#anyway I just needed to rant about this because i got remembered it suddenly
fragglez · 9 months
things proffesionals at the sexology-clinic denmark have told me when I wanted to start on hrt: (i was 13-16)
have you considered that maybe you're just a masculine lesbian and not transgender (because clearly you can't be both at the same time /sarcasm)
have you had sex before? no? maybe try having sex and then come back again (I am 13 years old..)
do you want to kill yourself? no? then do you really need to start hrt
are you into girls or boys... no one? well but uhh if you had to choose tho (sorry aromantic is not an option!)
how many partners have you had (because that matters for some reason)
tell me, a stranger you met five minutes ago, and with your parents sitting right next to you, explain everything you don't like about your body... in details please
are you autistic (whoops guess autistic people can't be trans sorry)
tell me what did you wear as a child when your parents were buying you clothed and still dressed you (if you answer clothes for your agab then wrong answer! sorry! you're not trans)
you're a teenager! stop worrying about this go to parties and have sex and then you'll be more sure about who you are
some "trans" person in england changed their mind and sued their clinic (that is not my problem why are you telling me this)
what clothes do you like to wear (maybe take a look at me and see what i am wearing)
come back when you're 18 there's too many trans people so we don't really want to help any of you sorry
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wayfayrr · 3 months
My love mine all mine
Continuation of I bet on losing dogs
It's my birthday so that means I get to treat myself by writing a continuation of my Roman Empire fic <3
It's a reverse Isekai but this time it's post the event that caused him to isekai, and he's got a bit more to deal with now - but he'll be fine because he's by your side, and he won't let anything change that there is so much lore going into this fic, so there might be more to come in this saga yet :3c
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I’m still here? 
No - no I’m not in Hyrule now, something feels different enough that I know that. If I was still in Hyrule then that ‘sky’ would be here if I wasn’t hallucinating him. Besides that though, something feels different, I’m not in as much pain although everything feels heavier. Almost - no don’t get your hopes up yet link.
Moving still takes a painful amount of effort, like my wounds are still there but now everything suddenly weighs triple on top of those. It was the shift from feeling floaty and detached to suddenly being forced back into a body, one that doesn’t feel like my own, that makes everything feel so undeniably real. Now it’s just a matter of opening my eyes to see what’s actually happened to me. 
The room I’m in looks so similar to [name’s] when we ended up here one time chasing the shadow, from what I can see lying down like this anyway. Don’t get your hopes up until you see them link. There’s a blanket over me too, the very same that they lent to me the first time I was here; the feeling of it over me makes it the fact that I can’t barely move somewhat more bearable as I let out a low groan. Which seemed to almost summon the person who’s probably responsible for taking me in. 
“link what the FUCK did you do?”
Wait, what do they me-
“how the HELL do I have memories of you being my best friend growing up now - I know I met you for the first time in hyrule. you aren't supposed to exist as a person here and yet.”
“[name] I don't -”
“I have the most vivid memory of everything. including having to pick you and sky up passed out on the street because apparently the two of you decided to go out on a bender or something - I don't know but I can remember it somehow.”
That rant seems to have cooled them off for now, not that they're mad just concerned… not that I'm not also. Those memories they mentioned too, I know what they're talking about; it's trippy. I have two sets of my life, one that I know is true and this other one that feels like a learned lie. A cover up. It feels similar to a backstory I learned to lie during espionage, but it's information about [name’s] world. Memories of a whole life lived here, like it's preparing me… or trying to adjust something new being forced into it that shouldn't be here.
“I don't - I think it's cause… I. You said sky is here too?” 
“Yeah, he's the reason I'm so certain these memories aren't real, he only got included when I found him when I went out to buy supplies for you. Something feels off about all of this, and I think you two have the answers I need.”
Did sky..? No he wouldn't have. Would he? 
“I think so too.”
“Can you tell me what you think it was?”
My voice is dead in my throat, I can't tell them what I did. They'll lose any respect they had for me won't they? I don't even know for certain if sky did the same… but I could have sworn he was there when I - I…He wouldn't have done that to himself, surely not. Even though I could've said the same for myself before everything.
“I… would prefer not to, if that's alright.”
“Okay link, I won't push you. Either way, it's nice to be back at your side even if it's slightly different than what I'm used to.”
That's all it takes to finally break my guard and for the tears to start flowing. I can finally rest, there isn’t any expectation of me here, no pressure to be the picture-perfect hero, no nothing. I can just exist here with my lover for the rest of our lives. 
“Can you tell me why everything feels so different now though?”
“Link, haven’t you been able to tell? You aren’t a Hylian anymore. Whatever you did, you’re a human now and you've got a whole recorded history here on earth. You and sky both. Speaking of him, he’s downstairs helping himself to stuff; been awake a lot longer than you have, should probably go check on him really. You feeling alright enough to come with me?”
Moving my limbs still feels different but now it isn’t impossible to move them and seeing the smile on [name’s] face from me just sitting up to move is more than worth the slight discomfort. Falling into their open arms is just another perk of it, being helped to my feet whilst being allowed to cling to them? It’s a dream come true. But despite this there’s something that doesn’t feel right, why is sky here… I’ll have to ask him myself. 
“S- why are you drinking all of my milk straight from the bottle sky?”
“...Wanna get drunk.”
“It's milk. You’re never going to get drunk off of drinking milk.”
With the two of them distracted by each other, [name] still letting me cling to their arm thankfully, I get a proper look at him. It’s sky, it’s really sky, but he’s human. All of his scars are the same asides from a new one on his neck and a few burns on his hands ones that look like they come from holding a sword. Fi must have tried to stop him. The strangest thing is seeing him with short rounded ears though - I can’t imagine what I look like to him. This has to be the first time I’ve seen him trying so desperately to get drunk though, he saw you do it. He’s drinking to forget, like you have so many times in the past. 
“What do you mean of course I will. Why do you think milk bars were so popular in hyrule?”
“But you aren’t hylian now sky. You’re a human now, and we don’t get drunk from milk.”
“You - we… don’t? Ah. Well. That explains a lot of things then.”
“Did everyone think that I was an addict? Oh my, that explains the ‘interventions’ each of you had with me. Even my boyfriends thought I was an alcoholic.”
The sigh they let out before resting their head against me could make me an addict, as ironic as that is. Although that does bring up the question of how everything is going to be so different now, we’re going to have to relearn a lot of what we’ve always known as fact. But it’ll be by [name’s] side. And I’ll do anything to keep it this way.
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harlowtales · 2 months
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Jack finally realizes how he feels about his “bestie” Y/N but is it too late?
18+ adult themes and language
“C’mon Y/N pass it!! For fuck sakes I’m open!” Jack shouted from in front of the goalie net ready to kick in the soccer ball. You took the shot instead of passing it to Jack, a move the goalie didn’t see coming. Ismail in goal dove across the net to save it but it hit the goal post just the right way and went in over his head. You SCORED!!!
“Whoooooo!!!! Eat that bitch!” You screamed to a humiliated Ismail on the ground now with his head in his hands from an epic miss.
You were the only girl on the Private Garden soccer team. You grew up playing soccer with Jack and all the guys. The day they found out you were a girl is a day Jack will never forget. You were all about 8 years old and you had all your hair hidden up in your hat so they would allow you to play, but it had proven to be difficult to play soccer with a hat so when you were subbed in you looked over at your dad who gave you a look for you to go for it, and you took your hat off to which your long curls came cascading down.
To Jack in that moment you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and the most beautiful girl to him still, but telling you all that would ruin years of friendship and mess up the whole friend group. Add to that him being famous and it was a recipe for disaster if you knew how he felt. Sometimes it was harder to hide how he looked at you than other times, but this was not one of those times. He was pissed you took the shot instead of passing him the ball.
“Fuck is wrong with you Y/N?? There ain’t no I in TEAM.” He lectured, his curls all sweaty and jersey wet, he peeled it off with a look of agitation firmly fixed on his face as his sweat dripped down his chest and abs and he guzzled back some water. Any girl would be unable to speak given the sight of him but you were too mad to care.
“Fuck is wrong with you Harlow?” You shot back just as irritated. He hated when you called him that because you only did it when you were pissed. You started walking away with a sack of balls over your shoulder which made him extra mad.
“Yo Y/N you legit have the biggest sack here.” Sunni called out to you and you dropped the sack and fell on the ground howling. Sunni had a way of getting you going. Seeing how you just blew him off Jack walked over to you fuming.
“Y/N we need to talk. NOW.” He said standing over you on the ground as you were wiping tears of laughter. Sunni was waiting for you in the distance to catch up.
“Get over yourself bro. It’s a game. I took a shot and I scored. Why are you so jealous? I score more than you do. On and off the field.” You said mercilessly glaring at him as you got up and dusted yourself off with not even a hand up from him.
“Since you started playing in college you got a real fucking attitude you know that?” He said in your face. “You’ll never play pro anyway. You’re a girl Y/N. A GIRL. Remember?” His words stung and put your anger in overdrive.
“I’m going to the olympics!” You defiantly spat back
“Oh yeah? And then what? Huh? It’s not the WNBA. There’s no chance to be a star and you have a massive ego.” Jack continued on his rant.
Sunni ran back to broker peace between the two of you. “Yoooooo chill bro. Yes she is a girl so back up a bit.” Sunni defended you and made you blush. A lot of the time you kind of forgot you were female. You were raised by your dad and uncles as your mom couldn’t look after you due to battling addiction so your dad took full custody from the time you were 2 and it was just you and him. You learned how to fix cars and play sports. He wasn’t sure how to raise a girl so he just raised a boy as best he could.
Jack suddenly felt bad for tearing into you as Sunni gave him a wake up call about his attitude. “It’s our sister Y/N bro. Not some random. Chill out.” Sunni said calmly. “Y/N you coming by? I’m doing some fresh lasagna.”
“Bro. I’m there right now! I’m starving.” You said smiling ear to ear. Sunni was an amazing cook.
“No invite for me?” Jack said now calmed down
“Uh…not this time bro, me and Y/N kinda just chill together on Thursdays.” Sunni said taking Jack by surprise as he was unaware this was something they did just with each other.
“Fine, I gotta hit the studio anyway. Y/N, nice goal.” He said in a truce hugging you.
“No worries fam.” You said but were upset he came at you so hard. You couldn’t shake the feeling he was going through something. “You good?”
“He’s fine.” Sunni interrupted eager to spend time with you alone.
Jack couldn’t shake the feeling of irritation and had no idea why he was in such a bad mood lately. He was snapping at everyone. Even Neelam had a talk with him that he was getting out of pocket too often. Once at home he hopped in the shower and fed pups. He was sore all over and decided to order a pizza. Half way through watching Dune he lost track of the story as his mind wandered to what you and Sunni were up to and why neither of you had told him about the exclusive Thursday night just the two of you hung out.
He decided to call Urban and see what he knew. “Yo Urb what up?” Jack said casually
“Nuthin bruh just chilling with Azura and the fam.” Urban said as he was just sitting down to eat with his family and girlfriend.
“Yo did you know Y/N and Sunni just hang together alone every Thursday night?” Jack asked trying not to have the way he felt about it show up in his voice. He uncomfortably cleared his throat.
“Um no, I didn’t.” Urban said not thinking much of it. To him Y/N was one of the guys so much he forgot it was possible anything could be going on.
Jack delayed responding deep in thought. “You still there?” Urban said “I gotta go bro it’s dinner time.”
“Yeah no worries. See you tomorrow.” Jack said distracted by how weird the whole thing was. He couldn’t resist and called Sunni.
“What up” Sunni said as Jack FaceTimed him so he could see what was happening. Sunni had his shirt off having just showered and was busy taking a steaming lasagna out of the oven. It had a perfect cheesy crust bubbling on top. The smell of it made Y/N wander into the kitchen who appeared gorgeous having just showered off the game as well. She was wearing Sunni’s tank too and shorts with no bra.
“Sunni OMG!! I can’t wait to try it!” You said coming up behind Sunni and giggling as he kept you from attacking it. You were clearly relaxed and having a great time.
Jack nearly dropped the phone. He fought the urge to jump in his jeep to go over there and punch Sunni in the face. He kept his cool knowing he had no right to be mad anyway. You weren’t his girl and in fact whenever you took a shot in the past he always curved you for some other super girly girl who wore next to nothing and was always what you could never be.
You had no idea how beautiful you were. At some point in time almost every guy in the crew had a crush on you, but decided it wasn’t worth messing up friendship. Jack had always loved you but was expert at shoving his feelings aside. He would distract himself with other girls but as he was getting older, thinking about what was important in life, and spending more time in Louisville, a lot of what he always felt for you became more impossible to hide and his luxury condo seemed so empty.
However in typical Jack fashion he just lashed out at you as he had done all these years whenever he felt something for you. “You know bras are a thing.” He said harshly.
You shrank in embarrassment and subconsciously covered your chest leaving the kitchen.
“Why are you always on her like that bruh?” Sunni said shaking his head as he perfectly portioned out some lasagna with a kitchen towel slung over his shoulder like the chef he was “You know it’s starting to get old.”
“Old?” Jack said taken aback by Sunni’s tone.
“Yeah…and mean.” He said further
“Well fuck don’t let me ruin your special chill night.” Jack said sarcastically rolling his eyes.
“You know what bro?” Sunni said “I like Y/N and she likes me. Okay? So lay off her. She’s not your punching bag anymore. Got it?” Sunni was unaware of the dynamic between you and Jack over the years. You never told him seeing as Jack ignored you every time you let him know you thought of him as more than a friend. Why make something that was never anything a thing?
“Yeah got it loud and clear.” Jack said abruptly ending the FaceTime.
Jack started pacing and opened the freezer hunting for some ice cream. He ate the whole pint and snuggled in with pups to get a good nights sleep, but even his dreams were haunted by images of you laughing on the ground that day, your dimples popping and hazel eyes shining. You were so carefree in spite of so many challenges growing up with just your dad. He was kind of afraid of someone like you because he knew with you there would be no turning back. With you it had to be for real. You weren’t someone he could kiss on the forehead and send home with no emotion after sex.
Jack had barely heard from you in a few weeks. Quick texts here and there let him know you were busy with finals and soccer season coming to a close, but Sunni knew everything you had been up to and Jack couldn’t stand it. He was busy putting the finishing touches on his album and planning tour so he didn’t like you were on his mind so much. He had too much to do to be preoccupied.
Chilling with all the guys at puzzle night at his place he asked Sunni how you were as you couldn’t make it. You were travelling to Lexington to play UK the next day.
“Y/N’s really doing her thing isn’t she?” Jack said wistfully and partially digging for information.
“She sure is. Top scorer and honour student. She’s amazing.” Sunni said off handedly not really wanting to get into it with Jack.
“So you guys a thing or what?” Jack asked slightly insecurely and frustrated he couldn’t find the puzzle piece he wanted, kind of a metaphor for his life at the moment.
“She got a lot going on, but yeah, we’re talking. I’m being a gentleman if you know what I mean. She don’t need anymore bullshit in her life yuh know?” Sunni said as he threw his head back to eat a handful of beer nuts.
“So you haven’t….you know” Jack cautiously inquired
“Um that’s kinda our business bro. Respectfully.” Sunni said tapping Jack on the shoulder signalling he was done with conversation.
“This can’t continue. I gotta let Y/N know how I feel. Let her decide.” Jack said to himself, forever the alpha male not wanting to concede that easily. He decided to drive up to Lexington in the morning. Sunni was one of his best friends. Jack assumed it would be all good if Y/N chose him which of course she was going to do once she knew how he really felt.
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow @okaaay-mice
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3rosx · 4 months
Wanna write an angsty smutty Aventurine x Dr Ratio fic because I suddenly want to play billards, then I remembered that there are billard tables in Penacony (I saw some but they’re circle like how does that work?!) and then my head was like working and I talked to my friend about it “hmm I feel like Dr Ratio could use his physics/mathematician skills to calculate shit while he plays, like he wouldn’t even give the opponent a chance to play their turn” and then I the daily “Aventurine is a slut” thought that pops in my head everyday, because of AVENTURINE and his convo with everyone but most importantly what Sparkle said about him convincing Sunday because he stripped and got on his knees to promise HEHHEHEHEHEHEH, happened and I pieced two and two together and then was like.
What if Dr Ratio plays billards/8pool with Aventurine, but not like when he plays with others, what if he’s close enough with Aventurine to play just for the fun of it. He doesn’t need to be the best, he doesn’t need to try his hardest. He can just be him, not perfect. But at the same time, this is Aventurine. The “don’t trust what he says, it’s not true. It’s all a sham.” Aventurine and Ratio knows it. With Aventurine he’s comfortable enough to not be special, but at the same time to Aventurine he was “nothing special” in the first place.
Hmm, I just love toxic lovers doomed from the start trope but it doesn’t matter if the relationship is toxic because at least it happened.
Anyways! Just a little rant for the sanity of my head and imagination. Toodles~
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galaxythreads · 4 months
The live action ATLA is amazing. 9.5/10. I didn't love everything about it, but there are so so so so many good parts and I'm so glad that Netflix decided to make this. I've seen a lot of weird criticism from long time fans and maybe I just haven't been in the fandom long enough, but. I absolutely think it's worth giving a watch if you go in with a semi blank slate. The Netlfix series is not trying to be an exact scene by scene remake of the show.
The thing about it that you have to remember when you go in is that they said they were going to change the tone of the show, and they did, and it works! It's not the same. It's not a comedy. It's funny, but it's not a comedy. Character motivations were changed to fit the darker theme. It's using Avatar as source material and intends to be an adaption, not a reconstruction of the series.
Katara is much more traumatized about her mom's death, which made sense! She was murdered in front of her. She's afraid to take on a maternal role because of that. She's quieter and softer because she's afraid and she's healing from her mother's murder. Katara in the series made sense, too, but I feel like someone looked at her and went! Wait. Smol child is maybe...not okay??? I have faith they will build her up as the seasons progress if they continue.
Hakoda is disappointed in Sokka barely passing his trial. Makes sense! They're at war! Sokka has to take care of the village, of course Hakoda has high expectations for him. And the thing is--Hakoda still trusted Sokka with the responsibility of the village anyway, so his disappointment in Sokka's trial didn't stop his faith in his son. And honestly, I think it's fine that Hakoda is not a perfect parent who never makes mistakes. Parents rant about their kids to their friends all the time. It's healthy because they're not doing it in front of, or to, their kid. Hakoda didn't know Sokka was listening. So. Idk. Sokka doesn't go through his misogyny is bad actually arc, and while I missed it, I thought he functioned really well in this story without it. And for the record!!!! Sokka STILL makes stupid jokes the entire season. He didn't lose his sense of humor.
Aang feeling so much guilt about leaving? Yep! I can vibe with that. I missed his innocence and playfulness, but I feel like this wasn't a bad take on the character either. He was still playful, but in the world they live in, it would make sense that he feels terrible for leaving. And everyone they encounter takes it upon them to rub it in his face so why wouldn't he feel bad or out of place?? Especially after Bumi. Everyone says he needs to face this alone, and Aang learning that he doesn't have to?? Powerful!! Is it the same arc as s1 of the show? No! It's not supposed to be!
Zuko's actor was perfectly cast. That boy IS Zuko. The scence at the end of e6 made me cry because it was so powerful with the 41st, and that felt so EARNED after episodes of watching Zuko's crew despise him to suddenly realizing the only reason they're alive is because of him and realizing it's an honor to shelter him. Zuko drawing Aang to pin him on his disaster wall was amazing. Him getting hit by some random woman for attacking Aang? Amazing. Him sitting next to Iroh during Lu Ten's funeral? So soft. The Agni Kai really rubbed people the wrong way, but I think it was interesting that they decided to have Zuko showing compassion be the root of Ozai's anger. He showed compassion to the 41st, he shows compassion to his father, and when Ozai has defeated him, he has him on the ground and could walk away, and he chooses to burn his face. It's not exactly the same as the show, but again, it's not intending to be.
Azula being here was interesting. I don't know if I loved Zhao being incapable of doing anything without her, but it works for what it is. Zhao is intended to be annoying and he was! So. 10/10. She cried when Zuko got his scar! Ozai playing the long hand of terrible abusive tactics made me want to bite him. Because Ozai doesn't care about Zuko. He uh. Made that pretty clear when he banished him and then at the end when he's explicitly told Zuko might have died at Agna Qel'a and he's like ????????? Am I supposed to care??? We've gotten rid of weakness. So??? Like he used Zuko to force Azula to become more ruthless. He used Zuko to shape her. I do hope we get more exploration of Ty Lee and Mai so they aren't Faceless Blorb Friends, but I just don't think there was really time in s1.
The parts they chose to remove and add into the story was interesting. You got to explore the story for the first time again. I definitely think both versions have merit and are deeply enjoyable, I just don't think you should go in expecting it to be exactly the same thing? I was happy to see a new take on the story, but that might be because I knew that it was going to be darker and the characters would adapt to that. I do hope we can get more of the vibe of the show's humor in season 2 if we get season 2, and Katara feels little more like her show-counter part because I missed her, but honestly, I do recommend to a friend.
Or at the very least, if you absolutely refuse to watch it, PLEASE go watch the last 1/2 of episode 6 with Zuko and the 41st because I CANNOT.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
I have to rant about this because I just noped out of a fic because of it and I need your opinion on it but,
One prevailing fandom trope in any Steve-centric fic that bugs the shit out of me is when they make Steve's popularity absolutely tank either after he drops Tommy and Carol, or after Billy shows up.
Because firstly, just because Tommy and Carol are no longer friends with Steve doesn't mean everyone else will suddenly stop liking him to. In fact, based on Barb's reaction to Nancy potentially dating Steve (excited) to when she brings up Nancy being friends with Tommy and Carol (which Nancy reacts badly to), Tommy and Carol have a worse reputation than Steve does at school so wouldn't people be happy that Steve dropped them?
Steve's also on multiple sports teams and let me tell you as a former sports team player, you don't successfully play on or captain a sports team without at least kind of being friends with/getting along with the people on that team. Getting beat up by a "loser" like Jonathan probably would get him sympathy instead of scorn considering how people seem to feel about Jonathan in general (and because I know that news of those pictures got spread around the school so people likely thought Steve was just being an ongoing victim of Jonathan's creepiness). He's also a rich, attractive, and funny guy. There's no way people just decide to drop him because he dumped Tommy and started dating Nancy.
Then there's the fact that when Billy does show up, Steve is still King Steve enough that Billy almost immediately knows that this is the person he has to beat in order to be Top Dog. He specifically says that everyone keeps talking about King Steve, so why would they be if Steve dropped off the social ladder a year ago?
No one can also convince me Steve stopped being popular after Billy beat him up because firstly, Tommy being his friend isn't an indicator that Billy is now popular (as stated above, Tommy was obviously less liked than Steve was), nor is doing 1 impressive thing at a party half the people will probably be too drunk to remember. He also wouldn't lose popularity from dropping basketball because 1) a bad concussion isn't bad enough to take someone completely out of a sport like basketball once it heals and basketball season wouldn't properly start until a full month or two after the events of S2, so he wouldn't quit because of that and despite what many, many fics try to do, Steve is would not quit to avoid Billy. He just wouldn't, it's so out of character that that's the reason I noped out of the fic I was reading.
This is also not even mentioning that everyone seems to think that if Billy is popular or king of the school, then Steve just HAS to be a friendless loser, which is such a blatant attempt to just dump trauma on Steve. I mean, if they want to make Steve lonely and friendless for the Tragic Backstory, at least have the reason make sense, like Steve pulling away after multiple counts of almost Dying because he just can't relate to kids his own age anymore.
Not to mention the fact that Steve is probably one of the least developed main characters and chances are the fact that we don't see or hear about Steve's other friends is because 1) less people they have to cast/take up screen time and 2) the Duffers just genuinely seem not to give a fuck about developing Steve or his backstory at all.
Anyway, sorry for dumping into your asks (I sincerely hope this is coherent), but this has been bugging me for months and I needed to get it off my chest.
oh yeah, that shit bugs me too. like, i don’t think steve had any super close friends other than nancy, but boy was still popular, he still knew people, he had a place to sit at lunch!!
and that’s actually interesting, about steve being well liked, but not tommy and carol. i’ve never really seen that kind of separation in fics, but it would be fun to have something about steve being the most popular of the group, and tommy and carol being the ones that drop popularity after the split.
steve being super sporty essentially means he always had people to hang out with lmao. and i do see steve obviously not playing basketball for a while, and no longer being captain, because i figure you have to play the game to be captain lol. i honestly don’t know much about sports tho, so i don’t know if you could just jump right in after not playing for a while, but yeah, steve wouldn’t just drop out because of billy. like, the other basketball guy called billy a douchebag. i think it’d be fun if in a fic, everyone turned against billy after the fight.
yeah, steve’s friends aren’t at all relevant to the plot, so we’re not going to see them. and i’ve said this before, but while s2 steve is lonely, he’s not alone. he has friends, he’s popular, but he’s increasingly not seeing any point towards the whole thing and essentially becoming disillusioned to the idea of being the king of hawkins high. but like you said, he’s not a friendless loser.
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
Don’t get me wrong. It is disgusting that people make tweets and shit saying that JK is getting fucked by Scooter and BangPD. Those tweets saying that should be reported but where is this outrage when Tkkers, JJKs and KTHs (hell any solo fandom of BTS), says/where saying that Jimin gets fucked daily by BangPd for nothing? Where was this outrage when FACE was released and Tkkers (KTHs and JJKs are included in this) were saying Jimin got fucked by all those producers to get his songs made?
Everyday Armys prove to me that I made the right decision no being an Army anymore and only focusing on BTS when needed. I slow started becoming uninterested in Kpop music as a whole because Kpop songs just don’t really HIT to me anymore. Every damn day Jimin gets so many comments like this for the smallest things but those little 7s never move for him. I knew more than likely Jimin would stay with Hybe and stay with BTS because I know he loves his members, but it sucks see Jimin love Armys so much but they barely move a muscle to defend him. Armys are so quick to get pissed at a Blink or a BlackPink solo Stan saying something bad about Jimin but when other “Armys” or other member solo Stan’s say something, it’s only PJMs and Jikookers who defend him. Yet it’s also PJMs and Jikookers (especially PJMs) who get made out as villains for pointing out how Armys don’t care for Jimin and are closeted Tkkers. It’s only PJMs and Jikookers who get painted as villains even when trying to defend Jimin.
For example, that Tkker on twitter post a comment that said “real love” and it was a video of Jk pushing Jimin away or something like that. An “Army” then replied to a Jkkers or Jimin solo Stan’s (I can’t remember which one) who replied back with a video of Jk pushing Tae away. Then, all of the sudden it became all shipper issue instead of telling that Tkker to stop doing shit like that.
I feel like Armys, KTHs and JJKs don’t understand that the issue Tkkers not Taekook, not Yoomin or any ship involving Jm or JK. The issue is the shippers themselves. If Tkkers stop talking shit on Jimin and Jikook’s relationship then Jikookers would leave Taekook relationship alone and PJMs would leave Jk alone. Like, Tkkers trying to tell us we were insecure about Yoonmin going to eat sushi. Why would we be insecure? Jimin has had 1 on 1 drinks/“dates” with Joon and Hobi (and especially Hobi). I feel like Jimin hung out with Hobi more than anyone. It was about the fact that Tkkers who hate Jimin 363 days out of the year, suddenly care about him.
Tkkers and anyone who is not a Jikooker still don’t realize that Jkkers do not rely on any other ship to believe that Jikook is real. That’s why most, if not all Jikookers only ship Jikook, while Tkkers have to ship Yoonmin one day, then Minimoni the next day, then Jihope another day.
Anyway, I’m done ranting these people make me feel like my IQ is dropping.
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While anon is here venting and sharing alot of our sentiments, if you don't already know by now this BTS charts account is being called out for lying about being OT7.
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As you can see that's alot of followers. They have lost like 20k since this whole thing began, as they should. I found i was following them and had to unfollow so there's is a chance most of you are also following her. This is the link to the account, please unfollow.
For those who think we are being sensitive, no its not just Jikookers who have an issue with them
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Its not just PJMs either for liking Jimin anti tweets
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Its KTHs
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It's translation accounts
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Its Jhope stans. What do we call them? JHS? What are they called 😂😂😂 anyway, them too
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And many many more. Here is a thread for all the fuckery they've done over the years. Bottom line is, they are a JK solo who only tweets about JK's achievements even though other members keep making moves as well. They are not ot7 and that's the root of the issue. Oh also, they might be a blink 👀
Anyway, solos are nothing new, thats not my problem. I just want them to change their name
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Pretending to be ot7 while having almost a million followers is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Gullible followers will think its okay to copy your behaviour because you are a big account. So we need to make them change their name because they will never change their solo behaviour.
Anyway, if we can tag and ask them to change their name that would be lovely. But if u can't do that atleast unfollow them. They don't deserve that many followers. Not when they are clearly OT1
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robinswise · 1 year
okayyyy unpopular opinion that will more then likely turn into a rant!
I. Do. Not. Like. Eddie. Munson.
Just to get this out of the way, I don't hate Joseph Quinn at all, he's a great actor, but I hate Eddie.
Eddie is an asshole
Why couldn't he push the dnd campaign to a different day? Is there a reason? I don't think there was, I don't remember there being one and when I googled it, sure enough, there doesn't seem to be a reason.
Really couldn't his role have been given to pretty much any of the characters?
Jonathan would've made the most sense (to me) if he wasn't in Cali (in season 1 we know some people thought Jonathan might've k!lled Will, so they could've thought he did the same to Chrissy)
Even Steve.
Honestly, even Max could've been given the role
Also, I don't dislike most people who like Eddie, alot of them are just really obsessed (like a scary level of obsession)
I posted about them positively one time a while ago but no I do not ship them.
The context for that post was that I didn't hate Steddie - at the time I even vaguely liked them (or more specifically, I liked the way that certain people wrote them) but I didn't ship them, they just made the most sense for that specific idea and I didn't hate them at the time.
I was reading something that was part of a longer series of posts and the person had hinted that Stonathan would be in it but then suddenly Eddie appeared and Steddie was heavily implied - which normally wouldn't be an issue but they didn't tag it with Eddie or Steddie.
Anyways, Argyle is in my opinion the better character added in season 4.
Another thing, it didn't bother me initially but Eddie stans acting like Eddie and Dustin's friendship is so unique is really annoying to me-
Because- no- like sure, he's close with Eddie, but the friendship is not unique whatsoever, in terms of older brother like friends he had Steve, in terms of outcast nerds who like dnd he had the party, and in terms of friends with attitude problems he had Mike and Max
Also, was his death really all that shocking? It fit the st formula perfectly! Introduce a new character just to k!ll them off
Even in search 4 we got Chrissy Fred and Patrick
About his crazy fans - not all are like this, I've met some genuinely nice Eddie fans who've written genuinely good Steddie ficlets - but was sending death threats necessary? Because I just don't get why that whole thing happened.
I think Eddie coming back in any form other then a flashback or Vecna vision would just maks me upset tbh, like actually, what would be the point? They already pulled "look he's actually alive!" Trick with Hopper (and to an extent, Will) so doing it a third time (even for such a fan favorite) would just feel lazy to me
Also, in my opinion, Will would dislike Eddie, so many people say that Will would love him but to me, I feel like it would be very out of character for him to like Eddie (knowing that Will doesn't like extra attention - at least not from people who might judge and/or ridicule him - and Eddie actively draws it)
I feel like the fact we only got a reaction to Eddie's death from Dustin and Wayne is really telling as to how little importance he actually had, because even Mike who was friends with Eddie didn't know about his death - or at least his reaction wasn't important enough to show.
I found Eddie's guitar solo to be very pointless and even rather boring.
Also, there are people who ship Eddie with Billy?? Ew.
Even as someone who does not like Eddie at all I can confidently say that he deserves better and would probably not fall for that walking piece of dog shit (once again, I don't hate Dacre Montgomery I just hate Billy)
Anyways, in short, I don't mind Joseph Quinn or Eddie's fans, I know there's definitely worse characters in the show, and at the end of the day I'm just a nerd on the internet who's been fixated on the same subject for probably way to long so it's fine to have a different opinion then me
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marvelgirlstories · 9 months
Hi my lovelies ❤️,
It's finally here!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been posting, but I will start posting more regularly soon. Anyways here you are.💓🫶🏻💓
Stole my heart
Part 3
Warnings: Bad language, mentions of fighting and blood, gossiping (is that a warning??)
Steve was left puzzled, because Bucky was acting strange. Ever since you arrived he had closed up again. It's like you had awoken a memory in him. One that has been gone for years. If you were from the 40s, he would know. He has met every single person Bucky took on a date. That must only mean one thing. But... "Captain Rogers. Mr. Stark requests that you come down to the living area.", Friday interrupted his thoughts. "Now?", he asked. "Yes."
"What do you want, Tony?", he asked as he entered. He stopped in his tracks as he saw everyone. Well, everyone apart from you. "We need to talk about Y/N.", the billionaire replied. "So you called down everyone just to gossip about a new teammate.", Steve questioned. "Exactly!", Sam butted in. "What if she finds us?", Bucky said. He had suddenly appeared behind Steve. "She left this morning to do a mission for S.H.I.E.L.D. She won't be back until tomorrow afternoon.", Natasha said. "And even if she is, I told Friday to tell us if she comes early.", Tony added.
"So what do you all think of her?", Sam asked, "I think she's ... strange. She lives here, but we hardly see her. We've never seen her in action, but we should just believe Fury." "Me and Steve have seen her", Bucky said breaking of Sam's rant, "She was training on the day when you all went swimming. We went down and saw her break multiple punching bags and fire a gun bullseye without looking. Hell, she almost took Steve down!" Everyone looked at Steve for confirmation. He nodded. "We were quite evenly matched." "Well, I will believe it when I see it.", Tony said, "She's to big for her boots." "You're still upset about last week?", Natasha asked. "Bucky! You knew her, didn't you?", Wanda butted in. "No!", he almost shouted back, a little to fast. Nat gave him a look. "Ok. Fine. I might remember her from something. "From what? And why didn't you tell us?", Steve questioned.
"She helped me in Romania. Happy?" Bucky was starting to get annoyed. "Ok. Sorry!", Steve said, "But why did you call her Shadow?" "She told me to.", he answered. "Wait wait wait, someone just came up to you, told you to call her Shadow and you trusted her?", Tony asked. "Well, I didn't have much choice, did I?", he asked indignantly, "Anyways, it was safe. She's a S.H.I.E.L.D agent." "You were just one of her many missions.", Sam said.
"Mr. Stark, Agent Y/L/N has returned early.", Friday interrupted. "Oh fuck! Act like you were doing something other than gossiping!", Tony almost yelled. "Oh carry on with your gossiping", you said appearing in the doorway. Their mouths dropped. "What happened to you?" Sam asked. Your suit was covered in blood and slashes and your face was covered in scratches. "Mission. Maybe you should try fighting of 20 Enemies of at once and come away with out a scratch." That shut him up quickly. "You took them down alone?", Bruce asked. "Yep." "And the blood? How badly are you hurt?", he added. "Don't worry, most of it isn't mine.", you said, while getting some water. "Why did your mission end early?", Wanda wanted to know. "Fury found someone else to finish it off. Have fun gossiping!", you said as you left the room. "We totally weren't gossiping!", Tony shouted. You chuckled. "Well, if we're done here.", Bucky said and got up out of the room. Steve followed.
You signed as you got under the shower. It was always nice to unwind after a mission. It was as hard as you described earlier. You let your thoughts run wild, as you carefully cleaned your wounds. They were definitely gossiping about you, but you didn't care. As long as Bucky didn't say anything, it didn't matter. But you needed to give them nothing to gossip about, otherwise he might let something slip. Your thoughts turned unpleasant as you relived your memories. You quickly turned off the shower, thus turning off your thoughts. You changed into something comfier and decided to go downstairs.
You walked down the corridor, when suddenly walked out of a door and pushed you through the opposite one. You groaned at the sudden, harsh contact of the wall. "What the fuck, Barnes?", you asked.
Hope you enjoyed! ♥️😘
@felicitylemon @kandis-mom @animegirlgeeky @cjand10 @capswife @tripletstephaniescp
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saras-devotionals · 3 months
Quiet Time 3/23
What am I feeling today?
I wish I had woken up earlier. I feel like I had been asleep forever and wasted the majority of my day so I’m kinda beating myself up about it. Also, I dreamt about my ex last night and it brought back all those emotions but I think it brought some closure too. Also dreamt about the guy I like, it’s not fair, every single time I think ‘I’m over him! I’m totally over him! It’s never gonna happen!’ then I see him again (I saw him last night) and my heart goes wild all over again and I’m so tired of it. I want to be able to move on from him bc that’s the advice I’ve received, that it’s probably never going to happen and sure it stings and hurts every time I’m told that and I wish it didn’t and the only way it wouldn’t is if I could move on!! sometimes I kinda just wanna scream or cry in frustration bc I’m just so sick of it! Anyways, I’m sorry about that rant, I guess I just needed to get that off my chest.
Bible Plan: Spiritual Wilderness
The Spiritual wilderness is a place of wandering. It’s a time when our feelings can fade, our finances might get dry, our relationships get sour, our experiences with God seem to be shallow, and our doubts get amplified.
Spiritual wilderness is spiritual warfare. There is one key that can help us win this spiritual warfare and move us from a spiritual wilderness to victory. That key is worship!
In the wilderness, we will either whine or worship. Chronic complaining may seem natural and come easy, but it has dangerous consequences. Complaining is to the devil what worship is to God.
Wilderness is a dry place; worship is the water! Naturally, we get water from a lake, river, or well. The children of Israel got their water from the Rock. The Rock symbolizes Jesus Christ. That speaks to us today that our worship must flow from who God is especially in our difficult days. Even if our life is currently not doing well, God is good. Worship is essential to surviving wilderness. It will keep us spiritually hydrated.
Not only does worship help us get through hard times without becoming whiners, it is also our spiritual weapon. We are created to worship but called to warfare. One of our weapons is worship. God wants us to have praises in our mouths and His sword in our hands. Spiritual warfare doesn’t work if our mouth is full of complaining and admitting defeat.
Complaining is to the devil what worship is to God. <- this line stood out to me! I kept in mind what the Bible says about grumbling and I caught myself a couple days ago and it really hit me! And with this line!! It hurts even harder!! My goal is to not complain for the rest of the day, whatever I have to get done, whatever I have to do, I’ll do so with worship on my tongue, not complaining because the Lord desires and deserves worship!!
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭5‬-‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth— everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.””
I think this is really sweet🥹 talking about how He’s with us and will gather us from the end of the earth🥹 also keep in mind that God formed and made you, I know some people can get on about how they look and even I can get like that too but remember your creator, remember that He made you and He loves you and creature you for His glory!
‭‭Acts‬ ‭16‬:‭25‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.”
Tbh this just further shows you the power of praise! Even though they were in prison, they never stopped praying and giving glory to God!
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stormxpadme · 7 months
Whumptober 2023 No. 30 - Bridal Carry
Scogan Bingo challenge Image Prompt (see below)
Image Prompt
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"Okay, just what did you two infants get up to this ti…" Hank paused his annoyed rant before it could even really begin, gasping at the expression of utter dread bordering almost on panic on Logan's face. Jumping up from where he'd lazily turned around with his office chair in a flash, he hectically nodded towards the next best stretcher. "Down. Now. Christ, Logan, how often did I tell you not to move a patient when it can be avoided? Whatever happened this time, if he's got any …"
"No fractures," Logan got out in a choked tone betraying how arduously he held on to the last of his self-control after that terrible accident in the Danger Room of which he still had no fucking idea how it had even happened. Already, he couldn’t even remember how he'd managed to hastily carry Scott the few steps from the training center door to the sick bay in his arms without losing himself to rage at himself. "Would have heard that. You got the same damn enhanced senses as me, King Kong, you know I would have. I have no idea why he's out." As carefully as possible anyway, precisely because he was clueless about what had gone so wrong in Scott's and his harmless sparring session in the simulated deserted woods of Canada, he put his partner down. Kneeling beside the bed, with clenched fists, in the small bit of distance that he knew from experience Hank needed to work, he gritted his teeth as another wave of anger on himself and helplessness hit. Of fear that everything Scott and him had been building up with so much pain, grief, uncertainty in the year since Jean's death, after realizing their emotions were just as strong for each other as for the woman they'd both loved, was about to end. Just like that. And not in a damn battle against the Brotherhood, against Weapon X, or any of these other insane fuckers out there like either of them had to expect it every time they put their damn uniforms on. But because apparently, without even realizing it, Logan hadn’t been careful enough. Hadn’t had his stronger, more massive body under control in their hand-to-hand, making some kind of wrong move … But what, for fuck's sake? "He didn’t even hit his head, Hank. I just threw him to the ground. Into a damn bush. Idiot even landed softly. And then he suddenly didn’t get up anymore."
"Breathe." Apparently realizing Logan was beating himself up enough already, Hank stopped by him on his way to retrieve all kinds of devices from the highly modern equipped examination center, to rest one of his fur-covered hands on his shoulder which gave Logan at least the assurance that Scott wasn’t in acute danger, or their in-house surgeon wouldn’t even have paused for that little moment. "Shi’ar basic scan says, life signs are pretty stable. Maybe he's just been asking too much of himself once more, and his system went on a break for him. It's happened before in phases of too little sleep and recreation. Whatever it is, we'll repair it." Hank threw Logan an encouraging smile, already having hurried back to the stretcher, before turning to the monitors of the scanner hovering over Scott's body again. His upper lip drew back behind his fangs in thoughtfulness as he swiped over whatever data the alien technology spitted out, shaking his head a couple of times. "Inconclusive. There seems to be a neurological problem indeed, but except for being out cold, he's not having matching symptoms. Gonna put him in a tube. That will take a few minutes. You wanna take that outside in the meantime?" Hank pointedly stared at the still-unlit cigar in Logan's hand. "And while you're at it, go shower and redress. You know how much I hate these rooms not being sterile. I'll call you as soon as I know anything."
While Logan wasn’t willing to leave this damn floor behind where he might just have made one of the biggest fuck-ups of his life, he knew his own uncontrolled temper well enough to fear, he'd lose it sooner or later if he didn’t get a couple of puffs and half a drink into him right now. And showering the worst of his agitation away ice-cold, about something that might not even happen in the end, probably wasn’t the worst idea. So he pushed himself up with a reluctant snarl and hurried toward the door, after giving the far too whitish, unmoving features of his partner another worried glance. He obviously couldn’t communicate with Scott in the way his deceased partner or Charles could and usually didn’t care a lot for mental gifts anyway. But right now, he wished nothing more than to be able to get through at least one fearful sentence to Scott's clouded mind, nothing short of a desperate plea. Logan had no idea what would become of him if so shortly after Alkali Lake, he would have to deal with losing someone he loved again. Please be alright.
"The good news is, it's not Logan's fault." Hank regarded Logan with another of these amicable glances over his small glasses, crossing his legs to rest his datapad with a certain patient file opened on his knee. "Technically, it's mine. I should have forced Scott into the sickbay at gunpoint after that HYDRA brawl last week. I'd only seen his fall from some truck from the corner of my eyes and didn’t realize how badly he must have hit his head. And knowing that stubborn idiot, Scott probably made sure, no one noticed he must have had splitting headaches and nausea ever since then, so I wouldn’t get the perverted idea of declaring him unfit for action. On a side note, we should maybe think about how to solve our understaffing problem if you don't want that to happen again all over."
That went in the direction of Charles who'd come to the examination room together with Ororo by now, staring at the still motionless figure of his favorite pupil ceaselessly. At Hank's last sentence, his unusually hunched posture deflated even more, a tired rubbing over his eyes indicating, this wasn’t a problem exactly new to him. He'd just not dedicated energy to it like he would have in the past, still caught in his own depression and regrets after Alkali Lake. "It's not like I haven’t been trying, Henry. I'll get right back to seeing if one of our old partners is willing to help us out, at least until some of the teenagers will be ready to take over more responsibilities in this house."
Satisfied with that assurance for now, Hank hurried to get back to the actual subject, not least because of Logan's impatient gesture from the hand not firmly holding Scott's. "Alas, you can only ignore a blood clot for so long. Actually, I would go as far as saying, you saved his life with that shoulder throw, Logan. If that thing in his head would have started moving on its own, possibly in his sleep, you could have woken up to a corpse. Now that I know, I can take care of this," he quickly added, with emphasis on a calming tone in his sonorous voice when Ororo gasped, holding on to the back of Charles' wheelchair. "That clip around his forehead stops the wandering, and the Shi’ar automated med system is already preparing everything for surgery next door. Thanks to the tools our alien friends have equipped us with in the course of the decades, I don't even need to cut and drill him open. It's a minimal procedure; with any luck, he'll be complaining about bed rest by tonight, Logan." Another brief grin curled on Hank's bulging lips as he looked at Logan standing so close to that stretcher, never once letting go of his partner, but this time, there was a nervous quality to it. "That's not why I called you all here. I mean, for the sake of full disclosure, I do need to warn you, of course, that residual risks are not inconsiderate whenever brain tissue is involved. I'm 95 % sure that I can just aspirate the clot and that will be it, but the excess fluid makes it hard to tell if there's possible damage from the crash from that car below." He pointed one of the x-rays on the brightly lit neon wall showing images of his patient's brain the kind of which Logan wasn’t seeing for the first time. Which made it all the more frightening, spotting something dark that definitely didn’t belong on the prefrontal cortex. "That's very unlikely, though; we would have noticed. One thing I will say is, it might not be chance this happened, or that this location in particular is affected."
"You're talking about his headaches." Ororo stepped closer to the image with crossed arms, her skin showing a suspicious greyish tone as she regarded the dangerous lump with narrow eyes.
"Mind filling me in?" Logan growled when Hank nodded tensely and Charles's grey eyes, too, suddenly went wide as they turned Scott's way, his hand clenching around his chair's armrest.
"This is the part of the brain responsible for mutation control," Charles answered before Hank could, something almost like … hope in his voice. "Forced to shut his optic blasts down from the beginning, Scott has always suffered from constant minor headaches with the occasional extreme spike. Since Jean's death, the number of excruciating migraine attacks has been increasing. He didn’t tell anyone, Logan," Charles sighed, seeing the self-reproaches immediately return to Logan's expression, about not having noticed anything. "You know how he gets. Me, I only saw it in his mind, and he almost blackmailed Ororo into staying quiet when he fainted in a sparring session with her once. He didn’t want you to worry. I thought it was just the grief but …"
"But it might be a lot more," Hank barged in, getting visibly excited, one of his claws scraping over the clean PVC ground in a nerve-wracking scrunching noise. "If the emotional impact of Jean's death strengthened his gift, it's possible his brain went into full defense mode, finally repairing the damage from that plane crash when Scott was twelve. It's been known to happen before. Mutations don’t like to be curbed in. Often, they find a way. After all this time, we'd thought, Scott was one of the unlucky cases, but if we're right about this … Then there's possible excess matter from that old scarring in there which explains the blood clot. All the more a reason to get our young Captain in my surgery immediately." Finally getting impatient about so much theory while his patient was technically still in a life-threatening situation, Hank jumped up from his chair and pulled on a white coat over his usual reduced clothing, checking on his datapad if said preparations next door were complete.
"If this is true, Hank …" Some of the fear of possibly losing a close friend had slipped off Ororo's thin shoulders as well, the hint of a smile tugging on her full lips that had become rare since they'd all lost a beloved team member. "Does it mean what I think it means?"
"Let's not get our hopes up too quickly," Hank warned her, typing more commands into his procedure control program. "Until I removed that clot, I'm fishing in the dark about what is below. Everything might be exactly like it was when he wakes up." When he looked up from his work again though, there was a mildly confident grin on Hank's lips, too. "Or Scott might not need his glasses ever again. We'll have to see. Now get out of here, the lot of you. I got work to do."
A second time today, Logan had to make himself leave the sickbay reluctantly, with his hands deeply buried in his pocket, his shoulders tight. At least for him, the fear that something could go wrong in such a dangerous surgery was far more unsettling than some possible positive surprises. But when Ororo hugged him in the hallway, a bright glistening in her child-like dark eyes, he thought it couldn’t hurt at least, attaching a bonus item to the wish he was silently, secretly sending in his mind to whoever might possibly be out there responsible for the fate of them all. A drink somewhere in a quiet corner of the garden actually sounded like heaven right now.
Scott did complain, of course, he did. Knowing this lovable bastard inside out by now, Logan would have been more concerned if he hadn’t. But Scott was also entirely pain-free, at peace with his mutation and the happiest Logan had ever seen him since Alkali Lake, and that counted a lot more as far as he was concerned.
Therefore, he put up with all nagging about allegedly entirely unnecessary doctor's orders with a patient smile, about the kids falling behind on a curriculum that was notoriously too ambitious in Scott's classes anyway, and about Scott's body going out of shape from not beating himself up in the gym or Danger Room every day for a whole week. When Scott was done with one of his rants, Logan either shut him up with one of his favorite meals or a kiss, and that worked surprisingly well. Just like the promise of a little surprise on their upcoming anniversary weekend. Which Logan suspected, Scott only allowed himself to get excited about because it would mean, Hank would finally release him from the sick bay after a whole series of tests, scans, and nonstop drips to counter all the drugs that the complicated procedure had made necessary, and even more tests. Finally, more or less allowed, Logan sneaked his partner out of the cellar on a late Saturday afternoon, pushing the elevator button that would take them right to the Mutant's High roof, much to Scott's visible confusion. When they stepped out the door seconds later, they did it to the beautiful orange that was the sun slowly starting to set.
These enchanting sky-blue eyes going back and forth between the color phenomenon in the distance and the deckchairs Logan had prepared by the low wall, where the view of the woods behind the mansion was the best, Scott was visibly looking for words in vain. When his luscious lips finally opened, they did it only to capture Logan's in a kiss, the faint fragrance of salt in the air from stubbornly suppressed tears only growing stronger.
Logan was nice enough not to mention it and reluctantly backed away because that was for later. Right now, they had something more important to do. Silently pulling Scott with him, they got comfortable on the chairs still without a word of which none were needed right now. Logan poured them a drink from the expensive bottle he'd left on a table between the chairs along with two glasses and a bowl of sweets and fruit before turning his attention to the sunset for a while. Which on his part was mostly an excuse, of course, to watch his lover from the corner of his eyes who was hardly touching his glass, occasionally blinking away another tear or two his gaze glued to the slowly darkening sky in the distance.
The news hadn’t come entirely without issues for Scott, originally. He was still struggling with the fear that this condition might not last in spite of Hank's opposite reassurances, and he had yet to start actually trying out how to activate and adjust his blasts at will which would be a matter of weeks in the Danger Room, no doubt. But at this moment, free of the prisons of his quartz shields and drinking in something so natural for most people, as he hadn’t been allowed to do in more than 20 years, that amazed, touched smile on Scott's lips revealed, he finally realized, all that was worth it. "Love you," he finally murmured when the sky had almost darkened completely and it started to get a little chilly up here, reaching out to brush the back of Logan's hand with a shy fingertip. "I know none of us knew where this whole thing would be headed when we started but … I wouldn’t want anyone else with me in such a moment, and that tells me, we made the right choice."
"Good, because you're not getting rid of me anytime soon." As far as Logan was concerned, that was all that needed to be said on the emotions part even on a day like this. Scott would know all he didn’t say either way. Well, maybe one more thing he actually had to tell his lover before they'd retire for the night. "Got something for tonight that I brought from some store downtown last week. Surprise bag special. Honestly, I got no idea what's even in it. But it could be nice for a little adrenaline, to celebrate." When Scott showed him a broad, definitely very interested grin, Logan hurried to get up, the heat of impatience and longing immediately starting to coil in his middle. He took the bottle and glasses but left the almost untouched food because in a house full of fleas, chocolate and cherries would never survive for longer than half an hour anyway. "You go shower the sickbay off, I prepare the Danger Room. Bring the unmarked paper bag on the top board of our cabinet. No peeking inside."
"Why the Danger Room?" Pushing himself up as well, Scott looked like he was about to protest for a second about such scandalous use of the X-Men's hypermodern training facility, but such exaggerated correctness, Logan had fortunately quickly healed him from after they'd gotten together.
Logan stretched up to kiss him again, stealing the remains of that excellent booze from his lover's tongue and giving his firm behind a shameless squeeze. "Because our apartment's not nearly soundproof enough for all I'm gonna do to you tonight."
Judging by the fierce blush immediately stretching over Scott's attractive high cheekbones and the cloud of pheromones radiating off his skin, his partner had no objections.
With the alluring shapes Scott could feel in said paper bag on his way to the cellar, it became a challenge, not following his curiosity to open it. But with all the lengths Logan was going for him tonight, in spite of his dislike for too much romance, he didn’t want to ruin the surprise. The gift bag became irrelevant for now anyway when Scott locked the door of the holo hall behind him with his security code where less than a week ago, his life had changed rapidly once more. Then he marveled at the scene Logan had programmed, slowly stepping closer with his mouth ajar to where his lover was waiting for him on an obscenely wide King size, a half-smoked cigar between his fingers, his shirt already having found its way to the ground. That was a sight Scott would happily enjoy in every single one of those details he'd not been able to perceive without a disturbing red blur for so long, but for the moment, he was entirely caught up in the simulated hotel room's interior. Filled with furniture mostly made of glass and crystal, the bright morning light shining through the glass front lit the environment in a whole ocean of color, especially in the shape of hundreds of fragile crystal chains hanging from the ceiling that occasionally clanked in the faint breeze coming through one of the windows, a bright, almost musical sound. The ceiling was mirrored above the bed, of course, the walls lined with prints of famous paintings that Scott knew in theory, but had been physically unable to tell so far if they were actually any good. "Ororo?" It was definitely not a place where he'd expected his lover to spend the night voluntarily, and he appreciated it more than he could say how much effort Logan was putting into making Scott enjoy this unexpected gift of a whole new world to the fullest. But he was also pretty sure, Logan was not an expert on exclusive hotel suites, especially not in what, judging by the gigantic mountains outside, had to be Austria or Switzerland.
"She said something like, once we were done fucking each other stupid, you should have something else to enjoy." Logan nodded down on the mattress but held up his hand when Scott made a move to sit, pointing at a certain item in his hand. "That, not you. You're not getting onto this bed before you're naked, Slim."
Scott rolled his eyes, only belatedly remembering he no longer had a pair of mirrored glasses to hide such gestures from the people around him and grinned ruefully when Logan raised a brow at him warningly. One of those nights then. Well, right now, with all these new sensations flooding his mind, distracting him, Scott wouldn’t have been able to put up the firmness and focus necessary to be in control in bed of someone like Logan anyway who only once in a blue moon was in the mood for submitting as it was. "Just wondered why I bother to put on something nice for you in the first place," he remarked dryly before handing his partner the bag and quickly proceeding to lose his black, tight shirt and leather pants, boots, and underwear, revealing to his lover's hungry eyes that he was already half hard. In vain, he tried to sneak a peek at the content of that bag at last that Logan was rummaging in with a smirk.
"Because I'm not sharing that view with anyone in this house." Logan let out an appreciative hum, eyeing him from head to toe, and put the bag down beside him without taking anything from it for now, to Scott's disappointment. "Come 'ere. Want ya close." He patted the side of his hip, a signal Scott was well-trained in after so many months of sleeping together.
One he was very happy to follow, in spite of his cheeks slightly burning from the humiliation of being the only one entirely naked in the room. Something quickly not only forgotten but somewhat appreciated when he sat down in Logan's lap with his hips pressed to his lover's body, the rough sensation of auburn leather against the back of his thighs drawing a sigh from his lips. Heat pulsated in his veins when he could promptly feel something stir under those tight pants, pressing up deliciously against his bare ass. More than anything, he wanted to bury his hands in that broad, fuzzy chest right now instead of keeping them folded behind his back. Enjoy exploring every inch of that steeled goodness with his tongue, every line and ridge he'd never been allowed to make out so clearly before. See the now more expressive stirs on his lover's face while Scott devoured him … But when Logan was talking to him in that hoarse, firm tone, starting an encounter with such uncompromising commands already, that was off the table unless Scott wanted to earn a spanking, and that was alright. There would be a night for tenderness soon enough.
For now, he would be satisfied with being touched finally, but Logan still preferred just scanning his shaking silhouette up and down, a turned-on grin on his lips while he took an occasional drag from his cigar Scott's light pushdown against his crotch, he ignored in spite of his breathing already going visibly faster. "Some things in that bag, I've been meaning to get up to with you for a while, Slim. With your work obsession, there's no way to tell when we get a full night off next. You gonn' trust me with this? Trust me that I'll take care of you?"
"You always take care of me," Scott answered with a voice shaking far more suddenly than he liked it, and certainly not from doubt in that simple fact proven a thousand times over, in the field and outside of it. "Codeword?" Not something they'd needed so far, busy enjoying that unstoppable physical attraction between them existing ever since they'd met, in every possible way, without the need to dive into the more exotic aspect of things. Scott couldn’t say he'd never thought about it though, in spite of limited experience in that regard. While fetish had not been Jean's cup of tea, he'd read up on it lately a lot more than he cared to admit, in his usual obsessive love for being prepared. To know in theory at least what was coming probably with someone as passionate, wild, and more often than not dominant in the bedroom. None of that information had seriously turned him away from any of these possible games but being a warrior from puberty on, Scott possessed a precise body sensation both in theory and practice and was aware that every physique reacted differently to various stimulations. If something of what his lover had obviously very detailed planned out turned out not to be of Scott's liking, it would make things easier to have a quick and clear way to let Logan know so they could move on to something else.
"Code signal. Talking a lot is not happening tonight," Logan corrected him, visibly pleased with Scott's willing approval about giving himself to him so entirely, only shuddering now, too, at such a lewd promise instead of being scared off. At least two of his fingertips finally touched Scott, coming to rest on his lips, a groan rumbling in his chest when Scott instinctively licked them without being allowed to do so. "This is gonna be a long night for you. Your right hand, slut." Just grinning at Scott's grimace at the playful insult, Logan folded three of Scott's fingers into a fist and nudged him to cross his index finger with his thumb, resembling a vague X. "I'll watch out for that. Now … I think I just found a perfect decoration for those thin wrists of yours."
Hard as he tried, Scott couldn’t fight the hint of apprehension tightening his shoulders because he'd gone through too many captivities in his life and was too much in need of control, usually, to have a great love for restraints. But he didn’t want to ruin the fun immediately. And when Logan retrieved the first items from that bag, he actually had to laugh. Not only were the badly welded rings on those padded restraints so fragile, he was pretty sure he could just rip them off from wherever they might end up being tied to. Those hideous things were also a bright red. "Can I go colorblind again please?"
"I kinda like it. Reminds me of your blasts." Unfazed, Logan put the harmless restraint around Scott's lower arm, and then on his other side, closing both buckles loosely enough so Scott could easily slip out of them if there should be some kind of emergency. From the way Logan was softly pushing his arms back behind his waist without making an attempt to hook the buckles into each other, Scott could tell his lover of course knew exactly what was going on in him.
Not being allowed to bend down for a kiss became worse torture by the second than whatever delicious game of pain and humiliation his top could come up with tonight. "Logan …"
"We only just got started, Slim. Might wanna practice patience." Logan ran the same two fingertips up and down Scott's throbbing cock without even grasping him properly, humming at the treacherous drop of white collecting at the tip. This time, the way he was pushing against Scott's lip a moment later was unmistakable. Now a shudder ran through Logan's bulky shape as well when Scott did his best, cleaning his own salty taste of his lover's skin with firm sucking movements, a playful swirl of his tongue, nothing short of a promise. Logan's equally untouched cock promptly twitching against Scott's rim through his pants, he thrust his fingers deeper into Scott's mouth, moaning with his eyes closed as he was losing himself to the vivid fantasy of doing that with something thicker, more solid … Only when Scott moved his head back and forth in bold provocation, hollowing his cheeks around these thick fingers, Logan abruptly pulled away, a warning glistening in those narrow hazel eyes.
"Brat. Good thing we've got all the tools here to help that."
The next item from the surprise bag was in the same ridiculous color, but Scott hardly even noticed, his eyes on the characteristic shape of a thin loop and a large rubber ball attached to its end. For a moment, he almost balked, dreading the surely ridiculous picture he was about to make … But the arousal at the thought of being entirely at the hands of his master tonight, with no means to control anything unless an emergency stop was necessary, won. Still slightly hesitant, he opened up when Logan grazed his lips with the gag, awkwardly pushing against the fortunately quite neutral-tasting material in his mouth with his tongue once it was in, his jaw stretched in a way he was not used to unless he happened to be devouring his lover's cock … Scott's body tensed when he realized how restrictive such a little toy could be but with how rock hard he was by now, there was hardly a way to deny, he liked it. So he obediently leaned closer to his lover and lowered his head when he was being told to, breathing just a little harder through that strange obstacle as the straps were closed behind his head.
Logan used the chance to pull him onto his chest to his delight, finally granting him a little more body contact, entirely ignoring the shameful drops of saliva leaking on his shoulder that Scott could no longer swallow. His hands loosely caressing up and down Scott's back, he occasionally grabbed his behind, stroking his shaking thighs but never touched him where he really needed it.
With all that teasing, it was only a matter of time before Scott forgot his sub manners once more. Soon enough, he was rutting his neglected erection against Logan's through those damn pants, his face firmly buried against his lover's shoulder as he panted through his gag. The hold of his hand on his other wrist, just to keep himself from actually touching his lover, was now more effective than any restraint in this world. Only when a large hand grabbed his hair above the gag strap, yanking him back, he realized he'd fucked up.
"Can't go easy on you for five damn minutes," Logan sighed, outrageously calm in spite of how much Scott could feel his untouched length strain against his pants from the inside. The smell not only of his own lust was heavy in the air by now. "Sit." As a first punishment, Logan's strict hands on his hips directed Scott downward until he was seated on the tree trunks that were Logan's thighs instead of his crotch, robbed of that delicious touch of hardness from a second ago. Not only an admonishment to put him in place but also a distance to give Logan more room to play as it turned out when the next toy revealed was thin, soft rope, again in that stupid color.
Scott's muffled nagging about the penalty turned to an honestly offended word behind his gag when the rope didn’t go, as half and half expected, to his wrists or ankles but was wrapped around the base of his cock and his balls instead, in unforgiving loops pushing any kind of release far out of reach. Expecting nothing but being ignored, he writhed unhappily, keening softly when hated, unforgiving pressure left his genitals even more swollen and throbbing, the pressure of growing need especially on the inside worse by the second.
Once satisfied with his work, Logan cut the excess rope off with one claw tip and gave Scott's ass a slap, drawing another high-pitched tone from his stretched lips. "Better. Up." He motioned to the ground next to the bed, his pupils large with growing lust. "Back to me, head down."
Though he was still a little irritated, Scott followed those orders as well, realizing with resignation that he wasn’t any less turned on because of that forced restraint between his legs, on the contrary. Turning away from his lover robbed him of the heat of Logan's strong body against his, the slightly cool air of their accommodations brushing over his skin where a first layer of sweat was drying, making him shiver all over. And yet he didn’t feel for a single moment, he didn’t want any of this, not when his lover was so clearly enjoying himself and Scott's own body was shaking in growing want. Having closed his eyes automatically, Scott let out a gasp when the next stripe of thin leather was wrapped around his neck, the buckle closed nowhere near tightly enough to restrict his breathing in any way. That was not what this was about. When Logan turned him around by his shoulder again and the leash belonging to the collar, of course in the same damn color, was clipped onto it, Scott's knees almost buckled from the overwhelming heat in his cells. His cheeks were a bright red at this new lustful humiliation but his cock obviously didn’t share that notion, straining in its bondage, new precum dripping on the expensive simulated cashmere carpet while he gripped his wrist behind his back so harshly, he could feel his own nails leave traces.
His eyes wide open, he whined around his gag when Logan started to trace all these little things he'd decorated him with, with slow, circling movements of his fingertips, never lingering anywhere for too long, licking his lips in growing hunger again and again. The tent in his pants started to look painful by now, his own skin flushed deep, but he somehow managed to hold back – by now, Scott was pretty sure there was a certain kind of ring involved in that, given Logan's usually far harder to control feral urges – and regard Scott with a proud smile. "You have no idea how fucking hot you are right now, slut." He let out an exasperated sigh when Scott instinctively squirmed and scrunched his nose for a lack of verbal methods to protest, never too comfortable with compliments, and reached behind him for the bag again. "I was giving you a chance to be good for me. Apparently, you really want to use all these things."
Things, in this case, meant two metal clamps with ridiculous little pendants Scott was pretty sure resembled either balls or a cherry and couldn’t decide what was worse. Not that it mattered, given the awfully sharp and tight-looking teeth on these things. It was the first time tonight for his breathing to go too fast, too hard, for a reason other than arousal but that quickly changed when Logan leaned in to lick a long, soothing stripe over his chest, covering his skin with small nips and kisses until he could relax again. Only to tense all over when his lover's lips found one of his already pebbled nipples, nurturing that hardness only with firm sucking. The little flashes of lust went straight to Scott's groin, adding to the agonizing tension there as his balls were fuller and heavier by the second, his cock leaking white all over the place, without any kind of release in sight. With his eyes squeezed firmly shut, his attention was off, and he only snapped back fully into the game when the first clamp bit down on his skin. Screaming out, Scott had to broaden his stance when he startled harshly, the stinging and pressure on sensitive skin more than he'd had expected … But once he got used to the worst of that initial torture, the tug reduced to a mild throb, he found it at least helped with not being that close to an unreachable ledge anymore. Which didn’t make it any easier to go through the same procedure on the other side. Before he was finished coming down from the pain on his other nipple, Logan's lips were suddenly on his cock, licking, sucking firmly, taking him in bit by bit, and though Scott knew of course, that was only meant as more torture as long as that damn rope was on, his brains immediately checked out from pleasure.
Logan was nice enough to keep him from trying something as stupid as thrusting and earning himself another punishment with his hands firmly on Scott's hips but never once stopped taking him in until his lips grazed the edge of those ropes. Then he just stayed there, slowly swallowing around Scott's tip, humming in arousal as his administrations drew more precum from the oversensitive tip. Scott could swear he could see the bastard grin around his cock when Scott trembled and jerked and the stupid clamps on his nipples clanked with a dull plastic thud, a tug from the albeit light weight torturing his nipples further. "Doing so well for me, Slut." When Logan pulled away again, his beautiful lips were slightly swollen, precum and saliva glistening in his beard, and Scott thought he would probably have come from that alluring sight alone right now if he'd been able to. "Think we're gonna leave the blindfold in that bag for now; you've had enough of that. But you still deserve a punishment for being impatient as you know. You gonn' be a good little slut for me and take it?"
Scott wasn’t sure he could make it through one more minute of all this before losing his mind but nodded anyway, arduously blinking away sweat from his eyes, leaning into Logan's loving touch on his ass cheeks with a small sob of approval. His blood was only racing faster in his veins when a well-known, promising massage of two fingertips found his untouched opening, just teasing the twitching skin for the moment.
"Soon," Logan promised with a heated smirk, then grabbed the end of that leash dangling down Scott's chest casually between two fingers, much like he usually held his cigars, and got up to stride to some massive mahogany desk in the corner without even looking back.
The tightening grasp of the collar around Scott's neck threatened to hinder his breathing before he gathered his wits and followed his lover, an alluring sensation that he filed for another time because the experiments running right now were already suited to drive him out of his damn mind. His skin glistening with heat, it was pure relief, being told to bend over that desk. He couldn’t even mind that there was a huge crystal mirror hung over it in which he could now see his own flushed, disarranged appearance all the clearer. He only winced at the pressure of the edge against his groin, tilting his hips away for a more comfortable angle, only to be rewarded with another tight slap to his cheeks. This, at least, something familiar which he occasionally enjoyed. Now moaning loudly around his gag, he didn’t even care about the impressive amount of drool dripping from his lips on the simulated precious surface. The pressure of the clamps was a far less arousing sensation, biting into his skin with every breath and helping to not be focused entirely on the emptiness and clench inside that begged to be filled, and soon. And all these sensations were doubled in an instant with smooth round leather hit his other ass cheek just a second after the reflection in that mirror had let Scott know, his lover had found himself another new toy. Screaming out more in surprise than anything, he tried instinctively to straighten back up, only for Logan's free hand to firmly close around both his wrists, holding him steady.
The click of the cuff's links sounded, driving the point home that Scott was not supposed to move right now, and Logan's hand stayed right there, keeping him in place as his lover rained down a series of tight hits on his ass, never once in the same place and none of them so hard, Scott had to fear carrying bruises until the end of next week. Which didn’t make it exactly fun, but every time he threw his head back with another strained groan, he could see his partner's unhinged expression in the reflection, the unbridled passion in Logan's rugged features that Scott had never before been allowed to make out down to the last wrinkle around tightly drawn back lips. The light of bone-deep want in those beautiful eyes, the glistening of his lover's sharp teeth in the bright sunlight …
Together with the pleasant flashes of adrenaline from the stinging and burning on his thin skin, Scott was even more turned on instead of less soon, squirming mindlessly against Logan's hold. He only lay still on the desk, panting breathlessly, as his lover reached for the bed and the other tool still waiting there once more. Scott's head was swimming to the point of incoherence at this point, and he was still so painfully hard, he almost expected to be coming right through that damn rope anytime. Unlike the paddle, the Cat-o-Nine, Scott knew from a very drunk encounter with a certain blonde telepath living not far from here, right before Jean and he had been a thing. But nothing he could remember from that night came close to what Logan promised would be the last hits tonight, dealt out with eerie precision to the back of his thighs.
With his lover standing behind him again, Scott was able to watch him sneak one hand into his pants while he worked, the impatience finally getting the better of Logan. Their moans sounded through the room basically as one as Logan was working his cock with firm, artless movements while reddening Scott's skin, visibly on the brink of coming himself.
That made it far easier for Scott to deal with the new thin welts and heat blooming on his skin, the pleasant burning that wandered right to his groin, leaving him shaking so much, it rattled the damn desk. Need hopefully, finally, about to be fulfilled when Logan finally carelessly threw that last toy away and knelt behind Scott to cut that damn rope off him with the precision and care of a glassblower which never once sent even a shiver of unease through Scott's body at that cold metallic sensation so close to most sensitive flesh.
"Proud of you, slut," Logan murmured against his shoulder, leaning over him, the familiar noise of some foil being ripped opening revealing, their surprise bag had contained basic items for the night, too. "Eyes open," he cautioned Scott, no longer that strict, when Scott's eyelids instinctively started to flutter at the slick, warm touch between his reddened cheeks. "Want you to see how hot you are …"
Energy for something as protesting had long left Scott, so he kept his hooded gaze at that mirror, eagerly spreading his legs for his lover further upon another slight slap to the inside of his thigh, broken moans escaping his lips when Logan stretched him open as quickly and efficiently as the last few months had taught him. Then he was there, finally, those stupid pants out of the way at last. And only now, seeing that massive, strong silhouette stand behind his bound and marked body, Scott thought he could get what his lover liked so much about mirrors. Not a thought that could linger for long though, at the wonderful thick pressure breaching him just a second later, his body arching up instantly, new whimpers breaking from his lips when he slumped back down and the damn clamps reminded him he was still very much in the hands of his partner.
Fortunately, Logan had no more intention of making him wait, fucking into him hard and fast, whatever ring he'd used earlier to keep his arousal in check now gone as well. One hand holding Scott in place again by his cuffs, his steel hard cock pistoled in and out of Scott's well-oiled hole, the coarse touch of the hair all over his thighs and loins a delicious sting on Scott's bruises that allowed no instant height which served them both just fine. Only when the noise from Scott's lips grew too desperate, Logan opened his cuffs again and allowed him to reach back, to bury his hands in Logan's hair as strong arms wrapped around his chest, lifting him up easily, Logan whispering gently in his ear that it was alright, that he could let go.
With the angle slightly changed, every thrust now hit the perfect spot, and Scott was coming all over that desk before he knew, writhing on his lover's cock, fucking himself down on it again and again as he emptied himself longer, harder than he could remember in a while.
The almost brutal clench of his muscles sending Logan right into orgasm as well, the well-known hot splash deep inside drew a lustful whimper from Scott, both of them slumping back down on the desk, out of breath. Logan still had half a mind left to reach under Scott and pull off those damn clamps, to softly caress him through the inevitable burn right after, covering his neck in soothing kisses, nestled as closely to him as possible. By the time they were somehow orientated enough to move again, the gag and the leash had found their way to the ground but Logan made it a point, leaving the cuffs and collar on Scott as they snuggled on the mattress stomach to back, and Scott couldn’t find it in him to mind.
They were both dozing off before there could be any more words exchanged, but knowing his lover's very active libido, Scott had no doubt he'd be woken up for round 2 before midnight, so he was entirely alright with that. He had the rest of the night to tell Logan how glad he was that Logan had once more been there a week ago to save him from his own stupidity and help make this crucial, wonderful change in Scott's life possible. For nights like this, it was more than worth it, not giving in to the burden of all this bullshit out there threatening them, the mutant world, the whole world. It was not only thanks to his newfound control over his gift, Scott could see that more clear than ever this night.
@whumptober | @whumptober-archive
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birdiewolf · 1 year
Lil rant on Joel (and other men) from Marvelous Mrs Maisel Season 5 so far
Marvellous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 Spoilers‼️‼️
Look, over the course of the past few seasons, I ended up liking Joel. I hated him at the beginning but he changes throughout the seasons.
He starts off as an immature and insecure man who cheats on his wife, but later becomes a much more tolerable person who holds himself accountable for his actions and does change to make sure he doesn’t repeat the same mistakes.
He knows he has no right to ask for forgiveness from Midge, he stops Archie from cheating on his wife by citing his own mistake of breaking up his family through cheating on Midge, he stands up for Midge, he supports her being a comic, he calls her and Susie and his parents out on their crap whenever they’re doing something wrong.
What I’m trying to get at is that he matures into a better person, and in my eyes, he got redeemed.
(I haven’t finished all the episodes of season 5. I’m at the halfway point of episode 5 and I’m so annoyed with the characters and the writing that I’m struggling to keep up. So my opinion in this based on what I’ve seen so far so please excuse the fact that I’m not judging fairly by making sure to base my feelings by watching everything)
Anyways, this season really fucked up his character in my eyes. Firstly, it’s his reaction towards Mei choosing to get an abortion that irritated me. When he breaks up with his secretary in the first season, he goes back to Midge only to get rejected. He LEARNS that he cannot demand the person he’s interested in to compromise for his wants and needs. He learns that he doesn’t have a right to expect forgiveness from Midge and to expect her to take him back after what he did. So someone please explain to me why this season his reaction to Mei is so apathetic.
The fact that he was so supportive of her pursuing her dreams of being a doctor but then suddenly getting upset with HER decision to get an abortion. What was the point of him learning that he can’t demand the woman he’s into to accommodate his needs before their own?? I feel like the initial scene would’ve been fine had there been a follow up where he’s cooled off and calm and properly bids farewell to Mei while showing he understands that they just weren’t meant to be. But so far from what I’ve watched, there’s nothing like that. There’s nothing showing that he understands that Mei was just not the person he could be with because she did not want the same things he did and he couldn’t just force her to abide by his wants. It’s so frustrating. If there had been a scene like that, then his initial reaction would’ve been more understandable. He’s a family man; he loves his kids so yeah he’s upset that Mei got an abortion because she’s the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with and have a family with. He’s upset so he reacts the way he does but later on, he’d apologize to Mei and wish her luck on her pursuit of being a doctor. That last bit just doesn’t happen and it’s why his reaction just doesn’t sit right with me.
All the maturity he developed went to waste. His sense of accountability and sensitivity to others around him just seems to have vanished. Remember that one scene (it was either season 2 or 3) where Susie was struggling to get Midge’s paycheque from that club owner and her and Midge call for Joel and he immediately shows up because he’s willing to stand up for both of them since he can see they’re being treated unfairly? Y’all remember that? I do!! But it feels like the show completely forgot about his sense of empathy for others🫠🫠
The fact that he doesn’t even empathize with Mei even after seeing the sexism Midge deals as a comic. He doesn’t even care enough to see the situation from Mei’s perspective. He doesn’t care enough to understand that the traditional nuclear family model wasn’t something Mei was ready for or that she didn’t want.
It’s just annoying. And I can’t remember which episode from this season but there’s that flash forward where he’s in prison and he’s asking Midge for revealing pictures of herself to give to the guys in the prison so they’d have something to get off to….like who the fuck thought that was a good scene to add?? Seriously? Like what the fuck? Why the hell would he allow someone he cares about to objectified in such a manner?? Didn’t he literally punch a motherfucker at the season 1 finale for making fun of Midge being a woman comic? Didn’t he fucking stand up for her? And now what, he’s just casually asking for immodest photos to use a transactional gesture within the prison? Like what the fuck? How the fuck did his character regress so badly??
I’m so fed up. I HATE most of the male characters so far in this season. Abe is no longer endearing to me. His obnoxious attitude towards Rose is so unfunny. Like did this man forget how upset his wife became that she ended up leaving him and left to go live in Paris?? Did he just forget about that??
And don’t even get me started on Gordon. This dude is so pathetic. I hate that the show runners tried to make his sexual harassment into a flirty gesture. Mf tries to kiss Midge without her consent, not to ducking mention, he’s literally her boss who treated her badly, but oh dw he’s good looking so it’s fine!! Like fuck this…I’m sorry but the show runners need to get it in their heads that sexual harassment isn’t endearing when it’s coming from a good looking man. It’s a horrible experience and the perpetrators charm and looks don’t overwrite that…
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toastybugguy · 1 year
i cannot ask this ina way tht does not sound accusatory or sounds like i ship it but what r your opinions on stydia as a whole????
oh god…. I’m not sorry to all the stydias out there but I… hate it. SO much. O| ̄|_
I’ve GOT to gripe, but like. Let me just say. Stiles and Lydia as bi/pan solidarity best friends is my EEEEVERYTHINGGG. There’s some moments between them that I SOOO love, except it’s only the platonic ones (n if you’re me, you’re reading intended-to-be-romantic scenes as platonic on purpose bc hey you’re allowed to care for someone’s safety and well-being in a FRIEND way OKAY). I need them 2 be bitchy best friends so much, that’s my lifeblood.
But romantic stydia…. SO truly bad. I hate the early 2000s-2010s trend of “guy being straight up creepy and obsessed is an endearing trait” thing they use to introduce it. Then stydia didn’t even exist after like, season 3a, but all of a sudden they NEED it to be the center of season 6a so they bring it back in a WHIRLWIND. Stiles saying “remember I love you” kills me bc like. Brother you have been dating Malia. You fully were not even interested in Lydia anymore I HHSGHSGGGj. They had to REAAALLY force that one convo in 5a (?) where Scott, Kira, Lydia and Stiles go to Eichen and Scott and Kira basically exposition at each other about how they’re soooo good together (what. why. where is this coming from. show me your proof Scott. SHOW ME YOUR PROOF!!)
Not to mention it undermines the other relationships so much bc hello? Out of Scott, Malia, and Lydia, Lydia is the LAST person that would be likely to bring Stiles back. They absolutely had the weakest connection out of everyone there. Also the panic-attack-stydia-kiss— NOOOOO nononono. BAD SO BAD. I FHJSHJFUckin digress.
I’ve said this before but I reaaaally really hate how Lydia’s arcs are often completely thrown out when love interests are introduced, and that still definitely happens with Stiles. Suddenly in 6a her entire character revolves around him and how much she loves him and needs him and Totally Has The Whole Time !! HHHHUH ?? Because MEANWHILE we’ve had a big arc about Lydia coming into her own and realizing her powers and that pretty much grinds to a halt once stydia starts trying to be canon.
Not to mention the fact that you get about 5 seconds of stydia being canon on-screen before it becomes irrelevant again, so whYYY did we do this in the first place ??? I’MMHDJGHJ
I may or may not make a more comprehensive version of this post at some point in the future, I’m not sure, cos this is just me off the cuff spouting my issues with it. Not as well articulated as I’d generally like. BUT. yea. I am a hater. my overall reaction to stydia is EUGH AUGH… ECK…. BAD……..
Anyway. Platonic best friend stydia is REAL in my HEART!! 🫶🫶
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
Big Brothers ft. MC is Pagan
*hands you some self indulgent bullshit*
Considering OM lore gives us proof of the Abrahamic God, why not others? This is purely because I'm a silly little pagan myself. My idea was that as a general rule, magic is stronger in the Devildom. And if you do deity work, said gods can visit you in a much more tangible way. If anyone is interested in a part 2 lmk! Anyways. Enjoy ♡♡♡♡♡
• He really doesn't care.
• Listen, it doesn't really affect him in any way. Bro has way too much on his plate to worry about you yelling at the moon.
• Every now and then you find candle wicks trimmed and herbs restocked. How mysterious.
• Despite his habit of brushing your religion off... Lucifer nearly has a heart attack when, late one night, he heads to the kitchen to grab yet another coffee only to find you chatting it up with The Morrìgan.
• Imagine his shock as he watches you sitting there on the counter, feet swinging as you tell the triple goddess about your day.
• Suddenly his respect and fear of you increases tenfold.
• His immediate assumption is "Oh shit like the witches he owes money.."
• Once you explain you don't do fantasy magic... just practical stuff he calms down.
• He tries to impress you by talking about how he met such and such deity at a party a few centuries ago.
• Claims to have out drank Dionysis. It's a lie.
• Enchant a good luck charm for him. He will cherish it forever.
• After observing your practice he's started keeping bay leaves in his wallet.
• Remember that comment about Dionysis? Yeah that's about to bite the great Mammon in the ass.
• As usual, our dear Avatar of Greed bursts into your room unannounced.
• Rudely interrupting a godly gossip session. 
• You just roll your eyes. "See what I mean? Zero privacy!"
• The god of madness and wine (amongst other things) hums in agreement before turning to Mammon with a glint in his eye.
• "How about a drinking contest? I've heard some bold claims."
• Once you get past the initial phase of "ew normie go away", he actually thinks it's kinda cool.
• I mean you do need to explain you aren't a magical girl or some shit. But aside from that he shows genuine interest.
• One night a thunderstorm knocks the power out.
• Unable to game, Levi decides to go see what you are up to.
• He's not quite sure what he expected, but it probably wasn't finding you sitting outside, criss cross applesauce in the pouring rain.
• "Hey... MC.... you okay?" Leviathan had planned on poking his head out to see what possessed you to go out on a torrential downpour.  Emphasis on planned.
• Seeing the king of the gods listening to you rant about failing the big Devildom law exam made the third born change his mind real fast.
• His plan was to pretend it never happened because *what the fuck*
• Too bad Zeus asked about the purple haired guy staring at you. Oops.
• If you do deity work, he loans you books on your patron's mythology
• Satan will sit for hours with you discussing common themes found throughout various religions.
• Thinks Freya's chariot being pulled by cats is the coolest thing ever.
• Very interested in baneful magic. I just know it.
• "I got you some coffin nails while I was out the other day."
• Satan is well aware magic is stronger in the Devildom so he isn't surprised in the slightest when any spellwork you do is a bit more... aggressive? Then what you expect.
• However he certainly wasn't expecting Lady Hecate to visit you every now and again.
• He was dropping off a book on natural poisons when the door opens to reveal a chthonic goddess offering you words of wisdom.
• "Oh I love that book. Leave it on the alter." Neither of you look up, too engrossed in your own conversation.
• Satan, being one of the few demons in this house with at least two braincells to rub together, does as he's told.
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mrcarmenile · 3 months
not just because of hellaverse, sam haft is one of my favorite musical artists of all time. a rant/storytime brought to you by me 😜
a while before i even knew what hazbin/helluva was, i had gotten really into the living tombstone. this was during the worst time in my life. i was on a road trip through LA and california in general, and i had just discovered how fucking fire the living tombstone songs are. i remember listening to all their songs on shuffle for the next few days, when i had come across the song “long time friends.” (i know the living tombstone is both yoav landau and sam haft, and i’m not sure how much of the lyric sam haft wrote, but i’m pretty sure it was most of if not all of them.)
this song literally changed my brain chemistry. something shifted suddenly in how i perceived like everything. this is not even an exaggeration. the lyrics really fucking struck a chord with me and it was that week that the way i viewed myself and my life became SO much more positive, and just so much better. that entire song is exactly how i think, and it’s exactly how i ended up healing from some pretty rough things.
and then there’s the song “what i want”, from the same album by the living tombstone called “zero_one”. i had first heard this song i think the same day i had first heard long time friends, but i hadn’t really paid any attention to the lyrics for whatever reason. flash forward to recently, when i relistened to that song and realized that i relate deeply to every. single. lyric.
mind you, there’s not many songs i relate to. the only other songs i had related to were long time friends, and a few other songs that i only VERY loosely related to. the moment i realized how much “what i want” related to me, i nearly cried, because i had genuinely never felt so seen in my life - that sounds very dramatic, but as a person who can barely truly relate to anything or anyone, it was a crazy and new experience. that song is literally EXACTLY what i went through just over a year ago, and it’s just so cathartic to be able to have a song that so closely relates to my emotions and the hardships i’ve had to face.
flash forward to today, and i am literally playing his completely solo song “pretending” from his EP “bad times” on repeat because this song is a damn banger. you guys should listen to it i literally love it it’s SO GOOD???
anyways sam haft is insane at music and i’m slightly biased toward his music because it’s the only music i relate to but no one can listen to his hellaverse songs and tell me he can’t write BANGERS 🤨🤨🤨
i will forever be grateful for him and his music bc at the moment he is like my entire music taste from his solo music to hazbin hotel to the living tombstone - the songs he writes and co-writes are just so fucking me dude like he needs to get out of my head NOT TO MENTION LOSER BABY IS EXACTLY HOW I COMFORT PEOPLE? THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I VIEW THINGS??? sam haft tweeted about how the positive nihilism that inspired loser baby got him out of a very tough time and the positive nihilism HE wrote (long time friends) got ME out of a very tough time and it’s like the universe has come full circle or some shit
fucking love that guy 👊
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yolowritter · 26 days
Volpibug Au Part 4: Mom help, there's a fox girl on my floor!
Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Lilanette Hell! Finally, after three rants longer than my entire attention span, I've returned with the good shit! Also yes, I cackled at the title. You'll see, it makes sense later. Part 3 of the Au is right here for anyone who needs a reminder, and today's rant focuses on the Glaciator episode and the immediate aftermath! This is where the Lilanette really begins! Also, this post is going to be really long, because I've got two whole snippets for you guys!
To give a bit more context, the Au currently has a pretty linear timeline. Begins with Volpina because obviously that's when Lila shows up for the first time, continues into Collector where Lila decides that Adrien is the least annoying person in class and she will get him back, hence teaming up with Marinette to go confront Gabriel about it. Yes, she gleefully reminds Monsieur Mothballs that CPS exists and is only one phone call away. Then the show moves on as normal, with Lila happily staying out of everyone's business and just kinda figuring out how friendships are supposed to work.
Add a few flashbacks to her altered backstory, maybe some nice Trixx pov to sweeten the deal, and suddenly we're at the Sapotis episode! As I mentioned in Part 2, Lila doesn't like Chloe, so she and Marinette kinda put their differences aside for the sake of Adrien having more friends and keeping the Queen B in check. Still, Lila does not like Marinette at this point. She thinks that while having moments of brilliance, the bluenette is erratic, overly emotional and also kinda creepy with her stalking of Adrien. This isn't bashing, just Lila being a bit too blunt. Anyway, they aren't clawing each other's eyes out and that's what matters. Cue Alya inviting them both to sleepover, the Sapotis incident, and then the rest of Part 2 where Volpina (with her fake civilian name starting with "Cer-" as a nod to Cerise) joins the hero team. If you need a reminder, don't worry I'll rant about it again sometime soon. Lila comes and goes during Akuma fights, occasionally showing up to laugh at Chat Noir when he gets yeeted halfway across the cityscape, and usually just sniding at that day's Akuma. She needs to get it out of her system to be able to hold her tongue in school, so it's a good outlet!
But anyway, one day the Glaciator Incident happens, mostly like normal. Lila gets invited to go out with the rest of the group, and actually does her whole innocent act to basically force Marinette to show up...but Adrien doesn't. Lila is less than pleased with this decision, because if you remember she told Marinette off for memorizing Adrien's wiki page and kinda stalking him instead of...oh, talking to the guy! It annoys her a bit too much, so she endeavors to put an end to this crap by making it so Marinette has to interact with Adrien in the context of friendship, and hopefully figures out that stealing phones is Lila's thing, and no, she doesn't allow copycats! Evidently...Marinette ends up having the same interaction with Andre, causing him to be upset, but Lila steps in to save the day by exclaiming that his ice cream is awesome and she really wants to try! Akuma averted...or not, because once she thinks she's out of earshot, Lila mutters about how a grown adult shouldn't get so hung up on teenagers' love lives + a whole bunch of "doesn't he have anything better to do?" Again, not bashing anyone, just Lila being Lila. Cue Glaciator, canon edition!
Volpina does show up for the fight and distracts him while Ladybug and Chat have their little "faking feelings is wrong!" argument, but Lila quickly gets tired of their shit and urges Adrien to just get it over with! Then, she hides behind a chimney to keep watch and they defeat the villain. As Volpina makes her way back down, Ladybug and Chat have a little conversation where he asks her to at least let him talk to her, and then they leave Lila behind to have the rooftop scene with the rose. As Ladybug leaves, Volpina jumps over (yes, she obviously spied on them, she does this a lot) to talk with Chat Noir.
Now...Lila does not do feelings of any kind. Empathy isn't in her dictonary, even if she is slowly learning how to practice it despite that. And here...she actually does have one of those mature moments. Lila's been forced to grow up too quick after her grandma's death with only Trixx for company (see part 1 here for the backstory), so that sobered her up a bit. Half the reason she treats everyone like an idiot is because they're all incredibly immature in her eyes. Anyway, she sits on the railing and Chat exclaims he's not in the mood for jokes tonight. Alarm bells start ringing in Lila's head, because she actually really vibes with their team's other pun enthusiast. She wouldn't call him a friend, but who else can help her drive Ladybug insane if not for the mangy stay? So she decides to talk to him about it, and we get the following snippet! Bet you weren't expecting that!
Volpina raises her hands in a surrender, giving Chat a toothy grin that shows her fangs. Her tail swishes around the metal railing, but after his frown doesn't go away, she clears her throat and scoots over to him. "Listen...I really don't do feelings. And I'm going to regret this...but do you want to talk about it?" she asks, trying to smooth her voice into something soft instead of the usual teasing tone.
The blonde's surprise is only betrayed by the sudden twitch of his ears, and Lila lazily stretches her arm to at least keep up the pretense of not caring. Give the boy an out if he doesn't want to share, and hope it all works out. Instead, Chat levels her with a suspicious stare. "Why do you even care? Sure, you're on our side..." he makes a wild gesture with his arms, as if physically grasping for the right words.
Lila cuts him off by snapping her claws together, meeting his eyes. "Because if you and the watermelon don't get your shit together, that's more work for me. And I've already fought enough of his kids' cartoon rejects as it is." she tells him in a rare moment of honesty. Not that Volpina doesn't care, it's just that the list of people she's willing to fight over currently extends to maybe five or six, and begrudgingly at that.
Chat's face falls, as if he'd half expected it. For a moment he almost looks like he's going to try and scold her...but he only gives a deep sigh. "It's complicated. I don't expect you to understand." the blonde mutters, ears drooping like someone's doused him with ice-cold water.
"It's either me or your Kwami. Take your pick, I won't sit here all night." Volpina argues in a dismissive tone. When Chat looks away from her, Lila thinks she maybe should have picked her words more carefully. Resisting the urge to leave him be, Volpina reaches out to gently grasp his shoulder with her claws. She levels him a serious look, to say she means it. "Just...start talking, would you?" Lila prods him, and Chat's eyes glint with poorly-disguised surprise. What an idiot...it's not like she'd actually grown attached. That would just be ridiculous.
Nevertheless, he tells her everything. How he'd invited Ladybug on a date and carefully prepared everything in advance, even if she told him it was a maybe. Well, that was much more headway than he'd ever made, so Chat Noir still went on with trying to make the perfect spot. But...she hadn't shown up. Dissapointed, he'd headed over to Marinette, having seen the bluentte on her balcony. Lila carefully files away their prior friendship, as well as the fact that she might have judged the girl a bit too quickly. If one of Paris' heroes has taken such an interest to her...could there be a side to her beyond the exasparating annoyance she's been friends with for so long? Chat goes on to describe the impromtu date between them, and then the conversation with Ladybug that Volpina definately hadn't listened in on. Spying on her teammates during a momet of emotional vulnerability? Her? Never!
Still, a certain detail does stick out to her, but she politely waits until the blonde is done moping. "You...do know she told you there were other plans for tonight, right?" Volpina asks, leaning her face towards him to look into Chat Noir's eyes. Her catty green peers through a dissapointed emerald, and he gives a nod. "Okay...I can't believe I'm going to ask this, but you know that Ladybug wasn't obligated to show up just because you expected her to, right? Everyone is allowed to say no." Lila tells him, trying to keep her tone from turning to an accusation. She'd never gotten the impression that Chat believed himself entitled to the other girl's affections, but it didn't hurt to make sure.
Silence slowly envelops them as he mulls her words over, as if struggling to understand the concept. She straightens up, arching her back across the railing for a stretch as Chat falls deep in thought. "We...we can say no?" he asks dumbly, almost as if he hadn't heard her. Oh. Oh...shit. She knew that innocent gaze from a mile away, having spent so much time glued to Adrien's side. Lila's heart sings with pity, and she takes a deep breath.
"Yes, of course we can." Volpina insists, grabbing onto his shoulder for emphasis. She clicks her claws together, hopping off the railing and standing next to Chat Noir. "Listen to me. Other people's desires only matter if you decide they do. And it goes both ways. Ladybug wasn't obligated to show up today, and you aren't forced to go on patrol if you don't feel like it." Lila tells him seriously, looking the blonde in the eye.
Then, as abruptly as the advice came, she steps back and promptly twirls herself around, playfully hitting his arm with her tail. Chat doesn't say a word, and Volpina takes a cursory glance at the sky. "I gotta run. Try not to get caught out in the rain, would you?" she snips at him before climbing on the railing. Before he's even gathered his bearings, she's disappeared over the skyline, with only the familiar high-pitched titter grazing his ears. Chat Noir unhooks his baton, and quickly jumps away into the night.
And scene! I figured this specific conversation was important, because Lila's advice really resonates with Adrien here. Also, I'll take any excuse to have Volpina on screen, but it's mostly for the plot. I'm trying to prevent Ladynoir without any fights, so Lila has her work cut out for her if she wants to accidentally rizz up Marinette. Believe me, if you thought the Agrestes were oblivious, they've got nothing on the fox girl who subconsiously doesn't think there's anything about her to love. Never to a point of self-hate, Lila is fairly comfortable with who she is as a person, but just...hasn't ever recieved affection aside from her grandmother. Sure, she's dated a few boys before, but that was only because she was using them for one reason or the other, and the "relationships" lasted only barely a month each, being more uninteresting than the one before. So...you can guess why Lila has never considered it after coming to Paris.
Also, just to be perfectly clear, despite Volpina and Chat Noir having their moments together and even a psuedo-date later on, things are strictly platonic here. Lila doesn't like him that way, and Adrien sees her as the cool friend who's teaching him what freedom actually looks like. His eyes are squarely on Ladybug, and later on Kagami. And after that, Luka. But that's for way later in the timeline. Feel free to ask about it though, I'm happy to yap some more about this Au's Lukadrien! Anyway! Lila is very much gay for Marinette, and Volpina does end up as Ladybug's bi awakening...so there's that! Alright, back to the plot!
The next morning passes by quickly, and Lila decides to join the nightly patrol with Ladybug and Chat, which she almost never does aside from when Volpina is in a mood to jumpspace their brave leader. She does it constantly, and Ladybug can never manage to find her before Lila suddenly appears behind her to say hello. This time however, she decides to spy on them again as they have a conversation, and Chat apologizes to Ladybug, explaining that he got his hopes up and it wasn't her fault. She then says it's okay, they hug, happy ending! But that's not what Lila is here for at all! See, Chat's words about Marinette have been stuck in her head all day now. In fact, Lila even tried being nice to the bluenette at school today (severely weirding her out) just to see if there's a difference to how she acts with her actual friends.
The results were...inconclusive, so she's come up another brilliant plan! After making sure this whole feelings crap was done with, she would just...show up at Marinette's house. As Volpina. Without any prior warning. And then promptly proclaim their friendship! That seems like a great idea! With only the best of intentions! What could possibly go wrong? ...as it turns out, absolutely everything.
Unfortunately this post is getting a bit too long, so I'll save the snippet for next time. I am writing these on the spot you know, it ain't easy. Hopefully a good way to get rid of Writer's Block, but still a challenge. Anyway, I do hope you all enjoed today's rant! Wasn't as unhinged as when I talk about canon, but then again my Aus have a lot less to complain about and a lot more to enjoy! If any of you want to talk about Volpibug feel free to shoot me an ask, I'm more than happy to tell you everything you want to know!
Anyway, I'll see you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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