#and most of the time I am technically raising my sister
ninjago-x-lmk · 2 months
Kai raised Nya
And what I mean by ‘raised’ I mean: Of course they had babysitters. But Kai is the one who mostly nurtured Nya. Sure the Babysitters and the Village could have been providing for these two, but what about the other needs?
I imagine he was the one who sometimes cooked for her when the other babysitters were busy. The one who probably helped her with homework, helped her with chores, did his and her laundry. We already see that he at least played games with Nya.
Something I usually do with my little sister is not only help prepare her clothes for school but also prep the table so we can both eat. (Sometimes for the entire family) with Nya and Kai obviously leaning towards Asian cultures, usually the older siblings are seen as the Secondary Parents.
So in a way, he DID raise Nya, not in a sense of a ‘parent’ where they provide the needs and support for the child. But in a way that a brother could possibly provide. Love, Care and Respect.
I would also imagine that the Babysitters never really stayed for long since they have their own homes and families to go back to. Especially since both Nya and Kai remark ‘it was just me and my sibling’ cause most of the time It was just Kai and Nya.
That’s just my interpretation on the ‘Kai raised Nya’ thing. It’s more of an elder sibling instinct than a parenting instinct.
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jewish-vents · 26 days
I was adopted by Jewish people and converted to Judaism when I was a teenager. The morality Judaism offers has guided me through navigating my personality disorder, my severe alexithymia, my impaired judgment and my bouts of irrational paranoia. My original family lost custody of me because they beat me senseless, starved me, burned me, broke my bones and actually killed my sister by beating her to death. My girlfriend, a goy, texted me images of alleged victims of the IDF that a single reverse Google image search would have showed her are victims of US military intervention in Syria. And she honestly said, "Sometimes I think it would be better if you hadn't been adopted so you weren't technically sort of part of Israel."
I've never been to Israel but I have been up all night and now, as the dawn breaks, I've come to the conclusion I need to cut her out of my life. My whole life I've struggled with outbursts of anger, it's a part of most Cluster B personality disorders. When she said that I wasn't angry. I felt hollowed out. It feels like she ripped the personhood out of me. Because if you care about a person's well-being, you would never, EVER look at them and go, "I think it would be better if you had stayed with literal child murderers rather than be Jewish, which I am going to conflate not just with Israel but with the image of the IDF spread online". I can't be angry because it's so cruel I can't wrap my mind around it. It seems unreal. I kept checking for hours, convinced I must be having a break from reality because of the stress. I kept thinking it must be a visual hallucination. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and this is going to be a very strange dream.
I know breaking up with her is going to hurt her very badly no matter how nicely I do it. We've been dating a very long time. But I want to have kids someday and I can't do it with a woman who would rather I be dead than be Jewish. I'm not a guy who does the whole "my partner's beliefs have to match mine" thing but I can't raise Jewish children with her. I can't even trust her to see me clearly.
It's taking everything in my power not to say anything to her until I can calm down enough to approach this from a stable place. In my entire life, I don't think a single thing someone has said has ever messed me up so profoundly in my life.
I'm sorry I'm rambling. I can feel that I'm all over the place. Feel free not to publish this if it's too long. I can't imagine how much stress running this blog is. You probably get a bunch of hate and garbage on top of the already hard job of reading everyone's pain. I hope you're taking care of yourself. Thank you for running this blog.
I'm so sorry for all of that. I think you're making the right decision to cut her out. It's very reasonable to worry about how she might treat any children you have in the future, but that was also an indefensibly cruel thing to say to you.
Breaking up might hurt her, but that isn't your fault. You need to take care of yourself. -🐞
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1970sgothfreak · 4 months
“Not only was I specific about my only rule while I trained and raised you all….but you deliberately broke it knowing how I would react!” Bruce scolded, his voice harsh as he spun around to face his four sons, Jason had a look of emptiness in his eyes along with Damian, Tim looked tired and hungry and Dick….well Dick looked at peace but also…sad still.
He knew killing the joker wouldn’t bring you back yet…he felt relief knowing the man who killed you was dead but…at the same time, something in his heart felt wrong…why wasn’t Bruce happy they avenged his daughter’s murder, sure it broke the one rule he had but he had let Jason get away with the rule before, along with giving Damian a free pass on his birthday.
“Bruce, we avenged Y/n, so what if we broke the only rule you had, it wasn’t even a rule technically since you have let Damian and Jason get away with it so many times” He snapped back at his father wondering why this was suddenly a big issue.
“I am aware of that, but they had logical reasons….i need you to understand that with the kinds of threats we face there is going to be collateral damage-“
“OUR SISTER IS GONE BECAUSE OF HIM” Dick shouted interrupting his father , his voice cracking and his eyes welding up with tears, Bruce was shocked Dick had yelled, of course this wasn’t unusual because the two argued the most but still…hearing him yell out of no where while there was no argument shocked him a little.
“….was she collateral damage too..?” The eldest Wayne’s voice broke as a tear slipped out of his eye, he excused himself and left the cave leaving a tension so thick it was almost like jello….Jason followed after him along with Tim which left Bruce, Damian and Alfred alone.
Damian looked at his father but spoke not one word to him before following his brothers to comfort the eldest, Alfred simply looked at Bruce with what could be a mix of a disappointed look and a look of shame…it was hard to tell with Alfred, he walked up and looked down at Bruce.
“Master Bruce, I have known you for many years…never would I have thought I would have heard you insinuating that your daughter was collateral damage….” Was all he said before bowing and heading upstairs leaving Bruce alone, all the words said were hanging around his head and he sighed before looking over at the wall where his eyes met a photo….a photo of you and him….
You couldn’t have been older than 13 in the picture…and you had just become Robin….you looked so happy and in that moment he couldn’t believe he had called you collateral damage.
“I’m sorry…..”
He whispered, but he couldn’t tell what he was apologising for….
(Part 2 of the little one shot I did a while ago)
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riordanness · 1 month
when i was drowning - [p.jackson]
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wordcount: 0.7K
warnings: almost drowning
requested: yes!! @thegirlwhosimpstoomuch6190
I should have known going swimming on my own would become a disaster. But technically, it was also the best day of my life.
Being a daughter of Hades is hard. Being the sister of Nico di Angelo is hard. Being a demigod is hard. But being in love with Perseus Jackson? That is the opposite of hard.
His sea green eyes that sparkle when he laughs. How he runs his hands through his scruffy black hair, making it even messier. How he fights with his shiny sword like nobody's watching. How he cares for the new campers, jokes with his friends, and always eats blue food if he can manage it.
I think it’s impossible not to fall for Percy Jackson. It’s the easiest? most natural feeling in the world.
Anyways, I’m a bit of a loner. Most campers don’t tend to want to hang out with the creepy death twins, so both Nico and I decide to be alone most of the time. Over the years here at camp, Nico has been in and out a lot, shadow travelling all over the world and even into hell once.
I’ve stayed here at camp all this time. I spend my time alone. I’ve tried to redecorate the Hades cabin (Nico made some terrible decisions as a young child and I am desperate to fix it). I do classes alone or sometimes with the Apollo kids (Will Solace is dating my brother, and he is like a brother to me).
Sorry, I’m getting off topic. Solangelo does that to people.
So on that shiny summer morning, Im walking down the dirt path to the lake. I’m glad I’m alone. I’d never dare to swim with someone else. No that anyone would want to do that with a Hades kid. We’re “creepy and dark and mysterious” or whatever. Which isn’t true. Yeah, I’m a introvert, but so are a lot of other people.
I have the weirdest feeling someone is watching me. I whirl around, but see nothing. Huh. I decide to ignore the strange feeling and just relax a little.
I wander down to the canoe lake, strip down to my sports bra and bike shorts, and dive off the end of the pier.
Unfortunately, I misjudged my dive. I landed wrong, felt my leg bend weirdly, and plummeted into the water. My head hits something hard, and everything goes black.
The next time I open my eyes, they see the somewhat blurry ceiling of the infirmary. Yellow light fills the room, warm and sunshiny and very Apollo cabin themed. I’m not sure I like this aesthetic so much.
It’s Nico. He rushes over and sits down on a stool beside me. “Damn, are you okay?”
I groan, my head suddenly spiked with pain. “Um. I think so? What the hell happened?”
Nico raises an eyebrow. “Y/n, you almost freakin drowned. What were you thinking? Going to swim alone?”
“I’m sorry,” I say, wincing. “So… what happened?”
Nico gives me a look. “You hit your head, we think. You would’ve drowned, you know. Except for Percy…”
I’m immediately paying attention. “Percy?” I ask curiously.
Nico looks slightly amused, and also annoyed. “Yeah, Percy Jackson. You were gonna drown, but he saved you. Lucky he happened to be walking past, which is weird, cause he was supposed to be at archery practice then.”
I flush slightly. “He… he saved me?”
Nico nods. “Gods, you’re hopeless. Stop getting all flustered over him.”
“Hey!” I complain. “Says you, whenever Will walks in the door.”
“Shut up.”
I smirk, and even though my head hurts something awful, Percy Freaking Jackson saved me in a canoe lake today. And that’s enough to make this my best day ever.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I wanna know who your favorite vinsmoke sibling is so bad actually please tell me 👀✨
My friend and my brother laughed at me when I told them my favorite Vinsmoke is Niji, and I genuinely was embarrassed that day because I didn't really know much about him at the time (I think I had only watched a few eps of WCI) and it's pretty clear in the show that he's, uh, the worst of the Vinsmokes. And by "the worst" I mean: The one who's portrayed as the worst because he's the most active one when it comes to abuse and supremacism within the family line. Unlike Ichiji (who's more serious) and Yonji (who's more playful, somehow) Niji is the one who has to actually fight for a role in his family and that's why I think he's so fucking annoying all the damn time. I hate him. I love him. I want to hug him. But also I wouldn't mind punching him very, very hard. I have mixed feelings, but yeah, Niji is my favorite Vinsmoke. And you haven't asked why, but I feel the need to do some sort of mini argument about this because I am a very resentful person and I want to show my friend and my brother that Niji is actually a very interesting character!! And my fiancé thinks I just like him because he's hot, and she's right but only like a 20%. Maybe 40%.
I will try to put my thoughts into words, but it's pretty difficult because I have a lot of things to say about this blue evil gremlin.
I like Niji the most because I think he is, between the three brothers, the one who shows feelings and ambitions outside their emotionless selves the most. I know they technically are the same, but I don't think so (btw, please assume I'm not including Reiju in this text because she's canonically different from them and I'm just referring to the brothers).
As I mentioned before, I think Niji is the one brother who is the most annoying and evil because he feels the need to stand out. Ichiji is serious, and calculative and has a secure place in the family. He is the number one, even if Reiju is the oldest (I would like to talk more about how Reiju, being a woman, even if she's the oldest, she's the number 0. Because she is the oldest but she's a woman, so she obviously doesn't and would not be able to wear the number 1 like a man would. She is the oldest and yet, she has less significance in the family line than Ichiji. But, yeah, this is something that has nothing to do with Niji, sorry). Ichiji, like all of his siblings, wants recognition from his father, but he doesn't have to try as hard as the others to be impressive because he is, after all, the oldest. The typical "older sibling in an abusive household who has to deal with all the bullshit to protect their siblings"? That's something Reiju took over. That's Reiju's responsibility as the oldest and the woman. Ichiji literally doesn't have to do anything besides leading the team and being the evil, emotionless machine his father created. That does not mean that I don't think he could be able to develop more feelings, because I think he could and I love the concept of him being the first one to protest against Judge's behavior, but you get me. When you're the oldest brother with an even older sister, your responsibilities are pretty limited. So he doesn't have to be anything but there and himself.
Yonji, on the other hand... He is the youngest. Even younger than Sanji. He doesn't have to try, because Niji and Sanji should be the ones to do so. Little siblings are not expected to do much besides existing because irl parents are usually tired of raising children and they end up either getting neglected or seen as decoration. As a little sibling myself I can confirm that these things affect really badly to your brain growing up, but I got a more Sanji treatment so I can't speak for Yonji here. The thing I can say, though, is that in comparison to Niji, Yonji is just there. He's silly and goofy. He's funny. He's dumb. He has the excuse of being the little one to act that way. Getting lost eating or doing whatever. Even the fact that his powers are more physically focused instead of power/intelligence centered shows that he can just punch away his issues. He's the gym bro of the siblings. Don't expect much from him. <- Thing that's often said about little siblings, btw, and affects real fucking badly in early teenage years. The fact that he's portrayed like that is so on point tbh but after all, they don't have high expectations for him, so little to no effort is everything he does.
Then there's Niji, of course. My favorite. Love him. Hate him. Whatever. Niji is the middle child. And God, do I have to say things about middle siblings.
The thing about Niji is that he actually has to try and make a name for himself in the family because otherwise he'll probably get forgotten. I often wonder if he had that fear of becoming the next Sanji once he "died" (he's the only one genuinely asking if Sanji died on them before Yonji and Ichiji say they don't care) because his role is not as noticeable as the others. Reiju is the woman, Ichiji is the successor, Sanji is the weakling getting bullied (being technically one of the little siblings but still being in a limbo of middle/youngest because the little one is Yonji), and Yonji is the little one. Then... What's Niji?
Niji needs Sanji way more than he's willing to admit, and I love that. I absolutely love how he's written because he constantly shows that he needs Sanji, through both words and actions. He needs him because without Sanji's existence -without Niji being his bully- Niji is nothing but number 2. And there's nothing more frustrating than being the number two when it comes to family hierarchy. Not going to mention every little thing he does, but as I said, I love how well-written he is. He's the sibling Oda uses the most to show the abuse Sanji went through, but that's only because Niji is the only one who needs to do that. Niji is the one to talk to Sanji first, all the damn time. He gets angry when Sanji doesn't respond. He gets angry because Sanji can't be bullied anymore. He gets angry out of fear, in my opinion, because if the weakling can't get abused anymore, then he's not worth anything. If Sanji isn't the third, the second one is left alone. 2 can't fight 1 because 1 has the protection of starting the line. And 2 can't fight 4 because there's a missing link that keeps 2 from 4. So Niji is mad at Sanji because Sanji isn't the same weak crybaby he used to be, and he can't use him anymore to be secure and safe.
That's fucking horrifying when it comes to family hierarchy.
I like Niji because, despite being an asshole, he has reasons to be like that. First of all, because his father literally made him this way. But also, the little feelings he has (selfish emotions, yes, evil. But they're feelings, anyway. Urges. He's supposed to be emotionless and yet he knows how Sanji feels enough to use that to his advantage) are used as a way to feel superior and safe because he feels inferior. I think he's the one showing more emotions out of the three, even if those emotions aren't healthy or good and it's just him being angry all the time. That means that if he has urges and needs like that, even if he doesn't fear his own death, he could end up developing more and more empathy. His type of empathy comes from a place of fear. He feels what Sanji feels. And it's not that he doesn't care (I mean, I am aware that he technically doesn't, but let me dream) but it's just convenient for him not to care and keep bullying him to secure his place in the family.
Also pointing out that I like Niji because, being the one who says he hates Sanji the most, he's the one to protect him with his own body when that scene of the siblings helping Sanji escape happens. The others only clear the way, Niji stays with him. There's a really cool post about this on Niji's tag somewhere!!! I personally think he does this because, as that post said: Niji keeps seeing Sanji as weak, instead of believing in him enough to just clear the way. He protects him because he thinks he can't protect himself. Because he's weak.
And yes, it might sound offensive and emotionless and it doesn't make Niji a better person. But it makes him an older brother. Believing in Sanji would be great, but thinking that he's weak and needs protection after years of projecting on him only shows that the weak one is Niji. That he wants and is willing to protect his brother, too. If he didn't care about his well-being he would've just cleared the way for him, not caring about what could've happened to Sanji. But he goes all the way to help him out and protect him longer than the others did. Idk. I find that a very beautiful way of ending their relationship.
All of this being said, I have to be honest with you: When I said I liked Niji for the first time I only did it because people around me kept saying he was the worst one and it bothered me because I found his design pretty fucking cool. And tbh when he started being an actual character? I loved him even more. Because during WCI he's a fucking asshole but the way he acts towards Sanji is wanting to get a response from him, and I just find that so curious and complex... Like, if he just wanted to be evil he'd be more the Doflamingo type. But Niji looks for a response in Sanji's eyes. He wants to feel powerful because he knows he isn't.
And also, well, he's very cute and I like his hair a lot and he makes me furious sometimes which is great because if a character doesn't make you want to punch him at one point, is he really a good character? Look at him! He deserves to get slapped in the face. But also, I would love to kiss him afterward. What's that Olivia Rodrigo lyric? Ah, yes: "I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up. Wanna kiss his face with an uppercut." That's how I feel about him.
I really hope it's obvious, with all of this, that "Succession" is one of my favorite TV Shows, because I could go on and on and on (and nobody would listen but idc) about how the Vinsmokes are just the Roy family. Both One Piece and Succession deal with family in which hierarchy is crucial in a very specific and accurate way. It makes me sick. I love it.
Anyway, have some pics of my blue idiot:
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I want to hit him in the head with a baseball bat.
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angellayercake · 9 months
the perks of working for papa
papa emeritus iii x female reader | NSFW | part one
the terzo brain rot continues. technically this comes before part one but you can enjoy it either way!
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You watched as the second hand ticked closer and closer to ten o’clock, the time of his scheduled meeting with Sister Imperator. He was going to be late, again, and you were starting to run out of reasonable excuses to cover for him. You watch the blinking cursor, the beginnings of your email of apology for his absence waiting in your drafts, when the door finally crashes open. 
‘Sorella, buongiorno!’ He cries as he deposits a coffee for you onto your desk before crashing into his own office. ‘And what a busy morning I have had so far…’ he continues as he starts to bang around his office, seemingly oblivious to the time and the fact he should be on the other side of the Abbey in Imperator’s office. 
‘Papa?’ You attempt to interrupt but he pays you no mind carrying on with his story as if he couldn’t hear you. 
‘And then I said to Copia…’ He comes back into the room heading over to the full length mirror next to the door, completely unphased by anything around him. He admires his reflection, straightening an errant lock of hair, checking his freshly applied paint before smoothing down the barely visible creases in his jacket. Taking this as a sign he might be about to leave for his appointment, you try to interject again.  
‘Papa, you have a meeting scheduled,’ he barely even stops to catch his breath but does turn his attention to the pile of letters in his post box by the door. He flicks through them quickly, pulling faces as he skims the subjects before dropping the whole lot onto your desk without skipping a beat of his story.  
‘So it turned out that I didn’t even have time for breakfast Sorella! Can you imagine?’ He looks at you finally, clearly expecting some reaction from you and when you can only look at him in confusion he shrugs before continuing on. ‘So I said to Omega…’ The clock hits five past ten already and you can’t let this go on any longer. 
‘Papa!’ You finally shout loud enough to pause his diatribe. You have his full attention now and if the smirk pulling at his lips was any indication he had been deliberately ignoring your increasingly urgent interruptions. ‘Papa,’ you continue, tone more even and polite and he inclines his head towards you while perching on the edge of your desk. 
‘You have a meeting with Sister imperator that started five minutes ago,’ you inform him, reaching for your coffee and taking a sip. It’s exactly how you like it and it warms you that he has paid attention to such a small detail. Glancing up at him you realise he hasn’t reacted to your statement at all, and is simply watching you enjoy your coffee.
‘Well Sorella if you had listened to me instead of worrying, you would have an explanation for my tardiness.’ He raises his eyebrows and jokingly wags his gloved finger at you before standing and starting to pace up and down in the space before your desk. ‘You see my morning was so hectic, as I explained, that I had to skip breakfast!’ You try not to giggle at his exaggerated pout of disappointment but it is almost impossible. ‘And as you know Sorella, I can’t possibly go to a meeting without having breakfast.’ 
‘They do say it's the most important meal of the day.’ You concede wondering where he is going with this. He gestures towards you to emphasise his agreement with you, before holding his hands behind his back and making his way towards your side of the desk. 
‘Si, I agree, so could you help me with this Sorella?’ He leans back against the desk so close you could almost touch him and you wonder what exactly he is angling for. ‘Make sure I am well fed before I start my work for the day?’ The request has you rolling your eyes slightly, he had time to fetch you both coffee but not to get his own breakfast. You push back your chair but before you can get up he grabs hold of the arm of your chair keeping you from moving any further away. ‘And where do you think you are going?’ Confusion washes over you, his actions and the way he is looking at you making you feel as though you are missing something. His mismatched eyes sparkle and the corner of his lips pull up into a lopsided smirk. ‘What do you think I usually have for breakfast Sorella?’ 
He was finally where he had been dreaming of all morning, between someone's legs and he was going to make the most of it. He took a deep breath, catching the scent of her arousal and his mouth started watering. He loved when his partners enjoyed his teasing, when they got as riled up as he did. Her thighs were shaking slightly in anticipation and he hadn’t even touched her yet, he was barely close enough for her to feel his over excited breathing. He couldn’t wait to find out how she will react when his mouth was on her. 
He slides off his gloves wanting her to feel his fingers rather than the soft gloves he favoured day to day. He started at her knees, sliding up the hem of her habit as he went, tracing abstract patterns into her skin, following her veins and criss-crossing to touch all the moles and marks that made her an individual. As he reached her sensitive inner thighs she tried to jump her thighs closed, the too soft pressure of his finger tips tickling and on the verge of unpleasant. He firms his grip spreading her legs even further so he is finally face to face with her pussy. 
This close he can see where the damp spot is already forming but he wants he sodden before he removes her panties. It’s the best way to keep her scent in them for as long as possible after he confiscates them. He gives into his temptation though and presses his nose to her through the damp fabric and inhales deeply. He groans, already feeling his will power for teasing slipping away as she subtly moves her hips against him, grinding her clit against the bridge of his nose. He follows her lead pressing the tip of his nose to her and pointedly circling just around where she really wants him.  
He can feel her getting wetter through the fabric, smearing the paint on his nose but he couldn’t care less. He pulls back, blowing gently against her until she shivers, taking in the way the material has begun to mould to the shape of her pussy. He wanted, no, he needed to taste her so he slowly peeled off her underwear so she was perfectly bare for him. He slips them from her ankles admiring the shape of her legs for a moment before slipping the now perfectly soiled panties into his pocket, for later. 
‘Please Papa,’ she whimpered above him half muffled by the desktop between them but he had to have a moment. Now her panties were removed he could take her in with no obstructions. A trail of slick beads from her entrance and he gives in for the both of them following it with the tip of his tongue until he can dip into her entrance. She gasps her whole body tensing as one of her hands weaves itself into his hair. She tries to guide him, encourage him onwards but now he hasher he wants to linger. As this is to be his first and favourite meal of the day he is going to savour it, nothing, no meeting was more important than this. 
He opens his mouth wide, losing himself in the taste of her, flattening his tongue so he can lick her from her entrance to her clit slow enough that they can both feel every inch of contact. Pulling back for a moment to breath he presses sloppy kisses to the creases of her thighs, sucking marks into her delicate skin. He follows her outline on his way to her clit where he starts working in earnest circling and licking and sucking, his moans vibrating through her. Her grip in his hair pulls and her thighs tighten around his shoulders, all working together to keep him close and bring her to her climax. She comes on his tongue and he fervently laps at her not wanting to waste a drop of her pleasure and already pushing her through her post orgasmic sensitivity.
Time is meaningless when he is here, seconds or hours could pass and all that he would know is the pleasure. He is hard, he always is when gets to pleasure someone this way but his pleasure is always secondary. The more lost he gets in her the less he notices going on around him. Her pleasured sounds filter through the furniture and his mental fog, encouraging him on. So consumed is he, he doesn’t register the angry footsteps in the hallway or the aggressive knock on the door.
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angelllbby222 · 9 days
Conflicted Pt: 14 🎀
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Izzy P.O.V
Our band received the best selling album label by the time our tour had ended, but our manager scheduled us to perform a gig at the Troubadour for old times sake.
We agreed to it, of course, it was nostalgic for us too, to see how far we had come since the last time we were at the Troubadour.
I was also excited for Maddy to come and see us perform since she’d never seen me play live.
“Izzy do you think your groupies will show up tonight.” she scoffed looking through her pile of clothes, scattered everywhere in the closet.
“Can’t say they won’t but I don’t care about them when I have you.” I cooed pulling her in from behind, so her body was pressed against mine.
She looked into the standing mirror that was in her closet and sighed.
“I wish you would hug me like this in front of them to show them your mine.”
“I know I know, it would ruin your playboy imagine.” she muttered pulling away to bend down at the black dress that was peeking out of the pile.
“You are not wearing that.” I laughed grabbing the flimsy material and throwing it at the top of her shelf.
“I am! If you don’t want us to be seen together then I don’t have to dress like I’m in a relationship.” Maddy retorted fisting her hands at her sides and stomping her foot down.
“I’m not letting you around the guys with this dress.” I told her imagining what would happen if she wore the tiny fabric.
I know Axl would love it.
“You’re not the boss of me.” she said attempting to grab at the shelf with her 5’6 frame.
“If you can grab it. You can wear it…I guess.” I replied rolling my eyes at her persistence to wear the tiny piece of clothing.
Did she have any idea what Axl would do if he saw her in the dress?
All of his self control would go out the door and into Maddy’s panties.
… … …
We all arrived an hour late to the gig since Duff got into an argument with Maddy over the tiny black dress and threatened her to change but Maddy didn’t budge so they went at it for another 20 minutes.
I intervened and told Maddy to just wear my jean jacket over it to which Duff agreed and said was a great solution.
“Maddy I better not see you without that jacket at the venue. I’m just trying to protect you from the guys y’know.” Duff sighed, looking at his younger sister who was currently ignoring him at the moment.
“It’s okay man. I’ll look at her.” I said giving Duff a reassuring nod before we all hopped into his car and made our way to the venue.
Slash,Axl and Steven all came together since they lived closer than Duff.
And obviously I didn’t have a place at the moment so I technically lived with Duff.
“I’m so excited to play this gig!” Steven exclaimed twisting his drumsticks in between his fingers and kicking his feet at the table which was provided in the backstage room.
“Same.” Slash replied chugging down the bottle of Jack Daniel while taking a few drags of his cigarette.
I couldn’t tell where he was looking since his shades were completely covering his eyes and his hat hid most of his upper forehead, hiding any expressions.
But I could see him smiling and giggling to Axl about something, and Axl was looking directly towards Maddy.
“Is something the matter guys?” I asked, my tone visibly bitter as I give Axl a stern look.
Axl then turned towards me with the opposite expression of which he displayed just a few seconds ago and raised his eyebrows a bit.
“Why?” he rudely asked smoking his cigarette and blowing the smoke in my face.
“Fuck off with that shit.” I told him, mostly annoyed by the smoke in my face but also wanting him to back off from Maddy who was completely clueless in what was going on.
“You’re not her daddy Izzy. She can do as she pleases.” Axl smirked getting up from the couch to give some stray groupies autographs.
Maddy sat at the floor since we all took up the couch, I had insisted for her to sit on my lap but she said she was more comfortable on the floor at my knees, I didn’t mind since I got to play with her hair while we did interviews.
Which was a big stress reliever.
I loved having her around during press interviews since I hated fucking speaking to them because all they wanted to know was bullshit personal questions instead of the real discussion, which was music.
“Iz. I have to pee.” Maddy whispered getting up slowly so her dress didn’t ride up.
I was still kind of mad at her for wearing the dress but when she stood up the dress straightened out enough for the jean jacket to cover her ass.
“Will you be okay alone baby?” I asked, since she hadn’t been to the Troubadour before, I wanted to make sure she was comfortable because there were always creeps at some of our shows who preyed on the girls that would come.
She softly declined and gave me a peck on the cheek as I snuck in a quick ass grab when she was bended over to which Duff gave me a sour look.
“Sorry man. Your sis is hot.” I shrugged lighting up a cigarette.
“Gross dude! Just do that shit when I’m not around.” Duff frowned.
“BOYS! WE ARE ON IN 10 MINUTES!” our manager yelled repeatedly slapping his wrist with his pointer finger.
“Can you yell any louder.” Slash mumbled slumping down into the couch with his bottle of Jack Daniel’s which was now empty.
“You didn’t save any for me. Fuck you man!” I whined grabbing the empty bottle and throwing it at the floor.
Slash and Steven burst out laughing while our manager came to calm their drunk asses down.
… … …
Maddy P.O.V
I swerved through the crowd of people who were starting to gather in clusters backstage.
And weaved my way out, desperately trying to locate the women’s room when I ran into Axl with his arm around some random girl.
“Maddy?” he called out,looking at me rather confused.
“I- I’m looking for the bathroom. Have you seen it?” I asked looking both at him and the girl.
“Yeah. I’ll show you.” he replied shrugging off the girl and walking me towards the restrooms.
“Who was that?” I asked looking at him with curious eyes.
I always heard stories about the groupies and how they played with different bands but it was pretty surreal to see it happen in real life.
“Just some girl who likes our music.” he smirked stopping right besides the door to the women’s room.
He walked me into the back of the wall and put his arm up to lean in front of my body.
“I’d like this dress much better without Izzy’s jacket.” he whispered tugging the jean jacket off one shoulder, leaving my right collarbone exposed.
I was wearing an off the shoulder black dress that stopped right below my ass.
It wasn’t something I would ever wear but I found it when I was cleaning and I figured it was left behind by some groupie so I washed it and wore it to look grown up since all the dresses I brought from home were frilly and floral.
And the girls here dressed so different so when I saw the dress it immediately screamed L.A.
“What if I took it off.” he said, not giving me a chance to think, swiftly pulling the jacket off and onto the floor exposing my figure.
“You look so good. Better than all of the girls here.” he gently murmured placing his pointer finger under my chin to direct my gaze on his eyes instead of his feet.
“Stop it Axl. I’m with Izzy.” I mumbled breathing with how close he was to me.
It was almost uncomfortable knowing he could see all of me, since my jacket wasn’t covering me anymore.
He reached for my thigh and started tracing small circles on it, inching closer towards the end of my dress, tugging it up lightly until he exposed half of my panties which were black to match my dress.
“W-wait stop. I can’t I love-
“Izzy. Yeah I get it.” he huffed letting go of me.
“Izzy?” I squinted wondering if it was really him or if I was hallucinating.
“I go to look for you to make sure you’re safe and I find you with him.And my jacket is around your feet?” he hissed grabbing his jacket with such force I almost stumbled on my heels.
“It’s not what it looks like I swear. H-he was just helping me found the restroom Iz!” I cried pushing Axl out of the way and following Izzy like a lost puppy.
“I can’t do this right now. Not when I’m about to preform with him.” he spat walking away from me briskly.
I looked back at Axl who was quiet, almost like he was still processing the situation.
“We can’t be together-
“Why. Why not?” he asked walking up to me with wide eyes.
“I-I can’t answer that.”
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jaimebluesq · 9 months
I wish you would write a fic where...
Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang spending time together at some point before Huaisang goes to Gusu for the first time (can be before or after their father dies)
I always love me some Nie bros! I hope you enjoy this - I had a good chuckle writing it :D
(I didn't state it in the fic but NHS is about 13-14 years old)
~ ~ ~
Nie Mingjue looked up from his papers at Elder Nie WuFong. “Yes?”
“This one was wondering if Nie-gongzi wasn’t a little too old to spend his days painting in your office. Would his attention not be better spent elsewhere? Perhaps studying battle strategies, or mingling with other boys his age.”
Nie Mingjue glared over at his brother, who had shifted down in his seat and only just looked up over the surface of his table. The last time Nie Mingjue had sent his brother to ‘mingle with other boys his age’, he’d walked in on two fourteen-year old boys stripping their outer robes off after losing to Nie Huaisang at a game of dice.
“While I appreciate the concern,” Nie Mingjue replied with a sigh, “I believe my brother’s time is best spent here with me.”
Elder Nie nodded and bowed before making his exit, closing the office door behind him. Nie Huaisang sat upright in his seat once again and continued his work of gliding a brush across his paper to shape the wings of a crane in flight. Nie Mingjue huffed and picked his own paper back up.
He grunted.
“What’s another way of saying ‘this sounds interesting, but we can’t afford it right now’?”
“Which sect leader?” Nie Huaisang asked without looking up from his artwork.
His brother nodded. “Unfortunately, this year’s budget has not allowed us any leeway in pursuing new projects or proposals, however, I would greatly appreciate any updates you can give on its progress. If there is another way I can support this, then please let me know, and I shall see if in the future, we might find room in next year’s budget to assist in this endeavour.”
Nie Mingjue smirked at his brother’s way with words and wrote down what his brother had suggested, with only the occasional tweak to apply it to Sect Leader He’s request. He set his completed letter aside for the ink to dry and took up another piece of correspondence.
He groaned.
“Yao or Ouyang?” Nie Huaisang asked.
“Yao,” Nie Mingjue replied through gritted teeth.
“What does he want this time.”
“Nothing much,” Nie Mingjue tried to speak casually, “only to marry you off to his little sister.”
Nie Huaisang’s head popped up looking absolutely horrified. “Da-ge, you can’t be serious!”
“You’re right,” Nie Mingjue nodded. “I’ll write him back and accept immediately-”
“Don’t you dare!”
Nie Mingjue was no longer able to keep a straight face and he burst into strangled chuckles. His brother heaved a sigh of relief. “So, brat, how do you think I should respond?”
“Dear Yao-zongzhu,” Nie Huaisang spoke dramatically, “while I am honoured by your proposal, it is one we simply cannot accept. My brother is, unfortunately for such an alliance, the most cuttingest sleeve that ever was cut-”
“Didn’t I catch you kissing the cook’s daughter last week?” Nie Mingjue accused with a raised eyebrow.
“You also caught me with the captain’s son the week before that,” Nie Huaisang countered, “so technically it isn’t completely untrue. But if you don’t like that, you can always say... my didi is unfortunately on his deathbed after I forced him to go on a night hunt and he was cursed by a trickster ghost, and I could not possibly allow you to betrothe your sister to a dying man.”
“Since when are you a man?”
“It’s for the effect, Da-ge!”
“And what do we say when he sees you alive at the next cultivation conference?”
“That it was a miraculous recovery,” Nie Huaisang grinned. Nie Mingjue snorted. “Or you can tell him I’m already betrothed... maybe to Wangji-di or Xichen-ge?”
“You wouldn’t survive Cloud Recesses’ rules.”
“What about Jiang Wanyin?”
“You haven’t seen him since you were five – you don’t even know what he looks like now.”
Nie Huaisang nodded solemnly. “You’re right, he might have gotten too ugly to kiss even with a bag over my head.”
Nie Mingjue was tempted to throw a brush at his brother’s head... then he thought of something better. “You know, didi, I think you’re onto something. But you know what sect we should marry you into?” He waited until his brother looked at him with wide-eyed curiosity. “The Jin. They’re rich and they love artsy things like you do.”
Nie Huaisang tilted his head consideringly. “But Zixuan-xiong is already betrothed to Jiang Yanli.”
“I know.” Nie Mingjue made a production of pulling out a clean piece of paper. “Dear Jin-zongzhu, I believe it is time for a proper alliance between our sects. I would like to propose a formal betrothal between my brother and heir, and your nephew Jin Zixun-”
Nie Huaisang wailed and flopped back onto the floor. “If you even consider sending that, I’m going to run off and join a night hunt so I can let a yao gore me to death!”
“Would you really prefer death to marriage with Jin Zixun?”
“Always a critic,” Nie Mingjue smirked.
“But back to Yao-zongzhu’s sister.” Nie Huaisang stood up from the floor and brushed off his robes. “I think there’s a possibility you haven’t considered yet.”
“Oh?” Nie Mingjue watched as his brother approached his desk to grab sect leader Yao’s letter. “And what would that be.”
Nie Huaisang’s face turned more mischievous than a fox’s. “Marrying her to you! Dear Yao-zongzhu, I will take your sister for my own wife and we will have ten children so my didi no longer has to be my heir-” he dictated as he ran out of the room.
Nie Mingjue sat and shook his head at his brother’s antics.
And then he stopped.
His brother wouldn’t actually send such a response... would he?
He jumped up from his desk and ran out after his brother – just in case.
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exhaustedwriterartist · 4 months
Disaster Twins Separated AU (now called Our Other Halves)
Gasp! I have done it. I have put enough of my sanity into the concept to feel confident in posting this (it has only been a little over a week and this has already started to have a hold on the creative part of my brain). I am sure someone else has thought of something similar, but this is my take on this kind of au.
Here is some beginning stage concept art for Leo and Donnie:
Main design.
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Other important designs.
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So there are some modified features, and yes I know, Leo does indeed have eyebrows, the horror, I know. But when I had the idea to do that I couldn't stop laughing to myself. (aaannddd possibly some other things with Leo's design [and something with Donnie's], but that's spoilers).
There may be somethings I further modify, but that'll be later.
I'll work on Raph, Mikey, and April's designs later this month. (I'm a little too busy to work on any other projects atm).
So here are the key features of this separated au under the cut (because this is kind of long):
These ideas are not in order whatsoever. This is just how my brain spouted these out. Also please keep in mind that I just came up with this, and some things may change in little or drastic ways later on. (Some of these things are a little outdated now)
Donatello and Leonardo were the only turtles who were able to be saved by Master Splinter when Draxum's lab exploded.
Poor Splinter, he is so stressed and depressed.
Raphael and Michelangelo were raised by Big Mama. They are both raised to be fighters in the Battle Nexus and to be their Mama's "little gentleman." The relationship between them and Big Mama is... iffy. More on this later.
I think that Leo and Donatello are definitely closer in this au and would have been more attached to April. So not only is there disaster twins but a disaster trio.
Donatello is the oldest twin in this au and also the most protective and defensive sibling, especially when Raph and Mikey come into the picture.
This doesn't mean Leo is not as protective or as caring of Don. He cares a lot about his twin brother, and will defend his brother and his honor to the death, but when [REDACTED] occurred, Don became extremely protective of Leo. Leo does not mind this, as [REDACTED] left a huge impact on him (as it did for Don as well, but he does his best to hide that [Leo knows though]).
While they are caring and everything, they are also twin brothers who love to mess with each other and compete with one another.
Leo is still the face guy and the family medic, but because it was just him and Don, he took more of an interest in his brother's science projects. He has more understanding of different science concepts than Rise! Leo, but it is still nowhere near Donatello's level of understanding. Donnie has a place in his lab for Leo to tinker with random and often silly projects. They also work on new gadgets and gizmos together. The two often infodump to each other and to April.
They are the biggest Jupiter Jim Fans you will ever meet. They may or may not have pulled a few strings and made a few gadgets in JJ's honor.
Raph and Mikey are not willing at first to leave Big Mama to go with Leo and Don, and they have a hard time accepting that they are related to these twins who cause so much chaos whenever they're around. They also distrust most humans (Lou Jitsu being the main exception), so the fact that Leo and Don have a human friend (who is basically a sister to them) does not help. All four brothers start to want the other two sibling to join them after while though... After some events.
Leo and Don want Raph and Mikey to come back to the family, though each struggles with their own intrusive thoughts of how it would change things. The same sort of things start to occur for Raph and Mikey. More on this later.
Donatello is technically the leader. While I think that he would be a great leader to full-time lead both Leo and April, I also believe that Don would co-lead with Leo. They would talk about each other's ideas, discuss, argue, and come up with solutions together. I'll have more on this particular topic later when I contemplate this more. (And binge watch the series again for research.)
When the four brothers are finally reunited, Donnie is still the *technical* leader, and he does his best to understand what his long lost brothers had gone through. (Yes, Don has a harder time than Leo at processing other's complex emotions, but that does not mean he cannot understand them! It just takes a longer time for him to process and find the proper response to assist his bros.)
So that's basically all the stuff I feel I need to share to start this off! Of course this isn't everything and I definitely need to delve deeper into some of my ideas, but some of the things I would like to share would be major spoilers for some of the thing I've changed or added (which is why some things are redacted). I realize I haven't really mentioned Draxum, but he's there... OH BOY IS HE THERE. There is also 2 characters from the show that will be in this au off an on that I want to mention but that's spoilers. :)
There are also some silly little things I have ideas for that I may share later next week, but this is already a lot of information. (Thank you for reading this far.)
One thing I would like to mention is that a lot of the twin aspects of Leo and Don are inspired by a pair of twins in my own family.
I am so excited to dive into this some more! I fully intend on making a comic of this au, it just may take a bit of time to write out a general out line for the comic because of my responsibilities and the need for sleep.
I would love to hear feedback from all of you, and if you all even like this idea for an au, along with if you have questions about the au (or in general), please feel free to ask me!
There is one thing I'm not sure on right now, and that's a name for this AU. I have something temporary, but I don't know how I feel about it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I shall come back later in the month with more stuff for this au and in general. Thank you again for reading this far. <3
Have a good day or night.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Why Sebastian Vettel and Nico Rosberg are the same person in a different font, an essay by a delusional F1 girlie
I keep saying that I am going to write an essay about how Nico Rosberg and Sebastian Vettel are basically the same person in different fonts and on the opposite ends of the scale one day. Guess what friends, that day has come. Thank you Misa @blorbocedes you absolute fucking bastard for putting so much Seb and Nico content on my dash that I actually opened a fucking google doc so that I can do this properly and write it. Imma count this as preparation for actually having to write proper analyses for my uni classes, so im *technically* not wasting my time on two German twinks id love to fuck at certain points in the life. 
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Disclaimer: Half of this is bullshit and projections. I’ll let you decide which part, because if you’re reading this, you are definitely at least as delusional as me, who’s actually writing this shit. Dont come to me for references, do your own research. :) 
Unto the fucking breach. 
The first thing I have to say is they’re both German, but not the same. Nico is half-Finnish, and I would blame that flavour for differing him from say, the way Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel are similar, but on the other fucking hand, the Finnish part in him comes from KEKE FUCKING ROSBERG, so I don’t know how that would actually be true. ANYWAYS.
Nico was born to a WDC insane (affectionate) father and girlboss of a mother in Monaco (in Germany, but was raised in Monaco dont come at me) as their only child. Sebastian Vettel has like, a billion siblings (four, i think, two older sisters and a younger brother) and was also born and raised in Bumfuck NOwhere, Germany (Heppenheim, but who’s counting). So the first thing we have here is them being annoying bastards, but in a different way. Nico had like one friend in his life (Lewis Hamilton, and I aint touching that with a ten foot pole lest I descend into absolute madness), and Sebastian had two older siblings and according to everyone and their mother, he was always the outgoing friendly little shit that we love. So like, we have competing for attention with older siblings vs competing for attention with whatever rich people do in monaco. Do you see where I’m going with this? The only way Nico was forced to learn to share was through his friendship with Lewis, while Seb was probably raised to share everything, so he probably wanted to have things for himself (projecting here as one of the youngest in the group of cousins). Also, Keke chose which languages Nico would learn, considering which ones are good for his racing career. Im pretty sure Seb went to public school. There are differences in their status which i think show themselves pretty nicely as they grow up and become the bitches we love <3 it even shows itself in the way they approach environmental issues today. Nico goes on the stupides, most capitalist dumabss show and only invests into some rich people dumbass “umweltschutz” start-ups which are literally so fucking useless my god, and what Seb does is try to bring renewable fuels and whatnot into F1 and talk about climate change and call people out, while still sometimes saying extremely stupid shit. Nico does think it’s laudable tho xD 
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ALSO. Very important. They are both Cancers, which is the sign ruled by the moon which means its all about emotions and feelings, but Nico is a June Cancer, and Seb is a July Cancer. If you dont know what that means, lemme give you a quick breakdown, since i am definitely a completely normal person about this. Short answer is - June cancers are otright manipulative sons of bitches; July cancers are crybabies. Which I do believe fits perfectly in how they manipulate girlboss gaslight malewife their way through their careers. Nico never shied away from outright manipulation, speaking openly about the mind games and how it was with Michael (imma come to Michael. Gods do I have THOUGHTS about Michael ugh but we gotta go through some other stuff first), while Seb always, fucking always played the “wide-eyed, he-ran into me, bottom emoji, i didnt see him” card, and batted his eyelashes, and fucking got whatever he wanted. MULTI 21 MY BELOVED. Anyways, imma spare you the talk about decants and shit, but Seb was born early July EXACTLY ON THE BORDER, and Imma let you decide if he is 1st or 2nd option. I know which one im aiming for. SO. JUNE CANCERS/early july, 1st option. They have a strong moon influence in their sun sign, and are the purest form of cancer sun sign and embody the strengths and weaknesses of the sign the most (google that shit for more info), in that they are both highly empathetic and emotional, nurturing, giving off mommy energy, but can also be extremely manipulative, they hide things very well since moon IS the master of deception. 2nd option, 10th-20th degree of cancer, is early July cancers. And their cancer sun is influenced by pluto, and they have scorpio energy to them, which means they are intense, they can be dark, they can be very mysterious and hiding things, obsessive and manipulative, and they bring heavy emotional energy to the table while being extremely empathetic themselves. Basically, they are emotional bitches in the same way but in sorta different fonts. :)
So anyways, you decide for yourselves which one Seb is :) 
shout out to bff’s bf for debating cancers with me and explaining astrology to the degree i never thought i’d wanna hear about, but this IS an essay and i DO need sources. So there. 
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pic credits: @niamh90 and this post
Lets go to racing. Nico’s dad made a bloody team in karting so he and Lewis could continue to race. Seb. Didn’t really have that. Yadda yadda, something about connections vs doing it all yourself on your own merit. Now dont get me wrong, im all for nepotism, and Nico is an insanely good driver in my opinion, and Seb did use BMW ties to get to test for Williams. They both also won some series that im not sure i understand, the fuck is GP2 and German cups, im not looking into that if i dont have to, bottom line is, they are both super good drivers. However, there are all these differences between them and the way they’ve even come into F1 that I think push them to the opposite sides of the spectrum despite them being the same person in their basics. If you want to know more, google their racing careers up until F1 and you’ll see what I mean (i dont feel like re-doing a deep dive about junior series and shit and who won what bcs i will then never be able to forget it and i dont need that info cluttering my brain). Onto the F1.
Nico came into F1 after winning whatever GP2 is, in 2006, driving for Williams (he also refused McLaren in 2007, good on him, fuck McLaren on principle). Seb (properly, not just to replace Kubica) came into F1 in 2007 mid-season, when RBR did a well-known and beloathingly repeated signature move of replacing drivers mid-season and he drove for Toro Rosso aka Baby Bull Team. He also fucking crashed into Mark Webber in 2007, thats not relevant to anything except that I personally think it’s hilarious, so honorable mention for Seb doing terrorism on Webber even before they were teammates. :) Anyways, Seb wins Monza 2008, Williams is shit. Whatever. All of that is secondary, because we now come to the biggest point of contention, the ultimate important thing, the gem of the collection, the one and only and the most important person in this essay (dont @ me idgaf you know it’s true) - MICHAEL FUCKING SCHUMACHER. 
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Michael Fucking Schumacher. Sebastian Vettel’s absolute ultimate idol since he was a kid (three M’s, anyone) and Nico Rosberg’s teammate in the newly minted Mercedes Team in 2010, after his switch from Williams. Look at that face. I’d let him terrorize me ngl. He is adorable.
He is also absolutely unhinged, and Sebastian fucking adores him.
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Basically, what we have in 2010 F1 season is Sebastian Vettel terrorizing his older teammate  Mark Webber with his presence and results in Red Bull, and Michael Schumacher terrorizing his younger teammate Nico Rosberg in Mercedes after his sabbatical. Schumi was there to fuck around, and boy did Nico find out. On the other hand, Michael took one look at German twinks available on the grid, Seb smiled at him and batted his eyelashes in hero-worship whilst being a little shit, and Michael went “yeah okey I like this one, fuck the rest”, and he took on a friend-mentor-whatever you want to call it i dont judge role with Vettel while absolutely mindfucking Nico. If you look at any press conference ever where Seb, Michael and Nico are there, Nico is always their bullying target. If you add Webber, you get double the terrorism. Michael looks on as Seb says/does stupid shit and then turns around with the biggest “did i do weel senpai? Did you see? Did you?” fucking heart eyes ever. Meanwhile poor Nico has to deal with a 7 time wdc in the garage and with mind games constantly, which Michael is probably teaching Seb on the downlow, or just by, yakno. Diffusion principles or sth. I’d almost feel sorry for Webber, but I hate that guy. Here’s pics of these lovely teammate pairings, bcs why not. 
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Do you see what I mean? :) (merc pic credit goes to @smoothoperator-55​ and this post) 
I mean, Nico tries. He really does, and he actually succeeded in his mindfuckery with Lewis later, on account of knowing him better than anyone in the world, really. But during the RBR golden era of Vettel championships, he has no chance. Literally none. As annoying as he can be, he is literally just being bullied by these two insane Germans. And I love it.
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(again, pic credit to this post)
Wait, I lost the plot being distracted about Seb and Schumi being the mean girls of the grid. I mean look at them. Fuck. Where was I?
Oh yeah okay. So. What happens is, Seb is on top of the world, having the friendship and love and support of his idol. Nico isn’t. Niki sees this, he steps in. Michael retires. Nico’s best friend, a kid more talented than anyone in the world and a WDC with McLaren already comes into the team. FUN TIMES ABOUT TO COMMENCE. Kinda. Not really. I won’t go into the details of all that, bcs chances are, if you’re reading this, you fucking know already. Lewis and Sebs friendship developing especially after Nico left, Seb at Ferrari fuckery while Nico was gathering the pieces of his broken heart and doing commentating, Seb using any and every opportunity to fuck with Nico by being all touch with Lewis and then still defending Nico after all; all of that, you probably know better than I do. I will, however, draw some more parallels bcs this is almost 2k already and I need to eat.
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- Seb said Kimi was his only friend on the grid when he started; we know Nico’s only friend in racing was Lewis;
- Both Nico and Seb married their high-school sweethearts and both are paragons of integrity in this (me being convinced that brocedes and princess cake and Seb/everyone he made eyes at are canon should not be counted as facts here);
- They are both so fucking annoying in interviews. Like any interview you watch, they are so fucking annoying, and when they’re with each other, they are even worse;
- they both played mind-games extraordinaire with their teammates and managed to beat them on account of those (tho id argue Webber sucks tbh but i do hate that guy);
- they are both passionate about the same cause - environmentalism, but in diametrically opposed ways. While Nico does DHDL and drives around and invests in electric cars, Seb, with no media presence, wears those oversized t-shirts of his and rides fucking vans to european circuits;
- they have both definitely banged at least one of their teammates;
- they are both rich white men with some concerningly western-biased opinions but whatever, we stan anyways (whilst being critical of that in rl if not on our delusional tumblrs).
I may add some more stuff if I remember it, and I may even research it properly next time, but for now I think this is enough. I don’t even know what this is, except me word-vomiting about my favorite German twinks to distract myself from obligations and giving myself an excuse to search for pretty pictures.
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Here’s Seb and Nico, so we end this with a high. I know I get a high from them. Akira out. 
some sources, bcs im not an absolute heathen, also all the pic credits i didnt tag specifically go to pinterest:
x x x x x 
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forest-hashira · 7 months
ok i'm bursting at the seams to talk about this with literally anyone soooooo. here are some little things from the dragon rider au (mostly world building, some are plot points but nothing too big!). putting them under the cut so you don't have to scroll past a long post!
also, for anyone interested, this is the playlist i made for this au! pls ignore my deadname on the account
lot of this is inspired by how to train your dragon, so there are slike. some viking-esque elements included, they're not actually vikings & this is set ambiguously in fantasy-japan
Nanami's family runs a bakery. he also has a sister for no other reason than i wanted to give him one haha
won't go into what happens to bring any of this about, but: Nanami adopts & raises Yuji, Geto adopts & raises Nanako & Mimiko, and Gojo adopts & raises Megumi and Tsumiki. found family my beloved.
in my head most of the dragons look like (or at least similar to) the dragons in httyd. except satosugu's dragons, who look much more like traditional japanese folklore/mythology dragons. reader's is somewhat similar, but theirs has wings
i spent an UNGODLY amount of time researching & deciding on names for some of these dragons but i am so proud of them. i will discuss those more in detail if y'all want but i'm not gonna do it here bc it could technically be considered spoilers for anyone not caught up on the show
i played around with ages in this fic a little, so Nanami/Geto/Gojo are all in their early/mid 20s when they adopt their respective kids
there will be some background/implied ships in here besides the main one (satosugu/reader) but i doubt it'll be very much
ok gonna stop there for now before i just word vomit everything into this post lol. if you guys wanna know more just lmk!!! this has completely taken over my brain and i am so excited about it. please be excited with me i think it's gonna be really good 🥺
@peachdues thought you might be interested in seeing this but if not you can ignore it 🙈
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joandfriedrich · 3 months
My apologies if you have answered this before but I was wondering what are your thoughts on the portrayal of Jo in Little Women (2019)? I like Saoirse Ronan as an actress and I think she did wonderful in the movie but the role she was playing didn’t feel like Jo March at all. It feels like a completely different person with the same name. Does that make sense? Like Jo in the 2019 version is a different person than the Jo in the books. And honestly I was kinda disappointed because the aesthetic and scenery are lovely but the writing was not little women at all.
No worries, I don't know if I've ever done a full detailed explanation of my feelings on Jo's character in the 2019 specifically, so this is a good excuse to talk about it. I completely understand what you mean, her portrayal did not feel in anyway the Jo March I came to know and love after all the years. Let's explore Jo's character assassination.
When I first heard of the project, I was so excited because for a long while Saoirse Ronan was my first choice to play Jo. I have seen her in many movies from "Atonement", "The Lovely Bones", "Brooklyn", and I agree, I believe she is an amazing actress, and I was excited to see what she would do for Jo. On a technical standpoint, she did act very well in the film, but whether or not I felt she deserved an Oscar nom for the part is something different. I personally think she didn't deserve it, not because she's a bad actor, but I don't think what she gave for the character felt worthy of it, you know what I mean? If anything, I think Lupita Nyong'o deserved it much more for her parts in "Us" than Saoirse did for this film.
So where does the problem lie? The writing. I would like to have it on record, I am not one of those people that say that every book adaption must be 100% exact from page to screen, I am open for leeway, creative choices, and cuts, but what I felt was done wrong here was simplifying and changing characters to the point they felt like hollow versions of their flawed but beautiful book counterparts.
Jo is one of the most complex characters in the novel, as her arch starts as a 15 year old girl who is all tomboy and rebel to an independent but loving woman she becomes. We see her reject ideas of marriage because of the social pressures she feels to marry well and how marriage at the time was a loss of freedom for women, to understanding that being a woman isn't contained to one specific box, that she is able to be independent while also having a husband who supports her dreams. She has a temper, it isn't something she gets over as quickly as she has a moment of crisis, she learns how to handle it, like Marmee did. She has internal misogyny that colors her viewpoint of the world, especially women, to understanding that women are as different as each March sister is, and that doesn't lessen their worth as women. Are these lessons we find in the 2019 film? No, it isn't.
Gerwig wrote Jo as if she was trying to appeal to the masses, giving her contradictions that go against her growth and character. Seeing her yell at Friedrich, throwing a tantrum worthy of a kindergartner, and acting selfish throughout her adulthood when it's the time she is the lest selfish is so wrong for her. Jo as a child was not kind, I think we as a society need to stop demonizing a 12 year old Amy for getting fed up when her 15 year old sister continually picked on her for so long that she snapped and did something she came to regret. These are kids, they are meant to be flawed, even annoying, and yet, so many people try to raise child Jo up as if she is the symbol of feminism when she was anything but. And Gerwig followed suit.
Throughout the movie, Jo acted so childish and it was portrayed as liberating, that her maturing means a sacrifice of her true self, that it leaves her sad and alone, and I feel like this is the opposite of real life. I am about to be 30 in a week, and as I have reflected in my life, I have never felt more like my true self in my whole life. It's because I had trials and tribulations to challenge me, question how I see the world, what do I want, where do I wish to go? These are questions we all go through as we get older, and it doesn't mean that we grow older and sadder, it means we change and become more self aware, closer to who we may truly be than anything else. And never forget, there is still so much life ahead, we have so much to learn, plenty of time to become who we ought to be. As David Bowie said "Aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been."
Jo by the end of the film gains no character arch, she remains practically the same, having issues with change, relying on the familiar rather than ready to explore the unknown, going back on her feelings on Laurie to the point of writing a letter to accept him, which NEVER happened in the book, as she stayed firm on her resolve that she didn't love him romantically. The lack of an arch for Jo means we don't see her grow up, she stays this perpetual 15 year old girl who is selfish, can't take criticism (which book Jo gladly did as an adult), is pressured by her sisters to chase after a man she didn't even seem that interested in (if you go with the one ending), or ends up sad and alone with her book which is what she didn't want to do as she proclaimed she was lonely (if you follow the other ending). Her story is unsatisfying, as it paints her this tragic figure that never got what she wanted in life, despite that not being the case.
She gets to open a school that helps underprivileged kids to get an education, she gets to become an author in the following books, marries a man who loves her not only as a wife but as an equal, has children she loves dearly, and by the end feels she has had a fulfilled life that she wouldn't have traded for anything in the world. Gerwig didn't seem to understand that Jo could be all these things and decided to stick with what she wanted the character to be, but knew she had to satisfy the divided fanbase, hence the confusing ending and character that is Jo March.
Gerwig tried to add in elements of the real life Alcott, thinking that the idealized version of Jo and she were exactly one in the same, but it's not true, as Alcott did long to have a family of her own, had been in love with Henry David Thoreau, and wrote the character of Friedrich Bhaer as the expy of him to be with the expy of her. If Gerwig truly wanted to respect the wishes and vision of Alcott, she didn't need to look further than the wonderful novel she wrote over one hundred years ago.
In the end, the Jo we see in the 2019 film is nothing more than a hollow shadow of a great literary character that was destroyed by someone who, like the people she pandered to, never quite understood Jo in the first place, and therefore didn't deserve her.
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welldonebeca · 11 months
Android Hero (6)
WC: 1.6k words Warnings: Future AU. Tension. Robot Steve. Unhealthy relationships.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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You could feel Wanda’s eyes on you as you looked over your schedule with Charlie, ready to just go out to lunch but want to make sure it didn’t disturb your day.
“I can set the meeting with your team for 3 pm, so if you’re back from yoga at 2:30, there’s half an hour for you to shower and get ready,” she suggested, pointing at the hologram in front of you. “And you’ll have an hour of lunch. If you send in your order now, it will be ready by the time you sit down.”
You nodded along.
“I like that,” you confirmed. “Just ask for the same one I got the last time I went there.”
She hummed a confirmation, and Wanda cleared her throat.
“Darcy, can you order for me too?” she asked. “I think I’ll cash in on that lunch invitation.”
You were a bit surprised as you turned to her. When was the last time you had lunch with one of your siblings to talk about anything but your company?
To be honest, you didn't even remember when you had asked her to have lunch.
“Of course, Miss Maximoff.”
She set up your orders and Wanda opened the door for you to get out of the office, following to the self-driving car and watching you quietly as you two waited inside it.
The whole way to the restaurant was filled with awkward silence, and she held the door open for you to walk inside, and pulled the chair for you to sit down.
Wanda cleared his throat and looked at you with an awkward smile.
“It’s a nice place,” she noticed. “You like sushi.”
You nodded along slowly.
“I do,” you confirmed.
The two of you fell into silence, and you watched her for a moment before speaking again.
“And how’s Vizz?” you changed the subject, trying to start an actual conversation.
“He’s alright,” Wanda perked up. “Great, actually. We’ve been looking into some houses outside the city. Maybe out in the countryside.”
You raised your eyebrows in shock. They were moving in together already?
Wanda and Vizz had been together for, what… two years? You didn’t quite remember, but it couldn’t have been a lot of time, right?
It was so good to see Wanda happy. You still remember when you lost your parents, and she took most of the weight of caring for you and Pietro. It was good to see your sister happy.
“What about you?” she asked. “Are you seeing anyone?”
You stopped, surprised at the sudden flip of focus.
“I mean, I know you and Pietro are two bachelors,” Wanda smiled awkwardly. “Although he is not very private with his… fun outings.”
A waitress walked to you two, placing your food and drinks on the table slowly, and you were grateful for the interruption.
Was that how she saw you? An eternal bachelorette?
Or maybe she just pitied you and didn’t want to say you didn’t have any social skills to get into a relationship.
“I mean…” you looked for words, trying to be vague. “Things are fine.”
How were you supposed to explain to your sister that you were technically, maybe, sort of, dating your robot?
“So... uh…” she spoke slowly. “No plus one in our house-warming party?”
“I… don’t think so,” you decided. “I mean, I can invite… well.”
You shoved a slice of salmon into your mouth before you could mention Steve.
Still, Wanda raised her eyebrows, waiting for what you were going to say anyway.
“I’m still in… undefined territory,” you chose your words carefully. “So I don’t know if I’ll ever get to any house-warming party with… you know.”
As if you would ever feel comfortable enough bringing your fucking robot to your sister’s house-warming party.
It would be too humiliating.
“Unless you count Steve,” you chuckled, trying to evade any suspicion from her.  “He is great for travel, and you know how bad I am with planning.”
Sam shot you a confused look.
“Steve?” she asked. “You mean Steven?”
You shoved another sushi into your mouth. Stupid, stupid you.
“Yeah,” you nodded, mouth still full. “Steven. Yeah.”
Wanda watched you, looking at you as if she could see all of your thoughts.
“How is he being as a companion?” she asked. “Helping you out alright?”
You shrugged.
“I mean, he’s getting me into eating real food,” you chuckled. “And into yoga. And the flat is always very clean. He even cleans the room I don’t use.”
He also fucked you brainless last night and had been edging you since yesterday morning.
But she didn’t need to know that.
Wanda chuckled.
“Well, that’s a good job done,” she smiled. “Your home was always dusty.”
You scoffed.
“I barely step there, how can I clean it?”
Your sister sighed.
“You work too much,” she pointed out. “I’m glad he’s getting you into a better routine.”
Wanda looked down, eating again, and you two fell into a quieter moment before she spoke again.
“But… uh… are you sure there is no one I should know about?” she insisted. “No new guy or girl, no… important person?”
You frowned.
“No,” you denied. “Why are you so curious, Wan?”
Suddenly, your sister flushed, and you put your chopsticks down.
“What?” you asked. “Wanda!”
She moved a hand down to the side of her neck, scratching it and staring right at the same spot on yours.
You rushed to grab your bag and a mirror, angling it, and your eyes widened when you saw it.
A hickey, blue against your skin and visible through your makeup.
Oh fucking shit.
You had put makeup on it before leaving your house. Steve had done it himself, and it was perfectly covered.
“Stupid brand,” you grunted, pulling your hair over it. “Cover it all concealer, my ass.”
Wanda looked away, blushing pink.
“I burned myself,” you lied. “A hair curling iron.”
That absolutely didn’t look like a burn, and your sister seemed to know it too well, still staring at it.
“Alright,” she spoke slowly.
Your face burned in embarrassment, and you shoved food into your mouth, not wanting to think about what was going through her mind.
“I’ll go… use the bathroom,” you decided, grabbing your bag.
She didn’t say anything, just sipping her wine as you walked past her.
You locked the door behind yourself, picking up the makeup on your bag to try and hide it again, and Steve called you the exact moment you put it down.
“Good afternoon, miss,” he spoke into your ear. “How is lunch with your sister going?”
You grunted, annoyed.
“It was fine,” you tossed your hair back. “Steve, you said that concealer was the best they had in store and it wouldn’t-”
You stopped, just now processing his words.
“I never told you that I was having lunch with Wanda.”
Steve didn’t even sound phased.
“I have access to your schedule, miss,” he reminded you. “I’m programmed to analyse it all, including during your work day.”
Yes, of course.
“Do you want dessert recommendations?” he asked. “I’m sure I can assist you with that.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, not nearly in the mindset of thinking of dessert.
“Why didn’t you notice the hickey?” you asked him, instead, powdering the spot angrily. “Steve, what would people from work say?!”
“By my calculations, even if the makeup faded like the reviews, it wouldn’t have been noticed unless someone was looking at you intensely,” Steve explained himself. “Which no one should do, because you’re mine. And everyone should know this.”
Your cheeks burned as you flushed. He said it so matter-of-factly that it shouldn’t turn you on. And yet, it did.
“Steve, I’m in a public bathroom,” you hissed, pressing your legs together. “And I have a family! They look at me all the time! Now my sister thinks I’m sleeping around.”
Wanda was probably texting that to Pietro as you tried to recompose yourself. Those two were basically glued to one another.
“We can’t have that,” he hummed. “You are a very faithful slut to me.”
You pressed your legs together. This really wasn’t a good time for him to turn you on.
“Unless you’ve been looking at other men?” he asked. “It’s a shame that you don’t allow me out of the house except for groceries, but maybe that should change.”
You flushed.
“Steve, where would I take you?” you asked. “To yoga? I only leave the house to go work.”
Steve was already so possessive of you, you weren’t sure he’d ever hide that. People would notice it immediately.
This relationship… whatever it was. You would be immediately found.
How ethical was it, to fuck your robot?
Did he even have rights?
Could he legally consent?
That was so messy.
“I’m sure we can figure out something,” he assured you. “All you have to do is command it, and it’ll be done.”
Yeah, that didn't make you feel any better about everything.
“Can we talk about it when I’m home?” you asked, instead. “And not in a restaurant bathroom?”
“Of course, miss,” he agreed, and you relaxed. “Be at home on time. Good girls aren’t late.”
You flushed, embarrassed.
“Have a nice lunch,” he wished before hanging up.
You breathed in deep, looking into the mirror to make sure the hickey wasn’t visible, and walked back to your table, finding Wanda waiting.
“Sorry for the delay,” you sat down, and your sister just waved a dismissive hand before you could even justify yourself. “I was answering a call.  Let’s just finish eating.”
. . . .
"Android Hero" was posted on my Patreon in January. To read it now, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and I post everything there earlier!
. . .
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ccasey0 · 3 months
alrighty, lets get this said and done.
i am likely not going to post on here a lot unless i get asks or comments or smthn, just so you know.
anyways, i have a question for you guys. ive got an au that ive been wanting to share and post about for a while, but im not sure if i can. reason being that it is pretty old and it started when i was young and stupid and didnt know how to draw my own poses and stuff, so i would trace the outline of characters and then draw over it. i don't know if i can post or share any of the art from that time since i dont have any of the credits to the owners anymore:( i would love to be able to share my world with you guys since ive put a ton of time and effort into the hundreds of doodles and sketches ive made for it, but i need to know if it's okay. let me be clear on this though so there is no confusion: i am not claiming the art to be mine. i did not trace directly over most of the art, i just copied the general shape/art style/pose and then turned it into my own characters. not all of the art for this au is traced.
anyways, with that out of the way i want to explain a little about the au so that i can know if anyone would actually want to see it.
so it's basically a mashup of my OCs, rottmnt, mha, lmk, and a bunch of other fandoms i've been inspired by. it is set in a post apocalyptic world in the year 2080(sort of). The main cast consists of Casey "Moon"(based off of me), Jupiter "Dellta"(based off a friend/sister of mine), Jasper "Spots", Raphael Montero, Keigo "feathers"(based off hawks from MHA), Kat(based off bakugou from MHA), Deku(based of Deku from MHA), Felix, Sandro, and Pancake(it comes in WAY later tho). these guys are known as "The Gang." aren't i so creative with names? they are also the people i draw the most. there are, of course, side-ish characters who play major roles on the story but aren't in the gang. as for the relationships between the characters, here u go: Jupiter, Casey, Jasper, and Raph are all siblings. Raph is the oldest by 2 years, Casey and Jupiter are twins, and Jasper is younger by a month. technically Jasper, Jupiter, and Casey are triplets. but they were raised by different people so jasper celebrates his birthday on a different date than the twins. they have a very complicated and definitely not realistically possible relationship with their Bio Mom but ill explain that in another post if ya'll want. Deku, Casey, and Kat are all in a relationship. Yes it is a threesome. no i do not care. please do not hate, it isn't that big of a deal. Jupiter and Felix are in a relationship. jupiter and keigo are besties. jupiter is sandro's adoptive mother(comes in much later). casey is pancake's adoptive caretaker(comes in much, much later). now for the explanation of the setting, yay! so, it is a post apocalyptic world that has been brought to ruin. the world divided itself into different Sectors, which are areas set up around still standing cities around the world.(i can explain how al that got established and all that stuff in another post if it is wanted.) The sector that the story takes place in is the New York Sector. it is a bit larger than Texas and was named the NY sector cause NY was the last city standing in that area at the time. NYS has 8 safe zones inside it. Safe Zones are walled off areas that are safe from Corrupted(ill explain that next). SZ are like towns or bases that people and yokai all live in. every zone is different and has different kinds of people. th zone that the gang usually interacts with is zone five(basically the blackmarket of the safe zones.) (ill explain what th different zones are like in another post as well.) okay, now for corrupteds. these guys are complicated and hard to explain w/o a picture for reference, so ill do my best and make a seperate post about them later. basically, they are the zombies or kraang of this world. they are the product of a failed lab experiment. A team of scientists were working on a project to make trees produce twice as much oxygen, but some bad guys called Seekers(once again, ill make a seperate post for these guys) broke into the lab and did something to the trees. they made them start producing these strange spores that began bringing corpses back to life zombie-style. but these weren't zombies. the corpses became mutated and horrifying monsters that would kill on sight. the more spores were released, the more corrupteds came to life. and the spores also mutated other trees, causing them to produce the spores as well. the corrupteds can only live as long as they have an intact heart organ inside of them. they are attracted to light and will kill on sight. although most of them are blind, so i guess they kill on sound?? anyways, as trees became more infected, their roots became vines and they started overgrowing everywhere, with huge vines the size of giant redwood trees(yes i had to search up giant trees to scale this) growing up buildings and through streets.
alrighty. wow. i can't believe you are still here. thank you for bearing with me. please tell me if you want more of this au via comments or asks. any questions go in the ask box. i do have some disclaimers for this tho: i don't do digital art, all this will be traditional drawings. also, i don't have this as an actual comic. it's more just a bunch of drawing that a the explanations to are in my head so i will likely post art and then explain the story bit to it typed out.
also important thing to add to the au:
TW!!! Blood, gore, swear words, trauma, physical abuse, psychological abuse, fighting, horror, queer ships, threeway ships, implied attempts, implied seizures, dark humor, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, sensory overloads, ect. it isn't as bad as it sounds i promise 😅
oke, i'm done now. thanks for reading all this and i hope for your feedback and/or much wanted advice or recommendations. like i said, any questions please go in the ask box and any requests for explanations or art go there too.
byeeeeee :)
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peacock-mooncat · 2 months
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♦ B A S I C S ♦
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Name: Sierra bihn Gamduhla
Nicknames: Sie (to her friends), the Jewel of Thavnair (to her admirers), and goddess (to Ul'dahn elites with enough gil)
Age: Late 20s, early 30s
Nameday: 13th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon 🌙☺️
Gender: Female 
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Adventurer, dancer, socialite
♦ P H Y S I C A L ~ A S P E C T S ♦
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Hair: A dark, saturated purple with blonde streaks, kept at medium length with straight-cut bangs in front. Some of her blonde streaks are natural, but she likes to add a few herself.
Eyes: A vibrant red-magenta, with the trademark large moonkitty eyes 🥺
Skin: Rich brown
Tattoos/scars: A prominent scar runs across her left eye. No one has gotten her to say how it came to be, only that she considers it the fault of her own hubris.
♦ F A M I L Y ♦
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Parents: Sierra never knew her father. She's descended from a long line of Thavnairian merchants; her mother is the current matriarch of her Keeper clan, and a decently successful merchant as well. Sierra doesn't talk about her too much, hinting that maybe their relationship is not cordial.
Siblings: Rhekka bihn Gamduhla is Sierra's much-younger, more-chaotic sister. Her and Sierra see eye-to-eye on very little.
Grandparents: Sierra's grandparents passed away before she was born.
 In-laws and Other:  Since she married Yrja, she's only got, uh, Fran and Balthier as in-laws. Well, technically anyway; it's likely neither of them know Sierra even exists.
Pets: Ingot, her Othardian Peacock! Sierra got Ingot when he was just a chick, and helped raise him. He grew quite a bit larger than she expected, and now helps ferry her across Etheirys.
♦ S K I L L S ♦
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Abilities: Dancing, a bit of blue magic, hosting friends
Hobbies: Goldsmithing, reading Ishgardian romance novels, performing in minor events at the Carnivale
♦ T R A I T S ♦
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Most Positive Trait: She tries her best to read a room and make everyone comfortable. Whether it's in a dungeon with fellow adventurers or relaxing with friends in safety, Sierra strives to keep spirits light -- sometimes to her detriment.
Most Negative Trait: Not all that glitters is gold -- gems, silks, and flesh fascinate just as well. While she normally has a good head on her shoulders, beautiful things make her weak. She's made some poor choices in life due to her greed for gil, due to a pretty girl's wink, or due to the promise of a rare gemstone.
♦ L I K E S ♦
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Colors: Emerald green, deep purple, gold; jewel tones in general
Smells: Floral scents! The smell of Thavnair's markets, and of fresh-baked sweets
Textures: Smooth textures, especially fabrics. Silk is one of her favorites.
Drinks: Tea, though she's open and will try other drinks when the opportunity presents itself.
♦ O T H E R ~ D E T A I L S ♦
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Smokes: She partakes of a smoking pipe every now and again in social situations, but it's not something she does on the regular.
Drinks: She drinks socially, and prefers tastier drinks to hard liquor.
Drugs: Not yet. Probably not likely, but the right one could pique her curiosity.
Mount Issuance:  Ingot, her Othardian Peacock! ... deja vu.
Been Arrested: Nah, Sierra is fairly law-abiding.
------------------ Thanks for tagging me @iona-xiv, this was really fun!! ☺️
A'ight, time to start tagging -- sorry if you've already been tagged, I tried to check first but I might've missed it! @tsunael, @starforger, @airis-ray, @cassandra-allegra (GIMME YRJA LORE); I am 100% positive there are people I am forgetting and I am so sorry, my brain is mush after this post haha
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imwriting0verhere · 2 months
Love Again
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Chapter 7
“And that’s why I want to raise a toast to this lad right here, Sam” Owain raises his pint and claps a hand down on my shoulder “You’ll have America in your pocket in to time. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. And I know you’ll smash this too” he exclaims loudly and the room erupts in cheers and approval. I’m sat in the Low Lights with the lads, management and friends, all excited for our big North America take off in a few days. I raise my Guinness in acceptance and to finally start our festivities. “Aye, let’s get it boys!” I shout and look at my band in the process. They all have their arms thrown around each other’s shoulders, pints in hand and the biggest grins on their faces. “We’re off to America” Dean shouts while the others are just wolf whistling and shouting along. I can’t wait for the next few months with them!
Saying goodbye to Shields and our friends and family for the time being, will be the hardest though. I know that Dean would take Reagan with him in a heartbeat. Those two are getting married later this year. I can’t imagine how that must feel, to be apart for so long this close to agreeing to spend the rest of your lives together. At least Reagan has Maple to keep her company. Dean only has us.  
Tom is coming with us, but not Heidi, my little sister. I’m gan miss her and her wonderful quirkiness. And now that Y/N is gone as well, I hope she’ll be okay with her two favourites’ gone.
My mam is mainly proud of me finally taking this step with the boys. But I know she will always worry and want to make sure I’m okay and taking care of myself while on tour. That’s why she insisted to be here tonight as well. Even though we’re all going to be absolutely mortal by the end of this.
Even Johnny, Lou and Jack are around to celebrate the night with us. Sometimes I feel like I wouldn’t even be where I am now without the older boys. Jack and Johnny have been encouraging me since I started playing and making music. Playing buskers nights together and always there for a good suggestion if I got stuck on a melody or lyric.
“Wor kid, who would’ve thought eh” Lou teases while ruffling up my hair “Not me like” Johnny agrees with a smirk. Both lads sit down with me after having just come back from a ciggy break outside. “Piss off aye” I shove his arm away from my head but laugh along non the less.
“If you still need a support band, yer know where to find us”
“Nah we’re all sorted now, thanks mate” I smile at Lou’s teasing.
“You sure yer want to start playing shows with this dickhead like? That’s gonna be the most annoying thing Bonds” I say over to Johnny. He just shrugs his shoulders and takes another sip of his beer “A mean I’m technically still in with Van and the lads, might have to ring ‘em and settle some new tour dates” with that typical Bondy look of mirth he looks over at me, completely ignoring his shocked friend
“Oh fuck yous!” Lou whines and gets up from his seat next to me before looking at us one last time and dramatically storming off. Johnny and I just cackle at him and clink our drinks together.
“You make sure you won’t forget about us like” Johnny looks at me with a very serious and yet puppy like expression.
“Nah I wouldn’t dream of it sunshine” I reply just as dramatic and throw my arms around him in a deep hug. That gets us into another laughing fit that we eventually have to part from to catch our breaths.
After a few more minutes of chit chat Johnny turns more serious again.
“I’m actually glad I’ve got you alone for a minute. I wanted to have a chat with you about somethin” he sits up straighter and turns his full attention towards me
“Have you had the chance to talk to Y/N since she left? Or heard from her?” he asks and I can see a bit of concern in his eyes.
“Why, has somethin happened? Or she said something?” I was getting a little nervous at what she might have told Johnny. I know the two are good friends too but would she sell me out to one of our close friends and tell him what we argued about?
“Not much like. Just mentioned a fight” I take a nervous sip at that
“She seemed a bit upset that you weren’t at her farewell. But Sam, I don’t even want to get into it. A just want to make sure you talk to each other about whatever the hell happened.” I’m relieved to hear him say that. And I can’t take him amiss because he’s just looking out for his two friends. Typical Johnny Bond.
“Aye, A’ve actually just called her a couple day ago but she was busy getting ready for her first gig. So we basically just said a quick hello.” Johnny hums at that, seemingly satisfied with my answer. Before I know it I open up more.
“To be honest a feel a bit shite aboot not being there” I lower my gaze at my confession. “I’ve just been so busy with my own prep and making time for my girlfriend.” Sighing I continue “And the fight Y/N and I had didn’t help I guess. But a should’ve been there.” I run my hand through my hair frustratingly. What the hell happened that I wouldn’t be there for my best friend? Shame was slowly starting to creep into me the more I talked to Johnny about it.
“Look, it’s done mate. Now you can only make it up to her and make sure it doesn’t happen again” he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. Always the voice of reason.
“And so the girlfriend aye. How is that going? She coming with you?”
“Ehm” I chuckle a bit surprised he’d want to talk about Amber and I. “It’s good aye. We’re having a good time. It’s, it’s nice, solid. She makes me happy” Johnny smiles at me and I’m glad I’m having a proper talk about my recent relationship updates with someone that doesn’t judge me or snap at me.
“But ehm, she ain’t coming with us. You know how crazy tour life gets, a don’t want to drag her into that, especially so far away from home”
We sit together for another 10 minutes or so before I go and find my mam to spend some time of the night with her.
At around 1am most of our guests have left and the last of us get ready to call it a night as well and make our ways home.
Giving Heidi and Liv a big hug, Tom leaves with them to walk them home safely. Drew and Holly stand outside with Joe until he’s finished his last smoke. Before he leaves Johnny comes up to me again and embraces me in a big brotherly hug. He’s pretty wasted now too and seems to have less of a filter than just a few hours ago when we were talking.
“Promise me Sam you’ll talk to Y/N/N. A’ll check up on her and make sure yous made up” he pats me on my head and says one last thing before turning to leave with Lou “She doesn’t deserve any mistreatment or heartache. Yer hear me Fender: She’s too good for that” blowing me a kiss and Johnny is gone into the night.
I just chuckle at his drunken antics. I turn towards my mam and link her arm into mine “Reet, let’s go home!”        
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