#writeblr games
ashen-crest · 1 year
would you like to be tagged in writing tag games?
I did this a few months ago, but it seems there are a bunch of new writers floating around, so I’d like to build a new list!
If you’d like for me to tag you in writeblr tag games, like Find the Word/Word Search, picrews, snippet-sharing/last line, etc- please like, reply, or rb this post!
You can also specify if you like or don’t like a particular game, and I’ll make a note of that in my little list. Having a list makes sure I’m not tagging the same three people in all my games. :)
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tabswrites · 11 months
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What Is It?
I will assign you another writer’s work and you will have 1 week to read it and write a short review! Someone will do the same for you!
You will sign up through a Google Form (keep reading for the link). I will ask for your writing blog URL, a link to the work you would like reviewed, genre preference, and any content warnings or triggers you would like to avoid.
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Submit a piece of writing you would like to be reviewed, but please keep it between 1,500-2000 words max.
You will be randomly assigned a piece of writing (by me!) and will have one week to and write a 250-500 word review. Your review should include:
Three things that you really liked (a quote that grabbed you, a character you enjoyed, the overall story concept, etc.)
Three things that you think can be improved (pacing, openings/closing, descriptions, etc.) This is meant to be constructive criticism of the piece as a whole. Please avoid any criticism of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, formatting, etc.
Your favorite line/excerpt
Anything else you feel will benefit the writer, whether that’s words of encouragement or advice on how to approach a particular topic, for example.
This is meant to be a fun way to get new readers to engage with your writing! Please keep that in mind when writing your reviews. Criticism and feedback is always necessary during the writing process, as long as it is constructive and is intended to help the writer grow. Negative feedback is not always a bad thing, as long as it is respectful!
You can choose to make a public post and tag the author, or send it to them privately. Please let me know what you decide so I can make sure the reviews have been completed! If you do choose to post, tag it with #secretstoryswap!
Anyone who wishes to participate must submit their information through this Google Form by May 30th at midnight (EST). I will PM everyone by midnight the following day with their assigned reading. (I’m going to be a great teacher some day.)
Reviews must be posted or PM’d by June 8th. If you need more time, that’s okay! Just let me know so no one feels left out :)
I really hope we all have fun with this and most importantly, feel supported by our little writing community. If you have any questions, please message me!
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nightlylaments · 1 year
what element writer are you? tag game
randomly found this, so im gonna tag @my-cursed-prince @halleyuhm @e-klair. no pressure, though.
this is the uquiz
The Frostbite Writers
The impossible writer. A walking contradiction, so beautiful, with pain wrapped all wound you. Your characters taste the best and worst of this world, just like you did. And they get hurt, covered in scars and with their heart in pieces, but they keep walking, pain in their eyes and in their every step. But just like your characters, you don't give up. Everything hurts, but you still go on. Your stories are deep, sometimes the reader needs to read through the lines, sometimes not, but the feelings you describe linger in your reader's hearts for long. You're able to leave a print. Usually you write stories that carry with them the burden you had to carry, but when you write about a pure love, your readers will find the comfort of a hug from a loved one. You're passionate, love hard and forever. Frostbite Writers tasted the bitter of life, and know how to keep immortal a feeling. Your stories will make your reader lose themselves in another universe, and when they come back, something will be changed forever.
lol i bet my characters hate me.
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ink-flavored · 9 days
HEY i want to make a new ask game because i had a lot of fun making the sexy ones, does anyone have any themes or topics they'd like me to go extremely in-depth about in the form of questions?
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doriians · 1 year
@ any writeblr friends who see this — HAPPY WIP WRITING WEDNESDAY!! reblog this with information about your favorite oc. talk about their story, their backstory, their hobbies, their secrets. i want to know anything you love about them :))
open tag who anyone who wants to join!!
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innocentlymacabre · 10 days
Happy Storyteller Saturday!
How would your main wip change if it was a short story instead of a book? (Or vice versa!)
Thanks so much for the ask! My main WIP at the moment is The Crescent of Fools and Forgotten Time, which is a feature film, so I'll modify the question and answer for if it was a show; maybe something in the 20 minute episode range.
As a movie, I wanted it to hit the roughly 1.5 hour range because that's what felt right for a comedic fantasy heist. I love what I put out but converting it to a show would open up some interesting possibilities I haven't explored.
I'd show Lott and Jayce on a completely unrelated heist to establish them as thieves and explore how the thieving guild works in this world.
I'd add in a visit to Lott's family - maybe even a whole episode - because I think his past is really interesting.
I'd stretch out the final showdown (not commenting on who it's between for the sake of spoilers) just a little bit because I'd love to have a visually explosive spectacle.
I think Amara is a really interesting character and her doddering about in her workshop could be given more time.
Lucille would go on to recruit more than she does in the movie as it stands at the moment.
I think a show format really just allows you to flesh out the world some more beyond just the main plotline simply because it gives you more time to do so. There's also minor arcs created by breaking down the story into each episodes which lends itself to greater possibilities, and you can even pause the overall arc for an episode or two while you go off exploring something else.
Jayce and Lott find themselves in the twisted grasp of Lucille Carmine, one of the most dangerous Overlords of the criminal world, in a fantasy-heist, splicing the thrill of walking the edge of a knife with fantastical malevolence.
This is a feature film, the script for which I've submitted to a competition where the grand prize is the winner's movie being fully funded and produced!! You get a say in who this is and literally all you have to do is read the script and give your honest opinions (psst your honest opinion is that you love my movie).
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sleepyowlwrites · 6 months
Sleepy's tag games masterlist
tag games invented (or reinvented, if they existed but I didn't know about them) by me
Any Lines Tag - rules: share any lines you want, devoid of context, just because you can, because you want to (like posting an excerpt except you have an excuse to tag more people)
Shared Traits Tag - rules: list the ocs of a wip and the traits they share with you
Unashamed Adoration Tag - rules: post a snippet you're proud of and tell us why! (excuse to tag people again)
OCs As Flowers Tag - rules: while using Victorian flower language is optional, the main gist is to match up looks, vibes, and/or colors
Tens But Tag - rules: rate your ocs as "tens but" to give us a not at all comprehensive scope of their character
Rating Your Wips by Plot Tag - rules: on a scale of one to ten, how much plot do your wips have (clarification optional)
How Cuddleable Are Your OCs Tag - rules: on a scale of one to ten, you get the idea
Hyper Specific Poll Tag - rules: make a hyper specific poll about one of your ocs
Not Like Other Girls Tag - rules: tell us how your ocs are "not like other girls"🙄
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risingshards · 10 months
Writeblr challenge: Cynical Sunday!
I've seen this a lot and I bet you have too; when a publisher puts out a blurb for a scifi/fantasy/what have you book that basically just describes one bit of representation, a vague description of a pairing trope, and then maybe something that barely has to do with the genre. I've seen it in book reviews and recommendations as well, where you take a book into a quick phrase that overall is a really cynical way to describe rep and doesn't explain anything about the story. Something like:
Another example is the cynical "just use the comps as the pitch line even on the official book descriptions and metadata" type, like so:
So I dare ya to make one of your own because the cynical-ness of this feels like it could be goofed on, especially the big publisher blurb style where they tell you so little about your book's actual plot or characters or anything. It can be your WIP or just something absurd you make up for this, whatever you wanna do! The less plot and character in your blurb the better!
See also this post for the vibe.
I'mma try it with Rising Shards.
So yeah something like that!
Thank you to @blind-the-winds for the motivation to finally post this and @indy-gray for the name!
Also tagging (No pressure if you're not feeling it! Just including people who liked/reblogged/replied to the first post): @rileythefool, @alesseia, @ladyarjuna, @yors-truly, @whole-buncha-snakess, @werehamburglar, @acertainmoshke, @kreetn, @cosmiccoincidence, @whileyoureinschoolidothisallday, @emberoops
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queerlilchinchin · 9 months
Introducing: The OtherWorld
The OtherWorld is a "DND-inspired roleplaying game" that I've been wanting to start with writeblr. Here are the basics of the game...
Title: The OtherWorld Genre: Horror Central Themes: mental illness, perception vs truth, the need for control vs how much we actually have, the fear of not having control
The basic rundown of the game is that there are people that are deemed "mentally ill" for various reasons (similar to the real world - hallucinations, talking to themselves, spouting "nonsense"), but it turns out that these people aren't as "crazy" as they may seem and instead, they have abilities people without mental illnesses don't have. They can see, hear things that they can't, etc.
So, one particular person (run by me) has been spouting lately about how the world is a story, written by these evil overlords and nothing is really what it seems.
Of course, many people write them off but they're so convincing, some actually believe.
Writers are the Big Bad in this story. I will be the actual Big Bad (because running game), but I will also let any player that wishes to be a character in the game also be one. I will give you the choice if you want me to write you or if you want to be your own character.
Of course, with one of the big themes being lack of control, writers will have a lot more control than the characters in the story.
So how is this inspired by DND?
Here's the gameplay that I envision.
I write a scene. Characters will take their turns deciding how they want to interact with the scene. I roll a die (or two), which will determine how successful the action is. If it ends up being too small a roll, then the character will do something else or will be evaded in their action.
Each character will have their own "success roll number." This will be determined by a roll at the beginning of the game.
Since I'm doing the rolls, I'll let the players decide if they want me to announce the numbers that are rolled and what the roll needed for each character is or not. Full transparency is what I want. :)
Ummm, each writer will also have their own number but it'll be lower than the characters (or should be). I'll probably roll one die for the writers and two for the characters or something. Idk yet.
I'll probably give writers like a few days to a week to pick what their characters do (I'll tag the writer who's up to make sure they know they're up)... and if they don't reply within the time designated, they'll be auto skipped and it'll go to the next character.
I'll probably have 2 taglists. One is the players and one for anyone that just wants to read it. :]
I'll be running this game on this blog. I need more original writing content on here.
Oh! And when making your characters, you don't need to give them stats or anything but you do need to let me know if your character is a believer or a skeptic (do they believe what the mentally ill say or do they not).
If you're interested in playing, let me know by reblogging this to the blog you want to play on and saying you want to play.
If you're interested in observing and reading the game, let me know by reblogging this to the blog you want to have tagged and saying you just want to read it.
Otherwise, if you just want to boost it, you can just reblog or put "boost" in the tags so I know you're following instruction and not just randomly reblogging posts xD
I think that's it! :) Thanks ahead of time to anyone interested. I can't wait to mess up your characters ;)
Current taglist: @lordkingsmith @perasperaadastrawriting @ominousjangling @cheezyratz @mistress-of-the-empire
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ahungeringknife · 17 days
OC in 3 Tag
Tagged by @tabswrites
About my boy Spayar. He contains multitudes but mostly he's just fucking scary to most people around him
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tagging: @jackiezenauthor @consifs @cowboybrunch @asablehart
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whozzatwriter · 7 months
"Cmon, B, I can tell by your eyes that you're hungry. You have to eat. A spoonful of blood once a week is not enough, you're starving yourself!" A pleaded with their roommate. 
The vampire stayed where they were on the couch, frozen still; using all their will to stay there and not drink. "A, you don't understand…"
"Don't understand what‽" they fumed. "You have to drink a full meal or you'll die in a week, that's what you told me, a few spoonfuls only let you hold out for so long as a last resort scenario." They tilted their head and showed off the side of their neck. "You have a source of blood right here."
B was beginning to shake - torn between their vampiric instincts and not wanting to bite A. They were starting to be pushed to the back of their head, the need trying to take over. "A, don't show me that."
"I can see your eyes darkening, just let yourself go! I'll be fine, you know this!"
B practically snapped then and there, "A! I am not biting you! You are an angelic, remember?"
"Do you really think that matters right now‽" A continued. "We found out because I healed from another vampire's bite quickly. You need to feed. I don't know why you're so against it."
B forced themselves back to the forefront of their mind. "This goes further than just blood. Your blood could trigger my gag reflex just off taste if you're not the one I'm bound to."
"B. You are literally starving. I doubt the taste of my blood will matter that much."
"But what about the sting?"
"I don't care. You need food."
B grumbled. "You are not going to convince me on this A. I'm not… drinking… your blood…" Even mentioning it was causing their internal creature to fight for control, stronger than before.
"Well then I guess I'll just have to force your hand." A stomped out of the room, going to their bedroom. They took a quick breath. Were they really doing this?
Yes, yes they were. B needed to eat, needed a proper meal. A would provide that no matter how badly B didn't want that. 
They changed from their shirt into one of their special tops, something that had no sleeves and a flat neckline under the collar bone. It made them look feminine.
But more importantly, it showed off their neck. Everything was visible, all the surrounding area. It put the whole thing on display.
The second thing they did was find one of their oils. It smelled sweet and enticing according to B. They rubbed it all across their neck. 
Once happy with the result, they sat down and ate some chocolate, hoping to soothe their nerves a bit. Though they probably shouldn't be. The quicker the heart rate, the more noticeable. The more likely B would lose to their need. 
They still wanted to eat the chocolate.
Now to hype themselves up. They were about to be bit, again. This time by a different vampire. A vampire they trusted. A vampire who was /starving/. 
So what if A was an angelic? They were about to find out whether or not they truly were bound to their roommate, someone they suspected if not hoped was their bindmate. 
They were about to find out. They were about to find out. 
Heart racing the way they wanted, they walked out to the living room.
B perked up instantly.
The sound of a rapidly beating heart almost got them, but they stayed strong. "A, whatever you're doing…" 
They suddenly got hit with the scent. The sweet, delectable scent that they knew was artificial, but still brilliantly tasteful. 
They squeezed their eyes shut, refusing to even look. A had promised to force their hand, and they were already fighting for their life to remain in control. 
There was a dip in the couch beside them. They felt it. They covered their nose to try and block the scents to have some winning battle, but the heart beat…
"B…" A said in a low voice. Somewhat seductive. They wanted to open their eyes and look towards it. 
But they couldn't. They needed to stay in control. They couldn't lose now.
"B look at me."
They shook their head. Not even able to speak, trying to fight their urges.
The finger dragged along their arm caught them off-guard. By instinct they opened their eyes to address the person with a warning look.
They forgot in those 2 seconds it was A.
They got one glance of that beautiful, glistening neck, just open for the taking before their conscience blacked out and they were pushed to the backseat.
A saw how the reaction was instant, one moment they were still fighting it, refusing to even look at them, the next their irises went full black at the sight before them and instinct won.
They didn't even bother fighting it as B pounced, fangs elongated and sinking deep into A's neck.
Like they should be.
There was an intense warm feeling to the bite, no stings of pain. A smiled, it was just like they'd hoped. B was their bindmate, and this would be the best meal they'd ever had.
Now that you've read this drabble, consider who you think may have written it. There are 5 writers for this game of Whozzat Writer! They are: @jvten, @tales-from-nocturnaliss, @ashesinthewritten, @laffy-taffy-creations and @kyofsonder
Keeping those 5 wonderful writers in mind, which do YOU think wrote this. Feel free to take your time and go to their blogs and really study their style of writing, whether it be how they write their posts or how they write their snippets... and come back and vote. There will be one week to cast!
Voting starts now!
Reminder for the writers: please no dropping hints or anything. You may all reblog the stories. Please no reblogging only your own, as that would be a dead give away. If you're going to reblog any of the writing, then please reblog all! :) enjoy and have fun! ~
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your-absent-father · 8 months
Hypothetically would you join oc battle royale where yours and some other writeblrs oc would fight each other.
My idea was basically.
1. Randomize characters that go against each other
2. I would randomize who is the winner OR they together would choose the winner if other one the characters is too op (but like, it's our ocs. They can kill a god)
3. The two writeblrs would write one together or one of each of what happens in that fight.
4. The winner goes to the next round and the loser is "sen back to their reality after they "die""
5. After few round, I (and anyone who wants to dp that with me) would crown the writeblr battle royal champion
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asassydork · 1 month
We’re prepping for a prompt challenge. Gonna pick a genre for the prompts in a poll. Find a prompt that’s voted upon.
Then we’re gonna upload 3 paragraphs of writing for the prompt. Then we vote again on the best one. Then we’re gonna create a prompt chain and tell the story that way.
So there’s always creative dynamics to work with here. 😅😅 ANYONE OVER 18 can JOIN. THIS INCLUDES YOU! Every follower who follows me or even just looks in my direction. You.
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infinnative · 2 months
Find the Word Tag
Heya! I was tagged by @ahungeringknife to find Key, Cloud, Hate, and Charm.
Tagging @televisionjester @fayeiswriting @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling and @sleepywriter00 to find: Tense, Laugh, Devoted, Solid
Odette chuckled, pulling the delicate contraption off of her hip and holding it out for the rest of her party to see. She knew they would be interested the second she told them the truth about her existence, though she had been expecting more torches and pitchforks not this genuine curiosity. Slowly she turned the phylactery in her hands, the beauty of it always astonishing Odette. The phylactery itself wasn't all too special, it was molded into a glass sphere with silver filigree encasing it. What really drew the eye was the bright green smoke of a soul trapped inside. The soul of the Bandit Captain their party had defeated just that night. "This is the key to my undeath and my power, but mostly it's my curse."
No matter how much I try to suck in breath, none of it touches my lungs. I open my mouth to try and get more air but nothing happens. Oh god, is this it? I'm dying aren't I? Just as my mind is about to slip into a panic, a firm hand settles on my shoulder catching my attention. I look up and Sebastian holds my gaze, his demeanor as steady as ever. I can't help but think of him as an anchor for my sanity. Without saying anything, Sebastian lowers himself to the ground and sits next to me in the dirt, motioning for me to join him. Despite my rising panic, I trust Bass to help me. I have to trust him, I have no choice. Slowly I sit and as he lays his back against the dry brown dirt I mirror his position. We look up and my breath is taken away by the simplicity of it all. The sky is brilliant blue as soft clouds of vapor move slowly overhead. Bass stays silent and so do I both of us experiencing, just for the moment, the simplicity of being alive.
There's bile lodged in my throat as I listen to her go on and on. She yells at me, her spit flying into my eyes and her veins popping out of her throat. None of the words reach me, they never do. Behind my back, I feel the cold steel of the blade through my shirt. I've been waiting for this moment for years and of course she drags it along with her pointless words. Perhaps she thinks she's going to come out of this on top. Maybe she's foolish enough to believe that she has the upper hand, but my hatred has been boiling inside of me for decades. I will not allow her to leave this place alive. I will not allow her to win. Never again.
Putting her boots up on the table, Soot leans back in her chair and folds her arms behind her head, "He's charming. I'll give you that." she looks back to the man in question, a 6ft tall minotaur in relatively little armor. Soot watches him talk up the barkeep, probably getting them another discount on drinks for all their hard work. Scoffing, Soot looks back to Roci "Are you sure he's party material though? Just because we get a few drinks doesn't mean we have to let him join." Roci's smirk is too telling, "C'mon Soot, there's nothing wrong with some new blood! Maybe he can whip our party into shape!"
Apologies for any grammatical mistakes, none of these pieces have gone through any kind of editing.
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ink-flavored · 8 months
OC Pokémon Team Game
Rules: Pick a few OCs and make them each a team of 1 - 6 Pokemon. If you want, bold partner Pokemon. Tag as many people as you want! Bonus: you can use this trainer card maker
Okay, the last time I got tagged in this game was back in 2019, I just couldn't stop thinking about it because I have more OCs and more thoughts about the pokemon teams they would have. So I'm making my OWN tag game, with blackjack and hookers etc etc
I used the old-version of the trainer card maker because I like the look of them better, but there's also an updated/more modern version on the same site! Unfortunately there are limited options for characters of color in both makers. Anyway!
Justice, Chief of All Virtue
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Lucario, Gallade, Alakazam, Togekiss, Comfey, Altaria
Pride, Root of All Sin
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Absol, Banette, Gengar, Houndoom, Sableye, Mimikyu
Henry & Priscilla
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Houndoom, Houndoom, Houndoom, Roserade, Thievul, Mawile
Tagging (no pressure!): @sigridhawke @liv-is @vacantgodling @hallwriteblr @duelistkingdom @vollzz and anyone else who wants to have fun with this!
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modernwritercraft · 2 months
Heads Up, Seven Up!
Rules: post your last seven lines. Thank you @mk-writes-stuff for the tag!
‘You undoubtedly love flowers and your shop, don't you my little flower? Despite the customers. I bet you're happier when the shop is empty and it's just you and the plants. You find people as intolerable as I do, don't you?’ Grudgingly, Jung tears his eyes away from the woman and pulls his laptop out so he can continue his photography homework. He enjoys his homework for this class, but today, he just can't focus on it. His eyes perpetually drift across the street to the shop in hopes of catching a glimpse of the woman again.
Tag: @amaiguri @gaymoongod98 @crimsonbluemoon
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