#and then you’ll understand why i believe there’s a connection between them
strawberrybyers · 1 month
when karen goes missing in s5. when nancy and mike discover they’re related to the creels in the process of trying to find their mom. when el discovers henry is her dad because the lab secretly impregnated terry. therefore all of this putting another nail in mikeven’s coffin 😌
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spencereidluver · 7 months
A is for About Time
summary: You’re paired up with Spencer on a mostly physiological case… He’s impressed with how many of his obscure references you understand and how you’re able to carry on conversations with him unlike anyone else.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: details of a case: strangulation, blood writing
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“y/n and Reid, I need you to stay here at the station while the rest of us go search the area.” Hotch said, handing you and Spencer each a file. “There’s information about the case in here. The PD thinks we’re dealing with someone who is able to outsmart that of the normal man. We need both of your heads on this. Got it?”
You and Spencer both nodded. You were smart, no denying it, but you know he knows everything you know times two.
You’ve only been in the BAU six months, but you’d only need to know Spencer two minutes to know just how intelligent he is. You don’t quite understand why Hotch wants you to stay back on this case with him, but who are you to deny the man.
You and Spencer take the Manila folders and make your ways to the conference room. He does a little jog to catch up with you. “You know, I’ve never had anyone else stay back with me on cases like these.” He says as he slows his step to match yours.
“Yeah, we’ll maybe you’ve never had anyone quite on your level Dr. Reid.” you joke as you pull the glass door open. There’s a bulletin board with photos from the case. You see Spencer grimace at them out of your peripheral. No matter how many cases you go on, this is one thing that will never be easy for anyone in this job.
Spencer sprawls out his folder on the half-circle-shaped wooden table in the center of the small office. The first image is a photo from the crime scene. It’s a white brick wall with blood writing, it reads:
“in this moment, she was mine, mine, fair, perfectly pure and good”
“It’s a poem.” He says. “Porphyria’s Lover.”
You interrupt him, “a mid 1800’s poem written by Robert Browning.”
“You’ve heard of it?”
“A poem in which a beautiful woman’s lover strangles her with her own hair? Yeah I’ve heard of it.”
He flips through a few more pages in the folder. They’re all just copies of what’s on the bulletin. You’re not too sure why you were each given folders containing the same pictures, but I guess consistency is key in this job.
“I never took you as an 1800s poem freak, y/n.” He says with a smile that you can’t quite tell the intention behind.
“Maybe you’re not as many levels ahead of me as you thought, Dr. Reid.”
It’s only day two of the case, but between stupid jokes and bonding over old literature, there’s only one thing you cannot seem to pinpoint the reasoning for. And probably the only way you’ll be able to directly connect to the unsub.
He’s working off a dating app. He searches for women who meet his physical criteria, then stalks them until he’s able to pounce. Smart guy. Very smart guy.
“The one thing I just cannot understand is why if the poem he’s working off of is so keen on blonde hair, why have only half of our victims been blondes?” Spencer says, reading through a print-out of the original poem.
“Maybe the women with brown hair were just more available?” You say, not sure if you believe it.
Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. “No, a man like this would want blondes. He’s working of the exact motive of the poem.”
“And he must have a lot of time with his victims to be able to strangle them with their hair.”
You and Spencer spend hours reading over the poem and investigating that photos. Hotch comes back to the station to bring photos from yet another crime scene. Another blonde. If anything, that takes you further from figuring him out, messing up the blonde-brown-blonde-brown victim order.
“There’s no way he’s picking these victims at random. He’d have to spend far too long watching them to know their work schedule to be able to get into their apartments.” Hotch says. “I need you guys to further analyze the poem. It could have the key and hopefully we can find him before he strikes again.”
You and Spencer spend a further hour and a half looking over and annotating the poem. You’re both about to give up on the poem when you notice something: the rhyme scheme.
“A-B-A-B-B,” you think outloud.
“What?” Spencer is confused.
“The rhyme scheme, Spencer. It’s A-B-A-B-B. Auburn-Blonde-Auburn-Blonde-Blonde. That has to be it!”
“So he’ll go back to the beginning. He’s looking for his next victim with auburn hair, just like Julia Dempsey and Katie Flanagan. Nice catch, y/n. We’ve gotta call Hotch.”
He pulls out his phone and dials the eight digits quickly. He fills in Hotch on the info you find as you email over to Garcia. It’s only a matter of time before Morgan and Hotch move in on the man, Garcia finding him from a simple categorical search of dating profile preferences.
You’re sat on the jet next to Spencer on your way home. You’re going on about old literature and artifacts pertaining to them. No one else understands a word either of you are saying, but they’re rather in awe of how the two of you are able to bounce off each other and carry on about, what to them, is utter nonsense.
It’s late. Early. Well, both. 2:47 AM. You’re leaned with your elbow on the table and your head in your hand looking and Spencer as he recites an old poem from memory. His voice is calm and warm. JJ and Emily are asleep in the booths next to you, Hotch minding his own in the back, and Rossi and Morgan make small talk a little closer to the front.
“y/n?” You hear your name being whispered.
You hum in response, opening your eyes to see a wide-eyed Spencer looking at you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He says.
“It’s okay. I’m kinda glad you did, my neck would be sore when we land.”
“We’re still three hours from Virginia. Think you can make it that long?”
“Hell no, I’m exhausted.” You try cross your arms on the table, laying your head in them as you try to get comfortable.
“That position may feel better on your neck, but it’ll do a number on your back in record time.”
“Well, Spencer, there’s only so much room to work with on this jet.”
“I can move so you can lay in the seat if you’d like. But that could also hurt your neck considering you’ll be lying flat and have no incline.”
“Well then why don’t you tell me the most comfortable position and let me sleep in peace.”
“Studies show the best position for sleeping without a pillow is leaning against a wall or something of an upright nature. But there are no walls to lean up against, so you’re pretty much out of luck there y/n.”
He shifts in his seat, reaching for the blanket behind him. He tosses it at you and settles back down. He sips from his coffee. No wonder he’s not going to sleep, he drinks coffee 15 out of the 24 hours in a day.
You scoot a bit closer to him, wrapping the blanket around yourself. You tip your head forward, groaning. Tiredness overcomes you more than it already has, making it near impossible to even keep your eyes open.
“Hey, Spence…” You look up at him. His head tilts down to meet your gaze, flattening his lips in form of response. “Can I…” You let your sentence fade out, pushing yourself closer to him.
He softens his voice. “Hmm?”
Before he can even finish his hum your head has slumped on his shoulder and you’re already falling unconscious on him. You feel him reach his arm around you- pulling the blanket up- you assume. He does that, but his arm never leaves. His head flops gently on top of yours, his one unruly waft of hair falling over his face. You could stay like this forever.
“It’s about time those two realize how similar they are.” You hear Rossi’s gravely voice say.
And just like that, you’re asleep, in what is probably the most comfortable you’ve ever been in your life.
next chapter: b is for Boy Genius
a/n: hiii! i really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Chapter 2 will be released tomorrow! Sorry if this one was a little boring, I promise the next chapter is more interesting. Im just trying to set up the story a little before we get into it!
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Hello!! Do you know any TTRPGs surrounding translation or languages? 😊 (thanks for all your work btw!!!)
THEME: Language / Translation Games
Hello friend! As someone who studied linguistics in university, I absolutely love talking about all of the funky things languages do! I hope these recommendations tickle your fancy!
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Dialect, by Thorny Games.
Dialect is a game about an isolated community, their language, and what it means for that language to be lost. In this game, you’ll tell the story of the Isolation by building their language. New words will come from the fundamental aspects of the community: who they are, what they believe in, and how they respond to a changing world.
Dialect uses a deck of cards to help minimize the amount of choices you have to make in character creation, by dealing three cards to each player and having the players choose one from just those three. You track the change of your language over a series of turns, using prompts to help you navigate the conversations that arise in your community as the world around them changes.
Dialect has been very highly regarded as a game that really delivers on the experience that it promises. The grief that accompanies language death really shines through this game, so if you want to combine the wonder of creation with the pain of losing something so integral to your sense of being, this is the game for you.
Tiny Frog Wizards, by @prokopetz
You have mastered the secret arts of sorcery
The very primordial energies of creation and destruction are yours to wield as you will.
You are two inches tall.
Tiny Frog Wizards is a game about tiny frogs, wielding magic using the power of words. When you want to do something magical, you will roll somewhere between 1-3 dice, and use the values of your rolled dice to determine how the range, magnitude, and control of your magic.
What’s important in terms of this game recommendation is the Control aspect, because how well you are able to wield your magic depends on how many words you are able to use to make things happen! It’s a lot easier to use a spell with precision if you have enough words to detail where you want a magical pen to write, or what you want to throw a tiny magic missile at. Not enough words? Then the GM has license to cause some humorous side effects, or, if you roll poorly enough, cause your spells to really go off the rails.
If you like games where you need to choose your words carefully, Tiny Frog Wizards is worth checking out - especially since it’s in free playtest!
Xenolanguage, by Thorny Games.
Xenolanguage is a tabletop role-playing game about first contact with alien life, messy human relationships and what happens when they mix together.  At its core, you explore your pivotal relationships with others on the mission as you uncover meaning in an alien language. The game gives a nod to soulful sci-fi media like Arrival, Story of Your Life and Contact, but tells its own story. It’s a game for 2-4 players in 3-4 hours.
In Xenolangauge, you play as a group of people bound together through a shared past with unsettled questions. Your task is to understand why the aliens have come and what they are trying to tell us. You will soon discover the key to understanding lies in your memories together.
This is definitely an in-person game, as it is meant to come with a modular channeling board that will provide you with alien symbols that you will use to help you interpret messages. This is more than a game about language, it’s about relationship, shared memories, and connection.
Xenolanguage was kickstarted at the beginning of this year, but you can check out the above link to pre-order the game if this sounds interesting to you!
Star-Spawned, by Penguin King Games.
One unearthly night, a ray of colourless light descended from the stars, and under its warping radiance, creatures unlike any the world has ever seen were born. They do not know the world, and they do not know themselves. Unfortunately for the world, they're quick learners!
Star-Spawned is a GMless, oneshot-oriented tabletop RPG in which you don't know what your own traits do when play begins. The names of each group's stats are randomly generated using morpheme chaining, and characters are created while having absolutely no idea what they mean; figuring that out forms the greater part of play.
Star-Spawned is more about self discovery than it is about language, but the use of morpheme-chaining in character creation is intriguing to me. You will randomly roll three pieces of a word, and then chain them together to create a unique Facet, available to the players as stats. These Facets don’t have a meaning when the game begins - you need to play to find out what they mean. If you like playing around with semantics - the meaning of words - this might be a game for you.
Degenerate Semantics, by Mikael Andersson.
Degenerate Semantics is a role-playing game for 1-5 players and one Game Master (GM). The players will each portray a character who live in Emmaloopen's poverty-stricken lower city. They are young, wild, ambitious, and independent. This way of life is threatened by other factions, and the players will need to have their characters work together to survive and thrive.
In the process of playing the game, the players and GM will define and flesh out a language called Bandethal. A collection of street terms and slang, Bandethal is used both as a way to talk openly about illicit activities without alerting authorities and to establish street cred. The terms are liberally mixed in with plain English, or when the language is mature enough, can be used entirely on its own. The characters' success is in large part based on how proficiently the players wield the language.
A friend of mine ran this game for me three or four years ago, and it’s been sitting in the back of my head ever since. Degenerate Semantics was created for a Game Chef competition in 2014, and has remained in the same state since then. I don’t think there’s any more work being done on it, but the game is there for anyone who wants to give it a go - and while there’s a setting that comes with the game, that setting is highly flexible, depending on what your group is interested in. Our group decided to use a lot of gardening metaphors, and undertook a plant-based heist as our act of rebellion! If you want a game about the power that language can give a tightly-knit group, this is the game for you.
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DROWWORD, by Ursidice.
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daisyblog · 7 months
Proud Sister
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is by Louis side at his London Premiere for All of Those Voices.
Based on this request
Sitting in the back of the black Range Rover with Louis, felt all too familiar to YN. She had done it a few months ago at the Venice Film Festival when they supported Harry for the Don’t Worry Darling premiere. She can remember walking the red carpet when One Direction’s This Is Us was released in 2013. 
YN was stunned when Louis had asked her to walk by his side on the carpet, for his own documentary, All Of Those Voices. Of course she was going to be there, supporting her big brother. But she was expecting to walk with Harry and her siblings. 
She was in Sydney with Harry, when a FaceTime from Louis popped up on her phone. 
“Hey Lou!”.
“Tiny! You alright my love?”. Louis’ cheery voice boomed through the speaker.
“Yeah..I’m alright…whot’s got you smiling like that?”. YN couldn’t help but notice how chirpy Louis was considering it was early morning back in London.
“Cheeky fucker…I’m always ‘appy.”. Louis pretended to be offended. “Anyway..I want to ask you something-“.
YN was quick to interrupt. “Yes I want a One Direction reunion.”.
“Yeah I know, but you’ll have to wait.” YN pouted at Louis words. “But how do you feel about walking with me on the red carpet?”.
YN eyes were wide, in shock at what Louis had just asked. It must have been a joke because out of everyone why would Louis just want YN to be by his side. 
“Is this a joke?”. She couldn’t help the words flowing out of her mouth.
Louis chucked, his blue eyes crinkled as he did. “Course fookin’ not…m’serious.”.
“Why me?”.
“Why you…are you being fookin’ serious right now”. Louis couldn’t believe how oblivious YN was on how much she had supported him over the years. “Tiny…you made me a big brother…you were my first friend…you were there at my audition believing in me…you cheered me and the band on through the show…you were by my side through three tours…you were the one who listened when Zayn left and the band decided to go on a break…you were the one by Mums side when I couldn’t be…you were the one who held it all together for us all when Mum passed…you were the one who made me believe in myself when it came to making my own music…you were the one trying to help me support Felicite…you are always the one by my side, so yeah I want you where you always are…walking by my side.”.
Louis and YN had always had a special bond, and Louis had always been loving towards his siblings but hearing Louis list all the things that YN did naturally because that’s the kind of person she was, had hit her hard emotionally. 
“You’ve made me cry now Lou.” YN was trying to gently wipe away her stray tears as she was getting ready to watch Harry’s show. “I’m a fookin’ mess…look at me.”.
“Yeah…well…I was only saying the truth.”. Anyone who knew Louis, would know that unless he meant it then he wouldn’t say it.
“Yeah of course I’ll be by your side.” YN eventually answered as she dabbed under her eyes with a tissue. “You’re my best friend too Lou…you know that right?”.
“Oi…don’t fookin’ start me off…right m’going before I cry…love you Tiny.”.
“Love you Lou.”.
As the car approached Leicester Square, screams could be heard from fans waiting for Louis’ arrival. Louis got out of the car first, before holding his hand out to help YN step out. 
As the siblings walked further up the red carpet, security following their every move, fans and the press were quick to snap photos and videos of the Tomlinsons. 
Louis stopped to take photos with fans at the side of the barrier, whilst trying to have small conversations with them. YN admired the interactions from her position slightly behind him. Louis and his fans had a special connection that only they could understand, and it was precious to watch the love between them. 
Louis was signalled to pose for photos by himself, before he called YN over to have their photos take together. Louis wrapped his arm around his sister, YN doing the same as they wore bright smiles on their faces. 
As Louis made a joke about his cheeks hurting from smiling so much, loud screams were heard from further down the red carpet.
“Your boyfriends arrived.” Louis playfully nudged YN’s shoulder with his.
“How do you know that?”. YN looked at her brother, confused how screams meant Harry had arrived.
“Believe me love…I just know.” Louis playfully squeezed her cheek with his finger, like her used to do when she was younger. 
Proving Louis right, YN could see Harry further down walking with her grandparents and siblings, trying not to draw attention to himself as in his words “today is Louis day”. YN had always known she was blessed but seeing her family all together made her realise it more. 
Louis had been called over by an interviewer to answer a few questions, meaning YN could sneak off to see her family. After giving each of her grandparents and siblings a quick cuddle and a peck on the cheek, she found herself next to Harry who immediately placed his arm around her hip and leaving a peck on her cheek. 
The Tomlinson siblings posed for photos together, before they were escorted into the screening. YN and Harry found their seats and sat comfortably next to each other. YN was in the middle of telling Harry something that had happened previous in the evening, when a voice interrupted them.
“Is this seat taken?”. Liam’s voice was heard. YN and Harry would recognise his accent anywhere. 
Harry stood from his seat and took Liam into his arms. “Nice to see you man.”.
“You too Styles!”. Liam let go of Harry, before leaning in to give YN and hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek. “How are you love?”. 
“I’m good…you kept this a secret.”. YN called Liam out on his surprise appearance at the premiere. 
After a quick catch up, Liam went to his own seat where he was sat further back with his new girlfriend. 
Before finding his seat next to YN, Louis said a few words and thank everyone involved in the making of his documentary, thank his fans because without them he wouldn’t be standing where he is now, thanked his four brothers who were a huge part in his journey.
“And a massive thank you to my family…who constantly support me through my personal life…as well as my career.”.
As part of the documentary, Louis grandparents and siblings were all asked to be a part of it and to answer some questions about Louis. 
The audience had a little giggle at the part when Daisy and Phoebe had explained that they saw Louis as a controlling big brother, but really he was always right. 
But what had the audience awwing was when a clip of YN came on. She was sat in her and Harry’s living room, family photos hanging on the wall behind her, but one that stood out was one of YN stood between Harry and Louis from their tour in 2014. The three wore big smiles on their faces as Harry and Louis both hugged YN close. 
“Louis always says how lucky he is…but everyone who has Louis in their life are the lucky ones…he’s just too humble to realise it”.
At YN’s words, Louis reached over and squeezed YN’s hand, a little gesture to show how much that meant to him. There were many emotions shown through the screening. Happy times, sad times and bittersweet times. Louis aim was to show all the sides to his story, and he succeeded! 
As the credits played on the screen and everyone stood to give a round of applause for a touching documentary, YN brought her brother into a big hug and whispered “Mum would be so proud of you.”.
To the world he was Louis Tomlinson, to YN he was Louis, her big brother. 
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @jerseygirlinca @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss
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dianneking · 1 year
Dangerous Games - Larissa/GN!Reader
Reader declares that jealousy doesn’t apply to them. Larissa takes it upon herself to prove a point. Will she take it too far?
TW: Explicit sexual situations, explicit language, swearing, angst, jealousy, non-exclusive relationship, mentions of love bites and bruising, emotional manipulation.
Reader has no specified gender. 
Crossposted on AO3.
Dangerous Games
Wordcount: 4378
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"What do you mean, you don't believe in jealousy?" Larissa scoffed from where she was lounging on her bed gloriously naked, as you kept putting your clothes back on.
You had a sort of arrangement going on. A purely physical, no strings attached kind of arrangement: when the stress of managing and teaching a school full of teenagers with paranormal abilities got too much, either of you would call for a meeting. You would rant to each other about your frustrations, until words left the floor to frantic kissing, hands exploring each other's bodies, items of clothing flying across the room. Sometimes you made it to Larissa’s custom-built canopy bed, sometimes only to her desk. Sometimes she had you pinned to the door, a hand finding its way to the fly of your jeans, as she rutted against your thigh.
It was tawdry, it was dirty, it was highly unprofessional. It was also extremely hot. Even when you were in staff meetings that ran too long you could feel the tension building between you two, measured in stares, in the brush of your fingers against hers as you passed her some papers, in the apparently casual touch of her foot against your calves. Neither you nor she went out of your way to talk about it too much, not wanting to put a label on it that would force you to face the connection that the two of you felt for each other. As if by talking about it you would jinx it somehow.
"I think jealousy is overrated. Either you are in an exclusive relationship with someone, and you should be able to trust them not to cheat on you, or you are non-exclusive, and whomever they sleep with is none of your business. Simple as that."
"You make it sound so cold and calculated. But jealousy is illogical, darling, it’s pure unadulterated fire that burns you from within. You cannot think your way around it when you feel it. You cannot rationalize it." She sounded patronizing, as if you were but a kid who didn’t know the way of the world yet. You shrugged, not showing how that tone bothered you, reminding you of the age gap between you, just another reason why you could never aspire to have something more with this amazing woman. "I guess I've never felt it then. Or maybe it doesn't work on me."
“One day, darling, you’ll feel it too.” She promised, vague and menacing like a soothsayer.
“I guess I might. Sleep well, Larissa, I’ll see you around.” As always, you didn’t turn back when you left her room, too afraid she might be able to read on your face the longing to just stay there with her until morning.
You stopped in front of the teacher’s lounge, your hand already on the handle, dead in your tracks as you heard the raised voices inside. It was unusual for Larissa to be found here unless there was a meeting, she usually preferred to spend time in her study. You tried to listen in, trying to understand what was going on before barging in.
“I told you, Larissa, no.”
“Oh, don’t be so uptight, Vlad. It’s all in good fun.”
“No, it’s not. It’s unprofessional, and borderline immoral too.”
“Aw, come on, Vlad. Just the one time…who knows, maybe you’ll end up enjoying it too.”
Well. That was more than unusual. You knew that lilting, suggestive tone well, but had never heard it outside of your own meetings with Larissa.
“Hello there!”
You saw Marilyn coming up from the other side of the hallway, smiling as always, blissfully oblivious to the exchange going on into the teacher’s lounge, and you couldn’t lurk in front of the door any longer. You opened the door, and strode in, holding it open for the redhead, while your eyes fell on the two whose conversation you were interrupting. Larissa was looming over Vlad, invading his personal space,  having backed him up against the bookshelf on the far end of the lounge. His hands were up, as if trying to fend her off, while one of hers was directly beside his head, holding onto one of the shelves and half-blocking him in. Like a deer in the headlights, Vlad’s eyes darted to you and Marilyn, who candidly asked, “Is everything alright?”
The fencing coach unfroze at that, and without bothering to respond, he dashed away from his compromising position and towards the door, followed by Larissa’s voice calling after him: “When you change your mind, you know where my quarters are, Vlad!”
 Clearly, he had changed his mind at some point because when you were coming back from your usual morning run the next day, you saw him slinking out of Larissa’s rooms, still in yesterday’s rumpled clothes, his normally tidy hair sticking up in every direction. Bed hair. He looked at you, sending you a sheepish smile in lieu of a greeting, as he shrugged in a ‘What could I do?’ way.
You didn’t blame him. It was hard to say no to Larissa when she wanted something, you had some first-hand experience with that. Did they fuck all through the night, or had he been allowed to sleep there? You had never dared to ask to spend the night. You had assumed she wouldn’t want you to, it would have been part of that putting a label on whatever you had going on. And she for sure had never thought to ask. Or maybe she simply had someone else to fulfil that need.
It couldn’t have been Vlad, you thought as you studied the bite mark on Larissa’s thigh, while she was squirming and panting on her chair, three of your fingers knuckle-deep into her, curling up to stroke her just in the right place. Vlad was a vampire, and the imprints his canines would leave were quite different from the ones you could see from your vantage point, kneeling between Larissa’s long legs, as your tongue ran along the milky expanses, marred with bruises you surely didn’t leave.
She had yet another lover, then. You swallowed around the realization, unsure on how to properly wrap your mind around it. You were spared for the moment, as her hand came to tangle in your hair, guiding your mouth back to her folds, back to pleasuring her. You buried yourself into her, trying to lose any semblance of rational thought in her inebriating taste.
It felt like once you started seeing the hints, they just kept popping out more and more. The librarian’s soft blush as Larissa gave her shoulder a squeeze and left her hand there for a while, as she congratulated her on the success of her book club. The Lycan Studies teacher’s glassy eyes as the principal leaned into his personal space, asking him if he could please go into more detail about his changes to the curriculum about werewolf mating habits, such a fascinating topic. Lingering glances, casual touches that you had never given any relevance to suddenly took on deeper meaning.
Even the school nurse wasn’t allowed medical neutrality, apparently. You had the dubious pleasure of discovering this as you were accompanying a young gorgon who had managed to stone his right arm from the shoulder down in an attempt to avoid a surprise quiz (it hadn’t worked, as he still had his left hand to type with).
“I never knew you had such a passion for red wine, Mx Lin, you’ll have to drop by my office sometime or another, so you can sample the best I have to offer.”
“Oh, well Principal, I hardly think that–”
“I insist. Drinking them all alone by myself would be such a waste…some things are meant to be enjoyed in company.”
You irritatedly cleared your throat. Flirting was all fun and everything, but some things were best kept away from the students. While the nurse had the decency to look sheepish, Larissa looked down at you, unrepentant, a predatory smirk gracing her crimson lips as she let her eyes roam over your stiff body.
It had been the longest week of your life. A week piled up with evidence that pointed all in one direction, towards a flashing neon sign that you were trying your best to still ignore. But all illusions have to break at some point when confronted with reality.
Apparently, your breaking point was the resident normie botanist.
“Oh hi, there! I didn’t know Larissa had another meeting after ours! She really goes hard at it, doesn’t she?”
“I…I’m sorry?”
“I mean, it’s a Friday night and she has one-on-one meetings with the both of us back to back…she sure can be intense, can’t she?”
“I’m sure she can…”
“Well, I’ll be off! Don’t let her tie you up for the whole evening, it is Friday after all!” She waved at you and left, skipping down the hallway, oblivious to your sputtering, or maybe ignoring it willingly, as you tried to ascertain whether she was being suggestive on purpose or if it was your mind that went straight to the gutter. Unable – or maybe unwilling – to solve that specific mystery, you knocked lightly on Larissa’s door to announce your presence, and pushed the door open without waiting for her reply.
The office was partly plunged in the shadows, the main source of light being the flickering flames of the fire, and a couple of small lamps scattered across the room. It wasn’t the sort of ambience you would have at the end of a business meeting. It felt cozy, intimate, more suited to a rendezvous of different nature than discussing lectures and school funds for greenhouses.
Was Marilyn yet another of Larissa’s seemingly endless string of lovers? The bubbly redhead that skipped down the corridors muttering country songs to herself? That Marilyn, who always looked like the epitome of the oblivious virgin? What did she have to offer to someone like Larissa? Was it some sort of sick corruption fantasy?
Your eyes sought the familiar figure of your boss and found her using the glass of her window as a mirror as she fixed her hair. She had probably messed it up running her own hands through it, while going over the paperwork, it didn't have to mean anything. You let your gaze drop to her wrinkled pencil skirt, it could have been due to a long day of sitting at the desk. Even within your own mind you didn’t know why you kept trying to make up excuses, but when she turned towards you, a sultry smile on her face and a greeting on her lips, you couldn’t help but stare transfixed at her mouth as you slowly made her way towards her, as if sleepwalking.
Beside her bottom lip, there was a smudge of lipstick.
In a different color to the one she was wearing.
A color matching Marilyn’s coral pink.
“Are you alright darling?”
You ignored her question as well as the moniker, simply advancing towards her like an unstoppable wave. You walked right into her space and lifted a hand to her face.
“You…” Your voice felt rough, dry. As if you had forgotten how to speak. You cradled her cheek in your hand, an unexpected jolt of pain coursing though you when she leaned into your touch, her long lashes fluttering closed for a second as if unconsciously relishing in the contact with you. She was such a good actress, no wonder so many of you had fallen into her lure.
“You have a smudge here.” You tracked the pad of your thumb against it, removing the proof. You searched her gaze, unsure and possibly afraid of what you’d find there. She held your stare, no trace of guilt and regret in her eyes, but a weird questioning intensity, as if she herself was searching for something in you, and not finding it. Maybe she was looking for whatever she found in all of her other lovers. Or maybe they didn’t have it, either, always coming up short to Larissa Weems’ high standards.
"Jesus, Larissa. I get it that you are the principal and so you’re good at multitasking, but you sure need to worry about crowd control in here." You tried to sound light and teasing about it, but your joke fell flat, weighted down by the vein of bitterness in your voice.
"Whatever could you possibly mean by that?" The intensity in her gaze was suddenly gone, supplanted by a flirty playfulness in her voice that rubbed you the wrong way. You wondered if she used the same tone with them as well. Did she tailor her flirting to whomever was in her clutches at the time, or she was always like this, and all of you simply had a thing for your hot, tall, domineering boss?
Not that you could be one to talk. The minute she had flirted with you the first time around, you had been completely captivated by her, ecstatic at the chance you had been offered. That fumbling first time together had been one of your most treasured memories until this day, but it was somehow turning sour as you thought about it now.
"How many?"
"I'm sorry?"
"How many people have you fucked in Nevermore? The whole staff? Maybe one or two students of age, too? I hope you still have the morals to leave the minors be."
"There's no need to be crass, darling. One might think you are being jealous."
The word hit you like a slap and you took a step back, away from her. Was that the reason for the roiling pit of resentment at the bottom of your stomach? It couldn't be. It was just disappointment. You honestly thought that what you two had was somewhat special, even if purely physical. Instead, you had found out that you were just one of many. Another bed warmer in the principal’s collection.
"Of course I'm not." You answered, mechanically.
"You say it, but somehow I don't believe you."
"I mean it though. I don't have any claim on you, Larissa. You made it pretty evident in the past week."
She looked like she was getting angry with this conversation, her hand gripping the back of her chair until her knuckles were white. "Is that so? Then why should you care how many people I choose to sleep with?"
"I don't! I just…want to know whether it meant at least something to you, or if I'm just another fucking notch on your bedpost."
"You know…" she prowled closer, and this time you couldn’t move away, frozen to the spot as she bent her head and started to kiss the side of your neck. Her perfume enveloped your senses, making you lightheaded, while her hands played with the hem of your shirt, slipping under it, grazing the side of your torso, cold against your almost feverish skin. You were already beginning to give in, throwing your head back to give her better access to your throat, to suck on it, leaving a necklace of bruises as she often did (you always had to wear turtlenecks for a few days after one of your meetings with her, and she seemed to take great pleasure in that).
But this time she ignored your exposed neck, choosing to let her lips ghost across yours, so that when she spoke again, you could feel her breath on you. "You can admit that you were wrong. That you are jealous after all. That seeing me with someone else makes you want to scream from the rooftops that you want me to be yours and yours alone…Your little secret would be safe with me." She closed the distance between your mouths, pressing her lips to yours in a hard, unyielding kiss, her tongue immediately trying to gain entrance to spar with yours.
The same mouth, lips and tongue who had been ravishing Marilyn not five minutes ago, if you could put two and two together. And that sum was suddenly too much for you.
You felt like a vat of burning tar had been poured inside of you. Heavy, and scorching hot. “Jealousy is illogical, darling, it’s pure unadulterated fire that burns you from within.” Her own voice resonated in your brain, mocking, patronizing, like that day when apparently everything had started to go wrong.
“You can admit that you were wrong.” You felt yourself go rigid as your mind caught up to your emotions. You had been had. You were jealous. The mere thought of Larissa being in this same position with countless other people filled you with indescribable rage. And she knew it, and did it on purpose. That was probably the most painful aspect of it all: the realization that it had been nothing but a game to her.
Suddenly you felt just sad, dirty, and used. Whatever connection you had deluded yourself into thinking the two of you had, was obviously just a bit of fun to Larissa. Something that could be thrown to the side to prove her point in a debate you had almost forgotten about.
Expendable. Like a pet that started misbehaving and was unceremoniously dropped in front of a shelter.
You pushed her away, your eyes filling with tears of rage and disappointment. She even had the audacity to look at you with a surprised expression, as if you detaching yourself from her irresistible lips was the last thing she imagined could happen. Like you were there just to do her bidding. Another one of her malleable playthings. One she could manipulate into feeling whatever she wanted to, to appease her ego.
“Fuck you, Larissa.” The sentence came out angry, curt and it didn’t make you feel any better.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Fuck you. I’m done here. You can go shag some other fucktoy from your collection when you’re in the mood.”
You turned on your heel, leaving her warmth behind as you crossed the room to the door in short, agitated steps.
She caught up with you as you were fighting against the lock, and held the door closed, leaning against it with one hand, the other roughly grabbing your shoulder to turn you around.
"Let me out."
You took in her face, still beautiful even when hardened by anger. Her voice was low and menacing as she spoke to you: "If you think for one second that you can just insult me and leave, you have vastly misunderstood me, darling."
"Yeah well, I'm starting to realize as well that I misunderstood you."
"Is that it? How so?"
You felt tears coming back to your eyes, and you looked away from her, towards your feet, trying not to show her your hurt. A pointless endeavor, really, because you were sure it filtered into the words you spoke next.
"I thought you were a kind, strong person. Someone who put the good of Nevermore before anything else, even your personal life. And I accepted it, admired it even. That's why I never asked you more than what we had – she already has her hands full with all her duties, I thought, a relationship that goes beyond the purely physical level is clearly not what she wants."
You scoffed, and it came out as more of a sob than anything else.
"Of course, I didn't realize that your hands were full because they were down any pants you could find… more fool me I guess, to think that what we had was something more than another roll in the hay for you."
"You…wanted to make it something more?" the disbelief coming from her voice piled more pain on your poor abused heart.
"Ridiculous, right? To think that I truly and well fell for you, how pitiful. At least I know you won't be left alone to take care of your frustrations if I leave our little arrangement."
"Darling, I…"
"You made it pretty obvious that I don't mean jack shit to you, so if you please let me out, I'd appreciate it."
"It was not real."
"Yeah, I realized it as well. Spare me the pity."
"No, that's not what I meant!"
"Then what on Earth did you mean, Larissa? I'm not following anymore."
"I… I just wanted to prove you wrong. To make you admit that you are jealous. Of me."
"Yeah, I gathered as much. Congratulations, you've won. You've also fucked me up and broke my heart while you were at it, but that's not something you care about, do you?"
"That was never my intention, none of it was real."
"You keep saying that, and I get that you don't think twice about sleeping around, but we're all real people, with real emotions. Someone was bound to get hurt at some point. That someone was me, just my luck."
"I've never slept with anyone else." She murmured this, as if it was a confession, and you couldn't help the strangled laugh that fell from your lips. "Unbelievable. You're just…” You rubbed your hands on your face, your incredulity at the sheer nerve of her making it hard to put into words. “God, Larissa, gaslighting might have worked if you hadn't given me time and time again proof of your activities. Wasn't it the point of this little game of yours? To let me see that you have just as much fun with all the others?"
"I know how it seems, but I never did anything with them. I…used my powers so it would look like I did."
"You really expect me to believe that?"
You looked up at her, disbelief written plainly on your face. Why couldn’t she just let you go? There was nothing you could offer that she couldn’t find in all the others, so what was the point of this whole production?
"It's the truth. I did nothing more than flirt with other people. I shifted the love bites and the lipstick on myself."
"What about Vlad?"
"I was trying to convince me to help with this ruse. He refused.”
"Larissa, I saw him coming out of your rooms one morning."
"I know. It was me."
You let yourself slowly slide along the door until you were sitting on the floor, hiding your face in your hands. You really didn’t know what to think now. Was she being serious, or was this another elaborate plot?
"You have a lot of issues woman."
"I know. I said I was sorry."
"Actually no, you didn't."
"I'm saying it now, then. I am truly sorry, darling. I fucked everything up to prove a point."
"You really did."
The conversation, the whole week was spinning before your closed eyes, as you tried to make any sense of it, and of what it all meant. Was it really just an illusion? And even if it was, where did this leave you? You had confessed your feelings for her, there was no way you could now go back to the no-strings-attached dalliance you had before. And you didn’t want to, either.
You felt the warmth from her body seep into yours as she sat beside you, her hand coming to rest on your shoulder. Your traitorous heart leapt in your chest, beating faster just because of that little touch. Oh, the hold this woman still had on you. It was unfair. You wished that you could instantly turn all of your feelings for her to hatred instead. That would make this all easier to go through. If you hated her, you could leave this room and never come back except in a professional setting.
What would that even look like? To set your eyes on Principal Weems and just feel resentment for her, until it dulled into nothingness, leaving behind only the memory of feelings. To listen to her talk during meetings and not be captivated by her smooth, melodious voice. To hate the way her lips quirked up when something went her way.
You couldn’t even imagine it, so in love you were with her, still.
“Is there…is there any way I can make it up to you?”
“Larissa,” it came out tiredly, you were   “Are you already trying to get back in my pants?”
“No! I meant… I am sorry, and I do care about you, and what we have.”
“I…I’m not sure I can trust you enough right now. I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to go back to whatever we had before. I…I don’t think I could take it.”
“Can I take you on a date?”
“What?” The question came out strangled, disbelieving. Never in your wildest fantasies you had dared to dream Principal Larissa Weems would be asking you out. It just wasn’t how the real world worked. “Is this another kind of game? Because I told you I’ve fallen for you?”
“I…I didn’t think you’d want to have anything more with me. That was why it made me so angry when you said you weren’t jealous. I thought it meant you didn’t care. I wanted you to care. About me.”
“Larissa, I’ve been head over heels for you for ages. You never hinted that you wanted anything more. I don’t want your pity.”
“I didn’t want you to feel pressured to agree. I am your boss, I didn’t want you to feel like you had to. It is one thing to release some tension together, I didn’t think you’d want to…be seen with me.”
She dropped her gaze to the ground as she said this, and she suddenly didn’t look like the confident principal you were used to seeing. She looked afraid and lonely and small. You brought your hand to her chin, lifting it so that her eyes could meet your own.
“Larissa, there’s nothing in the world I would love more than to date you. But if we want to make it work, we both need to talk to each other, okay? No more games, no more assumptions. Deal?”
Her incredulous smile lit up her whole face, as her mesmerizing eyes once again searched yours, and sparkled with joy at finally finding there what they were looking for.
Liked it? Here’s my fanfiction masterlist, where you can find more deliciously angsty fics! (And also some non-angsty ones).
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kaftan · 7 months
need to hear more of your victoria and amy thoughts!! what do you think victoria’s *perception* of their relationship was like before she was aware of the true nature?
You’ll want to ask me again when I’ve gotten the full scoop on their backstory through worm, because there are glaring gaps in my knowledge regarding their childhood (most notably: Amy’s trigger event; I only know the bare basics from my friend), but given what I’ve already seen, I like to read their relationship as a highly exaggerated take on the classic older sibling/younger sibling dynamic, and under that lens — Victoria is the archetypal big sister.
She does as a big sister does. At her best: loving, protective, the very definition of a safe space, an avenue for connection, a source of advice and positive mentorship. At her worst: alternately overbearing or irritable and shut off, uncharitable, manipulative,* carelessly presumptuous, lacking understanding of her younger sister’s interiority.
*a word which here means “crafty and careful about getting someone to do something she wants.” Most obviously applicable to her use of Amy’s powers to bail her out of the consequences of her own actions. Not a value judgment.
But to get to your question: before Victoria becomes aware of Amy’s feelings, she views her exactly the way an archetypal older sibling views her younger sibling. For better and for worse. There’s nothing malicious about the way she patronizes Amy and assumes she knows what’s best for her, just like there’s nothing malicious about the way Amy views her as an untouchable paragon, but it creates a false image that she interacts with over her actual sister — Ames, not Amy (see: Vicky, not Victoria). She never makes it past that constructed image to the real Amy — not because she doesn’t care to, but because through it she believes she already knows all there is to know. Why wouldn’t she? She’s the big sister!
Amy’s possessiveness over Victoria draws a lot of buzz, but Victoria exhibits it to a similar degree — the reason it doesn’t raise eyebrows with her is because she expresses it normatively, within the expected framework. Of course, that framework of “normal” is exactly what blows everything to pieces, knocks over the last domino, etc. Victoria pushes past Amy’s last remaining boundary like it’s nothing — again, not to be malicious, but because she genuinely can’t imagine Amy drawing that line between them, not when a younger sibling is supposed to be hers to protect and comfort and guide. And catapults the rest of the tragedy into motion.
We’ve all heard by now about the nuclear family being the real villain of this story arc, but a special mention should be given to sibling roles in particular — the way they warp interpersonal understanding between family members by replacing the complex truth of selfhood with an attractive, simplified lie. An autonomy-robbing lie. An identity-stifling lie. In this case, a relationship-ruining lie.
On a lighthearted final note, speaking from my own experience as an older sibling: older siblings, in their immaturity, often suffer main character syndrome (with younger siblings being sidekicks). Victoria has a severe case of this pre-11h. Doesn’t help, of course, that basically everyone around her affirms this worldview. She’s Glory Girl, after all!
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sheabutterbitch · 7 months
I moved to a new area in the past few years and meeting people my age (late 20s) has been difficult. I found out that a group of girls I've been hanging out with casually on the weekends has a separate group chat and makes plans without me. I sort-of want to bring it up with them, but I don't want to sound petty and I also don't like the feeling of forcing them to include me. In general, I have trouble differentiating between instances when I'm being too sensitive and taking things too personally versus instances when I should take the hint that some people don't like me. What would you do in this situation? I hope you're well-- thanks for sticking around on this silly little website.
Hi there!
First, I want to acknowledge how difficult it is to establish a supportive community of friends in a new area, especially in your late twenties. I also understand why you would feel left out, embarrassed, etc. after finding out this information.
I would recommend doing some Socratic dialogue on this situation to separate potential insecure thinking from likelihoods.
Step 1 – Focus: How / what did you find out about this group chat? → What was the most upsetting part about this? → What does this mean for you emotionally (i.e., how does this make you feel about yourself). → What is the core of that feeling about yourself (i.e., your core belief).
This next part is informal. I think after focusing on how you feel about this situation, you’ll better understand the emotions you’re experiencing in relation. You can look up some Socratic dialogue flow charts for deeper questions as well…
Putting yourself in their shoes, what are some reasons why they would have a group chat to themselves?
Have they been friends for longer? Did this group chat preexist the time you began hanging out? If the answer is yes, there’s a possibility they maintain a group chat separate of you because they still have a stronger comfort with each other. This doesn’t say anything immediately negative about you.
Try acknowledging the reasons why they would have a separate group chat that do not include them secretly disliking you. You asked what I would do — I would consider everything I’ve just said, and then I would recognize that my hurt stems from a desire for connection. I would text them individually and let them know I’ve enjoyed spending time together. I don’t believe many women in their late 20s regularly spend time in groups with someone they dislike. It’s possible, but there’d be other red flags aside from not being in a group chat.
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star-of-zeus · 1 month
Greek Mythology ‘versus’ Greek Religion
Excerpt from “Hellenic Paganism” by Samantha Leaver, published by Moon Books in 2021, as part of the Pagan Portals series.
”I do not believe Greek mythology is Greek religion, although they are closely linked, the huge range of myths concerned with Gods, heroes and rituals embody the worldview of the ancient Hellenes after all. Many of us understand that the myths varied over time and any writer could change a myth, there are often several versions of the same story. They are a guide, but I wouldn’t advise taking them literally, writers often change the roles played by their characters and therefore the overall message of the same myth can be different depending on the writer and indeed the audience it was intended for. Hesiod seems to have occasionally invented family links over several generations of deity to explain the origin and condition of the universe. The word story seems to by synonymous with Myth in Hellenic Pagan circles, they’re for entertainment purposes and perhaps to try to explain the way the world worked to common folk.”
A well-put insight on the fact that, like any other culture and religion, a lot of ancient Hellenic paganism is a product of its time, and so are the myths and the lessons within. The archetypes of human nature so brilliantly interwoven into these stories are connection points we can reach across time and space, but that does not mean that we need not be mindful of the sociocultural distance/difference that still exists. The society within which true ancient Hellenic paganism was practiced no longer exists, so if we wish to implement it into the 21st century it’s my personal belief that we don’t simply ignore the bumps, but be aware of them. Religious practice of any kind needs to evolve alongside its people if it’s meant to survive, but we still need to find the balance between tradition and modernity, a line each Pagan practitioner walks their own way. Overall, though, my message is don’t take the myths at face value! Their true worth lies within delving deeper and understanding why these values were picked to be represented in these ways in these stories, and how that reflects on the society itself. You’ll get so much more out of your practice by taking the myths with a grain of salt and having a little playfulness and curiosity with them instead of simply viewing them in black and white.
If anyone has tidbits of myths they questioned at first but then did a little research on and would like to share, I would love to hear and discuss more! Remember to thank your Gods today. Blessings to everyone, and a happy early May. :)
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widowwaddles · 1 year
Don’t Go Baking My Heart - Part 4
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Summary: After a breakup, you decide to pack up your life and move to Westview. A coworker recommends you join the local community's cooking class in order to settle into the new town. It sounded like a great idea, you could learn a new skill (that you desperately need) and meet new people. However, nothing could have prepared you for the green-eyed beauty you met during class. Maybe you'll end up leaving the class with more than just a basic understanding of cooking.
Taglist:  @xxxtwilightaxelxxx, @wandabear, @diaryoflife, @supaheroine, @anaaam​
A/N: This part kinda sucks, but I promise the next part will be better.
Word count: ~3.4k
Warnings: self-harm/unhealthy coping mechanism, sad Wanda
Part 3
Wanda’s Fairy Tale Ending
Wanda Maximoff was a mystery. You didn’t know much about her or her life, besides the little tidbits and stories she’s told during class, but that didn’t deter you from catching feelings for her. The connection you felt during your first meeting felt genuine and authentic, and you thought she felt it too. By the way, she allowed you to see her in her most vulnerable state, and comfort her - as a complete stranger. The kiss you shared filled you with hope and opened the door to endless possibilities of what it would feel like to have Wanda - to be with her. And it made you so happy, so excited for the future.
Until it, all shattered, and now you were left feeling numb.
Walking back into your apartment, you fell face-first into your couch. You couldn’t believe how a day that started off so good, could end with you feeling as if someone pulled your heart out of your chest and stomped on it. Many would call this dramatic, and you would wholeheartedly agree if this happened to someone else (I mean who falls this deep for someone they’ve known for less than a month) - but fate had an interesting way of grounding you back to reality.
You weren’t even upset or angry with Wanda, the entire situation just left you feeling confused. You didn’t think that you misread the signs going on between you; she kissed you first. You spent the entire day together, so how did she just so happen to conveniently leave out such a big part of her life - her family. She has never brought them up, not even during class. You didn’t think Wanda would be the type of person that would hide something like this, but the fact that she did left you with so many questions. Why would she kiss you if she’s still married? Did you inadvertently become a homewrecker? What were Wanda's intentions with you? How far would things have gone, if you hadn’t found out this way? Would she have ever told you the truth?
A buzzing interrupts your thoughts. Groaning, you pull your phone from your pocket - you had no plans of talking to anyone tonight.
I am so sorry for how things ended tonight. Can we please meet up? I want to explain everything to you.  
She’s been calling and texting you for the past hour, but you weren’t in the best mindset to respond after you left her house. You knew that you should accept Wanda’s request and listen to her explanation, but you couldn’t - at least not now. You weren’t ready to accept the reality of the situation you found yourself in - you were scared of how fast things have changed and what this conversation would mean. You didn’t want to lose Wanda before you even had her, but you didn’t want to be a part of any plan that would wreck the family she built. So you replied with the first thing you could think of before shutting your eyes, ignoring the slight aching in your chest.
“Breathe for me”
“I can’t, I can’t!”
“You can” the voice soothes. “Look at me”
Worried green eyes stared at the woman in front of her, who’s refusing to open their eyes.
“Wanda, please” the woman tries again, but firmer. Grabbing the younger woman shaking on the floor, she pulls her into her body. Cradling Wanda in her arms, she whispers into her ear, trying to coax her out of her panic attack.
“You don’t understand Tasha” she hiccups, ripping her body away from her best friend. “You didn’t see the look on her face after Vision and the kids showed up….it was like- “ her eyes flooded with tears as she remembered how you looked as you walked back to your car. “I-It always ends like this, everyone leaves me. What is wrong with me, w-why is it that everything falls apart when I try to be happy?”
Natasha pulls Wanda back into her arms before she continues speaking her self-destructive thoughts. Her heart hurts the longer she hears her friend speak this way about herself,
“Is it bad to say that I wanted this so badly? That for once in my life everything felt right” Wanda admits, voice slightly muffled by Natasha’s shoulder. “I didn’t think I’d ever feel this way, and now that I have and now she doesn’t even want to talk to me. I-I don't want to lose her” her soft cries fill the air.
“Wanda, listen to me” Natasha pulls away, looking Wanda in the eyes. “Anyone would be happy to be with you. Don’t use this as an excuse to stop yourself from seeking out your own happiness. You deserve to be happy and loved, and don’t try to convince yourself otherwise. ”
A soft buzzing interrupts Natasha. Wanda quickly pulls out her phone, her heart races as she sees it’s a new notification from you. Natasha reads the text from over Wanda’s shoulder, and watches how Wanda’s face transforms into a frown by the time she finishes reading. 
“It’s gonna be okay, this isn’t the end,” Natasha says, kissing Wanda’s head as the younger woman sits in her arms. “Just give her some space”, wishing there was something she could do to take her pain away.
One week later 
“Okay, this has gone on long enough” Yelena yanks the blanket off of you. “It’s been a week, you’re not allowed to mope around anymore”
“I haven’t been mopey” you groan out, finding yourself in a tugging match with Yelena over your blanket.
“This isn’t healthy, you haven’t been to work all week. The only time I see you is when I’m dropping off food, because I know you haven’t left your bed” Yelena was worried when she heard you took sick leave, and it only grew as when you suddenly asked her to stop by your apartment. She could instantly tell something was off with you, and no matter how much she wanted to help you, it was obvious that you didn’t want to talk about it. She hoped that you would open up to her when you were ready, thinking maybe you needed a day or two. So she was left doing what she could to ensure that you are taking care of yourself, which involved dropping off food and dragging you out of your apartment to take a walk to get fresh air. As the week went on, things weren’t getting any better, and she didn’t know how much more of your sudden mood change she could take. “Get dressed, we’re going out”
“Yelena, I don’t-”
“I don’t care what you want or how you feel about it. If you don’t want to talk about what’s bothering you, then fine I won’t pry but I’m not letting this go on any longer” she throws a pair of pants and a new shirt she got from your dresser onto your lap. “Get up now” she demands.
You obey, but only because you didn’t have the energy to fight her. You weren’t happy about the situation.
“Where are we going?” you ask from your bathroom.
“It’s a surprise, but trust me it’ll make you feel better in no time,” she says with a smirk that you couldn’t see. “Just meet me in the car”
“Is the blindfold really necessary still?” you ask, as you take cautious steps, having no idea where you were or where you were supposed to be going. “I’m sure we’d get there much faster if you took it off,” you say, before stumbling over your feet.
“No, and it won’t be coming off until the very last moment” she catches you from falling on your face. Wrapping an arm around your hip, Yelena continues to “guide” you to your destination. “You might want to get comfortable. Plus this would give you perfect practice for if you were to ever be blinded in a fight” she ends matter-of-factually.
“Now, I’m worried” you stop moving completely. “Listen, I’m sorry for whatever I may have done to tick you off, but this is the wrong way to go about it. You don’t need to do this to me, I’m sure we can find a legal and civil way to handle our differences”
“You’re being over dramatic”, rolling her eyes. “We have to hurry, it's about to start” pulling your body with much less grace than before.
“Okay, there’s a chair in front of you, do you think you’ll be able to handle sitting down?” she teases. Muttering under your breath - about being blindfolded still - you attempt to feel the top of the chair to position yourself in the best position to take a seat. After multiple attempts and reassurances from Yelena that she wouldn’t move the chair for “fun”, you sat in the chair with relief.
“Does that mean I can take it off-”
You hear the door open, and footsteps moving at the front of the room.
“Hello everyone, my name is Natasha and I’ll be your instructor for today,” a voice says.  
“Is this a joke?” Yelena says seriously.
Quickly, you untie the blindfold from your face, eager to see what was happening. You look at Yelena to find her staring ahead with a blank face. As you looked to the front you were greeted by a woman with red hair standing in the front of the room.
“You are the last person that needs to be teaching a class, sestra” she jokes. “Where’s Wanda?”
You felt your body stiffen at the mention of the woman’s name. Natasha has a tight smile on her face as she addresses her sister. “She’s a bit tied up at the moment” she ends, with her eyes landing on yours. “But she didn’t want to cancel the class for today, so I’m here to fill in. She had the recipe printed out on these papers” she begins passing out the papers to each person. When she reaches where you and Yelena were seated, her green eyes bore into yours, as if she’s analyzing you. “Can I speak to you for a moment outside?” It didn’t feel like a question, and as you were about to go into the hallway, Yelena stopped you - as if to check if you were comfortable with Natasha's request. You knew this was her attempt at giving you an out, and if needed she would have no problem protecting you from her sister’s wrath.
“It’s okay,” you reassure her, before making your way into the hallway, a bit nervous about the upcoming conversation.
Natasha is already standing there coolly, her body leaning against the wall. You walk up to her hesitantly.
“Y/n, right?” she asks
“Yeah” you reply. “I’m assuming this is about Wanda”
“It is, she really misses you, but wants to respect your need for space”
“She’s married,” you say bluntly. “And she didn’t tell me about that or her family before kissing me”
“Her situation is…complicated. But if you’d give her the chance she’d want to explain everything to you herself” she rushes out
“I don’t want to be someone’s mistress. I wanted- I don’t know what I wanted but” 
“And you won’t be, that’s the opposite of what Wanda wants” Natasha tries to assure you, but how could you trust her when the things you witnessed that day contradicted everything she was saying.
“Please just hear her out. I promise that what she feels for you is real. I haven't seen this version of Wanda in years, she’s happy whenever she talks about you. She hasn’t been for a while, so you can just imagine my shock when she told me how long you’ve known each other.” Natasha has a distant look in her eyes, as she thinks of the state Wanda had been in. She was like a robot on autopilot, only living out of responsibility for the people that depended on her…until she met you. She remembers seeing the excitement in Wanda’s eyes as she talked about you.
“I was hesitant about how fast she caught feelings for you and I still am because I don’t want to see her hurt, but right now, she is. She’s going through a lot of change right now, and she thinks she’s lost everything like she is incapable of being happy. You were the last straw, of a long list of things that have been building up. I know this was way more than you anticipated when you first met, but you have to make a decision. Either you deal with it together because she’s worth it or you let her go. I won’t lie and say it will be easy, Wanda is complicated, and she’s been through much more than most can handle, but she finds the strength to go on through the people in her life. You are among the few that she lets in, so if you can’t handle it then you owe it to her to end this limbo you’ve been in and let her go. Let her find someone else”
You feel your chest tighten at the thought of letting Wanda go from your life.
“I don’t want to lose her” you whisper. “But it hurts. It hurts being away from her and it hurts when I think of being with her again after what happened”
“I’m sorry, I know it’s not easy. You have to make a choice, for both of you” Natasha says squeezing your shoulder before walking back into the class.
You felt like you were suffocating the moment you heard the door close. You’re only left alone with your thoughts and you are your own worst enemy. Your mind races through the possibilities of your impending decision.
You ran outside of the building, desperately needing fresh air. You choked and fell to your knees as the air entered your lungs. Your vision blurs as you stare at your fingers digging into the dirt beneath the grass, desperately needing something to ground you. You want to cry out for help, but the only person you want is far from your reach, and you had no idea if they’d ever be back. Why was it so hard to follow your heart?
And more boxes.
Wanda spent her day surrounded by them, and as the people began to migrate out of the house, only they remained to keep her company.
They were filled with memories of a time that Wanda never thought would end, a time she never wanted to end.
This house marked the start of a new life and now marked the end of one. She remembers how happy she was as she walked through the empty rooms, thinking about how long she’s waited for this moment. She was ready to breathe new life into this house and to make it become a home. A sense of stability she’s been craving since her childhood. She rubs her pregnant belly, imagining how her little ones would run happily around the house like she once did with Pietro. Her hand stills as she thinks of her brother, the only family she had left. She misses him every day, but Vision promised her that the family they’ll create would be worth it. Once they’ve grown gray and old, she wouldn’t have any regrets about what      she     they had to give up along the way.
And looking around her now, this was all she had to show for it. An empty house filled with boxes from a life that was promised to her. A life that wasn’t supposed to have an expiration date. A life she fought tooth and nail for since he implanted the idea into her head at the start of their relationship. And a life that he gave up on, when she first caught his infidelity. And then once more, as he served her with divorce papers after counseling, stating that what she wanted was a fairy tale but even that couldn't save their relationship. They were broken beyond repair, and he didn’t see the point in fighting for them, for Wanda, as it was only prolonging the inevitable. The person she left her family behind and burned so many bridges for, had just told her that she wasn’t worth it. And for the first time in 10 years, she was alone, not even the sounds of the footsteps or loud laughter of her children filled the empty air.
Only silence and boxes surrounded her. And as her mind wandered she could only believe that she deserved this. She was too stupid and naive to believe that she’d be able to get a happy ending after everything. When she looks back at the path of everything she’s destroyed, the bridges she’s burned along the way, it fills her with regret. She yearns for the life she had before and wished she would have made different decisions. It makes her feel guilty to admit this because she wouldn’t have her beautiful boys if she had, the only motivation she had for a while to keep moving forward. But even they weren’t enough to fill the hollowness she felt at that moment.
When she thinks of you, her body shakes from the sobs threatening to rip through her throat. Oh, how her body desperately wishes to be wrapped in your arms one last time. But like everything else in her life, she had gone and ruined that as well. Any hope of you coming back into her life dwindled as the radio silence from you continued. She was afraid of reaching out to you first, believing it would only push you away more but by the end of the week, she had to accept that you had already come to your decision about the future of your relationship with her. She was living in a fantasy land if she honestly believed that you would be able to forgive her.  And maybe this was what Vision meant when he said that Wanda wasn’t worth it, she was a fool to believe that you would think otherwise.
The tears stream down her face, showing no signs of stopping. She hunches over leaning her head against the carpet, her hands clenched tightly in fists as she feels the stinging of her fingernails piercing into her palms. The only thing filling her mind are the thoughts telling her that she deserves this pain. That she deserves much more for all the damage she caused, so grips them tighter until she’s sure that she’s drawn blood. The pain had subsided until all she felt was numbness. Craving the feeling - of something, anything - she uncurls her fist and moves her hands to her hair. She digs her fingers into her scalp letting out a frightening scream that burns her throat until all that remains is a soft hiccuping. She doesn’t want this, she doesn’t want to be alone. The one thing she wanted was you, but you were too far from her reach and she knew you would never come back.
Despite this, she couldn’t help but imagine how things would be if she actually lived in a fairy tale. You would come through her door right now, instantly worried about the state she is in. You would pull her into your arms, and she would grip you so tightly, afraid you'd disappear if she let go. She would hide her face in your chest as she whispers apologies. You would squeeze her against your body even tighter, as you imagine what would have happened had you not come when you did. Tears would fall from your eyes as you apologized for not coming sooner before making her promise that would never hurt herself again. You would kiss her hands, she could feel the stinging sensation from your salty tears mixing with her bloody wounds. She would agree only if you promised to stay and let her tell you everything she should have before. You would say you didn’t care about that right now, before promising that you were here to stay. You would carry her to the bedroom, and lay her down as you searched for something to clean her up with. She would grip your shirt tightly, only letting go after you assured her that you would come back.
“Don’t leave me” was the last thing she muttered before exhaustion overtook her body.
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dearsnow · 2 years
- when you find yourself bent to the whims of the common cold, your lover takes it as a challenge. (jon snow x gn!lannister!reader, established relationship fluff, reader with hair, part of the standstill collection but not a part of the main storyline)
word count: 711
STANDSTILL: The arrival of the Lannisters and Baratheons in Winterfell has caused the world to quiet for just a moment- a moment long enough to last lifetimes.
a/n - my first non-main-plot standstill fic!!!! in this one, you have an established relationship with jon, so it’s later in the timeline than i have written :) also i have covid rn, that’s why i wrote this 😭
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“Stay away,” You sniffle, pulling your blanket closer to your body and away from Jon. “I don’t want you to fall ill.”
He brushes a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “I’m strong. The sickness won’t take to me like it does you.” There’s a caring sort of gentleness in how he holds both your hands in his, kissing them like he isn’t afraid. Like he isn’t terrified of your family name nor your affliction or even the rumors circulating you and your father. You realize, in that moment, that the connection threading between your fates is strong in sickness and in health.
His warm forehead presses against your feverish one and your heart doubles its pace. These soft moments, the ones spoken through the brushing of your skin to his, are just perfectly Jon. “Don’t worry.” He murmurs, voice sending you a slight vibration. “I’ll be alright.”
You believe him. As much as you worry about him, you’ve been craving his presence for days. That night, you let him sleep in your bed again. You fall into your familiar pattern of kissing him good night and holding his body against yours before you fall into the best sleep you’ve had since you banned him from your presence.
The next morning, you wake to empty sheets and a hushed conversation right next to your closed door.
“That was a foolish idea, you know how easily you succumb to sicknesses.” It’s Sansa, voice quiet but riddled with concern.
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll come out of it sooner or later. I needed to be with them.” Jon’s voice is stern and urgent, like he’s trying to wrap up the conversation. As they speak, going back and forth about what Snow should or should not do, you begin to understand that your lover is a big fat liar.
“So, you lied to me?” You call. The door muffles your voice just a bit, but the people on the other side can hear your intent clear as day. You can almost see the panic on their faces.
“It’s not what you think.” Jon says quickly, cracking the door open. “I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Avoiding the question, are we?”
He hesitates before Sansa fills the silence. “Yes. He’s so stupid, he gets sick more than the rest of us combined and yet he still waltzes into your room like he’s trying to die.”
“Well, to be fair, I don’t think this illness will put me to death,” Jon protests. You and Sansa crack knowing smiles.
“Oh, the fancies of true love.” Sansa laments.
You smile. “There’s nothing quite like it.” Jon’s eyebrows furrow into his signature broody scowl, causing you to laugh for the first time in a while.
“Well, I’d better fetch the maester,” notes Sansa, giving an overdramatic curtsey. “I’m sure you’ll need him sooner rather than later.”
You stare at him for a few heartbeats. “Jon Snow. Did you really endanger yourself for a few kisses?” There’s a hint of seriousness in your tone, but you decide to drop the anger for a moment. It’s endearing, really- the unwavering love he constantly displays for you. Reckless, yes, but sweet even more so.
“I wanted to lie with you for one night, is that so bad?” Judging by the look in his eyes, there’s so much he isn’t saying. A hidden whirl of ‘I care’, a pinch of ‘I love you’, and a heaping of ‘I need you like air, as you need me like earth’ spiral in his mind, and you can see it all. He’s not very good at hiding his emotions. Not from you, anyways.
Your eyes soften further. “It’s not. I just wish you would be more careful.” As much as you love him, one person going through a bout of illness is enough.
“I will, I promise.” He takes your hand in his. “Allow me one more night and I’ll be out of your hair.”
You sigh as he rubs his thumb over yours in an attempt to win your favor. His insistent eyes stare at you so hard you think he might burn a hole into your head.
“You drive a hard bargain, Snow, but it’s a deal.”
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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peachsayshi · 2 years
WHO SAYS I LOVE YOU FIRST? (Pt. 2) (Dad!Sukuna x F!Reader)
minors and ageless blogs do not interact.
a/n: this is part two of this little drabble scenario but Sukuna gets his own prompt because I’m connecting it to the ongoing Dad!Sukuna series! my requests are closed at the moment but I plan on opening them up when I finish what is in my queue - if you have any ideas you want to submit it’ll only be for hc’s or prompts related to any of the fics that I’m currently writing! (I would appreciate some fluff or angst prompts lol most of the stuff is all smut requests) I hope you enjoy this 💖 - I’m definitely going to elaborate on the whole story between this pair when I write my three part series! - let me know if you would like to be added to my Sukuna tag list or full tag list! 
TAGS: sukuna has a child, angst :c, sukuna is also an asshole, alludes to past abuse (not with Sukuna)
Sukuna stood before you with a dumbstruck expression resting across his face, while trying to comprehend what possessed you to confess those words to him…in the middle of an argument no less. 
He can’t even remember why everything escalated to this point.
One minute you were snuggled in his arms and the next you two had sprung away from each other and started bickering about everything under the sun.
Sukuna was growing frustrated with your odd behavior, and you were tired of him constantly brushing you off. 
He wanted to be an active influence in Rai’s life and you weren’t happy with how he treated his role as a father like a twisted game to fulfill a dynastic fantasy he had. 
He reminded you in that moment that Rai wasn’t just a human, and you rebutted that he was more like you than Sukuna would ever care to admit. 
Back and forth you both dissected everything wrong about your relationship, until the pain made you unravel and you parted to lips to spill a secret you had been keeping guarded up to this point. 
“I love you… ” you admitted, and the surprise settled across your face as the silence hung in the air. 
Sukuna swallowed the lump in his throat, taking in the sight of his beautiful and vulnerable concubine whose knuckles began turning white as your hands clenched tightly into fists, while you patiently waited for him to say...something. 
The truth is, Sukuna’s mind drew a blank.
For the first time in his long life, someone had actually rendered him speechless. 
He didn’t understand this conflicting emotion that plagued humans, one which made them incredibly soft and emphasized their weaknesses. 
He especially couldn’t wrap his mind that you - the witness to the extremeties of his violence, the devotee that had accepted him in his purest form, and the martyr who risked her own life whenever you stood your ground against his unruly wrath - would ever consider him with any kind of affection.
He took one stride toward you, then another, moving at a slow pace which only made your heart beat faster. He brushed his knuckles lightly across your cheek before hardening his gaze and narrowing his cold eyes.
“An innocent mistake on your part, my pet. You’ll soon learn to get over it.”
An audible gasp escaped you, the hurt washing over you in waves from how quickly your king had come to reject you. 
You didn’t even ask for his permission to be dismissed, and turned on your heel before storming your way out of his bedroom where you had been comfortably residing in over the last few weeks.
Sukuna believed that time would heal the wounds engraved in your heart - even though a small part of himself regretted the way he handled this particular situation.
He promised himself that he would at least respect your boundaries until you were ready to approach him, but as time passed he found himself growing restless from how adamant you were on distancing yourself from him. 
You avoided him at every cost, ensuring that you were never around his vicinity whenever he would stroll the palace grounds. He would ask the other servants about you, but you already gave them perfectly crafted stories with reasons as to why you had been kept occupied.  As his patience began wearing thin, Sukuna decided that he would use his free time with Rai instead in the hopes that he may lure you to his presence through the child you shared. 
Sitting on his throne one morning, Sukuna sighed quietly in defeat when he realized that nothing was enough to make you push this particular argument aside. A week had almost passed now, and there was still no sign of you.
He ran his his fingers through his son’s red hair, feeling Rai tilting his head underneath his touch as he looked up at his father with fiery, warm eyes. 
They may share similar physical traits, but the feelings conveyed through the child’s compassionate stare was wholeheartedly yours. 
A tender glance that made an unfamiliar warmth spread across the cursed king’s chest.
He merely had enough of you giving him the cold shoulder and decided to show up at your quarters one night.
He didn’t care how late the hour was, nor did he take your privacy into any consideration when he slid the screen doors wide open. 
To his surprise you were awake, and he found you leaning against the window as you were staring out into the distance.
He made eye contact with you, realizing that you regarded him with neither surprise or fear.
He could tell that you had been expecting this moment, which gave him the confidence to approach you without hesitation. 
His fingers held your chin when he stood in front of you, and he tilted your up face up towards him before speaking. 
“I will take you to bed tonight.” 
The sentence wasn’t a request, but an order. He had every intention of disrobing you right where you were before having you in ways that would make your voice carry across the grounds.
He did very little to hide his own desperation, and your fingers squeezed the overlap of your kimono as you held the front panel tightly close your chest. 
Sukuna lightly trace your bottom lip with his thumb, tugging at it slightly as he arched to lean forward. He rubbed the side of his nose on yours, his warm breath making your lashes flutter and you found yourself parting your lips naturally before catching yourself from falling into his trap.
Your words were barely a whisper, and it took a moment for Sukuna to even realize that you had spoken before he froze from delivering his kiss. 
You felt his hand drop away from your jaw, his fingers stretching out to curl around your neck as he made direct eye contact with you. 
He look incredibly displeased.
He has never heard you defy him under any circumstances.
When you were brought to him as a sacrifice he expected you to cower the first night he planned on taking you to his bed, but you accepted him without any question. He wasn’t used to your rejection because never turned him away, and at this very second he found himself growing more frustrated than anticipated.
“You have duties to fulfill, pet... services to perform...” Sukuna reminded, dragging his lips away from yours as he breathed in the scent of your skin before gliding them dow your neck, “…how are you of use to me if you don’t comply?” 
His words made you tremble, but you maintained your composure as you held your head high. 
“You tell me...” 
You challenged him again, making your king pull away from you as he looked at you with confusion and annoyance. 
“I’ve given you a whole new life, and this is how you thank me?” he scoffed. “Did you forget how easily men used you...” 
He ripped open old wounds that took you a long time to heal, and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks at the mention of your haunting past.
“My past is no different than my present,” you reminded him, “You use me for your own pleasure and if I hadn’t given you a son then you wouldn’t have treated me any differently...” 
Yes I would, Sukuna argued back in his mind, but he wouldn’t let those words slip and show even an ounce of vulnerability.
He had no idea why you were winding him up this much, no comprehension as to why he couldn’t rationalize the maddening emotions that were conflicting his mind.
He didn’t want to admit that he had been yearning for you every second of every day, nor did he want confess that he couldn’t look at any of the other concubines without feeling sick to his stomach. 
He looped one arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest and making your feet hover off the ground form his sheer strength. 
He pinched the front of his brows, his nostrils flaring as his pupils shrunk in size and he could feel your hand claw at his arms as you attempted to push him off you.
He brought mouth lips to your ear, murmuring in a low but sinister voice that had you trembling from his cruel words.
“If you’re unhappy with your position, you’re free to leave.” 
When he released you from his embrace is when you felt your heart shatter, unable to withstand all the cracks that he had already inflicted. 
Sukuna wasn’t stupid - you knew that he was giving you ultimatum to make you rethink your current behavior towards him by reminding you of how much you had to lose. 
Serving your king guaranteed you safety, a roof of over your head and a warm meal. You would never have to worry about Rai under the protection of his father, knowing full well that if any of the jujutsu sorcerers got wind of his existence that they would kill him faster than you can even blink. 
Yet, you had grown tired of compliance, exhausted yourself of having to obey and submit with every breath you took. You hated that you’ve shed more tears than laughed, that death stood by you with every threat and insult, and that your love was only worth empty bribes and gold.
These last few weeks made you believe in a dream that never seemed tangible when vicious King treated you like a lover - sharing a bed with you, ensuring that your were pampered and nourished, and taking away any formalities that asserted his power of you.
You were beginning to see a glimpse of a beatiful future - one where you no longer used your body as a means to end, where your son could grow without ever having to comprehend the struggles of how harsh this cruel world could be, and where you could truly give all the parts of you to the one person who mattered.
How could Sukuna have been this blind sided by your confession when you thought that some part of him loved you in return? 
You wiped a rogue tear away from your face, acknowledging in that moment that you didn’t want to live the rest of your life being viewed as an object from the being you loved. 
You didn’t know how to survive on your own, but if liberating yourself meant a small chance of unconditional happiness, you realized it was a risk worth taking. 
TAG: @chemstrails-club @mrsmorgenstern @pensivespecter @ekaterinatepes @bloombb @nanamikentcs
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miss0atae · 27 days
Dream the series and the magical aspect of Dawan's Dream Land.
I have to admit I was drawn to Dream the series because from the look of the trailer it seemed to have this magical aspect I really liked in The Sign. If you’ve already watched this BL you’ll know by now it wasn’t always used properly. I fear this is going to be the same here.
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We got several scenes from episode 1 and episode 2 where Dawan is in what I call her Dream Land. From these scenes I gathered that the Dream Land has three functions.
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The first one is allowing Dawan to have a beautiful place where she can see the object of her affection, Kim. In the first episode, we encounter the Dream Land of Dawan and it’s an idyllic place where she is dressed as a princess, just like Kim. Everything looks like an enchanted dream and Dawan can fantasize of Kim over there. She imagined them wearing pretty dresses, playing together and even being intimate to one another. I’m not sure Dawan understands how much she loves Kim more than a friend in the reality, but in her dream, she is more candid and loving. She can be herself without having to put the mask of a strong woman she usually wears.
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The second function her Dream Land has is to allow Dawan to talk to Kim. It happened in the first episode after Kim decided to stop working with Dawan. This time, Dawan didn't wear any more princess dress or white dress, but she is dressed in black with a veil. It almost looks like a black dress for a funeral. It may emphasize how Dawan is mourning her relationship with Kim. In addition, it creates a breaking point with the marvelous dream where she was happy. Dawan is standing far away from Kim. She is pouring her heart out, but Kim is staying on the land, while she is standing on the water. It feels like it's a metaphor of Dawan drowning. She is feeling this way because she doesn't understand and she doesn't know how to get Kim again.
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The third function of Dawan's Dream Land is to warn her of imminent danger. It happened twice in the second episode. The first time it happened, we weren't on the island where Dawan usually had her dreams, in episode 1. This time we're not outside, but inside a house. It looked like a haunted house. Everything was dark and this dream may be more like a nightmare. Kim was trying to tell Dawan to be careful of Jessie, but Dawan couldn't really listen because she was still hurting from the absence of Kim in her life.
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The second time it happened, Dawan was dancing with Kim. It was to show they were again in good terms with each other. In the real life, Dawan learned about Kim's sacrifice to protect her acting career. They reunited and Dawan is again happy to have her “friend” back. However, this dream was interrupted by another nightmare in which we saw Jessie again. This time, the Dream Land warned Dawan again of being careful with her rival.
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I thought the Dream Land would just be a way for Dawan to connect to Kim. It seems to really have an effect in real life on their relationship. Indeed, she told Samorn in episode 2, how she used it to talk to Kim after a quarrel. Tt has always worked well because when she wakes up after, she will always start again with Kim and everything will be okay between them. It really seems like in her dreams she can touch the subconscious of Kim. I wonder if Kim also has this power or if it's just Dawan who can use the Dream Land to connect to Kim.
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One question I still have is why in Dawan's Dream Land, we always see paintings? I thought, at first, they were just some dreamshoots of memories she had with Kim. I hope we'll learn more about it. Paintings and mirror seems to play an important role in her dreams. I'm not really good at deducing the meaning of mirror or painting in dreams. However, if anyone knows more about it, I believe it would make a nice addition to this post.
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 7 months
no choice but to love you pt. 6
AO3 Link (a little behind, but better edited)
“Is that little man your Timothy?” the grandmotherly woman asked, adjusting her glasses to better peer at him. Tim knew his cue well and stepped out from behind his mother with a shy little wave. He was always so good about them trotting him out in front of Gotham’s elite and Jack’s business partners.
“It is,” Janet confirmed, easily steering them both closer so Emma could get a better look. “He prefers Tim or Timmy.”
“Oh, honey. You know, you just missed bring your kid to work day,” Emma said as she slid her top desk drawer open to rifle through it.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, clearly unsure of what that was or why it was important to note that he’d missed it, but polite to a fault. “Going forward, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Emma laughed, ridiculously charmed by this little gentleman that memorized Jack’s “business talk” like a second language even if he didn’t seem to understand entirely.
“Aren’t you just the sweetest little boy?” she asked and pulled out a small handful of round candies. “I could just eat you up. Here, come take some candy.”
Tim’s hand twitched in Janet’s and it became an honest struggle not to laugh. Not that it was funny that a careless internet search had half traumatized her child, not at all, but an honest fear of cannibals hiding in plain sight was probably not a bad fear for a child from Gotham.
And it brought her a valuable lesson about bringing shop talk to the dinner table as well as leaving her laptop unsecured and idling, ready to be taken advantage by little geniuses.
“Go ahead,” she murmured, nudging him a little. He shot her a wild look before shuffling forward to pluck a red candy from the offered bunch, quick as a bird with a worm. Before Emma could offer another, he was back tucking himself against Janet’s side. She smiled a little. “Sorry, Emma. He can be a little hot and cold.”
“Don’t you worry about it,” she said and deposited the rest of the candies back in her drawer. They both politely pretended they didn’t hear the soft crinkling of plastic as Tim unwrapped his treat and popped it in his mouth, quick but shy. “Jason used to be the same way, you know. One day he’d tell me all about his classes and what he got to read that week – and believe me, he said got to – and the next he would look at me like I was trying to poison him. Of course, that’s also the time I switched my Lifesavers for raisins… Say, you don’t think that had anything to do with it, do you?”
Janet laughed appropriately at the joke, nervous at the thought of Jason. Not that he seemed like a bad boy – a bit reclusive, maybe, but someone new in Tim’s life. “He sounds like a character.”
“Oh, he’s a delight,” Emma assured her. “You’ll love him, I promise.”
“Ah, so you…” Know.
“I do,” she said with a firm nod. “I’ve managed Mr. Wayne’s calendar for most of his life and his daddy’s before him. He hasn’t been going around shouting it from the rooftops, but it’s a little hard not to make the connection.”
It made sense even if Janet was struck by the urge to just start screaming. The secret was out—there was no popping a pin back in this grenade. From here on out they would have to move fast.
Janet looked down at Tim. Tim, lips shiny and red, tipped his head back to look at her. There was nothing but calm trust in his eyes. He was being so brave about this, about everything. She owed this to him.
“I just hope they’ll like him,” she confessed. She looked back to Emma, smiling awkwardly, only to be met with a knowing look. “I know the timing is… bad.”
“You’re afraid of Ms. al Ghul,” she concluded. “She’s a bit of a character herself, but she loves her family.”
Well, that’s what Janet was afraid of.
Tim wasn’t her family. Hell, Dick Grayson was Bruce’s cherished first son and the spats between him and Talia were frequent and well documented. Talia, the bold woman that appeared nearly a year ago seemingly out of nowhere to take her place at Bruce Wayne’s side. The two weren’t married, true, but they were clearly partners in their shared life.
But Bruce told her not to worry about Talia. She had to trust that Bruce knew what he was talking about and that Tim wouldn’t be sent into the lion’s den.
“I just worry,” she finished quietly. No one could blame her for that. “Is Bruce free now?”
“Oh, yes! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you for so long,” she said and smiled at Tim again. Janet felt him press closer and knew that she was going to have to have a conversation with him about how Emma was emphatically not a cannibal. “I just wanted to meet the new baby.”
Tim normally would fight the baby allegations to his last breath, but he was clearly cowed by such a fearsome foe. Janet nodded to Emma one more time before pulling Tim through the door behind her and into Bruce’s office.
Bruce looked up from his computer as soon as she cracked the door open, eyes immediately falling on Tim. He shuffled in beside her, eyes also finding Bruce. For a long moment, the father and son simply looked at one another.
Tim broke their impromptu staring contest first to look up at Janet again. In a whisper a little too loud to be secret, he asked, “Is that him?”
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cosmicbyeol · 2 years
𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 : 𝙬𝙝𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨
this is my 333 special post!! I’d like to thank you for following me and continuing to follow me. it makes me happy that my services could help you in any way!! again this might not resonate with everyone because this meant to be special!! this will probably be more geared toward you and your feelings rather than the other person's feeling because apparently it's not common for people to breach dreams or for you to breach dreams?? everyone I've spoken to about the matter either looks at me weird like it's not common or just honestly thinks I’m weird, soooo...
take this however it resonates.
calm down and take a deep breath.
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♥︎ pile 1. channeled song ( fantasy – vixx )
you begin to finally see and understand everything you’ve been feeling and dreaming of. it’ll all become clear that there must be something you have to face. whether it’s a difficult situation or wanting to end or even pursue something.
you may not know what to do next and maybe that’s okay. you know why they’re there and why you see them but you don’t know what to do about it. all you have to do is listen to what you believe you should do and or what it all means. in the back of your head I think you know.
you or this person might’ve done something to considered bad to the other. you or them have been in denial about this, it wasn’t really fair. if it wasn’t you that has was at fault then you might’ve just tried to brush it off or said you didn’t care about what happened. you didn’t care if you were hurt.
you might’ve turned a blind eye to the fact that whatever happened actually happened, you know that that was a wrong move but you still want this person in your life. you can’t help but realize that maybe you need a new path or a new beginning.
turning back the clock and remembering happy memories would be a must for you. connecting with other people who make you happy is another good move you. this could be a healing time if you realize that maybe you just don’t need this person that much or if not at all.
if you chose to heal and surround yourself with all things good you won’t regret it. you can sit back and feel relaxed and a bit accomplished. enjoying how far you’ve come from your realization. you’ll be rewarded in time.
♥︎ pile 2. channeled song ( lay back – verivery )
you might feel like you or this person can’t or won’t let their guard or walls down. but you really want to be able to see the real them or vice versa. I don’t really feel a strain or and agitated feeling because the wall or the guard isn’t coming down. it’s kind of a patient or playful feeling I’m getting.
you feel like this person is perfect for you in the type of relationship you’re thinking of. you’re willing to sit with them and open them up, you genuinely care for them. it’s an exciting feeling between you two, like a game of cat and mouse.
there honestly won’t be any showing of hidden faces if there isn’t any hard work being put it. you both need to put the work into opening up to each other. being more honest with each other will be a big thing with this connection.
it might feel like you’re a little obsessed with finding or seeing their true self or your true selves. a never ending game of cat and mouse with added adrenaline.
you’ll be very focused on this journey. you plan to get this person and finally see their face. after you see them and all is revealed you won’t care if you’re blinded by their “light” or real self. it’s up to you or the both of you to decide what happens next. but I feel like you won’t want to leave their side. it’ll be a healing time for the both of you.
you might also want to start to really see what’s happening and be sure of your decisions. slow down and have a clear mind. even though this is a match and you’re having fun you still need to take a step back. make sure this is what you want.
♥︎ pile 3. channeled song ( into the void – vixx)
you might be dreaming of this person because there could be a conflict between you. or one that could be rising because of some underlying issues. talking things out by saying what’s on your mind and listening.
there needs to be a balance between you and them. you have to be able to adapt to that situation and remain calm. look at the bigger picture and reevaluate what’s happening. be patient with both yourself and this person.
I think after being patient all your waiting and talking things out will give you a chance to change what’s happening. you need to take charge of this situation immediately things could start to look up.
if you make a wrong decision then it could result in you being forceful with the situation. if the other person doesn’t agree with your last minute change it could feel like you’re bullying them into something they don’t want.
one or both of you can feel jaded because of this, you or them might feel entitled to them and their love. in a “do you think this is over?” type of way or an “I’ll have you in the end no matter what” type of way. you want to be in unison with them but the way you might go about it could be by force.
there really anything nice or good about what’s happening here. I think it’s a “I’ll do whatever it takes” type of feeling. a bunch of irrational behavior and controlling them. I don’t think all of this is necessarily on purpose but it’s like you just can’t let them go.
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Mistyping on The Enneagram
The purpose of this post is to understand what are mistyping and how they happen. I’ll explain some of the patterns ive noticed when it comes to some of the mistypings as well as some of examples ive I personally disagree with. Please dont take any of this as a personal insult if any of these examples I give are things you've done in the past or the typings I disagree with are your own.
Case #1 Bad Media Literacy 
Often one of the biggest mistake I see when it comes to typing characters enneagram its the interpretation of the characters motive and character arc being incorrect and often based on nothing. The claims you'll mostly see is flattening of the character and often they'll just take one line of dialogue or small piece of the character and typed them based on that. Rather than looking at the character overall. Even if the characters motives and desire are bluntly on display they'll usually ignore these in favor of their misunderstanding of the text. 
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Ex- Maxine Minx (3w4 so/sx) being typed as 2w3 sx/so
-Maxine Minx is a character whose desires are screamed to you by the narrative (literally). Maxine craves stardom and status; she yells at Pearl that she won't have the life she doesnt deserve because she is a Star. Her  sense of self importance and entitlement are clear pointers to soc 3. So I find quite shocking/horrifyng seeing people type her as a sx 2. Let's start with the fact that Maxine’s core desire being in creation of a unique bond with ONE individual in which she ignores her own needs to please the subject is one of the most unhinged takes ive ever seen because there is absolutely no evidence of this in the text. Second Maxine being a Super Ego+Positive type is just not true there isn't any evidence of that in the text. It's just a mess of a typing based on bad media literacy and even worst understanding of subtypes. 
Case #2 Misunderstanding of Subtypes 
This is one of the most unlikely cases I see most people have a decent understanding of subtypes. However this still sometimes happens in which people usually take the definition of the subtype and barely explain it. Sometimes they dont understand what each instinctual variants desire is. 
Social-The desire to find a place in which they belong. Will have a belief that they have a big role in this world.
Self-Preservation-Looks for the needs of the self and those around them.
Sexual- They look for connections and to influcence others. Can be romantic or not. 
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Ex-Daenerys Targaryen (2w1 so/sp) typed as 1w2 sx/so
Dani being typed as an sx1 isnt as bad as some of the other typings I'll cover here but it still shows a bit of confusion. The sx1 looks to perfect others through sharpening them morally. While the soc 2 looks to help others for the greater good. Both of these are super ego types which I why they might be confusing and have some similarities. 
 #3 Detachment between subtype and Type Structure  
This is the most common mistake ive seen people make when it comes to typing enneagram. They usually detach the subtype from the type structure and stick to the definition of the subtitle without taking any parts of the type it self. The focus on the subtype makes it so the core desire of the enneagram type itself is replaced rather than complement it. The core desire of the enneatype will and should always come first when it comes to typing. This has led to allot of mistyping in which they ignore crucial parts of the enneagram and character/person they are typing. 
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Asuka Langley (3w4 so/sx) typed as 2w3 sx/so or 4w3 sx/so 
Both of these typings cause me a headache so ill cover both 
4w3 sx/so- sx 4 Asuka is one of the worst typing ive seen. They hyper focus on the flimsy definition and the poor understanding of Asuka’s character makes this typing a mess. To believe that Asuka craves for “depth and authenticity” is one of the most insane understanding of her character. And when checking at the triads it becomes even more evident that this typing is holding for its dear life on the misunderstanding from her character. To believe that Asuka is a withdrawn type is one hell of an interpretation. When it comes to attachment style Asuka being a frustration types makes no sense either. The E4 believes itself to be “too deep and profound” for others which is why they find themselves frustrated believing that others aren't as profound as they are. Also having any form of self hate ISNT a sign of enneagram 4. 
2w3 sx/so- This typing I see a bit less but its still pretty common. This typing probably comes when people hyper fixation on Kaji. And tbh thats kinda of bad since that is a minor plot beat when it comes to her character. And when you look at E2 as a whole Asuka just doesnt fit there anywhere...The sx ignores the need of self to please ONE individual who they believe can return the love they need. And Asuka doesnt ever ignore her own needs at all. Also Asuka being a super ego type...no. The super ego types believe they are doing righteous acts and believe themselves to be morally superior. And how does this apply to Asuka? well it doesnt. 
Case #4 “May look like X type” 
Following the same topic from the last case they will usually focus on the small part in the final description of the subtype in which they point out some similarities with others. However it is important to note that they are still the same type. The Enneagram core desire and needs doesnt change because they may look like X type. And this seems to be very rampant as of recently. 
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Anakin Skywalker (8w7 sx/so) typed as 4w3 sx/so- This typing makes is as bad as the previous character. The current fixation on the may look like E8 in the description of sx E4 has made allot of different charcaters and people be mistyped based on that single line. Anakin never desire authenticity nor depth. He makes it very clear in both The Clone Wars show and Attack of The Clones that he craved power In order to protect those he loved. Saddest part is he quite literally tells us this in attack of the clones...
Lack of Knowledge of General Type structure and Ignoring Triads 
The type structure of each type is complex and detailed however it is key to understand its importance when it comes to typing and understanding the enneagram. Naranjos work on the enneagram is my preferred source when it comes to general type structure I highly suggest you find pdfs or sometimes people of personality coffee leave the type descriptions of naranjo in there. Understanding the core desire of the enneagram and the lines inside is something ive noticed people have a hard time understanding and not taking into consideration when it comes to typing.  Triads is also a very good and important tool to understanding how the types work and it helped me allot to distinguish them. Especially when it comes to object relations. 
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Ex- Cassie Howard (9w1 sx/so or 2w1 sp/sx) being type 3w2 sx/so
So im not sure on Cassies enneagram just yet im between the options listed above however Cassie being typed as a sx 3 makes no sense at all. Cassie being a competency+assertive types makes very little sense to me. Especially since the sx 3 looks for success in the interpersonal sense they dont really crave the “love” that comes from it just the image of filling the role in someones life. While I think the sx 9 makes more sense since her being an attachment type makes the most sense to but also I could see sp 2 tho. I don’t see the assertiveness that the sx 2 has.
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totallytatum · 1 year
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“ Outcast. That’s all they see.” 
⎯summary ;lo’ak is comforted after no one believes him about payakan, causing him to feel more alone than ever 
⎯pairing ; lo’ak x fem na’vi reader
⎯warning ; comfort, angst, love confessions
⎯word count ; 1k
It wasn’t a shock that the sully kids would have a hard time adjusting to the metkayina clan. It was obvious the difference- they’re forest people. They are a much darker blue and have slimmer limbs than you. Despite their differences, curiosity killed that cat.
“ He saved me. He’s not a killer you see. “ Lo’ak pleaded, trying to convince to convince his new found friends that payakan was just misunderstood. Believed to be a murder, lo’ak was just fortunate to be alive and well with just a few scrapes. Everyone remained quiet besides the frustrated breaths lo’ak let out. His eyes flashed around with some sort of hope, somebody had to believe him.
“lo’ak please don’t go looking for payakan. You’ll only find trouble, “ Tsireya signed softly, worry laced her words. You stayed back not sure to intervene.You truly wanted to believe him and you did. The way he spoke so confidently about the tulkun there had to be some truth behind it. “ Fine, “ he huffed, standing up from his spot, “ don’t believe me. I’m only alive because of him. “ Lo’ak shook his head in pain as he sauntered away. Why could no one believe him? Sure, they know the ocean better but lo’ak knows payakan unlike them. 
You shot a quick glance between everyone, nobody standing up to chase after him. You swallowed hard, getting up abruptly to chase after him. You didn’t dare to look back at everyone else. You were the last one expected to get up and chase him, not interacting much with any of the sully kid- just there because tsireya is your best friend. 
“lo’ak wait “ you yelled, catching up to him and grabbing him by the shoulder. It didn’t slow him down much, just enough to give you a second to catch up into the steady pace he was in. His eyes kept forward and his face pinched into a sad look. This took a ping at your heart. This was different for lo’ak. He himself was the outcast of his family and now an even bigger outcast across the metkayina clan. This was a different kind of hurt you wouldn’t wish on even the sky people. 
Lo’ak didn’t even glance spare you a look as your pace steadied out beside him. He didn’t need to hear it from you too that he was crazy. He couldn’t hear it from you of all people. “ I believe you, “ you spoke softly, giving him a small glance. His eyes forwarded down to his steps, looking at the ground in front of him as he walked. He didn’t say a word, his mind raveled. Why would you believe him? You knew the story of payakan, or so what was taught to you. “ I know it’s hard to believe but they’ll believe you soon. Pakayan is just an outsider to us, the story told to protect us.”  As much as you believed lo’ak you were still skeptical of the tulkun. You know the tales passed through your people. Your main reason for believe lo’ak is you been infatuated with him since his arrival. 
Lo’ak stopped abruptly causing you to stop in front of him. Not only hurt laced his face but it looked to be a hint of anger. “ An outcast? “ He questioned while you stared at him. “ lo’ak you have to underst- “ He was quick to cut you off, causing your heart to start racing. His raised his hand, showing you the obvious difference between him and other na’vi’s. “ Outcast. That’s all they see. “ Hurt was laced in his voice and you knew then you would do anything to take the pain away. “ I’m not like you. I’m not like my perfect solider brother or my sister that has this deeper connection to ewya. I have no place, I finally found payakan who understands. “ You remained silent, your eyes flickering all over his face, trying to come up with the words to say. He misunderstood your silence, shaking his head, “ I’m going home. “ Lo’ak pushed past you, causing your to swallow hard and blink a few times pushing back the ache you felt for him. “ wait, please “ you spoke, finally finding your words. He turned around, walking backward, slinging his arms up, “ No, no one here likes me. I;ve taken the hint y/n. I’m leaving. “ 
Your heart began to pound, your mind racing, “ Okay- “ you pause “ don’t leave because of them, stay... because of me. “ 
Lo’ak’s breath hitched as you stared hopeful at him. Everything around him was moving fast, too fast. He felt his world was spinning while he tried to gather his thoughts. He must have noticed he didn’t speak for sometime as the look on your face dropped. “ lo’ak...please say something. “ You didn’t realize how close you two have gotten, until you felt your chest brushing against his ever so slightly. His yellow eyes pierced into your blue ones, his breath hit your face again confirming how close you two have gotten. Some how your guys fingers brushed together, loosely wrapping around each other, “ you are like a flower, the prettiest one. “ A slight hue crossed your cheeks as you sucked a breath in, “ I see you lo’ak. “ Your scanned his face, watching a smile twitch onto his lips and his forehead lean against yours. “ I see you y/n, “ he barely whispered. Your eyes dart from his lips back to your eyes has his did the same. It was you who made the first move, becoming so smitten by ectasy that has taken over your body. Your lips lingered right below his, lips slightly open before placing them full on his. You melted into the bliss, this being more exhilarating than you ever thought it could be. Lo’ak’s hand moved from your finger tips to your cheeked, caressing it slightly as you guys pulled away. Your foreheads still touching, 
“ This feels right. I have never believed in love at first sight until I met you. “ 
“ I love you as well “ 
This is my first one-shot and I hope some or most of you can enjoy. It being the first that I put out I am slightly nervous but hopeful. Please push requests, what you want to see, your thoughts and feelings through as I push out more. 
much love, mooky xx
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