#because. well. I actually didn’t think about just going to work in my gym clothes because I forgot I’m not gonna see anyone today
fractallogic · 1 year
Today’s holdup: “I would love some shin ramen right now. I should totally go to the store to get a big-ass coke for caffeination and enjoyment. But maybe I should go to the gym NOW because it’ll probably be busy if I try to go after I’m done on campus. But I haven’t really eaten anything yet today and if I go to the gym I’ll have to wait to eat the ramen until god knows when AND I also wanted to do the elliptical today so it’s definitely better to just wait until after work because otherwise I just won’t go and I need to get stuff done today and it’s already noon. I also need to get groceries and they’re definitely gonna notice that I just come in for a coke and then come in LATER for a full grocery shop, but also I don’t think I’m going to get groceries tonight because that’s too much time I think to do after I gym and shower, but what am I gonna have for dinner if I don’t get groceries?????”
So I’ve been leaning on my bed for half an hour because I’m in this stupid fucking paralysis; how are you doing today
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crushmeeren · 7 months
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SFW & NSFW Bakugou Headcannons
Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+; continue scrolling or block if you aren’t into this
Note; These are Random SFW & NSFW Bakugou headcannons that exist to me 😫 sometimes I can’t stop thinking about Bakugou and the things he may do. I needed to just get them out even if it isn’t a one shot. Please enjoy these with me 💥 Also, these were only a few, I had a lot more but didn’t wanna make it too cluttered
Warnings; making out, pussy eating, hickies, choking, bit of dirty talk/praise, not so vanilla vaginal sex/anal sex, aftercare
Another note; I may have gone a bit overboard with this… anywho I really really liked writing this, just something to post in between my one shots, I could write more for him as well as other characters, feel free to suggest one! 💕
If this gets 1,000 notes I’m gonna shit myself
Katsuki who constantly paints his nails black and has piercings lining from the lobes all the way up on both sides of his ears, plus a tragus on the left and a daith on the right (black and silver jewelry only)
Katsuki who also has a damn eyebrow piercing, who also has tattoos all over his arms and chest (mostly black & gray), it all, unsurprisingly, makes you drool
Katsuki who is actually left handed, who places his right hand on the soft, sensitive skin of your inner thigh as he drives because he always wants to touch you (the fucker squeezes a bit too hard when someone cuts him off, road rage for real with him)
Katsuki who only listens to Japanese rock and heavy metal at full fucking volume, who rolls the windows down during summer and blasts it while you drive down the highway (but you love the music too, so you digress)
Katsuki who religiously wears all black, who loves Doc Martens and Vans, who has an unbearable amount of SiM band T-shirts (which you steal, but he doesn’t mind)
Katsuki who plays the drums and learns your favorite rock song just so he can play it for you (spoiler- you cry)
Katsuki who says fuck almost every other word (but so do you)
Katsuki who introduces you to Eijirou & Denki, who become some of your closest & best friends (you’re so grateful for this, you love those idiots, they’re at your house often)
Kastuki who flushes a soft peachy color to the tips of ears the first time you call him Katsuki
Katsuki who bakes you any desert you want, whenever you want, who always makes you dinner (it’s like an orgasm in your mouth)
Katsuki who encouraged you to get into fitness in the first place, who has supported you every step of the way, who loves you no matter what you look like, but wanted to share his passion of working out with you (Eijirou is often there with you)
Katsuki who helped you learn how to love yourself, who has always been your weight lifting/running buddy (you complain, but now you secretly love going to the gym with him. Plus Bakugou in gym clothes? Dear god.)
Katsuki who pushes you outside your comfort zone, who is stern but that’s what you need to stay focused
Katsuki who can tell when you’re getting overstimulated at the grocery store, so he moves as fast as he can, giving anyone around you the bitchiest look he can manage, while holding your hand and whispering sweet words to you
Katsuki who loves you unconditionally, who you trust wholeheartedly, who is your best friend, who you want to spend the rest of your life with, and he feels the exact same way
💥Little Warning, the NSWF part is below this 💥
Katsuki who fucking loves making out, who gets warm shivers, cock throbbing when you lick behind his teeth and over the roof of his mouth
Katsuki who sucks your soft nipples into his mouth one at a time, who likes to tease you, giving you the erotic view of his warm tongue swirling around one, sucking with plush lips, who bites and pulls making your skull dig into the pillow
Katsuki who sharply bites hickies into the underside of your tits, dull teeth making your skin ache, forcing you to squeal as he liters you with bruises
Katsuki whose voice is gravelly and low when he whispers to you that you’re his needy little bitch and his sweet girl in the same goddamn sentence (you think you could cum just from his nasty mouth)
Katsuki who wraps his pretty lips around your clit making you see stars, sucking gently, who slips his middle two fingers into your slick pussy and swirls his tongue around your sensitive bud until your dripping, badly aching for his cock
Katsuki who gets you so motherfucking wet his thick cock slides in all the way in at once, curly blonde pubes brushing your clit, who sends heat flaring up your spine, out to your limbs as you feel every inch of his dick slide in and out
Katsuki who bites roughly at your calf (he really loves biting you), who leaves teeth marks near your ankle bone as he wraps his fingers around one leg, hooking your knee over his shoulder as he folds you in half
Katsuki who lets you wear his fingers as a necklace, squeezing the sides just right, so you feel dizzy, lightheaded with pleasure when he makes you cum like that
Katsuki who gets so sweaty during sex you watch as it drips down the side of his face, down his neck, who laughs, making you feel filthy when you can’t resist the urge to sit up and lick the liquid from the hollow of his throat
Katsuki who actually fucking loves anal because your ass sucks his cock in just right, who fucks you from behind while he stretches your ass open (little bit of double penetration with his fingers, it’s so damn good)
Katsuki who lets you guide his cock slowly into your ass, panting, whining, growling about how hard it is not to flex his cock so he doesn’t rip you in half
Katsuki who lets out high pitched whines/moans when he starts to really fuck your tight ass, who pushes down on your upper back, nails digging in, forcing you into the mattress
Katsuki who fucks your ass so well your fingers almost rip the sheets, who has you screaming Katsuki! so loud you muffle your shouts in the mattress, whose hips bounce off your ass so hard it turns your skin red
Katsuki who nails your sweet spot through your ass, who makes you makes you cum so hard you get chills, who makes you scream out that you can’t take it (but you can and he knows, your safe word is dragonfruit after all)
Katsuki who is so mean, gripping your hips so tightly, pulling you back into his thrusts, who speaks condescendingly when he asks you where the fuck you think you’re going, because he knows you can take his thick cock, cuz you’re his good little girl
Katsuki who fills your ass, your pussy, cums anywhere he fucking wants because he can, covering you in thick, warm ribbons of his release
Katsuki who cleans you up after, who helps you get dressed, who trades sweet kisses with you in the dark as he holds you until you pass out, head resting on his chest as he snores softly
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darkwolf989 · 1 month
Outside The Office Part Thirty Two
I woke up the next morning still tied firmly to the bed frame. My wrists were sore, and every part of me ached. 
“Val?” I whimpered. “Val?” I pulled on the restraints and I kicked my leg towards the figure laying next to me. “Val, untie me right now!!”
“Good morning, love.” He sat up and leaned over, pressing his lips to my forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“Valentino, let me out of these things,” I demanded. 
“In a moment, my love,” his finger ran up my stomach. “How do you feel?”
“Angry that I’ve told you twice now I want out. Will it take the safe word to release me?”
His lips twitched in a smile and he carefully untied the restraints, massaging my wrists as he did. 
“I’m sorry love, I needed to be sure you weren’t going to jump me like a bunny in heat,” he said lightly. 
“What was that? Did you drug me?” I asked as sat down next to me. 
“Inadvertently,” he said softly. “I meant it when I said I’ve never had sex in my full demon form. The most I’ve done is kiss, let the drugs slip into someone. But apparently, if I bite and allow my saliva to sink into your bloodstream, it turns you into a raging, feral creature who wants nothing more than to carry my babies. So I’m going to assume that that’s the secret to my procreation.” 
He paused. “I don’t know if it affects your fertility. It could. But I’m not currently eager to find out. I’m sorry, I’m amore. I didn’t know.” 
“Val, I believe you. At least we know. Thanks for not…taking advantage.” I let myself sink against him.
He kissed the tip of my head. “Never. I love you.” He paused. “Do you…want kids, someday?” 
I hesitated. “I need to be engaged, married, and have a life with the person I love before kids. I don’t want to make the mistakes my dad made. You?”
He leaned in and kissed me. “Someday, Princessa. They’re not off the table, but I’m not ready for them yet. I need the same level of commitment from the love of my life.” He took my hand in his. “Why don’t we get some breakfast and then if you’d like, we can hit the gym.” 
“Don’t you have to work?” I asked.
He grinned. “Later today, mi amore. This morning is just about you. And not just because I want to keep an eye on you after last night.” 
I yawned and kicked my feet out from under the blanket. “Then I’m going to get dressed and we can go to the gym, then eat. I like to workout before I eat.” I looked at him and waited to see if he objected. 
“Alright, Princess. If that’s what you want.” He replied as I rifled through my chest of clothes I kept in his room. When I came out of the bathroom, he was waiting for me- dressed in shorts, sneakers and a form fitting black shirt.
“Wait, why are you dressed like you’re going to work out? I thought you were just going to do paperwork.”  I asked.
He raised an eyebrow. “Princesa. Do you think I keep this body shape by sitting in a chair all day? I work out. Maybe not as regimented as you are, but I fit it in my day to day. So do Vox and Vel- it’s just rare we make it at the same time.” 
I shrugged as we walked towards the elevator and stepped out into Velvette’s studio. “I just thought your hotness was a perk of being a demon.”
He laughed. “No, Princessa. I wish. Do you have your plan from Vox for reference?”
“He sent it to my phone, so I’m all set.” I replied as I jumped on the treadmill. I opened the email and scanned through day one. Cardio, distance goal, ideal time, and I was supposed to fill in my actual time. Followed by weights- each day broken down into specific targeted areas. And a note. 
Don’t fuck around, or you won’t like the consequence. I promise. My eyes are on you. 
Reading the warning, I wondered if Vox was tracking the data from the treadmill as well- honestly besides the cameras, I wouldn’t put it past him. Nor was I particularly eager to find out the consequences he referenced. 
To my surprise, Valentino got onto the treadmill next to me.  He seemed un-bothered and completely focused on himself as he put his ear buds in. I put my own in and settled into the rhythm of the run. Eventually, Valentino left his place on the treadmill and switched to the weight rack directly across from me. 
I stumbled as I watched him set the weights. Gone was the uncomfortable feeling of being watched- now I was the one doing the watching. Damp with sweat, his black shirt clung to every curve of his body and my gaze concentrated on the movement of his muscles. Wrapped up in my observation, I stopped paying attention to the miles under my feet. 
The machine slowed suddenly and I looked down at the numbers. Ah, fuck. I was over. My phone buzzed and saw a text from Vox.
Stop staring at Valentino’s abs and pay attention. 
I jerked my attention towards the wall, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out where his camera was hidden. I resigned myself to joining him on the weight floor- at least then, Vox couldn’t bitch too badly. 
“Ah, princessa. Done with your run?” Valentino asked as he sat on the weight bench. He took a drink from his water bottle. “Do you want me to spot you?” 
I felt myself flush at the sight of him. God, could he be any sexier? 
“Princessa?” He prompted, amusement in his voice. “Hello?” 
I snapped myself back to attention. “Hm? What? Sorry, Val I…”
“See something you like?” he teased as he stood up. “Come, princessa. Vox shared with me your plan- allow me to…walk through each step with you.”
Oh, fuck yes.
His hands fell to my waist as I went through the motions. Vox had written out today as a core day, which gave Valentino plenty of reasons to put his hands on me. 
“Core tight, princessa,” he purred in my ear. “Come on now, you can do it. Just a few more reps and you’re done. I promise there will be a nice reward for you in the end.”
I bit my lip as I struggled to maintain my focus . Did he not understand how hard he made it to concentrate? I couldn’t break myself into the military mindset with his hands on my body.
“The…reward is the pain,” I replied through gritted teeth as I pushed for what should be the final rep. “Every muscle should, should ache.”
The weights were on the floor in a matter of seconds. Valentino pushed me down against the floor. 
“Try again, princessa,” he growled as the weight of his body held mine in place, his hands wrapped around my wrists. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I panted. God, this man could do anything he wanted to me in this position. 
“Princessa. We don’t punish ourselves with exercise, or push ourselves to the breaking point,” he scolded. His lips hovered above mine. 
“Alright, alright, God, Val, it isn’t a big deal,” I squirmed under him. “Unless you’re going to fuck me right here and now, get off.”
His expression twisted into a smile. “Well princessa, I did promise to reward you, did I not?”
“A literal moment ago, now are you going to make good on that promise or what?” I demanded as his fingers hooked the elastic of my shorts. “Come on, let's take this upstairs.”
“Oh, princessa, haven’t you learned yet? I always keep my promises.” 
I felt a shiver run down my back as my shorts were cast to the side. His hands held my arms above my head as his cock pushed deep inside of me.
“V-Valentino,” I hissed. “Valentino, someone will see us.”
“Not if you’re quiet. So shut that pretty mouth of yours or I’ll give it something to quiet it,” he growled lowly. “Shussh princessa, not a sound if you don’t want to get caught.”
I bit my lip to hold back the moans that threatened to escape as his hips pumped faster against me. I felt his cock twitch inside of me and I let out a soft moan as I came around him.
“Oh princessa, I told you to be quiet,” Valentino scolded.
His cock slid out of me and he pulled me upright on my knees as he sat on the weight bench. His hands twisted in my hair as he yanked me forward, my lips pressing against his cock.
“Open, princessa,” he cooed. “Show me what a good girl you are.”
God fucking damn it, Valentino, I thought with an internal groan. 
I opened my mouth and swallowed as much of him as I could. He kept his hand tight against the roots of my hair as I sucked, moving my head faster as his cock grew harder. I worked my lips around the base, and looked up at him as I sucked. 
His eyes met mine and his cock exploded in my throat. I swallowed around his cock, his grip tighter in my hair as he slowly let me release. 
“You’re getting better, princessa,” he breathed quietly as he tried to catch his breath. He tugged his sweatpants back on as I found my shorts. “How about breakfast, my love? I think you exceeded…expectations, don’t you?” He offered his hand to me and helped me to my feet.
I leaned into him and buried my face into his chest. He looked surprised but wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. 
“I love you, princessa,” he cooed softly. 
“I love you too,” I mumbled, closing my eyes against him. “Just…just hold me for a moment, please?”
His arms tightened around me, and his hand ran down the side of my face, pressing my head against his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to the beating of his heart, trying to settle the nerves that started to resurface. 
“Did I do a good job, Val?” I asked quietly. “Are you…are you pleased?”
“Princessa, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked. 
I pressed my head tighter into him. “Cause I’m not hurting, I just…”
“Babygirl. Listen to me. You did exactly what you were told to do. You pushed your body no further than your plan allowed. This isn’t punishment- working your body and moving it should not be penance.” Valentino’s fingers found my chin and he tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “I am proud of you- proud that you didn’t force yourself to the point of sickness. And I’m even more pleased that you let me be by your side.” He leaned down and kissed me.
I let my lips sink against his. The feeling of love, of being protected washed over me. In his arms, in his presence, I was safe- even from myself. He pulled away after a few seconds and gave me another kiss. 
“Com’on. I’ll make breakfast and then…I think we both need a shower, hm?” He reached down and his hand squeezed my ass. “I have another reward planned.”
Two rewards in one day? Fuck yes.
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Hello! Hope you're doing well hope you dont mind this request- Not sure if you've done this but may I request the om brothers reacting to a slow learner mc?;;
I am one slow learner aha-
Thank you in advance and do take your time!
the brothers with a slow learner
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
a/n: thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy it!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come drop by! i don't bite lol.
please reblog <33333
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➳ lucifer realizes the issue fairly early on. after all, he is in charge of monitoring your task progress, so he knows that the, ah, relative lack of it isn’t because you didn’t try. not wanting to embarrass you, he doesn’t bring it up directly, but instead reworks the talk plan to try and make it more manageable for you. he also casually slides in offers for help and makes sure you’re aware that you’re more than welcome to sit in on any of his sessions with his brothers. overall, you seem to do a lot better and he’s glad that he can facilitate the best experience for you possible.
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➳ mammon is glad he’s not the only one! oftentimes, he feels like he falls behind his brothers and it’s definitely a sore spot, so to find someone else with similar issues is such a weight off his back. you work together on a lot of things, helping each other where possible, and it makes asking for help a lot less scary as he doesn’t have to worry as much about coming off as stupid or like he’s not trying. you also do a lot to help him, dismantling those assumptions about him in other people’s eyes.
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➳ levi isn’t the most studious, but tends to pick up on things quickly, which is the opposite of you, as you spend a lot of time with your books but need more time to synthesize and understand the content. eventually, he asks you about it, trying to explain he doesn’t mean any harm and just wants to help, which leads to you feeling more comfortable coming to him and asking questions. he also helps you find trustworthy study sites as all of the human-world ones you used to use were no longer applicable.
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➳ satan didn’t really pay enough attention to notice the info until you come to him on your own accord, explaining how you’re having trouble with the new material, especially since you’re missing so much of the background those who have been at rad for a long time have. it becomes common for him to pass along his notes and annotations for you, as well as for him to proofread your papers, which honestly he really enjoys, as your human perspective is quite insightful even without all of the demon background. additionally, he uses you for knowledge too, asking you all sorts of things about the human realm shamelessly.
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➳ asmo isn’t the fastest learner either, but he usually tries to keep that under wraps, studying in secret when others think he’s in his room messing with his clothes and makeup or going to the library when he tells his brothers he's going out on the town. you find him out quickly, coincidentally at the library when he’s there late one night, and before you know it, you two have regular study sessions. you help him be more open about where he needs help, something that’s truly a blessing even if it’s a little shameful to admit at first.
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➳ beel doesn’t really study. he probably should, but hey, his grades are decent and he’d much rather hit the gym or restaurants around town. but he sees how hard you work and not only brings you snacks and a much-needed smile when you start to stress spiral but also pulls you away to go on a walk or get your blood pumping, which you find actually helps you a lot. he also (eventually) gets convinced to start studying more which helps his grades get a bit better and also allows you two to spend time together, which is a tradeoff he’s willing to make.
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➳ belphie doesn’t really study either, and unlike been, his grades are not decent. they are abysmal. part of it is that he missed a lot of content when he was up in the attic and is now pretty far behind, but also he’s not motivated, especially since he really couldn’t care less. he also likes how angry it makes lucifer. after a few failed attempts to get him to study and put more effort in, you leave him be, but the guilt starts to eat at him when he goes to sleep in your bed with you bent over your desk and wakes up with you passed out with your face in your book, and attends some study sessions with you and beel.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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swap-meetog · 2 years
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Stolen Body, Stolen Confidence
My name is Seb, and I have pretty much the perfect life. I’m a senior in college and about to graduate with my degree in Communication. I have earned nothing less than straight As the entire time I’ve been a student here. My parents are both venture capitalists, so we have never wanted for anything a day in our lives. On top of having my school tuition paid for out-of-pocket, I get a generous monthly allowance that covers everything I could ever need, from the latest and most expensive clothes, to the cutting edge of technology, I own it all. I require only the best, after all, in order to look the part of the sexy billionaire heir. I make it a point to go to the gym every day after classes let out. In fact, this is a picture of me that I took earlier today at the university’s fitness center. I can outlift most of the people there, and I am easily able to run faster and longer than any of them. The gym is like my sanctuary. I’ve worked hard for my body, a body that anyone would be jealous of. Girls want to fuck me (trust me, I’ve had sex with more than my fair share of big-titted bimbos) and dudes want to be me.
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This is (well… was) Aiden. Aiden and I have known each other since freshman year of college when we were unwitting roommates in the dorms. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice dude, it’s just that he was so scrawny and a little bit of a nuisance. All he ever wanted to do was play on his Xbox, eat increasingly gross and smelly snacks, and stay inside where he knew that he would never need to speak with anyone. He had the lowest amount of self-esteem that I had ever seen. Eventually, after weeks of trying, I managed to convince him to come to the gym with me. He only went once. That’s actually where this picture of him is from. He vowed to never show his face there again though, after he dropped the lowest possible setting on the weights and got laughed out of the room. I have to admit, even though I felt bad for the guy in that moment, I couldn’t help but join in on the rowdy chorus of gym bros guffawing at him as the weights clanged to the floor. I needed to save my reputation because they’d all seen me walk in with him and I couldn’t let anyone know that I was willing to stick up for a weakling like him. I should’ve said something. But, of course, I didn’t, and we all know that it only takes one mistake to haunt you for the rest of your life.
From that day on, Aiden resented me and the ground that I walked on. He grew ever distant, and ignored me even when we were in the room together. He was asleep when I got back from the gym in the evenings and gone for his classes by the time I woke up. He still came back during the day to unwind and play video games, but I was never around in the daytime anymore either, having just rushed and been pledged to the most prestigious and coveted, best fraternity on campus: Alpha Alpha Alpha. I think I caught him once at night, jerking off in his bed, moaning rather loudly and listening to two men have what sounded like pretty rough sex. I had no idea that he was gay! Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against gay people, I just don’t get the appeal of it at all. I have access to the greatest array of women that anyone could ever want; there’s no way I’d give that up for a man! “Ha!” I involuntarily chuckled. He definitely heard me, though I didn’t wait to find out as I turned over in my bed and pretended to fall asleep. He turned the volume down but continued to watch it. Gross!
The awkwardness between us continued for the rest of the year, and after our second semester had ended, we went our separate ways for good.
Or so I thought.
It was a chilly, spring morning, almost three years since I’d last seen Aiden. I had gotten used to taking morning classes by now, something that would have been unthinkable as a freshman. I had forgotten all about Aiden, a man whose name never once crossed my mind. He, on the other hand, had obsessed over that moment in the gym and it had made him bitter. It created a fear in Aiden, so pervasive that there was no way he would feel comfortable enough to go to a gym again, for fear of further ridicule and mockery. The handful of times he tried, no matter where it was, he ended up having a panic attack and needing to go home. A lack of exercise, a poor diet and a sedimentary lifestyle playing video games took its toll. In a matter of months, Aiden went from 110 pounds soaking wet, to 200 on a good day. By this current year: our senior year of college, Aiden weighed almost 320 pounds of mostly all fat and no muscles.
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The entire time he’d been gaining weight, he’d also been putting his advanced understanding of cellular biology to good use. He would spend hours in the school’s biology lab, working on a way to get back at me, the man who not only forced him to go to the gym in the first place, but who pretended to be his friend while so eagerly able to stab him in the back. He was mad at me — probably for good reason, and he let that anger drive him. It was because of me that no man wanted him sexually and nobody ever found him attractive. To him, it was all my fault that he was still a virgin and because of that, he would fantasize about dominating me with his pure size as he fapped his comparatively tiny penis over the top of his shelf of a belly.
Finally, on the first of April, Aiden, who was now more of a social recluse than ever, had a breakthrough. He created a serum to switch our bodies and steal my life. This was, in his mind so twisted by hate, the only way to get back at me for stealing what could’ve been the best years of his life.
I was walking to class, bundled up in a hoodie and an expensive pair of sweatpants, oblivious to the world and listening to a podcast blaring through the speakers of my AirPods. That’s why I didn’t see him as he crept up behind me and reached around me to spray me some sort of squirt bottle. I hardly even noticed as I fainted and fell backwards. Aiden caught me and dragged me into an empty building nearby as he waited for his infused formula to take effect.
Before long, I wake up with a killer headache. I had a hard time seeing at first, as my blurry vision came into focus. I tried, not once, not twice, but three times to sit up on the mattress I found myself on. For some reason, I just couldn’t manage to pull myself up. Was I too heavy? That can’t be right.
“Roll over onto your belly and bring your legs to the floor. Then push yourself up using your arms”. I hear a calm and cool voice come from somewhere in the room. It’s a voice that sounds eerily familiar.
I do what he tells me to. Not because I want to, but because it’s the only thing I can physically do to get up and gather my bearings. When I finally am able to look down, I see thick layers of fat all over my body. I’m paler than I have ever been, and there is a thick, pungent odor of sweat emanating from my armpits. I look over at the only other person in the room and I gasp! It’s me! But I’m me! Wait! There’s a mirror!
I gaze into the mirror and I see Aiden. For all of the fat he’s put on, his face is still recognizable and I also see the old him in my new eyes. I’m freaking out, when he and I parted ways, Aiden looked nothing like this. Now that he is me, I’m the one who looks like a monstrosity. I’m fat! Fatter than my old alpha body was even capable of being. I look over my shoulder in the mirror at my doppelgänger who is silently watching. It must be Aiden in there then. Somehow, this is all his fault.
“What the hell did you do to me?” I accuse him, with a threatening tone. It falls flat though, because there’s no way this body could intimidate my own. My old body has twice as much muscle and can probably move three times as effortlessly as I can now. I’m nothing, compared to him.
“Nothing that you didn’t do to yourself, Seb.” He flashes my million-dollar grin at me.
I feel a flash of anger erupt in my head and in my throat. I start to roar and I reach out to grab him to strangle him for stealing my hard earned body and leaving me with this mess of one. All of a sudden though, he snaps his fingers and I feel docile, unable to move or even speak. He knows he’s won as he reaches out and begins to rub my new, fatty body.
As he kneads my newfound skin and rubs my copious mounds of fat like a massage, I can’t believe the level of pleasure he’s giving me. It’s like an orgasm with each thrust of his manly hands. I find myself moaning and groaning in pure bliss as he makes me his plaything. Eventually, he speaks. I still can’t get over hearing my own voice talking to me, but it’s hard to even notice as I am overcome by lust. I look up at him and gulp, gosh I’m so handsome! Wait, it’s not gay to find yourself attractive right, even if you’re not exactly yourself?
“Listen Seb, your name is Aiden now. I’m not going to be giving your body back, ever, but I can make it so that you’re so sensitive that every single graze of even the lightest shirt fabric will make you keel over and cum on the spot. Would you like that? Would you like to feel like you’re feeling now, but at every single second of the day?” He asks me.
I don’t know if it was because I was extremely horny or if I actually wanted this, but I agreed with his question and he laughed an evil rumble at my ignorance.
“Excellent choice Aiden!” The new Seb yells at me, “From this moment on, you will be me: the biggest loser known to mankind. You will become overwhelmed with orgasmic pleasure any time your skin is touched and you will never run low on sexual stamina. You will get off on being watched, in public, cumming into your shorts and you will never ever EVER be able to work off this fat or get fit again!” He’s moved his way down to my new dick and strokes it with expert-like movement.
I scream as cum erupts out of my way smaller dick. My old dick wasn’t even this small when it was flaccid. I learned later that as soon as I came, I became locked in this form forever. I would be nothing but a fat, beta, gay, bitch for the rest of my pitiful life. Aiden stole my body, my money, and my self-confidence. Now I’m a nervous wreck when it comes to leaving my new home and I haven’t stepped foot in my old sanctuary—the gym, since then. Though I have seen my old body, the former Aiden turned Seb, saunter in there confidently on more than one occasion during the past couple of months. I wish I had his swagger and confidence. Is it just me or is he looking bigger than ever?
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Maybe I got what I deserved. If I hadn’t have shattered his ego, he would be doing the same thing he’s doing now, just in his own body and not mine. We might even still be friends. Instead, I can’t do anything but fantasize about Seb and his sexy body. Do you think he’ll let me worship his body if I ask nicely enough? Oh god!! I’m cumming! Already?
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tatertotsafterdark · 8 months
Marking - Scott Howl x Reader
|| Being a struggling college student sucks. Luckily, your werewolf boyfriend doesn't mind helping you de-stress - even if he gets a little too into it.
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: IK I switched this fic from what was planned at the last minute but shhhhh... tried to put some characteristics of the Monster Prom writing style but I don't know how successful that was. Based mainly off the first Monster Prom game. (Ignore how the gif is monster roadtrip okay byeeee have fun reading or don't)
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Midterms, midterms, midterms. Jesus fucking Christ. That’s all your life has been for the last few weeks, working on gradually revising your notes and studying for those God forsaken tests, worth a part of your grade that’s way too big. You slam your flat palms onto the desk in your small apartment, giving it a good couple of smacks. You’re frustrated, unable to grasp the topic you’re reading through. Why the hell did you have to take a math class? You hated math. Your major didn’t really use math, either. 
You groan as you hear a knock at the door, lifting yourself on to tired legs. Who visits this late at night, especially when you have a giant sign on your apartment door labeled “DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE?” You’d think by now people would catch on to your witty ideas of decoration and lack of availability. Maybe studying for midterms wouldn’t be so hard if you’d stop making interior design into your impromptu passion. 
Your hand quickly twists the knob, without giving much thought to check if there was some kind of evil monster or a serial killer or a Jehovah Witness outside of your door. Luckily, it’s none of those - it’s Scott! You manage a smile as his tail wags, and step aside, nonverbally inviting him inside. You can do that since he’s not a vampire. He quickly enters, wrapping his muscular arms around you.
“Dude, where have you been?!” He yells out, a large and toothy smile plastered on his face. You can practically hear his tail wagging, and you can definitely hear it hitting into his backside as it wags. 
“Studying.” You reply, returning the hug weakly and shuffling back over to the living room, lit only by a singular lamp (setting the aesthetic is an important part of studying, after all). You didn’t realize it until now, but your desk was piled with sticky notes, flashcards, notebooks, highlighters, pens in every color under the sun, and empty energy drink cans.
“Studying? Who even studies anymore?” Scott cocks his head, making that stupid-yet-so-damn-cute face at you like he always did when he was questioning your totally normal decisions. 
“I mean, c’mon, when was the last time you got some sun, bro? Your curtains are never open.” Scott says, a small pout on his lips as he looks down at you. You opt to ignore the comment about your currents, and instead huff and walk over to your desk.
“It doesn’t matter when I last left my apartment or opened the windows or anything like that. What’s important right now is that I teach myself everything my professor has been trying to teach us for the past few weeks.” Your ass hits the office chair a bit hard, which sends it backwards. The back of your chair hits Scott’s front, stopping it in its place. 
“You haven’t even showed up to the gym recently! You’re not getting any exercise.”
“I’m not interested in exercising. I want to pass these dumbass exams, Scott. Plus, there isn’t an exercise in the world that I actually like.” 
“Yes there is, bro, you know that.” 
“Great, Scott, then go ahead and tell me because you definitely know me better than I know myself.” You roll your eyes, and the action could probably be heard just off of the nasty tone you dip down into using. Swapping sleep for caffeine isn’t good for your mood, note to self. 
“Well, Polly says that sex burns calories, so therefore, it’s exercise.” 
You freeze up for a moment, thinking about the implications of the sentence that just slipped out of Scott’s lips. Was he implying that you two-? 
Before you can think much longer, one of Scott’s large hands is slowly massaging your chest, and the other is in between your thighs. He may be a bit academically challenged, but at least he wouldn’t be totally lost in an anatomy class. You can’t help but lean into the touch. It’d been ages since you’d gotten any action, even before you started obsessing over getting good grades on your midterms. Scott’s large fingers rubbing slow circles over your clit is enough to melt your brain, getting it off of finding derivatives, even if it was only for a temporary amount of time. 
“Shit- don’t stop- please.” You manage to get your voice to work in between pathetic squeaks and whimpers, and Scott simply speeds up in response to your words. You close your eyes, soaking in the much needed feeling of human contact. Two of Scott’s fingers find their way to the hard bud that’s developed under your shirt, gently twisting and pinching it as your moans get louder.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, and before long, you feel fangs on the tender flesh. Love bites are completely welcome, of course, so you don’t complain. You run your fingers through his hair as he finishes you off, giving you much needed release without so much as undressing you.
“There, bro! Now you’ve got your daily workout in. Your studying is going to be way easier now.” Scott says with a proud smile, turning your office chair around to face him. The way his face drops, you can tell he’s totally marked up your entire neck to the point even a turtleneck wouldn’t be enough to hide it. Oh, shit. 
“Well… a workout is exactly what I needed. Thanks, bro.”
“Anytime, dude! Just, uh, make sure you have that color corrector stuff you were talking about the one time.” Scott laughs, turning on his heel and walking to your kitchen. You rub your fingers over the bite marks, and the fact that they’re indented into your skin is enough to tell you that any amount of color corrector wouldn’t be enough anyway. They trail up to just below your ear, so you’ll just have to hide away in your room and study for a few more days until they fade. 
You take a deep breath, turning away from Scott as he opens your fridge, and picking up one of your colorful pens for the umpteenth time that evening. 
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KitKat's and Milk
Summary: She’s finally back as his PA after having a baby and Dieter is just trying to help
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x unnamed OFC
Wordcount: 2.1k
Rating: E
Warnings: lactation kink, dumb puns (it's dieter), mentions of drugs, mentions of childbirth, smut (fingering, implied unprotected sex), suppressed feelings????
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Dieter could think of a million other things he wanted to be doing right now. 
Fuck, he even would prefer going to his work-out (yes, he worked out daily now) instead of another fucking award show where way too entitled people celebrated themselves like they actually accomplished something. 
It was just fucking acting. He was good at it. Did he care for award shows? No, but he did like the after parties. 
It was 6:04 am. He could be sleeping. He could be jerking off. Fuck he could have gone to the gym and railed the perfect fucking ass of his personal trainer. (he was one of those tik tok influencer wannabes who only ate green things? Weird fucking dude… No gag reflex though)
“Get out of bed Bravo, before I make you,” a voice he hadn’t heard in a while came from his left before the curtains were ripped open. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, turning around covering his head with a pillow. 
He heard a noise that faintly sounded like gagging.
“It’s too fucking early to see your naked ass.”
He wiggled his ass at her and felt her throw something at him. He finally turned around, looking up at her while she looked at the ceiling.
“Oh come on babe, nothing you haven’t seen before,” he teased, suppressing the urge to grab his morning wood as he looked at her. 
His personal assistant. 
On her first day back after giving birth to what he had to admit was one of the cutest babies he had ever seen. 
Unfortunately not his. (Wait unfortunately? Let’s not get into that now)
Her sperm donor (he refused to call the piece of shit boyfriend or father) had left her after finding out she was pregnant. Which led to her quarantining with Dieter for the better part of her pregnancy until she left from one day to the other and moved back to her apartment for the last couple of weeks for the pregnancy.
That was almost four months ago and the only times he had seen her were when he visited her at home and through facetime.
He missed her. Not that he would ever admit to it or say it out loud. 
Dieter wasn’t one to pine over a woman (or man or nonbinary or… about anyone really) but fuck if he didn’t dream about that one night almost six years ago where they met. Well, fucked. They really met the day after at her interview to become his PA. 
He pulled the covers over his body, turning to lay on his back, stretching his tired muscles as she carefully opened one eye, now smiling down at him. 
“Picked up your favourite for breakfast.”
“You mean your favourite. My favourite is…”
“If you say your pussy I am going to slap you. I have clean clothes on and I left my baby with my mother for the first time since I pushed him out of me, because nobody can handle your annoying ass. Do not try me, Dieter,” she threatened with a half amused smile. 
“I was going to say pancakes but okay…” he shrugged and she rolled her eyes. 
“Go take a shower. I can smell you from here,” she turned around. 
“I’ll wait downstairs!”
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The day flew by. 
From breakfast to seeing his stylist, to a dozen online interviews which made no sense whatsoever because he would be on the red carpet in less than four hours. He could (and would have to) answer questions there?
Yes he might have been nominated for a Golden Globe but fuck couldn’t those people not like… chill or take a xanax?
It was times like this that he missed coke. Or…. drugs other than weed. 
Which he had sworn off mostly because of her, telling him that she could not continue to be in his life with the drugs when there was a baby around. 
Even if it wasn’t his.
He was Uncle Dee. 
The door behind him opened and he looked up into the mirror seeing her walk in. He frowned.
“Why are you holding your boobs?” he turned around.
“I forgot to pump and now I’m leaking.”
“Yeah, hate when that happens,” he joked and the look he received could have killed him if it were possible. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cursed walking into the ensuite bathroom. 
“Can I help?” he yelled after her, grabbing a kit kat. 
“You sure? Could use some milk with my Kit Kat,” he grinned, very proud of himself for that pun.
The door opened and she just stood there in her bra, the cups having a wet spot where her nipples were. 
“You did… not just say that.”
“I did.”
“Dieter…” she sighed.
“I’m serious. You know. I could help you,” he bit into his KitKat, raising his left eyebrow. 
She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Why on earth did she forget her breast pump?
Of course she could call her mom and have it sent here within thirty minutes. But… deep down she always wondered….
This pregnancy could have been hard on her but surprisingly it was Dieter who made it easy for her? They had quarantined together and while he was still his…. Annoying and exhausting self he was the one who rubbed her back through morning sickness. He was there when she first felt her baby move inside of her. He was the one who drove to McDonalds for vanilla milkshakes at 3 am. 
He was her boss but he also was her best friend. 
Which was why she had moved out before she gave birth. It became too easy to imagine what life could have been if she hadn’t turned him down all those years back. After they had sex. After she had started to work for him. After Dieter asked her if she wanted to make this between them a permanent thing. 
Back then with the way he was living it could have never worked. But now?
He still was her go to masturbation fantasy, so why the fuck shouldn’t she…
She opened her eyes, finding Dieter still sitting on the chair in front of the mirror wearing only the fluffy white hotel robe, about to eat the rest of his Kit Kat. She glanced at the clock behind him, noticing they had almost 90 minutes before they would be picked up.
Walking over to the door she locked it and began to take off her bra, sighing as the cold air hit her skin. Turning around she walked towards Dieter who was looking up at her, licking his lips. 
“You gonna be a good boy and help me, baby?” she asked and Dieter felt his already half hard cock twitch. He spread his legs so she could stand between them.
“You gonna slap me if I say yes mommy?” he grinned and she rolled her eyes and shook her head. 
She stopped right in front of him and Dieter tried to continue to lookin into her eyes but her tits were right there in front of his face. Her nipples leaking and fuck he wanted to taste her. 
“Call me mommy and I’ll have to punish you,” she said and Dieter chuckled, putting one arm around her back to pull her closer.
“Be… Fuck be gentle. They're really sensitive,” she whispered as she looked down at him, now standing between his spread legs. 
“I remember,” he whispered and she shuddered as she felt his tongue on her right nipple. 
She rested one of her hands on his shoulder, her other hand on the back of his head, playing with his hair. 
He began by softly kissing both of her tits, licking over her skin softly, moaning as he tasted the first drops when his tongue licked over her hard nipple before he closed his mouth around her nipple and began to suck.
She sighed, stroking her hand through his hair as he released the filthiest moan she had ever heard as he drank from her and she could feel the relief almost immediately. 
“So fucking good,” he mumured against her skin licking over her skin as he continued to suckle. She felt him getting hard against her leg and she fought the urge to touch him. 
Not yet. 
She closed her eyes, biting her lip to keep her own moan to herself. 
It felt different, of course it did. There was something so unbelievably sexy about having Dieter drink from her, helping her, she could feel herself getting wetter by the second. 
“Fuck, Dieter…” she couldn’t stop her whine and his arm seemed to pull her even closer as she felt his other hand slowly making its way up her inner thigh, the flowy skirt she was wearing giving him easy access. And she would be the last one to stop him. 
It had been almost a year since someone other than herself had touched her. 
“Can I make you cum?” he asked, looking up at her as he switched to her other breast. 
“Already halfway there…” she mumbled and he grinned.
“I do have a talented tongue,” he wiggled his eyebrows and she released a huff of laughter, pulling at his hair to tilt his head back so he was looking up at her.
She felt his cock twitch against her left leg. 
“Keep it to good use and you might be rewarded later,” she hummed and he grinned, his hand now between her legs, finding her soaked. 
“You want me to sit on your cock while you suck on my tits, Dieter?” she asked and he groaned, pushing her panties to the side to swipe his fingers through her wet pussy.
“You want to cum inside this pussy?” she whispered, leaning down close against his air.
“Fill me up while you suck my tits?”
“Fuck baby when did you get so fucking filthy and horny?”
“I’ve been horny for months, babe,” she hummed, biting her lip as she felt him ease one of his fingers inside of her with ease. 
“Should have said something sooner, I’m always up to fuck you.”
“Yeah?” she asked, he nodded. 
She let go of his grip on his hair, pushing his robe open, seeing his cock angry and already leaking with precum. He leaned back in, softly sucking on her other nipple
“Fuck,” she moaned, arching her back against him as his other hand massaged her breast and she felt it leak down her breast. 
“Could spend all day drinking from you,” he hummed, pushing a second finger inside of her, making her gasp. 
“And eating you too,” he winked. 
“I… I… I might just… fuck you’re such a good boy for me Dieter…” she whimpered and he groaned, getting drunk on her. 
It was always her. 
“Wanna make you cum…”
“Keep it up and I will. So close…” 
He sucked, hard, making her scream, moving his fingers inside of her, his thumb flicking over her clit. 
He switched to her other breast, licking up the fluid that was dripping down her breast before he sucked again. 
“Shit… Dieter…. I’m gonna…. I’m gonna cum…” she moaned, pulling at his hair as she fell over the edge, coming harder than she had in forever. 
“My good girl,” he praised her, releasing her nipple.
He pulled her in his arms as she shook, making her straddle his lap as he kissed up her chest until he kissed her lips. His soft lips on hers, his tongue diving into her mouth and she could still taste her sweetness. 
He had one arm around her back, his other hand reaching to the side and she chuckled when he grabbed another Kit Kat, wiggling his eyebrows as he opened it. 
“I think I sucked you dry,” he said, breaking the Kit Kat in half, giving her the second piece which she took with an amused grin. 
“Gonna have to return the favour at some point, huh?” she teased and he grinned, putting the chocolate in his mouth. 
“I’d like that,” he winked up at her, watching her eat the chocolate before her hand grabbed his cock. 
“But not now,” she began to pump him and he groaned before she felt her lips on her chin. 
“Cause now I wanna ride that cock.”
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He didn’t win the award that night.
But you cheered him up with a blow job on your way home, so he really did win in the end. 
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Hangman Dating Plus Sized S/O Part 4/14- Headcanon
Summary: This is a headcanon of Hangman dating a plus sized reader. Most of it is vague and can be read as not plus sized. This one is gym specific. 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x afab/Reader
Warnings: Mentions of body insecurity. Jake being a huge fucking simp. 
Word Count: 644
Masterlist  Series Masterlist
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~We all know Jake goes to the gym at least 5 days a week.
 ~It isn’t a must that his S/O has to go to the gym with him or have an active gym lifestyle. 
 ~If you liked to work out with him he would definitely love that. 
 ~He would constantly be staring at you while you guys are working out. 
 ~He would be so encouraging.
 ~Your own personal hype man. 
 ~“That's my girl” 
~“Damn babe look at how good your thighs look” 
~(This man is a thigh man and no you cannot change my mind)
 ~“You’re so gorgeous Princess you look so good” 
 ~“Wow Darling you’re so strong, you could out lift Rooster anyday.” 
 ~One day after that Rooster did actually let you outlift him which had you running around the whole gym yelling about how you beat him. 
 ~”I beat the big bad Rooster, I beat the big bad Rooster” Okay maybe you were skipping around singing this more so than running and yelling. 
 ~He also had to pick up the tab at The Hard Deck that night. 
 ~Jake would 100% be supportive of any goals that you had for yourself.
 ~Wether that be losing weight, gaining muscle, just wanting to do some cardio here and there or if you just wanted to get strong as fuck.
 ~If you didn’t like to work out though that would be fine with him as long as you weren’t unhealthy. 
 ~He would of course love it if you would at least come with him and be his hype woman tho. 
 ~He would love the bonding time with you.
 ~If you did like to go and cheer him on he would try to get you involved in the workouts a little bit. 
 ~He’d ask you to lay down underneath him while he did push ups so he could have a reward in the form of a kiss after going down each time. 
 ~If he was running on the treadmill he’d want you to sit next to him and read him a book as he loved to hear your voice. 
 ~The rest of the squad would like to put in requests for the books as they often went to the gym together as their schedules were so similar to each other. 
 ~He’d ask if he could do push ups with you on his back like a koala. 
 ~You denied him the first few times because you didn’t want to break his back by doing that and you felt like you would be too much weight. 
 ~That was until he showed you he could do it with more than what you weigh sitting on his back. 
 ~You knew it was a bit ridiculous to assume he couldn’t do it. I mean look at the man he is jacked. 
 ~He’d come up to you and start kissing your face and ask you to help him with his pull ups. 
 ~So that’s how you found yourself wrapped around him like a spider monkey as he pulled you both up. 
 ~You would be whispering to him how well he is doing and how strong he is. 
 ~He’d be a blushing mess by the time you guys are done. 
 ~He’d hug you while he was all sweaty and rub his head all over you and kiss your cheeks while you complained about him being all smelly and gross. 
 ~If there was a day that you couldn’t come to the gym with him he’d be pouty the whole time.
 ~You got many pictures from Coyote of Jake staring blankly outside with a sad look on his face. 
 ~There were also a couple videos of him talking about how much he misses you. 
 ~He was also a sucker for you in workout clothes. 
 ~No matter what though he is supportive of your decisions on whether or not you’ll go to the gym.
Bonus: Part 5 is actually going to be a little surprise Imagine I came up with while typing this out and formatting it... 
A/N: I am having so much fun writing this little series! I think I have about 4 more parts to this!
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Chapter 6: Bet
Chapter 6: Bet
A/N: I’m BACK! Welcome to the sixth chapter of Top Gun: Baby, a love story following Bradley Bradshaw and Allie Campbell. This story is sequential, so if you have not already read the first few chapters, please go back and do so! All links to chapters and their mood boards can be found on my masterlist. I mention this in my notes for every chapter, but just in case you missed it– I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted without credibility. If you do want to post this story to your page, please be sure that you tag my account or at least mention its original source in your post. Again, thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of nudity
Thank God for Sunday! Not long after she left, Emmett texted me that he was going to need the room for a few hours, which didn’t actually end up mattering because I stayed on the Bay until sunrise with some other midshipmen.
When I got back to our dorm room, Emmett was passed out naked on his bed, bare ass completely exposed as he laid on his stomach. There were 3 empty condom wrappers on his desk, and the whole room gifted the aroma of sex.
He laid there snoring as I sunk down onto my bed, finally feeling the exhaustion of pulling an all-nighter overwhelm my being. Never again! I’m not young enough for this shit anymore. Luckily for me, I was able to quickly shut my mind off, falling into a deep sleep. The best part about being this exhausted…No nightmares!
I spent most of the day sleeping. Although, Emmett was convinced I was hung over. He tried to give me a rundown of everything that happened on Saturday, but I interrupted him, claiming that I didn’t need to hear it.
Before I knew it, we were waking up to the alarm that we set early on Monday. The training we underwent in the summer allowed us to quickly spring out of bed and change into our workout wear. Another benefit of having Plebe Summer over with was that we got to wear our own workout clothes whenever we were on the track doing our own personal workouts in the gym.
Emmett and I were on the track as the sun was rising, pushing ourselves more and more each day. We decided that Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays would be track days and Tuesdays and Thursdays were muscle days.
The objective of the first year in the academy is to get big, and because of that, first year students did not have a limit in the cafeteria. They encouraged us to consume way more calories than normal, promising that by the end of your 4th year, you would be ripped. Well, that was if you were as conditioned as Emmett and I were, which almost everyone was.
Natasha promised to join us in our workouts once she gets the “all clear” from the doctors on campus. During the last week of plebe, she fucked up her knee on a hurdle, letting her exhaustion get the better of her focus as she attempted to leap over the wooden bar. For that, she was no longer the top runner for ability at the end of Plebe (a friendly competition where we see who has the best record–which she was smoking me at), having to settle for second place…She was pissed about it all!
Emmett and I were changed into our navy working uniforms and in the cafeteria by 7:30. It was flooded with people and the line to get food was nearly 20 minutes. I was modest, still allowing my appetite to catch up with my exhaustion that I haven’t fully recovered from. Emmett on the other hand was stuffing his face, claiming that he was still starving after giving a “stunning brunette” all of his energy on Saturday night.
Natasha and Javy saved us seats. They were getting a lot of shit from two upperclassmen who were standing by our two chairs, wanting them, but my two friends were spread out, their legs and feet resting on the two chairs. They sat up when they saw us and the two others rolled their eyes and walked away. I think we were all surprised to see so many people.
Our conversation started with showing each other our schedules and making a pact to sit together when we could:
 Mathematics: Calculus I
M,W,F: 9:00am-10:10am
 Chemistry: Modern Chemistry
T,R: 8:00am-10:30am
English: Practical Writing
T,R: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Government: U.S. Government and Constitutional Development
M: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Cyber Security: Introduction to Cyber Security
W: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Flight Training I
M,T,W,R: 10:45am-1:00pm
Natasha and I had Calculus together, the other guys opting into taking the easier math course. Same went for chemistry. All four of us were together for English and Government. I was alone for cyber security, the others deciding to take that in the spring. Of course, Natasha and Javy would join me for flight training, which doesn’t start until the second week of school. Our first week is lecture based, where we discuss the anatomy of the cessna that we would be flying as well as going over safety procedures. This would most definitely be my favorite class, and the one I was looking most forward to.
I was very anxious for the pre-assessment that we would take on Thursday. It was going to be on the cessna in the simulation room. All of us had to take it in order for the Academy to determine how they would group us in flying lessons. I’m not going to lie, I’m very fucking anxious for this exam! Since I had quite an amount of background knowledge over the cessna that he let me fly when we were younger, I felt as though the pressure to be a top candidate was on! 
“Now what’s the number one rule?” Maverick said as he made his way to the left side of the airplane, Bradley walking over to the right.
“Don’t tell mom.” Bradley stated, obviously hearing this over and over again.
“Good!” Maverick exclaimed as he climbed into his white cessna. 
Bradley, who was entering the 7th grade, had been begging Pete for years to let him fly his airplane. It wasn’t until that very summer when Pete gave into his adopted son’s pleas.
Pete would tell his mom that he was taking him to batting practice, when in actuality they would be in the air. Bradley loved to be in the air with his “dad”, but was aching to get his hands on the controls.
Bradley climbed in next to him and paid attention to everything Pete was saying, explaining how to take off, how to glide, how to hold steady, how to land, etc. The young boy memorized every movement Pete did with the control sticks, not wanting to make a mistake on the first day.
Eventually, the two had swapped places on the runway, with Bradley sitting in the pilot's spot, staying quiet as Pete spoke with the control tower, under the pretense that Pete was in control of the airplane.
“Copy, clear for takeoff” Pete said, giving Bradley a nod as the little boy rumbled the engine and took off on the runway. Pete only had to reach over once, to help him get the plane in the air as they got closer to the end of the runway.
It was like this almost every day from May to September, Pete not willing to let him fly during the school year when he needed to focus on his studies. It was like this every year until Bradley was a sophomore going into his junior year, when his mom’s doctor gave them news that would change their lives forever. He would spend his free time taking care of her, watching as she deteriorated until there was nothing left for the cancer to take away from him.
Pete never took young Bradley in the air after that, but they always kept the secret from his mom, not wanting her to be any more disappointed or saddened than she already was.
“Bradshaw?!” Natasha yelled from the table. “You with us?”
I looked up at her when she called me out, realizing that I had been deep in my thoughts, reliving memories of flying when I was younger…
“I-um…,” I began, struggling to find words without sounding too cocky, “I’ve flown a cessna before”.
Natasha looked at me impressed, raising her eyebrow as her eyes began to light up.
“Bullshit!” Javy interjected.
“No really man,” I began, “I did. Many times when I was younger.”
“With who?” He asked in a tone that made it seem like he was still skeptical.
My face froze as I thought of him. His eyes looking down at me and smiling as I grew up. His coaching in the airplane as I learned various maneuvers. His soothing voice assuring me that everything would be okay when he caught me in moments of mental weakness, mainly when we would talk about my dad.
I didn’t know everything I wanted to about him, but enough that I was content with the information that I had. He was born and raised in Texas, went to the naval academy, met my mom at Virginia Beach during a weekend getaway with other academy students, met his best friend and pilot of his F-14 when he was in flight school, married my mom right after he got his license, and loved being a father. When he was home, he changed every diaper, fed me every bottle, gave me a bath every night, and sang to me as he rocked me to sleep. He loved being a dad, and had planned to request a leave of absence after Top Gun so he could make up for missing the last few months of my life. I was turning three on the day of the graduation, so mom worked extra hours and came to visit him for his last 3 weeks of classes so we could be together on my birthday. That’s why we were there. A decision that was both a blessing and a curse. 
“It doesn’t matter” I ended up muttering to the group, before breaking their conversation again and grazing across the room, taking in the looks of all of the upperclassmen that were now filtering out of the room as they made their way to various classes.
My eyes froze on the table that was in the far right corner, right to my 11 O’Clock…She was there. Sitting with the same two friends whose backs were to me. I could tell they were the same from their hair colors. The brunette was in a set of deep purple scrubs and the other one had her hair pulled back in the same way she did the other day, wearing light green pastel scrubs. She was the only one in a different color. Her once curly flowing hair was now pulled up in a high ponytail, she had a pink headband in her hair that pleasantly matched the navy scrubs that she had on. She reached up and gently scratched her nose, sporting a light pink fitbit that matched the color of her headband.
“Who’s she?” I asked the table, keeping my eyes on her so they knew who I was talking about. 
Natasha looked over to follow my gaze and then back at me, smiling widely. I dropped my eyes from the girl to meet Natasha’s, wanting to have complete focus on the information that I could tell she had, and was willing, to communicate with me.
“Allison Campbell,” Natasha answered, “Goes by Allie. She’s a nurse on base, I briefly met her when I fucked up my knee. She just applied to medical school.”
“Oh” was all I could manage to mutter, looking up at her again. She was laughing with her friends, a clear white smile was painted across her face as she enjoyed the conversation that was occurring with her friends. Watching her facial expressions made me crack into an admiring side smirk. Her smile was captivating.
“Don’t even think about it.” Natasha stated, noting my face. I looked back at her and furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what she was saying, “She doesn’t date midshipmen. She’s notorious for rejecting all of them that try to come after her.”
I looked back at her, with slight disappointment in my eyes.
“Sounds like a challenge to me!” Emmett yelled out.
Natasha burst into a laugh at what Emmett said, “Yeah like you think she would settle for you!”
“Not me!” Emmett responded, “Him!” He yelled, motioning over to me.
“Me?” I asked him.
“No dick head, the air,” He responded sarcastically. “Of course you! Who the fuck do you think I’m talking about?!”
I smirked at him as I stole another peak at her, before bringing my eyes back to Emmett. 
“What do you think Bradshaw?” Emmett asked me, “You up for it?” There was silence as I processed what he said, thinking about all of my options. I now knew that Allison, Allie, was a hot target in the eyes of the midshipmen, and she was not interested in any of them. On the other hand, there was a part of me that wanted to take a shot. I didn’t want to be another statistic, another identity that she added to her long list of names of men she had rejected, but I also didn’t want to live the rest of my life wondering if my life would've been different had I talked to her. Wooed her. Played with her a little.
“Need some motivation?” Emmett asked, taking note of my silence, “100 dollars. I bet you 100 dollars that you can get Allie Campbell in bed with you by the time we graduate”.
I let out an airy laugh at Emmetts challenge, mentally rolling my eyes. Natasha and Javy were eyeing me eagerly. I knew it would be difficult. I knew it was nearly impossible, but what was the harm in trying? She has rejected THEM, not me. I was a different story. A different person. I am sure I had the ability to achieve something that no one else has.
I smirked over at Emmett, who had his hand extended to mine. He was smiling from ear to ear and lit up when I firmly put my hand in his, giving a little shake, sealing our newfound gamble.
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avissapiens · 6 months
Jockbull Summer Week 2 (19/11/23-25/11/23)
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Model used is Tsonghan Wu
Went hard with the push ups this week. It gives me such a euphoric rush. I’ve built my chest in the gym normally so by the time I've got a pump from doing a single set of push ups I've got my own set of stress toys to flex and play with. The highest score for this week was 36 with no backtracking. One notable Session involved Scandinavian_King(of Set C fame) pushing me harder and harder to keep doing sets past my first one. Each time to failure. I get so easily riled up with shit like that. Guys taking advantage of the muscle lust to push me harder. I think that night I got a total of 90 in a 5 min span.
Muscle related competition was a bit sparse this week. K was out sick so no push up rival. I did end up trying to beat my great friend Teal’s record of 50. That did not work. But I'll get there. Need to get there. Need to fucking win.
This is a fortnightly task but I have noticed an issue. It is related to the problem of me defaulting to these shitty pieces of clothing just cause they are there. I wear them, they make me feel like a dysmorphic trash bag and then because I wear them they are dirty and get put in the wash basket. Which interrupts me being able to instantly put them in the Task box. Luckily I've got some Rawgear stuff coming to pad out the wardrobe before I get to those pieces.
This was the first time I actually got to practice the accent with Jockrs. Truth be told, I'm fucking great at that kinda stuff. I’ve always had a natural ability for voice modification and accent work. So i put it at like a 5/10 on the intensity scale for the whole time we were on the call. Jockrs didn’t fare as well. Obviously it’s a little harder to go from Aussie to Cali than my more neutral “trans-atlantic” mess. One thing i'd like to overcome in this whole process is the Irony poisoning. I spent so much of my life as a Snarky sarcastic dweeb. So much of my life being “Ironic” and joking about without taking things to the genuine core of me. So even this task it’s difficult to get started because in the first couple minutes you’ve got that awkward Irony block for doing something that feels affected. It was such a fun experience tho. After a while the voice just flows through you and it is such a flowey, breathy voice. So fluid and easy.
Rather than describe every BtG episode I'm going to focus on different things that I love and how this show absolutely scratches some old fantasies from my days as a dumb teenager in the musclegrowth kink community. Episode 3 where Baki is placed in a normal high school athletics test, and because of his sheer strength and inhuman physique is completely out of bounds and therefore almost flunks. Absolute Muscle RP fuel. Add to that all the gore and viscera in the other scenes. It’s very itch scratchy and possibly kink forming if you’ve got the abyss already bubbling away.
I am a glutton for punishment and I made an extra task for myself in each of the sets. I did this by drawing tarot cards. Letting the universe speak to me to guide my journey. For this set I drew a Wheel of fortune which talks about fortunate initiative, spontaneity, random success, equality of souls.
And i translated that to "Take more chances with guys in the gym" I hopped on this one quick too. 
I had to kinda work myself up for it but this really chill seeming asian dude with nice curly hair who has legit been at the gym the same time as me for i'd wager 80% of my workouts.
He was just resting and I asked his name and stuff complimented him and asked his goals.
His name is Adrian, he used to do a lot of sport and was focused on strength gains back in high school, but now he's in uni and is more focused on just looking good.
He goes to my school but does law and commerce so unlikely we'll ever share a class or even be there at the same time.
He asked some of my stuff yada yada.
And he kept saying super low under his voice like "you're so huge dude. So huge"
And then when he was leaving he came and said goodbye. It seems small, I know but it’s a big achievement for me every time I make a gymbro. It’s hard making friends in this country.
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chanothy · 1 year
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lost in the puzzle of a teenage mind
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-F lure is surprisingly well known in the school
-(Partially because Lato is attached to him on the days he comes to school)
-like everyone seems to know him but he doesn’t have a lot of friends
-The theater club is where he THRIVES and is basically a celebrity there
-He makes all the costumes for the play and musicals they put on, and that saves them massive budget sometimes.
-Mans has never come to school in a half put together outfit and gets asked for fashion advice by half the girls in his class.
-But you get special privileges >:)
-your basically the female lead for EVERY school play since middle school.
-And you’ve been wearing his clothes since middle school
-Thats right, you’ve heard it here folks, you’ve known this guy since beginning of middle school.
-but Flure, being as shy as he is, has never been able to get close to you.
-mf definitely didn’t have many friends in middle school
-and he wanted to your friend 🥲
-but he literally cannot function around you
-You would think after working with you for so long he’d be comfortable around you
-imma make things hard fo you no happiness
-Middle school passed and ya’ll were nothing more than members of the same club
-much to flure’s dismay
-At this point you just wanted to hold a freaking conversation with him thats NOT related to theater
-but he seems so uncomfortable around you so you come to the conclusion that he hates you
- i don’t make the rules anxiety and misunderstanding do.
-But then there is the magic that is the first year of highschool
-And my god did it do wonders for you guys
-Mostly because the awkward phase of middle school was over and you were both first year theater kids that didn’t know anyone :’)
-and slowly you got to actually know Flure as he did you.
-flure was more sassy then you thought he would be from your few conversations with him
-and Flure could see why you were popular in middle school
-no matter what you think your a joy to be around
-flure is now apart of your fan club
-you guys had more than half your classes together so you basically spend every school hour together
-and after school since you guys are in the same club
-after a while Flure started inviting you over to his house
-(he had to hype himself up for that)
-but he managed in the end and y’all probably spent half the school year messing around at his house after school.
-Flure definitely tried to show you how to sew but he didn’t prepare enough bandaids 💀
-…..it didn’t go well
-but he also found out YOU BAKE?
-like you always have sweet on you and you share them with him cuz sweet toothed people unite.
-he’s helped you bake a few cakes and he’s not that bad actually.
-and eventually you get added to a small friend group with Lato and Miyaji
-but since lato doesn’t come to school often and miyaji is a senior it’s usually y’all just ducking around all day with each other
-and this just further solidifies Flure’s crush on you.
-it seemed like anytime he planned to do something cool to impress you it goes horribly wrong.
-Did you see his super cool moves in the gym?
-…..no he did not get hit in the face with the ball
-yeah he made you this super cool bow to match your dress
-your dress got shredded by your cat
-yeah he studied extra hard to show off in class
-he studied the wrong materials and knew nothing
-oh here’s white day chocolates
-no they’re not obligatory 🤬
-let’s you borrow his phone and you find the folder he made that I’d JUST PHOTOS OF YOU.
-(and yes he has a bunch of pictures of you cuz your his muse and his inspiration 😤)
-teases flure about his obvious favoritism forward you.
-he’s both lucky and unlucky that your dense
-But also unlucky for him by the time second year came around you made other friends
-he, in fact, did not make new friends
-he’s shy and really just content with hanging around y’all’s little friend group.
-that guy is so cool ;-;….. and Flures not….
-you also started skipping some of the club activities to the point you lost your part as female lead for the upcoming play.
-now he has to get measurements for a new girl but he has your memorized >:(
-although he doesn’t know how to say it he’s distressed by you not sticking to him like usual
-like besides Miyaji and Lato he doesn’t have any other close friends and your not even showing up at the lunch room anymore ;-;
-And he literally likes you so much, but your too dense for your own good like—
-you still go to his house after school, but not as often anymore.
-went from having you over five days a week to two or three.
-and it wasn’t like anything else had changed.
-you still acted the same and brought them sweet treats
-Flure starts to think he’s just being sensitive ;-;
-he also doesn’t know how or if he should even bring it up.
-but he gets kinda desperate to confess to you cuz what if you grow apart and he never gets to tell you?
-anxiety go 📈
“I think telling them would be best,” Miyaji said one day while at lunch. Miyaji always being the mature soul he was, was more than happy to give Flure advice where he could. Flure played with a straw of his drink in thought, “this is troublesome.”
“You both value honesty,” Miyaji pointed out, but he knew Flure likely would struggle to vocalize his thoughts in your presence. “Living honestly,” was all Flure could mumble in response. Flure wanted to be honest with you. He wanted more than anything to tell you that he was upset with you spending less time with him. He wanted to be honest about how he wasn’t sure if it was proper for him to be upset about these things, because he didn’t own your time.
“Why not write a letter,” Miyaji came to a final resolution, “You can be honest about how how you feel, and not have to face her directly,” Flure lit up at that. Because it was perfect! And with this is he ended up being rejected it could be non verbal and hopefully you both could just ignore that this ever happened!
-Flure spent three days pouring his heart and soul into a letter that he rewrote at least seven times.
-but the real challenge came when giving it to you
-he couldn’t give it to you in the morning cuz you would read it and it’s be awkward the rest of the day (preparing himself for rejecting guys)
-he has some confidence >:)
-but here’s the problem
-He never really learned where you went during lunch.
-so he goes on an adventure to find you
-he eventually came to find you in the garden.
-which is shocking because you kill any plant you touch—
- you skip lunch with him to talk with Ammon? ;-;
“I don’t really know how to describe it,” you hummed playing with the flower Ammon had handed you. Visibly lost in deep thought as you gently touched the soft petals of the flower. This particular flower was going out of season, there's no way Ammon would pluck his precious flowers for any reason. As a matter of fact he refused to let you touch the flowers in the garden knowing your reputation with plants. “Is it possible to just wake up one day and decide I don't enjoy something? Especial when i revolved my entire life around it…”
Ammon only hummed as he finally sat down by your legs, hands covered in dirt from his previous working. “People fall in and out of love all the time,” He said after giving it some thought, “People, foods, hobbies, it's okay to fall out of love.”
“I,....” It seemed as though the words almost hurt to admit to yourself but after a moment you were finally able to accept it, “I don’t… really like doing theater.” The words were heavy, and it made you feel anxious just admitting to this, and it felt shameful in a way. Like you were ashamed to be honest about your feels. But you valued honesty, and you couldn’t lie to yourself anymore.
“And that's okay,” He hummed, tapping his foot, “But you can't run away forever,” he said, poking you in the leg with a grin on his face. “Don't get me dirty,” you hissed, swatting his hand away, “And I'm not running away! I'm just… easing myself out of the situation. So it’s not a big deal when I do leave”
“Your just nervous what your little boyfriend will feel betrayed so your running away,” he leased further only causing youtube blush even more. “He’s not my boyfriend!” you denied kicking Ammon over onto the grass, while he only laughed at your flushed face.
-Whta. the . FAWK
-Your leaving theater? ;-; AND not telling him??? Jail.
-You indeed did not get the letter then
-But you did indeed get a text to come over to his house after school
-You were done being stupid if Flure had anything to do with it.
-The letter? Somewhere in his backpack.
-You? All over his mind.
-And you could tell
-You’ve known him long enough to know when something is bothering him
-And the fact that he wouldn’t tell you was stressing you out royally.
-Like Flure would sometimes open up to you?
-But when he didn’t it made you nervous, especially when you could tell it was seriously bothering him.
You’ve been to his house a thousand times but his was very different. Your anxiety was doing loops as you sat on his bed, a bed you have concluded was wayyy better than yours. Many of the blankets he had made himself, and were all the most comfortable. He even made you one before, one you had religiously kept on your bed since you received it as a Christmas present. You always preferred things made by Flure, the quality was something you could count on when he made it himself. Scarfs, sweaters, and other sloth gifts he had spent his time on just to make you happy. Giving gifts and acts of service were his love languages and you knew that more than anyone.
“You should have told me you didn’t enjoy theater anymore,” he saw quickly breaking the silence. He had been thinking of what to say to you on the walk here. He had thought of a thousand things to say. But when it came down to it his thoughts scrambled themselves and he could only string together half baked ideas that struggled to fit together. “I mean just not showing up is more inconvenient- and it made us scramble to put things together- And I know you’ve been avoiding me and honestly that made thins worse-” He spoke quickly in a scramble to try and convey his thoughts. But for some reason it felt like you guys were back in middle school. When he struggled to put together any sort of thoughts around you. And before you had properly gotten to know each other. Four years just to be back to square one.
“I-...” You bit your lip as you struggled to put together one coherent thought, trying to defend yourself in any way you could. But there was no denying that you were selfish to run away. “I’m a big coward aren't i?” you mumbled in responses. You pulled your legs up to your chest and buried you face in your knees. You wanted to hide, once again you wanted to be a coward and hide away from the stress of simply admitting you did something stupid. But Flure didn’t deserve that.
“I was scared you would hate me,” you mumbled with your eyes closed. Your chest felt heavy, but relieved at the same time. Admitting your flaws was hard, but you wanted to be honest with yourself as well as lure.
“That is by far the most stupid thing you could have thought,” He said plainly, which caught you off guard. You looked up from your knees to see Flure’s face was almost a red as yours. Being this honest with each other was new for the both of you, but that was okay.
So you laughed
You laughed at how stupid you were, at how you were worrying over nothing, “Yeah.. i guess your right,” was all you could say as you finally recovered from yout fit of laughter. With a huff, Flure moved to sit in front of you, “And don’t think ill just forgive you!” he said crossing his arms with a huff, which only made you laugh once again. Finally you felt like you could lift yourself.
“Alright Flure,” you said, unfolding yourself, feeling more comfortable, “i'll bake you your favorite cupcakes? How's that sound?” But Flure looked unsatisfied, but also became more red you waived patiently for him top agree aesthetically. But he never did, instead he looked away from you. “Flure?....”
He mumbled.
“I can’t hear youuuuuu.”
“.well ..Date….. Just once?” He mumbled through his words and you could barely pick out what he said. But what you could make out made your face flare up with red. Flure sputtered at your quiet reaction, “Well I-! If you're okay with it then…”
“Yeah okay,” Your said with a bright red face leaning into his side, “Let's do it.”
“That…sounds nice”
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hecate-spawn · 2 years
When you walk in on him changing/shirtless pt2
Obey me younger brothers x GN!reader: When you see him changing/Shirtless 
(Part 1)
Everyday I get notifications for the older brothers version. I gained ten followers thanks to it. So here’s another one since you guys seemed to like the first one. Well, I am a people pleaser and honestly, this is kinda fun
CW: Asmo and Belphie being mildly flirty, shirtless guys, swearing
★ Satan
Once, in a very specific incident you saw him shirtless
you and Satan were walking home from RAD like you usually do
Suddenly it starts raining. Not a light sprinkle, like actual rain (not pouring but it's enough that you need an umbrella
Thankfully, Satan being the smart cookie that he is has an umbrella and you two share
When you guys are about half way to the HOL some demon bikes right into a puddle splashing you and getting your clothes wet
Satan takes off his jacket, putting it around your shoulders
"Are you doing okay? Did he hurt you?"
"Satan I'm fine. It's just a bit of water."
Despite what you say he proceeds to yell at the biker, and you can tell he's starting to get angry. So, like the smart person you are, you decide to distract him
"Hey Satan there's a cat!"
Turning around he finds the fact you were talking about in fact, it was a kitten. Small, grey and cold. It was hiding out behind the dumpster.
Obviously Satan wanted to take the kitten home and feed it but Lucifer already said multiple times that it's not allowed
He could sneak it but Lucifer would find out anyway
So he does the only logical thing: taking off his shirt and wrapping the kitten in it
Yes he walked home shirtless and Asmo had so many questions
★ Asmodeus
Mkay we've probably seen him shirtless in canon
Like, it's Asmo avatar of lust
I know I have in one Devilgram
Anyway, one time Asmo asked you to do a photo shoot of him so he could post pictures on Devilgram
And like the great friend/lover you were, you said yes
When you knocked on the door he said to come in
And naturally he had just stepped out of the shower as you open the door to his room
Didn't even flinch seeing you
"MC darling! Perfect timing. We can have extra photos now that you're here. My followers can see my natural beauty as well."
Yes you did take photos of him in a towel. About 20 but only five made the final cut
You also took regular pictures of him that were pre planned
But, his favourite is the one where you took a picture of him with his face mask on and you gave him bunny ears with your fingers
(after seeing you embarrassed he probably ends up walking around the house shirtless because 1 he's Asmo and 2 he really likes seeing you embarrassed)
★ Beelzebub
You were helping him work out at the gym
Encouraging him, sitting on his back during push ups etc.
It had been a solid two hours by the end of his workout, and he was hot and sweaty.
"Hey Beel I'm going to get you a towel wait here."
Beel did as he was told and waited for you, sitting down on a bench nearby
Even though you had just went to grab a towel he took off his shirt. It was drenched in sweat and not the nicest to wear. He was also still hot and his shirt was making it worse
When you came back with your hand towel you immediately dropped it out of surprise.
"You dropped the towel MC."
Honestly he doesn't really think much about the fact he's in a public space with his shirt off and doesn't mind
★ Belphegor
Probably another one who doesn't give too much of a fuck if they're not wearing a shirt
Or if you're not
Anyway you guys were napping
Yes napping
Belphie was starting to get a little cold, but didn't want to bother you bu asking to add an extra blanket or turn the heat up
As quietly as he could, Belph slipped out of bed and changed into warmer PJ's and fuzzy socks
Yes this dude 100% wears socks to sleep fight me
You rolled over and instead of a warm body you felt empty space beside you
"Belphie?" You said, lifting your head up from the pillow. You see him taking off his short sleeve pj top
"Yeah?" He asked turning to face you.
After making eye contact you sink back in bed with your back to him
He climbs into bed a moment later, still not wearing a top. "You know I was going to put on a long sleeve shirt because I was cold but your cheeks will generate enough heat for me."
He'll probably nap shirtless more often because he's a little shit like that and thinks you're reactions are funny
Also it's more comfortable
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broodybuck · 8 months
Breaking Up the Neighbors | Series Part 1
Series Summary: Steve moves into his dream home and falls for his engaged neighbor.
Series Tags: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Rated E | Tags: 18+ explicit smut, consensual cheating, pining, neighbors AU, no powers AU, top Steve, bottom Bucky, established Bucky and Zemo
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The first day Steve moves into his dream home, he meets his new neighbor, Bucky. The first moment he sees Bucky, he’s genuinely awestruck with the man’s beauty, and for a split second, he thinks this house might lead him to the love of his life. Until Bucky introduces him to his fiancé, Zemo.
Over the next few weeks, Steve learns the basics about his engaged neighbors. How they are actually high school sweethearts but waited so long to get engaged because they didn’t want to rush things and Zemo travels a lot for work. How Zemo’s into flashy clothes and jewelry while Bucky wears jeans and a t-shirt most days. How Bucky reads the Sci-fi novels from their bookshelves and Zemo only reads the classics. And how regardless of their long years together, Steve still can’t make sense of their relationship. They don’t seem like a match at all. But hey, who is he to judge?
Well, he judges the next time Zemo goes on a business trip and Bucky invites Steve over for a guy’s night. Steve heads over early and Zemo answers the door. 
“Oh, hey…” Steve starts as the other man smiles.
“Hello, Steven. I’m just heading to the airport now. James will be right down,” Zemo tells him.
Steve nods, “Great, have a safe trip.”
“I expect everything will run smoothly. I’m looking forward to the California air.”
“Sure, yeah,” Steve agrees.
Footsteps sound from their right and they both watch Bucky descend the stairs. He looks like he just woke up even though it’s nearing seven at night. His hair is tousled, he’s wearing a loose t-shirt and gym shorts. 
“Can you at least look decent for our guest?” Zemo snaps quietly.
Bucky stops short and mumbles a quick sorry before turning around and heading back up the stairs. Even though he looks fine, Steve thinks watching him go, he looks so fine all the time. 
Zemo turns back with a forged smile, “James is just changing. Have a swell night.”
“Thanks, uh, you too,” Steve says.
Steve steps inside as Zemo exits and locks the door behind him. Steve stands uncomfortably in the foyer, wondering if the couple said goodbye to each other earlier. 
Bucky remerges a few minutes later. His hair has been brushed and he’s now wearing a fitted shirt with jeans. Steve wants to tell him he didn’t have to change but he reminds himself it’s not his place.
Besides, once Bucky smiles and greets Steve with a warm handshake, Steve’s too distracted to remember anything he was about to say. 
Within ten minutes, they’re on the couch with two beers and a bowl of popcorn sitting in between them. They’re watching a comedy movie but Steve’s hardly paying attention. Not when he’s imagining how salty and buttery Bucky’s lips probably taste right now. 
He envies the thought that if Zemo were here, the man could just lean over and kiss that mouth. Then Steve wonders if Zemo would even like licking the butter off Bucky’s lips. Flashing back to his departure, Steve imagines Zemo reprimanding Bucky to wipe his mouth clean. Steve shakes his head at the thought.
“What?” Bucky comments.
Steve looks over and Bucky’s staring at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Nothing, just watching,” Steve lies, motioning to the screen.
“You disapprove of salmon?”
“What?” Steve asks confused.
“That whole scene was about her ordering the salmon and him talking about how to cut fish,” Bucky tells him.
Steve’s eyes blink wide.
“Oh, no. I… wasn’t paying attention. Sorry, just in my head.”
“About what?” 
Steve looks over at him. Bucky calmly shoves another handful of popcorn into his mouth, chewing and waiting silently for Steve to answer. 
Bucky shrugs and lets it go. They don’t know each other well enough and Bucky seems like a pretty chill guy in general. It makes Steve question again what he sees in an up-tight man like Zemo. There must be more to their past, Steve considers.
“It’s nice to have a guy our age next door now,” Bucky changes the topic. “Before you, it was two old couples on each side of us.”
“I’m happy to be invited,” Steve says, admiring the beautiful profile of his neighbor’s face.
“Maybe sometime Zemo can join us too. He’s just really busy.”
Steve nods, he doesn’t need Zemo to ever make time. He likes guys’ night just like this. But to be nice, he asks, “Have you and Zemo started planning the wedding yet?” 
“Not really,” Bucky says, “Zemo hired a bunch of people to plan it for us. We have a meeting with them a month from now.”
“Oh, so you don’t get to pick anything?”
Bucky shrugs, “I’m not really picky. I honestly wouldn’t be having such an elaborate thing but you know Zemo.”
“I don’t really know him,” Steve reminds him.
“Right,” Bucky huffs out a laugh. “He’s into all the fancy shit. He wants a grand party as he calls it.”
“But doesn’t it matter what you want?” Steve asks.
“I mean, I’m gonna be at the meeting to make the final choices. I’ll have a say too.”
“But will any of it even be your style?” 
Bucky pauses, staring down for a moment as if he considering this. He looks back up with a faint smile.
“No, but I don’t care that much.”
They sit in a beat of silence and Steve worries he’s made things awkward.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Steve says.
“It’s alright.”
More silence follows and Steve’s glad for the ongoing movie to overlay the dead air between them.
“So what about you?” Bucky says.
“What about me?”
“Are you dating anyone?”
“Oh, no.” 
“What’s your type? Maybe I could set you up,” Bucky offers.
Steve turns to him and swallows the word you from his tongue. 
“I don’t know. I’m like you, not really picky.”
Bucky laughs, “I was talking about party planning, not men.”
“Well, you seem to have a type,” Steve says without meaning to. 
“Trust me, I didn’t think Zemo was my type when we first met,” Bucky smiles.
“Definitely not but you know, you get to know someone and things change.”
“Yeah, makes sense,” Steve says nodding and turning away.
“What?” Bucky pushes, sensing he’s holding back something.
“No, I… shouldn’t say this but I’m surprised by you two is all,” Steve admits uneasily.
“What do you mean?
“I mean, it’s hard for me to see it. You two, what you have in common, you’re a bit of an odd couple. But I just met you guys. I’m sure I’m the only one who doesn’t see it yet.”
Bucky’s quiet for a moment. Steve looks over at him and is about to apologize when Bucky says, “We’re different but Zemo and I have… a long history and… it’s hard to explain.”
“You don’t have to explain anything. Please, I’m totally out of line here,” Steve insists. 
“You’re fine,” Bucky tells him then glances down at the coffee table. “I’m gonna grab us more beers.” 
Steve worries he may have crossed a line with Bucky. He knows he was overstepping the other night, but he can’t help wanting to be on Bucky’s side. 
Steve’s outside a few mornings later, grabbing his mail on the way back from his five a.m. run. He spots Zemo sitting on the porch. Steve waves politely at his neighbor from his driveway.
“You’re quite the early riser, Steven,” Zemo remarks.
“I like to get my runs in at dawn. How about yourself?” 
“Oh, I just like to enjoy my coffee while watching the sunrise.”
“Bucky ever join you?” Steve asks curiously.
Zemo laughs heartily, ”Oh no, James won’t be up till noon.”
Steve smiles automatically as the image of a sleepy Bucky in bed slips into his mind. He can so easily picture himself sliding under the covers and enjoying a morning snuggle with that bushel of brown hair; that warm, naked skin.
“Steven?” Zemo’s voice knocks Steve back to reality. 
“You alright there?”
“Never better. Have a good day!” Steve waves and hurries into the house.
He seriously needs to get a grip. Bucky is engaged to be married!
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purlturtle · 6 months
Bering and Wells Advent Calendar, Day 9
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Never Get Involved With Your Flatmate, a collaborative writing event: everyone writes one chapter of a loosely connected getting together AU!
Here's my contribution for Day 9:
#9: Don't let her convince you to go to the gym with you
again, I ask, what could go wrong?!
(fic is under the readmore, or on AO3 if you want! The whole AO3 collection is here!)
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Myka puts down her book and smiles – anyone else might get a glare for interrupting her reading, but Helena’s voice is so tentative, it’s clear that she’s aware of her sin, and properly repentant. “Yeah?”
“This might be a somewhat odd question, after yoga yesterday,” Helena begins, “but would you perhaps be able to recommend a gym in the vicinity?” She flexes one arm comically and rolls her eyes. “I’m rather used to working out regularly, to combat all the sitting I do all day, and I haven’t yet looked into where to go. And I wondered – you looked so toned, yesterday at yoga. I figured you might be, perhaps, the right person to ask.
Myka blushes furiously. Helena had looked at her?! Helena thought she was toned?! She clears her throat, and tries to ignore the blush. “Uh, yeah, actually. The hotel has a gym, and we’re allowed to use it, provided we’re not blocking it for paying guests of course. But Saturday afternoons are usually pretty slow, because the business customers have already left on Friday and the tourist customers are out to see town.”
Helena beams. “Excellent!” And then she lowers her voice and adds, with a conspiratorial wink, “And of course I went and bought my own gym clothes just earlier today, never you worry. All kitted out now!” She and Myka share a smile, then Helena goes on, sobering a little, “I used to row, back in England. Does the gym have rowing machines?”
“Oh yeah,” Myka replies immediately. “Two, even. I’ve never used them, but I always wanted to; they’re a bit… it’s a complex movement, right? I didn’t want to… you know. Without any kind of instructions, get it wrong and mess up my back or my knees. Usually I just run, do some free weights, that kind of thing.”
“Oh, rowing would suit you marvelously, darling, tall as you are,” Helena says, and Myka doesn’t miss the appreciative once-over Helena gives her. Tall and toned, sings the back of her mind, tall and toned, and she can’t even let herself think about the “darling”. She swallows, and blushes again. And then Helena offers, “I could show you? Later this afternoon? Provided there are no bookings from guests?”
There’s really nothing Myka can say to that, isn’t there? She doesn’t have any other plans, and she has said she wanted to learn. She prays that the rowing machines will be taken when they get there, but no such luck: the whole gym is empty. At least no one will witness her making a fool of herself. In short order, Myka finds herself sitting on a rolling seat and staring down at her feet that are strapped into footrests. Helena is talking, explaining, with gestures even. But since one of her hands is resting on Myka’s shoulder, Myka isn’t getting too much of all that. Any of it, really.
“-important thing is that you keep your back straight and your core engaged, alright?” Helena ends. “Go on, just try it out!”
Myka bites her lips together, grateful for her eidetic memory that allows her to replay what Helena has said. Alright, so, starting position: knees bent and together, arms around them and long. That seems straightforward enough. Then, move your legs-core-arms, reverse alphabetical order, as you pull against the machine’s resistance. Myka nods to herself as she gets ready.
Helena’s hand moves to Myka’s back.
Myka almost loses her grip on the handlebar.
“Not quite that far forward,” Helena tells her and lightly taps her latissimus. “You’re rounding your back; keep it straight. Classic beginner’s mistake, and guaranteed to mess up your back.”
Myka corrects her posture, and Helena pats her shoulder and says “perfect”, and then thankfully, thankfully, withdraws her hand.
Myka attempts one stroke. Helena nods and smiles at her attempt, and Myka blushes and smiles back.
“Yes, like that,” Helena says, and Myka could walk on clouds, “but,” Helena says, and Myka crashes back to earth, “right now you’re doing three separate movements, legs core arms, not one continuous one. But that’ll come with practice, I promise,” she adds, and Myka picks herself up and smiles and nods.
She does practice, for a few strokes more. And then Helena puts her hands on Myka’s wrist and forearm to correct her posture, and on her shoulder to correct her posture, and on her back again to correct her posture – it’s as if Helena’s hands are everywhere, and yeah it’s perfectly normal, of course, she’s just showing Myka how to row properly, but god—
And then Helena sits down on the other machine and demonstrates a few strokes (“watch me,” she says, and Myka has to swallow dryly, because yes she does want to – if only to get even for yoga – but also this was such a bad idea), and Myka can see how Helena’s motion is one where hers isn’t, and how Helena holds her wrists and her shoulders and her back, and she can also see how Helena in her new workout clothes and tight workout ponytail is one million percent more gorgeous than she has any right to be.
“Bummer that you can’t detach your seat and put it behind mine,” Helena sighs. “That’s how we did it at my school. Wrap yourself around the older pupil, get a feeling of what their body does, get a better idea of what yours needs to be doing.”
Myka splutters. God, she doesn’t even want to imagine herself wrapped around Helena’s body, but there it is, that mental image, bright and vivid, ready as you please.
“I suppose you could stand next to me to put your hands on me,” Helena muses, and Myka full-on loses the ability to breath. “Come here,” Helena goes on, flapping her hand, not noticing the respiratory emergency, “put your hand here, feel when I start moving not just my legs but my core; it just flows one into the other, you’ll see.”
Myka has no hope, none, zero, of stopping her blush. She sucks in a breath, to protest, but—
“Oh don’t be a big ninny, darling,” Helena laughs at her hesitation. “We’re all grown-ups, right?”
Right. Darling. Right? Of course. Darling.
And yes, of course, Myka can feel—
And she will never forget how it feels. That’s the thing about her memory. She will never, not for the rest of her life, forget what it feels to have Helena’s skin and muscles and tendons move under her fingers. Well, and Helena’s shirt, but that is so tight and thin it might as well not count.
This was such a bad idea.
Oh god, and now Helena insists on putting her own hand—
Of course it is a good idea. Technically. To put her hand on Myka’s body, to let Helena get an idea of Myka’s movements, the better to instruct her when to begin bringing her core into it. Of course it’s a good idea, and of course they’re both adults.
Helena relents, thankfully, after two strokes of Myka’s with her hand on Myka’s side, and tells her to practice some more, giving her encouraging words about how much better she is already, how good of an idea putting their hands on each other was, and there is not a single “darling” in there, and Myka misses being called “darling” and tells herself that that is the height of silliness, really. Then Helena goes back to her own machine, and they row side by side, and while Helena’s pace isn’t faster, her resistance setting is way higher than Myka’s, and because Myka has a competitive streak a mile wide, she raises hers too. She did carry Helena’s books, she works out twice a week; she’s strong enough for this! Helena only lifts her eyebrows and doesn’t say anything. 
Myka makes another rule, as she strains. Never, ever, gym with Helena again. She repeats it to herself like a mantra as she wills her body to make one smooth continuous movement rather than three separate ones.
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dearlyjun · 5 months
Omg I almost hit unfollow instead of talk I WAS LIKE NOOOO!!
Ooooo thats so nice!! Being a Multistan is great until you become broke! My first kpop group was Exo I remember Watching Monster and looking at Baekyun and being like who is this man and why is he so pretty!! Ngl I hid the fact that I was into kpop when I was in High school because it is so much more accepted now than back in like 2016! I remember one time in my AP Econ class I was sitting down and my school played a minute of a song before the bell rang and they played TT by twice and this guy behind me says "just like tt" AND I TURNED SO FAST!! I was like this isnt happening! we were both so shocked to find out the other was into kpop.
I am ENFJ from my last test result I took one last year!
I SAW A TT today and it was people making fun of californians because were all freezing our asses off rn! I really need to buy warmer clothing. I say this but I slept in shorts and a t shirt with the fan on last night....I KNOWW. I dont think I would enjoy driving in the snow that much. I feel like I would be stressed 24/7.
Japan is soooo nicee ive always wanted to visit!!
I saw your post about online schooling and let me tell you Ive always hated it. It feels so weird and you cant meet anyone and its lonely!!
ang please I love talking whether that’s to other people or just to myself so please I don’t mind!! 😭 (also hope if it’s okay if I call you a million variations of your name / nicknames because I do that lol)
ah I have actually known about seventeen since their debut in 2015 but I didn’t become a carat until 2022. weird shit. and I liked bts a teensy bit in 2019 when mots: persona came out but again….stopped listening. then the kpop stan came full force in april 2022. maybe it’s a good thing I wasn’t a kpop stan back in the day bc the pain of not seeing concerts sucks real bad. I actually don’t have any kpop stan besties irl, I’ve just converted my sister 🤠 she likes most of the same groups as me, just not the girl groups. (well she’s a casual newjeans listener)
I don’t even know what the weather is like in cali lol but I guess your cold is different from my cold. it’s like 35° here and I just went to the gym in a hoodie and a winter vest. we’re actually about to get some snow I think….grrrr😠 and yeh driving in it sucks. I’ve driven in snow storms so bad that you have to like sit up and drive in silence the whole way because you have to lock in.
since im going into the automotive industry, my mom has big hopes for me to work in Japan someday. even if its just temporary like a year or so. Im hoping after I graduate college i can travel there for fun and “plant the seeds.” BUT!! I have to learn some of the language first. im too sporadic with it and really need to buckle down.
yeah…..im a lonely girly lately. it’s really getting to me. I’m in my second to last semester of school and doing everything all online is just so very sad. I yearn for friendships.
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wh0lemilk0vich · 2 years
been thinking of stuff that could work for both steve or eddie, oblivious wg came to mind and i think that really does it for me!
like oh boy these jeans are getting tight while the other half is just like . @_@ yeah no shit babe !!
especially when y’all were talking about the “clothes shrunken in the wash” scenario before (loved the art for that btw!!!)
and then one day it just like. hits them. like you didn’t tell me ??? if steve were the one to put on weight i definitely think he’d be sheepish and maybe even a little insecure, eddie’s just like “yeah idk i thought you knew. all good tho because it’s hot”
in eddie’s case he would be a little shocked at first cause he was a beanpole all throughout his life until seemingly now but would quickly roll with it after some gentle praise from steve (and a good bj)
wormie !! 🪱
Ughhhh hell yeah, wormie 🪱!!
Chef's kiss amazing stuff. God I love your asks
This is so good. I like it in both directions the way you described it.
You're absolutely right that Steve would be insecure but Eddie would be so lascivious about it 😈 he'd be like
"Damn, you didn't know Stevie!? Shit, here I thought you were doing it on purpose to drive me fucking crazy!!"
"wait what...you mean-?"
"Do you know what your ass, does to me Stevie?" Like so turned on he's whining, grabbing Steve's shirt by the neck to pull him in and then reaching around him in a hug to smack and grab his bigger cheeks and grind against his crotch "Fuck you're just getting so damn beefy, lucky I'm a carnivore, baby."
"So you don't mind?"
"Mmmm baby let me show you how little I mind. Gonna make you my fat little housewifey. Damn Stevie, you're lucky you know, a different set of equipment and I'd be filling you with a litter of metal head pups...I'll settle for filling you up another way."
And yessss Eddie would be shocked at first, literally delusionally convinced he's a beanpole and deaf to Steve's early hints. Unable to understand subtlety.
Like it probably happens when Eddie spills something on his shirt or pants and he's like
"It's cool, you can just lend me something of yours."
Steve just laughs thinking it's a joke
"what's so funny?" He asks sincerely, soft dopey smile on his face, like when a puppy turns its head to the side.
"Oh.. I just mean...you're like a lot bigger than me...now."
"What? You're hilarious, babe, quit messing around. I'll settle for like gym bottoms and a henley.
"I mean, ok, Edd..."
"Jeez Stevie, since when do you wear kids sizes?"
"Those are actually hand-me-downs from my pops."
"Well shit, huh. Guess I've gotten pretty fat, huh, Stevie."
And Steve's getting all hot and squirmy.
"I mean kinda...can I um tell you something though."
"I guess I can lose it, fuck, I hate moving and sweating."
"YOU DON'T HAVE TO- *ahem* I mean, you don't have to do that. I was going to say that um, I, uh, really like it, actually."
"Well shit, Harrington. Could told me sooner you were a chubby chaser. Wouldn'ta held back on looking like a pig this long."
"Yeah, well I mean it's not something you just blurt ou- ...You've been holding back?"
"Oh I'm gonna give you a boner so hard" starts stalking toward Steve
"...Think I can feed you out of those?"
"Guess we'll have to try and find out, and we'll just have to buckle down and keep at it until we do it. I love learning new pervy shit about you, Stevie! Grab the Nutella, will you?"
(also I don't have an mpreg kink but I think Eddie would 10000% have a breeding kink and talk all lovey and dopily about filling Steve up with babies 😂)
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