#becca’s blurbs
lovings4turn · 2 months
funny blurb where lando talks in his sleep. idk i just thought of it once and it sounded funny to me (bonus if the reader records him and shows him the next morning)
ᯓ★ 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 (𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬)
ohhh nonnie darling i love the way your mind works i truly do 🤭🤭
"you're a liar."
"am not!" you protest with a laugh. "i swear, you were having a full on conversation with yourself, lando. it was honestly pretty entertaining, if you ask me."
"i do not sleep talk!"
the discussion has been going on for ten minutes now.
lando is adamant that he doesn't sleep talk, never has and never will, thank you very much. you, on the other hand, are sure you've bore witness to it, his last offence occurring just last night.
"lando, i heard you. i don't know what you were dreaming about, but you wouldn't shut up."
"what were you even doing awake?" lando counters with a raised brow, as though he's having some sort of 'gotcha' moment. "think the sleep deprivation's messing with your head, baby."
a dramatic gasp tears from your throat, and you shoot him an incredulous look.
"fine. next time, i'm recording it. i'd like to see you try and deny it then."
funnily enough, 'next time' rolls around quicker than you expect. because that very night, you're woken by faint mumbles coming from the sleeping man next to you, his thick brows furrowed as incoherent words spill from his lips.
you hold back laughter as you lazily fumble around for your phone, squinting as the bright light of the screen hits your bleary eyes. once you finally regain sight, you begin to record lando, glad that the camera was unable to pick up your endeared expression.
what he's actually saying, you're none the wiser. you manage to pick out a few words, your name sprinkled amongst more mundane murmurs of 'tv remote' and 'fucking freezing'. as if to emphasise his point, the sleeping lando rolls over, taking the better half of your duvet with him.
you're glad you have concrete evidence of this, because you know when accused lando will deny everything vehemently. you always knew he was a blanket hogger, and now, you've caught him redhanded in not one, but two crimes.
lando can talk for england, but there's no way he's getting himself out of this one.
when he wakes up to your phone in his face the next morning, only barely able to make out his own sleeping frame, he groans in defeat and pulls the blanket up over his head.
"oh christ, take the smug look off of your face, babe. don't wanna kiss you when y'looking at me like that."
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folkloresthings · 9 months
NORTHANGER ABBEY- fernando alonso + sharing clothes ?? thanks in advance !! love your writing so much !!
got a little smutty below the cut whoops
fernando is obsessed with seeing you in his clothes. the first time it happened was one night you were sleeping over, and after your shower in the morning you absentmindedly grabbed one of his shirts that was laying around. he had stared at you while you made some coffee, not believing what he was seeing.
“oh, shit. sorry, i should have asked.”
“mi amor…” he had sighed dreamily, hands reaching for the soft fabric that hung on your figure. “please don’t apologise. and, please, never wear anything other than this.”
from then on, you borrowed one of his shirts every time you came to his place. his favourite sight was seeing you potter around the apartment, making dinner or tidying up, wearing nothing but his shirt and some underwear.
over time, fernando got sneaky. he loved seeing you in his clothes so much that he’d let you keep a shirt or two, claiming that “it looks better on you, anyway.” when he had to go away for a race, he ‘accidentally’ left a shirt for you to keep. when you were the one leaving him, after visiting him on a race weekend, he slipped one of his tops into your bag, right at the bottom so you don’t notice until you get home.
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when fernando comes home to you laid in bed, bare legs and lacy panties peeking out from under his old renault shirt, his mind goes fuzzy. he’s on you in a second, hands palming under your his shirt, grasping at the soft skin that hides below it.
“keep it on,” he commands when your fingers creep to pull the shirt off. the heat that rises in his stomach is agonising when he thinks of fucking you in his clothes, so much so that he almost cried with relief when you free his straining cock from tight trousers.
with his face buried between your thighs, he grasps tightly at the fabric bunched around your waist. his tongue works delicately at your soaked lips, sucking whenever he comes back to that swollen bud that makes you cry out his name. when your back arches in pleasure, it pulls his shirt so tightly around your chest that he can see every curve from your stomach to your breasts.
“mine, all mine,” fernando mutters over and over, kissing your shaking thighs and bruised neck, easing you through orgasm after orgasm.
you use that shirt more smartly from then on, knowing how easily it can get you what you want.
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wintfleur · 2 months
🎀 hii bestie🤭 congratulations AGAIN on 1k it is so deserved and i am so so happy for you !!!
could i possibly request prompt 014 from 🪷 with cole caufield please ?? have a realll soft spot for him atm and i think you’d write this so so beautifully🤭 okay i luv u lots and congrats again roro😽😵‍💫
౨ৎ mornings with our little pawfield
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Cole caufield x female! reader )
°. — summary ( mornings with your two favorite boys )
°. — details ( g; fluff. w; just pure fluff! wc; 1.2k )
﹕─┈ prompt ~ they roll on top of you, cradling your head between their hands as they kiss your nose.
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( AHHH BECCA MY LOVE ☹️ ILY SO BADD 🩷 !!! Tysm for sending in a request and for the sweet words !!! I genuinely couldn’t have done this without youu x I hope you enjoy it bestie !!! )
1k celly masterlist main masterlist nhl masterlist
“Shhh don't wake up mommy” Cole whispered to Alfie as they made their way back into the couple's bedroom. Cole ran his hand through his messy hair from a good night's sleep, a tired yawn leaving his lips as he slipped off his slippers that he wore as he took Alfie outside. Alfie just wagged his tail faster in excitement and ran across the floor and jumped on the bottom of the bed, doing that cute little twirl he always did before laying down. 
Cole smiled and moved to his side of the bed and pulled back the white duvet to slide back into the warm bed, slowly and carefully so he wouldn't wake you up. Cole laid on his side facing your sleeping body, a fond smile on his lips as he watched your body rise and fall in unison with your breathing. You were laying on your stomach with both of your hands under your pillow, your face was smushed against the soft pillow, causing your lips to form an adorable pout he so desperately wanted to kiss. 
The duvet was pulled up to your shoulders and you looked so warm that he just wanted to pull you into his arms and hold you, but he did not want to disturb your sleep. It was far too early for you to wake up on your day off. But it seems their excited dog didn't feel the same way as him, Alfie was determined to wake up his mommy, wanting her attention and ear scratches that only she could do. Cole's eyes widened when he saw Alfie stand up and before Cole could stop the eager dog, the damage was already done. 
A groan mixed with tiredness and pain leaves your lips when you abruptly wake up to the feeling of paws on your back, the duvet not protecting you much from the paws in your back. “Alfie get off” you heard your boyfriend hiss as he sits up, alfie letting out a whine but listens, snuggling up against your side and looking up at cole. Another groan leaves your lips as your eyes slowly open before immediately closing at the bright shine coming from the curtains you had forgotten to close the night before. 
Your eyes slowly flutter open, blinking away the sleep a few times. Your eyes immediately lock with a smiling Cole as he lays on his side, his eyes already on you, admiring your morning glow like he did every morning he spent with you. He never took a single morning for granted; he knew he was blessed to have such a loving girlfriend like you. He hated being away because of his away games, away from Alfie, away from you, so he cherished every morning with you and alfie. 
Before you could open your mouth to say good morning you're cut off with your own shocked squeal when you feel alfie start licking your nose and cheeks. Cole's head falls back against the pillow as a loud laugh leaves his lips at the sight. You hide your face into the pillow, a laugh of your own coming out. Alife soon gives up on his love attack and moves to lay back between his parents, letting you lift your face up from the pillow. 
“Mmm my favorite way to wake up” you murmured as you rolled over to lay on your back, stretching your arms out with a yawn, your eyes fluttering close at the satisfying feeling. Cole chuckles and props up on his elbow, looking down at you with a fond smile as you open your eyes and look up at him “What, with paws in your back?” 
“No kisses from my favorite boy” you winked teasingly at your smiling boyfriend before placing a quick kiss to Alfie's snout, alfie wagging his tail excitedly from the attention. Cole rolls his eyes and leans forward and places a quick kiss to your forehead, brushing some of your messy hair out of your face before whispering “I'm your second favorite though, right?” 
“Depends on who's making breakfast” You smirk as you look up at him, your eyes silently begging him to make breakfast. Alfie perks up at the work breakfast, his ears popping happily as he quickly gets up and jumps off the bed. Quickly running out of the room and into the kitchen, causing the couple to laugh at their dogs' actions. He gets his love for breakfast from his mommy!
“Waffles or pancakes?” Cole asks as he sits up, your eyes traveling down his shirtless chest before quickly looking up at Cole's face, a small smirk on your boyfriend's lips as he catches you checking him out. You lean back on your elbows, the blanket falling down to your waist, you answer sassily “Do you even have to ask?” 
“Sorry sorry” Cole chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mischief, a look you know all too well. You open your mouth to ask your boyfriend what he's thinking about, but instead a squeal of surprise leaves your lips as he quickly rolls to lay between your legs. Your upper body falls back against the bed, a giggle leaving your lips as you feel Cole cradle your head softly between his hands. 
“I love you” Cole whispered as the two of you kept eye contact, the eye contact only breaking when your eyes flutter close at the soft keeling of his lips on your nose, his thumbs softly caressing your cheeks. You smile and wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down closer to you, one of your hands running through his hair as you both enjoy the soft sweet moments that came with your shared mornings. 
You open your eyes and look up at your smiling boyfriend, his eyes taking in every inch of your face that he's already memorized, fully enchanted by your beauty. You whisper back “I love you.” 
A wide grins spreads across cole's lips at the undeniable love in your eyes, this feeling . . . the warmth that spread throughout his whole body as he held you close, and the feeling of his beating heart in sync with yours was a feeling he never wanted to forget, a feeling he hoped to feel for the rest of his life. Cole slowly leaned his face closer to your, having a strong desire to feel your lips on his. 
It was so close, your lips touching, but you quickly pulled back and turned your head towards the open bedroom door at the sound of Alfie barking. A loud laugh leaves your lips when Cole drops his forehead against your shoulder, a groan leaving his lips at the interruption. You scratch at the hair at his nape, causing him to rest his chin on you, looking up at you with a cute pout. You continue to laugh as you bring your other hand to softly bop his nose “Sounds like someone's hungry.” 
Cole scrunches his nose at the ticklish touch and places a quick kiss to your clothed stomach before swiftly getting out of bed. You lean back on your elbows and bite your lip as you watch Cole walk out of your shared bedroom, turning to look back at you “He gets his impatience from you.” 
You let out a dramatic gasp at your boyfriend's words, and you were quick to get out of the messy bed, chasing a giggling Cole through your hallway and into the kitchen. Another sweet morning with your two boys! 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( AHH MY FIRST COLE FIC 🤭 featuring the cutest Alfie !!! )
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn x )
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
omg becca PLEASE write more stepdad!steve or bucky i literally don’t care who it is i just need to read more about a stepdad au because your last stepdad!steve x reader was AMAZING you wrote that (and everything you write) so well!!!😩
I have a reallll soft spot for the stepdad stuff with a daddy kink, it's just so delightfully filthy
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But the thought of just you and Steve being home alone and you decide to make the most of the alone time. Maybe you strip, lying naked in the centre of your bed, playing with the little shitty vibrator you've been hiding from him. It's not great by any stretch of the imagination but with a lot of concentration, it eventually gets the job done.
You really ramp your moans up though. So much so that he can hear you as he walks up the hall. The fact you kept your door open didn't help keep your secret either.
He stands in the doorway for a second, watching you get lost in a kind of mediocre, underwhelming pleasure. You'd taken your focus off listening for him in favour of keeping yourself tuned in to buzzing of the toy between your legs, giving your body what it needs to get just a little more worked up.
You look stunning like this, naked and lost in the freedom of knowing your own body. There's a confidence to the way you roll the toy against your own glistening cunt, a confidence that he finds so sexy because he loves that you know what you need and you don't hesitate to take it.
"Does that feel good, bunny?" He asks after a couple of minutes, his throbbing dick getting the better of him.
"Oh God, daddy. It's so good." You whine, your eyes opening again, now fixed on him. You're not sure how long he's been there but this was your aim all along.
The title makes his jaw clench. It's going to be one of those fucks.
"That's bullshit, honey." He smirks, stepping inside your room, letting you keep playing with yourself while he stalks to the end of your bed. "That thing isn't worth it's weight in shit. You know how I can tell?"
You shake your head, tugging your bottom lip between your own teeth because the toy feels somewhat better now that Steve is here.
"Because you know as well as I do that you would've cum for daddy already. The fact it hasn't got you off in all the time I've been watching tells me it's not enough for you anymore. What's wrong? Has daddy ruined your pretty pussy for anyone else? Can't even cum for yourself anymore?" Your skin was already hot but now it felt like it was burning with embarrassment.
You nod slowly, gasping when you roll the toy particularly nicely against your body. "You ruined me, daddy. I can only cum when I think of you. I-It's hard to cum without you now. It's n-not fair." You sound so pathetic, he almost feels sorry for you.
"I'd tell you I'm sorry but sweetheart, I warned you. I told you that I'd ruin you. You didn't listen. The only thought in your silly little head was how badly you wanted to bounce on daddy's big dick and now you can't get off unless I'm stuffed inside you." He was right, he did warn you and you didn't care. You still don't.
"Daddy please, I need you." You half sob, rutting your hips gently against the useless toy in your hand, not wanting to lose the stimulation but needing more than it could offer.
"You'll have me, princess. But right now, daddy wants to watch how desperate you get. I want to see how long it takes you to get so frustrated, you sob your little heart out. Then I'll give you what you need." That sounds awful but you know he'll enjoy every second. The way he rolls up his sleeves and sits at the end of your bed shouldn't turn you on but at least you have the promise of a real orgasm tonight.
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cevansbaby-dove · 3 months
Q and A with becca and chris
Think of this as another part of this one shot
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i am called to someone interviewing peolpe and The young man smiles. "Mrs Evans as you want to be called, how are you? Congrats on the birth of Ava she is such a gem"
I smile and nod. "thank you so much yes um she's great and Chris and i very happy to be here"
I look over and see Chris looking at me and he winks making me blush and look at the man asking me questions.
"Becca so i wanted to ask you like..what is it like being married to a man like Chris? is it a lot on you or is it easy?"
I blink and say. "Um i love it honestly i have been a fan of his."
The man says. "and when he comes over i wanted to ask him and you a few questions"
I nod. "Sure um that sounds good" Chris walks over to us and kisses my head and says. "Hi" I smile. 'Hey we have a Q and A"
Chris says. "Oh didn't know" The man laughs nervously looking at chris. "So first question is what would be a good first date setting?"
I think and chris says. "ooooff! Um....Well i know my answer" He looks at me and i say. "i think we have the same answer!"
Chris laughs. "coffee?" I nod. "Coffee shop!"
We both laugh and the man says. "wow you two are like twins" i wrap my arms around chris's waist and he rubs my back and i say.
"nah it's just cus we are married but our ummm first date was at a coffee shop right?"
Chris nods. "yesss" I smile and the man says. "so you guys have three kids now, will that be all or should we plan on more?"
Chris glances at me and i smirk. 'um...we still have to talk about that..."
"Okay so with chris ya know working a lot for ASP and Films how do you make this marriage work? do you ever have doubts like he might be cheating on you? or anything like that?"
I can feel chris's back rubs stop and he presses his lips together. "um..first off that's not chris now that he's married and second off it's tough at times but with texts and calls everyday with the kids it's better ya know and i think that he's doing a great job..."
We walk away and now chris is pissed. I say in his ear. "don't lose your cool" We get our pictures done and he fakes a smile.
Later that night
Chris and i walk into our hotel room and i say. "Chris...please just forget about that question" He takes his suit jacket off. "Damn right i would! How the fuck could he even ask that? becca i wouldn't ever do that!"
I nod. "I know you wouldn't he was just asking what he had too"
"By asking some dumb shit like that!?" He shakes his head. "My god!" I fold my arms. "even if something came out like that you know it's not true...hell we even had some come out saying we split up last year" I laugh. "so...if there is ever something about that i won't trust it at all"
Chris nods. "oh man i remember that! You even posted about it saying it looks good on us" He chuckled. I smile. "see baby it's just fake news" Chris looks at me. "thank you for trusting me dove"
i smile. "I always do" i place a kiss on his lips then say. "i'm going to get ready for bed we have a flight bright and early tomorrow"
I get into this pj set then brush my teeth and brush my hair and put it into a messy bun and walk back out.
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Chris smiles at meas i get into bed. "i'm going to get ready for bed now" he walks away and i snuggle under the cozy blankets and chris walks out and sees i am fast asleep.
He smiles and gets into bed and kisses my head and says. "good night Dove"
Tags:@cutedisneygrl @nicoline1998enilocin @angelbabyyy99 @armystay89 @patzammit @bookishtheaterlover7
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
Safe Space
prompt: follow up to demi piece for mlb!harry
warnings: insecurity, smut, minors dni 18+
Please please like, follow, comment, and reblog ❣️
If you want my work two weeks earlier, plus polls to vote for content, plus exclusive blurbs and tropes - please consider joining my patreon for $3 ❤️
Harry isn’t trying to be dramatic when he says that he is officially and utterly obsessed with everything about YN.
He felt like he was addicted to her, from just being in the same space as her, and then from craving her body so much it hurt.
For a long period of his life, he didn’t understand the hype about sex - sure it sounded fine and orgasms definitely felt good but why did people care so much?
After his first time with YN, he very quickly realized what it was about because fuck, it was beyond the physical feeling of pleasure - it was how connected emotionally he felt to her and the display of love that sex was.
The issue was, they’d been intimate twice now with yesterday being their first time having sex, and both times he came prematurely.
No matter how kind and understanding YN was, it didn’t take away the deep insecurity of not being masculine enough or being a flop in the sheets.
YN had to use her own hand to help her along because he was coming so fast when they had sex, he was so far gone he hadn’t even thought about dipping his own hand down to assist.
Harry had to leave YN in his bed in the morning because he had to go to weight training and then right after a grueling practice.
He had left a little handwritten note on top of her cellphone to find when she woke up.
Good morning, baby. I’m off to practice. I love you x
It was simple but sweet.
When Harry’s in the locker room with his teammates as they all hits the showers and start to change after practice, well it’s no surprise sex is brought up - literally nothing has changed since high school.
He still didn’t feel the need to join in on the disgusting conversation, the way they talked about women was truly abysmal and some of them were referring to their own girlfriends in such crude ways.
Harry had so much respect for YN, so much undying appreciation for her body even though he just is beginning to learn it.
He would never talk about the intricacies of her form with other people, why would he want them to know what is only for him?
He didn’t want others to know how puffy her nipples get after he’s given them attention, how she gets so wet that it makes her folds glisten - that’s purely for his eyes and imagination only.
“Yeah, Becca told me that Cameron only lasted for three minutes,” Joseph cackles as the other boys join in on the laughter, “Said he jizzed nearly as soon as he stuck it in.”
“No wonder she turned him down when he asked her to the Sigma Phi party,” Payton crows with a boisterous laugh, “He’s never gonna get another date while he’s in school.”
Harry hates the anxiety that strikes in his chest because it hits him that they’re making fun of what he’s most self-conscious about right now.
He was new to everything, having YN’s hands, mouth, cunt was so mind blowingly euphoric and like nothing he’d ever experienced before that he couldn’t control how fast his orgasms snuck up on him.
The first time her lips wrapped around him, he couldn’t even think a conducive thought, let alone stave off his release.
The first time they had sex, she had to finish herself off because he came so fast that he didn’t even have time to focus on her.
His throat is tight as he rushes to get his clothes on, he didn’t want to lose YN - she was his person.
They only downfall of finally finding the love of his life was the immense fear of losing it because he knew this was once in a lifetime.
He was this allstar, cocky athlete who everyone drooled and daydreamed over - only YN knew he didn’t truly live up to his potential in the bedroom.
It’s not that he thinks she’s shallow enough to drop him over that but his anxiety and lack of self confidence had negative talk swirling through his head.
Harry wanted to be the best for her and he’s worried that he’s just not enough - it was the worst feeling on this earth and he hated that he didn’t feel confident in his own skin.
He’s out of the locker room without another glance at his teammates, putting his airpods in so he can act like he doesn’t hear all his classmates who try to say hi to him as he walks across campus.
His night class drags on, his fingers are fidgeting against the desk, knee bouncing because anxiety is one of the nastiest emotions to have.
Miss you already ☹️
The text pops across his screen towards the end of class, he has to tamper down the dopey grin that appears on his face - she must have just gotten out of her weekly newspaper meeting.
I miss you more. 😖
You’re the sweetest. Do you love me?
Harry has to bite the corner of his lip to tamper down his smile because he’s in a relationship, he loves her so much.
So much, baby.
I think you should totally invite me over tonight and show me how much. Just so I know you’re not all talk. 😛
Harry’s heart plummets back into his stomach, for what seems like the hundredth time lately because now he’s nervous about having to have sex despite how much he wants to.
Of course, he wants her to come over and he would have invited her in a minute anyways but now that the promise is lingering in her words, he’s struck with nerves.
He doesn’t respond fast enough because another text is coming through as his thumbs hesitate over the screen.
If you’re not up to it, that’s fine too.
And Harry never wants her to feel like he doesn’t want her there. It’s the exact opposite. He wants her there all the fucking time.
Don’t be silly. Of course, you’re welcome over anytime, my love. Meet me at Holden Hall in fifteen, we can walk back to mine together.
Okay ❤️
He’s not twelve, he shouldn’t get butterflies in his stomach but the thought of seeing her makes him squirm with excitement.
Because he is in love.
The class can’t end quick enough because even though there are always a few classmates who want to bullshit with him after class - Harry is bypassing them with a small smile and wave instead to get out the door.
YN is waiting on a bench, eyes on her phone until she must notice class letting up because her gaze rises and she has a breathtaking smile when she notices him.
It quickly turns downward when Harry is stopped by a group of girls, they’re giggly and overly nice as they compliment him on his recent game and how good he looked in ESPN College Edition this week.
Harry would usually give them all a cocky smile, dimples on display, and his shoulders broad as he let them coo over him.
Now he’s a taken man, he doesn’t have to act like he’s into all these girls he’s not anymore, and it’s so refreshing when he gives them a short ‘thank you’ and squeezes out of their circle.
Their eyes follow with annoyance and envy as they’re dismissed so quickly for Harry to make his way over to YN, where she’s sat on the bench in one of his baseball hoodies and a pair of leggings.
The girls begin to whisper furiously amongst themselves when Harry bends down, gripping YN’s chin, and kissing her softly for a moment before helping her up and taking her backpack to swing over his other shoulder before intertwining their hands.
YN seems surprised as they walk away, her hand squeezing his tightly as she ignores the daggers being glared into her back.
“What’s the look for?” Harry asks when they’re finally away from everyone spilling out of the lecture hall, and on the walk back to his frat house.
“I was just surprised you kissed me in front of all them,” YN shrugs, trying to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal to her, “Most guys wouldn’t have done that in front of another group of pretty girls.”
It’s Harry’s turn to frown at that, stopping in his tracks to give her a look, “Why wouldn’t I kiss you in front of all them? You’re my person. I only want to kiss you. I don’t care what any of them think. I only care what you think.”
YN’s let’s a smile creep on her face, leaning up to kiss him for a long moment before she’s giving him a big hug and nuzzling her face into his chest.
“I love you. You’re just…” YN trails off, like she can’t find the right words, “You’re so good to me. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Harry can’t believe that. It feels opposite, he doesn’t know what he did to deserve her.
“You deserve the best and I’m going to always give it to you. I’m going to show you off to everybody all the time,” Harry promises as they begin to walk again, this time his arm around her shoulders pulling him into his chest.
The sex dilemma floats out of the forefront of his mind only for a little, only until they’re in his room, and Harry announces he needs to shower.
He was still sweaty, dirty from practice because on these days he doesn’t have time to shower before class.
When he drops their belongs near the door, he’s kicking of his shoes and telling YN, “Alright, gotta get cleaned up before we cuddle. M’gross.”
He fully expects YN to make herself comfortable on his bed while he cleans up and what he doesn’t expect is to YN to follow him to the bathroom - luckily, he had his own and didn’t have to share with his disgusting frat mates.
“Wh-What’s up?” Harry stutters as his cheeks flush, he hadn’t had anytime to figure out how he was going to solve his stamina problem and showering with his drop dead gorgeous girlfriend wasn’t going to help.
YN’s face twists in confusion as he stands frozen near the sink, “Uh, I was going to join you? If you don’t want me to, I don’t have to. I just thought that-“
He could tell he had embarrassed her by the way she’s trying to overexplain her reasoning to following him in there but Harry also knows that normal couples shower together all the time and if he was fucking normal - he wouldn’t be so surprised.
He wants to shower with her, fuck, of course he does.
Harry wants to scream and pull his hair because in his lack of self-confidence and anxiety - he’s making her feel bad about herself.
“No, no,” Harry interrupts her, bringing her into his chest, and kissing the top of her head, “Forgive me, darling. This, just all this is new to me. I’ve never showered with anyone before. I’m still getting used to actually being in a relationship.”
YN seems a bit relieved at his explanation, kissing his collarbone and rubbing at his back, “Still, if you don’t feel comfortable with me joining you that’s okay. Not all couples shower together. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
Harry’s chest pangs because he just keeping mucking everything up, “No, I always want you with me. Please don’t second guess yourself, baby. Want you to shower with me. Want you with me every second of the day.”
YN nods against his chest but doesn’t make any move, like she’s nervous to be the first one, and so Harry does so first - stepping back to strip his shirt over his head before he’s slipping YN’s hoodie up and over her head.
He leans over to turn on the faucet to get the water warmed up, she’s standing there in just her bralette and leggings - god damn, she’s pretty.
Harry’s heart rate is going a million miles a minute as he shrugs the bralette over her head, her gorgeous tits bouncing out to where they naturally lay - perky but real and soft.
“Baby,” Harry huffs out in awe as he thumbs over her nipples - hard and puffy, they are making his mouth water, can’t help but duck down and wrap his lips around one as she whines happily.
She’s reaching for the waistband of his athletic shorts and briefs, pulling them both down in one go, and it’s not shocking he’s already plumped up and hard for her.
It was still a new experience, being bare and vulnerable in front of someone else - showing the innermost personal parts but he wanted her to see him, it made him feel good when she whispered how nice his cock was.
After he’s got her leggings and panties off, he’s bringing them under the stream of the shower, and watching in rapt amazement as the droplets slide down her neck, over the peaks of her breasts, and bead off her now soft nipples.
“Turn around,” She orders quietly, turning his shoulders until he’s facing towards the back of the tub, her hands come up with lathered shampoo and begin to scrub through his matted locks - her nails scratching against his scalp feel so good that he moans weakly.
She takes such care of him, his heart is melting for her as she washes out the suds before snagging his loofa off the shelves and beginning to wash down his body to wipe away all the dirt and sweat of the day.
It feels so amazing to be taken care of like this, he’s never had this before, and now that he does - he wants to cry because he’s just emotional.
When she’s finished with him, he takes it upon himself to return the favor, not because he feels obligated but because he wants to take care of her just as much and prove his worth as a partner.
“Ouch,” YN hisses when Harry’s fingers get tangled in a knot in her hair and pull it quite harshly, YN’s face contorting in a brief moment of pain.
“Fuck, m’sorry,” Harry apologizes instantly, he was on edge and he just kept making everything worse - he just pulled his girlfriend’s hair, “M’sorry, baby. Are you alright?”
YN rolls her eyes at him, stepping closer and flopping against his wet chest, kissing his skin, and nodding, “I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize. Just be careful.”
Harry’s hands are shaking with nerves as he carefully weaves through her locks, taking his time with the knots before he’s moving onto soaping her body up - he would have to buy scents she liked as everything in his shower was more masculine scented like sandalwood and sage.
After gently running the loofa over her tits and belly, Harry dips downwards but she’s moving his hand away from her center and down her thighs.
“No scented products near the goods,” YN tells him as she wipes a stray hair off his forehead, “It will throw off my PH. I just use unscented soap for that.”
And once again, he feels like a fucking idiot and like he should have known that about female anatomy but he didn’t.
He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, inhaling through his mouth because he feels like such a twat today.
YN doesn’t notice, her eyes shut as she lets the water pound down on her skin, and humming happily as he washes down her legs, hand playing with his sodden curls.
They dry off and Harry grabs YN a tee shirt of his from a baseball camp because he loves seeing her in his stuff - it settled his possessive side.
YN uses his hairdryer to dry her hair until it’s nearly dry, just damp on the ends, and she crawls onto his bed, forgoing dressing in her shirt and underwear.
And Harry doesn’t know what to do because he wants to crawl over top of her, kiss her, and push inside where he knows she’s hot and ready for him but he also knows he was just in the shower for half and hour naked with her and he’ll come too soon.
“Er, what do you want to watch?” Harry asks instead, standing in his tight briefs near his desk with the remote - clicking through Netflix.
YN who’s got a confused look on her face doesn’t say anything at first, she’s literally splayed out on her boyfriends bed bare as the day she was born, and he hadn’t even acknowledged it.
“I was thinking about Bake-Off? We haven’t finished the season yet,” Harry swallowed nervously, eyes glued to the screen and not at her.
YN visibly deflates out of the corner of her eye, her shoulders slumping and she reaches for her top to shove quickly over her head before tugging on her underwear.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” YN responds without the enthusiasm she had a few minutes ago, Harry realizes for the second time that night he’s embarrassed her - he just turned down her blatant invitation.
Harry hates this.
YN is perfect, doing everything perfect, and he can’t get a fucking grip on himself.
He needs a second.
“I’m going to go make us some popcorn,” Harry excuses himself, tugging on a pair of shorts as he exits the room.
A few minutes later, with a bowl of popcorn and some water bottles, he enters his room again, frowning when he notices that YN had also tugged on a pair of his joggers.
“You cold? I can close the window,” Harry offers as he sets the food down and YN looks down at her hands, avoiding eye contact.
“No, m’fine,” She responds, her tone is unsure like he’s never really heard it, “I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I figured I’d cover myself up.”
Harry shakes his head, angry at himself as he mutters, “Fuck.”
YN glances up at him with wide eyes as she watches him pace for a moment before he’s stepping over to her, kneeling down in front of the bed, and putting his hands on her thighs.
“It’s not you. You never make me uncomfortable, baby,” Harry reassures her, he feels tears start to prick his eyes as he hangs his head, “I just keep fucking this up.”
“You’re not fucking anything up, Harry,” YN replies softly, her hands coming to rub at his shoulders, “What do you mean?”
Harry sniffles pathetically, refusing to look up, “I wanted to jump your bones the second you were naked on my bed. I wanted you in the shower with me before you even offered but I’m making you feel like I’m not into you and I’m sorry.”
YN titters, thumbing over his warm ears, “I don’t think you’re not into me. I feel like I’m not reading you correctly and I feel bad.”
“No, no, baby,” Harry refutes, kissing her belly, “You’re reading me right. I want you. Every part of you. I just…I’m really doubting myself and I don’t feel like a good boyfriend.”
“But why?” YN presses, finally forcing his chin up until his watery eyes are meeting her concerned, honeyed one’s.
“You’re gonna laugh at me,” He mumbles but lets her press sweet kisses over his forehead and temples as he struggles.
“Never going to laugh about something serious, if you want us to have a healthy relationship we have to work through whatever is bothering you,” YN encourages, cupping his hands and moving her lips to kiss all over them as well.
“I was in the locker room today and they’re were fuckin’ around and making fun of some guy who…doesn’t last long. It made me anxious because I haven’t been and I don’t want you to get annoyed with me because I’m not good in bed,” Harry’s gone teary again, YN is quick to wipe them with her thumb and a knowing, calm smile decorates her face.
“Baby, that’s why you’ve been so skittish?” YN shakes her head with a small giggle, leaning down to kiss him once more.
“Said you weren’t gonna laugh at me,” Harry grumpily reminds her, nudging her cheek with his nose before pulling back.
“Didn’t realize you were worried about something absurd,” YN tries to tamper down her grin, “You’re worried that I’m not enjoying myself when we had sex?”
“You had to finish yourself off,” Harry points out as a weak reason to his defense.
YN raises an eyebrow, “Okay, at the end? But the reason I was even close enough to get myself off was because I was so turned on and you were making me feel so good.”
Harry didn’t think of it like that, he blinks at her like he wants her to keep talking, and so she does, gripping his hands firmly.
“The two times we’ve done it, they’ve literally been the best experiences I’ve ever had sexually,” YN rubs at the bridge of her nose, “I told you no guy has ever made me come before even when I was helping myself along.”
Harry takes in that information, a sense of pride swelling in his chest, and twitch in his thin shorts at the praise.
“Fuck,” Harry mumbles, brushing his lips against her clothed shoulder, “M’sorry I’ve been being such a dickhead.”
“You just need to communicate. I understand this is all new to you. It’s new to me too. It’s the first time I’ve ever been in love with the person I’m having sex with,” YN admits as her body gravitates closer to him and her legs spread for him to wriggle in between.
“And I’m going to be the only one who gets you like this. Always gonna be in love with everything about you. You’re my person,” Harry reassured her, the nerves melting away because he feels so fucking safe with her.
The stage fright, the nasty quells of insecurity dissipate, and are fully replaced desire to please the gorgeous girl in front of him.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like you needed to cover-up. I actually think we should probably do a no clothes policy in my room from here on out,” Harry rasps, his tone getting lower with the more arousal swirling in his tummy.
YN giggles kittenishly and it goes straight to his center, “Oh really? When did that become a rule?”
“Right about now,” Harry growls impatiently, tugging off her bottoms and panties in one rough yank before he’s lifting her thighs over his shoulders and making himself at home between them, “Fuck. How do you always taste so good, pet?”
“I-oh fuck, Harry,” YN whines loudly as her legs try to squeeze around his ears, he was so fucking dedicated when he went at it - licking, kissing, sucking every bit of her mound and what lay inside.
“Always want this,” Harry murmurs before lapping consistently at her slit while he thumbs at her clit - it was all coming naturally to him now.
“Yes, there. Yes,” YN encourage breathlessly when he finds the perfect rhythm that  has her back arching of the mattress and legs restless against his shoulders.
The encouragement just spurs him on to thrust his tongue into her perfect, velvet core as his thumb doesn’t stop the motion.
Her hips speed up to ride down onto his tongue as she nears her orgasm, Harry reaches up to flip her shirt up to reach and knead at one of her tits, pinching at the nipple.
That small burst of pain tends to do the trip because she’s squeezing on his tongue, clit throbbing against his thumb as she tries to muffle her mewls as she comes down.
“In me, want you in me,” She orders brattily, pulling Harry up by his biceps and dragging him on top of her, she’s bossy as she grips him around the base and leads him straight to where she needs him.
“Fuck, fuck baby,” Harry moans as he’s overwhelmed with pure fucking euphoria, his hips starting to fuck in automatically as his noises echo off the walls.
“S’good, you make me so full,” YN whimpers as her lips brush against his on every odd thrust, “Love being full of you.”
“Darling,” Harry scolds between a groan, the dirty talk did not help his stamina and fuck, her mewling about how full she felt just made it worse because he’s giving a few more weak thrusts before he’s coming as well.
“Mm, thank you,” YN hums as she pulls him up for another kiss, a spark in her core when she tastes herself, “See, practice makes perfect. We’ll get there.”
“Next time m’taping your mouth shut, who knew you spewed filth like a sailor?” Harry teases as he pulls at her bottom lip, “Made me come on the spot.”
“I don’t mind being gagged,” YN says nonchalantly and holy shit, Harry is in big trouble with this girl.
He fucking loves his person, his safe place.
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lillylvjy · 1 year
Baby I’m a fool (for you)
A/n/// hi hi. Just a small blurb I thought of today and really liked. So nothing special, probably doesn’t make sense and I’m sorry about that but…. Making out with high school Wilbur! Also when I say council I mean like a student council if anyone knows what that is!
Warnings// both reader and Wilbur are 17-18 in this so nothing bad, making out, hickeys, sexual innuendo???, swearing, Wilbur being Wilbur, and if I missed anything please tell me:)
Not edited and enjoy!
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“We have a problem!”
“And it’s another Tuesday. Your point is?” Wilbur says as he looked up from the book he held in his hands.
You grab the book as you walked over to the desk he was sitting in. You both were currently hiding in a random classroom, well, the art room. You were working on something when Wilbur came in and starting distracting you.
“Shut it. Becca saw us kissing.” You whispered as you slammed the book shut and pulled him up.
“Woah- And why is that a problem?!” He questioned as you pushed him to the storage closet.
“Did you just magically forget we are supposed to hate each other?!” You raised your voice as you continued to push him deeper in the closet.
“No. But shouldn’t people know you don’t hate me after that night approximately two months ago in the back of my-“
“Do you know what being quiet is?! Now please shut up and go in the closet before I grab you by your neck and start making out with you, ok?” You whispered at him as you heard footsteps coming towards the room.
“But what if I want that dar-“ you cut him off as the door quickly opened, but to your relived it wasn’t Becca.
“James? What the hell are you doing here?!” You ask as you quickly pull him inside and make sure the coast is clear before bringing Wilbur back out.
“Honestly darling, this would be a perfect spot to hide in when we skip cla-“ Wilbur’s voice quickly disappeared as he saw a smirking James and an annoyed look on your face.
“Do you ever shut up?!”
“So that’s what you guys do when you’re not in English.” James said while smirking at Wilbur. “Anyways, I came to tell you that Becca is telling everyone that you guys are together and is actually looking for you so you both should probably hide!” James rushed out as you all heard a couple pairs of footsteps coming down the hall.
“Shit shit! Closet. Wilbur closet!” You both quickly scurry to the small space and shut the door as James quickly leaves.
“Jesus it’s so crowded in here!” You quietly complained as your back was pressed against the wall.
Wilbur stepped closer to you as he placed his index finger under your chin and lifted your head up to look at him. “Like I said. Perfect.” He smirked down at you as he leant down so your lips were inches away from each other. “What do you want darling?” Wilbur asked as you bit your lip and smirked up at him.
“For you to shut up and kiss me.” You whispered back to him as you inched your lips closer together, feeling his breathe on your lips as he chuckled.
“Is that what you want? Show me.” He whispered out as he placed his hands on your hips.
You quickly compiled as you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed his head down to meet you in a heated kiss. The kiss was rushed and needful. But so full of longing and love. Sloppy and rough. Desperate touches just to be close to each other.
Wilbur ran his hands down your sides until he met the back of your thighs and lifted you up. As he did so, your head hit the ceiling and made an obvious bang. But you both didn’t care.
“Oh shit! Are you ok?” Wilbur tried not to laugh as you giggled and cupped his face.
“Never been better.” You smiled at him as he smiled back and leant back in to continue the kiss.
As the kiss got deeper and needier, Wilbur quickly moved his mouth from yours, to your jaw, and down the the column of your neck, kissing and sucking as he continued down to your collarbone.
“Fuck Wil. I swear to god if you make them obvious I will explode.”
“Too late darling.” Wilbur whispered back as he bit down and sucked on the space where your neck and collarbone meet.
You both were to consumed by each other to realize that the voices got closer and soon enough the door opened as a gasp was heard.
You and Wilbur both looked towards the open door to see Becca with a smirk on her face as well as James behind her. Both for different reasons.
“What do you think the council will say when they hear about this?” Becca said as she started to text the group chat we had.
You patted Wilbur’s chest to let you down, and he did but not without kissing you one time, which he made sure was long and noticeable for Becca to see. All she did was scoff.
As your feet planted on the ground, you quickly smiled at Becca. “Nothing. Yeah, me and Wilbur supposedly “hate” other but I’m pretty sure everyone already knows about us already. I mean, have you seen my neck at all these last couple of weeks?!” You pointed at your now purple neck as Wilbur placed his arm around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder from behind.
“And plus what will they do? Kick us out?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow at her as she huffed in annoyance and frustration as she looked at the couple in front of her.
“You guys will pay for this. You guys made me lose my one chance at becoming head in the council because of your little bickering. I will get what deserved. Just watch.” She said as she stormed out.
“Ok. We will!” You yelled out as the door closed. “Fucking bitch. Think she deserved everything. She’s just pissed that you actually like me.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t pick her in a million years, no offense.” Wilbur said as he buried his face into your neck.
“I’m glad about that. Means I get to keep you for longer.” You kiss his forehead as he kissed your neck once more before standing up and looking at you.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Wilbur smiled at you as you stared at each other with big goofy smiles.
The moment was quickly ruined by a throat being cleared as you both turned to James.
“Yeah. I’m here too. Also what about your neck?” James pointed at the very dark and obvious bruises on your neck.
“Fuck. Seriously Wil!” You yelled at him as he just smirked and shrugged.
“You look hot with them.”
“You’re taking me home.”
“Food first?”
“Then more making out?” Wilbur pushed as you both walked out of the art room as you said bye to James.
“Don’t push your luck pretty boy.”
“So is that a yes?”
“……. Maybe.”
taglist: @deadphantomsociety @jadeissues @art3m1s-adelia @gaytoadwithapopsicle @mcr-pr-fob @bird-shack @aimi-chann @sixofshadowandbone @swevenne @romancingdaffodils @ezzylikesdabee @z0vamp @maarriiii (if you want to be added, please feel free to send ask me <3)
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lovings4turn · 3 months
— charles’ girlfriend likes to wake up a little earlier every morning in order to take her time getting ready. charles tries to wake up a little earlier, too. (1.2k words)
+ more than inspired by my need to wake up hours before i realistically need to (and then complain about how tired i am)
+ fluff ! mentions of reader wearing make-up but nothing overly specific !
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gentle clattering served as charles’ alarm clock as he pried his eyes open, rubbing at them clumsily to rid his vision of the bleariness that came with just waking up. a throaty grumble escaped his lips, the sound coming from deep in his chest as he pushed himself up onto an elbow.
after a long overdue movie night, charles had spent the night at your place, something he would never, ever complain about. somehow, sleep always came to him much easier when he was by your side, wrapped in sheets that harboured the smell of your perfume.
though you'd already left the bed, currently sitting at your dressing table as you laid out your skincare products, charles could still feel the warmth of your body travelling along the mattress and up his body like vines of ivy.
time wasn't important to him right now, but he could assume that it was fairly early.
despite your incredibly sleepy nature, you'd surprised charles towards the beginning of your relationship by revealing to him that you quite enjoyed waking up a little earlier in order to take your time getting ready.
rushing to get out of the door was something that always provided you with feelings of anxiety, and you could never shake the thought that you'd forgotten something important. this way, you could slowly wake yourself up and spend a little more time focusing on yourself, an idea charles couldn't find fault in.
any amount of love and care shown towards you was welcomed by charles with open arms.
whilst charles' job required him to be a morning person, thanks to early training sessions and odd schedules on race weekends, it by no means meant that he was magically transformed into someone who delighted in waking up before the sun rose.
dragging himself into the gym at ridiculous hours in the morning required copious alarms and a boatload of motivation, but somehow when it came to this - watching the love of his life follow the same routine she performed almost daily - mornings felt easier.
"good morning, baby," charles said, deliberately keeping his voice low so as not to startle you. the words were thick with sleep, almost slurred together and syrupy, and a smile immediately rose to your face at the sound.
"g’morning love. sorry, did i wake you?"
a fond expression washed over charles' face as you turned to look at him over your shoulder, moisturiser poised in one hand ready for you to use. he shook his head gently, messy chestnut hair falling a little into his eyes.
"no, no, you're fine," he assured, throwing in a gentle smile to fully placate you.
and it was true. charles wasn't woken by the noise - or lack thereof - that you were making. it was as though his body had subconsciously realised you were awake and moving, and had forced his eyes open so he could savour every last second with you, satisfying his desire to get as much of you to himself as he possibly could.
water, oxygen, food, and you: those were the four things charles was certain he required for survival.
noticing that your eyes were still fixed on him, his upper body bare above the crumpled sheets of your bed, a lazy smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as his words took on a teasing tone.
"don't let me distract you, baby. keep getting ready."
you playfully rolled your eyes at his teasing, ignoring the way that his words made heat bubble beneath your cheeks. it was nothing a cooling moisturiser couldn't fix, and you relished in the feeling of the cream on your tired skin as you turned back to face your mirror.
meanwhile, charles was utterly mesmerised, transfixed by the glimpse of your reflection he was granted from his spot in bed. 
how you could be performing a task charles had seen countless times before and still spark flames of awe in his heart should have been baffling, but to charles it all made sense.
everything about you set him alight, provoked a jolt of white hot electricity that ran through his veins and left him breathless. yet at the same time, you were the epitome of comfort and peace. your effect on him was far too powerful, so much so that it could break the rules of the universe and cause his heart to both pound and stop simultaneously. 
charles settled back against the plush pillows, stretching his arms above his head with a soft grunt before letting them fall to rest against his stomach. 
even in your silly fluffy headband, designed to look like a snail and complete with two eye-stalks, you were striking to him. every movement was fluid and precise, and it reminded him a little of himself in the car.
just as he knew every button of the steering wheel like it were an extension of his own body, had learned exactly where the breaking points were on each track and tuned himself into the car's movements, you had perfected your own artistry. your hand never faltered as it moved from product to product, and you barely batted a sleepy eye as you followed the routine you had down to a tee.
the two of you had fallen into a comfortable silence, not wanting to break the tranquil air that an early morning provided. now and again, you would meet his eye in the mirror and stick your tongue out at him, a gesture which he would return without hesitation. 
it took about twenty or so minutes for charles’ body to begin to wake up, finally registering that the man wouldn’t be trying to get back to sleep any time soon. though his eyes were still a little heavy, charles swung his legs over the edge of the bed and made his way to his feet, muffling a yawn into the palm of his hand.
he padded over to you, leaning down to rest his chin on your shoulder and peer at you through the mirror. 
“mm,” you mumbled, relaxing into his warmth. “hi, sleepyhead.”
charles pressed a lingering kiss to your temple before running a thumb lovingly over the spot that his stubble had grazed, attempting to reverse any disturbance to the makeup you’d carefully applied moments ago.
“hello beautiful.”
reluctantly, charles stood up to his full height and flicked one of the headband’s fuzzy stalks with a look of fondness before speaking.
“gonna go make us some coffee. don’t miss me too much”
even with his teasing tone, you almost melted at his words, sure that when charles returned he’d find a pile of sweet, syrupy goo in your place.
charles never needed to tell you how much he loved you - though he never missed an opportunity to do so. instead, your boyfriend preferred to show you, actions speaking louder than words as the famous phrase said.
so, if waking up early on his rare days off to watch you get ready and make you a coffee made your smile a little brighter and your day a little easier, charles would take the mid-day crash he was inevitably going to experience.
anything was worth it when it came to you.
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folkloresthings · 10 months
seb + reader are in the car and they get in a fight. reader gets out of the car, it starts raining, and seb can’t find her and starts freaking out. when she finally gets home he’s super relieved and apologizes and they make up
vaguely inspired by the all too well tv (10 min vers.) music video but less toxicity 👍
BOILING POINT. ❨ sebastian vettel x reader ❩
the space between you had never been so tense. sebastian’s hands were gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, your nails nicking at the hem of your dress. it was almost dark out, and you were headed back from a fancy dinner with some of sebastian’s colleagues.
it was your first time meeting most of sebastian’s work friends. people higher up in red bull, bosses and executives and what not. you’d been nervous, but sebastian didn’t seem to think he needed to help ease your nerves. for the most part, you spent the night in the corner of the room, cradling a wine glass and making awkward small talk. sebastian was laughing and making jokes and brushed you off any time you tried to speak to him.
“so, you’re not speaking to me now either?” you mumble, hating the silence.
“you’re being dramatic,” sebastian sighs, head falling back against the headrest as he turns another corner.
“you barely said a word to me all night!” you exclaim, sitting up. you look over at him, his eyes fixed hard and cold on the road. “it was embarrassing!”
“i was working,” he hisses, glancing over at you briefly. “i didn’t have time to talk to you, because i had to impress those people if i want to keep my job. you know, the job that pays for your dresses and holidays and—”
“stop the car.”
sebastian looks over at you, cheeks red with frustration. “what?”
“i said, stop the car.” you can feel the tears stinging your eyes, sebastian’s words pulling at the wrong heartstring. he got like this sometimes, all hot and harsh, but he was never mean. not like that.
he laughs a little, under his breath, but pulls the car over anyway. he doesn’t expect you to actually get out, only to make your point and shout at him a little more and then go home. but you click the door open as soon as the car rolls to a halt and slam the door behind you.
“y/n!” he calls, rolling down the window. “get back in the car!”
you don’t listen, arms crossed and legs moving quickly. sebastian’s used to your stubbornness, and he’s still to caught up in his anger to apologise. “fine! i’ll meet you at home.”
about halfway there, the heavens open and it begins raining heavier than sebastian had anticipated. the rain seems to clear his thinking a little bit, turning the car around with a sharp sigh. he follows the exact same road he took, but you’re nowhere to be found. he tries some other back streets, and still nothing.
panic rises in him. you’re out there, somewhere, cold and wet and sad — and it’s all his fault.
thirty minutes of looking and no avail, sebastian heads back to the house in hopes of finding you. he could have cried when he sees you there, stood at the door, drenched. you spot the car pulling in, watching as sebastian switches off the ignition and climbs out.
“you’ve got the keys,” you tell him, justifying why you were simply stood on the doorstep. your cheeks are red and blotchy, eyes swollen from where you cried the whole way home. sebastian sighs, hurrying over to unlock the door and usher you both in.
“come on, take these off,” he’s quick to help you remove your coat, your shoes, every piece of clothing that’s soaked through. fetching you some pyjamas, he helps you put those on too. when you’re sat at the end of the bed, still not speaking, hair towelled dry and mascara staining under your eyes, sebastian caves.
“i’m sorry,” he mutters, kneeling between your legs. begging for forgiveness. “i should have been better tonight. i should have kept you by my side, showed you off. i shouldn’t have said all of that stuff — i’m an idiot.”
you sniffle, letting his hands wander over you, lips pressing apologetic kisses to your thighs, your stomach, your hands.
“i’ve got the perfect woman, and i act like a fool,” he admits, reaching up to brush your hair out of your face, kissing your cheeks. “i’m so sorry, liebe. you can hit me, if you want.”
it pulls a small smile from you, one he celebrates with a kiss to your lips. swiftly and easily does he lift you from under the arms, switching positions so he’s sat on the mattress, you on his lap.
“what can i do to make it up to you?” he gives you a suggestive smirk, fingers dipping under your waistband. “give me the word and i’m yours, baby.”
you can’t help but smile, shifting a little in his lap, pulling a small groan from your boyfriend. “hm. don’t think you deserve that tonight — but some hot chocolate would be lovely.”
he groans again, this time in despair, falling back into the mattress and taking you with him. you giggle, tucking your head in his neck as he attacks you with kisses. eventually giving up, leaving you to curl up under the duvet as he drags himself to the kitchen. when your hot chocolate comes, it’s a work of art, topped with cream and marshmallows and chocolate shavings.
“only the best for my love.”
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equallyshaw · 4 months
valentines day | star crossed lovers au ↳ valentines day blurb! ↳ au masterlist. ↳ word count: 858. ↳ warnings: none!
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kailey felt the bed dip beside her, as she had just awoken by the sliver of a sound from the front door. she felt peppered kisses on her cheeks then nose, and then a kiss on the lips to wake her up. she smiled widely, before opening her eyes to see connor hovering over her with a bouquet of pink tulips, and a coffee from philz coffee down the street.
"con..." she trailed off as he sat down in front of her.
"what?" he said with a small coy smile on his face, as he held out her coffee in front of her. she took it with a grateful smile, before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"how was practice?" she questioned, sipping her coffee. he sighed, "bag skate for the guys." he said shrugging and she nodded, knowing just how poorly the team performed the night before. "well at least you were with the guys right? you skated with them?" she questioned and he nodded. "hmm. but enough talking about hockey and more about the breakfast i brought." he teased, and kailey quickly hopped out of bed. "wait!" she froze, looking at the bouquet of flowers in his hands as he stood.
"thankyou thankyou thankyou." she smiled, leaning up and kissing him once more before taking the bouquet. "yadia yadia, go put them in a vase." he said pressing a finger into her side; which caused her to jump with a squeal.
becca was in the kitchen, eating the meal that connor had brought for becca that morning. "appreciate the meal connor, from the very bottom of my single heart." becca said holding up the coffee that connor had also gotten for her. kailey smiled as she sat down across from her best friend, before digging into her breakfast sandwich. becca stood up, heading over towards connor under the impression she was getting a paper towel. "i know you think that this is gonna get me to crack but it ain't." becca mumbled just loud enough for connor to hear. he chuckled to himself before nodding at the blonde.
connor sat down next to kailey, sipping his own small coffee.
"doctors appointment this afternoon?" kailey questioned placing her hand in his and resting it on her thigh. he nodded, "i hope it goes well. i hope you get cleared." she said encouragingly and connor thanked her. "me too. ill get back around 6, is that ok?" he questioned and she nodded. "ofcourse con." she said before taking another bite of her sandwich.
kailey heard the door open around 6:25 that evening, and squealed silently. she had just finished putting the charcuterie board on the small coffee table in the corner and had just finished setting up the projector. becca had helped kailey that afternoon making a french meal and desserts, as well as tracking down a projector which would allow them to watch kaileys favorite movie of all time, breakfast at tiffanys.
"in the kitchen!" kailey said pouring the two some lemonade she had made that morning. connor came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso. she felt a kiss in the back of her neck as she set down the bottle. "hi babe, how did it go?" she questioned turning around in his arms. he shrugged with a small frown on his face, "they said one more week and ill get hopefully the go ahead." he said and she nodded softly. she placed her hand under his chin to lift it, in order for him to look at her directly. "everything will work out like it is supposed to con, ok? this is meant to happen for whatever reason. which i know is better said than done but if the doc says one more week, its for a reason." she said trying to lift his mood just a bit.
"i know what youre trying to do, but me being here with you- is enough. mood- already lifted." he mused, causing her to giggle. "well good." she hummed, leaning back to place a cup of lemonade in his hand. "i hope everything is to your liking." she said pulling him towards the table and his eyes lit up with the coq qu vin, a french salad, and potatoes. oh! and ofcourse some fresh baguette. "this being something i didn't have to cook or pay for? im gonna love it, i promise." he said pulling out her chair as he could tell she was nervous. he placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her head.
"how about we watch the movie, then catch up over creme brulee?" she questioned and he playfully groaned. "you trying to kill me over here?" and that made her giggle. "how'd you even know?" he questioned and she smiled softly.
"you're sister because i found out that you cant keep a secret to yourself." she teased, and he rolled his eyes. "ofcourse it was mady!" he groaned. "i fear she's probably said too much for my liking?" he questioned as he poured some food onto his plate. kailey shrugged with a slight grin.
"im gonna kill her!"
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hope you all enjoyed!
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around1302 · 11 months
SPARE PARTS: blurb 1/1
(W) strong language, alcohol use, brief smut: if u can call it that
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“Why can’t you just trust that it’ll be fun?”
“Because you don’t even know who’s playing! What if it’s some screamo guy and I get traumatised.”
“Please, Charlie, you’ve met my friend. You think he’s going to guitar for a screamo guy?”
Charlie pauses, remembering everything she can from the brief meeting between her and Becca’s friend at her house party last week.
“Yes. Yes I do.”
Becca rolls her eyes, nodding in gratitude at the bouncers who let them into the Troubadour, past the lines and lines of people. Charlie has to admit that’s promising, at least. Surely a hundred teenage girls wouldn’t be queueing for something unworthwhile.
“I thought as a musician you’d be buzzing for a free invite to the Troub!”
Charlie’s turn to roll her eyes, now.
“The Troub?”
“Let me pretend I’m in on the lingo, too.”
“God, you’re just making it worse.”
Becca is Charlie’s only remaining friend from her pre-band days. In contact far too little, but enough to see each other in between schedules. Becca manages a restaurant in London, and throws killer house parties every Saturday. It’s ritual.
Of course, with band life, Charlie barely ever attended. But since the split and a (much too long) nine month hiatus from the industry, she’s had a little more time for living her 20s like she never entered that competition in the first place.
“You want a drink?” Becca shouts over the already loud crowd. Just as Charlie opens her mouth to answer, her forearm’s gripped so tightly she’s sure the blood supply’s been cut off.
“Oh my God! Charlie Greene?” A girl practically screams in her face, holding the hand that isn’t keeping Charlie there in a death grip over her mouth.
Despite her usually extreme routine when it comes to being avoided in public, Charlie assumed tonight could be a one off. Who would recognise her in this crowd, in this venue? Panic strickens her before Becca has to step in, shoving the girls palm off.
“Dude, don’t touch strangers like that.”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just such a huge fan. I can’t believe you’re here! We all thought they were just rumours.”
“What?” Charlie’s dumbfound, forgetting all that media-trained ‘smile at the fans, don’t let them know you want to punch them’ bullshit.
“You know, you and–”
“Look, I’m sure you’re a nice kid, but we’re just trying to enjoy our night. You want me to buy you some alcohol to get you to go away?”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, of course. E-enjoy your night.”
The poor girl scurries away, screaming something to her group but Charlie’s too riddled with guilt to hear what.
“For fuck’s sake, Becs, she’s like sixteen!”
“Gripped you like a forty year old WWE champ though, look at your arm!”
Charlie glances down, noticing the white and red splotches beneath the hazy blue lights. Becca has a point, even if she was a little harsh about it.
“Screw the drinks, let’s just get backstage before anyone else tries to cut off your circulation.”
Nodding, Charlie follows Becca through the crowd, making sure to keep her head down this time. Of course they’re asked for IDs and stage passes before getting through, Becca proudly letting security know they’re friends of the guitarist.
“I’m so proud of Mitch, man. He’s come so far. Can you believe he used to work in a pizza shop?”
“I know, it’s impressive shit,” Charlie nods, hugging her hoodie tight to her chest. Something bad swirls in her gut as she watches the audience from the safety of a thick curtain, seeing whispers and screams shared.
“You don’t think that’s about me, do you?” She points for Becca. Becca scoffs.
“Nah, don’t get too up your own ass, Char. The act’s probably about to come on.”
The band will be entering from stage left, opposite to them both. Charlie has to admit she’s curious. It’s been forever since she’s attended any kind of underground gig, it’s exciting – what music’s really about.
“Gemma Styles.”
Until that moment.
Ears ringing, throat drying, sweat forming. Charlie grips her hoodie so tight her knuckles blanch – she’s wrong, she has to be. It’s just her mind and anxiety playing tricks on her. It’d be impossible for–
“No way, Charlie?”
“… Charlie?”
“I mean hi! Sorry, hi!”
Pretending her ears aren’t still painfully ringing, Charlie accepts the open arms of the woman in front of her. Specifically, the sister in front of her. Her ears stop buzzing enough for her to hear Becca’s gasp beside her, and enough to hear her heart coming up through her throat.
“I can’t believe you’re here, it’s so good to see you!”
The one thing Charlie never understood was how Harry could be so intolerable and Gemma could be so… Gemma. Despite the ugliest truth she’s discovered in a while coming undone, she feels somewhat comforted by her hug and her words and her smile.
Perhaps they’re all a little too alike Harry, or perhaps the opposite. She can’t tell. There’s a lot happening.
“Yeah, um…” at a complete loss for words, Becca quickly steps in.
“Hi, I’m Rebecca. Friends with the guitarist.”
“Oh, Mitch! Isn’t he amazing? I’m Gemma, Harry’s sister.”
“Jesus, I’m sorry.”
Charlie shoots Becca a pointed glare. She apologises again, a little more sincerely this time.
“So does Harry know you’re here? Bet he’s thrilled, are the others here?”
“Um, no. And no. Not that I know of. I’m actually here for Mitch, too.”
“Oh, I–” Gemma frowns, understandably confused, but is cut off by the house lights dimming and some opening music starting.
Charlie pinches at her arm beneath the once soft material, it only now feels scratchy and too thick. Should she run? It seems like her only viable option. Except her feet are failing her and it’s too fucking late because–
“Hi everyone! I’m Harry, it’s a pleasure. This is my wonderful band, and we’re going to play a few songs for you. Starting with a new one, this is Complicated Freak.”
Frozen to her place, Charlie listened harbouring feelings she couldn’t quite place. Part of her wishes she had just done those few shots before she left like Becca had quite smartly suggested, but a larger part of her wishes she never came.
Because fuck, has she missed him.
She’s missed his voice, and his hands, and his eyes, and his dimples, and she could say she’s missed his hair but that’s gone with the last nine months. She missed watching him concentrate entirely too hard on playing the guitar and she missed watching that crease form between his brows as he closes his eyes and just feels the music. His music.
The music that sounds eerily familiar. Then suddenly flashes of a tour bus come to mind; long hair and slender fingers strumming a guitar. Lyrics that rendered a little to close to home but were promptly ignored at the time now echo the venue, echo her chest.
“Thank you so, so much everyone. I’ll see you soon!”
Harry lifts his palm to the roaring crowd, intimate and small yet still as deafeningly loud as she remembers them always being for him. Begging for an encore, or at the very least one more wave.
But it’s only then that she realises, still stuck to the floor, that he’s taking his guitar off. He’s offering the audience one final bow and kiss, and he’s turning, and he’s walking, and he’s grinning ear to ear and accepting his friends and family’s congratulations, and then he’s stopping, and he’s staring, and his lungs have stopped and his heart has faltered and–
“You wrote me.”
His lips quiver, paused in an effort to say the right thing. Say anything.
“Yeah, I…”
It’s as if the venue and people around them grew wings and flew away as time itself stopped just for them. The first time they had seen eye to eye in the time you could grow a whole fucking baby for God’s sake – and yet they could barely speak. So much unsaid, it’s almost too much. What do you start to say to the love of your life – who you lost?
Luckily, the people around them didn’t actually grow wings.
“We’ll see you later, H,” his older sister squeezes his dead arm, nodding towards Charlie (as if she saw) and then the other confused onlookers who had developed behind them during the show but fuck if Charlie noticed.
Gemma leads the group out, leaving the pair of them in a silent standoff, the muted sound of a dying crowd and crew starting to clean punctuating the quiet.
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“I wanted to call you so many times.” Charlie finally admits, three double vodkas deep.
“Why didn’t you?” Harry almost whispers four whiskeys in.
Malibu’s, their old, usual haunt, has been avoided for the last nine months. Not a single band member dared to go, whether it be that Zayn no longer bartends there or that they were afraid of memories. But it felt like the only place for them to be right now. Elbows leant on the same sticky counter, knees pressed together in their tipsy mis-care, no time passed yet the whole world between them.
“I was scared.” Charlie begins. “I needed time, and after I realised that you leaving us didn’t really matter in the end, I was too late.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Harry. I saw the tabloids. A month after we split you were seen with this person, that person. You had moved on from us, from me.”
Her confession is startlingly sobering, and Harry can’t help but gulp down a painful lump at the way her eyes water. Harry hadn’t moved on in any sense of the word, Harry was simply trying to find Charlie in anyone he could. The way in which he had coped with his web of feelings for the woman for the past six and a half years.
“I could never move on from you, Char. I was just… lost.”
Charlie snorts, turning to down the rest of her drink.
“Baby I–”
They both freeze. Harry didn’t mean to call her that, but God, doesn’t it feel natural? Isn’t that why it slipped out in the first place? Yet, a slap in the face would have felt better for Charlie. The vodka gets caught in her throat, the once warm liquor running ice cold down her chest.
She turns, her heart melting at the sight of his face. It’s that same heartbreaking, broken concoction of regret and worry knitting his brows and dripping from his eyes. And it has her lips hungrily on his.
He catches her, grabbing her hips as he opens his legs for her and draws her to his chest, breathing in every inch of her. Because that’s what kissing Charlie is like. Oxygen for the first time, water for the first time, life for the first time. His rough hands snake up her back, grip her sides, pinch her skin. Her nails rake at the nape of his neck, muscle memory expecting locks to hold onto but finding short curls as their home instead.
Their tongues and lips work in an unspoken agreement, all the way to her new apartment by the bar, all the way to her bed.
They didn’t speak. They were both far too terrified to lose this moment. They just needed each other, the touch they’d both been desperately chasing for months. Charlie closes her eyes as Harry’s mouth starts its attack on her neck and is transported to Louis’ apartment, where she first felt that same desperation.
“Please.” She breathes, wrapping her legs around his hips, eliciting from him a muffled groan as she grinds up towards him. He nods into her neck, his lips still working down her soft skin. She still tastes the same, that strawberry vanilla he could drink by the gallon.
Charlie claws at his back, making an attempt to remove his black button-up as he moves down her body. She just about manages it as he settles between her legs, pushing up her denim dress without grace or care before biting the edge of her knickers.
The heels of her feet press into his toned back, her palms already fisting the sheets as he harshly grips her hips to push her back into the mattress.
A million thoughts run through Harry’s head, but fear holds him back from saying a single one of them. Months ago, he would’ve told Charlie everything. How good her thighs feel, how fucking pretty she looks laying there, needy for him. How much her soft little pants sound like she should be begging for him, how hard he is for her like this.
But he can’t. For all he knows, he’s simply a mouth right now. He’s not Harry, he’s just something she needs, and fuck if he’ll be whatever she needs.
So he bites into her inner thigh, sucking away the sharpness as she grips and tugs at his hair. He moans into her skin, eyelashes fluttering against her hips as he kisses the top of her pubic bone. His touch is rough in every place but his lips as he makes a path to her core, pressing teasing kisses over her clit. Her knickers are fucking soaked through, and the sight alone is enough to send him berserk.
“Charlie, I’m gonna have to–”
“Please, just–”
With that sliver of permission, he reaches down, squeezing himself over his trousers. The slightly relieved pressure has him gasping against her lace, which quickly becomes wetter. Charlie sits up on her elbows, watching Harry touch and squeeze while he continues to tease her.
And it’s there. In between the need and the pleasure, Charlie begins to cry. Softly, quietly, but enough to garner Harry’s distracted attention.
“Hey, hey,” Harry moves back up her body, tugging her dress back into place as he squeezes her hip, “I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s fine.” Charlie’s voice cracks as her head hits the pillow, hot tears quickly meeting her hairline before she can wipe them away.
“I’m not your fucking sweetheart.” Charlie murmurs between gritted teeth, sending Harry aback. He sits up on his heels, his touch slowly leaving her. Charlie presses her palms into her eyes, squeezing the tears out as she muffles sobs against her hands.
“That’s the problem.”
It’s hardly above a whisper, but Harry hears every last syllable. Leaning back over her, he removes her fists, gently brushing her blotchy cheeks.
“I’m just drunk and emotional and weird and–”
“Stop it,” Harry murmurs, pulling her up to sit in front of him. “Tell me what you’re feeling.” When she doesn’t budge, he drops his head and whispers, “please.”
Charlie finds his eye. In so many ways, he’s unchanged. He still looks at her like that, and it crumbles her, just as easily as it did all those months ago.
“Everything got so fucked up, Harry. The band, me, us. I haven’t sang a chord in months. I see the guys, what, once, twice a month? And you…”
“It’s my fault, Char.” Harry sighs, collapsing beside her, rubbing his face. “I left, I split everyone up–”
“You needed to.” She interrupts, stern. “I didn’t realise at the time, it took me a while to accept it, but you needed to. Niall was starting a family, everyone was starting to burn out, even if we didn’t want to admit it.”
“You did the right thing.”
Those fives words are all that Harry’s wanted to hear for nine months. He’s spent countless, sleepless nights wondering if he’d messed everything up for everyone, forever. If in his selfishness he’d forgotten to use logic.
“I’m just not sure I did.”
Harry frowns, turning to look at Charlie.
“What do you mean, Charlie?”
“I worry that I was… hasty. Rash.”
Harry can’t help the small smile that starts to tug at his lips. He lifts his knees and rests his chin on his palm to hide it.
“I did a really messed up thing, you were justified.”
“No.” Charlie sighs, looking at the ceiling. “I was right to be mad, but I wasn’t right to have said all the stuff I did. I was especially not right to leave you.”
Harry’s chest jumps, but he tries to calm his excited heart before Charlie can finish. When it comes to her, there’s no real predictability. She might be about to destroy him all over again.
“Those six years mean more to me than anything I’ve done in my entire life. You were there through everything, every shitty and amazing thing, all I can think about is flashes of you. My sister, my audition, my first heartbreak, my first– I could go on and on, but the point is, you were there.”
“Even if you annoyed the shit out of me for the better part of it, you’re my life, Harry. I was stupid to think I could ever live it in the same way without you.”
It’s impossible to fight his grin, now.
Charlie finally turns to face him, instantly rolling her eyes at the sight of him. His entirely too wide smile, his glinting eyes and how they quickly flit to her lips, the twitch between his brows that lets her know he’s holding back a comment.
And despite his speechlessness, his answer is obvious.
“You sure you don’t want someone easier?” Charlie lilts, swaying into him.
“Why on Earth would I want anyone else?”
“I don’t know. I yell at you a lot.”
“I’d rather have you hate my guts than have anyone else.” Harry takes her waist, easing her beneath him again as he hovers over her. “I’ve spent my entire life waiting to hear you say that, you know.”
“Entire life is a bit dramatic.” Charlie drapes her arms around his neck, her fingers finding his nape. That hair is going to take some getting used to.
“Nope,” Harry pops his P, leaning down to press a kiss to her jaw. “You’re my life too, Char.”
She leans back into the pillow, her thumb circling his neck. “You mean it?”
It’s Harry’s turn to roll his eyes, now.
“You really have to ask? What more could I possibly do to prove to you that you’re it for me, you always have been.”
Charlie smirks. “I could think of something.”
“Always thinking with your dick, Greene.”
Charlie lets out a scoff, and Harry let’s his chest do whatever it wants.
@lilfreakjez @be-with-me-so-happily @sirtommyholland @tpwksm @b-reads-things @tiaamberxx @daphnesutton @mleestiles
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cevansbaby-dove · 3 months
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Chris:Sweetheart is three enough? he asked with a smirk.
Chris and i were on a facetime before i head off for bed.
Becca:Hmm...ask me when you get back I winked.
Chris:haha...deal! I do miss my girls and boys.
Becca:We miss you too chrissy it's sad that your only back home for a few days I pout at him.
Chris:Aww dove please don't frown...I hate it when my girl is sad.
Becca:i'm sorry i just wish i could go with you...
Chris:maybe you will soon.
Becca:with three little ones? Chris now your crazy.
Chris:No no dove they can stay with Ma it's just for a weekend for the con i mean...it'll be longer for the film i have to head out for.
Becca:not helping evans...I frowned.
Chris:I love you dove...i have to get going..talk tomorrow?
Becca:I nod. yes chrissy. i love you too good night.
Chris:night he blows a kiss.
Tags:@cutedisneygrl @bookishtheaterlover7 @patzammit @angelbabyyy99 @nicoline1998enilocin
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
becca i can't believe i found your blog again!! i lost it a few months ago and ran into it yesterday <3 i loved reading the recent blurbs and it made me think of subby!bucky being a hardass but when in the bedroom he just wants you to humiliate the shit out of him
I haven't talked about how great subby men are in so long and I've really missed it 🤤 and I'm so glad you've enjoyed catching up on my stuff!!
I love to imagine the way a submissive Bucky lets himself give in to you entirely. If you want him to beg, he'll beg. If you ask him to degrade himself, he'll do that. He gets off on how pathetic he feels and realistically, he gets to the point where he thinks he might do anything just to please you.
And I think he'd adore having you take what you need from him, while almost minimising his pleasure because imagine grinding yourself on him without letting him inside you.
Your sex is so slick with evidence of your arousal and while it would be fun to just touch yourself and make him watch, the throbbing length of his thick erection tempts you. There's no harm in working him up, after all. He whines so much sweeter when he's desperate.
He's got no objections to you placing yourself on top of him. His dick is heavy, leaking precum and you almost consider abandoning your plan in favour of feeling him lose himself in your mouth instead. As delightful as that sounds though, you're desperate for some control and this is how you want to take it.
The first few rolls of your hips help to coat his length with your arousal. The glide gets easier with each pass and very soon you realise you can focus on the pleasure, rather than just the logistics.
The way his dick rubs your clit is heavenly. It's luxurious, almost decadent and nothing inside you feels guilty about being selfish. Not with Bucky's strong hands on your hips guiding your movements.
"You're so wet." He whispers, eyes wide, watching you in wonder. You're so lost in your own pleasure and he lives for it.
"I know." You don't feel embarrassed in the slightest. It's true after all. "This is all that dick of yours is good for. You're just a warm toy for me to use." Blunt fingernails bite into the meat of your hips at the same time your partner stifles a moan.
"Did you think you were anything more than that?" You notice his hesitation before he shakes his head. "Good. I don't even care if you cum tonight. In fact, I'd prefer you didn't. The mess is such an inconvenience but I hope you realise that I'm going to cum over and over. I think it's only fair. I'm being so kind to you, giving you something to dream of when you touch your pathetic cock later."
He can hardly control himself. This is everything he's been so desperate to hear and now he's getting it, it's almost a relief. He doesn't need to think for himself. He can give his body over to you, someone that he trusts and knows that by the end of the evening, he'll have cum until he physically can't anymore.
"I need to feel you." He whimpers, kissing your neck and shoulders. "Please. I miss being inside you."
His cheeks are blazing, flushed with arousal and embarrassment as one of your hands tangles in his hair, forcing his mouth off your skin. His eyes meet yours and your cunt flutters at the power you have over his man. He makes you feel desired and it's entirely addictive.
"Don't be stupid." Your voice is steady, carrying the confidence that he instills in you. "You don't deserve to fuck me. Why do you think I care about what you need? This isn't for you."
Lust bubbles over, his hands planted either side of your waist to stop them from trembling and although you know that you'll give in later, it's fun to watch him unravel at being denied what he needs most.
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peteyprecious616 · 9 months
Then there were two
Cowboy!Bucky x reader
A/N: just another cowboy Bucky blurb I had. Pretty short and not proof read but I thought this was a cute little look at Cowboy Bucky's family and their shenanigans (just fluff basically)
Links to my other cowboy blurbs that go along with this: Darlin' and Smooth Criminal
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“Darlin, We don’t need another horse,” He reasoned with you. But as his daughter stood behind your leg, peeking her head around to show her tears. It made him freeze. 
He built a wooden horse for her when she was young, she barely left it. As he came home from patrolling the land, he would see her through the old screen door, rocking back and forth with laughter as she watched you make dinner. She was in love with horses.
Becca always joined you and Bucky in the morning for daily chores. She would wake up smiling, reaching for you as you carried her to feed the horse before Bucky went to work.  
She sent her dad off every morning on his horse. You always carefully lifted her into Bucky’s arms, letting her sit on the saddle as she loved to run her tiny fingers through the horse’s mane. The horse would snort and sigh as she giggled. You would have to pry her off as you watched Bucky go off into town, her face molded into a frown, as you held her hand walking her back inside before starting the chores. It was a routine that became sacred to her. 
She worried about the horse, always asking Bucky, half asleep, waiting up for him to get home from work, wanting to walk out to the stables to pet it, and give it a snack for all its hard work. 
So when you casually mentioned to Bucky that you heard from Wanda, your neighbor, had to give up her horse, your daughter almost broke the windows from her squeals of joy. 
“Mama, please, please please! Winter needs a friend, he gets cold out there all alone.” She sniffled. Wanda snickered at how your daughter knew how to negotiate, your stern face turned scared at the flick of a switch. You just couldn’t say no to her. 
You knew Bucky couldn’t either. 
“Buck, come on, we’ve been talking about this on and off for a while now.” You prodded, almost pleaded. You look at Bucky’s steely face, he can’t hold it for long as his eyes meet Becca’s face. Her cheeks reddened by her tears, it wasn’t long before he rubbed his forehead with his calloused hand. He knew he was beat. 
“Please dad?” Becca walked over slowly to her father, wrapping her arms around his leg, looking up at him with a small little smile. 
You hide the giggle in your throat but smile as you walk towards the struggling man, wrapping your arms around his waist, kissing his cheek, whispering to his skin, “please buck.”  
You ended up with three horses by the end of summer, a new wooden one, Winter and now Summer, which Bucky let you and Becca name before training it to be brought to work.
Winter didn’t like the competition, but enjoyed the extra apple you packed for him as they left for work each morning. 
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niceboyeds · 8 months
hi everyone.
it is with great sadness that i hang up my Eddie and Steve writing badge and move on to other things. i’m genuinely not enjoying writing anymore and although it breaks my heart to leave this blog abandoned, i believe it’s time for a change. i’ll miss the fandom we used to be when S4 first came out, the love and the happiness we’ve all shared because of it, but things have changed significantly. certain people’s agendas do not match the environment i originally joined when i started this blog, as they have turned something so beautiful into something toxic and harmful to others. with this change, i fear that i’m ready to go on.
to my sweet friends: please reach out so we can keep in contact if you want to, i have many different means of contact we can use to keep in touch, dm me🫶🫶 @luvmunson @lightvixxen @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @inkluvs @munsonology @becca-alexa @seidenbros @munson-blurbs
until we meet again❤️
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Teeny tiny blurb of the munson family where Eddie is stressed about a big test coming up cause he’s trying to pass, and then he passes with an A, and comes home all excited, Wayne gives him a Munson HugTM and hangs the graded paper on the fridge 🫶
THANK YOU FOR THE MUNSON FAMILY PROMPT😭😭😭I've been thinking of the two of them aaaaaaaall day and my heart is aching. This is so perfect & I hope you enjoy it!!!💗💗💗
TW; Eddie baby speaks meanly to himself (the same way I do when I'm studying lmaooooo this is a fic in which I am Eddie and Eddie is me💔), Eddie also pulls his own hair in frustration (I don't do this) & bangs his head on his desk for the same reasons (I do this lmao) Uncle Wayne is a sweetheart, there's probably swearing, some canonical implied angst (Eddie's academic performance), mostly fluff! Uncle Wayne also knows Steve, Nancy, Dustin, etc., and refers to them all as 'his kids' (but Eddie is his boy and no one else has that title).
eddie & wayne @hellfirebabe @eddiemunsonshoney @potatos-library @bakerstreethound @gemstone-roses @sweetpeapod @authorlovers @jslittlebirdie @heydreamchild @comfortcharactercraze @mywinterivy @corrodedcoffeen @ourstaturestouchtheskies @m00nlight101 @3ddi3-daydreamer @pleasantlycrazyworld @samlealea @manyfandomsfanvergent @indouloureux @basicallybats @niceboyeds @becca-alexa
Word count: 1, 867.
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Uncle Wayne came home from the plant to find Eddie hunched over the kitchen counter, the lone stool jiggling with every bounce of Eddie's knee.
He stood there, stopped and stared, at his nephew. It wasn't unusual for Eddie to be this focused on a, what was it his boy called it? A campaign? Yeah, that sounded about right. A campaign. But seeing him focused on school work? That was definitely out of the ordinary and he couldn't help but to stop and to stare. Pride, confusion, rose and fell in his chest, but above all, he felt love for his dangerous looking boy (he was a marshmallow, really, not a mean bone in his body). There were papers and folders strewn everywhere. Even if Uncle Wayne already knew that the folders weren't Eddie's, the bright colours of the covers would have given it away, as would the name Nancy Wheeler emblazoned across the spine. It only made what Eddie was doing look all the more unusual; Uncle Wayne never would have paired lavender with black, but Eddie owned it just as he did everything else which came his way, for worse or the worst.
There was another thick textbook crowding Eddie's space, with Harrington, S written along the spine. A similar word spacing to Nancy's but they had different handwriting sizes. Nancy's was small, neat and perfectly aligned, whereas Steve's looked like a spider had been dipped in ink and then ran across the page. Steve wrote neatly when he wanted to - Uncle Wayne had seen it last month in Dustin's birthday card - but clearly, this time, he hadn't wanted to. Uncle Wayne didn't know much about Steve's home life, which said more than Steve himself ever could; sometimes, silence was someone's loudest scream. Uncle Wayne had also noted several months ago that Steve wrote in his friends' cards neatly but scrawled carelessly his own name, and he felt something bitter brewing in his chest. He knew what that meant. He knew.
If people didn't stop fucking around with his kids, Uncle Wayne was really gonna lose his shit. He barely held onto it on his good days.
Surrounded by his friends' academic materials, very kindly lent to a desperate super senior, was Eddie, his slender fingers burrowed deep in his dark curls as he muttered dates and names to himself. His ink stained fingers continued to scrawl furiously, his hands almost blurry with how fast he was taking notes.
Uncle Wayne almost said, 'who lit a fire under your ass, boy?' but he didn't want to disturb The Zone. Eddie followed his thought trains everywhere, it was why his D&D campaigns were always so much fun and so successful with the rest of the Hellfire Club, but one slight distraction would completely derail his journey and never again would he be able to board the same train. As such, when Eddie focused just like this, Uncle Wayne kept well out of the way out of respect.
Instead, Uncle Wayne simply moved through the trailer as if Eddie wasn't there, fixing himself some dinner, having a shower, getting the pull out bed ready, all the while ignoring the stressed out boy camped out at the kitchen counter. He was prepared to sleep in the same room as Eddie, too, content to let his boy work. He would sleep when he was tired, he would wake up when he wasn't. He would do his own thing and Uncle Wayne would let him, being silently supportive all the while.
Or, that was the plan until Eddie's mutterings grew just a little louder. At the same time, he threw his pen down and banged his head on the desk lightly. "This is so stupid, stupid! I'm never gonna fucking - " Eddie's hands threaded into his hair and he pulled harshly, letting his head come up from the table before he slammed it down again, this time harder than last time.
Uncle Wayne had had enough.
In seconds, he was up and out of his chair, and he strode across the trailer to get to his boy. One palm slid clumsily between Eddie's reddened forehead and the table. "Hey, hey! You be careful, son. There's precious cargo in there, y'hear?" The first two sentences were harsh, unabiding. The question was soft, comforting. Knowing. Uncle Wayne used his grip on Eddie's forehead to push his head up off the table surface, and then, with his hand still cradling Eddie's forehead, as if his touch could soothe the cruelty of the wood (self-inflicted such as it was), he ducked to Eddie's side so that tearful chocolate brown and tender blue could meet.
"I just wanna pass, dad," Eddie mumbled, leaning forward into Uncle Wayne's touch, his eyes closing as the sheer level of stress he was under fully hit him. "But I'm pretty fuckin' far from it... I was so close to making '86 my year." Eddie exhaled roughly and shook his head, his dark curls lightly brushing the top of his shoulders. "Guess I'm just gonna have to be the family disappointment for the third year in a row."
Uncle Wayne sighed. It wasn't unkind, more... world weary. He had heard all of this before, seen Eddie try time and time and time again, and he wanted his boy to pass finally. He wanted to see Eddie thrive, blossom into himself more and more, just as he had been taught by the elder Munson. "I know you, Eddie, and I know you're doin' better than you think.” He thought on how best to help him, to motivate Eddie into maintaining his pace, and caught sight of the subject he was studying: history. And all of a sudden, Uncle Wayne knew exactly what to say. His mind moved so quickly that there was barely a pause between one sentence and the next, fast thinkers were the Munsons, “And believe you me, if you treat this like one'a those campaigns, you'll do just fine."
Eddie froze for just a second, those chocolate eyes pouring into his Uncle’s, and then it was like someone had turned the gas up under his arse, because Eddie sat up straighter, gripped his pen the same way he cuddled his pillows at night - tight - and began scrawling again, practically ignoring his Uncle. There was no verbal thank you but Uncle Wayne wasn’t offended; he knew his boy. His hand squeezed Eddie’s shoulder and as his boy pressed back into the touch, he heard the thank you Eddie was too busy to speak.
You’re welcome, kid was what the second tighter squeeze of Uncle Wayne’s hand said, and just like that, the moment had passed, and the seed of hope he had planted within Eddie’s mind began to grow.
It didn’t take long for that seed to become a flower, and, oh, how it flourished under Uncle Wayne’s careful, constant guidance.
Three days later, Eddie crashed through the door to the trailer, all chains and dark clothing and hair flying about his face and shoulders like dark lightning. He was emitting high pitched shrieks, woops and hollers, his teeth gritted in excitement as he ran up to Uncle Wayne and shook a thick sheath of paper in his face.
Eddie hadn’t even shut the trailer door, kicked off his shoes or shrugged his backpack off.
He only had eyes for his dad.
“Whoa, whoa,” Uncle Wayne didn’t step back, didn’t tell Eddie to be quiet, didn’t try to tell him to behave in a more ‘acceptable’ way, he just took his son as he found him. He loved Eddie, so much. “What’s got you so excited?”
Eddie shook the paper emphatically at his Uncle again, no longer forming words, just practically vibrating where he stood in his excitement.
Uncle Wayne smiled at Eddie, he smiled, as he took the sheath of paper from him. It was terribly unusual for Eddie to come home from school like this (unless he had just come back from Hellfire, but it was Wednesday today so that wasn’t the cause of his boy’s happiness). Normally, Eddie came home from school wound up tight, or shaking, or sullen and upset. But this was pure unadulterated pride and joy.
He cast his eyes down the page, a smile as wide as Eddie’s spreading on his face as he read every single comment the teacher had written, all the ticks and the comment such as ‘nice detail’, and he kept flipping through the paper until he reached the very end of Eddie’s concluding paragraph, and saw the bright red ‘A’ scrawled underneath Eddie’s small but thorough reference list.
Eddie’s excitement had dulled somewhat during the few minutes Uncle Wayne had been reading through his paper, and he gnawed anxiously on his bottom lip as he waited for something, anything, from the elder Munson. He wasn’t kept waiting long, and he wasn’t disappointed, either, because Uncle Wayne slowly, carefully, put the paper down on the kitchen counter, gave Eddie a weighted glance which told Eddie that he needed a moment to find his words, and then swept him up in his arms without hesitation. The hug would speak for the two of them. There was a hand in Eddie’s dark curls, and then it was on his shoulder, and then it was in his hair again, fingers scratching at the scalp, smoothing down the curls, and there was an arm around his waist, and then a hand rubbing up and down his back and then there was the scratch of facial hair against his temple as Uncle Wayne dropped a kiss to the crown of Eddie’s head.
The first kiss was what broke Eddie.
With a wet giggle, Eddie sagged into the hug and Uncle Wayne shifted his weight to accommodate his nephew and held him even tighter. “M’so proud of you, son. Knew you could do it. Never doubted for a second. The world’ll tell you that you can’t, believe you me, but I know you can. If no one else, Eddie, you always got me in your corner.” He kissed the top of Eddie’s head again and this time, Eddie let himself cry and he let himself be held, and he even let himself hold his dad as tightly as he wanted to.
“Thanks, dad. Couldn't do it without you."
Yeah, you could. I see you do it every day. Uncle Wayne pressed yet another kiss against the top of Eddie’s head before he leaned down and burrowed his face in Eddie’s dark curls. They stood there for so long that neither of them were sure exactly how long they’d been hugging for, but who cared? When, at last, Eddie pulled away with a suspicious swipe across his cheeks (Uncle Wayne said nothing about the wet patch on the blue shirt underneath his flannel), Uncle Wayne grabbed the paper and immediately used a magnet to attach it to the fridge. It would be eye level with Eddie whenever he went in there for a beer or leftover pizza.
It would be there to remind him that he could do it, every moment of every day, just as Uncle Wayne would be.
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