#and i think it just makes his hunting style that much more Terrifying
sangcreole · 2 years
i am once again here to push my own theory that louis’ dark gift was empathy all along
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ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Wind Pillar ╝
Premise: A life without the demon corps was just meaningless. Living with a heavy survivor guilt can really eat someone from the inside. That was until a weak light arrived in the most unexpected way possible, breathing life back into his lungs, making him feel needed once more.
Word Count: 5081
Warning: spoilers, the story takes place after the manga’s original timeline.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Shinazugawa Sanemi was not the wind pillar anymore, he wasn’t Genya’s older brother anymore either. There was nobody left in this world that needed him.
After losing his family and dedicating his youth to demon hunting, losing the corps was the final blow for him.
Why was he the only one left?
He should have died if not with his family back in the day he should at least have died defending his brother’s life, Genya should be the one alive right now, not him.
What is the point of being alive when everything you care for was now gone?
He wasn’t particularly good at anything else besides demon hunting, getting a regular job and settling down was definitely not his style. He walked around the neighborhood he used to live in when his family was still alive, the thought of moving back into his old house crossed his mind, maybe do some renovations, hopefully he could drown in his good memories until time would come to give out his last breath.
But the house was now taken by an unknown family. A lot of people lost it all to demons and the destruction they brought with them, it wasn’t uncommon to see abandoned houses here and there, it made sense the house was deemed abandoned, they did leave to never come back.
He had nothing left, not even his old house.
Starting fresh could be encouraging to others, but for Sanemi it was torture.
None of the dojos he visited needed new instructors, majority of them were terrified by his looks alone, if a bunch of guys hitting each other for no apparent reason didn’t want him there what type of job was he supposed to get? It’s not like he was well mannered and literate like Tomioka or had a support network like Tanjiro. What’s the point of being the second strongest pillar if the demons were now all gone.
Sanemi’s lunch was now being given to stray ducks as he had no appetite whatsoever, feeding them was more productive than remaining in such a depressing head space, that’s when an orange rolled in between his feet. He didn’t think much of it, maybe someone dropped it while shopping, but then another orange came rolling next, and then three, making him look back in confusion.
A lone cart full of oranges was coming full speed down a hill with no one pushing it. He had to do something otherwise the villagers could get hurt, he saw small children playing around the area not long ago. Running towards it he was able to stop it before anything major happened, only a few oranges were lost, and the cart was still in good shape. A young woman came running in his direction panting for her life, “Thank you so much, good sir. My cart, it was so heavy, I lost control of it on my way home.”
Not trusting your current strength, he kept on holding the cart, still thinking of the kids running around and how exhausted you looked. “Were you heading down hill?”
“Not really, I was actually supposed to go up the hill behind us, but the cart was heavier than I expected, and it wouldn’t listen to me, so it rolled backwards.” Sanemi stared at said hill with a worrisome expression, that was no hill, that was a full-sized mountain. You were small, looked frail, pale even, little cuts and scars littering your hands. There was no way you could take the cart up that mountain, and it was not like he had anything else to do.
Somehow you reminded him of his mother and how they always needed to help her move heavy stuff around and reach tall places, wanting to help you came out naturally from his heart. “Lead the way.”
“Eh? It’s ok, don’t worry about me. I can take it!” your blushy surprised looking face caused him to scoff, turning the cart around and walking up the first hill. “Like hell you can. Now shut up and tell me where to go.”
“How can I tell you where to go if I shut up?” you were doing your best not to grin at his constipated looking scowl, but instead of teasing him further you just walked beside him in silence. The climb up to your house was steep, but he didn’t even sweat, before you noticed you were now at the entrance of your property, all over way too fast.
“Thank you, good sir. You can leave the cart there I will unload the oranges.” you ran into a small shed, bringing a cloth to wrap them up and bring them all inside. If the cart was heavy, the load was even worse. You couldn’t even lift them from the ground, causing Sanemi to heave a deep sigh. “Don’t you have a husband to help you? Or someone else like a father or brothers? There’s no way you can take all those fucking oranges inside unless you take one at a time and that would take a stupid amount of time.” He grabbed the load with one hand, swinging it over his shoulder like if it weighted nothing, waiting for you to open the door to your abode.
“I do not. My entire family was devoured by a wild beast while I was being treated in a hospice, far from here. Once I regained my strength back, they were all gone. My brother was the one who did all the heavy work around here, my mother and I would pick up the harvest and take care of the animals.” you had a pretty large farm, it wasn’t well tended now but it had several crops still growing and remains of what it used to be an area for livestock. “So, I do most of the work now that I’m alone.”
He knows how uncomfortable sympathetic comments are, so he doesn’t address the information gained, “Why do you even need so many oranges?” a loud thump could be heard as he set them on the kitchen floor, making the wooden floor tremble at the weight. “I was thinking of using them to make some marmalade and sell it at the markets, growing crops is harder than I thought, and I still need to eat, so had to figure something out.”
It was somewhat comforting for Sanemi hearing about the struggles of someone with a similar background. You both couldn’t protect your family, both had to worry about an uncertain future ahead of you. Both had things the other didn’t, but it felt good knowing he wasn’t the only one out there with similar problems.
“Do you like marmalade? I got some bread earlier, come sit down. Let me make you some tea, I still need to thank you for your kindness.” he nodded looking around for a place to sit down, the climb and the lack of food were starting to get to him, it sounded like a good idea.
He never thought making marmalade could be as complex, he had nothing better to do so he just looked at you from where he was sitting. Your hands were so small you needed both of them to stir the mix in the pot, it was amusing. The focus you were putting into making the treat, the tip of your tongue poking out passed your lips in concentration, it was all very eye catching. He’s always admire people that are good at cooking, always wanted to make delicious ohagi for himself, but he wasn’t the best with his hands unless it required brutish strength.
Once the marmalade was ready, you brought it to the small table in front of him, setting down a loaf of bread, a knife and two cups of steaming green tea.
Sanemi thinks back of the last time he was able to relax this way, sad thing really, he hadn’t ever since his mother left this world. Thinking of having afternoon tea without a worry in the world, it’s been over a decade since he had the luxury to do just that.
“Is it good? Do you like it? If you don’t, I can bring out something else.” the expectant look in your eyes made him contemplate what was in his mouth. It was sweet and very refreshing, he’s never had orange marmalade before so he couldn’t really compare it to any other, but he definitely didn’t hate it and wouldn’t mind eating some more. “It’s good, I’m sure it will sell well.” happy with his reply, you tried a bit yourself making mental notes of how to improve it even more.
Teacups were empty, plates clean, it was time for Sanemi to go back to wonder around town, maybe even try to find that one inn he heard about the day before. As he was getting up from his seat heavy rain came pouring down, a loud thunder making you jump. “When it rains this bad around here it takes a while for it to go away; would you like to stay for dinner? Um…sir?”
“Shinazugawa. Shinazugawa Sanemi.”
“Would you like to stay for dinner, Shinazugawa-san? I’m (Y/N) by the way.” he was starting to worry for your well being, you were deliberately letting an unknown man into your house and didn’t even know his name, that was not safe, even without demons around. “Tch, not like I have a choice.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The rain was just not stopping, dinner was done for, and it was pitch black outside, the mountain’s treacherous paths were not places to wonder around in a stormy night like this one, “Shinazugawa-san, how about you stay for the night? You can stay in my brother’s room; I can even lend you some of his clothing so you can take a bath.”
A bath, it’s been days since he took one of those, an alluring offer indeed, but somehow the way you were taking the situation didn’t sit right in his stomach, rage was now bubbling inside his chest at your disregard for your own safety.
“Are you dumb or what? Do you not see me as a man? Hell, you do know you shouldn’t bring men you don’t know into your house, right? Specially not at night.” his angry outburst made you giggle, closing the front door shut to make a statement. “You sound like my brother, he used to say things like that to my mother. I do know you though, you’re the very kind young man that helped a woman in need without asking anything in return, I even know your name now.”
“So what? Is not like I couldn’t just do something to you now that it’s dark, it’s just the two of us here in the mountain, no one would hear if something was to happen, nobody would come even if you screamed for help like a damn pig. Don’t do stupid things like that even if you think you know someone, you don’t know a fucking thing about me.” he was shouting at this point, his fists shacking. He was really a kind man, all he wanted was for you to understand how evil the world out there could be, to others it could be overwhelming to have a figure like him shouting so angrily at them but you could see he was just worried.
“I won’t do it again, Shinazugawa-san, I promise. Now please come with me, I will show you where the bath is.” your attitude and gentle smile were infuriating. All he could think of was how his sweet mother got beaten down by his own father and the men he would bring home sometimes for drinks. How she could barely defend her children and would always ended up hurt, how she had no chance whatsoever to fight stronger men. You wouldn’t be able to defend yourself either, you needed some sense put in that head of yours before it was too late.
He pinned you against the bathroom wall, one of his muscular thighs going in between your legs, rendering you useless against his grip, he was glaring down at you in a strangely attractive way triggering many things within you, except fear, “See how easy it is for me if I wanted to hurt your ass? Take me seriously dammit, take every man fucking seriously, you can’t trust someone you don’t know so easily, it will get you killed.” he let go off your wrists roughly, wanting you to learn your lesson, but one of your hands reached for his, “You have a blister. Let me bring a bandage so we can clean it, it was probably the cart, it tends to do that.”
“No, stop. Why are you acting this way? Are you out of your mind? I could have assaulted you just now, open your eyes woman!”
“But you didn’t. You had more than one chance to do as you pleased with me, but you didn’t. Instead, you ate my food, laughed at my jokes, helped me when no one else did. You are a kind man Shinazugawa-san, wether you want to accept it or not. I’m not stupid, I wouldn’t invite someone over to my house if it could do me some harm.”
Sanemi was speechless. You didn’t consider him dangerous? He couldn’t even get a decent job because everyone would look at him like the killer he is. If there was someone dangerous out there it was him, he could kill you without even trying, in seconds, painfully, he was the second strongest in a chain of the strongest people humanity had to offer. There was something off with your view of the world.
“Now, stay still, I’m going to clean it.” his hand has never been held that way before, of course he’s had his wounds tended to, he’s always needing some patching up after his many battles, but your touch was different, it was so gentle, he could feel how you were really worried about him, about his tiny blister hurting with your touch, like if he was as frail as you were. “You gotta make sure the wound is properly cleaned before you apply bandages, look at yourself, all those scars…I bet they were all so painful…you need proper care if you don’t want them to get infected or leave traces. You tell me to take care of myself but wouldn’t look in a mirror first.”
Nobody talks to him like that, specially not females. The girls of the butterfly state were always scared of him and just looking their way would make them run away. The only active women in his life were his mother and sisters, he never had time to mess around with girls or to get his wounds properly taken care of, there were demons out there that needed to be killed and that’s all that mattered to him back then.
“Are you seriously not afraid of me?”
You looked up into his eyes, staring at him in disbelief, his tone was a lot tamer now you could hear the honest confusion lacing his words, “Why would I? You look tough, that’s true. But I am nobody to judge others. My brother also had many scars from taking care of the farm, even several of his toes were missing from when he stepped on a saw by accident, you’re not the only one around with a couple of fingers missing in this violent era. People used to say he was scary, all big and full of scars, skin tanned by the long hours of working in the fields, but he was a gentle man, always took great care of me and my mother. You strike me as the same type, you don’t feel like someone who would hurt the weak, you feel more like someone that protects them.”
Sanemi was left speechless once more as you left for him to enjoy his bath, you made sure the water was warm enough from the outside, blowing on the fire constantly until you heard him come out. He’s never been able to relax this much, he knew demons weren’t a threat anymore but that didn’t only mean he was unemployed, he didn’t think of what that meant fully until now. No demons meant less danger, meant being able to take his time to live life, to breathe, to relax. It was a strange feeling, not having to worry about someone bursting the door open and slaughtering the woman outside, but it was a good kind of strange.
He felt awfully relaxed that night and after years of nightmares, he was finally able to sleep peacefully.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s been three days and the rain just wouldn’t stop. Sanemi had helped you covering the crops so they wouldn’t die out in the rain but there was no sign of it stopping any time soon. It was typhoon season, and it was heavily hitting you this year.
Not only did he help with the crops, but the roof also had holes in it which you two didn’t notice until you woke up to a flooded floor, so he repaired it. Your front door wasn’t safe enough for his liking, so he used his extra time to take care of that as well. He didn’t even notice time was moving this fast and days had gone by. It wasn’t as bad having something to do, keep your mind busy and your body active, regular people life wasn’t as boring and dreadful as he originally thought it was.
There was so much to do around the house that he wondered how you’ve managed to live up here in the mountain by yourself all this time. He got to learn you’ve been living here all alone for a couple of years and you have been doing all you can to not let the farm fall, your determination was admirable and made him question his own future.
“Shinazugawa-san, I enjoy thoroughly having you here, but isn’t your family going to worry? It’s kind of been a while now.” the back of his neck was strangely hot, your comment taking him off guard. He enjoyed the simplicity of the last few days comparing it to the rest of his life, he’s never been able to just sit down and listen to the rain fall on the roof sipping on a hot cup of tea, but he didn’t know you were enjoying it just as much.
“I don’t have a family. They also got killed by a wild beast long time ago, the only brother I had left passed this year, so no, nobody is going to worry about me not returning home, I don’t even have a home.” the stoic look on his face while he was retailing his life tragedy worried you, it’s something he should feel sad for, but he didn’t look sad, he looked angry, and you could understand that feeling, your family was taken away from you in the very same way.
“I bet your brother looked like you.” he wasn’t expecting that, usually people get uncomfortable with the thought of having to empathize with something they can’t understand and start apologizing, but you did go through the same, you stirred the subject around like he usually does when facing the same situation and he was grateful. “Hm, he had less scars than me, was taller, dark hair. But he did kind of look like me.”
“I bet he was kind too.”
“He was.” you were now pouring more tea in his cup, admiring the heavy rainfall through your window. “My brother didn’t look like me at all, he was way kinder, very smart, had the prettiest face I’ve ever seen with beautiful large eyes.” this made Sanemi look at your face, it was difficult to imagine a big muscly guy that looked anything close to the delicate tiny woman in front of him, but then again, he used to see his mother in Genya all the time. “Sounds a lot like you.” blood was flowing at full speed to your cheeks, decorating your lovely face with tinges of reds.
“Sometimes I wish I was the one the beast ate instead of my brother, the farm needs him, he was so good with animals and with the people at the market too, everyone loved him, he was the best of the two of us, it’s a shame really.”
Sanemi was lost in your face, the way your eyes watered at the memory of your brother, the way a soft defeated smile crept on your face signalizing guilt, he felt understood in a very deep level, strangely. “Same. I did all I could to protect my brother, I wanted him to live a normal life, get a wife, have some kids. But he ended up following me around and dying before me anyways. All my efforts were completely useless. I should have died, not him.” his fists were now shaking against the coffee table, veins popping all around his body as a rush of anger and despair rushed through him at the thought of his dying baby brother.
“I’m sure he just wanted to be with his beloved older brother. I used to follow mine around as well, wanted him to teach me how to get milk from the cow and got myself a kick to the face, turns out they get quite stressed if you’re too excited.” the absurdity of it all felt like getting some sort of medication for the illness that consumed his heart, like a serum being injected into his blood stream, cooling his anger down.
“Dumbass.” the sound of your laughter brought new air into the house, a house that is rather quiet all the time was now loud, and it smelled like a proper home.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After two stormy days more, the sun was finally out. There was a lot of work to do in the fields to fix the damage caused by the storm. Sanemi started working on it as soon as he woke up without even asking you, and it took you both all day, something you thought would take an hour ended up extending throughout the entire day.
He was better at this than he thought he would, you even ended up planting some pumpkin seeds you got from the market a while back upon his suggestion of adding different types off crops. The front of the farm looked like a proper one afterwards bringing a powerful sense of completion to the both of you. It was hard work, but teamwork does really make a difference. And you two made a good team.
The sun was setting, all there was left to do was water the crops and prepare dinner, fresh rice already cooking in a pot inside the house. “Maybe you can grow some berries and do your marmalade using them instead of having to buy oranges, growing orange trees seems like a pain in the ass and there are wild berries in the forest, should be easy to find some and bring them here.” you were giving it serious thought, you’ve never thought about changing the ingredients, you were just replicating the treat your mother used to do for you and your brother when you were little. Being so lost in your head doing ingredient calculations and noting ideas for the recipe, you didn’t see the frog that was comfortably resting on your foot. Once you did though, panic filled your insides, you hated frogs and would always stay as far away as possible from them.
“Shinazugawa-san…there’s…there’s a-“ you looked like you were about to faint so he walked closer to you, spotting the aggressor, “(Y/N) is just a stupid frog, move your foot, it’ll go away on its own.” you shook your head closing your eyes shut, you didn’t want to hurt the poor animal out of your own silly phobia.
Sanemi crouched down to your feet, grabbing the little troublemaker and took it over to the edge of the river near your property. When he came back you were still frozen in place, sweating. “It’s gone now.” You were ridiculous, it was just a tiny frog, you couldn’t even defend yourself against a frog, how were you going to defend yourself against the odds of life. You let out a long-held breath, taking his hands in yours as a token of appreciation, quickly forgetting the hose was in your hand and getting his face completely wet.
“(Y/N)….you little piece of shit….” his face was red, a deep snarl on his face. You threw the hose to the ground and ran for your life, laughing in the process. “I’m so sorry!! Kyaaaaa, how are you this fast!” one step of his was five of yours, he caught up to you in no time and the look on his face was a sight to behold.
He wasn’t angry, his wet hair was sticking onto his face, and he was laughing. He looked way younger this way and it made you feel relived to see he was having as much fun as you did these days. Your hand reached his face, caressing the droplets of water away, a loving smile gracing your lips. He wasn’t sure when things started heading in this direction but he’s never felt that way before and he didn’t hate it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
There weren’t more excuses for Sanemi to linger around, the rain was gone, the farm cleaned up from the storm, even the marmalade was ready to be sold. He offered to help you with the cart since it was even heavier now that the load had increased.
The idea was for him to take you downtown and then leave and move on with his life, find a job and a place to stay.
But you didn’t even know how to build the display table in the market and then unloading the cart is faster between two people. Then an old lady asked him for three jars of marmalade and by mid afternoon he was still by your side selling your goods.
“Sir, could I convince you and your wife to trade two of your jars for one of my chickens? I don’t have any money left but I would really like to take some home for my kids.” His what- the cloth he was using to clean the table ended up on the floor at her statement, taking him off-guard, you also didn’t say anything to deny it. “What do you think, dear husband? I think it would be a good idea, we could look around and see if we can find her a mate and get eggs from them.” so you were seriously not just going to ignore it but also go along with it-
“Um, yeah. There’s some spare wood in the shed, I could use that to build them a house.” the lady was now handing him the cage with said chicken, waiting anxiously for the last two jars of goodness to be her own.
“You make such a lovely couple; I wish my husband was as understanding and loving as yours. Thank you, my children and I will be forever in your debt, my youngest is celebrating her birthday today, I wanted to bring something special home.” it somehow warmed both of your hearts, you both think of days when you had a large family and how much fun you had eating delicious treats with your siblings, children laughter filling out every corner. “Thank you for your kind words, we’ll take good care of your chicken. I hope you and the children have a lovely evening!” and just like that the marmalade was officially sold out.
“So where do you think we can find Mia’s future husband?” he wasn’t sure how or when you and him became a ‘we’ but he wasn’t mad at how it sounded like and the intentions behind it. “Did you just name the fucking chicken?” he was used to your silly antics by now but it was still very much amusing to him, your quiet giggles confirming he was right. “I saw someone selling some chickens by the entrance, let’s go see if they have one after cleaning up.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Time Skip~
It’s been ten years since Sanemi started coming to this market every morning. He still misses the fun days of demon hunting, but mostly he still misses his brother. Life wasn’t as good to Genya as it was to him, and he still felt guilty from living the life he wanted his brother to have.
Having a permanent stall in the market came with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of hard work, but his strength was put to good use by the smartest person he’s ever met.
“How much for the corn?” Sanemi, who was now cleaning the small worktable looked up to tend his first customer of the day. “If you take two you get one fr- Tomioka???” Giyuu was smirking at him from the other side of the table, a knowing look in his eyes. “That apron looks good on you, Shinazugawa.” Leaving the stall behind, he walked over to his old pillar mate, it’s been years since the last time they saw each other.
“Heard your stupid ass went to live with his old master like a sissy lost baby, near Tanjiro and the gang of brats.”
Some things never change.
“Yeah, it’s been a while, we didn’t even know you were still alive.” the conversation got cut short by a child clinging onto Sanemi’s leg, getting Giyuu’s attention. “Father, mother needs your help unloading the milk crates.”
Crouching down to his size, Giyuu stares into the child's eyes, lost in the memories of his lost friends, painful days of loss came right into his heart, “You look just like your uncle.” patting the child on the head, he smiled, the ghosts of his lost comrades shining behind the toddler. “I know, I was named Genma after uncle, but my hair is like this because of mother, the rest have father’s hair.” As if on cue you came out of the back with a baby tied to your back, an older looking boy than the one before him holding a sleeping girl in his arms. “Nemi, the milk!”
“I see you’ve been busy.” Sanemi’s face was red as a beet, making him grumble insults quietly for his child not to hear.
“I’ll do it in a second, come here, I want you to meet an old friend of mine.” this was the first time any of them had addressed the love-hate relationship they had in the past as friendship, but now being older they both agree that’s what it was. “Tomioka, this is my wife (Y/N)”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you…and your four children…” the smirk on his face was so sly nobody would notice it but Sanemi, it made him want to punch his guts like he would do back in the day when they were younger.
“Is that your wife over there, Tomioka-san? I see you also have a little one, take some of our milk, our kids love it!” The child looked just like him, it was an easy guess. You were doing your best to move around with a child on your back and a swell on your stomach, a promise of another youngster arriving soon. The woman behind Giyuu came holding his son and after a long chat and bunch of laughter they promised to go to your place for dinner soon.
Ten years ago Sanemi thought he had lost it all.
And he did.
But he made a silent promise to Genya after meeting you, he would live as long as he could, never waste the opportunity to live his brother gave him, never let his sacrifice be in vain, he would live for the both of them, he would bring life to this world and protect it the way he couldn’t protect his siblings, he would protect his family until his last breath and once that moment comes and he gets to see him again, he will have many stories to share as they embrace eternity together, as family.
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Tagged babes: @doumadono
Masterlist Bonus Chapter
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berrinlee · 3 days
🩸- anon here with a few more silly ideas. (I’m a masc person so most of these are from a masc perspective:((( )
Logan and Goth older brother reader, kind of like Sunshine X Cerberus, but in the phantom realm? Readers the terrified one. And then Logan takes the protective role of :3
Ashlyn with a tap/acro dancer, friendly competition of different dance styles. Or a martial artist, I say this because if you’ve ever been in a dance studio that does multiple styles, the friendly beef is CRAZZYYY
Ben with either really short chaotic reader or a reader who’s taller then him and is the dad friend, bro is prepared for everything^2
Tyler with a Shakespeare quoting theatre kid, overly flirty and all (with consent ofc) they’re so gay for eachother
I literally can’t view Taylor dating someone who’s masc, but best ship I think is girlboss (Taylor) X girl failure, like fem reader is clumsy, bad at school, but in phantom realm? She’s the one hunting the phantoms down
no idea if this is a request, i assume not. but i’ll involve this with the misc list since i throw in my own ideas and a whole ass rant.
LOGAN. sunshine x cerberus would be the funniest thing ever because it reminds me of rodrick heffley. so lots of bonus points if goth older brother is a HUGE tease and does music. i feel like it’d be fun for goth!reader and aiden vs tyler with that personality i’m going for. just imagining goth laughing and encouraging taylor to record them; even provoking aiden and tyler when they’re all grumpy. but side effect: VERY IGNORANT PERSON if they were not involved with the phantom world, they would tease logan about the whole thing; even in public. which would cause serious problems like accidentally outing them and causing suspicions. if they were involved with the phantom world, they would react the same way tyler did but start a whole argument with tyler using tons of different insults. (bonus: actually very loving towards logan. does not care if their teasing goes too far but would protect logan with his fucking life.)
ANOTHER BONUS! in the band au, goth!reader would def help logan with his eyeliner (only did it when he noticed how half-assed logan’s make up was.)
ASH. at first, would most likely find the competition weird. if you made playful competitive jokes when you first meet her, she’d most likely be confused with your tone. are you making fun of her? are you trying to fight? are you joking? honestly kind of like another aiden x ashlyn if he was a dancer.. turns into a taylor x ash dynamic if we make this competitive little fella a good comforter. that’s absolutely adorable. at some point ash will find the playfulness easing her; sometimes irritated when you accuse her of “cheating” in the playful competition which is… most definitely not possible. if sbg were to be a musical, just imagine these two having a song where ash has to keep up with tap/acro dancer; most likely a “the other side” from the greatest showman type of song ngl.
BEN. would have such a fun personality if there was another dude who was way taller and was more of a dad figure. huge idol for ben honestly. yk the scene where ash compliments him for his good “first aid skills” or wtv and he blushes? imagine him always blushing everytime dad friend!reader compliments him or pats him on the head telling him that he did such a good job and that he’s proud. ben would hate showing his anger issues more towards dad friend!reader because he feels something in him that he doesn’t want to disappoint dad friend!reader. when they first met, he’d be way more timid because i like to think dad friend!reader would be a yapper but more of a calm one. would find it absolutely awkward being around dad friend!reader but finds so much comfort when dad friend!reader does something father-like (finds himself agreeing with dad friend!reader a lot and mindlessly following him while also throwing in his ideas.)
BONUS: picks up random habits that dad friend!reader does
TYLER. would find it absolutely ridiculous if a kid were to quote Shakespeare to him. but get this guy in a grumpy mood and tell him a shakespeare quote him? now you’re just being annoying. THOUUGHHHHH this guy seems to be keeping those words? oh m ygod just imagine reader getting upset and he pulls up with a shakespeare quote and he gets all shy when you tease him because he just gave out that he thinks of you when he sees ANY quote at all. proceeds to say “it’s just a one time thing” but uses quotes you have said to him to motivate him in the phantom world.
TAYLOR. she SCREAMSSSSS bisexual in denial. just imagine her blushy face when she sees how strong reader is in the phantom world, constantly defending her n shit. bandaging her own brother can be hard, but bandaging you??? YOU????? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO WITH HER?? MARRY HER??? BECAUSE SHE ISN’T SAYING NO!! just imagine ash having to divide the group for a plan and taylor immediately volunteers to go with you because holy shit. shy clumsy girl who’s good in fighting? no need for more info, she NEEDS that number. just imagine taylor teasing you and when you get all blushy and laughy, she sees your face and turns into a TOMATO. despite you being the clumsy one, she feels like she’s the clumsy one around you; becoming uncoordinated and messy when she sees you wipe a bloody nose and breathe heavily. bonus points if shy clumsy girl actually did martial arts and has a uniformed (person in the army) father who is HELLA STRICT WITH HER. more bonus points if the shy clumsy girl is actually really slim and her body aches after experiencing high amount of adrenaline
this is very self projecting because im literally describing myself. sorry guys.
btw just imagine being the clumsy girl and running into taylor in a garage where she’s wearing a white tank top with oil all over. ohMY RHAOJCOCJOWWMOANSODMDDJQOWMSODMDO HELDOFOPSPWP
AIDEN. huge angst here idc i love aiden angst! just imagine his childhood friend being aiden’s BIGGEST friend but suddenly lost all contact when they moved houses, and aiden just loved them so much he thinks of them everyday; doing things that his friend would’ve done and likes videos that reminds him of them. despite him learning to be able to live without them, he has so much loyalty for them. just to run into them at the school and seeing that they refuse to interact with him until they were forced into the group bc of that TEACHER. huge slowburn due to their unknown want to avoid from aiden. bonus points if aiden tries to push them (like how he was pushy the first few eps) by reminding them of things they used to do when they were kids or showing them things that remind him of their childhood.
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u’ve been fed.
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everlasting-rainfall · 5 months
-Headcanons about the Figarland Family-
Hey so this is me having come up with some bullshit that I use to further think up scenarios about an OC of mine known as Esther and her relationship with Figarland Garling
I figured that I would post them just for fun also just to clarify something, I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER CONDONE THE ACTIONS OF ANY CELESTIAL DRAGON
I might love Garling and I understand that the man is an absolute horrid human being like honestly if I wasn’t so sure that I would die then I would try to take his ass out if I saw him in real life but I can’t fight him so I’ll just run
In fiction world though, I wouldn’t mind if he forced me to stand at the altar and say I Do while wearing a white dress…
If you have any problems with that then please just scroll on by…
Death, Execution, Celestial Dragons, SPOILER WARNING, Kidnapping, Yandere, Forced Pregnancy,
-The Figarland Family is not only known for their status and power alongside Garling being a champion but because they make incredibly powerful warriors
-But not only that, they make a lot of incredibly talented weapons smiths as well like I have an OC named Berkley who is Garling’s brother and he’s an incredibly skilled weapon smith
-The stuff that has come out of the more weapon smithing members of the family is quite impressive like they’re incredibly high end and don’t allow just anyone to have them
-Typically the really good weapons are handed to the fighters of the family while the not so great weapons are what’s given to people outside the family
-The Figarland Family has quite a few hunting/guard dogs like they’re all Tibetan Mastiff’s and they are some of the scariest and most terrifying dogs you will ever see
-People have legit horror stories about those things calling them hellhounds and things like it’s rare to meet a person in the holy land who don’t know about those things
-They are well trained, well groomed, well cared for, and know exactly how to mess you up
-No one knows that if you’re a member of the Figarland Family then these guys are total sweethearts, they enter serious mode whenever there’s a visitor or they’re outside or they have specific orders to be in serious mode
-They have a leader too and it’s a little Pomeranian that all of the Tibetan Mastiff’s listen to like these dogs stand at attention the second that the Pom barks in a specific way
-The Pom is an old dog but it’s not to be messed with and it’s been seen legit herding the mastiff’s like they’re a bunch of sheep
-Garling didn’t see the point of the Pom when he was younger and disrespected it once… Don’t ask what happened but know that he now knows that the Pom is very important and whatever you do, never mention his leg scar…
-The Dogs typically get very protective around the younger members of the family like there’s an old picture of Shanks (I subscribe to the idea that Garling is Shanks Dad) as a baby cuddled up with one of the dogs
-They also are the best friends of any Yandere members of the family as they’ll go serious mode and watch over the Darling when the Yandere isn’t around
-Garling spends at least an hour in front of the mirror every morning doing his hair, it’s even longer when he’s older and has the beard
-It’s a hairstyle that the men of the family share like if Shanks grew up around them then it’s very likely that he would have eventually been made to grow his hair out and adopt the hairstyle that his father and all the other men do
-The women of the family don’t have to do it and are pretty much allowed to wear their hair however they want just so long as it’s not like even something that the person with the weirdest hairstyle would find weird like I’m talking styling your hair into branches and hanging ornaments off of it
-Garling despite having a lot of celestial dragon bitches in love with him has absolutely no interest in any of them like he gets at least five love letters a day but he typically gets rid of them
-He has no interest in them and he doesn’t intend to have interest anytime soon as when he eventually falls in love, he wants that to be the one
-The one he dates, the one he marries, the one he makes birth his children, the one he stays loyal to
-That’s the one that he’ll personally pursue and he doesn’t give a shit what status they are as he’ll take them and just keep them in his home, they’ll never leave him and he’ll make sure of that
-This man is a natural born Yandere and I can’t be convinced otherwise…
-So as a result, Shanks mother/Garling’s spouse is still locked up in the house and not allowed to leave unless she’s accompanied by Garling himself or another family member but only if it’s an emergency
-Besides his S/O, Garling currently lives alone at the Figarland House like it’s just him and his S/O alongside the guard dogs
-He enjoys it as it’s good for quiet relaxation time whenever he doesn’t have to train or handle the other Holy Knights and that way as well, he’s able to listen for the footsteps of his S/O better
-As for where his brother, Berkley who I mentioned earlier lives? He lives on the property just not in the main house like he has a smaller house somewhere else on the property where he lives and handles everything
-It’s really the same for any other members of the family as well, they don’t live at the main house as that house is reserved for the head of the family to live in and when Garling’s father died. That became him
-If you feel lucky enough or if you’re desperate enough then if you find yourself being sentenced to death by Garling then you can actually propose a duel where if you win then you go free and if Garling wins then the execution continues
-Garling has accepted quite a few of these duels and has always come out as the winner with his fastest victory being seven seconds, he knows that he will never be defeated so he isn’t afraid in the slightest to take on these duels as they can be good fun in his own personal opinion
-However if Garling really doesn’t feel up to it or is in a hurry then he’ll either deny your request, allow one of the Holy Knights to fight you instead, or kill you right where you stand if you continue to insist or provoke him enough
-Doesn’t matter to him none
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Today’s replies are mostly about our previous posts…
Anonymous asked:
Ryu??? Your last TreyRiddle fanart????? I've been starved of content of that ship and you deliver such delicious food??? Thank you so much!!! I bet Riddle is dying to bury his head between Trey's tiddies (who wouldn't??) Wonderful work!! Looking forward to see more of them in your style in the future ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous asked:
Riddle has been getting a lot of extra attention as of late not that I'm complaining boy needs some love~
HEHEHE I’ve told you, you never know when the mood for certain ships is going to hit us~ We’ve been thinking about these two (…and about Trey and Riddle too! *very clever tiddies joke*) a lot this past week.
I’ve already mentioned it, but we’re rewatching the main story, slowly but surely. And it’s a great opportunity to get inspired to draw the boys that we haven’t touched in a while. And Riddle deserves all the love!!
I’m very happy you’re happy to see them, and also happy to deliver <3
Anonymous asked:
Floyd jelly Trey and chenya are pleasuring his man
To be honest, I don’t know if Floyd would be jelly. It’s one of many things in Floyd like that  which depend on his mood. Maybe he’d feel like something of his is getting stolen, but maybe he’ll just take it as a reason to tease Riddle more + an excuse to cling to him and harass him~
Anonymous asked:
I saw your Lilidia artwork and now all I can think of is how good Lilia would look in a thong.
Please don’t let Lilia find out about it, he’ll genuinely consider wearing it… it’s not cutesy enough for him probably, but his flat-ass butt deserves it lol
masked-cat asked:
Do you ship Azul/idia and Lilia/idia separately or does Azul run a rental service? Lol
If only… If only Azul knew how popular Idia’s going to be… IF ONLY!!! Missed business opportunity!!1 lol
In all honesty it depends; sometimes they coexist, because none of them actually date each other yet, so it’s just a mix of complicated feelings between all of them. Sometimes they coexist because Azul, while being extremely jealous, knows better than to challenge Lilia. Sometimes they don’t coexist lol
Oh, I actually have a reply on this topic!
Anonymous asked:
in Rookvil marriage, Epel probably only gets to be flower boy because Rook is decided to be Vil's right man
Oh Epel is going to be so pissed lol Sorry, Epel, we can’t trust you with anything other than throwing flowers.
Anonymous asked:
Vil treats Jack and Ortho better than Epel XD
Of course he does, Jack and Ortho are good boys ❤️
I really love how in Vil’s mind the first years are a young potato #1, a young potato #2, a tiny potato, aw these two good boys, and a fucking CUCUMBER.
Anonymous asked:
So Rook is gonna be involved in the Tweels and Azul's life now that Vil is part of Shroud and how Idia is part of them?
(this is related to this reply)
Now that’s a sitcom I would absolutely watch lol But I’m afraid everyone would just be freaked out by Rook. No one knows why he’s always here, but he just is, and even if he isn’t, you know he’s lurking around. Vil is used to it, Ortho doesn’t mind it, Idia is terrified but that’s nothing new, but the Tweels and Azul would probably be very uncomfortable lol
Anonymous asked:
If Jamil and Ruggie knows about Azul's jealously, they will likely mess with him by being boyfriends together in front of Azul making him more irritated.
(this is related to this reply)
Oh they don’t care about Azul that much (OHHHHH--)
But it would definitely be funny and also could be a nice punishment if Azul becomes too clingy lol The problem with Azul is that he won’t just tolerate it peacefully, so it’s a dangerous game to play with him…
Anonymous asked:
Rook must love that he gets to see both his stalkees at the same time whenever Neige is on the hunt for more Vil pics and stuff
(this is related to this reply)
Yeah, this is always Rook’s happiest time of the day… The whole situation is quite amusing, but the fact that it’s Roi du Neige who stalks Vil… Honestly it would probably overwhelm Rook, but in a good way (so bad for Vil lol).
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idiasdiscordkitten · 2 years
for vampire requests, can i request maybe vampire leona, floyd, and jade realizing the reader is like really weak or on the brink of death from all of the blood they’ve been sucking outta them? thank you!
the angst potential... wow! yes, of course!  i will be giving this a romantic spin, if that’s okay with you!
leona, jade, and floyd as vampires realizing they've gone too far with the prefect
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Leona Kingscholar
💛 leona loves the taste of your blood.  not just that, but the noises you make when he bites you.  indulging in his instincts is something he really, really enjoys
💛 he usually doesn’t take too much--or, at least, he doesn’t think so.  he respects you, so if you tell him “that’s enough” or yank his hair a little, he’ll stop.  you’ve not been saying it as soon as you usually would, though, so leona just totally loses himself in your blood
💛 if you’re super pale, having a hard time standing up, collapsing/fainting...  the guilt he feels is overwhelming.  he’ll get angry at you for not saying anything to him about how you were feeling, and he doesn’t understand why you’d let it get to this point.  if you tell him “i just don’t want you to suffer from thirst” ... his heart aches
💛 leona will carry you princess-style and bring you to the infirmary, demanding that you get top priority treatment.  he’ll also tell you that he’s never biting you again.  while he honors these words for a good while, it won’t be long before he succumbs to your charms and scent once again
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Jade Leech
💜 jade is extremely careful with you.  the first time he drank your blood, he knew you were dangerous.  blood like yours is special; it could be something addictive.  besides, he enjoys the thrill of the hunt, and the last thing he wants to do is cause harm to you
💜 his assessment of you was correct, though: your blood is addictive, and lately, he’s been having intense cravings for you, specifically.  part of it comes from your delectable taste, but another part comes from his general attraction to you
💜 he’s extremely concerned seeing you in this state, especially knowing that he is solely to blame.  jade’s not only concerned for you, but for himself; if he’s unable to control himself around you, that means he’s slipping, and he won’t be able to keep up this “normal” façade forever
💜 jade will look after you and do what he can to nurse you back to health on his own.  he may request help from azul, who has plenty of connections, but will avoid involving the school so that his true nature can remain secret.  he’ll ask you if you’d like to be turned, too, so that the two of you can avoid this in the future
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Floyd Leech
💜 floyd doesn’t get serious very often, but when he does, you know it’s bad
💜 he’s very casual with his bites.  if he feels like drinking your blood, he’ll do it, plain and simple.  floyd only ever uses the lightest possible pressure with you when he bites--if he wants to be rougher, he’ll ask first, just because he doesn’t want to actually kill you.  so because of that, it’s not any huge deal to you
💜 at least, it wasn’t a huge deal.  but now, seeing you like this...  floyd actually feels scared.  seeing you look practically dead terrifies him.  like, this wasn’t what he was going for, ever.  if he loses you, everything’s going to be so boring again.  he can’t let that happen
💜 he’ll get right up in your face and ask if you wanna get turned and be a vampire with him, saying that it’s more fun anyways.  if you accept, he’ll happily turn you right then and there.  if you deny him, he’ll be irritated and not understand why.  he’ll end up calling for help, though, and the two of you will have a long conversation about what needs to happen so you can be around one another safely.  because neither of you want to be apart, ever
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Ok a bit angsty but how would Alucard react to his partner getting physically or verbally threatened by someone? Maybe the Iscariot kidnaps them or maybe a man threatens to beat them?
The bloodshed that would follow is far more then anyone would want to deal with. TW: Blood, Violence, Metions of torture and Murder
Though he won't say it this is one of his biggest fears the Iscariot is one of his greatest enemies and you his most precious person you can see why he worries
The moment he finds out you've been taken all hell breaks loose nothing will stop him for hunting you down not even an order from Integra
It won't take him long to find you either Hellsing has you tracked and with his and Seras senses put together they won't be able to hide you
No matter what kind of state he finds you in the people how took you end the same dead with nothing left for people to find however it can become worse then just being ripped apart
Should he find you in any state of hurt or pain they suffer a rather slow end likely bleeding out before being torn apart he has Seras help you during this time
The worst thing would be if you were close to death when he finds you now its not just a about repaying them for the harm or fear they cause no nows its about revenge and sending a message
In the end Alucard is still monster a powerful vampire that should never be messed with and hurting or trying to hurt the people dearest to him can only end in pain
Bones broken in every place then ripped apart bit by bit kept alive for as long as possible begging for mercy and he shows none once more Seras is made to take you home and make sure you are safe
After that however Alucard becomes very clinging though he onlys says it when its just the two of you he was terrified the thought of losing you is to much for him
He might want to make you a vampire after this happens if only so he knows you can handle more than a human but it will still be your choice
Kisses, cuddles, dates and being spoiled is your life for the next month he need to be reminded your okay and alive and with him that you still love him even knowing just how dangerous it truly is
This is something that will wear on him for a long time even if you choose to become a vampire it makes him keep his guard up far more then before and anyone who crosses his path will feel all his wrath
I hope this works! I wasn't sure where to take this one but I thought this was interesting since it's not really my style. I tend to write soft things not bloodshed so it was kind of fun to think of what might happen! Thank you for request and reading I will be making an Update post soon so please keep an eye out for that as well ~ Lilly
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Oh yeah. I'd say the transformers baring the beastformers ie Maxamals, Predacons and Ravage their food web is N/A. In a world like TFP they're basically all n/a except for Predaking and he drinks cubes. I'm leaning TFP since i know it best.
Orcas, Dolphins, and fricken octapi would definitely terrorize any Cons in the water. As would the larger sharks.
And humans being omniverous we could get energon from cyber plants, other cyber animals and just cronch the crystals raw as well as drinking cubes of refined energon. There's evidence even as far back as two million years ago our ancestors were hunting megafauna to extinction. And being turned into robots to serve Deceptacon overlords? People would be Pissed. Homo Sapiens techni would be a terror to the Deceptacons as would most megafauna. Scraplets with a vendetta that wouldn't eat you alive just chase you untill you colapsed untill you were too tired to run anymore.
Can you imagine a herd of bison or moose? They will ef up a mofo, and his vehicle. The poor vehicons wouldn't stand a chance agains cyber-ungulants.
Tarantulas where ever he is would be over the moon though. Here you have mechanical organisms retained their organic body plans. And now their easier to fix! Surgons being able to remove and replace wonky organs more easily. Even in the Pit, he'd be swooning with joy. Shockwave would also find this intriguing.
This isn't even getting into the whole Unicron at the center of the earth thing. Would that make us resistant to Dark Energon or more susceptible to it?
Do you think Homo Sapiens techni would be able to transform? Cause in the cosmology Primus is a benevolent diety. Would he adopt the Bastard Children Unicron abandoned? Especially if Optimus did something with the matrix to intervene?
Yeppp, so they absolutely are not prepared for this :)
Goddamnnnnn technoorganic cephalopods would be terrifying, and honestly giving them longer lifespans as a treat WILL probably mean they get to learn more— not necessarily more intelligent, sure, but they'll get more time to apply it. This Will Have Consequences
Also consider: cyberformed dogs. And I don't mean the little yappy fuckers, I mean large hunting dogs and sheep dogs. Imagine how fucking cool they would be, and they too are persistence hunters.
Nopeeeee, ohh. Oh they are in for such a time. Moose are so much bigger than you would anticipate, and I feel like cyberforming would make a lot of these larger herbivores even more bold.
Also bears, don't forget bears.
Tara would be! I've been thinking a lot about Tara but in tfp, and I imagine his little technoorganic spark would be in love with this place regardless of which characterization we're rolling with here. Hell, in this situation, I can see him turning against the cons if we're rolling with a more beast wars style. After all in BW didn't he try to overthrow Megs?? If we're going for Earthspark Tara I feel like he's liable to just fuck off into the CyberEarth woods to study it all. Shockwave's gonna be stealing ideas from Mother Nature: enhanced addition
ooo ohhh adding dark energon into this shit will be interesting as fuck, because we KNOW that shit interacts in interesting ways with energon and if it interacts with the technoorganics... It wouldn't be a surprise if some of the CyberEarth animals that die don't stay dead. zOMBIE SHIT Y'ALL
Adding transforming into this gives us so many more fun things
Not even just including your typical humanoid to vehicle or animal, but being able to transform different weaponry— technoorganic humans and animals alike. Can you imagine if a wolf could have a form more optimized for damage and one more optimized for speed? New opportunities for amphibious lifestyles?? Taking retractable claws and fangs to a whole new level?? I'm staring at a Curious Archives video on "The Future Is Wild" so I might be in the same spec bio heaven mode as Tara is. It would be so goddamn fun if Primus did intervene for the sake of his brother's wronged children, if he (and Optimus, to some degree) wanted to give what's here of humanity and nature a better chance.
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tirsynni · 10 months
Years ago (crazy to think about how many years, honestly), I started Sands of Time as writing practice to see if I could get into the practice of writing on a regular schedule (it failed). I had a bunny inspired by thinking too much about Ganondorf and his role in OoT and WW, decided it was as good as an excuse as any to work on writing regularly (failed so hard), and it ended up becoming a love letter to a game series which I've loved almost my entire life.
That fic kept going and going and taught me so much about writing, both in general and fanfic-specific. It ended up being far longer than planned, more detailed than planned, and even when I was distracted and tired and side-eyeing this massive WIP, it reminded me of how much I loved the Zelda games and the many details, overt and subtle, in them. Writing was more than just putting words on paper: it was translating the things I was passionate about. Even if there are some definite issues in the fic due to the many distractions occurring during its creation and how sometimes I wrote less because I was passionate to write and more because I was just stubborn about seeing the fic through, it's still a fic I'm very proud of. It is also, without a shadow of a doubt, my most popular fic. It is a fic that someone refused to rec because they wanted to hit lesser known Zelda fics, and holy shit, I preened when I read that.
I have been struggling with fic and fandom in the last year for many reasons, including some serious RL stressors. The other big reasons have to do with the evolution of fandom itself. I'm not talking about the rise and fall of the popularity of certain things. For example, while I'm not a fan of "reader" fic, I feel like it's a fantastic example of the things that can be done with the fanfiction medium and also a way to explore how tropes/genres/random things in fanfiction reflect different cultural changes in the same way horror movies do. What I hate, though, is the rise of negative feelings and negative takes in fandom, transforming it from a fun, collaborative atmosphere into an arena full of witch hunts, deliberately bad takes, and people terrified to write because they are afraid of being attacked for their content, pairing, writing styles, grammar, etc. I love fandom as a love letter to canon, an exploration of canon, an exploration of self and writing styles, among other things. Now it feels like it's no longer that.
Back in the Old Days, people put disclaimers on fics because they didn't want to be sued. Now people put disclaimers on things assuring readers that of course they don't advocate these things, these things are bad, they know it, they aren't a criminal, they aren't a pedophile, they aren't a Bad Person. Now I see people skip summaries just to tell people to stop attacking them for their pairing and to just let them write what they like.
I see people indulging in deliberate bad takes of the original content, of the original creators, of other writers in fandom, of different tropes, of game mechanics... fucking everything. Sometimes it's just a nasty circle. Sometimes it's done to elevate something else, because we all know the only way to elevate something is to put something else down. I understand vent sessions. I understand going to a friend and going "Holy shit, did you see that summary??? Wow!" It should stop life as a quick vent. It shouldn't make up the person's entire personality. It shouldn't require a full online presence. Hate should never be detailed in the comments. Call-out posts should be left to actual nazis, terfs, etc., not to someone who wrote a "gross" or "unhealthy" or whatever pairing. Seriously. If you waste so much time on that, you need to look into some self-exploration and therapy. In all sincerity.
Fanfiction is not a published work. It should be fun. It is put online to be shared with fellow fans. It is something where someone gets excited about something or has an idea about something or wants to explore something or just wants to write some kinky porn and then share it with fellow fans. That's why writers post work and then sit eagerly .02 seconds later waiting for people to comment on it because they want to share their thoughts and love and happiness and excitement and sadness and grief and their general emotions with others and they want those others to respond and share their thoughts and reactions, too!
I just saw a post tearing into Moffat's Sherlock series because it lacked sincerity for the audience and source material and instead indulged in its arrogance, contempt, and self-righteousness. My immediate thoughts turned to the Lord of the Rings movies. If Sherlock is remembered, it will be purely in the critical sense, an example as to how a popular series was forgotten and dismissed. LotR remains loved. It is a classic. It is something people repeatedly marathon despite the lengthy watch time. LotR was a love letter to its source material. It wasn't just the writers and directors: everyone involved was sincerely, fiercely passionate about it, and it shows. It drags the watchers in, prompted people who had never read the original to pick up the books, inspired so much fanfiction. It was sincere and passionate and loving and, in turn, its fans are sincere and passionate and loving.
The LotR movies explored and loved the genre, the characters, the message. Even when characters faltered, it didn't make them terrible people. It made watchers hold their breath, it made watchers cheer them on, it made watchers hope. Check out people who do bad takes of Frodo and his struggle with the Ring and watch how many people come out of the woodwork to defend Frodo. There was no tongue-in-cheek humor mocking the source material. There was no critical analysis of "Well, you see, this is how the hero was actually stupid." No. It was sincere. It was loving. It still makes people cry and cheer and happy even when they're wiping away a sad tear or two.
I've read fanfics where the writers insist on the worst takes for the characters. It isn't done out of humor or a teasing love or an exploration into the characters/writing styles/etc. The writers want to drag the characters down, put themselves on a pedestal, and do it not through sincere analysis but by doing the worst possible takes on the situation. This usually relies on going into the source material with a negative mindset and desiring negativity in return, feeding primarily on the negative takes of others rather than looking into the source material or looking for positive takes, or just having a "bad faith" mindset. They go into it with an axe to grind and want to drag everyone else down with them. It isn't one or two fics: it's a growing, poisonous movement which is one of the things driving people out of fandom. It isn't a love letter to the source material. It is hate and disgust and contempt and Moffat writing Sherlock, patting himself on the back all the while and surrounding himself with people doing the same exact thing.
I'm a strong believer in people writing whatever they want to write. You want to write this character being evil? Sure! You hate this character and want to make them OOC to bash them even more? Go for it! I've written so many things testing how far I could go or feeling angsty and wanting others to feel angsty or even feeling happy and grinning like a feral gremlin as people wrote comments talking about how the angst in the story made them bawl. Want to write vore? Want to write character death? Whatever! It is fucking fiction, and it should be something you can enjoy doing. Hell, an asexual person can write two people fucking without wanting to get fucked. A lesbian can write two men fucking. A pacifist can write a murder mystery. It is fiction. Write whatever you want, and I hope that you feel better after doing so, even if it is only in the catharsis way of having a bad day and getting it out by making characters bleed.
Already, I can fucking hear people insisting that all of this makes you a bad person. No. No. If you truly believe that, it means you don't understand writing. You don't understand art. OR it's not a misunderstanding but a deliberate Bad Take, an extension of the poison I described above, because you want to attack someone and you want any opening. See: Republicans going after Drag Queens now, probably not actually believing that Drag Queens are harmful but recognizing vulnerability and knowing they can manipulate others through hatred. If you truly believed that, you would be wondering about Stephen King and other writers, but instead, you use conservative attacks and uncritically promote purity culture and are oblivious to the day when the leopard turns around to eat your face.
It's exhausting. It's a growing trend that is poisoning the water that is fandom and is not only playing a part in driving people out, but is keeping people from ever trying their hand in the first place. It is keeping people from enjoying what should be a fun thing. It is fucking poisoning minds, because this is a damned slippery slope. Hammer/nail and all that. It is seeing one thing as "problematic" and knocking over one tile and then seeing a full domino effect because they never bothered to analyze what "problematic" meant or why they found that "problematic." It is people grabbing a torch with the hope they won't find themselves on the stake.
Let people enjoy fandom. Try having positive takes. Let fanfiction and fanart and fanworks in general be something enjoyable again. Maybe some people use it as a way to vent current political issues. Maybe some people want to explore certain sexual kinks and writing these two (or three or five or seven) characters going at it is a great way to do it. Maybe they had a funny thought and want to share it via fanfiction. Whatever. We can't go online and bash people like Moffat and then casually do the same exact thing. We can't bitch about conservative politicians attacking people and then use the same exact thought processes and methods to attack others.
Let people be sincere in their enjoyment. If you don't like it, find something you do like. Maybe take some time with some tools and explore things which make you happy instead of indulging in deliberate bad takes to tear others down and use those takes to bind yourself to others and their bad takes like barbwire. Remember why things like LotR lives on and makes people so happy and why Moffat's works are going to be used in classes in the future as to what not to do.
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almightyhamslice · 5 months
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KDL3 Stage 1-4, Chao and Goku's stage!
In this level, my working explanation for the story is that it's been sorta... overtaken... by Boboo, who is looking for more fuel to create more Bobos and become more powerful. As it so happens, Goku is incredibly strong and high in energy, making him a great source of fuel... so Boboo wants to hunt him down. Terrified, Goku flees into 1-4's caves! Chao gets worried, and sends Kirby to find him. Kirby defeats Boboo, allows Gooey to use their Burning ability, and they make it safely back to Chao.
I have somewhat returned to traditional media. Apologies for posting this late... it's actually for the same reason as the style change! I went on vacation right after Christmas! I also realized the Ohuhu markers I got as a present were WAY nicer to use than colored pencil n didn't hurt as much so um. fuck that noise im only using colored cpencils for the bgs now. or when i need them. idk.
Did you know Chuchu can climb ceilings? Because of her suction cups I suppose. It's very fickle in the game I think, but I suppose it's one of her abilities I do consistently find myself entertained by??? it's so quirky and cute lol.
Goku is a deity, though probably a young one judging by his design?? I dunno, I didn't play Yuyuki since it's famicom exclusive. He's clearly based on Sun Wukong from Journey to the West! Chao on the other hand, is a completely normal human girl. She's specifically stated to be Chinese, so she's from Earth and could either be visiting Popstar, or perhaps moved there after some kind of planetary catastrophe.... Anyways, she and Goku are best friends. Idk much abt Chao's character, but I did notice that her outfit is a changshan, which is generally considered masculine (it has a feminine counterpart, the cheongsam, which looks completely different!) so it could mean that she is a tomboy? Or maybe she just prefers loose fitting clothes.
Regarding Boboo, I suppose they're an ifrit like Efreeti. They're not actually allied w Dark Matter though, they're just incredibly self serving, almost animalistic. Their entire body is made of flame except for their shoes, which are stainless steel. Anything they touch, they will attempt to overtake and assimilate as fuel! They seem terrifying, but can still be put out (almost) as easily as any other fire.
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obeymeluv · 2 years
Jealous Demon Headcanons [General] (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie)
Not gonna lie, almost didn’t do Satan and Asmo because Satan looks like he’s represented by a unicorn (which is mythical and has no real behavioral patterns to look at) and there are not a lot of behavioral studies done on scorpions (Asmo). And I get that Beel’s animal is a fly for gluttony and he was misrepresented as “Lord of the Flies” instead of “Lord of the Flyers”, but i think he’s much better suited to a bull. He’s a bull and Belphie can be a sleepy cow.  
Anyways, have this. These four were hard. 
Satan (regrettably, his heritage is largely unknown)
The fourth-eldest does seem to share characteristics with that of the first born, almost to an uncanny degree, but don’t say that. Ever.
Satan sits under the banner of a...unicorn...and the creature is known to some for stabbing criminals and liars. We’ve heard the fourth-born can be quite “stabby” when agitated so perhaps the correlation isn’t wrong
Unicorns were well known for only being quelled by virginal women, so perhaps this indicates his keenness and how well he judges character
Satan as a demon does not fit into one particular demon class but is a rare case of taking after his familiars. He associates with cats of various sizes and is known for mimicking them though hardly any physical proof exists to confirm it
His tail certainly doesn’t resemble that of a unicorn or cat but it is alleged that the appendage has tiny barbs and hooks on it. Some think it can excrete a poison but it has never been used in this fashion. It is whip-like, corded, and very hard to shake once it’s lodged into you. Some say his older brother Leviathan taught him serpentine ‘kill/squeeze’ tactics with it.
Allegedly, the fourth-born is prone to startle. He is easily absorbed into books or whatever catches his fancy and does not have good hunting instincts/awareness. Some say he yeowls like a cat in his startle.
As the Avatar of Wrath, Satan makes great efforts to mind his temper because losing it greatly enhances his demon qualities and makes him more prone to feral behavior. Losing control of his nails or having them turn into claws is a sign of his building frustration. This is reversible but only through hard work on his part (and absolute trust of whoever is attempting to calm him down).
Elongation of his teeth, especially frontal fangs, is another sign to back off. 
Once Satan switches to skittering (he seems to have adapted a four-legged hunting style. Perhaps due to his familiars?), beware. You are officially prey and he is about to hunt. 
Satan likes to stalk anyone he wishes to keep an eye on by staying in the shadows, making himself as scarce as possible, and being in high places that allows him a bird’s eye view. It’s like detective work, an investigation, except he’s not solving a murder. He’s probably planning one.
If he opts for direct confrontation instead of lying in wait somewhere high, expect him to be bowed up and looking as large as possible. If his target flees, he will eventually simmer down on his own. He’ll just swish his tail angrily and vocalize in little growls until his senses come back to him.
He’s a dirty fighter. Because he’s so prone to feral mode, Satan doesn’t think to use his magic or his wits. Much like his youngest brother, he’s all teeth and claws and whatever he can reach
In more...intelligent...bouts of jealousy Satan is as terrifying as Lucifer. He’s very adept at curses and has fairly strong defensive magic. He’s not the best with poisons but he knows enough to make an inconvenience and get the point across.
Satan would much rather fight without getting his hands dirty. He likes to crush the competition on multiple levels--grades, socially, etc. When jealous, the fourth-born will not hesitate to challenge or correct someone with information he’d read in one of his many books.
He’s a bit cheeky and prone to pranks so expect him to magic the target’s chair away (just a hair) or replace their textbook with a biting book as they settle into class. He’ll do it with a hard, furious stare that looks hot and cold at the same time
Will also try to throw the target to the wolves when it comes to answering class questions. Puts them on the spot. He definitely overheard them talking about this subject and they seemed like an expert so he’s sure they could answer the question.
The petty type. He’ll swing his satchel/bag wide and knock things off their desk ‘without meaning to’ and ‘accidentally’ kick it away as he turns around to survey the damage see what happened
Overall: he’s not bad if they don’t push his buttons. He’s actually just very petty and usually more bark than bite. The right person can settle him easily.
Asmodeus (Incubus class?)
This is yet another demon who could not be accurately classified. Asmodeus shares a lot of traits with the incubus/succubus class but doesn’t display any animal habits to elaborate one
As with most demons, he has a wicked set of teeth that he’ll sharpen and file down at random through the year depending on what is trendy. He’s not one to bite his targets, though.
Interestingly, like his elder brother Leviathan, he does seem to occasionally produce poisons but they are not of the snake family. He never submits any samples for analysis so their effect (if any) is unknown
Being closely related with incubus/succubi, it is suspected that his poison is more of a...liquid pheromone-type substance that could impact moods. This has not been confirmed.
Like his older brother Satan, Asmo attacks with words and does not prefer physical altercation. He values his nails too much to use them. Asmo wears several rings and small accessories that have built in blades and little things to cut/jab anyone he deems a threat or nuisance.
He will break a target down emotionally, slowly isolating them from classmates in the process. Asmo’s gifted with words in the worst ways when it counts. 
When he’s focused on something, he will not relent until he gets the result he wants and it’s done to his standard. 
Asmodeus has the most control over his senses/presentation, even when jealous. He does not go feral and has yet to lose his voice to demon tongue. Usually resorts to charming mind/eye magic because that’s a strong suit and takes less time or energy.
It’s no secret that he and the Avatar of Greed banter. The two have tussled quite a bit. Asmodeus knows several throws and wrestling moves because of this, but hates to use them because he often busts stitches on his clothing. When Asmodeus goes quiet and gets physical--run.
Also: if he puts his hair up or takes off accessories--especially earrings or heels--run
Overall: his type of jealousy is catty and benign but he can dig the knife in when he wants to. As long as his partner/crush shows they’re making an effort to block out the competition, he couldn’t care less what the other person thinks they’re doing.
Beelzebub (Bovine class? Insectoid class?)
Many regard Beelzebub as Lord of the Flies but he doesn’t have many fly-based tendencies outside of preferring to hold his wrist with his opposite hand. It makes people think of how flies rub their legs together. This may be a gesture of self-comfort or a way to keep himself from grabbing things that look delicious when he knows he shouldn’t.
Some say when interested in something or someone, Beel may buzz around said interest. This may just be a quirk of curiosity, though.
Despite his thin, insectoid wings, many believe he takes after his twin brother and takes after bull/cattle. He is very protective of his “herd”
When angry, Beel tends to lead with his horns, swing his head, and bow up a bit as he blindly tries to chase the “threat” back. He will confront them verbally before this, but if the threat refuses or if Beel isn’t in the mood, he’ll “direct” them away with his horns
Having bull tendencies does but him on the feral scale but he is one of the “tamer” ferals. Will try to scare off threats with grunts and snorts prior to using his horns
In feral form Beel’s veins, especially in his neck and arms, are more pronounced. Seeing these veins are a good indicator that he is fixing to grunt or bellow over the “threat” as a warning to go away. He will start to snort a lot, too. His nose will be more active.
When sensibly jealous, Beel will simply remove his crush from the offender and walk off with them. His grip is stronger than normal and he has to be very careful. Will purr/growl to calm himself and his crush down.
As he descends more into “feral” nature, Beel will try to herd his crush away from the opposition by a hand on their lower back or standing between them. If he stands in between them, he tends to crouch down to his crush’s level and bump foreheads with them more often. Gentle bumps, silent requests to do as he asks and go in the direction he’s trying to bump you to.
When in his more feral moments, Beel is very easy to confuse and gets tunnel vision. If he’s made a fool of in feral form, Beel will just start straight up charging and demolishing things. If he gets the chance to toss or hook the threat, he’ll physically calm down. They’re removed and he can come back to himself.
The quickest way to calm him down is by smell or contact. Just tell him he did a good job and pet his chest or his arms. Maybe his hair. If you’ve been tasked to help him calm down and do so successfully, expect him to be extra cautious about where you try to go in the next few hours. Some think this is remains of the herding effect but he just has to know what you’re doing. Where are you going? Can he go? Why does he want to? Um...just because? 
Overall: gentle giant until he’s not. He respects his crush, their independence and capability to defend themselves but if he feels he needs to step up, he’ll do it once and finish it.  
Belphie (Bovine Class)
Much like his twin brother, Belphie exhibits bovine tendencies. He puts most of his energy into herding, and it’s usually trying to herd the opposition from his crush
If he had more energy, he would easily be one of the most dangerous ferals. Belphie tries to be ‘all bark, no bite’ but when his VERY OBVIOUS ‘do not mess with us!’ signs don’t work, he will bite. He’s a biter.
And a kicker. It comes more natural to him and Belphie has a ruthless mule kick. He tends to do this ‘hook them with the tail, then kick’ combo that only requires one leg to kick. 
He doesn’t like to use his claws because they’re for holding soft things (his pillow, you, etc.) but if he does, it’s going to be brutal. He won’t take them out until the threat is sufficiently wounded/subdued. If he’s feeling especially sadistic he’ll just take a chunk out of them and kind of...hold it.
If he’s angry enough to use his claws, he’s angry enough to headbutt and BOY does it hurt! Satan has been on the receiving end of this because they tend to playfight with his horns and Belphie subconsciously relies on a headbutt when he’s feel stressed or trying to overpower someone he’s locked in with
His feral tendencies use up a lot of his energy so Belphie doesn’t maintain them for very long. He takes after Satan and Asmo, destroying someone verbally before getting into it physically
May or may not have tried to beat someone with his pillow before. I’d like to think he has various pillows and some of them may have things sewn in/stashed inside the casings for just such an occasion.
Overall: prefers to keep to his crush and family. Will overlook A LOT and can largely be pacified by the crush until some IDIOT decides not to read the MANY signs he gave. Once he’s past that point, it’s the idiot’s fault and consequences to deal with. He’s still an absolute needy sweetheart to his crush, though, no matter what he comes back looking like. 
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Book Review 3 - Last Exit by Max Gladstone
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Okay, book review number 3! This was a denser read than the last few books I’ve gone through – I think it literally had more words per page than standard? Or maybe just a heavier writing style.
Now to be clear this isn’t any sort of complaint – I absolutely adored this book (So, thanks a million to @booksandchainmail and @circletofcircles for pointing me towards it!). Feels like I was leaving a bookmark every few pages because there was a passage that really jumped out at me I wanted to save. I had to just start tearing up whatever receipts I had handy every bookmarks at a certain point. Between this and This Is How You Lose The Time War, I absolutely need to hunt down some more of Gladstone’s stuff (I say, as if I don’t already have Empress of Forever out form the library and sitting on my dresser).
So, the story doesn’t make any direct reference to Lovecraft – and it is otherwise not shy at all about making direct references. There are like a half-dozen places where I could just tell what book/article/discourse Gladstone had on his mind as he wrote it, even leaving aside the e.g. place literally named Elsinore – but it honestly did a better job of being an anti-cosmic horror story than a lot of the stuff that says on its face it’s About Deconstructing Lovecraft does, at least imo?
The alien is terrible, and terrifying. It’s vaster than you can imagine, and it will destroy everything about the life you know. It whispers to the desperate and forgotten, speaks and promises to those who’d cast aside the world for something, anything, else. Fighting it is miserable, and bloody, and leaves you ruined in body and soul. But saving the world requires sacrifice, requires hard lines and desperate measures.
But, well, have you taken a look at the world recently? How sure are you it’s better than what lies beyond it? How much killing are you willing to do, off that surety?
And the book is excellent is getting that sense of desperation, of sunk costs and impending doom and making it feel like the only real choices are finding a bit of happiness for you and yours and shutting out the bigger picture, or making yourself a sin eater shoring up a rotting foundation. Also just generally, at giving a sense of poverty and desperation and impending collapse.
I’d say the resolution and epilogue feel a little saccharine, but that really very much the point – cast aside the gods we’ve made to rule over us, and the world really will be as good and kind as you’ve never dared to dream it might be. It’s a very anarchist story, that way.
The villain’s really fascinating, honestly. Like, in a certain very pat sense, it’s the embodiment of settler colonialism – a cowboy in a white hat who is watching you through every NSA back door in every phone camera – but it’s a bit more fundamental than that. (Also, weirdly not that racist or homophobic, given that)
I mean in one sense, like, the Cowboy’s whole thesis is that the world is basically awful, and anything good for anyone comes only at a cost to someone else, and that if you want a comfortable life for you and yours, you better have some men with guns willing to keep the people your comfort is taken from from tearing it back with interest. All of his associations are with civilization – roads, cities, cameras, guns, hierarchy writ large – are you get the sense that all the specific referents are about Manifest Destiny, the core is very, well, we’ve all read Against the Grain, right? The passages about how the first city walls were probably built to keep people in as much as out seem relevant, especially.
Or – there was a Tides of History episode a few weeks back about the Assyrian Empire, and how according to royal theology Ashur the god WAS Ashur the City, and the spread of the empire was the ordering of the world according to Ashur’s laws was in a sense the spread of Ashur himself. That feels like a comparison the book would have drawn, if the subject had come up.
But I’m rambling and only barely coherently, so will stop myself there – book’s not perfect, by any means, have some nitpicks with the plot, the direct references to contemporary politics get a bit didactic feeling and tired when you’re getting them with the same perspective from four/five POVs, the finale kind of descends into melodrama – but really lovely book, would recommend.
(also – it’s not really relevant to anything, but between this and Ninth House what the fuck is up with Yale? )
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sammygender · 20 days
thinking about that bit in the s10 episode i just watched where dean (and sam but i think mostly dean) recounts john taking them to new york and how there was SO MUCH in it. everything made me feel so vindicated i love love looove when spn suddenly lines up with something ive been thinking about. so much there.
dean being 'really underage' so i was thinking like 15 (not that id even describe 15 as REALLY underage, but these are americans) and sneaking out to a sick rock venue... <33. coolest kid around i love him. i like the establishment that dean did do things like that - it both makes me feel happier for him and slightly vindicates me against the people who claim dean was more sam's parent than his brother. thats not true. sure, he raised him, but he also snuck out to go to bars and dumped sam at random places and acted like an idiot older brother. and im glad dean got to do that.
15 year old dean (or some other young dean) being intentionally gotten drunk and implied to be roofied or drugged or whatever by a bunch of girls who were immediately all over him... hello... thats AWFUL..... god he must've been such a looker and i like it when canon acknowledges that. i have this idea in my head of like. 'funny looking' kid dean who's about twelve when he suddenly graduates from funny-looking to like relentlessly beautiful by just growing perfectly into his features. dean is always so aware of the way hes percieved physically in any given situation and always uses it in this specific way, from flirting with every girl around to responding to male aggression by way of cops etc by also like fake flirting or pretending they're sexually interested in him..... i dont always know where i land on 'precanon dean did sex work' hcs but this is something that does intrigue me about it. plus the weird and very sweet protectiveness he always has about sex workers - also just watched that ep where hes like trying to talk the soul-wanting sex worker out of it. ANYWAY. and the extremely casual way dean recounts this like its just?? something that happens to him??? hello???
then dean telling john he'd embarrassed him and he hated him...... doesn't really stack with everything else we've ever heard of child/teenage dean, but it's kind of interesting to consider. i guess he was incredibly drunk/potentially drugged. also this is from dean's perspective, a dean who was intensely gone and probably barely remembers.
and then we get a classic early-seasons style moment where dean recounts something about john winchester and goes Ha! Classic dad! What a great guy! and sam's like Dude wtf?????? except sam isn't snarky anymore so he just does a Look. i mean come on dean. ten minutes ago you said 'john winchester isn't winning any parenting awards' and now you're saying 'he raised us right!'. Dude. You KNOW that is not true. sam also knows you know.
that being said. i like seeing a moment of john winchester just being... a human guy. taking his kids to new york bc they kept begging him to and seeing all the fun sights. scaring the hell out of a bunch of terrifying punk teenagers who got his teenage son drunk. its more interesting to me to think that john is, like, a decent guy, aside from the child abuse, and probably would've been a much better dad if it wasn't for the trauma and the hunting and mary's death (though. i have to say. The way he deals with it is still his character!!! Putting it all on your very young son and venting to him is still like. Not something that a hell of a lot of people would do, even if they got just as revenge-driven. i reckon that specific type of parentification/spousification would've still have happened to dean. mary would've probably done it too.). the young john we see seems like a cool guy and he has strong as hell opinions about his future self's parenting (admittedly while not knowing it's his future self, lol). i reckon, on one level, john and dean did actually really get on. that makes the awfulness of it all so much more interesting to me <3
this post is all over the place but like. what an interesting scene. ill replay it and actually talk about in more depth and a more structured way someday.
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babyapocalypse · 9 months
Hello! Can I request cg jasper (and the rest of the fam), little Alice? Basically Alice overworks herself to the point where she doesn’t realize she has an accident and jasper helps her? Then after that the whole family finds out she regresses and is very sweet? And lots and lots of comfort tehe. Thanks! :)
SORRY it’s been taking me so long to get to this request. ILL ABSOLUTELY WRITE THIS! I’ve been having a bit of twilight writing block so I’m going to try literally my absolute hardest to write about the characters, i think it’s time for a rewatch.
Alice was stressed out. Her visions were a lot on her lately, she couldn’t get them away either. Sometimes she felt like she didn’t want them. It was neat and useful and all but sometimes it really triggered her anxiety. She tried her hardest to hide all of her feelings, but she felt everybody knew. She tried covering it up, getting ready to go hunting with the family.
She got ready to go hunting, fixing up her hair and putting on some light makeup. Why be a vampire without some serious class? She finished up, sprinting towards them. They headed into the woods, looking around for animals. They found a bear, causing Emmett to get excited. Alice was completely blanked out, which was unlike her during hunting. She never was unfocused, she was always doing a bunch of the work.
She drifted off, trying to catch something herself. She ran into a deer. It was going to work, she was convinced. She went to go charge at the deer, but then she got weak, realizing she was overworking herself. The stress was too much for her. She was a strong vampire, but yet so weak when she was in a bad headspace. She kept forcing herself to keep going, causing her to slip.
Once she had slipped she hadn’t gave up either. She kept trying for it, despite her being extremely tiny. Jasper was watching from a distance, worried for the girl. She never struggled this much, despite ever having an accident while hunting. That’s when Alice realized, looking down in fear. She started crying, running and trying to hide it. She hid deep down low, hoping nobody could see her, although they all definitely could. She was hiding like a little kid during hide and seek, worried and terrified of being caught.
Jasper rushed over to her, picking her up bridal style. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He said deeply, his beautiful, golden eyes staring into her eyes. The waterworks were already going, she was nervous. She knew Jasper had seen her regression once or twice, but she was completely scared of him seeing her like this. She wasn’t necessarily in a pure headspace, causing her to be a lot more work than usual.
“Hey, let’s get you back home.” He says, running with her still in his arms. He had clearly got his hunting done, based on the good mood. He didn’t seem as hungry anymore, making him overall seem happier and brighter. They both sparkled when they hit the sunlight, making sure nobody was around them. He finally made it home, opening up the door and carrying her inside.
Alice went to go explain before quickly being shushed. “We need to get you changed up, baby.” He explained, staring into her beautiful soul. He saw pureness in her eyes, just like she was a sweet little baby. He kissed her on the forehead before taking her out of the dirty clothes. He changed her into a fresh diaper, gently taping it around her waist. He got her nice and cozy in a onesie with little tiny bats on it and last but not least, he placed a pacifier in her mouth.
“All good, sweetheart?” He said, picking her up and rocking her back and forth. She nodded, feeling happier and relieved as she sucked on her pacifier. Jasper noticed the rest of the family was home, he knew they didn’t know about Alice’s regression. He got nervous for her, but also tried to stay calm. “It’s alright, they wont judge you.” He whispered deeply, soothing the little girl.
The family saw little tiny Alice, cooing at how adorable she was. “Hey kid! Fist bump!” Emmett said, laughing as she did it back gently. He gave her a high five and a dad hug after that. She was shocked everybody was so supportive of her regression, she didn’t understand it. Why were they so nice? Edward smiled at her, happy she was doing okay and not going frantic. They all wanted the best for Alice. If regressing was going to help her, they were all completely open to doing everything to help her regression out.
Esme gives Alice a hug, making the tiny girl smile. Rose then does the same, making the smile even wider than before. Her face was full of pure joy. Her eyes said it all, the beautiful golden shade they were glowing, the way she was looking at everybody, she was just so perfect and adorable.
For the rest of the time being, they all played games with little Alice, making sure she knew she was safe in her little space. She was beyond grateful for them, so extremely excited to be able to feel safe using her coping mechanism. She had the best time ever, having no regrets about slipping.
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skyfall8600 · 1 year
Day 11: Christmas Eve
Eddie Munson list
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12 Days of Christmas List
[800 words]
Note: so I know it’s not Christmas anymore and I’m so sorry you all had to wait for so long. I do plan on continuing with my writing but you should all hear it from me, 2023 will not have as frequent updates as my 2022 works. I’ve taken on a new job, still studying and will try my absolute best to write the stories you have all grown to love on here. That’s all for now, and I’ll finish off the 12 day of Christmas for my own sanity of the series being completed.
With all the lead up to the big day, over the years you started to feel that Christmas day was overhyped. Most of the time you would be stuck between family members you only saw once every few months, picking at the food on your plate.
But Christmas Eve? Yeah Christmas Eve was the main shit for you. You’d go all out, decorating cookies and perfectly wrapping each gift. Naturally, everything had to be following a particular colour style and presentation for how it looked…. Aesthically pleasiinig visuals was a must.
Over the few years that Eddie had grown to known you, seeing how you shined on Christmas Eve was one of his favoirite things. This christmas however, all your plans came crashing out because fate had been cruel and decided to gift you with the Flu on your favourite holiday.
And he had to hear all about your suffering as you spoke to him on the phone.
“By now I would’ve had all the presents wrapped,” you sulked, tearing up into the phone. “The house would smell like cookies…”
“I’m sure the house still smells great!” Eddie laughed, trying to conceal the noises he was making.
“I wouldn’t know, can’t smell a fucking thing.” You sniffled, “So, what are your plans for the rest of the—“ you were cut off by your own coughing, followed by groaning at the chest pains.
“Nothing much.” He lied, his eyes scanning over the mess of his creations. “I’ll let you rest up, Merry Christmas Eve love. Get better soon.”
“I’ll try.”
And with that, Eddie hung up the phone and got back to work. He had a scattered mess of wrapping paper and baked goods around the small trailer. It took him forever to hunt down the exact type of bows you always used, and as for the wrapping paper… he got the closest thing he could find.
You would always rave about how you mainly loved preparing everything for others to enjoy. And yet, Eddie couldn’t remember the last time someone gave you anything as nicely put together or special.
Today seemed like the perfect opportunity for Eddie to do just that. All the gifts he was planning on giving you tomorrow for Christmas Day suddenly had a new purpose; to give you the joyous Christmas Eve you always wanted.
With the gifts loaded in his truck, trays of cookies sat neatly on the passenger seat, Eddie was ready.
The drive to your house was short but he took his time, terrified that the slightest bump or curve in the road meant all his hard work would be destroyed.
He sung along quietly to himself when he parked the van in the driveway. Slowly he unloaded the goods and his eye caught the white costume beard.
He sighed, “Jesus Christ, Wayne.” He laughed, grabbing the rather cheap Santa beard in his hand. “I thought I said no to the beard, bloody old man.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. Wayne felt absolutely gutted that you were sick and suggested that Eddie should dress up like the ‘big guy’ when he makes his delivery. Eddie opted for a simple Santa t-shirt but couldn’t get the image of the beard out of his head. Would you like it? Would you think he was childish?
Frankly he didn’t care, or he should have thought about it more. Because now, he stood on your porch, arms full of presents and baked goods. And his big smile covered behind the white fake beard.
You, on the other hand, were covered in tissues and buried yourself in a blanket that towered over your entire body as you opened the front door. The first thing you saw was boxes upon boxes of gifts. All containing the exact ribbon you loved.
“Merry Christmas Eve! I figured since you couldn’t do the ribbons this year, then I’d give them to you.” The voice behind the hair and boxes called out.
That voice that you could always pick out in a crowd.
You smiled the best you could without feeling more pain, and you weren’t entirely sure if the tears running down your cheeks were from pure love of his boy or the slightly stinging sensation from your sore sinus.
“What—Eddie.” You croaked out, “what’s all this?!”
He scoffed, “It’s Christmas Eve. Like I was going to let you miss it.”
He leaned over all the items in his arms to kiss you on the forehead, you nudged him away, “But I’ll make you sick!”
“I don’t care. Gimme your germs.”
The toy of you laughed, hugged and sneezed for the rest of the night. And although you hated to admit it, perhaps being on the receiving end of your Christmas Eve celebrations was nice for once.
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blucifer08 · 1 year
So I haven't done a "propaganda post" for the @woltourney in a while, so I figured I'd make another! I struggled to think of what I wanted to put for this one, but I finally decided on something. The thing that is most striking to me about Naru is the way she fights, and I'd like to share a little about the inspiration for how I write about her prowess on the battlefield.
As such, I will be putting this under a readmore, as it does contain descriptions of violence; all wols have to face danger on the battlefield after all!
You can vote here!
(also woltourney i'm not actually sure if descriptions of violence are against the rules for propaganda; if so just lmk and i will remove ;v; i couldn't find anything on the blog but i may have missed it)
!!!!!! so cw for gore and violence under the readmore, and here's a photo of Naru to go with it :) !!!!!!
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Naru grew up as a toddler mostly alone. She was eventually picked up by Magnai when he found her out on the Steppe and he took her in as a younger sister. Naru's family had all been killed. As such, she had needed to manage on her own for a long time. This involved learning to hunt and kill animals on her own.
This wasn't easy. She had only a dull knife and needed to learn to carve out the right parts of the animal to eat, and a lot of it was trial and error. As such, she became pretty good at dismembering things.
So for Naru's fighting style, I took a lot of inspiration from a passage from the Zhuangzi. The Zhuangzi is a Daoist text (and a philosopher) full of short passages from which you can derive certain lessons about the world and about Daoism. It's a very complicated text and I spent a lot of time in classes in University going over it. (Funnily enough I feel like every professor had different ideas about what the texts inside meant.._
But there's one passage in particular that has always been my favorite.
Cook Ding laid down his knife and replied, "What I care about is the Way, which goes beyond skill. When I first began cutting up oxen, all I could see was the ox itself. After three years I no longer saw the whole ox. And now I go _ at it by spirit and don't look with my eyes. Perception and understanding have come to a stop and spirit moves where it wants. I go along with the natural makeup, strike in the big hollows, guide the knife through the big openings, and follow things as they are. So I never touch the smallest ligament or tendon, much less a main joint. "A good cook changes his knife once a year because he cuts. A mediocre cook changes his knife once a month because he hacks. I've had this knife of mine for nineteen years and I've cut up thousands of oxen with it, and yet the blade is as good as though it had just come from the grindstone. There are spaces between the joints, and the blade of the knife has really no thickness. If you insert what has no thickness into such spaces, then there's plenty of room more than enough for the blade to play about in. That's why after nineteen years the blade of my knife is still as good as when it first came from the grindstone.
This is from the Burtson Watson translation, I believe!
So yeah, it's this short little story about a butcher not needing to change his knife. The effort you will have to expend to do something is easier if you follow along the natural way. If you cut through the joins, you need not hack through bone. And this is how I've pictured Naru managing to get through her childhood--she had one shitty dull knife, but figured out that it would work as long as she cut correctly. And this gives her an edge in battle-- a horribly terrifying one, but an edge nonetheless. She is able to size people up and figure out the best places to cut. Here's a section from a fic I'm working on as comparison.
Slipping in and around the footmen is not that hard, really. They’re not prepared for someone as fast as her. Her eyes gravitate immediately to their weak points. Gaps in armor, gaps in clothing. Her blade slices through the elbow of an arm holding a weapon. She drags her knife through the back of a knee, sending someone to the ground. Every movement of her shoulder, every step she takes, every pressure of her joints while she swiftly and lightly wields her knife, all of this was as carefully planned and prepared as the routine of a dancer.
Every man is divided into parts. 
A good carver may change her knife once a year, but Naru has used the same knife all these years. One needs only to insert the thin blade in those places with space, cut through what need be cut and preserve what is left of your blade. 
Every man is divided into parts.
Naru makes it to the giant machine upon which rides the man she has been tasked with killing. She cannot divide the machine into the parts from which it was created; she knows not how it was built and from where it came. Instead she climbs the metal beast. Soldiers reach up to try and grab hold of her, drag her down. Others shoot wildly at her and by the tiniest stroke of luck, the bullets miss. The man at the control starts to throw the machine into a frenzy.
She grabs hold of some gap in the metal and hoists herself up to the top of the machine. She carefully keeps her balance, tilting her weight this way and that in order to keep herself at an equilibrium. Her tail swishes wildly for this effort. Every man is divided into parts. 
She takes a breath and leaps upon him. He unsheathes a sword but he doesn’t have time to harm her with it. Her blade makes it under his chin and slices that vein that gives life, releases his blood unto the world and all over her body. He sputters, grunts, groans. Blood drips from under his mask, choking on his own ichor. 
She has sliced a part that gives life, divided him from life and into death.
So, yeah! That's where Naru's fighting style really takes inspiration from. She is one of those fighters who kinda shuts off her mind a little and acts on natural instinct--it's just her instinct is good. She's calculated. It makes me happy, it's a point of pride for me. I did a lot of studying Chinese religion in school and I took many classes that went over the origins of Daoism and they always go over the Zhuangzi and make you read some of it, and I just always love to get to this passage. There are many other great passages too, though! But that's a conversation of it's own haha
That's my "propaganda post" this time around, I really just wanted an excuse to share one of my favorite things about Naru. I know it's long so if you ended up reading this far: thank you! and consider giving Naru your vote :D
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