#as someone who wants to be a cinematographer
dotthings · 2 days
Don't really mind or care if people hate spn, or are frustrated with it. It's a frustrating show at times, it's limitations were often frustrating. This is not about criticism.
But some people really need to grasp the idea that an imperfect piece of media can also be good. Deliberately good. That the people who made it are talented know what they're doing and think deeply about the story.
Every time someone who claims to be a huge fan of the show calls "the good parts" of spn accidental or calls it the worst show ever, they're revealing themselves.
Calling it accidental shows that people don't pay close attention to the media they're supposedly obsessed with.
Anything for cheap, viral engagement I guess. No way could anyone be obsessed with it because it's a well-crafted story with great characters due to the craft of making a tv show.
Too many people also believe everything great about their favorite characters and the story came entirely from the actors and that's a reflection of how parasocializing celebrity culture has eaten spn fandom spaces and gets valued over engagement with the actual story and characters. (When people get tired of their own fave and don't feel things about their own fave because their adulation of an actor is stronger...yeah it's time to know when to say when and move on from the show itself).
That overly parasocialized take also reflects low media literacy and it actively erases the writers rooms for 15 seasons. It's an insult to every writer who ever worked on spn, not to mention directors, cinematographers, and other crew who used their craft to back up the telling of the story.
Some want to cultivate an air of ironic detachment because it makes them feel cool or smart, but I'm sighing tiredly at the lack of media literacy.
Maybe some people need simple binaries. So they can't reconcile that spn can be a flawed piece of media and a brilliantly made piece of media at the same time.
Or maybe they're ashamed to show their own unironic love for spn.
I love reading people's deep dive analysis and feelings about the characters, and the analysis of visual language, and analysis of symbolism, and how people point out the connectiveness of the story to itself. The literary techniques the creatives at spn used are very real and very deliberate. The writers deployed long-term planning. Returned to the same themes again and again. spn rhymes.
There are always some happy accidents in media, and always things that harm a story, poor decisions, or external factors that derail a good arc or plan. It's not mutually exclusive and it co-exists with purposefully crafted brilliance.
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lupinsmoons · 1 year
I’m watching 1917 for the first time and I know the ending is probably going to destroy me
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respectthepetty · 1 month
Dunk and Joong could have offered me anything in 2024, and I would have taken it, gladly, no questions because my ass is a Jaidee fan first and a human second. But to hand me The Heart Killers? Oh! Let me list all the reasons y'all gonna hate me when this comes out.
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Joong plays Khao's older brother
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Khaotung is older than Joong, but in BL Land that doesn't matter because Khao is playing the hopeless romantic little brother while Joong is playing his stern older brother. Someone already wrote it was 10 Things I Hate About You/The Taming of the Shrew, and Shakespeare would be thrilled to know one of his masterpieces is getting the queer treatment and it's not Twelfth Night.
Dunk is playing the crazy seducer
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Boy wants a car and is willing to go to great lengths to do it, including distracting some dude, so his buddy can play house with that dude's little brother. But the whole point is they had to find a guy who was crazy enough to accept the offer in the first place >insert Dunk's character< so the guy isn't just wanting the car. He is doing this for the thrill of getting tied up, stripped down, and threatened.
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And I respect that.
Jojo is apparently directing
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I wanna have beef with Jojo after Only Friends, then I look at his resume and remember this is the man who gave me puppy play in The Warp Effect, poly in 3 Will Be Free, and a chaotic stripper named Judo in Dirty Laundry PLUS the YinWar trailer for their Partner in Crime concert which has now lead to YinWar doing Jack & Joker, so as a vegetarian, I'm gonna be like Elsa and let that go.
Which means Rath is probably the cinematographer
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I don't give men compliments easily, so when I state that Cinematographer Rath has never disappointed me, I mean it. The man knows what he is doing, and if he is in on this series, I know if anything, it will be visually stunning.
First and Khao being the Beyonce of GMMTV
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I'm in Jaidee's corner always, but I have eyes and First and Khao could really do whatever they want and I'd eat it up. I have believed them with whomever they have been partnered with in the past, and if they want to play high schoolers in an oppressed school system or a banker willing to see his ex and his ex's new man just to flirt with the boy from the market, I'm buying the tickets, I'm sitting in the front row, and I'm holding up homemade posters. Basically, I'm shutting the fuck up and experiencing whatever they want me to experience.
First and Khao tears
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This is its own category because when they cry, they are in a league of their own. They claimed this series was going to be lighter than their previous work, but what is a First or Khao series without tears? I hope they are drinking water right now because someone is crying in this series, and JD's faces are already wet for other reasons.
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Not to objectify the man's body, but . . . it's a banger, and he has been done dirty by wardrobe for two solid years. His face card never declines. His arms are solid. His waist is snatched. His hair is perfect. Even Tay, New, and Jan were talking about him in the BTS for Peaceful Property because they were saying how New's character was based off of Dunk - pretty, fashionable, and COCKY! But wouldn't we all be that cocky if we were walking around looking like this?! Like shut up fives. A ten is speaking!
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It's high time that man got to stunt like Force always does just taking off his shirt for no reason. Good for him. And good for us.
Oh, yeah, and the plot
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Sorry, I mean the plot.
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You know what? Nah. I honestly do not give a fuck about the plot. Joong and Khao are hired killers. First is out to get them. Dunk gets involved (although, I think he knows a lot more than he leads on), and . . .
All will end well.
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Because if anything, Jojo ain't never been allergic to a happy ending *wink*
So just know this show hit its target audience
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romchat · 2 months
Unknown (2024) visual analysis (ep. 1-8): How to film heartache
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This show.
The writing and acting continue to be fantastic, but I feel like I haven't seen enough appreciation for Unknown's cinematography, which captures the heartache of Qian and Yuan's changing relationship so beautifully.
Here are some of my favorite moments of visual storytelling so far...
Framing & Composition
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Something that I immediately noticed about Unknown is how much dirty framing it uses. "Dirtying the frame" is when a cinematographer uses architecture, nature, objects, or even people in the foreground to add depth to a shot. In earlier episodes, we often see Qian and Yuan framed together by everyday household objects.
These shots emphasize the uniqueness of their relationship: they are brothers because of the domesticity surrounding them and yet at the same time the framing almost tucks them away into a private space of their own. Their relationship is born from yet separate from the familial space they share with Lilli.
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So when Yuan drunkenly confesses his feelings and shatters any lies Qian might have been telling himself about their complex relationship, the camera language loses its earlier intimacy.
We suddenly see more medium and long (versus close-up) clean shots where the characters are surrounded by tons of negative space, isolated from each other.
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I also don't think it's an accident that we start seeing more dirty frames again once Yuan leaves for America and Qian realizes how much he misses him.
The New Years scene is a perfect example of this. As Qian miserably cheers an absent Yuan, we see the camera subtly pans to the side of the table where he'd usually sit. No one has been able to occupy that private space at home or in Qian's heart.
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Visual Parallelism
In a previous post, I've talked about how visual parallelism (when we link characters, events, storylines, etc. through a shared image) can signal major changes in the relationship between two characters, and the show uses this technique in multiple ways. (Yuan’s cheeky and completely satisfying “is there something you want me to do?” in Episode 8’s seatbelt scene, for one.)
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But I think the most striking moment is when Yuan asks Qian to confront his own feelings at the end of Episode 8.
When we look at the composition, camera angles, and actor blocking (how the actors are positioned in relation to one another) we can see that the scene directly mirrors the moment that Yuan gifts Qian with cufflinks in Episode 6. In that episode, Yuan is shot from a high angle, making him look even younger and more vulnerable, while Qian cups his face from above, anchoring him as he tries to give misguided advice:
Qian: I actually feel sorry for you. Isn't it tiring to love him? Yuan: It is. It's so tiring to like someone you shouldn't like. Qian: Then what are you doing? Why are you limiting yourself?
It's notable then that during the last scene of Episode 8, the roles are reversed and the blocking and camera language changes accordingly. Throughout Episodes 7-8, we can see the ways Yuan adopts a more mature approach to his interactions with Qian. He has made it clear that he still cares about him but he will only make another move if Qian clearly expresses his desires. Now it's Qian who is the most unsure and vulnerable, with Yuan anchoring him:
Yuan: Wei Qian, don't you like Wei Zhiyuan? If you do, is it only because we're brothers? This thing about us, is it that you don't want it or that you don't dare?
Like Qian had advised him years ago, Yuan now asks why Qian insists on limiting himself by denying what he wants.
Bonus Parallelism:
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Both Yuan and Qian's kiss fantasies mirror each other as well.
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nctinkverse · 5 months
Promissa Redux
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Pairing: jaehyun x f. reader
Genre: mature, smut, angst, fluff, minors dni.
Preview and plot warnings (I will update as I go): dad Jaehyun, pregnancy, MC is a mom, mature, slow burn, excessive angst, abundant plot, and probably way too much dialogue, exes to lovers, Jaehyun 's family is in this (at least as I imagine they might be), a lot of intimacy, explicit content, swearing, alcohol consumption, mention of exes, heavy make-out session and annoying co-workers.
WC Preview: 1000
WC Total: Not sure, probably it will be 5.000 - 10.000?
Chapter 1 - Shattered promises & Broken vows. Chapter 2 - Valentines Day.
Chapter 3 - One call away is not close enough.
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SYNOPSIS: Most of the fairy tales and romance novels, it all seems perfect after the happily ever after. But what if some stories started at the end?
Well not the end per se, nobody was dying.
But you always questioned, do princess get a divorce?
Do female main characters give up the man they fought to love after so many chapters?
At 32 years of age, divorced, mom to an incredible 5-year-old girl who was the greatest thing you and the love of your life ever did, you thought again about the same questions you had when you were 14 and your parents got divorced.
Jung was your last name for 2 years, Mrs. Jung was your title and you loved it, he was sweet, loving, an amazing father and so good to you in bed that you never forgot truly what it felt like to be loved by him.
Your story stated way past the end, the not so happily ever after.
It didn’t have many twists and turns like a superhero movie that keeps you hanging at the edge of your seat for the next plot twist.
In your mind, life was already full of uncertainties, hard decisions, mistakes and paying the price for choosing paths.
Life itself was already hard enough without the responsibilities of superpowers.
So how you ended up thinking about all that again at 32 years old, while holding an engagement ring box you found on your lover’s pocket while picking it up of the floor, it was something you will have to find the answers, probably soon.
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You were fast asleep when the phone rang. The name on the screen making you jump, why is he calling at this hour? This can’t be a good thing.
Immediately you laid your back on the headboard and answered the call.
"Jaehyun, is something wrong?"
"Oh, no…" You let out a relieved breath, being half asleep making you grumpy.
"Good lord, Jaehyun, it's 4 a.m!" You said, raising your voice a little.
"Oh shoot… um sorry… I didn’t check for the time zones. I should have called another –
You interrupted his rambling. He’s not usually someone to call, he could just spill so you can go back to sleep.
"Jae, spill, what’s the gossip, huh?"
He let out a little laugh since the gossip joke was an old one between you two.
"No gossip, but I do have something."
"Clearly, it's something good or you wouldn’t be calling on impulse, spill, Jaehyun."
"Yeah right…" He hesitated a bit, his telltale sign usually being him coughing even though there was nothing wrong with his voice. "I got sent this script for this movie, they want me as the main male character..." He hesitated again, which made you ask.
"Jaehyun, what did you do?"
"I sent a copy of the script to your mailbox."
You could feel your sleepiness going away as you scolded him.
"Jaehyun, are you nuts? You can’t ship stuff like this in the mail! What if it gets –"
"It got delivered today." He interrupted, making you stop your thinking.
Scrambling for a thought since he didn’t elaborate, you asked.
"What the hell am I supposed to do with it?! I’m not a male actor, Jung."
"Read, dummy, read."
"And do what?"
"Tell me if you want it."
You opened your mouth to be obnoxious, pointing out the obvious, but Jaehyun must have listened to your 'I’m about to give you an earful' breath and went first.
"Listen, it’s an amazing script, just like the ones you used to want to work on. There’s an opening for a cinematographer, and I know you’re a hell of a good one, so if you want, it’s yours." He said in one breath, probably afraid you would interrupt again.
But from all he said, this part really got you confused.
"What do you mean it’s mine?"
"I showed the director your profile and portfolio, and he said yes."
"Fuck, Jaehyun." You didn’t know what to say since he was never one to interfere in your personal life since the D word.
"You’re sleepy, and I know how grumpy you can be at this hour, so… I still have to tell you two more things, the job is in the states, probably 3-4 months of filming, and I am supposed to give an answer on the male character in 48 hours. We would have to work together, and we would probably have to strike a deal with my parents since we can’t pull Junnie out of school, so…"
You understood what he said, but you needed at least a cup of coffee to process it. But before you could say anything, he went off again.
"I can give it up if you want." He said almost like a whisper.
"Give what up?"
"The character."
"You didn’t like it?"
"No, but –
You interrupted again.
"So, if you do like it, why would you give it up?" It made no sense to you.
"For you –"
It still didn’t make sense why he would give it up.
"Give it up for ME?"
"I like it, Y/N, but this script has you written all over it… and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by being there."
Now you got him, yet he was about the last person in this world who could make you uncomfortable.
"Yuno…" You said in a softer tone.
You heard his breath and a soft "yeah?"
"I don’t hate you." You stated in your most soft yet firm tone, it was one of the things he must not forget about you two.
"I know, Y/N, I know."
"I am going to read it and think about what you said, ok? Don’t do anything hasty."
"Ok, I will let you go back to sleep."
"I’m not sleeping after all this, you know right?" You said, letting out a small huff.
"I know."
"What I am about to do is getting up, making some coffee and grabbing the script out of my mailbox, does it sound good to you?" You were being just a bit playful.
"It does, love."
That word made you warm like butter melting on a frying pan. Still, that wasn’t something out of the ordinary for him to call you. So, you let it slide.
"Well, for sure it’s better than staying in bed tossing and turning."
He let out a small giggle, he knew you were one of those to fight a lot with your bed at night.
"Good morning, love."
"Good afternoon to you?" You didn’t know what timezone he was on, so you tried.
"Try again." He said with a smiling voice.
"Good night!" You said like you had guessed the lottery numbers.
He let out a giggle sound and said, "Give little Nari 1000 kisses from me, will you?
"Why just a thousand?" You said with a little pout. You could hear his playful tone.
"Don’t you know our daughter? She might ask for in real life a thousand kisses; since you are the closest parent, you might fall victim to it, so I think that’s a great number for kisses."
You both giggled, Jung Nari, the lily to our garden, was at that phase where hyperboles would be a tough concept for her to grasp.
"Ok, fine." You agreed still giggling.
"I will call… stay safe."
"You too, Jaehyun."
And the line went silent.
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lokiiied · 7 months
my thoughts on the making of loki s2:
• “our approach was really doubling down on who loki cares about, who we care about.” and then having season 2 centre around loki & mobius’ relationship, how he cares for his friends, and sylvie’s independence & what she wants/fought for like okay cool got it.
• “tom is the author of all things loki” he really, truly is. bless him.
• ke huy quan must be protected at all costs the world does not deserve him
• loml rafael casal 💞💅🏻
• “mobius can be eccentric, because loki is eccentric, he just is. but they don’t see themselves that way. they’re the straight man (???) in this absurd world.” 🤨🧐 kevin…you were going somewhere and then you lost me.
• “this is her first chance to experiment with freedom, with choice.” (about sylvie). and her choosing a simple life, with the comfort of routine and connecting with a few particular humans and just appreciating life. the little things. with no romantic motivations that we see. big aspec energy.
and then replaying the scenes where she says “my life’s here now” and “your friends are where they belong. we’re all writing our own stories” like. yeah. just reiterating how important this life she’s built is to her and she has no interest in going back. she appreciates loki & mobius and the others in helping her to keep/save free will - but aside from that, she’d be fine never seeing them again. because if she did - it would probably mean trouble. fighting again. running again. and she’s already spent her whole life fighting and running. she’s tired. of course she was upset they kept seeking her out, cuz she thought she was done. that she fixed everything that mattered. even though she didn’t. but now she gets to live. and be sylvie. “not a loki” and to figure out who that is.
• 700 PAGE BOOK??!!? isaac bauman, the cinematographer. wrote a 700 PAGE “cinematography bible” of the entire visual language of the show. down to the smallest lights. the pure tism dedication. this is what i’m talking about when i say everything is intentional. every shot. the lighting. the tone. every time someone writes an analysis about these themes in this show - just one page of this mans work is appreciated. i never want to hear anyone talking shit about “reading too much” into cinematography. i have isaac bauman’s loki cinematography bible on my side.
• wunmi is so funny and warm i love her energy
• christopher townsend sounds EXACTLY like an older tom holland it’s tripping me up
• “what is it mobius says…” tom says and then recites the line word for word. as if loki wasn’t thinking of that line while sacrificing himself. as if mobius’ words weren’t echoing over him in the final shot of the show. he’s so funny.
• speaking of…owen only talked for like 5 minutes what?? probably started rambling about mobius’ gay feelings for loki and they cut it :/ seriously though did they just not ask him questions?? his presence felt weirdly lacking.
• tom hiddleston everyone. our lord and saviour
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infaria · 4 months
So, so, so, SO many people miss the point of the walten files and it's genuinely saddening, because it is such a delicate story hidden behind horror. What makes the walten files stand out from the rest of the big analog webseries out there is the fact that it's so far the only one that is both horror and drama in genre. The only other online indie horror projects that I've seen put focus on placing actual depth into characters so far is welcome home and the tanji virus/oracle project duology (a duology that I highly recommend people to watch, it deserves more recognition).
Martin has said that there's more to the characters than meets the eye, with bunnyfarm specifically noting that "this is a story about broken people, beautiful people"
This is probably why most theories people make are doomed to fail from my point of view. Martin doesn't seem to be particularly interested in creating an epic horror that ends in a thrilling battle or to create the "most SHOCKING, SCARY analog horror ever?!?!" as random reaction channels title their videos as. Maybe this is why Martin deviated from the original format. The walten files 4, despite being 36 minutes long, did not add too many answers to the mystery. Instead, there was a perfect balance of giving more context as well as well as giving more character to pre-existing characters, such as suzan, ed and molly, the antagonist (whoever he is), felix, jack and charles. All that through dialogue and actual cinematographic scenes. The story wants you to take personality and psychology into account when theorizing as well.
I won't post all my theories, but now that we have 4 out, I'll give my two cents on the "who or what is bon" mystery, based on a mix of character analysis and hints given throughout the episodes, site, hidden media and martin's statements.
I never believed the "felix killed and placed jack into bon" theory as someone who discovered the series after bunnyfarm's release. Felix is a coward, self centered, is irresponsible and refuses to acknowledge his issues. And people mistakenly interpret that as "evil capitalist who only cares about his hide". I won't analyze felix (at least not today), because so far he is the one character who we have the most context about his inner psychology and woo boi, there's a LOT of issues this guy has, but point I am trying to make is that he doesn't seem like the type to kill jack because, believe it or not, from what I can gather, he'd never kill a person on purpose.
The only possible scenario I can see the "felix put jack in bon" theory being true is if jack attacked felix after learning of the kids, so felix accidentally killed him in self defense.
Felix is shown to be alive in 1981, so it's unlikely it is him being bon either. (funnily enough, if that wasn't revealed, I'd think him being bon as a good theory, something that, yet again, I'll probably touch upon a future dissection of his character)
The only two scenarios I can think of is a) either jack put himself, either on purpose, or accidentally in bon, b) bon is a third party or c) jack is bon, but someone else placed him in
Out of these three theories, I believe a) is the least probable, with c) being second in place. It is possible jack got depressed to the point of doing something this intense, however it was implied in the Relocation project and the findjackwalten site that he is very likely alive. Here I am mostly going on hunch, but I don't think martin would choose the "Man loses family, ends up depressed and then a vengeful insane spirit" route. I did say above that I believe felix to more more likely to fit that role of "person going mad from mental stress", but I actually believe that he'd be more likely to snap, considering his mental stability after the crash. Also I don't see how jack could accidentally get into bon.
I honestly think both were red herrings from the very start of the series. In fact, walten files 4 pretty much added the possibility that they have nothing to do with the murders (excluding ed and molly*), aside from felix being heavily hinted to have tried covering up the bon incidents instead of reporting them like a normal, law abiding, responsible citizen.
Cyberfun Tech episode pretty much revealed to us that the "bon is just a malfunctioning animatronic" theory is not true, as bon clearly has something controlling it. So I can only see the above theories being correct.
This places the c) theory as most believable. The issue is who is the third party. People have speculated it is the original ceo of cyberfun tech or a demon. I'd personally lean towards the ceo, a demon would be too random for a story that focuses so much on personal strife. And since I am part of the "jack is alive" theorizers, I also don't believe the "manifestation of jack's anger" theory. Something that keeps bugging me also is why did the person who honked at felix during the car crash didn't report anything, it's weird, as if someone saw the perfect opportunity to use felix as a scapegoat for the murders. Maybe bon has an accomplice?
I'm stepping into tinfoil shadow government territory here though lmao
*I know I am being nitpicky here, call me a law nerd all you know, but I especially get frustrated when people throw around heavy words without knowing their terminology, as that can have pretty bad consequences when applicable to real people. Another small fun fact just for extra trivia knowledge: Age of consent doesn't always mean legal, if you're a minor, please protect yourself. Back on topic, no, what felix did was not murder. It's a shitty, also fairly common douchy behavior in my country called "causing death through driving under the influence of alcohol". Here's the difference:
(The first picture says California, but the same exact thing applies to law articles from multiple countries)
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This post probably ended up on a passive aggressive tone, I apologize ToT
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nobie · 10 months
I was rewatching Good Omens earlier today and I noticed something thats probably been analyzed before, but I'm a film studies minor thats losing their marbles over this I need to talk about it.
SO I've taken a ton of classes about filming and story telling. And one aspect of story telling I love so much is cinematography (you'll see the cinematographer credited as Director of photography) the purpose of this job to direct lighting, color, and framing during shoots. So whenever you see changes in a shot to any of those things, the cinematographer is the one directing that in order to create a certain feeling for the scene and audience.
why am i telling you all that? Because the director of photography on Good Omens (Gavin Finney) achieved something that has me climbing the walls. In the first season when Crowley and Aziraphale are having a "breakdown" in their relationship under the band stand in the park each time it cuts between them something changes in the framing. When we are looking at Crowley from Aziraphales POV, Crowley seems farther away in the shot. And when we are looking at Aziraphale from Crowley's POV Azi is closer. Then we see this framing again in season 2 during the confession scene. Azi looks much closer from Crowleys POV and Crowley is much farther to Azi.
The number one thing I've learned through out my film classes is when you are framing someone in your shot you have to show what's most important to your character, show don't tell. The purpose of that is a great story should be able to be told without sound, so showing emotion and feeling in the way you frame shots is important.
So what are the feelings in these frames? Crowley wants Aziraphale to be close, for Azi to just accept their love, to stop pushing him away, and be together. Each time they've had these confrontations Crowley is always the one wanting to be closer. While Crowley in Aziraphales eyes need to be farther away, stop getting closer, and only sees them as an Angel and Demon who are on opposite sides (lets be honest Azi you are fckn SMITTEN with Crowley). In the second season the feelings have changed but in the end it still hurts the same. They are important to each other but have different ideas of what their love/relationship should be. I think in order for the framing in each others eyes to be balanced they'll need to stop talking AT each other and start talking TO each other.
Anyway there are my two cents I could add more but it hurts to think about. (I'll think about it the more I watch honestly so more might be added.)
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bengiyo · 5 months
top 5 bl in terms of cinematography to you + (because i am greedy) top 5 intimate scenes
We've been friends for a long time. I'll do two for you.
Best BL Cinematography of 2023
This is probably a question you should direct to @respectthepetty as well. I like her taste when it comes to cinematographers, and she often knows their names, too.
Tokyo in April is...
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I really love how boxed in and tight everyone feels in this show, and I really love the way they shot the trauma sequences with the young actors to protect them.
If It's With You
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This show really is gorgeous, and the way they shoot the locations makes this town feel like a character in the show. I gotta find that post someone wrote where they talk about how the left side of the frame is darker as Amane runs away in this scene because he's running from his own light. Incredible stuff.
Edit: It was @my-rose-tinted-glasses here.
The Eighth Sense
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This show looks so different from everything else that released from Korea this year, and you can feel the blending of Korean and German sensibilities in so much of the framing. It's hard to search for this show on the Tumblr gif search, so I can't find some of my favorite shots.
Moonlight Chicken
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Aof and them put they whole foot in this show.
I Feel You Linger in the Air
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This show is beautiful, uses lines well, and actually uses distance pretty well for a Thai show. The rain scene stands out a lot.
Top 5 Intimate Scenes
Oh, this one is kinda hard. (zing!)
Jom and Yai Have Sad Farewell Sex (I Feel You Linger in the Air)
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This was really unexpected. They managed to show lovemaking that was deeply tender and also melancholy.
Saengtai Blows Patts (La Pluie)
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As I said in earlier responses, a big thing for me with La Pluie is the aftermath of intimacy. What I like about this scene is that Tai is choosing to do this for Patts because he wants to assure Patts that he is into him and is into what they have. While he isn't ready to do acts that feel overly intimate, he still wants to give pleasure. I also like that they show that giving head is a way to maintain control if you're nervous while also taking care of your partner. You should check out the extended version of this on iQIYI.
King and Uea Have Kinky Sex (Bed Friend)
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I don't know that this is the best performed one between the characters, but I like that a big part of this scene is King being open with Uea about what he wants and Uea wanting to give that to King.
Masumi and Ritsu in the Car (The End of the World With You)
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Their flashback scene was way hotter and I love it so much ("You're soaked"), but the way Ritsu stares at Masumi, who is injured, and is so careful about trying to please him has sat with me ally ear.
Ritsu and Fumiya on the Couch (Jack o' Frost)
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They did this like they knew each other well. They also let the actors build the emotions between each other. There's very little editing over this scene, which makes it feel so natural.
Ask Me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
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As someone who has kind of convinced themselves Izzy is gonna die at the end of S2, could you share your reasons why you think he won't? I'm sure a lot of us who think he's doomed could use some ideas as to otherwise. And who do you think is being buried in that grave scene in the Behind the scenes video? I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
Hey, first of all, this is the first ask I’ve ever got, so thanks ☺️
Okay, so, there’s been so many posts recently with much more elaborate and better-argued takes than mine, and I can’t really take credit for anything I’m going to say here because none of these thoughts are original, really… but anyway.
I was surprised how quickly and strongly people seemed to have latched onto the “Izzy’s gonna die” train based on, as far as I'm concerned, nothing more than a couple of vague BTS bits and a general sense of foreboding caused by previous experience with stories like these.
First of all, the BTS pictures and videos. Namely the bit where Izzy seems to be lying down and the one with the grave. It’s a massive stretch at best. I think Izzy’s likely to get injured at some point, but this could literally be anything, we can’t even see what’s going on. This could be a fuckery. At one point Ed is holding out his hand stained with blood, but we don’t even know whose blood it is. Same for the grave. Izzy isn’t the only crew member missing from the ring of people standing around it. We know there’s going to be a big battle in E08, so it's not surprising someone would die, but there’s simply no proof and not at all likely it would be Izzy.
Also, think about it. Izzy’s a sailor. Sailors typically get burried at sea. The only other place I could imagine him wanting to be buried at is next to his family in England, but that might just not be feasible, so he’d most likely get burried at sea. The way I see it, he’d much rather rest on the ocean floor than some random beach in the Republic of Pirates, a place he claimed to hate in S01.
Another thing: the creators of the show know how rabid this fanbase is. They knew we were going to painstakingly pick apart and overanalyse every single frame of every morsel of promotional content we could get our hands on. So far they’ve gone to great lengths to avoid major spoilers. They even changed Ed’s line in the trailer where he said “and, more importantly, no more Izzy” (replaced it with “no more Stede”) in order not to reveal the plotline of Ed shooting Izzy, even though that line was pretty vague and could have been up to interpretation. So how likely is it that they would reveal a major character’s death in several frames of BTS material? Just not very likely at all, I’d say.
Then I’ve seen a few people argue that the writers want to get rid of Con because doing the CGI for the unicorn leg is too expensive and inconvenient. I’m calling bullshit on that one too. Admittedly, I don’t know much about CGI, but Con literally just has to wear a green sock over his boot or something like that, and it’s not that hard to frame it in a way that makes his leg less visible. So far we’ve had a lot of shots with him just sitting there, or where he was filmed from the waist up. I imagine it wasn’t easy for Con to mimic moving like he was missing a leg, but he nailed it perfectly, and he seemed to have an easier time walking around in episodes 6 and 7 compared to ep 5, so he won’t have to keep up the severe limping to the same extent. At this point Izzy is the third major character after Stede an Ed. There’s no way they’d get rid of him just because of a minor cinematographic inconvenience like that.
And then there’s the fact that nobody actually dies in this show except for the villains. David Jenkins took the “bury your gays” trope and turned it into “make your gays unkillable”. This is literally the show that gave us recreational gut stabbing. There’s only a couple of exceptions, but they were all very minor characters or, well, a bird… I really liked Ivan, but he was easily the least important character out of all the crew members, and probably the only reason his death was offscreen was because the actor quit after S01. There’s no indication that Con wants to quit, it’s obvious he’s having the time of his life with this role, so it’s very unlikely he would sacrifice it for some other project.
What OFMD does love, on the other hand, is characters appearing to die, only to end up surviving against all odds. That’s, like, its signature trait by now. None of us really believed Lucius was going to die, even though logically it was extremely unlikely he wouldn't just drown immediately. They didn’t even bother to explain it properly, that’s how little this show cares for realism. And we love that about it. Izzy himself has already had not one, not two, but THREE instances like that: the dream sequence scene, getting shot in the leg, then surviving his suicide attempt. If he happened to actually die for real now, that would just be bad storytelling.
Speaking of storytelling… That’s really the main reason I don’t believe Izzy’s going to die. I know a lot of people are hung up on the whole “his narrative arc is complete and he has served his purpose as a character” thing, and in any other show that might be true, but not this one. OFMD isn’t just a show, it’s a love letter to the queer community. Izzy is now a representation of a queer person discovering himself and being accepted into the found family. He figuratively embodies the spirit of the Revenge. The physical unicorn figurine was destroyed, but the crew managed to use something “broken” and give it a new life. If the show did this only to kill Izzy off right afterwards, that would feel like a slap in the face. It wouldn't complete his character arc, it would undo it. It would be way worse than another show killing off some character that simply happened to be gay. It would feel like killing a character off specifically because they finally found some happiness in being gay, right after reaching the peak of their personal development as a queer character. It would feel deliberately mean rather than merely thoughtless.
And it would make the very first scene of S2 kind of meaningless, too. That dream sequence specifically showed us what was not going to happen. Izzy wasn’t going to stand between Stede and Ed anymore. Izzy and Stede weren’t going to be enemies anymore. Ed wasn’t going to melt into Stede’s arms and immediately forget all that’s happened. And Izzy isn’t going to die. Simple as that.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
Do you want us to be friends?
When Director Jojo and Director Aof want to have a visually poppin' show, they call on Cinematographer Rath, so I instantly noticed that when Day was talking to Gee in the gym about Mork, it was bright
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then she mentioned the farewell party with the line "we're all friends" and the light got darker.
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When Mork reads the names on the trophy, he doesn't finish August's, but Day doesn't call August his partner nor his friend. He simply states August is the "the other name."
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The show is leading up to unveiling the reason for August and Day's issues, which apparently started long before Day's loss of sight, and translations are translations, but this is telling of Day and Mork's relationship.
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Mork continues to define their relationship as one of boss and employee
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While Day continues to state he is Mork's friend.
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But this label only happens around Mork's friends.
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Because in front of Day's friends, Mork is his caretaker.
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So in front of Mork's friend, Mork calls Day his boss, and in front of Day's friend, Day calls Mork his caretaker, and although those are accurate, they treat each other like friends.
Point #1: Drunk Friends
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When they first met, Night asked Mork if he had ever taken care of someone before and Mork told him he always gets his drunk friends home,
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And now he made sure to not only get Day home, who was drunk, but also to stay with him in case he got sick or accidentally hurt himself.
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Point #2: Phojai (Porjai)
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Phojai's shitty ex-boyfriend thought she was cheating on him with Mork (NIGHT NATION RISE!). Day thought she was Mork's girlfriend. Yet both times Phojai firmly established she and Mork were just friends. They are there for each other. They tease each other. They want what's best for each other. They care about and for each other. And they do it because they are friends.
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Mork told Day that he went to jail because he got into a fight while drinking with friends. When Day didn't want to see his friends, Phojai told Mork he above everyone else should understand since none of his friends visited him and jail, and when she did, he broke up with her because he felt worthless even though she never saw him that way. The reason she and Mork are still friends is because their care for each other doesn't stem from a sense of duty or pity. It stems from love.
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Point #3: Day's Friends
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Day's friends immediately start roasting him. They say "long time no see," drink to their "blind friend," and ask how he "watches" porn. You know, like friendly people.
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But they really are. When Gee listed the names, both of them recognized everyone as "friendly people" (since August was not present) and even though they had missteps, Gee also established that Day is very much like them.
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Which is why they are all friends.
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And it is why Mork fits right in.
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Point #4: "Friends"
August was simply "the other name" but Day and Mork keep changing how they label the other person. Once again, to Day's friends, Day introduces Mork as his caretaker, and to Mork's friends, Mork introduces Day as his boss. It makes sense for neither to label the other as friend in front of their respective friends, but . . . it's not because of a respect for their professional relationship.
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Day's friends know what Day's friends looks like because they are his friends, and Mork ain't it which Gee clocks. Mork's friends know what Mork's friends looks like, and Day ain't it, which even the mechanic looked sideways at when Day said he was a friend.
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They use the boss and caretaker label to remind themselves they aren't friends, yet they continue to treat each other like friends.
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But Aof's directing, as usual, is slowly making them question if they are even treating each like friends.
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And Rath, as usual, is backing it up with the visuals.
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Which is why everything is just a bit brighter and clearer when they speak about each other compared to their other friends. Even if they can't admit it, they have always seen the other for exactly who he is, and they never saw the other as a friend.
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
(Putting this in a separate post because I sort of scattered my thoughts across two different posts last night.)
So by now we've all probably seen the Ask that Neil answered saying that the kissing scene in GO 2 required only one take. There were a couple of things that came to my mind when I read this, and perhaps the most immediate was that the OP asked how many times the scene had to be filmed, and that means the scene entire--the confession, the pleading, everything--not necessarily just the kiss itself. To that end, I wonder how Neil was answering--i.e., referring to the entire scene, or just the kiss. Because as it stands, the question (and answer) are a bit ambiguous/confusing, and lend themselves to greater discussion.
Assuming that this is all true, however, and that the kiss/scene was filmed in one take (though I'm not sure I believe this was actually the case, given the multitude of camera angles and other cinematographic necessities), I'd like to share a few thoughts. I keep seeing people say that Michael and David are actors, consummate professionals, and how could one underestimate their abilities so as to think they would need more than one take. The thing is, we do know that they are actors. Two of the finest this world has ever seen, even. But it is also abundantly clear that if the kiss was achieved in one take, it was not simply because they are actors, but because it was Michael and David. Together.
To stand across from someone and give/react to such an emotional performance involves so much intimacy and trust, in a way not many of us can understand. If we draw a comparison to OFMD, Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi talked about their kiss in season 1 being awkward, even though they have been friends for a long time. Michael and David, by contrast, have been close friends (if not more) for only a few years, yet there was not a moment's hesitation in that kiss. David, who was nearly blind in that scene from the combination of contact lenses and sunglasses, found his way to Michael's lips with a practiced ease, an approach borne of both skill and familiarity. And Michael trusted David so fully in that moment--trusted him enough to be vulnerable, to let himself be kissed and give up control to David.
The gasp when their mouths met. The hands coming to rest on David's back. The way Michael seemingly leans up partway through, leans into David while expertly conveying the myriad of emotions Aziraphale is experiencing. Could it all have been done in one take? Perhaps. But that still doesn't mean there wasn't more to it. The accumulation of so much that had built between Michael and David over the intervening years between season 1 and season 2, further adding to their already incredible on-screen chemistry. All there for us to see, to make us want more. To make us ache.
Whatever the case may be--whether the kiss truly was accomplished in one take, or was the result of countless rehearsals between Michael and David in the days/weeks/months beforehand (be it at the S2 table read, while working on scene blocking, or the two of them "rehearsing" on their own) we are beyond fortunate to have witnessed something so precious and rare. And hopefully we'll soon get to hear Michael and David themselves telling us all about what it was like...
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adidastain · 5 months
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love to hate you
90s matt stone x fem!reader (named Sadie)
warnings: arguing, suggestive themes if you squint really hard
notes: first person perspective (I, me, my, etc.), this is part one of a series mwahaha cliffhanger
word count: 2539
The time was 7:54 PM. That marked six hours since I’d last sat down. 
It got to the point where I could barely move more than three feet in any direction. I was perched next to the camera, watching each take while the director spectated from the monitor, just a few feet away. 
We were on Take #5 of the second shot of the entire scene. I knew at this rate, we would still be here shooting the tail end of this scene at 9 o’clock. But Trey was picky, and it was my job to make sure he got what he wanted out of each take. 
“Cut!” he shouted, exhaling heavily. I trudged over to where he was standing, keeping my back straight so as to not look so tired in front of all my colleagues.
“What do you think?” I asked him, standing at his side just a few inches away. Trey stared into space, gnawing on his fingernail as he thought deeply. 
“What’s the time looking like?” he asked me, words muffled by his hand. 
“We should wrap up this scene by 9 and be done for the night,” I sighed. 
He stood in silence, staring at the actors on set as they waited for his call. 
“Okay,” he sighed. “Let’s move on.”
“Moving on!” I echoed. Thank God. Trey walked onto the set, standing in front of the actors to explain what he wanted for the next shot. 
I moved as quickly as I could over to the table off to the side, grabbing a water bottle for myself and chugging it. I so badly wanted to sit down for just a minute, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t going to let myself. 
“What’s going on?” I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head, seeing our producer with his big silver glasses and curly hair, towering over me. He had his skinny, muscular arms crossed over his broad chest. He was obviously peeved. 
“Setting up the next shot. Where have you been?” I asked, subtly leaning against the table. Matt and I didn’t really get along most days. We didn’t get along at all, actually. I didn’t really understand why, but as long as he stayed out of my way, I couldn’t care less what he thought of me. 
“Signing your checks,” he spat. I turned my back to him, walking away towards the set. I approached the cinematographer, before Matt put his hand on my shoulder to prevent me from moving any further. 
“Did we get the shot?” Matt asked me, raising his eyebrows. 
“What does it look like?” I hissed, gesturing to our surroundings. I turned my back to him again to help the camera crew move around. 
Matt disappeared shortly after. For someone who was nowhere to be found during rehearsals and shooting, he cared an awful lot about what I was doing. I knew he was busy with scheduling and budget stuff, but he was Trey’s right hand man on most of their projects, so it didn’t make sense why he wouldn’t make time to see it all happening. 
Perhaps that’s why he was always up my ass on set. Even then, he had no reason to get such an attitude when talking to me. So many people told me how professional he was on set before I started shooting with them; if he was so professional, then only God might know why he treated me the way he did. 
While I waited for Trey to finish running a rehearsal for the camera, I kept a close eye on the time. 9 o’clock was a huge stretch at this point. Granted, we did make a lot of progress for one day. 
I noticed Matt talking to a lady in the corner. She looked professional; she had on a black blazer and held a binder tucked underneath her arm. I stared for a moment, thinking about what they could be talking about. It was almost quiet enough to hear, since all the buzz from PAs and crew members had died down for the rehearsal. Matt was leaning down slightly so he could hear whatever the woman was saying. He was… looking at me. 
I looked away. Are they talking about me? God. He better not be saying anything bad. I was good at my job and he knew it. I knew it. 
Soon, we called for quiet, and we were back to shooting. Trey opted to do a continuous take and have actors run their lines multiple times, so they could just pick up if they forgot. The scene was almost three pages long, so there was a lot of dialogue and no doubt that they would slip up. 
And of course, as expected, one of the actors called for a line a few times. I was actually really happy. Doing a single continuous take would save us so much time. 
After we wrapped up the shot, Trey called for everyone to take five. 
“‘Scuse me,” I heard a voice next to me. It was the lady that Matt was talking to just a few minutes ago. 
“How can I help you?” I asked, giving her a smile. 
“Can you come with me for a moment?” she asked. 
I followed her to an empty portion of the room where most of the gear was camping out, waiting to be used. Matt was standing there next to a door to another room.
“It would seem that you and Mr. Stone have been having some problems, no?” she said, gesturing towards Matt. He stared me down, chewing on the inside of his cheek. I felt my body burning under his angry and slightly intimidating gaze.
“I guess,” I said. “I’m not sure why.”
“Me neither,” she said, sporting a fake smile. I could see now how caked her makeup was when her skin wrinkled with her grin. “Care to explain, Mr. Stone?”
I was honestly shocked. I guess she was acting in my defense. Perhaps his unprofessionalism stood out to her; I realized that she was probably a supervisor from a big production company. 
“I think Sadie is slowing down production. That’s all,” he said calmly. I hated the way his voice sounded. It was deep and nasally and he always had such a snobby tone. 
“That doesn’t make any sense,” I argued, furrowing my eyebrows. “My job is to keep things moving. We would’ve been stuck shooting that same shot over and over if I hadn’t said anything.” 
“Well if you would just let Trey get what he wants, we wouldn’t have to take time every day to reshoot scenes from the day before,” Matt said, raising his eyebrows. 
“There’s clearly a misunderstanding here,” the lady huffed, rubbing her temples. “I want you two to work it out between yourselves. Right now. Personally, I’m embarrassed for you. Fix it.” 
Matt sighed, looking down at his feet. I laughed on the inside. 
The woman took a step closer to me to whisper, “I don’t know what his problem is. I think you’ve been doing just fine. But the way you’re reacting to him isn’t helping anybody in this situation, so figure it out.” 
I nodded. She walked away, leaving the space between Matt and I filled with nothing but silence and tension. His glare was throwing daggers at me. I couldn’t lie and say that he wasn’t scary most of the time. I swallowed, trying my best to keep it subtle so he wouldn’t notice.
“So what’s your deal?” I asked calmly, shifting my weight from one heal to the other. 
“I told you what my deal is,” he said. He licked his lips. “Not very good at listening, are you?”
“Did I say or do something that’s been affecting you outside of work?” I said, laughing. I was truly at a loss for words. What on Earth could I have done to make him hate me so much? I’m not friends with anyone in the cast or crew outside of shooting, so why did it matter? Trey seemed to be fine with me. Maybe Matt was jealous? 
“You’re fucking up our project, Sadie,” he hissed. “Not to mention you just fucking humiliated me in front of the exec from Universal!”
My jaw dropped open. He sounded like such an idiot. I humiliated him? “You started it! I was just doing my fucking job, Matt!” I exclaimed, keeping my voice as hushed as possible. “When have I ever gotten in your way, hm? Give me an example. Go ahead.”
“Every single day,” he laughed. “You won’t let Trey just do his thing. This thing’s gonna turn out to be shit by the time we’re done and it’s gonna be your fault.”
“Who hired me, Matt? I wanna know,” I said. He hired me. I knew that. He knew that. “I think you ought to have a strong word with him. He looks like an idiot right now.”
“You’re lucky you were even considered,” he said. Matt crossed his arms and leaned closer. “You don’t have shit in your portfolio.” 
“If you don’t back off and let me do my job, there’s only gonna be more shit,” I said lowly, gritting my teeth. 
“That won’t happen. Don’t forget who signs your checks, sweetheart,” he growled.
He was just a few inches away from me now. At this point I could feel his breath covering my face. 
“Fire me,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “If I’m such a nuisance to this project, fire me.”
“Alright, then. Leave.”
“Say ‘you’re fired,’” I instructed. 
“Get the fuck out of here,” he said, laughing softly. “Be my guest.”
“You’re scared, Matt. I know you are. I can see it in your eyes,” I grinned. “You’re scared you’re gonna look bad in front of the execs for firing me without reason, hm? Say it.”
“You’re fucking fired,” he said, raising his voice. He had no need to; my face was less than a foot away from his. I jumped slightly, not expecting the sheer volume with which he spoke. 
The entire set went quiet for a brief moment. I felt my face start to burn as I realized that every single person in the building probably heard that. Now I felt like an idiot. Matt leaned away from me, crossing his arms and staring me down. I could see a smirk curling on the side of his lip. Never in my professional career did I want to hit anyone more than I did in that moment.
I swallowed back tears, trying to compose myself before I actually turned to walk out. I could see Matt’s broad, muscular chest rising and falling rapidly. Perhaps he felt a rush of adrenaline for finally putting me in my place. 
“Good luck finishing this scene by the end of the hour without my help,” I muttered, ramming my shoulder into his body as I pushed past him to get through the exit. 
I grabbed my backpack from the hallway and stormed outside. Of course, it was raining. How cliche. 
Once I was in the safety and quiet of my car, I burst into tears. I couldn’t believe that asshole actually fired me. I know I encouraged him to do it, but I didn’t think he actually would. He was so fucking confusing all the time; I trusted my judgement and my judgement was wrong. 
I put on a crewneck over the tank top I was wearing as I tried to take deep breaths and calm down. I was confident that they wouldn’t get the rest of shooting done within the next two weeks without my help. Fine, they could suffer all they wanted. They only had one person to blame and it sure as Hell wasn’t me. 
Just to make my life even better, the location of the set was a good forty minutes away from where I lived, so the drive home sucked. It was late, I was exhausted, I was cold, it was raining, Matt was an asshole, Trey was probably in shambles. The whole sundae with the whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and the cherry on top. 
It was well after 9 PM when I got home. I looked at the clock in my kitchen and wondered if they’d finished filming as I watched the second hand tick. Whatever. I shouldn’t care. 
I set all my stuff down in my bedroom and turned the water on for a hot shower. I felt really gross, from sweat, tears, snot, and rain water. I thought about the Universal lady giving Matt a verbal beating about his unprofessionalism. The thought made me smile as I got undressed and stepped into the shower, every bit of tension and stress in my body melting away as the hot water poured over my skin. 
I pictured his face turning red with embarrassment as she told him how immature and unprofessional he was. Call it cruel, but imagining him getting verbally beaten by a big company really relieved my stress. 
My mind circled back to our dispute from before I left. I didn’t understand why he got so fucking angry at me for no apparent reason. Maybe after I started teasing him, sure, but before? I was defending myself. If he was so worried about me sabotaging his and Trey’s project, then he was far from ready for working in Hollywood. 
It was ridiculous, honestly. I couldn’t even do anything to ruin the creative aspect of the film with the position I held. I was the 1st Assistant Director, for God’s sake. All I was there to do was prevent people from wasting time and keep things moving. I couldn’t fathom what Matt would have had such a major fucking problem with. 
I found myself less relaxed again. Weirdly, I wondered what Matt was doing right now. Maybe he was getting scolded by the exec, maybe he was getting scolded by Trey. They’d probably (hopefully) finished loading out by now, so maybe he was driving. Maybe he was in the shower too. Maybe he fell asleep at the wheel and drove off a cliff and ended up in a fiery car crash on a remote beach. Maybe they were still filming. Maybe he was in the shower, washing his hair or his body, just like I was…
I cringed and turned the water off, ringing my hair out. I shook my arms and legs and stepped out of the shower, quickly grabbing my towel and smothering my head with it. Matt had been on my mind the entire night since I left, but truthfully, I didn’t care that much. I was way too tired and honestly relieved to not have to get up at 6 AM the following morning and film for another 15 hours again. I smeared the rough fabric all over my body as I walked down the hall to my room. 
That’s when my doorbell rang. 
I froze. What time is it? Who the fuck could possibly at my door this late anyway? 
I ran to my room, throwing on a baggy T-shirt and some fuzzy pajama shorts and running over to my door to peer through the peephole. 
A loud groan escaped me when I saw who it was. 
The last person I wanted to see at my door at any hour of the day, let alone past 10 PM.
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vimcygraphicks · 6 months
Confilety would need some advice
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Between the confusion and fear, Confilety no longer knew how to reason the problem to respond to a friendship with high character that she had, at one point she decided to take a rest before being at home and only had the idea of feeling protected and safe from everything. who wanted to talk to her friends, it was then that she wanted to find Willy the weasel, she became happy and came to hug him, Willy was surprised when he was with his friends but he did not know what Confilety had happened to him after she refused to speak since then...
Willy, watching from Confilety's head with his ears drooping in shame, smiled at him and wanted to cheer up Confilety's sad and frightened face, knowing that he wanted to say something. His friends around him supported Willy and the girls Sara and Cammy hugged Confilety together. Confilety felt much better, so he had to confess the truth of what happened.
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Willy and his friends heard everything that happened regarding Confilety's meeting with Freddy Fazbear, it is somewhat overwhelming but they were not surprised because they know the rumor perfectly well about Fazbear's Entertainment pizzeria. Well, they are the opposite group in cinematographic competition to them along with more allies, it would really be a long story, but Willy would not deny helping Confilety since he knows how he can solve this, it would help him face the differences of the one who calls himself his opponent
The sad thing about everything for Willy is that it would not be fair for him if Confilety knew the dark world that he had to live in a long time ago, between bad and sinister moments of being someone terrifying that no one would deserve the best from him, he would take care not to lose his beauty. and healthy friendship that Confilety offered her, which she would value greatly and would promise to always keep her safe with her friends.
Reference here 👇
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denimini · 7 months
"Standing next to you"..
and other thoughts
Now that Jungkook's album is finally here, I can confidently predict that "Standing next to you" is going to be a massive massive success, a true global GP hit. It is exactly what I longed to hear from JK ever since he started his solo career. While "Seven" and "3D" had some good things going for them, this is a song fit for the main vocal of the biggest group on the planet. It's a grande song, full of character, it sounds simultaneously retro and well-known, yet still fresh and new. Best of all, it showcases JK's abilities perfectly as a singer, making his voice the star with plenty of room to shine and captivate. In fact, the whole vibe of the release, from the stunningly cinematographic MV to the impeccable styling, and, of course, the jazzy, sexy, poweful, but smooth choreography is perfect to a T for Jungkook.
This is how I always imagined Jungkook as a solo artist. This is him in his prime, in his best form, musically and visually.
I know JK always talks about the desire to be a true pop star, probably comparing himself to the likes of JB, HS, and Shawn Mendes, but if he could see himself from the outside right now, he will see there is no room for comparison. He is the real star, and he is the moment. It is everyone else who should be channeling their inner JK and not the other way around. I know JK wanted to try different styles, and each of his singles so far had its own purpose, but in a way, I feel like we were robbed with "Seven" and "3D", when all this time we could have been getting songs of the calibre of "Standing next to you". Maybe it's just my age and general dislike for generic pop songs about f*cking all the time and girls, but hearing "Standing next to you" makes JK's previous singles sound immature and even childish in comparison to my ears.
JK of "Seven" and "3D" was giving college fratboy, trying to act all grown up and mature. "Standing next to you" is giving an artist. Someone who boldly takes space and claims it. A man.
This is what it truly means in my eyes to show a more mature side, and I deeply wish we would see more of this in his future solo projects.
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 2 replay, beginning:
-Right from the start the vibe is obviously different.
Mass Effect 1 has a slow, exploratory intro. You get to walk around the Normandy and have the option to talk to different characters in the depth you choose. Then you’re dropped on Eden Prime and alternate between combat and talking to survivors.
Mass Effect 2 drops you right into an exploding ship, then into a base under attack. Far more cinematographic, but noticeably less world building and less talking.
Neither is wrong, per se, but I greatly prefer Mass Effect 1.
-Miranda’s introduction centers her sexuality. First you see her back and ass, then you see her stride forward shaking her hips to an excessive degree, all in that cat suit.
This never helps my first impression of Mass Effect 2.
At the start, Miranda’s the only female main character* – next up are Jacob, then Wilson, then TIM. There are other female characters, but they’re all in the background.
So the only prominent female character in the introduction of ME2 is heavily sexualized, much more than the average female character in ME1.
This does not make for a promising start. While it’s not enough to ruin either game, the increased sexualization of female characters through ME2 and ME3 remains irritating throughout. I prefer the greater gender neutrality in ME1.
*Excluding Shepard, who can be either gender
-It’s odd that Miranda blames the Council not listening to Cerberus on their low opinion of humanity. I’d wager Cerberus being a terrorist group is a greater problem.
Then again, at this point Miranda genuinely believes all the cells we destroyed in ME1 are “rogue cells”, so I suppose she doesn’t consider Cerberus to be terrorists.
-The game intro states the attack on the Citadel is officially blamed on the geth and Saren.
This is the line the Council will stick to later when speaking to Shepard – does Shepard ever consider that they’re getting the “official line” treatment because they’re with Cerberus?
There’s no indication of it in the game, but it’s a reasonable extrapolation.
-Why don’t the Collectors target the escape pods?
We know that must of the Normandy crew survives. Ergo, the escape pods make it away.
Shepard was the Collectors target – how did they know Shepard wasn’t in one of the pods?
This can probably be credited to some kind of advanced technology if you want to do so, but it feels like an oversight.
-The Alliance was right to ground Joker. He is the reason Shepard dies – if he had obeyed orders, both he and Shepard could have made it to the escape pods. And since the Collectors didn’t target those, they would have survived.
-What is the popular opinion of the art for the Genesis comic? Personally, I’m not fond of it.
-Shepard still refuses to acknowledge that the Council had a point in the first meeting about Eden Prime. They state that the Council refused to believe one of their spectres could have attacked the colony, and that they wanted evidence so Shepard had to go and find proof.
Why is wanting proof that someone committed a crime before convicting them of it a bad thing???
-The comic skips Feros completely. I suppose that’s reasonable, since it’s main purpose is to let players make some of the major choices that carry over to ME2 and Feros doesn’t have any.
The cipher isn’t critical to any plot points in ME2, so no need to review it.
-The comic takes many poetic licenses.
I was never interested in romancing Liara, but the comic certainly makes it sound like I was.
Benezia also doesn’t die in Liara’s arms – you might not even have recruited Liara at that point. However, the comic always says that she does.
-It also keeps talking about relays into dark space. There’s only one known relay to dark space: The Citadel relay. That’s a major plot point, so odd that it’s not correct.
-It says Saren died believing the Reapers would save him. That’s not true – if you kill him, there’s no indication that Saren expected the Reapers to intervene.
In my playthough Saren actually killed himself, but again this comic is intended for players that did not play ME1. I suppose the game defaults to you needing to kill Saren.
-Since I went neutral on the Council choice in ME1, I did have to choose a councilor in the comic. No neutral option here.
I went with Anderson. At least that way the first human councilor dies a hero, rather than a traitor.
-As many others have said, how does Shepard know that the pistol is missing a thermal clip?
I thought they might have been familiar with some prototype weapons created to use thermal clips and recognized it as such, but Shepard dies only a month after the attack on the Citadel. Feels a bit too soon for thermal clip weapons.
-Ah, ME2 combat how much I dislike you.
Insanity is much harder. My shields are worthless.
-The irony here is rather sad. Shepard (from their perspective) just killed Saren, who preached about how they’re the pinnacle of evolution as an organic and machine intertwined thanks to the enhancements Sovereign gave them.
Now they’re in a lab hearing about how Shepard is a mix of flesh and synthetics. Just like Saren was a mix of flesh and steel.
The game could have really added some depth by leaning into the horror aspect of all this, maybe some fears that Shepard will become like Saren. Shame it did so little.
-The game emphasizes repeatedly, over and over, how Shepard is just how they were before they died.
This is waste of a Chekhov’s gun – the repeated protestations feel like they should result in some kind of dark reveal, but they don’t.
So instead it feels like a plot thread left hanging, and you’re left wondering why the game won’t shut up about it.
-The game doesn’t even try to hide that Wilson is up to something. Every line out of his mouth is suspicious, and most noticeably when he’s in the party you can’t go to the squad menu.
Given you just recruited Jacob, you likely went into it to distribute his powers. So when you go to do the same for Wilson you’ll notice it’s disabled.
ME1 and ME3 handle this better with Jenkins and Anderson.
-And ME2 is already massively downplaying Cerberus’ behavior in ME1. If you go paragon, Shepard says it’s some kind of pro human splinter group they ran into a few times.
Really? No mention of killing Admiral Kohaku? All the experiments? Attempting to use the Thorians and Rachni as weapons/tools? The colony they murdered? The squad of marines fed to thresher maws?It’s just a pro human splinter group?
I’m playing Sole Survivor Shepard. This is ridiculous.
-Once again, ME2 is structuring it so the human female companion is renegade and the human male companion is paragon.
Notably, however, Miranda is cold compared to Ashley’s warmth and Jacob is emotional compared to Kaidan’s logic.
-Miranda first says that it’s fine to abandon the other survivors, because Shepard is the only person on the station worth saving.
Then she says that’s completely fine leaving to you to rot on the station with the mechs if you refuse to go with her.
Make up your mind.
-Very irritatingly, when you speak to TIM you can’t choose any of the investigation options AND go paragon.
Let me find out everything I can and still tell him to fuck off because he’s not trust worthy, damn it.
-TIM claims the Alliance isn’t acting on the missing colonies because they don’t have the resources. Nice of him to throw shade at Shepard for saving the Council – I take it that the lack of resources are because of the ships lost doing so.
Also, this is a lie – the Alliance is upgrading colony defenses. In the description of Freedom’s Progress it notes colony defenses had recently been increased, and later we see the Virmire Survivor doing so on Horizon.
(I’m also reminded of the codex entry where humanity is seen as unusual for having so many colonies without dedicated defenses. Humanity insists this is fine because the Alliance can quickly move to any colony’s defense as needed, but the evidence certainly indicates otherwise…)
-I do believe that TIM genuinely believes Cerberus to be acting in humanity’s best interests here. Cerberus is a pro human group, and this is protecting humanity.
That it also aligns with his long-term goal of obtaining Collector technology is a bonus.
-If you go paragon, the game says you can part ways with Cerberus if you don’t believe what TIM’s telling you. Shame that’s not actually true.
-Shepard asks TIM if Miranda and Jacob are trustworthy. This is recurring question that they’ll ask later companions as well – they spend most of the game making up their mind on the two.
-Why is Freedom’s Progress in the Terminus Systems? I thought the Alliance was settling the Attican Traverse?
-Jacob, if you go neutral (paraphrased): Most Alliance soldiers hate Cerberus on principle.
Jacob, Cerberus murdered an Admiral. And a squad of marines. And a colony. It’s not on principle, it’s for an abundance of good reasons.
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