#but I think if you found out you were secretly a clone the odds you were sent to infiltrate society by aliens are just as good
vonkarma2 · 2 months
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you can think all of these things as a human though like do you even have a soul idk do YOU? what does it mean to think when you’re only a machine but like.. the brain is still controlled by electric or chemical impulses just bc it’s made of meat and more complex than a computer doesn’t mean that’s not the case. which is not to say I don’t think turning out to be a robot wouldn’t be scary or disturbing at all but I feel like whether youre biological or not doesn’t really matter
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captainkirkk · 4 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Enthrallment by smilebackwards
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic.
Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
temporal fraternity by envysparkler
Damian clears his throat. “I require your assistance.”
The words come out easier with the benefit of practice and the knowledge that no one will remember them tomorrow. Today. Tomorrow-today.
The Umbrella Academy
cut me open and i still bleed red by aletterinthenameofsanity
Part 1 of the odds were never in our favor
Ben knows his fellow mentors pretty well, for how long he's spent here, behind the screens of the Games, watching as his tributes die.
Allison, from District One, has a way with the sponsors. Just a word placed here or there, stealthily dropped into conversation, and she can get her tributes the shit they need.
In his time as a Mentor, Klaus has developed a habit of drinking to get through the Games, and through the rest of his life, really- anything to avoid the truth of what's happening, the ghosts of the children he and Ben have sent to their deaths.
Very few people remember what Five’s name was before the Games. Caesar Flickerman and the Gamemakers nicknamed him that when he took out the entire Career Pack on his second day in the Arena.
Vanya’s the newest Mentor, the victor of the Seventy-Third Hunger Games.
Diego’s one of Ben’s oldest not-quite friends. A Victor from District Ten, he’d gone into the Games knowing how to kill an animal.
All the other Mentors Ben knows try never to get attached. Luther, on the other hand, doesn't forget a single name.
(A story of seven victors of the Hunger Games and the lives they live as Mentors.)
Danny Phantom
The Promised Land by redrobin1989
Danny Fenton has been running for years, from his abusive parents, from Vlad's experiments, from his freakish powers. He expected to be running his whole life until he found his way to a small town that felt like the home he'd never had.
Study Dates Are Not Real Dates by StormySteady
A very important exam is coming up, and Asmodeus is trying his hardest to get Iruma and Clara to study for it. But his soulmates have other ideas.
Star Wars
Starlight, In All Its Forms by Soap_And_Lye
When Luke was eight, he was taken from his home on Tatooine and delivered into the hands of the emperor and his right hand.
When Luke was sixteen, he overheard the emperor's plans to steal a tiny Force sensitive child and saves him first, before being caught and dragged back to his masters' keeping.
When Luke was eighteen, he finds that same child on Gideon's cruiser, and spares both him and his family, including a silver clad Mandalorian.
And when Luke was twenty-four, he is captured by the Rebellion (captured or did he just let it happen? Really up for debate) and secretly sent as a prisoner to Mandalore, where Mand'alor Din Djarin rebuilds his planet and raises his son.
And the rest was history. Or the beginning.
Clone Wars
will you be an anarchist with me? by a_alene
Once the Kenobi floodgates are opened, they cannot be closed. Cody has apparently been keeping an itemized list of disagreements, and he is determined to tell Rex each and every one of them.
Kenobi refuses to listen to Cody’s input. Kenobi throws himself into battle with no regard for previously established battle plans. Kenobi uses the Force so recklessly and obviously that every undercover assignment is blown within the first few minutes. Kenobi is a hypocrite who berates Cody for sidestepping protocol, but flouts it himself at every opportunity.
CT-7567: bet you wish you had skywalker now
CC-2224: I wish for nothing but the cold embrace of space
Right. And he says Kenobi’s dramatic.
(Marshal Commander Cody and High General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the 212th cannot stand each other. Rex doesn't know why this is his problem.)
poetry is what you find (in the dirt in the corner) by fivecenturiesverse
(In which Cody becomes an anonymous poet after the war and his brothers find out.)
Rex launches forwards immediately and so does Bly, because he can admit to himself that he likes gifts. He likes gifts a whole lot more than Cody and Wolffe, anyway, who both act like martyrs who don’t need any material love. “Poetry, vod?” Bly asks, incredulous. “Cody’s right, you are going soft.”
“It’s by a clone,” Fox says, defensively, “it’s quite good, actually. For poetry. It made Sergeant Hound cry at the service.
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do you think any of the ocs girlies (beatrice, lilith, camila, shannon) + ava & mary would be into star wars?
because i feel like lilith would definitely have Intense thoughts & opinions on it
short answer is yes! i do, but i think for various reasons.
oh beatrice, i have this headcanon about beatrice, which stems from i think a broader instinct among fic writers generally to say that beatrice is, frankly, a profound and profoundly odd little geek.
ofc i write about her love of physics and space and math and spiders (not projecting whatsoever) but i have this firm (nay, implacable) belief that when she ended up in Switzerland it was, essentially, with the clothes on her back. and her little library of sci-fi novels (obtained during after-school trips to the second-hand bookstore with one of her various babysitters) stayed at home, collecting up dust. 
so beatrice, being resourceful, took the first opportunity she could to visit the charity shop in the nearby village (honestly, coin toss as to whether she full-on snuck out of the school, climbed the railings, marched through the forest for six hours, or if she waited for an approved trip).
& in there, my stupid headcanon insists, she found a stack of books in french & german (mostly random Ludlum novels, a couple of copies of le petit nicolas) and only a handful of books in english. 
two of these were star wars: jedi apprentice novels. the first and the third, to be precise.
so she paid for these - two euros - & carted them back up to the school, where she read them approximately eleven times. after the third repetition of a nervous british teenager rolling up to the charity shop to ask after, of all things, star wars books, the proprietor put out a general call to a couple of friends as far away as Munich.
the next time Beatrice arrived down, having at this point resigned herself to reading The Bourne Identity in german, the proprietor handed her a stack of crumpled, possibly third-hand novels. 
the second jedi apprentice book, and the fifth. 
by the time she left, beatrice had a stack of these books on her chest-of-drawers, their pages yellow from sitting in a slant of sunlight. not quite the full eighteen, but around twelve, read almost to the point of annihilation.
beatrice loved them - loved obi-wan kenobi and qui-gon jinn. the lighsaber duels - which, naturally, she mimicked when left alone at kendo to do suburi. the jedi code itself! you can imagine the appeal. the found family of it all, the holding oneself aloft from anything as messy as love.
i wrote a scene about this in ligaments 5, but i like to think that beatrice, as a coping mechanism, as a kind of stimming, used to braid lilith’s hair in the back of the OCS van after missions.
which lilith tolerated not at all because she’s a touch-starved bitch (no, only because of the look Mary gave her in the rearview mirror). one time, beatrice gave her a padawan braid and Lilith, because she ‘couldn’t be bothered’, kept the damn thing in for almost a year. 
so, yes, beatrice is very fond of star wars. she has never seen the movies but (gestures vaguely in post-canon direction) when she does she of course adores obi-wan even more, and I think Luke Skywalker reminds her powerfully of Ava, and she does not think she’s very like Han Solo but Ava secretly believes that that Beatrice would absolutely make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, though she would disapprove of glitterstim. (Ava says that Lilith is Chewbacca-coded, but not in her company). 
Bea’s favourite star wars movie is probably either Rogue One or The Empire Strikes Back, but I think she has a soft spot (and a critical blindspot) for the prequel trilogy and especially Attack of the Clones (for mullet obi-wan, and just obi in general). 
plus (and she’s right about this) the prequel lighsaber fights are so much better (are obi & darth fighting in glue on the Death Star??) 
she cries possibly the whole way through the Kenobi series. 
Bea is a BIG star wars fan. she loves the message of it, particularly about the smallest people having the potential to turn the tide of violence. i think also the idea that history never resolves into a perfect version of itself; the fight goes on, forever, and is still worth fighting. 
for Ava, she probably saw a really inconsistent scattering of the movies on the beat-up TV in her room back at St. Michaels. aside from bitch-face’s annoying habit of switching the channel in the middle of movies just to be a dick; she also kept falling asleep in the middle of the movies because they ran sometimes late at night.
so, when she finds out that beatrice is a fan - which is let slip very much by accident, bea making an offhand comment with her typical, subtle humour about Adriel’s wardrobe tending towards Jedi Knight. 
so then Ava gets Camila to totally absolutely legally download ‘all the star wars’  - including the books which, yeah, beatrice has to go for a really long jog after being told this - & they watch it together. 
Ava obviously is a little familiar with the movies but now has full context. she loves the podracing scenes, thinks that young obi-wan is veeeery cute (beatrice blushes & does NOT understand why). she likes han solo - of course - and starts unironically calling people moof-milkers for jostling her at the grocery store. her favourite actually is A New Hope, chanting TRASH COMPACTOR SCENE over and over on their third re-watch. but she DOES cry over ‘i love you.’ ‘i know’ because ‘bea that basically happened to us.’ which, yeah, beatrice suddenly not living la vida loca for five seconds about that. 
Ava: only when i got frozen in carbonite you did not rescue me in a skimpy outfit. disappointing. 
Ava: lilith is soooo chewbacca-coded. that’s literally the sound she makes when she’s talking to me. plus she’d totally rip a guy’s arm off if you asked, or if she lost at chess. 
Ava: i’m gonna say that Cam is R2D2. she’s just a little guy. 
i think Ava likes video games so she totally plays Jedi: Fallen Order (& bea watches for the codex entries and because it is objectively funny to watch Ava play video games). MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A PERSON-SIZED SHIT. bea did you see that? i get on this rooftop and there’s like 8 guys, two of them have flamethrowers. plus that stupid gangly robot AND THEN THE TWO-LEG AT-AT SHOWS UP? bullshit. 
Ava: fuck i already have it on easy mode. 
so they both adore BD-1, and both are like… subtly down bad for Trilla Suduri but they do love Cal because he’s such a guy. 
‘just such a guy,’ Ava says, accidentally making him jump to his death for the fifth time in a row. 
Bea: ava you have to press L2. 
as for Lilith. they basically have to gaslight girlboss her into sitting down and watching it with them. she pouts, she lounges, she goes through two bowls of popcorn and an improbable number of Cadbury Dairy Milk bars (Cam measured her basal metabolic rate at roughly 3x what it was pre-frankenstein. though only Ava actually dares to call it ‘your frankenstein era,’ because she can survive lilith putting claws through her stomach. lilith doesn’t. say what you will about her but she’s well-versed in taking insults with a thin-lipped smile and the mere promise of violence). 
at first she is very determined not to enjoy herself, but by the time they get to the start of The Empire Strikes back (bea has Opinions about proper viewing order. originals, then prequels, the the one singular only sequel movie which is The Force Awakens) Lilith is watching Luke get body-snatched like Frodo on the very edge of her seat. she watches all of the movies with slightly embarrassing rapture, keeps touching the spot below her occipital bone where her padawan braid used to be.
bea notices, says nothing. 
she gets a little quiet during the Kenobi series because she relates a little too hard to certain characters. she rlly likes the Mandalorian (insists it has nothing to do with Grogu - though she does say that he reminds her of Ava back in the beginning)
Ava: aww u mean adorable & powerful?
Lilith: no, i mean tiny and annoying
she, i think, actually loves star wars in the end almost as much as beatrice. she relates very powerfully to characters like Reva, Trilla, even Revan when she eventually permits Camila to dump her in front of a gaming computer to play KOTOR (and yes, Lilith is scarily good at video games. when she hangs out with Ava - which she does; they get along when they’re not arguing and like to be loud and eat junk food which is not necessarily beatrice behaviour - Ava sneakily sets fallen order on the highest difficulty. Lilith dies a total of four times, most when sussing out the attack patterns of the major bosses).
she literally teleports away at the end of the game instead of dealing with her emotions. Ava’s left watching the credits like ????? did lilith just experience an emotion? 
mary & shannon both know star wars & mary has opinions (mainly about how blasters > lightsabers, and that she’d like to try podracing) but neither of them are as fond of it as the babies. Cam is like… this slaps i guess but she’s more of a ‘watch me play dark souls and weep’ type person. Ava definitely says: that looks easy let me try. and then dies ten times in a row to the lowest-tier enemy in the entire game. Ava baby you are not dark souls material. sorry. :((
anyway! i rlly do think that bea and ava and lilith love star wars. it has a lot to say about struggling against one’s own nature, against the cycle of abuse and oppression, and the importance of hope. a lot of the characters start out lonely, isolated, jaded & come to realise that you don’t have to belong to anything or anybody except the ones who love you. and you can fight for yourself but it’s better to fight for others, too, even when it opens you up to loss. 
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heather-ouo · 2 years
Honkai&oc x (step) sibling! Reader ( Headcanon)
Kiana Kaslana addition
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things to remind
(f/m) - favourite manga
[ Kiana Kaslana ] 
_ after been rescued by Siegfried
When K-423 was taken into the family you were confused and asked Siegfried where’s Kiana, he didn’t have the guts to tell you the fact when the plane exploded they were separated from Kiana.
K-423 is dumbfounded to watch the youngest as they run around the room crying for their real sibling instead of the clone.
It took three years for you to accept the clone but you never called her by Kiana, instead is “ Onee-san ” and the twins start to wander around the world after Siegfried left them due to the unknown.
So after some years the twins enter a school called “ Chabi academy ” and become friends with a girl named Mei saving her
from the rooftop. The two of you protected Mei from all the trouble like two Knights protecting their princess.
You find it odd how Kiana has such a weird tendency towards Mei like when she takes out one of Mei’s panties whenever she is gone for groceries since Kiana invited her to live with you two, but hey Kiana has a way to zip your mouth by giving you (f/m).
——— lost control 
When Kiana lost her control over the herrscher inside her, you and Himeko were the ones that stopped her. It caused a life for a life from Kiana’s point of view, Himeko is alive but she went into a coma due to overuse of Honkai and you?
Kiana watches in despair at your cracked body and fainted Himeko falls into the ocean as she faints due to the injection, Theresa immediately sends out Valkyries to find your body in the sea after she found Himeko floating on water near the beach and Kiana fainted on the beachside, but you were nowhere to be seen.
Unfortunately they only find your weapon and two blurry family photographs: two white haired adults with a white haired twins holding each other's hand, the other one is a white haired male kneed down on the snow with two white haired girls one of the twins has bandage over her right eye.
Mei did her best to cheer Kiana up with her favorite food in which it didn’t work out, she locked herself in your room. Kiana remembered you said something about going to your room if she ever felt upset or felt like a danger to the others while you were gone, she found a box with “ Onee-San only! >:( ” some letters for her and a book full of photographs of the family including Kiana.
Dear, Onee big si Kiana or whoever is reading this 
You probably find this while searching in my room while I'm out huh?
Maybe I told you where I hid it, or someone else found it and gave it to you.
Either way I have a feeling I should write this just in case.
I… have accepted you as my older sister a long time ago but.. it feels odd to call someone who has the same face as older sister, i have a name in mind but our stupid father decided to give her name to you.
It feels rude not calling your name but the name i always wanna call you is “ Diana ” only a letter different but is the best i could save for older sister if we could find her.
Diana.. you are more than a clone at this point we have already accepted you as our family member, that herrscher in your body.. let's say in the odd way… mom tried to adopt her and turns out not good, if you accidentally follow Auntie Theresa into “ that ” basement Istrapto lur ( rest is erased out)
That girl Mei.. She could be a great wife and I don't have to worry about you poisoning someone or yourself with your cooking. I wish you good luck getting her hands on marriage! You have my blessing and dad’s (Ps. Don't you think i didn’t know about it you secretly took pictures of Mei >:) ) 
Anyway, don't forget to drink some water and eat healthier!
Don’t miss me too much~
love, (y/n) Kaslana :D
——— becoming HoF
Bronya, Fu hua and Kiana step into the theater of Domination again due to Honkai reaction rises in the same spot, diving into the deep Puppets, the memory she hate to see, and you.. you sitting in the giant Mechanical hand of the Herrscher dressed in dark brown and golden clothes stares blankly at her, the sky blue no long shines replace with dull blue and the same cracks on you body is still there.
In the final battle you were placed safely in cover while Kiana gave her last strike and defeated The Herrscher of Dominance in the meantime she became The Herrscher of Flamescion.
You are in a vegetative state yet Kiana holds you close to her afraid if she lets go you will fade to dust.
Despite being in a vegetative state tears spill out like rain drops on Kiana’s shoulder letting the older know you are alive.
 . . .
    . .
“ Diana onee-San! Wake up! Sister in law Is cooking your favorite food today! ”
“ i told you you can still call me Mei..”
“ Mei-senpai then. ”
“ Oi (Y/n)! Only i can call Mei as Mei-senpai! ”
Mei have to stop the twin who’s pulling each weapons out before they flip the roof again.
I swear to god the crossroad near my house is cursed
It’s the fourth crush this year
tagging people ( permission asked :D )
And that other person i try to tag
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moodymisty · 1 year
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I posted 998 times in 2022
That's 997 more posts than 2021!
92 posts created (9%)
906 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 522 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#recommendedfics - 97 posts
#not writing - 66 posts
#return of the queue - 52 posts
#mywriting - 45 posts
#reader insert - 38 posts
#reader - 36 posts
#the bad batch x reader - 27 posts
#tbb x reader - 25 posts
#tech x reader - 18 posts
#crosshair x reader - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the amount some people nowadays will just drop fandoms like andy dropped woody once offical content stops for more than even a few weeks is
My Top Posts in 2022:
✨Your Lingerie vs The Bad Batch✨
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Authors note: These may or may not have inspired some fic wips send help
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🔴Echo is a simple man. He loves the classics; Delicate lace and soft edges, not too aggressive but not too demure. But he'll also be onboard with whatever you like the most, as your confidence is just as much of a turn-on as the outfit itself. But if he ever had to think of something that would really get his engine going...
While Echo may have traded out of his reg armor when he decided to join Clone Force 99-changing into black and red paint to fit them-he'll still always have a weakness for you wearing something colored in that ever distinctive 501st blue.
⚫️Tech loves elegance. He is as clean cut as he can reasonably get given circumstances, and has a guilty desire for seeing you in the same. When he thinks of lingerie he instantly thinks of slips and corsets; Things an heiress or princess would wear. They make you feel expensive, like you should be walking down a palace hall with a robe worth double it's weight in credits.
If you ever chose wear something like that? Blue screen. Full kernel error. 404 'Tech.exe' not found. His hands will gently lay against your thighs and feel both your skin and the fabric underneath his palms, face beat red while you however, feel incredibly pleased.
🔴Hunter secretly loves letting you have the lead every now and again, and he's able to melt under your touch. But Hunter has never actually said it out loud, even if you already knew.
One day you decided to really capitalize it, having invited him to your home while he was on shore leave. You'd kissed him and before long, decided to tell him you needed to change really quick. Hunter found it a little odd, but watched as you ran off like you were about to open Life Day presents, swiping something from your closet on the way.
You returned a few minutes later dolled up in with jet black, full garter belt and stockings. Hunter's throat choked up so that he grew almost silent, to the point that you worried you didn't look as good as you felt. That turned out to not be the case, and Hunter enjoyed playing that night what he felt was maybe a little too much.
You still have that same set packed away in a safe spot, breaking it out every now and again when Hunter gives you that look.
⚫️Wrecker You had tried the whole 'fancy lingerie' thing before, as a surprise when Wrecker had a rare bit of shore leave after deployment. And while it certainly didn't go badly, not a set of even the most expensive lingerie could beat the way his chest tightens at the sight of you wearing his own clothes.
Having once decided to steal one of his black undershirts, the sleeves went down past your hands and the bottom went to your thighs, meant for someone far larger than you. When he'd caught you in the process of stealing it, you had jokingly asked how it looked; fingers grasping the bottom hem and spanning the fabric out on either side. Wrecker figured words weren't going to work when he spit out 'you good look yeah' which make you bust out laughing, then he busted out laughing in response to you; Before he just decided to pick you up and move you to a more desirable locale.
🔴Crosshair more so wants the outfit to fit the scenario. Wearing some soft lace and ruffles? Best become pliant and behaved under his hands. Pulling on a more demure type of slip, that you'd almost be scared to touch with rough hands ? Crosshair can corrupt you, while watching fabric worth far more than its weight in credits softly rub against your thighs. Jet black or fire red bras and garter belts with tight, harsh seams? Not many can break a clone like him, but he'd love to see you try.
Crosshair will always be a brat, but it's a matter of which type of brat you're getting. Lingerie helps set the mood, though he won't admit he also likes the rare feeling of softness against his skin.
369 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Tight Confines
Authors note: Hunter with a scent kink. I don't think I have to say much more beyond that.
Part 2
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Summary: Hunter has one hell of a nose, and you smell incredibly good. (Pre-Order 66.)
Relationship: Hunter/Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, scent kink, quickie, Hunter has a real rough time but he tries, ever so slight angst, getting frisky in the cockpit of the Marauder while everyone else is asleep, overall just general smuttiness
Words: 8462
AO3 Link
See the full post
467 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
↢ Bad Batch Kinks ↣
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Author's note: Now, is it really kink HCs if I don't say Hunter has a predator/prey kink? It's like a right of passage.
Warning: NSFW
See the full post
593 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
✨Where each boy likes to be kissed, and where they like to kiss you✨
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Authors note: This infested my mind like brain worms and I had to spit it out
(Gender neutral reader)
See the full post
692 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
✨Clones and how they act with a crush; A Guide✨
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Authors note: I'm stuck in a hotel for the weekend, so enjoy my cabin fever musings
(Gender neutral reader)
See the full post
992 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We went to the ships looking for information about your people and he says so what you ruined all the ships what do you think they're there for you nincompoop you don't have to look for any information that's a f****** enormous fleet that's a gigantic ship there's no other reason for your dumbass f****** n***** they're going to take you people on and take much of you or Max you're out of your f****** mind you're down there and you see ships that you have travel across it takes a f****** day at like 25,000 miles an hour or something I mean you're nuts you're insane you got to be so grossly stupid that you like these two idiots who gave up the whole world because they.... Had to pee and poop I guess. Well he says that and I'm starting to figure out something I may even think of that the whole time but I had to see why so I went through each and every ship incessantly. Why would you have to do that the ship is proof so you went ahead and ruined all this knowing full well that going through all the stuff you could be Ruimimg it. I swear to me after you're lying you're lying because you've seen stuff get ruined down there cuz you've been down there for so long and you saw these were not ruined is it something wrong with you mentally.
Tommy f and my husband
Well I found out that there's something wrong Jimmy Kimmel said this this place right this guy is sicker than hell he's going around ruin the clone stuff from the inside out. Had them do it. So that sounds odd and I don't know why it's time to F would admit to it
There's a place here called Force but really you're right about something these people were b******* artists too. Have a real ugly stupid plan
Tommy f
We know what it is and we know who it was let me know why it's far too many ships for Tommy F no he had robots. He made them and then sat inside the shadow dome because of the clothes so secretly it went around opening all the doors
Thor Freya
I guess I'm condemned it's really close fall cuz you couldn't get those things to watch and I was going to put the room at the top side and yeah I'm trying to take all right now pussies wouldn't do nothing right sounds good for a long time
Tommy f
I can't believe this well at least part of the story came out and sounds right but you have no right to destroy all that cuz you couldn't get to it it's certainly ridiculous
They turned on me I have evidence
Tommy f
I also do disagrees with you Tommy f his name is Jason hey disagrees with everybody who's following this conversation as if it's true because he says the clothes are trying to throw you off now friends here he's pretty sure and tell me after your deceptions with me I really smoke you and this one's going to smoke you cuz I posted something and it's still the one supposed to rock faster roster code is it fine and the secret weapon work so all that stuff
0 notes
Okay but I would LOVE to here your heretical opinions on Padame if you ever want to share them or any of your other views on star wars prequel characters. Your character analysises are INCREDIBLE and really fun to read <3
Oh boy, are you sure about that? Well, the ask has been made so here, we, gooooooooooooooo!
Padme’s one of those strange characters who appears as one thing but in actuality is quite different. Because she appears as the first thing, and it’s something people really like, most people accept that at face value and if she’s not always consistent--well, she came from a series of screenplays written by George Lucas.
Padme comes across as a very noble, kind, and courageous character who is also quite politically savvy. At fourteen, against all odds, she saves her planet from invasion when the Senate did nothing, secured herself an ally in the chancellor (nevermind him being secretly Palpatine), and even after relinquishing her title as queen remains a major player in the senate for years and is seen as enough of a threat to warrant several assassination attempts (one so bad she has to be guarded by Jedi and sent home to Naboo for several weeks). 
And I’m not saying she’s not any of these things. Padme is very courageous, is one of those odd politicians who... believes she stands for what she believes in (more on this later), and has a remarkable political career.
However, she’s also romantic to the point of being completely and utterly delusional, self-centered, and frankly a little nuts.
(Yeah, you knew you were waiting for me to say something terrible, WEREN’T YOU?!) Right, so what’s wrong with Padme?
Well, if you look closely at a few of her choices, the ones that never seemed to make much sense, then you can look at her other choices and... Well, it all sort of comes together. 
That’s right, I’m talking about “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith”.
Attack of the Clones we have the very lackluster and strange romance of Anakin and Padme.
On Anakin’s end, his infatuation with Padme makes a lot of sense. She was part of the party that rescued him from slavery, she was very kind to him, and was the prettiest girl he’s ever seen in his life. Ten years later, always having harbored a crush on her memory and keeping it alive through whatever news he hears of her, she’s grown into a very beautiful woman and Anakin is by chance introduced back into her life. I get why Anakin falls head over heels for Padme, I’ll get more into this later and how their relationship has some major issues (aside from the obvious), but I understand why he marries this girl out of nowhere even when it could get him thrown out of the Jedi. (As an aside, since this is more of a Padme post, I think Anakin was spurred on in part also by the death of his mother and his massacre of the Tusken Raiders. Anakin’s life was flipped upside down in a very short amount of time, one of his great emotional ties is suddenly gone, and I think he has this internal crisis that culminates in him deciding to marry Padme. Without this, he and Padme may have become lovers, but I don’t think he’d marry her).
On Padme’s end... it’s a little less clear. Anakin has grown into an attractive young man, yes. Take out all of George Lucas’ dialogue, and maybe Padme finds Anakin very charming. However, Padme secretly marries a Jedi she’s known for three weeks. Now, I’d be a bit more forgiving of this, love is love and we can’t always think rationally, but there’s some other things.
Unlike Anakin, Padme hasn’t been spending the past ten years romanticizing her memory of Anakin Skywalker. When they met in Phantom Menace, Anakin was not only five years younger than her, he was nine-years-old. To fourteen-year-old Padme, Anakin was not then dating material and was instead this poor boy in slavery. Which means while Anakin has build up justifying this rapid romance, Padme really doesn’t. What this means is that her romance with Anakin reads a lot more like a romantic fantasy. Cute dashing bodyguard shows up, saves her life, through contrived circumstances they’re sent back to beautiful Naboo where they spend time together, only cute bodyguard is a Jedi and can’t marry, which makes their love excitingly taboo! 
Everything Padme does, before and after this point, lends itself to this overdeveloped sense of romance. Padme wants to be whisked away, wants to have this secret unsustainable marriage with a man who cannot be married, she’s in love with the idea of being in love. Given how little time she spends with Anakin, how little they really know of each other, I’d say she’s more in love with the idea of Anakin than Anakin Skywalker himself. And this isn’t a bad thing necessarily, or at least not a grievous flaw, however, that’s not all. 
Padme chooses to marry Anakin knowing he murdered an entire village of men, women, and children. She marries him almost immediately after the massacre of the Tusken Raiders. Note, she does not learn about this later and have to come to terms with it, she is right there. She is on Tatooine with him and sees him go to do it and then return. 
Padme doesn’t take it... particularly well, that said, she also seems to shove it under the carpet immediately. She, first, marries Anakin within days after this event. She second, never really has a “holy fuck, Anakin” conversation with him. And worst yet, she never confesses to anyone else. Padme is a hypocrite and willing to sacrifice everything she believes in, albeit I believe unwittingly, for her romantic fantasy.
She tells no one about what happened. An entire village was brutally massacred, those who are already poor and oppressed and have no voice, by a man who is supposed to be a protector of all people in the galaxy. I’m sorry, Anakin, but if Padme was who you think she is then she would have to tell the Jedi Order at the very least if not the Republic. Instead, there are no consequences, only Anakin’s descent into guilt and madness as three years pass with it festering in the back of his mind.  Padme does not stand for the poor, for the people, or for justice. She only does so when it does not conflict with her own interests, i.e. her actions regarding the invasion of Naboo. More, I do not believe Padme has the introspection to realize this about herself, she never realizes that not narking on Anakin was very very very bad. Three years pass and she lives the whirlwind romantic fantasy that she and Anakin both want. They’re secret lovers/spouses, meeting up at the oddest hours of the day and... This is three years of this ridiculous affair. Three years to come to terms with the fact that something must change. And then the kicker, Padme gets pregnant, and this is where the extra delusional comes in.
The child should have been a signal of the end. There can be no more secret now. Padme is having a child, presumably out of wedlock, and even if space is very very very different from our society I imagine this would be quite the scandal that could even get her thrown out of the senate. I believe Padme mentions as much to Anakin. More, Anakin is no longer a lover, he is now a father. What’s supposed to happen now? They raise this secret child, instructing them that Anakin is only a father in private, never in public?
Anakin and Padme briefly flirt with the idea of Anakin leaving the order. Anakin even wants to do so, but it... never happens. Now is the time it absolutely should happen. Yes, Anakin’s a big part of the war effort, but he could at least start talking to the Order and they could decide if it’d be a slow or fast exit. 
My theory, Padme’s too in love with the fantasy. Anakin leaving means he’s no longer a Jedi, it means he’ll come to Naboo, be unemployed and be around. Anakin visiting will no longer be this romantic, fraught with the danger of being found out, passionate, short lived event for Padme. It’ll become real life. He’ll be a real, ordinary man, she’ll be a real, ordinary, woman, and that spark of romance will be gone.
I don’t think Padme wants that. 
Which is why, even with the child on the way, we see Anakin and Padme continue to play out this ridiculous secret lovers fantasy. And then, of course, Anakin goes insane off screen.
Padme is told that, once again, Anakin has murdered dozens of children. Of course, this is a terrible thing to be told and she can’t process it. She needs to find Anakin and confront him, but people always criticize Lucas here and feel it’s out of character for Padme to have run to Anakin in sobbing hysterics with no plan of enacting vengence.
Frankly, I think it’s very in character. She did nothing about the Tuskens, remember? I think at the end of the day, the murder of the Jedi children means very little to her. What hurts Padme the most is that the fantasy of Anakin she married is not real. The Anakin she married would never murder the Jedi children, betray the Republic, or do any of what he’s done. And I think Padme only has that strong, iron, will when she knows the world she’s in. With the Trade Federation, her stance was obvious. Her people were being oppressed, butchered, and invaded. In this case, the world she knew no longer exists.
The Republic is gone, perhaps hasn’t existed in thirteen years, as it turns out the senator who had always been her biggest supporter was a Sith Lord. The Jedi are gone, children murdered by Anakin while those in the field are picked off by their own clone soldiers. Padme’s world has fallen apart, and I think that makes it much harder for her to be the girl we saw in Phantom Menace. In time, perhaps, she would have joined the rebellion but... I do think Padme might have also given into despair.
So, yeah, that’s Padme for you.
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding XIV
Part I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Part XI - - - - Part XII - - - - Part XIII
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
Plo Koon woke to find himself chained in a dark room.
Somewhere behind him he could hear steady dripping; it was uncertain if that was deliberate or not.
He strained to discern anything in the dim light, but the walls of his prison refused to form into anything recognizable.
Cautiously, the trapped Master cast his senses out, only to find them reflected back at odd angles. He decided to wait before attempting to push any further past what his captor wished him to see.
Time passed strangely, but sooner than expected there was the sound of a pressurized airlock opening and, distantly, a raging ocean.
The airlock cycled through its rotation and Obi-Wan Kenobi stepped out of the amorphous shadows looking...decidedly worse for the wear. 
Plo ached at the sight. His normally carefully maintained beard was a scraggly mess. His robes hung tattered and bloodied. Of particular concern was how dry he looked, skin cracked and bleeding for want of water. The figure standing before him with a dead-eyed glare resembled less an accomplished Jedi Master and more the wretched husk of one. 
“Who are you?”  Obi-Wan's shade hissed. The chains around the Kel Dooran tightened. 
Well, however he might view himself and others...at least he’s willing to fight to defend what remains? At the bare minimum he’s not acting intentionally self destructive...
“Good Morning, Obi-Wan. I am a Jedi Master and your friend. I have been attempting to reach you through your rather impressive shielding. I must say, you’ve done a remarkable job confining me in this mental construct, its been sometime since anyone has managed to get the best of me in this arena.”
Obi-Wan snorted. “Don’t try and flatter me, you barely fought back. You could easily have forced your way anywhere, but for some reason you let me corral you, presumably to try and gain my trust. Now answer my question. Your presence is very much light so I doubt you’re Sidious or...Vader. I could be wrong obviously, but i can’t see either of themselves putting this much effort into that sort of mask...just tell me who you are, and why you’re with them.”
“I am Master Plo Koon, a High Council Member, and I am not unknown to you” he elaborated without hesitation. “I am glad that you can identify that I am a light force user. Can you not sense familiarity within my force presence, even so far within your domain?”
Obi-Wan reared back and the dripping noise in the corner stopped.
“It’s a trick. We might be in my head but that doesn’t mean I’m surrendering any of my thoughts to you,” Obi-Wan snarled. “I felt Plo Koon’s death, he was one of the first...and even if he somehow survived he would never work with the Sith to invade my mind. Never.”
“Obi-Wan. Listen to me. Please. I am not dead. I am not working with the Sith. I was brought in to reach you because no other method was working. You are in the healing halls at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.” Plo spoke calmly, but implacably, “We believe you have either experienced a uniquely detailed vision, or a run in with a dark-sider. Whatever has happened, I can feel the lingering impression of unsafety. But here and now, you are not in any immediate physical danger. There must be something I can do to convince you of your present physical location.”
“A uniquely detailed vision, huh? ha!” Obi-Wan replied, gesturing wildly. “Ha! You expect me to believe that what, the last four years of my life were a detailed prophecy? Why?”
“You...believe you have lived years beyond the rest of us. I take it the- what you remember has been dangerous enough to warrant maintaining abnormally tight control over your mental walls, precluding simply reaching out to ascertain the truth yourself.”
“Clearly my control wasn’t enough if you’re in here.” Obi-Wan muttered.
“I do apologize for the intrusion, but we’ve already used every other tool at our disposal to reach you. I repeat, is there anything that can be done to convince you that you are, from your perspective, ‘in the past’. You are a High Council member with a grandpadawan. It’s been two years since the start of the clone wars. You recently finished an extended clean up of the Mon Cala sector after your victory.”
Obi-Wan stared at him curiously. “If I set a test and you fail, will you agree to dispense with the pretenses?”
Plo-Koon hesitated. “Perhaps I’m making this deal in bad faith, as I am know I am Plo-Koon, and that everything I have said is the truth... but I swear that if you somehow prove that neither of those things are true and I am secretly working for a sith lord, I will...reveal that.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Best I’m going to get, I suppose.”
The chains holding Plo-Koon loosened. Before he could respond, there was a hurtling rising sensation that he struggled not to fight against. After a disorienting moment, he found himself in his own body, feeling vaguely seasick. Obi-Wan blinked awake, apparently unfazed by the precautionary bonds holding him in place. Master Aerdo’s gaze flicked between them intensely. Plo-Koon held up a clawed hand to forestall any interruption while the two gained their bearings.
Obi-Wan spoke first:
“Cihynglo’s Fourth Meditation”
“...What?” Koon replied, honestly confused.
“Cihynglo was a renowned Kashykian Jedi, her mediations are, well i suppose were considered a quintessential example of High Republic cosmic poetry.”
“I’m familiar with Cihynglo- my master used to speak of her fondly.” Plo Koon said slowly. “Though I can’t say I’m familiar with her Fourth Mediation.”
“Hmm. Yes, well her poetry in the last few decades of her life got increasingly, well, esoteric. While most of her work was widely translated and distributed, she requested that those who wished to read her fourth Meditations do so in person, so as to experience without dilution the full calligraphy and artwork that accompanied her words. She only ever produced two copies. Any guesses where they were kept?”
Obi-Wan’s voice started out in the steady tones of a born lecturer, only to grow bitter towards the end.
“Is one in the temple?” Master Koon asked.
“Yes, one was held in the Master’s wing of the temple archives. The other was housed in a place of honor in The White Forest’s Great Tree of Knowledge. Considering both libraries were reduced to ash in the first month of the Empire, it is quite impossible, even for the Emperor, to find a copy.” 
His vague attempt at a smirk quickly fell flat. 
“I was privileged enough to be granted time to begin reading it once, but, alas, an emergency situation in the intergalactic war you created meant that I had to run off mid-sonnet. Bring me that book, let me hold it, read it, and I will believe that I somehow unlocked the secret of time-travel while overdosing on Spice.” 
Obi-Wan paused, catching his breath. “In the next fifteen minutes, please. Any more than that and you might try tracking down the few surviving Wookie scholars.” Koon flipped open his comm. “Master Nu, I have an urgent request.”
“Nu here, go on,” came the response.
“This may sound strange, but it is crucial that Cihynglo’s Fourth Meditation be brought to the healing halls, room seven. Within the next 15 minutes.”
“You do understand you’re talking about a physical book, not a flimsi-stack or a holocron. It’s not meant to leave a climate-controlled room.”
“I promise you, I would not ask if it weren’t life or death. Please Jocasta, I’ll explain later.”
“I’ll be there in 10. It had better be one durned good explanation.”
Obi-Wan looked bemused. ”You’re setting yourself up for failure.”
“I am glad you were able to come up with a test you found meaningful. Remember, you have friends here, regardless of whether you experienced subjective time travel or an incredibly detailed vision.”
They waited a little longer. Obi-Wan critically examined Master Aerdo.
“I’m a Senior Soul Healer” they offered at the non-verbal prompting.
“How interesting.” Obi-Wan remarked dryly.
They sat in awkward silence for another minute. 
They were all equally trained in suppressing fidgets, coughs, or other nervous tics, which made the wait that slightest bit more unbearable, each second nearly imperceptible from the one before.
Eventually the sound of heavy boots moving at speed approached.
Master Nu strode in, gently cradling a great burden. The book gleamed large and vital in the light of its stasis wrap. Her eyes widened at they took in Obi-Wan, still cuffed to the bed. 
“Cihynglo’s Fourth Meditation, as asked for. I trust you have an excellent explanation for how a book of poetry is a matter of life or death.”
“I’m hoping that it will convince our friend Master Kenobi that I am who I claim to be and we are where I claim we are.” Koon gently pulled the book from her grasp and reverently placed it on Obi-Wan’s lap. Obi-Wan stared at it uncomprehendingly.
“Obi-Wan, I’m going to uncuff you now. I trust that you will use your freedom to examine our ‘proof.’ We will physically intercede if you make any attempts at self harm.”
Master Nu gasped. “Then the temple rumors...I don’t understand.”
Obi Wan picked up the book as if he was afraid it might bite him. With an irritated snort, he opened brusquely to the middle, and began carelessly flipping ahead.
Master Nu started forward, offended, but Plo Koon held her back. “Please Master Nu, patience-”
Finally Obi-Wan seemed to reach the page he was looking for and stopped. “..And still the rain fell like blood of the womb” he murmured. “That...I tried to think of how the line ended but I...”
Everyone watched as the book shook in Obi-Wan's grasp. He turned the page, gasping slightly and murmuring as he read. “This is...a little gross, but oddly touching. I certainly would not have come up with it myself...but its so clearly...” They watched his react, eyes darting wildly and brow furrowing in confusion.
Several pages later he dropped the book abruptly.
“This is impossible,” he gasped.
Nu darted forward, carefully snatching it from his lap, "I am endeavoring to practice tolerance, but how is destroying an irreplaceable piece of literature supposed to help anyone?!” she snapped
“I admit I wondered that myself, but when I imagined what harm the Sith could do with some of the archive’s more practical works, I understood your decision to torch the collection” Obi-Wan responded dreamily. “I suppose the more beautific works would likely have been destroyed anyway...”
“Torch the archives? I would never.”
“But you did,” Obi-Wan insisted feverishly. “I found your message when we searching for survivors. There were so many bodies piled at the archive door that I was almost hopeful that they had managed to...but I suppose they held out just long enough for you to complete your task.”
Nu backed away slowly. “That sounds like quite the disturbing vision, Master Kenobi.”
“It wasn’t just a vision, it was my life. It-visions don’t last years!” he said, finally growing hysterical. “I remember everything! That gods-awful mission to Cato Nemodia! Getting takeout food with Anakin! The smell of burning flesh in the creche! Singing to Luke! The last year of the war! All of you! You crying after Dooku’s death,” he added gesturing wildly at the archivist. “It was so awkward! You were embarrassed! You told me that for some stupid reason you had ‘held out hope’ it was all an insane uncover mission, that he wasn’t really- Three years alone in the desert! I remember three years of living on fucking Tatooine, how could that possibly be a vision!”
“I...hadn’t told anyone that,” Nu whispered with a hint of alarm. She glanced at Plo Koon, daring him to comment. “I know its very much unlikely at this point, and by any measure, he’s taken things too far, but he’s gone on such long shadow missions in the past...” she looked away.
“Oh, Jocasta...” Plo sighed.
“Master Kenobi. I cannot explain how you came to have such detailed knowledge of the future,” Aerdo said, drawing focus back to the bewildered Obi-Wan, who had shifted into a defensive crouch on the bed. “But I do know one reasonably sure fire way to establish that this, us, is the present. Open yourself up to the force, please, just let yourself listen to what it has to say.
“I...want to, of course I want to believe- but the idea that I’m here- it’s, if you’re real than you can’t possibly understand, its too good to be true.” Obi-Wan responded brokenly.
“I know things have been clouded of late, but, if nothing else trust in the force to not lie to you.” Plo-Koon urged. “If you keep closing yourself off like this, how can you possibly learn if things are better than you think”
Obi-Wan collapsed from his crouch, knees folding underneath.
“If I am...even if I am in the past... Sideous might be watching...i didn’t- i don’t know the extent of his gaze- even if...” he trailed off.
“If it makes you feel safer, you are of course free to again raise your shields to whatever extent you feel necessary once you have verified your reality.” Aerdo replied smoothly.
Obi-Wan looked warily at the three Jedi in the room.“I...” he started, trying to articulate the swelling hope and fear only to find himself at a loss for words.
Aerdo shot him a reassuring smile, “If you don’t feel ready right now, that’s perfectly understandable. We’re very happy you’re willing to reach out as much as you have already. Would you like to pause this discussion for now so we can find you something to eat? I believe a simple broth is a customary first post-bacta meal, but if you have any special requests I’ll do what I can.”
Obi-Wan let out a deep breath, dropping his head into his hands. “I- I need to know, don’t I?” he mumbled. “Force help me...you win.” He took one last, searching look at the faces of his fellow Jedi before closing his eyes and surrendering himself to the force.
He opened a small hole in his mental barricades and tentatively allowed his thoughts to drip out. Tentatively, he trickled over the bank of Plo Koon’s being (expecting a frigid burn) only to find a warm and heartbreakingly familiar pool of tempered kindness. 
He ran, slightly faster now, over the other Jedi presences in the room. Having finished his course without encountering any dark undertow, he ebbed back. There was an indistinct impression of something heavy giving way.
Obi-Wan’s Shields Fell Like A Dam Beneath a Tidal Wave -
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hrtiu · 3 years
Dogma had already lost track of the days when she arrived. Two red-clad Coruscant Guard troopers tossed her into the high-security cell and left the room without sparing him even a glance. She was a Jedi, Dogma recognized instantly, and she could choke him out from across the room if she wanted to, but the guards probably didn’t care. He was pretty sure there wasn’t a being left in the galaxy who even remembered he was here, so what did it matter if she killed him?
But she didn’t kill him. Instead she sat down on the durasteel bench in her cell and pulled her knees up to her chest, then let her head hang down. He could relate.
“What did you do to end up here?” he asked.
She looked up, the splatter of black diamonds across her nose scrunching up in surprise. “Oh! I didn’t know anyone else was here.”
Dogma stood and walked to the end of his cell closest to hers, a narrow walkway between their separate enclosures. “This is a special prison, for prisoners of the Jedi Order. What did you do?”
Her eyebrows knit together. “I had no idea the Order took prisoners.”
“Not many,” Dogma said with a shrug. “You’re the first I’ve seen besides me.”
She pulled her arms even tighter around herself and looked to the floor. “I bombed the Jedi Temple.”
Dogma blinked at her. “What?”
She didn’t respond.
Dogma’s eyes narrowed and he looked harder at her. He remembered where he’d seen her before. She’d been General Unduli’s Commander, the one with the thoughtful eyes. He had never spoken with her and only seen her a few times, but she’d made a good impression. He’d thought she’d been one of the good ones.
“Pah!” he spat in disgust. “Are all you Jedi secretly monsters?”
She looked up, anguish twisting her young features. “No! I mean, I don’t know! I-! No one was supposed to be there!”
“What do you mean?”
“I wanted to send a message,” she said, her blue eyes going distant. “Your words are truer than you know. The Order has lost its way, we’ve become the very thing we’re meant to ward against. How can one promote peace with violence? It’s impossible—a complete contradiction. And that’s what I was trying to show.”
Dogma quirked an eyebrow at her. “You were trying to show how stupid it is to use violence in the name of peace by using violence in the name of peace?”
“It was stupid, I know. But nobody was supposed to get hurt. It was supposed to send a message.”
“But people did get hurt,” Dogma said, and it wasn’t a question. He of all people could understand how good intentions could turn out wrong.
“I was working with an activist, someone who was against war, like me. She asked me for materials and information and together we planned it. But it was supposed to happen at night, when no one was around. We were supposed to blow up a few fighters—something expensive but not deadly. I didn’t know she’d turn her own husband into a living bomb. I didn’t know she’d have him detonate in the middle of the day while the hangar was packed.”
Dogma’s eyes widened and his fingers tightened around the bars of his cell. “You blew up the whole hangar?”
She burst to her feet and her jaw clenched. “I didn’t mean to! It wasn’t me!” Then all the fight drained from her and she leaned forward, resting her head against the bars. “But you’re right. Ultimately I’m responsible. I tried to run, tried to hide my crimes because I was a coward, but that only led me down an even darker path. There’s nothing for me now but to face the consequences.”
Dogma’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “I know a little something about consequences. You make peace with them, eventually.”
She looked up at him, curiosity lighting her eyes for the first time since her arrival. That didn’t surprise him. Most people assumed they knew everything they needed to know about a clone right off the bat.
“If this place is for prisoners of the Order, then why are you here?” she asked.
“I killed a Jedi General,” he said simply.
Her eyes grew large as moons. “What? Why? How?”
“He was evil!” Dogma snapped. “He was getting soldiers killed right and left and I didn’t even question him because he was my General, because he was a Jedi! But the Jedi aren’t always good people.”
Her face face, the black diamonds across her cheeks sinking down in dejection. “Was that... Master Krell? I heard the rumors...”
“Yes. It was Pong Krell and I don’t regret it. I saved lives and I knew what it would cost. Better a naive, treacherous fool like me suffer the consequences than my brothers.”
“I admire that. You believed in something greater than yourself.”
“So did you.”
She fell silent and her expression grew contemplative as she absorbed his words. Bombing her own people was so incomprehensible to Dogma—even after Krell he couldn’t imagine sabotaging his own army—but he found he was still glad she was here. He was grateful he didn’t have to suffer this endless purgatory alone.
“Why are you here, if you don’t mind my asking?” she said eventually. “I would have thought a clone trooper would be decommissioned for something like that.”
It was true. Nobody even really knew what “decommissioning” meant, but soldiers guilty of treason or murder or even just too injured to recover were sent to Kamino and never came back. But not Dogma.
“General Skywalker is blocking it. He doesn’t want me to be punished, said that somebody needed to take out Krell and that I’d done the right thing. He doesn’t have enough sway to get me pardoned but he can keep me here.”
“That’s generous of him to see it your way,” she said.
“He doesn’t see it my way,” Dogma corrected. “I’d rather receive my punishment.”
“Just want to get it over with? I can understand that.”
“No, Dogma said with a shake of his head. “No, I just believe in the law. According to GAR law and regulation I should be decommissioned, and I knew that and accepted it when I shot Krell. Our laws are what keeps us together, what makes the Republic fair and just. I’m not looking for mercy.”
She gave him an odd look, her head tilting to the side. “And yet the universe offers it nonetheless. What will you do with it... I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
“I’m Dogma. And you?”
“Barriss Offee.”
He reached his hand through the bars to shake hers, and across the narrow hallway their fingers only just touched. They shook anyway, the gesture silly but somehow still comforting.
“Pleased to meet you,” Dogma said.
“Likewise. I have feeling the Force has plans for us yet, no matter what we want.”
Thinking of his last few months of chaos, turmoil, and upheaval, Dogma smiled grimly back at her. “I think you may be right.”
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sleepyboieraser · 3 years
The Things I Could Never Say Out Loud (Eraser Head x Reserved!F!Reader)
Chapter 1  ||  Chapter 2  ||  Chapter 3
A/N: First BNHA fanfic posted on this account. Hope you like it! Constructive criticism is highly appreciated!
Summary: You, being the normally stoic and passive person that you are, get hit with a Quirk that creates a clone of yourself. Identical in every physical way, but emotionally, however… she just won’t shut the fuck up. Normally you wouldn’t care, but when your clone gets a little too friendly with a certain Erasure Hero, let’s just say some very unheroic thoughts cross your mind. You find yourself expressing feelings nobody thought you had, including yourself.
(Reader is female).
Chapter 1: I Like Shibari
     “Well hello there, handsome,” was the first thing Aizawa heard when he entered the faculty room.
    Before he could even register who had said it, you (or someone that looked identical to you) had latched on to his arm. ‘You’ stared up at him with half-lidded eyes as you gave him a suggestive grin.
    “I missed you.” ‘You’ pouted.
    Aizawa narrowed his eyes down at you. Same face, same voice, same eyes. But the person clinging to his arm, smiling suggestively at him was most definitely not you.
    Aizawa looked around the room, trying to make sense of what was happening. Present Mic had an awkward smile on his face, Midnight was grinning from ear to ear as she watched the Erasure Hero, and Thirteen was standing near your desk speaking with…another you?!
    The Erasure Hero would have liked to think that Thirteen was talking to the ‘real’ you, but the expression on your face had him believe otherwise.
    Since you had started working at UA, everyone had quickly noticed that you didn’t visibly react to, well, anything really. Happy, angry, sad, your expression never changed. It didn’t help that you only spoke when you needed to. Your passive behaviour made it easy for people to forget you were even in the same room as them.
    But at that very moment, your face wasn’t its usual stoic expression. You looked like you wanted to kill someone. And by the looks of it, Aizawa had a pretty good idea of who it was.
    “What’s going on?” He asked, looking between both copies of you.
    The ‘you’ that was latched onto his arm very briefly glanced at the version of you near Thirteen before tightening her grip on Aizawa’s arm.
    “(Y/N) was hit was a villain’s Quirk last night,” Midnight explained as she watched the copy of ‘you’ curiously, “they’re still trying to figure out how exactly their Quirk works. But the one hitting on you is supposed to be some sort of a clone.”
    Aizawa’s eye twitched at the part about your clone ‘hitting on’ him.
    “Does it really matter if I’m a clone?” The clone huffed, “I’m still (Y/N). If you don’t believe me,” she gently cupped Aizawa’s face with one hand and brought her face closer to his, while purposefully shoving his arm between her clothed breasts, “you can always take a closer look.”
    Present Mic’s jaw dropped open while Midnight grinned from ear to ear. Aizawa’s eyes flicked over to where you, the now confirmed real you, were sitting. You didn’t have a fire-related Quirk, but he practically see steam coming out from your ears.
    Aizawa had never seen your face make such an expression, he didn’t even think it was possible. When he looked down at the clone again, he found himself feeling strange. To see you, either version of you, make such expressions was interesting, to say the least.
    “I’m too tired for this.” The Erasure Hero finally wrenched his arm away from the clone and made his way over to his desk, which just so happened to be across from yours.
    You weren’t glaring at your clone anymore, but it seemed as though you were avoiding looking in Aizawa’s direction (which was was hard because the man was standing directly in front of you).
    “Are you okay, (Y/N)?” He asked as he gathered his binder and some papers. “Other than getting hit by a Quirk, you weren’t hurt too badly, were you?”
    You bit the inside of your cheek and finally forced yourself to make eye contact with Aizawa, your expression neutral as you spoke.
    “Yes, I’m fine.” From the corner of your eye, you could see your clone glaring at you. “I received minor injuries that Recovery Girl already healed.”
    You didn’t say anything more, so Aizawa simply nodded and bid you farewell. Class was about to start and if he were late, he’d never hear the end of it from a certain dark blue-haired class representative.
    “Wait, Shouta!” Your clone called to him before he reach the door.
    Aizawa turned to look at her, surprised to hear his name coming from ‘your’ mouth. Meanwhile, your eyes flared once more at the sheer indecency of your clone. You mumbled something inaudible to yourself, but Present Mic still managed to catch the last bit.
    “Come again?”
    “I’m going…” you mumbled louder this time, though still to yourself, “… TO MURDER HER!”
    Everyone, including Aizawa, jumped back in surprise, save for your clone, who only stuck out her tongue at you.
    “Hey, hey, hey! That’s not a very heroic thing to say!” Present Mic exclaimed. Was your face always that scary, or was he the only one about to piss himself?
    “Besides, are you trying to get arrested?”
    You tore your eyes away from your clone and looked Present Mic dead in the eye as you spoke calmly, “It’s not a crime if it’s myself, right?”
    “Well technically, she’s right,” Midnight chimed in, catching the now passed-out Present Mic.
    “Shouta.” Your clone said again, “how about we eat lunch together?”
    Aizawa’s eyes lingered on you for a moment.
    “Not interested,” he said flatly, turning to leave.
    Your clone reached out to grab his arm, but the Aizawa was quick to grab his scarf. The binding weapon wrapped itself tightly around your clone as the Erasure Hero activated his Quirk. His now glowing pupils bore into your clone’s (e/c) ones.
    “I’ll say this once. I’d prefer it if you didn’t touch me.”
    For a moment your clone only stared up at him, not knowing what to say. Aizawa was about to loosen his scarf, thinking he’d made his point when your clone bit her bottom lip and smiled.
    “Oh I see,” you didn’t like where she was going with that tone, “you can touch me, but I can’t touch you?”
    Stunned, Aizawa’s jaw dropped slightly. What exactly did that Quirk do to you?
    “That’s okay, I myself am quite familiar with that art of shibari, though I do have to say, your binding weapon is a little loose.” Your clone playfully tugged on the scarf, “Might want to tighten that up.”
    Before Aizawa could say anything, you bolted up from your desk and marched over to your clone. You grabbed her by the ear, ignoring her whines as Aizawa released her from his binding weapon.
    Still gripping your clone’s ear harshly, you bowed once to your co-workers and apologized, then again to Aizawa.
    “I’m very sorry, Eraser Head. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
    “(Y/N)—” he started, but you were already dragging your clone out of the faculty room.
    Nobody said anything for a while, they barely noticed the school chime, signalling that class had begun. Finally, Present Mic decided to break the silence.
    “Soooo, I guess (Y/N) is into BDSM, huh?”
    Aizawa took that as his cue to leave.
    He found himself thinking about your clone as he walked towards Class 1A’s classroom. The whole situation was odd, and a bit noisy. Who knew you could make such…interesting expressions and say such…unique things?
    Your clone was much too chatty for his taste, but somehow, Aizawa found it refreshing. Though he would never say it out loud, while he found your clone’s behaviour a bit unsettling, he found your reaction to the situation amusing.
    And secretly, he wanted to see more.
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The Sniper and The Medic: Chapter 3
Starring: Crosshair, OC Joan Vo, Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech
Summary: Crosshair doesn't exactly like medical personnel. In fact, he hates them. They're always poking and prodding, calling him skinny, telling him he's not good enough. But then he meets the new medical examiner, the smart and kind and oh-so-pretty Joan Vo. And suddenly, he's not only looking forward to his medical check-ups, but he's also starting to question whether he wants to go to war after all....
Rating & Warnings: T/PG-13. Eventual fluff. Light angst. Who knows what else will pop up, but I’ll leave warnings when needed.
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be tagged for this fic.
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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Chapter 3: Bitter Pill
As expected, the conversation among his brothers the rest of the day was exclusively about the new girl.
"Dr. Vo was already a combat medic when the war started," said Tech over their lunch in the mess hall. "The battalion on her home planet took her in, so she knows how to take care of us clones."
"Did you see the scar on her hand?" asked Wrecker during their afternoon fight simulation training. "She got it from punching a droid... a droid! And then she stitched it up herself. That's my kinda woman."
"Joan's got a lot of ideas for whipping us into shape," said Hunter while they showered off in the refresher that evening. "Exercise regimens, diet plans, even some good team building tasks. She knows more than the Kaminoans."
Crosshair had nothing to contribute.
The four of them sat in the common room of their small apartment as the night started to settle in. They had been moved into these private quarters, in a different section of the facility, just last week. Though it was cramped and cold, they were already getting used to the separation from the regs.
"What about you, Cross?" Hunter asked from the seat beside him and the others turned to him expectantly.
The truth was that Crosshair had spent the day incredibly angry with himself. He had not gained any level of insight into Dr. Joan Vo like his brothers had. He hadn't noticed her scars or asked about her life or heard any of her plans for their medical regimen. He had stayed sullen and silent in that damn room. And now, the one time he wanted to engage in conversation over a girl, he had absolutely nothing.
He shrugged, tying to come up with something. But what could he possibly say? The only thing she'd offered up was that she knew someone from the Umbara mission. But that wasn't significant; everyone talked about Umbara. And he wasn't telling anyone about his homework assignment. He'd ran all the way over here to stash the pad of paper under his mattress, making him late for training, just so he wouldn't have to explain it to anyone.
Hunter immediately sensed his discomfort and let out a chuckle, clapping him gently on the shoulder. "She probably spent the whole time reading your long-ass medical chart, huh?"
Tech and Wrecker nodded along, believing that must have been the case. Crosshair didn't correct them.
"I do hope she addresses your insomnia," said Tech, picking up a datapad he had been doing some casual research with earlier. "And your resulting caf addiction. Not. Healthy."
He gave Crosshair a pointed glare before returning to the screen.
"Ah, don't worry about ol' Cross," said Hunter, still in an easygoing mood. "Joan's a professional. She'll get him sorted out."
Crosshair pouted but no one paid him attention. He did not want to be "sorted." Or treated, or fixed, or anything of the sort. This professional could take her war stories and good ideas and shove them, for all he cared. In fact the longer he was spending away from the doctor, the less he could remember why he'd liked her in the first place.
"She's so pretty...." Wrecker sighed for the tenth time that day.
Oh yeah, that's why, thought Crosshair as he secretly sighed along with his brothers.
"Did you notice she doesn't use any of the medical droids?" Tech asked, getting distracted from his research yet again.
"Oh yeah," Wrecker said, "she hates 'em."
"I don't know about hate, but she told me they're better for the menial tasks like blood analysis. Only a human can truly understand another human, she said."
"I'm glad she sees us as humans," Hunter said, a little quieter. "Treats us like humans. Not experiments."
"Does she think we have a chance to deploy?" Tech sat forward. It was a commonly known fact the Kaminoans still had their doubts about the viability of Clone Force 99, and even the clone commanders helping with their training were hesitant to have an opinion one way or the other.
"She does." Hunter straightened, his duty as their leader kicking in. "But we still have a lot of work ahead of us, a lot to prove. She has advice, but we're the ones that have to do something with it. It'll be a hard couple of months. But we're coming out of this as the best damn clone unit in the galaxy."
Tech grinned and Wrecker gave an enthusiastic hoorah! Crosshair couldn't help but smirk, too, though he believed they already were the best damn clones in the galaxy.
* * *
They'd all gone to bed hours ago, but Crosshair was the only one still awake. The lights were out but he could clearly see every pen stroke on the paper. He was sitting up in his bunk, or as much as he could in the cramped space between the mattress and the ceiling, and was reading through the notes Joan had made during his visit, while his brothers snored around him.
Wide peripheral vision
Long-distance vision: incredible
Dexterity: limber, flexible
Detached from emotions
Crosshair blinked at the last note. He'd been feeling pretty good about himself up until then. Detached from emotions? Was it because he'd said he was better than the regs who'd shot at each other on Umbara? He knew it, she had judged him for that comment, just as everyone else did. But it was the truth and he stood by it. How dare she try to twist it into some kind of character defect. And besides, what did emotions have to do with his health anyway?
He found himself growing angry again, his cheeks flushing and heart beating heavily. Without thinking, he scribbled over her note and wrote his own next to it:
I have emotions.
He cursed at himself. That was a stupid thing to write. He tried scribbling over that, too, but it was still obvious what he'd written. He scribbled harder, until the paper ripped and he threw the pen across the room in frustration.
He took a few moments to compose himself and quietly got down from the bunk. This was so stupid. She thought she had him all figured out, didn't she? She hadn't even read his chart, she had no clue just how different he was and how hard his life had been. How badly he wanted, no, needed to get off this planet and fight already.
He picked up the pen from where it'd landed in the corner, just as Wrecker let out a large snore. He was sprawled across a double bed against the opposite wall, while Tech was on the bunk beneath his. Hunter had his own room across the hall, specially-designed with sensory deprivation measures. It was the only way he could sleep most nights, especially with Wrecker snoring like a Bantha.
They were an odd group to be sure, and they'd already been through so much together. Crosshair wouldn't trade any of them for the world.
He hurried back into his bed, taking up the paper and quickly jotting a few things underneath the angry scribbles. That would show her. Satisfied, he re-hid the paper beneath his mattress and finally let himself drift off to sleep.
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alyasalias · 4 years
Dabi Theory
I have a theory that Dabi is secretly on the Hero-side of things...or at least not 100% on the Villain's side. Spoilers for the Training Camp Arc as well as for the latest fights in the manga. You have been warned.
I've been re-reading HeroAca lately and I'm currently at the Summer Training Camp arc. I just got to the point where Eraserhead is fighting the Dabi clone and I noticed something odd: what Dabi said. Dabi tipped them off to the fact that the students were the target. Sure, what he said could have been a jab at the heroes...but I wonder if perhaps it was a veiled message like what Hawks did with Endeavor and the book.
Magne was quick to figure out the fact that someone spilled the beans on "Bakugo Katsuki" being their target and she/they seemed really panicked that it had been found out. Through the process of elimination, she/they deduced that Izuku must have fought Muscular, 'cuz there were only a couple of people on their team that she/they believed could have been the leak. It seemed like secrecy was a big deal for this band of villains.
Dabi's a smart guy as well. We've seen very little of him, and know even less about him...but we know he's calculating. We know he's not impulsive or whatever. He was the one in charge of recruiting Hawks when recruitment was usually Twice's job. He was the one that had the most contact with Hawks and also the one that trusted Hawks the least out of all of the Villains. He even lied to Hawks about the Nomu attack. "It was supposed to be tomorrow--in a different location"--Hawks said to him. Through his actions, we can kind of infer that Dabi is a cunning and calculating sort of person. I don't think he's done anything on impulse. He doesn't seem like some for-laughs villain that'll spill the beans for fun.
So...yeah, what the Dabi-clone said to Eraserhead got me thinking: what if Dabi has been on their side all along...or at least he's not 100% on All For One's side. He joined the League claiming to be inspired by Stain or whatnot...so the whole "punish the 'Heroes' that aren't selfless enough" sort of thing. We know that Twice doesn't control what the clones think, know, or feel. The clones know everything that the originals know at the point they were cloned, so the Dabi-clone wasn't saying all of that because it was Twice's words...they were Dabi-prime's words/thoughts/actions.
Dabi's a smart guy--he always has been. He had know way of knowing what Eraserhead and the teachers/adults knew. It was a chaotic situation--the teachers were panicking, trying to corral all of the students to the building. The students were scattered over a large area. There was mass confusion--that would have been clear. It would have been safe to assume the teachers didn't know what the Villains were after or even if they had a goal in mind for this particular attack. For USJ they had a clear objective: they wanted to kill All Might but All Might wasn't there when they got there--they admitted that much. Hosu and the Hero-Killer incident(s) were a bit more of an unknown for the side of the Heroes, and the way everyone talked about it made it seem like they believed Stain had joined the League and that's why the Nomu were there...so as far as the Villains know, the Heroes believed that Hosu was a coordinated attack with the Hero-Killer simply to attack things. Then we come to the training camp..."the students are the target" wouldn't be their first thought, I'm pretty sure. If I were one of the teachers I'd be thinking, "crap--do they think All Might's at this camp?" or even "damn...they found us somehow. Is there a traitor in our midst that leaked the information or is it just a coincidence that the Villains are here now and they decided to attack for no reason like in Hosu?" Officially, to the characters within the HeroAca universe at least, the students haven't been the target of Villain attacks. They were involved, but they weren't the primary targets at any point up to the present.
Dabi's a smart guy, so I don't think he'd leak information even in jest. He seems like the type to keep his mouth shut rather than go for a way to rile up his opponent. He had nothing to gain from tipping off Eraserhead to the fact that the students were their target. Sure, it'd cause a panic and it'd take a while for the teachers to narrow down which student they were after...and maybe Dabi hoped to capitalize on the confusion that sort of panic would spread...or on the despair aspect if they failed to realize it was Katsuki until the last moment. However...I just don't think Dabi's that sort of person.
I think Dabi intentionally leaked the information to Eraserhead and disguised it as a jest. He intentionally waited until the clone was dying before he said it too and we've already established that the clones think/feel/know/act independently from Twice. Twice doesn't control the clones.
So...yeah...why leak the information, right? I have two theories on that. It's possible that Dabi's a secret agent--like Hawks--sent by some Hero commission or agency or whatever to infiltrate the League. Maybe a group realized that the whole "inspired by Stain and he was working with the League" rationale was a good cover and they sent Dabi in. Personally, I don't see too much support for this theory as of yet. We don't have anything on Dabi's backstory. Even his reveal to Hawks on what his real name was or whatever was blacked out in the manga. It's only fan theories that suggest he's Todoroki Touya. My second theory, and the one I think is more probable at this point with the evidence we have: Dabi is very much like Spinner--he's not on the Hero's side or the Villain's side, he's a man who was inspired by Stain and wants to do something about the plague of undeserving 'Heroes'. We see that sort of story play out in other media too--in the Doctor Strange movie they portrayed pre-mystic-arts-Strange as a pompous doctor that chose his cases based on the fame it would awarrd him rather than on saving lives. Heroes in it for the fame or for the money exist in HeroAca too and Stain hated them--All Might and Deku are currently the only people he believes worthy of the title of 'Hero'. Spinner held fast to those ideals, stopping Magne from killing Izuku during the training camp. It proved to me that Spinner, at the very least, isn't fully aligned with the League. He's following what he believes are Stain's ideals. He'll go along with their plans and whatever so long as All Might and Izuku aren't harmed (from what we've seen so far). I wonder if Dabi's the same way...but slightly more cunning. We know Spinner was a NEET and whatever before joining the League and at times he seems kind of lost or like he's being indoctrinated more and more into the League. If I assume Dabi's "smarter" than Spinner and that he did his homework on Stain...I believe that it's possible Dabi tipped off Eraserhead to the students being the target because of his beliefs. Stain wouldn't want to harm the children. The children aren't Heroes. Sure, they're Heroes-in-training and some of them have motivations that Stain would detest...but Stain did try to spare Tenya when he first saw him and realized that he was just a student. Maybe Dabi decided that an attack on students at a training camp wasn't in-line with Stain's ideals. They brought the fight to the students without provocation. Nobody said "well, this will be a hit to Hero society and All Might if we were to kill/kidnap a few students at camp". Their objective was to capture Bakugo Katsuki because they believed him to have the ideals of a Villain due to what they saw of him at the Sport's Festival. Stain wasn't interested in making Villains. In his own way, Stain was trying to create a better society. He was trying to get Heroes to wake up to the heart of the matter--to be altruistic and all. He wanted to create a world where Heroes did things for the sake of the people--not for fame, Hero-points, or money.
The more I think about this, the more I'm thinking that Dabi's tip-off that the students were the target was deliberate. He may not have been on the side of the Heroes, but he didn't want to see kids get kidnapped or killed. He didn't engage any of the students directly either. Their task was to capture Katsuki and go away and he recalled the Nomu just in time--preventing it from killing some students (potentially unknowingly). Also, there's that scene where he's clearly staring at the bushes that Aoyama was hiding behind. It's likely that he saw Aoyama and chose not to fight/kill a cowering student.
This theory also fits in with the latest fight we saw with Dabi too. Dabi vs. Hawks and Tsukuyomi. Hawks is number 2 on the Hero charts--the chart that Stain would have disapproved of. Hawks is a super popular Hero--he's famous--that's something else Stain would hate. Saving people's lives shouldn't become a spectacle or something that makes someone famous or whatever in their eyes. So...I think that Dabi wasn't just wary of Hawks joining the League...I think that if Dabi's an avid Stain-follower he never trusted Hawks in the first place because he disliked what Hawks represented in Hero society--#2 Hero of a broken system and basically the face of what hero-fame looks like. Stain wouldn't approve of Hawks being some super popular symbol. He can save people and make it look effortless with his feathers and whatever...Stain would probably be angry that Hawks gets paid to do it and that he gets all the fame and whatever...like "if it's gonna be that effortless for you and whatnot, then do it and move on...you should be doing it and you shouldn't be basking in the praise and glory--just save the people without stopping to be thanked and praised." It also fits with Tsukuyomi being able to run away with Hawks too. Lights are Dark Shadow's weakness and Dabi's is a fire Quirk--it would have been a really bad match up. Maybe they only got away because Dabi realized a couple of things: 1) Tsukuyomi was a student and 2) Tsukuyomi was acting like a true Hero in that moment. He wasn't just following orders or saving Hawks for the fame and glory. He saw his mentor up there and he moved without thinking to protect someone he saw needed help. He stood up to face Dabi, putting himself between the one that needed saving (Hawks) and the threat (Dabi) despite the fact that they were a poor match up. Stain would probably approve of Tsukuyomi's actions here--staring death in the face for no reason other than "I saw someone that needed help and I came to give them help".
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sunriseverse · 5 years
Hey, I hope things are going well with you! I just found a prompt a list floating around and I hope that you will write it! I’m a private detective and your my client and fuck man you’re in some deep shit
what’s this? a fix it fic? yes
“…what,” Newt says, flatly.
Across from him, Hermann gives a slight grimace. “Well,” he says, “I’m not exactly sure what’s happening here exactly either.”
“Well,” Hermann’s gaze flicks away from him for a moment. “I’ve…had to turn to more unorthodox means for funding, as of late—the PPDC hardly appreciates the importance of my work, even now.” 
Irritation briefly flashes across his expression before it smooths out again.
Newt huffs a breath. “Private detective?”
“I always did have a love for Conan-Doyle’s Holmes,” Hermann says. “Regardless, my point is, you did, indeed, hire me, and I’m afraid that I’ve…uncovered some rather disturbing issues.”
Holmes, Newt thinks, with a silent hysteria. God. Here Hermann is, after three years, and acting like they barely know each other. Well—that’s hardly unfair; Newt’s not sure if they’ve ever really known each other.
The point is—
The point is—
“This is batshit insane,” Newt says, flatly. “I don’t even remember hiring you! And anyway, why would I need a private detective?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Hermann replies, “however, you contacted me ten days ago through email, and asked me to take a look into your person; while it is certainly…” he pauses. “Unorthodox for clients to ask me to investigate themselves, the—well, frankly, the monetary reward was…”
“Hefty?” Newt guesses.
Hermann nods. “Indeed.”
Newt sighs. “Okay, then,” he says, “hit me, dude.”
Hermann pulls out a file-folder. “Here is what I have found,” he says. “See—here,” he pulls out a paper and slides it over to Newt. “At first, I found nothing—well, nothing out of the ordinary, that is. You are, in all appearances, nothing more than a pompous, reckless—”
“if, admittedly, brilliant,” and here, he stops; makes a vaguely pained expression before continuing, “employee of Shao Industries, specifically, its head of Research and Development Department.”
“I’m sensing a but here,” Newt says.
Hermann’s fingers drum the table between them; a nervous habit he must have developed since Newt left, probably Drift-bleed induced. “To put it bluntly, Newton, I’m afraid you’ve been dealing with the black market.”
“I’ve been what?” Newt chokes.
“I would have expected you’d be aware of the fact,” Hermann says drily. “In addition to that, you have also been gathering materials for what I believe to be an attempt to clone kaiju.”
“I’ve been what!?”
“I’m frankly not surprised,” Hermann says, “I always did think you were a bit of a—”
“Kaiju groupie?” Newt offers, and sags in his chair. “Yeah, dude, but like—not like that.” At least, not anymore, he doesn’t add. “If I’ve been…secretly trying to clone kaiju or whatever, though, I don’t remember it at all.”
Hermann rises from his seat. “I thought not,” he says, and though he’s turned away from Newt, the relief slips into his tone; Newt doesn’t need to see his face to know.
“I think I need a drink,” Newt says; faintly, “preferably something with a shit-ton of caffeine.”
When Hermann turns around, there’s a faint hint of a smile on his face. “There’s a place down the street,” he says, “I’ll pay.”
A strong cup of coffee later, Newt finds himself and Hermann sitting in the lobby of the new and improved Shatterdome.
“This is crazy,” he says, “you know this is crazy, right?”
“We saved the world on crazy,” Hermann says, “crazy is hardly something we’re strangers to.”
“Jesus,” Newt says; blows out a sharp exhale. “Okay. Hah. Fuck. Okay, yeah, I’ll do it. “Let’s…let’s get this over with.”
Hermann nods. “Alright,” he says, “I shall request the paperwork.”
“Time to go see what the fuck is going on,” Newt murmurs, “PPDC medbay, here I come.”
“That’s odd,” the doctor says; with a frown, “you’re…you’re definitely human, but those brain-scans…something’s really not human in your brain.”
“Kaiju Drift?” Newt suggests, leaning over her shoulder to take a look, “I mean, that was almost five years ago, but—”
She shakes her head. “No—far more recent than that; residual effects from that Drift would have abated much more than—this. This is recent, Doctor Geiszler—two weeks, maybe three.”
Hermann pales. “Are you saying he’s Drifted that recently?” he asks.
“I’m afraid that’s the only option,” the doctor says, grimly. “Kaiju-human Drifting should be impossible, given that the last kaiju were destroyed shortly after the War, but…” she trails off.
Newt’s eyes widen. “Hermann,” he says, “you said something about cloning kaiju—are you sure that I was only trying? What if I succeeded?”
“Oh dear,” Hermann says, and sits heavily in one of the chairs. “Oh dear—that is very, very possible, I’m afraid.”
“Fuck,” Newt says, succinctly. 
“A kaiju brain?” Newt practically screeches, when the PPDC go through his apartment. “I’ve been living there—how the hell would I not have noticed that!?”
Hermann opens his bag. “For that,” he says, grimly, “I may have an explanation. Audio logs—recordings, that is, of the Drifts you engaged in; there’s…” he hesitates. “Well.” He presses play.
Finally…a hosssssssst, voices hiss, and Newt flinches back at the harsh sounds. That’s—that’s his voice, at the start, and then—
“Precursors,” Hermann says. “They’re not strong, not very, at least; not yet, but they’ve got enough hold on you to block out your memories of the Drifts.”
“Oh, lovely!” Newt says, and hopes he doesn’t sound hysterical. He probably does anyway. “Just what I wanted—alien parasites in my head! And genocidal conquerors to boot!”
Hermann gives a tight smile. “The good news,” he says, “is that medical believes that simply isolating you—that is, not allowing another Drift to occur—will be enough to weaken, and then fully destroy, their hold in your mind.”
“Well that’s good to know,” Newt says, and closes his eyes with a sigh. “Fuck,” he says, emphatically. “I…I must’ve found out, or something, and sent you an email before they mindwiped me. I…you could’ve ignored it. I mean I’m grateful you didn’t, but…why didn’t you?”
“Mindwiped is hardly an accurate term,” Hermann points out.
“Shut up, asshole, and answer the question,” Newt snaps; without much bite.
“I…” Hermann hesitates. “As I said, my funding…and, well, it was six figures…”
Newt’s heart sinks. “Oh,” he says, and musters up a feeble grin, “yeah, just—just business.”
Hermann’s lips tighten. “And…” he sighs. “I still considered you a dear friend, Newton—I still do. I thought…perhaps it would allow me to see you again.”
For a moment; silence. Then Newt’s breaths fill the air; the side effect, he thinks, of shock; the acute attunement to one’s own bodily functions. “Oh,” Newt says, after a moment. “I…”
“You needn’t feel like you need to respond,” Hermann reassures. “I’m—I’m aware that that is a loaded confession on my part.”
“No, no, Hermann, I…” he swallows thickly. “I didn’t…know you still felt that way. I thought I was the only one…”
“I’m glad of that,” Hermann says, “truly; however, considering the lateness of the hour, perhaps we ought to resume this conversation at a later point.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Newt says. “It’s like…late? Isn’t it?”
“Past eleven,” Hermann confirms. “What do you say?”
“…you’re right,” Newt says, “as much as I hate to admit it. Once we get this shit solved, you and I should have a long conversation.”
“Good,” says Hermann, “over dinner, perhaps?”
“Dinner,” Newt says, “that sounds great.”
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kcwcommentary · 5 years
VLD6x04 – “The Colony”
6x04 – “The Colony”
I really, really, really hate this episode. (By the time I finished revising and editing this commentary, I was physically shaking.)
I hate what this episode (and subsequent story) says about people who are abused. By the end of this episode, we’re supposed to feel betrayed by Lotor and confused about seemingly being betrayed by Shiro. Instead, I feel betrayed by the EPs and the writers of this show.
We start at Daibazaal. While Lotor and Allura are going through their launch checklist, preparing to test to see if Lotor’s ships can go into the rift and collect quintessence, everyone else is on the bridge of the Castle Ship. As they discuss things, Lance says that being in the rift “turned Zarkon evil,” but if you’ve read any of my previous commentary on this attempt to retcon Zarkon and Hoverva/Haggar, then you know I fundamentally reject the idea. Zarkon and Honerva/Haggar were terrible people long before the show started trying to blame it on quintessence.
At least Shiro backs me up here, saying, “Zarkon fell prey to his own evil instincts. The quintessence field didn’t create them, it revealed them.” And yet, given how the story continues to unfold, the show does expect us to forgive/absolve/redeem Zarkon and Honerva/Haggar. It’s like the show is trying to have it both ways. The show, outside of what Shiro says here, wants us to think it’s not really Zarkon and Haggar’s fault that they spent 10,000 years as brutal dictators (and abusive parents) because they were poisoned. In a way, the show tries to make Lotor into being worse than Zarkon and Honerva/Haggar because he’s revealed in this episode to have been a deceptive villain all along, whereas they were (the show claims) poisoned into it. What message is this show sending by trying to say the man who was abused by his parents is worse than his abusive parents?
Lotor and Allura take the ship into the rift. While they’re in there, Keith arrives via an Altean pod. This is the first time any member of Team Voltron has been shown talking to Keith since 4x06 “A New Defender” with the big Naxzela fight, and this episode is the first time anyone from Team Voltron has been face-to-face with Keith since 4x01 “Code of Honor.” It seems like such a long time for a show supposedly about friendship.
In the rift, Allura says, “In the hands of the wrong person, this power could easily corrupt” to basically be a giant flashing warning that the show’s about to turn Lotor into a villain and wipe away all the character development he’s gone through.
Keith boards the Castle Ship, and he aggressively says they have to stop Lotor, “he’s been lying to all of us!” About what? “Everything!” says Romelle. What lies he’s supposed to have told, I don’t know.
While in the rift, Allura, being subject to the exact same quintessence as Lotor, says that the experience is “like my whole being is more alive.” The show is doing this to trying to justify reducing Lotor to nothing but another villain. It’s different for Allura because she’s somehow perfect and has nothing negative about her character to be “revealed” (as Shiro put it earlier). Allura having a positive experience with the quintessence negates the idea that exposure to quintessence in the rift accentuates one’s bad qualities.
Haggar continues to stand awkwardly in the center of her room. She’s using the clone to spy on Team Voltron.
Krolia thanks Shiro “for raising [Keith] to be the man he is today.” That’s such an odd thing to have her say because the show has not included any of that detail about Shiro and Keith’s past at this point. All we’ve gotten from the show to this point is that Shiro was something of a mentor for Keith, nothing to the level of Shiro “raising” Keith. This is another example of the difference between showing and telling in writing. We were just told this; we haven’t been shown it. It’s a significant aspect of Shiro and Keith’s relationship, but all we get is a little exposition. (We do eventually get the flashbacks in 7x01 “A Little Adventure,” and then Shiro and Keith’s relationship pretty much ceases to exist.)
Romelle begins her tale. She’s from a planet of thousands of Alteans who’ve lived there since the war with Zarkon began (so she, being a descendant of those first Altean colonists has been taught about Zarkon apparently). Alteans who weren’t on Altea when it was destroyed went into hiding. I really do like that that the hiding Alteans used their shapeshifting ability as part of that hiding. Lotor found some of these Alteans and told them he was trying to preserve Altean culture. This makes sense since we know that part of Lotor being abused by Zarkon was that he became eager to embrace his Altean heritage. This is clearly a good thing, and it is clearly genuine, but again the show wants us to ignore these parts of what we’ve been and are being told about Lotor and instead think of him as being nothing but a villain. He told these Alteans that he secretly set up a haven that will help protect them from the Galra.
I’m suddenly thinking of the parallel of the show having both Lotor and the clone each work to protect people only to be rendered into a simplistic “evil” by the poorly written surprise twist the show uses to kill them this season.
Romelle continues that the Alteans eventually started to “worship Lotor.” She says that also eventually, Lotor told them that he was creating another colony far away from this one. He had every Altean subjected to a series of tests that resulted in some of them being taken to the other colony. No communication between the colonies was allowed.
“This was the world I was born into: one of unquestioning devotion to a supposed messiah,” Romelle says. This is supposed to be getting us to turn against Lotor as a character, priming us to accept the premise that he’s always been a villain, but it’s more that it just turns me against the writing. It makes me feel like these Alteans are being written purposefully unintelligent, that they’re little helpless sheep. I don’t buy the idea that these Alteans would all just give up their agency like this.
“My brother Bandor was always faithful, but I had questions,” Romelle says. There’s also this really heavy-handed attempt to do a story about faith versus doubt and the value of always questioning things, and that’s a fine story premise, but Romelle’s story has no finesse. We find out through her storytelling flashback that her parents were part of those taken to the other colony. Are we really supposed to believe that they just gleefully left their children behind? Really?
We get another instance of Alteans being tested, and Bandor is selected to go to the other colony. And off he runs to board the ship. He doesn’t even want to say goodbye to his sister before going. This is not realistic behavior. Honestly, these Alteans are all creepy. The show wants me to identify with them and thus feel affronted through them over this Lotor retcon/plot twist, but I can’t become invested in what’s going on with them because they don’t feel like actual people. They’re not characters, they’re caricatures.
Bandor’s absolute lack of emotion about being separated from his sister makes me question Romelle’s story and her reliability as a narrator. Lots of fiction is written with unreliable narrators, but this show doesn’t reveal Romelle to be one. Kknowing where the story is going, I don’t think the EPs and writers realized that Romelle functions as an unreliable narrator.
Romelle calls out for Bandor, who has no problem with leaving, and she cries, “I’ll never see you again! Don’t let him tear our family apart!” Bandor does not seem to really care that his sister is in distress. Also, I usually think this show does a decent, sometimes even great, job with voice acting, but Romelle’s performance here feels absolutely hollow.
Bandor secretly gives Romelle a communicator. “Will I be able to talk to you on the other colony?” she asks. How did someone think this line was well written? Also, Bandor giving her this instantly destroys his character because the show has presented him as the unquestioning faithful who just a few moments ago rejected Romelle’s concern about their never being able to communicate with those who’ve been taken away. So, this is more of this show’s infamously inconsistent writing.
Also, his giving the communicator to her is inconsistent within just this single scene. Once he was chosen, he went running off to jump on the ship, not caring about saying goodbye to her. But then now, just a few seconds later, he has a communicator to give her? If she hadn’t run to him to hug him as he was ignoring her and running to the ship, he never would have been in position to give it to her.
She says she could never get Bandor’s communicator to work, but one night Bandor contacts her through it. He tells her that she was right and that he’s in the forest outside of town. We have no idea how much time is supposed to have passed.
She runs to find he’s crashed an Altean pod through the holographic sky and crashed into the ground. He’s emaciated and has stripes on his face. “The other colony, it’s all a lie,” Bandor says right before he dies.
The crash through the holographic sky, with the area Bandor’s pod broke through now not functioning, makes me realize that I don’t know if Romelle and the other Alteans know they’re living in a holographic environment. I mean, at least the sky is holographic, even if the buildings and trees and water are real. Romelle is never shown reacting to the new hole in the sky.
Lotor slowly walks like a cliché villain to the crash site. Romelle overhears him ordering the wreckage to be cleaned up and no evidence left behind. Are Lotor’s forces really that good that they can repair a non-functioning hole where holographic sky used to be without anyone in this colony seeing them do so?
Romelle says she knew “the truth or at least part of it” and that she knew no one would believe her. But when she saw Keith, Krolia, and the space wolf, she then knew she had a chance to learn more about what was happening. I’m not sure how reasonable it is that she would trust them on sight, especially with Krolia being obviously Galra, but whatever.
The show then connects the missing Alteans with the quintessence that Blades have been tracking. Keith, Krolia, and Romelle discuss things, and Keith says that given how weak Bandor was, wherever he had been had to be nearby. Krolia suggests a nearby moon. Romelle has an idea about how to get to the moon: she takes them to some more Altean transport pods, which she says they “haven’t been used in generations. None of the Alteans in the colony would know how to fly one if we desired to.” (And yet, her brother piloted one with precision from the other colony back to this one while under severe physical distress.)
This transport pod is in a small shack-like hangar very much in the Altean town. There’s no way they’re getting out without a lot of people knowing it. But the show doesn’t show any of that, instead it just cuts to them having left the planet and heading toward the moon. So, did Romelle know that she and all these other Alteans lived inside a manufactured environment? This is the first time she’s ever been off a planet, that’s a big deal, but we don’t know how she reacted to that. Despite Krolia saying that there was a nearby moon, we actually see three of them, so that feels like the animation not matching the dialog.
They descend to the other facility. Inside, they find emaciated Alteans floating in liquid filled pods, cables plugged into them. In typical fashion for this show, Keith instantly understands that “Lotor’s harvesting their quintessence.”
Flashback complete, we return to the Castle Ship.
“All this time,” Pidge says. “I can’t believe he fooled us,” Lance says. “He’s a monster,” Keith says. At this point, the show expects us to feel excited because look at this big plot twist. It doesn’t feel earned though. When a deceptive villain’s deception is revealed, it still should feel in character, but this doesn’t. Lotor has not been written to be a deceptive villain except for now in the moment that the deception is revealed. That’s why this feels like a retcon rather than a character arc.
Lotor and Allura are returning. “Once Allura is secure, we will take Lotor down,” Shiro declares.
In the hangar, Lotor is holding Allura close to him. They kiss because the show thinks that it reaffirms how villainous and manipulative Lotor is. None of Team Voltron is subtle, standing in a circle around Lotor and Allura as they enter the room. They aim weapons at Lotor. Lance tells her to step away from Lotor, and she stands between him and Lotor. It feels like this small part of this scene is supposed to be some of Lance being right and Lotor wrong, and Lance having been there for Allura all along but she was just too stupid to realize it relationship plot.
Romelle out of nowhere yells, “Lotor is a monster and has been harvesting Altean quintessence for generations!” Does Romelle even know what quintessence is? Also, this is the first time Allura’s seen Romelle. Did no one think that maybe they should have hidden Romelle and arranged for Allura to meet and speak with her before jumping right to confronting Lotor? Between all of them, none of them thought that it would be better to work this situation more smoothly than this?
“You killed my brother and thousands of others,” Romelle yells. Pidge adds, “Lotor has been lying to us the whole time. He’s a murderer, just like his father.” I have to agree with those who’ve strongly criticized this show for doing this. Lotor was abused by his father, and this show did not care about the message it was sending here by saying that if you’re abused by a parent then you are doomed to become an abuser just like them. This is horribly offensive.
Lotor says, “You know nothing about what you speak. […] I’ve dedicated my life to preserving Altean culture. Now that we have unlocked the quintessence field, all of your people who would have been hunted down long ago had it not been for my intervention can live in peace. Were some lives lost in the process? Yes. But they were martyrs to a noble cause. I sacrificed a few to preserve a future for millions.” I won’t defend his killing the Alteans, just like I won’t defend his killing Narti. But his argument is a complicating one. Unfortunately, the show does nothing with that complication. It’s wiped away, left to be forgotten, in turning him now into a maniacal villain. He’s not wrong that these Alteans would have been hunted down and killed by the Galra. He’s not wrong that there has to be something to serve as a lever to shift Galra culture, and he was hoping a source of quintessence that doesn’t require killing to do that. By turning him into a maniacal villain, the show doesn’t deal with any of this. Whatever complexity Lotor was adding to the Galra as a whole, it’s now instantly destroyed by the narrative. By writing Lotor this way through this plot twist, the writers are making the story world narrower.
Allura grabs him and throws him across the room.
Somehow Axca and Ezor have gotten onto the Caste Ship undetected until the exact moment that they’re stealing Lotor’s ships.
There’s a flash, Haggar is affecting the Shiro-clone’s mind, and he falls down in the pain of it. “You are mine now, give in!” Haggar says. Shiro attacks and knocks out Hunk, Lance, Coran, Allura, and Romelle. He picks up Lotor’s unconscious body.
In the hangar, Pidge, Keith, Krolia, and the space wolf are too late to stop Axca and Ezor from taking Lotor’s ships.
Allura comes over the intercom, “Shiro’s gone mad! He’s escaping with Lotor!” as he runs past Pidge. Pidge hesitates to attack Shiro though.
“Good,” Haggar says, “now bring him to me.”
Keith asks if the Paladins are in condition to fly their Lions. Keith declares he’ll pilot the Black Lion. Black lets him.
Keith tries to contact Shiro, but Shiro turns off the communication. The Lions attack Lotor’s ships, but Lotor’s three ships are better at fighting than the five Lions, which honestly seems unrealistic to me. The Paladins form Voltron, and the episode ends with them in a standoff.
I really hate this episode.
Here’s part of my problem: I don’t care about Romelle. The show has given me no reason whatsoever to care about her as a character. The show clearly wants me to think through Romelle’s story that Lotor is a horrible person but to do that I have to care about Romelle and these Alteans. Given what the writers are trying to do in this Lotor’s-evil-surprise-twist, I’m supposed to feel betrayed by Lotor. But the emotions of feeling betrayed are fundamentally connected to a person’s sense of investment. I am not invested in Romelle. Here telling this long tale is the first thing she does in the show, and it’s pretty much the only thing she ever does. Romelle ends up being more of a gimmick than a character.
I am attached to Lotor as a character though, and this doesn’t make me feel betrayed by Lotor’s character, this story makes me feel betrayed by the EPs and the writers. They are the ones who wrote Lotor to be abused by his father. They’re the ones who wrote Lotor to want to connect to his Altean heritage. They’re the ones who wrote Lotor to want to find a way to change Galra culture. Throughout the first half of this show, it seems our heroes thought they could stop the Galra Empire by killing Zarkon and that that would take care of everything. Lotor introduced a more realistic depiction of what it would take to change the Galra through his argument about wanting to find a source of quintessence that would allow for significant supply but without destroying life. They wrote Lotor to be sympathetic, and they apparently did so all the while planning on destroying that because they thought they were being clever in creating a surprise plot twist.
They purposefully manipulated the audience. I don’t come away from this story feeling elated through the surprise. This story leaves me feeling offended. Not only does it offend my sensibilities as a storyteller, it offends me as someone who was abused by his father. It offends me that this show made it look like they were telling a story through Lotor about struggling to overcome being abused, only to then declare that Lotor is as bad, if not worse, than his abusive father. As I said earlier in this commentary, I think the show is actually saying Lotor is worse than Zarkon because the show blames Zarkon’s behavior on his being poisoned by quintessence, while Lotor’s behavior is just because he’s inherently evil and has been a maniacal villain the entire time. In a way, it feels like the EPs and the writers of this show are gaslighting their audience who are upset at how this twist destroys Lotor’s character and all his depicted struggle to overcome his abuse and Galra cultural toxicity.
And finally, I hate what the show does with the clone twist that’s been fully activated now. I hate how the EPs and writers so easily discard the clone as a character, again, acting like there’s something wrong with us for being bothered that this plot twist erases all the good we’ve seen from the clone up to this point. The story is written that the clone is being psychically manipulated by Haggar, the clone has had his agency taken from him, and the show wants us to think that he’s an “evil thing” because of it. Haggar is abusing the clone just like she and Zarkon abused Lotor. Between Lotor and the clone plotline, the show is giving us a double punch that those who are harmed by others are to blame for being harmed. That those who are harmed by others are inherently evil.
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Winchester meets the Phantoms Ch. 9
By this point in time Danny has gotten very use to the feeling of being summoned, so he had some sense of what was going on. Except the large blue light, and waking up not dying was a new one. Also waking up in the middle of woods with no sense of who summoned him was also very very strange. And that's coming from a half human half ghost hybrid with a clone, traveling with a pair of hunters who have an angel.
"Dean? Sam!" Danny called out, pulling himself up. Danny paused, eyes trained on the knife he found looped on at his waistband. That was new. And that's a zombie. Danny watched quizzically as the corpse stumbled in his direction. It wasn't rushing at him, or actually trying to eat him if he was taking the lazy movements into consideration. "Danielle?!"
The loud gunshots the resonated through the forest pulled, not only his, attention away. His head snapped to the direction the noises were coming from, the corpse turning to look in a different direction. It's dazed steps became more frantic walking the direction it thought it was going. Confused, Danny turned running towards where the shots were coming from with one thing in mind.
Sam Winchester has woken up in many different places before, in many different circumstances. So, waking up in the middle of a random woods isn't that much of a panic inducer. However, waking up to an animated corpse trying to chew his face of was a new one. The spray of blood that followed a gunshot drew his attention to his very much confused and pissed off brother.
"Zombies Sammy, fucking zombies." Dean grounded out, taking aim and shooting at another one that stumbled out of the woods. Sam proceeded to pull himself up, taking the gun out of his waistband and helping his brother take down the more that found it's way into small area they were in. "I thought we were done with zombies after the bobby incident"
"But how?" Sam called over the gunshots, taking the down the last corpse. "Where are we, and why is the dead rising now?"
"Dean?!" A call came from with in the trees, pulling the brother's attention to there. It took Dean a moment to realize where he knew that voice from.
"Danny?" Dean sighed, pulling the teen into a hug. "Fucking hell, do you know what's going on?" Dean questioned, motioning to the now lifeless corpse.
"No clue, I was hoping you guys could tell me." Danny sighed, shoving his knife back into the hem of his jeans. "Do you guys remember anything? I just remember a flash of light."
"I remember we just finished with a case on vampires." Sam chimed in, placing his gun in the back of his jeans. His eyes taking a quick count of what they had and who was there before realization dawned on him. "Where's Danielle?"
"Shit." Danny groaned, dropping to the ground. He ran a hand through his hair, before looking up at the two confused brothers. "One time for a prank, Danielle sent Tuck and I to the Vampire Diaries. A show we both absolutely hated. Almost got us killed too."
"And you think that's what she did." Sam dawned, sharing a look with Dean.
"So, what show are we in?" Dean asked, looking over at the exhausted looking teen.
"I think I know..." Danny trailed,mhis voice low but eyes trained behind them. When they turned they were met with two people. Each wielding a weapon...
"We're where?" Dean asked, eyebrows raised.
"The Walking dead." Danny responded, tilting his head towards the two men eyeing them from the side. "Tuck's obsessed with this show, I've seen every episode so far. I can't tell were in the series it is though but we need to play it like we know the dead has risen for a while. Also call them walkers or roamers." Danny added as an after thought.
"Do we take up their offer to go with them to camp?" Sam asked, glancing over at the others. "What do you know about uh, Daryl and Rick over there?"
"Rick was in a coma when all this started, and he was a sheriff deputy before all this happened. Has a son and wife, but his wife dies when they are at the prison and he gets a toddler. Don't mention any of this. Relate to him as law-enforcement is the best route." Danny explained, shooting a look to Dean before looking over at Sam. "Daryl's a classic redneck I guess. He's a hunter, a plain one, and had a really rough childhood from what the show gives off. He has a brother, died a while after rick's wife, he goes missing before hand." Danny finished.
"We're going with them?" Dean asked.
"We're going with them." Danny responded, nodding. "Follow my lead for the most part, we don't need to fuck everything up, or die."
"Yea, okay." Sam nodded, turning to the duo. "I guess we'll come with you, check out your camp before we fully decide if we'll stay." Rick and Daryl shared a look before nodding.
"How many walkers you killed?" Rick asked as the group walked through the woods, on their way back to their camp.
"Lost count." Danny answered before the other two could, getting a glance back from Rick, an odd look in his eyes.
"How many living you killed?" Rick countered.
"More than we'd like to." Dean answered this time.
"Why?" Rick asked, looking over at the older Winchester.
"Same reason as most, survival." Sam chimed in this time, sharing a look with his two companions.
"How'd the three of you meet?" Rick asked, wanting as much information on the trio he found before he took them back. "What'd you do before all this?"
"Sammy's my brother, I worked law before hand." Dean answered.
"Really?" Rick tossed over his shoulder. "I was a sheriff deputy."
"I was just a rookie, blue suit." Dean offered. "Shifted to law enforcement after Sammy here went to law school."
"What'd you do before?"
"Mechanic." Dean mused.
"We could actually use some help with an RV." Rick called over his shoulder, as the group neared a fenced area. Danny bit back a sigh realizing just how early they were in the series. "Dale's been looking into it, but he's not a mechanic."
"I have no problem looking into it." Dean grinned back, offering a nod.
"What about the kid?" Daryl was the one that chimed in this time, side glancing at the quite teen trailing behind.
"I ran into them a few weeks after this all started." Danny answered, glancing at the hunter. "Been with them ever since, it's only really been the three of us since."
"Here we are." Rick mused as the group entered through the gate. A small group of people gathered around and whispers ensued. "Guys, these are Sam, Dean, and Danny. We ran into them on our search." The sympathetic look he threw to her only helped Danny pinpoint what and where they were.
"I know when we are." Danny told them the moment Rick was swept away by his wife and best friend to discuss the new people. "This was early on, looks like Carl survived his gunshot wound, and they are still looking for Sophia. Carl's the kid in the sheriff hat, and Sophia is the grey-haired woman's daughter. Careful with your anger around her." Danny informed, eyes scanning the small crowd that still whispered to each other.
"What are they talking about?" Sam asked, while Dean was too busy checking out Maggie and Andrea.
"I think we're in." Danny responded, keeping his eyes trained on the two but ears trained on the conversation. "No surprise Shane doesn't like use very much, but because apparently you guys have a twelve year old with you, their letting us stay." Danny glared as the Winchesters concealed a laugh.
"Let's say your fifteen than." Dean mused, a smirk on his lips. "Not that much of a leap."
"Dean, stop." Sam chastised, glaring at his brother who was clearly checking out the Farmer's daughter. "We can't step on any toes here."
"Nobody said anything about looking." Dean smirked, looking back to the knife he was starting to sharpen.
"He seems to have a problem with it." Sam nodded towards Glenn, who was 'secretly' glaring at Dean from his spot with Dale. "Besides, you should play nice. Go over to Rick and see if you can help with the cars." Dean sighed before putting down his knife, and walking from their make shift camp.
Sam sighed, looking around the camp. His eyes catching Danny talking to Daryl, Dean bumping into Shane, Lori talking to Rick and her son, before landing on Carol. The mother was sitting solemnly, cleaning away at some clothes. Making up his mind, Sam made his way over, hoping to ease some of the older woman's pain.
"You've tracked?" Daryl asked. Danny scratched the back of his head at the lack of belief in the older man's voice.
"I know somethings." Danny shrugged, looking over his shoulder at the camp. "Everyone's a bit too family for me I guess, besides I'll do better than the stomping around Rick was doing out there." That dragged a smirk from the man, who nodded.
"Okay, let's have a test trial." Danny grinned, glad he was able to get in a bit more with the closed off man. "Will you friends be alright with that?" Daryl questioned, throwing his crossbow across his back and motioning to the two Winchesters mingling with the group.
"Oh, yea. They won't really care." Danny nodded.
The duo walked in silence, quietly keeping an eye on all the tracks and drags in the ground. Daryl kept shifting between the multiple different worn tracks, looking for any sign of Sophia, or at least of any game.
"Hey, I think I found something." Danny quietly called over, keeping his voice low as to not disturb the silence they had settle over them. "Looks promising?" He questioned, watching as the experienced tracker crouch by the trackers.
"Good find." Daryl responded, pulling himself into a stand and following the tracks. "Look like a kids." Danny felt his heart sink at the hint of hope he heard in the older man's voice. He knew they weren't going to find Sophia until it was to late, and he knew just how much it was going to affect the hunter. He wished he knew where the little girl was so that he could have one thing go right for him.
It took Danielle a lot longer than the others to figure out where she was, and what the hell had gone wrong with her spell. What she was glad for was the little bag she had set up for a return spell when they were ready to get home. Along with the knife, that was a nice bonus added considering she woke up to three zombies stumbling around. Oddly enough, none of them went for her... She'll just chalk that up to being scientifically created.
It took a lot of aimless wondering and looking around to figure out just where she was, and what show. Zombies was a big clue considering all the shows and movies that include them. Z Nation, Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Waking the Dead, World War Z, and so on. The biggest clue she ran into, or more it ran into her, was none other than a little girl. One that almost had Danielle tearing up at the reminder of who it was, and her faith...
Well her faith before Danielle showed up, because there is no way in hell she was about to let this girl die on her watch.
All things considered, Dean was actually having a damn good time. Yea maybe the beer he was drinking wasn't cold, maybe he wasn't in his universe, and maybe the dead were walking and they were in constant danger. But when was Dean Winchester ever not in danger? Exactly.
The bright side was that he had a beer, he was working on a car, and chatting away with Dale. Dale reminded him so much of a less vulgar Bobby, which considering this wasn't even his world to begin with, he wasn't going to complain.
"Is the kid Danny all alone?" Dale question after a moment of silence, watching Danny and Dale enter the camp again.
"You could say that." Dean responded, glancing to Danny. "He's has an older sister out there, highly likely she's still kicking." Dean mused, he figured with how well they did with the FBI Agent, they could easily lie through with this group.
"Kids growing up in a world like this isn't right, this isn't a place for kids." Dale mused, dropping his attention back to the car.
"Yea, but what can you do?" Dean responded, and that seemed to be the end of the conversation. They shifted to talk about the car, Dean telling the older man things do check and do if the car ever smoked up or broke down.
Sam was the first one to notice her. It did leave Carol a bit confused when Sam suddenly left the table they were talking at, but when her eyes landed on the two figures making their way to the farm, it clicked into place.
Danny was the second one, considering Sam had called out his name, followed by Dean. By the time Rick and the others gathered around, Danielle was swamped in hugs...
Most that's an excuse for the other three to threat Danielle to send them all back before shit goes down. Danny did feel himself tear up, not that he will every tell anyone, when he saw Sophia running into her mother's arms, and saw the attempted hidden smile on Daryl's face.
Maybe this trip wasn't all that bad.
"I absolutely ban you from every using this prank every again." Danny groaned, flopping back onto the motel room bed. "And you get to sleep on the couch tonight." Danielle groaned, but took a sit at the couch nonetheless.
"Hey, my plan was to send us all to the X-files not a zombie apocalypse." Danielle countered, pulling a grown from the two Winchesters.
"As much as that would be amazing, I'm to exhausted." Danny rolled over, looking over at the TV. "I wonder if any of our changes stuck."
"You could check-" Sam started, only to be cut off by Danny.
"I'd rather not, I'd like to think Carol got her little girl back."
"You know one thing?" Dean called from the motel kitchen, coming out with a beer. "We weren't gone for long, but I sure as hell missed a nice cold beer."
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Star Wars and Make a Wish
Do you guys think the Star Wars universe had a Make of Wish type thing? Can you imagine how interesting and cute this concept is???
Do you think kids asked to meet different Senators and celebrities? Athletes and (maybe) famous smugglers? Historians?
Do you think that once the war started, the system kind of fractured a bit? Like, some people in the Republic (oh boi, I wonder who) rallied for the foundation to continue. It was eventually cut to support war funds, and some people - Padmé, Bail, Mon, Breha, others - were furious, and dumped their own money into the foundations. They rallied with the public to help, and it falls on mostly deaf ears.
Anakin of course hears of this, and he throws himself into the cause. He knows how much a little bit of hope can go. It gains some media attention, especially when a young girl with space-lupas wants to meet Senator Amidala and Ahsoka accompanies her.
Every child wants to meet a Jedi, and Anakin eventually ropes Obi-Wan into asking the Jedi Council to contribute.
Obi-Wan - though quietly thrilled that Anakin has found somewhere else to put his passions - points on the flaws. He argues that the Jedi cannot always be there, and what if it's a trap?
But Anakin - and later Ahsoka - are giving him puppy-eyes, and Obi-Wan sighs and brings the situation to the Council. Some are hesitant, but most are completely on board. Shaak Ti wants to visit every child, and they often have to tell her to hand non-specific requests to someone else.
It becomes a thing throughout the Republic, and odd combinations of Jedi are often requested. Quinlan Vos and Madame Nu visit a group of children in an ophanage - it's an odd combo, but they get along swimmingly. Quin spent alot of time sleeping in the library as a padawan, and this fact makes everyone realize the Jedi aren't so different than the Galaxy. Mace always complains about going, but he secretly loves it - even if Anakin has to go with him. Yoda often goes to the nurseries, holding premature babies and soothing scared parents. Aayla Secura teaches other Jedi Ryl, because it's a common language they come across among the children and few speak it fluently. The public loves it when Bant teaches meditation techniques to older children, and it airs throughout the Galaxy.
The Naberries and the Organa's help support the foundations, and on occasions there are donations from various Mandalorian clans - because even though they hate the Republic and the Jedi, they're not monsters. The Jedi families - the Gallia's, Koon's, Mundi's, Fisto's - dump a crap ton of money into the movement because hey, Jedi are being viewed in a positive light! Yay!
Sometimes clones are requested by kids, and Ahsoka has a hard time not giggling when she accompanies a flustered Rex and Cody to visit twin boys who are dying of space-cancer. The twins are, amusingly, named Rex and Cody.
This infuriates Palpatine, and he scrambes to mess with the system. He sends Anakin and Obi-Wan to the Outer Rim, timing it so they miss a visit to a children's hospital on s Separatist planet. (The dynamic duo is a common combination of Jedi requested).
Anakin somehow finds this out (Padmé may or may not have hacked into the system), and the siege on this Outer-Rim planet is won in record time. They jet across the twenty parsecs within a few hours, breaking a few hyperspace records.
Palps thinks he's won, and he goes to watch the Holo in pink bunny slippers. Obi-Wan is sitting beside Padmé Amidala, letting a Twi'Lek girl and a Naoutolan boy braid their hair. The Chosen One is on the screen in the far corner, showing a boy who recently had his arm amputated how cool a mechanical arm is.
(It's incredibly endearing to watch Anakin amuse the little boy and answering all of the questions about a mechanical hand. Padmé has a hard time not asking to make a baby that night - but she heavily considers it.)
Palps is furious. The Republic is stunned that one of their favorite Jedi is an amputee. There is suddenly public sympathy towards the Jedi.
Star Wars uni is eternally changed because of a Make-A-Wish foundation. My favorite characters don't die. Order 66 doesn't happen.
I will go down this headcanon.
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