#big finish return to the web planet
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*Goes slightly feral in the corner after listening to 'Return to the Web Planet' because I absolutely ADORE Hedyla* for some reason I imagine her with cooler colors rather than the warmer colors I imagine the menoptra having! Plus I just absolutely adore her and Nyssa interacting.
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Flat colors <3 ^^^
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hellhound5925 · 11 months
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Chapter Ten - Tribe Pt. 2
When we land, the group heads into the woods. I take my buy'ce (Helmet) off and take a deep breath, looking around. "Maker the forest is absolutely beautiful!" Hunter comes up beside me and tilts his visor at me. Gungi roars something at me but I don't speak Wookiee. I slide my buy'ce back on and follow Hunter with the others in tow. I can hear Omega behind me talking to Gungi. "Do you remember anything about this planet?" She asks him and he roars. "What did he say?" She asks Hunter. "From his dreams." I sigh sadly. "What is it?" He asks, looking over his shoulder at me. I fall in step with him and keep my voice low, "I'm just glad we could get the kid back to his people...the Empire has taken so much from the galaxy." Pausing, I glance down around for a second before continuing, "I was in his shoes not that long ago. It feels good to be giving someone else the chance I didn't get." We continue in silence for a while and I lose myself in thought. I need to let go...these guys are my family now....they need me, I need them. I can find new purpose in them.
After a while we come across some trees covered - and I mean COVERED - in huge spider webs. Wrecker draws his blade, "Here, I'll take care of it." I shiver at the thought of the thing that made those. Hunter glances back at me and I shrug, "What? I don't like spiders." He shakes his head and I can imagine the smirk on his face. Echo comes up beside me, "What? The Mandalorian isn't afraid of spiders is she?" He teases. "Very funny Echo, But let me know how you feel when you have a giant one trying to kill you!" Gungi makes a sound like he's laughing and Omega chimes in, "That sounds like a good bedtime story! You should tell me that sometime!" I shiver again at the thought and Hunter again glances back at me almost like he felt it. Is he in tune to me or something? I know he can sense some weird stuff but there's no way....or is there?
Wrecker finishes cutting the webs and we follow him through. Practically immediately, there's a screeching noise, I tense and Hunter takes a couple steps back, shielding me and the others behind him. "They're swarming us" I hear Echo behind me. Wrecker draws his blaster and I do the same. Hunter waves his hand "Hold your fire." Gungi tells Hunter something before reaching his arm out in front of him. I glance at Tech, "He says, 'They will not attack unless we pose a threat.'" "Great...just great..." I sigh. The spiders seem to be backing off and Gungi returns his arm to his side. "According to my telemetry, the village is straight ahead." "Do I want to even ask what that means?" I glance back at Tech. "No" Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker say together. Tech flips of his visor, "I'll explain it to you sometime if you like", "I think I'm good. I trust your ability Tech." He shrugs like it was no big deal and we all continue our walk.
When we reach the village, there's nothing left. Smoke rises above the trees from the remains of the burning structures. We all split up and look around. Hunter crouches down, examining the ground "Tanks came through here" he signs before continuing, "The Empire incinerated the entire village." Gungi drops to his knees in front of one of the structures. Omega goes to comfort him "The Empire destroyed our home too. Don't worry. We'll find your people." The sight brings a smile to my face. It doesn't make the pain go away, but having someone to comfort you in a time like this definitely makes it a little easier.  Suddenly I feel a hand in my shoulder. I turn to see Hunter, "She's a good friend." He hums his agreement. We are interrupted by the sound of tanks moving through the woods. We all exchange a look, before racing off the direction it came from.
Tech pulls out his binoculars and I zoom in on my HUD. "What do you see?" Hunter asks no one in particular. "Trandoshans" I say through gritted teeth. "It appears they also have a Wookiee hostage" Tech chimes in. I scan the area and see where he's looking. Hunter looks over at Tech and I, "How did they get their hands on imperial tanks?" I shrug and we watch them for a bit. One of the tanks moves itself into a position infont of a row of trees before burning them. The Wookiee hostage stirs catching our attention.
Omega pushes her way between me and Hunter, "Hunter! Gungi!" She whisper yells pointing into the clearing. "Osik (Shit)....that kid's gunna get himself killed!" I whisper yell. "Oh, no" Hunter says before chasing after the kid. I draw my blaster and focus my fire on the Trandoshans, while Gungi frees the hostage, Hunter - along with Omega - head for the tank still shooting fire. Wrecker takes out the Trandoshan on the top, before Hunter climbs up pulling the driver out of the tank. "We need to stop the flames from spreading. Start digging" Hunter commands. We all get to work.
Once we are finished, we all take short break and roaring can be heard in the distance. "Don't tell me the spiders are back" I shiver. Hunter lets out a small chuckle, "No. Something bigger." As if on que, 3 large creatures carrying a Wookiee each jump out of the bushes. They seem to be cheering. One of them stops celebrating and motions for us to follow, "I think they want us to follow them" I say, watching Gungi take off after them.
We reach another village and are immediately taken to one of the huts. An older Wookiee, wearing a cloak and carrying a staff comes out to greet the Wookiee who brought us. She looks us all over before speaking - Wookiee language of course. Tech translates for us, "Her name is Yanna. She appears to be leading them." Hunter steps froward to address Yanna, "We are returning him to his home world" he gestures towards Gungi, "but he doesn't know what village he's from." Yanna looks over Gungi before speaking again. Hunter seems to be understanding her. He removed his buy'ce (Helmet) before answering, "We were soldiers of the Republic. But let's just say we don't see eye-to-eye with the Empire." Yanna makes more noise before he continues, "We came because Gungi was in trouble. Jedi or not, he's still a child. He needs his people." His words give me goosebumps and I see him shift slightly. Maker, why does one person have such an affect on me? Yanna heads inside her hut and motions for us to follow. I take my buy'ce off and so do the others.
The Wookiee's are quite hospitable. We stayed the rest of the day, into the evening and they even offered us food and drink. Yanna smiles and pushes a bowl my way, "Thank you" I nod at her. I take a sip of whatever is in the bowl and it's not that bad. I turn to Yanna, "Your home is very beautiful". She bears her teeth in what almost looks like a smile and makes nose. Hunter leans over, "She said 'thank you." I smile and nod at her again. She then reaches across the table and places a large, furry hand over mine and says something to me. I look over at Hunter, "She says she sorry about your home world. But she is grateful for what we did for them and for Gungi." Yanna makes more noise drawing, I turn so I am facing her, "It's what I would have wanted in his shoes. I'm just glad he didn't have to go through what I did." She nods and I notice the rest of the group looking at me. The group chats with Yanna and among themselves but I lose myself in thought. Seeing my reflection in the liquid in my bowl is somewhat hypnotic. I have grieved the loss of my family and my people....I need to let it go. I close my eyes for a second and excuse myself from the table.
I find a quiet spot in the grass, taking a seat, I set my buy'ce beside me. There's two sets of smaller footsteps approaching. Gungi and Omega sit down to my left. "Everything alright?" Omega asks curiously. I take a deep breath an close my eyes for a second. "The forest here, it almost reminds me of the forest where I grew up. The trees were not quite as large as these ones but they were just as green......I had 2 younger brothers and we used to chase one another up the trees and through the fields." Glancing over I notice both Gungi and Omega are listening intently. "What happened to them?" Omega asks. I feel tears in the corners of my eyes. "The Empire....they did to Mandalore what they are starting to do here....Mandalorians...well....they were restless and wanted to fight back but unfortunately were also fighting one another. While they were too busy disagreeing, the Empire wiped them all out." Gungi makes a sad, low growling noise. "I wasn't there when the Empire killed my family. I should have been there to help them. I might have been able to save them." I feel tears slip down my face, sniffling I wipe them off. What none of us realize, is that Hunter came out to check on us and was listening.  Omega's tiny hand grabs mine and for a second I forget she's a child, "They would be proud of you for helping Gungi and for saving me when you have. I don't think they would want you blame yourself either. Their deaths weren't your fault, it was the Empire. I was having a hard time letting Crosshair go, when he choose the Empire over us...Tech said 'Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on.' I know it can be hard, but I think they would want you to. Sometimes things happen for a reason, you are a part of our family now and I know we can't replace the one you lost but I promise we will always be there." I find myself left speechless for a moment, "You remind me of my buir - or mother - in the way you talk. You're too smart you know that?" Omega laughs leaning her head against my arm, "Someone has to give Tech a run for his credits. Tell me more about them...you're family." I hear someone clear their throat behind me, the three of us turn around and see Hunter. "Tech just informed us that some of Yanna's scouts reported imperial tanks on their way. We should get back inside." Omega and Gungi race towards the hut, Hunter gives me a curious look. "Everything okay?" A smile dances across my face, "Actually, yeah. Everything is great actually. For once, I know exactly where I belong." He quirks a brow at me, "Oh yeah?" I smirk and saunter past him - swaying my hips, buy'ce under one arm and waving my free hand - "But that's for me to know and for you to find out." I can feel his eyes on me as I walk away.
Inside the hut, tensions are high. Echo looks concerned, "Hunter, the Wookiees were our allies for years. We have to do something." Gungi roars, slamming a fist on the table. I stand up from my spot next to Hunter, "I'm not going anywhere. If I had this chance on Mandalore I would have taken it. I'm not going to let another planet face what mine did." "We'll stay and help you fight" Hunter tells Yanna, "You don't have to do this alone." She seems to express both gratitude and worry before the group heads outside. The Wookiees line up at the trees and look like they are praying. "What are they doing?" Omega whispers to Hunter. "They are asking the trees for help." "They're talking to the trees?" Tech chimes in "They believe this planet belongs to the trees. And they are allies in this fight." "We'll take all the allies we can get." The four of us watch in silence for a while. Echo and Wrecker come racing around the hut, "The Trandoshan convoy's closing in" Echo informs. Gungi races over to our group, rambling on about something. Omega and I look to Hunter to translate, "The trees have a plan? All right. Whatever they say." He says before sliding his buy'ce over his head.
We head down through the woods to ambush them. I turn to Hunter "Ready when you are" and he nods. I take off through the trees to get in close to one of the tanks before rolling a thermal detonator underneath. Once the tank goes up in an explosion, we open fire. There's so much blaster fire it's almost hard to hear Hunter give an order, "Stick to the plan. Draw them into the nest." I grunt in annoyance, "Did it have to be the spiders though?!" "You'll be fine! You've got us, Remember?" Omega says beside me.
We take off down through the woods with the convoy giving chase. Spiders begin raining down out of the trees and attacking them. "Guess the trees know what they were doing!" Wrecker laughs. Hunter beings looking around panicked, "Where did the kids go?" We look around in our immediate area, "Not sure, I'll find them" I say before racing off through the woods. I can hear Hunter yell "Raven wait—". This....this is my purpose.... Suddenly I hear Omegas voice yell 'Gungi'. I race off in the direction it came from, coming across Omega and Gungi - who is up in a tree. "There you are! We've been looking for you!" Gungi roars and hops down out of the tree. "Come on we need to regroup with the others." The 3 of us run through the woods which is burning up around us.
Racing into a clearing we come face to face with the rest of the Batch, their blasters drawn. "The fire! It's spreading too fast!" Omega yells between breaths. Hunter opens our comm channel, "Tech, gather all the Wookiees", "Roger that." We regroup with the Wookiees and all begin working together to contain the fires.
Wrecker - putting the Wookiee he knows and is learning - to good use has made a friend "You know, I could get used to this." He says sharing a drink with one of the Wookiees. Even Echo seems to be enjoying himself but there's one person missing. I look toward to doorway to see Hunter staring out into the forest. "You should go talk to him" Tech says following my line of sight. I sigh and get up from the table, making my way over to Hunter. I rest my chin on his shoulder plate, "what are you stewing about over here?" I follow his line of sight and see Omega with Gungi at the tree. Yanna and Tech join us. "They're both just kids" Hunter sighs sadly, "But they don't get to be. Not in this galaxy." Yanna makes noise and Tech translates, "When a young one leaves, the trees weep....but when they return, the trees sing. As this child has found his new home, perhaps, one day, we all will find a new paths." Hunter sighs again "Hopefully....one far away from war." I glance at Tech, he gestures to Yanna and they leave us, heading back to the table. Hunter doesn't take his eyes off Omega and Gungi. "I think I found my new path" I whisper. He turns his head slightly, his eyes are on mine and I can feel the heat from his cheek radiating off on my lips. "You know Omega is very wise for someone so young. She made me realize something yesterday....I may have lost my family....but I have found another one." I study his face for a reaction, he moves so his back is to the door frame and he's almost facing me. "Oh really?" He asks quirking a brow. I glance at Omega and then back at the table inside a smile creeps across my face. Now it's his turn to study my face. "You are my family" I say looking back at him and locking eyes. His eyes light up and he smiles, "We're lucky to have you." Maker I could kiss him. His eyes are sparkling in the morning sun, the golden honey brown a perfect contrast to his dark hair. The tattoo on his face making them stand out even more.
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[ad_1] ZHANGJIAKOU, China — Valerii Sushkevych, the president of Ukraine’s Paralympic committee, can discover within the purple, swollen eyes of his athletes that they've no longer been slumbering.He is aware of they're beaten by means of concern and worry over the destiny in their households and their nation, which is beneath assault by means of the Russian Military.He sees the athletes glued to their cell phones, clinging to each and every closing byte of web connectivity with their family members prior to it's bring to an end, and he sees them wipe away tears prior to heading open air to compete on behalf in their nation.They really feel powerless, apart from in a single regard.“Our infantrymen have battles in Ukraine,” Sushkevych stated in an emotional interview Monday, parts of which have been carried out with an interpreter. “We, the Paralympic group, have our battles in Beijing. If we didn't come right here, it could be like dropping place, like capitulation.”The Ukraine Paralympic group, one of the a hit groups in step with capita on this planet, has been in China because the closing days of February, thank you partially to Sushkevych’s logistical efforts. Now, they're refugees with a function.“We’re right here to constitute our nation,” stated Oksana Shyshkova, who on Monday received Ukraine’s fourth gold medal in a cross-country ski tournament, “to glorify our nation, to inform the arena that Ukraine exists.”Her passionate and doleful attraction used to be one of the made in the previous couple of days by means of Ukrainian athletes after their races had ended, a a long way cry from their customary upbeat and buoyant temper after victory.The Paralympics, very talked-about in Ukraine, are normally a time of birthday celebration, just right cheer and camaraderie for the athletes, like a vacation, Sushkevych stated.“As of late, no,” he stated with a wave of his hand. “I ask the athletes within the morning, ‘Did you sleep?’ I ask every other, ‘Did you sleep?’ They are saying, ‘No, no.’ The have uninteresting, unhappy faces. The temper could be very tricky. We're all pondering of house.”Sushkevych known as the operation to move the delegation of 54, together with athletes, coaches and team of workers, to China all over an invasion a small miracle. However now he has the opposite activity. When the video games finish on Sunday, he should get everybody out of China.However to the place? Returning a big crew to a rustic beneath siege is not likely these days, so Sushkevych, his team of workers and his spouse, Yuliia, spend a lot in their time devising parallel plans to transport everybody safely to an undetermined Ecu nation, as one of those staging flooring.“For a way lengthy?” he requested. “Days? Weeks? Can we keep in lodges, and the way can we pay for that? We don’t have the cash. We don’t have the solutions but.”At the side of the Global Paralympic Committee, they had been additionally organizing an extraordinary and solemn demonstration for peace on the 3 athletes’ villages, perhaps on Thursday.Sushkevych, 67, had polio as a kid and strikes about in a wheelchair. A lifelong recommend for folks with disabilities, he used to be a Paralympic swimmer and a member of Ukraine’s parliament. He spent the closing 3 years as a commissioner of the federal government division accountable for the rights of folks with disabilities.He has come to be one of those patron saint for disabled folks in Ukraine, and plenty of have not too long ago reached out to him on social media or in textual content messages, soliciting for assist.Up to date March 7, 2022, 2:45 p.m. ETHe stated that whilst in Beijing he gained a couple of texts from a girl who makes use of a wheelchair who used to be trapped at the seventeenth ground of a development that were evacuated for the reason that elevator used to be no longer running. He stated the texts stopped not too long ago and when he known as her, there used to be no solution. He feared the worst.“The wheelchair folks can not run from bombs,” he stated.
“The blind folks can not run from the rockets.”Sushkevych famous that the invasion used to be staged after the Olympics however all over the Paralympics, “as though to mention, it does no longer topic, we haven't any worth,” he stated.Lots of the Ukrainian athletes arrived in China from their coaching web page close to Milan, Italy, decided to lift consciousness for the struggling going down beneath a terrifying attack.Ukraine has received 8 medals, third-most in the back of China and Canada, after 3 days of festival, each and every one an opportunity to put across a message.“With the manner of sports activities, we will stand in entrance of you to inform the arena what's going on,” Shyshkova stated to newshounds.She described the relentless power and exhaustion beneath which the Ukrainian athletes are running, and the bodily and emotional toll in their isolation.Russia-Ukraine Struggle: Key Issues to KnowCard 1 of fourProtests in Russia. Amid antiwar rallies throughout Russia, the police stated more than 3,000 people were arrested Sunday, the absolute best national general in any unmarried day of protest in contemporary reminiscence. An activist crew that tracks arrests reported detentions in 49 other Russian towns.Every other gold medal winner, Vitalii Lukianenko, 43, used to be so distraught and bodily tired at the morning of his race on Saturday, that Sushkevych, the committee president, questioned if Lukianenko must race.Lukianenko is from Kharkiv, a town beneath contemporary assault by means of Russia. His circle of relatives has sought refuge underground.“I take a look at his bodily situation, eyes very pink,” Sushkevych stated. “I believed, no, he can not race.”However Sushkevych stated that when on the beginning line for his biathlon tournament, Lukianenko grew to become a transfer in his thoughts, vowing to really feel no ache or fatigue at the route, and he completed first in what's indubitably his closing Paralympic Video games.“If state of affairs, this used to be a miracle,” Sushkevych stated.All 3 medal winners in that race had been from Ukraine.However medals aren't the one indication of braveness and can. Juliia Batenkova-Bauman, 38, left her husband and daughter in Kyiv when she traveled to Italy to coach, weeks prior to the invasion. She has been checking in along with her circle of relatives on an hourly foundation when she isn't racing or coaching.“When I will communicate to them, I will pay attention the taking pictures and sounds of bombings,” Batenkova-Bauman stated thru an interpreter, “and they may be able to see the rockets from their window. It’s killing me from inside of.”Batenkova-Bauman, who spoke to a number of other information retailers, teared up in nearly each and every dialog. She stated she had slightly slept for days, and when she did, she used to be haunted by means of nightmares.Sushkevych has recognized Batenkova-Bauman for a few years, and after he used to be advised how she reacted after her race, he paused, excused himself and wiped tears from his cheeks and eyes with a tissue.He knew Batenkova-Bauman used to be no longer in just right situation to race, and he watched her fall two times within the 15-kilometer race. He implored her trainer to drag her off the route, however the trainer stated he had already attempted and failed. She completed 5th, outdoor of the medals.“It's worthwhile to glance and say that's not fulfillment,” Sushkevych stated, his voice cracking. “This is fulfillment. This is fulfillment.” [ad_2] #Ukraines #Paralympians #Compete #Beijing #Heavy #Hearts
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crispyturtlepainter · 2 years
Brock Lesnar could return to WWE tonight
Brock Lesnar could return to WWE tonight: Tonight a new season is presented in WWE RAW, so the rumors have begun to spread on the day. One of the big names circulating is that of Brock Lesnar, whom we haven't seen since WWE Summer Slam. Next, we will tell you more details about this.
Brock Lesnar could appear on WWE RAW:
In a report from PW Insider, the outlet indicated that there is a high probability that Brock Lesnar can appear tonight on WWE RAW. The information is not fully confirmed, but it could be a strong idea to kick off the WWE RAW red brand season. One of the reasons to think about this return is due to WWE's habit of making surprises in New York. The latter to give the feeling that the shows in this city are really unique and special. In addition, now the entire focus of the company would be positioned in the next Premium Live Event, WWE Crown Jewel. «You can qualify it as a hunch on my part, but it would not surprise me to see Brock Lesnar return tonight in the premiere season of Monday Night Raw. Lesnar was last seen at WWE SummerSlam, but tonight is the "Season Premiere" of WWE RAW. This "Season Premiere" is going to take place in Brooklyn, New York. WWE has always sought to make surprises to make events within the city of New York look unique and special. Apart from that, now the company has already finished with WWE Extreme Rules, so that means that its main concentration towards the future will now be the Premium Live Event, WWE Crown Jewel on November 05 in Saudi Arabia. » As the report itself indicates, there is nothing guaranteed for this possible return. Therefore, we can only wait for tonight's programming and see if The Beast Incarnate really ends up returning to WWE. Brock Lesnar could return to WWE tonight: Thank you for sharing and enjoying this passion with PLANET WRESTLING. Remember to follow us in our RRSS, and here on the web to the best information on wrestling and the world of wrestling in Spanish, interviews, videos, and the best coverage and live monitoring. Remember that you can directly access all WWE news. For More Information Visit These Articles: - D’Generation X celebrate their 25th anniversary on WWE RAW  - Expected return next week on WWE Raw  - Bray Wyatt confirmed for WWE SmackDown this Friday  - Results DDT Dramatic Dreams Vol 9  - Brock Lesnar returns on WWE RAW and faces Bobby Lashley - Aliyah shares an update on her WWE injury  - Bobby Lashley wants the return of The Hurt Business - Bobby Lashley wants the return of The Hurt Business  - Sammy Guevara addresses the latest AEW controversy Read the full article
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daugaard98vaughn · 2 years
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theladyjojogrant · 3 years
Return to the Web Planet, a summary: the Doctor organises a massive Zarbi wedding
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abbyilr1967 · 3 years
Out of Time - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter and Y/n have been together since the events of Spiderman Home Coming. One day while on a field trip Y/n and Peter are called into action as strange aliens claiming the be the “Children of Thanos' ' begin invading New York.
A/n: Finally finished the first rewrite, and am quite proud of it. If you were a fan of this mini-series a year again, I’m sure you will like this as well. As per usual, if you are new here, here is a link to my Masterlist, as well as a link to the Out of Time (Rewrite) Masterlist.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, some fluff if you squint, and ANGST.  
WordCount: 2.7k
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The morning had begun the same as usual that day. When you roll over to turn off your alarm you see that you have a text waiting from Peter. He was always up before you and always sends you a text or cute gif to wait up to in the morning. Today you and Peter were going on a school trip, so you were going to meet him at his place and walk to school together. 
You and Peter were sitting together on the bus riding to the destination of the trip. Peter was against the window staring out over the water as the bus crosses the bridge, while you were facing the aisle talking to MJ and Ned. As you’re listening to Ned ramble on about his new Lego set, you feel Peter tap your shoulder 
“Y/n,” You turn to Peter and find his gaze is still glued to the window. “Over there,” he says pointing at the giant ring-shaped ship floating above New York. 
“Oh god,” you reply. You turn to Ned and start tapping him to get his attention. “Ned, we need you to cause a distraction.” Ned can see the panic in your eyes as you and Peter try your best to be as quick and discreet as possible. 
“I’m on it.” Ned stands in his seat and points towards the floating ring in the sky. “Hey everyone, look! We’re all gonna die!” he shouts. 
As everyone moves to the back of the bus to get a look at the strange-looking spaceship, Peter flings himself off the bus to put his suit on. You monitor the situation on the bus while Peter suits up. 
“I’m ready.” he leans his head back in the bus window. You take the opportunity to engage the jet boosters your father had built into your shoes in case of emergency. Once you are safely floating outside of the bus you engage reconstruction of the ironman suit you and your father had built together. As the helmet finally closes over your head you lower yourself so Peter can hop onto your back. 
“It’s headed downtown!” Peter says through the earpiece your father had connected to both your suits. Using your now iron-plated jet boosters your fly after the ring-shaped spaceship 
As you and Peter arrive downtown you see your dad and bruce trying to fight off this massive alien that looks like it came straight out of a sci-fi novel. The creature backhands your Dad into next week and before you can react, Peter is already there to block the next blow. Next thing you know, a flash of blue and red flies past you. 
“Y/n!” your Dad calls to you. “I thought you were on a field trip?” he shouts. 
“I don’t think now is the time to be asking those kinds of questions Dad, Woah!” As your father distracts you from the literal aliens in front of you, you’re almost knocked on your ass by a large piece of rubble the thing had decided to throw in your direction.
“We’re here now. You can’t change that. How can we help?” 
“That guy, floating wizard in the sky, he’s got something important.” Tony points towards the strange-looking man wrapped in a cape and some oddly bent metal. “We can’t let these guys take him, go get him.” 
“We’re on it.” Peter responds as he flings himself past you once more. 
You catch up to the wizard and latch onto the metal bars that are tied around him, and use your jet boosters to keep him from being sucked into the space ships tractor beam. Peter uses his webs to latch on as well, but the beam was too strong and begins pulling both you and Peter towards the ship. 
“Uh… Dad.” You struggle to fight the force of the tractor beam. 
“Mr. Stark, I think we’re being beamed up!” Peter shouts as the webs connecting to the closest buildings snap. 
“Now is not the time for jokes Peter.” Your father’s tone in your earpiece tells you that he’s not impressed with the young hero right now. “Get out of there.” 
“Dad, we’re losing him.” your voice strains as you try your best to keep a hold on the wizard.
A bit of the metal snaps, and the force is enough to pull the man into the ship. Peter’s web is cut off by the door closing before he has a chance to enter. He’s landed on the side of the ship, and it looking to you for any ideas. 
“We need to find a way inside.” Peter gives you a quick nod before you both separate to look for an entrance. 
You use your suit you fly around the exterior of the ship, while Peter starts searching along the inside of the ring. 
“Peter we’re too high, you’re running out of air!” you exclaim through your earpiece. Flying back around towards him.
“We need to save the wizard,” he replies sounding short of breath. You stop and anchor yourself to the ship. 
You watch as Peter pulls his mask off, attempting to get more oxygen. Only to watch his eyes roll into the back of his head as he lets go of the side of the ship. 
“Peter!” You push on the side of the ship immediately, readying to chase after him. 
“I gotcha Pete.” your father’s voice rings clear in your ears, as you watch a piece of his tech launch towards Peter. His body jerks as the small rocket makes impact along his back, and watch as a suit very similar to yours starts to wrap around him. 
You listen carefully through your earpiece for any sign of breathing from Peter. His sudden deep inhale is enough to let you know that he’s going to be ok. 
“Woah, Mr. Stark these are some cool upgrades.” he sounds ecstatic through the earpiece, even considering he almost plummeted to his death. “It smells like a new car in here.” 
“Alright great, F.R.I.D.A.Y. take them home,” 
“What?” the map in the corner of your vision, showing the route it plans to use to fly you and Peter home, and just like that both you and Peter are swept away. In the haste of everything that is going on, Tony failed to make sure that Peter didn’t attach himself and you to the side of the ship before he went after the wizard.  
“What are you two doing here?” Tony asks in his angry Dad voice. He found the two of you when you were attempting to listen in on the conversation your father was having with the wizard.
“We were just trying to he—” 
Tony cuts Peter off. “Nope. Your mother,” Tony says pointing to you. “And your Aunt,” He says pointing to Peter. “Are going to kill me if they knew you were in space. This is too big of a fight for you two to be a part of, I don’t know what I’d do with myself if one of you got hurt,” he says, concerned.
“How can we be friendly neighbourhood heroes, if there’s no neighbourhood?” Peter asks. 
You and your Dad both look at him weirdly. 
“Ok that was bad, but you get what I mean,” he said. 
“Peter’s right Dad,” you say as your masks retracted from your face. You look straight into your Dad’s eyes. “Fine,” he starts, knowing that you’re stubborn just like your mother. Your dad motions to knight both you and Peter. “There, you’re Avengers now.” 
You and Peter both look at each other and smile. He wraps his arms around you and lifts you into the air, planting a kiss on your lips after setting you back down. 
“Alright, keep the public displays of affection to a minimum, we need a game plan.” the wizard said. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Y/n, and this is Peter.” you say extending your hand out to him. 
“Dr. Strange,” he says coldly. 
Peter leans over to whisper in your ear, “We’re using our made-up names?” “I guess so,” you say jokingly. 
“I’m Spiderman,” he says. You snort as you see the confused expression from Dr. Strange. Peter sees you laughing and shoves your shoulder. 
You look over to see your Dad fidget with the control panel of the ship. 
“We need to turn this ship around,” Dr. Strange said.
“Whelp, it’s on auto-pilot, so we are on our way right to Thanos,” Tony says to Dr. Strange. You remember them mentioning a man named Thanos during their conversation before you and Peter were caught by your dad. You pull Peter off to the side as the realization of what you’re about to go through sets in. He could see the distressed look on your face.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he asks. 
“I’ve never seen my Dad so worried like this before,” you say nervously. “I think we might be biting off more than we can chew.” 
“Hey hey hey hey hey,” he says pulling you into his chest” We’re gonna be fine, when having we ever given up.” Peter’s hand runs up and down your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“You’re right,” you say leaning into his touch. “You always know what to say,” 
“I mean… I try.” You both chuckle softly at Peter’s attempt to lift your spirits. 
“C’mon, let’s go back.” He gestures 
He gives you a forehead kiss and one last tight squeeze before leaving to talk strategy.  
You had crashed onto a planet known as Titan after a “flawless” landing by Peter and your father. You were waiting for the arrival of Thanos when you were ambushed by a group of travellers. They immediately attacked, and in the haste of it all, they grabbed Peter and threatened his life. That only caused your father, the ever impulsive man he is, to threaten the life of one of their own in return. 
“We are the Avengers!” you shout over all the testosterone. 
“Wait, so you’re not with Thanos?” The man holding the gun to Peter’s temple looked as confused as ever, which prompted you to explain to him that you were there to kill Thanos.
After some brief introductions and explanations, you learned that the group refers to themselves as the Guardian’s of the Galaxy, and their names are Starlord, Drax, and Mantis. They explained to you that they were here looking for Thanos because they are trying to rescue their valued member of the team.  Your father gathered everyone together to try to work out a plan, to which newbies were skeptical. With the introduction of these Guardian’s of the Galaxy to the initial plan, you were confident in your ability to take down Thanos here and now. Once a plan was in place, everyone went to their places, ready to ambush him when he arrived. 
That’s when we heard it. The sound of heavy boots stomping onto the planet. 
You look over and can see Peter, he locks eyes with you. 
“I love you,” you mouth to him. 
“I love you too,” he mouths back. You nod, eyes lingering on your boyfriend. If things go sideways you want to make sure you’ve memories every detail of him. 
You are waiting for your cue from Dr. Strange who has been talking to Thanos to distract him. 
“I’m sure you will find our will much stronger,” and with that you attack. 
Your father came rushing in, crashing a building down on top of him. All of you stood around thinking that he was dead, little did you know, it only made him angrier. He burst out from under the rubble and Peter tries to use his webs to hold him down, but he only used it against him. He pulled Peter towards him and caught him by the throat. Only to them slam him into the ground. 
“Tiny insect,” you could he Peter struggling under the weight of Thanos. 
“Let him go!’ you shout as you rush toward him with your iron hammer fist ready to punch him. 
You go in for the punch. Your fist almost makes contact with his jaw, but not before he let Peter go, and grabbed your arm instead. Hurdling you across the battlefield. 
You are thrown into a pile of space rubble, the wind knocked from your lungs. Your vision had gone blurry, and you struggle to regain your balance but you could see your father in all his rage, fighting Thanos. You got up and could see that Mantis was up on Thanos’ shoulders, keeping him in a headlock while she put him in a trance.
“Y/n!” your Dad called. “We almost got it off, hurry!.” 
In an instant, you were right by Peter trying your hardest to pull off his gauntlet.
“So close.” You groan, struggling to get the tight-fitting gauntlet off the last bit of his hand that was still inside.
That’s when he took control of his mind back, waking up from the trance Mantis had put him under. He shakes you all off, but not before Thanos grabbed you by the throat. 
“No!” you could hear Peter shouting. 
“So small,” he said. “Barely lived a life, and yet so ready to give everything up to save everyone,” you spit in his face. 
“I’d rather die fighting you than sit home doing nothing,” you croak. 
“Your wish is my command,” and he squeezed harder. The corners of your vision started to become blurry, and your lungs begin to burn. 
“Stop!” you hear Dr. Strange. “I will give you the time stone if you let the girl go,” 
“No, don’t.” you struggle. “Don’t do it.” 
He took a minute to contemplate. “Fine,” he says chucking you to your father’s feet. Peter comes running over. 
“Y/n, your gonna be fine,” he says as he holds you. 
You open your eyes and can see just as Dr. Strange is giving the stone to Thanos. 
“No,” you sigh. Peter holds you tighter as you try to wriggle out of his arms. 
Just then a wave of power shook the ground, and you saw it. The sheer power that the gauntlet holds. And before any of you could do anything, he snapped. 
The world shook, and he was gone. And you had a sick feeling in your stomach. 
“He’s gone,” your father said quietly. 
“It’s my fault,” you said, moving into an upright position and out of Peter’s lap. “I should have done more.”  
“You did enough.” Your father reassures you. 
“You should’ve let me die if it meant saving everyone.” You glare at Dr. Strange, storming over to him. “You said that if it came down to it you’d let us die. So why didn’t you keep your promise!”  Your face is just inches from his. 
“There are fourteen-million, six-hundred-and-five realities in which Thanos wins, and only one in which we win.” he states. 
“I realized I couldn’t risk letting any of you die, because I’m not sure who saves us all.” His lip trembles, you can tell he’s just as infuriated with this situation as you are.
“Guys?” You turn around and find your father and Peter looking over towards where Drax, Starlord, and Mantis are. They’re turning to dust. This prompted you and Peter to both look over to Dr. Strange, just in time to see him turn to dust as well. 
“Dad?” you ask, panicked. 
“You’re going to be fine-,” you Dad started to say, rushing over to you. “Peter?” 
“I-I-I don’t feel so good,” Peter said. “Y/n, I-I-,” he stumbled into you. You held him tight, you can feel him become lighter and lighter. 
“I love you,” is the last thing you hear from him before he turns into dust.  
“Dad! He’s g-gone,” you tried to hold back a sob. Remnants of Peter lay in small flakes of dust on your palms. 
That’s when you felt. It started in your hands. You looked down with tears in your eyes as you see your hand start to crumble. You look back to your dad.
“Daddy.” you whimper. 
And the last thing you saw was the look on your father’s face as his heart broke, and your vision went black.
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djarinsdoll · 3 years
Closer to God (K.R.)
Summary: After Kylo returns from battle, he needs someone to clean him up.
Warnings: mentions of blood, you are basically his pet, not smut but descriptions of his naked body <3
A/N: I just really wanna wash Kylo’s body without having the privilege of actually fucking him so I’m dealing with it by doing this :) hope you like it !!
You were sat on the floor facing Kylo’s large bed, knees keeping you  steady with your hands resting palm down on your thighs. At the call of your name, your eyes raised to meet his own. You scanned down his dirt and blood covered face, admiring how ethereal he looked even after coming back from battle.
“Come.” He outstretched his hand and you lifted yourself from your position on the floor, placing your hand in his and continuing to the refresher. Once inside, you turned and bent over to switch the knob on the shower to the perfect temperature for him. Unlike the sonics you were used to, this one had free flowing water that warmed almost instantly. You turned to meet his gaze which had been cast upon your already naked body and gave a slight nod.
“Ready, Supreme Leader.” Your voice was small but solid, stepping to the side to let him feel the water. He removed one glove, pinching and pulling the top of each finger before sliding it off and leaving it on the lustrous obsidian countertop. After feeling it run through his fingers he shook his hand off, standing back so that you could do what you always did.
You stood in front of him and took off each article of clothing that was still attached to his form. You got down to his boots and slid them off, placing them next to the pile of folded clothing. Once you reached his underwear you removed it gently, careful not to touch his skin in fear of punishment. Once he was completely bare, he stepped under the water.
The shower was large, big enough to fit at least five people but it was always only the two of you. Your feet stepped in and you positioned yourself across from him. You made sure only to look at your hands, busy with covering a small washcloth in soap before you reached your hand behind him to get it wet. Once it was prepared, you dragged it up the center of his chest to his wide shoulders. You made sure to get every bit of dirt on him, watching his skin redden slightly with the contact of the cloth. You continued, making swirling motions all over his chest and shoulders before gliding it down his arms. You picked up a hand, running the wet and soapy material around each finger as his eyes concentrated on your lips pressed into a pout of focus.
The cloth ran all over his body; over the expanse of muscle on his back, his thighs that were especially bloody, and down the long length of his legs. You paid special attention to his most sensitive areas, knowing you weren’t allowed to do any more than clean. You took your time, still, put up the façade that you didn’t want to hurt him when in reality you were just amazed by his length. No matter how many times you cleansed him he still looked so large.
His cock was a slightly darker shade than the rest of his body, thick enough that you had a difficult time holding it in just one hand as you washed, and wrapped in a delicate web of veins with a few more prominent ones raising the flesh. He was cut, something that you hadn’t seen often in encounters with other men you had the displeasure of pleasing, and his tip was always blushed a light pink. He always grew in your touch, but you chalked it up to the friction of the material against the sensitive skin. Directly above, there was a neatly trimmed patch of hair that matched the color on his head. What you didn’t expect, though, was the blood caught there.
You wiped your hand over it, wondering what he had done to get it there. A dozen thoughts ran through your head, none of them any good for the already salacious images that went through when just seeing his bare chest. You shook them from your mind as you finished up washing him, hands reaching up for his face and hair. Your rung the dirt from the cloth and brought it up to his cheek, swiping it softly over his scattered freckles and down the bridge of his nose. You softened the slight furrow of his brow with your touch, up on your tiptoes to push his head back into the water.
Your fingers carded through the strands, watching the water turn a mix of brown and red as everything was rinsed away from the soft onyx. As soon as he was all clean, you reached behind him and turned off the stream of water. You stepped out before him, his towel in your hands and opened to accept his body. He exited the glass enclosed shower and turned his back to you so that you could place the towel around his shoulders. You did so and used another towel to dry his hair.
You left him to dry the rest of his body himself as you grabbed some pajamas. You returned to the refresher and slipped the clothes on to his now clean body. Once finished, he walked to his bed and you placed his blankets over him before returning to your position on your knees beside his bed. You stayed there all night, just as he instructed you to do when he first took you from your home planet, ready to take care of him the next day and for the rest of your life.
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miguel-manbemel · 3 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 50: Flowers for Christmas
As promised, here’s the special Christmas episode of the main storyline of this blog. And as I also promised, it features Nico Flores’ debut in the main narrative. As it happened earlier with Remus and as it will happen with any canon character introduced in this narrative, his introduction will not mimic the canon introduction at all, but it will be a totally independent story to fit what has already been told in earlier episodes. One thing I wanted to say is that this story takes place in a near future where the virus has just been defeated and the pandemic is over, that’s why there’s no longer social distancing or masks in the story. Let’s hope this future of fiction soon becomes a reality, but until then, remember to wear your mask if you need to get out and take all precautions, for your own health and the others’.
It also happens to be the 50th entry in the series since it made its debut on February 2019. I hope you’ve been liking it so far and that whatever comes in the future is also of your liking too. Fair warning that after this episode, I’m going to take a little break of a few weeks, to take a rest, at least from the main narrative, although I’ll still be hanging around somehow as usual, publishing little things here and there. So, I hope that you all have the merriest Christmas and that you have a good start of 2021. Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and until next time.
P.S. If you enter Tumblr.com through a web browser (on PC or on the phone), NOT through the app, and enter the episode through this link, you’ll find a especial interactive musical surprise alongside the narration. Sadly, it doesn’t work on standard dashboard view or on Tumblr’s phone app, but you should be able to read the text anyway.
SYNOPSIS: Thomas has a little job as an actor in a mall, for a one-off Christmas show. Just as he’s about to enter the mall in a rush, he bumps on a stranger that crossed his way just at the same time. Thomas is immediately mesmerized by the stranger’s face and immediately starts feeling something for him.
WARNINGS: Romantic prinxiety
[Thomas is running out of the house, rushing to the car]
THOMAS: I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!
[Thomas gets to the car. Logan rises up in front of him]
LOGAN: Okay, Mr. Figurative White Rabbit Sanders. Have you got everything?
THOMAS: Of course I do, I’ve got my credentials, I placed my costume in the car trunk last night, I programmed the address on the GPS, I’ve got everything, except that I programmed the phone 20 minutes later than I should by accident, so I’m late! Don’t make me waste more time, Logan, I gotta go!
LOGAN: Are you sure you’re not forgetting something?
THOMAS: Yes, I am.
LOGAN: Are you really, really sure?
THOMAS: [trying to open the car unsuccessfully] Yes, I am! Why doesn’t this gosh dagnabbit car open? Don’t detain me, Logan!
LOGAN: [smirking] Okay, if you’re so sure, go ahead, I’m not holding you back. What are you waiting for?
THOMAS: It’s this door, it just won’t open! I gotta go and this door won’t open, dang it!
LOGAN: Well, what do you need to open the door, Thomas?
[Thomas suddenly stops, then frowns and looks at Logan]
THOMAS: Couldn’t you just have told me I had forgotten to get the car keys instead of making me look like a doofus, Logan?
[Logan looks at Thomas with the same condescending smirk while Thomas just groans and goes back to the house to get the keys]
[intro sequence]
[Thomas parks the car next to the mall. Then he gets out, grabs his costume in a bag and closes it, then starts running to the door. Before he gets to the door, a stranger who hasn’t seen him crosses his way and Thomas can’t help bumping onto him. They both fall on the ground]
STRANGER: Oh, goodness!
THOMAS: [trying to pick up his things scattered around him] I… I’m so sorry, I was in a hurry, I didn’t see you and…
[the stranger, who has stood up already offers his hand to help Thomas stand up]
STRANGER: It’s okay, I didn’t see you either, and I was also in a hurry. Let me help you.
THOMAS: Thanks, I…
[but Thomas can’t finish the sentence because when he looks at the stranger he gets stunned over the cutest face he’s ever seen in his life. It’s a Latin American guy roughly the same age as him, with dark hair, light brown skin and a goatee, a little skinnier than Thomas, wearing a blue shirt and a backpack on his back, and with big black eyes which make Thomas feel as if inevitably attracted to two black holes. He smiles at Thomas while offering his hand. Thomas just can’t react over that vision as he feels his heart pumping harder]
STRANGER: [suddenly concerned when Thomas doesn’t grab his hand] Are you okay? Did you get hurt or something?
[Thomas returns to reality and grabs the stranger’s hand, who helps him stand up]
THOMAS: I’m fine, thank you. But are you okay?
STRANGER: Oh, don’t worry, I’m fine. Let me help you with that. [pointing at Thomas’ things scattered on the ground]
THOMAS: Oh, I wouldn’t want you to get late to your appointment, Mr…
STRANGER: Mr. Flores, but you can call me Nico if you’d like.
THOMAS: [giggles] And I’m Mr. Sanders, but you can call me Thomas.
NICO: Nice to meet you, Thomas. And it’s okay. If we pick this stuff up together, we both could be on our way in no time.
THOMAS: Thank you so much.
[Thomas and Nico start picking up the things. As they’re doing so, Thomas takes a quick look at the backpack. Various pins are there, but one pin in particular grabs his attention, a pride pin. He also sees a key chain hanging from his pocket, with an image of Jack Skellington from Nightmare before Christmas. He quickly looks away when Nico stands up]
NICO: Well, I think this is all. Here you are.
[Nico gives Thomas the things he’s picked up]
THOMAS: Thank you so much, Nico.
NICO: Of course. Well, I’d love to stay here and chat with you, but I gotta go now. I hope to see you again someday. It’s was nice to meet you, Thomas, have a nice day!
THOMAS: Have a nice day, Nico, nice to meet you as well!
[Nico smiles one last time at Thomas, then he rushes inside the mall. Roman rises up next to Thomas]
ROMAN: Wasn’t that the cutest vision ever, Thomas!? And to top it all, he’s gay, so you’ve got a chance with him!
[Virgil also rises up]
VIRGIL: He was cute, indeed, but Thomas, weren’t you in a hurry?
THOMAS: [suddenly scared] Oh, dang it, I’m late!
[Thomas rushes into the mall. He tries not to run so as not to attract people’s attention, but he walks as fast as he can. Roman and Virgil follow him]
ROMAN: And judging from his key chain, he loves Nightmare before Christmas! He must be exactly the kind of guy you could get along with. You should have asked for his number, Thomas. He said he hoped to see you again, but we don’t have any means to contact him. What if you never see him again?
THOMAS: Well, that’s over and done with… I admit that guy looked really cute, and he also looks cool and kind.
ROMAN: That’s an understatement. [Roman’s theme music starts playing] When he offered you his hand, he looked like a prince sent from heaven, ready to save you from the perils upon you, and then he would let you ride with him on his horse and take you to his castle and…
VIRGIL: [snapping his fingers, music stops] Houston calling Roman, get back to planet Earth, please!
ROMAN: Sorry, I got carried away.
THOMAS: Yes, you did. But you’re right, I should have asked him for his number or something. [sighs] I probably will never see him again.
ROMAN: Well, maybe we’ll see him again around the mall today and have a second chance to talk to him. It’s Christmas time, the season of miracles, isn’t it?
VIRGIL: We’ll see. For now, you must focus, Thomas. You had a job to do, remember?
THOMAS: Yeah… When they asked for actors in that announcement, I never thought it was for this, playing one of Santa’s elves in a little Christmas musical play in the middle of the mall, with barely no time to rehearse and with the costumes sent to us by mail. I just hope that the tights don’t make me look too weird, I didn’t have time to try the costume on. Gosh, this work dynamic feels too rushed, but at least the pay was good, so I can’t really complain…
REMUS: [rising up] Wouldn’t it be nice if Nico saw you with your elf costume, Thomas? You couldn’t be sexier. A total piece of cake, if you know what I mean! [wiggles his eyebrows]
THOMAS: Remus, don’t! Besides, I would die of embarrassment if he saw me like that. Maybe it’s for the best that he left in such a hurry. Okay, there’s the scenery, and right there, there’s the office where the guy at the phone told me I had to change. And speaking about the phone… [looks at his phone] Looks that I’m not that late after all. I have just enough time to change. If I’m quick, I’ll be ready just in time. I shouldn’t have worried so much.
VIRGIL: My bad.
[Thomas goes to the office followed by Roman and Virgil, while Remus sinks down]
THOMAS: That’s odd, there’s no one here. I hoped to talk with the boss and finally meet him. We’ve never talked in person, only with his secretary on the phone after I answered the call. They sent me the outfit by UPS the day after I got the part.
ROMAN: I wonder how that boss will look like? How will we recognize them, Thomas?
THOMAS: I suppose we’ll meet them on stage, Roman. Well, I have to change now, and there’s a door that reads locker room, so it must be there. Let’s do it.
[When Thomas enters the room, he goes livid, after finding Nico just buttoning a Santa Claus costume]
NICO: [equally surprised] Thomas? What are you doing here? Don’t tell me that…
THOMAS: [nervous giggle] Yeah, it seems we’re gonna be work mates, at least for today. I’m playing one of the elves. I can’t find the boss anywhere, so I figured I’d have to change in this room.
NICO: [happy smile] What a coincidence, right? Well, don’t stay there, come in. I’m almost done. Um… the boss told me the other elves are already in costume, waiting for us. So you better hurry. There’s a folding screen over there if you need some privacy.
[Thomas showed some relief over seeing the folding screen]
VIRGIL: Thank goodness, I don’t know if I could have coped with it if you had had to change in front of him.
THOMAS: Yeah, that would be neat.
[Thomas goes behind the folding screen and starts changing]
THOMAS: So, how did you get this job? Are you an actor too?
NICO: Oh, so you’re an actor? That’s neat. No, I’m not an actor, not professionally at least, although I’ve done a couple things in community theater. I… just needed the job to get some extra income, you know? I’m a writer, and sometimes, the amount of work is not high enough.
THOMAS: Oh, that’s cool! What kind of writer, if it’s not too nosy to ask?
NICO: Of course it’s not. I write anything, but my thing is poetry and songwriting. And I’m also a playwright. It’s my dream to make it big on Broadway someday with a musical of my own.
THOMAS: Oh, you’re a playwright and songwriter? Well, other than an actor, I’m also a singer. And I also dream on being on Broadway one day. Maybe you could show me some of your work someday?
NICO: You’re a singer too? My, you seem to be a man of many talents. I’d be glad to show you some of my songs. Maybe you could try one of them if you like them and are suitable for your voice? Maybe later, after the show, if you’re free?
THOMAS: Yes, I’m free. I can’t wait for it, Nico.
ROMAN: [pumped up] Thomas, have you realized… that you just got a date with him? [bopping] Oh, my goodness!
VIRGIL: Relax, Roman… Can’t believe it’s me who said that… It’s only a professional meeting, where they will discuss their opinions about each other’s art, that’s all. Wow, I sounded like Logan there… The point is Thomas shouldn’t have his hopes too high for the time being.
ROMAN: Well, you start with a professional meeting, and the next day he PROPOSES to you! Imagine… Nico Sanders… or Thomas Flores… or even better, Nico and Thomas Flores-Sanders or Sanders-Flores. [squeeing] Gosh, you’ll look so handsome in your white suit with a red necktie when Joan takes you to the altar!
THOMAS: [whispering with the lowest voice he can so Nico can’t hear him] Guys… please… would you mind? I need to get dressed and I can barely move in this small place behind the folding screen with you two around… Please, could you sink down for a moment?
ROMAN: Oh, sorry… Okay, Thomas. [sinking down] See ya later on stage.
VIRGIL: [also sinking down] I’ll try to calm him down in the Mind Palace, Thomas, but no promises. See ya.
NICO: Are you ready, Thomas?
THOMAS: I’m almost ready. My, this suit is so tight, I can barely put it on. I hope it doesn’t rip apart right on stage, that would be embarrassing.
NICO: Don’t worry, it will be fine. When they make these elf costumes they usually make them tight, I don’t know why. As if elves building toys shouldn’t prefer wearing a more comfortable and professional outfit.
THOMAS: [giggles] Yeah, you’re right… If you’re ready, Nico, you don’t need to wait for me. You can get to the stage whenever you want. It’s no use that both of us get scolded over being late, I can take it, don’t worry about me.
NICO: Nah, I’m fine. The show can’t start without us anyway… and I like being here and talking to you.
[Thomas’ face goes red and he feels his breathe stopping for a second]
THOMAS: You… you do?
NICO: Yeah, of course. You bring up good conversation and that is increasingly difficult to find these days. I enjoy your company.
THOMAS: Well… thanks, Nico. I… I enjoy your company too…
[Thomas was trying to fit his shoes in, but out of nervousness, he loses balance]
THOMAS: Oh, shoot!
[Thomas falls on the folding screen which falls down making a lot of noise]
NICO: Oh, goodness, Thomas! Are you all right!?
THOMAS: Dag nabbit, this outfit is impossible to wear! It’s too small for me!
[again, Nico offers Thomas his hand]
NICO: This is the second time I have to grab you from the floor, Thomas. Did you get hurt?
THOMAS: [standing up with Nico’s help] No, I’m fine… and I promise I’m usually not this clumsy. It’s just…
[Janus rises up]
JANUS: Don’t tell him the truth or you’ll blew it up!
THOMAS: … it’s just that I’m nervous over the performance, and scared that I’m not gonna wear this outfit as I should.
JANUS: Nice recovery, Thomas. It’s too soon to tell Nico that the reason you’re clumsy is because you’re totally nervous over making a good impression to him because you think he’s the cutest guy you’ve ever seen in your life. You don’t want to tell him that yet, right, Thomas?
NICO: Did you say something?
[Janus quickly sinks down]
THOMAS: [nervous] I was saying… no, I’m not gonna make this outfit work. Look at me. The elf shoes are all tiny, I can’t close the zipper on my shirt, and the beanie is too small for my head! This is all a disaster!
NICO: They obviously have sent you the wrong size for your outfit, Thomas. You can’t get out like that.
THOMAS: But I have to make it work! There are no other outfits available, are there? If I don’t get out, I’ll lose the job! Oh, why didn’t I try this outfit at home earlier? I’m such an idiot!
NICO: It’s okay, calm down, we’ll find a way to fix this… [looks at Thomas’ clothes, then at himself and suddenly shows a lively smile] And you know what? I’ve got an idea. Help me put the folding screen back up.
[Nico and Thomas place the folding screen as it was]
NICO: That’s right. Now, get back behind the folding screen and take the costume off, everything.
THOMAS: What? But…
NICO: [grabbing Thomas’ hand] Trust me, Thomas.
THOMAS: [nervous] Okay…
[Thomas gets behind the folding screen and starts taking the costume off. Nico also starts taking his Santa costume off]
NICO: When you take it off, hang it on top of the folding screen, okay?
THOMAS: Okay… Will you explain to me what are we doing?
NICO: Sure. We’re gonna switch places.
THOMAS: [nervous] What? But…
NICO: Don’t worry. Do you think with the big white beard that Santa Claus wears, they’re gonna notice the difference?
THOMAS: But the boss will notice you dressed as an elf. You don’t have any beard or garment to conceal you, and both of us will be in trouble.
NICO: Don’t worry about me, Thomas. I… know how to deal with the boss, and the most important is to make the show work, so I’m sure he would agree with this. The show must go on, isn’t that what you, actors, say on stage when difficulties arise?
THOMAS: Yep, that’s our motto.
NICO: Well, that’s my motto now. We’re gonna make it work, no matter how.
[Thomas and Nico pass each other the different garments of their costumes over the folding screen and get dressed, then Thomas gets out of the folding screen and stands in front of Nico]
THOMAS: This is much better. This is my size.
NICO: I thought so. It was a little big for me, and I intended to fill it with some stuffing to simulate Santa’s belly. You’re more muscular than me, so I knew that the costume would be just perfect for you. And I also knew that the elf costume would be just the right size for me. It’s perfect. Maybe they got the sizes mixed up with our costumes? True, we can’t put the stuffing in your costume, but who said that Santa has to be chubby? He can be perfectly portrayed by a handsome fit man like you.
[Thomas blushes]
ROMAN: [rising up, squeeing] Did he just call you a handsome fit man!? Oh, goodness, Thomas, I think he has a crush on you too!
[Thomas makes a subtly angry gesture to Roman to make him shut up. Roman sinks down, but Nico notices Thomas’ gesture and shows a face of concern]
NICO: Oh, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. People tell me that I shouldn’t be so outgoing about my opinions, but I’m truly saying it as I think it, Thomas. I apologize again if I made you feel awkward. We’re at work after all and I shouldn’t be so unprofessional.
THOMAS: No, it’s fine, don’t worry… And… I thank you for your compliment. You’re very kind, Nico.
NICO: You’re welcome. Okay, you look great, but here’s the final touch. Your beard.
[Nico helps Thomas put the beard on]
THOMAS: Um… ho, ho, ho, am I right?
[Nico chortles]
NICO: Yep, as I thought, you look great. Okay, do you need a few minutes to take a quick look to your new lines, or…?
THOMAS: No, it’s okay. It’s a good thing that I learned all the lines they sent me by the mail, to know my cues when I was playing the elf. I know Santa’s lines by heart, and the songs are Christmas classics everybody knows. The only thing that worries me is that I didn’t have time to rehearse his part, and Santa has a big song at the end of the show, so I hope I can do it right.
NICO: None of us had any time to rehearse, unfortunately. It seems the boss wasn’t called with anticipation enough to use the stage and there was no budget to rent any office to rehearse in private or with anticipation. Corona is still very recent, you know, and there’s still some reluctance to rent spaces for activities like this. But don’t worry, you can do this, Thomas, and if we can’t make it perfect, at least we’ll do our best, won’t we? Well, you’re ready and I’m ready too. Let’s go. They’ll probably wonder where we are at this point.
THOMAS: I just hope that we don’t get in any trouble with the boss over being late and over the swapping of roles.
NICO: There won’t be any trouble, Thomas, you’ll see.
THOMAS: How can you be so sure, Nico?
NICO: You’ll see…
[Thomas and Nico get out of the office and head to the scenery. A group of people dressed as elves and other characters, who were having a drink in a nearby cafeteria, finish their drinks when they see them and get to the scenery too. One of the elves approaches Nico]
ELF: Um… Mr. Flores, what does this mean? Weren’t you playing Santa Claus? And who’s playing him in your place?
NICO: It’s okay, Cynthia, there was a problem of costumes and we swapped places. It will be fine, he learned all the lines too, right, Thomas?
THOMAS: Right, I’ll do my best.
ELF: Okay, Mr. Flores. You’re the boss, after all…
[The elf goes to the scenery with the other elves, while Thomas looks at Nico with a face of surprise]
THOMAS: Wait, what? What did they mean by that?
NICO: [nervously] Sorry I lied to you, Thomas… The truth is… that I am the boss of this show, I wrote and produced it.
THOMAS: And you were gonna star in it too, like Orson Wells, right? Why didn’t you just tell me? Have you just been… playing with me? Making fun of me? I feel like a fool…
NICO: [really concerned] Goodness, I’m terribly sorry, Thomas, I didn’t mean to make you feel like that! It’s just that… [noticing the other elves are staring at them, waiting for them to start rehearsing] Well, there’s no time to tell you right now, so I’ll talk to you after the show. Now we must focus, but please, promise me you’ll give your best and that you’ll give me a chance to explain myself after the show. Promise?
THOMAS: I always do my best onstage… Mr. Flores, you didn’t even need to ask me for that. I’m a professional.
NICO: [begging face] But will you stay for a while after the show? ¿Por favor?
THOMAS: [sighs] Okay, I will… Let’s get the show on now.
NICO: Thank you, Thomas.
[everyone gets on stage and do some rehearsals. Although clumsy at times, the rehearsal goes fine. Then, the mall starts getting filled with an audience waiting to see the show]
THOMAS: Wow, I didn’t expect there would be so many people to watch our show…
NICO: Just do it like you did it in the rehearsals, and you’ll wow everyone. Break a leg, Thomas!
THOMAS: Thank you, Nico… I mean, Mr. Flores.
NICO: Please, you can still call me Nico. It truly would mean the world if you did.
THOMAS: Okay… as you wish… Nico. Okay, the show is about to start.
NICO: Everybody on your marks!
[the cue music starts. The elves dance around Santa Claus and sing different classic Christmas songs and do some dialogue about how busy they are making the toys for Santa. Then, at the end, Thomas as Santa, sings]
Merry Christmas by Thomas Sanders
THOMAS: O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appear'd and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born; O night divine, O night, O night Divine.
[after finishing the song, the audience cheers and applauds. Everyone on stage takes a bow, then the audience leaves the place. Most of the cast leave the stage but Thomas and Nico stand there]
NICO: Thomas, you were great! You told me you were a singer, but I didn’t expect you to be that good!
THOMAS: [taking off his beard] Well, thank you so much, Nico. I’m surprised myself, I didn’t expect that, with so little time of rehearsal, I could do it like that.
NICO: You have a natural talent, I’m telling you.
THOMAS: Well, thanks again… Now, you wanted me to stay after the show. What did you want to tell me?
NICO: Yes… well… First of all, I apologize again for hiding that I was your boss all the time. I swear I didn’t mean to play with you or to make fun of you. It’s just that… I didn’t feel strong enough to tell you.
THOMAS: But why? I don’t understand.
NICO: Well, we were having such a good conversation, like two casual pals enjoying each other’s company… I didn’t want any sort of hierarchy to ruin the mood, or that you couldn’t be casual with me because of that.
THOMAS: You still could have told me. There was no reason to hide it at all. I wouldn’t have changed my behavior for that. You can be respectful while maintaining a casual attitude.
NICO: Yes, but… I didn’t want you to treat me “respectfully” as you put it. I didn’t want any kind of hinders in our talk, because I felt that that kind of hindrance… eventually wouldn’t have let me do what I increasingly wanted to do the more I talked to you.
[Roman and Virgil rise up behind Thomas, listening to Nico]
THOMAS: What do you mean?
[Nico starts blushing]
NICO: Well… if I had to behave like a boss or a cold manager all of the time… there are certain limits one must not surpass. Because when a dynamic of power like this is established, some interactions could be seen as an abuse of power, and I didn’t want you to feel like that at all. I wanted us both to be completely free to interact so that, eventually, if I had the guts… I could tell you… [hesitates, really nervous, before speaking] … that I think you’re really cute.
[Nico looks away, ashamed. Thomas blushes, while Roman is ajar and speechless, and Virgil’s eyeshadow suddenly turns bright and glittery purple]
NICO: I’m sorry if I’m making you feel awkward, and I know this is really unprofessional, but I had to say it because our work is done, so I’m not your boss anymore, and I don’t know if I’ll ever have another chance to say it or even if I’ll ever see you again. And I really needed to let it out.
[Thomas holds Nico’s hand]
THOMAS: Wanna know something? The truth is… I really like you too.
NICO: You do?
THOMAS: Yeah. From the moment you offered me your hand when we crashed on the front door of the mall… when I saw your face, that cute face of yours, it was as if I had been struck by a thunderbolt. You should have noticed, how nervous and clumsy I was while we were talking. You may have thought it was because of all of the costume failure. In part it was, of course, but mostly it was because… we both were there, all alone, talking so casually, and I liked you more and more by the minute, and I was so afraid to mess everything up and that you thought I was a fool or something. That’s something that happens to me a lot, that I don’t take my chances when I see them, and I really wanted to take this chance and get to know you, and hope that you liked me.
[Thomas and Nico look at each other, almost like mesmerized by each other’s glance. Then Nico notices there’s a mistletoe hanging above them, as part of the decoration set, and chortles]
NICO: Do you believe in destiny, Thomas?
NICO: Well, first, we crash at the door, then I order the wrong size for our outfits and they happen to be perfect for each other, then you being an actor and singer and me being a playwright and songwriter… and now look above you.
THOMAS: [looking up, he smiles] A mistletoe.
NICO: I know it’s a fake mistletoe made of plastic and paper, a simple prop, and that it really doesn’t count, but still, it’s very funny that I noticed we were standing right under it, just when I wanted so badly to do this…
[Nico kisses Thomas, taking him by surprise as he was still looking at the mistletoe. After a couple of seconds of surprise, Thomas starts kissing him back and hugging him. At that time, Roman and Virgil start squealing, jumping and dancing with each other. Virgil’s eyeshadow shines so much that it leaves a trace of sparkling glitter in the air as he’s bopping and dancing and spinning with Roman. Then Roman, out of pure happiness, holds Virgil and kisses him. After a moment, Nico releases Thomas, who can’t help showing a silly smile]
THOMAS: Wow… I… you… don’t you think we’re going too fast? We barely have just met and…
NICO: [a little scared] Oh, sorry, perhaps I shouldn’t have done that. You’re right, we have just met and perhaps I shouldn’t have…
[Thomas puts a finger on Nico’s mouth to silence him]
THOMAS: Don’t you dare apologizing for this, Nico. Do you have any idea of how happy you have made me feel right now? I… I thought I’d never experience this feeling again, and thinking honestly, I don’t care if it feels rushed or not. When you know, you know, right? And, rushed or not, I can recognize this feeling without any doubt: I love you, Nico. And even if it doesn’t work in the end, I’ll never regret giving this a chance from minute one, like we’re doing. Don’t you agree?
NICO: [smiling] Yes… yes I do, Thomas. And I love you too.
[Thomas and Nico share another kiss while on the mall the song “All I Want for Christmas is You” is heard through all the speakers]
[ending card]
[Thomas returns back home, he couldn’t be happier. Roman rises up right after he gets to the living room]
ROMAN: Congratulations, Thomas! That was a score in every way!
THOMAS: I can’t believe it! I thought this day would never come, and now…!
ROMAN: And he’s so cute, Thomas! SO cute!
VIRGIL: [rising up, his eyeshadow is still bright purple] Honey, do I need to get jealous, or something?
ROMAN: Oh, sorry, I…
VIRGIL: [excited] I was kidding. We’re all parts of Thomas, it’s only natural that we all like Nico. Congratulations, Thomas!
THOMAS: Wow, you must really be in a good mood if you’re making jokes, Virgil.
VIRGIL: Of course I am! I’m really excited about what comes next! It’s been so long since we… since you’ve been in a relationship like this.
THOMAS: Yeah… I just hope it doesn’t end like the last one…
[Virgil looks at Thomas with a serious face and his eyeshadow suddenly turns pitch black]
VIRGIL: Thomas, don’t say that… Why should it end like the last time? Nico doesn’t look at all like your ex.
ROMAN: Yeah, he’s so cute, and handsome, and cool, and kind and talented and…
VIRGIL: Okay, okay, calm down, Roman. I can’t believe I’m the one asking people to relax… You’re right in everything, but let’s hear Thomas.
ROMAN: Sorry.
THOMAS: Well, it’s too soon to tell, of course, but even so, I’ve already got so invested in this… that I’m scared that something goes wrong and everything goes to waste… again.
VIRGIL: Thomas, it’s only natural that you have that fear after the last experience. And I’m sorry, I’m the one who’s putting that fear into you because I’m the one always worrying about you losing the people you love… because when you said you loved Nico, you really meant it right?
THOMAS: Yes. I mean… it probably is too soon to use that word… but I think it was love at first sight. I didn’t get to have this feeling with my ex until we were way into the relation, but with Nico, it’s just like his soul and mine just blended together as one, as if we were two pieces of the same soul destined from our very beginning to be together, you know? And I was convinced that only happened in romcoms and fairy tales.
ROMAN: Well, now you know better, Thomas. As an expert in romance, my advise about your worries is… just take it easy. Take each day of this relationship as it comes and let love build up slowly but surely, as if you were laying bricks to form a strong house. It is hard work, but the result is worth it, trust me. [looking at Virgil] I know it’s worth it. And don’t think too much in the future. Live the present and enjoy each minute you spend with Nico as if it was the last. Just do your best to make it work, and everything will be fine, you’ll see.
THOMAS: Thank you, Roman. Wow… What a Christmas gift that Santa has decided to give me, right? Merry Christmas, guys.
ROMAN: Merry Christmas, Thomas.
VIRGIL: And may the new year be better for all of us.
THOMAS: [to the viewers] Yep. For all of us. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you, and until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
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Haven't been motivated to draw much lately so I decided to draw myself a new doctor who sona as a bit of a runway into art again! :) this was actually super fun to do!
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This is Kivee! Kivee is a Zarbi research scientist on Vortis, often tracking their migration patterns and their work, also making sure they don't get too close to the city of the Menoptra.
Kivee being dull colored and smaller compared to most Menoptra in the city makes her less appealing as a mate and overall as an individual, however, this does not bother her much. Kivee is more of a recluse, often keeping to her books, writing, or flying around and tracking the stars in the sky. Kivee often enjoys finding new things and learning any sources of material she can get her hands on. Out of the few friends she has on Menoptra, she would consider Hedyla (from Big Finishes Return to the Web Planet audio) to be her closest friend, although after Hedyla and her father moved out to the outlands, she grew a bit more distant, yet visited as often as she could, helping Hedyla construct plans for her wings.
When Hedyla and her Father finally returned to the city after the issue with the Zarbi was resolved, Hedyla introduced Nyssa and the Doctor, Kivee became fascinated with both of them but took interest in Nyssa imparticular for her smarts and kindness, Nyssa was able to help Kivee learn a few things about Biochemistry before her and the doctors departure from the planet Vortis. This knowledge now helps Kivee with her latest research with the Zarbi, as well as the Doctor being kind enough to spare a few books from the TARDIS Library to aid in the future study of the Zarbi.
Kivee is considered to be Ace/Sapphic and they go by She/They :)
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enchantedlokii · 4 years
Soul For A Soul
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: major character death
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, James Rhodes, Rocket Raccoon, Bruce Banner
Mentioned: Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, May Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Morgan Stark, Peter Quill
@whumptober2020 Day Two: Pick Who Dies
Tony could see Peter’s leg bouncing like crazy beside him and wondered if the boy’s head was in the same place his was. Their last trip to space hadn’t exactly gone well, and they were lucky to make it back alive with how little food was on the damaged ship. They had worked hard to fix it, and he was sure that Peter was going to collapse before they managed to find a solution. Somehow, even in his starved state, Peter had figure it out and they had managed to make it home before it was too late.
Tony had been lucky. He came home to find everyone he cared for had survived the snap. Pepper and Rhodey were waiting for them with the Avengers, and Happy showed up the next morning, relieved to see them. The only problem was that he came with news that May hadn’t survived. Peter was devastated, but it was worse when he learned that his friends, Ned and Michelle, hadn’t survived either.
Tony and Pepper took him in immediately and they had moved to the little cabin on the lake. It was hard at first, and for awhile they worried that Peter might not survive the heartache. It didn’t get better until Morgan was born. At first Peter hadn’t been thrilled by the idea. He wouldn’t admit it, but Tony could tell; he was worried they wouldn’t want him anymore when they had another child. He had been shocked when they introduced her to him as his little sister, using that moment to ask him if he wanted to join the family officially.
Peter had nodded quickly, too choked up to reply. Instead, he pulled Morgan up to his chest and kissed her bald head, whispering something to her that Tony couldn’t hear. They had went to the courthouse the next week to officialize everything. Peter had decided to keep his last name, knowing he was the only one left to carry the family name, but he was legally Tony and Pepper’s son. Sure he was twenty years old now, but that didn’t matter to them. He still lived in the cabin with them and helped out with Morgan just as he always had. He had given up Spider-Man after the Snap, and today was the first time he put on his suit again since Titan.
“You alright, Kiddo?” Tony asked him finally, moving a hand to the boy’s thigh.
Peter nodded slowly, not even bothering to mention the fact that he isn’t a kid anymore like he normally did. With the obvious worry in his eyes, he looked like a kid again, but Tony didn’t dare tell him that. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just not a big fan of space.”
“Me either, Pete,” he replied, moving a hand to the boy’s back and rubbing it in circles as they landed on the planet that Rocket told them was where Quill had found the Power Stone.
“This is where we get off,” Rhodey announced, walking back to where Tony and Peter we’re sitting. “We’ll meet you back at the compound when we’re finished.”
“Don’t destroy my ship,” Rocket cut in, already stepping off.
“You two be safe,” Tony told him, standing up and hugging his friend. “Please.”
“We will,” Rhodey replied, glancing over at Peter worriedly. “You sure you’ll be okay? You can wait here on us and we’ll come with you. It’s not going to matter in the end.”
“We’ll be okay,” he promised.
“Alright.” Rhodey moved over and squeezed Peter’s shoulder. “Don’t let him do anything stupid.”
Peter smirked up at him, his eyes twinkling a bit for the first time since they had stepped up to the Quantum Portal. “I won’t,” he promised. He stood up and gave his pseudo uncle a hug. “Good luck.”
Tony could feel his heart racing as he and Peter stood side by side in front of the chasm. The boy had told him on the way to Vormir that the reason he was acting weird was because his Spider-Sense was warning him of danger and he knew something bad was going to happen. Tony had tried to stay calm after that, knowing that Peter could hear his heart no matter what kind of face he put on, but now that he knew the truth, he couldn’t stop himself. Because to get the Soul Stone, one of them would have to die. There was no other way.
“Peter,” he started. The boy didn’t take his eyes off the chasm. “Look at me, Pete.”
Peter looked up, meeting his eyes. “Don’t even think about it, Kid,” Tony told him.
The boy took a shaky breath. “Tony, you can’t,” he replied, his eyes serious but also pleading. “You promised Pepper and Morgan you would come home. I promised them and Rhodey that I wouldn’t let you do anything stupid. You’re not doing it.”
“Please, Tony,” Peter interrupted. The boy stepped forward and leaned into his side.
“I promised them that I would bring you back home,��� Tony told him. “And I promised May that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” And if you die, that’s on me.
“May’s not here anymore,” Peter reminded him, his voice low. “She’s dead because I didn’t try hard. I have to do this to bring her back. You didn’t— you didn’t lose anyone. It’s wrong for you to give your life away for them. I have a reason to.”
“I’m sorry, Peter.”
Peter shook his head and Tony felt a hand grip his wrist. He pulled away from the boy and stared at him, his gaze stern. “Let go,” he told him. When Peter looked up at him with sad eyes, he knew that wasn’t going to happen.
“No, Tony,” he replied. He glanced towards a nearby rock and Tony knew what he was going to do. The boy let go and shot a web, pinning Tony. He tried to get loose, but it was useless. His suit wasn’t on, so he was only as strong as any other human. Until he could get his hands free or the webs dissolved, he was stuck there. “I’m sorry. I-I can’t lose anyone else. I don’t think I’d survive that.”
“Peter, please listen to me,” he begged. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes because even with the adrenaline coursing through him, Peter’s webs were too strong. “You can’t leave me. I-I can’t lose you either.”
Peter shook his head, taking a step back. Tony could see that he was struggling to not cry too. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” he said quietly, his voice breaking. “I. . . I’m so grateful for all of you.”
“Peter, no,” he said sternly, forcing his voice to stay steady. “Peter, I am your father and I expect you to do as I say. Come back.”
Peter gave him a weak smile. He hesitated, then stepped forward. For a moment he thought that he might have decided to listen to him, but instead he kneeled down and hugged him. “I love you, Dad,” he whispered. “Tell Mom and Sis for me, okay?”
“Pete. . .” The boy rarely called them that. He would call Morgan his sister because that was all she ever knew and he didn’t want to upset her, but he could only remember a few times that he had referred to him and Pepper as his parents. “Please.”
“Tell them for me,” he repeated, squeezing him tight before standing up and making his way to the edge of the cliff. “And. . . When you bring May back, tell her I love her too. That I never stopped.”
Before Tony could reply, Peter was gone, falling over the edge. He found himself screaming, hoping that the boy would change his mind and shoot a web up or cling to the side and climb back up. Then he heard a soft thump and felt his heart skip a beat. He was gone. Peter was gone.
Tony was silent as he returned to the compound. Everyone around him was chatting happily because they got all the Infinity Stones. He could tell the moment they realized that Peter wasn’t there, and he felt himself collapse, his knees hitting the floor. He felt a hand on his back as Rhodey kneeled beside him, trying to get him to look at him. Bruce was at his other side, squeezing his shoulder. “What happened, Tones?”
Tony shook his head, refusing to look up. “He’s gone,” he managed to choke out. “Pete. . .”
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pastorcod22 · 3 years
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crispyturtlepainter · 2 years
Brock Lesnar could return to WWE tonight
Brock Lesnar could return to WWE tonight: Tonight a new season is presented in WWE RAW, so the rumors have begun to spread on the day. One of the big names circulating is that of Brock Lesnar, whom we haven't seen since WWE Summer Slam. Next, we will tell you more details about this.
Brock Lesnar could appear on WWE RAW:
In a report from PW Insider, the outlet indicated that there is a high probability that Brock Lesnar can appear tonight on WWE RAW. The information is not fully confirmed, but it could be a strong idea to kick off the WWE RAW red brand season. One of the reasons to think about this return is due to WWE's habit of making surprises in New York. The latter to give the feeling that the shows in this city are really unique and special. In addition, now the entire focus of the company would be positioned in the next Premium Live Event, WWE Crown Jewel. «You can qualify it as a hunch on my part, but it would not surprise me to see Brock Lesnar return tonight in the premiere season of Monday Night Raw. Lesnar was last seen at WWE SummerSlam, but tonight is the "Season Premiere" of WWE RAW. This "Season Premiere" is going to take place in Brooklyn, New York. WWE has always sought to make surprises to make events within the city of New York look unique and special. Apart from that, now the company has already finished with WWE Extreme Rules, so that means that its main concentration towards the future will now be the Premium Live Event, WWE Crown Jewel on November 05 in Saudi Arabia. » As the report itself indicates, there is nothing guaranteed for this possible return. Therefore, we can only wait for tonight's programming and see if The Beast Incarnate really ends up returning to WWE. Brock Lesnar could return to WWE tonight: Thank you for sharing and enjoying this passion with PLANET WRESTLING. Remember to follow us in our RRSS, and here on the web to the best information on wrestling and the world of wrestling in Spanish, interviews, videos, and the best coverage and live monitoring. Remember that you can directly access all WWE news. For More Information Visit These Articles: - D’Generation X celebrate their 25th anniversary on WWE RAW  - Expected return next week on WWE Raw  - Bray Wyatt confirmed for WWE SmackDown this Friday  - Results DDT Dramatic Dreams Vol 9  - Brock Lesnar returns on WWE RAW and faces Bobby Lashley - Aliyah shares an update on her WWE injury  - Bobby Lashley wants the return of The Hurt Business - Bobby Lashley wants the return of The Hurt Business  - Sammy Guevara addresses the latest AEW controversy Read the full article
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financialmix · 3 years
What Is Financial Mix
Despite the fact that it's hard for people to handle a wide scope of factors immediately, luckily, we've constructed machines that can do that for us – PCs and computerized reasoning. Additionally, a crypto exchanging bot depends on its calculation to distinguish openings where explicit cryptographic forms of money can be bought at a lower cost and sold at a greater cost later on. The following is our extensive survey of one such robot,Financial Mix. Remarkable development in Bitcoin exchanging prompted the making of Financial Mix. It is accounted for to have been made to engage everybody with digital currency exchanging capacity, particularly the individuals who needed to track down an extra type of revenue through exchanging yet didn't think about the business. Today, it is said to permit both expert and novice brokers to complete large number of exchanges every day.
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Who Created Financial Mix?
It is accounted for online that Financial Mix Signup  was brought into the world after a gathering of cryptographic money specialists, and programming designers met at a main money meeting. Their conversation before long prompted the acknowledgment that they all face comparable limitations and disappointments with regards to crypto exchanging. That is evidently when they chose to unite and foster a mechanized exchanging bot that would help them rule the Bitcoin exchanging space. Every maker is said to have gigantic experience working with various organizations in a few businesses. Throughout the long term,Financial Mix has gotten down to business to get perhaps the most compelling and instinctive computerized exchanging bots that carry advantageous productivity to everybody, as per the tributes of its clients. These additionally express that the bot makers keep the application refreshed and advance it for stunningly better exactness and execution.
Joining with Financial Mix is a straightforward cycle as all you need for personality confirmation is your first and last names, telephone number, email address, and nation of home. To begin exchanging, you need to set aside a base installment of $250, which functions as your functioning capital. In any case, you don't need to risk all that cash, and you can begin exchanging with just $25.   Whenever you have gone through the enlistment and least store stage, you can begin exchanging. Before you go for live digital currency exchanging, we encourage you in any case the Demo mode to acquaint yourself with the site.
One of the extraordinary highlights is that enlistment is free. Furthermore, the stage doesn't take a cut from your capital or benefits. It's totally free with no secret charges. Practice With Demo Account Before you start genuine exchanging, you can get familiar with the exchanging framework and UI with the demo account. You can likewise test and assess the presentation of various exchanging methodologies before you execute them in genuine exchanging. Basic Registration Process Financial Mix  doesn't expect you to fill any protracted structures and doesn't drag you through complex cycles to finish the enlistment. It's fast and direct and doesn't require over 20 minutes of your time. Pull out Your Money With Ease Installment modes incorporate Visas, including Visa, Express, Discovery, and MasterCard and online installment passages like Neteller.
Throughout the long term, the group behind this exchanging stage has apparently improved its high level crypto exchanging calculation to hold a high achievement rate. Backing for Multiple Currencies This exchanging robot is viable with numerous digital forms of money, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. You additionally have the alternative to exchange standard fiat monetary forms like USD, CHF, and EUR. Open Customer Care In the event that you are confronting any issues or have a few worries that you'd prefer to be tended to, you can generally contact their client assistance, who are eager to assist and respond to your inquiries. The help is accessible 24 hours all week long.
The exchanging bot supposedly consents to the business' prescribed procedures to forestall information penetrates and keeps your own data and assets free from any and all harm against noxious components like programmers.
Is Financial Mix Legit?
Given the quantity of cryptographic money tricks and phony ICOs that plague the online world, it's simply sensible to be suspicious of a stage that professes to offer fast returns. Be that as it may, in our examination, we tried to see whether Financial Mix was a real exchanging bot.
We discovered a ton of client tributes who guarantee that the product has procured them great benefit in the course of the most recent couple of years while client care is consistently available, responsive, and inviting. Indeed, you can discover positive surveys on a few sites that clarify how the stage assisted them with procuring monetary security. The exchanging bot is supposed to be propelled by present day macroeconomic exchanging models that permit foreseeing the event of thin freedoms dependent on monetary information and verifiable conduct. This purportedly helps the bot in recognizing the best chances to open and close the exchange for most extreme benefit.
Many exchanging bots and stages charge commissions or have some secret expenses. That is not the situation withFinancial Mix as you can utilize every one of the highlights of the exchanging totally free. Enlisted Brand Financial Mix  is an enlisted organization that conforms to guidelines and has the approval to direct digital money exchanging for its clients' sake. High Trade Success Accuracy Near 90% of the exchanges result a benefit, making it perhaps the most productive digital money exchanging bots. Engineers are continually refreshing the calculation for a superior achievement rate.
The crypto exchanging administration is available in 150 nations, which means individuals can utilize everything over the world without going through any issues or managing uphill difficulties. With Financial Mix, you just need to present the withdrawal structure, and your installment is prepared inside a window of 24 hours. You have distinctive installment techniques accessible also. What's the Best Way to UseFinancial Mix?
Follow the pointers beneath to take advantage of a cryptographic money exchanging bot. These will assist you with limiting your danger while acquiring predictable benefits. If it's not too much trouble, start with the demo mode to make yourself mindful of how the bot functions, test different exchanging methodologies and think about their outcomes Tune in to the master crypto brokers and notice their exchanging propensities and examples. Stay aware of the most recent digital currency news and improvements. Utilize the stop misfortune and take benefit limit alternative to your profit and limit your danger while exchanging. Try not to go into manual exchanging until you've taken in the intricate details of the crypto exchanging and have total trust in the thing you're doing.
Has Financial Mix Ever Appeared On TV?
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At the point when you have a help that is as broadly referred to and utilized as Financial Mix, there are in every case a few bits of hearsay that get related with it. The stage has been reputed to be essential for speculation TV shows in the United States and the United Kingdom. We burrowed profound to confirm these accounts. Mythical beasts' Den is the top speculation show in the UK and has been a beneficiary of numerous imaginative innovation thoughts, some of which were identified with bitcoin exchanging. Our thorough exploration, in any case, neglected to track down any unmistakable proof that focuses towards Financial Mix being pitched on Dragons' Den. It's not piece of a scene of any season. Shark Tank is fundamentally the Dragons' Den of America, and it includes huge names like Mark Cuban, Robert Herjavec and Kevin O'Leary. Like its UK partner, Shark Tank has likewise been a beneficiary of numerous innovation thoughts, however none of them had highlighted this exchanging stage.
Has Financial Mix Ever Been Endorsed by a Celebrity?
Very much like the TV appearance reports,Financial Mix has additionally been related with numerous superstars. These accounts flowing the web guarantee that specific big names have either put resources into the thought or embraced it. We checked these cases to check whether they are right.   There were reports that the observed Australian TV moderator had prescribed it to his fans for exchanging and procuring benefit. However, from our complete exploration, we didn't discover any proof of this.   The sequential business visionary, very rich person, and originator of Tesla is known around the world for his adoration for innovation. Is anything but an unexpected that he backs bitcoin and cryptographic forms of money as a rule. That being said, there is by all accounts no proof to prove that he embraced Financial Mix expressly.   There were tales that Enrique Razon, a Filipino extremely rich person, and money manager, has contributed utilizing this exchanging robot. Indeed, there have all the earmarks of being no connections between the very rich person and the exchanging bot's makers.
For over 10 years, Bitcoin has been the main coin in the cryptographic money area. Right now, it is the most popular digital currency on the planet. Be that as it may, to exchange it effectively, merchants need a ton of information and exchanging experience, which is hard for newbies to acquire.
This is the reason mechanized exchanging robots like Financial Mixexist so they could furnish anybody with a chance to exchange very quickly with a low starting venture, and make the most of the arising open doors in the developing crypto market. Financial Mix Review  is an exchanging framework that permits individuals the chance to bring in cash while exchanging digital currencies. Its product is controlled by an AI calculation that gathers the information from the open business sectors, examinations them, and afterward hypothesizes about the value development. Whenever potential freedoms arise, the robot enters a situation for the client's sake to bring in cash for them.
The application offers a few significant highlights that are compulsory for this sort of programming. Some of them can be somewhat valuable for the clients' wellbeing and smooth client experience. The main highlights of the application are as per the following:  App's payout framework is profoundly cutting-edge, and it apparently works with no issues, issues, or mistakes. This is urging to hear, as the payout framework is a significant factor for any crypto exchanging robot.
The framework is enacted naturally after the live exchanging meeting is closed. The robot's site further cases that it is feasible for clients to make very high payouts once they begin making more productive exchanges, and possibly decide to reinvest a portion of their benefits. Nonetheless, for the underlying time frame, it is suggested that clients start little, whether or not they are new or experienced, at any rate until they are certain that they see how the robot functions. To begin exchanging, you should initially make a record, which just requires your first name, last name, email and telephone number. The organization doesn't specify the requirement for clients to check their character.
The record creation framework is speedy and bother free. New clients don't need to invest a great deal of energy on onboarding and can begin exchanging rapidly after they join the application's client base. The withdrawal cycle is likewise purportedly truly dependable and direct. Clients are permitted to pull out cash whenever they need. Clients are encouraged to pull out the sum they initially contributed when the benefits begin coming in.
This is a decent technique for clients to deal with the danger as they would have effectively returned the cash they began with, and that all exchanging that will follow will just draw assets from the pool of benefit created by the robot. This gives clients significant serenity and urges them to exchange further, just as to rapidly get the their rewards for all the hard work.
Clients can rapidly pull out assets to their crypto wallet or financial balance, and afterward use it as they see fit, or basically hold it to be utilized later down the line.
Financial Mix seems to deal with expenses fairly well, as it has no secret charges of any sort, the extent that we figured out how to discover. It doesn't need a permit expense, implying that you can utilize it totally for nothing. While it is conceivable that this may change later on, because of expanded interest for the stage and comparable robots, until further notice, the organization doesn't charge a premium. Notwithstanding, it forces a 2% commission on all benefits that are made by utilizing the robot.
Purportedly, there are no store or withdrawal expenses, or even latency charges.
Client Testimonials
We were keen on perceiving how the application's clients are reacting to the exchanging robot, so we investigated client tributes. Shockingly, there are not very a considerable lot of them on the web, which isn't that astounding, given that the robot is still generally new. It was just dispatched in 2019, and it probably took some time for the word to spread.
Tributes that we found have been genuinely sure, with the clients calling the robot 'helpful,' and an 'amazing and speedy stage'. There is a likelihood that new clients could in any case have negative encounters with the stage, yet up until this point, none such encounters were accounted for.
However, as referenced, you ought to consistently be prepared for issues, regardless of whether they were not revealed at this point
Financial Mix appears to have a generally excellent and devoted client assistance, which is accessible nonstop. Great client support is likewise a significant factor while choosing a mechanized exchanging robot, as it can respond to every one of your inquiries, and even tackle expected issues in the event that you experience any.
We are not saying that it has any known issues, yet potential hiccups can arise whenever, as no product out there is perfect. Things will in general get particularly intriguing with regards to the crypto business, which is itself actually viewed as new and advancing, so having a capable client support to depend on is essential, particularly when your own cash is included.
Partnered Brokers
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Financial Mix is apparently associated with a few controlled intermediaries who offer great arrangements, however there is additionally talk that the improvement group is contained agents who are engaged with Bitcoin. This would not be astonishing assuming valid, however for the present, it stays just gossip.
Is Financial Mix Legitimate?
Up until this point, we couldn't discover proof that there is anything amiss with BitQH App, or that it is a trick. There are just sure client tributes, and the site guarantees that numerous individuals were effective with regards to bringing in rather nice measures of cash from the site.
In light of online audits and client tributes, the application has all the earmarks of being genuine and practical, when utilized effectively. We actually exhort moving toward it with alert and not gambling more cash than you can deal with losing, yet that is only a wellbeing safety measure that ought to be applied at whatever point you exchange computerized monetary forms or different resources.
One incredible motivation to utilize Financial Mix is the way that the application offers a demo account. This is an uncommon kind of record where you don't join the genuine, live market, but instead a reenacted one. You are allowed counterfeit cash with which you will work on exchanging.
On the off chance that you experience misfortunes, those are not genuine misfortunes, and the equivalent is valid about any increases. Generally, it is a decent spot to rehearse your way to deal with crypto exchanging and test various systems.
Many exchanging robots expect you to store a sizeable measure of cash before you can begin exchanging, which can go up to $1,000, and at times much more. BitQH App, then again, just expects you to store $250. You at that point utilize that cash to enter the live exchange mode, where you purchase and offer coins to benefit from their value shift.
Since most dealers can almost certainly store this sum, it is by and large viewed as that robots are entirely available and a decent path for new clients to enter the crypto business.
It can participate in quick exchanging
Perhaps the greatest blemish of human dealers is our powerlessness to assemble and handle information rapidly. We need to peruse the news, examine diagrams, and physically use devices to decide Bitcoin's value activity, which eases back us down, and the cost would already be able to begin changing horribly when we respond.
Financial Mix does everything in a flicker of an eye, and thusly, it can profit by every one of the arising openings. Putting resources into BTC when it is at $18k just to watch it flood to $42k is an enormous chance that comes once at regular intervals. Be that as it may, more modest ones are considerably more hard for people to misuse, while an application can do it easily
As well as handling information and responding quicker, it is likewise worth calling attention to that the broker does everything all alone. You should simply give it guidelines, like when to enter and when to leave, what hazard measures to apply and how much cash to utilize per exchange.
With these and comparative boundaries set up, you can leave it and approach your day, while the broker will continue entering and leaving positions and finishing exchanges completely all Financial Mix
https://www.financialmix.net/ https://www.instagram.com/financialmixapp/ https://twitter.com/FinancialMix https://www.pinterest.com/financialmixapp/ https://www.facebook.com/financialmix
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brooksnnuk147 · 3 years
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holdenmlqr171 · 3 years
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Grand Theft Auto Online has quite a few activities for you to take aspect in, all of which will ascertain how effective you are in-game. While you must in no way be ashamed of not spending money on in-game currency, utilizing our GTA Online hack will have you earning additional than your fair share of funds in no time. GTA 5 is the newest title from the HD Era of the memorable Grand Theft Auto Series. Even although the game was initially released in September 2013, it is nonetheless prevalent amongst the players and has sold a lot more than 135 million copies, producing it the second finest-promoting video game of all time. The inputs, of course, depend on your platform but in GTA 5 there’s also a handy all-platform option of pulling out your in-game phone and dialling a specific quantity. No 1 will be capable to provide you greater GTA 5 enhancements than us. We’ve produced our cheats as enjoyable and quick to use as doable.
Handy if you're attracted any focus you didn't want to. Whilst there aren't as a lot of readily available as previous games in the series, Rockstar has nevertheless armed players with a plethora of potential solutions when it comes to enhancing your skills in GTA 5 on Computer. You can even teleport up in to the sky, fall to the ground and die. The point is you have got choices, and we've got the codes that will let you use them. We appear forward to seeing if cheat codes make a return in GTA 6. Tricks like this are straightforward to discover and do, and even though it will take a tiny time, these approaches are simple approaches to earn millions of GTA$ in a fraction of the time you would otherwise count on it to take to do.
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Back in the days of Grand Theft Auto three, there have been cheat codes you could use to grant oneself all the money you'd ever will need, but if you want GTA 5 money cheats then unfortunately we have poor news for you. To recap, while there are no cheat codes for GTA 5 Xbox One limitless money possibilities, that does not mean you can’t earn money almost as swiftly as if you did have a cheat code to enter. To speedily get unlimited money, GTA 5 Xbox A single players just require to make use of a handful of basic tricks either in story mode or GTA Online in order to earn limitless money by exploiting the program so that you never lose money. GTA 5 players are frequently studying and developing new tricks to get unlimited money, along with checking to make certain their techniques remain unpatched.
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With theories like this game is the prime cause shootings are frequent, it is also used as an excuse to justify how children with anger problems and juveniles end up in jail. The game has 3 characters that you can play with, and their stories in fact intertwine in the finish to formulate the complete match and goal of just about every mission. The sheer interest to detail the developers paid to this game is what made it so famous. For 2013, the graphics, animations, and gameplay have been ahead of the time. Its production engine was used for Red Dead Redemption and even L. In comparison to the predecessor, GTA 4, the graphics are upped to a whole new level and managed to set a new regular for games to beat. One particular big challenge that open-planet more info games is you can never discover all the players.
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So, in lieu of a GTA 5 money cheat for Online or single player, here's how to make critical money in Los Santos quickly, without the need of any lawyers needing to get involved. Like its predecessors, this game from the series capabilities cheat codes, generating it even extra engaging for the players in the vast free-roam globe. A lot of of the users use it to have enjoyable and create havoc. GTA V is all about causing as a great deal mayhem as feasible, which is why you're gonna will need these cheat codes. From infinite cash to infinite overall health to everything in-amongst, here's what you need to do to unlock your favourite cheats on the Xbox One particular. There are a few methods to enter a cheat code inGTA 5.The very first and easiest is to use your cellphone.
Pick Quantity Of Money
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