#anyway i love my little monster poison dragon
sparky-is-spiders · 2 months
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When I first finished my Amaldyne ref I started on an image of her breathing dragonfire but never finished it. Until now! Here she is my beautiful baby girl setting things on fire. Idk how I feel about the shading but I'm kinda proud about how revenant!Amaldyne looks. (Also if you're wondering why her neck is Like That it's because maintaining your form as a big hungry goop puddle is especially hard when you're also angy). This was mostly just to see how dragonfire looks when I try blending it a bit (which I don't do on the refs to make it more clear which colors go where) but I might mess around with it in the future, idk.
Anyway some Lizard Lore(TM): dragonfire is a very unique substance. Impossible to replicate (at least under current magical science), dragonfire can and will destroy everything it touches save for the dragon who breathes it. All dragons have at least a few sparks (even if all they ever manage to do is cough up smoke and embers), but a vast majority only have enough to breathe out a single stream for a few minutes, after which they'll need to stop and recover. Amaldyne is probably about average when it comes to dragonfire (although nothing about my universe is set in stone yet sooooo). Dragonfire can come in any color except blue (although there are a handful of old, scattered scraps of legend about a powerful sky dragon with bright cyan flames). It also sometimes feels more like a dragon's element rather than regular fire (although most who get hit by it are generally too distracted by the feeling of being burned by magic fire to describe the experience afterwards). Amaldyne, as a poison dragon, has fire that feels like getting doused in acid (complete with an odd, slimy sensation that lingers for awhile after). It's pretty common and there really isn't any particular significance to it. Just an odd quirk of dragon magic. Also, if a dragon's fire is somehow extinguished (methods to do so are currently unknown) or stolen (incredibly difficult but also quite possible, if you know a few tricks), it WILL kill them. A dragon won't survive without their dragonfire, not even for a moment.
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 2 months
I'm going to be brave (on anon lol) and give the Neogi a little bulwark of defense- the whole master/slave dynamic is clearly a problem of actual literal conceptualization and alien morality, rather than a cultural or personal failing. I'd argue that there's way more morally suspect beings that have made it past muster on this blog; just a little bit before the Neogi poll the Nightwalker got a landslide yes and it's explicitly sadistic and malicious, implying it fully understands the implications of the harm it causes and enjoys it anyway (other guys like demons and devil, drow, and chromatic dragons usually fall into that pot too). So don't write off the Neogi just because of a disgust response based on fundamental cognitive differences.
That being said, it looks like the way they reproduce is by injecting a substance that causes another Neogi to become bloated and uninterested in anything but food while they get eggs laid in them. And the hatching Neoglings burst out and immediately eat the "mom". So it's still gonna be a no from me dawg, lol.
cw: body horror Now disclaimer. I understand that was just a little defense against my onslaught. A "they're bad, but others are just as bad and not getting the harsh treatment." I know you don't think their beliefs are good or anything. Just want to state that first so others don't go wild, given this is the "piss on the poor" reading comprehension website. That said, a long rebuttal for a long ask.
Yes they have an alien mindset. As do elementals, many demons, insectoid races, etc. But It's still a moral failing even if it's the root of the moral system that's the failure. These are still fully intelligent creatures, and every book that any of them are in goes out of its way to talk about how literally everything in the multiverse hates them. I get they just don't see anything else as people really, but it doesn't take the edge off for me. Others get by through a combination of having plenty of examples who are different, people who just see the picture without reading, and people who see murderers as less bad than slavers. Neogi are such hard passes because it took divine intervention to create a counter example, far fewer people are just slamming smash without reading, and there being no situation where slavery is justified. Loving pain and murder is frankly mundane in the world of monsters. and little more than quirky in the world of adventurers. You kinda accepted that at the prompt. But loving slavery is one of the reddest flags you can get, and hits a biiiiit too close to home.
And yeah, that post was long enough, I just figured the explosive parasitism was overkill. HOWVER I'd argue that since it's a separate process it wouldn't actually be necessary to mate, it's more of a drug they shove inside first to keep the host easy to work with. It's similar to the real-world insects who do this- the poison isn't part of the mating, it's prep to make sure they don't smash the eggs. Besides, reproduction isn't usually considered when people are thinking "smash or pass." It's typically the outcome people are looking to avoid tbh. Besides, there's a lot more to smashing than 1 particular hole. I actually know that's the least important part for many.
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aimeelouart · 2 years
How to get maximum chaos: Hey Asshole + CtS crossover.
You know I started in on that one and then promptly got sidelined by... The Adversary Fell, I think? Now there's an even more chaotic point in HA I can yeet him into, so this will probably go unwritten. Anyway, enjoy:
Cloud’s new armored outfit was great. Really⁠—it saved him so many injuries he otherwise would have had to deal with, considering a tee and a ratty cable-knit vest couldn’t exactly stop a blade. He was going to be forever grateful to Aerith and her...weird superpowered hivemind harem.
Wow. That was a weird sentence to think.
Anyway. His new armor was great and he loved it. Unfortunately it had limited utility when he was being noshed on by a huge...dragon...dinosaur thing. Something big with harder-than-steel scales and sharp teeth and a serious resistance to magic⁠, which wasn’t ideal. Extremely not ideal. He was not having a good time.
For once, Cloud was downright grateful to feel the white-hot static sear through his veins. For once, the universe was kind enough to yank him directly from the jaws of death.
Pun intended.
He was spat out upright and immediately reeled to the side, shoulder thumping into a hard wall. “That’s right, you better run,” he wheezed, raising a hand and wiping the mix of blood and monster saliva out of his eyes. His skin felt a little numb and his sight was blurred, which probably meant poison. He cast Poisona.
It did jack shit.
He banged his head against the concrete with a groan.
A handrail dug into his side. He could hear a few people—SOLDIERs, at a guess—nearby. Specifically, he could feel Sephiroth. He slid one boot to the side and found that was standing on some stairs. The Tower? A stairwell, somewhere.
“What—?”  said Hewley.
“Well now,” Rhapsodos purred. “What have we here? Cloud, is this your doing?”
“Is what my doing?” Cloud ground out automatically, unintentionally speaking in perfect synchrony with his counterpart in this new world. Whoops. Yeah, that had been a little fast for recognition, hadn’t it?
Rhapsodos made an interested noise. “Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess!”
Cloud shifted around enough to squint through the increasing blur at the man. “You stop that,” he said, taking in the tangle of people. Zack, who was looming protectively around his counterpart, and Hewley and Rhapsodos, and Sephiroth on the side closest to Cloud.
“Wait. Cloud?” said Zack, looking back and forth between elder and younger.
“Yes, Zack,” Cloud sighed, frowning as he felt his legs start to go numb. Ugh. “Not your Cloud, from a different dimension, bouncing between worlds, will be gone in thirteen hours, et cetera et cetera.” Considering Poisona hadn’t done anything, he estimated five minutes to collapse. He wasn’t too worried this time—not with Zack there.
The stairwell erupted in noise.
“You’re me?” said the other Cloud.
“Different dimension?” Zack asked, aghast.
“Two of you, and both conscious no less!” said Rhapsodos, clapping his hands. “Marvelous!”
“How is that…?” Sephiroth muttered, trailing off.
“What happened to you? Are you alright?” Hewley asked, ever the most reasonable and responsible of the SOLDIERs.
Mmm, Angeal leftovers, Cloud thought, drooling. He’d run out of harem Angeal’s food three worlds ago, and mourned the loss. If he managed to not die he was gonna eat well.
“Poisoned,” Cloud said, waving a dismissive hand as he leaned harder into the wall. Involuntarily.
“…why did you say that so casually,” Hewley sighed, immediately moving to close the distance between them. Cloud let him, unbothered when the SOLDIER started looking him over, and offered a shrug to his inquiry.
“Cloud…” Zack said, soft and a little wounded, and…yeah okay, that made him feel a tiny bit bad about being so casual.
“It’s fine, Zack,” he lied as Hewley turned his face and looked at his eyes. Already, the man just looked like a tannish blur, surrounded by a black vignette as the poison ate away at his vision. As soon as Hewley let go of his jaw, he shut his eyes with an annoyed huff. “Oh—before I forget.” Before I’m unconscious and can’t ask. “No one here is doing a genocide, right?”
“A what?” said…oh, Kunsel was there too. Nice.
“No,” said other Cloud and Zack, very confidently. He filed that fact away for later consideration.
“Great, love that for you,” said Cloud, words beginning to slur. Hewley caught his arm with an alarmed noise as one leg buckled and he slumped hard over the handrail. “Poisona didn’ do shit, good luck.”
“What?” several people said in alarm.
“Din’ do shiiiiiiit,” Cloud repeated. His other leg buckled, and his tongue was starting to go numb too. Asphyxiation was probably a real concern, then. That wasn’t too bad a way to go, in his experience. Although, he definitely hoped Zack didn’t watch if that was the case.
“Okay, you are definitely going to Medical,” Angeal said, as if he was daring Cloud to argue with him. He took all of Cloud’s weight and lifted him like it was nothing.
“S’long as I don’ wake up on’n autopsy table again,” Cloud agreed. Someone made a horrified noise. Whoops. Maybe the slow slide toward probable asphyxiation was making him a little loopier than he thought. Sorry, Zack!
That was pretty much his last thought before he blacked out.
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the-starry-seas · 9 months
I wanna know more about your chaotic neutral human?!
Oh man where do I begin 😂
I started writing him in 2015, and that kinda blows my mind when I think about it. I've played him as a faerie prince, Utahraptor shifter, dragon shifter, werewolf, alien, Titan pilot, X-Men style mutant, and normal human. Well, as normal as he can get.
His name is Rowan Castañeda. He's Catalan (when he's from Earth, anyway). The 'default' version of him is the one where he's a raptor shifter, because that's where it started all those years ago. That version also goes by the name Red, because his dinosaur form has red feathers and reptilian eyes. His human form has red eyes and sharp canines, which are hidden by a magical charm that gives him brown eyes and normal teeth.
The best way to sum up Rowan is by saying he's a little crazy and a lot of fun. Very loud and outgoing, loves people. Has more than enough intellect and common sense to clearly and easily grasp something is a Bad Idea, and enough chaotic dumbass energy to decide he's gotta just go ahead with it anyway. Way too fond of bad puns, incapable of keeping his mouth shut when he can comment on something he shouldn't. Loyal to the death, curious about everything, isn't sure how he hasn't been poisoned by food from sketchy street vendors, and interrupts conversations to point out cats. His main interests include dinosaurs, space, Star Trek, historical novels, and monster movies (the cheesier the better). Don't touch his hat or invade his personal space unless you're looking to get your ass kicked, which will almost certainly involve biting. Fluent in Latin and will bitch people out in it (or will ramble about how unbelievably smoking his wife is, Gomez Addams style).
His playby is Óscar Jaenada, originally from The Losers. This BTS gif from (it was an interview I think?) immediately cemented the idea of a playby for him bc it was so exactly what I had in mind. Cocky little fucker who would suckerpunch God to protect his family, or even if it just seemed like a good idea at the time.
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He's bisexual and nonbinary, and grew up in Ripley, California with an older sister (Laura) and twin brother (Raul). His brother disappeared when they were sixteen, and a year later, Rowan was kicked out by his parents for being queer. He moved to Los Angeles to live with his uncle, a Marine Corps veteran, and Rowan followed in his footsteps by enlisting at eighteen. He became a highly skilled sniper but turned down promotions because he liked the job he had.
At twenty-one he impulsively married a girl named Amber, who he'd known for three hours. The next year, they had a daughter named Elena. She was born partially deaf and Rowan became fluent in ASL to communicate with her.
At twenty-nine, he was injured in the line of duty and got a medical discharge. His sister divorced a few months ago, and she and her daughter Alejandra moved to a new house with Rowan's family, since her ex was being a dipshit and Rowan wanted her to be protected.
He started college courses to become a paleontologist. (Yes, the dinosaur shifter has a dinosaur-related job. I think I'm funny.) He was active in fieldwork for another 5-10 years, depending on the timeline, before taking a job as a curator at a dinosaur museum so he could be home more and have more regular hours.
In my favourite version of his character, his new curator job was at a museum in Gotham, cause that town is clearly the first choice of any normal and well-adjusted individual. He was also an active vigilante, bc nobody believed the criminals saying a dinosaur attacked them, and he had zero concern of being connected to his illegal activities.
Bonus Rowan art from when he's older in his forties:
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skiddo-xy · 1 year
much to unpack. in the order that they appear in the video btw.
enemies fighting each other. wonder if that'll actually make it in game. unless the one on the right is a non-hositle npc.
aw they're chopping up wood
link is flying HEAD-FIRST....unmatched bravery (and also aerodynamics??? the ease he goes from head-first to stomach-first to paragliding is commendable)
that one geolyph looks like half of the snake in the logo HMMM
there is light coming out of the ground.
cute little storm cloud i bet that's for a daily/weekly/whatever-loy event
is that the dye shop looking fancier???
millitary camp also hyrule castle town is not restored yet :(
that vertical stone donut in kakariko village was DEFINITELY not there before okay so some zonai stuff went straight down to the ground and some stayed in the air was it like precipitation except they all froze midair???
what is that hurricane please tell me that's a mountain
castle emerging in gerudo ohohoh
his hair looks like candy worms you get for hallowe'en
zelda's sheikah slate glows as she's falling?
that loooks liek a hot dungeon link is going through
SANDSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except it's flying
floating water you can stay inside that also looks like an eyeball aw
link is getting past lasers is he breaking in somewhere to steal?
those eyeballs from before look like they're in a gumball machine what
IS THERE A NEW MAZE??? low-key didn't like the mazes from botw or uh my bad "labyrinths" but i hope this one is nice (except i LOVED how it was beneath that one maze with the guardians and all)
that is a long spear. also zonai i think.
are those bokoblins wearing zonai helms?
the farmers are fighting too???
love the mysterious music
who is that again? was that the one zelda thing in that fanart
the flowers are so pretty
OH??? SOMETHING IS EMERGING from a wall that can't be good
okay so link still has his champion's tunic that's good
the castle is so pretty!!!
what temple needs those gears and who is that
so there was that one fanart with zelda like that but then who was that other person we saw earlier i'm sooo confused
huge earrings
the bird is like a loftwing and i like that
the orb with a hole in it also reminds me of skyward sword
now THESE are boss fights!!!! more traditional zelda game <3 <3 <3
i dod not have the reflexes to use that stasis thing fast enough.
rocket lol p.s tell me those monsters did not overtake lurelin village.
low gravity is so cute
did link attatch a red rupee to that arrow. form looks a little off but anywasy lol
that laser thing looks srious business
that thing in zelda's hand looks like that amber from skyward sword must be reeeeeeally old
that lynel must look older
oh so that poisoning or whatever was caused by ganon
not surprised that ganondorf is here because i saw him on an instagram post from the nintendo account but anyways he sort of looks like wind waker/twilight princess ganondorf doesn't he
two piercings in each ear side by side! fashion icon
who is THAT i'm losing track
fighting with sidon i see i see ok ok
link's facial expression...i've never quite seen it
was zelda kidnapped? why is she up there? WHY IS SHE LOOKING AT THE SKY WHEN SHE SAYS LINK DOES HE...
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satorugojooo · 3 years
Working together with genshin impact characters would include:
Characters included: Albedo, Xiao, Diluc
Working with Albedo was truly a dream, he was soo talented in everything he did
He was the chief of the alchemy team from the knights and you were some how a right hand of Jean.
You two spend lot of time together expecially when Sucrose didn't need extra alchemy lessons.
"Oh hello darling!" he greeted you as you made your way trough the door of his lab.
"Hello Albedo how are you?" you asked with a sweet smile as he smiled.
"Just doing some research about the traveler, can you believe that they have elemental power but actually its working without a vision." he said fascinated.
"Oh well they earned the Anemo power when they touched the statue of the seven." you said and he looked at you.
"Hmm but why it happened? They are not the first ones that touched a statue." he said more to himself.
"Maybe it was an elemental reaction? I mean there might be a connection between their power of purifying poisoned things and the elemental power? Maybe some reaction happened exactly like when, they purified that tear from Dvalin." you said and he looked at you.
"Why of course... And I think I know now how to find that out Y/N your a genius!" he said and lift you in the air spinning you while he hugged you.
"I'm just trying to help." you said with a giggle burying your head in his chest.
"And you always do." he said touching his forehead to yours. You stared in his teal eyes and felt like you will get lost in them.
"I love you Albedo..." you said and he chuckled.
"I love you too my dear." he spoke and when you both wanted to share a kiss someone opened the door.
"YIKES YOU TWO ARE DISGUSTING AGAIN!" the little red girl said and you both got back to your places embarrassed.
"Oh Klee I didn't expected you here..." Albedo said and Klee looked at you both.
"Why of coulse you didn't but I did expect to find you two cuddling hele like 2 love bilds." she said and you buried you face in your palms as you felt your cheeks heat too much.
"Klee I heard the traveler wanted to know how you make your bombs wouldn't you want to show them?" Albedo said and Klee gasped.
"Oh gosh this is my time to shine I'll talk to you latel see u!" she said and left quickly.
"Done now you don't have to hide anymore my love." Albedo said and grabbed your hands so you won't hide anymore.
"Come here." he said and gave you a kiss but you ended up blushing even more.
Working with Xiao was a little tricky. I mean just look at him he is always silent and sometimes difficult too.
He was an adepti while you were one of the four winds from Mondstadt, it wasn't easy for both of you since responsibilities are responsibilities.
Today though you both had the same job to do, and that was to fight the huge Vortex monster that wanted to destroy Liyue.
You were in a visit to Liyue when you saw the huge monster rise, so you went to the Jade chamber as quickly as possible.
"Y/N??" Xiao said as he looked at you.
"Xiao! Tell me there is a way to fight this thing!" you said and he looked at you.
"I fear we can't do much, but we will try." he said. As the other adepti started attacking the monster with the Balista you gave your blessing to the traveler.
"Use my wind to make tornadoes that defeated the dragon Durin once..." you said and Xiao gave his speed to the traveler. After the monster destroyed the balista Xiao quickly saved the traveler.
"What will we do now?" paimon said panicked.
"I'll sacrifice the jade chamber..." Ningguang said and you all left the chamber.
When you finally got safely to Liyue Xiao came to you.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yes, what about you?"
"I am too, thanks God that your fine, what you were doing here anyways?" he said as you hugged him.
"I was in a short visit when I saw that monster... I couldn't stay and do nothing..." you said and he nodded.
"It's alright, I'm just glad your okay." he said and you smiled hugging him even more.
Your work was usually quite easy. You helped him sometimes at the tavern, but most of the time while he was gone to the tavern you were at the Dawn Winery helping the staff and of course protecting it from any danger.
Diluc was grateful to have you next to him and he was even more glad to live with you. He proposed you to move to him a couple of weeks ago when you almost got attacked by some abyss mages while leaving the Winery.
His pint was that as lovers it's not an unusual thing plus he would feel better knowing that your under his protection, so who were you to say no?
"Diluc I think someone is at the door." you said.
"Can you see who it is while I make these raports dear?" he said and you nodded.
As you opened the door it was Kaeya.
"Well well well if this isn't my sister in law-" he said but you already closed the door in his face.
"If you don't stop I won't let you in." you said.
"Fine fine sis I'm don- OUCH!" he said as you stepped on his feet.
"Warned you," you said.
"Yeah yeah never mind where is my charming brother?" he said.
"In his study but- HEY!" you said as he walked past you to diluc.
"Kaeya what the heck your doing here?" Diluc said.
"Oh being uncivil again I see, well such a shame because I just came with these from Jean, she said you needed them." he said and handed some papers to diluc.
"Okay thank you now bye." Diluc said and got out Kaeya.
"Good riddance." you said with a chuckle.
"Why of course." he said and wrapped his hands around your waist.
"I don't need him expecially now that I have you here." he said and buried his head in your shoulder.
"Aww I'm touched." you said and giggled.
"You should be." he said with a smile.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
There is a serious lack of the yandere dragon shifter content! (Especially the bakugou dragon shifter if you can...) So is it possible to have a rich like this where the reader is a mage or magician in search of ingredients and meet a dragon who becomes infuriated with her (or them if you are more comfortable)
You shall get what you ask for, if you want she-pronouns so be it there’s no being more or less comfortable about pronouns. The only time I need some more directions is if you want a gender neutral darling do the dirty with the yan, then it helps to know what to expect down below, you get it? Otherwise, if you want to request a female darling then be proud and request that. Also I am mostly writing x reader anyway, and for that it doesn’t really matter most of the time. Enjoy your scenario!
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You were no newbie to the forest. Ever since you were a child, you wandered the dark greens with your grandfather, and later on, with your teacher. Over all these years, you had grown into a respectable mage yourself, people came to your door for help, and you could summon the darkest threats there were; make them follow your instructions! But going into the forest on your own was a necessity, despite always presenting you with something unexpected.
The reason you had to go into the forest was simple: Your potions needed ingredients. Sure, you could have just magically made them appear in your laboratory, however, many did not know that ingredients that were made by magic had almost none of their substances needed for spells. It was easier to explain with self-grown plants in a garden; the one from the convenient market were good to eat, but those you harvested and collected yourself would always be better.
So you set out on your own. You didn’t have an apprentice in a while after the last one had an unfortunate accident with snake poison. Thus, it was on you to make sure your shelves were filled with everything you needed to make your potions and provide people with. To be honest, you found it quite pleasant to get out of your dark, filled-to-the-brim with junk and necessities home, scouting the thicket and breathing in the refreshing forest air.
Carefully you decided where to set your foot. You still remembered the few instances you accidentally ran into a fairy or almost got drowned by a mermaid while picking algae from the lake. Those things happened, but they were no pleasant occurrences, and you preferred to not run into them. However, with a calm mind, you wandered around, picking what you needed. Never more than you actually needed, making sure the forest would be able to reproduce it on their own. That was a law for magicians like you, and you were more than happy to follow it.
“Let’s see,” you mumbled as you brought up your notebook where you had written down the things needed for a very potent sleeping potion for one of your customers. You were almost done gathering everything, aside from one more flower which petals had a sweet smell, soothing even raging minds. As such, it most commonly grew in places where wild beasts lived, but much to your relief, this forest had long been abandoned by those, only leaving the occasional fairy or gnome behind.
There was no way you’d have a run-in with something worse like a werewolf or a dragon.
At least, you were quite sure of it until you managed to reach the clearing where the flower grew. You were so sure of it, you ignored the roaring snoring filling the air as you drew closer to the flower’s whereabouts, merrily humming a little song and focusing on your steps. That was, until you reached out for the flower, finally knowing how the earth around it... breathed.
You just stood there, not moving a muscle. There was no immediate sight of anything, but you knew it. You knew that beneath your feet, a monster laid, as big as the clearing itself, as dangerous as snake poison. The only ones possible of laying down in a field of flowers, resting for so long that their magical energy would make the flowers start growing around and on them, were dragons. Despite really not wanting this thought to be right, you knew that there was nothing in comparison.
For a mage like you were, it wasn’t anything to take on easily. Dragons were wild, untamable, and, most of the time, grumpy. The age, you assumed. They tended to be very territorial and get butt-hurt over every little thing... like you, picking one of their flowers. The worst, however, was that even if you retreated now if you were to be noticed, the dragon surely would hunt after you, and you’d lead it back to your little village.
So all that was left as an option was to retreat quietly and make sure you wouldn’t be noticed. For a moment, you got upset that you would have to find another, less convenient flower spot now or do the potion without it. For at least three years, no monster had closed in on that clearing, and yet, now that you needed the flower, you had run into such trouble retrieving it.
Backing away slowly, you walked a while backwards, eyeing the creature still hidden beneath the field of flowers. You were just about to spin around and make a dash for it, hide somewhere in the dark corners of the forest when your foot got caught ever so slightly. Nothing that made you lose your footing, but widened your eyes nonetheless, the shining silver of a claw revealing after you got stuck on it.
The next few moments happened fast, too fast for your human eyes. A flinch, then a growl, and suddenly, the earth broke loose as something erupted from beneath it, a tall, slim body, covered in scales and shining brilliantly in the sunlight.
For a moment, you were mesmerized by it, absolutely awestruck. Seeing a real dragon definitely was better than any portrait painter could put them on a canvas. You realized quickly that it wasn’t just wondering about the creature before you that kept you in place. More so, it was fear. Even when it’s snout came dangerously close to your face, you couldn’t turn and run away.
“Look at you, a smelly little human thief,” it snarked; the perks of being an intelligent creature was it’s ability to speak. “Did you think my flowers were free to take?”
“Where does it say those are yours? Can’t be helped if you sleep on them.” Perhaps, you should have tried a friendlier approach, but it wasn’t like this creature was full of manners either. Against your expectations, though, it only looked at you before suddenly erupting into deep, growling laughter. There was no way to discern if it was actually amused or if it was laughing to mock you, but you took your chance to turn and run, not waiting for a comeback.
“Where are you going?” you heard behind you as you reached the border of the clearing. That suddenly sweet and luring voice made something in you snap. Without thinking, you stopped to look back, the earth around the clearing still torn up, but instead of a dragon, a man stood at the clearing, arms wide open. “You got some nerves, fucking waking me to tell me the flowers aren’t mine and then run away without even taking any. Takes some guts. Here.”
Sweeping down, he picked up one of the few flowers that hadn’t been destroyed by his dragon form, holding it out to you. Aside from the way he spoke, everything suddenly was so tempting. You hadn’t noticed before that the dragon was a shifter, which automatically gave him natural sympathy from you as a human. Their dangerous skill that even a mage like you couldn’t deny.
They were terrible, and you knew it. Everyone told you about how bad shifters were, only ever turning into a human to do bad things. They naturally looked so much better than your average human, too beautiful, too perfect. Their voices were so lovely that they could lull you to sleep, and they emitted the feeling of security that many men and women sought after, making them perfect targets to be kidnapped and, in the worst case, bred or eaten.
But here you were, the little town mage who had never seen a shifter before. The flower in his hand was calling to you to take it back with you, and his voice lured you. Despite resisting, you did have the urge to throw yourself into his arms, like a good, willing target.
Instead, you kept eye contact, holding out your hand for the flower as you approached. His eyes were the only thing reminding you what a beast he was, wild and dangerous, fire burning in them like you could only see in dragons. Yes, you should have just left, but you felt like he actually... accepted your retort. As if it hadn’t been so bad to stand your ground, and that feeling made you confident. Confident that you could handle this situation.
When your finger finally reached around the stem of the flower, he let it go, and immediately, you felt something sharp and painful drill into your forearm. Shocked, you could watch long sharp claws catching a blood-red color as he dragged them down your arm, your body instinctively moving forward to stop the pain.
And that’s when he snapped for you, lifting you up from the ground as if your weight was a joke for him. Throwing you over his shoulder, you were confronted with the feeling of a strong arm pinning your legs to his chest. “Fuck, I hate humans like you. Always talking back, thinking they are in the right.” Giving your rear a rough slap, you yelped before trying to kick your legs unsuccessfully.
He began to move, his shoulder pushing into your stomach so harshly, you felt like throwing up. But before you could complain or say something, you had to watch as the ground before you slowly distanced itself from you, the peaks of the trees soon what came into view. Your still ‘okay’ arm, clutched desperately between the bleeding one and the shifter’s body, trying to find something to hold onto.
“What- Where! Let me down! How dare you!”
“Your really want to be let down now?” Pulling you forward, you landed on his hands under your arms, noticing how your legs struggled in the air without any halt. Finally, you could see his wings and slowly realized what was going on, gulping as you felt helpless in his grasp. “S-Stop this madness! Get me down on earth again!”
“No,” was his simple answer, your cheeks suddenly squishing against his chest as he tugged you in and wrapped you in his arms. Convenient to carry you, yet not helping your problem of feeling helpless. “Not until you learn how to properly behave, Human.”
“I’m not an ordinary human!” you complained, hearing a mocking, “Oh?” rumbling from his chest.
“I’m a mage--”
“And I am so scared. Mage’s are my favorite breakfast.”
A loud laugh erupted all around you, and this time you were sure he was mocking you. “How dare you, you are so rude!” Pounding your hands against his chest, he only laughed more. “That’s it, bare your teeth, little Mage. I love it when my food resists.”
That’s bad, you thought. That’s really, really bad. Magic wouldn’t help against a magical being as he was, and you looked down, seeing the forest, and then your village pass by as he dragged you off. Not like there was anyone who could have helped you in this situation.
“What’s your name, Mage?” he asked, ten minutes into you struggling against him with his arms never tiring. “Why would you want to know?!” you hissed back, and he grunted in response.
“My mother taught me to know the name of the things I put in my mouth; the fuck you care?!” Stretching out your neck, you tried to see his face, but his expression was denied to your gaze by his chin. All you could see were his ears. They seemed unusually red, but you hadn’t looked at them before to compare if that wasn’t normal for a red dragon.
“Just so you know, but the person eating you am I. Katsuki Bakugou. You better speak your last prayers now, Human. And make them good.”
“Well, to say it in your words: Fuck you, Dragon!” Being defiant had helped before. Maybe it would do it again, you hoped.
This time, the rumble in his chest was short as he laughed, different from the ones before. “You’re gonna be my favorite to crush,” he announced, the grip around you tightening until you gasped in pain. Your struggles ceased as you passed out while he carried you off to the no-mans-land that was his home.
He hated to admit it, but the tactic of his friend of simply laying in a bed of flowers and waiting had really paid off, and he was more than overjoyed to have caught someone like you. Having you keep his lair warm would be more than he expected from his endeavor. Katsuki simply loved a bit of a feistiness in the humans he captured, ensuring that you’d give him a good time playing with you before the end of your little togetherness would draw near.
He would make sure to enjoy every second of it.
»»———————— ♡ —————��——««   
After-writing-comment: Well, this sounded better in my head than it turned out to be. Maybe I will rewrite it sometimes from his POV but we’ll see. It’s 2k words long so it would be a shame to just trash it, so I decided on posting it anyway. Sorry if it isn’t what you had in mind either anon!
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silverwarewolf · 2 years
hello! I don't know if you're participating in storyteller saturday this week but I wanna stop by with a question anyway :D your worldbuilding for a lunar lullaby sounds incredible, I'm curious as to which elements of your world you're proudest of! and can I request a handful of your funkiest most obscure facts about the world of the story? like maybe some little tiny details that don't even have to be plot relevant, just bits and bobs you think are fun or that you're fond of c:
Yes I am!! Honestly, feel free to come and ask whenever you want :D it's always nice to do these.
Thank you!!!
It's been. a bit of a wild ride to make it but it's really fun - i mean, i enjoy science so it's real nice to wonder how these things work, you know? and by this i mean, i really did just go "omg donut planets." and rambled down from there so yeah hehehe. the best thing? it's fantasy, so for things i don't want to math out or purely plot purposes, who's there to say no?
I mean. I'm sure that a moon going through a planet would probably make it collapse but that's why the sorcerers are important.
So! Enough rambling. The things I'm the proudest of in this setting... I'd have to go with cultures and geography. Which probably sounds very broad and generic but hear me out:
- there's like a gradient that goes from the very strict and specific ice kingdoms, through the laid-back more forest-ish area of the planet, to the mysterious deserts beyond.
- therefore, fun scenes where characters are VERY out of their element. The Queen chasing Ivan through the different lands and seeing like oh, wait, i don't have any idea how to do this. you can't really hide in the snow as you would in the woods, and there's not such a perfectly orderly vibe like her home has.
- Emilia's whole fucking journey through the world.
- or, when they all end up at the desert. who knows what's there? and even better that they end up on the other side of the donut, a place that they normally can't reach because it's either crossing the desert or the poles. So it's a whole new world tbh, and that's what I loved the most about the donut planet prompt.
Also of course you can request obscure funky facts! I love obscure funky facts. They're like, a very good way to worldbuild in my opinion... even if i never write it, it helps me imagine the vibe much better, right?
- i ended up crafting a bit of an ecosystem... because like, i wanted to have a dragon at some point. but that involved feeding them, and i would suppose that takes A Lot. so i focused on that alone for probably too long and now there's gargoyle monsters and glowing jellyfish that we never get to see. or not yet at least.
- there's a worrying amount of mercury on the moon. not sure how plot relevant that is yet, but I'm talking like whoa. That's a lot of mercury.
- below the ice kingdoms there's a frozen creature. like one of those that get frozen and just vibe as fossils. and it is scary as hell because it's at least bigger than two of the eight kingdoms. no one knows what it is, or of there's more like it.
- there's a certain land where the monarch is a goose. an actual bird. and no one really seems to question it, but we never go there, sadly.
- oh we also have plants. but like. moving plants that are just little gremlins that can and will throw hands with people.
- and this is just a draft but. I'm planning to add some Fucked Up weather. as a treat. (i mean there's two suns and a poisonous moon. I'm just saying, if i do make this, it will fit perfectly)
taglist (HAHA! I didn't forget this time!) (let me know to be added / removed): @myhusbandsasemni @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy
#writeblr#writing#a lunar lullaby#sts#storyteller saturday#i already forgot my tags#thanks for the ask!#extra ramble: on#so i was thinking like. wow. there's definitely gonna be some really important plot points in different kingdoms because#do eclipses also happen there? yes. i think. but the more you approach the desert side. the more you notice that the moon is never there#cause it goes through the donut. they can't see that. they dont give a shit about the moon. or ar least not the way the ice kingdoms so#drew: oh my fucking fuck. the moon was slightly off this month. we're fucked. we need to Do Something to appease it#liam: oh no. oh no oh no oh no#(spoiler. but like. has Never Seen the moon): what the fuck are you two talking about?#so like. when the queen arrives and is like. i need you akl to help me find this little fucker or the worlds gonna end#everyones like what?#i mean. they Know that the sorcerers are important and their predictions work but like#In Their Eyes shes just taking over the world with a questionable explanation#and she IS. kind of. but hmmmmm thats a thought for another day. like a really big one because its the main-ish conflict#anyway so. because theyre not likely to help her and that means ivan could just hide in the desert. learn to live with the gargoyles idk#there needs to be a conflict. something she helps them with to earn their favor#and what is that?#im debating it still. but it might be a really big and important theft. so to speak#which is a task ANYONE is better suited for than her. smh. good luck queen#k bye now. gonna go ponder the orb that is plot holes#or procrastinate idk
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
okay, okay but hear me out!
Hiccanna, Moanida and Jackunzel (and maybe someone else if u want) going on a holiday trip together (it could be sea or lake or just swimming pool).
And that three couples playing "chicken fight game"~ When u have to sit on partner shoulder or ridding piggy-back and knock down or separate the other couple!
sksksks just imagine the fun and the chaos!! hahaha
Okay SO I recently watched Palm Springs so I’m just imagining The Gang going to like…a fancy pool resort in like Arizona??? SURE LET’S GO WITH THAT
I’m imagining the only resort the gang could afford to stay at is someplace out in the middle of Arizona or something
It takes a LOT of persuading to get Jack to go, because he haaaaates deserts. Rapunzel basically has to beg. Moana finally managed to bribe him with really good homemade ice slushies. (She’s used to making smoothies for Merida, so how hard can slushies be??? Just throw in some ice!)
Rapunzel offers to help Moana with the slushies, since she gave Jack SO many puppy dog eyes to get him to come. Since they’ve got two people working on them, they’re REALLY good slushies. Jack approves.
Anna also tries to convince Elsa to go, but the perpetually-single Elsa is just like “Um, deserts? Sunburns? Being indefinitely stuck with gross couples doing gross couple stuff?!? Yeah no thank you”
Hiccup tries to wake everyone up at like 6 am to go hiking because "that's when the desert iguanas are out guys!!! C'mon, we have to go!!!" Anna is only persuaded to go after Hiccup makes her coffee--she really wants to make her bf happy, but also mornings can suck her dick. Rapunzel is more than happy to go, because she loves mornings anyways!!! And oh my god, IGUANAS!!! Jack, Merida, and Moana are like "oh FUCK no" and put the pillow back over their head, shoo Hiccup away, and go back to sleep.
On their hike, Hiccup just goes "!!!!!!!" about every reptile he sees. Snake, lizard, horny toad, literally anything with scales will send the boy into an excited frenzy. Rapunzel has similar reactions. Anna could not love both of them more.
At one point, they stumble across a gila monster sunbathing, and Rapunzel is overtaken with the unwavering desire to adopt him. She gets Hiccup on board, and he tries to lure the lizard over with a dusty piece of a snake carcass he found (Anna tried to tell him he really shouldn't touch that, but he was not to be swayed and Anna ended up figuring he could just wash his hands really well when they got back). Anna finds herself in the unusual position of having to be the Voice of Reason, having to be like “hey uh I think this might be illegal and stuff??? Also aren't they poisonous???”
(I know what you're thinking. Bold of you to assume Anna knows the difference between poisonous and venomous.)
Rapunzel literally CANNOT stop gushing to Jack about all the wildlife she saw when she gets back! Jackrabbits! Kangaroo rats! Roadrunners! Peccaries! Centipedes! Jack has only mild to moderate interest in desert ecology, but loves hearing his gf gush so he listens attentively anyways. 
Anna and Rapunzel definitely hit up the gift shops in the resort town at some point, and go ABSOLUTELY BATSHIT HOGWILD buying gifts for everyone. They probably max out their credit cards. It's embarrassing, really. But Anna gets Hiccup an absolute shitton of those little wall lizard things and he nearly cries tears of joy when he sees them, so it's all worth it, really.
Moana will not leave the pool like. The entire time. The girl is just obsessed with being in the water, honestly. She gets restless, though, and can't just stand in the pool and vibe--she needs to constantly be moving and swimming around or she'll explode. Merida is more than happy to indulge her by hanging out in the poor with her, but Merida is also constantly challenging her to swim races--a very dumb idea, considering Moana is on the high school swim team and water polo team. Merida, naturally, is an extremely sore loser and is not above excessive pouting, splashing, yelling in angry Scottish, and dunking her girlfriend in revenge. It's at least entertaining for all of their friends to watch.
Jack keeps fucking taking huge buckets of ice from the ice machine and dumping them in the pool. At first he only does this because he keeps griping about the pool not being cold enough (this boy will accept nothing less than sitting in the goddamn arctic ocean), but after her figures out that it pisses off his friends, he takes to pouring said ice directly over their heads. Merida has threatened to murder him several times for this.
Hiccup and Anna's main pool activity is just lazing around on their pool floaties (Anna has a duck one, Hicccup has a dragon one because obviously), sipping cocktails, and just generally vibing. Through some ungodly mixture of pure charisma and a fake ID that Rapunzel helped photoshop, Jack manages to talk his way into getting the whole group access to alcohol. Hiccup is a sangria or Moscow Mule kinda guy while Anna usually gets a Pina Colada or a Sex on the Beach (she's aspec, so she literally will not stop joking about the irony of this). Merida makes a game out of attempting to tip over their floaties and dunk them. Jack, chaos gremlin that he is, puts aside his usual rivalry with Merida to join in. They have a surprisingly strong dunking alliance.
Hiccup and Anna try to form a syndicate of their own, and try to lounge on the same floatie so that they can protect each other while fighting off Jack and Merida together. Unfortunately neither of their floaties were made to hold 2 peoples' weight, so the one they're on ends up tipping over, spilling their cocktails everywhere and dunking them anyways. Jack and Merida consider this a Win By Default.
Moana of course loops everyone into playing water polo at some point. Unfortunately some idiot decided it would be a good idea to let Merida of all people pick the teams, which means of course that they are incredibly rigged. It's Moana, Merida and Anna vs. Jack, Rapunzel, and Hiccup, so basically The Jocks vs. The Nerds (although admittedly Anna is more of a softcore jock--she's nowhere near on Moana or Merida's level, but she's still more naturally athletic than Hiccup, Rapunzel, or Jack). Naturally, Jock Team absolutely whoops Nerd Team's ass. Jack gets salty and demands a rematch. ...Jock Team kicks Nerd Team's ass again.
Throughout all of this, no one thinks to just...rearrange the teams a little. Merida was counting on this. All according to plan.
In the titular chicken game (yes, I remembered, don't worry!), it's Merida on Moana's shoulders (Moana swims and has a lot of upper body strength, what can I say?), Hiccup on Anna's shoulders (I mean...Hiccup's a twig, and Anna HAS to have a fair amount of upper body strength from throwing busts around and punching men off boats and such), and Punz on Jack's shoulders (Jack's pretty lithe and good at keeping his balance while jumping around, so he's their best candidate for not just falling over).
Jack and Rapunzel actually manage to stay in the game longer than anyone expects--their primary strategy is “be good at dodging and staying out of the way while Merida and Hiccup duke it out.” And it works! As limber as Hiccup is, Anna's not nearly as coordinated as Jack and is no match for Moana's sturdy footing. Also, neither Anna nor Hiccup are prepared for how goddamn ruthless and determined to win Merida is. Even though they really, really should have been. I mean...have you met Merida???
When it comes down to Merida-Moana and Rapunzel-Jack, Mer feels a little bad for having to go up against Pure Sweet Punzie. Unfortunately, Rapunzel turns out to be a very hardcore fighter when she puts her mind to it, and Merida is much more evenly matched than she initially thought and realizes she must use her Full Power. It definitely helps her snap out of Going Soft when Jack starts brutally roasting Merida in particular (as per usual). Merida gets a rage-fueled Second Wave, and finally manages to knock Rapunzel over in one foul swoop. Merida and Moana are victorious!
Moana and Merida basically always shower together after a day at the pool. They claim it's because they both know how to handle curly hair in chlorine, and just like to wash each other's hair, but the rest of the gang is pretty sure that's not all that's going on in there.
One day, Anna hits up the resort town alone to buy some kind of secret gifts for her friends with what little money she has left (this girl seriously has no chill when it comes to buying presents).  She goes past this huge, fancy ice cream shop and she's like “!!!! OMG!!! I'm gonna surprise all my buddies with pints of their faves!!!” She just gets super hyped and buys everyone ice cream, getting so caught up in the thrill of it that she forgets that she'll have to like. Drive all this back all the way back to the resort in the rental car. In like. You know. 110+ degree weather.
By the time she gets back to the resort, the ice cream is, of course, goop. Poor Anna, feeling incredibly dumb and like an utter failure of a friend, just kind of bursts into tears. Like damn. This is too much. She was gonna make all her pals so happy, and all for naught! Jack just kinda shrugs and throws all the melted ice cream cartons in the freezer anyways. Once they're (partially) re-frozen, Rapunzel and Moana make slushies with them. They actually come out pretty decent. Anna is substantially cheered up.
Moana prepares some tropical fruit platters for everyone to snack on. Rapunzel tries to “improve” them by adding chocolate sauce and nutella to half of them. Sometimes it works (I mean...bananas and strawberries with chocolate and/or nutella is pretty solid). Other times it just tastes...very weird. Merida gest frustrated and yells at Rapunzel for “ruining all of her girlfriend's good mangoes.”
Jack just thinks this whole thing is so funny, and decides to swap the chocolate sauce with barbecue sauce to cause further chaos. Absolute mayhem ensures. Everyone has a bad time. Except for Anna, who apparently is just a freak who enjoys eating pineapple slices dipped in barbecue sauce.
At some point, Merida gets really drunk on appletinis or some shit and signs the entire group up for a local archery competition. Much to everyone's chagrin, it's no refunds. Naturally, basically everyone sans Merida does terrible. Rapunzel and Hiccup very nearly shoot themselves, while Jack and Anna come very close to  accidentally shooting a group of referees (although Jack might have done this on purpose). Moana gets the farthest, if only because Merida's taught her how to shoot a bow at some point. Merida actually ends up winning--although unfortunately, the prize is $20 and a very cheap plastic trophy (which Merida STILL manages to find a way to break before the trip is even over).
The rest of the group is much more amicable to the concept of going on hikes when said hikes are in the evening. Hiccup and Rapunzel are still excitedly chattering about the local ecosystems the entire time, and Jack and Anna are just kind of looking at their nerdy SOs like “<3 <3 <3″ Moana and Merida, meanwhile, are just kinda vibing in the back, passively listening in and watching the desert sunset.
Rapunzel manages to capture Mer and Mo's interest and gets them to participate more with geology, of all things. Merida just thinks rocks are cool (especially when they can be thrown at people bothering her!), while Moana likes learning about the physical history of places--how water can carve out landscapes, and all that. Hiccup and Jack just kind of exchange a look like “I had no idea that they were into rocks, but...the more you know, I guess???”
Jack makes fun of every reptile they see, mainly to piss Hiccup off. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect, and Hiccup can't help but be entertained--mainly because Jack's insults are so weirdly specific and over-the-top that they loop around to being hilarious. Seriously, he keeps saying shit like “Those are the lamest scales I've ever seen. Absolutely drab, and not nearly shiny enough to prove that nature is beautiful. 0/10.” and “Ohhhh, this fucking rattlesnake think's he's so scary, with his dumb percussion instrument tail!!! I could be more intimidating with a mean look and a large pair of maracas!”
At some point, a bunch of tourists riding donkeys pass them. Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida just absolutely lose their shit fangirling over how cute the donkeys are, thus exposing all three of them as the unabashed Horse Girls they are. Hiccup, Jack, and Moana find this extremely amusing, and definitely aren't above teasing their girlfriends about it. Hiccup asks if next time they take a couples' vacation, the Horse Gang (as Moana insists on nicknaming them) would like to go to a ranch instead.
Anna gets like. Obsessed with palm trees. Like they're just so pretty and exotic and tropical!!! OMG!!! And they definitely don't have them wherever the gang is from in this AU. (Also if griping about Elsa not having "tropical powers" is anything to go by, she DOES canonically like the tropics!) She has to take a picture of like...every palm tree on her phone. And considering the gang is in Arizona, that means Anna is stopping to take a picture like...every 2 minutes. Rapunzel catches onto the fact that Anna likes them, and paints her a picture with some when Punz has the time. Anna definitely cries when she sees it. Hiccup can't do nearly that good, but he does buy her some little plastic figurine ones in a gift shop that she can put in her room. Anna also cries about this. She just cries whenever any of her friends indulge her random fixation on palm trees. Surely she doesn't deserve such niceties!!!
Rapunzel is just. In love with the desert landscape tbh. Like the huge funky cacti!!! The shrubs!!! The desert wildflowers!!! The mesas!!! All of it!!! So of course she needs to pull out her easel and paint it. Jack walks by one day and sees her working on it and, partly just to troll her, he's like “put some snow in it!” As he walks away, Rapunzel just stops like “wait...that'd actually be such a great idea for a surrealist-type fantasy piece!!!” After she finishes the main landscape, she adds an overcoat of little puffs of snow on top of everything, and has some clumps falling off of the cacti. When she shows Jack, he just about cries tears of joy, but frantically tries to hide it. She gives the painting to him as a present at the end of the trip. He hangs that shit front-in-center in his room and cherishes it forever and ever.
At some point, Jack gets the ingenious idea that he's going to prank Merida by catching a tarantula and leaving it in her room. It's one of the harmless ones--Jack fact-checks this by offhandedly asking Hiccup and framing it as a casual interest in local etymology. Still, Merida screams far louder than is at all dignified, and also probably loud enough to wake a neighboring country. Rapunzel later has to physically hold Merida back to keep her from absolutely beating Jack into a pulp. Rapunzel also manages to get the World's Largest Sheet of Cardboard and the World's Largest Cup and somehow manages to get the damn thing back outside.
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brawltogethernow · 3 years
I suppose the next step then is "BBC Merlin but it's SpideyTorch"
Oh my god. TEACHER, TEACHER, SHE’S TARGETING ME okay okay uh.
Peter, secret warlock, goes to Camelot with his mother figure, May, who does not know about the warlock thing because it kicked in when he was a teenager and they both strategically decline to tell each other things. Gaius is Reed, who was the court sorcerer and is now the court scientist. (He’s not an old man except spiritually where he has been a senile professor since he was 19.) He literally didn’t change anything he was doing, considering science and magic as different points on one spectrum anyway-- No. That’s Doom’s schtick. DOOM was the court sorcerer, and was fired. He is upset about it. Reed is just a science guy but worked extensively with Victor, so he’s kind of useful, but not as useful as Peter was hoping.
I know very little about Sue and Johnny’s dad except that he’s a supervillain who...faked his death, revealed himself, and then died for real like 12 hours later? Did he also fake his wife’s death at some point? Would he do a mad king magic ban thing? Idk but for plot purposes we’ll say yes. They conveniently already share Arthur’s dead mom syndrome. Maybe their aunt whose name is different depending on what issue you’re reading is also here just to convolute the court drama. Wait no didn’t Arthur have a shady uncle show up after like five seasons. She.
Peter is very talented at finicky, specific magical formulas. (Reed: :) )But in practice he really prefers to just slam out a big wave of power, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, repeat until it does. (Reed: :( ) He gives this a go at the beginning of sorting out any problem, like restarting your glitching computer, and if it doesn’t work the problem is complicated enough to be an episode plot.
So obviously I’m still gonna do secret identity shit? Peter saves the young prince and heir’s life and is rewarded with a second job; he only came here for job reasons and you’re all lucky he doesn’t turn down paying jobs otherwise he’d be having some words with the king. Peter also accidentally becomes a masked vigilante out in the town. His very existence is illegal because he’s obviously doing magic! They keep sending his boss out to hunt him down, and their eyes are always locking dramatically and shit in brief silent stare-offs from opposite ends of the street in thunder storms at sunset until Johnny’s horse rears and breaks the eye contact causing Peter to snap out of it and flee. You know how it is.
Sue is older than Johnny and thus older than the magic ban, so she responded to it by going “:) That’s nice, Dad” and socking away a bunch of books before they could go on the fire, and now she’s just a sorceress on the dl. This is approx. a first season finale reveal, because her real superpower is being able to keep her mouth the hell shut. I literally cannot with how nobody in Merlin ever exchanges information, so shortly after Peter and Reed learn this they exchange secrets, like sane people, which opens up their resources a bit.
That said Sue is an extra legitimate royal, not the Morgana equivalent. Maybe Gwen should be Gwen, especially since I have thought Gwen/Johnny/Peter has potential since reading Spider-Man/Fantastic Four (which if you read an earlier ask, I recommend if you want to see new art of Gwen being mean in hair clips). But Peter/Gwen and Merlin/Freya are like...same energy except the latter wasn’t as well done. And Merlin’s Guinevere honestly more reminds me of Betty. Morgana--
Okay I thought this trying to reconcile as much of the cast as possible and I now can’t unthink it so. The king’s ward is Dorrie Evans. Yes she goes nebulously sapphic evil witch queen. Sure she was an unpleasant teenager and readers hate her, but you know what, I’ll simp, whatever. Let Dorrie poison some people. In a cape. This feels natural to me. Also Betty Brant and Dorrie Evans???? Betty/Dorrie vibes???? I guess!!!!
So like. The thing where Arthur gets mystically whammied by love potions once a month, except also Johnny’s normal relationship-anticipating giddiness happening organically mixed in, the part before he actually starts dating someone and becomes immediately depressed. Peter is in the bg sarcastically dismissing magical incidents saying he can’t even tell the difference, and Reed is like 😬 Please Check Anyway. Peter’s not, haha, Peter’s not jealous, Johnny is just an idiot, and, okay maybe Peter is a little jealous! But it doesn’t matter because the prince is going to marry some noble and--
Reed: Prince Johnathan is a bit like a little brother to me, so Please Stop Telling Me About Your Problems.
Reed/Sue is reciprocated but on permanent hold for class reasons. Spideytorch is in the same boat except they’re also stupid and working it out by dating their way through the whole country, except Peter is actually into that and Johnny is not.
The dragon is...Ezekiel?????? That’s the right level of wise wry mentor who’s very shady and will kill you, so he’s a dragon now. And when he tells Peter he’s the (other) chosen one, Peter full stop doesn’t believe him. This disbelief goes on extensively. Peter is not a fate-oriented person. Johnny would love to hear about the fate thing, but no one will tell him.
Literally I’m just going to add more chronologically unmoored medievalish shit to Merlin now to cram more of the cast in. There’s some kind of town crier/herald outfit, and Jonah is their boss. He’s just out in the road yelling sometimes even though he can delegate that. The buglers otherwise known as Bugle staff named Peter’s vigilante persona the Spider, which was supposed to sound menacing but is in practice also cool. This is out-of-universe fairly equivalent to Merlin’s real name as a neat two-syllable animal word and possible title. In-universe maybe I’d elbow out Emrys and just use this. Merlin is already very servants-don’t-work-like-that, so Betty just also has two jobs for no reason so she can knock elbows with them.
MJ is the court jester and knows absolutely everything, which is a dramatic mid-game reveal that isn’t exactly foreshadowed so much as always possible while carefully obscured from the viewer (the reader). Before this she’s already a Wise Fool, Shakespeare-ways archetype character, it’s just not clear how much. She is the most important character in Homestuck Merlin Spider.
Every ship is real for at least 30 seconds. Most of the extended FF cast are either magical antagonists or weird nobles.
Ben????? (Grimm, I mean. Ben Parker is dead. Ben Reilly is a recurring episodic plot.) This show was painfully formulaic and would simply not keep someone with any version of his deal in the main cast, but he’s a full quarter of the FF so. A magical accident approximated his rock body deal. Maybe specifically tying him to ~the magic of the land~. And then, uh. Wandering the country is too satellite-like. Hiding out in a forbidden castle wing is interesting but doesn’t do him justice. So I guess it’s a come and go semivoluntary transformation thing that’s kept secret? Rock werewolf. Were-rock. Good opportunity to fake out like you’re going to do a monster of the week plot, and then he contributes to the tension to abolish the magic ban.
Knights?? Wyatt is there from the beginning, being tall and reassuring (holding a sword edition). Not sure how him or his immediate ancestors got to Europe and then ended up this involved with the local nobility, but it was probably exciting. And Flash, or he’s an early addition. Either way he’s from the same village as Peter and is approximately White’s Kay, except directed at the wizard instead of the future king, and otherwise you can completely superimpose their comic dynamic including the fanboying over the secret identity angle, which is entertainingly seditious. ...Others. I don’t know enough FF characters for this. I’ve accidentally implied the eventual addition of Bennet Brant, but his evil sorcerer of the week energy is very strong, so maybe not. Randy eventually because I already implied the Robertsons and can see it.
This is so long, covers nothing, and explains none of the namechecks. Using both these characters’ franchises in one fusion is too much stuff. I keep not talking about the core relationship because it’s just. Like That. I don’t feel like I need to elaborate on the Merthur dynamic, even transposed on a different ship. It’s Just Like That.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Reunited (Red Groom AU)
This is the part where you guys realize i'm not going in chronological order and am probably just gonna do the scenes i like
but like who cares right that just means we're skipping to the good stuff
Also i combined the battle of wits and the Reuniting scene bc this is my AU and i do what i want
In a cruel turn of fate, when the Spider Queen stood alone between him and his most hated foe, the Red Prince wished he still had either the large blue fellow or the dragon with them still. At least the two of them were slightly more amenable to him. And maybe while they couldn't be persuaded to take these wretched restraining cuffs from his wrists they at least were better conversational partners than the half mad Spider Queen.
Tethered to the spider woman as he was at the time, when she began to mutter aloud to herself about trying to lose the Monkey King over a secret way, he had no choice but to follow as she dragged him off of the forest path and into a clearing. He'd assumed she'd gone mad, but before he could voice such opinions she'd spun a quick web and used it to blind and gag him. She'd activated the damned cuffs and finding himself unable to move on his own, he could only comply.
He could rely on naught but his hearing as the Spider Queen dragged him across the open plain and forced him to sit upon what felt to be a long felled tree trunk. He heard her arrange things with the shift and clang of cloth and metal, and soon enough he heard approaching footsteps.
One of her pointed legs pressed up underneath him, the tip just grazing where his chin met his neck.
“So, Monkey King, it's down to you and I once again.” She purred and he let out a shout of rage at finally finally being so close to the monkey who'd taken away his everything but unable to move or even look upon the face of that wretched foe.
“-By all means if you want the prince dead, come closer.” The point of the Spider Queen's leg pressed a little harder against him.
“Give me a moment, let me explain-” The Monkey King started, tense and rough and possessing none of the cocky lit his father had described it as in the stories he'd heard-
“There's nothing to explain!” The Spider Queen crowed. “You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen!”
“Per...haps an arrangement can be reached?” Why did the Monkey King even want him enough to not have grown bored and moved on? Some sort of assumed loyalty to his father? As if he'd go anywhere with the monster that had taken his-
No. Stop. Stop thinking about it, now's not the time.
The Spider Queen thought so too, he felt a small prick on his neck as she broke the skin there just a bit he let out a muffled yelp in surprise as she grabbed his arm for better leverage. “There will be none. And if you do not wish to bring a corpse back to his family you will remain where you are.”
The Monkey King's voice wavered, and for a moment it sounded afraid... and almost familiar-... No. don't you dare compare him to the monkey who killed him.
“Well... if no arrangement can be made, this is quite the impasse we've reached.”
“I would say so. If you went about swinging that staff I'd likely be squashed flat, yet if you dared do so your prize's blood will stain the soil before you finished the swing. Your brawn is unparalleled 'Great Sage' But so is my intelligence.”
“You're that smart, hm?”
“Whose the one holding the prize, Monkey King?” She gripped his arm tighter.
“Well, In that case how about a battle of wits?” There was that cocky lit. No doubt the Monkey had a trick up his sleeve to take care of the Spider Queen-
“For the prince?”
-and then if he could just play nice for long enough to get him to remove these damned restraining cuffs he could-
“To the Death?”
-he could charge at the simian with every ounce of pain and rage he'd built up in the past two years and turn him to ash and whatever smoldering stone he was made from that remained stone yet.
“I accept.”
He just had to be patient a little longer.
“Wonderful! Pour the wine, please?”
This would possibly be his greatest test of resolve yet. He heard the Monkey's footsteps approaching and as the creature drew near he smelled of peaches and the wind, and-...
Had- Had he stolen some of his beloved's clothes?!
His senses were stronger than an average humans and without his sight his other senses were sharpening and he could swear he smelled the distinct scent of-...of-....don't say his name don't even think it you don't have the time to be hysterical right now
-He didn't think he was CAPABLE of hating the Monkey King even more than he already did and yet here he was. His rage mounting and seething beneath his skin.
He heard the clack and pour as the wine sloshed into what were apparently two cups between his captor and his enemy.
“Smell this, but don't touch it.”
“This smells of nothing.”
“It's called Iocane powder. It has no smell, taste or distinctive texture but it can kill a demon in no time flat.”
“Now it can't kill ME per se, but even I'm not fully immune to it. It'll put me into a sleep like death for a solid week, which is about as close to dead as I can get anyway.”
“Ahhh I see where you're going with this.”
There was another pause, and the sound of the two cups clinking as they were moved about.
“There. Which cup as the poison within? You select which you'll take, we both drink. And from there we see who has the custody of the prince, and who is dead.”
The Spider Queen laughed and released her hold on his arm to clap in her amusement.
“Truly? We both drink the wine and see who keels over? How delightful! You were never this collected with your gambits before, Great Sage! Truly I can only divine which cup is poisoned from what I know of you, Monkey King.” the Monkey King sucked in a breath and She laughed.
“I suppose the real question is how does the Monkey King go about when he plans on tricking people? Does he poison his own goblet or his enemies?”
Then the Spider Queen began on some long, painfully winded, tirade about what she'd divined about the Monkey King based on his reputation and what she'd gleaned from his behavior, and he honestly could not care about her backwards thought process one whit. He simply wished for this to be over and either make plans to return to this palace when the Great Sage was in his sleep like death and char him to a crisp or wait for the Spider Queen to fall dead and convince the Monkey King to free him so he may do the job himself.
“You're trying to confuse me into giving something away aren't you?”
“You'd LOVE that wouldn't you Monkey King? I know which goblet has the poison in it you great fool.”
“Then choose! Geez, this is boring me!”
“You'll see whose embarrassed soon enou- What in the world could that be?”
“What? Where?” Did.... Did the Monkey King really just fall for the 'look behind you' gambit? “I see nothing.”
“I could have sworn I saw something- oh nevermind I suppose. Now, a toast. I select my own cup.”
“Very well.” the two cups clacked together dully.
“You chose wrong.” The Monkey King chortled, only to be cut off by the Spider Queen's cackle.
“You only BELIEVE I chose wrong! How humorous! The great and mighty Monkey King so easily duped!” the Spider Queen cackled “I switched our glasses as you were turned around Monkey King! You've fallen for one of the greatest blunders of them all! The Greatest of course being to never invade the far north nearing winter, but slightly less well known, is to never bet against a Spider when death is on the line!”
The Spider Queen laughed for a time longer before her laughter started to slowly dissolve into a coughing fit. Her hand scrabbled along his arm as she searched for purchase- and then fell away.
The Monkey King approached him and he most certainly HAD stolen the clothes of his beloved with the scent that clung there still—and oh how he'd wished he'd still have a remnant of him to remember with in his timeless eon of grief—and the sheer unbridled unfairness that his killer was allowed something that he so desperately had craved made him furious.
The Monkey King removed the webbing around his eyes first and he blinked in the sudden sunlight. The dark mask and head wrapping the Monkey King wore obscured the majority of his face and he found himself so full of rage at the idea of the wretched stone monkey being so close to him that once the webbing was torn from his mouth his first instinct had been to spit in his face.
He hadn't, but it had been a close call.
“....All that caterwauling and you knew you'd poisoned your own cup the whole time.”
“They were both poisoned, highness.” The Monkey King stated stiffly. “Iocane powder only works on demons and I'm immune to everything but what can kill an immortal... so you may not want to touch either of those cups yourself.”
The Monkey King reached for his bindings and he held his breath as he gave the shackles an experimental tug. The golden bands shuddered and tightened against his wrists. “What nature of binding are these?”
...just play nice, just until they're broken...“I'm not familiar with them myself, but they blast my own fire back onto me should I try to summon it, and tighten upon attempted removal.” Come on... if anyone could break them before they lopped his hands off it would be the Monkey King... and he'd thank him by giving him just what he deserves....
“Sounds like a stolen artifact from the heavenly court or something, you're probably stuck in those things until we return to Flower Fruit Mountain.”
“...Excuse me?”
“Well I know very little about the surrounding area, how short a time it's been since I've returned to the world, and if I remember correctly this mercenary group said themselves they were hired by your fiance, So we should probably assume his palace is hostile territory, and to send you home would surely double our journey time before we can be assured of safety. It's far safer to head back to my own mountain and send word to your home from there.”
No...No no no no That was not allowed. He got to his feet—in such a rush the Monkey King stumbled back in surprise—and couldn't hold on to his temper any longer.
“I will no nowhere with you! You- You absolute-! I- I can't even find the words to DESCRIBE how deeply my hatred runs for you!” The Monkey King flinched back in surprise, before huffing.
“Well you don't have much of a choice, do you? I can't remove those restraints short of chopping your hands off and the sun is due to set soon; How long do you think you'll last in the wild without your fire power? Far as I see it, You either return with me to my mountain, or leave as powerless as a human without even a weapon by your side and hope to make it back home on your own before you're either eaten or slaughtered.”
Red Son growled under his breath, but when the Monkey King gestured for him to follow, he did.
They made it to the outer side of a mountain, a steep decline into the valley off on their side and in the center of the valley lie a dark and tangled forest.
“We can rest here for a time-”
“I refuse to put my guard down around you, ape.” The Monkey King bristled.
“Would you mind terribly to indulge me as to why you've decided to detest your own savior, highness?”
The horrid monkey should know what he's done- “You killed the love of my life”
And then the bastard had the gall to remain unshaken “Maybe I did. I've killed a lot of people since getting free.” The Monkey strode forward and began to circle him, like a predator toying with its prey.
Red Son decided he wouldn't need his fire to attack this creature. Sure he may die within moments, but his rage would at least let him one punch before his skull was split open-
“Tell me, who was this 'love' of yours? Another prince like yourself?” The Monkey King leaned in. “Rich? Cutthroat? Bossy?”
Of all the disrespectful- “He worked in an Inn when I knew him! He was poor!” He rounded on the disgraceful simian yet the killer before him wasn't his focus. “I didn't care about his wealth!”
He couldn't think on him or he'd fall to pieces and-
He couldn't-
“I never cared about that.”
The memory of gentle laughter echoing in his ear, the bright excitement and bounce in his step, those elegant yet calloused hands and he had to stop this right here because the Monkey King wasn't ALLOWED to see him so vulnerable-
“He was perfect in every way...”
Yet now that the memory was in his head again it wasn't going away. And he found his heart aching as deeply as it was during his period of mourning.
The shimmer of adoration when he'd simply glanced at him briefly and known his heart; the embarrassed way his gaze had darted away when he'd later confronted him on his discovered feelings, the warm, bright joy when he'd told him his feelings were returned-
“...With eyes like the space between the stars...” His voice had grown weaker, barely a murmur as the memories reclaimed their long repressed spot in his mind.
Xiaotian... his face, his voice, His passion and energy and-
And the tired look on the Inkeep's husband's face when he'd informed him of their son's death-
-The eager excited look on his face as he'd eagerly listen to Red Son talk about his projects, always listening even if he didn't understand.
The feeling of the floor falling out from under him and and a million horrible noises and feelings mounting up in his throat and chest but restraining it just long enough to find somewhere to be alone
-The energy in his voice as he talked about his art, looking for all the world like his greatest pleasure in the world was taking a brush into his hand and immortalizing the world around him into inks and papers.
Kneeling in the grove of trees for hours screaming his rage and sobbing his despair until a stranger had finally found him.
-The stories he loved to hear and tell in turn, entire body going into his storytelling as he gestured and enacted and faked fights
Night after sleepless night tirelessly working trying to—needing to—just stop thinking else he'd be able to do nothing but wish the world itself had died when Xiaotian had so at least the sun would stop rising and the birds would stop singing and the servants would stop bringing him meals he didn't have the appetite for and he could just work and work until his body finally collapsed in on itself and the light of his forge would go out blanketing the world in eternal darkness like it deserved to be after the greatest light of them all was extinguished.
-one picture, just one, given to him the one time he'd returned to the town by the Inkeep, stating in a gruff, tired voice that he may as well keep it. A figure done up in coals, his own visage of that one beautiful night they'd had together, the paper folded and held in a secret pocket right over his heart where it remained forevermore.
That final goodbye, Xiaotian pressing a feather light kiss to his knuckles as though still trying to be respectful to a prince. And he couldn't suppress the laughter at such a overly fancy action so once his chuckles had subsided he'd pulled him into a proper kiss. And they'd both known it would be some time before they'd see eachother, so they made it a proper goodbye-
But he hadn't thought it would be the last time he'd ever see him alive.
If he'd known... all the things he would have said, all the pleas to keep him there with him in the little town just beyond the palace. To- To move him into the palace, and yes his parent's wouldn't approve of a peasant for a husband, but he'd have no other and eventually they'd come around to it. Especially after they actually MET him and knew the kind of man he was-
But he didn't. And Xiaotian was dead-
He was dead at the hands of someone he'd admired and loved the stories of.
And his rage returned. The fire burned beneath his skin and begged to be let loose but he had to keep a lid on it to keep the cuffs from bouncing his power back onto himself and burning away like an effigy of love and loss.
“He was staying in the village you burned to the ground when you left your traveling group.” his voice was low, as calm as he could possibly make it, if he went any louder he would begin screaming, he knew it. “The one you ensured none would live to tell about beyond your former friends-”
“'Friends' is such a heavy word. My 'traveling compatriots' perhaps would work better.” The Monkey King interrupted him -He interrupted him! “And I mean I couldn't afford to show any mercy while I was leaving them behind! If people thought the Monkey King had gone soft after his five hundred year imprisonment nobody would respect him! Then it's nothing but work work work to rebuild that reputation!”
“Are you mocking me?! You destroy my everything and you have the gall to mock my pain?!”
“Oh, Life is pain highness.” He couldn't see the Monkey King's eyes but he was sure they were mockingly rolling in his self-assured life knowledge. “Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is just selling you something.”
Then he looked off to the side, and he was so tempted to just charge the Monkey, see how far he could go before he was struck back. See how far his rage could carry him alone. He twisted the restraining cuffs on his wrists, they tightened, he grit his teeth at the squeeze.
“You know, I think I remember this inkeep boy of yours. I separated from my former group about... what, two years ago was it?”
...You know he'd thought that if the Monkey King did remember Xiaotian it would give him some sense of catharsis. That his love had at least made an impression on the great fool, and was not just some faceless passerby, but...
It didn't.
“Does it bother you to know?”
“I'll not give you the satisfaction of hearing any more of my thoughts on the matter.”
“Well, he died well if that's any consolation.” The Monkey King was peering at him through the mask. “No bribe attempts with those meager savings, no blubbering. He pleaded his case to me only the once.” he looked away, seemingly lost in the memory, head tilted upward as though to help him remember. “He said 'Please... I need to live'...Not a lot of people say 'please' and mean it highness, so it gave me pause.”
“I asked him what was worth sparing him over, and I remember this, he said 'True Love'” His chest felt tight...
He reached up a hand and pressed it against his collarbone to try and alleviate the pressure, he could practically see it, the village up in flames, the Monkey King in this same hideous black outfit, his staff already stained with blood, and his precious, darling, beloved Noodle Boy kneeling in the dirt, blood seeping down his face from a cut somewhere on his head, and pleading just for a moment. And-
True love...
“He then went on to describe a gentlemen of great intelligence and deep passion; I can only assume he meant you...Have to say, I'm surprised you're not grateful to me destroying him when I did.”
His mind stuttered to a stop, his entire train of thought completely derailed as the Monkey King spoke.
“You know, before he could see the kind of person you really are.”
His control snapped in half, his fire sprung forth, the golden bands shuddered and the flames erupted out only for a moment before being bounced back onto him. The heat of his own fury scalding him until the pain made him stop. The Monkey King took a half step forward but Red Son made SURE he kept his distance with his glare alone.
“And what, pray tell, kind of person am I?!”
It seemed like he'd finally pissed off the Monkey King. Good. His shoulders tensed and those long canines bared, as though ready to tear into him. “He was really stuck on the idea that you were the faithful sort, highness. That no matter what, yours wasn't the kind of heart that could be swayed! He was so sure that you would wait for him-”
Wait- why was that what had angered him?
“-So tell me, when you learned of your 'love's death did you start accepting suitors the next day or did you wait a full week out of respect for the dead?!”
His hand went flying before he even thought about it, he should have punched him; if that was his only shot in he should have punched him, but his reflexes had decided the action for him and instead his palm was out and he'd slapped him instead.
“How dare you?! You mocked me once see if you live to do it again!”
But he wasn't thinking about that, he wasn't thinking about anything beyond the pain that had gone from a dull ache to white hot in his chest, the absolute blinding rage and the sting of tears welling in his eyes from the sheer tidal wave of anger and despair.
The tears turned to steam the second they left his eyes, smoldering trails out of either, just barely able to vent that little bit of flame into the world without hurting him but he didn't care if the proof of his despair was made obvious by it or not.
He didn't care about any of it. He didn't care he couldn't summon a single plume of fire or how completely eclipsed his ability was by the Monkey King's without it, and possibly even with his it. He only cared about making him pay. He pounced on the monkey when he seemed stunned by his vehemence.
The scuffle was brief but he DID get another hit in before he was pinned. This time it was a real punch, and it was just as satisfying as he'd hoped it would be.
But too soon was he pinned, The monkey pressing his front to the ground, a knee between his shoulder blades and his hands held together against the small of his back.
He let out a shout of rage, not even bothering to try and give any more words, no more words were necessary.
“Calm down! You need to listen-!”
The steam was clouding his eyes so greatly he was nearly blind with it, his fire was trying to come out unbidden to throw off his opponent, the scalding agony rippling through his body proof of such. But he was numb to it beyond it fueling his anger even further; maybe if he just burnt hot enough he could melt the cuffs right off of him. Everything was hurting, his clothes were going to be a holey mess, but he could smell cooking meat and he could only hope it was the monkey above him. He HAD to burn the Monkey King first. Even if he was immolated himself in the process!
“The only thing I'd like to listen to is your demise! You-! You wretched ape! You heartless horsekeeper! You took my everything you don't deserve the breath you stole from his lungs!” His own lungs ached, was it through holding back sobs? Was he experiencing smoke inhalation for the first time? He couldn't tell.
The pressure was off of his back and his hands were released, he made a blind swipe to try and right himself but his arms wouldn't obey him, and at that realization the pain finally kicked in.
The world went fuzzy at the edges, then dark at the edges. Until he could only see a small spot in front of him and the rest of his sight was naught but a haze of black.
Then everything was black-
It was probably his own flesh he could smell burning-
There was rapid muttering above him-
How embarrassing if this was what did him in, revenge in his grasp and he was too eager to kill the Monkey King right there he let cursed jewelry trick him into offing himself-
Someone was sobbing, was it him? He didn't think he had enough breath in his lungs for that-
The pain was going away, did that mean he was dying-
He tried to open his eyes, but he was still face down in the dirt and could only manage one, the former grassland around him was still smoldering from his fire as it eased back into focus, his breathing was ragged, and at some point his skin had stopped burning so hot, he felt cold.
The pain had eased but hadn't vanished, but the shock was still heavy in his system as he couldn't respond when he felt a pair of arms lift him up and pull him against a hard yet warm surface.
Dark fabric met his eye, and...he knew who this person was, didn't he? At some point in the writhing pain he'd forgotten just what he was doing here, mind going blank for everything but the burning sensation. But whoever they were they felt familiar. Their arms wrapped around his torso like they belonged there, as though the two of them were made to be like this.
The next thing that processed was the sound. His ear was pressed to the person's torso and he could hear the rabbit flutter of a panicked heartbeat. But nonetheless there was something... familiar about it. And alongside the heartbeat there was the vibration of words in the stranger's chest, but these he couldn't quite make out as their face was pressed against the top of his head, buried in his hair and making the words indecipherable.
It was then that his mind finally re-engaged and he realized that it was the Monkey King holding him so tenderly. His anger felt muted by the cold cold blanket of shock, but he still struggled in his grasp to pull away, if only to try and make sense of what was going on. If the Monkey King had such judgmental and inaccurate views of a man he'd never met before now, why was he doing this?
The Monkey King held him tight and he felt the shake of his shoulders as he was pressed even closer. Why was he shaking? He shifted again and this time found his face pressed against the dark fur of the Monkey's neck.
But it... felt off... it didn't feel real. It felt more like fabric with an illusion placed over it than it did actual fur...
The smell of burning flesh finally faded from his nose and was replaced with-
No that- that wasn't possible, he'd stolen Xiaotian's clothes sure but his face was pressed to the Monkey King's neck, that can't be his scent that can't be-
His arms were still aching as he reached up and found the knot tying the dark mask and headscarf around him. Both fabrics fluttered away and with them came a puff of a cloud of smoke, a shapeshifting form dissolving around him.
And he was pressed against a very human body.
This- this could still be a trap, this could be some sort of illusion to pacify him, so he wouldn't ask any more questions, so he'd just lose himself entirely-
The human—the alive human—clutching to him tightened his grip and he could finally make out the words he was muttering
“I'm so sorry never do that again you scared me to death I'm sorry I'm sorry-”
The cocky lit in his voice was gone and it sounded so achingly familiar without it, and the feeling and the scent and it- it couldn't be....
It had to be
It was a struggle, his arms still felt heavy from the echoes of pain and the numbness of realization, but he pulled away just enough to properly look at him and-
Like the space between the stars...
He was crying, just beginning to pull himself together now. Pulling an arm off of him to scrub at that beautiful face. Those enchanting eyes he'd thought he'd never see again darted away from him and he wanted to protest at not being allowed to simply look at him after... after EVERYTHING... but he couldn't find breath in his lungs.
“I think your fiance's been tracking us- I hear horses. Can you walk?”
He tried to respond, he really did, but he found himself spellbound by the sound of his voice, just as he remembered it without the false persona twisting it until the point it had become unrecognizable.
“Red Son?” he shuddered at the sound of his own name being spoken by that voice again. So many emotions and memories, the hole in his chest finally being filled, and knowing without a shadow of a doubt this time he wouldn't let anything part them again still leaving him stunned. The fire was gone from his skin and finally, finally he felt one emotion beat the others and bubble up to the surface.
Red Son started to laugh. Tears bubbling up and sliding down his cheeks as true, overwhelming joy engulfed him. His arms ached and felt stiff from the burns he'd laid onto them but he pulled them around Xiaotian's shoulders all the same and squeezed with every ounce of strength that remained in his body.
“You're alive...” he wasn't sure if his laughter had turned to sobbing or if the two had simply mixed together but his breath was hitching and the tears wouldn't stop. “If you wanted I could fly”
Those arms pulled around him again and now he could truly appreciate just how easily the both of them fit together.
“I- I still don't understand, why did you accept the proposal if you still loved me?” Xiaotian's voice was a whisper against his shoulder, and he didn't want to think any more of his family's decisions and his hopeless acceptance, yet-
“My parents decided it, and what else could I have done?” he paused for breath “You were dead.”
Xiaotian responded with such conviction he had no choice but to instantly believe him:
“Death can't stop true love; it can only delay it for awhile.”
His lips were rougher than he remembered, but Red Son had no complaints upon kissing them again.
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sherrybaby14 · 4 years
All the Same
This is for the wonderful @lancsnerd​ 1K challenge (Sorry I am so late)!
Pairing:  Geralt x female reader
Warnings:  Domestic Violence, Smut, Angst, Violence, Blood
Words: 6k
Prompt:  “I was your assignment, and then you fell in love with me”. (Changed it a little)
Summary:  The Witcher is coming to your village and you have been tasked with finding out why.
   The drunkard on the piano was playing the same song he did every night and you rolled your eyes as you filled another pitcher of lager.  
   Some nights you wished more than anything you got moved off the graveyard shift, but others you were grateful the drunks would leave soon and your time at work would consist of watching the empty bar.  
   “Best to keep an eye out tonight.”  Your boss leaned against the doorway to the kitchen.  
   “Why’s that?”  You glanced to the dagger kept underneath the bar.  
   “Word is, a Witcher is on the road. Stopping here.”  He flung the rag over his shoulder.
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   “Here?”  You about overfilled the pitcher.  “In our tiny village?  Why?”
   “That’s what I want to know.”  He glanced across the barroom, watching the dwindling crowd.  “Find out for me, would ya Love?”
   “Not my job Sir.”  You had never met a Witcher, but your heart raced at the idea.
   “How about now?”  Your boss tossed a bag of coin next to you.  “Still trying to get on your feet aren't ya? I’ll double it if you give me anything worth my while.”
   You did not hesitate as you picked up the bag and shoved it in your pocket.  A pang of guilt hit your heart, you were no spy, but were desperate.  You needed to get back on your feet.  Besides, this was the first bonus your boss had ever offered.
   “Consider me hired.”  You turned to drop off the pitcher, the customer closing out their tab.  
   The piano player abandoned the instrument and you could tell the mood had shifted.
   “Witchers are bad for business.”  Your boss kicked off the door and went to the kitchen.  “I want him gone.”  
   “Monsters are worse.”  Of course the idea of a monster in this town was silly, the only one who lived here was your ex.
   The crowd was gone by one.  It was strange, you were used to forcing people to their rooms around two, this was the earliest you could remember the place being empty.
   You picked up your current book and tried to read, but every thought went to your boss’ warning.  Why would a Witcher come here?  You hadn’t heard a single rumor of anything off.  Maybe he was passing through?  If memory served you right there was a sheep slaughtered a few weeks ago.  People said it was a wolf, but maybe more, would a Witcher come for that though?  
   The door opened and your breath caught in your throat.  There he was, pale skin with pale hair that stood out against the vibrant oranges of the wooden walls dancing with firelight.  
   You shook your head and shut your mouth, trying not to show your awe for the man.  
   The mug you grabbed shook as you turned and poured him some mead.  
   “I heard you were coming.”  You spun back around and set the drink on the counter.  
   “You did?”  He blinked in confusion and glanced around the empty room.
   “Oh, I’m not a psychic or anything.” You gave a nervous laugh.  “My boss, he told me.  He said you were coming here though and I never asked how he knew that part.  It’s been bothering me all night.”  
   The man walked slow, his eyes taking in everything.  You cringed as you grabbed a smaller glass and poured yourself a bit of wine, hoping to drown your embarrassment.  
   “I am sorry.  I should not have been so forward.”  You smiled as you drank it down.  “I should have played it much more smooth.  May I start over?”
   “Please.”  The man grabbed the handle of his sword and you turned around, half expecting a vicious beast behind you. “Now it is my turn to apologize.”
   You looked back to him as he let go of the handle, holding his hands in the air.  
   “I am not used to hospitality.”  He pulled out the chair and had a seat.  “This is most unusual.”  
   “You are most welcome here.”  You poured another shot of wine and took it down.  “So, did my superior mean here as in this bar or here as in the town?  I mean, we are the only bar in the town and it is no secret Witchers like to indulge, but there is a much nicer inn not far from here, but we do have a few rooms if you would like to stay the night?  All are vacant, we are not frequented, occasionally a drunkard needs a spot for a few hours, our rates are reasonable but for you it will be gratis of course and have I mentioned I babble when nervous?”  
   Worst spy ever.  You grabbed the bottle of red and brought it to your lips, this time taking a chug as the Witcher smiled.  
   A warmth spread through you at the sight.  A Witcher smiling.  You never knew such a thing was possible.  
   “I am not sure what your supervisor was aware of, but it’s no secret Witchers indulge?”  He picked up the mug in front of him and looked inside, his eyes wide as if he were studying.  
   “My father, he used to tell tales of fairies and dragons and warlocks and vampires.”  Your eyes flashed as you pictured his face.  “And Witchers too.”  
   “Did he tell you how we strike down the wicked? Or how we are sell swords?”  The Witcher took a drink and then brought the mug away from his face, staring at what you poured him with shock.  
   “He told me how easy it would be to poison your drinks.”  You smiled but the man almost fell out of his chair as you burst out laughing.
   You clapped as he grabbed for his sword handle, hesitating as you grinned at him.  Then he relaxed in his seat as his eyes looked over your face.  
   “I am sure you have far better insight into a Witcher than my father, enlighten my poor soul?”  When you sat down the coin in your pocket jingled, reminding you of your mission for the night.  There was no harm in getting to know the man in the process though.
   “I have not spoken as many words this night as I have all of the past year.”  Geralt’s eyes continued to dance on your face.  
   It would have been easy to shy under his gaze, but as the dawn grew near your mind was being tugged elsewhere.  
   “Does the sun rising bother you?”  His brows furrowed.  
   “Not in the slightest.” In fact, you frowned, wishing you were just waking up instead of readying for bed.  “I would give anything to not sleep in a tiny bed upstairs, not work overnights at a place where the bulk of my wages go to room and board.  I am saving up.  This is temporary.”  
   “Then why do you keep glancing at the door?”  Geralt shifted, you watched his hand shift toward his weapon once again, but this time he did not come close to grabbing it.  
   “Fell in with a bad lad.” You shook your head.  “Controlling type.  He works overnights as well.  Only I am off at eight and he is off at six.  I expect him any second.  He will sit down, beg for me to come home, lament about his problems, like I give a fuck.  It’s been almost a year since we split, or should I say since he split my head open and I had the common sense to leave him.”  
   Tears started to form, but you blinked them away.  
   “Whatever monster you are here to kill.  I hope it is him.”  You smiled at your joke, hoping to break the tension, but Geralt didn’t find any humor in your statement.  
   Now the air grew thick between the two of you, all the good will and fun turned to awkwardness.  
   “What are you here to kill by the way?”  The subject needed to be changed.  “A banshee? A ghoul? A Bailisk?”  
   “Your father taught you well about the supernatural.”  Geralt swirled his drink.  “He must have been well researched.”
   “Right after he died, I wanted him back.  I was broken.  He was all I ever knew.”  This time you let a tear fall.  “I even tried to find a Witcher or a Mage or anything.  But his books, the legends he told me, they all said the same thing.  The dead,  even if they do come back, they can’t understand the living anyway.”
   “Very well researched.” Geralt grunted.  
   The door opened and relief flooded your body as the opening bartender walked in.  
   “Well, my shift is over. Kolly is here.  I am sure she can keep your attention.”  You stood up and wiped your tear.  “Unless you have changed your mind and want a room?”
   Your coworker’s eyes went wide as she looked at the only patron.   You were sure she was as shocked as you were not to walk in on your ex sitting there.  
   “Where do you sleep?”  Geralt rose from his stool.  
   Kolly stopped walking and glared at you. As immoral of a question it was your body heat flared and you clenched your thighs at the thought.  The last you wanted was rumors flying around the town.  
   “I sleep alone.”  You gave Kolly a side glance and she nodded in approval before walking into the kitchen.  “But thank you for the company, though my boss will be disappointed.”  
   “Why is that?”  Geralt narrowed his eyes.
   “Well, you were my assignment.”  It didn’t feel right to lie.  “Find out why you are here, but after our night I believe I am more likely to fall in love with you than deceive you.”
   The same smile you caught earlier washed over his face.  This was the first time since Robert you’d felt any connection with another person.
   “Tell your boss,  I am passing through, there is wraith in Sehalsberg, but given the warm reception I received I will return for the hospitality.”  Geralt’s eyes focused on you again.  
   The way he looked at you fluttered your stomach, how you wished Kolly was not here to judge.  
   “Goodnight then.  I hope you return soon.”  You tried to hide the smile as you turned and walked to the stairs, feeling his eyes on your back as you headed to your small room.  
“That’s it?”  Your boss scoffed.  “Passing through?  And how much free mead did you give the man?”
”I...I was trying to get information.”  You should have known better than to think your boss was going to pay you a dime.
“Well, that will be coming out of your wages.”  He shook his head.  “Plus I heard Mister and the boys did not arrive in the morning, you know how much coin they drop here! Sometimes I swear it's the only reason I keep you on.”
All the frustration you were feeling you bit down.  You needed this job.  So you nodded.
“Kick you out on the street.”  He threw his hands in the air.  “A Witcher, passing through.”
The bar emptied out at the normal time.  You kept the fires going, trying to read your book and hoping Geralt would stop in again, memories of your night before making you smile non stop.  
But as the hours went on your heart broke more and more.  You told yourself it was unreasonable to think he would be back the next night.  Then when the door opened and your ex stepped inside with his group of coworkers your heart shattered.  
His eyes locked with yours and there was a fury as he strolled up to you.  
“What did you say to him?”
You moved back against the bar, but he reached out and grabbed the hair above your ear yanking you forward.
“You know I love you?  Why would you betray me?”  
As you tried to twist away he slammed your head down against the bar.  Monster.  You should have made that clearer to Geralt.  Then maybe he would have saved you.  
   There was no warning from your boss, no rumors.  But you had not forgotten of Geralt. Months had past, but when the doors opened at two in the morning one night and he walked in your heart went a flutter.  
   “Passing through?”  This time the shake was worse.  You had played this conversation out over and over in your head.  “There cannot be a second monster in a nearby town.”
   “I never caught the first.”  Geralt sat down, making no attempts for his sword.  “I thought you might have forgotten me.”
   “A girl never forgets her first Witcher.”  You poured him a jug of mead.  “Now please, tell me where you have been.  What you have seen.”
   “I would rather hear about you.”  He took a drink without looking.  “Tell me, has your monster returned?”  
   Your chest struggled to breath.  Now was your chance to ask what you had been hoping for.
   “Every day since the last you were here.”  This was not how you practiced.  “He was violent once, nobody cared.”  
   Geralt stood and you ran around the bar to him, this stranger from one night.  You broke down against his chest, sobbing.  His arms came around you, his body stiff.  
   “There’s no comfort in you.”  You pushed off of him, glaring up.  
   “What?”  He looked surprised.  
   “I can feel it.”  You put your arms to his chest, palms against his leather top.  “You don’t care either.  I am trapped here.”
   “Untrue.”  Geralt pulled you back, cradled you.  Then you felt it, his stiffness relax, his hands pulling you tighter, rubbing your back.  “I care more than you know.”  
   “I think about you.”  Shame and embarrassment over your confession vanished.  “Just one night talking and I think about you non-stop.  I wonder where you are, how you are feeling, what mundane tasks you must be doing.  Curious why you have cast such a spell on me.”  
   Geralt’s hands found your shoulders and pushed you back.  He gazed at you with the studying look that should have made you melt, but his eyes would not stay still.  
   You tried to focus on what he was looking at when he pulled you closer, upwards and his lips crashed into yours.  Heat seeped into your veins.  A burning as your mouth opened and his tongue drove inside.  
   You drank him down.  Shuddering against his chest as you attempted to keep up.  The warmth turning to a burn as you kissed him back, your brain going dizzy as all the liquid in your body gathered between your legs.  
   Just as you started to give in, the feeling vanished.  Your eyes blinked several times, seeing the warm hues from the room and the greys from him turn into one.   His purple eyes were aflame.   His chest moving faster than your own as he struggled for breath.  
   “What’s wrong?”  Every problem in your orbit had vanished with that kiss.  
   Anger returned your gaze as Geralt let go of you and vanished out of the bar.  You wanted to follow but were too stunned.
   You hunched over and your struggle for air turned into tears.  What were you thinking?  A Witcher would never be your savior.  You were doomed.  
   It was hard to tell the passage of time.  Your savings depleted with every broken glass.   You were beginning to think your boss and your ex were in on this together, keeping you trapped here.  
   Memories of your one night with Geralt kept you going.  But then you remembered the second night, the kiss and look of disgust on his face.  Witchers could not fall in love.  And who fell in love with anyone after one night?  Oh, that’s right.  You did.
   “Best to keep an eye out tonight.”  Your boss leaned against the doorway to the kitchen.  
   “Why’s that?”  You remembered the last time you heard this.
   “Word is, a Witcher is on the road. Stopping here.”  He flung the rag over his shoulder.
   “He won’t stop here.”  You knew the hospitality ran out.
   “Find out why he is here.”  Your boss flung a bag of coin at you.  “More when you get the reason?”  
   It couldn’t have been that long ago that Geralt was here.  You looked up at him with confusion.
   “Witchers are bad for business.”  He kicked off the wall and walked away.  
   Much like the last time you had this conversation, the bar began to empty.  A weird echo ran down your spine, but you brought your fingers to your lips and felt the tingle.  This time a pit formed in your stomach as you never expected to see Geralt again.
   The last patron left and you started to wipe down the counters, thinking of reasons to lock the door.  Sure your boss would find out and then slash your earnings, but that happened anyway.  You had confessed your feelings to a Witcher on the second time you saw him.  Why would he come back anyway?  To torture you?  
   You sighed and went to close up early, not caring if you got fired.  But before you rounded the bar the door opened.  
   Pale hair.  Pale skin.  A different face looked up at you.  Not Geralt.  
   The man drew his sword in one hand and a dagger in the other.  
   “There is no need for those weapons.”  You went back to the bar.  “Can I offer you something to drink?  I promise you have nothing to fear here.  We welcome Witchers.”  
   “You…..what?”  The man looked at you and then stalked into the kitchen.
   “That’s not a public area…” You followed behind him, but he spun and moved into a defensive stance.  “I am sorry.  Please, do what needs to be done.”
   You thought about Geralt’s first night, how he kept going for his sword.  Cautious, hesitant.  This must have been normal.  Inspecting for enemies.  
   Without thinking you poured him and yourself a drink.  Visions of your kiss with the previous Witcher tried to dash in front of your eyes, but you pushed them away.   Should you bring up his name?  Ask where he was?  Where he had been?  What he was thinking about?  Had he mentioned you? Is that why the new one was here?  
   But before your nervousness made you blab he came out of the kitchen.  His eyes and stance toward you as he circled the bar.  
   “I poured you a drink.  Please,  sit and relax.”  You took your own and slammed it back.  
   “How odd.” He looked at your face with the same scrutiny as Geralt, studying and curious, but there was no spark.  It was more like he glared as if you were a dead animal he was attempting to dissect. “Where is your crypt?”
   “Crypt?”  You gave a nervous laugh.  “We are a bar with a few spare rooms upstairs.  No crypt.”
“Take me to your room.”  The man pointed the dagger at you.
You stared at him with your mouth open, unsure what the threat was or his intentions.
“Do you know Geralt?  He is a Witcher who has passed through here.  Are you looking for him?  He has not been here in ages, but he mentioned a monster a few towns over.”  You started to back up against the mugs, but the Witcher spun behind the bar, turning you with his sword and dagger out until you were in the open area.  “This must be a misunderstanding.”  
“These are pure silver.”  His eyes flashed with anger.  “Do not think of trying anything smart.  Now take me to your resting place.”  
“They look lovely, I can tell the fine craftsmanship.”  You tried to hide your nerves, and remembered what a gentleman Geralt was.  “A lady’s bedroom is no place for an uninvited man.”
“NOW!” His voice roared as he lunged forward.  
“ALRIGHT!”  You jumped back.  “Please don’t hurt me and put those things away.”
All the fear you had been bottling since the man walked in came rushing forward.  Your instincts took over and you ran to the front door.  He dropped his sword and reached out, grabbing your shoulder, and spinning you to face him.
“I can touch you.”  His face was featureless as he recoiled his hand with a look of horror.
“Not tonight.”  You slapped him across the face as hard as possible before turning to run again.  
You didn’t make it three steps before he shoved you forward, your knees hit the hardwood with a clunk as your body bounced.  
“STOP!”  You kicked at him as he dropped down on top of you, the weight of him heavy as he flipped you over.  
You struggled while he straddled you pinning you down.   You continued to claw, bite, kick, whatever you could.  The dagger was still in his hand when a slice sounded through the air.  
An inhuman scream left your lips as your arm flooded with white hot pain.  You vision began to blacken as your chest heaved.  It felt as if your arm was starting to rot off from the inside.  You cried and winced, unable to gasp for air.  
The Witcher let go of your hands and you cradled your arm.  Confused as to how this could hurt that badly.  
“I am sending you back to where you belong.”  He lifted the dagger high in the air.  
Your head rolled as if an infection was spreading, your brain and muscles oozing with hurt.  You shut your eyes and opened them again.  The warm orange against the brown wood was gone.  You saw grey and decay.  Spiderwebs and a rundown bar.
“What?”  You pinched your eyes shut, thinking it was a fever dream.  “Have you poisoned me?  What treachery is this?”
The bar you spent each night cleaning was covered in dust and mildew.  There was a broken beam in the ceiling and a hole in the roof.   Your head lulled back at the piano.  
“Someone was playing that all night.”  You didn’t undrestand, the beautiful polished keys were missing, chipped.  Strings were hanging out the top.  “What is happening?”
“You will haunt this place no more you evil beast.”  The Witcher puffed his chest and raised the dagger even higher.  
“NO!”  You braced yourself, shielding your body with your arms.  
“SHES’S NOT EVIL!”  Geralt’s voice filled the room.  
“Geralt….?”  You tried to twist and look at him, but your eyes couldn’t focus.  “What is happening to me?”  
“Have you forgotten your creed?”  The weight on your hips lifted as you rolled on the floor. “She must be destroyed.”  
“Have you forgotten yours?”  The sound of a sword being drawn echoed and you looked up at the moonlight, seeing the rotted bannister to the upstairs.  “We don’t kill innocents.”
“Innocent?”  The other Witcher scoffed.  “She killed Robert Blanton.  The son of the man who hired us!”
“She is stuck in a time loop.  She does not know what she is.”  Geralt’s voice began to fade.  “How is that her fault?”  
“So you want to what?  Save her?”  The stranger laughed.  “You are insane.”  
“I won’t let you kill her.”  Geralt grunted as he stepped over you.
“She is already dead.”  The man let out a roar and you heard the clashes of blades.  
“Dead?” It came out as a whimper and you rolled on to your side.
The sounds of the men fighting faded away as you lifted your hand.  The flesh looked real, the color the same it had always been, but then you caught sight of the wound.  The scratch from the dagger was spreading decay.  You could see your bone as the skin pulled away, as if you were struck with fire that would not burn out.  
“MmMmmpph!”  You looked up and spotted a man on his side, bound and gagged.
There were tears running down his cheeks, he was older, you would guess at least sixties, he was bald with a white beard, nothing but fear in his eyes.  Those eyes.  
“That’s the monster you are after.”  Geralt’s voice came back.  “He did this to her.  He is responsible for Robert Blanton’s death.”  
“Stander?”  It was him, your ex who taunted you every morning, who hurt you physically and mentally, but he was so much older even though you just saw him that day.  
“He is a human being.” The other Witcher laughed.  “We do not kill humans.”
“You are correct.”  The banging of the sword continued until you heard a grunt and a slice followed by a gasp.  “We kill monsters.”  
There was a groan and a thud against the floor.  Everything hurt.  
“Are you alright?”  Geralt came to your side and pulled you close.  “It’s over.  I’m going to take you from here.”  
With a swirl, everything clicked.  Time loop, two Witchers, Robert being dead.  The way your boss was so mechanical, the way every day felt the same.
“I was your assignment.”  You reached up and cupped his face.  “But you fell in love.”  
   Geralt’s eyes flashed in the moonlight.  He opened his mouth to speak, but then shut his lips.  You pinched your eyes shut as your chest started to shake.  
   “No...no...I won’t let you die.”  He set your head on the ground.
   “Fix her.”  Geralt stomped over to Stander and kicked him in the gut.  “Fix her and I will spare your life.”  
   The objection hung on your lips.  You were ready to cross over, but before you could get the word out consciousness left.  If you had to leave, at least it was being loved.
   The bustling of the dinner crowd woke you up.  You had more of a headache tonight than you’d had in months.  Nothing you could do about it now.  You took a drink of water from your bed stand and then readied for work.  
   When you walked out of your room you ignored the crowd and smiled, a vision of Geralt in your head.  Of course it turned into a frown, remembering the kiss.  You were destined to be alone.  
   “Good evening.”  The voice echoed across the crowd as you made your way downstairs.  
   Your heart wanted to leap out of its chest at the familiar voice.  You locked eyes with the Witcher and the headache intensified.  
   The colors and sounds of the bar started to blur.  You shut your lids to take the flashes out and sat on the stairs.  The noises flared and your headache intensified.
   “Hey.”  A warm hand touched your knee.  “It will be alright.”  
   The background noises left and you looked up with a shake to see your Witcher standing in front of you.  
   “What?”  The bar was dilapidated, dust and holes and rotted wood.  
   Memories came crashing back.  The second Witcher, Stander.  
   “What am I?”  It felt like all the air was sucked out of your lungs as you looked to your arm.  There was no scar, but the searing hot pain echoed in your bones.  “Am I dead?”
   “In a sense.”  Geralt’s finger came under your chin.  “Twenty five years ago, you were murdered here.  Your killer could not let you go.  With the help of a Mage he trapped your spirit in this, a fake recreation of your body.
   “He sets you with a time loop, you can break through and when that happens he murders you again and resets.  It makes you see things that aren’t there.  But some memories don’t get erased.”
   “Like you?”  You looked around in the moonlight.  “My boss?”
   “After your murder, he let the business go into shambles.  Everyone in the village knew who the killer was, but nobody would speak up.  It was the perfect spot to reset you. Some of the things he said, knowing they would be erased did not.  That’s how the image of your boss knew I was coming.”  Geralt hid nothing.  “Stander was the only one who set foot in here over the years until…”
   “Until Robert.”  You gasped.  
   Memories that had been lost came forward.  The way he walked in, shocked to see you.  The way he kept coming back, how you looked forward to it.  Then the one kiss and he was gone.
   “I killed him?”  You thought of the heat from your kiss with Geralt.  “I drain the life force with my touch.”
   “Not your touch.”   Geralt ran his fingers over your lips, it sounded like an echo of sorrow spread across the bar.  “The murderer showed me the spell, I brought you back one final time.  Silver will destroy you. Once it spreads to your heart you will be free.”  
   Geralt set a dagger on the step next to you.  You looked at the metal, the thought of crossing over.  
   “So am I gollum?”  You didn’t look away.  “An unnatural recreation, do I even have a soul?”
   “You are a soul.”  Geralt gave a squeeze to your knee.  “But you can cross over now.  Be with your father.”  
   “And what if I am not ready?”  You looked at him.  “Am I trapped here?  Tethered?  It feels like months, but its been years?”  
   “Tethered to this realm yes, but not this place.”  Geralt bit his lip.  “You are free to leave, just did not know you had the option.”
   “The fake time loop.”  You glanced at the door, never thinking of walking through it because every night had felt like an average night at work.  All the years you had wasted.  When you could have walked away.
   A creak in the floor made both of your heads snap.  There was Stander, tied to a chair.
   “I promised I would spare his life in exchange for the spell.”  Geralt stood.  “I am a man of my word.  I thought you might want the final one with him.”  
   The final word.   Dragging your killer, your tormenter to the bowels of hell.  It was tempting.  
   “I need more than a word.”  You stood up from the stairs and took a brief pace.  “I think my former lover needs a kiss goodnight.”
   You ripped off the cloth bound over his mouth and he let out a scream as you pushed your lips to his.   It was slow, not the burning passion you felt with Geralt.  But the heat intensified as your lips pressed to his.  You gripped his cheeks, holding his head in place while you felt his life source draining into you.
   The heat turned into a scorch, but unlike your arm the night before it was pleasant.  You wanted that burn.  He tried to scream, but it was muffled by your lips as his body began to jerk.   You sucked in air and pulled away, taking him with you, your body glowing with warmth as his corpse twisted into the chair.  
   “I promised nothing.”  You wiped your lips as pure energy ran through your veins and you turned to Geralt.  “Tell me, am I a monster now?”  
   “No.”  Geralt walked forward.  
   “And was I a monster for killing Robert?”  You pushed your shoulders back.
   “No.”  Geralt took another step.
   “And if I kill again,  will that make me a monster?”  You swallowed.
   “Not if they deserve it.”  Geralt came closer.
   “And if they do not?”  You reached out and grabbed his hand.  “Will you end me?”  
   He hesitated, his lips trying to think of the words.
   “I do not believe that day will come.”  His hand moved to your waist and he brought you closer.  “I saw you, that first night.  You will never be a monster.”
   “But if it does, do I have your word that you will kill me?”  You tilted your chin and looked him in the eye, watching his iris swirl.  
   “No.”  His lips dropped to your neck as you let out a moan and clawed at his back.  
   He sucked and nipped as he guided you until your back hit the bar.   You dropped your head and kissed his cheek as your fingers found the hem of his shirt.  You untucked the garment from his pants and tugged it upward.  He pulled away and stripped the top off before crashing back against you, guiding your legs to spread.  
   Strong hands gripped your bottom and guided you on to the bar.  You gathered your skirts and spread your legs, baring yourself to him.  
   Both of your fingers went to his trousers and undid the lacing.  His cock sprung free and your chest heaved with excitement.  How long had it been?  Who was your last?  Was there ever a first?  Not with this body.  
   Geralt ran the tip of his cock up your slit, you were soaked and ready for him.  He lined up and you gripped his shoulder.  
   “Ah!”  Your head fell back as he pushed inside of you.  The pain made your thighs shake as your head fell against his shoulder.  “It hurts.  Too much.”  
   He stilled and with gasped breaths looked at you, steadying himself.  You could feel him pulsing inside of you.  
   “This body, whatever it is, it’s new.”  You brought your hand to the back of his neck.  “I want to kiss you.”  
   His fingers traced down your cheek and he bit his lips as he shook his head.  With shut eyes you leaned against him and nodded. Then brought your lips to his collarbone and began to make your mark.  
   Geralt followed your lead, pulling out a bit before diving back in, bracing himself against the bar with one hand, the other digging into your hip.  
   Each stroke replaced the pain with pleasure.  Your winces turned into coos that turned into moans.  
   A rhythm formed as you lifted your hips, welcoming him inside of your.  The movements hit your core and you felt yourself tense.  
   “Too much?”  He kissed your head as his hand ran up the back of you neck.
   “Not enough.”  You started rocking faster.  “Please, go, go.”  
   Your fingers wound in his hair as he honored your request.  The tightness in your chest spread to the apex between your legs and you ground down harder.   Geralt picked up his pace and your vision began to blur.  
   You fisted his hair and yanked as your release came over you, pleasure filling your body, no your soul as the cry left your mouth.  
   He followed you into the oblivion.  Filling you with his seed in the process.  Both of you started to kiss each other’s necks, moving up the cheeks until you were almost at the lips.  
   Foreheads dipped and you pressed them together.  A few times you saw him go to pucker, but pull away.  There would never be a real kiss between you.  
   You stayed like that for a moment.  Both of you gathering your bearings.  When he slipped from you, you almost collapsed, but his hand stayed on your hip.  
   “We need to leave.”  Geralt tucked himself away and picked up his shirt.  “There is a dead Witcher and a dead villager.”  
   “To hunt monsters?”  You stood up from the bar, your legs shaking.  “That is my life now?”
   You looked at the door, ready to venture into the world.
   “Not your life.”  Geralt smiled.  “Never forget,  you’re already dead.”  
   You stared at him before a big grin crossed your face.  
   “And you love me all the same.”  
A/N:  Thank you for reading!! I so appreciate every comment and like!  
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teknicianwrites · 3 years
Welcome to DADWC! How about "I’m tired…I’ll nap. Destroy the universe later" for Sera and Inky?
Thanks for the prompt! Here is some Sera/Adaar, with a small side of Adoribull. Had a lot of fun writing team Chaotic Gay. A little fluff, a little h/c.
Akeelah rolled out from beneath the falling dragon, the leather of her coat nearly catching in the monster's claws as it crashed into the ground. Hot blood sprayed across her vitaar as she let out a wild cry of triumph.
"That's what I'm fucking talking about!" Bull crowed, whooping out a deep laugh that Akeelah joined with a victorious shout to the sky. Bull bounded to her side and grabbed her shoulder. "Boss. Boss. That was incredible. Tell me we're going to do it again. You feel it too, right? It was amazing."
"That was- it- that-" she tried, utterly incapable of finding words in Common or Qunlat to express the absolute feral joy pumping through her veins.
"That was the hottest friggin' thing I've ever seen!" Sera leapt on her back, nearly making Akeelah overbalance as legs wrapped around her waist and hands gripped her shoulders. Bull steadied her with a knowing grin before stepping back to give them space. Sera gave a light tug at her horns, and Akeelah ignored the pulse of pain from the bruises she'd earned when she'd been too slow with a fade step. "Get that shit off your face so I can kiss you," Sera murmured in her ear.
"Yes, ma'am." Akeelah let Sera pull her head back, shivering at the command and the hungry look in Sera's eyes. She righted herself to search through the pack at her hip and pulled out a clean rag she soaked from her canteen.
Cleaning the poison from her face took an eternity as Sera whispered suggestions of all the things she wanted to do once they were alone at camp. Akeelah whined when Sera proposed sending the others back ahead of them and not waiting for a tent, and firmly reminded herself that Sera would not appreciate surprise hallucinations if she wasn't thorough and kissed her with deathroot on her lips.
"Savages, the lot of you," Dorian called as he picked his way carefully out of the treeline, regarding their display with amusement. Sera broke her litany of lurid fantasies to stick her tongue out at him, and Akeelah used the reprieve to dry her face with a clean cloth, satisfied when it came away with no lingering traces of vitaar.
Bull grinned and strode to Dorian, tugging him by the belt and resting a hand on his ass. "You love it."
"Hm, hardly," Dorian sniffed. Akeelah smiled when he rolled his eyes fondly as Bull pulled him closer. "Ah, no, Sera is quite right. Paint comes off before you get your mouth near me," he tutted, a firm hand to Bull's pauldron. Bull moved in a playful threat like he might try anyway, and chuckled as Dorian slipped free from his grasp.
It made Akeelah feel warm, watching them. She still wanted to beat Halward's face in for the shame he'd instilled in his son. It had taken long months before Dorian had stopped tensing anytime Bull expressed his affection publicly, and though Dorian was still cautious in unfamiliar company, it was gratifying that he felt comfortable around her.
Sera broke her train of thought when she swung around to Akeelah's front and pulled her in for a desperate kiss. Akeelah moaned into her mouth, tasting the bittersweet hint of elfroot that lingered on her lips. Sera gripped her horns for purchase and Akeelah winced.
She broke from the kiss, giving Sera a reassuring smile at her confusion. Normally Akeelah enjoyed Sera's fascination with her horns, which Sera had quickly learned to take advantage of. She tilted her head to the side so Sera could see the bruising above her ear and gently repositioned Sera's hands to her neck.
"You're getting quite skilled with that sword, dear Herald," Dorian said conversationally. Sera made a grumpy sound against her jaw when she turned to him to grimace at the title. He smiled winningly at the reaction to his teasing. Any other man might have looked awkward, standing in a clearing watching two women tangle together shamelessly while waiting for his own lover to finish washing up, but Dorian stood regal as ever. "Soon you'll be giving our Madame de Fer a run for her money."
Sera looked up from where she'd moved to Akeelah's throat. "Oh, piss on Vivvy," she sneered. "Coryphenus better be shaking in his knickers, Buckles can take the whole friggin' world."
Akeelah's vision swam as Sera's animated gestures moved too fast for her eyes to follow. She blinked, trying to focus, and gripped Sera tighter to keep her from falling as she completely let go of her neck to make rude gestures at an imaginary Vivienne.
"Aiming too low there, Sera," a deep voice said from behind her. Akeelah jumped, heart racing at finding a Qunari at her side… but it was Bull. Of course it was Bull. She knew Bull. Bull was her friend. Bull was safe. "With us at her side, I think she can take the universe."
"And destroy it as she does so, with you two at her back," Dorian quipped, twirling his staff lazily. It made Akeelah's stomach turn as it spun, sparking with idle lightning.
Akeelah didn't understand whatever Sera said back. It was too loud, right in her ear. She tried to step back, but Sera came with her. That's right. Sera was wrapped around her. Can't step away. Gotta put her down.
She glanced around for a spot free of dragon blood, and the sunlight glinting off the creature's scales hit her like daggers through her eyes. She snapped them shut and tried to breathe.
Everything was so bright. Everything was so loud. Everything was too much. It all made her dizzy. It was exhausting. She was exhausted.
"I’m tired," she whispered, trying to remember what they were talking about. "I'll nap. Destroy the universe later."
Hands suddenly gripped her coat tight. "Buckles? Hey, woah, Buckles!"
She whined at the voice and opened her eyes. Things looked different. Sera was taller than her. How had that happened?
Oh. Because she was kneeling. She remembered wanting to sit down. She wondered if she'd done it on purpose.
"Boss, you ok?" Bull crouched next to Sera in front of her, his good eye looking at her in concern.
Akeelah tensed at the Ben Hassrath being so close. She felt behind for her staff, panic mounting when she couldn't find it. How did she end up unarmed this close to him?
"M'fine," she lied, fighting back dizziness, unwilling to show weakness to a Qunari.
No. Not Qunari. Not Ben Hassrath. Tal Vashoth. Bull was Tal Vashoth. Why did she keep forgetting? She was fine. She was safe. "Sleepy," she slurred, lowering herself gracelessly into the grass.
"No, no, no, none of that." Warm hands were on her face and she whined when fingertips pulled her eyelids open. Dorian gazed intently into her eyes. "Well, hopefully the universe doesn't hit as hard as a dragon's tail. I do believe our Inquisitor has a concussion."
"Well, fix it!" Sera shouted. Why was she shouting? Shouting made her stomach turn. Akeelah tried to shush her and was ignored. "Wave your magic fingers or whatever and get rid of the concoction!"
Dorian snorted and cupped her cheeks. Warm hands got warmer, and she sighed contentedly at the feeling of his magic against her scalp.
Sera dropped to her knees and stared intently at Akeelah's face, ears twitching as Dorian's fingers prodded gently along her skull. She looked scared. Akeelah didn't want her to be scared.
"You make the best concoctions," Akeelah told her, brushing uneven golden hair from her eyes. "I like it when you throw bees."
Sera's face softened and she caught Akeelah's hand to press a kiss into her palm. "Hey, you're cute like this and all, but you're freaking me out," she said into her skin. "Come on, Dorian, do something!"
"Sera, this thing I'm doing right now?" he asked through gritted teeth. "This is me doing something. I am 'waving my magic fingers' as we speak. Head trauma is not my specialty."
Sera looked ready to yell at him. Akeelah pressed her hand more firmly on Sera's mouth to stop her. "Shhh. Head hurts. Quiet is nice."
Sera bit her lip and resumed her silent vigil, gripping her hand tight. Bull squeezed her shoulder. "It's ok, Sera. Concussions aren't that bad. I've had dozens."
"That explains so much about you," Dorian muttered as his fingers prodded near her left horn. Akeelah winced and he focused his magic there.
Something eased in her head, relieving a pounding tightness she hadn't fully processed until it was eased back. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.
Gradually the pain faded to slight pressure. Nausea and dizziness receded, and when she opened her eyes the light no longer felt like an enemy combatant. She let out a breath of relief.
"Ok, I've done what I can," Dorian announced after a last sweep around her head. He stood, brushing leaves and dirt from his knees. "Varric's friend should still be at Skyhold, yes? We'll have him take a look at her when we get back, but I think she'll be fine."
"What do you mean, you think?" Sera demanded as Bull helped Akeelah to her feet.
"I'm a necromancer, not a spirit healer," Dorian explained impatiently. "I'll be of more use after she's dead."
Sera whirled on him, murder in her eyes, and Bull stepped between them.
"She's not going to die, Sera," he placated. "He's being facetious."
Sera halted her advance as her face scrunched in confusion. "There's fish?"
Bull chuckled, and Akeelah was gratified the deep rumble didn't set her ears ringing. "He thinks he's cute."
"Well, it's not! Her maybe dying isn't friggin' cute!" Sera glared at Dorian, who raised his arms in apology or surrender. Akeelah gently pulled her back against her chest.
"You're cute," she told her, kissing her hair. "The cutest. Prettiest woman I know."
Tension melted out of Sera as she leaned into her. "... you're not too bad yourself," she said, turning to wrap Akeelah's waist in a fierce hug. "Don't you die on me, yeah? I'll be real mad if you die on me," she mumbled into her shirt.
Akeelah smiled and bent to give her a proper kiss. "Ok. I won't. I promise. Still got the universe to fight, remember?"
Sera giggled and pulled back, quickly wiping at her eyes. "I'll hold you to that."
"I would advise not holding her horns until Hawke looks at her," Dorian called over. "She still has a head wound. Don't undo all my hard work in a fit of passion."
Akeelah grinned when color rose to Dorian's cheeks as Bull whispered something in his ear. She would put all her money on it being filthy and related to his own affinity for horns, judging by the flustered way Dorian smoothed out his tunic.
She smiled down at Sera and was surprised to see she looked stricken. "What's wrong?"
"I made you worse," Sera told the ground. "You were fine and then I just started grabbing your horns after you got hit in the head and then you fell-"
"Hey, no." Akeelah tilted her chin up and Sera met her gaze reluctantly. "I thought I was fine too. Now we know. No horns after a dragon to the face."
Sera huffed, the corner of her mouth quirking. Akeelah kissed her twitching lips until they stopped fighting to frown. She caressed her cheeks, and Sera grabbed her coat, and Dorian cleared his throat.
"I do hate to interrupt a good time, but I'm not comfortable leaving you behind until you've seen a proper healer, so unless you have a thing for exhibitionism…"
"Spoilsport," Bull laughed. "I wanted to see how long it took them to remember we're here."
Sera made a face. "Pfft, fine. Let's head back to camp," she said grumpily. Akeelah took her hand and Sera squeezed it as they started walking.
Bull put an arm over Dorian's shoulders and pulled him in; Dorian sighed and allowed it. "Come on, the sooner we get back, the sooner we can celebrate. And we've all got a lot of celebrating to do."
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Die for the Many
Mother and my friends adorned my hair and dress with flower wreaths. I still vividly remember the sweet scent of those desert blooms, so many of them offered up and woven together so artfully. I tried to think about anything else but could not get my mind off my fate. Mother hummed all the while.
She hummed so melodiously. So sadly.
"There is great honor in the sacrifice you are making," she said.
As if I needed to be reminded for the thousandth time. They all said the same.
The people of our village all always spoke such hollow words. You could decline when you were chosen, but nobody ever dared. I still vividly remembered the last girl who protested, the look of helpless dread on her face, fidgeting nervously.
She did not protest for long, though. Nobody even forced her, nobody said a word to change her mind—they just looked at her with all the accusations their eyes could project. And in her own gaze, I could see the fire of rebellion dying. The fear taking overhand, and the will to live flickering like a dying flame.
Everybody feared the consequences of failing this sacred duty. I am sure there were others like her, before her. Surely, there were others like me, before me, resigned but quietly unwilling.
Mother hummed, and my friends eventually joined in on it. As if this was a joyous day, an occasion worth celebrating. Fingers that grazed my skin, they felt like ghostly wisps, so very far away, yet electrifying and giving me gooseflesh.
"It is only sacrifice when you give up something meaningful to you," they chimed in.
Oh, how easy it was for them to say. To believe that their sacrifice was giving us up into the jaws of death.
They were allowed to continue living. They got to hide behind their sorrow of losing us. Of knowing no other way than surrender.
Girls like me—we were supposed to die for them.
A tearful kiss on my forehead was all she gave me, in the end. Though I could tell it was not easy for her, that all she did to add levity or beauty or honor to what my destiny foretold, it all only served to outshine the crushing weight of losing her daughter this way.
Generations after generations had lived thus. And watched their daughters die thus. I do not think that any still lived who knew a time before this cycle.
The cycle of sacrifice of the few, for the good of all, and chosen carefully by the Many.
It was the only way our village knew how to survive. In this wasteland, our walls and homes made of adobe stood proud and tall atop the only oasis wide and far. Who knew what lay beyond those windswept dunes, hidden beneath the infinite horizon? Who knew if others would ever find to us out here, or if we could venture into the unknown, and find a different form of salvation?
In the shadow of the mountain that towered above us, the Many selected those of us virgins to wander the path of the rock, to the top of those dizzying pinnacles where tall stone kissed the sky.
To see the dragon, and to offer ourselves to it. To spare our home of the dragon's wrath.
One of us perished in the dragon's maw, and the village continued to survive for five more years.
Such was our way.
Such had always been our way. Nobody dared to lie about knowing a time before it. Some elders claimed to pass on tales of the time before our arrival there, from before our ancestors crossing the blighted wastelands even. But those old fairy tales of pilgrimages and saints and self-sacrifice, they all sounded so absurd. So unreal.
Especially now.
I admit I was selfish. Until the Many had chosen me, I had repeated those same mantras, those same hollow words as all others had always done. Those empty phrases allowed me to sleep at night, to pretend that nothing was wrong. I used to sometimes awaken from my nightmares, covered in sweat, having dreamt of being chosen next. And lying to myself like the elders lied to themselves, and our people perpetuating these myths—misfortune only happened to others, right?
It was noble to give one's life for the others. To obey the law of the Many.
I grew up believing that all of this was perfectly in order.
"There is great honor in my sacrifice," I repeated to the elders as they grazed my cheeks and shoulders and arms with fleeting caresses.
There was something loving about these touches. Of course, they loved the one they gave away. Of course, they loved the one that secured their continued survival.
Never before had I felt so sick at seeing their aged, wizened, wrinkled faces. Knowing they were allowed to grow old and die in their slumber while I would be cut down in my prime.
Devoured by a monster.
I smiled, but it was as empty and soulless as our collective words. It certainly did not reach my eyes.
It never reached our eyes. I remembered another girl who had marched to her death. I had been so small at the time, yet I remembered her with such staggering clarity. I must have looked the same in this moment. A mask to match, to hide the despair; a cork to bottle up the urge to run—the instinct to flee into the wasteland and find a different fate in the sands, stung to death by scorpions and devoured by the dunes perhaps, but leaving them all to their own doom.
I refrained from acting upon my selfish instincts. We regarded such as courage, I believe, even when it stayed unspoken. But was it gutlessness, I wondered? It must have been.
In the end, if all you know are cowards, then it is easiest to fall in line and do as the others live before you. Die before you.
Easiest to uphold a legacy, rather than question it. Rather than mustering the audacity, the bravery to challenge old ways.
Still, they sang, and everybody cheered, and frolicked, and danced. Holding my hand for the rest of the way to the gates of our town, my sweetheart accompanied me. He had the gall to tell me how proud of me he was, how proud he was to have known me. His pain was genuine, but it paled in comparison to my own anguish—I knew this in my heart of hearts.
I never resented another person as much as I resented him in that moment. But it, too, was fleeting. Devoured by the dread that gripped me. The finality of it all, weighing down on me like an avalanche of crushing stone.
My friends were the first to stop following before reaching the gate. They kept shooting glances over their shoulders as the distance between us grew to lengths that could no longer be bridged.
Then my mother and my sweetheart let go of my hands, let me continue forth alone. Though true sadness rang with their goodbyes, it all felt weak. Pathetic, even.
Then the priestesses accompanied me the last steps of the forlorn way, up the dusty road, and they only turned back once the rocky crystalline crags jutted high above my narrow path.
My lonesome path.
And from our village, the Many watched. I felt cold as the Many watched me leave and disappear into the rocks. Back then, I did not understand it yet. But it makes so much sense to me now.
The Many always watched.
The singing, cheering, and weeping trailed behind me, growing fainter and fainter after I lost sight of them, and they lost sight of me. The village continued to celebrate my noble sacrifice, my great honor, but it was no longer in celebration of me. In truth, they rejoiced, their joy of life eclipsed the tragedy of my death. Whether they would admit it or not, they celebrated five more years of prosperity. Of knowing they would brave the wasteland in their idyllic little oasis, for five more years.
As for me, I harbored no such hopes. I admit to my cowardice and fear that had taken root within me. I could not have cared any less about that damned place. Some part of me, the rage within, it hoped to know their bones would one day lay bleached beneath the merciless sun. The adobe walls could crumble and bury them for all I cared. I fantasized about their singing and cheering turning to screams of agony as I envisioned myself in fantasies, of straying from the path and leaving them to their rotten fates.
It would not make a difference to me any longer. For me, the dragon awaited.
But I stayed my course. I truly think it was fear—cowardice—that guided me.
The uneven grounds and sharp rocks bent the leather of my sandals, making the walk as unpleasant as possible. I had to continuously readjust the flower wreath as it shifted crookedly upon my crown, but after what felt like an eternity of walking, I gave up on correcting it. How little would my appearance matter? Would the dragon be picky about its prey's adornments?
The spark of defiance within me never died, even if I had resigned myself to my fate. Too fearful of the consequences of challenging what was, and always had been.
I needed to use my hands to keep going, anyway. To find balance as the dusty path gave way to jagged rocks, and grounds too difficult to leisurely stride upon anymore.
My bitterness had grown to meet my fear. Perhaps it even eclipsed it. I was prepared to get this over with. I would even taunt the dragon, if necessary, if that helped speed things up. I prayed for a swift death, not a dignified one.
Another small eternity passed, leaving the bitterness to poison the well of my mind, flying by as my thoughts circled within the darkest depths of that well, antagonizing the place I had grown up in; demonizing the home I had thought I loved. And with that, I had chanced upon my destination. The precarious path led here, and only here. Only the damned had walked it.
A rumbling beneath the stone filled me. It shook me to the bone. Before I knew it, it felt rhythmic, like breathing. Or a colossal heartbeat.
Finally had I reached the great cave where the dragon dwelt.
A roar erupted from it, suggesting that it sensed my presence. A bright blaze illuminated the cave's bowels and made shadows dance along its rugged walls.
Growled the creature, with the volume of an earthquake and thunder conjoined, "Come to me."
I wanted to run, but I was too afraid. Not afraid of the beast chasing me or of tumbling down the rocks and breaking every bone in my body in a fall that would likely not have had the kindness to kill me instantly—but afraid of the consequences of being punished for breaking ancient law.
Sixty-four seasons young, and that was all it had taken to drill this feeble-mindedness into me.
Thus, I did as the dragon bid me to. What good was I at anything but doing as I was told?
I stepped inside the cave. I trembled all over. Though I told myself I had resigned my entire being to my death, I feared it more than anything now. My mind painted horrid pictures of many ways I could die—of ways I would die. Fire engulfing me and knowing the sensation of being burnt alive, with the skin blistering and sloughing off the bone. Of gigantic teeth that snapped my body like twigs.
Another growl heralded a small flame, lighting the path to my grim destiny.
The dragon awaited me at the end of the tunnel, where its scorched and scarred walls adjoined with a huge, cavernous hall. The rock had molten in its center, a perpetual fire within the stone that cast an eerie red glow, and perched upon a ledge, majestic in its magnificent size, there the beast sat, enthroned above the little creature I was in comparison to its awesome size.
But the dragon was not alone. The gloomy crimson shine revealed to me other people dwelling in this cavern. They surrounded me.
Women stood guard, all clad in armor and carrying spears of fearsome make. Star-metal gleamed in the glow, shaped to perfection upon mysterious forges. Many of the women looked older, grown adult, more beautiful than the day they had departed from the village. I recognized some of their faces. Many others looked strange and unknown, yet familiar somehow. My seniors, some elderly, all people I had expected to be long dead.
Yet here they stood. Alive, and fierce in appearance. Huntresses. Warriors.
Asked the dragon, "Did you choose to come here and end your life of your own volition?"
Imperiously it spoke, with the flames licking from its nostrils, and eyes glowing as red as the molten rock, a wisdom of eons pooling behind its glare.
It answered for me, for I had lost my speech, trading it for bewilderment over this strange sight, when it said, "Or was it the Many who chose for you to die hither on this day?"
A question that was no question. We all knew the answer.
I could not contain myself; curiosity had seized my senses, my gaze wandering across all these women gathered here, and then coming to rest upon the giant scaled beast, covered in horns and wings unfurling.
"Am I not to die here?" I asked, knowing the answer.
More growls erupted from the beast and tremors shook the earth. Murmurs traveled through the Ladies of the Spears.
"Do you know what the Many is?" asked the dragon instead of meeting my question.
With all due diligence and all the reverence I had been brought up to harbor, I replied, "The eldest say the Many is the manifestation of the spirits of our ancestors."
Words that came from a place of constant drill and blind repetition.
Of constant indoctrination.
"The Many is a dark spirit," growled the dragon.
Only now did I realize that the creature had been calm all this time—calm until now, that is. Until now, when fury welled in its air, and fires of rage erupted from its maw without harming anybody present but casting a bright light within the cave.
Said one of the women, every syllable resonating with crystal-clear resolve, "It feeds on the darkness of our people. Every act of cowardice bolsters its body. Every ounce of greed and envy is what feeds its blackened essence."
The strike of her spear against the stone echoed through the cave and punctuated her speech with a fury of her own.
Spake another, with a voice that trembled with anger, "It keeps our people weak. Pliable. It drinks the ghosts of those who breathe their last breath of old age, bitter and yellow-bellied, and it grows fatter with each selfish surrendering of us girls."
The dragon finished their angry remarks, "Whether they truly perish or not matters little to the Many. It knows not that it and I are ancient enemies, and that I would spare every one of your kind to end its existence. Come to me, child. Arm yourself, and we begin your lessons. Soon, the time will come that we march upon your home and face the Many in bloody battle. Only together do we stand any chance against such a demon."
And know you, who listens to me now, of that lost village. Of Umbra.
The day I came of age, my calloused hands could wield the spear better than I could ever wield the sewing needle or the pot. On that fateful day, the demon lost in our battle. And Umbra crumbled in its wake, a desolate ruin stranded in the wastes.
The dragon perished, as did many of my Sisters of the Spear who left their lives on the battlefield. And the Many, a giant hungry shadow it had become in my absence, it took our people with it. When our people screamed in fear upon seeing the dragon, the Many sapped them of their very life force and used it to grow to terrifying proportions. It used them as its shield, used their fear as its axe. Matched our resolve and slew so many before we could even hope to best it.
But as with all evil, now I know, it can never be eradicated. As long as man lives, darkness dwells in man's heart.
You seek the oasis? You seek the treasures you think we left behind in Umbra? You are a fool.
Do not go there. You will find only misery, and perhaps you will birth the Many again. For we could not destroy it. A dragon and all of us warriors, and we could not destroy it. We could only bury it beneath the bones of our ancestors and the crumbling adobe walls of our fallen village.
You cannot destroy it, either.
No man can.
As long as weakness lingers in the heart of man, the Many can feed upon it, and will always return.
Turn back now, traveler. I beseech you. There is nothing beyond this wasteland but death and gloom. Do not tempt fate, do not make our battle something that was fought in vain. For as long as Umbra stays buried and forgotten, so does the Many.
I care not for your story. Your excuses are feeble. Your supposed motives do not impress upon me.
Your greatest honor would be to now heed my words—to sacrifice your quest and abandon your folly—and turn back. Turn back now—or I shall do us the favor of striking you down before your greed can feed the Many again.
What shall it be?
—Submitted by Wratts
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cherrybombfangirl · 3 years
Ninjago Angst Week - Day 4!
(my fanseason) Amy knows what she has to do to save her family from the monster she could become. But there’s just one tiny issue with what that entails.........
Warnings: Hatch gets his own warning, death death and more death, major character death, violence, description of lethal injuries, depictions of blood and wounds, guns and gunshot wounds, thoughts of and attempt at suicide, and ANGST so much ANGST I'm not even kidding I really loaded this up with all the ANGST-
This one’s a bit longer than my other ones. Enjoy!
They finally met up with Nya, Jay, and Cole, who were also very relieved to see Amy alive and in one piece.
Amy gave Jay a suspicious look, "What did you do?"
Jay laughed nervously, "I think we did OK!"
Behind them, a huge explosion went off, triggering alarms.
A tired smile crossed Amy's face and she shook her head. "Missed you too sparkle Fingers. Let's go guys."
They finally made it to the upper levels, where a bunch of Andys were waiting to stop them. Not willing to back down, the ninja jumped fists up (despite everyone being pretty banged up).
They didn't have much in way of weapons, so they all just fought hand to hand or used their powers.
Amy was in barely any shape to fight, but she did what she could.
Jay's lightning and Kai's fire set off more explosions, and gunfire forced them all to find cover behind concrete columns.
Amy launched a small forcefield around the column she and Lloyd were hiding behind, and pain flashed behind her eyes. She hissed, forcing herself to not collapse right there, and leaned against the column.
An Andy dropped dead next to her feet, and she snatched up his gun. It wasn't loaded all the way, but better than no weapon.
"Someone get that crazy doctor guy!" Jay shouted.
"I blasted him with my fire like three times!" Kai said, "How is that psycho still alive?"
Zane quickly peeked around his column and scanned Hatch. "He's been injected with some kind of super-healing immortal serum. It will take much more than some flames to kill him."
"Great," Kai groaned, "As if killing this guy couldn't get any harder with the dozens of person bodyguards swarming him!"
Amy squeezed her eyes shut.
They were losing.
They were losing and she was going to be turned back into a monster and forced to hurt her family if she didn't do something.
But what?
She felt the small syringe stuffed in down the front of her jumpsuit, cold against her tender, torn skin.
Amy reached down her shirt and pulled it out.
The syringe had a horrifying gleam in the firelight behind her.
The image of herself she'd seen back in the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb came to her. She looked exactly the same in that reflection as she did now.
In the back of her mind, she saw the image of a purple panther sacrificing itself to save the other animals- a maroon phoenix, a red lion, a blue octopus, a black gorilla, a white wolf.......... And a golden dragon.
A purple panther.
Her animal symbol.
And all the other animals.......
The animal symbols of the others.
Amy had never seen the image before, yet the image was familiar and she somehow knew it was true and real.
Her fist closed around the syringe and she took a deep breath.
She knew what she had to do.
Amy looked around at her friends- her family- fighting to get out of here. To get her out of here.
But if Hatch won, Amy would go straight back to getting brainwashed and hurting her family.
She couldn't do this to them.
But she also couldn't let them get hurt by her.
Amy looked from her family to the fight behind them, torn. Finally, she made her decision. She took a deep breath, grabbed Lloyd, and pulled him into a kiss, making it as long and deep as possible. Letting the kiss give her the strength and courage she needed for what she was about to do.
Lloyd was very caught off guard and surprised, but kissed her back anyway.
She pulled away from a little, whispering, "I'm sorry, I love you, I'm so sorry." Then she broke away- racing into the fray. Lloyd shouted after her, but she was already too far.
"HATCH STOP!" She shouted, the gun aimed at his heart (if he in fact had one, still up for debate).
Hatch turned at her warning, looked at the gun, and scoffed. "Oh, dear Seven, I can't die. I sure you've seen what my new super healing serum can do."
Amy forced herself to put on a brave face and breathe normally. "Maybe you can't die," she said, loud enough for Hatch to hear. Then in one movement, dropped her weapon, pulled out the syringe, and held it to her neck. "But I can."
Hatch's eyes widened with realization, he regained his composure and ordered the Andys to stop. The fighting screeched to a halt, and he chuckled, raising his gun and aiming it at Amy. The Ninja team erupted with fury and started to charge, but Amy held up a hand to stop them.
"Oh, Seven, this is a bit rash, don't you think?" Hatch asked, "Maybe you want to rethink what is at stake here. Consider what you are facing if you use that."
"Oh, I've considered it," Amy said, "I know you need me in order for your plan to work, and that I'm the one thing that will bring you down if I'm gone. So the only way to stop you is to stop me."
Her free hand, the one with a broken arm, shook violently, and not just from the pain. She took a deep, shuttering breath to calm herself.
Hatch desperately tried to defuse the situation. "Now Seven-"
Hatch snarled then finally snapped, raising his gun and aiming in less than a second. One, two, three bangs, and three red stains began to grow on the already bloodstained white jumpsuit. One on her stomach, one on her shoulder, and one on her leg. Hatch smiled evilly as he lowered his gun.
Then the syringe fell from Amy's hand and shattered to the floor. Empty.
Amy looked up, directly into Hatch's eyes, glaring. "You.......lost......." She ground out before crying out with pain as the poison coursed through her veins like molten lava.
Hatch roared with fury but was cut off by Kai who yelled with anger. There was a huge column of flames (combined with the other's powers), and the evil scientist was gone forever. Andys started dropping immediately with their leader or fighting to kill them all off.
Luckily, the others were able to keep them back with their powers.
Amy let out a gasp of pain, clenching her teeth as she felt her legs give out under her and she stumbled backward into Lloyd. She clutched one hand to the gunshot wound in her stomach and the other to her neck where she had injected the poison in an attempt to stop the pain. Lloyd gently lowered her to the ground, desperately trying to stop the bleeding from the wound on her shoulder.
Amy couldn't hold it any longer as the poison reached her brain, and let out a small cry of pain, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'm- I'm not gonna make-"
"No," Lloyd whispered holding her in his arms, "No, no.........no, don't say that," he whispered as his eyes burned with tears. "You're gonna be fine, you- it's fine, you're gonna be fine, we just gotta-" His hand, trying to stop the bleeding in her shoulder, was now slick with blood.
Black blood.
The poison was turning her blood black.
Amy opened her mouth to say something but grimaced with pain. When she tried again, it came out in a whisper between gasps of pain. "Lloyd, I-........." She winced, unable to finish.
"No," Lloyd said, "You can't do this to me, Amy you can't- you can't do this, please, you have to stay, you have to stay with me-"
Bolt, who had been sitting next to them, whined and nudged his owner's hand.
Amy smiled weakly and softly rubbed his head. "Bolt........... You did a great job buddy. I-" She paused, interrupted by coughing fit, hacking up more blood, now turning black. "I....... want you to take care of Lloyd for me until I see you again.............. Alright boy? Will you do that for me?" Bolt whined again and slipped his head under her arm so he could rest his head on her stomach.
Amy looked back to Lloyd, who had tears threatening to spill. Lloyd swallowed hard, trying to keep his tears at bay. She brushed a lock of hair out of his face, and let him take her hand in his.
"No," Lloyd begged, "Please you can't leave me, Amy, please."
"Lloyd............" Amy murmured, "It's OK-"
"No!" Lloyd said again, "No, no, You can't- I can't do this........ Please..........." His voice was shaking, "Amy, please, I can't- I can't lose you too! Please, no......"
"I'm sorry," Amy whispered, "I'm sorry, Lloyd. I'm so, so sorry- I..........." She trailed off, not having enough strength to finish. She pulled him down to her and kissed him with the last of her strength.
The kiss was over as fast as it started, even though for a second, it felt like an eternity to both of them. Amy let her head fall back as she closed her eyes. Her arm slipped from Lloyd's grasp, falling to the ground, lifeless, and she didn't move again.
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epicspheal · 3 years
Alright so I was going to make KBDN Valentine’s day Fic and got a nice case of writer’s block...anyways here’s Raihan/Leon fic courtesy of OTP prompt generator. Please check it out on AO3 Or  Title: Midnight Snack Pairing: Raihan/Leon Word Count: 1260
So much has changed for Leon in the past year. He was no longer champion, having been dethroned in a spectacular battle with Hop’s best friend and rival, Calla. Leon now owned Rose’s tower as well as the league thanks to the now former chairman restarting the Darkest Day "for the sake of Galar" (that may have been the dumbest thing Leon ever heard from Rose who was typically a brilliant man). But best of all, Leon had finally moved in with his boyfriend of two years in his castle. Yes, you read that right, Raihan has a castle. Just small things when you’re dating the Duke of Hammerlocke. Of course Leon still kept his penthouse flat up in Wyndon, but finally getting the ornate key to the private quarters of the Hammerlocke Palace on Valentine’s Day was a huge leap forward in Leon and Raihan’s relationship. Of course the media was speculating on a potential royal engagement soon for Galar’s favorite battle couple, but Leon was trying not to think about it too much...
That being said, Leon had picked up one bad habit over the past year- waking up for midnight snacks. Now that Leon ran the league he could set the meetings (no more 5 am meetings because Rose was an early Delibird). That meant he could go to sleep much later. There was also the fact that the new champ would call him at midnight to meet her at the Wyndon cafe to chat and eat cookies. Leon would soon find out her late night habits came from studying for college tests (he was still in awe that little Calla started uni at eight and graduated with a First Honors Chemistry Degree by the age of 12).
Tonight though, Calla had not called him about a new hypothesis she had or battle strategies, but still the need for chocolate chip cookies and moomoo milk came to Leon all the same. So carefully, Leon got out of the luxurious king-sized bed he now shared with Raihan and tiptoed out of the bedroom and into the spacious kitchen. He was very careful to not make any noise as he knew Raihan was a light sleeper.
He made it to the kitchen quietly, being able to pull out some chocolate chip cookies from the trapinch shaped cookie jar Leon had made for Raihan for Valentine’s day.
“Hmm” Leon said as he inspected cookies “I should warm these up in the microwave!” Oh wait...the microwave is loud as fuck Leon thought as he made his way to the appliance in question that beeping will certainly wake Rai-Rai up.
“I just have to make sure I stop it before it beeps!” Leon said as he popped the cookies in the microwave and set the cook time to 30 seconds. The light in the microwave flashed on as the cookies began to rotate on the turntable as the microwave quietly hummed. 30, 29, 28... Leon’s thoughts began to wander as they always did...first to the new champ Calla. Of course she was popular having defeated him after all, but still many in Galar seemed to view her as illegitimate since she used Eternatus in her battle against him. While it did fit her team given the fact she’s a poison type specialist, Eternatus being the Pokemon who almost destroyed the region, there wasn’t much love for the giant space dragon (affectionately named Hemlock by the new champ). Definitely needed to work on some PR for that. 19, 18, 17… Then there was the matter of book club...Cynthia had a new detective’s novel she wanted her fellow champions to read and Leon couldn’t be more excited. He just needed to find the time to read the book in between his Battle Tower Meetings…
13, 12, 11…
Speaking of the Battle Tower...and the league he now ran, he should probably look into going back to school to his masters of business administration. He wants to manage this right...after all Rose had entrusted him with ensuring Galar’s future before being put behind bars….
9, 8, 7...
Also he needed to go back to Postwick soon. He promised Hop they’d go have a brother vacation soon. Between Leon getting possessed by Eternatus and Hop nearly getting mauled by a raging Zamazenta (who he now owned...Go Hop) both the Villalobos brothers realized that life was short and they needed to spend more time with each other... BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! “ ¡ AH MIERDA!” Leon exclaimed, he got lost in his thoughts again. If the beeping of the microwave didn’t wake Raihan out, then Leon’s ill-timed shout definitely did. Leon sighed heavily as he took the cookies out now nice, warm and soft.
Leon heard the footsteps coming from behind and he whipped around to see softly glowing teal eyes focused on him, the pupils narrowed into slits. If Leon were anyone else, they’d think an actual dragon was staring them down (not that there wasn't a grain of truth to it). But Leon knew his Rai-Rai, and that this was just his just-waking-up face
“Rai-Rai! Lo siento, I was trying to be quiet...I just needed a midnight snack” Leon said quickly “my late night cafe sessions with Calla have gotten to me” Raihan looked down to regard the plate of still steaming cookies in Leon’s hands, his pupils dilating at seeing the snack, before looking up to meet Leon’s golden eyes.
“So my favorite snack is holding a bunch of warm cookies, eh” Raihan said with a smirk, revealing the fangs his family had long developed with their centuries of dragon taming.
“I um oh?” Leon replied intelligently as a blush formed on his face. He called me his favorite snack…
“So are ya going to share those with me?” Raihan asked. To that Leon’s face lit up. “Oh of course!” Leon exclaimed as he shoved the cookies into Raihan’s hand suddenly “Let me go get us some MooMoo Milk”
Leon all but ran to the refrigerator to pull out a jug of milk. He came back to Raihan’s side with two cool glasses of milk. The two decided to sit at the counter and enjoy their milk and cookies “These are so delicious warmed up” Raihan said between bites to which Leon nodded Leon’s thoughts began to drift back to Raihan as they always did. Somehow Leon never thought he’d get this far...having resigned himself to pining silently until two years ago when he finally had the courage to ask Rai-Rai out. Now they were living together. And for the last Christmas, Leon actually got to meet Raihan’s parents, the grand duke and duchess of Hammerlocke.
He knew he shouldn’t give too much credence to the tabloids...but it seemed like the signs were there. That maybe just maybe Raihan would be his forever person. Leon marrying a prince (well duke technically). That just made his heart bounce in his chest…
“Lee” Raihan said, snapping Leon out of his thoughts “whatcha thinking about?” “I love you Raihan” Leon blurted out suddenly. Now it was Raihan’s turn to blush “I just love you so much. And I love this. I never thought we’d be here, sharing cookies and milk at midnight...being an actual couple. It just makes me so happy” “Leon” Raihan said softly “I love you too...I’m so glad we’re living together” Little did the two young adults know...that their little midnight snack dates would become a tradition that would last for decades to come.
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