#and its like. yes i know this is a small bump in the road on the very long process to recovery but also
hotdadlicense · 1 year
why is going to the doctors literally the most embarrassing thing in the world like i'm not even here for you i'm here to order blood tests but i'm still having an internal freak out about asking for them. anyway i can never see that doctor again and i have to see that doctor again for results
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soullessdianthus · 10 months
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭 | 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐱 𝐊ö𝐧𝐢𝐠)
Summary: During the mission somewhere in Austria, König takes an interest in TF 141 medic. Little did he know, she's Lieutenants Riley's girlfriend.
A/N: Possessive/Protective boyfriend Ghost? Yes, double and give to the next person. Also inserted Hank/Connor "lieutenant" reference, I just find it funny. Y/C ━ Your Codename (have fun, pick something babes) Poorly translated German ━ correct me if needed!
Warnings: nothing, reader is eastern european coded (we deserve more recognition as reader inserts ꃋᴖꃋ )
Word count: 1.8k
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The tree line of the thick forest melted into the base of the rocky mountains. Your gaze traveled across its pointy shapes and up higher - there hadn’t been a single cloud on the sky that day, causing a slight heatwave.
You let your body slightly wag as the car passed over surface bumps on the earthen road. The dry lump grew in your throat as the dust hovered all over the convoy and all you could think of was a sip of cold, mineral water. 
Soon, you reached the small town in Austria, secluded from the ring roads. The cars were parked near the surrounding forest at the entrance of the village. Lieutenant Riley's sight crossed with yours as he helped you get out of the truck. 
He could be such a gentleman sometimes. 
A handful of soldiers gathered near the vehicles - some of them wearing a KorTac patch on their shoulders, the other ones (from your unit) a Task Force 141 badge. But besides those sigils, none of them were wearing full battle gear. 
There was no active fighting against the enemy at the moment. It was just a careful chase after the terrorists - following their footsteps, interviewing associates, gathering proof. Because at the end of the day, the military (or army related organization) cannot shed blood over a defamation.
But KorTac and TF 141? Quite an unusual partnership between the two groups, right?
━ Ghost, Y/C you’re goin’ with me ━ Captain Price announced, adjusting his hat as he closed the car’s doors behind him. ━ Gaz, you’ll stay here, is that clear? 
Captain heard a firm ‘yes, sir’ from your teammate Kyle who was to stay at the parking spot. Meanwhile the KorTac colonel gave an order to his soldiers in German. “Such a tough language” you thought to yourself. Only two of his people went along the wood road with the rest of you.
The Colonel. 
Exceptionally tall, Austrian man who served many years for his country. The one you found yourself in on the latest mission. 
Each time you wanted to look at him while Colonel König was speaking, you had to chin up. And even though, a black hood with a red paint on it covered his whole face besides his cold, blue eyes. He was lowkey intimidating with his massive size, but just like your captain, the Austrian’s rough looks didn’t reflect his character. At least to you and your comrades he was quite nice. 
Unfortunately, you couldn’t say the same about his teammates. 
You didn’t have to walk for long as the isolated, one floor house emerged behind a hill. By the quick peek at that building and the noises coming from the inside you knew, it felt like a warm home. 
As you approached the building, you heard a child’s cry. 
Price knocked at the front door and soon after a man with dark bags under his eyes opened them slightly. He was peeking through the crack.
━ Jakob Hausner? ━ The Captain asked with a playful smile under his mustache, his thumbs interlocked with the gear straps over his chest. 
━ Ja, wie kann ich helfen? [ger.: Yes, how can I help?]
━ Can you ask him if he speaks english? ━ John looked over his shoulder towards König, asking for a favor. 
━ Yes, I speak english ━ master of the house answered with a thick accent, before colonel could translate. ━ What do you want? 
He wasn’t trusting at all, well, how could he? You were all strangers at his doorsteps, two of your partners wearing scary looking masks. But it all had a purpose - they were supposed to look… intimidating, yes? 
A loud wailing made their ears hurt, it was that damn baby again. Jakob sighed loudly, his shoulder collapsing as he opened the doors a little bit more.
━ We just want to talk about the company you were working for. ━ Price continued talking. 
━ About them again? ━ Mr. Hausner frowned his eyebrows and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Poor man was exhausted apparently. ━ Okay, okay, ja, come in. 
The man let you all inside, however König told his soldiers to have a look outside the plot - to make sure it’s safe here and you’re not being watched. Poor Jakob wasn’t even fully aware (because of his state) that he let in a group of military people inside of his home.
As soon as you crossed the hallway into the dining room with a big, wooden table, you noticed a struggling toddler in a children’s chair. The girl was crying, her face red from the tantrum. 
━ I’m sorry, it’s just my daughter, she… she doesn’t want to eat her–. Lina, bitte. [ger.: Lina, please.]
Being a parent. Must be tough, huh?
Not when you were forced to babysit your siblings or cousins since you were a teenager. 
━ She’s not hungry. ━ You noticed the way the little girl pushed her plate away and how she tried to climb out of the seat. Christ, that man really had to be exhausted. ━ Can I?
You took a few slow and calm steps towards the sitting child - a warm smile painted over your face. Even your boyfriend Ghost was slightly… surprised? Seeing you drop the apathetic shell, then becoming more warm and gentle towards the little girl.
━ She’s our medic ━ your Captain explained to the worried father ━ let her take the kid and we’ll have a talk. In peace. 
Mr. Hausner let you take care of his unsettled daughter, so they could have a conversation about his former employers. You took the girl out of her chair and placed her over your left hip, pushing it outward. 
━ Come, Lina ━ you addressed the girl by her name, even though she probably couldn’t understand what you were saying ━ let’s leave the stinky men alone, ja?
You left the dining room and entered the seemingly endless garden behind the house. Since you took that girl in your hands she already began to calm down, perhaps a woman's touch was all she needed? 
“Where was your mother? Was she at work working a long shift? Did something happen to her? Did the bad men–” your thoughts seemed to take a rather pessimistic route, so you had to quickly change it. 
You didn’t know much German. Well, you didn’t know any at all. 
But at that moment you were thanking the heavens that your father watched movies about Hans Kloss or war on a regular basis. You were happy that your father was taught some phrases and somewhere in your subconsciousness he passed them to you.
You sat on the wooden bench somewhere in the garden not far from the building. Then, you placed the child on your lap and began talking to her - mostly in your mother tongue. Then you added some words in German that you knew, like: 
━ Schau, schmetterling! [ger.: Look, a butterfly!] 
Soon you grew more comfortable around the girl named Lina, even though there was a language barrier. Without your knowledge, your legs began to bounce her, pretending she was riding a horse. 
If anyone would point that out later, you would certainly deny it. You, getting soft for a child? No, no, no. 
You were so occupied with entertaining her that you didn’t even notice a looming, black figure in the corner of your eye. Watching the scene from somewhere nearby.
König was standing just next to the doors, leaving against the white plaster on the outside walls. He listened to your attempts to speak German, finding it… adorable? 
Never did he meet a woman in his profession so empathetic and gentle. Especially the one who managed to catch his attention. Let’s be honest, most of them were cold blood murderers and he was a colonel - he couldn’t let himself have such a luxury of having a family. 
Until now.
His imagination began to play a nasty and stupid trick on him - just because he saw you speaking German with a kid. What if it was you to take care of his children? Were your hands usually this delicate? Would you care for him as much?
The tall soldier was intrigued by you and his dreamy stare exposed him for it.
━ Don’t even think about it. ━ Ghost voice snapped him back to the reality. The British soldier emerged from the building the same way the colonel did after the conversation came to an end with Mr. Hausner.
Simon Riley wasn’t a fool. He noticed all the little peaks at his girlfriend other soldiers usually would take, she was in fact a pretty thing. So it didn’t take much to notice that the tall guy from KorTac took a liking of you. Too much liking in Ghost’s opinion. 
━ Verzeihung [ger.: Excuse me] ━ König apologized, flustered slightly by obviousness of the situation. He instantly understood the reference. ━ didn’t know she was… taken. 
━ Yeah ━ British lieutenant scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. His dark irises didn’t even dare to stare at him. His eyes were on you ━ she’s very much taken. 
There was a dead silence between the two of them - for a short moment, before Ghost gave you a heads up. 
━ Y/C, we’re moving. 
The rough and firm tone of Ghost’s voice made you snap back into reality. You were in the middle of something, right? Yet, you almost jumped on that little bench painted in floral patterns. 
━ Coming, lieutenant. ━ You declared quickly, before putting the little girl over your hip again and heading inside of her home. 
Ghost was a few steps ahead and so you had to pass the massive figure of König to go inside again. You pressed the child’s head into your cleavage as she was a little scared of colonel’s hood. 
Well, you would be too, if you saw his cold stare in the middle of the night from under that veil, right?
━ Don’t worry, he just looks scary. He won’t bite. Isn’t that right, sir? ━ You sent him a polite smile as you tried to comfort the petrified girl. Your hand caressing her golden locks.
But he was speechless at the moment. He couldn’t form a simple sentence. A fucking grown ass man. “So fucking pathetic”, he thought to himself. Your lips twisting into a wide smile for him. It wouldn’t be easy for him to erase that sight from his memory. König would have trouble falling asleep that night, thinking of you.
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A/N: ♪ Two big guys and they grab on my thighs ♪
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mishwanders · 8 months
Omg hi i see your request are open 😶‍🌫️ I have been lurking in your blog for awhile and I will say 10/10 writing 💥💥
Anyway, I love fierce deity with all my heart. I want to kiss his face and everything 🤩
Anyway here is the request: reader is a traveling merchant and came a across cool looking mask( fierce deity)  and reader is like :000 and took the mask with them and was planning to sell it. But realized there was a deity sealed in it after hearing his voice in their head and they were like "OH SHIT" and decided not to sell the mask.
Then they began to talk to each other when reader is traveling and their friendship blooms and soon romance but reader doesn't know how to get him out until they were attacked by monsters and got fierce to come out  of his mask and meet reader in person(BOOM they kiss and got married 😎😎)
Fierce deity fierce deity FIERCE DEITY-
So what you’re saying is, Fierce Deity is going to mess with the reader and be the equivalent of a haunted doll? Yes, I love this idea!
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
When you first came across the strange mask in the middle of the road, you thought nothing of it. There was nothing suspicious - it was just a plain, old, wooden mask with blue and red markings, complete with wooden white hair (totally normal - nothing to worry about), and it didn’t look so bad in its current state! You felt like you hit the lottery, the jackpot, you could see rupees whirling through your eyes like a slot machine. A little paint and it would look good as new! A perfect item to add to the bag!
However, you weren’t expecting to be so, uh, how do I put this… Haunted?
Yeah, haunted was the best word you could conjure to describe the damned thing. From the moment it was in your grasp, something felt off. Your pack felt hundreds of times heavier than it was, there were random creaks and bumps in the nights, small whispers, and of course the fact that the mask had a tendency to move on it’s own - like the one night you woke up and found that it SOMEHOW MADE ITS WAY ON YOUR PILLOW WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING!
To say you freaked out would be an understatement considering how fast you chucked it up against the wall with a shout, springing from your bed with your bedside ax (because that’s a totally normal thing to have) and mini statue of the goddess Hylia, ready to open a can of holy whoopass on the mere slab of wood.
At least, that’s what you were planning to do until you heard the deep, pained groan of a man and a burst of hot, white light emanating from the portion of the mask that split in half.
“Little one, why must you hurt me so?”
You held the mini statue of Hylia in front of you, visibly shaking like a chihuahua at the sound of the voice. The goddess would protect you from this foul beast.
“What in Hylia’s name are you?!” You screeched.
Its lips didn’t move but you heard it scoff, seemingly noticing your state of being.“Trying to get my sister to fight me?”
Huh? Sister?
Well that was a first.
“I - uh - well, you know - you’re - well...”
“A mask.” He stated, rather nonchalantly.
You huffed, processing to pick up the mask, still holding Hylia in front of you for fear of the mouth actually moving and biting your fingers off (or something much worse). You interrogated the mask for what felt like hours, when truly it was only ten minutes or so,before you got the answers you were looking for. The beast trapped inside was not a beast at all, but rather a deity lost to time itself, one that craved to be free of his prison.
A part of you considered calling a poexorcist but truly you didn’t even know if they even had the qualifications for poexorcizing a deity and you also didn’t know how he would take to that - so, eh, better not go that route.
Instead, you decided to take a chance to travel to see a man who was well versed in masks and the types that were out there. He wasn’t a salesman, more of a collector. The deity seemed fine enough with that idea, so you made a plan to visit your friend soon with your new, ever watchful item.
You quickly became close friends with the deity inside, finding him to be rather good company in the quiet of your home and the loneliness of the road. There was a part of you that wondered if he enjoyed your companionship too, having been forever locked away inside of this old piece of wood for goddesses knows how long.
However, this constant companionship made you realize what you had been missing in your life, and you found yourself sitting on the edge of indecision. On one hand, you wanted him free, so he could live out his life the way he saw fit, but on the other hand, you enjoyed having him with you, his mask always at arms reach, tucked safely at your side in bed or on your back pack on the road. You realized that if he did get his freedom, and he decided to leave, you would be left completely and utterly alone again, crumbling under the weight of the silence that would surround you again.
You had considered discussing the possibility of going with him, being his companion who could conjure up some money by selling your wares, but that conclusion came at the utmost worst of times.
As if they had fallen from the sky, you’d found yourself surrounded by moblins on all sides who were quickly encroaching upon you and your bag of valuables. One of them nabbed the mask away from your backpack, which led to you fighting for it back. It was the most improper game of tug-o-war ever, and especially not one without consequences. You yanked the mask free from the moblins grimy hands and you did so with such force that the mask went flying into the air, cracking in half on impact against the stone in the road. That’s when you were all blinded by the intense white light that filled each of your vision, feeling a massive wave of energy and rage pulsating through it. When it all died down, you found yourself no longer surrounded by the greedy little moblins and instead, face to face with the being behind the mask.
The Fierce Deity himself.
To his surprise, you did not cower in fear at the mere sight of him, rather looking up at him in awe filled curious wonder. He knelt down to you, cupping your face in his large hands as he looked you over and asked, “Are you hurt, little one?”
You shook your head in reply, still looking at him in awe. His face looked similar to the mask he was trapped in, but the lines on his face connected somewhere on his body and trailed under his tunic. You gently raised your hand up to touch him, feeling the warmth and softness of his features no longer hidden behind the wooden surface. “I’m alright, Fierce. Thank you.”
His gaze softened at your voice, relaxing now that he knew you were unharmed under his watch. You looked around at the quiet road. “Well, now that you’re out of the mask, I don’t suppose we need to go see my old friend any more. Is there anywhere specific you would like to go?”
The Fierce Deity gave you a soft smile. “Anywhere. So long as you’re there.”
Your heart swelled as he spoke, your hand gently gripping onto his. “You mean that? You still want me along even though you’re free?”
“What’s freedom if I have no one to share it with?” He asked, gently taking your hand in his.
You smiled up at him, practically beaming as you kissed his cheek.
“I suppose you’re right. Let’s go. Together!”
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simp-ly-writes · 6 months
Meeting Mrs. Dekarios
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Can be read as a standalone: What is Left by the Lakeside (pt.2)
Pairing: God!Gale Dekarios x Sorcerer!Reader & Tara
Summary: You and Tara travel towards Waterdeep in order to meet Mrs. Dekarios. Your adventures fare well with minimal bumps in the road but what happens when you arrive at the long-awaited home?
Warnings: mentions of sadness and regret.
A/N: got a bit carried away with this one... but my heart needed a feel good moment as I hope yours do too!
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
What is Left by the Lakeside Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) you are here
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When you awake in the morning, the sun dripping through the patchwork of your tent, you stretch to meet its warm embrace as you settle further into the covers. The world did not need saving today, so why not save yourself these extra moments?
Little did your sleep-induced mind know that Tara was sitting at the foot of your bed, watching- waiting for you to notice her and the journey that laid ahead north, towards Waterdeep. Tara chuckled to herself, her inner dialogue voicing that of Gale's voice, the memories of him announcing themself once more.
Shaking her head Tara began to paw at your covers, shifting them to fall off your bed only to be stopped by the summoning of a mage hand lifting the sheets back up- much to her disappointment with a small hiss sound escaping herself. 
Looking further around the tent, she saw a few stacks of books in the corner- purrfect~ Making haste by quickly knocking them over, the loud thuds of them all hitting the floor had you up in an instant within a fighting position.
Licking her paw while eyeing your readied form, Tara could not help herself but to make a comment, “You sleep like an ogre after too much ale.” 
“Ouch- Tara, I thought we had something going for us last night” you teased back while rubbing your eyes and settling your hair. 
You watch as Tara rolls her eyes and ruffles the feathers of her wings before addressing you once more, “It is time to head out child; eat, get dressed and say your final goodbyes. Mrs. Dekarios awaits our presence back in Waterdeep.”
“Yes Ma’am,” you say while raising a mock-salute- as you conjure a plat of food on your bedside table and look for a nice set of robes for the occasion. 
“Do you think Mrs. Dekarios would appreciate blue, red, or purple robes Tara?” you ponder to the furry companion, holding out each option for her to see. Tara looks at each with thoughtfulness, waving her paw to cycle through all the options before settling on the purple one. 
“I think she would appreciate the sentiment of this one.”
“Hmmm, yes I suppose-so,” You say while throwing the other two back in the chest. A rush of bittersweet memories flood your head as your eyes cloud over, thumbs rubbing the colour tentatively as the fabric settles across your frame. 
A meal down and now time for goodbyes, Tara sits in the tent awaiting your return as hugs are carried out and a good few slaps on the back leave you staggering from Karlach. Rubbing your shoulder with a few new tears in your eyes, you roll them in with a breath as you motion your hands to wrap up your tent and supplies. 
Bag settled on your shoulders and another floating behind you make your way north towards waterdeep as the sun rises in the sky and the clouds part- marking anew. 
The sky had fallen and you had settled into a nearby inn with a quarter of your journey left. You could already see the mountain and the shores from your window as rain trickled lightly down the panes. You squint your eyes to see various creatures flying in the skies as a high castle’s lanterns flickered with the stars. 
Smiling to yourself, it was hard to remember getting lost in a large town- busting with people, smells of new food and adventure awaited you that made it hard for you to fall asleep. Alongside listening to the soft snores of Tara- it had truly been quite the journey for her already as you felt pity for her. 
Sleep found you soundly late in the night as you swear to feel the light caress of the night air drifting through the cracks in the walls and the holes in the floor as you snuggled into the warmth of the covers. 
Waking up before the sun had risen, you take your change purse and head a little bit further down the road to find some local merchants. Obtaining some produce and fish for Taras meal you hurry back to prepare the food within your room- eager to surprise your new friend. 
Tara wakes up to the smell of her favorite fish being cooked in the fireplace beside her and the sound of a knife chopping up some greens. Stretching out her body from toes to head and then finally giving the ol wings a good flap or two she settles in watching you work with a light smile. 
“What a wonderful surprise to wake up to, thank you my dear.”
“Thank you Tara, for being here.”
“It was the least I could do.”
“Yet it means the most to me,” you finish the conversation with a relaxed smile accompanying both your faces as you eat before the dying embers before packing up for the rest of your travels.
You entered waterdeep from the southern ward, deciding to take the path nearest to the docks as you explored the city in the fresh light of morning. You heard the cobblestone streams clink against your boots as the sounds of shutters swinging open and the rising bustle of the city pumped energy into your system. 
This reminded you of your own hometown, the neighbours greeting one another, the children running off to the schoolyard as parents set up shop for the day and adventurers readied themselves for the seas or shores. 
Tara had found a spot on the floating chest behind you as people stumbled out of the way as to not knock the object or feline. Your robes fluttered in the breeze as wind rushed down the streets and between buildings, the sun now kissing the top of your head as you listened to Taras careful directions to the Dekarios home. 
Those directions eventually led to a guarded estate, settled on the mountain side with a few other homes keeping it company. You saw the various offerings that laid on the doorstep as you gave the wood a careful knock before stepping away and fixing your appearance. 
Looking towards Tara for support, she merely rolled her eyes at your stress and murmured that you were already loved without ever meeting the woman. 
“You told her things about me?!” you hurriedly whispered out to your friend as she gave you a teasing look. 
“Was I supposed to leave the lover of the ambition god out of conversation, hm?” 
“Well maybe-yes,“ you scoffed back as the door flung open and you were met with a staff being pointed towards your chest. 
“ANY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS TO THE GOD OF AMBITION, LISTEN TO ME NOW- YOU ARE NOT TO PLACE WORSHIP ON THESE GROUNDS,” the home protector yells out towards you, their spit being caught on your face for a brief moment as Tara jumps off your supplies and rushes into the home. 
Holding your hand up in surrender, the other one behind you begins to flicker its flames as you ready yourself for a potential attack. “My name is Y/N, I am a sorcerer and past companion to the Wizard Gale of Waterdeep. I am here for an appointment with his mother,” you stressed towards the guard, not wanting your first physical impression to the mother of blood on her doorstep. 
The guard looks at you more closely now, their eyes widening as they glow a slight purple tint and their shoulders caving in before they bow in recognition of your presence. “Sorcerer and Savior Y/N, please hear my deepest of apologies- the lady of the house and the god of ambition have told me of your welcomed presence within the home. I am truly sorry for making you feel as though you were never welcome,” they rush out, sweat dripping from their brow as you wave the flame out from behind your back and offer them an apologetic smile in return. 
“There are no worries to be held, you are doing a good job protecting this estate. I must assume how difficult it has been as of late with the recent ascension and the protection of those closest to the man before,” you state back, motioning for them to rise as you become increasingly embarrassed from their overreaction and title-calling. 
“The compliments you offer are staggering in reality to my work. I thank you but cannot accept these words. I merely work out of devotion to my late friend and his family, please welcome yourself into the Dekarios home,” they bow once more, opening their palms to guide you through the door. 
They later point towards the study were Mrs. Dekarios can be found before leaving with your belongings, “tea is prepared,” you hear Tara call from up the stairs as you observe the space, smiling as you can imagine a miniature Gale running rampant around the house- casting various spells and cantrips that scare the staff and the animals. 
Your heart aches at this fleeting thought as you make your way up the stairs and down the hall, following Tara as she confidently navigates down the floor runner and presses her paw against the door you should open.
Wrapping your hand around the door handle, you give it a light twist before hearing a click and the running of footsteps from behind the wood. Looking down at Tara- ensuring that this is the correct room she simply presses the door and makes her way inside- settling atop a window ledge as arms are being thrown around your torso. 
“My-oh-my! I am so happy that you are here Miss. Y/N, and what a sight you are on my very eyes- not some projection but reality! Oh, what a gift you are in these times!”
The woman squeezes you a little bit harder as you struggle to breath and move your hands to return the hug. Yet before you can do so, her hands move to your cheeks- cupping them while accessing your features with a delicate look and smile gracing her face. Her eyes are shown to wrinkle into her smile lines and small strands of grey hairs fall within her curled brunette locks. A spitting image of the past Gale- your heart leaps as both a chuckle and cry escape. 
Mrs. Dekarios shushes you softly while wiping away your tears with elegance. Her delicate touch as you reeling in all sorts of emotions as her tears join your own. 
“You are truly stunning, darling. How I wish Gale was here now to introduce you to me personally. But I feel as if I already know you from the tales Tara has spoken to me,” she says as she drops her hands to touch the purple fabric of your robe before making her way to a set of couches- motioning for you to sit beside her as she settles a cup of tea into your hands. 
“So do tell me dear, how did you and Gale meet? I would love to hear things from your perspective- let a little old lady like me reminisce on our human account of memory,” Mother Dekarios says, a twinkle in her eye while sipping her tea. You watch Tara sunbathe while contemplating your answer.
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╰┈➤ A/N: there is still more story to come, but for now I hope that you enjoyed this chapter :)
What is Left by the Lakeside Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) you are here
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DAI x BG3 matchups I need to see. I’m not good at writing crossovers nor am I clever at all. This is very much non-exhaustive and very much not the end point of these characters’ potential interactions with each other.
Karlach + Sera + Iron Bull
The absolute chaos. The absolute CHAOS. A powerhouse. Putting aside Karlach’s demon heritage aside, she and Iron Bull tossing back tankards and swapping war stories as vets that have been dealt shitty hands but continue to chug along despite it. Karlach and Sera connecting over growing up mainly on the streets and having soft spots for little ragamuffins. Plus they all talk about women’s tits a lot. I feel Sera would find Karlach sexy and funny.
Wyll + Cole
Like Solas and Varric, Wyll would take to Cole because he recognizes Cole’s desire to help others, even if his methods are a bit unorthodox. He would recognize Cole’s soul as gentle and kind, and his efforts to atone for the murders he committed in the Tower as proof of his humanity. He will join the Uncle-Dad Duo and complete the Uncle-Dad Trio. Cole would gravitate toward Wyll’s goodness in turn, and probably tell Wyll that him making a contract wasn’t foolish because in the end he saved a city, and if that was his desire, then he committed no sin in doing so.
Solas + Astarion
The messiest shit can only occur, and my messy bitch self wants to see it. Watch as Solas’s upright and stiff demeanor utterly bores Astarion. Watch as Astarion’s selfishness, penchant for violence, and casual disregard for the well-being of others utterly pisses Solas the fuck off. Watch as Astarion yawns or interrupts Solas’s lectures with a “yes, yes, we get it” or the most dramatic eyeroll and overwrought “ugh”. Watch as Solas and Astarion immediately sniff each other out as liars and schemers from first jump and hold each other at a distance, the tension spiking at random moments early in them knowing each other where the other prods at their falsehoods. Watch as Astarion is dumbfounded by Solas expressing his condolences to Astarion upon learning of Astarion’s enslavement to his master, because how could a man who holds such reproach for him still manage to feel pity? ‘It is not pity, but compassion, which you are at liberty to reject. That is your right as a free man, just as it is my right to feel it.’
In the best case scenario, Astarion calms down eventually, teasing Solas but still treating him like that friend of a friend that you grudgingly admit is useful. I think a part of Astarion would find Solas’s penchant dislike of him funny.
Vivienne + Astarion + Dorian
We are all doomed. The haughtiness will be scarcely contained. Dorian and Astarion are definitely flirting. Fucking? Not sure. But definitely flirting and enjoying killing bad guys, playfully arguing over wine, snickering over Solas’s shabby dress.
Shadowheart + Leliana
Tools forged to serve a religious order? Check. Crisis of faith? Check. Subterfuge preferred? Check.
Lae’zel + Cassandra
Soldiers recognizing soldiers. 🫡 ‘Why are the men around me so annoying.’
Minsc & Boo + Cole
Cole might be able to understand Boo! If not his speech, then his little hamster feelings. Minsc might be wary of Cole for the information that he manages to glean from Minsc’s head, but his unquestioned understanding of Boo would probably smooth that bump in the road, right?
Solas + Gale
A friend remarked that Gale would remind Solas too much of himself (prideful, ambitious) and thus they would not get along. There is that. I think that Gale would get a small smile out of Solas every now and then with his quips, because Solas himself is clearly a fan of banter; Gale would provide more of the energy in the same way Dorian does with his and Solas’s more civil banters. Gale and Solas also both hold a great measure of respect and adoration for magic as a force, an element, a piece of entirety that is beautiful for its own existence. Not simply just what magic can do for them as wielders of magic, but what it is and how it does so much to enhance a person’s understanding and interaction with the world, as precious as sight or sound.
Minthara + Iron Bull
Oh she will have him cowed in a goddamn minute. Oh man. Oh no. ‘Yes ma’am’, ‘no ma’am’.
Minthara + Cassandra
Oh this would be so interesting. Disciplined, serious bulwarks with little time for silly little men—Minthara would share Cassandra’s frustration and lack of amusement with Varric, though Cassandra would consider her suggestions to maim him.
Solas + Halsin + Iron Bull
I see potential here. Iron Bull and Solas already have a dynamic of Iron Bull’s “I have a pretty good idea of who you are, and it’s a liar” toward Solas, while Solas grudgingly respects Iron Bull’s strength and mental acumen in the same way you would respect a very intelligent bear—do not draw attention more than necessary, but stand tall lest it smell fear. Halsin feels like a softer Iron Bull, a mediation between the two. Like Iron Bull, his stature and build belies a thoughtful and sharp mind. Like Solas, he sees everything as connected, feeding into the other as part of a system, and would too feel a sense of loss at magic and mundane being so dramatically split as it is in Thedas—an aberration against what is natural. Also like Iron Bull, he’s frank with his sexuality. I’m certain the two would swap stories over booze. The trio would be arguably the three most mature and experienced in a room in any given situation. Not only that, but Halsin is far more actively in touch with his heart and honest with his feelings than Solas or Iron Bull. The latter two very much care about their loved ones, but with Solas it is under the surface and with Iron Bull it’s mixed up in cultural trappings of romance not being a “thing” in his culture, and thus both struggle with their feelings. Halsin however is very much in touch. There is next to nothing obstructing what his head and heart wants. He listens to his heart and he follows it. Solas and Iron Bull could learn a thing or two from him, tbh
Also I feel like Iron Bull, Halsin, and even Solas have a bit of a brat tamer streak in them so there’s that
Also Astarion would outright reject the notion of drinking Cullen’s blood cuz it smells like battery acid.
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stonedporcupine · 2 months
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Past Due
💚 First Lin Beifong x reader fic y'all !!! 🧡
Slow burn! ❤️‍🔥
All reviews and comments are appreciated;
Will eventually add on Ao3;
Warnings: Violence, little blood.
Chapter 1 Ch 2 - p.1 Ch 2 - p.2 Ch 2 - p. 3 Ch 2 - Part 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Y/N´s PoV
Ahhh, Republic City, first time I moved in here about 1 year ago I had a blast. I felt it was about time I got myself away from that hell hole I was supposed to call home…but we don’t talk about that. “Bills are catching up to me…and I´ve got nowhere to run.” I mumble beneath my breath, as I hold a bunch of letters on my hand. The large, thick, red letters with a prominent “Past Due” and “Final Demand” written on each one of them. I feel the unpleasant weight on the pit of my stomach and swallow dryly, shoving the letters aside with a loud exhale. Who knew it cost so much to make it to detective?! I mean, sure hands down it’s the fucking capital city of the United Republic Nations AND one of the largest and most modern cities in the world but Tui and La…ease on the prices!
I look up at the old clock, on the small entry hall of my apartment. “Fuck fuck, shit shit shit!!” I gasp, I am so going to be late to practice. I grab my black jacket, with the fire nation insignia on its back, and my dark matte helmet as I run out the door, down the old elevator, towards the garage. The loud and stressful squeaking of the elevator only heightens my already high cortisol levels. I swear to Raava, one day this shit is going to break down and take the building down with it! Once the old, loud, rusty metal doors of the elevator open I barge right out heading for my perfectly parked satocycle on its assigned place. A gift from Asami and Mr Sato for my hard work for the company. Shoving the helmet in my head, part of my dark messy curled hair hangs out on the bottom. I speed out of the garage, the bike taking off the ground slightly as I go over the bump on the entrance of the parking space, joining the satomobiles on the road with a loud squeak from the wheels of the bike, as I drift to the right.
I can´t be late again! Officer Wang will kill me and probably pull me out of the program, which is a big ass no no. I haven’t come this far just to fuck things up all over again.
Chief Beifong´s PoV
“Officer Song, didn´t I JUST tell you to take the route to Northern Avenue?!” I grumble between gritted teeth at the officer who´s driving. Guess I know who´s driving next time. I mean how much of an imbecile do you have to be to not follow simple orders?! Orders I JUST GAVE!!?? I look at the terrified officer, gripping the wheel of the satomobile as he mumbles and gags on his words. “I- uh- Ch-Chief I just I- I´m sorry I wasn´t paying attention.” He swallows. I remain unimpressed with the attempt of a shitty excuse that was made. “Well focus and listen. You´re not getting paid to sit around, mouth agape listening to the spirits.” I groan loudly at him.
Fear in his eyes officer Song nods his head up and down quickly and practically yells “Yes Chief!”. Just as I was about to tell him to tone it down the loud screech of wheels catches me off guard. Just as I look to my side, a black satocycle with a few red highlights speeds right past us. What the flame-o was that?! Swiftly making its way past traffic the motorcycle speeds away. “Officer Song, catch up to that satocycle, now!!” I practically scream at the officer as he presses the clutch, changes to 4th and speeds up.
Y/N´s PoV
Did I just fucking see what my eyes saw. Did I just speed through a police patrol satomobile?! The loud sirens catching up behind me answer my fears. Well, that´s it. I´m officially fucked. I´m done for life. I´m left with two choices, obey, pull over, pray it´s not the fucking Chief of Police, flirt my way out of this and definitely arrive late for class…or drop it, speed off like a demon, hopefully not get caught or die on the way and…still arrive a little late to class. I groan as my head drops in defeat.
I´m so done with my life.
I signal to the right as I slow down, pulling over. The blaring sirens emitting a last Woop before silencing, as the satomobile pulls right behind me. I turn the motor of the bike off, getting off and standing up, as I hear the doors of the car shutting behind me before a deep female voice sends a shiver down my spine. No, it can´t be. You can´t be serious right now. My eyes wide in fear as I slowly turn around to be met with the most beautiful yet lethal jade eyes I´d ever seen my entire life. Damn, hearing her voice back in headquarters from far away was already…something, but seeing her up close?! Not even The Avatar ,wherever they're at, can save me from this one. It´s the first time I get to see the Chief of Police personally. Sure I´m in the Detective´s Program but we rarely stay in the headquarters where she seemingly lives at. I am snapped back from my thoughts when her striking voice booms through my eardrums. Wait, was she talking? Shit I didn’t hear anything…
“I am talking to you. Take off your helmet, now! I asked you a question, better start speaking.” she says. I didn’t even realise my helmet was still on. I carefully take it off, still in shock at seeing THE Chief Lin Beifong in front of me. My messy, dark hair falls to my shoulders. The, once bright, blood red highlights shining on the sun. “I- uh” I try to speak but nothing comes out. My mouth feels dry, as I lick my lips. I look at the other officer behind her, he seems to be putting a strong façade, but I can see the nervousness behind his eyes. “Don’t stare at my officer! I asked you a question.”
Chief Beifong´s PoV
Oh for fuck sake, she´s slow…is she go- why is her hair painted? It´s not exactly unlikable. I think I´ve seen her, but I can´t recall where from. Why am I staring? WHY IS SHE STARING? “Don’t stare at my officer! I asked you a question.” Her mouth agape, my already visible frown deepens. She has three seconds to answer. 1…2..- “I- uh I´m sorry ma´am- uh Chief. Sorry, could you repeat the question? The uh…helmet was- I don’t think I heard.” I groan rather loudly as I exhale. I clench my jaw, as I breath in. “I asked. Do. You. Know how fast you were going?” I speak slowly and clearly as I cross my arms.
Y/N´s PoV
Spirits…and I thought I was stressed, this woman is going to explode! “I asked. Do. You. Know how fast you were going?” I hear her say loud and clear. So that´s the Beifong scowl people talk about. It´s cute. A little unnerving for those who can´t handle it. “Uh…not fast enough clearly!” I joke to get some tension off the air, but as I look at the Officer behind her, I only see his eyes widen beyond possible. I look back at the Chief and if looks could kill… “Is this a joke to you?! Is endangering other citizens lives a hobby for your entertainment? Clearly you seem to be asking for your license to be revoked.” Her stern voice makes straighten my back. It´s not that I´m afraid of her, but if I want my way out of this I might as well show some class. I clear my throat as I say “I apologize Chief, that was never my intention. I am pretty secure on my driving skills, and I am fully aware of the dangerous action I was doing. In my defence I am in a huge hurry. I´m in the Detective´s Program and I´m just trying to not get kicked out of there, this is my last chance…” I mumble that last part as I rub the back of my neck. Fuck it´s weird to be so verbally polite. I look back up at her to see what kind of reaction I got off of her only to be met with the exact same Beifong scowl as before. Well, that was worth shit. Her gaze is penetrating mine, almost as if she´s analysing me.
Chief Beifong´s PoV
That´s where I know her from. She´s in the Detective´s Program and sometimes wonders in the headquarters, she must be the firebender that Officer Wang told me. What was her name? Just as I am about to ask her, I am interrupted by the blaring sound coming off my radio. “Chief, come in. Over.” I groan in annoyance. Spirits, when do I ever catch a break? “I´m busy, what is it?” my stern and strong voice talks back to the radio. “Chief, we´ve got a Triple Threat Triad attack going on, over at the Eastern Market. We need your assistance. Over.” I look back at the young cadet with a scowl as she smiles back at me. Ugh, why is she smiling?
Y/N´s PoV
I just might make it out of here. I look at the Chief with a smile on my face as she stares back at me, the same Beifong scowl on her face but this time thicker, more prominent. I hear her exhale. “I catch you driving that thing over the speed one more time and I revoke your license and you better not drive it on my watch if you ever make it to detective, which hopefully, you won´t!” I hear her yell at me. Before I can even say anything back, she turns back around heading for the police satomobile. Well, isn´t she charming? Hot…and charming. “Song, move it! I drive.” I hear her yell at the officer. Poor guy, spirits. Though he is lucky he gets to be by her side. Hm, maybe I´ll be lucky enough for that once I´m a detective, which I want more than anything now that she seemed so annoyed by it. I smirk to myself as I think how it would be like to be next to this very angry yet stunning woman all day. Pushing her buttons does seem fun.
I put my helmet back on as I drive away towards the officers’ training site. I do my best to keep the speed on limit but as I look at the time on the satocycle I almost pass out. I am already 10 minutes late. FUCK. I groan loudly as I check my surroundings for any secret police satomobiles as I speed away. The faster I get there, the faster this is all over.
.- Later during practice -.
Y/N´s PoV
Fuck, I´m beat. Wang sure is getting his revenge for my late arrival. We are not many in the Detective´s Training Program and we´ll be even less given there are only two spots available. The majority of the class is all earthbenders, me being the only firebender. Which should make me feel perhaps uneasy or maybe a little scared, but honestly it just makes me feel like a total badass. I mean, hear me out, the only firebender in the troop and I get one of the Detective spots?! How crazy would that be? I´m quickly pulled from my thoughts when I hear that annoying voice once again. “So, Y/L/N, seems like you can give up already and give me my position as Detective.” The man says with a pleased smug on his face. “Why don’t you go bother someone else, Kang?” I groan annoyed as I take a sip from my water. “I´m just saying, as the only firebender you should at least make an effort to arrive in time don’t you think?” He scoffs loudly. I ignore his little stunts as I smirk to myself. “And you should make an effort on brushing your teeth. You got a little something there.” I scoff as I point to my own teeth with a disgusted face. I can visibly see him get red as a smirk makes its way on my lips.
“What´s going on over here? Y/L/N, Kang break is over. Get over here you two.” I hear Officer Wang´s voice yell from the other side of the field. Over? Spirits, I didn’t even have time to piss! I groan as I look at Kang´s smug little face. “Quit your whining and come prove your worth, princess.” I hear him chuckle. Did this cunt just call me, princess?! Now he better pray to Raava I won´t kill him. My blood boiling at the nickname I groan angrily. I have nothing to prove to you, cunt.
“Alright cadets, Y/L/N and Kang you two seemed to be having a nice chat back there. Get sparring, the others watch.” Wang´s voice echoes through the dusty field as I walk towards the centre, Kang right in front of me with that smug still plastered on his face. I scoff to myself.
I am going to wipe the fucking floor with you.
Once I see Officer Wang´s hand signal us to begin Kang wastes no time and throws a large piece of boulder at me, I swiftly avoid it, turning my body sideways and leaning slightly backwards. Just as quick as that boulder came at me I 360º my body, lowering myself to the dusty floor my right leg pushes forwards as a small wave of fire strikes all the dust away and forces Kang backwards. Before he can react, I get back up and briskly uppercut him in the jaw getting a loud grunt from him. How ´ s that for a princess? I don’t let my guard down knowing this isn´t over until Officer Wang decides. My arms close to my ribs and fists closed tightly near my face I watch Kang´s movements attentively, guessing his next move as he cracks his neck and smugly says “That all you got?” I roll my eyes as I stare at him through my eyebrows. Kang´s right leg rises and hits the ground, making it shake in an attempt to shake me off my feet. I use my fire propulsion to elevate myself from the ground slightly to lower the impact, flying over him and landing on the ground behind him. Before he has even time to acknowledge where I went, I lower kick his leg, spinning my body after the hit to gain power and land a higher kick to his arm which was protecting his ribs. I hear him grunt and groan in discomfort and anger as he throws a punch to my face. I quickly dodge downwards, pulling the same first move by pushing my leg outwards and kicking Kang´s body to the ground. He hits the ground with a loud thud, dust setting in the air around us, I look over at Office Wang to know if it was over yet, but Kang takes my short distraction as a chance. His body still on the floor, he raises his arm and the piece of boulder I was standing on goes flying with me in it. Throwing me through the air and across the field as I land on the ground, rolling over due to the speed I was thrown, getting a few scratches and dirt all over me. I breath loudly as the dust covers my sight, relying on my hearing I hear the rumbling sound of the earth beneath me as I look ahead and see a wave coming from the ground. I barely have time to react, my eyes widening, as I dodge to the right but not fast enough. My left shoulder caught on the edge of the rock-wave as I stumble backwards. I don’t fall, my feet sliding backwards with the dust as I grip my shoulder and wince in pain. Fuck! This bastard almost dislocated my shoulder. I sway my arms in the air and push them outwards as a thin wave of flames pushes the dust away, finally allowing me to see Kang. Does he ever stop smirking? I run towards him as he sends two fat boulders my way, I lower myself, dragging my body through the ground as I avoid the boulders. I get back up quickly and jump, using my fire propulsion to help me gain height. I see Kang´s eyes widen as I stretch my leg down, my foot coming at high speed in contact with his face. He barely has time to register what happened before his body jerks downwards with the force of the hit. Faceplanting on the floor with a loud thud and grunt he stays there, the dust on the ground escaping sideways from us. “Who´s the princess now Kang?” I whisper smugly on his ear as I stand up and hear Officer Wang´s annoyed voice “Alright that´s enough of it. Get here you two.” Is he mad that Kang didn’t beat my ass? Why is it that nobody wants me to succeed?! “You fucking bitch…” I hear Kang grunt between gritted teeth as he gets up. I smirk proudly to myself, “What´s wrong? Hurts much?”. I hear Kang scoff loudly, “Barely feel it.”, pfff yeah right.
We walk backwards towards Officer Wang and the rest of the trainees. “Alright, as you know our program is coming to an end. We have two detective positions open and there are ten of you. Being Detective is no easy job, that is why there is a final exam in five days. Me and Chief Beifong will be deciding on who gets the job positions and who goes out.” No. Fucking. Way. Now I know for sure I won´t make it to Detective! Beifong and I were already off to a bad start this morning! She said it herself; she doesn’t want me to make it to Detective! “…Final Exam will be set in two parts. In the morning you will have the written exam, to make sure you actually listened to what was taught these past few months, and, in the afternoon, it will be a competitive sparring. Just like Kang and Y/L/N did, except the first one to fall is automatically disqualified.” Written exam? What is this, fucking high school?! Ugh, I better not be paired with Kang. “That´s it for today cadets, see you tomorrow at 9am sharp.” Officer Wang glances at me sideways as I mouth a ´sorry` silently. “Y/L/N, hit the showers in the headquarters, your shoulder is bleeding.” Officer Wang says with a hint of despise on his tone. Spirits, sorry I´m not made of fucking metal. I didn’t even notice I was bleeding. I look at my shoulder and notice the few reddened scratches and a small trickle of blood coming out. I hear Kang snicker next to me. The fuck are you smirking about? “Your nose also looks like shit Kang, but I guess a shower can´t fix that for you.” I smirk as I grab my towel, shoving it over my shoulder and heading back inside the headquarters before he can say anything.
My body is covered in dust and sweat; my defined muscular arms filled with small little scratches from rolling on the ground. My once black tank top also covered in a light brownish dusty substance. Gosh do I need a shower…My body is killing me. I pass through the Officer I saw with the Chief in the morning. Shit, she´s probably close by. I rush my way to the showers as to avoid her. It´s not that I don’t want to see her. Spirits know how much I´d pay to see those penetrating jade eyes of hers. But I don’t want her to see me while I look like shit…and probably smell like one too.
Chief Beifong´s PoV
As I am filing down some more reports and going over them, I hear grunts and noises from outside. Annoyed at the disturbance I get up from my chair with a sigh as I look over the window. Must be Wang training the cadets. Seeing the training field, I stare at one of the male cadets throwing boulders and another one dodging them out. Trying to figure who the other one is, I squint my eyes. The amount of dust surrounding them makes it hard, but the worn-out red highlights and the distinctive fire coming from the body allows me to figure out who it is already. It´s that speeding satocycle cadet I caught this morning. I observe them as I see the male cadet shake the ground, a wave heading towards her. But there´s too much dust for her to see anything at all. Fuck even I am struggling to keep up with what is going on. She dodges it but seemingly not totally. “That’s a nasty hit…” I mumble to myself. But she does seem to handle it…quite nicely I must say. Spirits, I´m staring again. I shake my head and groan in annoyance but am quickly distracted by the fire coming off her feet. Fire propulsion, that’s useful. I stare as she lands a powerful hit on the male cadets’ face. That´s going to leave a mark. I guess…she´s not that…bad. Whatever. If she´s to make it to Detective she´s supposed to be, at least, useful. I turn away and decide to head downstairs to check how Song is getting along with the other files. He´s not in the Detective´s Program, but he has some…potential, I cannot deny that.
“Officer Song, how are those files coming along?” I see him tremble underneath his armour. “Uh- well, Chief. It seems that the Triple Threat Triads crimes are lowering in amount…” I scoff. Sure, but they are not getting any easier to deal with. Song continues talking but I barely catch what he is saying as I look over his shoulder and notice the firebender cadet. She´s all dirty. Bunch of scratches in her shoulder too…bummer. She can deal with it. I think to myself, but yet, I can´t seem to find an explanation as to why I feel so drawn towards her. I shake these thoughts away and refocus on Officer Song. “…So, I guess that is pretty good right, Chief?” What´s pretty good? Shit, I didn’t hear. “Uhm yes, yes, it is. Now, get back to work Officer.” I clear my throat as I make my way back to my office. Sitting down on my chair I exhale, looking up at the pile of files and papers to read and fill in. Spirits I´m exhausted. I get started against my will. It´s going to be a long night, I might as well get it over with. After some time of insufferable writing, scribbling, and scratching I hear a knock on the door. I look up from the papers as I catch a glimpse of the clock and then stare at the door. It´s 10pm who the fuck is still in here?
“Uh, Chief, can I come in?" Is that- What is she doing here?
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Sliding Into Home - A Frank Adler AU
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, eventual smut, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
AN: This is my new series I'm starting next week! I hope you all will like this one. Tagging my usual tag list but please let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
Taglist: @patzammit @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @tinkerbelle67 @before-we-get-started @bunnyforhim
Master List and Preview below:
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Frank was looking at a Los Angeles icon, Dodger Stadium.  It was his new home, his new team and hopefully his new life.  He asked a security guard where to go and was met at the door by an assistant.  She was a shameless flirt, commenting on Frank’s forearms and his tattoos, cooing about how good of a player he is.  There was zero chance of Frank being interested.  His Friday Night adventures were reserved for road trips only. His one-night stands worked out just fine, in his opinion.  
As he was guided into the conference room, Frank was met with the president of operations, Nick Stanton. “Mr. Stanton.” 
“Frank! Good to see you again.” He shakes hands with Frank. “We’re waiting for everyone so can I offer you a drink?” He gestures to Frank to sit at the table. 
“Just a cola, thanks.” Frank took the seat next to the head of the table.  
“How was the move?” 
“Smoother than I thought it would be. Mary, my niece, threw a couple of tantrums but between me and my nanny, we managed to get her here.”  
“Oh yeah, Scott, he’s great. He was willing to move with us, which is great since Mary seems to only listen to him.” Frank chuckles. “Who would listen to your uncle/pseudo father?” 
“I remember that story,” Nick replies. “You are brave to take on a baby right after bring drafted.”  
Frank shrugged. “Its not that big of a deal. You would do anything for family, especially Mary.”  
More voices float towards the conference room and Frank stands as he sees his agent and lawyer walk in and shake his hand. Then the general manager for the Dodgers comes in, making small talk with Frank.  
“Ok, I think we are just missing the team doctor and our legal team,” Nick tells everyone. “Its not Natasha, she’s busy with another client.  She’s sending in their new associate.”  
Frank just nods as the GM goes over the training schedule and when he would meet the team.  The conference room door opens and Frank turns to see and his stomach drops. He feels himself become clammy and pale. Because this shouldn’t be happening.  
He looks at the brunette that walked in.  
she’s definitely not supposed to be here.  
What the FUCK! 
Abby Hernandez, his ex-girlfriend, love of his life, walked into the room.  
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It Doesn't Stay In Vegas
The Future is West
Are You Sure We Aren’t Going Crazy
You Were Enough; You Are Everything
Fastballs and Fiancés
You Left Me
Take Your Niece to Work Day
Don't You Know How to Spell Assume?
Wanna Feel Safe Again
Maybe I should Have Ducked?
When It All Falls Apart
WTF Just Happened!
D N A: Diane Nicole Adler
Not Just a Pretty Face
It's A Ruff Life
Status: All Star
Since When is Ice Cream Evil
On the Hunt for Mike Weiss
The Next Adventure
A Bump in the Road
Unexpected Surprises
For Reasons Unknown...
Evidence, Emotions, Whatever
Trial By Fire
The One With the World Series
Oh Captain! My Captain!
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etoileholland · 1 year
attraction needs no translation
Uni!Tom x ESL!reader
Word count: 5k
Synopsis: moving to London to attend university was difficult, but the language barrier was proving to be more difficult. All seemed bleak until your cute RA made your experience a million times better
Warnings: insecurity with speaking English (yet reader has good conversational skills), reader understands (and prefers) American English rather than British English sorry not sorry
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Everyone can agree that English is a shitshow of a language to learn. Many, if not most, of the words were not pronounced the way they’re written; and don’t even get me started on all of the irregularities.
Your journey learning the English language was rocky, but you knew that the hard work would pay off one day, so that you could travel and watch shows without translations—even if the language looked and sounded like it was created from smashing the keys on a computer keyboard. Yet, English, for all its weirdness, could be fascinating.
Eventually, you would say that you were confident in your abilities to speak and understand English—that is, until you arrived in London to attend university.
“Would you like me to put your luggage in the boot?” Your taxi driver asked you as you walked up to the car. The syllables strung together in a very rapid sentence, and it was hard to distinguish what he actually asked you.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that slower?” You asked politely, your voice soft.
“Your luggage, in the boot?” He did speak a bit slower, but it still didn’t make much sense to you.
You looked at the car quizzically. There were no feet on the car, so why would it need boots? Maybe English isn’t his first language either.
The driver looked at you annoyed before opening the back of the car. “Would you like your luggage back here?” He repeated the sentence so slowly that you felt as though he was making fun of you.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, “yes, please. Thank you for repeating it slower.”
The man placed your luggage in the trunk, no wait, the boot of the car, rolling his eyes as he did so. It made for a less-than-ideal car ride to the university, but it was only a small bump in the road, you figured.
The taxi driver dropped you off on campus. On the flight here, you studied the map of the university so you wouldn’t be lost. However, it was getting dark out, which made it more difficult to point out the landmarks that you had memorized. People whizzed past you on their bikes, couples sauntered close to the walking trail, whereas you were standing in the middle of the sidewalk in your sweats and oversized sweatshirt, confused.
A girl with headphones began to walk past you. “Excuse me,” your voice came out timid. The girl didn’t hear you and continued to walk past you. Another student began to walk past, too engrossed in their own world to look up from their phone. Finally, what looked like a Professor rushed past you. He would definitely know where your student apartment would be located.
“Excuse me, where are the student apartments at?” The professor stopped in his tracks.
“Which ones are you asking about?” He, too, spoke with his words spaced so close together, it was hard to tell where one word started and where one word stopped. You had to pause to think about what he asked you, but you didn’t want to repeat yourself. Instead, you answered the question you think he asked you.
“Um, the Dover ones?”
“Oh,” the guy exhaled, “you’re on the wrong campus. Those flats are near the Guy’s campus, and right now we’re in Waterloo campus.”
You remembered seeing those locations on the map. It seemed close, or at least it did on paper. “Is it far to get there?” You inquired.
“I wouldn’t walk there if I were you. It would be wise to take the tube or a bus, especially with your luggage.”
What in the world is a tube? And why would you ride on it?
“Is the bus stop nearby, or?” You trailed off. He would’ve looked at you funny if you asked him what the tube was, so you decided against doing so.
“It’s just right over there.” The man pointed off in the distance. You had to squint to see what he was looking at, but it did look like there was a bus stop nearby. “There’s also a student shuttle that’ll take you to the flat, it’s probably a safer bet.” He looked down at his watch before looking back at you. “I have a night class to teach, but good luck getting to your flat.”
I’m guessing a shuttle must be another word for a bus. “Thank you!” You called out to him, watching as he sped off. The bus stop was a few minutes away, but it felt longer than it was, due to dragging your luggage behind you. By the time you made it to the stop, a small bus arrived. On the side read “student shuttle”, and when it stopped, the doors flung open. You walked up to the driver, who looked less than thrilled to see you.
“Would this, um, shuttle take me to the Dover apartments?” You asked politely as the bus driver nodded.
“Only if you have your student card.”
“Oh,” you replied, “let me grab it.” The card was stuffed away in your luggage, but you knew you had it. The bus driver looked annoyed as you rummaged around, even huffing when it took a minute.
“Found it.” You stated as you held it up to the driver. He sighed and motioned for you to take a seat. When you were about to sit down, he began to drive, which made you stumble into the seat.
Maybe going to uni here wasn’t the best idea…
15 minutes later, the driver pulled up to the student apartment. “Have a nice night.” He stated with no enthusiasm.
“You too.”
He drove off in a hurry, the fumes making you cough. When you craned your neck to look at the building, you noticed that it looked cute. There were a lot of students walking in and out of the apartment, even though it was late.
Someone held open the door for you while you dragged your luggage in, and even offered to help you carry it to your room.
“I’ve got it, thank you.” You smiled, “I need to check in at the reception.”
The student pointed towards the desk, and walked away. The receptionist was on the phone when you walked up to the desk, but when she was done with her call, she glanced at you.
“You must be new,” she stated while looking at your luggage, “are you here to check into your room that you let?”
Let? Does she mean “rent?” Maybe she did say that, but it could be muddled due to her accent, or it could be the fact that I’m jet lagged and heard her wrong.
“Huh?” You paused, “I’m here to check into my apartment that I rented online.” When you replied, the receptionist looked at you funny.
“We don’t call it an apartment here.” She rolled her eyes, “we call it a flat. And we ‘let’ out the flat, not rent’”. Her tone was exasperated, but you had no idea why. “You’re not in America anymore.”
Way to assume I’m from America, you thought to yourself.
The lady handed you the key to your ‘flat’, before pointing to the stairwell. “Right now, we are on the ground floor, not the first floor like you Americans call it. You’re on the fourth floor, which means you need to go up 4 flights of stairs, and not just 3.” That was probably the only thing she’s said that has made some sense. “You have no idea how many Americans get mixed up and complain that their keys don’t work, so don’t be one of them.” You didn’t have the heart to correct her, so you just nodded. She went back to her desk and waved at you. You waved back, stared at the stairs, and began lugging your bags up four flights of stairs.
The door to your flat was difficult to open, but when you got it open, you trudged through the door. The flat was small, cold, and the walls were painted an oddly vibrant yellow colour, but it was yours.
A knock at the door woke you up from your jet lagged sleep. The soft rays of light shone through the thin curtains, casting its light over you, who was sprawled out on the couch. It’s funny, you didn’t even notice you fell asleep last night.
The knocks escalated, so you shuffled faster to the door. Your hair was probably a tangled mess, and your clothes wrinkled, but you proceeded to answer the knock anyway. As you opened it, a boy with chocolate coloured curls smiled at you. When your eyes met, blush creeped onto his cheeks.
“Oh, hi.” His voice was soft, and his accent sounded nice. Not thick like the other accents you’ve heard since arriving.
“Hi,” you replied with a soft smile.
His gaze turned to the ground, his face still pink. “I heard you were a new student, so I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Tom, the RA for this floor.”
You gave him a polite smile when you introduced yourself. When Tom heard your name, he commented on how pretty it was.
“Thank you,” you smiled, gaze meeting Tom’s. When your eyes met, he looked away hurriedly.
“If there’s anything you need, I’m just down the hall.” He pointed to a room about 4 doors down— it would be hard to miss, since his door had decorations adorning it. “I look forward to seeing you around.”
“Yes,” was your response as you slowly closed the door. When you latched it, you let out a squeal. He was seriously the best looking guy you’ve seen in your whole life, with his chocolate coloured curls, his perfect jawline, and his beautiful smile.
You could get used to seeing him around.
The first day of classes were exhausting in more ways than one. The material went over your head, but most importantly, the professors' accents were so strong, you could hardly understand what any of them were saying.
Attending classes made you feel as though you were underwater, their voices jumbled, the words almost unintelligible.
Dejected, you dragged yourself to your last class of the day, Elizabethan Literature. When you opened the heavy door to the lecture hall, an American accent filled the room.
“Alright class, welcome to Elizabethan Literature. My name is Professor Johnson, and yes, this is really the way I talk.” She chuckled at her own joke, her eyes crinkling as she laughed. “I am from New York, so I have already heard every joke—and bad rendition—of my accent, so please don’t embarrass yourself by trying to mimic my speech.”
Her joking response brought the class to laughter. She seems really nice so far, this might just be my favorite class. Plus, her accent is clear.
“Please open to the first page of King Lear. We’re starting off strong here with a ‘lesser known’ classic from the Bard himself.”
The room became filled with the shuffling of books being opened, the paper creasing with movement. “I’ll begin reading, but feel free to pick up where I leave off.”
The entirety of the lecture was filled with conversation, and general confusion, over what was being read.
“I can hardly understand what any of this means.” Your classmate uttered under his breath, “I might just drop out.”
Me too, you thought. The language is far too complicated for me. I’ll fail the class for sure.
After class, you went up to your professor at her desk. She smiled as she began to put away her laptop.
“Hi professor, I just have a quick question.” Your heart was pounding as you anticipated what her response might be. “I’m thinking of dropping this course, but I wanted to let you know first.”
Professor Johnson gave you a confused look, but before she could answer, you continued speaking, “English is not my first language, and the reading material is hard for me to understand.” Your fingers were shaking, so you placed them in your pockets.
“Trust me, Shakespeare is too complicated for everyone, native English speaker or not.” She laughed, “and I’m speaking from experience. Can you believe Shakespearean English is considered modern?” She paused, glancing at you, giving you a soft smile. “But I completely understand if you’d like to drop my course.”
She was so nice, and understanding. “Maybe I’ll give it a chance after all. It made me feel better to hear that you struggled with it too.” You tapped the edge of the desk with your shoe. “I’m new to the country, and it’s been hard to understand what everyone is saying.”
Professor Johnson laughed heartily, “the British accent is hard to understand, but once you get used to it, it’s not so bad.” She gave you an encouraging smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners, “if you ever come across words you don’t understand, either ask me after class or please email me and I’ll do my best to explain it.”
You nodded politely, “thank you professor. I’ll see you next class.” Turning on your heels, you waved goodbye before leaving the lecture hall.
The walk back to your flat was calming. It was a warm august day, the birds were chirping, the sun beaming down. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Before you knew it, you had been in school for almost a month. As you got into the rhythm of your classes, it seemed as though everything became easier. The language barrier was becoming smaller, but there were still times where you felt like you were back at square one—progress isn’t always linear, after all.
The weather was shifting towards autumnal temperatures, the crisp air making everyone’s cheeks tinged pink. On your way back to your flat after your literature class, you heard music coming from down the hall. When you peeked around, you noticed it was coming from Tom’s room. You hadn’t seen him since he introduced himself, so you walked over to his door and knocked softly.
“Come in.” He called out over the music. The smell of chocolate chip cookies lingered in the air, the heat from the oven warming the room.
“Hi,” you said. When Tom heard your voice, he dropped an egg shell into the batter.
“Hi,” he choked while he picked the egg shell out, “it’s nice to see you.” He dried his hand on a tea towel. “How have classes been? Are they going well?”
Leaning against the counter, you sighed softly. “Yeah, it’s getting better. At first it was hard because I hardly understood anyone, but it’s not so bad anymore.”
Tom titled his head to the right, giving you a confused look. “If you don’t mind me asking, why was it hard to understand people?”
“Oh,” you breathed, “English is not my first language.”
Tom took a step back in disbelief as he audibly gasped. “Really?”
“I would’ve never guessed,” his eyes were still wide with disbelief, “your English is better than mine, and I’m a native speaker.”
Now it was your turn to be in disbelief. “Seriously? Is it that good?”
Tom nodded profusely.
“But I must have an accent, and half the time I cannot think of the right words to say.”
“Trust me,” Tom took a step closer to you, “your English is excellent, and it’s better than you realise. It must not be easy to be in a place where they don’t speak the same language you grew up speaking, but you’re killing it.” Tom rested his right hand on the counter, almost exactly mirroring your stance. “I’m incredibly proud of you.”
His words of encouragement were about to bring tears to your eyes. Here it seemed like you were drowning in a foreign language while being immersed in a foreign culture, but here he was being kind. You knew there was sincerity behind what he was saying. “Thank you Tom, I needed to hear that.”
“And I’ll be here to tell you that anytime you need to.” After that sentence, there was a shift in the air. Tom smiled again before turning back to the batter. “I’ve gotta make like a million biscuits for a bake sale tomorrow, so would you like to help me?” His eyes twinkled as he asked for your help, and you nodded your head yes. He squealed cutely at your response, causing you to laugh.
“On one condition,” you held up a finger, “you let me eat a cookie right now.”
“Deal.” He answered confidently. He watched as you lingered over the cookies that were spread out to cool, choosing one that was soft with plenty of chocolate chunks.
When you bit into the cookie, your mouth upturned into a smile. Your eyes crinkled, and Tom clapped when he saw your reaction.
“I don’t even need to ask if you like it.” He replied confidently, “it’s my mum’s recipe. It’s been in the family forever.”
“Please tell her I love them.” You replied happily, “I’m gonna need to eat like 15 more of them right now.” You reached out for another cookie, but Tom playfully slapped your hand away.
“You can have another one after you help me, you know, like you said you would.” His voice was teasing, playful, maybe even flirty.
“Maybe I’ll sit here and eat the cookies, seems like you’ve got it under control.” You smirked playfully as you quickly snatched another cookie off of the baking sheet.
“Hey!” Tom exclaimed, “I’m gonna revoke your title of beginning apprentice!”
You had learned the word ‘apprentice’ from tv, so you didn’t need to ask him for a translation. “Never!” You gasped dramatically. Tom tilted his head back as he laughed, his laughter lighting up the room. It was a sound you could get used to hearing.
“Alright then, hand me the flour.” He instructed.
It was easy to get in a rhythm while you helped Tom bake. He had a habit of sticking his tongue out while he concentrated, and it took everything in you to not laugh at how cute he looked. He also managed to get some flour dusted onto his chiseled cheek. It was tempting to reach over and wipe it away with your thumb, but you decided against it.
“So,” Tom broke the silence, “may I ask what your native language is?” The way he asked the question, with such carefulness, made heat rise to your already warm cheeks. As you told him, his face lit up.
“That’s so cool!” He exclaimed, “can you please teach me something?”
“That depends, what would you like to learn?”
“Could you point to all of the ingredients and say them?”
You chuckled, “of course.” Pointing at the various items, you slowly and concisely stated what each item was called. Tom intently watched you, even mimicking what you said. Sometimes he got the pronunciation correct, and other times he was way off, but it was so cute to hear him try.
“I think the way you said the eggs was funny.” He commented.
“Well I think the word ‘egg’ is funny. What’s even funnier is that people describe their heads that way. When I first learned that, I couldn’t stop laughing.” The memory brought a laughter that escaped your mouth.
“It must be so fun to learn all the silly little things in a new language.” Tom commented as he shifted his weight to his right leg. He was leaning over the bowl of mixed ingredients. “Could you teach me a funny phrase?”
It took a second to think of one, but when you told Tom one of your favourite ones, and what it meant, he guffawed. “I love it, I’m gonna use it all the time.”
Hearing Tom say that made your cheeks burn. You touched your face softly, “I can’t wait to teach you more things.”
“And I can’t wait to learn.”
A few hours later, both you and Tom were sprawled out on the touch. You felt as though you did an intense workout with the way your arms and shoulders felt. Tom groaned as he shifted in his seat. “I swear I never want to see another biscuit as long as I live.”
“Me either.” You remarked flatly.
“I’m kinda thirsty,” Tom thought aloud, “would you like some hot chocolate?”
“Yes please.” You grinned as you watched Tom walk over to the stove. He poured milk into a saucepan, turned on the heat, and began to stir the milk. Through his shirt, you could see his back muscles move as he stirred slowly. It was hard to look away, but friends don’t stare at the other longingly. Minutes passed quickly, and before you knew it, the drink was ready.
“Would you like some squirty cream on it?” Tom asked as he walked over to the fridge.
“Would I like what?” You answered shockingly, “Tom, I think that’s a bit suggestive.”
Tom snapped his head to the right, his eyes bugged out. “What did I do?”
“You asked if I wanted something squirted onto the chocolate!” It was uncontrolled laughter on your end as you kicked your feet. “That’s the grossest thing I’ve heard!”
“How so?” Tom’s face was beet red, and his demeanour flustered. Once he realised what he said, he let out an awkward giggle. “Oh! I see how that can sound weird. Squirty cream is what we Brits call whipped cream.”
“You’ve gotta be joking.”
“I’m not.” He held the can in his hand, holding it out so it’s pointing towards you. “Come read the label for yourself.”
You padded over to where Tom was standing. He held the can up for you to read—the ‘squirty cream’ was clearly written on the label. “I don’t like that term.”
“I can’t blame you,” he nodded, “it does sound bizarre and borderline gross.” Tom held the nozzle to the mugs and watched as the cream filled the brim of the mug. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Go for it.” You replied as you reached around Tom to grab your mug. The warmth brought comfort to you.
“How did you learn English?”
Before answering, you took a drink of the cocoa. “Through classes, and by watching a lot of American television.”
“Ah, I hope that wasn’t a rude question.”
“Not at all.” You quickly replied.
“Did English come easy to you?” Tom’s voice was soft, “and have you studied for a long time?”
Taking another drink of your hot chocolate, you paused before answering. “For the first question, no.” You shook your head as you remembered your journey with learning the language. “Instead of playing with my friends at recess, my teacher made me stay inside to work on my English homework. I used to sit there and cry because it was so hard, and my teachers were mean about it.” The humiliating memory made your eyes well up with tears. Blinking them away, you continued, “my teacher would ask me why I couldn’t do it, but I didn’t know why. They made me feel dumb, and it made me almost hate English.”
“They shouldn’t have treated you that way.” Tom added sympathetically, “you were trying as hard as you could, so they shouldn’t have been so mean.”
Gosh, he’s so caring.
“We also used to have these, um, exams, where we would have to write out a conversation in English, memorise it, and say it in front of everyone in the class.”
When you paused, Tom spoke up. “That sounds like my worst nightmare, but it would make sense why your conversation skills are so good.”
“You really think so?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
His response made your heart soar. “It was way more fun to watch American tv shows, such as Friends, and to listen to music, to learn new words.”
“Oh, I bet. Textbook learning is no fun.” He smiled before taking a sip of his cocoa. “You know,” Tom clicked his tongue, “I’m really glad you still decided to learn English, even though it was hard. I don’t want to imagine not being able to talk to you at all.”
Heat bloomed in your cheeks, “I’m glad I learned English too, because I like talking to you.” When you looked at Tom, you noticed his cheeks were pink.
“I like talking to you too.” He drank from his cup, took a moment, and continued speaking. “It now makes sense why you say some words in an American accent, because you learned them that way.”
“Wait, really?” You met Tom’s soft gaze.
“That makes sense.” You replied, “I had such a hard time when I came here. I thought English was the same everywhere, but after coming here, I realised that the vocabulary was different.” You set your now empty cup down gently on the counter, and Tom did the same.
At your response, Tom smiled sympathetically. “Americans have weird words for things.”
“Not true.” You refuted, “their words make more sense. I feel like I’m not even speaking the same language as you guys.”
Your comment made Tom laugh in disbelief.
“I’m serious! And don’t get me started on some of the accents I’ve heard here…” you trailed off.
Tom gasped dramatically. “Be careful what you say about our accents!”
“Some of them are so thick that I feel like I need subtitles to understand what they’re saying.” Both you and Tom laughed simultaneously at your comments.
“I will actually give you that one, some people have accents that even I can hardly understand.”
“See!” You playfully poked Tom in the chest. “It’s not just me.”
Tom looked down at your pointer finger where it touched his chest. His face turned pink at the innocent touch. “You’re right, except for the vocabulary thing. I will disagree with you on that until the day I die.”
“Wow.” You exhaled. “It’s like the expression I heard once, about them dying on a mountain, I think.”
“You mean, ‘die on that hill’.” Tom politely corrected as he took a step closer to you. “It means to never stop defending your statement.”
“Exactly, thank you for telling me what it was.”
“Anytime.” Tom brushed his fingers along his forehead to move a loose curl that had landed near his eye. “Hey,” he added, “do you find my accent hard to understand?”
You shook your head no. “Your accent is very easy to understand.”
“What about my speech…am I speaking too fast for you?” Tom glanced down at the bowl of batter on the counter. “I don’t want you to feel like you can’t understand me, you know?” He paused, “but I don’t want to make you feel like a kid who can’t understand what I’m saying. Am I making sense?”
It was heartwarming to see Tom being so considerate of you, and your speaking abilities. In fact, his kindness made your heart skip a beat. “You speak at just the right pace, not too fast or too slow.”
“So just right?” He glanced back at you, making eye contact. His eyes were soft, yet you knew he needed reassurance.
“Yes, just right.”
The space between you and Tom had gotten smaller than you realised. He was so close that you could smell his cologne, and you were so close that he could smell the chocolate from the cookies you ate. “So,” Tom spoke in a hushed tone, “thank you for popping by to help me make biscuits, or as you say, cookies.”
“Anytime,” you whispered back, “I enjoyed myself.”
“Me too.” He replied. You glanced at his soft pink lips as he glanced at yours. His gaze flicked upwards to meet yours, to which you smiled up at him. “I, um, was wondering if… you would—”
A knock at the door caused the both of you to flinch.
“Oi!” A guy shouted while he knocked again on the door. “I finished making the brownies you asked for, have you finished the biscuits?”
“Shit.” Tom muttered under his voice. You watched as he sauntered over to the guy who interrupted you both. “Yeah, I finished them. Give me like a minute.”
“Why?” The guy peeked his head in. When he saw you, he whooped and hollered. “Damn Holland, you have a girl over?”
Tom groaned in response. “You can see her too?” He faked a gasp as he began to close the door on the guy, “now if you’ll excuse me, I was in the middle of something.”
“But I wanna—” Tom shut the door on the guy and locked it swiftly behind him. He leaned against the door, his eyes rolling in response.
“I can hardly stand him, but he’s the other RA on this floor, so I have to collaborate with him quite a bit.”
“I see.” You quietly responded. It makes sense why Tom can’t stand him—neither could you, and you barely met the guy. The atmosphere in the room that had once felt warm now felt awkward. You felt as though you had probably overstayed your welcome.
Tom took a few steps towards you. Once he was standing a foot apart, he rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly. He opened his mouth to talk, but you beat him to it.
“Thank you for letting me spend time with you.”
“Of course.” He meekly responded.
“I’ll get going now.” As you brushed past Tom, you could smell his cologne, the scent irresistible.
“Sure, yeah.” It took every ounce of restraint to not reach out to grab your arm, hoping that you’d stay longer. His hand twitched at the thought, so he stuffed it into his back pocket. “I appreciated the help.”
You hummed in response. “If you ever need help again, or would like more language lessons, you know where to find me.” You raised your arm towards the general direction of your flat.
Tom’s face lit up at the invitation, “and you know where to find me.” He placed his hand on the door handle while you stood in the hallway. “The bake sale is tomorrow at 3pm in the student union, if you’d like to come by and you know, actually pay for the cookies you ate along the way.” His intonation was playful, and he clicked his tongue after he finished speaking.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” You winked while shrugging your shoulders.
“I want you to.” Tom blurted out, his voice laced with hope, desperation even.
His response made your heart pound as your stomach filled with butterflies. You leaned against the wall in an attempt to not fall from being weak in the knees. “I’ll definitely be there, so save me a chocolate chip cookie.”
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a/n; learning and being immersed in an entirely different language than the one you grow up speaking has so many challenges, but can also be so rewarding when you find yourself being able to communicate with others and enjoy films/music from that culture. I know everyone has a different journey, and different experiences, when it comes to learning a language, so I tried to use as many personal experiences—as well as my friend’s experiences—to write this piece. I chose to use American English as the standard that the reader understood because American culture really is everywhere. I didn’t want it to be clichéd, but I also wanted it to be as authentic as possible, so I really hope you not only enjoyed it but resonated with it :)
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
My apologies for sending another ask so soon, but a new idea popped up. It is with gritted teeth that I give Boss a single W, if only bc I’m genuinely curious as to what he’d do in this scenario::
Friend! Darling gets in a small accident and sprains their ankle, making it difficult for them to walk home. What would Boss do if he were present?? Does he drive them home?? Would he offer to carry them or only consider it if Darling asks first?? Does he insist on entering Darling’s apartment to ensure they can cross the lobby and hallway?? Does he call/ visit them the next day to see if Darling still needs his help??
P.S. Also, how fucked is the person who bumped into Friend! Darling and caused the accident to begin with?? :3
P.P.S. Ykw fuck it, Boss still deserves an L. If he dares to tease Darling, there are only so many remarks he can make before Darling lightly kicks him or steps on his foot. And ofc that has to be when they’re wearing pointy-toed high heels…….rip she didn’t exert enough force to injure Boss but it still hurt like hell (^∇^)
It is with gritted teeth that I give Boss a single W
Ah yes, of course he would LMAOOOO
Anyways, I'll put this under a "read more". Have fun!
The accident was something no one could've seen, but for the man who lives his life that's focused on 'keeping eyes everywhere', you can definitely say that it was more or less planned from the very beginning.
Now, he's no heathen: he did not want her in harm's way. Actually, he'd rather have her be out of harm's way. But as he drove in with his car to see the damage and the accident, his face morphs to an hard to read expression. Opening the door as he parked somewhere safe, he walked towards his soon to be lover and helps her up.
It was ironic. He was a brute without her knowledge, but his hold is firm. Gentle, even.
The way back to his car is silent. Boss is never one to joke about such things happening, and even more with a friend?. Opening the door, he gently placed her on the seat next to the driver's and made sure her belongings were kept, this time closing the door to go around and head inside.
Placing the keys in its place, he turned it and the car came alight. Still, he stayed quiet, like he was processing what happened.
"What happened?"
It was a tone she'd never expect from him. He's usually one to be known as an asshole, but strangely, he was not like that. Dare she say, he was... Almost angry. For her sake.
"Who was it that hurt you?" he asked her again, adjusting his glasses. "Is it your date?"
No matter what she'd say, the man beside her was eerily calm. It was like he was simply timing how long it'd take until he'd blow, but to her surprise, he simply nodded and reached over to gently hand her something.
A small box. It had a ribbon tied, the color reflecting the vivid red of his heart.
"I'm sure that date of yours had planned on ditching," he explained, scoffing. "I've looked them up when you mentioned them. They hardly give gifts to the people they go on dates with, so consider this from me."
Turning his gaze back on the road, he began to start the car, driving them off to her place.
It was too fast. Too fast for them, even if they are friends. He didn't want to have her go someplace she didn't exactly knew, even if he wanted to. And even if that kept screaming at him, he remained clear of what he wanted to do.
Arriving at their destination took a bit, but when they did, he parked the car and got out, heading to her side to open the door. This time, he pauses, hesitant to take her without her consent.
A sliver of reality seems to hit him, and although he done that prior without her consent, he needed to know now.
Facing her, he remained quiet, but his hand moved to gently place by the side of her seat. Do you need me to carry you? He wanted to ask, but the way his eyes shone a bit of reluctance and his hand ever so wavering said all that's needed.
And quietly, he reached over to her legs, putting his arms under her body and gently lifted her up and outside, Closing the door behind him, he adjusted his grip.
"You can lean on my shoulder," he whispered to her, voice mellow and somber as he trudged on. "I'll treat you back at your place. Is your first aid kit filled as usual?"
"Of course it would. You're often meticulous with it, aren't you?"
Despite the peace, both knew this behavior was a rare sight. Boss was never kind to many, but to her, it felt like he was doing this to his past lover.
And in a way, he was. But this time, he had a mission to accomplish. Whether it be by force or by wits, all he desired was one thing.
Her heart.
And that began with dealing those that tried to hurt her in the first place, including 'him'.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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XVI XVII - fools rush in (where angels fear to tread) XVIII
Y/N Y/L/N wasn’t one to run away. She never turned her back on a challenge or a problem. Nothing made her take a step back, not even the stickiest of situations. The infamous coach's daughter always grabbed the bull by its horns. But, as soon as Jack Hughes confessed having feelings for her, she shut down. From that moment on, all she could hear was static, as his lips continued moving, until she blurted out a simple oh.
The look on his face was one Y/N would never forget, as they gazed at each other under the moonlight and billions of bright stars. He stood there waiting, hopeful she’d add something to the discourse marker she’d managed to muster at first.
A quick I have to go escaped her mouth, turning away from her friend in a haste, fastening her pace in fear he’d catch up.
As she approached the log trellis, the teacher realized he hadn’t been following her. From afar, Y/N could distinguish his tall frame by the tree where, less than a couple of minutes before, they had shared their first kiss.
Their first kiss.
Her mind was racing a thousand miles an hour, his taste still imprinted on her now semi-smudged lips, a red flush staining her cheeks and her heart thumping loudly in her chest. She felt like a deer caught in headlights, completely blindsided, not by the kiss and Jack’s words, but by the way they had woken in her the need for more. More kisses. More gentle touches. More embraces. More heartfelt speeches. And, god, did that mortify her.
Celebration, by Kool & The Gang was playing in the speakers, as the live band was given a well-deserved break. Y/N glanced around the venue, spotting several of her friends. Finding River on the dancefloor, hopping around in a circle with little kids, she rushed to his side, tapping his shoulder to get his attention.
“Do you mind if I take off? Dad is driving you guys to the airport, right?”
“Yeah, dad’s got us covered. It’s still so early though, what happened?” her brother inquired, seeing the distressed look on his little sister's face.
“I need to get home to my girl…” the doctor lied. “She called asking me to… I’m sorry.”
“Ugh, moms.” the groom jokingly groaned, hugging his maid of honor. “Alright, go. You know what to do with David’s car, right?”
“Yes, take it back to your place, park it in the garage, lock up.”
“Not your set of my house keys, you dork. The car keys. Do you know where they are?”
“I- ”
“Our room, in the bedside table’s first drawer.”
“Thanks, Riv… It was an amazing wedding.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” he smiled proudly, bumping hos hip against Y/N's.
“Absolutely.” the doctor replied, preparing herself to leave.
“Hey!” River called out, waiting for his sister to stop and face him again. “Thank you. For everything.”
Y/N acknowledged hid gratitude with a small smile, moving to quickly say goodbye to her parents and her friends, pick up her bag and David’s car keys from the cabin and get on the road.
The doctor desperately needed to clear her head and process the turn of events. A wave of remorse washed over her as she reached the gated community’s exit and drove past them without looking back.
What was she doing? What was he thinking? How was she supposed to handle the storm of emotions brewing up inside her at that very moment?
Seeing that David’s car was running out of fuel, Y/N exited the highway to pull up at a gas station. The cool breeze brought her out of the current state of self-induced shock forcing her to take a deep breath and slow her heart rate. While the helpful employee filled up the tank, she turned on the radio, hoping loud music would help drown out the sound of Jack's words, which were still resounding in her ears.
Skipping through several radio stations, the doctor settled for the only one that wasn’t playing sappy love songs.
Jack stood there, helpless and frozen, as the woman he had professed his affection to walked away from him, quickly disappearing from his sight, back to the ever-growing party in the trellis.
The Devils' player thought he’d feel crushed if she rejected him, but he was surprised to discover that inside him resided a glimmer of hope. The only thing he wasn’t sure of was whether it was hope for something more or simply just hope for normalcy. Maybe he hadn’t completely screwed up their friendship. Y/N had always been the reasonable one and he knew that, above everything else, they were good friends.
For a moment, while the brunette man held her face in his hands and their lips were connected in a kiss, he believed her heart had ignited as his did. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking.
Running his fingers through his grown-out hair, Jack let out a deep sigh. The relief he had felt once the words had rushed out of his mouth was replaced with concern for Y/N. There was no denying his confession had left her stunned and speechless. He fought the natural instinct to hide after his ego was bruised and headed back to the venue, wanting to make sure that she was okay. As soon as he stepped foot inside, Trevor put him in a headlock, cheering triumphantly.
“My man!”
“Jesus, Z, let go of me.” Jack grunted, struggling to free himself from his friend’s tight hold.
“Damn, dude, I didn’t think you had in you… Thank god you found a pair of balls!”
“What the hell are you talking about?” the Devils' player huffed, untangling himself from Trevor's embrace and scanning through the crowd, looking for Y/N.
“You told her! I know you did. She came in here all red and disheveled, telling everyone she was going home.” his friend stated, making quotation marks using his fingers. “But I saw her sneak into the cabin a few minutes ago. You’re fast on track, aren’t you, you dirty bastard?” he teased, elbowing Jack's side.
The brunette man slapped Trevor in the back of his head, annoyed over his bad timing and apparent lack of sensibility.
“Okay, okay, I won’t make any remarks about your sex life again, chill.”
“You said she was at the cabin?” he asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah. If you need protection, you know where to – okay, you’re walking away. Very polite.” the blond man grumbled, stirring his Long Island iced tea with the small umbrella that came with it. “Ellen would be appalled!”
Jack swung the front door open, after nearly tripping while skipping three steps at a time to get there. The living room was empty, not a flicker of light inside illuminating it, encouraging him to check the bedrooms.
Their room appeared to be untouched, every trace of her presence erased from it. By that time, Y/N was probably long gone.
The Devils' player sat down on the edge of the bed they had slept in the night before, his head deciding to replay the entire weekend again. The laughter, the confessions, the stares, the adoring smiles. Whatever happened from that point on, he’d always remember the way he felt when his lips touched hers, when her big eyes looked into his, when her tiny frame fit perfectly in his as they slept.
He glanced at the door, finding Leo peeping through it with an inquisitive look on his face.
“What’s up, little man?”
“Are you okay?” the little boy asked, coming in, accompanied by River and David’s three dogs, who ran up to the Devils' player excitedly, placing their paws on his legs, waiting for him to pet them.
“Hey, guys! Aren’t you all fired up?” he laughed at his furry friends, that were now competing for his attention, their tails wagging rapidly from side to side. “Yeah. I am. Why wouldn’t I be, Leo?”
“Y/N left and she looked worried, you came after her and now you’re sitting here like you’ve been grounded.”
“You followed me inside to come check up on me?” Jack prodded, receiving a simple nod in response. “Do your parents know where you are?”
“No…. You were walking really fast.” Leo admitted, looking down at his feet.
“You shouldn’t have done that… Your mom must be losing it by now, buddy. Come on, I’ll take you back to the reception.” he offered, getting up and leading the seven-year-old by his shoulders, followed closely by their three furry companions.
“I know…” the boy uttered. “Sorry, Jack.”
“For what?” the hockey player raised an eyebrow, as he accompanied Sean's son to the venue.
“I know you like Y/N and you’re sad she left. I’m sorry about that.”
Jack looked back at the cabin one more time, forcing himself to walk away. “Me too, Leo. Me too.”
The doctor held her daughter’s sleeping body in her arms as she hurried inside to get her to bed, struggling to carry her luggage as she did so.
Giving her ex-husband nothing more than an I just missed her and I’m really tired as an excuse to have left River and David’s wedding that early, Y/N drove to her house, at two in the morning, wanting nothing more than to be with her girl and her girl only. Back to normal. If everything went back to the way it was before the reunion she wouldn’t get hurt. She couldn’t get hurt. Not again.
Laying Joey on the bed and pulling the covers over her tiny frame, the petite woman immediately took off her shoes, heading to her room, where she hastily undressed herself, jumping into the shower.
Her beautiful hairdo fell apart as she took off the tiny bobby pins that held it in their restraints. Y/N's locks cascaded down her bare shoulders, while she washed off the physical remnants of Jack's touch from the skin he had traced with the tip of his fingers throughout the day.
The burning hot water relaxed her tense back muscles and tired legs, but it couldn’t ease her mind. It raced even faster than before, now that there was no music, no sound to be heard other than the antagonistic voices in her head. There were mostly thoughts of incredulity, confusion and denial but, a tiny little voice in the back of her mind reminded her that, before she pulled back, she had lingered on his kiss and reveled in the way his lips felt against hers. Taking a deep breath, the doctor got out of the shower, dripping her dripping wet, naked body in a soft towel.
Running her hands through her damp hair, Y/N looked up at the vintage mirror above the washbasin, her eyes meeting her reflection.
“Shit!” she cursed out once she saw the black streaks of her eyeliner and mascara staining her cheeks.
She had neglected to remover her makeup before taking a shower, which went against every rule she had established for herself when it came to skincare. She took pride in how well she treated her skin and how it still resisted the toll the sun took on most people’s complexion.
Taking the makeup remover and a pad from a drawer, applying the baby blue liquid on the cotton, Y/N ran it softly all over her face, avoiding rubbing it in. Ending her nighttime routine by brushing her pearly white teeth, her hair, and then lightly tapping an overnight mask onto her skin, the teacher padded to her large, empty bed.
All she could hear now was the steady rhythm of her heart, demanding her to feel something. Anything.
Reaching for her phone, buried deep in her carry-on, she quickly dialed a number she’d known by heart for years.
“Hello?” Jack answered his phone, a hint of uncertainty laced in his voice.
“Oh…” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose yet again, hearing a cheery female voice coming from the other end. “Hi mom.”
“Gee, no need to get that excited when you get a call from your mother!” Ellen chuckled.
“Sorry.” the brunette man muttered, clearing his throat as Alex walked by, obviously determined to do his best to disrupt his call, as usual. “It’s…” he stopped to take a glance at his wristwatch. “Really late. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine. I’m just playing cards with dad. He's kicking my ass.”
“As usual.” Jack teased, now in a lighter mood.
“Ouch! Seriously?”
“We all know dad is the best player in our family.”
“Yeah… I know…” the older woman agreed. “Anyway, just wanted to check in on you. “How’s the wedding going?”
Alex was now prancing back and forth in front of him, dancing the tango with a nonexistent partner. Dipping the make-believe dancer, he proceeded to kiss them passionately, making loud noises as he did.
“Oh, Jack, yes, kiss me. Kiss me right there.” his friend moaned in a pitchy voice.
The Devils' player rolled his eyes jokingly, stretching his leg to lightly kick his behind as his way of ordering him to go away.
“It’s going great, yeah.” he answered his mother.
“How’s Y/N?” Ellen Hughes prodded not-so-subtly.
“Oh, I see what this is about.”
“Trevor's your mole, isn’t he? He told you about what happened.” Jack stated.
Alex stopped fooling around, his curiosity peaking at that very moment, wondering what Trevor has been babbling to Jack’s mother about.
“Well, Trevor keeps Luke posted, and Luke, as you know, isn’t that hard to bribe.” his mother admitted.
“Did you make him pizza for dinner?”
“Chocolate chip cookies as well.” Ellen added, glancing at her husband, who was shuffling the cards with his eyes set on her.
“Are you guys still betting on my love life?”
“Of course not!” the older woman protested, feigning hurt. “Well, kind of. But you know it’s just our competitive nature coming out. We all love you and want you to be happy.”
“You guys are hopeless… I’ll give you a call tomorrow. Love you.” Jack said softly, too tired to fight his doting mother, hanging up after she bid him goodbye.
Shoving his large phone in his pocket and doing the same with his hands, he walked around the venue, watching everyone having a good time from the outside.
The guests continued to go about the celebration, oblivious to the turmoil inside the hockey player's head. Should he call her? Text her? The worry he was feeling clouded his judgement as he looked up her number on his phone.
“No, you’re not doing that.” Trevor stated, grabbing the mobile device from his hands. “I’m keeping this in my possession to stop you from being clingy.”
“I was just going to check if she’s okay, alright? I think I scared her off.”
“Give her time, man. Junior will reach out to you when she’s ready to talk, don’t worry.”
Jack showed his friend a small smile, patting his shoulder.
“You’re kind of wise at two-thirty in the morning, hu?”
“Call me Trevoda.”
“What is a Trevoda, exactly?”
“Me as Yoda. Duh.” Trevor explained, as if it was obvious.
“Oh, yeah. Definitely, Tr-” the singer stopped himself, a smirk playing on his lips. “Trevoda.”
“Mock me all you want, I may become bigger than Deepak Chopra one day.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
Y/N Y/L/N wasn’t one to run away. She never turned her back on a challenge or a problem. Nothing made her take a step back, not even the stickiest of situations. The doctor always grabbed the bull by its horns. But the morning after one of her closest friend’s wedding, Y/N felt like the bull had run her over with such violence she swore she had bruises all over her soul. The confusion, the craving of something more, the history she couldn’t rewrite. They all took a toll on a soul that had been nearly crushed years ago and had, since then, wanted nothing more than peace.
The doorbell rung loudly, announcing Cole's arrival. When Y/N called him in the early hours of the morning, Cole could tell by the tone of her voice the conversation they were about to have wasn’t supposed to happen over the phone. Wherever they were, whoever they were with, they had always made sure to be there for each other in times of need, and he assured her he'd come over in the morning with breakfast to discuss whatever had happened at River and David’s wedding.
Rubbing her tired eyes with the back of her hands and looking away from any mirrors or reflective surfaces she crossed paths with on her way to the front of her house, the teacher used the peephole to confirm the people waiting outside were Cole and Olive, her friendholding several paper bags in his hands. She quickly unlocked the door, opening her arms wide to immediately hug the friendly dog.
“How’s my favorite doing today?” Y/N, kissing her head.
“A little bit tired, but I’m okay…" Cole replied, jokingly. "Where’s Jo?”
“She’s still asleep. Let Olivia loose and I bet she'll get her and the pup up."
The blond man did as suggested, telling his faithful partner to go get Joey and Finn.
The coach's daughter turned to him, one eye closed and a lopsided smile on her face.
“Hey.” his friend greeted her, setting the bags he had brought on the floor.
“Hi.” Y/N sighed, being pulled into a tight hug.
The pair stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, finding comfort in their decade-old friendship. Loud shrieks were heard from the stairwell, letting them know Joey wascoming down to get their sugary breakfast, followed closely by a very excited Olive and Finn. Y/N turned to them, placing both of her hands on her hips.
“I was thinking you could have breakfast in the living room today… Spongebob’s probably on right now… What do you say?”
Joey nodded, smiling up at her mother.
“You’re the best, mommy!” her daughter cheered, hugging her legs.
“Alright, lovebug, come on, let’s get you some food.” she chuckled in response, truing to walk to the kitchen with a five-year-old attached to one of her lower limbs. “Come on Olive. Let's go, Finn."
Leaving the milk carton in the living room for her daughterand handing her a colorful mug, along with the Lucky Charms and donuts Cole had brought, the doctor quickly put the Moka pot on the stove, brewing up the hot beverage to the distant sound of Monday morning cartoons. She then proceeded to go about her normal morning routine, sliding the back door open for her small companion to go outside if needed be.
Her friend watched her attentively, picking up the fried dough confectionery she had been craving for hours from the paper box that rested on the kitchen island and silently devouring it. He knew Y/N coping mechanisms all revolved around keeping herself as busy as she could. She eventually stopped running around the room, leaning against the counter and eating without saying a word.
“I need to paint." the coach's daughter blurted out after a couple of minutes, picking ip her mug and heading upstairs.
“Jesus, Junior.” Cole fretted, going after her.
“What?” she muttered, while washing her face and securing her hair up in a bun.
“You need to tell me what went on last night. Trevor won’t open his mouth for once in his life, you look like you haven’t slept at all and haven’t stopped to talk since I got here."
Y/N took off her pajama shorts and Rolling Stones t-shirt, putting on a sports bra, her old grey sweatshirt, and paint-covered sweatpants, before glancing at her blond friend and gulping down a bit more of her coffee.
“Come outside.” she hummed. “If you need a change of clothes, I have a couple more things I use when I’m painting in my closet. They’re the last ones on the right. They probably fit you.”
Ignoring the owner of the house’s offer, the hockey player treaded behind her, wondering what the hell had happened for Y/N to be this eager to paint just twenty minutes after getting out of bed. Stepping out into the side of the house, where the doctor kept her painting corner, he waited patiently as his friend sorted out the colors and picked up a white canvas, which she set up on her easel.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, dipping the tip of her brush on the glass of water beside her, taking a deep breath before finally saying the dreaded words out loud for the first time.
“Jack kissed me last night.”
Cole stood there, his mouth wide open and a huge smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“God, yes!”
The doctor stopped mixing the colors in the palette, raising an eyebrow. “God, yes? That’s your take on what happened?”
“Well, yeah! I think you two would make a great pair, you already knew that!” her friend replied, observing the way Y/N stroked the paintbrush over the canvas. “What went down next?”
“He said he liked me and he gave me all these reasons why… And I froze, like a complete idiot.” she admitted, not daring to meet Cole's inquisitive eyes.
“You froze?”
“Yeah. And when I could finally move I literally ran off.”
“Oh, Y/N…” the hockey player groaned, covering his face with his hands. “What the hell? Why didn’t you - ”
“You know I can’t, Cole.”
“Why not? Seriously, give me three good reasons why.” she demanded. “You don’t like him?”
“Of course I do. Jack's amazing. But I can’t – I can’t do it again... These past few weeks we’ve been reconnecting, and it’s been wonderful, but I won’t allow it to go any further than a friendship. He just… He just took it too far.”
“Oh, come on! Are you twelve? You like him, he likes you. Give it a go!”
“You know damn well why I’m like this! Did you ever stop to think about what I went through for years while you’re out here fantasizing about a possible relationship between Jack and I? Hu?” the doctor raised her voice, the movements of her brush becoming quicker and more erratic. “I couldn’t speak my mind, I couldn’t spend my money on whatever I wanted, I was estranged form my parents, my friends. My soul was beat down, pushed around and nearly crushed. I was only left with a tiny amount of strength and I had to will myself to use it to ask for a divorce and raise my daughter on my own. I didn’t know who I was anymore. I was a mess! A complete, insecure mess, dependent on another person’s twisted version of love. Do you know what it’s like to be belittled by the person you love? To feel so small you could literally vanish? Thank god Joey was too small to remember the person I was becoming back then… When Jack kissed me, I wanted more and I promised myself not to want more anymore. I am not going to lose sight of who I am. I can’t risk having to go through that much heartache again. I won’t.” she croaked out, her voice shaking with raw emotion.
“Jack isn’t Charlie. You can’t just write about him on your little journal. And pretend like that way you’ll forget what you went through. I know it’s your therapeutic take on these things, but you can’t do that again. You’re still hurting, I know. It takes time, it takes love. You’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, you’re so brave. You’ve been through hell and back because of the first man you fully gave your heart to but I won’t let make that the reason why you deny yourself to let love in from this point on. Y/N, you have to give yourself permission to be free. Set yourself free from all the moronic demons from your past, all the voices in your head that make you believe you shouldn’t give a wonderful man a change to make you hap – well, happier.” Cole pleaded, holding his friend by the shoulders, pulling her away from the half-done painting she had managed to work on while pouring her heart out.
Y/N took a moment to let her words sink in.
“I don’t know, Cole. What if- ”
“Life’s too damn short for your what if’s, Y/L/N. I know you feel like you owe Jack an explanation, even though you don’t. If you do decide to talk to him, and you will, because I know you, you should tell him exactly what you told me.”
“How?” she spoke quietly, feeling like she was a little girl again.
“I don’t know… Draw him a picture.”
In this world Cole has custody of olive pawfield and is spending some downtime in NY... bear with me
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zaraquinn · 2 years
do I look like a hero?
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word count: 1977
female!reader x eddie munson
requested by: my dumbass
a/n & additional notes: season 4 vol. 2 spoliers !!! yes i was crying this szn finale. yes i was also crying while writing this. yes this was severe emotional damage. i’m sorry i’m so mean but i had to do this, as i wanted to just hold him in my arms and cry.
this was it. This was the last fighting chance to save not just your loved ones but the place you spent your life in. It was everyone on the line or we were all doomed.
The trailer was silent. Everyone knew the sacrifices that they were making, especially max’s. They conjured up this plan, hoping it would go their way. It has to. Nothing has ever prepared everyone in this trailer for this moment in their life. Eddie, who was gripping his spear tighter and tighter, suddenly felt Y/N’s arms snake hook on his own—shaking him out of his rushing thoughts. Her grip tightened slightly, as her body shifted closer in her seat to almost hug Eddie from the side. Her head, gently laying on his shoulder was the smallest comfort he coveted. Hell, it was what he needed.
He looked over at Y/N, her eyes staring off at the distance. Her gaze was almost lost in a state of dreaming and a constant state of worry. Her eyes glossed over growing tears with furrowed brows. His heartbeat, beating one, two no, three or more; growing faster and faster the closer they get to Creel house and the tighter the grip that Y/N had on not only his arm but his heart.
It was now or never.
“Hey, you know…” a bump on the road suddenly cut Eddie’s soft voice off as he leans over to Y/N’s small frame. Her face slowly turned and faced up to meet his coffee brown orbs. The look on her face; something about it illustrated such grief and worry, yet, the mask of determination painted on her face still shone through. Her teary eyes with her furrowed brows softened and gave a moment of vulnerability that shattered his heart. If he could see her smile again, hear her laugh again, see the glint in those eyes when she made her way towards him. He would do anything to see happiness return to her face once more. Just for a moment—for Y/N’s sake. “Y/N, you know, when all of this is over and my name is cleared, do you want to…maybe go out? I know a cool place that we can go to and forget about fighting monster-upside-down-demon-bats and risking our lives to save the world.”
Those eyes. Those eyes never lie. He knew it from the look that Steve gave Nancy, and these were no different. Y/N sighed and smiled. “Yeah. I’d like that a lot, Eddie.” Eddie gave a small smirk, biting his bottom lip as he felt Y/N’s small hand travel its way to his, and intertwine itself with his.
She fucking smiled. It calmed his nerves in a way his nerves never relaxed before.
“LET’S GO, LET’S GO!!” Eddie’s voice echoed throughout the dark trailer. The demo bats, now swarming and crashing into the door of the trailer in packs of hundreds piled and piled on, growing in volume by the minute. Eddie and Y/N, lifting Dustin from his feet, basically launched him up the return portal, landing on the mattress of Eddie’s trailer. “C’mon quickly!” Eddie yelled next, quickly grabbing the bottom of Y/N’s shoe as she grabbed and lifted herself into the portal. Following Dustin’s path, she flipped back onto the mattress of Eddie’s trailer, successfully returning to reality.
Eddie, who grabbed the bedsheet rope, climbing, had suddenly stopped. His brow furrowed as he looked bat at the guarded door, ignoring the pleas and questions coming from Dustin and Y/N. His heart was beating tenfold. Looking up at Dustin and Y/N, he made the decision. Y/N knew that look in his eyes, those chocolate orbs, she knew what he was about to do.
With a feral yell, he jumped off of the rope and landed on his feet, grabbing his spear as he cut the bedsheet rope clean off, cutting the line of entry upside-down. “Eddie, what are you doing?” Dustin yelled, frantically jumping and yelling above him as Y/N stood there with a shocked expression—tears growing in her eyes.
Those eyes, he will never forget, and those eyes, for a moment he took, told everything he wanted her to hear.
I love you.
“Eddie! No!” Y/N and Dustin yelled. “Eddie No! Eddie Stop! Eddie, please, what are you doing?!” Dustin yelled, voice breaking at the sight of Eddie taking away the mattress below and picking up Dustin’s shield. “Eddie, please! Baby, don’t do this! Let me go with you!” The sound of his name coming from Y/N’s mouth—all broken and bruised, and hearing her call him Baby, was the drive he needed. “I’m buying time.”
And with that, he was gone.
“Shit. Fuck. Stay here!” Y/N, thinking quickly, stacked a chair on top of the mattress, swiftly getting up and reaching whatever was left at the blanket rope. Dustin, who took another chair he found, followed suit beside her. “What are you doing!? You’re staying here, in case something happens, I need you safe!” Y/N yelled, shoving Dustin back. “Y/N, I’m going in there with you to go get Eddie.” With a grunt, she stepped off her chair and held the teenager by the shoulders. “Dustin listen to me!” She violently shook him to halt his actions for a moment. “You have to be safe. You HAVE to be here when Robin, Steve and Nancy make the call. If you aren’t here, no one else is. Please!” She begged, tears falling out of her eyes.
In the heat of the moment, Dustin did nothing but also shed tears, letting her go back.
He watched her push herself back up the chair and into the hole, seeing her land on her back hut and quickly follow the demo bats above.
He wasn’t going to listen though. He wasn’t going to let them go.
“Well, you’re not so much of a freak to me Munson.”
“Hey, Eddie, I just wanted to thank you for saving my ass back there.”
“Yeah, whenever the world ends, I’ll be right here for you Eddie.”
“We believe you.”
“They just don’t know you like I do Munson.”
“Never change, Dustin Henderson.” “Wasn’t planning on it.”
“Why would I abandon you? I’ll never abandon you, Eddie Munson.“
“Eddie please! Baby…”
Their voices echoed through his brain as he watched the demo bats swarm around him, trapping him as if he was in the eye of a tornado. With his spear up, hands shaking and shield high, their words echoed in his head. Giving him strength, courage, and love. Y/N’s voice. Her laugh echoed in his brain, her touch lingered on his arm. The colour of her eyes painted in his mind. He looked up at the swarming demo bats and was ready to fly.
“Eddie! Eddie!” Y/N’s strained voice echoed through the empty trailer upside-down. The pain from the fall was numbed by adrenaline as she felt her legs carry their courage as she ran out the door. Suddenly, loud noises came from behind her and landed Dustin down from the hole as well. “Dustin!” She yelled out, rushing to the kid as he screamed in pain. “Shit!” She huffed as she took him in her arms. “What are you doing are you crazy? I told you to stay up there and be safe!” “You die, Eddie dies I die. I’m not leaving you Y/N!” He yelped, holding his leg in pain. Y/N gave one look at the kid in her arms and immediately nodded. “C’mon.” She said quickly, throwing her bandana on the floor to quickly tie it around his ankle before wrapping her arm around his body to help Dustin stand up.
The swarm of demo bats soon flailed into the sky and disappeared as quick as they came, seeming to have been called towards the opposite direction of the Creel house. The two called out for Eddie in the open darkness, seeing a body lying on the floor; almost too still. “Eddie!” Y/N’s voice echoed as she pointed and helped Dustin towards him.
Dustin was on one side of Eddie while Y/N kneeled on the other. They both helped bring Eddie onto Y/N’s lap, as she kneeled to get him slightly off the hard ground. Eddie grabbed onto Y/N arms as Dustin held his hand on his other side. “Oh God, Eddie,” Y/N said, voice breaking and tears already falling onto the floor. “That bad huh?” Eddie said, barely choking out his words. Covered in blood, the two held onto him as Dustin’s words rushed out of his mouth. “No, no, you’re fine. We just need to get you to a hospital.” “Dustin stop moving him.” The two clamours as Eddie now lays on both Y/N and Dustin. He looks up at the two; Dustin holding his head up by supporting his arm while Y/N had a hand on his cheek and the other intertwining their hands tightly. Eddie’s expression, like he is still holding in his pain to not showcase he’s hurt, smiles in the foreground. But the tears and the hurt in his voice tell a different story.
“I didn’t run away this time right?” He says, no—he asks. He asks like it was all a dream. Like he just stood there and conjured up that he did run away like the coward that he is. But he didn’t. He looks up at Y/N, wanting her confirmation through watery eyes. “No. No, no, no, Baby. You didn’t run. You stayed, Baby, You stayed Eddie.” He smiles through the pain at her words, bringing their laced hands to his mouth, and giving them one last kiss before landing it on his chest and bringing Y/N closer. He turns to Dustin, his other hand now reaching to grab his collar. “You’re gonna have to look over those little sheep for me, okay?” He says, voice breaking through the pain.
“No! You’re gonna do that yourself.” “Nah, man. Say “I’m gonna look after them. Look after Y/N.” his voice grows softer, lighter even. Shakier than before. At the mention of Y/N, he looks at her once more, his face grows more gentle. A tear runs down Y/N’s face and lands on Eddie’s cheek as she looks down at him, holding back her sobs with her lip between her teeth. “Say it.”
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna look after them—look after Y/N.” Dustin chokes out through sobs. “Just, imagine, graduating.” He barely gets through his words. “I think it’s my year guys. I think it’s finally my year.” His gaze switches from the both of them, they a choked smile and tears dripping from the corners of his eyes, he smiles. His grip tightens on the two before him. “I love you, man.” He squeezes out to Dustin. “I love you, Y/N.” he says, wanting to reach for her cheek but falls flat—his air stopping midway at his throat before he goes quiet. Forever.
Dustin sobs, leaning into Eddie. Y/N’s eyes grow wide, tears pouring out like a waterfall on her cheeks as she can’t find the words. “Eddie? Eddie! Eddie, no, no, no. Wake up please! Eddie please wake up! Eddie, I love you, please!” She says the breath in her lungs is robbed with sobs as she cradles Eddie in her arms. She feels Dustin’s hand grip her that lay on his chest, and they cry together.
st request post:
tag list: @dangerouspotatox @shreddedluv @bxmaaa @kahelis @paraspera
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shivunin · 17 days
hello hello i am in your inbox to ask what's a favorite passage/paragraph that you've written? any reason at all, just something you really like and why. 😊
ooooh thank you for asking! that is a fantastic question c: I think the scenes that a story grows from always wind up sticking with me the most, and this scene from Wander the Drifting Roads was one of the first ones I imagined. Cullen has lost his memory after exposure to red lyrium and this is the moment he decides he has a right to know who he was before:
Cullen knelt before the chest and just looked at it for a moment. That symbol was burned into the leather, the eye so like the Seeker’s symbol, the blade that extended below. He knew it. He knew it. Why couldn’t he remember–
He slid the iron block behind the curve of the lock and brought the hammer to bear. Once, twice, three times, and the twisted metal fell away. He set it aside with care and rested both hands on the lid of the trunk. 
Whatever it was he’d lost, whatever he’d done, the answers were in here. Six–no, nine months of waiting and…this was it. He swung the lid open and was glad he’d thought to open a window when dust flew up at the motion. 
The initial contents were painfully anticlimactic. Armor–a cuirass, pauldrons, vambraces–rested on top, a red cloak with a thick fur ruff tucked in beside it, and a pair of black gloves. He removed these carefully, noting the sparse scratches and scuffs. Whatever he’d done wearing this armor, it couldn’t have been much active fighting. Below the armor was a sheathed sword–he drew it from its scabbard and held it to the light–and a shorter, empty sheath. It looked to be a matched pair–longsword and dagger–but the dagger was missing. Strange. He set these aside as well.
Below that–clothing, tunics and trousers a little larger than ones he might wear now. Belts, a lyrium kit he had the good sense to immediately move out of his sight, a prayer volume and beads, books, a smaller box of miscellany–in short, nothing useful. He huffed at the trunk; had he really thought all his secrets were within? But Cullen was nothing if not thorough, so he sat back and removed the contents one by one anyway. 
He lifted the top tunic (why hadn’t it been folded? Most of the clothes were folded) and caught the slightest hint of an unfamiliar scent. Feeling a little absurd, he lifted it to his nose and breathed deeply. 
It smelled like–like lavender and leather and elfroot. Achingly familiar. He knew that scent, but what–
“Do templars take vows?”
He shifts uneasily; this is not the best topic of conversation with the headache beating at his temples, even if he knows why she might be curious. But he answers easily–he lived it for so long it’s all rote by now–until she tilts her head 
“Are templars also expected to give up…physical temptations?”
His thought process creaks to a halt, and when he takes a deep breath through the nose to recover his composure he can smell her instead. He hadn’t realized she was standing so close, and yet–lavender and elfroot, that’s what she smells like. And with her new armor–the sharp, earthy scent of leather, too. Maker, he wishes he hadn’t noticed. Can she tell that he spent half this conversation staring at her bottom lip?
Frustrated, he set the tunic aside and removed the smaller box. 
Letters on top, which he did not have the patience to peruse. Beneath that, a handful of things: a piece of sharp green glass, a scrap of white leather, a smooth black stone, and a small, round wooden box he knew all too well. 
He picked up this last piece carefully and lifted the clasp. Deep green velvet lined the inside, a contrast to the heirloom it held. The ring inside was yellow gold with a single white pearl in the center. The band was etched with vines and leaves that framed the pearl on either side. He lifted one finger and traced the smooth pearl, the ridges and bumps of the band below. Yes, he knew this very well indeed.
When Cullen had been small he’d admired the ring, a precious piece for a humble farmer from Honnleath. His mother told him that his father had saved for years to ask her for her hand. He’d knelt before her on a spring afternoon beside the creek where they’d met as children and laid out all his life for her–all his faults and foibles, all his missteps and mistakes. She’d listened to them all and told him he was horrible with words, but he’d better hurry up and marry her before he tried the speech on some other poor girl. They’d been married that week and had never once looked back. 
Cullen had liked hearing that story as a child, though he usually favored more heroic tales. He liked that his father had needed to work for this gesture; he liked that his mother had always told Cullen she’d never loved anyone else, no matter what foolishness his father had said. 
This ring was the single most expensive thing his family had ever owned, aside from the horses. After his parents’ deaths, Mia’d had it moved to a bank in South Reach for safekeeping. Why was it here, in this dusty trunk? 
A heaviness in his chest told him why, but he carefully set the box aside anyway and reached for the correspondence. 
Letters: letters from Mia, who alternately berated and teased him for failing to write. Letters from people whose names he didn’t recognize, thanking him for this or that–none of those meant much to him. Who had he been to them? And the last, bound in worn green ribbon: three letters marked with his first name alone. No titles. 
This was it. He knew this had to be it. He stopped anyway, closed his eyes and took several deep breaths to still his racing heart. The red hum was there, the faintest of counterpoints, and it had risen with his heart rate. He waited until he could still and silence it again, until it lay quiescent in his chest, and then he slipped the first envelope from beneath the ribbon. 
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Look Good in Blue, Blondie}
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Program: You've found a home in the arms of another. Sure they may not belong to who you originally imagined and daydreamed about, but they hold you safe and sound while pushing you back to your old self. Laughter and child like joy finally lights up the Harrington household, one rainy night.
Pairing: Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x Platonic(ish), GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Requested
Warnings: Couple of swears, thunderstorms
Length: 689w
Series Program | Camp Upside Down Masterlist
Counselor Notes: Did I just say I wouldn't write an epilogue about Eddie and Reader in this series? Yes. But my dear @hellfiresangel requested some Steve and Reader shenanigans post the confrontation, and I am a sucker for these two. And it finally rained for the first time since May! So I got hit with rainy day in coziness.
Rain droplets drizzle and splutter as distant rumbles of thunder churn. Flashes of small lightning bolts illuminate the water trails as they splay across the window. The dancing droplets leap into the air and fall back into place on the road outside. Tranquil trickles of peace invite you to join the thunderstorm in their symphony or enjoy its crescendo, cuddled in your blanket.
Freshly showered and refreshed after a slow day at work, you relax your achy muscles and sink into the comforter. Goosebumps tickle your skin from the soft caress of an oversized sleep shirt and pajama pants. Vanilla and tobacco entice you to fall further into the comfort of your best friend’s room. Though with the faint smell of your signature perfume and scattered belongings, the safety of Steve’s room easily welcomes you home as if it were your own. Lost in your sleepy daze and lulled to semi-consciousness, you don’t hear the ensuite’s shower fall silent. The soft echoes of rain cascading among the tree leaves distracts you from the door gently closing.
Bliss settles through your body and caresses your skin as Steve lightly trails his fingertips up your arm to your neck. Complete content hums in your heart as his fingers tap softly against your collarbone.
“You little thief. Suppose you took my comfy pants as well?” Steve laughs to himself. Adoration coats his quiet voice, just barely above a whisper. He’ll give you everything- you don’t even have to ask. His heart thrums and swells with joy knowing you do the same for him.
You two understand each other on an empathetic and genuine level. It’s just the two of you. That’s all you need. That’s all that matters.
“You said I could snag whatever- how was I supposed to know these are your favorite,” you slur and send a sleepy smirk his way. Even through your bleary gaze, you can see the remaining water drops trickle from the tips of his hair and down the expanse of his glistening neck. An alarming tap to your nose snaps your attention to a snickering Steve.
Reaching over and launching the other pillow at him, your cheeks flush. Steve jumps out of the way as chuckles cascade freely from his lips. “You’re so cute when you drool- whether it be in your sleep or over me,” he coos and teases you with his finger.
“Fuck you,” you screech and run after him into the hallway. Bumping into the banister and wall as the two of you fly down the stairs and into the living room.
Thundering booms and puttering footsteps fill the silent house. Your laughs and crude insults bring the lonely house to life. Filling the cold atmoshere with a long awaited homeliness.
Blazes of bright lightning outside illuminate the two of you moving in tandem. Steve’s smile shines as his eyes twinkle with a slight playful glint.
Sudden darkness sends you scrambling to find safety in Steve’s arms. “S’okay- I’ve got you. I’m sure there’s already people taking care of the lines,” he mumbles into your hair. “How about I heat some mac n’cheese, and we can listen to a cassette or something?”
You stop him from leading you into the kitchen with a snort of amusement. You don’t need to see in order to know he’s turned to face you with a quirked eyebrow. “How’re we supposed to heat something up with no power, genius?”
“Oh, fuck you. I’m trying to be nice here,” he jokes and slips his arms free of your grasp. But the all too familiar tingle of your touch quickly returns to his arm and sends his stomach into somersaults.
“Fine. Cold mac n’cheese, smarty pants. What album?” Steve tugs you into the kitchen and sets you into one of the breakfast bar chairs. While you ponder on tonight’s music selection, Steve moves to grab dinner from the fridge and the walkman he keeps on the counter.
“That Blondie one? The one with ‘Look Good in Blue’,” you gratefully hum as Steve places a cold bowl of mac n’cheese in front of you. And another by your side.
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The harmony of fashion - part 2
Warnings: Smut and therefore 18+ only, first Meetings, fix-It, fluff, smut
Word count: 1.3 K
Pairing: Cruella x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Reader is the lead singer of a local London Rock group, and right in the scene where Cruella and the others are escaping from the police after the parade, Cruella and Reader accidentally bump into each other.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Emma Stone characters masterlist]
Part 1 HERE
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"I will need all the information that can be obtained from the party" I spoke, while petting Buddy"I want to know about the guests, even who will clean the floors"
"That's a piece of cake," Jasper spoke up.
"Maybe, if we're lucky, someone might help us, from the inside"
"Help us? What do you plan to do?"
“Wait, and you will see”
The world was a small place, and London, it seemed, much smaller. 
Turns out, the baroness's trusted bartender had to cancel she because of his little tooth extraction surgery, so the witch hired the star bartender of ' The Camden Assembly Pub', who happened to be T/N 
Jasper innocently gave me the address of the place, but, I didn't even read the damn paper, I just had to walk a little further than Regent's Park, and there I could see her.
Now, she wasn't wearing a nice Rockstar outfit , she was just wearing black pants, a black blouse, and a brown apron; her hair was pulled back, and she only had a light layer of makeup on, leaving a few small spots visible to the naked eye. 
She was at the back door of the place, talking and laughing with another boy, while they both smoked a cigarette, until she finished it, threw the butt away, stepped on it, took off her apron and handed it to the boy. With a quick movement, she reached into the room and took out her bag and a coat, put on the garment and let down her hair, letting the black sea cascade down her back, she said goodbye to her friend and began to walk.
I tried to follow her, discreetly and at a great distance, but, we didn't have to walk far, apparently, being a bartender by day and a rock star by night, makes good money, since the woman lived near the famous ' Road ST. John's Wood Ter'. 
The woman was going to open the door of a large building, a group of apartments, so I quickened my pace, until I reached her side, just as she inserted the key into the lock. 
"Will go up?" 
“Yes, please” I tried to make my voice hoarser, so I could sound like a man, but the tickling of the fake mustache just tickled me, making the task more difficult. 
"Come in please" 
She closed the door and got on the old elevator, so, I went up after her, she punched number 5, making us both wait for the elevator to reach the floor. 
“When were you going to tell me it was you?"
 She, still leaning against the wall, turned her head to see me, and gave me a smile. 
"I just wanted to see, how long it took you to find out if it was me" 
“Honey, I identified you from Regent's Park. That mustache is very false to me” she mocked 
Carefully, I plucked my mustache, and passed my hand over the area, to try to alleviate the burning a little, causing her to laugh. 
"Thank God you noticed, I thought I'd have to have this dead rat on my face any longer." 
The elevator reached its destination, and she got out, but she turned to see me 
“Are you coming, or what?” 
I followed her to her apartment. 
It wasn't as big as ours, but she kept it well lit, and very organized, full of plants and paintings. 
"Do you want some tea?" 
"No, really, I'm here for my coat." 
"Oh sure, I have it in my room, wait here" 
She tried to get up, but I grabbed her wrist, causing her to stop. 
“I accompany you” 
We both got up, and walked to her room. 
She took out her coat, she was going to hand it to me, but, just as she was going to take it, she quickly pushed it away. 
"Eh, but don't you think I deserve a reward, for taking such good care of him?" 
“Of course you deserve a reward” 
She tried to hang her coat on the same door of her closet, but, I took it from her hands and with a quick movement, I threw her back to the bed, and with grace, I climbed on her lap 
“You are such a good girl” 
I started kissing her neck, tickling her 
"Wow, I didn't think you were such a talkative woman in sex" 
I made her get up, so we could both take our clothes off until we were in our underwear. 
"You're always too loud" She unhooks her bra and I throw it somewhere in the room. 
"Yes, but I'm very quiet when it comes to sex" it was her turn to take off my bra and throw it away 
"Mm, it will be perfect, you will remain silent, like the perfect submissive that I want you to be, while I praise the good girl that you will be" without finesse, I pulled her panties, and I lay on top of her, putting a nipple in my mouth, making the poor woman hold a small gasp in her mouth 
" Shh , no" I try to move away, but I stayed firm giving a light bite to the nipple, causing her to let out a squeal "my walls are almost paper, the neighbors..." 
Without warning, my right hand went straight to her center and I started playing with her clit, causing Y/N to lose track of the conversation and roll her eyes. 
"The neighbors will have to listen to how you shout my name, over and over again" she tried to suppress her moans, but some escaped her "honey, I barely touched you and you're already soaked. Say it's just for me” Y/N tried to turn her head and bite the pillow, but I grabbed her chin and forced her to look into my eyes “tell me you're soaking wet just for me” 
"I'm soaked for you" she whisper between small and light moans 
"That's my good girl" 
I inserted two fingers into her vagina, causing her back to arch and her mouth to open, just a little. 
"You look so beautiful like this, full" I spoke, my body lowered until my mouth was in front of her vulva, so I carefully gave her a long lick, to savor her "And you taste so good" 
Mixing my fingers in and out of her hole, along with my mouth and tongue sucking and licking her clit, Y/N cums , slowing my movements down to a complete stop and seeing her face, with a light sheen of sweat, flushed cheeks, and slightly irregular breathing 
"How was that?" I got up, kneeling on her 
“It was amazing” Y/N got up a bit, sitting down 
“This is where, you can thank me” 
With a quick movement, she changed our positions and quickly began to caress my clit, through my panties, causing me to gasp. 
"Why give thanks, if I can use my mouth for something better"
She lowered until her mouth connected with my clit, sucking a little.
"Wow, who knew a street rock star couldn't pronounce 'oral sex'" she nibbled lightly on my clit making me yell "Ahhh"
Y/N was a great caretaker after sex. 
She took care of letting me use her shower, lend me her clothes, and even surprise me by taking me a cup of coffee, delicious French sweet bread and a good talk pending. 
"I don't know you're supposed to be dead?" asks Y/N while giving me a beautiful smile, crossing her legs and bringing her cup closer to her delicious mouth 
"Yes I am" I tried to pout "but it just makes me enjoy my anonymity more" we both drank her fantastic tea "Y/N I have a plan”  
"Of course you do, you're an intelligent woman... And I like intelligent women" Y/N flirted as she placed her hand on my thigh, giving soft and light massages "But..." he approached my ear and whispered " What do I get? 
“A night of luxury, chaos and a possible death” 
"The thing about death doesn't convince me at all" 
"It won't be yours" 
"Good. But I'm still not convinced." She gave my neck a long lick. 
“How about more nights like this?” It was my turn to bite her bare shoulder 
"Well, where do I sign, princess?" 
I hope you enjoy this.
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
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blorbologist · 1 year
Cat’s Cradle - Chapter 4
Ch 1 … Ch 3
“If I am reading this right, they need to eat every two hours?”
“Just about,” Vex says with no small amount of forced cheer. She throws an arm over the back of Percy’s seat as she puts her Jeep in reverse. “It’s going to be just like a sleepover! We can have snacks between bottle feeding the little babies. Play truth or dare with them.”
Percy hums in acknowledgement, careful not to jostle the basket in his lap. 
It had been a no-brainer for them to spend the night at Vex’s apartment - a seven minute drive from the workshop certainly beat a forty minute one to Percy’s in this weather. This would be the last time anyone called him paranoid for keeping spares of everything handy… though usually they were for late nights spent on a project, or when his clothes inevitably got ruined by oil or a small fire.
The Jeep is too old for BlueTooth and its radio gave up the ghost years ago. It’s just them, the kittens, and the sparse Sunday traffic outside. Respite as it may be after the earlier chaos, it leaves Percy with nothing to distract him.
It’s only seven minutes. 
He tries not to think.
He’s not particularly good at that. 
Vex isn’t, either - though she is a fair deal better at hiding it when it suits her, fixing her gaze on the road. Not perfect, though, perhaps only because he is looking a little more closely than he should. Every bump sends Percy’s heart into his throat. Eventually it stays there.
“Are you sure,” Percy says, “that I am not imposing by staying over?”
She makes an effort not to look at him. “Oh, I really appreciate it, actually,” says Vex. “Zahra’s expecting me for eight tomorrow, and I don’t think I can function on that little sleep. You’re a lifesaver darling - thank you.”
That’s not what he meant and they both know it.
“Of course,” he replies. “Careful about the blind turn, dear.”
Seven minutes is a torturous crawl. It’s also not nearly enough. 
Trinket is disgustingly happy to greet them, his nub of a tail drawing his backside into great wiggles. 
Percy is quick to raise the basket as high as can be done safely - Trinket is a very big dog, with thick brown fur and a huge, drooly muzzle. The cropped ears are a stark contrast to the soft look of the rest of him, and rarely fail to send a pang through Percy. 
Vex laughs when Trinket, sniffing at Percy’s legs, suddenly redoubles his enthusiastic greeting, now barking. Bless her training - any other dog would be jumping, which would be quite the disaster. “Yes, darling, we’ve got friends! You can’t play with them, though, they’re too little. Quiet down, Trinket.”
The jowls close with a pop, big dark eyes imploring Percy to please let him play with the babies.
“No,” Percy says gently. 
Trinket whines as he whisks them off to the bathroom. 
With the flurry of activity, it’s easy to set aside how Friday night went. 
Vex had put off most of her errands to Sunday, given it was her first day off in a week and a half. Once the kittens are settled, Percy offers to watch them and cover the next feeding or two so she can hack at her checklist. He feels guilty that his ordeal ate up her whole morning, and it’s the least he can do. 
The alternative, that he does the shopping for her, is off the table: Vex has the whole thing planned to a T to hit the best specials and save the most gas. Percy is, frankly, not sure he could meet her standards.
So most of Percival’s day is kittens.
Bottlefeeding, helping them go to the bathroom, weighing them. Making sure their heatpad is still warm, preparing more formula. And research - as much as he can manage. Everything from things to watch out for to normal growth rates. How to reintroduce kittens to their mother. How to catch a stray cat. 
Percy fires off an email to the local SPCA, enquiring first when they can bring the litter in. Second, if they can borrow a trap for Curio.
It’s satisfying to put together a plan of action. 
With an old cult classic Scanlan had recommended and takeout, it is almost like a sleepover. Bar the absence of Vax - usually omnipresent at the apartment - or any of their other friends. Without them, ignoring the occasional awkward lapses of silence where before the quiet between them had been smooth is harder. The movie is a poor distraction, once the food is all gone and the kittens are long until their next feed.
There’s a beat, when a dramatic reveal falls flat to this audience of two, where Percy almost brings it up. Or Vex almost does - her eyes are dark things, iced with the light from the television.
Almost is not quite enough when Percy’s phone buzzes decisively. 
He thumbs through his passcode to find the new email. Hums.
“Percy?” Vex says, leaning closer. 
“We can drop by with the litter at our earliest convenience,” he explains, tilting the screen her way. “But they note that there might not be a foster available for them - that all those experienced with neonates already have their hands full.”
Vex sighs, head dropping onto her knee. “Of course.”
“Should we expect the worst?” He taps out the beginnings of a reply - they also agree to let them make use of a humane trap or two.
“I can’t foster kittens right now, Percy.” She sounds so weary - he nudges his shoulder into her’s without thought. Almost as easily she nudges back. Doesn’t pull back. “The end of the next quarter is in two weeks - it’s been late nights for the last three, too. I’ll be lucky to have time for lunch.”
“And the nonprofit,” Percy offers gently, “will also crash and burn without your championship.”
Vex snorts. “Mm-hm. That rich asshole - richer than you, darling - keeps hounding for proof the area needs to be protected. So we’re still canvassing for the endangered species they found a few years back, because apparently it needs to reflect the ‘actual status of the woodland’.” She helpfully provides the airquotes.
Her hands falter somewhat. “And - well. Vax isn’t here. Or he could help.”
Percy nods, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. The movie goes viciously dark - good gods has the cinematography been terrible - and she does too, shrinking in on herself. 
“Don’t worry, dear. We can figure it out later,” Percy murmurs. The yawn that takes him makes his jaw creak. “Tomorrow.”
“Later,” Vex echoes. She mirrors his yawn, too, though she stands with it. “I’ll - I’m heading to bed. Goodnight, Percy.”
Ah. ”Night, Vex.” He does not protest - he’s due to start warming a bottle soon, anyways.
(They’re not very good at talking about things later.)
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holyguardian · 4 months
Name: Joshua Rosfield
Age: 28
Do you like to cuddle?: I am not entirely familiar with the concept, but according to what I heard about it... Yes, I like it quite a lot.
Can we make-out?: What does makie-out mean ? We will do as you want, Aerith.
A night in or dinner out?: Maybe a night in would feel more different than all these evenings on the road...
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: I would prefer to have both.
Chocolates and roses?: Tell me about your preferences, and I will make sure you have all you want when it comes to chocolates and flowers.
What makes you a good Valentine?: I truly care for you and I think we get along quite well.
Would you cook for me?: I am afraid this won't be a good idea.
Would you let me cook for you?: If you want to cook for me, I can try my best to help you, though.
Where would you take me on a date?: Away from my duties for once. Maybe we could have a picnic dinner and then look at the stars.
Who’s paying?: Me, of course.
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: A surprise, maybe ?
Valentine's Day Application.
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"Let's stay in." Aerith agreed with a decisive nod. "I much prefer my flowers in the ground, we can plan a garden together." Perhaps that much was a dream. Though from what she had seen, the Hideaway had an ample garden of its own making... she and Joshua might have a small window box of their own...
There were some things, however, that she might ask Clive to explain to his brother. She can't help a small laugh, her hand lifted to cover her lips as she composed herself. "We can make chocolate dipped strawberries. They're both a luxury, I know, which makes it extra special to share such a treat together. Mmm... yes, then you can tell me all about this surprise." Their shoulders bumped and she wore a sharp little smile. It was fun to tease little reactions out of him.
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