perspective of somebody who thinks like this, that is more important than being happy with yourself and finding your own identity. Instead of trying to steer him in a healthy direction, these supposed "people" are just trying to push their beliefs or continue to force him to be something he isn't sure he's happy with, because they believe its right (which sadly happens more in the LGBTQ+ community than you'd expect.) Also, the crossing of the line mentioned can also be alluding to folks who transition because of community pressure, misguidance, or subconscious uncertainty clouded by agenda pushing, end up regretting it later. They cross that extreme line, and yet those same people still push their beliefs and ideas on the person, hence; "being on his side".
There's so much more I want to talk about here and tie into the post, but I think my point stands. That's mostly what I feel like typing at the moment, and I am now very tired lol.
And please, do not attack or harrass me for being "transphobic". There are toxic people in every community and my intention in this post was to point out genuinely toxic people in the queer community and how it ties into the song's message. As someone who used to identify as FTM trans and got mixed in with the wrong groups myself, this song speaks deeply to my own experiences, and never would I ever encourage or preach hate towards certain kinds of queer people and contradict my whole point here; let people be themselves and don't ever force someone to be somebody they are not. Love and accept and stop fighting fire with fire.
Once again, I still think WW is a lyrical genius and his portrayal of messages is extremely well executed. I hope you all enjoyed more brainrot fueled ranting, haha! ❤️ This was very fun to type and talk about. Have a merry turkey day, y'all, and I'll try to keep posting more WW analysis. I love doing this and I hope you all do as well!
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talking-bigender · 7 months
So ive been thinking about it for ages and i think im bigender. Pretty sure about it, feels nice, female and male bigender. The problem is i want to come out to my friends but for some reason im super nervous about it.
Like, i know they will understand, one is non binary and the other is trans, ive seen how my non binary friend reacted when my trans friend came out, so i know they will be supportive, so i kinda feel a little stupid for keeping it to myself even though i wanna tell them.
Do you have any advise or ways or anything for coming out?
It's valid to feel nervous or hesitant to come out to even the most trusted of people in your life, so I definetly don't fault you for that. If the task seems too daunting, then usually my advice is to break it down into smaller steps and try tackling each one at a slower pace- in this case, it can be coming out to one person at first in private, building up your confidence to come out to others as you go along - or, you can come out with stages of information, such as saying you want to test out new pronouns, then lightly suggesting you may not be cis, then confirming you're nonbinary, then specifics, etc. But sometimes it can also feel hetter to go the other way, and figuratively "rip off the bandaid" by diving in head first and coming out before you can think too hard about it. I learned that at times, all my overthinking is what's stopping me so harnessing my impulsivity can help me jump that hurdle. Whichever way you choose to address it, also think about what you want your friends to understand from this information- whether you want this to come with a name change or pronoun change, a change to the way they refer to you, or maybe you just wanted to confide them this info because they're your friends and you like their support. I like to think that good friends always want to give you the best experience possible and give you the comfort you deserve, so they'd want to know of any changes so they can support them and your identity. Hope that helps!
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ailurocide · 7 months
I have soooo many ideas for the Sunguard House and Castel-
If you are going with the exile route similar to real life lions, it could be the following:
Wanna make the Sunguard house even more icky- transphobia. “Well, Castel, you are better than those male-born. You never have to leave..;”
Wanna keep him being declawed- make it so that male companions have to be declawed and pinioned to stay with the safety of the House.
Wanna make it a sacrificial thing- have it be so that the male companions are sacrificed to their religion, for good bounty/not fucking starving.
But yeah these are all just ideas-
Really curious to see what you do!
I have half a mind to hand this story off to y’all to flesh out lmao
The Houses do follow along the lines of real life lion prides, in which males are exiled upon becoming of-age, and the leading male is to be challenged and killed for his place at the head of the House, with all of his young offspring being killed off.
However, this doesn’t apply to companions, who are moreso viewed as property than an actual part of the House. All companions that come into the Sunguard House (as it isn’t a common practice elsewhere) are declawed and pinioned regardless of their sex or gender; it’s meant to be a play of power, a reminder to the companions that they are powerless and can’t fight back.
Male companions are also no threat to the leading House males, primarily due to size differences. (Lynxes are about the size of a Labrador on average; you ever seen a Labrador next to a lion?) The House’s huntresses are certainly known to look down even more on their male companions, and treat them significantly more poorly, but seeing as Castel is AFAB to non-binary, that doesn’t really apply to him anyway.
(Super good ideas though, I love 👀 if fanmade Houses are ever made, that would be SUCH a cool take for one of them)
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