Happy Storyteller Saturday!
Do you have any favourite words, themes, scenarios, or tropes that you like to reuse or include into all (or the majority?) of your wip's? What are they & why do you think they are favourites?
Happy Storyteller Sat... er, Sunday!
Words: well, I tend to use phrases like "parody of a smile", "bared his teeth instead of smiling", and other ways to describe smiles that aren't smiles.
Themes: secrets, both the things people will do to keep them and the trouble that ensues when they're revealed.
Scenarios: long-lost or previously unknown relatives. And putting two unpleasant people in the same plot, forcing them to work together, and letting them annoy each other into being better people.
Tropes: enemies-to-lovers, unexpected inheritances, and secrets. So many secrets :P
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writingmoth · 6 months
snippet from todays session (best one so far - 549 words written!)
shoutout to @author-a-holmes for the inspiration to rework a few things here!
The trees turn sparse, the ground sandy. A small bone shatters into a million pieces under his boot and that’s how he knows he’s crossed the boundary between the Marrow and the Bone Forest. He pauses. Rowan hasn’t been this far from home in years. Not since Luc left. These trees don’t know him as well as the Marrow’s do, but that’s… that’s fine. All forests were - are - the first forest deep down, and that one knows him more than it should; even now the call of the monster inside his chest tugs at him, faint but not gone. Rowan ignores it and walks on. The melody of the bone river makes itself known, bouncing off the trees, echoing like the whispers of a thousand ghosts lost to the water. He finds more bones in the sand, small and brittle and, the closer the waters sing, bigger and stranger; skulls of beasts lost to time, bones just this edge of too wrong to be human, odd, misshapen things no living being should have. The trees grow too, becoming so pale they arch over his head like the ribs of a fallen giant, their roots reaching halfway to Rowan’s shin. They watch him pass in silence - there are no animals here, no sounds, no life but them and them only, and Rowan is too small to be worthy of their attention. Then comes the river, emerging from in between the white roots like blood from a wound. First it is barely more than a small stream that trickles through the trees, but it increases in strength until their trunks are bent and half underwater, their ghostly branches waving weakly under the current. It stretches until the distant horizon, a black sheet under dark skies eventually swallowed by mist. The edge of Rowan’s world, a line drawn in ink across a map - just like that, an end to everything and everyone he knows.
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Trick or Treat? 🦇
(Event Post)
I'm so tempted to choose trick solely because I haven't been around for a while and need Darkling updates😅
*shaking a magic 8 ball because I can't decide*
Trick👻 please!
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kckramer · 5 months
Happpy Storyteller Saturday!
What's a line or a scene that you've written that, when you think about it, still makes you happy, proud, or just smile?
Hello! Happy storyteller Saturday! Uh. Let me see.
Hope flared white hot in a universe of dead candles.
That’s my guess, I think. It was an opening line for a multiverse/portal fantasy/science fantasy I was working on in high school. The protagonist’s name was Hope, so it was sort of a double meaning, as she was having a cosmic vision at the time as she began to discover her true ancient cosmic entity-ish nature.
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oh-no-another-idea · 5 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday!
An OC of your choice (or multiple OCs) empties their pockets and/or bag. What are they carrying?
Thanks for the ask, friend! <3 Happy Saturday 🥰
Antonio empties his pockets and briefcase. First there's a pocket watch, the glass interior cracked, but still ticking away. In the other pocket there's the multi million blueprints. Under his shoulder in its holster is his handgun, which he tries not to aim towards people because he doesn't like to. In his bag is important paperwork that he always forgets to use, and a sandwich wrapped in wax paper.
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emelkae · 1 year
Trick or Treat? 🦇🎃
*stumbles to the door one day late with black undereye circles*
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stories-by-rie · 1 year
Trick or Treat? 🦇🎃🪄
ooh thank you ari!! but i'll turn this one around so now it's your turn!! ^^👻
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🎶✨when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Hi, and thank you so much for the ask @author-a-holmes!!
I love and listen to music too much to narrow it down to a top 5, so I'll just answer with 5 songs I've been most listening to recently. 😅
The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift
Under Your Spell - Fleurie
All the Ways - Meghan Trainor
Just Be Held - Casting Crowns
Symbiotic - Starset
Quite the mix of tone and style, lol.
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by-allison-kai · 1 year
Trick or Treat? 🦇🎃
Ah, thanks Ari! I've whipped up a treat for this one - a moodboard for Witches of Bellwicke!
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bebewrites · 1 year
Trick or Treat? 🦇🎃
ahh thanks for the ask! i guess i'll do treat and i have no idea what to share ahaha. hmm, i guess i can share that i briefly thought of doing a modern/university au of The Night Veil so that i'd have stuff to share here that wasn't directly from the actual draft.
it was called the hundredth year, and it was about everly and the main group of characters attending a cursed university. strange things happen around campus. everly is the only one (at first) who can see shadowy demons (furies) prowling about at night, and she's secretly afraid she had something to do with releasing them into the world.
that's about as far as i got. i never actually wrote any of it or shared anything about it on here 😂
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contre-qui · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to request a tarot reading, if you're willing. I used to have a friend back in school who would do a 12-card spread to give an overview for the coming year. I don't know if you have something in your repertoire that's similar, but I'm kind of just looking for a "what can I expect" type reading. The closest match on your list is a "near future" reading, but I shall bow to your professional/instinctive insight. <3
Hi there! Since these are free readings, I don't feel comfortable doing a full 12-card spread, since that's a lot of energy and work on my part. I have done a smaller predictive/what's coming up for you reading for you, though, and if you wanted to message me about negotiating for a larger/more in depth reading I'm open to that as well!
I pulled the Hermit, the Three of Pentacles, the Sun, the Queen of Swords, and the Ten of Wands. The Hermit is an indicator of self-reflection and a journey of personal growth. You might find yourself somewhat isolated, but either way I see some introspection and personal development coming up for you.
The Three of Pentacles says a lot about teamwork and collaboration, so this may refer to your professional life. It often speaks to people of varying talents coming together for a common project/goal, and it might indicate that you become peers or equals with people you previously considered more advanced/experienced than you.
The Sun! Pretty much always a positive card to get. It's about overcoming obstacles and generally happy vibes, especially in this type of context. So expect some good times to roll your way, especially if there have been barriers to that in place recently.
The last two cards, in my mind, seem like reminders rather than predictions. So keep these in mind for the futute. The Queen of Swords speaks to a state of mind; she's about having a clear mind to make analytic decisions. Intellect doesn't have to be devoid of emotion, but remember to keep your emotions in balance with your intellect when making decisions. It's also a call for independence. Other people can't make your choices for you. Finally, the Ten of Wands. This is a reminder not to burn out. You might work really hard to achieve your goals, but perhaps to your detriment. So remember that achievement is a burden you must balance with your other responsibilities and with your mental health.
Thanks for reaching out! Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions/seek clarification, and if you wanted to negotiate for a larger reading feel free to message me. Take care!
✨ tarot readings currently open ✨
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Trick or Treat? 🦇
(Event Post)
👻 Trick! :D
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tarlosmalec · 8 months
Fanfics on AO3 are very well tagged these days. You see barely a few authors (mostly amateurs) who don’t tag their works. Most of the time, if there are no tags, then there are summaries and warnings listed in the author notes.
So if you’re reading a well-tagged work and going to comment shit about it, don’t. You know what you’re going to find in there. If it’s not something you like, just leave.
Don’t harass those authors, man. These platforms are just creative outlets to most of them, an escape from their realities. A lot of times, these are the things that keep them going. Don’t be an asshole about it.
Don’t like, don’t engage. It really is that simple.
If you’re really brimming with hate that much, find some other ways to let it out. Idk, maybe smash a plate, pick up a sport, whatever. Just don’t hate on people for doing what they can to keep going while not harming others.
Damn, but the audacity people have here to put others down like that. Yikes.
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kyouka-supremacy · 4 months
Again the sickness speaking but here's something that has been going through my mind since forever:
I feel like a good way to mitigate a lot of discontent with the doa arc ending and in general the whole Dazai-being-flawless issue bsd has going on is by comparing bsd to Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. Please bear with me for two minutes.
When Sherlock Holmes was being published, people were intrigued and enamoured by Holmes' brilliant and charming, crimes-solving figure. People read the stories for the pure joy of being left gaping at his superhuman wits again and again; they didn't want to see him fail, they wanted to be shocked and amazed by his genius. When Holmes died and then came back, nobody lamented it being unrealistic, because realism was not what people were reading the books for! They were reading to be impressed, to cheer for the hero and then take satisfaction in seeing him turn out victorious. That's the author-reader deal that was made there: to impress and to enjoy being impressed.
As of recently I feel like we've been asking from bsd something it never promised us in the first place. Maybe it's just not that kind of series! Maybe it's more about surprising the reader with how the hero is going to make it and less about highlighting his flaws and insecurities. And like, that's okay! That's why Dazai getting away with it isn't it him getting away with it “again”, it's just how bsd is; in a way, it's what makes bsd bsd.
I think it really clicked with me like it never did before when I watched the last episode of season 5; because the arc ending felt so shocking and unpredictable, very deus-ex-machina trope, a little underwhelming in its lowering the stakes that were there the whole time, and yet so extremely on brand with bsd, I didn't even have it in me to be disappointed. It was so similar to the Guild's arc ending and even more to the Cannibalism arc ending, and maybe it really is just a pattern, maybe it really is what bsd aspires to be, and that's okay too.
Also, I can't stretch this enough: if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine. I can't say it's mine either. But I feel like criticizing bsd now for how it's always been falls quite short, because it really feels like demanding from it what it never promised to deliver in the first place. That's just as far as my current perception of the series goes, though, so feel free to disagree with me on this.
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jay-wasreblogging · 1 month
Fanfic authors be like
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oh-no-another-idea · 6 months
Trick or Treat? 🦇
(Event Post)
Thanks for stopping by, friend!! Here's a treat for you! 🎃
A fight scene from the climax of Invisible Girl:
She landed a hit into Crowley’s midriff, but got smacked in the head for her troubles, falling to the floor as Antonio took a blow to his side that he just barely blocked with an arm. Lewis turned away from the controls and leaped into the fray. From her vantage point on the ground, Velia stared up bewilderedly. Behind the brawling figures above her, were strange, humongous rectangular shapes. Much too vast to be birds, much too straight to be trees or clouds. Against the dark night, they…glowed. The city. Velia sat up too sharply and her head spun. “The station,” she managed. “Lewis, you have to brake!”
Come trick or treating with me!
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