#as someone with a lot of twins in their family it takes awhile to tell twins apart lmao
oorevitcejda · 10 months
morales twin parent trap au where rio and jeff went to college in Georgia, got separated in a hurricane evacuation when the twins were only months old and got separated. In the chaos they both think the other grabbed Mateo and they grabbed Miles, (so they both call their respective son Miles. no one knows which one was originally which) and they just dont have the resources to find each other again.
time passes, Rio gets her degree and moves to Chicago. Jeff ends up going to live with Aaron until he can get on his feet again but leaves with Miles when hes only a few years old and continues to live in brooklyn.
both miles morales individually get an invite to a (idk space camp or smth very smart like physics camp or smth) camp halfway between their cities. all expenses paid, they just want the next gen or whatever, so both individually agree to go.
Cue they meet and everyone thinks they look the same and get them mixed up and it grows resentment to each other so they fight like two new cats improperly introduced. Then they realize they have more in common than they thought and their life stories seem to oddly compliment the holes in each others stories and by the end of the summer they teach each other how to be themselves and parent trap their parents back together (minus the divorce thing just horrible circumstance and they dont take long to re fall in love and) now they have their family back together with both twins and both parents living happily in brooklyn
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morgana-larkin · 17 days
First of all I live for your writing!!
And second I have a chessy prompt!!!
Basically r is a poet but doesn’t really talk about it and r decides to write a poem to chessy explaining her feeling for her but doesn’t write her name on it on purpose to have a clear state of mind or something idk😭
Anyways chessy find out that it was r from her handwriting and confronts her about it and r starts rambling and chessy shuts her up by kissing her and says something hot after the kiss then r kisses chessy back and you can go on from there!!
Hi! You’re so sweet! Thank you for the compliment 🥹❤️ . I thought this prompt was so cute. Now, I’m no poet so the poem might be terrible but I tried. I would have had this out earlier but I watched the new episodes of Bridgerton finally and got distracted. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I made Chessy a bottom as I heard someone’s favourite is a bottom Chessy. I’m still taking requests and prompts for every character on my masterlist.
In Writing
Warnings: Smut, Bottom Chessy, Top Reader, lots of fluff
Words: 3.8k
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You glance up from your journal, you’re on one of the lounge chairs in your bikini with a see through cover up robe on. You see Chessy playing pool monster with the twins and it’s adorable. The way they swim away from her in a fit of giggles, and how she spins them around and then throws them in the water when she catches them.
You’ve found yourself admiring Chessy a lot lately, just something about her that grabs your attention. You met Chessy awhile ago when the twins were first born. She watched over you a few times as you were 12 years old when the twins were born and you loved spending time with her then, she’s a lot of fun, and it seems that hasn’t changed. Chessy sees you staring and smiles at you.
“Wanna join us y/n?” She asks and the twins both look at you with big smiles.
“Yes! Join us please?” Hallie begs.
“Yes please! It would be so much fun!” Annie said, agreeing with her sister. You loved watching Annie grow up. They were both your nieces, as you were Elizabeth’s younger sister, but you will always feel closer to Annie. When her and Nick split, you didn’t understand why they separated the twins but you respected their decision, even if you didn’t agree with it. Elizabeth made you and the family swear to never tell Annie that she has a twin sister.
As soon as everyone reunited again, Elizabeth invited you to come and meet Hallie, which you agreed to quickly. Here you are 2 years later and you’ve been living with them for a year now. When Nick and Chessy saw you again, they almost couldn’t believe it, the last time they saw you, you weren’t even a teenager. Now here you are, 24 years old, all grown up.
“Wow, y/n, you’ve grown up.” Nick says, still a bit shocked.
“Ya, time has a way of doing that.” You joked with him. You always liked Nick, he was a good guy and good to your sister.
“Everyone! I made some…” Chessy trails off as she sees you. “Y/n?” She asks and you smile and nod. You then run over and hug her.
“Good to see you again Chessy!” You exclaim when you pull back from the hug.
“Ya, it’s good to see you too. My, how you’ve grown.” She says and looks you up and down. “Are you still a little trouble maker like you were years ago?” She asks and you laugh.
“Not a lot of time for trouble but it seems my nieces are picking up the mantle. My sister told me everything that happened.” You say to everyone and the twins smile. “Btw, it’s nice to meet you, Hallie.” You tell her and she waves at you. “I never understood why you split them up.” You say and the twins look at you.
“Wait, you knew?” Annie says and you nod.
“Of course, chess brought me to the hospital to come meet you guys when you were born.” You say and you don’t see Chessy blushing at the nickname.
You and Chessy spent weeks catching up on what you’ve missed. You were able to bring your work with you as you were a designer like your sister and she hired you as soon as you graduated. You were both happy to have it as a family run company.
Besides designing, you also liked to do poetry. It’s a hobby you took up in high school as a way to get your feelings out. Being someone who liked girls when it wasn’t acceptable was hard. You often felt like there was no one to confide in, to talk about it with, so instead you wrote down your feelings, in the form of poems.
You were usually seen writing down in a journal in your free time. And if you weren’t then you were hanging out with someone in the house. I mean there are 6 people plus Sammy in the house, there was always someone there.
“Y/n?!? Are you gonna come?” Annie asked, breaking you out of your little walk down memory lane.
“Oh alright. I’ll join.” You said getting up and putting your journal down. You took your transparent robe off and then walked to the pool. Unknown to you, Chessy was checking you out the entire time. When Chessy used to watch over you when your family visited the twins, she always thought you were special, an adorable kid with an eye for mischief. You remained that little girl to Chessy for so long that when she saw you again, she was shocked. It took her a little bit to stop seeing you as the 10-12 year old girl she knew all those years ago, and start seeing you as a woman. And when she started seeing you as a woman, feelings started with it.
“Alright, what game are we playing?” You said as you jumped into the pool.
“How about Marco Polo?” Hallie suggested and everyone agreed.
“Alright, who's gonna have their eyes closed first?” You ask and the twins and you look at Chessy.
She sighs and then huffs. “Fine, but y/n is next.” She says and you wink at her. She closes her eyes and counts to 10.
“8…9…10! Marco!”
“Polo!” You all say in unison. Chessy swings around and walks a little bit, trying to find and catch you guys. You then get an idea, you haven’t played a trick on her in years. You dive under the water and swim to her.
“Polo!” The twins say, very interested in what you’re doing.
Chessy notices that your voice is missing and says it again. “Marco!” She says and you get to the bottom where her feet are and you tickle them and then come to the surface, giggling. “Ahh!” Chessy yells and then hears your giggling a couple seconds later. “I see someone is up to their old tricks again.” Chessy says with a smile.
“Once a trickster, always a trickster.” You say and then dive underneath the water again. You do your best to emerge silently and you're right behind her.
“Polo!” You all say in unison. And Chessy jumps and then spins around and catches you. You tried to flee from being caught but were a second too late. Chessy opens her eyes with a smile and sees your pout and she laughs.
“You tried but I’ve had years of practice with a trickster kid.” She tells you and she beams at you.
It was now your turn to try and catch one of them. “8…9…10! Marco!” You shout.
“Polo!” They all say in unison. You hear Hallie being close by and you turn around and jump forward and miss her.
“Polo!” They shout back and they’re all at the other end of the pool. You turn around and start walking to the other end.
“Polo!” They shout and they’re all closer but not close enough. You were about to shout it again when all of a sudden, you feel hands pull your arms to your side and then have arms wrap around your waist.
“Omg!” You shout in surprise.
“You’re not the only one who can do tricks!” You hear Chessy say and you can tell she’s smiling.
You end up switching games and you each have a twin on your shoulders, trying to knock the other one off. You have Annie and Chessy has Hallie.
Nick and Elizabeth were watching from the door and they’re smiling. It was so nice watching you all play together. They know Chessy loves having you back after years apart as you two were close. They see that you’ve gotten close with Hallie as you two were trying to find things in common to bond over in the beginning. As it turns out, you and the twins all have quick wit and a sense of humour. Nick, Elizabeth and Chessy love hearing you banter with the girls as it’s often entertaining.
“You and Hallie are going down!” You tell Chessy and she laughs.
“No, it’s you and Annie who are going down.” She retorts back. It turns out that both twins fell at the exact same time and it was a tie.
That night, you write down your feelings, and it all happens to be about Chessy. How you feel about her. You think you might have had a small crush on her back when you were 12 but you weren’t sure. But now you know for sure that you’re attracted to her and have a crush on her.
You rip the piece out of the book, you were about to crinkle it up and throw it away but then decided to keep it instead. You put it in your journal and then you put the journal on your nightstand, and then you go to sleep.
The next morning, you were going to accompany Hallie to see her horse and pamper the horse with her. You walk out of the house with your journal, unknowingly dropping the piece of paper where you declared all of your feelings about Chessy on. The piece of paper fell to the ground and no one noticed until 10 minutes later when Chessy comes back into the house with Sammy and picks it up. She turns the paper over and instantly recognises your handwriting. She then sees that you wrote a poem and she can’t help but read it.
What one could say except I like you
I love everything about you
Who you are, how you look, how you act
How could one not fall for you
In your presence I feel myself wanting more
More than a friendship with you
For I know we are two women
When I’m with you, I simply don’t care
All that occupies my mind is thoughts of you
Of us holding hands in the field
Us cuddling together on the couch or in bed
Going to the market or cooking together
Or to be able to finally know
What it’s like to have your lips on mine
Chessy reads it and smiles. It was beautiful and heartfelt. She had no idea you were good with poems. She wonders who it was about and then she hears you coming back with Hallie. She folds the piece of paper and puts it in a pocket to ask you about later. Then she gets started on lunch.
“Hello girls!” She greets you both and you both smile at her. “I’m just getting started on lunch, hope you’re hungry.” She says.
“Starving.” Hallie says.
“Well how about you go get your sister and bring her over here.” Chessy says and Hallie bolts off to find her sister. You then turn your attention to your journal and notice the piece of paper missing and you look around you. “Something wrong?” Chessy asks when she turns around to face you.
“Um ya. I had a piece of paper in here and now it’s gone. Have you seen a piece of paper on the floor” You tell her. She knows exactly where it is, it’s in her pocket right now.
“Uh no. Didn’t see anything. Was it important?” She asks and you stop in your search for it.
“Oh um, not really. Well yes, important to me anyway.” You say and she smiles at you.
“Well I hope you find it.” She tells you and goes back to making lunch.
That night, Nick, Elizabeth and the twins all go upstairs to get some sleep. You and Chessy remain on the couch and you yawn.
“I should probably get some sleep too.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“Can I ask you something first?” She asks and you look at her.
“Of course, you can ask me anything Chess.” You tell her and she smiles then frowns again. She reaches into her pocket and pulls your poem out.
“I found your poem.” She says as she unfolds it and shows it to you and your eyes widen. “Who’s it about?” She asks you and you snatch it from her.
“Nobody, it’s about nobody.” You say really quickly.
“Really? Cause it seems to be about a woman that you have feelings for.” She tells you and you look at the floor. “Y/n, I already knew you were into women. I figured it out when you were 12.” She tells you and you look at her confused.
“How could you have possibly known then? I was 12. I- I didn’t even know until I was 19.” You tell her.
“I recognize the signs that I saw in myself when I was that age.” She tells you with a shrug.
“Wait? What? Wait, are you…”
“Into women?” She finishes for you and you nod. “Ya, I am. I was hoping I’d be around for you so you have someone who’s like you, to talk too. While it’s more acceptable now then it was when I came out, I know it’s still frowned upon.” She tells you.
“When you came out? How old are you? You look no more than 35.” You say and she laughs.
“You think I’m only 9 years older than you?” She asks and you shrug. “Hate to break it to you but I’m 39.” She says and starts twirling your hair in her fingers. “You always had such beautiful hair.” She tells you. “So want to tell me more about that poem you wrote?” She asks and you stare at her.
“Well yes it’s about a woman. I may have feelings for someone. I wouldn’t put much thought into it if I were you. Not interesting at all. I mean it is someone you know but still not anything interesting. Just me and a crazy crush on-” and she cuts you off by putting her lips on yours. It takes a second before your brain processes that you’re not talking at the moment and you’re kissing, kissing the person the poem is about. You kiss her back and she smiles into the kiss. She pulls back a few seconds later.
“Was the poem about me?” She asks and you nod. “If I recall correctly, cause I obviously read it multiple times, you wanted to know what it's like to have my lips on yours.” She says and you nod.
“I did say that yes, and I like it.” You tell her and she hums.
“Well would you like to know what it’s like to have my lips on other places of your body?” She asks and you short circuit. You respond by kissing her again. Chessy eagerly kisses you back, wanting to kiss you for a while now but she had no idea if you were out yet. When she read the poem, it gave her hope that you figured it out and she could finally take the chance. She wasn’t blind, she knew about your feelings for her but didn’t want to do anything in case you didn’t know you were into women yet.
Chessy pulls back after a few seconds. “Is that a yes? Cause as much as I enjoy…kissing…you.” She says while giving you little pecks. “I do need a verbal confirmation.” She says and gives you another peck and you hum.
“I want to feel more than just your lips everywhere. I want to feel your lips, tongue and fingers.” You tell her and she smiles. Where did that sudden boost of confidence come from? You’ll never know. She was about to comply when a sudden thought strikes her.
“Wait, y/n. Are you a… a virgin?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’ve already had sex with a guy. But never with a girl.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well I’m going to make it memorable for you. Just not here. Let's go to my room.” She tells you and she gets up and extends her hands to you. You take both of them and she pulls you up and to her room.
She closes the door and starts kissing you again, only this time she deepens it by putting her hands in your hair and doesn’t pull away any time soon. You put your hands on her hips and pull her body closer to yours. You move your hands to the buttons of her shirt and you start undoing them one by one until you are able to yank the shirt off of her. “You wear far too many clothes.” You tell her playfully as you see her in a tank top and pants still.
She looks at you with a soft smile and hums. “Well what are you going to do about it?” She questions and you smile then push her down onto the bed. You quickly take her pants and tank top off and look at her body in just a bra and underwear and you lick your lips. “See something you like?” She teases as she sees your reaction to her body.
“Not something but someone, with an amazing body.” You tell her and straddle her lap as she sits up to hold you.
You kiss each other again and you trail down to her neck and she moans. “Oh god! Y/n.” She moans out as you suck her neck. You unclip her bra and tear it off her and go push her down onto the bed. You then go and suck a nipple and she tries to buck her hips under you, but can’t as you’re straddling her lap.
After you're satisfied you’ve teased her nipples enough you pull back to look at her and put your hands on her boobs and massage them. “Chessy, I just love your breasts, they’re so big and perfect.” You tell her and she smiles at you. She then gets impatient as you’ve teased her quite a bit.
“If you’re done admiring them, could you shift your attention downward.” She tells you and you quirk an eyebrow at her.
“I’ll obey this time but next time you complain then I’ll make you wait longer.” You tell her.
“Already wanting to do this with me again?” She asks cheekily as you slide her underwear off.
“Of course, I’m really enjoying myself, learning about what you like and what sounds I can get out of you.” You say and spread her legs. You climb on top of her and settle yourself on a leg then lean forward so you can kiss her lips. At the same time as you kiss her, you slide a finger inside her and it goes in easily. “Wow, you’re really turned on, it just slipped right in there.” You tell her and then add another one and she gasps out. You then begin pumping in and out of her and she’s moaning and gasping underneath you.
“Oh god! Y/n, I’m so close.” She almost yells and you go to kiss her again so she doesn’t wake anyone up, much less your sister. She then comes a few seconds later and she gasps into the kiss. You pull out of her and then just stay there until she’s ok with you to move.
“Sit on my face.” She tells you and you look at her.
“What?” You ask as she said it quietly.
“Sit on my face, I want to eat you out but I don’t think I can move. You really know how to finger a girl.” She tells you and you smile.
“I still have all my clothes on though so give me a minute.” You say and before you move, she takes your top off and unclips your bra before it goes flying off. She then quickly unbuttons your jeans then she pulls them down as well as your underwear, you then take them off the rest of the way.
“Wow, you really are beautiful.” She tells you and you blush.
“Thank you.” You tell her and then you climb up to her face. “Wait shouldn’t we do this near the headboard in case I have to -” At that moment she pulls you down to her mouth and immediately starts licking you and you get cut off. At one point you fell forward and you stayed leaning on your hands the rest of the time. “Oh god, Chessy. I’m close.” You tell her, trying to stay quiet. When you do come, you accidentally gasp out a bit loud and you hope you didn’t wake anyone up. You take a minute to catch your breath before you get off of her and flop down on the bed.
Chessy goes to clean herself up and when she comes out, you ambush her and pin her to the wall. You get her worked up again and she then just noticed you’re wearing a strap. You then slide it into her and you cover her mouth with your hand when she begins to gasp loudly. You start pumping in and out of her when it’s all the way in and then you go faster and faster. Chessy wants you to go faster when you’re already going as fast as you can in this position. So you pull out of her and bring her to the bed quickly and she gets on her hands and knees so you can pound into her from behind.
She ends up grabbing a pillow so she can muffle her sounds when she’s close. She gasps into the pillow when she comes and you come right after as the strap was rubbing your clit. You pull out of her and take the strap off and you both catch your breath.
“You couldn’t have done that before I cleaned myself up.” She tells you while trying to catch her breath.
“Are you complaining?” You ask her and she giggles.
“Only because I have to clean myself up again.” She tells you and you go to get a cloth for the both of you.
The next morning, she’s making breakfast for everyone when you come up and hug her from behind. She leans into your touch and you begin planting kisses on her neck and she giggles. She turns the stove off then places a hand in your hair as you continue to kiss her neck. You then hear someone clear their throat and you pull away from each other quickly and see everyone standing there.
“Oh, hi guys.” You say and Chessy is too nervous to speak. The twins then go to the table as Chessy begins putting breakfast on plates and Nick and Elizabeth walk over to you both. Elizabeth speaks low enough so the twins won’t hear.
“While I’m happy for you guys, I didn’t want to find out from the noises last night.” She tells you and both your cheeks go red.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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From Sarge’s kids I think I’m (as of now) excited to learn more about Daisy. She’s got a lot of Elvis in her and she witnesses Elaine go to hell and back to help him beat his addiction and although she’s independent I hope there’s gonna be someone who will be able to do the same for her or stand by her. Not to mention she’s got a twin who they come off as polar opposites (what with Rosalee being a huge Daddy’s girl) and her comments towards her older sister Ella’s marriage - I get the feeling there’s a lot to unpack there.
I think sometimes Elvis felt like he was too much to love and I see a lot of his personal insecurities in Daisy, she even is a popstar like him and that’s a lot of people loving you with maybe them feeling like they aren’t really known for who they are deep down.
I am so happy to hear this, I’ve got a little started on each kid’s own fic (I want one for each like I had for Jesse, just to establish them and then let loose with the intermingling) and I really think hers is compelling. It’s been truly a blast to get to know her and I’ve gotta be honest she may be the most Lisa-like of any Sarge kid in many ways, partly because she’s so Elvis incarnate. It took awhile but me and my scheming buddies have cooked up a good partner for her and she will always have her family as backup and even her godfather Marlon. I think she will, as you said, be publicly adored but can be rather offputting one on one, even though she desperately needs connection. I think eventually, and not after too long, all these relationships get far better, and Daisy finds her little nook in the family easily. She is the one to go to for the zero bullshit takes or help hiding a body. Loyal and fierce that one.
And here, since you made my day asking about her, have a little random snippet I’ve written about her first big debut recording which came from her rehab scribbles and, unfortunately for the family members her lyrics feature -becomes a sensation.
Era: 1978-9ish??
Warnings: moderate…mentions of past divorce, infidelity, a daughter sorta writing a hit tell all? remincence of a one off threesome and Elvis having straight man panic for it (I’m afraid this couple is polyamorous central I’m the 60’s but nothing explicit) big ole family chat with the grown kids, chaos as can be expected…
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What about Wendy?
“Daisy Mae!” Elvis bellows her full name because the crime warrants it, and from behind him, her voice answers, not in person from her place sprawled on the couch but behind him, coming through the stereo in a clear cadence that his creative side must acknowledge is skilled and evocative. What Elvis doesn't find so praiseworthy is his Dear Daughter hanging the family laundry out for all to see with lyrics like:
—“So I'll lock the window and turn on the AC, You'll throw your rocks, and you'll scream that you hate me, But it gets old being forever 20, And what about my wings? What about Wendy?”—
out on a clothesline for all the world to commentate on his failings and his marriage.
The music video coming out tomorrow on MTV, teased as featuring a fresh faced Daisy in a montage of her mother’s most iconic looks -including that secretive wedding gown so few of the nation ever saw, rather hammers home the not so subtle point. As far as Elvis is concerned this is about as disloyal as it gets.
And he is having none of it.
“It’s art, Daddy.” Daisy murmurs, utterly unphased by the hurricane of wrath she can match once she gets that cup of coffee Rosalee is making her.
“Is this how you see us?” Elvis demands and Jesse winces to the side, things had been going so smoothly after Danny was born but lord, the Presley’s just can’t manage to be calm for long, Daisy had to record that stupid black book she scribbled in during rehab and, my does it have some choice takes on the events of the last decade. “This how you see your childhood?” Elvus goes on, “Where we loved ya like no one’s ever loved any kids and gave ya everythin’ and-“
“-and slammed a buncha doors in between.“ Daisy shrugs, not meaning to be cruel, but it’s the truth and she’s never had her sibling’s affinity for the affection that the rest of the kids take as blood money for the insanity they got put through. Daisy doesn't hold a grudge against anyone for her childhood, in fact, she’s thankful for the writing material. But she’s not gonna be sorry for writing shit as it was.
Which was mama playing a haggard Wendy while Daddy flitted in and out of the window at whim like Peter Pan.
“Girl,” her daddy begs her to understand as he takes his seat next to her on the sofa, big ringed hand familiar and pleading on her bony knee, as if somehow this appeal of his will lock the song back into her diary and out of the radio -or maybe he doesn’t care about his reputation anymore, he’s gotten lax about that after the divorce, maybe he really is seeking after his child’s good opinion this time when he continues, “I’m all for art’n’shit but have I not taught ya nothin’ bout-“
“Daddy, ya didn’t even write your own songs.” Daisy gently tries to get him to see the difference in their art but Jesse gasps out in horror:
“Daisy!!” like she just shot their father instead of stating the truth. Which is kinda her problem with her family, they can’t take straight facts.
“Alright, alright then,” Elvis simmers a bit but his tone is restrained as he presses his point, “so ya write from the heart and ya wrote about life, I get ya. So then why’d you call mama Wendy when, w-w-when she’s -she’s my Tinkerbell?”
“You’d rather I used your pet little name in public?” Daisy scoffs at his muddled logic and feels bad for the first time after -soon as his brow furrows in genuine hurt. Daddy loves mama, he loves her again like a new man and Daisy doesn’t get how that works but it’s the truth and she’s got no fight to pick with the truth. It makes her admit with a shrug, “I used it ‘cause Marlon always says she’s Wendy.”
You could hear a pin drop the way everyone’s chatter in the living room stops, even the coffee maker stops spluttering in the distance and it’s highly likely Jesse isn’t even breathing as everyone’s head’s swivel, Daddy’s slower but more intent than any, to look at Elaine where’s she sits in the white arm chair, blanket cast over her where Danny fell asleep while nursing. She’s as white as the rocker she sits in.
“Oh does he now?” Elvis rumbles and Daisy feels the unintentional bite of his nails on her knee.
“Well yeah, he does and -always has.” Daisy insists as if the past and present existence of Brando’s opinions on Elvis’ wife makes shit any better, Daisy knows it the second she lets it out that it’s not exactly balm on the scab.
Her voice doesn't make anyone look away from mama and her perfect, frozen face, carefully neutral and soothingly disinterested in the topic.
“That man has only ever called me, Elaine.” mama laughs an airy, dismissive little thing and the bite of Daddy’s rings on Daisy’s knee loosens their grip. “And if he thinks i'm a Wendy -he should say it to my face.” she jokes and Jesse predictably lets out a pained laugh of solidarity.
“-A-a-and w-who the hell did ya get to sew all those recreated outfits, girl?” Daddy is suddenly back on the original topic with a burst of renewed incredulity at her gall and Daisy knows she can use this to her advantage, get him arguing about fashion, tailors and supporting local folks instead of berating her for her lyrics and-
-Ella watches as Elaine’s stiff face smoothes into relief and she lays her head back against the rocker’s cushion and closes her eyes against the hubbub that’s no longer pertinent to her. Not for the first time Ella wonders if mama is as burdened as she is with thoughts and feelings married women shouldn’t have, they really shouldn’t. Marriage should cure a woman of them but Ella had them all alone on the ranch with her husband gone and Mama had Marlon and his lingering looks and her frozen face whenever his name gets mentioned and mama who is staring up at the ceiling like she’s no longer in the room with them at all.
“Peter Pan, Peter Pan, little lost boy actin’ like a big man,” only Marlon could have made that rhyme sound like anything but a goad, only Marlon really saw what Elaine saw when Elvis was sated, pliable, sweet as a newborn and pretty a sin. “Those producers who’ve got him playin’ tough n’ shit don’t know his appeal, they just don’t get it. Goddamn Peter Pan.”
And he had run his fingers over Elvis’ face, catching his drooping eyelids and pulling them down and over his nose to those cherub lips. And Elvis’ eyes hadn’t opened again till next morning when he woke in angry panic.
Elaine stares at the ceiling and feels Danny shift against her breast, snuggling closer, and she wonders if Elvis ever recalls that night like she does. Ever replays it a million times.
Wendy, Wendy Wendy.
Marlon thinks she’s Wendy, Marlon’s told her own daughter that. But never her. No. He’d just raked his hand through the wrecked coiff of Elvis’ gelled hair and admiringly called him Peter Pan. And Elvis, being Elvis in the state of freshly loved and freshly praised, never balked at it before drifting to sleep in their muggy tent.
Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, he never called Elaine that to her face.
Elaine catches Daisy’s eye next time she looks away from the ceiling, an odd moment of recognition. Funny how each child knows a part of her, but it’s the inner workings of Daisy’s curious, generous, honest self -a heart so very like Elvis’ own- that can look back at Elaine and smile at her, while knowing her fully, faults and all. It’s not so bad having grown daughters as a friend, Elaine decides as she watches Elvis flail backwards against the couch to laugh at his daughter's good natured dig at his unmodified wardrobe.
It’s good not to be his only Wendy keeping him young anymore.
Song based on: Wendy by Maisie Peters
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adoremexxs · 10 months
Hantengu Clones Role Swap AU
None of this correlates with my modern Demon Slayer AU. The only thing that I’m even keeping in this is Zohakuten’s hair and the fact that Sekido has abusive tendencies because of their backstory. Their backstory may change a bit but it will probably be relatively the same. It’s a bit short because I’m still coming up with ideas.
General information: The Hantengu clones are brothers in this. Sekido and Karaku are twins with Sekido being the oldest, Urogi and Aizetsu as twins as well and Zohakuten being the youngest of them all.
The Hashira are Douma (Ice Pillar), Nakime (Music Pillar), Akaza (Destruction Pillar), Sekido (Thunder/Lighting Pillar), Karaku (Wind Pillar), Gyokko (Swordsmith), Gyutaro (Blood Pillar) and Daki (Ribbon Pillar), and Kokushibo (Moon Pillar). This is mainly covering the Hantengu Brothers.
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- the Thunder/Lighting Pillar
- still the oldest out of all the brothers. 25. is very cold to them, especially Karaku.
- never wanted his brothers to join the demon slayer corps
- it was a tradition in their family to do it, long line of demon slayers
- one of the most powerful pillars, extremely rude and harsh to others
- especially mean to Daki
- had to make up for it by letting Daki paint his nails
- his weapon is his Khakkhara, the bottom of it can change to a knife if need be but the top of it is his main weapon; the top of it can split into a spear
- loves twirling his weapon around in the air, makes him feel badass
- clothes are the usual demon slayer men’s uniform, covering his chest fully with his split haori design, wears gold earrings, keeps his long bangs
- cleans it 24/7 because it is their grandpa’s most cherished piece of clothing
- refuses to give any demon mercy, they are disgusting vile creatures and immediately gets the job done
- was the first to pass his test
- he didn’t talk to his brothers most of the time, he rarely visits them
- hates Karaku sometimes because his reckless ways of killing demons could get him killed
- secretly deeply cares about all of his brothers
- Aizetsu worries him a lot because he is quite sensitive and Sekido was freaking out whenever Aizetsu had to go take his test to become a demon slayer
- Urogi is too careless like Karaku and it stresses him out
- never wanted any of them to become demon slayers, especially Zohakuten and Aizetsu
- took his anger out on Zohakuten because he couldn’t bear to hurt Aizetsu physically
- regrets it heavily because Zohakuten became a demon
- stresses 24/7 about Zohakuten, wondering if he will eat someone or not
- a D1 overthinker about all of his brothers, though he doesn’t show it
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- The Wind Pillar
- Second oldest. 25.
- he took awhile to pass his test but he did it shortly after Sekido, ascended the ranks quickly
- doesn’t use a sword, uses his leaf thing or whatever it’s called
- he can throw it, wave it, do whatever he wants
- is extremely flexible
- can do gymnastics which helps him move around on the battle field
- wears the demon slayer uniform pants but not the top…wears his lil pom pom slashes instead, long bangs
- get along with all the other pillars besides Sekido
- lets Daki paint his nails
- best buds with Gyutaro and Douma
- they play pranks on everyone
- loves showing off to Sekido, constantly seeking his approval when on missions together
- Sekido gets annoyed and tells him to finish the job quickly or else he will
- CONSTANT bickering between the two
- has multiple ear piercings
- Urogi is his Tsuguko, though he won’t be the successor of Karaku’s breathing style
- is worried about Aizetsu and Zohakuten a lot
- normally doesn’t stress too much but Aizetsu is really sensitive and he doesn’t think he is as strong as the rest of them
- him and Urogi are inseparable
- are always together
- cannot separate them at all
- they both can be see annoying Sekido
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- third youngest. 19.
Created his own breathing style
- named it “Falcon breathing”
- his crow isn’t even a crow, it’s a falcon
- incredibly helpful to him
- his weapons are brass knuckles but they also have a blade on them
- he can cut and slash his victim and punch them as well
- is Karaku’s apprentice but isn’t going to inherit his breathing style
- thinks his breathing style is lame
- just wants to train under his brother
- wears the demon slayer uniform pants by force, if it was his choice, he would be butt naked
- doesn’t wear a shirt or haori any anything, short bangs
- wears a beaded belt around his pants
- multiple ear piercings like Karaku
- always wants to match with Karaku
- also extremely flexible
- gets along with everyone
- is an absolute social butterfly
- everyone loves him, even though he always talks
- absolute chatterbox
- like Karaku, he plays around when fighting demons
- has the skill level of a hashira, just doesn’t wanna be one
- constantly writes to Aizetsu to make sure he is okay
- doesn’t stress too much about Aizetsu
- even if he took a few years to become a demon slayer
- has a sword at his hip just for display
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- second youngest. 19.
- constantly is told that he is the weakest
- Sekido berates him with words, saying that he doesn’t care for him at all
- Aizetsu is constantly wanting Sekido’s approval
- blames himself for what happened to Zohakuten and swore he will protect him from now on
- Zohakuten really is doing the protecting
- wears the full demon slayer uniform
- doesn’t wear a haori or anything, short bangs
- doesn’t wear any piercings
- his weapon is his Yari, a spear
- he took forever to pass his test but Urogi was so proud of him and everything
- was supposed to become Sekido’s Tsuguko but Sekido “disowned” him whenever he became a demon slayer
- Sekido didn’t want him to become one
- lowest rank of them all
- very timid and shy
- is extremely good with treating his wounds
- is underestimated on the battle field
- flexible like Karaku and Urogi
- stresses about Zohakuten and constantly asks if he is okay on the battlefield
- overwhelmed 24/7
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- youngest. 16.
- absolute menace
- does not care
- was supposed to go to his demon slayer test but that night, Aizetsu went out to get something to eat for them and Ubuyashiki himself came and turned Zohakuten
- Zohakuten was going to kill Aizetsu at first but like Nezuko, he overcame it
- Kokushibo had found them instead and showed mercy to them
- Zohakuten still has his BDA, it just takes time for him to evolve it
- fast learner
- EXTREME temper
- will get into arguments with Aizetsu about what to do
- Zohakuten is usually right
- his appearance is no different in the anime besides the hair
- his hair is the same in my modern au while the others have their same hair, short hair, short bangs
- wears several ear piercings though
- Sekido tried to kill him whenever Aizetsu and him were summoned to the Pillar Meeting
- Muzan sat back and sipped his tea when watching them argue back and forth
- Zohakuten still didn’t hurt Sekido, no matter how much Sekido had hurt him prior
- He knows that Sekido means well but struggles with showing it
- always protecting Aizetsu, if anyone tries to hurt Aizetsu, they are dead
- unless they are human
- can’t risk that
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pablo9306 · 7 months
The Impact of Instagram on Teen Body Images and ways to ignore them
In todays age of social media, Instagram has emerged as one of the most popular platforms among teenagers. While it provides a space for self-expression and connection with friends and family, it also has a significant impact on the body images of young individuals. In this blog post, I am going to go in depth on how Instagram influences teen body images and how we can ignore them
So to start us off, I wanted to talk about Comparison Culture Instagram is filled with carefully picked profiles showcasing seemingly flawless bodies and lifestyles either if its body builders or people with a lot of makeup on. Teens are bombarded with images of those profiles. This constant exposure creates a culture of comparison, where teenagers feel pressured to conform to unrealistic and often unattainable body ideals. This was one big thing that has been on my mind for awhile, that Comparing one another is not right and should never happen, it destroys people's mental health for not being up to date on things and looks
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Next up on the list is Influencer Culture Influencers on Instagram often promote certain beauty standards and products. People, mostly Teens, who are highly impressionable, may idolize these influencers and would want to emulate their appearance. They may start comparing themselves to these influencers and feeling horrible or left out if they don't meet the same standards. One example being a teenager might feel dissatisfied with their body because it doesn't resemble that of their favorite fitness influencer. for example maybe its someone who wants to look like Brooke Monk, or someone who wants to look like one of the Trent twins (these are just exemples) this is what destroys people self confidence and mental health and gives them a lot of stress for “not being up to date on beauty standards'' 
Finally we have Filters and Editing. I wanted to talk about this as it's just stupid all around as so many people use these nowadays you cant tell whats real or not. So to start off Instagram offers a range of filters and editing tools that allow users to enhance their appearance. These tools can be used to mess around and have fun, but they also contribute to the distortion of reality. Teens might develop an unhealthy obsession with achieving the perfect look through excessive editing or using filters that create a false sense of beauty. People out there go nuts for attention, some people even spend hours on those filters perfecting them, and they don't even look like that in real life.
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I also wanted to mention Makeup, Its used everywhere now even if it's just a quick photo or going out, people will always use makeup, makeup in my opinion is like using one of the Instagram filters but having it on you temporally and only taking it off when you want to stop receiving attention. People go crazy on makeup just like Instagram filters which has the same consequences.
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So what are some things we can do to ignore and stop it?
One main thing anyone can do is take breaks from social media take periods of time or days where you intentionally disconnect from Instagram and other social media platforms.  As well you can set a few boundaries by only being on Instagram for a few hours or even just every few days. Another thing is to take control of the content you see on Instagram by actively curating your feed by unfollowing accounts that show unrealistic beauty standards or negatively impact your self-esteem. Instead, we can follow accounts that promote body positivity, self-acceptance, and mental well-being.
In Conclusion, Instagram Is a great social media app that is used by many people worldwide, while that is the case teens will have body image issues that cannot be underestimated. The constant exposure to beauty/body building profiles, influencer culture, and the use of filters and editing tools all contribute to an environment that fosters comparison and unrealistic beauty standards. However, it's important to remember that Instagram also offers opportunities for positive change, with body positivity leading the way. As others mostly teens navigate this digital landscape, we should promote self-acceptance and a healthy relationship with social media.
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elisedonut · 3 months
18 and 35 for the ask game please!
How i would combine a Circus AU + Bathtub Fic
thank you for participating with me!!
First thought was Weasley family circus au where the family itself is a travelling cirrus i have no idea if that's a thing i know most media I've seen is very found family vibes with characters coming into a new family. (or you know abusive situations but I'm electing to ignore those so yes
Weasley Family Circus
maybe it's still a magical world maybe its not
if it is magic somehow then i imagine it be a situation where they had to run during the first war instead of hunkering down and hiding
eventually figuring out they could make money by putting on shows and it spiraling a bit
but that depends a lot on how you think the statue of secrecy works
i think you could hand wave it by making it something that only matters when using wands which I've seen a few times
so like if they enchant say a balance bar to not have to worry so much about not falling off it since they didn't do that in front of the audience it doesn't count
the "if the audience doesn't realize its like legit magic then it doesn't trigger whatever they use to tell its been broken because its just a non issue" method which is also very fun imo though cant say I've seen it very often
so pretty much this is all set up for someone who also has magic
i don't know who because i would want it to be someone who doesn't know Percy but it needs to be some bad at keep their mouth shut i think
but someone visiting said circus and getting absolutely drenched but like not water
(what is it? Fred says you don't want the answer)
because of something the twins invented because i just think they would love being in the circus especially because i could see them getting more like support? from Molly specifically since its directly helpful to their act and such
but whatever it is. its obviously not muggle so the person outright asks about it and loudly which obviously they are brushed off but Percy still brings them to the family tent with the intention to get them a towel and maybe a change of clothes
now side note
the family tent has all sorts of muggle charms on it to make it look like well normal so it just looks like a few fairly large tents (it originally looked like a single one but as the kids got older Molly
(and by Molly i really mean Bill, she thinks it was her idea though)
started to notice people talking about them squishing the kids in such a small place and chose to adjust to wards to look like multiple
point is obviously that only effects Muggles so to magic people it looks like one large tent on the outside and obviously looks expansive on the inside pretty much the burrow but its a tent
also because the other prompt is bathtub fic I'm choosing to believe in this au their tub is actually pretty large and kinda nice because the tent was originally a fancy camping tent with a large one meant for relaxing that Arthur found on sale for cheap when Percy was 13
ok back on topic
Percy notices immediately that the person is also magic sense they look far too interested in what should be nothing and ends up letting them use the bath and then you get that fun scene where they get out and are really cute
and Percy gets a crush and penpal for awhile before he leaves the family behind after a few years because he wants to actually settle down somewhere and stuff still leads to a fight and a strained relationship because of the closer nature of the siblings (and because unlike og in this world Percy's the first to leave)
but uh yeah
a smaller secondary concept that crossed my mind was stealing the water transportation from kyo kara maoh but instead of the alternate word being a typical medieval-ish fantasy world its instead still a fantasy world but like Percy taking a bath in the prefects bathroom and wakes up in a circus that is also a kingdom
and now he has alternate vers of a bunch of people he knows wanting his attention due to some vague prophecy nonsense about the one who marries the visitor will prosper but like make it silly
on top of also having to solve different problems and always having a chance of being sent back to his world every time he takes a bath
in other words Percy Weasley gets to play an Otome game but in real life
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
Moom will wait patiently outside the door with a few towels and a bottle of animatronic cleaning solution. He hasn’t killed anyone in awhile, but he remembers how messy it can be. He, of course, doesn’t know about her acidic saliva yet.
Infero will compare LL Sun to LL Lunar a lot. Lunar clearly would’ve been the better Lord between the two, in his opinion. At least he actually knows something about managing public opinion. Plus Lunar was the only one he hasn’t seen actively trying to kill Blue Moon, so that definitely raises his opinion there.
Nice long snuggles after finally admitting that they’re family now. (Now Blue Moon knows why Infero changed their home dimension in the cube) They won’t see Vim again for a few hours. Infero could track him, but he doesn’t see the need yet.
Blue Moon will devour the endo. Probably saving its voice box so it can scream on repeat. I would find it funny if Moom came in and just saw him licking up oil from the floor. Blue Moon just kind of ignoring the fact that looks really weird, and showing off their little prize.
LL Sun won't like being pointed out like that. Defending himself by telling infero that lunar was stuck in grief. He couldn't have taken the star. LL Lunar didn't leave lost Lord of eclipses grave for days. Someone had to do something and he's pretty sure the twins would have been the worst pic. Sun wasn't going to let Lunar go through that same grief again. Once lunar felt better is when he started taking care of stuff though. Which despite Sun's pride was very helpful.
Blue Moon is fine exploring the new area alone with infero. Especially given that they are now family. Taking on the mini task of trying to find vim as a game. Being a lot more chipper and talking with infero very childlike. Pointing out every little cool thing.
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tirednerd2012 · 2 years
Imagine someone wanting to hurt Hopper, really get to him, so they go after his family. Maybe it’s the Russian spies, or maybe even Dr Brenner in retaliation, but someone wants to make sure he’s hurting.
They try to go after all the kids at once, but Jonathan’s protective mode goes off and he’s the only one that ends up grabbed. He shoved Will and El forward so they run, promising he’ll be okay, and fights with what he can. Will and El run to the station as fast as they can go, frantically explaining what happened. When they go back, all that’s left is a broken camera, some torn fabric, and blood drops.
If it’s Brenner, Hopper and Joyce, cause she’s not letting Hopper go after her boy alone, end up at the hidden lab. (Honestly the twins would probably follow after refusing to stay behind, knowing Brenner power and what he wants) They split to cover ground, Hopper finds Jonathan strapped to a table and barely coherent. He’s scooped up, (weakly mutter ‘dad, knew you’d find me..always do’) and the three attempt to escape.
Bonus- Brenner unlocked powers Jonathan didn’t know he had. So when Brenner tries to attack again and keep them down there, Jonathan with little strength he has left uses them to disorient Brenner and aid their escape.
Russian spies going after the kids?
Jonathan brings out his camera and takes the kids out for a day of fun, but he wants to get back into photography so they go around their old favorite spots to get some pictures. The twins are laughing and joking around while Jonathan gets pictures of everything. He loves seeing them so happy and at the end, he decides to take a break and they go out to grab some sodas. It's when they get out of the gas station Jonathan gets the sense they're being followed. At first, he brushes it off as paranoia when he sees some stranger he's never seen before (he's grown up in this small town, he knows everyone, but he was also gone for a long time), and he makes sure the kids are in front of him and he keeps a decent grip on both of them.
Will and El start to notice, too, and they start making their way to the police station. It's only a couple blocks away and closer than Joyce's work. Then the one stranger turns to three. The street they're on is fairly empty, one that Jonathan and Will know well but has been abandoned since the fall of Hawkins. Then Jonathan hears them yell something in Russian and protective Jonathan mode kicks in as he tells his siblings to run. Go get Hopper.
Will argues against it but Jonathan promises he'll be fine and that they need to go now. Hopper will know what to do, but he'll never know if none of them make it. So the twins agree and they take off while Jonathan does his best to hold them off.
He manages to keep them away from Will and El because they all have to physically grab him in order to hold him down. He manages to break one's nose and kicks the other before being punched in the stomach and then cut with a knife on his cheek. Blood pours down and when he tries to fight them off again, one rips his jacket and throws it on the ground, yanking his camera off in the process and it smashes against the concrete.
He's beaten pretty badly and then a van pulls up. They drag him away and take him to one of the properties they still own in Hawkins while they wait for the next round of transportation to start getting Jonathan into the Russian camps. One says to him, "your father escaped, but you won't be so lucky." And Jonathan's terrified but he's thankful Will and El are at least safe. He's taken to the property and the transportation is taking awhile, but they beat the shit out of him while they wait. A lot of them lost some friends to the one camp being destroyed by the demodogs and demogorgon and blame Hopper for it, so they take it out on Jonathan.
Meanwhile, El and Will get to Hopper and tell him to hurry, that Jonathan's in trouble. Russian men are attacking him and he told them to get to Hopper. And Hopper wastes no time. They run to the street where Jonathan was last seen but find the torn jacket, blood on the ground, and the broken camera. Will breaks into tears immediately because there's no way this is happening while El just stands there stunned. Hopper looks closer and finds a note in Jonathan's pocket that says "your boy won't be as lucky as you. Consider this payment for our friends' lives."
And he feels his heart drop to his stomach because they're taking his son to the hellhole he barely managed to escape. They're going to torture, starve and abuse him. Everything he went through, Jonathan is about to go through and his entire body fills with dread as he tells the kids to go home and he's going to start looking for Jonathan himself. Obviously the twins argue against this, but Will is the one that gets his attention the most. He snaps at Hopper, "that's my brother!" and Hopper's mind wanders back to when Will was missing in the Upside Down and Jonathan tried to go with him and yelled at Hopper the same remark. But he does the same thing to Will he did Jonathan, he promises to bring him back.
Will looks a lot like Jonathan in this moment. He looks at Hopper with unconvinced eyes before whispering, "Hop, I can't lose him. Not Jonathan. Please, let me help." But then Hopper reminds him how Jonathan just sacrificed himself for Will and El, and the enemies would definitely use that against them all. So he tells them to go find Joyce and tell her that he would be checking all the properties the Russians bought in order to get to Jonathan.
He hugs them both and then takes off. Meanwhile Jonathan is being tortured. The men have a lot of resentment towards Hopper for what happened and one asks Jonathan, "tell me, were the two children worth this?" and Jonathan just spits in his face and tells him to fuck off because he refuses to talk about El and Will right now. He knows he's fucked, but if he can keep the kids safe, he might as well. The man slaps him hard across the face and sighs because the transportation will take another day, planned because they were supposed to have all the kids, but he'd do just fine.
He brings out a knife and tells Jonathan it's going to be a long night, but nothing compared to what's coming for him. They strap Jonathan to a metal table and tell him that he's going to be used to destroy Hopper from the inside out.
Hopper checks 5 properties before finding the one Jonathan's at. He sees the car and the lights are on. He stops and is on foot for about a mile because he doesn't want to give himself away. He has his gun and plenty of ammo and he's not leaving without his kid. He hears Jonathan scream when he gets close to the door and he looks into a window of the abandoned house and sees Jonathan strapped down while they cut and burn him.
Hopper sees red. He breaks in through the window in the kitchen while all of them are laughing at Jonathan's cries and he shoots the one with the knife in the back of the head. The man falls and when the second turns around, Hopper shoots him, too. The third and fourth man are the ones that put up the most fight. The third dodges the bullet meant for him and tackles Hopper while the fourth drags an injured Jonathan away. Jonathan fights as much as he can, but he does struggle. The third guy slams Hopper against an old kitchen table, but Hopper shoves him off and punches him. The two fight for a minute before Hopper busts his head and knocks the man unconscious. He hears Jonathan demanding to be let go. He spins around and sees Jonathan, covered in his own blood, trying to fight the last guy off him. The man slams Jonathan against a wall, damn near knocking him unconscious and Hopper intervenes. He grabs the guy and hits him over and over again. Built up rage and worry consume him as he beats the guy who just tried to take his son again.
But then a small voice stops him. Hopper beats the man to the point of near death when he just hears, "Dad, please." And he looks up and see Jonathan trying to get himself up but he can barely stand. Hopper leaves the other guy and gets to Jonathan's side. His son just falls against his chest and cries, saying he tried his best but it wasn't enough and Hopper comforts him, saying it's okay, he did great. He apologizes, for taking so long and for causing this mess in the first place, but he was safe now and nothing was going to hurt him again. He get Jonathan to the car and silently promises himself that nothing is ever going to happen to his kid again.
If it was a Brenner situation, a lot of it would play out in a similar manner. Jonathan would see government officials coming after them and he would tell Will and El to go get help while he dealt with him, but he ends up being taken back to the lab and strapped to a chair. At first, Brenner explains to him that his mother and father caused all this mess, besides Eleven would come to save Jonathan, wouldn't she? It'll be too late, though. The Jonathan they know would be gone. He plans on doing to Jonathan what they did to Eleven's mom, but after they shock him a few times, they're surprised that Jonathan is still surprisingly coherent.
Brenner gets curious and decides to start experimenting on Jonathan. He gathers blood samples, and keeps shocking Jonathan to keep him at bay. They poke and inject him with different things, but don't get too far before some alarms go off. Will, El, Joyce and Hopper all managed to break in because no one takes Jonathan and gets away with it and nothing is keeping him from his family.
Jonathan's injured, though. He can barely move after the electrocution. Brenner looks at him and mentions how he bet Will and Eleven are with Hopper and Joyce and maybe he should see if Will has the same tolerance as Jonathan. That immediately sets him off and he is able to suddenly able to throw Brenner back with his mind. He's still strapped to the table when Hopper busts through the door and full on attacks Brenner.
Then Hopper, who had just been scared out of his mind at the idea of his son gone, looks up and sees Jonathan, sweaty, bloody, strapped to a chair with a shock collar on. He curses Brenner's name as he yanks the remote from Brenner's unconscious body and gets the collar off before he starts untying Jonathan, who looks up at him and says "Dad... I knew you'd come. You'd always find me," in a weak, tired voice. Hopper knows Jonathan is halfway out of it and one of those things he was injected with had to be a drug of some sort because Jonathan would never admit to being afraid of anything, nor would he show a sign of fear. Hopper lifts his son in his arms and Jonathan allows it, his eyes almost closing immediately before they hear yelling.
Joyce finds them first and Hopper tells her to get the twins (and Jonathan panics internally because why are the twins here). She kisses Jonathan's forehead before taking off and that calms him down in his in-and-out-of-it state he finds himself in. As he and Hopper escape, though, Brenner starts to get up and so do some guards. The place isn't as staffed as it was when it was open, all of these guys are just men doing Brenner a favor, but Hopper can't hold all of them off and protect Jonathan. And that's when Jonathan actually tries to use his powers.
He uses his abilities to throw Brenner off their tracks, but it takes everything he has left and the moment they get near the car, Jonathan faints. His nose and ears are bleeding, much like El's when she overdoes it, so Hopper knows what's going on immediately. He gets Jonathan in the back of the truck with Will and El. Will cradles his brother's head on his lap and Jonathan seems to respond to it, so Will doesn't let him go, he just keeps holding on.
Jonathan sleeps for a long time after that. When they get him home, they put him in his and Will's room and they all wait for him to wake up. El informs them that it could be awhile. The first time she ever pushed her powers to where she was unconscious (defeating 001) she didn't remember much besides sleeping for a long time after it. But they stay anyway. Will puts a cool rag over Jonathan's head and Joyce is the one to clean off the blood from his face and then helps get him into some warm pajamas.
When he wakes up, Joyce, Will, and El were all asleep. Hopper is the only one awake. Jonathan had been sleeping for about 12 hours and everyone really tried to stay awake to see him, but the kids fell asleep first. Jonathan sees the twins safe and is immediately relieved, but then his attention is turned back to Hopper. He expects him to be mad, but instead Hopper sighs and says he gave him quite the scare, but he's glad he's okay.
They don't wake everyone up right away, but Jonathan explains what Brenner did to him. And Hopper is pissed because no one, no one hurts one of his kids and gets away with it and Brenner has hurt each of his children and he's going to get revenge. But he keeps a calm expression for Jonathan's sake and comforts him at the parts that is hard to talk about. He hugs Jonathan and says he's sorry, he's so sorry because Brenner was trying to get revenge on him and Jonathan responds that he doesn't blame Hopper. Brenner's a psychopath.
Then he realizes that if he has powers, there's a chance Will could, too. They don't quite understand but it suddenly makes sense why the Byers have always been a target. And Jonathan recalls while he was unconscious, he couldn't make out anything besides when Will was holding him, whispering that he was okay, and somehow it was taking all the pain Jonathan felt away. Hopper tells him they'll worry about that later, but for right now, Jonathan was safe and that was all that mattered.
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Hi, the anon who talked about Zalgo and Slender somehow having twins. I have more ideas for them, even if it's been awhile since I thought about them. So, the one thing I know is set in stone for them is that they are both equal in power no matter what and are scary close, they tell the other anything and everything. The boy is the more quiet one, he prefers not to talk and would rather learn stuff about others through conversations, behaviors, etc. The bot is also very reserved, prefers to be alone or with his twin, and watching the humans(learning how humans act so it's easier to hunt them). The girl on the other hand is much more talkative, she can easily take control of a conversation whenever she wants, and is really really good at using her talking skills to get what she and her twin want, to make the person/people do something for her(and/or her twin), etc. The girl is also more outgoing, energetic, and just in general not nearly as reserved as her twin. They're both really good liars, but usually prefer to tell the truth since neither want to run the risk of putting the other or their family in danger. They are both very protective of each other, and it's near impossible for the other not to know when someone has hurt their twin. They have scary family privileges, it's hard to reach them because of the fact that they are incredibly young and the children of both Slender and Zalgo. They can be little shits, but they also hold immense respect and love for their fathers, so if both/either of them tell them to stop they will. They both also adore the other children creepypasta's, Lazari and Sally are two of the few childrenpasta's who they love like a sibling and trust a whole lot. Their favorite proxy is Masky, they adore her and don't care to hide it at all. That's sorta it for now, need to figure out names for em. You have a good night/day!
Dude this is such a cool concept!! Absolutely keep working on it, I'd love to hear more! Maybe start up your own blog for it and I'll follow from my main lolz it sounds so cool
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Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally hit ‘where it hurts’ by their kids
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou, Numai and Iizuna
Happy Easter if you celebrate it!! I thought a fluffy little hc’s of the Haikyuu!! Boys with their babies would be cute for today so here we are~
Warnings: Uh- just our favorite boys getting hit in the balls, I’m seeking more therapy I laughed way too hard while writing this uHm, mentions of grabbing the crotch cause what else you gonna do??, I do reference the Bad-dad moments and being flashed posts. 
@foodacoochie I thought you might want to see this~
Akaashi Keiji: 
Today was Akaashi’s day off, so naturally he wanted to spend it with his family!
You were all situated in the living room, your youngest who was a little over 1 sitting on your lap, and your oldest, who was about 3 was sitting across from Akaashi.
Akaashi was on his knees, throwing a tennis ball like thing back and forth with your 3 year old son, who was standing.
Everything was going great, just some wholesome family fun.
Until Akaashi said ‘give it all you got!’ his child smiled, wound up, and-
‘OOF-’ you watched as your husband immediately hunched over, falling to his side as his hands flew to his crotch.
Your eyes widened as you tried not to laugh, your son however started giggling when his father groaned, your baby following suit.
“K-keiji? *snicker* are- *ahem* are you okay?” You barely got through the sentence before you started laughing, Akaashi just slowly nodded, eventually returning to his knees.
He was much, much more conscious of his lower region from that point on.
Washio Tatsuki: 
It was Halloween time, and you and Washio had taken your 3 kids to a pumpkin patch!
You guys have 3 kids, the oldest two are 5 (fraternal twins, 1 boy 1 girl), and the youngest is 2.
The farm had made several ‘haunted houses’, one for little kids and one for teens+
Your twins had decided they wanted to go in the haunted house!
Well, your son did. Your daughter was not thrilled.
But! When her daddy offered to hold her hand the whole time, she decided she could brave it out, after all it is Washio we’re talking about.
You stayed by the entrance with your 2 year old, while Washio took the twins inside.
Everything was fine for awhile, your son was very excited, giggling at the jump scares and all in all having a good old time.
Your daughter...not so much. Poor thing was just about shaking, but she wanted to do this!!
They were about 2 scares away from the exit when someone dressed as a werewolf came from no where, your daughter screaming and turning into her father, her elbow at the perfect height to connect with his groin.
Sucking in a quick breath he ever so slightly tightened his hold on his children's hands, walking them through the last few jump scares and out to you.
You immediately grew concerned as the first thing your husband did was take a knee when he got outside, hands coming to grip at his face as he just slowly let out a breath, nodding when you asked if he was okay.
But even after getting elbowed in the balls, he never let go of his daughters hand😤
Konoha Akinori: 
You had just finished drying your son off from his bath when you heard giggling coming from the living room.
You sighed as you saw your husband, relentlessly tickling his oldest daughter, right after you had gotten her all settled down for bed.
Despite the irritation you felt knowing it would take at least 2 more stories for her to be sleepy again, you couldn’t help but smile knowing how much he loved being a dad.
“D-daddy *giggle* st-stop it!! It-it tickles!!!” Your husband smiled, continuing to gently tickle your daughter as she continued to laugh.
“No-can-do missy! Your laugh is just too cute!” 
Your daughter, despite her laughing, started to squirm, small arms pressing down on her fathers forearms, and little legs and feet pressing on his shins and thighs.
Until one particularly ticklish brush of his fingers caused her foot to slip, ending with her heel hitting him right in his crotch.
He shrieked as he let go of his daughter, hands flying down to his groin as he fell on his side, all the while his little girl laughed as she crawled up towards you, who was hunched over ugly laughing/crying as your husband continued to whine.
Kita Shinsuke: 
Today was the first day of your spring cleaning, and your 4 year old daughter insisted on being a big help!
You were working in the living room while Kita and your daughter worked in the kitchen.
Kita was teaching his daughter how to use everything, and helping her when she needed it, she was of course a wonderful listener and was having the time of her life.
They had just finished dusting, and now it was time to do the floors.
You guys had linoleum in the kitchen, so all they had to do was sweep and mop.
Kita got the broom from the storage closet and came back to the kitchen.
He sighed when he realized he had forgotten the mop, setting the broom up against the kitchen counter and telling your daughter he’d be right back.
Now, she may more responsible than most kids her age, but she was still 4. And very curious.
Picking up the broom, she started to play with it, completely oblivious to her father rounding the corner.
Before he could so much as blink his daughter turned, the top of the broom catching him right in the balls as he very narrowly avoided cussing, choosing to grip the counter instead.
Gasping your little girl ran to you, on the verge of tears as she grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the kitchen.
“Mommy help! I think I killed daddy!”
When you got to the kitchen, you saw Kita, head down on the counter as his hands wrapped around his head, small groans coming from him.
He made sure to be out of his daughter reach when teaching her to sweep.
Suna Rintaro: 
Suna was in the living room, your 2 oldest in there with him as he was ‘rough housing’ and doing stuff dads do with their kids.
You were in the youngest 2′s room, putting them down for a nap.
Suna gently held his daughters legs as she planted her palms on the floor, him lifting her up when she was ready.
That’s right, Suna was teaching them to do handstands.
Giving her a high five he turned to his son, telling him what he needed to do, completely oblivious to his daughters concentrated look.
Keep in mind, Suna was standing, with his knees slightly bent and his hands on his knees.
Your daughter gave herself a firm nod, putting her hands above her head as she dipped down.
You had just finished putting the littlest ones down for their nap when you walked into the living room, watching almost in slow motion as your daughter leaned her upper half down, and watching her her leg came flying straight up.
Straight up in between her father’s legs.
You watched as his eyes widened, the air being knocked right out of him as he practically folded in half, forehead resting on the carpet as your son just looked at him and your daughters hands came up to her mouth.
You were of course dying in the doorway, him shooting you a glare as you gave your poor daughter a hug, her giving her daddy one as soon as he unfurled from the fetal position.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Ushijima had taken his 3 oldest sons to the Schweiden gym.
He was putting in a little extra practice time, but wasn’t going to give up time with his children!
So, he figured it would be good to take them with him, they always loved going with him anyhow.
Right now, he was with your oldest son, Ren.
Your second born was whisked away by Romero and his son to play, and your youngest was whisked away by Hoshiumi and Sokolov.
Ushijima had been teaching his son to spike.
Nothing crazy, the kid is only 5, so they were spiking from the ground.
But there’s still a lot of power that goes into those spikes!!
Ushijima had taken his eyes off of his son for not even a minute, distracted by the giggles he heard from his youngest as he sat on Hoshiumi’s shoulders.
He really should have been paying attention, because right in front of him his son was winding up for a spike.
He didn’t notice until the *SMACK* on the gym floor echoed, the volleyball being shot right into his groin.
He cursed under his breath as he dropped to his knees, hands holding his crotch as Sokolov and Romero cringed, Hoshiumi and Ren laughing at his misfortune.
Yahaba Shigeru: 
Yahaba had taken his 2 sons outside to play with a model airplane they had just finished putting together!
It was one of those thick-foam nice ones, so it was going to fly nicely.
He stood a good 15 feet away from his oldest, his youngest about 15 feet away from him so they formed a triangle, You watching with your phone ready for memories!!
Your oldest, Hayato, waited for the wind to come before thrusting the plane up and into the air, it glided for a good few seconds before doing a loop and coming back to the ground at a sharp angle.
For a foam plane, it moved quite efficiently, and at this speed it was moving quite quickly.
Before anyone could react, the plane had nose dived right into your husband, his face blanching as his hands shot downwards.
You laughed, your sons cringed, and Yahaba just about cried.
“At least the plane’s okay! It would have actually been bad if it broke” Your youngest walked away after picking up the plane, Yahaba looking at him in disbelief. 
“Yeah, well don’t go asking me and your mom for anymore siblings, *cringe* I don’t think that’ll be happening.”
He cringed even more when you revealed you had gotten everything on video~
Iwaizumi Hajime: 
With it being the off-season for volleyball, Iwaizumi was spending more time at home with his family!
But, keeping in good shape was also important, so one of the things he would do is while he worked out in the home gym, your 3 sons would be in there with him.
You guys had a pretty good set up, one of the newer additions being a punching bag and gloves. (any other boxers out there?)
Iwaizumi was working with weights, currently doing bicep curls while his sons wreaked, albeit controlled, havoc.
His oldest had found the gloves, slipping on on his hand as the middlest took the other, the youngest slipping on a mit instead.
Poor man was so focused in his workout, he didn’t even notice his middlest son come waking towards him.
When he did notice, he was too late, his son had already wound up and launched his gloved hand into Iwaizumi’s crotch.
Iwaizumi grunted as he just about dropped the weights, falling onto his hands and knees as he tried to steady his breathing.
All 3 of your children bolted out of the room, the little brats laughing before they ran into you.
You walked in to see Iwaizumi, who was now on one knee, eyes still closed as he seemed to be meditating.
For those who are wondering, “padded boxing gloves” do  n o t h i n g  to subside the pain of being punched😢
Futakuchi Kenji: 
Futakuchi’s parents had been over for dinner one night, his younger sister and her fiancé were there too!
You guys had just had a nice dinner and were now sitting in the living room, bringing up old memories and laughing about things that have happened.
Your oh so loving husband had decided to bring up how you had “flashed” him in high school, you rolling your eyes as you hit his arm with a pillow you threw, him being on the couch and you cuddling with your youngest on the floor.
Now, you guys have 3 little girls. 
Your oldest is 6, middlest 4 and your youngest is about 3.
Your youngest was very much a mommy’s girl, and would actually glare at Futakuchi for no given reason, then turn around and giggle and smile at you. (lol my little sister went through a phase like this when she was, like, 2)
She had been sitting on your lap, so when she saw you ‘in danger’ and it was from ‘the enemy’ aka dad, she stood, chubby little cheeks forming a pout as she marched towards her dad.
With the whole family watching, she pulled her fist back and swung, catching him right in his balls as she scurried off and back into your arms, you not knowing how to respond to the situation and your husband doubled over in pain.
Daishou Suguru: 
You and Daishou had 2 kids, 1 girl (oldest) and 1 boy.
Daishou was a good dad!
He cared for his children, gave them endless amounts of love and affection, and was never late to any event big or small.
But he was still a dad, and dads all have those things that they do.
For him, it was popping out of random places and (lightly) scaring his daughter.
Currently, he was hiding behind the wall right at the top of the stairs, smirking as he knew his daughter was on her way up them.
He got his hands ready, feet in a good position to jump out as he watched her little shadow grow closer and closer to the top.
As soon as she hit the floor of the 2nd level he jumped out.
“BOO!” Screaming she kicked, landing a strong kick right in between Daishou’s legs, causing him to yelp as his hands gripped his crotch, sinking to his knees as his daughter gasped.
She felt bad for a whole of (2) seconds before sighing, hands coming up on her hips as she pouted, “Daddy, that’s what you get for scaring me!!”
Numai Kazuma: 
You guys had 3 sons and 1 girl, your baby girl being the youngest of the 4.
Right now, you guys were in your backyard, having an outdoor day and playing a variety of sports and games.
The game they were currently playing was baseball.
You sat in the shade with your youngest son and baby girl as they played in the sandbox, your oldest two with their dad as he set up the little stand and put the ball on it.
He had put on the catcher’s mit and stood a good 10 feet away from the batting station, his oldest son ready to hit, and his youngest son a safe distance away.
“Alright, come on buddy, you got this!”
Steadying his stance, your son swung with all of his might, the ball going fast and low to the ground, and right towards Numai-
“uGh-” Your hand came up to your mouth when your husband dropped to his knee, hand coming up to wave off his son, forcing out an “I’m okAy-” as he struggled to regain his composure.
For the remainder of the time they played baseball, he kept the mit a little lower than he originally planned.
Iizuna Tsukasa: 
Iizuna had been away for a game for the past 2 weeks, and your 3 year old daughter was very excited to see him again.
His arrival time was in the afternoon, so you were able to bring your daughter with you! Which Iizuna was thrilled about.
Your little girl was practically bouncing with excitement, little pigtails jumping as she looked up to you with a toothy grin.
You gently ran your fingers through her hair, as she clutched onto your leg, both of your eyes searching the gate for your husband.
As soon as you saw him, you crouched down to her ear, “There he is! There’s daddy!” Squealing she ran, and I mean she ran full force towards her father.
Iizuna, seeing his incoming 3 year old barreling towards him, dropping his bag, kneeling down so he could catch her.
Which he did, but he didn’t account for just how much force she had carried, so he didn’t expect the little foot that kicked him right where it hurts.
Careful not to impulsively squeeze the life out of his toddler, he shakily sighed as he gave her a kiss to her head, her nuzzling into his arms.
He may have been in an extreme amount of pain, but nothing was going to stop him from hugging his little girl.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [1] pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, super duper mild angst, slice of life, josei, bad comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right?
Warnings: alcohol, smoking, very,very mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT BECAUSE NANAMI DESERVES HAPPINESS)
Notes: after repeatedly giving you jjk angst, i have been very happy to announce that i am able to write something fluffy now. Yay! (Anyways this is based on the manga sesame salt and pudding, yall better read that. It’s just *chefs kiss*) also this may or may not be written ebcause of the amount of smoll nanami content i’m seeing around this site hmPH 
masterlist  || taglist || [next  ; updates every friday]
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The sound of your alarm blared at the crack of dawn, making you immediately jerk up in an unfashionable manner, you shouldn’t drink on Sunday nights. Good lord,  why did you even do that?-
Your thoughts are cut short though when you feel something, better yet, someone, next to you. It’s dark but you could definitely tell that whoever this stranger is, had settled himself quite comfortably by your side. You blink once then twice then slowly reached out to switch your lamp open to get a good look on who was next to you.
Thankfully, you’re still in your clothes from last night.
Also, who the fuck is this?
Your brows are furrowed together as you try to remember who this person was. Blonde hair and jaw so sharp that it could probably cut the vegetables on your kitchen counter, some fine lines littered his face as he wrinkled his forehead in his sleep.
The tie on his neck is loose as you slowly peered to observe him even more and for some odd reason that made your ears turn bright red as you check out his rather lean figure (he wasn’t overly muscular, he was just right)
“Oh shit.” You mumbled, snapping out of your daze, you had to focus! This was a stranger for crying out loud, “Who the-”
Before you could even say anything more, his eyes shot open and you’re greeted by chocolate brown eyes. You try to stutter out a reply, clearly in your frazzled state the only thing you could let out was, “What the fuck?”
“Oh, you’re awake.” his voice was deep and quite raspy, and daresay, it suited his rather sharp appearance.
Was this stranger awake this whole time that you were gawking at him under the dim light? Your ears turn even a brighter shade of pink. Was it just the heater or was this room getting hotter than it should be?
Yet despite your flustered state though, he thankfully remains oblivious, “Are you feeling any better?” he asks.
Despite his bland facial expression, there was a certain warmth in his tone and that made your heart beat quicken. It wasn’t everyday that you’d wake up to find a good looking older gentleman next to you after all, “I’m good…” You shyly replied, the confidence you had moments ago while you were cursing him was gone when you heard his soft tone, “I- sorry but who are you? What happened?”
He stares at you for a moment and purses his lips, “Nanami Kento.” he introduces himself briefly. From the likes of it, he seemed like a professional, “To be honest, I don’t have much recollection from last night due to the alcohol. When I woke up a few moments ago, you wouldn’t let go and I had no choice but to lay there and wait for you to wake up.”
You paled just a bit at his explanation and turned bright red right after, how embarrassing! Not only did you just embarrass yourself in front of this older gentleman awhile ago, you did something so unlike you last night! Thank god this ojisan was a lot more calmer than you. He didn’t even look that perplexed or annoyed by your state at all.
He runs his hands through his soft blonde hair after and lets out a low groan.
“D-Does your head hurt, Nanami-san?”
“I-would you-” you tried to stammer a few words out yet you're immediately cut off by his phone ringing.
Right, boundaries. You shouldn’t overstep them since you already did so much last night to disturb him despite you two being so out of it. You watch him as he answers his cell phone in a quick and suave manner, all traces of hungover gone, “Nanami speaking.” He greets as soon as he answers the call, “I understand. Please try to help them out and I apologize for the inconvenience.”
He ends the call and stands up, tightening his tie. Despite him spending the night here, he still looked orderly and it’s so unfair because right now, you knew you looked like absolute shit with the alcohol and booze in your system.
“I have to take my leave now. I apologize for intruding.” he bows down formally.
You’re pretty sure you were the one who intruded, his actions makes you immediately stand up despite the throbbing headache which was definitely a wrong move because the moment you did, you felt your legs giving out.
“I-sorry, I would bow…” You tried to stammer out an apology, ears bright red once again, just how much could you embarrass yourself in front of this gentleman?  “Sorry for the intrusion too Nanami-san.”
He leaves without saying anything much to your relief and as soon as you hear your front door close, you scream right at the pillow.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” You muffled at the pillow.
Thank God you wouldn’t be seeing him ever again!
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You turn to find Maki and Megumi standing there, they were members of a rather elite family in Tokyo, Most often you avoided bumping shoulders with Megumi’s father since he was, well, quite a tease and although you do admit that Toji Zen’in is a very good-looking and fine man from a very good background, you couldn’t look past the fact that you taught his kids mathematics and there was a good fifteen year age gap between you two, “Hi there.” A warm smile dances on your lips, “Is this about the earlier math problem again?”
The question was directed to Maki, Megumi wasn’t one to ask questions about his lessons since he wasn’t fond of academics.
“Actually, it isn’t. Toji-ojisan says you should come to his birthday.” Maki shrugged, “He says his 40th birthday wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t there.”
Ah, that’s why Megumi didn’t want to go alone. The young boy’s cheeks are painted pink, clearly embarrassed by his father’s antics, “Ah,” You laughed, trying to play it cool. Despite his father’s relentless teasing, he had never made you feel uncomfortable. If he hadn’t been asking you out a few times, you’d consider him a friend, “Your otosan does love to joke around a lot doesn’t he, Megumi-kun?”
“I could deck him for you if you’d like, sensei. I swear that old man needs to realize that you’re way too young and good for him.” He mumbles the last part, clearly annoyed.
“Oh have you gotten married, L/N-sensei?” Maki cuts her younger cousin off suddenly, clearly surprised, “I thought you never had a boyfriend..or girlfriend...or a lover…”
“I- excuse me?” You sweatdrop, “Married, where?”
“Am I mistaken? You have a silver band on your ring finger at your left hand.” Maki points out, “Congrats sensei! It seems like Toji-ojisan won’t be bothering you anymore!”
You were too much in a frazzled state this morning that you hadn’t even noticed the ring band on your finger. You weren’t married, heck, you haven’t dated since college but where in the hell did you get this ring?
“L/N-san?” You’re snapped back to reality by a coworker, “We have two new enrollees, would you mind handling them since they’ll be added to your section?”
“Right,” You smile, “That’s my cue to leave. I’ll get going now. Enjoy your snack time.”
Before Maki could say anything more about the silverband on your ring finger, you scurried away to the faculty room, shaking that weird feeling off since you had to get back to work. 
Job first, ring later.
As you went in, two abnormally bleached pink hair stood out and you could immediately tell that they were going to be the new kids that you’d be teaching. You walk closer, realizing how much they looked alike despite the markings on the other.
“Hi, Good morning.” You greeted kindly, “You must be the new kids.”
“Ah,” the one with tattoo markings on his face gloated, “Aren’t you too bright?”
“Sukuna, shut up.” his twin frowned, “Sorry Sensei, My brother isn’t feeling so well since our ojisan had told us off before going to school.”
It seemed like the other twin would be a handful, nevertheless, you were still going to be his teacher so you let out a small smile, “It’s fine.” You waved off, “We all have bad days, don’t we? I’m L/N-sensei and I’ll be your homeroom and math teacher.”
“Hai.” The one without tattoos replied, enthusiasm leaking on his tone, “Itadori Yuuji and this is Itadori Sukuna, please take care of us.”
You watch Yuuji force his twin to bow down to show a sign of respect. For a high schooler, Sukuna and Yuuji’s parents seemed so lax, bleached hair and tattoos? That was definitely a first one on your list. You take a look at the data they passed and a small frown settles on your lips, it seemed like you had to take back the words you said earlier.
Both their parents had died a few years ago.
You cleared your throat and tried to put on the smile and enthusiasm from earlier, “I’ll be sure to introduce you to the class right after break and since it’s your first day I’ll be lax but please try not to go in late again.”
Yuuji’s grin remains the same as he agrees enthusiastically while Sukuna still looks mildly uninterested, something that you realize oh-so quickly that you’ll have to get used to.
After introducing the twins to the class, you settle on your desk at the faculty and peer at the ring on your finger. The only conclusion you could come up with was that this was from the older gentleman from the night before but why would he even give you a ring?
It didn’t even look cheap and it was surprisingly just your size, meaning it was definitely for you.
You inwardly let out a groan as you placed your hand on top of your eyes. God, you definitely needed to lay off the alcohol next time. You feel the phone in your pocket start to ring, peerlessly glancing at the unknown number. People really need to lay off the scam calls.
“Hello, I’m sorry I’m not-”
“Yo-ho, is this Y/N-chan?” The voice on the other line is so unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time.
“Uh, who is this?”
“Is your husband with you?” the voice sounds so playful and teasing that you almost ignore what he had just said earlier.
“E-Excuse me?” You sputtered out, cheeks turning red, “I don’t have a husband.”
“Huh…” the playful voice switches to disappointment, “Don’t tell me you forgot what happened with us last night, L/N-chan.”
You feel something bubbling on your stomach, oh no, this definitely didn’t sound good!
“I- wait, what? who are you? What do you mean? what happened?” countless of questions started to pile up in your head and out of your mouth, panic immediately engulfing you because for a prank call this guy sounded way too legit, confirming your irresponsibility the night before. 
“Silly Y/N-chan. How could you ever forget me? I’m such an important person! I’m Gojo Satoru, your witness from your wedding!” 
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taglist (if crossed out, i cant tag u im so sorry ack ;-;)
 ; @coldbookworm  ; @frankenstein852  ;  @neavil​  ; @shephard17895​   @kristineyoshaii​ ; @airybnb​​
@Kurok1717 ;  @hcn421 ;  @shinhiromi ;  @airybnb ;    ; ​
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unnecessarywriting · 3 years
Only You - Fred Weasley
Request: may I humbly request a Christmas at the Burrow with your crush, Fred Weasley, who sometime during the holiday admits his feelings for you??
A/N: Thank you for the request. I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you like it!
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Only You 
George had a plan. His plan? Well, it was to push Fred to you. Yes, he wanted to see his brother happy, but more than anything, he wanted to put an end to his own suffering. For months it was Y/N this and Y/N that. If he was being honest, he was close to hexing his brother, but he would rather initiate his plan. What was it? It’s quite simple really.
“Fred, let’s place a bet.”
“Alright, I’m in. On what?”
“Y/N of course.”
“No way. Not gonna happen.” “Too late now. I bet 10 galleons that you’re not going to confess to her over this break.” Fred paused for a moment and thought. He could win the girl of his dreams and 10 galleons in one go. Fred hates to lose.
“You’re on!” George smiled. He knows his twin. Fred hates to back down from a bet. He also hates to lose.
 The Burrow was booming from the moment you arrived. Harry and Ron went to eat, the twins started planning pranks, Molly was yelling at her children, Ginny was talking about Harry, and you were observing the family. Although it could be a bit chaotic, you were always happy to have a place there. You caught Fred from the corner of your eye. He was looking particularly good. His hair fell perfectly, and his shirt was fitting for his form. You were especially happy to spend the holiday around him. He was someone who always made your heart beat just a little faster. Ginny was aware of your crush on her brother, and she completely supported it. She already saw you as the older sister she never had, and she would have loved to call you her sister for real. She often encouraged you to just go after him, but you were not the type to throw away a perfectly good friendship because you developed romantic feelings. 
The first day at the Burrow went by in a blur. You were focused on getting yourself situated in Ginny’s room, and eating the delicious meals that Molly offered. The following day, however, was filled with fun activities, courtesy of the twins. George in particular was pushing for you to join in everything they were doing. The day started with a friendly quidditch match. You played as a chaser on Fred’s team. He spent a considerable amount of time by your side. Oftentimes, you weren’t even paying attention to the match. He would tell dumb jokes, and you would indulge him by offering honest laughter.
After the match, which you lost due to being a bit distracted, you enjoyed lunch. The whole time, Fred seemed unusually distant. He sat far away from you, and ignored your attempts to talk to him. You were completely confused with the complete 180 he pulled. At Molly’s request, you and the rest of the group decided to go for a walk out in the cold. She wanted you all out of the house, and Ginny suggested enjoying the snow outside. You were getting a jacket when you passed by the twins.
“Are you already quitting?”
“No, I just needed some time to gather my thoughts.”
“I think you meant emotions brother. You better get yourself together, or I’m going to be richer.” George chuckled. You were confused but passed it off as nothing. 
Fred followed behind you and Ginny. He was struggling to get the nerve to confess to you. It had nothing to do with the bet. You were one of the greatest people to ever enter his life, and he didn’t want to ruin anything between the two of you. He also knew that he owed it to himself to tell you the truth. In his eyes, you were the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Your smile brightened up his day, and your laugh filled him with warmth. He was falling in love with you, and now he needed to find a way to tell you. Earlier, you had been so happy around him, and he panicked. What if you were just being friendly? You two are friends, so that would make sense. He wanted to tell you right then, but he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. Gee, the pranking king himself was actually getting nervous? You were the only person who could do that to him. 
His thoughts were soon interrupted by a snowball hitting the side of his head. He heard your giggle and instantly knew that you were behind it. Soon, a full blown snowball fight was breaking out. You had hidden yourself behind a poorly made snow fort, and you were throwing snowballs in every direction. Fred saw this and made his move. He got behind your fort and shoved some snow into your jacket. You yelped at the sudden cold and turned around to face the culprit. “Fred!” you whined.
“Y/N!” he mocked back. You playfully smacked him and tried to shimmy the ice out of your coat.
He gushed at the sight of your bright red cheeks and your slightly blue lips. You were adorable. He was ready to kiss you right then and there, but his mother called out to tell the kids that dinner was ready. Disappointed wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how he felt in that moment. Eventually, the day came to a close. You sat up in your bed and thought about Fred. He was overly affectionate the whole day, minus during lunch. You thought a bit more about it, but realized that you would only be getting your hopes up. Eventually, you went to sleep with thoughts of the older ginger twin on your brain. 
The next morning, you ate breakfast and began to help Molly with decorating the house. You lost sight of the twins throughout the day. Your tasks were different, which meant that you hardly got to spend any time around Fred. A part of you thought that it was a positive thing, so that you could prevent yourself from thinking about what it would be like to be with him. Fred, however, was angry. He wanted to have tasks with you so he could finally make a move on you, but his mother was blocking him. 
When you had all concluded your tasks, you decided that you would take some time to yourself and catch up a bit on some reading. You got comfortable on the couch, and you began to read. You were so immersed that you missed the other body that appeared on the couch. He picked up your legs and placed them on his own.
“What are you reading?”
“A muggle book.”
“What’s it about?”
“Well that’s what I’m trying to figure out, hence the reason why I’m reading it.” He shyly laughed at your answer. He stayed silent for a while longer. He just watched you concentrate on the words that your eyes crossed over. Sometimes, he would see you smirk a bit. You were absolutely perfect. He watched as your eyebrows would raise occasionally, or your eyes would slightly gloss over when you forgot that blinking was necessary. You were his own goddess, and he wanted nothing more than to worship you. 
It was Christmas Eve when he made a fatal mistake. He got in trouble with his mother. He’s not sure exactly what happened, but he instantly regretted it. He had decided that there was nothing more romantic than a confession on Christmas Eve. He planned to sit by the fire with you. He was going to look into your eyes and tell you everything. If things worked out, then he was going to bring in the trusty mistletoe to seal the deal. Alas, he ruined his chances by picking a fight with his mother. She had enchanted the garden to be protected from the snowfall, which meant that the gnomes were pleasantly inhabiting the area. He was now going to have to spend hours throwing the buggers before he could return inside. He was heartbroken, but he thought that this was a sign. Clearly, the universe didn’t want you two together. 
You were surprised when Fred was nowhere in the house. You asked George where he was. He told you everything that happened. You instantly felt terrible for him. It was cold outside, plus the job was tortuous. You decided that the least you could do was help him, of course without Molly knowing. You snuck outside and saw him angrily throwing gnomes. You giggled at his pained expression. He really was not happy. You also thought this was the best time to get him back for all of the pranks he had been pulling. You crept up behind him and grabbed at his sides abruptly. He jumped and looked back at you in anger until he saw that it was you.
“What are you doing out here?”
“Secretly, I’m helping you. You’re welcome.” You smiled proudly at him. Then you grabbed one of the gnomes and swung him as far as you could. Fred was speechless. He just watched you, amazed at how perfect you are. He finally caught wind of his situation, and began throwing the gnomes again. After some time, he stopped and looked over at you.
“Hey Y/N can I talk to you abo-OUCH” he belted. You snapped your head in his direction to see what was wrong. You saw one of the gnomes with their teeth latched onto Fred’s ankle. Your worry faded almost instantly. You began to laugh uncontrollably. He just looked at you, annoyed by the fact that you were finding humor in his pain. He threw the gnome with all of his might. A couple of minutes past, but you still hadn’t stopped laughing. He eventually began to cave, and he started laughing as well. It was stupid but you apparently thought it was the funniest thing to happen. 
“I can’t believe you found that funny. Is my pain really that comedic?” He feigned sadness. 
“I’m sorry Fred, but you have to admit, that was hysterical. Only you would be bitten by a gnome.”
“You Y/N Y/L/N are absolutely ridiculous. It’s one of the many reasons I love you,” he said while chuckling. See, this is one of those moments where Fred didn’t actually comprehend the words that came out of his mouth. He only became aware when you went completely silent.
“You love me?” you asked shyly. 
“Uh, yeah. You know what Y/N? I am so in love with you. I have been for awhile now, but I didn’t know how to tell you. Just please, don’t let my feelings ruin us.”
“Fred. Stop. I love you too. How could I not? You’re smart, funny, kind, and you’re easy on the eyes. I just never thought that you would see me as anything more than a friend.”
“Please, let me kiss you.” He was desperate to be as close to you as possible.
“What are you waiting for?” You smirked at him. He pulled you into a kiss full of passion. It told you everything he wanted to say. Fred pulled away from you first, although not by choice.
“Son of a-” He was yelling. Your confusion disappeared as you peaked down. 
You started laughing again at the sight of another gnome, this time on the other ankle.
“Only you, Frederick Gideon Weasley, would be bitten by two gnomes in one night.”
By the time you two had finished with the garden, it was time to go to bed. Both of you exhausted. Lucky for the both of you, George and Ginny had already fallen asleep so you wouldn’t have to deal with their interrogation. In the morning, however, George was met with a very happy brother.
“You, my dear brother, owe me 10 galleons.” George was astonished. He was worried that his twin wasn’t going to do it. When you walked down the stairs, Fred pulled you in for a kiss, almost as if to prove his point. George handed over the galleons.
“This, my dear, is going towards our first real date.” You smiled and agreed, giddy at the thought of finally going on a date with Fred. Ginny caught the end of this conversation and gasped.
“Is this a Christmas miracle, or am I dreaming. Y/N, you need to tell me everything right this instant!” You pouted slightly at Fred as his little sister dragged you away for all of the juicy details.
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remuscore · 3 years
Decisions, Decisions
I am hurting everyone around me with subtext and knowledge of what happens in the future for these two. But still enjoy cute baby Roman :)
Warnings: Talk of pregnancy, implied child abuse, mention of infant death. It's pretty tame for the most part but send an ask if you need anything else added.
Remus focuses on breathing, keeping his chest from rising up and down too fast as to not disturb the tiny little thing in his arms. He leaned against his car, bouncing and struggling to get his mind to understand the events that had come to pass by him so fast.
Audri told him she was pregnant and was not going to be keeping the kid. Remus— the overwhelming stupid Remus― said he wanted it. She had agreed to carry the baby, but she refused to be a part of the kid’s life. No matter how much Remus begged that she at least keep in contact, she said she wanted nothing to do with them. Either of them. Which was unbelievably harsh, but Remus couldn't blame her. Because of him, she had had any unplanned pregnancy and had to take time off school because of it. She was a smart girl so this ruined her education for awhile.
And while Remus was getting everything from when he was a baby and getting everything all set up in his room, his parents had found out and were... less than happy. A big fight ended with a chunk of Remus’ hair ripped out of his head and his car filled with baby things. He didn’t even get a chance to grab his own stuff. Not even his backpack. He had to go to the last month of school in the same clothes and with nothing to do his work. Luckily enough, the locker room had rental clothes and a shower and his teachers let him use some extra materials they had. He didn't tell anyone what happened.
On the last few days of school, Remus had stared at the doors to the school early in the morning, wondering if he should still try taking the kid in. If he called up Audri and said he couldn’t, then she could find the kid a real family. Real parents that were stable enough to actually raise them right. Then, Remus would be allowed back home. He wouldn’t be close to dropping out next year. He would still have a chance to have a real life and be a real young adult and get to have kids at an acceptable age later when he had money and a place to live.
Something in him said no. He didn’t want to put any more worry on Audri. He decided he was going to pretend to still want to keep the kid, but then give them over to a person that could actually give them a good home. This was his fault anyways, might as well take the responsibility of making sure the baby is safe.
But standing here now, close to midnight with a very small and new born baby boy in his arms, staring at the hospital just a parking lot in front of him, Remus couldn’t make his legs move.
He was just so small.
“Nine pounds and six ounces,” Remus whispered. He didn’t know why he kept repeating what Audri had told him. He's been saying it like a mantra ever since she handed him over. “Nine pounds, six ounces, perfectly healthy and happy. Nine pounds, six ounces.”
Every breath felt so heavy and painful and he prayed that his― that the baby didn’t mind the fast beating of his heart. Why was this so terrifying? Remus has never been this scared before and it was all over a baby.
Whatever choice he made right now sealed the fate of his entire future. He was responsible for not only his life, but someone who couldn’t even lift their head yet. He has never been responsible for anything larger than a rat before in his life and that rat ended up dying because it went missing from it's cage and the feral cat that lived in their garage killed it. He shouldn’t be in charge of a baby.
“Fuck, what should I do?” Remus gasped. He pulled the baby closer to him, holding the back of his head and feeling the small patch of hair on his head. He was starting to panic and that was never good. Can babies read your vibes? Can the baby feel him panicking? “Fuck― fuck. What should I do?”
“Eli would know what to do,” Remus adjusted the baby so that they were chest to chest and his tiny head was on his shoulder. He squirmed and let out a few little whines as Remus slid down onto the wet asphalt under his tires. The bundle in his arms stopped squirming when Remus bounced him again. “Eli’s wife just got pregnant. He's been reading all these baby books and it's barely even a bump yet. I beat him to it.”
He laughed and leaned the baby away to look at him. He was practically falling asleep right here and now. His little pink lips covered in drool and his skin was starting to flake and dry up. His head was so big and fat that his little cheeks were acting like little pillows on his shoulders. He was just so incredibly tiny.
“You don’t even know who Eli is, you lucky shit,” Remus’ cheeks hurt from the smile that has yet to fall off his face. He just wanted to crush the baby’s tiny little head, he’s so fucking cute! “He’s my brother. Technically, anyways. Or maybe not anymore because my parents kicked me out. I might be disowned now. I could’ve had two brothers, you know. I think about that a lot actually. He was supposed to be my twin, but he had a lot of breathing problems and died about two months after being born. I wish he had stuck around. I could definitely use someone right now.”
The baby didn’t respond of course because he was just a baby. He didn’t understand a single thing going on. He didn’t know who Remus was or what he was saying or what was in store for him if Remus could just make a fucking decision. He was small and ignorant to everything for the next few years.
Remus didn’t expect how fast he would fall in love with this stupid little thing.
With that thought in mind, Remus held the baby in one arm and pushed himself to his feet. He didn’t glance back at the hospital as he opened the door to the passenger side and put him in his car seat. The little thing didn’t stir and continued sleeping calmly. Remus rushed to the driver’s side and buckled himself in. He turned on the engine and dialed the first number he could think of on his phone.
“Hey, Spencer, I know we haven’t talked in awhile, but long story short I need a place to stay because I was kicked out of my house for getting a girl pregnant—” Remus laughed at his friends response, wedging the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he started driving to his apartment. “Yeah, I know, but I gotta son now so— his name?”
Remus grabbed the phone with his hand again and glanced over at the baby. Audri never gave him a name. She didn’t want anything to do with them, so of course she didn’t care about his name, but Remus didn’t really plan to take the kid back. The hospital or adopter people were going to handle that.
“Uh… Roman,” Remus smiled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, his name is Roman. Yeah, he was born just a few hours ago. June 4th.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By My Side (Part 5)
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Summary: The reader has finally hired a replacement manager and after a dinner with her family, she and Jensen confront some underlying feelings...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Square: Free Space
Word Count: 3,200ish
Warnings: mature (language, smut (m/f))
A/N: Enjoy!
A/N #2: Written for @spnkinkbingo​
You stretched as you woke the next morning, getting ready for the day of entertaining your family. You bumped into Jensen in the kitchen, a pair of jeans and a simple black henley on him. You smiled but he frowned and you instantly made a face.
“Y/N, don’t turn off your phone ever. It’s a rule, remember?” he said before returning to slurping up his cereal.
“Oh. Sorry. I forgot,” you said.
“Please try not to do it again,” he said. He finished with his bowl and you took the cereal from nearby, pouring yourself some. “Are you deciding on a new manager today?”
“Yeah. I was thinking of that David guy?”
“The british one?”
“No, that was the Mark one. He was scottish I think. I’m not positive,” you said.
“Is David the one that had that intern? The little guy?” he asked.
“Alex? No, he was his just his driver. It doesn’t matter. I was thinking of David. What do you think?”
“Why does it matter what I think?”
“You did full background checks on all of these guys,” you said. “Who do you trust?”
“Honestly?” he asked. “I like Jake.”
“The young one?”
“He lacks the experience of the others but I don’t see him screwing you over. He was a navy cadet in college. Had to drop out due to a knee injury. Him I trust. Not that I don’t the others but I got a good feeling from the kid.”
“I’ll take that into consideration,” you said. He stood and you grabbed the milk, Jensen wiping off his mouth. “Have fun with your sister.”
“She’s got a work thing at the moment but hopefully she wraps up soon and I can take her out for some fun for a bit. I’ll see you tonight,” he said.
“Later, Jay,” you said, getting a wave from him as he walked out. You poured the milk into your bowl and took out your phone, dialing and hearing a ring tone a few times.
“Hello?” the other end answered.
“Hi, Jake? This is Y/N Y/L/N. I was wondering if you were still interested in the manager position? If you are, you are in for a fun first day with that restaurant photo.”
“Mmm. Smells great in here,” hummed Jensen when he walked into the kitchen that evening. Your mom smiled and immediately rushed over, Jensen tensing up as she gave him a hug.
“Mom. Don’t bug Jensen,” you said.
“It’s alright,” he said, noticing your brothers were nowhere to be found. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Oh his arms are even bigger than you said! He’s handsome too,” she said. You rolled your eyes as you worked over the pot at the stove, Chuck turning around beside you and chuckling. “Jensen, this is my husband, Chuck.”
“Nice to meet you sir,” said Jensen, holding out a hand.
“You know everything about us already, don’t you,” he said as he shook it.
“Pretty much,” said Jensen. “Y/N’s safety is important and knowing about her family is part of that.”
“Well we certainly feel a lot better with her hiring someone. We’ve never been fans of her living alone,” he said.
“Y/N is quite capable. I’m just here to stop those situations from ever happening,” said Jensen.
“You will be joining us to eat, won’t you? Y/N and Chuck are making us dinner,” said your mom.
“That’s very kind of you mam but-”
“I insist,” she said.
“Just let it go Jensen,” you said. “This’ll be done soon if you want to tell the guys.”
Your parents headed outside, Jensen taking up Chuck’s spot beside you and stirring the cooked vegetables in the pan.
“None of them have any idea about the fake kidnapping or anything else, do they.”
“Nope. Nothing besides what happened last night. Michael and Nick know about the manager thing but that’s it. I’d prefer to keep it that way,” you said. The timer went off and Jensen got it, pushing some of the food around with a wooden spoon.
“They won’t hear anything from me,” he said. “Smells delicious.”
“Thanks. How’d it go with your sister?” 
“Good. I need to discuss something with you later after your family is gone for the night.”
“Everything alright?” you asked. 
“We’ll talk about it later,” he said, the back door opening. “Let’s dig in while it’s hot.”
“Jensen,” you said, finding him out by the pool that night, his feet soaking in the water. “My folks and the wonder twins are gone for the night.”
“Wonder twins,” he chuckled. “They act differently when your parents are around.”
“You picked up on that huh.”
“It’s pretty obvious,” he said. You sat beside him and stuck your feet in, Jensen leaning back on his palms. 
“What’s going on big guy?”
“Are you asking as my boss or my friend?”
“Friend,” you said, bumping his shoulder. “What’s up?”
“My sister wasn’t too happy to see big brother on the news nearly getting shot at. She asked me to consider a different line of work,” he said.
“Oh,” you said.
“Yeah. I’m not quitting, just so you know. A random guy running from the cops doesn’t scare me. Only reason I was on the news was cause of you,” he said.
“There’s a but in there somewhere though.”
“No, not really,” he said. “Just wanted to talk to you about it.”
“So there’s no problem.”
“I like when there’s no problems,” he chuckled. “My job is a lot easier when it’s simple like that.”
“You still have your gun on you.”
“Precaution,” he said. He sat up and took it out from behind his back. “You ever shoot one?”
“Pretend but real no, I haven’t. Can I hold it?” you asked. He set it in your hands, watching you look it over for a moment.
“You’ve had gun training,” he said.
“First season went through a lot of that stuff on the show. We get refreshers,” you said. “Colt?”
“Yes it is,” he said. “You use a glock on your show I believe.” 
Your head popped up and he laughed.
“Yes, even I do occasionally watch TV. Nice gun safety. You never leave your finger on the trigger.”
“Not supposed to, even with a fake gun they taught us,” you said. You lifted it up and held it out, finding it to be heavier than the one you were used to. “I like the grip.”
“You’d probably like a smaller Colt, fit your hands better,” he said. You handed it back to him and he tucked it away. “You see where the safety was on it?”
“Yeah?” you said. He reached behind himself and took your hand, guiding it to the back holster. 
“If I can’t use this, grips on the right side. Take it out, flick off the safety, point and squeeze. It’s that simple.”
“I sincerely hope I never have to put that into practice,” you said as he dropped your hand. Your finger brushed against his back, Jensen frozen solid before you pulled away.
“Any day I don’t have to touch it is a good one,” he said, your hand settling back in your lap. “That...tickled was all.”
“Green beans and tickling. You got some funny forms of kryptonite, Ackles,” you said. 
“Beats actual kryptonite,” he said. “Been awhile since I’ve been tickled.”
“I bet you like it. Being able to feel vulnerable and safe with someone.”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
Your feet kicked in the water, a smile growing on your face. He bumped your shoulder and your turned your head. He looked different, a softness about him. 
“Are you happy?” you asked. 
“Are you happy? I...I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose this job over other things in life, like a relationship. You can have both, Jensen.”
“I’m lost.”
“I’m just saying...you can have a girlfriend and be my bodyguard. You don’t have to pick one or the other.”
“Girls get jealous,” he said. “In my experience. The hours are crap. The inconsistent schedule. I’m too…”
“Too what?”
“Last girlfriend I had...I can’t believe I’m telling you this.” He rubbed the back of his neck and you lightly nudged his foot in the water. “She thought I was too broken for a normal relationship.”
“I should have kept my mouth shut,” he mumbled. He started to stand but you grabbed his arm, Jensen sighing and turning to you. “What? I think she might have had a point.”
“I think that was horrible of her to say and I’m sorry she never saw the real you cause him? He is so not broken.”
“You have this perfect image of me. Strong and capable. Dominant. Alpha. In charge, gives no fucks. That’s the bodyguard. That’s not me.”
“I know. I know Jensen likes being tickled,” you said. He rolled his eyes but you caught his chin, Jensen swallowing. “I know he likes the touch of soft fleece and expensive navy boxer briefs. I know he likes classic rock and sleeping in and likes two cream, one sugar in his coffee. I know he talks to his parents every Thursday night for at least an hour. I know he’s quiet around people he doesn’t know and I know he opens up when he’s well and truly comfortable with someone. I know he’s kind and I know he has nightmares sometimes. I know he can play the piano and guitar and he sings in the shower when he’s happy and he checks on me at night and puts my blankets back on me and doesn’t say a word about it, even when I thought he hated me.”
“You pay attention to me,” he said quietly. “Even though you don’t like me around.”
“I don’t like the bodyguard. He’s okay sometimes but a bit much all the time. But Jensen...him I like. I like him alot.”
“You don’t know what I’ve done. What’s been done to me.”
“You’re not broken, Jensen. I’m never going to believe that so don’t even try.”
He put a hand on the back of your neck, pulling you in close, so close you could feel his breath  on your face. 
“You’re supposed to tell me I’m screwed up. We’re not supposed to be friends. Don’t you understand that?” he said. Your nose pressed against his, green eyes locked on yours.
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand that,” you said. “What do you want?”
“I can’t have what I want,” he breathed out.
“You might be wrong about that. Actually, I’m positive you are,” you said, his hand sliding up a few inches into your hair. “Stop being scared and just tell me what you want.”
He leaned in the last inch between you, gentle lips connecting with yours. He didn’t move for a few seconds, eyes opening when he inched away just slightly. You stared at him and you saw him get the message, another kiss landing on your lips, his free hand sliding around your back. Your arms went over his shoulders, Jensen leaving kitten kisses on you before connecting roughly, giving your whole body a squeeze.
“Bedroom,” you breathed out. He moved back long enough to take his feet out of the water. He hoisted you up and carried you inside, your arms and legs wrapped around him as you returned to kissing him. There was a light scratch from the stubble on his jaw and you tugged on his bottom lip, Jensen pausing as he tried to shut the door behind him with one hand. 
You took the opportunity to tease him, kissing under his jaw while he got the back door shut and locked, his hand slapping the alarm system and the little ping saying it was armed. He arched his neck back and spun around, pushing you up against the wall. You squeezed him tighter, getting gentle bites along your collar bone.
He tore the two of you away and rushed you upstairs, stepping up onto your bed and walking forward on his knees until he could lower you down to your back. His eyes looked darker but playful as he moved up and leaned over you.
“Condom?” he asked.
“I’m on medication,” you said. “You clean?”
“Yeah,” he said.
“Good cause I really don’t think I can wait any longer to do this,” he said. He tore off his shirt and you immediately shot your hands up to his chest, running your fingers down it. 
“You’re so damn hot,” you said. He rolled off the bed and dropped his pants, giving you time to get your shirt off. By the time your head wasn’t covered, you had a perfect view of his ass, creamy and perky. Your bra went off quickly, Jensen turning around and making you pause.
“What?” he asked, glancing down at himself and then you.
“Lucky me,” you said. He smirked and you kicked off your shorts and underwear, Jensen crawling back on the bed and hovering over you. You kissed him and he planted his forearm by your head, his other hand trailing down to your breast. He kneaded the flesh gently, swiping a thumb over the bud and getting a tiny gasp out of you. He teased the same nipple with light touches and twists before working the other one over.
By the time his hand made its way between your folds you were soaking wet already.
“How do you want it?” he murmured against your lips, circling your clit lightly with his thumb.
“Want what?” you asked, arching your hips up into his touch.
“Slow. Fast. What do you like?” he asked, kissing your jaw as your breath hitched. 
“Show me how you’ve imagined this going,” you said. He smiled and you felt the head of his cock brush you folds. He teased the head against your clit a few times before you reached down and were guiding him into your hole.
He was a smidge thicker than you were expecting and his length was perfect, solid, long but not too much. He surprised you by wrapping his arms around you pulling you to sit up on his lap, your legs hanging around his waist. He thrust his hips up and you bit your bottom lip, landing back down on him. He moved again and hit your g-spot, your jaw dropping.
“That’s the spot,” he murmured, kissing you as he started a slow and steady rhythm. You hung on for the ride, his hands on your thighs, thick cock pumping into you over and over and over again. You’d been able to play on your own and hit that spot but never with a guy, never had that low pressure simmering in your core.
God it was going to fucking destroy you when it hit.
You couldn’t wait.
You smiled as your nerves tingled, Jensen kissing you all over, his grip strong but everything else soft and gentle. His hair started to dampen with sweat and and you felt a layer cover your body, the steady pace getting you both closer. 
He was nipping at your shoulder when you rolled your hips, Jensen grunting lowly and burying his face in your neck. That was a sound you could definitely do with more of and you did the motion again, Jensen pushing you onto his cock this time. You both moaned, Jensen’s slow pace picking up just a hair.
You were rolling your hips when his tip pounded inside of you and the low pressure started to explode inside you. You gasped and weren’t even sure what the hell kind of sound you’d made, suddenly aware of hot wetness filling you up. Jensen tensed up and slowly started to stop moving, your breath finally coming back to you as he stilled. He dropped his forehead on your shoulder and panted, your hands running up and down his back, playing with his hair some.
You giggled, Jensen letting out one himself and you swore your heart couldn’t have melted any faster. You picked your head up as he did, giving him a long kiss. He rested his forehead on your own, a smile dancing across his face.
“That was the best sex of my fucking life,” you said. He smiled hard and lowered you back down to the bed, holding up a finger. He pulled out and took a few shaky steps before going into your bathroom. He returned with a washcloth, wiping you clean. He tossed it back in the bathroom before he bent down to his pants. You frowned, Jensen looking back as he unclipped his holster from his belt. He walked it over to the unused nightstand and set it on top before he slid next to you. You pushed the covers back and slid under the sheet together, Jensen rolling you close to him and up against his chest.
“I don’t hookup,” he said.
“Okay,” you said. You shut your eyes and burrowed in a bit closer, Jensen pulling you to use his chest as a pillow. “I really liked that. It was fun.”
“We should do it again sometime,” he said. He turned his head and you smiled, Jensen moving a stray piece of hair away from your cheek. 
“I would be much safer if you slept close by, wouldn’t I?” you asked coyly, Jensen already seeing through it.
“Oh yes, much safer.”
“Maybe you should sleep in here from now on...for safety.”
“In the name of safety, for sure,” he said, kissing your temple. “Real talk for a second. If this is just a hookup for you can you let me now over-”
You put a hand over his mouth and stared at him, slowly moving it away and giving him a kiss.
“I like you, Jensen. I really like you.”
He smiled and took your hand, laying it over his chest so you were holding him.
“Goodnight,” you said, kissing his shoulder.
“Night, Y/N,” he said, lightly dancing his fingers over your hip. “Sleep good.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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kyuublu · 3 years
Love & all its bullshit.
Atsumu x reader (they/them)
Songfic to: Sundress - A$AP Rocky
small appearance of Aomine daiki (knb) at the end ^^
Him. That’s where it all started, really.
The way he put his arms around them, a tight hold that made them easily feel like home. Especially in the first years of college, where everything had felt new and hectic around them, that feeling of home meant the world. Y/N wasn’t usually the type to get distracted by their goals but he was an exception in almost every way. Atsumu was the first guy to actually give them the false impression that maybe, just maybe love at first sight did exist, no matter how cheesy it sounded.
“Oh come on, no you didn’t.” Y/n smiled as they shook their head in disbelief.
“Of course i did! As soon as ya walked through that door at Suna’s place, I fucking knew it.”
He stifled a laugh, trying to be semi serious about his argument, his arms around them yet again as they layed on top of his mattress. The mattress was just plainly put on the floor with no bedframe, since Atsumu had argued that he couldn’t bring his old bunk bed he used to sleep in with his twin, and it seemed like he wasn’t planning on getting a new one any time soon.
“You knew what? Huh? That you wanted to so spend the night with me?”
A teasing smile stretched across their lips as their eyes locked for a moment.
“No! What kinda man do ya take me for?”
Both of them chuckled at the comment, but soon enough Atsumus eyes flickered to his partners’ hand as he carefully took it in his own.
“I just thought ya were something special. Maybe someone I could be around for a longer time besides my stupid brother. Maybe someone I could move in with ya know?”
The smile on y/n’s lips faltered, as they stared at him in shock, since the man next to them had never been serious about things like these. Atsumu clarified since they had first started talking that he never intended on getting married since he was “married to his career”, which they never saw as a bad thing. Y/n knew what they had been getting into from the start and knew that even if this might become more serious, that the both of them could look at this relationship more objectively and even break it off if one of them had greater opportunities they wanted take.
But now he had turned the switch unexpectedly.
“What do you mean, Tsumu?”
His eyes diverted from their hands, back to their face with a soft, reassuring smile. “I think moving together ain’t such a bad idea, I mean, both of us could save some money that way and we don’t gotta go through all the trouble of walking back and forth between eachothers apartments every night.”
A relieved sigh escaped y/ns lips, as a wall broke inside of them. “Okay sure, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea.”
Suddenly another voice could be heard standing at the entrance of Atsumus’ room.
“Y/n, he’s literally the embodiment of a bad idea, so ya might wanna reconsider.”
“Oi Samu! Nobody asked ya shit!”
A year in their new apartment went by quicker than y/n had imagined. The move in went easy for the both of them since they didn’t really have much stuff to bring in the first place. To y/n, the days spend with him felt like a routine that they never grew tired of. Waking up in the morning, sharing coffee and moving on about their day but always coming back together, like a little family. They casually started talking more often about the future, though y/n never seemed to have notice the insincerity behind Atsumus’ eyes. The pretend game he played seemed to have worked on his partner, in which he would usually just agree with whatever they were saying as soon as the conversation headed towards marriage or anything remotely serious. It wasn’t as if he didn’t love his parter, that he did, but there was a lack of understanding that he couldn’t quite explain himself. Over the next few months after moving in together, that feeling would grew stronger inside of him - until he couldn’t care less anymore.
Akaashi’s brows were furrowed in worry as he stared at Y/n’s cold expression, their eyes seemingly staring into nothing. The dark haired boy wanted to help his friend, but he knew they weren’t going to let him.
“I thought you guys had broken up months ago, I’m sorry..” Bokuto hurried to explain himself but it didn’t reach them anymore, Akaashi could only sigh at his loud tone that didn’t seem appropriate for the situation. Atsumu had cheated, multiple times as they went out of town, and there wasn’t really anything to say. It was y/n’s decision on what was going to happen now, not theirs.
“Bokuto, please.” Akaashi put his hand on his school friends’ shoulder to interrupt him from making it any more awkward. He knew that he had only meant well.
“Y/n, how are you feeling?”
Their eyes slowly flickered back to Akaashi, still no sign of any emotion besides pure emptiness.
“I’m not sure. Akaashi- I don’t-“ Suddenly another wall broke inside of them, a wall that they never wished they would’ve encountered in the first place. Y/n never intended on letting him this close - but now they could finally see clearly again.
“Fucking bastard.”
Standing up abruptly, they rushed to get out of the bar they had met up at. Y/n realized that they didn’t have an option to be hurt. They knew it was their own fault for letting him do the thing he was best at, lying.
After an awful lot of arguing and cold nights alone on the couch, Atsumu knew he had to leave the apartment. The blonde knew he fucked up, but to him it didn’t feel as bad as he thought it would be.
“To think you’d actually love anything beside your career, was so fucking stupid of me.”
Yeah, their words hurt a bit at first but his ego was mostly still in tact. He was going to become one of the top volleyball players in japan, how could he think any less of himself?
“How can you be so heartless and just say things like you wanna marry me and all that bullshit only to fuck it up anyways? What was the point of all of this?”
He had to admit to her, there was none. Atsumu didn’t see it any deeper than living with someone he could come home to once in awhile and have some harmless fun on the side while travelling. He didn’t really care if they found out at the end, it even felt a little exciting.
“Oh shut up, yes you do. Just admit it, ya got caught and tried to tell yourself that ya weren’t the bad guy. But Tsumu-“
His twin looked up at him as he was wiping down the counter the restaurant. Osamu had always known every small detail of his brothers’ life - he didn’t always agree with it, but he did try to be there for Atsumu as best as he could. Now he had to admit though, he had liked y/n as his twins partner. When Osamu saw them together, he could tell that they always balanced each other out. When Atsumu was getting irritated and loud, they would help him with their calming ways and always tried their best to work things out, y/n wanted to understand Atsumu. But there was also a goofy side to them that matched his brothers’ energy in a weird way, that he could never quite understand himself. He appreciated her.
Once Osamu found out about his brothers side chicks, he tried to argue with him but he knew that his twin wasn’t someone you could easily persuade. If Atsumu had something he wanted to do, he was going to do it, no matter what anybody had to say, not even his own brother.
“Tsumu ya fucked up this time. I know ya wanna show everybody that ya don’t care about her but ya do. You’re just insecure and ya can’t handle it.”
The blonde chuckled harshly, crossing his arms. “What am I supposed ta be insecure about, huh? I’m officially on the Japan team now, man! I got everything I’ve ever dreamed of right here.”
Osamu only looked up at him with disappointment. “Say whatever ya want, ya aint fooling me.”
“Oh my god Tsumu- Isn’t that Y/n?”
Hinata blurred out in his drunken state. Some of his teammates and him decided to go to a club after a certain victory they had a couple of days ago, and were now standing outside as each of them desperately waited for an uber. Atsumu immediately turned towards the place his friend pointed to with his finger, as the pace of his heartbeat sped up rapidly.
They were standing right infront of another bar, seemingly just as intoxicated as many of his friends right now. He hadn’t seen her in 5 months.
“Who’s that guy though?” Bokuto hung his heavy arm around the blonde, gasping dramatically at the man beside y/n.
Atsumu didn’t react immediately as he stared at the two figures as they laughed at something, dangerously close to each other. Suddenly the setter was overwhelmed by the feeling he hated the most, anger.
“I guess they moved on to some douche.”
The blonde spat out like venom, as a tinge of jealousy hit him. The unknown man seemed to be everything he was not: extremely tall, dark hair and just overall different from him, but there was one thing he did see himself in - the stranger looked dangerously cocky.
“Ah- no! I remember who that is! Akaashi told me about it like a week ago.”
Atsumu tried as hard as he could to remain cool as he swiftly turned his gaze to his friend. Bokuto had a lazy smile on his lips as he stared at the two lovebirds infront of the bar, yet again not knowing how much this might’ve meant to Atsumu deep down.
“He’s a basketball player they met at some party. I think Akaashi said that they already kind of knew him from some college basketball plays’ but y/n was with you back then so they never bothered to talk to him, I guess.”
His wandering eyes were already back on the two of them, his blood boiling at this point.
“Of course they’d fucking pick another athlete. Y/n’s probably just in it for the money anyways, hah~” He mumbled more to himself since Bokuto wasn’t really engaging with him but rather blurring out whatever information his drunk mind was able to gather.
“What was his name again? Amoni- No Aomine? Something like that.”
Atsumu scoffed yet again. The setter wasn’t sure how to feel but began spiralling in his own anger quicker than he thought he would. he confinced himself that the partner he had been with, was in love with him still, they had to be. They could never be as close to that Aomine guy than to him, y/n wasn’t the type to be attached to someone so quickly - especially after the shit he pulled.
“As if he could take care of them. I mean look at that guy, he’s probably just a distraction for the thing they had with me.” The blonde laughed bitter, Bokuto joining in on the harmless fun he thought his friend was having. He didn’t think of it that deep, even Atsumu tried to convince himself that.
“They in love with me still, I can tell that shit from a mile away.”
He turned away from the sight that had his heart bleeding by now. Atsumu only looked over his shoulder one more time, which turned out to have been the biggest mistake.
They kissed, right then and there. He knew at that moment that sometimes he should’ve listened to his idiot of a brother. But then there was his ego again - quickly, covering up any doubt he had.
You’re in love with me still.
I know this was a sad one but I just thought the song would fit with him in a weird way. Hope u enjoyed it anyways tho.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
The Truth that you Deny // Part 1
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
word count: 2,644
warnings: none, fluff
A/N: apologies that this is a day late! I wasn’t feeling great yesterday, but i’m posting it now so I hope you all like it! also, i don’t have a lot of followers yet, but if you like my wrting and/or just this imagine maybe I could start a taglist?? let me know what you think!
“I don’t know what to do anymore, steph. I don’t understand this at all.” You pout, sighing as you lean back in your chair.
You’d been studying for hours now, which is the last thing you wanted to do on a Saturday, and the only thing you’ve managed to do is waste time and get maybe one or two questions/paragraphs done on a number of assignments. You had yet to actually complete anything.
Stephanie looks at you frowning, more than just a little bit annoyed with you.
“Maybe it’d help if you didn’t drift off thinking about your little crush every five minutes.”
“Who?” You ask, having not been paying attention.
“You’re seriously going to play dumb right now? We both know who you’re constantly thinking about.”
“I honestly don’t.”
“Oh come on, y/n. You so totally have a crush on the twins!”
“I do not. Why would you even think that?” You scoff. You, Stephanie, Katie, Lee, and the twins have been friends since first year and you had never once mentioned having a crush on either of them. Sure you might’ve been quiet and distracted around them sometimes, but you get stressed about school so easily. You spend most of the time worrying about grades and whether you know the material. In fact, while the twins were amazing friends, their pranks often drove you insane.
“Why would I think that? Y/n, have you seen the way you look at them? Do you even realize what you say to them?”
“What do you mean? I don’t say anything different to them than I do you.”
“Uh, yeah. You do. You are way nicer to them then you are me or katie or Lee. Remember when gryffindor won the last quidditch game and you couldn’t tell Fred and George enough how well they did?”
“Well they did. I was just saying the truth. It was a really good game.” You defend, not liking how steph seems to be grilling you for a yes.
“Okay, well then how about when either of them show up you’re suddenly ten times happier then you were beforehand?” She looks at you smugly like she knows she’s correct.
“Afternoon, ladies.” Fred greets as both him and George suddenly appear and sit down at the table you and Steph were studying at.
“Hey guys,” you smile catching the knowing look Steph throws your way. You roll your eyes at her and turn your attention to the twins. She can believe whatever she pleases, but it still doesn’t make it true.
“Are you girls studying?” George asks, a hint of disgust in his tone.
“Trying to. I’m not having much luck.” You sigh, throwing a playful glare at your best friend which doesn’t go unnoticed by any of them.
“Well then how about you put it away and come play a game of quidditch with us?” Fred asks, hope glowing on his face.
You sigh as frown takes hold of your face. If only you had gotten all this done already, or even better, didn’t have it to begin with.
“I’d love too, but I really need to get all of this done. I can’t put it off any longer.”
Both twins join as you pout. You know that they know that you’d absolutely love to play. While you hadn’t made the team (because you never tried out), you loved playing and were even really good at it.
You had surprised the twins over summer break two years ago when you visited the burrow for a week. Obviously since all the Weasley’s love playing quidditch and it’s almost a daily occurrence, it was bound to happen that they’d play a game while you were there. However, they really needed another player so you joined in and gave them all a run for their money (if only you had placed bets beforehand). Since then, the twins love asking you to play because you’re actually a bit of competition to them.
“Not even one game?” George asks, leaning towards you ever so slightly to try to catch your eye.
“Guys, I...no.” You sigh, frustrated that the professors gave you this much homework to begin with.
“Honestly, I’d love to play. You both know that, but I really need to get this done. Maybe tomorrow?” You ask.
“How about you put this up for awhile, come and play a game of quidditch with us, and then you finish this tomorrow?” Fred asks, looking to persuade you.
“You’re too persuasive for your own good, Weasley. As much as I’d love to play, I really ought to get this done or else I’m just going to be worrying about it tomorrow.”
“What if we study with you?” George asks, catching all of your attention.
“You two studying? That’s a really good one, George.” Stephanie replies, saying exactly what you were thinking.
“I’m serious,” he chuckles. “Believe it or not.”
“If we were to study with you later tonight and tomorrow, would you come and play a game with us?” He asks, giving his best impression of a sad puppy dog.
“George, I can’t. I’m already so behind and I want to make sure that I don’t fail. We do have the O.W.L.s this year you kn-“
“Pleeeeeease.” Both the twins beg, cutting you off.
“No, I-“
“It’s just one game, I promise.” George pouts.
You look over at Steph who’s only smirking and shaking her head at you, knowing you can’t say no. You hate that you can tell what’s she’s thinking with just that expression; ‘this is your problem, sweetie. Your the one that likes them.’
You roll your eyes at her again, mentally thanking her for all the help and give in.
“Fine! Fine. I’ll play one game.” you agree.
“Yes!” The twins shout simultaneously, high-fiving across the table.
“But you both better keep your word and study with me or else I won’t play with you again.” you threaten, even though it sounds empty even to you.
“Of course we will, gorgeous. We wouldn’t want our little lion cub upset.” Fred smirked, winking at you and George as you groan at their nickname for you.
Another lovely thing that’s come out of your few visits to the burrow. After another one of your empty threats, George laughed and made the point that even though you try to come off strong and threatening, you often fall short and sound like a child who just doesn’t quite have the bite to back up the bark. And since you’re all in gryffindor together, they made the connection to a lion cub.
Since then, it’s been expanded upon given different circumstances. Like when you were standing up for Ron one time, it changed to mumma lion. Then another time when you were confronting a girl that had been spreading rumors about one of your other friends, the twins joked about how you had become a lioness. So while it’s not your favourite nickname, it isn’t the worst one that you could’ve gotten and it’s only ever used by Fred, George and occasionally their family.
“You better watch it, Freddie.” You warned as you started packing up your books.
“And that’s another point for Y/n’s team!”
“Bloody hell, y/n. Give us a chance would you.” Fred nearly begs, rubbing his side where you may have just hit a bludger into him.
“You guys begged me to play and you both know that I don’t play nice.” You retort, not feeling any remorse.
You’d deny it if someone pointed it out, but the truth is you are extremely competitive, no matter the situation as long as it interests you. Quidditch? Bloody hell, you’d think your life depended on you winning. Proving to Lee that you could out drink him? You better have a full bottle of replenishing potion because you are going to have one of the worst hangovers of your life. Basically, if you were presented any sort of challenge, you tackled it head-on.
“He’s just upset that he’s losing. You know how he is.” George says, winking at you as his brother grumbles to himself.
“Want to play once more and whoever gets the point wins? I’m getting awfully tired.”
“Sounds good to me.” George nods.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” Fred grumbled as he and George fly back to their positions.
“Oh bloody hell” you grumble as you wake up and stretch. You don’t often play quidditch, therefore you’re a little out of shape and currently very sore.
That doesn’t even take into account that you stayed up much later than you should have last night trying to get something done.
You groan as you roll over to look at the clock to find it to be 8 AM. You’d certainly love to sleep in a bit more, but if you didn’t get a move on you’d miss breakfast and that’s the last thing you need to do if you were going to be studying with Fred and George today. You loved them, but boy could they get in your nerves sometimes. You didn’t need to be hungry on top of it.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you change into a pair of leggings and an oversized black sweater that tends to hang off one shoulder. You pull on your favourite pair of black heeled boots and move onto brushing your hair and apply the minimal makeup you’re comfortable wearing.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. You look like your ready to spend the day studying with Fred and George.” Steph teased as you sit down next to her.
“Let me eat first, and hopefully get a cup of coffee. Then you can taunt me all you want.” You say, rubbing at your eyes as you’re not quite awake yet.
“Take my fun away.” She pouts, picking up a bite of pancake with her fork.
“But seriously, how are you feeling about today? You get to spend ALL the quality time with your boys as you like.”
She smiles, staring at you to see your reaction.
“I don’t like them like you’re implying, Stephanie. How many times do I have to tell you?” You huff, taking a sip of your much needed cup of coffee.
“Yeah-huh. You keep telling yourself that. Eventually you’ll believe it.”
“Maybe eventually you’ll get the hint.” You grumble, moodily stabbing a piece of pancake yourself.
“Someone seems to be in a mood this morning.” Fred states as he and George sit down across from you two.
You send a glare over at him as you continue eating your breakfast.
“Definitely. What have we missed already this morning?” George asks, looking from you to Stephanie as he gets himself a cup of coffee.
“Someone is denying that she has feelings for a couple certain people when it’s glaringly obvious.” Stephanie states.
“Ooh, who does our little lion cub have a crush on? Anyone we know?” Fred asks, not missing the opportunity to try and tease you.
“Steph just needs to learn how to take no as an answer. I’ve already told her that I do not, in fact, have feelings for them, but she can’t seem to accept that.”
“Again, who are they?” Fred asks.
“Don’t worry about it because I don’t like them. And even if I did I’m positive neither of them would see me in the same way so it really doesn’t matter whatever way you try to look at it.” You rant, stabbing your fork into some scrambled eggs.
You notice Fred and George share a look that can only be translated to ‘well she isn’t having a good morning. Yikes.’ You huff as you continue eating in silence, feeling all three of them look at you.
“Y/n, what does this even mean?” Fred asks exasperatedly.
“What does what mean, Freddie?” You sigh, looking up from your own parchment where you are attempting to write a paper for Potions.
“I don’t know. I can’t make sense of any of it anymore.” He pouts.
“Well then I don’t know how to help you.” You say, watching as he pouts in frustration.
“What about you, Georgie? How is everything going?” You ask, looking over to find George staring down at his parchment.
“Uh, decent?” He asks, seeming awfully confused.
“You two are some of the worst study partners around. How have you made it this far, honestly?” You chuckle, leaning back in your chair.
“Our charm and wit.” George jokingly says, winking at you which only causes you to laugh a bit more.
“Why don’t we take a break for awhile? We’ve been working at this for nearly two hours now.” Fred sighs.
You look over at him and give him a small smile. You honestly can’t believe that both of them came along with you and haven’t done much complaining until now. Neither of these boys liked their homework much, in fact it was rare to find them ever working on it.
“You two can if you’d like. I’m nearly done with this paper and if I stop now I’ll forget what I was doing.”
“Then finish the paper and then we’ll all take a break.” He smiles.
I shake my head as I smile back at him and continue working on my potions paper. I just need another paragraph or two to finish it off and then I’m early done with all of my work.
“There, done.” I say as I set my quill down. I lean back to find both of the twins staring at me.
“Who were you and Stephanie talking about over breakfast?” Fred asks, a smile on his lips yet he sounds fairly serious, not trying to joke around at all.
“Back to this again?” You sigh, tossing your head back in annoyance. “It doesn’t matter, Freddie. Let it go.”
“C’mon y/n, we’re just curious. Maybe we could help you find out if they like you back.” George offers.
“Yeah, you’re one of our best friends, y/n and you deserve to be with someone that makes you happy.” Freddie says, looking directly at you.
“Besides, you haven’t ever been with anyone at all have you? Like not even just dating?” He adds on.
“No, and I don’t really care to. I’ve got too many other things on my mind.” You say, still ignoring the main question at hand here.
“You have no interest at all? Really?” Fred asks knowing otherwise. You know both of them have heard you talk about guys before with the other girls and you all know that you’ve said not once, but multiple times, that you can’t wait to have a boyfriend to cuddle with and to just love.
“Can’t we just drop it? I really don’t want to talk about it. Steph’s made it into a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
You look at George for some sort of support. You know he and his brother are very much alike, but he’s always been a bit
more considerate when it comes to things people don’t feel like sharing.
“If it’s not a big deal, then why don’t you just tell us? No big deal, no harm in telling right?” George asks, doing the complete opposite of what you were hoping.
“I don’t want to talk about it because if I do I’m afraid...well, I’m afraid it’ll make everything more complicated that what I want to deal with.” You truthfully state.
Both twins watch you as you go silent again, not meeting either of their gazes. If they had known it was this difficult for you to acknowledge, then they wouldn’t have pushed it so much, but here you all were; past that line that pushes your relationship with each other into uncharted territory. You guys don’t share your emotions with each other like this, so now that you have, where do you all go from here?
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