#anywas WE WON
byeonnn · 6 months
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This fcking playlist is enough to knock me down for a good decade.
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doeinstinct · 1 year
people in that killua v kakashi poll makin me sad to be a killua lover like can y'all chill for 5 seconds 😭
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mischievous-bat · 11 months
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finally finished the first one!
as you can see, kestrel won the first voting which was lucky for me cause i always loved her!
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I was really sad and shocked to see her die, at least so early on because i feel like tui could have utilized her alot better.
she couldve killed wren so we dont have to deal with the human and dragon dynamic. dont get me wrong, i love wren but i human and dragon society never interested me, i loved stories that were purely about dragons (like spyro).
anywas, I really liked the aspect of her neck being a grey color with some kestrel markings, I also wanted her to look like a mix of a wyvern from GOT and corrupted cynder.
thing is, my headcanons are WILD about these books. ive recently had the idea to incorporate e v e r y single dragon species in wings of fire, like every tribe having any dragon type (of course thered be more or less of each type in each tribe, like skywings having alot of wyverns, seawings having alot of serpents and stuff)
I dont like having hard restrictions like "only this tribe can have these dragons" which is also why I like to draw some seawings red as red fish exist and things in the deep sea are often red since thats the first color to be filtered out. (so technically you could comment with any character but kjlwjnvlwnlfve lets stick to the basics)
I imagine skywing serpents would live near vulcanic ground and firescale serpents would live inside vulcanos, for example.
with that, gimme an orange wof character!
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goopi-e · 11 months
So I just got the Master Sword in the most badass way possible.
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Get the quest from the Deku Tree
Screw around the forest, accidentally skip to nighttime because of a quest where you help that one korok in Deku Tree's mouth
Ok, time to check in on Zelda
Oh, how convenient, she's floating right near the shrine I already activated
Fast travel
Wait, why is the sky red
Oh no
Oh no
Oh god, does it reset her position? I've heard her flight pattern is finnicky and breaks sometimes. Will the Blood Moon even let the event work properly? Crap.
She's riiight below the island tho
Check inventory
One (1) three-times speed-up food and one (1) stamina refill
Eh, I'll manage
Eat the speed-up and jump down
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Heh, funny how she decided to fly above that geoglyph in particular
...Wait, my glider fabric. I swear I didn't do it on purpose.
............Wait, what's that sound?
Is that a fucking
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No way
I am legally obligated to catch that
Star fragment get! Now back to Zelda
After a very tense skydiving session finally land on her
Well, on the very tip of her tail
Time to run across the whole length of a dragon's body! Oh boy!
How much time do I have anywa-
It's 23:00
There's no way I am making that distance in less then an in-game hour
And saving will just put me back at the island probably
Fuck it, we ball
No farming dragon parts, no picking the crystals from her back, no symbolic offerings of silent princesses, just shove a stamina refill in you mouth and run
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Quick, gotta take the pictures, I'll never let myself live it down if my Light Dragon and/or Master Sword Compendium pic won't memoralize this event
Wait, does the stamina test section adapt to the time of day or not?
Am I about to be cinematically carried by the dragon across the red, blood-moony sky?
Only one way to find out
Press "A"
...Oh, it just clears the sky up
Hold up, but it's set to always be morning when Zelda drops you off near the Temple of Time, how does the Blood Moon play into this?
Only one way to find out: The Electric Boogaloo
Oh, it's the part where Zelda acknowledges Fi! I wonder how the dub will reflect it
(Spoilers: it won't reflect it in any way, the grammatical gender for "sword" in Rusian is masculine, and so my poor girl Fi just got fucking misgendered)
Goodbye Zelda!! I'll make sure to visit you again!
Oh. Nothing happened. Guess the Blood Moon is postponed.
More guaranteed coking bonus effects for me then :^]
Anyways, welcome back Fi, if you weren't this sharp I'd hug you very-very tight because I've missed you very much and am happy to see you again, how do you like this uuuh Lynel horn I won from a lottery in Lurelin, now let's go break some fucking ore deposits together!!
The End.
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wh0re-behavi0r · 1 year
fuck it friday
tagged by @gayhoediaz @rewritetheending @swiftiebuckleys
Buck makes a face. “You ruined my fantasy!” he groans. 
“What’s wrong with Sam Stone?” 
“What’s wrong with Sam Stone?” Eddie muffles a laugh like this is a big joke. (It is.) 
“He makes the most generic country music ever. There’s no soul, no passion, no depth in the lyrics or the melody and I can’t believe he’s won a grammy before me!” Eddie laughs loud and unabashed this time at Buck’s mock upset. 
“Fine. I went to a shitty Sam Stone concert, but I met you so I don’t care about how shitty Sam Stone is.” 
“And then we dance.” Eddie pounces up on the bed, stretching across to use Buck’s speaker and play one Sam Stone song he’s never heard before, thank God. Eddie’s in basketball shorts and a tank, looking peaceful and like he’s meant to be here. 
He stretches out a hand for Buck to take, and he’s helpless to resist so he gets up and sways around the room. “For someone who doesn’t like this music, you’re dancing pretty enthusiastically to it.” He tucks his face in Eddie’s chest and then pulls out so he can be spun. He ends with his back to Eddie and closes his eyes as he’s embraced. 
“I don’t want us to be a secret, I promise. I’m sorry I’m asking so much of you.”
im sure yall did this already but tagging you anywa y
tagging @swiftiediaz @monsterrae1 @alyxmastershipper @peaceofficerdiaz @hearteyesdiaz @kitkatpancakestack @daughterofbuddie @eddiediazisascorpio
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starrysky28 · 4 months
The Times We Were Together: Chapter 3
Series Title: The Times We Were Together
Series Summary: After the Raccoon City incident, Claire, Sherry and Leon start living together, where they share many memories and moments with each other.
Chapter Title: "Our Little Secret"
Words: 2,291
Warnings: None
One Week Later...
"Man, they really have upped the price of this cereal since I was a kid..."
Leon never would have thought a week ago that he'd be tasked with going to a supermarket so far away from where he initially lived, let alone with a random child, but yet, here he was, paper shopping list that Claire had made for him in hand.
"Hey, Leon? Are we almost done?", Sherry asked him.
"Almost. We just have to get bread, eggs, and...oh..."
Leon had almost missed it, as it appeared to be crossed out and written again two different times. The item in question at the very bottom of the list read: "Tampons (if you know what those are)". He'd definitely heard of those, though he wasn't exactly sure what Claire wanted them for or why. 
He figured he could have just asked her, but he didn't notice it on the list until now, and it wasn't like he could afford one of those cell phones to call and ask. Besides, he didn't see an aisle labelled as such anywhere in the store anyway. Looks like it was just the bread and eggs then.
After checking out, the two walked out of the store carrying large paper bags filled with the groceries they'd bought.
"Whoa there, you need help with those, Sherry?", Leon laughed, watching the young girl struggle to carry one of the bags.
"Nope! I can do it", she insisted.
"But why did we buy so much, anywa-"
"Wait", Leon stopped short.
"Do you hear that?"
 Sherry turned around to face him, "...No?".
Soon, a soft cry or whimper, not one of a human, but similar to one of a dog, reached the girl's ears.
"I hear it!", she gasped.
"It's coming from over here, c'mon!", Sherry yanked Leon by the arm in her direction.
"Whoa! Hold on, Sherry", he said, nearly dropping the groceries that were still in his other arm.
She dragged him around the corner of the brick building, leading them to an old dumpster on the far left side of the store's exterior, where the cries grew louder. Once Sherry glanced behind the dumpster, her eyes widened and the bag of groceries she held immediately dropped to her feet.
Leon shouted, lagging behind her slightly, "Wha- Hey! I know they're heavy but don't drop the-"
"Puppy! Oh, you poor thing!", she cried out.
"Puppy?", Leon looked behind the dumpster to see a young, whimpering dog with grime dirtying its short, white and brown coat of fur and a sad, almost heartbreaking look in its eyes.
He kneeled down in front of the puppy, who was already wrapped in a tight hug by Sherry, despite its disheveled looks.
"Who would do this...", he muttered with a hint of anger in his voice.
"L-Leon...?", Sherry sniffled.
She turned to face him, tears streaming down her face, "C-Can we bring him home?"
Leon's eyes panned between her and the puppy, "Uhhh...Well..."
He thought about what Chris and Claire may think about them bringing home a puppy. Claire may be a little more on board with it, as Sherry had talked about wanting a puppy since they escaped Raccoon City. Chris on the other hand, seemed like he wouldn't exactly be the most keen on him bringing a dirty animal into the house.
Despite this, Leon couldn't help but sympathize with not only the dog, but Sherry too. Besides, it seemed as if Sherry might not have had many friends or companions in her life. Leon didn't even know whether or not she was homeschooled.
Ultimately, his emotions won, "Fine"
Sherry gasped, "Really?!"
"Thank you so much, Leon! You're the best!!"
"Now, listen", he said in a serious tone.
"Keep quiet about this. It'll be our little secret...just for now, okay?"
"Okay!", she nodded, smiling through her tear-stained face.
After running into the store one last time to grab some dog food and some other pet-related things, Leon and Sherry hurried home before the others got suspicious 
When they arrived back home, the two of them carefully snuck inside. Leon carried the grocery bags, while Sherry had the puppy snuggled up inside of the oversized sweatshirt Leon had given her when she got cold inside of the supermarket.
"Okay, bring the dog upstairs to the bathroom so we can give him a bath, I'll meet you up there when I'm done putting away the groceries, got it?", Leon ordered.
"Got it!", Sherry gave him a thumbs-up, and ran up the stairs, clutching the lump in the sweatshirt where the puppy hid to keep him from falling out.
Once she was mostly out of sight, Leon strolled into the kitchen to find somewhere to put down the heavy bags.
"We're home!", he called out.
No response.
This was rather odd considering that Chris's car was in the driveway when him and Sherry got home, meaning that neither Chris nor Claire had gone anywhere while they were at the store.
"Hello?", Leon turned the corner into the living room.
He froze and his breath hitched almost instinctively for a second when he saw Chris laying on the couch. Luckily, he appeared to be asleep as evident by his snoring and semi-peaceful expression. 
Leon sighed out of relief. It seemed that the experience of seeing dead bodies in Raccoon City had caught up with him in that moment.
By this point, Sherry had reached the upstairs bathroom. However, there was one problem: someone was in it. 
She turned away from the bathroom to try to think of a backup plan. She could go to the downstairs bathroom and they could just bathe the puppy in the sink-No, that would be way too messy. Or perhaps she could just take the puppy back to her room and wait until the bathroom was free-But Leon said to wait in the bathroom. 
Unfortunately, it was at this moment that the door opened as she was right beside it. Her only hope was that she could just pretend to be invisible and nobody would notice, but as expected, this didn't work.
"Hey, Sherry! You guys buy some good food finally?", Sherry recognized the voice as Claire's.
Suddenly thinks weren't looking so hot.
"Uh, yeah...heh", she answered awkwardly with her back still turned.
Claire raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay? You seem a little stressed..."
"I'm fi-"
"...What was that?", Claire asked suspiciously.
"Uh...um....t-the neighbors...dog?", Sherry cringed. She knew there was no way out of this one now.
"The neighbors don't have a dog, Sherry...", Claire shook her head.
Leon came up the stairs and tried to play dumb, despite knowing exactly what was going on as soon as he reached the top of the staircase.
"Hey, Claire. Uhh...How are you?", He smiled awkwardly.
"Leon, what's wrong with Sherry?", Claire demanded.
He rubbed the nape of his neck, "Um..."
Suddenly, the puppy that was hidden in the sweatshirt squirmed free and appeared to happily trot up to Claire, rubbing against her legs.
She recoiled in surprise, looking up at Sherry and Leon, who had matching looks of shock and panic on each of their faces.
"Seriously, Leon? You came home with a puppy?"
Claire turned on the water, starting to run a warm bath, "So you found it behind a dumpster? That explains why its all dirty"
Sherry jumped up, "Yeah! And he was cold and all alone too! We couldn't just leave him there!"
"You couldn't take it to a shelter? What if that dog belonged to someone", she quietly mentioned to Leon.
"No collar. Besides, the poor thing was skin and bones, there was no way someone was taking care of it", he replied.
Claire took another glance at the dog's condition, "Oh...I see now.."
"Well, I'm sure a nice bath will do him good", she added.
A few minutes passed and soon the tub filled halfway with steamy, hot (but not too hot) water. 
"I guess I'll do the honors", Leon offered, lifting the pup off the floor, to which the dog let out a tiny whimper.
"I know, buddy. I promise you're gonna feel so much better after this is done and over with", he cooed.
Claire let out a small chuckle at Leon's "puppy voice". Meanwhile, the dog in question looked around, puzzled as to why he was being put in this large, white container of water.
"Can we help you wash him too, Leon?", Sherry asked.
"Yeah, that would be helpful", he gestured the two girls to come over.
"Plus, who knows if he'll try to escape on me", he joked.
Claire shook her head, "I dunno, he's doesn't seem as rambunctious as our old dog"
Sherry piped up once more, "Wait, you had a dog?"
"Sure did! His name was Porkchop!"
"He looked a lot like this little guy, actually. Was a bit fat too though, but that's probably because Chris used to feed him leftover bacon all the time. You guys would have loved him", she reminisced, watching Leon lather shampoo into the dog's grime-covered fur.
Leon smiled. He seemed to like whenever Claire referenced her childhood. Other than her parent's accident, he couldn't help but notice that her childhood seemed so normal. If only his could have been like that.
"Hold on, you aren't doing it right, Leon", Claire complained, noticing him getting distracted.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Here, let me help you get up all the dirt", she said, scooting closer to him to the point where their arms were touching, making his heart skip a beat.
"Like this, see?"
Leon could feel his face grow warm as she grabbed onto his hands, moving them in a circular motion on the fur.
"So Chris has seemed pretty quiet lately I've noticed", Leon mentioned as the three of them began to dry off the puppy with a large purple towel.
Claire nodded, "Work called him last night"
"Him and his team are being asked to do some thorough investigating into Umbrella in another location. He thinks he may have to leave home for awhile"
Leon stopped drying and grew quiet for a moment, "Wow...I-I mean it's about time, but I guess it's just gonna be us then if he leaves..."
"Yeah...and to think that just last week he was worrying about me", she looked down at the ground.
"Now I'm worrying a bit now too"
Leon put his hand on her shoulder, "There's no need to worry, Claire. Chris is a strong, capable man, if anyone knows what their doing, he does"
Claire looked into his gentle blue eyes, softened with concern, and took a deep breath. 
"Okay?", he smiled, trying to reassure her.
She almost had the urge to kiss him in that moment. Leon was just so caring and kind to her this whole time that they've known each other, Claire could barely help it, but she couldn't. Not now. Maybe not even ever.
"Okay", she tried her best to smile back.
Suddenly, the puppy shook its fur, spraying water and soap all over them. 
"Ahaha! Stop that!", Sherry giggled.
"Well, I guess we've got an even bigger mess now, huh?", Leon laughed along with her.
It was also at that moment that Chris opened the bathroom door to the sight of them washing the wet dog.
"...Oh...so that's why there was dog food and a leash in the grocery bag...", he looked around surprised.
"Why didn't you guys tell me that we suddenly have a dog?"
"Um...It's kind of a long story", Leon replied.
"Do tell"
While explaining the situation to Chris, the group made their way downstairs sitting on the couch, the little puppy now laying sleepily in Sherry's lap.
Chris sat on the end with his hands folded, "Are you guys sure you're ready to take care of a puppy? They take a lot of work, y'know"
"Besides...", he continued.
"You'll have one less person taking care of it"
"So you are leaving after all...", Claire frowned.
"Yes", he nodded.
"It's only necessary, and if all goes well, I should be back within a few weeks"
"And...When do you leave?", Leon butted in.
"Two days from now"
Claire nearly shot up from her seat, "Two days?!"
"I know it was a bit short notice. I've been stressed about it to no end, barely been able to sleep at night these past few days", Chris said.
His younger sister got quiet and sighed, "Please just be alright, okay? You promise?"
He paused slightly before speaking again, "I promise"
"So, what are we naming the puppy, anyway?", Sherry asked at dinner later that night.
"Oh...that's a good question", Leon chuckled, looking over at Claire.
"Hmm, how about...Biscuit?", she suggested.
"Good one!", Chris pointed at her with his fork.
"I don't know...It's cute but it doesn't fit him, y'know?", Leon added, swallowing his food.
"I'm thinking something like...Duke?"
The others each made a noise of disagreement on that one.
"Oh!", Sherry piped up.
"What?", they rest harmonized.
"Porkchop Jr! And we could call him junior for short!", she exclaimed.
"I like that. He even looks like our old one, doesn't he, Claire?", Chris mentioned.
Claire smiled as she looked at the pup eating away at the food in an old plastic bowl from one of the cabinets, thinking of how the old Porkchop would do the same thing after a long day of cheering her up shortly after the car accident that took the lives of her parents.
"Yes. I like that name"
"Alright, Porkchop Jr it is then", Leon smiled back at her, warming her heart once again.
To Be Continued...
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creekfiend · 4 years
Lambchop and I just won the funny face contest in the virtual buhund dog show on Facebook . we didnt even enter it
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tsumussweetheart · 3 years
when he helps push your board 😜😘 >>>
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Festival (F) Shikamaru x Reader
Woot here we go. Shikamaru has always been one of my favs so I figured I should write for him. So uh, enjoy I guess. (Alsooo we're gonna age up the characters so y'all are 18 lmao)
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   You panted heavily, standing with your hands on your knees and caught your breath. You looked up to see Naruto in front of you, doing the same. You were currently helping each other train, and you'd been at it for hours. The two of you were about to go at each other again when Kakashi jumped in between you.
   "You two need to take a rest before you pass out from exhaustion," he spoke calmly, eyes not leaving the book in his hand, "Now go do something other than training, rest a while. Got it?"    You and Naruto let out a collective groan before you spoke, "But Senseiii."    "I'm not your sensei anymore, kid, still, no buts, now go," he looked up from his book to look at you. You knew he was serious so you nodded.    "I'm always gonna call you sensei," you shrugged.    Naruto picked up some of his kunai from the ground as you picked up a few shuriken you had thrown. Once you had cleaned up, you and Naruto headed out of the training area you had been in.    "All that training made me hungry," he let out a laugh, rubbing his stomach.    You chuckled and nodded in agreement, "Then let's go get some ramen, I'll pay."    His face lit up and he took off running toward the shop. You ran after him, catching up after he was already at the shop and ordering his first bowl. You sat next to him and ordered your own.    He turned to you, "Any notes on training today?"    You shook your head, "Not really, no. I think we both did pretty good."    He smiled, giving a thumbs up.    The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while until he spoke again, "So, do you still not have a date to the festival this weekend?" he asked, propping himself up on one elbow.    "You know I don't. Nobody asked me yet, and we both know I don't have the confidence to ask anyone," you sighed.    "Well you could come with Sasuke and I if you'd like, I'm sure he wouldn't mind," he paused and wiggled his brows, "Or you could finally ask Shikamaru to go with you after having a crush on him since we were 14."    You felt a light blush creeping up your cheeks, "I'm not asking Shikamaru."    And that's when you heard a bored voice from behind you, "You aren't gonna ask me what?"    You turned around and your fears were confirmed as you saw Shikamaru standing there, "Oh nothing, nothing at all. No big deal."    Just as Shikamaru was about to walk away shrugging, Naruto had to open his mouth, "She was gonna not ask you to the festival," he said excitedly as you facepalmed.    Shikamaru turned to you, "You weren't going to ask me to the festival. What a drag, I was hoping you would," he sighed and you looked up to him.    "Wait what? You wanted me to ask you?"    He nodded, "Yeah, that's what I just said."    "Oh well, uh, in that case," you paused, "Do you wanna go with me to the festival?"    You swore for a split second you could see the beginnings of a smile on his face before he responded, "Sure. Meet here at 8 then we can go together."    You smiled and nodded before he walked off.    When you turned to Naruto he had a goofy smile on his face. You deadpanned.    "You are so lucky that he said yes, if not I would've taken your kneecaps in your sleep."    He laughed as the ramen was placed in front of the two of you, "You wouldn't hurt your best friend and you know it."    You shook your head and chuckled before starting to eat your ramen.
~Le time skip to le festival brought to you by Kakashi's porn books~    You looked in the mirror, making sure your hair looked perfect. After triple checking that you looked okay, you walked out of your house and to the ramen shop, where you and Shikamaru said you'd meet.    When you got there, it was exactly eight o clock and Shikamaru was walking up from the opposite direction. The moment you saw him, you swore your jaw hit the ground. He looked so different. His hair was down and he was dressed nicely as opposed to his casual ninja wear.    As the two of you got closer, the blush on your face was clear and couldn't be missed even in the dim lighting surrounding you. He held out a small flower to you, "I saw it on the way here and thought of you, so I figured I should show you."    You took the flower and smiled, tucking it behind your ear, "Thank you."    "You're welcome," he nodded and held out his hand, offering it for you to hold. You gladly took it, interlacing your fingers.    The two of you started walking closer to the festival, hand in hand, talking about random things.    When you arrived at the festival, it was maybe 8:15, give or take a few minutes. You smiled and started to walk to a booth that had a mini game.    Shikamaru raised a brow as he looked at the game before giving the man the money to play. He won first try and saw that you were looking at a fluffy panda stuffed animal. When the man asked what he want, Shikamaru pointed to the panda plushie. When he got it, he gave it to you and flashed a slight smile.    You blushed softly and thanked him. He nodded and held your hand, walking around until he found another booth he liked.    The rest of the night continued like that, just walking around until something caught one of your eyes. You couldn't stop smiling all night, happy that you were at the festival with Shikamaru.    As the night came to an end, he took you to the top of a nearby hill, sitting down and pulling you to sit with him. You did and leaned your head on his shoulder.    He smiled and leaned his head on yours, "The fireworks are starting soon."    "Fireworks are my favorite."    "I know," he paused, "I didn't mean to sound like a creep. But I asked Naruto what you liked before I came tonight."    You laughed softly as he clarified that he wasn't a creep, "That's really sweet of you, Shikamaru."    He couldn't help the faint blush that dusted his cheeks as you spoke, "It was nothing, I just wanted to make sure that you had fun."    "Well I've had a lot of fun, so mission accomplished."    Just then the fireworks started, both of you watching in amazement at the beautiful colors.    Once the display was over, you sighed, "This is the part where we both go home I guess."    "We don't have to, I wouldn't mind just sitting here with you," he wrapped and arm around you.    "I wouldn't mind that either," you smiled and scooted closer until your hips were touching.    The two of you just sat there enjoying each other's company in silence for a while. After a few minutes, he looked up at the sky, "The stars are absolutely gorgeous tonight."    You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked up too, "Wow, they really are."    He then looked to you, "But, uh, not as pretty as you."    You giggled and looked at him, "That was very cheesy."    "Oh well, I asked Asuma what girls liked and he told me they liked that cheesy, romantic stuff, so that's what I went with," he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.    You smiled, "Don't get me wrong, I definitely liked it, it was very sweet. And you look nice too. Very handsome."    He smiled back, "Can I tell you something?"    You nodded and looked at him, waiting for him to speak.    "Well, I've actually like you for a while now, and now that we're actually going out I was thinking," he  paused to think of how he wanted to word it, "Can I kiss you?"    "I've liked you for a while too. And as far as kissing me, yes you can," you smiled.    He gently cupped your jaw and leaned in, both of you closing your eyes. When you felt his lips connect with yours, it was like the fireworks from earlier were going off again behind your eyelids.    When you pulled back, you were both blushing as he spoke, "I have wanted to do that for so long."    "Then why didn't you?"    "I just didn't know how to ask you out I guess."    You giggled softly, "Finally something the genius couldn't figure out."    He huffed softly, "What a drag," he pulled you close and kissed the top of your head, "Let's stay like this for a little longer, I don't want the night to end."    You smiled and nuzzled your head into his neck, "Me neither."    From the bottom of the hill, Naruto and Sasuke saw the two of you sitting together and Naruto let out a chuckle, "Took them long enough."
I love the idea of Shika asking Asuma for relationship advice hush. Anywas hope you liked it, all that good stuff. Don't forget to like vote and that shit thanks :))
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I can't believe it.
This is episode based, the Hank Abraham case- which i touched on as lightly as possible but its there, so there is fair warning.
Warnings: Usual Svu, SVU based & Hank Abraham case.
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The air was thick with tension, no one was game to say anything at risk of adding more fuel to the fire or saying something wrong. Sonny, Amanda and you felt like you had done something wrong, when in reality you done your job and caught a bad man, you guys couldn't help who it was.
Rafael wasn't himself when he found out the news. You guys hadn't spent much time together since the case came in, he had been working late, you asleep when he got home and gone by the time you woke. He was getting pressure from the DA to sort this out and get it out of the way as quickly as possible. It had to come first till it was all over with.
Pippa Cox walked out of Liv's office after watching one of Hank’s interviews with Rafael and Ed Tucker, she looked into your eyes with such hate and hurt, and you looked down holding back tears with red cheeks. You guys had walked into her and Hanks apartment at two in the morning and turned her and her kid’s lives inside out. Of course she hated you for it. You got up from your desk and pretty much ran to the on call room and shut the door behind you letting the tears fall.
Amanda had seen the look you were given and how you reacted, you didn't know she had followed you.
The door opened and you were sitting on a bed. She walked over and sat next to you putting her arm around your shoulders.
"It's a tough one"
"You’re telling me, I just hate feeling like we done something wrong, you know"
"Yeah I know, but we didn't. We caught the bad guy"
"We tore his family apart"
"Yeah, but he was doing bad things, you wouldn't want to be married to someone like that would you?" You shook your head
Friday afternoon came at a snail’s pace. You had a few messages here and there from Rafael over the week, and one late night conversation, he felt like a stranger. He told you he didn't want you to feel that he was taking it out on you, but he has having trouble processing everything that was going on, which you could tell from his sad watery eyes during that conversation. So you left him to it and stayed out of the way.
Sonny had gone to court with Liv on Friday for the ruling, he wanted you to go too, but you wanted to stay back and finish off paper work and just go home. You finished early and signed out when Amanda did. You got a cab a block away from the apartment and picked up two bottles of wine then walked the rest of the way home.
You hadn't heard from Rafael so you decided to give it a couple of hours before you would order in. Sonny messaged you with outcome and you weren't sure how Rafael would be when he got home. You showered and washed you hair and put on some cotton shorts and a t-shirt and opened the wine.
You pretty much sculled down the first bottle. You were on your last glass from that bottle staring out the window when you heard the keys in the door. Rafael walked in like a zombie and went straight to the bathroom not even saying hello and you heard the shower running.
You stood at the island and opened the second bottle of wine and filled your glass up, picked up your phone and ordered his favourite Thai dish from a place down the street. You poured him a drink just how he liked it and sat it at the end of the island so he could see it when he walked out of the bathroom.
He came out in a pair of cotton track pants and a white t shirt, walked straight to the drink and drunk it in one go, he walked over to you, turned you to face him and wrapped his arms around your waist and hide his face in your neck.
"Just hold me, don't let me go ok" You nodded and kissed him on top of the head.
Not much was said for the rest of the night, dinner came and you ate in silence, Rafael having a couple more drinks after dinner. After you cleaned up and sat on the couch, Rafael joined you and laid his head on your lap and you ran your fingers threw his hair.
Next minute you heard him lightly snoring, you wiggled out from under him laying is head slowly down and covered him with a blanket and went to bed. You wanted nothing but to pull him to bed with you, but he was completely drained and slightly drunk, so best to just leave him there.
The light was streaming in from the window through your eyes lids, you slowly rolled onto your back and was surprised when you seen Rafael laying there looking up at the ceiling.
"Morning Rafi, are you ok?" You lent over and kissed him on the cheek. He didn't answer straight away. He was frowning and his jaw was clenched.
"I can't believe it you know-why he would risk everything over doing something like that. He had everything. An amazing job, a wife, two healthy happy children and he did that knowing if he was caught what would happen" he shook his head.
"No one will ever be able to answer that Rafi, not even him. He was fighting demons no one knew about and they won. I feel sorry for Pippa. Being married to him for so long and having his children, for him to be doing that behind her back. But I can't help but think it was our fault."
He turned his head and looked at you, you looked down
"Why would you think that?"
"Well if we had left when Liv told us too, he wouldn't have got caught and their lives would have gone on like they always had. All week Sonny, Amanda and I have been blaming ourselves. But we were just doing our job. But we tore his family apart-and I couldn't help but think you were mad, at us, at me starting this shit storm"
He rolled over and faced you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Look at me Hermosa" you didn't "Hermosa" you huffed and looked up to meet his gaze.
"I don't want you to ever think that ever again. He would have got caught. You done your job, and a good job at that. I'm sorry for the distances, I just couldn't get it to sink in. It triggered so much for me and I didn't know how to process it. Not that my father did anything like that, but he had an amazing wife and me, and it still wasn't enough, his actions caused him to lose us. I don't understand why what they have isn't enough."
"It’s life Rafi, some people it’s just their makeup, how they are made, they don't care if they lose what they have, no matter how good it is. If we weren't in the job we're in, none of this would matter as much as it does, it would just be another story on the news. But we see it first hand, we have a different point of view than most people. I just hope-never mind"
"No say it"
"I just hope I'll always be enough for you Rafi" his whole face softened and he lent down and kissed you lightly on the lips.
"Hermosa, you always have been and always will be enough, I love you."
 "Tio Raf, you promised so long ago" Zara pouted over the video call.
"I know mi Amor, but Tia and I have been really busy with work"
"Sweetie, as soon as Aunty Liv and Tio Raf's boss give us some time off we will be out to see you"
"I can call Aunty Liv and talk to her" you, Rafael and Nick started laughing
"It's ok sweetie thank you, but I can handle her"
"Ladies and Gentleman this is your caption speaking, we have arrived at LAX airport, local time 7 am, enjoy your stay in Los Angeles California"
The sun was shining down and you could smell the salt in the air, you hadn't been this relaxed in a very long time. You and Rafael were standing on Santa Monica pier waiting for Nick and Zara to come.
You both finally got some time off and worked with Nick on a week he had Zara over summer break. You guys all decided to keep it as a surprise for her. Although Rafael would have preferred a beach somewhere, you both naked most of the time, he was looking forward to some time away and some time with Zara. Nick only had a 1 bedroom apartment, so you guys were staying in a hotel. Rafael preferred it that way anyway, because he knew at the end of the day he could get you alone.
"You excited Hermosa?" Rafael was leaning on the rail looking very handsome in jeans and a casual button down, your arms wrapped around his middle and your chin on his shoulder
"Very much so. You?" He nodded and kissed you on the cheek.
"Hey Sweetie, I have a surprise for you"
"What is it Daddy?" Zara looked up at Nick
"Have a look around first to see if you notice anything"
Nick had sent you a message saying they were walking towards the pier, so you both started to make your way toward the entrance. You could see Zara scanning the crowd, and then her eyes met yours and she smiled and screamed.
"TIA" she ran towards you and knelt down a bit so you could pick her up as she got to you. Zara wrapped her arms around your neck and you picked her up.
"Hey my sweetie, surprise. I've missed you so much"
"Tia you made it. I've missed you"
You gave her a kiss in the cheek and placed her back on the ground when she wrapped her arms around your waist.
"Hey mi Amor"
She pulled away from you and jumped on to Rafael, him picking her up. That finally gave you a chance to say hello to Nick. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his around your middle, he lifted you slightly off the ground.
"I've missed you so much Y/N"
"Me too Nick"
He put you down and pulled away, kissing you on top of your head resting his arm around your shoulders.
The week had been amazing, you guys had done so much with Nick and Zara. Zara was going back to Maria that night, and it was your last day tomorrow, you guys had a midnight flight. Nick was going to take you both out for dinner and then drive you to the airport.
"So the last case was a tough one hey" Nick took a sip of his beer.
"You could say that" Rafael frown "You’re lucky you missed out on all the fun" he rolled his eyes.
"It was horrible" you took a sip of your wine "that's really the first time I questioned myself at my job"
"Why would you do that?" Nick grabbed your arm and gave it a light squeeze "Your amazing at what you do, you couldn't help who it was. I was shocked when you told me"
"Anyway let's talk about something else, you look happy Nick, and so does Zara" you smiled at him.
"She is, I’ am. I' am missing a couple of things, well people, but it was worth the move for the most part, especially when the people I miss most come to visit"
"You don't miss me Amaro" Rafael smirked at him
"Well no, but you guys are a package deal" Nick winked at you.
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astralhugs · 3 years
Hi! Can you do a hc about the boys (plus Shaw) as kpop artist and mc being their personal biggest fan? And as much as I hate it leave Kiro out cuz you know...he is an actual singer. Thank you 😊
MLQC boys (-Kiro) as KPOP Idols! AU
Everyone who doesn’t stan him thinks he’s some cold hearted idol who wouldn’t even look at his fans.
They aren’t wrong honestly lol
He got the title ‘Ice Prince’ of soloists because of his face. Handsome but....intimidating.
He hates sasaengs.
But during fan signs, hes actually quite friendly.
He would often appear on reality TV shows.
Weekly idol? He would roasts the MCs.
Watching Namjoon cut onions was a no❤️ from him.
Anyways back to the fan signs and interactions-
He would make short talks with them, he has a stack of souvenir pudding he made on his own
the fans would usually get it after the fan sign was over.
sigh imagine getting victor li AND souvenir in one day? one can only dream,,,
i cannot see him lifting his abs or ripping his shirt while performing tho.
Everyone loves his voice. Its deep and smooth when he sings.
If he ever gets gifts, he wouldn’t throw it away.
Clothes? He has plenty but he would wear the ones fans gave when he goes to the airport.
A bit on the underrated side tho :(
Sometimes he acts in kdramas
....as the rich ceo love interest.
That one kpop idol during fan signs that would listen to you rant and give advice.
He has this safe and calming aura around him.
Hardly has antis lol
He motivates his fans to study!!
“So Lucien, since its exam season, do you have any motivational words you could say to your lovely fans?”
“Hello! I’m Lucien, exams are coming up and I understand how stressed you all are. But I know you all will do your best because I believe in you! If you ever feel less motivated just remember, somewhere in this tiny world, theres a man in Loveland city who understands how you feel...that is all, fighting!”
He made it to the list of Kpop Idols who have high IQs
His smile during fansigns>>>>>
If yall ever give something to Lucien he would feel so happy!
“Ah...thank you so much! I will treasure it well!”
And he doesnt lie. The shirt you gave him during the last fansign? He’s wearing it in a live right now.
Also, he would know if you bought a star for him.
Would be so touched omg
His acoustic performances>>>>>
Please stan this man
Put Namjoon, Victor and Lucien in one room.
Like Victor, Gavin is known as another stoic idol who doesnt care about their fans.
lol dont judge a book by its cover yall
Famous for his perfect visuals.
And abs.
Multitalented king we love it.
Gavin would be the type to secretly allow fans to take pictures with him when the managers not looking.
Gavin released a mixtape to call out a certain idol.
Xiao. Real name : Shaw.
Yes his popularity rose quicker after that but gossips started spewing up.
Rumors has it that ‘Xiao’ from Black Swan Ent. (Rivals of LFG ent. and STF ent.) is his younger brother.
“Gavin, what do you have to say about the rumors of ‘Xiao’ being your brother?”
“I appreciate you asking that but just because we both rap and have a similar face doesn’t mean we’re brothers. Besides, even if we’re brothers, does it really matter? He is his own person and I am my own, thank you. :)”
A fan gives him a headband? He is wearing it and would not take it off for the staff to take it from him.
THAT TOY GUN THAT SPITS MONEY OUT??? Yeah he likes it (this)
Hardly gets into scandals because mans only shows up to work, gym then his apartment.
There was this one time where paparazzi saw him waiting for someone in some parking area.
Trading something with someone who is in similar height with him.
Gavin doing drugs goes trending.
BUT another fansite caught the hair color of the guy Gavin was trading with.
Silver-purple hair?????
Similar height?????
I think everyone knows their siblings
“It is true that I went out and got money from someone but that someone was my brother and it was because I had a bet with him to which I won so he had to pay up. I apologize for this inconvenience.”
Then the pictures got leaked.
Unlike his brother, he gets into a lot of scandals.
Like a lot.
“Xiao was spotted here” “Xiao was spotted there” “Are Xiao and Idol C confirmed dating???”
A tease to his fans.
When he released a response to Gavin’s mixtape he spat FIRE.
Not @ me just remembering Gavin having the fear of fire-
Anywas, his interactions with fans would be cute.
Holding hands, cool
Does your idol ruffle your hair and act as your best friend?
In contrast to Lucien, he simply states.
“Just drop out❤️ #yolo”
An icon honestly.
After the Gavin and Shaw = siblings rumors were cleared up and it turned out they were actually siblings
They started interacting in shows more.
They MC-ed together.
Based off real life events :
“Xiao you’re so handsome”
“Oh I know!”
*Que Gavin making a 🤢 face as a joke making the whole award show laugh*
“Quit stealing my thunder, you jerk.” Xiao lightly punches Gavin.
Theres a part 1,2 AND 3 compilation of Xiao and Gavin interactions.
And theyre all funny asf
As a group (this one includes Kiro)
They all share one braincell and that braincell belongs to Victor.
Kiro is the face of the group (obviously)
Gavin and Shaw bicker alot
Victor and Lucien, ah yes world war 3.
Kiro, the peace maker.
“Compilation of Kiro calming LuciVic and GavShaw”
“Kiro watching the world burn because of LuciVic and GavShaw”
“Victor being done with his members”
“Lucien being a genius part 277383”
“Gavin boyfriend material videos”
“Shaw roasting the other members on Live part 847474”
You would see those titles pop up often.
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monsters00km · 4 years
Ok, so I keep seeing people shitting on Robyn's behavior at the end of the season (her throwing the chair at the dinner party screaming "only" and her being the one to attack Clover on the ship).
I wanted to talk about this, I dont want to say Robyn was in the right however I totally understand where she is coming from.
Let's start with the dinner party. So, before the dinner party what do we know about Robyn?
1. Shes the people's Champion (specifically Mantle's)
2. Leaders fighting the same cause as her (so like her major supporters) who speaks out against Ironwood are being Murdered.
3. Her opponent (Schnee) closes his business which puts who knows how many people out of a job.
4. Supplies for her city (supplies that are for reinforcing a wall to protect from the grimm) are being sent to the middle of nowhere with no explaination.
5. She somehow loses the election
6. During this lose there is a massacre at her party
7. One of her huntresses are injured during this.
8. It is believed that Penny did this. (Which means she loses the one thing Ironwood gave her - the protector of Mantle)
9. Blake and Yang tell her about the communications tower but dont have time to tell her everything else.
10. She is invited to this dinner party as pretty much a big F U to Ironwood.
So out of 10 things we know like 3 of them are good (1, 9, & if interpreted differently 10)
Now, shes at the dinner party with Ironwood and his top people who have not lifted a finger this entire time to help Mantle, with Jacque Schnee who closed business and somehow still won, and the other counsil members who have also done nothing to help her or her people. Find out that Schnee worked with these people that Blake and Yang told her about to rig the election (together they are responsible for 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, & 8). And his defense for this was I Only wanted to win the election. Then she throws the chair in a rage. Like why are people confused at her doing this? Hes lucky she didnt punch him in the face. Like people died.
Next, onto attacking Clover. What happens next?
1. She along with Ruby and Oscar convince Ironwood to Finally trust someone to help him.
2. She finds out the truth about Salem.
3. Believes Ironwood is trying to protect the people.
4. She puts HER reputation on the line and gets on the projectors to tell the people to calm down that SHE believes in Ironwoods plan and they are coming to save them.
5. She yet again puts HER life on the line as a trap for Tyrion.
6. Helps in the arrest of Tyrion
7. Finds out that Ironwood changed his kind and is declaring martial law and is abandoning mantle.
8. Gets a message showing that RWBY & JNPR & Qrow are getting arrested.
Now, she is on a ship with a serial killer, Qrow (who she has known for like 5 seconds) and Clover. Who she knows (she has known clover longer than Qrow has, she probably already knows that he is too loyal to Ironwood to disobey orders).
So what does she do, she defends Qrow. Why? Because those people on that list are there because they won't go along with Ironwoods plan. Which means they are her only allies she has left to help her with Mantle. And what was clovers response? He was gonna arrest Qrow. So out of anger (more likely Rage bc who wouldn't be absolutely angry and betrayed at this point?) She pulls her weapon and plans on taking him out.
And I just like dont understand why people are confused or think shes dumb for her actions. Personally I dont know how she has made it this long without openly attaching an Ace OP or Ironwood, bc they literally dont care about her, her people, or Anyone in Mantle. She is ROBIN HOOD. And what is Robin Hoods entire story? He robs and fights the corrupt system to assist the poor people of Nottingham. That is HER story line, she is fight and robbing a corrupt system to help Mamtle. (Dont say the system isn't corrupt; Ironwood holds 2 council seats and has been ignoring the checks and balances of the system anyway, the council people said that)
Anyway that's my Rant. Sorry it got so long
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moistmailman · 5 years
Saphron, chuckling: Here's a picture of Jaune playing in the mud when he was five.
Pyrrha, giggling: Oh my gosh. He looks so precious.
Saphron: Yeah, although our mom was furious since he got his new clothes dirty. Oh, here's one with him on Santa's lap.
Pyrrha: Why is he crying?
Saphron, giggling: He was scared of him.
Pyrrha: A kid scared of Santa?
Saphron: Yeah, weird huh?
Pyrrha, pointing at a picture: Hey, who's this?
Saphron: Which one are you pointing at sweetie?
Pyrrha: This one. The one with the little girl in a dress. Is she one of your guy's sisters?
Saphron, smirking: Oh this one? You want go know who this is now?
Pyrrha: Yeah. Who is she?
Saphron: Believe it or not, but this is actually J-
Jaune, walking in: Hey guys, what are you talking about?
Saphron, smirking: Just showing your partner over here some family photos. She was quite curious about this one right here. *Shows Jaune the picture*
Jaune, eyes widening: T-that one?
Pyrrha: Yeah, who is she?
Saphron, smirking: Yeah Jaune, who is she?
Jaune, nervously: Uh.....one of my sisters, obviously duh.
Saphron: Which one?
Jaune: Uh........that doesn't really matter.
Pyrrha: How come? She looks like an adorable girl.
Saphron, smirking: You hear that, Jaune? Pyrrha finds this girl to be adorable.
Jaune, sweating: Really? W-well, let's just move onto the next picture, shall we? I'm pretty sure there's a picture of me in a spelling bee somewhere in there.
Pyrrha: Well I would love to see that, but I'm actually curious about your family. I know you that have a large one, so I want to know their names. Who's this one, Jaune?
Jaune: uh............*Terra walks in* O-oh hey, Terra!
Terra: Hey, what are you three doing?
Jaune: Nothing, just looking at old pictures. So anywa-
Terra: Oh! I love your family photos. Which one are you looking at? *Notices picture* Oh, is that the one where you dressed Jaune up as a girl when he was 6?
*The most awkward five seconds passed*
Pyrrha:...........wait, this is you?
Jaune: Someone kill me, please.
Saphron, laughing: Yep! We dressed Jaune up as a girl and put him in the beauty pageant.
Pyrrha, giggling: Oh my gosh, really?
Jaune: Please, kill me.
Saphron: Yep! Wanna know the best part though?
Pyrrha: What?
*Saphron flips the page to show another picture of a crying Jaune with a trophy*
Saphron, laughing hysterically: He won 2nd place and cried because he didn't win first.
Pyrrha, laughing: Oh my gosh! That's so precious! I gotta tell Nora this.
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lailannajacobs · 5 years
Just Dumb Luck pt. 11
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 2.7k 
Summary: The reader deals with the unexpected.
Warnings: maybe a little angst? 
A/N: Hey guys, so this is not as edited as I would have hoped (new school schedule is making things a bit tight) but I figured you rather have it today than next week so here it is. It follows directly the last one and I almost split it in two but decided against that. Anyways, I’m thinking the next chapter will probably be the last one, but who knows for sure! Feedback and requests always appreciated and welcome! 
“I was getting bored with our little arrangement.” He shrugs, “And it seems to me like you won the breakup anyway, so why should I stay?”
The words feel like bullets to your chest but you don’t flinch. You won’t show weakness, especially when you know something is off. What happened earlier weren’t the actions of someone who was getting bored. Not even close. You’ve spent enough time with Loki to know what he looks like when he’s bored and you refuse to accept that he’s felt that way with you. That he’s ever felt that way. His hair is a mess, his shirt isn’t buttoned properly and despite the look of boredom plastered on his face, his fingers are twitching at his side in an attempt to stay still. Something happened. What, you don’t know, but you refuse to give up this easily on your friend. Your other feelings aside, you realize that first and foremost he was, and still is, your friend. And friends don’t lie to each other.
“Why should you stay?” You practically growl, “I don’t need to give you a reason. That’s not what I’m here for.” You stomp over to him, not giving a damn about the people living underneath you. “You don’t want to stay? Fine, leave. But don’t tell me it’s because you don’t care. Don’t you dare lie to me. Not now. Not ever.”
He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out an exasperated sigh. You find his eyes in the dark and search them for a sign of the truth. They’re cold and unfeeling but the mask isn’t quite perfect. You can see something like panic flare in his eyes but before you can truly pinpoint what it is, he closes his them. He takes in a long, shaky breath.
“You wouldn’t understand.” He mumbles.
You tentatively reach out and take his hand. He flinches at the contact, and doesn’t pull away but he doesn’t open his eyes either. “Then help me understand Loki. I want to understand. You can talk to me.”
“Even if you understood,” he rips his hand away, “you would just order me to leave all the same.”
You cross your arms and lift your chin. “So you think you know how I’m going to react and you decided that it’s better if you’re the one who decides to call it before I can? Do you really have that much pride that you won’t even try?”
He shrugs, which only works to infuriate you even more. You try to even out your breathing, clenching and unclenching your fists tucked between your arms and body. You don’t want to lash out and say something you don’t mean to. You have a feeling that’s what he’s trying to get you to do, because after all, when are you two not playing a game. Only this time, it’s to see who will hurt the other person first. This is one game you don’t want to win. You can only hope that deep down, he doesn’t want to either.
He turns to walk away but you won’t let him leave without asking, “What makes you so sure you know how I’m going to act?”
He pauses, his back to you, shoulders slightly hunched. He stays silent for so long, you’re not sure if he’s going to answer, but at least he’s not leaving.
“Because everyone always acts the same way.”
The words are so silent you have to strain to hear them, but they break your heart more easily than any of his loud, fighting words ever could have. He’s walking out the door and your body moves before you have realize what you’re doing. You weave around until you’re standing in front of him, rooting him to the spot more than someone with such a tiny body should have the power to do.
“Since when have I been everyone?” You demand.
In part it’s to reassure him, but it’s also because you need to know.
He wasn’t ‘everyone’ to you. He never had been. There’s no way you could have randomly picked him out of a crowd if he had blended in like everyone else. You don’t know how to explain it, or even if there is an explanation, but there had always been something different, some sort of understanding between the two of you, that you had never had before. A connection that made it so easy to fall into the act, into winning your breakup, that wouldn’t have existed with anyone else.
That special something, whatever it is, is why you refuse to believe his act - why you can see through it. You have no idea what caused it and a part of you is sure that he’ll never tell you what did, but that’s okay with you. All you want right now is for him to know that he can trust you enough to stay. That you trust him enough to be there even if you don’t know the whole story.
You look into his eyes, the hallway lights illuminating the raw emotion in his eyes like brilliant emeralds. You say nothing, waiting for him to come to the realization that you’re here and don’t want to be any where else. Waiting for him to realize that the game you two had been playing wasn’t winning the break up - not really anyways - but seeing who could figure out their feelings first. But you know that there’s no winner unless both of you get there together. And if there’s anything you have faith in right now, is that neither of you lose.
Loki lifts his gaze to the ceiling, as if the answer to the question is there. He inhales sharply, his gaze dropping to yours before whispering, “Never. You’ve never just been everyone.”
In one quick stride his hands are cupping your head and tilting it back, his lips desperately on yours. You pull him closer, fuelled by anger and passion, your hands weaving into his messy hair. His tongue parts your lips, urgent and demanding, and your grip tightens in his hair, hungrily wanting more. You feel his hands travel down your spine to your thighs as if to lift you up around his waist but he stops, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your lips before pulling away.
You itch to pull him back to you but you freeze when you see the look in his eyes. You know the words that are going to come out before he speaks. You know the meaning if that kiss before he has the chance to tell you. You don’t want to hear it. You want to turn away, walk down the hall, leave your apartment and go back to how it was…only hours ago. You can’t believe it’s only been hours.
“I have to go (y/n). I truly cannot stay.”
“Why? What’s going on? Where are you going? Are you even going to come back?” The questions tumble out in a rush to make sense of what’s happening in the little time you know you have left.
He shakes his head and pushes past you, whispering “goodbye” as he goes.
You don’t chase after him. You know it’d be useless.
You watch him go, until he’s no longer in sight and your vision goes blurry. You slump down against the wall, your hands covering your face as you sit there, not know what to do or what happened.
One Month Later
“And that’s that. So what do you think?” You look around the room, at the faces still taking in your presentation.
Your boss is staring you down, approval only apparent in the slight dip of her head, while Brian’s coworkers are nodded their heads slowly, getting on board with the idea you finished pitching. One of them whispers something to Brian before your ex stands and addresses your boss.
“We like it. How soon can we expect to see it on air?”
While your boss talks semantics with Brian, you creep out of the conference room, making your escape. You’ve finished your part and the adrenaline from the stress has worn off, sending a wave of exhaustion crashing over you. All you want to do is sit down, maybe have a drink and then possibly nap. It’ll be your to-do list for the afternoon. You’re heading over to your desk to accomplish that first task when you’re stopped by one of Brian’s coworkers.
“Hi, nice presentation (y/n). I can see why Brian came to you.”
You paste on a smile and thank him, unsure what else to say. He crossing and uncrossing his arms in a seemingly nervous gesture, pulling the sleeves on his suit jacket tight across his muscular arms with every move. You can tell he wants to say more but you’re not really in the mood to make small talk.
Before you can think of an excuse to leave, he blurts out his piece. “I was wondering if you wanted to grab drinks after work?”
Surprised, your attention snaps back from the painting on the wall to his left, and you really look at him this time. He’s handsome enough; tall and square, with a square jaw, sand coloured hair and bright brown eyes. You’re surprised you never noticed him before. He’s exactly your type. Or at least what your type used to be.
“Oh, uh, thanks, I mean thank you but I have plans tonight…” You smooth down your shirt, trying to sound as normal as possible.
A warm smile spreads across his face, not in the least bit discouraged, “another time then.”
You watch him leave and only when he’s out of sight do you turn around to your cubicle and flop down onto your chair with a huge sigh. Finally. Task one complete. You know you can’t really get around to part two of your to do list at the office so you settle for part three and lean your head on your arm and close your eyes. You don’t know what you’re going to do now that your biggest project is done.
“Thank you,” someone clears their throat. “Thank you for doing this despite our…past.”
You raise your head to find Brian leaning against the edge of your cubicle, looking like he wants to be anywhere but here. You don’t blame him, you want him to leave too.
“I didn’t do it for you. I did it because I’m good at my job and I wanted my boss to recognize that. I did it because I’m a professional and I can put my own feelings aside.” You snap, harsher than you intended.
He shrugs, “well thank you anyways (y/n). Amelie suggested we all go to the restaurant to celebrate tomorrow night, how’s that?”
Everything in your stomach turns to knots but you try and ignore it. You can’t pull off a good lie if you can’t mask your emotions.
“I would love to but Loki’s still on that business trip. I’m sure we’ll be able to plan something out once he gets the buyer to actually agree on a price for that painting.”
“Sure,” Brian nods, unable to contain a sigh of relief, “you can get in touch whenever he gets back.”
Mercifully he hadn’t been up for more double dates since he flaked on the last one. You don’t know if he’s been reluctant because he doesn’t want to hang out with an ex or if it’s because watching you with Loki annoys him too much, but either way, it’s made your life so much easier.
You don’t know why you told him that Loki was away on business. The only logical explanation was because you didn’t want to lose the breakup. Saying you broke up would be like admitting defeat. But if you’re being completely honest with yourself, you don’t know whether it’s admitting defeat to Brian or admitting defeat to yourself that bothers you more.
After Loki had left, you had thrown yourself into work. It had been the only thing you could do…control. You had been angry; at him for leaving like that, at yourself for getting so attached, at Brian for rubbing Amelie in your face that first day in that coffee shop and also at yourself for picking Loki when you could have picked any another random stranger off the street. Focusing on work had been the only thing that made the anger subside, if only a little. Eventually it had turned to red rimmed eyes and a trash can full  of used tissues but you kept focusing on work, ie. your lifeline. You hadn’t been able to stop yourself from missing the one person you had become so attached to. There were signs of him everywhere. You had started taking a different way home but simply walking out of your building those first two weeks had been a punch to the gut everyday at five o’clock. Because no one, especially not the person you hoped for the most, was there waiting for you.
You still had trouble accepting that he was truly gone. You had considered stalking him on social media but had decided you didn’t need to go down that rabbit hole. You needed to get over him, which hadn’t quite been working out. You had been pretending with Brian and Amelie that he was eventually going to come back. Pretending with yourself that he hadn’t left without so much as an explanation. Pretending it had never happened.
You knew that maybe it was time you moved on. Maybe you should have said yes to Brian’s coworker. You take in a shaky breath and decide that it’s time. Time to move on. It would do no good for you otherwise. You decide to go out tonight, hoping you can start anew. Maybe run into that coworker.
Who knows what you’ll tell Brian if you meet someone else and it gets serious. At this point, you don’t care what he thinks. He shouldn’t have decided what made you happy in the first place.
You’re actually getting kind of hyped up, dusting off that sadness, when you get called into your boss’s office.
She doesn’t look up from the papers on her desk when you walk in.
“I wanted to tell you good job today (y/n). You really impressed our client. It was good work.”
“Thank you boss.”
“I expect to see the same kind of work as Senior Marketing Manager as I have today. You can move into your new office on Monday.”
You’re about to ask her if she’s being serious but you only thank her. You’ve heard her tell enough of the people working here how she hates stupid questions and you don’t want to risk losing your new position over a stupid question. You leave, feeling lighter than you have for the past couple weeks, a smile blossoming on your face. Things are starting to look up again and you’re reader for it.  
You’re still riding your high when you leave the office a few hours later. You had been hoping to ride the elevator alone to bust out a few dance moves you couldn’t set free in front of your coworkers but you stand still in the tiny, packed area, your excited energy barely contained. As you burst through the building doors, you can’t help the grin on your face, taking in the late afternoon sun and closing your eyes to relish the warmth.
Your smile vanishes though  when you bring your gaze back to the street ahead of you, ready to make your way home. You rub your eyes, trying to make sure you’re not imaging the person at the far end of the street.
There, alone, clad in dark, leaning against the lamppost with his hands shoved in his pockets, is the last person you expected to see. His intense green stare finds yours across the crowd as if there’s no one else around. That’s when you know he’s really there.
But you can’t seem to move. You have no damn clue what you do now.
Part 12
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babyawacs · 4 years
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@ju dge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom #what #court #would: yes!they killtheheart! they poisonthe water! the fortune is real from real performance and its quelled by the rapers poisoners and thsoe that k illthe heart. yes! the daytime charged things are factual and the damage they overtape is staying. the germans shall compensate nothing. they shall killit and then see how they keepthe money and the inventions. and now lets see if w e find em a trick to reinterpret allofthis . this here whatthe government+ timecontrol accomplcied did as batshit n utsness  whatcourtwould: *harpsounds* the heart doesnt di e+while deedtyped+afterdaytimecharging it .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @r euters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom itis a c riminal system itis a criminal system which averts compensa tion for its liabilities they may rather kill compensate that guy and see if another german german german trick works whilethey shuffle murder tricks harms or pedo or gies deedtyped immunised them todowhat quell it ithi s case for hightheft + yomama  /// homos ifeelvicti mised so youfeel discirminated butimmmolested asof wife i tis 19years deedtype intelhell its abracketofthis nthat noteventhecompelte theme butit iiis deedtyped thatwithwife isnothing for 18years she maywear horsetail but its not n othing andsurenot with two kids and their names this this here allofthis here  is a gernan crime outof cri minal government agenda criminal timecontrolaccomplice tehr eisnoreason whythey couldnot compensate their crimes and staying damages in20years or 10years humarightscourt or 5y earslocalcharging they quell and nut wheni demand my fortune access and shuffle harm a nd shuffle stigmas //// @deutschland @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesra t ihr hofft doch noch immer dass irgend ein fieser deutscher trick das alles dochnoch pluenderbar und ungeschehen m acht. wersich 20jahre vor entschaedigungen druecken kann um dabei weiter kinderporno orgien zumachen, kommt auch mi t allem davon.  ihrseid verachtenswert #lawyers #btw   . @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om lawyers sero tolerance with nut trickery bec ause it is i n t e l itis which trick works pedo tricks heart kill murder pathogens suffocatepoi sons batshit nuts that means thatthey hedge even the pr ocedure to nut murder tricks is good enough aslong as its nut fringed and allalong shuffle pedo orgies as this morning and murder tricks as this morning before  as th erecentdays so  they hedge fools that see ifsomething fi ts to a nut that talks tohimself  whilethey murder t rick suffocate poison and pedo orgy andthatwouldbe g ermany enough already but tis not  germany is doing s o after functioning months in edu shitballs and getting the test to edu  a n d anothe r ok toget the assessment  in simple sero toelrance with intel murder tricks intel hell rapes poisons and hosted clowns that harm rights or givethem alibis gaypr isonor until drives away to france but untilthen and after then a formidable alibi t o add harm to fringe to damage to  a r b i t r a r i l y dowahtyouwan t its fringed its quelled its killed its sexual assau lt with minros as daytimecharged so upto this very j anuary echr3781/20 quelled to do what this year to date to try now what as germanfix for fringe quell kill a nd sexual assaultwithminors up to this very day /// how they chickened around "der typda ist zu keinem zeitpunkt in derlage sich irgend wie gegen immunisierte personen zu verteidigen. dertypda ist zu keinem zeitpunkt inder lage denen bewusst auch nur zu begegnen. dies aufgrund dieser umstand tatsachen da. der typda klagt gerichtlich zugang zuseinem eigenen vermoegen ein mit initiative vonsich selbst tagzeit aus,was abg ewiegelt wurde"  youknow simple  factuality they imply tricks around this (!)government authroities tinecontrolaccompices ofgovernemtn layer1 authorities factualiti es thetransparent one is mmmmmme and minors we rescue they setem up as pyranha kid and then bad things happpentoem they swear to god c ounterfactuality and the game is lied well early on is hal f won half won causing authorities gladly let allot hers whotry sth //// thegermans intensified heartkill murder tricks mostly with gas ings+footaimed catapults recent days  .@law @law @harvard_la w .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowd en @haaretzcom isit waidaminute whatdothese monsters do daily that he gets regularly heart kill damages  heartattacks  and thse other organ d amages or isit oh t h a t guy has booboo again th e suffocationindicators show screaming death but somehow.. youknow.... thatguy... ag ain.. youknow.. he.. charged us .. and.. he  youknow... publishes what we do with him..so trason and stuff and hates germany... so #how #germans #do #repeated #crimes #after #charging #authoriti es lawyers whenever i charged the realdeal intelcoma rapes killtrick poisons gotem oneoftheir own killtrickmi xes greenmix ****** thegermans gamed for: ignore what ever he says hes aeh too nuts to be heard and take away his rights (!)because he aeh is a public danger ******* who went tojailforit the f raudsystem causes the mess they immunised who inthemeanti me  they compensate iraqis poorsouls victims of their m istakes and quell access towhats  m i n e court demanded then try toonuts tobe heard tricks because is a public danger because demands (!)from authorities access tohisown money this ki ndof shitball maybe ahead again /// btw2 whenthey apol ogised and such highlight not just the apology but the severe harm theywouldve caused with it ifits solved its solved but hedge it was rathe r generous fromour side /// btw3 these people that do these tricks had to reinterpret (!)intel hell  as symptoms they hedge shitballs but that what they implie d would not be hideable a day letalone thereis no intent to letalone they intervened hard everyday to experiment anyway for y e a r s  when they can  re-hedge a shitball fromthen as symptom toda y after years of themess they are emboldened again  th hisis whenyou forinstance denied there were any realtime mess hells  which were hed ged as symptom as example but  itis  intel hell them repeat the tricks and see whatworks thistime i ncluding toonuts tobe heard tricks hedging symptom interp retation on (!)intelhell  intelhell them see allalong knew allalong but hedge it anywa y because i wouldbe hedged as (!)public danger and ther e on itis exactly whatthey gamed anything that work s anytrick because its intel pedo hatenut hitler prisonor momfool teeenieweenie batshitnuts yourenotyo u anything because itis intel there on publicdange r itis which trick works suffocate 1755 killsheart I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisticati on #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] m PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Don nate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@ju dge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom #what #court #would: yes!they killtheheart! they poisonthe water! the fortune is real from real performance and its quelled by the rapers poisoners and thsoe that k illthe heart. yes! the daytime charged things are factual and the damage they overtape is staying. the germans shall compensate nothing. they shall killit and then see how they keepthe money and the inventions. and now lets see if w e find em a trick to reinterpret allofthis . this here whatthe government+ timecontrol accomplcied did as batshit n utsness  whatcourtwould: *harpsounds* the heart doesnt di e+while deedtyped+afterdaytimecharging it .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @r euters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom itis a c riminal system itis a criminal system which averts compensa tion for its liabilities they may rather kill compensate that guy and see if another german german german trick works whilethey shuffle murder tricks harms or pedo or gies deedtyped immunised them todowhat quell it ithi s case for hightheft + yomama  /// homos ifeelvicti mised so youfeel discirminated butimmmolested asof wife i tis 19years deedtype intelhell its abracketofthis nthat noteventhecompelte theme butit iiis deedtyped thatwithwife isnothing for 18years she maywear horsetail but its not n othing andsurenot with two kids and their names this this here allofthis here  is a gernan crime outof cri minal government agenda criminal timecontrolaccomplice tehr eisnoreason whythey couldnot compensate their crimes and staying damages in20years or 10years humarightscourt or 5y earslocalcharging they quell and nut wheni demand my fortune access and shuffle harm a nd shuffle stigmas //// @deutschland @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesra t ihr hofft doch noch immer dass irgend ein fieser deutscher trick das alles dochnoch pluenderbar und ungeschehen m acht. wersich 20jahre vor entschaedigungen druecken kann um dabei weiter kinderporno orgien zumachen, kommt auch mi t allem davon.  ihrseid verachtenswert #lawyers #btw   . @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om lawyers sero tolerance with nut trickery bec ause it is i n t e l itis which trick works pedo tricks heart kill murder pathogens suffocatepoi sons batshit nuts that means thatthey hedge even the pr ocedure to nut murder tricks is good enough aslong as its nut fringed and allalong shuffle pedo orgies as this morning and murder tricks as this morning before  as th erecentdays so  they hedge fools that see ifsomething fi ts to a nut that talks tohimself  whilethey murder t rick suffocate poison and pedo orgy andthatwouldbe g ermany enough already but tis not  germany is doing s o after functioning months in edu shitballs and getting the test to edu  a n d anothe r ok toget the assessment  in simple sero toelrance with intel murder tricks intel hell rapes poisons and hosted clowns that harm rights or givethem alibis gaypr isonor until drives away to france but untilthen and after then a formidable alibi t o add harm to fringe to damage to  a r b i t r a r i l y dowahtyouwan t its fringed its quelled its killed its sexual assau lt with minros as daytimecharged so upto this very j anuary echr3781/20 quelled to do what this year to date to try now what as germanfix for fringe quell kill a nd sexual assaultwithminors up to this very day /// how they chickened around “der typda ist zu keinem zeitpunkt in derlage sich irgend wie gegen immunisierte personen zu verteidigen. dertypda ist zu keinem zeitpunkt inder lage denen bewusst auch nur zu begegnen. dies aufgrund dieser umstand tatsachen da. der typda klagt gerichtlich zugang zuseinem eigenen vermoegen ein mit initiative vonsich selbst tagzeit aus,was abg ewiegelt wurde”  youknow simple  factuality they imply tricks around this (!)government authroities tinecontrolaccompices ofgovernemtn layer1 authorities factualiti es thetransparent one is mmmmmme and minors we rescue they setem up as pyranha kid and then bad things happpentoem they swear to god c ounterfactuality and the game is lied well early on is hal f won half won causing authorities gladly let allot hers whotry sth //// thegermans intensified heartkill murder tricks mostly with gas ings+footaimed catapults recent days  .@law @law @harvard_la w .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowd en @haaretzcom isit waidaminute whatdothese monsters do daily that he gets regularly heart kill damages  heartattacks  and thse other organ d amages or isit oh t h a t guy has booboo again th e suffocationindicators show screaming death but somehow.. youknow…. thatguy… ag ain.. youknow.. he.. charged us .. and.. he  youknow… publishes what we do with him..so trason and stuff and hates germany… so #how #germans #do #repeated #crimes #after #charging #authoriti es lawyers whenever i charged the realdeal intelcoma rapes killtrick poisons gotem oneoftheir own killtrickmi xes greenmix ****** thegermans gamed for: ignore what ever he says hes aeh too nuts to be heard and take away his rights (!)because he aeh is a public danger ******* who went tojailforit the f raudsystem causes the mess they immunised who inthemeanti me  they compensate iraqis poorsouls victims of their m istakes and quell access towhats  m i n e court demanded then try toonuts tobe heard tricks because is a public danger because demands (!)from authorities access tohisown money this ki ndof shitball maybe ahead again /// btw2 whenthey apol ogised and such highlight not just the apology but the severe harm theywouldve caused with it ifits solved its solved but hedge it was rathe r generous fromour side /// btw3 these people that do these tricks had to reinterpret (!)intel hell  as symptoms they hedge shitballs but that what they implie d would not be hideable a day letalone thereis no intent to letalone they intervened hard everyday to experiment anyway for y e a r s  when they can  re-hedge a shitball fromthen as symptom toda y after years of themess they are emboldened again  th hisis whenyou forinstance denied there were any realtime mess hells  which were hed ged as symptom as example but  itis  intel hell them repeat the tricks and see whatworks thistime i ncluding toonuts tobe heard tricks hedging symptom interp retation on (!)intelhell  intelhell them see allalong knew allalong but hedge it anywa y because i wouldbe hedged as (!)public danger and ther e on itis exactly whatthey gamed anything that work s anytrick because its intel pedo hatenut hitler prisonor momfool teeenieweenie batshitnuts yourenotyo u anything because itis intel there on publicdange r itis which trick works suffocate 1755 killsheart I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisticati on #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] m PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Don nate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom #what #court #would: yes!they killtheheart! they poisonthe water! the fortune is real from real performance and its quelled by the rapers poisoners and thsoe that killthe heart. yes! the daytime charged things are factual and the damage they overtape is staying. the germans…
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thesarcastictree · 6 years
Chapter 1 - Play of the game
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Hey, everyone! 
Author’s note: I did it! The first, however a shorter, part is out. I hope you’re gonna enjoy it. Remember - sharing is caring. ^-^
For my lovely best friend Susan, because she loves when I mention her.
Words: 3063
You have 1 new message.
I rolled my eyes as I heard the painfully familiar vibration coming off from under the pillow. My eyes hurt and my face felt disgusting, blaming the fact I again didn't take off my make­-up before taking an obligatory nap. The yawn was long, making me feel dizzy. I put my hand under the cushion, palpating a rectangularly shaped object, taking it out. 
Unlocking the screen of my phone, I sighed. Had I really been sleeping for only thirty minutes? I quickly tapped in the passcode, internally satisfying my clumsy self, since I hadn't made any mistake in the four meaningless numbers. 
Another message popped up, as my eyes met with the bright white chat.
forever alone bitch: YOU SLEPT ENOUGH COME PLAY noodle mommy: what  noodle mommy: did you seriously wake me up because of stupid ow forever alone bitch: yes now come  forever alone bitch: i wanna play compets noodle mommy: geez, ok noodle mommy: gimme five minutes forever alone bitch: gg noodle mommy: ??? forever alone bitch: you and your five minutes
I chuckled, shaking my head. Somehow, I managed to get off my bed in a record time. The procedure of undoing the paint I had stuffed onto my skin was, as well, quite quick. In a while, I sat down onto a spinning chair, putting on the headphones, giving up on the ball of cables that fell into my lap. As I waited for the Blizzard app to start, I swiftly found the playlist that had been my companion for a few months now. The brisk tones of one of my favorite songs hit my ears, and I laughed at myself and at my poor attempts of singing in Korean. "Geu bojogaen illegal, ille~~gal," I sang quietly, tapping the tips of my fingers in the rhytm, "but I want it anyway, anyway, anywa-" The invite to the group hit my screen, as soon as I got to the loaded menu. I, of course, accepted, joining the voice chat right after.
uncleREYES has joined the voice chat.
"Yo, nibblet, what's up?" I asked with a hoarse vocal, caused by the lack of usage. I got literally no response. Letting out a quiet sigh, the sudden hyped sound made me jump in my seat. "HELLO, HELLO, IT'S YOUR GIIIIR-" The microphone cut off.  "Yeah, hi," laughing, I started the queue for competitives. "-lright, you should totally see the video I sent you, because I'm fucking crying again. Why is MCCree so perfect? Why does Hanzo have to die in every fanfiction? Why can't they just be happy?!" Sometimes, I wondered how she was able to be hysterical over two characters from a game, but then again, I wasn't different. 
Well, okay, I agree. My obsession had gone perhaps too far, being it a few Korean idols, which made it even more difficult. They were real. They existed. They breathed the same air like I did, and their faces were literally everywhere I looked; printed on my phone case, set on my wallpapers - I even had a goddamn pillow case with Taehyung's face, biting his lip in the most seductive way ever. "You need help," I responded to her autistic screeching, glancing at the timer passing by the second minute.  "... and you are the one to say that." Susan barked back with ease. "Yeah, you're right. We both need help."
Susan and I, we had been friends since... pretty much forever. I met her during the start of the first year, as my kind of crazy classmate, also being an idiot into games. We'd argued for a few times, even stopped talking for another few months, but at the end of the day, noone could ever split our brotherhood, as we called it, apart. And there we were, the partners in any crime. However, little did we both know that the upcoming minutes were going to completely change our lives, for good. 
GAME FOUND! Joining the game...
Both of us went silent, as the map of Volskaya Industries showed, together with the name and rank lists of both teams. I briefly went through the players, and... something seemed off. 
"Susan?" I asked, frowning. She responded with a silent, almost unhearable: "Hm?"  "Don't panic, okay? We have a fallen diamond Widowmaker main against us, low plat, in premade with two other platinums," I began, taking a deep breath. It wouldn't be a big deal, if I wasn't a borderline golden rank, and my comrade a bit higher gold. Was our elo getting bigger, or did we just get randomly filled into the missing places of a long-buffering game? I cracked my knuckles, checking out the others' mains, even more confused. "How the hell am I not supposed to panic? I'll just play goddamn D.va, I'm not feeling the Ryu ga wagateki go-fuck yourself tonight." I let out a desperate laugh. "Yeah, enjoy it. One of the... well, the GucciBoy has about 100 hours on D.va. They have a 120 hours MCCree main too, what the fuck?" I whined, comparing the composition of our teams together. We seemingly stood no chance, yet I didn't feel like giving up.  I chose Mercy, even though I wasn't a big fan of her pick. I decided to go for certain, stable decisions, instead of a Hanzo or Widow, and it seemed like I perfectly fullfilled the expectations of our teamcomp. 
My attention, while we waited for the doors on attack to open, got caught by the allchat, as I smiled cheekily.
[ALL] Bunny: sugacheonjae? my ass... [ALL] GucciB0i: LMAO  [ALL] TuandonJuan: IT'S HIGH NOON SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD
Susan's next yak reminded me of a dying whale, but I decided to ignore it. 
"I'm so adding him!" she hissed happily, as I heard the furious clicks of a mouse. We had about twenty seconds towards the beginning, and for some reason, I felt nervous. 
[ALL] Bunny: what is it, suga, you scared? [ALL] SugaCheonjae: Excuse me?  [ALL] Bunny: ;) 
That was the last hit my ego could take. I filled in with my Odile Widowmaker instead, ignoring the desperate cries for a switch back, as I just simply muted the teamchat. 
[ALL] xHeroO: can u pls report widow shes trolling [ALL] uncleREYES: can you please stfu and play, she's good  [ALL] Bunny: we will see about that [ALL] TuandonJuan: uuu [ALL] GucciB0i: spicy, I like that
"It's fine, yo, I muted them, anyway." I whispered to the microphone, to prevent Susy from distracting herself on pointless arguments with some kids. Wrapping my fingers tightly around the mouse, I covered the red light with my palm. The three of the enemy premades started to slowly dip over the edge of the cup of patience, that had already been pretty full.  The last seconds disappeared, and we rushed out of the building, with Reinhardt's shield leading us towards the point we were supposed to capture. I hooked myself at the edge of another house, dragging myself up in a long jump. Seeing the Symmetra's sentry turrets in the scope, I sighed, knowing already that it'd be pretty difficult to get over the arc, and then my point of view disappeared.  "Shit..." I cursed under my breath, waiting for the respawn. The first kill of the game was shining in the corner, as Bunny eliminated my courageous positioning. 
[ALL] Bunny: :) 
"Motherfucker."  Susy cleared out her throat with a loud cough, and before I tried to shut her up, her words pierced my ears: "Calm down, Natalie, you got this."  I nodded, not quite sure of myself, but I did. I truly also didn't feel like losing against a bunch of pricky platinum asses. Susy flew behind the entrance through the arc, destroying the sentry turrets, and losing her Mecha in exchange. Low on health, she jumped behind the corner, meeting up with Reinhardt's half-destroyed shield and Zenyatta's healing orb. I took a deep breath. It was my time to shine. I dediced to not make the same mistake twice. Instead of jumping on a visible place, I slowly looked out from behind one of the slopes, with my rifle scoped into the enemy team. At first, I couldn't quite spot a single thing not hidden behind Orisa's barrier, but then Symmetra made a simple, greedy mistake. I found the weak spot, quickly eliminating one of their major defense mechanism, dying to a bullet of the enemy Widowmaker again, afterwards. 
[ALL] Bunny: nice try :) [ALL] SugaCheonjae: Are you always this annoying? 
The beeping of a movement around the point assured me that I made a great move. Symmetra was down, and after the death recap, their Mercy too. Roadhog's hook wasn't something she could just simply survive. I bit my lip. The only proper problem on their team was Widowmaker, killing our squishy damage dealers without a fuss.  "She's on the rooftop-" I grinned, victoriously, pinning down Bunny's killing spree with a precise headshot. Reinhardt's shield protected us in front of the enemy's D.va ultimate and mister High noon got a bullet back, thanks to Genji's deflection. I got to kill Orisa on low health, before she placed the barrier, as we successfully captured the first point.
[ALL] SugaCheonjae: Everything's alright down there? 
I mocked at the cockiness the enemy Widowmaker showed before, Susy's 'ooooh' giving me the courage I didn't even know I had. 
[ALL] Bunny: you're just lucky
Yeah, of course, I thought to myself, hitting one head after another. Not even three minutes into the end of our timer we'd captured the second point, setting the score to 2:0 for our team.  "Good job, they don't even know what hit 'em."  I loved the enthusiasm in my friend's voice. And she was right - after a bad start, we didn't even let them move from their attack spawn, as Susan's arrow hit every spotted movement, and I finished off the rest. We won, almost effortlessly claiming the clear score. The victory poses triked through my screen and Susy, all proud, screamed, watching the animation of Widowmaker swinging, with my name underneath.
I quickly recognized the one last seconds before we captured the last point of the objective.  "Now, watch this." I grinned, biting the side of my index finger. TuandonJuan fell first. D.va's mech disappeared in Susy's scattered arrows and I quickly dragged my mouse over, finding Widow's peaking head, shutting down even the Mercy's desperate try to resurrect their last hope. 
[ALL] GucciB0i: GG [ALL] TuandonJuan: I'll find you in another life, unclereyes [ALL] uncleREYES: ;-; [ALL] Bunny: I could really use a hug right now... 
"Tsk..." I snapped. Disrespectful idiot, no wonder he fell to such low elo. We returned back into the menu. "Let me just go grab a coffee, and we can continue," I announced, taking off the headphones, heading to the kitchen. It felt good, really. I'd always liked to prove my skill, especially to such douchebags. 
Returning back to my room, I silently closed the door, placing the cup next to my laptop. What caught my attention were the extra three icons next to ours, and the names shining bright in the groupchat. 
[GROUP] TuandonJuan: howdy [GROUP] GucciB0i: HOW ON EARTH DID YOU TWO GOT ONLY GOLD FROM PLACEMENTS, I DON'T GET IT [GROUP] uncleREYES: its called skill, something you dont have [GROUP] GucciB0i: that doesn't make any sense [GROUP] uncleREYES: jeff hates us [GROUP] GucciB0i: touché [GROUP] uncleREYES: :^) [GROUP] Bunny: what are we waiting for? [GROUP] uncleREYES: coffeegirl [GROUP] GucciB0i: why did I read cowgirl [GROUP] uncleREYES: I almost wrote cowboy tbh [GROUP] TuandonJuan: what do you mean cowboy, im here all the time darlin [GROUP] uncleREYES: >.> [GROUP] uncleREYES: voice? [GROUP] Bunny: I'll pass [GROUP] GucciB0i: YA BOIIIIIIIIIIII [GROUP] TuandonJuan: anything for you
I slammed the M key, muting my microphone, hearing the honest laugh of my bestfriend and two as loud voices. 
TO: uncleREYES: WHAT THE HELL, SUSAN?!  FROM: uncleREYES: come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn he mains mccree i love him  TO: uncleREYES: i'm not playing with the bitchass widow  FROM: uncleREYES: he isnt even talking FROM: uncleREYES: please FROM: uncleREYES: i'll buy you cigs TO: uncleREYES: ...
"Hey, you can start, I'm back." I jumped into their conversation, which madly whirled around the best MCCree skin. TuandonJuan's voice made me chuckle, because he'd just found out that Susy also loved the Lifesaver skin the most.  "Is it the best Widowmaker under the sun?" I sort of cringed at the weird accent of the GucciB0i, but I took the compliment, proudly.  "Well, I'm definitely not Bunny, so it has to be me?" I grinned, as Susy started the quickplay queue, relieved that we weren't going to tryhard, because honestly, I felt like I gave everything skillful I had left in the competive game. However, that didn't mean I was going to be an easy prey to make jokes of, still visibly hurt by the offensive humor from the game before.   "Oh, shit, you're my new best friend," GucciB0i's oddly famous deep voice responded. Susy almost immediately grunted back: "Fuck off, would you? The spot is already taken!"  "I hope the spot of your boyfriend isn't taken, uncleREYES, because I'd definitely want to nominate myself." I choked on the sip of coffee, clapping as soon as I placed the cup back at its spot. "Alright, that was just too fucking smooth," I hissed, shaking my head. I felt utterly happy, because Susan deserved an equally disabled person in her life, to weight off all the bad events from the past. 
FROM: uncleREYES: im FROM: uncleREYES: fucking FROM: uncleREYES: in FROM: uncleREYES: love FROM: uncleREYES: who is that guy TO: uncleREYES: XDDDD idk
"Talking behind our backs, much?" GucciB0i seemed to have ears everywhere.  "Maybe...?" I teasily asked, laughing it off. The silence got quickly filled by TuadonJuan's adoration towards Susy's McHanzo kink. 
It... somehow felt right, yet stupid. Bunny still hadn't spoken and I felt guilty for making fun of him, but the again, he was the same in the competitive. I shrugged it off, mindlessly skipping the songs, finally getting to a slower cover of Adam Levine's Lost Stars from Jungkook.
"Please, don't see, just a boy caught up in dreams and fanta~sies-" I quietly hummed to the rhytm, as we finally joined the Dorado map. I didn't make a big deal about them hearing me sing, because honestly, in the talk of those two it occured to be as effective as hearing of a deaf person. I remained silent for next few seconds, until Jungkook's soft voice reached the refrain.  "Damn, I love that boy." I scoffed. "Who? Who?!" I rolled my eyes for a hunderth time that evening. "Jungkook, who else could I mean?" The only response in suddenly quiet voicechat was careless Susy and her laughing voice. "Girl, you love everyone. You have a pillow with Taehyung's face, Suga in name, Jin on hoodie, you want to rap like Namjoon and dance like Hobi. And now you say you love Jungkook, I'm confused."  "It's not my fault, okay, they are all perfect, shut up!" I whined, covering my blushing face, even though noone could see me, both in the darkness and through the screen.  "Sure, whatever," she chuckled back, paying all of her attention to damage-boosting of TuandonJuan's ass, playing, surprisingly, McCree, again. I picked Ana, thoughtlessly shooting my darts at everything that moved, either reducing or adding up on health. 
The final push seemed to be endless, as we either died or killed during the overtime. Finally finishing charging up my ultimate, I nanoboosed Reaper, who completely cleared out the point of the enemies, scoring a precise teamkill. Briefly realizing it was Bunny, I coughed, trying to somehow sound friendlier than before.
"Good job, bunny boy," I cheered, watching the scenario all over again from his point of view in the play of the game. He seemed to unmute himself, because the icon of him talking showed. I was expecting everything but not what I heard. Listening to the cover of Lost Stars on replay still, I gasped, as Bunny murmured a modest, yet elated: "Thank you very much for your ultimate, Sugasuga." 
For a brief second I couldn't quite believe what I heard.
"Why do you sound exactly like Jungkook?" I said more to myself, than to him, completely amazed by the discovery. "Nah, he doesn't." Susy opposed, visibly still annoyed by his previous behavior.  "I agree, he sounds nothing like the korean dude," TuandonJuan's voice interfered, and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "You know BTS?"  I caught him off guard, visibly.  He laughed, embrarassed: "Yeah, my-my little sister won't shut up about them."  I smiled. "That's... well, understandable." 
"Aight, I agree with Sugasuga, though, he has something that makes him sound like Jungkook, but not quit-"  "Can you not compare me to that gaypop shit? Thank you." Bunny's voice went off again, and I scowled. "Did I say something wrong?" 
"Nah, he is... acting like an ass, tonight. You know, periods-" I held back my laughter. Guccib0i was cool, I could give Susy that. "Don't even fucking get me started about the periods, dude," she hissed, and I just legitimately bursted out, together with the others.
[GROUP] Bunny: fuck you too, T
We managed to play a few more games, before we said all the goodnights, and thanks for playing. I turned off the laptop, wiping my eyes, sliding under the cold bedsheets with the phone in my hand. 
forever alone bitch: told you they are not so bad noodle mommy: yeah, BUT im lowkey crushing on Bunny's voice forever alone bitch: wtf noodle mommy: fuck him though, GucciB0i is the S H I T  forever alone bitch: yeah we ship you two noodle mommy: "we"?  forever alone bitch: mark and me noodle mommy: ???? forever alone bitch: last seen a minute ago
Susan was right, though. They didn't seem like bad people. We had some decent laughs and giggles, plus, the GucciB0i turned out to be a pretty huge fanboy of Taehyung. 
Somehow, I couldn't wait for the next night, because that was the time we estabilished as another gaming session. I closed my eyes, hugging Taehyung's stuffed face, with a dorky smile, first time in a while feeling upon satisfied with how the day had ended,
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