springdandelixn · 1 year
Last Minute Encounters
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Summary: The owner of the bake shop in your new neighborhood is a little over-friendly.
Warnings: Nothing to worry about but Thor is a warning himself.
Characters: Dark!Baker!Thor x F!Reader
A/N: Thor is one of the men I truly adore. Hence, I made a drabble to honor him especially since today is his day. Thor’s Day lmao. This plot has also been sitting in my drafts for a while and I felt that maybe this is the right time to introduce Baker!Thor into the world. (gif not mine)
As always, even if this is simply a drabble, your feedback is highly appreciated. Reblogs would be amazing as well for it will help my work flourish. May you guys have a great day ahead and of course, I hope you enjoy this! ❤️
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A sigh of relief escapes you when you see the open sign of the bakery still glowing into the night. Pulling your puffer tighter around your waist, you look at both sides before crossing the road, the sound of the heels of your boots clacking against the asphalt bouncing off through the empty street. You take slow steps, careful not to slip against the icy floor but once you reach the other side, you see the sign close, your heart beating fast in panic as you race towards the door. 
“Please—” You say as you stand by the entryway, coming face to face with a burly man, golden hair held up in a bun with strands falling from the sides, with a stubble to match his features. He wears an apron over a red plaid shirt and with the way he looks at you, you see his eyes a striking blue.
“Can I help you?” He asks when he opens the door, his voice low yet full like thunder.
“Do you still have any cakes I can purchase?” Your voice shivers as you speak, the cold slowly seeping through your jacket. “Or anything, really. I just need something to bring to a party.”
Heat crawls up your neck and scatters on your cheeks when you see him give you a once over, a smirk slowly playing on his lips. He’s much bigger up close and you can’t help but feel intimidated by his size, making you feel even smaller. He swings the door open and holds out an arm, a gesture for you to come in. 
The warmth of the shop is a welcome aura against the blistering cold outside, yet you feel a slight chill run up your spine with how the man’s eyes linger, keeping them on you as he rounds the counter. 
“I only have cupcakes and cookies left. But if you really want a cake, I have a chocolate one at the back.” 
“I’ll take it.” You say almost in a hurry, blushing at the amused look the man gives you. “I’ll take the rest of your cookies as well.” You add. “The least I can do after allowing me in.”
“Very well.” He hums and taps against the register, giving you your total after. “You can tap your card when you’re ready—I’ll just grab the cake.” 
You nod at his instructions and watch him disappear from the double doors that lead to the back. Taking your credit card from your wallet, you press it against the device, waiting for the beep before stowing it back.
You’ve never really had the chance to go around the neighborhood when you moved in a week ago. The task to find anything to bring for a potluck party of your co-worker proved to be a struggle, being all too new and different from the town you grew up in, the sullen wasteland you escaped from. 
The bakery has always been one of the places you’ve wanted to go to. Hearing your neighbors rave about the pastries and treats they purchase for their morning coffee when they catch you at the mail room and corner you into an unwanted conversation. Though, you wouldn’t say such an exchange is meaningless, for, without the information they gave, you wouldn’t have known about this place. 
You look up when you hear the swoosh of the doors, the man holding a box in his hand, a transparent container with a lone cupcake inside sitting atop it. He places the box on the counter then slides open the display, taking the last 6 cookies on the tray and sliding them into a transparent bag, before tying a gold and red ribbon around it. 
“Will that be all, cupcake?” He asks and you startle at the name he’s called you. 
“Uhh—yes.” You mumble. “Thank you.” Your eyes then dart to the cupcake atop the cake then look up at him with utter curiosity. “I didn’t buy this.” 
“On the house. Salted Caramel Cupcake—my favorite. You should try it.” He grins then places the bag of cookies over the box of the cake, holding a card out to you after. You take it. “I’m having a soft launch for my new item.” He announces out of the blue. “I’d be happy to have you come by and taste it. I know you’re new around here and it would be a nice welcoming event for you.”
You’re curious as to how he knows that, but you don’t pay it much mind. The neighborhood is small and you don’t doubt he knows almost everyone around, and you’re the new face in town. You swallow thickly at his invitation, the grin on his lips looking overly friendly. “When is it?” You ask if only to be polite. 
“Next week. Sunday.”
“I-I’ll check my schedule.” You smile, although it doesn’t reach your eyes. “Thank you again—” You try to look for his name tag but see none.
“Thor. The owner.” He supplies before gesturing at the box. “You need help taking this to your car?”
“No, thank you. Just walking.” You volunteer. “Party isn’t far from here.” 
“Very well.” He rounds the counter when you grab your purchase, walking with you to the door and opening it, shivering as the winter chill blows inside the shop. “It was nice meeting you, cupcake. I hope to see you again.”
You cringe when he says the pet name again, mumbling your thanks as you walk out of the shop. You scurry to the other side of the street, making your way to the apartment of your co-worker. The calm and measured steps you’d usually take when walking during the winter become brisk and hurried as you sense Thor’s burning gaze at the back of your head.
Your suspicions are confirmed when you look back as you round the corner and see him still standing outside his shop, staring at you from the street.
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ofbakerst · 9 months
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rebelmeg · 5 months
Chapters: 7/13 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster/Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton Characters: Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bakery, Baker Bucky Barnes, Happy Eater Darcy, Jane is a grimy science gremlin, Thor is her secretly smart himbo boyfriend, Fluff and Humor, Dessert & Sweets, you might say there is..., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I'll show myself out, First Dates, First Kiss, Dating, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis Friendship, Human Disaster Clint Barton, No plot just fluff, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, but they are all fluffy, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Background Jane/Thor, as backgroud as they can be when they are actively snogging onscreen at least once, Bucky Barnes & Clint Barton Friendship, Feelings Realization, yes i made myself hungry as i wrote this, i've been craving cake all year because of this fic, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Flirting, just so much flirting, absolutely plotless nonsense Summary:
Bucky runs a bakery and tries to keep his disaster best friend from eating him out of business. Darcy loves baked goods and tries to keep her science gremlin bestie out of shenanigans. It's a match made in heaven, so just add a dash of fluff and a dollop of humor, mix until the plot is thin on the ground, and bake until cute. Serve with a generous portion of frosting, and don't forget to kiss the cook on your way out.
Chapter 7: Thievery and Cookery 
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Summary: Thor has committed a grave sin, and Bucky is in charge of fixing Darcy's cranky mood.
Notes: For my @darcylewisbingohq​ square A2 – Thor has a cereal problem, @buckybarnesbingo​ square Y1 - thief, Warm & Fluffy Bingo square B3 - cheering them up, and my @marvelrarepairs​ Bingo square I5 – Darcy Lewis!
And yes, I pieced together the science technobabble with suggestions from Google, I expect it to make no sense at all. Or if it does make sense and leads to a breakthrough, I expect 10% of the profits and a mention in your memoir.
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nofatclips · 2 years
Gait by Aidan Baker, Simon Goff and Thor Harris from the album The Bit - Video by Chariot Of Black Moth
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Really not a fan of some of the characterization in this one...
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bebewrites · 2 years
get to know me game
thanks to the loveliest @flowerprose for the tag! 🌸
Favorite Color: pink, olive green, neutrals
Currently Reading: beta reading enchanted at eventide for @sentfromwolves! and was a couple of chapters into the invisible life of addie larue before that
Last Song: about damn time - lizzo
Last Series: only murders in the building (this show is so weirdly funny and i love it)
Last Movie: thor: love & thunder 
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: sweet! 🍰
Currently Working On: the night veil! specifically trying to sort out what happens in the middle 🙃
tagging some people i’d like to get to know better! (pls feel free to ignore!) @writingbyricochet @achilleid @houndmouthed @ofwordsandfeathers @laufire-writes 
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jolieeason · 9 months
September 2023 Wrap-Up
Here is what I read/posted/won/received/bought in September. As always, let me know if you have read any of these books and (if you did) what you thought of them. Books I Read: Books I got from NetGalley: Books I got from Authors/Indie Publishers: Giveaway Winners Books Reviewed: A Cold Highland Wind by Tasha Alexander—review coming October 3rd (4 stars) Guardians of Dawn: Zahara by S.…
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silverybees · 7 months
Interview with writer of Sherlock & Co podcast
The hosts of the I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcast have just published a fantastic long-form audio interview with Joel Emery, writer and co-creator of Sherlock & Co.
A few interesting notes in no particular order:
Their Watson, Paul Waggott, lives New Zealand, so he's recorded remotely
Atmos was recorded on real Baker St, on the tube and local buses
They plan to keep Holmes and Watson under one roof :-)
They haven't cast Mycroft or Lestrade yet, are holding out introducing them to a story where they're really highlighted. Since the podcast is doing really well, they're hoping maybe to get someone cool to do those roles
Updating the stories involves giving the women more agency, gender-swapping some
No grand story arc is planned (the idea of it stresses Joel out) and Moriarty isn't going to have threads out to all over the other stories
They'll be doing the novels but figuring out how to do them concisely because 12 episodes would be too much to keep track of
Audio storytelling is handy because you can, say, set The Greek Interpreter in Greece without having to take a crew (or anybody) to an actual location
Taking some stories where there are upper-class, rich folks and setting them amongst more ordinary people (so Thor Bridge isn't going to be set in the grand gardens of a country estate, rather in East London )
Interestingly they acknowledge the three audiences:
the Sherlockian audience who'll want Sherlock Holmes Content
the "Johnlock community" audience who is generally younger and want "diversity to be explored in all its forms" and wants something flamboyant and different and want "that relationship between the two men to be intimate in some respects, but really powerful and centre-stage"
and the general podcast-listening public, listening to the podcast on their commute, just as the original fans of Conan Doyle read the stories in the Strand, on theirs
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pascalsummers · 1 year
You Are a Baker (Avengers x Male Reader)
A/N: This came into my mind while I was eating a Honey Bun lol. Enjoy!
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Bucky didn't have a big reaction to it but he did think it was a nice hobby to have. He sometimes likes to watch you bake in the kitchen as he finds seeing you making stuff very calming in a way. Bucky usually offers to buy the ingredients but he usually leaves the actual baking to you unless you specifically ask for his help. When you bake things for him Bucky tells you that you didn't have to but he appreciates the gesture a lot. When you made a pastry in dedication to him he wrapped you in a tight hug and didn't leave your side for the rest of the day.
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When Steve heard that you were a baker he was impressed and asked you what got you into baking. When Steve isn't busy he likes to watch you bake in the kitchen if asked about it he says the sight of it warms his heart. Though he's not the best cook Steve does offer to help whether that's as complicated as making batter or as simple as cracking an egg or two. One night you walk Steve through baking something and while it turn out the best the smile on his face was worth it. Steve would be incredibly touched when you give him a pastry based on him, he almost doesn't want to eat it.
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Thor was very excited when he heard that you were a baker and wanted to know all the desserts you knew how to make. Whenever you are baking in the kitchen Thor is not far behind. Thor does try to help you out in the kitchen but usually, he just ends up trying to eat whatever you end up making. This is such a common occurrence that you naturally make more than you intended. Thor will usually send you images of desserts he finds when he's exploring the city in the hopes you could make it. When you make him a pastry dedicated to him you will have completely won his heart.
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He honestly didn't figure it out until you visited him while he was in the lab one day. He was pleasantly surprised when you told him you made them when he asked where bought these from. Whenever Tony asks FRIDAY where you he can always expect you to be in the kitchen working on something. Tony prefers to help out by buying you anything you need for the kitchen and leaves the baking to you. It wasn't exactly a surprise when you found some very pricy ingredients in your baking pantry. Tony will brag to the rest of the Avengers about his personally made pastry.
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Loki would make sure to store information for later but wouldn't give much of an outward reaction. Whenever you are baking in the kitchen Loki would usually be found close by reading a book. If asked why we would just tell you that he finds it to be nice background noise when he reads. He would usually leave the baking to you but if asked to help he might complain but he only does it to keep up appearances. Surprisingly Loki is actually pretty good at baking. When you present him with a pastry you made based on him he would be very flattered and would compliment your craftsmanship.
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When you tell him that you bake Bruce is a little bit curious but just gives you a nod. Bruce sometimes likes to watch you bake something in the kitchen and will ask you some questions about what your baking but he will mostly stay quiet. If you ask him for some help with baking he will generally do it if he doesn't have anything important to do. Bruce makes sure to follow the recipe exactly as it is written. While he may not be the best he does find it relaxing. Bruce honestly doesn't know how to react when you present him with a pastry based on him but he does gain a permanent blush on his face for a while.
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Whisked Away 3
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You get a job at a bakery but your new boss only adds to your work
Character: chubby!baker!Thor
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved.
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You set the icing bag down and step back. You press your hands against the front of your apron as Thor shifts closer to the counter. You watch him nervously as he turns the tray by the corner and considers your work. Each cookie is a variation of the cross-stitched them. The most detailed shows roses, while the others are intricately lined with grids with scalloped edges. 
He hums and sucks his teeth. You cringe and push your arms down straight, overly aware of yourself and your body. You should at least try to hide your desperation. His cheek dimples and he smiles as he faces you. 
“When can you start?” He asks. 
You nearly sway. You can’t believe it. You’re misunderstanding him. You shake your head, “pardon?” 
“You do good work, so... I’d like to hire you,” his tone is jovial. 
“Right, uh, when... when could I start?” You scrunch up your fists as you feel your insides buzzing. This can’t be real. It’s so sudden. Too good to be true. 
“If I’m being honest, right now,” he turns his large palms out, “however, there is the matter of paperwork and all that.” 
“Right,” you nod. 
“Tomorrow?” He suggests, “bring in a blank check and I can send the forms you need to fill out tonight. Is that too soon? Am I too desperate?” 
You almost laugh as he asks the questions in your own head. You let out a breath. It’s real! 
“Sure, that sounds good,” you agree.  
“Then I suppose that means you’re hired,” he announces and offers his hand, “welcome to the team.” 
You look at his thick fingers before you reach for them. You shake his hand, his covering yours entirely, and he clings for just a minute before he releases you. 
“I’ll pack these up to go,” he spins and marches across the kitchen. He takes out a square box and returns to the counter, “you can take them home to your sister.” 
“Uh, oh, thank you, you don’t have to do that.” 
“Please, a little celebration,” he says as he uses a rubber spatula to transfer the cookies, “I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear the good news.” 
“Ah, yeah,” you wring your hands then stop yourself. “Thanks.” 
“Of course,” he closes up the box and holds it out. “Tomorrow at six? You can open with me.” 
“Sure, I can make that work,” you smile, trying not to let your doubts break through. That might be a problem for Delaney. 
You put the box down on the table as Delaney sits in her recliner. She clacks the long needles together as she grumbles at her latest project. She gave a curt grunt at your entrance; she must be fighting another stitch. 
“Why don’t you grab your frame?” You suggest. 
“Bored of it,” she shrugs as you approach, “you bring me goodies?” 
She peeks over her shoulder towards the table. 
“Yep. Cookies,” you answer, “owner was really nice. Let me take them.” 
“Oh yeah? So...” she looks up at you, “how long til you know?” 
“I already do,” you can’t help a large grin, “I got it.” 
“You got it!” She shoves aside her knitting, “that’s...” she grunts as she pushes herself to the edge of the chair. She waves you away as you try to help, “amazing.” 
She stands and turns to you, pulling you into a crooked hug. You embrace her, your heart beating with joy. You haven’t been this happy in forever. You haven’t seen her this excited in just as long. 
She lets you go and to your surprises, stays standing. She groans as she stretches her arms and shifts around. She rolls her walker away from the side of the chair and leans on it. She’s not moving too bad. She wheels around you to the table and you follow. 
“There is one thing. I have to be there at six,” you explain, “so I might have to get you up early--” 
“Uh uh, I’m not getting up before sunrise,” she scoffs as she flips open the lid of the box, “I can get myself up.” 
“Right, I know, Deli, but if you need anything, you can call--” 
“Hey,” she takes a cookie out and considers it, “you need this job.” Her mouth slants as she looks at you, “we both need you to have this job. I’m not stupid,” she glances back at the cookie, “this is really cute. You did this?” 
“Uh, yeah, part of the interview,” you say, “it was... different. Nice place though. Family business, I think? His daughter works there.” 
“Ah, some old dude, huh?” Delaney angles herself to sit on the dining chair with her special cushion. “Fun.” 
“I guess he’s older. Big.” 
“Fat?” She chuckles. 
“Don’t be mean,” you shake your head, “tall... and a bit... pudgy, I guess.” 
“Huh, well, that’s not too bad. Better than some slave driver. Can’t be too bad if he gives you free cookies.” She takes a bite and her eyes nearly roll back as she hums, “oh my god!” She says through a mouthful and swallows, “these are so good. Have you tried one yet?” 
“No, I... my stomachs all knotted up.” 
“You got it, relax. Have a cookie before I eat them all,” she shoves the box towards you. 
“Alright,” you take one and nibble along the edge. You take a large bite as the sweetness crumbles onto your tongue. You cover your mouth as you nearly moan. She wasn’t being dramatic. “Oh god.” 
“Right?” She breaks off another piece, “this is like sex in my mouth.” 
“Ew,” you scrunch your nose up at her. 
“What? I ain’t no prude,” she scoffs, “actually, I've been talking to this guy online.” 
“Del,” you warn her. 
“I’m an adult,” she snaps. 
“I know,” you say, “I’m not saying anything except be careful. I remember Colin.” 
“Mm,” she frowns, “so do I. Jackass.” She reaches for another cookie, “you better bring home more of these.” 
“Uh huh,” you swipe the box towards you and close it up, “and you better slow down. You haven’t even had dinner.” 
“You are such an old lady,” she whines. 
“One of us has to be the mature one,” you sniff. 
“That’s fine. I like being the fun one,” she chortles and takes a massive bite, “mph, I could live off of these.” 
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chaotic-tired-fox · 1 year
In terms of getting really obscure facts about my Special Interests(tm) I am a master.
So here’s a whole bunch of obscure Resident Evil facts for y’all!
Part two: here!
Part three: here!
Lemme know if any of these surprised you or if you knew any of these!
☠️ Leon is scared of lightning (Astraphobia) but not thunder. (RE6)
☠️ Chris has a fear of late night phone calls because that’s how he learned of his parents death.
☠️ Piers is very heavily implied to be Bisexual due to a file in Revelations 2 (his concept art also implies this, if you know you know)
☠️ The Hound Wolf Squad is the only squad Chris has had that have all survived the entire game.
☠️ Wesker and Birkin were childhood friends
☠️ The Cerberus are all clones of each other which is why they’re all Doberman
☠️ Leon is a terrible driver, crashing one of just about every vehicle type including cars, a boat, a motorbike, a plane and a helicopter.
☠️ Sheva is one of the only left handed characters
☠️ Wesker wore glasses to hide his emotions (and later his red eyes)
☠️ Chris can play Bass guitar
☠️ Ada Wong isn’t her real name
☠️ Vector is Japanese
☠️ Vector is the only character that can canonically turn invisible (Hunk can too but only in various mercenary modes)
☠️ Hunk is said to respond emotionally to the name ‘Bella’
☠️ The USS soldier who shot Birkin and started the outbreak had the callsign ‘Ghost’
☠️ Nighthawk has two call signs, the other being ‘Lone Wolf’
☠️ Barry Burton and Wesker are the same age however Wesker appeared to stop aging at 38 years old after infection.
☠️ Jake Muller was conceived before Wesker was infected with the Progenitor Virus making his immunity to the C Virus a plot hole.
☠️ Lobo is the only member of the Hound Wolf Squad that had worked with Chris prior to Village. See Heavenly Island
☠️ Piers was introduced in the comic The Marhawa Desire set before RE6
☠️ Chris and Jill both know 7 fighting styles. Leon knows 6
☠️ Lady Dimitrescu is highly implied to be Lesbian
☠️ Heisenberg was the one who told Chris and the Hound Wolf Squad about Miranda (though planned to betray them from the beginning)
☠️ Ethan’s immortality was gained back in RE7 at the dinner table scene with the Bakers as they resurrected him after Jack killed him.
☠️ Piers and Claire kept in contact via email and later phone calls up until his death in China. It is implied he told her nothing about Chris’s amnesia at the time.
☠️ Jill Valentine learned to lock pick from her father who was a French thief
☠️ Leon once considered suicide after the events of RE2 but stayed alive because Sherry needed him
☠️ Leon’s parents were both criminals who died when he was a child. He was inspired to become a cop after the one who rescued him.
☠️ Hunk had an intense rivalry with Nicholai which is why he interfered so much with Vector and Wolfpack.
☠️ Birkin prided himself on being the youngest Umbrella researcher at only 16 until a 10 year old Alexia Ashford came along.
☠️ Wesker made his own blueprints for anti BOW weaponry which later inspired the creations of Thor’s Hammer and modifications based on his original Samurai Edge called the AW Model
☠️Jake Muller is an incredibly gifted pianist
☠️ Chris Redfield was a notorious prankster during his days at STARS
☠️ When Chris went missing after Edonia one of the people Piers contacted was Sheva.
☠️ Leon and Wesker never meet nor interact directly
☠️ Hunk has also never interacted with any of the main characters including Wesker
☠️ During RE2 Wesker/Ada and Hunk were working against each other to obtain the G Virus unknowingly
☠️ Some, if not all of Wolfpack survive the Raccoon City outbreak after sparing Leon, Claire and Sherry and betraying Umbrella.
☠️The BSAA were actively working against Chris and the HWS in Village, implying to even have the green light to kill them.
☠️ Zoe Baker after RE7 is implied to have become an informant for Chris Redfield and a journalist
☠️ Hunk agreed to personally train Vector after they fought to a draw. Vector is also the only character to ever escape from Hunk’s neck snapping headlock.
☠️ The USS were Umbrella’s personal army whilst the UBCS were just hired mercenaries and in the end considered a liability
☠️ Simmons from RE6 was one of the ones responsible for passing the vote to blow up Raccoon City
☠️ About 10% of humans have immunity to the T-Virus and Umbrella never figured out how
☠️ Chief Irons was straight up a serial killer able to cover his tracks thanks to Umbrella’s involvement while also being paid to stay quiet about their experiments
☠️ Hunk developed his own fighting style called Close Quarters Quarantined Battle Zone after Umbrella’s downfall in 2003 in which he became a legendary mercenary.
☠️ Thanks to Shadows of Rose, Chris is implied to still be working well into his 60’s as well as the Hound Wolf Squad.
☠️ ‘K’ from Shadows of Rose is heavily implied to be an older Canine from the HWS
☠️ The new Death Island CGI movie is not only the first time we’ll see Jill in the timeline since 2009 but also the first time we’ll see Leon and Jill onscreen together
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 4 months
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Please read (and watch!) at your own discrection.
If you enjoyed a fic please make sure you leave our lovely fic writers some love!
Twitter 'visuals' 👀 from @thehighladywrites
Round and Round by @azsazz
You Can Call Me Daddy, Give You Someone To Look Up To by @thehighladywrites
Bucky Barnes
Baker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Finders Keepers by @late-to-the-party-81
Just Friends by @shamevillain 🔥
Order of Operations & sequel Higher Level Orders by @bekala 🔥
Property of J B Barnes by @witchywithwhiskey
The Kings Last Concubine by @late-to-the-party-81
Take What You Need by @solbaby7 🔥
Adore You by @sarahscribbles
A Quiet Storm by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Cold Hands by @sinner-as-saint 🔥
Five Times by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Friction by @sarahscribbles 🔥
Green Ribbon by @stjarnaloki 🔥
His by @earlgreydream 🔥
Homesick For The Holidays by @give-me-a-moose
Jol Never Be Alone by @joyful-enchantress
Princess In Training by @agentofkrypton 🔥
Shivers by @clandestineloki 🔥
Size Queen by @agentofkrypton 🔥
The Librarian by @peachyjinx 🔥
Underneath the Tree - Option A, Kinky Shit by @lokischambermaid 🔥
What Did You Call Me? By @stjarnaloki 🔥
Lucien Vanserra
About Last Night by @readychilledwine 🔥
Headcanons - ACOTAR Boys & Illyrian!Reader by @luvvyouforever
Prince Hal
Rain Within Doors by @smolvenger
Big Red Bow by @buckets-and-trees 🔥 (x reader)
Friend of a Friend by @angelkhi 🔥 (x reader)
Milk and Honey by @bucksangel (x reader)
To Wait For You Is All I Can Do by @late-to-the-party-81
My King by @fluffyprettykitty 🔥
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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Title: Size
Pairing: Soft Dark!Thor Odinson x Reader
Kink Prompt: Size [Size Kink]
Word Count: 1,956
Summary: You accept a catering job from a customer.
Warnings: Noncon/Dubcon, Lightly Implied Kidnapping, Obsessive Behavior, Size Kink, Stalking, Smut, Darkfic, Forced Intoxication, AU: Dark, Dead Dove: Do not eat, Minors DNI!
A/N: entry number five and the latest of my very late week 2 fics for my kinktober celebration! mind the tags and warnings, as always, and enjoy! divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Thor’s… infatuation begins as all things do—small. 
 It is perhaps the turn of your head as you make his coffee—dark and sweet, the way he likes it. Or maybe the set of your mouth as you pour, full lips pressed together into as you concentrate. Small, soft hands, sweet, round face, filling his thoughts to bursting, and still he cannot get enough of you. Your flour smudged cheeks, fingers stained with spun sugar, you are as addictive as the sweets he lines up for, standing a full head taller than every other person in the queue. 
 He isn’t entirely sure when he began coming for you instead of the sweets lining the shelves and window displays of your shop. His first visit, Thor had thought of nothing else besides assuaging his craving for sweets. Now, however, his thoughts are consumed with other things—
 Like whether or not the girth of his cock will fit between your pretty lips. 
 He inhales the scent of warm sugar and browned butter, shifting impatiently. He wants to force his way to the front, demand you close down and serve only him, the way he would if he were home, on Asgard. But he knows that you require a light touch, a gentler hand. The way you peek bashfully up at him through your lashes when he finally reaches the front of the line tells him this. 
 “H-hello, um, again,” you say, a smile spreading across your full lips. Your hair is tied back with a white kerchief, but a few curls spring out to frame your pretty face. He watches your throat move as you swallow nervously. 
 “Greetings,” he replies, gracing you with a charming smile. He rubs the back of his neck a little, as his smile turns embarrassed. “I fear I simply cannot stay away.” His self-deprecating laugh earns him a sweet little laugh. 
 “Oh gosh. That’s, you’re just—“ You stammer nervously, shaking your head. “Flatterer.”
 “We had a baker, in the castle. His only task was to deliver the finest of pastries to us. I fear you have him beat on all accounts.” You shake your head, laughing again, this time with disbelief. “And that is not flattery. It cannot be flattery if it is true.”
 Uncomfortable with the compliment, you try to steer the conversation back to the transaction, the one thing Thor is trying to put off. “You’re too kind. What can I get for you today?” 
 “I shall have two of your fruit tarts. And one of these, please.” He points to a delicately frosted cookie in one of the display cases. As you’re puttering about getting his order together, Thor clears his throat. “I also come with a business proposal.” 
 You stop and turn to look at him. “Like… a catering thing?” 
 He nods. 
 “Yes. We are to celebrate the start of the harvest season, might you grace our tables with your talents?” You swallow again, teeth sinking into your deliciously plump lower lip as you slowly drop the cookie into a wax paper bag and replace the tongs on the lid. 
 “Where is it?”
 New Asgard is not as glorious to behold as his home once was, but he is still impressed by the traditional architecture the remainder of his people have been able to erect. The mead hall is bright and bustling with activity, the festivities well underway. Thor watches as you flit from serving table to serving table, fussing over the plates. When you see him watching you, you smile apologetically. 
 “Sorry. I get… controlling, when I cater.” You nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I hope everything has been good.”
 “Delicious. I could not have asked for better.” He produces a goblet of Asgardian wine, and it’s massive in your small hands. “I do not believe you have partaken.” He smiles. “It is a celebration, is it not?”
 You try to put the goblet down on the small table, but Thor’s smile drops by a fraction. He sees the desire to please in you plainly, and this time is no exception as you hesitate, and then turn back to him. 
 “I’m—well, you know, I’m working, technically.” He looses a booming laugh in response.
 “If you are working, then I am your employer, am I not? Please, enjoy the evening.” He watches you carefully as you tip the goblet up to your lips. Your eyebrows rise with surprise. 
 “This is good, actually.” You sniff at the alcohol, looking up at him. “I’m not really much of a drinker,” you admit with a sheepish look. 
 “Mead. Our finest. You’ll find the quality quite different from that of your Midgardian brew.” 
 “Yes, it’s sweeter,” you chirp, taking another sip. Thor is careful to keep the knowing smile from his face. “I like it.” He chats idly with you as you finish it, draining the goblet. 
 “I must ask. What led you to this profession?”
 “Oh, um. My grandmother, actually.” The alcohol has loosened your tongue. You press a hand to your warm cheek. “I grew up with her, and she was always baking. I’m sure you can tell,” you point at yourself, a self-shame dripping from every syllable. 
 “I’m afraid I do not share that particular Midgardian sensibility,” he says casually. “My people find a,” he pauses, letting his eyes linger on yours for a moment more than was appropriate, “robust figure to be a sign of good health.” His smile widens by a fraction. “And virility.”  He turns to a passing server, and plucks another two goblets of wine from her tray. Thor presents one to you, and you’re too flustered not to take it. 
 You take a few sips, and Thor readies his timed apology. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to offend.”
 “Y-you, um, you didn’t.” You’re eager to change the subject, and Thor obliges. 
 “Would you like a tour?” He asks, the smile on his face turning proud. “I would be honored to show you.” You want to be talking about anything other than yourself, and so you nod as Thor watches you drain your second goblet. 
 “Yes, yes please. That would be wonderful.” 
 He walks you through the tapestries lining the walls of the great hall, victories and feats of valor performed by his father, his ancestors. There are artifacts on marble pedestals in the hallway, and as Thor closes the large doors behind him, the sound of festivities fades into interminable silence. You marvel appropriately at his treasures, and Thor beams at you. 
 “My father’s helm,” he replies, nodding at the golden helmet you stand in front of. “It was quite something to see him ride into battle.” 
 “These are amazing,” you reply earnestly. “I’m… I’m very sorry. About what happened.” 
 His smile turns grim. “Yes.” He grimaces. “A loss I fear my people shall never recover from.” The long hallway begins to slope upward, leading to a set of stone steps. He leads you up them, and you follow unquestioningly. His own chambers are above the mead hall, ornately furnished in the style of his destroyed home. You gape at the luxury of it as he leads you inside, your eyes moving from the brightly lit fire in the hearth to the bed, the balcony. The settees and pillows in front of the hearth make for fine seating, and there is a pitcher of wine and two glasses on the table. Thor motions for you to sit, and you do. 
 You smooth the silky fabric of your dress behind you carefully as you perch on the pillows, and Thor begins to pour you another glass. 
 “I really shouldn’t—”
 “What is another glass of wine between friends, hmm?” He asks, knowing full well that the inside of your skull must be buzzing fiercely already. Cowed, you meekly accept the goblet, raising it to your lips as he raises his. “I must complement you once again,” he says, and you fidget, drinking deeply from your goblet. 
 “T-thank you. I honestly… I can’t believe you asked me.” Thor settles himself beside you, close enough that your thighs touch. 
 “I could think of none better.” His hand falls to your shoulder, and you swallow thickly, and lean forward to place your goblet back on the little table in front of you. You miscalculate though, and almost miss. Thor quickly snatches the cup from your alcohol-clumsy fingers with a chuckle. 
“Careful, little mouse.”
 You duck your head.  “I’m—I’m sorry. I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink.” The words are slurry and heavy on your tongue, he can tell by how their edges run together, the words blurring like runny watercolor. “I—”
 “It is strong, is it not?” He hums, placing it on the table. 
 “Y-yes.” You blink up at him blearily before shaking your head. “I-I should go. Check back on the—” His hand clamps down your thigh, large enough to cover most of it with his palm. Thor squeezes gently. 
 “No, pet,” Thor chides you softly. “We’re having a conversation. It is rude to leave now.” You squeak as he squeezes again. “You know, I quite like you.” He revels in the feel of your soft skin under the thin fabric of your dress, his hand moving slowly up and down your thigh. Your eyes widen as you search for an exit, your mouth opening and closing while you try to find words to dissuade him.
 “Th-that’s very nice, but, I, um—”
 Thor chokes off your protests by lifting the goblet to your lips for you. He tilts it up as his other hand slides behind your head. Your eyes widen with shock, and you cough, sputtering as he tips the wine down your throat. Some of it runs out of the corners of your mouth as you choke on it, but far more of it goes down your throat. You feel dizzy and sick as he pulls away, swaying dangerously on the couch. 
 His hands are already working at his belts and trousers furiously, before loosing the cape at his shoulders. You lift a hand to your head as you try—and fail—to stand, falling back to the cushions. Thor hushes your drunken, mumbled protests with his own mouth, sighing as he runs his tongue along the seam of your lips. You’re so small, his hands span almost the length of your waist as he grabs you about the hips, pulling you down until your hips fit lewdly against his. You try to close your thighs around his hips clumsily. The movement forces your dress up your hips, exposing your panties as you fidget.
 “—I, wait—”
 “It’s alright, pet,” he brushes one of this thumbs across your lips, slipping it between them as you open your mouth to speak again. “I’m going to make you feel so good.” He groans at the sight of you, and slaps his cock against your vulva a few times for good measure. 
 “F-feel good?” You mumble drunkenly, looking up at him with wide, glassy eyes. 
 “Oh yes, pet,” he purrs, fisting his length in one hand. The thick, veiny length of him stretches almost to your belly button, and as he plays with the swelling nub at your center, you grow slick and whiny. Your breath hitches in your chest as he presses against your tight entrance, your cunt stretching reluctantly around his head. You whine, pressing your head back into the pillows as you huff through your teeth. 
 “T-too big, Thor—” The head pops inside and he feels you shudder, the words turning into an embarrassedly pleased moan. 
 “On the contrary pet,” he says lowly, drawing back only to drive in another few inches. “I think it’s just right.”
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Books for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
🦇 It's Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (February 18th-24th)! In an effort to #ReadQueerAllYear, here are a few books featuring aromantic characters you can add to your TBR!
💚 Little Thieves by Margaret Owen 🤍 The Bone Season - Samanta Shannon 🤍 Hullmetal Girls - Emily Skrutskie 🖤 Tarnished Are the Stars - Rosiee Thor 💚 Kaikeyi - Vaishnavi Patel 🤍 The Reckless Kind - Carly Heath 🤍 First Test - Tamora Pierce 🖤 No More Heroes - Loren Rhoads 💚 This Golden Flame - Emily Victoria 🤍 Baker Thief - Claudie Arseneault 🤍 Immoral Code - Lillian Clark 🖤 Loveless - Alice Oseman 💚 The Last 8 - Laura Pohl 🤍 The Midnight Bargain - C.L. Polk 🤍 The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy - Mackenzi Lee 🖤 Common Bonds - Claudie Arseneault, C.T. Callahan, B.R. Sanders, and RoAnna Sylver 💚 The Black Veins - Ashia Monet 🤍 Liar’s Guide to the Night Sky by Brianna Shrum 🤍 The Crow Rider - Kalyn Josephson 🖤 Summer Bird Blue - Akemi Dawn Bowman 💚 Hazel's Theory of Evolution - Lisa Jenn Bigelow 🤍 Summer of Salt - Katrina Leno 🤍 The Poppy War - R.F. Kuang 🖤 Not Even Bones - Rebecca Schaeffer 💚 Elatsoe - Darcie Little Badger 🤍 Rick - Alex Gino 🤍 Switchback by Danika Stone 🖤 Sal & Gabi Fix the Universe - Carlos Alberto Hernandez 💚 Gender Queer - Maia Kobabe 🤍 Their Troublesome Crush - Xan West 🤍 Every Bird a Prince - Jenn Reese 🖤 The Butterfly Assassin - Finn Longman 💚 Red Skies Falling - Alex London 🤍 When Villains Rise - Rebecca Schaeffer 🤍 The Bruising of Qilwa - Naseem Jamnia 🖤 Funeral Girl - Emma K. Ohland 💚 The Kindred - Alechia Dow 🤍 The Summer of Bitter and Sweet - Jen Ferguson 🤍 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 🖤 Tell Me How It Ends by Quinton Li 💚 This Dark Descent - Kalyn Josephson 🤍 Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault 🤍 Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White 🖤 Other People’s Butterflies by Cora Ruskin
Per @aroaessidhe: Little Thieves, The Kindred, The Summer of Bitter and Sweet, Gender Queer, (and I think The Bone Season?) have ace or demisexual MCs, not aromantic. also, a lot of the rest are side characters, not main characters.
Thank you, genuinely, so much, for this correction. I'm very sorry for the mistake. I create these guides between work assignments (I work from home, around the clock, trying to make ends meet in this mess of an economy) and didn't do my due diligence in double-checking every book. I think this started as an aro/ace list I was compiling and I tried to separate it into two guides. I apologize for the discrepancy vehemently and will strive to do better in the future. Thank you for catching my error.
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lgbtqreads · 20 days
Hey! Any good novels with queerplatonic relationships? Not necessarily defined as such in book.
I read and can highly recommend The Other Significant Other by Rhaina Cohen as a great non-fic. It's just left me itching to read more in fiction!
Yep, they're always down at the bottom of this post! https://lgbtqreads.com/representation/romantic-sexual-orientation/
For ease, I'll copy and paste the list here:
*Lord of the Empty Isles by Jules Arbeaux
Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault
Journey Home by May Barros
Seafoam and Silence by S.L. Dove Cooper
The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon (YA)
Go Truck Yourself by J.R. Hart
The Reckless Kind by Carly Heath (YA)
If it Makes You Happy by Claire Kann (YA)
Fire Becomes Her by Rosiee Thor (YA)
The Heretic’s Guide to Homecoming by Sienna Tristen
The Wolf Among the Wild Hunt by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor
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gayometer · 1 year
Can u do the reader in the fic “such happiness in such dull place” be someone who loves to bake and cook for their loved ones and who has a incredible regeneration and healing powers, but if they use them too much they get tired and sleep for a whole day continuous and might get seriously sick but they cant help to not use their powers on anyone who is in pain.
Thank you!
But I just can't help it!
Let's ignore the fact that I don't remember my own titles and had to look for it-
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Listen, now Odin isn't an overprotective parent but he does have his limit.
You baking and cooking is already worrying him to the point he'll put Loki in charge to watch over you in case you get burned.
Odin has put rules in place to make sure you don't overuse your regeneration and healing, but you being far too kind has lead you to be in the infirmary more times then he'll like.
He knows you can't help it, but he swears he feels his hair going grayer everytime you do it. He won't prohibit you from doing it, but please, just listen to him and don't use it so often.
"Just cause someone is in pain doesn't mean you should heal them, you could get extremely sick"
- Odin @ you for the 96th time that month
Now onto a different topic, Odin quite enjoys the sweet and savory things you make, yes he worries more then he'll admit about you being so close to fire but he does like anything you make.
No he won't share.
Yes he will kiss the chef, on the head cause that chef is the sweetest being in Asgard.
Hunnin and Munnin also get nice bowls of meat you cook, but they ain't important.
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He sits on the counter everytime he's in charge of you while in the kitchen.
He also gives you pointers for what spices to add so he's not just staring into your soul.
Loki isn't a baker so he just watches or grabs any console he brought with him and plays games.
Don't think he's not watching you tho- cause he is
Loki will make sure you're not hurt, he might be a trickster but he knows plenty about taking care of others.
He won't admit it but he gets far too worried and imagines the worst case scenario whenever you use your healing on others too much. He has cracked before in front if others, but pride be dammed cause his sweet and kind little sibling is sick.
On a lighter note, if you just get tired he'll put you to bed.
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Now, Thor isn't an emotionless war head who only feels happiness when he finds a strong opponent. In fact, he can be one of the most gentle gods when it comes to you.
He doesn't know anything about a kitchen (he put a lemon in the microwave to "make the sour go away") so he stays clear of that.
It's not that he doesn't trust Loki, I mean be doesn't but he will admit Loki knows more about a kitchen then he does.
However, if you ever get an interest in gardening, he's the one to go to.
Thor knows how sick you can get when using your abilities, yes he does worry but he knows you'll be fine because the nurses and doctors in Asgard will do anything to make sure you're fine. After all, no one would want his father to be furious.
Thor would also teach you the basics of self defense. You definitely won't need it but better safe then sorry, plus it's his way of making sure you're fully prepared for anything.
Again as many others have said, Thor isn't good with his words, so he'll spend time with you to show that he indeed lives his little sibling.
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