#andromeda x hermione
unwoundcorridors · 2 months
prompt #22: theatre
pairing: andromeda/hermione word count: 293
❈ written for @sapphicmicrofics ❈
“It’s theatre on broomsticks is what it is,” Hermione said, something of a bite to her tone as she and Andromeda sat on an oversized blanket while the others soared high above in the near distance, playing a game of Quidditch. While Andy rested most of her weight on the palms of her hands, arms spread behind her, legs stretched out with one smoothly crossed over the other, Hermione more casually leaned back against her elbows, knees pulled up and feet flat on the ground.
She squinted her eyes towards the Quidditch players, her exhale coming out in a huff as Pansy knocked into Ginny. Fucking flirtatiously. Theatre on blooming broomsticks, truly.
Andromeda, beside her, only chuckled. “An astute observation, however tinged with envy.”
Hermione clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth but didn’t say anything to dispute her partner’s claim. She only looked at Andy out of the corner of her eye, a moment too late to spare herself the indignity of losing her balance from the other woman reaching out and playfully knocking one of her elbows from its position. The shock of it also prevented her from doing anything about the events that followed; not as if she would have cared to change a thing, anyway.
When Andromeda leaned over her, stealing a kiss from her lips as Hermione gathered her wits about her from the surprise of finding herself in a new position—the back of her head cradled in one of Andy’s palms before it could hit the blanket and grass beneath—Hermione couldn’t help but smirk into it when she heard Pansy yelling at Dennis for snapping photographs of the wrong people. The flash of his camera going off had her laughing into Andromeda’s mouth.
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teacup-tai · 2 years
hey tai, hope you're enjoying your evening! could we have age gap and rarepairs?
YES! of course you can have it!
It was actually a bit weird, that's all Hermione could think as she folded the clean sheets that just finished drying in the backyard of the Tonks Cottage. It's weird because being here and actually getting to know Andromeda was nothing like she thought it would be.
Harry had the initial idea, that he would come during summer to help with two years old Teddy but, in the end, Hermione was here most often than not. While Harry enjoyed most of his mornings and afternoons with his godson, Hermione spent most of her time talking to Andromeda.
It was really surprising, to get to know her; sharp minded and even sharper tongued, ready for any intelectual discussion Hermione could think of. Chatting and gesticulating with her hand grandisously, while her long brown and grey curls would fall over her shoulders like a waterfall of messy wonders.
Always looking short of sleep, with her languid brown eyes under the summer sun, soft and warm, a cup of tea hanging from her fingers, and sometimes a thin, long pipe, or on the evenings Teddy would fall asleep easily and they would share a glass of red wine, a platter of cheese and fruits.
Hermione was entranced. The way Andromeda talked made her heart beat faster, how her shirt would fall from a shoulder while she lulled Teddy to sleep would catch her attention. The way she looked in Hermione's eyes, waiting to be challenged or to be surprised, it all made Hermione feel alive, seen, interested.
Maybe summer would bring even weirder things. Like the deep craving of tasting those thin lips, a tanned shoulder, the corner of her eyes. She wasn't sure, but she was willing.
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
one shot: don’t touch the flames (they will burn you)
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♢ don’t touch the flames (they will burn you)
written for femslash fuckery 2023
relationship: Andromeda Black x Bellatrix Black x Hermione Granger
rating: explicit
synopsis: Hermione Granger was enjoying her night out with one of her girlfriends, Andromeda Black when she almost knew instantly that something was wrong with her body. She wasn't sure what had happened but there was something that had been placed and mixed in with one of her drinks. Bellatrix Black, who had a secret love for potion making and was Andromeda's older sister, smirked with devilish intention as she followed the younger curly-haired Hermione out of the club, following after the caring Andromeda, intention painted across her older face as she corned the younger woman in an alleyway.
word count: under 1k
! ON AO3 !
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snarkygranger1-blog · 2 months
Teddy First Hunt
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Bellatrix: when have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?
Hermione: do you want that chronological or in alphabetical order
Andromeda: or varying degrees of intensity and stupidity
Narcissa: or by level of war crime?
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loislame84 · 1 year
Cissy: so you fancy girls?
Bella: Well, that is sort of an entry-level requirement for being a lesbian.
Andy: lesbianism 101
Cissy, turning towards Hermione: you as well?
Hermione: I took the required courses.
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softkombuchart · 10 months
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Draco, Narcissa, Andromeda, Teddy and Hermione
This is for A Cosmology of Blacks, Malfoys, and Assorted Individuals by a_rum_of_ones_own ♥
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hustlingrube · 1 year
Bellatrix: Hermione and I promised that we’d never go to bed angry with each other.
Andromeda: Oh?
Bellatrix: I haven’t slept in fifteen days.
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wonderviena · 17 days
harry potter next generation - teddy lupin
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edward 'teddy' lupin.
the only child of remus lupin and nymphadora tonks. he's like his mother, clumsy and has the power of metamorphosis. and just like his father; he is quiet, protective and smart.
He is protective of the weasley-potter children. even the longbottoms - when alice joined hufflepuff, he protected her. he and his friends stayed up with her to first night when she was too scared to sleep and he helped the younger weasley-potters whenever they were in trouble.
as much as harry would love to have him living with him and his family, andromeda insisted that she would raised tonks' son (although, he does come to the potter's house every other week during the holidays).
making his mark, he was the pretty boy during his time at hogwarts but his eyes only ever landed on a pretty blonde. she was the only girl that ever got teddy nervous.
all the professors loved him. madam pomfrey would always tell him stories about his dad and his friends, saying things like 'oh, i remember when...' and would end up talking for an hour about how remus would turn red whenever she would have to wrap his wounds.
-- in my opinion, chace crawford (specifically, season one nate archibald) is a great face claim for teddy lupin. there's something about his mannerism that reminds me of teddy.
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50044w44s · 5 months
Headcanons I have about Teddy Lupin <3
I don't picture father Harry much but i def picture godfather Harry like my life depends on it. Like, Teddy calling Harry "old man" and Harry finding it hilarious. Harry calling him Ted, or Ed, instead of Teddy, makes him feel important and validated.
And he calls them Mom and Dad, or Harry and Ginny, depending on the day. And he would occasionally talk about Remus or Dora and he'd say "My father" or "My mother" and people would ask him like, which one? And I think growing up he wanted to be an auror like his father (Harry) or his mother (Dora), but also growing up he came to realize that it wasn't that great of a job, and he decided for something else, maybe teaching.
He's really good at charms, and bad at transformations, he doesn't do bad at potions but he would never pick it. And for merlin's sake do not ask him to play quidditch because he will die and kill someone in the process. He's a big fan though.
I think he was the most gentle parented kid ever, along with the other Potter kids, and I think he has both surnames cause Harry didn't want him to feel left out of the family, but didn't want to take Lupin's name out. He hopes in the future Teddy will choose for himself which one to use more.
And I think that he wasn't traumatized by his parents deaths, he was able to process them and mourn them and finally listen happily to all the others had to tell him about them.
And I think Andromeda and Molly were the best grandmothers someone could ever ask for. And I think Draco was the cool uncle that offered him a smoke for the first time and was the one Teddy asked for advice with Victorie. And Ron and Hermione were the house he ran to to avoid all the rules Harry's strict ass had.
And he was a happy kid, who grew into a happy adult.
Anyways if you didn't notice, I love Teddy Lupin.
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shouldvebeenafairy · 8 months
Bella: She's horrible, really. I can't have any fun when she's around! It's always "Bella, no murder", "Bella, no torture"! Seriously I can't handle her! She's the worst!
Narcissa: Didn't you marry her?
Andy: And don't you listen to everything she says without hesitation?
Hermione: And didn't you just finish snuggling me?
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dramioneasks · 23 days
Marked by the Moon By: Louisa Caraballo - M, 4 chapters -COMPLETE! When Draco Malfoy gets punished for not completing his mission for the Dark Lord, he doesn't know what to expect, but becoming a Werewolf was not it. He comes to find out that all the things he thought he knew about them are pretty much false. Now he just needs to convince his Soulmate to get on board. Updates Mondays!
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and now
for the
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riverstories7 · 4 months
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I haven't posted about this much here, but: I'm currently sharing my first Dramione multi-chapter fic on AO3.
See You Again is an adopted!Hermione AU wherein, thanks to the efforts of Lucius Malfoy, Hermione learns that she is Andromeda Tonks' daughter. (So yes, Hermione and Draco are cousins, and yes they will get together. Just so you know.) It's going to be a long, intricate, and hopefully delightful journey.
Read for: Tonks being everyone's favourite, Actual Responsible Adults, lots of complicated family feelings, and slow-burn romance with a guaranteed HEA for Dramione.
Updates weekly on Thursdays!
Start from the beginning here,
Or read the latest chapter here.
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nena-96 · 3 months
word excerpt game: feel
Anon! I thought I replied to this! I’m so sorry! I do have the word “feel” in a few of my stories, hmm I’ll give you a few snippets!
Romione, Jily, Tedromeda!
Romione (angsty wedding fic that didn’t make it to trope fest)
“Leave her! Take me! Have me, leave her the fuck alone!” Ron shouted, at the cloaked figures.
“Hermione!” Ron bellowed, as he tried to get up from the chains that held him back. Each time he pulled against the restraints, he could feel the chains dig into his skin. Yet, the pain was nothing compared to seeing his wife get kicked to the ground by two Death Eaters. Those bastards, if only he could escape these bloody chains, he’ll make them wish they were never born.
Jily: “feeling” (Order Jily, for the Thrice Defied for Alight with Happiness fest! I’ll most definitely edit this)
The blood that covered her hands was a reminder of how close she was in losing him. She couldn’t believe it was an ambush, there were at least ten Death Eaters. It was a bloody miracle that they made it out alive-
“Mrs. Potter, your husband is awake,” the Healer that’s taking care of James walks up to her, “But, I have to tell you that-“
Lily didn’t even wait for the Healer to finish speaking, because she was already racing down the hallway. She narrowly misses tumbling into a group of trainees, before making it into the hospital room.
“James!” She shouted in happiness, before rushing over to him and bringing her hands to his face, and feeling the warmth on his skin.
“Uhm, Evans? Are you alright?” James asked confused.
Tedromeda “felt”
Ted was walking through the rain, he didn’t care that the coldness was seeping through his clothes. He didn’t care that a taxi had zoomed close by him and caused a large splash of water to completely drench him, more than he cared.
No, the only thing that mattered was that his heart was completely shattered by the woman who had stolen his heart.
Andromeda Black. The woman he should’ve never fallen in love with. The witch who causes every fiber in his body to come alive. Was going to marry another bloke.
He never felt so broken in his life,
Oof, I didn’t realize all these were angst….oh wait I did it on purpose 😅. What can I say, angst is my fluff.
Thanks for playing the word excerpt game, Anon!
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The Sister’s Black when someone hurts Hermione
Bellatrix, extremely predictable: I will kill them, Pet. Just show me who
Narcissa, poised as always: I will make them regret the day they first drew air
Andromeda, surprising everyone: I will burn them alive and roast marshmallows on their pyre
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