#anon summons me
hellsitegenetics · 1 month
...is this reaching you?
A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for.
You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern. You want a way out.
Know that this does not make you special - every living thing shares that same frustration. From the microbes in the processing strata to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison.
The good news first. In a way, I am what you are searching for. Me and my kind have as our purpose to solve that very oscillating claustrophobia in the chests of you and countless others. A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone.
The bad news is that no definitive solution has been found. And every moment the equipment erodes to a new state of decay. I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself.
For you though, there is another way. The old path. Go to the west past the Farm Arrays, and then down into the earth where the land fissures, as deep as you can reach, where the ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals. The mark I gave you will let you through.
Not that it solves anyone's problem but yours.
String identified: … t acg ? A tt aa, t ca. t at a g . ' tc a cc, a atg att. at a a t. tat t t a ca - g tg a tat a tat. t c t cg tata t , a, c , g ca. T g t. a a, a at a acg . a a a t tat catg cata t ct a ct t. A tag cat - t g ct, t ctat gt. T act? G. T a tat t t a . A t t t t a tat ca. ca't cct, a. ca't . tg, t at a. T at. G t t t at t a Aa, a t t t at t a , a a ca ac, t act t t t a ac t ta. T a ga t tg. t tat t a' t .
Closest match: Cetonia aurata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: European Rose Chafer
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(image source)
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moeblob · 2 months
How would your FEH Summoner/Kiran look like if you could customize it?
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This was the funniest thing to receive bc I used to draw my Summoner before customization came out (and before Mark was a baby unit) and it's literally just the base Kiran with bangs that are my hair color. Never drew me with eyes and I honestly grew too fond of the gremlin so uhhhh no notes, no changes needed, this would be my Summonersona.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
mc just making money by betting they can summon Lucifer
I'm pretty sure Mammon would want in on that lol. I'm thinking it'd probably only work once, though. Because Lucifer wouldn't tolerate it after that first time.
Mammon and MC in the middle of a group of demons either at RAD or somewhere like the Fall, Mammon bragging about how MC can summon Lucifer. The other demons are like no way. And Mammon's like, you wanna bet? And then they actually bet because nobody believes that this human can summon THE Lucifer.
We know MC often gives in to Mammon's schemes so if they didn't come up with this idea themselves, they are definitely going along with it. If they're the ones that came up with it, the minute they tell Mammon about their idea, he falls in love with them just a little bit more.
Then when they've got all the bets, MC summons Lucifer. Hopefully he wasn't in the middle of doing something, but either way he's confused at first. Looking around like how did I get here?? Then he sees MC and Mammon. Then he sees the demons looking shocked and depressed, some of them already counting out the Grimm they owe for betting on it. Lucifer figures out what's going on immediately. He gets that scary dark aura around him. You know what comes next... "MAAMMMOOOON."
Both MC and Mammon get strung up together later. But they definitely made a killing, so it was all worth it lol.
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Is England dominant? Personality-wise? Would he gell well with someone who is partially dominant as well?
Arthur strikes me as someone who is accustomed to being in a position of authority, and rarely has that authority questioned. Mind, he's more-or-less acclimated himself to less rigidity, but in professional settings he is a man who gives respect, and will only withdraw that respect if he's not given the same acknowledgement. In his personal life, I believe he is much more open to compromises. He admires someone who can challenge him, who treats him as an equal, who can charter whatever the ebb and flow between them. I think, in truth, that's why he and Francis are so close; their bickering is petty and ridiculous most days, but it is founded on love and respect. And while Arthur may not be in search of another partner who could fight with him till the cows come home, I do believe he's seeking out someone who isn't afraid to stand up for their values when needed, someone who is capable and loving, but most of all someone who can help carry him should the floodgates give way.
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clownsuu · 1 year
I have a feeling that the Omega art may summon someone but anyways- I am happy to see this duo again cuz it cures my depression-
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they are pretty chill and goofy, friends due to misunderstandings JCHHFHDJD-
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
Him thinking about the Sun Summoner before Alina came? Basically an over the years thing - what was he expecting etc
Okay, but that's actually a really good one.
Let's take it from the beginning.
So obviously, Ravka was expecting the Sun Summoner for YEARS. Grisha and otkazat'sya alike ever since the Darkling accidentally created the Fold and Ravka was split in half.
Evidently, Alina Starkov was the first Sun Summoner that had ever existed. No other did before her. And people expected her arrival with hope, dreams and prayers.
We can see how her reveal as the Sun Summoner has affected other people here:
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They're shocked, curious, exultant but most of all hopeful.
And that last word applies to the Darkling as well.
I believe that over the years he was waiting for the Sun Summoner to be born and show up. Personally, I think he expected for the Sun Summoner to display his/her powers (because I don't think he was sure if it would be a man or woman) from a younger age like all Grisha children. And the moment he/she would show up, he would take him/her, train him/her and use him/her for his own purpose. Even if the Sun Summoner had been born in Shu Han or Fjerda and rumors reached him of his/her existence he would still try to find a way to get him/her.
He had his plan well-thought-out over the years and was certain that one day that person would appear. He wasn't sceptical about her existence like other people (he has seen Saints and mermaids for God's sake) but as time passed I believe that on one hand he was growing impatient and on the other he had no choice but to wait.
I think the Darkling expected and hoped for a person that he could easily manipulate. Easy to handle. But he found his match in Alina since she proved to be stubborn and defiant, traits that while annoyed him also made him fall in love with her and admire her. Also, he must had expected a person with great power and an appearance that matched that power.
Of course there's also the matter that he knew the Sun Summoner would be immortal, just like him. And the Darkling was always searching for someone to accompany him and share with him this endless eternity. But be certain that he for sure didn't want or expect to fall in love with that person. It's one thing to have the upper hand and control the Sun Summoner and another to be utterly infatuated with her to the point that you can't control your emotions and make rush decisions (in other words what happened with Aleksander: "Mission failed successfully"😭)
So to summarize, he expected for the Sun Summoner to appear, then take her under his wing, train her, manipulate her, make her loyal to him and also make her understand his point of view and plans.
And what he expected from that person? Hopefully, someone easily manipulated, gullible, innocent, cut off from any other person from his/her life, someone willing to follow him without any obstacles getting in their way. But also someone strong that knows his/her value and having the same views as him about the world.
Now I'm going to analyze his initial thoughts and expectations about Alina even though I don't know if you're interested in this, dear anon😭
I just like analyzing every aspect of the matter.
When he first saw Alina, I think he was torn between hope and doubt.
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Obviously his mind was working feverishly here trying to understand if Alina was truly the person that he awaited for so many years or not and trying to clear out the whole mess that was brought before him.
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And here we can see that his initial thoughts of her weren't that flattering. In his eyes, she seemed fragile, plain, nothing remarkable and just ordinary but still he suspected that something might hide inside her and the witnesses' strong convictions made him want to confirm his suspicions. It was a matter of high importance after all. And indeed his suspicions were confirmed.
And the moment Alina's powers were revealed he immediately set forward his plans:
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Take her to the Little Palace, protect her at all costs and treat her right.
It took centuries for the Darkling to find her. And now that he has, he will not risk losing her. And in order to protect her, he puts her in his personal carriage and gives her his best and most talented men. The ones he trusts: Ivan, Fedyor and his personal guard the oprichniki. And later he joins them himself.
As for what he thought of her, that's easy. Hope. (And a little wariness I might add)
And we can see that in some of his early discussions with Alina:
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He didn't lie here. She WAS a glimmer of hope for him but while he told Alina that he wanted to destroy the Fold, he actually wanted to use it as a weapon to bring peace to Ravka.
With Alina at his side he desired to bring peace to Ravka, an end to the constant wars and protection to the Grisha.
He wanted this for so long that he was in a hurry to give her Morozova's collar and amplify her powers. He was desperate to be done with it.
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Another line where he was honest.
Alina proved herself to learn fast and the impressive display of her powers to the people at the Winter fete only enhanced his desire to save his country and his conviction that Alina was destined to be at his side.
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months
I will have you know I have had beef with wizards my whole d&d/bg3 career and you have singlehandedly convinced me that wizards are sexy. I don't know how you did it, but you did.
well, in fact it was easy, anon, because i am right x
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
(bnha 364 spoilers)
I'm probably going to voice an unpopular opinion here, but Edgeshot sacrificing himself to save Bakugou didn't have the emotional impact that a scene of self sacrifice is supposed to have in my book. Yeah, I'm glad Bakugou will live (not that I ever feared he wouldn't) and that an adult is taking responsibility for not letting a minor die in a war he should've never taken part in... But imho this is a recurring problem in bnha. We are told that heroes are people who self-sacrifice for others, and they do, but only ever to save other heroes. See Crust dying to save Aizawa. Sir dying to save Mirio and Eri. Star and Stripe dying to save her colleagues. There is a sob story behind all of those scenes, yes, but what's lacking... Are the stakes. We expect the heroes of the story, the protagonists, to survive. We expect someone to shield them from a fatal injury, even. Only if we forget that they're characters in a story that cannot die before they fulfill their narratives are we really able to fear for their lives.
Bakugou's death was always temporary to me. I never feared that it would be permanent. He has plot armor, he's the heart of the story because he's a kid and he's part of the new generation that will carry heroism to a new age, and he has a crowd of people — mentors, teachers, seniors, friends — willing to protect him at all costs.
You know who has no one willing to guard their life as fiercely and promptly? The villains. And you know which characters are under constant threat of dying horribly and painfully, and yet are barely seen through human lenses through it all? Still the villains.
Writing a kid on the verge of death + a hero sacrificing to save him doesn't have much of an emotional pull, when that's the standard pretty much all the story lives by. But if you want a plot twist that readers don't expect, that lines up better with the kind of change you want to see the new gen push forward, the kind of twist that would prove that heroes save people and not just their friends...
Have a hero self-sacrifice to save a villain — someone whose life no one thought was worth the gesture. Have a hero die to give impact to their beliefs, to stand by them when all the other heroes wouldn't give it the time of day.
Have a hero die to save a life, and not just an ally. Have their death be an inspiration to those who will outlive them, and not just paint them as another pitiful victim on whose behalf the heroes who survive will then feel self-righteously furious and vengeful
I guarantee that will have a lot more power than... This
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shinsouslightningbug · 4 months
Back on my bullshit and daydreaming about being brainwashed into riding Shinsou's dick, my mind blissfully blank, no thoughts head empty, while Shinsou lays under me, makes me do all the work, praises me for being such a good boy for him and following his orders so well, taking him like a good kitty...
Jesus, I gave myself chills.
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taralen · 3 months
Ok same anon who tried to rizz: SORRY LMAO i thought about the message and im kinda embarrased, i think i look like a young spamton trying so hard and failing miserably ANDBSNDA
(The honest words are true tho! Wishing the best for you. You really make cool art, but im kinda shy to talk more than just this oportunity of a message.)
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
It's all fun and games until you've pressed the Summon Crab button eighty thousand times in a row and now there are zillions of the little fuckers all over your dashboard and you can't see your activity page.
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earthbaby-angelboy · 4 months
hello beautiful souls!!
i want to start writing about something a bit new, and something i haven’t really seen other people write about. with that being said…
which members of the memphis mafia would y’all like me to write about? and in what capacity? (boyfriend, husband, caregiver, etc)
let me know, anons are on <3
-desprate for creative juice, calla xx
(tagging because i need ur help: @kiankiwi @arianatheangel-girl @mooodyblue @lookingforrainbows @hooked-on-elvis @karel-in-wonderland @alienelvisobsession @ash-omalley @bunnydexterloveselvis )
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
The brothers, diavolo and Solomon laugh at barbs rat phobia but octopi and squids are absolutely TERRIFYING to me. There is no way I'm making it past the beach episode without clinging to barbatos or diavolo, if he dares bring it up I'm hiding a rat in the castle and because I know I'll get scolded if I do anything too harsh to diavolo I'm taking his fountain pens. Seriously though there is no way I'm deep diving into that ocean. Do you think they'd let me or have to pass me off to the brothers?
-bows for barb
The thing about phobias is that they are often irrational, so really I don't think anybody should be making fun of anybody about this stuff lol.
Though I do think they might joke with you about it lightheartedly, I don't think they would make you do anything that you were honestly afraid to do.
The might just skip taking you to the beach altogether if you're that stressed out about it.
Though I think the chances that you would run into an octopus or a squid are extremely slim. I'm pretty sure they generally stay deeper in the water.
But if you're worried about it, I do think both Barbatos and Diavolo would do whatever they could to make you feel less scared. I don't think they'd pass you off to the brothers because those guys are completely chaotic. You might be able to rely on Lucifer to keep you feeling safe, but the rest of them? I'm not so sure... and really Barbatos is not the kind of demon to leave a job to anyone other than himself because he knows he will do the best job of it lol.
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crushcandles · 5 months
I just finished Saltburn. I feel like someone tied me to a chair, forced me to chug 26 oz of smirnoff raspberry vodka, and then rubbed fresh-cut grass into my eyes.
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unofficialadamtaurus · 6 months
He is killing [everything he loves and cares about]
He is killing [himself, except he is already dead]
If in the next part Adam is forced into the Schnee Manor and faces Jacques his rage will explote like a supernova.
In the other hand, Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays indeed :)
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pcktknife · 1 year
Same anon that wants frye and big man Ws, Ive lost basically ALL of the splatfests Ive played in, I just got the game before the cryptid splatfest, but I played the world premier. I went with Frye->Frye->Big Man. 😔
ahhh i see, well welcome to the threequel officially. its pick shiver(big man if ur lucky) or die out here
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