#and we PIERCE SKIN with injection needles
planitiautopia · 2 years
why being trans is so goth? we have DEAD names and we can BURY genitals for phallo
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hazbinhotelie · 28 days
Smiling Puppet
CW: Syringe, needles, gore, harm, manipulation, mind control (in a way), Alastor owning your soul and being a shit about it
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“Don’t you just love being mine?” Alastor asked, pulling my lips into a smile for him. “I think it’s much better than being the property of another overlord, to be sure.”
“Al,” I said, shaking my head. I didn’t want to deal with his antics today. He just laughed and snapped his fingers, enveloping me in green chains.
“I mean, imagine if Valentino got his claws on you. You’d be just like Angel Dust and oh- we all know how that goes.” He leaned in and placed his hand under my chin, tilting my head from side to side. He looked at my neck, where little dots were splattered. Marks of where he’d injected me, both old and new. “Don’t be so glum. I might just have to doll you up if you keep doing this.”
“Please don’t,” I said quietly. Panic flooded through me and I knew he could tell. Angel had it bad, and my experience was nothing like his, but that didn’t mean I was doing good. “Please.”
“Manners are a good start,” he said with a smirk. He squeezed my face for a moment, then let go and pushed me to the floor, on my knees. “Now be a dear and smile for me, won’t you?”
I winced at the pain, colliding with the floor harshly. I struggled to sit up properly, maneuvering around the chains. He wasn’t making it easy, I couldn’t quite process as quick as he’d like.
“I said to smile, my dear,” he growled, tugging on the chain. I yelped as I was pulled closer to him by my neck. “Don’t keep me waiting.”
“Sorry,” I mumbled. I tried to smile, failing at first. Cold dread held me by the neck, my smile kept faltering. I was on the verge of tears, every time I could manage a smile it was weak and shaky.
He tsked and tugged on the chain again. “Come on now, I know you can do better than that,” he said, his face pressed close to mine. “I’ll give you one last chance, darling.”
“I’m sorry, please,” I said, my voice strained. He narrowed his eyes and tightened the chain, the collar on my neck getting small enough to make it difficult for me to breathe. I gasped softly, my panic only increasing. A few tears slipped down my cheeks as I finally managed a trembling smile, stressed and as ingenuine as possible. “Please,” I whispered. He knew it was impossible for me to do what he really wanted, not when I was like this. “Please, I’m sorry, I’m trying. I’m trying.”
“Trying isn’t good enough, darling,” he said, his grin full of malice. “You know that.” He dragged me up and off my feet, forcing me to his favorite chair and shoving me into it.
“No, no, please! Alastor please don’t,” I said quickly, trying to get up. He used his tentacles to restrain me, keeping me tied to the chair, unable to move. “No, I- I can do better,” I said desperately. I tried to give him a proper smile, one that would satisfy him, but I couldn’t.
“Ah, you do amuse me,” He laughed softly and shook his head, pulling out a syringe. I closed my eyes, not even wanting to look at it. I squirmed a little, as he positioned it over my neck. “Now, stay still,” he ordered, gripping my face to keep me in place. “I’d hate to hurt you.”
I made a small whining sort of noise, something meant to be another plea for mercy I knew I wouldn’t receive. I felt a sharp prick in my neck as the needle pierced my skin and stopped making the noise. A familiar but odd sensation washed over me, relaxing me, muffling my thoughts. My eyes drooped and fell shut as I slumped in the chair, only held up by the restraints now. All I could think about was Alastor. He was such a good owner, never hurting me. He was so generous and nice, putting up with me like this.
“Ah, there we go,” he said softly. I could hear the smugness in his voice but I didn’t mind. He brushed his fingers along my cheek, gentle. “Open your eyes for me, darling.”
I did so without hesitation, though my movements were a bit slow. I looked up at him, my eyes glazed over. They were an unnaturally bright green colour.
“Sometimes I forget how stunning you look like this,” he said with a grin. I had gotten a hold of myself- well, as much as I could. The effects of whatever he’d done were still taking place, I just wasn’t as sluggish anymore. I was sitting up properly now, as he got rid of the tentacles. “Good, good. Now, remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile,” he said lightly, pulling my lips into a smile like earlier. It stayed this time, I made sure of it. I was much better at it now. “Don’t let that smile drop, understand? It’s a powerful tool. I can’t let anyone thinking that I’m a bad owner with weak possessions, you know.”
“I know,” I said with a grin. My voice wasn’t particularly enthusiastic. He seemed satisfied, though.
“I’m sure you do,” he said with a nod. “Now, I do believe I treat you the nicest out of all the souls I own. You are a good puppet, after all. Remember that for me.”
“Okay,” I said, smiling a bit wider. God, my face was already hurting. I couldn’t bring myself to care.
Alastor saw my gaze shift around the room as I tried to reorient myself, and he snapped his fingers in my face. “Over here. Eyes on me, dear.” I looked back over at him, now only a small smile on my face.
“I’m sorry,” I said, thinking for a moment. “I can’t… it’s hard, to smile like you do,” I said, although it was a bit off topic.
“Yes, well it does take practice,” he said, chuckling lightly. “I do wish I could see you smile all the time, though. When I’ve got you like this, a nice little marionette, I get to see you smile as frequently as I’d like. However, Charlie would kill me if I kept you in this simple little puppet state…”
“Can you help me?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. “So I smile no matter what. I want to be able to smile like you,” I said dumbly. All that mattered when I was like this was making Alastor happy. He owned my soul, after all, and when he did this to me… well, I wasn’t in my right mind. I couldn’t even think straight.
“Oh?” He asked, raising a brow. This was unexpected to him. “What exactly are you implying, my dear?”
“Stitch me up,” I said bluntly. My entire demeanor implied it was only a natural solution, that it only made sense, that it wasn’t a big deal. The fact I’d been the one to suggest it made it seem as though I wanted it. “You have those little stitches when you’re full demon mode. You could do something like that with me,” I said with an encouraging grin.
He thought about it, and as he did, I felt a small bit of resistance within myself. I wouldn’t be able to talk, if he sewed my mouth into a smile. I didn’t even want this. I disregarded those thoughts. He used magic, so it’d be fine. Of course I wanted it, that’s why I’d suggested it. Another wave of calm washed over me, erasing all doubt and reaffirming the idea that I wanted to please him and that I’d do whatever was necessary.
“Very well,” he said, after a moment. He walked around his room, and talked to Niffty briefly, then turned back to me. “Be a dear and sit on the bed. This will be quite unpleasant.” I did so, and a bit later he’d gotten what he needed from Niffty and dismissed her. She didn’t question any of what was happening. Alastor sat besides me on his bed, holding a needle. Now it was just the two of us.
“Are you sure you can handle this?” He asked, amused as he used his magic to form a bright green thread. It matched my eyes. I looked back to him with a smile. He knew I wouldn’t- couldn’t- deny him now.
“I’m sure,” I said with a nod.
He nodded in turn and finished preparing. He turned on the radio and played some tunes as he repositioned me. Then, he began.
It was a sharp pain, unbearable. I wasn’t numb at all. He hummed along to the radio as he worked and I tried not to squirm. He paused, a few stitches in, and injected something in my neck again.
“Smile as wide as you can, and don’t you stop,” he said, tapping on his microphone. “Don’t move. Scream if you’d like. I think having another addition to my broadcast would be quite nice.”
I didn’t respond, feeling my body lock up. I couldn’t move if I wanted to. “Oh dear, I forgot to mention! You can’t physically scream, of course, it’d only ruin all my hard work. Anytime you try to, it’ll come out of my microphone instead,” he explained, matter of fact, as he got back to work. “That’s an eerie thing, isn’t it? I find it has a certain sort of lovely effect, hearing it like that. Awfully unsettling, too.”
I winced as he started up again. Piercing my skin, pulling the thread through, pausing to clear the blood every now and again. I could’ve sworn it was more painful than before. Every small movement seemed to make it more and more unbearable, despite his technique never changing. It wasn’t long before small noises sounded from the microphone- little attempts not to scream. He smiled wider, amused at my determination.
“Come on now, don’t be shy,” he said playfully. The next time he was more forceful, shoving the needle through my flesh harshly, roughly. It didn’t feel like it was just a needle, it felt as though I was being stabbed with a particularly sharp knife that dealt a fatal blow. I screamed.
The sound came from the microphone rather than my own mouth. In reality, I hadn’t moved at all. Whatever he’d done had made me unable to, so I was still just smiling as he worked. The sound of my voice with that radio effect, not even coming from my own mouth was more than unsettling. I screamed again, panic setting in. My eyes weren’t as green as before. They were slowly returning to normal.
“There we go,” he praised lightly, continuing without a care in the world. He chuckled softly and moved painstakingly slow, resuming his more gentle and careful approach, working with precision.
It seemed to go on for eternity, my face aching from keeping up the smile alone, the added pain of each stitch only fueled my screams. He smiled in delight as he watched.
Finally, he set the needle down. “All finished,” he said gleefully. I opened my eyes and looked at him, the effects of whatever he’d put in my long gone by now. “You look wonderful, darling! I must say, this is likely my best work yet.”
He helped me sit up, and set his microphone aside. It was no longer necessary, I could move and talk now that he was finished. He held up a mirror and I gasped softly. My eyes were wide a mixture of awe and terror as I reached up and gently brushed my fingers along the stitches. It stung.
“Now, don’t get any ideas of trying to undo it,” he said with a grin of his own, setting the mirror aside. “These are magic, after all. I’ve made sure they’ll last an eternity!”
“But… but Charlie and Husk and the others,” I mumbled, still in shock. “They’ll know.”
“Not to worry, my dear, nobody will know about this! You’ll stay in here with me for a few hours more and they’ll turn invisible, like they do for me,” he said. His enthusiasm was clear. He was having fun with this. “Now I get to have your darling smile all the time! Isn’t that just wonderful?”
“Wonderful,” I repeated, under my breath. I was still trying to process. He didn’t seem to notice.
“Exactly!” He exclaimed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
God, I was still in so much pain. I had a feeling it’d be like that for a long while. He was the radio demon, after all, and he did own my soul. I was stuck with him, and stuck like this.
He hummed to himself, touching my face carelessly, admiring his handiwork. “Green is such a great colour on you, my dear,” he said brightly. “I do admire it. You look stunning.”
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outsideratheart · 11 months
The Bet (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Based off this request
“Chicas!” You shout just before the team return to the pitch for the second half “here’s a little incentive for you in case lifting that trophy isn’t enough. If we win this then I will get a tattoo to celebrate” 
The look of disbelief on every player’s face would have been funny under any other circumstance but you wanted them to know that you were very serious. Your body was a blank canvas and getting a tattoo never interested you even when some of your closest friends begged you to get one. Ink wasn’t really your thing, hair dye on the other hand well that was how you expressed yourself. You had tried every colour under the sun and then repeated it. 
Alexia on the other hand loved to use her body as art and every single tattoo on her skin told a story. Her hair up until her injury had been brunette. When you told her that her tearing her ACL is like a bad break up, she has to learn to move on so he decided to do the typical thing after any break up, she died her hair and you loved the blonde more than the previous colour. 
Knowing that you and Alexia have a competitive relationship they all looked at their captain to see if she would rise to your bet.
“You know what! If we go out there and pull off one of the greatest comebacks in Champions League history I will die my hair” 
The team couldn’t believe what they are hearing. 
Your word was your bond and you never went back on your word. Alexia was a woman who when made a promise, always kept it. It made you both incredibly trustworthy but as the final whistle is blown you cannot help but think your good word had gotten you in trouble.
“We won” Alexia pulled you close as you walked over to where your families were.
“Baby, we’re fucked! We can���t go back on this” Inside you were panicking. Alexia’s promise could be temporary but yours was permanent.
“Don’t be such a wuss. How about this? You can pick my hair colour if I get it pick your tattoo”
You loved half of this plan. You already had a colour in mind but whilst you did trust Alexia with your life, you couldn’t guarantee that her choosing what is going to be on your body for the rest of your life is a good idea.
“Trust me, you’ll like what I have planned”
“Fine but you’re dying your hair pink”
Alexia’s eyes widen at your choice of colour but having been the person to suggest the idea, she couldn’t exactly go back on it now.
After playing Panama, the national team was given three days off before having to report back to camp. Alexia had told you that she had designed your tattoo with the help of Mapi and she had booked an appointment for you at the studio where her and the rest of the girls go for their tattoos. You had also made a call to your hair stylist and asked them if they could squeeze Alexia in the morning before you would get your tattoo in the afternoon.
“And this woman knows what she’s doing” on the outside Alexia was cool as a cucumber but as you walk down the streets of Barcelona she is holding onto your hand for dear life.
“She has been doing my hair for years Alexia. You are in safe hands”
You walked into the salon and greeted everyone as if they were family. Alexia stayed close behind you as you guide her to the chair in the fair back corner. 
“So what are we doing doing?” Your hair stylist ran her fingers through Alexia’s hair as your girlfriend looked at you through the mirror.
“Pink but a light pink”
“What! No! If I’m doing this then I’m doing it. I want it like Y/N’s after her first appointment post COVID”
“Ale, that was really pink” 
“I know, I loved it” 
The hair stylist did as she was told and a couple of hours later Alexia was walking out the salon almost unrecognisable.
Now it was your turn and you felt sick as you walked in the studio which was tucked down one of the side street in Sants.
“Does it hurt? It’s got to hurt, there is a needle piercing your skin at 100 miles an hour and it’s injecting ink. Oh God! Why did I even agree to do this, I can’t do this”
“Y/N take a breath” Alexia’s hands rested on your shoulders. She took a deep breath in, one which you copied almost immediately “I think you will really like my design and if you don’t then we will tell the team that I made you get it on your bum which they will believe because—“
“You are obsessed with my bum” you finished your girlfriend’s sentence.
“I am so they will believe me but please take a look at the design”
The artist, who you had learnt was also the owner, sat you down on the sofa as she showed you the design and at different sizes. You had no control over the smile on your face as you saw what Alexia had come up with.
“It’s like yours” 
“It is. I thought why not kill two birds with one stone. The tattoo would commemorate the final and it would be a matching one to mine”
The tattoo was perfect. It was an outline of a basic flower within a square. The pattern was seen all around Barcelona as it was a tile that covered the pavement. Alexia has the same one on her back with ‘made in’ above it. Yours wouldn’t have the text and instead of the ink being black it would be blue and red, Blaugrana the colours of FC Barcelona.
Once laid on the bench Alexia offered to hold your hand in case the pain is too much.
“Is it really going to hurt that much?” You ask the tattoo artist who reassured you that the pain would be nothing compared to some of the tackles you have been on the receiving end of over the years.
“Ale!” You smack her with your free hand.
“Sorry. It’s just that i’m used to seeing you as this tough cookie”
“I’m never a tough cookie around you, you make me soft” 
Alexia kisses you softly, the two of you forgetting your surroundings until the artist clears her throat.
“Soft cookie or tough cookie, I do need to to sit still or this won’t end well”
“Don’t say that” Don’t tell her that” you and Alexia say at the same time.
When the two of your arrived back to Los Rojas two days later the entire team was in shock and fascinated to see Alexia’s pink hair but only the barcelona players knew about your side of the bet. You removed your hoodie to show them the tattoo which you had decided to get on your arm, just about your elbow. 
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nexysworld · 1 year
Guardian Angel 🖤 Part 3 🖤
Read on AO3 - Requests are Open - Masterlist
Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | 4.1 | 4.2| 4.3
Chapter Summary: Reader gets put in time out for bad behavior while Leon teaches her the rules of what things are going to be like from now on.
🖤Pairing: Yandere!Leon/Fem!Reader 
🖤Tags (not all apply to all chapters): NSFW, Masturbation, Dubcon, Sex, Gaslighting, canon typical horror and gore descriptions, probably eventual kidnapping or kidnapping like behavior, use of pet names like bunny. Leon induces some PTSD like flashbacks on purpose, general things of that nature. Unwanted creampie, etc. Probably treat as dead dove. Inappropriate use of animal collar.
As always this was inspired by @hxllfiredoll 's story Something Permanent. If you like Yandere!Leon please go give that a read along with @dollrxst's story Lovesick and @gigabyte-flare's story There's no Escape. Also wanted to add @lipglossanon because I love their work and you should too. While not explicitly yandere! it's adjacent and their works are awesome.
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You fought hard. You really did, you scratched at his back, kicked, struggled. When the basement door was flung open you even grabbed hold of the doorway with all your strength, but your hands lost their purchase as he continued the descent down the stairs. In a last ditch effort to free yourself from him, you tried to swing your body to knock him off his balance, it didn’t work. Leon didn’t budge an inch and his hold on your didn’t ease up. Your eyes stung when you heard the flick of a switch and you were greeted with a terribly bright fluorescent lighting. You were dropped into a chair. You struggled again but he held your arm in place like nothing while he clamped something cold over it. He did the same to your other arm and leg until you were stuck in the chair by all four limbs. Leon stroked your cheek softly while you trembled against the cold chair. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go, Bunny. Really it’s not, you forced my hand, left me no choice. All you had to do was be a good girl.” “F-fuck you!” The words not coming out as harshly as you intended through your trembling, you at least chalked up the nerve to spit at him. Smack. Your vision became disoriented and your head flung to the side, a searing pain in your cheek. A bit of blood formed in your mouth where the skin of your cheek was cut on your teeth. That was the first time you saw true anger flashover Leon’s face for a brief moment. You watched him wipe the spit from his cheek before he disappeared somewhere. When he came back your heart sank and the giant syringe in his hand. It looked like nothing you’d ever seen before, even the needle was giant. You wiggled around in the chair as much as you could as he placed the needle against your neck. “Don’t fight it, it’ll hurt more if you’re wriggling around. If you sit still it’ll only hurt for a moment.” He held you by your hair and sunk the needle in your skin, it felt like being pierced by a pole, it hurt bad. You expected to feel the additional sting of medicine, but you didn’t, less than a few seconds later Leon pulled it out of your neck, he dabbed at the spot with a tissue and then rubbed the sore spot a little. “Wh-what was that?” You asked nervously. “A little tracker for my special girl. Brand new design too, gotta bring doughnuts to those lab geeks next time I’m at work.” He finished inspecting the injection spot before backing away. “Alright. Let’s start with lesson one; respect. And to help you with that, I brought a little toy.” He pulled something black out of his pocket, you couldn’t quite make out what it was until he began to place it around your neck. You heard an audible click. A collar? He moved for a moment to bring a chair to sit in front of you and plopped down. “Now, from now on you’re going to refer to me as Daddy or Sir. Though I’m partial to the first one, as long as you’re addressing me with respect, we’ll be okay. Are we understood?” You glared at him with all you could muster. “C’mon baby, I asked you a question. It’s not very respectful to leave me hanging is it?” Your lips remained sealed. If talking was what he wanted, you weren’t going to give it to him willingly, it was the only way you had to rebel now. You watched him let out a disappointed sigh. “I guess you are a slow learner. That’s okay, we have plenty of time.” He fished a small remote out of his pocket. “One last chance sweetheart.” 
Silence. The scream you let out was feral. The pain radiated from your neck and shot tingling sensations throughout your entire body. You flopped within the constraints of the chair, if you had been standing it would’ve knocked you on your ass immediately. The sensation only lasted a second at most, but it was awful. A fucking shock collar?
“Do we feel like speaking now?” “Y-yes.” “Yes what?” “Yes Sir.” “That’s a good girl.” He said leaning forward to press his lips to yours gently. “See? Just gotta be a good girl f’me, alright?” “Why are you doing this to me?” You sobbed against his kisses. “Aww, my poor little Bunny. I’m not doing this to you, I’m doing this for you.” He said peppering your face with kisses, stroking the back of your head softly. “You need this. You need me. I’ll keep you safe sweetheart, you just gotta learn your lessons and be good.”
“Wh-what . . . what are you talking about you fucking psycho!” You watched him raise an eyebrow and lift the remote again. “Wait! Wait! No! I’m sorry - I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry Daddy.” You pleaded with him. “I just meant I don’t understand. Please explain to me, I’ll be good.” You watched him smile with approval.
You were trying his patience, you really were. His plan not going exactly how he imagined? That’s fine, stuff happens. But your defiance of him, spitting on him. He wasn’t thrilled with how he handled that. His hands were supposed to be for your love and comfort, but hey he’s human. If it had been anyone else he may have done worse, but he knew his little bunny wasn’t smart, didn’t think things through. It wasn’t your fault. 
Leon leaned back in his chair and ran his eyes over you. “First, why don’t we get you out of that chair, hmm? I’m sure it’s not very comfy. Besides, look at you, naked, dirty, my cum drying on your thighs. Poor girl.” He hated how frightened you looked at him right now. Didn’t you understand? You didn’t need to fear him. He was here to protect you. You were his world. No worries, you’d understand soon. Leon got up and exited the basement gathering a bucket of warm soapy water, a washrag, and a towel before making his way back down. He gently scrubbed your body free of dirt and dried cum as best he could before dabbing you dry with a plush towel. He walked over to the other side of the large basement and flicked the light on. This was a very special project of his just for you. He made it using the metal parts from a broken down jail, the metal cage was in perfect condition. He’d set it up in the basement, except he padded the entire area including the poles. He wanted to make sure it could contain you, but that there’d be no way for you to hurt yourself, accidentally, or as a form of rebellion.  Leon undid the locks from the chair and lifted you, holding you bridal style as he pressed a few kisses to your forehead softly. He carried you over to the cell and set  you down before closing the cell door and locking it. “Consider this the Bad Girl Room.” He said with a smile. He saw you pout as a look of confusion formed on your face. “B-but I said I’d be a good girl.” “And that’s how you earn your place out of the Bad Girl Room. But right now? Right now you’ve been a very bad girl, trying to run away, spitting at me. That’s not very nice Bunny, especially after all I’ve done for you the past few days.” And there it was, a small look of guilt on your face. It made his heart soar. There’s his little Bunny, despite everything you were still in there, so sweet. 
“P-please Leon, Sir . . . why are you doing this? If it’s because I asked to go home I’m sorry. I’ll stay the rest of the trip, just please let me out.” “Oh sweetheart, this is for your own good. Look at you, you’re a complete mess. You blabber about a man who doesn’t exist. You can’t remember simple things like packing pajamas or your phone. You even agreed to go on a last minute trip to the middle of nowhere with a man all alone. That doesn’t even include the million ways you leave yourself open for harm at home.” He sighed. “You simply cannot take care of yourself. That’s what I’m here for, baby. It’s okay to be crazy, I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again.“
“Wait - no!” He watched you yank and grasp at the bars in a pathetically desperate attempt to escape as he began walking around the basement flicking off the lights, preparing to leave. “I want you to sit in there and think about your bad behavior and we’ll talk when I think you’ve earned it. Goodnight Bunny.” He said, flicking the last switch off, leaving you in total darkness. 
Leon made his way back up the staircase and closed the basement door behind him. He stretched and rotated the shoulder he’d flung you over, it was his shooting arm after all and after years of recoil it definitely ached sometimes. Once he was satisfied with his joints popping, he ventured back upstairs and sifted through your bags. He collected all of the hygiene items, but everything else was tossed into the trash. 
He took a moment to look at the messy sheets. His cock twitched in his pants when he remembered the look of ecstasy on your face while he was between your legs. The desperate whimpers. He wished more in this moment that you didn’t make him have to punish you, he would’ve loved round two, maybe some sweet morning love making. He groaned – that would have to wait for another time. 
You had never been scared of the dark, at least not since you were a child, but there was a calm eeriness being in total darkness right now. Even when your eyes adjusted the area was pitch black. You found yourself backing up until you hit the plush wall of the cell and slid to the ground shivering in the corner. 
You scratched at the collar around your neck, you spun it around until your hands felt the metal of what felt like a padlock. It wasn’t coming off. You adjusted it back to its original position and pulled your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. Now all you were left with was your own thoughts. Leon had called you crazy. That’s what you’d assumed this whole time, but somehow hearing it come from his voice was like an arrow through the chest. He’d locked you down here, prevented you from leaving. He fucking shocked you. But, he had done a lot for you the past few days. . . maybe he was right? 
No. No. No. Even if you are crazy, he’s a fucking psycho. You didn’t deserve this. This wasn’t normal behavior. This was scary. What did he even mean by ‘all the ways you left yourself open to harm at home?’
But what if this IS what you needed? You could barely keep your head on straight the last few days. If you hadn’t tried to make a daring run for it in his Jeep maybe you’d still be upstairs curled up in his strong arms, safe. Maybe if you hadn't spit on him –
What the hell is wrong with you for even considering that?
Your internal debate was interrupted by the scratching of a tree branch outside. The sound made you jump out of your skin. The moaning of the wind whirling by sounded awfully a lot like….he didn’t exist. That never happened. Stop thinking about it. 
Your thoughts were going nowhere productive. You decided to close your eyes instead. Please, please just let me sleep. I don't want to be alone with my thoughts anymore. 
You weren’t sure how long it took before your brain finally settled into unconsciousness, but it didn’t last long. The first image your brain conjured was of that awful night again. Derek bent over in the alleyway, the tentacles. This time the dream ended with Leon holding the gun, backing you up against the brick wall. “Baby what did I tell you about going out at night? You’ve been a very naughty girl.” He held the gun up to your head and pulled the trigger. You woke up with a scream, darkness still surrounding you. You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t allow yourself to think. Instead, you sat there staring into nothing with unfocused eyes, disassociating from everything. Even the awful hunger pangs in your stomach were ignored in favor of the sweet nothingness. Sit in the corner. Lay on your stomach. Lay on your back. Sit in the corner. You repeated this for who knows how long. 
Your eyes stung and your head swam. How long have you been down here? Lack of food, water, and sleep was slowly destroying your psyche if it was even intact to begin with.  It started with seeing things flitting across your vision, things walking out of the corner of your eyes. You’d rub them and would be greeted with regular darkness again. As your body continued to  weaken, so too did your mind. Lying on your back you swear you felt something tickle your cheeks. Whiskers. “Jasper?” You whispered. Jasper was your childhood cat, long since passed away. You’d recognize that orange tabby pattern anywhere, the white and orange fur making a heart on his forehead. You giggled and lifted your hand up to pet the soft fur. The cat rubbed against you and purred before seemingly disappearing under your touch.
That was the first time you cried since being in the cell. You missed Jasper. 
Every now and then you’d feel soft fur brush against you, meowing in the distance, purring in your ears. You weren’t sure if you wanted it to go away or if it was comforting. Next came the man in the corner. His voice sounded a lot like Derek’s, but you couldn’t make out his face besides the glowing red eyes. He’d spit nasty words at you. “You already forgot about me? Whore.” You couldn’t reply as grief and guilt washed over you. You felt so weak. Were you going to die? At this point you hoped so. You didn’t want to feel anything anymore. 
The first time you got a dose of reality was when the door clicked open. You thought that too was your imagination, until one of the basement lowlights flickered on.  “Oh baby girl. You look terrible, did you even sleep these past few days?” Leon unlocked the padded cell doors and knelt in front of you, he tilted your chin so you would look up at him. He was scanning your face for a moment with a small look of concern before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Hey sweetheart. Did you think about your bad behavior?” He asked, voice so soft you almost couldn’t believe it came from the person who’d locked you down here. “Yes Daddy, I’m so sorry for being a bad girl.” Your voice was flat, and you wore a neutral expression. Speaking felt strange again, your throat was dry, lips cracked. 
He kissed you again on the lips this time, you couldn’t help but press back into the affection softly. “Lift your arms up for me.” You did as you were told and he tugged a warm black sweatshirt over your arms and head. Then he helped you stand a little so you could get into the underwear and sweatpants he’d brought too. Clothing felt so good. So warm. He helped lead you from the cell, your legs wobbling like a newborn deer. He stopped for a moment. “Do you want daddy to carry you princess?” You nodded weakly as he lifted you up off the ground bridal style as he walked you up the stairs and out the basement door. You watched as those red eyes disappeared into the distance behind the both of you. You could swear you heard a soft meow before the door closed as well. You rubbed your eyes at the blast of sunlight coming through the windows. He sat down on the couch with you first, sitting on his lap and resting your head on his chest and shoulder. “Gonna brush your hair now, mkay? Then we’ll get you something to eat.” He brought the soft brush to your hair and started at the bottom, gently working the knots out as he went up. It felt relaxing, the bristles against your scalp, the sound of his breathing. It was nice to feel something soothing and real. Even Leon’s scent was familiar and comforting, even though it shouldn’t be. “I imagine you’re hungry? What do you want for breakfast hmm?” He asked, setting the brush down and continuing to massage your scalp with his fingers. It was such a normal question it felt so strange to hear. When was the last time you ate breakfast? You couldn’t remember. “Bunny, is it respectful to ignore me when I’m talking to you?” “Sorry.” “Sorry what?” “Sorry daddy.” “Good girl, now tell me what you want for breakfast, ok?” His hand moved from your scalp down to rub circles on your lower back. “Pancakes and eggs?” You dared to look up and meet his gaze. “I can manage some pancakes and eggs. Wait right here, okay?” He gently moved you off of his lap onto the couch. You hadn’t the energy to run, not that it mattered if you did. He returned quickly with what could only be described as an oversized sippy cup. “Gotta drink up princess, 3 days without water isn’t good for you.” You shakily brought it up to your lips and drank while he disappeared into the kitchen again. Water felt so good on the back of your throat, it was nearly euphoric, you downed the entirety of it as fast as the cup’s lid would allow.
Leon returned a while later lifting you up to carry you into the kitchen and plopping you down in a chair. He refilled the cup and set it in front of you before plating your food. He’d taken the liberty of pre-cutting your pancakes and had left you with a toddler’s spork. It was hard plastic, the kind that couldn’t easily be broken into something sharp.
Leon watched you inspect the utensil with confusion. He reached over to tuck some hair behind your ear. “Gotta make sure you’re not going to hurt yourself. Eat up, I know you must be starving.” Despite your hollowed eyes and cracked lips, you still managed to be the most beautiful thing Leon had ever laid his eyes on, his beautiful girl. He’d missed you so much the past three days, but sometimes caring for someone meant tough love even if it was hard for yourself too, ya know? He began to eat his own food while he observed you. You brought the spork to your mouth and took a large bite of the pancake. He watched your eyes close with pleasure as you savored the first real bite of food in days. “Mmm. ‘S delicious Sir.” You said scarfing down the next bite, and the next. His heart swooned that you loved his cooking so much. “Hey, hey slow down now. Don’t want my little Bunny choking.” He said with a stern tone. He watched you freeze for a moment before slowly chewing the rest of your bite and swallowing. He could tell it was an internal battle to scarf the rest of it down or follow his instructions. “Rule number 2; always listen to me. Understand? I know what’s best for you. Now slow down when you eat, the food isn’t going anywhere.” He was pleased when you did as you were told, slowing down and continuing to eat until the plate was empty. Leon held your cup to your lips again to make sure you got more water. That’s right, silly bunny. Just listen to me. Once breakfast was over he helped you back up to the bedroom. “Now, I know you didn’t sleep much. I think it’s best if you take a nap alright?” He’d made some alterations to the room while you’d been in time out. Call it adult-baby proofing. All the corners were fitted with rubber, the window safety locked. The bed had one of those safety blankets on it, the kind that zipped to the bed so it couldn’t be taken off only adjusted slightly, like a sleeping bag. He didn’t know what your exact state of mind would be after time out, and he wasn’t going to take any chances with you hurting yourself.  Leon ensured you were tucked neatly into the bed before he kissed your cheek. “Get some rest.”
“W-wait.” He saw your arm weakly reach out for him. He took your hand in his and kissed it.
“What is it?”
“I don’t wanna sleep. Bad dreams when I close my eyes. Monsters in the room.” Your eyes kept flicking behind him to the darkness of the open closet. He thought for a moment before turning and looking to where you were looking.
“There’s nothing over there baby.”
“There is, I can see it. The eyes, the red eyes. He was in the basement too.” He felt your hand tighten around his as your voice trembled.
Leon gave your hand a small squeeze in return before walking over to the closet door. He turned the light on and stepped into it. “Look, no monsters.” He waved his hand around inside the closet before stepping back out and closing the door. “Promise baby, I’ll protect you from anything, you just gotta get some sleep.”
He sighed when you shook your head again. He could tell it wasn’t defiance, but pure fear, so he’d let it slide this time. He heard you whimper as he left the room, going into the bathroom and unlocking the medicine cabinet. He pulled a small syringe from it and flicked the glass vial to make sure there were no air bubbles and held it behind his back as he walked over to you and sat on the side of the bed.
“You have to get some sleep.”
“What’s rule number 2?”
“Always listen to you.”
“That’s right, such a good girl.” He leaned down to kiss you and when he did he stuck the needle into your arm before pulling away. You winced and slapped your hand over the mark. “It’s okay, shhh. Shhhh.” He brushed his hand against your forehead and peppered your face with kisses. “Sleep sweetheart, I’ll be right here. You’re safe. You’re safe with me.” He said while your heavy eyelids lost their fight to stay open. Soon your breathing evened out and he knew you were asleep.
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ecstaticfailure · 2 months
I need a t shot buddy so badly actually. Turn it into a scene. Make out with me, tease me, turn me on. "Are you ready?"
You carefully disinfect my skin and your hands, telling me not to touch it from now on. Breaking the fragile vial apart and slowly pulling the oil into the syringe, then swapping the needle. Eye me up and down before you ask me again if I am ready. When I say yes, you tenderly pinch my skin and pierce it with the needle. Slowly injecting the testosterone into my body. A quick pull out, then the cotton swab. Make me choose a cute little band aid to put on top.
Then, we switch, and it is my turn to give you your shot. I'll make sure to follow every step with great care as I prep your skin and the injection. Careful to keep everything sterile. Seeing your eyes follow the needle with every move I make and taking deep breaths with you before I take action and push the needle inside. I love seeing the fear in your eyes and I love relieving you of it. "You are doing great, we are almost finished." Letting every last drop hit your system before I pull it out and let you choose a band aid. Then, we let the testosterone do its job of turning us into the most primal, most eager version of ourselves. Disposing the needles before I make you sit on the table where we prepared them, ready to take my strap as a reward.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Stucky x Reader
(Bucky and Steve find you in an abandoned Hydra base)
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Your arms ached from sleeping in a straight jacket.
But your mouth was aching even more from having a metal mouth guard around your jaw and mouth.
They insisted it after you tried to bite too many people.
You grumbled and tried to move as you sighed and slumped over.
Suddenly the door opened and you looked up to see your usual handler, Dr. Ray.
"Now, if you're good you can have your jacket off. But the mouth guard has too stay on." Ray said as you grumbled a little and glared at him.
"No complaints, Y/N." Ray warned as you went quiet.
"You need to be good today, they want to do more testing." He said as you turned away from him.
"I know, I know it hurts but you need to be good for them." He whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
You nodded a little as he smiled sadly.
"Good girl, come on." He said helping you to stand up.
You let him lead you out as you stuck close to him through the halls.
You knew it was going to be a rough day today, but hopefully Dr. Ray would stay with you.
Eventually you made it to the lab, you froze and stood outside of the door.
"It's okay, sweetheart. I'll stay with you through all of it, okay?" He said holding his hand out as you nodded and cautiously took it.
He led you into the lab and got you to lay on the familiar metal table before restraining your feet and hands.
There were other doctors around, but you only want to focus on Ray.
Eventually Pierce entered the room and you felt yourself pale.
If he was here it meant the tests were going to be new and even more brutal.
You started to thrash against the restrains before Ray held your shoulders down.
"Love, please don't make this worse." He whispered as you stopped and looked up at him.
"Good girl." He praised, you could see even he was worried.
"There's a few things I want to try today. One of our scientists came up with a lovely idea. We've been testing on you for years now but we haven't really gotten anywhere, have we dear?" Pierce asked as he ran his hand through your hair, only making you more afraid.
"We need some samples from you so we can see if making a much more powerful clone of you." Pierce said as your eyes widened and you shook your head.
"Surely that's not the best idea, sir." Ray said as Pierce looked at him.
"And why is that?" He asked as Ray looked at him in fear.
Ray looked down at you and saw tears in your eyes.
"Sometimes I forget how much you care about the little experiment." Pierce said, gesturing to the guards behind him who grabbed Ray and dragged him out.
You screamed and thrashed against the restraints before a doctor injected a sedative into your arm.
You sobbed your eyes out before slowly falling unconscious.
"Steve, you better come look at this." Bucky muttered as he looked down at your broken body.
Steve entered the old lab room and gasped.
"Oh god." He muttered, standing next to his friend.
"Surely the machine is broken, she can't possibly still have a pulse." Bucky whispered as he reached down and pressed his fingers to your wrist.
"She's still alive." He whispered in disbelief.
Steve examined further and saw an IV looking needle sticking into your arms.
"Looks like they kept her in some sort of cryo state." Steve whispered, before thinking for a second.
He gently took the needle out.
"Steve what the hell? She could die." Bucky muttered as Steve looked down at you.
"If she wakes up, we help her and if she dies she gets to be at peace Buck. We have no idea how long she's been here for." Steve muttered, gently running his finger over your cheek and the guard around your mouth.
You mumbled a little and Steve could see the slightest movements in your eyes.
"Easy, can you hear us?" Steve whispered as your eyes opened a little.
They didn't know how you'd react.
Your left arm was gone, your had chunks of skin taken out of everywhere, even your face.
"It'll take a while for her brain to function again, let's get her out of here and back to Bruce." Bucky said as Steve nodded and picked you up gently.
"Come on, let's get you outta here, doll."
Steve and Bucky had made it back to the tower and gotten you onto a bed, with Bruce taking care of you.
"I don't know how she's alive, but in saying that Bucky is alive too. We never know what Hydra does." Bruce muttered as he examined you.
"Will she make it?" Steve asked as Bruce smiled softly.
"I'm not sure yet, but she's pretty stable, considering." Bruce replied, Steve nodded and looked down at you.
"Let's see what we're dealing with here." He muttered as he released the mouth guard from around your mouth.
The skin beneath had turned prune like from all the moisture that had been stuck underneath.
Bruce gently lifted your upper lip up to see you had sharp teeth, similar to a dogs...or vampire.
"Well, I think I know why they muzzled her." Bruce muttered as Steve and Bucky looked down at you.
"I wonder what she is." Bucky whispered before you groaned, alerting all of the men.
Your eyes slowly opened as you looked around tiredly.
"Please, no more." You whispered as Steve looked at you sadly.
"It's alright, we aren't going to hurt you." He whispered, running his finger over your cheek again as you looked up at him.
"Where am I?" You muttered in a daze.
"You're somewhere safe, we got you away from Hydra." Steve said as you looked around more.
"They killed him." You mumbled, they all looked at you sadly.
"Who did they kill?" Bucky asked as you looked up at him.
"Dr. Ray. He wanted to help me so they shot him in the head. Then they made a clone of me, they took as much as they could." You cried out as Bucky looked down at you.
"Hey, it's okay. You're safe now. We're going to help you."
(part 2 here)
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t3acupz · 1 month
🩻🤍💉 Brownham Medwhump May 💉🤍🩻
3. “Squeeze my hand”
Will was becoming desperate to remember what Hannibal had done to him when he was experiencing his encephalitis induced loss of time. He knew that somewhere in the wellspring of his mind were all the buried memories that would exonerate him but he just had to dig deeper. Chilton was equally just as frustrated from getting nowhere with Graham. The curt response, and uncouth eye rolls were starting to wear on him. Sensing that the FBI profiler was reaching his limit, the former surgeon suggested a rather unorthodox approach to jog Will’s memory.
“Electroconvulsive therapy,” Chilton announced, puffing up his chest to add emphasis to his brilliant idea.
Will looked up from behind the bars of the cramped iron cage that made him feel like one of his dogs when they were misbehaving. He suppressed a growl that was trying to go up his throat. Seeing Chilton looking so smug while proposing something that would cause Will to experience even more pain than he was already in was enough to make him want to wring his neck.
“Do you really believe that would work?” The question escaped Will’s mouth before he could really consider the consequences of opening Chilton’s version of a Pandora’s box.
The green eyes of the orderly gleamed as he stopped playing with his keychain, and straightened up from leaning against the wall. Matthew was assigned to be one of Will’s personal orderlies. The high-profile serial killer, The Chesapeake Ripper, was right in front of him yet — he wasn’t.
Matthew had read the file on Will Graham every night before switching shifts with the next group of BSCHI orderlies. It was the only time he could read it in peace without someone looking over his shoulder. Graham didn’t fit the description of the cold, heartless cannibal that sadistically murdered his victims. There was a darkness in Will, Matthew saw that clearly, but he wasn’t a monster.
“Brown!” Chilton hollered at the young man across the room. “Prep the ECT equipment. We don’t want to waste the precious daylight hours, Mr. Graham is a very impatient man.”
Will glanced at Matthew, and for the first time since becoming an inmate, made eye contact with him. The blue-gray eyes saw right through Matthew, sending shivers down the younger man’s spine. Matthew nodded at Chilton, and left the room.
After half an hour, Brown returned. “Finally, what took you so long, go cuff Will and bring him, I will meet you in the room.” And with that, Chilton limped away, creating an echo with his cane that seemed to reverberate through the entire building.
“Will it hurt?” Will asked Matthew as he stood with his back to the orderly, waiting for his hands to be bound.
“I’ll give you a muscle relaxer but I won’t lie to you, it hurts like a bitch.”
Will let out a sarcastic laugh, and walked out of the cage. Matthew placed a hand on Will’s arm, and guided him through the winding corridors to the only source of light at the very end of a dark hallway. Once inside, Will saw Chilton standing there, and impatiently tapping the vintage-looking machine.
Matthew removed the handcuffs, and helped Will onto the solid looking bed. The faded leather was worn down at the edges, and as Will placed his head down he realized that it smelled just as bad as it looked.
“I know what you’re thinking, and it’s true that we haven’t used the Somatics machine in years.” Chilton spoke, careful not to scare Will into changing his mind. “But you’re a special case, and you shall receive the best treatment this fine establishment can provide.”
Matthew rolled his eyes, and looked down at Will. “I’ll now give you two injections, one is a muscle relaxer, and the other will help with anxiety.”
”Just the muscle relaxer,” Will replied, wincing as the first needle pierced the skin, and the muscle relaxer was injected into his cephalon vein. “I need to be able to feel any emotion that could be associated with a memory.”
“Wise choice,” Chilton said while starting the ECT machine. “Let’s continue.” He nodded at Matthew to begin placing the electrodes to Will’s temples.
After Will was strapped down, and all the necessary equipment was attached to his body, he suddenly found himself hyperventilating.
“Mr. Graham, we are moments away from starting your treatment, please get a hold of yourself.” Chilton sighed, finger edging towards the red button.
Matthew leaned close to Will’s face, smelling the faint hint of fevered sweetness coming from the anxious man. “Squeeze my hand.” He whispered softly, placing his hand near Will’s. Will grabbed it, and Matthew felt the jittering, clammy hand grip much harder than he had expected. Matthew bit his lip to ease his own pain, and let Will continue to hold his fingers in a vice grip.
“I will do the countdown,” Licking his lips, Chilton began, “3… 2… 1–”
120 volts passed through Will’s brain, lighting up his neurons, and causing a generalized seizure. Matthew felt Will’s hand loosen as he lost control of his senses. His eyes rolled back, showing only the whites. Chilton looked pleased with himself.
Will was at his home, sitting down even though he doesn’t remember how he got in that position. Hannibal was rubbing his face with a latex glove. “Wh—”
“Now, now.” Hannibal shushed Will as he opened his mouth wider, and guided a clear plastic tube down his throat.
Will jerked from the pain but couldn’t fight back. He could see Hannibal smirking down at him, running his hand through the brown curls that stuck to Will’s sweat-soaked face. “Just a little more, that’s it.” Hannibal tutted at him.
Five seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and Chilton turned off the machine. Will tried to sit up but was held down by the straps that ran down the length of the bed.
“That bastard!” Will hissed as Matthew began removing the electrodes from his temples.
“Did you remember something, Will?” Chilton asked eagerly.
Will shook his head, refusing to look at Chilton’s self-satisfied expression.
“That’s alright, we will keep doing this every other day until you do.” And with that, Chilton exited the room, leaving Matthew to clean up the mess.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Matthew finally broke the silence in the room. “He has listening devices all over the place so don’t start talking to yourself out loud.”
Will gave the orderly a curious look then smiled. “How do you know he has listening devices?”
“Because he asked me to rig it for him,” Matthew smiled back.
“Thank you.” Will replied, letting Matthew place the handcuffs on him again.
“If you need anything, just say the word.” Matthew’s hand was still numb from how forcefully Will squeezed it earlier. But he didn’t mind nor did he want the feeling to go away because it meant Will needed him, and Matthew was happy to be used by Will in any way the older man wanted.
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regalbootie · 1 year
I love your writing! Your such a talented person! I really LOVED your fic ‘trying something new in the bedroom’ hope you post part 2 soon! Can you write a angst one-shot. Larissa and Reader are wife’s and reader is a shapeshifter as well as Larissa, so when Wednesday went to confront Thornhill (we all know she’s the villain) the person that shape-shifted to Tyler was reader and not Larissa and she gets injected with the poison killing the reader with Larissa basically running into the room at the last second and seeing reader dying by the hands of Thornhill and Wednesday trying to help Reader. You can do whatever you want with Larissa doing to Thornhill in retaliation for what she did to her wife, and the grieving process of Larissa. Thanks and happy new year’s, hope you start this year great!
It wasn't supposed to be you
Thank you sm for this request! I felt like I was writing smut all the time so I'm so happy to write something different! I'm also so sorry it took so long!!
Warning ⚠️ character!death, reader!death, needles, angst, mourning, blood, violance
It all happened so quickly, not even 10 minutes ago Wednesday Addams came crashing into your office spewing off about how Ms Thornhill was controlling the hyde that was killing everyone. You couldn’t help but scoff at her but she was convincing with her plan, if it worked and it was true then you could stop the killer once and for all keep all your students safe.
Shifting into the tall slender boy you were successfully able to trick the small woman, it took all the will power in you to not recoil from her hands but you played the part well and everything was going to plan… that was until you shifted back.
“Marilyn it’s over now” snarling at the woman, pride that you had successfully tricked her, taking a step forward to grab her so you could put her in some form of restraint until officials arrive. Her outburst was expected but the needle was not.
“MY NAME IS LAUREL” Striking down hard the needle pierced your skin the poison flushed through you, feeling so cold as it started to destroy you.
‘What have I done?’  Crying internally, your body had already started to convulse. The tears flowed as your knees gave out falling to the floor, the floor actually felt warm compared to your ice-cold body.
As the tears blurred your vison, memories of her came to mind. ‘My life flashing before my eyes god how cliché’. It was all her, she was your life she was everything to you.
The first kiss shared after a late-night session of drinking at a staff team building night out, you had drunk a lot that night as did everyone else, so no one had noticed when you both had slid into a dark corner of the bar to drunkenly make out. It was electrifying that first kiss, you could have sworn you was fireworks. She always teased you when you told her about that always bring it up after a heavy make out session just to see you blush even harder.
The memories flowed faster her eyes shining in every single on of them, those eyes that were always filled with love and happiness, it was your favourite thing about her. On your wedding day you had a blue stone added to your ring, she cried and kissed you so hard at the alter when she saw it, everyone cried at the love shared between you both.
Every smile, every kiss and every special moment made the tears flow faster and faster. ‘I didn’t get to say goodbye’
It was like the universe granted you one last gift, you could recognise that scream anywhere. The scent of her perfume soon soothing you making the lulling pull of sleep feel more enticing. She always wore your favourite, smelling of vanilla and cherry blossoms. Pulling you into her arms you felt warm against her chest, but the convulsions were strong, but she just held you tighter not wanting to let go.
“no no no no y/n please wake up” she wiped your eyes clearing your vision, you didn’t want to remember her like this, her tears were flowing just as strong and fast as your own, she looked like her world was shattering. You wanted to let her know how much you loved her, hell you just wanted to say goodbye, but your throat had closed over and it was so hard to breath it was agony the burn in your lungs, it felt like fire was roaring inside them as they screamed for oxygen.
With the last strength you had you lifted a hand to cup her cheek trying to tell her with your eyes what you so desperately wanted to tell her. But you couldn’t help that little bit of fear creep in, you didn’t want to go, you still had so much love to give, so much to live for.
The black was creeping in and you felt so tired you couldn’t it fight anymore, the pain was too much the thought of sleep was so good.
Watching her love slowly close her eyes for the last time she felt numb, not registering the murder creep up on her “it’s night shade Weem’s there no saving her, I am actually surprised she lasted this long” laughing at the older woman’s’ pain.
Seeing red Larissa turned not getting up but to grab the woman’s foot causing her to crash to the floor, crawling up her body Larissa went animalistic. Screaming as each punch landed right onto the red heads face, not even blinking when blood started to cover her knuckles or stain her dress.
Not even registering a terrified Wednesday, Larissa could only cry as she assaulted the person that ruined her life, her one love, her soulmate, her wife was gone. Marilyn couldn’t fight back every punch pushed her further into the ground not once having a chance to fight back or move away, Fear clouded her eyes when the tall raging woman moved her hands around her throat applying an inhuman amount of pressure, Larissa ignore the scratches of the terrified woman, the pain of her hands being sliced with the sharp nails was nothing compared to her heart.
It was only when she went limp did Larissa crawl back over to her wife to clutch her to her chest, rocking as if to sooth her wife trying to will her back her.
Sobbing filled the room, wailing vibrating off the cold walls bringing an echo back to the broken woman. Wednesday couldn’t help but start to cry, not what she thought would happen when she got to witness her first murder, she thought she would be ecstatic. This was not how she wanted her first time to go.
Moving to crouch down beside her principle she tried to sooth the woman, “Principal Weems?” it was futile the only response she earned was more wails. A crash in the room caused the young girl to whip around to see the blood-soaked teacher racing forward with garden shears. She couldn’t lose anyone else she couldn’t let more innocents die.
It was if it was second nature Wednesday leaped in front of the woman, grabbing the shears with one hand and using the other to throw the crazed killer back. What Wednesday failed to notice was the broken pot that was laying on the floor, the crash and was deafening.
It was followed by a gasp and then silence, there were two lifeless bodies in the room now.  Not knowing what to do Wednesday crouched down beside the principle, tears blinding her and she curled up beside Larissa.
The two didn’t even register the police as they burst through the greenhouse doors, the lights from their flashlights pinning onto the 2 lifeless bodies.
The weather perfectly reflected the raging internal emotions of Larissa, she was soaked to the bone as she watched her other half’s casket being lowered. The rain harsh against her skin, it was joined by the harsh slap of wind on her face making her cheeks sting with the chill.
The attendees had already started to make their way back to the school or their homes. It has been a beautiful service filled with love and memories from many loved ones and even students that wanted to pay their respects to a much beloved teacher.
An umbrella was produced behind the mourning woman, her assistant reaching up high to cover her but struggling to do so as she balanced the squirming toddler on her hip. “Mama!!”
The small hands grabbing onto the soaking coat pulling herself into her mothers’ arms. “when’s mommy coming home?”
“Rose why don’t we try to find some cookies and let your mother be for a minute” trying to pull the toddler back into her arm feeling guilty for bringing the child over. She was stopped when Larissa pulled her last memory of her wife tighter into her arms.
Turning to walk back to the school not even sparing a glance at her assistant, “Well darling mommy cant come home”
Her assistant stood in the rain a tear rolling down her cheek as Larissa explained to the little girl about her other mother.
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tiredatiny · 2 years
“The Devil Himself”
Pairing: Yuta x male reader
Warning(s): mafia, violence, drugging, nsfw, sub!yuta, dom!reader, degrading, usage of pet names, hair pulling, forced submission if you squint, denied orgasm(?)
Genre: smut
Author’s note: y/n’s personality is all over the place. Not proofread
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“Boss we found him sneaking around the west building.”
You looked up to see a beaten young man, probably in his mid-twenties getting held up by two of your bodyguards. “And? Is he some sort of danger? Perhaps from a rival gang?” you questioned while examining the stranger in front of you. “Jeongin is doing a background check on him right now but he hasn’t admitted to being nothing but a civilian.”
You stood up from your chair and walked up to the man. “So what is your name ‘civilian’?”
“Nakamoto Yuta..” the man answered in an annoyed tone. He was probably pissed about the fact that he had been caught doing something suspicious. “Na-ka-mo-to Yu-ta..” you spelled out his name as slow as possible with a smile. You grabbed a fistful of his hair and lifted his head up. “Listen here Yuta, if you’re going to snoop around my territory.. the least you could do is be truthful to us.”
When you were close enough to Yuta’s face he saw it as an opportunity and spit on your cheek. “And what happens if I’m not huh? Will I get punished for being a bad boy?” He was definitely making a mockery out of you. You wiped the spit off of your face while trying to act calm. “Jongho could you please call Kun here right now. And tell him to take the thing with him”. Yuta looked at you then the guards holding him with a confused face “Wait what ‘the thing’??”
Kun came just to hand you a syringe. “So Nakamoto Yuta, do you know what’s in this thing?” you held the needle right above his eyes. “Uumm anesthesia..?” He made a guess, not a good guess but a guess. “Have you ever heard of aphrodisiacs?” You curiously asked him. You didn’t actually care about his answer and continued before he was able to say anything. “According to Wikipedia: It is a substance that increases sexual desire, sexual attraction, sexual pleasure, or sexual behavior.” Based on Yuta’s expression he clearly knew what was going to happen. “Hold him still” you commanded while making sure there weren’t any bubbles in the needle. “No no no please there must have been a misunderstanding” Yuta begged and tried to get away from the guards’ strong grips. But just like that, the needle pierced into his skin and the drug entered his system.
“That wasn’t so hard now was it?” Your smile was such a sweet smile but your words and actions made it just so creepy. “Tie him up and lock him somewhere for now..” you went back to your seat as Yuta was dragged out of your room.
Yuta was laying on the floor of a dark room. He tried to get up but soon realised he couldn’t because his hands and legs were tied with.. were they tied with zip ties? He honestly wasn’t a hundred percent sure but it was the best guess at that moment. He wasn’t even sure what had happened in the last couple of hours. The man was just about to start calling for help, when he suddenly felt a tingling feeling crawling its way up his body.
Yuta’s first thought was that he was just feeling cold, since he was laying on the floor after all. But that thought quickly changed. The sudden warmth in his crotch made the poor guy almost moan out loud. That’s when he knew that the drugs you injected into him earlier were finally kicking in..
Yuta’s head turned towards a sound when a door opened somewhere near. “Oh Yuta~ is everything okay in there?” Your sweet voice filled the once empty and dark hallway as you made your way to the other’s cell.
“Please please do something.. I can’t” he started pleading as soon as he saw your face. You eyed him up and down and god he looked so ruined. He was such a sweaty and stuttering mess. “What do you want me to do mmh? Use your words pretty boy.”
It was quiet for a few seconds. “I need to.. I need to cum so bad…please let me..” Ah there it was.
You let out a chuckle. “Nakamoto Yuta, a spy and an assassin from none other than our number one rival gang NCT.. is asking me to let him cum. How pathetic.”
Yuta could only answer in small whimpers.
“You’re such a whore, you know that.” You opened the cell’s door and made your way in. “I really jus’.. need to..” Yuta’s words were all blurred together and honestly if you weren’t paying attention to what he was saying, you wouldn’t have understood anything at all.
“I can ease your pain… if you really beg.”
Multiple pleases started leaving Yuta’s mouth but it wasn’t enough for you. The useless begging soon started getting annoying and you lost your temper resulting in you kicking the man in the stomach.. multiple times. “Yuta Yuta Yuta..” you bent down to his level and grabbed his jaw, forcing Yuta’s head up. “Darling, you need to try more than that if you want to cum tonight.”
“I’ll.. I’ll be a good boy… please. Please touch me and-“ You got up and started walking towards the door. “Wait wait wait! I’ll tell you about.. about NCT! Don’t leave me here!” He cried out, making you stop on your tracks.
“You really are bad at begging.. but that’s an offer I can not pass” you sighed in defeat and walked back to the cell.
You were undressing him while humming a lullaby from your childhood. “If you refuse to give information after this, I’ll make sure you never talk again. Got it?” Yuta was so eager to receive some form of pleasure that it was like you were talking to a brick wall.
“Nakamoto, got it?” You asked again, this time slapping his thigh to get his attention. Yuta jolted upwards, clearly not expecting a slap from you. “mmhh yeah I got it..” He had no idea what you were talking about.
Yuta opened his mouth to ask a question but a loud moan escaped before he could muster up a word. “I could suck your pathetic little cock.. or I could just finger you until you cum untouched. What would you like?” you stroked Yuta’s rock hard cock painfully slow while still humming the sweet melody. “A-anything… do whatever you nngh.. want.”
You started kitten licking the tip of his cock, tasting the pre-cum. “Feels.. f-feels so good” Yuta moaned. He was already covered in sweat and his hair was sticking to his forehead. “I haven’t done anything yet and you’re already looking like a used little slut.”
Yuta suddenly gasped in pleasure when you started deep throating him. The poor guy was so sensitive.. and so loud. He wanted to cum so bad he started thrusting into your throat. What an awful idea.
“I help you out and this is how you thank me??! Thrusting into me like a bitch in heat!” You got up yelling. “I was going to let you cum and maybe even more but now I just want you to starve to death in here.”
Okay maybe you were overreacting a little bit. But letting him think that he could just do something like that..
“Pleas’ let me cum. I wa’so close..I’ll be a good boy” that little brat had the audacity to start asking for forgiveness. “No matter how hard you’ll beg and cry for me, I won’t come back to please you and your pathetic cock. Have fun in here, whore.”
And just like that you disappeared from Yuta’s field of view. And no matter how much he yelled after you, you were not going return.
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starqueensthings · 2 months
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WARNINGS: elusions to a traumatic past and an accompanying verbalized dislike for the opposite sex (June). Medical anxiety (Howzer). Moderately graphic descriptions of medical injuries, corrective procedures (incl what a cauterization might look/smell like), needles, the beginnings of an anxiety attack (June). RATING: 16+ for mature themes, mild to moderate whump, mild angst (and a heavy dash of fluff because why the heck not lol). WC: 3500ish. (This chapter and the previous were never intended to be separated but they accumulated to nearly 8k words, and snipping certain aspects of this encounter in the name of brevity would only do a disservice to the story, so I apologize for how abruptly this chapter transitions from the last). PLEASE ENSURE YOU’VE READ THE FOREWORD BEFORE PROCEEDING FOR AN IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF WHAT DEGREE OF CONTENT YOU CAN EXPECT THROUGHOUT THIS STORY.
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Foreword | Prev | Next
Howzer’s eyes had thankfully done away with that ablaze and piercing stare in her temporary absence, though for how much of the intensity they’d lost, that twinkling set of amber had retained all of the warmth they seemed unable to entirely shed.
“Don’t know if I like the look of those,” he jested, though the way his eyes darted between her purple hands grossly betrayed the relentless facade of that feigned poise.
“Doesn’t warm them up, unfortunately, but at least you won’t catch my cooties,” June chuckled, hoping a dash of humour and a quirky wiggle of the fingers might soften the emotional toll she knew would accompany her next assertion. “Captain… I need to give you a pain injection.”
The sfotness of his expression hardened near-instantly, jaw tensing and forcing his lips into a frown that nowhere near-suited him as well as its round cheeked counterpart, and June could only grimace apologetically as he cocked an embittered eyebrow at her.
“We can’t use topical numbant on broken skin,” she beseeched in response to his silent disapproval. “The risk of trapping bacteria in the bloodstream is too high when the wound is as… open… as yours is. We can rawdog this if that’s really what you want, but you’ll have to try and sit still while I'm working. Or you can let me give you an in—”
“I can sit still,” he argued instantly, offering a shrug of the shoulders that was simply too passive for him to have understood the severity of the imminent procedure. “I’m great at sitting still.”
“While someone burns your skin back together with a kriffing hot needle?!”
Watching her words disintegrate that iron-clad intransigence would have been near-comical had his eyes not widened to something that too-closely resembled a trauma response, and despite knowing her brutal honesty was likely the quickest method to ensuring the full comprehension she needed from him before proceeding, her heart sank to lay with her stomach as she watched her words initiate an arrant downturn in his demeanour.
“Well geez, doc,” he grumbled, shirking from her pleading gaze by hanging his chin to his chest. “Why don’t you just give it to me straight…”
“I’m sorry,” she spoke quietly after swallowing the snort that near-followed his unexpected sardonicism. “Would it maybe help if I showed you the injector? You can see how it works and how tiny it actually is?”
“Maybe.” His response was near-silent, eyes flickering upward to hers only long enough to betray the decorum to which he still ardently clung.
Finally acceding to that inexplicable need to comfort him, and forsaking her better professional judgment, June clambered backward onto the bed beside him, that hovering cot momentarily swaying under the addition of her weight as she shimmied backward until they sat shoulder to shoulder.
“This is the actual USI tool,” she advised him, pulling the Universal Serum Injector from the previously collected pile of tools behind her and a small, orange-capped, crystal vial from her breast pocket. “And this lil guy is the Nociceptor Blocking Agent, or NBA serum. The vial clicks into the injector like this—” she snapped that tiny clear tube into place and pulled a small trigger to eject the cap, “—and the little orange top protecting the needle just kinda pops off. After that, it's as simple as poking it gently into the supraclavicular space right here at the base of your neck and waiting a moment for it to work.”
“And that’s it?” he asked, jaw shifting under the duress of how aggressively he continued to grind those teeth while his eyes remained affixed on the dinky little pin that would allegedly bring forth an excruciating death. “That’s all?”
“I promise.”
“Alright,” he finally conceded, shifting his attention upward to her eyes. “I trust you.”
Her stomach lurched at the way his gaze bore into hers, softly… acceptingly… unassertively… granting her the gifts of both his agency in that moment, and the degree of trust to which these always-suspecting soldiers notoriously only offered each other. Bottom lip nestling itself between her teeth to bridle the atypically bashful smile threatening to emerge, she simply nodded her gratitude and turned away from him.
“I’ll count down from three,” she cautioned, sneakers slapping atop the steel floor as she leaped somewhat ungracefully from the bed and oriented herself in front of him. “Three—” she kept the injector hidden at her side. “Two—” a gentle hand placed on his shoulder to brace his skin for impact. “One.”
The span of a tense blink over those amber eyes saw her expertly plunge the tiny needle home and release the entire vial of that magical serum. By the time his gaze returned to hers, one eye at a time, she’d deftly retracted the empty container and chucked it into the “sharps” bin beside the bed.
“Are you kidding me?” he demanded, the grin peeling across his lips surprising her enough to still her hands as they reached for the bottle of disinfectant. “That’s all?!”
“That’s all,” she answered with a small shrug.
“Maker, I am going to murder Gauge when I see him.”
“Who?” June asked, as she unscrewed the lid and peeled back the sanitary foil sticker put in place over the mouth of the bottle to prevent any unwanted microbes from contaminating its contents.
“Gauge. He’s my medic,” Howzer explained with eyes crinkled to near-closed, shoulders shaking beneath each huff of his amusement. “He’s in for it, now. Kriffing sadist jabs that thing into us like it's a spoon.”
“A sadist combat medic?” June snorted, screwing the cap back into place. “That’s a very worrying combination. You better try and stay on his good side.”
“He better stay on mine,” Howzer asserted, shaking his head.
The all-consuming (and mouth watering) recognition of his partial nudity did not make an appearance in her awareness until she sat back on her heels, eyes quickly scanning the position she’d meticulously positioned him in after climbing onto the cot beside him. By leaning him on an incline away from her and resting his arm innocuously atop his head, she’d unknowingly provided herself with both optimal wound access, and an unobstructed view of his remarkable physique. The only thing darker than the smattering of hair south of his navel was the brown of nipples near-perfectly perched on either side of the most divinely-crafted chest she’d ever seen. And rivaling every ridge, every contour of that muscular torso, were arms so immaculately sculpted that the only fight she could wage against the heat boiling below her skin was to strip off her now smothering labcoat and toss it onto the chair next to his armour.
And though she continued to cling to that necessary professionalism as fervently as he’d initially clung to his own stubborn refusal for pain control, there was absolutely no preventing her eyes from hungrily roaming atop the ripples of his ribcage as she scooched into position behind him, and attempting to stay focused as she squeezed that plastic bottle of saline overtop his wound was near impossible as those defined ridges of muscles continued to revolt against every drop of cold liquid trickling down his abdomen.
Something near relief pulled a sigh from her lips when that bottle finally emptied. Patting the wound dry with clean gauze in her right hand, she deftly pulled the medscanner from her pocket with her left and spun the dial on the front to reach the Hematology menu. Once that tiny infrared beam had confirmed there were no lingering signs of any foreign cells or bacteria, she stowed that invaluable tool on the bed beside her and reached, instead, for the cauterizing pen now emitting tiny puffs of white smoke.
“So what happened to you?” she probed moments later, ensuring Howzer’s eyes had deviated from that smoking needle before carefully touching it to his skin. “Get in a fight with a vibroblade wielding droid?”
“I wish,” he snorted. “It was… well, pretty stupid. The guys and I were transferring possession of our base to the relieving battalion. I gave the okay for the gunships to take off and then got distracted catching up with a buddy I haven’t seen since graduating. One of my men saw me getting left behind and decided shooting a grappling hook at me would be the best way to get me on board.”
“Maker have mercy,” she scoffed, brows furrowing in concentration as methodically guided the white hot tool atop that separated skin. “That’s idiotic.”
“Might have been cool if it worked,” Howzer answered. “Geo’s a smart guy, but doesn’t always think things through before he acts. He’s on my list after Gauge for the next time I feel— what's that smell?!”
She barely had time to disengage that red hot pin before every muscle in his abdomen contracted under the urgent and desperate effort of sitting up.
“Don’t look!” she snapped at him as he hastened to peer under his arm in her direction. Clamping one gloved hand atop that crisp and darkened line of fused skin she knew would likely make his stomach turn, she attempted to block his view with the palm of the other. “Trust me, it’s a sore sight right now, especially if you’re squeamish.”
She peeked around her palm, lips pursing to keep from smiling at the sight of him perched up on his free elbow, nose scrunched in utter repugnance as the putrid smell of burnt flesh continued to waft upward into his nose.
“Is… is that the smell of—?”
“Sure is,” she answered curtly. “And it smells as crispy as it looks so while you’re working on not looking, maybe try not breathing too.”
“‘Try not breathing…’” he repeated in little more than a whisper, dropping carefully back onto his side, and June was relieved to hear a chuckle supporting his words. “I know you’re the doctor, but I feel like breathing might be helpful here…”
“My boss would absolutely lay an egg if he heard me offer such heinous medical advice.” Her eyes narrowed under the embrace of genuine amusement as laughter poured from her lips, the image of Challa’s newly introduced perma-scowl forming as clearly in her mind's eye as if he’d been standing at her elbow. “That and the daily reminder of all the cold-hand complaints he has to field from my patients…”
Flooded with a wave of foreboding, June remembered the meeting Challa had requested in his office upon completion of this procedure, and the implications of what his request undoubtedly meant had her eyes near-rolling and the smile yanked from her lips. Challa didn’t often demand a private audience… at least, not with her. The last adventure into the intimidating confines of his windowless space had included a harsh castigation for the excessive overtime she’d shouldered over the last few weeks, and to request that she start walking around between surgeries with her hands nestled into her armpits so he could get through a day without having to apologize on behalf of her poor circulation.
After permitting a sigh laden with repressed dread to pass through now frowning lips, she sat back and peered down at the result of her handiwork. Despite having to battle the distraction of the dimples teasing her from the base of his back, she’d managed to complete a remarkably clean repair job; the cauterized edges of what used to be that oozing laceration were both crisp and dark, indicating the ideal clinical end point for such a procedure. After powering off that trusty tool and placing it back beside the computer, she retrieved the tub of burn salve perched only inches from her hip.
“Can I tell you something now?” Howzer spoke suddenly as she uncapped that pot of that sulfur-smelling ointment.
“Sure,” she answered while scooping a generous amount of the orange paste from its container and beginning to smear it carefully atop his side.
“Your fingers are freakishly cold… but anyone who complains about the hands that saved their lives, maybe doesn’t deserve to have been saved in the first place.”
Whatever distant presumption she’d formulated in that microsecond between granting him that unnecessary permission and hearing his opinion voiced, it was nowhere-near matched the unexpectedly profound admonition that left those now-smiling lips.
She paused, hands stilling in their motion of reaffixing the lid back on the tub as she fought to wrangle the dozen or so fundamental reasons why she did not agree with him… and the one reason she did.
“Doesn’t everyone deserve to be saved?” she settled on asking, collecting one of the several bacta patches she’d grabbed earlier.
“Do you actually believe that? Or is that something they tell you to believe?”
His challenge came so simply… so earnestly, it was as if she’d somehow offered him the exact response that he’d expected, and despite the bold nature of his rebuttal, there was no sign of regret lingering in those charmingly superficial lines around his eyes; his gaze did not shift to timidly follow the movements of her hands as they proceeded to tear off the paper backing from that patch but, instead, remained intently searching her eyes for the truth.
”Well, there’s an exception to every rule,” June explained, feeling her cheeks begin to flush under the duress of the vulnerability he had suddenly requested from her. “But surely everyone deserves the same chance at life?”
He offered only a contemplative hum in response, watching her lower that clear polymer patch onto his skin, and ensuring its complete adhesion by pressing firmly around its perimeter.
“Who’s your exception?”
She’d barely begun to crumple the backing paper when he spoke again, pushing himself back to a seated position so quickly that his return to such close proximity nearly froze the breath in her lungs. Yet, more paralyzing in that moment was the audacious probes into her personal beliefs; his brazen yet polite demands for clues as to who she was beyond this already untraditional doctor-patient exchange. And as her gaze flickered upwards from her rubbish laden hand, attempting to find even a glimpse of derision or contempt between those dark, relaxed brows was a feat near impossible, as those honeyed eyes had upheld much of the same twinkle that had already proven held the power to dismantle her.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she answered atop an artificial chuckle.
It was the most she could offer on the small waft of breath her lungs had managed to thaw, and how close she’d come to conceding his tacit request… to actually uttering her truth… to divulging that forbidden secret… unsettled her more thoroughly than any inexplicable degree of attraction had since stepping into 18-S.
“Yes. I would.”
He leaned ever closer, eyes dancing across her features, each lagging blink wordlessly communicating that he’d sit there for eternity if it promised him even a glimmer of her being behind the guise she upheld with a labcoat; that there was some unidentifiable quality about her that he found equally as enamoring; that perhaps if he poked carefully enough at certain spots in this facade of hers, he may actually truly see her.
“Another time, Captain,” she whispered, wrenching her eyes from his and climbing hurriedly off the bed.
“Will there be one?” he asked before she’d even taken a step.
She looked downward to her shoes and the floor firmly beneath them, eyes unfocussing, heart thumping heavily in her ears, lip twitching beneath the sudden urge to hide itself between her teeth lest she say more. She swallowed.
“Keep trying to grapple your way into a gunship and there might be.”
She didn’t turn to watch that grin peel across his lips, instead making a direct line for the Cleanser Tube to retrieve his long-forgotten shirt. Unable to meet his eyes again, she simply tossed it in his direction, muttering a “you can get dressed,” before hurrying to the safety of her near-hidden perch behind the holocomputer and jabbing it back to life.
A prickle erupted atop her skin entirely different from the series of others that had accompanied each bashful smile since the beginning of this somewhat atypical encounter. She was suddenly uncomfortable; suddenly sweating as if she’d just been thrown center stage and was attempting to hide from the beaming spotlight that she’d never asked to be in; suddenly yearning to have her labcoat back on; suddenly and horrifyingly unable to refute the fortuitous connection to this person that she had once tried to label as mere pity, and suddenly desperate to escape it.
Most dismaying was the nearly irrepressible urge to allow him. To tell him. To share. To accept. Blind and potent attraction to someone was one thing; pity was another… but this superseded all other aspects of this precariously flirtatious conversation despite having not been flirtatious in nature at all, and for the first time in a long time, she felt unequipped… unprepared…
‘You hate men,’ she reminded herself, hoping that long-chanted mantra may hold the power to simply erase Howzer from both this room and her awareness.
“Layer two subdermal laceration–” she typed near frantically as he stood to redress. “–Located quadrant 6... 18.4 cm in length… full thickness separation. Hematology shows no evidence of infection or foreign cells. Patient may experience slight hypertrophic scarring. Treated in situ with precision cauterization, Nifuran burn cream, and bacta patch. Escharotomy is not required at this time. Aftercare discussed. Patient discharged forthwith. Care to be continued by CM.”
Piece by piece, his armour clicked back into place, years of practicing those repetitive yet crucial motions had evidently rendered him a near-master at recladding that broad frame in record time, and chancing even the most fleeting glance in his direction saw her increasingly disappointed in herself; the image of his semi naked form now utterly eradicated by the sheer majesty of seeing his tall figure encompassed in that dominating kit.
She could delay no longer, and feigning ignorant of his perch by the door where he stood patiently waiting with her labcoat draped atop the cleanest section of his arm, dwindled in credibility with every extended second she took to type and retype those same treatment notes.
“There in one sec,” she told him without offering him the respect of eye contact, powering off the computer and stalking back toward the storage cupboard to collect a series of other necessities.
He smiled as she approached moments later, eyeing the assortment of supplies she’d clamped somewhat awkwardly in her still purple hands.
“These are for you,” she told him, the desperation to leave his presence and seek the respite of her office intensifying with every second that he cast a smile in her direction. “This little tub is burn cream— it smells like rotten eggs but it’ll help exacerbate the healing process. That patch needs changing every 24 hours, and sooner if the area gets wet so here’s a bunch more. Twist a corner to rip the paper on the back, and then press hard around the edges to activate the adhesive. It’s in a bit of an odd spot, so Gauge may have to help you. He can access my treatment notes using any MedBay computer if he needs them.”
He took each product with a nod of understanding, turning each over in his hands briefly before pocketing them in a cargo pouch nestled on his lower back. Unable to withstand another moment with the undulation in her stomach, she offered Howzer one last smile before turning toward the door.
“Don’t forget this,” he said as she prodded a button on the control panel to free her.
“Oh, right,” she scoffed, collecting her lab coat from his arm with her lip between her teeth and pulling it back over her shoulders.
“Uh– doc?” Howzer probed as she pivoted to enter the chaos awaiting her across the threshold.
“Yeah, Captain.”
“Er… thank you for– you know. It was really nice to meet you. And— and I’m happy you’re not a droid.”
Though his hands uselessly shifted that battered helmet tucked below his arm, he upheld the integrity of his gaze as she peered over her shoulder at him.
“It’s June.” She answered without thinking, the confession swinging a right hook in the direction of both her professional and personal judgment. “My name’s June.”
She left 18-S without another word, without lingering to digest his reaction, without bothering to offer the proper valediction that she should have. She needed her office, she needed to breathe air that wasn’t polluted with the undeniable connection to this random man, and she needed it now.
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Foreword | Prev | Next
Tag list: @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @starrylothcat @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @freesia-writes @sev-on-kamino @littlemissmanga @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @drafthorsemath @jediknightjana @moonlightwarriorqueen @starstofillmydream @mooncommlink @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @clonethirstingisreal @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @mythical-illustrator @arctrooper69
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theangstyboiblog · 1 year
The Spy and Her Hunter | Part 1
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Hunter x Fem!Reader
Description: After six months apart from a certain bad batcher, he comes to your rescue when your mission to steal data from the Empire goes wrong. Unfortunately you’re not exactly happy to see him.
Warnings: 18+, Future smut, Language
Captured, beaten and dangling by your wrists was not how the last 48 hours were supposed to go.
The room is quiet and dark, mercifully, you’re not sure the headache pulsing around the crown of your head could stand any stimuli at the moment. The tips of your toes barely touch the floor and you’ve given up trying to stop the slow turn your body is forced into as the bonds around your numb wrists have long since proven they aren’t going to break, no matter what you do.
It’s been hours since the last guard walked by your cell, not that you were fully conscious that entire time. Not that you’re complaining, the more time they leave you alone, the more time you can keep your mission a secret and the more time your… associate has to get your automated distress signal and figure out that you need help.
In the meantime, you are playing for every minute you can. Broken ribs? Worth it. Torn rotator cuff? Could be worse. You could be dead.
The only light is coming from the ray shield spanning the doorway. You watch the waves of energy pulsing through it, counting them between bouts of pain induced unconsciousness. You’re at 572 when a door creaks open down the hall, followed by footsteps and the hum of a droid. You swallow dryly and straighten up, pasting your best glare on your face as an imperial officer comes to a stop in front of your cell, flanked by two troopers and an IT-O.
“I see you’re finally man enough to admit when you’re out of your depth,” you croak out hoarsely as the shield is shut down, “no shame in needing a little help now and then, it’s common for men of your stature,” you bite out as the officer narrows his eyes and steps over the threshold. You have just enough time to take in a breath before his fist connects with your ribcage, sending you swinging back as your lungs contract like steel cages.
A gloved hand catches you by the throat, stopping your body from spinning, forcing you to face the rat like mug of Imperial Intelligence Officer Slaab. “I will get what I want out of you—”
“Bet you say that to all the girls,” you choke out, biting the inside of your cheek as he lets out a sound of disgust and releases you. You hang your head as he steps back, making way for the interrogation droid. You glance at the needle and syringe before turning to Slaab. “What was it you wanted to know again? My holospace history? I’m not proud of it, but haven’t we all been curious about the emperor’s skincare routine? That complexion is flawless and I just gotta know—” you rise up on the tips of your toes, trying to get as far out of reach of the injection arm as you can.
“Hold her still,” the officer orders and like automatons, the troopers do as they’re told, stepping to either side of you, fingers digging into your arms and legs as the droid comes even closer. Ice stings through your veins as the needle pricks your skin.
The world is liquid glass. Your body is heavy, a voice crawls through your ears like spiders, an itch runs raw over your skin. You want it to stop. You need it to stop.  And someone tells you it can be. All you have to do is unlock the dam of secrets in your head.
“Who hired you?”
You turn your head slowly, blinking in the bright red light that burns your eyes. You can’t see anything but red, can’t feel anything but a freezing rush racing throughout your extremities. Then the flush of warmth envelops you, you feel light-headed, floating high above the ground. You focus on the question, it’s hard. You want to answer, make him happy, make this feeling last. The lie that leaves you is nonsensical.
“Little lady with a thing for cats,” your voice sounds so far away, a fit of giggles, then suddenly echoes right in your ear like a piercing scream and you groan in pain.
The voice asks again, “Who are you working for?”
“Big lady with a thing for… rats?”
A hand connects with your cheek, hard, and your head falls back as the world seems to shrink. You breathe in and out in a rush before looking down. Slaab is a blur before you. At one moment he’s frozen in time, before suddenly he’s gone from sight. And when he reappears he has too many mouths, too many eyes. Your teeth clench so hard, you think they might shatter, and your fingers clutch at the chains above you.
“The longer the ileothol is in your system, the worse it will get,” Slaab’s voice seethes.
“Well, you can’t get any uglier,” you breathe out, groaning as a wave of nausea hits. Just answer. Tell him. End it.
“I know what you were looking for in our systems,” Slaab paces back and forth in front of you. Your eyes try to track him, but it’s too much, so you close your eyes. “I know you failed to transmit it. All I want to know is who you were going to send it to and where I can find them.”
You shake your head. “I don’t know—” Your lungs seize up as a voice screams in your head. Don’t lie. “I-I can’t tell you.” True, but you can do better than that. Gritting your teeth, you open your eyes. “I won’t tell you.”
Slaab’s voice echoes behind you, “I wouldn’t bet—”
One moment everything is still, the next, you’re colliding with the floor and choking on powdered concrete and ash. Your legs bend, rising up to your chest as you cover your head at the sound of falling rock. Then it’s a mess of pounding footsteps, clone voices yelling and blaster fire echoing through out your cell. Two thuds sound as you finally muster up the will to open your eyes. The clone guards are on the floor, but you can’t tell why. It’s hard to see, hard to make sense of what you’re seeing. It’s dust and red light and shadows. But then the shadows are moving. Across from you, you find Slaab slumped against a wall, red blood staining the collar of his uniform.
Your name fills your ears in waves, the familiar lilt of a familiar voice crashing down on you. You twist back to the hole in the wall behind you. You don’t recognize the armor at first, the hodgepodge of color washing over the metal, the mismatched clothes beneath it. But then the helmet comes off and he’s crossing the room and he’s kneeling down in front of you. Brown eyes narrowly surveying your face and body for signs of damage – beyond what was already there at least.
“Rex send you?” you whisper, falling forward, cheek colliding with his chest plate. The ileothol sends another freezing wave through your body and you close your eyes. You can’t see his reaction, can’t feel how he goes rigid.
Finally, he answers as his hands cut away at the ties round your hands. “Yes.” It’s a curt reply. You deserve it. You deserve worse.
We’re wasting time, you think bitterly when all your body wants to do is stay right where you are and be still and wallow in the guilt that’s threatening to drown you. With a sigh, you sit up, or try to. You’re nearly on your knees when you fall back, gloved hands catching you.
“I’m going to get you out of here,” he says, one arm slipping behind your knees, the other circling your back.
You shake your head and somehow find the strength to dig your fingernails into the side of his arm. He stops. You turn and finally look him in the eye for the first time in nearly six months.
“Not yet,” you grind out. He shakes his head and you reach up, palm sliding over the tattoo that lines his jaw. Your voice is low and you ignore the way those damn brown eyes widen at your tone.
“I’m not finished yet, Hunter. I still have a fucking job to do.”
Read Part 2 Here
In the words of Rex, "It's been awhile boys." I know I just posted recently about continuing the Crosshair Family epilogue, but I got distracted by Hunter... So I am envisioning this will be a short little story, but no promises, you know how bad I am at figuring out how long a fic will be.
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lunaaofthemoon · 1 month
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 [𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡]
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[Part One][Part Two][Part Three][Part Four][Part Five][Part Six][Part Seven]
CW: abuse, blood, violence and other dark themes are spoken about so please do not read if you are not comfortable. If you have read this far and want to know how this works out, it'll be in the tags.
"Please..." Mikyoung's voice breaks, tears streaming down her cheeks, "stop..."
The witches had drugged her when they had injected her with wolfsbane before the fight broke out downstairs. They had knew that she would be able to lead them to the pups while the rest of their coven were preoccupied with the losing battle. It didn't matter to them how many lives were lost tonight - as long as they were able to deal a blow to the future generation of wolves.
The only problem for them is the fact that Mikyoung refuses to give them up.
"We can keep this up, wolf. It's no skin off our nose but you? How long do you think your body can handle the pain?" He grips her chin and forces her head to look up at him and chuckles when she spits at him. "Tell us where they are and we will let you go."
She know he's lying, knows that if she gives them what they want then she no longer has any use to them. "I am not going to tell you where they are." She defiantly turns her head even though he forces her back towards him.
Mikyoung feels the burning sensation in her veins, every movement feeling like hot needles are piercing her skin and her body reeks of the poison. She's sweating, the wolfsbane causes her body to develop a fever as it tries to fight off the effects. She's bleeding, the silver knives the witches use sears her skin as they interrogate her. She's holding out, hoping someone noticed her absence and is trying to find her.
The two witches are enjoying themselves, feeling powerful against a small female omega who couldn't fight back against them. Her body weakened by the poison and their magic keeping her from shifting; they think they are stronger than her, than a wolf, simply because they managed to catch her. They are too preoccupied that neither notices the wolf who has made his way into the room, slowly stalking towards them. Chan's lips curl as he lets out a growl, hearing Mikyoung's pained whine as the blade slices through her arm. The Alpha doesn't let them revel in their victory before he attacks both men with a vengeance they had never seen before. Chan throws his entire body into one of the men, knocking him out; this causes the magical ties that are keeping Mikyoung from moving to release, her body slumping to the floor.
Her eyes fall closed, breathing shallow and all she can hear is the tearing of flesh, the screams for mercy as Chan rips her captors apart until her body gives in from the pain. She doesn't get to hear them beg for their lives, their pathetic apologies as the large wolf stands over them before going in for the kill. She only hears her blood rushing in her ears.
Chan drops the last man, the body a torn apart heap on the floor before turning to Mikyoung and making his way over to her. She's unconscious not dead, he can tell that much, but he doesn't know whether he should move her right now. Chan knows that a bed or even the couch would be better for her but he doesn't want to move her without permission and he certainly doesn't want her to see the mess downstairs.
So, he waits. Chan's large body rests next to her, his head laying on his paws as he watches the door. Protecting, waiting, alert.
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The car has barely reached a full stop when the wolves are basically jumping out and rushing to the house. Jongin notices some of the other wolves had arrived just before they had, many unaware of what was going on and arrived too late. He can't imagine what they are thinking as they view the horrors inside the house.
Chris sees the carnage inside before Luna manages to make it to the door and pulls her into his chest, keeping her from seeing a sight that he knows she's familiar with. "Don't look," he says, hand resting on the back of her head and keeping her still when she tried to move away. "You don't want to see it."
With the mutters that are coming from around them, she can easily guess what he's talking about and nods her head. "Can you take me find some ingredients so I can make some healing potions for everyone."
Chris walks with her, allowing her to hide away in the witch's quarters while he goes and helps with the clean up. "I'll come grab you soon." She nods, focusing on her task rather than thinking about what he's going to do.
Jongin, on the other hand, pushes his way through the others, "Channie?" He calls, searching, looking at the deceased and dreading finding him amongst them.
No, he'd know. Of course he would. He'd feel it.
"Puppy?!" His voice grows frantic, the smell of blood is all around and his head turns every which way until his eyes land on his boyfriend sitting on the floor, a young boy clinging to him.
Channie's head pops up, looking over at him, a little distant at first but registering that Jongin is near is all it takes for it all to sink in. His lip quivers before the rest of his face scrunches up and Channie begins to cry. "Nini..." Jongin rushes to him, dropping to his knees as soon as he reaches him. The jolt that comes from the fall is ignored as his hands run all over his love, checking for injuries, checking to see how badly he's hurt, checking to find where the source of the blood is coming from until it clicks.
It's not his.
"Thank fuck, you're okay..." He holds Channie tightly, pulling him and the boy close until he can almost put his arms right around them. The boy seems to be an add-on to his boyfriend right now since the pup refuses to let the older go and Channie seems to feel the same way so Jongin holds them both.
Everyone seems to be finding each other, bodies being moved outside and piled up while those who are suffering a loss are being given the space to grieve. It isn't what any of them thought that they were going to deal with but as Chris looks over the damage, he feels responsible for separating the packs like this. It was his decision to split up, to check everything out just in case... if only he had known...
Hongjoong, however, hasn't settled. His jaw is clenched tightly as he searches downstairs for his sister, heart pounding as every room comes up empty or with another dead witch. "U-upstairs..." He turns to look over at Channie, the wolf's head barely popping up for air from the hold that he's in. "She was- there were pups... I don't..." Jongin hushes him while Hongjoong rushes up those stairs without hearing anything more, taking two at a time.
He runs directly to the room that he knows she would have taken the pups to. Mikyoung had been so excited when she learned that Chris built little hiding places like this for emergencies and begged her brother to make it a priority in their own pack house. If she's okay, if she's safe, he'll do it, he'll build them himself if it means they work as much as he hoping they do right now.
Hongjoong throws open the closet door, nearly ripping the wall apart as he find the pups packed inside, "are you okay?" He asks, offering his hand for them to take so he can help them out. "Where's Mikyoung? Where's my sister?"
The oldest pup, Somi, rubs the tears from her eyes and points towards the hallway, "we heard them take her... she tried to keep them from taking us..."
Gritting his teeth, Hongjoong takes a moment to keep himself calm for the traumatised pups, not wanting to scare them even more than they already are. He knows that she would have died before giving those pups up and that's something he's hoping he doesn't have to face right now. "C'mon, everyone's downstairs." As he's leading the pups towards the stairs, he notices Mikyoung's scent, faint but it's mixed with the stench of blood. He spots an open room at the other end of the hallway and prepares himself for what he might find in there. "Head down, find your parents. I'll be back."
Waiting until the last pup reaches the bottom of the staircase, Hongjoong slowly walks towards the room, the smell of blood growing stronger and when he sees the state of the room - his heart drops for a moment. The bodies lying a few feet from her are a mess, unrecognisable, surrounded by blood but luckily - it's not from her, not all of it, at least. He moves closer, now standing in the doorway of the room and finds his sister passed out on the ground with a large, white wolf beside her.
He knows that the threat is gone, those who had hurt his sister are now dead but someone is keeping her from him.
Hongjoong takes a step closer, crossing the threshold and the wolf lifts his head, a deep growl rumbling in his chest, warning him to not come any closer. He responds in kind, narrowing his eyes as he takes another step forward; his eyes are locked on the wolf, watching him stand to his full height, both males growling at each other, challenging each other to try something. Hongjoong recognises the scent, it's Chan, and while he's always given the other Alpha his respect - he's in the way.
Chan snaps his jaws, snarling at Hongjoong, who keeps inching closer. The omega is hurt, passed out, and Chan's not letting anyone touch her until she's awake. It doesn't matter who he is - he's not coming closer.
The two Alphas are in a stand-off, both snarling and baring their teeth to the other. One sudden movement and they will be at each other's throats without a second to spare. Their noses are nearly touching, inches away from tearing each other apart when there's stirring next to Chan, a low groan indicating that Mikyoung is waking up but it doesn't stop their hostile exchange.
Her body is aching from the wolfsbane, head pounding from the attacks that she had sustained but this all seems to take a back seat as her body instinctively reacts to the two males practically at each other's throats. It's automatic, a shift that isn't caused because she wants to but because the tension and their scents are triggering her to react.
In a way that none of them expected.
The pain is greater now that she's a shifted because the wolfsbane that is still in her system feels amplified by her wolf fronting but even as she suffers, Mikyoung manages to make her way between them. With her whole body shaking, she places her head under the Alpha's chin, protecting his throat. Her eyes look up at her brother as a whimper leaves her, begging for him to step down, pleading for him to stop.
Please no more fighting. Please, no more blood.
The three of them stay like that for a moment and she can tell that her brother is trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. Why is his sister protecting another Alpha, why is she protecting Chan? It's not immediate but he eventually pulls away, his growling fading as he stands up straight and looks down at them, confused.
Hongjoong isn't the only one confused because Mikyoung is too. It isn't like she made a conscious decision, it was instinctual, she did it without thinking about it but it's also something she isn't able to dwell on as her body collapses at Chan's feet. The pain is too much for her to deal with like this but it is also the fastest way for her to heal, her wolf taking on the brunt of the process to get the wolfsbane out of her system.
Chan is immediately on top of her, ignoring the other man as he begins to nuzzle the small omega. In that moment, it doesn't matter whether she's a part of his pack or not, his wolf is scenting her, surrounding her in his scent which seems to have her relax slightly. When he's finished, he begins cleaning her wounds, focusing on the areas where blood has started to stain her beautiful coat. While the omega will heal on her own, there's nothing wrong with him offering her a little help to get her back on her feet.
He continues to clean her, to scent her, while Hongjoong scrunches his nose and looks away. It's not an intimate thing but he doesn't feel like watching another Alpha scenting his sister, almost as if he's claiming her right in front of him. "Bring her downstairs when you're done. The witches are helping those who are injured." Without a second look, he leaves, allowing the other Alpha to keep caring for the small omega who whines softly when Chan's tongue passes over an open wound.
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Once everyone is accounted for, checked up on and healed as best as the witches can do with their limited resources, Chris suggests that those who don't need to stay head back to their own territories to recover. "I can send you the details once we have more information."
It's clear that the Alpha feels a lot of guilt from what happened. It doesn't seem to matter to him about whether he had known that this would happen, it doesn't matter whether the could have prevented this - all that matters is that it happened under his roof. He recommended that they stay together, that they would be safe at the pack house but they weren't - they lost three lives and nearly lost their pups because of a decision he made.
"It's not your fault," Luna says softly when she enters the room with the others who had decided to stay. While many have taken the time to recover, others have stayed to help and Luna is one of them - she has as much to lose as the wolves do and she doesn't want to miss out on anything.
Jongin had taken Channie home to take care of him while a couple of other wolves from their pack stayed behind. While he wants to be there, the Alpha feels that his partner is more important right now and he wants to make sure Channie doesn't feel too much guilt over what happened.
While Chris had been cleaning himself up, his clothes and skin stained with blood from moving the bodies - Irene had arrived. It seems that the Devil found out about what happened and was understandably worried about him. He stands behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he takes a moment to compose himself for what's to come.
Hongjoong and a couple of his betas stand at the back of the room, ready to get the party started with the captives. Chris knows that while nobody else really approves of how Hongjoong thrives off the pain and suffering of his opponents, they have all agreed that if anyone is going to get the surviving witches to talk - it's him.
Chan sits beside a resting Mikyoung, her legs resting on his lap as she drinks a tonic that he made for her. Hongjoong had argued that she should return their pack house but Chan argued that she should stay where they can keep an eye on her, mostly talking about himself rather than anyone else. He hasn't let anyone go near her, especially not any of the witches, opting to take care of her needs himself as if he doesn't trust them.
This is all that they need right now, they don't need a spectacle for this next part, even if every wolf wants their turn with the captives - they only need one interrogator. Chris and the other Alphas all agree that everyone needs the chance to recover, they need to gather their strength because once they have the information that they are looking for - the final plan will begin.
The plan to save his mother.
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For the whump words ask game:
Numb :)
Also, happy birthday 🌸
Hi little-whumpeteer! Sure thing! And thank you, my birthday was really good!! Thanks for requesting this, here you go! This'll be the third Numb I've done! :)
From this ask game
"It hurts," Whumpee sobbed, "Caretaker, it hurts!!"
"I know," Caretaker said with tears of their own, "I know it hurts, just hang on a little longer."
Whumpee lay on the med bay bed, pale as a sheet with little beads of sweat forming on their brow. There was a gaping wound in their side, to which Medic was currently applying antiseptic. The liquid stung and burned, it felt like little knives were being plunged into Whumpee's skin. Whumpee squeezed Caretaker's hand as they whimpered and cried.
"Okay," Medic said, setting the bottle and cloth aside, "I just need to do their stitches."
"I don't think they can take much more pain, Medic," Caretaker said.
Medic looked down at Whumpee, whose face was contorted in pain.
"Okay," Medic said, opening a drawer, "I'll get them something."
Medic pulled out a syringe filled with liquid. They took Whumpee's arm and injected the contents into their bloodstream.
"Why didn't you give them that from the start!?" Caretaker asked.
"Because it has... weird side effects." Medic explained.
Whumpee fell still as the pain in their side subsided. They didn't feel their wound at all. As a matter of fact, Whumpee realized they couldn't feel anything at all. Their entire body had gone numb.
"Caretaker." Whumpee tried to squeeze Catertaker's hand but they couldn't so much as wiggle their fingers, "I... I-I can't move, what's happening, I can't..."
Caretaker looked to Medic with a worried expression. Medic avoided their gaze.
"It's a numbing agent," Medic said quietly, "we were out of regular painkillers."
Whumpee was getting more panicked by the second.
"Caretaker, what's going on, I can't feel anything, I-"
"Shhh," Caretaker soothed. They squeezed Whumpee's hand, not that Whumpee could feel it, "it's gonna be okay. It's just something to keep you from hurting. Try to go to sleep."
"I can't sleep, I can't move!" Whumpee began to cry again, "Caretaker, I can't move!"
Caretaker looked to Medic again.
"Do something," they mouthed.
Medic nodded and grabbed another syringe from the drawer.  Whumpee couldn't feel the needle pierce their skin, which was probably a good thing. Medic injected the contents into Whumpee's bloodstream. About a minute later, Whumpee began to feel sleepy.
"Care..." Whumpee tried.
"Yes, Whumpee?" Caretaker asked.
"Stay?" Whumpee pleaded.
"Of course, Whumpee."
Whumpee drifted off, Caretaker still holding their numb hand. Medic pulled the covers up to Whumpee's chin and breathed a sigh of relief. At least Whumpee wouldn't be in pain.
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chaoticcat32 · 1 year
This is Naga Steve🐍🐍🐍
Steve was sitting, tied to a chair, face all bloody, drugged, and surrounded by angry Russians. Robin was tied to a chair behind him, right against his back, both still in their Scoops Ahoy uniforms. They’d been there for what seemed like hours, the Russians uselessly trying to get nonexistent information out of them. They had literally nothing to say. One of the Russians smiled at him, getting close to his face. He barked some order at the others, and they quickly scrambled off. He giggled a bit, being high out of his mind, and asked the man what he was saying.
“We have something special, experimental, to try in you.”
Steve wasn’t sure what to think about that.
“What kind of experiment.”
The man just smiled, standing back up straight, and backing up from him. The other Russians came back into the room, grabbing Steve’s chair and beginning to drag him out. He freaked out a bit, trying to plant his feet on the ground, Robin asking where he was going, giggling the whole time. She clearly had a bit more than he did.
Steve was taken into a separate room, still tied to the chair. It was pretty empty, other than a single light bulb on the ceiling, a small camera in the corner, and a window to another room, seemingly to watch him through. All the Russians left, leaving him alone to think about what they were going to do to him. Not that he could think much, anyways, the drugs they injected into him clouding his brain. He waited in the room for at least an hour. They sure were taking their sweet time, weren’t they?
Soon enough, however, they were back. They looked to have protective gear on, some with masks covering their faces. He looked nervously to their hands, one in particular holding a rather large needle filled with a deep green liquid. Or swirled around in the syringe, almost taunting him. He immediately knew that was going into him, though he had no idea what it was going to do. He would soon find out, he guessed.
They grabbed his head, jerking it to the side and prepping a spot on his neck, wiping it with a little sterilization pad. They then spoke to each other. In Russian, of course, so Steve had absolutely no clue what the hell they were saying, which he thought was funny for some reason. He giggled, causing the others to also laugh, but at his expense. The one holding the needle placed it against his neck, waiting to push it in. A final order was given, and the cool, sharp metal was plunged into his neck, piercing his skin.
He cried out, it didn’t feel good, of course, but soon whatever liquid had been in there was slowly spreading throughout his veins. It started off as a warm, dull numbing sensation, growing warmer and warmer as it spread. First it was warm, then hot, then burning. He squealed, writhing around in his chair, the ropes burning his wrists and ankles. By now all the Russians had left, leaving Steve alone. His eyes were squeezed shut, so he couldn’t see if there was anyone in the room with the window, but he would bet that there were.
While the burning was going on, he could feel other things happening in his body as well, or more specifically, happening to his body. His fingers ached, fingernails almost pushing out of the tips. He felt the same feeling in his jaws, teeth piercing through his gums. His ears were stretching as well, but those things were the least of his problems. He felt his legs, which were already tied together, becoming one, almost melting into one another. They also stretched and grew, getting longer and longer. Steve was hyperventilating as he felt a pricking sensation across his entire body, like needles trying to burrow their way out of him. They were trapped, and needed to get out.
It went on for Steve doesn’t even know how long. It was probably only a few minutes at most, but to him it felt like hours. Then the pain faded, he wasn’t burning, there weren’t any needles, and no more stretching. He opened his eyes, and found that he could now pretty easily wriggle his way out of the ropes. After he was free, he actually looked down at himself, eyes bugging out when he did. It was… a snake?! Why was there a snake in here?! He flowed it from the end of the tail, trailing up and up until he got to the… there was no head. It connected to his torso! Was he a snake?! He was still wearing his uniform, albeit without shorts. He looked down to his hands, only to see claws. His skin was also brown and scaley, all of it, not just the tail.
While normally he’d probably be freaking the hell out, right now he just thought it was hilarious. He giggled, inspecting himself. He looked to the window to see a few of the Russians looking at him through the glass, and he waved at them, a dumb grin on his face. Then they left. Soon after they were in his room, many with more protective gear, reinforced this time. They grabbed him, two for his upper half, and a lot for the snake part. He was dragged to another room. The same room he was in prior, actually. Robin was still in there, now untied, and he waved at her. She looked at him with wide eyes.
“Whoa, that’s a big snake, why’s there a big snake in here?”
“It’s me, Rob! It’s Sssteeeeve.”
“Steeeve?! Why are you a snake?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged, “they injected some stuff in me.”
The Russians left the room, allowing them to interact. Steve’s stomach growled.
“Hey, hey Robiiin, I’m gonna hide youuu.”
“You’re gonna hide me?“
“Yeah, from the Russians.”
“How’re you gonna do that?”
“Well come here.“
Robin did as she was told, approaching the snake and giggling. Steve placed his newly clawed hands on the girl’s shoulders and began to open his mouth wide. His jaw unhinged with a little snap and a pop, larger than a normal person’s would. Robin just looked in awe, staring into his open maw.
“Whoaaa, your mouth is sooo biiiiig.”
Steve started bringing it down gently onto Robin’s head, muscles stretching to envelop her. She giggled the whole time, Steve moving his mouth side to side like a snake would. He took his first swallow, sending Robin’s head down his throat.
“This feels weeeird.” She laughed.
He giggled around her as well, gulping once more, sending the top half of her torso into his gullet. Swallow by swallow, little by little, she sank into his body. He felt her enter into his first stomach, sighing as she did so. The muscles worked to pull her in, then pushed her into the opening tunnel on the other side. She was going further into his snake half. He swallowed again, letting the combination of both gravity and his internal muscles do their job. One last gulp and her feet were sent down. He let out a satisfied sigh, feeling Robin start to enter his second stomach. She pooled into his snake belly, a warmth settling inside.
He was giggling, thinking he hid his friend from trouble. He could hear her giggling inside as well, because apparently getting eaten by her friend turned snake was hilarious. One of the Russians came back in, smiling.
“Well well well, have a good meal?”
“What do you mean? I’m hiding her, shhhh.” He put a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell anyone.” He whispered.
“You ready to talk now?” He asked.
“About what?”
“Who you work for? Who else knows?“
“Uhhh Dustin! Yeah, Dustin knows, and he’s telling Hopper, Hoppers gonna tell the US army or some shit, and you are gonna get your asses kicked all the way back to Russia.” He said, laughing.
“Is that so?” He asked, getting close but not too close to the snakes face.
Then an alarm blared. A loud wailing accompanied by red flashing lights.
“Told you.” He said, smiling.
He angrily left, rushing out of the room to see what was happening. That’s when both Dustin and Erica rushed in, looking around the room.
“Jesus Christ!” Screamed Dustin, immediately flinching back when he saw the snake man in front of him.
“Hendersssson! That’s really funny, actually, I was jusssst talking about you.”
The curly haired kid looked on in disbelief, staring at him wide-eyed.
“Steve!? What the hell?!”
“What- why are you a goddamn snake!?”
“I dunno. They injected me with ssssome green shit and now I'm a ssssnake.”
Dustin gave him a look.
“And where’s Robin?”
“Shhhhhh. I’m hiding her.”
“Hiding her where?”
Then Dustin saw movement in his snake half. It was bulged out a bit, like a snake that’s just had something to eat…
“What the fuck did you eat?!”
Steve giggled.
“Listen!” Erica broke the silence.
“We should all probably be getting out of here while we still have time.”
“No buts.”
She grabbed Dustin’s arm, pulling him forwards, then looked over at Steve.
“Come on, snake boy.“
Steve slithered after them, following the two down a long corridor and into the back of a truck.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Asked Dustin.
“First of all, spit Robin out!”
“Noo!” He yelled, hugging the lump in his coils. “My Robin! My friend Robin!”
“She’s not going to be able to be your friend much longer if you don’t spit her out.“
Steve frowned at that, considering spitting her out. But somehow, deep down, he knew she would be fine. He stuck his forked tongue out at Dustin, flicking it a bit.
“Nnno my Robin.”
Dustin just looked at Steve’s determined expression in disbelief. He couldn’t seem to convince Steve, so he eventually dropped it. For now.
They made it to the elevator and quickly got inside, getting it to go back up. There, Dustin prodded Steve even more to let Robin out, wondering what the hell was wrong with him, and why the hell he looked like that.
“What do you think is wrong with them?” He asked, turning to Erica.
“I dunno, maybe he’s drugged or something.”
He turned back to Steve.
“Did the Russians drug you Steve, are you drugged?”
Steve laughed a bit, then slithered closer, leaning into Dustin’s face.
“Hehe, I don’t do drugsss dad, itsss only marijuana.”
He then reached out and booped Dustin’s nose with a clawed finger. Dustin stepped back, shaking his head.
“Just… spit Robin out, okay?”
“Just do it!” He shouted at the snake.
Steve refused.
They reached the top of the elevator, bursting out into the warm summer air, to which Steve flicked his tongue out, seemingly tasting it.
“Whoa, can you guys taste the air?” He asked.
Dustin and Erica rolled their eyes, then they heard a bang and voices speaking in Russian. They jumped, hurrying and hushing Steve as they rushed into the mall. It was closed by now, and they led the snake into the movie theater. Erica stayed with them as Dustin fiddled with the projector, turning a movie on to keep the man busy. They then left him, only for a bit, so they could try and find the others.
“H-hey.” Steve said to Robin after about twenty minutes.
“I’m bored. And I don’t understand the movie.”
“Well I can’t see the movie from in here.”
“Oh. Well I gotta hide you. I’m gonna go do something else.”
Steve slithered out of his seat, making his way out of the theater. He looked around, then spotted a water fountain, suddenly realizing he was thirsty. He quickly rushed over to it, drinking in the cool water as it touched his lips.
“Hey, that’s cold!” Yelled Robin.
“I was thirsty… whoa. The ceiling is shiny. Glittery like a buncha stars…”
Steve suddenly didn’t feel as great as he had before. He slumped a bit, then shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He then felt like he was gonna puke. He rushed to the nearest bathroom, leaning over one of the toilets in the open stalls, but nothing came out. He sat there for maybe five minutes, sweating and breathing heavily.
He then slithered out of the stall, leaning over the sinks. He turned the water on and splashed some of it onto his face, looking up and into the mirror. As soon as he did, he yelped, flinching back. His eyes widened, and he reached out to touch his reflection, looking at it in horror. He saw the claws on his hands, and let out a choked sob.
His eyes widened even more, and he looked down at his snake half, a section of it bulging out and moving a slight bit. He mentally freaked out seeing the snake attached to him, tears running down his face. But he had to get Robin out.
“Oh, oh god… Robin!”
He felt sick. Sick with how he looked, sick with what he did, sick with himself in general. He felt his stomach turn, his snake stomach, and his friend began to move up in the coils, to his torso, until he puked her up onto the bathroom floor. He then immediately flinched away from her, curling up in the far corner, looking over himself. His skin was replaced by scaly flesh, different colors of brown forming patterns on him. His hands were tipped with black claws and they too were scaly. He looked down at the tattered remains of his scoops ahoy uniform shirt, the pants nothing but a waistband with a few scraps of fabric still clinging to it. And it was because of his snake half. Oh god, the snake! His legs were gone, replaced by this ugly scaly tail that was currently curled up and wrapped around itself. He let out another sob.
He looked up to her, tears flowing out of his eyes, immediately hurt by her fearful expression.
“Oh god, Robs, look at me! I- I’m so ugly, I’m a fucking monster.”
He broke down into uncontrollable sobs, nothing coherent being able to be deciphered for a while, just heavy hyperventilating and choked sounds coming out of his mouth. Robin softened a bit, seeing how hurt her friend was. Yes, her friend. This wasn’t some monster, it was still the same ol’ Steve. She reached a hand out and placed it on his shoulder, causing him to flinch and look at her.
“Hey, you’ve still got your best feature.” She said, looking up.
Steve raised his hands to his hair, yes, thank god, his hair! He turned and looked in the mirror.
“Oh, oh thank god… but… the rest of me, I’m, I’m horrible, Robin. I’m a-a- monster, I- I- ate you!” His eyes widened as if just now realizing that fact.
“Yeah… but I’m okay, aren’t I? You were high… and you didn’t hurt me.”
Steve contemplated a bit. Yeah, he had been high, and she was okay. But he wasn’t high now. And he couldn't ignore the hunger in his gut, somehow, deep down, knowing she’d be safe if he put her in there again.
“But… I’m not high now… and I still want to eat you.”
“You what?!”
Robin looked at him in somewhat horror, not knowing what to make of that statement. Steve flinched back, almost as if he couldn’t believe what came out of his mouth either. He immediately backtracked, starting to cry again.
“No, no I- I’m sorry I’m a monster, I won’t-“
“H-hey.” She said, putting her hand on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, you- you can… just- like, do what you did last time, okay? Can you do that?”
“I-I think so.”
“I’m gonna need more than an ‘I think so’ Steve. I need to know you’re not gonna kill me in there.”
“I won’t, I won’t. I can do it again, you’ll be fine.”
Steve slithered a bit closer, placing his hands on her shoulders. He instinctively started to wrap around her a bit, his tail grabbing her legs and working up her waist. She shivered a bit, but let him keep going. Steve’s tongue flicked out a bit at her before he began to open his mouth. With a small pop, his bottom jaw dislocated, allowing him to start sliding his mouth over her head. She stood still and allowed him to do so, closing her eyes tight. Steve sighed happily and took his first swallow, bringing more of the girl into his mouth. He kept gulping and swallowing, sending her into his throat, the tube of flesh eagerly accepting her, pulling her deeper. She went right past his human stomach, and deeper into his second one, Robin beginning to pool into his snake stomach. She was soon fully inside, Steve sighing in relief. The snake curled up a bit, resting his head on the small bump, feeling his friend inside.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s warm…”
“You’re warm too.”
They chatted for a bit, before Robin asked another question.
“You still in love with Nancy?”
“Why not?”
“I think I found someone a bit better for me. It’s someone I never even talked to in school, and I dunno why. I guess because I’d get made fun of? It’s stupid, I know.”
Robin was silent, growing a bit nervous in his stomach. She had an idea of where this was going…
“Shoulda been hanging out with her the whole time, I mean first of all, she’s hilarious. I feel like this summer, I’ve laughed harder than I have in a long time.”
More silence.
“She’s smart… way smarter than me, but that’s not really hard, huh? She can crack top secret Russian codes, and she’s honestly different from anyone I’ve ever been with before.”
Robin didn’t respond. She couldn’t.
“Robs? You okay I’m there?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. I’m alive.”
“Well, what’d you think? Of this girl?”
“She sounds awesome…”
“She is. And the guy?”
“I think he’s on drugs. And not thinking straight.”
“Really? I think he is.”
“He’s not. He doesn’t even know this girl, and if he did, he probably wouldn’t even want to be friends with her.”
“That’s not true.”
“Steve, listen.” She sighed.
“You know when I was complaining about Mrs. Click’s class? It wasn’t because I was jealous of you. It’s because she wouldn’t stop staring at you.”
“Mrs. Click?” Steve asked, confused.
“Tammy Thomson. She wouldn’t stop looking at you and your perfect hair. Even though you got bagel crumbs everywhere and asked dumb questions. I wanted her to look at me. And I’d go home at night, screaming into my pillow.”
Steve thought for a minute, confused.
“But… Tammy Thomson’s a girl…”
“Oh.” He said, softly.
He sat for a minute, silently. And so did Robin. Then the stomach walls started closing in on her.
“Oh God… Steve?! I-I’m sorry, please don’t kill me!”
“What?! I’m not! You’re, you like girls! That’s fine, that’s cool!”
“You- but your stomach…”
“Its okay, I’m not going to hurt you. What’d I do?”
“The walls were closing in, I thought you were going to get rid of me…”
“They were? No, I’m not.” The walls relaxed.
It was silent for a few seconds.
“Tammy Thomson… I mean, she looks good, sure, but she's a total dud!”
“She is not!”
“She wants to be a singer, move to Nashville or whatever.”
“She has dreams!”
“She can’t even hold a tune! Practically tone deaf, have you heard her?”
Robin giggled a bit, and Steve started to sing, mimicking the girl. It was terrible.
“She does not sound like that!” Robin said, laughing.
“She sounds exactly like that! Perfect impression!”
“You sound like a muppet.”
“She sounds like a muppet! A muppet giving birth!”
They started singing, both in muppet voices together. Then it devolved into laughter, Robin a bit muffled from inside of Steve, though they both seemed fine with the situation. The door to the bathroom burst open.
“Okay, what the hell!” Shouted Dustin.
They both just laughed hysterically again, both Dustin and Erica looking at them in disbelief.
“And you still have Robin in there!?”
“It’s fine, see? She let me. She’s fine in there.”
“Yeah! I’m fine!”
Dustin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Just please spit her out.”
Steve grumbled a bit but sat up, getting ready to get her out. He focused, moving the muscles in reverse, pulling the girl up and into the tube of flesh leading up to his mouth. The bulge in his snake half moved up, into his human stomach and then his esophagus, Robin beginning to poke out of his mouth, his jaw unhinging to let her through. She was spit out onto the floor once more, and Dustin looked a little grossed out when Steve looked up at him.
“There. You happy?”
The two kids got them up and pushed them out of the bathroom door, rushing to get out of the mall. They got up to the doors and froze. They were blocked. Russian guards were posted at the exit, seemingly waiting for them. They began to scramble back and they heard shouting behind them, accompanied by loud footsteps.
They ran to the main center of the mall, ducking behind a store counter to hide from the bullets being shot. They were all silently freaking out, trying to keep quiet so the Russians didn’t hear. It seemed they were about to be discovered, Steve getting ready to defend everyone when a car horn activated, alarming the men. Then there was a crash, and all four listened as something large was flung across the area, along with screams.
They all peeked over the counter, seeing all the men dead on the ground. They then looked over to a car, smashed into the wall and banged up on its side. They slowly looked up at the top railing to see El with her arm stretched out, breathing heavily. She was soon accompanied by the rest of the kids, along with Nancy and Johnathan. They waited there until the others came down, Erica reuniting with Lucas and Dustin with the others. Steve slowly slithered forwards, until he was noticed by someone with a scream.
“W-what is that?!” Asked Nancy.
Steve flinched.
Everyone zeroed in on him, mixed reactions from the group.
“Hey, hey. It’s just Steve guys!” Shouted Dustin.
“Steve?! What the hell happened to him?!” Asked Mike.
Steve flinched again, looking down. He supposed he couldn’t blame them. He was a monster.
“The Russians did it to him, but El took them out with the car!“
“Wait, those were Russians?”
“Didn’t you get my message?”
“I couldn’t make anything out!”
Everyone yelled out questions and answers, explaining from both sides. Steve had to do a lot of his own explaining too, and some visibly relaxed when they realized it was just him, only his appearance had changed. Though Nancy was still a bit wary, which stung. But then Mike noticed El, and the girl wasn’t looking good.
They all rushed over to her, asking what was wrong. They saw something under her skin, moving around. Some looked like they were going to be sick, but it was clearly causing the girl pain, and they had to get it out. Johnathan rushed off to one of the restaurants, finding a sharp knife and a wooden spoon. He heated up the knife with a lighter and handed El the spoon.
“Here, bite down on this.”
She did, and Johnathan plunged the knife into her leg, causing her to scream silently as it made a large gash. Many gagged and looked away as he stuck his fingers inside, trying desperately to fish the thing out. El stopped him, crying.
“Stop! I- I can do it.”
She cried, holding her hand out over the thing and seeming to focus. Steve watched as a little tiny piece of fleshy grossness was dragged out and flung away, it scrambling off as El sighed in relief.
It was immediately squished by a boot, the group looking up to see Hopper, followed by Joyce and who Steve assumed was Murray judging by the description he’d heard from Nancy and Johnathan. Then the three adults froze, eyes in Steve. Joyce yelped, hiding a bit behind Hopper and said man drew his gun, pointing it directly at him. Steve’s eyes widened, staring at the firearm.
“Hey, hey stop! It’s Steve!” Shouted Dustin, getting in front of the snake.
Hopper's eyes widened but still seemed wary, gun still up. That was until both Will and El stood in front of him as well, making Joyce and Hopper waver a bit. The man sighed and put his gun down, and Joyce stepped out from behind him. Will rushed forward to her, and the two hugged. Hopper approached Steve, Murray behind him and just looked at him.
“That really you?”
Steve looked down.
“Y-yeah. Yeah it’s me…”
“What happened?”
“The Russians. They got me and did some sort of experiment and…” he gestured to himself.
Hopper sighed.
“I see.”
After they all explained about Steve and what they’d all been doing and going through with the Russians and whatnot, they all got together to form a plan. The adults were arguing with the kids, while Steve and Robin were mostly off to the side talking to each other.
It ended with Steve being called over, Hopper asking if he could still drive so he could take both Dustin and Erica up to the hill that the kid apparently had a super powerful radio set up that could reach all across Hawkins. He shrugged, saying he’d give it a shot, but he didn’t have his keys as the Russians had taken them. Hopper tossed him a key that apparently went to a car he had outside, so Steve took the two kids plus Robin who wanted to tag along.
“Oh yea, this is what I’m talking about!” Steve exclaimed at seeing the sick car parked outside.
“Toddfather?” Robin remarked.
“Screw Todd, Steve’s her daddy now!”
“Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?” Asked Robin.
“Did he just call himself Daddy?” Asked Erica.
Steve slithered into the driver’s seat, looking below him to see if he could figure this out. He figured he could just use the tip of his tail - which he still couldn’t believe he had - to press on the gas and break like his foot used to. He started the car and tested it out, and it worked! So he quickly peeled out of the parking lot, Dustin directing him on where to go.
Steve didn’t last long on the hill, the walkie spilling not so great news, and they sounded like they all needed help at the mall. So he left the two kids on the top of the hill and fled back to the car with Robin, Dustin shouting from behind them. At least he got them there, right? They’d need him more at the mall. So that’s exactly where he went, driving full speed back to Starcourt. His eyes went wide as he peeled into the parking lot, seeing a car that definitely belonged to Billy Hargrove headed straight towards Nancy, who was standing in front of a car with Lucas, Will, and Johnathan inside. He sped up, ramming directly into the side of the mustang, making it scrape across the concrete and bursting into flames.
Johnathan screamed at them to hop into the car as a huge fleshy monster climbed atop the mall, roaring angrily. Billy seemed to be unconscious, so Steve did just that, hopping inside along with Nancy and Robin. Johnathan stepped on the gas and got onto the road, the monster taking off after them. He looked out the window at it, face twisting in disgust.
“What is that?” He asked.
“It’s the mind flayer.” Answered Will with a grim voice.
They drove for a while, watching the thing when it suddenly turned around.
“Wait, why’s it turning around?”
“Shit, it must’ve found out El was still back at the mall.”
They turned the car around, though they weren’t sure how they could possibly help, even with Steve’s new attributes. That’s when Lucas piped up.
“The fireworks!”
“What?” Asked Steve.
“The thing hates heat, right? Plus, who wouldn’t get hurt by a bunch of fireworks being thrown at them?”
The adults looked to one another before nodding, deciding to make a pit stop to stick up on the improvised weapons before following the beast again.
When they got back to the mall, they were met with a terrible sight. Billy was hunched over, dragging El to the center of the mall, the mind flayer thing directly over them. Seeing it up close, Steve could see the flesh pulsing and wriggling, the wet mass of melted humans moving in sync. He almost vomited. But then the first firework was thrown and it screeched, pulling back to face them. They all shouted and jeered at the thing, Steve throwing his own colorful explosives. But then he could see El still struggling with Billy. He was holding her down, and she couldn’t get up. Steve would absolutely not stand for that.
He shouted to the others before quickly making his way down to the first floor while the mind flayer was distracted. He got to the two and shoved Billy, El scrambling back. Billy shouted with rage, getting up to see his assailant before spotting him. He looked confused, but then it went back to anger.
He scoffed.
“Is that you, Harrington? Damn, you really let yourself go, huh?” He smirked wickedly.
Steve’s mind almost clouded in anger, but he was hurt by the comment. He tried to calm himself, reminding himself that this wasn’t really him all the way, that the mind flayer had influence. He was still a dick though. Steve hissed, approaching the other man.
“Wow, you’re really just an animal now, huh? A stupid fucking snake.”
He charged, fists at the ready, but his eyes were locked onto El. Steve ducked under the punch thrown at him, using his tail to grab the man, quickly wrapping around his body. Billy struggled wildly, making almost animalistic snarls and shouts. Steve squeezed. Billy gasped, closing his eyes and trying to get his arms free. The more he struggled, however, the tighter the coils around him got. Steve still made sure he could breathe, but barely.
“Billy!” Shouted a voice, Steve snapping his head to the source.
Max stood there, eyes wide.
“Please don’t, Steve. Don’t kill him. I know he’s a dick, but…”
“I’m not.” Steve said, looking down at him.”
“I won’t kill him, but he needs to be taken out of this for a little while.”
Steve started to unhinge his jaw with a snap and pop, opening his mouth wide. Billy still struggled but looked up in horror as Steve’s maw descended onto him. Max shouted and took a few steps forward, eyes wide in shock. Steve continued, taking his first swallow of the man, pulling him in farther.
“H-hey! Steve, you- you said you wouldn’t kill him.”
“It’s fine!” Shouted Robin from above, chucking a firework.
“He did it to me when he was first turned, and I was perfectly fine!”
“I don’t know how it works, but trust me, he’ll be fine!”
Max turned back to Steve, now up to the man’s waist, her brother’s legs hanging out. She could see him thrashing within Steve, the half-snake wincing occasionally. He slurped down the rest of Billy as quickly as he could, one last heavy gulp sealing him inside.
“Is- is he really okay in there?”
“Yeah,” Steve winced at a particularly hard punch to his stomach walls, “he’ll be okay, not sure if my guts will be though.”
“How do you know?”
“I honestly have no idea, but something in my mind tells me I can eat people and they’ll be okay, almost like an instinct.” He winced again. “I did it with Robin, as she was in there for a while actually, she was fine.”
Max looked at the frantic wriggling form within Steve’s snake half, watching as punches and kicks pushed out the flesh periodically. She then looked back up at Steve and nodded.
“O-okay. I trust you.”
Steve smiled, though it was more of a grimace from the abuse his insides were being subject to at the moment.
“Shit, we’re almost out!” Yelled a voice from above.
Steve yelled to Dustin through the walkie who then yelled at the people underneath the mall to hurry up and close the gate. It wasn’t long before they actually ran out of fireworks, the monster shaking itself off and going to get El, but she wasn’t there. It whipped its head around, looking all over for the girl, and it shrieked in rage when it couldn’t see her. It could sense her though. It extended its sharp tentacle-like appendages to where she was, as well as one at Steve, probably because it knew he had Billy, the man still fighting.
Then, suddenly, the thing shrieked. It took back its tentacles, the things writhing and shrieking in pain. It slammed into the railings of the top floor before letting out one last shriek and falling to the ground. It didn’t get back up. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, then they all hollered in victory. Billy was still inside of Steve, a fact both the snake and Max noticed.
“Billy? Is- is he okay!?” She yelped, running to the man.
“Yeah, he’s still breathing, but I think the mind flayer’s gone now, so that probably took some strength out of him.”
Max pressed her ear to the slight bulge in Steve’s snake half, hearing Billy breathing heavily inside.
“Get me the fuck outta here!”
She leapt back at the new round of struggles, though they were significantly weaker this time.
“He’s fine.” She said, sighing and meeting up with the rest of the group.
Nancy looked to him, then to the bulge in his snake half, face a bit pale but she tried to give him a little smile. Steve smiled back at her, slithering over.
“Uhh, so, I didn’t know you could do that…” she said, a little unnerved. “I mean I know Billy was an asshole but-“
“What?! No, he’s not gonna die in there!”
“What?” Two voices answered, one outside and one from inside his stomach.
Steve looked down.
“Yeah, Billy’s fine. I’ll let him out later though…”
“Let me out now, asshole! Stupid thing’s gone.” He mumbled that last part so Nancy didn’t hear, but Steve heard it.
“I’ll let you out when you calm the hell down in there, yeah?” Steve said, wanting to abuse on his stomach to stop.
Billy was still.
“Can you let him out?” Asked a voice from behind him, seeing Max. “Not that I don’t trust you, but… you know…”
Steve sighed, but began to pull Billy back up. Max watched as he moved up Steve’s body, though Nancy couldn’t, looking away. She watched as her brother began pulling himself out faster once his arms were free, Steve making a small sound of protest at the hand on his face. Billy landed on the ground and immediately got up, backing away from Steve a bit.
“You can’t tell anyone.” Said the half-snake.
Billy glared at him, but Steve could tell he’d been defeated, even if he’d never show or admit it.
“Yeah, whatever.”
They all got out of the mall, meeting up with the adults back up top, though noticeably without Hopper. Will ran to his mother immediately, El soon joining them when she realized her father wouldn’t be coming back up.
Steve had hidden away, leaving the mall and parking lot so the paramedics and especially the government wouldn’t see him.
A few months later, and the Byers were all packing, getting ready to move. El was coming with them as well, having lost her powers and with nowhere else to go. They’d also found an old abandoned barn in the middle of nowhere for Steve to hide in, setting up things like a mattress, walkie talkie for contact, and getting some electricity to the barn for a TV and whatnot. He didn’t really like being so alone, but it’s not like he had a choice, looking the way he did. Besides, the kids visited him occasionally. He wished he had a roommate though.
One Year Later
Eddie Munson was hiding, the town of Hawkins thinking he was some kind of murderer. What he saw happen to Chrissy really fucked him up, and he couldn’t believe they thought he, or any man for that matter, was capable of doing something like that. He shivered within the little boat, a large blue tarp over him. He heard footsteps enter the boathouse and he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting.
Soon enough, the person outside was close to him, and he struck. He flew out from his hiding place, throwing the tarp aside and grabbing a broken glass bottle to threaten his assailant. He held it up to their neck, only when he looked up to their face, he realized it was…
“Whoa, whoa, look, Eddie. It’s just me! It’s Dustin.”
The metalhead sighed in relief, letting go of the kid’s shirt and lowering the bottle, slumping back. He looked over to his left, spotting two others with him. One was tall with red-brown hair and the other looked to be about Dustin’s age, fiery red hair and a smattering of freckles.
“Who’re your friends?” He asked, gesturing to the two.
“Oh! This is Robin, and this is Max,” he then turned to the girls, “and guys, this is Eddie.”
Max nodded at him and Robin gave him a shy little wave. He nodded his head at them.
“So, Henderson, come to turn me in, or what?”
“What?! No!”
Eddie laughed.
“I know, I know. But what are you three here for?”
Dustin explained, asking his own questions which Eddie hesitantly answered. They exchanged information and how Dustin believed him and everything. Honestly? The whole thing was crazy, but after what he’d seen, he wasn’t too sure it was that much of a stretch.
“So, we wanna help you, and we think we have a better place for you to hide than this little boathouse.”
“Oh? What glorious keep do you have planned for me then?” He asked with a grin.
“It’s… an abandoned barn…”
“But don’t worry! It’s super safe, and is definitely better than staying here. No one will find you there.”
“Hmm. Well then, let’s go.”
Robin baulked.
“Already? That fast?”
Eddie shrugged.
“Don’t really have much of a choice, do I? So how we gonna get me there?“
They told Eddie about their plan, how the barn wasn’t too far and they could get there through woods and backroads. If anyone saw them, they’d always make sure there was a place for him to hide. Turns out they actually didn’t need to hide him at all. The path they took was extremely untraveled, and they didn’t encounter anyone on the way there. Lucky them. But Eddie’s luck, it seemed, was about to change.
They quickly got to the barn, Dustin promising him a grocery run soon so he had some food. Before Eddie could go in and inspect his new home for the time being, Dustin put a hand out, stopping him from entering.
“Hey, uh… before you go in there, you’re gonna have a… roommate.”
“A roommate? What, you got a cat in there or something?” He asked. He didn’t mind an animal, as long as it was really as safe as the kid said.
“Uhh, no. Not a cat.”
“No?” He said, confused.
“Well it’s a barn, I dunno!”
“Just… keep an open mind.”
“Okaaaay…” Eddie was now a little nervous.
Dustin slowly pushed open the door, looking around before heading inside, motioning for Eddie and the others to do so as well. Max and Robin entered quickly, seemingly unafraid but Eddie walked in slowly, looking around cautiously. He saw nothing.
“So, they not here now or…” he snapped his head up when he saw movement from above.
Eddie yelped, seeing a large, moving mass of coils slithering over themselves up in the rafters. He gulped.
“Uh, normally I don’t mind snakes, but that one’s a bit large, don’t you-“
He was cut off by another yelp when he heard a voice.
“Ugh, Dustin, I asked you to tell me when you were bringing him over. I was napping here.”
Eddie looked over to the new voice, eyes wide ring and him stepping back when he saw the snake was attached to a distinctly human torso and head, albeit with the snake pattern on his skin.
“Sorry, Steve. We just found him and you must’ve already been sleeping when I walkied you.”
Eddie grabbed Dustin by the front of his shirt, looking at the kid.
“Steve?! As in Steve Harrington?! King Steve?!” He shouted.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
He whipped around to see the man…standing? Whatever he was doing, right behind him. He screamed, backing up away from him. Great, this was just amazing. Not only was the kid gonna feed him to a snake, but said snake was Steve Harrington.
“You, I thought you believed me, Henderson?!”
“What? I do!”
“Then why the hell are you feeding me to Steve Harrington?! Who’s apparently half snake now!”
Steve rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. The fear and commentary stung a bit, both in his appearance and who he used to be.
“I’m not! Steve’s harmless! He’s not gonna hurt you, he’s nice!“
“You’re telling me King Steve is nice?”
“He’s changed… I know he used to not be the nicest, but he’s good now, I swear.”
Eddie looked over to the clearly pissed off snake man, looking over him.
“You sure?“
“Yeah, he’s my friend and I trust him.”
Eddie stood there, staring at the snake, watching as he pulled himself back up a bit. Dustin and the others left the barn, Eddie watching them go. As soon as the door shut, Eddie turned back around to look at Steve. He began screaming.
“What the hell, Munson?” He asked angrily.
Eddie kept screaming.
“Shut up, dude, you’re going to get us caught!” He slithered over to the man, which made him start to scream louder.
Steve put his hands on his shoulders, looking even angrier.
“Dude, stop!” He was starting to look a little panicked. “You’ll get us caught, and I wanna go back to my nap.”
Eddie wouldn’t stop, so Steve sighed, then looked into his face. He unhinged his jaw with a pop, opening his mouth wide. Eddie looked up in horror, screaming louder at the sight. Steve quickly engulfed the man’s head in his maw, shoving him in. He swallowed, muffling the screams which were now growing desperate. Eddie struggled, trying to pull his head out but the snake had wrapped his coils around his arms, pinning them to his side. Steve gulped again, pushing him in with his tail while his throat muscles pulled him in. A few more swallows and all that was left was the bottom half of the metalhead’s legs, Steve easily slurping them up and sealing them in with a final gulp. He sighed, feeling the man travel down his body and into his snake stomach.
Eddie was still screaming, but it was heavily muffled. No one but him would hear, meaning they wouldn’t be caught. Satisfied, the half-snake slithered back up to the rafters, hanging the part Eddie was in over them, sort of like a fleshy hammock. He wanted to get back to sleep, but he wasn’t sure he could due to the screams.
“Hey, calm down, okay? You’re fine I’m there, I just needed you to quiet so we would get caught.”
“Fine?! You ate me!“
Steve sighed.
“I can’t digest living things, they have to be dead. And since you are very much alive, you’ll be fine.”
He could tell Eddie absolutely didn’t believe him, but the screaming was quieting, his voice growing horse. The man must’ve been exhausted, because he seemed to be getting tired. Steve sighed, getting comfortable. He might be able to get back to his nap. He didn’t quite know what to think about his new roommate, but at least he wouldn’t be so alone all the time, right?
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honeyglz · 1 year
A/N - Final part lets goo !!! I really do appreciate all/any support you guys have left on these works, if you are interested in my works, I will be adding a master list of my works to my blog soon. !!This takes place in an AU where Deku never got his quirk from all might!! As always I hope you enjoy :D
Proof read- No tf Reader - Fem (no spec for anatomy), She/Her, You/Your/Yours :)
Disclaimer - I do not own any of these characters aside from my depiction of 'Y/N'/the reader
Pairing - Bakugou x reader
P1 - "Tell me a secret" P2 - Take it to the grave Category - Angst with a happy end!
Content Warning - General violence, near death, in depth fight description (kinda), heavy(ish) gore, Deku having issues (Borderline yandere), Y/N cant catch a break man, blood both mentioned and heavy detailing, body horror and dis-figuration. (You'll find out how when reading). Please let me know if I missed any <3
-Y/N's POV- You felt so lost, your eyes fogged up in a drunk like state. The scent of your own blood staining the walls around you. It felt like forever that you'd been here. Had it been forever? The voice had told you no one was coming, you knew better to believe them but a part of you agreed. What if no one was coming? What if you died here? Day's blurred for you, you wouldn't know the day if someone asked, that in itself scared you. You didn't want to die here. A needle pierced your skin for what felt like the 100th time today. The same voice whispering praise as they sewed the wound they had injected the stuff into. You had no idea what it was but every time they used it you felt more and more pain. Less control of your body. Less sane thoughts to cling too. The small nothings in your ear continued as you felt your body flinch at the closeness. "You did so well dove, keep this up and I may just let you live by the end of this!" The voice exclaimed stroking the bloodied area with their cool leather glove. "Maybe even keep you around, how does that sound Dove? Just you and me- Forever" Their hand lifted your chin, neck raw against the rusted chains pushing into it. The voice hummed waiting for response. "I'd rather die" The voice went silent for a moment before what seemed signature laugh rang through the room. "Atta girl. Can't have you loosing your spark before we see Kacchan hm?"
The glove let go of her face, allowing the sting on her neck to subside. "Well as much as I'll miss you I have other things to attend to" they sighed placing down the syringe. "Oh, and get some rest dove, we have a big day ahead of us." Their voice held a sinister note as the sound of the metal door slamming shut, a shiver running though your spine. You had a bad feeling about this.... -Bakugou's POV- Bakugou stared down at the number. He had been trying to track it for hours. His hero gear weighed heavy against his body. Gauntlets shining in the evening sunlight. He thought back to the call. Remembering every detail. The time, the weather, the way his fucking breath sounded through the speaker. Bakugou's hands clutched as he imagined what sicko that had done to you. He wondered if you were even still breathing. Heat flared up, running from his hands to his chest, every inch of his skin felt hot, he was going to kill that bastard. His shoes hit the smooth tile of his agency's floor. People scrambling around him, some with files, others eyes concentrating on their screens as they continued to try track the call. Everyone knew that Bakugou's patience was running thin, it would only be so long before he lost his cool and took things into drastic measures. Abruptly everyone stopped, the sound Bakugou's phone began to buzz. The same number appearing on Bakugou's phone. Ring
Ring- He picked up.
"Took you long enough" The voice he knew once all to well, taunted. Midoriya took a long sigh before speaking again. "Y'know I see why you like her Kacchan, she's very- how do I put this?" Bakugou grit his teeth as he team worked around him trying to track the call. Midoriya smiled against the phone. "Oh yes that's it. Very.. Explosive." The ground shook underneath them as Bakugou steadied himself, still clutching the phone to his ear, hearing Midoriya's laugh. The building began to tilt, people rushing out quickly. One of his employees called out to him showing him the screen above, still just presenting the location. They had found them. "I'm coming to get you Deku. And when I do God wont be able to save you." He growled into his phone slamming the device down as he rushed to help people out of the now crumbling building.
-Midoriya's POV-
Midoriya sat in the dark as he lay back in the abandoned warehouse he called home. "Oh I'm counting on it. Time to end this, old friend." Midoriya's stood, looking over to his workers. "Get her ready. Its time we allow these love birds a little get together."
You were being moved. The feeling of light touching your skin felt harsh and unusual after so long, though it faded quickly as cold began to settle in. Your body felt strange, you were chained in every possible way, you had been hurt in every way your body could handle but you were walking. A strength coursed through your veins. A foreign one. You felt your chains tug as someone placed you down. The wind blew, brushing against your face for what felt like the first time in forever. It was silent for awhile as you heard people leave the area. Suddenly the voice spoke.
"Y'know dove.. I don't think Ill be able to hang around after this is done like I promised."
You turned your head to the voice, still trying to get a good sense of where you were. None the less the voice continued. "I'm just thinking, since I wont be around there's no need to hide who I am right?" You stayed silent confused for a moment at the sudden change in them. They had never appeared so.... human to you.
You felt the fabric around your head loosen, your sight restored as you blinked at the strange sensation. Once you regained your sight your eyes drifted up to see a man, forest green locks thrown against his pale face, freckles decorating his checks as he smiled at you. He stood up from his place as he stretched feet skimming the edge of the building they sat on. "He's coming to get you. Should be here any moment." He looked back down at you, a small sad smile etching onto his face. "I really am sorry I won't be around to see you after this." He reached down grabbing your hand as he lay a gentle kiss on your knuckles. Surprisingly you were calm, you didn't flinch or move away. You just watched.
"By the way, my real name is Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."
He turned away from you and a sudden explosion made you fall back onto the roof, heart pounding as you struggled against your restraints. Instinct kicking in.
"Well, looks like its show time dove. I really will miss you" And with that. He disappeared. Leaving you alone in the cold once again. Something new coursing through your veins. A command. A whisper perhaps.
-Bakugou's POV- Bakugou smashed through the building, scanning the area only to see an empty warehouse. Well empty-ish. There were a few rooms, one had what looked like a bed in it, the other had all sorts of devices and a chair. Along with what looked to be a burner phone. He grabbed the phone mindlessly before trailing further, determined to find you. The stench of blood filled his senses as he walked into he third room. It looked like some sort of horror house. Something out of a movie. Blood stained the walls, tools lay across a counter and in the middle of a room was a metal bench, chains and straps laid across it. He felt his breath stop as he picked up what looked to be a torn piece of your hero costume. His heart kicked up a notch as he heard footsteps. Paired with a familiar voice.
"Well well well, looks like you found me huh Kacchan?"
Bakugou's head turned to find the alleged ghost of his sins. There Midoriya stood, scars adorning his skin, eyes harsh, far from the ones he knew as a kid. In that moment everything in his life weighed nothing, his regrets, his achievements, his title as a hero. It all meant nothing if he lost now. Midoriya smiled as he walked forward, gloved hands running through his green hair. "Where is she Deku." Bakugou spat though grit teeth as he eye'd down the green haired man before him. Midoriya only scowled eye's twitching with a deranged look creeping into them. "So, you only came for her huh?" The question went unanswered as the blonde snarled at the small talk. "I'm not here for small talk, where the fuck is she" Bakugou seethed as Midoriya only sighed taking off his gloves.
"I was hoping for some sort of apology, maybe even an once of guilt. But I guess not, huh?" Midoriya dropped his gloves as light began to emit from his skin, flashes of what looked like lightning striking the space between them, his eyes glowing darkly as he stared right into the blondes scarlet eyes, electric eyes meeting blood red.
"Im going to enjoy this."
In a flash Midoriya was behind Bakugou, fingers woven in a fist as he went to strike. Dust clouded the room as Bakugou narrowly dodged, blasting behind him, ash overwhelming the air as his blast struck Midoriya into a wall. The concrete cracked under the pressure, leaving the green haired man winded. Smoke cleared revealing Midoriya with his head low, blood dripping from his lips as he smiled widely, grin psychotic as he laughed. "Better than I thought. My turn" Like clockwork, Midoriya pushed off the wall, fist slamming into the blondes torso. Bakugou wen't flying through the buildings wall, blood trickling from his head as the sicking crack of his own bones filled his head. Midoriya felt the corners of his mouth twitch up again as he watched the blonde struggle to stand for a moment. Bakugou stumbled to his feet as Midoriya charged once again only for the floor under him to crumble. He fell and Bakugou jumped down, wiping the blood from his face as he spat out the bitter red liquid. They went back and forth exchanging hit after hit until Bakugou sent a powerful blast Midoriya's way. Sending him tumbling into the ground. The blonde grabbed onto the smaller man's neck, hands heating up as the smell of burning flesh began to rise. "I told you God wouldn't be able to save you" he hissed, squeezing Midoriya's neck tighter. Bakugou lifted Midoriya's body from the rubble. Midoriya muttered something the blonde didn't quite catch. not that he cared.
Not until he was flung into the air. He dropped Midoriya, head slowly turning to reveal a creature. It didn't look like a Nomu, not a normal one at least. It had a more human look, ridged horns across its back, up its legs. It's limbs look scratched, cuts and wounds all along its body. The creature jumped above him using a broken concrete pillar to knock the hero into the floor, creating a dent in the ground. He groaned head pounding as he watched it stand to its full height, revealing a haunting pair of E/C eye's staring dully at his broken figure. -Y/N's POV- Devolve
You had blacked out after Izuku had left you alone. Where were you? Your vision came back and your body felt twisted, your entire being screaming at you for even thinking of moving. There was smoke, everywhere. You couldn't run, you couldn't move. Your eyes frantically scanned around you. You still had chains on. You looked down at your legs. Torn open and stitched back you only now saw what they had made you.
Bearly human. You forced your eyes off your mangled body as you spotted a familiar face. Izuku walked towards Bakugou, watching as the man tried to crawl away. Izuku laughed as he kicked the man in the jaw, sending him flying once again. The blonde looked over to you before Izuku grabbed onto his neck. Squeezing harshly causing your skin to crawl. You watched as the green haired man continued to hold him.
You felt panic crawl up your neck as you tried to move. The same voice you heard before blacking out speaking. Stop.
You dont. Obey.
"Fuck you" You spat as you started to regain feeling, pain drilling into your bones as you did so.
Stop trying.
Now your finger was moving. Stop now.
Again you refused. You body was crying in pain at this point as you took a step forward. Obey.
Another. Stop moving.
And another. The voice got smaller and smaller until you couldn't hear it anymore. Step after step until you were running to them. It ached. Everything ached. But you didn't stop. Your legs took you further and further, hands still clutching the concrete pillar as you ran. Your arms swung back all your remaining strength focusing on one thing.
Knocking this psycho motherfucker out of orbit.
Your arms burnt as you took the final step, hands crushing against the harsh stone as you sent every prayer to heaven that you hit him.
Midoriya didn't even have a chance to process what was happening as for the split second he turned his head to meet your gaze, icy and determined. His eyes widened in awe before everything went black.
'Of course you were the only one who broke the trance. Who else could do something as amazing as that? No one but you, Dove'
You watched as Midoriya was knocked too far for your eyes to follow. Dropping the pillar as you gave way to the crushing weight of strain that surrounded your body. Your hands, legs, everything shook as you let go of the breath you had been holding. Eyes snapping to Bakugou, who had now managed to stumble to his feet, leaning and limping you pushed yourself to rush to him as you tackled him.
You both fell back as he welcomed your embrace, face buried in your hair as he felt tears soak through his chest piece, his own tears racing down his face. He soothed you, heart breaking at your tired sobs. He held you tight, not minding the sting from his own wounds as he pressed a kiss against the top of your head. Your arms were locked around him, face pushed into his side as you sobbed, thankful that the nightmare was over.
Some time had passed and other hero's made it to the scene. You were both taken back to the hospital.
-At the hospital. 3 days later. Y/N's POV-
You awoke to the bright sunlight peaking through the dull curtains. You looked around to see your friends and family surrounding you. You smiled as tears ran down your face, thankful you weren't dreaming. You were free. You looked around, disappointed to see that Bakugou was no where to be seen. Mina noticed your smile drop as she signalled for everyone to give you abit of space. You stared at your bed realising that he had left. You let your thoughts get the better of you before a sudden grunt caught your attention. There Bakugou was, in a suit, cuts and bruises still fresh. He had bandages wrapped around his head, his messy blonde hair framing his face as sunlight hit the bouquet he held. He had a small blush on his face as he walked up to your bed handing you the flowers wordlessly. He looked nervous as he looked back to the door, their old classmates ushering him on as he spoke. "Listen I don't know if you meant what you said that day- But I fucking did... So-" He paused swallowing the last of his fears as he spoke "So, will you go out with me? I'll take you somewhere real nice promise. Hell I'll even wear whatever you want, shitty matching outfits and all-" He was cut off when your lips met his, hands around his neck tangling into his hair as you pushed your self up from the hospital bed covers. He was taken back before he leaned down ignoring the cheers from everyone outside the door. You smiled into the kiss before you pulled away, breathless as you held your flowers, enjoying the furious blush that the hero wore once you pulled away. "So was that a yes or-?" he said jokingly as you smacked his arm playfully smiling as you admired him. "Yes Katsuki, I'll go out with you." You said planting another kiss against his check, watching as everyone poured back into the room congratulating you both.
A/N - AHH ITS DONE!! Real talk I really do like how this panned out, though I do apologise if the fight scene was abit of a let down. If you have time or wish too feel free to comment your thoughts on the lil series this became. Be sure to follow if you like my content and stay safe <3 Tag List - @somsomishy THIS IS SO LATE BUT I FORGOT TO TAG YOU SO SORRY @hsxhype
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setagaya-division · 1 year
"We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves." -François de La Rochefoucauld
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Mina Nakayama is the leader of the Setagaya Division rap battle team, ENIGMA. She is often called by her MC name, Mina Murray. A somewhat silent and lonely individual, Mina is, nonetheless, quite popular not only around her school, but also in the city of Setagaya. No one knows the true reason how she is so well-liked, but rumors around her swirl constantly. Like, why does she always keep the bottom part of her face covered, and why she uses a parasol in the daytime...
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Mina is a young woman who looks to be in her late teens. She has orange-yellow eyes that somehow turn blood-red when the sun goes down. She has short blonde hair that goes past her neck in the back and a couple twisted ponytails on both side of her head. She also has bangs that sometimes fall into her eyes. She has a very attractive and noticeable body with long hips and a somewhat large chest.
During the day, Mina, no matter what the weather is like, always bundles up as if she is cold, doing her best to conceal as much of her skin as she can. She wears yellow-orange leather track pants with matching-colored sneakers that are black as well as a leather jacket with gloves. She also wears a black brassiere that reveals her cleavage. She wears a lucky cat charm bracelet on her left wrist which is hidden behind the sleeve of her jacket. Her most noticeable feature is the black facemask she wears to conceal the bottom part of her face.
When the sun goes down, Mina switches to clothing isn't so airtight. She wears a black and yellow-orange skirt that shows off her thong. She wears a black zipped-up midriff and matching-colored fingerless gloves. She still wears her regular sneakers, but now wears black and yellow-orange high socks. Also, she discards her face mask which a rather shocking feature about her face...
Name Meaning
Mina (充) - To fill in and fulfill something that is lacking
Nakayama (中山) - 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 山 meaning mountain.
Mina-san - Elliot
Onee-sama - Yorii
President - Her peers
"Experiment #1260"
Biographical Info
Gender - Female
Age - Unknown (Looks to be 19)
Birthday - May 26
Ethnicity - Half Japanese, Half English
Hair Color - Orange Blonde
Eye Color - Orange (During the day) Blood-Red (At night)
Height - 165 cm/5'5"
Weight - 52 kg/115 lb.
Star Sign - Gemini
Piercings - N/A
Markings - Various faded injection points on her neck.
Adopted Younger Brother
Adopted Youngest Brother
Voiced By - Kagamine Ren (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Mina Murray
Occupation - High School Student
Division - Setagaya
Position - Leader
Favorite Food - Virgin's Blood
Least Favorite Food - Anything Else
Likes - Red Wine, nighttime, the company of others, cats, high places, reading, birds, the color 'red', her "family"
Dislikes - Bright lights, Chuohku, being bound, needles, hiding who she is, crowds, senseless noise, being alone
Hypnosis Microphone
Mina's Microphone is a blood-red piezoelectric microphone in what looks like a vampire bat's mouth connected to a staff, making it look like a staff for a mage or a sorcerer.
Her Speaker takes the form of a giant, floating and androgynous looking Victorian ballroom mask featuring a prominently rounded forehead and ending in a thin, pointy chin and an ominous evil smirk. The mask is missing its right eye and just a deep black hole can be seen in its place. Its left eye contains a red glowing speaker. When Mina begins rapping, the left eye starts shedding copious tears of blood behind the speaker.
Her ability, Huge Bite, has Mina bypassing her opponent's turn and delivering a quick attack on one of her opponents, taking some of their stamina to replenish her own. She can only use this move twice per battle. And when she uses it, she skips her turn.
Mina's rap themes are centered around her life, in general, as well as the love she has for her younger siblings. She raps about her wanting to find out who she truly she is, and wanting to find out more about herself. However, this is only during the day. At night, her tone becomes deeper and more about her wanting to satisfy her "thirst". She raps about wanting to find prey, the nightlife and the supernatural.
A quiet young woman, Mina doesn't exactly like interacting with people much, which is ironic since she hates to be alone. She enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by others, but dislikes large crowds and senseless noise. At school, due to her position as student council president, she is extremely popular and is usually flanked by people who try to communicate with her. She, for the most part, remains silent and just lets them speak, only usually putting a word in. It's not that she doesn't want to talk to her peers or classmates; it's just that she can't really connect with them, or is not interested in whatever it is they may be talking about.
As stated, she is normally quiet and brooding, though she can also be gentle when she needs to be. Even though she rarely opens up to people, she does show concern and worries about the situations of those close to him, especially her family.
Though she hates crowded areas, Mina hates to be alone even more. Whenever she makes a friend, she tries her hardest to protect them, going to hell and back. She is afraid if she doesn't protect them, she will be left alone again, which she doesn't want. The reason for this may be because when she awoke, she had no recollection of where or who she was, and she hated it. However, the real reason for this is because of her "other side"...
In times of stress, or when night descends upon Japan, another side of Mina comes out. She discards her shy, introverted nature and changes drastically. She trashes her previous ideology of "being hurt rather than hurting others," pledging to crush those who dared threaten her friends or place of belonging. She adopts a hunter-like personality and treats her foes as, as she calls them, 'delicious meat bags'. She accepts the dark side of her, and seems reluctant to change back to her old self. In contrast to her "good side", her "dark side" shows no concern for other people besides herself and will do anything to survive, regardless of the cost.
The difference between the two personalities often forms a conflict between them. Mina's "good side" often hesitates or shies away from stressful situations, which forces her "dark side" to take over in order to protect them both. Her "dark side" also feels that by refusing to fight, her "light side" is forcing their opinion onto others. Despite this, the two side manage to co-exist with one another, and, in times of crisis, work effectively together, making a dangerous unit.
One thing the two do find some middle ground on is that they both wish to remember their pasts, and how they came to be as they are. And though they don't know why, for some reason, they can't help but feel that Chuohku may or may not be responsible, due to the fact that Mina gets a splitting headache whenever Chuohku comes up.
As stated, Mina is a good friend once you get past her cold exterior. She cares deeply for Elliot and Yorii, affectionately calling them her "younger brothers". She cares about them both very much, and woe to anyone who does anything to hurt them.
*Coming soon*
As stated, she often uses a parasol and wears airtight clothing to protect her from the sun. She doesn't burn up from being out in it, but it does, for some reason, make her more lethargic and weak.
Her experiment numbers are what most mathematicians classify as "vampire numbers".
Though she is student council president, her title is really just a formality since she lets others on the council make the decisions.
Her body, for some reason, cannot handle certain foods, which is why she sticks to a liquid diet.
She doesn't know her actual age or birthday. She looks to be in her late teen's, however (Her birthday is a reference to the day that Dracula was created by Bram Stoker).
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