#because reading biased material affects your thoughts and opinions
bambi-lesbian-posts · 2 years
Just so everyone gets the lay-down of some of the bigger points of the Supreme Court decisions and rights at risk after Roe v Wade was overturned:
Justice Clarence Thomas expressed his desire to go after Obergefell v Hodges (the case that federally legalized gay marriage)
Griswold v Connecticut is also being considered (the federal right to obtain contraception)
Lawrence v Texas (allows consenting adults the right to engage in whatever sexual acts they wish within private courters, i.e. their own bedroom)
Slightly biased source from CNBC:
A significantly unbiased source from what I can find, by Politico:
Miranda Rights or Vega v Tekoh is overturned, meaning it is no longer federally required for Miranda rights to be read to detained individuals. Therefore, any detained person cannot sue for damages against law enforcement/the court for being unaware of their rights and protections.
Slightly biased source from CNN:
The 100 Mile Border is also changed, meaning those who live 100 miles away from the country's border as well as international airports no longer have 4th amendment rights (i.e. it affects your abilities to sue for damages if you are a victim of a warrantless search.)
An unbiased (from what I can tell) and objective breakdown source by ACLU:
Senator John Cornyn of Texas tweeted about how Brown v Board (the case that established segregated schools are unconstitutional regardless if the school and education qualities were the same) should be overturned, and Plessy v Ferguson (case that brought forth the saying "separate but equal" in regards to segregation, meaning segregation was constitutional if poc were given the same quality facilities and education) should be reviewed.
Biased source from SALON which i am using simply because it has links and screenshots of his tweet:
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png-blossom · 6 months
this is v random, but i just came across your reblog on ovaryacted’s post and i’ve never really sent an anon before but i feel really compelled to tell you just how incredibly based and eloquently put together it was. It seriously felt like you saw a glimpse into my thoughts and put them out into words, it’s a really affirming feeling to know i’m not the only one that sees just how mentally damaging and deteriorating such works are to anyone’s mind and i feel like thanking you for speaking the words i felt too shy to share😭😭
i heavily empathize with your history with harmful content in fanfics because i’m also 19 and was really young when i was exposed to such material out of my curiosity on what “lemon” meant in relation to fan fiction😭😭 and it’s not up until recently i unpacked and unlearned my internal biases that formed from the socialization and conditioning that came with years and years of consuming such content in spaces where they were normalized, romanticized and even yearned for most times. 
And the last paragraph you wrote hit me so hard because it genuinely is so real and so true, it sometimes feels so hopeless to see such works churned out after turning for an escape from seeing just how misogynistic and woman hating the world is only to be met with nearly the same thing i was running from staring back at me but only this time romanticized and sexualized. And as a psychology minor who’s also taken sociology courses, it’s even more jarring to see so many people deem the behaviours in the work as normal because it’s anything but normal???? Like such desires are only formed by the society one lives in and the social conditioning that comes with that, and maybe its paired with an individuals possible trauma, but majority of it is just conditioning.
It seriously feels so immensely gratifying to see i’m not the only one that thinks like this too, because at times i def feel insane and like the odd one out whenever i scroll through the Leon smut tag and see the most stomach-turning works with like hundreds or nearly thousands of notes. This is getting really long😭😭, but i think too much and too hard about how delicate a human mind is to outside stimuli and on topics surrounding social conditioning a lot so there’s like years worth of backlog up there😭 but i seriously just want to thank you for your smart words and well thought out response in your reblog, it has genuinely made me feel so justified within my train of thoughts and less crazy. So thank you so so so much for voicing your opinion, I genuinely hope you have an amazing rest of your day, I wish nothing but the best for you and I hope the rest of your year goes so extremely well!! ૮꒰⸝⸝>  ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
Hi !! I’m genuinely so sorry for answering this so late, I pretty much logged out of my account after making that repost since I never use this account, but I agree with everything you said! I’m actually studying psychology myself, and while I haven’t gotten that far in my studies, it’s so heartbreaking to see all this.
It’s so upsetting. Reading fan fiction growing up (specifically smut) altered my mind and thinking so much to the point it literally affects my thoughts every day. I can’t even imagine how I would have been affected if I was a minor coming across countless works that normalized and romanticized literal rape, incest, stepcest, and all of those topics. Yeah, I came across them during my teen years but I avoided them, and never have I ever seen so much support and lack of criticism for them. And it hurts even more knowing that women and girls are feeding into it and enjoy writing, spreading, discussing, and overall fantasizing about it. So many women have faced issues in reality with all that, so painting it as something desirable/as a source of gratification is just awful.
It’s a genuine problem, and it reminds me of the most searched up topics on porn websites. The comments in those videos with men writing about how they fantasize about it or have partaken in those acts is so disgusting—and the same goes with fanfiction. Fantasizing about all that does alter thinking, and I hate when people deny that or say that fiction doesn’t equal reality.
In my opinion, the creators writing these fanfictions can’t blame minors for reading their work. Minors are get access to the Internet so easily now, and if someone is of age and posting that content then they have to take accountability for that, it’s so immature to just insinuate that minors are the ones at fault for not reading the warnings or MDNI banners and saying that they’re the ones responsible for anything that may result from reading it. Like come on, you’re the one making the content and putting it on a site where minors are regularly on.
And I was in the same position, after growing up reading smut that led me into other things like porn, I eventually took a long break to really see how it’s affected me. I think my life would’ve been a lot better if I hadn’t been so exposed to all of that and so many damaging concepts. None of it is innate, if I hadn’t let my curiosity get the better of me and read anything involving certain kinks then I never would’ve even thought of them.
Misogyny is just growing worse, and it’s mind blowing that women are writing about receiving it through sex and making it seem hot and desired. It’s 2023, why is our progress going backwards? Some writings just make the reader seem mindless and childish in a way, it’s so gross.
In my eyes, there’s really no justification for it. I don’t mean to come across as rude, but I don’t care about the excuses people make for spreading such content.
Again, very sorry for my late response! I’m not sure if you’ll see this, but thank you for taking the time to send this in. You’re definitely not alone in your thoughts regarding the situation. I hope you have an amazing year as well! I hope you enjoy the upcoming holidays and all <3
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tokkiheart · 2 years
The King’s Affection - My Thoughts
Honestly, I have no idea if this is a review or not. I just wanted to talk about the show now that I’ve finished it lol
Before I get into anything, I do want to say that I definitely recommend this if you happen to like historical dramas or if you just want some romantic fluff mixed in with your otherwise tense moments.
As a quick disclaimer, this drama is only my second time seeing a historical drama as well as my third time watching a gender-bent drama. So I’ll be comparing it to the dramas that I have seen which fit those categories: Splash Splash Love and Coffee Prince. I’m adding a spoiler warning for The King’s Affection as I’m going to be talking about the whole show and various events in the show, including the ending. I am also adding a spoiler warning as well for the two dramas that I just mentioned as I will be using them for comparison purposes.
Spoilers Start Now
I really enjoyed The King’s Affection, specifically for the romance between Dam-i and Ji-un. Since I’m a big fan of the “met as kids and fell in love” trope, this drama gets points for that alone. Their romance was just so cute and soft! Ji-un in particular was just the most wholesome bean. I really love the decision to do role reversals and have the male lead do more stereotypical things one would see female leads do (ex. tripping and falling, but being caught by the male lead) and the female lead getting to do things like take charge of a kiss.
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I genuinely loved this drama’s way of handling the…gender reveal. I can’t believe I just wrote that, but really that’s what it is. I was honestly pleasantly surprised by how well it was received by the two individuals she was in relationships with. I loved that Ji-un 100% didn’t care about the gender of the person he loved, that made my heart happy in more ways than I can possibly express. Since Ji-un loved the king as a person, irregardless of gender, he handled the eventual reveal that the King wasn’t male, but female, really well. So compared to the other gender-bent K-Dramas I have seen, this was significantly better than Coffee Prince in this regard and on the same level (though a bit higher) than Splash Splash Love (since the King had known for awhile that the female lead was female, he just hadn’t said anything). I like the way it was handled in The King’s Affection most because Ji-un loving the King as a person and ultimately not caring about gender because they’re still the same person just melts my heart on a special level and is more powerful. Meanwhile, when the King reveals her gender to her arranged marriage wife, she also doesn’t react negatively. Additionally surprising to me was that she still thought of Dam-i fondly/romantically even after everything. This drama did twice what Coffee Prince didn’t even do once which was have the romantic interest characters not lash out.
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I don’t know if I really have any complaints, it was a good show, it was executed well in my opinion. I can’t speak on whether or not it was a good adaptation of its source material as I haven’t read it. I don’t really enjoy the royal politics/drama portion of historical dramas, but it wasn’t so bad that I wanted to drop the show. The romance between Dam-i and Ji-un made me tough it out through the palace politics. Looking forward though, I can definitely see myself rewatching this show, but skipping past all the palace politics just to get to the romantic fluff moments between Dam-i and Ji-un.
All of the actors in this show did really good and I didn’t feel like anyone was lacking at all. Everyone was amazing and I have no critiques…not that was ever really planning to break down the actor’s acting in this post anyway lol. I will speak specifically about Rowoon because 1) he’s one of my biases 2) This is my post and I can cover what topics I want to related to the main topic
Anyway, I realized with this drama that I think I just really love seeing Rowoon in the wholesome good boy roles. This is the 3rd drama of his that I’ve seen, with the first being Extra-ordinary You and the second being Tomorrow. I personally believe he does this kind of role really well and he certainly never fails to make my heart flutter because wholesome soft bois are the best bois.
I loved that the leads got their happily ever after and I’m glad that that rabbit lived to see another day lol
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dirk-has-rabies · 3 years
Gender variance and it's link with neurodivergency
Okay so this is it going to be another long one
All quotes will be sourced with a link to the scientific journal I took it from
Okay Tumblr, let's talk gender (I know, your favorite topic) my preface on why this topic matters to me is: I'm autistic ( diagnosed moderate to severe autism) I'm nonbinary trans ( in a way that most non-autistic people don't understand and actually look down on)  and I went to college for gender study ( Mostly for intersex studies but a lot of my research was around non-binary and trans identities) I will be using the term autism as pants when I have experience with however when ADHD is part of the study I will use ND which stands for neurodivergent and yes this is going to be about xenogenders and neopronouns.
autism can affect gender the same way autism can affect literally every part of an identity. a big thing about having autism is the fact that it completely can change how you view personhood and time and object permanence and gender and literally all types of socially constructed ideas. let me also say hear that just because Society creates and enforces an idea does it mean that it doesn't exist to all people it just me that there is no nature law saying that it's real and the “rules” for these ideas can change and delete and create as time and Society evolves and changes.  gender is one of those constructs.
Now I'll take it by you reading this you know what transgender people are  (if you don't understand what a trans person is send me an ask and I'll type you up a pretty little essay lmao,  or Google it but that's a scary thought sense literally any Source or website can come up on Google including biased websites so be careful I guess LOL) anyway to be super basic trans people are anyone who doesn't identify as the gender they were assigned at Birth (yes that includes non-binary people I could do a whole nother essay about that shit how y'all keep spreading trying to separate non-binary people from the trans umbrella)  some people don't like to use the label and that is totally fine by the way.
now autistic people to view the world in a way differently than allistic (neurotypical) ppl do.  we don't take everything people teach us at 100% fact and we tend to question everything and demand proof and evidence for things before we can set it as a fact in our brains. This leads to why a lot of autistic people are atheist (although a lot of religions and this is not bashing on religious people at all I am actually a Jewish convert)  this questioning leads to a lot of social constructs being ignored or not understood At All by a lot of autistic people and personally I think that's a good thing.  allistics take everything their parents and teachers and schools teach them as fact until someone else says something and then they pick which ones to believe. autistic people study and research and learn about a topic before forming an opinion and while this may lead to them studying and believing very biased material and spitting it out as fact it can also lead them to try and Discover it is real by themselves.
because of this autistic people are more question their gender or not fall in a binary way at all as the concept of gender makes no sense to a lot of us. “ if gender is a construct then autistic people who are less aware of social norms are less likely to develop a typical gender identity”
no really look: “ children and teens with autism spectrum disorder ASD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD  are much more likely to express a wish to be the opposite sex compared with their typical developing peers” That was posted in 2014. we have been saying this stuff forever but no one wants to listen. the thing is gender variance (being not cisgender or at least questioning it)  has always been closely hand-in-hand with autistic and ADHD people I'm even the doctor who did that study understood right away that it all made sense the whole time: “ Dr. Strang said they were initially surprised to find an overrepresentation of gender variance among children with ADHD. However, they later realized that prior studies have shown increased levels of disruptive behavior and other behavioral problems among young people with gender variance”  SEE YOURE NOT WEIRD YOURE JUST YOU AND YOURE NOT ALONE IN THIS!!
5% autistic people who did the study were trans or questioning. it was also equal between the Sexes fun fact. that may not seem like a lot till you realize that the national average is only .7% that's literally over 700% higher than the national average. That's so many! and that's just in America.
 in Holland there was a study in 2010 “ nearly 8% of the more than 200 Children and adolescents referred to a clinic for gender dysphoria also came up positive on a assessment for ASD” they weren't even testing for ADHD so the numbers could be even higher!
now I want to talk about a  certain section of the trans umbrella that a lot of autistic people fall under called the non-binary umbrella. non-binary means anything that isn't just male or just female. it is not one third gender and non-binary doesn't mean that you don't have a gender. just clearing that up since cis people keep spreading that. non-binary is an umbrella term for any of the infinite genders you could use or create. now this is where I'm going to lose a bunch of you and that's okay because you don't have to understand our brains or emotions To respect us as real people. not many allistics can understand how we see and think and relate to things and that's okay you don't have to understand everything but just reading about this could be so much closer to respecting us for Who We Are from you've ever been and that's better than being against us just for existing.
now you might have heard of my Mutual Lars who was harassed  by transmeds for using the term Autigender (I was going to link them but if it gets traction I don't want them to get any hate)  since a lot of people roll their eyes at that  and treated them disgustingly for using a term that 100% applied correctly.  Autigender  is described as " a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender or how one experiences gender. Autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather is a gender that is so heavily influenced by autism that one's autism and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked.” Now tell me that doesn't sound a lot like this entire essay I've been working on with full sources…..
xenogenders and neopronouns are a big argument point on whether or not people “believe” in non binary genders but a big part of those genders is that they originated from ND communities and are ways that we can try to describe what gender means us in a way that cis or even allistic trans people just can't comprehend or ever understand. Same with MOGAI genders or sexualities. A lot of these are created as a way to somehow describe an indescribable relationship with gender that is so personal you really cant explain it to anyone who isnt literally the same as you.
Even in studies done with trans autistic people a large amount of them dont even fall on a yes or no of having a gender at all and fall in some weird inbetween where you KINDA have a gender but its not a gender in the sense that others say it is but its also too much of a gender so say youre agender. And this is the kind of stuff that confuses allistic trans people and makes them think nonbinary genders are making stuff up for attention, which isnt true at all we just cant explain what it feels like to BE a trans autistic person to anyone who doesnt ALREADY know how it feels.
In this study out of the ppl questioned almost HALF of the autistic trans individuals had a “Sense of identity revolving around interests” meaning their gender and identity was more based off what they liked rather than boy or girl. That makes ppl with stuff like vampgender or pupgender make a lot more sense now doesnt it? We see that even in the study: “My sense of identity is fluid, just as my sense of gender is fluid […] The only constant identity that runs through my life as a thread is ‘dancer.’ This is more important to me than gender, name or any other identifying features… even more important than mother. I wouldn't admit that in the NT world as when I have, I have been corrected (after all Mother is supposed to be my primary identification, right?!) but I feel that I can admit that here. (Taylor)” and an agreement from another saying “Mine is Artist. Thank you, Taylor. (Jessie)” now dont you think if they grew up with terms like artistgender or dancergender they would just YOINK those up right away????
In fact “An absence of a sense of gender or being unsure of how their gender should “feel” was another common report” because as ive said before in this post AUTISTIC PEOPLE DONT SEE GENDER THE WAY ALLISTIC PEOPLE SEE IT. therefore we wont use the same terms or have the same identities nor could we explain it to anyone who doesnt already understand or question the same way! Participants even offered up quotes such as “As a child and even now, I don't ‘feel’ like a gender, I feel like myself and for the most part I am constantly trying to figure out what that means for me (Betty)” and also “I don't feel like a particular gender I'm not even sure what a gender should feel like (Helen)”
Now i know this isnt going to change everyones minds on this stuff but i can only hope that it at least helped people feel like theyre not broken and not alone in their feelings about this. You dont have to follow allistic rules. You dont have to stop searching inside for who you really wanna be. And you dont have to pick or choose terms forever because just as you grow and evolve so may your terms. Its okay to not know what or who you are and its okay to identify as nonhuman things or as your interests because what you love and what you do is a big part of who you are and shapes you everyday. Its not a bad thing! Just please everyone, treat ppl with respect and if you dont understand something that doesnt make it bad or wrong it just means its not for you. And thats okay.
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sparkylurkdragon · 3 years
I’m fine with anti-antis having ways to express themselves, but you do have to realize that stuff rarely exists in a vacuum and that fiction does effect reality to a certain extent when conditions are similar. This has been studied and proven. This phenomenon of fiction impacting reality has been given a name. Normalizing certain csem has the potential to normalize those types of relations to a culture that is already fine with sexualizing minors. I know these types of things (and even things like age play) can be coping mechanisms, but survivors can definitely become perpetrators of the same evils they were plagued with. It is a common tactic amongst groomers to show examples of adults and minors being in a relationship to promote the idea that kind of ‘love’ can be healthy. Mine obsessively made me watch The Professional and used celebs with large age gaps as an excuse. Nowadays, loli porn is being used similarly. What do you think is a good middle ground stance? (Asking because I would love to know different opinions on this topic. I’m not trying to attack some random person on the internet who writers or reads fanfiction).
Mm. You seem to be coming into this in good faith, so I’ll bite.
Content warnings: Nongraphic mentions of CSEM, torture, violent intrusive thoughts, underage/loli smut, Abu Ghraib, rape, real life suicides, and school shootings. If I missed something, please take my apologies in advance and let me know.
1.) [Citation needed]
Which studies? Who did the research? Who funded them? Sorry, but after living through “videogames are murder simulators and your kid will definitely shoot up their school if they play Doom or Mortal Kombat or Night Trap,” I’m wary of taking that at face value. From my own wanderings and listening to experts in the mental health field, I don’t think fiction affects reality in the way you are suggesting it does. I see it as more of a funhouse mirror: it may reflect real-world biases, and it may distort the truth sometimes, but it’s really, really hard for it to create real-world problems wholesale.
Violent videogames are also a decent analogy here, because the solution the industry settled on was a rating system. Much like the solution fandom settled on with AO3 was a tagging system.
Also, this is one of my hard lines: do not call fictional art and writing CSEM. CSEM stands for “child sexual exploitation material”. It means that a child was exploited, someone real was abused, to make it. No living breathing person is exploited to write weird fanfiction. Conflating the two is incredibly fucking dangerous and leads to alarm fatigue, and has led to several incidents of purity types distributing abuse material because they thought it was anime characters. So. We will not be calling weird fanfiction or fanart CSEM. It’s about as insulting as calling a whump fic as bad as the Abu Ghraib prison.
2.) With great sincerity that is hard to convey in text: I’m truly sorry that happened to you. No one deserves to be groomed. I hope that you are now out of that situation and have been able to take steps towards healing.
But... do you want The Professional banned and erased from the collective human consciousness? I can understand why the knee-jerk reaction may be “yes”, because it was used to hurt you. But the thing is, your abuser would have used something else if The Professional didn’t exist. Your abuser would have used something else if all celebrities only had relationships with people born on their exact birthdays. That’s what abusers do. If there was nothing to groom people with but forks, then abusers would groom people with forks.
To pull it back some, do you want to ban candy? Someone might use it to lure a kid into the back of a van, after all. 
Like, I don’t like loli porn. It grosses me out viscerally, and I’m happy if it stays at least five miles away from me at all times. It makes my skin crawl to know some folks get off on it.
But, to be honest? If it prevents even one person from hurting a real person, or if it helps even one victim work out their trauma, then it has done too great a service in the world to destroy it, for no one was hurt in its creation, yet it has helped someone. And I don’t know any way to “objectively” see which pieces are irredeemable jack-off material and which are going to help someone. They might very well exist in the same piece.
To make another analogy... torture is one of the worst things a human being can do to another human being. (Indeed, one can argue convincingly that CSEM and all forms of rape are a form of torture.) I feel that very strongly. I have outright dropped stories where the “good guys” torture people before. It viscerally grosses me out, and I think it’s a harmful narrative to perpetuate. I really do think we’d be better off as a society without that trope.
And yet, I would never want those works banned. Rated and warned for, sure, given a forward explaining that torture doesn’t work, even better, but not banned. Because even the most vile “good guy saves the day by torturing information out of someone” piece may have helped somebody, in either its creation or its consumption, if only by showing how the mind of someone who thinks torture is a good thing works.
Also, I have a lot of violent intrusive thoughts. Having a safe outlet for them in the form of things like fiction where the good guys are tortured has in all likelihood saved my life, and possibly the lives of others. So perhaps, for me, there’s an element of feeling like I live in a glass house and can’t throw stones.
Frankly, I don’t think there is a middle ground stance at this point. Purity culture has never meant anything good for me and mine and I will never tolerate it. This latest wave in this latest subculture has, quite probably, killed people. Actual, real life people, who suffered and died.
Sorry. There’s no coming back from that.
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thevalleyisjolly · 3 years
in fairness i don’t think people are doing More Meta on ricky because he’s... being more western? i think ricky in season one is very funny and charming but overall a little flat, something that is joked about literally every episode (what darkness lies within the heart of ricky matsui oh wait there’s nothing, i have a secret i wasn’t always a firefighter, i have a crush on esther we all know, etc)
Right, no, I hear you anon, and I agree with part of what you’re saying in that the show itself did not, in Season 1, spend much time showing Ricky as a complex character, but the point of my post was to point out how fandom interacts with Asian characters such as Ricky.  Because let’s be honest, fandom in general is very good at creating lots of content for the most minor of characters.
I’m actually glad you sent this in, because this gives me a chance to address a point that didn’t fit in with the rest of the post, which is that citing canon or lack of canon material as a reason for not engaging with a character is not a strong argument.  I’ll be generous and not use H*rry P*tter or Star Wars fandom as an example, because those guys can truly create dozens of AO3 pages and blogs and pieces of art around characters that never speak a single word in mainstream canon.  The point I’m making now is that fans have never let lack of material stop them from discussing and creating content for characters.  Hell, even in Dimension 20, which is a relatively small fandom, there is so much content for minor NPCs with less than a total hour of screen time, or secondary PCs that we never got to see at all!
(Not ragging on fans who create content for those kinds of characters, by the way, you all are amazing and dedicated to your love for those characters and I really have to applaud)
So no, saying that Ricky is treated as a “flat” character by the show is not a valid excuse for fans, particularly when he is a main character of the show.
The overall point that I think you’re missing, anon, is that as consumers of popular media, we approach that media with certain unconscious biases, many of which we learn from the society and the systems we grew up in.  Very often, these biases are invisible to us, particularly if they’re not malignant and harmful, and particularly if they don’t affect us personally.  In my post, I point out how lack of fan engagement with Ricky was centred around character traits that tend to be common in East Asian immigrant cultures.  I also pointed out that this was an unconscious bias.  I am not saying that fans deliberately looked at Ricky and went “Gee, this is a boring Asian guy, I’m not going to bother with him,” I’m making the point that particularly for people who grew up in and live in Western societies, we are predisposed to prefer more articulate and assertive characters that display more Westernized traits.
You get what I’m saying, anon?
Now, you have the right to your opinion that Ricky is “flat.”  Notice how I said in the post that no one is obligated to like Ricky or agree with me.  Don’t try and couch it in “I thought he was very funny and charming,” stick to your guns.  Also.  If I’m writing a post like that, does it seem like I’m someone who thinks Ricky is a flat character?  I’m fairly sure I linked to at least one post in there that explained one of the reasons why I think Ricky is a nuanced character.  You don’t have to agree with me.  But don’t come into my inbox with “overall a little flat” and “literally every episode” because the impression that your words give me is that you have not seriously read and considered my post and that you are not approaching in good faith.  If you are, my apologies.  Tone can be difficult to convey on the Internet, which I know very well.  But please take some time to reread my actual post and consider what I’m actually saying before you come into my inbox defending yourself.
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
A snowy summer
Part 5: June + Part 6: July
Wow, rl has keep me occupied so much that I almost forgot that I haven’t finished this series yet. I think I intended to make June and July into a single post and separate April and May, I don’t know it ended up like this, but let’s roll with it.
Disclaimer: I try to keep things objective (if I include my personal opinion, it’s in cursive and in brackets), but I’m biased because of the XZ friendly content I’m usually exposed to and by my own views of their situation. Open to discussion, but please make sure you’ve enough information to do so.
In June and July there were some incidents that really had me staring at my laptop speechless, brain completely fried by what I was reading. I suppose I don’t have so much energy to invest myself in issues like those (I have enough with my own rl problems, thank you very much), but still... wtf.
School uniforms
In recent June, the welfare project done by his fans got questioned for a project. It was about some school uniforms that they donated to a school, in collaboration with another organization (BYH Foundation).
However, it was questioned because the uniform has the letter 赞 (zan) in it. It means “to approve, to support or to praise” and it’s also the internet slang for “like” (thumbs up). Because it sounds similar to xz’s name, it’s often used as a substitution for his name in internet posts. In fact, in an interview, he was asked if he preferred “xiao (little) zhan” or “xiao zan”, and he said both were fine. Some commercials use phrases with this character to refer to him.
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The antis accused XZ’s fans of trying to use the students to promote their celebrity. After this, BYH Foundation issued an apology, because of “their lack of consideration”. They had wanted the word to mean “positive”, and as a wish that the children grow up healthy and optimistic. But because of the misunderstanding, the foundation expressed their regret and took back all uniforms and other materials.
Faced with this, netizens again expressed their disagreement. “Why take away the clothes if the children liked them? Why must people who complain always be right? How disappointing!”
(Personal opinion time: so… giving the uniforms is criticized. Taking them away is criticized. Can someone tell me what can they do that it won’t be criticized?)
Charity in Yunnan
In mid-June, XZ participated in a charity event in Yunnan, promoting agricultural products. XZ’s fans support association changed their name to XZ Audio and Video official w/ibo, centering their efforts in promoting his works.
His activities in Yunnan were accompanied by an interview.
Offering legal help to those affected by cyberbullying
On July 1st, XZ studio issued another statement. I think we are familiar with this one, since it’s quite recent.
This issue began on June 22nd, when a w/ibo user berated XZ for not “controlling” his fans: “… and, by letting them do as they please, you let them think that there was nothing wrong in what they were doing. Today is Fathers’ Day, and your fans dare to curse my mother and my late father. I’ll not let this go. I’ll boycott you, and if I consider it necessary, I’ll report it to the police. I’ll leave this post here, so we can come back to it and look at the source of the problem. You reap what you sow, you can’t blame me on this.” She posted a few screenshots of some people insulting her parents.
A few fans wrote to her:
“Excuse me, I’m sorry for disturbing you, I know you don’t like XZ, but XZ has been leading us fans, and I’ve seen that your account isn’t XZ friendly. Every well intentioned critic, we’ll take it, but I hope you won’t involve XZ because of the words of others, there are a lot of rational fans out there.”
The user answered:
“From the beginning to the end, he has never said: ‘don’t report maliciously, don’t insult and humiliate others, don’t curse other people’s parents, don’t look for others’ private info, don’t threaten others’. Has he said them? He hasn’t. He never elaborates, hums and haws, pass over these topics. I’ll tell you, today’s matter, I must see an apology. Either from the ones that cursed my parents or from XZ on their behalf. If there’s not apology, I’ll chase this matter to the end.”
This user released a week later a document called “Assessment on the value and risk of XZ’s fans”. She took the data from several platforms, and analysed them, getting statistics about the type of XZ’s fans. This report depicted a very negative view of his fans.
This was a very controversial issue. The heart of the controversy is that there’s no evidence that the netizen who cursed her parents is XZ’s fan. And even if they “were”, nowadays many people are deliberately posing as XZ’s fans to insult and abuse others in order to frame him.
However, with her report, the people who don’t know the heart of the matter got more ammo to insult and humiliate XZ. She updated her post, saying that she had been being investigated, that someone had tried to get her address and name, so in the comments, more and more people blamed XZ for the issue. XZ’s teams then offered their help in the form of legal advice and lawyers to help her get legal support.
The user took the offer and agreed to receive legal advice. XZ’s studio then posted their update (the one linked in the first paragraph of this section), rejecting all king of cyber bullying and offering help to protect the rights of the netizens affected by cyber violence. The Studio also spoke clearly: they won’t tolerate XZ’s fans abusing other netizens, nor people posing as XZ’s fans to attack others.
The “stolen” account
On July 11, XZ’s Audio and Video official w/ibo posted an official apology. This time, the issue was this one: a w/ibo user had “passed away” due to mental illness (depression, the user followed the supertopic about this particular ailment and had posted a few times about it). However, after their death, their account was active again, and began posting about XZ.
People attacked the user for using a deceased person’s account (comments were like “don’t you know the history of the owner of the account you’re using?”), and consequently, all of the content in that account was deleted.
The same afternoon, XZ’s Audio and Video official w/ibo issued their apology. They contacted w/ibo, and asked the user to restore the deleted content and to respect the deceased.
This was also controversial, since they couldn’t know for sure that the one who bought the account is a fan of XZ. Because of this, XZ’s fans were attacked again. W/ibo issued a post declaring that the account had been accessed through the same device from last year to present, so the account hadn’t been stolen, and they continue to investigate it.
In summary: this time, XZ’s fans had apologized too quickly. This user was someone who used 3 different IPs and 3 different accounts. They had followed the “depression” topic, posted a few things and went silent for a while, making people think they had succumbed to the illness. Then, using the same account, they started posting about XZ, making people think that the account had been stolen, and manipulated other people’s sense of justice and compassion to defame XZ.
W/ibo took the initiative and blocked all of their accounts.
(Okay, when I actually read about what happened, I was like... wtf. Seriously wtf. This is some plot going on over there, I thought this kind of defamation plots only happened in Chinese historical dramas. I... really don’t get it. I’m speechless still.)
W/ibo and XZ Studio Conference
The topic of w/ibo and XZ studio conference went on hot search on July 14, in which, they talked about fan guidance and management:
“W/ibo believes that influential public figures and celebrities should bear the responsibility of guiding and restraining fan’s behaviour, essentially through the fans’ group. But in last months, because of failed guidance and reactions, all kind of fan groups had a disruptive behaviour online, causing a harmful impact on society.
W/ibo believes that celebrities’ studios and companies should reinforce the guidance and restrain over the fans. To those who pretend to be a certain person’s fan, they should be reported and people should collaborate with the platform in its management of the issue. We can’t ignore them if these people’s actions are suspected to be illegal, and protect our rights, fulfilling legal responsibilities.
XZ’s studio has expressed their agreement with W/ibo’s recommendations, and expressed their intention to increase their level of collaboration and support of this platform’s management.”
The announcement was ended by a statement on how the latest incident has showed a very ugly and harmful part of the society, and that everyone should collaborate to improve the society and Internet. It also included a list of accounts that were banned for fake rumours and leading other fans to arguments. 
This was accompanied by an apology by XZ Studio.
(This is what some anons asked me about on their asks. I hope you can all read between the lines to get what was the deal about this one.)
From start to finish, we all can see that the platform has a lot of responsibility to bear here. That’s something people in China have also pointed out. However, XZ and his team can only nod, and bear with it, because while there is only one platform that has all the right conditions, there are a lot of more celebrities. They have to rely on it for a lot of things, so they can’t just end things with them.
So last week, his studio issued a statement that said:
“This studio appeals again:
NO entering any kind of votes, control ourselves with our comments and not calling other to participate in events.
We reject mutual insulting and abusing, don’t start group conflicts.
Don’t go over your own economic possibilities to support projects, works and commercial products.
Make sure to take care of your studies and jobs first, before following a celebrity’s projects or music.
We hope that everyone can make the most of their own lives, have independent thinking. We hope that we can all go together towards a brighter future, and give more positive energy through our actions.”
The studio called the fans to stop voting him and placing him at the top of the charts for a while, so things can cool down definitely, in my opinion. And yet, he still topped as one of the most successful endorser, from March to July (it’s really a trend that hasn’t stopped, even after 2/27. In March, two weeks after 2/27, he even topped as one of the top celebrities in w/ibo anyway). 
I heard that people kept voting for him like crazy, because they didn’t want the general public to think that he wasn’t popular. However, facts remain that he is popular among his fans, but less neutral in the general public (I’ll explain this in my last post).
That’s why it’s going to be very important how his next project is received by the general public.
←Part 4(II): Plum blossoms in the snow (II) | Part 7: To the snowy summit side by side
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ackermanist · 4 years
I recently almost left Naruto fandom for its toxicity to others while this manga literally rocked my entire adolescence, and I mean it. Pairing stories are the worst, especially when they involve shounen characters type. It's hard to resist the temptation not to see our favorite characters end up together in a beautiful romance that 3/4 of us don't even have in our real life . But already, the first thing I saw when I came into this fandom was how romance in fiction makes people twist, AGAIN.
This post will be about EreMika since they are for me not the most probable pair, far from it, but the almost canonical one. Whether you've read the manga, or just the anime, Eren and Mikasa are the couple that jumps out at you... it's literally undeniable. They are beautifully written, have always had a development and that's why so many people are either opposed to their union, or for their canonical unification although, I'll say it again, will be unlikely, in the turn of events in this manga, unfortunately.. be honest.
Why I say that Eren and Mikasa are the almost canonical pair of SNK... ? Well, simply because of the constant evidences that we're dropping from Isayama among others.
First of all, Eren and Mikasa were the two main characters introduced in the manga as well as in the anime, and already after 3 minutes, the soft and shared behavior of these two characters gives us a lot. We fast-forward through the story that is SNK in short, to find the past of Mikasa and how she landed at the Yeager's. I’ll skip the story of Mikasa's past and how she was rescued by Eren, to come to the moment when he offers her his famous scarf (red in the anime). This was not a meaningless gesture for Eren or Mikasa and even for us as readers or viewers. And the color red is also ultra important and was not chosen at random ... The legend of the red thread of lovers or soul mates is an important part of a lot of manga/anime... For those who don't know this legend, google it, and you'll see what I'm talking about. To make a long story short, two souls who are supposed to belong to each other are linked by the red thread of destiny. Red is the color of love, passion, and romantic feelings. You offer red roses to your beloved, because it is the symbolism of love itself. In an ending of SNK anime, (the first season it seems to me) we see Mikasa, which is why she became the Mikasa we know today, and she sees EREN, nobody else but EREN, it seems to me that she even loses her red scarf and flies away in the wind < (well, all this is another symbolism and deserves other explanations). Eren and Mikasa are linked by this stupid red scarf, and this since the beginning. Mikasa is clearly in love with Eren since the beginning of this show, and have always taken care of each other. The development of their relationship has gone through many significant stages of denial, anger, fear of losing the other, platonic affection, and lying. They are young, now 19 years old in the current timeline, and live in a world that is clearly not conducive to a relationship. (Eren is going to die in 4 years) It is not surprising in this that any relationship, whether friendly, platonic or romantic, is somewhat biased. It is now funny that Isayama makes fun of his fans by putting us on doubts about them like Eren and Historia, is he the father? The Ackerman-bond. My personal opinion on the question of Eren's paternity is that he is not the father of this baby. The current canon has already shown us an Eren who totally disagrees with this but is only exposing facts to Historia, it doesn't prove in any way, that Eren and Historia had to have sex in order to have a child or even that Eren has feelings for Historia. Sorry to say it but it's the strict truth, Historia was canonically attached to only one real person in her life and it was Ymir as Eren is canonically attached to only one person in the romantic sense and that's Mikasa. To make him become the father of this child would ruin his character as well as his convictions. He would then become a cheap character, able to crush his own values for nothing..? Why does Isayama give us two panels inclined to pair EreMika if Eren has no feelings for Mikasa? Scene #1: "What am I to you?" Eren is desperately asking for a confession, to be sure before acting the way he was going to act. Scene #2: Zeke cuts himself and became aware that he's lost Eren's attention, and Eren seems to be immersed in his thoughts... Zeke doesn't even need to ask Eren what he's thinking about.... Zeke knows that... Eren is thinking about Mikasa. (and the others ofc but still mikasa is the biggest stuff in his memories) (This scene is still controversial for me, because Zeke says that Mikasa acts like that towards Eren because she loves him, but what does he know? Mikasa and Zeke have hardly ever interacted, if not at all, he doesn't know her...while he claimed to Levi in the woods that Levi couldn't read people's minds, he couldn't either! no? So how does he know that Mikasa is acting this way because of her feelings for Eren and not because of the Ackerman bond? Believe me, I'm a pro EreMika, but I like to stay concrete and only take material canon that Isayama gave us.
This post was created in order to say that you’re free to ship whatever you want, (im a pro eremika but I also love rivamika and levihan, and would kill to see mikasa and jean to end together, lol and I honestly find Eren and Historia really cute together..) but do not bash others pairings in order to prove that yours is better. This is toxic and really unhealthy. But above all, be honest with yourself and stop denigrating this manga's almost true canon romance, for now at least.
Don't become like the fucked Naruto fandom. Please.
Thank you for reading.
PS: To all the people following me who are in the naruto fandom, SasuSaku stans, stop self-inserting yourselves into EreMika! Your pairing will never match them. Complain to Kishimoto. Thanks.
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Disclaimer: New chapter upload from my lovely gf @anesther! I particularly love this chapter because I am completely biased since my baby girl Odessa is in here!!!
AN: Finally, she shows up.
Title: Interfaces
Characters: Entrapta, Hordak, featuring Odessa
Pairing: Entrapdak
Rating: G
Go to AO3 to read better.
Odessa has been alive for three years.
There are lots of things she knows, despite her young age. Her mother says she will only continue to learn more, for life is a never-ending research project. Her father believes nothing can’t be achieved without patience, and sometimes a little force.
She learned how to read before she was even six months of age, according to Etherian standards. Her body is developing at a different rate than most children, she’s been told. There are similarities between her and children from Etheria, but she isn’t on the same level when it comes to mental and physical changes. She considers Emily and Imp to be her siblings, and she finds their presence comforting.
Her parents said she’s the most fascinating thing they’ve ever created.
Odessa likes to sit with her progenitors and watch them build machines, ranging anywhere from harmless technology, meant only to advance a field or lifeforms, to dangerous weapons, meant as a ‘just in case’ scenario. Her father is nothing, if not thorough, and, in her opinion, paranoid.
Her mother is an optimistic wonder, unable to view the negative in a situation for too long. She craves success, but she also knows to take her time with a particular feat. She is not without her limits, however, knowing there is a line that can be crossed if she is pushed beyond what she can take.
Odessa, Princess of Dryl, Heir to the Horde, believes her parents are an equally riveting aspect to life on the ship.
She had been perusing the small, if well-stocked and excellent, library that is kept at the back of the spacecraft. Emily and Imp usually follow her, and when they, inevitably, fall asleep from the relaxed atmosphere, Odessa learns as many new things as she is able.
For fun, she decided to read the dictionary. Normally, she wouldn’t. It’s a ‘baby step’ to knowledge, but when she desires laidback reading, she will pick that up. Scanning down the ‘W’ section, she came across the word ‘wedding.’ A noun, though an attributive one. Meaning any one of three definitions, but they all mean the same: a ceremony meant to celebrate the union of people, normally two.
She has heard of there being more than two, but the planets she has been to have, more or less, continued the tradition of monogamy. You would think with hundreds of planets, there would be some type of variation. Her mother said she expected more polyamorous couplings. Her father said most he’s found are often sexless, biological- and societal-wise, thus the concept of romantic partnership isn’t necessary.
But it gets her thinking. There is no doubt her parents love each other, and neither of them are overly sentimental. Well, her mother is. She likes to have pictures of cute things on her desk, and engages with possessing a keepsake or three, if they really mean a lot to her. Her father, not so much. He likes what he has, and that means his family. The only material item that matters is the gemstone engraved with First Ones lettering. Even if it didn’t have to be attached to him, Odessa knows he would never throw it out.
So she sits now, eyeing her creators with curious wide eyes.
Entrapta smiles at her, “Sweetie, can you hand me the drill?”
Quietly, she gives the tool to her mother’s outstretched tendril. Opting to remain standing, she jumps over to where they’re working, getting a closer view. Hunching over, knees to her chin, she observes the proper handling of the instruments. On occasion, they will allow her to try operating an apparatus, but while she is capable, her dexterity isn’t quite there yet.
They work in tandem with wordless expressions and motions, a sign of having known each other for a long time. She thrums her fingers on her kneecaps, absorbed in her typical pastime of inspection.
Entrapta looks up, hearing a beep from above, “Oh, it’s time for a snack!” Using her hair to propel her across the room, she opens the small pantry, kept here for quick breaks. Her hair extends back out to where they are, forming a small, circular seat, “Odessa, do you want to pick out what you want?”
Odessa hops on, swinging her feet. She points to fruit juice, potato chips, and a type of sour candy her father found for her when he went out to scope a more hostile territory that would not have boded well for her mother and her physically.
Coming back together, Odessa snaps back the tab on her soda, taking a plentiful sip. She hears Hordak give a small sigh. He prefers giving her a more balanced nutritional diet to keep her metabolic processes functioning correctly, but considering she needs more calories than any child he had in the Horde, he doesn’t complain, so long as she eats decent meals. Entrapta, as she put it, ate nothing but cake and soda for a long time, and she turned out fine.
He wasn’t too amused but he let it be.
“Did you learn anything in the library?” Entrapta asks, popping a potato chip into her mouth.
Odessa nods.
“Is that why you’ve been more quiet?” Hordak adds, setting down a beaker. He folds his arms across his chest, leaning against the table. “It must’ve been rather intriguing for you.”
Odessa answers with another nod.
Grabbing a notepad and pen, Entrapta places it in front of her daughter, “Can you write it out?”
Sucking on the hard candy, Odessa clicks the pen. Word complete, as well as definition, she holds it up for them to look at.
Hordak leans over Entrapta, the two of them reading it.
He turns to her, “What caught your attention about this word?”
Odessa flips over the page, scribbling her query, “Did you two have a wedding?”
Entrapta drinks her soda. Scratching her cheek, she looks up at her lab partner. She replies, “There didn’t seem to be a need for it, I suppose?”
“Why not?” she writes.
Hordak shrugs, “Your mother and I never discussed it. It’s not an event my species holds sacred, and as you know, many don’t. The concept of holding a celebration to pronounce a commitment is a waste of time. If desires and needs are met, and affection doesn’t dwindle, I don’t need to prove why with some fanciful get-together.”
“Same thoughts?” Odessa asks, pointing to the sentence with her pen, then at her mother.
Entrapta laughs, “I never thought about it! Weddings can be lovely, and there’s loads of delicious food, but it wasn’t something I’d demand.”
Odessa hums in understanding. Scribbling down on the notepad, she asks, “Would you ever want one?”
“I don’t think so. We kinda did it our own way,” Entrapta looks over her shoulder, eyes on Hordak’s face. “Your father proposed to me the moment he asked if I would leave Etheria behind, and travel the universe with him. That was all I ever wanted.”
A genuine smile comes onto his features.
Odessa mirrors it, pleased with the answers.
Entrapta drains the last bit of her soda, throwing away her bag of chips. Dusting off her hands, she asks, “Did you want us to do a wedding? Just to show you?” Shaking her head, Odessa writes, “Maybe one day. When I’m bored.”
That statement makes her parents burst out laughing. Her father even snorts, causing them to cackle harder.
Entrapta and Hordak resume their business. Satisfied with the afternoon’s impromptu lesson, Odessa yawns. Crawling over to a spot near the desk, she cuddles into a makeshift, tiny bed. She falls asleep to her parents’ talking, content.
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scripttorture · 5 years
I’ll be honest. This isn’t about writing. However, I know you’re made a few exceptions and I hope this will be one of them. If not, I understand. What do we do if we are already planning on joining a profession that often includes (or allows apologia for) torture? I want to work in a prison and hope to affect change for vulnerable populations. But I don’t agree with the torture, slavery, and dehumanization that happens in prisons. I feel like working there is ‘helping’ torture, etc, continue. :(
I have made a couple of exceptions before and I think you should take a read of this one here.
 This isn’t really something where I can give anything other than my personal opinion and it is just that. I have my biases and my flaws and the amount of weight you give my opinion is entirely up to you.
 I’m a pacifist. And one of the most common political stances among pacifists is that prisons shouldn’t exist.
 I am- honestly not sure what I think about prisons generally. Even the best ones are dehumanising and throughout the majority of the world they seem to be focused on punishment over rehabilitation.
 And as you said they are often the site of all sorts of abuses including torture, rape and slavery.
 The flip side of that is that survivors should not have to deal with coming across their abusers in the community and members of the public should be able to go about their lives without the threat of violence.
 I don’t believe violence is inevitable. I do not think the evidence we have supports that conclusion.
 I think that the responses to crime should concentrate on rehabilitation. I think that’s only sensible since the vast majority of prisoners are eventually released back into the community.
 I do not think prisons are the best way to reduce or prevent crime. But without a lot more research and massive changes to society they might be the best solution we have right now.
 How much change you can realistically effect from inside them depends on where you are. There are huge differences between prison systems across the world. Some of them are deliberately constructed to be abusive and in some places there just- aren’t really the resources to improve things.
 The American use of solitary confinement seems likely to be a deliberately policy of abuse. Whereas overcrowding in a lot of poorer countries is often because there isn’t really the money to prioritise and improve the prison system.
 If you’re somewhere like Saudi Arabia, Mexico, China, where there’s extensive documentation of torture and rape within prisons, where this is the norm- I would suggest there is little you can realistically do to improve the system from the inside. You could document abuse and this would help people in the future. But it would almost certainly come at the cost of your mental health.
 It isn’t that change and improvement are impossible, it’s about- where that change can reasonably come from. Abusive policies can not always be opposed from the bottom of the hierarchy and policies of any kind are rarely changed by individuals. They’re changed by organised groups acting over a long period of time to effect change.
 If you’re in America, realistically you are not going to change the country-wide policy of using solitary confinement as a torturous punishment.
 No single person can change a culture of regarding prisoners as subhuman or believing that human rights only apply to the ‘right sort of people’.
 But that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be helping prisoners by choosing to work in any of those countries. You could provide a small amount of material support and a larger amount of emotional and psychological support. It would be difficult and depending on the place and circumstances it could be dangerous.
 I can’t and shouldn’t make your ethical/moral decisions for you. You know yourself and your circumstances far better than a stranger on the internet.
 I think that anyone who’s serious about making the world a better place has to take the time to consider how they personally can best do that.
 I was good at sciences in school and my parents tried to persuade me to become a doctor. I decided against that because I thought my personality and mental illnesses wouldn’t mix well with a profession that required a lot of face to face contact with patients. I honestly think I’ve helped patients more by working in medical testing and research.
 A lot of the drugs companies I’ve work with/for over price their products to the detriment of patients. This bothers me. I don’t think it’s right. But the price of medicine is not something I have any control over. I make sure a drug can be used safely and other people decide what to do with that information. I remind myself that the information will still be there whether the company is or not.
 I run this blog partly because it is something I can do. Most of the more established, traditional forms of protest (or changing policy in the UK) are beyond me. In the sense that I know they’d have a severe impact on my health.
 I’m telling you this because I think the best advice I can give you is to consider your strengths and your limits. And that was how I considered mine.
 None of us can change the world alone.
 Usually the best thing we can do with that image in our heads of a strong, lone hero is kill it. Because there is no sense and no advantage in hurting yourself trying to live up to an impossible goal.
 I can’t tell you whether the career and life you’re considering is suitable for you or not.
 If you believe it is:
Reach out to organisations involved in prison reform, such as Just Detention. Ask them what you can do.
Be realistic about what you can achieve
Keep records of any reported abuses and anything you see/hear which seems suspicious to you
Record use of Tasers, stun guns and mace
Remember, always, that all of these people are human beings. Even the worst convicts. Even the torturers.
Be satisfied with small victories, they might not seem like ‘enough’ but little things do help.
 And if, after trying, you find that you can’t actually continue with this career there’s no shame in that. There isn’t anything wrong with finding you aren’t suited to something you set out to do.
 You haven’t failed if you end up trying something else, doing something else. There’s more then one way to help and more then one way to effect change.
 I’m going to have to leave it there. Whatever you decide, take care of yourself too.
Availableon Wordpress.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part 5)
N/A: More pain for Kurt.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The following days, Kurt´s mood has been facing a shift as Kitty and Pete Wisdom are getting way too close. Kurt is not enjoying the new couple and is often sulking and muttering in German.  Pete´s mission was concluded, as Claudius was finally arrested, thanks to Excalibur, well, Kurt can say it was more Excalibur than Pete as the man is downright useless.
And Kurt was right in another regard, Claudius proved to be Mystique in disguise, another of her many aliases and Kurt has to deal with his biological mother and is not in the mood for her lies.
Yet, with the mission finally over, Pete still remains in Excalibur and Kurt is gritting his teeth, showing his fangs to anyone who can see it, and complains about one thing. “the mission is over, why he´s still here?”
Brian, as the leader of Excalibur, only replies “The MI-13 did say he is free to stay here if he wants and I´d not see why he should go back, he´s being a good member of Excalibur and we need all the allies we can get” is a logical explanation, yet, Kurt mutters something in German, something nasty by the looks of it, and bamfs away.
The following days has been hell for Kurt, in fact, his nightmares consist of Kitty Pryde, wearing white(resembling an angel) and often to marry Pete Wisdom(and giving that lovely smile to him, and only him…leaving Kurt behind) and the last nightmare consist of Kitty and Pete and it was enough to make Kurt stay in the kitchen sulking.
Rachel Grey enters in the kitchen and only rolls her eyes, promising to herself, she can ignore Kurt as she´s making her breakfast, is only when Rachel starts singing a morning song(one that the radio is often playing) that Kurt realizes the sun is up to either again.
“Rachel, can I ask something?” Kurt asked and the woman looks aware of him, for a moment, but using her powers, is glad to see he won´t hit on her. “Sure, I guess”
“Do you like this Pete Wisdom?” Kurt asked rubbing his eyes and Rachel can give an honest opinion on the man. “In my personal opinion,” Rachel starts “man like Pete are jerks, but, I care not for man´s opinions…so, I´m a bit biased here”
“Do you like that Kitty is dating that dumbkoff?” Kurt asked again wanting a confirmation he´s not alone on his dislike on the man. “No, but, I want Kitty to be happy, if that dumbass makes her happy, then, sure I can ignore him” Is a mature response and it should be to this line, however, Rachel adds “God knows you made her suffer a lot, so at this point, Pete looks better than you”
Kurt claps his hand on the table strongly, not phasing Rachel at all, who is making her breakfast thanks to her powers. Kurt looks straight to Rachel´s eyes and adds furiously. “I´ve never made her suffer, never, and I´m way better than Pete Wisdom”
Rachel is bemused. “At least, Pete can take a hint, you, on the other hand, you go telling Kitty about your sexual encounter with Anjulie, you go make a move on Meggan, who by the way, never give you any indication of wanting you” she brings the toasts and eggs to her plate and is eating with a smile on her face, yes, it´s just how her father make the breakfast “And all the while you never notice how Kitty feels about you. Again, Pete is winning against you”
Kurt is silent and is contemplating Rachel´s words, who is loudly crunching the toast with childish glee, and now replied, “Of course I noticed, Kitty is my best friend, and Anjulie was just one-night stand…why she would be upset?”
Rachel rolls her eyes. “You´re dumb, incredibly dumb, if Kitty is just your best friend, by the way, you need to learn about boundaries because the Anjulie´s case was…bad in many levels, why are you so rotten in jealousy?”
Kurt has no answer for that. He can only imagine Kitty leaving him behind and going with Pete, giving that smile Kurt always loves to see it.
Rachel again is bemused. “You take her for granted. Kitty is full of pride and wouldn´t be here to listen to your next conquest, she deserves to be happy and if you´re a dumbass to notice or to love her…there´s plenty of men and women who can do just that”
Rachel is ready to leave the kitchen having finished the breakfast and as well as cleaning the dishes. “A piece of advice, Kurt, don´t go stalking them, is creepy and that will make Pete 10 times better in her eyes. Just admit you´re jealousy and you take her for granted. After all, what Kitty Pryde means to you?”
Kurt for once replied. “She means everything to me” the answer was honest and at the same time, it comes as a revelation, as this is a plot twist worthy of a novel.
“You sure as well didn´t show that to Kitty” Rachel replied and then Kurt bamfs away. Brian and Meggan arrive and they can say they did hear the conversation; Brian only sighs and asks, “Will he stalk them?”
“Fret not, Brian, I´ve read his mind and he won´t …he´ll visit Piotr to talk, of all people, what a dumbass, by the way, we´re out of eggs” Rachel explained and Meggan and Brian exchange comical stares.
Piotr Rasputin is working on the X-mansion, nothing fancy, just painting the walls of the front yard to give a new look, new year, new X-men is what he believes. Kurt bamfs right away and luckily spots Piotr painting and the Russian man stops to greet Kurt, but notices his state.
“Kurt, are you alright?” the Russian asked noticing and waiting for Kurt to speak first as he really wants to say something.
“I need to know, why you and Katzchen didn´t work out,” he asked a bit desperate and Piotr finds this a bit odd, but, obeys.
“Me and Kitty have nothing in common, except for our love for Yana, what we´ll do in a relationship? Talk about Yana 24/7…that´s would creepy” Piotr makes the comment remembering the Jimaine/Amanda´s story.
“But…were you once crushing on her?” Kurt asked and Piotr shakes his head and answers simply “Not really, I guess what I liked about her is how she and Yana bond, in a way, it was more gratitude than anything else. Yana didn´t make friends until she enters in the New Mutants, so, I´m grateful that Kitty did look out for her and still do”
Kurt´s face shows a bit of desperation and euphoria. “Piotr, can someone fall in love without noticing?”
Piotr now gives Kurt is undivided attention. The wall can wait, as well as his painting material, and the Russian replied without hesitation. “Yes, especially in your case, Kurt, your love life, if I can call that as such, is a joke…you always go for the ones that you KNOW won´t give a damn about you. Even if you´re only after sex…is like you can´t have even a normal nightstand, it has to have a borderline abuse in the relationship and after Amanda…this gets worse…yes, I´d believe you have fallen for Katzchen, I know that for while…but only you wouldn´t notice your own feelings” the line is cut as Kurt is absorbing each word.
Kurt hugs his shirt, for a moment, unsure of himself and the word love, sex is easy, sex is something Kurt can relate, even if it has dubious connotations, however, love is far more complex.
“I´d know what Amanda did was bad, I´d know what the Szardos did was bad, but, I never try to think about and never thought it would affect me for real, when the hero defeats the villain the victory is the reward and it gives a sweet ending, but, is not like that in real life. Sometimes, I still hear what Amanda and Margalia did to me” Kurt shudders remembering what Amanda once confessed (“Mother did take my body once when you were here…did you notice it?”)
Piotr then gives him a card. Is a therapist´s number. “Look, Kurt, I won´t lie and say I understand what you're going through cause that would be a lie, however, everyone in the X-men has their own skeletons in the closet to deal and we all need help to healthy cope with this, I used to have anger issues, in fact I still do, but, Neena did give me this number to help me to control this anger and how to use in a more positive way, what the Szardos did to you, what Mystique did to you…you don´t need to face it alone” Piotr hand the card and Kurt looks at the number with hope.
“Do you think she can love me?” Kurt asked with hesitation.
“You know, Kitty used to tell stories about pirates and fairies to Yana and one thing she often did was put you, it was obvious you, as her main love interest, yes, she obviously self-insert in the stories. But, Yana once told me Kitty take a while to realize her own feelings too” Piotr chuckles at that amused at Kurt´s reaction, and then continues “but, before asking her out, first, improve yourself, is not fair to Kitty, ok?”
“Ok, when you get all sage?” Kurt asked a bit amused and Neena chooses this time to appears and screaming that the TV is not working again. Piotr sends her a fond smile and an apology. “Well, I guess Betsy was right about that TV all along” and Neena sighs and agrees as she´s back to the house.
“Are you coming?” Piotr asked and Kurt denies as he hugs the shirt he´s wearing. A gift Kitty give to him last year and Kurt treasure as it is precious jewellery. Yes, Kurt is not a love expert. He needs to change and be a better person in order to get a healthy relationship, in order to stop being Amanda´s shadow.
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ba2batomicmoo · 5 years
Researching research methods
The main methods of research: 
“Ontology. How you, the researcher, view the world and the assumptions that you make about the nature of the world and of reality.
Epistemology. The assumptions that you make about the best way of investigating the world and about reality.
Methodology. The way that you group together your research techniques to make a coherent picture.
Methods and techniques. What you actually do in order to collect your data and carry out your investigations.”
Tumblr media
I think the kind of research I’ll be doing will be relativism since I will be asking people about their personal truths and how their lives as freelancers are. 
“Social constructionists believe that reality does not exist by itself. Instead, it is constructed and given meaning by people. Their focus is therefore on feelings, beliefs and thoughts, and how people communicate these. Social constructionism fits better with a relativist ontology.“
“ Relativists, on the other hand, tend to take a social constructionist view. They start with questions. They use case studies and surveys to gather both words (views) and numbers, which they use to triangulate and compare. From these, they generate theories “
“ Social constructionist approaches tend to draw on qualitative sources of data. “
“Qualitative data is about the nature of the thing investigated, and tends to be words rather than numbers.“
“Primary data is gathered by the researcher themselves. Because it is collected for the purposes of the study, it is intrinsically interesting, although the researcher will also need to make some comment on it when publishing it.”
“Secondary data is published by someone else, usually a public body or company, although it may also consist of archive material such as historical records. A researcher using such data needs to generate new and original insights into it.“
Approaching Research Five Questions:
Whatever approach you choose for your research, you need to consider five questions:
Will you verify or falsify a theory? You cannot conclusively prove any theory; the best that you can do is find nothing that disproves it. It is, therefore, easier to formulate a theory that you can try to disprove because you only need one ‘wrong’ answer to do so.
 (I doubt I will be doing either. The point of my research is to try and prepare myself for the freelance life of starting up my own creative practice with lasting illnesses through peoples experience.)
What is the unit of analysis? For example, country, company or individual.
(It’ll be individual as I intend to talk with individuals one on one.)
Are you relying on universal theory or local knowledge? In other words, will your results be generalisable, and produce universally applicable results, or are there local factors that will affect your results?
(It will be very individual and highly specific to the one person. )
Will theory or data come first? Should you read the literature first, and then develop your theory, or will you gather your data and develop your theory from that? Recently, opinion seems to have swung towards this being an iterative process. 
(I think technically speaking data will come first. From what I collect from the individuals I will try to take this into account when preparing my own freelancing career.)
Will your study be cross-sectional or longitudinal? Are you looking at one point in time or changes over time?
(This could be applicable to both as peoples illnesses/ disabilities will still be affecting them in the present but some questions I ask may only be applicable in the past.)
Case studies
“These take either one or several examples, and study it or them in detail, then draw out the more general lessons for wider application. Researchers may try to take a more rigorous approach to demonstrate validity, and ensure that logic is applied to any comparisons, or focus on creating a detailed picture. Although a case study cannot prove a theory, it can be used to disprove one if the data from the organisation do not fit the theory.
Useful when you want to find out about one organisation, when one organisation is considered to be an exemplar, or to compare a few organisations and identify the key differences in approach.
Less useful for drawing generalised lessons that can be applied to any other organisation, although there may be some.”
(This seems like something that I will probably end up doing as i’ll be asking questios and maybe intervewing individuals about their freelancing experiances.)
Qualitative Research
“Qualitative research is any which does not involve numbers or numerical data.
It often involves words or language, but may also use pictures or photographs and observations.”
“Qualitative analysis results in rich data that gives an in-depth picture and it is particularly useful for exploring how and why things have happened.”  
“However, there are some pitfalls to qualitative research, such as: If respondents do not see a value for them in the research, they may provide inaccurate or false information. They may also say what they think the researcher wishes to hear. Qualitative researchers, therefore, need to take the time to build relationships with their research subjects and always be aware of this potential.”
 “Although ethics are an issue for any type of research, there may be particular difficulties with qualitative research because the researcher may be a party to confidential information. It is important always to bear in mind that you must do no harm to your research subjects.”
“ It is generally harder for qualitative researchers to remain apart from their work. By the nature of their study, they are involved with people. It is therefore helpful to develop habits of reflecting on your part in the work and how this may affect the research.”  (This last concern should be okay as I’m pretty good at self-reflection in a non-biased way. )
“Although qualitative data is much more general than quantitative, there are still a number of common techniques for gathering it. These include:
Interviews, which may be structured, semi-structured or unstructured;
Focus groups, which involve multiple participants discussing an issue;
‘Postcards’, or small-scale written questionnaires that ask, for example, three or four focused questions of participants but allow them space to write in their own words;
Secondary data, including diaries, written accounts of past events, and company reports; and
Observations, which may be on site, or under ‘laboratory conditions’, for example, where participants are asked to role-play a situation to show what they might do.”
Information on structuring interviews: (https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/interviews-for-research.html)
semi-structured interviews :
This format is particularly useful in three cases:
When your interviewees are likely to provide you with interesting data in different areas but you’re not sure exactly who will provide which information;
When you want to be able to discuss emerging findings with your interviewees and test out ideas with them, without being held within a rigid structure; and
When your interviewee is nervous about what you might want to discuss because you can send the outline of questions to them in advance.
Face to face interviews vs. phone calls have there pros and cons. 
Take the time to get to know the interviewee and break the ice. This will help the interview go better. 
Make sure to set up the question without framing it with your personal bias. 
Types of Probe
“The basic probe is repeating the initial question, which reminds the interviewee what you asked. This is useful if they have wandered off the subject.
Explanatory probes are questions like ‘What did you mean by that?’ and ‘What makes you say that?’ and are useful for exploring meaning further.
Focused probes include questions like ‘What sort of…?’
The silent probe is where the interviewer simply remains silent and waits for the interviewee to say more.
Drawing out is useful when the interviewee seems to have stopped mid-sentence or mid-idea. Repeat the last few words that they said with an upward inflexion, like a question, or add ‘Tell me more about that’.
Giving ideas or suggestions would use questions like ‘Have you thought about x?’ or ‘Have you tried…?’”
“Laddering is a very specific interviewing technique which asks ‘Why?’-type questions repeatedly to explore the interviewee’s values and motivations.”
  “ You can also ‘ladder’ in the opposite direction, where you get more specific until you reach examples, by asking questions like ‘Can you give me a specific example of that?’ or ‘When was the last time that you remember something like that happening?’. “
Information on secondary data and observations: (https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/observation-and-secondary-data.html)
Content Analysis
“Here, you start with some ideas about hypotheses or themes that might emerge, and look for them in the data that you have collected. You might, for example, use a colour-coding or numbering system to identify text about the different themes, grouping together ideas and gathering evidence about views on each theme.” (I think what I would take from this is the method of grouping relating subjects.)
Grounded Analysis
“This is similar to content analysis, in that it uses similar techniques for coding. However, in grounded analysis, you do not start from a defined point. Instead, you allow the data to ‘speak for itself’, with themes emerging from the discussions and conversations. In practice, this may be much harder to achieve because it requires you to put aside what you have read and simply concentrate on the data.” (This will probably be a method I’ll use more often as I do indeed want to see what the results are and don't have a hypothesis to try and prove/disprove.)
Discourse Analysis
“This approach not only analyses the conversation, but also takes into account the social context in which the conversation occurs, including previous conversations, power relationships and the concept of individual identity. It may also include analysis of written sources, such as emails or letters, and body language to give a rich source of data surrounding the actual words used.” (This could also be a helpful method as I will be talking to people in a very individual context.)
Information on analysing qualitative data: (https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/analysing-qualitative-data.html)
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controversy-themind · 7 years
Thoughts on Scum’s Wish (Kuzu no Honkai)
Firstly, some people need to get off their high horse and stop acting like everyone in the anime is so ‘evil’ and ‘disgusting’
One of the things I enjoy most about this anime is how ‘human’ most of the characters feel. These are characters struggling with emotions that happen every day in society. Nobody in this world is pure and free of problematic thoughts, actions and/or behaviors.
Not to say you’d come across a giant cluster-fuck like this very often. But still, there are people out here experiences these emotions. If you can’t handle it, and feel the anime’s nature of relationships doesn’t suit your  ‘tastes’, then kindly move on and go watch some generic shit. There’s plenty of material out there.
Now what I really came here for:
I just finished episode 10 and swimming through the Kuzu no Honkai tag, from what I’m seeing opinions on the characters are divided pretty well. It’s good when an anime does that; it shows that the character aren’t flat and are being projected realistically.
So I thought I’d contribute some of my own thoughts on the characters so far. Starting from my most favorite to least favorite: 
#1 Yasuraoka Hanabi I still don't understand why, but this is my favorite character. I think it's mostly because I can identify with some of the thoughts that come to her mind when she encounters something emotionally challenging. I love that she is headstrong, yet fragile. Stubborn, yet meek. And that although she does make bad choices, she is highly introspective when faced with any issues she comes across. As much as I thought her and Sanae would make a cute couple, I want her to end up with Mugi. They are becoming distant, but I think her and Mugi feed off of each other in a way that is uniquely their own.
Now for the unpopular guy himself: #2 Awaya Mugi. 
The pervert in me finds how he takes control in many situations pretty sexy. I enjoy that, but I also enjoy the shyness that comes with it. For someone who pretends to hold all the cards when Hanabi or Noriko is around, his resolve is actually pretty weak. I think what he did to Noriko was pretty shitty, but I'm happy he didn't go through with it cause that girl would have taken the D in a heartbeat. Rather than seeing him as scum, he just reminds me of young boy unsure of how to deal with the abundance of emotions: love and lust. Now I don't like Akane, but I am happy he is finally getting his turn with her (just like the rest of the men in the area lol). He expects her to change for him, which is very flawed, but in some angst-filled way at least he will have the memories when (if) things don’t work out. I feel like what he is experiencing is not love but infatuation. And with infatuation, sometimes you just gotta ride it out.
#3 Ebato Sanae Bless this girl's heart. She has got to be one of the most honest (notice i said 'most') people in this entire anime. I could give 0 fucks if she came on to Hanabi too strong at some points; I like her a lot. I like her passion, how she was willing to destroy herself just to be able to touch Hanabi, and frankly I think her love is the most intense in the entire show. I especially love her character design; they didn't make her take the ‘masculine’ role or anything, and I appreciate that.
I like her cousin too, but I would prefer they don't end up together. Their dynamic is weird; it feels like it has no room for romantic cultivation. It hasn't blatantly been stated that she likes only girls, but if she is in fact a lesbian, I wish for her to end up with another girl. She has so much love to offer, and I hope things go well for her.
Kanai Narumi This man is soooooo boring. I admit it, but from what I've seen he has a really big heart. He is honestly the purest character in the show. So much that I’m waiting for the creators to reveal that hidden bdsm kink. 
lol But anyways, the episode where he held Hanabi tight after she confessed made me transition from ‘not caring’ to actually ‘liking’ him. He's a good guy, and shot me in the foot if you want, but I really hope he can change Akane. I like him so much that I want him to be with the women he loves. I want her to change for him. It's contradicting as fuck (with Mugi and all), but part of me would be okay if things happen that way. Man, he deserves waaay better but you cant stop people from loving who they love that easily. so we'll see what happens.
Kirishima Atsuya I see sooo many people shitting on him cause he likes Sanae. It’s really uncalled for. I mean really? How much damage has he actually done compared to everyone else in the show? The hate is so biased and unnecessary. Kinda like how fujoshi's harbor unnecessary hate when a female character shows up in a yaoi/shounen ai anime. 
I like how he told Hanabi to high-key stop stringing Sanae along. Even if the reasoning was selfish, it was bold, and I admire it. 
Now, I still don't want him to be with Sanae. He may like her alot, but his character is a bit ditsy and dull, so his ‘love’ isn't projected very well in the series. Honestly, it’s so weakly projected that though I like him, I'm not too invested in his ending.
Kamomebata Noriko Loli-esque Princess types are my pet peeve. So I probably wouldn't have liked Noriko no matter how she was introduced. BUT, after episode 10 I feel like I kinda do like some things about her. I think she handled the date with Mugi pretty well considering he was a boring fuck the entire time. And (so far) I think she is on the road to healing faster than everyone else. And I do hope she heals and actually finds a guy worthy of being called her Prince.
I try to find more reasons not to like this girl, but admittedly she's just in love like everyone else. Her pestering and whinny voice may get on my nerves, but that’s just her personality.
Minagawa Akane Introducing, the fabulous floozy, the treacherous tramp, and almighty harlot herself. Akane-sensei. Now, there are so many women like her in the real world. If she were just a slut I'd be A-okay cause she can fuck anyone she wants, but to actually take pleasure in taking the man, love-interest, or crush of another woman?While simultaneously being uninterested in the men themselves? Not their money, looks, dick size, or influence..That is some crazy off the wall shit. 
Most of the series I've disliked her and now I am asking the creators what makes her worthy of both Narumi AND Mugi's affection? Absolutely nothing. She honestly deserves to continue her vicious cycle until her beauty fades and she ends up alone.
But. Also.
Part of me, say the part that feels people can change their ways, hopes she genuinely changes. I hope something bad happens that makes this change occur, but I don’t think that's gonna happen. So, i guess something good wouldn't be bad IF SHE INFACT CHANGES. Honestly I cannot stand her, but as mentioned before, I want Narumi to have what he wants, so she better change for him or she gotta go.
And this is the end. I look forward to reading more of what this fandom thinks about all the characters in this anime.
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
ID: 120064
Date: May 31, 2020
Course code: MASS2620
Course name: Issues in Mass Communication Spring20
Numbers of words: 1498
Assignment 2
‏The development of technology and the emergence of the Internet in the twenty-first century and with the beginning of social networking sites led to the rapid delivery of the news to the audiences and ears of people and the proximity of distant distances to less than a step and also increased the speed of dialogue and exchange of views and proximity between views. All this development is sure to benefit people and have many benefits if taken the advantages of correctly to achieve the aspirations of the people of the world to make it easier for them to reach and deal with the most prominent global issues.
Submitted Material
In this course, we learned how to deal with the media and the role they play in guiding the world, the media is biased towards what it belongs to the media is a message the sender would like to communicate to the public, but it may be exposed to terms such as: misinformation, disinformation, news sources, bias in the media, critical thinking, understanding of the media and distorting the news. The media works on these strategies because whoever manages them and is the one who its financial supporter is like governments and businessmen. The money in many media institutions is considered as the driving fuel for them. The number of money provided was everything that was large.
These media outlets started achieving their goals without any objectivity and without human morals before they were media ethics to the media because it distorts the image of a certain groups of people, for example: African footballers always appear in supporting roles rather than the main character and most of them appear in the typical roles. cognitive constructs are studied images concerning how the news media work campaign information processing strategies such as reading between the lines or reflecting on the news.
‏Understanding the media and understanding the mechanism of working with it makes it easier for you to filter the information that arrives to you and choose what is most appropriate for you by using a filter in your mind that distinguishes what is wrong and what is right and for the media. The way that it can contribute to advancing the development, development of people and publishing Knowledge.
knowledge and the performance of its mission as one of the means of cognitive and societal development, as it certainly contributes to making points of view and decision-making, whether economic, political, social or other, but it is harmful to the extent of its usefulness and its harm may exceed the interest in many cases, and that is through use Others Appropriate, for example: hate speech on the Internet is one of these problems, but as with freedom of expression, the term hate comes because the world, in its international and domestic laws and differentiates between the right to opinion and the right to express opinion. The world does not place any restrictions on the right to opinion and it makes it absolute, but it puts restrictions and controls on how this opinion is expressed and any media attack.
‏The media directly affects the individual and society negatively and positively. It fulfils many desires, for example: investors and capital, as the media shortens time and effort on investors who spend long time searching for sharing to buy and sell, as also the media has a role in health education. What is related to health, and about health programs such as: physical and mental health or a product related to human health, the goal is to create a general health awareness and high knowledge among all groups of society, and when the health media are professional and professional media, they transmit news and information appropriately without intimidation. This has a positive impact on the health of the community.
‏Cognitive strategies in media is a concept that was used in educational and entertainment programs where programs are combined with drama to change attitudes or behaviours in order to communicate knowledge easily such as: coffee helps in reading better and its objective financial economic.
‏The media also influences a person's thoughts by displaying some unwanted ideas such as: "the narcissistic personality" that is characterized by the selfishness that a narcissist loves and sees that he is more beautiful and sees people less beautiful than him. Therefore, he allows himself to exploit people and ridicule them and through the fame he has it, so it negatively affects society.
‏As is customary, there is a sophisticated technology for every piracy and hidden hands that try to tolerate the culture and the happiness of others at the expense of special interests.
For accidents, but distorting them and many books were written, so a person must possess a media literacy: some governments may demand that everything be presented with great transparency without exceptions and others prefer not to interfere in political affairs and only care about their lives and lifestyle. So, between the two ideas the person should not fully conscious and favourite for me is the balance between them and the lack of opening the media to achieve what he wants and be under control. In light of technological development is difficult to rely on the public culture. Some of them educated and uneducated, who easily convince him in the ideas.
‏Media misinformation is always done in an organized and focused way in order to formulate an opinion, idea or goal for those from whom this misinformation was issued, and of course they do to change concepts, distort scenes, influence the mind and play with emotions and imagination, to create doubts and create disturbances in critical issues that cannot be underestimated in it. The media strategy uses the media to advertise or provide knowledge content via television, radio or the internet. It also works to deliver the message to the target audience, such as: electronic flies in the Gulf countries. People should be careful of that because it may there is a tool in the hands of those in power who are not affected by everything that is said on social media. There are fake accounts whose sole purpose is to destabilize security and we must be more aware.
‏Media policy in Oman is concerned with the source of information and information is only displayed when verified, because the information is taken from many different sources through which people choose and what they want. However, as it became easy to obtain information with the great technological progress that the world has now reached. There are multiple sources and so may attribute the words of people or institutions and did not say in order to benefit from this big name they own. So, in political media issues try to avoid mentioning the names by saying "private sources" or "from a government official”. Of course, the name of this person who makes him naked for the public and in most cases this trick deceives the listeners, causing them great damage in conflicting information and on the opposite side of many sources such as Reuters, French News Agency or Oman News Agency and trust worthy by the public.
‏During the First World War, the media controlled the propaganda through fiery openings, and satirical drawings that are considered an art of irony because they express reality in a funny or ironic provocative way. There are other methods that are used other than animation such as: national writings, graffiti employees become signs and chants Comics, pictures, pens of journalists, writers, thinkers and painters' feathers are weapons of war, as well as front images taken by armies or movie theatres at that time and these come within the media arts that are used.
Also, in this current crisis (Corona-Covid_19) we see that international and Arab communication sites are spreading satirical and educational cartoons at the same time, and this indicates the importance of these drawings and their great impact on the public.
I benefited from this course a lot of things, as it changed my view of media issues in general and in my opinion, order to create solid and strong positions from countries and the media alike, therefore, concerted efforts should be made to achieve progress on the level of crises, issues and fateful violations in the world and make them the focus of all visual, audio and print publishing media to be in circulation. thus we salute the issue reflects the reality of life that our societies are witnessing in current times and the media face challenges such as the general culture of the public. So, the media had to deal with issues in an ethical way because it contains human life, which is more important than anything else, and not looking at it as an opportunity to achieve the goals at the expense of people and looking at them as numbers are increasing and decreasing. There must be a great moral aspect in the media and a topic whenever this characteristic becomes present will integrate the role of the media with the human to provide a better life.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Research Nature; Nurture.
Sources for character nature versus nurture.
1.     “What does it mean that grit is “heritable”? Although an estimated 99.9% of your genes are exactly the same as mine and your neighbor’s and literally everyone else you know, a tiny fraction of human genes differ. And these genetic differences among people are correlated with differences in our physical and psychological characteristics.” “Our genes are chemically switched on and off throughout life, and in fact, most of the time, most of our genes are switched off. Until a gene is switched on, it doesn’t do anything. It’s like a script that sits, inert and unread, on an actor’s shelf. Epigenetics refers to changes in which genes are expressed.” https://characterlab.org/thoughts-of-the-week/nature-versus-nurture/
Angela Duckworth:  
Medium: web
Date accessed: 9/17/2019                    
“Nature versus Nurture.” Character Lab, 1 Mar. 2019, https://characterlab.org/thoughts-of-the-week/nature-versus-nurture/.
 Sometimes we think that character and “grit” are from nature, meaning that these qualities come from genetics, which is mostly true. From the genetic point of view, alike from what Angela said, we are all practically genetically the same. Now, here is the trick to this. Most of our genes are turned off. Angela compared our genes like a switch that is turned off. When that certain gene is turned on, let say for example a gene that causes “grit” like qualities, that person will have that ability to overcome challenges; to use this quality of grit to become a better person. Therefore, the main question we all have been wondering is, how do we turn it on? How do we turn on the gene’s that are on “off pilot”? In the point of view of the nurture side of things, the way to turn on is simply through experiences. Experiences and environment triggers something inside of us to “turn on” the gene that has been “off pilot”. Things that happen to a person will trigger a character that maybe unlikely, considering his/her background, to achieve. We may be born with character or attributes that may already be “turned on”. Yet, we may also have the ability to change or gain more attributes and qualities into our genetic pool. Therefore, nature versus nurture: it goes both ways. We are not born with nothing but we are also the creators of more. Creators to change and create more of who we are.
  2.     https://www.simplypsychology.org/naturevsnurture.html
 Saul McLeod, updated 2018
McLeod, S. A. (2018, Dec 20). Nature vs nurture in psychology
Medium: web article thing
Date accessed: 9/18/2019
“Characteristics and differences that are not observable at birth, but which emerge later in life, are regarded as the product of maturation. We all have an inner “biological clock” which switches on (or off) types of behavior in a pre-programmed way.”
Side: nature…. This quote is the side on nature. It contradicts nurture. They have a set gene already from genetically from the parents and linage…. And they are set in order already from the genetic side of things and are turned off… but will turn on at a certain time…. Not by environment but by genetics… like you have a set of genetic characteristics inside your DNA and some are turned off, but they will turn on. And each person don’t have the same.  
 Nature vrs nurture….McLeod says that they are in two side groups that are too the extreme with either one side or the other and they are called nature: nativism    nurture: empiricism believe that you are born with a blank slate… and you achieve more characteristics as you grow
 “A modern proponent is the American psychologist Arthur Jenson.  Finding that the average I.Q. scores of black Americans were significantly lower than whites he went on to argue that genetic factors were mainly responsible – even going so far as to suggest that intelligence is 80% inherited.”
yet, he goes on to say that most of the claims and results were biases because of the social norm during that time period.
This is nature point of view
Nurture point of view on this thought:
“More fundamentally, they believe that differences in intellectual ability are a product of social inequalities in access to material resources and opportunities.  To put it simply children brought up in the ghetto tend to score lower on tests because they are denied the same life chances as more privileged members of society.”
 The characteristics of intellect, on the nurture side of things, variable vary dependent on the environment of a person. This guy gives an example of children who are raised up in a environment that has a low income and low parental support. This example shows how different characteristics and personality might differ on the level of nurture. It shows record of children receiving low scores because of their lack of education and lack of support. The environment effecting the children.  
  3.     https://www.gwern.net/docs/genetics/heritable/1954-fuller-natureandnurture.pdf
By: John L. Fuller research associate division of behavior studies R. B. Jackson memorial laboratory Bar harbor, Main
Title: Nature and nurture: a modern synthesis
Date accessed: 9/18/2019
  “an affirmative answer to this question must be based on evidence that nature plays a part in forming the human personality. Nature, when contrasted with nurture, is generally considered to be equivalent to biological heredity.”
Today’s society paper that was written for the modern society….
From what I read.. so far… this subject of nature versus nurture has been guessed and researched everywhere and every time period. However, some of the researches are biases because of the social environment at the time period. Or the scientists have their own opinions at the start of their research. Making the science experiences biases. Therefore this article he wants to make more of this article not biases.
He gives an example of the importance of and the interest of knowing whether our personalities and character and future is based on parent’s nurture or on genetics. He gives a wonderful example of two boys fathers and their careers and he explains how it is easily explained that it might be the parents nurture and how they raised them… he goes on to say it’s easier to explain this through experiences of animals.
Looking the experiments of animals… rats and mice…
Looking at the diseases passed down by genetics and the affects by genetics down to how that affects personality and one’s future.
The genetic chart, the recessive and dominant characteristics and how genetic plays a big part because of disease disabilities causes affects to intelligence... and only side-effects are in the future… also that there might be a middle recessive and middle dominant recessive gene… that could affect what characteristics one may poses…. How there are a lot of factors that could go into estimating what genes from the parents can pass on to the child… factors like genes and the environment… the experiments varied..?
Environment and the heredity are intertwined…
 4.     https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19420889.2019.1592419
Focuses on the nature: nature versus nurture…. Sexes….gender… is it possible that we are born one gender but raised with environment to promote the opposite gender… change genders? Are there other genders? Biologically are there other genders… like homo… more scientifically proven… biological…
 Comparison of animals and humans… evolution… as we look at the way animals are it helps us learn about ourselves as humans. The animals respect and define themselves as their genetic from. “a male is a male and a female is a female” and that animals have to play by their genetic sex role type. Humans fight for equality. For roles and characteristics that a man has. Is there a way where nurture and overcomes nature?
 In history of humans there is results where we find humans like animals playing as their genetic roles as male and female. However, as of now, over time humans are found that they want to be equal qualities; roles with each other.  
 Paraphrasing… : nature and nurture. They both have a play in creating one’s character. However, which one plays a dominant role in building character.
 Females and males… asexual and sexual… meaning sex is a mutation… xy chromosomes… xx… whether female or male are dominant… makes a claim that males are dominant because of the y… which is a gene called SRY however it isn’t all of the y but it is part of the y chromosome. Exactly it is the small short hand of the y chromosome. making the claim that since males have this SRY gene they are apparently more dominant. However, on the other hand, he claims that females might even be more dominant because of the extra x chromosome… leading back to the ancient days where they say that humans only had xx chromosomes rather than y… sex is a mutation creating the y in the x chromosome… creating women to more dominant because they still have the old ways of using both xx chromosomes.
Also, that the STR is also connected to TDF meaning the Testis determining factor… meaning the male reproductive cells… indicating that an organism is a male. Overall the y in a male meaning the STR/TDF is a protein that builds other genes that can mean dominance over a female.
This is related to nature and nurture because to tell whether females are dominant than males. Society has depicted that males by genetics; nature is stronger and dominant than females…
Having the xx chromosome may be depicted that are more dominant because was assumed that in the past all were xx chromosomes and that y was a mutation… meaning that the lasting longer xx chromosomes female features… which in turn causes females to live longer.
  5.     https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878929317301196
“Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual.” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier, 20 June 2017, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878929317301196.
(2017) in-text citations???
Accessed: 9/21/2019
Web article…
This article leans towards environment; nurture.
The most vulnerable stage in a human development is the adolescent stage of life. Adolescents who face hard environment events in their lives are mostly likely to have a great impact in their life to come.
An opinion on the vulnerable stage should be treated with environment effective treatment rather than medication… the adolescents is a stage of life that has a great impact on how a person will become physically and mentally.
This article…. Genetics versus environment effects to treating depression… examples are like medicated; genetics versus using the environment to cause the brain to improve depression in the brain.
The sensitive periods or stages in life are the important stages that define character. Or more like play a role in shaping a person. This is the out look of how the brain is the one that controls behaviors.
DNA is in the cells of ones body…
Brain: neuron science. Implied that genes and the experiences in a sensitive growth period trigger on other genes and rather say cognitive functions of the brain. Meaning that yes one can gain more intellect no matter what. One is not stuck in the same situation. As do babies grow do the brain develop… suggesting that the easer to develop and change cognitive behavior is the more likely to gain more intellect… meaning that at a younger age where it’s a sensitive time where the brain absorbs everything is the best time for increasing intellect. Not just intellect he says “wider range of cognitive behavior”
My thought: (however. Does one increase speed or easier to be more intellect based on genetics? In the end goal does one become like their biological family? In terms of increasing and the rate of building up more intellect? )
 (Mine own thought….: conscious thought own effort… and the natural man thought action… looking at animals… and how they is a difference between consciously doing something and just how natural selection to do something. Is it by who we are that we choose something or is by preference of consciously choosing. )
6.     http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=9&sid=3b206ac1-9809-4b9a-9cfd-df7eb1deaa1a%40sessionmgr4008
Journal type …. Pdf…. In documents in the labtop….
Shuttleworth, F. K. “The Nature versus Nurture Problem I Definition of the Problem.” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 26, no. 8, Nov. 1935, pp. 561–578. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/h0061615.
 “Do children resemble their parents in intelligence mainly for the reason that superior parents pass on superior endowments or mainly for the reason that superior parents provide superior care?”  
Taking IQ scores of a foster home and taking the variances… of which assumed that 64% where from heredity and #36% meaning that 8 IQ points heritable 6 IQ pints are environment.
… factors of environment… usually in the family… income. Status. intelligence from the parents having an effect on raising a child.
 Learning about how to control attributes based on hereditable can ultimately change our environment better. For example “better cattle, better plants” changing our animals organism around us. Scientists have been trying to find ways and work with lower animal studies on whether we are able to change the animals genes to become a better species. This can be applies to the workings on humans. Through breeding and test on organisms…
Eugenics:… he says that it really requires both environment and hereditable… to change the population to change the attributes of a generation… using the attack of eugenics… meaning they eliminate most of the population and leave the surviving one with great characteristics at which is wanted and let them breed.. he says once done with this eliminating most of the population of unsuccessful species then the environment comes into play to shape and form the next generation genes. So both are to play environment and genetics.
“One of general intelligence of the population is through a leveling-up of environmental influences.”
He looks at the change or effects as a whole group of people…. The differences in intelligence from one to another.. he says that the more effective the attack on environment on this group of the people the less difference there is on the intelligence on each person. Meaning the intelligence of each person has less of a difference between each person from a person.
The environment has a important role… in shaping a human. In their success. Even as a generation.
    7.       https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/teaching-holocaust-and-human-behavior/european-jewish-life-world-war-ii
 “European Jewish Life before World War II.” Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/teaching-holocaust-and-human-behavior/european-jewish-life-world-war-ii.
Social public pressures on research… or rather conclusions or rather judgments on a person character or attributes based on genetics…
  “throughout history, many have sought to define Jews, incorrectly, as a single and uniform category of people with fixed characteristics, which racists and anti-Semites falsely believe are rooted in biology. But the lives Jews have lived around the world and throughout history can perhaps be characterized best by their immense diversity.”
 Paraphrasing…. Jews in realiaty are very diverse. There are Jews who are diverse in income and status. It isn’t because of birth that Jews are categorized as a sterotype. He explains that there are is stereotype going around based on race. He argues that there is a big diversity no matter where and whom you are born to.
Usually character was defined of who you were born to. And what race. That what race you were defined what characteristics you would have. Just like the Jew. Nazi has stereotyped them as a dirty race or rather a race that would bring down the society.
    8.     http://web.mnstate.edu/shoptaug/AntiFrames.htm
Untitled Document, http://web.mnstate.edu/shoptaug/AntiFrames.htm.
 “when Jews entered into Europe in large numbers during the Middle Ages, "they found themselves living among primitive Western people who were repelled by their superior intelligence and their clever business acumen.””
“An example of this type of prejudice can be found in the memoirs of a member of the slowly declining British aristocracy, who wrote that her social class resented the Jews "not because we disliked them individually, for some of them were charming and even brilliant, but because they had brains and understood finance."”
In this source they began to put blame and criticize the Jews on bad causes to their country. For example diseases unsuccessful business. They criticized and blamed Jews as a whole group of people in which can create misunderstanding… stereotypeing a race can result in accusing one person as something for their biological features rather than judging them based on their circumstances and environment in what made them who they are.  
  9.     http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=9&sid=8233d836-93a5-4fcc-8751-f952a79f99e8%40sdc-v-sessmgr01
Brosnan, AnneMarie. “Representations of Race and Racism in the Textbooks Used in Southern Black Schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1861-1876.” Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, vol. 52, no. 6, Jan. 2016, pp. 718–733. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1120017&site=eds-live.
This talks about how black people were portraited in the 1800’s ish… through the education at which was taught in the schools. Schools at the time were taught differently than the school we teach today. When teaching schools usually society would teach knowledge based on what they believed was right. At that time they believed that white people were significantly “superior” than the African Americans… They would design textbooks and book based on this knowledge that African American are less than the white race… in result of writing text books like this they would in reality they would try to have the African Americans stay in the fields and hard labor work areas.
 10.  https://www.verywellmind.com/experience-and-development-2795113
Cherry, Kendra. “How Different Experiences Influence a Child's Development.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 18 Aug. 2019, https://www.verywellmind.com/experience-and-development-2795113.
Intext (cherry, 2019)
She categories nurture side of things into categories… family, education, culture, peers, experiences, conditioning… She explains the how these factors can effect one’s character. During the times of child development is the most “crucial” time where one can be affected by the environment or experiences…
My thoughts: I agree…  that even in biological how one is formed or to who they are is the time period of growth and the time in which the gene gets turned on and off in the womb..
 However, she explains: peers have a major effect in changing character because of the impact on friends have to friends is a lot. How a child acts around some certain kids. And what kind of friend they make changes who they become.
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