#because i still dont know if im in remission so i dont know what my health treatment looks like this year i don't know what to expect
lupismaris · 1 year
Planning travel is just a big old song and dance of "okay I know I'm poor, chronically disabled, and beholden to the man but this is a smidge ridiculous"
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Tagging @syscurse with this cause they seem to have more awareness of the final fusion "discourse" and I dont have a thesis statement or any real argument here beyond just casual discussion nor do I know if Im "strawmanning" cause I havent actually seen much of it since M&M's final fusion backlash (+ Im not trying to argue, just share thoughts)
But the common line of "Final Fusion isnt even worth it / isnt even good because you can always resplit" and what not is honestly fucked up and problematic to say in regards to a healing method but on a personal level didnt so much have anything to compare it to in order to highlight it
But as someone who has been working with OCD longer than DID and final fusion, its kind of like saying "Trying to resist / be free from doing your compulsions isn't even worth it because you can always get new compulsions or relapse, even if you free yourself from all the ones you have now, its not like itll stay that way"
Cause - and Im not sure how many chronic long term OCD folks are out there - but for cases like mine where its "high functioning" (ie constant but due to how its done it doesnt impact my day to day as much as it should) and long long long deeply rooted and untreated, a valid settling place for healing is to just integrate and adjust the compulsions to be less intrusive and focus on navigating obsessions and intrusive thoughts better
For some it might just not be worth the time and effort to actually fully stop all the compulsions entirely because - in our case - there are too many, its too deeply rooted in trauma and other disorders, and so reinforced that to do so would be a SHIT ton of work whereas usually we actually are pretty functioning
So if we were to put the community aspect the DID community has onto the OCD "community" then one could say there is "full remission" and "functional OCD" as recovery goals.
And as someone whose happily settled in functional OCD and currently really isnt seeking out full remission (as that would probably be after final fusion) its completely valid to say "Im happy with this level".
Much like DID and splitting though, the OCD brain even after healing is still a brain physically wired in an OCD way and inevitably you are always going to be prone to developing obsessions and compulsions. Does that mean working on freeing yourself from the ones you currently have is pointless? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Even if you have two weeks, two months, two years, twenty years, forty years and then "relapse" or whatever it is and end up gaining new obsessions / compulsions or splitting a new alter, obtaining that period of ideal and desired healing is an amazing thing.
Healing has ups and downs and works like a tide for almost every disorder and every version of healing. Its not a special thing about DID or final fusion, heck the claim could be made with functional multiplicity and dissociative symptoms and barriers coming back
Idk man, Im mostly rambling thoughts but TLDR healing is a rollercoaster, sometimes its a Disneyland ride sometimes its Six Flags, but there are ups and downs regardless of the disorder and version of healing for an individual and I really think its a bit of a negative nancy and a thought coming from a place of not understanding later stages of healing from people not quite there yet
Anyways, just rambles open mic to anyone who wants to ramble back
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
I was just wondering what newsies blogs you know!
(I’m sorry in advance for unwanted tags)
@emmedoesntdomath gets mentioned first bc she and I did a whole series thing on her blog with her newsies hc
@noxexistant is an icon and an amazing artist and goes feral for content (esp Delancey content)
@raggedy-albert also goes feral for content (though their special blorbo is Albert) and posts the BEST incorrect quotes
@newsie-collective Is doing many a newsie study on their blog. P cool. Check it out.
And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the fansies mom @crystallizedtwilight she’s like the Medda of the real world
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scatterpatter · 10 months
Mnnngh art vent under the cut
I really miss when art was easy for me. It used to come so, so easy, even though I'd say my art wasn't as good as it is now. Like I'd def say I've improved, but its so much harder to get art out now than it used to be
I look back at the art I used to make and I seriously lament how easy it was. Even if it was just doodles, I could get so many out, I remember back in like 2019 i could often get at least one doodle out a day and it felt great. It was my outlet, my way I connected with others, the way I shared ideas and made stories, and now I feel that outlet has been practically severed and it really, really hurts
Artfight def hurts the worst. I was so excited for this year, so ready to reconnect with a lot of my friends and bond over silly AF attacks, and it was genuine! I didnt have any big plans this month other than just doing my job so I was so happy to do this. July last year was awful, I was in a horrifically abusive situation and that abuse reached its peak last July, I was in a bad bad place. But I've completely cut that abuser from my life and I'm in a much better space, so I really thought this July would be me turning things around
But as soon as I got a lot of attacks, I just- fucking shut down. I kept thinking on how much "make up revenges" I'd have to do and it got to the point where I'd get overwhelmed every time I picked up my tablet. What became "Hehe can't wait to make art for my friends!" Quickly spiralled into "Oh god I need to do so many revenges I cant keep up", and it just made me catatonic and I hate that. And the worst is that I know no one's exepcting me of anything, I dont have to revenge everyone, its all for fun- I know its just this expectation im putting on myself and im the only one disappointed in myself but I just cant stop how catatonic its left me and its really tough to deal with because ive only done 1 attack so far. Ive spent the entirety of July going "shit i need to work on attacks. Its ok ill do it later." And now its July 31 and ive only done one. I set a goal of doing at least ten. I thought ten wouldve been manageable, but I just cant do what I used to do and it really really hurts
And I keep being told that Im having a hard month. That works been stressful and working 40hr a week leaves me with significantly less free time than I had back in college, so of course i have less time/energy for art, but it still hurts because I dont. Feel like work has been that bad. Yeah its been bad but ive dealt with horrific stress before and ive handled it fine. I feel like if I go "its been a rough month" ill be saying that every month. And i dont want that. Im really healing and im getting in better places, I feel like still struggling this much doesnt feel "right". Hell my therapist just told me that i might be in remission or partial remission for my major depressive disorder. Like I have a professional telling me im getting better but I still struggle to do something that came so easily and it hurts really really badly.
Im gonna see what i can do for last minute attacks. Might not be great attacks, but i want to see if i can get something, anything out. It just hurts because i had so many ideas for my friends and I dont know what Ill be able to do for them and I feel horrible. I feel severed from them and from my main outlet of connecting with others.
And i know its just a sign of burnout or art block or mental illness or what the fuck ever. But I feel like ive been making too much progress in myental health to be struggling this hard. I love making art and i love artfight and sharing art with my friends but as soon as I try, I go completely catatonic and its really really hard because i used to be able to do this so easily and i want it to be easy again but I dont know what im doing wrong to still be struggling this hard
Idk bottom text
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thevampirelestat · 2 years
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tagged by @i-want-my-iwtv to share 9 movies i enjoy/rec:
Interview With the Vampire (1994) - starting with the obvious choice because this is a VC blog after all. IWTV is without a doubt my favorite movie of all time, and i'm sure i dont have to justify that to my followers... is it perfect? no. have i watched a million fucking times and do i know all the lines by heart? yes. i could go on for hours and hours about it, but i wont. 69/10 would highly rec for all my dramatic gays out there who haven't seen it xoxoxo
Alien (1979) - not only do i have a big fat crush on sigourney weaver, but the xenomorph can get it too... on a serious note, i almost chose Aliens (1986) instead, because that movie has more rewatch-ability than its predecessor (which is something i really value in a movie), but the suspense and drama of the original is unparalleled. its a masterclass in narrative build up with a perfectly satisfying ending 100/10, in space no one can hear you in space
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - i put off watching this movie for a really long time even though i knew i was gonna love it. which i did. it was instantly a favorite of mine despite being a bit dated in some ways, but ultimately watching this movie inspired me to watch NBC Hannibal as well, which became one of my favorite shows of all time, so there's that. unlike IWTV, it's actually a near perfect movie and i don't just love it for the homoerotic aspects (because there aren't any... that's the show's jurisdiction), but because it's genuinely well written. 1 billion/10, if you say you dont wanna fuck hannibal lecter youre lying
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - realistically, i think that two towers is the best in the LOTR trilogy, but i chose fellowship because it's a comfort movie for me. when im in a bad place emotionally, i always know that the shire scenes will put me in a good mood. i also love the transition from the happy peace of the shire to the dark turmoil of the journey to destroy the ring. and orlando bloom can get it of course... 19/19 rings of power
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) - i actually adore musicals, so i wanted to include at least one on this list. i chose rocky horror because of a few reasons: the music is always stuck in my head, tim curry in drag, it's a cult classic, and because its an allegory for the short life and death of glam rock, which i find really inspired and unique of the people who made it. ∞/10, lets do the time warp again
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - speaking of orlando bloom... of all the POTC movies, this is the only one that's actually well written btw lol. it's also another one of my comfort movies and my bi awakening, because i have a crush on EVERYONE IN IT. really it's just a fun time and, honestly, a pretty original script when you think about it. i loved it at 8 years old, and i still love it at 27 years old, 27/10
What We Do in the Shadows (2014) - another obvious choice for this blog. i rec this movie to everyone i think has a similar sense of humor to me; i love the dry, flat new zealander humor, that its easy to digest, and that its about silly vampires. 420/10 because its the weed number and i haven't used it yet
Jurassic Park (1993) - this was my favorite movie growing up, so i felt it would be remiss of me not to include it on the list. for a really long time i wanted to be a paleontologist, and watching this movie only fueled that fire. ultimately i decided to go to school for archaeology instead, but it was a near thing and i really only made that decision 100% in the last few years. anyway dinosaurs are sick af, need i say more? 10/10, no jokes, just dinosaurs murdering people for their hubris
The Descent (2005) - i'm really picky about horror movies. most mainstream horror that other people love, i find uninteresting and not at all scary. so whenever someone asks me to rec a horror movie that actually scares me, this is the one i go with. there is a monster in the film, but more than that i think the psychological aspects are really what get to me personally. id extrapolate on that a bit more, but i don't want to spoil it for anyone interested, so that's all i'll say. -/10 too stressful to rate
anyway, since i was limited to 9 movies, i'm gonna put an honorable mention section here for some that didn't make it to the list: - the original star wars trilogy (1977-1983) - nightcrawler (2014) - harry potter and the chamber of secrets (2002) - hairspray (2007) - indiana jones and the raiders of the lost arc (1981) - ginger snaps (2000) - blade runner (1982) - sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street (2007) - zodiac (2007) - girl, interrupted (1999) - grease (1978) and many, many more...
no tags because i'm selfish and lazy ;) anyone that wants to do it is free to say i tagged them though
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raincamp · 11 months
7 - 19 - 23
why is being mentally ill so fucking expensive???
i've been really stressed about money recently. and i hate it because im only 19 right, i shouldn't be worrying about how to pay back thousands of dollars in medical debt, i haven't even made my first rent payment in my life yet.
my insurance decided to deny coverage for my hospital stay earlier this month after i attempted. i have to pay thousands for an ambulance, for the days they kept me over my allotted insured days, for the stay at the hospital where they evaluated me, and i can't get any help because im still on my parents insurance, and they dont want to help me pay for my treatment anymore.
(TW for suicidal ideation and bad hospital experiences)
after my insured days were up, i begged the fucking doctors at the psychiatric hospital not to keep me longer, not only because they were COMPLETELY unequipped to handle treating my BPD beyond sedating me everytime i had an episode, but also because it was $600 a day that i had to pay out of pocket (+ extra fees for meds etc). and you know what the doctor said? "you're still reporting passive suicidal ideation, i dont feel comfortable sending you home."
yeah, of course i have passive ideation, i'm fucking borderline, that's literally one of my symptoms, one of the diagnostic criteria in the DSM. you think you can put my BPD into remission in two weeks?
i have good treatment at home, i go to group weekly, have one on one dbt, get phone coaching with my therapist, but this fucking doctor wouldn't let me go, and after spending almost a week begging her, she finally agreed to IF i signed an ROI for my parents. that manipulative bitch
i dont tell my parents the details of my treatment for a reason. you can probably imagine how that went down when i got home.
anyway, that's neither here nor there. today I've been feeling like i am completely unable to survive in this society. i can't manage to get myself to go to work consistently, despite the fact that i get paid decently and want to. last week was the first week since i was employed in april that i went to work everyday.
i called in today. i just cant fucking do it. work takes everything out of me. i come home and sleep 12 hours because im exhausted, and if i have the time i can sometimes convince myself to make food before i leave for work again. i dont have time for hobbies, i dont have time to enjoy anything, getting to see friends means being sleep deprived, i don't even have time to take care of myself. calling in sick is me giving myself time to fucking shower and eat a meal and clean my room and possibly even do something relaxing so i don't drown in stress.
now that im drowning in medical bills— among the rent and electricity bills i will have to start paying next month when i move out, along with the debt im in for my car— being unable to go to work consistently feels like a death sentence. and honestly, yeah, i am considering death so that i dont have to worry about this shit anymore. because obviously me with my chronic mental illnesses— that even if they do manage to go into remission, will make me a slave to the healthcare system in the process— are not meant to thrive in this society.
i cant fucking do it. not right now- and if I can't right now while im in a stable living situation, then i certainly wont be able to when the roof over my head is dependent on whether or not i can get myself out of bed everyday.
its bullshit that im considering killing myself over medical bills at 19.
- andrew
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tyhi · 11 months
How about 1,3,8, and 32?
thanks for asking!
1. how old were you when you found out you're autistic?
well i suspected/kinda knew a long time ago like when i was a teenager, but i didn't really take it seriously bc i didn't understand what it would mean for me at all. but i started seriously looking into it about 1,5 years ago and got an official diagnosis soon after that.
3. any comorbities?
i guess probably ADHD (though i feel the AuDHD combo might as well be its very own thing) plus maybe depression(i feel ok but it's complicated), brain fog, anxiety, I'm actually "out of the norm" on many personality test scores but not diagnosed with any (if i were it would be PDNOS)
in general i dont really think of myself as mentally ill anymore though. i don't suffer because of my mental health, even though I'm disabled and unable to work. maybe the anxiety does bother me a bit but it also keeps me on track in a way.
oh i also have hypermobility, POTS(self diagnosed) and autoimmunity (hypothyroid) which involves many food sensitivities, the likely root cause being mold toxicity.
8. special interests?
hmmm.... i don't have any that im currently really fixated on, haven't for a while, but some of my most recent(from the past couple years) fixations are still around in less-intense form: tarot and divination, spirituality and god, nutrition - thank god i had this one take over my life for a while bc that's the only way i could get my autoimmune disease in remission and I'm currently not on meds yeehaw.
gardening is an interest of mine, i have a large(680m2) community garden plot. this spring, before i could actually do stuff in the garden, i was pretty fixated on watching gardening content. now the garden is in full swing, im just focused on keeping it tidy(ish). doing more of a no-dig/permaculture type thing this year. grew my own tomato, chili and physalis plants for the first time. very exciting, even though they aren't exactly comparable to professionally grown plants, they're Mine.😍
sometimes i like to watch TES4 oblivion (video game) videos also cuz its a childhood favorite and i replayed it over the winter. i enjoy how thoroughly documented the game is lol ppl know every detail of how it works.
32. samefoods?
I eat oatmeal with crushed linseeds and buckwheat every morning. I set it to soak the night before for the phytic acid to get deactivated (that's what the buckwheat is for bc oats dont have a lot of phytase)
sometimes i add seeds and nuts, or vanilla extract hehe, or carob powder. i don't like it to be quite Exactly the same every day.
other than that, i eat a lot of lentils, sometimes just with oil+seasoning, sometimes i eat a lot of rice too. i love rice noodles (im gluten free so that's why those specifically.)
i tend to have short bursts of wanting a certain food every day. then i get my fill or its not on sale anymore or i run out and i move on. i think that's not exactly samefood but i feel like maybe it's like an AuDHD version of samefood.
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bumblebaubles · 1 year
the taylor swift vs billionares should not exist debate is actually quite compelling
while i get most people have a surface level understanding of 
- billionares usually only make that musch profit off of not paying the people who work with them enough
-general wealth inequality sucking away resources from people who need them
its remiss to not acknowledge billionares who run conglomerates that have a monopoly over a resource people need are not the same as billionares who have extreme buying power over a luxury that is not a necessity to life. 
considering so much of the fodder around this recent news is her making this much money off of music as her main revenue i started mulling it over in my head and started to remember just how shit the music industry treats artists in general. if she were to accomplish this i hate to say it, it would be a real feat. artists are usually the LAST people to make money off of their music. the music industry is so inherently exploitive towards artists its genuinely compelling seeing as to how she made so much off of music. so naturally i have questions. 
even though taylor has been well off for a while the as far as ive read the money she makes off of albums and streams is still split between publishing, manufacturing, production yadda yadda. Not to mention she was able to do something few artists are able to do, which is being able to profit of of her intellectual property with trademarks etc. while shes faced backlash for being too money hungry for demanding streaming services like apple music take less money off of artists streams and “excessive” trademarking of her ideas thats also a huge chunk of her money and i dont think ive seen a compelling (what she did with apple music and trademarking really can be seen as fair considering an artist should own their work and make a liveable earning fro.m it) argument for these streams of revenue being exploitative. if the music industry were fair, more artists would be able to live off of their music. taylors in a very rare but good position in this aspect. ((not to mention she doesnt even own her masters. her remaking her old albums is an expensive,,, expensive endeavor but the sales came through))
we dont know exactly how much the people she works with get paid either? im not sure if theres info on how much the people she writes with or how much her producers make off the songs they release with her. Industry standard would be considered exploitive because like i stated before m o s t money off of streams and album sales dont go to the creators it goes to the publishers and whoever has the licensing. then the singer, writers and producers are the last to get paid off of the music they create. so is the distribution of those profits equal? cant say.
ive seen but havent confirmed that her merchandise is made in china which would be a red flag if i can confirm it. Artists usually make most of their profit off of merchandising and touring. BUT i’ll stop myself here because we dont know how the profits for the tour will be split yet.  
if anyone has any extra info to fill in the gaps pls let me know im scratching my head rn
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jonphaedrus · 2 years
having a terrible pain day because i got fucked by hormones (who wants this shit anyway) so im high as a goddam kite. here is a post to update tumblr on my cats. i sometimes post photos of them @ jonphaedrusao3 on twitter.
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[id: photo of my somewhat messy bedroom. laundry is hanging. there are four cats visible. on top of the dresser is lucina (colloq. “the duck”) a long-haired munchkin mix of some variety. she has both her paws stuck out of two beds. on a large green chair is leo, his feet stretched out, looking like a weasel. on the sheet part of the bed is larsa, an extremely small for some reason seal lynx point persian in a grown-out teddybear cut. on the blanket is zelos, an orange tabby persian, also in a teddybear cut. larsa has his belly and paws in the air. zelos looks like a banana]
four cats! four cats. how are our four cats? hairy. leo is at 9mo remission with his cancer and doing great especially because his immunotherapy has been amazing and now he can go outside and go on walks and i cannot stress to you enough how much this cat fucking LOVES WALKS. the duck has decided that the kittens are not only fine but she likes them? she plays gallop gallop chase with them a lot. she’ll even let them sit next to her and sleep on the cat tree at the same time as her. and let them eat nearby her without having to attempt to skin them alive.
zelos is hilariously large and hilariously hollow. there’s not a thought in this creature’s head. he figured out “up” in january. he has not a single tooth because he decided they were evil and had to have them all removed. he has so much anxiety he has to be on anxiety medication or his fears of ??????????? cause him to stop being able to pee. we do not understand anything that happens in his skull but i can tell you he loves. he loves So Much. he still goes “honk honk” and sometimes “worm?” but we also don’t know why he does that, either. his paws are gigantic. leo has crate trained him......somehow.
larsa is ludicrously small. we dont understand why he’s so small and zelos is so big. they’re brothers??? he goes “weem! weem!” and “eeb! deeb!” and he is oBSESSED with water. bathtub? sink? toilet? dishwasher? you name it he wants to be in it while it’s wet. he will SHRIEK EEB DEEB DEEB DEEB if you dont let him be. the duck has taught him the concept of “comb tax on top of toilet” but he gets too excited and falls off the toilet if you do it too much. he’s a year old on june 1st! i dont know why he’s so small.
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[id: photo of leo in the garden in the sun. he looks particularly majestic in the light all his fur is very pretty. he is on a leash and a harness.]
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[id: photo of the corner of the living room. leo is standing on the floor at the bottom of the frame, staring at the camera like “what the hell” while zelos is on an infinity scratching post and for some reason is both very dense, very frog, and VERY bread. he is so small.]
computer enhance frog.
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the duck discovered the concept of the cat razor and is obsessed...
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[id: photo of lucina sitting on the floor next to two piles of fur. one pile of fur is entirely from zelos and larsa. one pile of fur is entirely from her. despite her not having nearly as much hair as either of them, her pile is at LEAST as big as their pile. she’s mad as hell i stopped shaving her.]
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[id: larsa, next to my arm, on a mattress pad. he is....very very small.]
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[id: zelos sleeping between my thighs, taken in the darkness with the flash on. his eyes are so very yellow. he looks so comfy with all his feet stuck out. he is a muppet.]
that’s the state of the muppets.
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cosmosees · 3 years
you know what im sick and tired of seeing people with the incorrect opinion (/hj) on part 4 pride so heres MY headcanons
akira- 100% that is a gay man, i can see him being either cis or trans ngl? probably leaning towards trans
angelo- cishet ❤
aya- ive said this before but she is moriohs resident elder lesbian, i also think shes trans because with the way her stand works it makes WAY too much sense. definitely a mentor figure for yukako
josuke- my friend who got me into jojo headcanons him as a trans pan man and i think that holds!
joseph- i think cishet joseph is a very funny headcanon but i would be remiss to not say hes undoubtedly bisexual
jotaro- gay and arospec! i dont really have any strong opinions on gender headcanons for him but im gonna say hes trans to piss off cishet jojo fans
keicho- cishet 😔
koichi- i can see him being either gay or bi but im FIRM on him being an ace trans man
mikitaka- im of the belief he is actually an alien, so i think he has a different concept of gender to everyone else? he would be like the equivalent to a cis nonbinary, but hes definitely bisexual
okuyasu- thats a good ol himbo! cis gay man
reimi- maybe me being indulgent but i think she can be a nonbinary lesbian. one of those she/theys.
rohan- as much as i say i hate him that is undoubtedly a gay man. idk if he's cis or trans i havent put thought into it
shinobu- definitely bisexual, ive also been fond of her being trans recently? hayato is adopted and shes trying to figure out how to tell him, but in the end their relationship is stronger for it and he still loves her :)
tamami- cishet (as derogatory as you can comprehend)
teronosuke- hes one of them bisexual nonbinaries!!!!
tomoko- my serious headcanon for her is that shes bi. my joke headcanon is that eventually after being without joseph long enough she said "im sick of pretty boys. ive decided to only like girls now!" she is also cis
tonio- similar role to aya, but as a gay man. probably cis tho
hazamada: im not touching this one im sorry class
toyohiro- nonbinary mlm!! no cisgender person looks like that
yoshikage and yoshihiro: i cannot percieve either of them as anything other than cishet. i do not hate you if you hc kira as mlm i just cannot personally envision it .
yukako- withholding my essay for now, shes a cis lesbian! closeted at the time of part 4 though, she has stuff to work out :(
yuya: i wanna say transhet but i could also see him being bi
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
hilary (can i call you hilary like we’re not some internet strangers??) i read the new PEL update and akskajnakowl. Matthias. Sweetie. Going to Druskelle Inc. always somehow causes more problems 👏🏽👏🏽 i mean to be fair, i read the story and im truly astounded by Matthias’ level of no braincells at times. My sweet sweet bland white bread. i just… the common denominator is that every time Matthias and Nina split up some shit goes haywire. Stop doing that 👏🏽 these two are going to need to be bubble wrapped to make it down the altar.
also i would be remiss if i didnt take a moment to acknowledge the King Garbage man himself, Aleksander Morozov. like wooooow. he really tried to pretend he was a badass and then was like “…alina?” what an absolute simp and the funniest part is he tried to be like, “Oh Vanya? Where is that dear friend? Of course, I, ME, i am thriving and walking around in all black dramatically.” BUT who’s laughing now Aleks because Ivan has been in a steady relationship for almost a decade and Aleksander gave off PEAK “the wedding is back on when she unblocks me I SWEAR.” I dont know if we ever find out where Alina is now but I picture her THRIVING ✨ and being unbothered that her ex is tossing away whole missions just to simp over her. She’s giving off “Oh i need a last name and some backstory to dust off the memory a little” and meanwhile Aleks is like ALEKSANDER.EXE has failed to load when he even hears the start of her name.
Hahaha indeed, going to Drüskelle Inc. always causes problems because YOUR BOSS IS A NAZI, MATTHIAS. Which tbf, you have now realized, but not before it caused a shit ton of problems, drove Nina away, got Fedyor kidnapped, and oh yeah, you shot directly in the literally-too-stubborn-to-die head, my darling. So many problems could have been avoided if you had just a few more brain cells, Matthias. Just a few. Yet we love you anyway. Get well.
And yes. Aleksander is a complete utter no holds barred nuclear flaming dumpster fire in Phantomverse. Like. Somehow even more than canon, if that's possible. And yes Alina is probably off somewhere living her best life but still getting a tremor in the Force like I... I sense somehow that Aleksander is blowing up his own life again because he is still not over me, wow, really. While Aleksander 100% secretly hopes that Nina knows Alina and will put in a good word for him, which is an absolutely horrible plan given all the, you know, kidnapping and beating up by GRU thugs, but literally no one, ever, said that Aleksander was a romantic genius. No one. Ever. Ever.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I am glad you are enjoying it. 😂😂😂
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handsoffmyfriends · 4 years
it would be remiss of me to not make a pride post during pride month 🙊🏳️‍🌈
i am aroace. thats aromantic and asexual. 💚🤍🖤🤍💜
some people believe that aces dont belong in queer spaces, that by not experiencing sexual and/or romantic attraction that we don't belong in non-straight spaces. this just isnt true! we belong in these spaces just as much as anyone who is non-straight and non-cis.
there isnt nearly enough talk about asexuality, aromance and acceptance for it. it took me almost 27 years to understand and accept that what i was experiencing in the sexual and romantic departments was NOT what most people experience. i often heard the words "you just havent met the right guy" or "youre young, youll understand when youre older" growing up, and i held onto them for a long time. surely one day i would wake up and be "normal", right? a normal, heterosexual cis girl. (definitely another post for another day, just know it felt incredibly wrong typing "girl")
at what point am i old enough to have an epiphany on what sexual and romantic attraction is supposed to feel like? that sounds silly when you word it like that and thats because it is. you dont just have a sudden "sexual awakening", its just something thats part of you and something thats always there, whether youre aware of it or not. i never really had that understanding and im fine with that.
ive spent almost three years considering asexuality and about six months considering aromance. im still not entirely sure about aromance, but the fact that im questioning it means something. ive also spend about ten months considering and questioning my gender, but again, another post for another day.
its not something im ashamed of and its not something anyone else should feel badly about. its just a part of who i am.
people are complex and ever-evolving. thats the beauty of being human. youre allowed to try new things and try new identities to find one that better fits who you are. theres nothing wrong with feeling at ease with yourself, since at the end of the day, its your body and your mind that you live with. the goal is to be at peace with yourself and be comfortable expressing who you are, not suppressing yourself to make bigots and close-minded people feel better.
if you decide in the end that you really were cishet all along, then thats great for you! you probably have a better understanding of non-cis and non-straight identities, so you can better support your friends and family that may be of the lgbtqia+ community.
on a final note, we wouldnt have pride without the help of the black and POC community. they are a huge part of our history and a huge part of our community.
black lives matter
love wins
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terriblygrimm · 3 years
ohmygod finally someone who shares my views. my sister and I loved fatws for what they did w sam’s character but aside from that the writing was very bad. we really could not understand wtf was bucky’s purpose to the main plot and what new side of bucky did we see. when the action wasnt happening he kept whining about steve and being rude to sam and then marvel thrust sambucky onto us and basically told us to move onto this Brand New Duo. sam and bucky were not on equal footing here and their personal struggles did not hold equal weight at all (i will give credits to anthony and seb here for making their friendship look believable) mcu keeps sidelining bucky and i thought they would do him some justice in this show but they didnt. after reading the articles and interviews post the show it was evident the writers did not understand bucky’s character at all. his whole character development was moving on from steve and now becoming sam’s sidekick? (also im really hoping and praying these writers dont go through with sarahbucky in the future because…no..absolutely not). and i do hope that what you said about a future steve bucky reunion comes true because so far mcu has been very hellbent on erasing their friendship and its just pathetic that they try to undermine their friendship so much, while weirdly enough also emphasizing that yes it has deep emotional value.
yeah like, i’m gonna try to make this as succinct and short (lol) as i possibly can without going off on tangents but tf.atws should’ve been SAM’S show. sam alone. he should’ve been the only title character, and they could’ve properly focused on his arc and the sociopolitical weight of it. that is MORE than enough content to fill up 6 hours. i absolutely love cap!sam and i think he’s gonna be a great captain america. i’m very much looking forward to his future.
but virtually everything else about this show from conception to film was a miss.
the flag smashers? (really marvel? your military propaganda perked its ugly ass head with this one. within the first five minutes of the show they were condemning ppl who believed in a world without borders lmfao. i legit almost stopped watching right then i’m not kidding) and the storyline itself wasn’t even coherent. they had WAY too many characters and arcs to focus on and it just.. didn’t work. didn’t do any one of them justice. not even their title characters - especially their title characers. the whole thing felt very hollow and emotionally remiss. the barely existent dialogue was clunky and awkward, and i’m sorry but.. to me, sam and bucky do not organically get along lol. the chemistry between the actors is undeniable which is why so many ppl ate it up, (and do i think they could eventually get along? yes) but the buddybuddy thing was pretty forced imo. very sudden and based on very little. 
their stories were at odds, with not one common goal between them all the way to the end. they fought for screen time and it caused both of their stories to suffer and not carry the weight they should have. they both had VERY heavy content to work with (a black captain america / a trauma/abuse/pow survivor) but somehow marvel - in true marvel fashion - did not commit to either and tried to tread lightly on both. 
bucky and sam only had the thin thread of steve woven between them & even that was done poorly because the writers themselves admittedly weren’t told what happened to steve, therefore they couldn’t write a definitive arc about it. and instead of actually committing to the deep bond between he and bucky, they took the no homo route and had bucky express anger over who holds property of the shield, rather than admitting it was steve himself that he emotionally and physically missed. but again, they couldn’t really do that, could they? they didn’t know if steve was alive or if bucky knew of his whereabouts. 
i’ll admit i did enjoy the peripheral concept of bucky helping steve pass along the shield, like he was its watcher, making sure steve’s legacy fell in good hands, and was there to basically coach sam along the way. in THAT regard alone, it did feel like he and steve were still a team post-endgame. that, on top of saying that he and steve discussed the future of the shield together was a sweet touch. loved that, but it was executed poorly like everything else.
& his winter soldier arc... lordy, was that handled horribly. bucky is a charming, gentle, burdened, lover-not-a-fighter (since the 40s) victim and they turned him macho, carrying the burden of his abusers and guilted into making amends? and that his problems were his fault because he couldn’t trust people? say what now? bucky is a pissed off, good-hearted war vet with a LOT of baggage- he’s not just some dude. the effort to butch up and patch up bucky in a quick fix was apparent, from the short hair, to the list of names, to the “man up” approach everybody came at him with, to the really out of place heterosexual flirting. i mean honest to god who the has time to flirt? apparently bucky! none of the other characters even passed a sideways glance to another during the entire series aside from the one character who audiences have been vocal about being queer for 10 years. hmmm.... (and then the writers actually CAME OUT & MADE A POINT TO SAY that they did not intend for his bisexuality lmfao i mean please dear god put us out of this misery. that writer/director need to stop talking because nobody cares about their personal opinions or headcanons. media is for the viewer to interpret so please shut up.)
overall the actors did what they could w that script, that much was obvious- and they certainly tried to stay as true to their visions/versions of the characters as they could but it just didn’t end up matching up.
but yeah, on a lighter note, i sincerely don’t think they’ll continue bucky in sam’s sphere. i think that was a one off. i don’t think they actually wanted to sell them as a “new partnership” but they just didn’t know how to write the dynamic properly. i think tf.atws was just a sad, sad attempt to place them somewhere post-endgame so they can continue on in bigger marvel films. sam’s got his cap4 and his new team (torres, sharon, walker), and i think i read he’s gonna make an appearance in black panther? which will be sooooo awesome!! 
and bucky? his ending was very open, what with him miraculously “feeling better” yet not quite the white wolf, and not permanent in any place. and on top of that, he was instructed to stay away from wakanda so he can’t make future appearances there, so methinks he and steve will cross paths again as nomad and white wolf for sure (once it’s revealed what steve’s been doing, etc). maybe in space?
the power that holds anon.... i get so excited even thinking about it.
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bloody-cute-yandere · 3 years
I've reached the point where I'm tired and I need to say something but idk how.
My SO has been struggling with a chronic illness that flared up as the result of a cold back in February. Hes been tired and generally more withdrawn, and I feel disconnected from him. There have been multiple times where I've stepped beyond our usual chore agreement to care for him, but so far all that means is I've been doing more work regularly and he's been resting and not getting better.
I've spoken to him about this a couple of times but what can be done? He's not feeling well. So im cooking dinners after working late, and feeling flustered and out of sorts because floors need to be washed and laundry needs to be folded and im expected to do all of it. He says I dont have to worry about getting all these things done, but not because he will help- he just proposes I leave them off until I eventually get to them in some amorphous future time.
On top of this I've been looking for a new job. At my current job I am severely (upwards of 10k/year) underpaid, and ive been pushed and pushed to pull more and more overtime since December. I've never done this much overtime work at this job and now im chastised if I leave when my 8 hours is done. My work and expertise are not appreciated. Finding a new job in my field is hard right now though, and being rejected repeatedly feels honestly like being on dating apps again, but worse.
And, if things weren't bad enough, one of my SOs cats was diagnosed with lymphoma today. The fix it part of my brain if frustrated because there isn't much I can do- the cat is old and is too weak from not eating to be able to handle chemo, so even though the remission rate is good for this kind of lymphoma, we might just watch him die anyway. This also means that my SO needs more support now and is exhausted and im still trying to care for him, but im exhausted too and I need to be cared for and its been so long since I've felt special or pretty or desired or valued and im just so tired.
So im going to try to sleep. Im in bed alone with my cat, thinking about the cat downstairs as I hear my SO playing video games. I dont know what to do or what to say, or when would be the right time to even say anything. So im just going to cry as quietly as possible and hopefully fall asleep.
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swampgallows · 5 years
i got distracted earlier and forgot to post but im thankful for my mutuals who have helped me time and again, even if it’s in ways you may not know. i appreciate you all so much and i am so grateful for the friends i’ve made here and the small but intimate community cultivated through tumblr. 
zbfc and wch, thank you for everything. @zeyan i love you with all my heart and i’m so fucking thankful i could have funny airbnb time with you and @aeiroki grimlock hunterpunter. you make me laugh every single day and i always want the best for you both (and jack!!! and PARKER!!!)
@lokaror thank you for letting me share my love of rexxar and bears with you. we’ve shared a lot of fantastic laughs together, some very fun stuff and some very deep shit too. i treasure every one of our convos together, and your playlists too!
@reglei thankful i finally got to beat you into submission at blizzcon. youre a sweetheart and a sleepyhead. thanks for listening to me ramble late into the night. i appreciate all the times youve had my back, whether it was creepy dudes or spoilers or w/e. you shoulda killed me w gorehowl when you had the chance
I LOVE @amarysue i miss you when you work long hours but i’m always so happy when we get to play games together. i hope you can leave the mcdonalds playplace soon. also i dont get to say it much but i love talking about academic stuff with you. i know i rib you about dark leafy greens but you are very educated in a lot of amazing fields and i love when you share your knowledge with me!!! i love amary!!!!
@theabsolutevoid i know youre the void but youre a golden human being of radiant light. you are so spectacular, we are all always in amazement of your passion and creativity and constant flow of ideas, and your compassion seems boundless. i am so grateful to know such a special person and spent many late nights laughing to tears with you
@perce the dynamic duo... im thankful daygo got me into ladybug so i could hear all of your amazing takes on it as they are equally as hilarious as your wow takes. i admire your resilience, though that might be weird to say, and though i know i’m an old crone youre definitely a role model for me taking command of my own life and establishing boundaries to become the person i want to be. i’m so grateful we got to spend blizzcon together again!! and thank you for getting me the long-forgotten hippogryph. its a very important memory to me.
refugees i know i dont pop in much but i still love you all dearly. im embarrassed actually because you are all functional adults and i’m not but when i get a job and reenter society i want to be able to come back and say i’m a big kid now
thrainosh squad @irenthel @wckhamm etc thank you for letting me indulge my interests without ridicule or judgment. @fitzefitcher i dunno you changed my life SORRY there is not a less fucked up way to say that. no pressure
@sithisis & crew thank you for so many incredible hots games and wonderful memories and all of your sweetness and fun times!!! sith you have inspired and supported so much of my writing and my ideas and i am in awe that you are getting so many amazing opportunities working in games journalism!!! i know theres a lot of grunt work but at the end of the day it seems like youre really doing something you genuinely love (and are good at!!) and i’m so happy for you. you work hard and you deserve it. im love skitty w a gun 
@steblynkaagain your art is such an inspiration to me, and i’m amazed by your cosplay too! i’m thankful that even across language barriers we can enjoy thraina and silly modern AUs together. i am so impressed by your intelligence and achievements. your comic where you pledge yourself to Thrall’s Horde is still so important to me, and every day i think about your mechanic garrosh..... and doctor drek’thar, and doctor thrall, and SHAMAN GARROSH....... (sob)
@captainkaprozyx and @sdei ... i am so thankful for all of your artwork and your amazing gifts. i am working on getting them framed, and your zine was amazing! you are a great team and I love your collaborations. also sdei’s birthday gift is still my discord icon. we just really love a big guy huh....... cannot express how inspiring your artwork is. the detail, the colors... it brings me to tears, i am so stunned. you are both so incredibly talented!
@omnifariousness bro i dont even know where to start. many good dog times and we can strike up the late night jawin again soon i hope. shit has been scattered and i know youve been dippin back n forth on the road but i hope the shit evens out soon for you. excited for you to see tool in feb and damn dude every DAY i think about the reading you treated me to of the 40k stuff for your reel. god man i want that VA shit to work out for you bad. your diction is impeccable and you so deserve it
@darnjam i know you guys dont read this but i love you so much and every day i’m so thankful we’re all still friends. @daygloow thank you for being like the sole source and catalyst for my personal development for like the last 3 years, im so proud of you and everything youve worked so hard to achieve and i’m so glad youre getting the recognition you deserve. thank you for always picking me up (vehicular and emotional) and for watching cartoons n playin vidya with me. god whens the next GOOD rave? i need to make you proud and actually dj so i can play banana
@bluntcrusher every day i’m like god when will king tori take the throne... im so thankful that youre in a good spot finally and that youre getting the love you deserve. and plus a sweet pucci mane. my blogs a mess but im glad youre still stickin around for it haha. always happy to see youre safe and THRIVING
@swarnpert love you dude thank you for lettin me harass you w 420 snaps. bro when you sent me those sabaton snaps i was in line for the haunted mansion at disneyland during blizzcon and it was just like... my heart was so full, it meant so much to me ALSO HOLY SHIT i love your art please NEVER STOP drawing
@nelfs i love your blog and your art and your FEELINGS like I dunno how to word it in a not-weird way. i think you are a very bright person with a good heart, and i’m thankful to know someone like that, even tangentially. it is fortifying also to see someone stand up for the things they love, whether it’s just a cartoon show or something of serious concern like animal welfare. i admire your healthy relationship to yourself and your strong integrity.
@neophyte-redglare i think about bead world garrosh every fucking day of my life. cannot thank you enough. i treasure it
@redpandalori THIS IS THE MVP RIGHT HERE. i dunno when you started sending me floods of kittums but every day i look forward to it and every single one means so much to me. i wear the kandi you handcrafted for me every single day and i show it off constantly to my friends because it’s just mindblowing. you are so sweet and thoughtful and i love sendin you snaps and it’s just incredible how the internet is. thank you for sending me rain snaps and kito & harley/ears & lilith pics all the time
@hungwy i dunno WHAT you get outta my blog but i’m thankful for the reams of sweet animal pics and interesting linguistic and anthropology posts on your blog. you’re a very positive force on my dash and you seem a wonderful person irl too!
@ubersaur im so happy we’re still mutuals after all this time lmao. you were one of the first aces id ever known so we’ll always have that solidarity and i’ll always be thankful. and i have to seriously catch up on magus bride haha. thank you for all of your love and support after all this time, i hope i offer the same to you!!
@18milliondeadplebs the rare and beautiful nexus of my two sole interests... warcraft and raving. dude just thank you for existing man LMAO i hope we can go ravin together some day
@kontextmaschine what a strange long fuckin trip it’s been dude. super surreal to have raved with you and had you come all the way down for burst but i knew i’d be remiss if youd missed it. you definitely deserved a potent taste of the 90s. thank you for the usb sticks, im still waiting on a worthy recipient for the other two. the majority of your blog is practically in hieroglyphics to me but man when the posts hit... they fuckin hit. i know you dont need me to tell you, but youve got a great talent and weirdass fuckin eye. a very very particular eye. love you man. please kiss badger for me.
@ironbull thank you for suffering in wisdom tooth hell with me. i am glad you had a good time at disney world and im hoping we can both be free of all of our tooth woes soon. thank you also for your advice and support in my personal stuff too!!
@kittensceilidh thank you for your sweet messages! every one of your hugs means a lot to me!!! it is nice to feel seen when i am in dark places.
@dimedog warcraft and foggy forests... hell yeah dude
@tim-official man sometimes it really is as simple as just laughing at the same funny shit, but youve reached out to me too and i appreciate it!!!
@peanotbotter thank you for all of the laughs and the kind words! thank you for caring about me, i care about you too!! i hope we can play hots again or wow together soon!!! 
wow this got long but i love a bunch of people. there are more of you that i love and are very special to me and i apologize if i didnt get to you. i hope you all had a nice holiday, if you celebrated. thank you for believing in me
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sungminsbutt · 5 years
R.I.P. Sulli
ive been noticing a scary lot of people saying that jjong and sulli did that because they wanted attention, and also that they "should've thought about their loved ones and fans"
*tw suicide and self harm*
let me say it from my own experience. my first battle with mental ilnesses was at the TOO EARLY age of 7. while most of the kids were still enjoying their childhood, Dana was having bulimia.
i was a quite happy kid till i was 13. again, an age where most of the kids are carefree. well, not me.
i don't know how did it start. maybe it was my weird online friends circle, or maybe it was the fact that i got bullied at school, i don't know. from random waves of sadness, it went to something more.
depression isn't something random. it isn't the feeling that you get when you get a bad mark or you get dumped by your partner.
i was waking up every day and thinking "why should i get out of this bed, it's not worth it anyways". i couldn't do anything properly. i couldn't concentrate on school, i just wanted to go home and find myself i the "shelter" that was the internet.
soon, i cut myself. 9 cuts. yeah, mom soon found out, she tried helping, but the problem is that I DIDN'T WANT TO GET HELP. i was like really crazy and out of my mind. i always carried a blade with me, showing it to other people and happily telling them about the fact that i once cut myself.
i even had a suicide date fixed. the 15th of january 2018. and no, i didn't think about what i would do to my family if i commited suicide. i was just thinking about myself. and suicide is not selfish, because people are usually out of their mind, like i was.
mom found out about my toxic circle on the Internet and that helped. i lived without internet or a phone for 3 months. mom or my granparents were by my side 24/7. at first, i always came from school and started ranting about how much i wanted to die. but slowly, i got to recover. i didn't get therapy, it was just my mom and me, finding my place in art and books.
I'm in remission for a year already. i still get random waves of sadness or i think that im ugly or not worth enough. but still, im better. and I've been through hell. And anyone can go through hell sooner or later.
so please, dont ever judge people with depression.
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