#and these two have completly taken over my brain
thatcakelovingwitch · 8 months
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a ray of sunshine in the storm
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halsteadlover · 2 years
Eye For An Eye
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested by anon: Hi. I dont know if you have seen Greys Anatomy, but my request is if you could write Jay and the reader in the season 6 finale of Greys. With the reader being in Dereks place(she can be a surgeon) and Jay in Merediths. He doesnt have a gun on him when it happens, so he cant protect them. And instead of Christina, Its Will who does the surgery on Y/N. So I dont know if you have seen it, or if you are completly confused, but if you have, it would mean alot😊
• Warnings: blood, curse words, gunshots
• Word count: 7138.
• A/N: I think this is the longest piece I've ever written and as always it's shitty 💀 I'm sorry for how this turned out but I hope you'll like it. Let me know what do you think, like, comment and reblog if you want 💞 Love you all and thank you for your support.
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Each person has a different way of doing, of thinking, of acting. Each situation is different from another and for each one there is a different way of reacting. When you’re happy there are those people who jump of joy, there are those who cry, those who cannot stop laughing or clapping their hands. When you are sad there are people who withdraw into themselves, those who prefer the company of some friends or their partner, those who don’t let themselves be discouraged.
But when you lose a loved one, this is a very broad discourse, difficult to enclose in just few lines, but even in this case each person has their own reaction, their own way of dealing with pain. There are those who cry desperately, those who scream since the pain of the loss is so strong because this is a kind of pain that tears inside you, tears your heart out; there are those who seem impassive, just because they need to metabolize, they don’t cry, they don’t scream, don’t despair, they remain there sitting in a corner to mull over what happened, what was going on.
During your career as a surgeon you had – unfortunately you'd dare to say – the opportunity to witness all kinds of reactions from a family member to the loss of their loved one. You were always understanding, ready to do anything to try and ease the pain those people were feeling even though you knew they hated you at the time since you were the person who gave them the worst news of their life. You thought you had seen everything but, damn it, how wrong you were, how wrong you were in having taken the arrogance of being able to think you knew the human being in its complicated and absurd interest. As already mentioned, every person has his own type of reaction in relation to a certain situation but never in your life, not even for a second, you would’ve thought the death of a patient could also have been the cause of yours.
“Doctor Y/LN, the patient is in atrial fibrillation,” a nurse had warned. You were in the midst of a brain operation on a woman, Ellen Hopkins, a 50-year-old lady who had a meningioma, a benign brain tumor but which, given its location and size, was quite dangerous to remove and carried high risks.
“The patient has her skull open, a wrong movement and I could make her paralyzed for life” you replied, the forceps and the electric scalpel in your hands while you were concentrating on the patient’s brain. “Two milligrams of Amiodarone, fast!”.
“The fibrillation persists,” you commented, lifting your eyes for a moment and placing them on the monitor the patient was connected to. “Damn it!” you exclaimed, putting down the surgical instruments and approaching the patient’s chest “Let’s carry out a cardioversion!”
“Charge at 200!”
Still nothing, the fibrillation persisted as the patient’s values plummeted dramatically.
“350! And call cardiology!”
Not being able to use defibrillation again, you continued with the cardiac massage while waiting for a cardiothoracic surgeon to arrive in the operating room.
But Mrs. Ellen died on that operating table before someone even arrived.
“Damn it,” you cursed, taking a deep sigh and looking at the clock “Time of death, 16:33.”
Informing relatives was never an easy thing to do, you never got used to it, and that didn’t change even when you had to inform Mrs. Ellen Hopkins’ husband, Bill. You explained to him how the surgery had gone, you answered his questions, you told him you did everything possible to save his wife but that, unfortunately, she hadn’t made it.
Bill was petrified, speechless. Not a single sound came out of his mouth, not a single word, not a single tear came out of his eyes. He remained impassive, unable to process the information he had just been given. He just looked at you, straight in the eye, for a few moments before turning his gaze and walking away.
You watched him go and it was in vain to try to call his name and speak to him. You sighed deeply, running your hands over your face in frustration, blaming yourself for just ruining that man’s life. You couldn’t even imagine how he must feel at that moment, so you didn’t blame his reaction, as already mentioned, everyone had their own way of reacting to such devastating news.
As you used to do after surgery, you holed up in the doctors’ ward, ignoring everything and everyone and continuing to reflect on that surgery and what you could’ve done differently to save that woman.
And you stayed there all afternoon, until the evening, until your shift was over. They all tried to cheer you up, Connor, Will, April, to tell you it wasn’t your fault but right now you didn’t even want to hear those words, at least not from them. You just wanted Jay and one of his hugs.
Jay had been your boyfriend for almost four and a half years now and given your hectic lifestyles, being you a surgeon and him a cop, it was sometimes difficult for you to even see each other even if you were living together.
That evening it was enough for him to see you come out of the hospital doors to understand there was something wrong with you. He understood it from the way you walked at a slow pace, from the way you had your head down and your eyes on the ground.
“My love,” he began, getting up from his car on which he was leaning and walking towards you. When he finished his shift early, he always used to pick you up at the hospital or wait there until your shift ended too.
A small smile rose on your lips when you saw him, beautiful as the sun. The instant relief you felt when you saw him was something magnificent, it was amazing how even just that was enough to make you feel better.
“Hi baby,” you greeted him, immediately wrapping your arms around his chest and hugging him tightly. His arms encircled your shoulders and he too squeezed you tightly, knowing right away that you needed it right now.
“Baby are you okay? What happened?” he immediately asked in a worried tone as his hand gently stroked your head.
“Can we talk about this later? I just want to go home and forget about this day.”
Jay understood but didn't insist any further, leaving your space and knowing that when you were ready you’d tell him everything.
He slightly broke away from that embrace and with his hands he cupped your face, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. Without saying anything he kissed you, a chaste, sweet and delicate kiss you didn't even realize you needed until then.
“Has anyone dared to bother my princess? Do I have to beat the shit out of someone?” Jay asked in a menacing tone and expression, in an attempt to cheer you up. He smiled when you giggled, knowing he had succeeded and that, in reality, he was serious about this, as he wouldn’t hesitate even for a second to punch anyone who really dared to hurt you.
“No baby, no one has dares to do this wickedness,” you replied with a joking tone.
“It'll be better for them,” Jay joked, stamping a sweet kiss on your forehead that made your stomach lightly explode like fireworks. God, how much you loved that little gesture. “What do you say to go home and forget about this bad day? We can order something and watch a movie if you like.”
You nodded enthusiastically, looking forward to taking a shower and throwing yourself on the bed.
You and Jay were lying on the sofa, having dinner and watching a movie in the background that neither of you was really following. Your head was resting on his chest, your arm instead encircling his chest as he hugged you tightly, stroking your hair and kissing your forehead from time to time.
“I missed you so much today,” Jay said, making you smile even though he couldn't even see you right now.
“I missed you so much too baby, I really needed this.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, almost in a whisper. You let out a sigh, almost involuntarily, “You don't have to tough if you don't want to, I don't want to put pressure on you.”
“No sorry it’s just…” you started talking, putting yourself in a sitting position so that you could look at Jay “It's just... Surgery gone wrong, a woman died on the operating table.”
“Oh. I'm so sorry my love,” Jay replied, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly. “You don't think it's your fault, do you?”
“And who else could it be? I was the surgeon,” you blurted out “It was an operation that presented complications but it had 95% of possibilities to be a success, I promised her, her husband...”
“Baby, baby, stop,” Jay stopped you, letting go of your hand and grabbing your face with his hands and making you stop talking. “It’s. Not. Your. Fault. I wasn't there and I don't know how things went but I'm 100% sure you did everything in your power to save her and if there was a chance to do anything to keep her alive you’d do it. Complications happen, they happen, the surgery had a 95% chance of success but unfortunately that 5% is always there, it's hard, but it's always there and it's nobody's fault, much less yours. Don’t blame yourself for this baby, you are one of the most talented surgeons in the entire hospital…”
“Why can't I help but feel like shit then? Maybe I didn't consider some variables, I was too sure and a patient died,” you said, your voice almost broken by trying to hold back the tears. But from the way Jay wiped one, you could tell the attempt was completely in vain.
“Because we are human, it's in our nature to blame ourselves when something doesn’t go as planned and we always need to have an answer to the things that happen but the truth is that not everything has an answer, the universe operates in a mysterious way and I know for sure, I’d bet on it, there was nothing you could’ve done that you haven't already done.”
You sighed, then resting your head on his chest as he hugged you in an attempt to console you.
“I'm here for you baby, cry and let it go as long as you want, I won't let you go,” he continued to whisper, occasionally leaving sweet and delicate kisses on your forehead. He continued to hug you indefinitely, whispering words of comfort to you until you calmed down and stopped crying. You didn't know how to express your gratitude for having such a fantastic man like Jay by your side, you’d never have known how to do it without him. He was your rock, your backbone, what put you back together when your world fell apart.
In the next two days nothing special happened, you and Jay went on normally with your jobs, you operated, he arrested criminals.
It was Friday and it was now late morning while you were in the operating room after finishing an operation on a man with spinal problems. As usual, you washed your hands and left the operating room before going to write everything down on the patient's medical record.
Everything seemed to go on normally, lunchtime came quickly and as usual, Jay came to the hospital to pick you up and go eat something together. You were still busy in the last morning visits and Jay took the opportunity to exchange a few words with his brother Will, who was at the reception.
“Look who’s bere, I thought you died,” Will commented, jokingly.
“Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't show up but work has been killing me lately, it's like the criminals have all woken up at the same time,”Jay explained “How is everything going?”.
“It's okay. I’m fine, Maya is back in town tomorrow and I can't wait to see her again, work is going pretty well, in short, I have nothing to complain about and I can finally exchange few words with my little brother.”
Jay chuckled and was about to answer when a man's voice interrupted him.
“Excuse me,” the man said, getting attention “I'm looking for doctor Y/N Y/LN, where can I find her?”.
Jay immediately turned to the man after hearing your name being mentioned and looked him up and down, studying his appearance and making sure he wasn't some ex or, worse, a shady guy. He was a man who couldn’t exceed fifty-five, tall, slender physique, balding. He had his hands tucked into the pocket of his visibly ruined pants and his gaze totally absent.
“She’s finishing her last visits, you can wait in the waiting room and I will call you,” Will replied cordially.
“No, it's pretty urgent. I'm here for my wife and the doctor made an appointment for me today and at this time,” said the man, so calmly, a behavior that was not expected of someone who had a loved one hospitalized.
“I’m sure you can wait here too, the doctor will come down immediately and see you,” Jay continued, but the man insisted that the matter was urgent and he needed to see her right away.
“If the doctor told you that, you can go now,” Will said, going on to explain where to find you.
The man thanked him and started walking towards the elevator. By now he had memorized the way to your ward, which was only on the first floor.
Slowly, the man approached the ward where, however, a nurse stopped him.
“Sir, visiting hours are over, you can't stay here.”
“I'm looking for Doctor Y/LN,” he replied, completely ignoring the nurse's words.
“You can come back here at three in the afternoon, when visiting hours start again.”
Soon the situation plunged completely into the abyss, in a whirlwind of chaos and despair.
The man pulled a gun out of his jacket pocket and without any sign of remorse or hesitation, shot that nurse, making his body fall to the ground, lifeless.
The sound of the shot echoed throughout the entire floor and the terrified screams of doctors, nurses and the patients themselves began to spread. They all started running away at the speed of light fearing for their lives. There were, however, those who couldn’t even get out of bed, asleep patients who were unable to save themselves.
When suddenly Jay saw a wave of people running from the elevator, terrified, he knew immediately that something was wrong. He and Will quickly exchanged a worried look and Jay immediately tried to stop someone to ask for an explanation.
“Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on?!” he exclaimed aloud, but everyone ignored him, continuing to run away. He stopped a man, who in terror stammered a few words.
“A… A man… He has a… He shot… He has a gun.”
Jay’s heart stopped beating for a moment as he heard those words. His mind immediately understood what was happening, who was the aggressor and his first thought was you. That man had targeted you, he wanted you.
A feeling of panic took over him and his brain went completely blackout. His first instinct was to run to the elevator and try to find you before that man found you but Will stopped him.
“Where the hell are you going?!”
“What do you mean where the hell am I going? That man is looking for Y/N I have to find her!”
“Jay you need backup!”
“You get as many people out as possible, I call the rest of the team and look for Y/N,” Jay had replied and before Will could even answer, he run for the elevators. After quickly making the call and making sure the team and SWAT were coming soon, he put his cell phone in his pocket and reached for his gun.
At that precise moment a shiver went through his body as he realized he didn’t have his gun with him and that he had left it in the dashboard of his car.
“Fuck!” he whispered angrily to himself. That didn’t stop Jay, however, determined to find you before the madman did. He began to wander the corridors of that floor, constantly looking around. He felt the sweat tinge his forehead and his heartbeat greatly accelerated, not so much because of the situation but because he knew your life was in danger. He kept praying with every fiber of his being you were okay, that you were able to hide somewhere.
The anxiety and worry he was feeling at that moment were feelings he had felt a few times in his life and knowing that you, the love of his life, were in danger and, above all, he couldn’t do anything to help you, it destroyed him. Deep down he couldn’t even formulate a single coherent and rational thought.
The last thing you expected that day – and to be honest, you didn’t expect at all – was to find yourself face to face with an armed man pointing his gun at you.
“Mr. Hopkins…” you whispered, short of breath and heart pounding. Mrs. Ellen Hopkins’s husband, the lady who had passed away on your operating table a few days earlier, stood in front of you, with an absent look, and with the gun pointing straight at you.
“You killed my wife,” he said, his voice cold, aloof, as if a robot had taken possession of him.
“I… Mr. Hopkins I don’t…” you stammered, having no idea how to get out of that situation.
“You killed my wife!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, showing some emotion for the first time. His sudden change of tone made you jump with fear, and in pure instinct you raised your hands up, visibly trembling.
“Mr. Hopkins, please… Lower that gun, there is no need, I promise you I will answer any of your question.”
“Shut up!” he yelled again “There is no question you can answer! You killed my wife! The love of my life! You took her away from me and today you will die like her!”.
Your eyes filled with tears, but you tried in vain not to cry.
Fuck no, you didn’t want to die, not that day, not like that.
“Mr. Hopkins… I ask you please, let me explain how things went, I’m sure you will want to know why. I know this won’t bring your wife back and I’m terribly sorry about that, I know how much you loved her and how much she loved you, but I can help you find answers if you wants.”
“And what could fix this? She died!” he exclaimed, waving his gun at you and making you jump again.
Oh God please.
“Nothing, I know it won’t bring her back to life, but it might help you find some peace, I’m sure, in fact, I’m 100% sure Ellen would like you to be at peace, she doesn’t want you pining for her death.”
“I don’t want to hear you talk!” Bill continued, now taken by anger and resentment “I hate you! I hate you so much! You were the one who had to heal my wife, make her feel better and not kill her! ”.
Your heart tightened in a vise and you couldn’t not feel guilty. You rationally knew it wasn’t your fault but, subconsciously, you couldn’t help but think so.
“Okay, okay, but please Mr. Hopkins, this thing is just between me and you alright? No one else has to suffer from this tragedy, no family has to mourn their loved one, if you want to blame me that’s fine but leave the other innocent people alone.”
“I don’t care a damn about the others, they were just accidents along the way. I wanted you Dr. Y/LN, you ended my wife’s life and I will end yours.”
Your blood froze in your veins, your brain working hard to try to invent a way to escape from that situation.
At that moment your thought was only one, only Jay, and how much you wished him to appear through that door and take you away from there. You couldn’t stop thinking how that morning could’ve been the last time you saw him, how you wanted nothing more than to take refuge in his arms.
Bill clicked the safety of his gun and a feeling of panic took hold of you completely, fearing that these would be your last moments in life.
“Bill… Please listen to me,” you begged him “I know you aren’t a bad person, I know you are grieving terribly for the loss of your wife and I am so sorry, there has not been a moment when I have not thought of her and I don’t even dare imagine your suffering, damn it, I don’t even know how I would’ve reacted in such a situation. I know it’s just the sadness and anger that are talking now, and you are right to be angry with me, with the world, with whoever is up there who took Ellen away from you and I don’t blame you for that. I know I was the person you trusted most to save her life and I betrayed this trust and I will forever apologize for that, because I wanted Ellen to recover as much as you did. I am not a perfect being, I am human too and as such I can make mistakes but I am ready to pay the consequences,” you spoke, and noticing that he was listening to you you continued “I did my best and believe me when I tell you that if there was a single minimal thing I could’ve done to save her, I would’ve done it but I know you don’t see it that way now. Bill... I… I have a family too, I’m somebody’s daughter, sister, niece, girlfriend and like I said I know you’re not a bad person, I know you never want any family to go through what you are going through right now.”
“You’re wrong Dr. Y/LN,” he replied, suddenly calm, as if all the anger he felt until recently had magically vanished. “I want everyone to feel exactly what I’m feeling.”
The sound of a gunshot boomed throughout your office room as it kept repeating in your mind. Suddenly the whole world around you fell into total silence, there was only a subspecies of hum that you could clearly hear with your ears.
You didn’t realize it right away. It took you a few moments to do it.
You didn’t realize right away he actually shot you. It was only when you looked down and watched the blood splatter spread across your uniform that you really realized he had shot you.
Your body fell into a trance state and you didn’t immediately feel pain, due to the adrenaline flowing through your veins.
You fell to the ground, without strength, the blood expanding rapidly under your body and soiling all your clothes. You had no idea what was going on, you didn’t know if you were dead, if you were still alive, if your attacker was still there, if it was all a terrible nightmare.
Your mouth was completely dry, your jaws so dehydrated as if you had just run a marathon. Your heart was beating madly as your chest rose and fell quickly even though each breath was like receiving a stab, one was more painful than the other.
At that point the pain slowly began to be excruciating, so persistent as to be almost paralyzing. It felt as if millions of needles were penetrating your skin with extreme and devastating agony.
Jay was right there, he had witnessed that frightening and horrible scene from afar, given the open door of your office. He had seen how that man shot you in cold blood and without the slightest doubt or hesitation.
It was Will who literally held him back by force, or he would’ve come to you, or he would’ve tried to save you. He would’ve even taken that bullet for you, he would’ve fought to try to save you, but he couldn’t have done it and now you were probably even dead.
It didn’t do any good to wriggle with all the strength he had in his body, try to escape Will’s grip, yell at him to let him go.
“Fuck Will, let me go!” Jay kept screaming, trying to run away, in despair he had never been in his life. His stomach was in a vise and a lump in his throat had formed.
But when that shot rang out within the walls of that hospital, Jay was completely paralyzed for a few seconds, as if for a moment he had feared he had an auditory hallucination.
He stood still as his mind processed what was really going on.
“No!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, freeing himself from Will and running at lightning speed to your office. He didn't have anything else in mind but you at that moment and he didn't even care that bastard had vanished, he just wanted to see you.
Seeing you poured into a pool of your own blood was an image that would never leave his mind again.
“Baby! Baby! Please wake up, don't leave me!” Jay exclaimed, immediately leaning over your body, not caring in the least he was soiled with blood. He took your face in his hands, breathing a sigh of relief when he noticed you were still alive, trying to mumble something.
“Shhh my love, don't talk, keep your strength okay? I'm here now, I won't let you go, please hold on tight” Jay begged, “Will!” his eyes blurred with tears and only then he realized he was crying “Please don't play tricks on me, you have to stay with your eyes open okay?”.
“J-Jay…” you muttered, struggling to keep your eyes open “It hurts so much...”
Jay cried even more to hear those words, knowing you were in terribly much pain and there was nothing he could do to end that pain. He continued to caress your face, your hair, noticing the paleness of your skin. He knew very well how you felt, he knew how a shot could be terribly painful.
“I'm so sorry I didn't come earlier baby, please don't leave me okay? I love you so much, I can't live without you…” he cried “Try to hold on for me, you'll be fine I promise...”
“I... I want to sleep Jay...”
“No, no, no, no,” he replied, panic in his voice. “Don't fall asleep, okay? You have to keep these beautiful eyes of yours open, can you do this for me my love? I know it's difficult but you are so strong, you are the strongest person I know... Don't do this to me, don't leave me baby…”
But at that moment you weren't strong at all, you weren't a fighter and you didn't have the energy and strength to fight. You just wanted to let yourself go and get some sleep, just for a little while.
The room slowly began to fade as black splotches appeared before your eyes and at that point you could no longer fight to keep your eyes open and found yourself sucked into a whirlwind of darkness.
“Will!” Jay yelled in utter despair again.
Will immediately walked into your office after rushing to get a stretcher and an emergency kit, and seeing the blood and you unconscious in Jay's arms he knew immediately that the situation was dire.
“I’m sorry I was finding these. We need to get her to the OR immediately. Jay help me put her on the stretcher,” Will ordered, trying to stay as cool and lucid as possible even though it was hard for him to see you like that too. You weren't just his brother's girlfriend, you were also his colleague and a very dear friend.
“Take her by the shoulders, I’ll take her by the legs. At three we raise her, okay?”.
Jay nodded, trying to wipe away his tears quickly and did what Will said.
“One. Two. Three.”
They placed you on the stretcher and all three of you immediately left the office, trying to go as quickly as possible to the operating room. It was a race against time, and both Will and Jay knew it, there was no room for mistakes, there was no room for hesitation.
“Will,” Jay called his brother, before seeing him enter the OR.
Will turned and immediately understood the words Jay was about to say.
“I can't be without her, save her please.”
Will's heart squeezed in a vise and never as in that moment he felt a huge weight on his shoulders because he knew if things went wrong he wouldn’t only lose you, a friend, a colleague, an exceptional doctor, but he would also lose his little brother.
He nodded before turning and walking into the operating room.
Jay didn't know what to do with himself. He never felt so helpless and at the same time cutting out from the world.
He didn't know the rest of his team had arrived there in the hospital, that the man was immediately found and arrested after killing that nurse and seriously injuring you and two other people but Jay didn't even care.
He didn't care where he was, he didn't care if he suddenly appeared behind him or even if he went around the hospital. He knew this wasn’t correct, his motto was to protect and serve but he didn’t give a fuck, he wanted nothing more than to know you were alive, safe and sound, that you were okay.
When it came to you, there was no criminal, job or any other matter that had a priority over you, there was nothing he wouldn’t have abandoned just to know that you were happy, that you were well and healthy. You had always been the center of his world since he met you and he didn’t even care how absurd it seemed, but it was the truth, you were his everything, all that was most important to him and knowing he had done nothing to avoid hurting you was killing him, devouring him inside.
The thought there was only a wall to divide you physically but an abyss mentally, was something that Jay just couldn’t understand and in the hours when Will operated on you, he thought he literally died a thousand times.
For the first time in his life he had understood the real meaning of fear and it was a feeling he never wanted to try again. It was horrible, devastating, debilitating, feeling that damned fear, that paralyzing and visceral feeling of anxiety that twisted his stomach in a tight grip. He was afraid of losing you, of never seeing you again.
How could he live without you?
How could he only think of living in a world where you were not there?
He wasn’t ready. He would never be.
This option had never even touched his head since you became a part of his world. He wanted to be with you forever, until his last breath and that was not even enough, because he knew that even in the afterlife your souls would be reunited and you would be together again.
What would he do if he never saw you again? What if he could no longer talk to you, hear you laugh at his sleazy jokes, hear you romp when you were happy, see you smile, hug you when you were sad and wipe your tears when you lost some patient on the operating table? What would he have done without your immense clumsiness, so much that he didn’t even know how you were a surgeon sometimes, without your disastrous cooking, without your hair ties thrown all over the place, without your obsessive way of disinfecting everything? What would he have done without your kisses, your hugs, your way of making him feel so pampered and loved, always, every day and every second?
“Fuck no, no, no, no,” Jay muttered to himself, as if to banish those horrible thoughts from his mind, “God please, please, save her, let her come back to me…”
After about an hour in which you were in the operating room, the rest of the intelligence reached Jay and in vain his friends tried to calm him down.
It was only when he saw Will come out the door of that damned operating room that he came back to breathe a bit and at the same time die of heartbreak and anxiety.
“So? How did it go? Is she fine? Please tell me she’s okay,” Jay spat out, immediately approaching his brother. He studied the expression on his face in the smallest details and a modicum of hope lit up when he didn’t see that typical expression you had when you had to communicate the death of a loved one, he didn’t seem sad, on the contrary.
“The surgery was a succes, I am 99% sure she will recover completely. The bullet had pierced the stomach but fortunately there was no major damage. Now I’m taking her to ICU and we’ll have to wait for her to wake up,” Will explained and couldn’t even explain the transformation Jay underwent. He noticed the precise moment when that veil of anxiety and worry finally disappeared, replaced instead by joy and happiness.
In a rush of happiness Jay hugged his brother, squeezing him like he had never done before. “Thank you Will, thank you so much.”
Will returned that hug, smiling. “You don’t have to thank me, she is very strong.”
“Yeah, she really is,” Jay replied through tears, only then realizing he was crying. “When can I see her?”.
“In a while don’t worry.”
Seeing you lying on that hospital bed was an image Jay would never have thought of seeing in his life, it was literally a blow to his heart. You had oxygen goggles inserted in your nostrils, your face was terribly pale but despite that you were still the most beautiful creature Jay had ever seen.
He stood next to you and he never took his eyes off you for not even for a second. His hand gently stroked your hair, as he used to do when you slept. It had now become a habit, stroking your hair and watching you sleep. Sometimes it happened that you smiled even in your sleep, snuggling closer to him, but this time it didn’t happen.
Your skin was cold under his fingers, as he stroked your cheeks and, God, he would’ve given anything to be in your place, so as not to see you hurt even for a minute.
Jay leaned over and gave a kiss on your forehead, as he kept caressing your face and hair.
“Do you have any idea how much I fucking love you? How do you make me feel? How important you are to me?” Jay began to speak, remembering the words you said to him once and that talking to patients asleep can have a positive effect on their awakening. He left another kiss on your forehead. “Do you have any idea how much you scared me today my baby? God, I've never felt so scared as I did today, not even while I was overseas. Seeing that son of a bitch...” Jay stopped, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat as he remembered the moment you were shot “I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him, I don't want to imagine how scared you were, I’ll never be able to forgive myself, I was there, a few meters from you, I have always sworn to protect you and keep you safe but I have failed and I am so sorry.”
“Please wake up baby, don't you dare leave me here alone okay? I can't be in this fucking world without you. I swear to you, I'll never leave you alone again, but now you just have to open your beautiful eyes alright? Can you do it for me? Show me those beautiful eyes that made me madly fall in love with you?”.
Jay stood there at your bedside indefinitely, watching you sleep and hoping that sooner or later you would finally open your eyes. Will spent nearly every twenty minutes visiting you and it was in vain for him to try to get Jay to go and rest.
It was when he felt your fingers move slightly, after almost twelve years, that he feared he was truly hallucinating.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” he literally jumped up from his chair, holding your hands as he looked at you “Baby, can you hear me? Please answer me, give me a sign. Please, please, please.”
He felt your fingers move slowly again and at that point he made sure it really happened, it wasn't a joke his mind was playing on him.
It took you some time to understand what was happening, where you were.
Your head was pounding terribly as if you were being hammered, your vision was blurred and you had to blink several times to focus.
The first thing you saw were the artificial lights coming from the ceiling, which at the time were terribly annoying.
“Where am I?” you grumbled with difficulty, feeling weak and completely without strength.
“You're in the hospital, love,” replied a voice you recognized immediately. It was Jay, your Jay. “No, no, stay still, don't get up.”
Your eyes met Jay's and the joy he felt at seeing you awake was something that was minimally comparable.
“You finally woke up,” he said, almost in a whisper, as if he hardly believed it. He stroked your hair, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Suddenly images of what had happened flooded your mind, the exact scene in which you were shot seemed to repeat itself in a loop in your head.
“Has... Has any other person been hurt?" you asked.
Jay nodded his head, sadly. “But they’re all fine. He was caught soon after, he surrendered without opposition.”
“And you? How are you?”.
He chuckled, taking your hand with his and letting a kiss on it. “You're the one on a hospital bed.”
You let out a faint laugh but it results in a painful twinge. “I guess I deserved it.”
Jay's face immediately turned serious and his heart tightened in his chest as he heard these words. “You can't really believe such thing. You don't deserve to be here baby, it's not your fault what happened, please, get it out of your pretty little head.”
“His wife is dead and I had to save her,” you whispered, your gaze fixed on the ceiling as you tried in vain to hold back the tears.
“His wife died of a complication, every surgery has it, you always tell me, and you did everything possible to save her. You don't have to pay for something you are not to blame for, please stop thinking this okay?”.
You were silent for a moment and you then returned your eyes to Jay.
“Baby... Are you crying?” you asked, alarmed. He shook his head slightly, wiping away his tears quickly and avoiding looking at you.
“No, I'm not,” he muttered but let go when you started stroking his face. He lowered his head and let himself go in a liberating cry, venting the frustration, the anger, the sadness but above all, the relief.
“Oh baby, it's okay, it's okay,” you tried to console him as best you could given your position.
“I was so fucking scared to lose you Y/N…” he whispered.
“I know, love, I know, I'm sorry.”
“You don't have to apologize, on the contrary, I’m sorry, I should be the one to console you,” he said, wiping his tears and then looking at you. Your heart skipped a beat to see his beautiful green eyes shine so bright, still shiny from crying.
“You don't have to apologize Jay, there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it and you don’t have to blame yourself for not being able to stop this from happening,” you spoke up, realizing you were crying too.
“What about we both stop to blame ourselves?”.
“We have a deal,” you faintly smiled “Do you have any idea how much I fucking love you too?”.
Jay let out a laugh, knowing you had actually heard his words as he spoke to you. He stood up again and leaned towards you before grabbing your face and pressing his lips against yours. There were no words to describe what he felt, what that contact caused within him, the relief to know he still had another chance to be with you, he still had he chance to kiss and hug you forever.
“Can you get close to me?” you asked.
“But I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me, please baby, I need you now.”
“God, how can I say no to this beautiful face?” he said and you giggled, trying to ignore the pain that this entailed. Slowly and carefully, you tried to move in the bed, so you could make room for Jay and not make the stitches fit.
“Be careful baby,” Jay warned, helping you.
Jay positioned himself beside you, trying to be careful not to make any sudden movements, and he put his arm under your head. He printed so many kisses on your face and forehead, still unable to believe the luck of still having you there with him.
“I swear to god I’ll never let you leave the house again, I can’t risk someone taking you away from me.”
You giggled again. “Don’t make me laugh please, it hurts.”
“It’s not my fault you have such a funny boyfriend, it’s something you’ll have to live with.”
You hit him with that bit of strength you had, aching from the wound. “Can you stop it?”.
“Sure my love,” he kissed you on the forehead again. “Now try to rest, okay? You need to regain strength so I’ll get you home as soon as possible. I will always be here beside you, I won’t let you go.”
And with those words of comfort, you slowly slipped into a deep sleep, into the arms of the man you loved and with the hope, sooner or later, everything would be fine, everything would return back to normality.
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Buy me a coffee? ☕
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fuckingdeadbutroyal · 4 years
Jasonette July- Soulmate AU- Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Bruce would never admit it. No, of course not. Bruce was a literal father of eight, Catwomans fiance and motherfucking Batman himself. Right then, standing in the ruins of what was once “The City of Love”? He could not handle the situation. There should have been more people coming to Paris’ rescue, more heroes offering their support and overall more attention on everything that was happening, more attention on what has been going on for years. The irritation seeped into the batfamily like some kind of mist. Everyone felt it, but each person was dealing with it in their very own, individual way. 
For example there currently was a frustrated Cassandra Cain asking Tim for directions, while using a crowbar to open a door that has been sealed shut by the rubble of one of the broken buildings. She was angry, or at least that’s what she has been taught this emotion was called. The decade she has spent on the streets of Gotham have made her capable of handling all kinds of tools and left her with every necessary skill there was, if you needed to open a door or look for something any other person would not have paid any attention to. The young adult wasn’t keen on following her main mission. The villain could be caught later, but those people were dying right then and there. Tim has told them about the Miraculous Cure. Yes, all those people would come back to life if only their heroine would finally manage to catch that damn akuma. 
The memories would stay though. The city would consist of traumatised citizens and be vulnerable to further attacks or, in the worst case, further manipulation. Dick could not stop thinking about what could happen afterwards. What are they going to do once the villain has been eliminated and the miraculous cure has been cast? How would the citizens of Paris react when some sociopath would raise their voice and demand power and set up rules and just overall exploit the damaged and desperate minds of the victims? 
Would this emotional trauma lead to new extremists? 
Would they have to fight a new Hitler or have to assassinate the next Stalin? Speaking of assassination: Damian was raging. His already bad temper was a perfect starting point, which means that now that he had mixed his constant anger with the situational rage... he felt alive. 
He remembered that that was what superboy has felt like the first time he realised he could fly. Kon-Els’ emotions were always very...expressive. He loved to indulge every bit of adrenaline and excitement he could reach. Damian was glad to have him as his soulmate, though. The other boys positivity and extroverted way of acting was complementary to Damians introverted defensivness. Kon-Els’ habit of sharing his pleasent emotions and sensations through their soulmate-bond has opened the Wayne heirs eyes in several ways.
Now the youngest batfamily-members’ adrenaline and rage-filled soul was holding back from sharing that powerup with his lover, though. Instead he was focusing on Paris and subconciously hoping not to remember it in it’s current form, having planned on taking his boyfriend there for their anniversary. No, instead he was looking at those pained faces and ruins. His mind was tunneled, sure, but whatever he saw on the other end of that tube did not stand a single chance. The boy was rummaging through the streets, following each and every one of Red Robins and Batmans orders without giving it a second guess. Damian was reacting to everything colored red that came into his vision. Paired up with his oldest brother, who has taken to asking the citizens about what they have witnessed and if there was anyone who needed immediate help. Damian did not speak. He stared down anyone who didn’t answer them right away and “put on pause” whoever was causing trouble inside the shelters. He was following the “no killing policy”. (Which didn’t mean he held back.) A broken bone was a broken bone, no matter if it killed you or just immobilsed you for a few weeks. Dick did not approve of Damians actions, but the young one was careful not to leave a trace of his doings and knew for sure that there wouldn’t be anyone who would dare to tattle on him, not if they valued their oh so precious teeth.
Each and any trace that could lead them to the villains identity has been collected. Barbara paid special attention to accuracy and professionalism, no matter how difficult it was. She didn’t allow herself to loose focus, didn’t turn away from the mission. She wanted to, oh how much she wanted to just stop looking at those weird dusty footprints and butterfly themed anythings and pull the people in misery out of their ashes. Orakle couldn’t dare do it, though. Anyone else has already stopped paying attention to the mission. If she did too, there would be no one left to find the source of evil. She kept on playing the matra her father has taught her in the back of her head: “Find the criminal, save the future victims, find the criminal, save the future victims...” 
The future was uncertain, even for Duke. His photokinetic skill let him see into the near future, aswell as a bit of the past. But that didn’t help because that day he just couldn’t see anything but death and destruction in both directions. His vision was clouded with blood and dust and he quite honestly felt blind and useless. They should’ve come sooner, they didn’t have the right to leave these people to their own devices. Especialy since they knew that their devices were malfunctioning. The boys heart was full of regret. If only he could have seen this coming, if only he could have showed the akumatised victim a way out! It was his job as “The Signal” after all, he didn’t wear this annoyingly bright yellow suit for no reason!
Tim was surprisingly calm. He had his coffeemashine working, Alfred keeping him comany in the batcave and several constant sources of information keeping him entertained. He hated to admit it, but for once he felt fulfilled. His brain was working at just the right pace, he was giving out orders and information without having to secondguess himself and could allow himself to just let the mission take it’s course. He saw the dots moving around on the screen, saw the battlefield growing and changing and knew when to usher his family away from, or even towards danger. Yes, the pressure was incredibly high, but oh god was it exhilarating. 
Which didn’t mean he wasn’t annoyed when his orders were being ignored. Cass not listening to him he has already been counting on, she was saving the people and that was all he needed her to do. Stephanies string of fate, which was connected to Tims heart, was safe and sound and she kept him updated about her actions, so he was fine with keeping her out of the equation, for now. Jason though? 
“Hood! What the fuck is up with you?”, Tim signaled his older brother, who was currently walking at the pace of an elderly zombie and, for whatever reason, constantly turning in the direction of the Saine, completly disregarding the route Tim has assigned him on. “I totally get your need for caffeine now, Red.”, Jason laughed in return, “doesn’t mean I support it though.” Having said that he went back to silently brooding in the direction that was making him even more tired than he already was. 
Jason was exhausted, but he wasn’t dumb. He’d guessed that his soulmate had to be somewhere in the area and he was certain that the strenghtening bond was due to their proximity. The further he walked the more he felt them. Or in other words, felt his body succumb to their weakness. Whoever they were, Jason knew they were on the verge of dying. A soulmates bond can only do so much. Sure, if he ate and slept for two, his bonded would get their share, but it still wasn’t enough. Judging by the way he was currently about to collapse, they haven’t been taking care of themselves for a while now. Jason had to do something. He needed to find them and get them to someplace where they could recover, at least enough for Jason to be able to get back to work again. 
Blinking, Red Hood realised where he was. Where there should have been water, just a few dozen meters in front of him, were...
“Red, am I hallucinating or is that river full of giant ladybugs?”
“Those are boats. Their color indicates them to be Lucky Charms, a creation of Ladybugs superpower. Batman and the others have found several other items all over the city and collected the ones they could. Apparently Ladybug has to throw them in the air in order to cast the cure. Are you capable of investigating these ones? I think they could be shelters but my drones haven’t arrived yet so we have no heatvision to investigate from abov-”
“I’m on it.”, Jason interrupted him, having gotten a grasp of the situation and, due to his tiredness, not being capable of listening for such amounts of information without succumbing to the monotone lullaby of another human beings voice.
Tim watched in wonder, as the big, scary, red hooded man stopped midtrack, made a 90° turn and climbed into a destroyed cafe. He came out of it, several minutes later, armed with what seemed like two cups of coffee, a bag full of food held between his teeth and unconcious parisians on each one of his shoulders. Jason carefully squatted, letting them down at the door of the nearby akuma-shelter and sitting crosslegged next to them. After carefully dropping his bag of baked goods in his lap and downing the probably burning hot coffee from his left hand in one go, he finally turned his com back on and just sat there, eating. 
A few moments had passed before Tim mustered up the courage to speak to him. He’s been fighting evil in the streets of the most crime-ridden city their planet had to offer for years now, but never in his whole career has he seen something as terrifying as that man he considered a brother, who he knew had commited murder, died and come back to life, just sit and eat while everything around him consisted of ruins, death and destruction.
“Tho-those civilans. Did you-?”
“I knew you would ask that!”, a full mouth replied, “Of fucking course not. They were knocked out by their bloody ceiling collapsing onto their damn heads. They’re still breathing and I’m sure there’s like, first aid in those shelters. I just gotta-”, he took another bite, taking his time, again swallowing his second cup of coffee in one go and letting out an exhausted but slightly more energized breath, “I just gotta recharge, then I’ll be on my way.”
“Are you okay? Why so weak all of a sudden?”
“Who are ya calling weak, replacement?”
“I meant what I said, now spill.”
An uncharacteristical sigh escaped Jasons lips. He didn’t like speaking of his soulmate. It made him feel weak, especialy due to their bond consisting of literal suffering. Given the current situation, though, he decided to share.
“Did you know I have a soulmate?”
Tims surprise was evident but he did not dare speak up, in fear of disrupting his brothers confession. 
“We’re kind of a fucked up pair, to be honest. Our bond isn’t as cute as yours and Spoilers. It’s like...very physical. Whenever she gets hurt I get the same bruise.”
Jason now knew she was female. He felt her much more intensely, recognized those physical attributes he was sensing. If felt weird and he would have to get used to it. (Only if the both of them were going to survive the next few hours, of course.) 
He took another bite of the third pastry he was currently eating, before continuing: “Whenever one of us has hurt ourselves when we were little, the other did something similar in some sort of “payback”. It was dumb. Silly realy...”
Tim was only half listening. As much as he wanted to know every tiny detail of this secretive mans confessions, he still had a job to do. A shelter not far from Dukes whereabouts has been covered by more debris and was therefore in danger of collapsing on itself. He gave out orders to everyone but Jason. Red Robin had a guess considering what he was about to be told and couldn’t risk ignoring that possibly incredibly important piece of information.
Jason was finishing his seventh pastry, while explaining to Tim how he recognized Paris through his soulmate and pointed out how odd it was, that she knew what every angle looked like from above and how she has never set foot inside an akuma-shelter. 
Saying it out loud made it painfully obvious. Especially when he paired the information with the fact that his wounds seemed to heal so quickly and the exhaustion the bonded pair was feeling.
Ladybugs powers include healing.
Ladybug was fighting the most difficult battle this war has ever offered.
Ladybug was Jasons soulmate and he knew where he could find her.
I hope you are having a great day, night, morning...probably night. Nighttime is tumblrtime after all. 
Thank you SO MUCH for all your feedback, it is now my fuel, my water, my blood, I love y’all.
Also, English is my third language so please, if you find any mistakes or notice a grammatical sin: please tell me! I am still learning and would love to correct my mistakes.
Part 4 is in the making and either it will be very long or I’ll make a part 5. No promises though!
P.S.: Proper Jasonette is finally happening next chapter, I’m excited ^^
I never would have thought I’d get to say that but I now have a taglist! If you want to be added just tell me in whichever way: I will find you and I will tag you *insert evil laughter*
Tag List \o/:
@maribat-is-lifeblood @lokilex @amayakans 
Thanks for reading ^^
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yeongalaxy · 4 years
A Rose with The Thorns - Ch. II.
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The night is bright, the moon shining above one of the frat houses where the party is being held. The music that's blaring out of the massive speakers in the corners of the even more massive living room is literally ripping off Nina's ears, but she loves it.
She hasn't been to a party in a long time, and she feels really relaxed now. Alcohol slowly, but surely takes over her body and her mind relaxes even more. Boys are actually nowhere to be seen, especially Yeonjun, who stormed away from them as soon as they entered the house.
'Why does he have to be like that?' Nina thinks to herself as she finishes down her third, or maybe even fourth drink, she's not quite sure. She looks around and her eyes land on Soobin chatting with some friends in the dinning room.
Small smile creeps in the corner of her lips as she makes her way to him. ''Hey you, I was looking for you, you just disappeared'' she says loudly once she comes to Soobin and his friends. ''I was getting us something to drink'' he hands her a nice, black cup filled with the drink she's been drinking all night.
''Wow dude, you didn't tell us you have a girl'' one of the boy says, and Nina pays attention to them for the first time that night. She gives him the confused look, processing what the boy said. Once the words came to her brain, she just laughs. ''Oh no, we're not together. She's my best friend'' Soobin chuckles, looking at Nina.
''Oh, so it means. So you're single then, is that so sweetheart?'' the boy winks at Nina, making her blush a little. Although alcohol has increasingly taken over her body, Nina is pretty sure she doesn’t want absolutely any one-night stands.
She just laughs it off and looks at Soobin. ''Come on you tree, I wanna dance'' she pulls on his arm, wanting both of them to go have some fun. Soobin laughs, greets the boys saying he'll talk to them later, and makes his way to the dance floor.
It's way past 2 in the morning and Nina feels like she'll fly. Dancing all the time and drinking was a feeling she missed so much that she now has to make up for it after so much time. The feeling of the sudden heat of her body made her pull herself off the dance floor and out of the house into the fresh air. The night was beautiful, every star in the sky could be seen.
Nina sits on one of the benches a bit away from the house and looks up at the sky. She checks her phone to see the time and if she has any unread messages. She's a bit surprised seeing that no one sent her anything, so she just puts her phone back in the pocket of her jeans.
The boys are nowhere to be seen again, all of them went somewhere, basically leaving her all alone, but she didn't mind it at all. She had so much fun by herself too. After some time, she sees a familiar face coming towards her. She couldn't see so properly since her sight was a bit blury because of such amount of the alcohol.
''Hey there'' the boy she saw earlier sits next to her on the bench. ''Hey'' she says, smiling. The boy checks her up and down, slightly biting his lips. ''What are you doing out here?'' he asks, his question making Nina's eyes turn to his. ''I was getting some fresh air, but I think I might go inside now'' she slowly starts standing up, but his hand wrapping around her wrist stops her in her actions.
''Why are you going? I just want to talk to you'' he smiles, still holding her wrist. ''But I don't'' Nina states, trying to get away, but the boy isn't letting go.
''Will you please let me go?'' she asks politely, looking him in the eyes. The boy stands up, the height difference being huge between them.
''Why? I just want to talk with you sweetheart'' he says calmly, taking a step closer to her, which makes her take a step back.
Nina tries to pull her arm out of his, but his grip is just too strong for her. So strong it starts hurting her. ''Please let me go, I'll scream'' she looks at him, taking one more step back as he takes a step closer to her again.
The boy is completly ignoring her, smirking nicely while looking at her lips and biting his own.
''Come on, fucking let me go'' Nina starts sobbing, desperately wanting someone to see what's going on and help her, but no one does. Everybody just seem so busy with other stuff.
''Dude, are you going to let go or do I have to make you?'' a familiar voice makes her look in the way it was coming from. Her eyes lit up as she sees Yeonjun standing just few meters away from them, his arms crossed on his chest.
Nina tries to pull harder on the boy's grip, but he's not letting her go. ''Come on'' the boy mutters to himself rolling his eyes, then looks at Yeonjun who's just standing there, being completely unbothered by the situation. ''You have two options. You either let her go right now, or I make you do it. Your choice'' Yeonjun calmly says, not even looking at Nina.
''Yeah? Let me see it then Choi'' the boy smirks, gripping Nina's wrist harder, which makes her whine. Yeonjun just rolls his eyes, and in the next moment, the boy is laying on the grass, sobbing in pain. ''Damn'' Yeonjun mutters shaking his hand in slight pain, then looks at the girl standing there and holding her wrist.
''Let's go'' he holds his hand out, which makes Nina's eyes open wide. She doesn't hesitate a moment before she reaches his hand, wanting to be away from there as soon as possible. Yeonjun starts walking away, leaving the boy still laying on the grass.
Nina looks one last time at the boy before she looks at her hand intertwined in Yeonjun's.
Once they reach his car, he opens the door for her and she sits in. She's so confused, but so happy that he's here. Alcohol is still present in her mind, but all she can think about is the way he looked at her when he held his hand out for her.
''Are you okay?'' he asks as soon as he sits in the car. ''No'' she admits, feeling her eyes filling with tears. ''Let me see'' he takes her hand in his and looks at her red wrist. ''This is going to leave a bruise in the morning, we better take care of it'' he adds, then moves his hands away from hers.
The ride home was silent.
Nina's feelings are way too mixed to even think straight.
She's angry at all of them for not being with her, but she's happy that at least one of them was there for her. And it had to be Yeonjun.
''Does it hurt?'' he asks her while wrapping her wrist in a bandage. ''A bit'' she whispers, trying not to look at him so much.
Come to think of it, this is the first time he has a normal interaction with her, and she's way too surprised.
She looks at his navy blue hair, which suits him so well. She wants to touch it so badly, but she can't. Then she looks at his hands that are carefully taking care of her wound. She feels her heart beating faster, and she just can't help it.
''Why do you hate me?'' her tongue is just faster than her brain.
''What?'' he looks up at her, making eye contact.
He's confused, but realizing he's looking at her for too long, he coughs and looks down again.
''I, uhm... It's over. Just make sure you don't move your hand too much'' he says nervously, then stands up and quickly goes to his room, leaving Nina behind with the unanswered question...
HIIII GUYSSS. I am finally able to possttt I'm sooo hhaappxyyy. I'm sorry I didn't post before, I was just busy with college and I had to study for my exams. I'll try to write another chapter pretty soon so please enjoy in this one and give it a lot of loveee.💜💜💜💜💜💜
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decadentenemyturtle · 4 years
Take a change!
Summary: What is breavery for Dwalin? Taking head on hundreds and hundreds of orcs, protecting his king, kin and friends. Aye, no problem. Or, how about asking your One on a date and to court her? Yeah. Sure. NOPE!
Pairing: Dwalin x OC (Ella)
Words: 1,331
Warnings: Fluff, if ye concider that as a worning. Bad writing of mine. Typo’s.
Author’s note: This is my first fanfic of my “Give me two character’s and I’ll choce which one I’d rather date” , the challege found in here.
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Dwalin, son of Fundin, brother of Balin, soon-to-be Lord of Moria, and best friend of Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain. Dwalin was a dwarf who was named as a greatest warrior of his time, head of the king's bodyguard's and a captain of the king's army, who was known of his breavery and many things he had done, even before reclaiming the Lonely Mountainh alongside with his king and best friend. There were written many stories and sung many songs of his adventures and breavery long before the company of Thorin Oakenshield reclaimed the Lonely Mountain, and even more so after the cursed Mountain had been reclaimed.
All and all, Dwalin was brave, smart (even if many didn't believe it), calm and strong dwarf. He knew it. Thorin knew it. Balin knew it. Ella knew it. The whole company knew it. Mahal, ANYONE who knew Dwalin also knew how brave he was.
Now, however, many questioned of his breavery. Even Dwalin himself.
And mainly because he didn't dare to ask to court his One.
"She has had many dwarves and men from Dale 'n Esgaroth asking 'er hand for courting, even for a marriage" Bofur said simply, sitting on a bench as lazily as he could, pipe on his other hand. Next to him was sitting his cousin, Bifur, nodding seriously, agreeing with his cousin. 
"Aye, just yeste'day I had tae chase some rathe' too keen suitor on 'is way, even when miss Ella clearly said that she did not want tae court 'im" Ori sighed. Dwalin looked at the young dwarf and wanted to clap his back. The young scrible had gotten so much breaver over the four year they had lived in Erebor. And then the sinking feeling set back on his heart again, because he realized that even this sweet, young Ori had mustered up his courage to ask his One, Casver, to a courtship. Their wedding was going to be in August, only few months away.
"I 'eard that there's an elf, who had been taken an intrest in Ella. It's not likely that he'd ask to court - and mainly because she's not af elf, but ya never know" Kíli said, setting his full tankard on the table. When the prince had sat down, he threw an look to Dwalin. And Dwalin felt the anger and panic rice. Because he knew that Kíli would know of these things - whatever they were rumours or not - because of his courtship with that Tauriel, who in turn would hear the rumor's and all from her kingdom from her friend's.
"What are ye so afraid of, old friend? Ye know ye have nothing tae lose if ye just ask her" Gloin asked. Dwalin looked down at his tankard and sighed. What he had to lose? Everything. His love for Ella, his heart, his life, his dreams including her. But then again, if she said yes, wouldn't his life be better? Wouldn't he be happy? And, he would be with the one he loved. Wasn't that what he dreamed of? Ori and Gloin both glaimed that their life was better after they started to court their One. So, drinking the tankard empty and slamming it to the table, Dwalin stood up and left the tavern.
"She should still be in the library!" Ori shouted after him. However did the lad even know, where he was going? Dwalin wondered.
  Dwalin found her from the library, just like Ori had told him. She sat over her workdesk and wrote something down on the perchment. As Dwalin walked closer, ever so slowly, he felt his heart leap to his throat and then drop to his stomach. He felt his palms sweat and he wanted to throw up. Mahal, he couldn't do this!
And just then, when Dwalin thought about turnin and leaving, Ella's eyes rose from the perchment to meet his grey ones. And the world seemed to stop. For a second she looked surprised and then she smiled, and her green eyes seemed to lit up in the candle's light.
"Dwalin! How long have you been there? I didn't hear you come in" she said, smiling. Dwalin let out a long and tortued sigh, and walked nearer the desk, still leaving full meter between himself and Ella. "Please don't say that Ori or Balin send you. Because I SWEAR I'm almost done with this" she kept on talking, nodding towards the table, when Dwalin found himself unable to open his mouth and speak. When her eyes turned back to Dwalin from the perchment, Dwalin mustered to smile her a little and shake his head.
"Nae, lass, that's not why am here, although Ori gave me an hint where ye might be" he managed to answer. Ella's brow rose and she let out a little 'Oh' before she set her pen down.
"Sooo, you.... were looking for me?" She asked. When Dwalin nodded, she turned fully on him to, turning a little nervous, Dwalin noted. And suddenly it was hard to talk, again. On the way here Dwalin had played few scenario's over his head, how this all would go on, what he should say and how he should say it, how Ella would possibly react and what she would possibly do and say. But now he found out that he couldn't say any of those things he had concidered saying. When he had stayed quiet for far too long, Ella tilted her head slightly and looked even more cocnerned than before. And Dwalin didn't like it. This all was going wrong.
"Is everything alright? Has... someone died, or...?" Ella asked carefully, her worried eyes studying Dwalin feature's. And now Dwalin knew he had already fucked up. Quickly he shook his head and tried then explain how he needed to tell her something. But when he still strugled to tell her the words he needed to, Ella rose from the chair and took the few steps to stand in front of him. And when she took his hand in hers, Dwalin could feel his brains turning off completly, even more so when he could smell the fainth honey and ginger from her. And, then, well... Things just kind of happened.... Because Dwalin didn't want Ella to think that something bad had happened and he wanted her to knwo how he felt and everything got mixed up in his brains and....
".... Would ye concider of marrying me?" he asked, not realising rightaway that he had asked the wrong question, and when he did, his face fell and started to turn red. And when he saw the surprised look on Ella's face, he felt his heart sink. She would say no. He looked down, not bearing to look at her beautiful face. And then, after a few quiet moment, she chuckled. She found this amusing, and would say no. That was the last nail to the coffin, Dwalin tought. He had fucked things up, because he couldn't think straight or speak normally, and now he felt his heart break and he would have to leave form Erebor because he couldn't looke at Ella anymore without thinking of his stubidity and he really wanted to cr...
Dwalin's train of thought was stopped by a kiss on his cheek. He lifted his suddenly misty eyes to meet Ella's green ones. She was smiling, and even blushing.
"Me thinks that... before a marriage we should court first, aye?" she asked and Dwalin felt a little light of hope arise in his chest.
"Aye" he answered. At this, Ella looked down shyly and after she had taken a deep breath, she looked back up with a small smile.
"So, would you concider courting me first and asking me to marry you a little later on?" she asked, her cheeks turning more pink. And for a first time, maybe ever, Dwalin claimed to knew what happines was.
"Aye, love, aye. I'd like that" Dwalin answered, then pressing his forehead against Ella's.
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 5 years
(This is my 5th post today I don't know what's going on either)
Hisoka smut because I had a dream last night and it was kinda good. This one should be longer because there's a bit more back story to it. Sorry for them being so short. 😅 warning non-con
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You woke up with a start. It had felt like something hit you, in the leg. Your eyes sprung open and your body went taut. Your breathing uneven, you tried to take in the room you were in. It wasn't yours. White walls surrounded you, nothing on them. You were in a bed made with silk sheets and wool blankets. A small desk to your right with bookshelves and office stuff piled on top. A flat screen tv planted on the wall in front of you.
You shifted in the sheets, a sharp pain washed over your leg. You gasped out, going stiff again.
"What the fuck..." you whispered to yourself. You pulled the blanket away from your leg. You noticed a large cast-like bandage over your leg. Blood was seeping through the many layers of fabric. From your hip almost to your ankle, a jagged, red line. Your brows furrowed, completely confused. You hadn't remembered anything besides leaving your house for a few groceries. And then... and then what?
You decided to pull back the bandages to reveal the wound. It hurt, stinging every nerve you took the bandage from. A deep, bleeding line ran down your pale leg. Horrified, you pulled the cast all the way off. The tissue was torn deep, almost all the way to the bone. Had who ever took you in taken you to the hospital? Obviously not, there was no stitching on you. You touched it, and then everything came back.
You were about to leave the store, groceries in hand. You had managed to make it to your car. You popped the trunk, ready to start putting stuff in it so you could go home for the night. That was when a hand tried to wrap around your waist. You panicked, kicking whoever it was in the crotch, praying it was a man and not a woman. You had been correct, the guy groaned painfully before toppling over onto the concrete of the parking lot. You turned to face him so you could give the police and accurate description if needed. He was a short man, wearing a brown coat and a green beanie. His beard covered most of his pale face. He seemed to recover quickly, grabbing a knife and seizing your leg.
"Hey! Help!" you tried to call out to anyone. The man pulled you to the ground, you hit your head on the concrete. It hurt, bad. But not as bad as the knife that managed to shred the side of your thigh down your calf. He almost managed to make it down your ankle before being abruptly stopped. You tried to look up to see what stopped him, but you had already passed out.
And that was when you woke up here. You didn't know if you were alone or not, but you didn't really want to know. But you had to know. Had that man managed to kidnap you? You went to get up, but then the door to the room opened. You froze in place.
A man with pink hair strolled through the doorway, a towel around his waist and hair dripping onto the carpet. He noticed you were awake almost immediately after he entered the room.
"Oh~ you're awake yes?" he smiled at you. You shifted under the sheets uncomfortably again, wincing at the pain in your leg.
"Oh dear I'm sorry about that. I couldn't get my friend to stitch it up for you. He was too busy with another job and just told me to take you in..." the man explained himself.
"Oh... Thank you..." you whispered. You looked down.
"Who are you?" you asked, curious. He glanced back up at you and then to the floor, smiling.
"Excuse me, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Hisoka, pleasure to meet you. And yours?" he sat on the bed next to you, a hand extended in greeting.
"Y/N..." you replied simply, taking his hand and shaking it. He smiled devilishly at you, chuckling. You gulped, looking his body up and down. He was quite attractive. Toned, muscular, pale skin. The way his hair fell in his face was near perfect.
"Do you like what you see?" he asked suddenly. Your cheeks went red. You scooted away from him a bit, giving him more space.
"Sorry..." you started.
"Where do you think you're going love~" Hisoka asked before pulling you back over to him by the waist. Your breath caught at his strength.
You must have been the one to stop that man...
He pulled you into his lap, the only thing between you two was your panties and his towel. You made eye contact with him.
"I- I wasn't going anywhere! I can't-" he cut you off by holding your face still, fingers string against your chin, keeping you in place for him.
"I think I deserve a reward, don't you?" he inquired quietly. You felt a shiver run over your body.
"What...?" you started, but it was too late. He threw you down back onto his bed, climbing over top of you. You panicked again, feeling your blood run cold despite his heated touch against your skin. He pressed his huge hand into your stomach, hard. You felt your insides protest weakly at his touch. Your own hands tried to pry his one off, but to no avail.
"Don't worry princess, I won't hurt you yet." he cooed. A sob wracked across your body. You tried to kick, though your left leg was rendered almost useless, the nerves and tendons shot completly. Hisoka's hand moved down your stomach to your womanhood, a finger trailing across your panties. He smirked at your objective squeak.
"Oh my, you're better than a thought~" he growled in your ear seductively, moving his hand back up your body to your breast underneath the shirt that must have been his. His towel was starting to fall, a tent forming under it. He squeezed hard on your sensitive bud, causing a yelp to leave your mouth. You felt lips attach to your neck, right above your collar bone. It made your breath hitch again, the feeling of his tongue licking lightly over your sensitive skin.
Hisoka's hand moved down to your panties again, moving them aside while he lined himself up. He didn't enter right away, simply ran his dick through your folds, making you feel how hard you'd made him by doing nothing at all. Signing, he found your entrance, pushing the tip lightly against your hole. Teasing it open.
You felt like you should have said something to him. Told him you weren't ready. Something. Anything. But you said nothing. The splitting pain ripping you in half as he entered. And he wasn't gentle. Hisoka groaned at his intrusion, satisfied with himself. He sat up on his elbows so he could look you in the eyes as he worked himself into you. Your eyes we're closed however, trying to push him out as best you could.
"Look at me lovely, your eyes are so pretty..." he begged you, moving himself in you. It hurt, God it hurt. It also didn't help the already burning pain in your leg reminding you of what happened earlier that night. You had to keep your legs wide open in attempt at any reduce in the pain he provided. It was a difficult feat due to your open wound.
Hisoka moaned out loud as he moved in you, pushing himself in and pulling himself out. Your walls tightened in agony as he sped up, though his ministrations got easier and easier on you, your body trying desperately to lubricate itself to avoid the pain, though it still hurt like hell as his body managed to force itself into yours.
"Hisoka! Slow down please!" you begged, genuinely begged for him to at least slow down. Your cries only made him speed up however, obviously turned on by any sound you made. You tried to stay quiet instead, though that too proved difficult once his hand found your swollen clit. You hadn't even noticed your own arousal through all the pain. It felt good.
The tip of Hisoka's dick pushed against the back of your core, earning him a moan from your lips suddenly.
"There you are!" he moaned out to you, tilting your hips and pushing himself deeper so he could thrust into you like that everytime. You grabbed onto his arms from support, since at this point he was practically throwing you against the headboard with his hips alone. Eventually your pain was taken in stride as you got closer and closer to your release.
"Say my name for me, love~" he was speaking to your drunken brain, knowing you'd obey. You tried to ignore it, but he only pushed himself into you harder, forcing your good leg up over his shoulder so he could fuck you at a better angle. You were suddenly dizzy and on the brink of orgasm.
"Hisoka!" you started, "fuck Hisoka please! Ah- ah- yes- oh shit YES! Ohh~" you finished off from him. You continued to moan for him as he used you to finish himself, finding his release deep inside of you. You whined as the hot liquid filled your core up to the brim, leaking out onto the sheets.
Hisoka harshly pulled out of you, letting your leg fall down onto the bed. You tried to close your legs, but your pelvis hurt so bad you started shaking the second you tried. Hisoka was panting in front of you.
"I might need another shower, care to join me? It might help in washing your leg." he suggested. You whimpered in response, not even trying to fight as he picked you up to carry you to his bathroom.
(//I hope you enjoy this, it was decent I think, I could have done better but I think I did alright on it!//)
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Part 2 - Broadway’s Dance of the Vampires Commentary
Act 2
• And here we are again, after taking a week or two to recover from act 1
• I have no idea what’s going to happen but I’m gonna finish what I started, no matter what it takes
• Ok the video is ready, I don’t think I am but here we go
• Ok well the opening music was more like titanic than tanz
• Ooh ok we have lots of vague figures on stairs, probably vampires but it’s hard to tell with the 480p video quality
• Hmmm are we having a reprise of totale finsternis?
• That staircase is looking
• Glad to see the audience is cracking up again at the use of total eclipse of the heart
• Those couple guys are having a great time
• They’re like
• haHAAA
• Good for them
• Glad someone’s enjoying this
• I would be annoyed that this whole thing is seen as funny when the original scene is really cool but hey this whole thing is just one big old parody so what could I expect
• Distancing myself from it by calling it a parody is the only thing getting me through thiis
• I don’t think they’re using all the same lyrics as total eclipse so at least there’s that
• But the lyrics are too romancey and soppy ugh
• Michael your singing is actually quite nice aside from the hint of giovannui at the edges of your words
• NO
• The harmonies are the best part of the song noooo
• And I think his voice would probably harmonise quite well
• wHY
• there was no dramatic krolock walking down the staircase slowly
• but then again I don’t think giovanni could do that
• he’d probably trip on the second step, crash down the stairs and be like I’m a-fine! Hee hee!
• Oh
• Oh no
• I think they are doing harmonies but they’re just
• Wrong
• So wrong
• Or maybe good ol’ giovanni has just forgotten the key he’s supposed to be singing in
• Entirely possible
• I don’t think giovanni would particularly care about the rules of music
• Oh giovanni is literally just like come to the gates of hell with me and sarah seems chill with iy
• She’s singing along
• She’a having a good time
• NOOO they harmonised poorly during the verse where there should be no harmonies but they sTILL WON’T HARMONISE IN THE CHORUS
• -22/10 would not listen again
• But then that sums up the whole musical tbh
• The phrase ‘hold me tight’ should not be in this song
• Wrong vibes my friends
• This fails the vibe check
• Oh no they’re attempting a couple of the original harmonies
• 2 lines in and it’s not going well
• ???????
• Wait
• They’re both singing harmonies for sarah’s line but NOBODY IS SINGING SARAH’S LINE
• Sarah sing your own part
• What r u doing
• Sarah
• This is horrible pls stop
• Once again the staging is mostly just the two pigeons again
• Except the squawking is more evenly split between the two
• Back and forth
• Wait
• Hmm
• There appears to be either a cult or aa group of monks (is there a name for that? A flock of pigeons, a murder of crows, a prayer of monks?) gathering in the backgroubd
• Did nobody tell them yhis room was taken
• Or maybe sarah and giovanni didn’t book the room
• Maybe it’s just turned midnight and their hour is up
• Someone check the dramatic staircase room booking sheet pls
• Ok ok but there’s nothing you can do, a total eclipse of the heart??
• The whole point is that sarah is trying to choose to be free and make her own choices
• If there’s nothing she can do then that sort of defeats the purpose
• Oh wait yeah this sarah wasn’t locked up
• Never mind
• None of this makes sense anyway
• Really missing krolock’s cape rn
• Nothing looks as good without it
• If giovanni had a cape he might even make it from a -13/10 to nearly a 1/10
• Oh the cult is following giovanni
• Maybe he invited them..?
• Having that many candles on the stairs cab’t be practical
• And tbh is frankly quite dangerous if u ask me
• …and once again we end with some undeservinf applause
Round 4: the boys are back in town
• Ah here comes alfred with his self-narration
• Did he just lightly crack the fourth wall..?
• Oh god and the vampire hunting squad is joined by giovanni ‘buonasera’ von krolock
• Ew did he just say scrumptious? That word should be spoken by grannies and posh mothers alone
• I love how he’s just sat in a throne in the middle of nowhere
• Is this outside his castle? Inside? Somewhere else entirely? We may never know
• Oh sorry I stand corrected it appears I have been incorrectly naming giovanni this whole time
• His full name appears to be count giovanni coppolini travancoli von krolock (or something along those lines) of the sicilian side of the family
• Albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore anyone?
• I just.
• Why is he italian
• Krolock does not sound remotely italian
• Do vampires have a connection to italy?
• If so I am not aware
• Once again, I must ask: why is 75% of the staging of this musical just people stood at opposite ends of the stage facing each other
• Those bats look like family? I guess they would
• Oh my god why is alfred threatening giovanni
• I guess nobody’s gonna be pretending not to know what the others are
• Which gets straight to the point I suppose
• While not necessarily good at self-preservation, alfred sure is efficient
• But maybe too efficient because we still have an hour left to go
• This version of alfred is like a chihuahua with small dog sydrome yapping at a bigger dog, excpet giovanni is only slightly bigger than him and is probably a flea-infested chinese crested dog dressed in a halloween costume from wish.com
• …piccolo alfredo.
• This scene is really bringing out the offensively fake italian in giovanni
• Are they saying… erbert..?
• Oh yay he’s french
• Quick tip, directors: the french would not pronounce the t either unless you added an e at the end (I think)
• Also e is more like air rather than er from what I remember
• So really it would be airbair??
• Which is stupid
• Tl;dr: do not make him french and still call him herbert
• Oh and herbert wearing bright blue? No thx I prefer his purple sparkles and black
• His hair and wig aren’t even done well *sigh* herbert would hate this
• See giovanni made a joke and the audience clearly liked it but I could not catch a word of what he said
• Oh god this herbert is wrong
• Herbert never actually speaks to krolock in tanz
• Which tbh is a shame but i prefer it over… whatever this is…
• Huh so it is set in transylvania, giovanni and airbear are just italian and french bc y not
• Neat
• Cool cool cool
• Wait so they were in the library the whole time???????
• I’m so confused rn
• Why does his library have a coffee bar..? you know what, never mind
• Ah ambronsius is clearly about to sing his book song
• …or maybe not? Giovanni is apparently trying to seduce him too..?
• The staging is a bit like vor dem schloss
• It’s the right time for it but who knows
• And one of the first decent harmonies of the musical is a line between giovanni and ambronsius singing about books bc apparently this is a book club now
• Oh no is koukol called boris
• If it isn’t boris johnson I’m gonna be disappointed (or relieved)
• Apparently the throne just glides backwards
• Like a magic carpet exceot it doesn’t leave the ground so i suppose actually more like a chair with wheels, which is much less exciting
• That didn’t deserve a clap
• I can’t figure out if they’re being open about their intentions or not because they seem to change their minds every 10 seconds
• There’s suddenly a bed?
• Oh god ok let’s see if they mess up carpe noctem
• Well the music is for an entirely different song so this will be interesting
• Hmm ok it is that completly different song
• Is that airbear..?
• Or alfred #2?
• Bc it should be krolock singing that song but idek
• At least we get a cape and mostly good singing
• Ah here we go
• Carpe noctem looking its usual weird self
• I do not remember winged demons dancing on the bed in the original
• But hey there’s more capes
• Something to be grateful for
• I’m really not sure what’s going on here
• Oh ok I can finally see the dream krolock
• He’s doing all those jumps in a suit rather than shirtless with leggings so he looks a little less cool sorry to him
• But yh i still have no idea who is singing the main vocals
• And it’s over
• Ha alfred lowkey looks like brian david gilbert in that one bit
• Sorry alfred your i’m scared but i’m gonna do this for sarah song isn’t quite as sweet when you’re super confident
• One thing i never understood was how ambronsius slept through alfred’s singing
• Ah it appears he did not
• He’s hugging ambronsius..?
• Does he do that in the original?
• Ha ha very funny professor sibilance and homovampiricus
• Oh and alfred happily just whacks chagal on the head nice nice totally in character
• The coffins are empty???
• Why is chagal in a nice coffin
• Where does giovanni sleep
• I guess in his floating mansion of a coffin
• If anything herbert would have that
• Oh he’s finally turning magda
• ..and his wife?
• Apparently
• Are they in a polyamorous relationship now
• They will not all fit in that one coffin I’m sorry
• And here’s herbert
• Ew herbert is so cheap
• Like he was flirty in the original but this is ridiculous
• Ugh too many cheap gay jokes
• airbear is sO much worse than I could have imagined
• Huh maybe alfred is confirmed a little bi here
• Ok yeah alfred is definitely having his bi awakening here
• And at least the whole thing is a little more consensual here
• Oh yeah alfred’s bi as hell, he’s singing harmonies with airbear
• But he’s still trying to escape?
• I guess he is a bit confused
• Wait so airbear ended that thinking alfred wanted him? Different but more accurate to the events
• 40 minutes to go
• Mrs krolock is apparently a disguise he uses around sarah too? Ok
• Well the vampires are about to wake so this is where things really should start getting good but I’m sure they won’t
• I don’t like that one of them laughed
• I don’t think they’re even harmonising
• Lazy
• Ah ok here we go harmonies
• These are nice actually
• The lower part is louder than usual, which actually works quite nicely
• The vampires aren’t as jolty and creepy though
• Ew the guitar is bad
• What was that horrible whining between notes
• Oooh this should be sie irren professor
• Oh no, I guess giovanni has decided to bypass the threatening and has gone straight to physical assault
• There’s a prophecy? Alright then. Bit abrupt
• Dammit so they’re going straight into die unstillbare gier without sie irren professor
• Maybe it’s for the best… giovanni was never going to sound that threatening anyway
• Half an hour to go
• I can do this
• Let’s see how he massacres one of the best songs in the musical
• Also he’s starting the song at the front of the stage not the top, and it’s just weird
• When giovanni has been so comedic and dumb the whole time this song just won’t work
• …and the firsg two lines don’t rhyme… great start
• He has a cape though
• Pls I just want 1 cape swish
• Oh but the cape is pathetic
• Oh
• This song could have been good
• But the lyrics aren’t as good in places and he’s still got hints of giovanni’s stupid accent
• What a tragedy
• Well they’re giving a little more detail about his previous victims which is interesting at the very least
• The lyrics don’t have enough syllables
• And ugh they’re not very good either
• There are a few nice ones but most of them…
• I use my body just like a bandage, I use my body just like a wound
• And the prize for worst lyric yet goes to…
• And what makes it worse is that those replaced ich will frei und freier werden und werde meine ketten nicht los
• One of my favourite parts of the song
• And I just want to add that he’s barely moving too
• He doesn’t climb to the top and run down to collapse on the floor
• He just. Stands there.
• Like a badly dressed rock.
• Oh but the stage tilts now to form a straight wall
• So it’s not even like they couldn’t have the stage rise as he runs down
• They just left it raised for him to do nothing on and then got rid of it completely
• They replaced doch die with buuuuuut which does NOT work at all
• You need two syllables to separate the two notes
• This is awful
• They changed the tune a tiny bit which is fine I guess, not as satisfying though
• I just
• *sigh*
• His voice is good. With good lyrics and the original character, he could have done it really well
• I hate that potential was wasted
• Which, again, goes for the whole trainwreck of a musical
• I can’t make out all of the lyrics and I’m not sure if that’s a mild annoyance or a blessing
• Like, i have no idea what he said in the last little bit
• But hey that’s that
Part 3 - The Ball and Beyond
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