#ava's drunk drabbles
ava-valerie · 2 years
I was wondering if i can request a drunk drabble with the american bad ass taker where he picks me up at a bar and we go back to his place and can you aslo insert some fluff?
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Thank you for the request 💖 Here we go, some biker fluffly fluff 💖 And sorry for the late answer! Hope you enjoy!
Please note everyone: I'm not accepting new requests.
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Taker never had been a fan of cell phones, and the text he had received from you a minute ago didn't change his view on them. Either it was some technical malfunctioning, or you were really drunk. Anyways, the words mixed with numbers and punctuation marks made absolutely no sense.
Being the man he was, though, he didn't hesitate and drove to your favorite bar. A small sigh crept over his lips as he saw you there, sitting completely wasted in a corner. Your glasses were tangled in streaks of black hair, the sight made him chuckle.
"Ya know, girl, you look somewha' cute like this" Taker quietly mentioned as he scooped you up and held you bridal style in the strong arms. Your head plopped against his chest and you inhaled this comforting scent of leather and jeans.
A blurred drive later you were sitting on the couch in the living room. The tall biker next to you did his best to get your glasses out of the hair without hurting you. It was fascinating how gentle he could be, considering his tough demeanor.
"A small thing like ya shouldn't drink tha' much, mh?" He teased and you gave him a pout in return.
Taker pulled you back in his arms and handed you a bottle of water, enjoying how you melted in his touch. To have you like that, a little helpless and full of trust for him, evoked a warm feeling in his chest.
"It's okay, punk princess. I will always pick ya up, no matter how far you are away, or how deep ya fall"
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 13 days
greatest of all time
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Pairing- Dieter Bravo x ofc!Ava (yes, her again, I'm so sorry!)
Word Count- 1,182
Warnings- none really that I'm aware of? some swearing, a couple of beers get drunk but basically this is just ridiculous banter because that's what these two do....
Author's Note- yes, I know I already have two other unfinished works with these two that I should be working on but I saw this post and joked with @wildemaven & @trulybetty that this was Dieter & Ava's next adventure and then that same day I saw the post for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May drabble challenge and here we are....3rd universe but first time meeting, totally still counts as a meet cute right? lol!
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"This can't possibly be right," Dieter mutters to himself as he turns into the campground.
He'd asked his assistant to book him a few days somewhere off the grid. Just peace and quiet and time to clear his head before he started a new project.
But this little semicircle of Airstreams baking in the desert sun can't possibly be the right place. The GPS fucked up or something.
He'll just stop and ask for directions and be on his way. Five minute detour. Max.
Ava glances out the open door of her office when she hears a car door slam before looking over at the massive merle coated Great Dane laying on his custom doggie bed on the floor next to her desk.
"Oh my God, he's here already? He's early! Do I look okay?" She asks the dog, frantically patting at her hair and straightening her clothes. She receives a couple tail wags and a cocked head in response. "Phfft, fat lot of help you are."
"Excuse me?" Dieter asks from the doorway.
"Oh, sorry, not you. I was talking to Goat."
"You have a goat?"
"No, why would I have a goat? Goats are herd animals, a single goat out here in the desert all by itself would be lonely. And that would make me sad. I have a dog. Named Goat."
The dog in question gives a woof at his name and stands to his full height, head somewhere around Dieter's belly button, and gives him a cursory sniff before padding past him to sprawl outside in the sunshine.
"Why Goat? Wouldn't Horse have been more appropriate?"
"Haha," Ava laughs dryly. "Creative. Never heard that one before. My brother named him Peyton...ya know, Manning? So Goat. Greatest of all time."
"Sure," Dieter nods like all of this makes perfect sense, thinking to himself that this woman has probably spent way too much time frying her brain in the desert heat. "Baseball, right?"
"Football," Ava says slowly, thinking what a shame it is that he's cute but apparently oh so dumb. "Anyways. Hi, welcome to Gateway Campground! Are you here for the aliens?"
"No, I'm just here for directions....the GPS must've fucked up....aliens?"
"Do you.....do you not believe in aliens?"
"Are you stupid? Of course there have to be aliens! C'mon, there are whole galaxies out there we hardly know anything about!"
"Okay, then sure? I believe in aliens."
"Aww, then you can't stay here. Sorry. Strict no communing with aliens rule."
"But you just said--"
"I know, it's quite a conundrum isn't it? But I kinda have an experiment 626 situation going on here that I'm trying to keep on the low low."
"I have no idea what that means and no intentions of communing with anyone. Alien or human."
"Probably requires some kind of radiation, like EMF or some shit," Dieter continues. "Messes with my fucking brain waves. I don’t even wear wireless earbuds. Besides, I'm not staying here. Like I said before, I just need directions."
"Oh, no, you're in the right place, Mr Bravo? Dieter? I'm not sure what to call you...you are Dieter Bravo aren't you?"
"Dieter's fine, but what do you mean I'm in the right place?"
"Your assistant booked the whole place for you? For a week?"
"This is Joshua Tree?"
"Well, no, but the park is only like 30 minutes away," Ava looks him over skeptically, gaze lingering on his well worn Crocs. "If you're into like, hiking or whatever."
"Do I look like I'm into hiking?" Dieter snaps. "Look lady, I'm sure your facilities are perfectly adequate and you can keep whatever you've already been paid, but I'm not staying in the ass end of nowhere in some shitty camper. So if you could just tell me how to get to Joshua Tree..."
"Nope, no, whatever it is, more alien shit or whatever, I don't want to hear it. Ya know what, nevermind, I'll figure it out myself."
"I was just gonna say Joshua Tree will be booked full up this time of year," Ava yells at his retreating back as he stomps back to his vehicle.
"Well. That did not go well," she sighs, leaning against the door jamb and watching Dieter's rented SUV disappear as he heads back towards the main road. "It was the alien stuff, right? Probably went a little overboard on that, huh? But we had to be sure right, Goatie?"
Goat chuffs softly and gives Ava's hand a sympathetic lick.
"He'll be back, right? I think he'll be back," she nods to herself and then sighs again, rubbing one of Goat's silky ears between her fingers. "I hope so anyway. It'll be a long ass week out here by ourselves if he doesn't come back."
Three hours later he is in fact back, metaphorical tail tucked between his legs and Ava bites her tongue to keep from telling him she could've told him so.
"One night," he tells Ava as she leads him to the Airstream closest to the office. "And then I'm out of here. Too fuckin aggravated to drive home now."
"Of course. I completely understand," Ava tells him in her frostiest professional voice as she unlocks the door and hands over the key. "Your assistant provided a list of some of your favorite toiletries and snacks and stuff, so you should find everything you need inside."
"But If you were to find anything lacking, I'm right over there," she gestures towards the lone Airstream parked a little farther away from the others. "Enjoy your stay, Mr. Bravo."
Dieter finds her stretched out on a lounger by the pool as night falls, Goat stretched out on his own lounger next to her.
"Can I sit?"
"Of course, you're the guest here. Goat and I can leave if you'd prefer."
"No, I'd like you to stay, please? And I think I owe you an apology. This place....well, it's not what I expected."
"I get that a lot," Ava grins, digging in the cooler next to her chair and offering Dieter a beer.
"It's really, really fucking nice. I mean that. Better than some resorts I've stayed at."
"I know," Ava nods. "My brother and I worked hard to get it just right."
"You did a fantastic job," Dieter tells her, twisting the top off his beer and taking a long swig. "I uh, I also googled what you said earlier-- an experiment 626 situation. Lilo and Stitch, right? So I guess like, you were trying to tell me Goat is, ah, special?"
Goat gives one short sharp bark and Ava laughs. "Yeah, he is indeed very special. You could even say he's one of a kind."
"I take it back," Dieter tells her, relaxing back in his lounger, face tilted up to the stars. More stars than he thinks he's ever seen before in his life, more possibilities than he's ever imagined. "I think I'll stay a few days."
Ava smiles, mostly to herself, and Goat's tail thumps happily against the fabric of his lounger.
"Stay as long as you want."
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theworldofotps · 4 months
Betrayed (Drabble)
Pairing: Damian Priest x Reader Word Count: 451 Pintrest Prompt: From the day we met, I knew I'd hurt you eventually.
Just wanted to pop a little prompt out for you and Pintrest has some really great ones. I hope you enjoy thanks for reading! Warning: Mentions of cheating. _________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist​ @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic​ @writtingrose @99hook @sjwrites22​ @sassymox​ @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex​ @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @demonqueen29​ @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91​ @rebellious-desires​ @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie​ @shortyiceheart​ @serpantscorpio8497​ @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter​ @wrestlersownmyheart​ @vebner37​ @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars​ @seeingstarks​ @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior​ @blaquekitty​ @ironshamelessyouth​ @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin​ @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaanna @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456  @mcreignsera If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _________  “From the day we met, I knew I would hurt you eventually.” The words Damian had said to you right before walking out of your apartment played in your head over and over again. That was almost a week ago and the pain still felt so fresh, the image of him carrying his suitcase full of stuff burned in your mind's eye. 
You didn’t know how things fell apart so quickly. One moment everything was going so perfectly, then the next he told you he had made a drunk mistake and slept with one of his old friends. ‘She didn’t mean anything, I don’t know what I was thinking, I just missed you so much baby and before I knew it I was waking up in my hotel room with her in the bed.’ He apologized over and over again but all you could hear were the words ‘I cheated’ bouncing around your head. A sort of numbness had set in where you managed the strength and told him to leave. You wanted to be left alone, given time to think, time to grieve by yourself. Damian tried getting you to reconsider but your mind was made up. Even if you did forgive him, for the rest of your lives the thought of him sleeping with that girl would always be in the back of your mind. 
So here you sat, a glass of your favorite drink in one hand, one of your favorite movies on mute and the silence of the apartment to keep you company. You shut your phone off after telling work and your family you were dealing with a nasty case of the flu. You didn’t want Damian to even attempt contacting you right now. Sure, he’d have to eventually come collect his things, but you couldn’t face him right now. Couldn’t really face anyone while your heart felt like it was broken in two.  Staring at the wall your eyes drifted over the pictures you and Damian had scattered about, your vision focusing on one in particular. It was shortly after the two of you had gotten together. You were pointing at the camera, your best friend stood behind it taking pictures. Damian’s sole focus was on you a smile gracing his features, he looked like he was in love. Like nothing else in the world mattered than the fact he had his arms around you. 
That was nearly three years ago and yet here you sat alone in your apartment, crying your heart out over a man who knew from the very start. That he was going to eventually hurt you one day, you just had no clue it was going to be this badly.
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btsqualityy · 7 months
can i request a drabble where all three of the jeon kids sneak out to a club or anywhere and the parents lecture them?
"I'm so fucking excited," Adrian smiled as he got out of Ava's car, waiting for his sisters before the three of them began to walk towards one of the most well known clubs in Itaewon.
"Dude, I know this is your first time going out but you need to calm down," Aria chuckled.
"Leave him alone," Ava huffed with a smile. "I was the same way when I turned 18."
"Huh, I wasn't but I guess that's because I wasn't an amateur like you," Aria smiled.
"Ok, less judging and more pulling out your cards to buy all my drinks tonight," Adrian joked.
"Please, Ave's the award winning idol here, not me," Aria snickered. "I'm not paying for anything tonight."
"You're doing an amazing job being a supportive sister, you know that?" Ava chuckled before she turned to talk to the doorman, who instantly let the three of them in once he realized who Ava was.
"Alright so, you remember the rules for clubbing as a Bangtan kid?" Ava questioned.
"Don't take drinks from strangers, never get black out drunk, and always tip well," Adrian recited from memory.
"I think he's got it," Aria smiled. "Let's get it!"
"I could kill him," Aria grunted as she and Ava held Adrian up as they walked up the steps to their parents' house.
"Hey, you only turn 18 once," Ava muttered. "Hell, I was drunk for a week when I turned 18."
"That was like a thousand years ago, though!"
"If it weren't taking every ounce of strength I posses to hold this buff bunny up right now, I'd smack you," Ava snapped. "let's just get him inside as quietly as we can without mom and daddy finding out."
"Too late," You spoke up from the front door and both Ava and Aria let out simultaneous groans.
"Here, let me take over," Jungkook spoke up as he stepped out of the house and rushed over to them, effortlessly lifting up his only son and carrying him into the house.
"What the hell were you two thinking?" You questioned as Ava and Aria came inside as well. "Taking him out to get drunk?"
"Mom, he's been talking to us about this since he was 15," Ava mentioned. "He just wanted to go out and have fun."
"Even though he broke a cardinal rule," Aria huffed.
"What rule?" You wondered.
"Nothing," Ava shook her head.
"Alright, he's set up in bed with water, meds, and a trash can nearby," Jungkook sighed. "Did you guys have to let him get so drunk?"
"He's the one that broke the rule!" Aria exclaimed before turning around and walking away.
"What rule?" Jungkook asked and Ava just smiled.
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crincher · 1 year
avalance drabble #206 classical
(@femslash-friday-prompts 17th March 2023)
Sara still remembers Agent Sharpe. She remembers when Ava used to spend her evenings with classical music and red wine; when she wouldn’t have been caught dead at a punk rock concert, drunk on cheap beer and twerking with a barrel.
The stranger Sara just met at the bar is spot-on: Ava can handle change. She is constantly changing, and no matter what version of her Sara gets to be with, she’ll only ever have one thing to say about Ava.
“She’s perfect, just the way she is.”
Sara has to smile – it’s just what Ava would say about her.
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staytiny-angel · 1 year
HangGrace College AU
So I'll totally add to this more if ppl like it but here's a little drabble of how I think HangGrace would go if they were college students
Co-written with @taurielthepirateking
@imswitchbabemox @axelwolf8109 @the-iridescent-phoenix
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Ava squeezed herself through the crowded club making her way to the bar. "5 shots of tequila!" She told the bartender, 
"Oh, it's like that tonight?" The bartender, a cute buff guy named Austin said with a grin.
"Finally dumped that cheating asshole, I'm celebrating my freedom" Ava yelled back to be heard over the loud pop music
"Will wonders never cease!" Austin yelled 9back "You and Kenny are finally done?"
"For good this time, no more 'but baby I'll change', Adam fucking Cole can have him"
The college student accepted the tray of shots and waved to the other bartender, Austin's boyfriend Jake, before making her way to the table where Seth, Becky, Violet, and Finn were waiting for her. 
"To Ava, may she never again deal with a cheating bastard like Kenny Omega" Violet yelled as the 5 friends toasted and downed their shots. 
"I want to get drunk and find some hot guy to fuck me into the mattress!" Ava yelled out
"We're using the 'best way to get over someone is to get under someone else' method tonight?" Seth cackled
"What about finally getting under the Cowboy?" Violet proposed to her best friend 
"Please, I fucking wish." Ava sighed "I doubt Adam even likes me like that. We've been study partners for 2 years and he still barely says a word to me that's not related to school. Plus wouldn't that be weird? He used to be Kenny's best friend before they got in that fight last year"
"You mean the fight that ended with Adam with a black eye and Kenny with a broken wrist?"
"Can I give you some advice?" Austin leaned forward.
"Do it, ask him, I wasn't even out when Jake hit on me, and well, cut to" He showed off his engagement ring on his ring finger.
"Besides his friends from that Dark Order band are with him and they're too stupid to get in between you two"
Ava looked to the booth with purple and black clad people, a blonde girl trying and failing to calm everyone, Adam looking mortified by his friends.
Ava pursed her lips, took a deep breath, downed her shot, murmured "fuck it" and got up to head toward the rowdy group. 
Adam Page had one eye on his crew and one eye on Ava all night. He'd heard the rumors that her and Kenny were over and wondered how soon was too soon to shoot his shot with the girl he'd had a crush on since before he and Ken's friendship went to hell. 
He'd long since gotten over the guilt of being half in love with his former best friend's girl, knowing Kenny didn't deserve the lovely African American girl. He just didn't get why she'd put up with Kenny's constant cheating and abuse for so long
. "Hey" Ava said shakily. "Hi" Adam said back with a confident smile. Anna elbowed him. "I heard you and Kenny broke up"
"Yeah" Ava fiddled with her necklace.
"He didn't deserve you" Adam said firmly. "That means a lot cowboy" She teased. "Hey, cowboy boots are expensive these days, I'm proud of my purchases"
"I was uh...wondering if you'd like to uh hang out sometime?" Ava stuttered her way though the sentence. "You don't have to if you don't want to but I'd really like if we could be uh friends yeah friends"
Adam inwardly giggled at the shy, bashful woman in front of him. She was just so damn cute.
"Sugar, I would love to hang out with you" Adam drawled flirting with all his might.
Ava swore her brain made the windows shutdown noise at Adam's behavior.
Austin was giving a thumbs up while Violet clapped. Seth looked like an overprotective father at the pair. "We have a show in a couple days" Anna butted in. "It's Adam's singing debut"
Adam whined at her to be quiet.
"We sing New Year's Day, Bring me the Horizon, sometimes BTS"
"Oh my god I love BTS!"
"Really?" Adam said "We do a heavy metal version of Fake Love"
"Why are you so fucking perfect for me?" Ava blurted before literally letting out a short scream and running back to her friends
"Great job Av" Violet said giggling at her normally badass friend's antics
"Why did I say that?!" "You're in love!" Austin laughed. "Please tell me what's he doing?"
"Anna is laughing at him and he looks shook"
Ava peeked at him, sure enough the Dark Order was laughing while Adam looked stunned.
"You know he follows me on Tumblr right?" Violet leaned forward. "I look at his blog every once and while and he always post poetry on the girl who stole his heart
"POETRY?!?!?" Ava exclaimed "WAIT, how do you know he's talking about me?"
"I'm sorry, do you know any other girls who ahem 'change their hair color on the wind and have skin the color of the silkiest milk chocolate'" Violet quoted with a semi disgusted look on her face.
Ava blushed deeply, looking at her purple streaks. "I haven't had this big of a crush since Darby"
"And he's with Ricky"
"My love life is shit"
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aniharas · 4 months
𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘧𝘧
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pairing: ceo!miguel o'hara x singer!fem!reader
summary: you, a famed singer living in a lavish penthouse, are preparing for an afterparty when you get distracted by your ceo neighbor, miguel, looking fine on his balcony across from yours. it would be stupid of you to not to strike up a conversation.
warnings: explicit language, sexual tension, use of cigarettes and alcohol (please let me know if i need to add more!)
wc: 8.7k+ oneshot
a/n: today i am dutifully fulfilling the wishes of @cantchoosejust1 with her lovely request: "glad u have ur inbox open cause boy howdy do I have ideas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I like to picture more of a "normal au" like neighbors to lovers; He's some bum-looking CEO and we're, idk, a famous singer or something; Lyla's always over cause she's his assistant so she befriends us to relay that info to shy Miguel; we almost always see each other in the elevator or both chilling on our balconies coincidentally at the same time and not because he memorized our routine-- one late night, we both come back from separate parties tired as hell but sober (I'm not one to get drunk); each in our party getups, hair tussled, his tie undone and our dress straps hanging off our shoulders; this time we work up the courage to invite him over to chill and talk and maybe end up in a heated make out session" i changed up a few things but i think it still captures the concept pretty well! also inspired by my lovely miss ava's (justadmiringanakin) ceo!anakin concept. literally so obsessed. also s/o kimmy draws on twitter for miguel o'hara in a suit and tie. thank u, we need more. anyways, hope you all enjoy and as always inbox is open for prompts for drabbles or fics :)
Fresh out of the shower and wrapped up in your favorite silk robe, you stood in front of your spacious walk-in closet, sighing as you contemplated what expensive outfit you were to wear this time to yet another afterparty. You had just gotten home after, thankfully, receiving two awards for your most recent album, but you were more excited to lay in bed more than anything. Unfortunately, your PR team had blown up your phone about “keeping up appearances with the paps”, so there was a slight drag in your steps as you scoured your closet, the plush carpet feeling like rocks under your tired feet. Truthfully, you wish you were never invited, but with being such a high-profile singer and an award-winner, the invitation from a friend who was also hosting was inevitable.
As you finally sifted through what had seemed like thousands of possible outfits, you finally settled on one, a black and baby pink corset top with a matching mini skirt. After laying it out carefully on your bed, you texted your assistant a picture.
You: hi do u mind picking out some matching shoes for this number? 
You: [picture]
Julia: You have dozens of shoes, boots, and heels that match this color already.
You: yeah but none of them fit the vibe tho. Please?
Julia: As you wish. It’s not my fault if this makes you late.
Sitting down at the foot of your satin-covered king bed, you set down your phone, smiling to yourself. That was why you liked Julia as your assistant, she always did her best to keep you grounded…with varying degrees of success. But if your life was now this lavish, who were you to deny yourself the pleasure? 
As you waited for her return, you snatched the remote that had fallen off the side of your bed, about to rewatch an episode of your favorite dating reality show until you caught a glimpse of something through your windowed balcony. You could make out your neighbor’s shadow through the curtains of his balcony, pacing back and forth in his room.
There was no possible way that your neighbor was Miguel O’Hara. Maybe he had a twin.
To your knowledge, Miguel O’Hara was the renowned pretty boy Alchemax CEO, a geneticist who pioneered genetic splicing. He had hundreds upon thousands of employees who worked under him, and to say he was rolling in cash was an understatement. He was freestyle swimming in it. He lived in the penthouse-level apartment across from yours, and the glances that your assistant had managed to sneak from his apartment suggested he lived just as lavishly as you, if not, even more so. Crystal chandeliers, velvet chaises and loveseats, and an upgraded kitchen, the latter of which you were most envious of. 
If that was the case, why did he look like…that? 
It’s not that he wasn’t attractive, it was quite the opposite, actually. A built body, broad shoulders, chiseled features, and a face that screamed: “Try to resist me”. And best believe, you had been trying. You had nearly fainted when you caught a glimpse of a sweaty, shirtless Miguel on his balcony out for a smoke.
It was just the way that he seemed to carry himself. Every time you took a glance at him in the elevators, or at your building’s gym, he didn’t dress like he was the most successful CEO under 35. His style was more akin to a college student’s who had left their clothes in the dryer overnight and forgot to fold them. His dark, luscious locks were always ruffled from stress after what had seemed like a long day at work. While his magazine portraits always portrayed his face as clean-shaven, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him once without a 5 o’clock shadow.  
What shocked you the most was his demeanor. In the countless articles you and your assistants have flipped through concerning Miguel or Alchemax when you had first moved in (for your “research”), he exuded this undeniable aura of confidence. His quotes were always firm and concise, and no one dared to question his knowledge or any decision he made with the company. Above it all, he just seemed like your typical Ice King boss with little regard for things outside of his personal interest.
But much like his appearance, he couldn’t be any more different in person. He would hold the elevator door open for you, always politely avoiding eye contact with you during the ride until you expressed interest in talking to him. He’d give a shy wave whenever the both of you caught each other on your balconies, which you noted happened often the more thought you gave to it. There, you’d make some small talk, and he showed genuine interest in the big and little things in your life, from asking about your Grammy nomination to what color you wanted to paint your nails next. A man with good conversation was hard to come by nowadays.
The slightly bummy demeanor he carried wasn’t something you minded at all, it was just so different compared to how he carried himself publicly. After getting so used to reading about stone-cold corporation-titan CEO Miguel O’Hara, it nearly gave you whiplash when you settled in and met your handsome, gentlemanly, friendly neighbor, Miguel.
Lost in your own thoughts, you were caught by surprise as you found yourself still staring at his balcony, only noticing as the stillness of the night was interrupted by his balcony door swinging open. Obviously, it was Miguel, but there was something different about him that rocked you to your core. You sat up straight at the edge of your bed, leaning forward and squinting to further detail what had changed.
It was almost like he had transformed. Gone was the scruffy and casual look that he had usually adorned. Instead, he now wore a perfectly tailored white dress shirt with a black tie that accentuated every contour and crevice of his muscular build. You knew he was built, but you had never seen it in this amount of detail. His hair was now neatly styled, slicked back neatly yet still maintaining a casual look. And his face, god, his face, cleanly shaven, his skin glistening in the moonlight.
You never thought you would get the chance to see the Mr. O’Hara that was plastered all over newspapers and billboards, and now, you figured that those photographers could never do him justice. He was like a sculpture of a Greek deity, something you could only appreciate in person…and up close. Maybe that was the reason you stood from your bed, easily ditching the show you had turned on as you pushed open the doors to your balcony eagerly. You slightly regretted the decision as a gust of the winter breeze of New York immediately pierced through your silk robe and into your skin, chilling you to your bone. But you were intent on pushing through to get a chance to talk to Miguel, hastily wrapping the robe tighter around your body as you fought the urge to chatter your teeth.
As you continued to watch, you noticed that Miguel hadn’t noticed you yet, much to your chagrin. Your eyes carefully followed every movement of his, curious as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one, the stick dangling from the corner of his mouth. Of course, you weren’t too large on smoking, having a renowned vocal prowess after all, but something about the sight of your hot, CEO neighbor carelessly blowing out smoke spurred something on inside of you.
“I thought you said you’d stop,” you called out with a smirk on your face, your voice barely louder than the hustle and bustle of the streets around your complex.
Miguel, startled, jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, head whipping towards you so fast that his cigarette nearly fell from his mouth. Getting over his initial shock, his face resigned to an amused expression, taking a drag before taking the stick from his mouth.
“I…did say that, huh?” he admitted as smoke emanated from his lips, shrugging once as he moved closer to the edge of the balcony. “Caught me on a bad night, I guess.”
You chuckled, the chilly breeze instantly forgotten upon the sound of his gruff, yet friendly voice. “Your secret’s safe with me, O’Hara. But you know it’s bad for you.”
Miguel leaned forward against the railing, eyes rolling once before they fixated on you. “I should’ve expected the world-star singer to lecture me on smoking,” he teased, resulting in your cheeks growing hot again; it seemed he always had that effect on you. Taking one more deep inhale from his cigarette, he tapped out the smolders and tossed it onto an ashtray on his balcony table. “But I’ll happily stop for you.”
Who knew such a simple statement could send shivers down your spine?
Copying his stance, you leaned against your balcony railing, forearm resting atop it as you found yourself easing into conversation. “You fix up well. What’s the occasion? Who’s the lucky girl?” you interrogated, raising a teasing eyebrow. Although you were poking fun at him, you secretly hoped that this wasn’t him preparing for a date.
Miguel’s lips quirked into a half-smile. “Jeez, am I just sloppy around here? Is the change that noticeable?” he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Hard to miss,” you replied, suppressing a giggle. “Care to share what’s got you so dolled up?”
He exhaled a sigh, his breath turning into a misty cloud as he gazed off into the city. “No girls. Some stupid party I’m required to go to. Make connections, keep up appearances. Just some bullshit.”
You tilted your head in thought, a knowing expression lingering on your face. It was no surprise Miguel had to suffer the dreadful experiences of the media just like you did, and oddly, it seems to pull you closer to him. “I’m right there with you tonight, but you’ll be fine. I know for a fact you’re better at this…media circus stuff than me.”
One of Miguel’s brows perked up in intrigue, his posture straightening out as he finally took a good look at you, eyes raking over your figure. You suddenly felt a bit immodest, having come out in full glam, yet with only a silk robe that barely left anything about your curves to the imagination. You watched as his eyes snapped back up to yours after a few moments, seeming to be at a loss for words.
“Right, uh…” he began, swallowing deeply. “You look really…uh– pretty tonight.” He pushed his long, thick fingers through his hair, and you tried your best not to visibly react. “Where are you headed?”
You groaned at the thought of your obligations later that night, rolling your eyes as you rested your head against your hand. “Grammy’s afterparty. PR says it’s mandatory, you know the deal. So unfair,” you grumbled childishly, tracing along the intricate details of the metal railing with your free hand.
Though a brief laugh escaped his lips, you saw his eyes soften, a hint of sympathy glistening in them. “Red carpet’s not as glamorous as it seems, hm?”
You nodded eagerly in response, grateful that he understood. From all the fake friends, media outlets looking to make a quick buck, scummy record labels, to predatory men in the industry,  having to navigate through all of that and still retain your sanity was difficult. Sure, you had enough money to last you and your family 10 lifetimes over and the last thing you would do is complain, but you just wished that it would get easier over time. So far, it hasn’t.
“At least you look glamorous in your robe,” Miguel said after a while, grinning as he motioned to your robe. “Which, by the way, I hope you aren’t wearing to your party. It’s very cold.”
A fit of laughter erupted from your chest, causing you to cover your mouth as you smoothed out the silkiness of your robe. “God, Miguel, of course not. I have something way nicer that would make me way colder.”
“Hm, I don’t know…that getup of yours might be hard to beat.” Miguel’s eyes seemed to shift, shining with curiosity. Your thighs rubbed together at the beginnings of his playful smile. “Indulge me,” he implored.
You scoffed, although unable to fight the rush of excitement that filled your body. “Just you wait,” you called as you disappeared back into your apartment, swiftly shutting the doors and yanking the curtains closed. Your heart pounded as you fumbled with the ribbon of your silk robe, the texture caressing your skin as it fell to the floor.
Eagerly, you lunged for the outfit that laid across your bed, your fingers clutching onto the cold, black fabric as you hastily slid on the corset. You desperately tugged at the pink corset strings that cascaded down your back, but you could only tighten it so much. Impatient, you decided to ditch tying it up all the way, conceding that it accentuated your curves enough.
Putting on your matching skirt, you pulled it up just far enough to barely cover your behind, showing off your legs in a way that would most certainly get you kicked out from a church. You spared a glance at yourself in the middle, not quite satisfied yet as your eyes dropped to your chest. Your hands came up to readjust your cleavage in your top with a quick tug to the fabric barely covering it, and it was only then that you were satisfied. The way your outfit hugged and exposed all the right spots was sure to make this one of your sexier looks. 
But you knew that you didn’t need to do much to look jaw-dropping. You were a natural at the red carpet, and everything you wore seemed to kickstart trends across the country. Any style you could’ve chosen would have anyone fawning over you at the party.
Yet, all you wanted was to impress the guy smoking on his balcony across from you.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the doors to your balcony back open. The fiery nature of your outfit somehow combatted the frosty air that nipped at where your skin was exposed, which was most of your body. Miguel was still leaning against his railing, distracted by the city lights from afar. His eyes darted in your direction as he heard the soft rustle of your movements, and it didn’t take long before they widened in shock.
“So? How’s it look?” you asked, holding your breath in anticipation.
You could practically feel his eyes traveling up and down your body, particularly your chest and your sleek legs. His jaw slackened just a bit before he caught himself, a wry smile forming as he fixed his gaze back onto yours.
“Damn,” he remarked, voice gravelly. “You weren’t kidding. Feeling inclined to accompany you to your party.”
For a moment, just a fleeting one, you imagined what it would be like to have your dreamy neighbor as your plus one. You, faithfully clinging to his arm as he’d effortlessly lead you through swarming crowds, the both of you dancing with little to no room for Jesus. You wondered what the mix of his sweat and cologne would smell like. Ambitious thinking, you conceded, but so addictive.
“By all means, Mr. O’Hara, you’re more than welcome to,” you offered hopefully.
Miguel’s eyes fixated on your bare shoulders, his gaze darkening briefly. Breaking himself out of his reverie, he let out a sigh. “Had it been any other night, I would’ve been all yours. But tonight is unfortunately an important one for me,” he explained apologetically, adjusting the cuffs of his shirt.
You weren’t aware of how dramatically your shoulders dropped in disappointment until Miguel snorted out of amusement.
“Don’t look so pouty, now,” he teased. “I’ll make it up to you, promise.”
I’ll make it up to you. Your disheartened feelings were quickly dispelled as his words hung the air. As the countless possibilities played in your mind, a soft giggle left your lips. “And how would you do that?”
“You name it, linda.”
You knew that he was bilingual, it was one of the first things you discovered about him; yet you had never heard him speak his other language until then. You hated how it rolled off his tongue so smoothly, nearly turning your legs into jelly. How could someone render you so helpless from a mere compliment? You knew you could have him if you asked. You weren’t necessarily a stranger to hookups, a mere bat of your eyelashes and a pout usually did the trick.
But something stopped you. Why was flirting with him so nerve-racking? You barely could stand in front of him now without feeling your heartbeat in your ears. Were you scared of being too forward?
“Well…” you began, fiddling with the strings of your corset. “My assistant’s gone out to get something for me. I might need help with my top here,” you suggested shyly, shifting your body so that Miguel could have a clear view of the partial doneness of your top.
Just out of your peripherals, you saw Miguel’s eyes lingering on the exposed skin, his neck tensing as he seemed to hesitate to answer. Or maybe he was holding himself back. A second passed, the silence broken by the abrupt sound of him clearing his throat.
“Sure, I got a bit of time before I go. No promises I’ll do a good job, though,” Miguel said as his gaze returned to yours, never once leaving it. His eyes seemed to shine in the most mischievous way under the moon, making it hard for you to keep looking back.
Flashing a sly smile, you began to retreat through the balcony doors. “Don’t keep me waiting!” you shouted before closing the doors behind you and drawing the curtains.
You couldn’t help but pace around your flat in your fuzzy slippers anxiously, each step leaving a thud that rang like a drum in your ears. Had you bitten off more than you could chew? Sure, it was one thing to flirt aimlessly, but to invite him over? What were you going to do after he tied up your corset? Did you even have some sort of plan?
The soft, custom chime of your doorbell cut through the whirlwind of your thoughts, causing you to nearly stumble over yourself as you rushed to your door. Just as you were about to place your hand on the doorknob, you took a moment to adjust your hair, smoothing your fingers through the ends to ensure not a single tuft or strand was out of place. 
Inhaling deeply, you braced yourself as you pulled open the door to reveal the eye candy that was your neighbor. If you had thought he had looked good from across your balconies, he was absolutely divine up close. You swore you felt your hand twitch as you resisted the urge to squeeze his bicep that was so tantalizingly covered by his sharp attire; you couldn’t help but feel jealous of his shirt. A glint of gold peeked out from just beneath his collar, something you hadn’t noticed before. The outlines of a golden chain poked out from under the expensive fabric of his dress shirt, not the large ones you found a bit too obnoxious for your taste, but a small, modest one that complimented his complexion and the outlines of his collarbone.
“Please– come in,” you managed to get out in your rather obvious ogling, stepping aside hurriedly as you ushered him inside. Miguel seemed to find your reaction rather amusing, a brief smile on his lips as he made his way into your home. 
“Your place feels a lot less suffocating than mine,” he remarked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“How? We live in the same type of penthouse.”
Miguel shrugged, and it looked like he was a bit more shy to meet your eyes now that you were so close. “Maybe it’s just because it’s lonely.”
I could fix that, you were basically dying to say. You bit your lip, adjusting your hair to one shoulder so your backside was exposed. Seeing this, Miguel snapped out of whatever reverie he was in, mumbling “right” to himself before approaching you.
Moving to stand by one of your hand-crafted pillars that decorated your living room, you placed your palms up against them, fingers latching onto them tightly.
Standing behind you, Miguel seemed to falter slightly as he began to reach for the strings. “Hey. ¿Estás bien?”
Truthfully, you weren’t okay. The positions you were both in, despite being innocent in nature, felt so provocative. You were hoping that Miguel didn’t see it this way…but if he didn’t mind, you didn’t mind either. “Mhm. Why?”
“You losing your balance or something?”
Turning your head, you gave Miguel a pointed look. “I know you’re pretty strong, Miguel. I’m going to end up on my ass if I don’t do this,” you joked, although you knew it was likely.
“If you say so.”
And so, Miguel began to work with the strings. Despite being large, his fingers seemed to expertly weave each string to its designated grommet, and the way they just barely grazed against your skin left you breathless. The both of you were dead silent, and it wouldn’t have been awkward had it not been for the palpable tension rising between you. Miguel finally ended up speaking first after partially completing one section, leaning in.
“Let me know if it’s too tight,” he said, his low voice reverberating through your body as his breath brushed against your ear. You froze in place, and you could barely manage a nod.
As he yanked at the strings, there was barely any breath to knock out of you. You squirmed at the subtle cinch around your waist, though your uneasiness was quickly overshadowed by your awe of how strong he was. Once again, not another word was spoken between the both of you, the only sounds being the strings being woven and tightened and the groans of discomfort that involuntarily left your lips.
Eventually, Miguel secured the final knot, letting out a relieved sigh as if this was his most daunting task to date. You felt his warm hand on your shoulder, gently pulling at it to make you face him. Though his brows were furrowed in concern, there seemed to be another feeling hidden in his eyes, you just weren’t sure what it was.
“Does it feel okay?” he asked tenderly, his hand smoothing down your arm before letting go. You wished he didn’t let go.
“It’s as perfect as it can be,” you admitted, your hands coming up to feel around your waist. “Beauty is pain, I guess.”
Miguel then slowly out to take your hand in his. Bringing it up to his lips, he pressed his lips to the back of it gently, his eyes never once leaving yours. “Te ves muy bella esta noche.”
You felt your cheeks flush, your body heating up from how intensely your heart pounded in your chest. “And that means?”
He flashed his stupidly charming grin, his thumbs delicately tracing over your knuckles before returning your hand to your side and taking a step forward. “Let’s just say I hope that you have painkillers.”
How did your dorky neighbor know how to clean up and be such a smooth talker?
You couldn’t help but let out a scoff to ease your nerves and regain some of your composure, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “What, you think I’d need some Advil?”
“I was thinking more like morphine,” Miguel quipped with an unforgettable smirk.
You couldn’t help the shy smile that graced your lips. “I’m sure you could whip something up for me in your lab,” you replied, staring up at him through your mascara-coated lashes. Since when were the both of you so close? You could feel the heat radiating off of him, and it left you wondering how nice it would feel to have his warm skin against yours.
Just as it seemed he was about to give another one of his witty remarks, a small yet sharp ping emanated from the smartwatch that sat delicately on his wrist. He took a step back, glancing down at it. “Mierda– as much as I’d love to continue charming you with painkillers, I’ve gotta head out. Duty calls, unfortunately,” he said, a sigh shortly following the interruption.
You nodded, trying not to let your immediate disappointment show on your face as you also took a step back. As you began to escort Miguel towards the door, you placed your hand tentatively on his arm as you walked side by side. “Unfortunately indeed. I’m already late to mine, but I can’t leave yet,” you lamented.
Miguel raised a brow at you as he reached for your doorknob. “Why not?” he asked, swinging the door open gently.
You groaned, taking out your phone to check for any updates. None. “It’s because I’m waiting for my assistant to come back. She’s out looking for heels for me to wear tonight.”
He grinned, a playful look in his eyes. “And there’s no suitable ones in your walk-in closet?” he teased, leaning against your doorframe.
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting something new! Let me live,” you retorted, giving him a roll of your eyes.
Miguel paused, his brows creased as he bit the inside of his cheek, staring off into the distance behind you. After taking a few moments to mull whatever it was over, he propped himself up against the frame with his arm, clearing his throat.
“So where do you think she’d be shopping at?” he asked.
You couldn’t help but think how strange of a question it was, not particularly expecting someone like Miguel to care about that sort of thing. But you were intrigued nonetheless. “Beats me. Rough guess is the Louboutin store closest to Central Park,” you shrugged.
Miguel, continuing his thoughtful demeanor, gave a nod as he pushed himself off the door. “Good luck with that. Customer service takes a long time over there,” he warned. “Can’t really get a move on unless you pull some strings.”
You huffed, taking your turn to lean against the frame, hesitant to see Miguel off. “I’ll manage, Mr. O’Hara. Promise.”
Giving that sickly sweet smile of his, he leaned in closer to you, a chastising but mischievous glint in his eye. Bringing his hands up level with your chest, he reached to adjust a pink bow sat just in the middle of the bust of your corset, having previously been knocked astray with the hurried commotion of putting it on. You involuntarily shivered at the contact, making you stand straight up. Any hope of saying anything in response was knocked out of you.
“Don’t keep them waiting. I better see pap photos of you plastered all over the internet in that getup first thing in the morning,” Miguel murmured, his lips so unbearably close to yours, you weren’t sure if you could resist. Just as you felt yourself gravitating forward, he pulled back, eyes lingering on your features. If his eyes seemed subtle before, they definitely weren’t now. They flickered with such intensity, and it had you thinking about how much he was holding back.
“But you could be seeing the real thing instead,” you managed to say, breathless as you tried to steady your voice. Your hands instinctively went to play with the hems of your skirt in your nervousness. God, did you really just say that?
A small smile graced his lips as he pulled back. “I might just hold you to that.”
With that, he turned, his strides calm and collected as he walked down your hallway. As you fixated on his figure growing smaller and smaller, you noticed that he brought up his watch close to his mouth, murmuring something under his breath. The faint sound of someone speaking back to him graced your ears, but it grew more incomprehensible as he turned a corner. Just CEO things, you presumed.
As you shut your door, you stood there, dazed with a heartbeat that still seemed to overtake your ears. Even though you and Miguel had done virtually nothing together, your encounter with him was more electrifying than any other date you’ve had. And more arousing than any other hookup.
You hoped that this wouldn’t be the last you saw of your enigmatic neighbor tonight.
An hour passed, and you were sitting in the plush cushions of your couch, occasionally letting out an impatient huff. Where the hell was Julia? At this point, you were so hilariously late to this party, you weren’t even sure you wanted to go anymore. Your PR team blowing up your messages didn’t necessarily help your enthusiasm either. 
Just as you were about to put your phone on “Do Not Disturb”, an incoming call from Julia overtook your phone, as if on cue. With a mix of relief and frustration, you answered.
“Julia! Where are you?” you complained, letting your phone rest in the crook of your neck.
“Almost there. Traffic is abhorrent at the moment, so that’s not helping,” Julia stated before taking a pause. “But that’s not even the beginning of why I’m late. You’ll never guess what happened.”
You perked up in surprise, your irritation dissipating. She was never really one for any gossip, always seeming to ignore or have a low tolerance for your nightly one-sided gossip sessions with her. So whatever she had to say had to be important. “Finally! Spill.”
“I had to sort out an issue with your bank while I was at Louboutin,” she began, the ambience of passing cars and honking horns in the background. “Someone’s been trying to hack into your account, so your card was locked.”
Your eyes widened, anxiety bubbling up in your stomach. But before you could say anything, Julia seemed to sense this, interjecting almost immediately.
“But we caught it early, thankfully. I changed all your passwords on my way back,” she explained.
Your mind raced, reminding yourself that Julia would never be late unless it was serious. You were forever grateful for her. But something nagged at the back of your mind. “On your way back? How’d you pay for the shoes?” you questioned. “Oh god, Julia, don’t tell me you paid-”
“Relax,” Julia cut in. You could hear the smile on your face. “As much as I enjoy helping you, you know how I feel about your luxury shoes.”
You sighed in relief. “Just making sure. Was it on the house?”
“Nope,” she replied. “This is the crazy part. Just when it seemed like I needed to just put the shoes back, Miss Lyla– you remember Lyla right? Miguel’s assistant?”
You tilted your head at the mention of Lyla, pleasantly surprised. You knew Julia had befriended Lyla after bumping into each other one too many times, so she occasionally dropped by your flat to say hi and chat while Miguel was away. She had a bubbly personality, a stark contrast to Julia, which you found ironic.
When Miguel had gone away on a business trip to São Paulo, she was basically over all the time, and she knew your routine just as well as Julia did. As you thought about this, it made you wonder if she relayed anything about you to her boss. The likelihood of him bumping into you so much didn’t seem so crazy anymore. Although it’s been a bit less than a year since you’ve seen Lyla, you remember her fondly. 
“Of course I remember her. My memory’s not that bad,” you said defensively.
“If it wasn’t that bad, then you wouldn’t have needed me,” Julia wittily quipped. As much as it hurt your ego to admit it, she was right. Per usual.
“Okay okay, whatever. Lyla. What was she doing there?” you asked.
“She just came bursting through the doors, sweaty, out-of-breath, the sort. I had a mind to think that she ran all the way there,” she continued. “Searching around until she saw me. She walked over to me and offered to pay for your shoes. Said Mr. O’Hara wouldn’t mind. She insisted on paying, saying it was a…’neighborly gesture’? I had already caused enough commotion, so I let her.”
Your jaw dropped as you struggled to process the information. Sure, you remembered Miguel asking about the store earlier, but you just chalked it up to small talk. Even though those shoes would be like pocket change to him, you were still shocked. “I didn’t think he’d actually act on it…” you murmured as you leaned back into the couch, mostly to yourself rather than Julia.
“Hm? What does that mean?” she asked, her turn to begin the onslaught of questions. “Did you run into him? Did something finally happen?”
“He just came over to–”
“Came over?!” Julia shrieked into the mic, causing you to wince and pull your phone away from your ear. It was quickly followed by the sound of her clearing her throat. “Apologies. But…what happened?” Once again, the smile was clear in the way that she spoke.
Unable to hide your giddiness, you kicked your feet up onto the coffee table, the apples of your cheeks aching from how much you were smiling. “Since you were out, this damn corset was giving me a hard time, so I had Miguel come over to…tighten it.”
Silence hung on the other end of the line for a moment, and then Julia erupted in laughter, an unfamiliar sound to you, but you noted that this rare side of her was fun. “I’m surprised he wasn’t trying to take it off you.”
Trying to stifle your own laughter, you feigned a frustrated demeanor as you shushed her to no avail, unable to quiet her giggles. “God, it’s not like that! Anyways, he came over to help and we talked for a bit. You know he cleans up really well?”
“Of course. We’ve seen him in the magazines,” she replied cheekily.
“Yeah, I know that! But seeing it in person is so different…th-that’s besides the point,” you stuttered out. “Before he left, I told him about the shoe problem and where you might be.”
“No kidding. Lyla just showed up and pulled out the most luxurious looking black card I’ve ever seen. Didn’t look like any bank I knew, but it swiped with no hitch,” she recounted, a sense of awe lacing her words. “So you’re telling me Miguel O’Hara bought you your ridiculously expensive shoes, and nothing happened?”
Rolling your eyes, you retold the story, not skimping out a single detail. This was the most enthusiastic you had ever heard your assistant being about your tea. “He was a bit shy at first, but it’s like he totally changed tonight. And when he whispered in my ear asking if the corset was too tight, swear to god I was gonna pass out.”
Julia whistled. “And are you just going to leave it at that? Why not accompany him to his party?”
You didn’t know when Julia had been such an advocate of you and Miguel, but when you thought about it, she did often mention stuff about him that Lyla told her. Were they working together? Co-conspirators in this attempt to bring you two together? “Julia, you know how PR would get if I missed this afterparty. Which I’m an hour and a half late to, by the way.”
“Alright, alright. I’m there in five,” she relented. “Make sure you’re ready so you can just get your shoes on and go. You’re going to love them, by the way.” And with that, she hung up.
She was right. The moment Julia stepped through your door, she didn’t hesitate to rush over to you and undo the fancy packaging of the Louboutin box. And there it was, the most beautiful pair of heels you had ever laid eyes on. It was like their signature red-bottoms, but instead of a red hue at the bottom, it was a sleek, baby pink. You had never seen this in your countless hours of online or window shopping, so this had to be rare. You were surprised that Julia had gotten her hands on this, and also how well it matched your outfit. Sliding them on made you feel like you were Cinderella getting ready for a ball instead of some trashy celebrity/influencer party. At least now with the addition of your shoes, you were going to be the belle of the ball. Or the belle of the trashy party.
As you left your penthouse, you couldn’t help but hug Julia gratefully, excited at this new addition to your closet. True to her nature, she gave a brief and unamused hug back, quickly standing you up straight and smoothing out the wrinkles of your coat. “Save that for Mr. O’Hara,” she commented.
“You know?” you began as you slid into the backseat of your chauffeur’s car, scooting over to give space for Julia. “I think I will,” you chirped giddily.
The party was in full swing by the time you arrived. Blaring music, bright strobe lights, the smell of sweat and alcohol already stenching the air. You knew you were (fashionably) late, but people getting drunk and coked out within the first hour was a new record for you. Julia, having successfully shielded you at the entrance of the club from paparazzi alongside your bodyguards, guided you through the crowd. You tried your best to greet everyone as you maneuvered your way through, though you really just wanted to reach the VIP space where your friend hosting was waiting for you.
Once you reached the section, you immediately spotted Cassie, who was waving you over with a mischievous smile. She looked like she was already a couple shots in, but coherent enough. As you approached, she gave you the one-over, proudly nodding in approval.
“Girl, are those some pink-bottoms?!” she shouted over the music as she reached to take your hands in hers. “You look so good, I’m not going to even get mad that you’re super fucking late!”
You laughed at her antics, giving an excited squeeze to her hands. “You’re never gonna guess who got them for me!”
You leaned to speak into her ear in a vain attempt to keep it discreet, though you ended up nearly screaming in her ear anyways. “Miguel!”
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up!” Cassie blurted out, letting go of your hands to grip you by the shoulders and shake you back and forth in his excitement. “That hot, filthy rich neighbor of yours?!” she asked incredulously, to which you nodded. After the both of you finished your squealing fit, you both sat down on a nearby sofa and recounted the story to her. You treated yourself to a shot of Don Julio and a simple cocktail, not wanting to go too far. You looked too good to be absolutely shitfaced. But it was enough to get you a bit more confident, sharing a couple dances with your friends. Maybe this party wasn’t so bad.
A few hours passed, and you were already a bit too sweaty for comfort. Although you wanted to keep your corset on in the name of fashion, you felt inclined to call it a night just so you could rip it off. It grew more and more suffocating the more you danced and let loose, and you took it as a sign, along with the other sign of your feet screaming out in pain from your heels. At least they were beautiful.
The fatigue began to wash over you all at once, the lively atmosphere growing more and more irritating by the second. You felt bad for wanting to leave early, but Cassie assured you she didn’t mind, knowing you were more of a homebody. After waving goodbye to everyone, you stepped outside with your entourage, greeted by the crisp air of a New York winter night.
As your car whisked you through the city, you just wanted to sleep, but instead, thoughts of Miguel lingered. You wondered how his party was going. Was he more of a party-goer? Were there girls at a business party? Was it called a mixer? Then you remembered him offering to accompany you, the images of the both of you dancing together floating across your mind again. Maybe you could join him, after a short touch-up at your place. Whipping out your phone from your purse, your fingers hovered over the screen, contemplating whether to send a message or not. Maybe you could thank him for the shoes. Upon seeing your last conversation with him, you silently giggled to yourself.
You: thx for setting up my sound system. sry lol i shouldve just waited for julia i feel bad for making u do it
Miguel O’Hara: Nonsense. Was happy to help 👍
You: you text like an old man
Miguel O’Hara: Don’t think it would help my image if I texted like you
You: LMAOOO i wont tell dw
Miguel O’Hara: I’ll consider it
It was only then that you caught a reflection of yourself in the car window, and you physically recoiled. The exhaustion and the remnants of the party were evident – your hair messy and worse for wear, your makeup slightly smudged on one side of your face, sweat and oil making your skin in an unflattering way. You had already partially undone the lacing of your corset to allow room to breathe. Joining him would be an insult in this state, so you let your chauffeur continue your journey back home.
It wasn’t long until you found yourself in your building’s lavish elevator, the hum nearly lulling you asleep as it ascended. It was very different from the atmosphere you were in a mere 30 minutes before, so you allowed yourself to enjoy the faint jazz music that played from the overhead speakers. Once the screen displayed your floor number, you took a moment to collect yourself, straightening your posture and doing your best to adjust your disheveled attire.
With a soft chime, the door slid open. You were about to take a tired step forward until someone caught your eye, leaning against the wall of the hallway.
“Partied too hard as well?”
Miguel’s pristine appearance from earlier bore the marks of a night gone wild. His hair was tousled, his necktie partially undone, the collar of his shirt unbuttoned. You smiled to yourself, glad that he allowed himself to have fun, knowing how hard he worked. Yet, just like you, he wasn’t overtly drunk.
“You could say that,” you giggled, the leftover buzz from the party giving you the confidence to look him straight in the eye. “Get any new partnerships?” you asked as you bit your lip.
“Every…single…one,” he drawled with a smirk, his voice as sweet as the cocktail you sipped on earlier. He sauntered towards you, stopping just outside the elevator. “Secured them all early, so I figured I’d just turn in. Got home a little while ago, so I was wondering if you were home too.”
“Well, here I am,” you said, gesturing to yourself. You couldn’t help but return his smirk, though you couldn’t help but feel touched that the first thing he did was try to find you. In return, Miguel bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes raking up and down your figure salaciously.
“And here you are.”
You shuddered at the sound of his rough, whisky-ridden voice taunting you, teasing you. Before you could even begin to think about how to retort, the elevator doors began to close. He swiftly reached out, placing his arm on them, causing them to retract.
“You gonna come with me, nena?” he cooed, reaching forward to take your wrist in his. Although you were silently screaming YES! in your head, you wanted to put up one last fight. Just to see how Miguel would navigate his way into your bedroom.
“Mm, and what makes you think you can take me home tonight?” you challenged, your eyes half-lidded as they traveled down from his face, tracing the muscles that continued to tense in his neck. They dropped to where his shirt was parted, revealing his chest. It glistened slightly with sweat; now you were able to answer what it would smell like with his cologne. It was just as heavenly as you imagined.
He leaned in, his voice just above a whisper. “Why else would you be bragging about me the whole night?” 
A blush crept onto your cheeks as you attempted to maintain your composure. “It’s just the shoes, you know. They’re gorgeous,” you hummed, your heels clicking satisfyingly as you exited the elevator. You elegantly strode past him, making your way toward your door.
“You could say thank you, you know,” he chided, his raspy voice echoing against the walls of the elevator lobby.
“I could. Or you could make me,” you challenged, not bothering to turn once to look at him. Although in reality, it was to hide the mischievous grin on your face.
You could hear a heavy sigh, then the sound of his heavy gait behind you growing near, and you could count 2 steps. It took him 2 steps to catch up to you, despite you having a bit of a lead on him. Feeling his rough, large hand on your shoulder, you were abruptly whipped around. could only catch a glimpse of his contagious smile before he leaned in, his hands coming up to cradle your face as his lips captured yours. 
They were soft, which you were glad about, since men you usually met didn’t seem to care about how gross their chapped lips felt; it urged you to reciprocate with no hesitation, utterly swept away by how good of a kisser he was. The scent of sweat that you had been dreaming about invaded your nostrils, so intoxicating that it melted you into him. You pressed your body up against him, and it was then you verified the very things you imagined about his physique in your head. The plush, soft nature of your dips and curves complimented the rock-like hardness of his abdomen, the firmness of his pecs. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him just so you could run your hands over his shoulders and back…you couldn’t decide what felt nicer.
Every single thing you did seemed to be to his liking, spurring him on the more you gave in. A groan rumbled in his throat as he angled his face to kiss you deeper, the vibrations making your lips tingle in just the right way. He’d bite at your bottom lip, poking and prodding at it with his tongue to see if you’d allow him entry, or if he’d get the same response from you. And it was so easy for him to get a reaction out of you, a soft whine at the feeling of his hand smoothing over the small of your back, so naturally, you allowed his tongue to explore you.
And his tongue tasted of such a strange but addictive mixture of cognac, honey, and cigarettes, it had you clawing onto his shoulders, craving to somehow get closer to him than you already were. It’s why you were taken aback when Miguel firmly held you and pulled away, though you could see his eyes gleam in a way that you wouldn’t expect a world-renowned CEO to have. Before you could protest, he scooped you up into his arms, his effortless strength never once failing to amaze you. You squealed at the feeling of being lifted into the air, your arms and legs wrapping around him so naturally. Your bodies seemed to slot together perfectly.
“Migueeeel,” you cooed in a sing-song matter, the distance between his face and yours mere inches away. “I thought I told you to quit smoking, y’know,” you scolded, your bottom lip sticking out as you gave him a fake pout.
He could only laugh in response, the deep and rich sound taking more of an effect on you as you felt it emerge from his chest and into your body. “Guilty as charged, but you shouldn’t worry.”
You managed to unhook your arms from his neck, crossing them over your chest. “Oh yeah? Why shouldn’t I?”
Miguel’s eyes began to crinkle with his amused smile, looking at you in such a way that made it look like he was desperate to drink in the image of you, as if he would never see you again after this night. He sighed, his breath warm against the tender skin of your neck. “I’ve found something better to get addicted to,” he admitted, the shivers it sent down your back quelled by the feeling of his fingertips rubbing warm circles into it.
You needed this man in your bed before the night ended. Wanting to waste no time with any more words, you brought your hands up to tangle your fingers into his hair, your manicured nails gently scraping over his scalp as you dove in. Your lips just barely grazed his when the soft “ding!” of the elevator shattered your privacy, causing the both of you to jerk back and whip your heads towards the golden elevator doors sliding open a couple of yards away. You both could make out voices, familiar voices before whoever it was walked out.
“-getting together?! You’d think him getting her shoes would guarantee at least a kiss,” an upbeat female voice gossiped.
“Gifting shoes is one thing. They’re both dressed up for a party, and he came over at such a late hour. Can you believe nothing happ– oh shit.”
You and Miguel were greeted with the sight of your faithful assistants walking out of the elevator, utterly frozen in place as their eyes widened, locked on you. Lyla’s jaw dropped, and Julia took a moment to compose herself from her initial shock before speaking again. “I take that back.”
You had squirmed yourself out of Miguel’s grip so quickly that you nearly fell to the floor in what would’ve been considered an unceremonious way, but he was sure to quickly ease you down to the floor. Guiltily standing beside him, you avoided the assistant’s gazes as you desperately waited for someone to break the silence. Miguel seemed to be doing the same.
“So!” Lyla shouted out, causing you and Miguel to jump slightly. “Need some privacy tonight, boss?”
“Please,” he grumbled through gritted teeth. As you glanced up, you saw him give Lyla such a nasty glare, it made you giggle.
“I take it that you need some as well?” Julia called your attention softly, making you turn towards her. Though her voice was calm, she had the most shit-eating grin on her face you had ever seen in your life.
You nodded, your eyes rolling so hard that you thought they would go back into your head. “You minxes,” you huffed. Without missing a beat, you took Miguel’s hand in yours as you whipped around and stomped off toward your door. As he caught up, the both of you couldn’t help but giggle somewhat nervously, and a similar one seemed to come from your assistant duo.
Once you heard them shuffle back into the elevator, you felt Miguel slither his arm comfortably around your waist. Looking up at him, you exchanged looks, flustered and amused ones alike.
“Lyla would always bug me about talking to you,” he admitted as you both reached your door, leaning against the wall as he patiently waited for you to punch the code in for your lock.
“Really?” you hummed with a raised brow, though the mental image of Lyla being his wingwoman brought a smile to your face. “I’m starting to think she and Julia were conspiring. They’d be cute together,” you mused, fluttering your lashes at him as the door unlocked with a click.
“Yeah?” Miguel laughed as the both of you shuffled into your home, reaching down to give a playful pat to your ass. “I think we’d have them beat.”
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a/n: i really had fun w this prompt, again thank u to my lovely inbox and miss ava for the inspo and also being my lovely beta reader ;))) happy to add another miguel fic to my bag. inbox is open! likes n reblogs are appreciated!!
masterlist here.
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serendipitystyles · 3 years
fic recs january 2021
hi guys!! okay so i got to thinking and i’ve seen a lot of these posts around so i made my own!! i think that fic rec masterposts are such a great way to support writers and get more people to have the chance of seeing fics!!! plus i’m leaving a bit of feedback too :))
if you know of any fics that you’d like to share a little love on / you’d like me to read so that i can reblog and give it a little love, send me an ask with the title and the author’s url!!! 
so here it is, all the fics that i read in january 2021 (and the very end of december but i’m including them anyway)
total number of fics listed: 92 (series counted as a single piece)
aster / tattoo artist harry aster | daffodil | sweet pea | gardenia | poppy
i read this entire series at like 8 am after not sleeping the night before and oh my god i was literally so soft!! like this is so fucking cute i literally felt like i was going to throw up the entire time (in the best way yk) like omg the butterflies i got from this series? unmatched. also, i feel that it’s necessary to add the part of this that made my heart absolutely explode: Harry’s thumb stroked her jawline, a smile molding his features. “Y’not a baby love, unless you want to be my baby. And I like you a lot, too. And stuff. like okay kill me <3
citrine / witch harry citrine | opal | lepidolite | sodalite | carnelian | angelite
alright so h is literally so sweet in this one!! he’s so gentle and lovely and i truly fell in love with him in the very first few paragraphs. and he’s so out of tune with everything but he’s trying his best to understand and just... sigh. “I’d look forever for you, if I had to.” love love love this line so much it’s literally the perfect way to tie everything together
chiaroscuro / vampire harry chiaroscuro | sfumato | craquelore | non finito | fresco | renaissance 
this is very creepy during the first chapter but in such a good way!!! i literally found myself gasping and i barely ever vocally react to a fic unless i am squealing at the fluff or crying but i vocally react to lindsee’s fics literally they are so good pleaseee. and omg the growth throughout this fic truly is impeccable i swear.
adore you
okay this is so cute!!! loved every single word of it!!! there was a bit of angst at the very beginning that had my heart hurting but it was all mended by the end!!! the dad!harry content was absolutely immaculate omg i literally loved reading about atticus!!!!! i absolutely love long pieces and i think that this piece was the perfect length!! there were so many things that were packed in there but it didn’t seem rushed or jumbled or anything like that!!!!
watashi no sakura
okay first things first, i love japanrry in any form so i knew just by looking at the description that i was going to love this regardless of what was in it. to be honest i didn’t expect him to have a penny board that he used to get everywhere but there’s something so cute about that to me. throughout this entire fic, i was so amazed at the way that their relationship moved along so naturally and at such a good pace. i feel like there’s an art to making things move along at the right pace, and you definitely have that down!! i truly loved this fic so much and will probably be coming back at times to reread!
i am very in love with this!!! boxer!h is so freaking yummy plus it’s so well written that i can feel everything, which is so amazing. i love that i’m able to feel all the emotions and picture everything while reading!! my heart broke a bit for harry while he was sad and just looking for love in any way he could find it. like mega sigh. also, i love the way that the characters are introduced. like, y/n doesn’t come at the very beginning but it’s so natural when she’s finally introduced. and omg the interactions that they had??? the reassurances??? *chef’s kiss*
baby, it’s cold outside
before i even started reading this, i knew i would love it!!! teacher!h has a special place in my heart for some reason i truly love him so much!! oh my god the yearning in this piece is so heartbreaking!!!! i literally read through the entire thing thinking that i was going to cry because of how much i could feel y/n and harry yearning for each other. sigh this is so cute i will definitely be rereading (most likely multiple times)
bright & blooming
ahhh this is literally so cute i live for the long distance friendships + only seeing each other over the summer!!! that is literally so amazing to me that you love someone that much to wait all year to only see them for a month!!! and this was such a good representation of the love and yearning that come with that!!! and i absolutely adore the way that you described each of them and their nicknames for each other!!!! love love love!!!
where the world takes you
this is my study abroad dream!!!!! the loveliness of them meeting and drunk!harry is just so sweet i love it so much!!! and the way that the flashback is in the middle and explains everything is so genius!!! and the full circle of it all makes me so happy!!! also the way that i cried at the end of the four months!! like that was heartbreaking but everything was pieced back together as it went along!!!
extra credit
this is prof!h so you know it’s great!!! i am such a sucker for this au i swear. this was so cute!! the way that everything progressed and the confession and the tension!!!! and then the “Yours.” at that one part had me screaming!!! and the way that he literally had a plan oh my god that’s so cute!!!! i love their dynamic so much!!!
deep sleep
this is so :) :( :) :( if that makes sense!! like i love love love dad!harry but there are just a few things that make me want to sob <3 i absolutely adore it though!!!!! it’s very sweet how mr. styles comes out here comforting as he should!!!!
beautiful inside & out
this is so sweet oh my god it’s beautifully written and i really felt everything that was going on!! personally, i’m not a person of color, but i think that this piece truly was written so wonderfully and it’s very lovely!!!! the insecurities made me literally want to cry, but the way that h was there to comfort was very nice, it made me so soft!!
this is so sweet!! the background snippet in there is so well done i love getting to know exactly how they met!!! and the way that harry’s being admired is just!!! so good!!!! like i love the descriptions and the feelings connected to that!!!! the entire thing is just so cute!!
for your eyes only
i shed tears reading this!! like it is so sad but also so happy!! i know that makes no sense but there was just a sense of my heart breaking and then it being put back together again and i love that!!! definitely a fantastic use of ‘if i could fly’ which is one of my fav one direction songs so that’s just a plus honestly!!!
to feel good
miss ava!!!! coming out strong with your first harry fic!!!! it’s so lovely, so pure, so sweet!!!! the memories that are included make everything that much better!!! the flashback really fills out everything nicely!!! the interaction that the two of them had at the end was so comforting to read like... that’s literally one of the most wonderful endings i’ve ever experienced on a fic like this!!!
demon!harry  angel!y/n -  a total of 51 blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots demon!y/n - a total of 8 blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots
yeah okay so there are...... a lot of things here so i’ll do a demon!harry + angel!y/n feedback thingy and a different one for demon!harry + demon!y/n demon!harry + angel!y/n: he’s such an asshole but he’s... already kinda turning soft like... he’s already got the little simp showing through!!  “ When it comes to love, if it doesn’t hurt, it isn’t fun.” i’ll cry right here right now what the fuck is this?? sigh. “Tell me…” He gulps thickly, licking his burning lips in anticipation, “tell me you want me. Tell me this— whatever this is— tell me it’s real.” yeah that made me almost scream literally shut up andrea. also not me reading this and literally sobbing at some of the pieces like... no <3 “I promise on my soul— as damned as it may be— that I will not let anything bad happen to you. I swear.” i literally want to set myself on fire what the hell the things your brain comes up with literally what the fuck. i literally read all 51 pieces in a day and cried a million times but they were just because i’m soft for simprry. demon!harry + demon!y/n: okay so i am writing this after i’ve read the first two pieces and.... that escalated quite quickly i would say!!! if you like smut, you’ll like this!!!!!! if you like smut just go to andrea she’s got you!!!!! and we see some more simprry but not full swing because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s wrapped around her finger!!! and the way they’re not exclusive but they’re each other’s? *chef’s kiss* 
harry is the bad boy cliché of y/n’s dreams, she just doesn’t know it yet
this is so very sweet, so very soft!! all the pet names have me crying omg it’s literally one of the cutest things!!!! the way harry is so soft for her and he’s just so sweet and so obvious about his feelings even though she doesn’t completely see it is so sweet!!!!
harry’s a porn star and y/n is new
i love their dynamic here!! they automatically click and everything between them is so genuine and lovely!!! the way that they care about each other so immensely even though they haven’t known each other that long is so beautiful!!
harry is y/n’s dominant 
okay obviously this is like... smut but it’s so much more than that!!! their relationship is so sweet and lowkey domestic even from the very beginning and i love the trust that they have in each other!!! very cute!! and the ending was so so perfect!!!
y/n works in a roller rink and harry goes there to read
literally so sweet!!! the shy, kinda introverted h is to ide for!!!! and the way that they’re so cute together ahhh!!!!!! and i absolutely love the way that they support each other and are falling for each other before they even admit that they are!!!!
harry’s a vampire and y/n never dresses for the weather 
i love how when they met it wasn’t on great terms and he couldn’t get her off his mind so he was like “no, stay away!” but he was already so whipped for her and then!!!! when he asked how to be warm for her??? that made me so soft i literally thought i was going to cry.
harry and y/n are best friends and y/n isn’t his “type” (or so she’s heard)
this is so absolutely soft!!! they’re so whipped for each other and don’t even know it!!! and miss y/n hearing things made my heart break but all was well at the end!!! love love love!!! the entire dynamic that they have is so fun plus there were peeks of jealous h so that’s always a win!!!
y/n and harry don’t really mesh well, until they do
we love a bit of an enemies to lovers moment!! and the whole “y/n’s being a good friend to jeff, that’s it” and the tension and the drunk cuteness and literally all of it, it’s so wonderful!! harry being a softie is one of my weaknesses and although he’s a bit mean at first, he redeems himself!!
harry’s on the football team and y/n steals a dog
this is absolutely so cute!!! y/n has such a beautiful little personality and harry feeling things with her even though his “reputation” is different than hanging out with people like her is so great!! and the way that he takes up for her and the way that she comforts him is so lovely!!
harry is y/n’s grumpy neighbor and he has a secret part 2
this is actually the second time that i’ve read this fic tbh!! it’s just so good!! the dynamic of him trying to stay away from her because it’s dangerous for her to be too close to him and then him trying even harder to stay away from her and hide his feelings only for her to make a move is golden.
y/n pretends to be harry’s girlfriend
okay this one hurt a bit at first. i wanted to flick h in the forehead at first for trying to make someone else jealous with y/n but he redeemed himself as he does so i shall let him off the hook this time haha. i think that the way that they progress is so sweet plus!!! everyone loves a good fake dating au!!!
werewolves exist... pt. 2
this is the first werewolf au i’ve read in a while and it’s actually really good!! i love how everything progressed and the way that harry was like.... this isn’t supposed to happen like this!!!! it’s all very cute and it’s very enemies to lovers-esque even though they aren’t enemies lmao
y/n delivers sweets and harry lives on the side of a mountain
this made me so sad tbh like... the fact that they treated harry so bad just because they judged him before they know him makes me so sad and i really wanted to punch some people but it’s a fictional universe so i can’t actually do that lol. but the way that y/n was with him made me so soft i really love this piece
y/n is on harry’s tour crew and harry just think’s she’s lovely
y/n is so sweet in this piece!!! it makes my heart hurt when harry gets overwhelmed and snaps but thankfully everything is well in the end and he gets his act together so that he can realize what is truly important!!!
harry is y/n’s criminology instructor part 2
this dynamic is an automatic yes and that’s on my love for this au. anyway, the way that he was like “it’s just a kiss” made me absolutely want to scream but i didn’t and thankfully i didn’t write him off as a prick because he’s actually so sweet and he takes care of her and loves her and just... he’s everything.
harry used y/n as a model for his art final
i wanted to smack harry upside the head so hard when he kept talking about his crush when y/n just wanted a good partner. thankfully he finally saw the light and realized that the only thing he wants is y/n by his side because y/n is there for him and cares about him and loves him
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ava-valerie · 2 years
Hello deary
For your drink drabbles can I get a disappointed Nick Jackson having to look after his partner after she gets too drunk and because he's straight edge he doesn't understand how she got into that state? X
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Thank you for the request 💖 This is top comedy!!
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Nick had no idea when he had lost sight of you, and it had been quite a while now. The concert was still going and he desperately searched, until hearing you first.
You stood on some boxes, a cup of beer in the hand and loudly singing along as you swayed the hips. To see you like this made him feel disappointed, and he pinched the bridge of his nose in desperation.
"Come down!" Nick barked while pointing to the floor, but you had no intention at all to follow his order. The alcohol as well as the music hit too good.
"No! I have a pwerfect shighht from here!" You saucily slurred in an even louder tone, watching how an angry expression formed on his face. Even though it seemed to be a serious situation for him, you couldn't help but to laugh at how dark he stared at you.
Nick swiftly pulled you down and held you tight as you kicked the legs to fight him.
"Do you like ever have some fun?!"
"No!" He groaned, before throwing his head back because of this stupid answer. "I mean yes! But not like that!"
"HELP! I'M BEING NICKNAPPED!" You giggled and reached out for some strangers while he dragged you towards the exit. What a silly thing you were, he thought. The fussing you would receive ought to be wild.
"No! She's fine!" He quickly explained and then looked at you. "For fuck's sake! Keep it down!"
Nick wanted to gag you. He seriously wanted. Though, he thought of doing this later...
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Parent Problem
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (Dad!bucky and hubby x reader)
Word Count: 1,220
Summary: It’s your daughter’s first day of 2nd grade and Bucky makes a production at drop off :)
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club back to school week celebration and the continuation of drunk drabbles and the fun prompt below. I love dad!bucky and I like making him soft and sweet but also sexy and clearly the hottest dad that ever existed. Hope you enjoy! Thank you all for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Sweet fluffy love, sassiness on everyone’s part, fun, sexy Bucky, Bucky with a baby...
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Your daughter bursts into the bathroom, the dog hot on her heels, “Mama, Daddy burned my pancake and I’m hungry and we can’t be late for the first day of school!” You peek out from behind the shower curtain, smiling at Samantha and the dog, “hi baby. Ok, I’ll be right out, and I can help daddy.” She doesn’t look satisfied but nods and walks out, taking Winter with her.
The smell of burnt food is the first thing that greets you when you enter the kitchen followed by your sheepish looking husband standing over the sink, scrubbing the pan. “Hey doll, I started the pancake, then she got upset about her hair and I tried to fix it and, in the meantime, forgot the pancake and well…” You kiss him softly, going to the freezer and grabbing a waffle. “It’s ok baby, she likes these too and it will be quick.”
Sam walks into the kitchen with her backpack and sits at the table, staring the two of you down. “Did you make a waffle mama; those are quick right?” You point to the toaster oven and give her a thumbs up, smoothing your hand down Bucky’s chest before checking Sam’s lunch. “We’ll be fine honey, don’t worry.”
She doesn’t look convinced, tapping her fingers along the table while she waits for her food. Bucky sits across from her, mimicking the tapping with his metal hand and smiling. “Daddy, what are you doing?” He shrugs, trying not to let his smile grow, “nothing baby girl. Just waiting for breakfast.” Sam rolls her eyes playfully and gets up, rounding the table to sit in Bucky’s lap.
“Are you nervous?” he asks, realizing he is himself. “No! I’m ready for 2nd grade daddy! I can’t wait to show Ava my schoolbag and all my new stuff.” Bucky chuckles, letting out a breath and kissing her head. The baby monitor starts to blink red and the small cries of your 7-month-old ring out through the kitchen.
“I’ll get her doll face, you finish breakfast.”  Bucky gently sets Sam down then heads upstairs. The sound of Rose’s crying stops as soon as Bucky walks in the room and you grab the monitor to watch him pick her up and hold her against his chest. You can’t stop the sigh that leaves your lips at the sight of them and Sam stands on the kitchen chair to peek over your shoulder.
“Why are you sighing Mama? What’s wrong?” You drag your eyes from the scene on the monitor and smile softly, “nothing at all my sweet, your daddy is so handsome, and I just love you all so much.” Sam nods enthusiastically, hugging you around the waist, “l love you too Mama and he is the most handsome.” Bucky’s eyes lock onto the camera in the corner of the room, his grin wide when he asks, “you know I can hear you both, right?”
You stick your tongue out and shut it off, Bucky walking into the room soon after with a haughty smile and Rose in his arms. She drops her pacifier on the floor and starts to cry. Bucky retrieves it and makes sure it’s clean before putting it back in her mouth. She doesn’t take it and continues to whimper so he sets it down and takes her small chubby hands in his, placing them on his beard. She immediately quiets and starts pulling at the hairs, giving him a drooly smile.
“She likes it almost as much as you do,” he gloats, winking your way. “Mmmmm, well we have very different reasons for it,” you tease, leaning down to kiss him. “Can you guys please stop. We need to leave in 5 minutes.” Sam takes the last bite of her waffle and gets up, shaking her head on the way to get her shoes.
“When did 7 become 17?” Bucky asks, his eyes soft with emotion. “Just wait until they are both big.” You give him a horrified look and drop the dishes in the sink, rinsing your hands and grabbing the bags. “Come on, let’s go pack up the car.”
When you arrive in front of the school, Bucky grabs Rose and you get Sam out of the car and situated. Bucky takes out his phone and hands Sam her ‘first day of 2nd grade’ sign. “Ok, baby girl, let’s see that big smile.” She smiles candidly, waiting until he snaps a bunch of photos. “Ok now all of us.” Squeezing between the two of you and Rose she makes a silly face while Bucky holds his long arm out to take some more.
You lean over and kiss his cheek in one and then nibble on Rose’s hands still stuck in his beard in another. After a few more silly ones you all stand and Bucky puts his phone back in his pocket before dragging you in for a sweet kiss on the lips. Sam’s disgruntled voice interrupts you, “really daddy. You’re always kissing mama. Too much PDA.”
Bucky’s eyebrows draw together, and he looks to you, “what is she talking about?” Rose gives a particularly hard tug on his beard and he let’s out a yelp, laughing when she giggles. He bends down to Sam and kisses her cheek, “have a good day honey. And stop using words daddy doesn’t understand. You’re only 7.”
She crosses her small arms over her body and sticks out her hip, “daddy, P D A means public display of affection. Everyone knows that.” His eyes go wide, and he stands, “how do you know that?” Sam’s eyes shift to you and she smiles mischievously, “ask mama, I have to go to school.” She wraps her arms around your legs as best she can before skipping off to find her friends.
“Ok baby, let’s hear it.” You brush him off nonchalantly and keep your eyes on Sam, her happy little dance making you smile. Bucky circles his free arm around your waist and brings his lips to your ear, “so am I not supposed to do things like this while we’re out in public?” He follows his question with a light squeeze to your ass, loving the quiet squeal you let out.
“What about this?” he asks, trailing his lips down your neck, his beard rubbing against your soft skin. You bite your lip and try to keep your gaze focused on what’s happening in front of you, but you can’t stop your low moan. “This is definitely considered PDA Buck,” you giggle, leaning into him. He sneaks his hand under the hem of your shirt and rubs small circles on your hip. “You still haven’t answered my question doll. How does Sam know about this?”
Kissing the corner of his mouth you take Rose from his arm and open the car door, securing her in the car seat. “Let’s go home and put her down for a nap and I can tell you all about it.” He reaches over you and shuts the door, checking on Rose one more time before pressing you against the car, “I like the sound of that. Maybe I can get a more in-depth lesson on PDA too.” You give his beard a sharp tug, shivering when he growls low, “I absolutely love this idea Buck.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bucky-on-my-mind @buckys-minty-breath @breezy1415 @buckstaybucky @buckosawrus @chuuulip @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @imgaril-lindru​ @ikaris-whore​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @lookiamtrying​ @lokilvrr​ @lorilane33​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @the-wayward-robot​ @yansi1923​
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dykedivorce · 3 years
here is an avadeb ~drabble (1k) about ava wanting to protect deb from Men. it's not much of anything but it has the merit of existing so i thought eh. might as well share it, it's not doing any good sitting on my laptop.
Deborah is not interested in pity, and Ava doesn’t have any to offer. What she has instead is a dark awe in understanding her trauma and seeing how she's managed to live with it, and mostly, rage.
Deborah seems taken aback the first few times, like she can’t fathom someone feeling angry on her behalf for shit that happened so long ago, but she doesn’t seem to mind, so Ava tells her. That’s fucked up. He shouldn’t have done that. It’s awful that this happened to you. I wish I could bash his head in, I wish I could strangle him, I wish I’d been there to rip off his balls and make him eat the gory bits. 
Deborah laughs dismissively but Ava is dead serious. She’s never understood the urge for time travel like she does when Deborah says, I was 23, I was 35, I was 47, and some man’s name that saw Deborah as an object to touch, to possess, to do as he pleased with. She believes if she wills it enough, if she lets the anger grow and grow, then she might wake up in 1974 one morning, ready to swing a baseball bat at any guy who comes too close to Deborah. She was never much of a fighter, but she could learn. She’d break Frank's nose on the night he met her, and one of his fingers every time he so much as glanced at Kathy. She’d make everything right, bloody hands and burst knuckles for Deborah’s safety.
But she always wakes up in the present, when it’s been years of Deb dealing with all that alone, and Ava curses herself for being too late to help. Yet another reason not to believe in God that she adds to the list: if she exists and decided to reunite Ava with Deborah after 70 years of struggle, when Ava can’t do anything about it anymore, well, fuck her and her cruelty. Who would have faith in a God like this? 
If she could pick any moment in history to be born, she’d pick the same day as Deborah.
There's such a funny look in Deborah's eyes when she sees that Ava means it whens she says she would beat any man to a bloody pulp for her. There's exasperation, briefly, because Ava is young and passsionate but Deborah is perfectly capable of defending herself. Then, there's something else. It's a late-night work session again, and Ava is going to sleep over again, and they're a little drunk in the study once more. Sitting on the same couch, Ava's body is fully turned towards Deborah because she's listening to another tale of gross misogyny from the 80s. Elbow on the back of the couch, she's supporting her head on her palm, heavy-lidded and bone-tired. Maybe that's why she says it without an ounce of laughter, for once.
"I'd fucking kill him if I could."
Deborah's own laughter dies quietly as she studies Ava. It's silent for long enough that Ava would get uncomfortable if she was less drowsy and full of wine. As it is, she lets Deborah look at her without fidgeting.
"You mean that, don't you?"
And there, that face. Like Ava is indecipherable for the first time in her life. Ava doesn't quite get what's so incomprehensible about wanting to kill a guy who hurt someone you love. She nods in her palm, yawns with her eyes closed.
When she opens them again, Deborah is still staring right at her, mouth is slightly-open now, and something about the whole scene sends an unexpected warmth down Ava's stomach.
"Why are you looking at me like I'm about to get eaten?"
She almost corrects herself by adding "like an antilope", once she notices how inapropriate that sounded, but thinks better of it. Let Deborah interpret it however she wants, she's too tired to pretend she doesn't find it hot. Deb raises one perfect eyebrow.
"Are you, now?"
Ava shrugs. She doesn't feel up for verbal sparring right now, she just wants a goodnight kiss on the cheek and to sleep for 10 uninterrupted hours. Deborah finally looks away from her.
"Thank you. For what you said."
Ava almost asks what she said, before she remembers their their initial conversation about that guy in 1984 putting his fucking hands where they should never have been. Had she been born at the right time, he would have ended his life with two stumps at the end of his arms. She aches for a knife again.
Something on her face must show that she's fantasizing about violent repercussions for crimes against Deborah, because she chuckles.
"What do you think you could have done, Mike Tyson? You have the hands but I very much doubt you have the force."
Ava gets offended in spite of herself. It wakes her up a little.
"First of all I absolutely have the force to go against any underdeveloped bitchass manchild any day of the week." No, she doesn't. "Secondly-"
"Oh God, there's a list!" Deborah interrupts with the face that says Ava's being ridiculous, but that she finds herself unexpectedly delighted by it. Ava's got to find a name for that face, it appears too often not to.
"Secondly," she insists, "I could go at it with a little finesse."
"Well, now I know you're bluffing. I've never seen you do anything with subtlety, much less finesse."
"Wh- I've got finesse coming out of my ass! I could do finesse all day!"
Deb laughs in earnest now, whole body moving with it, melting into the couch, and a fond smile settles on Ava's face. Lately she finds she's okay with being a little humiliated for Deborah's amusement. But she's also trying to make a point, so she waits until Deborah is done before she speaks again.
"I would have destroyed them for you."
Deborah takes her hand and squeezes gently.
"Well, when I think about those encounters now, I do sometimes picture you as this little... little creature, in my pocket or sitting on my shoulder maybe, livid with rage and putting curses on them as soon as they turn away." She shakes her head, like she can't believe she's sharing this. "My personal little feminist curse caster."
Deborah is laughing again, self-depreciating and a little exasperated at her own silliness.
Ava is gaping. She doesn't know what to process first: how similar their thoughts on the matter are, or how Deborah referring to her with a possessive pronoun made her want to kiss her so badly she barely just restrained herself.
Ava doesn't tell her about the time-travel fantasy, but it's the closest she ever comes to.
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bellarxse · 3 years
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                                                  writing tag | AO3
The writing tag linked above is probably the most comprehensive source - but I’ve organised some writing by fandom under the cut.
NSFW content is clearly marked (as always, do not interact if you’re under 18)
The Wayhaven Chronicles
(organised by Detective)
Riona Lovelace
the strongest temptation is instant gratification (Mason x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
born of love, produced by fear (Mason x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
push my buttons (Mason x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
the longing that begins, and begins, and begins (Mason x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
life is about the detours (Ava x F!Detective, Hallmark AU, AO3)
a wild mind, a disciplined eye (Morgan x F!Detective, Hallmark AU, AO3 - NSFW)
the closest of all touch (Tane Scott x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
ice and blooms of fire (Tane Scott x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
you and i will always be unfinished business (Bobby Marks x F!Detective, AO3)
to be alone with you (Mason x F!Detective, collecting November writing prompts on AO3, some NSFW)
Sophia Laveau
the raiders from samsø (Adam x F!Detective, Viking AU, AO3 - NSFW)
nous échangerons nos deux âmes (Adam x F!Detective, collecting November writing prompts on AO3)
Mini-series 1: “His eyes had drunk her beauty up” (Adam x F!Detective)
Mini-series 2: “The long hours pass away” (Adam x F!Detective)
Mickey O’Connor
go down you blood red roses, go down (Nate x M!Detective, Pirate AU, AO3 - NSFW)
i gá duit (Nate x M!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
Kit Pryce - to be added
Mark Laurent
Prompt: “Please don’t cry” (Drabble: Nate x M!Detective (implied LT))
Petra Nikolic
the original mood enhancer (Nat x F!Detective, AO3 - NSFW)
a matter of chance (upcoming, Regency AU, AO3 - eventual NSFW)
Give voice to the myriad of unsaid thoughts (multiple, collecting 31 Days of Wayhaven writing prompts, AO3 - some NSFW)
February @wayhavenmonthly​ prompts, tagged here, AO3 here - probable eventual NSFW
the scent of bergamot lingers (Nat x F!Detective, Regency AU, AO3 - NSFW) (for @evilbunnyking​)
imagine being loved by me (Nate x M!Detective, AO3) (for @grumpyhedgehog)
Shepherds of Haven
(organised by RO)
Trouble Alder
a pair of dreamers (Trouble x F!MC, AO3 - NSFW)
baby, it’s cold outside (Trouble x F!MC, AO3)
Love Island the Game
(organised by Season)
Season 1
“In the dead of night” (Drabble: Levi x MC)
“Breaking Character” (Series of drabbles: Allegra x MC fake dating)
Season 2
“Son p'tit pain au chocolat” (Series of Bobby x MC One-shots, AO3)
“Oh, my darling, what if you fly?” (Series of Carl x MC One-shots, AO3)
Kiss prompt: A sad/crying kiss (Drabble: Henrik x MC)
“Like a lion” (Series of Lucas x MC One-shots, AO3)
“Like I like my honey” (Series of Marisol x MC One-shots, AO3)
Season 3
The Motion of Heavenly Bodies (Season 3 Rewrite, AO3) - indefinite hiatus
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
For the drabble challenge.. would you be willing to incorporate 133 and/or 139 into the SW chats?
Here we go... This was fun to write. I need to add: no flamingos or unicorns or Finn’s were hurt during the creation of this drabble. 
@wxlfstxrx hope you feel better!! <3 
@lumosinlove I’m sorry for all the tags. These drabbles are too cute to ignore. I hope you can appreciate my undying love for these boys!!! 
133 Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society
139 IF I win, you do dishes for a week 
Thursday 9.22 pm
KrisVolley: anyone care to tell me why Finn now has a purple tongue and is racing around my living room yelling about unicorns? HE WAS PUT TO BED HOURS AGO 😡
Ollibear: I would have thought you’d want to know why you have two grown ass hockey players with purple tongues and sugar highs in your pool. 🤗
Timmyforrealz: hehe just be happy that Ava got the one sans vodka😂
DumoDad: this is why I never host team get togethers 😏 and talker you are out of town anyways. 
LoganTremblayzzz: he he he Nado is riding that inflatable flamingo hard. 🍆💦
LeWilliam: Where did they even get slushies from? 
EliasCookie: there’s a truck parked outside 🙈
Prongstar: calm down krissy. It’s all in good fun. We’ll get baby rookie to clean up
Newt-Leo: Oi! I’m the only one not drinking AND I’m already tidying up after you lot. 🤨😫
Blizzard: someone should probably go save Nado. The flamingo is winning 
BradyGunz: NOT IT 
DumoDad: did they actually order a mobile slushy machine? 🤨
CarbO’Hara: sluhsuisseeee 
RussianGod: he he I put in vodka. Extra leg 
BLizzard: leg? Do you mean kick? 😂😅
RussianGod: what I say. Stupid English 
EliasCookie: so we’re not going to discuss the fact that there’s a truck parked outside with slushies? This is a grown-up get together. 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Nadotheman: Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society
Prongstar: u done humping the flamingo? 
Nadotheman: I wasn’t humping it. I was trying to win🤩
Sirius: what did you compete in now? Can you two ever go a second without betting or gambling? 
RussianGod: tall stakes. 🤪
Nadotheman: he means high stakes. Vodka induced slushies are his English abilities biggest enemy. 
RussianGod: not true Nado say IF I win, you do dishes for a week. So I need win so I don’t do dish. 
LoganTremblayzzz: u guys got a cleaning service and a dishwasher
Nadotheman: go save your ginger menace. @newt-leo @logantremblayzzz. He’s spooning the giant unicorn and crying 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🐝
Newt-leo: god. Sorry @krisvolley. He’s a sappy drunk. We’ll get him home 
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Drabble day! I love drabble day! Can we have a inside peek at Kins bachelorette party? I’m as curious as Mason! Thank you Shay!
“Here’s your drink,” Berkeley said as she handed a tall, pink glass that had a margarita in it to Kinsley. Her, Kinsley, Spencer, and Ava were all pregaming at Berkeley and Noah’s apartment before they headed out to a nightclub to celebrate Kinsley and Mason finally getting married. 
“Thanks,” Kinsley nodded and just as she moved to take a sip through the straw, she realized what the straw was shaped to look like. “Berk, is this a dick?!”
“Yes, yes it is,” Berkeley nodded with a smirk. 
“That’s gross,” Kinsley groaned.
“Come on, let us have our fun,” Ava whined. 
“She’s right,” Spencer said as she snuck up behind Kinsley, sticking the comb to a short veil in her hair. “You only get married once.”
“Ugh, ok fine!” Kinsley relented, taking a sip through the phallic shaped straw. “I don’t like this.”
“The dick or the margarita?” Berkeley wondered. “Because I got the margarita recipe from Noah and he’ll be really disappointed if you think it’s trash.”
“The dick,” Kinsley clarified. “The margarita is great.”
“Ok, so do you wanna open the gifts that we got you now or later?” Ava wondered. “I think you should do it now, because we’re probably gonna be too drunk later.”
“Let’s do it now, before we go out,” Kinsley said and she watched with a smile as all three of them rushed to set her presents down in front of her. Setting her drink down on the table, she picked up Spencer’s gift first, which was placed in a pink gift bag.
“I made it myself,” Spencer said as Kinsley pulled out a garment box. When she opened it, she gasped lightly, seeing the most elegant white lace robe and matching white lace lingerie.
“Spence, this is gorgeous,” Kinsley murmured. 
“Well, since you wouldn’t let me design your wedding dress, I decided to make a little something for your honeymoon,” Spencer winked. “Mase will love it so thank me later.”
“I appreciate it,” Kinsley smiled, putting the lid back on the box before putting it back into the bag and setting it off to the side. Next, she grabbed Berkeley’s bag, which was black. All that was inside was an envelope, so Kinsley pulled it out and peeled it open. 
“A year’s membership to the spa!” Kinsley exclaimed, smiling widely.
“I was thinking that we could all go before the wedding, with our moms included this time,” Berkeley explained. 
“I love it Berk,” Kinsley nodded.
“Ok, now do mines,” Ava insisted. After setting the envelope down, Kinsley reached for Ava’s bag, which was neon green. Looking inside, Kinsley groaned loudly.
“Ave, you didn’t!”
“Oh, I did,” she smirked. 
“What did she get you?” Spencer wondered as she leaned forward. Kinsley pulled out a pair of furry handcuffs, a box of candy thongs, and a small vibrator.
“I wanted to get you things that you could use on your honeymoon,” Ava grinned. 
“Like she’s actually going to use any of that,” Berkeley snickered.
“Berk’s right,” Kinsley nodded. “Well, except for the vibrator. Those business trips can be long.”
“Ok, kill the visual, please and thank you,” Spencer requested. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which made Kinsley’s eyebrow raise. 
“Who is that?” Kinsley wondered as Berkeley went to open it.
“Just keep an open mind!” Berkeley shouted back and Kinsley was super confused until she heard EDM music begin to play. Kinsley then groaned loudly when a stripped danced his way into the apartment, immediately going over to Kinsley and dancing sensually in front of her.
“You guys, Mase would kill me!” Kinsley laughed. 
“He doesn’t have to know,” Spencer giggled, ogling the stripper’s behind in his tight speedos. 
“Exactly. What happens at bachelorette parties, stays at bachelorette parties,” Ava agreed with a nod of her head. 
“Well, I guess when you put it that way,” Kinsley smiled, letting the stripper pull her up out of her chair before dancing with her. 
“She’s definitely gonna be so embarrassed tomorrow!” Spencer yelled to Berk over the sound of the music.
“Why do you think I hired the stripper?” Berkeley grinned evilly. 
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yvesdot · 3 years
Halloween 2020 Drabble 3/3
Drabble 1 (KAY) | Drabble 2 (Forest Castles)
It’s finally time for the main cast of Sometimes it Happens to go trick-or-treating! And I know what you’re thinking-- it’s not Halloween anymore, by any stretch of the word, and for some people it isn’t even 2020. Well, I don’t give a whit! Have some seasonally inappropriate fun.
The link above should provide you all necessary context, but here it is again: Elle has just gotten back with their boyfriend, Ephraim, after he returned from his disappearance of fifteen years. The cause of the disappearance, Bren, wants to go trick-or-treating. Ava is a signing (autistic) mutual friend of Ephraim and Elle’s who has been suffering over this for fifteen years as well.
🍬 - Elle takes Bren trick-or-treating
“You know it’s Halloween,” Bren says. Ephraim types frantically, checks his phone, and then types something else—also frantically. 
“Of course I know, kiddo.” He reaches out one hand and Bren tips their head over slightly so he can ruffle their hair. “I have another story out and a paywalled metapoem to go with it, and I’m already getting newsletter emails. I have to respond to Judy by the 3rd or else she’s going to take off my head—”
“I mean,” Bren says, more pointedly, “it’s Halloween, and I’m going trick-or-treating.”
“By yourself? Well, I guess so. You’re sure you don’t have any friends to go with?” He sighs, still typing at the speed of light with one hand. “I would ask Ava, but I’m already trying to message—” An idea seems to come to him, and he looks up over the top of his computer screen. “Elle,” he asks, “do you think—”
Elle puts down their spatula. 
“It’s completely normal for fifteen-year-olds to go trick-or-treating with their friends,” they advise, turning away from the rice for a moment. “I’ve seen nine year olds go out alone, around here. Why has this not come up before?” 
“In elementary school they organized class groups for trick-or-treating. And sometimes I go with people from school as friends. Or Ava.” Bren pulls out a chair and sits down in it. “But she’s with her girlfriend. At the party. She said since I’m old enough to go by myself she wants to get drunk. Except she fingerspelled it with a ‘c’.”
“Mhm.” Elle pokes at the rice with their spatula. They do recall Ava being oddly unavailable for Halloween, for several years. “But it’s probably not as much fun to go without a friend.” 
“Right.” Bren kicks their legs underneath the table.
Elle considers an idea, counts to three internally, and holds back a sigh.
“Bren,” they say. Bren perks up, raising their eyebrows. “Would you like me to go trick-or-treating with you.”
“Yes, please.” And they disappear into the bedroom; Elle assumes for a costume. Elle leans their head against the oven cover, closing their eyes. One of the oven lights turns off, and they grope around to turn it back on.
They would like very much to ask Ephraim for his thoughts. But he hasn’t said anything, and so his thoughts are as clear as they could be—that he’s busy, and he approves. And he trusts Elle, of course, because... well, when given the opportunity, they’re not that bad as a chaperone.
When given the opportunity.
Elle silently recites something they read on a healing crystals forum board about peaceful and calm energies. A positivity that can cure the world. Something a little too religious for their tastes. And—
“I’m a robot,” Bren says, and so they are. At least, they’ve drawn buttons and levers on a slightly-too-small shirt, and they have a silver mask on. The mask has antennae. “Again. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”
“Of course.” Elle leaves the spatula resting on a dish and wipes their hands. “You made it?”
“A long time ago. My dad helped with the mask. I have to wear it every year until I grow out of it.”
“You have to?” Elle asks, and Bren just shrugs. Elle assumes this is not the moment for a comforting reassurance about compulsions and how we do not have to listen to them. Anyway, it’s already dark, and Elle is an early riser. Best to set out now. “‘Fraim, I’m leaving the rice on the stove. You can heat it up in the microwave if you’re hungry before we get back. I haven’t been out on Halloween in so long,” they add absentmindedly. “I have no idea what the trick or treating scene is like now.”
“It’s good,” Bren says, and Elle cracks an appreciative smile. Ephraim holds up a thumbs-up sign, now scrolling. Elle sighs. They don’t like weighing the odds of whether Ephraim will be available for You-Know-What later while Bren is in the room, because it makes them feel weird, but it’s also Halloween. And it’s not as though they would need the entire night. Though the machinations—getting Bren somewhere, getting Ephraim and Elle elsewhere—are complicated. And, well, it’s Halloween. And Halloween with children means trick-or-treating. Elle yanks a bag of candy out of the cupboard—because they remembered—and ignores Bren’s widening eyes as they pour it into a bowl to leave out front. This reminds Bren to go run back into the house for their pumpkin-shaped candy bag.
Bren is incredibly easy to handle, Elle thinks; they are quiet and stick by Elle’s side without bumping into them. And the decorations on some of the houses are quite elaborate, even though the guy who used to set up an entire haunted house in his garage doesn’t live here anymore. The person at his address is wearing a witch’s hat and some complicated makeup, and Elle’s not sure how to bring it up to them, so they don’t. 
They feel, again, as if nothing has changed since their childhood. As if they’re just taller. And then Bren asks them something and they have to ask for a repetition because they’ve been staring out into space. Or a paper-towel ghost on a wire, as the case may be.
“Do you think it’s unJewish to go trick-or-treating?” Bren asks again, and Elle shrugs.
“That’s a question for your dad, isn’t it?” they ask, but Ephraim is probably the most in the Halloween spirit of them all, in his own way. Elle read the story in question, now that they don’t have to ban themself from Googling his name, and found it pleasantly Frankenstienian. Though they’ve never been much of a literary analyst themself.
“Because it’s a pagan holiday,” Bren clarifies.
“This doesn’t make it less of a question for your dad,” Elle says, steering Bren towards the end of the block. A witch and two Britneys walk past them. “Unless you think I know something about pagan religions. My parents weren’t religious, anyway.”
Bren tugs Elle towards a TAKE JUST ONE! :) bowl in front of a darkened house. Elle is very pleased to see that they do, in fact, only take one. 
“My opinion,” Bren says (Elle heaves a sigh of relief), returning to the sidewalk, “is that it’s like everything else, and you can find lots of excuses. Did you know Maimonides thought that the Jews should use Greek philosophy in their beliefs?”
“I don’t know who My-mon-ih-deez is,” Elle says, walking back, and Bren hops a little to keep up. Elle slows down a little, trying to stay conscious of their legs.
“Rambam. He was a scholar during the Chanukah period, and he wrote the Mishnah. Well, I don’t remember the dates.”
“That does sound more familiar.”
“But his Wikipedia calls him Maimonides. Probably because it’s the Greek name so it sounds less ethnic.”
Elle breathes a sigh of relief as Ephraim’s front door comes back into view. Bren frowns immediately, or at least they frown more than they usually frown.
“Why?” they ask, not bothering to elaborate.
“Oh, I was just worried I’d lose you down a well or something,” Elle says. “The counselor’s office is pretty well-enclosed, so I don’t have to worry there.”
This is the kind of counselor joke that usually gets people to lighten up just a little bit, but, predictably, it does not work on Bren.
“I don’t fall down wells with anyone else,” they say, tromping up the little steps up to the porch. “I don’t think we even have any wells.”
“It was a joke, kiddo.” Elle moves the candy bowl out of the way of the front door; it’s still decently full. “I’m just nervous. I know it’s not logical.” They click the door open and pat Bren’s head as the two of them enter. “Maybe I’d be the first to lose a child in a well in a town where there are no wells.”
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Ephraim says, still typing furiously. He looks up and catches Elle’s eye, shooting them a small smile. “Bren?” 
Bren hops into a chair nearby, looking into their pumpkin. Ephraim ruffles their hair again, and they train their gaze on his screen, reading along with whatever he’s doing. 
Elle sighs again, shaking themself out after the outdoors. They run a hand through their hair, checking for leaves and fluffs and Outdoor Things, and wash their hands at the sink, making a note to get the other two to wash their hands before dinner. Being outside is one thing, but having your hands on the same computer you’ve been using for over a decade—! Elle shudders.
Then they serve the rice, ignoring the quiet crackle of candy wrappers from under the table. 
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caws5749 · 4 years
How about a drabble based on Cute but Psycho by Ava Max? I heard it on the radio today and it reminded me of Nat a lot.
Drunk Writing Night!!!!
A/N: Hi babes! Let’s do this! I’m full of alcohol already and the night is early. Hopefully that means I’ll be done early and can go to bed haha! But I’m excited to write and talk to others who are also going to be drinking!
Promoting: Sleepover Saturday tomorrow! I’ve already filmed the video for this, so I’ll be posting it tomorrow evening! Joint Blurb Night! Over at my blog I share with Steph, send in requests!
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See, someone said, ‘Don’t drink her potions’
“Whatcha got there?” You asked, slightly tipsy, sitting down on the barstool. Natasha stood behind the counter, mixing intricate drinks for people. Currently, she’d just mixed something red, something like her.
“Something sweet, but it’s got a bite,” Nat smirked. You got lost in her emerald eyes for a moment. And against all warnings, you found yourself needing the drink, needing her.
“Can I have some?”
She’ll kiss your neck with no emotion
“Let me show you how to make it,” Nat purred. You stumbled back behind the bar, the rest of the party a blur in the background. All that mattered was her. You came to stand impossibly close to her. You could smell her perfume. She mixed the drink and you got lost in the way her hands moved quickly, stirring and grabbing ingredients left and right. Once she was finished with it, she poured it into a martini glass and brought it up to her lips for a taste. It turned her lips blood red and you felt something stir deep inside you.
“Here, have a taste.”
You accepted the glass from her, hands shaking.
“It’s sweet,” you murmured, a bit surprised by the taste.
“Want to feel the bite?” Nat whispered, stepping closer. Your heart beat in your chest and you forgot how to breathe. Her lips got closer and closer, but at the last second she turned away and attacked your neck with her lips. Her teeth grazed your skin, causing goose bumps to erupt. And then she bit down, drawing out a moan from you.
When she’s mean, you know you love it
And then she was gone. Moving much too far away. She sauntered across the room to Steve, giving you a glance halfway. You’d forgotten how to move. Nat greeted Steve with a hug, and jealousy fueled in you. He got to feel her touch. God, you wanted that touch. And she’d taken it away on purpose.
‘Cause she tastes so sweet, don’t sugarcoat it
But then she came back. And there was nothing but sweetness as her stained red lips crashed into yours. Her tongue slid into your mouth and you could taste the sweetness of the drink. The sweetness of her. And she didn’t stop. There was no pulling away, no moments that came and went. Time went on forever as Natasha Romanoff kissed you.
It was you who was pulling away first. Your lungs just couldn’t handle it. Her hands slid down from your waist to give your ass a brief squeeze. The smirk on her lips had you infatuated with her.
“See you at the after party,” she winked. And just like that she was gone again.
Sweet but psycho. That’s what they all said about her.
Tag List: @mymarvelwomen @hherewegoagain @morbid-gaymer @natasha-romanoff-fics @taramitch96 @marvelbanan @lesbian-x-blackwidow @firstangeldragonranch @stillfiguringmeout @natasharomanoffsbitch-x @5aftermidnight @disneykid125 @clintashaotp @arkkarchive @determinedpines @stop-drop-and-drumroll @little-spider-nerd @newestnewgirl @missmarvelobsession @fireflyglass @pussy-puncher-its-an-inside-joke @niquey-salvatore @1-danid @nowthisisliving27 @swanqueensupercorpshouldbegayirl @hopingforbarnes @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
If you want to be added to my tag lists for any or all of my series/fics, let me know!
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