#because that's a multi-chapter fic if i've ever heard of one
smileysuh · 4 months
hello !!
im the same anon who messaged recently about the new mark fic :) since you're one of my favorite authors on here do you have any fic recommendations? Im interested to see what you deem a good fic
hi!!!! This is such a good question! You can find my archived rec's here. tbh, I don't read that much, and when I do read, I'm usually already friends with the author, or through reblogs and such I become friends with the author- so Imma tag some of my favourite writer beans :)
@domjaehyun (masterlist) - NCT & others
Jewel has a writing style that I can't even quantify. Her stuff is INTENSE, it gets you in the moment, it's literally everything- she's got some long fics that pass so fast cuz you're just THAT into what's going on. Her Hyuck filth is GOD TIER
My favourites are: Pussy Fiend & Quarentine Chronicals & Kiss U Right Now
@sehunniepotwrites (masterlist) NCT & others
Nikki is another one of those writers who I could read forever. Her stuff is so wholesome and sweet, but the smut is also hot as hell. The amount of detail is astounding- literally publishable work. Like, babes, write a book already
My favourites are: Going For The Gold & The Midnight Shift
@milfgyuu (masterlist) NCT & Ateez & SVT & others
Lana is so good at everything she puts her mind to. Like, the multi fandom in me lives for her blog. I started reading for her SVT stuff, died for her nct content, and I was foaming at the mouth when Ateez was added to the mix. 10/10 content no matter what group.
My favourites are: Babe Watch & Bingo & Peach
@seokgyuu (masterlist) SVT & others
Mitchie my love- I'd been meaning to read her long standing chaptered series for a while, put it off- finally started and couldn't put it down. Read the whole series in a day and now I'm obsessed. This hoe holds it over me tho- who is mc going to end up with? we don't know- but I think I'll cry no matter what because it's the end of an era
My favourite is: the Challenge Me Series
@bitchlessdino (masterlist) SVT
Nana is such an interesting writer. One of the softest bitches I know, down BAD for Dino- and then just pops up with a Halloween fic that included blood play. I really can't even with this girl- all I know is, her mind is amazing, and I wanna read more.
My favourites are: Scream Your Heart Out & Nobodys Home
@honeykyeom (masterlist) SVT
Mo is another one of those writers who does poetry. I've sat with this girl for hours and she types out one like four paragraphs of some of the most thought inducing, detailed shit I've ever heard. Fics like hers take time, and it shows
My favourite is: White Noise
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suavissimapenna · 28 days
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @andromeda4004 Thanks, friend!
How many works do you have on ao3?
Five at this point!
What's your total ao3 word count?
24,657 (though I'm currently writing a WIP that will probably double this for the Fairy Tale GO Bang).
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens, though technically I cross listed one of my fics to the Queen fandom.
Top five fics by kudos:
I feel like I'm cheating since this is all of them so far, lol.
Say the Word (T, 5k words) The aforementioned Queen fic where Aziraphale helps Brian May with his astrophysics research and Crowley makes a deal with Freddie Mercury.
Like an Angel (T, 1600 words) The classic "heard a Hozier song and wrote this in an hour" fic. A fluffy snippet Aziraphale and Crowley in the Garden ft. tender wing grooming.
Break Up, Break Through (T, 2k words) Post S2 reaction fic. The Bentley has enough of Crowley's moping, which it communicates in song and by kidnapping him back to Soho. Maggie and Nina have to deal with a maudlin demon.
Here I Am (G, 6k words) My first multi chapter fic AND my first AU. This is the first installment in a Church AU series with Priest!Crowley and Aziraphale as the music and liturgy director of the parish. Crowley arrives at the Church of All Angels, Tadfield as the new interim priest. Chaos ensues.
The Fellowship of Christian Minds (T, 10k words) The second installment in the Church AU. Crowley and Aziraphale learn how to work together amid church drama, parishioner gossip, and their own foibles.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love getting responses from authors, so I do my best to respond.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Break Up, Break Through is the closest to angsty I've got, though I tried to give it a hopeful vibe. I don't like to leave things on an angsty note, ha!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Say the Word has the happiest, fluffiest ending, with a reference to "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" as "their song."
Do you get hate on fics?
No, not so far! I hope it stays that way tbh.
Do you write smut?
I've been too scared to so far, though I can see myself working up to it in the future.
Craziest crossover:
Does the Queen fic count as a crossover? If so, that's all I've got in that arena. I suppose you could characterize the Church AU as influenced by The Vicar of Dibley in terms of vibes, though it's not an official crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, though I would love it if someone wanted to!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it's just been me so far. I think it would be fun to do at some point!
All time favorite ship?
The Ineffables are apparently my ride or die forever. I can't let them go!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any languishing WIPs because I don't really let myself start things I don't plan to finish, at least so far. I've only been writing fic for about a year now, though, so there's always a possibility.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm really pleased with my references and throwbacks to canon, generally, especially in AUs. I like to think I'm good at dialogue and getting character voices right, though that's so subjective. I know I can hear them saying it in my head when I'm writing, and I hope that translates!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm still figuring out how plot works, and making the transition from more argumentative writing to fiction has been a fun challenge! My beta reader has helped me edit out "thesis statements" from my fics, lol.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm here for it! I'm not verbally fluent in another language, but I have reading knowledge of several dead ones (see my Latin usernames). I love a bit of multilingualism, though I worry that Latin in particular will either come off as pretentious or like I'm summoning a demon on accident.
First fandom you wrote in?
I wrote some for Tamora Pierce's Immortals series back in the FF.net days. I'm such a sucker for a heroine who can both talk to animals and shapeshift into them.
Favorite fic you've written?
Why do I have to choose??? Say the Word will always have a place in my heart as the one that got me into writing for fun again, and for how well my research on it helped it come together! I'm also really enjoying writing the Church AU because it's such a self-indulgent one for me. I do love all the priest smut in the fandom (and there is A LOT of excellent priest smut), but as I was reading it I wanted more of a look into the day-to-day hilarity of church life, so I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world.
No pressure tagging: @noodlefrog-omens @sodiumazideandothertoxins @mirjam-writes and anyone else who wants to answer!
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Asks time, let's go
Ask game for fic writers- 1, 3, 5, 16, 24, 28, 30, 37, 39, 44, 58, 72
Ask game for fic writers #2- 10, 15, 16, 30, 32, 38, 44
Fun meta asks - 3, 4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25
Took, my beloved!! Alright y'all, buckle the fuck up, this shit gone be long
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
For some fics, yes, I do know how they're going to end when they start, but most times we're just kinda...figuring it out as we go. And sometimes that's the fun part because when just writing, you can sometimes come up with shit better than when you outlined/planned it
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
I enjoy it. So like...an 8-9? Most of my stories are romance anyways so it's not that hard for me
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
Nope. I don't make playlists for my fics
16. where is your favorite place to write?
Well, I write anywhere, but my bed is always a good place. Things just tend to flow there
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Depends on the fic. Sometimes I can get pages done, sometimes nothing. But on average, I'd say...1.5-2k? Sometimes more? Like I said, just depends
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
Typed. My hands cramp after writing for too long. And it's just easier to type if there's a lot of information
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know" ~ A.A Milne
My parents say it to me a lot whenever I have imposter syndrome/am doubting myself. It helps a lot
37. when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
Now, I don't create OC's, but personality, I think would come first for me. I always like characters who have personalities that don't match their appearance (and personalities are more interesting to work with anyways because they're shaped by backstory, motivation, etc.)
39. are you an avid reader?
I am! When I'm not reading fanfiction and I want to get away from the computer, I'll pick up a book. Sometimes if I'm really into one, I can crush one in a day/couple of hours. I've always been a voracious reader
44. any writing advice you want to share?
Just write what you enjoy. You're not writing to please anyone else but yourself (and maybe a few loyal readers). So like...don't write what's trendy or popular, write what makes you happy. It makes the fic much more enjoyable for you and for your readers
58. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
Hmm...I think for my fic The Tiger is Out, I had to google/duckduckgo the name of the poem the fic was inspired by because I couldn't remember it
72. what do you do if a scene gets too serious?
Oh boy, take a break. There are a lot of scenes in the Killer and Healer rewrite that make me cry/make my heart hurt so I have to take a break from writing it/do something else for a little bit to get a breather. I mean, I can push through (which I've done before) but you feel a little empty afterwards. Or I'll go talk with my discord chat and tell them what just happened to get my mind off the scene
ask game for fanfic writers | send me asks
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Ooo, great question. Most times, if a story has gripped me by the throat, I'll keep working on it till it's completed. As for multi-chapters, sometimes I fall outta hyperfixation with them and I don't wanna work on them anymore, but then I also don't wanna leave them unfinished indefinitely (which is fine, of course but not for me) so I finish them (and I tend to feel better after I finish them, sometimes because I'm genuinely happy it's finished or sometimes I've relieved that it's over)
15. OCs or no OCs?
For me, no OCs, just because I don't need them in my stories. But more the merrier for others, y'all have fun creating your little guys
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Most of my fics started out as writing prompts, tbh. My Killer and Healer fics now are mostly my own ideas/aus...unless i'm feeling really uninspired. But I do still use sentence starters or other ideas to kind of spark something, if again, my brain can't figure out what it wants to write
30. What writing software do you use?
I use Microsoft Word and it's the only writing software I will ever use
32. Past or present tense?
Past, for the most part. Sometimes my headcanons will be in present but my fics are mainly in past
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
I do not, actually. I did NaNoWriMo in like...8th grade but nothing since
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
It does! For my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is, @a-single-log-bridge drew Chen Yuzhi with a katana! You can see the fanart here! (With this I am giving y'all permission to draw my fics, please god, draw my fics, I beg)
ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝 | send me asks
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Honestly, have no idea
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Gonna copy my scene from my other ask that I got about this question, hang on
From my fic My One and Only (Killer and Healer mignon/vampire au)
         “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed before he quickly knelt before him and cupped his face in his hands.          “Jiang Yuelou” he whispered.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer, causing Chen Yuzhi to whimper before he reached out and carefully pulled him into his arms, hugging him gently but tightly.          “I’m sorry.  Jiang Yuelou, I’m so sorry.  I lied…everything that I said was a lie.  I’m sorry.  I love you.  I really, really love you.  So please…please don’t leave me” he begged as he clung to him and buried his face in his neck.          “Don’t leave me.  Please don’t leave me” he pleaded.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer again, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out another whimper before he hugged him tighter.          “Please” he whispered, just as two strong, but gentle, arms came around him and hugged him back.          “I won’t” a weak voice whispered, causing Chen Yuzhi to gasp and lift his head out of Jiang Yuelou’s neck as he looked at him with wide eyes.          “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed as Jiang Yuelou slowly lifted his head and smiled at him.          “Chen Yuzhi” he replied, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out a sob before he buried his face in his shoulder and hugged him tightly, making him smile weakly as he gave him a tight squeeze in return.          “I’m here.  I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere” he whispered. 
I just really like this scene because while Chen Yuzhi does like Jiang Yuelou throughout the fic, he's never like...expressed/reciprocated his feelings to Jiang Yuelou, who has. And now in this moment, when he's afraid Jiang Yuelou is going to die, he confesses that he loves him. And who doesn't love that trope, huh?
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Um...someone's always gonna get whumped, I know that much. Also, descriptions/dialogue...I've always been told I'm good at those...as well as staying in character/characters feel like how they do in canon, no matter the au. So I guess that? Idk (I'm never good about answering questions about my personal writing style because I don't pay attention to that sort of thing)
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
Longfic. Always longfic, especially when it comes to Killer and Healer. I mean, look at my fucking word count on ao3. Do I look like a drabble writer to you? (No offense to anyone who does drabbles, just could not be me)
Most times, I am a pantser. I've learned that plotting kind of stifles my creativity. The only time "plotting" has worked for me is figuring out what's going to happen in each chapter of my fic The Demon and the Angel.
And no, I do not. I like writing my long fics and I like figuring stuff out on the go. That's what makes writing fun to me
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
They're each hard in their own way, but I guess personally titles. Summaries for me are easy because I just take like a line/passage out of my fic and use that as the summary. Tags can be tricky too because I wanna make sure I tag everything that I think is in my fic but sometimes I can't tag everything (though I do try)
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
At some point, I'm going to try a sci-fi fic, which I've never done before, so that'll be interesting. It's inspired by the Netflix Movie Rebel Moon and I think it'll be fun once I get around to it...and my brain stops plaguing me with other au ideas
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
My fic Monster Like Me had a completely different version before I decided I liked the current version better....but even getting to that version it took 3 rewrites, one complete deletion of the fic and original outline and a whole new rewrite to get to what it is today. And I have to say I like this version so much better than what it was originally. Did you know this fic took me almost a fucking month to write? That's the longest a oneshot has ever taken me. Ever
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh...I don't really have a lot of meta, at least not with the fic I'm currently working on. But with my Rebel Moon au, the idea actually came to me on my 7 hour plane ride home from Hawaii. I couldn't sleep at all nor did I play on my computer nor did I watch any movies...I just listened to music the entire time. And for most of the time, I listened to
on repeat. If you wanna read the rest of the story, I actually answered about the au over here
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Well, I write most of my stories like they're a movie/drama, so movie/drama would work, because I see my writing (or any writing for that matter) like it's a movie playing in my head
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
A Killer and Healer Howl's Moving Castle au. I've always loved Howl's Moving Castle and I think it would work great as a K&H au, but I just don't know a) which couple to use because it could work both ways and b) when I'm ever going to have time to write it (because I am plagued with other au ideas all the damn time)
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Oh man, talking about fic ideas with your friends. Just gushing about how scenes would work/play out, who characters would be (if I'm inspiring a fic off of a drama/anime/movie/manga), what certain scenes will entail...stuff like that. That shit is fun. I mean, writing is fun too because you're taking what's in your brain and putting it on paper, but like...just brainstorming with your friends is fun
Fun meta asks for writers | send me asks
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thank you! How nice! 💗
Enigmatic Confections - the Baking Show AU. Honestly, I didn't expect to enjoy this one so much, it started out as recycling a prompt to participate in my first Fictober. Also, people seem to really like it, which is nice. :)
Helen hosts a baking show. Nikola hosts a cooking show. They've hated each other since they met years ago. When their network pushes them together for a new show for the summer, they must learn to get along or suffer professional consequences. (Sactuary, Helen/Nikola, enemies-to-lovers)
The Abnormal X-File - the first multi-chapter I finished, though I don't have access to the ending right now. I adore everything about it and feel it's a very good example of my writing.
Mulder and Scully go on vacation to London in pursuit of an old story from Mulder's school days. The story leads them to a mysterious woman and the Network she runs... (Sanctuary + The X Files, Scully & Mulder friendship)
Bleeding Through the Blue - my second purely Sanctuary fic! Out of the Blue was the first episode I ever saw and I love it much. I also love Magnitt.
Helen is a painter, trying to deal with her anxiety and teetering marriage. But things are changing and she is rapidly losing sight of what is real and what isn't as she tries to hang on to her sanity. (Sanctuary, Helen/John)
Come Now, Little One... - the crossover of my two favorite shows because I heard the My Little Pony song 'Open Up Your Eyes'. Also self-indulgent in the fact that it's a dark!fic and I like those.
Sam has spent her whole life in the Sanctuary, being raised to take over by her slightly psycho mother. That life isn't the one Sam wants, but her mother has a very clear idea of what she should be. Rebelling against it for years, Sam searches for an escape from the darkening world she was raised in. (Sanctuary/Stargate SG-1, Sam and Helen mother-daughter relationship)
Bird Cage - This one is a rewrite of one of my favorite books, The Aviary, but I really enjoy how I've so far inserted Stargate and Sanctuary characters into it and mashed all three worlds together.
The rebellion against the Goa'uld in ancient Egypt failed. Since then, Earth has been under their enslavement. The Goa'uld use Earth as a pleasure planet, allowing technology progression in the interest of taking it for themselves, allowing humans some measure of power by enslaving their own people. The main commodity on Earth now is human women. Sixteen-year old Sam Carter has led a sheltered life, protected by her parents and her foster brother, Jack. But safety can only last so long. Sam falls victim to a Museum, where girls are displayed as art by day and 'entertain' men by night. Desperate for escape, Sam desperately hopes for Jack to come so they can return home to their family, while battling her mixed feelings for her new museum director. (Stargate SG-1/Sanctuary, Sam/Jack (budding), Sam/John Druitt (unrequited).)
I just realized that absolutely none of these fics are actually finished, but whatever. I love them.
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h4mm132l1c3 · 6 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
I got tagged in this by the lovely @onewhoturns, and I'll tag some others at the end!
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
I only have 8 actually published there, but for reference, I went into my WIP folder and found over 100 more... So I do write things! I'm just really really bad at actually publishing them.
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
Assuming I've done my math right, my current total word count sits at 262,909. Most of that is probably the longfics I've done with Turner, but there are almost certainly some hidden gems in there as well.
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Well, I haven't actually written and published something for a specific fandom for a while now, but my more common interests these days are Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Solid, Ace Attorney, Shadow & Bone (Netflix TV show specifically) and a few sporadic others! But my past works were for Oxenfree, Destiny, Ava's Demon, Homestuck, Overwatch, Critical Role, The Magnus Archives and Half Life.
4: Top five fics by kudos?
That would beeee So It Goes, Blue Hair, Red Jacket, A Different Angle, One Foot, and finally Holy Spirits!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
As much as I love getting comments on fics, I don't often respond to them. I don't really have enough published to get engagement super often, and even then, I'm just not the kind of person to reach out at random simply because I've heard too many Internet Horror Stories(tm). But, maybe if I do publish more in the future, I'll make a habit of answering then!
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I... Don't really know? Most of my fics are either one-shots or unfinished multi-chapter works. There's probably something really angsty in my WIPs, but since it's never seen the light of day, we'll never really knows.
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Hm hm hm. That would probably be a toss up between A Different Angle, which is just meant to be a nice, feel-good oneshot, or Pyrite-50: Quiet Moments, which is a kind of character study of one of my Destiny PC's.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Since I only have 8 published, and I'm not like a super-duper popular author, I don't really think I get hate. All of the comments I've seen have been really sweet and lovely, which I'm thankful for.
9: Do you write smut?
I've been known to partake... On occasion....... <- Currently hiding most of it away in that damned WIP folder
10: Do you write crossovers?
Aside from the every-so-often "AU fic inspired by another piece of media", no, not really. But maybe that will change sometime! I wouldn't be truly opposed.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware!
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. My reach, like I said, is pretty minimal. But if anybody were to ask, I'd say go for it, as long as I got credit as the author.
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Most of my published fics are co-written! My co-author was actually the one who tagged me in this, Turner. You can go check out all our Oxenfree stuff on Ao3 right now.
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oooooh, this one is hard. The one I've undoubtedly written the most for is jonalex, but I'm a huge multishipper, so I've never really preferred one pairing over another before. It's always so dependent on my mood! Can I just say all of them?
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
The forgotten Kaz Brekker/Darkling smut. It sits in its little google document, taunting me. I know that you're there. I KNOW.
16: What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think I'm good at metaphors? Generally, getting into a character's psyche is what I strive for, and when I get it right it feels like a real achievement. I've also been told that I'm very good at making dialogue that feels real, or that flows in a way that makes sense, which is something else I'm really proud of.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things. Fight scenes (of the physical variety). The two big F's.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Seeing as I am a person who only knows one language (and guess which one that is), I don't often write in other languages for my fics, because I'm a liiiiittle too scared of fucking up. On the rare chances I have, I usually use someone I know as a translator, but that limits me on how many languages I can conceivably use. As far as foreign languages in other fics go, I'm all for it!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
It's either Harry Potter, and that fic has now been orphaned to the wind, or maybe Homestuck?
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
Of my published fics, it has to be So It Goes. That one has a special place in my heart for a multitude of reasons, and not just because Turner and I got to write it together. Of my WIPs, there's an unnamed freemance fic that I've been dying to finish that I just recently found again, and it made me fall in love with my writing for a second time; in a strange way.
@artemis-crimson @reddgiant @starchemist @starlit-bawka @cranehusbands @duvirii and basically whoever else wants to do it.
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unfortunatelycake · 7 months
20 Questions Writer Meme
Tagged by @snarkivistfic ! Thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3? 173 across 3 pseuds
What's your total AO3 word count? 3,600846
What fandoms do you write for? At present, mostly TGCF with a little MDZS. Previously One Punch Man, boueibu, plus random other anime
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Anon One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated M Genos has feelings for his sensei, and blogs about it 100 First Kisses One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated E Like it says on the tin. This one's 100k. Found in Silence, These Things Unheard One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated M A getting together fic, based around Genos coping with temporary deafness. Foolish Pretenders Heaven Official's Blessing, Feng Xin/Mu Qing, Rated E Fake dating with added idiocy. Begin Again Tokyo Ghoul, Hide/Sasaki + others, Rated E Hide happens to see Sasaki, and is certain he's Kaneki. Set during canon and written whilst the manga was still being published; this is my 'I fucking called it' fic because certain plot points ended up actually being canon lol
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Comments bring me life! The way I see it, if someone takes a moment to leave a comment - be it an emoji, a few words, or an entire essay, in any language - there's no reason I shouldn't take the time to show my appreciation for that by replying.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Love is Over Boueibu, Akoya/Arima, Rated T It's not all that angsty in comparison to angsty scenes in other fics I've written, but it's the angstiest ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? No idea. Most of my fics have happy endings lol
Do you get hate on fics? Only once. I ignored it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes if the plot needs it. It isn't very good smut lmao
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've only written one-- Love is Not a Subroutine! Boueibu/One Punch Man crossover, Genos/Saitama, En/Atsushi, Io/Ryuu, Rated T Genos and Saitama get zapped into the Boueibu universe, where they have to fight monsters with the power of love, rather than fists.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone asked to translate one of my fics once but I never heard anything about it after that. So no, I guess.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Started one with @anonymousedward but it kind of fell by the wayside and we both fell into different fandoms. It was a banger of an idea though!
What's your all-time favorite ship? This changes according to whatever fandom I'm in, so I'll pass on this question lol
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There are 31 files in my 'abandoned wips' folder. I would very much like to finish all of them, but that's unlikely to happen. I guess I'd most like to finish a OPM soulmate AU, it's just a huge project and I haven't found the right kind of writing mojo to continue working on it.
What are your writing strengths? No shortage of ideas, I guess?
What are your writing weaknesses? They aren't always the right ideas. Also lack of discipline. I make a plan and don't stick to it. And many one-shots have ended up as multi-chaptered fics lmao
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't do it.
First fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite fic you've written? Aaaa I don't know. I was pleased with the vibe of Nightmare for All Seasons (Lost Souls, Steve/Ghost, Post-Canon, Rated T) and I have a soft spot for a whole bunch of my MDZS and OPM fics, but I was also super proud of Love is Sung in a Minor Key (Boueibu, Io/Ryuu + Akoya/Arima, Post-Canon/Bandman AU, Rated E) because I ended up not just writing fic, but lyrics too lol ...Neither of these fics are really good examples of the shit I usually write hahaha
Tagging: @mostlikelytofangirl @anonymousedward @batneko @rayadraws @10holmes @km-birdie @butterfliesandresistance if you wish to do it, no pressure though!
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kim-ruzek · 1 year
Lost in Translation
Part one
Summary: All Adam ever seems to hear is Kim talking about Roman. In Molly’s, in the locker room, when he’s just walking through the district. All he ever hears is Kim making comments about Roman, about their relationship, about all the domestic elements of their life.
And it's killing him.
Or; Obliviousness, a game of telephone and a healthy dose of gossip leads to miscommunication... Miscommunication that just may lead Adam and Kim back together.
Set in S3, post break-up AU.
Word Count: 3k words
Read on AO3
Notes: This fic very much spawned from a cracky idea, so while it may seem angsty (and it is), it is primarily a fic that is rooted in humour. It is also a two part fic, this is part one, as it works better that way. It is also my first (posted) burzek multi-chapter, technically.
I first created this idea back in 2021, so I'm very happy I've finally written it and I hope y'all enjoy! 💖
Adam knew something was up with Kim and Roman.
That something was different, a difference that occurred after his engagement to Kim imploded and Adam isn’t stupid enough to not know that the difference most likely was because of said implosion. He may have been stupid enough to not realise Kim was slipping from his fingertips, that the fighting they had been doing wasn't only a rut, but he’s still a good cop and a good cop notices things.
His mind hadn’t wanted to go there; it rebelled at the very notion. But his eyes kept betraying him, pointing out all the ways they seemed to be closer, all the ways Roman was intruding in Kim’s personal space, and all the ways Kim didn’t seem to mind.
He chose not to dwell on it, or rather he tried, hard, not to—and was mostly successful, except for the dead of night when his bed felt so, so empty without her warmth snuggled beside him and there was no case or alcohol to distract him and occupy his mind with thoughts of literally anything else.
But he knew. He knew.
So when Adam heard that Roman suddenly went on furlough, and that he wouldn’t be coming back, that he had transferred, again, to yet another district, he had been immediately curious. Of course, he wasn’t allowed to ask Kim about it himself, but he could linger around corners and the locker room, acting like he was absorbed in something else, all while he listened to others asking.
All Kim said to anyone—even Kev—was that Roman needed a change of scenery, and she always said it so clipped, so final, making it clear she wasn’t engaging in any gossip. It’s something that would usually leave Adam feel a swell of pride for his girl, being so polite and tactful, but she’s not his girl, and it only made him feel mildly frustrated as he wanted to know why Roman left.
Naturally, Platt was no help either.
With no answers, Adam had made his own. He had decided that whatever was the thing happening between them, whatever that difference was, it had ended, been disconnected. And that was satisfactory enough for Adam—and a little bit of an ego booster, if he was honest.
But then it happened.
Adam was minding his own business in the locker room—for real, this time—getting changed before he headed to Molly’s when he overheard Kim talking to one of the other officers. It’s his fault, really. His ears are still trained to immediately zone in and listen whenever he hears her beautiful voice, even months after she broke his heart.
From context, Adam quickly got that the officer asked if Kim was joining them in Molly’s. Usually, he’d be crushed at her not going, always liking to catch a glimpse of her there even as she steadfastly ignored him. But this time, that’s not what crushed him.
“I can’t,” Kim said. “I have to get home. I’ve got a date planned for cuddles on the couch; Roman is still adjusting to the move,”
Adam’s heart had stopped.
He’s a good cop, but even an idiot could guess what had recently transpired in Kim’s life hearing that. Roman—he was living with Kim.
And Kim was having dates with him.
That’s when Adam realised he had gotten it all wrong; Roman hadn’t transferred because things between them had fizzled—but because he was dating Kim, because he was living with Kim.
Adam didn’t go to Molly’s that night. He still drank, but it was very much drinking to be alone, in the darkness, not amongst his colleagues.
Any hope that Adam had about him misunderstanding what he overheard evaporated only a few nights after. He was in Molly’s, and at some point Kim had turned up to, and when he was grabbing a beer, his ears betrayed him again and he tuned into her saying that “she had to leave,” that “she had a date with her boyfriends, Roman, Ben and Jerry,”
Despite having learnt already that Kim was living with Roman—living with him, when they never even got to live in a place that was theirs together—Adam hadn’t been prepared to hear the first time Kim referred to another man as her boyfriend.
Adam had an early night, too, that night. But his was a lot more miserable than hers was.
Kim had moved on. There was officially no hope for them.
After this, all Adam ever seems to hear is Kim talking about Roman. In Molly’s, in the locker room, when he’s just walking through the district. All he ever hears is Kim making comments about Roman, about their relationship, about all the domestic elements of their life.
And it's killing him.
He’s handing Platt some paperwork about his expenses when he overhears Kim talking with other officers about grabbing lunch. Someone suggests sushi, and Kim immediately groans.
“Ugh, no, pass, please. All I’ve been cooking recently is fish for Roman, and I’m officially sick of the sight of any seafood. Especially with how Roman eats it, I think he’s put me off fish for a lifetime.”
And he’s in the locker room, in the morning, getting ready for work when he hears Kim come in, chatting away with another officer—her replacement for Roman, he thinks, not that he’s been able to ask. Not when she’s avoiding him like he’s got the plague and not when he doesn’t know if he could get through a conversation with her without his heart literally breaking in two.
“And oh my god, the bathroom! I swear I’m having to clean it so much which I know I signed up for but he makes such a mess in there. And he always seem to want to pee right as I’m showering—no matter the time. It’s not even just that, it’s so much hair. You wouldn’t think that Roman would shed that much hair,” Kim sounds so frustrated, and Adam hates how much that hurts him, even though she’s venting about her new boyfriend.
“Typical man,” the other officer says, and the two of them burst out laughing, hard, for a reason that Adam doesn’t quite get. And it’s just another reminder that Kim has jokes now that he’ll never know, that it’s Roman’s privilege now to have that view into Kim’s world.
All these little moments that Adam overhears, they all hurt him. Deep, in an aching kind of way that he never thought he’d feel, a way he never knew was possible, a way that he never experienced when his previous engagements ended.
But the one that hurt him the most was another conversation he overheard in Molly’s. Kim is already in the bar when Adam gets there and if he hadn’t walked in with the rest of the unit, he might’ve been tempted to walk right back out. But he had, so he stayed, instead telling himself that he’ll stay way clear of her—he needs to give his liver a rest, after all.
His one consolation is Kevin, who shoots him an understanding look, clocking Kim as well. Things had been distant between those two, as well; Kevin had felt a bit upset at hearing about Kim and Roman through the district grapevine, and from what Kev had told him, which granted isn’t much, Kim had all but dismissed these feelings when he asked her about it.
If Adam’s honest, it doesn’t sound like something Kim would do, but then he didn’t think dating Roman would be something Kim would do, so what does he know? And he knows Kevin well enough to know his hurt is real.
It probably would’ve been fine, had Adam not needed to go take a piss. He was actually enjoying himself with his unit, so much that for a moment he got wrapped up in the fun he temporarily forgot that Kim is also in the bar. And that in order to get to the toilets, he had to go past where Kim sat.
“Partners... The wrong one can be so detrimental to everything, both personally and professionally.” It is busy in Molly’s, and so Adam was moving carefully, winding through the crowd and is unable to speed up to put as much distance between them as soon as he hears Kim’s voice and he remembers.
“Like my ex partner, he was just so wrong for me. His attitudes, the way he spoke to and about me and how he acted about my role, like I was beneath him? His opinions and wants was the most important and that was that. A partner to be good needs to support you, and help you accomplish what you need to, not dismiss your own dreams, especially your professional ones. But my partner now? Completely perfect for me, and that makes all the difference.”
There are times Adam wishes there is an off switch to his ears, and this is the only time he would be truly glad if that was the case. He couldn’t help listening to Kim speak, despite the noisiness of the bar, despite the obvious signs at the start of the sentence that it could be potentially devastating for him.
He had thought the moment when Kim handed him back her ring would be the most devastating moment of his life.
How very stupid of him indeed.
Adam knew, obviously, that Kim was unhappy with their relationship. She wouldn’t have ended it otherwise. And he knew that he wasn’t always the best—missing the dinner with her mom was a fine example of how he could fuck up. But he hadn’t quite realised that she felt like that, that she thought he was like that.
And suddenly all Adam could do was doubt himself, thinking back on things and wondering is that really how he acted? Is he really such a fuck up that he made Kim feel like he didn’t value her, respect her? That he dismissed her dreams and didn’t support her?
Adam feels sick, and he knows that he’ll be leaving the bar, now, even though just five minutes ago he thought he’d be here at least half an hour longer. That he’ll say goodbye to the team and head home—just as soon as he convinces himself to go back out to the bar, to leave the toilets. It’s a challenge to get his feet moving, standing immobile, unable to bear the thought of walking past Kim again.
He manages to, mostly spurred on by another man entering the toilets and Adam became so aware at how weird he would seem if he just remained frozen on one spot there. He hoped that maybe he wouldn’t hear anymore as he passed by again, but isn’t that lucky.
Even more unluckily, it seems that Kim is once again getting ready to leave the bar and Adam realises that if he just stayed in the toilets for one more minute, he would’ve been free of his hell. But he chose to leave, then, and as a result he gets to hear Kim say another thing that devastates him to his core.
“I’ll see you around. Good luck with everything,” Kim is saying as he draws near. “Now, I’ve got to get back to the love of my life,”
It is really credit to himself, and his dignity—what’s left of it, anyway—that Adam doesn’t fall to the ground right then and there, Kim’s words faltering him in his steps.
It’s not even the words. Well, not only the words.
But it’s how she says it. There’s a hint of humour to her voice, but there’s a certainty. That it’s like she’s just saying any old fact, that it is just the truth, and she’s just stating something so big like it’s something casual—because, in her life, as far as she’s concerned, it is.
The words haunt Adam for the rest of the night, going round and round in his head. He remembers all the times she said those words to him; whispered to him in their dead of night talks, casually said it over breakfast, or at a dinner with Kev. Remembered the time she stared at her ring for the one of the first times, and told him that, told him that she was so happy—happy because the love of her life wanted her just as much she wanted him.
How could it be that only six months after they broke up, that she had moved on so fast? That she had discovered that Adam was just a footnote in her life, and not one who’d have her heart forever?
But, of course, Adam knew how. He heard how from Kim’s mouth that same night; heard how she saw their relationship, saw him, and even though it confuses Adam, because surely, surely he wasn’t that bad, that doesn’t really matter. That’s how she felt during their relationship, and that’s exactly why she left him, exactly why Adam’s not the love of her life anymore, and why Roman is.
Adam had already been trying to stay clear of Kim’s path, out of respect for her wishes as well as preservation for his own heart, but after that night in Molly’s, he really starts avoiding her. If anyone notices, they choose not to comment on it, something which Adam deeply appreciates.
He doesn’t even wonder if Kim notices, knowing that she’s moved on, that he’s probably the person she least wants to think about and knowing that if she does, she’s probably glad—happily living her life with Roman, and glad there’s no lingering ex-fiancé hanging around her.
His avoidance amps up two months later when they hear word of a cop being shot in another district—and that the cop is Roman. There’s nothing Adam wants even less then seeing a distraught looking Kim, knowing that it will be because of her new partner, her new boyfriend, knowing that she’d be hurting over a man who gets to love her in the way he so, so wishes he still was allowed to.
Adam thinks the sight of it might actually be what kills him.
This includes not going to Molly’s, not wanting to run into her, not wanting to have to say his sympathies—or having to be the kind of man who can’t get past his own feelings to even choke out the words—and rather, not wanting to go and not see her and knowing it’s because she’s at his bedside.
And nothing makes cops group together like the one, big family they are like an officer getting injured and Adam heard words of everyone going to Molly’s because of the shooting and he knew he isn’t strong enough for that.
So Adam doesn’t go to Molly’s, and when he has some days off a week or so after the shooting, Adam stays in his apartment the entire time, even if before he would’ve spent the time catching up with people he hadn’t seen in a while.
No, for now, all the friends Adam needs is alcohol and takeout.
He’s half way through the Chinese he had ordered when there’s a knock on his apartment door. It confuses him for a second, looking down at his food, food that had already arrived and so didn’t need delivering but he shrugs it off and goes to the door anyway.
Kim repeatedly got on his case about his surprising lack of awareness depending he’s a cop, that he never questions why his door knocks, and about how he never ‘practiced safety’ by opening the door without checking the peep hole and this comes to his mind, now. Just like it had ever since she left him, his ears missing her voice repeating the same words she always did despite him never listening, and he had gotten into the habit of checking.
(There’s a part of him that wonders, if he did that more when they were still together, maybe she’d still be his).
But Adam’s feeling particularly irritable today, at the whole situation, at the aching emptiness in his heart that still remains despite the fact it’s been months, despite the fact that they’ve been split for as long as their engagement was now, despite the fact that Kim hasn’t given him a second fucking thought, despite the fact that she’s with another man.
So why the hell should he still be listening to her voice in his head?
Adam opens the door, pushing that voice into a box in his head. Because of it, he thinks he must’ve opened the door a little too forcefully, as Kim looks startled as he does so.
Wait, he thinks. Kim?
For the first time in months, Kim is standing at his door. It’s what he’s been dreaming of ever since she walked out on him, and he had came back to his apartment and every bit of her was scrubbed from it. Even just a few weeks ago, had she turned up, for whatever reason, Adam would’ve been immediately softened at her appearance.
Not today. Today, Adam feels irritable.
“What do you want?” He snaps at her. He doesn’t mean for it to come out just so harsh standing but it’s been months of no contact and now she’s standing here for god knows what reason and all Adam wants to do is finish his dinner.
Kim looks a little taken back by his tone, which should’ve annoyed him more, especially considering it’s reasonable to assume he wouldn’t exactly be all sunshine and roses at her presence, especially since he’s in a mood, but it makes him feel guilty, bad that he’s caused that reaction in her.
This woman is going to be the death of him, he thinks.
Still, Kim isn’t deterred by his tone because of course she isn’t, because she’s Kim, and Kim is a strong and determined woman who never backs down from what she wants to do.
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding.” She says, and Adam almost wants to laugh. What possible misunderstanding could there have been—what, did she not actually break up with him, didn’t actually break his heart?
“Meet Roman,” At that, Kim holds up something and Adam realises this whole time there’s been something in her arms, and a pet cage at her feet that he didn’t see. (Yeah, he’s a great cop).
“My cat.” She finishes.
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awakefor48hours · 7 months
Stolen Hearts
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[Fanfiction.net] || [AO3]
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug & Avatar the Last Airbender Warnings: None Characters: Marinette Dupain Cheng, Azula Relationships: Azula/Marinette (Azulanette) Additional Tags: bisexual marinette, lesbian azula, one shot, Aged up, Marinette and Azula are both 28, slight OOC
Summary: After a successful heist, Paris’s most infamous cat burglar, Ladybug, goes home to her roommate, Azula, who has big news for her.
After scouring the internet for a long while, I have come to the conclusion that I am the only person who ships these two. I checked basically everywhere for a fanfiction, fanart, AMV, or even just an edit of Azula and Marinette, I checked tumblr, reddit, instagram, AO3, fanfiction.net, livejournal, wattpad, quotev, tiktok, youtube, and even the third page of google so welcome to what I will confidently say is the first ever Azula x Marinette (a ship I’m calling Azulanette) fanfiction.
I'm so glad you're here to watch my brainrot of this crack ship I've slowly come to love. Once again, since I can confidently say that this is the first ever Azulanette fanfiction in the world, I'm going to ease myself into writing about Azulanette as I'm planning to write a longer/multi-chapter fic in the future, I want practice writing these two before I take on something like that. The only "plan" I have is to just experiment, see what works and what doesn't work before that fic is published. I also need to rewatch ATLA again as the last time I saw this show was back in 2020.
For nearly five years, Paris had been intimidated by a cat burglar that goes by the name of Ladybug. Ladybug was a criminal mastermind. The only known information the police had on her was that she always wore a ladybug-printed outfit and would always rob places in the morning or dusk, never at night. Wearing a bright red outfit in the middle of the day should make her out to be a very easy target but somehow she would escape before the authorities would even realize that they were robbed.
That begs the question: where does she go after a heist?
Ladybug ran on the rooftops of Paris at dusk. She knew it would only be a matter of time before the bank realized that they'd been robbed but she didn't worry about that because she was almost home. She took a giant leap, jumping over the street below her, to a new rooftop and saw her apartment just a few meters away. A few seconds later, she made it to her bedroom window, opened it, then jumped through. Just as her feet touched the floor, she heard police sirens start to blare outside.
Another successful heist.
She popped her head out of her room to greet her roommate, Azula. They've been roommates since the beginning of Ladybug's crime spree. It was their secret and the reason and they were only people who knew. It was nice to have someone like her. 
"Hi, Marinette, how was your heist today?" Azula greeted. 
Marinette, the name of the person behind the mask, smiled then pulled out her magic yo-yo and pulled out some of the cash she stole. She was currently holding 6 thousand euro but left the other 2 hundred thousand inside her yo-yo. "Successful, as always." Marinette said proudly.
Marinette moved back into her room and changed out of her Ladybug outfit and into a comfortable red sweatshirt and gray pants. Once she was changed, she talked to the kitchen to start making croissants. Making pastries after a heist was a habit she started a while ago. It helped to calm down and remind her of home. Azula also loved this habit so Marinette always made sure to make enough for both of them.
Marinette walked around the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients she needed. But before she started, she noticed Azula standing at the threshold. "Marinette, can I tell you something before you start?"
"Yeah go ahead." Marinette then put down the flour she was holding and walked towards Azula.
When she walked over, Azula took Marinette's hands and looked at her. "Marinette these past five years have been some of the most amazing years of my life. You're so imaginative, smart, funny, and make the best pastries I've ever tasted."
"You're homemade tea is definitely the best I've had." 
She chuckled lightly. "You should try my uncle's tea. His tea is much better than mine."
"Then you should try my father's pastries too. He and my grandfather make some of the best pastries ever made."
"I look forward to it. But I really want to tell you something." Azula looked down, sighed heavily, then looked back up. "You are truly amazing. Especially the way you've managed to steal anything that you put your mind to, it's always impressed me and recently you've stolen something from me."
Suddenly a slight feeling of panic set in. What did she steal this time? She's had problems with accidentally stealing from Azula's stuff in the past, usually her phone, but she always gives her stuff back in the end. She doesn't even know what she stole this time so she didn't know where she may have put it this time. She has nearly 2 hundred thousand dollars in her room right now so she could at least pay it back.
"Marinette, you stole my heart." 
In that moment, Marinette felt her worry melt away. Her face started to heat up and the air left her lungs. She could barely believe this was happening. They've been roommates for a while and Marinette had definitely started to develop feelings for Azula too. She just never thought they would be reciprocated.
“Well, you should know you stole my heart too.”
They looked at each other for a moment then leaned in for a kiss. It was like heaven, an eternity of happiness, despite the fact it only lasted for a short moment. Once they separated, Marinette said, “I guess we can get our families together when we tell them the news.”
And with that, the first ever Azulanette fanfiction is done. I cannot express to you how hard this was for me. I’ve written and rewritten so many things about this fic should go, this is actually the third attempt/fanfiction I wrote. After a while, I had to realize that I just needed to sit down and write this. In fact, the rough draft for this fic was handwritten because I had some extra time before one of my classes.
Also, and I’m sure this might be a bit obvious, this fic was inspired by Batcat. An anon mentioned that Azulanette reminded them of Damienette and I realized I should integrate myself in the DC x ML side of the fandom so I’ve been binging DC content because it’s been a while since I’ve really sat down and enjoyed DC content outside of Harley Quinn (character and show). Anon, if you’re reading this, you played a big part in this fic and thank you for pointing that out. 
With that being said, I’m proud of this. It took about a month and an embarrassing amount of times falling asleep at the keyboard to write this fic but I couldn’t be happier that it’s finally out in the world. Once again, I do plan to write more (especially the other two fics I started to write) but right now I’m mainly just focusing on how Azula and Marinette’s relationship would function. 
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tarabyte3 · 1 year
✨Fanfiction updates!✨
I Want You to Show Me Weak
I'm over halfway done with chapter 24! Currently writing the smut half 😏 It's always the part that gives me the most trouble because I've written so much Kino x Reader smut at this point, trying to make things feel fresh is a challenge. But it's a fun challenge 😌 Unfortunately that means the last few chapters will take me longer to write. I AM writing them, though. I promise!
The Devil Makes Us Sin
I'm maaaybe 2/3 of the way through chapter 3? The chapters for this fic will be longer than what I've done for previous works. Chapter 2 was 9.9k words and this one is already over 7k.
I have 3 other Kino pieces on AO3 that I've never posted here: 1. Reprieve - A short Kino centric masturbation one shot, 2. Wake Up, Look Me in the Eyes Again - A Kino x M!Reader one shot, and 3. Wants, Needs, and Clerical Errors - My first Kino x F!Reader fic that is 3 chapters long. I'm going make Tumblr posts for them this week so I can eventually make a fic masterlist.
There was a future smut scene I was writing for TDMUS that I got halfway through before I realized it didn't fit the tone of that fic. But I still loved it (🥵🫠) so I'm turning it into a smutty oneshot. Now you have even more David Robey smut to look forward to!
I have a new Kino x Reader idea that I've been making notes for because it'll be my next multi chapter Kino fic after Show Me Weak (just much shorter length). It's a modern setting AU with Kino as a personal fitness trainer. STAY WITH ME! I SWEAR IT'S WORTH IT, JUST HEAR ME OUT! A month ago I started going to my own personal trainer. He's an awesome dude that I'm comfortable being completely pathetic and whiny around. And I'm enjoying it because he's kicking my ass into shape. However. The man has said things to me to try to motivate me that, when taken out of context, are some of the most casual, unhinged dom things I've ever heard IRL. When I shared them with my discord friends (Next Big Franchise shout out, I love you 💖), it was suggested that I make a Personal Trainer!Kino fic based on just the quotes alone and I latched onto that idea so fuckin hard. Because my PT saying them does absolutely nothing for me (grey ace), but the thought of Kino saying them is jfc hot 🥵. And because I am benevolent, here are a few examples: 🔸"Good, I want you to hurt" 🔸 "Do it again. You're going to keep those thighs open for me." 🔸 "I know you can give me more." 🔸 "Don't lift those hips. I'll hold you down if I have to." So there you have it: Modern AU PT!Kino x Reader that becomes more and more sexually confusing until they're just fucking on a weight bench 😌😇
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hecckyeah · 3 months
#3, 4, 15, 24 for the fic ask game!!
Hii!!! Thanks so much for the ask <3
3. Are there any specific themes you enjoy exploring in your fics?
Ooh, this is such a good question but I feel like my answer is going to be sort of vague. It really really REALLY depends on the themes I'm going with for each individual fic. I do love LOVE playing with the found family trope and all its facets and nuances, but I don't get to it all that often. But a theme that keeps cropping up (and I probably do this subconsciously) is fighting with the unknown, if that makes sense. In which my characters are making peace with something beyond their control. Hmm I wonder if my writing is reflecting my own psyche or something. Weird
4. How do you channel characters' voices and personalities?
HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS OF CONSUMING THEIR CONTENT. Oh my gosh I swear I've single-handedly kept the Youtube scene compilation people in business. I'll literally watch them over and over and over again until I'm thinking in their voices and I can't get rid of it, and that's when my best dialogue happens. I absolutely suck at dialogue unless I've been living and breathing those characters for days on end. If I can't hear the physical voices in my mind's ear (is that a thing?) then I basically can't write them. Same with their personalities and physical quirks. I need to be able to see and visualize each movement, or it feels off and foreign and I end up trashing whatever I write. Basically I have to play out the scene I'm writing in my mind like it's a movie, and if I can imagine that scene in the show/movie/book it came from, then I know I'm probably on the right track.
15. Do you plan your fics or prefer to let the story unfold as you write?
Hah, yeah I'm a write-as-you-go kinda gal. It works out well for one-shots, since the format lends itself to a wandering, thoughtful kind of style, but that's definitely why I struggle with longform multi-chapter fics, since my characters always make decisions they didn't clear with me first, and I'm usually sitting here rolling my eyes and trying to get the story back on track as they go do their own thing. Even the couple of times I did plan the fic out from beginning to end, I still ended up making changes on the fly and it ended in a totally different place than I'd imagined. Basically I just write in a direction that makes sense, and then I edit afterward to make it look like I planned it all from the beginning. Not always, because sometimes my brain cooperates and everything comes together without any need for post-editing, and I love it when that happens :)))
24. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing fanfiction?
I would definitely say, try out a few styles of writing and see what sticks!! If you hate longform or can't wrap your mind around first person perspective, then don't push it! Stick to what feels right and then hone that skill. Don't worry about what other fanfiction writers are doing, because having a unique style is a good thing. If you sound like every other author, that's how people will see you -- as just one of the masses. Write in the style you enjoy, and people will notice your passion and love for your craft.
If you haven't written a lot in general and are just starting out with writing altogether, READ A LOT, all the time. Read good literature, like the old classics. Read YA fantasy. Read graphic novels. Read everything. You can't write if you haven't read first, even if what you're writing for is a movie or show. It's like deciding to paint a picture of a shark, even though the only description you've ever heard of it is that it has sharp teeth and is long and bluish-gray with fins. Yeah, you might end up with a blob-type shape that maybe could be interpreted as an abstract shark, but in order to paint a realistic shark you need to have examined all its sides and colors and shapes and movements. You have to know the shark like the back of your hand. You can't learn anything about writing by watching movies. You need to know how stories are structured in a word format before trying to put it all together yourself.
And if you've written a lot before but are just starting out in the fanfiction world, I would just say that fandom is a totally weird and different beast altogether. Post small things, post big projects, and realize that not everything is going to be popular. Find the joy in the craft itself and see the recognition as the cherry on top.
Find a niche and explore it!! Dig into a couple of key moments of the piece of media you're creating for, and really expand and explore the themes there.
And in the end, just write because you love the media, and nothing else. If you fall out of love with the book/movie/show, it's OKAY to stop writing for it. You are NOT a failure for putting a fanfic on hiatus for a long time. You're not getting paid for it, and fans are not entitled to you slapping together a halfhearted ending to something you don't feel passionate about anymore. Leave the door open to finish it the right way in case you come back to the fandom and want to pick up where you left off. We're all just human, and obsessions come and go.
Write because you love to write, and try not to worry about the nitty gritty of it all.
questions for fic writers
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hbyrde36 · 8 months
@griefabyss69 really keeping me busy with the tag games AND I LOVE IT 💜💜💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20! A few are short drabbles and one also one series that prob should have just been a multi-chaptered fic, so it sounds like a bit more than it is, but i'm super proud of my body of work so far
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
219,683 😱- which sounds absolutely insane to me considering i just started writing/posting in February of this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Stranger Things for now, but I could see myself doing this with future hyperfixations as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Times Like These
Shelter In Place
Caught in the Undertow
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I don't always manage to respond to 100% of comments, but I really try because they do mean SO much to me and i want ppl to know that and to thank them for reading!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I have any, at least right now, with an angsty ending. Happy endings always and forever over here 💜 Angstiest fic, in general, would be (i think) Caught in the Undertow.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tough one because, of course, happy endings always, but I like the hopeful and open ending to Times Like These. It's nice after all the rigamarole of the time loop.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
*knocks on wood SO hard* I have yet to get a negative comment on anything and I feel so lucky for that because I just know how dicouraging it would be. That said, it does make me wonder if I play it too safe sometimes, and so i'm considering pushing myself a bit more out of my comfort zone in the future.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, though usually as a small part to a larger fic. I have yet to write smut for the sake of itself. (though I do worship those authors that do. You are all wonderful and i'm not worthy!!) I'm still very self conscious of my spicy scenes, but i've been working hard at it and i'd like to think i've improved quite a bit since my first time.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! My fic - Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter is the love child of Steddie and the long running Anita Blake vampire hunter novel series. It has been so much fun to write and I love every comment i get from a reader who has never even heard of Anita Blake but loved the fic anyway! From the moment I imagined Steve as Anita and Eddie as Jean-Claude, i just knew i had to do somethign with it. It's been an absolute blast and i can't believe it's almost complete.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No - but that would be amazing!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I havn't, but would definetely be open to the idea with the right person. (assuming i had the time to commit to it) I am doing the reverse big bang, which is not cowriting of course but is a collaboration and i'm super excited for it.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie got me into this whole fandom/fanfic mess and they are without a doubt my favorite but i'll read just about any ST pairing if it's written well.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I plan to finish every project i've started, even those i'm not yet posting. For my own sanity i don't think I could leave anything unfinished (no judgement whatsoever to anyone who had left a fic unfinished though, this shit (and life) is hard sometimes!)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know really, um, I think I do pretty good dialog? I know that's the part of writing I tend to enjoy the most, and the part i usually write first for any scene. I can hear my characters voices very clearly in my head so conversation comes easily and naturally most of the time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting too caught up in the little details (and stressing about them) and letting it slow me down
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I havn't done it myself but i do love it in other fics ❤
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things/Steddie! I'm a fanfic late bloomer and only started reading it a year ago, and writing it 9 months ago.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
You can't make me choose! I love all my children equally!
Ok, fine. I'll say - Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy) is my current favorite because it is probably the most insane and creative project i've undertaken so far. It was a long time coming too. I had the idea for it way back in March, but I doubted my ability to take it on for a long time and only starting writing and posting it in july. It still feels intimidating to think about, but I love the way I've twisted canon to fit my weird idea.
No pressure tags! @penny00dreadful @thisapplepielife @manda-panda-monium @steddiecameraroll @chaosgremlinmunson @spoookysix @steventhusiast
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distort-opia · 1 year
hi!! just want to say i loooove repetitio est mater studiorum and i consider the it part of the batjokes canon (halfway across, made for the journey, two step, and your fic!!) i just read fractualized’s stuff and wanted to know if you had any bruce wayne/joker fic recs, emphasis on Bruce Wayne. not necessarily requiring the joker doesn’t know his ID but where it focuses on bruce’s personality outside of the bat. and if not, i hope this inspires yr mutuals. anyway!! thank you again love the blog
Hi! Thank you so much, that's really high praise. Very glad you enjoyed REMS <3
To be honest @fractualized has some amazing fics in this department (Give and Take, my beloved). I'm less versed in this genre, since my undersanding of Bruce's personality doesn't really ever exclude the Bat, so I prefer fics where this aspect of him is heavily dealt with. But I can personally recommend the next two fics, since they're more Bruce Wayne oriented and I trust my past self for bookmarking them:
+ The Beguiling of Bruce Wayne by lucius_complex (not rated, multi-chapter, 19k words)
Summary: The Joker’s behaving awfully romantic for some reason, and its driving Bruce Wayne completely batshit.
+ Road Trip by GreenJacks (rated M, one-shot, 2k words)
Summary: They're a long way away from home, and one of them has a broken ankle. The barman has no idea why those two men were calling each other friends, because they clearly weren't.
Otherwise, these are not fics that I have personally read, but perhaps you've heard of Somewhere Between Love And Abuse by Saremina and Grin And Bare It by BadgerDame? They're well-known so it's likely you've read them already, but if not they do seem like they're geared towards what you're suggesting, and I've heard great things about them.
And as you suggest, welcoming any other fic recs on this post!
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hurricanrxna · 9 months
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hello everyone!! welcome to the prologue of my new fanfic series featuring the miz and my original character dani! this idea has blossomed into my little labor of love recently and marries so many of my favorite things into a super mushy and emotional little package. I've been wanting to write a proper multi-chapter fic for such a long time, but the pressure of putting out really long chapters has always scared me off. recently though I decided to just bite the bullet because I was so inspired by this; screw my own internal pressure! 😂 so! here I am! each chapter will be accompanied by a short synopsis plus links to previous chapters and the master list!. for questions about the story or input or anything at all, please don't hesitate to send 'em in through my asks! I would love to hear all of your feedback ❤️
synopsis : every dream started somewhere. some just so happened to begin in a low-income apartment in California in 2002, where two people looked up at their grungy ceiling and dared to believe that together they could go farther than they had ever imagined. find the full story synopsis & masterlist here!
"Babe? You think I packed enough socks? 'Cuz I know I got fifteen pairs already but you never know." The chaotic sounds of clothes rustling and all manner of objects hitting the nearby dresser could be heard from the teeny half-kitchen just a few steps away, comically punctuating his words.
"Fifteen pairs, Mike?! You're going to orientation for two days not Mount Everest!" Dani shouted back with an unmistakable smile that seemed to melt into her voice. Though she was focused on the food in front of her, she was mostly just soaking in the moment to make sure she kept it slotted away in her mind forever.
Maybe part of it was because Dani knew that this was a turning point; something in her heart told her that.
When Mike had a dream and had a mission, he worked at it day and night until he didn't just earn it, he owned it. It's how he had gotten his shot in reality television, in front of the cameras where she knew he belonged. And while his time in television like that had been fun for both of them, it wasn't where his story was going to end. Dani knew that in her heart too.
Dani was there when Mike had decided to become a WWE wrestler. Like any other lost twenty-something, he was at a crossroads. And yet the path had opened up to him so easily, and it all took off from there. It was all moving so quickly, in fact, that Dani felt as though she was caught in a whirlwind. It was more enjoyable than anything, but she just hoped that she could hold on tight enough to stay on the ground by the end of it.
"Yeah, but you know how I am! Things just disappear around me sometimes; I swear I put something down here, then it's gone!" Mike's voice whisked Dani back to the present, thankfully just in time for her to rescue the mac and cheese. "Imagine the horror of me walking out there, first day of training, with one sock on."
"As if you wouldn't find a way to make that your gimmick or something," Dani cocked an eyebrow his way as she watched him saunter out of their bedroom, his hair still tightly gelled. "I think 'The Sockless Wonder' would get over great. I'd buy the t-shirt!"
Mike rolled his eyes in an attempt to seem unamused, though the huge grin that tugged at his lips gave it all away. A few steps more and he was standing closely behind Dani at the stove, wrapping his arms around her gently and pulling ever so slightly to ease her away from the tempting boxed meal.
"I'm allowed to steal that idea, right? Without crediting you at all? 'Cuz I'm gonna need the money." He chuckled as he rested his chin on her shoulder, kissing her jaw softly. Dani, never able to resist his charms even on the best of days, relented and leaned back a bit with a content sigh. The food would still be there when they got back, anyway.
"You credit me or I sue you, Mizanin. And where we're going, you'll be dealing with my very expensive and very morally dubious lawyers!" Mike let out a big laugh and in one smooth movement, grabbed Dani by the waist and pulled her onto the plush (discounted from a garage sale) fluffy rug below them. For a second he tickled her as revenge before laying down beside her, their fingers intertwined.
It was silent for a few minutes, so much so that Dani could feel her heart beating in her chest. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing on the precipice of something, a new beginning that she hadn't believed was possible. Both of them had grown up in small towns with the promise that they would live their lives just as their parents had. Dani had become content with that idea; Mike hadn't. His drive to be something greater than what anyone had thought he could accomplish was what Dani owed her ambition to.
"You feel that too?"
"Yeah. It's a lot."
"No, not really. Not with you here." Mike turned to Dani and, for as long as she'd live, gave her a smile she'd never forget that she swore could end wars and bring about world peace. Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic. But it was still a smile she'd replay countless times over in her head for years. It said more than just excitement. More than just anticipation. It was a promise.
He then pointed to the ceiling with confidence and a goofy expression that made her laugh, almost like he was about to perform. "'Cuz when you see me come down that ramp one day, with the fireworks and the pyro and the crowd screaming, I'm not gonna be afraid of anything and you know why?" Mike leaned in closer to her as he waited for her response, making her chuckle.
"Because I'll have you there, right by my side. Because I'll know that I got to where I am because you never gave up on me. When everyone else didn't see me, you did. And I'll spend the rest of my life thanking you for that." Dani's breath hitched and she knew her next words were going to be all wonky and choked up while she tried to fight off tears.
If there was only a way to show him how much he meant to her, to show him that she loved him beyond any words she could speak.
"Then that's where I'll stay," she finally said, sniffling as she took his arm and held him as close as she could to her. "Right here next to you."
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plothooksinc · 11 months
get to know your fic writer asks: 6, 7, 8, 19? :)
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
Extremely. I tend to shop for the right beta per project-- for ROTTMNT stuff (and probably 03 stuff lbr) it's @shadowbends as we share the same fondnesses and have the same horribly enabley little minds. But also when I write, a beta is very important for two things: first, they pick up on every time I use the same word three times in one sentence, can run a vibe check and suggest characterisation/pacing improvements etc. Second, they reassure me that what I have is actually worth publishing. Which...I know for the most part. But scarring memories of thinking something was good as a kid only to be told it was the most "awful thing I've ever heard" when read out mean I'll always want someone to rule out that minor paranoia. |D
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
It depends on who has the most to say and who has the most ability to observe in a scene! And how they observe it. There's a scene I was writing from Casey's POV in NRFTW where the pacing was really off despite the urgency of what was going on (friend needed rescue elsewhere while murder attempt right here) and I eventually realised it wasn't working because Casey isn't the right person to go 'oh god/panic' about events he was at the start of and mitigated immediately-- so I switched to Splinter, who woke up to a bunch of screaming and went WTF. Instant improvement. (Sometimes, the best POV is someone who does not have all the facts and goes ??? ??? the entire time)
Sometimes POV is a very obvious choice (an entire chapter of Leo going 'injuries suck'. An entire chapter of Donnie and research.) And sometimes, I gotta admit, I go with whoever will be the funniest to hear the thoughts of. |D And for a multi-character fight scene, I tend to flitter between different POV because it helps move the pacing along and keep things frantic.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Middle. The beginning is often a lot of pulling teeth, trying to get some kind of interesting introduction chugging along that will engage people until you can get to the meat of the story. The ending is... easier in some ways, hard in others, but also you're finishing up your sparkly project and that's depressing. But the middle is where the meat is, where all those scenes are that you dreamed up and can't wait to inflict on people, and the easiest to write because you don't have to worry about beginnings and ends.
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
This requires research! [hold music plays]
Okay, so keep in mind that I undertag and write tags as I go and I have a lot of unfinished work.
Not including character/relationship tags, the answer is: Blood and Injury! Runner-up: Kidnapping
>_> I swear I haven't written that many kidnappings. Note that I don't deny the blood and injury.
Hurt/comfort came in third. Look, I am a simple woman with simple pleasures. (Also, most of these kidnap victims rescue themselves. It's a whole thing.)
Thank you for this hilarious chance at self-reflection because I really tallied tags and went "oh... huh. That sure is a pattern..."
Get to know your fic writer here!
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I heard a song and it's a really good bollywood song but after season 3, it's the official Dinbo song for me?? I can literally imagine a scenario for them on every lyric of that song and there's this one line which just fits so perfectly and it's such a beautiful song with beautiful lyrics. the chorus which might be one of the most poetic lines i've ever heard is a little hard to translate without giving a little desi context but it's so pretty and i want to write a multi-chapter songfic so bad with like one lyric one chapter. But I have a life changing exam in a month for which i haven't studied for and it requires me to study the syllabus for full 2 years in this one month for the classes i didn't even attend because of the pandemic but it's a big exam and i have to study for it but i also want to write the fic so bad. i don't think my writing is good enough for the way this song fits into Dinbo but nobody else is doing it and i can't let this concept just be for me. It's absolutely genius the way this is their song. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Anyway, i think this is my introductory post into the Mandalorian fandom?
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isahorcrux · 11 months
1 and 20 please!
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Ooh... I think my brain works better for multi-chaptered fics, but I much prefer writing one-shots because then they're done and I can't procrastinate updating. As you can see, I've only actually ever finished one multi-chaptered fic (though that number should be jumping to 2 very soon).
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
YES. The phrase or some version of 'if he was being honest with himself/herself, which they rarely were...' I feel like I use that ALL the time. Also, not to compare myself to Taylor Swift, but I find I, like her, will often take a common phrase and twist it a little bit. I also love taking phrases I first heard in the HP canon (i.e. liberal amounts of jam, ect) and dropping them into fic as little easter eggs for people.
Theme wise, I love living in the world of miscommunications and misunderstandings. I think so much happens in our heads that we cannot express and I love exploring that in fic, particularly with James and Lily. And particularly in fics where we get to see both their POVs. It's almost like a little mystery within a rom-com.
Settings, I'll frequently do a Muggle AU, but I'm branching out (as you can see) with laundry day and also I am no mother, I am no bride (whenever I get around to finishing that one).
ask me about my writing | writing questions
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