#blood lust collection
beholdmystuffz · 5 months
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Marvel Comics - Spider-man - Torment (Part 2 of 5 - (Issue 2) - Blood Lust of The Lizard! Sept 2nd.
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cannibalcharon · 1 year
autism violence! edition
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skull-storm-daily · 2 years
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7/09/2022 (curious egg deck)
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wyvernest · 9 months
mating szn
part 1 (part2)
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pairing: miguel o'hara x f!gf!reader
warnings: smut, fluff, scent marking, primal play, rutting miguel, possessiveness, reader is ovulating
summary: miguel comes home feeling extremely needy
You're preparing dinner when you hear the opaque glass doors of your shared mansion open for your lover to come in. It's almost midnight, and it doesn't take you longer than a few seconds to realize how tired he has to be.
Miguel walks into the open kitchen, frowning. 
"Baby! I missed you!" You jolt to him, pans clattering dangerously as you throw them aside, careful enough not to ruin your work but swiftly enough to get to him as fast as possible.
You curl your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes, pressing your chest flush against his hard pecs. His hands grab at your hips, absentmindedly and by habit.
"What's wrong?". You place a gentle, loving hand on his cheek, trying to meet his gaze. But he's not looking at you. His eyes are darting all over your face and body, brows still creased. 
He could feel it, your scent. A collection of the whole day, everything you've done. The food, the places you've been. He feels like it's been so long since this morning, when he woke up beside you, kissing along your neck. 
He feels a surge of blood rush from his heart and through his lucidity, a shot of adrenaline inexplicably taking over him.
You don't smell of him anymore. Anger bubbles in his chest as he thinks of all the people you must've talked to around HQ, who didn't smell his strong musk on you, who had no idea you belonged to him.
He's never felt like this before. He brushes the unfamiliar feeling aside for a moment, grounded by the silent plea in your eyes.
"I'm good. Just a bit tired." He brushes wild strands of baby hairs out of your face, finally matching the loving look you've greeted him with from the start.
He leaves you to finish the meal and steps into the shower, hoping that an ice cold stream would cool him down. Only it doesn't do anything but worsen the situation.
The second he feels the water spray hit his body, he flinches, unlike the usual relief he gets. His skin is abnormally feverish, the ghost of your body in his arms taunting him further into madness. He soon finds himself desperate to get out, to be reunited with you and the warmth only you could ever provide for him.
Images of your supple body breaking in his embrace flood his already lust crazed mind against his better judgment, and he feels his cock fatten slightly at the memory.
When he takes it in his hand, he nearly starts bucking his hips into his hold, sensitive and insanely needy. He imagines you in the bathtub with him, arching your back over the edge, spreading your legs for him to pound his cock into you under the hot stream, your moans echoing and ringing into the stone tiles.
He can't take it anymore. His body aches for your touch and attention.
Exiting the shower, he pulls a pair of loose boxers up his thighs, the only thing he can tolerate with the fever that has taken hold of him so suddenly.
And then, he focuses on the image of you, standing where he left you, gently stirring in a bowl. You're wearing one of his t-shirts, draped down to the middle of your thighs and over your elbows, an oversized dress. 
He approaches you, wrapping his arms around your front and waist, dropping a fraction of his weight on your back just to keep you from moving or fighting against it. You throw your head back, closing your eyes.
His head drops to your neck, kissing here and there, exhales smoldering hot on your throat, stopping momentarily to deeply inhale your scent. Among all others, there is a distinctive smell of you, of your arousal and need for him that drives him mad.
"Wait- Miguel, let me finish this-" You protest, your creamy tone betraying your true intentions. 
He groans, kissing your naked shoulder, his hands squeezing your form in front of him. 
All tasks are ultimately abandoned as he pushes you against the counter, his defined abs hitting your back, the marble surface cold against your thighs. He presses his fat, hard cock up against your plush ass, his hands fondling your breasts through his shirt, groaning low and quiet in your ear. 
With his biceps curled and constricted around your navel, your body goes limp in his hold, trembling ever so slightly as his warm, broad palms squeeze the soft flesh of your tits. He pushes them together, massaging gently, almost experimentally. He flattens them with the heels of his palms softly, only to them constrict his fingers around them so perfectly, fondling and groping away.
"Mm- Miguel, oh-" You breathe out, finding balance on your hands, arching your back into him. You feel your core pulsate with need, swelling up under his movements. You're almost completely wrapped up in his massive body, with nowhere to go. 
And just then, you accidentally knock a knife off the counter, startled when it hits the marble floor with a loud clank. He jumps, backing up from your body. Your face is flushed, eyes half lidded, breath heavy, nipples perked under the thin cotton. Landing back to your senses, you move to bend down and pick it up.
His eyes automatically snap to your round ass and the dark wet spot on your panties that invites him so blatantly to shove his cock in between your pussy lips. 
He can't help it. He can't control himself anymore.
Balance leaves your position as you feel his rough, eager hands grip your hips, harshly pulling you back into him. The plumpness of your ass hits the girthy shaft of his cock, but before you can look for the lost balance with your hands in front of you, he thrusts his erection up against your clothed cunt, making you whine in need.
"Ay, mi amor-" His voice is rugged and satisfied, laced with a deep groan. A broad palm hits the side of your behind, making the tender flesh ripple against his hard-on. "Te necesito muchísimo ahora." (I need you so badly right now.)
You yelp, perplexed, instinctively grabbing his wrists for balance. He pulls you up with your back against his chest, splaying a cursory hand across your abdomen, sending shivers thundering down your spine and butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"Miguel!" You playfully fight against his possessive hold, "Is this your way of helping me prepare dinner?!" You free yourself, giggling and letting a wide smile take over your features. Stepping back and extending your arms in front of you in an attempt to shield yourself from him, you chuckle wholeheartedly.
Seeing you resist, he lets out a defeated exhale.
"Fine. I'll be good, lo prometo." (I promise). He motions for you to come closer and trust that he'll behave. Letting your guard down, you approach the counter, eyes fixated on his playfully.
He feels your body heat nearing him, so comfortable and tempting. The smell of you, and everything that drives him crazy about your presence alone. His breaths deepen and quicken abruptly, his cock straining in his boxers, twitching freely against the material, begging to be enveloped in your wet warmth.
He looks down at you like a panther about to pounce, waiting for the perfect moment to do so. Your smile curls wider, eyes shining with lust and a teasing playfulness. His body dwarfs yours, his shadow alone making you feel puny. His shoulders are tense, the same way they are when he's on top of you, riding you into next Tuesday.
He shifts to place a clawed hand on the counter, the sharp edged digits tapping against the surface catching your attention momentarily in the corner of your eye. He exploits the split second it takes you to look down to his arm, snapping and squatting to grab your thighs, throwing you over his shoulder.
"NO! You promised! Miguel! The food!" You try to reason, throwing any and each accusation you can think of, knowing that you definitely don't want him to drop it and leave you alone, truly. And he knows it. 
And that's when he feels it. With your ass on his bulky shoulder, he can smell it. Your arousal, dripping hot. His fat cock finally hardens completely, its monstrously girthy shaft poking through the shorts. 
You're ovulating.
Groaning ruggedly, he delivers a rough spank to your plump ass before pushing two fingers over the wet mound of your clothed pussy, running them over your slit, teasingly, collecting more of your scent.
He swears the only thing stopping him from fucking you raw right on the kitchen floor is your comfort.
"Okay! You win! Put me down, I'll let you fuck me."
Without a second thought, he places you back on the floor, hands on your hips, talons grazing your tender skin deliciously.
His eyes have reddened, pupils blown wide, exhales hot and labored. You don't want anything more than to wrap your arms around his neck, to press yourself into him, to feel his hard abdomen on your stomach, his pecs on your soft tits, his mouth on your neck.
But you want to see more of how needy he is.
You jolt to the stairs with no warning, climbing the winding wooden steps like a cat. You hear him behind you, his weight put onto each movement as he chases close behind, the staircase creaking under him.
Looking behind before reaching the hallway of the first floor of your mansion, you feel your panties dampen at the sight of the man and the sheer size of him, massive shoulders slightly hunched forward in focus and adrenaline, his height successfully making you stagger on your way to the bedroom.
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divider by @cafekitsune
a/n: primal play is thoroughly discussed beforehand. insisting that your partner has sex with you even after resistance without having discussed the aforementioned resistance is abusive.
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myszie · 28 days
The Spymaster’s Honeypot
Azriel twt links
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The Shadowsinger is famed to have many bees in his hive of spies, each playing their own part in the balance of truth and secrecy that must be maintained. But another truth must be balanced, the Spymaster’s blood sings to more than shadow, it sings to his favourite bee of them all - his own piece of truth, secrecy and desire - his Honey pot.
Trigger Warning - Please be aware the collection is composed of some rough kinks including but not limited to sadism, bdsm, brat tamimg, and breeding. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
The plan was flawless if you didn’t account for his jealousy (angry sex and backshots)
Maybe he must remember why is it that you’re able to bring men to their knees (sub!Azriel)
The spymaster adores his tools (bdsm)
Is it really punishment for a failed mission when your hips are chasing his fingers
Oh but it is punishment when the trap involves you touching skin that’s not his (overstimulation)
His favourite song seems to involve a whole lot of naked (moaning and deep sex)
You’re more than just desire and lust (soft and romantic)
Oh to watch a woman like you fall apart on his fingers
“Nothing to say princess?”
You always carry a piece of him on all missions, it just happens to be in your ass
He’s simply checking if the outfit is enough to tempt another poor soul into their damnation.
There are a few ways to relieve tension after a long mission, angry sex seems to work best
He isn’t a man of god, but he tastes you like he’s tasting elixir
You like to remind him every once in while how he’s your salvation too
He just needs to clear his head yk? (Boobies)
The spymaster does well to remember truly how much power you have over him (face riding)
Bonus - when desire bleeds into something more
The mornings where time seems to slow
The alleyways that simmer in darkness and secrets
Loud dinners where quiet touches go unnoticed
In between outfits when underwear is forgotten
Took a more creative approach? Do you like it
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after-witch · 4 months
Fever Pitch [Yandere Geto Suguru x Reader]
Title: Fever Pitch [Yandere Geto x Reader]
Synopsis: Geto’s been hit by a lust curse, and you take what little control you have to avoid him snapping. Follow-up to Bus Stop.
Word Count: 3200ish
Notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, dubcon, sex, some mentions of past degradation 
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 It’s funny, the way you can get used to anything. When you were first taken,  you would have sworn--on your heart, your soul, on blood from a cut on your palm--that you would fight, hiss, and spit at Geto until the day you died. 
And now here you are, nestled on a seat cushion in his sitting room, quietly reading a book while he’s off collecting curses and doing favors that aren’t really true favors at all. The person assigned to you today is a familiar face, someone you don’t entirely detest, if only because they are content to keep an eye on you without emanating visible hatred towards your existence at every second.
They were even kind--or what classifies as “kind” here--enough to lend you their scissors a few weeks ago, when someone stuck a wad of sticky bubble gum in your hair as they passed you in a hallway. Sure, they kept an eye on you the entire time in order to make sure you weren’t trying to stab yourself (or anyone else); but they said nothing as you hacked at your own hair, eventually giving yourself a passable pixie cut.
Geto had raised his eyebrows when he came back that day, and had a quiet word with your keeper. But you didn’t get punished, so that was that. Cutting off your hair felt good, even. Like you were cutting out whatever part of yourself was still simmering in pointless anger at  your situation. Why be angry, why be in despair, when nothing you did mattered? You ran once. He found you. If you bothered to run again--not that you’d get the chance--he would find you again. And again. 
It was better to find something like enjoyment instead of wallowing. 
Wasn’t it?
Besides, even Geto had been different since the day he found you. He seemed content for you to be a quiet pet again. He no longer visited you in the night, touching you, forcing pleasures and sounds you didn’t want to experience from his fingers, even as he commanded you to always keep your arms away from him. He was allowed to touch--but you weren’t allowed to touch him. You hated it. 
But he hadn’t touched you in the slightest intimate way since that day. Unless you counted the condescending head pats as intimate, which you certainly did not. 
You hear Geto’s footsteps, and your muscles tense in preparation. You carefully set a bookmark in your book and set it aside; he didn’t like it when you paid attention to a book instead of him. Especially when he’d been gone for most of the day. 
But something’s wrong. Something’s different.
These are not the orderly footsteps of Geto returning to his rooms at the end of a (horribly) productive day. These steps are staggered--hesitant. 
Your current keeper stands when Geto enters, but he simply dismisses them with a wave of his hand and an unusually curt: “Leave.” 
They hazard a glance at you--it almost feels kind--before swiftly grabbing their bag and walking away, hurried steps echoing in the hallway that leads to his suite of rooms.
As soon as they’re out of earshot, Geto begins to shed his clothing. Now this wasn’t unusual. He preferred to wear only a casual outfit around you, some trousers and a light top most of the time. What was unusual was the undignified manner in which he did it, simply peeling away his layers and tossing them on the ground, all the while his breath seemed to come in quiet, stuttering pants.
It’s enough to make you break your gaze from the floor and look at him.
Geto looks… ill. His cheeks are flushed and yes, his chest is heaving a little as he takes in short, frenzied breaths. Even the skin of his neck and collar had a slight glow to it, like he’d been exercising vigorously or done something terribly embarrassing. 
“Geto?” You ask, hesitantly. You flick your eyes back down to the floor, where you’re told they belong until he says otherwise. 
He doesn’t answer. The final layers of his robes drop to the floor. 
Normally, he would approach you now, calmly. He might tilt your chin up with his hand and ask what you did today--if you were good, if you behaved. 
Instead he staggers away, catching himself on the corner of a table.
“Geto?” You try again, voice higher, more concerned. 
You look up to see him with both palms splayed on the table, breaths coming in deeper huffs. His skin is still flushed--it’s so strange--and you swear the room feels warmer than it did a few moments ago. 
His fingers curl against the table into a tight fist, then release, then curl again. His breath comes in more ragged by the moment. There’s an unmistakable soft groan--in pain? Discomfort?
“Are you… all right?” You ask, and do the boldest thing possible in your present situation, which happens to be standing up on shaky legs and taking a step towards him.
“Don’t.” The word is practically growled out, and your muscles freeze for the moment, keeping you in place.
He turns to look at you, but instead of looking angry, he looks… desperate. His eyes roam over you and his lips part, and you see the edge of his tongue reach out to lick a dry patch as he struggles to regain control over his breath. 
The expression hits you and it’s oh-so familiar and you don’t like it at all.
Geto isn’t sick. 
He’s aroused.
You reach up to clutch at your shirt, fidgeting with the fabric like it might actually provide comfort in this unsure situation.
“What… happened?” 
He doesn’t answer at first. His mouth twists into something like a grin, but it’s twitchy, uncontrolled. He chuckles slowly.
“A curse. I should have taken a closer look, but--” He lets out a pained sigh and squeezes his eyes shut. “I was distracted. Foolish. Stupid.”
You--perhaps foolish, stupid--take a step forward. Little pieces find themselves fitting together in your brain, trying to create a plan for what will come ahead. It’s how you’ve managed to survive so far, isn’t it? Taking in everything about your situation and acting accordingly to preserve your health and sanity?
“What… kind of curse?” You ask, and take more steps, until you’re close enough that you can feel some of the unnatural warmth from his body. 
He looks at you slowly, his eyes almost rolling in a way that makes your stomach turn. You perhaps don’t need to actually hear the answer. It’s become clear, with the way he’s panting, the way his skin is flushed, the awful warmth from being so close to him. But it’s best for him to admit it, anyway, and confirm it to your whirring brain.
Something seems to roil through him and he leans down, groaning in an uninhibited way that makes cold fear crawl up your arms, despite the warmth from Geto’s body. This close, you can see the sweat beading on his forehead, and when you glance down, his hardness is evident through his trousers.
Oh, you’re going to be fucked by the end of the night. You know it. It’s an inevitability. 
What if it’s like before? When he would be rough and fast, and it would feel good and terrible all at the same time? When you felt like you had no control over what was done to you, and what you were made to do? The shame that would spread through your body afterward was nearly unbearable. 
No… it was better to take charge yourself, wasn’t it? The only other option was to wait for him to snap. And if he was influenced by some lust-filled curse, there’s no telling what he might do. 
So you’ll take care of him before he can reach that breaking point. 
“Geto,” you say, and your hand reaches out slowly, like he’s a wild dog (perhaps he is) until it rests just above his back. Close enough for him to sense you. Although attempting to touch him without permission would normally have earned you a slap on the wrist and a reprimand, Geto leans into your palm, letting out a soft, pleased noise, as if your palm resting on his back was something far more wonderful.
“Let me… take care of you,” you manage, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth before you force it loose to say the words. He doesn’t answer, breath still coming out in a pant. 
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You speak louder, more firmly. More sure of yourself, even if a large part of you is wondering if this is a terrible idea after all. But it’s better to get it over with; to do this on your terms, or as much of your terms as you can manage. You can at least admit that.
Geto doesn’t answer, and you’re about to say something else when he grabs your wrist--it’s too tight, his palm is sweaty--and begins to pull you towards the bedroom. Your house slippers scuff on the floor from the unsteady force of his grip, but you manage not to fall.
Later, you will wonder--if you did trip in that moment, would he have simply taken you on the floor? It was a distinct possibility.
But you don’t fall. You make it to the bedroom and he lets go of you, stripping off his clothes with  a frenzy that is completely unlike him. You don’t wait for an order to remove your own clothing. He might not have even been in the right frame of mind to remember that you’re normally supposed to wait for his order on everything. Or perhaps it has been so long since he’d touched you this way, he didn’t even think of giving it in the first place.
When he turns around, both of you are naked. His hardness is evident, erect and pressing against his flushed body. You can see wetness around his tip and something between your leg twinges in both pleasant anticipation and worry at what this curse-induced arousal might mean for the both of you.
“Well?” He says, voice thick and low. 
You swallow against your throat, against the worries that normally come with seeing Geto naked. You remind yourself that this is different. That you’re taking control, as much as you can get, with him so afflicted. It won’t be like before, surely, when he would use you and leave you alone like the toy that you were afterward. 
“Lay on the bed,” you command. Your body flinches instinctively at the audacity of it. “Please,” you add, but he doesn’t seem to mind your forwardness in this moment. He crawls on the bed and leans back against the pillows, keeping himself half-upright as he watches you. 
You glance down at his cock. It twitches, ever so slightly, and you feel yourself twitch between your legs to match it. Was it because it had been so long? Or because you were the one telling him what to do? Or some awful mixture of both, and more besides? 
It was hard to tell what was normal and what wasn’t in the fucked up state of your existence. 
“Get on the bed.” It’s his turn to give a command, and you’re quick to obey it. For as much as you’re taking the initiative, you can’t let yourself forget who owns you, perhaps literally. Even if he’s currently flushed and woozy and subject to the demands of the arousal forced upon him by some wayward curse.
You climb on the bed and crawl until you’re positioned with your knees on either side of his hips. It’s the first time you’ve been above him. It would be out of the question, you think, before. He liked to remind you where you belonged in the literal sense, and that had extended to sexual positions.
Instinctively, your hands go behind your back, folding primly. You’re not supposed to touch him during sex. You know that. It’s been the rule; it was one of the first things he drilled into your head when he began fucking you. He was allowed to touch you in any way he wanted; stroking and pinching and whatever else fell within his whims. But you? You keep your filthy hands to yourself. 
And so, it’s with your hands behind your back that you carefully begin to lower yourself onto his erect cock. 
He gasps and groans, and you do, too. Your twinges were not enough to get you properly wet, and it hurts as you lower yourself down. But the flush on his face and the feeling of being full after so long begins to grant you the warmth necessary to produce your own slickness, easing the passage just a little as you take all of him in. Not enough for it to be painless. But it’s not like that ever mattered before. 
“Fuck,” he spits out, throwing his head back from there mere sensation of your pussy taking in his erection. You feel yourself clench him and he hisses in delight. It makes you feel a bit giddy, to affect him like this, with so little.
Your fists clench behind your back as he bottoms out inside you, and your own groan joins his as you steady yourself, keeping your balance as you sit on top of him. His cock twitches inside you and you let out a sigh, leaning forward. Your hair tickles your ears.
He’s looking up at you, hips writhing in a way that makes you gasp.
“Touch me.” 
You think you must have misheard him.
“I said touch me,” he says, more forceful, the arousal pulsing through him giving his voice a thick tinge. He thrusts his hips and you bump upwards, in discomfort yes, but also a growing sense of your own arousal at the fullness and friction inside you.
“All--” You gasp when he thrusts again, and perhaps the idea of taking too much control was an illusion. “All right!” Your hands slowly come out from behind your back and with a hesitation that comes from months of being trained otherwise, you slowly lower your hands to rest on his hips.
Slowly, you trail your hands up to his chest, eyeing his nipples. How long had they been erect? Was it before or after you lowered yourself on him? It doesn’t matter. You begin to pull yourself up, timing your own movements with his now-shallow thrusting. As you do, your hands rest on his nipples, rubbing them slowly with your palm--the way he sometimes does to you, if he’s not pinching them harshly to make you squeal.
“Yes,” he murmurs. “Just… just like that. Good pet.” 
And there again, the sight of his pleasure from your touch, his raise, makes you clench… which makes him hiss in pleasure, which makes you giddy. 
It’s a wonderful cycle, and so different from all of the other times he’s fucked you. This is almost nice, in its own way. To be above him, mostly in control of how fast you move, how much of him you take in and out as you lift yourself up and down on his cock.
“Faster,” he says, and you don’t mind obeying. One of your hands still toys with his nipple while the other reaches between your own legs and thumbs at your clit. It’s audacious, really--you’re not supposed to pleasure yourself without his permission.
But he doesn’t tell you to stop. Instead he simply watches the way your thumb rubs against your clit; does he enjoy the sight of his cock inside you, the way your pussy takes him as you use your leg muscles to thrust up and down?
He must, because you can feel your own arousal mixing with his, see the way his chest rises faster. Tell-tale signs that he’s getting close.
“Stop,” he orders suddenly. “Get off me.” His voice is still low, still filled with lust, but there’s something else in it. Something more familiar. 
“Geto?” You ask, confused, your own voice coated with arousal that’s just about to reach its peak. It’s disappointing to stop now, but you know better than to disobey. Even right now, or perhaps, especially right now.
He seems to regain a stronger semblance of himself. “Get off,,” he commands, and you do. 
It doesn’t take long to realize why he gave the order. He swiftly grips your arms and flips you on the bed, your back pressing against the sheets that are warm with his own unmistakable body heat.
Now this is familiar. Geto above you, naked, flushed, aroused. And you, beneath him. But this time your arousal was of your own making, and there’s a sort of power in that, you think.
He’s back inside you and by this time you’re wet enough that it simply feels good to be filled again. His wrists keep your own pinned and you murmur a plea, you were so close, Geto--and to your surprise, one of his hands leaves your wrist to begin playing with your clit.
Arousal builds quickly this time, and you come without ceremony, your muscles clenching around him and legs kicking helplessly on the bed as he continues to touch you through your orgasm.
Familiar patterns set in, and as your own orgasm begins to fade out, you know what will happen now. He’ll fuck you faster and pull out as he comes–he refuses to finish inside you–and then leave you to yourself.. Maybe he’ll have to go another round to deal with the effects of this curse, but whatever change had been over him before, allowing you greater freedom, was surely gone.
Only… maybe not.
Because as you feel the familiar sensation of Geto pushing inside you harder and faster as he nears his release, something new happens. Something different. Something that makes butterflies and battery acid flutter in your stomach all at the same time.
He leans down and presses his lips against yours, tentatively at first, then harder, until you open up your mouth and let his tongue inside.
Geto kisses you. It’s a surprisingly passionate kiss, and you let out a yelp of surprise when he grips your chin and kisses you through his own orgasm. 
He doesn’t even pull out. You feel his seed inside you for the first time, a liquid warmth. It’s uncomfortable and strange and you wonder how angry he’ll be, later on, that he did this. 
He doesn’t stop kissing you until you’re breathing heavily through your nose, and when he pulls away you take in a gulp of air.
He stares down at you with something that looks like wonder. At himself… or you? 
“Good pet,” he murmurs. But there’s no condescension in it today. 
There’s an awful, naked vulnerability that washes over you.
Geto let you touch him. Geto kissed you. 
Geto, Geto, Geto…
Was he going to be mad when this curse effect wore off? Would he get rid of you for making him violate so many of his own rules? 
You don’t have time to think about it, because you realize he’s still hard, and he begins to thrust shallowly inside your overstimulated pussy. 
He’ll have to go another round. 
Afterward, sleep came without warning. You had simply closed your eyes when Geto finally pulled out and that was that. 
You don’t know how much time has passed when you open your eyes, blinking away the grogginess of an unexpected nap. 
There’s a soreness between your legs, which you expected. There’s the feeling of your body being used, a low openness that combines vulnerability and humiliation in a bittersweet mixture; which you expected.
You don’t expect to blink and see Geto sleeping beside you, his arm slung around your waist, keeping you in place.
Geto never slept with you like this. He would fuck you and use you and sometimes tell you that you were a good pet if he was in a jovial mood--and he would leave. 
You’re afraid to move. If you wake him, will he be angry? Will he be annoyed that he let himself fall asleep beside you? Annoyed with himself for allowing it, or annoyed with you for being there? 
You don’t move, but it doesn’t matter. His eyes flutter open and you feel the warmth of his breath on your face as he takes in the sight before him, as you just did.
He doesn’t furrow his eyebrows in irritation or fling himself out of bed or reprimand you for existing like this in his space. Instead he pulls you closer, until your face is pressed closer to his chest. It makes you feel something--warmth? Affection? Relief that you weren’t being yelled at for being bad?--and your hand slowly leaves your side to curl up against his chest. 
He allows it. 
“Go back to sleep,” he murmurs.
And you obey.
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anantaru · 4 months
i miss xiao
cw. touch starved xiao, playing with your clit, teasing and dirty talk, fem! reader
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xiao misses you too, even better, he misses how you feel underneath the silhouette of his vigorous shape— and how exactly was he supposed to organize the hunger he felt the second he saw you?
you're even more tasteful than he could recall in his memories.
in the twinkling of an eye, he claims his long-awaited kiss with a rough growl and you both were gone, lost to a hefty hunger of tasting and touching, his erection hard and impatient rubbing against your naked folds.
xiao exhales through his mouth, yet you notice something deviant in his amber brown eyes, prosperously around his irises— something darker? it's strange, but you could see how excited he was for this, how his bitingly hard cock wasn't the first indicator on how much the yaksha had missed your presence.
you wanted to visit him more, or feel him for that matter. have your bare, exposed body be pressed in between the bed and his muscular body as he worships each crevice of your frame.
a soft moan rings from your throat as he slides his length in between your soaked folds, his hips tenderly moving in keeping with the rest of his weight moving closer to your figure before he lets go of a thick globule of spit in his mouth, to experience the raw feeling even more vividly.
xiao breathes, "i-is that good for you? it feels good to me, ugh, you feel so good," while he places his palms on top of your knees to spread you further apart, "i'm going to make you come apart," his lips brush over your own as he talks, his eyes half opened yet consumed in his own fantasies,
"and eat away the nightmares that wronged you,"
even while xiao was close to you like this, in this moment in time it was almost like you didn't hear him talk to you, you just couldn't concentrate on his voice, not when you were so absorbed on the way he dragged along your folds with every grind of his length smearing your arousal on your pussy, his pre cum too, glimmering of clear white on the delicate skin.
xiao takes one hand and pulls his fingers out to give your clit the stimulation it craved for— firstly, collecting some of your slick to massage it into the sensitive bud as you inevitable moan out, your hips frantically thrusting up into the air. he hums his appreciation to your candid reaction, leaning in to nuzzle at your bare throat, never stopping the circles on your clit.
"xiao, please, i wanna feel you already," your hips arch firmly up at his dripping dick skimming in between your puffiness, your limbs and muscles perceiving an immovable wall of raw lust as you're meeting his own aching body. "fuck me, please…"
it was a tempting line of thought, he has to admit, one that made his hefty cock twitch hard against your willing body. but xiao had only now gotten you back.
the man wanted to indulge in this, in you, as well as ignoring the pressures of his shaft aching deeply whenever he rolled his sensual tip over your hole, noticing how it drips filthily with your arousal.
"not yet, you shouldn't be so greedy," he purrs softly at you, his rushing blood quickening as he asserts control over his own choice, as if he needed to manipulate himself into being able to taunt you a while longer, "this is just a taste of what i will give to you later,"
xiao's full lips twitch into a smirk when you nod your head obediently at him, both of your arms lazily dangling on his shoulder.
the yaksha decides to take his hand from your clit before wrapping his palm around his pulsing erection, a low grunt, clearly broken but entirely focused— crumbling from past his plump lips.
he slides his tip up and down your folds before nudging it past the protective flesh that hid away your pearl, listlessly ghosting over the sensitive bud until you're presenting each and every twitch of your body signalizing the lust.
he was there now, toying with your clit, you can feel him, right?
pressed up so tight against your sensual nerves as your hole flutters around air, pump pump pump, it's like you're developing a second heart beat on your sex. your nipples turn hard of lust, your skin revealing in a scorching hot fire when he continues, expertly groping his cock while working his tip on your delicate clit.
preparing you for what's about to come.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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jame7t · 10 months
im glad we as a collective are become more anti-advertisement. it feels like for the past few years there was a quiet resignation or even (gags) sympathy towards advertisers. let a rage burn within you my friend every time I see the candy crush king I have a lust for blood that posting cannot resolve
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
Big Iron
Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, word count: 650 lmao no one is allowed to yell at me for the pun in the title (get it... cos blood tastes like iron??? PHEW) ANYWAY cooper howard eats people and enjoys the taste of blood so uh... eating someone out when they're on their period? winner winner delicious fuckin dinner for him, plus a healthy dose of romantic cannibalism🤎 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: mentions of cannibalism, period sex, oral sex, drinking/tasting blood, blood play
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Your fingers scratched at the thin mattress below you, catching on a spring that burst through the frayed fabric. Something to claw on to, to cling to, as your orgasm rolled over you, pulling back like the waves before a tsunami.
Sensing the imminent climax, Cooper cruelly pulled his head back from you, catching your eye as you looked down to see why he had stopped. With a wink, he dropped his tongue out past his chapped lips and ran it around his mouth. Wagging the long, pink muscle out, you could see the blood collected on it, smears of it still on his face.
"Why... why'd you stop?"
Panting. Pathetic. You were desperate for him to continue, to place his face flat against you, clit hooded by the cavity where his nose had been, tongue hungrily lapping at you. Even as you asked him, you could hear the whine in your voice. And his answer only made you tense up further.
"Because, darlin'... I like to savour my meals."
Why you had expected anything less was a mystery. Every month, right on schedule, your period arrived and Cooper went hysterical. Frenzied, like an animal in heat, as though he could smell the changes in your body. Blood lust driving him. He would claw at you any minute you were alone, tearing your clothes off to taste you, like he did now.
His fingers teased along your red, swollen lips, venturing into your cunt as you clenched around him, grateful for more of his touch. But it was over in a moment, as he withdrew his digits and held them out in front of him, admiring the way your blood, thick, dark and red, dripped slowly down them.
Placing them in his mouth, he sucked your juices off with a soft moan, eyelids closed to offer some sensory deprivation. All he wanted to experience was your taste. The metallic tang that coated his tastebuds, the smell of violence that filled the air.
Lowering his body, his knees scraping along the ground as he slid backwards through the dust on the ground, he rested his cheek against your leg before he began placing kisses on it. They trailed from the front, around to your inner thigh. Delicate, gentle, loving almost, before they turned to sharp bites. His yellowed teeth sinking into you with grunts and groans, either from arousal or from the sheer amount of concentration it took him to remember not to hurt you. Not too much anyway.
Between each nibble, each puncture of the top layer of skin with his surprisingly sharp teeth, he mumbled to you, low, rasping words that made you shudder, heating your cheeks and flushing your body.
“Why… I could just devour you whole… Make you a meal I’d never forget…”
Your lips curled into a smile at the thought. Cooper’s possessive nature only ever served to make you lust after him more. It consumed you, and you’d be content for him to consume you.
“Eat of your flesh… drink of your blood, that old chestnut…”
There was a soft scuffing sound which you identified as Cooper’s hips, grinding into the ground, desperate for the friction against his stiff cock as his tongue flitted back up your lips and pressed into your aching cunt one more. And still, he took breaks to speak to you between breathy, lustful moans.
“You taste… you taste as sweet as I remember honey being… you got the bite of a sour cherry… tender like the steaks they offered me at contract meetings… juicy… dripping… fresh kill…”
Your hand fell to the back of his head, keeping him buried between your legs, not quite strong enough to prevent him from stopping for just a few more words.
“I’m gonna eat you alive, darlin’…”
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atsumou · 24 days
— zhongli x f! reader x neuvillette
18+ MDNI; explicit smut, unprotected sex, cuckolding, masturbation (m), neuvillette being horny and overwhelmed and zhongli being a lil menace, pet name (my sweet girl). divider: cafekitsune.
word count: ~1k or less
notes: not proofread! advance apologies for any typos. idk how long i’ve had this drafted but yeah!! i got around to finally finishing it hehe.
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neuvillette always saw himself as a calm, and collected man; lilac gaze mirroring the cerulean tranquil waters of the weeping willow of the lake—he was never the one to unnecessarily raise his voice nor show the expression of anger. at least that’s what his lover, you, had said to him from one’s astute observation.
so why was the chief justice the complete opposite right this very moment? heart thrumming against his chest like the speed of the harsh winds in loch urania; blood boiling like hot vermillion lava from the volcanos of natlan, neuvillette seethed at the wickedly sinful sight in front of him—teeth clenched, nails digging into the poor azure fabric of the sofa beneath him. your lover was painted crimson red, not knowing if it stemmed from anger, embarrassment, or lust.
anger, because neuvillette didn’t know why he had agreed to such an insane proposal. though, insane was an understatement. he surveyed your sweat-covered naked body, rocking back and forth, back and forth from the forceful thrusts of another man—the geo archon. rex lapis, morax, deus auri, the usurper of the element of stone. he should be the only man sheathed beyond your walls so intimately; he should be the one pulling those saccharine moans from your soft lips; he should be the sole reason for your immense pleasure.
embarrassment, because neuvillette was too turned on at the sight before him to admit—though, his cock pushing against the navy slacks he donned was more than a telling sign. he was ashamed, felt absolutely filthy for getting aroused at such an outlandish sight. there were so many things wrong here and yet neuvillette had the audacity to be horny; he would give himself the heaviest sentence in the history of fontaine, for heaven’s sake. the iudex could feel his skin prickle, diminutive sharp kisses shooting all over his heated skin, fingers wanting to claw at the unbearable itch it left behind. he felt feverish but he couldn’t take his lilac gaze away from tracing your bare body—the way it responded to the heavenly pleasure zhongli gave.
lust, because at the end of the day—dragon or not—neuvillette’s body responded the same way as a human’s body would when exposed to a sexual stimuli. the chief justice practically gawked at his dear lover and zhongli on the bed; mouth slightly parted, tongue ever so lightly swiping at his bottom lip in effort to satiate his growing thirst. all neuvillette could hear were your dulcet moans reverberating throughout his cerulean-walled quarters, the way your pretty eyes rolled back in pure bliss; brows knitted in full concentration on your impending orgasm. oh, neuvillette wanted to be desperately inside you but all he could do was sit there.
sit there and watch as zhongli sinfully fucked you with enough drive to vex your lover. outside, the people in the court of fontaine begin to scramble for shelter at the first signs of water droplets beginning to fall from the azure sky; grey clouds looming over the nation of many waters as it prepares for a downpour. “hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don’t cry.” zhongli brazenly teases with a strained voice, his amber eyes glowing like gold, piercing right through neuvillette. the latter lets out a firm sigh, nails digging further into the softness of the seat.
“please, don’t hold yourself back, monsieur. we’re all here to have fun, aren’t we?” the dark-haired man continues before repositioning your naked body. zhongli hauls you up like a ragdoll, both arms secured behind your back with his hand while the other makes its way to the strands on your head. he faced you towards neuvillette—who sat there with blown pupils, holding onto the last piece of his sanity and reputation—before pounding into you again; balls slapping against your soaked entrance with every forceful thrust.
letting out a sweet whimper, you stare starry-eyed at your lover as his hand wanders down to the apex of his legs. zhongli clicks his tongue as he feels you clenching around his hard cock, and holds you against his sweaty chest, changing the angle of his thrusts. “o-oh god!” you moan out as his tip kisses the saccharine spot within your velvety walls, shocks of icy pleasure caressing your spine. if it wasn’t for zhongli’s hold, you would have fallen onto the mattress from the sheer strength of his thrusts and the pleasure alone. the divine man behind you growls, lips situated dangerously close to your ear, “yeah . . ? that’s right i’m your god.” zhongli growls, loud enough for the hydro sovereign to hear, his tone unrecognisable—it was a far cry from the usual smoothness of his voice.
the ivory-haired man mirrored zhongli’s growls yet it didn’t contain the same carnal hunger as the latter, no, it was pure rage. white, hot anger seethed from neuvillette’s sitting figure as zhongli spoke that very sentence, what a disgrace. the chief justice sat there, every fibre of his body tingling and burning with silent chaos—like the calm before a thunderous storm, serene yet brimming with such force. you vigorously nod at zhongli’s retort, even going as far as trying to form your own coherent reply only to come out in a twist of saccharine moans.
there was no hiding the rapid rise and fall of neuvillette’s chest despite the expensive layers of cerulean fabric he donned. the sensation was too overwhelming for him, pressure uncomfortably pressed on every dip and curve of his body to the point where he couldn’t feel anything—no, he could feel everything. everything at once and it drove the iudex absolutely insane. the jealousy, the lust, the embarrassment, it weaved its way down to his very core. neuvillette didn’t know what he wanted to do, all your lover knew was that he needed a release. now.
neuvillette uncomfortably shuffled atop the plush of the cerulean sofa, delicate hands moving as fast as the lightnings that scattered throughout inazuman waters. it was beyond shameful to be acting this way, his fingers fumbling the metal zipper of his slacks. before you knew it, your’s and zhongli’s moans were accompanied by neuvillette’s sinful ones—he didn’t hold back, almost as if he had completely let go of himself, his reputation, his standing with the lord of geo. the iudex of fontaine was reduced to nothing but a common whore, shamelessly filling the walls of his own quarters with brazen moans beyond his control.
it was a sight to see. too bad the intense jolting of your naked body from zhongli’s forceful thrusts were getting in the way from being able to properly see your lover’s fucked out expression but the desperate strokes of his hand was enough for you—enough to let you know that neuvillette somewhat found pleasure in this despite the bizarreness of it. he moaned and grunted your name into the heights of the ceiling like there was no tomorrow; you’ve never seen him like this before—always the modest sighs and grunts whenever you had sex with him but nothing more. neuvillette’s body was feverish, millions of tiny prickles spreading like wildfire as he stroked and stroked at his hard cock, hoping to finally reach that sweet release with you.
you moaned, a messy mix of both their names, earning a sharp hiss from the two males as they sucked in a sharp breath. “i-i’m close. . fuck . . !” “that’s it my sweet girl. show your lover how good i’ll make you cum.” zhongli whispers, licking a long stripe up the side of your sweaty neck, golden gaze locked onto neuvillette’s, taunting him. if it weren’t for the pleasure he was chasing this very moment, neuvillette wouldn’t have thought twice before pulling you off the archon but his legs were trembling with icy bliss, unable to even take a few steps.
as if on cue, you clamp your walls around zhongli’s cock, letting out a lewd sound before cumming. your naked body hardened with pleasure, teeth gritting and digits curling as waves of bliss ran through your veins. you couldn’t even hear zhongli’s velvety praises as you came, the next thing you knew was that your moans became muffled—your face harshly coming into contact with the ivory sheets beneath as zhongli pushed your head down to sinfully arch your back even more. he gave a couple more thrusts before pulling out and fisting his cock above your exhausted form, shooting endless ropes of hot cum onto your back as he moaned your name.
to his dismay, neuvillette was the last to cum which meant you and zhongli were able to see his current state in all its glory—all flushed and sweaty from desperately fisting his cock, moaning your name out with such need like he was a dragon in heat. hot cum coated his pale fingers, he sat there, cock still hard and catching his breath. neuvillette had his eyes solely on you, like a quiet predator sizing up it’s main course for the night. maybe neuvillette should show the lord of geo how to actually fuck you dirty until you and him were the epitome of sin.
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back2bluesidex · 7 months
Give Me A Taste - MYG (18+)
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Pairing: Idol!Yoongi X Fem!Reader
Theme: PWP, SMUT, established relationship au
Wordcount: 1.3k+
Summary: Yoongi is down bad for you, he has been missing your taste crazily. Thanks to unexpected turns of events and a cancelled show, he can finally satiate his hunger for you.
Warnings: Titty fucking, yes, he fucks her tits, tit play (a bit), fingering, he cums on her chest, a heated make out, Unprotected sex (don't try this at home), NSFW!!
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: It's been a minute since I have written anything for Mr. Min. so... here it is. also, this is an apology because I won't be able to update WDBHG this week. I'm so sorry.:(
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You are trying your best to scrub off the burnt patch of your frying pan when you hear the door lock chiming its jovial sound. 
“What the –” muttering to yourself, you start peeling off the washing gloves from your hands. It’s only you and Yoongi who know the passcode of your shared home. You are inside the condo and Yoongi is out on a world tour still having three more weeks to come back home. So it’s definitely a trespasser, or worse, a burglar or a robber trying to break into your house. 
Your blood runs cold at the thought as you walk towards the door for taking a look at the doorbell screen. Your steps halt when you see your boyfriend putting off his shoes and slipping into home slippers. 
“Yoongi?” you whisper, your eyes fill with moisture at an instant. It’s been nearly three months since you last saw him, smelled his calming scent, traced his skin with your fingertips. You have been missing him crazily and a brief phone or video call a day does absolutely nothing to quench your thirst. 
“One of the shows got canceled due to extreme weather conditions, we have a week till the next one. So, we decided to rest for a bit.” Yoongi reasons in his usual calm voice, before you get to ask him. He comes to stand right in front of you as you keep on staring at him. 
“Oh. Have you-” 
“Are you just going to stare at me?” Yoongi cuts you off. His face is unreadable but his eyes are dark, which makes it hard for you to assume anything. 
“No, I-” 
You get cut off again but this time because Yoongi slams his lips onto yours, pinning you to the nearest wall. 
Your boyfriend is usually calm and collected but he becomes a beast when lust takes over his senses. 
He grabs your wrists with both of his hands, pinning those above your head as he presses his body on yours. 
He kisses you hungrily, as if trying to lavish your lips for all the times he was away from you. You kiss him back with just as much urgency. The make out session is so heated that it spreads heat all over your body, including your pussy that just started wetting your cotton panties. 
You realize Yoongi is on the same page when his semi hard bulge presses on your stomach. 
He bites down on your lower lip, pulling it with his teeth before leaving you fucked up with only kisses. 
Yoongi loves you. Oh hell! It will be underestimated to say that he just loves you. He is obsessed with you! He craves for you like a lunatic. He starves for you. 
This prolonged period of staying away from you has been taking a toll on him, that’s why he came rushing back to you as soon as he got the chance. 
He looks at you with hooded eyes, stares down at your swollen lips then at your perked nipples. Fuck! You look heavenly like this. He can’t wait to feel your warmth wrapped around his length.
“I’ve missed you,Y/N. I can barely control myself anymore.” Yoongi whispers as he latches his lips to your throat, placing soft and lingering kisses wherever he could reach. 
“You don’t need to control yourself, Yoongi. I am all yours. Do whatever you want. I am all yours.” You breathe out. Yoongi’s tight grip on your wrists arouses you by an impossible amount. 
“Yes baby. I am going to fuck you so good now. But before that.. Give me a taste? Will you?” Yoongi’s low voice sends a trail of goosebumps all over your body. You suddenly find an urge to shy away from him and his eyes which are currently boring in your chest, more precisely, your nipples.  
Yoongi finds it adorable the way you get a little shy whenever he asks for a taste of your tits. He loves your tits, he can never get enough of those and fucking your tits is one of his most favourite ways of ruining you. 
He leaves your hands and clutches at the rim of your oversized tshirt to pull it off of your body. His eyes turn even darker as soon as you are topless in front of him. 
He palms your tits for a few moments. You push your tits out to enjoy more of his touch by arching your back. Yoongi chuckles at your eagerness. 
“Guess you missed me too, darling?” he squeezes both of your tits at the same time to erect a soft contained sigh from your lips. 
“You have no idea how much.” you murmur while enjoying Yoongi’s rough hands on your soft supple flesh. 
His fingers find your nipples and he twists those to satisfy himself, “then you will let me fuck your titties today, won’t you?” 
“I will…” you voice somehow. 
Yoongi bends down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth. 
As soon as the bud is inside his mouth, he starts lapping it up with his saliva before sucking it hard. All of your breath is knocked out when he worries your nipple between his teeth, not quite biting it rather playing with it with practiced skills.  
One of your hands finds its way to his long dark hair, nails raking through his scalp, earning a moan from your boyfriend. Your other hand travels down to south, brushing through the rough material of his jeans, grabbing his bulge and rubbing it to satiate your burning need that has developed for him.  
Yoongi repeats his actions with your other nipple, arousing you more and more.  
You are far too gone with the pleasure to notice that Yoongi has smeared your chest with his saliva, seemingly preparing you tits to take his cock. 
“Should we head to the couch now?” he asks with his gentle yet low voice. You nod eagerly. 
He lifts you up effortlessly, carries you to the couch and lays you down. Swiftly removing the rest of your clothes and leaving you lying naked on the couch, he reaches for his own clothes. 
His cock springs out of his boxers, tall and proud and ready to fuck you. He smirks, feeling you eyeing him like the horny, hungry girl that you are. 
Yoongi climbs on top of you, places his knees on either side of you, and lines his cock in the middle of your tits. You squeeze your tits tightly to make a tight passage for your boyfriend’s greedy cock. 
His first thrust is a little messy, the head of his cock nudges you on your chin, painting your chin with his precum. 
The next thrusts are more stable and steady and soon you hear Yoongi groaning in pleasure. He is such a goner when it comes to your tits. You tighten your tits even more to rile him up. 
“B-Baby, ugh, Y/N! I will c-cum at this rate.” Yoongi whines. Your eyes roll back at the sensation of his cock being squeezed by your big tits. 
But you start seeing stars when you feel Yoongi’s fingers parting your folds and drawing tight circles on your clit. 
“Oh my– Yoongi” you fumble to make any coherent sentence. 
Arousal pools out of your hole and creates a mess down there.
Apparently, it’s too much for Yoongi to take in your fucked up state, your wetness on his fingers and your tits squeezing the hell out of his cock, all together. His dick starts twitching and before he could warn you, he is cumming all over your face, throat and chest. 
Your grip on your tits loosen as you bring your hand to wipe your face off. When your vision returns to you, you find Yoongi licking your juices off of his fingers while maintaining a steady eye contact with you. He definitely doesn’t look like someone who just cummed all over you. 
Repositioning himself, Yoongi lowers his head to the level of your cunt and chuckles in his breathy voice, “Next up is your pussy. Give me a taste, yeah?” 
And you know you are going to have a long day ahead.
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@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @sukunabitch @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @chimmisbae
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lis-likes-fics · 8 months
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Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x werewolf!Reader Word Count: 2.3k words Kink: Biting/Marking Warnings: NSFW, biting, claiming, fingering, oral (f!receiving), p in v, unprotected sex... A/N: Yeah, I'm so tired of writing smut rn but fuck it, we ball. we are halfway through (should be more than halfway but shhh) and we will persevere. Thanks for your patience and enjoy!
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Your back slammed into the wall as Klaus' strong hands grasped your hips. His lips smacked against yours. You sighed against him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and weaving your fingers into his hair.
He took your lip between his teeth and bit down, kissing you again. Hungry lips moved to devour one another, tongues clashed and fought as the tension in the air turned to heavy heat. Your breath was loud, gasps and sighs escaping you at his touch.
His kiss was heaven, and your head spun as you tasted him. His hands moved to your sides, gripping you to bring you closer to him, even if your bodies were already pressed together so closely. You hummed when his lips pressed to your throat. His teeth darted out to nibble at your skin, red marks arising as he leaned your head back to continue his conquests.
"Klaus," you mumbled, your eyes fluttering shut and your mouth parting.
"You taste absolutely delicious, little pup," he smirked, his teeth clasping around your shoulder in a rather large almost-bite.
You moaned when his large hand came up to cup your breast and grasped, sending beautiful sensations straight to your core as another muffled moan slipped from your throat where he bit and sucked and lapped at your skin.
You were already high off his pleasure. Your body felt so alive.
“Fuck,” you gasped as his teeth brushed that special spot on your neck. You were like putty in his hands as he pressed into you harder, just to keep you from slipping down against the wall as you melted against him. He held you tighter, his grip bruising, and bared as if he was going to take a bite out of you.
You gasped when he took hold of your shirt and ripped it from your body with a foul tear. When you went to moan his name again, he silenced you with his lips, biting down on yours again but fore finding your neck and your shoulder and down to the skin of your breasts peeking out of your bra.
His hunger for you was endless as he continued to suck and bite, pulling blood underneath the surface of your skin and creating mark after mark in his quest to claim you.
And he didn't stop there. His mouth traveled further until he was breaching your jeans, working at them as he lavished teeth and tongue at your belly.
Just looking down at him now, you could see how many marks were beginning to form all over you. He was marking his territory, staking his claim like a painter to a finished work of art.
He pulled your jeans down your legs, but he skips straight to your thighs with the intention of marking you up there as well. It takes everything you have to stay standing, to avoid melting in his hold as his hands keep you still by your hips and his lips lavish your skin.
He continued the graze of his teeth until your panties were being slipped down your legs. You were bare, the bottom half of your body entirely naked for him to gaze upon and admire. You held onto his shoulders as he grasped your waist, licking your lips while you took his shirt in your hands and pulled it off of him to expose the expanse of his chest. He was strong and lean, and it showed.
You felt his fingers first, his middle finger brushing through your folds all of the sudden to collect your wetness on his digits with a groan. “I haven’t even touched you, and you’re dripping,” Klaus smiled. “Is this all for me, little pup?”
You let out a breathy moan as you nodded. “Yeah. All for you.” He smirked proudly at you, his grin crooked and his eyes dark with lust. His middle finger buried itself inside of you, sinking in all the way as he curled it against that spongy spot within you. A moan slipped past your lips, too loud and too exposing as your hips moved with the curl of his finger.
He coaxed you with his finger a while longer before pulling it out of you, listening interestedly to your disappointed sigh. You watched as he stuck his finger soaked in your arousal between his lips and sucked. You bit your lip.
He hummed, “Absolutely divine.” And then he went in for a better taste.
Klaus leaned forward and your lips parted so delicately when his tongue darted out to lick you. Your breath hitched, halting in your throat as his hot tongue delved between your folds. Like fire coursing through your veins, the warmth consumed you. You melted into him and your hips jerked, seeking his mouth.
His lips wrapped around your pussy, tasting you with an intoxicated moan. When he sucked on your clit, your breath trembled and a whimper managed to weave its way through your vocal chords. His talented tongue glided through your folds, plunging inside of you. He was addicted to your taste as he hummed against you.
He separated from you for a moment to look at you, replacing his tongue with two thick fingers as he stuffed you with them, curling and pumping and spreading them inside you. His lips were swollen from being kissed and bitten, wet with spit and arousal. He stared at you with dark, primal eyes.
“Do you like that, pet?” You mewled. “I know you do. I can hear it in your pretty little moans, I can feel it in the way you squeeze around my fingers…”
“It feels so good,” you sighed, nodding and allowing your hips to seek him out.
He buried his face between your legs again, pulling a leg over his shoulder as he did. His tongue flicked at your clit and drove you insane, worse when he sucked in it. It was not long before you were begging him to let you come, and he didn't deny you. He wanted to taste all of you, conquer all of you.
 "Come, darling. Let go for me. Let me taste you,” he urged, curling his fingers and rubbing at your clit with his thumb. Your body shuddered as you clenched tightly around his fingers, a moan slipping from your lips as you gasped. His hot tongue lapped against you, dipping inside of you to collect everything you gave to him. He grasped your thigh to keep you still as he kept you spread for him, loving every moment of being on his knees for you and watching you come undone.
“Good girl,” he praised. “Look at you. So beautiful.”
You carded your fingers through his hair as you came down, taking a breath and smiling. “Not so bad yourself, handsome.” He raised a playful brow at you, taking hold of you as he hoisted your other leg onto his other shoulder and stood. He carried you on his shoulders like you weighed nothing, and you held onto him as you laughed, hoping he wouldn’t drop you on the way to the bed.
Klaus dropped you onto the bed, smiling down at you as he climbed over the bed and over your body and kissed you, bending down to devour your lips and add a few more bite marks and hickeys to your flesh (as if you hadn’t already received enough of them).
When you heard the sound of his belt buckle clinking, you shuddered against him and tightened your legs around his waist. He took your lip between his teeth and tried not to bite too hard before he unfastened your legs around him and turned you over onto your belly. You moaned at the idea, readjusting yourself to stand on your hands and knees as he grabbed your ass and kneaded the flesh in his hand.
He kissed your shoulder, humming to himself at the new territory he had yet to make his mark on. “I’m going to fill you now, my little pup. I’ll have you trembling before long.”
You already were as a shudder ran down your spine. “Please do.”
He smiled to himself, taking himself from his pants as he pulled down down and off his legs. You could feel his hot length pressing against your fold, sighing at the feeling as he took himself in his hand and pumped his cock twice.
When he entered you, you gasped. Your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his cock made you feel nice and full as he pushed in inch by delicious inch.  “Be a good pet and moan for me,” he groaned. You clenched around his cock and felt a moan slip from your lips.
His cock slid in and out of you in long, slow strokes as he filled you to the brim. You bit down on your bottom lip, your eyes closing as you breathed a heavy sigh. As you continued to tighten around him, he grasped your waist tighter and tighter, pushing himself deep inside of you as he slowly lost a grip on his measured thrusts. A groan rumbled in his chest as he sighed. He was hardly slow or gentle as he rocked in and out of your squeezing cunt. He was paced, although his rough thrusts were not as forgiving anymore, and they left you pleading for more. You threw your head back as a stifled moan caught in your throat.
“Fuck, Klaus,” you huffed.
Rather than respond, he just bent down to press his chest to your back as his lips and teeth continued their conquest. His teeth were not as dull as he became more and more consumed by pleasure. The dull cut of his fangs grazed the skin of your back.
The pleasure echoed off your bones just as your sounds echoed off the walls of the bedroom. Your open mouth was unrestrained with noise of lust and passion. The arousal was leaking down your flesh, painting the insides of your thighs like a canvas, offering a generous lather of paint to the space. His cock spearing into you made the dirtiest sounds—skin on skin, wet against wet.
You fist the sheets as he fucked you. One of his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly as he pulled you back to meet his thrusts. Your legs were a trembling mess, your arms were slowly dwindling in the strength they needed to hold you up. You lost track of your moans, you could hardly hear yourself begging Klaus to keep going.
"More," you begged, despite the loss of breath in your lungs, despite the haze of your mind. You chased the pleasure, pleading for it to swallow you whole as you took all that he gave you. "Please, more." He cursed under his breath.
He braced one hand next to your head as you reached out to grab it. His breath was loud in your ear, full of broken moans disguised as heavy grunts.
"I like you begging," he purred in your ear.
You clenched around him, whimpering at the feeling of his cock keeping you full as his hips thrust into you. "Please let me cum, Klaus," you moaned. "I need it, feels so good. Please."
He hummed deeply, satisfied with your pleas as he smiled. "Very well, then," he said, his thrusts becoming a little rougher and his hands gripping you a little tighter. You nearly cried out when his finger found your clit, pressing down and rubbing rhythmically as he worked to push you over the edge.
You were getting so close, addicted to the passionate rock of his cock inside you. Your pussy fluttered as you grew nearer and nearer to your release. You could tell he was close too, with the way his breaths become moans, the way his thrusts become a little bit more erratic.
“Klaus,” you gasped. “Klaus, please. Gonna cum!”
He kept going, his breath fast and deep. "Cum for me, love." His thumb moved quicker, and the sparks went wild in your belly. You moaned deeply as you squeezed around his cock, your breath stuck in your throat for a moment as your orgasm washed over you.
He gripped you tighter by the hips, moaning at the feeling of your pussy fluttering around him as you clenched his cock in a snug fit inside you. He cursed under his breath, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You felt his sharp fangs graze your skin, teasing your flesh for a moment as he kept rocking into you. With a few rough thrusts of his hips, he buried his cock as far inside of you as he could go as he came.
Your vision blurred and you gasped when his teeth sunk into your skin, piercing your flesh and burning in your veins like a fierce ecstasy. He groaned roughly as he spilled inside of you, rutting his hips a couple more times as he rode out his high.
He pulled away from you, kissing the bite mark Imprinted into your skin as he claimed you with much more than a simple love bite. He sighed deeply, a pleased hum slipping past his lips  before he pulled out of you.
You sat back on your knees as you caught your breath, bringing your hand to your shoulder where he'd buried his teeth. "Did you claim me?" you asked, looking up at him in surprise.
He disappeared one moment and reappeared in the next, a damp cloth in his hand as he rounded you once more. He wrapped an arm around you from behind and kissed your neck again, licking the skin and taking it between his teeth once more.
"You're mine," he whispered.
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Always and Forever taglist: @avala-moon​ @xxwritemeastoryxx @melodiclovesong @katsukis1wife @thebrotherssalvatore321 @strangerliaa @njeancastro316 @dumble-daddy @thelastpyle @lovelyy-moonlight @hb8301 @athena-royal @alexxavicry @hellfire1986baby @dumb-fawkin-bitch @papichulo120627 @kmc1989 @the-nerdy-goddess @evansstan-akya Tag yourself here or send me a message...
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osachiyo · 9 months
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﹙✮﹚── includes : dazai, chuuya, atsushi, ranpo, sigma & tetchou x fem! reader ♡
﹙✮﹚── content warnings : nsfw content (mdni), oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, facesitting, overstimulation, petnames, degradation, penetrative sex, a teeeeeny tiny mention of blood etc ♡
﹙✮﹚── synopsis : they're pussydrunk ♡
﹙✮﹚── author's note : since y'all chose smut for the poll here you guys go, enjoy the meal hehe 😋 birthday fic coming next so keep an eye out for that 😏
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DAZAI ⋆。° ✮
You bit on your bottom lip to suppress your moans, legs shaking like jelly as a mixture of your slick and your boyfriend's saliva ran down your legs, staining the cold floor of the storage room of the agency. You really hoped nobody came to look for you two, or even walk in the direction of the room.
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"keep your legs open, pretty," dazai slurred, his voice deep with lust and more importantly, the adoration he held for you. You were his pretty baby, after all. His sweet belladonna, who he was eating like a 3 course meal right now. You were pushed against the door of the storage room while he was on his knees, worshipping his pussy.
Dazai felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, it was most likely Kunikida, wondering where the hell the brunette went during work hours. He couldn't care less though, too busy making out with your cunt. His skilled tongue worked wonders on your clit, fingers buried knuckles deep into your velvety walls as you bit the back of your hand to try and stay quiet. He kept eye contact with you the whole time, pulling his fingers out briefly to fuck you with his tongue, chocolate brown eyes staring deep into your own teary ones. "you look so beautiful right now. I wish you could see yourself, bella," he hummed, voice smooth like honey as he buried his face even deeper between your wobbly legs, wanting to taste every last drop of your addicting arousal. He could feel his cock throbbing in his pants, the fabric ever so restricting. He ignored it though, too focused on making you cum on his tongue first. His nose bumped against your clit everytime he thrusted his tongue into you. He watched your eyes roll back slightly, losing focus as you tug on his fluffy hair, "close— 'm close! 'samu—" you threw your head back, some drool slipping past your lips as your grip tightened on his brunette roots. "I know, baby, I know. cum f'me, sweetheart. I know you can," he groaned, the noise vibrating against your cunt. That was the last straw before you came all over his face. He eagerly slurped up all of your slick, moaning lowly at the slightly bitter taste. You were addicting to him. He stood up, dusting off his pants before he pulled your panties back up, snapping the waistband against your skin with a smirk. His arms were still holding you up, supporting your weight as you calmed down from your high. You looked down to see a puddle of your juices on the floor and Dazai's...soaked pants? "osamu, did you—" you were cut off by the door slamming open.
You were fucked, good luck.
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CHUUYA ⋆。° ✮
You were tied to the bedpost for God knows how long, the red ribbons snaked around your naked body while the pretty pink vibrator attached to your clit buzzed away, tormenting you with each passing second. You regretted messing with Chuuya during his phone call. You should've just been a good girl, he said before leaving you all tied up and needy.
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Your ears perked up when the bedroom door opened, Chuuya walked in the room with a cocky smirk. "how's my little slut holding up?" He chuckled, clearly satisfied with how much of a mess he made you. He brushed a few stray hairs out of your face, tucking them behind your ear. He groaned, you were practically sitting on a pool of your own arousal, your inner thighs shiny with your slick. He brought a hand down to your core, collecting some of your slick on his gloved finger before shoving them inside you. You gasped, back arching from the sudden intrusion. Your tummy felt like it was on fire, being denied release for hours. "s'mean— you're mean," you sniffeled, glaring up at your lover with teary eyes. His lips stretched to a grin at your adorableness, "this too much for you, sweetness?" He cooed, making space for himself between your legs and laying on his stomach. He took his gloves off, chucking them somewhere in the room before he licked his lips in anticipation. He could smell how turned on you were, desperate for your sweet orgasm. Your hips bucked when his fingers inched closer to your heat, making him stifle a laugh. He finally took the vibrator off, placing it on the fancy nightstand beside the bed before diving head first between your thighs. He licked a fat stripe up your cunt, bucking his hips into the soft mattress as he ate you like a starved animal. You tried to grab onto something— anything to ground yourself but alas, you were still tied up. He suckled on your swollen clit eagerly, lips wrapped around the sensitive bud as his tongue swirled around it. You squealed when his fingers pushed into your hole again, your gummy walls twitching around them. "good— tastes so good, doll. been thinking about this all fucking evening,” he growled into your cunt. Being edged for so long, you couldn't hold out for much longer, squirting all over his face. He blinked, clearly shocked from your juices spraying all over him. You were about to apologize when you saw Chuuya’s eyes darken, jaw clenching as he stared at you, “that was the hottest shit I’ve ever seen you do, fuck,” he groaned, going back to devouring you with double— if not triple the eagerness. “you’re gonna do that again. I’m not stopping until you soak the whole fuckin’ bed.”
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Words couldn’t describe how fucking exhausted you were right now, your body aching from how long Atsushi had been drilling his cock into you. You were so overstimulated at this point, pussy swollen from the continuous abuse your boyfriend had been putting it through.
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“shit— baby, you feel s’good, so tight for me—” Atsushi groaned, his claws digging into your hips, drawing slight blood as he got lost in the feeling of your cunt spasming around his cock. He was practically foaming at the mouth, just as overstimulated as you were but showed absolutely no signs of stopping anytime soon. His cock was swollen and an angry shade of red, indicating just how sensitive he was but he still could not get enough of your sticky cunt, burying himself in you even though his dick was screaming at him to give it a rest. You weren’t any better either, brain completely fried from his cock driving in and out of you at a rapid pace, his pelvis rubbing against your sensitive clit while you racked your pretty nails down his back. It was downright filthy. But the both of you were too out of it too care, losing yourselves in each other’s embrace. “cumming— oh god, fuck!” He panted, biting your shoulder to ground himself atleast a little bit.
It had been an hour since that, he was shooting blanks into your battered cunt at this point. Your eyes were barely open, close to passing out, your legs felt like jelly from how much they were trembling, nails now buried in the sheets as you sobbed, “ ‘sushi— ‘m too sensitive! can’t—” you gasped when he wrapped his lips around your nipple, whining, “jus’ one more time, pleasepleaseplease—” he shuddered before painting your insides white with his seed, arms wrapped around your half conscious figure as he savoured the blissful high. You almost fell asleep after a few minutes, eyes closing when Atsushi’s hips start moving again. You were about to speak when he cut you off, “shh, just one more, please?”
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RANPO ⋆。° ✮
"ranpo, I'm not gonna sit on your face," you huffed, crossing your arms. He pouted, "c'mon, sugar. it'd feel sooooo good." You sighed, deadpanning at him. "I'll share my snacks with you for a month if you—" "deal."
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You chewed on your bottom lip as you hovered over Ranpo's face, "are you sure about this? I don't want to accidentally hurt y—" you gasped when he pulled down on his awaiting mouth, too impatient to let you finish your sentence or reassure you. His thumb pushed your panties to the side, revealing your pretty pussy to him. He licked a long stripe up your cunt, making you whimper. You tried to sit back up on your knees but he was holding you down tight, slim fingers digging into your hips. His greedy tongue swirled around your clit before flicking it. He moaned into your cunt when you ground down on his face, muttering out little curses and his name. His tongue moved down to your hole, pushing in while he brought his hand to your clit, fingers rubbing your clit in swift circles. You felt like you were on cloud nine, mouth watering at the pleasure your boyfriend was inflicting upon you. You reached back to cup his dick through his shorts, the fabric slightly damp with his precum. He gasped when you palmed him through them, pinching your clit lightly to get back at you. You yelped, grinding down harder on his eager face, feeling his cock twitch in your hand. He liked that. He scoffed, the sound muffled between your thighs. He greedily slurped on your juices, savouring your taste on his tongue and fuck, he could feel his eyes roll back behind closed lids. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten— so close to snapping. "yesyesyes— god, ranpo!" You squealed, gushing all over your lover's face. He let out a guttural noise, drinking all of your arousal up before finally lifting you up from his face. You could see his face completely soaked with your liquid, a lopsided grin on his face, "see? was that so bad?" You laughed, shaking your head, wondering why the actual fuck you hadn't tried it sooner.
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SIGMA ⋆。° ✮
You had Sigma tied up on your bed, pretty pink ribbons matching his pretty pink cock, leaking precum from the flushed tip. He was glaring at you, demanding to be untied immediately but you just smirked, having too much fun teasing your boyfriend like this.
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"such a good boy, aren't you, sigma?" You slurred, eyes shutting in pleasure when he flicked his tongue on your clit, hard cock aching to be inside you. Your hand brushed through his bangs, making him look up at you, your slick covering the lower half of his handsome face. God, he was beautiful. He hummed against your leaking cunt, slobbering all over your heat. He wanted to pleasure you with everything he had, his tongue, fingers and cock but unfortunately for him, he was tied up. He wasn't too sure of the idea before but now? Now he was enthusiastically burying his face between your thighs, running his tongue up and down your pretty folds. You tasted like heaven to him, a little break from the hell he went through. Your moans and giggles of pleasure were music to his ears, making his face flush with each lewd noise you make. His brain felt foggy from your addicting taste, so sweet on his tongue as he lapped everything up, nose bumping against your clit. You'd think he was one getting head from how much pre his cock was leaking, he couldn't help but hump the mattress, growing downright addicted to your taste. Lavender and white locks of hair framing his face perfectly, your hand buried in it as he ate you up like his last meal on earth. He could feel your cunt clenching and unclenching on his tongue and he moaned, the sound borderline pornographic as his eyes rolled back. His face was flushed a shade of pink down to his neck. "god— you taste so—" he cut himself off with a groan, gasping when you cum all over his face, your head thrown back and exposing your neck as you moan his name. You looked down to see Sigma's face red, swollen lips coated in a layer of your shiny slick. He looked dazed, half lidded eyes looking at you with hunger, "more. n-need more," he panted, burying his face back into your sopping heat.
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You didn't know how you ended up like this, one moment you're training with your boyfriend and the next moment you're getting folded by him on the carpeted floor as he bullies his thick cock past your tight entrance.
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You felt like you were in a daze, legs pushed up against your chest, mouth forming an 'o' shape as your eyes roll back into your skull. Tetchou's bangs were brushing against your forehead, sweat dripping down his muscular back as he rolled his hips into you. He could see and feel the way your cunt sucked him in, not letting him go. He placed open mouthed kisses on your neck and collarbones, nibbling on the sensitive flesh. His fingers dug into the back of your thighs, leaving indented marks from how firm he was gripping them. "hah— takin' my cock s'well," he rasped before pressing his lips against yours, swallowing your moans and whimpers while plowing into you. Your pussy was all swollen and sensitive from how long he'd been at this. His previous load was dripping down your ass, staining the carpet below. You felt so good— so tight and wet all for him, he felt like home in your cunt, hips smacking against your ass erratically while you milked his cock for all it's worth. You couldn't even think properly anymore, too fucked out to have any coherent thoughts but his cock. He could feel his mouth water at the sight of your teary eyes rolling back, tongue lolling out slightly as he fucked the brains out of you. He wasn't any better either, panting and gasping with each thrust, growling every time you clench down on his cock so deliciously. You put him in a trance, he wasn't thinking with his brain anymore, much too occupied by drilling his cock into your welcoming heat, fat tip kissing your cervix with each thrust, making a wet noise each time his hips met your ass.
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
TAGS ☆ @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @lynxxyyy @nanamibeloved @sorahatsumi @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @satohruu @honeycombflowers @zxyzay54p @kaithegremlin @poisonedslop @sukiischaotic @squigglewigglewoo @boba-is-good @cupidszvlvr @delmi1v1 @stromy-weather @blueflameart @4xxxv @bloobewy @ashthemadwriter (want to join my taglist? comment on this post <3)
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campbell-rose · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Redesign - Nifty
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My girl, my baby. I'll be honest, I had so much fun figuring out her colors and a backstory
Niffty died in a hoarder house that she desperately tried to keep clean. I’m trying to go for ‘charlie kelly but he does his job’.  
In the show, Niffty acts like a child. I’m not the only one who got that, right? I saw her and how she acted and thought she couldn’t be any older than 16. I’ve seen on some places (like the hazbin wiki) that she is 22 but like, idk. In my version she died as a teenager. I think making her young helps contextualize how dumb she is, because in the show she really isn’t that bright – in my version she isn’t stupid, she’s a child. Specifically, either 14 or 15 in junior high. She is Japanese and lived in Japan all her life. She’s also from the 1970s instead of 50s. 
I’m assigning sins to each human in hazbin, and Niffty’s sins were Wrath and either Sloth or Lust – subject to change. 
I’m basing what led her to sinning and going to hell off what the show presents, and making Niffty in her human life a, for lack of better term, yandere. She had a crush on lots of boys in her school, but one boy in particular caught her attention. She began to stalk him, collecting things of his like pencils and pens and notes, which escalated to chunks of his hair and pieces of his clothes. She would take photos of him and constantly followed him. Niffty eventually became so obsessed with him, she began plotting to kidnap him and keep him in her basement. She tried but hit a road bump when things didn’t go as planned. She tried to explain what she was doing to him, and confessed her ‘love’, revealing she’d been the one taking his things and stalking him. He is, of course, horrified. Niffty, perceiving this as rejection, attacks and kills him in a fit of rage and hysteria but also sustains multiple stabs in the fight, which she succumbed to. She died in her house, surrounded by trash and roaches. 
Her house was a hoarder house due to her mother’s deteriorating mental health. Niffty is constantly cleaning and hates the filth she lives in. I think if an episode was to show her backstory, the state of the house could reflect her mental decline as her obsession becomes deadly – the roaches and bugs become numerous as she becomes so obsessed with that boy she stops cleaning. 
Now for her design, the spots of what looks like blood make sense – in my version of hell the sinner’s wounds that killed them never heal so those blotches are Niffty’s actual blood from where she was stabbed and that are constantly bleeding. I’ve taken some inspo from oni in her design with the tusks. Her clothes beneath the apron are her school uniform, mainly because I want to show she is a child underneath the cleaning lady job she’s assigned to. In hell, she’s a bug, which she hated in life. 
I’m struggling to fit her and Alastor’s connection in this. She still is under a contract with him, and he basically owns her as he does Husk and – since he’s an overlord – torments her regularly. 
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emepe · 2 months
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— Pairing: Yuuta x Reader, established relationship
— General info: 18+, one-shot, smut
— Summary: When it comes to Yuuta, “just the tip” is the start of a dangerous game.
— Content warnings: nsfw, unprotected vaginal sex, virginity loss, implied religious guilt, mild god complex if you squint, coercion, slight breeding kink.
— Notes: Honestly, I wrote this just to see if I could still write decent smut (and Yuuta fits the trope perfectly ugh, I can't lie). Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Happy reading! 
Links: Read on AO3 |  Masterlist
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It wasn't supposed to happen like this. You promised each other you would wait. But an innocent kiss on the cheek while watching TV led to a sloppy makeout session on the sofa, with your legs on either side of Yuuta's lap and your clothed cunt grinding needily onto his crotch as his fingers crept under your shirt and dug into your waist. 
A whine escapes your lips when he involuntarily thrusts his hips upwards, meeting you halfway, desperate for further friction.
“My God, Yuu,” you moan into his mouth, as your combined drool trickles down your chin.
“‘M sorry,” he mumbles, yet makes no effort to hold back. Because little by little, with every movement of your hips, his erection has become downright painful. It's practically throbbing in the confines of his jeans, swollen and red, aching to be let out, begging for relief.
But he promised.
It's a mental game to come down to his senses and draw an end when things get too heated between you. God knows you haven't one ounce of willpower when you're spiraling down a lustful haze. But he'd rather be the stronger one than risk the loss of your virtue ending in remorse. 
He loves you too much to force you to carry such an immense guilt. You vowed to wait until you were married and instead settled for a few steamy moments here and there — always sure you never made it too far.
You could hump and whine and he'd swallow every sweet sigh you pour into his mouth — as long as you never fully undressed and as long as he didn't ruin you by pushing himself between your legs. Then he'll wrap his arms around you, assuring you that whatever you did was still innocent, that you have no reason to feel guilty because you're both still pure. 
The vicious cycle never ends. 
You're incredibly precious to him — you're everything — but man, it really pisses him off sometimes that he has to be the one to protect a promise you were the first to suggest.
He brings a hand to collect your hair and nip at your neck, kissing it, tracing its slope with his tongue and sucking fervently at the supple skin. As if that's enough, as if it could compare to the glowing promise that being buried inside you represents. His cock twitches at the thought, the movement causing you to expel another string of holy affirmations.
His eyes land on the hand that grips at the fabric of his shirt as you whimper into his ear and the air thickens with the scent of spit, sweat, and desire.
The engagement ring on your finger has become a symbol of dread. So close to having you bound to him forever, and yet the time couldn't come fast enough.
His chest rises and falls dramatically with every shallow breath. It's all too much — the blood rushing south, the precum he can feel leaking from his tip and soiling his underwear, the line of sweat that transfers from your forehead to his as you squeeze your eyes shut and breathe against his mouth — it's all too good. 
But it's not enough.
He's tired of it, and you're not making things easier with your pathetic whimpers and your feverish body clinging to him. He can feel your pussy clenching around nothing through the layers of clothing dividing you. If he didn't know any better, he might’ve thought you wore a skirt on purpose to further drive him mad. He might be a patient man —loving, understanding, doting— but he's still a man.
“Just the tip,” he groans.
Your hips slow down as you struggle to comprehend what he just said, earning him a chance to will the cum threatening to spurt inside his jeans back.
“What?” you ask, tilting your head as you observe his blown pupils and his eyebrows upturned in desperate pleading.
“Just the tip, please.” 
Your lips part to draw a sharp breath as it dawns on you what he's asking for.
“But we promised,” you softly pronounce.
“It won't change anything if it's just the tip,” he promises. “It's barely anything. It'll be like the time you used your hand.”
He hopes your mind is too dizzy to comprehend that the two situations don't compare at all. 
Uncertainty casts over your features, but he can see a hint of consideration gleaming in your eyes at the idea. 
You'd be lying if you said you never considered loosening up on your convictions every now and then when you got so close to the act. But you didn't think you could handle disappointing Yuuta by breaking the promise you brought up in the first place. After all, he's so devoted to you and he promised to abide by your wishes no matter how long it took because the gratification when you finally joined in carnal pleasure would only make your commitment to each other all the more special. 
“As long as I get to be with you, the rest doesn't matter,” was what he said.
But now that he's looking up at you with such helpless eyes, like you're some sort of god he prays to, your morals take a toll.
His blue eyes stare adoringly into yours. 
“Please?” he asks again.
He presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Please,” he insists, tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth, biting down just hard enough to cause a whisper of pain before alleviating the feeling with his tongue.
“Please, please, please, it hurts,” he whines, tears lining his lashes and threatening to spill as he reaches between you to palm himself over his jeans. “I can't take it anymore. I'm begging you, I need you, I love you.”
How could you possibly say no when he asks so nicely? 
You'd have to be made of stone to deny him the pleasure. You'd have to be a monster to not relieve him of his throbbing pain. You'd have to be the cruelest god to impose him with such inhumane punishment.
“Yuu,” you whisper, his pain reflecting on your face upon witnessing his desperation. 
“Please,” he sniffles.
The word falls over him like a fresh breeze.
“Really? You mean it?” 
His lips curve into an eager smile, with butterflies fluttering in his stomach in anticipation.
You nod, happy to see his teary eyes light up.
“Just the tip.”
“Just the tip, I promise.”
He brushes away at his tears with the heel of his palm.
“You're an angel,” he murmurs as he cradles your face with one hand and starts guiding your hips over his erection again with the other. 
Soon enough, you're back to panting into each other's mouths, feverish and dizzy at your new promise to fulfill. 
Your hands fumble to undo his jeans, clumsily pulling down the zipper in fragments.
“Just the tip,” you huff, as he moans upon feeling your clammy hands palm him through his underwear.
You pull on his briefs just enough for his erection to spring free.
“Oh, god,” you exhale, in awe of the intense red that consumes the head of his cock. Precum oozes from the tip, balls heavy as if he's seconds away from bursting. It's no wonder he looked so pained. 
“Just the tip,” he reminds you kindly as he pets your hair, heart rate spiking when he watches your thumb trace over his leaking tip.
He flips you over so that you're pressed onto the sofa while he hovers over you and hooks his fingers around your pink cotton panties, tugging them down your hips with ease and tossing them onto the floor, leaving you in your skirt.
The sight of your bare cunt — already a sopping wet mess from everything that now counts as foreplay — makes his cock twitch.
With his weight balanced on one forearm, he carefully drags himself between your folds, the most sinful sound reaching your ears as he coats his length in your juices. His free hand cradles your face as he bends down to capture your mouth in a heated kiss. His tongue pushes against yours, swallowing each of your moans as your hands lose themselves in his raven hair. 
With fingers trembling in excitement, he lets you go and starts lining himself to penetrate your insides.
“Yuu,” you gasp.
He watches in fascination as his reddened tip squeezes in and slowly disappears inside you, your cunt glistening with enough arousal that you barely feel any pain in the sudden stretch. In fact, Yuuta swears he can feel you suck him in the tiniest bit further as you flutter around the foreign member in your body. He can feel himself grow weaker as he's hit with the warmth and wetness of your insides. 
“Fuck,” he hisses, face dropping into the crook of your neck.
The overwhelming ecstasy of knowing he's connected to you burns at every inch of his skin as he scrambles to gather enough strength to pull out and push his tip back in again. 
You writhe under him, hands frantically pulling him in for a kiss. He complies. After all, you've gifted him with this — not that he wouldn't give in to your wishes otherwise. 
His brows furrow in concentration, eyes squeezed shut with the image of his tip swallowed by your insides flashing behind his eyelids. He pumps his head inside you — in and out, in and out — mesmerized by how good it feels even if it's barely a taste. 
It alleviates him… just a little.
He grips your hips with bruising force, rolling his hips further into you all at once, leaving a mildly burning sensation in its wake. 
A whine escapes your lips and your eyes close as you feel a tickle of his pubic hair brushing against your lower tummy. Your arms hook under his, bringing him close, scratching his back over his shirt.
An animalistic power washes over him, pushing him to penetrate the deepest part of you,  over and over again. His hand squeezes your face, demanding your attention and forcing you to meet his crazed gaze. His pupils are blown with lust, the gentle blue of his irises nearly gone. With the help of his thumb, he pries your mouth open, aggressively pushing his tongue against yours, relishing in the muffled cries of pleasure you release. 
The kiss is so needy, so aggressive, it's borderline painful and your jaw hurts from the tight grip of his hand. But it's still so fucking good.
When he pulls back, your eyes are lined with tears, much like his when he was begging to let you use just his tip minutes ago.
The sound of slapping skin echoes around you. Sloppy, wet, sinful.
“Yuuta, this doesn’t feel like just the tip,” you heave, feeling an unfamiliar knot tangling in your lower stomach. 
“It is, baby. I swear.”
You both know he's lying but you're too caught up in each other to care.
Your legs wrap around him, barely granting him enough space to move, but he doesn't care. This is better, this is what he needs to relieve the mild guilt that stems from lying to you, because this means you're just as thrilled by him ruining you as he is. And if you're so unwilling to ease your hold on him, he might as well kill two birds with one stone tonight and fill you to the brim with his cum.
The possibility of knocking you up has him reeling. A breathless laugh pushes past his lips as he looks down at you.
You're such a pretty mess and he's so in love. Your pussy does such a good job at sucking him in and he's so fucking drunk on it. 
The image of you sprawled below him, sweating and whining out his name will be burned into his memory forever. And you do have forever promised, he remembers. That ring on your finger — the very finger on the very hand that's creeping between your bodies to toy with your clit — stands as proof.
You perverted little thing, he thinks, as he feels you bucking your hips upward to meet his thrusts halfway.
“Yuuta, my god, oh my god!” you whimper as his strokes grow even sloppier and he grows even heavier on your body.
“Feel good, angel?” he taunts, using the nickname he imposed on you back before you became such a needy disaster.
An airy chuckle bubbles up his throat when you fervently nod and caress his cheek. He hooks an arm under your leg, pressing it further into your chest in a semi-mating press position. 
He carelessly thrusts his hips a few more times before he's washed over with a glorious relief that he pours inside you, marveling at the way your insides flutter around him, milking him dry with every wanton squeeze.
It's like you want to get knocked up, he thinks.
His hold on your leg loosens and his weight tumbles down on top of you as you work your way to clarity. 
He moves around on the limited space of the sofa so that you can snuggle into his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around you as he presses soft kisses onto the crown of your head.
You can feel his cum leaking from your insides and seeping into the couch cushions, but it'll be a while before either of you care to clean up your mess.
His warm embrace coaxes you to sleep. As you're teetering the line of peaceful slumber, a familiar thought pops into your head.
“Yuuta,” you murmur.
“What we just did wasn't wrong, was it?”
He looks down at you, fingers lifting your chin so he can see your face. Your eyes are wide with worry. The duality with which you're able to confront these matters will forever be a mystery to him. 
His gaze softens and a smile graces his lips.
“Don't worry, angel. This was innocent.” 
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
“It's pure love.”
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anantaru · 8 months
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kinktober 2023. — masterlist | ao3
𖧡 — including — tighnari, kazuha
𖧡 — warnings — fem! reader, aphrodisiacs, dry humping, cowgirl, a little sweaty (side effect of the drug) & lots of cum, feral feral feral, both parties are consenting
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before you can blink, tighnari presses a metal, at a size of a toothpick, with a drop of crystalline liquid against your tongue, the fluid thawing into your flesh before you're closing your mouth, watching how he's planting the exact same dose on the inside of his lips— moreover, in just a matter of time the bizarre solution began to express certain signs on the state of your body and overall mental capacity when you're touching all over each other, lightheaded tearing and feeling each other up, as if detained by a beclouded response.
the wet sounds of your lips crushing on top of his, rounding your tongue inside his mouth in an almost animalistic rush while your nails were desperate to rake over tighnari's scalp, digits brushing over his sensitive ears to pull him close, the kissing turning heavy when he settles one of his hands on your back, squeezing you against his scorching hot, reactive body with his growing erection nestled in between, in dire need to expose of those tight, uncomfortable pants.
it feels like torture was slowly being forced on to the both of your bodies— despite it being tighnari himself assuring you about the strange substance he was researching on, that you will experience a sense of unwavering calmness, hand in hand with a collected perception by an additional seventy percent.
the side effects would barely show themselves, he promised before muttering something under his breath, but now— the obscene sounds of sloppy kissing slowly drilled and conquered your mind, by now being pressed tightly against the bed, your pussy soaked through the flimsy material of your panting and clenching in longing for his cock to finally bore inside.
tighnari humps his aching cock into your clothed pussy, adding and greatly fueling the frustration and helplessness, if neither of you don't turns out mad because of the mixure taking your mind hostage, you would certainly go mad from lust.
whilst, particularly how tighnari was placing his length just the right way on your core— with towering on top, adjusting his hips and grinding in between your folds until all the way up to your clit, he rubs you there too, thrusting fast with no remorse as to how you're being ruined by not only the drug rampaging inside your blood, but him appearing feral alike.
"fuck—" tighnari moans, "i feel.. hot." and almost winces, cupping the side of one of your thighs to pull you close, his disheveled clothes glued on his body due to the excess sweat the drug was producing, his lips shortly after trailing down against your ear to your neck which also had a faint film of perspiration on top, causing the helplessly rocking of his hips pressed against your wet pussy to increase, hitting extremely near to an orgasm without even taking your clothes off.
"baby.. please." you say, "tighnari— i feel so good.." you repeat and say it loud enough that it would suffocate you— and everything feels heavy around your muscles, your drenched clothes webbed on your skin, the humidity of the room burdening a hefty amount that it limits your capability to breathe as tighnari hides in the nook of your neck, your head falling back before he ends up to shifts his entire weight on top of your body.
you're distorted with pleasure, welcoming the blows of his hips rutting into your clothed pussy as your panties messily crumble against your folds— dried up with your arousal and a surplus of sweat you have to tell tighnari about adding on to the possible side effects.
although in spite of that, neither of you cared about that presently, tighnari was more so occupied on crumbling his eyes down to your wet, fluttering hole and your underwear soaked, presenting the outline of a perfect cunt to his hankering gaze.
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kazuha grins widely at you, drunken on a literal winning smile when you swallow down the strange pill he flaunted in front of your very curious, enchanting eyes— to take it, gulp it down and let it work it's so called “magic”, as he tends to say, whereas his hands were there to take you, listlessly going around the plush of your ass while he's aiding you in straddling his lap.
interestingly enough, it has merely been a good ten minutes before your reactive senses sharpened and you perceive everything to a greater degree now— the aphrodisiac expanding in your system, littering around your body to work when you flinch at the uncommon sensation, then whine against kazuha’s lips, melting your tongues in a heated exchange. his traces and rubs on you felt like fire against your hypersensitive flesh, but, archons, how come being on fire suddenly feels so unexpectedly good?
with deft movements, kazuha clumsily unbuttons his pants and tugs them down his legs so they'd hang uselessly around his knees, opening the view to his cock throbbing in between your thighs— he's swollen and his girth looks in pain, and you're taking it in your hand before placing your cunt right on top, small, needy ruts sending shivers down the entirety of your spine.
his mouth finds yours the second your hips roll into his ache, hungrily pressing your core on him yet all you really longed for was for him to sink his cock inside you, right now, please.
neither of you was intending to wait any longer, especially with the pent up frustration growing and being amplified by a ten fold. you quickly push your panties aside, your boyfriend watching you intently whilst drinking in the moans you'd let out against his lips from his cock fusing on your soaked cunt, his mouth attaching around your every curve on your face as you hear him sigh heavily against your ear.
whilst kazuha was left with no choice, thinking that if he wasn't about to slide his cock inside your warm, wet cunt, he would end up exploding from the painful bristling on his groin, together with your hearts racing and synchronizing, chests pressed against one another, his free hand helping you to take him inside as you're sinking down on his inches, swallowing him whole, the movements slow yet powerful enough to have you whine through a clenched jaw, responding to the slow, deep kisses of his swelled tip nudging against your fuzzy patches with gentle ruts of his cock, jointly with his other hand swiping over your hips, your body jolting at the contact of his nails digging into the plush of your ass.
and when it's all said and done, the drug had sent you into a frenzy, the small dose of the aphrodisiac long since devouring you.
by contrast, kazuha was insatiable, the sweet moans from your lips growing a warm, flushed shade on his face as his cock drags against the spongey spot within your walls, hips rolling, pressing inside the flesh fast and your cunt giving his length good squeezes that he's sighing your name in a breathy heave. the stickiness between your legs and across kazuha's lower stomach making your toes curl in both embarrassment and the need to continue.
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©2023 anantaru's kinktober do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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