#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop
frostyhelltime · 2 days
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Alastor Realizes He Has Feelings For You
Alastor x GN!Reader
AN: A lovely anon sent in a request for a few of the guys realizing they have feelings for the reader, and Alastor's got...so far away from me that I decided to give him his own post, and I'll link this in the ask I actually answer. I just had so much fun writing Alastor freaking the hell out once he realizes.
HERE is the link for the ask if anyone is curious to see this prompt with Lucifer or Vox.
In order of which of the guys notices first, Alastor realizes it dead last.
Which makes sense. He had long thought himself incapable of such feelings toward someone. There had never been anyone he had felt that particular inclination towards before, so he assumes at first that what he has with you is just…a very intense friendship, almost like him and Rosie, just with some odd caveats.
Once he does realize he'll immediately go to Rosie for some advice since it's…clearly not his area of expertise.
He doesn't even notice it, someone else points it out to him.
He's in a piss poor mood as he goes about the hotel. He hasn't yet figured out it's because you've been too busy to see him for the past four days.
Until someone gets mad enough at him to talk back.
Alastor is sitting in the lobby, impatiently tapping his foot as he wallows and waits, sipping a glass of rye as Husk made a point to only come over to his side of the bar when it looked like he needed something.
Alastor was struggling, trying to figure out why his mood has been so sour these past few days. Things had been fine, delightful even! The hotel was taken care of, his broadcasts went well, why he even went for a nice stroll in Cannibal Town to visit Rosie. By all means a perfect few days.
So why was his patience for everything wearing oh so thin? He sighs a moment and makes a sound almost like a growl to himself as he tries to puzzle this out. This was so infuriatingly perplexing!
It isn't much longer until Angel Dust is so fed up with Alastor ruining the good mood of the bar as he tries to flirt with Husk that he actually addresses the Overlord.
“Look Smiles. Just because you're all sad ya lovely little lover has been too busy to even say hi the past few days, doesn't mean you've gotta take it out on us. I'm trying to hit on the barman but your pissy mood is killing it.” Angel says, throwing a hand up from the other side of the bar. 
“Operative word here being try, not succeeding at.” Husk says dryly, closer to Angel’s side.
“Yeah yeah. You secretly adore me. Don't worry. I'll keep your secret.” Angel winks at him as Alastor tries to decipher what it is Angel just said.
“...Lover?” He asks, trying to clarify, tilting his head to the side. He's so flummoxed he even stops tapping his foot. He says it like someone sounding out a foreign word for the first time.
“...Are they not your lover?” Angel raises an eyebrow, putting his drink down a moment. “I mean the way you two act…I thought you were dating and just keeping it a secret.” Angel shrugs, and only then does it click Angel is talking about you. There's no one else in the hotel that he's consistently friendly enough with that that mistake could happen.
Once he figures it out he just cackles a moment, deep and loud, with his free hand over his stomach as he fails to contain his amusement.
“Oh my dear Angel, no!” He says, chuckling a little more before continuing, shaking his head. “They're just a very dear friend.” Alastor explains, waving off the idea. “Besides why would I be upset they haven't been around? I don't see Rosie every day and I'm perfectly fine.” He says, although he doesn't really need to explain himself to them anyway.
But it doesn't seem to convince Angel who just looks at him with skepticism.
“Surely you jest! What evidence have I possibly given to suggest they are more than a dear friend?” Alastor asks, sure Angel has nothing concrete.
“Well, for starters, they can touch you whenever and however they want. You let them in your personal bubble and you fucking hate people being in your personal bubble.” Angel begins to explain, holding a finger up.
“I'm the same way with Rosie, and Mimzy, to a degree.” Alastor shoots down that theory easily.
“You've been in an increasingly shit mood with  a short fuse since they've been too busy to see you.” Angel tries again, holding up a second finger.
“Preposterous. I don't know why I'm in such a frustrated mood, but I assure you it isn't them. Perhaps I'm feeling a bit of cabin fever and need to spend more time out and about in the city…?” The last bit is mostly Alastor's own suggestion to himself. "Perhaps too much time in the hotel..?" He continues wondering aloud.
Angel just rolls his eyes and sighs, rubbing his forehead with a free hand a moment.
“You get them presents! And do things for them without ever asking for a deal!” Angel tries again, holding up a third finger, but Alastor just shakes his head.
“I won't deny I do that, but I fail to see the connection between that behavior and them supposedly being my lover.” Alastor shakes his head, finding Angel's arguments far too easy to poke holes into.
Angel thinks he's about to scream with how absolutely daft this guy was in regards to his emotions apparently.
“You let them in your radio station, even when you're broadcasting, have picnics in your freaky weird swamp thing in your room, smile so much brighter as soon as you catch sight of them! You obviously have a big fat crush on them!” Angel almost shouts, standing and throwing all four arms up in absolute and utter exasperation.
"Am I fucking crazy or what? I can't be the only one who sees this?!" Angel sighs heavily as he turns to Husk who shakes his head.
"I'm not getting involved in this." Is all Husk says, although he stays close to Angel, as if to protect him should something go wrong.
“...None of that is something you would only do with a lover and not a friend.” Is all Alastor says through his smile. Not a denial of any of those actions, he has done all of those things. But he still thinks Angel is jumping to some rather far fetched conclusions.
Husk just knows Angel is right, but knows there's no way of convincing the guy unless it hits him right in the face, and Husk knows something you feel over a crush that you don't with a friend.
“I don't even know why you're bothering trying to set them up Angel. They already have a hot date this weekend anyway so what does it matter if he has a crush on them or not?” Husk says so casually, it comes across like it could only be true. He curses at himself in his head for saying he wouldn't get involved and then immediately doing so before Angel Dust could upset Alastor.
There's a loud pop of static that sounds off from Alastor's direction, and Husk thinks he's right on the edge of making him realize.
“No kiddin’? Man. That blows Smiles. Sorry.” Angel blinks, slumping a bit before sitting back down and drinking. “Huh. I wonder if that's why they asked me for outfit advice the other day? Said they really wanted to wow someone.” Angel taps his glass as he thinks, having absolutely no idea if Husk is lying, but playing along anyway.
“How’d they ask them out anyway?” Angel asks curiously, because if it's true he does want to know, and if it isn't he's sure the answer will rile Alastor up anyway.
“Some newbie sinner approached them while they were grabbing a snack from that bakery they like, and said something about having a crush on them and asked them out to some jazz show or something, I don't remember. They seemed pretty excited.” Husk says as he refills Angel's drink now. However Alastor's drink just shatters in his hand at this information and he just looks down in surprise.
He hadn't been holding it that tight, had he? He looks equally confused and irritated at the mess of glass and rye on the bar top and in his hands. But why was he upset? He was never upset whenever Rosie got a new husband. He couldn't actually be jealous could he? Just the very idea makes him want to scoff. He doesn't get jelaous. But the image of you on some date with some pathetic unworthy creature as you laughed at their jokes and leaned in closer, hand gently on their arm as you pressed your lips against thei-
He's standing up, letting out a deep breath to calm himself, clearly upset as he let his thoughts run away from him. He turns to look at the two there and sees them looking quite scared, and covering their ears. Oh. His static was exceptionally loud right now, wasn't it? He quickly fixes that and adjusts his jacket with tight hands. He doesn't even bother to think of an excuse as he melts into the shadows, appearing in the bog in his room, pacing rapidly.
“Surely…not?” He asks himself aloud as he paces amongst the trees, allowing himself to feel the full panic and upset now that he was behind closed doors. He's rubbing his chin as he thinks, trying to logically figure this out.
“Why do I care if they date someone?” He asks himself, gripping his head as if it hurts from trying to figure out this riddle. He thinks his head actually is starting to hurt, since the answer was beginning to dawn on him, and it was terrifyingly uncharted territory. “No, no. Impossible. I'm confused. Perhaps I'm ill?” He suggests, taking his hands down, bringing one hand up to feel his forehead.
“....That excuse sounds absolutely pathetic.” He grits out, fist swinging and demolishing a tree in his way. But it doesn't make him feel any better. Doesn't make him feel any more in control. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes that on the surface, his interactions with you and Rosie are a little different.
When he gets Rosie presents it's just a simple “Here you are dear! I thought of you!” And then they share a laugh as she thanks him. But when he gives you a present, he waits eagerly, eyes scrutinizing every aspect of your being as you open it. His posture is stiff but practiced as he awaits your reaction, only relaxing when he sees the ecstatic smile on your face as you begin to thank him.
He doesn't mind Rosie touching him, and in fact on some days actually quite enjoys it. But with you he wants it, moves instinctively towards your touch instead of away.
Fuck. That stupid spider was right, he realized with a swell of panic and fear at this new unknown variable.
He…loves you? It still didn't sound right, but the more he thought about it the more he realizes it could only unfortunately be true. When had you wrapped him around your little finger so tightly? And how hadn't he realized?!
He's even more upset now at how far gone he was on you without realizing. The radio demon has a weakness. Even just thinking the phrase makes the sensation of bile rise in his throat and he has to sit down a moment to collect himself again.
His entire body is stiff and agitated as he tries to come to terms with this. Until he hears a knock on his door.
“Alastor? Are you in there? It's me. Husk said you seemed like you were in a sour mood. So I thought I would come check on you. Can I come in?” Your voice rings through the door crystal clear and he sucks in a breath and pays attention to his reactions now.
His stiff muscles began to relax and soften, the frustration that was so unbearable he had begun tearing apart trees seemed so…distant now. Surely an over exaggeration to lose his cool like that. He sighs and looks down. 
Angel had been right.
But…now that he knows…all he needs to do now is get you wrapped just as tightly around his finger as he was around yours. There is no danger of feeling jealousy or rejection or heartbreak or of him possibly being controlled by you or anything of the sort if he ensures you fall for him as splendidly as he has apparently fallen for you.
With that in mind he stands now, ready to face you with this new knowledge. He's dusting himself off and then opening his door, smiling at you in the typically charming way he knows had a tendency to make people swoon when he was alive, and even now in death. Just because he hadn't had an interest in dating didn't mean he didn't know how to charm someone. 
“How kind to come check on me.” He drawls almost sweetly as he snatches your hand as gently as possible before bringing it to his lips, eyes half-lidded as he peers at you, studying your expression. He feels confident from the sound of the slight intake of your breath and the small flush of red dusting your cheeks that he very well still has a chance to edge out any competition for your affections.
“Well now my dear I'm in a much less sour mood now that I have such exquisite company. If you're not too tired I would love to know what's captured your time so much these past few days. Come on in.” His smile is charming, a predator seeming to eye his unaware prey as he opens the door further to let you in, your eager smile mollifying him for the moment.
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canonfeminine · 2 days
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🌩 ₊˚⊹♫ … Jason Grace x Greek!Reader
in which: A accidently meeting with your boyfriend ends up with him getting his hair dyed. (well.. kinda.)
authors note: guys this is based off this !! I had to do it, it was too much of a cute idea and there was no way I could make that post and just.. not do it, yk??? anyways, the Jason Grace girlys are counting on me to make this good, so I hope I can make you guys proud 😭.
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You might have an hair-dying issues.
I mean, you knew it wasn't the best thing for your hair. You've heard millions of times from your parents, friends, and others, that dying your hair could damage it. But you're a demigod. You also have a 99.99% chance of being wiped out by a monster, so losing a bit of hair couldn't be that bad.
So one day, you tried it. And you loved it. After that, you couldn't stop. It's not like you 'wouldn't be able to live if you didn't dye my hair,' but you liked dying your hair every once in a while.
Actually, it was one of the things that attracted Jason to you.
He thought every color you dyed your hair looked perfect on you, and that the way you acted and dressed made you even more of a charming person. But did he ever say that out-loud? nope. Not until he confessed to you and you two started dating.
Now, this was before you (and the other campers,) found out about the other camp and that Jason wasn't Greek. So for a while, the two of you were able to hang out together and be the cute little lovers you were.
And then he went to the other camp, and went on a bunch of quests, and even though you knew that he had to be the hero he was, you had to admit—you missed him. And Iris messages weren't enough.
But after a while, you got used to it. Or, at least, you got used to him being gone for a long time. Being able to see his face and voice made you smile, and somewhat made you feel better. And when you heard about the defeat of Gaia/Gaea, the idea of being able to see your blonde boyfriend made that need to see him come back.
One day, you were in your cabin's bathroom, dying your hair—you heard a particular voice at the bathroom door.
"What color are you dying your hair now, Carissima?" Jason asked, leaning on the door frame.
"Blonde. Also, since when did you-" You turned your head and you jaw basically dropped.
"Hi, Baby-"
"YOUR HAIR. where is it? what is... where is the fluffiness?" You blinked, and the silence in the room was deadly. "I-I mean, it's cute! you look handsome, Jace. But.. what made you go from pretty boy to pretty military soldier?"
Jason shrugged. "Don't know. After this whole war, I wanted to try something new, y'know?"
"Oh, don't ask me if I know about trying something new. Look at me right now!" You said in a sarcastic tone, pointing to your [ insert color of your choosing ] colored hands.
Jason rolled his eyes, which made you laugh. Honestly, you were surprised you hadn't jumped off the counter you were sitting on and hugged him. But it was probably because the hair part caught you off guard.
"Okay, Uhm, quick question. How important is that shirt to you?"
"... Not that important, why?"
"BECAUSE I HAVEN- because, my love, I haven't seen you in months. I want to give you a hug, obviously." You made a fake angry face.
"Oh. I mean, I'd let you stain any of my shirts anyday if I meant I got a hug from you." He smiled and walked up to the counter. As soon as he came into arm reach, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
"Hey, I just thought of something." You lifted your head up. "Wanna hear it?"
"Of course I do." He looked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Okay, so what if, and stay with me here—what if you let me dye your hair, but instead of fully dying it, I can make like little hearts.. with my hair dye."
"I mean.. I wouldn't mind if you did. I just don't know if it would, well, look nice on me." Jason admitted.
"Oh, you'll be okay. I have a good feeling you'll look great. Plus, If it comes out looking like trash, i'll make you a hat to wear."
[ time skip ?? ]
Like you said, You knew he would look great. It took awhile for it to get done (because you forced him to tell you all the stories he could about his time on the Argo II,) But seeing him with blue stars in his hair made you giggle.
"Do you like it?" You asked as Jason inspected it in the mirror.
"Sorta. It's not bad, I think it just has to grow on me, y'know?"
"Mhm. But like.. on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like it?"
"Honestly, like a 7.5. But not because you did bad, just because it's new to me." He leaned down and kissed you on the cheek. "Thank you, corculum."
You smiled and kissed his cheek in return. "Your welcome, My love."
For a moment, there was a beat of silence between you two. A comfortable type of silence, not that icky type. "Oh, and the next time you go on a quest—you gotta sneak me with you. I don't think I can go another few months without seeing you."
Jason smiled, wrapping his arms around you. "I'll make sure to remember that. Though, you can't blame me if you get caught."
"I mean, I could.. but I think I love you too much to do so."
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arikazu · 2 days
Stray kids smut week 2 (seungmin) smut skz masterlist
Nerdy boy ♡
♡ Pairing: Inexperienced! Seungmin x Experienced Fem!Reader
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"Nerdy boy!? What are you doing on my bed!?"
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"You were the one who seduced me"
"Seungmin's Unlikely Adventure" follows Seungmin, an inexperienced nerd, who unexpectedly ends up in the bed of Y/N, the school's most popular girl. This accidental encounter sparks a series of humorous and heartfelt events, leading to personal growth, a budding romance, and the breaking of social barriers.
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Warning : nerdy Virgin seungmin, experienced reader, popular girl x Nerdy boy, blow job, fluff, masturbation, protected sex, dom-sub relationship, dominant reader, soft seungmin.
Tag list 💓 : @rockstarkkami @teenagemoonharmony @catlove83 @lac3ybow @resi4skz @rylea08
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I'm not sure how this happened. 
The morning sky was a soft blue color, the sun’s light casting long shadows across the campus. The air was cold but clear for once that day, and students were scattered about the main buildings, chatting idly as they waited for class to begin. 
Seungmin stood in the middle of the courtyard. 
the first day of his dream school had arrived. It felt surreal—he was here, at his new school.
his round glasses covered most of his face , making him appear younger than he was. His dark brown hair fell into his eyes a bit, and his skin looked pale under the gentle sunlight. He was wearing an oversized red turtleneck sweater. He was wearing jeans. He didn’t have anything else on.
He was a mess.
cool people always look clean. 
But Seungmin was anything but that.
he looked like...
he looked like a homeless person.
the clothes were wrinkled and baggy, but they made his thin body look slim and slender. They were stained with dirt and crumbs, and when he moved his arms the sleeves hung over his hands.
why should he care about other opinions he went up straight to the club table from where he could select the particular club he wanted to be a part of He was determined to find his favorite club and become a member of it.
he saw the baseball club  already having someone sitting there so decided to go talk to them. he approached the boy from the opposite side of the field, standing next to him. “hello there. I’m new here. can we be friends?”
the boy turned around. he was handsome.
he had brown hair, which looked soft and fluffy despite being dirty and worn down
"I am Bang Chan"  he smiled. his voice was soft and slightly high-pitched, almost squeaking. the way it came out sounded almost cute. 
seungmin smiled and sat next to him "it's nice to meet you, i am seungmin" he introduced himself for the first time in life seungmin felt ease as he chan smiled at him in a soft manner and the other guys also introduced themselves.
Felix, minho, hyunjin, changbin, jisung, jeongin these were the guys 4 of them were of seungmin age  group and they all seemed pretty cool
chan and minho seemed friendly enough so far. 
felix was cool and cheerful and very hyperactive, but he was kind. changbin was funny and sarcastic, but never cruel. jisung was a sweetheart. he was shy and quiet, and had a habit of smiling nervously around everyone.
jeongin was a savage one he was the youngest among them  and he didn't know much about anything except music, dance, and cooking, and he was super loud and friendly when he was talking about something he liked. 
"Seungmin you are welcome to our group and we just wnat to tell you that everyone here have their own group with the people they seem to be since we all are from the businesses or music or dance major we formed our own group we would be happy if you join our group"  felix said enthusiastically.
seungmin thought about it for a moment. he didnt really care what groups he joined, as long as the club members were great people then maybe he would stay in it too
"i'll consider joining your group" seungmin answered, smiling as he spoke
changbin and felix both grinned happily.
 "great!" felix said.
Seung-min looked around and saw different people hanging out with their group members. some of them were dressed in their uniforms while others wore casual clothes. he saw kids playing around, and people going inside the building
"that is the group of rich people they are all classy and expensive people"  Minho whispered to Seung-min, pointing towards a group walking past
Chan turned to them. 
"that one is the group of bookworms," han said, pointing to another group of four that were all holding books and whispering excitedly to eachother. seungmin wondered if he was supposed to be reading or listening to some music.
"reading is good tho" hyunjin mumbled  to himself.
"those are the boys who are the party organizers mostly the rich hot popular guys" jeongin  said, laughing a little "they are the ones we have to work with a lot because the school is hosting this year's school festival which takes place on the third of friday every year and it is a huge event we all have to attend so if anyone needs any advice for how to make it easier to get to a certain level they better come to us"
"only jeongin and felix have to work with them oh and also count chan since they are the ones who is close to Jackson and his group" Minho said 
"Jackson is a dickhead."  felix snorted, rolling his eyes "he's a fucking jerk and is always trying to get me to hang out with his gang
jisung shushed them. the bell rang indicating that classes started. jisung looked at seungmin apologetically but the smaller boy waved him off. he couldn't believe what just happened.
"we will see you at the bench after the class!" changbin waved and seungmin tried to find the way to his class.
he felt lost as he could not find the  way. he looked up as he heard voices 
they were coming from one of the classrooms nearby. he walked towards it.
there was a group of boys that felix was talking about Jackson  and his group were all gathered around the window. a small gasp escaped him when he looked at the room, seeing the entire club there. 
there was an older boy with messy black hair and an attractive face, and a pretty girl. she was wearing a beautiful white dress, her long blonde hair falling over her shoulders gracefully.
"who are you 4 eyes!?" a high pitched voice  interrupted him, snapping him out of his trance. the blonde girl was standing right behind him
"uh...” seungmin looked at them trying to say something.
"Uh what? come on answer me?"  she was getting irritated. he didn’t respond, looking at the floor. he didn’t realize that they were glaring daggers at him until he looked at them and they were still glaring daggers at him. they were obviously mad
she stepped closer and placed her hand over seungmins shoulder, "you’re really an idiot aren't you?" 
"come on yumi! leave the poor mama boy alone he must be missing his mom!" Bambam another boy  said, stepping forward and pulling yumi back "you shouldn't be picking fights with strangers in public"
she scoffed, pulling her arm away from Bambam's grasp and turning around  "oh, well I'm sorry for wasting my breath"
"it's ok" seungmin said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"we are your seniors 4 eyes give us some respect" yumi 
"Yes I saved you from her sorry ass come on call me sir" Bambam came closer to  him and put an arm around his shoulder, smirking victoriously seungmin gulped 
, staring at the ground once again
"yeah sure... sir..." he muttered.
"ahh so you guys are again bullying freshman " a playful voice  said from behind the two boys and the group turned to look 
 behind them.
a girl with h/c hair stood there her eyes held a confident , teasing glint and she seemed to be amused by whatever she'd heard.
she was wearing an expensive dress with a slit up the left leg and a skirt that covered her hips perfectly she smelled like lavender she walked towards bambam  and the others, "don't you know that seniors don't bully freshmen?" she asked sweetly, giving a sly smirk. she took a step closer
yumi scoffed "y/n You are ruining the fun" 
"no, im just making sure none of the freshmen are bullied" she replied, a small smile forming on her lips "what is your name?"
"oh um, my name is seungmin" he smiled at her 
"well seungmin" she smiled and winked. “my names y/n and that's bambam and yumi and that tall one is jinyoung" 
 she pointed at the other boys and winked.
seungmin breath was heavy he has never met  someone who was that charming and so elegant
"so nerdy boy get out of here before my friends again start the bullying and i don't wish to save a mama boy once again" 
she laughed and the rest of the boys followed  chuckling as they did
and seungmin watched as they left, not even sparing him one last glance.
seungmin felt an aura changed inside her she sounded dominant, calm and collected  and yet, she still managed to show the complete opposite of that  and made seungmin wonder if she was even human or an alien.
the class was over seungmin was sitting in the cafe Area with his group 
 of friends.  Felix and jisung kept sending glances at him every five seconds, as if wanting to ask why he hadn't said anything yet or whether he would talk more about what had just occurred between him and those 3 students earlier today
"I will beat bambam for you!" changbin  shouted suddenly, throwing his fist towards the table aggressively as the two of them sat down next to seungmin jeongin nodded in between as he agreed with changbin words.
"hey hey stop that, you two are gonna break the table" seungmin scolded lightly.
"you are our friend we would help you!" chan  exclaimed happily.
"it's cool I can handle myself just let them go already" seungmin said softly to them.
"I just want to know about y/n " 
seungmin said and all the boys looked at him in shock .
"...why?" felix  questioned hesitantly.
"i don't know, she just seems intriguing and nice.. " he shrugged slightly, he didn't really mind talking about y/n. he knew he was being obvious about everything he was feeling.
"she is a bad news" minho said as he grabbed the bottle of water.
"bad news?" 
"Yes she shares an art class with Hyun-jin he will tell you more about her" 
 Felix stated, shaking his head.
"right so what do you think about her so far?" Seung-min asked, looking at everyone, waiting for answers.
Jeong sighed, "she is kind of scary"
"she is hot-headed and she hides her sarcasm behind her smile Seung-min she is the popular girl in our school after Sumi she is part of the black dragdragonss the group made up of Jinyoung, bambam, yumi,, and y/n they are the school's second most popular kids"  chan explained
"but she isn't evil! she is quite smart and kind" Jisung defended
"...okay then what about you Seung-min?" chan asked, ignoring his friend
"I guess" seungmin said "how am I supposed to know? She is so mysterious I dont know how to approach her "
"oh trust me" minho spoke in between "dude she is out of your league" 
"you guys!!" felix groaned.
"what?! She is!" chan argued.
"okay lets talk about something else... please" hyunjin mumbled.
"Jackson invited us to a party" jisung said changing the topic 
"really?!" seungmin asked.
"Yes its on this Saturday night we all can go together seungmin it would be your first party you would enjoy!"  changbin smiled excitedly and jisung nodded his head in approval "and maybe youll make some new friends!"
chan added on "plus there's this girl named ______ that is super cute!"
"yes!!! She is so cute!! We have been texting each other for almost two months now!" jisung exclaimed.
"wait wait wait! when did you met her?"chan asked.
"I met in the bar where I sing songs"  jisung replied, smiling.
chan nodded approving of the information.
"jisung is such a romantic!!!" Felix said dramatically leaning into jisungs side, hugging his arm tightly
"he is the only romance in our friendship" jeongin said rolling his eyes.
"okay now you're exaggerating" jisung said.
"you know that _________ is my girlfriend sister right?" chan asked  jisung, looking at him dead in the eyes. jisung froze, the color fading from his face and his eyes widening slowly. he opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to find the right words to say but nothing came out of it, he gave out a shaky laugh
"wh.. what? no way" he mumbled weakly.
"you all have girlfriends?" seungmin asked.
changbin smiled "well only chan, hyunjin and now han" 
hyunjin smile faded " me and her are not together you dummy " he said and too, his food tray leaving the table everyone looked at him in shock.
"hyunjin went to jail because of helping a girl in a fugitive from her wedding they used to be in love but it's feels like something must have happened between them" 
Felix explained seungmin nodded in understanding "hyunjin has redeemed himself he is clean now but he past lover is a sensitive topic for him " 
seungmin looked around and raised his eyebrow words could not come out of his mouth "oh" 
"I have to pick up leah from her preschool I will see you guys tomorrow "chan left the table .
the three remaining boys sat silently for a moment, none knowing what to say.
"chan can I join you I want to see ________ she must be at your girlfriend house?" jisung asked .
"uh yeah sure come on " 
changbin was texting someone while minho went away for his dance practice only felix , seungmin and jeongin were eating food together now "chan has a little sister?" seungmin asked.
"are you talking about Leah?" jeongin asked.
"ahh yes" 
"that's chan daughter"  felix answered, chewing on his chips.
"daughter isn't he young to have a daughter?"  he asked curiously.
"Leah is his girlfriend daughter which makes her his   step daughter  or something like that" felix replied.
"I'm guessing Chan's girlfriend is a bit older than Chan then?" Seung-min asked.
"no she is younger than him chan's girlfriend was a teenage mother they both were neighbors and somehow they clicked well and started dating Leah's father is even barely there for her so Chan matched well with Leah and they started forming a father and daughter bond which made _____ heart melt and they got together they have been dating for 2 years now,"  felix said smiling brightly. 
"wow they sound like a cute couple" Seungmin answered.
"they are very much happy and love each other, and the best thing is that I believe Chan and _____ are finally together" Jeongin added with a smirk.
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Seungmin sat with Felix and Jeongin as some time passed by the day goes by they were busy with their work in the bustling school café, the warm afternoon sunlight streaming through the large windows. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, the clatter of trays, and the hum of excited chatter. They were engrossed in a lively discussion about the latest soccer match, their animated voices blending into the background noise.
Seungmin was in the middle of recounting a particularly thrilling goal when a sudden shift in the atmosphere made him pause. Across the room, Y/N, the popular girl as others like to quote her in that way who always seemed to have an effortless glow about her, was making her way through the café with her close-knit group of friends. Her presence commanded attention; she walked with an air of confidence that made heads turn.
As they paused their conversation, others turned their attention to the untouchable group. Bambam, with a mischievous look on his face, carried a food tray in his hands. Meanwhile, Jinyoung, known for his calm demeanor, was wearing a pair of expensive headphones, lost in the music of his favorite artists. Yumi, the shorter one, burst into giggles at a joke that Bambam had just told her.
“Look its y/n the untouchable butterfly ‘
‘Bambam the rich senior!” 
SSeungmin found himself amidst a group of people casually chatting about the popular nicknames of the group. However, his attention was drawn to Y/N. She seemed enigmatic to him, oscillating between defending Seungmin from her friends' advances and then laughing and sharing food with them just moments later.
"Who are you, Y/N?" Seungmin muttered under his breath, his gaze piercing as he yearned to unravel the mystery that she seemed to embody.
She ran her fingers through her hair, gliding gracefully as she walked. Her scent lingered in the air, and her every thought seemed to captivate him. It felt like the entire universe was conspiring to mesmerize him. On his first day of school, he found everything falling into place effortlessly—friends, foes, and perhaps even a girl who piqued his interest for the very first time.
As she made her way past a rowdy group of boys, one of them suddenly lunged at her from behind, attempting to grab her. Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N's entire demeanor shifted. With a steely look in her eyes, she swiftly pivoted and delivered a sharp, well-aimed kick to the guy's shin, causing him to reel back with a sharp cry of pain.
The bustling café fell into a sudden, eerie hush as every conversation came to an abrupt halt. Utensils paused in mid-air, all eyes trained on the unexpected spectacle unfolding before them. Even Seungmin and his friends were transfixed, their expressions a mix of astonishment and respect, much like the rest of the bewildered onlookers. Y/N's fierce countenance softened slightly as she turned back to her friends, who were frozen in a mix of shock and admiration.
In a composed and steady voice, Y/N simply said, "Let's go," and her friends quickly collected themselves, nodding in agreement. They strode forward as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired, holding their heads high, leaving behind a sea of whispers and murmurs.
Gradually, the café's hum of conversation resumed, but the incident remained the sole topic of discussion. Seungmin and his friends exchanged wide-eyed glances, clearly impressed and somewhat awed by the unexpected display of courage and quick thinking they had just witnessed.
“Did you see that?” Felix whispered, still in disbelief.
Seungmin nodded, his mind replaying the scene.
 “Yeah, she’s not just popular for her looks and charm. She’s got guts.” jeongin added 
His friends nodded in agreement, a newfound respect for Y/N settling in. As Seungmin watched her walk away, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity. Today had revealed a new side of Y/N, one that everyone would remember for a long time.
Remember the following text: 
"Have you heard? She totally destroyed Jackson when he tried to hit on her. I also heard she punched Jihoon while he was eavesdropping on her conversation. She's made quite an impression on the boys at our school. Some of them are even afraid of her."
One of the girls expressed her disbelief, "How full of herself can she be? What does she think of herself?"
Sunghoon overheard some students murmuring as he casually sipped his coffee, doing his best to conceal any reaction. Jeongin gave a sly smirk as he signaled to Seungmin, attempting to get the older male's attention.
"Did you see how amazing y/n Sunbaenim is? And you thought about approaching her," he remarked with a dry chuckle, "She's way out of your league, dude!"
Seungmin glanced at the younger male. It wasn't entirely incorrect. How could he even initiate a conversation with her? She never even glanced in his direction. To him, she seemed untouchable, like a butterfly surrounded by tall, formidable guys like Bambam and Jin-young. Surely, she must be dating one of them.
It's not like he has a genuine interest in her. He simply wants to thank her for intervening when she saved him from his friends.
"I'm sorry, Seung-min. Jeongin is right. She is out of our league. She won't even look at us, and we will end up like that guy whom she kicked," Felix added.
Getting kicked by Y/N was the last thing that Seungmin wanted.
Y/N sat in the empty classroom, her shoulders hunched and her eyes red and puffy from crying. She stared down at her open textbook, the words blurring as tears welled up once more. The teacher's harsh scolding still echoed in her mind, each word a painful reminder of her recent poor grades. Her parents' disappointment loomed over her, making her feel even more insecure and defeated.
Seungmin had stayed behind to ask the teacher a question about the homework. As he walked towards the front of the room, he noticed Y/N sitting alone, her face buried in her hands. His heart ached at the sight of her distress. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted company, but then he decided to approach her.
"Hey, Y/N," he said softly, taking a seat beside her. "Are you okay?"
Y/N sniffled and quickly wiped her eyes, trying to compose herself. "No, not really," she admitted, her voice breaking. "I got scolded for my grades again. My parents are going to be so disappointed. They don’t tolerate failure, and I feel like I’m letting them down."
TThe first time Y/N opened up about her parents was during a vulnerable moment. Despite her efforts to maintain a facade of strength and charisma, deep down she felt like a child who had lost her innocence due to the burdens imposed by her controlling parents. She confided in a stranger, unable to share this truth even with her closest friends. As the sole heiress to her family's wealth, she struggled to break free from the expectations and pressures placed upon her at school.
Her food, her friends, her studies, her clothes all were decided by her parents who were barely home for her.
Seungmin frowned, feeling a surge of empathy. He knew how much pressure Y/N was under, and he had seen how hard she worked. "I’m really sorry to hear that," he said gently. "It must be really tough dealing with all of that."
Y/N nodded, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "It is. I try so hard, but it never seems to be enough. I don’t know what to do anymore."
Seungmin reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, listen. You’re not alone in this. How about I help you study for the upcoming test? We can work on it together. I’m pretty good at this stuff, and I think it might help."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of surprise and hope. "You’d do that for me?"
"Of course," Seungmin replied with a warm smile. "We’re friends, right? And friends help each other out. We can meet up after school and go over everything. You’ll see, it’ll make a big difference."
“We are friends?” y/n asked him as she wiped the tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt and Seungmin gave her a confused look.
“I mean you saved me and I want to pay back to you back for that day”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Y/N’s lips, the first sign of relief she’d felt all day. "Thank you,  That means a lot."
"No problem," he said, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "We’ll get through this together. And don’t worry, you’re not a failure. You’re just going through a tough time, but we’ll turn it around."
Y/N nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "You think I can do it?"
"I know you can," Seungmin said confidently. "We’ll make a plan and tackle it step by step. You’ll see the improvement in no time."
As they packed up their things and left the classroom together, Y/N felt a little lighter. The burden of her parents' expectations still weighed heavily on her, but with Seungmin’s support, she felt a glimmer of hope that she could overcome her insecurities and improve her grades. They agreed to meet at the library after school, and as they walked down the hallway, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for Seungmin's kindness and support. She wasn’t alone in her struggles anymore, and that made all the difference.
As they made their way to the ice cream machine, y/n turned to him and asked, "What was your name again?" After inserting a coin and punching in her order for a scoop of luscious strawberry ice cream, she listened intently as he responded, "It's Seungmin." Intrigued, she watched as he selected a scoop of refreshing mint chocolate for himself. Catching her curious gaze, Seungmin met her eyes and inquired, "What?" 
Noticing his choice of ice cream, y/n raised an eyebrow and asked, "What ice cream is this?" 
To her surprise, Seungmin exclaimed, "What, no way! You've never had choco mint?" 
Admitting to her lack of experience with that particular flavor, y/n watched as Seungmin hesitated before pushing his ice cream towards her with a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "Here... take a bite," he offered.
As she accepted the ice cream he offered, a mischievous grin spread across her face. With a gentle lick, she savored the cool treat, savoring the moment.As she accepted the ice cream he offered, a mischievous grin spread across her face. With a gentle lick, she savored the cool treat, savoring the moment.
the movie was playing as the dim lights fall onto seungmin and y/n who were sitting closely  against each other and sharing blankets and pillows
"can i borrow that blanket" seungmin whispered quietly as he pointed at the blanket on the other side of the couch.
y/n giggled at the cuteness "sure whatever"
seungmin noticed y/n lips  curling up into a beautiful smile, and his heart swelled at the sight.
seungmin carefully lifted his body and sat up from the sofa, pulling the blanket towards him.
after making sure there was enough space for him to sit seungmin settled himself with his back resting on the arm of the sofa, the blanket draped over him.
the thunder roll  filled the room and seungmin could hear the rain pounding outside but the weather inside the apartment didn't seem to matter.
"you can spend the night in here it's raining hard" 
y/n parents were not home that night they were out of station for some wor, seungmin came to teach her businesses studies and after a 2 hour study session they ended up watching a movie  together
"thanks for letting me stay tonight it means a lot to me" seungmin smiled gently at y/n as she put the blanket on her shoulder.
30 minutes passed by there snacks bucket was getting empty y/n eyes were getting drift  off as the movies was pretty boring but she couldn't complain the time was passing quickly and the storm outside was calming her down.
she slowly got up and removed her skirt seungmin looked at her in shock , not knowing she was wearing undergarments underneath
he looked away, cheeks red and hands holding tight on the blanket.
"what are you doing!? "he shrieked.
"I am wearing shorts underneath skirt is pretty uncomfortable to sleep in"  y/n told him "do u mind if i sleep beside you tonight?"
"i don't mind but what does it mean if you sleep next to me!?" seungmin asked confused.
"it means that I wanna snuggle you and you wanna snuggle with me it means we are going to cuddle" y/n answered him in a sarcastic manner.
"oh I see are we gonna cuddle?"he asked in a dumbfounded manner.
"no you idiot I will just lay beside you because I don't wanna sleep alone in this thunder" 
"you really need to stop with your sarcasm " he chuckled.
Y/n shrugged her shoulders and laid back against the sofa. seungmin watched in awe as her hair fell onto her face and her chest rose up and down.
his eyes widened at how breathtaking she was he thought to himself "she is beautiful even when she is trying to sleep" 
y/n felt her heart  beat fast and she turned slightly facing him.
they locked eyes for a few moments before seungmin averted his eyes and began rubbing his neck nervously.
as soon as they locked gazes again seungmin realised his mistake of staring directly at y/n and blushed furiously.
"you okay?"
"yeah" seungmin replied.
their lips were inches away  from each other. he took the chance to take a deep breath inhaling and exhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo and after a minute she placed her lips softly against his cheek, kissing him softly but deeply before closing the gap between their lips.
seungmin pulled her closer as he kissed her back, she ran her hands through his hairs caressing him as she did.
 she had never kissed someone with passion as if her life depended on it and she loved every moment of it, feeling the tingles of electricity run through her spine and her stomach fluttered.
as they continued to kiss he let go of the blanket and wrapped one of his arms around her waist the other hand was resting on her leg, stroking it slightly.
"you are a good kisser for someone who kissed for the first time" y/n said as she pulled away for a little.
"how ...... did you know it was my first kiss"  he asked, a blush creeping up on his neck, ears and cheeks.
"i am always curious about people I meet and especially when they are a complete stranger and Minnie you are a nerd baby I know everything about you" she teased and let her tongue slip  out licking her bottom lip seductively.
seungmin looked at her as if he was hypnotized and grabbed her chin, his 
finger tips grazing her lower lip. 
"you're such a tease" he said as he smirked and pecked her lips again 
"but you're a good kisser so what's the harm"  she teased once again.
"come on eat me seungmin I am feeling wet" y/n said in a direct, anger as she felt her shorts  sticking tightly around her thighs.
"eat you out?"seungmin eyebrows furrowed slightly "I am not a cannibal y/n" 
her eyes rolls up at his words "you nerd I feel wet because of my hornyass since I didn't fucked someone for 3 months now come on eat my pussy or else I will ask someone else do it" 
"...you've been craving sex for three months?"
seungmin let out a deep chuckle and leaned forward to kiss y/n "fine then I will satisfy your wish"
he grabbed her thighs "it's my first time doing it" he said  softly, a blush creeping up on his cheeks and a small smile appearing on his face.
"it's fine nerdy boy just finger me or lick me" she commanded.
seungmin removed her shorts  and placed them on the floor and positioned himself behind y/n and began massaging her entrance slowly, taking a deep breath before inserting his index finger into her moist pussy.
"oh god yes yes yes that's so good!" she moaned out.
once he inserted three fingers inside her his movements became more rapid causing her to release her moan repeatedly.
seungmin kept his movements slow as he felt her tightening around his fingers, releasing all of the tension she had built up inside of her.
after awhile y/n began moaning loudly
 "feels so good ohhhh baby fuck! that feels so good~ mmfhhmmfhhhhh!" she moaned.
once he felt her walls tighten even further on his fingers he moved his fingers faster still increasing speed.
seungmin's thrusts grew faster, his strokes becoming harsher as y/n gripped his shoulder blades almost biting it.
"Seungmin!" she screamed out in pure ecstasy as her climax finally hit her.
seungmin fingers slipped out of y/ns slick pussy as he let out a low groan, falling back on the bed completely spent. 
"damn i am already exhausted" he muttered.
"oh no no you have to eat me out too this was the starter only" 
 y/n said.
"...okay" seungmin replied, still shocked about her orgasm but also excited.
"minnie stop teasing please i beg of you." you pleaded softly as he moved his hand between your legs "just fuck me please-" he groaned.
 his teeth nipping hard on your sensitive spot making you whimper and writhe under his touch. "baby i want to taste you so bad." he murmured. he ran his fingers over your entrance teasingly. "but i need to taste you first." he added, licking his lips as he eyed your clit.
minnie's tongue dipped in and licked your wet folds in one fluid movement. he teased you gently before licking his way up to your core and pinching the flesh between his thumb and index finger. he began flicking his middle finger in and out of you, making you moan in pleasure.
 he bit your breast harshly, causing you to cry out loud.  you felt your orgasm starting to build and you gripped onto his shoulders tightly.
minnie continued his torture for a few moments longer before sucking on your clit. you were about to reach the peak of your orgasm when his hand stopped moving. "ahhhh shit!"
 you gasped as pain coursed through your insides making your whole body ache with every passing second of your release.
minnie watched you as you tried to catch your breath. he chuckled darkly before he placed small kisses along your belly button. He was now kneeling beside your naked body with his eyes glued to your chest.
 "this feels fucking amazing" he groaned as he rubbed his nose into your stomach. he placed light kiss after kiss to your belly button making your knees wobble and shake.  
minnie looked up at your face, his gaze filled with lust. "that is definitely a lot easier for me to say then i thought it would be."
However, he found that he couldn't take his hands away from the girl in front of him. Her body felt warm, soft and comfortable as if he hadn't touched someone before.
His member poking through his pants became more sensitive and he tried to hold it back but it kept increasing its pace.
His mind was blank, his thoughts went nowhere and he didn't understand anything happening around him.
Suddenly, she pulled away from him and got off the bed.
He followed her to the bathroom.
"I will take care of your erection" she said and tired her hair back she kneeled in front of him .
He could see her eyes staring into his own as she put both her hands around the base of his member.
He clenched his teeth together and his eyes became darker. He felt his breathing become irregular as he watched her touching his member in such a slow way.
He could clearly see the little drops of sweat forming on her forehead as she worked her fingers slowly upwards, caressing each part of his member, making every nerve in his body become completely alive and tense.
Her face was flushed red and she kept saying things but he couldn't make out what she was trying to tell him.
"Do you want me to suck it?" she asked.
His body shook violently as he felt the wetness of her saliva running down his member.
"Yes..." he breathed in between gritted teeth.
He could feel his member throbbing, getting harder and harder. He felt like his sanity was slipping away but his body wouldn't listen to him.
She smiled and kissed his member softly before sucking it hard. The pain only lasted a few seconds until he felt himself being lifted up off the ground causing him to moan loudly in pleasure.
"Fuck..!" He moaned. "Faster... please!" He begged.
She smiled wider.
And then the pain was gone.
He could feel the blood pumping through his veins as the moisture that was dripping from his member stopped.
"Done" she said and stood up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
He was unable to utter a single word. Everything he was able to do was concentrate on staying conscious.
"miss popular  I didn't knew you could" he was at the loss of words he could not understand how she gave him a whole fucking blowjob.
"it will be our little secret hmm" She winked at him and walked towards the door.
"Wait wait wait!" he blurted out, stopping her from leaving his room.
She turned her head to look at him.
"What?" She asked.
"I don't have any condoms... I-"
She rolled her eyes and sighed "It doesn't matter I was just trying to calm your dick down "
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N and Seungmin settled into a routine of studying together after school. They met in the library every day, spreading their books and notes across a quiet corner table. As they worked through math problems and history notes, a bond began to form between them. Seungmin's patient explanations and encouraging words helped Y/N gain confidence in her abilities, and she found herself looking forward to their study sessions.
Y/N's friends started to notice a change in her. She seemed happier, more relaxed, and even a little more confident. During lunch breaks, they would ask her what was going on.
"Y/N, you seem different lately," one of her friends said one day, curiosity evident in her voice. "Is something going on?"
Y/N smiled and shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "Nothing much. Just trying to focus more on my studies."
Another friend leaned in, not convinced. "Come on, there has to be more to it than that. You can tell us."
Y/N felt a bit of guilt for not sharing everything with her friends, but she wasn’t ready to talk about her study sessions with Seungmin just yet. "Really, it’s nothing major. Just some extra studying."
Her friends exchanged glances but didn’t press further, respecting her privacy.
As the weeks passed, Y/N's hard work began to pay off. With Seungmin’s help, she started to understand the material better and felt more prepared for her exams. They would quiz each other, work through difficult problems, and even take short breaks to chat about their interests and hobbies, growing closer with each session.
Finally, the day of the big exam arrived. Y/N felt a mix of nerves and excitement as she sat down at her desk. She took a deep breath and remembered Seungmin’s encouraging words. "You’ve got this," he had said the night before, giving her a reassuring smile.
When the results were posted a week later, Y/N’s heart raced as she scanned the list. A wide smile spread across her face as she saw her score – she had done well, much better than she had dared to hope. She couldn’t wait to tell Seungmin.
She found him in their usual spot in the library, a grin lighting up her face. "I did it, Seungmin! I scored really well on the exam!"
Seungmin looked up from his book, his face breaking into a proud smile. "I knew you could do it, Y/N. You worked so hard. I’m really proud of you."
Tears of happiness welled up in Y/N’s eyes as she hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, Seungmin. I couldn’t have done it without you."
As they pulled apart, Seungmin shook his head. "You had it in you all along. I just helped you see it."
The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Students flooded the hallways, chatting and laughing as they headed to their lockers or exited the building. Y/N walked with a group of friends, but her eyes kept darting around, searching for someone. She spotted Seungmin near his locker, but he wasn't alone. Sumi, the most popular girl in school, stood close to him, giggling at something he said. Y/N's stomach churned with an unfamiliar feeling.
"Hey, you okay? You seem a bit out of it," one of her friends asked, nudging her.
Forcing a smile, Y/N replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."
Her eyes lingered on Seungmin and Sumi. She remembered how Seungmin had helped Sumi in class last week when she was struggling with a project. It was a simple gesture, but since then, Sumi had been hanging around him more and more. Now, Y/N watched as Sumi leaned in closer, touching Seungmin's arm lightly as she laughed.
"You’re so funny, Seungmin! I can’t believe I never noticed before," Sumi said, her laughter ringing out.
Seungmin smiled, "Well, I guess I just needed to show my sense of humor more."
Sumi glanced over at Y/N and gave her a smug smile, as if she knew exactly how Y/N felt. Seungmin didn’t notice, too focused on Sumi's attention.
"Seriously, are you sure you're okay? You keep looking over there," Y/N’s friend asked again.
"It's nothing. Just... never mind," Y/N sighed.
Her friend followed her gaze and raised an eyebrow when she saw Seungmin and Sumi together. "Oh. I see. It’s Seungmin and Sumi, huh?"
"It’s not what you think. They’re just talking," Y/N said defensively.
"Right. Just talking," her friend replied skeptically.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Seungmin and she had been friends for a long time, but lately, it seemed like he was spending all his time with Sumi. She couldn't shake the feeling that Sumi's interest in Seungmin was more than just friendly.
Later, in the courtyard, Y/N found herself walking alone, deep in thought. She was pulled from her reverie by the sound of footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw Seungmin approaching, a bright smile on his face.
"Hey, Y/N! Been looking for you. How was your day?" he asked.
"It was good. You?" she replied, forcing a smile.
"Great! Sumi and I were talking about the project we worked on together. She’s actually really nice once you get to know her," he said enthusiastically.
Y/N's heart sank a little. She tried to hide her feelings, but it was hard. She forced herself to smile and nod. "That’s great, Seungmin. I’m glad you’re getting along with her."
Seungmin didn’t notice the strain in her voice. He continued talking about Sumi, oblivious to Y/N’s growing discomfort. "Yeah, and she invited me to this party she's throwing this weekend. I think it’s going to be really fun. You should come too!"
"Maybe. I’ll see if I’m free," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic.
Seungmin’s phone buzzed. He checked it and smiled. "Oh, Sumi just texted. She wants to meet up to go over some more project ideas. I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Y/N nodded.
Seungmin waved and rushed off, leaving Y/N standing alone. She watched him go, feeling a mix of sadness and jealousy. She couldn’t help but wonder if things would ever go back to the way they were before Sumi started showing interest in Seungmin.
"Hey, what’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost," her friend said, walking up to her.
"It’s just... Seungmin. I feel like I’m losing him," Y/N sighed.
"Hey, if he’s really your friend, he won’t let someone like Sumi come between you two. Give it some time. He’ll realize what he’s missing," her friend said comfortingly.
Y/N nodded, trying to hold
**Scene: Y/N's Childhood Memories**
Y/N's childhood was a tapestry woven with threads of hardship and neglect. From a young age, she learned that the world could be a cold and unforgiving place, especially within the walls of her own home.
Her parents, distant and preoccupied with their own troubles, seemed to barely notice her existence. Their harsh words and cold stares were a constant in her life, creating an environment where love and affection were foreign concepts. Her mother, a woman worn down by her own disappointments and frustrations, often took out her anger on Y/N. The slightest mistake would result in a barrage of criticism, leaving Y/N feeling worthless and unloved.
Her father was no better. A man of few words, his silence was more terrifying than her mother's outbursts. When he did speak, his words were laced with disdain, as if Y/N's very presence was a burden. He spent most of his time away, finding solace in work or at the bottom of a bottle, leaving Y/N to fend for herself.
The house was always in disarray, mirroring the chaos of their family life. Dirty dishes piled up in the sink, and clutter filled every corner. Y/N learned to navigate through the mess, both physical and emotional, with a resilience that belied her age. She found solace in small, hidden places—underneath her bed with a flashlight and a book, or in the attic where she could pretend she was in a different world.
School was no refuge either. While other children were picked up by their parents and greeted with hugs, Y/N walked home alone, her footsteps echoing in the empty streets. She envied the kids who had lunchboxes packed with care, while she often had to scrounge for food or rely on the charity of classmates who shared their meals with her.
Despite the lack of support and love at home, Y/N discovered an inner strength that kept her going. She found comfort in her imagination, creating stories and worlds where she was the hero, loved and admired by all. Books became her escape, their pages offering adventures and friendships that she craved in real life.
On particularly bad days, when the shouting and tension at home became unbearable, Y/N would retreat to a nearby park. There, under the shade of an old oak tree, she would sit for hours, watching other families play and laugh. She dreamed of a day when she could leave the toxicity behind and create a life filled with warmth and kindness.
But the scars of her childhood remained, hidden beneath the surface. Trust was hard to come by, and she struggled to believe in her own worth. The neglect and harsh treatment she endured shaped her into someone who was fiercely independent, but also deeply afraid of letting others in.
As she grew older, Y/N vowed to break the cycle. She worked hard in school, determined to carve out a future for herself that was different from her past. She surrounded herself with friends who became her chosen family, finding in them the love and support she had been denied.
Yet, the shadows of her childhood lingered, sometimes surfacing in moments of doubt and insecurity. The harsh words of her parents still echoed in her mind, a reminder of the resilience she had built but also of the wounds that had never fully healed.
As Y/N was walking home one evening, she couldn't help but feel the absence of Seungmin, who was spending time with Sumi. Despite being surrounded by Bambam and other friends, she still felt a sense of emptiness without Seungmin.
Sumi's cutting words sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. "Do you really think that Seungmin would like you?" Sumi asked with a smirk on her face.
Y/N's heart raced as she realized the seriousness of the situation. "What do you mean?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
Sumi continued, "I will tell your parents about Seungmin. Do you think they will accept him, considering he doesn't meet your family's standards?"
Y/N's grip tightened on Sumi's hand, pleading with her without saying a word.
Sumi's threat hung heavy in the air. "Trust me, I will. They will ruin Seungmin's life like they did with Juho."
The fear in Y/N's eyes was palpable. She couldn't bear the thought of her parents ruining Seungmin's life as they had done with her ex-lover. "What do you want me to do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Stay away from Seungmin," Sumi demanded with a cold determination.
Meanwhile, the school was abuzz with... excitement about the upcoming party on Saturday. It seemed like everyone was talking about it, making plans, and eagerly anticipating the event. Seungmin had been contemplating asking Y/N to accompany him for days. Their study sessions had brought them closer, and he felt a genuine connection with her. He was hopeful that she felt the same way.
During their usual study session in the library, Seungmin gathered all his courage to ask her. Taking a deep breath, he looked up from his notes and began, "Hey, Y/N."
"Yeah?" Y/N replied, giving him a quick smile.
"There's a party this Saturday," Seungmin said, feeling his heart race. "I was wondering if you’d like to go with me?"
Y/N's smile vanished instantly. She looked away, her expression hardening. "I’m busy," she said flatly, flipping through her textbook without meeting his gaze.
Seungmin felt a sense of disappointment creeping in. "Oh, okay," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "Maybe some other time then?"
"Yeah, maybe," Y/N said curtly, still avoiding eye contact.
The remainder of the study session was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Y/N seemed distant, barely responding to Seungmin’s questions and avoiding any further conversation. Seungmin couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.
The following day, he tried to approach her again. He found Y/N in the hallway and engaged in lively conversation with her friends. As he neared, she quickly turned her back, pretending not to notice him. His heart sank. He couldn’t comprehend why she was giving him the cold shoulder.
At last, after school, he caught up with her as she was packing her bag. "Y/N, can we talk for a minute?" he asked gently.
Y/N looked up, her expression unreadable. "What is it, Seungmin?"
"I just wanted to ask if everything’s okay," he said tentatively. "You seemed upset when I mentioned the party."
Y/N sighed, closing her bag and standing up. "I’m fine, Seungmin. I’m just really busy with my studies and my parents' expectations. I don’t have time for parties."
Seungmin nodded slowly, trying to understand. "I get it. I just thought you might want to take a break and have some fun. You’ve been working so hard."
Y/N's eyes softened slightly, but her tone remained distant. "I appreciate that, Seungmin. But I don’t have time for distractions right now."
Seungmin forced a smile. "Okay, I understand. If you ever change your mind, the offer still stands."
Y/N nodded, giving him a brief smile. "Thanks, Seungmin. I’ll see you around."
As Seungmin watched her walk away, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of confusion and disappointment. He respected Y/N’s dedication to her studies and her family’s expectations, but he wished she would let him in and share her struggles. For now, he decided to focus on being a supportive friend, hoping that one day, she would open up to him.The school was bustling with the usual morning activity. Students chatted excitedly, lockers clanged open and shut, and teachers prepared for the day. Y/N walked through the crowded hallway, her mind heavy with the recent turn of events. She had been avoiding Seungmin ever since Sumi had cornered her the previous afternoon.
Flashback: Yesterday, After School
Y/N had been gathering her things from her locker when Sumi approached, her face a mask of cold determination.
"You should stop spending so much time with Seungmin," Sumi had said, her voice low and threatening.
Y/N looked up, confused and a bit scared. "Why? What does it matter to you?"
Sumi leaned in, her eyes narrowing. "Because I like him, and I don't need you in the way. And if you don't back off, I’ll tell your parents about you and Seungmin. I’m sure they’d love to know who you've been spending your time with."
Y/N's heart pounded. The thought of her parents finding out about Seungmin, knowing how strict and disapproving they were, filled her with dread. She had no choice. With a final glare, Sumi walked away, leaving Y/N feeling trapped and helpless.
Since that encounter, Y/N had been giving Seungmin the cold shoulder. She avoided his gaze, ignored his texts, and made sure to be busy whenever he tried to approach her. Today was no different. As she walked to her first class, she spotted Seungmin coming her way, his face lighting up when he saw her.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" he called out, weaving through the crowd to catch up with her.
Y/N's heart ached at the sight of him, but she forced herself to stay strong. She quickened her pace, pretending not to hear him.
Seungmin finally caught up, his expression confused and hurt. "Y/N, what's going on? You've been avoiding me all week."
"I’ve been busy, Seungmin," she said curtly, not meeting his eyes.
"Look, I don’t have time for this right now," she interrupted, her tone cold and dismissive. "I have to get to class."
Before he could say anything more, she walked away, leaving Seungmin standing in the hallway, looking bewildered and wounded.
The cafeteria was noisy with the chatter of students. Y/N sat with her friends, but her mind was elsewhere. She picked at her food, feeling a knot of guilt and sadness in her stomach. Across the room, she saw Seungmin sitting alone, staring at his lunch without much interest.
Her friend noticed her distraction. "Y/N, are you okay? You've been acting strange lately."
"I’m fine," she lied, forcing a smile. "Just a lot on my mind."
She couldn’t stop thinking about Seungmin. She missed his company, his jokes, and the way he always made her feel special. But Sumi’s threat loomed over her, and the fear of her parents finding out about Seungmin was too great.
The school day had ended, and students were heading home. Y/N walked quickly, hoping to avoid another confrontation. But just as she reached the gate, Seungmin appeared in front of her, blocking her path.
"Y/N, we need to talk," he said, his voice firm but gentle.
She sighed, looking away. "Seungmin, I told you, I’m busy."
"No, this isn’t about being busy. You’ve been avoiding me, and I want to know why."
Tears pricked at Y/N’s eyes. She couldn’t keep lying to him, but she also couldn’t risk Sumi’s threat. "It’s complicated," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Seungmin reached out, touching her arm softly. "Please, just talk to me."
Before she could respond, a voice interrupted them. "Y/N, there you are!" It was Sumi, her smile saccharine sweet but her eyes filled with malice.
Y/N stiffened, pulling away from Seungmin. "I have to go."
Sumi's smile widened as she linked arms with Seungmin. "Come on, Seungmin. We’ve got plans, remember?"
Seungmin looked back at Y/N, his eyes pleading for an explanation. But she couldn’t give him one. With a final, sorrowful glance, Y/N turned and walked away, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her heart.
Since that encounter, Y/N had been giving Seungmin the cold shoulder. She avoided his gaze, ignored his texts, and made sure to be busy whenever he tried to approach her. Today was no different. As she walked to her first class, she spotted Seungmin coming her way, his face lighting up when he saw her.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" he called out, weaving through the crowd to catch up with her.
Y/N's heart ached at the sight of him, but she forced herself to stay strong. She quickened her pace, pretending not to hear him.
Seungmin finally caught up, his expression confused and hurt. "Y/N, what's going on? You've been avoiding me all week."
"I’ve been busy, Seungmin," she said curtly, not meeting his eyes.
"Look, I don’t have time for this right now," she interrupted, her tone cold and dismissive. "I have to get to class."
Before he could say anything more, she walked away, leaving Seungmin standing in the hallway, looking bewildered and wounded.
Scene: Cafeteria, Lunchtime
The cafeteria was noisy with the chatter of students. Y/N sat with her friends, but her mind was elsewhere. She picked at her food, feeling a knot of guilt and sadness in her stomach. Across the room, she saw Seungmin sitting alone, staring at his lunch without much interest.
Her friend noticed her distraction. "Y/N, are you okay? You've been acting strange lately."
"I’m fine," she lied, forcing a smile. "Just a lot on my mind."
She couldn’t stop thinking about Seungmin. She missed his company, his jokes, and the way he always made her feel special. But Sumi’s threat loomed over her, and the fear of her parents finding out about Seungmin was too great.
The school day had ended, and students were heading home. Y/N walked quickly, hoping to avoid another confrontation. But just as she reached the gate, Seungmin appeared in front of her, blocking her path.
"Y/N, we need to talk," he said, his voice firm but gentle.
She sighed, looking away. "Seungmin, I told you, I’m busy."
"No, this isn’t about being busy. You’ve been avoiding me, and I want to know why."
Tears pricked at Y/N’s eyes. She couldn’t keep lying to him, but she also couldn’t risk Sumi’s threat. "It’s complicated," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Seungmin reached out, touching her arm softly. "Please, just talk to me."
Before she could respond, a voice interrupted them. "Y/N, there you are!" It was Sumi, her smile saccharine sweet but her eyes filled with malice.
Y/N stiffened, pulling away from Seungmin. "I have to go."
Sumi's smile widened as she linked arms with Seungmin. "Come on, Seungmin. We’ve got plans, remember?"
Seungmin looked back at Y/N, his eyes pleading for an explanation. But she couldn’t give him one. With a final, sorrowful glance, Y/N turned and walked away, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her heart.
The school week dragged on, and Y/N found herself increasingly isolated. Sumi's threat hung over her like a dark cloud, and she knew she had to make Seungmin hate her to keep him away. The transformation began slowly, each interaction more painful than the last.
Y/N walked by Seungmin's locker with her friends, laughing loudly at something one of them said. As they passed, she "accidentally" knocked his books out of his hands.
"Oops," she said, not bothering to hide her smirk. "Maybe you should watch where you're going."
Seungmin looked up, hurt and confusion mingling in his eyes. "Y/N, why are you doing this?"
She rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, Seungmin. It’s not a big deal."
In class, the tension between them grew. Y/N started making snide comments whenever Seungmin participated, undermining him at every turn.
"Wow, Seungmin, do you really think that's the right answer?" she sneered during a group discussion, making the other students snicker.
Seungmin's face flushed with embarrassment, but he didn’t respond, just stared at his desk, avoiding her gaze.
By the end of the week, the rift between them had grown into a chasm. Y/N's heart ached with every cruel word she spoke, but she forced herself to continue. It was the only way to protect him from Sumi’s wrath and her parents' potential reaction.
Seungmin approached her one last time, desperation in his eyes. "Y/N, please, tell me what's going on. This isn't like you."
She steeled herself, putting on her coldest expression. "Get it through your head, Seungmin. I don’t want to be friends with you anymore. You're just... in the way."
He recoiled as if she'd slapped him, his face a mask of pain and betrayal. Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving Y/N standing alone, tears streaming down her face as she realized the extent of the damage she'd done.
The next month saw Y/N fully embracing the role of a bully, not just to Seungmin, but to others as well. She became more aggressive, her actions more deliberate.
She tripped Seungmin in the hallway, sending his books and papers flying. "Watch your step," she said with a cruel laugh as he picked himself up, glaring at her.
In the cafeteria, she purposely knocked over his tray, the contents spilling across the floor. "Oops. Clumsy me," she said, smirking as he knelt to clean up the mess, his face red with anger and humiliation.
Her friends followed her lead, laughing at her antics and joining in. The school began to see Y/N as someone to be feared, not someone to befriend.
Y/N sat alone on a bench, watching as Seungmin walked away with Sumi and a group of her friends. The sight of him with Sumi still made her heart ache, but she had to remind herself why she was doing this. She had to protect him, even if it meant becoming someone she despised.
As the sun set, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Y/N realized that in trying to protect Seungmin, she had lost herself. She had become the very thing she had always feared and hated, all in the name of a twisted form of love.
But deep down, she knew it was too late to turn back. The damage was done, and Seungmin hated her now, just as she had intended. All she could do was hope that one day he would understand why she had done it, even if it meant sacrificing their friendship forever.
The party grew increasingly lively as midnight approached. The dance floor reverberated with thumping music, and bodies swayed in rhythm to the beat. Meanwhile, in a quieter corner of the room, Y/N perched on a couch next to the window. From her vantage point, she could watch the moonlight cascade over the road outside and catch snippets of the boisterous sounds emanating from the street.
Suddenly, a surge of warmth coursed through Y/N as her attention was drawn to something on her phone. Meanwhile, nearby, Bambam and Yumi shared mischievous glances and laughter, their tempting closeness captivating the attention of onlookers. Amidst the hubbub, someone's exclamation drew a collective gaze towards the door.
"It's Kim Seungmin!" another voice called out, prompting a chorus of surprise and admiration. Y/N was so engrossed in her phone that she didn't realize the attention focused on her until the murmurs and giggles began to amplify around her.
Seungmin's stylishly coiffed hair and immaculate attire commanded attention as he entered the room. His light grey shirt perfectly complemented the sleek black slacks, and his overall presence effortlessly captivated the surrounding crowd.tood tall and confident looking around the room he was standing near the bar area.
he ordered a whiskey for himself and the girls hovered around him .
y/n bit her bottom lip as he sipped on his drink as the music got louder making her sway side to side.
y/n observed him he looked different he sounded confident and  sexy.
she wanted to know how it would be like being in his arms.
Seung-min noticed a group of girls staring at him, and he waved his hand in front of one of their faces to capture her attention. Meanwhile, Y/N felt a surge of jealousy as she watched Sumi wrap her arms around Seungmin. She wanted to pull Sumi away and confront her. As Sumi kissed Seungmin passionately, Y/N's anger intensified, and she could feel her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
After Sumi let go, Seungmin turned to Y/N, who was avoiding eye contact with her flushed face. Concerned, he asked her what was wrong, noticing her angry and embarrassed expression. Y/N initially shrugged off his concern, but when Seungmin commented on her strange behavior, she impulsively lashed out at him, accusing him of acting differently. To her surprise, Seungmin responded by asserting that she was the one who had changed. 
Their conversation escalated into a heated exchange as Y/N expressed her frustration with his behavior.Seung-min noticed a group of girls staring at him, and he waved his hand in front of one of their faces to capture her attention. Meanwhile, Y/N felt a surge of jealousy as she watched Sumi wrap her arms around Seungmin. She wanted to pull Sumi away and confront her. As Sumi kissed Seungmin passionately, Y/N's anger intensified, and she could feel her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
After Sumi let go, Seungmin turned to Y/N, who was avoiding eye contact with her flushed face. Concerned, he asked her what was wrong, noticing her angry and embarrassed expression. Y/N initially shrugged off his concern, but when Seungmin commented on her strange behavior, she impulsively lashed out at him, accusing him of acting differently. To her surprise, Seungmin responded by asserting that she was the one who had changed. Their conversation escalated into a heated exchange as Y/N expressed her frustration with his behavior.
"look y/n please I dont want to fight right now okay?" he said and cupped her cheeks gently and leaning in.
"are you gonna stare or kiss me now!"  she exclaimed annoyedly.
seungmin felt his cheeks being flustered "why would I kiss you?" 
she rolled her eyes "because I am waiting and if I wait any longer you are going to make me leave" she said crossing her arms.
"I....." the words could not come out of his mouth.
y/n pushed him against the wall  and began kissing him aggressively, pushing her tongue in his mouth while gripping his shirt roughly, trying to take control.
he didn't protest as he allowed himself to be engulfed by her intoxicating taste and feel her soft lips pressed against his and her hot touch touching him everywhere.
they made their way out of the party, walking through the dark streets, heading towards the mansion.
y/n pushed seungmin on the bed "I can't wait any long seungmin " 
she crawled on top of seungmin as her hands were busy unbuttoning his clothes.
seungmin watched her as she undressed him slowly, leaving the buttons on his shirt undone. 
he could feel his erection growing. she looked sexy.  
"Baby I missed your touch so much" y/n moaned as she took his hands and placed it on top of her breasts.
she grinded her hips against his and he felt his pants tighten and felt heat rush throughout his body.
Seung-min looked at her lustfully as she grinded her hips harder on his erection.
"Y/n please" he begged.
She gazed at him with an innocent and playful expression, continuing her actions that teased him to the brink of madness. "Please, y/n," he pleaded. Her hand went inside his boxers as she removed his briefs leaving him naked, she licked her lips at the sight of him.
"y/n i can't do anything anymore" he tried stopping her but she ignored him.
she smirked seductively and kissed him deeply as he wrapped his hands around her neck bringing her closer to his hardening shaft.
"please y/n please you know you want to" he breathed out.
he could feel the vibrations from her laughter against his lips.
she pulled away and ran a hand through his hair "min baby will you let me do anything with you?" she asked as she removed her bra  and underwear.
he didn't reply and instead stared into her eyes lustfully.
she climbed off the bed and took his hands pulling him off of it "come here you stupid boy" she whispered in his ear making shivers go down his spine.
she brought him over to her vanity chair that was facing her mirror "fuck me as I see myself in the mirror"  she commanded  
seungmin nodded and laid down on the chair straddling her legs  and placing his cock at her opening.
"you are so big and heavy baby let me take care of you" she cooed and rubbed her hands along his  length, making him buck his hips forward in approval.
she placed her hands on the sides of his face and kissed his cheek lovingly "you like that don't you baby" she said inching his cock into her wet entrance.
she slid her hands down his chest rubbing herself on his hardened shaft .
"ahhhhh fuck baby just like that please oh god yes "
seungmin began thrusting deeper inside her as her moans filled the air around them as she closed her eyes and gripped onto his shoulders, trying to hold her ground.
she grabbed his wrist with both her hands as he entered deep inside her.
"so tight baby! so fucking tight!"
 he screamed in pleasure, his hands tightening on her hips as he began pumping his hard member inside her repeatedly.
y/n arched her back as she felt herself reaching her peak, the pressure in her core building up.
"fuuuuckkk" she yelled out loud as she exploded in the warm liquid 
between their stomachs, her whole body trembled slightly.
seungmin kept pumping himself inside her as she was in ecstasy, sweat dripped down his forehead, he pulled away and collapsed on the chair with a huge smile on his face.
"mmh nerdy boy it's not enough" she said as and pulled him on her bed.
"what? do you mean?" seungmin  responded as he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.
"let me ride you"  she said as she started grinding slowly on him.
as she leaned down to kiss his neck, he let out a small moan.
"fuck y/n you drive me crazy" he groaned.
she stopped moving and gazed at seungmin, a smirk plastered on her face
"are you ready for your last punishment?" she whispered in his ear.
seungmin nodded his head eagerly, as she brought a belt and tired his wrists.
"baby please hurry up" he whimpered.
"seungmin I hated seeing you with that damn sumi" y/n whispered as she inserted herself  in his hole,  her movements slow and steady.
he gasped loudly at the new feeling that was sent all the way down to his core "oh god"
y/n positioned herself and started slamming into him rapidly, making him moan in pain.
she leaned down to his ear and licked his ear lobe.
"seungmin...i love you..." she panted.
she increased her pace even more slamming herself into him with as much force as she could muster.
he reached his climax as tears streamed down his face.
"ahh y/n! ahhhh!!". he moaned loudly.
y/n continued pounding herself into him, her breaths getting heavier.
it felt like everything was slowing down, it almost seemed like time stood still for her.
she could tell that seungmin was close too judging by the fact that he was clenching tightly on her waist as he let out a loud scream.
his whole body shook violently as he came inside her. they panted heavily, completely exhausted and sweaty.
after few minutes of silence, seungmin suddenly turned his head to her and kissed her passionately, holding her tightly against him.
y/n smiled at him and nuzzled her head on his chest as seungmin placed kisses all over her face.
"you're so adorable sometimes"he said and kissed her again.
"stop it" she laughed and pushed him away lightly.
"did you mean it? when you said you love me?" seungmin asked 
 her curiously.
y/n blushed a little "yes i meant it".
"good" seungmin smiled sweetly at her  "i love you too".
seungmin looked at her in awe and placed her underneath him climbing on top of her he stared at her intensely.
y/n held his head "why are you staring at me like that?"
he caressed her cheek lightly and connected his lips to hers tenderly 
kissing her softly.
"i love you y/n" he whispered against her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling his lips further towards her.
he slowly entered her  again and again and she moaned softly, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist.
the moment she felt her walls clamp down around him once again, he began moving in and out of her rhythm, making her clench her thighs even 
tighter around him.
"yes baby you feel good around me" she muttered moaning.
she felt his grip tighten around her waist and he bit her lip harshly causing her to moan louder.
he released his mouth from her skin and moved lower kissing her chest before looking up at her  with lustful eyes, wanting more, but was stopped when he noticed a tear roll down her cheek. he wiped it gently.
"y/n, why are crying?"
"you feel so good right now"  she sobbed "You feel so right" She buried her face in his shoulder wrapped her arms around his torso and pressed her body against him.
Seung-min thrusted harder hitting her perfect spot, and she tightened around him.
"That's it y/n I'm gonna cum" he cried.
he lifted himself and pulled her tightly against him, holding onto her body and burying his head in her neck as he shot his load inside her womb.
"would you like to go on a date with me?" Seung-min asked as he snuggled to her.
"I thought you were never gonna ask me that"  y/n teased him.
Seungmin hesitated for a moment and then spoke softly, "I know we haven't been together for long, but I really like you, Y/N, and I want us to be together."
Y/N responded with a smile, "I'll think about it."
As sunlight bathed his handsome face, Seungmin couldn't help but admire the way Y/N's smile lit up her entire face. To him, she was a vision of beauty, and he cherished every single moment spent with her.
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glue-thief · 2 days
oh the wonders of realizing due dates are actually farther than i expected
@marcsnuffy this is all basically just based off how this guy is made up of twelve billion contradictions esp when we're considering gender expression.
i've gone over this before, but he's the type of guy who would read dazai, dostoevsky, kafka, etc in a male manipulator kind of way. this type of guy also goes in hand with the type of guy who watches fight club, american psycho, etc with zero self awareness (i'm not much of a film nerd so i can't really speak about his taste in films specifically).
his dad probably had a collection of old films he worked on, and kaiser watched them all on some old cd or cassette player in hopes of finding some with his mom. even though his mom showed up in more dramatic films rather than tougher serious ones, these ones hold a special place in his heart. he's not in denial about this, but he never brings it up to anyone. around the time he was a tween, he snuck into a movie theatre to watch one of his mom's films.
i believe it was mentioned that his parents started off in theater, and once kaiser became rich enough, he took time to see live productions at least once a month. his goal is to catch up on shakespeare since he never got a chance to learn about him at school (i had to check r/askeurope to see if shakespeare is taught there 😭😭).
as much as it's funny to imagine hamilton fan kaiser, i don't think he'd be drawn to musicals that much. he doesn't mind them, but they aren't usually on his radar. he's considered going to the opera though. for the sake of affirming to himself that he's now financially stable.
he canonically reads psychology textbooks, and i think he has read jordan peterson's books. (SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP BECAUSE I HAVE PROBABLY WALKED ON THE SAME FLOOR AS JORDAN PETERSON ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS GET ME OUT OF HEERREEEEEE) i don't think he'd care or agree with jordan peterson but he definitely has read him, maybe even bought some of his works shudders he also read the dictator's handbook + the art of war and has used this in ways that are disastrous for everyone involved
beyond the dazai, dostoevsky, kafka, etc vibe, i don't think there's much fiction he'd be drawn to. at some point, he decided to check out f. scott key fitzgerald, saw jay gatsby, and went "he's just like me fr" (again, zero self awareness)
as for music, i think he would listen to three days grace in particular (i have listened to exactly ONE three days grace song and that is "i am machine" and all i could think was "he would listen to this /neg" then added it to my own liked songs playlist). he might have stumbled across panic! at the disco and he probably vibed pretty well with a fever you can't sweat out. he would not care for any other panic! at the disco album. he also wouldn't care for ryden so he wouldn't read throam. but i need this guy to somehow read throam because throam!ryan ross is literally him.
he probably heard primadonna girl by marina but didn't care at first. it wasn't until he accidentally stumbled across oh no that he was like "i need to listen to the rest of this". he only ended up caring for the family jewels and electra heart, and electra heart is more feminine than most things he would allow himself to listen to, but this is just his way of going "whoa look i'm a feminist i like women i'm listening to a woman and sings about woman stuff". relates to the persona of electra heart once again because AGAIN. THIS GUY HAS ZERO SELF AWARENESS 😭😭 HE NEVER REALIZES THE ART HE CONNECTS TO IS TELLING HIM THAT HE SHOULD NOT BE THE WAY THAT HE IS 😭😭😭
but yeah. electra heart is his limit to willingly admitting to feminine art but this guy is subconsciously drawn to taylor swift but more like in the sense that he's fascinated with her presence in the cultural zeitgeist. which is a strange form of being a swiftie, but his relationship with famous women is strange considering his relationship with his mother. if his mother got big enough that she worked with americans on american projects, there's a chance that she would talk about/be publicly acquainted with a lot of young famous women for the sake of white feminism yk. he consumes their art just through cultural osmosis but his understanding of their personal drama and stuff is weirdly detailed
also these are all totally definitely absolutely not examples of me projecting 😁😁 because i AM self aware and i am better than michael kaiser in every way possible 😁😁😁
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megumi-fm · 26 days
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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nanaslutt · 7 months
choso with tongue piercing? >_<
hngh i need his tongue inside me :(
Bestfriend!Choso X Reader :3
contains: fem reader, teasing, dirty talk, exhibitionism (they're in a car), sexual tension, oral (r!receiving), Choso’s first time giving head, slight jealousy, whipped!Choso & reader, first time receiving, reader has a bad track record w/ guys, mentions of bj, so soft & sweet
"Holy fuck." You swallowed hard at the view in front of you. "My brother convinced me to get it done when he got some of his piercings, said it could be a bonding experience," Choso explained, putting his tongue decorated with the little silver ball back into his mouth. "Did it hurt?" You asked, your mind still reeling that he had hidden a tongue piercing from you for all these years.
"It wasn't horrible, I'm pretty good with pain. I don't really see the point in having it pierced though." He started to explain, "No one ever sees it, even I forget it's there sometimes." Choso finished. You just smiled and nodded, pretending to listen as he kept talking about his experience getting pierced.
You had already thought of 400 scenarios in which you would let choso put his tongue (and piercing) to work on your body, so the pain he went to to get the pretty jewelry wouldnt be in vain. One particular scenario stood out in your head of him tongue fucking you, feeling the metal against your clit and- "You okay?" Choso's voice rang in your ears.
"Huh?" You said, pulling yourself from your daydream. "I asked if you would ever get your tongue pierced and you just froze up." He explained, scrunching his eyebrows together. "Oh! Oh right! I uh, I'm pretty squeamish around needles so thinking about it makes me a little... nervous" You lied through your teeth, thanking the universe that he seemed to believe it.
For the rest of the day the two of you spent together, the only thing you could focus on was his piercing. Unbeknownst to you, he had caught you several times. Choso had purposely run his tongue over his lips to wet them, every so often, just to see your breath hitch when you got a glimpse of the silver.
As he was driving the two of you back to his house for a nightcap, some relaxing song playing in the background, you spoke up through the silence, "Thanks for today Choso! I know the night isn't over yet but the museum you took us to was so much fun, we have to go to the cafe inside next time!" you exclaimed. He turned his head away from the road to look at you, before returning his gaze on the dark street.
"I'm surprised you remembered there was a cafe." He said, a hint of teasing, and snarkiness hiding in his voice. "Huh?" You voiced, tilting your head at him in confusion. "You seemed out of it today." He elaborated, "Is there something going on?" He asked, keeping his voice and face fairly monotone. His question caught you off guard, had you really been acting that weird all day? So much so that he picked up on it? Oh god.
"No! No, I'm just a little tired today, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be weird." You forced out a laugh, once again coming up with a quick and hopefully believable lie. Unluckily for you, Choso saw right through it. "Are you sure? Because you were acting fine until I showed you my piercing." He said, hitting the nail right on the head.
You froze, not expecting him to be able to pinpoint the exact moment in the day you started behaving strangely, why was he so damn observant? "Oh.. really?" You said, no bullshit lies or excuses coming to your tongue, so you tried to laugh it off instead, saying something about a coincidence. "Did me sharing that make you uncomfortable?" He said, making you immediately reassure him that was absolutely not the case.
He turned the car onto your street, driving slowly down the dark path and towards your house. The two of you have been friends for the longest time, spending practically every second together any chance you got, so of course he knew the way to your house like the back of his hand.
"Oh my god no! No choso, really it's.. it's nothing.." You panicked slightly, not wanting him to feel bad for you being a perv and not being able to control yourself over a piercing. You sighed heavily, scrunching your face up as you seriously contemplated telling him what was really going on with you today.
No matter what you did you couldn't stop imagining your oblivious best friend's tongue between your legs, flicking your clit with his tongue and teasing the bud with the cold metal. You wanted to feel guilty you really did, but the vision was too delicious to feel any remorse.
"Does it turn you on?" He asked, pulling into your driveway and putting the car into part before he unbuckled himself and turned his body to face you. The expression on his face was unreadable, which made you nervous. Your face was heating up, and your mouth dropped open and closed like a fish out of water, trying to think of a response as your brain processed his unexpected words. You really didn't want your long-term secret crush on your best friend to be exposed like this.
"The piercing, does it turn you on?" He asked again, rephrasing his question. Oh god.. he was going to call you a perv and kick you out of the car, leaving you cold and alone in your own driveway if you said yes right? He would definitely think you were weird, who thinks about their best friend in that way?
You opted to shut your mouth, as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and nodded as softly as you could, unsure of your own actions. He looked past you, scanning the outside around the two of you to make sure there were no witnesses before he spoke his next words. "Wanna find out why I actually got this piercing?" He asked, making your face turn a dark shade of crimson as you whispered out a needy, "Please.."
"Fuck- Ohmygod right there Choso- Fuck!" Your hands dug into his soft strands of hair as he ate you out like a man starved. He had you on your back in the backseat of the car, legs splayed out for him as he laid between them, feasting on your cunt. He flattened his tongue out against your clit, making sure the ball of the piercing was kissing the little bud before he shook his head back and forth, stimulating your clit against it.
It had happened so fast, he had leaned forward and pressed your lips together, asking if this was okay before he unbuckled your seatbelt while you were distracted, and somehow the two of you had ended up in the backseat. You weren't sure why he didn't just drag you inside but you couldn't lie that the thrill of doing something like this in the car was exciting.
Choso scissored his fingers in and out of you, abusing your g-spot with the pads of his digits as they curled up against it. His tongue was working you over so well, he drew his name over and over on your clit, occasionally sucking it into his warm mouth and humming around it, sending delicious vibrations through your cunt.
Choso had never told you about any of his sexual conquests, so you werent really sure what to expect in terms of how well he would do when he said he was going to eat you out. Now you were begining to think he had a side job as a porn star or something because his technique was unreal.
"H-how are you so fucking g-good mph!" You cut yourself off with a whine when he suckled your clit particularly hard, making your body jolt against him. Truthfully, Choso had never eaten anyone out before, but he most definitely had watched porn and practiced on his hand for the day he got the courage to ask you out.
He wasn't expecting the opportunity to fall into his lap this easily, so when he saw your eyes light up at his piercing, he internally thanked the gods that you caught a glimpse of it in the sun, which led to him revealing the jewelry to you.
Choso always paid the utmost attention to you, without you even knowing it. He knew what you liked and disliked, he even so much as knew every detail about your tone and facial expressions to make sure you were constantly pleased and comfortable, he always wanted the best for you after all.
He watched how people would break your heart and toss you aside like you were nothing, it alwasy made him furious. They were absolute idiots to give you up, he hated seeing you sad over some unemployed nobody who never really cared about you from the start. Althogh he hated them, he couldnt help but feel a little grateful for them. If it werent for them taking you for granted, you might be in a relationship still, and the two of you wouldnt be in his backseat right now.
Choso moaned against your core when your hands tightened in his hair, rolling his eyes at the feeling of your nails digging into his scalp. "Does it feel good?" He said back, knowing damn well your answer. "Yes, yes Choso, fuck!" You moaned, dropping your chin to watch him work between your thighs.
He was already looking at you when your eyes locked with his. His eyebrows scrunched together upon feeling your gaze, keeping his dark eyes on yours as he ate you out with more vigor, drinking in your body’s every reaction to his tongue. The vibrations from his deep groans were going to push you over the edge. "Choso- Choso I'm close," You whined, fighting your eyes from rolling back in your head so you could keep your eyes on his and watch him do his thing.
He was so unbelievably handsome like this, the streetlights casting beautiful shadows on his face, and his expression was so needy it made your heart skip a beat. The way his eyebrows mimicked your expressions whenever he did something that felt particularly good, was so hot, he was so attentive.
The man between your legs was feeling drunk. This was something he only dreamed of and it was actually happening. He felt like his cock was going to burst from just tasting you alone, but he would gladly make home between your thighs forever. "Please," He begged from between your legs, scrunching his eyebrows together as he ate you out with more vigor.
He released his fingers from your tight hole and opted to replace them with his tongue, pressing his face as tightly against you as he could to make sure his tongue was fucking inside you as deep as possible, making sure to lick his tongue upwards against your walls so you could feel his piercing inside you. His fingers came to rub little circles on your clit with expert precision, making your legs start to shake.
You dug your nails against his scalp as you humped your hips against his face, hearing his muffled moans encourage you from between your thighs. "Ohmygod Choso! I-I'm cumming-" You wined before you felt the knot start to unravel. Choso swore he almost came in his pants at how sensually you cried out his name, mentally recording it for later.
He kept up his ministrations on your pussy, drinking up everything you gave him as you came hard on his face, squishing his soft cheeks between your thighs. He was mesmerized as he watched your body shake and curl in on itself, he stared at your mouth as it dropped open and spilled out profanities and whines of his name, broken on your tongue. When your back relaxed against the seat of the car once more he slowed his fingers on your clit, careful to not overstimulate you.
"Holy f-fuck Choso." You whispered, leaving your hands in his hair and running them through your own, wiping the sweat from your forehead. You took a quick look around in the post haze of your orgasm and noticed how foggy the windows were, so much for trying not to be obvious; anyone with half a brain would know what was going on if they walked past your car.
After he made sure he licked you clean, he pulled his face back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, raising his body to sit comfortably on the seat as his other large hand came to caress your thigh soothingly. "Was that okay?" He asked, looking at you like a puppy.
"Okay?" You repeated, astonished he was asking as if he didn't just witness how hard you came, "I'm pretty sure that was the best orgasm I've ever had in my life." You laughed, making him smile at your words as your hand came down on top of his while he was petting your thigh. "Thank felt so good Choso, thank you." You said blushing as you closed your legs, noticing how exposed you were in comparison to him.
Of course, he picked up on this, he reached over to pick up your previously discarded panties from the floor of the car, wiping them off before he handed them, alone with your pants, to you. You said your thanks to him and he nodded shyly, a stark difference to how he was acting moments ago. It wasn't till you were almost finished getting dressed again when you noticed his massive boner. How did you not see it before? You felt so bad for letting him sit like that for god knows how long.
"Choso, you're hard." You said, stating the obvious. The man blushed and pulled his t-shirt over his hard-on to cover it. "Let me take care of it for you." You offered, leaning your body over his and placing your hands on his toned thighs, "I-Its okay-" His warm hands came down to grab your forearms, stopping you. "What? Really? It doesn't look okay," You giggled, looking up between your lashes at him.
Of course, he wanted you to get him off, that sounded perfect, but he needed to properly take care of you first. Your legs were still trembling and you were still out of breath, on top of that he could tell you were tired; that orgasm had taken a lot out of you, so he could wait. "Don't worry about me, I'll go down." He assured, rubbing his hands on your wrists soothingly and making you hum. "I still need to clean you up and make sure you're okay." He finished, making you blush. No man has ever said that to you before, and no man has ever eaten you out before tonight either but you wouldn't tell Choso that right now.
Truthfully, you were feeling tired, and the prospect of Choso cleaning you up didnt sound half bad right now, "Are you sure? It really wont take long." You offered one last time. He smiled and pushed your arms off of his thighs so he could leave the car, "Im sure, some other time." He said boldly, making you nod silently as he opened the car door and stepped out.
You started to do the same but his voice stopped you in your tracks, "Don't move." He ordered, so you didn't. It didn't take long after he shut his own door that he was opening yours, Choso now standing in front of you as he leaned inside the car and scooped you into his arms, making you giggle as he slammed the door behind him. "Choso! I can walk." You laughed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he held you in a princess carry.
"Don't wanna take any chances, your legs are still trembling pretty hard." He said, making you blush and want to hide away at his exposing words. "I think you're the sweetest man I'll ever know." You said to him, smiling at his blushing face as he quickly avoided his eyes with yours. He moved his hand to effortlessly type in your door code as he brought the both of you inside, away from the chilly air.
I better be, he wanted to say, but opted to only acknowledge your words with a hum as the front door clicked shut behind the both of you.
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eternalxvenus · 3 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ broken promises pt. 1 ࿐ྂ
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summary: Rafe promised to take you out and spend your birthday with you, but you don’t hear from him all day and then suddenly he shows up at your door trying to explain. (angst version to my first birthday girl blurb) (title changed for series — previous title “birthday girl angst version”)
cw (for whole series): 18+, rafe x f!reader, mentions of drug use, angst, eventual smut, violence
wc: 0.6k
notes: honestly i’m thinking about making this particular blurb a series but i’m not sure though
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You woke up on your birthday excited to get your day started. Your boyfriend Rafe told you the day before he would pick you up for brunch, and then you would spend the day doing whatever you wanted.
By the time you showered and were ready to go, your stomach was growling, prepared to have some delicious food. You checked your phone and saw the time read 10:45. Rafe said that he'd be here by 11:00.
30 minutes later, you hadn't heard anything from Rafe, so you decided to call him. Each of your calls went straight to voicemail. You were starting to get worried, so you decided to check social media and see if he may have posted anything. You clicked on Kelce's close friend's story and saw a party happening at his house. A few videos later, you saw one of Rafe doing coke off the table in front of him.
Your eyes start to water. He had promised you that he would stop doing drugs when you guys started dating. You knew it made him irritable and hard to be around. It also made him forgetful, which means he was probably high out of his mind somewhere and probably doesn't remember he promised to take you to brunch. Or the fact that it's your birthday.
You wipe the few stray tears off your cheek, careful not to ruin your makeup, before calling Sarah, inviting her and the pogues to have breakfast with you at your place. When you asked her about Rafe, she said she hadn't spoken to him and didn't know where he was.
The time was currently 10:22 pm, and you had just gotten home from your birthday dinner with your family. Rafe was supposed to be there too, but you had to lie and say he hadn't been feeling well. You could barely enjoy yourself. You still hadn't gotten so much as a text from him.
You slipped off your heels, but before you could make it up the stairs there was a ring at your doorbell. You opened the door to see Rafe standing there with flowers in hand.
"What do you want, Rafe?" You really didn't want to sit around and listen to his excuses.
"Baby, I'm sorry, really. Just please let me explain."
You scoffed but leaned against your doorframe, prompting him to keep going.
"Okay, so Kelce was throwing this party, and I wasn't going to go, but everyone kept messaging me saying I should at least swing by and everything since they hadn't seen me in a while. I went and it was supposed to be no more than 15 minutes, but things got out of hand..."
"Yeah Rafe, things got out of hand as in you stayed at the party and started doing fucking coke? Out of hand as in you got so high you didn't text me all day, on my birthday, while I'm worried sick about you?"
Rafe's eyes widened, obviously not expecting you to know about that. He outstretched his hand that was holding the flowers to you. "Baby I... I'm sorry. I can take you shopping to make up for-"
You smacked the flowers out of his hand and he flinched. Your voice was shaky as tears pooled in your eyes. "No Rafe! Money isn't going to fix this. Obviously, I'm not important enough for you to keep your promise. Getting high means more to you than being there for your girlfriend."
Before he could speak again, you slammed the door in his face and made your way upstairs even as he started to talk to you through the door before moving on to blowing up your phone. You blocked his number and went to bed, unsure of what was next for your relationship.
part 2
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ruggiezz · 8 months
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[synopsis] embarassing things they did when they were younger that now haunt them whenever they are trying to sleep
[characters] deuce, cater, trey (+chenya), leona, ruggie, jack, malleus
[extra] my last 3 posts are literally so unserious, so here's another one, for the funsies (ily guys)
When he was in elementary school, he would chat with his friends while waiting for his mom to come pick him up and take him home. That particular day, his mom was late, and 6-year-old Deuce freaked out. He was convinced that his mom didn't love him anymore, and that's why he wouldn't pick him up—that he was going to be homeless and would have to live on the streets in a cardboard box. He even started crying, which made his friends cry. They started saying goodbye to Deuce because how were they going to see him again if his mom wouldn't bring him to school?
Anyways, his mom came to pick him up 10 minutes later.
Back then when he actually tried to make friends whenever he moved schools, he had a huge crush on one of his classmates. One day, he overheard his crush talking about how they "would love to be with someone who loves nature as much as them". Cater wanted to impress his crush so badly that he made a Magicam post with him posing next to random trees and captioned it with "I love nature so much omg😍".
The photo is still out there on the internet because he forgot the password for the account, and the idea of someone from NRC finding the account terrifies him.
Another one that takes place in elementary school. Trey and Chenya were walking around the city after classes when they spotted an electricity pylon. They thought it was the Eiffel Tower (the equivalent of it in Twisted Wonderland), and they got all excited about it, so they came back with Trey's parents so they could take a picture of them next to it.
Their parents bring up the topic from time to time just to laugh at their innocence back then.
When he was a little kid, he had a nightmare where he was being chased. He was tossing around the bed, mumbling while sleeping. Falena was walking around the halls when he heard noises from Leona's room, and when he saw him clearly having a nightmare, he tried to wake him up. Leona got so startled that he screamed and kicked his older brother in the face.
Sometimes he remembers when he's about to fall asleep, and suddenly his sleepiness is gone from how much he cringed.
He needed money, so he decided to work as a party mascot. It went well the first couple of times; it paid well, until he had to work at this particular kids party. The parents told Ruggie to walk down the stairs, greet the kid, wish him a happy birthday, and then just stand there to greet the children whenever they talked to him. Keep in mind that he couldn't see well in the mascot suit. So when Ruggie tried to walk down the stairs, he tripped and fell. The suit's head fell off, and there was just silence for around ten seconds, then the kids started crying. They thought their favorite character had just died right in front of them.
The birthday boy was inconsolable. Needless to say, Ruggie didn't get paid, and his party mascot careed ended that day.
It happened when his parents weren't home. His younger siblings were playing around with paint, and they asked him if they could paint his face. Jack said yes because it was harmless and would wash off, right? Wrong, it was permanent paint.
He had an important exam the next day, so he just showed up to school with his face looking like a kid painting that parents would display on the fridge door. Jack had to go to school like that for three days.
Malleus has known Lilia for as long as he can remember; he basically raised him. One day, he had the genius idea to copy his hair. He waited for a moment when he was left unsupervised (in Lilia's defense, Malleus faked being asleep), grabbed some scissors, and cut his own bangs. It was awful; it looked like how you would think a little kid would cut their hair. He was so proud of himself until Lilia saw it. To little Malleus dismay, Lilia laughed his ass off, and whenever his laughter would stop, he would look at Malleus and start laughing again.
He got so upset he burned Lilia's bangs off.
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American Psycho Killer
Summary: Leon S. Kennedy, a man who’s taken his duty of protection very seriously. He’ll do anything to ensure the safety of people, especially the safety of one particular girl.
Warning: stalking, murdering, mentions of planned murder, mentions of drugs and drug abuse, gore (kinda), death, masturbation (m receiving), smut, creampie, yan!leon, not proofread lol, fem reader, psychopathic.
A/N: I did my research for this as I wanted this to sound a little spooky teehee :3
[part two]
“I got you under my skin” - Mirotic, TVXQ!
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Psychopath vs. Sociopath. The popular argument in between psychologists.
Leon never really cared enough to get himself checked out but there were signs. He didn’t feel empathy for others, his moves were calculated and he’s highly educated. He has a well paying career, he pretends to be this normal guy when in reality, he’s psychopathic.
What defines a psychopath apart from a sociopath? Psychopaths, at least in Leon’s case, cannot form established bonds with others. He doesn’t feel guilt or sad when he sees a person die by his hands.
His job already requires him to kill so this was an easy feat. He doesn’t care. He can’t feel anything.
He couldn’t feel anything until you came along.
Leon lived in this apartment complex just downtown of a city in the state. The apartment was big and had security cameras all around. It was well guarded and the people were kind.
When he saw the new neighbor move in, he felt weird. He narrowed his eyes as he watched you from the window of his apartment loft. He was growing suspicious at his behavior. Why did his chest feel warm? Why is his heart beating fast? Why are his hands sweating?
He didn’t know. Up to this point he didn’t feel anything but you brought something to him and it made him uneasy. So he decided to keep an eye on you.
Days passed after you moved in and you settled just fine. The old lady at the end of the hall brought you cookies, a sweet old lady. She talked to Leon a few times and he didn’t think much of her other than just as his neighbor. Nothing more.
But if you were to ask him what he thought of you? Oh boy, he thought a lot of things. Both good and bad.
Being a psychopath isn’t praised in society. Only 1% of the population is considered one and no one knew he belonged to that percentage. And he’d like to keep it that way; his excuse for his behavior was his job. He always left early in the morning and came back late at night. A manipulator and a liar is what he was, and a very good one.
He’s seen you leave your apartment from time to time. You’d take out the trash, went out with your friends- he’s seen everything you do.
Leon isn’t stupid, he’s attentive and observant. He leaves no trace behind of the murder he just committed. The male neighbor across from your door saw you one day when you walked out of your door with a short dress.
The man eye-fucked you so much he literally almost started drooling. Leon cringed and found him repulsive. How dare he look at you like you were some meat on the market?
He felt anger and disgust. No one should look at you like that. No one.
So, one summer day, he made up an excuse to visit him. Something about a water pipe connecting to his sink that didn’t make it work. Like I said, Leon is a good manipulator and a good liar. He always gets what he wants.
The male neighbor invited him in and closed the door behind him. He offered Leon a beer, to which he refused. He found liquor and other substances repulsive. He walked over to the man’s kitchen sink and began to inspect it.
He noticed the man’s sink had a garbage disposal unit. That’s pretty dangerous, he thought to himself.
He walked over to where the man was sitting. The male neighbor was sitting on his reclining couch as he watched a game with a cup of beer on the stand next to him. The neighbor was so engrossed on the football game that he didn’t notice Leon slipping something into his drink.
Leon was smart. Dangerously smart. He knew everything when it came to death- he worked in the DSO, of course he knew some things. He knew the effects of alprazolam and what it does to the brain.
So when he lied to a psychiatrist about his insomnia and got prescribed some Xanax, he crushed a high dosage into fine powder and slipped it into the man’s beer.
Stupid bastard, Leon thought to himself.
He watched as the male neighbor took a sip of his drink and Leon waited. Xanax is a powerful drug, can cause hallucinations and make your brain become a little too calm. You’re bound to fall asleep at some point. And with the amount Leon dropped into his drink, he knew he’d knock out sooner than later.
After a few minutes of “tinkering” with the man’s sink. He got up and went to check on the man again.
And sure as hell did the man find himself in a profound slumber. His snores layering with the sound of the TV.
Too easy, Leon smirked to himself. He put on some elastic gloves and made sure he wore shoes that wouldn’t leave footprints. In case things would get messy, of course.
He poured the man’s drink down the sink to get rid of the evidence. He then thought hard about how he should go about this.
There’s many different ways one can commit murder but Leon wanted the cleanest one. So he came up with one.
He brought pans to the stove and made it seem like the man was cooking something for himself. He partially cooked a stupid egg and left it there. Leon went back to where the man was sitting and dragged him out of his couch and towards the kitchen. Since this man’s place was small, the kitchen and dining area were joined together. He sat there man down on the dining table, which happened to be near the stove. He took out the man’s phone and put it in the man’s hand to make it seem like he was using it.
Leon went back to the kitchen and continued to prepare the scene. He took out bottles of alcohol the man had and poured them down the drain to make it look like he’d had a few drinks. He took a single cup from the cup rack and filled it up halfway. With the cup and bottle of whiskey in both hands, he walked back to the table where the man was sitting and laid them on the table. He took the half empty cup and smeared the man’s lip on the rim. You must cover every single detail.
He even poured a little alcohol into the man’s already parted lips. Leon walked back to the stoved and kept the gas on. Now all he needed to do was wait and let nature do its thing.
Leon walked out of his apartment, pretending to still be talking to the man since there was a camera on the corner of the hall. As the door opened, the camera couldn’t record that Leon had been talking to himself. It made the act believable.
With a smile, Leon walked back to his place and stayed there.
A few hours passed and it started to get dark outside, each resident was inside their unit and ready to go to sleep when the fire alarm began to sound. Everyone was forced to evacuate the premises as the firefighters came to the scene.
You saw as the ambulance brought out a stretcher into the building. Someone was still inside, you thought to yourself as your eyes widened and your heart rate increased. You tried to move but felt someone’s hand on your arm, it was Leon.
“Don’t. It’s too dangerous,” he replied in a serious tone as he stared at you with those cold blue eyes. You pinched your brows together. He was right. If you were to try and save the person, you’d die in the process. You nodded defeatedly and he let go of your arm. He stood there watching you- analyzing you.
You had a good heart, he thought. Too good for his liking. That made you an easy target for people and he loathed the idea of people exploiting your kindness. He vowed to protect you, to mark his hands dirty for you.
As the EMT brought back the stretcher, you could see a person lying there lifeless. All the other residents immediately started to mutter amongst themselves, some started to cry and others gasped in shock. You simply stood there, wide eyed and jaw slack. Leon’s expression remained unchanged as he watched you react to the man’s death. The man deserved it, he thought to himself.
Couldn’t you see that he was protecting you? You’ll come around eventually, he thought.
As the ambulance left the area, the firefighters started to clear the smoke as the police arrived. The police began to do their investigation as the firefighters checked the unit and deemed it good after clearing out the fire and the smoke. One police officer began to make her way to the apartment as the other stayed behind with the residents to ask questions.
Leon was a smooth talker. A trait most psychopaths had. He could get himself out of any situation and he could lie. So when the police asked him what had happened, Leon simply replied with, “I’m not sure. I went to his apartment to check his water supply as my sink stopped working and he lived next to me. I noticed he was making himself some food but I was too busy checking our pipes. He reeked of alcohol and barely spoke to me,” Leon’s tone was different. He sounded likey he spoke the truth.
You couldn’t help but listen to his words. To you, they are true. You saw him walk out of the man’s apartment.
The investigation was deemed as self-manslaughter. The police believed that the man suffered from deliberate alcohol poisoning which caused him to pass out in the process of cooking himself some food.
This made news headlines. Everyone believed the story but they thought the man was stupid enough to cook while he was drunk. Many of the residents believed it, he was a known alcoholic. Leon was never caught.
He was watching you from the window, months after the incident occurred. You had just come back from your college lecture. Leon knew. He stalked you, he followed you.
He knew your weekly routine. Monday through Thursday you had lectures. On Friday, you did work study. And the weekends were reserved for your personal time. He felt proud of you for balancing your life. You lived healthily and he couldn’t help but feel proud at your decisions. He knew you were smart enough to take care of yourself.
He knew the campus you went to, he knew the classes you were taking, he knew your major- he knew everything. But he pretended like he didn’t.
So when he saw you in the parking lot, right next to his car and you had trouble with your groceries, he couldn’t help but feel like your knight in shining armor. With his hardened expression, he asked you in his stern and serious voice, “Need some help?”
You smiled sheepishly and nodded, “Yeah… you don’t mind helping me?” You scratched your head awkwardly. On the inside, he found it adorable. But on the outside, he maintained his cool. He nodded and walked over to your car to retrieve the bags of groceries you bought. He was so strong he carried all the bags to your apartment door. You thanked him graciously and invited him inside.
“You can put them on the table, I’ll assort them,” you said as you took of your jacket and hanged it on the rack right next to the door. He nodded and walked over to the dining table, where he put all the bags with food. He took this opportunity to look around your place.
You kept it simple. It was nice, colorful, but nice. You had tons of books on your shelves, he took a mental note that you probably liked to stay indoors. He noticed the way your laptop and a few papers were scattered on the couch and coffee table, you were studious and dedicated to your education. He silently applauded you in his head. He liked that about you. You had goals and ambitions.
“Thank you, again. I owe you one,” you walked up to him and gave him a warm, genuine smile. He looked down at you and nodded again. Pretty smile, he thought to himself.
“It’s no problem, let me know if you need help with anything. I’m a couple doors away,” he replied with his usual serious tone. He remained unchanged, at least to you. To him, he felt like he about to combust into pieces. You were perfect, absolutely perfect.
Days went by and you found yourself talking to Leon more often. Or at least on the days you could. Leon was gone most of the day, he told you about his hectic work schedule and you couldn’t help but feel bad about him. So you decided to make him a small dinner with a note.
You left it on the front door of his apartment and walked back to yours. When Leon came back from work, it was 2:27 a.m. As he climbed up the steps of the stairs, he noticed something on his front door and felt slightly confused. He hasn’t ordered anything. He grew cautious and slowly approached his door. But then he saw your name on a sticky note. He quickly picked up the lunch box and walked inside his apartment.
Walking to his dining table, he read the note you left. Even your handwriting was perfect. The little swirls of the letters, almost writing in cursive made him want to keep you all to himself. He brought the piece of paper to his nose and sniffed it roughly, the paper crumbling in his hands as he could smell your scent on it. He groaned in pleasure as he could imagine your soft and small hands picking up a pen and write something just for him.
Just for him.
That thought alone almost set him off. He couldn’t eat dinner, not with the growing erection in his pants. He put the dinner you made in his freezer and quickly walked to his bedroom. He sat down on his bed and unbuckled his belt, throwing it somewhere on the floor. He pulled down his pants and boxers and watched as his cocked sprung freely, hitting his abdomen with a thwack.
His left hand held the piece of water with your handwriting and your scent while his right hand traveled to his cock. He brought the piece of paper to his nose again and closed his eyes in pure delight. Your scent was intoxicating- sweet vanilla with a hint of coffee. He grunted and moaned at the thought of your hands picking writing this note. He could picture your small hands wrapping his big cock, rubbing his base up and down as your scent infiltrated his airway.
His muscles tensed up as the thought of having you in between his legs made his cock throb. His stomach coiled as he felt himself nearing his orgasm. He could imagine your mouth sucking on his cock as he rammed his hips deeper down your throat, making you gag on him. He’d grab your hair and pull you closer to his pelvic area, having his blonde pubic hair rub against your face as you took his cock like a good girl.
He growled your name as he came in himself. White ropes shooting down at his palm as he tried to collect his cum and prevent it from staining any of his furniture. He sighed softly and laid his back on the mattress as he thought of you.
You drive him wild, he’d do anything for you. If it meant having you as his.
And that’s what drove him to kill more people. One day, he overheard you while both of you “coincidentally” went to get the mail from the lobby. You were speaking on the phone to a friend and he tried to make it seem like he wasn’t listening. But he was.
He heard you talk about how your ex is pestering you and giving you a hard time. That you cried last night because you two had an argument while he tried to get back together. His blood ran through his veins as you mentioned you cried.
He’d kill anyone who made this sweet and perfect angel cry. And that’s what his next murder was going to be. He went back to his apartment and began to stalk you again. As a government agent, he had privileges the common folk didn’t have. He was able to run a background check on you and found out your ex. To his surprise, he was your first and only relationship so far. He knew this guy probably broke your heart as your first relationship will always be your worst one.
He narrowed his eyes in anger as he found the man who broke your heart. And jotted down the information he had on him- his address, his workplace, his contact information, etc. Leon found everything thanks to his job.
When you heard news about your ex dying, you were shocked to see that he died from overdose. You’ve never known he was a drug addict, or at least that’s what Leon made it seem to be.
Leon drove all the way this man’s house and observed his routine. Your ex went to work, came back home, and went to the bar. An alcoholic, this made it easier for him.
Leon walked into the bar with his casual clothes, he spotted the man sitting on the bar counter with a drink already in his hand. He walked over and sat next to him as he ordered himself whiskey.
Your ex was already stupidly drunk, flirting up some poor girl who was just trying to talk to her friend. So he’s a creep too, he thought to himself as he took a sip his drink.
Why do you always find yourself around creepy and perverted men?
Leon looked around and made sure no one was watching him as slipped some stuff into his drink. Leon then continued to sip his drink and even chatted up the bartender.
The more your ex drank, the closer he got to an overdose. Turns out if you mix alcohol with prednisone, the effects could be fatal. Your ex would develop a liver damage that could potentially end his life if he kept drinking like he was right now.
It was getting late and Leon paid his tab. It was 11 PM and he decided he should go home. He wasn’t drunk, not yet at least. So he was perfectly capable of driving back to his apartment. But not your ex.
It was nearing closing time for the bar and the poor bartender saw your ex passed out on the counter. She didn’t know what to do but she tried waking him up.
Unresponsive. Her eyes widened slightly as she over to his side and checked for a pulse.
Flat line. She called the police and reported the death.
The police declared it suicide. They believed he voluntarily took drugs and alcohol at the same time.
In your mind, you were in denial but then you slowly began to think to yourself. He’s been acting weird and out of the ordinary when he’d talk about getting back together. It all made sense now. His aggressive behavior, his short temper… he was a drug addict and an alcoholic.
You attended the funeral, of course. And when you came back, Leon had been unlocking his door. He saw your puffy eyes as you had your heels in your hands. You looked like you’ve been crying- which you probably were. Leon paused as he stared at you, he nodded once at you, acknowledging your presence. He then spoke up in a tired voice, “Rough day?”
You nodded as you blinked slowly, “You could say that.”
He hummed in response and looked back down at his doorknob. Then he looked back to you, “Do you want to talk about it?”
Leon himself was tired as he just came back from a tough mission, but he would never be too tired for you. He pushed his exhaustion to the side and would rather take care of your needs for you.
You sighed and nodded slowly, “I could use a drink.”
He invited you over to his apartment and let you sit down on his couch as he took two glasses and one bottle of Jack. He walked over to the couch and set down the glasses and the bottle on the coffee table as he sat down next to you.
He began to pour for the both of you, not wanting you to work any more than you’ve already had.
“Cheers,” you muttered under your breath as you clanked your glass with his and chugged the liquid down your throat. The burning sensation almost making you forget about the mental strain you had.
He watched you as you set down the glass back down on the coffee table. Even in this state, you looked absolutely beautiful. He couldn’t wait to have you for himself. To prove to you that what you needed was a real man.
One thing let to another and you found yourself pinned under him on his bed. Your legs spread open as your knees rested on his shoulders. The head of his cock abusing your cervix, bruising it with brute force as he pulled out and pushed back in harshly. His balls smacking against your ass as his arms caged you under him. Your hands were on his shoulders, nails clawing deep into his flesh as the bed creaked from him pounding into you. The headboard hitting the wall behind the bed as he pulled out and forced his cock back into your tight walls. Your cunt clenching around his member as his hands gripped on your hair, forcing your head up so he could hear your stupid blabber.
He pulled out and rolled you over to your stomach. His left hand gripped on your waist as his right hand gripped the back of your neck and pushed your face down the sheets of his bed as he rammed his cock from behind you. Your ass jiggling as pounded harsher and harsher. Making sure you knew who you belonged to. He’d fuck you until you couldn’t walk.
You kept moaning his name against his pillow. Drool falling down your lips as tears rolled down your cheeks from the pleasure. You felt him even deeper from this position. His left hand gripped on your waist as it then traveled down to your ass and smacked, almost immediately seeing his hand print show in a pink and red hue on your skin. The burning sensation of the slap only made you more needy for his touch. His left hand found your hip and forced your body to clash against his as he fucked you straight to bliss.
Stars clouded your eyes as you whimpered and moaned. He cock throbbed and twitched inside of you as it stretched you. It hurt but it hurt good. His right hand gently squeezed the back of your throat, causing you to moan.
“Fuck- Leon- ‘mma cum-“ you spoke breathlessly in between moans and whimpers. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Cum for me,” he pressed a kiss on your shoulder blade as he felt you squirm under him. Your body convulsing as your orgasm took the best of you.
Your pussy clamped and clenched around him, wedging him with your juices. He didn’t stop, however. He kept pounding into you as the squelching sound echoed through his room.
He grunted and growled as he felt himself about to cum. He began to speed up and he let go of your neck. Now that both of his hands were on your hips, he gripped the fat of them and forced your body in and out of his cock. Bruising your cervix as your ass hit his hips. The sweat making your skin glisten under the shitty light of his room. You looked even more beautiful when he was fucking you like this.
His hot and sticky cum spurted out of his cock, coating your walls with a part of himself. In his sick and twisted mind, he branded you. He branded you with his essence and he didn’t regret it. He pulled out and heard you moan dumbly as he watched his cum slowly drip down the lips of your cunt to his bedsheet. He’d have to clean them but he didn’t care. He gave your ass a gentle squeeze as he patted your back for you to lay down. He knew you enjoyed it so much since you were on the brink of passing out.
You closed your eyes and felt as Leon cleaned you up. He took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on you knuckles. He was grateful to have you.
He wouldn’t mind killing again. Now that you were his in his mind, he’d go as far as killing every man who’s ever laid eyes on you.
For you, he’d become the world’s best serial killer.
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you and luke getting caught making out by Chiron or Mr D would be so good
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| luke castellan x fem! reader
౨ৎ warnings ౨ৎ: kissing
౨ৎ summary ౨ৎ: you and luke make out and lose track of time… (btw don’t mind all the fake names i give campers. love ya <3)
“When I kiss you, the whole world disappears.”
it was a sunny day at camp halfblood. the perfect weather, not a cloud in the sky. chiron decided that since it was a perfect day, he assigned all the head counselors to do an activity with their cabins. for instance, clarisse and her cabin went to the rock wall, annabeth’s cabin went to the forest to pick some flowers and weave them into flower crowns, etc.
chiron picked you and luke to teach archery, because he thought this particular activity needed two counselors. you were getting ready for the day, sporting the classic “camp halfblood” t-shirt and a pair of blue, baggy cargo jeans. you were putting your hair in a low ponytail, since you didn’t want your hair to get in your eyes, resulting in you killing someone.
as you tied your hair, you heard the cabin door open with a squeak because of how old it was. you took one last look at your hair before you looked at who entered. your eyes were met with a tall, curly haired, handsome, strong guy. any guesses who it is? it was your boyfriend, luke castellan.
“hey angel.” he said lovingly as he came further into the cabin. “oh hey luke. what are you doing?” you asked as you went back to do some final checks on your outfit in the body mirror next to one of the desks in the cabin. you suddenly saw luke figure walk up behind you and hug you from behind.
you both smile as he rests his chin on your shoulder and you put your hand on the side of his face (i hope that makes sense lol). he starts kissing your shoulder and eventually goes up to your neck and you close your eyes, with delight. luke keeps kissing you up until he reaches your cheek.
you then turn around so you’re facing him. you look from his beautiful eyes to his soft plump lips and you find yourself leaning forward. luke sees you leaning forward and so does he. as the gap between you two close, you start moving forward and luke starts stepping backwards until his back hits one of the cabin walls.
his tongue slips into your mouth going wild and free, exploring it. as both your tongues meet, your caught a little off guard and luke takes his opportunity to flip you over, so now your back is up against the wall. you can taste the strawberries and blueberries from this mornings breakfast on his lips. the sweet, yet bitter taste.
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chiron is walking around, seeing how everyone is doing with their activities/classes. he walks to the archery range, only to find the campers are just sitting there. “my my! what are you all doing? why aren’t you doing archery?” he asked, very confused with some concern laced in his voice.
“counselor luke and counselor y/n aren’t here to teach us anything. we don’t know what to do.” a little blonde girl named elise said, shyly. chiron squinted and looked very confused. “why would they miss teaching? where would they be?” he mentally asked himself.
“hm. alright. i’ll go look for them and… you!” he said while pointing at a random guy who was sitting with everyone else, “you’re in charge. start having everyone get their bows and arrows ready.” chiron ordered before rushing off to find you and luke.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆
chiron burst through the doors of every cabin and found no trace of you or luke. he was on the last cabin and he barged in. and there he found you and luke against the wall. making out. “what is the meaning of this?!” he yelled. you and luke jumped apart from each other, scared at the sudden noise. as you both made eye contact with chiron he boomed, “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TEACH CAMPERS ARCHERY 20 MINUTES AGO! AND HERE I FOUND YOU TWO KISSING? OUT RIGHT NOW.”
with an embarrassed look on both luke and your faces, you started walking towards the door, kind of sad that you missed 20 minutes of teaching campers. you felt so bad. you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard chiron, “you will both be cleaning all the cabins tomorrow as punishment.” luke seemed to accept his fate by nodding and slightly smiling.
you on the other hand, “ewww even the hygieia cabin?” you asked making a disgusted face. “for being the kids of the cleanest goddess, they sure are dirty and messy.”
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆
౨ৎ a/n ౨ৎ- i hope u liked this🫶🏻🫶🏻!! happy episode 4 dayyy <3
@t0byisher3 @simrah1012 @mimisamisasa @lizziesfirstwife
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halfvalid · 8 months
the blade daughter, pt. 1
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pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
alternate title: dracule mihawk cures your daddy issues!
rating: mature
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader | live action!dracule mihawk | live action!straw hat ensemble
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 23.6k total | 8.3k this part
description: as the daughter of dracule mihawk, you've been living alone at home, unwilling to go out and find a life of your own due to the belief that your father needs you around. but when he sends you off to buy him a jacket, you end up running into a pirate crew—and a particular swordsman—that end up changing how you feel.
tags: mihawk's daughter!reader, female reader, canon-typical violence, cursing, no use of 'y/n', pet names per mihawk ('dear', 'darling', 'sweetheart', 'little hawk'), emotional hurt/comfort, sexual harassment (from nameless OC), slow burn
author’s note: finally she's here! i'm posting it spaced out because i don't want to overload you all with a 23.6k fic in one post... IMPORTANT NOTE: i did some research from the animanga for mihawk's personality, weapons, and home, but this is still very much only a fic for OPLA and not the other iterations of the material.
the fic is not exactly only a romance; it focuses a lot on the reader's personal character development along with her relationship with mihawk too. i hope you guys don't mind! i kind of lost the plot lol.
reader is mihawk's biological daughter, but is stated to take after her mother and doesn't bear similarity to mihawk. so the fic is poc reader friendly!
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Your dad was late to dinner again. 
To be fair, Dracule Mihawk didn’t exactly follow a schedule. He was fickle—back when you’d been a girl, he’d been around all the time, because although he was a lot of things, Mihawk was not an absentee parent. But as you’d grown older, he started being less strict, leaving you alone for days and weeks until you’d finally matured into an adult. Mihawk spent most of his time away from the house, now—but you agreed to have dinner together every week, no matter what part of the ocean he was in. 
And he was late. 
You’d started cooking the meal early, only for Mihawk to not show up when everything was ready. Or after everything was ready. Or even when everything had cooled, and you’d eaten your fill, and waited in your chair for him to arrive. He finally showed up a quarter past two in the morning, the doors of the dining room bursting open to announce his entrance. 
You cracked an eye open from where you’d been dozing in your seat. “You’re late.” 
“I’m sorry, darling,” Mihawk said, taking his hat off and bowing with a flourish. He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. “I got a little busy. Garp had me deal with a pirate in the East Blue.” 
You made a face at him as he sat down to eat. “Could’ve at least let me know. Den den mushi exist for a reason.” 
“Ah, well, my apologies.” Mihawk sighed, dramatic as ever—you couldn’t find it in you to be mad at him for more than a few minutes, though, something he knew well. “It would’ve gone quickly had some upstart not challenged me to a duel. So I had to spend the night.” He tsked, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “And then I went to visit an old friend. Red-haired Shanks.”
“I remember him.” You got up from your seat, moving to the kitchen to rifle in the icebox for a popsicle. “Another duel? What’s this week’s body count?” 
“You know I don’t tally such trifling matters, sweetheart,” Mihawk said. You shrugged, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen to watch him start eating. “This pasta is cold.” 
“Wasn’t cold four hours ago,” you said, languidly licking at your popsicle. “No sympathy here, dad.” 
“Fine,” Mihawk said. “Anyway, I don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of the man. Tall, green hair, three swords.” He wrinkled his nose. “Said people called him the Demon.” 
“Roronoa Zoro,” you affirmed, slipping into the chair beside your father. “Scariest pirate hunter in the East Blue. You killed him?” 
“Clearly not much of a pirate hunter, considering he’s a pirate now,” Mihawk said, the scrape of his knife and fork ringing around the room. “Joined the man I Garp sent me after, this little boy in a straw hat. And no. I let him and his crew go.” 
You paused, voice faltering as you registered the words. “You let him live?” 
“Yes. He was rather interesting. I expect he’ll come find me later,” Mihawk answered. You stared at him, still baffled. Your father was a lot of things, but a man of mercy was not one of them. Your earliest memory of him exacting his power over others was when you’d been two, watching from your crib as he speared the nanny for calling you a brat. A touching gesture, for certain, but still. “But enough about work. How have you been, little hawk?” 
“Bored,” you said with a sigh. “It’s so dull on this island.” 
Mihawk looked amused. “You could leave. I’m not restricting you here anymore.” Back in your teen years, Mihawk hadn’t let you leave the house—something about enemies wanting to kill his daughter or whatever else nonsense. He’d trained you personally, though, so you were nearly as fearsome as your father—able to beat anyone in combat in the blink of an eye. “You don’t have to stay.” 
“The house would get all dusty,” you protested, lips tugging into a line. And it wasn’t like you hadn’t done any exploring. Mihawk had taken you to all four seas throughout your adolescence, and you’d taken vacations to everywhere of importance. You just—didn’t have much of a point to leave, really. You very much preferred not to, something tying you firmly to the island, to your castle. “And besides, where would I even go?” 
“I hear the East Blue is interesting this time of year,” Mihawk said. “You could venture around here, but…” He shrugged. “The Grand Line is dangerous.” 
You made a face. “I’ve lived here my entire life. I can take care of myself.” 
“Certainly,” Mihawk agreed easily. “But it’s simply not worth it. You really should get out more, dear. It’s not good for your health.” 
“Maybe,” you said, but you weren’t very enthusiastic about it. “Here, I’ll clean Yoru for you while you finish eating.” You moved around the back of his chair, lifting his sword off the jacket he hadn’t bothered to shed from his back. You grimaced upon seeing a line of dried blood along the blade. “Dad.”
“Sorry, dear,” Mihawk said, and you rolled your eyes, carrying the sword over to the living room. You set Yoru down with a heavy thud, pulling out a box of materials. Mihawk came over to watch you, one arm propped against the doorway as his aureate eyes gazed down as you worked.
Compared to your dad, you looked relatively normal. You’d always taken after your mother—a mysterious woman you barely had any memories of—and the relation between the two of you was never immediately obvious. The fact your eyes were plainly normal instead of bearing the golden hawk eyes Mihawk had was another factor added to that, too. 
You pulled out a bottle of oil, pouring it generously over Yoru’s blade before grabbing a cloth to carefully wipe it with. “Where in the East Blue?” you asked abruptly, not looking up. Mihawk’s fork clinked along the ceramic of his bowl, presumably surprised you’d actually consider the offer of leaving. 
“Well, I could send you out to run some errands if you wish. I’ve got some things to attend to,” Mihawk optioned. “There’s this one store in Loguetown with a rather nice jacket I’ve had my eye on.”
You shot him a disbelieving look. “You want me to go to the East Blue to buy you a jacket.” 
Mihawk shrugged. “My birthday’s coming up.” 
“No, it’s not.” You slid your rag along the edge of Yoru’s blade, folding it in half before wiping the entire thing again to ensure there was no grime left. “Finished. Maybe I’ll just stay—” 
Mihawk gave you a look. 
“Fine. Loguetown it is,” you said with a sigh. “Don’t give me a crew. I’ll just take one of the sloops. I’ll get your dumb jacket for you.” You got up, tossing the cloth over a shoulder to hand wash later. “I’ll leave later today.” 
Mihawk clicked his tongue. “You’re so enthusiastic, darling. I can practically see the excitement oozing off of you.” 
You rolled your eyes, moving past him to go up to your room. “Short trip,” you said. “No more than a couple of days.” 
“The little hawk, so incited to leave the nest.”
“Shut up.” 
Mihawk had complied with your wishes, as when you woke up the next morning, he had already prepared a sloop for you to board alone. You packed some of your things, not being too fussy about the clothing or other objects, knowing that the boat was already well-stocked on its own. Mihawk waited to send you off, though you knew he probably had affairs to attend to by now. 
“Be good, darling,” he said, while you were loading up the last of your stuff. Just like your father, you preferred to wear your sword on your back; a present he’d given you at the age of thirteen. “I’ll call you. I’ve got business in the South Blue.” 
“Have fun,” you said, and he kissed the back of your hand before pushing you off. 
Loguetown was just how you’d remembered it, buzzing with civilians and pirates alike. The stores were plentiful, and filled to the brim with customers—it was all a little overwhelming compared to the peace and quiet you were used to. Still, it wasn’t a bad place to stay for a few weeks, and you might as well take your time there. 
You slung your coat on as you exited the docks, glancing around the town in search of something to do first. Since you weren’t especially interested in retrieving a jacket for your father just yet, you beelined to the nearest tavern to grab something to eat. It was a lot easier traveling without Mihawk at your side—as much as you loved him, he had the habit of attracting both trouble and fear wherever he went, and he was near impossible to go out with. 
The tavern was full, but not too crowded, and you managed to slip over to the bar without much trouble. It seemed to mostly consist of pirates—rough men with flowing jackets and holsters of guns and swords at their hip, clustered together in groupings that clearly proved their alliances with each other. You were one of the only patrons who was alone.
You gestured for the barkeep, and she bustled over from where she was serving a particularly ragtag group of pirates. They were mismatched, colors oddly paired—a girl with neon orange hair, a short man with a straw hat, one wearing a flowery shirt and goggles and the last man dressed in clothes far too formal for a bar. “What can I get for you?” she asked, a thick brogue dragging down her words. 
You told her your drink order, still eyeing the group. The barkeep followed your vision and let out a sigh. “Don’t bother. Three men have already tried to capture him for the bounty.  Broke half my furniture. And we got a rule here, anyway—no fightin’.” 
“Does he have a bounty?” you asked with a frown. She scoffed. 
“Does he ever. Thirty million berry, child. Highest in the East Blue.” She shook her head. “That crew won’t let anyone touch ‘im. Hell, I think his first mate’s still outside cleaning up the bodies.” She sighed again. “Well, I’ll have that drink out for you in a moment.” 
You nodded, slipping into the closest available chair. Now that you were paying attention, you could see practically every pair of eyes fixed on the group—specifically, on the man in the center wearing the straw hat. 
Before you could ask another question, the door to the tavern opened, and a lean, green-haired man filled the doorway. You glanced over at the barkeep, a flash of recognition in your eyes. “That’s Roronoa Zoro.” 
“Aye,” she said, setting your drink in front of you. “If there’s someone who might be able to cash in that bounty, it’d be him. But believe it or not, he’s with the Straw Hat.” 
You watched as the pirate hunter made his way to the table the others sat at. The glint of his famed three earrings reflected off the tavern lights, and the sword on his hip swayed as he walked—but there was only one rather than the three you’d heard tales about. “Yeah, my father said something of the sort.” 
The barkeep hummed, turning to attend to a pirate who’d taken a seat at your left. “And who’s your father, lass?” 
“Dracule Mihawk.” 
The pirate beside you raised his head, turning towards you in almost alarm. Beside him, his crew quieted, and the barkeep glanced up to meet your eyes. “Dracule Mihawk?” she repeated incredulously. 
“He sent me to buy him a coat,” you said. “I don’t suppose you know where any shops are around here?” 
“Er, there’s a shop off main you might want to see,” the barkeep said, eyes flickering over to the pirate crew that had changed their focus to you. “Anything else for you, then?” 
“I’m good, thanks,” you said, taking another sip of your drink. She nodded, leaving the bar in favor of moving over to another table. The pirate beside you turned slowly, stool scraping against the floor as he sneered down at you.
“Dracule Mihawk’s daughter, eh?” he asked. “Care if I buy you a drink?” Behind him, the rest of his crew tittered. You just sighed.
“Sorry, my father doesn’t let me go out with anyone who hasn’t bested me in combat.” You knocked back the rest of your drink, glancing up and down the pirate’s figure. He didn’t look like much—two pistols strapped to the hip, a longsword on the other, a raggedy leather jacket with a hat to match. 
The pirate scoffed. “Please,” he said, though you could see his skin turning rapidly crimson. “I doubt you’re even related to him. No hawk eyes or nothing.” 
You met his gaze, lips tightening into a line. “I take after my mother.” 
“Biggest lie I ever heard, aye, crew?” The pirate turned back towards the rest of his men, and they cheered in agreement. You huffed out a sigh, trying your very best not to turn combative—despite everything, you were proud of your relationship with your father, and anyone trying to call you a liar for your lineage just left you vexed and angry. Before you could step away, though, the pirate turned towards the rest of the tavern, apparently having had a bit too much liquor. He raised his voice, practically yelling now. “Oi! This girl thinks she’s the daughter of Dracule Mihawk!” 
Out of your peripheral vision, you saw Roronoa Zoro look up, the rest of his crew glancing over at you at the words. You were distracted within a second, the pirate shoving your arm. “Hey, don’t look away, girl. I’m trying to—” 
You grabbed onto his wrist, nails razor-sharp as they embedded into his skin. “Don’t touch me.” 
“Oh, you think you’re tough, do you?” The pirate yanked his hand out of your grip. “Did your daddy teach you how to fight, huh? Think you can beat me?” 
“I know I can beat you,” you answered. The pirate reached for his sword, then, fingers tightening around the hilt. 
“Alright, let’s make it a bet then. You beat me, I believe your claim about being Mihawk’s daughter.” His lips curled back into an ugly sneer, and you debated stepping out of the conversation and just going off to find that shop for your dad’s coat anyway. Fights like these were never worth getting into, and you really didn’t want to break any more of the barkeep’s furniture after she’d let out her annoyances to you. 
Before you could, though, the pirate opened his big mouth once again. 
“I beat you, and you go to bed with me.”
You were whipping your sword out before you could even think, red flashing in your vision as you scraped your blade out from the holster on your back. The metal gleamed under the lights, white steel bright as day as you leveled it in your hand. It wasn’t the largest weapon, a perfectly balanced cut-and-thrust spadroon with a golden hilt wrapped in white ribbon. You tightened your grip on the handle. 
“I beat you,” you hissed, voice low, “and you’re dead.” 
He lunged for you, pulling his sword out in one solid stroke and meeting yours in a loud clang. You shot an apologetic look towards the barkeep, spinning on your back leg and kicking the pirate away. The force caused him to stumble, sword skittering to the side as you shoved it off your blade. 
One of his crew members had cocked a gun to your head, and you spun your swords toward him, blade cutting through the metal like it was butter. The rest of the crew stepped back, one or two of them lunging for you. You parried all of their attacks, shoving them to the ground until they stopped trying to fight. 
The captain had gotten up, a fierce snarl upon his face as you slammed your blade down towards him. He blocked it with his sword, and then went for various attacks towards your figure—you dodged each one of them, parrying them easily as you moved backwards. At the last one, you used your weight to buck the sword back in his direction, and he stumbled again. 
You ducked down, sweeping him off his feet with a well-aimed kick to his shins, and he fell, sword clattering out of reach as he dropped flat on his back. You towered over him, pointing the edge of your blade at his throat. 
“You want me to go outside to kill him?” you asked. The barkeep sighed. 
“If you don’t mind, lass.” 
“Not at all.” You bent over, grabbing firmly onto the pirate’s shirt and yanking him upwards. His crew made a move towards you, but you just shoved your sword in their direction, and they stepped away. You spun your sword’s hilt around in your hand with a flourish, then started dragging the captain out the tavern door. 
“No—wait—let me go,” the pirate begged, once you dropped him to the gravel outside and moved your sword to his throat again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—I didn’t mean it—you’re a pretty girl, that’s all—” 
“I don’t date men who can’t beat me in combat,” you said coolly. “Lower your expectations.” With that, you spun your sword again, sliding it back on the holster of your jacket. “I’ll let you live just this once. If you ever make any comments towards a woman again—” 
“I get it. I’m sorry,” the man said, scrambling to his feet. You just eyed him. 
“I need another drink.” 
The tavern was dead silent when you returned to your seat, gingerly sitting back down on the stool you’d first occupied. “Another drink, if you don’t mind,” you said to the barkeep, and she nodded. A moment passed as she filled your mug, and then she asked—
“Is Dracule Mihawk really your father?” 
“Unfortunately,” you muttered, taking the drink she offered and taking a swig. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the Straw Hat pirate and his crew muttering amongst themselves. One of them nudged Roronoa Zoro in the side, and he grimaced, the loose shirt he wore parting with the motion. You caught a glimpse of bandages, wound tight with blood seeping through a familiar line. Yoru’s doing. 
Zoro stood up, making his way over to the bar beside you. He propped his elbows on the table, but he didn’t sit, nodding at the barkeep. “Another round for my friends,” he said. His voice was quieter than you’d expected; a low mutter and almost soft in timbre. He glanced over at you, eyes flickering down and up again before he spoke. “I tried to kill your father.” 
“Yeah, he told me,” you said. “Roronoa Zoro. What happened to your other two swords?” 
Zoro scoffed. “Your dad.” 
“He can be a little dramatic sometimes,” you said apologetically. He glanced over you again.
“You don’t look much like him.” He paused. “Figured I’d know if Mihawk had a daughter.” 
“I take after my mother, and he’s very overprotective,” you said, getting just the slightest bit annoyed about everyone questioning your parentage. The barkeep returned then, sliding five beers across the table over to Zoro, and you stood up. “Now if you’d excuse me, I have some shopping to do.” 
You exited the tavern after paying your tab, wandering around the streets of Loguetown to find the closest clothing store. Your father’s style was ridiculously grand, so it’d be something in the nicer branch of the city—you had just entered your best guess when you pulled out a shell phone, pushing the little snail into your ear and calling your father’s number. 
He picked up on the first ring. “What is it, darling?” 
“Did you have a specific coat in mind?” You glanced through a row of black leather, trying to find one that’d match Mihawk’s liking. “I’m at this place called Lady Tide’s Dressing Boutique. It’s the bougiest place I could find.” 
“Lady Tide’s would be correct,” Mihawk said. “I trust your taste. Pick something I’d like.” 
“You better be paying me back for this,” you threatened, turning the corner as you spoke. You jumped back in surprise, letting out a squeak as the Straw Hat pirate from before appeared right in front of you, a grin stretching up his face. 
Mihawk’s laugh crackled through the line at your surprise. “Get startled, dear?” 
“The pirate Garp sent you after is stalking me,” you deadpanned. The Straw Hat pirate’s grin only widened. “I’ll call you back.” 
You hung up, taking the den den mushi out of your ear and back into its case. “What?” 
“You’re a really good fighter,” the Straw Hat said brightly. “I’m Monkey D. Luffy, and I’m going to be King of the Pirates. You should think about joining my crew!” 
“I—” you stared at him in disbelief, mind reeling from the whiplash of his words. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not a pirate.”
Luffy tilted his head to the side in question. “But your dad is Mihawk.”
“That doesn’t make me a pirate. I just stay at home for the most part,” you said. Luffy continued following you around the store, however, even as you stepped past him to browse more jackets. You glimpsed the rest of his crew hanging around the store, though none seemed to do any actual shopping. You figured Lady Tide’s was probably out of their price range. “Why are you still following me?” 
“I think you should join my crew,” Luffy repeated. “Have you ever been to the Grand Line? That’s where we’re headed next.”
You gave him a look. “I live in the Grand Line.” 
“Whoa,” Luffy breathed. “Well, you must know all about it, then!” 
You turned away from him, picking a jacket off the rack in front of you and appraising it. Golden buttons, long tailcoat, wide lapels—not really Mihawk’s taste. You set it back. “Not really,” you finally answered. “Like I said, I stay at home for the most part. Haven’t done much exploring.” 
“Don’t you want to?” Luffy asked, taking a step closer to you. You flinched. “Your dad’s one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! You should be going out and adventuring, not just staying at home and doing whatever Mihawk tells you to!” 
“Don’t,” you snapped, voice low. “I stay home because I want to. Not because my dad forces me to.” Your words bore no lie, but still, there was a rumble of uncertainty deep in your gut. Mihawk had always been supportive, but pirating had always been his thing. You preferred the solace of your own home, and there was no point in adventuring when Mihawk had seen it all before. 
“I’m just saying, what do you even do all day?” Luffy asked with a quirk of the lip. “Stay home and clean? Go out once in a while to buy groceries or get stuff for your dad?” He gestured at the coat you were holding, and you flushed, shoving it back onto the rack. “Isn’t it boring? Don’t you want more than such an average life?” 
“I’m perfectly happy with my life right now, thank you,” you snapped. “Go preach to someone else.” 
Luffy had stopped walking, then, looking at you with an almost sympathetic expression on his face. “Living isn’t the same as thriving, you know,” he said. “You should go out. Find adventure. Aren’t there things you want to know? Questions you want answered?” 
“Luffy.” You turned to see Roronoa Zoro move to his captain’s side, head dipping as he spoke to him. His tone was quiet, but you could still overhear— “Leave her alone. We’ve got business.” 
Luffy looked dejected at that, but he agreed, bowing his head towards you before turning to the rest of his crew. They’d gathered by the mouth of the store, engaged in their own various activities as they waited. You watched Luffy turn to leave, words climbing up your throat even as you tried to swallow them down. “Wait!” 
Luffy turned, that bright smile reappearing on his face. “What?” 
“I want to know one thing,” you said, taking a step closer to the captain and his first mate. You glanced up at Zoro, who met your gaze. His face seemed carved of steel, skin bearing no grimace, eyes betraying nothing. “Why did my father let you live?” 
Zoro looked away, and you realized he probably didn’t know the answer himself. Before you could speak again, though, Luffy interrupted. 
“Because Zoro’s the best,” he declared, capturing your attention away from the injured swordsman. He slapped Zoro’s bicep with a heavy thud, and you were surprised when the other man didn’t even flinch. “And he’s gonna be better than Mihawk one day. He’s going to defeat him in a duel and take his title and become—” 
“The world’s greatest swordsman,” Zoro finished. The words were muttered under his breath, clearly to himself rather than intending for you to hear. 
You watched them for a moment before finally turning away. “Okay,” you said. “Good luck with that.” 
Luffy stared at you for a moment longer, but Zoro was already turning away and walking towards the rest of the crew. There was an unsettling feeling in your gut, one you tried to squash. Whatever—you had better things to do than worry about some Straw Hat pirate and a retired pirate hunter. 
You returned to your browsing, looking through various jacket designs until you finally fell across one you were certain your father liked. It was ridiculously expensive, but your father’s taste had always been so—you purchased it without a second thought, slinging it across a shoulder and returning to your sloop for the rest of the day. 
To your great disappointment, the Straw Hat pirate’s words continued to echo throughout your head. His demeanor was off-putting, to say the least—the extreme amounts of candor and cheeriness he had made for a disorienting combination. Even as you tried to stop thinking about his terrifyingly honest words, you couldn’t. Don’t you want more than such an average life?
You sighed, mood irritable from the day's events. You’d returned to your sloop and hadn’t done much of anything for a few hours—past having a meal and cleaning up your boat, there was nothing to do. You mulled over your options, wondering if you shouldn’t just start the journey back home. But Luffy’s words came back to you. 
“I need a drink,” you muttered, donning your coat and leaving to attend the first bar you could find. 
You went someplace ritzy this time, near the peak of Loguetown where neon lights glimmered in the dark hour. It was crowded, and music blasted through the bar, pounding bass nearly making the floor reverberate. You slipped inside without much trouble, squeezing through the crowd and making way for the bar at the other end of the room. 
You bought yourself a drink, knocking it back in just a few gulps. There were marines patrolling around in the building, although none of them seemed too keen on completing any of their duties. Pirates walked around freely too, but these ones were more dignified than the ones you’d seen in the tavern at town. 
“You hear Straw Hat Luffy’s here at Loguetown right now?” someone muttered to your right. You glanced over with a furtive gaze to see who was speaking—two men, dressed in fine silks and coats. Swords dangled from their hips. Pirates, maybe, or pirate hunters. “His ship’s docked over by south port.” 
“You’re not going to try and nab him, are you?” the other pirate hunter asked, fingers pinched around a thin glass of something. “That bounty’s hefty, but fighting them’ll be…” 
“I’m getting a bunch of hunters together,” the first one said. “We’ll split the bounty. At midnight, once the whole crew’s asleep. I followed the navigator; seems they’re not leaving until the morning.” 
“Thirty million split between many isn’t much.” 
“Well.” The hunter made a vague gesture, a smirk playing at his lips. “I doubt we’ll all be alive by the end of the night, if you know what I mean.” 
“Right.” The second hunter downed the rest of his drink. “I’ll be there. Where’s the rendezvous point?” 
“Slip forty at south port. Come at midnight,” the first one replied. “My boat. Theirs is at fifty-two.” 
You turned away, knocking back the last of your drink before setting the glass back down on the counter. Your mind reeled, and you pulled out a pocket watch to check the time. Nearly eleven. Only an hour left. 
“Another drink,” you called, but you stopped after that one. Logically, you knew the Straw Hat crew would be able to handle themselves. Your father wouldn’t have let Zoro go had he not been an impressive fighter—and Luffy certainly had to have some tricks up his sleeve, having such a high bounty and all. But an ambush was an ambush. 
You needed to go home. 
You paid your bill and slunk outside, taking the long road down to the port. You were docked in the east, but you found yourself wandering towards south port, hands shoved in your pockets and sword heavy on your back. 
There was no logical reason to get involved with pirates, you tried to tell yourself. That was Dracule Mihawk’s area of expertise. That was Dracule Mihawk’s life. Not his daughter’s. You were not a pirate—there was no point in being one. Mihawk has done everything already. 
You stepped onto the pier of south port, the wooden ramp trembling under your feet. They were shoddily constructed; oak on water, with pegs every few feet or so and ropes thrown casually across the walkways. It was overcrowded with boats, too—ships of every kind and size, smushed into spots not big enough for them depending on how much you paid the dock men. The moon shimmered on the surface of the East Blue. She was calm today, waves lapping at the edges of the docks, tranquil in the night. 
You checked your watch again. Nearly midnight. 
Dock forty moored a relatively small ship, but it was crowded with men—ten or fifteen, maybe, and you knew they’d be killing each other when the fight was through. Thirty million berry divided between so many people was barely worth it. You slunk past them, counting the numbers of the boat berths. 
You knew the boat before you looked at the slip number based on appearance alone. It was large in size, a caravel sporting a gigantic goat figurehead. You stared at it, brows furrowed, jaw slack. Well, it was certainly a ship. There was a large sail boasting the ship’s jolly roger—a crudely designed skull and crossbones sporting the same straw hat their captain wore. 
With a sigh, you pulled yourself onboard, careful to not make a sound as you landed on the deck. It was quiet, but you doubted the crew didn’t have at least one lookout for trouble. You tiptoed around the mast, moving towards the foredeck.
You were just about to step a foot on the staircase when a gleaming katana came to your throat. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Roronoa Zoro was as calm as ever as he held a blade to your jugular, posture perfectly straight, eyes tilted in your direction. You glanced down at the blade, registering the smooth metal. It was the white-handled one; upon seeing it closer, you could better register its quality. It must’ve been insanely durable, more so than his other blades considering Yoru hadn’t shattered this one in battle—one of the strongest blades in the world. 
“What���s the sword’s name?” you asked. 
Zoro ignored your question. “What are you doing here?” he repeated. 
You sighed, turning towards him, although you were careful not to touch the sword. Zoro’s grip didn’t budge. “There are pirate hunters coming here,” you answered. “At midnight. An ambush.” 
Zoro still didn’t move. The night sky cast his entire face in shadow, the only light on board being a trembling lantern by the interior doors. You could just barely see the gleam of one eye, yellow light shining on his cheekbone. “Why would you come?” 
“Honestly, I don’t know,” you answered coolly. “My father let you go for a reason. It’d be a shame if you died before you realized why.” It was an easy lie—because the real reason was one you didn’t want to think about. Because Luffy’s words struck something in you. Because they rang true. 
“We don’t need your protection.” 
You shrugged, only one shoulder moving upwards before relaxing again. “Just a friendly warning.” 
Carefully, Zoro lowered his blade, the steel scraping along the edge of its scabbard opening before he slid it closed. “The Wado Ichimonji.” 
Your eyes were still on the sheathed katana. “Hm?” 
“The sword. Its name is Wado Ichimonji.” 
You tilted your head back, angling it towards the sword strapped to your jacket. “Hiru,” you said. “That’s mine.” 
“Day,” Zoro translated. “You have matching swords with your father?” 
“Just matching names,” you answered. “It’s a spadroon, not a kreigsmesser. Much smaller than Yoru. Birthday present. When I was thirteen.” 
Zoro eyed you. “I’ll wake the rest of the crew,” he said. “You can go.” 
You made no move to, consulting your watch as Zoro rang the ship’s bell. Five minutes to midnight. You could already hear the near-noiseless patter of footsteps on the pier. 
The orange-haired woman was the first out, fingers wrapped around a short wooden rod. She exchanged a look with Zoro, and he nodded towards the pier. She somehow knew exactly what he meant from that, dodging back inside the ship and returning, dragging a dark-haired man out. 
“Uh, what’s going on?” the man asked, stifling a yawn as he fiddled with a slingshot. Both Zoro and the woman shushed him. “Jeez, okay.” He noticed you then. “Oh, hey, you’re the hawk dude’s kid—”
“Shut up, Usopp,” the woman snapped. She’d moved by the boat’s side, ducked under the rim. The footsteps were getting louder. 
The blond man came out next, hands shoved casually in his pockets and dressed in clothes you genuinely did not think functioned as sleepwear. “Hunters,” the orange-haired woman said. “Ambush.” 
“Isn’t that lovely,” the blond man murmured. He caught your eye, and a smile lit up his face. “Well, hello there.” 
Both Zoro and the woman rolled their eyes. Before the blond could say anything more, though, the hunters’ footsteps abruptly stopped. 
The orange-haired woman spun up from her crouch, wooden stick extending into a long staff as she whipped it out. She slammed one end of the staff into an incoming hunter’s gut as he leapt aboard the ship, forcing him off the side of the vessel.
Everything happened all at once, then—you heard the slick shing! of Zoro unsheathing his katana, and the blond was up and running towards another gaggle of hunters within the second, legs flying in an assortment of well-placed kicks. 
You reached over your shoulder, tugging Hiru out of its straps. The blade shone bright under the moonlight, and you caught an incoming hunter’s sword with the lick of it, shoving him backwards as you spun.
“Why’s Mihawk’s girl here?” the blond called, as he slid across the deck, leg raising up into a spinning hook. “Not that I’m complaining, of course. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He met your eyes and winked, leaving you staring in utter disbelief until another hunter distracted you. “I’m Sanji!” 
“Okay?” you asked blankly, letting out a huff of exertion as you whipped your sword toward the hunter. He’d pulled out one of his guns, wielding his blade one-handed as he fumbled with the trigger. You breathed in, recalling your father’s words from the thousands of hours spent training. Take advantage of any imbalances, sweetheart. Focus on the center of gravity. 
You aimed a sliding kick at the man’s gun, using Hiru to push against his blade. The pressure caused him to fling halfway across the ship, body thudding against the mast before falling to the ground in a heap. 
“Impressive,” Sanji whistled from his spot across the ship. 
“Shut up,” Zoro and the orange-haired woman said in unison. Zoro was beside the fallen hunter in a second, katana slashing cleanly through his torso before he spun and shoved the blade straight into an incoming man’s stomach. Sanji just scoffed. 
“Show-off,” he said accusatively. Zoro rolled his eyes, turning towards Sanji to argue, when you glimpsed someone at his back. You lunged for the man, sword cutting cleanly through his jugular before he fell across the deck, decollated. 
Zoro turned, glancing over his shoulder at the body and then up at you. “You’re welcome,” you said, flicking Hiru to the side. Spatters of blood dripped off its blade. 
“...Right.” The number of hunters had considerably thinned, only three or four left. The orange-haired woman was still fighting two of them, placing hits of her bo staff along two mens’ skulls. Usopp had crouched by the forecastle, firing pellets off with his slingshot. Sanji dusted off the final two men, until only the ringleader was left. 
“Wait, wait.” The hunter backed away until he ran into the ship’s railing. He scrambled for his pistol, but as Zoro, Sanji, and the orange-haired woman advanced on him, apparently realized the idea was in vain. “We—we can talk about this.” 
“I don’t think we can.” You turned at the new voice, watching as Luffy slipped out from the captain’s chambers. His hand came up to adjust his hat, crowned atop his head as always. “You came aboard my ship and tried to hurt my friends.” 
The hunter’s jaw fell slack, mouth drying over as Luffy came to stand in front of him. The rest of the crew had parted to allow him space, and Luffy titled his head up, the lick of light from the lantern shining against his skin. A crescent-shaped scar under his eye glowed bright, the skin paler than the rest of his face.
“Gum gum…” he started, voice steadily rising in volume as he extended his hand backwards, fingers curled into a fist. To your surprise, his arm just kept stretching back, limb getting longer and longer with a distinctly rubbery stretch until it was all the way at the other side of the ship. “Pistol!” 
His arm snapped back all in one, knocking the hunter straight in the jaw and shoving him off the ship in one, devastating blow. You stared at his flailing body, watching as he dropped straight into the ocean ten or so meters away with a loud plop. 
You turned towards Luffy, one brow arched in question. “You’re a Devil Fruit eater?”
“The Gum Gum fruit,” Luffy said brightly. He adjusted his hat once more, fixing it atop his head before reaching an arm out to pat you on the shoulder. “Thank you for warning us. You’re a good person.” 
“Don’t mention it.” You glanced down at Hiru. “Have anything I can clean my blade with?” 
“Sure! Let Sanji cook you something while you’re here,” Luffy said. “It’s the least we can do.” 
“Of course,” Sanji said with a little bow. “What would you like? Name anything and I’ll make it.” 
You eyed him. “…Anything.” 
Sanji let out an exaggerated sigh. “So uninspired. Meet you in the kitchen, then. We can leave the mosshead to clean up the bodies.” 
The orange-haired woman just rolled her eyes. “I’m going back to bed,” she declared. She glanced over at you, appraising you in one solid sweep up and down your body. “I’m Nami.” 
With that final word, she departed, snapping closed her staff and slipping back into the boat. Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji shuffled into the boat, presumably the kitchen. Zoro just sighed, setting his katana to the side to start cleaning up the corpses left after the battle. 
You made no move to follow the others inside, watching as Zoro easily lifted up one of the hunters. The lines of his biceps strained as he climbed off the ship, still hefting the body before finally placing it down on the pier. 
“Just toss them into the ocean,” you called. Zoro glanced over his shoulder, registering you standing there. He picked another body up. 
“I don’t want to block our slip,” he answered. 
“Fair enough. Any oil around here?” You wandered to the ship’s side, glancing through the boxes fixed to the deck. Zoro gestured in some direction that harmed more than it helped, really, but you dug through some boxes before unearthing something you could clean Hiru with. 
You worked in silence, slicking the blade with the oil and rubbing off all the blood and mess that had gotten onto it. Zoro was quick, piling up all the corpses and barely-alive bodies by the dock. He shoved a few of them awake with his boot. “Go find a doctor,” you heard him mutter under his breath. You suppressed a laugh. 
Eventually, Zoro climbed back on board, searching for his sword only to find it in your hands. You carefully polished off the last of the blade, then presented it to him. “You’re welcome.” 
“…Thanks,” Zoro said, sheathing it in one smooth swipe.
“The cut,” you said, glancing down at his torso again. His shirt was covering the bandages, but you knew they were still there. “It was Yoru that did it. Not Kogatana.” 
“The big one, yeah,” Zoro answered. You watched him thoughtfully, although you didn’t say a word. He seemed to get impatient by that, and was speaking just a moment afterwards— “Why?” 
You gave a quick shake of your head. “Nothing,” you answered, the lie slipping easily off your tongue. But your mind churned with thoughts, the mere brain activity making your stomach curdle. It hadn’t clicked before, but now—your father didn’t use Yoru on anyone who wasn’t worthy. And letting Zoro live—letting the entire crew go, against Garp’s orders? 
This was a more interesting group than you’d anticipated. 
Zoro eyed you for a moment as you were lost in thought, though he didn’t say anything to interrupt you. Once you finally looked up, he adjusted, clearing his throat. “Should go inside to make sure the waiter isn’t burning down the kitchen,” he said, straightening.  
You stood up, sliding Hiru into its scabbard on your back. “The… waiter?” 
Zoro shook his head. “Long story.” He gestured with his head, nodding towards the double doors. “Kitchen.” 
You followed him, the soft aroma of garlic and meat wafting around the room the instant you stepped foot inside. Everyone was crowded around the kitchen island, propped on chairs and staring as Sanji prepared a meal before them. You joined the group, glancing over Usopp’s shoulder to watch. 
There was a stir-fry on the stove, garlic and onions joined by various other vegetables. Sanji drizzled soy sauce along the pan, scraping it around once with his spatula before turning down the heat. He added in some rice—leftover, it looked—along with some battered eggs, mixing it all together. 
“Vegetable and chicken fried rice,” Sanji said, turning off the heat once everything had cooked through and starting to distribute it into servings. “I went for something universal because I don’t know what you like.” He met your eyes, flashing a giant, warm smile again. You took the bowl he offered, fingers wrapping around the warm ceramic. 
“Thank you,” you said. The four of you stood in silence, and you had the feeling that you were intruding. The crew was a tight unit, that much was certain—wound tightly around each other, ropes intersecting in delicate knots and bows. You turned your attention to your meal. You hadn’t had a real supper, so the food was a welcome surprise, and it was damn near close to the best thing you’d ever tasted. 
“So,” Luffy started, “Not to bug you about it a hundred times, but…” You glanced up. His expression was earnest as he met your eyes, lips tugged upwards in an encouraging smile even as he spoke. “Are you joining us?”
“Am I—? Oh,” you said, realizing what it was Luffy was referring to. “Is the offer still standing?” 
“Always,” he answered brightly. “You’d be a good fit for our crew, you know.” 
Would you really? There wasn’t much of anything special about you besides your parentage. You were as skilled a swordswoman as any, but there were hundreds better and stronger than you. There was no one thing you truly excelled at. “I’ll think about it,” you said hesitantly. 
“Well, think quick. We leave at dawn,” Luffy said. “Meet us back here at blue hour if you’d like to join up.” He smiled again, all unassuming, and it was hard to believe a boy so pleasant had a thirty million berry bounty hanging suspended over his head. He yawned, stretching out his long limbs. “Well, I’m off to sleep. Sanji’s next watch.” He glanced over at Zoro. “Why don’t you walk her back to her slip, Zoro?” 
 Your brows furrowed, about to object, but Zoro was already standing up. He opted to say nothing, leaving you to set down your empty bowl and say your goodbyes in a hurry to follow him out. 
The bodies on the pier had thinned, the alive ones presumably having dragged themselves to town to find a doctor. Zoro stepped over the heap of corpses, and you followed suit, walking in silence down south port. “I’m a little far,” you said. “You might lose your way heading back.” 
“I’ll be fine,” Zoro dismissed. “I’m… sorry about Luffy. He can get overly enthusiastic.” 
“Oh, it’s fine,” you said with a shake of your head. “Are the rest of the crew open to me joining, though? It didn’t seem like he consulted any of you.” 
Zoro’s brows lifted at that, though you weren’t certain why. “We’re all fine with it,” he said eventually. “Luffy wouldn’t invite someone who wouldn’t fit.” He hesitated, the plod of your footsteps creaking against the dock walkway for a few paces before he parted his lips again. “I’m going to fight Mihawk again, you know.” 
“I figured,” you answered. You could feel Zoro’s eyes on you, scraping along your skin like they were blades themselves. 
“You’re not upset by that?” 
“Everyone wants to kill him for some reason or another,” you said. “You’re not the first.” Though there was something undeniably special about him. The fact he was still alive, for one. “I figure you’re a long way from that, so I’ll have a father for a few years more until you try to kill him again.” 
There was something in the way you phrased your words that sounded so very ironic, and Zoro couldn’t suppress the light grunt from escaping his lips. It was dry, brittle—but closer to a laugh than a scoff, you could tell. “Is that your blessing?” 
“Sure,” you said. “I, Dracule Mihawk’s daughter, hereby allow you, Roronoa Zoro, to murder my father in a duel.” The lightness in your tone dropped. “If you don’t mind me asking…” you took in a light breath, letting the taste of the words melt on your tongue before slipping them out. “Why do you want to, anyway? Defeat him, I mean?” 
“I made a promise to someone a long time ago,” Zoro answered. His footsteps slowed as you reached your slip, the small sloop you’d sailed all the way to Loguetown calm as ever where it was moored. The black sails—vague, nondescript—sucked away all the light the moon attempted to cast on it, so it was even darker than the rest of the surroundings. “I told her I would become the world’s greatest swordsman.”
“That’s heavy,” you remarked, turning to face your companion. His skin was waxy and dull under the moonlight—aftereffects of the injury he still hadn’t fully recovered from. Zoro just shrugged. 
“Maybe. It’s my life’s dream.” 
“He’s a good father,” you said. “I think he’d like you.” You paused. “Well, he does. He wouldn’t have let you live if he didn’t.” 
Zoro stiffened, the lines of his body tightening, spine pulling up just slightly. You noticed the change—you always did. Observation had always been one of your biggest strengths. Maybe you hadn’t gotten the golden irises your father had, but you had hawk eyes of your own in that way. Never missing a thing, picking out all flaws and details in a scene. “I’m not sure if I want him to like me.” 
“He doesn’t feel hatred for a lot of people,” you said. “Just disdain. Though I’m fairly certain he’d have skewered that drunk at the bar earlier if he’d been with me.” 
“The one who—” Zoro looked distinctly uncomfortable as he remembered what the pirate had offered you. He made a vague gesture instead, just mildly vulgar in motion. You suppressed a laugh. 
“Exactly,” you agreed. “He doesn’t have patience for that sort of thing. He also feels no man who’s weaker than me in combat isn’t man enough to be with me, though I have questions about that particular rule.” 
Zoro snorted. “You could definitely do better than the drunk pirate.” 
“Right.” You glanced up at the moon, watching the steady silver glow of her face along the edge of the horizon. She was full, round and white, soft powder creasing the dents and shadows of her face. “I’m out for the night, then. Thank you for walking me.” 
Zoro shrugged. He didn’t say anything, so you turned away, stepping onto your sloop without another word. You ducked into the interior room, closing the door firmly behind you so you could finally relax. 
You had only a handful of hours of rest ahead of you, after all.
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pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
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© halfvalid 2023
2K notes · View notes
halsteadlover · 1 month
𝐀 𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐧
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Could you please write a derek Morgan x reader smut where the reader and derek and the team obvi are on a case and while interviewing neighbors in the apartments the reader makes a stupid bet like "I bet whoever lives here is a hot single bachelor in his 20s" and then it's the opposite and when they are back in the car derek makes the reader pay up but with her panties and when she goes to get them back at the end of the day it leads to smut.
• Warnings: a really brief mention of a murder case (it’s just a sentence), dirty talk, cuss words, making out, semi-public foreplay (f. receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it up you guyssss!!)
• Word count: 5.5K
• A/N: my first Derek fic 😭 I hope you like it guys, please let me know what do you think about it and also comment, like and reblog, it’d mean the world. Sending lots of love to everyone ❤️
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What part of your brain thought it was a good idea to make a bet with Derek Morgan?
You didn’t even know why you did it, it must’ve been the pleasure of losing because there was no way on earth you would’ve won.
You and Morgan were about to go interview a witness for a case you were working on: a serial killer who was killing his victims by setting fires. You were walking next to each other while you thought of some way to make what was going to be a long and boring afternoon, interesting.
You and Derek had a, well… Particular relationship, to say the least.
Months prior you and him had started to have sex. It started out as a purely physical thing as you had always been very attracted to each other, but as time went on you found yourselves spending time together and enjoying each other’s company even outside of a sexual sphere.
Your relationship, both from a working and private point of view, had always been characterized by a playful banter, mischievous jokes, by the constant flirting so it wasn’t strange you both often found yourselves making bets aimed to make lose the other’s mind.
In fact, it was at that moment that you came up with an idea for a bet, however forgetting he took them so seriously it seemed like his life depended on it, especially since most of the time he won, and the penances were of a sexual nature. Of course you didn’t mind losing one bit.
“I bet whoever lives here is a hot single bachelor in his twenties,” you said, pointing to the apartment where you were heading, ready to question the witness. He grinned and glanced at you, hands shoved in his pockets.
“Oh baby girl, you still don’t understand it’s a losing battle?”
“What’s the matter Agent Morgan, you afraid of losing?” You challenged him with the deliberate pleasure of teasing him and in fact he immediately gave in to your provocation.
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly in amusement. You arrived in front of the apartment door that had the number ‘23’ on its sign. You were standing facing each other while he thought about the penance, he would’ve make you do if you – most likely – lost.
Another evil, mocking grin appeared on his lips, and you immediately knew you were in trouble. “You’ll give me your panties when you lose.”
“If I lose.”
“When. But you can still back out.”
He held out a hand towards you but you didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed over your body from head to toe, checking you out without shame. Over time you had learned to understand what he was thinking, what was hidden behind his look and you almost caught fire because you immediately recognized that look, it was the one he gave you when he was imagining you naked in every possible and imaginable position.
And in fact, you weren’t wrong.
Just the thought of having your panties in his pocket, walking around and smelling you, was enough to make his dick stir in his pants.
You knew the odds of you winning the bet were slim, but your competitive nature made you shake Morgan’s hand, and he gave you another one of his panty-ripping smiles.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, don’t take the victory for granted.”
He raised his hands in surrender, chuckling. “I would never dare but be realistic darling. Do you know how low the odds are?”.
“What if I win?”.
“You won’t.”
“What if I win?” You repeated, crossing your arms over your chest.
He shrugged, very sure he’d win. “You’ll choose the penance.”
You thought about it for a moment and a mischievous smile appeared on your lips this time. “I’ll do a strip tease and a lap dance.”
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “How is that a penance? Baby I’d drop on my knees right now to make this happen...”
“…But you’ll be handcuffed, you won’t be able to touch me and I won’t make you come.”
He opened his mouth wide, feeling his dick twitch just at the thought. He had to force himself to think of something else since he didn’t want to question a witness with a raging hard on but it was awfully difficult when all he could do was imagine you strip teasing and grinding on his lap. “Fuck I don’t know if I should win or lose.”
“If you want to end up with blue balls then you have to hope to lose.”
You knocked on the apartment door, still maintaining eye contact with Derek and trying to hold back your laughter since you knew exactly what he was thinking. You took your eyes away from him only to let them travel down his body and to the crotch of his pants which was clearly prominent at that moment. You bit your lip as you looked back at his face and he glared at you.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he whispered, feeling the situation getting even worse. Damn it, he felt like a damn horny teenager.
Before you could respond to his comment the door opened, revealing a person who couldn’t be more different from the object of your bet. He in fact was a she, a lady who couldn’t have been less than sixty years old.
Your smile dropped as the one on Derek’s face grew even more and, as you had already said, you wondered what part of your brain had thought it was a good idea to make that bet.
“Good morning. Can I help you?” she looked skeptically at both of you.
“Oh yes ma’am, you just made my day so much better,” he replied softly but glancing at you. “We’re FBI agents, may we ask you few questions?”
Over the next hour and a half you interviewed other witnesses near the fire scene and on your way to the car, Derek wouldn’t stop trying to get close to you and touch you.
“Derek stop it! We’re in public! God you’re so unprofessional,” you slapped one of his hands away that had been squeezing your ass for the last couple of minutes, trying not to laugh.
“There’s nothing professional about what we do, baby girl,” he replied with mock annoyance, “Plus I can’t help it, I can’t wait to rip your panties off.”
“Nuh uh mister, the deal was that I have to give you my panties not you taking them off me.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes as you approached the car but before you could get in he grabbed your hand and turned you towards him. He placed his hands on your face and as he pushed your back against the car door he crushed his lips on yours.
He didn’t care about passers-by in any way, in people’s eyes you might have looked like a couple who was passionately making out.
After the first few seconds of surprise, you immediately kissed him back, parting your lips and letting him slip his tongue into your mouth. You knew it was totally unprofessional to kiss your colleague in broad daylight while you were doing your job but all it took was for him to get close for you to lose your mind, no longer able to think clearly.
Your hands moved down his chest to encircle his waist, trying to pull him closer to you than his body already was. Your mouths moved in sync while he seemed to want to suck his soul out of you and although you were now used to kissing him, every time it was as if it was the first.
You almost moaned into the kiss, your body already on fire, wanting more. You wanted him so badly, you wanted his hands, his fingers, his mouth and his tongue all over you.
“Derek please…” you sighed when you broke away, his face still dangerously close to yours.
“Get in the car princess,” he ordered and his voice was so low and seductive that if he had asked you to give him a blowjob right there on the sidewalk you would’ve dropped on your knees without the slightest hesitation.
He opened the door for you and you giggled like a teenager before getting in, thanking him as you watched him walk around the car before getting in too.
“I would’ve fucked you in the car here and now if we weren’t in public. You’re so fucking hot baby,” he whispered against your lips after moving closer to you and taking your chin between his fingers. “But I’ll settle taking your panties off for now.”
He placed a hand on your breast and groped it before sliding it across your stomach to your jeans-covered pussy. You moaned as he began to touch you, making you squirm under his expert fingers.
“I bet you’re already wet, aren’t you honey?” He continued to tease you.
“Fuck Derek… They’ll see us…”
“You’re right,” he replied, stopping touching you, causing you to moan and grunt at the same time. “No one should look at what is mine.”
God Derek Morgan and the things he made you feel. You were starting to really hate him.
“You’re having so much fun aren’t you?”
He started the car but not before throwing you one last mocking and sexy as hell grin. “You have no idea how much.”
You squeezed your legs together in anticipation feeling the urge and desire grow more and more. You continued to look at him as he drove, observing every feature of his perfect profile with your hungry eyes.
How could someone be so perfect?
And it didn’t help he had one hand resting on your inner thigh as his thumb was stroking dangerously close to your intimate area. You didn’t know whether to hate him, to beg him to go higher or both but certainly the smug expression on his face made you want to punch him.
Derek drove to a hidden, dead end road, not caring the rest of the team was probably waiting to hear from both you and him.
He kissed you breathless again, threading a hand into your hair. But he didn’t stay there for long as he moved down your chest again, wasting no time in groping your breasts again, until he reached your pussy again.
“God Derek you’re driving me crazy,” you hissed as you struggled to keep control. He kissed you again and unbuttoned your pants and you lifted your hips before your brain could even process the movement, allowing him to slide them down your thighs. You took off your shoes, slipping your pants off.
He slipped his hands into your underwear and a loud moan escaped your lips that Derek felt right in his dick. “As I imagined… So fucking wet.”
“Fuck yes just like that,” you sighed as his fingers drew circles on your clit. You gripped the sides of the seat as if searching for a leverage, pleasure flowing through your veins.
He knew where to touch you, he knew HOW to touch you, what to do to make you lose your mind and control.
“I'm dying to taste this pussy, look at you soaking up my fingers,” he whispered in your ear, pressing his lips to your neck and sucking on your skin but being careful not to leave any marks. The team already didn’t give you any respite suspecting there was something between you, he certainly didn’t want to give them clear proof.
Two of his fingers slipped easily inside your wet pussy, curling inside you and touching that spongy spot that made you moan and thinking you were about to ascend to heaven.
“Yes, yes, oh god yes,” you kissed him, spreading your legs even more to give him more access.
“You like that don’t you? My pretty girl loves being so dirty, letting me finger this pussy in public.”
You dipped your head back in pleasure, feeling the orgasm already building inside you.
He pulled his fingers out and you grunted at the loss and took off your panties, bringing them to his nose and deeply inhaling the scent that drove him so crazy: you and sex. “Now I really don’t know how I’m going to go through the whole day without being hard knowing I have your panties here,” he spoke up as he stuffed them into his pocket. “But we should go back.”
“Derek you can’t leave me like this!”.
“Oh I can and I will, we shouldn’t let the others think we might be doing something shouldn’t we?”
“You fucking piece of shit.”
He burst out laughing and you nearly punched him in his handsome face.
You were furious. Irritated.
You were furious, irritated but above all horny.
After that little stunt he had done in the car Derek had really left you like that, without an orgasm and with a mad desire to fuck.
The rest of the day was torture, especially having to work with other people while pretending you didn’t feel like you were on the edge the whole time. You didn’t spare Morgan some dirty looks after which he had to force himself not to laugh but he didn’t spare you those languid looks full of lust either.
It wasn’t easy for you but it wasn’t easy for him either since, unlike you, couldn’t hide his excitement so easily. Knowing he had your panties in his pocket and the memory of your wet pussy were giving him no respite.
In reality, you both loved that little game, teasing and torturing each other until the other lost his mind, even if… To be honest, wearing jeans without underwear was complete torture.
At the end of the day, when you were finally all in your own room, you took the opportunity to take a shower and put on a dress and the sexy lingerie you had put in your bag before leaving for the new case.
You giggled just thinking about Derek’s reaction.
You went to his room, knocking twice before he opened the door making your jaw drop and almost fall to the floor when you realized he was naked and only had a towel around his waist.
His body was still wet, sign he had just gotten out of the shower, the drops running down his sculpted chest that you wanted to lick off one by one.
“Oh man…” He sighed. “You’re breathtaking baby,” he began, shamelessly scanning your body from head to toe, a smirk on his lips. “I was wondering when you were coming.”
“You always opening the door like this, Agent Morgan?” You asked ironically before entering his room without even waiting for him to invite you.
“Woah woah woah, where do you think you’re going baby girl? Where is my kiss?” He scolded you, almost truly offended after closing the door behind him.
You giggled, but unable to take your eyes off his body and stop them from wandering hungrily over his figure.
“No, dry yourself first and then I’ll kiss you,” you replied before going to sit on the edge of the bed, placing your hands behind you on the mattress and tilting your head slightly as you looked at him.
He didn’t answer but came closer to you and placed two fingers on your chin, forcing you to lift your head and pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss that took the air out of your lungs.
“Jealous Agent Y/Ln?” He whispered an inch from your lips, referring to your initial question after making you get up from the bed.
“Not even a little bit, it was just an innocent question agent Morgan.”
Absolutely. You were 100% jealous.
But you knew from the way the corner of his mouth lifted in a twisted, mischievous smile he didn’t believe it one bit. “You know, being a profiler I thought you were better at hiding emotions. Lies don’t look good on you pretty girl.”
“That would be true if I had told a lie but that’s not the case, I’m not jealous at all,” you said with a confident tone as your gaze alternated between his eyes and his lips. He was so close and so tempting you felt like you were already losing patience.
“To answer the question, no, I don’t answer to anyone. Just you.”
“You? Derek Morgan?”.
He chuckled. “Strange right? But it seems like you’ve done some weird witchcraft on me because I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“You already got in my pants, no need to be cheesy,” you retorted, biting your lip to keep from smiling.
He sighed, slightly shaking his head. “Always so cynical. What should I do with you?”
“Give me back my panties?”.
He raised an eyebrow. “Have you forgotten what the word ‘lose’ means?”.
“If I had known you liked them so much I would’ve bought you a new pair to wear you know.”
“You think you’re so funny don’t you?”. He grabbed your face with one hand, his mouth dangerously close to yours but never touching it.
You nodded with a smirk as you watched as his eyes were fixed on your lips. “Maybe you might like what I have now better.”
You took a step back and the look of pure confusion on his face was replaced by astonishment when he saw your hands lower the thick straps of your dress down your arms, then lowering the side zip and letting the dress fall around your feet.
The look of shock on his face was something you’d never forget.
Derek widened his mouth and eyes, letting his hungry gaze travel along your body wrapped in lace lingerie, studying every curve and inch of your skin. A warm feeling spread in your lower abdomen and it was amazing how just the way he looked at you was enough to turn you on.
“Holy shit…” he breathed out, “You… Are… You… Holy fuck…” he continued stuttering, unable to form a single meaningful sentence.
“Wow did I really manage to surprise Agent Morgan?” You giggled, your cheeks flushed and stomach filled with fluttering butterflies, knowing you had such an effect on him. Derek Morgan – the man who with a single smile and a look could’ve make rows and rows of women fall at his feet – was drooling over you, looking at you like you were the eighth wonder of the world.
“I’ll answer you when some blood returns to my brain.”
Your gaze trailed down his body and your insides clenched at the sight of his prominent erection beneath the towel around his waist. Your mouth watered just thinking about what was underneath that single fabric, imagining his dick in your mouth, in every hole in your body as he filled you completely.
“You look spectacular Y/n, my god” he murmured, his chocolate brown eyes still on your body and never on your face. You could see him struggling in not knowing what to pay more attention to, your breasts which were perfectly highlighted by the lace that gave that see-through effect while it showed the shadow of your nipples, if the hold-ups that surrounded your thighs that Derek wanted nothing more than to mark and bite or your pussy also covered in matching lace in which he wanted to dive and feed on it until he drown himself to death.
Derek moved closer to you, closing the small distance between the two of you. “Turn around. Show me this beautiful ass that torments me in my sleep.”
The tone of his voice alone made you almost beg him to do anything he wanted. You didn’t have to be told twice and you turned around, your skin on fire as you felt his penetrating gaze on you as he observed and studied every millimeter of your body.
You heard Derek exhale a deep breath behind you. “A fucking goddess. You’re absolutely mesmerizing.”
A rush of shivers gave you goosebumps as he placed his rough hands on your arms, stroking them slowly before moving up and moving your hair from your shoulders and letting it fall along your shoulder blades, leaving your neck exposed. His lips began to plant kisses on your skin and the mere contact made you sigh and tilt your head to the side, giving him more access.
“Do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?” he whispered in your ear and you clenched your hands into fists, pressing your nails into your palms in an attempt to release the frustration you felt. Every second that passed while he didn’t touch you as you wanted there was a shred of your sanity that was shattered.
You shook your head, realizing you hadn’t answered yet.
His hands went down your arms again, then moving up your hips until they reached your ass. You let out a gasp when his fingers tightened around the flesh of your ass, squeezing it, groping it with the sole purpose of torturing you and leaving you eager for more.
“God the things I want do to you baby, you can’t even imagine.”
“Do it Derek, do whatever you want to me… I need you.”
“I love feeling you so desperate for me.”
An empty feeling came over you as his fingers let go of your ass, moving to your hips. However, you moaned when he pushed his body against yours, pressing his erection against the curves of your ass and grinding against you without shame or restraint.
“Fuck Derek,” you murmured, now on the verge of losing your mind.
One of his hands ended up around your throat, forcing you to bend your head and rest it on his shoulder while the other cupped one of your breasts, palpating it over the top of your bra. You sighed, rubbing your ass against his hard dick as you couldn’t wait for it to stretch your pussy.
“That’s what you do to me, you make me so hard I can’t even think straight anymore.” He pinched your hard nipple from above the fabric. “You have no idea how much I want to rip this off of you but I know you’d kill me,” he chuckled in your ear.
“I don’t give a shit.” You blurted out, not evens embarrassed about how fast you said it.
“What do you want baby? Talk to me.”
God it was so damn hard talking when you were so horny you couldn’t even remember your name, the denied orgasm making things worse.
“You. Fuck me, please. I need you so badly Derek.”
He tightened his hand lightly around your neck, cupping your chin then turning your head towards him and before you knew it he slammed his lips onto yours, sucking the breath from your body as his tongue explored your mouth in a sloppy, deep kiss.
He slowly slid the fingers of his other hand – that until a few seconds before were on your breast – along your chest, your lower abdomen, touching your needy and drenched pussy with his fingertips. You whined during the kiss, spontaneously lifting your hips to try and meet his fingers.
God you were hating him at that moment.
“I can smell your wetness from here, is my baby horny for me?” he whispered on your lips swollen and red from the impetuous kiss.
“I’ll fucking kill you right now Morgan I swear to god.”
He laughed and your stomach clenched in on itself. “Don’t worry baby, I’m here. I’m going to fuck your brains out, so good you won’t even be able to get up when I’m done with you.” This time it was your pussy that clenched when you squeezed your legs together for some friction. Derek let go of your throat and began to play with your panties. Your breath hitched as he slowly began to lower them, trailing them down your legs.
“I think I’ll keep these too,” he whispered even as his voice came loud and clear to your ears. You turned your head to the side so you could look at him and let out a ragged sigh when you saw him kneeling behind you. His eyes shone under the light of the hotel room as they looked at you with so much intensity that they alone would’ve been enough to set you on fire.
He left a kiss on your ass, making you gasp to the point of embarrassment as he bit your skin and groped your now bare ass. “One day I’ll fuck this pretty little ass too and you’ll love every second of it.”
“You can start by fucking my pussy now.”
He chuckled again as he stood up. He placed a hand on your heated back, inviting you to lean on the bed in front of you and you obeyed, resting your hands on the bed and giving him a perfect view of your ass.
“I can see from here how wet you are baby girl,” he moved closer to you, his bare thighs touching yours and then you realized he had removed the towel from his waist.
God have mercy on me.
“I’ll eat this beautiful pussy later but now all I can think about is fucking her so good,” he said as his fingers brushed against you and this little contact, combined with his dirty words, made you squirm with anticipation. “After all, you deserve it after being such a good girl all day.”
You felt him place his tip near your entrance and you both moaned as he slid his dick against your folds, wetting it with your fluids. He provoked you, tortured you with every motion, it was what he was best at, he knew which points to touch to drive you crazy and leave you painfully longing.
“Derek please, I want you so much,” you whined in a pathetic tone full of lust and desire as he continued to penetrate you with just the tip and then pull out. You hated him and wanted him at the same time, so much it hurt.
“What do you want, princess?” His hands gripped your hips and he leaned over you, pressing his lips to your skin before leaving damp, wet kisses all over your back.
“Fuck me.”
“Fuck,” he hissed through gritted teeth before lining his dick up with your entrance and finally filling you.
“Oh God yes, you feel so god Derek.” You panted vigorously, your heart beating so hard it almost stopped as you felt his soft and especially bare skin touching every corner of you.
He remained still for a few moments, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to maintain control of his body. You were so wet and it felt so good being inside you, Derek feared that with just one push he would’ve come on the spot.
“Baby please… Move…”
That simple little word had no business making his insides twist like he had. You were used to calling each other nicknames, it wasn’t new, but there was something in that ‘baby’ you said: perhaps it was the vulnerability with which you pronounced it, breathless and as if he was the only one who could save you, the way your voice was so full of desire.
Derek pulled out before thrusting into you again with a strong thrust so deep if it hadn’t been for his hands firmly gripping your hips you would’ve probably fallen forward.
“You have no idea what you do to me, fucking hell you drive me crazy,” he breathed out, head tilted back and eyes closed as his dick pounded into you like he was angry.
You tried to formulate a meaningful sentence but as you opened your lips only gasps and moans came out. He was fucking you so deeply that with each thrust you felt a piece of your brain coming out of your head and your soul out of your body.
Exactly like he promised.
All the hidden frustration made its way and exploded like a time bomb, not much time passing until even the orgasm began to build inside you.
Your face was pressed into the sheets of the bed, your breathing heavy and quickening as your hands clenched the fabric into a fist. “Derek…” you whimpered in pleasure as you pushed your pelvis towards him with each thrust. It didn’t seem to be enough though, you wanted more and more.
One of his hands continued to hold your hips firmly while he slid the other along your back, until he reached your hair which he tightened in a fist forcing you to lift your head. His moans and groans sounded like music to your ears and you couldn’t contain the joy of knowing it was you who made him feel this way, it was you who made him lose control.
“Fuck I could stay inside you forever, you take me so well. This pussy was made for me,” he groaned as the tip of his dick hit your G-spot, making you see stars. You wanted to answer but when you opened your mouth all that came out were moans and sighs. “Just for me… You understand?”
“Just you baby, only you,” you babbled while loudly moaning, not caring one bit if someone could hear you having sex.
His lips kissed your shoulder, his tongue traced every inch of skin he could reach. “That’s right pretty girl…” he groaned in your ear, his sentence interrupted by another moan. “Fuck yeah you’re mine.”
“Holy shit baby… I’m about to come…” You managed to say and the orgasm that hit you full on like a truck gave you no mercy, didn’t let you escape as it sucked away your ability to breath. If it wasn’t for Derek’s hand still in your hair you would’ve collapsed on the mattress.
His thrusts became unhinged, even more out of control than they were before and it didn’t take long for him to reach his climax too. How could he resist? There was no chance, not when your pussy was tightening around his dick in the throes of orgasmic spasms, leaving him no escape.
Derek exploded inside you, emptying himself into you until the last drop of his seed filled your pussy, then leaking from your entrance and sliding down your thighs as he pulled out.
“Shit,” he breathed as you felt the weight of the mattress dip as he collapsed next to you. “You destroy me baby, how do you manage to do this every single time?”
You mumbled something nonsensical in response, eyes closed and too tired to say anything. He chuckled and stroked your hair, brushing it away from your face so he could get a good look at you.
You were so beautiful, ethereal, so mesmerizing it hurt and seeing that happy and pleased look on your face almost sent him to his knees, internally promising himself he’d fight every single person on earth just to always see you so relaxed and happy.
“How many women do you tell this?” you managed to say, opening one eye and keeping the other closed and a flock of butterflies exploded in your stomach when you saw the breathtaking smile he was looking at you with.
“If you think there is someone capable of making me feel what you feel, you’re very wrong. Like I already said, I don’t know what strange witchcraft you did to me but you really hooked me baby.” He propped himself up on one elbow and leaned towards you, pressing small kisses across your face, neck, shoulders and all the way up to your lips. “There is no one else since you came in in my life, I’m so obsessed with you it’s not even funny.”
You opened your second eye too, suddenly not so tired anymore. “Really?”
“Why, isn’t the same for you?” he asked, his stomach clenched with jealousy at the thought of a man laying a finger on you. “Please tell me no or someone help me I will kill every man who even looked at you, I’m an FBI agent and I know how to hide dead bodies in such a way that not even the families will ever find them.”
You burst out laughing, and rolled onto your back before throwing your arms around his neck so you could bring him closer to you and press your lips to his. “Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?”
“Y/n. Don’t fucking test me.”
“I’m just kidding,” your lips brushed against his before planting another small kiss on them. “There couldn’t be another man even if they forced me, you’ve really messed up my life Agent Morgan and I’m pretty much obsessed with you too.”
“That better be. We’re exclusive since the day I kissed you in that elevator,” he grumbled. “God I love when you call me baby,” he then sighed happily and the way his mood shifted so quickly made. Your fingers caressed his soft, perfect skin and he mumbled with contentment. You noticed how his pupils were so dilated the chocolate surrounding them had almost disappeared. “Mine, only mine.”
“And you’re mine darling, I’m an FBI agent too and I know a thousand ways to make deaths look like accidents.” He pressed his lips to yours again, kissing you so deeply your heart almost stopped in your chest.
Derek Morgan would be the death of you, you were certain of that.
“Just give me five more minutes and I’ll show you how much we belong to each other princess, how much I look, think and breathe for you only.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667
Derek Morgan tag list: @thatcrimeshowchick, @multifandomlover01, @khxna, @storiesofsvu, @hiireadstuff, @lilithhs-world
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midnightsxblue · 15 days
carl grimes x fem!reader
(you and carl get caught. twice.)
tags: SMUT!! oral sex, f!receiving, getting caught! fun!
masterlist here!
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You tried your hardest to be discreet about how…active you and Carl were. It wasn’t the easiest considering Carl was the leaders’ son and it seemed like eyes were always on him, whether it was his dad’s or Michonne’s. Sometimes people in the community.
You’d try to sneak off and do what you could but with your guys’ luck, you almost always got interrupted. One time something possessed the both of you to try it in the church house when there was a community event. That went as well as you’d imagine.
“Holy mother of-” Gabriel had walked in on the both of you on one of the pews. God was it embarrassing. (see what i did there i know you guys love me.) The scene he’d walked in on consisted of you without a shirt and Carl’s hand practically groping your tits over your bra. Also you were attached at the mouth so you could see why he’d be terrified.
Obviously you scrambled to put your clothes on while Carl tried to explain for the both of you, begging to not tell Rick or Michonne. “Look man, we’re really sorry we just- please don’t tell my dad. I’m begging you he can’t know about this.” He explains worriedly. Gabriel stood there still shocked. You had to make it up to him somehow, considering you were doing an unholy act in a holy place but, there wasn’t really any real repercussions because Carl had gotten him to keep it a secret. Something about making it up to him for something Gabriel had done when they first arrived at Alexandria.
Anyway, a large reason you didn’t want Rick to know, was because you two shared a room. You were happy to almost always get away with things at night (you tried not to be too loud) and not have anyone know. It was nice. Until one particular day.
Rick and Michonne go out on Wednesday mornings to scavenge, so you two took advantage of the time you had..and got to it. It wasn’t really anything crazy, your morning sex was usually romantic and sweet. It’s not like you were going at it like animals.
One week, they’d left a bit earlier so in your mind, you were able to get some extra time.
“Oh fuck-” You spoke breathlessly, he was under the blanket eating you out. Something about the way he was ruthlessly lapping at your clit made you realize that today’s morning sex wouldn’t be so romantic. He began to move upwards and start kissing up your body hungrily. He started to place harsh kisses all around your neck, leaving small bruises around as well. “You’re so perfect.” He mumbled against your neck.
The next thing you know, he’s sitting up with your legs between his knees. He flips you over on your stomach and lifts your hips up so you’re arched for him how he wants. You giggle at his sudden movements and you’re surprised by him literally shoving himself inside of you.
“Oh-“ You moan loudly, surprising yourself and immediately slapping your hand over your mouth. He began thrusting himself in and out of you with no plan on stopping. That was until the door beside your guys’ bed suddenly opened. It opened just enough so Rick could see you and your back, Carl’s arms and his face.
Your eyes go wide and once he realizes what was happening, Rick quickly shuts the door, catching Carl’s attention which causes him to stop. “What the hell was that?” He asked, his hands still resting at your hips. “Your fucking dad.” You pull away from him and Carl sits there sort of astonished. “W-wait he saw?” He covers himself with the blanket and you move to find your underwear and shorts.
“Not everything, just me I hope. He didn’t open the door open too much.” You pull up your underwear and scramble around for your shorts which Carl pulled from under the blanket he was using to cover himself. “What’s scary is that you didn’t stop.”
You throw him his own clothes which were on the floor and he feels somewhat upset he didn’t realize the door had opened. He was too busy fucking you. “Well it’s kinda hard to focus on stopping when I’m in the middle of something.” He says defensively, pulling up his boxers and sweatpants. You plop on the bed, dropping your head to your hands while he found a shirt to wear. After seeing how worried you were, he walked over and kissed the top of your head.
“Don’t stress out okay? It’ll be fine, worst comes to worst he’ll take the room away but we’ll work our way around it.” He reassured. Maybe he’s right. This didn’t have to be such a big deal. If Carl didn’t make it one, you wouldn’t either.
“Care to knock? What the hell?” You both were now in the kitchen, Carl was scolding Rick who was standing with Michonne and Maggie at the island. You were standing behind him quietly. “Well I thought we were way past knockin. Plus we got home early.” Rick sort of laughs, seeming unfazed. Your eyebrows furrow at this and he notices. “What, you thought we didn’t know about what goes on in there at night?”
You look to Michonne and Maggie who were both sort of smiling at you. “What?” You asked peeved. “I mean…you’re not exactly the quietest.” Michonne reasons. Your face is flushed and you’re super embarrassed, it doesn’t help that when you turn you realize both Glenn and Daryl had been in the room as well, you just hadn’t noticed. Glenn sort of giggles at you, Daryl just…is Daryl. “Oh shit.” You mutter to yourself, hiding your face in your hands and Carl just stands there annoyed as hell.
“They’re not wrong though you are quite loud.” He says quietly, slightly teasing you over a conversation you’d had many times before, he always made fun of you for being so vocal, even though he loved it. You look up from your hands just to give him a pissed off glare. You give him a shove to the shoulder and make your way back upstairs.
“Fuck off.”
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a/n: sorry guys for this HAHAHA idk how smutty anon wanted this request but they got smut..sorry pookie :| ANYWAY i hope you all enjoyed, currently deciding on closing my requests cause im gettin a shit ton but we’ll figure that out later!!! love you bye!!!
tag list: @zomb-1-egutzz @evilnight07 @ilikestrawberriesandwomen
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strangersmunsons · 10 months
read 'em and weep
you and Eddie meet at the library. he’s smitten.
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Contains: Eddie x Reader, bookworm!reader, lovesick!Eddie, reader gives Eddie book recommendations. No mention of reader’s physical appearance, no use of y/n. Warnings: brief mention of loneliness & negligence in Eddie’s childhood. Word Count: ~2.2k it's my hope to make this a little series! i think eddie is def a bookish guy - no lord of the rings quoting, metal head dungeon master hates reading. he would certainly be open to any fantasy/horror recs you had for him! <3
Indiana. 1989.
Hawkins Library sees a lot of action in the summer.
They offer a wide variety of youth programs to keep the local kids busy and the parents sane while school is out. One of the main events is Saturday Story Time, a beloved weekly staple that you have recently been tasked with putting on.
It’s simple. You gather a number of books, usually with a common theme, and then read a select few to the children who had signed up for the day. Most of the kids in attendance are no older than six or so, with some parents even pulling up chairs to the back so they can sit with infants cradled in their arms. The older ones sit criss-cross-applesauce on carpet squares in front of you, their chubby faces alight with giggles as you recount each silly, fantastical story with all the spirit you can muster.
And then there’s always an accompanying arts and crafts project, of course. If you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar then, naturally, you have to make little googly-eyed caterpillars out of popsicle sticks and colorful pom-poms. You don’t make the rules.
If trouble occurs during Story Time, it’s usually in this phase. (Giving paste to toddlers is always a gamble – you never know what they’re gonna do with that.)
And on this particular morning, it’s been chaos from start to finish. A whopping eighteen kids had signed up, and you stretched yourself pretty thin trying to attend to everyone.
One of the babies spit up directly onto the little girl sitting in front of him and his mother. Someone slipped on their carpet square and fell harshly to the floor, earning a bruised elbow that you gently fussed over. You wrangled a pair of twins who fought bitterly over a bottle of Elmer’s glue. There were three individual running-with-scissors-scares and, finally, you spent a good ten minutes soothing one sobbing child with whom there was nothing apparently wrong with, and that you suspected was just in need of a good cry.
So yeah, it was basically pandemonium.
But eventually, to your great relief, things wound down. The audience dispersed, with their handmade goods clutched in sticky fists, and went to peruse the glossy line of picture books you put out for display. Within the next hour or two, everyone traded the cool darkness of the library for buttery sunshine, and all was quiet again. You waved cheerfully to the last parent-child duo as they made their exit, promising them that there’d be a fun activity next weekend too.
You love these storytime sessions, you really do, but sheesh. Sometimes they run you ragged. With the havoc of the morning finally over, and the promise of lunch in your near future, you try to shake off the weariness, and instead take it upon yourself to clean up the disorganized mess someone’s made of the horror section.
You’re going about your work, tongue poking out in concentration as you strain to reach the really high shelves, when you notice someone standing in your peripheral vision. You turn and glance at him, or at least, what you can see of him. He’s half-hidden by the shelf behind you, but you catch sight of brown hair and denim.
A pale face appears on a craned neck from around the corner. His dark eyes meet yours, widen slightly when he sees that you’ve caught him lurking, and he abruptly disappears again.
You purse your lips to hide your smile. This isn’t uncommon; such moments often occur when you’re cleaning up a section of books someone is hoping to sift through. In a small act of kindness, you move over to the neighboring shelf and look for something to busy yourself with; trying to give the guy a chance to browse without having to ask you to step aside.
He doesn’t emerge. You wait, expecting to sense him passing by you, but no dice. It’s amusing to think that someone might be frightened to approach you (You? Really?) but you can’t help feeling sorry that you were in his way.
The rest of your shift is rather uneventful. At the end of the day, you punch out and head home, the stranger behind the shelf forgotten. 
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When you come back to work on Monday, it’s much quieter than the last morning you’d been in. You greet your coworkers and set up shop at the front desk, opening up a book of your own to pass the time until someone needed assistance.
You’ve been reading for about half an hour when the big double doors open up for the day’s first visitor, the sound echoing loudly in the silent, spacious room. You look up in interest, ready to greet the person with a warm smile.
“Good morning!” you softly call out as he comes into view. He walks slowly towards you, shoes scuffing the checkered tile with each step. As he comes nearer, you can see that he’s biting his lip, one hand rubbing the back of his neck, the gesture oozing self-consciousness. He only makes eye contact with you for a second before his gaze flits away again.
He’s pretty conspicuous-looking to be approaching the desk with such hesitance, you think. He has dark hair that hangs in slightly-scraggly curls down to his chest, and huge dark eyes. The pale skin of his arms, sticking out from within a denim vest/Judas Priest t-shirt combo, are littered with tattoos.
He pauses a few feet away from you, like he’s debating whether he wants to stop and chat, or to simply veer off towards the bookshelves and start browsing. Ultimately he decides to shuffle forward, closing the distance between the two of you.
“Hi there. What can I do for you?” you ask, voice gentle but encouraging.
He looks down and rests a hand on the desk, absentmindedly tracing the wood pattern with his thumb. “Um, yes.” He doesn’t offer anything else.
There’s a pregnant pause, both of you digesting the fact that what you had asked was not a yes or no question.
He tries again. “I…am in need…of some new reading material.”
You nod gravely, expression serious. “Well, you’ve come to the right place. Did you have anything specific in mind?”
He begins to rock lightly back and forth on his feet, contemplating. “I like fantasy, especially Tolkien. I read a lot of horror, too, and sometimes sci-fi. If you had any suggestions for me, that’d be great.”
“Oh, we can certainly find you something,” you reassure him, already flipping through a mental rolodex of your favorite books in those genres. “Here, come with me.”
You stand and move around the desk to meet him, beckoning for him to follow.
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Eddie watches you run a delicate hand over the spines of the books, keenly aware of the clammy sweat that’s flooding his own palms. Be cool, Munson. 
“So,” you begin, a gleam of excitement in your eyes, “you like fantasy. Do you read Le Guin?”
Eddie nods eagerly, hair bouncing slightly with the movement. “Oh yeah, I’ve read the Earthsea trilogy.”
“Have you read any of The Hainish Cycle books?”
“I haven’t read those ones, no.”
You pull out two slim paperbacks from the row, holding each one out for him so he can study the covers. “These ones are science fiction, and they’re pretty good. You might like Rocannon’s World since it’s similar to a fantasy novel, but personally I think Left Hand of Darkness is the best.” You suddenly pause, and look around furtively, like you were checking to make sure that you two are really alone. You even put a hand up to the side of your mouth, as though shielding the conversation from eavesdroppers.
“Honestly,” you lower your voice like you’re admitting something scandalous, “I even liked it better than Earthsea.”
“No!” Eddie immediately matches your whispered, gossipy tone and lets his jaw drop, pretending to be aghast.
“Yes!” you insist, seemingly delighted by his willingness to play along. Eddie’s heart soars.
“I guess I can’t refute that until I read it, huh? What’s it about?” he asked, taking it from your hand.
“An envoy is visiting this frozen alien planet, and he’s trying to convince them to join this intergalactic coalition that he represents, but they’re making it like, really difficult for him. Also, gender doesn’t exist, and there’s political turmoil stemming from border disputes.”
“...oh. Cool.”
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The next half-hour passes in this fashion. Your soft, mild demeanor is aglow with enthusiasm as you pull out book after book, giving him an off-the-cuff elevator pitch for each. Eddie can practically feel the cartoon hearts swirling around his head, bright pink and red bubbles that are almost certainly going to appear out of thin air and give him away.
He can’t put his finger on what it is, precisely, that’s pulling him in so deeply, drawing him towards you like a magnet with an opposite pole. Maybe it’s the tender way you talk about each book, the love and care that’s so tangible in your sweet voice, the way you speak about them as though they’re your old friends. Perhaps they are.
It’s not an unfamiliar concept to Eddie. A childhood steeped in loneliness and poverty, instability and dysfunction, neglect from his volatile and unreliable parents…yeah, he gets it. The wanting, the longing, the dire need to escape to someplace that doesn’t exist, some place where things were better and didn’t hurt, a dreamworld that would be kinder to a scrawny little boy with unwashed hair and a mean father.
The closest he ever came to it was when he lost himself between the yellowed and dog-eared pages of the few, precious books he owned.
So he listens to you chatter away with chest-aching tenderness, already thinking that he could listen to you like this for hours and be glad for it.
“You love fantasy, but you’ve never read The Last Unicorn?” 
Eddie gives you an apologetic half-shrug, no longer able to keep the goofy, besotted grin from unfurling across his face. “Never got around to it, I guess.”
“It makes me cry. You have to take it,” you tell him with pleading eyes, adding it to the top of the growing pile in his arms before he can refuse. Not that he ever would. How could he, when you look at him like that?
“You cry at this one, really?” He looks curiously at the artwork on the front, an innocent picture of the pale horned creature. “But it’s so unassuming…”
“Don’t be fooled, it’ll get you. Take it,” you repeat.
Eddie shifts the stack of books to cradle it in one arm, so he can raise the other at you in a salute. “Yes, ma’am. And when I’m finished with it, I’ll give you a full report on the emotional damage it caused me.”
This makes you giggle, lips turned up in a gorgeous smile, and Eddie knows he’s a goner.
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Back at the front, you resume your previous positions at the desk. Him in front and you behind, this time separated by a short pile of books.
You hold your hand out. “Card, please, sir.” Polite and professional, but with a little sparkle in your eye that lets Eddie hope for a moment that his time with you this morning was more pleasure than business.
He fumbles with his wallet, slipping out his library card and slotting it between his index and middle fingers, extending it for you to take. His chunky silver rings catch the light.
You accept the offering. “Thank you” – you quickly read the messy signature at the bottom – “Edward.” You look back at him with a grin.
He cringes, face scrunching in embarrassment. “Oh God. Call me Eddie, please.”
The scanner gives a little chirp! as you begin the checkout process, nodding. “Will do, Eddie.” His name sounds like a song when you say it, one he never wants to stop listening to.
You finish scanning his books, and slide a receipt into the jacket of the novel on top (which just so happens to be Katherine Dunn’s Geek Love). Instead of sliding the stack towards him, you keep both hands clasped on the cover, hesitating. You bite your lip, an unconscious imitation of himself earlier. “Listen….”
Eddie straightens up a little, stomach flipping like a coin. “Yeah?”
You bow your head. “I’m sorry if I talked too much. It’s just – most people who come in don’t actually ask me for recommendations, and I got excited,” you admit quietly, looking sheepish.
“Don’t apologize,” Eddie says without missing a beat. “I appreciate it. I really enjoyed it, actually,” he adds, eager to quell your anxiety. “I liked talking with you.” More than you know.
“O-oh,” you stutter, taken aback. “I liked talking with you, too.”
Eddie nods, smiling slightly. “Would you like to…talk again?” He flushes scarlet and coughs. Smooth. “I just mean, when I finish these” – he motions towards the day’s finds – “we have to discuss them, right? You helped me pick ‘em out, after all.”
“Of course. You have to let me know what you think.”
His smile gets bigger. “So we’ll reconvene?”
“We’ll reconvene,” you chuckle.
“Awesome. Looking forward to it.” He sweeps up his books, and gives you a little wave. “Thanks again, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
And he can hardly wait. It looks like he’s got a lot of reading to do…
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thanks for reading!!! <3 edit: this is now a series! Read Ch. 2-> Here!
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letstripdotcom · 4 months
9:00am- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: it took a while for you to get used to matt. he was hard to read and could come off as mean. once you got to know him you guys started to become friends. after a long night out matt falls asleep in your bed.
warnings: smut bc you already knowwww
“y/n this is matt, matt this is y/n” my best friend nick explains. from what i heard, matt was a pretty cool person and i i was excited to meet him. “hey nice to meet you” i said cheerfully
“hey” he said flatly, giving me a flat smile. he walked off into the kitchen as nick and i got situated on the couch. that was rude. i thought to myself. matt definitely didn’t seem like the person nick had told me about.
after a while, matt had got situated on the couch with us and helped us pick out a movie. once we finally decided on a movie we all liked, we turned of the lights and got comfortable. matt sat on the other end of the couch and i cuddled up next to nick.
after the movie ended we were all hungry. we eventually decided on ihop, since it was the only thing open at this hour of the night. “i’ll drive.” i offered, getting my keys off the hook.
when we got to ihop i found myself trying to make small talk with matt, trying to see the side of him his triplet brothers saw. i eventually gave up on the conversation, feeling it was very one sided. we ate our food in almost pure silence, then left.
“i’m tired so i’m gonna head home. goodnight guys.” i said as we pulled into the driveway. i dropped the boys off and drove home. the whole drive all i could think about was the way matt acted. he definitely wasn’t the sweet guy i heard about.
i hung around matt more often, trying to figure him out, but almost seemed impossible. when i would go somewhere with him and his brothers, he would sit quietly and let them do the talking. conversations with him were almost impossible, because he would try to cut them as short as possible
one day i’m particular, you felt like you needed to know more about matt, and why acted the way he did towards you. you thought out what you were gonna say as you sat on the triplets couch.
“hey matt can we talk for a sec?” you whispered, trying to not be a distraction from the movie that was currently playing. “uh- yeah- i- sure” he stuttered, being caught off by your question. you guys got up and went into the kitchen.
you sighed, and decided to just rip off the bandaid. “is there a reason you don’t like me, or…?” you spoke. “what?” he asked. “i don’t know nick just tells me how sweet you are and all so i just get the feeling you don’t like me” he soaked in my words.
“i don’t not like you, it’s just hard” he paused “ you know, meeting new people, it’s hard to- i don’t know” he sighed, running a hand down his face. “sorry” he muttered.
“hey no it’s okay” i said reassuringly. “i didn’t mean to come at you like that. i guess i was just upset.” he smiled at me softly. “you’re cool, y/n and i would like to be your friend.” “yeah of course” i said semi-cheerfully. we went back to the couch and continued the movie.
after that day me and matt became much closer. we talked more often and we found out we actually had a lot in common. we both liked to read and write. we had the same music taste, and we disliked the same people.
one night, me and the triplets sat out by my pool and just talked. hours passed as we changed subjects, talking about life, friends, dreams, and anything you could imagine. “ok ladies i’m going to bed.” nick announced.
shortly after, chris got up too. “i actually have somewhere to be, so see you never” neither of us questioned where he might be going at three in the morning, and we continued our conversation.
“hey i’m hungry, wanna hit up ihop?” matt asked. “i’m so glad you said something because i’m starving.” we got in matt’s car and made the drive towards the restaurant. the whole way there was a blast. we blared music through the speakers and laughed about whatever.
we sat in the empty ihop for about an hour, laughing at the dumbest things before we decided the employees were tired of us. we went out to matt’s car and talked for another hour and a half in the ihop parking lot. we eventually got tired and drove back to mine.
we went up to my room, walking quietly past where nick was sleeping in the living room. “wow chris has been gone for a while” i pointed out. “yeah” matt sighed. we talked some more, the time now almost 6 in the morning. i looked at my phone then i looked over at matt who was passed out in my bed. i didn’t bother to move him so i just closed my eyes and went to bed.
at about 7 in the morning i woke up to feel matt’s arms snaked around my waist. i felt a strong sense of comfort like this, but his breathing on my neck made me slightly nervous.
without knowing i fell back asleep, and woke up at around 9, matt’s arms still around me. this time something was a little strange. i adjusted my position slightly, making me feel matt’s hard on. fuck. i sighed trying to go back to sleep and ignore it, but i could tell matt started to wake up.
“you okay matt?” i muttered, half asleep. he groaned and started to grind his hips into my ass, turning me on a little. “fuck y/n please” he whined. “please what?” i teased.
“m’ so hard” he whined “i need you” he placed his hands on my hips and grinded into me harder. “fuckkk feels so good” he whined. even tho i could probably get off to the sounds he was making alone, i decided to do something more.
i turned over, and pulled away, making him whine at the loss of contact. he looked at me with desperate eyes. “do you trust me?” i asked. “mhmm” he nodded frantically.
i threw one leg over him to where i was sitting on his lap. i pulled down his pants and boxers, just enough to release his dick. i took it in my hand and gave it a good squeeze, making him moan. i pumped it up and down a few times.
i then stood up and discarded of the clothes on my bottom half. i sat back down to the position i was in before. i rubbed him up and down my folds. he whined desperately under me. “let me fuck you” he pleaded.
“okay” i said, turning over as we switched positions. he was now on top as i lied under him. he placed sloppy kisses on my collar bone and chest.
he reached down and his thumb came in contact with my clit. he rubbed to slowly in circles. i moaned and threw my head back into the bed. he hit the sweet spot, making me squirm. when he noticed my actions, he rubbed that spot repeatedly til i came.
“fuck so pretty” he sighed, removing my shirt and bra. “ i wanna see all of you when i’m fucking you” he smirked.
without warning, he started to push into me. he gave me time to adjust before ramming into me forcefuly “fuck mattt, someone’s needy” i joked. he didn’t reply and just continued fucking into me.
he got so deep at one point that you can see it poking my stomach. “fuck matt just like that” i yelled, disregarding everyone sleeping downstairs. i gripped his back with my nails, slightly drawing blood.
“fuckkk- feels s-so good. i can feel you clenching pretty girl” he groaned “taking me so well.” i could hear his words forever. he looked down seeing my fucked out expression. “you doing okay baby?” i tried to come up words to answer his question. “mhmmm” is all i could say. he smiled at me and tucked a loose hair behind my hair.
he thrusted a few more times before i reached my orgasm. i breathed heavily, and raked my nails dow on his back, leaving bloody scratches all the way down. “cumming matt f-fuck” i managed to say as i came.
his orgasm wasn’t far behind. his thrusts started to become more sloppy. he whined and his face twisted as he came inside of me. he pulled out, the both of us breathing heavy. “good morning” he smiled. i rolled my eyes and laughed. “sorry bout your back”
a/n- the end sucks but i liked the majority of it😍
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
hey babe, i love ur writing its acc soo amazing. can you write about like chris or matt seeing you at one of their hockey games and while you were talking to some other guy, they score and do a celebration for you and obvi you don't see so they get pissed and then after the game they see you talking to the guy again and then they come up to you and grab your arm, pulling you into the locker room and then they yk fuck you for like three rounds and them they pocket your underwear and make you walk up to the guy you were talking to before and talk to them, but you're yk walking or limping and the guy notices and the you can do whatever you want
also this could be for either matt or chris or even nate
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: smuttt (don’t read if you don’t like), p in v, cream pie, oral (fem receiving), cursing, semi- public sex
a/n: i did chris cause i feel like i’ve seen so many hockey matt fics
ummm yeah hope you like :)
i watched as chris skated on the ice, my eyes never leaving him. the game was pretty close, but chris was playing really well tonight.
i felt someone tap my shoulder, making me turn towards them, and breaking my gaze on chris.
“hey” i was greeted by a guy that looked to be around the same age as me. he was a tall brunette, with green eyes.
“um, hi” i said, confused.
“sorry, um i just- do you recognize me?” i narrowed my eyes at him, now even more confused.
i’ve never seen this kid a day in my life before.
“um, should I?”
“ i’ll take that as a no. i sit a few rows back from you in history”
well this is awkward as hell.
“ohhh shit, sorry! yeah, yeah you’re…” i trailed off, waiting for him to say his name.
“blake” he finished.
“blake! yes, yeah! sorry, i’m a little out of it today” i said awkwardly.
this is why i don’t talk to people.
“yeah, no worries. i get it, you pay attention to the teacher, why would you even be facing the back?” he said, trying to justify me not knowing him.
i really really don’t like talking to people.
“exactly” i said, before starting to turn back to the game. before i could, he starting talking again.
“yeah! very studious of you. i’m normally just staring at the back of your head” he said, chuckling a little.
i really want to side-eye the shit out of this kid.
“hmm, normally i’m paying more attention to my boyfriend. you know, the kid who sits next to me?”
hopefully this kid takes the god damn hint.
“oh, chris, right?” i nodded my head.
“isn’t he like, a player, or something? you sure he’s the right guy for you? ”
i just side-eyed him.
this kid isn’t real, there is no way he just said that shit.
“it was a joke! sorry, i just wanted to get you to laugh. don’t take it too seriously” he nudged me with his elbow.
i should’ve sat next to nick, he would have a comeback that would scare this kid off.
suddenly, the crowd went crazy. as i went to turn towards the game to see what happened, blake grabbed my shoulder making me turn towards him.
“listen, i’m sorry that wasn’t funny! i’m kinda just trying to impress you” he admitted.
“jokes are usually funny, that was not” his smile dropped. “not that it’s any of your business, but chris treats me well. i’m not interested in anyone else”
he didn’t say anthing else, so i turned back to the game. which is now over.
fuck. this dumbass made me miss the rest of the game.
i looked closer, realizing chris’s entire team was slapping chris on the back and giving him high fives.
i looked at the score, his team won by one point.
fuck. chris scored the winning point, and i missed it.
chris happened to look over at me, locking eyes as his jaw clenched.
oh, he’s pissed.
i scanned the crowd, looking for a particular person.
when i finally found her, someone was standing next to her.
who is this kid?
whatever, it doesn’t matter. i have to focus.
the game is so close, all we need is a score and we can win.
when i saw an opportunity to score the point, i took the shot and made it.
i just scored the winning point.
“YEAHHHHHH” i yelled, starting to celebrate.
i looked in her direction, wanting to see her reaction.
what the fuck.
she was facing towards that random kid, his hand on her shoulder.
she didn’t even see.
was she ever even watching the game?
i saw matt and nate, along with the rest of my teammates skate towards me.
i was graced with multiple “congrats, dude” and pats on the back. i didn’t even care, all i could focus on was her.
when i looked back at her, we locked eyes. her face dropped as she realized how angry i was.
i just rolled my eyes and turned away.
i waited right next to the locker rooms, where we usually meet after chris’s games were finished.
suddenly, i heard blake’s voice again.
he just won’t stop.
“hey, you waiting for chris?” he asked.
“yup.” i kept my response short, looking for chris.
“yeah, that was some game-winning goal, huh?” he asked.
i turned towards him, “how would you know? you were never even focused on the game, you were too busy trying to get my attention”
“i-“ before he could even finish, my arm was grabbed and i was pulled into the locker room.
i didn’t even have to look to know it was chris.
he pushed me up against a set of lockers, “ i scored the winning point” he said as he looked into my eyes. “but you didn’t see that, huh? too busy talking to that kid”
i didn’t say anything, too shocked to speak.
“hmm, lost your voice, baby? or are you just having trouble paying attention to me?”
“no.” i answered.
“no? no, what?”
“i’m sorry chris, he just wouldn’t leave me alone. i told him i had a boyfriend”
“yeah? is that why he had his hand on your shoulder?”
“chris, i’m sorry” he pulled my hoodie over my head, sucking on my neck until it left marks.
“chris, what if someone walks in?” i asked, worried someone would see us.
we were in the very back of the locker room, but we were still out in the open.
“nobody has a locker back here, so as long as you’re quiet, there’s nothing to worry about.”
he unclasped my bra, taking one nipple in his mouth, while squeezing the other in his hand.
“shit, chris” i moaned. he lightly bit my nipple. “fuck!”
“didn’t i just say you have to be quiet? i swear to god if someone comes back here i’m not stopping.” he said as he continued to lick and suck.
my head fell back into the locker, as one of his hands snuck past the waistband of my sweatpants and into my underwear.
i gasped as i covered my mouth with my hand.
he rubbed circles on my clit, as he continued his work on my tits.
“think he could make you feel this good?” he whispered into my ear.
i didn’t open my mouth, scared a moan would spill out.
he inserted two fingers into me. “answer me.”
“fuck, no no no. no one can, just you chris” i whispered.
suddenly, he pulled away and pulled my underwear and sweatpants down.
he brought me over to a bench and laid me over his lap. the bench was wide enough that i could position myself on my hands and knees without falling off.
he slapped my ass, making me whine, and rubbed it after.
he spit into his hand before rubbing my clit with his thumb.
“shit, chris”
“remind me, whose pussy is this?” he asked. i couldn’t see his face, but i’m sure he wore a smug grin on it.
“yours, chris” he slapped my clit, making me jolt forward.
“fuck” i whispered.
he continued to rub my clit with one hand while inserting his middle and index fingers into my pussy.
“FUCK CHRIS” i yelled out, not even caring about being loud.
his fingers moved in me at an abnormally fast pace. i didn’t even know anyone could move their fingers that fast.
i approached my orgasm quickly. “chris! CHRIS! i’m gonna-“
“go ahead cum, on my fingers ma”
my legs started to shake uncontrollably, and i clutched the bench under me for dear life.
“ oh FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUCK, CHRISSS” my voice shook as my entire body twitched.
he continued to assault my pussy with his fingers. “oh my god, chris” i moaned as i reached behind me to pull his hand away.
he slapped my clit, making me cry out and move my hand away “you know your safeword”
he maneuvered my legs so that he was in between them and without another word, he gripped my thighs and began to run his tongue through my folds.
i couldn’t contain the loud moans coming out of my mouth as he shook his head from side to side, completely suffocating himself.
my legs instinctively closed around his face, as i squirmed and whimpered.
his nose rubbed against my clit as he moaned into my pussy, sending me over the edge.
“CHRIS- CHRIS I’M CUMMING” i yelled as i finished on his face.
when he pulled away his face was covered in my cum, his eyeblack smudged all over his face.
that is hot as fuck.
he quickly took off his gear and underclothes, leaving him naked.
he placed me on my back at the end of the bench and stood between my legs.
he pumped himself a few times and lined himself up with me and pushed himself in.
“hmmmmm” i whined as he groaned out, “so fucking tight. look at how perfectly i fit in you, this pussy was fucking made for me” he mumbled.
he didn’t even give me a chance to adjust, pounding into me mercilessly.
this side of chris was driving me absolutely insane. he looked too good snapping his hips into mine, lust-clouded eyes, his face red and sweaty.
my head fell back, and my eyes squeezed shut.
“open those pretty eyes, you’re gonna pay attention to me this time” he growled.
he growled.
i’m losing my fucking mind.
suddenly, he increased his speed and thrusted into me with all his force.
“ my GOD, CHRIS” my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
he reached down and started to rub my clit.
“what did i tell you about those eyes”
“sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry” i repeated it like it was a mantra.
he started to squeeze my boob with his other hand.
i started to twitch again, clenching around him over and over again.
“fuck ma” he groaned before painting my walls with his cum, launching me into my orgasm.
i moaned his name over and over again before cumming all over his cock.
he then picked me up, and held me up against a locker fucking me against it.
“chris! chris! sensitive, i- FUCK” he groaned into my ear as he continued to slide in and out of me.
he lifted up my leg, letting him directly hit my g-spot.
suddenly, the locker room door opened. footsteps could be heard, but they were nowhere near us.
chris covered my mouth with his hand, his nose pressed against mine as he stared into my eyes, almost daring me to make noise.
he continued to fuck me into the lockers, his speed increasing.
there was rustling, before a locker door closed. and the footsteps retreated.
i silently gasped into his hand, and he rubbed my clit, making me grip onto his biceps.
as soon as i heard the locker room door close, signifying that the person left, i let out a scream.
“fuck, give it to me baby” he said as my front half shot up, and i wrapped my arms around chris’s shoulders.
my juices shot out onto chris’s cock, and he released his load into me.
he fucked me through my high, giving a few more thrusts.
when he pulled out, our cum dripped out of me and down my leg.
“here, i’ll help you get dressed” he handed me all of my clothes, except my underwear.
“chris, you didn’t give me my underwear” i said, my voice hoarse from all of the screaming i did.
“i know, i’ll be holding onto that” he said as he put them in his pocket.
“now c’mon, we gotta get you dressed so we can go talk to our friend”
oh. that’s not good.
i didn’t argue, knowing it would make things worse.
once we finished getting dressed, chris grabbed his stuff.
as we started to walk towards the door, my legs started to shake slightly.
fuck. i can barely walk.
“you ok, ma?” chris asked with a slight smirk on his face.
i just narrowed my eyes at him, making him chuckle.
when we left the locker room, there blake stood. directly across from the locker rooms.
i know this kid did not sit here and wait for me.
i glanced over at chris, and he motioned for me to go up to him.
i slowly limped over to him, chris not too far behind me.
“hey” i said to him.
his eyes widened, noticing the limp, as he took in our features. the hickeys all over my neck, my shaky legs, the sweat all over chris’s face, and our messy hair.
“um…hey” blake said.
i nodded, slowly and awkwardly.
chris then stepped in.
“hey, i’m chris. her boyfriend. what’d ya think of the game?” chris asked with a head tilt and a smirk on his face.
“uh, yeah! n-no, great, awesome game! you’re a great hockey player”
this kid is fucking shaking in his boots.
“really? that’s crazy! i didn’t realize you were able to watch the game by staring at my girlfriend!” he said sarcastically.
blake’s eyes widened.
“i didn’t know, sorry”
“you didn’t know she was my girlfriend? alright well, now you do” he got closer to him. “and if you ever forget, i swear to god you’ll end up with a lot more than a black eye, got it ?”
blake just nodded.
“great, walk away” he waisted no time in doing exactly that, getting away as quickly as he could.
i turned to chris.
“hey, i’m really sorry i didn’t see your big moment. i genuinely was trying to pay attention, he just wouldn’t leave me alone”
he gave me a kiss to my cheek, “it’s ok baby, i don’t think we have to worry about him doing it again” we laughed together.
“he looked like he was gonna piss himself” he grinned at me while he wrapped his arm around my waist.
“ok, c’mon ma. gotta find my family” just as he said that, they came into view.
chris helped me walk over, as i was still limping.
nick and matt just looked at us and shook their heads.
“you two are fucking disgusting”
“whatever, let’s go”
matt stopped us, “ hold up, i gotta get my stuff from the locker room”
chris and i glanced at each other.
“yeah, you dirty fuckers i saw you two go in there, which is why i waited” he said as he walked in the direction of the locker rooms.
we looked at each other and busted out laughing, trying to catch our breath.
…hope you like <333
lmk what y’all want
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @frankeelovesthesturnio @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo
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