#and i only remembered after i'd finished colouring
lavenderyulu · 8 months
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shut up I know its september anyways here's a tiny dose of ''used to a tropical climate'' steven stone
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mtkay13 · 5 months
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The one and only Qi Ye trio!
Details on the painting, meta and more below!
So this piece is actually a "remake" of a much older drawing that I made right after I had finished reading Qi Ye:
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First, I want to elaborate on the drawing itself. I usually don't like to detail the symbolism and ideas that I put in my art, simply because I don't want to impose a reading and I'd rather everyone gets their own; but following some discussions I have decided to do so for this one.
The main theme of this illustration is glory, power, and the ascention towards it. The principal symbol of it is, of course, the stairs going up. I used light, directly, colours and positioning to signify each character's relationship to those themes.
Helian Yi is the one in the light, ascending upwards, in red clothing. Helian Yi's power, as future emperor, is in the light, visible, going towards the heavens as the son of heaven himself--to enact his heavenly duty. Part of his face is in the shadows, and his being casts a broad shadow behind him for, of course, a lot has to happen in the shadows for him to reach the throne. He's looking behind as his ascension comes with dread and paranoia, never being able to fully trust anyone.
Zhou Zishu is entirely in the shadows, doesn't exist in the light. He's standing tall on the stairs but not facing upwards because his own way towards power isn't following the traditional path of having one's name being remembered in historical records. He is at his most powerful concealed in the shadows and doesn't look directly, his gaze unreadable.
Jing Beiyuan is sitting on the stairs, uninterested with the climb towards power itself, uninterested in the glory. The thin line of light on his figure means that among Helian Yi's closest allies, he's the one using his title and influence; light grazes him even if he doesn't want it to. His presence in Helian Yi's shadow signifies how he, along with Zishu, is quite literally behind HLY's ascension. His gaze is knowingly directed towards the watcher.
The main reason I decided to repaint it was because I wanted it to match my current style and, more importantly, my current mental image/character design for them. Jing Qi barely changed since my idea of him was fairly clear from the start, but Helian Yi and Zishu went through much bigger changes.
For Helian Yi, it was mainly a question from taking him out of Jin Wang's robes to get him his own. I really like Jin Wang's wardrobe in SHL, which is why I initially wanted it for HLY, but nowadays it simply doesn't correspond to how I picture him anymore. My understanding and/or envisioning of Da Qing's fashion has changed a bit as well, so I wanted to reflect that. In the original, he more seemed like a kid in vaguely chique robes that were too big for him LOL. His face was afforded a bit of refinement as well, especially since my big Qi Ye spread.
Jing Qi's robes are just a tad less flashy somehow--which wasn't so much planned as just... another design I had in mind. I still really like the first version of the robes but, oh well. His face is a bit more defined now, and overall more details in the quality of his clothing and in his hair piece.
Zhou Zishu...... well, haha. His original design was quite unpolished--a vague mix of SHL!Zishu and some random hakama I barely worked on. He was also very slim and had big eyes, which I just don't see anymore. He's bigger now, by quite a bit, both in height and musculature, and I made him look just a bit older as well--simply because he is older than HLY and JBY by a few years. I much prefer his current expression which is a tad more vicious but also a bit harder to read (I think). His robes, hair shape are much better defined and thought-out, and I am happy with the subtle shading on his face.
That's it!! Thanks for readiinngggg as always!
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ageingfangirl2 · 7 months
Cook For A Day! Luffy (OPLA)
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Sanji gets sick and leaves y/n in charge of cooking duties. y/n is new to the crew and worries no one will like their cooking, unaware that Luffy will eat just about anything put in front of him. Luffy x Reader (Fluff)
'y/n come here for a moment,' Sanji croaks, voice hoarse as you pass by his cabin and open the door.
Sanji knew it had to be you walking around the ship this early because no one else bothered to get up before sunrise, and since joining the crew only a month ago you were an early bird and liked to help Sanji in the kitchen because he also got up early.
'You sound awful Sanji, are you okay?' you ask, concerned.
Sanji coughs and you realise the cook is ill, 'I think I'm going to stay in bed today. Can you take over cooking duties for me?'
Your eyes widen at the request, 'Err, are you sure? I don't want to mess up your kitchen.'
Sanji tries to laugh but fails, 'You've watched me so I trust you. Now go get breakfast ready.'
You nod, 'Okay, but if it goes wrong I'm blaming you.'
'Shoo, now let me sleep...' Sanji mutters and yawns.
You quietly shut his door and take a deep breath. What if no one on the crew liked your cooking. They had such high expectations because Sanji was amazing. You wanted to be fully accepted so you couldn't mess things up.
Entering the kitchen your mind goes blank on what to cook. Do you play it safe and prepare something Sanji would make or experiment a little? You had a couple of hours before anyone else woke up so you had some time on your hands.
I was awoken by a very strange smell, it wasn't a bad smell, it just wasn't a smell I'd come across before. My stomach rumbled either way, and I knew Sanji had to be up cooking, with our new crew mate y/n helping him.
I sniff the air as I leave my quarters, the smell was coming from the kitchen and it smelt kind of spicy and warm. I passed by Sanji's room and hear snoring coming from the other side, so he was still asleep, which meant it had to be y/n in the kitchen.
y/n came from a town that I remembered having very nice food. A lot of spices and seasonings were used to flavour what could have easily been regular bland food.
Pushing open the door to the kitchen the smell of spices hit me full on, and y/n who was holding a pot yelps at my sudden appearance, but before the pot can hit the floor I stretch and catch it.
'You're up early captain,' y/n says nervously, avoiding eye contact and going back to cooking after I'd placed the pot back down.
My eyes widen seeing a lot of food on the counter in front of me, and my mouth watered merely looking at it, 'the smell woke me up, why is Sanji sleeping?'
y/n answers with their back turned to me, 'he's sick so asked me to cook. But as you can see I didn't know what to cook and now I feel like an idiot.'
I sit down and pull the nearest bowl towards me, it looks like regular porridge but has a slightly red colour, 'why did you cook so much?'
y/n's shoulders slump, 'because Sanji is an amazing cook and I want you guys to think I'm good too. I need to be useful.'
I dig into the porridge and see there was some kind of seasoning that made it both sweet and a little spicy, it would wake you up in the morning. Either way, it was delicious and I quickly finished the whole bowl and looked around the counter for my next meal.
'You're useful y/n,' I say between mouthfuls, 'people like you, you're very good at getting us out of trouble with your words. You're also good at fighting, and making delicious food.'
y/n spins around eyes wide, 'you like my cooking?'
I nod and pull a plate of cooked fish towards me, 'I like the spices and seasonings, I could eat this all day.'
y/n leans on the counter opposite me watching me stuff my face with a smile on their face. Usually by now, Sanji would have scolded me for eating while he was still cooking but y/n looked proud. y/n needed to try less hard to be liked because they were already accepted by the whole crew, but that would take time.
'I have a couple other dishes prepared if you'd like to try them, captain,' y/n suggests.
I continue to devour the plate in front of me and smirk, 'Keep them coming.'
This was the most talkative y/n had been the whole month. They were very easy to get along with and promised to bring any new dishes to me first. If y/n cooked more I might just get up earlier in the morning.
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soracities · 11 months
Your account is absolutely wonderful.. I am assuming that it takes a lot of time and dedication to absorb so much art... I find myself drifting away, always exhausted from my job... So I guess my question is what do you do for work and how do you stay inspired?
most of my time is spent child-minding and while that has left me with very little time to read and watch the things i want--and can be quite exhausting in and of itself--i think there is a little trade-off in that children keep you attentive to the world around you in a way you would not otherwise be, if only because you have to be that attentive to answer all their countless questions. so in a sense there is some inspiration i glean from that.
otherwise, i think this blog sometimes does give off the impression that i'm more well-read than i actually am; in reality, i dance on the surface of a lot of artworks but am passionate about maybe a tiny handful of works, and maybe, like, two painters. i have a "to watch" list that far exceeds my lifespan given that i actually watch, maybe, 3 movies a year. i have finished one (short) book since 2023 started and it took me six months to read that. the books that i've managed to read over the years, i've read chiefly in bursts and almost always in time periods where i was lucky enough in that i didn't have much to occupy me; even then, i'm aware i didn't read as much as i could have done with the time i had, but i'm also the kind of person who cannot devour book after book endlessly, either--i have a very clear saturation point, after which i need to do something different.
i think this blog, more than anything else, is a kind of repository of all the little fragments of thoughts or books or the world that interest and catch me and that i want to keep, but what i actually spend time with and dive into makes up an absolutely miniscule fraction of that. there have been long months (and years) where i did not have it in me to maintain any kind of sustained attention to reading or poetry, but i think the ability to do so is a huge, often unacknowledged, priviliege that requires not just time and economic security, but also mental clarity. i'm saying this to stress that what you feel, especially with whatever demands your job makes on you, is entirely normal and not anything to be ashamed of: the toll bills take, that laundry takes, that cooking and cleaning and countless other errands take are not to be underestimated when you go into them already sapped of most of your reserves in the first place.
it's something i've felt quite often (and still do); carving out the time to read as much or as often as i would like to does require dedication which i do not always have the energy for. but i think for me, to answer your question regarding inspiration, especially during the times when i'm not reading anything, inspiration is in paying as much attention as i can to the world around me, no matter how tiny the details are. there's a quote by william stafford where he talks about the ability to have "one vivid morning" and then "chain myself to it for fifty years". i don't have any set "philosophy" on life, but that is one thing i have always lived by: i still remember a single razor of light i saw on the railway tracks one morning a year ago which caught me by surprise, or the time on the bus when the setting sun filled the top deck and i knew then by the colour of it that summer was coming, or when i got up close to a patch of damp moss to see all its tiny little hairs more clearly, or one afternoon five years or so ago when i bought some loose pears from a corner shop and they were the sweetest, most-melt-in-the-mouth-juiciest pears i'd ever had....i can obsess over the light through a window over and over and over again no matter how often i see it. my mother put some lilies in a vase in the living room a few weeks ago and the entire time i was enraptured with how the scent hit me everytime i'd come into that room. even after more than a week they still enraptured me; each time was like i discovered them all over again and that brightened my mood so immeasurably.
for me inspiration is chiefly about recognizing the things that bring me joy and then holding them as closely as i can. there's a game i've started playing if i'm on a long bus trip where i take the number of a random bus stop i pass and if it's lower than 2020 i google what events happened in that year and pick the one that interests me most: if i'm going to be on my phone anyway, i will be on it in a way that aligns with what i already enjoy (FACTS!) and won't drain me (social media). when i don't have the energy to finish or even pick up a book, i'm subscribed to sites like Aeon, Ordinary Plots, Diaries of Note, or grieftolight on instagram (shoutout to forever beloved @firstfullmoon doing the lord's work with that account, truly), or podcasts i like, which allow me to read or experience little bits and pieces here and there without the pressure or anxiety-inducing commitment. if there is a poem i love i try to spend as much time with it as i can, which often just takes the form of me writing it down (by hand, usually-- that part is important) into a ledger of poems i keep which i can return to whenever i want, underlining my favourite parts or just rereading what spoke to me (i also love going to exhibits or museums (which, luckily, are mostly free where i live) or taking note of all the random bits of street art i see)
a year or so ago i also started, and this has changed my life, to copy down some of my favourite quotes i've reblogged onto little cue cards and stick them on the wall by my bed. some are poems, some are bits of novels or scraps of philosophy, some are motivational tidbits, but all of them are things i want to be reminded of. it helps me remember the lines i most want to keep and also grounds me in an odd way, but more than that, it just makes me happy. if i'm doom-scrolling, or having a rough evening, i can turn to that wall and read the things that mean most to me.
i don't know if any of this helps, and i'm conscious of not putting these out there as a cure-all because i'm very aware of how quickly, and how easily, this society and its set-up can drain you. i am, though, a staunch proponent of approaching art (any kind) and your engagement with it from a place and a pace that is true to you, before anything else, and that includes taking into account your own circumstances and what would bring you the most enjoyment within the means you have available to you: sometimes that's a 20 minute radio interview about blackholes, sometimes it's counting how many birds you pass as you walk through the park, sometimes it's 150 page novella it takes you half a year to finish. whatever it may look like, center your own pleasure first. i hope this can give you something, anon ♡
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valentinetypewriter · 6 months
Me And My Husband - Chapter 4
Summary: the time for Y/n to 'hang out' with Sirius and Remus arrives, everything goes smoothly until the next day the two boys are faced with unwanted guests
Warnings: swearing, smoking, use of the Victorian language of flowers, Sirius and Remus are dicks at the end.
Main masterlist / series masterlist
Chapter 5
@ashlynnmalfoy @ashisabitgay @rainychaosmiracle
Also I'd love to know what you guys think of this series so far, since im sort of new to writing, so feel free to comment or even send it to my inbox
Word count: 4,030
It's been a long time so I made this one double the length of the other chapters, and I had a lot of fun writing this chapter
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It was Tuesday afternoon and classes had finally finished up. Saying Y/n was nervous would be an understatement, though she didn't really know why she felt this way. She only asked Sirius out in the hope that she could at least try to become friends with him, so that the rest of her life spent with him wouldn't be so awkward. She deemed that it was simply the fact that she's never been on a date, and that dates weren't usually supposed to bring a plus one. Y/n stood waiting by the main exit of the school that would lead them down to hogsmeade, she was pacing by the time the two boys arrived. Sirius was dressed in his usual leather jacket with an old band shirt underneath, Remus on the other hand was wearing a soft looking sweater, it was kind of ugly in a sort of cute way.
"I was beginning to think you had bailed on me" the young girl said after she had stopped analysing the two boys. "Sorry we took so long, Sirius wanted to make sure his hair was perfect" y/n laughed quietly at the joke Remus made at his best friend's expense. "And here I thought he was all natural" Sirius' stormy eyes grew wide, shooting between the two laughing teens "I can't believe you're both ganging up on me". Remus bit his lip to stop himself from laughing at the boy's expression "sorry padfoot, it's just too easy" the shorter boy scoffed "well let's just get to hogsmeade already".
The three teens made their way to Hogsmeade in a somewhat awkward silence, occasionally broken by Sirius and Remus chatting, or if Y/n actually answered anything the two Gryffindors asked her. They were halfway to their destination when Y/n had started asking Sirius more personal questions. Simple things, like his favourite colour and his hobbies, before she decided to ask more important things. "So Sirius, what do you think you'll do after graduation" the grey eyed boy stared harshly at her "what do you think" disdain clear in his voice. The young slytherin shook her head slightly "no I meant, what do you actually want to do" she stared back up at him, her usually dull eyes held a slight sadness to them. Sirius seemed almost shocked, his eyebrows raising slightly, he wasn't expecting her to ever care for that sort of thing. "Oh… well, I'd like to travel around for a bit, and there's quite a few muggle things I have on my bucket list…" he paused for a moment, looking over to his right at Remus, he wasn't sure how to continue. But the tanned boy just gave Sirius a smile and a quick thumbs up.
Sirius looked back over at Y/n, her gaze unwavering as she waited for him to carry on "it's just um… once I'm out of school and move away from my family, I'd have more freedom to actually do those things'' the young girl tilted her head slightly "what sort of things?". "Well there's these things called a drive in theatre, you sit in your car and they project a film onto a large screen" the girls face twisted in confusion. Remus couldn't help but laugh slightly, he remembered seeing the exact same face on James and Sirius when he had first told them about it. "Oh! And there's this performance happening at the end of the year, by The Sex Pistols" the girls eyes widened slightly "The who!?" Sirius smiled slightly "no that's a different band". Y/n's face continued to contort in worried confusion "don't worry I'll show them to you some other time", to be completely honest Y/n wasn't sure if she wanted to know what the boy was talking about.
The trio had finally arrived at Hogsmeade, strolling through the village until they stopped outside a small Cafe. Y/n looked through the window at the many pastries they had on display, Remus and Sirius though were looking through their menu at the types of coffee and tea they offered. "We should go in, they look really good, and I didn't eat breakfast beforehand" Y/n was the first to speak up. The two boys nodded and they walked in, they stood in front of the shop counter waiting to be served. An older looking woman came over to them "what can I get you three?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. "Can I get the strawberry turnover and a white rose tea please" she ordered while pulling out her coin purse, Remus had caught a glimpse of it when she turned to them, it was pale blue with nifflers on them.
"What would you two like?" They both stared for a moment not expecting her to want to order together. Remus started off first "oh uh just a caramel latte and a Chelsea Bun" the young girl then turned to Sirius expectantly. "Don't worry I can pay for my own" he went to pull out his own money, not noticing how the girl's face dropped slightly "don't be ridiculous, I invited you to come with me, I'll pay" the stern tone in her voice and look in her eyes gave no room for argument, Sirius just let out a soft "alright" before slipping his money back into his pocket "I guess I'll just have the Crème Brûlée and a black coffee". Remus's face scrunched up in disgust at the mention of black coffee. "Is that all dears?" The polite woman asked "yes that's all thank you" Y/n handed over the money as the women and a younger looking employee started making their order.
The three had taken a table in the far corner away from the few people who were in the Cafe. "You know I'm glad you agreed to come today" the two boys looked at her, unsure who she was talking about as she was looking down at her hands and Remus noticed a slight tint to her cheeks. "It's just I've never done this before" her cheeks getting slightly red from embarrassment, Sirius looked at her confused "never done wh-" he was cut off as the taller boy kicked him in the leg. His stormy eyes narrowed slightly as he stared over at his friend. Before the girl could notice their weird behaviour their order was called out, Y/n stood up and walked over to the counter. "What the hell was that for?" Sirius whispered harshly "this is a fucking date, Y/n asked you on a date, thats what she's never done before" Remus whispered back "why do you think she didn't want you bringing James, or why she wanted to pay for the food…" he paused for a second looking over at the girl as she was grabbing sugar packets. "Or even why she's been asking you so many personal questions, it's a date and she trying to get to know you" Sirius eyes shot open wide at the realisation "oh Merlin I thought she was just being nosy" Remus slapped his hand onto his head with a sigh "fuck you're an idiot pads".
Before the boy could retort, Y/n made her way back over holding the tray, an excessive amount of sugar packets shoved onto the end of it. "Wow this looks a lot better than I was expecting" she said as she took her stuff off the tray, pushing it slightly towards the boys, Sirius's face burned up as he looked at her. They each took off their own order, Remus moved the tray onto the end of the table after taking a couple of the sugar packets. "So do you come here often Y/n?" Remus asked while pouring sugar into his latte "quite a lot actually, though it's only for their tea and to steal sugar packets" she stated as she nonchalantly shoved the majority of the pile of packets into her coat pocket. The two boys watched in confusion, neither knowing what to say. "uh… what?" Was all Sirius could manage to get out, the young slytherin looked up at him, freezing her action "oh, I realise how weird this seems" Y/n quickly shoved the rest into her coat "its for my pet, she's obsessed with them, no idea why though". The two boys visibly relaxed at the explanation she gave for her bizarre behaviour.
They ate their food with small interruptions such as occasional small talk here and there, or when one of them would offer a taste of their food to each other. After a while of mindless chatter and food sharing Sirius had left their table to go to the bathroom, leaving Y/n and Remus to talk to each other. "Um Y/n if you don't mind me asking… uh why did you invite me and Sirius out, I thought you didn't like us very much". The girl looked down at her cup, bring it up for a sip before responding "don't get me wrong I'm not particularly fond of either of you, but I'd like to get to know him better, I don't enjoy being betrothed to someone I know nothing about" she stopped, taking another sip of her tea "and perhaps if I do become closer to him, he won't be such a prat" Remus laughed slightly at the girl's words "trust me he's much friendlier and more competent when you get to know him". Y/n raised her eyes to look at him, her dull and cold eyes meeting his warmer gaze, she noted how doe-eyed he looked "yes well that's the difficult part, he doesn't really like me all that much, not that I hold it against him" the boys warm hand came to rest on her arm "I'm sure he'll come around".
Sirius was quick to come back before Remus could get an answer to why Y/n had also invited him on her date, Sirius took his seat and they finished their food. Remus stood after unfortunately spilling a bit of his tea on himself, his hands seemingly more shaky than usual "I'll be back in a second, i need to clean this up". Unlike when Remus and Y/n were left alone, the air felt thicker when it was just her and Sirius, neither really knowing what to say or do. And of course Sirius, having a hatred for awkward silence, said the first thing that came to him "You seem to get along with remus quite well" Y/n stared at him "whatever you're thinking, don't" Y/n looked over at the boy they were talking about "I don't like him any more than the rest of your group of misfits" Sirius shrugged "all I'm saying L/n is you seem nicer to him then you do me" Y/n rolled her eyes "well it's a lot easier to be nice to him then it is to you" Sirius stared at her for a moment "I suppose so, perhaps you'd prefer to be affianced to him" she thought for a moment "my parents wouldn't allow that, he's not pure, though if he was I believe he'd be a better candidate than you" the grey eyed boy smiled at her "well that's something we can both agree on". Y/n was done with the awkward tension between the two, she stood up to leave "i'll be outside, you can wait for Lupin".
Y/n stepped out of the small cafe, making her way around to the side of the building, hoping to hide away from prying eyes. She lent against the cold bricks, fishing out an almost empty carton of cigarettes and a blue lighter she had stolen from Evan yesterday. She lit the cigarette in her mouth and took a deep drag as she closed her eyes, letting everything wash away. After a few long minutes Y/n heard the Cafe door chime, she pushed the cigarette into the brick wall a few times to put it out, letting it drop to the floor she moved to the front of the shop seeing Remus and Sirius leaving. She walked over to the two "so where else would you two like to go" the boys looked at each other, it was like they could read each other's thoughts "well we've been needing to go to zonko's since we got back" remus was the one to offer, both Gryffindors knowing she'd be more likely to agree if it was him asking. Y/n rolled her eyes "of course you do, let's go then" she led the way, letting the two teens walk behind her. Zonko's wasn't very far from the Cafe so they arrived quickly. "Well I am certainly not going in there so…" the Slytherin fished out her coin purse again, handing them both a lot more than they would need for what they were after. "I'll be out here, be quick about it".
The two boys were quick to rush inside the shop, searching around for what they needed. Sirius stopped at a small section of enchanted gifts, he picked up a small wooden box decorated with stars. The sign for the small display labelled it an astronomers box, his mind dipped back to the memory of his brother and Y/n stargazing while she was at his house. He hesitated for a moment to take the box, but was quick to move on holding in his hand while looking for what he had first come in for. Remus and Sirius were quick to get everything they needed, paying for their stuff together and shoving it into a bag, Sirius still holding onto the box. They left the store looking around for Y/n, finally spotting her leaving a herbology shop with a cardboard box. "You know she's quite pretty when she is glaring with those cold eyes of hers" Remus said as she walked over, a small smile on her face. "Are you two ready to head back?" she asked, adjusting the box in her hands. Sirius lifted up the bag for her to see "yep we've got everything we need" remus quickly dug into his pocket pulling out the rest of the money Y/n had given them, even with an entire bag full of stuff they hadn't even used half of what she gave them "here's what's left by the way, and thanks for lending it to us" the girl just stared at his open hand, not reaching over to grab it. "Keep it" she stated abruptly, turning around and walking off before either boy could protest, the boys were quick to catch up "are you sure" the girl simply nodded and let out a noise of agreement. "We should get back before it gets any later" the girl kept walking at a brisk pace.
The three made their way back to the castle quicker then they left it, they entered the main entrance, Y/n stopping by a bench, setting down the box. "Oh by the way, I brought you both something" she stared at them expectantly, before they walked over to her. Y/n opened up the box pulling out two glass vases, both green in colour with different patterns decorating them with their own unique flowers sitting inside. The girl handed them both a vase each, to Sirius she gave him one filled with yellow carnations and to remus a slightly smaller vase with a colourful mixture of pansies. "Oh thank you Y/n" Remus said, a smile growing on his face, Sirius held the box up to her "I got something for you as well, it's an astronomers box" the girl held it close to her "well thank you Sirius, that was very kind of you" she seemed to ignore the fact he brought it with the money she had given to him. Y/n was the first to leave, heading off to her common room to relax before dinner.
The next day went by quickly, Y/n making her way to the library to meet with Sirius and Remus like she promised. Unknown to the two boys she had made a slight change to their plan, that change being the two boys who were walking next to her. "I still can't believe you're stuck with those two dicks" Barty said, adjusting the two book bags he was carrying in favour of Evan carrying his school cloak and vest for him. "I don't like it either, but the quicker I get it done the less time I have to spend with them, besides having you two with me makes it more bearable" Evan let out an almost strangled sounding noise as he threw his arm over the shorter girl "awww she loves us" the three laughed with each other before entering the library. The group made their way to the usual spot Y/n sits at, the same spot she told Sirius and Remus to meet her at. "Sorry i'm late, i'm usually a punctual person, unfortunately these two aren't" Sirius let out a quiet groan while Remus just glared as they saw the two boys standing behind Y/n. "Why are they here?" Remus questioned, annoyance clear in his tone "well firstly our group partner is sick" Barty was the first to speak, Evan carried on his sentence "and secondly Y/n's our best friend, who invited us along". The two Gryffindors stared at the mentioned girl, she simply rolled her eyes as she sat down "it's a study session, I'm sure you'll get over it".
The three arriving teens all took seats next to each other, Y/n pulled her notes and books out while Barty and Evan pulled out a single book to read through. The two groups worked quietly, until it was broken by the whining of Evan "this book sucks, are we sure we grabbed the right one Barty?" the boy shrugged, "it's the one that little weasel said would be good for our project" Evan rolled his eyes, he was glad their useless group mate was sick. Evan threw the book shut, looking over at his friend "Y/n my sweet amazing friend~" he dragged out, his tone overly sweet and begging "yes my annoying dumb friend" she said back, in the same sweet tone Evan had used "since you have so much knowledge with little Cosmos you would know the perfect book for us" the girl perked up at the mention of her pet "I suppose I would, I'll go grab it for you, not out of the goodness of my heart but because I need to grab a different book as well, and I don't trust you enough to grab the right book". Both boys smiled brightly as Y/n left to grab the books. Leaving her two friends to talk
"So are you going to go through with that plan of yours tonight Bee?" Evan asked as he lent in closer to Barty. The two Gryffindors now focusing on their conversation while pretending to work "I think I might, I've finally got it all planned out, I'm going to take her to the greenhouse, with the excuse of herbology homework and then I'll give her those chrisa-whatevers" Evan laughed "the chrysanthemums, Merlin how are you a Ravenclaw" Barty shoved the boy slightly, laughing himself "piss off". He hesitated before dropping his head slightly "do you think she'll actually say yes to the date" Evan looked at him in disbelief "stop doubting yourself, I'm 100% sure Y/n will say yes". Remus couldn't help but scoff at his words, grabbing the attention of the Ravenclaw and Slytherin. "Sorry do you have a problem Lupin" Evan asked, quick to get defensive of his friends "no no, it's just funny you think she'd actually say yes" his usually warm eyes seemed cold.
"Well what would you know about our best friend you sleazy little wimp" Evan was always quick to anger when it came to his friends "more than you apparently, I mean you did know she was on a date yesterday, I saw her at Hogsmeade, she seemed awfully close with him" Barty face dropped, an overwhelming sadness engulfing him "she would've told us, I mean she tells us everything" Evan rolled his eyes at the two Gryffindors "they're just lying Barty, ignore them". Remus lent towards them "I'm not, I saw him buy her a gift, a small wooden box, one of those astronomy boxes" this time Evans face dropped, he remembered Y/n proudly showing off the box to Regulus at dinner, saying how she got it at Hogsmeade earlier that day. Remus had a smug look on his face as Evan slumped back into his chair while Sirius let out a noise of shocked amusement.
"well Black you should learn to keep the dirty half-blood of yours on a leash" Evans words were quick to wipe the smug look off the scarred boys face. Both Gryffindors were unaware of the young girl now looming behind them. "I could say the same about your little pet bird" Sirius's harsh gaze met Evans, both boys defending their friends. "You know I'm surprised someone like her is even friends with you, I mean you really are the most pathetic Ravenclaw I've ever met" Remus's insult made the boy sink further into his seat "more so the most pathetic pure-blood I've ever met, do you honestly think you're worthy of even being friends with her." Sirius cut in with his own insult. Barty was quick to flee the library, taking his cloak and vest but not bothering to grab his bag from the floor.
Evan stood out of his own seat he felt burning hot rage slowly take over him, ready to poor out insults at the Gryffindors. Unfortunately his anger wasn't as quick to build as the girl's who was standing behind them "who the hell do you two think you are!" The boys turned around staring up at the now seething girl, her dull eyes seemed to darken in anger "and to think I thought you pathetic Gryffindors could put aside house pride for one evening, but I suppose that's my fault for expecting too much from either of you". The girl grabbed her bag before turning to the two boys "if I ever hear either of you say anything like that to any of my friends again, I swear to make the rest of your time in school miserable". Both Y/n and Evan grabbed their stuff and left the library, Y/n held onto Bartys bag. "I should return this to him, do you think he went to his common room" y/n said her voice still angry "Actually he said he needed to go to the greenhouse tonight, said it was something urgent to do with herbology, you might find him there" she stopped to look at him "thanks Rosie, I'll go find him".
Y/n arrived at the greenhouse, looking around the large room hoping to find barty, but he wasn't there. Nothing even looked like it had been touched or moved since their class, well there was one thing out of place. A sky blue pot had been left shattered on the floor it held blooming chrysanthemum, Y/n thought that the blue pot was a nice contrast to the deep red flowers. She noticed how the pot was smashed in the open space of the floor, it didn't fall from a shelf or table, she thought it had been an act of vandalism or perhaps sour rejection. "Such a sad fate for something symbolic of love" she spoke to herself softly, picking up the flowers and repotting them into an unused pot, it wasn't as pretty but perhaps she could paint it. She set the now potted flowers onto a table before sweeping up the mess of soil and terracotta shards. She decided to take the plant with her, still wanting to paint the pot to the nice blue that was shattered. And to make sure it held up after being thrown around.
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I have finally finished my complete pokedex run of Pokemon Crystal, capping off by catching Celebi in Ilex Forest.
This is such a weirdly emotional moment for me. Ignoring that this is the culmination of hundreds of hours of effort, requiring me to play through Gold and Silver as well as two seperate playthroughs of Yellow just to get everything not available in Crystal proper, I have a very personal attachment to Generation 2. I'm pretty sure that it's the game I've spent the most time playing across my life.
I've been here since the beginning, Red was my first game and I loved it to bits. But Gold version is infinitely more nostalgic to me. It's the first game I was ever excited for. There was almost a mysticism about seeing all the new details in magazines, about Togepi, about Marill, about Donphan, about the new starters, as more details started to trickle in.
Then one day in 2000, I got a gift. A pirated gameboy cartridge with 20 games on it - including the Japanese version of Pokemon Gold. I couldn't understand any of it, and it couldn't save, so I could only play through as much of it as could be done in one sitting, since the Game Boy Colour ran off of AA batteries and couldn't be left running indefinitely.
I must have played that almost every single day for like a year.
The furthest I could ever get in one go was Ice Path, so everything after that was no man's land to me until the English game dropped. April 6th, 2001 - I remember that date clearer than I remember most of my family's birthdays. I got it, and I played the hell out of it. And nothing could have prepared me for what would happen after I finally beat the Pokemon League - getting to play through Kanto again. Getting to fight Red.
I loved it to pieces. Later, I even bought Pokemon Silver and Pokemon Crystal, despite that I grew up poor and could only afford about two new games a year. I hold these games so dear to me. Even with HeartGold and SoulSilver offering many QoL improvements and additional content, I still find myself more drawn to them. (Also, Crystal actually has some improvements that were left out in HGSS - I'd still say it holds some significant merit even with the remakes as they are).
Sadly, my original copies of all the Gen 2 games mysteriously vanished (presumably stolen by my dipshit childhood friend), so I wasn't able to play them for a long time. But coming back to it as an adult, playing it all again, reliving everything I loved about them the first time - it's all been incredible. And finally having done the last thing that's left to do in it, seeing the last piece of content from these games that was never available until the Virtual Console release? It feels like the end to a grand journey for me.
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Dante x Reader
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In which you are the pizza delivery man. Enjoy.
It was 3 AM and you had no idea why you couldn't just go home already. You worked at a pizza joint that the higher ups insisted on having open 24/7. You were on the night shift but you were so bored. After all, who orders food at this time of night? You were fiddling on your phone while your boss came in, surprising you.
It turns out that some mad man actually had requested delivery so you would need to head out once the order was finished being prepared. Twenty minutes later and you grabbed your coat along with the pizza box. "They don't pay me enough for this..." You entered your car and looked down at the handwritten note. "Who the hell doesn't even give an address? I'm supposed to drive all over Red Grave to find some place called Devil May Cry?"
You groaned. This would be a long night. Fourty five minutes of driving and you realized that the place must be in the bad part of town. "No wonder the guy didn't give an address. Who wants to get mugged or stabbed? I better make this quick!" Luckily you kept a pocket knife on you just in case a situation should arise. Another twenty minutes and you finally saw the giant, neon sign.
You glanced at the street to make sure you weren't going to be attacked by some crack head and end up on a world star video. "All clear." You were somewhat relived. "Now to get this over with so I can go home!" You made your way to the door and knocked. No response. "You've gotta be kidding me!"
You went to bang again this time but the door opened and your fist collided with a huge chest. It was so squishy that the recoil knocked your arm backwards, causing you to punch yourself in the face. "You okay man?" You waited for stars to leave your vision so you could get a good look at whatever the hell you just hit. It seemed to be a man in his fourties maybe? You weren't exactly sure how old but his hair was already gray.
He then woke you out of your thoughts. "Oh man. Is that a black eye? I've got some ice if you want it." You shook your head and told him you were fine. You would just be happy as soon as this nightmare was over. "My names Dante by the way." Dante? The same Dante who frequently called up your work over fifty times per week? The employees shuddered whenever they had to slave over another one of his exhausting orders.
"No olives right?" You remembered the last time a coworker accidentally added that ingredient. It's been three months since they were last seen. You opened up the box hesitantly and prayed to every God you could think of. You eventually opened your eyes. Thank God it was just pepperoni. "No olives sir."
You calculated his total and then told him the amount due. "Look, here's the thing. I don't really have money right now. Can I pay you some other way?" Now you were pissed. Who the hell orders food without any money! You then felt your hand be pressed to Dante's Tarzan style. That's when you finally took notice of what he had been wearing. A red thong with a matching velvet, bath robe.
He then started palming your crotch with his other hand. "Now that I think about it, I'd like to add some sausage to my order if you know what I mean..." You were too stunned to move or speak. "I thought this shit only happened in movies!" Just before he could continue, you heard a loud scream from upstairs. "DANTE I SWEAR ON MOTHER'S GRAVE THAT I WILL STAB YOU AGAIN IF YOU DON'T STOP HARASSING THE DELIVERY BOYS! NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME ENJOY WILLIAM BLAKE IN PIECE!"
More shouting soon followed. "HE'S DOING IT AGAIN! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON OLD MAN!" Soon Dante was being dragged away by a younger man who coincidentally also had the same hair colour. He pulled out a robotic arm somehow (you weren't sure why you were still surprised at this point) and switched it with a can of raid.
"FUCK YOU!" Soon Dante was knocked out and laying unconscious on the floor. The younger man then took notice of you. "Shit, sorry about that. How much did he owe you?" He soon pulled out a wad of cash that was at least three times the size of the bill. The man looked at you with a face that said "please don't call the cops!" He shut the door and you went back to your car, trying to process the events you just witnessed. You were never going to be able to enjoy pizza again.
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gaslysainz · 7 months
Lost (PG10) pt4
Summary: The world is utterly unfair. He was her most prized possession, her life, her first ever commitment of love. But to him, she was just a mere person lost in his big world.
warnings: ; unrequited feelings; Pierre is a douche , arrange marriage, angst, explicit scenes and languages.
Author's Note~ Heya guys! I present to you the 4th part of my fanfic. I'm overwhelmed by the response ❤️ Really Thanks a lot to everyone who had liked the story so far. Something's have started to cook. Hope you look forward to it. Love You All 😘 Here's my first ever story for you guys. As soon as I finish this one, I'll start taking requests maybe! Till then please show your love and support for "LOST".
This one's a filler chapter, so please bear with me.
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Something completely different happened today. A knock at my door woke me up from my 1 hour nap which has unfortunately turned into a 3 hour nap. I stood up from the bed and opened the door only to find my husband standing there and running a hand through his curls. Oh! What a sight! He looks like a Greek God.
"Hey! Did you need something? I'm sorry I fell asleep, also you can come inside"
He thanked me and entered my room, this is completely new. But nonetheless, I had to take a chance. He was looking around the room and the pictures hanging on the walls. His eyes stuck to one picture in particular. A picture captured by Pierre's mom of Isaac, Pierre and myself. It was Halloween and Isaac wanted to be a Vampire and on the other hand Pierre and Me were Romeo and Juliet. He was 6 and I was 4! We did not even know who Romeo and Juliet were! It was because of the elders who had insisted on these costumes! Oh! What I'd give to have those days back.
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"You need something?"
"Ah! No, um actually yes, I have to attend an event with the rest of grid tomorrow. And you have to come with me. So be ready by 7pm tomorrow, will you? Wear something nice. I'll send someone with dresses for you to choose today in the evening. Just pick something from there."
There it is! Like I've mentioned before, he only remembers me when he needs something or needs to go somewhere to show off the world our so called amazing married life. *Scoff* But I'm not mad, at least I'll be able to meet HIM after so many days. The only person who happens to care even a little bit for me. Who always greets me with a beautiful smile on his face. A friend? Nope, he's like an angel for me.
I really hope everyone gets a friend like him!
" *Cough* *cough* You there?"
" Oh yea! I'm sorry, I was a bit distracted. Umm, Why don't you take Julia with you? I'm sure she would love to accompany you and also I'm sure she has several dresses in her wardrobe already. Won't even have to buy a dress last minute"
The look Pierre gave me after I mentioned Julia simply yelled 'ARE YOU CRAZY'. I mean I knew why he wouldn't take Julia, but I just find a different kind of satisfaction by reminding it to him.
"Um, I'll be ready tomorrow. Don't worry. By the way, where's Julia?"
"I sent her home, no need for her to stay here for these two days, either way we'd be busy. It'll only distract us."
Oh well! That was odd! Distract us from what exactly? Sometimes this man leaves no tables unturned to confuse me to no end. Anyways. I know better now than to crack my brain over these things. It's actually useless cause I won't get anymore clear answers from him than this.
"Any specific colour that I need to keep in mind while choosing the dress?"
"Not that I'm aware of, just keep it a bit formal. I'll get going. If Julia calls or comes asking for me, just tell her I've been out for a meeting since morning."
And then he rushed out the door, not before checking our childhood photo once again. Okay! That was highly confusing! I mean why was he avoiding Julia? Or am I reading too much between the lines? No one knows. I better go eat something until then.
But still, I'm a bit lost here.
LOST in confusion.
PS - Please lemme know what do you think about LOST and also let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list ❤️
@peachiicherries @crimeshowjunkie @oblomovissad @torossosebs @janeholt3
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faislittlewhiteraven · 3 months
Undertale/ISAT crossover thoughts
Don't really want to write one myself (already got enough fics I'm failing to write XD) but ever since I finished In Stars and Time I've been thinking how I'd write a crossover between these two amazing games and I figured I'd share my notes in case anyone needs a bit of help/motivation in writing their own~ =D
Warning: These will mostly be in 'order of thought' as it's all barebones stuff. Also contains FULL spoilers for both Undertale and In Stars and Time so er, if you're still looking to play those/still getting through them don't read this and please play this incredible games.
Mt Ebott is located on The Island and the shattering of the Barrier brings the ability to see color back to all those on the (ISAT) surface.
Humans losing the ability to see color in ISAT was due to them/the 'wish wizards' of The Island sacrificing it (along side their seven strongest 'colour casters') in a Wish Craft ritual, naturally leading to humanity losing most of their 'colour magic' knowledge.
Undertale's 'sepia flashbacks' were all Chara's memories of how the world looked to them, BUT once in the Underground they were able to see (and remember things on the Surface) in color (hence the whole 'golden flowers' bit; it was still mostly just a cover story but Chara genuinely wished that they could see their favorite flower field as the 'gold' they realized it was rather than the 'mid tones' they saw it as on the Surface).
...The 'erasure' of the Island I'm thinking might've been accidentally poor Chara and Asriel's fault: with Chara's 'ritual' killing of themselves via buttercup taking three days to happen, Chara being from the Island insisting Asriel always give them flowers in groups of three, seven and thirteen, and an entire Underground filled with tons and tons of 'trapped' wishes from monster kind for their freedom combining with Chara's self loathing/desire to hurt those who hurt them trapping them in a loop that Just. Wouldn't. End. until Chara eventually snapped and pulled a 'May these people, this Island, EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WHO'D EVER HURT THE MONSTERS I LOVE including me BE ERASED UNTIL THE MONSTERS ARE FREE!' and um. Welp. There went an entire nation... (also Flowey eventually remembered some of this but only after going back to being Flowey post Asriel and probably it took a while for him to sort through all that).
Which er, means in this fic, that the people of The Island and the Island itself are still 100% there but they've all spent roughly 8 years or so all blitzed out of their minds: Need to think of Chara's exact wish wording so its not just 'corpses everywhere' but very good odds the people on the Island were either running on full automatic for years or able to remember some stuff but only if they very very carefully did not think of themselves as their own countrymen/used the languages of elsewhere/were careful not to think of where they were as any actual location within their country...
...Which naturally would effect the kids by far the most as their very language is basically a brown note (bilingual types could at least swap over to a different language but likely most of The Island was rendered silent) and well, pretty hard to remember Mt Ebbot is the mountain that must not be climbed when you can't think of the locations around you by name and the adults may or may not remember the kids exist half the time so... Yeah. Cue a lot of kids climbing up the mountain due to both lack of warnings and increased chances of feeling ignored/isolated/hurt.
Aka why in Undertale we can never hear/read anything Frisk says, why the monsters outside of Flowey/Asriel never refer to Chara by name and why no one remembers Frisk's name until after the Barrier shatters: Chara's 'Wish' couldn't be broken until then.
Not sure where all the anime and high tech that's washing into the Underground is coming from but either The Island used to be a massive tech hub prior to memory erasure, a LOT of tech was lost along with the loss of color or The Island's memory erasure in the ISAT world color magitech? maybe the wizards tried to seal away more than just monsters?, or IDK maybe the Underground barrier techincally had them displaced outside of Space and Time a bit and the garbage that was washing in was from literally everywhere thanks to the Universe wanting to help them or something (side note: realizing the memory erasure from Chara may have accidentally snipped Universe worship from the monsters as well since they clearly venerate the stars also but well. That longing for the stars DID cause them pain so..).
Imagining that Siffrin and party are in Bambouche meeting Bonnie's sister (or idk, having a vacation or reunion there if you wanna give Siff a bit more recovery/'explaining his issues to his family' time) when the Barrier is broken and all the colors come rushing back. Best first sunset ever (right before the entire Surface world kinda flips out over color, and to a lesser extent those familiar with The Island start remembering more and more details as the 'curse' weakens a little with every monster leaving Mt Ebbot) followed up by Siffren and the others absolutely losing their minds over how beautiful the stars are with just a tiny bit of color to them (the stars no longer being passively pushed out of people's awareness helps).
Anyway next day the party realize they have to investigate: Partly because Siff is well, kind of losing their mind over being able to see and remember home a little, but also because W.T.F and the Island is clearly the epicenter of everything going on. ...Also Siff may remember childhood stories about colors being locked away to serve as warning for if the Monsters returned so um. That's could be a thing.
Meanwhile the Monsters are getting a MUCH warmer reception from the local humans than they ever could've imagined (accidentally saving a nation from enforced amnesia kinda does that) and are also very confused as to why no one knows who they should get in contact with for formal alliance stuff (not sure if The Island has much of a government left at this point honestly...)
Would Flowey and the ghosty Chara acompanying Frisk count as Sadnesses???
... And er, that's all I got plot/setup wise. Most of my brain energy had been spent on imagining what soul colors all the ISAT cast have and also 'What Pokemon would they all be if they ended up in a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game?' so have a list with my reasoning on that front! =D
Siffrin: Blue/Integrity - Might seem like an odd choice given his constant lying/acting but like. Given all of the memory erasure and the torture of the loops Siffrin's absolute refusal to compromise his family's happiness/safety or use the loops for literally anything not 'helping family/ending the loops' based (even when he's basically losing his mind and could really use just... Taking a loop or three to goof off or something) just screams how devoted he is to what he believes in and well, the amount he lies syncs up well with how insane he's going so yeah. Siffren is an Integrity soul who's having a really really hard time being true to himself due to all the wobbie breaking he's gone through all his life. Specifically I like to picture his soul as a very dark, deep black/blue with little pinpricks of other colored light (mostly green, red and yellow), like a tiny heart shaped starry night's sky <3 (And er, bet that soul went very 'red/bleeding sky' as he was losing it in Act 5; Determination isn't his color by nature but they were not well at that point at all).
Isabeau: Cyan/Patience - Isa is super kind and all sorts of things but what really sets him apart is just how patient he is about everything (in ways both good and bad). I like to imagine his soul looking like a blue daytime sky, maybe with the odd white cloud and yellow 'sun' dot: partly because it fits him but also partly to cutely contrast Siffrin's. *cue me humming Like Morning Follows Night from the RWBY OST because I mean. It kinda fits honestly
Mirabelle: Orange/Bravery and/or Yellow/Justice - Again another 'you might not think so' but like. Mirabelle is hella gutsy despite her anxiety and I admire her so so much (also JUSTICE BARRIER REFLECT AGAINST THE KING YAAAAGH! XD) Not super attached to it as Isa and Siff's but the orange/yellow glow of a sunset (maybe with some pink/purple along the edges to show her Perseverance <3).
Odiel: Green/Kindness - She's hella awkward about how much she cares and not the greatest at reading situations/reacting gently but like. Her sheer affection towards the others, her always watching and coming out with the bandages and how she point blank tells Siff 'nope, not angry at you nearly blowing up the world. Also you trying to do that because you love us is cute' means I can't really see her any other way~ Not sure if her soul would be dark green (for more Integrity) or more light green (for more Justice) but all in all, very very green, like light/dark speckled leaves <3
Bonnie: Purple/Perseverance - This kid endures so much so well I swear (they're also really brave so a little orange would work well too but despite everything I don't think bravery is their main characteristic). I like to think of their soul as very 'purple evening clouds with bits of brave orange gold/setting sun on the edges'.
And Loop has a White boss monster soul for reasons; thinking that in this crossover that Monsters believe that they were born from the Universe's compassion (with The Islander's myths claiming they're the result of failed/'cursed' wishes like the 'brother who can understand my suffering Wish Craft' fairytale Siff finds in the Orary room) and both Monsters and the Islanders believing Sadnesses are born from forcing a wish of cruelty/sorrow that goes against the will of the Universe (cue Chara and Flowey who probably were Sadnesses in this until the breaking of the Barrier grumbling that yeah that sounds about right and The King from ISAT proving to even more aaagh than he already was).
And yeah. I'm out of babble thoughts now so hope that this was interesting for you all and please feel free to yoink any ideas that snag your interest <3
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shortcakelils · 1 year
Hey remember me?
Lol but uh can you show us your drawing process?-
Also sorry for about being annoying
Yep yep ofc I remember u teehee
and sure! I can show u, full w/ images and explanations
here's the finished thingy if u can't be bothered reading all that shi
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First I just start with a simple circle with guidelines for the face
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then I actually add the face, almost always with the head shape and hair (if the character I'm drawing has any, since I'm drawing Mugman, I don't need to add any hair)
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after that I draw in smth like a rectangle, except it's kinda not a rectangle? I forgot the word help
w/ that I put an oval where the closest shoulder is, for some reason I only do one tho which is kinda weird
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I just go straight to clothes at that point, add the arms after since they're less important than the rest of the image lmao /j
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most the time I add abt 3 or 4 separate layers for the sketch so I can modify certain parts w/out ruining the rest of it or making it too messy
once I'm done w the sketch I turn the opacity of it down like, real real low, inbetween like, 10%-20% so I can see what I'm doin with the lineart (side note, linearts usually a really dark colour but almost NEVER black)
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Once linearts done I add another layer and colour w a lil tool called the lasso fill, it makes colouring drawings like 10 times faster and way more enjoyable for me
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after dat shi, depending on if it's a complete drawing or not, I make a new layer and shade it w the same colour I used for the lineart
sometimes tho I make it lighter so it doesn't look dry or soulless n stuff, it rlly depends on what vibe you're going with ur drawing tho
for highlights I make another layer and put it over the lineart layer. usually I'd use a yellow but light blue looks better w Mugman
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Lastly I just give it some kind of background thing and I'm done teehee, thanks for readin this shi lmao
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helluvabossrewrite45 · 4 months
What program do you use to make your HB scene rewrites and what is your creative process behind making them? Any advice and tips you got on doing these scene rewrites?
I ask because I not only do I love your rewrites and the dialogue in them (specially since I can hear the characters voices in the scenes themselves), but also because the style of the words look very nice. In my eyes, they look like there's neon lights inside the words themselves lighting up around them. Not to mention I'd like to try a hand at doing scene rewrites myself, after seeing some Tumblr users (including you, which btw thank you so much for the inspiration) do scene rewrites themselves, especially of Helluva Boss.
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Sorry it took long to answer anon, red eyes got to me a few weeks ago but now its much better (just gotta use the computer in smaller portions now).
I use canva for my rewrites since their free and you can easily create them there. It's a very simple process;
Screenshot an image
Upload them on Canva
Go back on 'Uploads' for Canva and press the 'Use in Design'
Select the Text section with 'GLOW'
Choose the size (mine would typically be somewhere between 20-30+) depending on what the size looks like
Select the colour of your choice
Write the scene
Once finished, download
My tips/advice would be if you want to keep a consistent colour for a character, you either can download your current one and go back to the one with that particular colour for the character. If that colour appears on a particular image (since canva suggest certain colours for the scene), you can go back to that image, select the colour and then insert the image your rewriting for it. Another way of keeping colour consistent is to duplicate canva and with that new tab, repeat step 3 and continue using a different character. It's how I did fizz and Blitzo for my last rewrite since it makes it much easier and I don't have to remember the specific colour 24/7.
Another tip/advice would be to give your rewrites headings in your canva so that it makes it less confusing for you. I typically title my canvas 'helluva rewrites' which makes them 'hb rewrites (1)' - 'hb rewrites (6)'. It creates a neat order for you to line up your rewrites well (also if your computer has 'hb rewrites' and 'hb rewrites (1)', hb rewrites is the first one while hb rewrites (1) is the second).
That's all the tips/advice i can provide. It's a really simple process, plus its free to use as long as you have an account. I'm really appreciative of your support and how my text is pleasing for your eyes since i use 'glow' to make it easily read while choosing colours that wouldn't cause people eye strain. I would really look foward into your rewrites and glad that I inspired you in some way like hb and the critical community has inspired me.
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magpiefngrl · 8 months
Fic author self-rec
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Thank you for the tag @tenthousandyearsx a few weeks ago! I wanted to wait and get a couple of my WIPs ready and posted before doing it, but I'm now back to full time work so it's unlikely I'll finish those WIPs any time soon. 😢 So, here's 5 old fics of mine that I'm fond of. It's hard to choose a favourite, so I chose rather randomly, whatever popped in my head first tbh.
They're all drarry.
The Unquiet Grave (E, 21,5k, gothic vibes)
Quote: ‘What will happen is this. You’ll drag me to a poncy restaurant one evening soon, and I’ll complain about the number of forks and the size of the portions. Then I’ll drag you to my local and you’ll complain about the wine list and the clientele. This will be a recurring theme. But every time, every single time, we’ll end up in my bed — or yours — and I’ll make you forget your own name.’
My thoughts: I reread this yesterday after years, and I ended up really enjoying it. I particularly liked the dialogue in this read. I'm pretty happy with how this fic turned out. It's got a gothic mood and fits an autumnal mood; I often rec it for Halloween.
Sometimes a man needs (E, 5.5k, Flower Shop)
Quote: Harry knew what a huge mistake the whole thing was, but he’d already fallen for Malfoy, so what harm would a few more nights do? What harm would it do to kiss Malfoy some more and inhale his intoxicating smell? What harm was it that Malfoy spent almost every evening with Harry and whispered things in the dark that he never alluded to in the day? Harry was in love and in pain, but he might as well get what he could while he could.
My thoughts: I love the magical flower shop I created here, the types of flowers I came up with, and, craft-wise, I love Harry's voice. I remember I'd struggled with this fic, starting and deleting, starting and deleting, until I got a handle on Harry's voice and then it flowed in a morning.
The Gift (E, 29,5k, Captive Prince references)
Quote:  Draco’s desires — at least where Potter is concerned — are a tangle, messed up like he is. A war of contradictions: Draco wants to please Potter, and he wants to hurt him. He wants to see Potter in ecstasy, but he can’t allow himself to be the one to do it. So, he’s chosen another way, a way that gives and takes at the same time. ‘You’ve been such a good boy so far,’ Draco tells Potter and watches with pleasure his instant reaction, the blood colouring his face. ‘I think you deserve a treat for being so good. So… obedient. Which is why Adam here will give you a… gift.’
My thoughts: Used to have complicated feelings about this one. I'd hidden it for years and only revealed it a couple of months ago. Draco is a writer here and channels many of my doubts and insecurities. It's not a fic that has a wide appeal, not cute or fluffy at all, but I love my prose here and I had fun with inserting CaPri nods and writing excerpts of a magical CaPri story.
The Boy Who Died (E, 26.8k, Voldemort Wins AU)
Quote: At times he thought he noticed his own lust mirrored in Malfoy’s gaze, like when he cooked and Harry sat on the kitchen table, mouth and fingers sticky with treacle syrup or brown sugar, or when Harry left the shower in his pyjama bottoms, his hair soft like a waterfall down his bare shoulders. Harry had taken to sleeping topless; he couldn’t get used to Malfoy’s fancy pyjamas, and although Malfoy had looked extremely put out the first time, he didn’t object.
My thoughts: I'm just so fond of this one! I thought of the reincarnation plot because of wangxian and I peppered some wangxian Easter eggs in this fic, but I didn't expect to fall in love with this dystopian, Voldemort Wins 'verse. It's a bleak world but somehow this fic has become one of my comfort reads and I've reread it often since posting it.
Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There (E, 17.4k, Mirror of Erised alternate dimension)
Quote: Getting to know Harry was to love him: hearing him laugh at Weasley’s jokes, watching him sleep, witnessing his passionate devotion to what was right and the ardor with which he supported his friends. He had butterflies in his stomach just at the sight of him; a sentiment he attempted to hide under a mask of cool detachment, because if anyone found out, Draco would be kicked out of Slytherin for incurable soppiness.
My thoughts: I love the Mirror universe I came up with, and am proud of the treatment of the Shrieking Shack in this fic, which I haven't seen elsewhere. It's one of my works I'm most proud of. I didn't expect it'd be emotional, but I've received a bunch of comments, some of them very recently, saying it made readers cry. oops?
I'm guessing many of you have done the latest round of this author game. So, tagging everyone who hasn't done it and wants to! Would love to see the fics you rec and why xx
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ferni-mothofprophecy · 7 months
Finished the first chapter of the AU I’ve been working on! :D
Ao3 Link
Character Designs
Chapter 1
A rush of colours surrounded him. He couldn't move; couldn't breathe; couldn't anything.
And then it all lifted at once and Martin Blackwood was sitting at his old desk in the archives, as if nothing in the past few years had ever happened.
His first thought was that he was dreaming, or dead. However, his thoughts were dispelled when he caught sight of the calendar across the room. 2015. He blinked. The date remained the same. 
Steps sounded and a man with deliberately messy brown hair and a pink Hawaiian shirt strutted into the room.
"Hello Martin," he said, his voice friendly, "excited for our first foray into the job of archiving?"
"Tim?" Martin squeaked. Tim couldn't be alive, unless he was actually back in 2015. His brain felt foggy and he tried to remember where he had been before this. 
The panopticon. Jonas Magnus. Jon! Oh...Jon. Martin buried his face in his hands, trying to stifle sobs.
"Hey, are you alright?" Martin felt a hand rest on his shoulder.
"Yeah," Martin lied, "Just had a rough few days."
Tim gave him a sympathetic look.
"I like what you've done with your hair, by the way. It suits you."
"Thank you," Martin said, as Tim wandered off and took his place at his own desk.
 He wracked his brains to try to think what Tim might be talking about. He didn't recollect anything, but it was perfectly possible that he'd got a haircut before his first day working his new job (which he was now realising this was).
There was a mirror in the bathroom across the hall, Martin remembered, so he got up from his desk and made his way over to that. 
His face stared back at him from the mirror, younger and less lined than he had seen it in ages. A dusting of freckles scattered across pale skin, ginger hair streaked with white flopping across his forehead-
Wait. White hair? That had only happened after the Lonely. Why was this happening now? Was it because Jon wasn't here? Did the Lonely now want to claim him again? Martin's throat was clogged with tears. 
Jon wasn't here. Jon wouldn't be here either. There was no way whatever had brought him here would be kind enough to bring Jon as well. There would be a version of Jon here but it wouldn't be his Jon. He could stop Sasha and Tim from meeting the same fate as they had before though, that was some consolation. There must be a reason he had been forced back into here and saving the people he had once considered his best friends seemed like a good enough reason to him. 
When he his face no longer showed the fact that he'd been crying, Martin returned to the archives. A woman he had never seen before was sitting at a desk, chatting to Tim. He knew she must be Sasha, although it broke his heart that not a spark of recognition passed through him at the sight of her. He stared at her, trying to memorise every detail that had been wiped from his memory. Not!Sasha's hair had been short, hanging down as far as her shoulders in lifeless strands. The woman in front of him, the real Sasha, had dark curls that tumbled to her lower back. A pair of round glasses with green tinted frames were perched on her face and two emerald eyes stared out from beneath them. She was wearing a yellow jumper and a necklace of chunky gemstones hung from her neck.
She looked up.
"Martin!" She said. She stared at him for a second.
"It's great to see you."
"Well I'd hardly be skiving off work on my first day," Martin cracked a smile. It felt a bit forced.
The three of them sat down at their desks. A light chatter filled the room but Martin's mind was too full of thoughts to contribute much. He would have to stock up on fire extinguishers. Oh and make sure Sasha never went to artefact storage. At all if he could help it.
His thoughts were cut off when a new face entered the room. Oh so familiar but oh so different than when he had last seen it. Gone were the scars that had pitted the face of the man he loved. His eyes were no longer that burning viridian but instead a deep black. His long hair was still streaked with grey, but there was less than before and it was tied back in a messy bun atop his head. Martin didn't remember Jon's hair being this long when he started working in the archives but he could have easily cut it a few weeks into his new job. It had been years and Martin's memory was hazy on the details.
Jon made his way to his office without saying a word and shut the door behind him. Martin sighed. He had forgotten how long it took for Jon to warm up to him. Jon’s door creaked open and he poked his head out.
“Um. There’s a spider in here,” he said, voice shaking a little. Martin grinned, this was still Jon.
“I’ll come and remove it,” he said.
Jon’s office was similar to how he remembered it, with the main difference being the messy piles of paperwork now littering the desk and floor. A large spider was squatting in the middle of Jon’s desk.
Martin scooped it up and turned to Jon.
“There you go,” he said, “feel free to call me any time you need a spider removed. I like the little guys.”
Martin could have sworn he had seen a trace of a blush darken Jon’s cheeks but he was probably just imagining it.
“Yes,” Jon said, a little awkwardly, “I will do that.”
Martin carried the spider outside and gently set it down. He muttered a few words about the Web and then made his way back indoors, to begin his first day as an archival assistant.
Martin’s first order of business after he got off work was a shopping expedition. The lady at the checkout had given him an odd look when he had purchased all the fire extinguishers the store had to offer but at least he hadn’t bumped into anyone from work whilst doing so. That would have been hard to explain.
He stashed most of the fire extinguishers in a cupboard near his front door for easy access but spread a few throughout the flat just in case.
Ideally, he would kill Jane Prentiss when Jon sent him to follow up on Timothy Hodge’s statement, but he knew things didn’t always go to plan. He would not be trapped in his flat again though. That he was sure of.
He missed Jon that night. He had grown used to the feel of Jon’s body pressed against him while he slept and the bed felt cold and empty without him. Tendrils of fog crept into the room and he shivered, then startled. No. The Lonely couldn’t claim him now. Sasha was here, and Tim. A version of Jon as well. He wasn’t alone and he wouldn’t abandon them. The fog retreated and Martin huddled in his blankets. This flat didn’t even feel like his anymore and the memories of Prentiss seemed to swirl around him, making it impossible to rest. After a while he gave up, dressed and exited the flat, hoping a walk outside would clear his mind.
He felt his feet take him to a park he had frequently been to before. A few trees lined a path down to where a shallow lake lay, twinkling in the moonlight.
A dark shape standing by the water’s edge caught his attention and he stopped cold. Waves of ominous energy seemed to radiate off of them. He couldn’t make out any details apart from the fact that they seemed to be humanoid in shape.
He waited a safe distance away and called out, “Hello?”
Maybe not the best idea to alert whoever it was to his presence but, in his defence, he was curious.
The figure turned round and Jon’s face came into view. All the ominous energy seemed to melt away and Martin started laughing.
“Martin?” Jon asked.
“I thought you were some kind of monster,” Martin wheezed.
“You’ve been reading too many statements,” Jon said, a smile turning up the corner of his lips.
“Perhaps,” Martin said, “What are you doing out here so late?”
“I could ask you the same question,” Jon observed dryly, “Sleep was evading me so I felt it necessary to take a walk to clear my head.”
“Pretty much the same reason I’m out here,” Martin sighed, flopping down onto a bench, “The new job is more stressful than I thought I guess.”
“You’re more than qualified enough to do a good job,” Jon said.
“I faked my CV,” Martin blurted without thinking. He blamed it on the late hour.
Jon blinked.
“Oh. I was referring to your ten years working in the library actually,” he said, “I haven’t seen anything significant of your archiving work so far but I am sure it will be excellent.”
2015 Jon complementing him? This was weird. Martin bit his lip.
“How are you finding the new job?”
“Not exactly what I’m used to,” Jon admitted, “but honestly I imagine anything would be better than the state the last archivist seems to have left the place in.”
“True,” Martin laughed.
Jon took a seat on the bench beside him and they sat together in companionable silence for a few minutes. Martin was glad of the company. Although this was not his Jon, he felt comforted by his presence.
“Your hair looks different,” Jon broke the silence
“In a good way.”
“You’ve only seen it once before,” Martin pointed out, “When the dog got into the archives on the day we went to check over them.”
Jon winced.
“Ah. Yes. I am sorry about how rude I was to you then. I was under the stress of the new position.”
“It’s fine,” Martin smiled, though a bitter note clung to it. How different would things have been if he had met up with Jon like this before. Would Jon have warmed up to him sooner? The answer was evidentially yes if the conversation he was having right now could be taken into account.
“I should get going,” Jon said, rising from the bench, “I should get at least some sleep to prepare me for tomorrow.”
“Me too,” Martin agreed, although he dreaded going back to his flat. He wondered if Jon would let him use the cot in the archives. He could just ask actually.
“Do you think I could use the cot in the archives?” He turned to Jon, “Just for a while. I’ve had a bad experience in my flat recently and I don’t think I’d be able to sleep there well.”
“I don’t have a problem with that, though you could always stay at mine?” Jon said, then his face flushed.
“Not like that.”
“Thank you for offering but you hardly know me,” Martin said, “the cot in the archives will be sufficient.”
“I suppose I don’t,” Jon sighed, then before Martin could ask him what he meant by that, he turned and left. Martin watched him until he passed out of sight then headed to his flat to retrieve some of his possessions (and a few of his collection of fire extinguishers), before turning in the direction of the archives, and, he hoped, a good night’s sleep.
Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
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merspots · 7 months
Knitted Tooka Cat
So, I knit, and one of the main reasons I do so is so I can make things that do not otherwise exist. For my birthday this year I decided to treat myself by buying a Loth Cat pattern with the intention of using it to create other types of Tooka Cats (because I love these weird little guys).
The pattern I bought was from https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/JessWorks, though it appears to no longer be listed there (or maybe it's just not showing up for me, lol). This is the first time I've bought a pattern, and I was very happy with how easy it was to follow. I used the White Loth Cat version of the pattern as it was the most straight forward. Any issues I had with making it were purely user generated and not a fault of the pattern.
And this was the result:
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Obviously this is not a White Loth Cat, but my aim when working on this little guy was basically to figure out how to use the pattern to make a Generic Tooka so I just chose some colours that went well enough together from my scrap yarn. Still, I think it turned out cute, even with the very yellow eyes!
My original plan when I started this project was to follow the pattern as closely as possible. Unfortunately that was my first hurdle as I don't know how to knit in the round and couldn't figure it out after a few restarts. So I converted the pattern for flat knitting which surprisingly mostly worked out okay.
Things I'd do differently next time I make this (and there will be a next time as I have bought yarn specifically for Tooka making) would be:
1. Changing where I start the colour change for the face, because it's lower down on the head than I'd like and causes the face to be looking down slightly. I did it in the short rows but next time I'll start it a row higher and might finish it a row earlier too.
2. Figure out how to do some shaping of the face to give it a bit of a muzzle as the way I did it caused what was supposed to be the muzzle to now be the top of the head. Like, not a big muzzle, but a bit more definition to that area of the face.
3. Change the way I do the top parts of the legs. The legs are completely closed up before being attached, and I found trying to sew what were essentially two balls to each other kind of annoying. Next time I'll adjust the pattern so the top parts of the legs have only the outside half as I find that easier to sew on to and personally feel that helps them look like they're part of the body.
4. Change the way I do the face details, or at least use a thinner black thread next time. I'd also love to try out safety eyes as I feel they might match the look of TCW's Tooka eyes better.
Anyway, I'm mostly just writing this as I think this guy turned out cute and because I hope that writing out my plans will help me remember them, lol. Also, if you have any name suggestions I am all ears because I feel this little guy deserves one and I just can't think of any at the moment.
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ajokeformur-ray · 15 days
with the sequel coming out, tell me again how you and arthur first fell in love! how did you meet! i wanna know your story!
I forgot the original story I had for us five years ago (I feel like it was that I saw Carnival dancing in the street, fell head over heels for this smiley clown, and approached him on a break to tell him I loved his dancing, but I could be wrong), so I have a new one which fits better the person I am now.🥺🙏 This is the SWEETEST ask and has me melting, I'm struggling so badly right now trying to balance everything going on and this ask is the perfect thing to give me five minutes to myself 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy the story!!
Arthur and I had a meet cute.
During the bus scene, we noticed that the lady never handed Arthur his card back even though she would have seen the text asking for the card to be returned (😡). So I can only assume she threw it on the floor or left it on the seat, I highly doubt she would have snatched the card and then taken it with her.
I was sat in the row directly behind Arthur so I saw and heard everything. His exchange with the child, the woman being rude (she was probably overworked, stressed and tired but there's no need to be rude to someone, especially if they've gone out of their way to try to cheer your baby up🥺), the sharp flick of laminated card as it hit the dirty bus floor.
I stared at that white card poking out from underneath her chair for the rest of the bus ride home, focusing on it to make sure I didn't forget to pick it up. I wanted to see what it said, and if it was indeed the man's in front of me then I'd return it to him.
(In real life I have run after people, total strangers, to give them back wallets, keys etc if they accidentally lose them on the bus, even if it isn't my stop; I can easily walk the rest of the way, that person needs their possession back way more.)
So when the bus stops and the man gets off, I remembered that Helm's Pharmacy carries my specific hair oil and I'm down to a third of a bottle so I need some more (my hair uses a lot of oil as it's a part of my daily routine and I will lose my shit if I don't have enough for the day's routine). I get up too, bending down to grab the small card on the way out.
It's nothing I haven't heard before as a psychology and counselling honours degree student, but the "please return this card" catches my attention and I'm so focused on reading the card that I almost walk right into Arthur's back as he stops to open the pharmacy door. I don't even remember getting off the bus; my body knows every part of my day because I live the same one over and over again without reprieve (but many complaints).
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, I was miles away." I am stammering, verbally tripping over myself as the man, his shoulders hunched up to his neck like he's expecting an attack, turns around. "I'm so sorry, really, it's just I realised you never got this card returned and I wanted to give it to you in case you need it, it looks well used and I'm so sorry I almost -"
My anxious rambling is cut off by a quiet high pitched giggle. Like recognises like as his ocean greens meet my hazel with green and gold flecks, and I fall instantly in love with the man whose name I don't know yet.
He waves a hand dismissively, and I hold his card out.
"Here, I'm so sorry again."
Arthur takes the card from me and stuffs into haphazardly into his pocket. I notice the colour of his jacket, his gorgeous eyes, those romantic dark curls, the nicotine stains on his fingers, the way he's wincing under the bright artificial lights of the pharmacy, and as I'm looking at Arthur, he's looking at me. I don't know what he's noticing about me, I've just finished work so I look an awful mess. Black bags under my eyes from weeks of sleep deprivation, messy hair falling out of its braid. A girl crumbling under the weight of the world and hoping she can keep it together long enough that no one will notice until she can get back to her bedroom and shatter. Only to pick herself up in the morning and do it all over again.
It's so similar to Arthur's mantra of step step step, but I don't know that, not yet.
"Th-thank you," Arthur stammers, sweeping a hand through his curls. I haven't realised we're both moving through the aisles to get what we need, and probably have been since I ran into him. I see my expensive hair oil and swipe two bottles, wincing at the price but willing to pay it for my favourite body part. I joke that it makes up for the rest of me... People always laugh but no one's realised yet that I'm being serious when I say it. In time, Arthur will, and he'll scold me for it. And I'll only smile, because he sees me and loves me all the same.
"You're welcome." I remember my manners and rush to introduce myself. "I'm sorry again to run into you, I'm Erika."
"Erika." Arthur repeats my name as he queues up for the prescription counter; I stand beside him. "My name's Arthur. Arthur Fleck."
And something inside me sighs in relief and whispers deep in the back of my mind, "oh, there you are."
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argumentl · 11 months
The Freedom of Expression Vol 18 - Making teru teru bōzu (2023/05/29)
(*Long post including:
•Kaoru's mixed feelings regarding Hanshin's winning streak.
•Making fun of Tasai
•Kaoru pulling a prank on Joe
•Kaoru's limited sewing and Home Economics ability*)
K: Hi, we are here with The Freedom of Expression, I'm Kaoru from Dir en grey.
J: And I'm Joe Yokomizo.
T: I'm Tasai from Tokyo Sports.
J: Ok, we're off!
K: Haha, you're suddenly full of energy. (*To Tasai*) Before coming on air he was almost sleeping, right?
J: No, I was just conserving my energy for the main show.
K: Weren't you just sleepy after eating too much?
J: Haha, no, but wasn't that bento curry incredible?!
K: Yeah, it was good.
T: It was.
J: According to you Tasai, it was some kind of luxury curry, right?
T: Yeah, I've heard about it.
J: I'd like it if we have that every time.
T, K: Haha
J: That would up the excitement.
T: You'd just get sleepy, Joe.
K: He's suddenly full of energy, until just now he was nodding off.
J: Haha, its my age, I cant help it! What about Tasai, changing his clothes before coming on air?!
T: I'm Link from The Legend of Zelda.
K: Hahaha
J: No, you look like some kind of assembly member trying to get elected or something. We just recorded the members only video, and he took it off after that. He just had a regular black t shirt on instead, so I thought he would wear that for the live broadcast. But then before we came on air, he was like, 'Right, time to get changed!'
T: Haha, what's wrong with it??
J: I really don't get why you would wear that. Anyway, here we are, live again after 2 months. Leader, do you remember where we were last time?
K: Fussa!
J: That's right, we were in Fussa having a walk down Base Side Street. Tell us again what you thought of it.
K: It was fun. Its been a while since we were last on location.
J: Was that actually our first time on location for Niconama?
K: Uh, didn't we go to Kagurazaka?
J: Oh, did we?
T: Yeh, we went for a walk there...
Oh, that was for Youtube?
J: Right.
K: I don't think we went anywhere since then.
J: I was right! haha
T: But the blue sky in Fussa was great, right?
J: Oh yeh. Leader, did you end up buying anything?
K: Yeah, I bought some cargo pants.
J: Right, yeh. Have you been wearing them?
K: Yes, I have been.
J: Ohh. After we finished filming, me and Tasai ended up going for gyoza and beer near Fussa station.
K: Yeah, I had other business so I had to leave.
T: Yeah, I thought you would envy us, haha.
J: You sent him a photo!
K: Yeah, but I thought 'Chinese??' haha
J: Not American at all, right? We put so much emphasis on being next to the American base, but ended up eating Chinese food, haha.
K: It looked good though.
J: Yeah, it was. So, while we were in Fussa, we bought 5 cups to give away as presents to viewers. To enter the lottery to win one of them, please check out the show's blog, the deadline is 5/31 (Wed). There's the link. Oh, someone said they already entered!
T: Ah, thank you!
J: You still have time, so don't miss out. Ah, someone wrote, 'I hope I win!'. Oh, and 'Kaoru suits khaki with his brown hair'.
T: Yes, I thought he looks very cool like this.
K: No, I think this is cooler. (*Tasai's shirt*)
T: Haha, stop messing with me.
J: Leader, do you wanna wear that shirt?!
K: Hahaha
T: Come on, stop teasing me!
J: Would you dare wear that shirt?!
T: I'm gonna get mad in a minute!
K: Hahaha
J: I don't think I'd have the courage to wear that! Actually, lets ask the viewers, should we give this shirt away as a present?
T: Haha, I'll give it to them! If anyone wants it, they can have it!
J: 'Its refreshing on Tasai, its good'
T: Hey, see! The viewers are kind, its only you making fun of me, Joe.
J: Nahh...'Kaoru's hair colour looks brighter than at the lives'...'Kaoru suits khaki', look khaki is popular on Leader...'I w..w..want it!' Can we not do a last min survey on how many want it?
K: (*seeing a comment*) Ah yeh, its the colour of zunda! (*mashed soy beans*).
J: Of course it is! Should we put a survey out to see who wants it? If more people want it than dont want it, we could give it away as a present. Haha, 'Its like grass', 'Tasai san, melon juice', and someone said its like a frog. Ok, we will do a survey. Do you want Tasai's zunda shirt? It'll be unwashed. We'll send it complete with Tasai's smell.
T: This is embarrassing.
J: By the way, how much did you pay for that, Tasai?
T: I don't know I just bought it with one click.
J: Oh, on Amazon? You should at least shop on Zozotown.
T: Why?
J: I don't know, haha. Its more stylish. Ok, here's the survey. If we use Tasai's tshirt as a present would you like it, or dont you need it? 'Tasai's fragrance', 'Will Tasai sign it?'
T: No, I wil not, haha.
J: I wonder what the answer will be....
Ohhh! 56.2% don't need it. They are all still normal people!
T: Yeah, but 43.8% wanted it!
J: No, this result means the viewers are still normal, thank goodness. Imagine if more had wanted it. Thats a relief. Anyway, the cups are still up for grabs, so check out the blog before 5/31. So, today we are not here to talk about Tasai's shirt, or melons. Lets move onto baseball.
T: Hanshin are strong, right?
J: Aren't they winning too much?
K: Ahhh, its tough.
J: Why??
K: Its tough..
T: Yeh, why??
K: I've never experienced them winning this much!
J, T: Hahaha
K: I don't know how to respond to this. They've never had this many wins!
J: It feels wrong, right?
K: Yeah, but I don't know why.
T: Ohh, thats how it feels to win now?
K: Cause I end up thinking this is gonna be their peak.
J: For fans of a team who are in the habit of losing, its not a good sign.
K: Yeah, I get sad thinking about how it wont last.
T: You should be happy!
J: You can't enjoy it?
K: Yeh, well, everyday Im like 'Yess!' when they win, but then I think about it, and Im like, 'Oh no, they already peaked'.
T: But Hanshin have good pitchers this year, they are a good, strong team.
J: I usually know nothing about it, but I was staying in a hotel the other day for an event, and I got to the hotel, put the tv on, and this first thing that came on was the sports news. I saw that Hanshin were in the top spot with a 6 game difference, and I thought, wow!
T: What is it? 8 consecutive wins currently?
K: Yes, 8. Before this 8 consecutive wins they lost one game, but they had another 7 consecutive wins before that.
J: Omg
T: Isn't is an exciting month?!
K: Oh yeh, its been great. You know Die is a Giants fan, he was like, 'Tch, shit!!', and I'm like 'Good good', haha.
J: In the dressing room, right? Die' going 'Tch!' and you're going 'Yesss'!
K: Yeah, if he's like 'Aghh, no!', I'm like 'Niceee', hahaha.
T: Hanshin have won three games against the Giants, they showed just enough strength to win, especially with those pitchers.
J: Which Hanshin players are you rooting for?
K: Hmm, probably numbers 1 and 2, Tsukamoto and Nakano.
T: Then there is Murakami, and then the guy from Softbank...
K: Ōtake.
T: Yeh, Ōtake. His ERA is 0, with 6 wins and no losses.
K: Yeh, and recently, in the 7th innings of the game, a chance came while the score was even...
T: Yeh, it was 0-0.
K: Yeh, so a chance came and Ōtake was sent to the bench, because he wasn't breaking the tie. The next pitcher broke the tie, and Ōtake was spotted crying on the bench!
T: He was overjoyed.
J: It was that dramatic?!
T: Yeh, it made headlines. Overjoyed!
J: Well, Leader, since you are on tour, you won't have been going to the stadiums, right?
K: No, I havnt.
J: Ah, just on TV. Ah, comments saying 'It was cute', 'Crying!'...Please keep sending us your comments, and we may even have more random surveys too. For now the viewers don't seem to want Tasai's shirt.
T: No, but 43% did!
J: Haha, they were probably just being kind.
T: Haha, yeh.
J: Please send us your thoughts and questions in the comments, and if you are using twitter, you can use the tag TFOE. So, you already know, but the first part of this show is free, and the second part is for members only. If you join, you can watch this in the archives for a year, and you can also enjoy extra members only videos, so please use the link at the top of the screen, Leader, point to it! Thank you - to join, and enjoy the show to the end. Now, some people may be worried that we are going to spend the whole hour talking about baseball, but don't worry. That is not the case. We may touch on it occasionally, but its June soon and the rainy season is starting. Not quite yet in Kanto, but I think it might be there already in Okinawa and Kyushu. But since Hanshin are in great shape at the moment, you don't want it to rain, right, Leader?
K: Yeah, well there are a lot of interleage games...the dome stadiums are...huh? How many are domes?
T: Uhh, Softbank, Ham, Orixs...about 4.
K: Yeh, so I think it'll be ok even if it rains.
J: Do we need to change the plan for today's show then?? Can't you just pretend that the rain is gonna cause trouble? haha
K: Haha, Koshien isn't a dome though.
J: Right?! You don't want the team's flow to be broken by games postponed due to rain, right? Don't dampen our idea, Kaoru! Anyway, the plan for this week is us making Teru teru bōzus in the style of TFOE!! So that means, not the regular white type that everyone knows, but ones with a little more character, fitting with this show. We have some materials here in front of us, and Tasai, you have string, right? So the first half will be making characteristic teru teru bōzus, and in the second part we will do some psychopath quizzes. Its not only baseball today, we have loads. So as we have the goods here, we can continue talking while we are crafting.
T: Oh, someone just commented, 'There were Dir Teru teru bōzus before too, right?'
K: I think there were, yeh.
J: Well, this will be something to look forward to, as well as the psychopath quizzes. About that, of course we are each going to take a quiz to see which one of us is the biggest psychopath, but viewers can join in too, and test yourselves. I mean, I know a lot of you sad you didn't want Tasai's shirt, so you may not score too badly..
K: Haha, he's not gonna let this go.
T: Joe, Im gonna make you wear this.
J: No no, after the show, please. Hey, Leader should try it on!
T: No no no, you! haha
J: Ah, seriously? haha. Hey, but Leader, who do you think is the biggest psychopath?
K: Definitely Tasai.
J: Yeah.
T: Eh?! Why?!
J: You're a Tasaicopath.
T: I would say its you, Joe.
K: He is the type of guy who...*???*
K: Thats right!
T: Isnt that interesting, though?
K: Its something!
J: But based on these live broadcasts that we do, even the staff think there is something about you, Tasai.
T: Why?? haha
J: Maybe thats where the psychopath idea came from.
T: Haha, when I looked at the script, it says 'Talk about how wierd Tasai is'. Its all due to me!
K: Hahahaha
T: They didn't even write 'Tasai san', just 'Tasai'? They were commenting on how strange you are after filming last time.
K: This task is for Tasai then, really.
T: Ah, great.
J: Yes, it will reveal more of Tasai's uniqueness.
K: He needs time to think about his answers though.
J: Yes, so we will get these teru teru bōzus out of the way first. We can talk while we make, Hanshin talk or such.
K: Yes.
J: Leader, which materials will you choose?
K: I choose one of these?
J: Yeah, this is another good way of expressing personality. Ah, but yeh, no alcohol today.
T: I wanna have a drink while watching the baseball again on the show.
K: Yeah, I wanna do that again.
T: It'll be fun this year, at Koshien and such.
J: You know, if they win ...(*something about calling players over*) Will that happen this year?
T: Hmm
J: And with Tokyo Sports' connections...
you are a sports newspaper after all! Can't you do that?
T: Well, we do sometimes...but..
J: Ah, the fee?
T: Well, im not sure.
J: Send some of your chu-hi as a favour.
K: Tokyo Sports has its own chu-hi??
J: Yeh, they just released it.
T: Yeah, and its 13%
K: Oh, great!
J: Chu-hi from hell!
K: Bring some for me to try next time!
T: Well, there's none left in the office!
K: Its selling too well??
J: Or everyone at work is just stealing it?
T: Haha, yeh. Hiranabe had the lot!
J: No no, im sure it must be selling well. Hey, but 13% is impressive, right?
T: Only for serious drinkers, haha.
J: For sure. Are you trying to sell it as a set with the gyōza?
T: Yeah.
J: Ahh. Hey Leader, you chose some cute fabric.
K: Well, I don't know about that.
T: Joe, what will you go for?
J: Well, its me so I'll probably go for black. But it doesn't have to be just one colour. We can combine colours.
K: Yeah.
J: I'll have the yellow too. But as for Hanshin, they are not just winning by fluke are they?
K: No, they are a really strong team.
T: They are keeping it really cool. They are not just putting pedal to the metal and going all out. They are going quite steadily.
K: Yeah.
T: They do still have days where they lose, but their wins are steadily taking them higher.
J: You are not worried then, Leader?
K: Agh, well they are too strong! It wouldn't be so bad if they were just a little bit strong, but at this rate, they are gonna plummet eventually.
J: They are doing too well?
T: This year their pitchers are too good.
J: Plus if they have few injuries, that helps.
K: Yeah, but it is a bit scary.
J: Its scary seeing the team so strong?
T: Yeah, cause they are used to losing.
J: Its not impossible for them to continue this winning streak though?
K: No, its not.
J: And the players are young, right?
K: Yeah. They are the youngest team out of the 12 main teams.
J: Oh so they wont tire out as easily? Or is that not the case? The older players dont tire out more quickly?
K: Well, I expect they do, but they know how to play to their strengths.
J: Ah, yeah, they have the experience.
K: We cant really know how they do it.
J: Yeah. You know, I can't even remember how to make teru teru bōzus.
K: Me neither.
J: The staff made some earlier, oh those look good. These really show your personality. Ah, I think I'll use some of that foil too. We also have these sticky-on eyes here too....So the team are young...but hey, a team in good condition will be noticed, right?
K: Yeah
J: So the other teams will....Oh Leader, you are approaching this task really freely again. *looking at Kaoru making a triangle shape*
T: I think Yokohama and the Giants are the teams to be wary of.
J: Ah, rival teams, yeh?
T: Yeah. Yakult has a lot of injured players.
J: Oh! Yakult are no competition.
K: They lost 10 games in a row.
J: Really? Wow. What about the Pacific League?
T: Lotte are winning there.
J: Really??
T: Yeah, Yoshii san is their new manager.
J: Yoshii of the Kintetsu Buffalos?
K: Yeh yeh yeh.
T: He was with Kintetsu, Yakult, Mets...
J: Oh yeh, he used to be with Mets too!...Leader, you do know we are supposed to be making teru teru bōzu, right? That's an interesting shape, haha.
T: *holding up bright green string* I'm not letting anyone have this. This is mine.
K: Hahaha.
J: Yeh, don't worry, we don't need it.
T: Haha
J: We really don't, haha.
T: Oh, that hurts, haha.
J: I wonder if the viewers know how to make these.
T: Shall we do a survey?
J: Yeah, have you ever made a teru teru bōzu? A simple question like that?
T: Yeah, we don't want to make it too hard for the staff.
J: What if we annoy them too much? haha. Ahh, this is difficult.
T: Yeah.
J: I've only ever thought about making these with paper. Ok, please answer the survey, 'Have you ever made a teru teru bōzu?' Yes, or no. Surely most people have, right?
T: I don't think I ever have.
J: Really?? Leader, have you?
K: I have at school.
J: What did you hope for when you made it?
K: Well, it was just part of a lesson at school.
J: Oh, like as an art project? Ok, lets look at the result of this survey. Oh, 96.4% have made one before.
T: Oh, that's quite a lot.
J: 3.6% haven't so there are still some who haven't. I see.... Are teru teru bōzus only in Japan, do other countries have them? I've never seen them overseas.
T: I think we need some more questions or comments. This is getting too serious. Ask some simple things to Kaoru.
J: Yep, we'll pick them up. Ah, we are already over 20mins....'What is teru teru bōzu in English?' Hm, what is it?
T: Isn't it Sunny Sunny Boy?
J: Ah, that sounds about right! Haha, Sunny Sunny Boy.
T: It sounds like a song lyric, haha. 'Are you good at sewing?'
K: Uh, no, i don't sew.
J: Oh, apparently teru teru bōzus came from China originally.... 'Kaoru, what were your grades like for Home Economics at school?'
K: I don't remember Home Economics.
J: We did do that at school though, right?....'Have you ever made your own clothes?'
K: Made on my own? No, I don't think I have.
T: 'Can you sew on a button yourself?'
K: Have I ever sewed on a button?
T: Yeah, like these on your sleeve.
K: Ohhh, I actually have done that before, at school!
J: In Home Economics?
K: Yes.
T: But not since becoming an adult?
K: No.
J: 'Didn't you used to go to Yuzawaya a lot?'
K: What's Yuzawaya? Oh, that store that sells fabric rolls and stuff? Yeh, I used to go with the costume designer to choose fabric.
T: 'You used to make costumes too, right?'
K: No, I don't think I did.
J: Did you say that in an interview once? Ok, so we are still taking questions... Agh!!! What was that?! An elastic band?? That gave me a shock!! (*Kaoru deliberately twisted up some elastic bands and rubbed them on Joe's arm, pulling the hairs, I guess*)
T: This one (Kaoru) is the psychopath!
J: Right?!
K: Hahaha (*does it again*)
J: Agh, that stings! I thought it was *??????*
K: Hahaha
J: That gave me a shock! What a total prankster!
T: Yeah, haha.
J: 'Prankster Kaoru', right?! Ah, that was a shock, I gotta watch out from now on....'Cute', haha.
T: *reading a comment* Have you eaten Tenmusu on tour, Kaoru?
K: Yeah, I'm gradually able to tolerate shrimp.
T: Even though you hated it so much?
K: Yeh, but actually, after that tenmusu I tried ebichiri (shrimp in chilli sauce) in a bento or something, and I couldn't tolerate that.
J: Ahh, I see. It depends what you have it with.
K: I don't know what it is really.
J: But you are slowly getting used to it? Hey, we should do an episode trying different shrimp foods sometime.
K: Noo, if we are gonna do that we might as well do it with food that actually tastes good.
T: Someone asked, 'Did you both go to the Zepp Haneda shows?' We did!
J: Yep. Tasai, you went on the first of the two days, didn't you? I went on Tuesday.
T: Well, we can't really say anything about it since the tour isn't finished yet.
K: Haha, he said you went on the first day, and he went on Tuesday. What does that mean?? haha.
J: Two days being the first day and Tuesday, haha. I mean I went on the second day.
T: It was good though.
J:....Tasai, what are you doing?
T: Making a teru teru bōzu.
J: Ehh?
T: Someone wrote 'scribbling noise', haha. You already made the body, Kaoru? That's quick!
J: These are like works of art we're making. Someone asked, 'Are you using the green string?'
T: Yeh, this string is mine.
J: Haha, don't worry. You can take it home if you want....'A curse ritual', haha, right...'zubōteruteru', 'Tasaicopath is showing'. Leader, yours is looking great.
T: Yeah.
J: Its really artistic. You guys are doing well, I'm struggling.
T: Is it ok if we finish these in the first part?
J: Yeh, its fine. Cause we have the psychopath tests in the second part.
T: We made that Christmas Tree together before too, didn't we?
J: Yeah, that was great. I think that was a pretty unique creation.
K: Yeah.
J: As usual I can't remember anything specific about it though.
K: Hahaha
J: Yeh, I bet you don't remember either!
K: I do remember! We used it for the karuta too.
J: Ah, I'm forgetting everything these days. Well, we are still making these, but its just about at the 30min mark, so we will have to end the first part of the show. We will move on to the members only content next, where you can enjoy seeing us taking psychopath tests. Here's how you can watch the second part. The first part of this show is free for anyone to watch, but the second part is for members only. So you have to be a member if you want to watch to the end. If you become a member, you can watch the live broadcasts in the archive as much as you like for one year, and we will also release another members only video in a few days. We always try out interesting things in these videos, the one we recorded today is really funny, right? One staff member said their stomach hurt from laughing.
T: Really?
J: Yeah, so please check that out. Ok, here's how to join. There should be a blue link at the top of your screen now. Leader, point to it! Thank you, even while holding the glue, haha. If you click this link, you will get this page asking you to choose your payment method. Choose, your method, click proceed, enter your details, and then you are good to go. If you haven't yet joined, please do so to enjoy the show fully. Ok, Leader, do you have any announcements?
K: Uh, we have lives in Osaka and Nagoya next week, no this week. Nagoya is fan club only, but I think there might still be some tickets left for Osaka, so please come along if you can.
J: Ok, time to end this part. The screen will change for a minute, but the members part will start soon, so just wait there. Ok, see you soon for more TFOE! Bye!
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