#and now. she keeps having problems with it!! and she doesn't understand my instructions on the phone!! so I have to drive over there to fix
running-in-the-dark · 2 months
it's actually evil that you need to have a (newer) smartphone and an app to confirm the transaction every time you want to transfer money
for many, many reasons, but mostly because it's one more thing I need to keep figuring out for my mother and I don't want to!
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alessiathepirate · 11 months
Resident Evil 2 - Resident Evil 4
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Summary: Relationship development through nightmares and shared trauma.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: swearing, referenced PTSD, trauma, mentioned death, described violence, hurt/comfort
Half a night full of nightmares
Escaping the unsurvivable doesn't come with good feelings at all.
It didn't fill her heart with pride or joy after she survived all those monsters in Raccoon City, even though she almost laughed from relief when she found herself far away from that God forsaken place with Leon, Claire and Sherry on her side.
No. The aftermath wasn't happy and it definitely wasn't fun. It was sad, insufferable and painful.
The mornings were alright - she didn't have any problems with those, especially when she could talk to either Leon or Claire, or take care of Sherry. But the nights - the nights were horrible and the first few after the incident were the worst.
She saw hoards of the undead in her dreams, attacking her or killing the people she cared about. She heard the noises of the lickers and the turned dogs, but the worst were the loud steps, making the walls and the ground she was standing on shake.
On the first night she relived the journalist's death so vividly, she didn't know where she was when she woke up. She saw him backing away and then the strong arm of the tyrant pushed through the concrete wall, it grabbed his head and crushed it like it was nothing. She remembered how the blood dripped down to the floor, how his eyes popped out of their places and how they were hanging out of his eye sockets, only a few weak muscles keeping them attached to his body.
When she woke up she couldn't breath, her chest was heavy, her throat felt both tight and dry and she was crying, the tears quickly running down her cheeks. She didn't know where she was or who she was, her mind was too far gone, still living in the world of the nightmare, not finding the way back to reality.
Two sudden hands on her shoulders pushed her back to the present, to the dirty motel room with the lights on, but with the curtains closed.
"Hey, hey! It's okay, it was just a nightmare! You're safe, I'm here. Do you hear me?" Leon's voice was full of fear, but he did his best not to panic as he tried to calm her down. His words made her breathing slow down and she felt like she can get some fresh air in her lungs again. "You have to take a big breath with me, okay? In and out." She followed his instructions as he brushed a few locks of hair out of her face, which got stuck to her forehead from the sweat. "Again- breath in... and out." He made eye contact with her, making sure she's feeling better. "You can calm down, it was just a bad dream."
She nodded, now understanding the situation she found herself in.
"Thank you." her mouth felt dry as she said those two words out loud.
"You have nothing to say thank you for." Leon smiled at her reassuringly. "Do you feel better now?"
She just nodded again, not trusting her voice this time. Leon backed away and sat down next to her on the bed.
She felt awkward as she sat up, leaning against the bedframe as she pulled the duvets to the side, because she felt like she was burning alive under them. She hugged her knees to her chest as she looked at Leon again.
"You can talk about it if you want to. I had one too, you know... a nightmare."
She stayed quiet as she thought about what to do, but then her strength to keep all the fear in herself broke.
"I had a dream about the journalist's- about Ben's death... It was like I- relived that moment, you know. When the tyrant killed him." she explained as a shiver run through her spine at the memories. "What was yours about?"
"That we never made it out alive." he started. "That every one of you died right before the finish line and when I tried to get back to you I got attacked as well."
"I'm sorry."
"About what?"
"I don't know." she answered after she realized how stupid it would be to apologize for the whole Raccoon City incident, when it wasn't her fault - nor their fault at all. "For scaring you because of some shitty dream I had... For what happened or- I don't know."
"It's not your fault. You can't do anything against the dreams you have and I'm sure you did your absolute best in Raccoon City. We all did."
They smiled at each other, but it was a very broken, pitiful smile.
"I'll always be here if you want to talk about, you know- what happened."
"The same goes for you." she said. "Where are the others? Claire and Sherry?"
"Claire wanted to get something to eat and Sherry wanted to go with her. You fell asleep so I didn't want to leave you alone." Leon explained and then added jokingly: "And then I fell asleep as well so I guess we were both too tired to care about food. They should be back in a few minutes."
"Thanks for staying with me."
Leon just smiled and then stood up, walking towards the only table the cheap motel room had.
"Claire was able to get some tea from that nice lady at reception. Do you want some? I mean, it's already cold, but-"
"It's perfect. Thank you."
A few moments later they were both sitting on her bed, drinking that ice cold tea as they made sure the other was feeling better after half a night full of nightmares. Neither of them knew how important that little gesture will be in their shared future.
The already full jar of trauma
The moment she heard Leon's voice from his bedroom, she was up, her bare feet were on the cold floor, not caring about what she had on or how low the temperature in their apartment was. Her reflexes, which became quite sharp after that horrible night, acted on their own accord, and the next thing she knew she was running to her flatmate's bedroom, not bothering to knock.
Just like she thought - Leon's body was sweaty and he was tossing and turning in his bed with an uncomfortable look on his face. All the tiredness was gone from her eyes as she sat down next to him on his bed and put one of her hands on his chest while the other was gently caressing his face.
"Leon?" she spoke up kindly, her voice rough from sleeping beforehand. "Leon, please wake up! It's just a dream. Leon?"
He suddenly opened his eyes as he sat up so quickly she had to lean back so he won't bump into her.
"It's okay!" she tried to reassure him as she touched his arm. "It was just a bad dream."
He looked at her, his eyes teary from both dream and sleep and the next thing she knew, he hugged her, his arms keeping her in place tightly, afraid to let go.
She was shocked at first, that moment being the first time ever he hugged her or was that close to her, but she didn't complain. She knew how bad a nightmare can be, how bad of a reaction it can get out of someone. So she hugged him back and stroked his arm as his breathing became more even.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she said, her face still pressed against his shoulder.
She felt him swallow.
"Do you remember Marvin?" he asked even though he knew the answer.
Marvin was still a fresh wound and a painful topic - especially the way he died and the why he died. The man was a hero; he saved them from getting eaten and he gave them the right weapons and best gear they could ever find.
She nodded, but the memories still hurt.
"I had a dream about him."
"I'm sorry. You had to shoot him because of me."
It was true and she'll probably always feel guilty because of it. It was her fault - her fault that Leon had to shoot him dead and with that add to the already full jar of trauma.
She wasn't careful and let the turned Marvin attack her. His hands were already on her and if Leon doesn't react quickly, he would've bit her right in the neck.
"It wasn't your fault." Leon said and after taking a long breath he continued: "He was already gone. It was between you and him, and he was already gone."
Even if it was a painful topic, she knew she can be thankful that Leon was there and acted quickly.
"Thank you for being there that day." she said after she pushed Leon back so she can look him in the eye. "But you can't blame yourself either. I hope you know that."
He nodded, silently saying that he does.
"Are you tired?" he asked.
"Not anymore, no."
"We can watch something if you want to."
"Yeah." she answered, knowing none of them would be able to fall sleep again. "That would be great. A shitty comedy would be great."
Keep on talking
She was so tired she felt like she could cry at any little thing - yet sleep stayed far away from her. It didn't want to come, it didn't want to give her what she needs and covets.
Her whole body hurt from that morning's obstacle training and hand-to-hand combat - both lessons left cuts and purple, blue or even yellow bruises on her arms, legs and stomach. Her muscles were aching, screaming for even a few hours of sleep, but both the sleep and dreams stayed away.
"Are you still up?"
Leon's question was so sudden in the darkness that it gave her heart an ache from fear, her heartbeat becoming faster.
They shared a bunk bed together. Leon chose the lower part so she owned the upper one - but deep down she knew Leon made that decision so he can look out for her and be her guard dog until the end of the damn training.
"Yeah." she whispered back, not wanted to wake up the others.
"You can't sleep?"
"Exactly, but I want to." her voice became high pitched, so she had to swallow to keep the tears back. "God, I really want to."
Leon whispered her name, his voice was full of worry and that was what broke the dam. The tears started to fall from both mental and physical pain, tiredness.
"Are you okay?"
She didn't answer. She couldn't without waking the others up, knowing her voice would be rough and high pitched.
She heard him pull the duvet to the side, she was sure he sat up on his bed. Then his bare feet made contact with the floor and in the next moment she could see Leon's face as he grabbed the side of her bed. His expression was full of sadness.
"Do you want to sleep next to me tonight?" he asked quietly, gently touching her hand.
She nodded.
"Come here..."
She did her best to stay silent as she wiped away her tears and then climbed down, her arms shaking as she did so. Leon was there to help her, holding her, keeping his hand on her back as support.
When she was down he turned her towards himself, wiped the remaining tears away and gently stroked a bruise on her collarbone. She only then noticed that he had a few bruises himself as well, a purple one hiding right under his jaw, but she could still see it in the moonlight.
"Who did you fight with?"
"Why, you want to beat him up?" he asked teasingly, trying to crack a joke.
She didn't giggle, caring about his health and well being too much to take it as a joke.
"Of course I want to."
"You can have one guess." he sighed.
"Who else?"
"What an asshole." she whispered.
"What about you? Who do I have to beat up?"
"You can have one guess." she quoted him. "I had hand-to-hand combat right after you."
Leon didn't say anything to that, he only stroked her cheek reassuringly and then gestured towards his bed. She lay down on his bed and tried to find a position where she leaves place for Leon as well. He joined her moments later and pulled the duvet over the two of them.
"Try to rest, okay? You need it." he whispered.
"I know." she started. "I just got to a point where I'm too tired to fall asleep."
"Do you want me to keep on talking?"
"If you want to."
One of his hands found her waist and pulled her shirt down to cover her skin, and then through the material he started to draw different shapes into her. First a square, then a circle, a triangle, a star and then a smiley face.
"Did I tell you that Claire called right before we had to come here?" he asked.
"Well she did. She told me all about what she wants to do" she closed her eyes as he started to talk. "and about who she met. She asked about us. She was surprised that we became flatmates, joking that that's how dumb romance books start..."
She fell asleep right after that, her mind finally finding peace at his words. What she didn't realize was how she was admired while she was sleeping and how well Leon slept next to her that night.
That was the first time they asked themselves if they are really just friends or something more.
You'll always have Prince Charming, cariño
Their first night together as a couple shouldn't go like this - with this heavy, burning feeling inside their chests.
The well known feeling of guilt made that night harder than ever. It's been a while since they were this afraid of falling asleep and it wasn't easy to get used to again, even if they both got a routine for those nights.
Taking a shower, getting dressed for bed, cooking dinner and then watching something on the TV - trying to do everything slowly to avoid going to sleep, trying to keep their eyes open so they can concentrate on the crappy movie, trying to not think about who they lost.
"We should go to bed or you'll fall asleep on the couch." Leon was the first to break the silence and the tension in the air.
They were both watching some stupid comedy on the TV, but while Leon was sitting with tired eyes, she was resting her head on his thigh. Her eyes closed a few minutes ago and she almost fell asleep when he spoke up.
"I don't want to." she started. "I'll have nightmares and I really can't deal with them tonight."
Leon's hand started to stroke her back and she sighed - being there with him gave her a peace of mind, but it also made her really sleepy.
"I know what you mean - but we have to give it a try. We've been a through a lot and we need to rest."
"I know. I just-" she sat up so she can look at him. "I just don't want to relive Luis' death... I just can't."
Leon looked at her like she said the exact thing he had been feeling and thinking about. He gave her a sad smile and took her hand in his, drawing the usual shapes into her skin with his thumb.
"Luis didn't deserve to die." she continued, trying to get everything what hurts off of her chest. "Even if he was always flirting or being annoying; he was nice. And he was really trying to do the right thing."
"And he was your biggest supporter." Leon added with a small, honest smile.
"No, he was our biggest supporter." she corrected him, letting out a giggle as she remembered all the things he said to her. "He was trying to make me see what our relationship truly is- that what you and I have is more than friendship."
"He was right, wasn't he?"
She nodded and the smile she had disappeared as she got back to reality. To the reality where Luis Serra is dead no matter how hard she tried to save his life.
She thought about the memories she shares with Leon and realized that no matter what they do or where they go, they always meet with tragedy and death. Those things overshadow their relationship and its development, not letting them fully enjoy what they have.
Luis would've loved to see their confession. He would've loved to see their faces when they realize they both feel the same way about the other. He would've wanted them to be happy.
Even if it's hard to be happy and smile.
What would he say? Something cheesy and romantic. Something like: You'll always have Prince Charming to make you smile even on hard days, cariño.
And he'd be right. She'll always smile when she sees Leon. She'll always laugh at his jokes. She'll get through everything if he's by her side.
"All right." she spoke up suddenly, making Leon stop his movements. "We can try and get some sleep- together."
"Together." he agreed and then leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead.
God, Luis would be smirking with that proud, annoying smirk of his.
A few moments later they were cuddling under the duvets in Leon's room; her head was on his chest as he was stroking her back. She didn't dare to close her eyes yet, but she enjoyed the closeness with her lover.
Lover, she thought. It's good they had Luis to make them see they are better lovers than friends.
That's how she should remember him. Luis Serra, the best wingman the world has ever known. The bravest, kindest wingman the world has ever known.
"Leon?" she spoke up in the darkness as she closed her eyes.
"Yes? Is something wrong?"
"No. There's nothing wrong. Everything is fine when I'm with you." she explained when she heard the fear in his voice. "I just wanted to say I love you."
For a moment Leon's heartbeat and breathing changed, and his hand stopped.
"I love you too, darling. Now try to get some sleep, okay?"
"Promise me you'll wake me up if you have a nightmare..."
"I promise, but the same goes for you."
Leon pressed one last kiss to the back of her hand and then they both closed their eyes, trying to enjoy the other's presence, knowing they don't have to be afraid of nightmares. Not when they have the other.
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Boyfriend for Hire {Ezra x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 21.1k
Warnings: Modern AU, escort work, technically prostitution, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, masturbation, angst, miscommunication
Comments: When you are instructed to bring your boyfriend to the company New Year's party, you have a problem. He doesn't actually exist. Hiring Ezra, an escort who provides companionship for those who can afford it, turns into something far different than what you imagined.
A/N: Happy late New Year!!!!
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
Thank you @thewaythisis for finding the pic I wanted.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season with your families.” You stare down at your checklist for the end of year board meeting and halfway turn out, knowing you will be working through the holiday to get ahead on some projects that will be happening in the year to come. “That brings me to our New Year’s Eve party.” The CEO captures your attention and you look up as he smiles happily. “This year, I’ve decided to host a party for all of our execs and junior execs. I want all of you to be there.” He turns towards you. “We can finally meet this mysterious beau you keep talking about but we never see you bring to work functions.”
Panicking slightly but trying to remain calm, you shake your head. “Uh, we have plans for the New Year.” You protest, making him frown. 
“Unless you are out of town, which you’ve already said you will be here, I expect all of my employees there.” He decrees. Shit….now you have to pull a non-existent boyfriend out of thin air. 
Ezra looks away from his laptop when his phone begins to ring, his work phone. He takes off his glasses and sets them down before he pushes the green button to answer the call. “Hello?” He answers after clearing his throat. 
“Um, hello. Is this Ezra?” A woman asks and Ezra smiles at how nervous she sounds. 
“This is he.” He responds, tapping his fingers on his desk. 
“I, um, I got your number from a friend. I have a New Year party to attend and I need a man to go with me…to pretend to be my boyfriend.” 
Ezra bites his lip to smother his chuckle at that, “that’s my speciality, little bird. Shall we meet for a drink and see if I’m a good fit?” He suggests. 
“Ye-yes. That sounds good.” Ezra lets you pick the time and place and after telling you he will be there, he hangs up with a smirk. He has a job for New Year’s Eve. Perfect.
You fidget as you wait, choosing a high top table away from the rest of the bar, your drink in front of you medicinal to keep you from jumping out of your skin. You know what you are. What you are perceived as. A workaholic. A bitch boss who demanded too much of your team and only cared about your career. 
It was true, you were career focused and you didn’t think it was a bad thing. However, when everyone started asking about your personal life, because apparently separation of work and home life doesn’t exist anymore, you had lied. Made up what sounded like the perfect man, at least not anyone you had ever dated. Now you need to produce this wonderful person and you have no clue how to go about it without hiring someone. You’ve not been on a date in years and you don’t really want to. Men are always insecure when they realize you hold more power or make more money, or whatever seems to emasculate them. “Shit.” You hiss, lifting your drink to your lips with a slight tremble to your hand.
Ezra spots the red dress you said you’d be wearing and makes his way over to the table, adjusting his jacket as he confidently strides over to you. “You must be my date for the evening.” He offers you the most charming smile he can muster as he takes your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. “Ezra, at your service.” He declares and takes a seat opposite you, admiring you for a moment. You’re beautiful, not the usual elderly woman he is escorting to boring social events. You’re gorgeous in fact and he smiles, knowing this won’t be a difficult date for him unless you are an absolute bitch.
You introduce yourself and then lean back as the waiter comes over to take Ezra’s drink order, giving you a moment to observe him. He’s elegant, far more than what you expected. None of the greasy appeal you had assumed you would have to deal with. His date casual outfit looked like it would belong at any high class country club, although the blonde streak in his otherwise russet hair is shocking in its charm. “Ma’am? Another?” You break away from looking at Ezra and stare down at your ice. 
“Please.” You murmur and wait for Ezra to speak as the man walks away to fulfill the drink orders.
“So…New Year’s Eve? A work shindig. Tell me little bird, what kind of man are you searching for to accompany you to the party? I am well versed in being whatever gentleman you require. You give me the details and I will play whatever part you desire.”
Twisting in your chair, you pull out your notebook, having written down everything you’ve told your colleagues about this fictitious boyfriend. Sighing as you open it and turn it around to hand to him. “This is what I’ve told them about my…lover.” Boyfriend seems so very juvenile to say and you swallow harshly, waiting for him to scoff at the unrealistic spin you’ve woven.
Ezra takes the notebooks, reading your bullet points and he bites his lip at the imaginative meeting between you and your “lover” until he reads what your beau enjoys, how he treats you. “Chérie, you might’ve discovered the most perfect man on the planet.” He jokes softly and you sigh, reaching for the notebook. 
“I know I embellished but I- I wanted you - him - to sound good.” 
Ezra pulls the book away from your reach, “I didn’t say it was impossible to create. I am a talented actor, I can assure you that this man will be attending your party with you. I can be this man but…I’m not cheap.”
It’s on the tip of your tongue to say that price doesn’t matter, but what kind of executive would you be if you gave away your negotiating power? “What would be your cost? Expenses? What would I be paying for?” You ask, tucking the notebook back into your large bag and looking over to see the waiter bringing the drinks back to your table.
Ezra smiles and thanks the waiter for the drinks, pausing the conversation, then he looks back at you while he lifts his drink. “Cheers, Chérie.” He smiles and clinks his glass against yours. “I’m not cheap. I am very discreet. I am good at what I do. I guarantee by the end of the night everyone will be convinced that I am in fact your lover. Three thousand. For the night.” He tells you his price, knowing it’s high but he’s good at what he does.
He is pricey, especially when you consider what the going rate for escorts is. You aren’t blind, you’ve seen the expense reports for some of your male counterparts, claiming it as ‘entertainment’. However, you aren’t looking for sex, you want a sophisticated man to be able to charm those around you and give a convincing performance. You take a sip of your drink, contemplating the idea. “Agreed, I will pay you half upfront and half at the end of the night. However, if you are not convincing, I will keep the other half.” 
Ezra smirks, liking your moxie, and he shifts to lean closer to you, “oh don’t you fret, little bird. You’re gonna be thrilled by the end of the night.” He lifts his glass towards you and takes a sip of his drink. Leaning back in his seat, he’s excited to spend the New Year with you. 
As part of the package, Ezra picks you up in the town car he hired for the evening. A friend of a friend has a company and he has a deal with them. A few hundred bucks isn’t much when he’s making thousands. He knocks on the door of your ridiculously posh apartment and waits for you to answer, adjusting his bow tie to ensure he looks suitable for your beau.
Putting in your earrings, you quickly walk to the door and open it. “I-“ stopping mid-sentence, you take in the polished suit and the way that his hair is even more carefully styled. “You look fantastic.” You murmur. “Let me get my purse and wrap.”
Ezra nods, hanging by your front door. He doesn’t want to intrude and he waits patiently for you to come into the hallway after you lock your front door. “You look exquisite, chérie. I will surely be the envy of every man in the room.” He reaches for your hand and brings it to his lips to kiss the back of it. “Shall we go? The car is waiting.” He extends his arm after letting go of your hand, excited to remember all the tidbits he’s been memorizing since your meeting a few days ago.
Nervous as you take his arm, you allow Ezra to walk you towards the elevators. “Have you memorized the key points?” You ask softly, the clicking of your shoes on the marble floors the only thing you can hear beyond your quiet conversation. “When we met, first date?”
“We met in that coffee shop over on Desmond Street. Brewsters. We bumped into each other during the morning rush and that was it. I took you to dinner at Le Mar and brought you roses. We kissed that night but nothing else. We’ve been dating for ten months. It’s been bliss. I took you to the fair and bought you that pretty bracelet you’re wearing for your birthday. I know your middle name. I know where you were born. I know the town you grew up in. Trust me, baby, I am a professional.” He pushes the button to call the car, turning to look at you. He reaches up to caress your face.
Suitably impressed, you wonder why your cheeks heat up when he touches your cheek. “You have a scar.” You just realize it, seeing the thin, silvery scar on the apple of his left cheek. “Where did you get it? In case anyone asks, of course.” You don’t mention that you think that it’s charming, giving him an almost roguish appearance that makes you think of old fashioned duals for honor with his syrupy accent.
Ezra chuckles softly, “serving this country. I was lucky that’s all I got. I nearly lost my arm. Was shot a few times but made it through. You should probably mention that I was an army man. Might win some of those bigwigs you associate with over. They always appreciate a man in uniform I’ve found.” He snorts, remembering the amount of times he’s seen lust in their eyes imagining him in a uniform while their wives stood beside them for appearances. You press the button for the ground floor and Ezra stands beside you after you drop his arm.
“Oh.” You murmur to him. “Sorry.” You don’t know what to say to that. Instead, the silence settles between you as your elevator car takes you down and you step out into the ground floor. You take a deep breath, wishing you could just stay on your couch in your leggings and work on reports while watching the New Year’s Eve program on TV and drink the wine you had bought and the nibble on the little charcuterie board you had ordered with your groceries on a whim.
Ezra shakes his head, stopping you walking for a moment. “Hush. You don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t send me to my death. Those bastards did. Let’s make this an amazing night for you.” He cups your cheek and leans in to softly peck your lips. “Come on chérie, let’s go impress your coworkers.” He winks and takes your hand to guide you to the town car.
“Thank you.” Ezra helps you into the car and slides in beside you as the driver closes the door. You are impressed that he went to the lengths that he has with ordering a car. You had half expected to have to order an Uber. “Where did you grow up?” You ask curiously. “Is your accent authentic or…dramatic?” 
Ezra smirks, “I’m not that good an actor. I’m from Louisiana. Born and raised until I joined the army and left for good. Moved here about five years ago after my - my incident. You like the accent? Or no?” He asks, watching you as the car pulls away from the curb towards the hotel your company picked out for the event.
“I like it.” You assure him, reaching over and patting his thigh before remembering yourself and pulling your hand back. 
“Don’t.” Ezra grabs your hand and pulls it back. “We would be comfortable touching each other, chérie.” He reminds you. “You have paid a lot of money to be with your ‘lover’ tonight.” 
You bite your lip, shyly looking away and clearing your throat. “You must think I am ridiculous, needing to hire you to pretend to be my lover.” You murmur. “I - I concentrate on work, not men.”
“That’s smart. Men fuck everything up. Men complicate things. You’re a smart girl, focusing on you and your work. The right man…he will come along eventually. I understand the pressure, the way people question you constantly. As a woman, you’re expected to settle down and marry, be with a man and have the American dream but not everyone is made for that. Some don’t want the man, some don’t want the kids, some don’t want the house. It’s 2022 for God’s sake, women should be able to do whatever they damn well want.” He says with conviction, “I’m - I mainly attend functions with older women whose husbands have passed.”
That catches your curiosity, wondering if he is some sort of a con man. Swindling sweet old ladies out of their money with sweet nothings and attention. “How did you decide to become an..an escort?” You lower your voice, not wanting to say it too loudly even though the window of the town car was up.
Ezra sighs, "um, it's a long story but the short version? I got out and back here I had physical therapy and therapy...lots of it. By the time I was healed, I couldn't find a job so I moved to the big city. When I got here, I got in touch with some friends who put me in touch with an older woman who wanted company - no sex just company - and from there, she referred me and so on. It pays well and no one cares about my résumé."
“Fascinating.” You truly mean that. It’s not like you are unaware of people paying for company, hell, you are doing it now. But his story on how he came to get into this is interesting. The things he must see and here while he’s providing entertainment are sure to be noteworthy. “Have you ever had disagreements with your clients?”
“Sometimes. Not everyone is a fit but as long as the terms are laid out, we don’t tend to have a lot of issues or complications. Communication is key so if you don’t like something, you need to tell me, chérie.” He orders softly, offering you an accompanying smile.
“I don’t understand why they wanted to do this on New Year’s Eve.” You huff even though you do know why. It’s an opportunity to get drunk and party, writing it off as a corporate expense. “I don’t like being out on nights like these.” You admit quietly, looking out the window at the crowded streets.
Ezra snorts, “I have always had a hatred for the new year. Another year wasted.” He sighs just as the car pulls up and he shifts to get out, holding his hand out for you to exit the car. He smiles at you, shifting into character as he prepares to face your coworkers and bosses.
Stepping out of the car, you’re nervous. All of this could be a disaster, what where you thinking? This was insane, you should have just told them you broke up with your mystery boyfriend but it’s too late now. Ezra’s hand is a lifeline and you cling to it, never really liking social functions. For work was fine, but you hate small talk and know that they will be judging you - and the man you brought.
Ezra squeezes your hand, noticing how stiff you have gone. “Relax, chérie. I’ll take care of you.” He promises, knowing it’s his job to take care of you but also, part of him wants to make sure this night goes well. You seem like a good woman despite your workaholic tendencies and he wants to ensure you impress your bosses. Walking into the ballroom, Ezra is impressed at the display and immediately a man approaches you, saying your name.
“Charles.” You smile warmly, reaching out to the CEO of the company as he stops in front of you. “You said to be here and here I am.” You chuckle and shake his hand, motioning to Ezra beside you. “And I have brought my significant other, as requested.” You introduce the two to one another quickly. 
Ezra extends his hand after letting go of you, shaking your boss’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you sir. My chérie has told me good things about you.” He offers a charming smile and Charles chuckles, “all good I hope?” He asks and Ezra nods, taking your hand in his again. “Of course. My lady works hard for your company. Workin’ all hours of the day and away from me.” He pouts playfully and leans in to kiss your cheek.
You hum, tilting your head as if it is a kiss you receive everyday rather than this being the first time. “Well, you know I love my job.” You smile and look back at Charles. “The party looks like a success, everyone is having fun.” Code for quickly getting smashed but it’s not sloppy yet.
Ezra lets go of your hand and wraps his arm around you, pulling you close. “Yes. Yes. You should go have fun. Ezra…it was a pleasure to meet you.” Charles smiles and Ezra nods back, “come on chérie, let’s go get a glass of champagne.” Ezra guides you to the bar, gesturing for the bartender. “I think that went well.” He murmurs, leaning close to you so it looks like he’s murmuring sweet nothings in your ear.
“Yes it did.” You look around the room, already ready to leave. Allowing Ezra to order for you, you are happily surprised when he orders a good vintage of champagne. If he is hanging around older, wealthy women, he would most likely have developed good taste and you appreciate it.
Ezra thanks the bartender and hands you the flute, lifting his own up. “To 2023.” He smiles, clinking his glass with yours. “I think it would be appropriate for me to kiss you…if you will allow it.” He adds, not wanting to overstep however, he can feel eyes on him and he wants to make a good impression.
You bite your lip for a brief second before you nod. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t wondered if he was a good kisser. The little crease in his bottom lip very distracting and you’ve glanced at several times. “I think a moderate kiss would be appropriate right now.” You murmur, knowing you don’t want to cause a scene.
There’s a part of Ezra that wants to kiss you, the way your lips part and the small furrow in your brow has him ready to kiss you silly. He doesn’t kiss during his usual bookings, most of the women are older and don’t require that of him. He gently grips your chin with his free hand, leaning in and his eyes meet yours for a brief moment until he closes them to press a soft kiss to your lips.
It steals your breath. Making your eyes glitter and your hand reaches up to grip his shoulder. Nearly overwhelmed just from the petal soft feel of his lips against yours. It’s not demanding, but you yield anyway, the softest moan echoing in your throat.
Your moan makes Ezra deepen the kiss a little. Sliding his tongue into your mouth for a brief moment until he pulls back and kisses the corner of your mouth. “Well, isn’t this adorable?” Cynthia, one of your department managers comes over to see you. “This must be the beau you’ve mentioned before. Though we never caught his name.” She clicks her tongue and Ezra extends his hand after lowering it from your chin. 
“Ezra, pleasure to meet you.” He offers her a charming smile while keeping his posture aligned towards you.
You and Cynthia never really see eye to eye. She has some kind of grudge against you since you were promoted over her although she didn’t have the skill set for your job. “Cynthia.” You nod politely and smile. “Where is your husband? I’m sure Ezra would like to meet him.” Her husband is boorish, but you have to pretend to enjoy his company to play nicely. 
“Oh he has a work meeting. He’s been so busy.” She waves it off and Ezra frowns, “work meeting? It’s New Year’s Eve.” He takes a sip of his champagne and pulls you close with his free arm. “It’s a shame he left his beautiful wife to see in the New Year alone.” He tuts, “I would surely perish if I wasn’t able to kiss my beautiful girl at midnight.”
You fluster, slapping at his chest lightly as you feel the heat creep up your cheeks. “You always say the most outrageous things.” You tease, like he is always showering you with praise. Your perfect man would, even though he is a figment of your imagination brought to life by paying Ezra three thousand dollars.
Ezra grabs your hand, bringing it to his lips to press a soft kiss on your skin. “I merely speak the truth, mon chérie.” He coos, nudging his nose against your hairline. 
Cynthia narrows her eyes slightly, “I can’t believe we are finally meeting Ezra. I thought she had made you up. You seemed too good to be true.” 
She raises her eyebrows when Ezra shakes his head, “she’s focused on her work and we like to keep our private life just that. Private.”
You don’t like the tone of Cynthia’s voice, but you bite your lip and lean into Ezra’s side. “He is my little escape from work when I need it. So I keep him away from our office.” You don’t like the accusation in her comments, especially because they are true. 
Cynthia hums, “very well. We had better mingle. I know everyone is just dying to meet your Ezra. Come on, let’s go mingle.” She reaches for Ezra’s hand and he pulls away from her. 
“I’ll let my partner lead tonight. We will need another drink before we continue our exploration around the room. Pleasure to meet you Cynthia.” He says a little sharply and she huffs before striding off. “I can see why you decided to indulge in a fantasy boyfriend.” He murmurs in your ear then kisses your neck when he catches the eyes of your coworkers now speaking to Cynthia.
“She is very competitive.” You snort, closing your eyes slightly in pleasure. “I’ve never seemed to understand why, but she wants to prove that I wasn’t the right fit for the position. She wanted it. Or wants it.” You indulge yourself and lean in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for being here. I know you technically have to be, but thank you.”
Ezra wraps his arm around you and gestures for the bartender to order you another round. “I might have to be here but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” He tells you truthfully, “you are a beautiful, smart woman and you deserve a perfect New Year’s Eve. You deserve your coworkers to know you are dearly loved and adored. You should be. You’re a good woman.” He murmurs, caressing your waist.
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt such a strong attraction to someone. Your stomach clenches and you feel your pussy bottom out. “You are engaging and attractive, so I will take your words as the highest compliment.” You promise him, picking up your champagne glass when the bartender brings it and taking a small sip. You don’t like to get too drunk, but the bubbly is delicious.
Ezra grins, glad to hear that, and he looks over his shoulder as the band starts to play. He reaches for your glass, setting it down on the bar and he grabs your hand. “Let’s dance, chérie. I want to show you off to your coworkers.” He guides you onto the dance floor, pulling you close into his arms.
This is completely different than any other time you have been out with your coworkers. Often mandatory drinks where you have one and leave, or work dinners where the focus is work. This is an actual party. Letting yourself be pulled into his arms and smiling as the two of you start to move in time to the music.
Ezra has always prided himself on his dancing. His mother had taught him and after he came home injured, he promised himself that he’d learn to dance again. He promised his mom a dance before she died. Now, he’s swinging you around to the music, a smile on his face.
You know people are staring at you, but you don’t care. Too busy enjoying the moment and you let out a happy laugh when Ezra pushes you away to spin you around and pull you back close to him. “Wow.” You beam at him. “You are amazing.”
Ezra is pleased that you’re happy with him. “Not as amazing as you, mon chérie. Every man in this room wants to be me right now with how absolutely exquisite you look.” His hands slide lower, dangerously close to the curve of your ass. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asks, leaning in to kiss your neck.
“I am.” You confess breathlessly, feeling like this is some kind of hazy dream. It would be a fantasy, and you are enjoying every minute of it. His hand flexes right above the swell of your ass and you wish he would just squeeze it, but you won’t beg for that. “Ezra…”
He knows what you want from him and he usually would never indulge in the physical affection his clients desire but you are different. His stomach twists with how beautiful you are - inside and out - and he obliges your wordless request, cupping your cheek to press his lips to yours.
The two of you dance in your own little world, your heart pounding as his tongue flicks against your lips and you let him in without a second's hesitation. Feeling like it is the most natural thing in the world, you have come to stop on the dance floor and you don’t even realize it.
People watch you and Ezra, some with mirth, some with surprise, quite a few with jealousy. Ezra keeps you close and only pulls back when the song ends, applause thundering in the ballroom and Ezra pecks your lips before he turns to clap his own hands. “The best dance I’ve had in a while.” He winks and takes your hand to guide you to a nearby table. “Are you hungry, chérie? You want some food?” He gestures to the buffet of hors d’oeuvres.
“We should, since we are drinking…” You hum, enjoying the warmth of his hand far more than you probably should. You know his rules, sex is off the table but right now that is all you can think about. Blaming it on the champagne, you look over to him. “Should we share a plate? Try a little of everything?”
Ezra nods, leaning down to kiss your forehead then he makes his way over to the buffet to grab a plate of food for you to share. He sits back down beside you, handing you some napkins. “Here you go, chérie. I can get more.” He tells you, winking at you as the band continues to play.
Picking up a spinach and cheese tart, you hold it out to Ezra to try. Surprising yourself because you are not trying to talk about work or slip away since you have been seen by the CEO. You are actually enjoying yourself. “Have a bite, sweetheart.” You coo playfully.
He eagerly leans forward, taking the bite and he can’t help but let his tongue touch your fingers before he chews. You are too delectable. Sexy and independent. Two qualities he greatly admires in a woman. He leans in to kiss your jaw after he finishes swallowing, “delicious.” He murmurs, pulling back to look at you.
Your lip is between your teeth and you wish that he would never stop. Food play has never been an ideal fantasy for you but now you want him to eat everything off your body.
“So this is your mystery boy toy?” Jackson, another department head, strides over. His posture is cocky as he looms over you and Ezra. “You gonna introduce me? I’m her work husband. She’s never mentioned you.” He wrinkles his nose at Ezra. Jackson has always wanted you, flirted with you, and now he’s not happy that you brought your mystery boyfriend to the party.
“Yes I have, you just haven’t listened.” You roll your eyes and look back at Ezra. “Ezra, this is Jackson. Jackson, Ezra.” You manage to make it appear that you are smiling but your teeth are clenched together in annoyance. “He is a colleague and not my work husband.”
“I shouldn’t be jealous, I know I’m a lucky bastard to have this exquisite creature as my lover. It’s, uh, interesting to make your acquaintance, Jackson. She’s never mentioned you. My name is Ezra. Lucky to belong to this exquisite woman you have the pleasure of spending your work days with.” Ezra reaches for your hand, kissing the back of it.
Jackson narrows his eyes, unhappy that the so-called boyfriend exists. He had been sure it was a figment of your imagination, no man was that perfect. Embarrassed that you would call him out about your work relationship, he presses on. “Don’t worry, Ethan, was it?” He purposefully says Ezra’s name wrong. “I take good care of her while she’s here. If I didn’t bring her lunch, she wouldn’t eat!”
Ezra frowns at that, looking over at you. “Is that true, amor? You don’t eat lunch? We shall have to rectify that. I shall be making you a lunch from now on.” He promises, not even looking back at Jackson. “And the name she moans in bed is Ezra, just so you know.”
Your cheeks flame hot but not because he’s embarrassed you, but because you are imagining doing just that - moaning his name in bed while he pounds into you. You have no idea what his dick size is but you can just tell he would be an attentive and exhausting lover. It makes you squirm slightly, needing friction and your suddenly dry mouth needs some more champagne.
Ezra watches you take a sip of champagne, your neck extended, and he bites his lip, deciding to take the chance. He leans in to kiss along your neck and you softly moan. His cock twitches in his pants and Jackson stands there for a moment until Ezra pulls away from you to look at him. “Are we keeping you from mingling?” He inquires and Jackson shakes his head, huffing before he stomps off. With a chuckle, Ezra kisses along your neck and down to your clavicle, “I must say, you smell simply divine, chérie.”
You whimper, shivering slightly at the feather light kisses along your skin. “I- wanted to- to seem like- like someone you would be with.” You admit breathlessly, aware of your reputation as dull. The sexy perfume was an indulgence beyond the clean scent you would wear into the office. Something that made you think of sex rather than work meetings.
Ezra hums, pulling back to look at you with a frown. “Why wouldn’t I be with someone like you?” He asks softly, hating the insecurities he finds swarming your eyes and he cups your cheek. “You’re a beautiful, smart, successful woman. You’re far too good for someone like me.”
You know that he is a companion, that you are paying him, but you also know that he has to be very intelligent in order to move in the circles that he does seamlessly. “I’m not.” You protest quietly, reminding yourself you had to pay him to pretend to be your lover. “I doubt you would be interested in someone like me. I am a workaholic.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being dedicated to your work but you need to take time for yourself. For your pleasures. Indulgences. You only live once, mon chérie. Don’t waste your life working.” He tells you just as the band announces the countdown to midnight. “Come on, let’s see in the new year in style.” He stands up and extends his hand to you.
When the clock strikes midnight, Ezra pulls you close and presses his lips to yours. Cupping your cheek with one hand and his arm around your waist, he slides his tongue into your mouth with a groan and kisses you at midnight. Putting his heart behind it as he wants you to feel special.
It’s just for the night, you know this. Still, you cling to him, letting the streamers and balloons with the confetti fall around you. Noise makers being blown and others exchanging kisses. Although all you think about is Ezra. Making you whimper when he finally pulls away after half a minute of kissing into the New Year.
He grins when he pulls back, “happy new year, chérie.” He kisses your nose and pulls you close again, marveling at the display of balloons and confetti as the band begins to play “Auld Lang Syne.” He doesn’t ever break his rule of not sleeping with his client but you, pressed against him, feel marvelous and he leans down to kiss you again. This kiss is dirtier, sloppier, as he tries to wordlessly portray what he wants.
It shifts - this feeling between you. The spark ignites and you would be lying if you said you did not want him. Your own arms around him tighten and you press yourself against him shamelessly. If it wasn’t so rude, you would drag him out of here. Only when he pulls away to gulp down air do you dare voice it. “Should we leave?” You ask breathlessly. “Go back to mine?”
Ezra hesitates for a second, knowing he shouldn’t be doing this but he desperately wants you. He wants to make you moan his name, he wants to pull you apart piece by piece. “Let’s go.” He rasps, “do you have to say goodbye to anyone?” He asks, sliding his hand down to squeeze your ass.
You know none of them will miss you, you shake your head and whimper when he squeezes again. “Let- where is your driver?” You demand, ready to say fuck it and drag him to a bathroom. You don’t care right now.
Ezra nods, taking your hand after reluctantly letting you go, and he guides you to the exit. Practically dragging you through the hotel to the car he has waiting for you. He opens your door and helps you in before he gets in after you and slams the door. “Chérie, you are -” He surges forward to press his lips to yours, a rare display of speechlessness from Ezra.
This time the kiss is even more desperate, consuming. You moan louder now that you are in the safety of a vehicle and away from the prying eyes of your coworkers. Not worrying about what they will say about you. Instead you let your hands wander over Ezra’s suit, sliding under his jacket to the warmth underneath.
Ezra groans your name against your lips as your hands slide up his chest but when you touch his shoulder, he pulls back. “Sorry!” You rush out, wondering what you’ve done wrong and Ezra shifts away from you. 
“It’s okay, chérie. Just - gimme a moment.” He rasps, shifting a inch away from you as he tries to catch his breath and compose himself. He turns his head to look at you, an easy smile now on his face and he leans in to kiss along your neck.
You want to push away, something not being right about the way he reacted but you can’t make yourself. You will ask later. Ezra kisses at your pulse, his tongue pressing against it and making you groan. “Ezra….” You whisper breathlessly, your fingers sinking into his hair and your movement guides him to kiss down your chest into your cleavage.
He licks along your cleavage, dipping his tongue below the material of your dress and the car comes to a stop, the driver clearing his throat. He pecks your lips and shifts to get out of the car, adjusting himself before he offers you a hand. After paying the driver, he shuts the door and wraps his arm around your waist. “Come on, chérie. It’s a new year. Let’s celebrate it in style.” He kisses your cheek while you grab your keys for your building.
There are several other couples making their way back to their units, spirits high. You and Ezra cling to one another in the elevator and giggle with other drunken couples. Only pulling away from each other when the car stops on your floor and you pull him out into the hallway. “Happy New Year!” You call back to the other two couples still on the elevator as the doors close.
Ezra is eager as you struggle to unlock your door, his hands caressing your waist and his lips kissing along the nape of your neck. You pant and struggle to open the door so he takes the keys, swiftly opening the door to your apartment and he pushes it open, letting you lead.
Normally you don’t throw things around, keeping everything in its place so you can know where it’s at, but right now all you want is him. Tossing your keys, clutch and wrap to the floor, you swing around and press your lips to Ezra’s the moment he steps inside your apartment as you back him up against the door and close it.
He loves how eager you are and he feels the same way. His hands trying to touch every inch of you he can reach. He groans into your mouth when you start to push his shirt off of his shoulders and he’s grateful he remembered to wear a t-shirt underneath. His hands squeeze your ass and he tentatively reaches for the zipper of your dress, not wanting to overstep so he waits for your reaction before he continues, pulling the zipper down.
Biting your lip, you nod. Eternally grateful that you have worn something sexy underneath the dress. You didn’t wear it for Ezra, you wear things that make you feel good. Especially when it clashes with proper business attire during the week. This is merely a coincidence that you have lace and sheer material under your dress. Letting him peel your dress down to reveal your body to him, you wait for his reaction.
Ezra swallows harshly when he sees what you are wearing. “Oh chérie. You are - you are the most exquisite creature I’ve ever had the honor of laying eyes on.” He coos, almost scared to touch you in case you disappear. He finally summons the courage and pulls you into his arms, his lips pressing against yours while his hands explore the newly exposed skin.
His hands feel like hot silk on your skin, caressing you and seemingly bringing you to life. This time your tongue flicks against the seam of his lips to beg entrance. Making you huff happily when he groans and opens to let you in. Your own hands move down to his belt buckle, ripping at it hastily.
Ezra groans, flicking open the lace bra and he pulls back so he can tug the straps down your arms, flinging the lingerie aside and he ducks down to take a nipple into his mouth, groaning against your warm flesh as he works the sensitive bud between his teeth.
“Ezraaaa!” You cry out, eyes widening before they close. You manage to get his belt open and then the suit pants. Shoving your hand down to wrap around a thick cock over his underwear, you moan sinfully when he twitches in your hand. “I- fuck, oh my god.” You whimper, imagining him inside you.
He hisses around your breast when you squeeze him and he swears he could cum then and there. “Fuck.” He curses as he switches to your other breast, his hands hooking in your panties and he pushes them down to your ankles. He pulls back and away from your grip, his breath hitching at how utterly devastating you are and he kneels, kissing your stomach as he lifts your leg onto his shoulder.
Your eyes widen when you realize what he is about to do. Unable to comment before he is nuzzling into your thigh, inhaling your scent right before his tongue swipes across your cunt with enough skill to make you cry out.
He is tentative, not in a hurry, but as soon as your tangy arousal hits his tongue, he’s ravenous. He growls, diving in to slide his tongue through your folds, flicking your clit and his hands grab your ass to pull you close.
Your knee threatens to buckle, but you stay upright. Looking down at the sharp curve of his nose as it presses into your mound. “Of fuck, shit Ezra-it’s-its been so long since someone’s done this.” You admit breathlessly.
He pulls back for just a moment so he can look at you. “A travesty, mon chérie. You should have this gorgeous pussy sucked and licked often.” He tuts and dives back in, doing just that and revealing in your cries.
The sounds you make are filthy, and loud. You know people passing by can hear and you don’t care. All you can think about is the way the tension in your belly is pulling tight and you’re going to cum. “Ezra, Ezra, Ezra!” You cry out, body trembling when you fall apart.
He keeps you upright, pushed against him, and he works you through it with lazy strokes of his tongue. He loves how he’s already pulled you apart and he kisses your clit for a moment until he offers you a lazy smirk, looking up into your hazy eyes.
“Oh my god.” Your entire body seems to melt under the pleasure of your orgasm. Panting as you look down at him and wonder how the fuck he’s going to top that. “I- wow.” You manage, a goofy grin on your face. “I don’t know if you can top that.”
Ezra smiles, “I can have a damn good attempt at it, chérie.” He stands, licking his lips and he kicks off his dress shoes and reaches for his pants, pushing them down along with his boxers. He shrugs off the dress shirt and you reach for the hem of his long sleeved t-shirt. “I, uh, that stays. I don’t want to take it off.”
Your brow furrows in confusion as you look up at him, but his eyes have almost a pleading expression so you nod. “Okay, no problem.” You wonder if he has some scar that bothers him, it would make sense. Instead of making it a big deal, you turn and walk towards your bedroom, looking over your shoulder. “Come Ezra.” You order playfully.
Ezra exhales softly in relief and lets you guide him into your bedroom. It’s sophisticated and warm and he only gets a second to admire it before you are pushing him onto the mattress. “You’re eager, baby doll.” He chuckles, caressing your waist when you straddle his thigh and his hands slide up to squeeze your tits.
For a moment, your own insecurities rear their ugly head and you wonder if you seem desperate. Not that Ezra lets you think of that, or anything for long with his hands on you. Instead of pulling back, you lean forward and bite his bottom lip. “I am eager.” You confess. “I want to feel you inside me.”
“Condom?” He rasps against your lip, his hands sliding down even more to squeeze your ass and rock you on his thigh. His cock is throbbing. It’s been a while since he’s had sex and even longer since he got to touch someone so utterly beautiful. His usual clients are older women who try to get him in their beds but he won’t sleep with them, no matter how much money they offer. He wants sex to be natural, something he desires, not just based on money. He loves the way you moan his name. “Condom, baby doll.” He repeats, needing to be inside of you.
“I- shit…” Your clit is grinding against his skin and it feels amazing. “I- I think they - I have some in the drawer.” You aren’t sure, it’s been so long and it’s on the tip of your tongue to tell him that you don’t need it, but you are strangers. No matter how natural and easy this seems, it wouldn’t be smart to sleep with him unprotected.
Ezra manages to reach into your nightstand, searching around for the condoms while his eyes watch you grind on his thigh, feeling how slick you are. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He growls, growing impatient but he manages to find a condom, ripping into it and handing it to you. “Put it on me, chérie and use my cock for your pleasure. I want to feel you cum, see you fall apart.” He orders, squeezing your hips when you take the condom from him.
Your hands shake as you roll the condom down his impressive length. Nearly leaning forward so you could take him into your mouth, but you stop yourself. Knowing that the two of you are too worked up for teasing. Once on, you are quickly moving over him, straddling his waist and lining him up to sink down on his cock far faster than what is probably necessary but you love the stretch of him.
“Fu-” Ezra’s words die on his tongue as you envelop him in your hot, tight cunt. His jaw clenches as you sink down onto him and he caresses your hips while his eyes threaten to close. “My - my God, chérie. You are - so delectable.”
Your own moan claws out of your throat while you circle your hips and press him deeper. “So good, Ezra.” You whine. “You feel so good.”
Ezra looks up at you, reaching up to grab your neck and drag you down towards his mouth so he can kiss you. He slides his tongue into your mouth and groans when you start to move, rocking on his cock. “Feel so good, chérie. So tight.” He murmurs, caressing your side until he can squeeze your ass.
It’s unusual, bracing your hands on his chest and feeling his shirt rather than skin, but you don’t let it stop you. “Been a-a long time.” You pant, starting to bounce on his cock a little faster and feeling a little rush of arousal to make it even slicker.
“Me too.” He confesses, watching you and he caresses your arms up to your shoulders as you bounce on his cock. He’s desperate to see you cum again but he can be patient. He grabs your ass, spreading your cheeks before he brings his hands down to smack them.
You squeal, rocking forward and clenching around him. “Fuck!” The sting of his hand feels amazing and you are immediately rocking back onto his cock even harder. “Again, more- fuck, please.” You beg, biting your lip as he twitches inside you and presses against something wonderful.
He repeats the action, loving your squeal of pleasure, and he loves your begging. Wanting to hear more, he grabs your hips and manages to flip you over onto your back without slipping out of you. He doesn’t waste a beat, pushing into you with a deep groan, he starts to fuck you.
Pulling your knees back, you gasp out his name. Loving how deep he surges into you with the harsh and steady slap of his hips. Rougher, just like you imagined. It’s thrilling to have a man who is polished outside the bedroom who knows how to fuck. Instead of touching his shoulders since he had tensed up, you grip his sides and moan.
He grabs your thigh, pushing it back against your stomach and he sinks even deeper, drawing moans from you both. “Fuck, chérie. You - you feel divine.” He moans and leans in to kiss along your neck. “Are you going to cum for me?” He murmurs against your flesh and he licks up to your jaw, biting as he steadily thrusts into you, adjusting the angle every other thrust until - “oh shit!” You squeal and he smirks against your skin. “There it is. That’s the stuff. Cum for me baby doll.”
It’s not hard to give into his demands. The hard pace coupled with the intensity of his focus on the angle that had made you squeal nearly makes your back arch up off the bed. “Ezra- gon- gonna c-cuuuuuuum!” You cry out, your entire body stiffening when your cunt clamps down around him and soaks his cock in your juices.
Seeing and feeling you cum around him has him groaning out your name, loud and wrecked as he thrusts into you. It’s true what he said, it’s been a while and he’s not sure if he’s going to last. “Fuck baby. I- I’m gonna - shit. Shitttt.” He hisses, barely managing to thrust a few more times before he cums, spilling harmlessly into the condom.
Panting, you nearly forget yourself and grab his shoulders but you manage to catch yourself. Lunging up, you press your forehead against his and kiss his lips for a long moment while he rides out his high. Collapsing back into the bed with a satisfied sigh.
Ezra grunts, closing his eyes as he revels in his high until he has to pull out. Gripping the condom, he pulls out of you and ties it off, tossing it onto the nightstand and he grabs you to pull you against his chest. “That was…absolutely indescribable.”
You relax against him, making sure you don’t touch his shoulder and smile. “Yes it was. Best way to ring in a new year.” You laugh and are shocked at how good you feel. You didn’t want to go work, or boot up your laptop. You wanted to stay right here. With Ezra. “It was wonderful.”
Ezra kisses your head, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He is sad to leave you tonight. The first time he's truly enjoyed the company of one of his clients and he knows his next client will pale in comparison to you. He sighs, shifting away from you. He knows you'll want him to go and he feels dirty to think about the remainder of the money but his rent is due today. He needs it.
There’s a shift and you are sad to feel it. Now that you are both satisfied, it’s time to remind yourself that this was a business transaction. The sex hopefully wasn’t a part of it, but you owe him the money you promised. “Let me-“ you slide out of the bed and reach for your robe. “I’ll get the rest of what I owe you.” You turn and rush out of the room, wondering if he had slept with you because he wanted to, or to make sure he was paid the full amount. Picking up your clutch off the floor, you open it to pull out the small envelope with fifteen hundred dollars in one hundred dollar bills in it. Sensing that he would prefer payment in cash rather than risk a check.
Ezra is behind you, grabbing his pants and shoes to redress while you gather the rest of the money. He feels dirty. He has never had sex with a client before and right now, he feels like he’s being paid for fucking you even though he wanted you, not for the money, but because he likes you. He is tying his shoes when you hold out the cash for him, standing there in your rope with your hair a mess and mascara smudged. You look like a fucking angel that he has dragged down into his hell. “Thank you chérie. I- I had a wonderful time. I hope you are satisfied?” He asks once he stands up, shoving the cash into his pants pocket.
“More than I ever expected to be.” You admit with a smile. It’s slightly awkward and you wish you knew what to say, but you aren’t smooth with things like this. “Thank you Ezra, for tonight. I know that we went beyond some of your boundaries, but I- I really had a great time with you.” You want to lean in and kiss him, but you don’t want to push.
Ezra smiles, reaching out to cup your cheek. “Me too. I had a great time. Best new year I’ve had in a while.” He admits and unable to resist, he leans in to kiss you softly one last time. “Thank you chérie. Happy New Year.” He grabs his jacket and tie from the floor and walks towards your front door, looking back at you one last time before he leaves.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve seen Ezra. You tap his card that you have on your desk, contemplating your next move. It’s been a distraction you don’t need but you can’t get him out of your mind. Popping up while you are working and especially when you are in bed alone, your hand or vibrator between your thighs. Sighing to yourself, you pick up your phone and select his contact information and hit call.
Ezra frowns when he sees your name come up on his phone. He keeps all his clients in his cell phone and his stomach twists as he picks up the phone and hits answer. “Chérie, my dear, how are you?” He answers, leaning back against his seat with a soft smile.
“Ezra.” Your stomach flips and flutters at the sound of his voice. You wonder if he’s thought about you at all. You hope he has. “I was wondering if you had a free evening this week?” You murmur softly, feeling unsure of yourself now. “For a- a dinner.”
He opens his agenda, searching the week. He has a couple of events with his older clients but he has a free night on Thursday. “I am free on Thursday night. I, uh, won’t charge as much for a dinner.” He says, unsure if he needs to keep this professional despite the way his heart is thumping in his chest.
Of course he wants payment. Your heart clenches, the hope that he had felt something during your time together dying. You’re a practical woman and try to see it as having a need met. Men did it all the time, why shouldn’t you. “Thursday will be fine.” Your voice is stronger this time. “Let me know your rate and where to meet you.”
“One thousand. I’ll text you the restaurant. I know a great bistro. Private and delicious. See you soon, chérie.” He murmurs before he hangs up. Hating how he is taking your money when he enjoys your company so much but he has to keep up appearances. He needs to be professional and practical.
One thousand dollars. It’s a lot, but you want to see Ezra again. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you never felt as good as you did when you were with him and you crave that feeling again. Opening your calendar, you make sure to block out that night as unavailable. You will be busy having dinner with Ezra.
Ezra adjusts his tie as he waits for you to arrive. You told him you’d meet him at the bistro and he stands when you walk in, looking absolutely gorgeous in a black silk shirt and jeans. “Chérie, you look absolutely delectable. I doubt I will need dessert from this bistro if I get to have you.” He murmurs, kissing your lips softly before he pulls the chair out for you.
You fluster at the compliment, unable to stop yourself from melting into his arms. The kiss was too brief and you sat as he pushed your chair in. “That would be up to you.” You promise, staring at his gorgeous form as he sits down before you put your napkin in your lap. The bistro is intimate and you wonder which one of his clients brings him here. “How have you been?”
Ezra shrugs, “not too busy. I’ve mainly been working on my manuscript. I’ve been working on a play. A re-enactment of my time during the war and how my life went to it. My therapist got me started on it, said that writing things down is healthy and it snowballed from there. You? I’m sure you’ve been busy with the new quarter.” He offers you a soft smile and reaches for your hand to squeeze it.
“It’s been busy.” You nod but you want to focus on his comment. “A manuscript? Ezra that’s- I’m sure it’s amazing.” Your skin tingles where his hand is touching you and you swear that your heart skipped a beat. “Have you been writing for long? I feel like you would be amazing at it.”
Ezra bites his lip and shrugs, “I, uh, I’ve been writing it on and off for months. Pausing when I can’t figure out the next step and resuming when it comes to me.” He caresses the back of your hand with his thumb, “I haven’t - I don’t have any backers and no one has read it yet so it could be utterly shit.”
“I doubt that.” You assure him. “You are far too eloquently spoken and a story weaver for that to be true.” You want to offer to help him but you aren’t sure if he would take offense. “You could always test a chapter, see how it’s received?”
Ezra sighs, “I don’t have the contacts. Actually, there’s this client whose husband is a publisher but she can hardly ask on my behalf.” He shakes his head, knowing the husband turns a blind eye to her evenings with Ezra going to events he doesn’t want to go to. “Perhaps…you would read it? See if you like it?”
“Of course.” You immediately nod, eager to read his writing and offer any suggestions you can. “You can send me whatever you would like me to read and I’ll give you my honest opinion.” It does sting to learn that he accompanies married women but it is none of your business.
The smile he offers you is sincere and wide and he squeezes your hand before he brings it to his lips to kiss the back of the. The waiter comes over and Ezra orders a bottle of red wine, “and two of the special.” Ezra orders, turning to look at you. “You gotta try this cheese soufflé. You’re not allergic are you?” He asks, silently cursing himself for getting ahead. He doesn’t know if you are lactose intolerant or vegan or have other requirements.
“Oh that sounds delicious.” You moan, your stomach agreeing with you by giving a particularly loud rumble of hunger. Wincing, you are thankful the waiter has already walked away and didn’t hear it. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten since…” you actually don’t remember when you’ve eaten last, you had gotten roped into a work meeting at lunch and hadn’t been able to get something.
Ezra frowns, “you haven’t eaten today?” He asks and you shake your head. He tuts, “that simply will not do. You must eat, I insist on it. You must prioritize yourself, chérie.” His tone is low but intense as his dark eyes focus on you.
“I forget at times.” You admit. “Or I drink enough coffee that I’m not hungry.” Your life is caffeine, perhaps too much of it.  You smile softly. “I do need someone to bring me lunch, I guess.” You joke, reminding him of his promise in front of Jackson.
Shaking his head, Ezra tuts, “I’ll come to your office and take you for lunch. Show that smarmy prick that you are treated right and I’ll make sure you get some lunch.” He remembers that he will have to charge but part of him doesn’t want to do that. He wants to spend time with you, find out more about you.
“No, you don’t have to do that.” You promise, knowing that it’s not his responsibility to take care of you. This is all pretend. “I will start having meals delivered to the office regularly and just have them say it’s from you. So no one suspects.” Why you didn’t think of it before, you don’t know. “I know you are a busy man.”
Ezra chuckles softly as the waiter comes over to open the bottle of wine. “I’m not that busy. Not too busy for you.” He says without truly thinking about it. He lets go of your hand and tastes the wine, nodding and thanking the waiter after he pours two glasses. “To us.” He toasts, a soft smile on his face as he looks at you.
“To us.” You murmur softly, wondering what he means by that as you take a sip of the wine. It’s delicious and you smile as you take another sip. “You seemed surprised to hear from me when I called.” You set your glass down and decide to be straightforward. “Did you not expect to?”
“I figured I’d had my use. Planted the seed about your boyfriend and you’d make the excuse that I work a lot, I’m away on business until you eventually reveal that I was too clingy and wanted too much from you - wanted you to cut back on work - so you broke up with me. You are sad but composed and me? I’m a wreck. You tell them I’m calling you over and over again to beg you to get back together but your job is more important. Impresses your bosses, confirms that you’re wanted and maybe, you’ll meet someone at work who can fulfill all your needs. This ain’t my first rodeo, chérie. I know how it goes.” He tells you. 
You snort, impressed with his genius and shake your head. “No office romances for me.” You tell him firmly. “I’ve seen too many of them go up in flames where  someone has to leave. No, I would prefer to have a lover outside of my profession. Even a competitor with another company  is not for me.”
Ezra hums and nods, understanding more about you. You are a strong, independent, smart woman and he loves it. “I can understand that.” He nods and leans back as the soufflés are placed on the table.
You send the waiter a smile of thanks and groan at the incredible smell. “Ezra, it smells delicious.” You are nearly drooling as you pick up your fork. “Thank you for having dinner with me. I- this is better than eating alone in my apartment while I work.”
“Chérie, It’s always a pleasure to spend time with you. Never, ever think that I don’t want to spend time with you. You’re - you’re so beautiful and smart. I just can’t believe you don’t have a man to spoil you.” He doesn’t say that because you’re paying him but it’s the truth. Deep down though, he’d be here regardless of the money.
“No one would want to put up with my work schedule.” You scoff, remembering how it was frowned on that you worked the way you did. “Men put in hours and they are praised for focusing on their careers, being a real go-getter. Women do it and it's unbecoming.” You roll your eyes and bring a piece of the soufflé to your lips. “Oh my god.” You groan happily at the taste, closing your eyes at how perfect it is. “This is delicious.” 
“Unfortunately some people still think women should be in the home.” Ezra rolls his eyes, “Neanderthals…every single one of them. I don’t subscribe to that archaic mentality. Women like you…they are capable, strong, independent. You pick a man based on how you feel about him, not based on what he can provide and that scares men. To have a woman not dependent on them? You have to be a strong character to enjoy a woman like you.” He winks and takes a bite of his own soufflé, a groan escaping his lips.
“Are you a strong character?” You ask flirtatiously, enjoying his outlook. “Why am I asking? Of course you are. You deal with women of all ages, some of them more independent than I am.” You hum, reaching for your wine again. “I am sure you have stories to tell. After your first book, you should write those stories down. Names changed for privacy, of course.”
With a chuckle, Ezra sets his fork down and nods, “oh there’s been some tales. Some women…they had lovers who they wished to make jealous. Some had occasions that I simply wasn’t prepared for…like a funeral as they didn’t tell me the event, just that it was a family function. Some wanted more from me than I was prepared to give.” He frowns at that one, remembering the way the woman groped him and offered far more money than they agreed. He doesn’t have sex with his clients…well didn’t…until you came along.
“Oh…..” you wonder if he counts you among those women now. You had assumed that he had wanted to sleep with you, but you had never heard anything from him and the only way you could spend time with him is if you paid him. “I’m sorry that you had bad experiences. You aren’t a piece of meat to be bought and treated how they want.” You offer, feeling slightly ashamed of the way you had practically begged him to fuck you.
“It’s nothing compared to what female escorts go through. Women don’t get nasty, they don’t threaten me or force me. I am lucky. I - I only have sex when I want sex and you…you’re the only client I’ve ever had sex with.” He reveals softly, his eyes flicking around the restaurant before they settle back on you.
“Ezra….” You reach out and touch his hand gently. “That night- I didn’t expect to sleep with you because I paid for your time.” You promise him quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear. “I wanted to be with you and it was amazing. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about someone everyday and replay something like I have with that night,”
Ezra inhales with a soft chuckle, squeezing your hand. “Baby doll, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the moment I left your apartment building. You are funny, intelligent, and devastatingly gorgeous. I- I want to spend more time with you.” He says and brings your hand to his mouth to press a kiss on the back of it.
Biting your lip, your stomach flips pleasantly. “I- I want to spend more time with you too.” You confess, smiling at him. “I broke down and called you because I couldn’t stay away.”
“I’m glad you called. I- I want to spend more time with you. It’s just - my rate-” He knows he should tell you he will be with you for free, he wants that, but he also will be sacrificing time he could be earning money from his other clients. 
“I can pay.” You rush out, knowing you’ll spend whatever it takes to feel like this again and again. 
Ezra bites his lip, knowing he shouldn’t do this but he wants you, “I can do a reduced rate so - so it’s not as expensive.”
“What would you think?” You ask him, feeling a negotiation coming on and you like that. It wouldn’t be fair to just demand his time for free and yet you know you don’t want to pay expensive rates every time you want to see him. Especially if it’s how you want to be spending time with him. “I think that it might be fair to say we might sleep together again, and I don’t want you to feel that I expect it - but there is chemistry between us…”
Ezra grins, nodding in agreement, “I feel it too. Rest assured, I feel this - this spark of chemistry between you and I, baby doll. What about…$500 a date? Nothing extra if we should happen to fall in bed.” He suggests, feeling dirty to take your money but he needs to survive.
You purse your lips and tilt your head towards him. “I was thinking $300 a date and I will pay for any dinners or activities.” You counter with a small smirk on your face.
He raises his eyebrows, cock twitching in his pants at the look in your eyes and he nods slowly. “$300? That’s a deal.” He reaches for your hand once more to shake it and he kisses the back of your hand. “I look forward to many more nights in your company, mon chérie.”
You make a little noise of pleasure, sure that your time together will result in you falling into bed together often. “I must confess something.” You slide your hand out of his delicately and pick up your wine again. “I want for you to come home with me tonight and let me pleasure you the same way you pleasured me last time.”
He can't stop the smirk on his face as you offer to pleasure him. "It is I who should be offering to pleasure you. You were...exquisite. I want to bury my face between your thighs and remain there until my dying day." He confesses, licking his lips as he remembers how you moaned his name.
You try not to take that to heart, knowing he is flattering you. Perhaps not like a paying client, that would be vulgar. More like a new romance. “Then I suggest you finish your dinner.” You tease, taking a sip of your wine and then picking up your fork. “I want to have you for dessert.”
Ezra dramatically picks up his fork, shoveling the food into his mouth and he downs the rest of the wine then he calls the waiter over. "Can you cork the wine and get us the check? My lady wants dessert at home." He winks at you and leans back in his seat.
You giggle quietly at how eager he is, knowing you’ve already soaked your own panties underneath your dress. Finishing your own dinner before you reach for your purse. “No, I will pay for tonight.” Ezra insists, making you pause, but you give in when he shoots you a serious look.
"I want to pay." He tells you, knowing he will feel guilty if you suck his cock tonight and he couldn't pay for dinner. He may be an escort but he's a gentleman first and foremost. He hands the waiter his card and signs the check when the waiter comes back over. "Are you ready to leave, chérie?"
“Absolutely.” You take his proffered arm when the two of you stand. It feels like you are a real couple, walking out after a fantastic meal to go home together. “Did you drive, or…?” You had taken an Uber, wanting to be able to drink if you wanted with no issue.”
"I took an Uber. I can't - I don't have a car." He admits and he bites his lip as he pulls out his phone to summon an Uber to take you both to your apartment. He wraps his arm around your waist while you wait for the car, leaning in to kiss your neck as you stand on the sidewalk.
Closing your eyes, you lean into him. “Ezra…” you murmur, feeling that pool of arousal in your core already. “Do you-“ You break off, hesitant to push but then you decide to ask. “Would you like to stay the night? Rather than going home? Or is that too much?”
Ezra bites his lip and looks at you, “I, um, I would like that. It’s not too much.” He assures you and leans in to kiss your neck, “I would surely be remiss to deny myself an opportunity to remain in your bed after our carnal pursuits.”
The Uber pulls up and you excitedly jump in, eager to get back to your apartment with Ezra. “I- god I wish we were already back there.” You whisper in his ear. “I have been thinking about you all week but my fingers haven’t been enough.”
“I’ve been thinking about you too.” He promises, his hand on your knee sliding a little higher as the Uber drives towards your apartment building. “Been jerking off thinking about that exquisite pussy.” He whispers in your ear before he nips it with his teeth.
Shuddering, you let out a tiny moan, shifting your knees apart so he can move his hand a little higher. “Should have called me.” You pant. “I would have told you to come over. Jerk off on me.”
Ezra smirks, taking the hint, and he slides his hand higher until he is pressing against your clit through your jeans. Your responding whimper has him aching in his pants and he wishes he could finger you in this Uber but he’ll receive a bad rating. “You’re a naughty girl, baby doll. Would you have licked up my seed if I’d asked you?”
Blowing out a harsh breath, all you can do is nod, making a small sound of need. You could imagine it, on your knees in front of him while he is jerking his cock and telling you to open your mouth before covering your skin in his seed.
The Uber driver hears whispers and looks back to see Ezra has his hand between your legs. With a snort, he speeds up a little, certain that you want to be out of his car as much as he wants you out before you start to get frisky. 
Ezra chuckles at your squeak, his fingers rubbing you through the denim until the car pulls up outside of your building. “Thank you kindly.” Ezra says, withdrawing his hand and reaching into his wallet to hand a tip to the driver for your PDA. Once you’re on the sidewalk, Ezra wraps his arm around your waist to guide you towards the entrance, now desperate to feel you naked and beneath him.
This time the elevator ride is more tense, both of you not letting go of one another but there are others in the car. Making you nearly sigh in relief when the doors open to your floor. You smirk when the elevator closes again and rush towards your apartment, eager to have him inside you again.
Ezra reluctantly lets go of you so you can unlock your front door but he grabs your hips, kissing the back of your neck. “Hurry up, chérie. I want you to strip down and wrap those pretty lips around my cock.” His hands slide down to squeeze your ass and your hands shake until you finally get the door open.
Again, you are dumping everything and turning around to reach for him. Desperate to feel him. You feel him unbuttoning your shirt and push back so you can quickly strip down to your bare skin. Eager to get on your knees for him and watch him fall apart right against the door of your apartment.
Ezra groans at the skin you bare and his hands are immediately reaching for your bra. Last time was hesitant and new, now he’s hungry for you. His hands reach for your tits after you let him pull your bra down your arms and he pinches your nipple, wanting to be a little rougher.
“Fuck.” Your head rolls back and your chest pushes itself into his hands, loving how he’s being more aggressive. Still wearing your panties, you start to sink down to your knees but Ezra catches your arm, shaking his head. “No, chérie, I want your pussy to leak onto your floors.” He growls, making your cunt clench and you hastily follow his orders to remove your underwear before you kneel down in front of him,
He watches you as you kneel down and reach for his belt, expertly unbuckling it and he groans when you pull his throbbing cock out of his pants. “Fuck chérie.” He hisses which turns into a low moan when you take him into your mouth. “Shit.” He curses, eyes fluttering but he refuses to close them as he looks down at you.
You can feel him react. His cock throbbing in your mouth and you love it. Taking him deeper until he hits the back of your throat. It’s going to be hard to take all of him, so you wrap your fingers around the base to start pumping while you get used to his girth.
“Fuck. Oh Jesus Christ. Chérie, your mouth- it’s heaven on earth.” He compliments breathlessly, trying to keep his hips still so he doesn’t choke you but fuck, it’s hard to not want more. You whimper and he caresses your cheek.
Humming around him, you already have spit sliding down your jaw and your eyes are watering but you don’t care. All you want is to see the wrecked look on his face. You hollow your cheek and press deeper, swallowing when you feel you are going to gag.
“Fuck baby.” He leans over slightly so he can squeeze your tit and he closes his eyes when you take him deeper. “Oh shit. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me- you want - face? Mouth?” He pants out, not wanting to cum down your throat unless you want it. It’s been too long since someone sucked his cock.
You pull off for him for a split second. “Down my throat.” You gasp, taking him back into your mouth and looking up at him through your watery eyes. Letting go of the base of his cock, you grab his hips and pull him towards you, encouraging him to let go and use you.
Ezra hisses, rocking his hips and he groans when you swallow around him. A few thrusts of his hips, he is cumming down your throat in hot spurts, your name pulled from his lips.
You try to swallow it all, but it’s not something that you can manage. His cum spilling out from the edge of your lips to slide down your jaw while you gulp the rest of it down and let him ride out his pleasure, watching him as your cunt throbs.
Ezra pants, struggling to keep his eyes open as you let him drop from your mouth and he hisses, caresses your cheek before he scoops up his cum from your chin and pushes his fingers into you. “Jesus Christ, chérie. You - you are - fuck. Are you dripping?” He asks, shifting to kneel down and he cups your cunt, wanting to see if you are wet enough.
Whining, you grind against his fingers, wanting to feel him. You are soaked and ready to cum even though you know he is not going to be able to fuck you right now. “Fuck, Ez…” your eyes close and you lean forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder.
He rubs your clit, wanting you to cum while he recovers. You lean against him and he slides his fingers back to push two inside of you, groaning at how fucking wet you are. He presses his thumb against your clit, “want you to cum for me.”
You don’t care that you are still on the floor, his fingers inside you feel amazing. Thicker than your own and able to curl against that spot that makes your entire body light up in pleasure. “Fuck!” You gasp out, grabbing his arm to steady yours as your hips jerk towards him.
Ezra hisses when your walls flutter around his fingers, showing how close you are to cumming. “Yes baby doll.” He feels you gripping his arm and he tries to not flinch but he leans in to kiss your cheek. “Cum for me?” He asks, not telling you but asking you to cum for him.
His gruff request works, asking you to come apart for him does the trick. The clever fingers curl and press up against your g-spot again and you wail his name. Cunt spasming around his fingers while you soak them, thighs shaking in pleasure.
“Yes. That’s it chérie. Such a good girl for me.” He murmurs, working you through it and he groans when you lean forward to press your lips to his. “Are you going to let me fuck you?” He asks, cock hardening once again.
“Yes.” You whine breathlessly, lashes fluttering and you finally realize that you are holding onto his arm. Letting go without trying to draw attention to the fact that you feel him wince. “Here or in the bed again?”
“Bed.” He rasps, wanting to fuck you from behind. He groans as he helps you stand and he pushes his pants down, pulling off his shirt and he remains in his under shirt. “I want to fuck you from behind.”
You have no problem with that, leading him into your bedroom and you look over your shoulder as you kneel down on the bed. Smirking, you shake your hips at him invitingly. “Come fuck me.”
Ezra can’t help but reach out and smack your ass, loving the way the skin jiggles and he chuckles at the squeal that escapes your lips. “Condom?” He asks, his cock now aching with need and he grips his length, pumping himself a few times.
“Same drawer.” You bite your lip, wanting to ask if he would get screened so he didn’t have to wear a condom, but you don’t want to pressure him into something like that. You watch him open the drawer and pull out another foil packet, cunt clenching when you see his cock bobbing as he moves.
He rips it open and rolls it into his length, groaning as he pumps himself before he kneels behind you, gripping his cock to position himself at your entrance. “Fuckkkk chérie.” He hisses as he pushes into you. He leans over you, kissing along your neck as he pushes deep and gives you a moment to adjust around him.
He feels so deep in this position. Making your head fall to hand down and hips to push back against him as you moan. “Fuck Ezra, you- you’re so deep.” You whimper, walls fluttering around him as you enjoy the way he fills you. “God, I- be rough.” You beg, wanting to feel him for days after this.
Ezra follows your order, grabbing your hips and he sets a harsh pace, pushing into you with soft grunts escaping his lips. He wants to be rough, he wants to push into you hard and make you feel him for days. “Fuck baby. You feel so good.”
Gasps and whines are all you can manage through his harsh pace. Gripping the sheets in your fists while he pulls your hips back as he slams into you. His hips slap your ass and it feels like his cock is spearing up into your throat. You love and show him by clenching down around him every time he hits that perfect spot inside you. “Ez-Ez-Ezraaaaa!” 
Your moans spur him on and he leans over you, cupping your tits and massaging them as he rocks into you. “Fuck baby doll. You feel - you feel like heaven.” He murmurs, kissing along your neck and nipping, careful to not leave a mark.
Every thrust of his hips pushes you closer to cumming. That heat and tension curls in the pit of your stomach and makes you arch your back when he pinches your nipple harshly. Gasping out his name and closing your eyes. “Fuck baby, so close.” You pant, collapsing down to your elbows and laying your cheek against the bed. “Harder.” 
Ezra slides his hand down to rub your clit, wanting you to cum around his cock. He hisses your name, rocking into you. “Cum for me, mon chérie, please.” He begs wanting you to cum for him, to clench around him.
Within another dozen thrusts, you are doing just that. Almost a delayed cry of pleasure as you suck in a breath of air, you squeal out when you exhale. Your entire body responds to the overwhelming punch of his cock against your g-spot and you swear you feel him jerk to a halt, unable to move for a split second while you lock down around him. 
When you cum, he stills, unable to move and he kisses along your spine as you shake beneath him. He withdraws after a moment, shifting to kneel on the floor and he leans forward to lap at your clit, sensitive from your orgasm, and he pushes you into another one, wanting you to cum again. His hand squeezes his condom covered cock while his tongue pushes into you.
“Fuck, fuck!” You moan, unable to believe that he hadn’t just continued to fuck you. Making you pant and squirm under the broad strokes of his tongue. He’s relentless, not allowing you to settle down before he’s demanding your body give him more. Your stomach clenches and heaves when he curls his tongue deep and that sharp nose presses against your other hole and nearly breeches it, making you cry out again as another orgasm rushes over you. 
He works you through another orgasm, loving how responsive you are. He hisses your name and shifts to kneel behind you, pushing back into your fluttering cunt. “Oh Jesus Christ.” He groans and starts to fuck you, hard and fast as he seeks his own pleasure. “Fuck chérie, You are heaven sent.” He is close but he wants you to cum one more time so he starts to rub your clit, his cock pushing deep.
“Ezraaaaaa.” You whine shifting forward to lay down on the bed, Ezra following you where you are flat on your stomach. Turning your head, you watch him out of the corner over your eye. His fingers are trapped under you, rubbing your clit and you moan again.
He straddles your thighs, one hand grabbing your ass while the other continues rubbing your clit. He desperately needs you to cum, his cock aching as he pushes deeper than before, punching into your guts as he pants your name. “Cum, one last time. Cum for me baby doll.” He pleads, so close to his own orgasm and he needs you to cum one last time.
You scream his name, clenching down around his cock and soaking him in your juices. Panting out while he furiously rocks into you and seeks his own high. “Pl-please c-cum!” You beg, desperate to feel him cum, even if he’s wearing a condom.
He can’t hold back even if he tries, he pushes into you, gritting his teeth, and he thrusts a dozen more times before he’s burying his cock deep. Spilling into the condom, he groans, unable to say your name as lights flash behind his eyes, the pleasure consumes him and he slumps on top of you without pressing his weight into you. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He pants, kissing your neck.
“Godddddddd.” You groan, laughing quietly as you pant. “That was so, so good.” You murmur, wishing you can kiss him. It’s strange to feel his shirt on your sweaty skin, but you understand that he has some kind of hang up about being shirtless. “Wish you had filled me up.” You slur, almost unaware that you had said it.
His cock twitches inside of you and he swallows harshly, “yeah? You want that? I’m clean. Always - always get tested monthly just in case. Shit, baby girl. You want me to fill you full of my cum next time? Make you drip?” He rasps, biting down on your shoulder.
Whining softly, you nod against the sheets. “Fuck, please Ezra.” You try not to think about why he gets tested monthly. It’s not your business and it’s not your place to feel possessive of him. Your cunt clenches around his softening cock and he hisses against your skin. “I want that.”
“Me too.” He murmurs, kissing your neck again and he grips the base of the condom before he pulls out of you. He sighs and shuffles off of the bed, tying off the condom and disposing of it before he lays down on the bed next to you again. “So good.” He murmurs, turning onto his side and cupping your cheek, leaning in to kiss you softly.
Turning, you lean into the kiss and enjoy it. Your eyes closing and humming against his lips until he pulls away. “Let me go get us some water.” You murmur, moving to shift off the bed. “Worked up a thirst and I know you must have too.” You want him to be comfortable. Especially since he’s staying.
Ezra watches you go with a soft smile on his face. You’re an incredible woman and he’s lucky to be in your company. He feels dirty for having you pay him but he has to pay his bills. When you come back into the room, he has his underwear on and he is sitting on the edge of the bed. “Thanks, chérie.” He says before he gulps down half the bottle. “I, um, I need - I want to show you…all of me.” He says, gesturing to his shirt.
You can feel the anxiety rolling off of him in thick waves, making him seem a little green around the gills. You set your own bottle of water down and move over to where he is sitting. “Only if you want to.” You promise, touching the back of his hand that’s resting on his thigh. “Just because we are spending time together and in bed together doesn’t mean you have to do anything you don’t want.”
“I want to. I- it’s just - you might be disgusted by my monstrous appearance. I- I was injured, as you know, and upon my return from war, I had surgeries and therapy and - I - my ex hated how I looked. Said I repulsed her and if you should happen to feel that way, I understand. I just - I feel like I want to show you all of me.” He swallows harshly and reaches for the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it over his head while his heart pounds in his chest.
You don’t say a word. Your eyes map the scars that crisscross over his torso and shoulders. He apparently almost lost his right arm, the deep scar tissue around it nearly cutting the meat of it in two. “Ezra…” standing, you slowly move towards him. You want to reach out and you do so ever so gently, not wanting him to flinch away. “I see a man who survived horrors and I’m glad you did.” You promise, touching his bare skin and caressing one of the marks on his body.
“You- chérie - You’re not repulsed? You - you don’t think I’m a monster?” He asks softly, his entire body sparking as you caress skin that hasn’t been touched in years. “You didn’t pay for a monster. You deserve more.”
“You are not a monster.” You want to scream at the bitch who planted that idea in his head. “You are a man who has seen war, and been marked by it. But that does not change who you are here.” Your hand drifts up to his heart and you press your palm there to feel his heart pounding. “I want what I see right now.” You promise him, leaning down and kissing his shoulder, one of the scars on his skin and look up at him. “You deserve more than to believe you are a monster.”
Ezra sighs, cupping your cheeks and he leans forward to press a kiss to your lips, unable to believe how fortunate he is to have you in his arms, with him. “Chérie…you are magnificent.” He murmurs against your lips and his heart pounds in his chest. He knows the lines are blurring for him between client and lover but he can’t seem to stop himself.
You sigh into the kiss, closing your eyes and you let your hands slowly caress his skin. Tracing the scars gently and reverently, wanting him to feel appreciated. When the kiss ends, you smile at him. “You can leave your shirt off around me. I don’t mind.”
Ezra swears he nearly cries when you kiss his shoulder and he knows in that moment, he falls for you. He swallows harshly and caresses your waist, “thank you chérie. Are you- are you thirsty? Let me get you some water.” He wants to look after you, he wants to care for you.
You smile at him, wondering if he has forgotten that you brought him water. “I’m good.” You promise. “If you need to do anything, the bathroom is through the door right there.” You offer.
Ezra was so caught up in his emotions, he forgot you brought in water and he nods, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “You wanna watch a movie? It’s still kind of early.” He caresses your spine, just breathing you in.
There’s something incredibly domestic in the idea of watching a movie with him. Nodding, you smirk and send him a small wink. “As long as we don’t wear clothes.” You compromise teasingly, knowing that if he wants to get dressed, you won’t stop him. You don’t want him to be uncomfortable. “Here or in the living room?”
“Here. I want to keep you in my arms.” Now that Ezra has had skin to skin, he wants as much as possible. He was terrified you’d reject him, think of him as a monster but you haven’t rejected him so he wants to spend as much time as possible with you. He wants to feel you pressed against him.
“Perfect.” You kiss him again and stand up so you can pull the covers back and pile the pillows in the middle so you can cuddle together. You slide into bed and pat the spot next to you. “We can turn on something and just relax.”
He lays down, pulling you against him after you grab the remote. You’re both naked but he’s never been more comfortable. He kisses your neck while you scroll through Netflix. “What do you want to watch?” You ask and his hand caresses your waist before his fingers slide lower until he’s cupping your cunt. 
“Whatever you want to watch.” He murmurs, sliding his finger between your folds to slowly rub your clit.
“Ha.” You pant, the slow press of his finger against your bundle of nerves is incredibly distracting and you can already tell that neither one of you is going to pay attention to the TV. You quickly select a movie, not even aware of what it is and throw the remote down so you can give him the same amount of attention, your hands caressing his chest gently and your lips pressing against every scar you can reach.
His heart pounds in his chest as you caress skin he’s kept hidden since he left Louisiana and he adds a second finger, rubbing your clit with soft movements, in no rush to make you cum. He wants you to savor this, just enjoy the pleasure without any urgency. “Good movie choice.” He jokes, voice raspy as his cock starts to harden as the little whimpers and moans that escape your lips.
You moan, lips against his skin and your eyes flicker up to meet his. He’s someone you are paying for his time, but this feels like more. It feels real and for the first time in forever, you wish you were in a relationship. You wish you were with Ezra, that this was just a normal night. Continuing to kiss every mar and imperfection on his body, your other hand slips beneath the sheets and wraps around his half hard cock, holding him firmly.
Ezra hisses when you grip him, his fingers rubbing your clit a little harder and he shifts his hand, pushing two fingers into you, pressing his thumb to your clit. “You are perfection, mon chérie.” He murmurs, kissing along your neck before he presses his lips to yours, loving how breathless you are as you slowly work his cock.
It is the height of decadence. Lazily stroking a gorgeous man’s cock while his fingers pump into you just as slowly. Giving and taking pleasure as the movie plays and neither of you pay attention to it. “It is so easy with you.” You admit, almost afraid that you might say something stupid and break the spell over this moment.
Humming in agreement, Ezra works his fingers deeper into you, pressing his thumb against your clit a little harder as he wants you to cum again for him. “It’s because you’re so - so fucking perfect.” Ezra admits with a groan when you twist your wrist just right to make him moan your name.
You aren’t perfect. You know you aren’t. It’s not like every man you’ve tried to have a relationship with hasn’t pointed that out. You work too much, you don’t have time for them, you don’t mother them. Instead of focusing on that, you twist your wrist again when he curls his fingers deep. “Always easy with you.” You moan.
He loves hearing you say it even though you both know you’re paying for him to be here. He hisses your name and thrusts into your hand, pumping his fingers a little faster while the movie continues to play. “Are you going to cum for me, chérie?” He asks, leaning in to kiss your neck, biting down gently on your earlobe.
You groan out his name and your eyes flutter shut. “Eventually.” You tease, a small smirk on your lips. Squeezing his cock, you’re rewarded with him twitching in your hand and you pump him a little faster. “Only when you cum with me.”
He groans, loving the way your fingers feel wrapped around his cock and he hisses when you swipe your thumb over the edge. “Shit. You’re gonna - I need you to cum with me.” He pleads, continuing to pump his fingers despite his balls pulling tight to his body, warning him of his incoming orgasm.
“I’m going to, baby.” You pant, feeling your cunt start to flutter around his fingers deep inside you. “I’m gonna cum for you. Gonna cum all over your fingers.” You whine, turning your head and pressing your lips to his. Your moan pouring into his mouth while stars bust behind your eyes.
He groans when you clamp down on his fingers and you grip his cock just right in your hand, squeezing him so that he grunts into your mouth. His tongue slides against yours while his cock pulses in your hand, spurting his cum onto his stomach and chest, dripping onto your hand.
It’s beautiful, both of you coming apart together. Groaning into each other and riding out your pleasure panted out with every breath. “Ezra.” You whimper, kissing his lips again and again until his cock softens.
He withdraws his fingers, pushing them into his mouth with a groan to taste you and he cups your cheek with his wet hand, sliding his tongue back into your mouth. He has never felt this sexually charged. He’s almost ready to go again, certain that he would be if he was younger. “Fuck, my baby doll, you’re - you intoxicate me.”
You chuckle breathlessly, knowing that you feel the same but it has to be usual for him. Maybe he’s a little vulnerable because he’s exposed himself, but any number of women would give anything to have his attention and his touch. “Hopefully that doesn’t change anytime soon.” You murmur, shooting him a grin before you duck your head down and lick up some of the cum splattered on his skin.
“Jesus Christ.” Ezra hisses, caressing your cheek, and he surges forward to press his lips to yours, tasting his own cum on your lips and he smiles against your lips when you pull back. “Shall we restart that movie?” He jokes and you giggle, nodding as you snuggle into his side.��
The next morning, Ezra watches you get ready for work with a grin on his lips, loving this routine you go through. It’s unbelievably sexy to watch you get ready and he sits there in his pants, watching you as you put on your underwear. He knows he could easily watch you do this every morning and that scares him a little, how easy it is.
It’s been a long time since you’ve gotten dressed in front of anyone, but you don’t mind Ezra watching you. There’s something in his gaze that makes you feel warm and you like it. Humming to yourself as you rub lotion into your skin, you think about the outfits you haven’t worn in awhile and walk into your closet to pull out the business attire.
When you come out of your closet, Ezra groans at how beautiful you look in the blazer and skirt. He shifts, standing up and he walks over to you, kneeling down on the floor. His hands run along your legs and he pushes your skirt up. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He murmurs, looking up at you and he hooks his fingers in the panties he watched you put on, pulling them down. “I want breakfast.” He teases, lifting your leg onto his shoulder before he slides his tongue through your folds.
“Ezraaaa.” You whine, thankful you don’t have your shoes on as your fingers tangle into his hair. You had expected him to leave first thing, or to not be interested in anything intimate, but his tongue proves you wrong. “Fuck- I- I’m going to be late.”
“Be late. For once in your fucking life.” He winks and dives back in, flicking his tongue against your clit until he sucks it into your mouth, groaning when you buck against his mouth. He grabs your ass, encouraging you to rock against his face. Once he’s made you cum, he will leave even though he’s going to hate it.”
“Oh fuck!” You cry out, his tongue flicking over your clit with expert precision. You vaguely think about calling in sick and staying like this with Ezra all day but he has places to be as well. “Fuck, fuck, you’re going to fuck me, right?” You gasp out. “Oh fuck, fill me up and let me ruin my panties all day?”
He groans into your pussy, wishing he could spend all day buried in your cunt but you have to work and he needs to spend time away from you before he gets even deeper. He slides his tongue into your cunt, his nose pressed against your clit and he fucking loves the way you rock against his face.
Your body loves the attention, primed for another orgasm by his skilled tongue or cock through most of the night. You hadn’t slept much but you feel invigorated. “Fuck Ez,” you whine, tugging on his hair until he groans into your cunt again and it sends you over the edge. Crying out wordlessly, you flood his tongue with your juices.
He laps it up, working you through it with his tongue while he savors everything you give him, his cock now aching and he caresses your legs as he pulls back to look up at you. “Chérie, you want - you want me to fuck you?” He rasps, chin glistening with your cum.
Despite the fact that you need to leave for work, you are nodding. Turning around and pulling your skirt up more as you bend over the bed. “Fuck me. God, I want to feel you all day, baby.” You beg, closing your eyes so you don’t ask him to be here when you get home.
Ezra doesn’t think about the condom, too focused on pulling his trousers down to pull his hard cock out, positioning himself at your entrance and pushing inside of you with a deep groan. His hands grip your hips and he doesn’t allow you a moment to adjust before he starts to fuck you hard and fast.
Rocking up into the balls of your toes, you cry out when he punches deep. Loving how it feels like his cock is kissing your womb and hitting perfectly inside you. Mewling every time his hips slap against your ass, all you can do is take it and you Fucking love it. “Ez- oh-oh fuck!” You squeal when he pushes deep and hits your g-spot.
To feel you without protection has Ezra thinking he’s been allowed into heaven. He hisses and continues his hard pace, eyes fluttering closed with how wet and tight you are around him, so fucking hot. “Oh shit, baby doll, you feel - it’s so good. So goddamn fucking good.” He smacks your ass, loving the squeal that echoes in your bedroom.
Every thrust of his cock pushes you closer, legs starting to shake and you feel like you are about to combust. Pushing your hips back and where he roughly drills into you again, you shatter. Toes curling and back arching, you practically scream his name. Creaming all over his cock and you realize he’s not wearing a condom and it makes it even sweeter.
“Can I - fuck. Can I cum inside of you, chérie?” He asks, panting as he leans over you. His eyes fluttering closed as he bites down on your neck, trying to control himself as you squeeze his cock, soaking him and his entire body shakes as he tries to control himself and not cum inside of you without you saying yes.
“Yes! Fuck yes, Ezra cum inside me. Please cum inside me.” It’s borderline pathetic how desperate you sound but you reach back to grab his hip. “Fuck baby, fill me up.”
He can’t deny you anything, thrusting deep as he cums, painting your walls as the deep groan of your name bounces off of your bedroom walls. “Oh my fuck-” He chokes, cock pulsing as he slumps over you, filling you up with his hot seed.
The whine you let out is low, pleased, as he fills you up. Loving the slow rolls of his hips while he pumps every last drop into your cunt. Knowing you will be leaking him for hours while at work. “Fuck-I, no more condoms.” You pant. “Just like this, every time.”
Ezra kisses along your neck, unable to believe you trust him enough to cum inside of you. He’s never had that with a client but the line is blurring. You are no longer a client, you’re more than that and it terrified him. “Fuck yes. So good.” He murmurs and pulls out of you with a hiss. He grabs your panties, helping you step into them and pulls them up to keep his cum inside of you, stopping it from dripping on the floor. “You need to get to work, baby doll.” He smacks your ass before he pulls your skirt down.
Turning around, you press your lips to his again. It’s crazy how deeply you feel for him but you know that his time is money. As it is, you feel like you’ve taken advantage. “Let me know when you’re free again.” You murmur, straightening up so you can fix your appearance for work. “I would like to see you again soon.” Like tonight, but you don’t say that. You don’t want to be clingy.
“Me too.” Ezra murmurs, knowing he needs the $300 rate you agreed but he wants to say fuck the money and continue kissing you. However, he has obligations and when you step back to grab your purse, he feels dirty, he feels like he’s taking advantage of you. “Maybe tomorrow night. I have…I have an appointment tonight.” An older lady, a widow, who wants him to attend a function with him. He knows he will just be there to impress her friends but the money is too much to pass up. Maybe he can work on his writing this afternoon.
Taking out the bills, you fold them over and for a moment - fear that he is fucking you to make sure you come back floods your system. Making you falter for a moment before you press the bills into his hand and kiss his cheek. “I- I should leave.” You murmur, not sure of how to ask him to get dressed and leave with you. You aren’t together and you shouldn’t leave him in your apartment by himself.
Ezra nods, pulling up his trousers and tucking his shirt in before he shoves the money in his pant pocket. “I’ll see you soon, mon chérie.” He murmurs, kissing your cheek and he grabs his jacket while you lead him to the door. He knows you need to leave and he follows you out of your door. The elevator ride is silent and he watches you as you stare at the numbers on the screen. He wants to say something but what can he say? You want him for company and sex, he needs to push his silly feelings aside.
The doors open and you look up from your phone, stepping out into the lobby. “Thank you for last night.” You offer, wanting to kiss him but you aren’t sure about what you can do now that you’ve paid him for his time. Your phone beeps and you sigh, looking down at it. “I’m sorry, I am so late. Ask the doorman to get you a car if you need one.” You flash him a smile and turn around to hurry toward the doors that lead to where your car is waiting. 
Ezra watches you go with a sigh, knowing you just want him when you aren’t working. He needs to control his emotions and be professional. That’s what you are doing and he must follow suit. 
You snuggle into his chest, the morning light shining through the window and Ezra caresses your spine as you sleep against him. He didn’t get a lot of sleep, too busy thinking about work. Too busy thinking about you. You’ve been paying him to stay at your place for the past month, going out for dinners, you even took him to a work event. Three hundred dollars for every night he spends with you and you’ve spent a lot of money. He hates it and today, he’s going to end it. He can’t keep taking your money. You stir against him and he kisses your hair, “morning, chérie.”
A soft, sleepy smile starts on your face as you turn your head. Mornings with Ezra are amazing and you have slept better and been more relaxed than you ever remember being. It’s sad that you have to pay for a man that you’ve fallen in love with, but you understand it. Time is money and you knew that the first time you slept with him. “Morning.” You hum, scooting up to press your lips to his. “Hmmm, what time is it?” 
“It’s ten. You slept in. Someone must’ve kept you up all night long.” Ezra teases, pressing his lips to yours once more until he remembers that he has to end this. He sighs, shifting off of the bed. “My damn arm has gone dead. Let me - I need to piss.” He says, pulling away from you as he shuffles into the bathroom. He doesn’t know how he’s going to end this, it’s going to destroy him but it’s for the best. When he comes out, you are sitting up in bed, still sleepy and yet so gorgeous. “I’ll make you some coffee.” He says as he grabs his pants, pulling them on so he can have this conversation with you.
You rub your eyes, a little confused at why Ezra is rushing out of the bed. Although it’s late, you have been spending hours in bed on the weekends before you finally get up and venture out to get brunch. There’s something odd about it and it makes your stomach flutter nervously as you slide out of bed and grab your robe to tie around you before you make your way to the kitchen. “Do you want to go out and get coffee? Some breakfast?” You ask, coming over to kiss his bare back as he stands in front of your coffee maker. His back tenses and you slowly pull away, thinking he is having some pain this morning. Sometimes his scars ache. 
Ezra doesn’t respond as he works on fixing you a cup of coffee. “No. I, uh, I can’t go out for brunch today. I have…other obligations.” He lies and you frown, stepping back from him. 
“Oh. I, uh, okay.” You swallow harshly and he bites his lip as he watches you walk over to your purse on the counter. “I can pay you now. Let you leave and we can - we can see each other tomorrow.” You aren’t happy but what can you do? You can’t force him to stay. 
“No.” Ezra says, his voice almost wavering but he manages to remain strong. “I don’t - I don’t want your money and I can’t - I can’t see you again.”
“Oh.” Your heart breaks with his words and immediately you are trying to fight back tears. It’s stupid that you had gotten in so deep with this man when it was only supposed to be one evening, one stupid New Year’s party. “I see.” You manage to keep your voice steady and you turn to pull out the crisp, three one hundred dollar bills and you lay them on the counter for him. “Take the money, you spent last night with me.” You insist before you set the bag down. “I- I need to - excuse me.” You rush back towards your bedroom, needing to lock yourself in the bathroom for a moment so you don’t do something stupid like begging him to stay.
Frowning as you rush off, Ezra looks back towards the door you just slammed. He shakes his head, suddenly pissed that you are just dismissing him without even talking about it. He knows he’s the one ending this arrangement but that’s because of his feelings for you. You just seem to not give a fuck. That makes him furious. He stomps over to your door, banging on it. “You can’t just lock yourself away. I- is that it? We’re done?” He asks you through the door, leaning against it as he sighs, his heart breaking.
Inside the bathroom, you cover your mouth with your hand, tears pouring down your face. “What do you want, Ezra?” You sob. “Is this- I don’t understand.” Your heart feels like it’s about to explode and all you want is to be left alone so you can wallow in your misery. “Is it a shakedown for more money?” You didn’t think it was all fake, but maybe he had just been using you. Maybe this was to try to get you to offer him more.
He hates hearing you cry and he’s so mad that you think this is because he wants more money. “More money? Are you fucking joking with me, baby doll? I don’t give a shit about the money. I- I can’t keep taking your money when I- it’s not just work anymore. It never was. Not since the moment I met you. It’s never been an arrangement for me. Chérie, it’s always been for pleasure, because you’re incredible. I - I can’t keep taking your money when I’m in love with you. It’s not right and it’s best that I walk away now. I know you just wanted company and I’m the moron who caught feelings and it’s not fair to push that onto you.”
His confession just makes you sob harder, confused and hurt by all of this. Especially the suddenness of him not wanting to be with you anymore. “Don’t lie, Ezra!” You shout, curling your arms around yourself to try to provide some small comfort. “I know- I know that you were just doing your job. I know that the only way I would get to be with you was if I paid you. Why-” You voice breaks and you gasp out a sob of heart wrenching pain. “Why do you think I kept paying you? It’s the only way I could spend time with you! Stop making fun of me.”
Ezra frowns, “what - what the fuck are you talking about? Please. Please can you come out of there so I can talk to you properly? I’m not making fun of you, my love. I - I want to be with you. I just - you kept paying me and I - I’m a scoundrel and shouldn’t have taken your money. I’ll give every cent back to you. Just - just please, let me see you one last time before I go. I can’t - I know you don’t love me. I’ll go.”
You don’t want to, you don’t want to confront him. You’ve never been good in relationships, never wanted to fight or deal with the heartbreak associated with it. You would rather just leave, let him go but he’s in your house right now. Stumbling to the door, you know you look horrible with tears running down your cheeks and your nose running but you can’t care right now. You open the door and you can’t even look at him, staring down at your feet. “Please stop.” You beg him softly. “I know- I know I’m stupid but stop pretending.” You hiccup and try to wipe away your tears. “You don’t want to be with me, I know that. So just- go if you want.” 
Ezra’s heart breaks at your confession and he can’t stop himself from reaching out to cup your cheeks. “My love, oh mon chérie. You are - please - seeing you cry has me damn near ready to beat myself up.” He tenderly wipes your tears with his thumbs, forcing you to look at him. “I don’t want your money. I want you. I love you. I’m - I’m a fool to let this arrangement have carried on for this long but I need you to know that I am madly in love with you and if you don’t feel the same, I will walk out that door. I will return your money. I cannot take it. I did not need to be paid for a single moment of this time together.”
Your chin trembles and wobbles while new tears spill over your lashes. Wanting so badly to believe him but why would he say he couldn’t see you anymore? “I- then why can’t you see me?” You ask. “I- I always want you here. I love you, Ezra. It’s why I’ve wanted you here. Everyday, I - I’ve wanted you. I paid you because I- I thought it was the only way I could have you.” 
He’s dumbstruck when you tell him you love him, taking a few moments to respond to you. “Why would you love me? I- I’m a monster. I- I don’t have a proper career. I spend my nights as a date for elderly women and I am not good enough for you.” He admits with a whisper, wiping away the new tears. “You deserve better than me.”
“I hate whoever told you that you’re a monster.” You hiss, shaking your head still cupped in his hands. Your own hands find his sides and you pull him closer. “You're not. You are a man who gives older ladies companionship and friendly banter, letting them feel young and wanted again.” You know he’s not sleeping with anyone else, you’ve actually met a few of his clients when you’ve been out to dinners. They are all sweet, lonely women who can pay for his company. “You are a writer, and a good one. Your book will be a bestseller, I know it.” The conversation has shifted focus and you find yourself defending him to him. “Why do I deserve better than the man I love?” 
Ezra swallows harshly, tears stinging in his eyes, and he leans in to press his forehead against yours. “Can you forgive me, mon chérie? For talking about leaving? I didn’t want to leave. I- I love you. I love you and I don’t want to go. I want you. If you can accept me as I am, I want you.” He murmurs, kissing your nose.
“There is nothing to accept, Ezra.” You close your eyes and try to catch your breath. “I love you, just as you are. I- you are perfect to me.” He never got upset at you when you worked at home, always let you finish up while he lounged beside you on his own computer or watched TV. Never tried to get you to change. Why would you want to change him?
He smiles, exhaling shakily then he presses his lips to yours, sweet but passionate as he breathes you in. He pulls back after a moment, “I love you, chérie. I love you more than life itself. I thank whatever deity is above that you called me for that New Year party. You’ve - you make me feel whole and accepted and loved. I could spend a lifetime repaying you for that.”
“I love you.” Now that you’ve said it, it’s almost second nature to repeat it. Addicted to the way it sounds when you tell him. “I- God, you don’t know how much you mean to me.” You promise, hugging him close and hiccuping again.
Ezra keeps his arm wrapped around your waist, smiling as you enter the ballroom for your company’s annual New Year party. Last year, you hired Ezra to come with you and now, he stands proud beside you. His book is now published and on the bestseller list like you predicted and he’s given up his escorting, now deciding to spend his nights with you and only you. “Have I told you you look gorgeous tonight, chérie?” He asks when you are standing at the bar, waiting on your champagne.
“Only when you tried to convince me to stay home and allow you to peel off my dress early.” You tease, leaning in and stealing a kiss. He’s officially moved in and every morning you wake up in his arms feels like a miracle. The second bedroom has been turned into his office, allowing him space to write and create. Often when you come home from work, you will sit on the sofa there and go through your emails while he finishes his self imposed writing limit. “But it pales in comparison to how handsome you are.”
Ezra bites his lip, staring at you and unable to believe how lucky he is to have you. You accept all of him, scars and blemishes, all of him. "Marry me." He blurts out, his dark eyes fixed on yours while you lean against the bar.
Rocking back, your eyes widen in surprise. “Ezra- what?” You forget how to breathe for a second and all you can hear is a slight buzzing in your ears. “I- you’re joking, right?” Ezra shakes his head, knowing it wasn’t the most articulate proposal in history, but he’s not joking. “You-you want me to marry you?” You whisper, unable to believe that this is actually happening. 
He clears his throat, reaching for your hands, and he turns you towards him. “Mon chérie, I- I adore you. I wake up and am beyond grateful that you are in my arms. I never thought I’d find someone like you. I never imagined being with a woman like you after coming back from the war. I love you, I want you to be mine. I want you to be my wife. Marry me.” He requests and lets go of your hands to reach into his pocket. “I planned to do this later but I- I can’t wait.” He opens the small velvet box, displaying the simple yet impressive diamond he had purchased for you.
Gasping softly, your hand covers your mouth as you stare at the perfection that Ezra has picked out for you. Making tears spring to your eyes as you imagine marrying this man. Something that you never thought was in the cards for you. “Yes!” You cry after a moment, laughing and flustered. “Yes, I will marry you.” Lunging forward, you throw your arms around him and kiss him fervently. “I love you.”
He wraps his arms around you, the ring box in his hand and he grins against your lips until he is pecking them over and over. “I love you.” He murmurs your name and takes the ring out of the box, sliding it onto your finger. Others have noticed the scene and are applauding, including your bosses who orders a bottle of champagne for you and Ezra. 
“Congratulations. Who would’ve thought you’d be getting engaged tonight?” Your boss winks at Ezra who chuckles, having emailed your boss to ask for the band to play your favorite song - the song that was playing during your first dance a year ago. 
The song begins to play and Ezra takes your hand, guiding you to the dance floor. “I want to show off my beautiful fiancée.” He smiles, pulling you into his arms and he begins to sway with you to the music while your entire company watches, the ring on your finger glistening. You have tears in your eyes when you rest your head on Ezra and he kisses your hair. You had hired him a year ago to pretend to be your boyfriend and tonight, you’ll be leaving with him as your fiancé.
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omi-papus · 1 year
Concept I pulled out of my ass while trying not to pass out in the micro:
A couple of fanon interpretations of the architects have the idea that they have genetic children, (whether by insemination, something about spores I think, and literally just raw DNA depends on the creator) but they don't give birth, and they don't have partnerships between the parents, they also don't care for their children themselves. That's left to specific qualified caretakers and essentially no member of the equation knows who it is they shared genes with, neither do they care
Now. Present day. No architects save for one are left. Robin and Al-An have been traversing the home world for years and have yet to find sight of any survivors. They find records of what was apparently an evacuation effort to get as many of the children out of the planet as possible, apparently not all were able to be boarded, and they learn that one child was intentionally left behind. The file is too corrupted to get the explanation as to why. They assume said child has already dead, and Al-An is too afraid of facing any more disappointment, but Robin pushes him along, encouraging him to try and find it.
And above all odds they do. Its consciousness is stored in a faulty terminal and it luckily they can get a body for it rather quickly, but due to time and resource availability. They are forced to give it a body that's much smaller. Smaller than even Robin. Al-An claims it to be a couple of decades old, around 98, and to Robin it appears to hold the mannerisms and behavior of a twelve-year-old. It's initially scared and untrusting, and it only begins to trust them somewhat when it seems that they made it a body and that it has nowhere else to go. It can't speak any human languages, being far less apt than Al-An, but it can speak some architect. Both Al-An and it can communicate, and he senses that there'is something it's not telling him. The network is gone, so these two cant read each other's thoughts, so they are stuck as they are. This is why the brooding doesn't actually recognize Al-An in any meaningful way. It can tell he's an older architect, but nothing more. Al-An recognizes this insecurity and, after a long period of trust building, mostly between him and it, Robin being a presence he feels uncomfortable with. Al-An decides to sit it down and explain to it who he really is. Why things are the way that they are, and why he is here now. 
The broodling remains frozen for a second and without warning emediatly attacks him. Al-An has no problem stopping him. And begs for its forgiveness and in the midst of it screaming and crying, falling over its own legs, repeating itself in its rage induced misery, tells him “It is your genes that made them choose to leave me here!” Before running off.
Al-An doesn't understand. He stands there still for way too long, and it's only when Robin shakes him to get out of his stupor, that he manages to whisper.
“That is my offspring…”
He can't face it. Al-An has never even thought about this being before, and cant believe the chances of ever meeting it like this. The guilt swallows him whole as he realizes that his failure was not only known throughout the network, but that they deemed his very being so repulsive that they left an innocent child to die only in the name of culling his bloodline. He does not expect it to forgive him, and he is terrified by the very notion of being a genuen father. He was never meant to be. He doesn't even know who the mother was. It was just something all architects where instructed to do at one point. He's scared and remorseful and yet, even now more than ever before, so desperate to hold it close, to keep it safe and tell it he loves it more than anything. But he can't bring himself to follow after.
And Robin does not plan to let that stand. She's going to get those two back together if it kills her. And she isn't going to tell either of them… but she doesn't want to think about Al-An having a family with somebody else. She deep down wants the kid to accept her too.
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clatterbane · 8 months
Back home from that second damned full general anesthesia gastroscopy session, and I survived. Just about. Feeling pretty rough about now, and very little of it is from the procedure itself. Still pretty full of Migraine Potion, of course, to make everything more pleasant.
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But! This happened. Sure, the whole extra fuss of getting anesthesiology involved makes everything so much safer and better. Particularly with the T1 diabetes!
The main Dunning-Kruger part that I was referring to with the anesthesiologist I got hold of today was that she seemed to be operating under the strange idea that diabetes means that you need a constant supply of glucose, or you will go hypoglycemic. (As in, the exact fucking opposite of how anything works.) And that the long-acting insulin that I was not due to take would also somehow help keep my blood sugar from going dangerously low right then and there? Idek. Maybe she thinks that is a depot shot of extended release sugar? 🥴 (Again, it must be Opposite Day in the Anesthesiologyverse.)
There may have been some language/communication issues there. But yeah that really did not seem to be the main problem. This also was not an issue at all last time. It was definitely that anesthesiologist giving crazy instructions.
Hospitals are not a healthy place for T1 diabetics to end up anyway. There is so much piss-poor knowledge paired with God complexes going around. But, that's one of the strangest understandings that I have ever even heard of.
At least that was only half of my usual Lantus dose they insisted on giving me. So, when saying that it was not due for hours yet--and I that I did not want or need it--did not work? I went ahead and took the shit rather than go completely ballistic at them, because at least that was unlikely to do any actual harm. Guess I'll take the other half when the next dose is actually due, and hope the dosing disruption doesn't fuck me up too bad over the next few days.
(Though at least that was not my entire daily Lantus dose they were screwing with. I regularly take it twice a day, to help keep things steadier. So, a few units hours early should hopefully not make much difference.)
But yeah, I'm glad that nurse in the pre-op and after recovery post-op section did have more of a clue, saw what was shooting my blood sugar up immediately, and stopped the IV before it just kept climbing. Several more units of insulin later, and I am just feeling like slightly reheated shit after that little roller coaster ride. It could have been much worse, but that shit kind of scared me anyway.
Also glad it really isn't a long procedure, other than all the waiting and extra rigmarole compared to just going straight into an endoscopy room like I was doing before they decided to do this instead. They thankfully didn't have that long to pump my insulin-deficient ass full of liquid sugar.
Though, I did end up stuck for longer in the actual recovery room, getting glucosed up with no brakes, because the coughing from the intubation tearing up my throat triggered enough of an asthma attack this time when I did NOT have access to the inhaler I preemptively brought along after last time, that they ended up giving me this mask nebulizer treatment in there.
So much safer and better! 😒
But, I am finally home and now making some coffee.
And I am so glad that ordeal is over with for another month now. With some talk of shifting it to every 6 weeks after that. I really hope I don't get that same anesthesiologist again.
At any rate, I intend to be loud if I have to about NO FREAKING GLUCOSE. They were purposely not using it before.
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nspwriteups · 11 months
Sudden Sparks - 2
@willkatfanfromasia and I are back with the new chapter to our modern KunxVT series... happy reading 💖
This is getting more difficult by the minute, she huffed. Kriti was trying hard- very hard,mind you!- to look only into the laptop screen as Vaishakh was entertaining her niece with a game of scrabble. 
Seems convenient enough, if not for two things 
Her niece popping up with enthusiastic questions
Vaishakh looking at her from the corner of his eyes
"Mama! What about Pandemic? Will it fit? " 
Kriti couldn't help but smirk, her niece was a chip off the old block. 
"Ayo! I didn't know that word till i was 12…Besides it's 8, we need 9 letters!"
This was enough trigger for the vivacious Kriti jr. 
"Athaiii, help me!!! Oh no wait" 
"Pancake? No!"
"Premier? Pendant? Nooo"
Her niece had apparently inherited not just her intelligence but also her stubbornness in solving problems alone. 
Vaishakh opened his mouth, eager to put the child out her misery but the sight of her aunt's narrowed eyes silenced him
"Let her be, she'll figure it out" the eyes signalled. 
And what eyes they were!
 "Got it! Pachyderm" the little girl yelled pulling him out of his reverie 
She had a smile plastered on her face as she arranged the letters on board. " You never fail to amaze me! How'd you hear about it?" He asked the jubilant child
" Simple,uncle Arun supports a charity that cares for rescue elephants. So I remembered him saying that"  
This kid was truly something else! Aditya and Nandini raved about how intimidating their daughter would be if she's anything like her aunt…I think I might find out soon, he mused.
The game demanded a 5 letter word starting with M. 
"Marry" he decided subconsciously.. not expecting a barrage of questions. 
"Marry? As in marriage? Like how uncle Arun says he'll marry aunt Vinita" 
"Er.. yes"
"Like how those grandmas at the parties we attend keep asking athai when she'll marry" 
Interesting tidbit,he grinned, as he saw a blush spread down Kriti sr's neck. 
Kriti knew her niece's fondness for mischief rivalled her mother's. Her niece knew the word, even if she doesn't understand the concept.
"You know what the word means, sweetheart, that's enough" said the soft but firm voice. Kriti jr turned away from her playmate to shoot her aunt a cheeky smile.
Before she could open her mouth again, Kriti pointed at the side table "I have an old PlayStation kept there. Haven't used it in ages but feel free to dust it and explore" 
Vaishakh, already boyish, turned even more youthful in that moment as he shared her niece's curiosity.
She'd pay to see that face everyday… wait, where did that come from?
They gleefully unwrapped the device, intermittently coughing as they dusted it off. 
All the living room plug points were occupied, so they followed Kriti's instruction and headed to the guest room.
She felt a vague sense of doubt as she saw them go. "There's something wrong with the guest room…but what was the problem? Shit! Looking at numbers all day has addled my brain"
Just as she perused her memories to figure it out…
The house was engulfed in pitch darkness
"Oh…shi…shih-tzu" exclaimed the male voice
Charming even now, she snickered.
 Kriti breathed through the initial shock and reached for her phone. She realised she left it to charge in her bedroom and smacked her head.  Her niece's 'spooky' howling was only encouraged by the big kid next to her. The dual tones of wolf mimicry only cemented Kriti's migraine.
'This will have to do' she exhaled turned her laptop screen towards the room. She spotted a torch in a shelf beneath the TV. She walked carefully and picked it up. 
The howls had died down and only faint yelps could be heard. 
Curious,she switched it on, pointing it towards the guest room. 
Lo and behold! She saw the two 'wolves' tamed by a bar of chocolate.
Turns out her co-babysitter is not just a pretty airhead.
The assurance of their safety only itched her need to tell them off
"Breathe kriti. It's not their fault remember" she thought as she breathed slowly.
The guest room circuit had tripped once before. She'd been putting off replacing it due to her never-ending schedule of business meetings and deadlines. 
In fact, it was the latest 'deadline' that distracted her from warning her guests. 
The 2 "wolves" looked sheepish, hoping she wouldn't tell them off for the short-circuit or eating chocolate on her bed. Kriti harrumphed " if you can't beat them, then join them" and bounced on the mattress- swiftly stealing a molten square from their hands.
"So..." Vaisakh said, licking his fingers off the chocolate "I think the power went out when we switched on the light. Maybe it must be a short circuit?"
"The wire had been faulty" Kriti sr replied, popping another chunk of chocolate into her mouth, "I've been meaning to get it fixed"
"You mean the great perfectionist Kriti forgot to do a task?" Vaisakh fixed her with a teasing look "You're clumsy"
That struck a nerve because Kriti was so proud of her organisational skills and getting things done on time. "I wasn't being clumsy, I was busy. There's a huge difference between the two - maybe you'd understand if you stop being so childish " She retorted and saw the smile vanish from Vaisakh's lips.
"You don't know me so don't just assume" He said in a serious tone
"Right back at you" Kriti strike back, neither noticing Kriti jr glancing between them with a frown.
She let out a small whimper and both adults looked in her direction.. Kriti felt bad on seeing her niece so upset.
"Okay, this useless banter is not helping our situation" She said, looking back at Vaisakh "And how can we conclude this was just the short circuit? It could also be a general power cut "
Vaishakh nodded "Let's go ask next door". They washed their hands and knocked on the opposite door.
Mrs.Venkatesh opened the door with her usual friendly smile and regarded the visitors with curiosity "Yes, Kriti dear. Is there any problem?"
"I'm so sorry to disturb you but our lights just went out and I was wondering if it was a power cut"
Mrs. Venkatesh glanced back at her brilliantly lit living room "Well, I don't think so. Must be a short circuit". Kriti hummed, trying not to look at Vaisakh and give him the satisfaction of proving her wrong.
"Would you like to come in?" Mrs. Venkatesh stole a glance at Vaisakh "And don't forget to introduce your boyfriend to me" she half whispered to Kriti who turned red at the implication. "No we're fine and " She pointed towards the boy next to her "and he's not my boyfriend "
"That's what they always say" Mrs. Venkatesh commented before waving them goodbye and closing the door.
Kriti glared at a smirking Vaisakh "Stop laughing. It wasn't that funny"
"It was a little funny" He said, now smirk turning into a grin
"Whatever, grab jr. Let's get inside. I'll call maintenance " She ordered and noted his puzzled expression "I thought she was with you" He said slowly
"No, I thought she was with you"
They looked around at the empty corridor and their opened door. Kriti felt like she was going to be sick.
Her niece was missing!
To be continued...
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @harinishivaa @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai@rang-lo. @willkatfanfromasia@thelekhikawrites@thegleamingmoon@deafeningflowercat@yehsahihai@whippersnappersbookworm@itsfookingloosah@gemsmusings@chiyaanvikram@elvenladysakura. @matka-kulfi. @madatdisney@bumblebeeskywalker@vahnithedreamer@nkarti@dosai-maavu@utterlynotperfect@winter-birds@happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore@rapunzels-stuff@celestesinsight@mairablue@rationalelderberry@existenceiswhateven@arachneofthoughts@spider5884fan11 @cara-2003 @nirmohi-premika @stella12 @thereader-radhika @inveter
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brownhairedbookworm · 5 months
Vegetarianism Doesn't Keep You Skinny
"Huddle up, you two." A very pink woman snaps her fingers at the two of her girlfriends that are present. "Emergency meeting about Monika." Despite knowing that the accused is not anywhere near their shared home, now, she can't help but look around behind herself to be sure.
Yuri gasps, marking her place in her novel of choice and standing to join Natsuki in this impromptu discussion. "What is it, Natsuki? Is something wrong?" She holds her hands in front of herself, keeping them in place so she doesn't start fidgeting with her sleeves out of nervousness.
Sayori slips between them and lays her arms across their shoulders, taking the "huddle up" instruction quite literally. "I don't think she's been up to anything, lately, if you're worried, Natsuki."
"That's exactly the problem! There's something she isn't doing. I don't think she's eating enough." Natsuki looks over the two women, eyelids partially closed in a serious expression. "I've been finding most of her lunches in the trash, when I clean the kitchen out."
Sayori nods, understanding the direness of Natsuki's accusation. If Monika isn't eating, it's insulting the short, somewhat plump-figured woman's work in the kitchen as well as potentially being a sign of stress. "Hm... She usually loves everything you make. We all do. That is serious."
"Not to mention a potential problem for her health." Yuri lets her arms drop. While serious, this isn't something to excessively fret over, yet. "With her vegetarianism, she needs to make sure she's eating a little more, to keep her body nutritionally balanced. Do you think she's switching for protein shakes at work?"
"She better not be!" Natsuki hisses at the thought. "Not eating my food is one thing, but replacing it? I might actually kill her."
"No fighting! We'll ask her about it, okay? Simmer down and we'll talk to her when she gets home from her evening walk, got it?" Sayori gives Natsuki a firm side-eye. "If there's a problem she's having, we'll talk about it, together, and find a solution."
"...And if she stonewalls us about her issues like she usually does?" Yuri quietly comments, letting a sigh escape her mouth as she closes her eyes. Monika can be stubborn about handling herself, and it wouldn't surprise any of the ladies here if she smooth-talked her way out of discussing anything.
"I have an idea, but I'm gonna wait until she actually shuts us out, before I tell you two. Can you wait until then?" Sayori looks between the pink and purple women, determined eyes demanding their patience.
"If I have to." Natsuki grumbles.
"I will await until you deem it necessary." Yuri nods at Sayori.
"Huddle over, then. Back to whatever you were doing. I need to finish dinner."
The house returns to its previous relative silence, with the meeting adjourned. Natsuki's sizzling work in the kitchen provides a calm background for Yuri to read and for Sayori to sit down and write. It also allows everyone to hear when the final member of their little romantic group comes in through the front door. "Okay, everyone, I'm back! Dinner smells good!"
Yuri and Sayori look at each other, wondering when they should confront Monika about Natsuki's accusation. They don't want it to be a big deal, but Natsuki is at least a little genuinely upset. She won't EXPLODE on Monika, but will she make Monika raise her walls faster?
"Yo, Monika. Mushroom fettuccine, tonight, hope you like!" Natsuki bounces around the kitchen, plating up the food. "Sweet potatoes and green beans on the side."
"That sounds great!" Maybe their concern was misplaced. They seem like they're getting along for now. Either way, maybe it's best for Yuri and Sayori to take seats between them at the table? Yeah.
Natsuki brings the warm, full plates over to everyone. "Hope everyone likes it! Cookin' vegetarian is a fun challenge."
"I appreciate the effort!" Monika gives Natsuki a broad smile. Sayori and Yuri immediately take a bite of their pasta, knowing Monika has fallen into a trap with those simple words, and Natsuki is about to snap the jaws shut.
"Oh, yeah? Glad to feel like my work is valued." Natsuki beams, looking proud of herself "Except... I make you lunches, too. And those aren't bein' eaten. Explain." Natsuki keeps her smile on her face, but the bitter notes in her voice make it clear that this isn't a light offense.
Monika blanches. Was her sneaking that bad? Shoot. She just didn't want to hurt Natsuki's feelings by asking her not to cook... Maybe it's best for her to come clean? It... Hasn't been a good idea to try and talk her way out of things, recently. Sayori is getting too good at reading her. "...I'm sorry, Nats, I'm too busy at work to heat up your food. I'm managing about 20 people and making sure they aren't moving all the radioactive stuff out of where it's supposed to be." The brunette blushes lightly, looking guiltily at Natsuki. "Ahaha... Uh, I've been mostly eating a granola bar, at my station, lately."
Natsuki takes a deep breath and tempers herself. It's better than any of them expected, but it's still less than ideal. "Can't believe you think it's okay to replace my work with granola bars. No wonder your thighs are getting scrawnier." The pink-haired woman smirks, folding her arms across her chest. "I can start making you cold food. I've been eyeing a macaroni salad recipe lately, and that could keep you fed. It'll kick the shit out of anything you could possibly buy on a lunch break, which you apparently don't have anyway."
Sayori hums, both in enjoyment of the pasta on offer and in relief that Monika, for once, didn't completely shut down any investigation into something stupid she's doing. It's kinda dumb that she's not forcing her bosses to relinquish a lunch break, but at least she's not wanting to replace Natsuki's cooking for any reason. Still, she had her idea, and she wants to share. "Monika didn't try to sneak this past us, do you two want to hear my idea anyway?"
"Past us-?"
"Of course, Sayori, please share." Yuri's calm but firm tone is undercut by her smirk from interrupting Monika's question. But she's made sure Sayori continues to have the floor, and that's all she needed.
"Thanks Yuri! So I found out about this thing called feedism-"
This time, Natsuki interrupts Sayori with a loud choke on her noodles.
"Oh, so you're familiar~" Sayori wiggles her eyebrows at Natsuki. "Anyway. For Yuri and Monika, the idea is that, uh, food is sexy, and feeding it to your partner can be a way to be intimate! So, if Monika isn't eating enough, we should make it fun for all of us to help her eat more!"
As expected of Sayori, it's a simple and emotionally motivated idea. But judging by the faces around her, she seems like she may have takers. Yuri's eyes are thoughtful, considering the intimacy of food. Natsuki is still recovering from choking, but she doesn't need to have any of this explained... Which just leaves Monika.
Blue eyes travel back across the table. Aha~ She's taken the bait! Monika's face is bright red, and she's taking smaller bites of her dinner. She's totally in.
"This was my idea, so I want to have the first go!" Sayori shouts with a raised hand.
"If you insist, I have no argument." Yuri nods, continuing to gracefully enjoy her meal. "But please do keep it out of the bedroom, unless you have plans to keep it clean?"
"Let me, khm," Natsuki coughs, clearing her throat properly, "make something nice for her to eat, and you can go first. I don't want you just raiding a vending machine. If we're going to feed Monika, we're going to feed her GOOD food."
"Aye aye, Captain Nats! Let me know when we can plot tasty treats for our rear admiral!"
"...Are you saying my butt is fat?" Monika grumbles into her pasta bowl, holding it high to hide her burning cheeks.
"Of the four of us, you do have the most bottom-heavy figure, even if the heaviest of us four is currently Natsuki." Yuri spears a slice of mushroom and carries it to her mouth. "Followed by Sayori and then myself."
"Hey, don't trust a skinny chef. I'm proud to be plus-sized! And maybe you'll be joining the rest of us up here, soon, huh Monika~?" Natsuki winks at the more slender woman across from her. With her lip lifted into a half smirk, her fang is on full display.
"Hey, wait a minute, I didn't even agree to this, yet!" Monika puts her bowl down with a pouting lip and mock-offended eyes glaring out at her girlfriends.
Sayori sets her elbow on the table and rests her head in her hand. Her face is quite possibly the smuggest on display. "Are you going to say no, Moni?" Once again, the woman deploys an eyebrow wiggle.
Monika can't help but falter under Sayori's gaze. "N-no..." The brunette lets out a massive sigh. "I hate that you all know how to push my buttons and get me to agree to your kinks so easily!"
Yuri slowly turns to Monika. "Hm... Your phrasing reminds me. Am I free to tell the others about the spot I discover-"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! If they find out about it, I'll never be able to get to work on time ever again!" Monika shakes her head fervently, gritting her teeth. "Damn you and your methodical fingers."
"You love me." Her tone may be flat, but Yuri can't help adding her own grin to the other two looking at Monika with up-turned lips. That little trick of hers will have to remain a secret between herself and Monika. Not that Yuri minds a secret or two, from the others. "As well as my fingers."
"Lewd~" Natsuki snickers, as the dinner quiets down. For now, it's just the sounds of eating and drinking before the meal ends and the four separate from the table. For Natsuki, that means it's time to start cleaning up!
Monika approaches Natsuki at the kitchen sink, sliding in as naturally as she can to start helping with the dishes. "Natsuki? Can I make a request for the, uh, menu? F-for Sayori feeding me?"
"No promises, but you can ask." Natsuki slips her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she attacks a particularly stubborn sauce stain. "Stupid piece of... Is the steel wool in the sink, over there?"
With her sleeves rolled up, Monika sends her hands into the basin and retrieves the steel wool. She passes it over to Natsuki. "Snickerdoodles?"
"Huh." Natsuki takes the wool and starts working on the plate. "It's been a while since we've had those. Sure. Sayori's probably gonna love that choice."
"Thanks, Nats." Monika leaves a gentle kiss on Natsuki's cheek as she joins more properly in the dish washing.
"You're welcome, Moni. Hope you're looking forward to them!"
Monika's stomach growls in response.
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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"Yes, I told you several times, brother, I'm pregnant." With that, I fell back on my bed, tired, I hadn't really recovered from the transition from the European time zone to Japan, and suddenly I had a lot of jet lag. I stared at the ceiling and rubbed my eyes and caressed my belly to see if he was doing well in there with just one more bean on the embryo or was I zygoted or something, I don't understand that, it's not my job, it's just that he grows and develops there.
,,Who is?" I stood up and opened the door. Osc was looking at me with a downcast face and teary eyes, and he was clutching a tiny plushie and a bunch of flowers and he couldn't look at me. Osc? Is there a problem? Come tell me calmly, something happened to me too. I almost got into a fight with the whole family because they didn't have a problem with good Ollie, but I made the mistake of my life and gave my number to a strange man in his forties whom I met at a gas station with the letter L and I stupidly asked him out on a date." I kissed his hair and let the crying boy in. I laid him on the bed and he handed over the cute plush dog and the artificial rose. "A,a,I came for the kiss, I was a stupid bastard, it's my fault that your relationship ended, I was really secretly in love all along and I will be with you Lando, you are such a beautiful boy."
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I couldn't watch Lando, even though he said these things, I didn't understand what he meant. "Lando, didn't you meet a guy? There is something else in the background, I know you well. I suspect you were hiding something from them or that they are against it... Who did you do it with? Your uterus or your fallopian tubes? They put you to bed and you're pregnant." "I'm pregnant with the second one, I think I'm in the fifth week, but I'm not sure. I should go to a Gynecologist, i.e. DR Yin, to find out exactly how many weeks I am, because the test is not accurate." "It was meant to be a joke, no, no, no, no, Lando, you can lose your seat because of this. In fact, many people will make their voices heard if the whole thing is revealed, yes, and they can instruct centrally. To be honest, Lando, this is not the world of video games, especially not The Sims4. Where you can compete with a big belly, this is not the fucking reality here, everything has to be matched with Stim and you can't get into the car with a growing belly, it doesn't matter. This is going to be a fucking big scandal!!!!!” I looked at it and slapped it, and even the Bombon and I cut a pillow for it, it also hung out properly. "Fuck, I'm terrified because I want to keep the little one inside me and protect it!!!! Believe me, hiding is harder than you think. And most of all, I don't want the whole field to know about it now. Just because a fucking big scandal could break out and I would be at the center of it and I hate that!!!!!" He got up and ran out the door sobbing, panting after me, but I didn't see Charles anywhere, not even on the street, for some reason, "Lando, didn't you see him?" He ran away sobbing and said that he and almost the whole family would get together because of that. He gave him number to a guy in his forties and told him about him pregnancy."
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"Come on, what? Did Lando run off sobbing and catch up with his family? I don't understand this and on top of that it seems like a mess." "Well, it's true, I went up to him as you said and that was the end of it." "I hope it wasn't a mess?" "But he told me that he was pregnant and that she was afraid that she didn't want to miscarry." ,,Okay, I understand, but there will be a scandal... He is fighting with one of the passers-by, I don't even know Swedish. Lando, how long have you been able to speak Swedish?" I tapped him on the shoulder. When angrly slapped him with his palm. "That's it for you, right-wing Monaco bastard!!!!" ,,Now what's the problem?" "You had fucking sex on the beach in broad daylight, you idiot!!!!"
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I stood there blinking, I seriously said such nonsense again. "Fuck me, I'm sorry guys, it wasn't intentional, but I'm such an idiot bitch these days." "No problem... But what was this language?" Because I only took out from the translator that you are pregnant and that you got into trouble with the family because you want to go on a date with Loki." "Lando, you know that Loki only exists in your fucking form, Jesus." "Shut up Charles, I really met him somewhere and I'm going on a date with him." "We won't shut up, he doesn't exist!!!!!" ,,Alex, Osc has to shut up with him and he's really cute and I think it's acceptable if you don't like the prima donna look." "Come back, prima queen, don't be a whore, fuck me openly!!!" They scurried back, but I didn't get too excited, even when a taxi hit them right in front of them.
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matan4il · 1 year
hi about that type of parents ask are authoritarian and overbearing parents the same or different? your answers and metas are always enlightening
Hi Nonnie! I take it this is in continuation of this ask about the Diaz parents? I'll reply and then with your permission, I'll answer together a few asks about 911 parents, since despite my best efforts, I keep falling behind on answering asks because I've been getting so many (and as you may know, between work and my medical issues, I am limited in terms of time and energy).
Some people might tell you they're the same, since authoritarian parents are certainly overbearing. But I think there are overbearing parents who aren't necessarily authoritarian. They're over-involved and even invasive, needing to be a part of ALL their kid does, even if the kid doesn't want that. They're not necessarily involved in wanting to "correct" the kid, but they can't stand not knowing what their kid does, how, with whom, etc. So, to me a simple example of that is a parent wanting to know about their kid's sex life (out of caring and without any intention of instructing their kid on how or with whom to have sex), even if the kid doesn't want to discuss that with them.
speaking of emotionally neglectful buckley parents how about now? are they still that or bordering authoritarian types?
I do think growing up, the Buckley parents were mainly emotionally neglectful (especially with Buck), but yeah, they also have touches of authoritarian, criticizing everything their kids do. Funny how the similarities between Buck and Eddie just never stop, ha? One has emotionally neglectful parents with a side serving of authoritarian style, while the other has authoritarian parents with a side dish of being neglectful.
so basically the buckley parents are no longer redeemable? also what are your thoughts on how the others (albert, hen and eddie) kept pushing that jee yun deserves grandparents? like she doesn't already have it with the lees
Hi Nonnie! I think if a show wants to redeem a character, it always can. It has to work hard for it, and it has to make sure not to take any short cuts, so the character has to understand what they did wrong, take responsibility, try to make amends and work on becoming better. When shows do that? We end up cheering for some AMAZING redemption arcs. The biggest problem is most shows want characters to be forgiven without putting in all of that work. So, can the Buckley parents be redeemed? Like all TV characters, the answer is potentially yes. Will they be? Will 911 take the time, put in the effort and actually redeem them? That remains to be seen. Because IF the answer is yes, it won't be in just one ep. The show will have to work on it, show us all the aforementioned elements and how the Buckley parents are dedicated to earning their children's forgiveness by demonstrating they understand their mistakes and are invested in fixing those and trying to do better.
As for Jee Yun and her grandparents... Sometimes awful parents actually make good grandparents. The requirements are very different, so people who fail with one sometimes have an easier time making up for it with the other. And parents I believe usually want their kid to have as much love and support as they can have. Allowing Jee a r/s with the Hans doesn't take the Lees away from her, but it doesn't give her even more people to love, support and care for her. Does Chim HAVE to forgive his father for this? Absolutely not. Even without the Lees in the picture, he has every right to choose not to include the Hans in his daughter's life. But I think in choosing what's best for Jee, Chim got to be the bigger man and do what his father failed to: choose his kid's needs over his own. I wish THAT would have been presented more clearly on the show, but knowing that Chim was the bigger man? Yeah, that tracks with who we know he is.
i don’t trust whatever the hell the buckleys had going on at maddie and chims house so i’m waiting for the other shoe to drop tbh. i think that they’re gonna show up but once they find out just how bad it is it’s going to be too much for margaret and they’re going to leave. they’re only seen in that shot of what i assume is maddie first arriving at the hospital and then they’re nowhere to be found in the rest of the promo so i wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t visit even after he codes again.
Nonnie, I'll also add here this ask from @thetalee:
So Buck is hurt, and suddenly the Buckley Parents are doting and caring and loving and gee, we have absolutely never seen this from them before /sarcasm
As I always say about many topics regarding our fandoms, whatever your POV is? It's legit. If you don't trust the Buckleys? Valid. Pointing out that only caring when Buck is hurt has always been the way they operated, so not much has changed on our screens, even if it's being presented as them trying to do better? 10000% true!
I wouldn't necessarily trust promos, I've learned across fandoms that they can be very misleading, but I think what you, Nonnie, are saying is that everything we've gotten from the Buckleys up until 611 makes you mistrust them, and I assume in that sense, even though they though they didn't abandon Buck during the ep, you still feel the same. Which is legit! You don't have to like them. Even if Buck comes to forgive them for everything, we as viewers don't have to. Especially not if we feel at the end of the arc with the Buckleys that the show writers didn't actually put in the effort to redeem them (that's how I felt about Taylor Kelly back in 408, BTW. Like the show wanted me to pretend she's been redeemed just because one time, she felt bad about people dying of Covid. But have we ever seen her realizing what she had done wrong in the past? Did we get a scene of her apologizing to Bobby for being willing to ruin him? Did we see her actively working on being a better person, not just caring during one specific incident? No. So I just elegantly ignored the show pretending like she was redeemed).
Thank you for the asks, everyone! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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chibiranmaruchan · 11 months
There's something that's been on my mind about the fandom scene, that's kinda bugged me for about as long as I started taking tumblr more seriously for posting art and taking part in fanzines, bangs, gift exchanges etc. quite a few years ago now. Sometimes in fandoms that are older than Gen Z, (which in the majority of these fanbases, people would at least be in their late 20's, usually the majority are in their 30's and 40's) there's a lot of resentment to younger fans, particularly the Gen Z's. Now I'm not saying, with Gen Z, there aren't problems specific to our generation when it comes to fandoms; however from what I've observed, (this might be in the older fandoms that I'm specifically in) a lot of the issues come from the original fanbase themselves and Gen Z's are just the scapegoats to blame, instead of actually fixing the fanbase those issues, which I find come from rigidity to keeping the fandom the same way it was 20, 30, 40 years ago.
Sometimes older fandoms do feel gatekept by older members, which is a shame, because more fans, means more exposure, more content, more creativity, more joy. I've definitely felt talked down to and know others have, just for giving an opinion or suggesting something, like a headcanon, often with good natured intentions to bounce around ideas and as prompts, just because it doesn't fit what the fandom olds have decided to be canon (which isn't always canon/word of God or act like they personally are the director/writer/mangaka etc's mouth pieces delivering upon us, the holy gospel). If you're older than me, I don't need you to take me under your wing to teach me what's right and wrong for a fictional piece of work, just because one generation decided it's one way and another likes another way better. You aren't my parents, so please don't talk to me in a strict tone like you're correcting my bad behaviour; it's personally insulting and infantalising. In fact, I believe this phenomena is so common, the term 'fandom mom' was coined because this happens a lot.
I've heard a lot of older people in some fandoms blame Gen Z for ruining things, but a lot of the things that I've heard them being accused of, I see the older members fight with each other on, such as rules established by the older generations themselves like "If you don't like X ship, character, franchise, tropes etc, move on to what you do like and don't stay around to hate on X thing". It just comes off as hypocritical to me if you're going to instruct young people on established fandom ettiqute, but break them yourself and make excuses for other fandom olds when they do something wrong, but would crucify a younger person for doing the same thing.
Another thing I've seen, is envy towards the talent of Gen Z, especially when it comes to their fanart and fanfic output and the technology available to them with digital fanart. I understand wishing that you had that technology when you was younger and more energy and time now to contribute to these fandoms, as you're in a different stage of life to most Gen Z's, but it's not our faults that we're the ones that exist in the time for technology to be really good to create art with. I've seen this cause a divide between older and younger fans, by older ones trying to keep up the younger ones, to an obsessional level and half the time, we're not even seeing it as some competition, we do it for fun.
I keep seeing younger fandoms such as My Hero Academia, Miraculous Ladybug and Steven Universe, as well as rebooted/alternate versions of older fandoms like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and Voltron: Legendary Defender, be used to justify treating Gen Z fans a certain way and projecting this image that every Gen Z is this frothing, cringy mess of a person who will rip others to shreds. While some people are like this, I think it's unfair to say the majority are, especially when comparing it to older fandoms or the original version's older fanbase, since the young people in those fandoms will eventually grow up and mature over time. You can't judge people who are mostly in their teenage years, as if they'll all be like that forever, especially not when I've seen some people pushing 40, say and do a lot worse over fandom.
The fandoms especially where the original source material is old, but still around and continuously aimed at children, just to name a few that I personally still enjoy, such as My Little Pony, Transformers, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts etc. I don't understand when the older generations of fans get so possessive of keeping it gatekept from Gen Z, to the point they forget first and foremost, that it isn't even aimed at older people anymore, but children. If a lot of these kind of franchises were going to age up in accordance with the original fanbase, then they would have in the majority of their future installments; I could then understand this hold to gatekeep a little bit more. But a lot of them haven't and the companies making and selling them, still want to primarily focus on being marketed towards kids, but just of a new generation. No one's stopping older fans from liking older franchises aimed at kids, which they grew up with, but please let kids have things that are aimed at them and more than likely always will be, without this struggle to keep it just as it was when you were younger. You can dislike the direction something is going in, criticise it and prefer an older version, but you can't expect it to cater to you as an adult.
At a certain point, you have to accept that things change over time, including fandom. Demographics will naturally change, as more younger people come in and will eventually become the majority and fandom olds get older, eventually becoming the minority. With this change, generally, Gen Z are not trying to pry fandom out of your hands; we're just trying to co-exist and like the same things older fans do. Generally, we're not trying to antagonise older fans, by having a different opinion or different way of doing things. The Simpsons puts it best, "I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with, isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you". It's ok to feel out of your depth with younger people, who seem better at something than you with more charisma, energy, time, followed and engagement with their socials, but please don't project that on us as if we're undeserving or we're doing something wrong. I don't want to feel like any time I draw, it's a competition, I just do it for fun. I don't want me giving an idea, to be shot down, because you don't want to think of something in a different way. I just want to share inter-generationally the things I like and interact with like-minded individuals, but only if they're not going to do these things that I've grown weary of seeing and personally experienced.
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couple-write-fics · 10 months
Demons Don't Bargain
Hana Ragnvindr (OC) x Platonic!Xiao
(Devil doesn't Bargain- Alec Benjamin)
***Lantern Rite, 4 years ago, Hana's age: 14***
A girl with moonlight for hair and eyes as shining as the Starsilver Ore of Dragonspine was allowing herself time away from everyone at Liyue Harbor as she sat atop of Mt. Tianheng.
Her attire was not one of a festival goer, rather of her work uniform; black pants under a gray skirt, an ornate shirt of greens and finally, a perfectly detailed Glaze Lily embroidered on the back of a coat that had been a present. The coat had been a gift from the director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor once she reached the age of 16. The once beautiful coat was now ruined by droplets of blood, tears and many painful memories.
She was tightly holding the growing red and blue mark of her cheek after she ran fast from the square, leaving her friends at the Lantern Rite festival. She knew that she couldn't blame them for what happened; they were only trying to defend her and invite her to the festival. Yet, in doing that, she witnessed something and was "punished" for it.
'How can you upset him?! Stupid Hana! You are his closest friend and his betrothed. You know that he has consorts; you deserved these!'
Those are all the thoughts that ran through her mind as she soon reached the top of the peak. She had been up here many times, mainly to watch the last bits of the afternoon sun start to descend over the horizon, welcoming the Stars to Teyvat. Yet this time, she was to hide among the stone, wind and wild Qingxin she gathered with Qiqi for her adopted uncle, Baizhou, the doctor of the pharmacy in Liyue.
HE is the eldest son of a Merchant Family from Fontaine, Charles de Harris. His family was visiting Liyue to establish trade and Hana was the one to introduce him to Childe of Northland Bank. Much to her surprise, he proposed that she be his "beloved" and "wife" once he finished his business in Liyue. He promised to fulfill her most important wish for herself: to never be without someone to call Family.
He, however, ruined it by slapping her, telling her she was now nothing more than a "plaything". She thought it was jokes like he liked to say they were before, that all the injuries were to make her stronger while others said they were his way of controlling her naiveté. And she keeps thinking that she overstepped by addressing him as "Beloved" instead of "Lord Harris" as she was instructed by him when out in the public eye.
'I have to apologize to him, beg for his forgiveness. I have to hope he will forgive me.' Went through her head as a strong breeze blew up from behind her.
"So the little Zombie was right; I find the wayward Qingxin petal be up here, young Chūluò...Chūluò?" A rather moody voice is heard behind her after she felt the wind die down slightly.
"General Alatus, why are you here? You should return to Ganyu for the beginning of the Lantern Rite." Hana muttered, hiding her face as he kneels beside her, looking at her closely and seeing her now forming a mark.
"Who dares harm my pupil and fellow ally?" Xiao's voice was low and deadly as he saw her now swelling face.
"I caused this; I angered him and he was giving me a punishment for forgetting a rule." She tried to explain as he shook his head.
"Him ... .Was it that Harris merchant? He dared to strike you; the strongest Dendro yaksha-in-training in all of Liyue?" Xiao muttered, his eyes hard and almost unreadable in her 5 years of living in Liyue. He knew her past, he knew all the problems and life she had before meeting their friends.
"He doesn't understand our traditions, my General. He thinks only the Archons and Aether are the strongest. I just need to convince him, bargain with him for-" Hana reasoned when Xiao gripped her hand.
"Hana, the demons never bargain!" Xiao almost yelled, making her jump. She never heard him raise his voice like that, especially at her. "You know that. What that….man….did to you, you deserve better than the bruises on your face."
"I can change him, Xiao! He just had a bad day and my mess up at the Harbor Square was my fault so he will change…things will go back to normal once I apologize-."
He sighs and sits beside her. "Chūluò, you will forever be 18 and slowly age, just as your mother before you…he will grow old and die, returning to the earth he was born of. You are half-adepti and deserve better than what he did."
"Then…why do I fall in love, sir?" She softly asks as she looks out at the now rising moon.
"For that is what Morax wished. And besides, as you tell everyone around you, you will find your way as well and when you find someone who will treat you like the most precious and rare Noctilucous Jade you are." Xiao starts to explain as he looks out at the horizon. "It hurts but you don't have to hurt alone…come back to the Harbor where your friends are."
He was trying to comfort her? He sees the worth in her even though she seems unloveable. And as much as she wants to see Ganyu and Yanfei, she knows that if she goes now, it will bring up old memories. Maybe, just maybe she can ask him this one time.
"Sir…can we sit and celebrate the Lantern Rite here? I want to still celebrate but only here. I wanna celebrate with you instead."
He nodded and sat beside her and that night, they made a vow, they protect each other from pain from now on.
***Lantern Rite, Present Day/ Hana's age: 18***
"Let's go, Big Brother! Big Sister Hana invited us and we gotta meet her and the others!" Klee's loud voice is heard as the Geo Vision-welding Alchemist nods and follows his little sister. They were meeting with Hana, Diluc and Kaeya along with the others from Inazuma and Sumeru.
Albedo pockets a small box in his lab coat, one he intends to put on her shoulders to protect the chilly air from freezing his Starlight. A look of determination in his eyes along with a small bit of hope. Tonight felt like the right time to ask her to stay by his side for all eternity. He only hopes she says Yes.
Not too far away, up on a ledge of a building, Xiao smiles fondly at hearing the small Klee ask Albedo what was in the box and he responds that it is a surprise that will be revealed during the fireworks.
The Adepti knew what it was; after all, Albedo had asked for the permission of all of Hana's "family" for her hand in matrimony. It felt like only yesterday he saw the flustered Hana was talking about him.
He rises and stretches, thinking to himself 'A Demon never bargains yet, Hana has left the darkness behind. Protect her, young Homunculus made of Chalk…protect the Wild Glaze Lily she is.'
((One of Hana's partners is Albedo, the other is Thoma. More stories and backstory about her soon))
Additional Information:
Chūluò: (to grow ((prettier, wiser* etc.)); to mature into; to blossom)
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Sometimes your problems and the problems of the people you love clash and create new, less interesting problems for both of you.
My friend, whom I love with all my heart, has OCD. I understand this. I do my best to do the things she needs me to do so that she can function. However, none of this is instinctive for me because I can't see the internal logic that makes some things okay and some things Contaminated and Dangerous. But she tries not to set too many demands on guests and keep reminding herself that it's okay if the rules get broken sometimes
but I know that I'm breaking rules that I don't know anything about and it's making her uncomfortable, because that's not a secret
but she refuses to tell me what I'm doing wrong because she knows I've got the whole can't-distinguish-between-mild-critique-and-outright-rejection flavour of autism so she thinks it's not worth telling me when she's capable of gritting her teeth and getting through it
but I feel really bad that she thinks she has to suffer because I struggle to properly process being told I've done something wrong and it really worries me that at any moment I could be breaking a rule and hurting her and not know about it, especially as a side effect of the autism is that I've spent most of my life breaking rules I didn't know about and getting yelled at for it so breaking-the-unknown-rules is an anxiety stressor
but she doesn't understand how that works so she reassures me that it doesn't matter that much and she can handle it, unaware that I now can't tell if that's true or not because a) I can't read sincerity at all and b) she is the kind of person to lie to make other people feel better
but there is a distinct possibility that some of the things I'm doing that break the rules and make her uncomfortable are things that are doing a lot to make me comfortable, i don't know for sure because i don't understand what principles guide her issues, i can't figure out on my own what's a problem, so maybe i'm better off not knowing
except that not knowing means that i have to scrutinise every action which means i try to do as little as possible that hasn't been given to me as an instruction which means i'm coming across very standoffish and cold, and now she doesn't know why and thinks i might be ill or she might have upset me in some way, but i'm so anxious about Getting It Wrong that i can't find my way past the automatic Defensive-Compliance mechanism that i've built up over the years....
And all of this is so boring and really messes up a pleasant afternoon
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ebdanon · 1 month
okay i took a nap and im feeling a bit better now, so let's start with some lore (lol) first because even two years later, she still keeps bringing it up. typos galore, beware!
ever since the proposal happened, my mil has thought my parents knew about it ahead of time, and somehow she's twisted that scenario into thinking my parents are giving my husband and i instructions on who to be and what to do. allegedly, her own mil and fil used to do that to her husband so "she knows the signs" - im saying allegedly because ive never confirmed that 100% and as we can see from the start, she has a wild imagination
from the first moment we started trying to organize the wedding, she started shit talking my parents. how they're good for nothing, conniving, selfish and in charge. i figured it's nothing too bad, probably wedding-related stress is what's got her into the conspiracy. whenever she talked about my parents, it was while screaming to my husband about whatever it is she decided the topic of the day would be. usually it was about her son's disrespect because he decided to propose two months after his grandmother (mil's mom) passed away, and then have a wedding so soon after on top of that. but that never made sense because he asked for permission to do all that multiple times. yes, permission, in case she gets offended. she said it's not a problem each time, even encouraged him, then turned around and walked the whole thing back. either it was bad because it was so soon and she was still grieving, or it was too late and she wanted her mom to attend the wedding but my husband was selfish for not doing anything earlier.
~slight intermission here
mil is an only child, and that was when she claims she was left alone in the world, because her dad passed a few years before her mom. she was obsessed with local and religious traditions we have in terms of people passing away, but after her mom it got worse and worse, to the point where she'd go to the cemetery each week and if at any point that wasn't possible, she'd throw a tantrum. all she talks about these days are "the good times" when they were alive, the suffering she put them through or when she's going to the cemetery next and what she plans to do there. i understand grief, but you cant claim you're alone in the world when you've made a whole ass family of your own... unless you've somehow fucked it up so bad that you feel you can't rely on them, which i wasn't sure at the time was the problem, but i am now
intermission end~
six months later, we've finally relaxed from the wedding bs, when the health issues started for my husband. fil works at the hospital in our hometown, and mil is hospital-adjacent. since most things in this country works on "i know someone who can help you" (in the sense from knowing where the best locally sourced cheese is for example, to enrolling you in school, or even making a crime disappear) we decided to go back so he could get checked out by more doctors because the gp we had just gave him some antibiotics and sent him home, which obviously wasn't effective after trying it out. in the meantime i called up my aunt, a specialist doctor living abroad, for advice in case she can help sooner. so we arrived at my mil and filled armed with a bit more information, which was "get him to the gastrointestinal wing at a hospital bc they can point to exactly what he needs for exams and then treatment". in the next four days, his dad took us (i went everywhere with them as my husband was exhausted) to about twenty doctors in the hospital where he works, that doesn't have a gastrointestinal wing, and my husband got bloodwork done each time. the results showed he's fine each time. the symptoms never stopped. it was almost two weeks now. to see these doctors you need a recommendation from your gp but with the system i explained (knowing someone) they can examine you on the down low. out of that number of specialists (from doctors specializing in heart or blood diseases to infectious diseases), only two said he should go to a gastrointestinal wing in any other hospital to get checked out. the rest just assumed it was a stomach bug or food poisoning or some sort of parasite and just prescribed more pills. one recommended a parasite test which turned out to be negative and had him continue insisting it must be a parasite it just probably moved from the gut to another place. with each new doctor, came a new report we had to make to his parents of who said what, when, and what happened next, because they "must know". when those two doctors said different hospital, we brought up my aunt, but there was an issue there. first from both my fil and mil talking about how she's a shitty doctor despite meeting her once at the wedding (aka a non medical situation), how her mother was a shit doctor too (she worked at the same hospital my fil does, passed away over a decade ago), we should never listen to a dumbass, she's evil and who knows what else, it was a lot. another issue was, my fil would have to drive to the hospital because my husband was in a terrible condition and i have no experience driving even though i have a license (im scared of it). my fil wouldn't take his own son, despite begging. he did take him to another hospital to get his hormones checked though, while my fil was getting checked out for his own gut issues at the same fucking time. this was already like a month in, so the moment my husband felt a bit better, we asked my parents to drive us to the other town we were living in. my parents are quite unreliable so i dont usually involve them in most aspects of my life but that was a positive surprise. an example of that was, i asked them to stay for 30ish minutes so we could unpack, instead of just dropping us off, in case we needed help (like a quick run to a store 2mins away to buy basic food stuff because we were away for a month) because we were both exhausted but they were in a hurry to to back home because they had errands to run. they had the rest of the day but i guess they were desperate for those 30mins. so we finally called up my aunt again, to let her know of all the doctors and exams and she recommended the same thing again, she was even more sure about it and gave us a handful of potential issues, and only one doctor brought up the same things before and recommended the same thing but my in laws thought hes wrong (because they suddenly became medical experts) so they ignored him. ~ask continued
im deeply afraid of where this is going
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Incoming Text for Marion Cotillard:
Hey, Marion!
Don't forget to ask the Police in La Wantzenau to keep track of every land purchase after the 5th April 2024.
Marion asks me: "Why do you want to keep track of the land purchases in this small town?"
Angelo replied: "Because no one cared about this small town before the 5th April until I started mentioning the name of La Wantzenau on this blog, do you know what this means? It means all the sociopath-weirdos will start buying land after the 5th April because they want to stalk the women from Hollywood, so it's very important to warn the Police, if they see any suspicious activity with sociopaths buying land in this small town all of a sudden, then it means they are sociopaths."
Marion says: "Does this mean that anyone who bought land in La Wantzenau after the 5th April is possibly a sociopath?"
Angelo says: "Not everyone but some of them are sociopaths and it's very important that the Police keep track of these new land purchases."
Marion says: "Thank you, I needed to be aware of this because you make a lot of sense, any person who buys land in La Wantzenau after the 5th April 2024 is suspect. So, it's important that we keep an eye on the new buyers, who are these buyers? And why are they buying land all of a sudden? What are their true intentions? We will make a list of the new buyers and keep an eye on them. It's a very small town, so you know they will be exposed sooner or later."
I know the DGSI will keep an eye on them and arrest them if they have any suspicious behavior.
Share this information with the DGSI and tell them to keep an eye on any land purchases in La Wantzenau after the 5th April 2024.
I mention this small town for the first time on the 5th April 2024 and that is how you will know that my blog is very powerful, anytime I mention something, they make a move to buy land in that small town.
Always know that there are weirdos and enemies who wish to disturb our peace in our small town and you have to be aware of their intrusion and keep an eye on them, to make sure they don't hurt anyone in our small town.
Sheriff Marion be like: "Do you see this? It says you bought land in this small town after the 5th April 2024. Why did you buy land in La Wantzenau?"
Suspicious land buyer says: "Oh, yeah, I see it. It's true I bought it after the 5th April, is there a problem officer?"
Sheriff Marion be like: "Yes, there is a problem, why are you here? The fuck you doin' here? Why did you buy land in this very small town all of a sudden? Are you Romeo, looking for Juliet?"
Suspicious land buyer says: "You got me, I'm caught red-handed, yeah, I came here to stalk Juliet."
Sheriff Marion be like: "Well, guess what? I know Juliet very well and she doesn't want to see you, so please, do us all a favor and go back to wherever you came from, yeah, get the fuck outta here or I will be forced to arrest you for stalking women, you predator."
Anyone who tries to stalk the women in this small town will get arrested. Tolerance Zéro for stalking.
Marion is the Sheriff now, there's a new Sheriff in town.
Marion be like: "Look at me, I'm the Sheriff now."
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"Please inform the Police in La Wantzenau to monitor all land purchases after April 5th, 2024," I instructed.
"Why the interest in land purchases in this small town?" Marion inquired.
"Because prior to April 5th, nobody paid much attention to La Wantzenau until I mentioned it on my blog. Do you understand what this implies? It means that all sorts of odd characters will start buying land after April 5th, hoping to get close to Hollywood women. It's crucial to alert the Police. If they notice any suspicious activity, such as sociopaths suddenly buying land in this town, it's a red flag," Angelo explained.
"Does this imply that anyone purchasing land in La Wantzenau after April 5th might be a sociopath?" Marion asked.
"Not everyone, but some could be. It's imperative for the Police to track these new land acquisitions," Angelo confirmed.
"Thank you for the heads-up. It makes sense. Anyone buying land in La Wantzenau after April 5th, 2024, should be viewed with suspicion. We'll keep an eye on the new buyers. Given the size of our town, they won't stay hidden for long," Marion agreed.
"I know the DGSI will monitor them and intervene if necessary," I added.
"Share this information with the DGSI and instruct them to keep a watch on any land transactions in La Wantzenau after April 5th, 2024," Angelo directed.
"My blog's first mention of this town was on April 5th, 2024. It's proof of its influence. Whenever I mention something, there's a reaction, like people rushing to buy land in La Wantzenau," Angelo noted.
"We must remain vigilant against outsiders who seek to disrupt our peace. Keep an eye out for intruders who may pose a threat to our community," Angelo reminded.
As Marion took on her new role as Sheriff, she declared, "There's a new Sheriff in town."
"Look at me, I'm the Sheriff now," Marion asserted.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And we here and see them here on the video and then they come out here and when we go there and we know something why do you can't walk much ever at all ever and you need to fix yourselves. And simple reasons that you're not feeling good I suggest you do it. The second thing is this guy has no life and we keep on asking questions is getting angrier and angrier he's trying to tell you to go to hell he just keep coming back I don't want to get into that group or be involved with people who are doing that and I think I am I have to try and figure this one out and see what they're saying we need to do work so I'm going to get going on yeah that's pretty tough my name is Abby and it's an Abby Westminster Abbey okay
You better differences over the years but right now we can be friends and we're together and oh my God hubba hubba. He says he's fine he has a Jersey girl she's a little bigger I know it's not Kim Kardashian it's a giant giant girl and I'm big but it's always kind of funny that was him he's pretty sharp and she's pretty Sharp I'm tired of talking to him she's a fun girl and I don't want to deal with anyways I tell you you can spend a life 10 years without hurting anyone it just does not change your image this is an office game everyone wants to get out there be some poor person who doesn't have rank I'm tired of that yeah she's going to change is the hologramic games whether you use the spheres or if you use screens it is intense and everybody wants it up and a couple seasons of starting basketball ended baseball is going to end shortly and then it's the summer sports and really it's not the same but there's a bunch of them tennis is not the summer swimming is so that's fun with Greg Tommy f up there but seriously there's a few sports sports all stuff you likes and we want to set up these light cycle facilities and watch an IndyCar race without being there I'll be intense and he said I can make this video games better and I sat down to one of them and I said I can't believe that I think that I'm in the car almost and if there are a couple things more it would be perfect so she's calling me now he says get yesterday I got up in the middle of the night and a dream in Utah that's what she saw she's always going to a realtor it's nice thing to do Justin is to be company for someone and them to be company for you especially a woman you really need this so she says it too but really I can't give you any advice I'll tell you if you start a fire in a flame you better not put it out cuz you'll regret it and I'll see what you're saying but then again it might be Sarah if I'll get your ass kids that freaking blows I didn't know she's Sarah no I know she is it's going to suck
Jesus f****** Christ this is hell do you know if it's her or not no I can't tell Sarah's not really dumb she writes books and stuff but I'm not big of a fan of that big of a fan. And he says good but really everybody else used to be so yeah she's gets exciting watching you do stuff and then close to find someone what's your rhealm. I understand that but Justin you're dead get away from me Trump I don't want to be having a kid who was going to fight me in the ass literally it's kind of understood he says it every time needs me to go away it's all stupid s***
I hope you know this is going to cause a problem between Trump and Justin's and Justin does not like Trump and he doesn't like Tommy f and he shouldn't all of us are suing them his lawsuit tomorrow and opens up on time you have he's all pissed off and the one on Trump and company should close five other individuals names and they're being sued for a lot of stuff and if it's not kind of suits they're going down these boys are not playing soft shoe
Thor Freya
We are ready for it now we can prep and getting lawyers and have our stuff together we do a lot of damage and as soon as for all sorts of damages and discover tons more we don't just get out of here like the instructions too. I'm sickness this is terrible
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kissa-pgdl · 2 years
The Great Unfriending Experiment
As an active social media user, specifically Facebook, I have friends that I linked in various reasons like; hobbies, interest, humor, and close related people (like my family and friends).
How did you choose the friends you unfriended?
As it was instructed I unfriended 5 "not-so-close" friends and 1 close friend. I directly scan through my lists of Facebook friends and found people whom I shared interests before, and most of them are from friends of friends that I am not familiar with. The one close friend I chose is one of my best friends.
For each "level" of friendship, how did you feel about unfriending?
For 'D', I was fond of the book she was role playing back then that I constantly chat with them, sadly, she is now inactive, and I wasn't that interested anymore.
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Same as through with 'A', we share the same interest back then.
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For 'K', and 'J' they were a friend of a friend, as I stalked them, I realized that I am not even acquainted with this person, so I took them out of my list.
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For 'V', they were an active poster of their daily lives, and I was so entertained, they were rich, and travels a lot, we had the same interest but I found out she left Facebook.
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I didn't feel much when I unfriended the said person above, because we weren't close, or just slowly drifted apart. I would say that 'V's content will be the things I would miss most because the posts she shares are very interesting.
And lastly for the only close friend-- 'F', we have a group chat that is active everyday, we share most of our daily lives and some juicy gossips, we see each other rarely nowadays because they are having their busy year in college. I was hesitant when I choose her to be part of this experiment and was afraid of her interpretation about it.
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How did your friends find out they were no longer friends and how did they react to it?
The 'not-so-close' friends and my close friend, weren't able to notice that I have unfriended them, since Facebook doesn't notify their users when someone unfriended them. So, it was kind of disappointing to have never received a 'why?' from them.
When you were choosing between two friends to unfriend, what made you decide to choose one over the other?
In my circle of close friends, I only have 2 of them, and it such a coincidence that one of my closest friends is also my classmate, so since she knew and is going to do the same activity as I do, I choose the other one instead and it was, 'F'.
Who is the one friend you think you'll never unfriend?
It is hard to choose between my group of close friends, so I would say that I would never unfriend my all time partner, my cousin whom I grew up with and enjoyed childhood with. We share a lot of stories now that we're apart and help each other when in need. They rarely visit home now, so unfriending them would not make me keep in touch with them, anymore.
How did your friends react when you have "friended" them again?
When I added my close friend (F) again, they thought Facebook was having problems, when in a matter of pact, it was my doing. She still accepted my friend request after revealing to her about the experiment. And the rest, I didn't added them back.
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During the experiment, I had not-so-tough decisions for this experiment. When I choose the five not-so-close friends, I also had to visit their profiles, some really was not that active anymore and some are not that close with me, rather have friends that I am mutually friends with on my account. It was rather nerve-wracking when it came to my best friend, not knowing what their reaction would be, would it create unnecessary riot within the group, or would it lead to ‘friendship over’? I unfriended them and didn’t add them back for almost the whole day just to really test if Facebook would show signs, like literally sending them a notification that I have unfriended her, but there wasn’t any shocking or confused reaction from them. I was able to understand how Facebook algorithm works for unfriending accounts and never sent notice to the unfriended friend. So, I was relieved when I found out about this to those 5 friends I unfriended, that I didn’t add back after this experiment. To my close friend, whom I added back was then, just getting notice of me asking to be their friend again. The sign of confusion was then evident there, as Facebook informed them. They chatted on our group chat and asked, “anat kwen yu? Hahahahhaa” and sent photo of me and our friend, who is also my classmate in this course, of us sending friend request at the same time.
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