#and then when i did criticize that response someone told me that i should at least be giving them credit and not devalue the hard work
violentviolette · 1 year
"telling someone incorrect information about a media franchise will never have the same potential for harm the way telling someone incorrect information about their mental health or illness or their loved ones murder will and i think its important to keep that perspective in these discussions. especially because i think the blurred line between media and real world topics, and people consuming real world topics the same way they do media, and treating them like they're essentially the same and approach researching them in the same way is a big part of this problem." I've been saying this for ages you are so real for this. It's genuinely a big issue that people have grown the tendency to compare every form of media that they consume to real life issues, which then desensitizes them to said real life issues. It's a big issue that people compare content relating to fictional characters who do not exist and are not sentient as on the same level as real, living and breathing people. Is it annoying when people mix fanon with canon to the point that the entire message behind a media has lost itself ? Yes, it very much is. But does that loss harm anyone on a physical, mental, emotional or psychological level ? Nowhere close. This technological age makes me so uneasy because of the ever increasing comparison of media to real life events, and the continuous belief that "fiction affects reality" + "fiction = reality." If fiction *does* genuinely affect reality, then that would mean violent video games inherently make someone violent and horror movies inherently make someone a murderer. I say that: if you already struggle with anger issues, exposing yourself to more violent forms of media without critical consumption will obviously worsen the symptoms, along with horror movies giving you ideas on how to kill that one relative you've fantasized killing for the past half decade—the only thing that affects reality are idiots who lack critical thinking. A comparison I can think of that people bring up to debate that "fiction affects reality" are the trends of fictional cats and rabbits consuming milk and carrots respectively. It's so silly because if you're planning to become a parent to an animal, it is your JOB to do research into that animal's diet, livelihood, habitat, body language etcetera. Why are you trusting the livelihood of a talking cartoon character ? Sorry for the long ask, but what you said is so important and I hope people adopt that mindset more, especially with this growing technological social media age.
no apologies neccessary anon u are absolutely correct and u should say it
media should not be where people are getting actual real life applicaple information. *no one* should look at a work of fiction in any form and just assume that whats being said or done is accurate information that they can just apply to their real life. and the same goes the other way around. when u want to research mental health topics or world history or a science, no one should be approaching it the same way as digging through their favorite shows wiki.
but there's been this huge kind of like. fandomification of social justice and social science and other topics like this where instead of understanding the critical nuance of these things and approaching them with a research minded perspective and an understanding of the nuance needed because so many things in real life are contradictory and complex and have eons of context, people approach them like tv shows. they think if they just read enough information and consume enough of the "content" surrounding it then they'll be able to fully understand and grasp them and then be able to educate others about them as some kind of authority and it just makes me want to scream from the rooftops that *thats not how any of this works*
the desensitization thing is also so real. u genuinely cannot have a single conversation about a real world topic without someone bringing up media and i dont know how else to nicely tell people that that is in no way relevent and actually actively harmful. trying to relate everything in life back to media and not being able to talk about a topic without including media will genuinely rot ur brain because it completely desensitizes u to the issue of harm. being wrong about media will never ever have the same impact that being wrong about mental health or physical health or animal welfare or public wellbeing will
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morganbritton132 · 5 months
Eddie posts a Tiktok like, “If you are interest in someone, do not tell my husband. Steve is the worst person to tell. All he does is judge you and then criticize them.
Steve, off camera: That’s not true.
Eddie: It is true! Grant just - Grant, can I tell people this? …Cool - Grant just told us that him and his ex-wife have been talking about getting back together. And that’s great! A normal person would say ‘that’s great, man.’
Eddie: Not Steve. Steve’s response was ‘the ex that can’t cook for shit or the one with the big tits?’
Steve: It’s a valid question!
Eddie: Stevie, baby. When Robin told you she was a lesbian, the first thing you did was criticize the girl she had a crush on
Steve: Yeah, because she was a dud
Eddie: And when I told I loved for the first time, you winced at me like I was making a bad decision. You asked ‘why?’
Eddie: And i didn’t even say it first! You already said it a week before!!
Steve: I just think that you should have standards
Eddie: I do!
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Hi! Can i ask for a self aware twst when the reader surprises adopted Silver as their son. Like just pointing at him and saying 'you are my child now' with Silver, Lilia and Sebek. Hope you have a good day!
Hehe. Anon, you know what you are doing. In fact, I would say you even want the chaos. And for that I love you come here so I can hug you.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Diasomnia chapter spoilers (Lilias part, maybe Sebek), religion, violence, isolation, kidnapping, obsessive behavior
Lilia Vanrouge/(Platonic) Silver/Sebek Zigvolt-Adopting Silver
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Oh ok. Cool cool coolcoolcoolcoolcool
Well, at least that one room dedicated to you in the form of an altar can now be used for more practical uses (finally)
When Lilia heard you say those words and point at his son, he fell from the chandelier he was dangling from
Not only did he have to navigate through not accidentally telling his son that he was the blood related son of an enemy general and that exactly this general killed Malleus mom
But also that he had now a second parent that also happened to be god
Mhm totally normal
Conversations to strangers about his family were already playing out like this in his head:
Hi, I am Lilia Vanrouge, yes the one in your history book, this is my son Silver, yes he looks like a certain knight, and my lovely partner and also parent of this lovely human, yes, FU**ING GOD THEMSELVES
Ah yes, sitting in church will totally not be awkward after this
Bro legit sits you down with a pen and paper, asking you to sign the marriage certificate
Asks you what flowers you want to have on your wedding. Doesn't matter if you are a woman, man or identify as something else, he is planning that
Also has already planned out how to get you into the Valley of Thorns without anyone noticing
Because no matter how devoted he is to you, he will always be too greedy to share your attention with someone else
You could have said this as a joke or some other protective instinct towards the silver-haired male but all that man's father hears is a marriage proposal
Lilia is just happy that you feel some sort of positive way to his family member (makes things easier when you are stuck in that cabin)
I mean, he did see Silver as a present from you, a child meant to bring him back to the light after being so long in the shadow of war
And now the three of you were together! How lovely!
Which would mean that you planned this all along. Dear Overseer, if you liked the idea of you being a family you could have just told him so
He will be the best partner to raise a child together you could dream of
And should someone dare to interrupt the perfect, peaceful life you three (plus two more) had, he wouldn't mind swinging that sword again
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Wait what?
What do you mean with that?
Are you sure you want him to be your son? Really?
Apparently he was not the only one surprised since he could hear the thud of his father falling to the ground behind him and Seek screaming somewhere behind him
Be prepared for a silver haired knight to look at you with the biggest puppy eyes and ask "Do you really want me as you son?"
Critical hit! Someone call a doctor. I think the Valley of Thorns god can be killed by cuteness
After that he is glued to your side (even though you have to part sooner or later since he is not living in Ramshackle)
One morning you woke up to the guy standing there with some food being like "I made some food."
Like where the Heck did he even get the keys for the dorm? (He broke in through a hole in the ceiling)
Silver always comes running to you whenever he does something and wants praises
Once he was best in one of his classes and he stood there with the report like he could turn into a dog and get headpats from you any second
But, as I am sure you are aware of, this is a blog with yandere themes and we have to say goodbye to the fluff at some point
That sword training comes in handy is all I'm saying
I mean, he has probably enough strength to break someone's leg with his bare hands by simply applying some pressure
And that one Diasomnia student that tried to take his son-status away from him was found again in a not-so-compatible-state-with-life kind of situation
I'm letting you imagine what happened
Like Lilia he is ready to burn everyone who dares to interfere with your little family
The forests of his homeland are pretty though so no need to worry about the appearance of your surroundings once they bring you to your new home (who needs social interaction anyways?)
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A second of silence
And then the screaming started
Seek would be lying if he said that he wasn't surprised
You, aka the Overseer, aka some higher being, AKA GOD, were known in the Valley of Thorns to be kind and caring, yet also distant and never approaching others directly
But then you literally adopt someone, making that person someone in your inner cycle?
Well, if Sebek knew one thing then that those Priests were going to have a crisis as soon as they learned about this
Totally not jealous
He would try to get closer to you since, apparently, you did allow others to get close to you
But he was happy as long as you were
After all, he was now the (not-so-official appointed) shield of the Valley of Thorns, something he got passed on by his grandfather
So of course he couldn't be family with you
That didn't mean he couldn't “help” you
Someone intruded on that dinner you had with Lilia and Silver?
Ouch… that punch must have hurt
Whenever Silver or his Father had to interfere because someone else came too close then they were some incredibly slick (looking at you Rook) or lucky person
Don't let his loud mouth fool you
This crocodile has done unmentionables in your name in order to make things easier for your new found family
For what? Oh you know, becoming his neighbor back home… forever
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necronatural · 1 year
The Reigen Arataka Deranged NormalMan Review
Do you ever think about how Reigen has like. A really strange belief in The System and How Things Should Be. Like REALLY strange. Whatever he's got going on is so much weirder than "scammer with a heart of gold".
I think it all comes together if you read the 10th Season 3 omake like, seriously interrogate this:
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This is normal, if comedically thoughtful and realistic for a shounen character. This guy talks like a mandatory reporter. What's strange is what immediately follows:
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Not only did he hunt down the families of the children bullying his client (insane. where did he get that info), he also contacted the school as if he were representing his own son in order to get justice, and then hunted down a source of complaints when the school fell through.
This is like a genuinely bizarre level of commitment to the bit, and the bit is "the system works, and if it doesn't work, we will find a system that does work, and if we cannot, hell or high water it is my PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to make the system stop slouching so it works again".
Long thread on the manga with this reading⬇️
Before I start. Reigen adopting Teru is more IC than you think but I don't think it is IC in the way people think it is. I think about this a lot and I think people who do it because they like Reigen aren't understanding how into his bit he is. Guy who talks to social services
So remember the arc that won people over to Reigen despite the fact he's an asshole who takes advantage of Mob and derides him constantly in order to keep him complacent?
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He has Mob's phone on his GPS. This makes sense; he's been taking him out and about since he was 11. Very responsible!
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Reigen dismisses the "Boss" mistake thinking well, it's a misunderstanding, but it got me in. Yet as soon as he heard they're committing crimes, he VISIBLY puts on his Boss Pants to chastise them. Again, normal so far. I think any scammer with a heart of gold would do this. (And foreshadowing for why he retried reprimanding the Claw Cadres a second time after getting power.)
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Again. He's a scumbag. So he leaves Mob to beat their asses using his previous rhetoric. But then!
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Reigen's shady morality is more like "people who can take care of things should take care of things". To him, Mob is the Authority on Espers, and can handle conflict like this. Immediately upon becoming aware he can't, Reigen thinks "oh, okay, so the only person who can take care of things is someone who can deescalate". (Pictured: Deescalation)
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Okay. Besides the fact this is insufferable as a general concept - YOU just told him to handle it YOU are the source of his stress - his first step in deescalation is to force Mob to back down. Rather than asking him not to fight, he reestablishes "rules" in order to convince Mob he must back down - the same way he tried using what he said to worm his way out of dealing with this shit - and then sets himself up as the authority figure to which the others must obviously defer in matters of His Boy, like a parent accepting criticism at a PTA meeting. This isn't Reigen claiming Mob so much as "in order for them to not attack Mob, they must view me as a representative for Mob".
And like a good authority figure:
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Continuing with his phrasing:
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If you think about it, this is like...an objectively very strange and incredibly bold approach to this situation. They're homicidal. Reigen is a DERANGED level of Normal Man. He has this image in his head of normalcy, of the world at standard operating procedures, and reinforces it right through an entire conflict. Carceral beliefs don't even factor into this, simply expressing his principles and expecting them to fold.
And they do lol. I keep wondering how Shou must have felt listening to him talk like that
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We see a little more of his good side in work; when he was getting so little work it was affecting his grocery bills, this moneygrubbing scammer still asked for like $200 to clear an entire city of hauntings. (His regular exorcisms are around $30). Fair prices are part of his principles of how the business should be. He operates basically at-cost. He mentions he wanted to come out here because he's bored. He's killing time as a career.
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Just realized he called Mob in last minute so Mob didn't know he accepted crops instead of money. Shigeo didn't like that
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So consider that he never got caught here and there was a call on the news to hunt him down at the end of this bit: for the average viewer of the anime, it's just funny, but this is part of the Mogami pre-arc so we've gotten a hold of him by now; he probably holds an inherent belief that the police will intercept him and not Mob. Why wouldn't they? Why would an adult man want to dress up in a highschool girl's uniform? The System will understand.
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Not relevant to my point but I like how he realizes what's wrong with Mob way before the final arc, just not why it's happening. Also he doesn't say anything.
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With the way his principles are, you really get the feeling that Reigen does his best to avoid culpability specifically because if something happened that was his fault, he'd have to step up to the plate to compensate for that, which is troublesome to him who is a career time-killer. It does not occur to him that an actual bad person and scammer would not step up to the plate as a matter of course. This is his way
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What I find really interesting is that this Militant Insane NormalMan does have a sense of wanting something "special", but rather than whip Mob up the way Dimple did Ritsu, he ended up projecting his own values onto Mob, as if he could recreate a special "self" within him. He's always deriding him and baiting him and lying to him in hopes of creating a superb person that a special individual like Mob finds admirable, as if Mob is the authority on his quality of character. Sad! lol
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Anyway, it adds a lot more kick to this famous line. Reigen genuinely believes in Authority
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Authority works!
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And if Mob (the authority on espers) doesn't work, who's the person who MUST step up to the plate [common sense]? You guessed it.
There are other aspects of Reigen's character that everyone and their dog has already picked up on (his self-loathing is the entire reason the way he talked to Mob in Confession arc hit so hard), but this one's my favourite. He's insane
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petals2fish · 3 months
Smutty Saturday
Read on A03 (Note: Rated E for a Reason!!)
Dani looked up as Dimitri hovered over her. His black eyes were filled with lust as he pushed his finger into the cotton of her underwear, feeling how wet she was for his–
Suppressing a frustrated groan, Lily tore herself away from her book. Today was supposed to be her day to blissfully immerse herself in a romance novel while savoring a cup of steaming tea in the corner of the common room. Just as she was getting into her latest read, "Charms of Change," someone had the audacity to interrupt her. She was just reaching the climactic moment where the main character was about to confess her love to the wizard who saved her life. But now, her cherished Smutty Saturday was threatened by the sudden appearance of Penny the Pain.
Penny's real name was Penelope Pander, a second-year who fancied herself as head girl material. Lily was fairly certain Penny would vie for the position if she could, but instead, she seemed content to report every minor issue to Lily as if it were her responsibility to fix. No matter how hard Lily tried, she never seemed good enough in Penny's critical eyes.
"No," Lily stated firmly, cutting off Penny before she could speak.
Penny appeared flustered, fumbling nervously with her wand. She knew it was Saturday, as did everyone else. All afternoon, nobody had bothered Lily, choosing instead to direct their inquiries to the currently absent Head Boy. Even Penny knew better than to risk Lily's wrath by disturbing her precious reading time.
Lily barely glanced up from her book as she maintained eye contact with Penny and repeated, "No."
Penny clasped her hands together, as if in prayer. "Please, just hear me out, Lily."
Lily slammed the book shut with a loud snap, so much for finishing.
“I have told you a hundred times, no one is allowed to bother me on Saturday except for my book, my boyfriend, or my best friend." Lily listed the items off with her fingers. "Are you any of those things Penny?”
“No, but—“
“Then figure it out yourself, Penny,” Lily said, reopening her book and crossing her legs to show (as well as she could) that she was done with the conversation.
  His black eyes were filled with lust as he pushed his finger into the cotton of her underwear, feeling how wet she was for his thick fingers. He whispered her name before he rubbed his thumb against her aching--
“But—“ Penny's high-pitched voice was so annoying. 
“No buts.” Lily didn’t even look up from her book as she reiterated, “it’s one day, I only ask for one day, Penny.”
He whispered her name before he rubbed his thumb against her aching clit, making her tremble at the thought of how badly she wanted his fingers in--
“Frankie Barry and Sasha Verbs got stinging nettle all over them and are in the hospital wing until Monday!” Penny blurred out, her stupid voice once again breaking Lily of her focus. “You have to take over their rounds tonight.”
Lily closed her book again, this time even more highly annoyed as she looked directly into Penny's eyes. “Annie Davis is the alternate, Penny, she can do the rounds.”
Penny shook her head quickly, “No.”
“What do you mean, no?” Lily snapped, “Penny, I made the schedule with the Head Boy, I know who the alternates are for Saturday nights.”
Penny pulled at the wand in her fingertips, “Annie Davis has poisoned nettles too.”
Lily wished she could have resisted her urge to break into a grumpy fury, but she’d never been one to hold back her feelings when her private time was being interrupted. She should have read her bloody book in her room, behind the four-poster curtains. “How the bloody fuck do three of my Saturday prefects have nettle poisoning?!”
Everyone in the common room looked over. Lily didn’t even bother apologizing for her outburst. She stood up, towering over the second year Head Girl wanna-be. This should be James’ problem, not Lily’s, he was the one who handled the weekends.
Penny pushed her glasses up her nose and said matter-of-factly, “Uh, Frankie apparently used the Herbology lab as a prime snogging spot and didn’t know nettles were bad for human skin.”
Lily narrowed her eyes, “that disgusting git.”
Penny looked relieved that Lily’s anger was no longer directed at the room, “I know, the poor girls, imagine finding out your boyfriend is cheating because you both have stinging nettles up your arse.”
Lily took three deep breaths, debating if she ought to go tell Frankie off herself. Or ensure he got a few more stinging nettles up his dick. She was pretty sure she could talk Sirius into a little mischief. James too, if she promised a kiss afterwards. 
“You have to take the rounds,” Penny repeated, cutting off Lily’s revenge plot. “McGonagall said so.”
“The Head Boy does weekend covers,” Lily said, “so go bother him.”
“I did.”
“So why are you telling me?” Lily asked, “why aren’t you after the Head Boy?”
Penny flushed, “well, I went to the quidditch pitch to tell him on McGonagall’s orders.”
Penny shrugged, “and I was turned away.”
“Blessed,” Lily pressed her fingers to her temples, “please explain why James had the audacity to send you my way?”
“Penny scratched her neck, “erm, well James didn’t send me away.”
“Then who did?”
“James was in the air, so Nigel Babbington sent me to you, and said you’d have to handle it.”
Lily would kill that stupid son of a witch, Nigel Babbington. He hated that James got Head Boy and Quidditch Captain. He said James would never be able to juggle both. He probably sent Penny back in the hopes McGonagall would take Head Boy away from James for skirting his duties and give it to Nigel instead.
“Babbington sent you to me?” Lily confirmed, “not James?”
“Nigel said James was too busy dropping quaffles on passes to worry about Head Duties.”
Lily’s jaw dropped. First Nigel tried to sabotage James, now Penny admitted he was also shit talking James’ form? Lily had never seen a single quaffle slip from James Potter’s fingers in seven years, she doubted she ever would. If the Head boy was good at anything, it was being good at catching things in his hands. it was a wonder he never became seeker, what with his talents. 
“Babbington is as big a prick as any.” Lily huffed, tossing her book on her seat to go rescue her boyfriend and talk to the Head Boy.
Convenient that they were both the same person.
“If James can’t do it,” Penny squeaked, “then you have to.”
“Don’t worry about what I have to do, Penny.” Lily said, “I promise the world will not crumble under my watch.”
"Right." Penny tucked her wand into her robes, sounding unconvinced, “ Or…I could do it, I could do rounds.”
“As enticing as that is, Penny,” Lily said as she hiked her skirt up with a roll, “you’re still only in second year, and McGongall would string me up by my hair if she found out that I let you do rounds alone.”
“I’ve been following your solo rounds all year!” Penny argued, “please, Evans?!”
“I—wait.” Lily paused, “you’ve followed me on rounds all year? As in since September?”
“Penny!” Lily exclaimed, “you’ve been stalking me?”
“James said if I wanted to be like you, I should watch you at work.” Penny said. "I still think I'm better at rounds than you, though, no offense. You're a little slow."
“ Ach .” Lily pushed back her long red hair, “do me a favor Penny, and please never listen to James again.”
Lily walked away, muttering under her breath. Penny the Pain had the decency not to follow. Lily would have to keep a sharp eye behind her back on rounds. Knowing that Penny had been following her doing head girl duties was scary, even more so since Lily never spotted the second year.
The sun was just barely peeking out of the clouds outside as it set beyond the horizon. Thunder rumbled in the distance. It was perfect weather for curling up with a good book. Lily’s book was sitting back on her chair in the common room, alone.
She was just getting to the best part of the book when the guy got the girl. When the clothes started falling off. When the sexual tension was dripping off the page. When she had to curl her toes as she imagined her own boyfriend kissing her heatedly in shadows and doorways.  Sometimes, after she finished a particularly good book, she'd go find him for a kiss, or ten. 
Now, the only tension Lily had was Nigel Babbington’s audacity to say James needed to focus on quidditch and not complete his Head Duties. That was utter blasphemy, and he knew it, the prick. The deal was that Lily would cover any missed shifts on weekdays, when James had required quidditch practices. On weekends, when quidditch practice was just for fun, James was required to fill into empty spots on the calendar.
She was in such a blind rage that she didn’t even remember making it to the quidditch pitch. All she knew was that she looked up at the air and no one was playing quidditch anymore. It was clear they'd all come down from their posts to shower and socialize before dinner.  
“I can’t fucking believe this.” Lily muttered, “Penny couldn’t have waited fifteen minutes for them to be done…”
Lily stormed into the stands, underneath which, a long hallway ran and was full of students. There were boys and girls hanging about laughing and gossiping over broomsticks and pumpkin juice. Lily stormed past some of her friends who were sitting in a circle together, barely waving at them despite their welcoming smiles.
 "Where are you going?" Mary called in her sing-song voice.
 "James." Was all Lily said when she noted Nigel Babbington sticking his tongue down Annika Johnson's throat. 
“He’s just gotten off the pitch, Evans!” Sirius Black shouted after her, "Come sit with us!"
“No!” Lily shouted at him, "this can't wait!”
“He’s probably in the sho—“
“It’s a Head emergency!”
She heard them all whisper and Sirius suddenly laughed when Lily didn’t even glance their way. She made her way down the long wooden paneled hall, her heart pounding. The students became fewer, and it was clear everyone was wrapping up to make it to dinner. At the end of the long hallway, the locker rooms were stationed. She’d been in the girls’ room plenty of times to meet her friend Marlene, but she didn’t turn to the right, no, she turned to the left.
There, to the boys’ side.
She pushed through the doorway, blinded in the moment by her rage, not even thinking of knocking.
“James, I’m gonna need you—” She stumbled over her words. “Holy shit.”
Lily stared at him. Her jaw was probably on the floor. James had clearly just gotten out of the shower. His messy black hair was shining, dripping water down his tan neck. The beads of water rolling down his skin caught her eyes and she followed their path down his sides. She stood in her spot, her throat closing up as her boyfriend was displayed in front of her looking like a fucking movie star.
Has he always looked that toned? 
She’d really only seen him with his shirt off, and that had been few and far between. The lines on his shoulders made up of muscle rippled as he moved, and she imagined running her fingers down that back. She wondered if she could kiss every long line, every sharp curve, and even imagined what he must taste like. This was better than any fucking book, this was real, and he was hers. 
James glanced over his shoulder when the door slammed behind Lily, announcing her presence more loudly than her original outburst. Her eyes at that point were fully gaping at his arse, which was peeking out from low hanging trousers he'd been scooping up his legs. He’d been hiding that arse from her under his school uniform, and Lily felt like it was a crime. 
“Lily!” James finished pulling his trousers up, quickly, his fingers stumbling on his zipper.
James' tan skin stretched over his arms. Lily wondered how he was that toned from simply tossing a ball in the air. She imagined he could probably toss her around too, if he wanted. His wire frame glasses were slipping down his nose as James turned to face her, showing off his bare chest. Oh, she loved his chest. He had a line of hair that she could follow right down to the V of his pelvis.
“Hi.” Lily managed to squeak.
James ruffled his wet hair, droplets flying out, “shit, Lily, someone else could’ve been in here!”
The alarms in her head were blaring, telling her that flight was the best response to seeing her boyfriend practically naked. For crying out loud, he’d only seen her upper half without clothes, they hadn’t gotten past second base. 
But now she was thinking, ‘we just might get past it.’
James danced on the spot, uncertain from her dead silence. “Hello?” He asked softly, stepping forward to pretend and knock on a door between them. “Anyone home, Evans?”
“Never mind.” She sounded like a talking animal in a Disney movie, her voice was so high pitched. 
And then, very uncharacteristically of her, Lily ran out the door.
She was well aware that her face was redder than a cherry tomato. Everyone sniggered as she swiftly walked past. She knew that everyone knew exactly why her face was suddenly breaking out in hives.
“That bad, huh?” Sirius called after her. "I tried to warn ya!"
"Not now, Black!" Lily sent him a rude hand gesture as she kept retreating.
If James was following in nothing but his trousers, she was pretty sure she would die from humiliation. Who saw their partner, naked, and ran in the opposite direction? Lily wouldn't be surprised if James broke up with her. She didn't know if he'd believe she ran because she was overwhelmed by how attracted she was to him at that moment.
Luckily, no one followed her back to the castle.
Lily had barely made it past the front entrance hall when none other than Professor McGonagall stopped her with one hand in the air, “I presume you and the Head Boy figured out who was covering shift tonight?”
“I’m doing it.” Lily said quickly, eager to escape before news got out about her waltzing right into the locker room.“I’m covering.”
“Excellent,” McGonagall nodded, “it starts at six, and goes to ten.”
“I’ll just grab some food before starting then,” Lily stepped towards the tables lined with food, “bye!”
She was aware her face was still burning as she swiped a sandwich from the Gryffindor table. She ignored her friends, anyone really, who tried to engage her in conversation. She was worried she might actually die if she admitted walking in on her boyfriend in the shower.
Not that she was ashamed, but she was incredibly turned on. She wished she had taken a few seconds longer to study the arch of his back as it turned into his hips. She should have taken a mental picture of the way his chest hair curled and trailed down to the line of his trousers.
Lily’s footsteps were loud against the stone of the third floor corridor. She paced the halls, only stopping to check behind tapestries for snogging students. Being that it was Saturday, Lily knew the snogging was more apt to happen in Hogsmeade than anything.
Merlin, what she wouldn’t give to be snogging James Potter right now.
She made it to the seventh floor, also known as the most boring floor in existence. The tower was used as storage, mostly old desks and books long forgotten. Only teachers and the head students had the keys, checking it once a night before continuing on. Lily pushed open the door to go into where all the books were being stored, walking to the back of the room just for fun. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be finishing your book today? You were so excited yesterday, I actually kind of took offense.”
Normally, Lily would’ve brightened at the sound of his voice echoing into the dark room during rounds. Normally, Lily would jump right into his arms and kiss him gleefully. Normally, she wouldn’t be thinking of doing more than kissing when she caught his hazel eyes flickering under the flames of the wall torches.
James tilted his head inquisitively when Lily didn’t have a sassy comeback about her book. He moved smoothly, like a deer in the forest, barely making a sound. Lily stood frozen in front of a stained glass window near the stack of charms books, her face turning bright red instantly. Lily swallowed thickly when James positioned his body in front of hers.
At least he was fully clothed this time. 
“I’m on rounds.” She blurted out, stupidly.
James tucked his fingers under her chin as he acknowledged, “I can see that, love.”
He called her love, he always had, even before they started dating. It still turned her knees to mush. He leaned down, pressing his mouth to hers softly. Oh fuck, she was kissing him back, losing initiative, losing focus. His kiss warmed her up, undoing the knots on her insides like magic. 
Her hands slid up his arms, feeling his body move closer to hers. Lily's mouth opened against his so that she could capture his lower lip, tugging it impatiently, feeling the skin flex under her teeth. James responded to that by deepening the kiss, tasting her with ample amounts of his tongue against hers. His left hand angled her face before it slipped against the back of her neck, holding her in place as they kissed.
 Too bad he was fully clothed now. 
When James pulled back, Lily's eyes were still closed. She could feel that he hadn’t gone far. His exhaled air washed over her mouth sensually, promising her that he hadn't given up all his kisses yet. It was better than any book she’d ever read, but maybe that was but maybe that was because it was James doing the romancing.
“Why are you on rounds?” He asked, voice deeper than usual. 
Lily's head was spinning from his arrival. “Frankie Barry and Sasha Verbs got stinging nettle all over them and are in the hospital wing until Monday.”
“Yeah I caught them having a go at it in the Herbology lab,” James said, “but I thought Annie was the alternate for tonight.”
“James,” Lily opened her eyes to find him watching her very closely, “Annie got stinging nettles too.”
“How did Annie get nettles?” James was so cute when his nose wrinkled up from irritation.
“Probably from that prick Frankie.” Lily huffed, “Penny told me that he was shagging them both.”
“Fucking fifth years,” James rolled his eyes, “they’re nothing but raging hormones.”
“Yah,” Lily pretended to agree as her left hand felt it’s way up his bicep, “raging hormones, the lot of em.”
James noticed her attention waver. A knowing smile overtook his face, showing off the sharp square of his jawbone. Lily wished he wasn’t wearing robes, they did nothing for the figure underneath. And boy, was there a lot hiding underneath. James started kissing her neck, sucking gently at her pulse point so that she leaned into him.
“How did you find me?” She asked him, despite enjoying the way he was marking up her neck.
“Oh, I noticed you were missing from dinner, so I asked around. Penny the Pain ended up telling me that you were supposed to be finding me.” He replied conversationally, nipping at her skin playfully. “I left out the fact that you did find me earlier, but Sirius unfortunately told the entire table what happened two seconds later.”
Lily groaned, letting her head fall back. “No.”
James chuckled as he brushed her hair out of his mouth's way with his fingers, “he finds it hilarious that you saw me naked and ran off without any explanation.”
“Mm sorry.” She mumbled, slurring her words when he blew cool air onto the hickey he'd just undoubtedly made.
James pulled her face to look at him, showing nothing but empathy in his eyes, “bit shocking for the both of us, yeah?”
She nodded miserably, “I should’ve knocked, but I was so mad about Frankie, and Nigel, so I had to come get you."
"I get Frankie, but why Nigel?"
"Because Nigel Babbington thinks you need more practice on a broomstick.” Lily rolled her eyes.
James immediately retracted in horror. “That bastard couldn’t catch a quaffle if it hit him in the face!”
Lily pouted her lower lip and gave him her saddest eyes. “Yeah, obviously that’s what I said!”
“Well, those pricks aside,” James brushed her hair from her face with his thumb, “why don’t you go back to the common room, and I’ll finish your route?"
Lily stood on her tiptoes to angle herself a little taller, “you mean it?”
James softened at her enthusiasm, “of course I mean it, you work your cute little arse off all week so I can play quidditch. You should get time to do what you want to do, too.”
She didn't know how to tell him the only thing she wanted to do was keep touching him in that tower, where it was unlikely anyone would find them. 
Lily took both his hands in hers, frowning considerably. “I wish we had an alternate of an alternate, James.”
“To be fair, neither of us predicted Frankie would give both sixth year prefects nettles.” James said, using his body to slowly push the back of her knees right into the window ledge. “Come to think of it, we did the best we could, so really we should both be off the hook here.”
She pushed her fingers through his curls, which were dried despite his earlier wet appearance, “I like the way you think."
"I get my best ideas from you."
"I love you.”
And then she realized what she had said, out loud. Shit, was he going to go into shock? She eyed his frozen features, looking carefully, like he was prey that might flee from her arms. His hazel eyes read her, skimming her face, her hands, her body. Lily sucked in a deep breath of air when he removed any more space between them, his chest pressing up against her white button down.
There was something unspoken and wild when he closed the gap between their lips. She laughed into his sudden flurrying kisses, made up of long strokes of tongue and scraping teeth. James had one hand in her red curls, his other hand pressed against her arse, lifting her onto her tiptoes higher. Higher. She was practically balancing on her black school shoes, her tongue tasting every corner of his all-too-eager mouth. 
There was something incredibly hot about the way he was holding her there, something invigorating about the way she could barely keep up with his kissing. His passion spread through the room life a wildfire. She was burning in him, feeling every inch of her body catch sparks that erupted in bolts that streamed from her head to her core. It was always like this when she kissed James Potter, and she didn't want the feeling to ever end. 
Lily’s hair was tangled between his fingers while he arched her head to deepen the strokes of his tongue. He tasted like mint toothpaste, or gum, but she couldn’t decide which one as her nails scraped through his dark black hair desperately seeking more friction. She could smell him, only him, the sweet scent of cinnamon and soap. James slid both his hands under her skirt, lifting her into the wide sill of the window, which allowed her to wrap her legs around his waist.
“I love you too,” he finally replied, eliciting a soft sigh from her lips as he spoke inches from her, just in case he wanted to dive back in.
“I'm not saying that just because I like your arse, either." She nipped at his tongue.
James smiled against her mouth, "you like my arse?"
"I loved everything I saw, to be honest."
“Fuck, this is so hot, like a dream.”
She pressed her mouth along his sharp chin, leaving a trail of kisses to his ear where she whispered, “been dreaming of me, have you?”
“I think I’ve got hormones to rival a fifteen year old.” James’ fingers were wound up in her skirt now, holding the fabric tightly as if he might rip it off her. “Especially when I saw you earlier, I mean, when I saw the way you were looking at me.”
Lily’s fingers were unbuttoning his robes, desperately trying to get to the skin she’d seen earlier, “I’m sorry I ran, you’re just way too handsome and I died a little.”
“You’re lucky I didn’t run after you,” he kissed her again before admitting, “I like how you keep looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you just saw me naked.”
“I did.” She giggled.
“Damn, you’re right.” He sighed, “I just keep giving you whatever you want.”
Lily pressed her forehead to his gently, “how shall I ever thank you?”
“This is a good start,” he joked, the edges of his eyes wrinkling with humor.
“We could get in trouble if we got caught.” Lily thought the idea only turned her onto him more.
James placed butterfly kisses along her chin between every word of, "we're just snogging."
Lily's hands felt up his shoulders, wishing they were bare, "I wouldn't mind a little more."
His hands slipped under the fabric of her shirt, cupping her breasts over her bra, “something like this?”
Lily turned her head to capture his wicked smirk. She kissed him slowly while his left index finger slid under her bra to play with her peaked nipple. Lily felt tingles between her legs when he touched her like that, and so she kissed him harder, her hands grasping for hold. Even with his kiss, his hands, and his undivided attention, Lily still wanted more. 
“Let’s go,” he begged into her mouth, seemingly having the same thoughts as she did. “The lake is bound to be empty this time of night.” He nipped her playfully with his teeth. “This time we’ll both strip down to our underwear.”
“That sounds pretty fun.”
“Rounds only go till ten, and then— holy hell ."
His whole lower body had shifted into hers when she locked her legs around him, using her ankles as shackles. She balanced on the edge of the windowsill, until his right hand started holding one of her legs to his body. Lily felt it as he rolled his hips up and into her. He must’ve liked it too, because his hips jolted a little more roughly on the second go. She dug her nails into his skin, meeting his thrust with one of her own. 
 "Lily, you’re so needy.”
“I'm needy?" Lily could feel him, and he was getting hard despite all the fabric still separating them.
James softly whined her name and it made her see stars.
“You gonna make it to the lake?” She asked him, loving that he hissed like it was possible he wouldn’t.
“Are you sure you didn’t make this entire nettles thing up, just to get me turned on so much that I'd jump you on rounds?” He teased back, hot breath splashing over her face. “You just wanted to shag me, right?”
“The nettles are true,” Lily said, “but I did not expect me running away from you to garner such a—ah— James .”
He had thrusted and rolled his thumb over one of her nipples at the same time, making her entire face flush from pleasure as she gasped his name. James got a dirty and possessive look at that, repeating the motion so that he could watch her hitch on an inhale, totally overcome by the sensation. She watched with wide eyes as he pushed aside the fabric on her right breast, leaned down, and put his mouth on her skin. When his tongue fell against her peaked skin she felt another flash of heat from below that had her wiggling in place. She was desperate for more friction, more James, more feeling. 
“You might’ve run away.” James had left her bra pushed aside when he stood up again, and the cool air elicited a new feeling on her skin. “But before that, you just stood there undressing me with your eyes and as I watched the flush creep up your cheeks…all I wanted to do was get you to look like that while I was ravishing you.”
James was definitely getting whatever he wanted. She was absolutely turned on, more so than she ever had been with him. She knew he wouldn’t go so far as to have sex with her, but she wondered if he wouldn’t mind experimenting a little. They had time, rounds didn't end until ten, and no one would come looking for them. 
“I want to touch you,” she whispered when he started kissing up her neck. 
James sucked her skin thoughtfully before asking with a husky voice, “touch me where?”
"Where do you want me to touch?"
Lily dropped her legs from around him to give him room to move. He was pushing off his robes, letting the fabric fall to the ground. Lily watched with hungry eyes as he pulled his shirt over his head, making it join his robes on the floor. It was only seconds before he was unzipping his trousers. He already knew the answer to Lily's question. He was just teasing her, and looked pleased by the turn of events as he readjusted her legs around his hips.
"You promise not to run this time?" James kissed her, sweetly, affectionately, only deepening the touch between them by pushing himself into her so that she could feel how hard he was.
"Yes." She hummed happily when he started moving his body into hers in a wholly sexual way. 
"Are you sure you want to go further?" He confirmed, "We can stop, whenever you want.”
“Okay," she whispered, "but I don't want to stop right now."
Lily had never touched anyone like she wanted to touch him, and was even disappointed when he stopped moving against her so he could readjust. James shimmied his trousers and underwear down so that they rested on him just as they were when she walked into the locker room: barely hanging on. Her hands unlocked from around his neck as she looked down and prepared to take a daunting step with the boy she loved. He was holding himself, but watching her with expectant eyes, seemingly unsure of how she would respond.
“Show me how,” Lily told him, and James took one of her hands, wrapping it around the base of his cock.
“Just go for it,” James said as her fingertips slid along the length, making him twitch involuntarily.
"What if I suck at it?"
“I'll help.”
Lily felt the thickness of his body, but she was more marveled at how velvety he felt. He hissed when her fingers slid underneath the shaft gently and he bucked forward, making her entire hand wrap around him in gut reaction. His hands grabbed ahold of her waist as if seeking to anchor himself to something, and she didn't mind that it was her.
“Fuck,” he closed his eyes once more when she moved her hand in a pumping motion, “are we sure I’m not dreaming?”
“Not dreaming.” She confirmed before asking, “does it feel good?”
James managed a short laugh, as if she was absurd for even asking. Lily brought her mouth to his and he willingly accepted her kisses as her hand started moving up and down his shaft in slow, unpracticed, motions. James was distracted by her hand, only kissing her absentmindedly, almost like he could not handle thinking about both at once. She felt James quivering, and her hand was starting to feel tired. James rutted into her hand again, ripping his mouth from hers to hiss a long stream of curses. It was clear he wanted more because he was wide eyed, nothing but need dripping from his expression. 
“Here,” he said gruffly into her neck, removing her hand from him and placing it on his balls, “touch me here.”
Lily didn’t know what she was doing, but did as he asked. James’ own hand started pumping fast against his cock. Lily watched, enthralled by the sight of her boyfriend coming totally undone before her without any embarrassment. His chest was heaving as he grabbed her hand again, guiding her into the fast paced movements until he was panting for air. She watched and waited as she followed his instructions, eager to see him fall totally apart for her. 
“I’m gonna—“ James tried to warn Lily to move her hand, but it was too late.
She’d always wondered what boys were like when she was alone late at night, touching herself, but nothing could’ve prepared her for witnessing it first hand. It was messy, for one, getting all over her legs and skirt. James barely even blinked at it, he was too busy catching his breath. Lily adjusted uneasily, trying and failing to look like the products of her touch didn't bother her. 
“Sorry.” James breathed into her skin, and Lily could tell by the curve of his mouth that he was grinning. “Give me a second and then I’ll clean you up.”
“It’s fine.” She kissed the top of his head softly before admitting, “I never did that before.”
James looked up, arching a playful bow, looking rather euphoric. "You've never seduced a boy before?"
Lily pinched him, "you caught me, this was all a ploy to seduce you into finishing rounds with me."
“You could seduce me into a cauldron full of nettles, love,” he said in a loving voice, “especially if you ever touch me like that again.”
 "I think next time it's my turn." Lily suggested.
 James' jaw dropped. "Can it be next time, now?"
 Lily laughed as he kissed her again, marveling at how her Saturday had remained smutty after all, only this time there was nothing fictional about it. 
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
My take on "white woman tears" is that the tears are real. There are people who can cry at will, but tears (or the lack of them) are most often an involuntary physiological response.
I think in most cases it's just that being told you're wrong and hurting someone is a humiliating experience, especially when it's true. Specific to the context of calling out racism, a lot of white people don't really understand systemic racism and see it more as there are The RacistsTM who are the bad people. I think the popular white American image of a racist is, like, George Wallace. This especially applies when you are dealing with white people who think of themselves as tolerant and are not only being criticized, they are being asked to reevaluate what may be a pillar of their sense of self.
The real issue with white women who burst into tears when they're called out for racism is that they have re-centered the conversation around their feelings. For white people who are actually committed to antiracism, one of the basic steps is learning that systemic racism is more important than their personal feelings. People are more likely to notice rank they lack than rank they have an abundance of, so white women tend to be more aware of how they are affected by misogyny than how they uphold racism. Once again, part of antiracist work is becoming conscious of that. You see this too with working class white people who have a negative emotional reaction to being told they have white privilege, because their understanding of their lives revolves around the economic privilege they lack.
The way "white woman tears" is so often framed is "[white] women are manipulative cunts who can all burst into tears on cue." This perpetuates misogynistic myths about women. It's also worth noting that privileged white people bursting into tears when faced with the possibility of consequences for their actions is not a female phenomenon. The poster child is Brett Kavanaugh, who is not only a man but a man who burst into tears when he was called out for sexually assaulting at least one woman, and he did not even face any real consequences. I also don't think Brett Kavanugh was crying on cue. When you've been protected from consequences your whole life, even the slightest possibility that you might face them now is a very emotional experience. His tears did not make me feel bad for him in the slightest, but that doesn't mean they were fake.
Which brings me around to another thought, which I think a more productive way to address this would be to stop treating tears like an emotional trump card. You don't have to comfort someone just because they are crying, especially if you know they're crying because they've been rightly called out. Crying is also not the only manifestation of negative emotional reaction to confronting racism. Arguing and defensively talking over people of color frequently comes from the same place. I think we tend to associate arguing with white men, and therefore see it as more logical, but it isn't.
I also want to acknowledge white women crying is especially frustrating for women of color and Black women in particular, because they have been forced since birth to limit their emotional expression. To return to Supreme Court examples, I cannot even imagine the media reaction if Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson had shown any emotional response whatsoever to the Republican senators who would not stop talking about child exploitation materials during her confirmation hearing.
I also want to be absolutely clear that white emotions after being called out for racism should not ever be the responsibility of people of color. Antiracist work can be very uncomfortable for white people. It is our responsibility to work that out.
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
More thoughts on TLG episodes
The Savannah Summit:
First things first, major kudos to Makuu for actually being responsible and caring about what’s best for his float
You really can’t blame Kion and everyone else to be super skeptical about Makuu. I know he changed for the better, but he’s done…a lot since he beat Pua
“but to invite him to the Savannah Summit? With all these other peaceful animals?”—I hate to break it to you, Kion, but just bc an animal is an herbivore doesn’t mean they’re peaceful and friendly. If anything, it means survivor
Crocs at the Summit worked with Pua cuz everybody loves him 😎
“Makuu has more enemies than friends!”—So does Bunga lmao
The song is great. I love how everyone seems annoyed at first but near the end, it’s all 🎶Kumbaya, my lord! 🎶. Except Makuu…dude looks like he’s lowkey regretting his life choices he did NOT ask for a bs song
I’m totally on Makuu’s side. He was genuinely trying to be civil here, especially when it comes to Bupu
At least Beshte was trying to be the mediator cuz he looks at Makuu AND Bupu, Kion was just being kinda speciesist
Shut up, Bupu, you started the whole thing
Vuruga Vuruga saying “buffalo eat whatever we want” is actually pretty accurate. They, like other animals, don’t care. I read that buffalo will occasionally eat insects if it were an option. Even Twiga could sucking on a bone if she wanted to. Seriously, look it up
If Zazu had a nickel for every time a rhino used him as a chair, he’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice (great nod to the OG movie)
Rafiki is such a mood “not the official painting” you old ass gremlin/aff
I remember Athena P criticizing Simba for blaming Kion about ruining the Summit after Makuu understandably leaves and I agree. Wtf Simba he’s 10. Go easy on him, come on 😭
The part that irks me the most is that when Mufasa asks “What has Makuu done to make you think this way?”, Kion says “Nothing, really”. BRO WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘NOTHING REALLY’?! I understand Mufasa meant what Makuu has done today but there are a LOT of things Makuu’s done in the past that Kion should have told his grandpa. In fact, here’s a whole list:
-Taking over Big Springs when he became leader, resulting in all the animals to scatter
-Challenging kids to fight
-Taking over the flood plains
-Trying to eat Basi which would have been just him being a crocodile if not for the fact that the reason is so he wouldn’t have to follow any rules (says so on the wiki)
-TAKING NALA HOSTAGE (seriously did Simba even KNOW about that? Did Nala or Kion bother to tell him?)
-Generally being a dick to animals
Makuu I know you did nothing wrong in this episode, but you can’t blame Kion for acting this way
I’m not placing any blame on Mtoto. He’s a good boy and all he did was tell the guard what he heard and that’s it
Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga coming up with the trap doesn’t surprise me. Cape buffalo are actually really vengeful irl so it makes sense how she wanted to teach Makuu a lesson. They ain’t called “Black Death” or “Widow Maker” for nothing
It’s cool how Makuu took the prank well. Respect.
Wonder how Makuu felt about animals fighting over him lmao?
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
Once again this episode would be VERY different if my oc Piga was still alive
Kiburi has a right to be mad. I’m not excusing what he does later in the episode but I’d be pissed too if someone woke me up
Okay but Nduli sleeping next to Kiburi is adorable. Adds to my hc how close they are
Serious question: Why exactly can’t the crocs go back to sleep after they’ve been woken up? The obvious answer is bc it drives the plot forward, but is it true in actual crocodiles? I kinda wanna know the scientific reason
Good on Makuu for going the pacifism route. He’d really do anything for his float
Love how Kiburi was like “Yeah yeah, whatever you say” but the second Makuu left, he was like “ANARCHY!”
Idk if any of you caught this, but when Ushari’s like “we reptiles will rule the pridelands under your leadership, right?” Scar actually hesitated before going “sure bud”. That makes me think he was going to betray Ushari the moment he and his army get rid of Simba and the Lion Guard
Crocs really DO need a lot of water, otherwise their lives are on the line. Makuu was really more concerned than upset
“KIBURI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”—Fighting a child, what’s it look like
Side hc: I like to think something similar happened with Pua, Piga, and Kujivunia. Pua saw Piga antagonizing some poor young animal and he was all “Piga! What in the Pridelands do you think you’re doing?” and Kujivunia (who happened to be there), with her typical sarcasm was like “Performing a dance number, Pua 🙄”
There go the skinks again. Njano with his cuteness and Shupavu…doing her best Grinch face
“At least you’ll be close to all your friends!”Awww Beshte trying to be positive 🥺
Kiburi saying “we crocs deserve better!” brings me back to my hc that Kiburi had good intentions (again, until further in the episode), he just went about it the wrong way. He’s almost like an activist in a way. He’s not trying to be selfish, he just wanted a better watering hole. Now going as far as to rule the Pridelands…..yeah too far
The background crocodiles who were like 😦 when Kiburi called for the mashindano are so me. I’m the one going “Ooooooh shit!”
Still not getting over that super gay conversation between Kiburi and Ushari
Nduli looks so derpy I love him
Lmao Nduli just gave up like “Fuck it you win”
Love the parallels of Makuu pinning down Kiburi like he did to Pua
Kiburi, I love you but what the hell did you expect? You literally confessed to like 500 animals about your plan and then you get surprised when Simba and Makuu banish you? What did you think was gonna happen? You got way too cocky, I swear
Saying this again, Tamka and Nduli looked worried/traumatized when they were exiled
“Now you’re calling me a reptile?”—My love, you ARE a reptile. I thought crocodiles were supposed to be smart omg
Kiburi’s actually showing emotion for the first time
Full disclosure: “I have a plan” is mediocre at best. It has nothing on Be Prepared. That being said, I love Kiburi’s “Aiight I’m in” smile
That’s pretty much it. Maybe I’ll do more in the future
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justatalkingface · 5 months
Making Izuku Worse, But BETTER
*walks in* *drops post* *explains nothing* *leaves*
So, a while ago, I made a post talking about how, among (many, many) other things wrong with how Izuku was developed over the story, that his fundamental character was just... slowly and systematically chipped away by Hori, until his unique personality was gone, and all that was left is a shell of a shonen protagonist.
Well. I'm here today to tell you that... fuck. I can do that shit better than Hori did.
Here's my revolutionary idea: lean into it. See, while he's growing in a bad direction, while as a person he's getting worse in a lot of ways, that isn't bad, as, like, character development, or as part of a story.
So. The thing is, while Izuku changes, it's never really... acknowledged in the story. (This is, of course, a different part of his problem, that while he changes throughout the story, by and by large his improvement, how far he's come, and what he's done, is never acknowledged; in fact, he's actively criticized for not doing everything perfectly, because of course.) Because Izuku is, over all, improving, that means he never gets validation for his work... but, flipping it, with this? He never gets it pointed out that he's doing worse.
And it doesn't even need to be a person, is the thing; you can have it never directly told to Izuku, but shown to us, the viewers, in story, and that's fine, as long as it's acknowledged.
So, the first thing I'd do, to make this whole idea work right is... actually spend more time on Izuku's quirks as a character. He's smart, curious, enthusiastic, mildly obsessed with Quirks, and look! Here he has a Quirk. There's no possible way to work with that, right?
Start there. Show, at the very least, one panel scenes of Izuku... geeking out. Experimenting. Being Izuku, basiclly, and scatter them every once and awhile in the story. Maybe have him suggest something to someone else, show that person's improvement under his guidance (and, you know, have Izuku interact with other human beings... as a human being. Yet another problem Hori has with Izuku; as far as we can tell from what we are shown, he is strangers with his entire damn class, even though the story has tried to push the vibe that he is, in fact, friends with all of them. And don't get me started on his mother, who barely even exists...).
It doesn't have to be big, is the thing, or elaborate, it just has to be there, to help firmly establish these characteristics in our minds as readers. And that's important, because that means it'll be noticeable when it stops.
Ideally, I'd think it'd be best to do this post-Kamino, because it's such a big thing that Izuku having a radical change in response makes sense. All Might's gone, the mantle is his now... no pressure, right? And, in the same way the foundational aspects were set up, it can start small: those few scattered panels? They're gone.
*ratchet sound effect*
It's not something pointed out or anything, they're just... gone. Maybe replace them with more training, maybe not, but we don't see Izuku spending his free time being Izuku anymore, and that's it. It stays at that new normal for awhile.
Then the stress kicks up a gear; conveniently, after Kamino we have... *sigh*. I can't believe I'm saying this, but conveniently, we have Sir Nighteye. And the thing is? Sir Nighteye is an asshole; he's perfect for just.... bringing the stress up just an extra notch. And here's where more work has to be put in to sell this idea, not just showing less happy Izuku, but showing more upset Izuku, showing how things are getting to him, not just in the moment, but consistently, even when nothing is actually happening to him at that exact point in time. A scene of Izuku... head in his hands, maybe. Training, and pushing farther than he should, and maybe there's something bleeding. Not a lot, not yet, but the cracks should be showing at this point.
*ratchet sound effect*
For the purposes of this, we'll assume that by and by large the story is happening as usual, so Mirio loses his Quirk, and there's that guilt, hitting Izuku like a truck.
*ratchet sound effect*
Show those stress scenes just a little more now, work in some conversations with Mirio where he acts happy, but the second he walks away everything crashes down on him; you don't even need to have anyone saying anything, just the visual of his smile vanishing in an instant will carry it.
Because if I'm writing this I'd want her to be a character, show Izuku's mom slowly growing worried as they meet (with her actually being more of a character at all before hand; show her growing happier and less burdened as Izuku improves before all of this, only now they see each other less and less, and every time he seems less happy than he was before, grimmer).
After that, just let things bake for awhile; nothing really changes, Izuku is just more miserable, and people are slowly starting to notice that he's acting different now, even if they don't really understand why...
And then Joint Training. Fun fact: canonly, the Vestiges, as introduced to us? Are assholes; which, honestly, isn't that surprising, because just about everyone is an asshole to Izuku! Stress Factor 5975 that is never really acknowledged in story: some asshole yelling at Izuku for instantly failing at his Quirk because he had no idea how to even use it, much less that it was even there, much less that it would happen in the middle of a fucking training exercise.
*ratchet noise*
And then, important moment here, have someone.... All Might, Ochako, whoever, notice that Izuku is getting a new Quirk (...or developing a new facet of his Quirk, or however that was explained to everyone), but he isn't enthusiastic about it. There's no brainstorming, no experimenting... this thing that should have been a source of joy is just.... there. At worst, it is actively causing him stress. And it this obvious difference that is ringing some warning bells in people's minds.
*ratchet noise*
So, all this time, along with all the story points that are supposed to be happening, from Kamino on I've been slowly weaving together a new one: Izuku increasingly barely holding his shit together in the face of his clusterfuck of a life. Then the War Arc kicks in, and that's where the pay off for all this slow build, because here's where everything goes to shit.
War Arc hits Izuku like a train, and leaves him wrecked in the aftermath, absolutely destroyed... which, organically, leads into the Dark Deku arc, only here, we actually do it better.
Here, him going 'rogue', is an organic evolution of various things that have been going on for probably years now, Izuku slowly depriving himself of all things that gave him joy, in favor of training for his Mission, TM, this Grand Purpose that was thrust upon him.
Here, his classmates going to save him makes more sense because we've seen them interact, we've seen their growing concern over how he's been changing.
All of these things happen, and come together for this moment where the story finally admits what it's been dancing around all this time: Izuku is not OK. And at last, finally, starts to actually resolve it.
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thesirencult · 9 months
Today I had the joy of getting a message from a nice young lady who wanted to thank me for my advice and sweetly asked me if I wanted to be friends with her ❤️
This made me understand that having a platform may be a way to share our individual opinions but we should have in mind that, especially on Tumblr, many people come across our content and we have responsibility to correctly and ethically influence them by adding value to their lives.
So, I want to thank every single one of you for following me and sending sweet messages. All 1,205 of you. We are a small corner on the internet and I don't care about appearing "mysterious" and "unapproachable" to my digital friends.
If you have a question/a content suggestion or just want to say "Hi!" don't be shy and use my AMA or private messages. I'll try to answer to all of you.
Also, thank you for being patient with me as I'm finishing up with this exam season and have not posted anything in the past few days. A few of you reached out for tarot readings and a birth chart analysis and we got even closer, so thank you for trusting me with your time, money, hopes and wishes!
I asked the young lady if she wanted me to write a post about something specific or if she had any content suggestions. She told me that she wanted my opinion on "pick-me" girls who bring other women down. She added that it would be interesting to "know how do this girls think". Your wish is my command young lady!
Shall we start ?
After you queens... 👑
Have you noticed something? People who are high value and successful are always eager to extend their hand to other people full of passion and ambition. They become mentors and leaders for other women and men. They set the standard by example. Usually these people are kind hearted, yet know how and when to set boundaries.
All in all, they don't bring other people down, they build them up.
This women and men build ladders for others to climb at the top with them but they know, they have to protect themselves and their loved ones from vultures, because someone can bring you down even if you are thousand meters above them. They just have to pull the rug underneath your feet.
Someone who is high, won't try to lower someone else's value. Someone who is low is not accustomed to the loneliness of the top. They want to surround themselves with other low value individuals to feel powerful. That's the pack mentality and that's why mean girls/boys hang in crowds.
We all had that "friend". She was insecure but always downplayed. She was always jealous of other people and you could see it but you never thought she was jealous of you. Why would she be? When you talked about your crush/business idea/ambitions it was always : "Ew he is ugly.", "Who are you Elon Musk?", "A law degree? You don't even know how to think critically.".
That friend and you fell apart when you started investing in yourself, and that's when the veil fell off and you saw other girls like that.
The pick-me girls.
A couple days ago, I had a "History Of Economic Thought" exam (It's a very interesting topic to research and if a similar class is available to you, I suggest that you take it!). It was the last one I had to take in person.
I felt awful, anxious and tired. Two weeks of hard work, studying everyday, staying up till light came through the blinds and commuting two hours back and forth to and from school had made me emotionally and mentally tired. I needed some loving from my cat Mr. Mau and a toffee nut latte.
I did my 10k steps by the sea and decided to open up Pinterest and make myself feel a bit better. I searched up "fall aesthetic", "studying aesthetic", "toffee nut latte from Starbucks" etc.
Under a pin there was this comment by a girl calling all women who are "obsessed" with fall, Starbucks and cute photos of pumpkins, "silly a** basic white b*tches".
I then went on TikTok and came across a video of a woman who was being shamed for having a 35k engagement ring (you know which one I'm talking about, the one her man, an amazing king ate the interviewer up and left no crumbs). A woman had commented "she is a gold digger and when he cheats on her with a good woman she'll get what she deserves".
Excuse me what ? So a good woman is one who tries to please others by accepting less than she deserves. I'm not one who would want a 35k engagement ring, buy me a 3k one and 32k of gold for investment purposes, but if her men believed she deserved that, then so be it.
Why are you trying to get picked? Do you think men marry the good girl? Do you think any man who will only see you as an innocent, precious lovely angel will be able to take all of you?
These women are playing a dangerous game. They so badly want to get picked and mostly they get picked but for all the wrong reasons. They love how guys on podcasts praise them online for being "feminine". They love the attention of boys who find them cool.
Sweetheart, you need a man who will find your rage and your sweetness sacred.
You need parents who will understand that you have your own dreams, needs and that you are not just an extension of their egos.
These women and the so-called "good guys" (uhh don't let me get started on those") are sad inside. They would love to have your own wildness and freedom. They feel jealous that you are still that magical bitch holding your pumpkin spice latte with a fresh new set and while doing kick boxing on Wednesday afternoon.
Girls, watch some Legally Blonde. It's the literal blueprint 😉 It made me come to terms with my girly nature as a girl who grew up a tomboy.
You don't have to be just bubbly and feminine. You don't have to be just a dark feminine, femme fatale. You can be all of those things because we are multilayered beings. Lastly, we have the gift of metamorphosis. Don't be afraid to transform and break the mold.
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Rewrite Ideas for Lila Rossi
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I know there’s been a lot of criticism about Lila’s lies and how Marinette’s friends and other people trust Lila’s word over hers, especially Alya her best friend and journalist. What if Lila wasn’t just more careful with her lies(telling more believable lies with fake proof or atleast have benefit of the doubt, more cautious about threats and frame ups), but instead of telling negative lies about someone people should know better about, she instead uses already known truths against them. Does still manipulate certain things but also make those are unto her or see as a threat, dig their own graves, expose their own issues.  Ex, Like how Lila made Aya think the issue was just Marinette having a crush on Adrien and being jealous.
I think it would’ve worked more if Lila actually played into this more. Not just using Marinette’s crush on Adrien but her and the other’s biggest flaws(overthinking things, insecurity, digging herself deeper into her problems, etc) Using their issues and past mistakes to manipulate things in her benefit or atleast make people consider past issues that would make people have to also consider.
Marinette if she decided to just come out and say why she doesn’t trust Lila when she comes back as a new classmate, similar to when she talked to Alya and Nino.
Lila-I really dont get where all this skepticism’s coming from. I was only here one day and I don’t think we even got to meet, let alone talk, so how could you know anything I did-
Lila-I’m sorry, what?😈
Marinette-I said I…oh boy. Realizes how bad that sounds and can’t really tell them the stuff she’d have to known as Ladybug.
Adrien-Wait I don’t get it, why follow us?
Class knowing Marinette’s huge crush on Adrien and the crazy things she has done involving him-…nervous coughs.
Ayla who also knows this and who Marinette told she was gonna follow them-Oh boy.
Ayla-Listen Lila I’m really sorry, I should’ve stopped her. Are you gonna bring this up with the teachers?
Lila- Hey, don’t worry about it. I mean you’re her friend, not her mom, it’s not your responsibility to watch what she’s up to. I’m just happy this was simply because she likes Adrien and not because she really thinks I’m some “evil manipulative mastermind”, this doesn’t feel like anything I need to involve a teacher with, not like anyone got really hurt. I’ll be honest I have a problem sometimes being fully honest, I may exaggerate or tell a few white lies just simply to fit in, I’m not trying to hurt anyone. But seriously, we've only hung out like only a few times, he really is just a friend to me at this point. I’m sorry for all the trouble.
Alya- Don’t worry about it, honestly this isn’t really ur fault.
Lila-Well thanks and seriously, this isn’t really your fault either. Alya- Thank you. Still, maybe I should’ve been more concerned.
Lila- I mean these things happen, We’re teens, sometimes we might let our hormones get the better of us but I doubt this stuff happen all the time, she seems like a good person. Besides if she did do something that really crossed the line, as her best friend, I’m sure you def would call her out or atleast make it clear u don’t support it, right?
Lila-Do you think I should talk to Marinette?
Alya- No, no don’t worry about that. Maybe I should though.
Lila-Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. she’d probably listen better to a friend anyway 😈
and doesn’t just do this kinda stuff with Marinette but can pit the whole class against eachother If she plays the cards right, full on Mean Girls Watch The World Burn🔥🔥🔥. All while, looking completely inconspicuous and whatever she could’ve done would be seen as simply indirect or unintentional and certainly no way she could’ve known it would lead to such an outcome…right?
Lila-As such a great designer Marinette, I’d figure you’d understand that rather try to make something completely new, better to make the best out of the materials you already have! And there is just so much to work with, especially with you😈
And rather Marinette not trying to expose her because of Adrien's advice but rather her own self doubt. “What if I really am just jealous and overthinking this whole thing”, “I technically was in the wrong first for following them, granted I had to for the book but I didn’t know that at first”, “what if I make things worse and Alya…won’t be my friend anymore”…”she’s probably right, maybe Lila’s just harmless and it really is all in my head”…”maybe it is just me”.
I just like antagonists who make the protagonists consider their own moral character and actions, if they’re really as good as they think they are. Even if they’re manipulative liars who are trying to be dishonest, there’s always that certain part of what they say that can’t be fully brushed off as entirely wrong, sometimes even being the ones to call out the protagonists’s less moral actions and mistakes.  And I think Lila could’ve really had that sort of potential with Marinette. For better or for worse, her impact could make Marinette reflect on herself.
Lila-You’re the type of person who sees themselves as the hero in their own story and that everything you do is right, but truth is you can just as easily be the villain! You think my lies are bad? Half of what I say is just calling you out on your own mistakes. You just can’t handle the TRUTH!😈
what do u think? How’d u wanna rewrite Lila? I’d love to know💖
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
hiii ! i love your writing and if you're still taking requests i would love a reader x dalton where he's a little overprotective in a very loving way 🥺 thankss
Warnings: a little angst, accusation of being overprotective, fluff, time skips (it's kind of like the 3+1 format but not really?), bad writing. 1.3k words.
A/N: Thank you!! I love this request and I apologize for the wait, but I learned that I am terrible at writing protective characters.😭 I'm not happy with how this turned out, so I would love some feedback and constructive criticism so I can revisit this idea and do better next time! Hopefully this is in the general vicinity of what you wanted and I am sincerely sorry for how it turned out, but I promise I will come back when I am more confident/practiced in writing protective characters.
Protect What You Love
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"Chris, I don't want to go to a frat party," you say in response to her invitation. "They're not my idea of a good time."
"C'mon, it'll be fun. Dolphin's going; are you seriously going to let him have more fun than you?" Chris responds.
You roll your eyes and reluctantly agree, only because they're your best friends and do pretty much everything you want to do. However, when you get to the frat house, you realize you made a huge mistake.
"Let's go in, Dalton will be here soon," Chris says as you meet her in the front yard.
"Well, look who's here!" Nick yells as he sees Chris. "The brave one. My invitation from last time still stands."
Chris opens her mouth to say something, but Nick doesn't give her any time.
"And I see you brought a friend. A better looking, if only slightly, friend," Nick adds, looking over to his frat brothers at his pitiful jab at your appearance.
"Whatever that was, don't do it again," you respond, beginning to walk around him.
Nick's hand wraps around your wrist as he says, "It was a compliment. Take it."
"How about you take your hand off her?" Dalton says, suddenly standing beside you. "Before someone takes it off of you."
Nick rolls his eyes but drops his hand, throwing them up in faux surrender as Dalton escorts you past him. Instead of leading you into the house, Dalton takes you and Chris back into the yard.
"What was that?" you ask Dalton.
"What do you mean?"
"I can take care of myself. I appreciate the knight in shining armor act or whatever, but I'm not a damsel in distress."
You walk away, and Chris stands beside Dalton as they watch.
"Did you ask her out yet?" Chris asks quietly.
"I did. She said yes but I think I just ruined that. I wasn't trying to-"
"I know, Dolphin. Maybe explain it to her, though."
"She won't believe me."
"Try her. She'll surprise you."
Dalton considers this but decides that you need space.
"Wait," Dalton says behind you. "Let me."
You step to the side as he walks into the empty classroom, finding the light switch on the far wall and flipping it on. Your eyebrows furrow as you think about what Chris told you last night.
"He's protective because he cares about you. Try not to take it the wrong way," she had said.
"Are you okay?" Dalton asks, his attention on you as his hands freeze on his sketchbook.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. Thanks for getting the light."
Dalton smiles shyly, and you begin to think that Chris is telling the truth; you never should have accused him of being overprotective.
Dalton seems to have forgiven you, but two nights after the frat party, you can't sleep as you keep thinking about how his face fell when you told him you could take care of yourself and how quiet he had been all day.
"Why didn't you just say, 'I don't need you'?" you mumble, turning over again.
Midnight is long gone, yet the sunrise seems forever away, and you decide what to do. Standing from your bed, you pull on a sweatshirt and slip on your shoes before walking downstairs. Knocking on Dalton's door, you hope you don't wake him up.
"Hello?" he asks as he opens the door. "Oh, hey. Come on in." He opens the door wider and gestures for you to sit on his bed.
"I'm sorry. About last night."
"No, I overstepped, I should be apologizing."
"Are- are we still going on that date, or did I ruin everything?"
Dalton pulls you into his arms and kisses your head before promising, "You didn't ruin anything. I hope we'll be going on more than one, though."
"Let me walk you," Dalton says as you stretch, stiff from being his model for several hours. He seems to notice it sounded more like a demand and offers, "If you want."
"Yes, please," you agree, smiling as his arm wraps around your waist.
Once you're on the sidewalk, Dalton shifts you so you're on the inside. He's looking several yards ahead, taking in all of his surroundings.
"Stop," he whispers, grabbing your hip as he stops.
"There's something out here."
"Probably just other students, Dalton, it's fine."
Dalton stares into a dark, shadowy area for a moment longer before smiling and walking beside you again. Torn between telling him you don't need him to go with you everywhere and ruining what you have or learning to live with Dalton looking over your shoulder, you decide to give him one more chance. One more opportunity to not be overprotective seems like an achievable goal, right?
"Dalton! I had it under control. I've tried being patient with you. I thought you were just protective out of your care for me, but now I think I was right at the frat party," you accuse, breathing heavily.
"I protect the people I love!" Dalton nearly yells. "So, I interject when I think there's danger, and I know that it seems like I don't trust you, but that's not my goal." Dalton takes a deep breath and then tells you everything, from his 'coma' to his battle to close the red door. When he finishes, Dalton holds his breath as he watches you, unsure what your reaction will be.
"Did you just say you love me?" you whisper. "You said you do it to the people you love."
Dalton smiles and doesn't hesitate as he answers, "Yes. I do love you, and that's why I did what I did. When I walked in that frat house and saw his hand on you, I just started talking; didn't even think about what I was doing."
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, his moving around your waist, as you say, "I love you too. Let's work on it together?"
"Together," Dalton agrees.
As time goes on, Dalton tries to be better about his protectiveness. You remind him constantly that you don't mind his help or protectiveness, but you don't need an overprotective, controlling boyfriend. He gets slightly caught up on the word boyfriend, but he's doing better. He asks if you want him to go places with you, respects your boundaries, and lets you fight your battles, but he still doesn't like letting you walk through doors first or be around certain people alone.
What you didn't expect was to learn to love his protectiveness. When you realize that the protectiveness really stems from his love and care for you, you stop noticing it as much. You begin to see protectiveness as part of what makes Dalton so incredible.
"I'm going to go get some snacks," you say, stretching as you stand after hours of studying. "Want anything?"
"Hot Cheetos and a cherry slush," Chris answers. "What? You offered," she points out in response to your questioning look.
"Dalton?" you ask, chuckling at Chris.
"I'll go with you," he answers, looking over at the clock as he stands. You walk out first, waiting for Dalton to close the door and come to your side.
"You don't mind if I come with, do you?" Dalton asks.
"No, I actually feel better with you here."
"I'm glad to hear that."
Dalton holds your hand as you walk to the small convenience store, getting snacks and drinks for yourselves and Chris. Dalton checks the shadows as you walk back to the dorm, and if you didn't know his history with the creatures that live in the shadows, you'd think he was trying to find something new to protect you from.
"Thanks for protecting me," you whisper as you slip your hand into his.
"You've been protecting me from my darkness since we met," Dalton responds, matching your volume.
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rubynationwins · 2 years
The Best Part of Waking Up (18+)
PA! Steve Rogers x Dom!Boss! Reader
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Summary: His boss may not be a morning person, but it’s up to Steve to get you to work on time. Things don’t exactly go the way he expects, though.
My Masterlist
Word Count: 4,153
Warnings: smut, slight dub-con/coercion, light dom/sub, mild use of restraints, power imbalance, oral - m & f receiving, petnames, dirty talk, body-inclusive reader, fem reader
A/N: First time dabbling w/ dom reader so I hope that element presents itself well. Personally, I think mcu Steve (especially in the earlier movies) screams sub😋 so I will probably experiment more with that aspect of his character in future fics too😍 Tho not always bc dom Steve is just...🤌🏻  Like, comment, reblog, I always appreciate feedback so plz let me know what u think!
This story should not be posted anywhere else without my express permission.
Thanks for reading!
“Steve, I need you to wake me up at exactly 5:30 tomorrow morning.”
Those were the words that kept rattling around in Steve’s head as he rode the elevator to the top floor of the lavish apartment building you resided in. When the elevator’s bell dinged and its doors slid open, he swallowed heavily as he stepped into the modern-looking hallway.
This was not going to be enjoyable.
It wasn’t that the early rise bothered Steve, he usually woke up at 6 am to go on a run before work, so an hour or two earlier didn’t kill him. The problem laid in how you acted in the early waking hours. You were notorious for your hatred of mornings. You weren’t a fan of them in general, and waking up before 8 am was pure agony. For him.
Sure, you disliked mornings, but he was the one who had to deal with your cranky attitude and unyielding criticism of every single thing he did when you were tired. A 5:30 morning wake up call was definitely going to put you in a foul mood, and Steve would be the recipient of that sleep-deprived anger. Even worse than that was actually trying to wake you up.
It was a well-known fact that normal alarms were no match for you. He had replaced many broken alarm clocks and phones that you had thrown across the room in your slumbering rage. You claimed that you had no memory of your destructive actions since you were such a deep sleeper, but Steve suspected you just didn’t want to admit that you threw such dramatic fits. You always carried an air of  assertive power with you, and breaking alarm clocks did not fit that professional aura. 
So, because of said fits, when it was vital that you arise earlier than what your circadian rhythm deemed acceptable, someone had to physically wake you up. That didn’t mean you were any less violent, it just meant you couldn’t get rid of them by throwing them at a wall– not for lack of trying.
Steve hadn’t yet had the displeasure of being the one to wake you up, but you had point blank told him to do it, so he couldn’t shirk the responsibility onto one of the lesser assistants.
Which was why he was now unlocking your apartment door with his spare key. He flicked on the entryway light as he walked across the threshold. He knew the layout of your home as well as his own — significantly smaller — apartment. As your personal assistant, he was at your beck and call 24/7, which entailed a lot of house visits. He glanced over at the couch he slept on whenever you worked late into the night without dismissing him for the evening, even though you had a guest bedroom.
He set your steaming cup of coffee on the counter along with your usual breakfast. Hopefully, they would compel you to rise without making a scene. Glancing at his watch, he headed down the hallway and stopped at your closed bedroom door. It was 5:28. You had said exactly 5:30, so he waited with bated breath as he watched the tiny hands of his watch tick. As soon as the long hand hit ‘6’ he opened the door while saying in a voice that lacked conviction, “It’s 5:30, time to wake up, ma’am.”
There was no response. He looked toward the large bed and saw a lump covered in lush blankets. It rose and fell with your every deep breath. He stayed at the door, but increased his volume, “You have a very important meeting, so you need to wake up.” Your slumbering form didn’t move an inch.
Steve cleared his throat loudly but still, nothing. With a frustrated sigh, he walked closer to your bed and repeated himself. He was met with the same, unmoving response. So far, Steve had stayed out of arm's reach, keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. When it was clear that method wasn’t going to work, he gave in and moved to the side of your large bed.
He held his breath as he reached out and grasped what he hoped was your shoulder – it was hard to tell with all the blankets – and began shaking it. His coworkers who’d had the misfortune of waking you up before had said this was the best tactic. After a few seconds, he felt you shift and heard a low groan. He kept shaking, upping his speed just a bit and leaning into it.
Just get it over with, Steve.
Suddenly, the pile of blankets rolled away, and he fell forward into the mattress. He let out a loud “oof!” as he landed face first into the soft but firm cushion. He heard what sounded like the mutterings of a gargoyle as the bundle beside him squirmed. At least he’d done something. Hopefully, now you could hear what he was saying, “It’s a little past 5:30 now so you should really get out of bed and-”
He was cut off by a mountain of blankets tossed on top of him like a tsunami. Startled, he thrashed under the smothering heap of expensive fabrics until he was finally able to throw them onto the floor. When he got his bearings, he turned around and found you sleeping on the opposite side of the mattress. You were curled up on your side, a pillow clutched around your head.
With more caution, he approached you again. That time it was blankets, next it might be something that could actually leave a dent. He glanced at the large bedside lamp that sat next to you and felt sweat start to bead at his forehead.
At this point, he felt ridiculous. He, a grown man, was stealthily crawling across an unreasonably wide bed while his power-house of a boss snoozed on the other side. He had never imagined being the executive assistant for one of the most powerful women in the city would end up like this.
When he reached you, he stretched out a hand and squeezed your upper arm, cringing as he did so. You didn’t throw anything at him, which he took as a good sign. When he spoke, he tried to keep his voice calm and low so he didn’t startle you so much, “Hey, boss. It’s-uh, time to wake up and start the day,” he sounded like a cautious dad trying to wake up his unruly kid from a nap, “I know you don’t care for mornings, but I got something special waiting for you that’ll really help boost your energy. Get that blood pumping.” The only reply he got was the muffled sound of your even breathing. He dropped his hand and looked towards the ceiling in desperation, out of ideas other than to throw you out of bed.
He was gearing up the courage to shake you awake again when he heard the rustling of covers. He whipped his head down and saw you slowly rise so that you were leaning on your elbow. The pillow you had been hiding under was nowhere to be found. Your back still faced him, and he sucked in a breath when you shifted on your elbows to face him.
His words caught in his throat when your eyes finally met his. They weren’t sharp and demanding like he was used to. In fact, your whole face held a softness he had never seen before. You were always serious and commanding. Now, though, your eyes were glazed over with a sleepy haze, eyelids only half open. Your fluttering eyelashes cast shadows on your delicate cheeks. You blinked a few times before your eyes slowly scanned him.
Steve’s body was stiff as a board and he felt like his tie was too tight around his neck. He had no clue how to act in this situation. He fell back on the manners his mother had instilled in him at a young age. He glanced at his watch, “Ma’am, it’s now 5:42, so we need to get going soon.” He looked back over at you and saw that you hadn’t shifted, your eyes still partially glazed over. It looked like you were still half asleep.
Your lips opened and Steve once again froze in place, “You said you have something special for me?” The sound of your low, raspy morning voice made Steve shift in his spot. He pondered your words, and then it dawned on him.
“Yes, I’ll go get it right now, Ma’am.” Steve scooted towards the edge of the bed. His plan was to sprint to the kitchen and back with your breakfast in hand before you had the chance to lay back down.
His exit plan was thwarted, however, when he a warm body pressed up against his back. You slung your arms over his shoulders and held him against your chest. You brought a hand up to his cheek and turned his head to face you as you leaned forward. “What-”
You curled your fingers in his hair and brought his lips to yours, hot and wanting. He let out a strangled gasp in surprise and you took advantage of the opportunity and plunged your tongue past his open lips. He was too stunned to do anything but react to your sudden advance, leaning into the heated kiss. When you flicked his tongue with yours he mewled and joined you in a fight for dominance. Your soft lips pressed against his as you explored his mouth. The kiss was fierce and rough, a mash of greedy need. When you pulled away he felt light-headed, his lips raw and his dick twitching in his pants.
You threw a leg over to straddle his lap, sitting right on top the bulge blooming in his suit pants. You giggled. The unfamiliar sound you emitted snapped him out of his reverie. He grabbed your shoulders before you could lock lips with him again, keeping your intoxicating scent at bay.
“W-wait. Y/N-I mean, boss, ma’am-whatever. What are you doing?” He let out a muddled huff and shifted beneath you as your core rubbed against his clothed cock. Everything was happening so fast, he needed to stop before he lost his grip and did something he knew you’d both regret. “Y-You’re not awake yet. And-and even if you were we can’t do this.” He attempted to push you off, but you grabbed his wrists and ground your pussy down into his crotch. He let out a lewd moan and cursed under his breath. You giggled again, the sound ringing in his ears.
You pouted your lips but your eyes were calculating, the sleep slowly draining from them, “What do you mean? You promised me a special treat, and now you’re taking it away from me? I expect my top employee to follow through on his promises. He should know that kind of behavior will get him in trouble.” Your voice was coated in honey as you slowly humped him, and he felt a growing damp spot on his pants. He didn’t know if it was from you or him or both, but he didn’t care. All his mind do was focus on his throbbing cock and keen for more contact. His dick wasn’t even inside you and he was already pussy-drunk.
“I-I was talking about coffee,” his weak voice trailed off at the end and he sucked in a sharp breath when you shifted so that you were only straddling his right thigh. Your knee dug into his growing erection.
“I think-” You ground your pussy against his thigh, rubbing back and forth- “that a much more efficient way to give us both a boost of energy-” Your sleep shorts did nothing to prevent his pant leg from getting soaked in your dripping arousal- “Would be an orgasm.”
He had no comeback, too captivated by the feeling of your wet pussy sliding against his thick, muscular thigh. He couldn’t help himself from bucking into your touch to get more friction against your knee. You gasped and he moaned when you pressed it forward, grinding into his bulge.
He didn’t get to enjoy the feeling for too long, though, because you moved it away. Before he could protect, you pressed your palms against his chest and pushed him onto his back. He looked up at you as you leaned over him. You brought your hands to his collar and removed his red tie, undoing the half windsor knot in a heartbeat. Your fingers made light work of the buttons on his navy dress shirt and you pushed the material away as you explored the hard plains of his chest with your warm hands. His skin was flushed and sweaty. You flicked his nipple and he flinched, bringing his hands up to hold your waist. You stilled. “Hands off.” He immediately dropped them, your tone sounded like the commanding one he was used to, with an extra warning bite to it. “Above your head.”
“Wh-” he yelped when you pinched his nipple.
“I said, hands above your head, Mr. Rogers.”
Your tight grip only relaxed when he did what you demanded. With practiced motions, you quickly fastened them together, using his tie. “Now keep them there like a good boy and you’ll be rewarded.” His cock twitched at the nickname and you noticed. “Oh! Does it turn you on that I’m in charge? You’re such a big, strong man, so let me take control for once. We both know I already do outside of the bedroom, so this shouldn’t be too difficult.” You leaned down and whispered in his ear, “And you say ‘yes ma’am’ like the perfect little assistant you always are.”
Steve shivered at the feeling of your hot breath cresting the shell of his burning ear, “Y-yes, ma’am.” He had never felt so dirty in all his life. There was something about giving you control that made him weak in the knees.
“Good boy, Steve.” You pressed a quick kiss against his temple and pulled back up, once again looming over him. With his hands placed above his head, he felt more exposed than he’d ever been in his life. He wasn’t much of a player as it was, so this was wildly out of his comfort zone. But still, he’d never been so turned on in his entire life.
You ran your hands down his chest, raking your nails across his skin. He hissed at the sting but when you settled at his pants belt, a whine caught in his throat. You fiddled with the belt buckle. “I could help you out down here, as a thank you for all the loyal, dedicated service you’ve given me.” You straightened up and pulled your loose, silk top off. Steve could have melted. You weren’t wearing a bra, so your tits were on full display. He felt drool collect at the corner of his mouth at the look of your nipples. He wanted to suck them, worship them, worship all of your body. You shifted slightly and he looked down as you shimmied out of the matching silk shorts. “Or-” you said as you returned your hands to the top of his pants- “I could ride your face like it’s a fucking saddle.”
His cock strained. He’d be satisfied with either option, he just wanted to feel more of you, however you dished it out. You grinned like a wolf, he guessed you had made your decision, which was a good thing because he was about to bust. “Or, how about we do both?”
You unbuckled his belt, undid his pants, and pulled them down to his knees. His groan was low and instinctual when you grabbed his dick and stroked it up and down. While still stroking him, you pivoted your body so that your ass faced him. His hands itched to grasp your ass cheeks and squeeze. You must have noticed because you clucked your tongue. “Remember, no touching.”
He dropped his jaw, tongue at the ready as you backed up further and landed on his face. He lapped at your flowing juices like a man who had been lost in the desert for a year and had finally found water. The sound of your lecherous moans only egged him on further, and he dug into what was soon becoming the best meal of his life. He plunged his tongue further into your pussy, passing your entrance and diving right into your dripping hole. He repeated the motion over and over while nuzzling into your heat. His chin brushed against your clit and you mewled.
Until that point, you had been steadily stroking his straining cock from tip to base at a torturous pace. As you ground your pussy into his wanting face, you lowered your head and enveloped the tip of his cock in your mouth. You sucked up the precum beading from it and hummed at the musky taste. Steve’s hips bucked up and he groaned into your core. You dug your nails into his thigh as a warning. He panted against you but didn’t stop in his quest to make you come.
You continued to suck his cock, it was large and girthy, but you were plenty up for the challenge. Inch by inch, you lowered your head, pausing to adjust to his overwhelming size. His cock burned through your throat, but it was well worth it when you felt his absolutely feral reaction against your cunt.
He sucked against your clit and you groaned around him, starting to bob your head up and down. You worked together in tandem, sucking and licking. Steve’s cock was large and thick, it was heavy in your mouth as you worked your way down him, not quite reaching the base. You groan around him, the vibration and squeeze of your throat was sending tingles of heat through him.
When he flicked his tongue on your clit, you started pumping with a new vigor as you ground your hips down onto his face, riding him like a god damn horse.
 It was the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced.
He felt lightheaded, partially from his life being sucked from cock, and that his entire face was enveloped by your velvety flesh and heady essence. He only got little spouts of air in when you would hover off of him for a second. Each time you did, he whined, wanting your sweet cunt back on him. He didn’t need to breathe, he just needed to consume you, devour your pussy like you were devouring his dick.
He’d never felt this kind of pleasure in his life, and having you on top, you in control, it brought out something deep inside him he never knew existed. He felt a connection beyond simple fucking; beyond the lines now blurred between work and play.
It was an undeniable urge to please, to obey. The want for his own release paled in comparison to his want to give you everything he had. Because he needed to be the one that gave you pleasure, that ate you out with abandon until you became moaning mess. All the while, you still held the reigns, able to lift away were he to make even one unapproved movement. So, he blissfully did what you commanded. Let the stress of his life and job fall away, and just focus on the singular task of getting you to cum on his tongue.
He could have spat his load ages ago, probably without you even touching him, but he knew that was taboo. He had to have permission. He just couldn’t voice his pleas. His desperation for relief from the almost painful torment you were giving him was muffled by your weeping cunt. You must have noted his obvious need, because the next time you popped off his dick, you replaced your mouth with a warm hand and asked, “Do you need to cum, Stevie?”
He moaned, that simple nickname coming from you did something to his brain. He tried to nob but you pressed against his head harder, wiggling your hips. 
“I’ll tell you what. since you’ve been such a good boy for me and have been eating out my cunt like a starving man, I’ll let you cum.”
Tears were welling in Steves eyes as you teased his cock, rubbing your hand around his cockhead, swirling beads of his precum along the thick veins. 
“First, though, you have to make me cum, understand?”
Steve’s reply of, “Yes, Ma’am,” was muffled from underneath you.
You chuckled. “Go ahead, then.”
He ran his tongue between your slit, collecting your dripping juices and mixing them with his own saliva. He brought the salacious mixture up to your bundle of nerves and twirled it around your trembling little nub. The sound of your moans combined with the sloppy shlucking of his own ministrations was like music to his ears. 
When your moans morphed into blissed out praises, “Good boy, that’s it. So good - so good for me Stevie,” he lost all sense of control. Like a feral animal, he growled into your heat, nipping at his irresistible prey. He grazed your throbbing clit with his teeth and then fluttered his tongue on it. The sudden teasing took you to the edge, and when you pressed your ass down for more, he met you, smacking his lips around your sensitive clit and sucking. Not holding back, you mewled and cried out as your orgasm shot through your body, blazing with the most divine fire imaginable. You shuddered over him as he gobbled the arousal flowing from your quaking walls like a fountain.
Your pleasure still rolled through you as you bent back down and enveloped his cock in your mouth. Drool and precum slid down the sides as you pressed down, taking him all the way to the hilt. He didn’t know how you could possibly breathe, but before he could grumble his concerns, you swallowed around his pulsing length. The feel of his dick hitting the back of your throat as you gagged around his massive size was like heaven.
He almost couldn’t believe you were doing this with such vigor. The blowjobs he’d received in the past always seemed like a chore for his partners, something they had to do solely for his pleasure.
But not you. The both of you knew who was calling the shots. You could have gotten your fill, kicked him out of your apartment, and he wouldn’t have voiced a single complaint. The fact that you wanted him to cum in your mouth, that you craved his release as much as he craved yours, it set him on fire in a way he’d never experienced before. It was incredible. You were incredible.
God, your fucking mouth was incredible.
When you brought a hand to his balls and squeezed, he had no choice but to let go. His cum shot up into your wanting mouth as you sucked the leaking tip of his cock, pumping the base to milk out every last droplet so you could swallow it down.
Steve kept himself from bucking up into your throat, he knew better than that now. He roared into your pussy, the aftershocks of his orgasm shaking through his sweat-drenched body. He lapped at your sopping folds, drinking up every drop of your sweet nectar, still starving for your essence. You swallowed it down.
Steve let out a groan of protest when you pulled your delectable pussy away from him. His eyes were fixed on your ass like it had hung the moon. You shifted so that you were once again face-to-face. Reaching out, you untied his hands. He kept them in place until you gave the word to move. “That’s my good boy. Go ahead now, you can even have a little touch.”
With your permission, he placed his hands on your heavenly ass. Before he could partake in anymore of your generosity, a blaring thought shot into his mind. He wrenched his left hand off you to check his watch. “Shit! It’s 7:15! There’s no way we’re making it to the meeting on time.”
You set a hand on his chest, stilling his instinctive personal assistant panic. “Don’t worry about it, Stevie. They called last night to say it was pushed back to this afternoon. I guess I forgot about my-” A smirk played across your lips-“Wakeup call. My bad,” you chuckled, giving him a knowing wink.
Steve didn’t have the energy to even be a little bit annoyed at the (supposed) mix up. This was the best morning of his life.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Talked to an older person today, who complained to me about their 20yo child moving away from home to live in an apartment. The person was upset by this, said they were disappointed and betrayed by the kid.
‘Did they give you a reason?’ I asked.
‘Said I was criticizing them too much!’
The parent then listed all of the things they were complaining about, and the list was long. First, there was the money for college - their kid dropped out of one college, to another, and it was a big bad thing that had to be brought up repeatedly, because the parent felt the kid was being financially irresponsible by doing that, and the second college was expensive. Then, the kid seemed to have more interest in hanging out with people their age than the parent - and “Friends are not the future!” The parent said, angrily. 
Then, their child was eating too much, having wrong aspirations, wanted to move out of the country to work for a foreign company because all of their friends are also doing that, and wouldn’t listen when the parent told them what’s good for them, and what they should be doing instead.
At the end, the person added, ‘I threatened to kick them out on the street!’
And the person sounded completely oblivious, asking for my sympathy. This 20yo was forced to hear every day about what a financial burden they were, how all of their aspirations, choices and goals are wrong, how they’re wrong for pursuing the education and changing their mind about the direction of it, how wanting to spend time and share goals with their friends was wrong, and in the end, they were threatened to get kicked out of their living space, for not living their life exactly how they were told! And the parent responsible for it, felt betrayed. How do you complain to someone that they’re a ‘financial burden’ and then complain when they stop being that and move out, as you very strongly implied you want from them?
This cannot be normal human behaviour. Nobody would want to live like that. I bet the parent themself would move the hell away from anywhere that was threatening to kick them out should they not obey the instructions on how to live their life. This is not how freedom looks like. Good for the kid on getting a job and moving away.
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
I don’t think it’s very fair for you to try and knock others from reading Miguel’s OG run because truthfully that’s the only place you’re going to get his full character since every run after that is just “Let’s place him in different time scenarios to fix other people’s problems”. I’ve read ur reasonings and some of the issues I just don’t see and that’s coming from someone who’s ALSO half Hispanic and had similar family experiences. Idk I guess comic Miguel is rlly important and relatable to me and you shouldn’t turn others away from having that potential connection too. :/
NAH LOL it is *not* the only place to get his character truthfully -- his character is not consistent between runs, or between comic and movie! Not even Pdavid's runs have an unified version of Miguel since he just becomes an author self-insert after one point. The way Pdavid writes '92 Miguel - Gabriel is also shamelessly almost the same as he wrote Bruce Banner - Rick Jones. (another series where he ended up being pushed off the book after he started making really weird decisions; and notice these last two are white guys, which is how pdavid depicts Miguel all the time.)
I haven't even told people to not read them. In multiple posts i say 'read the first ones to see how it is, stop when you get annoyed, look up summaries, don't feel obligated to treat it as canon because it isn't.' If anyone feels threatened by this they should examine where that defensiveness is coming from.
I'm gonna be real with you that's like saying "the only way to REALLY understand Miles Morales is to read his ultimates run." You know, the one where his mother gets eaten alive by Venom, his dad thinks he's at fault for killing her and nearly beats him with a cane, where the closest thing he has to peter is a clone named jessica drew, and that eventually gets completely retconned in a universe explosion so main universe Miles can be rewritten. Do you remember seeing any of the things above in ITSV? Would you call them *the only real way to fundamentally understand Miles as a character?*
I keep seeing the rhetoric that 'real fans' have to subscribe to the very first script of these characters and that somehow enjoying their ATSV versions is fake-stanning and that is just... not true. That's not how comics work. Our most iconic, definitive, memorable traits for MANY of these superheroes have come from subsequent comic runs, rewrites, feats of adaptation and the interaction between fanwork-becoming-canon. Even uncle Ben's 'power and responsibility' schtick is NOT an original part of Peter's first draft. That came from re-imaginings and rewrites.
I'm really, truly not a fan of the argument that 'relating to parts of a character' completely absolves the text from criticism. It's not a good comic. It barely tries to be latino rep and frankly, I'm not going to praise it for just placing a label on him and doing nothing with it. I don't care for this white man's truth. It's racist and creepy and I should be paid reparations for having to read a storyline where the same girl gets paired up with two different brothers and then their father just to end up getting killed for a sexier token love interest. I am constantly frustrated by the argument that new fans should be forced to read it and potentially get turned away from comics forever; it's one of the worst offerings you could give them. 90's Marvel and DC are a public fandom joke and nearly led the market into bankruptcy!!!!! (Marvel filled for loss in 1996. IT WAS BAD. That's part of why the whole 2099 line went up in flames! The money was going down the drain.)
I've been a comic reader for a long time and I just can't give them blissful innocence passes like that. The current editor-in-chief at Marvel did yellowface and pretended to be a japanese man for years to write some shitty superhero weeb comics with no accountability whatsoever. He still has a job. RUNNING the company!
And here's the thing: I like Miguel too. I have a shitty family and I empathize with that but I KNOW he deserves much better than to be confined by white people's scripts and fetishes. I *want* him to have a chance, multiple chances even, to be completely rewritten and remolded by latine voices without the need for them to constantly refer or tie back into that white man's work; It is our right just as any other.
ATSV throws away most of Miguel's baggage, and straight up refuses to refer to the weird indepth sludge pdavid had going on; the artbook doesn't mention these first comics or most of his runs, they actually talk about other groundbreaking sci-fi concept work and the idea of basically rebuilding the landscape from scratch, and I am deeply thankful they do that. One of the biggest themes of the movie *is* that the idea of comic canon is fraught and full of holes, and that we should subvert it into joyful and honest expressions of these characters' cultures. These are movies that begin with the Comics Code Authority stamp, a censorship marker that among other things explicitly prohibited the positive depiction of pro-civil rights narratives and homosexual relationships, and actively turned their nose at protagonist black characters — & proceed to rip it to shreds. That's what we should be doing!
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 14 - Star Wars
Poe Dameron x Reader 
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A rumour circulated in the Resistance : Poe Dameron, Black Leader, the best pilot, was not afraid of anything.
Absolutely nothing, ever.
He was ready to do anything to win the war against the New Republic. Of course, he didn't want to lose his squad, he did everything to get everyone back to base after each mission, he stood in front of them, ready to take the shots for them, drawing the ships behind him to create a diversion, when he was not doing loops and other dangerous figures only to amuse the people of the Resistance in order to cheer them up.
Even though they were all very impressed, people still trembled a little when they saw him do it. Oh, they knew he was the best, as his reputation said, but they didn't want anything to happen to him.
Some of his relatives told him so, begging him to be more careful, like General Organa, Finn or Rey. It just made him laugh.
Then there was Y/N, who also ordered him to stop his nonsense, but for other reasons.
           "Your ship is in for a pitiful state. Again."
           "My ship is doing very well !"
           "As good as your droid ! Poor BB8, you're all broke. Your owner is such a fool."
           "I take very good care of BB8 and my ship !"
           "You are the pilot and I am the mechanic, I am the one who says if you take good care of your devices, and my verdict is clear, you suck !"
           "OH ! Take that back !"
Every time he returned to the base, Poe would park in the same spot in the hangar, and people were wondering if it was because he was fearless, headless, or something else, because he knew very well that it was this section that Y/N was responsible for, and that she systematically criticized him.
           "Do you know how much time I have to spend on your ship's repairs, Dameron ?" she growled. "You are not alone here, the others also need me to check that everything is fine before leaving. I don't want there to be an accident during the flights."
           "Well darling, if you're being so thorough because you're worried about me, you can tell me, and you can stop, because as the best pilot in the resistance, I know what I'm doing."
           "I don't care if you crash into an asteroid, I don't want this jewel I've been working on for hours to have a single scratch. And I want BB8 back at the base !"
           "So it's fine, since my ship is perfect and BB8 follows me everywhere !" he said with a forced smile.
           "He follows you everywhere to prevent you from doing stupid things !"
           "Beep beep !"
           "You... BB, you're supposed to be on my side ! Come on, I can fix you myself, while Miss Mechanic pretends to take care of my perfect ship !"
           "I'm going to make it even more perfect, and I'll check everything you've done to this poor droid to keep it from falling apart !"
From the other end of the hangar, Finn and Rey watched the scene, still the same, wondering if they should intervene.
After the third argument, it seemed obvious to the apprentice jedi that these two were idiots who dared not admit their feelings to each other. Finn hadn't been immediately convinced, but after the sixteenth argument, he was beginning to see what she meant.
           "It's like a courtship. They go like they hate each other, but they actually love each other."
           "Why don't they just tell each other ?" asked the former stormtrooper.
           "Because they are stupid, like many people. They wonder if the other shares their feelings, and they are afraid of being rejected. They may also be afraid of what other people will say if they are together. And it's war, it's dangerous to get attached to someone."
Rey was right to say that. When the base was attacked, there was panic, and everyone tried to flee by saving the most people and bringing the most equipment, so they could continue to fight later.
In a panic, Poe focused on what was around him, the General, BB8, Finn, Rey and his squad. Together they managed to repel the enemy troops long enough for evacuation, then they joined the resistance in their new hideout.
It was upon landing that Poe immediately noticed something was wrong.
Y/N wasn't there to greet him with her criticisms and check to see if he had broken anything.
           "... Where's Y/N ?" he asked several people in the hangar.
           "I don't know. I haven't seen her."
           "Not seen... Since when ?"
           "During the attack. She was helping pilots in the North Complex. I don't know what happened to her after. Sorry."
Ignoring anyone who wished to speak to him to thank him for saving them or to ask him what they should do next, Poe ran all over the new base, looking for Y/N.
She wasn't in the infirmary. Nor in the private quarters being set up. Nor in the command room
Totally panicked, followed by BB, who was rolling behind him as fast as he could, Poe tried not to cry as he raced down the halls.
Until he bumped into someone  who was carrying several boxes.
           "I hope you take a better look at where you're going when you're in your ship, Dameron."
           "... Y/N !"
Not giving her time to understand what was going on, not even having time to think himself, Poe took her in his arms, suddenly feeling relieved.
She was there, she was alive.
Timidly, still holding her boxes with one arm, she patted his back, sighing and resting her head on his shoulder.
           "I take it your ship needs some repairs ? I heard you had a few issues up there before you could blow them all up."
           "Yeah. It may need some repairs."
           "Hmm. I'll go take care of it."
           "Wait. Wait a bit."
They stood here, hugging for several more minutes, until Y/N was too embarrassed by the people watching them.
Then there was a new rumour in the resistance : Poe Dameron, the best pilot, and his mechanic, liked each other. But, like... Liked liked.
And if there was one thing that scared Black Leader, it was to lose her.
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"But since she did decide to get involved, I am going to criticize her attempts at 'fixing' the situation."
honestly same. i also feel that way about them saying Marinette's whole obsession with Adrien is to be taken seriously because Trauma(TM). Like you want it to be taken seriously? I'm gonna do that and you can't keep crying about "it's a kid's show" and how I'm criticizing it because you told me to take it seriously and those actions are basically criminal offenses
Yeaah no that one hurts.
I've said this before, but before Derision I just kinda rolled with the more stalker-esque behavior. Yeah if you put it into irl standards it's a fucking yikes. But there's a lot of tropes that are perfectly fine in fiction that are not okay in real life.
And I don't even mean very bad 'that's morally reprehensible but whatever gets you off' but just. How many shows have a plot of 'oh no I sent a message/left a voicemail to someone I didn't mean to and it'll be horrible if they receive that message because it's embarassing/full of my secrets/will get me fired! Let's stalk them, steal their property, break into their work/home, etc. to delete it!'.
There's a lot more examples from a lot more shows. Whether they be cartoon or live action, though the former is often even more exaggerated in what they're allowed to get away with than the latter. So I didn't get too hung up on when characters would do questionable things like this. I do say 'yeah she shouldn't have done that' regardless, but it doesn't have as much weight to it.
But Derision coming around and saying that no, we should be taking Marinette's antics 100% seriously absolutely /ruins/ every scene of this for the past four and a half seasons. Instead of quirky comedy from a fictional show we can kinda chuckle at, we've been watching a super fucked up trauma response where she was breaking several laws and boundaries and should have a few charges. 'oh but it's fine because Adrien forgives her and they blame Chloé'.
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