#and they're both floral
chippdhearts · 4 months
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Carla Gugino and shawls with a lot of fringe The Buccaneers (1995)//The Haunting of Hill House (2018)
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foxcort · 30 days
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Nesta should’ve known better than to tell her not to do something.
written for day 3: alternate universe of @feylinweek. / or dusk court princess feyre and spring court prince tamlin au 🌹
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a/n: a note beforehand for some revised world building: so instead of the canon version of everyone celebrating 'holidays/events' in their own court, i thought it would be cooler if the celebrations were held in the court themed after it! for example everyone would go to the spring court for calanmai, summer court for summer solstice, night court for starfall, etc. and i've done just that for the summer solstice celebration in this little fic! oh and also high ladies are just a normal Thing in this au.
tw: it gets kinda risqué towards the end but nothing explicit
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“Keep clear of Bhaltair’s sons.” Nesta’s whisper, so close to the shell of her ear, sent an involuntary shiver up Feyre’s back, even as she glanced up and across the crowded Summer Palace at the three honey-blond males standing near the High Lord of Spring like sentinels.
An irritated gust of wind left Nesta’s lips. “Don’t look.”
“Sorry.” She wasn’t. Nesta should’ve known better than to tell her not to do something.
“Just— Be careful.” Her sister’s eyes rolled, mouth set in a thin line. “From what I hear, they’re not a far step from their father.” And with that she set a path towards the gardens, no doubt seeking Elain, the dusky purple of her dress trailing after her.
Sipping delicately at the faerie wine clutched in her hand, Feyre risked another glimpse at the offending High Lord and his sons, eyes peering over her glass, guided by the almost electric feeling in the air brought on by the Summer Solstice celebrations.
The eldest was standing closest to his father, an air of arrogance strong enough for her to feel from even across the room surrounding him. He spoke in tandem to the High Lord’s cadence — learning how to play court politics from someone who was well versed in it — as other High Fae sought them out.
The second, most distinguishable from the generous length of his hair, did nothing to hide the bored, irritated look on his face, though he stood diligently by his father and brothers’ sides.
The youngest . . . Feyre’s gaze lingered on him where he stood behind them all. He was dressed similarly to his brothers, in rich, airy clothing of warm greens and wood brown, though the tunic clung a little tighter to his chest than the others. His head was angled slightly downward, arms loosely clasped behind him, a neutral expression on his face.
A flicker of kindred loneliness flew through her. Bhaltair and the High Lady of the Dusk Court were not so different in the ways they showed their youngest children affection.
As if he could feel that twinge of emotion, his eyes suddenly lifted, brilliant green cutting through the room and snagging onto hers. Feyre nearly jumped, dropping her gaze and taking another sip of the faerie wine to busy herself, as her heart thundered in her chest. When she gained the courage to peek in his direction again, she saw he was no longer looking at her, but a wide, dimpled smile curved his mouth.
It was her turn to make an irritated noise, setting her glass down on the nearest table, and weaving effortlessly through the crowd, intent on not sparing the youngest another glance. The cacophony of the celebrations slowly died out as she walked further and further away, making the sound of following footsteps all the more prominent.
Still, she didn't look back.
Not until it felt like she and him were the only two people in the entire Summer Palace. Only then did she stop short, abruptly grabbing the door handle to what she knew was an empty room and threw it open. A soft laugh chased her in, and the two of them stumbled into the dark room, his hand finding hers, fingers twining as he placed a kiss upon the back of it.
The door closed shut. "Did I do something wrong?" Even in the dark, she could hear the smile in his voice.
Feyre didn't pull her hand from his — she'd missed the touch of him too much — but she held herself from completely melting in his embrace. "Besides making it very obvious that we're not exactly strangers?"
He was quiet for a moment, his thumb stroking over her skin. "It's not easy when you look at me like that." Something kicked in her chest at the soft way he teased her. Not at the insinuation that her own perusal of him wasn't very stealthy either. But at the thoughts, the feelings that had occupied her for the briefest of seconds.
He had felt it — that drop of loneliness welling within her — even with a crowd of fae between them.
Understanding that she wasn't ready to speak about it yet, he went to his knees in front of her, one hand stroking up her bare leg, through the slit down the side of her dress. "I know a few ways I could beg for forgiveness."
Heat scorched through her and his palm felt like a brand upon her skin. Feyre's breath hitched, "Then beg."
A sharp, feral grin replaced his moments-ago soft laughter and Feyre was reminded that despite all the pleasantry and the fine clothing, he was as wild and unbidden as a spring storm.
But before he could put that mouth to good use, her fingers clutched at his chin and she tilted his face upward, earning a low chuckle of approval. "Tamlin," she warned, "Watch your claws this time." Feyre felt his fingers flex over the back of her thigh, rising higher. "It was easy to convince mother the tear in my dress was my own clumsiness, but I think Nesta's suspicious."
Tamlin turned his face into the palm of her hand, placing a kiss there as he murmured, "I'll be careful. I'm sorry."
Again, she felt that kick to her heart. And the image of him kneeling in front of her, the husky confession falling from his lips, the thrill of being cloaked in darkness— control and caution was quickly slipping through her fingers.
Feyre pulled him upward even as she descended, meeting him halfway in a searing kiss. He quickly rose to his feet again, lifting her into his arms, her thighs framing his hips, her back pressed against the nearest wall. Until there was not even a breath of space between them.
"Tamlin." A breathless gasp of his name. Somewhere between a demand and a plea, and he understood as he traced his affections over her skin.
Here, in this clandestine pocket of their world, she could pretend they were miles away.
Here, she felt the rhythm of his heart beneath her palms and knew that it beat for her.
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a/n: basically what if the secret rendezvous utm was done in a less stressful (less lives on the line) situation. named after the moonvine flower because they bloom at dusk (feyre) + they're flowers (tamlin) can you tell im so good at fic titles. hope you guys enjoyed this one!
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Very strange outfit that is sort of like.. a mix of my current style (pattern mixing, pom poms, fun sandals) combined with how I dressed when I was like 10 years old. The stereotypical skelanimals hoodie vest and the skull t-shirt lol.. 
#self#kit the cat you will always be famous#all that like 2004 - 2008 emo & scene fashion is kind of like goth fashion in that I largely am not into it really but ALSO I can respect#elements of the aesthetic. Especially pattern mixing. plaid with stripes?? with checker print also?? Very cool. Less with scene stuff since#the patterns were all like#animal prints which was worse hghjbjh.. cheeta print with zebra print with checkers is a little weirder. I think I just don't like animal#prints though. Striped parts of hair are cool though still actually to me unironically like. If it wasn't so associated with sceney stuff#still I would maybe have some stripes lol#Googling skelanimals now most of it is unappealing to me but there are a few things that are cool. there's a jacket that has stripes and#heart print mixed together. Do I just really like pattern mixing?? ghbjhbhj.. that seems like the qualification.#T-shirt? no . boring. I hate it. Will never wear it. Same exact t-shirt in the same exact style except part of it is floral and the other pa#rt is striped and it also has like lace lining or something so it's more detailed looking? wow . perfect. I love it.#Silly skull animal hoodie in plain black? boring. no. never. Same hoodie but now each sleeve is a diferent pattern? Wow.. truly amazing#I can be won over by anything that's gaudy/busy/over complicated. That quote about like ''once you think your outfit is perfect remove one#more accesory'' or whatever about minimalism and not overcomplicating a look except the opposte. Once you think your outfit is perfect add 8#more items. also they all should be different patterns. hghjbhj#ANYWAY.. I do like some of the concepts of some of the older fashion. Like t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt and they're both different#patterns. and then a skirt that's a different pattern. and some tights or socks that are also assymetrical or some like complimentary#other pattern. Stripes + plaid especially. Famous combination. And the having like 667495789789 little plastic bracelets. No idea what was#up with that since I'm too socially out of touch especially when I was in school (I remember hearing that like some colors#of bracelet mean different things or something) but it was an interesting aesthetic. And the wrist bands#The t-shirt is from walmart from when I think I wasnt even in middle school yet still late elementary school and I remember thinking it was#the coolest thing ever because usually you had to go to hot topic or something to get clothes with skulls on them. And it's so so weird look#ing like. the colors?? are ugly and shouldnt work but actually I still kind of like the aesthetic. green with pink and weird mustardy yellow#and gray??? Maybe I only like it because it has different patterns (skulls + checkers + dots + hearts)#Anyway it's a really funny t-shirt to me. One of those weird items that is captivating for some reason#And the hoodie I actually owned a long time ago too. but I think I got it later. I had one other skelanimals thing which was a jacket and it#was like 5 sizes too big for me which I loved. And I remember being really obsessed with the font they used on their tags and trying to#replicate writing that way. not the newer gothy one. but the old logo font like.. it looks like Curlz MT or something lol
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idk-man-why-not · 2 years
no 1 goal in life is to get top sugery so i can get at least one massive chest tattoo
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sheyshen · 2 years
while i’m on the screw major companies kick, i’d like to add in an enthusiastic screw you to amazon, and walmart, but mostly amazon.
two of the major local grocery store companies that are in my town are merging because amazon is driving them out of business. (albertsons and kroger) I have my own personal grievances with albertsons from working at jewel for a few years a few years back, but i’d rather not see them go down because of amazon.
#you wanna knock jewel down a peg because of how they over work their employees and are severely understaffed? go right ahead#also that i'm sure they're still very underpaid because i was all three of those and that's why i quit#for context i worked as a florist there. where when i was hired we were a team of 3 but when one of us left they never hired anyone new#so it was 2 people running an entire department alone#i was working on average 60 hour weeks with no breaks and would have to skip my lunch often cause i had to run home to care for my mom#i was never trained as a designer even though they dangled the option in front of me constantly but just never signed off on it#but i was designing floral arrangements most of the day every day#i was doing manager work while being only an associate in title and they consistently refused to give me a raise so i was stuck at $8 an hou#i was sexually harassed and when reporting it to the store manager he told me that it'd be an anonymous report#and then proceeded to make the person i reported apologize to my face at work while on work hours#so of course now the whole store knew i reported him#i kept bothering both my lead at the time and the store manager to hire at least one more person for our team but neither did so#and when speaking about how i wanted better hours and a raise my lead at the time laughed it off saying she didn't get paid much either#so i ended up quitting#and when the store manager begged me to stay i told him i would if he would give me a good raise and better hours#and when he just went quiet i just said 'then i'm sorry but i'm not changing my mind'#the team next to ours had a really cool lead and he'd help me out now and then. the rest of the store thought he was mean though lol#but like all that? that's stuff i'd rather see jewel get hit because of. not because of amazon of all places
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
Shorty Squad, Unite!
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"Hear ye, hear ye. I officially call this meeting of the vertically challenged to order."
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"Hey! Vertically challenged? That's what we're calling ourselves? And I'm taller than you, what am I doing here??"
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"I'm taller than you as well, Edna. I don't see the point of this."
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"And I'm the same height as Jay! Don't you think it's a stretch to call us a Shorty Squad?"
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"What's wrong with being short?"
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"All of you, shut up!"
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"We're all shorter than the majority of our friends. Hence the Shorty Squad, as Rinwell called us."
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"That's not fair. I'm taller than Karol-"
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"Any other objections?"
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"No. I'm quite all right, thank you. Proceed."
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"N-No complaints here, either."
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"No complaints. Let's call ourselves the Shorty Squad."
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"It's settled, then. Thanks for the name suggestion, Rinwell."
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"Ah... sure."
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"As I was saying. The first official meeting of the Shorty Squad is hereby begun. In this club, we will discuss how annoying it is to be looked down upon by our friends for being small. And what we can do about it."
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"Also, everyone is to bring palmiers to the next meeting. Any questions? No? Good. Meeting adjourned."
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"Our club leader is... quite commanding."
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"No kidding! Who the hell put her in charge, anyway?"
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"Jay? Rita? Edna thinks that she should be the leader. So let's let her be the leader. Okay?"
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"Can't exactly argue with that logic..."
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"Yes you can!"
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"Yes you can!"
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bitchimasnake-sss · 1 month
Imagine telling op guys who has a crush on you, that you want to sleep with them. You just plop down next to them cuddle into them and fall asleep. It's just hem turning red and trying to calm down their thoughts
hehe, this is legit so cute. (tweaked the prompt to be a little more suggestive than just thoughts in the end.)
not a dream ft. the monster trio!
set-up: as anon asked! you happened to utter five simple words, "can i sleep with you?" to the op boys (who have a crush crush on you). now these idiots are contemplating if they'd make it out alive.
warnings: includes nsfw thoughts!! no actual things happen but the guys are thinking very very perverted shit, so, if not comfortable please skip!!!
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💗 you know luffy. do you think luffy— the guy who clings to everyone, doesn't know the word "personal" and "space", who will probably hug you even if you threatened to punch him— will really mind if you told him you wanted to sleep with him? fuck no. even if you stood in front of him with a "i like you, i wanna sleep with you" in a suggestive way, he would say something along the lines of "awh, i like you too. let's sleep."
💗 but well, this was different. cause he liked you. so when you decided to show up at his door after dinner with a cranky look, he was both confused and intrigued. "what's wrong with ya?" the captain mumbled as you sat next to him on the bed. "chopper and ussop. ugghhh." you groaned, "they're doing some stupid shit next door and making so much noise. there is no possible way i can sleep there. and im sure nobody else will let me crash with them tonight in their room." luffy would have probably leapt up and gone to join the other two fools had you not sprawled out next to him. you gave him a tired smile, "so, can i sleep with you?" 💗you hadn't even waited for an answer. mindlessly, you draped a hand over his torso and snuggled into his chest. he pulled you towards himself on instinct. this was normal. yeah. hugging a crewate. yeah. totally normal. atleast for him. then why was his heart beating so fast? mouth going dry? why was sweat clinging uncomfortably to his back although he knew the night air was frigid? 💗you shifted and your chest brushed against his. luffy swallowed wantonly as you shifted again. and then one more time. trying to find the most comfortable position, he guessed. mechanically, you pushed yourself further against him. and this motherfucker went as stiff as a washboard. "luffy?" you mumbled against his skin before tracing your eyes upward. from this position, your doe-eyes bore into his, "you don't mind right? it's just really cold, sorry." how could he mind? your soft body was against his. your fingers drummed faint melodies against his back and your hair smelled like some floral scented shampoo. every time you breathed out, the warm air caressed him and goosebumps painted his hands. he felt your peaked chest brush against his again and he almost swallowed his own tongue. "luffy?" you asked again, your voice saccharine. and he vaguely wondered how would the same voice sound if he tore open that flimsy top your were wearing and held your soft skin against his palm. or if he took the courage enough to dip his fingers below the waistband of your pajamas and felt you up. would you say his name like that? 💗 well, fuck. this was the captain had thought so much in his entire life. and they were thoughts about feeling up his crewmate's tits. and, as a result of such vigorous thinking, a problem had arose in his pants. he tried to think it away. tried thinking about sea-kings or hideous devil-fruit users. of alvida. or anyone else. he even tried to think of food so that his attention could be diverted. but even the most tastiest of sanji's pudding couldn't take away the throbbing in his cock. and the delicious feeling of your soft skin next to his. as a last resort, he prayed that you wouldn't shift more and feel his dick against you. he prayed you would take his silence as rejection and simply drift off to sleep. but ofcourse, this is a godless land. because you moved again. and when you felt his hard-on against your thigh, you looked up at him. lips caught between your teeth, blinking up at him almost innocently, you asked, "got a problem, captain?" before he could answer, you pressed forward, "i think i can fix it." on the other side of the ship nami burst into chopper and ussop's room. when she yelled, it probably could be heard over the entire ship, "LET US SLEEP, YOU MORONS. WE HAVE A LONG DAY TOMORROW. GO SLEEP OR I'LL FINE YOU BOTH A MILLION BERRIES PER MINUTE THAT YOU'RE UP." you're not sure if it was chopper or ussop crying in the distance. but oh well, you have a captain to please 🤭
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💚zoro's not even fucking sure how he ended up like this. he's sure it involved some higher-than-tolerable level of alcohol for both the parties involved. and he's sure it must have been your idea that he had drunkenly complied with. "let's sleep together" "okay" what was he thinking? because right now, you were sprawled against his chest. both of you were on his bed. his shirt was off, yours was barely on. a bit of drool peaked out from the corner of your lips. and he found himself quietly rubbing it away with the pad of his thumb, smiling softly to himself. ew?! was he still drunk?? as the realization set in, he pulled his hands back in wicked horror and looked around as if someone had seen him. it was still night, and in the middle of the night, the effects of the cheap booze must have wore off of him and he awoke to you as his bed. 💚"hey." he tried to shake you awake but you just groaned, sinking further into him. he hissed when you buried your face against his bare skin. he whisper-shouted, ignoring the goosebumps on both of your skins, "wake up. go back to your own room, woman." but you didn't shift an inch. instead, you stayed buried against him. he groaned but when his eyes fell back to your face, he couldn't help but fight off the impending blush that crawled up his face. your hair was a mess and your cheek was squished against his chest. you breathed softly and sometimes, your fingers twitched against his skin and you touched him fleetingly. and you were warm. too warm for his liking. he tried to look away but his hand carefully came up to your face. staying there not a moment too long, he dragged it downwards. over your shoulders and over your back. he stopped before he went too far and grabbed your ass, the curve so delicious in his eyes. but he stopped, pulling his hands back to lay on the linen sheets. he was a horny man, not an evil douche. 💚but you must have been hell-bent in proving flaws in his moral-code, because you shifted and your pelvis shifted over his. he bit back a grunt at the movement over the fabric. you were so cozy against him. the way you brushed up against him, the way your hair tickled him. would you like it if he pulled your hair? would you moan? god, what would you sound if you moaned out his name? he was a bad man. thinking all of those things. and he tried to focus on anything but the blood-rush to his dick, really, but the way you started moving against him, almost mechanically. god. that made all attempts to ignore his boner disappear. his hips moved upwards and he closed his eyes, giving into the friction of you against him. soft moans fell from his lips, hips still moving upwards to graze your clothed thighs. 💚"zoro?" you mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eye. you strained your neck up and he looked down at you, dazed. "you okay, zo?" when he found himself unable to talk and you found a harsh roll of hips under you, you connected the dots. a playful smile tugged on your lips, "need some help?" "no." the swordsman swallowed thickly. "fine." you shrugged, clamoring off him. your hips swayed as you made a futile attempt to find your discarded shorts somewhere in the room. you gave him a lingering look, "i should go back to my room. the crew will freak out if they find us like this." "no." he caught your wrist, tugging you towards him, "stay. i could use some help." 💚in the morning, sanji walked into the swordman's room to see if the moron could find you somewhere since you were nowhere to be found on the ship. what he found, instead, was you and the mosshead tangled in his sheets. when you and zoro had finally made it to the breakfast table, sanji may/may not have been crying. luffy, ussop and chopper were laughing in the background. nami decided it was a good enough reason to even high-five zoro. it was an awkward breakfast.
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💙sanji was probably in heaven. yes, that's the only explanation. sure, the ship was en route to alabasta but he was on his way to heaven. because there's no way you had come seeking him out in the middle of the night. you had said, "i can't sleep." "oh?" the cook had wordlessly stepped aside and you took on the opportunity to slip in. he shut the door behind you, "can i help you then, love? want me to cook something?" "i would have really not bothered you but i don't know who else to ask. nami and vivi are sleeping together and the bed's not big for the three of us." you rambled, "and zoro probably showered five months ago. and luffy, ussop and chopper are passed out in the common room. so... can i sleep with you?" it's a miracle he didn't pass out on hearing those words. it's an even bigger miracle that that was three hours ago and he had still not passed out. now, sanji lay next to you— as stiff as a corpse— while you snored. your body shifted and your hands reached out towards sanji. your palm ran up and down his torso as to check if he was there. and once you had gotten a confirmation, you scooted in his direction and sanji held his breath as if one wayward puff of air will wake you up. 💙vinsmoke sanji was trying. he was trying o maintain his composure, to not pull you into his chest. he was trying not to think about the way your chest will feel against his, the way his fingers will glide over your thighs, the way your hand will fit around his dic— and it was as if you could hear his wretched thoughts. because your hands moved over his torso. gliding up and down. you leaned into his touch, molding your body against his. you might have been having an interesting dream cause he saw your hips gently rocking, your thighs pressed harder and you eyes clenched shut. you buried your head into his chest and the smell of your shampoo seemed to turn him on more. he ignored his weeping dick, decided to pay it no mind. but all of that resolve crumbled when he heard you moan his name into the fabric across his chest. your nails dug into his shoulders and your nose buried as deeply as it could against his skin. 💙 he gently guided his fingers to your thighs. and you shook under his soft touches. his thumb softly brushed over your clothed pussy and bucked towards his hand. he could probably just feel you up and you'd let him— "—shit." sanji quickly brought his hand back, realizing that you were sleeping and out of it. even if your lips chanted his name, he couldn't do the things his mind was convincing him to do. because if he started, he wouldn't stop. 💙so, to get himself rid of such sinful thoughts, he decided to hide in the shower and pump at his hard cock till he was tired. till you crawled out of his head. till your voice stopped ringing in his ears, making his cock impossibly harder. he slowly pushed you away, trying to climb off the bed. but as soon as you felt his warmth disappear, you cracked open an eye, "sanji?" "uh" his face went red, eyes averting, "just going to the washroom. i'd be back." you sat up, "did i go too far?" sanji's mouth hung agape as you pulled him back into bed, "i thought you wanted me to moan your name like that—" "—wh-what?" "i had a dream." you innocently traced your index nail down his torso and brushed it over his sleeping shorts, "think you can help me?" you blinked up at him, "pretty please." 💙 the next morning, the cook of the crew made the worst breakfast possible. wasn't his fault. all he could think about was you and your breathless moans and your eyes as— "this tastes like shit." the swordman argued. "thEN MAKE IT YOURSELF, FREELOADER." "might as well if you're gonna cook so bad." "—i think it tastes fine." nami sighed, "if i knew you getting some would make you a terrible cook, i would have let (yn) sleep with me and vivi." and the entire ship choked on their (terrible) breakfast.
a/n: i tweaked the prompt a bit (as i was getting stuck with the original ask), but i hope this was good enough anon!! as always, thanks for reading and send in req that you might have <3 (tagging: @bokutosbiceps cause i know you love luffy)
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elainemorisi · 1 year
today's inexplicable secondhand clothing packaging award goes go the *men's boots* I just received, shipped absolutely bare in a too-big single layer cardboard box... and reeking of laundry detergent
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buckyalpine · 7 months
Winter soldier x reader ft sex pollen
Unhinged winter soldier with sex pollen. This is wildly inappropriate (with some fluff?...) but I thought of it so you must all suffer with me. Imagine Hydra filling the room with sex pollen immediately after Buck is wiped, sending him out at in his most feral state in hopes that the winter soldier will lose control and give into the urges they've forced into him. They need him to breed another super soldier since they were unable to replicate the serum in his veins.
As soon as the dust fills the room, his pupils dilate, his tac suit far too hot, his veins pumping so hard they feel like they're going to burst. The straps holding him down release and his chest is heaving, trying to calm down the primal needs hes feeling, pain prickling his skin the longer he stays in the room. He grunts, striding out of the room and into the night, chasing a craving he has to get out.
He moves without a soul detecting him, until a sweet scent catches his attention. Floral, natural, innocent. Fertile. He's suddenly hyper focused on the thing his body is screaming for, following the unsuspecting woman, his teeth grinding through the pain. She enters a building and he observes each window before seeing a lights turn on, her nude silhouette appearing through the curtains.
It takes no effort for him to climb up the fire escape, easily prying the locked window open only to be met with the sound of the shower running. Her scent permeates all his senses and he nearly strips off all his clothes then and there, the pollen causing lust that makes his bones ache. The water shuts off and hes waiting like a predator waiting for its prey, sitting perfectly still while the door clicks open. She gasps and freezes in place and he sight alone makes him growl.
Pathetic little bunny.
"Who-who are you" she whispers, clutching her towel tightly together though it's not like she didn't know. Tears fill her eyes seeing the deadly soldier people spoke about, unsure if he even existed, the very rumor now sitting on her bed. He doesn't anything, groaning at the feeling of his arousal steadily dripping from his cock, palming his erection.
"Please-don't" She shakes her head, seeing his hardness pressing against his pants, his large presence suffocating because she knows there's no where to run. He slips his mask off, revealing his dangerously handsome face, his eyes wild with lust and need.
"But I have to" He grits out, stalking over to her and grabbing her by the waist, burying his nose in her freshly washed hair, deeply groaning at the scent of her bodywash, "mne eto nuzhno, zayka" [I need this, bunny]
"No-I-I'll do anything-" She trembles, squeezing her eyes shut feeling his warm wet tongue lick up her neck as his mismatched hands rip her towel away, pulling her hips flush against his cock. The rough material of his tactical hear scratches her soft skin, making her whimper when when he bites her shoulder.
"takoy myagkiy krolik" [such a soft bunny] He throws her like a doll, her ass bouncing off the mattress, flat on her back back while he undoes his pants, pulling his cock out. She squeezes her legs shut, shaking her head, his fat bobbing length taunting her as he pumps himself while crawling onto the bed.
"It hurts bunny" He groans, forcing her legs apart, her natural scent nearly causing pain as he stares at her pussy. Her button between her legs involuntarily twitches and he pinches it hard making her squeal, the sound causing a drop of precum to spill out.
His head is so focused on getting his release, he doesn't bother prepping her, shoving his cock into her tight cunt, grunting and forcing his length in when he feels resistance. He stars to fuck her hard, holding both wrists in his metal hand, keeping her pinned under him while he splits her open.
"Hurts-too much-to big-stop-" She gasps out her pained cries melting into muddled moans of pleasure, her own body betraying her, feeling her own warmth wetting his cock making it easier for him to slip in and out. "Oh god-soldat-stop-don't-
"You're wet" He hisses, almost accusatorily, pounding her harder, faster until the bed shakes and scratches the floor, the serum pumping in his veins making his cock sensitive.
"I need this-I need it" Sweat beads at his forehead, his balls feeling heavier than usual, the pollen causing his body to produce more semen than he naturally would.
"YA chuvstvuyu zapakh, kakoy ty mokryy, zayka" [I can smell how wet you are bunny] His balls throb painfully, his cock ready to burst as his thrusts become more erratic. He snarled against her neck as pleasure starts to lick up his spine, the bruising grip on her wrists tightening as he starts to pump her full of his load without warning.
She whimpers feeling shame for the delicious stretch of his cock, her cunt fluttering, swollen from his abusive pace. She finds herself flipped over with her ass in the air, her face pressed against the sheets, his cock rock hard again, prodding at her puffy folds.
"Not done-need more" he growls lowly, stripping his clothes off, his body heat dialed to 100. His crotch is covered in cum, a mix of his and hers, the smell of her driving him insane as he grabs her hips and slams her to meet his thrusts again. He has more power at this angle, fucking her like a mad man, groaning with his head thrown back, eyes rolled to the back of his head, only focused on pleasuring his cock.
"Ty shlyukha Zimnego soldata, ty voz'mesh' to, chto ya tebe dayu" [You're the winter soldier's whore, you'll take what I give you] He's at his most unhinged, grunting and groaning, fucking her like an animal, her muffled screams only causing his cock to swell more. "Make me feel good, make it go away bunny"
"Soldat please stop-too big" she begs and he fucks her harder, making her moan, pulling another orgasm out of her body even if she fought against it. His thighs meet the back of hers, rolling and rocking his hips, hitting her cervix until her sweet juices squirt out of her, obscene sounds of skin on skin filling he room. "SOLDAT"
"I have to breed you bunny" He shakes his head, unwilling to leave until he's sure she's pregnant with his child, forcing every bit of his cum into her. "My fertile little bunny" He nips your skin, running his hands over her tummy, imaging it firm and round with his baby growing inside. He loved the thought of such an unsuspecting, sweet angel carrying the child of he soldier, all of his cum making a mess in her pussy.
By the last round, the pollen has started to dissipate and the cloud is lifting. He pants, still rutting into her pussy, something tugging at his conscious, shaking his head when the lusty animalistic haze weavers.
"T-tell me your name" He rasps, his heart beating wildly, loosening his grip on her. She whimpers from pain and to her surprise, he slowly down, still grinding himself in, burying her face into her neck. "zayka, pozhaluysta" [bunny, please]
"Y/n" she whispers, unsure of why she told him, her voice catching in her throat when his lips press against her skin. She's limp in his hold, the smell of sex permeating the room, the sheets soaked with his cum, but nothing more full than her cunt.
"Y/n" He moans, his body trembling as he nears the end of his final release, stilling till he's milked himself dry, her soft body worn under him. Something is wrong, he can feel it, the emotionless control he had before, slipping from his grasp. He yearns to hold the woman in his arms but he can't .Something stops him.
His movements are robotic as he pulls away and slips his clothes back on, memories unfamiliar to him flashing through his mind.
He wasn't the soldier.
He was-
Her soft snores pull her from his spiral, looking up to seeing her sleeping form, fucked out from the way he'd ruined her. He frowns at the unfamiliar feeling of concern he's experiencing, pulling the covers over her body.
"Thank you bunny" He whispers, making her whine in her sleep, calling for the soldier.
He shakes his head, his previously wild replaced with those of a young man from Brooklyn.
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
So for basically my whole life I'd grown up with and was resigned to accept that the chinese concept of formal/nice clothing of my and the previous generation has been western clothes. So at any awards ceremonies or performances, entertainers would show up mostly in western suits/dresses and maaaaaybe you'll spot the occasional cheongsam if they're going for a Wong Fei Hong vibe. Which, you know, kinda sucks if you have any concept of western cultural imperialism in asia.
So when the hanfu revivalist movement started, I was waiting to see when it would enter the mainstream -- my hope was for fashion designers to integrate traditional/dynastic elements into their work and make it common place enough that I can buy this shit online for ME. Because I WANT.
Though some of the designs can be a bit hit or miss, I am LOVING what various stars and entertainers are wearing out and about now.
Anyway - here's a collection of Xiao Shunyao's modern hanfu inspired/hybridized stage outfits from the last couple years. For his MLC performances, his stylists seem to be borrowing inspiration from his Di Feisheng and possibly other character costume silhouettes.
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I'd been seeing a few comments about how his outfits play with gender - and some of his outfits do! But I think the interesting thing to discuss is from which standard is he playing with gender? Because from a western perspective, the things he does with his western suit tops, belting on top of the jacket for a tightly cinched waist, and the addition of a trailing skirt = femme. But if you're talking from a hanfu-hybridized pov, that's just a modern take on hanfu and having any of those elements is not inherently femme and would often read masc to me.
So these things aren't necessarily gendered because they exist traditionally in chinese men's clothing or costume designs (ie video games, comics, historical fiction illustrations and film, etc, so therefore in the modern lexicon of masculine/acceptable for men):
presence or lack of a skirt
silky, velvety, gauzy or sparkly material choice, esp in formal or stage clothing
short or long length of skirt
flowers/floral/bird designs
folding fans
certain styles of makeup
beading, gold, tassels, jewels
non-chunky jewelry
widely flowing silhouettes
What XSY's stylists are doing with some western clothing items are interesting. I'm convinced there have been one or two western jacket tops made of thinner material that they're folding over the front, and belting down instead of buttoning (which then matches with his other outfits that are designed specifically to do this). Then they're adding a skirt, cloak or bracer element to it.
The western portions often bring a military minimalist feel which they balance with a more gauzy material in the skirt or cloak portions.
Things I think are playing with gender:
row 1 - image 1: red di feisheng-inspired outfit
The lace-up girdle is there to match the bracers in both material and style. And it's positioned to be similar to the heavy belt that Di Feisheng wears. HOWEVER. That style of girdle/corset-like clothing item can't be divorced from the modern idea of sexy leather corsets. So imo, this waist piece on that outfit was a choice. Especially when paired with his allergic-to-collars-higher-than-his-sternum necklines. And if you take into context how masculine yet female coded his character is in the drama, the whole look evokes that.
row 2, image 1: black western suit with belt on top, hat, cloak, black boots and not-visible but also a black tassel fringe skirt
Hat and cloak moves the intention of the outfit from western toward a more Asian slant, because alone, it looks like a western black suit with western heeled boots, cinched waist with a lady's belt (seated photoshoot) and western style tassel skirt. The suit top consists of a vest and a shrug-like sleeve portion that appears masculine at first glance. But take the shrug and pair it with the tassel skirt (I can't find the red carpet photos but here is a better view of the skirt when seated), and I think you got a look that's both intentionally edging toward the femme in a western sense but also confusing matters by hiding within the parameters of both western and chinese traditional male styling.
row 2 - image 2 : white asymetrical western jacket styled in a front fold-over style, gauze skirt, trailing pearl embellishments
The more traditional leaning version of this is the white outfit in row 3 that he wears to the Hi6 Hello Saturday variety show -- the skirt portion on that outfit is one I'd consider non-gendered. Row 1, images 2 and 3 are examples of masculine/neutral uses of gauze that plays with flow of form but isn't inherently femme. This stage outfit is very western-appearing masculine suiting, until you hit the skirt which is giving me long ballerina tie-on skirt with the additional swan/mermaid pearl strings. Imo, another example of deliberately using traditional masculine styling but switching it up with the combination of material choice and make that is feminine.
row 2, image 3: black space military boots, black suiting, black -silver ombre sequin trailing skirt and white gauzy shawl with black floral design
The over all design is going for a masculine military-feel. (think this outfit for shen langhun) But instead of a thicker military cloak, it's replaced with a woman's gauze shawl and a skirt that trails behind him very much like the back of a woman's formal fish-tail gown when he moves around. If you take into context Wang Herun's outfit is a white-silver sequined dress cut in a way to also give a space-military-queen vibe, imo they both coordinated their outfits to balance out with both femme and masc qualities.
Thoughts? I'm curious what others think about this.
While I wait for the CNY photoshoot for XSY's red and black look, here's him with his stage collaborators with a nice range of skirt lengths, period influences and material choices. The woman in the center is the one with the most military-fighter design out of the bunch. The dudes are all in variations of formal-wear-with-good-kicking-boots (and lots of crotch space).
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racke7 · 2 years
Still playing Disgaea 5, and I was poking around my Prinnies (I have 18 of them, because I have way too many characters) and realized that I did have one Prinny with maxed-out extract-HP (aka, 1 billion HP).
Got a bit curious, so I gave it Wild Power (50% more HP), Breath of Life (10% more HP), and then used both Focused Bomb (100% of HP as dmg when exploding) and Focused Grenade (150% of HP as dmg when exploding).
Unfortunately, it seems like only Focused Grenade counts if you combine them. Which means that when I use it with a dedicated thrower (2x dmg from prinny-throwing) I only do about 5,1 billion dmg.
It should get a bit higher if I ever find some maxed out gear for it, but I’m working on the Barefoot X right now and they’re a pain in the ass. (Not to mention how much I’ve come to despise trying to dupe items, thanks to trying to equip all of my actual dmg-dealers with my new maxed-out sword.)
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drawsmaddy · 23 days
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[ID: A digital drawing of Keyleth and Orym from Critical Role. They're both wearing modern clothing and Orym is taking a photo of Keyleth on a smartphone. Keyleth is wearing a pair of jeans with floral embroidery on the sides and a cropped white tank top. She's holding a drinks can in her right hand and holding up her left hand in a peace sign and looking towards Orym's phone camera. Orym is holding his phone up and wearing a tight fitting short sleeved black top with a green tank top over the top. End description.]
A kofi doodle request for @xombigirl!
You can request a doodle yourself here!
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p1utofairy · 9 months
PAC: “you just like my sidekick, i just wanna ride…fulfill all your desires.” ♾️🕊️🖤
• what will the courting stage be like?
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. hope you all enjoy! p.s. don't be afraid to submit me your thoughts on my pacs.
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pile 1 💒 —
hiii pile 1 welcome to your reading! right away i'm already hearing that you and your person share similar values and morals in the sense of how a relationship should be built on honesty, loyalty and trust. your person is veryyy traditional like when you two go out together, they'll want to treat you. or if you see something you really like they'll go out of their way to make sure you have it. they'll have a strong urge to provide for you, and at first you might be a little wary of this because you don't want them thinking that you need them for everything or that you'll become co-dependent (but that's not the case at all) they just want you to know that they'll always be there for you; if you need them. as you start getting to know them more, i think you'll be more open to being spontaneous and embarking on a fresh and exciting journey with them. i feel like you're a bit guarded/protective of your heart and although you really want this relationship with them…the fact that you'll be so open and vulnerable scares you. fear not, pile 1. be willing to embrace the unknown because your person is going to value and appreciate you so much! i just heard "like the royalty you are." OKAYYYY! let it happen by tame impala is coming to mind, "just let it happen, let it happen." exactly, just relax and don't self-sabotage! your person is very secure and reliable, i feel so much comfort in this connection. when you two go on dates i can see them intently listening and giving you such intense eye contact, like they're just soaking up your every word. i can see them squishing your cheeks randomly hehe i also pick up that there will be a great balance of giving and receiving, (physical touch and receiving gifts might be their love language) ugh you two are going to make each other so happy. you both have very youthful energies, it's sooo cute. whenever you are in each other's presence it's gonna feel like it's just you two, the rest of the world will become background noise. i see a lot of goofing around, them brushing the hair out of your eyes and just staring at you all lovingly…kissing your cheeks/neck just to hear you laugh. i just heard "you make it so easy to love you." AWWW. they're almost like a love sick puppy, i can't lie. love is gonna be so evident in their eyes whenever they look at you. i can see you two just laying together…everything is quiet and still & you just trace your fingers gently over their eyes, lips and nose and they have this cute sleepy smile on their face. i'm hearing you're the "okokokok" part of see you again by tyler the creator ft. kali uchis and they're the "lalalalala" lmfaooo that's so random but so damn cute.
other channeled messages:
sitting on a park bench, get you by daniel caesar ft. kali uchis, golden hour pictures, nasa by ariana grande, floral printed dress, pisces mercury, gemini venus, riding bikes together, just the two of us by grover washington ft. bill withers
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pile 2 💐 —
heyyy pile 222 ⭐️ ooo the lovey dovey vibes are REAL omg your person loves to love you! if they could roll out a red carpet for you to walk on every time y'all step out together…they would. it's gonna surprise you how much they pay attention to little details about you so that they can surprise you with cute (i'm also hearing lavish) gifts! however, i feel like you might hold out on them in the beginning or make them sort of wait for your attention? some of you could have never been in a relationship before or have been single for a long time, and the connection is going to feel foreign at first. you're going to be navigating some pretty complex feelings/emotions but this person is willing to wait and accommodate whatever you need, even if it is space. your person is used to taking action right away, so taking a steady approach to building this connection with you will be a good balance for them. once things start moving along you'll really understand how deep their feelings are for you lol they're very direct and will not hesitate to make it known. your person has strong fire sign/leo energy whereas some of you that chose this pile give water sign vibes. when you initially meet them you may think to yourself "psh, we wouldn't work." because you two are a bit different in terms of personality, but if anything that'll draw you closer together. summer renaissance by beyoncé is playing and i can hear "it's so good, it's so good, it's so good, it's so good, it's sooooo gooood." yeah you're gonna fold pile 2 LMAOOOOO you can't resist them! i feel like they’ll give you a cute tennis bracelet or a watch and be like “here you go, it’s the anniversary of the day we first started texting each other.” 😭 so imagine when you two actually make it OFFICIAL. awww i’m hearing your gonna hit the jackpot with this person pile 2.
other channeled messages:
national anthem by lana del rey, you're so sentimental baby, fireworks, coquette aesthetic, let the light in by lana del rey ft. father john misty, lover boy era, sweet thing by mary j. blige
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pile 3 🍑 —
whatta man by en vogue & salt-n-peppa immediately came to mind, pile 3. LOL your person is gonna rock your world (i'm hearing literally and metaphorically) OKAYYY pile 3 spicy, spicy! “you so crazyyy. i think i wanna have your baby.” part of the song just played wow your person is gonna have you whipped. you and your person both have a lot of great things going for yourselves, and i think you both share that same sense of passion and ambition. i’m hearing that you’re powerful manifestors pile 3, you know how to make your dreams become your reality. this will draw your person closer to you because they are very dedicated and willful when it comes to their goals and aspirations in life, so to have a person like you match their energy will make them feel good. company by justin bieber just started playing in my mind, “can we be, can we be, be each other’s company?” lol i wouldn’t be surprised if they were scoping you out for awhile before making the first move. they’re curious about you…they wanna know every and anything about you. you’re like an enigma to them and this person is very inquisitive and open-minded. they’ll like doing things with you that stimulate their mind like taking you to museums, concerts/musicals and maybe even escape rooms. they like to have a lot of fun and make the best of life. i think that your person is very in-tune with their feelings and they'll bring a strong sense of emotional stability and care to the relationship. dare i say it, the vibe reminds me of selena gomez and justin bieber’s relationship in its prime. it’s funny because after i listened to company…bad liar by selena gomez started playing lol. “i'm tryin'…not to give in to you. no, not to give in to you. with my feelings on fire…guess i'm a bad liar.” you may play hard to get at first pile 3 because i feel like you’ve been let down/disappointed by masculine figures in your life before, and you’re hoping this connection doesn’t let you down either. don't hold past situations against them though, because they are quite the opposite. they’re going to prioritize their connection with you and always make sure that you’re taken care of. they’ll take it nice and slow with you if you want…omfg your person is such a flirt. very much nice & slow by usher vibes. love this for you pile 3, i really do!
other channeled messages:
motive by ariana grande ft. doja cat, motivation by kelly rowland ft. lil wayne, comes from a very well off/rich family, aries, libra sun, taurus moon, infj, hey peach, georgia miller and zion miller, peaches & cream by 112 ft. p diddy, ordinary people by john legend
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pile 4 💍 —
pile 4 can i just start by say that your person is so lover by taylor swift coded. “can i go where you go? can we always, be this close? forever and ever.” AHHH so cute. things may develop between you two rather quickly, there will be a lot of excitement and anticipation building up. into you by ariana grande just came to mind. this person might be a little different from your usual “type”/may not be the type of person you’d usually go for (i’d say personality-wise, cause looks-wise they’re very cute i’m hearing) but there’s something about them that’ll draw you to them like a magnet. it’ll almost make you feel appalled at how much you look forward to hearing back from them or being super excited for your next date with them. i’m hearing you tell yourself, “STAND UP!” lmaoooo y’all are so funny pile 4. your person is gonna love your sense of humor hehe you’re so sarcastic and witty. you’re gonna love how your person takes the reins of this relationship lol all you have to do is sit back and be pretty. girls need love by summer walker just started playing, “honestly, i’m tryna stay focused. you must think i’ve got to be joking when i say…i don't think i can wait. i just need it now, better swing my way.” yeahhh you’re gonna love them so much pile 4, the passion is sooooo strong. this connection will be very abundant and transformative for the both of you.
other channeled messages:
not nice by partynextdoor, confetti cake, silk red dress, 2000s rom-com type of love, infp, sleeping beauty, leo moon, capricorn rising, 10h placements, gemini or cancer mercury
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taylorswiftstyle · 8 months
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Eras Tour Film premiere | Los Angeles, CA | October 11, 2023
Oscar de la Renta 'Cutout Floral Gown' - $11,990.00 $5,995.00
In my predictions post for this premiere on the TSS Patreon I selected a different dress by Oscar de la Renta (a longtime favourite designer of Taylors) and noted that my ideal styling with said gown would be a "red lip and pinned faux bob with tons of bangles and chandelier diamond earrings ... for an old Hollywood glam feel."
Needless to say, I support and love this outing.
It's dramatic and ladylike while also honouring and extending the #1989Blue precedent she set during the final stages of the U.S. 2023 leg of the Eras Tour. Dressing to a colour palette is a perfect connector and reminder to bridge both the event at hand of the concert tour movie and her most pressing upcoming record with 1989 (Taylor's Version) set to release on October 27.
All in, this is a beautiful gown and perhaps one of her best appearances ever. The elegant styling (dainty rings and eye-popping matching diamond tennis necklace and bracelet) were the perfect choices. And maybe I'm just jealous that Taylor is someone who can pull off blue eyeshadow (any other brown eyed girls who were told that blue makeup would make your eyes pop and subsequently did not look like Taylor Swift when you tried a powder blue shadow look? anyone? just me?).
Designer Fernando Garcia also noted during the Resort 2023 collection's presentation that "cut-outs have become a go-to for our customer". The ones on this gown feel like an organic nod to the spliced crop tops that were signature to the original 1989 fashion run in 2014. But here, they're more organic and integrated into the design - a natural part of fully blossoming some might say. And if you missed the subtle cut-out nod, there's always the faux bob that might double take you into believing you were back in 2014/15 and also nods to the messy, slightly undone style seen on the 1989 TV cover.
As backstory, it should surprise no one that this particular collection happened to debut on June 13, 2022 at (where else) the New York Botanical Garden.
Worn with: Cartier necklace + Anabela Chan bracelets, Cartier studs + Cathy Waterman + Akillis + Anabela Chan rings, and Giuseppe Zanotti heels
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braingoburr · 2 years
I think there should be someone to kiss me rn. That'd be great.
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
honey's guide to spring⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🪷
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i've been preparing this post for a while bcuz i LOVE spring and for this spring i just wanna embody feminine, fairy, dream-like beauty in my day-to-day this spring, and just enjoy it fully.
THE MOOD FOR SPRING : planting new seeds, fresh fruit, and bouquets of flowers. tea parties and floral prints and perfumes. green grapes, hibiscus tea and waking up early to see the sunrise.
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PREPARATION FOR SPRING : stock up on your favorite fruits and teas. if u want fruits that are in season, the fruits in season during spring include strawberries, cherries, blueberries, kiwis, bananas and nectarines. my favorite spring time tea is hibiscus and i love a good matcha during all seasons but especially spring, and lastly a good citrus tea is always something that i enjoy.
if ur someone who experiences rly bad allergies during the spring make sure that u go to ur doctors for a check up, and make sure that u have everything that you'll need to combat allergies.
THE PLAYLIST : a good playlist is always essential so my spring playlist consists of : eternal sunshine - jhene aiko. はるなつあきふゆ - ichiko aoba. afterglow - luna li. pisces - yerin baek. fairy of shampoo - TXT. scenery - red velvet. hydrangea love - TXT. cool with you - newjeans. salad days - iiso. pov - ariana grande. lyricist - heize.
REFRESH : time for spring cleaning both mentally and physically. analyze what habits are nourishing u and which habits are drying you out. analyze ur space and do a deep cleaning, that way u can feel lighter both mentally and physically.
wash ur sheets, maybe even buy fresh sheets (floral printed sheets for spring ofc)
go thru ur closet and put the winter and autumn clothes towards the back and bring the spring clothes where they're more accessible and visible
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deep clean ur room and clean ur house -> get onto clean-tok for some cleaning motivation cuz watching videos of people cleaning and organizing always motivates me to do so too
create new pinterest boards and delete ones that u dont use, or if u want to, create a completely new pinterest account. i've grown attached to my pinterest account so i won't delete it, but i've made lots of other accounts on separate devices
oftentimes we forget to clean what we use the most, and that buildup can cause our tools to be counterproductive, and just carry a lot of unnecessary germs so here are some things not to forget to clean and organize ;
behind ur ears
ur earbuds or headphones
ur skincare tools and devices (gua shas, face rollers)
ur phone screen
ur folders, binders, and folders
create something - do some painting, start a sketchbook, start dabbling in some poetry, maybe write a short story, cultivate an elite playlist etc etc
connecting with nature - go and get some fresh air, wake up earlier than usual to watch and enjoy the sunrise. drink different teas that you've never tried before, go to a local crystal shop if ur into that, make urself an elaborate platter of ur favorite fruits. go for a walk in the park, pick flowers and speaking of flowers, go and buy urself a pretty bouquet.
create a spring-time mood board
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ofc i MUST talk about the mind in any of my posts bcuz its just so incredible. but what you think matters!! what u think manifests! the thoughts that u continue to water and entertain are what you will experience. therefore when u change ur thoughts and water the seeds of the new thought, you'll get a new flower.
its like gardening. your thought is the seed, and ur mind is the soil. when u entertain ur thoughts ur watering the seed, and you'll get a new flower, the flower is the new experience. so this spring, plant new thoughts and entertain those thoughts ✨
picking flowers -> buying yourself a bouquet
have a tea party by yourself or with friends (reference my tea party post if u need some inspo)
make a bracelet or anklet out of flowers
take a bath and infuse the bath with things like rose petals, rose scented bath milks etc
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crystal shopping (last year i added amethyst to my crystal collection, this year i'd love to add selenite into my collection)
watch a 90's anime (i've watched sailor moon about a MILLION times and im gonna rewatch it again this year bcuz its just the girliest, best anime i've watched and is one of my favorites)
so i hope that this post sparked some ideas on ways that u can enjoy your spring girlies ✨
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