#bottom jughead
scorpionwins · 2 years
I'm not saying i'd sell my soul for someone to write a varchie fic with mob boss! Ronnie and house husband Archie, who ran off upon realizing his beloved wife is, in fact, participates in an underground crime society and running into Jughead and Cheryl, ALSO mob spouses who ran away, by some strange, almost fated universal alignment, who bond together while their spouses chase them down, but. My soul is in good condition. I clean it weekly.
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Since it’s pride month, here’s your yearly reminder that Jughead Jones is aroace and the show erased that 😊😊😊😊
So let me make sure you all remember
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supergleedalequeen · 2 months
you’re a jughead fan, stfu you pretentious asshole
Oh no are you going to cry until your tears turn to crystal chandeliers that crash down on the party of your son's evil wife and kills your cheating husband while you stand at the altar chanting with your coven or whatever Taylor Swift writes from her mansion
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yourjughead · 6 months
Boyfriend Part 2
Sweet Pea X Reader
Sweet Pea pov
I made the short walk, well in my rage, the short run to Jugheads trailer. Lights out no body's home. Hm. Where would the usual spot for him and yn be, the thought making me feel sick. Whyte Wyrm? Nah Jughead was rarely there. If I was a horrible human being where would I go hmmmmm. Ah that diner on the Northside!
3rd Person 
You crossed the threshold of the Whyte Wyrm as quickly as you could, still processing what just happened to you. Arriving at the bar top, Toni sailed over to you smiling. 
"Hey YN, How'd the rekindling of the romance go?"
"It didn't, pass me one of the spare burners would ya". Toni reached into a large ceramic jar on one of the top shelves of the bar, retrieved a phone with a sim taped to back and tossed it to you. You gave a small smile in thanks and began to set it up. 
"Am I allowed to ask what happened or...."
"Ugh Toni what a mess, he thinks I'm dating Jughead" 
"Well aren't you?" 
"Yeah aren't you?" The sound of your father's voice joinging the conversation startled the two of you. Toni took a rag from the bar top and quickly exited the conversation to grab your father a replacement drink.
"Yeah Dad, of course" you tried to give a smile, barely convincing him. 
"Right well the two of you together is the Serpent dream. Me and FP are delighted, you settled with one person who's right for you and Jones kept away from that busybody blonde girl" your father gave you a wink before taking his drink from Toni.
"Speaking of which, I gotta go meet him" you nodded to the both as your new phone lit up to life. 
~ Simultaneously across town Sweet Pea POV
I raced across the old bridge on my motorbike, not fully knowing where I was going but closely following the trail of picket fences. What a sad existence this truly is. I finally came across the neon sign of Pop's Dinner through the torrential rain. 
From outside I could see Jughead and the outline of the back of her, seeminly wearing a hat. He looked so happy. Fuck him. I could see the two shake with laughter. I really messed up. I mean sure it hurts but we were never really exclusive and besides we could never be public like this. She deserves someone she can publicly love. I should just disappear. 
I went to push off again but then stopped as watch Jones lean across the table to kiss her. This is really the end. Her hat fell to the floor as he moved from her. Then it caught my eye. A long slicked back almost glowing blonde ponytail. That's not YN. I couldn't help but smile so wide. Thank God it's not YN! Wait.....thats not YN. Holy shit that's not YN! He's cheating on YN! 
3rd person 
Sweet Pea leapt from the bike so fast it nearly came crashing to the soaked gravel. Launching himself through the doors of the almost deserted diner has the few eyes that were there lock onto him. Including Jugheads. 
Jughead leapt from his chair, immediately putting his hands up in truce but it was too late. Sweet Pea had moved quickly across the diner to catch Jughead by the collar and push him into the back wall, all while leaving the blonde screaming. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you Jones?! You're gonna chest on YN?! I swear I'm gonna kill you?!" Sweet Pea barked as Jughead was losing colour in his face, the blonde girl trying as she best she could to seperate the two, failing greatly.
"You-dont-under-stand" Jughead choked out. Pop's ran for the phone to call the police as Sweet Pea glared deep within Jugheads eyes, overcome with grief and anger. 
From outside you could see what was happening, bolting in off your own bike and straight down to the bottom of the diner. 
"Sweet Pea stop!" You screamed, managing to wiggle between the two. Sweet Peas grip completly released from Jughead, sending him to the ground, Betty quickly tending to him.
"YN he's cheating on you with her!" 
"YN I thought you were gonna tell him?" Betty looked up at you both with pleading eyes. 
"Tell me what?" Confusion painted Sweet Peas face. "Tell me what?!" He tried again, banging his hand off the wall he just had Jughead against. 
"Me and Jughead -" you were cut off by the sound of sirens filling the car park. Both you and Sweet Pea gave panicked glances to one another, neither could afford another trip to the station.
You grabbed Sweet Peas hand, pulling him through to the girls bathroom. You went to grab anything to break through the window but turned to the crash of the glass from Sweet Peas fist. He groaned as his hand began to instantly swell with blood. You couldn't help but roll your eyes before carefully passing through the window, Sweet Pea trying his best to follow you without adding to the collection of cuts. 
You ran through the drenched woods behind the diner, down the banks and beneath the trees before arriving at the bridge between the two worlds. 
"They have the bikes, they'll go straight to the trailer park" Sweet Pea breathed out from beneath the shelter of the bridge. 
"I don't have plates on mine" you glanced out checking if anyone followed. 
"- and when they search yours it'll register to Greendale" Sweet Pea couldn't help but laugh at that, the Serpents think of it all. 
"Show me your hand" you took his bleeding extremity from his side to examine it under the above street lights. Little shards of glass shone out as you gently removed the larger pieces.
"That's all I can do without the kit, we'll sort it when we're home" he nodded at you thankfully before sliding down the wall of the bridge to the dirt, you following suit. 
"I hope FP doesn't find out about this, he's not gonna take it well that you went for his son"
"I don't care, he had it coming"
"Sweet Pea -" 
"He can't take you from me and then cheat on you YN" he cut across you, staring at the stream of water parallel to your feet. 
"Sweets I tried to tell you tonight, I tried to tell you before battle Royale broke out" 
"I'm sorry I flew off the handle....tell me what? You knew he was cheating on you?"
"We'd have to be actually dating for him to cheat on me" you looked worriedly over at the increasingly confused face of your partner in crime. 
"Jughead and I are just faking, he wants to keep dating the Betty girl and I want to keep being with you, it's just to keep our parents off of our backs" 
"No that's not true" Sweet Pea stood and began pacing. 
"I told you he has a gift for making up stories, this is one of them. Our dads were getting more and more on us about why we weren't together, this way it would stop them from asking questions. I wanted to tell you sooner but Jughead said we needed you to believe it first, to help Dad believe it" you stood to look at him.
"No no no no this isn't happening because that would mean I over reacted for nothing" 
"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you over reacted, I'm sorry I lied" he stopped pacing at these words. The rain continued to almost bubble off of the rocks surrounding you both. 
"I'm sorry I got so angry and that I smashed your phone" 
"I'm sorry you ended up pinning Jughead to a wall" 
"Yeah I'm not sorry about that" you hit him playfullly into the chest at his jesting. Silence wrapped around the bridge again, the rain slowly easing. You put out your arms in truce and Sweet Pea happy wrapped his around your waist, holding you into his chest. 
"Sweets, Jughead and I have to keep pretending for awhile, just until it's believable that our break up would have no turning back" 
"Do you have to call him boyfriend though?" you gave a small smile at Sweet Peas evident insecurity. 
"Yeah but it's only pretend, you're the one I want to be with. Let's start walking home, I'm sure those cops are half way to Greendale by now" Sweet Pea gave a small nodd to your voice before taking your hand and pulling you up the bank and to the bridge. You dropped it then. 
"I can't risk being seen with you like that, I'm sorry" 
"It's okay YN, you can make it up to me at home" He winked and you were happy to see the playfulness return to him .
"By the way you owe me a new phone" 
"Have your boyfriend pay for one"
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lostgirlfandom · 1 year
Mother Dearest
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader
Warnings: afab reader
Words: 600
Summery: Jughead's Mom comes back and makes for an adorable reunion.
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You parked the truck in front of the trailer that you once considered home. You didn’t get out but sat there and stared at it, wondering if what you were doing was a good decision. 
“Mama?” A girl’s voice came from the passenger seat making you snap out of your daze. 
You looked over. “Yeah, JB?” You asked with a little sigh. 
“We going in?” Jellybean asked with a slight bounce. You smiled at her excitement. You nodded making her jump out of the truck while you followed. She ran to the door as you followed slowly behind and she knocked on the door. 
You grinned as you saw her jumping around while she waited for the door to open. 
It finally opened and once JB saw her dad a smile split her face. “DADDY!!” She screamed as she flung her arms around his waist. 
A stunned looked settle over his face and you saw tears welling up his eyes. Arms wrapped around JB tightly. “Jellybean?” Fp hoarsely spit out. He pressed a kiss to her head and you smiled as you stuffed your hands into your jeans. 
He stopped for a moment and looked up frantically to find me standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Y/N.” He whispered your name as he let his daughter go and hurriedly made his way down the stairs and wrapped you in his arms making you wrapped yours around his shoulders. He picked you up and spun you around and then put you down and you both swayed. Soft sobs left his mouth as he buried his head into your neck. Your emotions built up until you couldn’t hold your own sobs back. You did the same as him and buried your head into his neck, gripping each other tight. 
“BUBBA!” You heard Jellybean screech and you lifted your head slightly to watch your son lifting his little sister up in his arms. 
Fp pulled back but didn’t let you go as his put his hands on your cheeks and made you lock eyes with him. You set your hands on his waist and you both stared into each others red rimmed eyes. 
“Why’d you come back?” He asked softly. 
You chuckled through your tears. “Jughead called me awhile back and said you were doing so much better so I decided that it was time JB and I came back.” You paused and curled your fists into his flannel. “We’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much, baby.” You croaked out as you started to sob again. 
FP pulled you into his arms again as you sobbed into his chest. 
“Mom.” You heard and you lifted your head and looked over to Jughead who had tears rolling down his cheeks. 
Your eyebrows scrunched up as you let your husband go and rushed over to your son. “Oh, Jug.” You gripped him tightly as he wrapped his arms around your waist and curled his hands into your jacket. You stood like that for a moment before letting go and putting your hands on Jughead’s face and wiping away his tears as you both smiled at each other. “I’ve missed you, bud.” You told him.
You hadn’t wanted to leave him but the space between you and FP was needed. And Jughead wanted to stay instead of coming with you which you were fine with. Jughead was mature enough to make his own decisions. You then wrapped an arm around Jug and turned your bodies to FP and Jellybean as they got done hugging. 
Your family then made your way into the trailer. 
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jugheadjones · 3 months
Hello there! I hope you're having a great day! I don't know if this has already been asked, but could you possibly list the fonts you used in this https://jugheadjones.tumblr.com/post/742366801662509056/bughead-appreciation-week-2024-day-4-jughead gifset of yours?
I'm particularly interested in the small text font at the bottom of the first gif, 5, 6 and 7 (I don't know if it's the same font but it looks neat!), but I'd appreciate it if you could list the other fonts, too, if that's not too much trouble for you. It's okay if you don't want to share them or don't remember them all, but I just thought they looked real nice. :3 Your gifs are gorgeous btw. <3
Hi!! I love messages like this and I love sharing so it's no problem! Luckily I still had most of these psbs.
You should also know that the effects of some of these fonts are not part of the font, so I want to put a little disclaimer out there that these images may font-bait some people. You'll have to play around with bevel + emboss + gradients + blending modes to get some of these results.
I also stole the general idea for this template from @khaotunqs's post here I hope they won't mind and you can check out their requested fonts too.
Click images to see full size & links are under the cut!
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Freakshow Core Circus Marketing Packaging Brewski Avenir next Astigma All Ages Ekamai TT Norms Lean Foreword Clear Brain Access Angles Kiona Hipnouma
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supercap2319 · 9 months
Can you do an Archie Andrews x Male Reader where it’s a few years after the graduate and they share an apartment and for Valentine’s Day Archie takes him out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and then proposes to him? Thanks! I love your work!!
Y/N was in the living room with his socks peeking over the couch as he watched the Hallmark's list of romantic Valentine's Day movie marathon. He laughed at the cheesy plotline of each movie. It was always the same thing. Two strangers falling in love, or two enemies to lovers etc.
As Y/N laughed and threw popcorn at the TV screen as his roommate, Archie Andrews came into the room. After graduation from Riverdale highschool, they moved to New York together and got an apartment together. Archie was trying to make it with his music, and Y/N was an ace reporter for their local newspaper. He saw the mess on the floor and sighed.
"Dude, you're messing up my carpet." He chuckled.
"Dude, this is my carpet too. And you mess up our bathroom with your stinky socks and jockstraps. But you don't hear me complaining." Y/N smirks.
Archie grinned and looked at the TV. "Hallmark Rom-Coms? You've hit rock bottom."
"I feel like it too. Did you need something?"
"Yeah, I was thinking we should go out for Valentine's Day tonight and celebrate."
Y/N stopped mid-air of popcorn as he looked at Archie and laughed. "You're serious, Arch?"
"Very. So, you should start getting ready."
"But, but. We'll be giving into the cliche. It'll be packed. And I don't have anything to wear." Y/N said, trying to make reasons not to get his ass off this couch.
"I've got dinner reservations for 8:00. You've got an hour to get ready. Now, move your cute ass and get ready. I know you've got something in your closet." Archie winked and left the room.
An hour later they were both dressed in nice suits and ties as Archie took Y/N to a fancy restaurant. The ones you see in the movies. The ones only celebrities and their moms can afford.
Y/N looks around. "Arch? This is nice and all. It's very high-class, but it's too expensive. I can't let you pay for this."
Archie looks at him and gives him a sheepish smile. "Come on. We've been through a lot together. You've been there through my dad's passing. My parents' divorce. My indecise on Veronica and Betty. It's the least I can do."
"That's honorable, Arch, but I would have been happy with just burgers and shakes from Pop's."
"I miss those days. Sitting at Pop's diner for hours just you, me, Veronica, Betty, Jughead." Archie said as he blushed. "But there's another reason why I asked you here."
Y/N frowned. "What other reason would you have for bringing me here?"
Archie stood up. And looked around the room before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Y/N L/N…"
Y/N looks at him in shock as people turn to look at them. He's not going to propose, is he? "Archibald Andrew, what are you doing?"
"We've known each since we were kids. And you've always been my best friend. I have always loved you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"
Y/N wasn't sure what to say. He was so shocked and happy at the same time. He couldn't believe how vulnerable Archie was right now. He was putting his heart in the line, and just confessed in front of this whole restaurant that he loved Y/N and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.
He looks at him, tears streaming down his face as he nods. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you."
There was an eruption of cheer from the crowd of people listening and watching as Archie slipped his dad's wedding band on Y/N's fingers and kissed him.
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drumlincountry · 3 months
You can debate whether Lisa Frankenstein was a good movie............ but you can't debate whether it was a movie where Jughead gets bottom surgery on screen (it was).
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heartless-aro · 11 months
Some Thoughts on Aspec Identity, Pathologization, and Disability
A lot of asexual and aromantic activism involves dismantling the notion that being asexual and/or aromantic is NOT a mental illness or medical condition, and while this is 100% true, it’s important that we in the aromantic and asexual communities recognize how our community is intrinsically linked to the disabled community. The fact of the matter is that, even though there is nothing inherently pathological about aromanticism or asexuality, our identities have historically been pathologized by society and are still often pathologized to this day.
The very first time I heard the word “asexual” used in mainstream media was in 2012 in an episode of House M.D., titled “Better Half.” For anyone who hasn’t seen it, the episode featured a side plot where an asexual couple comes into the clinic for a bladder infection, and the protagonist, Dr. House, decides that he wants to find a “medical cause” for their asexuality. This isn’t entirely unusual for the show, since a major part of House’s character is that he’s somewhat of an asshole who says a lot of blatantly offensive things and attempts to find medical causes for anything and everything. However, what makes this notable is that the subplot was resolved by House actually finding a medical cause for the patient’s asexuality and curing him of said asexuality. It was then revealed that the patient’s wife had been lying about being asexual to make her husband happy.
This was before Yasmin Benoit (an alternative fashion model who is among the most prolific asexual and aromantic community activists) publicly came out as aroace. This was before Bojack Horseman and Koisenu Futari and the 2015 Jughead comics (i.e., the ones where Jughead is confirmed to be asexual). For many people, this episode of House M.D., where asexuals are portrayed as being either liars or people who can and should be “cured,” was their first exposure to the concept of asexuality.
While this was just one episode of one tv show, it is a symptom of a much larger issue relating to the pathologization of asexuality and aromanticism. Take, for example, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) which was defined by the following criteria in the DSM IV-TR:
A — “persistently or recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity”
B — “marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.”
There are certainly plenty of cases where HSDD is unrelated to asexuality and is something that causes very real struggles for the person suffering from it; I won’t deny the experiences of these people by claiming that HSDD is “just asexuality” and shouldn’t be considered a disorder at all. The reason I bring up HSDD, however, is because it has often been used to pathologize asexual patients. It wasn’t until 2013 that the DSM-5 was released and changed the diagnostic criteria to include the caveat that “If a lifelong lack of sexual desire is explained by self-identification as ‘asexual,’ then a diagnosis of female sexual interest/arousal disorder would not be made.”
While this is a step in the right direction, the addition of this caveat has not people from pathologizing asexuality. A 2015 study (linked at the bottom of the post) by Dr. Lori A. Brotto, Morag A. Yule, and Dr. Boris B. Gorzalka notes that “Various theories have been proposed to explain how asexuality should best be classified, and some have maintained that asexuality is an extreme variant of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)—a sexual dysfunction characterized by a lack of interest in sex and significant distress. To date, this has never been empirically examined.” (The study in question sought to empirically examine this very issue and found that “there are notable differences between AIS >40 individuals (those likely to identify as asexual) and those who meet diagnostic criteria for HSDD.”). Another article (also linked at the bottom of the post), which was written by Dr. Lori A. Brotto and Sonia Milani, states that “Various theories have been proposed to classify asexuality as a mental disorder, a sexual dysfunction, or a paraphilia.” This is all without even getting into older ideas like the concept of “sexual frigidity,” which also may have led to many asexual and aromantic people being seen as disordered.
While there is much less information on how aromanticism, specifically, has been pathologized, it’s pretty well known within the aromantic and asexual communities that people outside out our communities often group us together or consider aromanticism a subset of asexuality, so the pathologization of asexuality also affects the way aromantic people are perceived. Not to mention the fact that, historically, people who chose to remain single, and especially women who chose to remain single, were often seen as deviant or unnatural.
Regardless of whether or not we, as individuals, are actually disordered, we are often viewed as being disordered solely on the basis of our aspec identities. Furthermore, there is a lot of actual overlap between the aspec community and the disabled community. While similar research has not yet been conducted in relation to aromanticism (in fact, there is very little research at all on aromanticism), studies of asexuality have found some evidence that asexuality may be associated with both autism and schizoid personality disorder. (And, not to bring up anecdotal evidence or anything, but I have often noticed myself that the vast majority of people in online schizoid communities seem to be asexual, aromantic, or both.)
Additionally, disabled people, particularly those who are physically, intellectually, and/or developmentally disabled, are often desexualized by society and assumed by default to be incapable of having romantic and sexual relationships, experiencing sexual or romantic feelings, or understanding sex and romance. As a result, they are affected by many of the same stigmas as asexual and aromantic people, regardless of whether or not they’re aromantic and/or asexual (in addition to all the other forms of ableism that they face).
All this is to say that the asexual and aromantic communities share a lot of common ground with the disabled community. This makes it all the more important that we fight against ableism and stand in solidarity with our disabled siblings, both inside and outside aspec communities. Moreover, this makes it all the more important that we recognize the prevalence of disabled people in the asexual and aromantic communities and acknowledge the ways aspec identity and disability can intersect.
So, here’s to all the disabled aces and aros out there. Here’s to the disabled aspec people who have been treated as broken or pitied. Here’s to the nonpartnering disabled aspecs who need caretakers or otherwise can’t live alone and are struggling to navigate what that may mean for their futures. Here’s to disabled aspecs who do want a relationship, sexual, romantic, or otherwise, but who struggle not only with finding a partner who will accept their sexual/romantic orientation(s) but also with doing so with a disability that affects their relationships. Here’s to alloaros who want sexual partners but struggle with disability-related issues that affect their sex lives, such as touch aversion, incontinence (including ptsd induced bedwetting and bladder/bowel motor tics), body dysmorphia, fatigue, and/or limited mobility. Here’s to d/Deaf, hard of hearing, low vision, blind, and d/Deafblind aces and aros, who are sick of being treated as though they’re “missing out” in more ways than one on some “fundamental” part of the human experience, (namely sight and/or hearing and sex and/or romance). Here’s to the developmentally and intellectually disabled aces and aros who are tired of being treated like children as grown adults. Here’s to disabled aces and aros. You are wonderful and it is such a privilege to share a community with y’all.
Edit: @arrows-for-pens pointed out that I forgot to add the links. (Thanks for that!) So, here are the links to the articles that I mentioned in the body of the post.
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dykekingofhell · 4 months
they gave jughead jones bottom surgery!!
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anyataylorjoys · 5 months
Post your favorite and most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months).
Tagged by @pascow thank you for recirculating this one again, it’s always nice to get the chance to review all of your creations from the year and document your favorites 👀 I cheated and posted multiple for each.
MOST POPULAR: Before Sunrise (3.9k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Pans Labyrinth, Blue Planet II, Ammonite Other blogs: The Neon Demon (dailyflicks)
MOST POPULAR: Jurassic Park (1.4k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Same as most popular + The Lost World: Jurassic Park Other blogs: Gothika (braindamage)
MOST POPULAR: Little Miss Doomed to the Narrative (6k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Kanej + Kaz + "what doesn't kill me better run" Other Blogs: Bite Me - Avril Lavigne (ladiesblr)
MOST POPULAR: Last Night In Soho (2.1k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Same as most popular Other Blogs: Kaz Brekker (shadowandbonecentral)
MOST POPULAR: Devon Aoki Met Gala (6.5k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Characters of all time meme: Katherine Pierce + A Perfect Planet Other Blogs: Yennefer of Vengerberg (ladiesblr)
MOST POPULAR: The Witcher (1.2k) FAVORITE(S): On main: The Wolf of Wallstreet Other Blogs: The Princess Diaries (dailyflicks)
MOST POPULAR: Fantasia (3.2k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Yennefer x Ciri in Season 3 Other Blogs: Baby Driver (dailyflicks)
MOST POPULAR: Riverdale polycule finale (21.1k) «TOP POST OF THE YEAR FAVORITE(S): On main: "The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself" compilation, Helter Skelter Other Blogs: Antichrist !tw animal gore (braindamage) + Stand By Me (chewbacca)
MOST POPULAR: Bottoms (16.4k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Yellowjackets + Shauna Shipman + RWRB x Wicked Game Other Blogs: RWRB (chewbacca)
MOST POPULAR: Jennifer's Body (1.8k) FAVORITE(S): On main: James Wan + My Animal + Sam Carpenter (Scream) Other Blogs: Event Horizon (braindamage)
MOST POPULAR: Blue Planet II (1.1k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Top 10 most obsessively watched horror movies letterboxd lineup Other Blogs: Riverdale x Jennifer's Body parallel (ladiesblr) + Jughead x cat (jugheadjones)
MOST POPULAR: My Own Private Idaho (2.3k) FAVORITE(S): On main: Saltburn + Easy A Other Blogs: Black Christmas (societyclub)
You can also see my 2022 year in review here!
Tagging (no pressure!): @natscatorrcio, @yenvengerberg, @maxxxines, @saws2004, @arabellas, @moonlight, @mike-mills, @savajeffries, @mulderscully, @madeline-kahn, @rachelsennot, @margoterobbies, @girlbutcherwife
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jhsharman · 3 months
typically different
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Betty owns at least two Jughead dolls. It is clear by the narrative that this is not one Jughead for which she changed the shirt. And if you can settle that as just an odd gift from an odd friend -- no, we see with this stranger with a Jughead sweater that this is a universe where Jughead's antics are known far and wide, and merchandised.
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The original gets the nightgown color-- seen as pink in the initial page -- wrong in this panel. The reprint gets her muddy facial cream portrayed as not muddy.
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The extended bottom tier of panels -- filling in the indicia -- makes Veronica's gown looser past the bosom area than seen in the initial splash (pair of) panel.
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Of Course, We Love You
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Summary: you are abused by your parents but never told your partners afraid they would agree with what your parents would tell you and leave you. One day Betty notices a bruise on her neck and tells the others.
A/N: I’m sorry if I’m writing so many ‘dark’ ones. they are the ones I’m used to and read the most so it’s easier.
Warnings: Physical and mental abuse, Alcohol abuse, and intersex girl? (Is that a warning?)
“YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! *Throws glass vase at the wall beside you* GO TO YOUR ROOM!” After your mom was done with you, you struggled to get up and make it to your room. your parents have been abusing you ever since they found out you were intersex. They thought you were a freak but luckily you could find people who accept you for what you are. Those people are now your partners Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Jughead. They had always been there through thick and thin. Despite their unconditional love, you are still scared that they might leave you if they found out what your parents think about you. They could realize your parents are right and leave like everyone in your past did. That’s why you haven’t told them about the abuse, so they wouldn’t leave you.
You were on a date with your partners at pops and having a great time. Archie was on your left and Betty on your right with Jughead in front of Archie and Veronica beside him. you leaned your head on Archie and closed your eyes since you were still tired from last night and ended up falling asleep.
Jughead was holding Archie’s hand from across the table when Betty noticed something on the bottom of your neck going to the top of your shoulder. “Hey, guys.” She whispered to the rest of the group. “Yeah B?” “Do you guys see this big bruise on Y/N’s neck?” The others carefully looked over at your neck and saw the bruise. “Yeah, where do you think she got that from?” Jughead said as he adjusted his beanie. “I don’t know maybe we can as her tomorrow?” “Yeah, we should let her sleep for now,” Archie commented after he put his arm around you. 
The next day at school you were wearing a turtleneck and blue jeans even though it’s summer, (you got home a little late last night). you felt arms wrap around your waist and instantly knew it was Veronica because she was more affectionate. “Hey Baby.” you rasped out softly. “Whoa, are you okay honey? Your throat sounds sore.” “I’m fine, V.” You felt really bad about lying to her after seeing how worried she got but you just couldn’t tell the truth. “A-are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Okay well, the rest of our partners are waiting for us in the music room.” “Why the music room?” “For some...privacy.” She smiled and you smiled back. 
V and I got to the Music room after the other three were already there. the four of them look pretty nervous once they’re standing in front of me. “What going on?” Betty shifted on her feet. “Well, we wanted to ask you about yesterday’s bruise on your neck.” I quickly brought my hand to my neck and tried to think of an excuse. “A book fell on me at the library.” I thought it was a dumb excuse, but I think they brought it up, or at least Veronica did because she came up to hug me. “Why didn’t you tell us? You know how worried we get.” “I’m sorry, it slipped my mind.” After that, the bell rang, and we hugged before going our separate ways.
In the afternoon I was helping hang up some posters for prom in two months. “Uh, (y/n/n) are you okay?” “What do you mean Cheryl?” “When you were raising that sign, I saw a huge bruise on your side.” I started to in my head. People have never seen bruises before. “Oh, I just bumped into the door. you know how clumsy I can be.” I tried to laugh it off but it kind of hurt. Cheryl just nodded her head. “Ok well, I’m going to the bathroom.” “Bye, Cher!”
I lied. I wasn’t going to the bathroom; I was going to the blue and gold to tell Cousin Betty what I saw. Once I got in there, I saw that it was only me and Betty in the room. “Cousin Betty, I have to tell you something.” Betty didn’t even look up from her computer. “What is it?” “It’s about y/n.” She stopped what she was doing, stood up quickly, and started walking toward me. “What about y/n?” “When we were hanging up the posters for prom, I saw a huge bruise on her side.” Betty started to look really worried. “Ok, thank you for telling me.” “Do you think she’s okay?” I asked. Betty looked at me sadly and said, “Honestly Cheryl, I don’t know.”
After what Cheryl told me I rushed to the lunchroom where my other partners were. “Guys, Cheryl just told me that she saw another bruise on y/n’s side while they were hanging up some prom posters.” “What? Another one? What is happening to her?” Jug said after putting down his burger. “I don’t know, but we got to find out what’s going on,” Archie elaborated. “I knew that excuse was bogus. I mean how could a book even leave that big of a bruise?” I started to pace back and forth and rub my hands on my pants. “Well, we got to find her first.” As if on cue, Y/n walked up to our lunch table, “Hey guys, what’s up. Whoa, Bets are you okay? Why are you pacing?” “No, I’m not okay and neither are you.” V got up and stood behind me, “Maybe we should talk about this in private.” “Talk about what?” Y/n asked. The boys got up too (Not without Jughead taking another bite of his burger) and we started walking to the music room with Y/n right behind us. 
After we made it to the music room Y/n spoke, “I still don’t know what this is about.” Ronnie sighed, “Why did you lie to us?” “Lie to you about what?” “Your bruises Y/n!” Juggie shouted. “Your excuse this morning was a flat-out lie. Cheryl told Betty about the bruise she saw on your side. And don’t even try to say some dumb explanation, we all know that you don’t have a single clumsy bone in your body!” Y/n slightly flinched and took a step back. “What was that?” I asked. She looked away from us and sat down in one of the chairs closest to her. The room was silent for a bit unit y/n finally said something, “If I tell you, will you promise me that yell anymore?” “Y-yeah,” Jughead spoke, “I’m sorry.” Y/n sighed, and some tears came out of her eyes. “It’s my parents okay.” We all sat down around her and just let her talk. “They’ve been abusing me ever since they found out I was intersex when I was one. When the ‘friends’ I had in the past found out they just left me alone. some even started to bully me after I told them. That’s why I never told you guys. I Just can’t-” She was full on sobbing at this point and so were we. We all had a group hug and sat there for a while. “I can’t lose you guys,” she whispered. “You would never lose us,” me, Archie, Juggie, and Ronnie all said at the same time and then we all laughed. We slowly let go of our hug. “We love you Y/n.” “I love you guys too.”
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valentinemachines · 3 months
jughead getting bottom surgery. life is awesome
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yourjughead · 3 months
Fighting Ex's pt 1
Sweet Pea X clumsy shy Reader
Synopsis: Sweet Pea wants to drag you out of your shell. When you take his side in an argument with your ex boyfriend, a trip to the Wyrm brings you outwards
You drifted through the halls Friday morning, keeping your head down and pace quick, the usual, only this morning your tracks were interrupted by the gaggle of Serpents arriving. They flooded the hallways in true Southside style, loud and unapologetic. They had been here for some time now but their presence was still notable.
You crinkled your face as you struggled to get the locker door to give way. Its rusty hinges allowed access with your force, your hand slipping, sending your balance alongside it. Your hips met the ground square from behind as you felt every eye in the corridor land on you. As quick as you were on the ground you were up, sailing the top of your head right into the bottom of the locker. You cursed harshly in your mind, bringing a hand to the growing bump.
“Have you considered bubble wrapping yourself?” tension grew from your nerves at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. You glanced quickly to the side to meet the Serpents eyes, wide and smiling at you. Sweet Pea and you had few interactions in the classes you both shared but his interest in you was growing more and more by the day. You knew little about one another, with one of you desperate for that to change.
“I…umm…maybe” you breathed out, shoving your gear bag into the metal casing and almost slamming the door closed again. Your palm quickly landed on the door trying to quiet the sound.
“That'll show it” Sweet Pea smiled again.
“YN! There you are! come on I have to tell you the drama, I-” Kevin came rushing to your side, cut off by Sweet Peas presence.
“Keller's kid right? Go on then, I like to hear the drama too” his eyebrows raised, Kevin only side eyeing him before hooking an arm in yours and pulling you away. You hesitantly looked back at Sweet Pea who just gave a wave with his fingertips before laughing and rejoining his cohort.
“Marry, Fuck, Kill, Serpent addition” the group laughed at Veronicas idea of a game when lunch time came around.
“Don't be crass Veronica, they're like my siblings now” Jughead winced at the thought of the outcome of these answers.
“I don't care, don't play then. Kevin, which of those three over there are you marrying” Veronica pointed a long manicured finger to where Fangs, Sweet Pea and another Serpent talked just outside the common room.
“I hate those guys” Reggie cut off Kevin before he could talk, Jughead rolling his eyes and going to their defence.
“If I could marry and fuck one of them I'd be happy, you've a free house tonight, maybe I'll get my chance there” Kevin whispered to you as the group volume raised over the premise of the game. You smiled, gently bumping him with your shoulder. Kevin had become one of your only really good friends, his own friends adopting you then by proxy. They never got much out of you, instead you just listened and made your own internal judgments of them, and there was a lot to judge them for.
Sweet Pea strided over with Fangs, both sitting on an arm of the chair Jughead occupied, silence falling on the group. This peace lasted all of two minutes, abruptly ending as Reggie and other Bulldogs decided to ruffle some Serpent skin. You quickly made your exit after seeing your ex boyfriend take the first swing.
On your way back to your locker after a long day of painful classes, you walked past Sweet Pea sat on a chair outside the principal's office, the halls almost empty. You looked briefly at the darkening bruising under his eye as you ambled past.
“I should have bubbled wrapped myself” he gave you a small grin, hoping to pull you into conversation.
“Yeah maybe” said with a little shrug in return. The principal's abrupt exit with Reggie from his office silenced you both. Reggie gave Sweet Pea a blood curdling stare, only to have the Serpent look back unfazed.
“Now you both say it was the other that threw the first punch and I have no way of-”
“YNN was there” Reggie cut the Principal off before he could finish. The three pairs of eyes all landing on you. The hairs on your neck stood on their ends, Sweet Pea pulling his gaze away, accepting his fate of another bad reputation at another school. You and Reggie dated breifi, he clearly was testing what loyalty was left between you both. You glanced between the three and gulped before answering honestly.
“Reggie threw the first punch Sir.” You looked down to your feet, Sweet Peas head snapping back in your direction in disbelief.
“What the fuck YNN?!”
“Reginald! Language! You can go-” he gestured to Sweet Pea who instantly stood up without hesitation “-and you Reginald, back in here with me”.
Sweet Pea sighed a breath of relief as the two re-entered the Principal's office, he turned to thank you but you had taken off up the hallway, by passing your locker and out through the exit.
“Hey hey wait up YN” He easily met your side with his long stride, you nodded in reply to him, almost frantically turning your head to watch your bus drive off without you.
“Thanks for that”
“Don't mention it”
“Seriously that was really cool of you”
“Seriously don't mention it” you kept your voice low, looking for anyone around familiar to you and landing your eyes on Kevin. Kevin who was with Fangs and heading in your guys direction both looking very cosy.
“What a difference a day makes” Sweet Pea joked earning a small smile from you.
“Not much of a talker no?” Fangs voiced prevented your own from answering Sweet Peas question.
“Sweet Pea, Sweet Peas Girl, come on we're going to the Wyrm with Kevin….and some other people but mostly Kevin-” Fangs winked at Sweet Pea “-...gotta show him-i mean them our world" Fangs was clearly gushing over Kevin and you and Sweet Pea thought it was adorable.
“Sounds good, yn?” You bit your lip and it was driving Sweet Pea crazy.
“I-I don't know” Kevin's eyes looked at you pleadingly, he couldn't very well go to the Southside alone.
“Ah come on YN, I owe you a drink after you saved my ass”
“Oh you told them the ex hit first, nice revenge YN” Kevin nudged you. A new energy came from Sweet Pea at this information.
“I-I guess I could go for awhile” you spoke before Sweet Pea could ask questions. His delight at your agreement sent them out of his mind.
“-Great, I'll take you on my bike, Kevin can go with Fangs-” the two had already began making strides towards the motorbike lock up “-and I can bring you home whenever you want then” he beckoned you to follow him over to where he'd parked earlier. You nodded smally being reassured with the presence of Kevin at Fangs side.
It was later that night and after a few drinks you began to relax into the atmosphere. Kevin stayed close to you as did Sweet Pea. The buzz of the bar bouncing off the walls surrounding the booth. It was nice to hear the stories from growing up in the Serpents, not nearly as horrible as all the rumours made it seem. Sweet Pea was enjoying seeing you outside of school and you were, to your own surprise, feeling the same about him. Drinks were free flowing as a party at the bar kicked off, leaving your brain feeling a bit groggy with the increasing volume of music.
You came back from the bathroom to find Sweet Pea in an empty booth.
“Well Fangs is showing Kevin...the inside of the coat closet” he gestured to the far away cabinet on the other side of the dance floor.
“Want to dance?”
“I didn't take you for the dancing type Sweet Pea”
“Plenty you don't know about me YN” he stood, taking you by the hand and leading you to the crowded dance floor. He wasn't the dancing type. He was really really not coordinated but you didn't care. You were having fun being silly with him, the alcohol and his energy taking away any self consciousness you felt, a new world of feeling. The lights flickered the colour of the rainbow as the music climbed and climbed with volume, Serpents dancing letting loose, being young dumb and free, all feelings you regularly denied yourself. Then darkness
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archietransdrews · 1 year
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archie's rapid s2 descent into outright vigilantism is kind of a meme at this point but i do think it bears repeating that at bottom his frantic urgency stems directly from the fact that he knows the cops and the mayor aren't going to do anything meaningful to stop the violence. it is this utter lack of faith in adult institutions, which comes directly off the back of the mishandled investigation and exposed corruption of s1, that makes him feel the need to take matters into his own hands. in a lot of ways, archie's night watch is the flip side of the coin that is betty and jughead's teen detective squad; woefully misguided though his efforts are, they come from an accurate assessment of the political landscape in riverdale, shared by many of the town's teens, which leads them to conclude rightly that the town's adults will not keep them safe and are in fact likely implicated in what's going on.
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