#but I don’t rly have a choice bc it will honestly be better if he’s the primary bc he’s got the money
thelovelybitten · 11 months
things I never say — 186
how do u politely tell ur bf that you need to be the primary applicant on a rental application
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solargeist · 1 month
The Watchers in my AU are meant to be complicated and confusing. It’s part of why Grian stays for so long, why he’s so conflicted and why it bothers him to the point of venting to Mumbo.
They can be very kind, they do love him, they compliment him on everything. He gets gifts and everything given to him.
But on the other hand, bc they love him, they can be critical, telling him why that and why this, not that not this, they have pretty high standards for Beings that have seen everything already, not easy to genuinely impress.
They give him food, as parental figures should, anything he asks, but that’s sorta the problem, he always has to ask, there’s no way around this, no independence. He can ask for ingredients to cook by himself, but they’ll watch him.
He’s given clothes to wear, always within Watcher standard, dark and loose garments, open for his wings. He’d honestly prefer brighter colours, but that’s not rly a choice.
They tell him he’s special, he was chosen, better than the rest, a champion, a hero, and while it pets his ego, he feels pressure, they went out on a limp for him and he still can’t do enough. There is so much guilt.
Being here in the end messes with his psyche a bit, he’s much shorter than everyone, he has to rely on everyone, they all treat him like a kid, petting his hair or moving him via his shoulders instead of asking. He accidentally leans into this sometimes as a subconscious coping mechanism, he cries easier than he thinks he should. Tantrums where he has to press his face into his hands, or grumble and stomp off. He always has to apologize.
Despite being treated like a child, he is a Watcher child, so he studies a lot, he trains a lot. If he throws up from training, that’s no excuse (well by Flora’s standards)
He does feel a sort of comfort or safety around Aether, She’s lenient with him, but they’re definitely still not equals. She still hides things from him She thinks is too serious, She’s still overtly positive. He thinks abt Her sometimes, in hindsight he knows it was a family dynamic, and he feels guilt abt this too.
The Watchers love him, but they are ultimately overbearing, overwhelming, and frankly quite scary if you don’t play by their rules. Grian has reason to be cautious, the silent threats that hang over his head, never directly said to him, but traitors are cast out, if you’re not worthy you don’t deserve these gifts of wings or eyes. I think he’s convinced if they ever find him they’ll rip his eyes out with talons.
He won’t admit that he likes the attention sometimes, when his efforts are acknowledged and/or praised, when his hair is brushed. He wants their approval.
However, this is the only ‘human’ contact he gets. He doesn’t have anyone else, so it’s taken with a grain of salt how genuine his feelings are abt the attention.
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oflgtfol · 10 days
MarvelDC anon x5 sorry im back again I just wanted to say I agree 100% with everything you say and don’t rly have anything to add there that isnt just recycling your points. It’s genuinely fucking crazy how the entire point of the superhero in 90% of cases is that they are vigilantes who operate outside of the legal system and yet so many of them are given plot lines about how the cops or the military are Awesome. Or like will show them buddy buddy with cops or the government. LIKE STOP ITTTT. STOP ITTTTT. And most of the time too it’s for characters where them being hyper connected with the government etc makes their overall story Worse. Ill use flash as an example bc You Know that guy but I LOVE flash I love him as a disabled character struggling w addiction issues for personal reasons BUT HIM LOSING HIS LEGS LIKE SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE SWANA REGION AND THEN BECOMING A GOVERNMENT GUY IS SO FUCKING ASSSSSSS IT MAKES HIM WORSE AS A CHARACTER AND A PERSON IN A WAY THAT ISNT INTERESTING BECAUSE THEY NEVER SAY ANYTHING INTERESTING ABOUT IT!!!!! Like why the fuck did Flash even become disabled in regard to Going To Commit Imperialism For The U. S. A like NYC gets destroyed on the daily!!!! Have him lose his legs by a building falling on top of him!!!! Im spitballing ideas here but why wasn’t Venom Flash uhhhhhh Him Losing his legs in an event like that, in conjunction with him saving someone else, since this is the era of Symby and Eddie's breakup Symby is slithering along + sees this and helps him out, bc you know they can make their own choices and do what they want and maybe they wanna be a hero too even for a moment, then like maybe a few months later or whatever They Meet again and Symby is like hey….. I felt something when we bonded for that brief time. Im going through something rough too right now (The Divorce) so why don’t we try something new together. AND NOW BOOM. you can have Flash as Venom. Now without the stupid venom as addiction metaphor too! Like if you really fucking want you can include stuff about the government trying to manipulate them or whatever but as a whole this would have been so much better of an angle to start venom flash with but NO that we DIDNT GET Because Of The Military Complex meaning We Cant Ever Have Good Things
i know this is so controversial among the venom fans but like i'm really not that attached to flash lmfao i know nothing about him he's just some guy to me i just know he's so much better than mac gargan cuz by god that was a dark time for venom comics.
so now i'm the one nodding along with you and not adding anything lol. i trust you to come up with a better backstory for him because i literally don't know anything about him beyond the vaguest outline. i don't even know what war he fought in that he lost his legs to i dont know Anything. eddie some little absolute freak to me but flash is just some guy
Like if you really fucking want you can include stuff about the government trying to manipulate them or whatever but as a whole this would have been so much better of an angle to start venom flash with but NO that we DIDNT GET Because Of The Military Complex meaning We Cant Ever Have Good Things
i do have to say though that this is totally how i thought venom 2011 was going to go. the first like, four-ish issues got my hopes up so much. i really honestly thought it was going to be drawing parallels between symby and flash how they are ultimately just tools of the government, just weapons that can be discarded in pushing the military's agenda.
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this whole page drove me insane at the time and it still kinda does. the way flash is lying directly to his superior to stay with symby longer despite how much he's been drilled that being with the symbiote too long is a danger. they aren't friends yet this early but there's still this impulse to stick with it. and it's because they're parallels!!! the symbiote is quite literally being treated as a mindless tool by the government - it's deprived of all rights that a sentient, sapient being requires. it's trapped and it's being forced into serving and fighting on behalf of a government that doesn't even care for it. likewise, flash is being given the illusion of choice, and to some extent he still does have a choice, but he's being so manipulated by the government here that really he is also just a mindless tool for them - or at least, they want him to be mindless about it. the final fucking panel at the bottom of the final page is crazy.
it was such a strong start to a run that i was very apprehensive about due to aforementioned lack of knowledge of flash as a character, and my general fed-up-ness with the way the comics had been handling venom and eddie in general during that irl time period. so i was so so hoping that it would be taking a blatant and staunch anti-military stance, or even at the bare minimum if it was even still done in a liberal way, as long as there was still SOME criticism of the military complex i would be jumping for joy. and the idea of flash and symby then also bonding during all that?!! crazy. but then it just kinda. goes off the fucking rails halfway through that run/??? like demons and hell and satan kinda off the rails. absolute bonkers. i need to reread venom 2011 actually i barely remember it it was like a fever dream to me. could have been because i descended into madness shortly after i read it but i digress
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danothan · 11 months
@cessmaga i felt like this could be its own post!
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this is so funny bc i've said this all before but for some reason it hurts me to read it </3
incoming pondering
i have mixed feelings. the punching bag portrayal of hal definitely feels… selective compared to other characters. lauren faust has said that the way she figured out everyone's personalities was to take their most popular iterations and exaggerate them into distinct roles. and it honestly works well for the show! yes even when it’s ooc! superman being a proud hotshot? well he did have a bit of an ego on him when he was younger, and this superman is 19-20, so that checks out! wonder woman being a fish out of water? i mean, she was even the audience stand-in for g1, it makes sense from a writing standpoint! hell, even "playboy bruce wayne" and "theater kid oliver queen” feel random and ooc, but it’s hilarious and plays on some recognizable tropes of the characters, so i’m definitely not complaining. it’s more important for an adaptation to hold up on its own than be a 1-to-1 reference to the source, and i think there’s smth for both comic fans and first time watchers to enjoy
but hal is more complicated. i didn’t get this impression from him when i first watched dcshg. i can see why they chose him for the jock character, someone had to fill that role after all, and i can see how his moments of silliness in the comics can add to the Dumb in Dumb Jock. like i get where they’re coming from. but it became more abt making hal fit the jock role than making the jock role fit hal
i don’t think it’s all bad tho. his debut ep endeared me upon my second watch. like hal was SUCH a senior, it was mean-spirited, but seniors are just like that 😔👊 sometimes it felt like they were pushing it, but it serviced karen’s character. they’re not making a show called dc superhero GIRLS to make it abt the boys (and i’m certainly not asking them to). so there’s definitely a right way to do it, but i feel like they lost the plot somewhere down the line. how did he downgrade so hard lmao, i can accept the premise but you have to actually like your oc too
this problem isn’t just a hal thing ofc, other decisions felt questionable to me too. like why is diana boy-crazy. the whole “she came from an all-girls island so she fell for the first boy she saw” thing is WILD for her specifically. she came from an all-girls island, connect the dots.
but i do feel like hal consistently gets the brunt of it. maybe it’s just my hal vision, but it feels targeted. how come barry gets to have all these barry-specific quirks and references, but hal is just some generic jock. they’re best friends in the comics! if you know sm abt barry, SURELY you knew that too!
bad characterization aside, my main problem is his (mis)treatment in the show. it’s straight up unpleasant to sit thru, he’s a metaphorical AND literal punching bag. the contrast going between an episode for hal vs anyone else is crazy, it’s like someone read only the worst versions of him and decided to punish the character for being poorly written. oh my god it’s like zack snyder making a superman movie. waittt it’s exactly like that oh god 😭
design-wise… he’s so ugly, every friend i’ve shown a picture to always responded in disgust 💀 and after watching g1, the choices in his redesign speaks volumes to their view of his character. but here’s the thing…
it’s actually rly grown on me I KNOW I’M SORRY. like, okay, his hair style is not doing him any favors (idek what version of him it’s supposed to be inspired by??), and anyone that changes brown eyes to blue/green is my personal enemy. buuuut… he still has his signature cleft chin <:) and his raglan tee is a clever translation of the cut of his GL suit <:)
idk, going from g2 to g1 back to g2 gave me more of an appreciation for the tooniness of the style. we think g1 is better bc it’s inoffensive. it’s bland. i def think the slapstick for hal in g1 felt like laughing with the character instead of at him, and his overuse of constructs is sooo classic hal, but in terms of visual personality, i didn’t get much just by looking at him. i miss that damn jacket tho, no idea why they didn’t keep it
but picture daze wrecked me so bad that it gave me rose-colored glasses and now i can’t remember what it was like to ever think he was ugly
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is it so wrong to think he looks like a sweetie :( a silly little guy :(
sidenote, i haven’t seen this ep before but wth is this:
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this is not a 17-18 year old highschooler, this is a 30-smth divorcee. i think that might be the joke, but tell me why his hair looks more recognizable here than the default 😭
all of this to say: world’s biggest hypocrite over here defending dcshg hal after talking essays worth of shit abt him LMAO. i accidentally gave him a consciousness and now it feels like he’s the victim of bad writing rather than the perpetrator of it. i’m not even mad that they made him a dumb jock anymore, i just want him to be happy ☹️
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caatws · 11 months
Are the ravagers really the opposite of the guardians when it comes to saving the galaxy and doing good vs not? I think that after Vol 2 they got to be better, especially since Yondu's sacrifice. Not to mention that his crew has made of half assholes and half not so much assholes and that part died (except for Kraglin of course). I know that it might seem like an issue but I am pretty sure that the ravagers are not a bunch of bad guys now and that makes Gamora a bad person when the movie showed us she is still good and kind like her past self.
Even if they aren’t ~exact opposites~ I still don’t think the ravagers have ever been portrayed as particularly benevolent in the way gamora was, and I’d argue she was the most benevolent among the original gotg. I think it’s sometimes easy to forget that the circumstances that landed gamora among the gotg in vol 1 were different from the others who were run of the mill criminals - while peter, rocket, and groot were down to steal stuff and make a profit and drax would murder someone if he felt it was justified, gamora was simply there bc of thanos. yes she also committed countless acts of violence and other crimes herself, but it had always been bc of thanos and her not rly getting much choice in the matter, while the rest of the gotg were probably more willing to do like petty theft and shit for their own personal gain. For what being a guardian probably meant to gamora, what the ravagers do seems to go against her vol 1 interests the most, compared to the other gotg’s.
We honestly never rly get a proper read on the ravagers outside of yondu’s crew outside of the knowledge that they don’t traffick kids (but are there rules abt not trafficking adults? idr that being clear), the vol 2 funeral scene, and their vol 3 scenes with gamora, so it’s hard to say how morally good or bad they were. I mean even yondu was a “good ravager” yet he still abused Peter during his childhood. Perhaps if the other ravagers helped in the battle for earth like yondu’s crew helped fight ronan on Xandar this would be clearer, but they didn’t. In vol 3 we see that the way they seem to operate is by forcefully boarding your ship and essentially robbing you at gunpoint which LOL I’d argue for as much petty theft as the gotg might engage in, they probably don’t go that far.
Again, another way this could have been fixed and also helped with gamora’s storyline is showing how she and her big heart rubbed off on the ravagers the way they rubbed off on the other gotg in vol 1!
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sassycordy · 2 years
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welcome to part two of me pretending to know about fashion ahah. usual disclaimer! this is just my own personal opinion on how i would dress rodney today, if you don’t agree with me that’s perfectly fine! also if it helps to imagine things better, i like the picture the team wearing these outfits around the age of 25 ahah.
ok so! to the left, we have his day to day outfits. if i had to pick a word i associate his every day looks with it would be “soft boy that doesn’t look as put together” ahha. the giant blue hoodie is self explanatory (he’s such a stereotypical nerd lmfao) and I think blue is his Best color (it matches his eyes <3). next up are the bottoms, and I personally don’t think any of the men on Stargate Atlantis would wear skinny jeans lol so i put rodney in a more wide length jeans cut! we have another outfit with the classic blue jeans (imagine them as baggy but stylish) + i added some beige (and a lot of other browns to his look) because its a color he wears a lot in the show and i think it suits him! now i had to add a stripped shirt and a nerdy shirt because c’mon its rodney lol. weirdly his shoes were the most difficult part of this collage lol. on one hand, i think rodney would try to wear sandals/berks because he’s lazy and doesn’t care much about his appearance but i also believe rodney wouldn’t be the guy to have his toes out (he’d find it so unprofessional LMFAO) so I went with the safe choice and gave him some white sneakers cause dammit rodney im giving you a brighter palette.
up next we have his vacation outfit and honestly again, this entire look is self explanatory. elizabeth definitely made him that t-shirt so ppl on the base would leave him alone on his days off ahah. i also gave him some of that classic rodney charm with khaki cargo shorts! and last but definitely not least, the dreaded pair of socks and sandals. unfortunately, in my heart …. i know he would wear this combination. (I was gonna say I can fix him but lets be honest, if john can’t do it I cant do it lol).
his formal wear was another easy one to nail as I think the show actually did rly well in this area (shocking I know)! he would love the classic black tux but i also think he would throw in a bow tie to spice his look up ahah. although he would stick to a black bow tie because of course he can’t go Too crazy. and for his more casual business attire, i went with a brown sweater vest! rodney is basically a 500 year old man stuck in young body aha so I think he would love the “grandpa” aesthetic (do we know anything about rodney’s grandparents bc idk i just get a vibe rodney might’ve been close to them).
accessories time! we have a black belt because again rodney = grandpa and i think he would wear belts. (don’t really have a reason, i just get the vibes). and lastly we have this simple black bracelet. rodney is definitely against accessories (too flashy for him) so i think this really simple bracelet (handmade by teyla) would be the only thing he would wear. and I think he would only wear it on special occasions like for his beach vacation ahah (its too dangerous to wear in the lab bc something could get on it and he’d have to ask teyla to make him another one).
andddd that’s it! honestly this one was pretty self explanatory and all things considered, i think the wardrobe department on atlantis did a great job with rodney! this series is all about modernizing the outfits, color palettes, and bringing more of their personality into their clothes (which definitely comes through for this one lol). i had so much fun putting these looks together! be on the look out for miss elizabeth weir.
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pocketsizedquasar · 3 years
it’s been a bit now so. misc 200/end of mag in general thoughts? under a cut because this is a bit long, and i will preface this to say that i mostly enjoyed the episode but this is going to be mostly my criticisms, bc i feel like the good parts have already been well covered by people other than me. so yeah just a warning this is mostly crit
- it’s Still very hard for me to parse how i feel about this episode, but i think after sitting on it for a bit, i’ve come to the general conclusion that i am very satisfied plot-wise (in terms of tragedy/the structure of tragedies, the open-endedness of our ending, the general Writing TM), but not so much satisfied character-wise (in terms of arc and relationship resolution). I think we deserved more resolution on wtgfs -- i wanted more with them! more with melanie and jon; more with the melanie and georgie and basira’s side of the plan. more than that really small tidbit that we got at the end! and... honestly? a little bit more emphasis on the weight of Jon actually dooming other worlds in the end, and what that means for Jon and for wtgfs/basira. Especially with the context of the consequences re: the Web...won. no caveats or complications, the Web got. Exactly what it wanted.
- on that note,  From a uh. Critique against capitalism standpoint I’m not sure how I feel about the ending? And I don’t really want to. Read too much into what isn’t there? But I mean mag has long been a pretty explicit anticapitalist narrative so...? Yeah, I’m not a big fan of the implications of WTGFs and basira basically just being treated as narratively right in terms of letting the eldritch evil stand-in for capitalism have whatever it wanted and feeding it and doing exactly what it asked them to do. and having Little consequence as a result of that. Obviously they’ll still face loads of hardship, but that comes from the apocalypse, not from, like,.,, doing the direct bidding of the Capitalist Monster/System/etc to be clear, i’m not like...mad they made the “wrong” decision; there was no wrong or right decision here. but I am a little upset that for all they spent 199 discussing the various consequences of each choice, we got to see very little of that actual consequence playing out...none of the survivors seem to really be carrying the guilt or even the full understanding of what they did, because they never saw the suffering they could create as anything more than a hypothetical. i feel like we could have spent just a bit more time with them dealing with that. a bit more time even with jon dealing with that, a bit more time spent on jon changing his mind. other people have said as much better than me but. yeah
- i feel like there was a lot of character stuff brought up in s5 and especially act iii that i would’ve loved to have seen more resolution of. why have that whole thing about Georgie telling jon to give melanie his last words himself, if Jon was going to come back but then never bring that up again (full disclosure this is smthn that @pronouncingitwang​ brought up!)? Why have Jon say he was “going to go  apologize to [his] boyfriend”/Jon tell Martin multiple times that they were going to talk about their fight “later” and then not have that happen on screen? Why did we have two whole episodes of cultist interactions if they were just going to be removed off screen? Why have martin’s “I’ll get jon to destroy me like the others” decision if that doesn’t really come up? what about salesa!! why tell us melanie hating jon is a projection of her self hatred and then not bring that up again? why give annabelle all those juicy interactions with martin and then turn her into a monster when jon shows up, why give her so much character and backstory and then so thoroughly remove her agency? why have all these really cool parallels between jon and annabelle if annabelle is just going to be this monstrous and agency-less plot device with no follow-up? what happened to her!
- on that note...annabelle. They... really took this character who is a Black woman and who had so many parallels to Jon and who they could’ve like. very easily Actually made into a protagonist of color (because we only got one!! and she’s a cop!!!!) (or if not protagonist, at least smthn more sympathetic), (which wouldn’t have negated previous racial problems w tma, but would’ve shown growth from them) and made her a scary monster who just Serves her capitalist entity overlord without personal agency and then bows out when she’s no longer needed...you can have whatever diagetic/watsonian explanations you want for how 197 went, like sure she was just ~being dramatic~ and putting on a show for jon, but all that is still something the writers Decided to do in the real world, and the racial implications of her character arc are just. not great. and her character had So much more narrative potential. idk i will forever be salty about annabelle
- i Still Don’t Like the web being sentient!! i said this after 197 and i’m sayin it again! i think it makes it less frightening and less interesting! with the End being aware of its own, well, end, I actually thought that worked, and i really liked the corpse routes ep, but for some reason I didn’t with the Web? which seems hypocritical of me, I know, but, look: The embodiment of the fear of dying being aware of and welcoming its own dying emphasizes the inevitability and the truth of that fear. Which is why it works for the End. It’s still not recognizably /human/, because it is inexorable and certain, in a way nothing human can be. So its awareness of its own end DOESNT feel like flattening the worldbuilding. And using my own logic, I guess sure you could say the embodiment of the fear of manipulation and schemes being capable of scheming does the same thing but it. It rly doesn’t feel the same to me? Bc that’s rly a fear borne of human sentience & behavior. and so to give it that sentience makes it feel more human, and less interesting within the context of the horror. this is definitely just a personal taste thing as far as how i like horror and eldritch deities and such but yeah.
- i liked the statement a lot like, as a little self contained story? it was really nice to have jon give us one last story before the end. I thought that was sweet and i liked how the statement was written! on the same note though, i could’ve also gone without knowing like. the entire cosmology of how the fears came into being. again, just a personal thing, i don’t like my horror to be known, even at the end of it all when it doesn’t matter what we’re still scared of anymore. I just. I want my fears to be frightening and beyond comprehension and unknowable. it just leads me to have more questions than i really need at the Final episode? i would love to keep the jon giving us one final statement thing, and you know what? i would've loved: statement of the archivist, regarding jonathan sims. no idea what you’d do with that but it sounds cool in my head.
- very minor and very specific-to-me thing but i Don’t Like that basira got to be the Last Words...sorry y’all I just don’t like basira i can’t get behind trying to make me feel sympathetic for a cop who stood by and let people get murdered by the state for years and only felt bad about it bc fearpocalypse i just can’t. i don’t like her never have never will and also melanie and georgie are right there why didn’t they get to have the last words it would have been so much better ... why not have the person who loved jon and Knew very deeply his tendency to self-sacrifice say something or why not the person who is in-canon very similar to Jon and self-admittedly projecting her self hatred onto him say some sort of her own attempt at peace why not either of these two ahhhh
- i uhhhh. really liked jon killing jonah. jon for once getting to be angry for himself. that felt really nice. no ceaseless watcher nonsense either, just him and a knife and beating the shit out of this guy who even now continues to underestimate and belittle him. and i liked jon doing what he did in general -- i actually changed my mind on this; i really didn’t like it at first but i do now. i’m sad that it came at the expense of his promise to martin, but it makes sense and...i don’t want to say jon was right, because i again don’t think any of the decisions were right per se, but in terms of like... not doing what the “elder fear deity who wants to feed on fear and pain for literal eternity” wanted... yeah. i get it. he would never have been able to go along with that willingly. and he really shouldn’t have been, considering all that he went through being a puppet for said elder fear deity. and from a tragedy standpoint too, i actually think it’s a really really well written end for him. considering how my favorite tragedies are structured and how the way out has to be presented to us, but the tragic hero Ultimately will always fall back on their faults, yeah, this makes a lot of sense. hamlet is granted a way out and he doesn’t take it; he always always hesitates. captain ahab is granted the chance to turn and leave his chase and love instead, and he doesn’t take it. orpheus turns around. etc etc. I think it was also really lovely that jon got a twist on that, that in the end he did change, for just a moment, and chose love instead. even in the face of all the horror that that might mean. i really like that he and martin are together, wherever or however they are. that martin is allowed to feel (rightly) furious and betrayed and still so, so unconditionally in love. 
idk i have more thoughts probably but again they’re very hard to parse and mostly just getting into the super specific realm which i don’t think is particularly helpful
i have a lot of feelings for jon and martin and their ending i think it was the best possible ending we could’ve gotten for those two and i Am really. I just have a lot of feelings.
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oodlyenough · 3 years
life is strange true colours review
the non spoilery part: i LOVED this game, my personal fave game this year and the first franchise entry since the original that has really resonated with or moved me.
it's a life is strange game through and through, so if you don't like slice of life episodes or bonding with NPCs, it's not gonna be for you. but if you like the franchise, or even if you liked the first game but haven't been interested in/liked the other two instalments, i recommend giving this one a chance. i think it got closer to figuring out the formula while still doing something new and interesting.
more detailed spoilers and opinions:
holy shit i love alex? bisexual chad... my darling... i'm gonna be real, a lot of the trailers and promo for this game made me worried she'd be kind of a dull wallflower Soft Girl character, but she's not! she's so funny, and even parts of her characterization i initially thought were maybe a bit of a stretch ended up making sense as i learned more about her. she stole the show. i straight up forgot how much loving the protag helps enjoyment of these kinds of games lmao ... finally a reason to click on everything in the room: to hear what alex will say about it.
i thought her backstory exploration in ep 5 especially was wonderful and emotive and great. broke my heart and explained so much about her :( baby girl
i loved the mystery. i don't think it was quite as Mysterious as the mystery in lis1, but that was okay, i was still invested in solving it. i also got invested enough in the NPCs around the town to make all the exploration bits really fun. i loved eavesdropping on the sagas of the random NPCs like bald man and ice cream couple... just fun little touches and narratives to follow that i enjoyed.
i really appreciated this script not being afraid to shy away from some messier emotions, even if in some cases i wish we spent more time on them. for example: alex feeling a bit jealous of the other people in town that got to know gabe better than her/spend more time with him than she did. or charlotte hating ethan!!! my jaw dropped, i thought that was so good, what a messy but realistic response.
I'm not entirely sure what all the ramifications of different choices are at this point, fresh off my first play. i ended up getting only part of the council to stand with me (eleanor & duckie) while losing pike and charlotte.
i do wish we saw a bit more fallout or exploration of what taking away emotion DOES. i took charlotte's anger, and obviously it meant she didn't stand up for me in the council meeting, but where does she go from there? does she like... ever return to feeling emotions lmao... I also think we probably should've had the opportunity to do that another time, instead of just 2 isolated events -- I think Diane would've been a good candidate.
the romance
i romanced steph, ofc, but i was surprised during the game how drawn i was to ryan too -- i really liked that Drama of him being the one who cut Gabe free, as well as later the drama of him being Jed's son. UNTIL HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME... that made me mad lmfao, i have to learn what to do to make him believe me before i play a Ryan route bc i'll kill him lmfao.
the steph/alex romance was sweet... it didn't really, like, Consume Me as a ship, but by the end of the game I was still "aww"ing at their moments in the flashforward. steph was more rounded and flawed than i thought she might be, which i really appreciated! i was worried they'd just make her perfect idealized gf, but she has a bit of a temper and is kind of tempestuous and stuff... liked it. loved her standing up for alex so fiercely and immediately at the council meeting <3 and my main reservation about her in ep 4 was that i wanted alex to stay in haven, so when she offered to stay i was thrilled LOL
one semi-complaint i had was that something i loved so much about lis1 was how max and chloe's relationship was central to the entire game and story, it wasn't some extra thing on the side, it WAS the game... whereas here, the romance routes, especially steph's, felt like sidequests. I wish they'd found a way to incorporate those relationships a bit more into the main goings-on. I also wanted to spend more time with either romance option to feel like I knew them better -- splitting the time between Steph and Ryan means that I came away feeling like I didn't get quite as much of either of them as I would've liked, vs spending almost the entire game with Chloe lol.
however, this ended up not really bothering me too much because I DID really like the core mystery and themes, the exploration of grief and Emotion, etc.
other characters
considering everyone knew going into the game that gabe was going to die, i was impressed with how they did it, and how they managed to get me attached to gabe in a mere single episode. it's a tall order to introduce a character designed to die, who your audience KNOWS is going to die, and still make them work.
i thought this supporting cast was ... maybe the strongest in the franchise? or at least, they created scenarios where i felt invested in multiple people in the town, and was genuinely trying to build decent relationships with most of them. duckie cracked me tf up, i liked eleanor and riley, even diane and jeb were good for their roles. (fuck pike. i signed ur stupid thing and left your emotions alone and you still won't do shit? ACAB!!!) the choice to stay in haven or leave was a little harder than i expected honestly, considering how quickly i let arcadia bay burn to the ground lmfao.
also i know the whole internet has been dunking on "empathy" as a super power since the game was announced, and i get that it sounds corny and looks corny in the trailers, but i thought how they did it was really cool. i wish they'd branded it "Mindreading" more than empathy tbh because a lot of the cooler elements of it are more along those lines... using her power to manipulate people, potentially taking people's emotions away and what that does to them... very interesting imo!
i really liked the memory feature!!! cool way to give us character exposition and inform the story while encouraging exploration. finally a collectible that like, expands the story, instead of chloe drawing butts on the wall and sean taking 10 years to draw something.
it's definitely the most evolved-feeling LIS game, which it should be, given it's the newest. graphics looked really nice, loved getting to see the characters actually emote, even if there are still some scenes that were a lil comically blank-faced -- usually NPCs. i actually noticed this with Jed the most, which in retrospect maybe was somewhat intentional?
i had a number of visual glitches, nothing major but a little silly, like T-posing Alex, npcs t-posing in the windows, etc. i'm sure they'll get patched out soon.
anyway... i rly liked this game, i'm excited for the steph dlc and finally feel like i have reason to be optimistic about future LIS instalments. hooray!
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saetoru · 2 years
rating my usernames in all my time on tumblr !!
don’t even bother commenting on how many blogs and urls i went through. i know. i was having a rough time being content okay. let’s not get into it
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my first sfw blog
everesteen - i made this url in middle school with a friend. i genuinely don’t know where it came from or what it means. i am almost certain it was an inside joke on something, but i really can’t remember. i posted my first writing on my tumblr i had since middle school with that exact url, and i ran with it for a while before i decided i needed an anime url. i give it a solid 8/10 for nostalgias sake
teesumu - this url was insanely perfect. it was my whole life at one point. atsumu was my whole life at one point. there were times where i genuinely thought he might take sakusa’s place as my top, but i have stayed loyal to kiyoomi. the kiyoomi url i wanted was taken so this was my second choice and i ran with it and it was so iconic. 15/10
itachiyama - i literally jumped through hoops to contact the person who had itachiyama and asked them if i could have it and they were so sweet about it. i honestly felt like god when i got that url. i was on the fence about changing from teesumu to itachiyama but it was such a power move to have a canon url that i couldn’t not use it. only downside is that since it was a canon url, i got drowned in the tumblr search when you searched me by all the itachiyama related posts so i give it a solid 9.5/10
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my first nsfw blog
kiyownme - this url is still so close to my heart. someone took it after i changed it and i forgot to save it on a blank blog so i have them blocked now out of pure spite bc i’m salty. this was a wonderful play on his name and it’s very representative of our relationship since kiyoomi does in fact own me. absolute 11/10
saintmanjiro - this was also a url i used briefly on my old nsfw and then after i deactivated i used it on this one for a bit too. it was good. it was basic and stuff, but saintmanjiro sounds rly good and rolls off the tongue nicely. it has a good ring to it. i give it an 8/10
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my personal/writing side blogs (very brief blogs)
minejiro - a great play on manjiros name. i love it. this was basically a personal blog that i had my tokrev and mha side blogs attached to when i deactivated and moved from teesumu / itachiyama. i didn’t post a lot on this blog, but popping into peoples inboxes with minejiro as my url was pretty neat. i give it an 8/10 too.
drakensbby - this was my first tokrev side blog url. this was a flashback to when draken was my first love from tokrev. i heavily replaced him so rip king. but i kinda hated this url ngl. it was so basic and everyone said it was cute and all but i was like no. i need a better one. i was gonna get a better draken url once i thought of one, but before that could happen, i went to loving hanma. 5/10
shujisbaby - this url was a step up from the last one, but also not very unique. it was pretty bland. but i am shuji’s baby so this is not exactly a lie, but it could’ve been better. this can have a 6.5/10
shujiphoria - this url was so cute. she was such an icon. she carried my url history on her back with her slay queening girl bossing self. she was such a great play on his name. i loved her. but then she was also still kind of basic bc there were a lot of phoria urls going around so i was like ugh nooo but i still loved her. 9.5/10
hanmine - this was good. it was great. i liked it. it really established my dominance as hanma’s one and only. he’s mine you know. but then ppl kept saying it looked like hanime and i was like :/ so 7/10
katsuphilia - this was my mha side. she never had a url change bc i never rly used her oops. she was cute. she was adorable. you couldn’t go wrong with her. she had a cute theme too. i liked her. 8.5/10
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this blog
hoeruchiyo - besides briefly being saintmanjiro as stated above, this was my next url. it was good. i like it a lot. i was having a bigggg sanzu phase at the time so i rly rly liked it. the downside of this one is that since it has hoe at the front, and tumblr ig censors that word a bit, when you searched me, i didn’t show up at first unless you typed like half the url instead of just the first few letters and that kind of bothered me. i give it a 7/10 bc i love sanzu, but not enough to commit to a url for him bc i love hanma and shinichiro more
sakusins - i actually planned on using this as my first nsfw url wayyyy back and then i backed out and then when i decided again that i’d have a nsfw and actually committed to it, i used kiyownme instead. i never actually had a sakusa url under any blogs i went by tee on (i used an alias on my old nsfw), so i thought it was long overdue. i rly love this url and i’m very content with it and i don’t think i’ll be changing any time soon at all. it’s short and cute, it shows up on the search properly, it’s a fun play on his name, and it has relation to my blog content. very great url choice i rly slay queened with this one. 10/10.
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whatiwillsay · 2 years
i honestly put taylor in the same category as phoebe bridgers, mitski, brie larson, the girl from “you”. where it’s like, yeah they’re bi (out or closeted) but they’re not as “gay” as you think they are, and i don’t mean that in an invalidating way. like take phoebe for example, her whole thing that the internet brands her as is “making music for bi girls/ gay girls” but she’s only had serious relationships with men. and when she was dating a woman, she was having threesomes with the girl’s bf before they got together.
some bi women prefer men, which is fine but the internet will make it seem like they’re 99-1 women-men. and then get upset when they’re posting their bf. recently i’ve been wondering if taylor is in that boat, and i’m not taking her music as “proof” of how much she likes women bc she’s just a rly rly good songwriter?? is this a way to make her queer fans feel included or are they her lived experiences/feelings? something i think about.
yeah this is the kind of discourse that bores me immensely because there’s never going to be any pure way to see what bi women prefer men because it’s a natural preference (and there are many women like that and they’re valid and i love them and support them fully as members of the lgbt community) and what bi women “prefer men” because society hates women AND hates gay people.
like for one we don’t know who prefers men and who doesn’t but let’s say taylor does. do you think being endlessly told (either explicitly or just picking up on context clues around the industry) at 15, 16, 17 that dating a woman would ruin her life and ruin her career and ruin her family’s reputation just MIGHT have had a little impact on who she chooses to date? do you think that making hundreds of millions of dollars off selling songs exclusively (in the public’s eye) about famous women just might have had a little impact on what she prefers?
like you’re basically saying “so and so only publicly dates men and of course society LOVES GAY WOMEN like the butcher and gayer the better! we are completely past misogyny and homophobia as a nation 😌 so yes all the women who publicly only date men, even though at times they’re not even allowed to choose what they wear, that is 100% their preference and choice, no one has ever hid a part of themselves from the public ever so these dating preferences must be legit and innate 😌” like no. society hates women and gay people there is absolutely no point in digging around and analyzing and trying to sus out who prefers what. did you say elton john preferred women when he married a woman? did you say kehlani preferred men before they were out as a lesbian?
furthermore some women like lady gaga and miley are on record as saying yes i openly dated a woman the press ignored it. so like… how do you even know who is dating women and prefers them?
taylor MAY prefer men and if she does that’s great im happy for her (because her life is much easier for it) but we don’t know that for sure and it’s very silly to think someone’s public image can tell you their preference in a society polluted with hatred.
but yes the internet is overrun with people who think that a bi woman must prefer men and that’s simply not true in all cases and the only reason people do that is misogyny and homophobic heteronormativity and i’m bored of it.
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impulstor · 3 years
explanations behind my song choice for my 3lsmp playlist under the read more! keep in mind, some of these songs don't really have a reason beyond just... vibes. and that some ideas have changed over time. anyway!
playlist here
anti-hero — originally added as an etho song, and still applies. with him being prepared to fight & kill for ren + the rest of the red army. also, he tends to be a bit unpredictable and has a very different moral standing from someone like, say, martyn.
kill the sun — fits with the series as a whole, with shifting alliances and friendships, and with people killing and being killed by one another.
special — this ones for all the mfs who didn't pick a side until really late, or were bouncing between factions for a while 💪. especially for tango, as an example, making friends with someone who he can also consider his enemy, and being completely unsure where he stands in any group, though he wants to have their faith.
villain — this song is just really good for making a mental amv for lmao. it's good for demonstrating differing alliances n sides, n of course that applies here.
oh, death — not a lot of specific thoughts for this, just. yknow, death, vibes, dying for someone, watching your friend die, etc.
6up 5oh cop-out — first of all, I'm just a slut for will wood sometimes. second, a lot of the lyrics on their own could 100% be applied to events in the series (I mean I did use some from it for my etho n tango drawing for funsies) so. it's a strange song but the vibes fit well, in my opinion :]
kill of the night — a bit self explanatory, I think. in a series about trying to outlive, and to eventually kill your friends? no doubt you're going to end up hunting certain people down, hmmm? revenge, n all that. works well for multiple characters, really.
you're gonna go far, kid — impulse. just like. tango, or maybe etho, at impulse. "with a thousand lies and a good disguise, hit em right between the eyes" I meaaan 🤔 how is it NOT impulse lmao
kill the lights — once again, killing, death, murder, yknow. good vibes. also people lying and betraying one another, and watching as their friends and enemies die in front of them, people being changed by the events that transpire.. also technically they ARE actors sooo. kill the actor, yknow
mad IQs — mostly this song just slaps (thank you eexer 🙏) but also the lyrics fit well with the events! death, murder, killing your friends, burning. there is a lot of fire.
go get your gun — works very well for the whole war goin on. one side vs another, fighting and losing allies, fighting to win for their fallen allies, cheating fate if they DO win. also the line "when this is over, we'll raise a glass straight up to the sun" could be seen as like. everyone coming together to be friends once it's all over bc they are!
c'est la vie — it fits well. bad things happen, you lose people, you hurt, karma kicks your ass, but that's just life, and that's the game. c'est la vie.
i'm gonna win — fits for how they're all fighting to be the last one standing. and also with having to work through literally dying and to not give up, if you want to win.
mr capgras... — once again, I just like will wood. also fits well with people fighting each other, mostly with the chorus. "you'll never take me alive" / "you better pray that I die" likjkeeeee 👀 you could make art fitting those lyrics tbh
curses — red & green duos (at least. when they were intact :/) sticking together, taking care of one another when everything is going to hell, people are dying, and it's getting intense. they trust each other, at least.
under the pressure — don't really have something specific, it just fits well, with the lyrics. honestly this one fits well as a skizz song, now that I'm thinking about it. he went from trying to be friends with a lotta people to taking two out for good and went out in a blaze of glory. yea. that's what I got lol
everybody wants to rule the world — I dont think I really need an explanation for this one. it just fits well with everyone trying to win the whole game, and with everything slowly ramping up in intensity
rebels — for scar and grian being crime bros for the first while :] everything IS burning, good for them!
outrunning karma — impulse once again. playing everyone, playing to everyones good sides as much as he could, until the act didnt matter anymore. but karma might really kick him in the ass, if he ends up as one of the last survivors, and others turn on him for betraying everyone earlier on.
you're nobody til somebody wants you dead — shrug emoji. just fits well mostly. friends fighting eachother, betrayal, yadda yadda.
thanks i hate it — mmm,, tango? idk, im just a tango enjoyer, and he has spent quite a bit of effort trying to please certain groups to like. no avail. especially team crastle. like tbh he was solidly on board with em for a while, and mightve gone back to them on his own. but cleo blackmailed him anyway. rip tango.
the riddle — ALL OF IT. the whole series. it fits
crazy = genius — i dont rly like brendan urie like at all. so i might remove it from the playlist at some point. but it does fit with scar and grian being villains.
icarus — mmm fits well with grian. with the wing imagery, and with the fact that he made SO many enemies by working with scar. and he never reaallllyyyyy apologized, did he? he's walking a dangerous line, with few allies,
cradles — idk lmao. vibes only.
wolf in sheeps clothing — impulse again mostly lol. sung by skizz or etho probably. betrayal <3
how villains are made — again, for those neutral parties that had to choose a side. its about being torn between two sides & having to choose. honestly, I could see it fitting bigb, if he does some funky villain stuff next session. he deserves it I think <3
killing butterflies — trauma, ouchie, angst, murder your friends. everything hurts.
king — ren!! that's it.
little lion man — bruh if ren dies and leaves martyn alone.... ghost ren to martyn.... ouch.
gives you hell — red army @ sand people. specifically etho and ren get to be petty at scar i think
wine red — [gestures vaguely] all of it
i bet my life — red and green duos again. though it could be after some of them permadie.
miss missing you — (thanks again eexer this one also slaps <3) ouch impulse and tango angst. or impulse and etho angst. OR etho and tango angst. THEM. :(
youth — all of it but like. after it's over. just like going back and looking at how it all went down.
a gorey demise — i just think it would be fun to animate everyone's different deaths to this song tbh
another one bites the dust — they are once again Dying. but it's not angsty and dramatic this time.
god rest ye merry gentlemen — 😔 the whole thing again. pain
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
hi, im new :) Dont worry abt what u write its rly good and ily💗 i came 2 stay and hope ur doing well!
I was hoping if i could get some fluffy™ headcanons or a scenario -whatever ur choice is- with a female reader and L.J? The reader has a strong sense of justice but is extremely compassiomate, wise, quiet/shy and like touch starved🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻 sorry if im crinGe i need more content of him on this site-- Im not sure what else to add 2 help u w this since i just woke up lolol but yeah thank u sm in advance, i wish u all the best💌💛💋
hello newbie! thank you for stopping by and i’m glad you want to stay! i am doing pretty well (i took down my x-mas decorations today and there are a lot of them bc decorating is fun, so i had mini chocolate santas as a reward lol) i hope you are well, also! and thank you so much for the writing compliment, it means a lot to me!!
🍬 LJ x Reader (compassionate, wise, quiet/shy, touch-starved, strong sense of justice, female) Relationship HCs 🍬
🍬 LJ thinks you’re the cutest girl in the whole world!!
🍬 He adores your compassionate nature, it makes him feel very happy to have such a caring girlfriend 
🍬 He also likes that you are wise. It makes him feel very proud to have such a smart girlfriend. 
🍬 You will have to step in to keep him out of trouble, and he'll listen to you.
🍬 If you tell him that telling that joke at the dinner table is a bad idea, or that you shouldn't trap a bunch of bees to launch at Jeff's head because he won't find it too funny, then he won't do it. 
🍬 Which is saying something, because LJ usually just does what he wants despite other people's opinions because he thinks his bad jokes/pranks are funny. 
🍬 But also, if you'd like to have some fun with him, you could tell him literally anything in a serious tone and he'd believe it 100%. 
🍬 He trusts whatever you say because you are wise (especially compared to him lol, he's the opposite of wise) 
🍬 If you have a strong sense of justice, that can mean a couple of different things: 
Situation One: You're really into criminal justice and the law. This can be sort of a problem because, you know, LJ's "line of work". But LJ is totally justified in his actions IMO (remember, he 'deals with' those who have hurt children) so hopefully you understand. It's his personal way of dishing out justice, and if you get behind him on that, it'll make him feel even better about what he does. He'll be sure to keep you away from people like Jeff though, who don't dish out justice. 
Situation Two: You're really into justice as in people being fair and treating others well, with those who don't getting what's coming to them in the end (like karma). LJ would love this, as he believes that being nice and making others happy is the key to your own happiness. Again, he would keep you away from Jeff who is kind of believes the opposite.
Situation Three: You're really into social justice (LGBTQ+ rights, equality, racial diversity, etc) which LJ adores about you. You correct him on his outdated language (he was created in the 1800s, and obviously times have changed since then). He would never want to offend anybody, but he often genuinely doesn't know because society has progressed past when people considered certain things appropriate in the 1800s. So if he says something outdated, please gently correct him, he wants to know and he'll refrain from using that word/phrase in the future. LJ also finds social justice topics very interesting, he could listen to you talk about them for hours.
🍬 LJ is easily excited by the small things. 
🍬 "LOOK, LOOK!" 
"What is it, LJ!?" 
 "T-that's it? Why are you shouting then?"
 "He's like me :)" 
🍬 Honestly, he finds joy in little things like that. Seeing a fellow clown on TV. Judging by the way he talks though, you would have thought that something incredible was going on. 
🍬 LJ's also very loud in everything he does. 
🍬 This fool has no concept of "using your indoor voice". 
🍬 He's also extremely outgoing and extroverted, and he loves talking to people about anything and everything. 
🍬 Ah, but you're quiet/shy? 
🍬 That's okay, he'll do the talking for the both of you :) 
🍬 He'll also try to take the spotlight from you if you're uncomfortable with being the center of attention. LJ adores being the center of attention, so it's the opposite of a problem for him. 
🍬 Everyone kind of thinks you make a funny couple; the sweet, quiet girl and the obnoxiously loud clown. 
🍬 But those kinds of pairings can be the best ones. Opposites do attract, after all.
🍬 Also. You're touch-starved? Well.... 
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🍬 This is literally what happens. (I made this meme myself because I had a stroke of inspiration lmao) 
🍬 Girl, he was trapped in a BOX for YEARS.
🍬 Also like, he's spent many decades without any romantic partners, so now that he's got a girlfriend he's eager to be all touchy-feely 
🍬 He really likes that you are touch-starved as well, so you won’t mind his abundance of affection. 
🍬 LJ loves to give hugs <3 He gives surprisingly great hugs with his noodle-y arms
🍬 Loves to cuddle as well. Major cuddle-bug. You are small compared to him, (no matter how tall you are, he is taller) so you're like a lil stuffed animal for him to snuggle up to. 
🍬 All in all, LJ loves you and you would make a perfect couple <3 
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also, don’t worry about being cringe/self-indulgent! that’s what this blog is for, essentially!
- breadstick 🥖
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angeltrapz · 3 years
oosdkk dude im sorry ur mood dropped too.. i hope u feel better soon <3 but like i wld love 2 hear more abt ur thoughts on Art in general bc Boy Is He Interesting, and also a lil more abt Daniel coming out as nonbinary to his dad (whether he knows Eric is trans or not at that moment skjdfhdskf)! + if ur feelin it just more abt Mallick in general ESP cuz we agree that Brit doesn't make it thru V
djhfjdks thank u sm <3
okay Art first. I genuinely wonder abt him so much, something in specific I think abt is that aside frm Amanda (+ Eric, obviously, but talkin abt disciples) Art is one of the only trap victims EVER 2 be tested twice and it’s like... what’s that abt? Why? as u’ve said b4 it rly depends on how you personally view his character: whether he’s a disciple or not. fr me, both options are equally plausible, n honestly I don’t rly confine myself to either; it sorta depends on what I’m feeling/writing. if we’re talking abt art being a disciple, then the Spinecutter not going off (one of my BIGGEST questions) makes total sense, as Hoffman’s side of the trap was never set up to work either, + Jigsaw disciples have a history (aside from Lawrence) of appearing as victims in other tests/traps. if he were not just another pawn and was in fact a disciple himself, then the Spinecutter was never meant to go off - it was there just to make Eric think it COULD go off/make it look convincing to outsiders. which brings me to ANOTHER question: what does Art know abt Eric? does he know anything? what does he think of Eric?
(lil side note: if Art is a disciple, then I kinda wonder if it’s a lil bit of a Hoffman + Lawrence situation where Hoffman didn’t know abt Art either? just bc he looks so shocked when he sees Art’s face fully fr the first time... that could’ve just been acting on Hoffman’s part but IDK. food fr thought)
personally, I feel like Art probably does know a lil bit abt Eric - at the very least, he’d know tht Eric had been previously tested + failed by John’s rules, but then I feel that he wld also know Eric didn’t rly have a chance in his second test. that is why Art trying so fucking hard to keep Eric alive is interesting 2 me: what is his motivation 2 do that? like he’s been told Eric’s basically just there to get Rigg to participate, he doesn’t have any personal obligation or anything like that. sure, the aim is to keep Eric alive + see if Rigg can pass his “test,” but nobody said anything about grabbing a man you barely know around his ankles to keep him frm hanging himself w a noose made of chains. nobody said anything abt speaking to him so softly, not even raising your voice beyond saying “hey,” and asking him do you understand? when you tell him to keep still and prevent him frm killing his counterpart (which, if Art is a disciple, he knows it won’t, but he still speaks to Eric so softly, so compassionately, doesn’t he?)
nobody said anything abt grabbing him around the waist and steadying him again after being punched by said man. but Art does that. he stabilizes Eric’s feet on the ice as best he can and he keeps his hips straight and he basically says “look, we’re all stuck here, you need to keep it together ‘til that clock counts down if you want us to live, but I’m giving you a choice,” and he presses the gun w the single bullet into Eric’s hands and tells him it’s up to him. nobody said Art had to care but he does, I think, and it’s just like. he really didn’t have to keep Eric alive over the course of Rigg’s test. he didn’t. but he did and I just,, where does it come from? why does he care? this is even going beyond the fact that we’ve talked abt them being together after their test in a scenario where they both survive - I just think that Art at his core is a very stubborn but very compassionate person, whether he wants 2 be or not. like he HAS to know that kind of involvement cld prove to be extremely detrimental but he cares. I feel like that says a lot abt him (even if he does call Eric an asshole a couple times while doing it,,).
plus I also just. I think his reason for being tested (as it seems to be in most cases) is extremely flimsy. he was doing his job. he’s a LAWYER. often times it has nothing 2 do w personal feelings; they’re there to do their job and sometimes, unfortunately, that is defending possibly reprehensible people (in cases like Rex’s & Ivan’s). + John was already upset w him regarding their argument abt the urban renewal group so like it just feels So Very Petty, y’know?? even in the scenario where he IS a disciple, testing him twice seems entirely like John having a personal vendetta against him. Amanda is the only other person to be tested twice aside from Eric, so like. what. is that abt Mr. Kramer.
like I’ve said b4 in dms one could argue that Art is grey morally, bc we never rly see anything of him outside of flashbacks + acting as a test controller in IV, esp given that he... rly doesn’t seem too bothered abt it all? which is fair. but I also feel like the concern he shows towards Eric is smth to be considered as well.
+ YESS NONBINARY DANIEL I know I’ve mentioned it b4 but for reference, I read Daniel as masc nonbinary (he/they)! so I feel like Daniel wld b pretty comfortable w his identity, he’s never rly had a reason not to be (it’s rly anyone’s guess here tho bc we never see Eric + Daniel + Kate... as a family unit, for obvious reasons), so I feel like he’s vry chill abt it? and in the scenario where Eric survives n is dating Adam, I feel like Daniel wld talk 2 him abt it first (Adam is an adult they quickly come to trust + he’s vocal abt being trans himself so there’s that added layer of understanding - other than his mom maybe Adam might b the first person they come out 2). they’re just kinda like “so I wanna tell my dad I’m nonbinary but like I’ve literally never thought abt coming out what do I do” and Adam’s just like. Aha. bc he knows Eric is Also Trans so like, he doesn’t tell Daniel that bc it’s not his info to share, but he’s definitely like “oh it’ll totally be fine. trust me you have no reason to worry” so Daniel’s just like Okay. I Got This
+ I know I mentioned this in dms but Daniel wld absolutely wear those floral ripped hem skirts over jeans, so I feel like on one of his visits to his dad’s, he just. wears that combined w a completely random niche graphic tee he bought when shopping w Adam (I adore this hc n I am Holding Onto It) n is just like. not super open abt it bc he doesn’t know what to expect? he just kinda waits fr Eric to comment on it but when he doesn’t, Daniel gets nervous n is like “do I look okay?” and Eric’s rly chill abt it, like “yeah! it looks vry cool, vry alternative.” n like Daniel is relieved, of course, but also he’s just like God Pls Say Something so he just comes out w it like “okay this is not working. I’m nonbinary.”
and he’s COMPLETELY SHOCKED when Eric is just like “oh why didn’t u say so? do u have a different name u wanna go by? is Daniel still okay?” bc he wasn’t sure how much Eric knew, so he’s just like “uh no Daniel is still good, he/they pronouns though” and Eric’s just like alright cool but internally Daniel’s just like ??????
n THAT is when Eric asks him 2 come sit out on th front steps w him n is just like. “I don’t think I ever told u this but I’m trans. I transitioned during training in my early 20s” n Daniel is nodding while internally he’s like Adam I’m gonna throttle u. he worked himself up fr NOTHING. he just kinda laughs abt it and Eric is like “are u good?” ‘cause he’s a lil worried but then Daniel just smiles and is like “yeah I’m fine! just realizing I had nothing 2 be worried abt” and it’s a rly good moment fr them. they sit out there together talking abt their experiences for quite a while n at some point Adam steps outside 2 find them deep in conversation + he just smiles n goes back inside bc he cares abt them both so much and seeing them talk like that makes him so 💞💞 (Eric is SO PROUD u can see it on his face)
ohhh gosh Mallick,,, I spend a lot of time thinking abt him actually. he’s just one of those characters I feel vry connected to (me 🤝 Mallick: Ambiguous Disorder 💕) n one I got surprisingly attached to? hello (he IS one of my f/os)
I feel like Mallick is a very lonely person at his core. the way he sort of clings to Brit (w out the whole like. adrenaline of being in very very real danger w ppl trying to kill u SEVERAL TIMES) somewhat confirms this fr me. this is someone who has no reason to look out fr him, no reason to keep protecting him when their fellow captives hit him over th head w a club or attempt to push him into a bathtub to ELECTROCUTE him, but she keeps doing it and he’s just. in awe of it a little bit? ‘cause she could just let Charles knock him tf out or let Luba push him in but she fights for him, some1 she has no obligation to n met fr the first time literally when they woke up.
the moment they share b4 they stick their arms into the saws to activate the 10 Pints of Sacrifice is so very vulnerable and maybe even a little tender. yes he calls her a monster, yes she calls him one back, neither of them deny it. it’s an admission and an acceptance. they’re monsters, sure, fine, okay. but they are monsters and they are in this together. Brit tells Mallick it’s okay when he says he can’t do this alone. she says okay, okay, it’s okay, we’ll go together. and they help each other secure their tourniquets and they stick their hands in together bc it’s the two of them, literally hand in hand, fighting for their lives n for each other n they’re in so so much pain but they are doing it TOGETHER. I lose it thinking abt it!!! they even have a head bonk moment!!! I very much feel like it has some cinematic parallels to Adam & Lawrence’s moment in SAW 2004!!!!
+ as u mentioned, we both share the thought that Brit likely died since she wasn’t present at Bobby’s meetings, and. I want to touch on how fucking despondent and lost Mallick looks when we see him again in 3D. lights on but no one’s home. I feel like for Mallick, losing Brit was losing the first chance at a real connection he’s had in god knows how long - and for him, that’s just very shattering. he’s been thru hell, he’s watched three people die right in front of him, he sawed his ARM IN HALF, n the person he went through all of that with didn’t make it. but he did. and I feel like for Mallick that’s just like... he doesn’t understand it. but he feels even lonelier than he ever has b4 because the One Person who was there w him thru it all, the one person who could ever possibly understand what happened that night, is gone.
the Mallick we see in V would NEVER sit down n willingly listen to Bobby Dagen’s bullshit abt loving yr scars n taking pride in the fact u survived. he wld hate that man with a passion n I am very much sure of this. the fact that he’s sitting in that chair looking numb and glassy-eyed and silent? Mallick is trying to find some1 to connect to, find a place where maybe he belongs. trying to fill that hole that losing Brit made. why else wld he be sitting there, listening to someone he would ordinarily tell to shove his self-love bullshit up his ass? he’s lost. he’s just trying to keep his head above water and find a way to shore even though everything in him is fighting not to. he’s adrift without her.
+ ALTERNATIVELY, bc the reality of that is just. crushing n maybe not where I needed 2 go, in the scenario where Brit survived + just doesn’t want to put up w Bobby’s bullshit, I imagine them to actually move in together after a lil bit of time getting 2 know each other better w out the pressure of “oh god we’re gonna die.” she kinda helps him build up a sense of self-worth bc GOD it’s practically non-existent n thinking abt possible reasons why makes me sad. she’s definitely just like “no, you do deserve to be cared for and you deserve help when you need it, you deserve good things n to be happy.” she just kinds shuts it down while still making sure to talk 2 him abt WHY he feels that way (she’s not dismissing, but she’s trying to nip it in th bud) n Mallick is just like. huh. bc no one’s really done that fr him before. but it rly does end up helping in the long run, even if it is a very slow pace toward actually getting 2 a place where he recognizes his own worth + realizes he deserves all the things he wants Brit 2 have too. they’re there for each other thru thick n thin and if they made it thru their game, they can make it thru anything.
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danothan · 1 year
dw you didnt sound dismissive at all!! sorry for the autism moment frankly i do not know how to be concise
to be totally clear im not a "holds comics/specific runs sacred" kind of person either 😭 i have fun with the young justice show (honestly . was the first thing i saw kon in, and how i immediately fell in love with his character) even if i question the way it handled him and megs characters + relationship (i will not spoiler<3)
i absolutely also gravitate towards characters with anger so when i first saw kon in yja i was enamoured with him and i 100% get loving him as a standalone because i did and still do 😭 yja kon is Why i like kon so much now
i was rly approaching ur tags like u weren't familiar with him so im sorry for that assumption off the bat </3 and i was more focusing on how the design was reflective of writing choices that Influenced the show. i will say that comics kon is also a hot head whos dealing with shit esp in his 90s run (sb94 + yj98) and he is just. in general a fun character to read when hes being a little cocky abt it. so i do recommend reading his early stuff if he interests u :] bc hes a fun little guy whos lives in the head no matter what his iteration is
i want to say sorry if it sounded dismissive of Your little guy also 😭 i slapped the bit abt the show kon on the end bc it felt related to the general writing direction hed been going thru in the 00s (which is to say, being spearheaded by a misogynistic homophobe) LOL but to be so honest i do Like him i just have. thoughts and feelings abt the show that i got before i even read anything kon was in. im honestly on season 4 of it rn <3 i wish u luck on your rewatch
<- im a "has fun with the dcamu and video games and other adaptions of the comics and finds worth in them" kind of person anyhow ^_^ i think the fun of dcs bazillion earths and stuff is that many things abt a character can be true at once and people can find what they like in certain iterations and play frankenstein. i like. genuinely wholeheartedly agree that the comic cynicism is soul crushing lmfao 😭
ps. the cadmus tag -> earring thing haunts me every day......... i simply get so attached to his writing and how you can read transness in it<3
erm. have a good daynight<3333 sorry for a second essay
nah i appreciate the info, i don’t think i’m ever gonna shed that newcomer feel i have as a dc fan no matter how deep i dive, so better safe than sorry! this is rly teaching me a lot abt the character anyhow, so net win regardless 👍
glad to hear his hot-headedness is a constant too, it’s odd bc i don’t rly resonate with angry characters personally, but i get SO defensive abt them when ppl act like anger isn’t a legitimate and sympathetic trauma response. i have a feeling that that’s gonna apply here too
another thing i’m getting a lot here is that Smth Fucked Up is gonna happen to conner and m’gann’s relationship, and i do Not remember that when i first watched it, so that’s uh. smth to look forward to haha
i hope to get a fuller picture of the guy some day, here’s to frankensteining comic characters 🥂
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Y,N & J for the fandom meme
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Outlast (pointed glance), uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god i can’t think of anything LOL oof :\ life hard
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
this is about Silent Hill! (wowza)
interpretations!!! i love these idiots very much but i’m also interested in seeing others’ takes on them (esp in art - wanna see!!). since i created GOOMT Harry (and i guess James; he’s also Different bc his hair parts to the opposite side of canon lmfao, wow what an icon) i’ve been itching to see how others would give the characters a good flip. 
there are a few artists out there that have done that and thank god for them i love y’all so much
i’ve heard/read of interpretations and i really love them forreal tho i guess art puts it out there visually. makes me sound like a dick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry for that
Pls Relax lmfao people out there getting Heated over some (not so hot) takes that’ve been around for ages and just get drudged up every few months (or weeks). there are some interpretations of protags that are just straight up ignorant tbh, even tho the games are meant to be interpretive (okay we’re just talking about sh2 here) but honestly, your opinion is bad and i know you don’t feel bad, but jfc at least try to stop projecting for a minute
like listen one of the Big Arguments is Pyramid Head’s inclusion in everything not SH2, and it started with Homecoming since it was game directly after the Silent Hill movie where PH was just there for the cockroaches and skinsuit shaming. since then he’s just Everywhere and kinda loses his meaning and all that jazz, and ofc he’s in Dead By Daylight and yanno
it used to bother me a lot (and still bothers me when we get into certain strands of the topic) but at this point, sure, go ham. dude’s beefy and has a nice ass and he’s just gonna Punish everyone ;) 
and related to PH, Masahiro Ito (monster designer for SH 1 - 3 and is the creator of PH) talks a lot on his twitter about what he intended for these monsters in meaning and really getting into the nitty gritty and showing clearer models. this is years post-SH games (1999, 2001, 2003) that we’re now hearing this lore, but.. idk i like hearing it and i def nod along
however there is a good point in saying that he’s not the end-all word of god in the matter since, again - interpretive. i think in some matters he is the word of god and i stick to it and my guns (such as PH). doesn’t mean, also, that i go bonkers over it in discussion or whatnot. i’ve evolved as a person and that also means i’ve chilled out a lot over shit that would’ve gotten me right heated. maturity, man. what a drug.
(except sometimes those really fucking stupid ~hot takes~ about James, like seriously, i really do fuckin hate y’all, interpretive blah blah but you:
didn’t play the game
went into the game with expectations and ideas about what to expect/see already
re: didn’t play the game: engage in discussion and discourse over these hot takes that u rly have no business taking part in unless you’ve done some good research (i got some incredible lore/theory videos that i won’t shut up about so @ me if u want ‘em) bc c’mon man at least have a better idea of what you’re talking about that isn’t from someone else
believe James is a sex-crazy misogynist and i will be screaming
but yeah, it’s chill :3
more fucking OCs let’s GO people just live your life and have fun goddamn
cringe culture is dead until you decide you’re gonna live the cringe but also do it for YOU and that’s so incredibly sexy and big brained
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Final Fantasy (which then lead to ffxiv via another friend >:\ wanker) when Jase started doin their thing about it and i still don’t know what’s going on but power to you!!!
... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i mean i don’t care about Steven Universe or Hamilton at all but both seemed to have kinda died down, esp Hamilton, so i’m in the clear 90% of the time
shdohgiosdg i can’t think of anything AGAIN i guess i’m just chillin!!!!
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paperplvto · 4 years
Halloween Headcanons pt.2
ok listen i know the first one flopped (gonna be honest with u i did cry a lil bit abt that bc i rly liked it) but i already had this one written out and i would’ve felt bad if i didn’t at least try to post it so here u go.
warnings: none
summary: spending Halloween with class 1-A and the kiddos dress up as each other.
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the first part ended with Tokoyami as Aizawa so let’s start with him for this one, shall we?
Aizawa would obviously be dressed up as Present Mic
Aizawa would obviously be dressed up as Present Mic
he really didn’t have much of a choice, to be entirely honest
Mic made him
he also styled his hair in that iconic way of his and it looks ridiculous
the only thing he could not make him do, was shout
because keeping up this volume for an entire day is exhausting and my mans does not have the time for that
as a sign of his good spirit, he does carry around a megaphone tho
at first, it started out as a joke, to make fun of his best friends quirk
but with all that’s been going on it quickly turns into that poor mans lifeline
a megaphone gives the bearer imessurable power
and Aizawa is not afraid to use it
and use it, he does
for absolutely EVERYTHING
like, you know those guys that keep talking into the megaphone even tho they’re standing directly in front of you? yeah, that
he’s an absolute menace
“worse than Present Mic”, some poor, innocent bystanders said
there were casualties
also, you guys know how some megaphones have like a siren alarm button?
one time, Mic made the mistake of making fun of Aizawa for “talking too quietly” so he just locked eyes with him and made the sirens go off
poor Deku nearly had a heart attack
now,, who haven’t we talked about yet?
oh, right
honestly, i was a little tempted to make up dress up as Endeavor
but since the other option was funnier and we did have a little bit of a theme going on, i found an even better solution
he’s Iida.
at first, he just thought, he only had to dress up like him and that’d be it
but when he saw his friends imitating each other, the whole thing suddenly found a whole new meaning
Shouto isn’t one to shout
i don’t remember him ever really raising his voice at someone and i truly don’t think he would do it as a ‘joke’
so in the beginning he feels a little lost
and then it hits him
that chopping hand motion
can you imagine?
Todoroki, dressed up in Iidas hero costume
he looks a little like a cheap version of the tin man
and when asked to do an impression he just
*chop* *chop* *chop*
everyone’s in tears
eventually he gets really into it, too
he’ll randomly walk up to people and tell them to “stop and return to your seats.” while lightly hitting them with his arm
he wins ‘best costume’, for sure
but my personal favourite has to be Momo
she chose to dress up as Sero
because due to her own quirk, she can immitate his perfectly!
i mean think about it
it’s not the exact same tape, of course, but when she puts on the helmet and shoots strings of tape through the holes in her sleeves, the whole class is hollering
her and Sero have a little competition whose tape is the stickiest
Sero wins after he taped Mineta to a chair
Mina does face paint to some other students younger siblings who came to the dorms to visit
on Halloween morning the students found their front porch decorated with carved pumpkins, one for every student of the class
the carvings are little symbols representing each one of them
you remember the santa hats from the christmas panels of the manga? and how each of them had their own individual little pompom at the end of it? that’s what’s carved in there
Kirishima can’t bring himself to yell at innocent children, so he keeps immitating Bakugous explosions
!!! and he sounds liKE A LITTLE KID omg he’s so cute
also, All Might came dressed up as Midnight bc he lost a bet but it scarred everyone so he ended up changing into a scarecrow costume and got banned on the lawn to scare bywalkers
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