#baby were the aromantics
mossiestpiglet · 5 months
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[ID: a panel of a manga with a character in profile. He has light, shaggy hair and dark bulky clothes. There are three text bubbles which read, in all caps, “But I’ve…” “…never been interested in anyone…” “…the way you have.” End ID]
Sunakawa you aro icon
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nexus-nebulae · 4 months
I am a simple man. I see a plushie alone on a shelf and i think "i Need to take him home with me he is all alone nobody wanted him :(((((((((" and immediately snatch him
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altschmerzes · 2 years
Hey! im ace and aro and was wondering if you could talk about what being engaged and getting married means and looks like to you as an aro person? I feel like so few people talk about it that i have no real frame of reference. it’s really cool that you’re happy and living authentically doing all these things and i guess yeah i just wanted to hear more about that if you felt like sharing! have a great day <3
yeah!!! i'm happy to talk abt that!! it's definitely nothing i've seen any kind of like..... broader awareness of, or people talking about, and i probably would've been like. more optimistic about my future if it had been something i'd seen, i think. this got a little long so i'm throwing it under a cut but here it is!! a bit of an explanation of like. How My Engagement/Marriage Works And How That Came To Be. (signed off on by my fiance, for the record - i didn't want to write out an answer to this without checking with them, but they're totally fine with it!)
i think it's probably wildly confusing to some people to see me post and talk abt being aro A Lot (it's one of the most prominent aspects of my online personality i think sdlfjs) including being like. incredibly romance repulsed, and then mention being engaged or having a fiance or referencing 'my wife' (though we're not married yet it is one of my Favourite jokes to make because 1. i think it's very funny, and 2. i just like saying it). people contain multitudes etc etc but i do wonder if people are confused by that sldfjs. my engagement is like... honestly everything i'd ever have hoped for if i'd asked myself at any point in the years since i started identifying as aromantic what my ideal life would include.
i've always had a hard time being alone and i wanted the intimacy and mutual support and just. ability to Do Life with someone that a relationship involved, while also being, as i've said, intensely romance repulsed and not really open to sex either. really just sort of figured that wasn't going to happen for me. the odds of not only meeting an aroace person (the only sort of person i thought might have an interest in the same sort of relationship i wanted and was comfortable with) irl never mind being compatible with them personally and in our priorities just seemed incredibly slim. which like... made me sad sometimes. i'd always sort of daydreamed about getting married which is wild for someone who is as romance repulsed as i am, which i know i keep saying but it really is an incredibly intense feeling for me (i tried dating once in high school and had several panic attacks before breaking it off after our third extremely mild fourteen/fifteen year old date, and often feel physically ill trying to read about fictional romance/watch it on tv). but y'know. sometimes we just don't get what we want in life, and i was fine with the idea of having my friends and my synagogue community and like. hoping my friends wouldn't all leave me behind alone as they all got into relationships.
what ended up happening is obviously not that. i'm really truly unbelievably thrilled every day to wake up and remember what i've got to look forward to every day. my engagement is entirely platonic, and it's exactly what both of us want and are just. beyond happy with and excited for. my fiance is a lesbian, actually, and has been incredibly good and patient with reassuring me that the relationship we have, exactly as it is, is what they want too, that they don't feel like i'm depriving them of anything. we love each other very much, and we're building the life together that we want, in exactly the way that we want.
and that's how it happened, really. we talked about what we wanted. i got engaged at the end of what i've referred to as a 'several hour long conversation' which is the truth sdlkfs. a close friend and i both had sort of 'evaluating the next couple years of our lives and how we wanted pivotal parts of our futures to go' moments about the same time, and it came up i think mostly as a half-serious suggestion that we could get married. for logistical reasons, it made sense for us. and then we started talking about what that might look like - what we wanted, from our lives and our futures, and our hypothetical marriage. and the more we talked about it, the more serious it got, the more real it got, and the more we both i think realized we wanted the same thing. the same life, the same way, together.
we talked about a whole lot in that first couple of days. one of the very first things we talked about actually was kids - did we want them? what was important to us about having and raising children (names, religion, etc)? then it was stuff like did we have strong feelings about where we lived. did we want our own rooms in our home, did we want to wear rings (i love my engagement ring. it makes me smile every time i notice it on my hand), what did we want to tell our friends. we had conversations about whether and how we wanted a wedding. what sort of physical intimacy we were comfortable with, what sort we might want (really glad we did that, and that we were honest and open about that - nothing better, it turns out, than Cuddling Your Wife). what sort of affection we were comfortable with around other people.
our relationship, our life, is what we want it to be. exactly what we want it to be. what makes us happy. we've built it from a vast and beautiful array of choices and options, adding the things we want and leaving the things we don't. it's an approach i would highly recommend to everyone, honestly - talking about what you want out of your relationship, what you want to do and how you want to be with someone rather than just picking which of a short list of proscribed 'types of relationship' you want to have. it leaves a lot more room for nuance and what will actually make you happy than much less contextually nuanced things like assuming your definition of 'dating' will match the other person's, or that the kind of relationship you want just isn't possible. setting up that kind of foundation in communication and honesty and being clear about our expectations and needs has fostered a relationship where i feel respected and valued and heard - and i'm reasonably certain (and i hope!) that they feel the same.
we travelled to my birthplace so they could be introduced to my family and my childhood best friend. it's always both surprising and amusing to me every time someone assumes i'm gay (gender is complicated but we both tend to read as women) - this happened a lot there, and as i've told my extended family and other more casual friends about my engagement. this doesn't bother me at all (i'm not out to almost anyone irl as aromantic, and it's a reasonable conclusion to reach given what information they have) but it's extremely funny when i also get to find out which of my family members/people i knew in middle school always sort of wondered if i was gay but never asked sldkjs. turns out the answer is 'a lot'.
re: assumptions, for the most part, we don't bother explaining the nature of our relationship to people. this is also something we talked about! we discussed how much we wanted to clarify or contextualize, and decided that ultimately like... with the exception of people we're very close to, and in contexts like this (fairly anonymous post on ye olde internet with the ability to immediately block anyone who clowns on it), it's really nobody's business unless we decide it is and we're cool with just letting people assume whatever. that does lead to some like... i can't speak for them but it gets a little weird for me sometimes, i'm not gonna lie. it feels a little like getting misgendered, having people assume that i'm in a romantic relationship. i say that as a nonbinary person who's mostly just. chill about not being out about that irl. that's the best descriptor i have to help people understand what might be a hard thing to understand. but it doesn't bug me enough to want to put myself - or my fiance - through what correcting that assumption would involve. i mostly don't blame anyone for it - it's extremely reasonable to assume someone who is engaged is in a romantic relationship with the person they're engaged to - except for when friends who know i'm aromantic and somehow think this means that's... changed, somehow? or jump to assuming i'm in a romantic relationship before considering i might not be in one and still be engaged anyway. so it's kind of weird, and feels a little bad, but not enough to really do anything about it except hope the world changes a bit and stops making assumptions about other people's relationships at some point.
that's really the only downside, hand to gd. that and worrying that there might be consequences, legally, if the wrong person finds out we're married but Not Like That. everything else is honestly amazing. it's the best thing that's ever happened to me and i'm so unbelievably happy. i never thought i'd ever get to be this happy, or have a future this bright and warm and full of love to look forward to. having spent a lot of my life for various reasons thinking i just wouldn't have a future at all, it's like every day is a really incredible dream, except i'm never going to have to wake up.
the moral of the story i guess, if you've made it this far in this novel of an answer, anon, which i wouldn't bet on, because it's so much longer than i planned on it being (SORRY SDLKFJS i guess this is more than just a 'writing fic' problem for me now XD), is that your relationships are what you make them. assuming that what you want isn't possible, or that nobody could possibly want the same thing, is a great way to cheat yourself out of something wonderful. nobody has to have any kind of relationship, obviously, if they don't want one, but i think there are a lot of people - aromantic and not! though i do think this probably impacts aro people. more. - who could benefit from the idea that there are more options out there than just like... 1. romantic relationship constructed in a specific way and following a specific path, and 2. being alone.
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daicussaurio · 11 months
As an aromantic (not ace), this is the representation i want
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wawataka · 4 months
had an interview for my friends womens sexuality class and they revealed i could be agender. help
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stewystew · 2 years
Oooh I could be so obsessed with the school for good and evil again
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magical-glendale · 5 months
I have legit no idea what to categorize my identity if someone ever asks me in person. I don't think I'll ever date or fall in love (romantically) but I still experience some amount of aesthetic attraction - pretty boys/masc and prettier ladies/femme appeal to me the most.
I don't know if what I'm feeling for George Michael counts as a celebrity crush. I guess a very strong admiration that also involves slight gender envy/aesthetic attraction?
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zebrafiz · 2 years
giving brooklyns aloof uncle 3 cats and a raccoon that he would die for in his humble little trailer in strangerville. What a life honestly
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aroallo-corvid · 22 days
Aroallo is not an "adult" sexuality
[plain text: Aroallo is not an "adult" sexuality]
I am aromantic and allosexual. I am also (as of writing this) a minor. TLDR at the end because I rambled on a bit.
There's a view in society that sexuality and sex are topics that are entirely irrelevant to children and should not be discussed around/with children because it is inappropriate/predatory. And to an extent, there is a point to that, and any discussions of sex and sexuality should be age-appropriate (e.g. an eleven year old would not receive the same sex ed as a sixteen year old because there is a vast difference in experience)
However, thinking like this leads to teenagers not being given proper sex education because they are "too young", which is wildly ignorant of the fact that a decent proportion of teenagers older than sixteen are sexually active. I live in the UK where the age of consent is 16, and I know plenty of people who were in relationships aged 14/15 were having sex. (Whether they weer mature enough to is another matter, but it's important to acknowledge that it does happen so there is no point ignoring this).
This rhetoric also leads to the belief that teens (and younger kids) shouldn't be coming out as gay/lesbian/bisexual/asexual/aromantic/etc. because they are too young to be thinking about sexuality and sexual attractiveness, which just.... isn't true. Many young people have crushes, and as the majority of people are allosexual, this does often involve sexual attraction as people mature through puberty.
Within the queer community, people have said that it is perfectly fine and normal and common for teenagers to come out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual - Because if a teen can be straight, they can also be queer. These arguments are all set out beautifully and the points well made.
Some people exclude aroallo people from that. They say that teens can be asexual, because they can know they aren't experience sexual attraction like their peers, and teens can be aromantic as well as asexual because they can realise they also aren't experiencing romantic attraction. But when a teenager says they are on the aromantic spectrum but still allosexual, often the same people who defend teens' rights to be (for example) bisexual turn around and say "you're too young for that".
Honestly, it comes down to sex-negative views that sex is inherently impure/disgusting, and of course children are the perfect example of purity and innocence, so they shouldn't be thinking about such "dirty" topics.
Of course a teenager can be asexual, that distances them from icky gross sex & means they would likely to be only engaging in chaste, pure, wonderful romance. Of course a teenager can be aroace, that makes them little cinnamon infantile babies, safe from all sexuality. (/sarcasm) (Also completely ignores the existence of sex-favourable aces and aroaces)
It comes off as very hypocritical though, because a teenager identifying as bisexual but not aromantic (so biromantic, but that distinction isn't typically made) is seen as acceptable, when they are expressing the same sexual desires as a teenager who is bisexual and aromantic. The only difference is that the first teenagers' sexuality is seen to be "balanced out" by the presence of nice wholesome romance.
tldr: if teenagers can identify as bisexual/gay/lesbian/pansexual/etc. whilst being alloromantic, it is hypocritical to say a teenager cannot identify as one of the above sexualities whilst being aromantic, because romance is not inherently more pure than sex and sex is not inherently impure.
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laikabu · 8 days
saw someone who hc kabru as aromantic bisexual. thats actually kinda good. i dont necessarily subscribe to it but i could see it. not fully aro but in the spectrum i guess
im now just going to ramble about how i think this would work in my head. also labru bc this is my page
he sees flirting more as a game n marriage as something convenient than something he aspires to achieve w the one he loves
flirting n dating is more of a tool to make friends. he isn’t interested in getting serious so that usually turns them off, so he gets labeled as a ‘player’
he doesn’t return rin’s feelings even though he finds her physically attractive, because he genuinely values her friendship and the way he views romance is incompatible with hers and would just break her heart
ok labru territory turn away now sorry im pulling shit out of my ass atp
laios would fit right in with his preferences, because their relationship would be boiled down to “best friends who have sex” like, the easiest way for them to explain their thing
even if they go on dates, they’d be more interested in talking about a current topic or something they need to do, than super sappy stuff. they still do it! but kabru would kinda get uncomfortable with saying sappy stuff, it’s different from flirting. once laios recognizes this, he tells him he doesnt have to do that
it works out because while laios is kinda sentimental, he isn’t really a romantic person. when they were still figuring stuff out, laios just goes “x is mad at me because they think not doing y makes me a bad partner” but really, kabru doesn’t care whether he does it or not
if laios is saying this about a different partner, kabru would chastise him, but since it’s him, he’s totally fine with none of that happening
when it comes to them becoming spouses, they would rather forgo a real wedding and just do the paperwork to make it happen. marcille takes offense to this n thinks its an “affront to romance” esp since kabru wants to plan HER wedding, but neither of them think it’s a big deal
laios has a very hard time distinguishing his platonic feelings to his romantic feelings. he’s just very happy kabru that wouldn’t leave him or get bored of him. getting to kiss him and have sex with him is just a nice bonus.
kissing and cuddling is more of an emotional recharge or comfort etc for kabru than a romantic activity. his friends don’t get it at all.
even in my stupid baby universe its just “kabru wants to have a baby with me for the kingdom? he’s such a nice guy. he told me he wants utaya to live on too… thats so thoughtful.” their relationship is ‘blunt’ and ‘convenient’. the marriage was just to legitimize the heir and otherwise it was just a regular wednesday.
they love each other, but kabru expresses it to the extent that he could, and that works out for laios.
tl;dr basically someone who views romance as a performance than something ingrained w him x someone who struggles w romance. its totally fine if you dont see kabru on the aromantic spectrum, i don’t necessarily see it that way either! i just want to think about how it would work in my fanworks. what do u think. i should add more but im just going off at the top of my head LOL
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barrenclan · 8 months
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"Issue #29: We're Not So Different, You and I"
It's been so long since I've gotten to focus on Asphodelpaw! I really missed her. She's been going through a lot in the background of recent issues, and it's nice to bring that all to the forefront. Just for clarity's sake, Asphodelpaw is aromantic and asexual and not interested in any of all that, thanks.
Sorry if there were any Plumstripe fans holding out hope she'd be a decent teacher, haha. With her and Beeface, I wanted to create a parallel between differing styles of mentorship abuse. While Beeface is loud and aggressive, Plumstripe is dismissive and subtle; both bad for their apprentices.
It was pretty funny to draw baby Pinepaw again. Where is his quiff?!
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Imagine Shanks yearning domesticity
Author's note: I head canon that Shanks has ADHD, and sometimes for people with ADHD (and I'm speaking from 20+years of personal experience) have trouble identifying their emotions. And kind of like Luffy, that Shanks is some shade of demisexual and or aromantic.
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After a scouting mission
Hongo: hey boss we got a problem.
Shanks: uh oh, what problem is that?
Hongo: we found this at a ship wreck on the other side of the island
Howling Gab: *puts a bassinet on the table in front of Shanks*
Shanks: oh no, we've done this before, and it did not end well. I ended up not getting any sleep for months. Put that thing back where you got it.
Hongo: there were no other survivors from the wreck, and there is no one else on the island. So leaving the child on the island isn't an option.
Shanks: *groans*
Benn: Are you going to be the one to take cared of the little shit?
Hongo: about that *his eyes drift over to you*
Benn and Shanks: *follow his gaze*
Benn: perfect, the rookie'll take care of it.
You: oh no, I didn't sign up to become a nanny.
Shanks: but you're so good at taking care of the rest of us, what's one more? *Picks up the baby wrong*
You: Shanks, you have to support its head! *Repositions the infant on to his shoulder *
Shanks: *shivers at your touch in a way that takes him off guard*
Benn: see, you're a natural.
You: well too bad, it's going to have to stay with you lot while I finish cooking dinner.
Lucky Roux: I can do that for you. *Doesn't wait for your answer, and just removes your apron and places the baby in your hands*
You: this is despotism by the way.
Shanks: probably, but the baby looks comfy
Baby: *fell asleep the moment you wrapped your arms around it*
You: *sighs and looks around for a place to sit down, only for every spot to be taken*
Shanks: *pats his knee in invitation*
You: *sits down across his lap, putting your feet in Benn's lap, and leaning yourself and the baby against his chest*
The crew: *coos at how cute the three of you look*
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An hour later
The crew: * left the room to finish their chores*
You: *asleep with your head pressed into the crook of Shank's neck*
Shanks: *stroking the baby's cheek and periodically glancing over at your resting face*
Benn: You three look quite cozy *pulls out his cigarettes*
Shanks: no smoking around the wee one, and I know it won't last.
Benn: I'm sensing a 'but' coming.
Shanks: *shakes his head*, it's just that this feels... right. I almost don't want it to end, but we need to get the baby back to their family or at least somewhere safer than my ship.
Benn: the baby aside, you and (y/n) don't have to end. I know you've known you've had feelings for them for weeks. It's not like you to ruminate for so long, you usually know exactly how you feel.
Shanks: *sighs* this is different, they're different, and it feels like I'm different now too.
Benn: explains a lot about your behavior lately.
Shanks: my behavior?
Benn: you haven't seemed like yourself lately.
Shanks: because I haven't felt like myself for a few weeks. *Tucks a strand of your hair to the side* I have so many doubts and a lot of anxiety with them here. If they'll live to see tomorrow. If they'll get sick and need medication we don't have. If they're safe here, or if they'd be safer hidden away on an island only we know. But despite all of that the thought of them leaving fills me with even more anxiety. Like what would happen if someone showed up to hurt them, and I wasn't there to protect them.
Benn: you're in love dude.
Shanks: nah, I just want them to be around to bring me sweets, or to straighten my outfit before I go out to port. It's not like I want them to kiss me or ... *Looks at your sleeping face*... Oh, dear
Benn: dummy
Shanks: don't you have duties to finish up?
Benn: good night boss.
Shanks: *takes you to sleep in his bed and puts the baby in the bassinet for the night before crawling into bed with you* all of this makes no sense, but for once I don't mind.
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illubean · 3 months
hi lovelyyy, wb headcanons of kurapika being jealous? maybe reader has some childhood guy friends who he got jealous of? ty!
Kurapika Jealousy Headcanons
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
random name generator has chosen Leo as the friend's name
Warnings: none
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Kurapika normally wasn't the jealous type
he trusted that you were faithful, and you never bothered him about the women he worked with so who is he to tell you who to be friends with?
but this time... something in particular ticked him off
the two of you were walking around the city together, spending some much needed quality time together when some guy bumps into you
once you and the stranger recognized each other you got so excited and Kurapika concluded the two of you were old friends
this alone didn't bother him, however the way your friend pushed him aside and wrapped an arm around your shoulder did
you decided to invite this mystery man to go get lunch with you and Kurapika, completely forgetting about the blonde momentarily which made his eye twitch
he cleared his throat, catching your attention
"Oh, how rude of me! This is Lenny one of my childhood friends, and Leo this is Kurapika. He's-" "Her boyfriend."
he gave Leo a firm handshake and a hardened look that he didn't seem to pick up on
you guys all headed to a nice cozy restaurant and before he even had a chance to sit down Leo was already next to you
he begrudgingly sat down across from the two of you while you babbled on about things that happened in your childhood and whatnot
poor Kurapika was feeling left out :((
when the food came out he no longer had an appetite and just poked around his salad
what really got to him was watching the two of you feed each other
like seriously wtf is going on
what is he, chopped liver?
his eyes flickered that violent red as he got up and left the table
"I need a moment outside"
Leo was clueless, but you noticing the change in your boyfriend's behavior excused yourself from the table to go after him
you found him leaning against the side of the building with a hand pinching the bridge of his nose
"Baby, what's the matter?" "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that some random man is stealing my s/o's attention from me"
you stood confused for a moment before you felt his arms wrap around you and his face rested in the crook of your neck
"I can't stand seeing you give someone else so much attention."
now everything finally clicked for you
your poor baby was jealous
you let out a giggle at this before returning his embraced
"Hun, there's nothing to be jealous over. You know you're the only one with a key to my heart. Besides, Leo is aromantic." "...oh."
well now Kurapika just felt silly for jumping to conclusions
you guys then return to the table and he apologizes to your friend for being so rude
all he needed was a lil reassurance <3
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cheapshrimpysheep · 5 months
Happy Birthday - Malleus Draconia
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In celebration of Malleus's birthday, here is a list of the things I've written with him. 🐉🥳
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SUMMARY: Ace and Deuce, with a hint from Cater and financially support from Kalim, gave you a costume made Grim onesie. And decided to throw a surprise (to only you) onesie party at Ramshackle Dorm and invite all the students you knew. Onesies were the mandatory dress code!
SUMMARY: How would it be if they were assigned by Coach Vargas to help you with your flying lessons?
SUMMARY: How would it be if they were assigned by Professor Crewel to help you with your potionology lessons?
SUMMARY: A person doesn’t just have one love language, but these are the ones I think would be the most predominant in each of them. In Ortho’s case, at least, this is platonic.
SUMMARY: What would your first date with him be like? I know first dates might not go so well, but let’s pretend these are different. ;)
SUMMARY: How do they react to seeing you make a heart with your hands for them in the classroom? And how do they reciprocate you?
SUMMARY: You spent a lot of time with Malleus while the others fought ghosts. What could have happened in all that time? You needed to sleep before the party. And maybe he taught you how to play the organ.
🐉 SPRING OF CANATHUS (AKA: They’re Babies)
SUMMARY: They drank water that ended up turning them into babies. You were in charge of taking care of them while the rest of the students go looking for the antidote. What will they be like as babies?
SUMMARY: Would they make Public Displays of Affection? If not, are they protective instead? And how do they show you how much they truly love you through their kisses?
SUMMARY: YOU were the one being kidnapped by Princess Eliza to marry her. How would he react and how would he save you? With the aggravation of he already having a crush on you.
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"(...) a platonic scenario with reader and Malleus where reader is aromantic/aroace and trying to explain to Malleus that just cuz they don't like him romantically doesn't mean they like him less. (...)"
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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Bracket 2: Round 1, Match 3
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Propaganda under the cut! Please be aware that some may contain spoilers.
Gwen Cooper:
She's the bisexual Welsh queen of my heart. Honestly though it is so rare to have a female character who's both the emotional centre of her story and who gets to be complicated, and dark, and make bad decisions, and yet keeps doing the right thing, no matter how hard it is and how much she loses, over and over and over again. More Gwen Cooper appreciation!
She lives in Wales. She left the police to join a secret alien hunting Institute. She is a bisexual disaster. She is fierce. She has the best good boy golden retriever like husband.
Arthur Lester:
This guy is continuously underground/falling off cliffs for no reason at all, it's just always happening. He has an eldritch entity in his head named John who stole his eyes and currently has control of said eyes, most of his left arm, and also his left toes. He's a piano composer. These two are constantly swearing and saying each other's names every five seconds. They're basically a package deal at this point. He's commonly headcanoned as aromantic. He's almost died several times. He was walking through a ruined city in another world with the intent to go through a gate to get back to Earth, and immediately abandoned the plan bc he heard someone playing the song he composed for his daughter on piano. They are regularly in situations where a possible solution is murder, and generally the eldritch horror is not the one advocating for them to kill someone, especially in the beginning of the story. While investigating the horrors, they came across a random baby, and both of them immediately decided they couldn't let anything bad happen to this baby and were just carrying her around for a bit. He bit off part of his own finger (technically it was John's finger). Early on, John says he has a cold, calculating demeanor and then when Arthur asks if he still has it way later he says Arthur looks like he'd be 80 pounds sopping wet. Also he's a private investigator in 1930s Massachusetts, how could I have forgotten. There's 2 eldritch gods relevant to the story, one of them wants him dead because John is a piece of him and he wants him back, and the other is watching what he does for entertainment.
Feel free to add your own in the tags!
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kyuusberry · 3 months
umbrella | ive leeseo - oneshot
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pairing: idolclassmate!leeseo x fem!reader
genre/theme: fluff, a little angsty (if you squint), idol au, high school au, implied that the reader has a slight crush on leeseo (if you squint), both reader and leeseo are 15-16
warnings: none
ib: ditto rain scene (side a) and ditto rain scene (side b)
notes: all of my stories, oneshots, drabbles, ect are all fiction (fake/made up) except for the idols!! my stories do not depict how these idols actually act or their sexual orientation (straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, aromantic, ect). the only time you'll ever read semi-true things is if it's my headcanons then i do use some facts from kprofiles and sometimes youtube videos but that's it.
a/n: link to part 1 is here & the link to all of the parts will be here!
cis men, homophobes, racists, 20+, smut accounts dni
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school just ended and leeseo had to go straight to practice. she was rarely picked up unless it was raining, because her company was a 3 minute walk away. it was a personal choice, she liked her alone time- most of the time it was quiet. sometimes it wasn't and she was crowded by fans, sometimes making her late to practice and getting scolded by the staff.
she was supposed to walk today, but it suddenly started pouring. and her company's car was nowhere to be seen. she was going to be late to practice. again. she sighed. she didn't even have an umbrella and her manager wasn't picking up his phone. what was she gonna do? no one in ive can drive so what was she gonna do? leeseo suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, she was already irritated, and she didn't want to deal with fans right now.
"did you want to use my umbrella? or i could walk you to your destination," you smiled softly.
her eyes sparkled, "seriously? may i?"
"yeah, of course. i always carry an extra umbrella just in case someone needs one."
"you're a life saver. thank you so much!" leeseo smiled, grabbing your hands and bowing, getting the umbrella from you.
you blushed, you've never had someone hold your hands like this before, especially one of your favorite idols and crush, "u-uhm.. yeah. you're welcome," you were stuttering a lot, it was so embarrassing. she probably thought you were so weird.
leeseo took the umbrella from your hand, thanked you again and left. she suddenly stopped and turned around, smiling brightly, "thank you, yn! i'll give it back tomorrow!"
you were even more flustered than before, she even knew your name? oh my gosh, you felt like you were going to faint. you automatically nodded and waved like an idiot, watching her leave school campus with your umbrella. it felt surreal. then you suddenly felt guilty for not walking her there to make sure she got there safely, especially with all of the rain. but she was way too far for you to even know where she went, maybe next time.
when leeseo got there, wonyoung noticed the umbrella, "leeseo."
"yeah, unnie?" she replied, closing the umbrella and putting it in the bucket.
"whose umbrella is that? because i know for sure you don't own an umbrella that looks like that," wonyoung raised an eyebrow.
leeseo shrugged it off, "a girl from my class."
"your girlfriend?" rei teased.
"our baby has a girlfriend?" gaeul gasped.
"unnie no! she's just a friend!" leeseo groaned.
"yeah, right," yujin laughed with liz.
leeseo groaned, "you guys are so mean."
part 2
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