#and it’ll be called something like ‘old man at the beach’ or something
museenkuss · 4 months
It’s not like I don’t TRY to like recent perfumes. I’ll test Prada Paradoxe or Mon Guerlain on skin and I’ll sniff it with a wobbly smile and go “after two hours it smells really nice! I like the dry down…” and then at home I’ll put on some scent described as “leather+powders” and I’ll cry with relief.
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tteokdoroki · 10 months
☆༉ — KATSUKI BAKUGOU. baby’s first beach day.
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about. girl dad!bakugou takes his baby girl to the beach!
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! sfw, fluff, beach days, minor hint at having more babies, reader is called momma, afab!reader, pro hero + girl dad!bakugou.
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thinking about bakugou taking his baby girl to the beach for the first time.
how he’ll laugh heartily at the face she makes when her itty bitty toes touch the sand for the first time. he’s holding her just under her arms so that her feet graze over the soft sand as he keeps her pink tutu swimming costume away from it. “she looks just like you!” you’ll tell him when her face crumples and her nose scrunches because what is this and why is it between my toes.
your one year old really takes after him, grumpy in his arms for most of beach day, her chubby cheek pressed against his pec while bakugou lathers her up with a baby safe sun screen (almost the highest spf factor) because he doesn’t want her to burn. “i know baby, s’cold ain’t it. don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.” he tilts his head, smiling down at her to soothe the first notes of her hiccups. all the while, rubbing over her back in the way that babies like.
you’ll catch them napping in the sun right after, both of them snoring up a storm while catching some shut eye behind their matching shades. you send a picture to mitsuki who instantly makes it her whatsapp profile picture because she can’t help but want to show off her strong bakugou genetics.
the two of them take to the water after a lunch of homemade tuna sandwiches and baby formula — you warn katsuki to be careful with her by the sea and he only winks, using baby girl’s hand to wave at you. “we’ll be good, don’t worry momma.” the whole time they stay by the shore and bakugou regretfully gives her a spade to fling wet sand in his face with her wobbly motor functions.
but it’s totally worth it for him to hear her screaming laughter, and watch her kick her tiny feet in the small pool of salty water. you’ll admit, seeing your husband dripping wet as he makes his way back up to your beach towels with your baby snuggled against him does something to the darkest parts of your soul.
it seems that bakugou knows that too, smirking at you while you give him bedroom eyes from behind your own shades.
when the sun sets, bakugou is careful with his steps as the three of you head back up the beach and towards your car. little baby bakugou is all tuckered out, her ‘deku’ sun hat askew atop her sun-kissed curls. she whines unhappily when you pull her away from his chest to strap her back into her car seat — mindful of the sand. a daddy’s girl through and through.
“d’ya think she had fun today?” bakugou asks you, closing the trunk while you fiddle with the car seat, double checking that she’s secure.
you look up at your husband — the man you’ve loved for half your life and the reason you’re responsible for another. “she’ll remember this, even if she’s only little.” you tell him wistfully, wrapping your arms around his neck (as he does with your waist) once he’s made his way over to you. “you really made her day, i’ve never seen her smile so much.”
bakugou blushes, swooping down to kiss you against the cool metal of your family sized car. “you’re the best, momma.”
“and you’re the best, daddy.” grinning against his lips, you swipe a bit of sand from his cheeks — content that your first family beach day was a complete success.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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lvandrskies · 6 months
— from eden
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synopsis: eve found a snake in her garden, and then fell in love with the fruit it offered.
tags: god au, past lives, soul bonds, angst, smut
warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, oral (fem. receiving), corruption kink if u squint, character death
word count: 18.3k
a/n: if you've read this before, it's because i deleted my old account and then decided to come back. as a disclaimer, religion is pretty broad in this fic. "god" in this fic is not god from the christian/catholic religion. also !! thank u @yeonjunszn for betaing this last year, love u pookie!! <33 [photo creds]. MINORS DNI
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❝all the fear and the fire of the end of the world, happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl.❞
When God created the universe, he first created light. He separated the light from darkness and called them “Day” and “Night”. Then He made the sky, separating the water with a dome to keep it in two separate places. Then he made the sun and the stars, weaving his essence to light up his beautiful creation to help guide those who will soon live on it. Then He created animals, for both the sky and the water. He blessed them and told them to live in the sea and the sky, to fill the ocean and the earth with bustling cycles of life.
On the last day, he created humans. He created man and woman, and told them to have children so they may produce their own descendants to walk over earth and bring everything into their control. The first two humans he created were Adam and Eve.
He provided them with an abundance of fruits and grains for them to eat in a beautiful garden he called Eden.
In the garden of Eden, they were to fall in love and create many children. Adam was the first one to fall in love with Eve, and she pliantly went along with it. 
But, something in Eve felt… empty. Like Adam was not the one she was to be with. Adam was not the one she was to share this beautiful, vast, garden with. But, she wasn’t sure who she was to share this with. Eve knew she couldn’t delve much more into the unsettling pit in her stomach at the thought of her fate already sealed by Adam’s side, as it was not smart to defy God. 
“God knows best,” she would tell herself as she lay with Adam in the garden of Eden.
I’m dying.
If the blood flowing around him wasn’t enough of a tell, or the way his sight blurs in and out. The heavy rain pelting against his dying body is a desperate, yet pathetic, attempt of the universe trying to save him and wash the red sticky liquid away. His breathing is shallow, hitched. He feels the urge to cry, to mourn the life he’s no longer going to be able to have. He was so close to reaching his goals too, and now they’re all washed up and ruined, like trash washing back up on the shores of beaches he visits. Or, in just a short while it’ll be visited.
“I’m sorry, m—” Chan chokes. “Mom. I did everything I could.”
Just as he is about to slip into eternal sleep, a bright light opens up in the sky. It’s blinding, and warm? 
Why is it so warm? Is this heaven?
Suddenly an otherworldly amount of pressure is pressing on his body, like the weight of the skies is laying flat along where he lays in the road. The air slowly leaves his lungs, deflating like a balloon that wasn’t tied. His entire body relaxes, and he feels himself being pushed further into his body, into his own mind.
Is this really what dying feels like?
Chan wakes up in a hospital room. 
His body is aching, and his head is filled with an uncomfortable pressure. Breathing hurts, and he’s sure his ribs are broken. The machine that’s keeping track of his vitals beeps rhythmically, and he lets out a, albeit pained, sigh of relief at it. 
He looks up at the ceiling, like he was looking up towards the heavens and thanking whatever God was gracious enough to let him keep living. 
“Ah! You’re awake!” A voice says, cheerily. A woman in her late thirties is standing in the doorway. Her slick black hair is pulled into a low ponytail, a few strands falling into her face from being up for what Chan presumes to be hours. “I’m your nurse, Eunkyung. I’ll go grab the doctor.” Chan barely has the chance to respond before the nurse leaves, the sound of her shoes squeaking steadily quieting as she hurries down the hallway.
The doctor follows her into the room a few minutes later, inspecting his eyes and the nasty bruising around his ribcage. “Do you remember your name?”
“Bang Chan,” he answers. “Do you know how I got here?”
“You walked yourself here, do you not remember?” The doctor asks, bewilderment encasing his wrinkled face. “You were a sight to see. I don’t know what kind of God has your back but, you should have died last night. It’s quite literally a miracle.”
Chan’s head pounds at the doctor’s words, and he flinches. He pinches the bridge of his nose as an attempt to relieve some of the pressure.
“We’ll keep you here for another day or two to see how you’re feeling. Do you have any family we can call?”
“Oh, uh,” Chan looks down at his scraped hands, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “No, I don’t. My emergency contact should be Seo Changbin, though.”
Changbin does make it up to the hospital that same night, with Han Jisung bounding in right behind him. Changbin and Jisung aren’t one to shy away from theatrics, so when they finally enter the room, the younger of the two is loudly shouting in distress as he practically launches himself onto the bed to lay with Chan. 
“Oh, my precious hyung! I can’t believe you almost died!” He wails out, wrapping his arms around Chan’s shoulders and obnoxiously crying out, the sound of his faux wails echoing into the room and piercing Chan’s eardrums and racking his brain even more. 
“Ah, Sung. I love you, but please don’t yell. My head feels like it’s splitting.” He whines out, pinching the bridge of his nose once again. 
“Yeah, the doctor said you have a pretty nasty concussion,” Changbin says. Chan nods, trying his best to move his shoulders to shake the younger boy off, but to no avail. Han Jisung is glued to his side, no matter how much pain it’s bringing to his ribs, but he eventually decides to give up and relaxes in the younger’s hold. Before he can fully relax, though, boney knuckles are making contact with his bicep, which then makes him groan and lurch up, shooting more pain into his torso. He opens his eyes to see that the worry is wiped clean off Changbin’s features, and instead replaced with a feign look of anger. “You idiot! How could you get yourself hit by a car!” Chan flinches at the rising level in the man’s voice. 
“Did we forget that I said my head hurts?” Chan whines. “I don’t even know how it happened. One second I was crossing the street and then the next thing I know I’m laying in the middle of the road.”
“The doctor said you walked here,” Jisung says. “How did you even manage to do that, hyung?”
“Funny thing is, I don’t even remember doing it.”
Chan’s discharged after three days, and given a stern order from Ms. Eunkyung to “take it easy” until his head fully clears. He chuckles to himself, because he knows he’s not exactly going to follow that order. 
Not if he wants food on the table. 
Speaking of food; his fridge is empty. Save for a stick of butter, a gallon of milk Chan is more than a hundred percent sure is expired, and a singular tomato staring at him pitifully. Even the tomato looks like it’s on its last leg, too. He cringes.
Suddenly, his head starts pounding again. He groans, shutting the fridge door and stumbling to his couch where he throws himself down on it. He lets out a pained whine as the pressure in his head builds, and he’s almost convinced his head is going to explode.
“Am I dying for real this time?” Chan whispers to himself. The pressure feels almost familiar, like how it did when he was dying because soon it’s encasing his entire body again and his eyes slip closed.
When Chan awakes again, he feels so far away, like he’s not fully in his body.
He must have taken a harder hit to the head than he thought. He doesn’t even remember falling asleep, let alone when he moved to his bed. He thinks maybe he should call Minho over to watch him in case he passes out like that again. Maybe he really is dying this time.
Fuck. This isn’t entirely how he wants to go out. Alone, in his shitty apartment with no one around, barely any food in the fridge and nothing to his name that can be tied to any sort of legacy.
Though, he isn’t surprised he’s dying this way. It’s just his luck.
“Can you stop thinking so loud?”
What the fuck.
That was his voice. But he’s sure he wasn’t talking. 
“Oh you mortals and your need to constantly think, think, think!” He feels his palm hit against his temple. 
“You’re not dead, kid. Well, not until I leave this vessel,” He says… to himself. He sighs. “I’m a god. Gotta say, you decided to go and get yourself killed at just the perfect time too. I didn’t even have to find you.”
“Don’t yell! You echo in my head and it’s giving me a headache!” The god scoffs, rubbing at his temples. “I’ll explain it to you in a second I just…” just then, Chan’s stomach growls and the god groans. “I’m fucking starving. When’s the last time you ate? You mortals love treating your bodies like shit.”
I ate… Wait, what time is it?
“It’s the next morning,” the god responds. 
The next morning?!
“Yes! Gods, stop yelling!” Cato shrieks, gently knocking his fists on the top of his head in an attempt to quiet the human in their shared consciousness. “You were out for quite a while. I was convinced I completely shoved you out of your body. Just my luck I got someone who holds on, though. Tsk.” Chan watches as the god moves his body to sit up in his bed, swinging his legs over to firmly plant them on the ground. He groans, his body is sore and his joints are aching. Chan groans too, still able to feel everything. Just a little more dulled, but he still feels that incessant knot in his neck he’s never been able to get rid of. “You really let this thing get this rickety? How old are you?”
Twenty five.
“So young,” the god says, an almost mournful tone in his voice as he stretches his (their?) arms above his head. He walks out of the tiny bedroom and into the main apartment. “Cute place,” he chuckles. Chan doesn’t respond, as he watches the god look around the small apartment and take in everything. The god’s curious gaze lands on his stack of records, old vinyls he’s collected since he was about fourteen. “Nice collection.”
Thanks. Are you gonna tell me what’s going on now?
“After I feed myself,” the god quips. “So impatient.” He rolls his eyes as he makes his way into the kitchen. Chan doesn’t miss the grimace that paints across his face as the god stares at the stack of dirty dishes in the sink.
Don’t roll my eyes at me.
“I’m piloting this plane right now, so they’re my eyes.” The god snaps. 
Can you at least tell me your name?
“Cato,” the god responds as he opens the fridge. Cato lets out an indignant sound at the sight. The same stick of butter, expired milk, and pathetic tomato are glaring back at them once again. “You have no food, you useless man! How are we supposed to eat!”
I haven’t had the time to go grocery shopping. 
“How have you not died earlier?” Cato asks, sarcastically. 
You’re so not funny.
“It’s still a sensitive topic, I see,” Cato quirks his eyebrows. “Where can we get food?”
There’s a convenience store down the street I usually go to when I’m in between groceries.
“Is this your definition of in between groceries?”
Shut up. I’m a busy guy. 
Cato doesn’t respond as he goes and gets himself dressed. He pauses putting on the tee shirt he chose to look in the mirror the human has hanging on his wall. He’s bruised heavily on his torso and his face is scraped up. He and the god both grimace at the damage done to his body. “How did you even manage to do this?”
It’s not like I was playing chicken with the car. It just happened.
“You got hit? And they didn’t take you to the hospital?” Cato presses down on the bruise along his ribcage, which sends a sharp pain to crawl up his spine. Chan whimpers quietly in his head at the touch. Cato whimpers out loud. “That’s why I had to walk us there myself.”
That’s usually what entails in a hit and run. Stop touching it! That hurts. Wait – you were the one that took me to the hospital?
“Yeah. I was in a lot of pain… You can feel that?” Cato asks, eyebrow raised as he looks in the mirror. He presses on it again. Chan lets out a whine.
Yes. It hurts. A lot. My ribs are broken. I don’t know if you remember, but that’s what the doctor said. At the hospital. That you walked me to.
“You lost a lot of blood last night,” Cato says. “I don’t know how I managed to heal your cracked skull but not the bruises and your ribs. But also, this isn’t just your body you stupid mortal. It’s mine, too.” Chan sighs, annoyed.
Maybe they weren’t life threatening? 
“No, it’s not that,” Cato murmurs. He places a finger on his chin, eyebrows scrunched as he racks his brain (or, his borrowed brain) for an answer. His stomach growls again. “Oh, man. I can barely think. Food first, everything else later. Oh, and try not to talk to me. I don’t wanna look like a weirdo talking to myself on the street.”
You could just not respond out loud.
Go fuck yourself.
Walking to the convenience store was quick. The cold winds nip at Cato’s nose, painting it a delicate shade of red by the time he enters the store. The heat from inside the building wraps him in a hug, thawing his frozen nose and hands as he steps in almost instantly. The store itself is small, maybe four aisles at best with a line of freezers and fridges lining the back wall. There’s a table with a microwave and two two-seater tables next to it. 
The old lady that owns it gives me a discount because I help her stock sometimes. 
That’s called a job. 
I don’t work here. 
But you do — whatever I’m not arguing with a stupid mortal. 
Didn’t know God can get hangry. 
I’m not “God”, I’m a God. Did you not hear me when I made that exact distinction when you woke up earlier?
I see I’ve hit a nerve.
It’s like if I called you an animal when you’re a human. It’s rude. 
To whom?
To me! And to the big man himself, but that’s not who we’re concerned about right now.
Sorry, God.
Are you not going to apologize to me?
“Fucking mortals.” Cato whispers under his breath as he walks the aisles.
I heard that. 
You were meant to!
“Chan?” a soft, pretty voice speaks out from next to him. Cato whips his head to find a girl. She has a look of uncertainty on her face, but once she realizes it actually is who she thought, a bright smile paints across her angelic face. “Hey! Missed you in class yesterday.”
Cato stands there, shell shocked. His mouth drops open and he’s standing there, gawking at her for a full ten seconds. For some reason, after seeing this girl, a hole feels as if it’s torn open in his chest, where his heart should be. It’s painful. Raw, carnal pain shoots through his chest and it makes his eye twitch.
Answer her, idiot! Don’t make me look stupid!
“Oh!” Cato sounds out, plastering a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, you…”
Y/n. Her name is y/n.
Y/n. Why does that sound so…familiar?
“Hey?” You say, confusion lacing your voice. The confusion is wiped away once your eyes settle on the scrapes along his jawline and eyebrow, concern replacing it instead. An attentive hand reaches up and carasses against his cheek, and both Cato and Chan have stopped breathing. They both can feel how their cheeks heat up at your touch. Cato has half a mind to flinch away, and he does. Your hand retracts immediately, your mouth pulling to the side in regret for accidentally hurting him. In truth, you didn’t touch him. But the heat of your hand so close to his skin felt as if it was burning. Your pretty eyes are filled to the brim with worry, and you ask, “What happened to your face? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just took a pretty nasty fall last night,” Cato responds, sheepishly. He scratches the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. “That's why I wasn’t in class yesterday. Had to go to the hospital and get my head checked out.”
“Oh, that’s awful! I’m glad you’re okay, though!” You respond, your bright smile coming back to your face, though it is tainted with worry still. “Since you missed class, we were partnered together for a project. Maybe we can meet and I can go over the notes and the project with you? Or I can just… send them to you.”
Tell her we can meet tonight. 
What happened to ‘taking it easy’?
Chan only laughs in response.
“I’m down to meet you tonight, if that’s okay.” Cato smiles down at you. 
“Yeah, for sure!” You chirp. “I’ll see you at your studio tonight, then? I get off work at seven!” 
Y/n and I major in music production. 
“Cool, I’ll see you there.” Cato responds. You give him a wave goodbye, making your way up to the cashier to check out your things. Cato was so in shock he didn’t even notice you were carrying anything. 
His stomach growls. He groans quietly. 
For someone who had such a sense of urgency over eating, you sure are taking a long time to get something to eat. 
Will you shut the fuck up?
❝i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door.❞
As Eve bore child after child for Adam, for the earth, that pit she so desperately tried to bury in her stomach grew bigger. More insistent. She watches as more and more of her children experience many things she didn’t get to; exploring, meeting, falling in love with who they choose and so on and so forth. 
As much as she hates to say it, let alone even let it into her heart, she resents her children. She resents Adam. She resents the life that the strings of fate have weaved for her, as she watches her children experience the freewill that God gifted them. Yet she and Adam are forced to simply be their means to an end, to push their future generations along so the human race may flourish. 
As she sits in the garden, weaving a crown of flowers and singing a song she does not think has been orchestrated yet, the stream she sits in front of singing quietly with her, a snake slithers up to her. It’s beautiful brown scales and equally as beautiful brown, slitted eyes glint etherally in the early morning sun. She extends a gentle hand towards it, its forked tongue stretching out to slide across her fingers curiously. She giggles at the ticklish sensation, watching with her own curiosity as he climbs up her forearm and upwards so its head rests gently against her naked shoulder. 
She goes back to weaving the stems, the soft melody she hums lulling the snake to sleep against her shoulder.
So, I’m… your vessel?
“Correct,” Cato responds, watching the electric kettle impatiently. Cato had finally decided on food after you left, a bowl of ramen and a couple seaweed snack packages he managed to find in Chan’s desolate cabinet. Seriously, why doesn’t this guy have any sense of care for himself? “Every God and angel has a vessel on earth in case we need to come down.”
Can you just not come down in the way you look?
“No. Our heavenly form will drive an ordinary person insane,” the god lets out a small noise of glee once the kettle settles, indicating it’s finally done heating the water. Humans, as stupid as they can be sometimes (he’s looking at Chan, specifically), they sure have made quite a few amazing inventions. Just like this kettle. He’s absolutely enamored with it. “We originally weren’t supposed to have access to earth. We were just supposed to observe from the heavens.”
“But, there’s just some things the Big Man dangles in front of you and you take the bait,” Cato pours the water in the bowl of ramen, watching as the spices he added immediately dissolve in the scolding liquid. He chuckles in amusement to himself as he recloses the paper lid, laying a pair of chopsticks over it to keep it closed. “Hey, how long should this sit for?”
Like two or three minutes. What do you mean by bait?
“A lot of god’s fell in love with mortals on earth,” Cato answers. “You ever read any Greek mythology stories? Apollo and Hyacinthus. Eros and Psyche. So on and so forth.”
I mean, yeah, but, I didn’t think they were real or anything.
“Oh, they’re definitely real,” the god chuckles. “Apollo and I are friends, actually.”
No way! So, like, is every God from every religion real, then?
“Yeah.” Cato shrugs. He takes the chopsticks off and rips the paper cover off of the bowl, excitedly using the chopsticks to stir the broth and noodles around.
So, why did you come to earth?
Cato pauses. He’s standing in the middle of the kitchen like an idiot, frozen in real time as he stares dumbfounded into the bowl of noodles. Why… Why did he come to earth?
Hello? Earth to Cato? Your food is gonna get cold.
“Oh, right,” Cato shakes his head to rid him of his internal struggle. “I… I don’t know why I came to earth. I don’t seem to remember.” He manages to make his way to Chan’s kitchen table, which is just a small round table with two rickety chairs in the corner of his living room.
So do vessels usually die before god’s possess them?
“No, not usually – ah! Fuck, that’s still hot,” Cato whines, sticking his burned tongue out and waving air onto it with his fingers. Chan’s laugh echoes in his head, and he makes an offended noise from the back of his throat as he continues fanning his tongue.
So, me dying the same time you came down was just… pure luck? 
“Yeah,” Cato makes sure to blow cold air onto the noodles this time. “I mean, lucky for me. Not so much for you.”
What’s gonna happen when you leave?
“You’ll probably die.”
But you healed me? Shouldn’t that stay when you leave?
Cato shrugs. “Don’t know. You’re technically not even supposed to be conscious like this, either. I’m supposed to have full control of your vessel if I possess it.” 
It’s silent after that. Cato is grateful Chan has stopped playing twenty questions. It gives Cato’s one track mind a way to fully focus on his food and not about the fact that he does not remember why he’s even here in the first place. But it’s not like he can just go back up to the heavens and ask someone. As annoying as he is, he quite likes the human that’s his vessel. It’s a shame that once the god is done on earth, Chan’s fatal wounds will most likely come back full force.
Cato hopes he’s able to leave fast enough to not have to witness it.
After Cato ate, Chan was insistent on switching when it came time for his meet with you later in the evening. It took a lot of bickering back and forth, but once Chan got it through the stubborn god’s head that you would know something was off with him (that didn’t have to do with his head injury) the second Cato opened his, in Chan’s words, “big dumb mouth”.
“Why do we have to pass out to switch?” Chan asks as he steps out of the shower. 
Do you always have this many questions? Gods, I feel like I’m speaking to a toddler. 
Chan copies his words in a silly voice, rolling his eyes as he does so. “Sue me for wanting to know how to work my body with someone else camping in it.” 
The way you said that just sounds so… weird. 
“And a god possessing a human body is just a regular Tuesday, right?” the human jokes. 
For us, yeah. 
“Shut the fuck up, Cato,” Chan chuckles, shaking his head in faux annoyance. He stands in front of the bathroom mirror and runs his fingers through his thick curls. For some reason his stomach is buzzing at the thought of being in his studio with you. 
Why are you so nervous to see y/n?
Chan’s cheeks heat up. “I’m not,” he mutters.
You know I can feel everything, right?
Chan doesn’t respond, too afraid that his voice might way to just how flustered he is. It’s true he finds you very attractive, and your personalities mesh well together. You both have a lot in common and since the day he met you he’s felt a weird, otherworldly pull towards you. “You said her name was familiar to you. Why?” Cato doesn’t respond for a minute, and Chan almost wonders if the god even heard him ask. “Cato?”
I… I don’t know. Just when you said it it just felt like deja vu for some reason. How long have you been friends?
“Since she started college,” Chan replies. “She’s like two years below me.”
Chan doesn’t miss the weird boulder that settles in his stomach. But for some reason, it feels distant. Like it’s not his boulder.
❝apollo showed me the sun. told me not to fly too close or else i would be one with the people on the land.❞
The snake visited Eve in the garden everyday, in the same spot, resting its head on her naked shoulder as she weaved crown after crown of flowers every day, humming the same tune. It became a routine, and then it became something for Eve to look forward to. She finally had something for herself! Adam was out every day for most of it hunting so Eve spent a lot of time with this serpent. 
She couldn’t place her finger on why, but when she was alone, weaving her flowers, with the snake on her shoulder, she’d talk. Like word vomit, she vented about her unhappiness in the garden and her jealousy towards her children being able to explore the vast earth and experience things she will never have the privilege to. For she was cursed to stay here, day after day, weaving her flowers in the garden, and bearing more and more children for a man she felt absolutely nothing for. Even the garden, once vibrant and vast to Eve, was now growing dull and shrinking in on her. She feels trapped, she’d say. Her world was dying, and there was nothing she could do about it. 
“Why me?” She asked the snake one day. “Why did I have to be the first one made? Why do I have to carry this responsibility? Why wasn’t I asked first? Where’s my freewill?” 
The snake nuzzles its head, like it was gesturing that it was listening to her. “I wish you were a person,” Eve whispered. “Maybe then I’d have someone who gets me.”
The serpent nuzzles its head again. Eve’s eyes well with hot tears. 
She’s so lonely. 
Chan is reeling. 
It’s hotter in his studio than usual. It’s definitely not because you’re alone with him in his studio and for some reason that’s making him more flustered than usual. Definitely not. He’s definitely not noticing the perfume you used, or the way your fingers flit over your laptop keys almost elegantly, the click of the keys echoing in his ears. He also most definitely was not looking at how your thighs look sitting in his extra chair, or how your dainty necklace falls on your neck, the charm brushing against the low collar of your tee shirt. 
You’re sweating profusely right now. Calm down, you pervert.
Shut up, Cato. I feel like I can barely breathe right now. 
Yeah, I know. That’s why I said calm down, pervert. Did you not hear me?
“Are you okay, Chan?” You ask him, concern washing over your pretty features as he tugs on the collar of his shirt for the fourth time in thirty seconds. “Do you want to cut this short and meet another day? You don’t look so good.” 
Chan all but stops breathing when your delicate hand reaches up and presses gently against his forehead. Your hand is cold, and it works to cool his heated skin almost immediately. His eyes fall close, and he lets out a heavy sigh. “No, I’m okay,” he says, opening his eyes again and giving you a gentle smile. He watches as your cheeks flush the slightest bit. “Just needed a second is all.”
“Let’s take a break, yeah?” You say, closing your laptop as an excuse to not look at him for a second. Chan nods, and then it’s quiet for a minute. Neither of you know how to act around each other. Sure, you were friends but you weren’t best friends. Chan and you also never really hung out one on one, it was really always you, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung or anyone else in your classes. While he didn’t consider everyone to be his friends, always keeping to his close knit circle, he did know a lot of people, and those people also happened to know you. So it was never the right time to get to know you. “So… Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?” You puff your cheek out, shyly. Chan can’t help but let the smile stretch across his face.
“What’s there about me you wanna know?” He asks. Your cheeks flush again, and you scramble to keep your hands busy, opting to twirl your pen between your fingers. 
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “We’ve known each other for so long but I don’t think we’ve ever really had the chance to actually know each other.”
He nods. “You’re right,” he sucks in a breath, letting his gaze fall towards his desktop as he thinks of what to tell you. “Well, I was born in Australia.”
“Yeah, I know that,” you giggle. “You and Felix talk about it all the time. What’s it like there?”
“Hot,” he chuckles, shrugging. “It’s beautiful, really. All my family is still there so there’s… like this part of me that’s still there with them, if you get what I’m trying to say.” Chan lets out another breathy laugh, suddenly embarrassed. 
“I think I do,” you say, nodding your head. “Like a piece of you is missing because it’s back home?”
“Yeah, something like that,” Chan says. “I miss it sometimes.”
“I bet. It must have been hard moving here all by yourself.”
“I mean yeah, but… I don’t know, as much as Australia is my home, this is also home, you know? I love what I do and I’ve found my people. So it makes up for the part of me I left at home,” you both nod along to his words, small smiles shyly turning up your mouths. “What about you?”
“Well,” you sigh, still twiddling with the pen. Your leg starts shaking. “I’m from here.”
“Yeah, I know that.” Chan copies your words, which brings out a giggle from you. His heart lurches. 
I felt that. 
Shut up. 
“I don’t know, I…” you trail off, letting yourself think of what you wanna say. “My moms a school teacher and my dads a realtor, so we’re well off on my dad’s money. They’re kinda the… traditional, married at nineteen, had me at twenty, church every sunday, and have a certain plan for their daughter kind of people.”
You shrug. “For the most part I went along with what they wanted me to do. Perfect grades, perfect clothes, perfect boyfriend that I’ll one day have to marry and continue the cycle,” Chan doesn’t miss the way his eye twitches at the mention of a boyfriend. “But, I really rocked the boat when I said I wanted to go into music production.”
“Why’s that?”
“It’s… Well they say it’s unrealistic,” you sigh. “I’ve always loved music, and when my perfect, middle class family life got to be too much pressure to uphold, it comforted me. I taught myself all the instruments I know.”
“Impressive.” He chuckles. 
“Right?” You giggle along with him. Chan decides he really likes that sound. “But, they expected me to almost go into something… I don’t know, easy? Something that will let me rely on Seojun when we eventually get married.” 
“Do you want to get married?” Chan asks, eyebrow raising a little. Your fingers stop twiddling with the pen and your leg goes still for just a second before it picks up again. 
“Honestly? No,” you say. “It’s just not something I feel like is for me. Of course, I want to spend the rest of my life with someone but I don’t need a piece of paper or an expensive ring to solidify that I love them and they love me.”
“How long have you been with Seojun?” Chan almost feels the bile that coats the man’s name as he says it. 
“Three years,” you answer. “My dad is business partners with his dad and we met at a company party and it just kind of… I don’t know, happened.” You shrug.
“Is he in college too?” You nod your head yes.
“He’s in finance,” you glance over at him. “He’s actually almost done. He’ll be working under his dad after he graduates. His dad is also paying for his real estate classes after he graduates so he can sell commercial properties.” 
It’s quiet again, and your leg is still shaking. Your face, now pointedly looking away from him, holds a sort of… loneliness. And almost a hint of regret for even saying what you did out loud. 
Don’t ask that. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Chan interrupts the heavy silence, and pointedly ignoring Cato’s warning. You hum, letting yourself look at him again. The loneliness he saw on your face floods your eyes. It’s almost overwhelming. “And you can tell me if I’ve crossed the line and we’ll never talk about this again.” 
Don’t ask that. 
“What is it?”
“Do you… like Seojun?” 
And you asked it. I cannot believe you.
Your face falls, but it doesn’t morph into anger like he thought it would. You don’t yell at him, or tell him to mind his business and storm out. He doesn’t know why he was expecting you to lash out at him like that, though. Call it anxiety, he guesses. Instead, that loneliness intensifies — if that was even possible. You’re quiet for a minute, almost like you were deciding to lie to him or if you were about to spill something he’s not sure he — or you — would know what to do with.
“He’s nice,” you settle on. “We don’t have that much in common, but he treats me well.” 
I don’t like that answer. 
Neither do I.
Chan only nods, though.
“Should we get back to it, then?” You ask, your mouth turned into a tight lipped smile. 
“Yeah.” He smiles.
You both delve into a rhythm of bouncing ideas off each other, and the building almost obsessively on the idea you both really like. Chan doesn’t know why he hasn’t worked with you before this, you’re so smart and your ideas are so unique and full of life. He can really see your love for music and the creative process behind making it. His heart flutters a bit at the thought that you both share this pure love for music in the same way.
“Do you wanna maybe meet again tomorrow?” You ask as you pack up your stuff. By the time you both decide to call it quits, it’s nearing one in the morning. He walks with you to your dorm, and he can’t help but smile shyly at the hopeful look in your angelic eyes. You're holding onto your tote bags strap that sits comfortably on your shoulder. He sees you shiver a little, and then only notices the pathetic little jacket you decided to wear despite it being less than forty degrees outside. He fights giving you his jacket. He would, normally without hesitation, but after learning you have a boyfriend he doesn’t want to cross any boundaries, no matter how cute he thinks you would look swimming in his hoodie.
Down boy, down.
Will you stop?
I’ll stop when you stop being such a male.
“We can go to the cafe on campus after class,” Chan suggests. You nod, giving him a bigger smile at his words. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” you say. Your eyes glint with excitement as you nod your head. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“Will do.” He reassures you as you open the main door to your dorm and walk in. He waves to you from outside and then steps off the porch, walking down the lit walkway, unable to erase the smile from his face.
You like her.
“Shut up,” he sputters out. “She’s always been in my sights, and I always thought she was cute. We just never had the chance to bond like that before. Changbin or Jisung are always usually with us, or my other friends.”
Too bad she’s someone else’s.
Chan rolls his eyes. Quietly, though, he wonders what would have happened had he met you before you met Seojun. Would you be his? Would you be happier with him?
Cato heard those too.
❝didn’t know my world was dark until you came.❞
Eve sits in her usual spot, weaving her flowers once more. It’s another day, but this time she’s by herself. The snake hasn’t showed up yet, but she hopes it's on its way now. She tries not to let herself get too upset over not having her usual companion today, but she can’t help it. This newfound routine of her weaving flowers and talking to the snake while he rested peacefully on her arm has brought her more happiness than anything else in the garden – even the entire world – could.
So when a day turns into two, and then turns into three, then seven, her mood worsens. Even Adam, as unobservant as he is, noticed her change in mood. He doesn’t ask what’s wrong though, of course he doesn’t. As much as he claims to love her, to cherish her with his entire earthly being and his heavenly soul, he never seems to notice her until he wants to bend her over in the grass and give her another baby. Or two. Or three.
On the eighth day, when Eve is back at her favorite spot, weaving flower stems, a frown on her lips, a man approaches from out of the brush. It’s a man she has never seen before, but he is beautiful. Chocolate brown eyes and pretty brown hair to match with them, he gives her a gentle smile. “Hi,” he says. “You might not recognize me.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” Eve says, on guard. She’s covering her body, cautious. “You’re not one of my children. So who are you?”
“I– I’m the snake,” he says. “My name is Cato. I’m a god.”
“Cato,” Eve repeats, the name swirling around her tongue pleasantly. “That means all-knowing.”
“So, why did you come to me as a snake and not as yourself, Cato?” She asks, sitting up straighter against the tree behind her. “Why not show yourself to me from the start instead of deceiving me?”
“Forgive me, my dear,” he bows his head in apology. “I did not have an earthly body, and my heavenly form would have scared you. I transformed myself into a snake to meet you, and until my earthly body was ready. I am sorry for tricking you.” His eyes, his beautiful eyes, shine with genuine regret.
“What do you want from me?” She asks.
“Forgive me if I sound weird,” he starts. “But I was there when God made you. You are so beautiful, I will never understand how he did not make you an angel. Alas, I fell for you. And then before I could say anything, he sent you down here with Adam. And I had no way of meeting you anymore.” 
“You…” she trails off. “Fell? For me?”
“Yes, my angel,” he says, walking closer and settling himself on his knees before her. “I fell for you. You have my heart. And if you let me, I would love to have yours.” The god takes her delicate hand into his, running his thumb over her knuckles. His hands engulf hers, long, spindly fingers holding hers with such love, such gentleness that she’s never felt from Adam’s rough, calloused hands. 
She finds her heart fluttering at his honey coated words.
When Chan gets home from dropping you off at your dorm, he remembers to send you a quick text before he retires into bed. 
When he sleeps that night, he dreams. He dreams of him, in an earlier time, walking with you through a beautiful garden.
Your cream colored dress encases your body so elegantly, and the way you wore your hair out of your face yet still cascading down your back makes you look so… ethereal. Your arms are linked together, and he can’t help but stare at the side of your angelic face as you giggle at something he says. “You are a character, Mr. Bang,” you say in between giggles. “I sure am glad you came home from the war, alive and healthy.”
“I am too,” he says, his own smile unable to leave his face. “It’s just a shame I couldn’t marry you before I left. I hope Lord Emroy is treating you well, though, and giving you everything you could ever want.”
Your smile falters, and your gaze flitters away from him. Loneliness fills your pretty eyes and you quiet for a second. “He does treat me well, Chan,” you glance up at him for a quick second before your eyes cast down to the ground once more.``But that does not mean I am happy with him.”
“I see,” is all he responds with, his own smile falling. 
“Why did you not marry me?” You ask, voice wavering.
He sighs, stopping your walk and placing himself in front of you. He takes your hands in his, giving them a squeeze. “I wanted to marry you, I still want to marry you. But, I could not let you wait for me, for if I were to not have come back, I would have made you a widow, and you did not deserve that. You are beautiful, Y/n. And you deserve to have the chance to have a long, healthy, and loving marriage.”
“My marriage is anything but loving,” you say bitterly, tears welling in your eyes. “Sure, he doesn’t belittle me like other husbands, but it is not a marriage forged out of love, Chan. It was a business transaction. I was property he wished to buy,” a single tear falls down your cheek, down your neck and soaking through the neckline of your gown. His heart breaks at seeing you cry. He cups your face, letting his thumb wipe the tears falling from your eyes away.“He will never love me the way you did.”
“I am sorry, y/n.”
“I would have waited for you,” you continue. “I would have waited lifetimes for you.”
He wakes up in the morning, confused. The sadness he felt within the dream stays with him as he gets ready for the day, unable to shake the sinking feeling in his stomach. It’s uncomfortable, and he tries to get it to go away by saying to himself in the bathroom mirror, “it’s just a dream. Why are you so upset about it?”
Upset about what?
“Oh,” Chan says, startled by Cato’s questioning voice in his head. “Just… A weird dream. It’s nothing.”
Whatever you say, human.
Chan doesn’t respond, brushing his teeth in a tense, perturbed, silence.
Classes were dragging. He’s unable to fully pay attention to what his professors are saying because he can’t get the dream out of his head. Why did it feel so… real? And familiar? Like it's actually happened before? And the loneliness in your eyes from the dream matched the loneliness he saw in them last night when you were talking about Seojun. 
Your thinking is echoing and it’s annoying me. What was the dream about?
A nicer way of asking “what’s wrong” is just asking what’s wrong, you know.
Chan’s eyes roll, but he doesn’t do it himself.
Don’t roll my eyes for me, I’m the one in control right now.
Sorry, I just had to show you my annoyance somehow. 
This time, Chan does roll his eyes. 
“Hyung?” Minho whispers from next to him, tapping his pen against the older man’s forearm. “Are you okay? You keep rolling your eyes.”
Damn, were they that dramatic?
Roll your eyes quieter next time, idiot.
You’re the idiot.
“I’m okay,” Chan reassures quietly. “Just trying to keep them from falling shut.”
“Did you not get enough sleep again? Do I need to start coming over and knocking you out?” Minho balls his hand into a fist, and it takes everything in Chan to not laugh at his friends' antics. Before he can respond, though, their professor clears his throat in annoyance, giving them a glare from his spot in front of the lecture hall. They exchange embarrassed glances before going back to listening to the lecture. 
He quickly makes eye contact with you from a few seats in front of him, and he watches in amusement as you scramble to face completely forward, flustered that he caught you staring at him. He exhales a laugh at your antics, shaking his head slightly as he goes back to typing on his laptop.
After class ends, and Chan’s packing up his stuff, you walk up to him, your tote bag over your shoulder, giving him a shy smile.  “You ready?” 
Minho wiggles his eyebrows at Chan, and he tries not to notice how his cheeks flush at his younger friends' antics. “Yeah, let’s go,” he responds. He turns to Minho, who’s giving him a raised eyebrow. “See you around, Min.”
“Yeah,” the younger male responds. “Bye, y/n!” He waves her a goodbye, of which you copy quite excitedly. The corner of Chan’s lip turns up into a small smile at your antics towards the other male. He knows that out of their whole group, you seem to be closest with Minho and Hwang Hyunjin, always seeing you three together in passing. He wonders if you two will start getting closer, even after the project is finished. He hopes so. He doesn’t think he can go about just being casual to each other – especially after last night's conversation.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Your voice breaks through his thoughts, causing him to shake his head a bit in response. 
Good going, idiot.
Shut up, Cato. As if you’ve done any better with her. Remember the convenience store?
This isn’t about me right now.
He fights rolling his eyes. “No reason,” he answers you. “Come on, let’s get some coffee.”
The cafe he took you to is the one right across the street from the building your class was held in. It used to be a house, now repurposed as a cafe, and it has the perfect homey feel to it to help you feel comfortable and relaxed as you picked a seat in one of the upstairs rooms that has a couple tables in each of them for a little more privacy. The morning sun is shining brightly into the window, and Chan can’t help but let out a small chuckle to himself as he watches the way you squint from the sun as you try and look out the window. “Should I close the blind?” He asks as he sits across from you, pushing your tea to your side. 
“No,” you say as you happily pick up the cup. You blow on your tea to cool it down, and Chan can’t help but let his smile grow at the way your cheeks puff out dramatically when you blow on the drink. “I like sunbathing. Minho’s cats and I will lay on our bellies together in front of the big windows in his living room.”
“I’d love to see that sometime,” he laughs out. He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks flush and you giggle shyly in response. “I’m sure Min has a plethora of pictures of it.”
“Don’t tell him I told you but,” you start, taking a sip of your tea. “He joins us.”
“Somehow I really don’t doubt that.”
You fall into a rhythm once more over your project, and after a couple hours, you both decide to take a break. 
“So, are you seeing anyone?” You ask him out of nowhere, now sipping on a second cup of tea. Chan chokes on his coffee, but he quickly covers it up by clearing his throat.
Cato laughs. Nice one.
Shut the fuck up, Cato.
“No, I’m not,” Chan answers, taking a more cautious sip now. “I’ve never actually been in a serious relationship.”
“Oh?” you say, quizzically. “So, you’ve never had a girlfriend?”
“No, I have.” He answers, his cheeks heating. He doesn’t understand why he’s so flustered with your questions, even if they did come out of nowhere. Well, he does understand why. He just doesn’t wanna say it out loud. 
They weren’t y/n, though, right, Channie boy?
Cato, I swear to God.
Don’t bring the Big Man into this.
“But?” You inquire.
“But,” he copies. “They just didn’t work out. We wanted different things.” He shrugs, and you nod in understanding. “Why the sudden interest in my love life, y/n?” The teasing lilt to his voice causes you to stammer out, falling (rather cutely) over your words, trying your best to come up with a reason. Chan chuckles at the rattled expression on your face.
You know why she’s asking.
I don’t.
Don’t be stupid, Chan.
Chan fights a scoff at the god’s words, not wanting to give you the wrong impression. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to explain who’s camping in his consciousness with him without taking a trip to the nearest psych ward. 
‘Man claims God lives in him’ has been a headline I’ve seen too much in the time humans have existed.
I wonder why.
Before Chan can continue the conversation he has with you (more like redirect it so he doesn’t have to admit to his commitment issues), something – or someone – catches your attention from behind him. The way your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and a flash of disdain that goes away as fast as it showed up cause Chan to turn around. A man is seating himself in the room across the hall, a blonde girl at his side as they laugh at something the man says. He turns back around to see that you’re still looking at them. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, that’s Seojun,” you say. Chan’s stomach drops, turning back around at the exact time Seojun turns to look at the two of you. Something flashes across the other man’s face, but it’s gone before Chan can even fully register what it is.
Seojun turns to the blonde next to him, before he turns back and starts walking towards their table. Seojun is… wow, is he tall. And buff. Chan almost feels intimated.
Oh great, here comes the jolly green giant.
Chan has to force himself to not laugh at Cato’s comment as he turns back to you. You give him a weird face, which he decides to ignore.
Cato, please.
I’m just saying. Why is God so unfair when he makes you humans? He could have given Seojun’s extra height to you.
Stop it!
No one needs to be that tall is all I’m saying.
“What are you doing here, babe?” Seojun asks as he stands next to you at the table, a rushed lilt to his voice. Almost like he’S panicking. Chan watches your face as it drops, the tight lipped smile you give to your boyfriend is clear to no one but him. “Who’s this?”
“This is Chan,” you answer. “He’s my partner for a project.”
“Hey. I’m her boyfriend, Seojun,” the other man says, outstretching his hand for Chan to take. He does, giving it a firm shake and a quick head nod in greeting. “Though, I’m sure you’ve already heard of me.”
Tell me about it.
“Oh, I’ve heard plenty,” Chan responds, the snark in his voice subtle enough that it seems like a genuine compliment. “She said you were in finance.”
“Oh, yeah,” Seojun answers. “It’s gonna help out a lot, money wise. This girl right here wants a big wedding. Isn’t that right, babe?” 
Chan’s eye twitches as he looks to you for your response. Your smile is that of discomfort, tight lipped as you rigidly nod your head, not making eye contact with Chan.
“Who are you with?” You ask, changing the subject as you strain your neck to look into the next room. “Is that Aecha?”
Seojun’s face drops. “Oh, uh, no. That's my project partner,” he answers quickly. “We have a business plan due in a couple weeks so we’re meeting to get it done early.”
“Oh, okay,” you say simply. Your eyes stay on the girl in the other room, squinting a little in suspicion.“I didn’t know you had a project.”
“Yeah,” Seojun rubs his neck, almost nervously. “Well, I should get back to her. I’ll leave you two alone, now. Don’t forget about the dinner with our parents tomorrow.”
“How could I,” you mutter as he starts walking away. “I’ll see you later.”
Chan’s almost grateful that Seojun didn’t kiss you. It seems you look grateful he didn’t, too. He can’t help but notice the way your mood instantly sours after Seojun leaves, though you try not to show it too much. You give him a forced smile. “Shall we continue with our project then?” You ask him, your voice pitches higher towards the end, and Chan knows you’re uncomfortable.
I don’t like him.
Neither do I.
❝i could die in your arms.❞
Eve is giggling.
She’s resting her head on the soft grass that encases her body, the edges of the blades tickling against her naked waist. Cato lays next to her, chuckling along with her. “So,” she starts as she sits up on her side, picking a flower from the field and rolling it between her fingers gently. “If your name means all-knowing… Does that mean you’re a god of knowledge?”
Cato quiets. Eerily quiet. In the short time Eve has known him as his humanly self, he is never short of words. He always has a story or a joke to tell, Eve wonders how his puny human lungs can even hold that much air for him to talk so much. So, for him to go as quiet as he did, she worries. 
“Did I say something to upset you?” she asks, her delicate fingers stopping its movements. He also sits up on his side, letting his long fingers brush through the front of her hair as a small smile encases his beautiful face. 
“No, my angel,” he responds. “You could never do anything to upset me,” his thumb swiped gently across her bottom lip, and then down her chin before his hand fell back to his side. Eve feels her face heat up. “I’m not the god of knowledge, as you might think. Actually… I’m a calamity god.”
Eve doesn’t respond. “Like… the flood? That kind of calamity?”
He nods. “I was ordered to flood the earth myself.”
“It killed everyone…” Eve whispers, widened eyes filled with tears. “Why?”
“God is…” Cato trails, unsure if he should continue. His eyes, so beautiful and such a deep color, cascade down to glare at the grass blades dancing in the wind, unbeknownst to them that a god is staring them down with a look of disdain on his expression. Eve can see the regret and the anger in his eyes as he stares down at the earth beneath them. Eve wishes she can rid him of the hatred he feels for himself.
He doesn’t have to say anything, though. Because Eve knows how God is. She knows how He is all too well. For she, too, has been forced to be things she does not wish to be, solely because the person who created her says so. Her own eyes well with tears. Tears of anger and sadness, for both her and Cato. She doesn’t think anyone on this damned planet will ever understand them the way they do each other.
“Did you want to?” She asks. Cato shakes his head.
“I didn’t have a choice,” he adds. “It’s what I was created for. To bring destruction.”
“I think you’re more than what you were meant for.” She says, a smile on her face. 
Eve doesn’t expect it, but the god starts crying. And as he cries, she cradles him in her arms, brushing her fingers through his curly hair. “You are good, Cato,” she whispers in his ear, letting her lips ghost gently against the shell of it. “It does not matter what you have done, you are good.”
She presses a gentle kiss to his temple as his wails echo in the garden.
Chan doesn’t hear from you all weekend. You weren’t in class Friday morning, and you haven’t answered any of his messages since before your dinner with your parents. He hasn’t thought much of it. He assumed you had a late night on Thursday and just skipped class the next morning because you were nursing a hangover. 
“Hey, have you heard from y/n?” Minho asks him Monday afternoon, when their whole group is sitting at a table in the cafeteria. “I’m only asking because you two have been… close recently.”
His cheeks flush as he watches his other friends look at him with widened eyes and agape mouths. “Uh, no I haven’t. I was actually just gonna ask you the same thing.”
“Didn’t she have dinner with her parents on Thursday?” Jeongin asks. Chan nods in response. “Last I heard from her was when she was asking me which outfit was appropriate for the dinner, she didn’t seem like she wanted to go, though.”
“Yeah, she was texting our group chat during it and she wasn’t having a very good time. But she never usually does with her parents involved.” Hyunjin adds, taking a bite of his noodles. 
“What group chat? I didn’t get anything in our group chat,” Jisung whines, opening his phone to double check. 
“Me, y/n, Minho hyung and Felix all have a separate group chat together,” Hyunjin answers casually. “She was texting in there.”
Chan tunes them out as Jisung and Changbin start whining that they want a group chat with you, but all Chan can focus on is how you’ve gone completely silent since Wednesday. 
“Hey, hyung,” Felix says, getting the older man’s attention by waving his small hand in front of his face. “Don’t worry about y/n. She’s okay. She goes ghost like this sometimes, especially after an event with her parents. She’ll come back around soon, she just needs to recharge.”
“Are you mad at her for not answering you?” Minho questions, eyebrow raised. The younger male looked as if he was waiting for Chan to answer the wrong way. 
“No, of course not. Why would I be?” Chan shakes his head in response. “I was just worried. We’ve just… been talking a lot recently and I wasn’t sure if I did something to upset her or anything.”
“I don’t think you could ever do anything to upset her.” Felix mutters, and Chan watches in confusion as he and Hyunjin both share a knowing look with one another. Minho elbows Hyunjin in the ribs. 
It means she likes you, idiot. 
Do you know how to be nice?
Chan doesn’t get any response from you until Tuesday night. A simple “can i come over?” was all you sent him.
Now, he’s panickedly cleaning his apartment while he waits anxiously for you. 
Why don’t you clean like this on a normal day?
“Because,” Chan grunts as he scrubs at a particular stain in his bowl. “I’m a busy guy and don’t have time to keep up with things regularly.” 
Just as Cato is about to respond, there's a knock on the front door. Chan stops in his tracks, hurriedly rinsing the bowl and adding the last couple of dishes into one side of the sink to hide them as he runs to answer the door, clumsily drying his hands on his pants. When he opens the door, you’re standing there, glaring at the space where the door was a second ago. “Hey,” he says, which snaps you out of your trance to look up at him. 
“Hi,” you answer softly, smiling. Though it doesn’t match the defeated look in your eyes. “Can I come in?”
Chan nods, stepping aside as you walk into his apartment. He follows you to his couch, where you both sit on opposite ends. Your legs immediately go up, knees pressing against your chest as you wrap your arms around your legs. You’re not making eye contact with Chan, and it makes his stomach hollow in anxiety. You look so sad it almost feels like it’s creeping into his bones, souring his mood and ramping up his anxiety as he sees you cave in on yourself from the other end of his couch. He watches as you bat away tears, rolling your eyes in annoyance as they fill your pretty eyes. 
“Is there something you want to talk about?” Chan asks softly, scooting himself closer to you. He crosses his legs on his couch and turns his body to you, giving you a softened, welcoming look. The hand that isn’t propping his head against the back of the couch is twitching on his legs to reach out, to hold yours to comfort you. But he doesn’t want to over step and make you uncomfortable. You don’t answer, seemingly falling back into a spaced out trance, if the unfocus in your eyes is anything to go by. He lets his finger gently rub against your shin to get your attention, and he watches as your eyes fill with tears once more as you look up at him. “What’s wrong, y/n?”
“Nothing,” you shake your head, biting the inside of your lip. “Just… wanted to see you.”
Chan doesn’t believe it, giving you a raised eyebrow. “Just to see me?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, swallowing. “I missed you is all,” you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, giving him a small smile. “I got used to seeing you all the time now.”
Chan’s cheeks flush, and he tries not to let his smile get too dopey as his heart flutters at your words. 
Oh! You pathetic man. 
“How was the dinner with your parents?” Chan asks. You shake your head, a bitter laugh escaping your throat as you look away from him. “Was it bad?”
You’re quiet. You look as if you want to say something, the words on the tip of your tongue and threatening to spill over. But you hesitate. You’re biting your tongue as you contemplate your next words. It almost concerns him. 
“If I do something,” you start quietly. “Would you be mad?”
Chan’s eyebrows scrunch, his head tilting to the side in question. “What is it?”
“Can I try something?” Eve asks, tilting her head as her eyes flicker between Cato’s mouth and his pretty dark eyes. Cato nods, watching in nervous anticipation as Eve climbs over his lap, plush thighs on either side of his lips as she leans in and ghosts her lips against his. 
Cato catches her mouth in a soft, tender kiss. It raises goosebumps to their skin, and their heartbeats quicken. Eve’s belly erupts in butterflies, climbing up her throat and she lets out a small sound. Cato hands find home at her waist, the pads of his fingers indenting her skin as he squeezes gently.
You finally look at him, eyes flitting down the length of his face, stopping at his mouth before looking at him again. Your gaze flickers between his mouth and his eyes before you lean forward, your nose ghosting against his as your lips meet. Chan responds immediately, cupping your face and deepening the kiss.
It’s shy, yet so electric. The butterflies you feel in your stomach are intense, prickling up your back and making you light headed. It isn’t long before you're clamoring across the couch and into Chan’s lap. His hands slide down your waist before he wraps his arms around your back, caging you into his body. He keeps his mouth working against yours, and can’t help the way his cock jumps when your hips shift a little, pressing your clothed core against him. Your hands hold his face, your thumb brushing against the apples of his cheeks every once and a while. His heart swells at the noises you make as you shyly start to grind yourself down against him, wanting to feel him more and more against you.
Should you really be doing that?
Doing what?
Kissing someone who isn’t yours.
“Wait,” Chan says as he pulls back. He has to swallow the groan that’s threatening to escape his throat as he takes in the sight of you. Your cheeks are red, lips swollen and spit slick. You already look so fucked out and all he’s done is kiss you. He feels like he’s going crazy. “What about Seojun?”
“What about Adam?” Cato asks Eve as he breaks away, his fingers rubbing circles on her hips. 
“It was never Seojun,” You respond, shaking your head. Your thumb swipes against his cheek. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Chan.”
“It was never Adam,” Eve responds, nails digging into the skin on his shoulders. “I waited for you for so long, Cato.”
“Since the day I met you,” you continued, breathless. Somehow, your cheeks turn redder. He doesn’t think you could look more angelic than right now. “I’ve wanted you.”
“Since the day I came into existence,” Eve sighs out. Cato thinks she looks absolutely ethereal this way. “I’ve waited for you.”
Cato can’t help the smile that stretches across his lips as he leans up to kiss her again.
Chan doesn’t respond, only placing a hand at the back of your neck and pulling you back down to him. He kisses you again, this time a little more desperate, a little more aggressive. You whine, letting your lips fall open so his tongue can explore inside your mouth. Your mouths work in perfect sync with one another, a desperate, needy, rhythm that says more than any words in the English and Korean lexicon could ever say. He can’t explain the way he feels while he’s kissing you, but he feels as if clouds are filling his head.
His hands move back to your hips, helping you to grind down against his hardened cock, and he doesn’t miss the way your whines sound more and more breathy each time he moves you against him. “Have you ever had sex before?” He asks you.
“No,” you say. “No one’s ever touched me, either.”
“You mean, in the three years you’ve been with Seojun, he hasn’t fucked you once?” Chan asks, eyebrows furrowing and a sense of pride filling his chest. You shake your head. “Why?”
“I didn’t want him to.” You whisper.
He doesn’t hesitate to wrap an arm around your waist as he stands up from his couch, carrying you into his bedroom and gently placing you atop his sheets. 
Cato lays her naked body gently on her back in the soft grass. She looks so pretty like this, some of hair still laying softly over her shoulders and the rest blending beautifully with the grass, eyes widened in curiosity. “I got you, my love,” he says in a gentle voice as he crawls over her. “Let me show you how much you mean to me.”
He thinks this sight alone is enough to be painted and framed in a gallery. Eve, splayed out like this for him with her ruddy cheeks and widened eyes. It was a sight he never wanted to stop seeing.
He kisses her again before letting his mouth move from her own to her cheek, jaw, then down her neck, biting softly on his way down. 
Chan unbuttons your jeans, and you help him with getting them off your legs and onto his floor. He takes off your shirt and bra next, leaving you only in your underwear. He crawls over you, his thigh slotting in between your legs and ghosting against your clothed cunt. “Let me take care of you, my love.” 
He kisses your lips once more before he places a kiss on your cheek, then along your jaw, then down the expense of your neck, leaving pretty purple marks along the way. He stops at your breasts, ghosting his mouth around one nipple before taking it into his mouth. His free hand comes to tweak the other, softly pinching and rubbing along the top of it while his mouth works at the other. Your hand weaves its way into his soft curls, pushing them off his forehead so you can see what he’s doing better. He almost moans at the feeling of your hips bucking up to slide your cunt against his thigh. 
“Just like that, angel,” he mutters against your skin. You whine, your fingers almost kneading the top of his head. He presses his thigh more into your core, giving you more friction that makes your sensitive body jolt and your breath hitch.
He doesn’t stay long at your breasts, opting to let his kisses and marks trail down your torso, right to your hips. He settles onto his stomach, hands holding the under part of your hips as he takes in the sight of your cunt. A wet patch has soaked through your underwear, sticking to your lips and outlining the shape of you. He presses a gentle kiss against the wet patch, and he doesn’t miss the way your hips jolt back. “Chan,” You whine. 
“Yes?” He coos, freeing a hand from under you and letting his pointer finger gently ghost along your cunt. You wiggle your hips, trying to get more pressure from his finger but he pulls it away. “You have to tell me what you want, angel. Wiggling your hips isn’t gonna help me know what you want.”
He watches in adoration as your cheeks flush yet again, your eyes darting to look everywhere but at him as you worry your bottom lip between your teeth. “I want you to touch me,” you whisper. “Please, touch me.” Your words come out so breathy, so desperate, it makes Chan’s head want to explode. He gives you a smile.
“Anything for you, my love,” he responds before he sits back up on his knees, letting his fingers grab ahold of the waistband of your panties and sliding them slowly down your legs with your help. They fall somewhere on the edge of the bed behind him, but it’s not something he’s concerned about as the musky smell of your cunt hits his nose again as he lays back down. Your cunt glistens so prettily for him, and he forces himself to hold in a moan. “You’re so pretty.” 
His fingers slide up and down between your swollen lips, and you let out small whines whenever his fingers rub a teasing circle against your clit that’s peeking out between your slit. He kisses along your inner thighs, across your mound as he slowly inserts a finger into your entrance. 
Cato kisses along Eve’s thighs, before he gives a broad swipe of his tongue up the expense of her cunt. She gasps, hips twitching. “Has he ever done this to you?”
“No,” Eve sighs out as Cato gives another broad swipe. “He barely touches me.” Cato doesn’t respond, letting his tongue circle around Eve’s clit, which elicits a moan to fall from her pretty mouth.
“Don’t worry, my angel,” Cato says. “I’ll show you just how a man should love you.”
Your walls clench around his finger, and he places gentle kisses against your sensitive nub, whispering, “Relax, baby. I got you.” Your body deflates when you let out the breath you were holding, your own hand falling towards the hand that’s gripping onto your hip. You intertwine your fingers together, and he gives you a reassuring squeeze as he crooks his finger up into that spongy spot that has your back arching slightly and a gasp falling from your pretty lips. His mouth attaches itself to your clit, alternating between lightly sucking and feverish kitten licks. Your hand squeezes his as shy moans involuntarily fall from your lips at his ministrations. 
He feels his cock pulsing at each sound you let out, and he can’t help but grind his hips down onto the bed for some friction of his own. “Chan, more, please,” you whine out, bucking your hips into his face. He doesn’t hesitate to add another finger, scissoring you open as his mouth continues at your clit. He pumps his fingers in and out of your entrance slowly, making sure to hook up when he plunges back in. You’re so tight around his fingers, and he can’t help but let out a moan at the thought of you taking his cock, sucking him into your warm walls. The fact that no one has ever touched you – not even your own boyfriend – and that he has the honor of being your first is driving him up a wall.
Only he gets to see you this way. Only he gets to hear your whiny moans, and only he gets to see the pretty way your body reacts to his touch. He can't help but let his fingers get a little faster, a little more prominent in the way they press against that sweet spot that has the coil tightening in the pit of your belly. “Chan.”
“You gonna cum, angel?” He asks against your pussy, keeping his steady yet harsh rhythm of his fingers plunging into your hole. You let out a hum as your response, and he can’t help but smile against your cunt. He keeps his mouth on your clit, his eyes rolling back as you let out another moan, your hips bucking to feel more, more, more. You clench around his fingers, your pretty sounds are strangled as your body clenches up, and that’s when he knows to remove his mouth from your clit, watching your face as your jaw slacks, and your body writhes so prettily under him. “That’s it, baby. Just like that.” He slows his fingers, helping you ride out your high on his fingers. You feel so much more wet than before, and it takes every ounce of control Chan has to not dive back in and overstimulate you, drive you to another one. And another one. Until you’re spent and begging for him to stop, yet pushing him closer to continue.
Next time.
He moves up your body, and kisses you again. You let out a whine when you taste yourself on his tongue, your own essence covering your chin from his own as he licks into your mouth. You use your legs to redirect him, so his clothed cock lines up with your dripping pussy as he grinds his hips down against you. You shiver, still sensitive from just a second ago. “I want you,” you whisper. He pulls away, looking at you with widened eyes.
“Are you sure?” He asks. “Cause if you’re actually not ready, tell me. I’ll wait for you.”
“I’ve waited for you long enough,” you answer, rutting your hips up against him. He sucks in a breath. “Please?”
Chan only nods as he climbs off you to discard his clothes to the floor. The bruising on his side hasn’t fully gone away, but it’s not as bad as it was last week. “Was that from your fall?” You ask him as he climbs over you again, your delicate fingers ghosting over his ribcage. 
“Uh, yeah,” he said, looking down at your hand. “I didn’t actually fall, though. I got hit by a car.” 
“I know.”
Chan gives you a double take, eyebrows scrunched and his mouth agape in confusion. You giggle and press a chaste kiss to his lips. “You know?”
“Yeah, I was with Changbin and Jisung when he got the call,” you respond, still giggling. “I just figured you said you fell to not worry me.”
Yeah, we can go with that. Really I was just saving you the embarrassment. Who gets hit by cars these days?
Don’t ruin this, Cato. 
Chan only chuckles softly, his smile widening and crinkling his eyes in such a pretty way. You can’t help but lean up and press your lips to his, your hands cupping his cheeks to bring his face down with yours. He kisses you back quickly, letting you take the lead as he opens your legs and maneuvers himself so his cock can glide along your slit. You lift your legs more, letting the head of his cock catch along your entrance. “Please,” you whisper against his mouth. “I’m ready.”
Chan moves a hand down to guide the tip of his cock into your entrance, and he goes slow as he sheathes himself inside. You tense up, the pressure a foreign feeling. “Relax,” he whispers, kissing along your cheek and down your jaw. A small whine leaves your mouth and he stills his hips immediately. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt it just… feels full.”
“Yeah?” He asks, letting himself move again. One his hips are touching yours, you can fully feel him snugly inside you. You feel so full, and it’s so overwhelming but so addictive at the same time. It feels as if you were molded to fit him. He gives an experimental movement, and your hands immediately go to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin. “You okay?”
“Yeah. You can move.” He kisses you, distracting you as he pulls out and then plunges back in again. He keeps it at a slow rhythm at first, letting you get used to the feeling before he gradually starts speeding up. You were so tight around him, your velvety walls welcoming him in with each time the head of his cock ghosts along that spongy part that has the breath punched out of you again and again.
“You feel so good, angel,” he grunts against your neck. “Like you were made for me.” You can only choke out a moan in response, nails raking over his shoulders. He intertwines his fingers with yours above your head, and he digs his face further into your neck as he places wet kisses along it. 
Cato intertwined his fingers with Eve’s as he slowly moved his hips. “You’re mine?” Cato asked.
“Yours. I’m yours,” Eve gasped in response.“I love you.” Cato can only smile as he dips his head down to capture her lips in a messy kiss.
Chan keeps a steady pace, making sure to angle himself upwards when he thrusts back in. He hits deep, stretching you around his cock and every time he’s at the hilt, it knocks the wind out of your lungs. The breathy moans you let out at each thrust sends Chan deeper and deeper into the clouds, mind hazy and senses full of you. You’re everywhere, it seems, encasing his body in yours as the whole world melts away. He about loses his hold on himself when your quivering walls start clenching around him, greedily sucking him back in. His thrusts speed up, his one hand letting go of yours and finding home under your head, a fist full of hair as he brings your body as close to his as possible. The feel of your breasts pressing against his chest grounds him a bit, and he lets out a strained moan from the back of his throat.
“Cum in me,” you manage to say in between strangled sounds. “I want it, please.”
“Just a little more,” Chan grunts out. “Almost there. Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so good for me, angel.”
Chan’s hips still, his cum shooting into you and painting your walls. He moans, whiney, as he shoves his face back into your neck. Your hands move to his hair, raking through it as you whisper in his ear. 
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You spend the night at Chan’s house, only sending a simple message to your group chat with Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix where you were staying and that you were okay. Your simple message respectively blows up the group chat, with Felix and Hyunjin practically screaming to tell them details, and then Minho crashing into your world like a meteor with one single question.
Did you break up with Seojun?
You decided not to answer that question (because you haven’t), only texting back that you’ll explain when you get back to class on Friday and then shakily put your phone down on the coffee table. You look over towards the kitchen to see Chan’s back towards you, the sizzling of the food in the pan the only sound filling the apartment. You can’t help but smile at the sight. You uncross your legs from the couch, walking into the kitchen area and standing behind Chan. Your arms wrap lovingly around his waist, your cheek pressing into his back and you feel his body relax into your hold. He turns down the stove and turns around in your hold, a smile adorning his features as he places a kiss against your lips.
“Thanks for letting me stay last night,” you say as he pulls away from you. “I didn’t want to face Ryujin’s interrogation yet.”
“Well, now you’re gonna have to face mine,” Chan says, raising his eyebrow at you. You smile sheepishly at him, your gaze tearing away from his. He lifts your chin up, forcing you to keep eye contact. “What happened?”
You sigh, pulling your body away. You run your hand over your face as you lean against the counter behind you. Chan does the same on the opposite side, giving you an expectant look as he waits for you to start talking. “I found out Seojun was cheating on me. At the dinner.” You say, voice a little shaky.
Chan pauses, and his stomach drops. Seojun was cheating?
Don’t act as if you aren’t happy to hear that. 
I’m not happy! That’s awful!
You know what I mean, you idiot. You’re happy he’s out of the way now.
Chan doesn’t respond to Cato, focusing his attention back to you. “I’m so sorry, y/n,” he responds, his arm stretching over to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. “You don’t deserve that.”
You take in a breath. “Yeah, well,” you shrug. “It happens. Sad thing is, I can’t even say I’m surprised. Looking back, it makes a lot of sense.”
Chan’s eyebrow furrows. “Did… you break up with him?”
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. “I… haven’t yet.” 
And you slept with her. 
“You… You haven’t?” He asks, confusion painting across his face. “Why?”
“I— I was going to,” you start. “I just… I wanted to see you first,”
“y/n,” Chan says, voice shaky. “Am I a rebound?”
You shake your head vigorously, your own eyes shining with unshed tears. “No! No, I really wasn’t planning on last night happening at all. I wanted to break up with him first but I just… I don’t know, I had to see you first.”
“Did you mean what you said?” He asks. “About wanting to be with me as long as you said?” 
“Yes,” you nod. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask Hyunjin or Felix. Even Minho. They know how I feel about you.”
Chan’s quiet. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t even know what to think. On one hand, the selfish hand, he’s over the moon he had you in his bed last night, and he’s still a bit drunk off your words from last night. But, on the other hand, he wants to send you on your way, to give himself, and you, some space. He can’t believe he didn’t prod further about what you meant last night. He just assumed by your confession, you had already broken it off with Seojun.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I should probably go.” 
“Call me when you break it off with Seojun, okay?” Chan finally says, nodding his head. His heart clenches as he sees a tear fall down your face. “We’ll talk about us after that.”
The silence that replaces the apartment after you leave is deafening. 
“Not now, Cato,” Chan replies, shaking his head. He can feel a migraine coming on, his eyes becoming sore and sensitive to the bright lights of his kitchen. “Shit,” a pained whimper falls from his throat as he massages his eyes. “I think I need to call someone.” 
I remember why I came to Earth.
“Can it wait until later, please?” Chan winces, annoyance mixing with the pain in his voice. “My head is fucking splitting.”
“Cato, for fucks sake, please!” He yells, which makes his head pound even more. “I can’t figure out your problem right now.”
Cato doesn’t respond.
Chan calls Minho, which in hindsight probably wasn’t the best idea, but he knew Jisung and Changbin would be loud and dramatic and he really didn’t want that right now. Minho is quiet, and he knows what to do when Chan is under the weather. 
The younger male is quick to arrive, immediately shoving pain pills into Chan’s hand and ordering him to take them. “Were you making something?” Minho asks as he points to the pan. 
“Oh, yeah,” Chan said from the couch. His head feels as if it can explode. “I was making y/n and I breakfast when—” he stops himself, looking over through his lashes at the other man. 
“I already know,” Minho says. “So, where is she?”
“Uh, well,” Chan starts, having to take a second to will away the urge to vomit. “I slept with her…”
“She never broke up with Seojun before we did.” Minho sighs, shaking his head as he joins the brunette on the couch. 
“I told her she needed to do that first,” Minho responds. “She’s just as impulsive as Han Jisung. Worse than Han Jisung, actually.”
Chan wants to chuckle, but his head is somehow getting worse. His body starts aching again, as if the bruises are coming back. And suddenly it hurts to breathe. “Min,” he grunts out. “Min, I think we need to go to the hospital.” 
“What’s wrong?” 
I feel like I’m fucking dying again. 
Chan collapses to the floor, and when Minho slides down with him does he notice the blood pooling and staining the rug underneath the older man’s head. “Fuck. Fuck, okay. Hold on, hyung. I’m calling for help.”
Suddenly an otherworldly amount of pressure is pressing on Chan’s body, like the weight of the skies is laying flat along where he lays in his living room. He starts to panic, lungs starting to work overtime as Minho calls the emergency hotline from somewhere in the room.
Cato, what’s going on?
Your… Your injuries are coming back. 
A white, blinding light floods Chan’s vision from the ceiling, and he feels a pull from the light. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck! 
I’m getting taken back, Chan.
Cato! Don’t leave me!
The air slowly leaves his lungs, deflating like a balloon that wasn’t tied. He feels like a layer of his skin is being peeled away as the pressure in his head worsens, and Cato’s voice gets farther and farther away.
“Ca—” Chan tries to call out to him, but he passes out before he could.
I’m dying.
❝took my breath from my open mouth, never known how it broke me down.❞
Cato and Eve snuck around under Adam’s nose after that fateful morning in the garden. Always meeting at the spot where they first met, making love to the song of the stream whenever they could. It felt different with Cato. It felt… good. Like lying with this man wasn’t a chore, but something she felt was their way of bonding. Connecting. She didn’t give a damn what God said. 
She was not made for Adam. She and the god, Cato, were weaved from the same essence that brought them life — a single soul split into two different beings. And by lying with him, it strengthened that. She was his, as he was hers. 
Cato was such a gentle lover, compared to Adam (if you could even call Adam a lover). Cato took her into his arms and worshiped her body as if she was a Goddess herself. The way his fingers indented her skin on her hips when his head was in between her thighs, lapping at her nectar, had her seeing stars. She found God in a lover, and the forbidden fruit tasted so sweet on her tongue.
Eve was happy.
That happiness didn't last long, though. And she was foolish to think it would.
She swore Adam went out to hunt that day, she saw him off. So, how he managed to find Eve at the stream hanging off a cock that wasn’t his, she’ll never know.
Adam told God right away.
Cato was ripped from her before she could even get to her knees. Before she could beg. She watched as a bright light encased Cato’s earthly body from the heavens, the light so blinding she’s forced to look to the ground if she still wished to keep her sight. She wailed that day, a mantra of inhuman, throat curdling sounds ripped from deep within her core as she punched her fists into the soil. 
“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!” She howled. Adam stood behind her, face stoic as he watched Eve mourn the loss of her lover. 
“It’s what you deserve,” Adam spits. “You’re lucky I’m gracious enough to let you live. Your pretty face would be one with stone if I was anyone else.”
Eve’s crying stopped then. The garden of Eden was silent, not even the stream was brave enough to sing. Everything was dead still, a simmering animosity burned brightly just under the surface of Eve’s plush skin. Adam’s stoicism fell as he caught the look on his wife’s face. 
It was that of pure, unadulterated rage.
“I should have strung you up to that tree when I had the chance.” The venom drips from her words and poisons Adam’s veins the second they hit him.
“You weren’t supposed to tempt Eve,” God’s commanding voice boomed across the heavens. Cato sat on his knees, wrists and ankles chained to the marble ground. Different god’s sat around, watching the serpent intently, curious as to what was to happen to him. “You weren’t even supposed to make yourself known to her.”
“I told you why I was going to Earth,” Cato responded, voice tired. “I told you I fell for someone.”
“And that person was not supposed to be Eve!” Thunder cracked angrily across the sky. Murmurs erupted among the other gods. “You have tainted her, driven her off her path to her purpose.”
“Her purpose?” Cato repeated, indignant. “Her purpose is to be a breeding cow for a man who can’t even bother to see her as his equal?”
“And you were equals?” God laughed, a bellowing, boom laugh at the lesser god’s foolishness. “You’re a god, Cato. A heavenly entity that simple mortals can barely fathom the concept of. And you think Eve and you are equals?”
“I love her.”
Whispers of “love her?” echo through the chamber. 
“She’s not yours to love!” God’s angry voice silenced the whispers, a tense stillness crushing Cato and pressing on his lungs. “You know I have to punish you.” 
“Punish me all you wish,” Cato spat. “It will never deter how I feel for Eve.”
“Oh, my sweet child, it will.”
Cato wakes to cold biting at his skin. It’s so cold, so so cold. His eyes open to gray skies and heavy snow sprinkling along his cheeks. Snow covered trees line the horizon of his bleary vision, head pounding and body aching. He moves his fingers, feeling under the layer of snow and making way to the dead grass underneath. 
He’s on Earth.
He tries to sit up, but his chest is burning and he’s having a hard time moving his arms. He feels like his body is being held down by a cinder block, unable to move himself from his spot. 
“General Bang!” A voice shouts, muffled. He moves his head to find the voice, but a face comes into his line of vision as he looks right. “General Bang! You’re badly injured, don’t move. Wagon! I need a wagon!” 
“What happened?” Cato whispers out, and the man grabs one of his hands from the snow. “Who are you?”
“It’s Hwang!” the man yells. “Hwang Hyunjin, do you remember?” 
Cato wasn't able to respond as his eyes fell heavy and then closed.
When he awakes again, he is in a tent. He shoots up in a panic, looking around the space. A sharp pain shoots through his chest, making him groan and his elbows give out. “Hey, easy,” the same man says as he helps Cato lay back down. Hyunjin. His long black hair is tied up out of his face, a look of relief washing over it as he settles back down in the chair next to Cato’s cot. “You got a pretty nasty gash across your chest. It’s a miracle you didn’t die out there, Chan.”
“What do you mean?” He asks. 
“I mean a dozen other men died from the same wound,” Hyunjin responds. “Your guardian angel is really looking out for you.”
“What happened?”
“Did you hit your head? We’re in a war,” Hyunjin responds, his eyebrows furrowed. “This was the most brutal battle we’ve fought in three years. How hard did you hit your head?”
Chan’s memories of the past couple years flash in Cato’s mind – like a short synopsis of what his vessel has been up to before he took over. Cato realizes that at that moment, Chan was dead. Cato was the sole entity keeping this body alive.
But why?
“Pretty hard, I guess,” Cato chuckles in response. “Does that mean… we won?”
“You bet your ass we did,” a smirk spreads across the male’s mouth. “We lost a lot of good men out there, though. Not looking forward to letting their wives know they’re widows now,” Cato nods his head, his gaze flitting around the ceiling of the medical tent. Hyunjin nudges his arm again, a grin on his face. “Are you gonna go back to y/n?”
A pulse shoots throughout his entire body at the mention of your name, a sinking feeling in his stomach that’s accompanied by the racing of his heart. He only shrugs. “If she’ll have me.”
“I don’t think she’d have anyone else.”
The war ends, and the troops all come back home. And Cato finds himself in front of a beautiful castle. Memories of Chan courting you for years flash in his mind. He seemed to have really adored you. Cato feels a twinge in his heart at the thought that Chan will never be able to experience being with you. 
But, to Cato, you give him an overwhelming sense of deja vu. Like he already knew you. Like he already knew your body, your soul, like the back of his hand. So, when he visits you after three long years, and you were already taken by another man, his heart shatters. For Chan, and for another unknown reason he doesn’t think he’s ready to explore.
He still walks with you in the garden that day. Your arms are linked together, and he can’t help but stare at the side of your angelic face as you giggle at something he says. “You are a character, Mr. Bang,” you say in between giggles. “I sure am glad you came home from the war, alive and healthy.”
“I am too,” he says, his own smile unable to leave his face. “It’s just a shame I couldn’t marry you before I left. I hope Lord Emroy is treating you well, though, and giving you everything you could ever want.”
Your smile falters, and your gaze flitters away from him. Loneliness fills your pretty eyes and you quiet for a second. “He does treat me well, Chan,” you glance up at him for a quick second before your eyes cast down to the ground once more.``But that does not mean I am happy with him.”
“I see,” is all he responds with, his own smile falling. 
“Why did you not marry me?” You ask, voice wavering.
He sighs, stopping your walk and placing himself in front of you. He takes your hands in his, giving them a squeeze. “I wanted to marry you, I still want to marry you. But, I could not let you wait for me, for if I were to not have come back, I would have made you a widow, and you did not deserve that. You are beautiful, Y/n. And you deserve to have the chance to have a long, healthy, and loving marriage.”
“My marriage is anything but loving,” you say bitterly, tears welling in your eyes. “Sure, he doesn’t belittle me like other husbands, but it is not a marriage forged out of love, Chan. It was a business transaction. I was property he wished to buy,” a single tear falls down your cheek, down your neck and soaking through the neckline of your gown. His heart breaks at seeing you cry. He cups your face, letting his thumb wipe the tears falling from your eyes away.“He will never love me the way you did.”
“I am sorry, y/n.”
“I would have waited for you,” you continue. “I would have waited lifetimes for you.”
Cato doesn’t respond, only letting his eyes flicker around your face, sadness overtaking his gaze. You both stare at one another, so close to each other. It’s quiet, between you two. Not tense, but not comfortable either.
His eyes widen in shock when you lean up to kiss his lips. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back, letting his hands cup your cheeks. You pull away after a second though, tears pulling into your eyes. “I’m sorry, I just… needed to know what it felt like to kiss you.”
You turn and walk away, leaving him alone in the garden with the taste of you still on his lips.
Cato is sentenced to live a life next to the reincarnation of Eve, always at his fingertips but never having the right to have her. Chan’s soul was with him for every single one. Each life is a punishment, a test. Each time he gives into his temptation of having Eve to himself, of dancing along that line with her, he is ripped from his mortal body and Chan’s own soul is torn with him. 
Chan dies every time.
Again. And again. And again. And again. For millennia, Cato is subjected to always losing Eve in the most brutal of ways just as he finally thinks he has her for himself. As soon as he lies with her, he is forced to leave her soon after.
He can never escape it.
❝i won’t die for love, but ever since i met you, you could have my heart and I would break it for you.❞
Cato sits on his knees in a desolate chamber. It’s deathly still, and eerily silent. The only sound is his breathing – which is slowed. His wrists, bound in enchanted steel cuffs, sit chained to the ground in front of where he sits on his knees. His hair lays on his shoulders, dirty and knotted. He doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting here — it could be months. It could be centuries.
He doesn’t think he cares anymore.
Chan is dead. He has to be. There’s no way he managed to survive the way Cato was ripped out of him like that. He hasn’t survived it in any of the lifetimes Cato spent using his body. 
It was cruel — the way Cato and Chan are subjected to this, lifetime after lifetime, a never ending cycle of Chan losing his life before he can even turn thirty all because Cato fell for someone he had no business falling for. He grimaces to himself, shaking his head in defeat as he remembers the way Chan was crying out for him when he was ripped from his subconsciousness. 
“When are you ever going to learn?” A voice echoes in the chamber. God.
“I do not wish to speak of this.” Cato snaps.
“Don’t you wish to see how Chan is doing?” God asks, snapping his fingers. A gateway to Earth opens under Cato, and he watches in horror as medics work on his dying body in the middle of his living room floor. “He’s still holding on. For now.”
Cato looks away, clamping his eyes shut. He couldn’t bear to see Chan like that. Not when he knows he’s the cause of it.
Chan is going to die. Again.
“Please,” Cato whispers. “Please, kill me.”
“Kill you?” God repeats.
“Yes, fuck!” Cato spits, his shout echoing deafeningly throughout the empty chambers. The silence that refills the space is enough for the god to break, sobs racking through his body from where he is chained. “I can’t do this anymore. Let Chan live, and let me die. Please.”
God does not respond, only watching as the calamity god wails, a mixture of snot and tears pooling on the concrete from under them. He takes a deep breath before speaking. “Is that what you truly want?”
Cato can only nod his head. “Chan’s life, for my mortality,” he responds, still crying. “I can’t keep watching him die.”
“You know that means he might not be reincarnated,” God says. “The only reason Chan is a living soul on earth was for you to use him as your vessel. He’s not needed after that.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Cato shakes his head. “That’s a better outcome than having to die before twenty six every single time.”
“How do you wish to go?”
“Like Icarus,” he doesn’t hesitate to respond. “I will fling myself into the sun.”
Walking away from Chan has to be the hardest thing you’ve done.
You genuinely weren’t planning on sleeping with him the night before. You don’t know what took over you. It just happened. That’s not to say you regret it, though. Because you don’t. While you’ve never slept with someone before, laying underneath Chan felt so… right. Even if it is wrong from a moral standpoint. But, it felt otherworldly. Not just because the sex was good, but you felt as if it was meant to happen. You and Chan were meant to happen. As cliche as it is, and you cringe thinking of it, you wholeheartedly believe you and Chan were written in the stars, destined to find each other in this life. And the next. Nothing has felt more clear than being with him, and you use that as courage to knock on Seojun’s door.
When he opens it, he’s still in his sleep clothes. “Did I wake you?” You ask, voice and face void of any emotion.
“Kinda,” he says, rubbing his eyes. “What’s up?”
“I just came to say that I know you’re cheating on me,” you start. His eyes widen in quick panic, and he’s about to respond when you put your hand up to stop him as you shake your head. “I just want to tell you that we’re even. And it’s over.”
“You cheated on me?” Seojun repeats, indignation in his voice. “You fucking whore!”
“Yeah, save it, Seojun,” You scoff, shaking your head. “I already know about Aecha so you have no room to take a moral fucking high ground. Just nod and say okay and shut the door with what little dignity you have still intact.”
“Y/n?” A voice echoes from behind Seojun. His mother walks up behind him, a cup in her hand. Her eyebrows are furrowed. “Did you just say you cheated on my son? Do your parents know what you did?”
“I also said he cheated, too, so,” you shrug. Her mouth drops open, her face scrunching up in anger. It looks as if she’s about to scream at you before you continue, “I’ll leave your stuff with Aecha.”
You don’t let either of them speak as you turn around and walk down the stairs and out onto the street. You pull out your phone, about to call Chan and let him know you’re on your way back when Felix’s contact name pops up on your screen. You slide to answer, placing the phone against your ear. “I know what you’re gonna say, but I just broke up with Seojun and I’m–”
“You need to get to the hospital right now, y’n,” Felix cuts you off, his voice shaking. “Chan had an accident, and he might not make it.”
Your phone falls from your hand.
God’s of all origins gather around in the chambers to witness Cato’s execution. Everyone is whispering anxiously amongst one another. One deity stands silent, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at where Cato is chained intently. His heart is heavy, having to watch his dearest friend kill himself in the worst way possible.
“Have you spoken to him yet, Apollo?” Artemis asks as she walks up behind him. “I’m sure he would love to see you one more time.”
“What am I to even say?” Apollo asks. “Nothing I say will change his mind, you know how stubborn he is, that bastard.”
“It still must hurt,” Artemis responds. “You’ve been in love with him since the day he was created. I know it must kill you to see the torture he’s gone through.”
“There is nothing I can do about it,” Apollo shakes his head. “I love him, but it hurts more to see him be thrown back to earth again and again. It’s better this way.”
“He will live on in your heart,” his sister assures, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “But you don’t have to put yourself through the torture of seeing this.”
“After a millennia of divine punishment, Cato, god of calamity, has decided to take his life,” God’s booming voice echoes through the chamber, silencing everyone in an instant. “He will join Icarus in the deep sea below.”
Hushed whispers resound once again through the chambers, all of them having remembered watching the man’s wax wings melt from the flaming star and plummeting to his death in the never ending, and unforgiving seas. 
Cato does not look up at anyone, not even to God himself. He does not speak, nor does he try to beg for forgiveness. He’s tired. He’s so tired. 
God stands next to him, a hand on his shoulder as two angels unlock the shackles from his wrists and ankles. “Chan will wake up once you have hit the seas. You have my word.” Cato only nods in response.
And as he launches himself towards the sun, the burning heat of it burning at his skin and singing his feathered wings, he wails. He wails and screams, mourning his love for Eve and the time he’s spent being tortured with her almost in his grasp. Truly, he thinks death is better than being without her. The sun dries his tears, and it brings him a dark sense of comfort. And when his wings are all but ash, and he’s falling into awaiting waters, he smiles.
Apollo cries quietly as the god’s body is swallowed by the dark blue seas.
Chan wakes up in a hospital room.
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© lvandrskies — all rights reserved. no reposting.
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redlikemercury · 5 months
choso kamo x blk fem reader
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
☆ Summary: Choso and you are going on vacation, but first he has to put you back in your place.
☆ cw: pet names (angel, darling, baby, dove), oral receiving (f & m), dirty talk, degradation, fingering, size kink?, unprotected, squirting, brat taming? overstim? 18+
☆ a/n: it's been a while since my last post, anyways plz let me know if I forgot anything, and enjoy!
☆ wc: 3.6k
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His aloof and stoic nature was something that drew you to Choso. The two of you had been close for a while now. He was so sweet to you and a bit old-fashioned around you. He’ll call you ‘Dove’ or ‘Angel’ when he speaks to you. At first, it bothered you, but he would apologize when you spoke against it, only to turn around and call you again. It was a force of habit. Eventually, it stuck as it grew on you. He was thoughtful of you when the two of you hung out, attentive to your every need, surprising you with gifts while stopping by your home. Choso would give you the moon if you desired it. The loyal, lovesick man was deeply under your spell. Being around him was like heaven; he was perfect, especially in bed. He’ll lay on his back, begging you to bounce faster on his dick. Your noisy pussy would already be filled to the brim from the five rounds, creaming all over his shaft. He was a greedy bastard loving how he molded your walls to take his cock. Those whimpering moans of his were what had you keep going. It was an intoxicating sound. Riding his face was best of all. When he was horny, you swore your clit would have died and went to heaven.
Despite this, you would try everything in your power to tip the odds in your favor for him to be the dominant one, but it’ll always end up the same. When you told him directly one night, he dismissed altogether, and you went to bed early, leaving him to jerk off in the bathroom so he wouldn’t disturb your rest. You still didn’t give up, though. You were going to have your way. The opportunity seemed perfect with the upcoming beach trip the two of you had planned. A lovely resort alongside a shimmering coastline, having the bright white sand in between your freshly painted toes meeting the cold crystal-clear water. The peaceful atmosphere and luxurious amenities had your mind already at peace. All this was paid for by your faithful boyfriend, of course. It would indeed be a wonderful vacation for the two of you.
“Dove, did you remember to get the beach umbrella?” He asked over the phone as the two of you FaceTime while shopping for a new bathing suit. “Yeah, I did. Stop being such a worrywort, darling.” You teased, causing the dark-haired man to pout his lips a bit. “I’m just double checking, no need to tease. I told you I could do it, angel.” He retorted back, causing you to roll your eyes playfully. “I know, I know. Just tone it down with the worrying. I can handle getting a few things for this trip. Honestly, you act like I can’t handle this alone.” You spoke back. You just wanted to show off your vacation box braids as you shopped. You decided to be creative and get them long this time, the medium-sized plaits stopping at your ass. Choso couldn’t be mad at your response, though. He was fully aware of how much he spoiled you. He admired your sun-kissed skin at this hour and how radiant your brown complexion glowed, watching through his tiny phone screen. He could only imagine the intoxicating sweet smell of your perfume and how he would stick his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling such a refreshing scent. It made his dick twinge with excitement. “Just be careful, angel.” He urged with a soft smile creeping on his lips. You grinned before blowing an air kiss through the phone at him, prompting Choso to catch it. “I will, now bye-bye, baby. Love you.” You spoke, and Choso replied with an ‘I love you too’ back before the two of you hung up.
You were determined with your secret motives, striding down the hustle and bustle of the streets on the prowl for the perfect shop. Large rectangular buildings towered above you, casting shadows on the busy sidewalk, and numerous people traveled down the pavement. An abundance of city sounds of cars honking, conversations, and distance music created some enthusiasm for your venture. 
A fashion boutique caught your eye with its dazzling display of hot new swimwear with bright prints and a rather scanty display window that encouraged you to enter the establishment. The bone-chilling air condition caused a shudder to run up your spine as you looked around the place. “Damn, it’s cold.” You muttered, walking around and looking at various swimwear. You quickly realize how packed and popular this store seems to be, causing you to be a little discouraged about finding a good bathing suit here, but to your surprise, you find one. On the rack next to you, pick up the sexy red thong bikini as it is to your liking. It would certainly have your more than reserved boyfriend to pay some attention to you. The thought came across that others would be staring too, but all you wanted more was your boyfriend to crack underneath the pressure, even if it had to be something a bit untasteful. You don’t plan on cheating on him in any way, but you were sure a couple of stares from other people would have him asserting that dominant nature in no time. 
After waiting in line for an entire century, you paid for your things using Choso’s card as always and returned to your cozy home. Sliding off your shoes at the front door, you made your way upstairs, packing for your trip. You were delighted that your devious plan was getting put into action tomorrow. Once all packed, you took a much-needed shower from the long hot day. Shooting a quick ‘goodnight’ text to Choso and putting on your bonnet, you went to bed. 
That next morning, around eleven, you were getting ready, brushing your teeth, putting on some lotion, and sliding on your skimpy new bathing suit with a flimsy, very much see-through beach coverup. Once you had your shades sitting on top of your head, you were ready to go, bringing all your bags and forgetting about the beach umbrella that had stumbled under your bed. Sitting pretty on the couch until Choso came, but your nerves were getting the best of you after a while. The palpitations of your heart were soaring as you folded one leg over the other tightly. The thought of how Choso would react to your body was killing you. Through the fabric of your coverup, you felt the feeling of the excellent plush leather couch against your ass and thighs, squirming around to get comfortable. The red swimsuit felt as if it was becoming tighter on your skin as you were waiting, especially the thong that was getting swallowed up in the back between your plush ass cheeks. That sweet scent of your favorite lotion became more evident to your senses. Such an inviting scent will send your boyfriend over the edge. The cool A/C was the only thing keeping your boiling body from combusting. 
Waiting for Choso was agonizing. 
You could have simply turned on the television or scrolled on your phone to calm your high-rising nerves, but you knew it wouldn’t. The excitement of seeing Choso’s face when you opened the door is what exhilarated you the most, the sheer jaw-dropping awe. Choso was a man of his word when meeting with you, so you knew he would be here on time, at twelve, like he said on the dot. It was five minutes til twelve, and you stood up and paced in the hall before he arrived. ‘Why can’t time go by faster? This is taking forever!’ You thought to yourself, irritated as your braids swayed back and forth, brushing against your sides and rear. 
Ding! Dong!
The sound nearly made your heart jump onto the floor as you exhaled, taking a deep breath. You checked yourself into the mirror one last time before opening the door. Choso stood in front of your eyes in his floral Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned, showing off his muscular figure and some swimming trunks. His lips parted to speak, but nothing came out as he had seen in your flimsy coverup. There was nothing left to the imagination as he stared at your bikini underneath. Time felt like it had slowed, and the world faded into a haze of desire. His gaze was lecherous and memorized, taking in your figure; every inch of that sexy body of yours made his thirst grow. A gluttonous intent flickered in his eyes, watching those pretty titties when your chest rose and fell. He stepped closer to you, closing the distance and making your heart pound. A desirable tension formed between you once his warm fingers trailed over your cold skin. A soft gasp left your lips, expanding Choso's yearning for you. He entered the house, slamming the door shut before looking back at you with a piercing gaze. 
“Angel.. C’mere.” He spoke, but this tone of his was unusual. It was commanding.
As you approached him, a hand cupped your face as his thumb stroked your cheek. Choso’s free hand placed firmly on your waist, tightening his grip. Without warning, he dragged you in for a sloppy kiss, his tongue purging your mouth while entangling your tongue with his. He moaned deeply into the kiss, feeling the drool dripping down his chin. Your arms snaked around his neck, pulling and holding him tightly against your body. Some soft gasps seeped through your lips while he gave you an inch, intoxicating you with vulgarity. Your legs were growing weak, hearing the wet smacking noise the two of you were producing. “Mphmm…” Choso whimpered, caressing your cheek more with a sense of possessiveness. ‘Oh fuck!’ You thought to yourself, feeling like you were on cloud nine. A few more kisses were shared between you and him before it broke. The two of you breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath. 
Choso soon returned to his modest behavior and kissed your forehead, eyeing your bags next to the couch. “We gotta get going, angel, or we’ll miss check-in time.” He uttered to you, walking over to your bags and swiftly picking them up. You stood there almost dumbfounded. You had only shared such a small amount of time with that animalistic side of him, craving more of it. Seeing back at his usual tendency, smiling for you to lead the way out the door irked you to a small degree. You rolled your eyes and walked outside down the pavement to his car parked in the front. 
Choso knew he had gotten underneath his skin, choosing to play coy until he felt like snapping you back down to size. His eyes followed intensely on your fat ass, watching it move side to side. He was highly aware of how much he spoiled you—giving you one of his credit cards, buying you lovely things, taking you on nice trips, paying your bills even though you never asked him. Hell, he paid for any hairstyle you’ve ever gotten since you two started dating. 
In Choso’s mind, you’re his only lady, and he would make damn sure you knew that. He knew you would try something like this the moment you asked him first for him to treat you like a slutty whore, a few weeks back. He objected but immediately regretted it, remembering the repercussions. He had his reasons. He wouldn’t mind getting rough with you, but only if you were a total brat, even if it took some ‘encouragement’ to get you there. He wanted nothing more than to see you get so angry at him, only to end up a shaking mess creaming in his dick in a whimpering helplessly. Lewd images of such acts are only left to the imagination. You were rarely ever mad at him. The times that you were sparking a glimmer of hope in his eyes, but you were such a good girlfriend that you would always sit down and talk with him about why you were upset. He couldn’t be mad at that, and he admired the way the two of you were honest and open with each other. He still couldn't help wishing for a bit of rise out of you, though, something to spice up the passionate sex between the two of you. 
You were slowly shifting into that spoiled bratty personality he wanted to see after that half-assed kiss. Choso grinned while watching that thong get swallowed up by that ass. At best, he was a cunning man, knowing his girlfriend like that back his hand. He just needed to be patient. 
Choso had packed all the heavy luggage in the back of his trunk and a few minuscule items into the backseat. He entered the driver’s side. Your arms rested on the passenger side door with a slumped posture. Those furrows, arch brows, and full pouty lips made Choso's cock throb just a little. Despite the devious thoughts Choso had felt, you were highly pissed. To you, it seemed like your plan wouldn’t be accordingly. How could he kiss you like that just to leave you hanging? You were highly needy of him, and the sly bastard knew it, too.
Before the two of you pulled off Choso double-checked all the things you two needed. He noticed the beach umbrella you promised to get wasn’t in the trunk. “Angel, where’s the umbrella?” He asked in a smooth tone. Hearing his voice irked you more and you slung your braids behind your back. Some of them whipped Choso in the face, he was caught off guard with that attitude of yours. “I don't know, it’s probably in the house still.” You said nonchalantly walking back to the house. Choso sighed heavily watching you leave, following behind you. Back in the home, you and Choso looked around for the umbrella.
Choso was becoming just as annoyed as you when you started doing a lousy job helping him search. The tension between the two of you filled with frustration with every passing moment. “Just look upstairs, I’ll look down here.” He spoke in an irked tone. You sighed, annoyed, storming up the stairs. “Whatever.” You snapped back, heading to your bedroom. Choso's eyes furrowed, searching the whole downstairs for the damn beach umbrella, the two of you would be late for check-in time. He didn’t like being late. Going upstairs, he found you in your bedroom lying on the bed. You weren’t even trying to look and wasting time on your phone. “I thought you were looking up here?” He spoke angrily. You scoffed. “I figured you would find it already. I mean, you’re good at everything else.” You said pretty bluntly. Choso rubbed the side of his temples and came up close to you. “This is your damn house; you were responsible for getting it.” He hissed. Your eyes widened when he cursed at you, and you sat up on the bed. “Dammit, don’t get mad at me. We can just leave the stupid thing here.” You sassed him. Choso couldn’t believe that you were so okay with such suggestion. “You’re so stupid sometimes.” He said. Something about seeing the smoldering intensity of his eyes, that jaw being clenched tight, the low authoritative tone had your pussy purring. “Oh really?” You said in a somewhat seductive tone. Choso scowled and approached you, his nose touching yours. Quickly catching onto your advances, it couldn’t be helped that he was just as excited as you were. The fact you were acting out like this, made the bulge he been trying to hide in swimming trunks throbbed. 
He had been ignoring the thoughts for a while now, but this was his moment. “On your knees.” He commanded, and you swiftly got into position on the mattress. His hands already pulling up your coverup, pulling down that thong of yours. His two long fingers grazing the lines of your slick folds, before tracing small circles on your needy clit. A soft moan, escaped your lips as you moaned silently. “You’re such fucking hassle you that angel? I’m always giving you my best, and all I expect you to do is be a good girl for me.” His voice was raspy, watching with a lustrous gaze in his eyes before reaching to spring free his thick dick coated in his precum. All that bitching you were doing, while you were getting wet like this drove him insane, he was going to put you back in your place. Pulling his digits free from your needy cunt, his big hands pull you up from bed and turn you around quickly. Your face is nearly touching his cock. “Open wide angel.” He demanded and like the obedient slut you were you did it. His dick invades your mouth slamming his tip to the back of your throat. Gagging and slobbering over his shaft he whines. “God, it feels ss-so good making you shut up.” He whimpers, thrusting faster, as his balls slap against your chin. The rough thrusts had you clenching on his thighs tightly. 
Drool coated his girthy cock as you were doing your best to take of him, your throat became sore from the way he slammed into you. The way your eyes looked watered with the tears staining your cheeks from the intensity of it all made him speed up getting sloppy with each thrust. Choso thought it was such a delight seeing you whimper, you were at his command, while you staring down at you made him smirk. Choso got a kick out of those pleading eyes, he gonna fuck the absolute shit out of you for that nasty attitude of yours. Those big hands of his traveled to your box braids, gripping your scalp. He made your head bob faster up down his drenched shaft, with his thrust getting needier. “Shit, angel, I’m gonna show you want a filthy mouth gets you.” He mumbled before he shot the warm cum into your mouth. Choso let out a long whimpering moan, with his head tossed back. He pulled his dick out slowly, before lifting your head to him. “Swallow it. Now.” He demanded you with a deadpan look. Your eyes widened for a second but you didn’t dare question it and swallowed all of it. He smiles wickedly before pushing your body down onto the cool silk sheets. The cool contrast and your hot body made you shiver as you were trying to compose yourself. 
“Open them wide for me darling,” Choso spoke, his hands slowly massaging your thighs. His warm touch made you moan softly, opening up your legs wide for him. Your breath was heavy as you were still trying to get hold of yourself, you couldn’t believe he wasn’t giving much of a break. Sliding down his finger to that sloppy hold of yours once again, and using his thumb to circle your clit. The sensation was like no other, as you squirmed on the silk sheets underneath your skin, it felt like you were gliding and sliding everywhere.
“Ch-choso I’m s-sorry..” You whimpered, but that only dug his fingers deeper into your sobbing hole. “Shh-shit.” You moaned. “That shitty apology isn’t going to cut it, angel. We’re already going to be late, because of that nasty attitude of yours. So it’ll be best if I bring the ocean to us….” He chuckled to himself a bit wickedly before finishing his sentence. “yeah, to us, so squirt for me.” He spoke, eyeing your glistening cunt.
His fingers easily slip into that sweet spot of yours making you moan relentlessly, and before you knew what had hit you, your pussy had squirted all over Choso’s abs. He smirks at your fluids pooling on the silk sheets. “Ohh, my god! Ch-choso! I s-said I’m sss-sorry.” You whined, and his free hand gave your thigh a tight squeeze. “Yeah, I heard.” He huffed, still pumping his fingers into your tight walls. “Your filthy attitude is matching this nasty pussy of yours. So do it again for me.” He says, hearing the squelching of dripping cunt. “A—aah! Ohhh!” You moan, and before you knew it you squirted again, the warm fluid dripping down Choso’s abs made him groan. Taking his hand off your thigh, he takes two of his fingers to scoop some up and taste it. “Soo sweet.” He murmurs and uses both of his hands to spread out your thighs.
  Cranking up the assault on your needy pussy, he feasts on you intoxicated by your breathy mewls. Your toes started to curl up from the pleasurable sensation, and your back arch further up. “Fuck, you taste so sweet angel, almost makes me forget why I was mad in the first place.” He rasped against your sobbing cunt, before diving in to devour you. “I, uh, I’m gonna cum!” You whimpered, but Choso was too pussydrunk to care, he was becoming greedy. Swirling his tongue around in languid strokes through your pulsing release, slurping up every last drop as your body convulses on the mattress. 
Choso lifted his head high to look at your fucked out face and smiled. He leaned closer to you and planted some kisses along your jawline. “Mhmm, I guess being late will be okay, I’ll accept your apology from earlier.” He whispers in your ear. Your eyes flicker over to him as you now can catch your breath. “You do?” You asked softly, as Choso gave a simple nod. “Yes, I figured I should, especially since I want to do this all over again at the hotel, next to an actual ocean.” He said as he saw the beach umbrella peeking from under your bed.
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everythingne · 7 months
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oc x lando norris / rom-com style fic/smau
Coca Cola and Jack Daniels bring Lando, Oscar and the reserve drivers to a beach bar in Miami over their winter break, the goal is to film a short film ad for the next Miami GP. However, the set is disrupted when a tungsten light comes undone, the Key Grip Roxanne Powell is quick on her feet and saves Lando's ass by taking the hit. Landing in true romcom fashion, straddling his waist. This accidentally makes an unlikely connection between one of the top Formula One drivers, who takes all the fame and glory for his team, and a girl whose work is hardly ever credited to herself.
warnings/notes: cursing, injury (burns/bruising, not described in any detail), this is the most self-indulgent fic ever, I use many film terms
“Breaking!” I call, hands finding the knob of the mambo stand as I start to pull down one of the silks. I can feel the heat of the lights besides me on my arms, my usual outfit of my tight Under Armor shirt and baggy black cargos. Working behind the scenes means not being seen, and all black was usually the way to go. I duck as I slip the clamp out of the stand, handing over the old silk and replacing it with the reflector. No more diffusion, the light was too dark, so I hoped the reflector would help defuse the light still, but keep the light relatively the same brightness.
“Yo, Roxie, one of these lights safety chains slipped out!” Jason, my right hand man, calls to me and I nod. Once I have the reflector slotted in I turn, looking back to where he’s pointing at one of our precariously balanced tungsten lights. The safety chains had been weak, something I knew and was a little pissy about, but seeing that not only the chain had broken, the shitty scissor clamps that held it up were loose, I could see the light shaking as Jason tried to reattach the safety.
“One second!” I shout over my shoulder, noticing how close the director is blocking talent to the light and I whistled for another grip to grab what I'm holding. That light is a tungsten, if that hits someone, namely the two McLaren drivers who stand below it, it’ll hurt like hell--and it’ll burn like hell too.
“Cassie, lock this, quick.” I say as she steps up in my place. I reach a hand behind my belt to grab my leather gloves and I hear the scissor clamp creak and slip, I jump off the stand I'm on, dropping my gloves in the rush and telling myself I'll deal with the burns later.
“Move! Move!” I shout, and the two drivers look at me like deer in headlights as I sprint forward. I throw one arm up to block the light as I shove the curly haired guy to the ground, accidentally falling on top of him as in my panic, I somehow manage to catch the now half broken light.
“Are you okay?!” We both ask at the same time, and now I look down, half straddling the talent—a light held tightly in my hands as my arm singes in pain. I check the light, which has become unplugged, and note that luckily nothing seems broken other than the glass. Which I can see on the floor by my knee.
“Yeah.” We breathe out at the same time and I curse, setting the light down on the concrete as I stand up, offering the talent my hand. He takes it, slowly standing up as people swarm asking if we're okay. It's a freak accident, the clamp should've held up fine, but now its broken structure crunches under my boots.
"Oh! Your arm!" The guy says, and I catch his last name on his jacket--Norris, as he grabs my arm and tilts me from the wrist so he can look. My arm is red, no doubt already swelling from the burn and bruising.
"I'll survive." I say to him softly, and his eyes meet mine. His eyes are stunning, I note, the different shades of bright color pulling me in--before the director is asking me if I need to go to the hospital or something. I shake off Norris and his pretty face and shake my head no.
"I'm just gonna clean it up, it's mostly burnt so it needs air. And, Cassie and Jacob, can you go find a c-stand to put the light back up? If it's still working." I look over my shoulder at my subordinates and they nod, radioing to the truck as I look over my arm again.
"Thanks." Norris breathes besides me and I turn to look up at him.
"Yeah," I notice the flush on his cheeks, "No problem, pretty boy."
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averagewriter777 · 2 years
Ghost and Doc (Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader)
(Part Five)
“So, what do you usually drink, (Y/n)?” The question was asked by Gaz to break the awful silence in the car. (You’d think the radio would at least be playing some music- but nope!)
You fumbled with your fingers. “Well… I’ll drink anything, I guess. But I feel like my drinks are mood-based, you know?” Soap raised a brow towards you. “Okay- let’s just say that I’m down in the dumps, feeling miserable… I’ll open a bottle of scotch or whiskey. If I want to get wasted- which hasn’t happened for a few years, I’ll take some vodka or tequila. If I’m out drinking with friends and they’re having shots, I won’t join… because that’s a hangover and I fucking hate those- probably have a margarita or two. If I’m trying to flirt with a man, it usually works for some reason- I’ll order a sex on the beach… and he’ll get the memo.” You stopped talking when you realized Gaz, Soap, and Ghost were staring at you. “What? Told you it’s mood based.”
“We’re having some shots- you won’t drink them?” Soap said, albeit disappointed in his tone. You shrugged, then shook your head. “Damn, found our designated driver then. Hope you know how to drive around in this country.” You didn’t, but you’d figure it out. 
Everyone took a seat at a table in the corner. You and Soap were in charge of grabbing drinks, mostly because you wanted something different- as did Ghost. (The man was also still wearing his mask, something you were confused about, but didn’t ask about) Soap ordered a round of tequila shots, a bourbon for Ghost, and you surprised him by ordering Fireball whiskey.
“No margaritas?” He chuckled while carrying the tray back to the table. 
You almost snorted into your glass but remembered you were also carrying Ghost’s drink, so you held it back- not wanting to spill it. “Not tonight. You’ll witness me order a margarita when I feel more at home. My old team made fun of me for ordering those. Nice try there, Soap.”
“Call me John,” he said while setting down the tray. Everyone took their respective shot glasses and immediately downed them.
Ghost took his bourbon glass from your hand, lifted his mask, then took a small sip of it. You took that moment to look at his jaw and lips- because you were curious. Your gaze snapped away when his eyes lingered over on you. “Thanks for the drink.”
“Of course,” you raised your glass a little then took a sip. The whiskey burned in your mouth, but you didn’t flinch. “Why don’t you drink with them? Tequila’s a good time if you have enough of it… until the following morning.” You raised the glass to your lips again, watching Ghost sigh.
“Johnny told me once it tasted like dog piss. Seems like he’s changed his mind.” Ghost shrugged and took a sip of his bourbon again. “And I prefer bourbon, no matter what. Dark drinks I seem to enjoy the most.” He looked at what you were drinking. “Didn’t you say you only drank whiskey when you were miserable?”
You set down your glass and rubbed the edge, wondering if you should say anything. Both Soa- John, and Price told you to be careful… “Well, I’ve got a daughter at home. This was a poor time for me to deploy. Her birthday is tomorrow, she’s turning six.” Your brows furrowed. “A ‘friend’ has her gift ready… but I was hoping to give it to her this year. The last time I was there for something important was her first words and steps.”
Guess you didn’t realize you were being emotional as well as crying a bit, because Ghost had reached across the table to put one of his gloved hands over your own. “It’ll be alright. We’ll make sure you get to give her a call, okay?” You nodded and rubbed under your eyes then let out a shaky sigh. “Now, let’s go get you a different drink. You’re right about it being emotion-based.”
- (At the table while you and Ghost are at the bar)
“So, what do you two think of (Y/n) so far?” Price asked while staking his third shot glass on top of the other two. 
Soap added to the pyramid that Price was creating with his shot glasses. “Good woman, good medic too. Seems to be getting along with the team alright too.” He looked over at the bar, gesturing to you and Ghost, who were talking while waiting on your new drink. “Ghost has warmed up to her quick.”
“That’s probably the most surprising out of all of this,” Gaz said while scratching the back of his head. “Work-wise… she’s good. Can’t wait to see how she handles a weapon- she was a monster on that training mat.” He almost cheered out loud whenever there was an almost-win against Ghost- but this wasn’t a wrestling match, so he kept it to himself. “I wouldn’t be worried about her on the field so far.”
Soap was going to add something, but he shut his mouth when you and Ghost started walking back to the table. You raised a brow toward him but decided not to say anything. “Y’all are out of shots? That was fucking quick, need some more?” The men shrugged as if they weren’t opposed. “Right then, I’ll take these…” You gathered up the tower of shot glasses that Price and Soap created, put it all on the tray, then made your way back to the bar.
When you were out of earshot, the three men turned to Ghost, who went back to drinking his bourbon. Once he noticed he was being watched, he set his drink down and sighed. “What.”
“Just wondering what you think of Sergeant (Y/n) so far,” Price said calmly as if he was talking to a ticking bomb. “It looks like you’ve warmed up to her thus far, are we correct about that?”
Ghost grunted and picked up his glass again. The look in his eyes told Price that he did indeed not want to talk about it, but they were correct about it. “She’s alright,” he admitted. He wouldn’t say anything more, not to his drunk companions. “Excellent sparring partner… good medic too.”
You were back within that second, holding that *last* round of tequila glasses for the group. When everyone picked up their glasses and raised them to the air, Ghost included, you went to do the same. “To (Y/n) and the 141!” Everyone repeated what was said and took their shots. You and Ghost sipped your glasses- you shuddered when sipping yours this time.
“Ugh, it’s been so long since I’ve had bourbon.” You set the Old Fashioned down on the table and looked at Ghost, who was smiling into his glass. “Don’t laugh- that’s fucking rude.”
Ghost *probably* raised a brow at you. “You drink whiskey and every other drink out there… but bourbon is the one that makes you cringe and shudder? That’s all.” You took another sip, lifting your middle finger not-so-subtly at the same time. “That’s no way to talk to your lieutenant.” His smile had fallen, but it remained in his eyes.
You nearly choked on your drink. “I’m sorry- that’s your rank?” Ghost shrugged, and also made a face that said ‘you weren’t told?’ “Price didn’t tell me. Shit, sorry.” With that, you decided it was time to call it a night. “Alright, how the hell are we paying for this?” Ghost pointed to Price, who was taking out his wallet- but was struggling. “Alright, give me one second…” You remembered that Price had given the bartender the card at the beginning of the night.
“Closing your tab?” He asked. You nodded and folded your arms on the counter while you waited for the receipt to come up. “It was under… Price, right?” You nodded again and clicked the pen you were given. “Alright, here you go… just sign and you’ll be good.”
You weren’t sure how Price signed his name, so you just made up some scribble- kind of like a doctor’s scribble. It was similar to what your signature was, just with different letters. And you left a hefty tip, based on what everyone drank, that is.
“Thanks, have a good night!” The bartender was grinning at the receipt as he put it back in the drawer. Guess you left a good enough tip.
Back at the table, Ghost was getting everyone to get off their asses and out the door. You asked him on the way out why he doesn’t just drive since he only had that one glass of bourbon, but he shook his head. “I don't like driving. I’ll tell you where to go… you just go from there.”
A/N: That’s right. He’s a shit driver. Everyone has seen how he drives- right? That’s it. That’s just it. But he wouldn't tell you that, not yet at least.
(Part Six)
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Wildest dreams, pt. 21
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Summary: As seasons change, so does their relationship.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Time seemed to pass by. For some, it moved quickly as the raindrop crashing from the sky onto the ground. For others, time seemed to be standing still.
Paul had never been happier. His eyes are bright, so full of light Y/N brought into his life and he didn’t dare question the lack of nightmares now. At first, he worried they’d return with a vengeance, but as days turned into weeks and weeks trickled into months, the nightmares became an afterthought neatly tucked at the back of his mind.
Things with Y/N were perfect; at the two month mark, she moved in with him though they had dinner with her dad twice a week. Paul didn’t mind it, in fact he relished in the father-son relationship they’ve built, becoming another stitch on his old wounds.
Within a month of moving in together, they’ve turned the house upside down repainting it, changing some of the decor. It brought so much work his way, to the whole pack if he’s being honest. Y/N had a way to manipulate each of the guys without anyone truly noticing it until they’re halfway painting the living room and at that point they could only admire her wit. The imprints would gather as well, the actual work turning more into a group art project and he enjoyed every moment of it.
Paul loves the Sunday picnics at the beach, the Tuesday dinners he makes for her after which they binge the latest series Y/N heard is worthwhile, driving her to work while singing at the top of their lungs, slow dancing on the porch, kissing in the shower, making her scream his name long into the night, waking up to the smell of Y/N making pancakes almost as much as her smile whenever he’d wrap his arms around her waist in their kitchen.
That felt so good – sharing his life with someone who loves him so deeply and he can’t believe that all those years filled with uncertainty, suffering and hopelessness have come down to this. Once a lost boy had grown into a man with so much love in his heart that’s pouring out of every pore and for once he’s calm, inside and out.
Almost a year after imprinting, Paul hadn’t shifted in a long while. Most wolves don’t shift after having met their imprints unless there’s danger on horizon. The younger ones have taken over patrols again, allowing the older members of the pack to lay their responsibilities to rest for now. It’ll take a few more years before he’s able to see the difference, before he can start aging properly, but it will happen and he’s no longer appalled by the sentiment of growing old. Falling in love with Y/N and their life made that happen – he’s craving it.
And yet he can still feel something’s not right. She’s happy, he’s certain of it, but something broke in her the day he returned from his fishing trip.
Jacob left the same day and it’s impossible to ignore the sadness lingering in her eyes since then.
Y/N felt her heart chip like porcelain as Jacob walked out of her life for the second time now. When she learned of the pack and their secrets, part of her thought it meant she can have her best friends back and nothing needed to change. They’d find a way to pick up the pieces and carry on, create new memories and forge a new kind of friendship – the one that lasts through the best and worst of times.
“So you just…abandon everything to go back to wherever the hell she is?” Y/N snaps at Jacob.
“My imprint needs me”, Jacob sighs. “We may not be a romantic match like you and Paul, but when she needs me I can’t ignore her call.”
Snorting in disgust, Y/N shakes her head. “It’s slavery.”
“It’s imprinting”, Jacob reminds her.
Swallowing thickly, she nods. “When will you come back?”
“I don’t know.”
“I need better than that”, she grumbles. “I don’t care who she is, you’re MY best friend.” Taking his hands in hers, Y/N’s bottom lip quivers. When she speaks, her voice is quiet, shaky. “I just got you back.”
“You don’t want to hear this, but it’s the best thing for us.”
“How can you say that?” She narrows her eyes at him. “Whatever issues we have, we can solve them together but if you go now…it’s high school all over again.”
“You’ll be okay”, Jacob tell her.
“No, I won’t”, she chokes back a sob. “You’re the only one who knows me.”
“Paul is your imprint”, Jacob grimaces, “and while I’m not particularly delighted by it, he loves you.” Letting out a weak sigh, Jacob trains his eyes on their intertwined hands. “He’s loved you quite a long time and it’s time for you to let him in.”
Shaking her head, she sniffles. “It’s not the same. You’ve been with me since as long as I can remember.”
“So was Paul”, Jacob reminds her. “You just didn’t pay him any attention.”
Closing her eyes, she lets a tear crumble her poise. “If I loved you the way you want me to, would you have stayed?”
Blinking fast, Jacob smiles meekly. “I don’t think that would have helped. I’d be itching to come back sooner, that’s for sure.”
“Would she even let you come back?”
“I hate that you’re shackled to a preteen and her whims.”
Forcing a smile, Jacob shrugs. “It’ll do us good to be apart a bit…let the emotions settle.” Licking his lips, he locks his gaze onto her. “I’ll do a better job at burying these feelings for both our sakes.”
“You’ll call, won’t you?”
“And text you every day.”
Nodding, she lets out a shuddered breath pass her shaky lips. “You better.”
“I promise.” He pulls his hands back to his lap, and Y/N’s eyebrows furrow. She isn’t ready to let him go just yet.
“Don’t make promises you might be unable to keep.” Y/N warns and he leans in, cupping her face with his now free hands. “You made me promises before and I ended up alone for a decade.”
“Things are different now”, his nose brushes hers and he pulls back. “I’ll come back.”
“If you don’t, I’ll be raising an army to destroy your little clan” she remarks.
“Except you can’t hurt her without killing me”, Jacob quips.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N grimaces. “I don’t like these wolf rules.”
“Neither do I”, Jacob musses, leaning his forehead on hers.
Both of them know how intimate this moment is, how wrongly it can be interpreted. If anyone walked in on them now, there would be hell to pay. How can you explain a love like this? Even underneath the feelings Jacob unearthed, his love for Y/N is indescribable. It’s as if she’s the soil from which he grows, as if he’s the sky in which she shines – they’ve always been inseparable – platonic soulmates she called it before and he agrees. Even without an imprint bond, they’re soulmates.
Another year passed by, Y/N’s heart a little lighter now. While work has been stressful, she always looked forward to seeing Paul leaned on his truck in the parking lot. He’d smile and kiss her hungrily before asking about her day. Sometimes he’d have a rose hidden behind his back, other times take out if his day was exhausting as hers, making sure neither would have to cook that night.
Looking over at him, she could notice a few light wrinkles when he’d crinkle his eyes. Running the back of her index finger across his cheek, she’d elicit a worried look from her beloved. Somehow, the imprint bond seemed stronger despite him not shifting in nearly two years now.
“What’s wrong, my beautiful dove?”
Inhaling sharply, she shrugs it off. “Nothing, just in awe of you.”
“I know I’m gorgeous, but I felt that”, Paul glances at her. “I felt the way your heart ached for a moment there.”
“It’s kind of annoying how easily you can dissect what I’m feeling.”
“Imprint perk”, he winks.
Huffing, she furrows her eyebrows. “I’m not sure it is.”
“What do you mean”, he lowers the volume on the radio.
“Don’t you ever get bored of feeling my feelings? Does it never affect you negatively?”
“Well, I could do without the PMS”, Paul snickers and she scowls at him.
“Be serious!”
“I am”, he insists. “I’m not burdened by it. It helps me make sure you’re alright. Sometimes I react, other times I let you come to me. It’s not science, but I’m trying to be respectful just like I know you’re being respectful by letting me make my own choices.”
“Are you thanking me for not enslaving you like Renesmee has done so with Jacob?”
“Is that why you’re mad?” Paul frowns. “When’s the last time you heard from him?”
“A few months now”, she admits. “He promised he’d be around and now all I get are a few texts from time to time.”
“Want me to call him?”
Chuckling, she shakes her head. “I don’t need you to rough him up. I just wish I knew what was going on. Last I heard the Volturi were messing with them again.”
Paul falls silent. His hands grip the steering wheel tighter, his jaw clenching.
“Do you know something I don’t?” Y/N turns in her seat, her eyes focusing on her imprint. He’s anxious and he’s almost shaking and it’s the first time in a long time she’s seen him struggling to keep shifting at bay.
“Paul?” She calls his name, her hand resting over his white knuckled one. “Breathe”, she says sternly, rubbing his knuckles gently. “BREATHE”, she repeats louder and Paul blinks, finally breaking out of his trance.
Huffing, he shakes his head as if to clear the fog before sniffling, glancing at her hand recoiling from his once she realizes he’s not going to shift.
Y/N didn’t talk for the rest of the drive and neither did Paul.
Once inside the house, she turns to him with uncertainty. Placing a hand over her chest, she lets out a heavy sigh. Staring at his back, she speaks.
“Do you feel that?”
Without skipping a beat, Paul nods. “I’m sorry.”
“You scared the crap out of me”, she states.
“I know.”
“We could have crashed”, she reminds him.
“I know.”
“What if you shifted in the car?”
“I know.”
“If you know, tell me what the fuck was that?” She steps in front of him. “Why did me mentioning Volturi make you freeze up?”
Licking his lips, Paul rubs his forehead. “I don’t think you’d want to know.”
“I sure as hell do!”
“What did Jacob tell you about them?” Paul raises his eyebrows.
Swallowing thickly, she leans on the counter. “That they’re vampire royalty and they hate the Cullens and especially his imprint. That they tried to wage war against them but failed.”
“Did he also mention the pack was standing with the Cullens because of his imprint?”
Nodding faintly, she waited for Paul to continue.
“One of their so called family members has the power to see the future.”
Paul nods. “She saw me die in that clearing that day.”
Y/N felt her heart stop with his words.
“Leah, Seth too. I’m pretty sure most of us would be dead now.”
“And hearing the Volturi are back in the game reminded you of that” Y/N realizes. “What happens if they come back here?”
“Depends”, Paul pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m sure they’d like the pack gone, but their main concern are the Cullens.”
“So as long as they’re gone, you are safe?” She raises her eyebrows in concern, looking at him with a childlike fear in her eyes, simmering with anger over all the traumatic events her Paul had to go through.
Walking toward her, his hands rest on her hips before he pulls her closer to his chest. “We”, he corrects her. “We are safe. Maybe that’s why Jacob cooled on communications.”
Wrapping her arms around Paul, Y/N couldn’t find comfort in any of it. Somewhere out there is a royal family of immortal beings that crave revenge and they would see her entire world burn for amusement.
How can she ever forget that and live a normal life?
What has Jacob gotten himself into?
For the next year, Y/N worried. It’s become the only constant in her life. Paul couldn’t help but worry too – not just about the Volturi, but about Y/N. He noticed her researching the cold ones as well as many myths and legends surrounding creatures even he didn’t believe were real. 
He watched her smile but it didn’t always reach her eyes.
Jacob called her for her birthday, it was brief and even then she didn’t seem to pay mind to it. Something else stirred in her heart and their conversation opened a door that let raging fire inside of her. Paul’s not exactly sure what her goal is – does the research help or make it worse, but he started researching with her. Instead of Tuesday binge watching shows, they read books on the supernatural creatures.
Paul made sure she didn’t completely close up. He had the other imprints take her out, even going as far as asking Embry to breathe some life into her.
“Did you die?”
“What?” Embry’s eyes widen at her question, nearly choking on his milkshake.
“In Alice’s vision”, she clarifies.
“I didn’t ask. It’s not something I wanted to know.”
“Why not?”
“Because that future where everyone went to battle wasn’t real and it wouldn’t come true.” Embry frowns. “Why are you obsessing over this?”
“Is that what Paul called it?”
“No”, Embry tries but her unyielding stare saw right through him. He could never lie to her. “Maybe.”
“I’m not obsessing. I’m arming myself with information.”
“What can you do with said information?” Embry raises his brows. “You’re human and I know you hate hearing that, but if shit goes down, you’ll be far from here. Paul would make sure of it and I would too.”
Shaking her head, she bites her lower lip. “You guys have no concerns then? It doesn’t keep you awake wondering if those things will come back to eradicate your kind?”
“Sometimes”, Embry shrugs before reaching across the table for her hand. “But I can’t dwell on what ifs and forget to live my life. I hope you remember that too. We are not at war, there is no imminent danger looming over our heads, but you do have a loving boyfriend who is terrified about your sudden shift in behavior.”
Inhaling sharply, she turns to the window. “I’m scared something will happen and I’ll be a useless lawn ornament.”
“Best thing you could ever do when these things happen is stay safe. There’s nothing worse for a wolf to lose an imprint and Paul would rather die than risk your life.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”
It felt easier to breathe after her conversation with Embry. What helped was also him asking her for ideas on proposing to Daisy. In a few days, she was sipping champagne with the rest of the pack, watching her high school crush propose to his soulmate and she couldn’t help but lean into Paul more. Her arm wrapped around his waist, pulled up to his side the entire night.
Swaying lightly to music, her eyes sparkled when she’d look up at him, her smile growing wider whenever she’d see him looking back.
“I love the white shirt”, she steps in front of him, hands on his shoulders. “You look very handsome in it.”
“I always look handsome”, Paul grins, “but I’ll accept it makes me handsomer.”
Chuckling, she wonders if that’s even a word while standing on her tiptoes to peck his jaw. “You smell nice too.”
“It’s the perfume you got me.”
“Awe”, she wraps her arms around his neck, barely keeping her toes on the ground, “You wore it for meee!”
“And you’re a bit drunk”, he smirks. “I kinda like it.”
“Cause I’m ditsy when drunk?”
“I was going to say carefree”, Paul states, an air of sadness behind his words. It’s been a while since he saw her so happy, so light and free…just flirting and enjoying the night.
Resting her head on his chest, she begins to sway to the music and he follows. “I’m sorry I worry you.”
“I like worrying about you”, Paul kisses the top of her head. “But I love when you’re happy more.”
“I don’t want you to die”, she looks up at him, eyes brimming with tears.
“And I won’t”, he places a hand on her cheek. “We’re not in danger. I haven’t even shifted in the past...two and a half years.”
“I’ve noticed”, she smiles weakly, running her fingertips under his left eye. “It means you’re catching up to me.”
“A little ahead of you. I’ve got a few years of wisdom over you, don’t you remember?”
Snorting, she nods. “I’m dating an older man.”
“You’re living with an older man”, he reminds her.
“And one day we’ll get married and have a few kids”, she begins.
“When the kids go off to college, we will travel more and when we turn grey and see the world, we will spend time reading on the porch while sipping on your damned teas”, Paul continued.
“Oh you love my tea”, she beams.
“I really fucking do”, Paul captures her lips effortlessly, pulling her closer until there’s nothing between them – not even air.
Her fingers tangle in his shoulder length hair and he can’t help the light moan passing his lips, breaking the kiss. Smug, her lips spread in a grin, watching him bite his lower lip.
“You unravel me way too easily”, Paul admits defeat.
“I just know what you love.”
“You’re at the top of that list.”
“Mhmm”, her eyes light up as her lips near his. “And you’re at the top of mine.”
And they lived in bliss. For a while. At the four year mark, Paul got down on one knee during a Sunday picnic. The weather seemed to despise his idea of a romantic afternoon for the skies seemed to rapture above them when Y/N agreed to marry him without a shred of doubt in her mind or heart.
Perhaps the weather should have been a warning of things to come. After all, nature knows things we do not and on that day, it was screaming at Paul and Y/N.
Unfortunately, those screams fell on deaf ears of a pair in love who were blind to the rest of the world and the dangers that indeed lurked in the depths of the forests surrounding their reserve.
The same night, while Y/N slept soundly in their bed, Paul had awakened in cold sweat. His eyes wide, mouth open, Paul struggled to breathe, grabbing at his throat desperately, still feeling the pain of what this night brought - a rather familiar nightmare.
Tags: @the-chaotic-cow​ @xxxjaexxx​ @captainrogers-19​ @bexloxl​ @llovergirlll​ @adaydreamaway08​ @sunsetevergreen​ @volturiwolf​ @twihard08​ @galacticstxrdust​ @sorrow-and-bliss​ @ireadthensuetheauthors​ @missxmarvelous​ @locokoca​ @unstablekay​ @makhaia​ @venusdelaroix​ @avadakadabra93​ @tearsforhan​ @a-marie-a​ @lendeluxe​ @seagulls-corner​ @jdbxws​ @jakesullys-bitch​ @rottenstyx​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @dreamerwasfound​ @convolutings​ @rachelccollier​ @thingfromlove​ @jennyamanda8​ @havecourage-darling​ @luvr-exe​ @alittlejudgemental​ @turningtoclown​ @vikingsheart12​ @emptydoorsandpaintedwindows​ @marvelmenarebeautiful​ @bringmethe-world​​ @alitaar​ @sugasthreedollarkookie​ @chloe-skywalker​ @heyheyheyggg​ @feral-ratatattat-king​ @queereddie​ @fandomrulesall-blog​ @queenotaku27​ @dcgoddess​ @lilac-crown​ @small-town-wayward-daughter​ @yourqueentp​ @boreddemigodd​ @dracoswifeandlokispet​ @felinegrate​ @savagejane1​ @lunajay33​ @gtfoana​ @hpboysslut2707​ 
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edenvillee · 28 days
Eden Hcs☆彡
I made random hcs for my ss oc cuz uhh ermm I can
Full name is Eden Harlow
She’s arab, a mix between Libyan and Algerian. She doesn’t speak Arabic all the time, but sometimes curses in it, especially during tough matches
Definitely uses it w skarra just to fuck with him
She’s about 5’7 ft tall
Graduated with a master’s degree in computer science and sports science double major at Cornell, NYC
Has a Turkish Angora cat named rice cake
Has taught as a university teacher for a little while
She owns a flip phone, IU always makes fun of her when she gets a phone call /aff
A huge workaholic, you’ll almost always find her in the lab, sometimes even spending the night  
LOVESS bad jokes, sometimes throws a joke or two when the team lost or is in a bad mood, they never work tho
Except on dingaan
Actually a decent cook, compared to Akira and Nalani at least, but not as good as skarra
she prefers his food on days she doesn’t feel like cooking
Her favourite super league teams are either Orion or Cognito FC
Is actually rather muscular and athletic
Generally dislikes physical affection, unless it’s with people she’s close with, like Akira and Nalani
Skarra aswell, she also doesn’t mind physical gestures from the team (high fives, fist bumps, ruffling her hair, etc…)
It’ll be a cold day in hell before she gives up caffeine
Cannot read social cues for shit
Loves the beach and rainy days, those two are her go-to whenever she goes out or on a date
Sometimes babysits dee whenever she comes over
She helps her get away with pranks on skarra
“Where is that little shit?!” “Idk what you’re talking abt”
They are best friends, eden almost being a mother-figure 
She has the fashion style of a homeless man
A bit of an angsty one, but her relationship with her parents is…complicated
They weren’t all that close when she was young, and hasn’t heard from them since she went to uni
She sometimes stays up at night wondering how they’re doing, but it doesn’t bother her too much
She wonders how she could’ve turned out if they were closer, but at this point has accepted it.
Akira and Nalani are her only family, even if not by blood, she feels closer to them than anyone else
Back to the silly stuff !!! ^_^
Her room is a NASTY mess, last time she saw the floor was when she moved into the apartment
She has a couple of bookshelfs in her room filled with all kinds of books(Astronomy, psychology, chemistry etc…) and a few old notebooks filled and ruined from how much she writes/draws in them
She seems cool and chill in interviews or from afar, but she’s an awkward anxious mess
Please don’t compliment her, she can’t take compliments and will just blush and look away to mutter up the smallest thank you
Realistic aside, her dream is to be a cowgirl in a small town with zero problems
Not much into PDA, she prefers the privacy of her own home
Good friends with kat <3
Absolutely adores Sonya, she even gave her a sticker for her laptop
PLAYS THE ELECTRIC GUITAR, sometimes with skarra too
Both lazy and a perfectionist, not a good combo.
Only dresses up for events, and everyone is always shocked whenever they see her not looking like a beggar, something like this:
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Overall, she’s just a silly genius w her silly totally peaceful team
I have more but this list is getting long so i’m stopping here
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
Hi I just read Sleep Tips (I think it was called) by rocket man. And now I'm in the mood for more really soft sweet hurt/comfort fics. Can you recommend any where the hurt is not too big? Hopefully this makes sense. Thank you
First, browse our hurt/comfort tag, and here are some of my favorites, beginning with my favorite Klaine story ever. Enjoy! ~Lynne
Everyday  by whatIknew  [PDF/EPUB]
A few days after their 2nd wedding anniversary, Kurt is in an accident and falls into a coma. Blaine struggles with the decision to let him go, and the night before they’re set to pull the plug, Kurt wakes up. One problem: He thinks it’s 2008 and that he is 14 years old. No New Directions, no Finn and Carole, and no Blaine. Blaine helps Kurt try to remember his old life while they consider starting a new one.
I Drove All Night by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen
Kurt and Blaine are back together, but Kurt is in NYC and Blaine is still back in Lima.  A phone call reminds Kurt of a promise he made to never let Blaine feel lonely again, and he hastily makes his way back to Ohio.  See inside for rating details.
Blood and Fire by realmsoffreedom
He doesn’t always know what to say. Sometimes, he tries to string together what he thinks are the right words, the it’ll get better soons and the you aren’t your depressions, but he knows that they rarely help. Sometimes all he can do is sit here and hold Blaine, provide a warm body, a physical manifestation of all of those you’re not alones. If it means staying in bed all weekend, Kurt’s happy to do it. Just as long as it makes Blaine feel like someone is in his corner, even if he himself isn’t.
Glory by Amberlovesocean
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime. He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive.
Hail To Whatever You Found in the Sunlight That Surrounds You by Water_Nix
On the third of August in Blaine Anderson’s ninth year, something momentous happens: he sees a boy crying on the beach and decides to do something about it. What he gets in return is a best friend, a confidant, an ally to help him through the ups and downs. They spend one month together every summer. One perfect month until they are old enough to escape together. Eleven Augusts and the letters in between.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
my plus one | ksj
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when you and jin have weddings to attend, you decide to help one another by agreeing to being each other's plus ones.
✨ title: my plus one | one-shot | ✨ pairing: assistant!jin x ceo!f.reader ✨ genre/au: fake dating!au, fluff, romance, idiots-to-lovers ✨ word count: 10.2k (oops!) | ✨ rating: PG-13 ✨ warnings: kissing, alcohol consumption, swearing, namjoon is a toxic ex-bf, banter, hawaii wedding, shirtless jin (visual), a bit of angst ✨ a/n: this is for @thebtswritersclub summer project under the theme of 'beach' ✨ playlist | ✨ read on ao3 | wattpad
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An ivory envelope sat in front of you, on it in beautiful handwritten calligraphy was the name of an old childhood best friend getting married. But this time, it was a destination wedding.
It's that time in your life when friends were getting married and having kids. You, on the other hand, weren't even in a relationship, let alone not even close to having kids. It started to annoy you, glaring at the question on the RSVP card.
_____ Accepts with pleasure
______ Number Attending 
_____ Regretfully declines
The dreaded RSVP card. You weren't sure how many times you've checked off regretfully declines just so that you didn't have to attend a wedding with no plus one. But this was a wedding that couldn't be avoided because it was one of your oldest friends getting married. Recently, the pair of you reconnected and she told you she ‘had’ to have you at her wedding.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Jin asked when he stepped into your office.
You sighed and leaned your back against the chair, “Another wedding invitation.”
“You gonna say no again?” He smirked because as your assistant he knew way too much about your personal life.
You gave Jin the side-eye. He needed a life, instead of sticking his nose in yours. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. “Can’t…it’s an old friend and I have to go.”
Jin stood next to you, leaning against your desk. “Sucks to be you, boss,” he said in a singsong voice. It was starting to become a routine for your assistant to snoop around when he was bored in the office, and wanted to avoid his responsibilities. He’d come to your office, hoping your life was more interesting than his.
“Please remind me why I hired you again?”
“Because I’m Worldwide Handsome and you need me.”
You sneered at his comment. “Well, speak of the devil. She’s calling me,” you glared at Jin to leave, “I’ll tell you the scoop afterward.”
He quickly stepped out of your office, closing the door behind him.
“Hey, Cass!” You answered in the most chipper tone, you couldn’t recognize the person you became when you talked to old friends, made you almost wanna gag.
“Did you get the invitation to my wedding?”
“Yeah, yeah, I got the invite. Thanks again. You really didn’t need to invite me.”
You hated weddings with a passion, but you knew there was no way out of this one. Should you have said no when she asked you out for coffee? Probably…but you hadn’t seen one of your oldest friends in years and wanted to catch up. Damn you for being so curious about her life.
“Yee! It’ll be in Hawaii in the most beautiful location, and a lot of our old friends are going to be there too. It’ll be like a big college reunion. And, oh my gosh, you’re bringing a date right?”
“Yeah, yup, I’m…coming and bringing a date…” You said, lying through your teeth. Why? Why did she have to call you right now? Did she have a tracker on this invitation or something?
“I can’t wait to meet your man…or woman! What’s his–her–their name?”
“Oh, uh, who? My date?” you answered, peering out through the glass window at your assistant who was now playing games on his phone. “Um, I’m gonna bring my boyfriend, Jin,” you stupidly blurted out, and then smacked your forehead with the palm of your hand. Why the hell did you name your assistant as your boyfriend?!
“Ooh! Jin? Sounds very mysterious…I gotta head out but I just wanted to call and make sure you got the invite. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
You apprehensively chuckled before saying goodbye to Cass. Jin cocked his eyebrow when you motioned for him to come back in, automatically nuzzling your head in the folds of your arms on your desk, repeatedly saying, ‘stupid, stupid, stupid.'
“That bad huh?” Jin teased, continuing to scroll through his phone. He always wondered why it was always so hard for you to find a date, it’s not like you weren’t attractive, maybe it was because you were picky.
You mumbled something indistinct. Jin leaned over to try and make out what you were saying, “Huh?”
Sitting back up, you lolled your head against the chair. “I stupidly told my friend Cass that I had a date…and that…”
Jin took a seat in the chair facing your desk, “And that what?”
“And that I said you were my boyfriend,” you confessed, covering your agony with your hands. There was no response from Jin, so you peered through your fingers to see if he was still there.
You’re not sure what came over you, but hearing Cassie go on and on about this and that, you wanted to make it sound like your life wasn’t pathetic. So, you panicked, telling her Jin was your boyfriend. He was the first person you saw when you looked over, it wasn’t your fault - it was his! If someone else was there instead of Jin, you surely would have named that person instead.
“Say something…anything.”
Jin straightened his posture, “I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend…” Your eyes widened. Was he going to agree to this? “If you also pretend to be my girlfriend for my brother’s wedding.”
Holy shit. You were not expecting this sudden turn of events. Scratching the back of your head, you asked, “You,” pointing at him, “Want me,” pointing to yourself, “…to be your girlfriend?” You asked, pointing back at him again. You wanted to make sure you heard him correctly or if you were daydreaming.
“Pretend girlfriend, yes,” Jin stressed, wanting to make it known this whole ordeal would be, indeed, fake. "But in addition to agreeing to be your pretend boyfriend, I’ll also need a year-end bonus AND you have to say yes whenever I need a day off."
You narrowed your eyes, giving him a 'really' look. As if you didn't pay him well or practically let him do whatever he wanted around the office. "Fine."
This could work, you thought to yourself. Because no old high school friends knew what you were up to, thanks to your non-existent presence on social media, and you’d probably never see any of them ever again after Cass’ wedding.
And the same goes for Jin, his family was so busy that they never bothered to become involved with Jin’s life. He was hired during the pandemic, so none of his family had ever met you.
This is perfect! Two weddings to get through and it’ll be peachy!
“So…you’re not mad I lied?”
“Ha!” He scoffed. “Hardly. This is better for me, so I don’t have to find a date on my own. You’re a genius. I have no idea why I didn’t think of this earlier.”
“Did Mr. Kim Seokjin just call me a genius?” You teased, flipping your hair back and forth. The pair of you had a funny work relationship. He charmed the pants off of you when he applied to be your assistant, and you just knew the two of you would get along perfectly.
He glared at you, “Don’t let it get to your head.”
You took out your phone and went straight to the recorder app. “Wait, say it again. Tell me I’m a genius,” you teased him. It was hard to get a compliment out of this man, even though you knew he absolutely adored you. He was just never going to say it to your face.
Jin stared blankly at you, unwilling to say what he just said mere seconds ago. He knew you knew it, but he was stubborn when it came to giving out compliments.
Tapping on your phone, you joked, “You’re looking at the woman who pays your bills,” playfully giving him the once-over. Lucky for you, since you owned your own business, you could charge whatever you wanted and work when you wanted.
“Are you my sugar mama? Can I tell people that?”
You rolled your eyes at him. Maybe you shouldn’t have agreed to this little arrangement, because now he’d probably make your life a living hell, but you’re desperate and the wedding is next weekend. There’s no way you’d find a date so quickly.
Pursing your lips, you sighed, “Fine. I’ll let you tell people that, but are you sure that’s something you want to be proud of?”
“It’s the 21st-century boss. Of course, my girlfriend can provide for me. I’m not ashamed,” he grinned. Jin was a modern man and didn't care for tradition, unlike his family.
“Fake girlfriend,” you reiterated with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Jin said, waving you off. He knew the implication of the whole deal.
Well, you didn’t want to waste time since the wedding was just around the corner. There were many things to do: find a dress, buy your flights, book your hotel, rent a car, pack, etc. 
But of course…there needed to be ground rules for the two of you, in case either one of you decided to stupidly catch feelings or anything. cough*jin*cough
"We should set ground rules,” you said, opening up your laptop to a blank Google doc.
"Why? You gonna fall in love with me or something?"
You scoffed. "I highly, highly, highly doubt that. It's more so that you don't fall in love with me."
"I highly, highly, highly doubt that," he taunted your own words back at you.
"Okay, rule number one: no kissing.”
Jin scoffed, “Who is going to believe we’re together if we don’t kiss? That makes no sense.”
You sat there thinking about the rule you just tried to enforce. Well, fuck. “Okay fine. You’re allowed to kiss and appropriately touch me, when and if there are people around where we have to make good.”
“Who says you’re not gonna wanna kiss me?” Jin asked, wiggling his eyebrows. He leaned forward, “I’m pretty sure these rules are more for yourself than they are for me.”
You narrowed your eyes at the handsome man in front of you. “Kim Seokjin, I wouldn’t fall for you even if you were the last man on earth. I’d fall in love with a goat before I fell for you.”
He laughed at how serious you were and thought it was cute. "Whatever you say, boss. You're paying for everything, so I can't complain."
The rest of the work day consisted of planning for the wedding weekend in Hawaii and finishing the list of rules to keep this arrangement as platonic as it would allow.
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As the wedding was getting closer, the only thing you and Jin did was quiz each other on all of your old school friends. Forget work because it’ll always be there.
Cassie graciously emailed you the guest list, so you could prepare yourself to face the multitude of friends you hadn't seen in ten years, and you also promised her you’d help her with writing over 150 names on place cards for her reception.
"There are so many people to remember. When can we stop? I'm bored and hungry,” Jin complained after a two-hour PowerPoint presentation.
"Wow, do I need to pay someone else to be my date?” You glared at Jin. “Buckle up, baby. This is what you signed up for."
"I did not sign up to be quizzed for days on end. I signed up for a free trip, food, and alcohol."
"And you'll get all of those things! Let's go through it once more, then I'll let you go home."
He sighed and signaled to keep going.
"Okay…" a breath was hitched in your throat when you read the next name on the list, Kim Namjoon. Shit. You hadn't seen or heard that name in so long, but once you saw it, memories came flooding back of your ex-boyfriend.
"What? What's wrong? It's like you've seen a ghost or something."
You glanced at Jin, "Or something…he’s my ex-boyfriend.” He broke up with you right as the two of you were set to graduate, claiming he needed a new start.
"Who is it?" Jin asked curiously, wondering who this mystery man was.
"His name is Kim Namjoon."
Jin shrugged when you showed him a recent picture. "Looks like a douche."
You playfully smacked Jin's arm. "Be nice! He’s going to be there at the wedding.”
"Why, huh? I don't know the guy."
"He's not a douche….he's just pretentious, and a smart ass, know-it-all,’ you murmured. You weren’t sure why you felt the need to defend Namjoon. You didn’t deserve it.
"So, in other words, a douche."
You glared at the man in front of you before returning to the presentation, aimlessly scrolling through the presentation. Should you just back out of this whole wedding weekend? It wasn’t too late.
“Why do you look terrified? Shouldn’t you be excited to see all of your old friends?”
You tightened your lips at his question. When you quit your corporate job, you didn’t know what the hell you were doing with your life, until you picked up an old love for calligraphy, which seems like an odd pastime for someone to pursue but you always had a love for beautiful, elegant writing. And when your small business suddenly took off, you hired Jin to help you out. At first, you were unsure of hiring Jin, he seemed overqualified for being an assistant, but he convinced you that a low-key assistant position was exactly what he needed.
“I don’t know. My life seems a bit lame compared to everyone else on this guest list.” Everyone on the list was making six figures and your small business was nowhere near where those on the list were. 
“Do I need to give you a pep talk?” Jin gestured for you to stand up, as he walked over, standing in front of you, his hands on your shoulders.
You wanted nothing more than to crawl under a rock and never come out. Your head was hanging low and you closed your eyes, taking in a breath before opening them again, and looking up at Jin. “Okay, fine…say your piece,” you said. You were expecting him to just pull up your big girl panties and deal with it.
“Look boss, it’s not easy quitting a cushy lifestyle, especially when you’re making bank. But you did it because you’re fucking crazy–”
Your eyes widened at his words and you were going to say something but he stopped you by putting his crooked index finger up to your lips.
“I’m not done…but you’re crazy and you did it because you weren’t happy with your life. You took initiative. I’d call that brave. And look at you now, you started your own business and it’s taking off. I bet half those people on the guest aren’t happy with their life. It may look like it on the outside but I know for sure that those people will look at you and feel envious. You should be proud of yourself, and even if you don’t believe in yourself…at least you have me.”
Jin’s words took you aback. Out of the six months, you’ve known him, he’s mostly joked around with you. But it was nice to know that he’d have your back. “Jinnnnnn, are you in love with me or something?” You couldn’t help but tease him, even though he was being really sweet and serious.
“Yah–I’m not going to repeat what I just said. That was your only lifetime chance of hearing me say something like that,” he complained, letting go of you.
“I’ve gotten so many compliments from you lately. What have I done to deserve this?”
Jin walked over to his laptop, starting to pack it away. "Someone's gotta believe in you, even if you don't."
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Flights secured? Check.
Hotel rooms? Check.
Rental car? Check.
Dress and outfits all planned? Check.
Ready to mislead all of your friends? Check. Check.
On the flight to Hawaii, you were quizzing Jin like this was the biggest exam he'd ever taken. The two of you even prepared your dating backstory and anniversaries dates. You were not going to be caught off guard.
When the pair of you arrived at the hotel, you were ready to relax in your room, take a shower, and hit the sheets, because the wedding weekend festivities would wear you out.
"What do you mean you overbooked for this weekend?" You hissed at the worker behind the counter. "You don't have any availability? We have nowhere else to stay." Of course, you didn’t have a backup plan because this was your plan! Who would’ve known that everyone and their mom would be staying at this resort?
"I apologize for the mistake that was made on our behalf. It looks like the only room available is an Oceanfront Deluxe room priced at $2500 a night,” said the tremendously frightened worker.
Hearing the price said aloud made you choke on nothing. "I'm sorry, what? You've got to be kidding me. How is it my fault that you overbooked and now I have to pay $2500 a night!" You were trying your best to figure out this situation without having to spend an arm and a leg.
"Ma'am, again, I apologize for the mistake but this is the only room we have available. Would you like to book it?"
You looked over at Jin. "What should we do?"
At this point, you’d rather take your chances and sleep on the beach. It was fairly warm in Hawaii, and it would only be for a few nights. Would Jin be up for your crazy idea?
Jin was sporting a devious smile. He told you to go grab a drink at the bar while he'd handle this mix-up.
The lobby and bar were quite busy with people checking in and lounging around. You walked up to the bar, waving down the bartender. Peering back over your shoulder, you could see Jin speaking animatedly with large, exaggerated gestures toward the employee. You guessed he was trying to make his argument against the ridiculous, overpriced hotel room.
Finally, the bartender took your order, and as if planning this getaway weekend wasn’t already difficult, you could feel a headache starting to develop. “Can this weekend, please, just go my way for once?” You muttered to yourself.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite tutor girl,” a voice chimed in from behind, making you turn around.
When you saw the angelic face you always loved so much, you couldn’t help but excitedly stand on your feet, enveloping him in a bear hug. “Jimin!”
Jimin groaned at the tightness of your hug, “It’s so good to see you, tutor girl.”
You finally pulled away, getting a good look at him, his blonde hair and honey skin suited him perfectly for this summer wedding. You were hoping that everyone you saw didn’t have a glow-up.
"You look amazing! And when are you going to stop calling me tutor girl?" You asked teasingly. You tutored him for one semester in a finance class and he could never let go of that nickname for you.
“You’ll always be my tutor girl,” Jimin said with a smirk. “I didn’t think I’d see you at Cass’ wedding. Did you bring someone?”
Letting out a nervous laugh, you scratched the back of your head, and thought to yourself, “Well…here we go. Buckle up because that'll be fun keeping track of all the lies you’ll be telling this weekend.”
“I’m here with my boyfriend, Jin,” you turned to point him out to Jimin. Jin was walking towards you with a grin on his face, holding up a keycard.
“Lookie, what I got,” Jin said in a singsong voice, handing you the keycard. “My handsome face convinced them to give it to compensate us for their mistake.”
“Holy shit! You’re kidding!” You said in a gleeful tone. How the hell did Jin convince them when you couldn’t? Did his face really have the magic touch? Maybe you should keep him around for a bit.
Jimin couldn’t help but stare at you two. You even caught him checking Jin from head to toe, and anyone with eyes can tell that Jin was extremely handsome. He was tall, had broad shoulders, and had a killer smile to go along with his plush lips.
“And you must be tutor girl’s boyfriend?” Jimin asked with a sly smile, holding his hand out for a handshake, and Jin reciprocated.
“Jin…baby,” you cringed at the pet name, again almost wanting to gag at the fact you were going to have to keep up appearances all weekend. “This is Jimin. We went to school together.”
“Ah–it’s very nice to meet you Jimin, but if you’ll excuse us…we have to get all settled in if you know what I mean,” he gave Jimin a wink before wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You stared blankly at the handsome man. Was this his way of getting the pair of you out of this situation? You suppose you better play along.
Clearing your throat, “Is it okay if we catch up later Jimin? I’m tired and also want to wash up before tonight’s luau.”
“Oh, by all means,” Jimin gestured for the pair of you to make your way to your room. “I’ll see the two of you later. It was nice to meet you, Jin.”
You were already pulling Jin away as you bid farewell to Jimin. “Whew…thanks for thinking quickly on your feet. I was not ready to bump into someone so fast.”
Jin chuckled, “I got you, boss. Don’t worry. You picked the right person to be a fake boyfriend.”
A look of relief settled on your face while Jin continued to lead the way to your room, which was way off in the distance from the crowd. You wondered how he managed to charm the pants off of the front desk employee, or maybe he charmed his way into the employee’s pants. Regardless, you were happy you didn’t have to sleep on the beach.
“Kim motherfucking Seokjin!” You cried when he opened the door to the room the two of you would be staying in. Holy shit–you were not expecting a luxurious room and the view? You weren’t sure if you could ever go back to a regular ol’ room with no view, but to be honest, this would probably just be a one-time deal. “I can’t believe you really got us this room!”
You gleefully dropped your luggage and ran to jump onto the bed, all sprawled out, your limbs hardly reaching the edges of the bed. It was big enough to fit five or six grown adults. There is no good reason as to why a bed should be this big.
"I call dibs on the bed,” Jin shouted, running after you, plopping himself on the bed. “Ha-ha sucker!"
You turned to face him. “Nuh-uh. No way. This bed is big enough for the both of us.”
“I don’t want your crummy hands near me!”
You scoffed, taking a look at your hands, “My crummy hands?!” Propping yourself up, you reach for a pillow, taking a swing at Jin, striking him on the stomach, then aiming for his head. No one gets away with teasing you.
“Yah–yah–yah!” He shrieked, trying to protect himself from your antics. “You’re gonna get it!” Jin finally escaped your sudden outburst and grabbed a pillow for payback against you, taking a good smack right to your face, which made you gasp.
Jin wheezed when he realized how firmly he had struck you in the face, and when you didn’t make a sound or move after the hit, it began to worry him since you rolled over on your side. Oh shit, he thought to himself.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked with genuine concern, now moving closer to check up on you.
Suddenly, you shrieked out of nowhere, causing Jin to do the same, rolling back to your other side, you pushed him to lay flat against the bed, straddling him while holding a pillow in the air, about to take another strike.
“Yah–yah! I give up! I give up! You win!” He shouted.
“Didn’t think you were the type to give up so easily,” you said with a smirk. You thought he’d put up more of a fight against you.
“I’m only admitting defeat because my face has a reputation to uphold,” Jin said, raising his arms to protect his face.
Rolling your eyes, you relinquished your hold on the man. He’ll be suffering soon enough with all of your old friends. “You’re lucky you have to look good with me this weekend, otherwise, I’d ruin that handsome face,” you stated, removing yourself from this compromising position you didn’t realize you were in.
You stood at the edge of the bed, watching as Jin sat up, hair all messy and disheveled from the little tussle the two of you had. Clearing your throat, and straightening out your outfit, you informed him you were going to take a shower and get cleaned up for tonight’s luau.
As you grabbed your toiletries and made your way to the bathroom, you scowled when you realize just how fancy this oceanfront room was, because the fucking shower was attached to the outside of the room. It was, of course, enclosed but still, you’d have to shower outside for the next few days. You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Oh, Kim Seokjin. I’m going to kill you.”
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The luau was crowded with friends and family from Cass and Yoongi's wedding. The funny thing was that the couple couldn't be more polar opposites. Your college friends didn't call the bride-to-be Cass the Sass for nothing. Her vivacious and vibrant personality compared to Yoongi's could be comical in someone's eyes but you found it a perfect marriage of opposites attract.
Cass was already tipsy from the endless supply of Mai Tai's and Yoongi was following her around, making sure his future bride would make it through the night.
With Jin on your arm, you felt somewhat at ease. He looked quite dapper in a heather brown polo, khaki linen pants, and white sneakers. And you cleaned up nicely too, in a white square neck flowy dress that hugged every curve.
You figured you needed to make your way to greet the future bride and groom. You softly tapped on Yoongi 's shoulder, and he greeted you with his famous gummy smile.
"Hey! You made it!" Yoongi said, surprising you by leaning in to give you a hug.
"I'm here!" You smiled widely, briefly letting go of Jin's arm. "I can't believe you and Cass are getting married."
"Right? Who would've thought the two of us would've ended up together," Yoongi chuckled, while also watching his future wife almost fall over. "Oof–good to see you! Oh and is this your boyfriend?" He held out his hand to Jin.
"Yoongi, Jin. Jin, Yoongi," briefly introducing the two.
"Nice to meet you, man. We should catch up soon, but maybe once Cass isn't so drunk," Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, now holding onto Cass.
You shook your head, watching the two head off to their seats. Jin suggested the two of you hit the bar, to which you happily obliged.
“So Yoongi seems like a cool guy,” Jin said, pointing him out in the crowd again, holding onto Cass. The pair of you laughed, watching Cass make somewhat a fool of herself. You knew she’d regret it if she continued to drink.
“He is…super chill and laid back. The complete opposite of Cass,” you stated, before taking a sip of your Tequila Sunrise cocktail. Yup, you’re definitely happy this was an open bar. You’ll need more than one drink tonight.
Leaning against the bar counter, you scanned the crowd to see who else you’d recognize. Your drink was a third of the way finished, when you spotted him. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You cried, trying to hide behind Jin.
“What? What? What’s happening?” Jin asked, looking around in a panic, trying to figure out what was going on.
You shielded yourself from the one person you were trying your best to avoid. It was Kim Namjoon, your ex-boyfriend.
You set your drink down, and pulled at Jin’s arm, making him lean down. “That’s my ex–and he’s headed our way. Act like we’re in love, put your arms around me, and pretend you just told me something really funny,” you screeched at Jin and he obeyed, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you in, even more, whispering something indistinct.
Taking another peek out from Jin’s broad shoulders, Namjoon was definitely headed your way. You looked back at Jin, pulling him closer, “Kiss me,” you begged him.
His eyes widened at your demand. Yes, kissing and touch were stated in the rules, but you probably should have practiced all forms of PDA before actually having to do it.
Your eyes were desperate, gazing at him to make the first move, then he tilted his head, leaned down, and pressed his plush lips against yours. His hand, supported your lower back, pushing you against his body, your hands flushed against his taut chest as you leaned more into the kiss. A tingle of butterflies in your stomach swirled around when his other hand snaked around the nape of your neck, making you lean back against the bar, lips still connected, and the tip of his tongue nipped at your bottom lip, making you abruptly pull away.
Feeling breathless from the short, but intimate kiss. You playfully hit Jin on the chest, “Oh my gosh, baby! Stop–there’s people around.” You wanted to throw up after hearing yourself talk and laugh like that. What the hell has gotten into you?
Jin scoffed at your attempt to play it cool. He gave Namjoon the once-over, sure, he was good-looking, but definitely not as handsome as him, he thought.
"Hey…there's my favorite girl," Namjoon said in a low, husky tone. Obviously, he didn’t care that another man was just down your throat just moments ago. He’d still shoot his shot.
Favorite girl? You hadn't been that girl in years, you hadn't seen him in forever and he dared to call you that.
You glanced at Jin, giving him a 'here we go' look as you turned to face Namjoon. "Hey Joonie," you muttered.
Fuck, why did he have to have a stupid glow up too? He looked so beefy and brawny in a beige linen button-down that had too many unbuttons undone, and his white chinos and brown birks completed his fit. But the thing that always made you melt were his dimples - the ones that you always wanted to crawl into and live in, still made you feel the same way to this day.
"You look…absolutely amazing," Namjoon said with the deepest dimpled smile, and then he did that thing, the one where he shuffled his feet, looking at the ground, before gazing back up at you with those piercing dragon eyes.
With your heart beat out of your chest, staring at this fine specimen, you finally shook off the mesmerizing spell of Kim Namjoon. Clearing your throat, you finally spewed out a somewhat coherent sentence, "Thanks. You look good too."
Shit, he even smelled delicious. Okay–stop–focus! You are with Jin, not Namjoon.
"And we all know how good I look," Jin interjected into this little conversation.
You almost forgot he was there, intertwining your hand with his, you gazed lovingly at Jin and decidedly tiptoed to press a kiss into his cheek, just to spite Namjoon.
"Hi, I'm Namjoon, the, uh, ex-boyfriend," he said with a low chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm Jin, the new boyfriend,” Jin said with a wide smile, feeling the need to emphasize it. Jin could clearly feel how nervous you were, given the sweaty hand, he was holding. He squeezed it, trying to reassure you that he had this all under control.
“It’s nice to meet you man,” Namjoon said, briefly looking at Jin before turning his attention to you. “What’s my favorite girl up to now?”
It was hard not to frown at the man and his antics. You knew he was clearly trying to get under Jin’s skin, especially after finding out he was your boyfriend. Namjoon was always the jealous, competitive type and it was clear as day that he hadn’t changed.
“I run my own business and my Jinnie,” you leaned into him, “helps me.” Every fiber of your being was already trying to figure out how to get out of this conversation with Namjoon.
“Ah–” he said, nodding his head, “and how’s that going?”
You were ready to answer Namjoon but Jin interrupted, “It’s going great actually. My baby’s small business is taking off. We’ve been so busy but it’s all worth it because she’s amazing at what she does. You should see her in her element. It’s truly a beautiful thing to witness.”
Did your jaw drop after hearing Kim Seokjin practically praise you? Why yes, it was on the floor at this point. You weren’t sure if he was being genuine about his words or if it was all for show, but regardless, well done Jin.
“Babe–stop–you’re embarrassing me,” you said sheepishly. Seriously though, hearing compliments from Jin were rare.
Jin wrapped his arm around your neck, pressing a kiss onto your head. “Well, I do love bragging about my sugar mama.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you chuckled. Of course, he had to bring up that little comment.
Namjoon let out a dry laugh, watching you being all lovey-dovey with a new man that wasn’t him. “Well, uh…it was good to see you. The two of us should catch up sometime this weekend, yeah?”
Obviously, you didn’t need Jin’s approval but you didn’t want to be put in any awkward situations that would cause concern if they saw you and Namjoon together.
“Yeah, um, maybe if we can find some free time.”
Namjoon smiled politely, and went on his way to find his seat, finally giving you a chance to relax until the next person came along.
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The luau was more enjoyable due to the presence of Kim Seokjin. Honestly, just having him by your side sets you at ease. His carefree spirit, his can-do attitude, and giving no shits were exactly what you needed, so you were glad you accidentally named him as your date/boyfriend. He was the perfect fit.
During the middle of the luau, they asked for the audience’s participation and Jin quickly jumped to his feet, dragging you along with him. You huffed and puffed the entire way to the stage, wanting to blow the house down, but seeing Jin shaking his hips in a goofy manner was endearing. He brought out a playful side of you, which you hadn’t seen recently because the launch of your small business was so stressful, that you didn’t have time to goof around.
Before the end of the night, you made sure to say your goodbyes to Cass and Yoongi, all the while avoiding Namjoon - you did not want to run into him again.
All in all, the wedding weekend was turning out just fine. Lying had become second nature to you and Jin, and it was honestly fun making up some outrageous anecdotes that no one questioned.
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The pair of you returned to the hotel room, ready to sleep the night and alcohol away. You needed to get up bright and early to help the bride out on some last-minute reception errands.
His hands were resting underneath his head, he turned to you and answered. “Yeah?”
“Did you really mean what you said tonight?”
“Fake girlfriend…I said a lot of things tonight. You gotta be specific,” he said.
“About me being amazing at what I do? I don’t think it’s anything special. I just have pretty handwriting and charge people an arm and a leg for it,” you chuckled.
He paused for a moment, thinking about what to say next. “I mean yeah, you have a skill set that not everyone has and you’re really cute when you mess up on a piece and have to start all over again.”
You laughed, staring at the ceiling. “See, now I know you’re drunk because you just called me cute.” You let out a groan while you stretched, tonight’s luau made your body ache. “Thanks for tonight. It really means a lot to me. You’re a great fake boyfriend.”
“I should add that to my resume, but change it to an escort service or something,” Jin teased.
A yawn left your mouth - the alcohol starting to settle into every fiber of your being, making you feel extra tired. “Mm, night Jin.”
He peered over at you, already passed out. “Night.”
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It was D-day for Cass and Yoongi, and you promised the bride you’d help her with some last-minute reception details. With your lovely and convenient skillset, you were able to pump out some last-minute place cards that she needed.
“Don’t you have to go get ready? You’re getting married in…” you looked at your phone, “T-minus three hours.”
“Nah–I’m going for a more natural look anyway, Yoongi likes me like this,” Cass grinned, checking off the list she had in front of her. “So…Jin seems like a nice guy.”
You gave her a tight-lipped smile, “He’s great.”
“Why do you say it like that? Is there a red flag or something?”
“No–”, you interjected.
Jin’s great…he really is. He’s put up with your wild and crazy shenanigans, going along with your stupid idea of fake dating, and for what reason exactly? A year-end bonus and PTO? It hardly seemed like a fair exchange.
“There’s no red flag. He’s honestly a great guy. He supports what I do, makes me laugh, even cooks for me when I forget to eat during a long day of working on projects,” you explained, having an epiphany moment.
“Well, it looks like you found yourself a Yoongi. Better snatch him up before someone else does.”
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When you arrived back in the room to get ready for the wedding, Jin was nowhere to be found, you thought maybe he went to grab a drink from the bar or something. As you grabbed your dress from the closet to change into, something caught your attention – a bare back, a very broad shoulder bareback. Stepping closer to examine the individual, you gulped when realized it was Jin. You always assumed he had a nice body but it was nothing like you imagined because he was never one to show off like some other men.
You guessed he just got back from a quick swim, his hair tousled and damp from the salt water. He turned around when he heard you bump into something.
He smiled, “Oh hey, you’re back?”
You cleared your throat, “Um, yeah, sorry. Did I take long?” You needed to avert your eyes from his now bare chest staring right at you.
“Boss…” Jin called out but you were still ogling his body.
“You’re drooling,” Jin chuckled.
Snapping out of your daze, you swiped at your mouth to make sure there really wasn’t drool, and of course, there wasn’t. Liar. “Shut up and go get ready, or we’re gonna be late.”
“Anything for my sugar mama.”
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Cass looked like a total babe in her ivory slip wedding dress. What a lucky man Yoongi was.
The ceremony couldn’t have been more perfect. The sunset in the background, the sand between your toes, hunky fake boyfriend by your side - it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. It was nice to share this with someone.
And of course, you cried like a baby during their vows. You really had a soft spot for weddings even though you hated going because it was always hard to find a date. Maybe if you would’ve thought of a fake boyfriend earlier, weddings would have been more bearable.
“Are you cold?” Jin asked, noticing you shivering from the night’s breeze.
You nodded, “A little.”
“Here,” he said, sliding his blazer off and slipping it on your shoulders instead.
You mumbled a little thanks, staring at your feet as it was digging into the sand. Jin stuffed his hands into his pants pocket, looking out into the crowd dancing the night away.
“Wanna dance?” He asked. The pair of you had been quite distant from each other since last night’s kiss and this afternoon’s shirtless run-in.
Staring at the handsome man in front of you, you agreed. He held his hand out for yours, leading you to the non-existent dance floor that was in the sand. The noise of the dancing crowd began to die down as the live band began to play a slower song: a cover of Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. The lead singer was killing it, by the way, you had to make sure you got their info in case you ever wanted to use them for your wedding.
The stars in the night sky set the mood for this little rendezvous. Your arms snaked around Jin’s neck and his around your waist.
“Why are you being so sweet?” You blurted out of nowhere.
Jin chuckled, glancing at you for a moment before looking away. “I can’t be sweet?”
“No…” you grumbled, looking in the opposite direction, watching others be all cute and coupley.
He was really sweet this weekend and he put up with a lot of your crazy shenanigans and lies.
“What? Are you falling in love with me or something?”
“Ha-ha. Only in your dreams Kim Seokjin,” you teased. “But no, seriously…thank you for doing this. You didn’t have to, but you did and I probably was out of line or over-exaggerated on a few stories, and you’re probably mortified by the person I’ve become because of this whole thing, so in all honesty, I owe you–” then you were rudely interrupted by a kiss from Jin.
His lips made every part of you tingle as he deepened the kiss, your skin radiating heat from his touch, pulling you closer into his frame, lips continuing to intertwine, never wanting to disconnect. That is, until he withdrew, leaving you breathless, gazing into his eyes, wondering what the hell that was for.
The corner of his mouth curved up. "Your ex-boyfriend was staring," he explained.
"And I just really wanted to do that to shut you up. You talk too much, you know that?"
Well, that explains it.
Clearing your throat, you straightened your dress, arms still wrapped around Jin's neck, continuing to slow dance. When the song ended, everyone applauded the band, and that's when Namjoon stepped in.
"Can I steal my favorite girl away for a dance?" He asked Jin. You rolled your eyes at him. He knew Jin was your boyfriend, fake, of course, but still called you his favorite girl.
You and Namjoon stood, awaiting Jin's answer. "Oh, by all means..she's all yours," he said freely.
Scowling at the fake boyfriend who just let you go like nothing, you expected some pushback but there was none. So, you grabbed Namjoon's hand, and Jin watched while you whisked him away.
Who was Jin to stop you from your ex-boyfriend? It's not like he had any say in what you could and couldn't do…not really anyway.
Namjoon briefly turned around, smirking at how easy it was to steal you away. "Damn baby, he let you go that easy huh?"
"No talking Joonie," you threatened, "just dance."
"Lover's quarrel already? Is that why your boyfriend agreed to let me steal you away?"
You scowled at him, "We're fine and deeply in love."
Namjoon chuckled, "Whatever you say, baby," he said, bringing you in closer to his frame, hands lingering too low for your liking.
"What do you want Joonie?"
"I miss you," he said bluntly, not even beating around the bush, got right to the point.
You scoffed, shaking your head, of course, he'd pull some bullshit like this when he knew you were with Jin. “What do you think is going to happen by you saying that Joonie? That I’ll leave my boyfriend and run away with you?”
“I can’t say I miss you. It’s been years since I’ve seen you…and you were such an important person in my life at the time. I don’t know…seeing you again just brought back all these feelings, you know?” He admitted, and a part of his confession even seemed genuine.
But you understood where he was coming from, seeing him after all these years made your heart flutter, you didn’t think it would, considering why he broke up with you in the first place.
“Joon, do you remember why you broke up with me?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. I probably gave you some stupid reason.”
He was indeed correct.
“You told me I was a sell-out because I took a high-paying position, the position you wanted but didn’t get–way to make a girl feel great about herself, Joonie,” you said. “You couldn’t face the fact that I was better than you, so you made me feel like shit for saying yes to a job. Well, good news Joon, I left that job, you can have it for all I care.”
You felt stupid. You shouldn’t have agreed to dance with Namjoon, nothing good could ever come out of this. Breaking away from his embrace, you went searching for Jin, but Namjoon caught up to you, grabbing a hold of your wrist.
“What? There’s nothing more to say. I need to go and find Jin.”
“He’s not good enough for you.”
You clenched your jaw. How dare he judge Jin? He didn’t even know him. Jin was ten times the man Namjoon was. “And what? You’re good enough for me?” You glared at him, waiting for an answer.
Namjoon was dumbstruck by your confidence and you were met with nothing but silence.
“Let’s be real Namjoon, I was never good enough for you, was I?”
The corner of Namjoon’s mouth curved up, and he brought his hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear, gazing back and forth between your eyes and lips. “It’s cute of you to think you’re even on my level.”
You told yourself that you wouldn’t let Namjoon get to you, but it was too late. You should’ve pushed the urge to reconnect with him down to the ground, buried it. All those feelings and memories of the 21-year-old you was just a pipe dream. Of course, Kim Namjoon hadn’t changed. He always made you feel inferior just so he could feel better about himself.
You were dazed and speechless, a grown-ass woman in her 30s, and here you were, looking like an idiot. He took a step forward, leaning in, pressing a kiss on your cheek. You stood there frozen at his gesture. Kim Namjoon truly was a menace, bold enough to leave you with a kiss after his vile words.
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Although you wanted to find Jin, you found yourself at the bar instead. The bartender let you get away with one too many 'mai tais'. You blame the cute umbrellas sticking out of the glass for making you come back for more.
You felt like shit after the conversation with Namjoon. His words got under your skin and it made you feel even worse about yourself. All the emotions you felt during the end of your relationship made you realize now why you deserved more than him.
The walk back to the room was a big blur. You somehow managed to find the room, but not the key card. You searched everywhere in your tiny purse, but it was non-existent.
After pounding on the door a few times, Jin finally opened the door with no shirt on and sleepy eyes. "What?" He asked with a grumpy, groggy voice.
You weren't sure what took over you, but you walked in and pressed a kiss against Jin's lips. He was caught off guard by your sudden display of affection. The two of you set a rule where you'd only kiss when you needed to, but here you were kissing him in the middle of the night in the hotel room.
Jin suddenly pulled away. "What are you doing?"
You looked at him with dark, lustful eyes. "I'm trying to kiss you," you stated, pushing him to sit down on the edge of the bed. Hiking up your dress, you placed yourself on top of him, your legs straddled on either side, arms snaked around his broad shoulders.
You gazed back and forth between his eyes. You weren't sure if you were using Jin to feel better about yourself or if you really wanted him. He had been playing the part of sweet, funny boyfriend this whole weekend, and maybe a part of you needed that validation. That you were enough and worth all the trouble. Clearly, you were if Jin was willing to do this whole arrangement with you.
Jin continued gazing back to understand where this was all going because he somehow stupidly started to fall for you within the past few days. It was hard not to. He started to notice all the little things he didn't notice before. Like how you'd cover your mouth when you laughed too hard, how you'd lick your lips before taking a sip of a drink, or how you unconsciously dug your toes into the sand.
You leaned in to kiss him but he pulled back, making you grow frustrated.
"Are you okay?" Jin asked.
Annoyed at the fact that you were trying to kiss and potentially fuck him, but he kept denying you from doing so. "Yeah, I'm fine," you huffed, trying to kiss him again, but he turned away from you. "Look, if you don't want to sleep with me, just say so, and I'll leave you alone."
"I think you're drunk and you'll regret this tomorrow if we continue," Jin said. He was trying to be the rational one right now but you were giving him a hard time. "And I don't want you to regret it."
Ugh, first Namjoon, now Jin.
"You know what? Forget it. If you don't wanna fuck me, I'll go find someone else," you spat out, lifting yourself off of him, and began heading to the door.
Jin called after you, catching up, and grasping your wrist. "Did something happen while you were out?"
"No," you replied curtly. You didn't want to get into this with him right now. You wanted to get your mind off of it.
"Hey…" Jin muttered, walking in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. He could tell something happened, he just didn't know what and with who. "Was it Namjoon?"
You cringed at the name, not wanting it to affect you but it clearly did. "I don't want to talk about it," you murmured, avoiding his gaze.
He lifted your chin up with his finger, "What did he say?"
“Jin, please–” your now teary eyes pleading with him. You didn’t want to say it, you couldn’t say it, otherwise, you’d be crying over a man who didn’t deserve your tears.
“Hey–” Jin murmured, his finger still under your chin. “I want you–I do, but not when you’re upset like this.”
The alcohol in your system was making your head pound like a jackhammer was going off. You closed your eyes before fluttering them open again, taking a step back from Jin. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
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Jin laid in bed the next morning, unsure of where you were the whole night. He wanted nothing more than to have slept with you the night before, but not in the state that you were in. Should he have just let himself go and have you anyway?
No, he would never forgive himself because you wouldn’t even be sober enough to remember.
He groaned before turning over and stuffing his face into the pillow. He just wanted to know if you were okay and if the two of you would be okay after all of this.
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Although the wedding was over, the festivities were not. There was still a wedding brunch to attend. Thankfully, Jimin found you wandering the hotel lobby like a lost puppy and took you under his wing, even letting you crash in his room and take a shower.
You snuck back into your room after quarreling with the front desk to copy another keycard but didn’t find Jin in the room. Maybe he already left, you wouldn’t blame him if he did. You made a complete and utter fool out of yourself last night, and if you remembered correctly, did he make a confession to you?
Massaging your temples, you let out a loud groan. What a fucking mess.
Since Jin was nowhere to be found, you decided you should hurry and get dressed for brunch, and you’d make up some excuse as to why Jin wasn’t with you. Apparently, you could add a compulsive liar to your resume too.
Thankfully, a lot of wedding guests didn’t show up, probably because they were still hung over from the night before. You greeted Cass and Yoongi, congratulating them on their marriage, then you found Jimin and plopped down next to him.
“Where’s the boyfriend?”
“Oh, um…he’s not feeling well, so he’s sleeping in.”
Jimin turned to you, cocking his head, “Really now?”
You nodded at Jimin, then followed his finger as he pointed to something. It was Jin, sitting on the sand, watching the tides go back and forth. You figured you should talk to him, and not let this arrangement get any more awkward than it already was.
You walked over, taking a seat next to Jin on the warm sand. He quickly glanced at you before focusing on his feet in the sand. You were ready to talk this through but Jin beat you to it.
“I, um, I’m gonna let you out of our deal,” he said with a sad chuckle. “So, you don’t have to come as my date/fake girlfriend to my brother’s wedding. We set some pretty clear rules and obviously, I broke them.”
To be honest, you both broke them.
“No..don’t say anything. I feel like it’ll just make me feel worse than I already do, so yeah, don’t worry about it,” he said with such sorrow in his voice. “Let’s just have brunch and then we have a full day of travel. Come on.”
He stood up, holding his hand out for you, which you hesitated in taking. This little chat turned out completely different from what you imagined. You weren’t sure how to feel. You assumed he would tell you how much he loved you but maybe this whole thing was a mistake.
So, you took his hand, ready to fake it again for the next few hours.
And that’s what the two of you did. Faked it, until you stepped onto the flight.
The wedding weekend was over and there was no more fake dating. It was back to reality, back to just working together. Well, at this rate, you weren’t even sure if Jin would still want to work for you. Of course, you would completely understand if he gave you his notice of leave. You’d probably do the same.
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The week before his brother’s wedding, you told him to take more days off so that he could enjoy time with his family, and he happily obliged. But your suspicions were correct when he handed you his notice the day he was leaving back to Seoul.
“I hope you’re not disappointed,” he said.
“Of course I am,” you teased. “Who’s going to yell at me to eat when I forget?”
Jin chuckled. “Good luck with everything, boss.”
“Thanks, Jin…I wouldn’t have gotten here without you,” you said, reaching up to give him one last hug.
It was bittersweet to watch him go. Every fiber of your being was urging you to pack your bags and follow him and tell him that somehow through the process of him being your fake boyfriend, you stupidly fell in love with him.
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When Jin arrived at his family home in Seoul, he knew he’d have to tell them that he had broken up with you, his fake girlfriend. He was dreading that conversation because he knew his parents would try to find him a last-minute date. There was no way he could show up to his brother’s wedding with no date. How would that make his family look? And paying someone to be his date/girlfriend wouldn’t be out of the question, because they had the money and resources to do so.
“Yah–I can’t believe mom is really paying some girl to be my date for your wedding,” Jin complained to his older brother.
“I wonder whose fault it is!” Seojoon responded shortly to his little brother. “Help me with this tie.”
Jin obeyed, taking the two sides of the tie, overlapping them, and tying it into a knot. “And this is why I want no part of this family, everything we do is just to save face and show off our money.”
“Is that why you left us and got a job as an assistant with that little girlfriend of yours?” Seojoon shook his head, not understanding why his baby brother would choose such a thing.
“Yeah, dude, we have spies everywhere. You didn’t think mom and dad would let you go without keeping an eye on you, right?”
“Well, she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Boss, girlfriend, whatever. You guys were definitely in love,” Seojoon argued.
Jin waved off his brother’s comment. “Whatever man, let’s get you married.”
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The date that Jin’s mother chose was arguably the worst person they could have chosen. She was everything that Jin despised. He was really regretting his decision of letting you off the hook and also quitting his job. What was he supposed to do now? Be a part of the family business? That’s one of the reasons why he left in the first place.
Just before the ceremony, Seojoon forced Jin to go to the nearest convenience store to grab a bottle of soju, claiming it would lessen the pre-wedding jitters. And Jin could have sworn, he was seeing things because it was you…standing in front of the wedding venue, looking a bit lost.
“Boss?” He asked with the most confused expression on his face.
A huge grin was plastered across your face, realizing you were in the right place.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I’m your date, aren’t I?” You asked as if nothing had happened between the two of you.
“I mean, yes, technically, you were but–”
“No buts–” you lifted your finger to shush him. “Now, it’s your turn to listen. I was…I am an idiot for letting you go without telling you how I feel. I was so engulfed with trying to keep up appearances that I completely failed to see that I somehow fell in love with you through it all. And the night of the wedding, I made a fool of myself in front of you, and then shifted the blame on you for falling in love with me. Oh god–I’m hearing myself talk right now and I’m a complete ass.”
Jin chuckled, thinking how cute you were. “Boss…you’ve got it all wrong.”
“I’m not in love with you,” he said.
Your jaw dropped for a moment, inhaling deeply, you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs. You flew all the way here from New York, just to get turned down. A stupid phone call would have been easier, because that way, the rejection would have at least been a smidge easier than having to face him in person. God, you felt like an idiot, professing your love to Kim Seokjin.
“Well,” you cleared your throat, “I’ll…just be on my way then.” You tilted your head before turning to walk away. Oh fuck, this has got to be the most embarrassing moment of your life. You just wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out.
Jin let you take a few more steps before he ran in front of you. Ugh, what now? You couldn’t look at him.
“I’m kidding…I’m in love with you too,” he confessed.
A loud smack could be heard from miles away, as your palm slapped him across the chest. “Kim Seokjin, I swear to god, I will kick your ass!”
You continued to playfully smack him, but he held your hand in his and you finally succumbed to his touch. He gazed into your eyes, a smirk was plastered on his face before he leaned down, and kissed you deeply. It felt nice to have his lips on you again, you missed it so much.
Pulling away, you couldn’t help but tease him, “I knew you’d fall in love with me.”
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
Dude, I Love Fishing
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A few days off between comeback stages and your boyfriend wants to go fishing, he's pretty lucky you love him.
pair: Yunho x Reader
w/c: 1.3k
a/n: Just another fluffy Yunho one-shot, also the number of times I accidentally deleted this post while editing is embarrassing, anyways I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Any feedback is appreciated, and any interactions are welcomed and loved! Also ironically the use of a Seventeen song has no correlation with my recent dive into them. Also I definitely did not take or make any of the photos just used them for the header....that I did make....Okay enjoy!!!
tags: @yunbug, @starillusion13
Comeback season was rough, between recording, rehearsals, outfits and fittings, photoshoots, stage testing, and shooting music videos, promos, teasers, and doing interviews…you could say it’s a full time job. Yeah, comeback season was rough, Comeback season for Ateez? Never stops, with the boys getting bigger and better every comeback it was hard to get them to sit still for even a moment, not that they would, it’s like babysitting hyperactive 3 year olds who just got told it was nap time but they “don’t need a nap they can stay up forever.” but probably less spit and more “you’re not the boss of me.”
“Wooyoung in this moment I very much AM the boss of you.” I groaned trying to get him to stop so I could hear the directions the GPS was taking us. “Do you want to get lost?!”
“We’re in Seoul! We can’t possibly get lost!” he threw his hands up in the air.
“And you know Seoul well enough that if I turn off this GPS you can get us there On Time?” I raised my eyebrow and he looked out the window. “That’s what I thought.”
“I can-!” he started
“Wooyoung-ah, please don’t torture my poor girl, I do that enough at home.” Yunho spoke up from the middle row.
“EWWWW!” came a chorus of voices.
“Not like that!!!!” he waved his hands in front of his face.
“Even I knew that one was coming Yu.” I sighed now on the receiving end of questions of my personal life.
His torture by the way is the sweaty hugs after dance practice before he showers because he just can’t wait that long to hug me, the way he lays on top of me while watching tv or a movie and I mean FULL BODY WEIGHT almost like that scene from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch where Nani goes “Oh no gravity is increasing on me!” only he does it because it’s “much more comfortable”, the endless times he’s had me read the Spider Man comics to him because he likes the character voices I make, not to mention we’ve seen every version a few times. He’s decided to cook dinner a few times only he’s wanted to experiment and try things without a recipe, which is fine, but it’s always stuff he’s never tried making before, last time he mixed up sugar and salt….again….Yeah, I would say he puts me through a few trials at home….I wouldn’t change them, in fact I kind of miss it when he’s away on tour and I’m stuck back home. 
“y/n!?” Yunho called out from the kitchen. Here comes the soup popsicles again…
“Yeah?” I sighed and put down my book.
“We should take a trip!” he announced coming into the room. “Why are you closing your eyes with your hand out?”
“Huh? Oh uh….nothing. A trip? What kind?”
“Let’s go to the lake! We can go fishing! Bring the guys along and everything!”
“Fishing? Yunho you know I don’t like fishing, it’s…hard (weird)”
“Oh come on Jagiya, pleaseeeee, it’ll be like a beach trip or something, water, swimsuits, picnic!”
I sighed. “Fine.”
It was in fact, NOT like the beach, I’m covered head to toe in waterproof clothing, the most shapeless pair of waterproof overalls or waders, wellingtons, a vest with way too mant pockets, a floppy hat, and a waterproof shirt…oh and a life vest.
“You look beautiful” he smiled, I took a photo as he put on his life vest.
“You look ridiculous.” I chuckled at his outfit, it was normal…save for the Spider-man life jacket that was too small…
“Yunho that’s for kids…” I said as we browsed our local Department Store.
“Nuh uh!!” he shook his head and smiled. “It says 5 plus y/n! I’m plus! I’m over 5!”
“I’m starting to doubt that.” I mumbled as I put it in the cart.
“Aw no way!!! Jagiya!” he called from behind me.
I turned and nearly fell over laughing, he found a pair of wayyyy too small goggles as well, he looked like one of those watermelons with rubber bands stretched around it until they burst.
“Yu, you’re gonna hurt yourself if you get those.” I snorted…never did that in my last relationship. 
“Well good thing I don’t have to impress anyone then hmm?” he gave me that face. “Come on I’ll catch the best fish for us to eat tonight.”
“We could’ve just gone to the store.”
“But this way it’s a date.”
“Grocery shopping is a date.”
“Okay fine you got me there.” he smiled. “But it’s nice to get some fresh air during comeback season!”
“Yu….it smells like mud…”
“Earth! I love it!” he smiled. “Come on I figure we can try the boat first.”
How did I let him talk me into this?
“Hmm?” he turned towards me.
“How much longer are we going to be out here?” I looked at him. “We’ve been out here for hours already.”
“Until you catch one too.”
“I’m fine not catching one.” I chuckled. He’s caught 5…who knew he was so good at it.
“Maybe if you don’t catch one in an hour.”
“Okay, fair enough.”
We waited…he started humming….it sounds kind of familiar.
“생각처럼 쉬운 게 없네요
매일 생각해요 난 어떻게 해야 할지
도착했다 싶을 때, 다시 시작이네요
앞이 깜깜할 때도” Yunho hummed softly.
“Whatcha singing?” I looked at him.
“Just something stuck in my head.” he smiled. 
“소용돌이치는 하루 속에
사소한 행복을 나에게 줘서
비어 있는 내 두 손에
세상의 모든 미소를 쥐여줘서”
“Seventeen?” I raised an eyebrow as he got louder.
He started swaying a little.
“Yunho be careful, you’re rocking the boat.” I looked at him….it was too late.
“소용돌이치는 하루 속에
사소한 행복을 나에게 줘서
비어 있는 내 두 손에
세상의 모든 미소를 쥐여줘서
가파른 길에 숨이 찰 때도
추운 날 길 잃은 때도
따듯한 온기와 함께 손을 내밀어주는!!!” he exclaimed standing up and what do you know the boat tipped over. “YUNHO!”
I broke the surface of the water.
“You owe me a new phone.” I looked at him after we swam back to the shore with the boat.
“Gladly.” he smiled and wrapped a towel around me still humming.
“You’re lucky I love you.” I huffed.
“I’m very lucky indeed.” he kissed my cheek but grimaced at the taste left on his lips.
“Yeah let me guess I taste how the lake smells?”
“No no just a piece of algae in my mouth…”
“I don’t believe you.” I sighed and we made our way to go get cleaned up and the boathouse.
“You know what they say, shower together and save water.”
“Are you seriously horny after tipping the boat over into a fish pond…and there’s mud in my hair?”
“What can I say…the mud really adds texture.” he chuckled.
“New phone and a new boyfriend.” I nudged him.
“Awwwwww come on.”
After I took my shower…alone. We sat on the deck to eat the lunch/dinner we brought along. I didn’t catch a single fish, I got knocked out of the boat and I lost my phone….
“You didn’t catch a fish but you caught one thing?”
“....yeah?” I looked at him knowing it was going to be bad.
“This boot!” he held up the waterlogged boot I got before he knocked us over dancing.
“I totally thought you were going to say ‘My Heart’” I laughed a little.
“Nah, you caught that a long time ago.” he smiled and pushed my wet hair behind my ear.
“You’re so annoying Jeong Yunho.”
“And you are the light of my life l/n f/n……D.I.L.F” he spelled out.
I spit. “What!?”
“Dude I Love Fishing!” he smiled and looked at me.
“Yunho! That’s not what that means!!!!” I laughed and hit his arm.
As we walked back to the car Yunho held up the boot again.
“Should we-”
“No we are not keeping the boot.” I chuckled. “We can get matching phone cases this time.”
“Well I am keeping you, so I guess I win.” he smiled. “Can I pick out the phone case?”
“Fine…you win.”
I am never going fishing again.
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Welcome to the Cliffside Inn; Kurtis Intro
Okay I can already tell that the poll is going to end with people wanting the beach babes so here is an intro for the resort itself as well as an intro for the most outgoing mer so far~
(Can’t decide if he should be octopus, jellyfish, or seahorse though 🤔)(Edit: jellyfish!)
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5
A magnificent coastal resort, that had indeed started as a small inn, was renovated and expanded in the 1920’s and became a hit with stars and starlets of the age. Over the years, the new money crowds lost interest, but old money families still vacation there enough that the place can maintain its vintage decor and unique ambiance.
On a whim, you’d entered a contest for a free trip there. Never in a million years did you think you’d win— but you did. Now here you were, feeling like a fish out of water amongst the rich folk in the lobby, carrying your own threadbare luggage while valets and attendants trailed behind them, carrying luggage more expensive than a new car.
Seeing your distress, a young man waded from behind the front desk and through the crowd to you.
“Hey, you~! You must be one of our lucky new guests?”
You nodded tentatively, taking in his fuschia hair and the bellhop outfit he was wearing. You hadn’t seen any of the other workers with brightly colored hair and pierced ears, and he certainly seemed more relaxed then they were. Then again, the dyed hair could be a good sign that he’s just chill. Maybe there is no dress code policy here…?
He hummed happily. “It’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m the son of the owner of this fine establishment. Might I help you with your bags?”
Of course. Those earrings did look expensive. You smiled politely, “No, thank you. I’ll be fine as soon as I get my room key.”
He pursed his lips, grabbing one of your bags and slinging it over his shoulder before you could protest. “Awww, come on, let me be a gentleman? It’ll make me look bad, letting a cute thing like you struggle up the stairs with all these.”
“What about the elevators?”
“Broken,” he sighed, looking mournfully across the lobby towards the elevators.
You watched as the door opened and people got off the elevator, then more people got in. You looked back at him, and he just shrugged, grinning. You were regretting entering that contest more and more.
He helped you up the stairs, and led you to your room, opening the curtains to show off the view and taking a minute to dramatically fluff your pillows for you. The man walked over to the door, and bowed with a wink, before leaving.
You were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but the door didn’t click shut— he poked his head in one more time. “Oh, I don’t think I got your name.”
You furrowed your brow but told him. How had he known your room number but not your name? “What’s yours?”
His thick eyebrows, also fuschia, shot up towards his hairline. “My apologies, valued guest! My name is—”
“Kurtis!” A tinny voice came through his earpiece loud enough that you could hear it across the room.
Kurtis winced. “Yes, Mom?”
More tinny noise, but not loud enough for you to make out more of the words. “Yes, I’ll be right there.”
He looked back up at you, eyes apologetic and smile tight. “Sorry about that. Duty calls! Please do give us a ring if you need anything, though~!”
And with that, he was gone. Now you could breathe more easily. What an overwhelming guy…
You sat back on the bed, feeling the expensive sheets under you. You almost felt bad even touching something so expensive… almost.
The air was surprisingly cold and dry for a building so close to a warm beach, especially a building as old as this one. Although you supposed they did have enough money to install a new AC system every year if they really wanted to. The decor was mostly in white and pastels, with shell-shaped sconces on the walls and even a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
You shivered, stress from the drive here and your arrival bleeding into an overwhelming exhaustion. You pulled the throw blanket from the end of the bed over yourself, and fell asleep.
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Heart Shaped Wound: Yandere Various Baki x Reader
Chapter 16
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Author’s note: I need to calm down my obsession with big boys. But I can’t help but love them. Enjoy!
Quotev link:
    (Your name) twirled in the mirror in her (favorite color) sundress, humming a happy tune. She had her hair down this time, her hair framing her face nicely. 
     “Zaria? Should I put on a sun hat?”
    “I want to know how you keep getting all these dates and why you are always accepting them. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Zaria hissed, causing (your name) to giggle. “You’ve never been so interested in boys.”
    “Well, it’s kind of fun. They’re all so different but they all treat me well.”
    (Your name)’s phone buzzed, the young woman glancing at the number in shock. 
     “Did you give one of your mandies your number?”
     “Man candies. I just combined it to make it shorter. It helps my little brain picture it better.” Zaria put her finger up to her forehead with a grin. 
     “It’s just Baki. He’s like a little brother.” (Your name) smiled at the cat meme Baki had sent her. The two had been chatting over the course of the last few days. He was cute too just cute in the way a younger guy was. 
      Zaria bit her tongue. She didn’t want to spoil (your name)’s smile by telling her that Baki more than likely wanted more with her than a little brother/ big sister dynamic with each other. Maybe more of one of those step siblings scenarios on those risqué websites- perhaps Zaria should get her head out of the gutter.
    Maybe she should call Atsushi up to help with her slump? They had a great time on the beach together last night. He was just so enthusiastic and muscular-
      “Zaria? What do you think about Jack?” Zaria snapped from her indecent thoughts, her blue eyes staring at (your name) like a deer in the headlights.
     “Based on what you told me? He seems nice but he’s pretty rough around the edges.” Zaria took a seat on the couch, playing with one of the beads in her hair. “I think he’d rip you in half if you chose him to sleep with. He seems to be the type of guy to be into being really rough-“
     “Hey! Not what I asked!” (Your name)‘s cheeks were set aflame, the poor girl clutching her pearls at Zaria’s vulgur words. “I just asked if… you thought he was nice.”
     “I think he is. He’s a wildcard though. And he’s too big.” Zaria pointed out, the young woman leaning forward and placing her elbows on her knees to explain something to (your name). “He is very big and you are very small compared to him. It’s like one of the old iPhone chargers with a new iPhone. It will not fit. If you wear his clothes, you’d drown in them. His biceps are bigger than your head and that’s not even including his triceps. You need to think long term and not short term when it comes to dating. Jack and you would one day take things further and in being as honest as I can with you. You might rip in half if you try to-“
     “I don’t want to think about that.” (Your name) ran over and shoved her hands on Zaria’s mouth. “I’m afraid of-“
     Zaria licked (your name)’s hands, causing (your name to squeal in disgust at the wet sensation on her palms. 
      “Of commitment? Of falling in love? Of heartbreak? How about all of the above?” Zaria grasped (your name)’s hands, her blue eyes staring deep into (your name)‘s (eye color) orbs. “Test drive all of your cars before you buy them. Trust me. Hanayama will probably be the best night of your life but Katsumi would probably be the gentlest.”
     “No. Stop trying to put your evil, brazen thoughts into my head.” (Your name) tried to pull away but Zaria held on.
      “Trust me. It’ll be easier to pick someone if you go that route. Plus you’ll know how they’ll be if you spend the rest of your life-“
      “You’re thinking way too far ahead. I’m not ready for a for life guy quite yet.” (Your name) stated. “I’m just having fun and dating. I don’t think I’m quite ready to truly open my heart up for one man yet.”
     “Is it because of Jun? But he was such a scumbag, (your name).”
     “Hey was my scumbag though.” (Your name) sighed, pulling away from Zaria. “I just like flirting with danger, I guess.”
     “I wonder what gave that away? Illegal underground fighting? The yakuza boss you fancy? Or the guy who looks like he eats babies and fights bears for fun? And doesn’t he have titanium teeth? He bites people like a lunatic.”
    “You’re incredibly judgmental for someone who used to be an escort.” 
     “They’re not paying me to be nice to them and look pretty on their arm so frankly I do not care to watch my tongue.” The two shared a laugh, Zaria crossing her arms. “I just worry about you. You always find yourself with these weird men who are absolutely obsessed with you. Are you secretly a bruja and you’re not telling me? Because I want to know how to cast spells on guys to make them obsess over me like that.”
     “And why would you want someone to like you like that?” (Your name) asked teasingly.
     “One because I’m bored. And two, because god gave me two holes-“
     “You’re done. I am now leaving to go on my date.” (Your name) whipped herself around, making a beeline towards the door.
     Zaria only laughed before frowning. (Your name) was so naive to not think that those guys liked her way more than she thought. Zaria just worried her friend would find herself in the same predicament she was in with Jun. And Zaria believed (your name) deserved the very best.
    “Just please be careful on who you love this time… your mom and I can’t protect you forever.” Zaria whispered to herself before going into a prayer. All she could do was hope and pray for (your name)’s best interests. She was an adult now and there was nothing Zaria could do to stop her from making a decision.
     (Your name) arrived at the pier, the slight breeze running through her hair like soft fingers. (Your name) clutched her sun hat close to her head so it wouldn’t blow away. Her eyes glancing around to look for Jack.
     A familiar giant sat on a bench, his brown eyes observing (your name) search for him. Jack smirked at the cute expressions she made, he loved how eager she was to find him… not to mention how cute she looked in a sundress. She still had all her muscles but she still looked feminine. And Jack loved it.
     Jack stood up, making his way over to her. His eyes watching her expression light up when she spotted him. His heart warming at the idea of her looking forward to seeing him. Jack loved this small bit of normalcy he was getting, even thought he, himself, is anything but normal.
     “Jack! You’re such a big man and I still struggled finding you.” (Your name) teased, her hands reaching out to hug Jack. Jack snaking his arms around her to greet her with a hug. She smelled amazing and she was so soft and warm… He found himself lingering in her warm touch a bit longer than socially acceptable. Hopefully Jack hadn’t made it awkward with embracing her for a bit longer than intended. 
      Jack rose up, his eyes scanning the various food stands around them. 
     “Have you ever tried takoyaki?” Jack asked, pointing at a stand with cute pictures of octopi on it. (Your name) pursed her lips, her head tilting cutely to the side.
     “I don’t think I have. I’m not every well versed in Japanese cuisine.” Jack grinned down at her.
     “Well we’re going to try a little bit of everything. Hopefully your appetite is big.” Jack licked his lips, his eyes holding an insatiable hunger in them. He doubted (your name) could keep up with his large appetite but he was betting she was going to try to feed him things. And he looked forward to getting a chance to lick her cute fingers. Jack just wanted a taste of her and this would be enough to satisfy his growing desire… at least for now.
     “I doubt I can eat as much as you.” (Your name) teased as they stood in line for takoyaki. Her hand wrapped around two of his large fingers. “I’m not quite as big as you.”
     Jack glanced down at her hand, his body shivering at the size difference. It shouldn’t have riled him up as much as it did but he felt absolutely feral just being near her like this. 
     “Jack?” Jack snapped from his musings, holding her hand with his entire hand now. His giant hands easily covering her entire fist. “Is there something on your mind?”
    “You’re just very cute is all.” Jack replied with a smirk, watching her face blush a bit. “It feels like a dream that you’re hanging out with a guy like me.”
     “What makes you say that?” (Your name) chuckled, a small smile on her pretty lips. “Maybe I’m lucky to be with a guy like you?”
     Jack threw his head back and laughed. She was cute. How on earth would a girl be lucky to be with him? 
     The two ordered their takoyaki, Jack smiling at the excitement on (your name)‘s face.
     “Do you love to eat?” Jack asked, his chest feeling warm when she smiled up at him.
     “Well besides fighting, I love to eat, cook, and sleep. I think those are my only other hobbies. I’m a pretty simple person.” (Your name) joked, her hand still holding onto Jack’s. “Do you have any hobbies?”
     “My whole life revolves around fighting and getting stronger.” Jack replied, thinking to himself. “But I also enjoy eating. I don’t sleep much.”
    “What?! Sleeping is the best!” (Your name) gasped, her hand squeezing his. 
     “I just have a hard time sleeping since the steroids have made me so unstable. I have horrible mood swings and a horrible sleep schedule.”
    “Have you tried sleeping beside someone else?” (Your name) asked curiously. Jack biting his lips to prevent all the dirty thoughts to travel through his whole mind and body. “Cuddling is pretty calming. I used to crawl in bed with Zaria when I couldn’t sleep at night. She was so sick of me.”
      “No. I don’t really have anyone in close to like that.” (Your name) frowned, giving Jack’s hand another reassuring squeeze.
     “I could lay with you sometime.”
     “I do not have good impulse control so I don’t think we’d sleep much.” Jack replied suggestively, his words going over (your name)’s head.
     “Well its healthy to find another outlet for impulsive behaviors. Have you tried reading? That stopped me from impulsive shopping but sometimes I give into buying a new top I don’t need.” Jack laughed loudly, his hand giving (your name) a gentle squeeze.
     “Never change. My impulsive urges are not shopping but violent and risqué behaviors. It’s a side effect of the super steroids.” Jack leaned down to kiss (your name)’s head. “How about we go sit down so we can eat these takoyaki before it gets cold.”
     “Okay, Jack.” The two walk over to sit on an empty bench. Jack digging into his food the fastest while (your name) was barely a bite in. “Did you taste any of it? I promise you I wasn’t going to steal it.”
     (Your name) took a bite of the takoyaki, the savory flavors melting on her tongue while the chewiness of the squid surprised her. They weren’t too bad. The fried outside was a great contrast to the chewy inside.
    Jack’s eyes looked down at (your name)’s lips, a bit of sauce on the corner of them. Jack bit his cheek at the opportunity before him. Should he take it? He probably wasn’t going to get another chance like that.
     “You have something on your face.” Jack gently brushed his thumb across her soft lips, his body shivering at the sensation. 
      “Thank you, but now you have sauce on your thumb. Do you need me to get a napkin?” (Your name) eyes widened when Jack’s long tongue darted out to lick his thumb, her whole face flushing at the cocky smirk on his face.
     “Delicious.” (Your name) averted her gaze down to the floor. Jack chuckling at her blush, he was satisfied with her cute reaction. His hand scooping up hers in his to give it a sly kiss. 
    “That was smooth. You have me flustered.” (Your name) muttered as Jack continued to study her pretty features. “Sometimes I fear you’re going to eat me.”
    “Only if you let me.” Jack teased, his brown eyes glancing over at the other stands. “We can walk around for a bit and check some other things out.”
     Jack stood up, gathering their trash to throw away in the waste bin. He couldn’t help but smile a bit at how natural this felt… how natural it was to be with (your name). It was odd for him to enjoy someone else’s company like this. He had been a loner for most of his life, training endlessly to the point his body could no longer keep up with him. 
     “I like spending time with you.” (Your name) admitted aloud to the blonde, Jack freezing in his steps. He glanced down at her soft expression. “I feel very safe when I’m with you.”
     Jack took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm that was brewing inside of him. He would be patient with her. He wouldn’t bend down and kiss her in front of everyone here… unless she asked. 
     “You make a lot of faces when you’re thinking.” (Your name) giggled, Jack giving her a hum in response.
     “And you’re just cute in everything you do.” (Your name) turned her head away from him to hide her blush. Jack smirked. He loved that she wasn’t used to so many compliments, he hoped it made him stand out against the others.
     A figure stood a bit in the distance, their brown eyes narrowing at the scene before them. He’d wait a bit until he approached, that blonde man looked powerful and he wasn’t sure if he could take him.
     Jack and (your name) sat on a bench together, (your name) groaning.
     “I’m so full. I don’t know how you can eat so much.” Jack smiled at her, the giant man leaning back to stretch his arms.
     “I’m a big man with a big appetite.” Jack replied, (your name) beaming at him.
     “You’re still a bit hungry aren’t you?” (Your name) asked, Jack flushing a bit in embarrassment.
    “Yes. I can’t hide anything from you can I?” 
    “You can go grab something real quick. I’ll sit here to take a breather.” (Your name) smiled at Jack, Jack pursing his lips in thought.
    “I’ll just go grab something from this stand right here. I’ll be about three hundred feet away from you.” Jack told (your name) as he rose up from the bench.
    “I’ll be right here.” (Your name) smiled, Jack grasping her hand and giving it a kiss. 
    “I’ll be back. Don’t run away.”
     “Would you chase me?”
     “Yes. I would.” Jack teased, the giant man giving her one last look before turning on his heel to go to the food stand close by.
     Jack narrowed his eyes at a man of average height wearing a olive green dress shirt making a beeline past him. The two bumping into each other slightly, the shorter man not even apologizing to Jack.
     Who on earth was that rude guy wearing a bandana on his head? And who did he think he was? Jack shook his head, he shouldn’t get angry over something so trivial…
     “Mi amor! We’ve finally been reunited!” Jack quickly whipped his head around to see the man approaching (your name), his eyes narrowing at the surprise and fear on her face. “I’ve missed you so much, I was afraid i wouldn’t remember what your face looked like if I never saw you again.”
     Jack began stalking over, listening to every word this pretty boy began spouting to (your name). His hands clenched up so tightly that blood dripped from his palms. He wasn’t going to let this guy do anything to (your name).
      “Jun? What… what are you doing here?” (Your name) rose up from the bench, backing herself away from the ex convict. Her body beginning to sweat nervously. She hasn’t seen him in five years… no letters and no contact. Why was he here?
     “I’ve been sending you letters but I’m guessing you never got them… your mom was trying to keep us separated. But not to worry, mi amor! I’ve taken care of her-“
      “What did you do to my mom?” (Your name) shook, balling her hands up into fists. If it came down to it, she was going to fight Jun if he came any closer. What on earth had that lunatic done to her mother? He didn’t hurt her, did he?
      “We just had a long, long talk. She’s a lot more accepting now that we exchanged words. She gave us her blessing finally-“
     “I haven’t seen or heard from you in almost five years… you left me behind in Brazil. We are not anything anymore.”
     “I have all the evidence of the letters on my ship. Just come with me and I’ll show you, mi amor! I can tell you all about my time in the Arizona prison while we sail back to Brazil and finally get married-“ Jun barely dodged Jack’s punch, the ex convict chuckling at his massive the blonde pit fighter was. “Oh wow! Who’s this guy, mi amor? Another suitor your mom gave you?”
     “Please stop. I finally moved on from you.” (Your name) placed a hand up to her forehead feeling a massive headache coming on. This was another problem with Jun. He never listened to her and always did whatever he thought was best. A shame prison didn’t get that mindset away from him.
     Jack stood between the two, his brown eyes glaring at Jun with hatred. He was going to protect (your name) from this creep. He’d fight tooth and nail if he had to.
    “Who is this guy, mi amor? He’s so scary looking. Did you hire a body guard since your mom kept sending you all those suitors? You’re so smart, mi amor! I love that you still remained loyal to me after all these years-“
     “Jack is my boyfriend.” (Your name) stated, wrapping her hand around Jack’s two fingers. Hopefully Jack would catch onto what she was putting down.
    The blonde froze in shock, his body shivering in excitement at her words. He was her boyfriend… him and not Katsumi or this weirdo in front of them. Him.
     “No way. He’s not your type at all!” Jun motioned to himself, his brown eyes narrowing at Jack. “He’s big and he’s covered in scars. Mi amor, this man is ugly-“
     “I think he’s really attractive and strong.” (Your name) leaned her head onto his forearm gazing up at Jack dreamily. “He’s very attentive and he listens to me.”
     “Let go home, mi amor-“ Jun’s eyes widened when Jack wrapped his entire left hand around Jun’s hand. Jun nearly falling to his knees when he felt the blonde harshly squeeze his hand. Was this monster of a man trying to shatter his hand? How on earth was a man this strong?
      “Let’s go home, Jack.” (Your name) told Jack, the blonde smirking down at Jun, releasing his hand.
     “It was nice meeting you. Please refrain from seeing my girl ever again.” 
     Jun clutched his poor hand to his chest, helpless watching as (your name) walked away from him with that monster… did that monster threaten her? Was he keeping her captive and that’s why she didn’t run into his arms?
      Oh his poor cariña must be so scared! She probably needed saving from that big, bad man and Jun would be more than willing to be her hero! He would save her from that monster’s clutches! 
     Jun held his hand tightly, determined that the scenario in his head was the truth. There was no other explanation on why his precious cariña would be so hostile.
     Jack and (your name) finally made it away from the pier, the two almost back in the city. (Your name) shivered the whole way.
      “Thank you so much, Jack.” (Your name) felt herself tear up a bit, Jack immediately bending down to hold her. “I was so scared… I’m scared to even go home. What if he follows me?”
      “Then spend the night with me. I can protect you.” Jack whispered, his head laying on top of hers. “I’ll make sure nothing happens and I’ll beat that guy up within an inch of his life if he tries to even so much as look in your direction.”
     “Okay… I’d have to get up extra early so I can make it to work on time.”
     “I’ll walk you back in the morning.” Jack pressed a kiss to her head, his arms holding her much smaller form to his body. His mind relishing on his perfect she felt against him. How right this felt.
      (Your name) never had to worry again because Jack would protect her from anything that wished her harm. Even if it was at the expense of his safety. She was worth it.
Author’s note: we’ll soon get some Retsu time and eventually Kureha time too. I just have a huge soft spot for Hanayama, Jack, and Katsumi. Thanks for the patience and support! I’d love some feedback and I was debating adding Sikorsky to the list but I’m unsure yet. Let me know! Thanks for reading!
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acemapleeh · 1 year
The Fog of the North End of the World
Summary: Alfred and Matthew were supposed to go out on a pleasant kayak ride off the coast of Vancouver Island. When the fog rolls in, a reminder is placed on where they stand between humanity and the supernatural. This was written as my contribution to the Together in Unity: HWS NA Brothers Zine. Characters: America, Canada Word Count: 1988 Warnings: Some Disturbing Imagery Read on ao3
 Mid-June 1993, Cadboro Bay, British Columbia, Canada
“I thought you checked the weather reports before we came out here.”
“And I did.”
“And you didn’t think it was important to tell me fog was in the forecast?”
“I didn’t think it would be this bad!”
Matt groaned and the only reason Alfred could see his brother throw his head back, face buried in his hands, was because their kayaks were pressed together, some rope keeping Matthew from drifting away. The fog had rolled in quick, thick as cotton, and completely blanketed the harbor. They were in Matt’s waters and his deck compass said they were facing west, but the harbor was full of other vessels much larger than them. Going back to shore in these conditions would be a long, tedious task even with six flares and proper navigation tools.
Alfred yawned and stretched his arms back. “You know Mattie, I’m starting to believe this so-called ‘Caddy’ doesn’t exist, or if it does, it’s long swum out to sea by now anyway.”
“Well, it won’t be the first time we’ve come out here for nothing,” said Matthew agreeably. “There were just so many reports recently. A baby was released in the San Juan Islands not that long ago and I’m thinking that’s what people are spotting up here.”
“Since when did you care about this kind of stuff? You sound like the old man,” he snarked. Then, as if reciting from a script, he continued. “There have been a number of sightings of an unknown creature off the shores of Vancouver Island, large bones spotted on the beaches, a few alarming and terrifying photographs have been submitted to us- enticing the like of cryptozoologists across the country.”
Matt had always been able to see the creatures lurking past the thin veil of the supernatural. It hardly affected his day-to-day life, not nearly giving them the same time of day as Arthur would. Alfred had all but blocked that ability since he was still unbreeched. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not taking any of this seriously?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
Matt let out another groan and began untying the rope between them. “We should start heading back, it’ll be dark on top of this fog if we don’t get moving,” Matt proposed, pushing himself in the direction of home. “I’m sorry for wasting your time, Al. I was sure we would find something.”
“No biggie. Dunno why you even bothered inviting me to help you.” Alfred rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what you ever expect to find out here other than trees bro.”
“I don’t know, just, didn’t want to be out here alone I guess.”
“Remember the last time you asked for my help trying to track Bigfoot?”
“Yes, all you did was bring a case of beer up and make unseemly ape noises and nearly got yourself shot by a hunter.”
The two paddled on, chattering quietly together, Alfred eager to get off the water and get back to Matt’s place in Victoria. Some mist had settled in fully, dampening his hair and chilling the back of his neck. Their thermoses had gone cold and empty by now; a bowl of clam chowder and hot coffee felt like the only things in the world that could warm him up.
Along the mild waters, they traversed and as more time passed, Alfred became increasingly aware that they hadn’t come across a single boat or even other kayakers. They hadn’t even spotted the glimmering lights of the harbor.
He was about to ask Matt what the deal was when something began to take shape in the fog.
A pine forest loomed above the water though Alfred’s eyes struggled to focus on the trees, a part of him believed that it was something other than the fog that prevented him from seeing what was before him. Waves lapped gently and invitingly on the shore and in the distance, there was the eerie and haunting call of a loon.
Matthew was mouthing something to himself and repeatedly tapped his compass. There was no way they could be in the Haro Straight, which was east of where they were supposed to be going, and none of the islands in that direction looked like this.
“Hey… Matt? Where are we exactly?”
Matthew didn’t answer but gave Alfred that strange, tilted owl-like expression that said he should know exactly where they were, before shoving himself toward the shore.
Alfred stared at the paddle in his hands for a moment before putting the end of it in the water and pushed back, moving forward just behind his brother.
Something in his throat prevented him from calling out Matt’s name.
A quiet breath of cold air through chapped lips.
The water seemingly guided his kayak to shore by some unseen, subtle force.
They pulled up on the beach in silence, the pebbles crunching under their kayaks and the summer water bit like frost at Alfred’s ankles.
As they stepped ashore, there was a shadow in the fog, a shape with edges out of focus and fuzzy.
Something foreboding and wrong.
He could feel his father’s hand on his shoulder pulling him away, begging him to return to the sea.
Frozen in his spot, Alfred held his breath but Matthew was no longer beside him.
Turning back, he saw the fog coming in, beginning to swallow the pebbly beach and driftwood that stretched a mile long.
The fog felt thicker than before, curling and reaching, and the forms of drowned spirits took shape.
A chill from his youth tenderly caressed his cheek and Alfred bolted to the tree line.
It was instantly dark but somehow, a trail was found.
A park trail.
The wooden sign was labeled in a language he didn’t understand.
The trees creaked and groaned.
There was no wind.
Alfred looked down to his feet as he walked forward along the winding path, acutely aware that something was watching him.
Squashed Saskatoon berries lay scattered like fallen soldiers of the Great War.
He quickened his pace, only briefly eyeing the oddities that attempted to enter his field of vision.
The only one he focused on and approached was one that was this tall and lanky thing with eyes that sometimes seemed too sunken in and large for its face.
“Matthew. Hey man, talk to me. What the hell is-”
But there was that look in Matthew's eyes, the one that told Alfred he was meant to be somewhere very far away. The look that said that he was Canada above Matthew and that he, alone, was this land. A land inhabited by creatures more ancient than they could fathom that Alfred could only just barely make out in the reflection of his brother's glasses.
A look that said that they were more like them.
A feeling that crept inside them all but one that Matthew was more than accepting of letting take over.
Matt’s desperate need of a haircut curls spilled over the collar of his brightly colored windbreaker that, somehow, looked wrong on him and he must have felt the same.
Matthew’s jacket fell softly onto the leaves at his feet; his backpack was already there.
He quickly snagged Matt's hand before it could reach for anything else.
Even he couldn't always brush off the feeling the trees of Cascadia gave him. It was a blurry portion of their borders even with the six-meter divide between their forests. The further up North he went, the deeper into Canada he got until it was impossible to tell the difference. In the dense fog and even denser foliage, it was all too easy to lose yourself.
Pine needles fell like rain but the source of the shaking trees was still unknown.
But what concerned Alfred most was as he watched them fall, they never quite hit the floor. They were falling onto something, creating a shape in between a pair of burnt trees.
He tried to let his eyes glaze over it, to wait until it was on its way.
The shape of a bear began to take form.
Alfred was about ready to shove Matt back and pull out one of the flares from his pack when his brother tightened his hold, pulling Alfred back a step and telling him to stay quiet.
A scream stuck in his throat when he felt wet tentacles grab hold of his neck and there was a sudden weight on his shoulder. Matt kept his grip steady and soon the feeling was gone.
Alfred closed his eyes, willing whatever place Matthew had led them to was nothing more than a joke or bad dream. He was still in bed, they hadn’t gone out on their trip yet, he was waiting for the delicious smell of his brother’s pancakes and peameal bacon to rouse him from bed to start the day.
Something breathed on his arm.
Alfred jerked his hand from Matt’s hold and turned to face him, glaring. “Okay Mattie, this is all super funny. Har har, good one. You got me. Let’s bounce already, yeah? I’ve had more than enough spooks. It’s not even October man.” He took a step away and rubbed his eyes, hoping his normally unseen world would return.
“Alfred, I’m sorry I-”
“Eat my shorts dickweed! I’m going home!”
The worn path was found once more and along with it, the smell of a cooking fire lead him away from the sorry excuse for a joke Matt had set up.
Seeing that humble cabin built with red cedar bark was such a reliving site that Alfred hardly paid any mind to the blood-red smoke puffing steadily out of the chimney. Two women paused in their daily chores as he approached, the closer one smiling at Alfred from ear to ear. “Are you lost young man?” she called sweetly; her clothes matched the home behind her.
He was about to go into the details of how his brother got them both lost when the second woman stepped out from behind the sheet that had been hung to dry.
Her face was all bone and skulls were attached to her belt.
Alfred found his scream just as Matthew appeared at his side, yanking on his arm, encouraging him to run.
“Come and devour them,” the inviting woman commanded.
“Eat, eat, eat,” Alfred could hear being called from snapping mouths, leaves crunching in step with their own in chase.
Matthew wouldn’t let him turn to face whatever the source was.
His ears picked up the fluttering of massive bird wings and the cries of a starving raven, Matt’s encouraging voice only just loud enough to be heard above them.
Branches cut their cheeks as they ran from the trees, soon they were skittering on the pebbled beach, fumbling back inside their kayaks.
Alfred eyed Matt carefully as the fog swallowed them up once more, fearing the feral part of him that lurked just under the surface- even if this particular trip had only been an elaborate joke.
The forests of the North were made of death, regardless, the smell of decay was hidden in the rain and pine.
Even when they’re miles away, back into a new and modern stretch of water, forest, and fog, the lure of the unknown never truly faded.
“We’re not so different from them Alfred,” Matt said quietly as they tied their kayaks to the roof of his car. “I know you try and forget that.”
Alfred secured the knot tightly, the rope burning his palm. “And you remember it a little too often.”
He wouldn’t admit to the depths of his fears.
It wasn’t just the creatures that haunted humanity that unnerved his very core.
It was the fact that Matthew was right.
He caught his reflection in the side mirror.
His eyes really were too blue to be human.
No wonder he had been tried as a witch.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
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I posted 3,907 times in 2022
That's 1,137 more posts than 2021!
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@mbrainspaz (I feel called out.)
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i will continue to enjoy my trash entertainment where everybody comes back to life and nothing makes sense and villains are inexplicably ho
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can people change?
Can you change them?
85 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
I keep coming back lately to how f*cked up it was that my dad never let me mess anything up. Oh no, don’t climb out the window and sit on the roof--you’ll damage the shingles. So I put out beach towels and was extra careful, and he still got mad. Some of my best childhood memories were sitting out on that roof with my brother or my friends. Man f*ck the shingles. We sold that house a year later anyway. I waited years for him to fix the toilet paper roll holder in an upstairs bathroom--then one day just broke down and fixed it myself. It took me 5 minutes. And he was mad because I didn’t use the right kind of screws. F*ck the right screws. It looked perfect and it worked just fine, at least until I moved out. Now I’ve been out here living with a bunch of rogue ranchers and old engineers and it’s given me a whole new perspective on life. The first day I moved onto this ranch the owner got out an electric saw and cut a hole straight through a sewer pipe. I nearly panicked! Like--YOU CAN JUST DO THAT?!?! Just break something?! It was a horrible job! But BAM--it was done! And that sh*t changed my whole worldview. Last week I helped remodel a bridge with some spare logs and a pickaxe. I’ve sawed open the roof of my house and glued it back together. I’ve torn wall fixtures off and burned them in a bonfire. 
GO AHEAD! BREAK IT. Wear down the shingles. Cut holes through the wall. Get mud on the sofa. Put stickers on your car. Break the world around you just a little instead of living in fear of losing resale value you rarely get back anyway. It’ll be fine. 
198 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
How much did I want a horse?
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A totally sane amount. 🫣
406 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
have I mentioned how hilarious it is to me when people ask me about my gender and I tell them I'm non-binary and they go "well I don't believe in all that." Cool beans pal. And I don't give a f*ck about your beliefs. Have a nice day. 😂
448 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
mom: It’s so crazy it’s like everyone around me is getting covid.
me: that’s why it’s spiking, mom.
mom: no like your dad was saying I’m the carrier, haha. 
me: Well you might be. You were sick over christmas and everyone else had it after. [and I begged you to wear a mask but you went around kissing everybody instead]
mom: But my symptoms were really mild and allergy meds made mine go away.
me: allergy meds can treat symptoms. My regular ones have helped with covid too.
mom: huh. But your dad’s symptoms are totally different. He’s got a fever and he’s been throwing up. It’s really bad. Same with our friend from church. 
me: Were they vaccinated?
mom: no. 
mom: But your dad already had covid before the pandemic. 
mom: Well...
675 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Another letter you’ll never read.
Our little man is officially back to liking shower time with mommy. He got to meet the new puppy and loves play time with her. His new favorite toy? A stuffed giraffe he stole from my room at my moms. He also started to lay under the blankets at night which is so weird because he never used to. I think he misses you as much as I do. I know you think he doesn’t remember but every time he hears your voice his ears pop up. I wish you were here for all of the little things. New shows and movies we both love.
We threw lots of stuff away, like half of our clothes. It’s all in big bags under my bed that I’m going to have to fit in the car along with our son and his crate. Did I tell you were driving it? Stormy, my brother, and I in a car for like 40 something hours driving across the country? Sounds like a shitshow but I think storms gonna love it there. He’ll get a little piece of you in every new place we go once we get there just like I will. He’ll get to see your hometown, the lake I went to when I came back for you, I’ll take him on walks in every city because I know it’s everywhere you’ve been. Someone asked me yesterday if this was going to be healing for me like I think or if it’s going to make it all worse. That’s always the question though isn’t it? What’s going to make it worse? How much worse can it get? The only difference is that you’ll want nothing to do with me except I’ll be so close. It’s like a near touch, everything I want but can’t have. Maybe it will make it worse, maybe it’ll hurt but I’m already a mess anyways. I want to see your world, I want to see it through your eyes. Maybe I’ll be able to see the world a little more like you.
I’m gonna take stormy back to Oceanside soon, spend a day walking at the beach, writing in my journal. I want to take him to our spot so he can sit on the wall and look at all the things from our point of view, just a little higher up. I wish he was a human so I could show him the videos we’ve taken there, all the secret snapchats we used to take so you wouldn’t get in trouble.
You know sometimes I just wish I could talk to someone about you. Show them pictures and videos and tell them stories about all the crazy things we used to do. The cliff by the beach, you proposing outside of my car door at my dads old house, you giving me my ring and telling me every promise it meant you would keep, sneaking me into the barracks a hundred times, our drive to get stormy, sneaking me into your apartment because Nathan couldn’t stand me at the time, all the crazy from our apartment, every good moment with you, every sushi date, shopping trip, doordash because we were too lazy to cook, party we had with all of our friends, pack of sour shooters from our favorite little liquor store, and everything in between.
I still can’t believe this is where we’re at. On opposite sides of the country, not speaking, both in pain. I think this all sucks so much because I’ve had a hard time with trust. You really fixed me and all of the promises, every one that came with the ring…you’ve broken them all. I’m happy that I kept mine. I was wondering yesterday about the ring. You said you keep it on you, you always have it. Maybe that’s not true anymore but why not give it back? Why not hand it to me that night outside of your apartment? Or before you walked me out to my car? Why not at the bar when you said it was the last time? I have so many questions. I wish I could just have all of the answers and know the truth. I still can’t believe this is the person you’ve become or that I’m someone you don’t care to call a friend anymore. I remember when you used to go on about how god made us for each other. How he crafted me with flecks of silver and gold in my skin. Or my favorite one, every flame burns brighter with my eyes and dolphins break the waters surface for me. Isn’t it funny? How you always thought I never felt the same. Even when we slept together for months, every date, every family dinner. Yeah I made my mistakes but I always came back to you. Right or wrong, it was always you. You changed so much about me. You made me want to be so much better. I never used to sing in front of many people but you made me want to sing on every car ride. You showed me new music. Made me playlists. Ocean eyes, that’s a big one. So many songs that make me feel the same way I do when I look at you. I use that for everything, I have since you started calling me that. Usernames, songs, I use ocean eyes because it was one of your favorite things about me. The oceans in my eyes. Blue than the oceans or whatever. I had secret tumblr pages and journals. I used to wake up in the morning before you and I would talk to you, tell you how much I love you. I’d play with your hair and give you kisses all over. You never believed me. You never thought I could give you love like that again. See? So many questions. So much to understand. How could a love like that just go away?
I hope that I won’t have to wonder for much longer. I hope that you’re feeling this longing in your chest eating away at you every moment we’re apart. We always used to say “we’ve never been apart for longer than a month” but now it’s more like we’ve been apart for almost a year. At least that’s when you left and I’ve seen you a few times but it feels like you’ve been gone this whole time.
I’ve never wanted to hurt you, but right now I hope you’re hurting too & if you are I hope you someday you see that everything can be different.
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