#anyway looked at my email and reminded that i have to reply to an email abt a job i actualy have rn lmao 😭
kuiinncedes · 22 days
me puttingon the filters "remote" and "data science major" on this job site from my university and just scrolling thru and applying to a ton that don't need cover letter without reading the qualifications/requirements 😀
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But Baby - Lando Norris
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<word count - 947>
Lando was clingy on a normal day, and his birthday was no exception. He always liked to have you where he could see you, and his birthday was no exception. He always liked to cuddle with you whenever he pleased, and his birthday was no exception. 
You were sat, typing away on your laptop at the kitchen table, replying to emails from your boss and trying to get your work done as quickly as possible. Despite his protests, you still had to work on Landos' birthday - even if he was less than impressed. 
"Are you done yet?" He called from his spot on the couch. This was the fifth time he had asked in fifteen minutes, and you could tell he was becoming more and more needy as the seconds ticked by. "Nearly, just be patient," you told him for what felt like the hundredth time today.
"But baby, it's my birthday," he whined, standing from the couch and trudging over to you. "Can't this wait until tomorrow?" he asked, resting his arms over your shoulders and his chin atop your head. All he wanted was for you to go to the couch and cuddle him - it was his one birthday wish. 
"I've got to do it now, I'm sorry," you said, the weight of him nearly on top of you not stopping you from typing. "Do you have to do it now now? Can it not wait until at least later?" he groaned, starting to sway side to side as he latched onto you. 
"As soon as I'm finished, you have me for the rest of the day, I promise," you said, briefly ceasing from your work and leaning back into his embrace. "But I want you now, baby," he continued to whine, as if it would persuade you to drop everything and give into his asks. 
It wasn't that you didn't want to, not by any means, but you had to finish your work, and that was just how it is. Lando didn't see that side though, and you knew he was stubborn. He would keep on asking until you did what he wanted. 
He was pushy, but in a cute way. All he wanted was your affection, to have you close to him where he knew you were safe. "I know, I know," you said, turning your attention back to your laptop. You knew if you looked at him you'd probably see those puppy-dog eyes and melt into a puddle of willingness. 
Lando pulled up a chair beside you, pushing it as close to yours as he possibly could. As he sat down, his legs were practically draped over yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled into you. "If you won't come to me, I guess I'll have to come to you. Even if it is my birthday," he quietly pouted, burying his face into your shoulder. 
"I know it's your birthday, but I still have stuff to do," you mumbled, opening another email. There weren't many left, but if you told Lando that, he'd just try and convince you to do it later. "So you're saying your work is more important than me? The man who makes you happier than ever? The love of your life?" he grovelled with feigned hurt. 
"No, that's not what I meant and you know that," you shook your head with a chuckle.
"Maybe I do, but maybe I need some reminding?" he giggled, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at him. "Lando. Wait," you playfully scolded, nudging him in the ribs lightly. 
"Fine," he scoffed, resigning himself to the fact that he wasn't going to get anything out of you. Not yet, anyway. Every now and then, Lando would loudly and overdramatically sigh as a final attempt to hurry you along. 
He figured if he tried to irritate you slightly, he'd get what he wanted, but he knew you better than that deep down "OK, I'm all done," you declared, closing the lid of your laptop.
"Finally!" Lando exclaimed, practically leaping up from his chair beside you and instantly hoisting you into his arms. "Lando don't drop me," you instructed as he moved the position of his hands. He carried you like a princess as you snaked your arms around his neck.
"I would never do that," he grinned, leaning his head down to plant a swift kiss on your cheek. "Where are we going?" you asked as he walked you past the couch and through the kitchen. "Birthday boy decides," was all he said, carrying you into the bedroom and dropping you down onto the bed. 
"If this was what you wanted, all you had to do was ask," you suggestively smirked as he sat on the bed beside you. "I don't want anything like that right now, I just want to hold you," he said, his voice dripping with affection and the look in his eyes was pure love and innocence. 
"OK baby, OK," you smiled as he pulled the covers over himself and opened his arms out to you. "C'mere," he mumbled, and it wasn't long before you had snuggled up beside him and had your head resting on his chest.
"Now this is all I want for my birthday, y'know that? My girl in my arms, it's all I need," he tiredly rambled, and your heart warmed at his comments. "Happy birthday, Lando," you said as his arms tightly held onto you.
"Thank you baby, I love you," he told you, pressing a soft kiss into your hair. 
"I love you too," you smiled, making a note to maybe give into Lando a bit quicker. This was way better than working. 
A/N - Well if it isn't this pretty boy's birthday! I couldn't not write a quick little something for his birthday, since I wrote this with my free time yesterday. Sorry for the lack of posting, I have had 0 time and it's been killing me! So, enjoy your day/night, and happy birthday to this muppet 💖
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avatar-anna · 8 months
When You Fall In Love...
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so i've been reading icebreaker and it's been putting me in the hockeyrry mood
part one, part two, bonus, bonus
Harry watched from the empty stands as Y/n ran through her routine for the fifth time. Her teammates had gone home, her coach asked Harry if he would lock up on the way out, and now it was just the two of them in the empty rink. There wasn't even any music playing anymore, Y/n was just skating and performing her tricks as if there was.
Every time she did it, it was flawless. Her routine was fast and intense and incredibly difficult, but Y/n performed with ease every time. She landed her tricks like they were nothing, tricks which Harry now knew the names of and could tell the difference between a lutz and an axel. She was incredible, and he was in awe of her every single time.
But even in her perfection, Y/n had yet to smile once.
Harry decided she'd had enough after she finished her fifth run-through, quickly jogging down to the edge of the rink before she could skate out to the middle again. He leaned over the barricade and kissed the top of her head. This close to her, he could see her rosy cheeks and heaving chest, a sign that her routine did wear her out, despite making it look so effortless.
"You were phenomenal as usual, baby," Harry said while he gathered her things.
"I bobbled a landing and my timing was off for a whole four counts," was her reply.
Harry frowned, not pleased by her recent negativity. Any athlete could be critical of their ability, but Y/n seemed uncharacteristically hard on herself lately, and he had no idea why. "Everything okay?" He asked, shouldering her duffle bag as they walked away from the rink.
"I'm fine."
She certainly didn't sound fine, but Harry decided not to push. Not now, anyway. Changing the subject, he said, "I got an email from the recruiter. I should be receiving my contract soon."
Excitement didn't even begin to cover how Harry had been feeling lately. Last week, he'd met with an agent of a minor league hockey team, one that was a feeder to an NHL team. He expressed their interest in Harry moving to the east coast after graduation and join them for spring training. And after giving it some thought, Harry accepted.
He was over the moon, thrilled that years of hard work was finally paying off. He'd made his passion into a career, and had the potential to really make a name for himself. Life couldn't have been better.
But where Harry seemed to be flying high, Y/n seemed stuck. She was happy for him when he told her the news, had gone out to celebrate with him that night. But something felt off between them. Harry couldn't put a name to it, but he just knew.
"That's great," Y/n said with no amount of enthusiasm in her voice. Harry tried not to take it to heart, she was clearly in a mood from her practice. She was under a lot of pressure too, he reminded himself, and sometimes had a knack for not knowing how to express herself with words.
"Is there something on your mind? You've been quiet recently," he said, hoping he wasn't overstepping her delicate boundary.
Y/n shook her head as she approached her car, sliding into the driver's seat without a word. Harry couldn't help but feel more and more like there was something on her mind, but he let it go again.
Before pulling the car out of the parking lot, Y/n rested her hand over his and leaned in to kiss him. "I'm sorry. I've just got a lot on my mind."
"It's okay. As long as you know you can talk to me about it."
Her throat bobbed, but she nodded, then turned her focus toward the road. Harry filled the silence with rambling. He talked mostly about the NHL, about his contract and where he wanted to live and how everything was happening so fast.
So caught up in trying to break the tension, he didn't notice Y/n's white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel.
"Styles! What the hell are you doing? Focus up! Let's go!"
Harry rested his hands on his knees, breathing heavily during the brief pause in the game. His eyes flicked up to the stands, searching the crowd for a familiar face, but he didn't see the one he needed the most.
Despite being recruited by a minor league hockey team, Harry was probably having the worst game of his life.
Not one pass connected, he was letting second-rate players get by him, and he'd spent more time in the penalty box than in the actual game. Nothing about this was right, and still all he could do was look for Y/n.
She wasn't there, and even though things had been weird between them recently, he was still surprised. When she wasn't at a competition of her own, Y/n came to every one of Harry's games. It had started out as Harry wanting to impress her, maybe show off a little, and then as time went on and they grew closer and their relationship became more than two people having sex in secret, he wanted her to be there just because it felt good knowing she was watching him play. All his nerves floated away when Y/n was sat in the stands, sometimes in his jersey, cheering him on.
And of course there were times when she couldn't come, but this wasn't one of those times. Y/n had purposely not shown up. He knew they'd fought before the game, but he didn't think she would abandon him just to be petty. They were past that now.
His sole focus should've been on the game he was playing, but instead his mind kept drifting to the fight.
Harry could feel Y/n pulling away from him. He finally felt like he was getting everything he wanted—a spot on a minor league hockey team on the east coast that would eventually lead him to the NHL, graduating with semi-decent grades thanks to Y/n, and of course being with his dream girl. At first, she'd seen him as some douchey athlete that was only good for one thing. He remembered seeing her for the first time their freshman year, performing tricks on the ice that he'd only ever seen on TV, and when he whistled and clapped loudly—perhaps a little obnoxiously—after she'd finished, she'd rolled her eyes at him and told him to fuck off.
It was love at first sight.
Harry had been so careful around Y/n. He played by her rules and followed her lead, trying not to let the comments about them not dating get to him too much. He liked their initial dynamic, finding it funny when he got under her skin because she made it so easy. It became a kind of game, this push and pull that was fun and exciting and eventually led to their arrangement.
He knew that she cared about him on some level, he just needed to bide his time and show her he wasn't who she thought he was. Not entirely, anyway. And when she finally did, and they became more than just people who screwed around, everything was perfect.
They'd been through so much together. Y/n pushed Harry to be better, and he worked with her to master new tricks and nail her routine. There wasn't anyone else who understood his level of commitment to hockey, but she did, and that just made him love her more.
So when he got the call offering him a spot on the minor league team, Y/n was the first person Harry told. She'd been happy for him, and he was over the moon, his mind already making a million plans—where they'd live, her coming to his games, him helping her find a new rink to train at. It felt like the doors to a new and exciting world had opened for them, but she then she started pulling back, and Harry practically watched as that door slammed shut.
Harry pushed himself to focus back on the game, on the hockey stick in his hand and the ice beneath his skates. He felt like it took more effort than it should've to get his head back in the game, but his team managed to pull out a win, and he managed not to get benched before it happened. That didn't stop his coach from ripping him a new one in the locker room, but Harry sat there and took it, shaking his head and promising his piss poor performance would never happen again.
Exhausted both physically and mentally, he trudged out of the locker room and toward the parking lot, debating whether to take the bus home or call an Uber. Even in his senior year, he still didn't have a car, but Y/n was usually there to give him a ride home. To their home. Moving in together for their last year of school seemed like a no-brainer, and it had been amazing so far, though the last week had been kind of a disaster. Harry could feel the tension between them growing, but every time he asked Y/n about it, she'd say she was fine even though they both knew everything was not fine, and the cycle continued. He wanted to be excited, he wanted to celebrate the success he'd managed to create for himself, but he felt rather deflated instead.
To Harry's surprise, Y/n was waiting for him in the parking lot. He didn't hesitate putting his gear in the trunk and coming around to sit in the passenger seat. Y/n leaned in to kiss him immediately holding onto the sides of his face fervently.
"I'm sorry," she breathed. "I'm sorry for not being here tonight and I'm sorry for acting strange, and I'm sorry for—"
"Y/n, what's going on with you?" Harry couldn't help but ask.
"Can we wait until we get home to talk?" She asked. I want to be able to talk to you properly, and I can't if I'm driving.
When Harry nodded, Y/n must've deemed it enough. She peeled away from the rink, silent tension filling the air between once again. It had been following them around all week.
That ended tonight, though. He didn't care how much Y/n hated confrontation or hard conversations. They couldn't move forward if they didn't move past this roadblock first. Harry loved Y/n more than he ever thought possible, and stubborn as she was, he knew she loved him just as much. He would get to the bottom of this, no matter how hard she tried to fight him on the way down.
"Y/n, you know I would be ecstatic if you'd told me you qualified for the Olympics. This is a huge step in my career! Why can't you be happy for me?"
"I am! God, Harry, I am."
"Then why are you pulling away from me? I feel like I can't be excited about this around you when you're the one person who should understand how this feels."
"I can't do this. I can't have this argument with you," you said, trying to step away from him.
Harry was quick to grab your hands in his, keeping you from walking away. "What aren't you telling me? Do you want to break up?"
"Do you not love me anymore? What? What is it, Y/n?"
"God, I didn't—I didn't ask for this," you cried, feeling like a damn had burst inside you. It was out now, and now you had to see it through to the end. "I didn't plan on falling in love with you. I wasn't prepared to love you this much. You're the one who wanted to take things further, and now you're—"
You're leaving me, you couldn't bring yourself to say. You really were happy for him. All of his dreams were coming true, and he had an ambition that matched yours, which made you love him more. And now that ambition was taking him far away from you, and you weren't handling it as well as you thought you would.
"I'm happy for you, H, I'm so happy for you that I could burst. And maybe even a little jealous," you joked, though there was some truth to what you said. "But I guess I just...I guess I didn't expect to love you this much. And I don't—I don't know what to do because you're going soon and I'm..."
You had no clue, and that alone was terrifying.
At the start of all this, you never imagined falling in love with Harry. He drove you absolutely insane, and despite your physical attraction to him, you kept your distance. But he kept doing these things that made you like him, and eventually care about him, and finally made you fall in love with him. It just wasn't something you saw coming. Love was definitely not on the brain when you met Harry.
Because you knew this moment was inevitable. The moment when one of you would be given an opportunity you couldn't refuse and would pull you away from each other. Once upon a time, you thought you would be given your dream job of a lifetime—competitive skating and hopefully the Olympics—but somewhere down the line, skating stopped bringing you joy, only pressure and anxiety. And now Harry had his dream job on the other side of the country, and you were left to flounder and wonder how you would survive waking up without him next to you.
"You're making it seem like it's a bad thing that you're in love with me," Harry said quietly, but the low tone of his voice didn't hide anything. You knew he was getting upset. After all the avoidance the last week—on your part—yours and his emotions were coming to a head.
"It's not! It's just that you're leaving!" you said, resisting the urge to run a frustrated hand through your hair. "And all week you've talked about how excited to get out of here and leave this all behind and start a new chapter in your life. I mean, would it kill you to act like you're a little torn up about leaving?"
It was so selfish, and you knew it was. It was why you'd been avoiding Harry, this conversation. Harry had every right to be proud and ecstatic for leaving to play in the professional league. He worked so hard, pushed himself farther than anyone you'd ever met, except for maybe you. Your pain was clouding your good sense, and now you'd shown just how horrible you could really be.
You couldn't look him in the eye after saying what you did. Even if it was how you felt, you still felt ashamed for raining on Harry's parade. "Y/n—" he tried to say when you hastily wiped a tear from your eye.
"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry," you said, getting up from the couch and scurrying off to your bedroom.
Flopping on the bed, you pulled the covers over you, trying to hide from everything happening around you. It was too much. Your senior year was supposed to be fun and full of unforgettable memories, not arguments and heartache.
You weren't sure how much time had passed before the door opened and Harry slipped inside. He slid into bed next to you, and you didn't fight it when he rested his face in the crook of your neck. Because despite everything you were feeling, this was all you really needed.
"I'm not leaving you behind," he murmured gently. "You mean too much to me."
You sniffled, and Harry pulled you closer to his chest. "You're going to be thousands of miles away."
"Says who?" he said, kissing your cheek. "Who says you aren't coming with me?"
"And do what?" you huffed, even though the thought slightly lifted your spirits. "Be one of your...puck whatevers and follow you around like a puppy? I need a life of my own too."
You were being stubborn and argumentative and you both knew it. There was some relief in knowing Harry wanted you with him, but you also didn't want to just move because Harry was. You needed purpose, you needed to feel like your life had some sort of direction in it. But it was unfair to put all of that on Harry, and you didn't know how to express how you felt without sounding insane, so instead you said nothing, and that obviously went over brilliantly.
Harry chuckled. "See, because you just said how in love you are with me, I can tell that you're frosty attitude is just an act. Now turn over and look at me."
You reluctantly turned over, brow furrowed exaggeratedly because you couldn't cross your arms over your chest. It used to infuriate you how easily Harry could get under your skin because he knew you so well, that he knew just what to do or say to pull you out of a bad mood. In this moment, you were thankful. He could see past all the harsh words and see to the root of the problem. You'd said some things that were perhaps out of order, but Harry understood. Despite everything, he understood.
"You've worked just as hard as me, Y/n. I want to be there for you the way you've been for me. You can achieve your goals too."
"I just...I don't know if I want to achieve them anymore," you said quietly.
It was the first time you'd said it out loud. Since you'd learned to skate, there had only been one goal: the Olympics. Getting there wasn't just a matter of training, it was about devoting your life to your craft, it was barely having a life outside of training and competitions and giving all your time to winning. And after spending nearly your entire life doing it, you felt yourself slowly burning out. You'd go through your routines flawlessly, but your heart wasn't in it. All you could think about was the future—the next competition, the next training session, the next qualifier. It took seeing Harry so happy about being drafted to the minor leagues to realize the fire had gone out in you. Thinking of Olympic qualifiers and training and affording coaches and costumes and picking the right music only filled you with dread when you should've felt joy.
"But I don't know who I am if I don't have skating."
"You don't have to compete to skate, you know," Harry said. He rested his hand against your cheek, rubbing his thumb along your temple lightly. "You can c—"
"Oh God, don't say coach," you groaned. "It's perfect. You'll be a hockey superstar and I'll be the washed-up figure skater who couldn't handle the pressure of being an athlete and wound up coaching instead."
"I know you're being like this because you're scared, and that's okay," he said. "But I'll help you find a new dream, Y/n. I promise."
You had to blink away tears because your heart couldn't take how much he cared about you. "Even when I've been a complete bitch?"
"You haven't been. I'm sorry if you felt like I was leaving you behind. I guess in my mind we would always be together, no matter where we ended up."
"God I hate how much I love you sometimes," you grumbled while flinging yourself on top of Harry and holding him tight. "It's too much, you're too much, and I can't stand it—"
"There's a compliment in there somewhere, right?" Harry asked, but you could hear the grin in his voice.
Sitting up, you perched yourself on him, your legs straddling his waist. Dipping down, you made sure your noses were brushing, but you didn't close the distance. Not yet. Your heart was racing simply because Harry had been so kind to you, because he knew you so well and said exactly what you needed to hear. It felt ridiculous to know that there was a time when he pissed you off so much you saw red, that his teasing remarks and cocky grin grated on your nerves. Now you didn't want to imagine a life without him.
"I'm sorry for saying all of those things," you murmured. "I really am proud of you. No one deserves this more than you do."
Harry's hand reached up and threaded through your hair, his fingers gentle as they passed over your scalp. "I know you are. And I mean it, Y/n. I'll help you. I know you love to skate, we just have to find a way to channel that into something else. If not coaching, maybe performing?"
"What? Like Disney on Ice?" you asked skeptically, your nose wrinkling at the thought.
Harry shrugged as his hand dipped beneath your shirt to stroke your back. "You'd be a cute princess."
"With my luck, they'd make me a tree."
"Then you'd be the cutest tree there ever was."
Shaking your head, you nudged your nose against his again. "Can we hit pause on talking about the future? I just want to be with you here. Right now."
"Course," Harry said, one corner of his mouth turning up into a crooked grin. "And then maybe we can circle back to you being my puck whatever."
"Shut up."
"Make me!"
And that was something you knew how to do better than your skating routine.
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theageofcaravel · 8 months
Rose-Coloured Boy. - Jamie Tartt x F!reader
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Chapter I: Reeling Through the Midnight Streets
Plot: Jamie Tartt and Y/N have been best friends since primary school. The pair had fallen out once graduation hit, both of them going their separate ways; Jamie finally kicking off (pun intended) his football career, and Y/N finally walking through the doors of her cinematographer career. One day, they cross paths in the corridors of Nelson Road, Y/N getting the assignment to make a mini docuseries of one of the football clubs in England, hers being AFC Richmond.
Set during season 2 and onward.
warnings: swearing, mentions of food and alcohol
word count: 3,7k
an: HELLOOOOOO!!! im excited to write this, I'm so late to the Ted Lasso wagon, but here I am. I got the idea for this story when I was sat on my couch looking through Pinterest and then I made a board for it. This has also taken me a few days to crank out because I've second guessed the plot a couple of times but anyway, I'm watching Cody and Noel's Love Island series and its reminding me of that one episode in season 2. LMAO, enjoy <3!!!!
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Breathing in deeply, you closed your notebook. Looking up at your professor, you gently rapped your manicured nails upon your desk and eagerly waited to see which football club you were going to be assigned to. The hope in your chest wanted to get your hometown's very own club, having a plausible excuse to visit your home, without your parents getting under your skin.. 
"Y/N L/N," Professor Loughty called out your name, you quickly stood from your desk and grabbed your belongings. "Yes, sir?" you asked, an eager glimmer in your eyes. "you're gonna be in charge of AFC Richmond, I've emailed Miss Welton and have gotten the approval for you to leave right after I dismiss you, there should be a cab right outside for you. you're going to have to find which one is yours." 
With a solemn nod, you breathed in, "is there any way that I could have Manchester City, perchance?" all Professor Loughty replied with a shake of his head, "sorry, Miss L/N, all final decisions have been made." 
"Alright, thank you, professor." you nodded again. 
"You are dismissed." 
Making your way out of the classroom, you sighed disappointedly. All you really wanted was to spend time with your sister, Libby. Your built-in best friend, the person who you call often to just ramble, vent, or see how life on the other side is. 
A chime of your phone pulled you out of your thoughts. 
any updates?
Libby. So much for getting pulled out of your thoughts. 
yeah, got Richmond :/ BUT I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll visit soon. 
:( okayyy I love youu
"Y/N!" pocketing your phone, your attention was now averted from your patronising thoughts to that of your best friend. "Bee! Hey." you smiled and waited for your friend to fully approach you. 
"Who'd ya end up gettin'?" the Irish girl asked in her usual chipper tone. 
"Richmond, I wanted Man City." 
She scrunched her nose. "Mmm, ain't that the team with that American coach?" Bee added with a raise of her eyebrows. 
"Think so, so I guess it's not all bad.. could be interesting.." You spoke with a shrug which only earned you a light chuckle from the brunette. "Well, I'd certainly hope so. you have to be around him and the team for how long?" 
"'Til the end of the semester." 
Bee nodded at your reply. "sounds miserable." 
"Oh, piss off. Don't you have to write an album by the end of the semester?" you clapped back, causing Bee to only snicker with a shrug. 
"Yeah, but that's easy."
"Right, as if you haven't been in a song writing block for the past month or so." freezing in her place, Bee shook her head and glared playfully at the other. 
"Exactly. Anyway, I've gotta get going, gotta get my essentials." you said to Bee, embracing her in a hug. "See y'tomorrow?"
The taller girl nodded and walked away with a wave. "See ya, nugget." 
You shook her head, that nickname was never going to go away. Walking your merry way over to the line of cabs, you nervously talked to the first cabbie. "Um, which one is the one for Y/N L/N?" you asked and gripped your books close as if they were some sort of security blanket. The man behind the wheel grunted and pointed to the one behind him. 
"Should be that one down there, yeah." he replied and basically shooed the girl away. with a breath, you found the cab you were supposedly assigned and sat in the backseat. 
"Was ordered to head to your place, where to miss?" The driver asked with a kind smile in which you replied with your address.
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Unlocking your door quickly, you ran into your living room and grabbed your bag full of all the necessities you needed for the months ahead of you; camera, clip in microphones, etcetera. Richmond was only 30 minutes away, which, in hindsight, was better than having to travel four hours per weekend. 
With no second thought, you grabbed your water bottle and slung your bag over your shoulder. Taking one last look around, you let out a satisfied huff and headed back outside to the car.
"Alright, Miss L/N, we're headed to Richmond. s'about a 30 minute drive from here." the cabbie, who you learned that his name was Franklin, 'frank for short,' is what he told you, said. He was a nice old man, probably in his early sixties. He was good at keeping up the small talk, asking you about what it is that you’re going to be doing with Richmond. Telling you that before he was a cab driver he was a guitarist in a band, a small one at that. You both bonded over music, You telling him that your best friend is a singer and that sometimes Bee'll get you together to mess around because you have been playing the guitar since you were little but never really pursued anything musically because it wasn't of interest. 
Eventually Frank had pulled into Nelson Road, the drive seemed a lot faster than it really was because of how easy it was to talk. 
"Thank you, Frank. I'll see you at 5, right?" You asked and the older man nodded. "Have a good rest of your day." You saluted him and walked up to the doors of the stadium. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you entered the building. 
Absentmindedly walking down the corridors, you looked around at the walls and folded your arms across your chest looking at the trophy wall; all the history and old photos of Richmond littered within it.
"Excuse me?" a voice spoke from behind you, startling you slightly. You were met with a grin from a lanky looking boy. "Are you lost?" he asked and you only shrugged.
"Guess you could say that." you chuckled awkwardly and lifted your shoulders. "Um, I'm looking for Miss Welton's office. Got lost in thought though." 
"Ohhhh, are you Y/N L/N?" the boy asked with a head tilt. In which you responded with a nod. "I can show ya where to go, follow me." he moved slightly before the other nodded and followed behind him. 
"Are you the.." you started, "kit... man?" knitting your eyebrows together and stuffing your hands into your jacket's pockets.
"Yeah, I am." he nodded and grinned and stopped at the door to Rebecca's office. "Well, this is it. I'm Will by the way." he said and stuck out his hand for you to shake. You took his hand thankfully. 
"Thank you, Will. It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around, yeah?" You waved him goodbye and gently knocked on the slightly open door. 
"Come in," a voice shouted, the nerves finally kicking in. Pushing the door open, you were greeted with a warm smile from probably the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. "Hello."
"Errr, hi." you awkwardly smiled, "I'm--"
"Y/N, I've been expecting you." Miss Welton cut the other off, that smile that she held never fading. "Come, sit." she gestured to the chair opposite from her desk. You nodded and set your bag on the floor. 
"Okay, um, hi." an awkward smile wavered over the girl's features. Rebecca leaned into her desk, automatically drawn to the way you were acting; that shell she knew she needed to crack.
"Promise I don't bite." the blonde jested which caused you to somewhat get comfortable. "Anyway, we're excited to have you. the boys have been raving about having a cinematographer here to film their every move." 
"Thank you for the opportunity, Miss Welton." 
"Call me Rebecca."
"Okay.. thank you for the opportunity, Rebecca." you corrected yourself which earned an approving nod and smile from the other. "I'll be here every other day after the school day, during the weekends, and during every game. Even travelling ones, I got the okay from my professors when we learned that this assignment existed."
Rebecca nodded, knowing said information but not wanting to interrupt the girl. "You don't have to start right away, if you want I can introduce you to the boys and everyone else." 
With a nod, you pushed herself up off the chair and reached for your bag. "you can leave that in here, we’ll be coming back in here to discuss everything needed.” 
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
"This is where the boys have physio, you shouldn't have to come here." The pair chuckled and then Rebecca stopped by a blue door where chatter could be heard inside. "and this is the kit room, where the boys change and where the coaches offices are." 
“It smells like sweaty ass in here, just warning you.” the blonde jested, causing you to scrunch her nose. "Shall we?" she asked and you nodded. With a gentle knock on the door Rebecca peeked in. "Everyone decent?" she asked, to which all the boys replied in unison with a 'yes'. smiling contently, the taller lady pushed the door open and pushed you in front of her. 
"OI." she announced, "everyone this is, Y/N L/N, our cinematographer from the University of London." everyone cheered happily, most just yelling what sounded like mixes of 'LETS GOOOO', 'FUCK YEAH', and 'WICKED'. 
At the sound of a familiar name being called, Jamie looked up and went wide eyed. Holy fuck.  
Quickly standing up from where he was sitting, you both made eye contact. Brows knitted together, your eyes looked above his head, the words, ‘TARTT’ in big bold letters made you realise that your suspicions were correct. “No way, Jamie?” you asked and breathed out. 
The entirety of the room suddenly went quiet, or so it seemed. You apprehensively walked toward him, Rebecca watching you with a look of confusion. Maybe you were just a fan that he’s seen from time to time? No, that wasn’t the case and she knew it the moment you guys both stared at each other with some form of intensity from you and an apologetic look from him. You looked like you wanted to walk over to him and smack him across his face and he looked like he wanted to wrap his arms around you and tell you how sorry he was. 
“I–” Jamie started and made his way closer to you, you dryly chuckled. 
“No, I just got here, we can talk later.” 
He nodded at your cross response and backed away. You introduced yourself and learned everyone’s names, the coaches were in their office in some sort of meeting and Rebecca told you that you’d be able to meet them later. 
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Back up in Rebecca’s office, you both went over how you were planning on filming. Going over recording some of the boys separately in their element, interviews, etcetera. You also learned that Rebecca was really easy to talk to, like a best friend. 
“Alright, Y/N, I must ask,” Rebecca started, handing you a cup of tea. “Back in the locker room, what was that with you and Jamie?” taking the cup and bringing it to your lips, you sighed. 
“We go way back, we met back in primary school and we were attached at the hip up until high school. There were moments when our close friends suspected we were a couple.” You trailed off, “but once we graduated everything just kind of.. Fell off, we both went our separate ways. I tried to get back into contact with him but he would say that he was busy or he’d just flat out ignore me.” you looked over at Rebecca to see her eyebrows raised. 
“Sorry, that’s kinda personal innit? Haven’t known each other much.” you said and she just shrugged. 
“It’s alright, we’re gonna be getting rather close these next few months, it's a good start for now.” she responded to you, the worry that was on your face was slowly replaced by a warm smile. 
“Guess you’re right.” 
“‘Course I am, Y/N. ‘Course I am.” 
You chuckled and shook your head, taking another sip of your tea. “On another note, I’m quite excited for all of this. Richmond is already so .. nice. I felt welcome the moment I walked in.”
“It does that to you, wait until you meet Ted though, you’ll feel even more welcome.”
As if on cue, there was a gentle knock on the door followed by a man with a moustache walking inside with a beaming grin, “well, howdy y’all.” he greeted. You smiled up at him and stood from your seat, placing your halfway finished mug down on the coffee table. 
“Y/N, this is Ted.” Rebecca said. You stuck your hand out for him to shake. 
“Nice to meet you, Ted.” You said and he only beamed at you. 
“Welcome to the family, Y/N/N.” he replied, your eyes went wide at the sudden nickname. “Its okay if I call you that right? Only seems right with your name.” He chuckled and you nodded. 
“Only if I get to call you ‘Teddy’ or somethin’. What's Ted short for anyway?” You asked him, the shift in your demeanour from earlier was like you’ve been here for weeks. “Theodore.” Rebecca chimed in and you grinned over at her and crossed your arms over your torso. “Hmm, then ‘Theo’ will have to do.” 
Ted, or Theo smiled from ear to ear. “Glad to hear it, I’ll see y’around.” 
You waved the man goodbye and sighed happily. Rebecca stood up from her spot on the sofa and brushed her dress out. “Alright, so, now that we’ve gone over everything, is there anything that you need before you head out for the rest of the day?” she asked you and you shook your head to look down at your watch. 
“Nah, I think I’m good.” You said and walked over to where your bag was. “Didn’t even need this today, came over prepared.” chuckling lightly, you leaned down to pick it up. 
“Thank you again for being so warm and welcome,” you looked at Rebecca and held your hand out for her to shake it. She took your hand happily, “I’ll see you next week then, to start your work process?” she asked you and you nodded. 
“Mhm, yep, and I’ll have everything we went over.” you smiled at her and then bid her farewell. 
Walking out of her office and down the stairs you were met with a waiting Jamie, his phone in his hands in a way to distract him. When he heard your footsteps hitting the stairs, he pocketed his device and looked up at you. 
“You waited for me.” you said with a raised brow and he nodded. 
“Yeah..” he started and you stood in front of him. “I just wanted to .. dunno, apologise?” 
“For what? Leaving me alone to think you forgot about me for six years? D’you think I’m just gonna walk right into your arms and accept your apology?” you spat and he took it in. you looked like a wounded puppy and he just wanted to fling forward and hold you. To tell you that everything was gonna be alright and that he wouldn’t dream of doing that to you again. 
“Right, right. Yeah, m’sorry ‘bout that.” he looked down at his trainers and nervously gripped his body bag’s strap. “D’ya think we could.. Dunno, go for a walk and talk ‘bout it all?” he asked you, a plea in his eyes. 
“I can’t. I have to go back to London, my cabbie is waiting for me.” you replied and rocked on your heels.
“What about when you come back?”
“Dunno, I don’t think I wanna hear some bullshit excuse as to why you left me in the dust.”
“Please, Y/N.” he pleaded, “we don’t even have to talk for long. If you decide that you don’t want anything to do with me or listen then you can walk away.” 
You sighed in defeat, “fine.”
He nodded, trying to hide the victorious smile on his lips but failing. 
“Wipe that smug grin off your ugly mug before I do it for you.” 
“Aye aye.” Jamie responded, that was the Y/N he knew all those years back, and you walked away with a sigh and a shake of your head. 
God this was so fucking weird. 
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Once the next week rolled around, you told Bee how you bumped into Jamie, whom you might’ve told her about once or twice.. Or a few times whilst drunk. Telling her stories about how you were, “sooooooo mad at him for ghosting me like that. I loved him ssooooo much and he goes and does that.”
At 10am, Frank pulled into the car park of Nelson Road and you bid him farewell when gathering your belongings. You walked inside, instantly greeted with that family-like haze. A smile wafted on your features, nodding in acknowledgement at whomever passed by. 
“Good morning, Y/N/N!” Ted said when you walked by him on your way up to Rebecca’s office. “Mornin, Theo.” you smiled at him and gave him a high five. 
The rest of the morning went pretty well – You and blondie, new nickname (Ted approved),  going over what you guys went over on your first day, you setting up everything you needed, using one of the meeting rooms as a place to have special interviews for the boys when the time came and making a makeshift desk of one of the tables for when you needed to edit or when you when you weren’t filming. 
When lunch time approached, Rebecca asked if you wanted to join her, but you told her that you wanted to make sure that everything was working properly because once everyone was back from the lunch break you were going to record the first of many parts of the boys’ training. She gave you a thumbs up and you were on your merry way to set up a camera outside. 
“Headed outside?” a familiar Mancunian accent asked you, you stopped in your tracks and turned toward the voice. 
“Mhm, yep.” You said, your change in demeanour going from steadfast wanting to get the hell out.
“Need help?” he asked you, a pleading look in his eyes. You looked down at the gadgets you had in your hands. Setting said things up on your own would not be easy, especially when you don’t have a whole crew to help you with lighting and every other necessity that came with filming.
With a defeated sigh, there was really no point in doing it on your own when the other offered help, you looked at him. “That would.. Be nice,” you started, trailing off, “but aren’t you supposed to be at lunch with the guys or somethin’? Don’t wanna be a bother or anythin’, I’m sure I can manage on my own.”
“Nah, s’no problem. Promise.” he placed his hand on his chest, “Not really hungry anyhow.” he nodded and stepped in front of you to open the door out to the pitch. 
“Thanks.” You said and smiled at him thankfully. He nodded and you looked around. 
“Hmm, hey, Jamie?” you asked, and he turned to you with his eyebrows up. “Where d’ya reckon would be the best spot to film?” 
He pointed to a spot beside where he said that Ted and Beard usually stand and watch, “You can practically see everything from here, but you might have to change directions of the camera every now and then.” 
You shrugged and leaned down to unpack your best camera for the outdoors, “that’s fine, its my job anyway.” you set up your tripod and turned your camera on. Looking into the lens, you adjusted the lighting. 
“So, Y/N..” Jamie said and stood in front of your camera with some sort of lopsided grin, “D’ya think we could do that talk right now?” 
You looked up and huffed, “dunno, are you gonna get out of my way?” he shrugged and moved from the focus. “What is there to really talk about anyway? You ghosted me for years. You didn’t even wish me a happy birthday, or send christmas cards.” With one final twist of your lens you stepped away and looked at Jamie who scratched his neck. 
“Yeah, don’t really have an excuse for that. Other than being a professional footballer ‘n all.”
“Yeah, but you still could’ve said something, that's not really a valid excuse.” you replied and gave him a stern look. “Remember what I said about bullshit excuses, Tartt?”
“Wait, no,” he looked at you with a panicked look. “There's really nothin’ that excuses me actions, but please know that I am sorry. I haven’t forgotten about you all these years, y’know.”
“Then why the fuck did you stay silent for so many years? I gave up trying to reach out to you after my twenty - first birthday. Tried seein’ if you wanted to come celebrate and maybe catch up and you NEVER responded.” you placed your hands on your hips and you could see the guilt written all over his face. 
“Yeah.” you responded, “but I’m an adult and I ended up forgiving and forgetting until the universe decided to have us cross paths again.” you half jested, Jamie’s lips curling upward just a tinge. “How about I make you a deal?” 
He quirked his brows up and you responded with a sigh. “I will forgive you.” you said and watched as his face changed from curious to excited. “If,” you paused, only egging him on, “you promise that it won't happen again, even after this project is done and over with.” 
Looking at him expectedly, the brunet stepped forward and engulfed you in a bone crushing hug, the only kind he’d give you after something good happened or after you had a meltdown in front of him. “Cross me heart, Y/N.” 
You smiled against his shoulder and hugged him back briefly, only to pull away and stick out your pinky. “Pinky promise me, James.” you said, the full name throwing him off slightly. He intertwined your fingers and you both leaned down to press kisses to your thumbs, sealing the deal. 
“Pinky promise.”
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Alright, STINKIES!!!!!! Let me know if you wanna be on the tag list n stuff!! I'll try to get a few more chapters out this week! They'll probably be a bit shorter, some fillers, some not, etcetera!! ANYWAY!! Thank you for reading <3
154 notes · View notes
yeoja-dream · 4 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: BTS OT7 X Reader 
Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Eventual Smut, Plot, slight slow burn
Characters: Vampire!BTS, Elf!Reader
Content Warning: none 
Word Count: 4.3k
You finally wake when the rays of the late morning sun warm your face and hurt your eyes. You sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep from them with balled fists. Unwillingly, the events of last night flood your barely continuous mind. The memories have you kicking at your sheets with frustration. 
“What was his issue anyway?” You complained out loud. Maybe you’d never get to know. At least I get to say I’ve both instructed and kissed a member of BTS, you attempted to reason. The thought brings you little comfort. 
While you set something fragrant to boil on the stove, you checked your phone, finally, scrolling through dozens of missed notifications due to your late slumber. Habitually, you checked for new work emails, the top of which gave you immediate pause. “SUBJECT: I’m sorry. SENDER: KIM SEOKJIN. You’ve got to be kidding me.” You laughed incredulously. 
Dear Y/N, 
Firstly, I would like to apologize for contacting you via your work email. In my rush to leave last night, I forgot to exchange more proper means of contact. I would also like to apologize for my behavior. I understand that it must have been, in a word, confusing. If you would be kind enough, I would greatly appreciate the chance to explain myself properly in person. The issue is more complicated than I have a great understanding of, so I would also like to bring Namjoon who has a better understanding of the circumstances. However, I wouldn’t want to impose or make you feel like you were being ganged up on. 
Please understand we will take no further action with you, and should to ignore this correspondence we will take it as your disinterest in the subject matter and we will leave you alone. 
Kim Seokjin 
“Jeez, this guy is uptight.” You mumbled, reading the message in totality. You sighed, sitting back in your rickety kitchen chair. Confusing is an understatement. You thought to yourself. But you also couldn’t deny that curiosity clawed at your insides. You sipped your hot, spiced cider, the taste giving you comfort and confidence. Something is telling me to hear them out, Dad. You thought to yourself. I just hope the cinnamon is enough.
Dear Kim Seokjin,
Sending emails is cumbersome, so here is my cellphone number. Text me whenever you’d like. 
Thank you for apologizing. I will decide whether or not I accept it after our meeting. It may be sudden, but I took the day off of work today. If today does not work, you can make arrangements with me after the studio closes every day at 10 pm. 
You type the email and hit send before you can overthink it too much. What makes a man go from ready to take you on the floor to running out the door you couldn’t fathom, but you certainly looked forward to finding out. 
It was about 2 hours later your phone buzzed with a notification, a text this time. 
Hello, this is Jin. We all have schedules this morning, but Namjoon and I will be finished around 5 pm. Is it alright if I go ahead and make dinner reservations? Is there any place you like in particular?
Dinner reservations? You mused to yourself. That sounded formal, more formal than you were comfortable with. Dinner reservations were for dates, of which this meeting was certainly not. 
Dinner is fine, but there is no need for reservations. I’m in the mood for Mediterranean tonight, so you can meet me at Olive and Thyme at 7. You replied. 
Your phone buzzed again soon after sending. 
Olive and Thyme at 7. We will be there. Thank you. 
At that you tossed your phone to the other side of the couch, settling back into the cushions, zoning out to whatever insane dating reality TV show was on. Speculation is going to get me nowhere. You reminded yourself. 
It had been a while since you had a reason to get dressed up, you realized as you curled your freshly washed and dried hair. Except the concert you had attended just 2 days prior, you could list the occasions you had to dress up for in the last 20 years on one hand. The thought makes you sad. 
Your theme is cute but casual, you reminded yourself as you selected your pair of favorite high-waisted jeans, a plain crop top to match, and a light jacket to go over. There was also no need to go overboard with makeup, a little bit of skin tone-flattering eyeshadow, mascara, and a pink lipgloss would be plenty. 
Of course, you didn’t forget about your ears. You’d had the pointy pains in the ass your whole life, and as such, you had discovered dozens of ways to hide them away. Your hair was down today, so pinning them back with a dab of spirit gum on the back side of each was more than enough coverage. 
You stood back, admiring your handiwork in a standing mirror in your bedroom. Cute and casual, you decided. It was while looking at your reflection, that you also realized how remarkably well you had been taking things. Just two days ago, you were a faceless fan in a sea of other fans. You were meant to enjoy a fun performance and return to your daily life, and yet impossibly, not but 24 hours later, the oldest of BTS was running out of your dance studio after a steamy make-out session, and now supposedly wanted to meet up to discuss something cryptic. It was absurd, anyone would agree. Even in your most delusional of fantasies you couldn’t have dreamed up something more ridiculous. Maybe that was what was keeping you calm, sane. Maybe this was all just a crazy dream. 
The time to leave fast approached, and with those lingering questions you found yourself in the back of an Uber on your way to destiny. 
The interior of the restaurant was dated in its decor and sparsely populated, even when it was time for the dinner rush. You were the first one there, the aromatic smell of spices and wine hit you like a wall causing your stomach to clench painfully in hunger. The hostess was a small, mousey woman, who upon your request, sat you in one of the booths on the far side corner of the restaurant, more privacy, you figured. 
Quickly the cool-headedness you were able to maintain from the safety of your home gives away to waves upon waves of anxiety. Bouncing your legs and chewing your nails was all you could do to relieve some of the pent-up nervousness as the seconds felt like hours. You cursed yourself silently for needing to arrive early. 
Your suffering is somewhat short-lived, however, and as the clock hit 7:00 on the dot, the bells on the entrance door chimed as two handsome, well-groomed men walked in. It was easy to identify the pair as your evening guests. 
They were nicely dressed in outfits not dissimilar to your own. They too spotted you easily, and with a swagger in their walks that made you need to look away, they both slid next to one another in the seats opposite to you. It was weird, though. Having both THE Kim Seokjin AND Kim Namjoon sitting across from you should make you feel 10x more anxious than you had before, and yet, slowly, you felt the tension in your shoulders come to dissipate, and when you really focused, the buzzy, electrical feeling from the previous night was becoming more and more prominent. 
“Thank you for meeting us,” Jin took the lead. “This is Namjoon.” 
You cracked a smile. “I know.” 
“Well, I didn’t want to presume…” Jin trailed off embarrassed. You didn’t think you had ever seen Jin get embarrassed before, it was cute. 
“Hi,” Namjoon said, offering his hand to you. You took it, and before you could greet him back, the very same warm, tingly sensation zipped up your hand and down your spine. Your smile quickly faded as you found yourself needing to grip the table to reorient yourself. 
“Woah…” you breathed, shaking your head to clear some of the building haze. 
The two boys looked at each other, then back to you. 
“We’re going to talk about that, actually,” Namjoon said. “But first let's put our orders in.” 
It was easy enough to flag down a waitress and place your orders. Small talk was easy to pass the time until your meals were served.
“So…” you began, picking at your salad. “Every time I touch you guys I get a weird feeling, whenever I am around you guys I get a different weird feeling, and at least Jin was acting weird around me.” 
The pair sat back in the booths and sighed, before looking to one another. 
“I’ll start,” Namjoon said. “What do you know about soulmates?” 
“Basically what everyone else knows.” You stated. “One true love and all that. Although…” you trailed off. You triggered a memory, distant at first but grows with clarity when you concentrate on it. 
“Daddy, what’s a soulmate?” You asked, book in hand, curled up in your reading nook in his laboratory. 
“Well I suppose that depends on who you ask,” He said, not pausing from his work. “If you ask most people, I think they would tell you that it was someone they love a lot, or maybe someone who they feel like they’ve known for longer than they’ve actually known them.” 
“Hmm.” You responded. “What if I don’t ask most people?” 
“Hm?” Your dad asked, confused. 
“Well, you said if I asked most people, that they would say all that. What if I don’t ask most people.” 
“Ah,” He said, holding up two liquids seemingly comparing them. “Well, some other people would tell you that soulmates are different than just people you love a lot. They would tell you that souls are real, and when a soul is created, it is created alongside another. Usually, they are created in pairs, but it's not unheard of for them to be created in groups larger than that. Each soul is placed in a different vessel, but it will always pine for the soul it was created with.” 
“Woah…” You respond in awe. “What happens when you meet your soulmate?” 
“They say when you meet your soulmate, you’ll just know.” He said, notating something down in his journal. “Your soul calls out to theirs, long lost lover and friends reuniting after millennia. You burn and ache for the other until your souls are finally tied in a tying ritual. The tying ritual gives you a bond that you can communicate simple ideas or feelings over.”  
“Wow! What kind of ritual do you have to do?” You asked, curiously. 
“Oh well,” he paused from his work, looking away. “It is a bit too complicated for you now, but when you get older I will explain.”
“Do I have a soulmate?” 
“Of course, you have a soul don’t you?” 
“Ew. I don’t want a soulmate, Daddy.” 
He laughed at you, walking over to you to pat your head. 
“I’m afraid there are just some things in life that we cannot control, Pumpkin. Besides, I’m not going to be around forever, and it makes me feel better that you’ll have someone to keep you company someday.”
“Nooo!” you whined. “Who else is going to make strawberry rhubarb pie with dinosaurs? You have to stay around forever, okay Daddy?” 
He laughed at you again, kissing the top of your forehead before returning to his work. “Sure thing, princess.” 
You shake your head bringing you back to the present as the memory flicked by. “Souls are created alongside other souls and put inside of people who then spend their whole lives looking for each other and once you find the person you just know and you can tie the souls together and they’ll be happily ever after.” You summarized from your memory. 
“Pretty much,” Namjoon said. “I was worried you were completely unaware. Have you ever met anyone you felt that way about?” 
“Like just knowing? Not really.” You admitted with a shrug. You had loved before, certainly, but you guessed that soul mates were something bigger, much more profound. Someone you loved and knew deeper than summer romances and puppy love. 
“We have,” Jin spoke up this time. 
“Oh,” You said, eyebrows coming together in confusion. 
“But I kissed you, you must be now wondering,” Jin said. You nodded slowly in response. 
“When you are near me, what sensations do you feel?” He asked. 
You took a moment to gather your thoughts. “I feel like there is a current running through me, and the more I spend time with you and the closer in proximity to you I get, the stronger the feeling gets. My brain gets dizzy and hazy like I’ve had a few glasses of wine, and yet my acuity is still razor sharp. And when I touch you, it feels… weird.” You confessed. When I touch you it feels really good and it makes me want to touch you endlessly you added in your mind. 
They shared a knowing glance before Namjoon spoke. “THAT is the feeling. THAT is knowing.” 
“Huh?” You asked, cocking an eyebrow. “I thought knowing was more of an abstract concept, like wow it feels like I have known this person my whole life, I think I want to marry them someday.” 
“In the movies, absolutely,” Namjoon agreed. “But those feelings are your soul, physically calling out to ours.” 
“You’re kidding.” You said, unbelieving. 
“Let me ask you this then,” Namjoon begins. “Yesterday when you were kissing Jin hyung, I bet it felt so, incredibly right, right?” 
You looked at Jin. If you could be honest with yourself, you wanted to climb over this table and kiss him again. Maybe then he’d bend you over the table and take you right here, Namjoon’s hands on you helping bring you to completion- you cut yourself off before the thought can continue further. 
Namjoon looked at you knowingly. 
“So if I am to believe that what you are saying is correct, I am the soul mate to both of you.” You asked, matter of fact. 
“We are suggesting that you are all of our soulmates,” Jin stated, looking at you seriously. 
“As in, all 7 of you.” You asked again matter-of-factly.
They nodded in response. 
You laughed, exasperated. “Bring out the cameras because this is un-fucking-believable. This has to be a joke.” 
The serious expression on both of the boys’ faces says otherwise.
“I know this must be a lot to take in,” Jin said honestly. “It was a lot for me as well. And the others.” 
“What?” You asked, confused again. 
They share a look and Namjoon nods encouragingly before Jin speaks again. 
“We are actually all mated to each other, all 7 of us.” 
“Wow,” you breathed. “You guys are as close as you portray online.” 
The pair chuckle at that. 
“Me and Yoongi found each other first and from there we found different members at different times. Every member struggled with it in different ways, so you probably aren’t alone in anything you’re feeling right now.” Namjoon said. 
“You said mated. What does it mean to be mated?” 
“Oh, it just means that we marked each other.” Namjoon rolled up his sleeves, showing off two gashes, dark in coloration one next to the other. “We all have one. You can either accept the pairing and become marked, or reject it and become a single soul.” 
“What is the marking process?” You ask.
“You don’t know?” Namjoon asks, before putting on a serious face. “In short it is a bonding ritual involving sex.” 
You flushed red at that notion. “So if I wanted to be marked by each of you I would have to…” You trailed off, imagery and fantasy flooding your brain causing you to snap your knees closed. Namjoon looked away, swallowing hard. 
“Yes,” Jin states plainly. “But there is a rejection process as well. None of us are familiar with it, but if that is the choice you’d want to make we’d happily assist you with that.” 
“We should be a little more clear with you as well,” Namjoon looks at you again. “You have full choice and freedom in this case, but ultimately, now that you have found your soulmates, the empty, hollow feeling you will have when we are apart, and the buzzy electric feeling when we are together will become more and more unbearable as time goes on and if you don’t make your choice at all, it will drive you mad.” 
“How long do I have to decide?” 
“A few days, a week at maximum.” He answered earnestly. 
“You are right this is a lot to take in.” You sighed heavily. “With all due respect, I know you based on some well-edited clips and your music. You are all attractive as hell don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know you, and intertwining your life with someone you have an entirely parasocial relationship with is, in a word, insane. And for you guys too, you don’t even know me. 
“That is true, but we didn’t know any of the members that well when we went through the mating ritual,” Namjoon said with a shrug. “Besides, did you really think the universe was so unkind as to leave you without a way to break the bond? People can change, become abusive and cruel, and with or without your partner's consent you can break the mating bond at any time.”
That brought you some comfort. At least there was an ejection seat if the shit hit the fan. 
“This is a lot to process,” you stated, rubbing your temples in frustration.
“I am the oldest, but I was the fourth to join,” Jin started. “When I found out I was pretty upset, I had a solid lifestyle going for me that I didn’t intend to give up.” 
“How did you overcome that?” You asked.
“It was Namjoon that convinced me,” he said, gesturing at the younger man. “He asked me to get to know them. That the divines or the universe or fate had good intentions and I would be sorry if I didn’t at least try.” 
“I was a bit heavy-handed and naive,” Namjoon cut in, embarrassed. 
“At any rate,” Jin continued, “I resolved to give it a month. I wanted to date them, get to know them, you know?” He laughed. “I think I barely made it a week. Something about the all-consuming pull of your soul is hard to resist.” 
“I bet…” was all you were able to mumble in response. “I feel bad,” You confessed. “About the whole getting-to-know-you thing.” 
“What do you mean?” Namjoon asked. 
“I think it’s fairly obvious that I am a fan,” you began, “and while I can’t claim to know you, I would certainly argue that I know each of you just a little more than you know me.” 
“We have forever to get to know you,” Jin said with a wink. Namjoon elbowed him in response. 
“For starters, I’m sure you understand that our public personas are different than our public ones,” Namjoon began “But put more politely, Jin is correct. In the way that some humans go through with arranged marriages that sometimes work out, sometimes something bigger than us calls us to make a leap of faith and trust that it works out.” 
“That sounds like we are putting pressure on the situation. I think I speak for both of us when I say we meant to simply arm you with the most amount of information we can provide. Besides, on the getting-to-know-you front, we know more than you might think,” Jin said.
“Do tell.” You stated, raising an eyebrow. “It appears you somehow found out who I was, and further that I was a dance teacher.”
“I know you’re hiding some cute ears under all that hair,” Jin said with a lilt. 
You instinctively reached up to make sure they were still in place. “How could you possibly…” you mumbled. 
“The truth is,” Namjoon started, lowering his voice. “We aren’t exactly human either, and our, shall we call it, conditions, allow us to sense the energy of different creatures.” 
“So you’ve known the whole time?” You asked, flabbergasted. 
“Pretty much,” Jin stated. 
“Sorry, that's just like, probably my biggest secret and it is just out there so I’m a little off-put. Not that it’s your fault just, in conjunction with everything…” You trailed off. 
“We thought it important that you also knew,” Namjoon said. “That we are vampires.” 
“Vampires?” You repeated. “All of you?” 
“Yes,” He replied. 
“No wonder you are all so unearthly attractive,” you mumbled under your breath. 
They both chuckle at that. 
“When we meet a soulmate, sometimes something darker, more carnal comes out. Vampires, once they are connected with their mates, can only feed off of them. All other blood becomes a virulent poison, so everything in a vampire’s body commands them to claim and mark their mate as soon as possible. Prevents their only food source from walking away.” Namjoon stated. 
“That’s why I kissed you suddenly in the studio,” Jin explained. “It’s not that I didn’t want to already, but I had resolved to not make any physical contact with you until all of this had been laid out, but the way you were looking up at me, the feeling of your hand on my body, your smell in that warm, closed room…” he trailed off before clearing this throat. “It was too much to bear. It brought out that dark side and well, you were there. I’m sorry for doing that without giving you the proper context.” 
“It’s fine,” You admitted. “Truthfully, I wanted you to kiss me, and I enjoyed it.” I wanted you to do more, you thought to yourself. “I was more hurt and confused when you, superhumanly I am now realizing, left with barely a word.” 
Jin’s expression was nothing if not apologetic. “I realize that must have been upsetting, and again I’m sorry for that too.” 
“But wait,” You began, tilting your head to the side. “If you are all vampires and are mated to each other, then do you drink each other’s blood? Do you even have blood in your body to drink? And if a vampire can only feed from their soulmate once they’re found, what happens if rejection occurs?” 
“Yes and no,” Jin said. “It is actually a myth that vampires don’t have blood. The vampire toxin mutates the blood of the person being turned and makes it so it's the only way for the new body to get energy. Problem is, vampiric blood isn’t very nutritious and it takes forever to regenerate by itself, so we have to supplement with animal blood usually. It's barely edible, and not that much more nutritious but it's better than being dead.” 
“Fascinating,” You said. “The universe really fucked you all over making you all mates and vampires then, huh.” 
“Tell me about it,” said Namjoon. 
“Well, what about my other question?” You asked. 
They exchanged uncomfortable looks. 
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Namjoon said gravely. 
“I thought we were being honest with each other?” You asked, feeling slightly frustrated. 
“We are, it’s just…” Namjoon sighed. “It would add stress to a stressful and confusing situation and I don’t want you to worry about it.” 
“Well, now I am worried!” You exclaimed. 
A few beats of silence passed between you all. 
“Just tell her, Joon,” Jin said. 
Namjoon sighed at that. “When a vampire is rejected, or when a vampire’s bond is severed, the vampire dies. Jin mentioned that we can subsist on animal blood for nutrition, but what he didn’t mention, is that the consumption of energy is also part of what vampires consume when they eat blood, and once you find your soulmate, it is only their energy you can subsist off of.” 
“So you’re saying…” You trail off, flabbergasted, before starting again. “You’re saying should I choose to reject you all, I am dooming you to starve to death and die.” 
“You understand why I was reluctant to tell you.” 
You put your head in your hands, head spinning with the information dump of the last hour. How could it be in just 48 hours you went from a passing fan to suddenly, apparently, being the deciding factor whether or not BTS dies? It was too much to handle, and with the added pressure, you felt like your head was going to explode. 
“I need time.” You managed to say. 
“Perfectly understandable,” The pair agreed. 
“I have to go, I think,” You said, starting to stand up. “It was lovely to meet you but being so close is messing with my mind a little.” 
“By all means,” Namjoon said. “Don’t worry about the check, it’s the least we can do.” 
“Okay, thank you.” You said, standing fully now. “You have my phone number, text me any time, I guess. Bye.” You began somewhat robotically walking away from the two men who had just turned your life upside down, out of the restaurant, and into the cool early night air. 
You walked for hours, the outside had always been a place of meditation and peace for you. Your mind swam, full of questions and concerns. On one side, your heart soared at the chance to be with BTS, by all appearances they were hot, funny, kind, and interesting people that just about anyone would sell their grandma to be with. On the other side, you worried. About how you didn’t really know them personally, how they didn’t know you, how stupid and impractical it was to make a life promise to someone you barely knew let alone 7 someones, and most importantly, it concerned you how loudly something deep within you called for you to accept them. Now, there was the added pressure of not killing them. If only you were here, you sighed inwardly. You’d tell me what I should do. 
Somehow, you found yourself full, your feet sore, and no closer to a conclusion. You collapsed on your bed, exhausted, sleep finding you and carrying you off as soon as your eyes closed.
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Sharing the the dark theme's mobile UI and what I consider to be one of the cooler features of my Goncharov game jam entry (now called Creating Goncharov).
Early on the game asks you to sign into your work computer. If you input a certain name, well... the game adjusts accordingly.
IDs/transcriptions in alt text and below pictures.
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[image 1: A screenshot from Creating Goncharov of a passage designed to look like a computer sign-in screen. The name that's been entered is "Martin Scorsese". /end ID]
[image 2: A screenshot from Creating Goncharov of a passage designed to look like an email. The email is titled "New Assignment" and is being sent from "Boss" to "Martin Scorsese". The body of the email reads: "Good morning, Mr. Scorsese. I have a very exciting opportunity for you. Later today I'll be pitching a new film—specifically a Goncharov remake—to a group of investors and, of course, I've chosen you to put that pitch together. My meeting is at 11:00 so hopefully you've arrived at work early. If, for whatever reason, you don't think you're the right fit for this project, let me know asap. I can easily find someone else for the job, but we don't have any time to waste. We are all very excited to present you with this opportunity and look forward to seeing what you'll do with this project! Let me know your response as soon as you finish" /end ID]
[image 3: A screenshot from Creating Goncharov of a narrative passage. The passage reads "You stare at the computer screen for a long while. "Of course I've chosen you." Why of course? You are a prolific director and any project attached to your name is certain to wow investors, but there's one big problem. You haven't seen Goncharov. You haven't even heard of Goncharov before. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Your Martin Scorsese, you can make a masterpiece out of anything. You'll figure something out. Even if you don't have a good idea for the plot, you can always call up Rob and Al, see if you can get them onboard. No investor would turn down a film with Scorsese, De Niro, and Pacino attached to it. You reply to your boss." /end ID]
[image 4: A screenshot from Creating Goncharov of a passage designed to look like an email. The email is titled "RE: New Assignment" and is being sent from "Martin Scorsese" to "Boss". The body of the email reads: "Good morning to you as well. I'd like to thank you for thinking of me for this project. I can certainly fit it into my busy schedule. You mentioned that you had more details, I urge you to send those along so we can get this ball rolling as soon as possible. This movie won't make itself. Yours, Martin Scorsese" /end ID]
[image 5: A screenshot from Creating Goncharov of a passage designed to look like an email. The email is titled "RE: New Assignment" and is being sent from "Boss" to "Martin Scorsese". "Al B" has been CC'd. The body of the email reads: "Fantastic! And thank you for responding so promptly. The details are as follows: You need to craft a pitch for a 2023 adaptation of your 1973 classic, Goncharov. We aren't asking you to stray too far from the original. Goncharov is already a masterpiece and our audiences already adore it. This is meant to be a celebration more than anything in honor of the upcoming 50th anniversary. We are very excited to see what you will do given the opportunity to remake Goncharov with access to modern technology, new perspectives you've gained over the years, and (if this pitch goes well) a much bigger budget than you would have had at the start of your career." /end ID]
[image 6: The continuation of the last email described. The email continues: "Deepest apologies for only reaching out to you now, but I'll remind you that unfortunately we only have until 11:00. If possible, I'd also like to go over your ideas and thoughts before I present them to the potential investors, so the earlier you can get this pitch to me, the better. Anyways, go work your magic. Not that it'll be difficult; as Roger Ebert said, "Goncharov is the greatest mafia movie ever made." Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be fantastic." /end ID]
[image 7: A screenshot from Creating Goncharov of a narrative passage. The passage reads "Wait. That can't be right. You read the email again. No, you read that correctly. They definitely said that Goncharov was your movie. Is that... possible? Could you really have forgotten about one of your own films. I mean it was 1973, apparently. You aren't as young as you once were and maybe it's been so long that you've somehow... forgot? No, that can't be it. If you made a film that Roger Ebert called "the"—what was it? You check the email again. "The greatest mafia movie ever made," you would definitely remember that. Right? ...Right?" /end ID]
[image 8: A cycling choice from the game Creating Goncharov. It reads "Yeah, you know your own body of work. They must be mistaken somehow or there has to be some kind of miscommunication. You did not make Goncharov. You're 99.99% sure." /end ID]
[image 9: A cycling choice from the game Creating Goncharov. It reads "Maybe... maybe not. They're probably mistaken or there's some kind of miscommunication, but you're 80% sure that you did not make Goncharov." /end ID]
[image 10: A cycling choice from the game Creating Goncharov. It reads "No. You have no idea. That was fifty years ago, it's entirely possible that you made Goncharov and have no memory of it." /end ID]
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xxavengingangelxx · 5 months
Somewhere Only We Know - Epilogue (for real this time)
Alright, ya'll! Final installment, for now. I've started to work on 2 requests I have from @bellgraves and from @unicorngirly1 now that this fic is done...for now.
Not as bad a cliffhanger, I promise :)
Taglist! @shepgurl, @lily-lily131313, @sharksausages
Triggers: None, really. Graves being kind of a jerk and intimidating.
“My name’s Andrei,”
“Don’t hear that name too often,” you replied. You stepped aside to let him in.
“I hear that a lot here in the US,”
Riley perked up from where he had been lounging on the couch, ears perked up in tight triangles. He growled low in his throat.
“Riley,” you commented. “Stop,”
You thought that his response over repeatedly being told his name was unique only in the US was weird but put it behind you. You also noted his accent. Very unique. He was tall, strong. Too tall and strong to fight off if he tried something. You wondered why that thought popped in your head but then reminded yourself that you sized men up automatically since you had your experience with Shadow Company. “Where you from?”
“You’re far from home,” you noted. “What brings you all this way?”
“Work,” the large man in front of you shrugged.
Another growl from Riley, who looked ready to lunge.
“Riley, no, sir,” you said sternly. You turned back to your guest, saying, “He doesn’t like strangers, sorry,”
The man had also given another strange response because why would someone come from Australia for this kind of work? Whatever. You led him to where the heating system was.
“Cute kid,” the man remarked of your tiny sleeping son. “Always forget how small they are,”
You huffed a nervous smile.
After feeding and taking care of your son you were nursing a cup of coffee at the breakfast nook, trying to stay awake. One thing no one had warned you about was how exhausting infants were. Thankfully, infants also slept a lot. You had him asleep in a bassinet next to you because you didn’t trust anyone with your son. Especially not a stranger.
Things had turned out okay, right?
You were alive, Graves was alive. You had Graves and he had you. You were both together. You had a son Sometimes you worried about being separated, but there was a low chance of that, right? No one knew where you were. You honestly wouldn’t know what to do if you were separated from Graves or your son. They were your world.
141 was okay. At least, the last time you’d heard from them. Graves had allowed you enough contact only to know for sure that Soap was going to be okay. That man had survived a shot to the head.
Graves had prevented you contact them after.
At first it had bothered you. Something deep inside had told you to get away, that Graves was only going to get more controlling. But that faded. Any doubts or negative thoughts you had about Graves always faded. So you stayed. Besides, you had a 1-month-old at that time. Where were you going to run with a 1-month-old and weak from recently having given birth?
You’d get random emails, texts, sometimes calls. But once Graves found out who they were from, 141 reaching out, he blocked them.
Graves reasoned that if 141 found out where you were, so could an enemy so you had to stay off the grid. It made sense. Graves did all your thinking for you anyway.
You were on the verge of drifting off into a light slumber when someone approached you from behind.
And placed their hand on your shoulder.
And it made you jump almost a mile high. You gasped and turned around, almost ready to swing.
Andrei held his hands out, as if to show he wasn’t a threat.
“Sorry,” he commented. “I didn’t want to scare you. Just wanted to let you know you’re all set.”
Heat coming out of a nearby vent confirmed what he was saying.
“Let me get my wallet,” you replied with a sigh of relief.
The weird thing was, though, that you couldn’t find your wallet.
You sheepishly had to break the news to which the large man said not to worry, that they could send the bill.
And he left.
Graves got home about an hour after.
“Heater’s back up n’ workin’.” Graves commented, grabbing a beer from the fridge. He leaned over Rett’s bassinet and the tiny thing actually reached an even tinier hand towards his father who grinned.
“How was Rob? He didn’t try any shady shit, did he?” He took a sip from his beer.
“Whose Rob?”
“The heating guy,”
“Oh, they sent someone else,” you said dismissively. You turned to open the fridge, trying to figure out what to do for dinner. “What’s important is it’s fixed, right?” you paused before asking, “Did you get that job?” you closed the fridge door and straightened.
Graves stood in front of you, so close and he’d moved so quickly and so quietly that you hadn’t even noticed he’d moved clear across a large kitchen. He was larger than life, still geared, and looked terrifying.
“What the hell?” you whined. “Scared me!”
“I need to know the name of the person who came here.”
“What’s the big deal, so they sent someone else.”
“I’m going to pull up the cameras, Val,” he stepped closer to you, hovering over you and you found yourself stepping backwards because he…he looked like he did…he looked like he did all those nights ago in Las Almas. “And so help me if you’re lying or had someone else over, we’re going to have a problem,”
“Wh-What do you think, I’m lying to you?” you tripped over your words and you kept walking backwards until your back was all the way on the opposite side of the house at the end of the living room.
“Andrei,” you responded immediately.
Graves’s blue eyes grew darker and you flinched when he stepped closer. Riley raised his head from where he lay on the couch but Riley knew better than to challenge his master.
“Did he say his last name?”
“I don’t…” you raked your brain, trying to remember if he had ever shared his last name. But he had! He had, you recalled told you his full name and told you to put in good word for him with your husband. “Nolan.”
Graves’s jaw clenched. “Pack up as much stuff as you can. I gotta make some calls.”
And with that, he turned away.
“If he’s involved with Makarov why didn’t he just take me right then and there?” It had been 12 hours. 12 hours with hardly any sleep and a fussy baby as well as a wound up husband. You thought you were done with black sites but apparently not.
“Makarov likes to play mind games. He wants us to be scared, to the point to where we can’t think straight. Then he lunges.”
“Why me?” you whined.
“Why not? You’re perfect,” Graves replied.
End notes: No, Soap does not die in my fic! <3
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bassettmemes · 1 year
EMAILS I CAN'T SEND FWD ↳ starters from sabrina carpenter's eics deluxe tracks.
opposite —
oh, so you do have a type and it's not me
oh, so you can reply, just to not me
if you wanted brown eyes, i could have got contacts
she looks nothing like me
should i be trying to take it as a compliment?
she looks nothing like me, so why do you look so happy?
you were holding out to find the opposite
even if i tried to change, you'd end up with her anyway
does she say nothing so you feel good?
does she step out the spotlight so you bathe in it?
does she get up on top of you more than I would?
does she just love the picture cause you're painting it?
when you said i'm beautiful, was i just being lied to?
feather —
i feel so much lighter like a feather with you off my mind
floatin through the memories, like, whatever
you're a waste of time
your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch
you fit every stereotype, "send a pic"
i feel so much lighter like a feather with you out my life
it feels so good not caring where you are tonight
it feels so good not pretending to like the wine you like
i'm so sorry for your loss
you miss me? no duh
lonesome —
if i fall in love with all my problems will they leave me, too?
maybe i believed in all your lies because i believed in you
why were you somewhere else when you were next to me?
did you think about her face with your hands around my waist?
did you even give a fuck?
you can't spell "lonesome" without "me"
there's no hope in misery
tell me i was more than a decent opportunity
will you tell me anything i wanna hear to control how you're perceived?
isn't it kind of strange how it all changed?
i wasn't the one they wanted you to love
things i wish you said —
baby, sorry i left you in the dark
i always reach for your leg over there on your side of the car
baby, everything reminds me of you
nobody gets my jokes, everyone here thinks I'm fuckin' rude
when I saw you cry, i didn't handle it well
without you here, I don't know what to do with myself
i saw you met somebody and I'm jealous as hell
i can't even stomach loving somebody else
i think about these things at night before I fall asleep
i'm sorry that I pulled the "it's not you, it's me"
one day, i'll make sure you get a real apology
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snowdice · 3 months
Tales From Logan's Office (Part 2) [Sometimes Labels Shift Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan & Virgil
Characters: Logan, Virgil
Summary: Virgil invades Logan’s office. (Multiple times.)
This is a dealing with events set after my story Sometimes Labels Fail.
Part 1
“My office hours start in 10 minutes,” Logan reminded. He’d been answering emails for the past half hour or so while Virgil chilled (his posture very purposefully incorrect with his legs resting on the wall) on one of his office chairs.
Virgil hummed, flicking through his notes for his next class. “So?”
“You,” Logan said, “are being exiled from this room during office hours.”
“Why?” Virgil asked with a frown.
“Because last time you and my TA got into an argument about which of the dining halls was the most haunted, terrifying two of my freshman calculus students.”
Virgil stifled a grin at that. Cas was a senior who had been Logan’s TA a few semesters now. He and Virgil got along pretty well… to Logan’s chagrin.
“It doesn’t matter that they were freshmen,” Virgil argued. “I’m a freshman too! I knew it was just a joke.”
“You are a freshman who has half lived on this campus for the last couple of summers,” Logan pointed out dryly, looking over his glasses at Virgil. “You don’t count.” He returned his eyes to his computer. “Now out.”
Virgil frowned at him, but that was fair enough. “Fine,” he groused, moving to pick up his notes and stuff them in his backpack. “I want coffee anyway.” He slung the backpack over his shoulder and stretched before moving to hover at Logan’s side.
Logan glanced at him. “Yes?”
“Can I have money for coffee?”
“The dining hall has coffee.”
“Haven’t you heard?” Virgil asked with a grin. “Dining hall’s haunted.”
Logan scoffed.
“We both know you have a department meeting at 3 today,” Virgil reminded him, “and you won’t have time to get your normal cup of coffee. Do you really want me to get you dining hall coffee?”
Logan sighed and reached for his wallet. He pulled out a 20-dollar bill.
“You want change back?” Virgil asked, taking it.
“No,” Logan replied. “Use it to buy a snack.”
“Cool,” Virgil said with a grin. He leaned forward to give Logan a quick side hug. “I’ll bring it by at the end of your office hour before your meeting. Iced latte with no sugar and extra whipped cream, yeah?” Virgil asked, his hand already on the door.
“Do not,” Logan said firmly. Virgil pretended to ignore him and closed the door with a snap behind him. He grinned at the couple of students waiting outside Logan’s office for his office hours to begin. Then, he began making his way down the familiar path to the Hideout.
Want to read more? Click below!
Labeled Master Post.
My Masterpost.
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tgmsunmontue · 5 months
It's all academic darlin' PART 8/10
Part 7 and 8 are Explicit. And nothing else makes sense without the first six parts but you do you!
Chapter 8 is 8k, each previous chapter was about 2k on average. Yeah. I'm not going to apologise however if you're expecting a short chapter you might want to get a drink and snack first?
            Jake snorts, god, he’s fallen for a giant dork. A hot dork. But still a dork. Who is changing into a different shirt which still, somehow, has fucking roosters on it. How many shirts with roosters on them did he own? How many shirts with roosters on them did one man need to own?
            “You get your sense of humor from Mav don’t you?”
            “Maybe. He’s probably going to want you to come to dinner you know?”
            “Sunday? Family dinner?” Jake asks, because that was one of the emails he’d received just this afternoon. Bradley looks at him, eyebrow quirked and Jakes wants to kiss him again, has no reason not to so he just does, leans forward and gives him a quick kiss. He means for it to be quick anyway, Bradley kisses him back though, chases his mouth when he pulls back slightly and he savors it, the whole experience so novel after months of nothing.
            “What, did he already invite you?”
            “Yeah. He sent me an email about two hours ago. Didn’t reply yet.”
            “Waiting for a better offer?”
            He hadn’t been, had wanted confirmation first that Bradley was who Jake thought he was. And now… well. Yeah, he’ll do dinner with Mav any night of the week. But…
            “Well, you did say you wanted to fuck with him…”
            “Oh my god this is perfect. Let him know you can make it. Then tomorrow I’m going to let him know I’m bringing my boyfriend –”
            “Boyfriend huh?” Jake asks, and he knows he’s grinning, cocky, but he feels like his blood has suddenly turned to ice.
            “Yeah… boyfriend. That okay? I mean, I don’t want to assume anything, but I haven’t exactly been emailing anyone else on an almost daily basis.”
            Jake sucks in a breath, reminds himself he has nothing to lose right now and maybe a lot to gain.
            “I... don't know what to do here,” Jake admits and Bradley glances at him, frowns briefly before smirking at him.
            “Pretty sure you've done this before.”
            “Fuck you,” he shoves at Bradley’s shoulder. “No. Not sex. I’ve fucked around plenty. I –  I don’t want to just fuck around though. And I’ve never… not fucked around.”
            He’d mentioned it briefly in passing in an email, can see a look of comprehension cross Bradley’s face, then he’s stepping into Jake’s space again, one hand cupping Jake’s jaw and Jake swallows, throat tight with nerves.
            “Well, you just got to keep on putting the effort in. Some days you'll get an A grade, and other days you'll scrape by with a bare pass...”
            “I don't want to fail,” Jake says, voice barely above a whisper.
            “I won't let you fail.”
            Jake’s pretty sure no-one can make promises like that, even if it’s a nice sentiment. Makes him feel like he maybe won’t fail.
            “Really. I'm a very good... educator. And I’ll have a vested interest in you passing. Group project…”
            Jake huffs a laugh, shakes his head.
            “Well, I guess it's good I'm a good student. And you do come very highly recommended on Rate my Professor…”
            “Of course you looked me up…”
            “I’m getting very good at research.”
…         …         …
            Bradley takes them to a bathroom first where they can wash their hands, ignores Jake’s snarky comments about getting the premium tour of the mailroom, office and now the bathroom.
            “Okay, seeing as you actually want this tour…”
            “I’m actually interested. I haven’t studied in a while, but what you’re working on isn’t just purely theoretical to me. I can understand how it would be applied, which is pretty cool…”
            “I’m glad you think so…”
            He is glad, more than he thought he would be, that Jake seems genuinely interested. His first serious boyfriend had been in management, not at all interested in what Bradley was studying. His serious girlfriend had been a fellow engineer, smart as a tack, but her career had been more important than their relationship and Bradley had agreed with her, because he’d felt the same. Jake though… he can’t help but feel the little twist of hope uncurling in his gut.
            He walks toward the labs, set apart from the other buildings with heavy duty walls and a lightweight roof. He points out the machines, explains what they do and greets the technicians and students still working. Reminds his students that they have to take breaks, that it’s Friday; they need to have at least one-day off, that he will be checking the security logs. Half of them roll their eyes at him. He introduces Jake as his boyfriend, gets a few surreptitious thumbs up which make him grin.
            “Right, that’s the dime tour. All I can show you without firing up some of the machines myself and showing you some stuff. Which I’m happy to do, but uh, maybe another time?”
            “You have somewhere to be?”
            “Nope, just think I’d rather be sitting and talking with you over a drink instead of showing you where I work…”
            “You love your work. I wanted to see it. You can show me more another time, a drink sounds good.”
            “Did you drive?”
            “Nope, hitched a ride, then caught a trolley.”
            “So I have you at my mercy huh?”
            “You sure do.”
            The smiles they give each other are equally slow and he leans forward and captures Jake’s mouth with his own, lets his hands just come to rest naturally on Jake’s hips. Enjoys the sense of warm wet…
            “You should take you own advice and go home Bradley… or are you coming climbing tonight?”
            “Uh…” he pulls back from Jake to blink at Matthew, one of the technicians (and one of his climbing buddies) who is standing there smirking at him.
            “That’s what I thought. Have a good weekend!”
            “You too,” Bradley manages, ignoring the cackle that Matthew lets out as best he can. He turns back to Jake, wonders whether he should apologize for his friend’s behavior and realizes that Jake has probably experienced far worse friendly heckling from his own friends in the Navy.
            “Okay. What do you want to do?”
            “Mmm… what do we want to do. Right? A drink and some food would be good. But maybe some place quiet. And do you want to go climbing? Friday is your usual night right?”
            “Uh, yeah… But, well –” He’d rather spend the time with Jake.
            “You have a problem with me coming with you?”
            “You want to go rock climbing?”
            “I want to spend time with you and meet your friends. And it’s been a while since I went climbing.”
            “Yeah. We can do that. Uh…”
            “Yeah, I’ll need to borrow some clothes. Figured you be okay with that. I’m hoping you have something that I’m okay with, because to be honest, your shirt choices I’ve seen aren’t filling me with confidence.”
            “I’ve got plenty of clothes. You’ll be fine.”
            “I’m gonna withhold my judgement.”
            “How do you feel about me cooking?”
            “Well, you didn’t kill me last time…”
            “I just thought… I have food waiting to be cooked at home. And drinks. And if we go there then we have more time before I would usually leave for climbing…”
            “Sounds like a plan. Lead the way.”
…         …         …
            He follows Bradley, feels a little flutter when he grabs his hand to just hold it as they walk and he’s never had that before, and to have it suddenly, grasping his hand and giving him a wide easy smile throws him back to the memory of Bradley in the cabin, his smile and laughter and he marvels that he might get to have this. As Bradley drives he sends a quick email to Mav, accepting the dinner invitation for Sunday and he wonders how Bradley’s going to break it to Mav that they’re… together.
            “You didn’t mention to Mav that you’ve been emailing me almost daily?”
            “Nope. None of his business.”
            “Really?” Jake asks, because he’d kind of assumed Bradley would be the kind of person to tell his parents everything, but maybe he’s wrong about that. Clearly is, if Bradley thinks he can spring Jake being his boyfriend on Mav.
            “Really. We talk about a lot of stuff, but I try and avoid the subject of relationships because he is overly invested. Especially since he retired and I didn’t know he’d left you with a breadcrumb trail, but I was suspicious enough to not want to bring it up…”
            “He’d drop it if I asked him. Seriously. But if he thought there was even a small inkling he’s like a dog with a bone, will just keep niggling at it and I’ve just found it’s easiest for me to just… not raise it. I’m just going to drop it on him on Sunday. Okay?”
            “I’ll be there anyway, so I’ll just… follow your lead I guess.”
            “Hmm. Yeah… fuck. Actually, just wait a second. I need to send a message.”
            Jake shrugs, because it’s not like he has anywhere better to be. Bradley parks his car in the underground carpark and Jake watches other people entering the apartment building from their own cars, it’s clearly the end of the working week, all the civilians returning home after their nine to five jobs. He can’t imagine a life like that.
            “Okay… message sent. Let’s go.”
            They enter the elevator and Bradley holds it for a couple whom he clearly knows, making small talk about ending the week and the weather before he turns and introduces Jake.
            “This is Jake, my boyfriend. Jake, this is Adam and Penny, they live down the hall from me.”
            “Hey man, nice to meet you.”
            “Ah, you too,” Jake manages, but then they’re at Bradley’s floor and the couple are heading in the opposite direction. “Any particular reason you’re introducing me as your boyfriend to everyone?”
            “Desensitization. You can’t look surprised about me calling you my boyfriend when I introduce you to Mav.”
            “And how are you going to introduce me exactly?”
            “I’m still thinking about the best way… waiting for some backup.”
            “Mav’s… uh…” Bradley’s phone vibrates then and he grabs for it and Jake notices that the protective screen is scratched to hell and he’s pretty sure there is a crack in the case. “Oh thank fuck. Okay. Great.”
            “Everything okay?”
            There isn’t anything more forthcoming but he can tell that Bradley’s working through something and he looks around the apartment, takes in the floor to ceiling bookshelves, covered in plants and books and a lot of fucking rooster figurines, the odd goose and plane also in place. He wants to ask, knows they must have stories behind them. Turns back to find Bradley still staring at his phone, tapping a knuckle against his chin and he looks forward to finding out if that’s a habit he has.
            “You’re phone isn’t broken, lost or in pieces… an improvement from last time I saw you.”
            “Yeah, all accounted for at the moment, I’ve been taking better care of it. Anyway, I need to tell you something. Because as much as I want to pull one over on Mav, I don’t want you to think that I’d do that to you.”
            Jake frowns, because Bradley is nervous, worried about something and Jake has no idea what it could possibly be. Then Bradley’s opening the fridge and offering him a bottle and he glances at it quickly, accepts and twists it open but doesn’t take a drink. Instead watches as Bradley pulls food out of the refrigerator and cupboards, lays out a knife and a chopping board and Jake wonders if he should offer to help or whether Bradley is further organizing his own thoughts as he organizes his working space.
            “Okay. Right. So, I have two dads.”
            “Yeah, Nick Bradshaw and –”
            “No. Okay. Three dads then. Just… let me get this out. I was raised by Mav, and his… boyfriend. Partner. Except they were both in the Navy, so… not many people know who he is.” Jake keeps quiet, nods his head to show he’s listening. “As in, they know exactly who he is. But not many people know he’s with Mav. Or that Mav’s with him. He’s a pretty big deal. You know him.” Jake can understand now why this would make Bradley nervous.
            “So, you want to meet my other dad? Before dinner on Sunday? Because Mav will think he’s hilarious, getting one over on you by not telling you by the way, if that makes you feel better about me pulling any shit with him… I just got permission to tell you, because it’s the biggest secret I keep. And it’s not even mine.”
            Jake’s now feeling nervous, his mind running through all the different Admirals, because that’s what he’s getting from this. He’s learnt from not trusting his gut with Bradley and the photos that popped up the first time he searched his name. It’s going to be an Admiral that he knows. Holy shit. Simpson maybe? Bradley’s hands are flying, cutting and dicing without even paying attention.
            “Just tell me who it is…” Jake says, because waiting isn’t going to make it any easier. Bradley glances up and takes his expression in and clearly assumes that Jake is bracing for the worst.
            “Tom Kazansky. Admiral Kazansky. And I didn’t want that to come as a shock to you at dinner. Because he’ll be there. Mav seems to take weird pleasure in inviting people over for dinner, to meet his partner, and then just introduces him as Tom and of course everyone recognizes him…”
            “You other dad is the COMPACFLT?” Jake asks, just in case there is somehow another Admiral Kazansky he isn’t aware of.
            “Yes. That, uh, going to be a problem?”
            It’s the first time that Bradley has sounded even a little unsure about whatever this relationship is or might be and Jake pulls himself together. He’d admitted his own worry about this whole relationship maybe being his first ever and Bradley had reassured him. He wants to be with Bradley, not the COMPACFLT. You can’t choose your family. That type of thing. Right. Holy shit.
            “Uh. Fucking hell. It’s a bit of a shock but it doesn’t change anything at all. Uh. Does he know about… us?” Jake asks, because he assumes the COMPACFLT knows who Jake is, especially with the whole mission nearly two years ago. But Bradley hadn’t told Mav…
            “Well, he does now. He won’t tell Mav. You know, Mav talks about you all the time. All the Dagger squad to be honest,” Bradley says, and his face scrunches up then, like he’s thinking about something unpleasant. He’s gorgeous and Jake can’t believe he’s been calling Jake his boyfriend for the last couple of hours. He can deal with the COMPACFLT if he gets to keep that. “You’re not… freaking out?”
            “Nope,” Jake says, and he’s pretty sure he isn’t lying to himself. His mind is racing, because he saved Mav’s life. He’s just learnt that he saved the COMPACFLT’s partner’s life. That’s quite a lot to take in. He’s very glad he didn’t know at the time.
            “Great, because he wants to have lunch with us tomorrow. Brunch probably.”
            This is not okay.
            “It’s fine, he’ll bring food here and cook. He’s the one who taught me to cook actually, not Mav.”
            “Huh. Yeah. That makes more sense…” Jake says, although the idea of Admiral Kazansky cooking anything has his brain shorting out. “Wait. You keeping me here until lunch tomorrow?”
            “I kind of thought I was keeping you here all weekend…” Bradley replies and there’s a promise and challenge in his eye and Jake grins, leans forward and kisses him, shoving thoughts of casually having lunch with the COMPACFLT as far to the back of his mind as possible.
            He can at least try and compartmentalize.
…         …         …
            “So, you still want to go climbing?”
            “Yeah, I’m probably going to skip the hike tomorrow, spend it in bed with this hot guy I just met…”
            “You met me months ago,” Jake grumbles, but there’s no heat in it and Bradley grins, kicks at his feet under the table they’re sitting at while they eat the stir-fry that Bradley had quickly made.
            “Actually yeah, I did. Want to explain why you were so… proper and polite? Because Mav asked what I thought of you and I said you were very polite and he just looked like I’d shaken the foundation of his world view. What was up?”
            “Uh, excuse you, I am polite.”
            “No. You can be polite. Some people are naturally polite, you’re polite when you choose to be. And you were choosing to be. With me. Why?”
            “Didn’t want to piss Mav off… or be rude to you.”
            “What, you thought Mav would think badly of you doing something a little… impolite? Mav? The man who only managed to stay in the Navy through the grace of his innate talent and Ice making sure they wouldn’t kick him out?”
            “Huh, makes a lot more sense when you say it like that. But no… I just. I was recovering from a car crash. Noticed you, but figured I better not make a pass at Mav’s son.”
            He can’t help but feel a little relieved that Jake hadn’t failed to notice him, but had instead been trying to be polite. It’s all sorts of sweet. He’s pretty sure not many people get to see these softer sides, but he equally likes the intelligence and sharp sense of humor; his snark as he makes fun of Bradley.
            “And now?”
            “Well, it’s a little more than a pass now ain’t it?”
            “Definitely,” Bradley agrees, realizing that Jake respects Mav. Thinks highly enough of him to somehow, for some reason, think that Mav wouldn’t be happy for Jake to be with Bradley. Hopefully he’s been disabused of that notion at least.
            “Come on, lets go through my clothes and find you something you can climb in. You can make fun of my dress sense.”
            “Where’s the challenge in that though? You make it too easy for me…”
…         …         …
            “You really like plants huh?” Jake asks, because there had been three book cases almost completely covered in the living room, making the softening evening light feel like he’s in a forest. There’s another shelf of plants in the bedroom.
            “No. Well, I do like them. But as soon as I’m in charge of them they seem to die. I either neglect them or give them too much love.”
            Jake’s not sure that’s true, because he can’t see a single dead plant amongst the lot, but maybe Bradley is a perfectionist when it comes to plants. He’s heard of weirder things. Fortunately, Bradley’s clothes aren’t a lost cause, the bright button-downs the only anomaly from what actually looks like a decent sense of style. He manages to borrow shorts and t-shirt, and even though he had high hopes for meeting Bradley he’s starting to realize he could have planned a bit better. Like bringing a change of clothes. Especially as he’s apparently staying the weekend.
            “You mind making a detour to base so I can grab some things after we finish climbing?”
            “Before okay? We might forget after…”
            “Why would we forget?”
            “Might be distracted…”
            Jake smiles slowly, lets his hands smooth over Bradley’s chest and yeah…
            “You’ve got a point. Before it is.”
…         …         …
            They’re a little late to meet Bradley’s friends, they’re already climbing, half of them up the walls, others belaying. Jake has to get fitted for a harness and go through a safety induction, which he follows closely while Bradley wanders off to talk to his friends. Once he’s finished he wanders over, feeling a little awkward as a couple of them watch him approach.
            “Hey everyone, this is Jake…”
            “The boyfriend!”
            “He actually exists!”
            “How much is he paying you to answer to Jake?”
            “I told you guys to be nice!”
            “We’re being nice to him. You’re still free game.”
            Jake laughs, pulls out his license and hands it over.
            “He either found someone who is actually called Jake, or he’s actually legit been mooning over you for the last couple of months.”
            “Fuck off Ryan, I have not been mooning over anyone!”
            “He says that, and yet he was late to a few things because he had to send an email to you. And he was late again tonight.”
            “Are we hassling Hei Hei about his recent phone addiction?”
            “Yeah, he hasn’t lost his phone in months. He’s never been such a conscientious email answerer before either…”
            “Well, not that I need to add fuel to this particular fire, but he was wearing a different shirt this afternoon than he was this morning so… make of that what you will,” one guy says, and Jake’s pretty sure it’s the same guy from outside the labs, the one who’d interrupted them kissing.
            “You’re all awful. Jake, ignore them.”
            “I think I like them, bring you down a peg or two. Can’t think you’re perfect…”
            “I am far from perfect.”
            “Really? Sure seems like it from where I’m standing…”
            “Barf! Come on, some of us are here to climb rather than gossip!”
            “Speak for yourself, gossip now saves me getting Bradley drunk later and asking him all the questions I want answers to…”
            Bradley is tightening his harness and Jake has an impressive view of his thighs and ass, the straps highlighting the muscle. His fingers are nimbly working the rope and Jake watches, wants those fingers on his body and he can’t think about that right now. The harness doesn’t hide anything.
            “You want to go first? I’ll get to enjoy the view…”
            Jake laughs but hooks himself in, reaching for the first handhold. They climb for over an hour, switching out who belays and it’s easier than he thought it would be, just hanging out. Bradley and his friends call out encouragement for particularly challenging climbs, and it makes him realize that Bradley has his own squad.
            “So I have to ask, the whole rooster thing… just, why?”
            “He came back from Sweden and greeted everyone with Hej hej, which would have been fine, but then Moana came out and it kind of cemented the whole rooster thing. Isn’t it also a childhood nickname?”
            “Can’t we save some embarrassing stories for a time that isn’t the first date?”
            “Is it seriously your first date?”
            “I said it was!”
            “Man, I would not have all you fuckers at my first date.”
            “We’re not counting the two nights at the cabin huh?” Jake says, tossing Bradley a wink and Bradley just rolls his eyes, shakes his head in gentle exasperation but the smile he gives Jake not even seconds later is playful. Fun. It’s the back-and-forth bantering that they’d developed in their months of email communication and he realizes it’s similar to what he has with Javy. Except he doesn’t want to ever have sex with Javy. He very much wants to have sex with Bradley. And also have… more emails, more dinners, more time with friends. All of this. It’s quite the revelation to have when he’s busy stripping the climbing harness from his body.
            “I’ll see you guys next week!”
            “What, no hike tomorrow?”
            “Nope. I’m planning on staying in bed…”
            That’s followed with some whistles and catcalls, Bradley just looks smug and wraps an arm around Jake’s waist, making him laugh with a wink. Yeah. He wants this.
            “Nice for some!”
            He waits for Bradley to throw his own climbing gear into the back of his car, waves back at a couple of the others who are leaving at the same time.
            “I like your friends.”
            “Thanks for putting up with them. I wish I could say they’ll stop being dicks, but if it isn’t one thing then it’s another.”
            “Maybe you’re just easy to hassle?”
            “Maybe…” Bradley concedes and he pulls Jake toward him so they’re leaning against his car.
            “Come home with me?”
            “We already went and picked up my bag.”
            “Yeah, but it’s still a choice. I can take you back to base if you want.”
            “No. Take me home.”
            He settles into the passenger seat and Bradley’s hand comes to rest on his thigh, a steady and warm weight and he places his own hand over it, runs his fingertips over the back of his hand, thinks about touching more of Bradley’s skin. The hand jobs earlier had definitely dealt with the immediate need, but the further kissing and casual touches while they were climbing have slowly and surely built the tension back up and it’s been simmering away under his skin, ready to boil over at the slightest provocation. His cock is definitely getting hard and they’ve still got a twenty minute drive.
            “So there’s more than one reason why you have a rooster collection?”
            “Really? You want to know?”
            “Yeah, I really do…” Jake says, and he isn’t even lying, grips firmly at Bradley’s hand before returning to the gentle touch.
            “My dad’s call sign was Goose. Except I had a lisp, or missing teeth, and apparently I walked around saying I wanted to be called Goose too, except it sounded a lot more like Rooster. So it switched between Little Goose and Rooster. I was just getting rid of it when that fucking movie came out and then pictures of that rooster were fucking everywhere. Inside toilet doors, on the roof of corridors, someone changed my staff photo… there was chalk art. I just had to lean into it.”
            “Destined to be a rooster in every life huh?”
            “Apparently. Some of my students have some wild theories.”
            “I just bet they do…” Jake says, laughing.
            They walk from the car to the apartment, tracing the same path they made earlier. This time though he has an overnight bag, packed with enough for a couple of nights, which can stretch longer if he can do washing. Or doesn’t wear clothes. He’s pretty sure Bradley is planning on a clothes-optional weekend inside his apartment and the idea of coming back from every deployment to this is heady.
…         …         …
            He toes off his shoes, leaves them where they land, knowing full well it’ll annoy Ice tomorrow. Jake’s shoes are lined up tidily, but he’s dropping his bag on the sofa and Bradley watches him; he seems comfortable in Bradley’s space already and he likes that. A lot. He moves forward, doesn’t want there to be awkwardness between them.
            “What do you want?”
            “My choice huh?”
            “Well, we have all weekend, and that’s just the beginning right?”
            “Yeah. Yeah I guess it is,” Jake agrees and it’s like whatever tension he was holding in his shoulders is sapped away and he relaxes against Bradley, lets his hands go to Bradley’s hips and his top is damp with sweat and feels gross when pressed against his skin.
            “So, what are we doing here? Now, tonight? I’m just happy to get my hands and mouth all over you…”
            “Yeah, that sounds like a good place to start. See where it takes us.”
            “Okay then. Maybe a shower, pretty sure you don’t want to taste stale sweat…”
            “Don’t think I’d mind that much…” Jake states and oh, that’s a telling statement right there and Bradley feels another block of arousal slide into place on top of the steady foundation that’s been building all evening. There’s direction now and that direction is up. They strip and he throws all their clothes into the hamper, grabs extra towels and places one on each side of the bed for later. He’s already done his due diligence and stocked up on condoms and lube, again not assuming but hopeful.
            They don’t talk while they wait for the water to warm up, lets Jake run his hands over him, eyes following his own fingers as he traces over beauty spots and scars. He lets himself do the same, Jake’s skin is smooth under his fingertips, his chest hair golden and fine, the nerves in his fingertips becoming more sensitive as he focusses more on the sensation beneath them. They lather soap and wash each other, kisses soft the whole time, hands running over hardening erections but not really making any concerted effort to make each other harder when they’re in no rush. He rinses his hair, licks up Jake’s neck when he tips his head back to rinse his own.
            “Better?” Bradley asks, even though he was definitely the one who was originally more keen on showering. Not that Jake complained at any point.
            “No stale sweat… can start workin’ on a fresh layer.”
            Jake’s accent becomes thicker when he’s aroused and it sends prickles of want all over his skin. Bradley wonders what phone sex would be like, realizes they’ll likely get a chance to find out in the future with them doing long distance and he can’t believe he’s even thinking about that when they haven’t even talked about it. They’ve been together physically for a few hours and yet Bradley wants to shove everything he has and is toward Jake and just let him have it all.
            He dries off haphazardly, not really caring because it’s not like he’s getting dressed into clothes. Jake beats him to the bedroom and he lies down on the bed, stretches his body out with his arms above, like he knows Bradley is enjoying the view. He straddles Jake’s thighs, runs his hands down his arms, lets his mouth leave a trail of kisses over a bicep. He moves over Jake’s body, wants to find what turns him on and what makes him shiver with need. He lines their cocks up and does a slow undulating grind, pressing down with what he hopes is just the right amount of pressure. Feels good to him, hopes it’s the same for Jake.
…         …         …
            “Fuck you’re amazing…”
            “Took the words right out of my mouth darlin’…” Jake says, letting his fingers dig into the muscle of Bradley’s thighs. He’s fucking gorgeous. He feels the full body jerk and he wonders what caused it, captures Bradley’s moan in his mouth. “You like me callin’ you that? Darlin’? Baby? Sugar plum?”
            Bradley laughs then, shakes his head and pulls away.
            “Not sugar plum, I’m not…”
            “You’re plenty sweet…”
            “Fuck Jake.”
            “We’re getting there.”
            It’s only because he apparently has all weekend, at least, that he’s willing to keep the pace slow. He’s enjoying having Bradley’s undivided hyper-focused attention on his body, apparently intent on finding all the little spots that turn him on. Not the obvious ones, like his cock and nipples, but the other patches, the skin that is tight across his pelvic bone, the inside of his thighs. Not that his cock is getting ignored exactly, Bradley comes back every few minutes and rolls his hips down in an exquisite grind that’s just shy of being hard enough, although the repetition is definitely winding him tighter and tighter and he’s over being passive.
            “Turn abouts fair play… my turn to explore.”
…         …         …
            Bradley grins, moves back and holds out a hand to pull Jake up, which he ignores and Bradley watches the shift of muscles under skin a Jake sits up. Bradley realizes he might have a thing for abs, he’s never had one before, but maybe it’s unique to Jake’s abs. He settles back, pulls Jake to lie on top of him before he can even start to get settled and he laughs at the annoyed look, lifts his head to press a hard kiss, grinds his hips up as well and he’s definitely hard now.
            “Explore away, all the territory is yours…”
            He snickers at Jake’s huff of amusement, he’s never not laughed with his partners in bed; obviously not every time, but he doesn’t like being with people who take sex too seriously. Jake seems like he’s a perfect match, giving Bradley’s body an equally thorough inspection, although he uses his tongue more, licking at him, his neck, collar bone, his nipple and he jerks at the sudden suction and groans. Been a long time since anyone’s played with his nipples.
            “Oh… sensitive huh?”
            “Yeah…” Bradley gasps as Jake does it again. His nipples are sensitive, one much more than the other for some reason. He knows he can come from being fingered and someone sucking on that nipple, his cock not needing any stimulation at all. He’ll let Jake find that out on his own.
…         …         …
            They end up on their sides, facing each other, aligned so they can keep kissing and he’s pretty sure he’s going to have to learn what to do about beard burn with how over-sensitive his skin feels everywhere Bradley has kissed. It’s a weird sensation between wind and sun burn and if it looks half as bad as it feels anyone looking at him is going to know what he’s spent a good chunk of time doing. Bradley’s hand wraps around both of them, his fingers just that little bit longer. It’s tight and hot, and Jake isn’t sure if he’s going for a hand job or if he can thrust into the clasp of fingers. He desperately wants to thrust.
            “This okay?”
            “God yes, so okay… fuck.”
            “Come on Jake, want to see you come…”
            He covers Bradley’s hand with his own, holds it still, feels the squeeze of Bradley’s hand around his cock. He takes that as permission and starts thrusting, slow to start before increasing his pace. He’s aware that Bradley is watching, his own body taut and unmoving, though his breathing coming in shaky gasps tells Jake that he’s ratchetted as tight as Jake is. Bradley’s hand starts moving then, his hips jerking minutely and Jake isn’t sure he’d have noticed except for the way it adds a different level of friction on his own cock.
            “Oh fuck…”
            “Jake, fuck… come on… ugh.”
            He feels Bradley come, hot wetness easing some of the friction very slightly. His own orgasm is slow and rolling when it hits, a reflection of how long they’ve spent building it up. It leaves him feeling shaky and unmoored and as if he knows how Jake is feeling Bradley kisses him, slow and thorough. He was already melting into post-orgasmic haze, the kiss just adding a layer of promise or care and fuck he wants this. He feels Bradley shift away briefly, then there’s a towel wiping between them. Jake is doubly glad for his forethought, his entire body feels too wrung out to consider moving anywhere and brain going offline fast and doesn’t want to clean up. Doesn’t want Bradley to leave his side.
            “Imagine what we’ll be like when we’ve had practice,” Bradley says, kissing him softly and Jake hums his agreement. Lots and lots of practice. “Sleep well.”
            He’s used to the constant noise of the carrier after the last seven months, but the quiet of the room and the afternoon and evenings activities have left him feeling sated, soporific and he soon falls asleep.
…         …         …
            He wakes, room still dark and he doesn’t need to know the time to know it’s too fucking early to get up when he’s in bed with Bradley. He grumbles a little, pulls the sheet back up to cover them both, shuffles so he’s touching more of Bradley’s bare skin because neither of them bothered putting anything on. He feels him turn and then he’s being held, very firmly the little spoon with Bradley’s chest against his back.
            “Morning. Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
            “I normally get up around this time anyway. You sleep okay?”
            “Yeah. Little stiff now. Climbing and sex… Oh god. I’m getting old.”
            “Ancient,” Bradley murmurs, lips brushing over the fine hairs behind Jake’s ear, making him shiver.
            “You know, the best thing for stiff muscles is another workout…”
            “What do you think I’m trying to do?”
            “Try harder.”
            Bradley does.
…         …         …
            He can smell coffee, the bed is empty, but he can smell coffee. He might have a boyfriend for the first time in his life and he’s making coffee. He rolls over and searches for underwear before remembering Bradley chucking everything in a hamper. He opens a drawer and finds Bradley’s underwear straight away, one particular pair bright and with a fucking rooster on it, little speech bubble with ‘my favorite cock’ and he pulls them on with a grin before heading out to the kitchen with a quick stop in the bathroom.
            “Good morning again…”
            “It is a good morning isn’t it,” Bradley says, his smile bright as he gives Jake a soft kiss. He could definitely get used to this. “Nice underwear. How do you take your coffee? Or do you want something else?”
            “Coffee. Black. Thanks… And thought you’d appreciate them.”
            “Definitely look better on you…” Bradley says, another kiss and his heart-stomach-brain all feel like they’re on the same roller-coaster. “Be right back.”
            He takes the mug and goes to more closely investigate the parts of the bookshelves not covered in plants. He recognizes some of the same texts from the cabin and now it makes more sense. As do the roosters and goose figurines. He’s not really paying attention to anything when he hears a quick three-tap knock on the front door and he freezes.
            Surely it’s not that late.
            Did Bradley mention a time that Admiral Kazansky was coming?
            Quick glance at the clock confirms it’s after ten and Jake is standing in his underwear. Not even his underwear. Underwear that is very clearly not his in fact.
            And now the door is opening. Jake can’t move.
            He has a key?
            Of course he spots Jake as soon as he enters, eyebrows raise in silence and then Admiral Kazansky is placing grocery bags on the kitchen bench before turning back to look at Jake again. He wonders if he needs to salute, but his hand is currently holding a coffee mug.
            “Good morning sir.”
            Jake is never going to master the same level of smile-smirk that is being directed his way, and the Admiral still doesn’t say anything, simply gestures at Jake’s state of undress and makes a shooing gesture toward the bedroom and he takes the direction for what it is and flees.
…         …         …
            “Admiral Kazansky is in the kitchen.”
            “Already? He’s early. Of course he’s early… Oh. You were out there like that huh?” Bradley asks, grinning. Jake is gorgeous fully dressed, standing there in nothing but underwear he’s breathtaking. The fact that it’s his underwear has him feeling even more smug.
            “Yes Bradley, I was.”
            “Don’t worry, he’ll just think it’s funny. Plus only way is up right?”
            “Fuck off… I’m going to go and drown myself in the shower. Then I will somehow come back to life and get dressed because the COMPACFLT is apparently making me… brunch?”
            “Yeah. Brunch. You know you’re adorable when you’re flustered.”
            Jake’s also hot when he’s getting angry and Bradley can’t help it, steps forward and kisses him, hands cupping Jake’s face to hold him still, mindful that Jake’s still holding a hot mug of coffee. Jake takes a few seconds to kiss back, but he does and Bradley gives himself a mental high-five for distracting him. He doesn’t think it would have ended well if he’d told Jake he found him getting angry hot.
            “Have a shower and get dressed. Don’t drown. I’ll go and start brunch with Ice. Also, I forgot to mention this, kind of forget because it’s just normal for us. Ice doesn’t talk very much. He had cancer and uses ASL to communicate or his little tablet thing with an app. One of the reasons we’re eating here really, he prefers it to going out in public.”
            “Ice. You call the COMPACFLT Ice…”
            “Sometimes I call him Pops to wind him up…”
            “What? No. That’s what I call Mav to wind him up!”
            “Really? That’s hilarious. No wonder Mav likes you so much. Now, I’m going out there because otherwise he’s going to think we’re having sex again.”
            “Oh god…” Jake mumbles and it gives Bradley pause.
            “Is it okay? I can ask him to leave if you want…”
            “No. It’s fine. I just… would have preferred to have not been in my underwear. Your underwear.”
            “Could have been worse.”
            “You could have been naked…”
            Jake’s laughing then and Bradley kisses him again, carefully grabs his ass before gently pushing him in the direction of the bathroom before he heads back out to greet Ice.
            “Morning,” Ice signs, his expression wholly amused and Bradley gives him the finger.
            “Morning. Thanks for scarring Jake. I’m sure he’ll add that to his rotating nightmares.”
            “Not my fault you lost track of time,” Ice signs, tapping his watch and grinning and Bradley shakes his head.
            “You’re over half an hour early!”
            “I’m always early!”
            Bradley snorts, rolls his eyes then makes the signs for orgasm - always - early, raises his eyebrows to question and smirks.
            “Should I feel bad for Mav?”
            It’s rare to hear Ice laugh, the sound raw and scraping but he looks delighted, slaps Bradley on the arm, head shaking and he clearly concedes a point to Bradley in their ongoing sparring.
            “Behave!” Ice signs, still laughing and Bradley grins, knocks his arm with his own.
            Apparently they’re making waffles with a fruit salad and he’s surprised, because this is Ice’s favorite family breakfast meal, he doesn’t make it often, the buttermilk batter having to be made the night before, which means he’s either made and transported waffle batter by stealth across the city, or he taunted Mav with the knowledge that he wasn’t getting waffles. Both are equally probable and he’ll ask later. They work in easy silence, years of experience making them seamless in the kitchen, especially when Mav isn’t there getting underfoot trying to help.
            Fruit salad all done, turkey bacon grilling under the broiler, last of the waffles now cooking they settle back, Ice taking a sip of his own coffee as he places the tablet he uses for communication on the table, the text to voice app already open. Bradley’s glad he’s not going to have to act as interpreter. Is pretty sure Ice wants to grill Jake a little, even if he’s only doing it for show. At least he can act as a buffer.
            “Good morning again,” the electronic voice says from the tablet and Bradley turns to see Jake hanging back in the doorway to the hall. He makes a beckoning gesture with his hand.
            “Jake, I’d like to introduce you to Tom Kazansky, one of my dads.”
            “Nice to meet you Admiral Kazansky sir.”
            “Nice to meet you in a less formal setting.”
            “Uh, could we get less formal than this?”
            “Probably not. Call me Tom.”
…         …         …
            Apart from the fact that he knows Tom Kazansky is the COMPACFLT, he’s also Bradley’s other dad, and he wants to try and make a good impression, despite a part of him feeling like he’s already spectacularly fucked up by being nearly naked when he arrived. Bradley seems happy and relaxed, so he’ll follow his lead. They sit down to eat and it’s an impressive spread of food.
            “Thank you, this looks great.”
            “You can make me breakfast tomorrow,” Bradley says, giving him a wink and Jake wouldn’t normally blush, but of course under the scrutiny of the COMPACFLT his cheeks are flaming.
            “I’d love to,” he says, ignoring the heat in his face and instead focuses on the grin Bradley gives him.
            “I wanted to say thank you.”
            “Uh… what for?” Jake asks, because he hopes he doesn’t expect an invite for breakfast tomorrow to reciprocate. They’re already doing dinner. The Admiral looks uncomfortable, lips pursed and giving a quick glance at Bradley.
            “Oh, is this about the mission where Jake saved Mav’s life? Don’t worry, I already know about it.”
            Bradley, who can apparently read Admiral Kazansky like a billboard sign and knows about a highly classified mission. Wow. He snaps his jaw shut, head automatically shaking, because he sure as hell never mentioned anything and he sure as fuck doesn’t want the COMPACFLT thinking he said anything.
            “Of course you do,” the electronic voice says and Bradley shrugs, the expression on the Admiral’s face seems exasperated and Jake’s struggling to get his head around their half-silent way of communicating.
            “You can blame Mav.”
            Jake watches as Bradley makes a couple of signs, and he’s never learnt ASL although he figures he’s going to need to. But he’s pretty sure Bradley just signed blowjob and this morning is already feeling surreal in so many ways, but in none of them does it make sense that Bradley needs to use the word blowjob when talking to Admiral Kazansky.
            “There are no secrets in this family,” the little voice declares, and the expression on Admiral Kazansky’s face is a little challenging, like he’s somehow daring Jake to cross the threshold and join said family. He reaches for his mug and does a little toast.
            Challenge accepted.
…         …         …
            “Actually, about that… Mav’s in the dark about us. I thought we could have some fun.”
            “I have some ideas,” Ice signs, typing it in at the same time for Jake’s sake.
            They sit and talk for a while, eating, and Jake slowly relaxes, although Bradley notes he doesn’t call Ice anything at all, and certainly not Tom. That’s fine, he’ll get there. He does make Ice chuckle silently a couple of times and it makes Bradley feel bubbly inside, that they’re getting on so well. They’re finished, and there’s a little left over for a snack later, and Bradley reaches for his phone.
            “Okay, let me make this call…” Bradley says, putting his phone on speaker so Jake and Ice will be able to hear as well.
            “Hey Mav…”
            “Bradley! What are you up to?”
            “Just having brunch actually, wanted to make sure dinner was still happening tomorrow night.”
            “Tomorrow is Sunday, and we do dinner every Sunday… so yes, Bradley. Dinner is still happening. I’ve actually invited a few friends. People I want you to meet.”
            “Really?” Bradley asks, raising his eyebrows at both Ice and Jake across the table. Ice is shaking his head.
            “Yep, really think you’ll get on with one of them in particular…”
            “Uh… this another set-up Mav?”
            “Hmm. And if it is?”
            “Well, might make it a bit awkward with me wanting to bring my boyfriend.”
            “What. Since when? Why haven’t I heard about this?”
            “Because you’re the biggest busybody and gossip I know? You usually ring them up to introduce yourself and in the process scare them away?”
            “That was only one time! And I saw you on Sunday! And again on Tuesday! How have you got a boyfriend since then? It’s only been four days!”
            “What can I say, when I know I know. We’ll bring dessert. How many people are going to be there?”
            “Uh, just… eight if I count this mysterious boyfriend. Do I know him? What’s his name? Have I met him?”
            “Eight? Wow. Was it going to be a like a speed dating situation?”
            “No! I just… it’s us three and your plus one. And some of the Dagger Squad.”
            That has Jake’s attention, his eyes wide as he looks between Bradley and Ice, expression clearly wanting Bradley to ask who.
            “Let me guess, you’ve invited Jake. Who else?”
            Mav sighs over the phone and Bradley has to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing.
            “Coyote, Phoenix and Bob.”
            Bradley looks to Jake and he knows those names are going to mean a hell of a lot more to him than they do to Bradley.
            “Great, okay.”
            “And your young man’s name?”
            “You’ll find out tomorrow. Patience. Thanks Mav, I’ll bring enough brownie for eight.”
            He quickly ends the call before Mav can get another word in and turns his phone off, not wanting the notifications. He knows all the people he cares about are safe so has no reason to have it on.
            “Okay. Step one is done.”
            Ice grins and Bradley grins back. Then Ice makes a shooing gesture toward the bedroom and Bradley rolls his eyes, throws back a yeah yeah gesture because it’s apparently grilling time. He doesn’t know why Ice expects him to leave the room, he’s totally going to listen in from around the corner. Of course Ice seems to be on to him, he can hear the chairs scraping back and the table being cleared. He has to strain to hear over the running water, fortunately the little electronic tablet is nice and clear.
            “Thank you for making him happier. He is happy. Full life. Many friends. Loves his job. You can add to all of that.”
            He can’t hear what Jake says in reply and he knows Ice must be typing out his reply, the words conveying meaning without being full sentences.
            “There is no try.”
            “Sure thing Yoda. You a secret Star Wars geek or something?”
            “Not secret.”
            Jake’s laugh is beautiful and Bradley grins to himself.
            “Tell your friends. Serves Mav right.”
            “Excuse me sir? You mean, I have your permission to tell Coyote, Phoenix and Bob who you are? And your relationship with Maverick?”
            “Yes. Already gave to Mav. Now you too. Good for Mav be in dark for once.”
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komoreibi · 2 years
Can you do some fluff long distance headcanons with ran, rindou and kazutora pretty please?👉👈
sure!! i hope they’re alright, i feel a bit eh. about these hcs ngl ;w;
note: they are from different timelines as requested after chatting with requester~ //  gn!reader
.・LDR with kazutora, ran, and rindou (hcs)
hanemiya kazutora (post bloody halloween timeline)
kazutora is kind of used to talking to people long distance - he’s been in juvie twice where he was only allowed the occasional visit and basically lived off of letters from his closest friends
so when you told him that you were moving away and how anxious you were about your relationship, he was a sad that he wouldn’t be able to see you everyday, but he was also quick to reassure you that things would be fine
“you know, now we both have smartphones, so i’ll send you messages everyday. it’ll be like we’re right next to each other all the time.”
tora would probably buy you two matching keychains for your phones, like... a cute tiger thing but in slightly different colours for the two of you.
“so you’ll think of me everyday.”
“kazutora... you know i would already...”
but once in a while, he does also send a handwritten letter to you with a polaroid to keep!
he gives small presents, but they’re always well thought of and full of love <3
the best was a handkerchief which he sprayed with his cologne.
generally, he’s probably the calmest if he were put in an ldr situation ><
and when you two finally get to meet again, he would be running over and hugging you real real tight~
haitani rindou (tenjiku)
side note but i ALWAYS want to make rindou look good because 2nd best bf in tenjiku but ANYWAYS
rindou is a man that loves you very very much and he wants that to be known, even if you’re miles apart.
and it’s also partly because he can’t stand being away from you for so long :(
since we’re talking tenjiku, i do believe smartphones weren’t that big yet so... he also has to write letters and EMAILS OMGGGG EMAILS
he’ll attach photos and videos of what he’s doing throughout the day
and the thing he looks forward to the most every week is getting to read your letters or emails!!
he has a box where he stores all your letters and sometimes on days he really misses you, he’ll open them up and start reading them all over again… 
umm assuming you two shared an apartment before you moved away, he would always hug your pillow at night to sleep :,(
he got used to cuddling you to sleep and now you’re not there so :((( it feels empty…
obvs hes not gonna tell u tho
thank GOD ran lives with him
rin is Down Bad i tell u
last thing omg.
rindou once sent you a CD in the mail and it was all just your favourite songs and remixes he made to suit your preferences
and at the end was an original song he wrote for you??!?!?!
you can practically hear his voice cracking nervously and him clearing his throat, but it’s so endearing you absolutely love it.
and at the end is “i love you. we’ll see each other soon.”
haitani ran (bonten)
i have a hc that ran is a bit of a bad texter
like. u know people who read ur message on the lockscreen and think of a reply, so they thought they replied but actually they didn’t?
yeah that’s ran
he changes a little when you move and you two can’t see each other so often.
mainly because he’s itching to text you all the time
will randomly send “this reminded me of you” pictures and it’s some weird ass meme that rindou sent to him but also some are those like
“this could be us but you’re halfway across the world :(” memes
he also likes to send voice messages telling you he loves you <3
hitn ran asmr pls
and on that note
nsfw just for ran below the cut <3 (minors do not read pls!)
some of the audio he sends is him moaning ur name while jerking off like my GUY CALM DOWN IT IS 2 IN THE AFTERNOON FOR U!!!
ran also sends dick pics or like a picture of him grabbing his bulge through his pants and it’s always captioned something
“fuck i miss you so much”
also sometimes sends a video of him jerking off to you and a message after like “a little gift for you <3”
he’s so horny someone stop him
at this point you’ve received more porn attachments from him than non-porn attachments.
ran also likes mailing you stuff (read lingerie) and asks you to send pictures of you wearing it.
cue another picture of his hard-on
honestly he thinks this is really fun and makes finally being able to meet you again all the better with all the pent up tension <3
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melrosing · 6 months
MATE I have a feeling I am so late to this but what happened to your job!
lmao! so much! but I don’t have it anymore! ok you didn’t ask for the full story lmao but im always in the mood for venting lately so the full tale under the cut on What Happened With My Job
so without getting into detail they have been absolute asses all year!! like with each other the women in my team are like Bosom Pals but apart from a handful of pleasant people they just have no time for me lol it’s very cliquey??
anyway. we had some really difficult clients in the Spring who were ready to throw in the towel at every stage of our work process bc it was unfamiliar territory for them. I was leading the project but really struggling to meet their insane expectations like it was HUNDREDS of emails a day from like 8AM to 8PM and their ‘head of’ sometimes swearing at me on calls with a dozen other people and thinking I can work magic and get [MAJOR CELEBRITY] involved in a thing for them when objectively I can’t and just scream. anyway my directors get really uneasy because this is a big client and they don’t want them getting scared off so when the client starts reaching a crescendo of frustration they fully just scapegoat me right at the end of the campaign (at which point our results are great! lmao) and say it will be Dealt With
around the same time I start to realise that the business is failing and my ‘specialist position’ is typically the first kind to go and that COINCIDENTALLY they are on my ass day after day trying to insist im not meeting their ‘standards’ and genuinely making up the most insane reasons why not (like I know I’d be biased saying this but SERIOUSLY) so im like ohhh right. I see where this is going
THEN my dad gets goddamn incurable brain cancer and my whole life falls apart. and they suddenly have to be like ‘oh no. I am sorry this has happened. oh dear.’ I’m off two weeks having a complete mental breakdown until im kindly reminded that cough I’ve almost used up my statutory days of compassionate leave! but per company guidelines they do have to manage my workload whilst i er. struggle indefinitely w the emotional burden?? so my capacity is thus reduced and man you can tell they’re not thrilled about it
so they basically check in every Friday for a month saying ‘hope everything is ok can you take on more work yet’ CONSPICUOUSLY never asking how anything is going with dad (like when I first logged back in I had a catch up with my line manager and kind of tremulously started talking about what had happened and she literally said ‘it’s ok you don’t need to tell me the details’)
THEN I get GASTROENTERITIS 💃🏻 god knows how. but it’s a bad one and I physically can’t eat for a week man I eat like a banana a day and even that makes me sick lol. but whatever the first day I phone in and tell my director im not well. she’s like ‘WELL I ACTUALLY HAVE SO MUCH TO MANAGE RIGHT NOW SO THIS REALLY ISN’T HELPFUL LIKE I GET YOU CAN’T HELP BEING SICK BUT I REALLY NEED TO BE ABLE TO RELY ON MY TEAM TO SUPPORT COS WE HAVE A LOT COMING UP’ (I’m not even kidding)
so on the third day I log back in bc I feel like I need to just push through it but oh no im still vomiting my guts out so I message the same director ‘look I think maybe. I am still sick’ and she says NOTHING in response till I suddenly get a text from my LINE MANAGER saying ‘Hi. X says you say you still don’t feel well. We understand it’s food poisoning. That usually only lasts 24 hours’. LIKE??? apparently with all the compassionate leave I’d had to take, the sick leave was just too much for them to bear lmao so i got myself a goddamn doctor’s note and have to announce every day for the rest of that week ‘I’m still not well sorry’ (they never ever reply)
Then finally I recover and I log back in and my director doesn’t ask me how I am or anything literally just says ‘WELL let’s get straight to business’ and explains the status of everything at me for 20 mins going on about how stressful it all is.
And then an hour later I get a surprise call from my head of department telling me unforch they’re making me redundant. can’t be helped. understand this is a bad time for you personally. (said head of department has never addressed what bad thing is happening personally rn). and im in shock. till i figure that what with my dad this is probably an appalling time to make up some performance based reason to fire me so this was their only option
and then finally I see the paperwork and realise severance pay is a third of my annual salary. so i promptly get over it, log out halfway through the month whilst still being paid for my time till the end of it, and NOT ONE of those fuckers has even reached out to say goodbye in all that time but god knows I never want to hear from them again so?? fuck it! i told HR everything anyway I was like look I don’t want to take formal action but?? I think you should know.
and now im just gonna chill for Christmas w my dad and my fam and my pals and my cats and do my weird asoiaf shit on tumblr I guess lol. so there we go that’s what happened!!!!
tl;dr got made redundant lol
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barlowstreet · 2 months
I am so fucking proud of you! May I ask how your group project ended up going?
Thank you!!!
Honestly yeah I have tea, let's spill.
Under a cut for long math drama because WOW that a whole thing
Alright, so for anyone who missed it, the group project assignment was fairly simple. It was literally just pick an article about mathematical modeling (he suggested using covid 19 as a topic), read it, present our findings to our class. Four people in my group, 10 minute long at most presentation, could have all probably be done in 30 minutes, right? We started this March 20th and it was due April 10th, today.
I picked the article, sent it to my group partners, they were like "yeah sure that works". I set up a word document through office 365 which we all have access to through our school that we could all just put our notes in and I put my part in March 20th. And then I took a whole bunch of cold medication because that was when I was sick.
Then no one did anything. I emailed them again reminding them, hey, we do gotta do this April 5th. The one girl did hers that day. The guy in my group did his April 7th. I also made a powerpoint at that point because I was like "I am not just talking to the camera here, I need a prop". (I get camera shy and do a lot better if I have props.)
The other girl in my group? The last email I got from her was never. She never replied to a single one of my emails. We talked in class once in a breakout room, where I said "I will email you all, I have no voice and am very sick and it's probably easier to just use email" and she was like, "Yeah, sounds good." So to be clear, she knew I was going to email her.
I get to class today and the guy in my group is not there. Okay, sure, fine, one of us can read his part. GirlA messages me in the zoom chat and is like "did GirlB ever send you anything?" and I have to be like, "No. I have a slide with just her name on it, do we want to just be petty and pause on it for a moment when we get there?" and she was like "Yeah tbh she didn't reply to any of our emails and do any work, what else do we do".
(Meanwhile we were talking about grades and GirlB asks the instructor why he never gave her a time slot to do one of our quizzes. It was a take home quiz. He said that SEVERAL times in class but I suspect she isn't actually there a decent amount, she just opens the zoom link and does other things. But our classes are recorded. Watch the recording at least?)
And then GirlB messages me. At 7:25pm. And says, "I sent you my notes."
My class, I will tell anyone who doesn't know, is 6:30pm to 9:30pm. We were in class. Other people were presenting, and I'm frantically adding things to the powerpoint presentation that I made. AND she somehow didn't actually change the online version of the powerpoint (because I enabled editing for that too) so she had to send it to me.
And she sent it as a PDF.
Anyways, me and GirlA sounded like we knew what we were talking about. I fake being good at speaking well and she made a good joke that made her seem a little more relaxed. I will say that the other girl did send me a couple of diagrams which made things look nice, but she really struggled with presenting it and sounded very awkward.
Oh and the guy showed up literally in the middle of our presentation, which, you know, I'll take since I didn't have to present his part.
We sorta could tell that GirlB handed in a bunch of assignments technically late and her grade was probably Not Good so honestly the fact that we all got 100% on the presentation probably did her a lot of good.
And I swear to god, most of it is because people are impressed by powerpoint. GirlA, when we were gossiping, she thanked me for doing "all that work" on the powerpoint when, like, it took me 10 minutes because I downloaded a vaguely math-y looking powerpoint theme XD So, life lesson, a good looking powerpoint presentation will take you a long way.
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soft-jihoonie · 10 months
I Hated You But I Want You - Chapter 1
Pairing: Chanyeol x f!reader
Genre: University AU - enemies to lovers
Warnings: none currently, may change throughout the series
Words: 1,094
A/N: As always, if you like the fic please like, reblog or reply! I’d love to know what you think
| 1 | 2 |
Park Chanyeol is just about the smuggest dickhead you’ve ever met, and now you’re forced to cooperate with him.
You never really thought having to do partner work on projects at university would be an issue, you’d been paired up with plenty of people with no problem at all. Chanyeol though, Chanyeol is a problem.
It’s not like he’s the worst person in the world, sometimes he can be fairly amusing, but the way he gets away with doing the bare minimum of work through his charm riles you up way too much. So you’re understandably annoyed when you check your email from your lecturer with a spreadsheet of who’s partnered with who, and find your name right next to Chanyeol’s.
You’ve heard many stories from your friends of how Chanyeol will barely contribute till the last minute, turning his portion of the work in the morning of a project being due some times. He knows he’s good at the degree, and that drives you up the wall that he won’t be a cooperative team member, only caring about his own grade.
You can’t help but groan audibly when you read his name, leading Kyungsoo, your friend you’re hanging with before class, to ask, “Who’s your partner? I got Minseok.”
You mumble out, “Lucky”, as you turn your phone screen to Kyungsoo, pointing at Chanyeol’s name.
Kyungsoo pulls a sympathetic face and says, “Man, I feel for you, I hated working in a group with him, partners is going to be way worse!”
“Thanks for the confidence, Soo.”
He laughs and says, “Speaking of that class, we should probably head towards the seminar room before we’re late.”
You nod, gathering up your items and following Kyungsoo to the room, idly chatting with him along the way.
As if the universe was looking to mess you around further, Chanyeol was standing outside the seminar room, laughing obnoxiously loudly at something his shorter friend has said.
You don’t manage to suppress your eye roll, Kyungsoo quietly laughing when he sees you do so. He stops on the other side of the seminar room door to Chanyeol and leans against the wall and you follow suit.
Your idle conversation with Kyungsoo is being interrupted moments later, and you hear Chanyeol’s voice say, “Ah! You’re my partner on the new project!”
Mentally reminding yourself to act nice, you turn to face Chanyeol and respond, “Yep that’s me!”
Chanyeol grins and you can’t deny that it’s sort of endearing, he responds, “Y/n, right? I’m Chanyeol.”
You can’t help but chuckle at him introducing himself when your names had been on the spreadsheet saying you were partners. Chanyeol seems to realise this as he says, “Ah right, you probably already know that.”
Deciding to take pity on him, you smile and say, “Yeah I do but thanks for introducing yourself anyway!”
Chanyeol grins back at you and then the two of you return to your conversations with your own friends. As your listening to Kyungsoo complain about another module he has that you don’t share, you find yourself thinking that maybe Chanyeol isn’t that bad. He seems like a nice enough guy, maybe your friends had been exaggerating.
That thought is quickly disproven once the seminar starts. Your lecturer tells you to sit in your pairs and after giving a run down of what’s expected of the project, sets you to all start planning together. You pull up a blank word document on your laptop and turn to Chanyeol as you ask, “Alright, what should our projects focus be?”
Chanyeol doesn’t look up from his phone, shrugging as he says, “Honestly pick whatever you prefer, I don’t really mind.”
You don’t hold back your annoyance as you say, “Seriously? We’re meant to be working on this together, you should at least have a say.”
Chanyeol’s eyes finally leave his phone to look at you, seeming a bit surprised at your response. He shrugs once more and says, “I don’t know, tell me your ideas and I guess I’ll say which one’s I like.”
You’re close to raising your voice at him from annoyance but seeing that the lecturer is glancing your way, you take a deep breath and begin typing down your ideas onto the word document. Rolling your eyes when Chanyeol goes back to his phone.
Coming up to the end of the seminar, you’ve managed to force Chanyeol to pick a project topic with you and decide which parts of the project you’ll each focus on specifically. You’re packing away your laptop and notebook when you see Chanyeol’s phone shoved in front of you.
Sending a quizzical look his way, you glance back down at his phone screen to see it open on a new contact. Chanyeol says, “You should put in your number so we can keep in contact about the project.”
You’re definitely surprised that Chanyeol’s initiating this when he’d been so reluctant to cooperate with you all class, but you still take his phone and put your number in, passing it back to him when your done.
Chanyeol smirks at you and says, “Easiest way to get such a pretty girls number”
You roll your eyes, picking up your bag as you stand up and walking off towards Kyungsoo. You can’t help but scoff at Chanyeol’s comment, thinking he’d never have a chance to get your number if it wasn’t for this project.
Chanyeol isn’t unattractive. He’s definitely one of the more conventionally attractive men on your course, but his personality puts you off him easily. You’ve never really liked the joker fuck boy types, and Chanyeol fits right into that category.
Kyungsoo swings an arm around your shoulder as you head out of the seminar room, introducing you to Minseok who walks out with you. Minseok already seems to be a much nicer partner than Chanyeol, and he gives you a sympathetic look when you begin to complain to Kyungsoo about your partner.
As you settle down at a table in the library about 10 minutes later with Kyungsoo and Minseok, your phone buzzes in your hand. Checking the notification you see it’s an unknown number messaging you.
Opening the message, you see it says, ‘so when can I see you next baby? - Chanyeol aka hottest guy you know’
You roll your eyes, typing back ‘next seminar session’ and then saving the number in your phone under the contact Pain in my ass.
You choose to ignore the frowning emoji Chanyeol sends back in return and get to work starting on the project.
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
Unconventional (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- part twenty
Some more drama! The smut is coming back, don’t worry! (Next chapter ;))
Warnings: angst and fluff, but that’s all :))
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You don’t stay mad at Aaron for long, as expected.
He calls you on your way to the library after your classes, and you welcome his company. You even take the long way around the block, giving the two of you an extra few minutes to talk.
“Five is kind of early for dinner, don’t you think?” you ask. “Are you sure?”
“We won’t be eating right at five,” he explains.
“I know that,” you reply with a laugh. Driving, seating, and then waiting for food puts dinner at six, but that’s still earlier than the two of you have ever had dinner. “But still.”
“You’ll see” is all he says, and you have no choice but to run with it.
“I’ll be in the library until then,” you tell him.
“I can pick you up from there,” he offers.
You smile. “That sounds perfect.”
“Then it’s set,” he says. “I’ll see you soon, little one.”
“See you,” you murmur, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
That phone call didn’t feel awkward at all, thankfully. It felt normal again, and that’s what you want. You want things to go back to normal, back to the way they were before Lawrence showed up and sent Aaron spiraling. Is that really too much to ask?
You grab a coffee and head straight to the back of the building, ready to get some serious writing done. You have three weeks until the draft is due because in just four weeks, you’ll be graduating.
Which reminds you, you should probably tell your parents about graduation. Your mom probably won’t come, but will still gripe if you don’t tell her about it so she can decline the invitation. Your dad is even more of a wild card. Maybe he’ll surprise you this time and attend.
Not likely. Regardless, you send an email to both of them, and then begin writing.
As five p.m. creeps closer, Aaron sends a text and asks where you are sitting in the library.
In the back of the first floor, you reply. Why?
Aaron: On my way
You don’t know why he couldn’t have just said that. You always meet him out front, anyway.
You place your phone down and wait for his second text, letting you know he’s outside waiting. But it never comes.
Instead, you start to hear murmuring too loud for the library, especially the quiet section you’re in. You try to keep your head down and not search for the cause, because most of the time it’s just a rowdy group of freshmen. This time, though, it isn’t.
Finally, you lift your head, your curiosity getting the better of you. And there, walking toward you, is Aaron Hotchner.
Now all of the murmurs and turning heads make sense, and you give him a look, asking, was this really necessary?
He only smiles in return, stopping at your table, bending down to give you a kiss, right here in the library, with everyone watching.
Dumbfounded, you whisper through a smile, “What are you doing?”
“I’m picking you up for dinner,” he replies seriously. “Is that okay?”
You glance at his watch, raising your eyebrows. “You’re early.”
He looks down at the time, then laughs. “By five minutes. Would you like me to wait?”
“No, no,” you chuckle. “I’m teasing. Let me pack up.”
You put your laptop away and toss out your empty coffee cup. Aaron takes your bag and holds it for you, allowing you to hold his free hand. You wrap yourself around his arm, too, for good measure, and because the stares are a little bit frightening.
The two of you walk to the exit and you wave goodbye to Spencer, the only one with his nose in a book and not at all fazed by the man you’re with. Knowing Spencer, he probably doesn’t know who Aaron is — or just doesn’t care.
Once you’re outside, you see Aaron’s car waiting right on the curb. He opens your door for you and shuts it once you’re inside. He tosses your bag in the back seat before getting behind the steering wheel.
“Hi,” he says with a smile, leaning over to give you another kiss as he starts the engine.
“Hi yourself,” you reply, smiling because you can’t help yourself. You don’t know what has him in such a good mood, but you’re not going to ask. “What’s for dinner?”
“Well,” he says. “It’s a surprise.”
“Alright,” you buckle. “Surprise me, then.”
Aaron speeds off and you assume you’re going to some restaurant just in the city, until he turns into what looks like an abandoned parking garage.
“Uhm,” you try not to sound too alarmed as he turns corners, heading for the top. “What are we doing?”
“You’ll see,” he says, and he’s still grinning.
You wait (impatiently) until the car reaches the top, and there’s—
“A helicopter?” you blurt, your eyes wide. “Why is there a helicopter?”
Aaron stops the car and turns off the engine, unbuckling himself before unbuckling you. “Because,” he pauses, helping you move so the seatbelt can retract. “We’re going to fly to dinner.”
He gets out of the car and comes around to your side, opening your door and offering his hand. You take it and step out, but the questions are still coming.
“How far are we going? And where are we going that we need a helicopter?” 
He listens to each one as he walks you up to the helicopter. “We’re not going far, and we don’t necessarily need the helicopter. It’s just better than driving there, and I felt like flying.”
“Wait.” It hits you then that there isn’t a pilot standing around, or sitting in the helicopter. “You’re going to fly us?”
Aaron nods. “I am.” 
He pulls open the door and helps you inside, then goes around to the other side and settles himself in the pilot’s seat. All the while, you’re staring at him with this mesmerized look in your eyes, and he can’t help himself. He kisses you right there, for a few moments, until whatever feeling he had calms down.
“Alright,” he says. “Put the headset on. It’ll protect your ears, and we’ll talk through it, too.”
Once it’s over your ears, Aaron starts the helicopter. You’ve never seen him this way, and you wonder where he learned this. Regardless of where he learned it, he’s hot right now.
Feeling the helicopter lift up is almost weirder than a plane taking off, but you love it. The thrill of it puts a grin on your face instantly.
Aaron takes you up and around the city, letting you see the buildings and marvel at everything. The windshield stretches down almost to your feet, letting you see everything, as if you aren’t even in the helicopter. 
“It’s cool, huh?” his voice comes through your headset, and you know he’s smiling without even having to look at him.
“Cool?” you laugh. “It’s fucking awesome! I had no idea you could fly!”
He does another big circle, just so he can see you smile like this for a little while longer.
“We’ll take the long way home,” he says. “But for now, we have a dinner to get to.”
The dinner in question is on a rooftop, of course. Aaron lands the helicopter on a building next to the restaurant. You take an elevator down to street level to then walk across to the restaurant, where you then go back up to the roof.
“Not as glamorous when we have to do this,” he comments in the second elevator, his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Aaron, don’t,” you chuckle. “It’s perfect.”
His only response is to kiss your knuckles.
Once you’re on the roof (that Aaron rented out for the evening, naturally), you’re seated at a candlelit table for two.
Wine and water are poured, and the server disappears back inside while your food is being prepared.
“To us,” Aaron says, holding up his glass. 
“To us,” you smile, toasting him.
You taste the wine and realize it’s your favorite. If there’s one thing Aaron knows how to do, it’s make you feel worth it after you felt the complete opposite.
“So,” you pause, and he raises his eyebrows. “I know you’re speaking at my graduation ceremony, but…” You take another pause, wondering if this is a stupid question to ask. “I know you’ll already be there, but I was wondering if you’d be there for me. With me.”
“Of course,” he replies gently. “You didn’t even need to ask.”
“Okay, but I wanted to,” you say. “My mom said she’ll be on her honeymoon that weekend, and my dad hasn’t replied to my email, but he probably won’t come. So.”
“I’m sorry,” Aaron frowns. “Honeymoon? Are congratulations in order?”
“Absolutely not,” you scoff. “This is her fourth honeymoon in three years. She needs nothing except self control and reflection, which she won’t do.”
Aaron nods, sensing it’s a very touchy subject that needs no further pressing. “Well, I will gladly be your plus one, despite my attendance being required as well.” He grins. “I guess I should start writing my speech.”
“Um, maybe,” you laugh. “Might be a good idea.”
“Don’t worry, I have,” he replies. “Before our food arrives, I wanted to share something with you as well.”
Despite everything, the dinner, the helicopter, your favorite wine, his changed mood -- you still think the worst is coming.
“I know I haven’t been the most forthcoming person about my past, but,” Aaron pauses, “But I realize it’s not fair to keep you around and not let you in on what is happening, and what will continue happening the more that you’re seen with me.”
“I’m aware that people are going to look,” you say. “I don’t care. I’ve gotten used to it.”
“It’s more than that,” he says. “You remember the man you met Saturday night?”
You nod. “Greg.”
“Yes,” he says. “I guess, technically, we are rivals, but that doesn’t really explain things adequately.”
You remember what Megan told you and you nod. “You said you guys were on a case against each other.”
“Quite a few,” Aaron replies. “But the two that matter deal with one man, who is the reason I’m telling you all of this.”
You stay silent, waiting. He’s already saying more than you expected him to, but he keeps going.
“His name is George Foyet,” Aaron finally says. “He broke into my previous apartment, stabbed me, and dropped me off at a hospital as a John Doe.”
Tears spring to your eyes and you reach across the table for Aaron’s hand. Thankfully, he lets you take it, and he squeezes your fingers.
“Thankfully, one of the nurses recognized me, and called my office, who then alerted my family and Rossi.” Aaron takes a deep breath, his eyes glassy. “Lawrence is Foyet’s attorney, and has been for as long as I can remember. The first case was handed to me twenty years ago because no one else wanted it, because no one wanted to go up against Lawrence. I noticed a discrepancy in the evidence, and long story short, it sent Foyet to prison with a twenty-year sentence. He escaped after five years, and disappeared off the face of the earth. No one knew where he was, except maybe Lawrence, but he didn’t let on. Then, a year ago, Foyet showed up at my apartment.”
“But you said he’s in prison again—”
“He is,” Aaron assures you, taking your hand in both of his. “He has a life sentence — for now.”
“For now?”
“Lawrence is trying to appeal. He has been ever since Foyet went back to prison. The two of them together — they’re dangerous. Lawrence needs to be in prison with Foyet, but that won’t happen. And Foyet won’t stay in prison forever, despite his sentence. He escaped once, I’m sure he’ll do it again, but— Dave is keeping tabs on him. Foyet is still in prison.”
“Is Dave positive?”
Aaron nods. “He has connections from when he was in the FBI, so he’s more than certain, and he has instructed them to give him a call if anything changes. Foyet is currently in solitary; Dave got that update this morning.”
“Okay,” you breathe. “So what now?”
Aaron blinks, a little surprised. “Well, I wanted to tell you these things because if you want our arrangement to stop, I understand, and Dave can keep eyes on you to keep you protected in case—”
“Aaron, Aaron, Aaron stop,” you shake your head. “I’m not leaving.”
“Are you sure?” he asks. “Because if this is too much—”
“It’s not,” you interrupt him again. “It’s not. If it was, I never would have agreed to it in the first place.” You knew what you were getting into. With a name like his, you knew there would be enemies. You’re not naïve.
“But it’s different now,” he argues, almost like he wants you to leave.
“It’s really not,” you assure him. “I know your security team is the best of the best. Dave never lets anything slide past him. Neither do you. I feel safe with you, Aaron. That hasn’t changed.”
He has such a tortured look on his face that you can’t take it anymore. You walk around the table and sit in his lap, holding his head against your chest, running your fingers through his hair.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. He takes in a shaky breath. You don’t know if he’s crying, but you don’t care. After talking about all of that, part of you wishes he would cry because he probably needs to.
But Aaron doesn’t want to ruin dinner, so he quickly composes himself, lifting his head to kiss you.
“Thank you,” he says, holding your face, his eyes still glassy.
“Thank you for opening up to me,” you whisper, resting your forehead against his. “I love you.”
The three words slip from your mouth and you freeze, as does Aaron, and you almost apologize, retract them, and return to your seat, but he holds you close.
“I love you,” he replies. “I love you,” he says again, kissing you gently. 
What neither of you say, but you’re both thinking, is an addition to the three words. 
I love you. I love you so much that I am terrified.
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I was going to write up a Tumblr post on the names of Radley's and Malcolm's gangs, how they differ between original and dub versions, and the ironic significance of said names.
Instead, Dracula Daily happened and I was so upset I had to get out my feelings in a scene for one of my current fic chapters:
He took out his phone to idly look up exorcisms and other ways to remove restless spirits, but frowned at a notification. ". . . Of all the things to show up right now, I've got a reminder about Dracula Daily starting soon."
". . . What is that?" Kalin grunted. "It sounds like something Scotch would like, but not you."
"It's an email list that feeds you pieces of the novel Dracula each day," Radley said. "It's told as diary entries, letters, and newspaper clippings, and they're sent out on each corresponding day that the entries were originally made in the book. And you're right, it wouldn't normally be my thing. Scotch told me about lots of friendship goodness and got me interested enough to try it last year."
"So did you like it?" Kalin asked.
"Yes and no," Radley replied. "I loved the friendships and other pure love between the characters, but I got so upset by Lucy's fate that it could never be a favorite book for me."
"You cared that much about her?" Kalin sounded disbelieving.
". . . Let me guess, you watched a movie version as a Dark Signer but never read the book," Radley said.
"You're right," Kalin said.
"It seems like all the movies portray Lucy as trashy," Radley said. "She was actually incredibly sweet. She sure never deserved all that Dracula put her through, and then to not be able to get her happy ending. I kept hoping that even after she became a vampire, she could be saved when Dracula was killed. Instead, they had to kill her to stop her." He shook his head. "It was extremely disturbing. I wonder if that's why they changed her in the movies, because you're right that it's much less disturbing if she's a naughty girl anyway."
". . . Scotch seems like the type who'd be upset by a nice character being hurt too," Kalin said.
"He is," Radley said. "He'd read a lot of Internet hype about the friendships. Last year was his first time reading it too. I think he got more upset than I did. After he finished the book, he wrote a fanfiction story where the Harkers meet The Time Traveler—from The Time Machine, you know?—and they go back in time to save Lucy. It was actually really good. Scotch said he insists on believing that's really how the story continued." He smiled. "Scotch loves happy endings for those who deserve them."
". . . That's an interesting premise," Kalin had to admit.
Radley nodded. "It's actually pretty plausible, considering both books take place around the same time and the Harkers and The Time Traveler all live in London. Why not have them meet?"
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