#and i have to give a speech for english class and i have to keep discarding ideas
richkidcityfriends · 2 years
someday i will learn how to like things a normal amount
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie decides that he wants to do a whole Day in the Life of a Middle School Math Teacher thing when Steve gets the go-ahead that Eddie can come talk to his class. Steve thinks that’s dumb because it’s not like he has an interesting life.
The first video in the series starts the night before. Eddie is filming Steve while they get ready for bed (mostly removing the five hundred pillows Steve insists they need
on their bed) while he warns Eddie that these kids are not like The Party. Middle school kids have not developed empathy yet and they’re mean in like, an accurate way. It’s like having 16 to 22 Erica Sinclairs every class period.
It then cuts to the morning where Steve is lecturing Eddie on the do’s and don’t’s. DO encourage students to find safe creative outputs to express themselves. DO talk about your struggles in school and how you overcame them. DON’T tell them about the illegal shit we used to do. DON’T antagonize student athletes and, for the love of god, DON’T climb on the tables. This lecture spans every room in their house as they both get ready.
The second video is filmed inside of seventh grade English teacher, Mrs Casal’s Honda Civic. Steve doesn’t drive anymore and Eddie insisted on joining his teacher carpool, a decision he has come to regret and Patty Casal drives like she wants them all to die. He’s squeezed in the back between Ozzy and another teacher that keeps fussing with his jacket collar.
The whole video is just zoomed in on Eddie’s face while you can hear four middle school teachers telling the most batshit insane stories you’ve ever head. The caption is: Why am I having RV flashbacks?
The third Tiktok is just Eddie filming Steve reviewing the last test with the students before Eddie’s Q&A. The text overlay says, “Why is this so hot?” Hot for Teacher is playing.
Eddie doesn’t actually film his little Q&As with Steve’s classes because it feels weird to film kids he doesn’t know, but a lot of the students do so videos go up on Tiktok of Eddie answering each question sincerely while still maintaining his usual chaotic Eddie charm. A student called his music old and Eddie flipped backwards off his chair, grabbing his chest, “You wound me! Rock n Roll never gets old and it never dies!”
He does talk about the hurtles he had to jump to get into the music industry, how his uncle bought him his first guitar and that he had to teach himself because they couldn’t afford lessons. He talked about school and his three repeats of senior year. He talked about how Dustin and Nancy sat down with him and worked out a way to teach him that actually worked. One student asked why he was with a math teacher when he could be married to a celebrity and Eddie tells them, “Don’t let the dorky sweater fool you. Mr H, over there is a total bad A S S. Coolest guy I’ve ever met. He’s saved my life.”
Someone does try to ask about the murder allegations but Steve shuts that down so fast no one dares to try again. It gives Eddie the worst case of heart eyes ever seen by man.
Steve’s class before lunch asks Eddie if he wants to eat with them and he says of course. It’s only by good fortune that one of the students catch on video Steve calling ‘Mr Munson’ back to his desk and then tells Eddie that if he climbs on a table, Steve will give him detention.
Eddie does, in fact, stand on the tables. He gives a big dramatic lecture about forced conformity but instead of talking about jocks and basketball, he talks about instagram and Tiktok and how it’s constantly hounding kids into looking a certain way, acting a certain way, and it’s destroying creativity. And that’s what’s killing the kid’s.
And Steve does, in fact, walk into the cafeteria mid-way through this speech. He lets him get through the important bits before calling out for Edward Munson to get off the table.
Someone post this whole speech on Tiktok and Eddie duets the video from detention because Steve was not kidding.
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httpskuzuu · 6 months
I’m begging for yandere Fyodor smut 🙏🙏🙏
I don’t have a specific plot in mind but I’m just so obsessed with your writing.
This is my first smut, I'm fucking embarrassed, sorry if it's not very good, I don't even know what the fuck I was writing, I did this in English class, which would explain why I keep using the translator for writing
Anyway, I try to make reader gender neutral. If at any time I have used a word that is used to refer to the male or female gender, please let me know‼️‼️
Yandere!Fyodor x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
summary: Fyodor gives you the attention you so desperately need
tw: NSFW/smut, humiliation, degradation, use of the nickname whore, toxic relationship, yandere¿ not much
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You assume you really love Fyodor, if you didn't really love him, why would you let him do this to you?
He was a motherfucker, he still is, your relationship is still just as toxic and unsolvable. At first, you wanted to change it, change his obsessive behavior, now you learned to live with it.
You liked the attention, you always liked it, wasn't an obsessive person the best thing for you in this case? You had all his attention to yourself.
"Since when did my маленькая мышь* become such a needy whore?"
You groan as your only response towards his question, enjoying his long fingers inside you. You weren't going to dare complain about his degrading treatment, after all, you had been the one who came whimpering in search of him.
"Mmmh, have I been neglecting you? And here I thought the previous time I fucked you was enough for you, how foolish of me." His breath is in your ear and all you can do is cling to him tightly. "I should be harder this time, don't you think?" He finishes his speech with a dry slap on your thigh, leaving a red mark for the remainder of the night.
Part of you knows you shouldn't like it so much, but you ignore it completely.
"A-Ah! P-please! I'm going to-" Your moans are loud enough to stifle your words.
Ah, it feels so good, and it's even better that you're being made to feel this way by a man as attractive as Fyodor. No matter how toxic he was with you, there was a part of you that constantly told you that you loved him. Maybe it was true.
… And this is already the second time he's made you cum with just his fingers.
"If you're like this with just my fingers…" He said in a mocking tone, filling you with humiliation. "I can't wait to see you with my dick inside you."
You watched in a blur of pleasure as his hand went down to pull down his own pants. It would be a good night, you're sure.
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why do i do this kind of thing? my god...
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Dinner and a Show
A/N: Ask and you shall receive, loves 🖤
English has always been your favorite subject. There’s something magical about the way twenty-six letters woven together in just the right combination can have a story coming to life, painting a picture behind your eyelids as your brain processes the lines on the page before you. It’s why you applied for graduate school as an English major.
But if your professor uses the phrase duality of man one more time, you might just blow your brains out.
You find yourself doodling random patterns in the corner of your notebook as your thoughts drift to a certain brooding brunette who would likely have much to say about Dostoevsky’s protagonist.
The unsub is a white male, twenty to thirty years old, with narcissistic personality disorder who struggles to reconcile his mediocre place in society with what he believes to be an above-average intelligence. 
Your phone buzzing on the desk beside you breaks you out of your reverie, and you flip it over to see a notification from your bank. A grin threatens to split your face in half as you open your messaging app and scroll down to AH 🖤.
Were your ears ringing? I was just thinking about you 😍
Before you have a chance to lock your phone, the speech bubble pops up and taunts you with its three flashing dots. It disappears, reappears, and then your phone buzzes once more.
I know you have class. Pay attention.
Says the guy who just distracted me with a nice little pre-weekend deposit
Is that your way of saying thank you, brat?
You feel a familiar heat prickling the back of your neck and take a quick look around to make sure your classmates are focused on the lecture. Hiding your phone in your lap, you hunt through recent pictures until you find a specific photo: a shot of your body from the neck down, clad in a lacy red set that barely counts as underwear. Attaching the image to your text, you shoot back a response.
No Daddy... THIS is 🥰
Shuffling from all around you alerts you to the fact that class has mercifully ended, and you stand to gather your things, slipping your phone into the back pocket of your jeans. You make plans to meet up with a classmate at a coffee shop on Sunday to peer edit each other’s final papers for the course, then start your trek to the parking lot. As you approach your car, your phone begins vibrating incessantly and you tuck it between your ear and shoulder after accepting the call. “House of Hotchner’s whores, how may I serve you today?”
You receive an exasperated sigh in response, but you can hear the grin behind it. “What if it wasn’t me on the other end, hm?”
Climbing into the driver’s seat, you give your phone a moment to connect to the Bluetooth system before firing back, “No one else calls me, old man.”
“This old man can easily revoke the allowance he just gave you.” He speaks in a low murmur, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s making this illicit call from his office.
“Wow,” you laugh warmly, “you just went from Daddy to Dad in record time.”
“Please, for both of our sakes, don’t ever say that again.” Another laugh punches out of you and you relent, “Deal.” Then, after a beat, “Are you still coming over tonight?”
He sighs again, this time with true remorse. “No, angel, I’m sorry. We just got a case out in LA.”
“Alright, go save the world, Mister Unit Chief,” you tease. “I’ll do the hard work of keeping you entertained while you’re gone.”
His voice drops even lower, now tinged with a gruffness that sends a bolt of heat through your body. “Thank you, Princess. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“I know you will,” you purr, knowing that the longer wait will make your reunion all the more satisfying. “Be safe.”
“Always.” You go to hang up the phone but pause when you hear him take a breath. “Princess?”
“Get something purple this time.”
Several hours and a stupid amount of money to be spent in one shopping spree later, you trundle up the stairs to your second floor apartment, arms laden with shopping bags. You let yourself in before closing and locking the door behind you, then head down the hallway to drop your purchases off in your bedroom. After a luxurious bath to wash the grime of the week away, you pull on one of Aaron’s t-shirts from your steadily growing collection and are preparing to settle on the couch to peruse takeout options when a knock sounds at the door. As if on cue, your phone lights up on the nightstand with a text.
Dinner’s on me, angel. Sorry I’m not there to enjoy it with you.
A pleasant warmth settles in your bones at Aaron’s thoughtfulness, and you open the door to find a delivery from your favorite Vietnamese restaurant and a bottle of Moscato to accompany it. After getting comfortable with your dinner on the couch, you hunt through your rented movies for the Fifty Shades trilogy and press play before typing out a response.
Keep spoiling me like this and I won’t know how to act
You’re my Princess- You deserve to be spoiled.
A giggle bubbles out of you and you resist the urge to kick your feet like a teenager with a raging crush. Instead, you opt for a much more dignified reply.
Thank you Daddy 🥰
With twenty minutes remaining in the sequel, feeling emboldened by several glasses of wine and the content playing before you, you send another text to Aaron.
I can’t wait to show you what I spent all your hard earned money on today 😘
He has yet to answer by the time the credits are rolling and you recall that, much to your dismay, he’s three hours behind you and probably still at the local precinct. Deciding that you’ll read to pass the time, you finish off your wine and put your leftovers in the fridge before heading to your bedroom. You open up a video call on your laptop and send an invitation to join to Aaron, then settle back against your pillow with your latest novel.
A few chapters in, you recognize that trying to distract yourself is a feeble affair when your eyes gloss over the same paragraph several times in a row. Giving up on the book, you place it on your nightstand and let your hands wander your body just as Aaron’s would. Wearing his shirt has you cocooned in his distinct smell, and you can’t help but close your eyes and imagine he’s there with you, touching you, teasing you. Desperately wishing it was his large hands caressing your curves instead of your own, you gently cup your breasts and roll your nipples between your fingers, hips arching upward of their own accord in search of some friction. You ignore the budding heat between your thighs, continuing to play with your nipples and enjoying the way the soft fabric of Aaron’s shirt heightens every sensation. Before long, soft pants are falling past your lips and your panties are soaked with your arousal.
One hand comes down to grip the edge of Aaron’s shirt as the other dips beneath the band of your underwear. You take it slow, drawing languid circles around your core, and you can practically hear the low rumble of his voice against the shell of your ear, telling you that You haven’t earned it yet. Sliding your middle finger between your folds, you try to imagine it’s Aaron’s thick cock, right where you want it but not giving in. He loves to watch you fall apart before he’s even inside you, letting your slick gather along his cock, the tip nudging against your clit now and then. The very thought has a low whine building in your throat, and you brush the pad of your finger over your sensitive button to draw out the fantasy.
Unable and unwilling to deny yourself any longer, you hook your thumbs into your panties and shimmy them down your legs, kicking them off across the room. Your middle finger circles your nub once more, and then you ease two fingers into your core until your knuckles stop you from pressing any further. You whimper at the sensation, pleased with the fullness but frustrated it’s just not right, aching for Aaron to work his magic on your body. Letting out a determined huff, you clamp down on your bottom lip and begin working your fingers in and out of your pussy in earnest, your other hand coming down to collect your slick and spread it over your nub. You dig your heels into the mattress, raising your hips to try and mimic the angle of Aaron fucking into you, steadily increasing the speed of your fingers as pathetic little mewls fall past your parted lips. Your whines turn into full blown moans, and your cries are rising in pitch when you realize you’re no longer alone.
“Got tired of waiting for me, huh, Princess?”
Putting a pause on your self-care, you blink the haze of arousal out of your bleary eyes and find Aaron seated at a desk, presumably in his hotel room. His tie hangs loosely around his neck, the top two buttons of his crisp white button down undone and showing off a tantalizing sliver of chest. His mouth is set in a hard line in an attempt at disapproval, but even through the slightly grainy image you can spot the gleam in his smoldering eyes.
Using your foot to nudge the laptop between your legs, you give Aaron a clear view of your fingers resuming their path of easing in and out of your soaking wet pussy. You simper, “Just getting warmed up for you, Daddy.”
“What a good girl,” he breathes out, gaze locked on your core. “Turn towards me, let me see all of you.”
You obediently change positions, scooting your laptop back so he can see a majority of your body, and his breath hitches when he spots the shirt you have on. “Is that mine?”
You draw your bottom lip between your teeth, eyes fluttering shut as your middle finger circles your clit, and nod. “I hope you don’t- fuck- mind. Smells like you.”
“Whatever makes my little girl happy,” he says, and you nearly purr at the name. When you open your eyes again, you pout at the sight of him still in the same position. He picks up on your disappointment immediately and asks, “What is it?”
“Can you-” Your cheeks grow warm with a sudden shyness and you duck your head before softly requesting, “Wanna see you, Daddy.”
He raises one eyebrow at you, arms crossed, fixing you with that look. “Daddy’s right here for you to see. Use your words and tell me what you really want.”
A shudder races down your spine at his commanding tone coupled with your thumb brushing over your clit, and you suddenly find your voice. “What I really want is your fingers in my mouth and your fat cock in my pussy but-” A wanton moan interrupts your thought as your fingers curl against the perfect spot. “Right now I’d settle for just seeing your cock.”
“Was that so hard?”
You smirk at him as he rises from the desk and moves to the bed, settling in a reflection of your position with the laptop beside him. “Not as hard as you are right now.”
“Bold of you to assume, little one.” He laughs at how quickly you’ve adopted your brazen attitude, the sound rich and warm as it fills every corner of your bedroom.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” you challenge, slowly drawing your fingers out of your pussy.
You hear him unzip his work slacks, the familiar sound sending yet another bolt of heat to your core, before he growls out, “I can’t.”
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out, utterly mesmerized by the sight before you. Aaron is lazily fisting his rock hard cock, pausing to swipe his thumb over the head and gather the precum there before gliding his hand down to the base and gently squeezing until the vein on the underside is pulsing and your mouth is watering. Your body responds instinctively, walls clenching around nothing and desperate to be filled, your clit throbbing with need. Gathering the fresh wave of arousal dripping down your thighs, you press your fingers back into your hole and let out a frustrated cry. “It’s not enough.”
“Look at me,” Aaron says, his voice gentle but commanding, always in tune with what you need. You lift your gaze to meet his on the screen and he continues, “You’re not going to bed until we get you to cum, do you understand?”
You nod, and he praises you with a small smile. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Princess,” he begins, your eyes tracking his every movement as he slowly works his hand over his length. “You’re going to put three fingers in your mouth- go ahead, do it now,” he encourages, waiting for you to place your index, middle, and ring fingers in your mouth before continuing, “and get them nice and wet for me. Close your eyes and imagine they’re mine. Can you do that for me, baby girl?”
You close your eyes and mumble an affirmative around your fingers while your head drops into a nod, the taste of your own arousal bursting over your tongue as you swirl it around the digits. “Such a good girl,” Aaron coos, and you once again clench around nothing at the pride woven through his words. “You just love having my fingers in your mouth, don’t you?”
“Mhm,” you cry, the sound muffled by your digits as drool slips out between the corner where your lips meet.
“Now take your fingers out of your mouth and let me see those beautiful eyes.” You do as he says, eager to please, and Aaron lets out a ragged, “Fuck,” at the sight of your lust-blown pupils framed by delicate lashes. “Slide your fingers into that pretty little pussy all the way, then hold still for me. Just like when I’m fucking you, yeah, Princess?”
Your mouth drops open and you take a shuddering breath at the stretch. “Now what?”
“You’re going to watch me and do exactly what I do. Your fingers, my cock. Got it?” A slow grin spreads across your face and you nod eagerly, understanding his premise. He slides his fist up the length of his cock and you ease your fingers out of your pussy, perfectly matching his unhurried pace. “Good girl,” Aaron breathes out, “just like that.”
He slowly builds up to a steady rhythm, the sound of his fist repeatedly meeting his pelvis joining with your fingers pulsing in and out of your sopping cunt to form a depraved symphony. You watch your lover on the other side of the country, transfixed by the way his typical stoicism is dissolving before you into guttural moans and hedonistic cries of your name. He bites down on his lip, determined to not break eye contact with you as you both fight the urge to squeeze your eyes shut from pure pleasure. Aaron tugs his tie off and tosses it away, then hurriedly unbuttons his shirt, all the while working his fist over his length. Even in the dim lighting of his hotel room, you can see the sheen of sweat coating his skin, and saliva pools in your mouth at the thought of running your tongue over every delicious inch of him when he returns home. You tell him as much, in vivid detail, and he releases a low groan that reverberates throughout your room.
“I’m so close, Daddy,” you whine, and you see his pace beginning to falter as well.
“I know you are, Princess. Doing so well for me,” he pants, now squeezing the base of his cock on every downstroke. With Aaron, you always come first- in every sense of the word. “I need you to cum for me. Need you to clench that pretty pussy around my cock so I can fill you up. That’s what you want, isn’t it, baby?”
“Fuck yes,” you cry out, feeling your walls clamp down around your fingers in response to his words. “Gonna be a good girl for you, Daddy,” you babble, “always wanna be your good girl.” Your entire body tenses and your breath stutters in your throat just before the coil deep in your belly snaps and a desperate cry of Aaron’s name bounces off the walls of your bedroom. His moans grow louder and longer, his cock feverishly thrusting up into his hand until he finally gives in to his orgasm, thick ropes of cum coating his hand and stomach.
Lying back in bed to give yourself a few beats to calm your erratic breathing, you quip, “I don’t think I’ve ever been so jealous of a hand before.”
You hear Aaron’s warm laugh from a distance and then he’s filling your screen once more, now clean and fully sans clothing. “Trust me when I say the feeling is mutual.”
Propping yourself up on one elbow, you smile at the handsome man before you. “You know what my next purchase is gonna be?”
“Enlighten me.”
“A mold of your cock so I’m never without you.”
“Absolutely not,” he scoffs immediately. “Then you won’t need me anymore.”
“Of course I’ll still need you! Who else is going to fund my lavish lifestyle?”
He grunts, unenthused, the hint of a smile making his lips twitch. “Brat.”
You scrunch your nose in delight and grin at him. “Thank you for my little shopping spree today. And for tonight, of course.”
“My pleasure, angel,” he answers warmly. “Same time tomorrow, if our case continues on this trajectory.”
With a playful laugh, you tease, “You wish.”
He grows serious, mouth setting in a hard line. “I’m sorry, Princess, you mistook that for a question- it wasn’t.”
“Yes, sir, Mister Unit Chief,” you respond through a nervous giggle with a mock salute.
“That’s my girl,” he breaks into a soft smile once more. “Get yourself cleaned up, drink some water, and get a good night’s rest, okay?”
You nod obediently and blow him a kiss. “Goodnight, Aaron.”
“Goodnight, beautiful.” You go to exit the call, then stop when he calls your name, raising an eyebrow in question. “Save what you bought until I get home. I want to see you in my shirt again tomorrow.”
Hotch taglist: @gothwifehotchner
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fbfh · 2 years
Hello, recently I finished the school for good and evil books, and I fell in love with Hort, but he has literally no content x reader, so you can give hort simps some romantic content? Sorry if my english is confusing, it's not my first language .
first of all TASTE. Hort is so underrated. okay I'm not gonna lie. by the time you realize you're in love with Hort, he has already been very in love with you for a very long time. he's not really one to keep that quiet either. the vibes are a little similar to my loud simp eddie munson series bc they both have very public shameless crushes on you and full unwavering belief that you'll end up together. and with how devoted Hort is to you, he notices when you start to fall for him. the first sign was when your hands brushed in class, and when he stopped swooning he noticed the way you glanced back over at him. you weren't looking at him like that last week. that night he prays to whatever evil entities are out there that this is the first step to you liking him back. it turns out it is, and he watches you start to get more and more flustered by his attention, start really noticing him in a way you hadn't, appreciating his presance in a way others take for granted. he suddenly gets why evers make such a big deal about shouting their love from the rooftops, he could climb on top of mischief tower and scream to the entire endless woods about you until he's hoarse. the tension between you builds and builds as you start to realize you like Hort, like a lot, which makes him even more devoted to you, think about you even more than he has been (which is impressive since it was almost constant before). when your crush on him starts to get you distracted in classes you used to excel at, when the tension is too much for him to bear, he'll corner you in the halls late at night. the moonbeams cast a hazy glow through the fog outside the windows as he grabs your shoulders, firm and gentle and spills his guts to you again. it's not the first time he's declared his love to you, but it feels different this time. really different. it's making you flushed, making your heart pound, and it makes you think back to the way he's turned down every girl who's ever looked at him without a second thought, declaring his heart is already yours. he's nearing the end of his speech, about to beg you to give him a chance, when you pull him in, pressing your lips to his. he freezes, then he melts, pulling you closer to him and kissing you with everything he's got, everything he's felt for you since he's known you. he's not sure what it's like for evers, but he thinks this has to be the most true true love's kiss there's ever been, and he has never, ever been happier than he is with you in his arms.
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folklcv4r · 13 days
Atychiphobia (Fear of Failure)
Tw: Anxiety, panic attacks, fair of failure and stage fright, english is not my first language.
Summary: After your last presentation was a failure, you are afraid it will happen again but your boyfriend is there to calm you down.
☆if you are reading this and you have a presentation close I send you all my good wishes and a hug from Remus, everything will be fine<3
I've got this anxious feeling…
Your leg is shaking when the professor announces that your group will be the first to pass in the next class, you feel Remus putting his hand in your leg trying to calm you down, and giving you a soft smile.
You try to focus on sometime else but your thoughts takes you back to that day, that fuckin day when your chest began to ache and your tears blocked your view and you simply ran away leaving the class confused, you didn't know why you felt this way, you always felt nervous during your presentation but it was never that bad until that one.
When the class is over your boyfriend is holding your hand so tight because he knows you so well, and because he always is there no matter what, Remus was the first person to run after you that day, you remember his worried voice when he found you in the bathrooms sobbing so bad and saying that you couldn't breathe.
“Are you okay” he asks
“Yes” No, “Why do you ask?” You say and give him a fake smile.
“Don’t lie to me, you know you can trust me” You know that, you really do, but there is a lump in your throat that prevents you from saying what you feel, you don't want to be a burden more than you already are.
“I’m okay, you know how I get whenever I have a presentation”
“Thtas why I’m asking, I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head” He says sweetly tapping your forehead and giving you that smile that gets you drunk.
You smile but don't say anything else and just squeeze his hand tighter, he looks at you worried but keeps walking not wanting to push you.
When you get to his room you are lucky that none of their friends are in there, you lie down on his bed and let out a groan.
“It wasn't even supposed to happen this week, the date was set for two weeks from now, but no, now I have to do it tomorrow and humiliate myself again” You know he was waiting for this moment, no matter how much you try to keep things to yourself, there is always something that makes you end up doing it anyway.
“Somehow all the professors found out what happened and tomorrow he will give me the typical speech that if you studied you shouldn't feel so nervous, but no matter if I study I will still fail as always, I’m a failure” Your eyes are closed but you feel the bed sinking in next to you.
“Don't talk about my girlfriend that way, she's the smartest person I've ever met”
“I’m not smart”
“Yes you are, do I have to remind you that after what happened you still came back and finishe your presentation?”
“I couldn't even speak well, I just wanted a good grade”
“But you did it, you stood up there and did your best as you always do, you have to stop focusing on everything wrong and start looking at what you do right, which is too many things. Look at me honey” You raise your eyes and lose yourself in his gaze and his words.
“You are so talented and it hurts me to know that you see yourself as a failure, you give everything you have to achieve what you want and sometimes you go too far, you will never be a failure because you try, no matter what happens you always wipe your tears and do it again and if you didn't try it would be ok too, there are things that are not for us but there will always be something waiting for us with the door open, but sometimes it's good enough to be good, you don't have to be great all the time” You look at him with tears in your eyes and hug him tightly.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“Being you is enough”
But it goes away for a minute when I'm with you, breathing.
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satelliterayne · 1 year
Eddie is so ‘dad shaped’ as May likes to remind him and he denies it until the day that Hen leaves the station and they have a new probie and the new kid starts and she’s barely 21 and graduated from highschool a year early and has a degree in conservation and biology of all things and Eddie looks at her and immediately picks up on the small rainbow tattooed on her hand. He’s spent 30 years of his life repressed, sue him if he likes knowing that the generations after him are safer to be out and proud about it. He also can see that shes anxiously pulling her long sleeves down as if to cover it and so he goes over and shows her his home screen which is of course him and Buck and Chris at LA pride last year and the watery smile she gives him makes it worth it when he notices at lunch that her sleeves are pulled up to her elbows. After that it just accidentally becomes a ThingTM anytime someone enters the firehouse thats even a little bit gay Eddie just… adopts them (Ravi insists he was the first queer that Eddie adopted but Buck maintains that its just misplaced Stockholm syndrome from when Eddie saved Ravi from a chainsaw wielding Buck). He doesn’t do it on purpose, he just aches sometimes, imagining them coming into the firehouse and not knowing for sure if they will be accepted or just tolerated.
Jay comes into the firehouse just after Cora and they immediately gravitate towards Eddie, soon his weekends off are filled with wine nights at Karen and Hen’s that have grown to include Cora and her girlfriend and Jay complaining about their crush on Dylan who works at the 136 with Lena and then May starts coming and then it just spirals from there. There is a groupchat used to coordinate babysitting for date nights and wine nights and memes. so so so many memes.(Eddie is out of his comfort zone and why the fuck does Cora keep sending raccoon memes that are mildly concerning) 
Jay’s little brother who’s Christophers age hangs out at the firehouse to do his homework ONE TIME and Eddie learns that Jay was “asked to find another place to live” after coming out and that their little brother followed after announcing he was bisexual. Eddie aches for them and on his next 48 off he ropes Buck into making dinner and he invites Jay and Blake over for a family dinner and pretends to not notice when Jay thanks Buck for their first real homecooked meal in years, from that day forward there is a standing invitation for the siblings and Buck teaches them both how to cook.  Cora ends up spending the night on his couch after her first real fight with her girlfriend, he wakes up the following morning to the sound of Chris practicing his speech for his sophomore AP english class and Cora listening so intently and giving such good pointers that it makes Eddie joke about her being the big sister Chris has always wanted before pulling her into a hug before she leaves (he also ends up officiating her wedding and cries. Buck has proof). May comes over before she introduces her girlfriend to Athena and Bobby for the first time and Ravi just comes over whenever he wants to complain about how gay panic inducing it is for hot guys to live in his apartment complex and work out at the same time as him. 
Eddie has moved on from being nicknamed 8-pack and is now dubbed mother duck because “Eddie you adopted us like fucked up trauma ducklings and now we follow you around” said by a very deadpan Jay. (Eddie does NOT cry when Chris and Blake go to senior prom together.) Even farther into the future, when he becomes captain of the 118 he prides himself on having the queerest shift in the LAFD, he keeps a pride flag in his office, next a framed picture of him and Buck on their wedding day, Chris and Blake’s wedding invitations and 7 rubber ducks, all signed by his original crew of adopted ducklings.
Idk man I just really need to see Eddie cope with Chris growing up by adopting traumatized queer firefighters on accident. 
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kimoralov3 · 1 year
dating chad meeks martin
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a/n: this is completely self indulgent. i have literally been driving myself crazy the past 10 days thinking about this man. so if you don't agree with some of this, that's cool. but keep it to yourself mkay 😁
warnings: cursing, the slightest of scream vi spoilers, there are no pronouns used for reader
this man right here
you would think that he would be just your stereotypical jock when it comes to courting right???
well as proven in scream vi, you'd be fucking wrong
this man is literally so sweet it makes your teeth rot
for example
not long after the two of you met (y'all have english together or some shit) he knew he had a crush on you
so obviously he's gonna come up with an excuse to hang out with you because the two of you have barely even had a real conversation
and luckily for him, y'all's teacher assigned some partnered project
and before anyone could even ATTEMPT to ask you to be their partner chad was right beside you
and that's how it all began
even after the two of you were done with the project (you got an a), chad was still finding excuses to hang out with you
he noticed that you missed out on a class for some reason?? he took publication-worthy notes so he could stop by your dorm and give them to you
and then would proceed to stay over so he could go into further detail about the things you might still be confused on
there's a really big test coming up?? he'll meet you every day leading up to the test at 3:30 to help you study
doesn't even matter if he has the class or not, he just enjoys being around you
mindy definitely bullies him about taking too long to make an actual move
and as much as he would hate to admit it, she has a point
so one day after school, he stops by your favorite cafe and gets you your favorite drink and pastry because if he chickens out, at least he has an excuse as to why he was there
you were in your usual spot at the library, reading up on some material from the beginning of the semester
chad sits across from you and the two of you just kinda chill for like 30 minutes
chad takes that time to really plan out what he was going to say, cuz he'd be damned if he fucked up his shot
he goes on this like ramble about how he was interested in you from the moment he laid eyes on you, and how he'd make up stupid excuses to come see you
y'know cute shit like that
he'd end his little speech by flat-out saying the words i like you, but he'd also say that he understands if you need some time to think about his words
turns out that he didn't have to worry about that tho because you literally jumped across the table and kissed him
best way to say yes ever
anyways y'all were officially together after that and he could not be happier
some people might think that he'd stop all the sweet shit he was doing before, but no
in fact he does it even more now, saying that he wanted to cause you happiness as much as possible
you'd spend a lot of time in his dorm, cuddled up and watching movies and things
he'd also insist that you'd wear his hoodies and his letterman jacket, because "you just look so cute in them"
he'd make a point of the two of you going out on a date at least twice a month because again, he loves spoiling you
also he is definitely the protective boyfriend type
but not in like an icky toxic way
he'd step in at a party if he noticed that someone was making you uncomfortable
and it'd only get physical if the person refused to back off
like when he was about to fight that guy that was tryna sleep with tara? yeah he'd 100% do that for you without a moment's hesitation
one of his favorite things to say is that he's lucky to of found you
all in all he's literally the best fucking boyfriend ever and the two of you will never let each other go
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literary-illuminati · 10 months
Book Review 40 – Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
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Okay, 40th book of the year! And yes I’m going to be smug about that, no matter how pathetically it pales in comparison to some of the rest of you. To commemorate the occasion I decided to acquire some actual Culture of the kind I can talk about reading to older relatives and have them nod approvingly. I’d say I wish this had been assigned in some English class I took, but honestly I’d have just ended up skimming and using sparknotes and generally ruined it for myself.
Baldwin, as it turns out, really does live up to the hype. This book was absolutely sublime. I feel like it’s going to be impossible to be fair to whatever I read next.
The book follows David, an American expat in late ‘50s Paris. Specifically, a queer man with truly apocalyptic levels of internalized homophobia and lack of self-awareness spending his late 20s valiantly pretending not to be gay while contriving every possible excuse not to go back to his father and the rest of his life in America. The book takes place while his girlfriend is taking an extended vacation in Spain deciding whether she wants to marry him, and he meets Giovanni, a gorgeous Italian man who’d left his village and ended up in Paris under unclear circumstance, while he’s working at a gay bar David views with visceral contempt even as he visits it. They have a passionate romance, and unsurprisingly it all falls apart in a mess of a tragedy that ruins just about everyone involved (Giovanni most of all).
This was the most beautiful thing I’ve read all year. I’m not even sure it’s particularly close. Every single page had a line or two of incidental narration or dialogue that struck me enough to want to save it – I’d given up trying to note them all by the end of the first chapter. The narration has the sort of elevated, literary quality where everyone is two or three times more eloquent and articulate than they really should be, but when the things they say are so lovely it’s hard to mind that minor offence against verisimilitude – the constant peppering of French into everyone’s dialogue is honestly much more of an annoyance, if only because it keeps making me wonder what language all the other dialogue among these French Parisians is supposed to be in. The exact details of their speech (and tendency to monologue about the details of their psychology) aside, just about every character felt really, achingly real, all broken by the world in one way or another and dealing with it with whatever self-destructive coping mechanisms they have to call their own. Insert your favourite Richard Silken quote here.
Tangentially to the actual content of the book; I of course know Baldwin was one of the canonical Great Authors of the 20th century (I knew this before I knew literally any other fact about him), but my god does the edition I have of the book lay it on thick. There’s a 17-page forward that seemed to be an incredibly dryly written English essay talking about his influences and the role of Paris in American literature and etc (I skimmed the first few pages and skipped the rest, as is my habit with forwards by people who had nothing to do with actually creating the book and whose name I don’t recognize), followed by several more pages of a timeline of the authors life. I swear it’s like they’re trying to make reading this seem as much like homework as possible.
Even more tangentially; I was aware that Baldwin was gay, before reading this, and more vaguely aware that some of his work explored this. But I was expecting more, like, Great Gatsby-plus levels of subtext, not just explicit and unsanitized portrayals being the focus of the entire book. That came out in ‘59! Not exactly an obscure or reviled one either. I feel like I could go back and retroactively give myself permission to sneer and roll my eyes at a lot of ‘grounbreaking queer representation’ now. (This is a sign I have spent altogether too much of my life reading discourse on tumblr and tiwtter).
Trying to talk about the themes of Giovanni’s Room is probably just wasted effort – spend five minutes and I’m sure you can find an extensively researched essay by someone whose devoted years of their life to the subject. But it did really strike me how, like, fundamentally inegalitarian the book’s vision of romance is? Aside from David and Giovanni themselves I mean (and even then, David’s internalized homophobia expressed itself in large part through a terror and resentment of being made the woman (domestic homemaker) to Giovanni’s man (breadwinner)). David and Hella’s relationship is just drowning in ‘50s patriarchy, of course, with the future they sketch out for themselves both baldly hierarchical and just incredibly bleak, and David’s parents and upbringing aren’t exactly inspirational reading either. But Paris’ gay underground isn’t exactly portrayed as a liberated and welcoming space – it’s disgusting older men blatantly exploiting and being exploited by desperate younger ones, everyone involved pretending they don’t know what they’re doing and hating themselves and each other for it. All just incredibly unsentimental and anti-romantic.
David as a character and as a narrator really was fascinating, too. In that he’s such a fucking mess with zero awareness of his emotions who keeps making everything worse and seems to almost cause as much heartache for everyone around him as he possibly could. If he wasn’t the protagonist he’d be the most loathsome character in the book, or at least close to it. Was great.
Though one thing that really does drive home how historical the setting is is just how coincidental so many social meetings are. The cast is largely a bunch of bohemians and vagabonds and expatriates without real fixed addresses, and so much of their interaction revolves around just happening to run into each other as they frequent some of the same locales. Which, like, yes, that is just how socializing worked for most people until a historical ten minutes ago, but still very alien to me, someone with an electronic correspondence planning and scheduling ~90% of social things I’ve done since I left school.
Anyway yes, this isn’t an easy read – most emotional and heartwrenching thing I’ve read all year by far, and the only thing last year I can really think of that might beat it is the final chapters of The Making of the Atomic Bomb – but it really is a beautiful one. Five stars.
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rockitmans · 1 year
A/N: This one is for @jazziergin who stumped me in the fic line game. She helpfully asked for Soulmate AU with a twist, obviously an easy thing to embody in a drabble 😛
But here we go, at least it's less than 1k this time. Hope you enjoy, love! Not convinced this counts as a twist but hopefully this is something different.
An ellipsis. That's what Kurt has tattooed across his wrist in the place that is meant to display the first words your soulmate says to you. A classic dot dot dot. The most mocking collection of punctuation ever conceived of. 
He has theories. But most of those theories all kind of point firmly in the same direction. He's probably destined to die alone. Even if the ellipsis is meant to indicate something, how is Kurt ever going to find the person that is embodied by something as abstract as a pause? 
He determinedly doesn't think about it when he gets to college. Either he'll find his soulmate or he won't. All he can do is keep an open mind and give himself the best possible chance of finding The One. He even signs up for an English Lit class with the absolute mammoth leap of logic that Lit students are much more likely to use an ellipsis in everyday speech than your average person. Like that’s something that’s likely or even possible to achieve.
He may be losing his mind. 
He regrets the decision immediately when he finds out the lecture is at eight am. He slumps in clutching his coffee and thinking fondly of his bed. He should drop this stupid class. It's way too early and he signed up for dubious reasons and they're reading Lolita for God's sake.  He doesn't need that kind of toxicity in his life. 
The bad mood lasts until the exact second an incredibly cute guy slips into the seat next to Kurt. Dark curls and warm eyes and a tiny waist that Kurt kind of wants to wrap his hands around. Cute Guy tosses an absent smile of greeting in Kurt's direction and it's the most radiant thing Kurt has ever seen. Holy fuck. He thinks he's halfway in love already. 
Kurt wants to say something, but is not caffeinated enough to manage witty repartee and this guy is hot enough to make him feel speechless on a good day. Instead, he goes to nod and then tries to change it to a wave. The result is that he just kind of twitches violently. Fuck. He’s lost it. A guy smiles at him and he’s completely lost it. He quickly grabs his coffee to try and cover for whatever the hell that just was and tries to pretend he’s anywhere else. 
The guy touches his arm, three gentle taps with his finger, and Kurt's eyes snap up, only to be surprised when a notepad is slipped in front of him with a single line of text. 
I'm Blaine. I'm not ignoring you, I just can't talk. 
Kurt blinks, frowning. And then he watches Blaine get his phone out and start up a text to speech app and it clicks. Oh. He gives Blaine a thumbs up and Blaine smiles slightly and touches his ear. Right. Blaine can hear. Which means that Kurt doesn’t have to resort to gestures as well. But he’s an idiot. So of course he did. He genuinely can’t wait for this hour to be over so he can go and walk into a deep fog never to be seen again. 
He does his best to focus on the lecture for the simple fact that the professor seems to be the sort to pick on people at random and he’s already suffered enough humiliation for the day without being caught not paying attention. It’s hard though. He can’t stop stealing glances at Blaine. He feels like he can’t breathe. His pulse is racing. He seriously wonders if he might be coming down with the flu or something.
He’s only dragged back into the moment by the most garbage take he’s ever heard a human being utter so confidently in a room full of total strangers. People usually save that shit for twitter.
"Humbert Humbert being a misunderstood genius is not the hot take I expected to be subjected to today," Kurt mutters before he can stop himself. 
He hears the intake of breath. He practically feels the way Blaine stills beside him. And then Blaine moves in a flurry, tugging up his sleeve to expose his wrist, shoving it under Kurt’s nose. Humbert Humbert being a misunderstood genius is not the hot take I expected to be subjected to today, it says in slanting script.
Kurt's mouth drops open. Blaine gestures, pointing at Kurt's wrist, a question in his eyes. Kurt slowly turns his hand over to show the three dots neatly pressed against his pulse. Blaine frowns and starts to sign something out before remembering. He grabs his notebook instead, scrawling out some quick sentences. 
Disappointed but not surprised to learn the soulmate system is so ableist. It can't even be bothered to have the first words I write to you? Unbelievable. 
Kurt laughs. Mostly out of shock and relief and the feeling of a heavy weight being lifted so suddenly it's like he could float away. All this time he assumed that the dots meant his soulmate would never speak to him for the worst of reasons. But his soulmate is right here. Blaine is here. Blaine is his. He’s literally won the soulmate lottery. 
"I thought you didn't exist," he whispers. "Because of this."
Blaine's eyes soften and he lightly brushes his fingers over the offending dots. But I found you, he writes. 
"You found me," Kurt repeats shakily. And maybe that's where he was going wrong this whole time. Years spent fretting over what the dots meant and doubting that he was ever going to find his soulmate.
It just turned out that all along his soulmate was meant to find him.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
Angel of the First Degree - Chapter 1: Valium
Eddie Munson x Chubby & Inexperienced!Reader 2359 words
Warnings: Anxiety/panic attack; misuse of prescription medication; fatphobia including internalised; cigarettess; bullying; body issues; no beta; warnings updated each chapter
Synopsis: When Eddie Munson finds you in the midst of a panic attack, it is the beginning of something. A fic featuring body and sex positivity, Eddie in a dress, soft small moments, scary big truths, and all the usual special feelings you'd expect from one of my stories.
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Chapter 1: Valium
Eddie rounded the corner, hands in his pocket already pulling out his pack of cigarettes. He’d moved too swiftly, unable to stop and slink backwards without being seen.
“Sorry,” he said, hands up defensively. “Didn’t know it was, ah, occupied. I’ll-” Eddie was about to say ‘go,’ when he saw the look on your face.
Your skin was blotchy, tears streaming down your cheeks. Bloodshot eyes, mouth open, gasping for air. He knew a panic attack when he saw one, even if he didn’t know they were a thing with a name.
“Are you okay?” Eddie asked.
You said nothing as you stared at him like an animal caught in the headlights. He thought you might speak, but it was clear you were chasing your breath.
“You… need to breathe. Keep going like that and you’re gonna pass out. And, you know, I’ve got a bit of a reputation already. Don’t want to add ‘seen with unconscious girl behind the woodwork shed’ to it,” he joked.
Nothing. No reaction from you. It was like he wasn’t even there. Eddie was almost going to give up, but there was a memory of you in his mind. Vivid. Formative. So, instead of leaving you he said your name once, firmly, loudly. It made you jump a little, startled.
“Come on. Sit,” Eddie said, moving to sit at your feet, cross legged on the shitty high school grass.
Complying, you sat, legs folded under you on an angle in front of Eddie.
He looked you dead in the eyes and said, “In through the nose, out through the mouth.” He demonstrated. You tried to copy it, but it took a couple of tries. Slowly though, it worked.
“There she is,” Eddie said, his voice back to being soft. “You’re okay.”
Eddie watched you avoid eye contact, pulling a drink bottle from your bag and gulp down water. It was quiet, the distant sounds of power towels and teenage laughter providing the only relief for any awkwardness. To kill time, wait for you, he got out the cigarette he had come to that hidden away spot for in the first place. He leaned back, the heel of his hands digging into the ground behind him for support.
“Thank you,” you said, voice barely above a whisper.
“No problem… So, ah, what class is so awful that someone like you is skipping?”
Sniffling, you replied, “I’ve got a free period,”
“Ah. Of course…” Eddie took another drag of his cigarette. “Do… you wanna talk about it?”
God, when was the last time you had just… talked about it? Talked about anything? Months. Months and months. But what were you going to do? Spill your guts out to Eddie Munson?
“I’m okay,” you replied.
“You sure? I am an excellent listener.”
You looked at him, saw how casual and honest he was. He maintained eye contact while he lifted his face to exhale smoke up and away from you.
“I have to give a speech next period. In History,” you told him.
Eddie was confused. “I don’t know if you remember, but we were in the same English class last year,” he recalled.
“Yeah, I took a Senior class,” you replied.
“Yeah. Even though you were the only Junior in the class, you never got nervous. Always seemed real confident to me.”
He was right. The school counsellor had told you picking up an extra Senior class would look great on college applications, so you chose English. Eddie was repeating his Senior year for the first time then and spent the whole time sitting in the back corner not participating. Unlike you. You would speak first in class discussions. Joke with the other students, your friends. Eddie remembered, you were eloquent and sure.
“Yeah, well, that was before,” you mumbled.
“Before what?” Eddie asked.
Was he fucking joking?
Eddie shrugged, made a face that clearly meant he had no idea what you were referring to.
“You don’t… know?” you asked.
“I’m not exactly part of the Hawkins High popular crowd phone tree,” he joked.
“Yeah, well, neither am I anymore.” You didn’t say it with venom, but with sadness. Eddie saw the pain in your face. You pulled at blades of grass before braving eye contact again. “You really don’t know anything?”
“I mean… I don’t see you in the cafeteria with the rest of the pom pom party, but I figured, you know, Senior year. Smart girl. Probably spends her time studying.”
He really didn’t know about the… About any of it.
However, at some point, he noticed your absence during lunch.
“I’m… not friends with them anymore,” you told him, leaving it at that, a little thrown that you were telling him anything at all.
“Oh… Well, good riddance? Right?” The joke slipped out and he was sitting up straight, stubbing his smoke out into the grass. “Sorry. Sorry. I didn’t mean- I’m sure they’re-” He couldn’t think of a lie. He was sure they were all assholes.
“It’s okay,” you said with a weak smile. “But, yeah, I’m not on… Good terms with them,”
“And now you gotta give a talk in front of them, kind of thing?” Eddie guessed.
You nodded, thinking about it. The tightness returned to your chest and you were aware of how dry your mouth was again.
“No, no, no, you’re fine. You’re gonna do fine,” Eddie told you, reaching out and taking a hand. “Don’t freak out on me again.” He might have been able to coach you out of panic, but as soon as you stepped foot in that History class you were going to lose it. He knew it. You knew it. “Alright, fuck. Here,” he said, pulling a tiny plastic bag from his pocket. “You on anything?”
Eddie smiled at the way you were innocently watching him. “Like, medications. Anything?” You shook your head. “Alright, well, I’m giving you half of one of these bad boys. It will just… take the edge off. Like, barely. Just enough.”
You watched him snap a small pill in half using a loose coin he found in his pocket. He held it out to you and nodded.
“What is it?” you asked, looking at it sitting in the palm of your hand.
“Just valium. Half the school is on ‘em. I promise it’s safe.”
There were reasons to not trust Eddie Munson, drug dealer, in that moment. Maybe he was just trying to get you hooked on his drugs so he could make lots of money off you. That’s what drug dealers did, right? Or maybe he was like all the other boys, only thinking of one thing.
There were reasons to trust him, though. His kindness, for one. It was a warm feeling you weren’t used to anymore. Secondly, you had very little to lose.
You swallowed the cut valium with the last of the water in your bottle.
“Thank you,”
“Again – no problem,” he replied. “You should probably just sit here for another five minutes. Make sure you don’t have a reaction or anything,”
“Does that happen?” you asked, the pitch in your voice indicating worry.
“No. No. I just… Ya know. Looking for an excuse to keep talking to you,” Eddie said, his delivery perfect. Flirty. Kind. A little bit of danger.
His smile stretched ear to ear and his teeth were whiter than you would have expected for someone who did… drugs. Do drug dealers do drugs all the time?
You blushed, looked down and busied yourself with looking for your compact mirror.
“What class are you skipping?” you asked him, suddenly aware you had no idea what he was doing out there, besides having a smoke.
“Ah, that would be English. Same class, third year in a row,” Eddie told you, exaggerating a wince. He caught the micro expression flash across your face. “I know, I know. Going for a fourth at this rate. It’s just… I didn’t do the homework, so…”
“What’s the homework? Of Mice and Men still?”
“Yep. I could recite that book front to back…. ‘What the hell do you suppose is eatin’ them guys,’” Eddie quoted. 
“Why haven’t you done the work then?” you asked. Eddie shrugged. “Is it an essay? What’s the question?”
Eddie was just happy to have gotten you talking, distracted from your own perceived impending doom.
“Uhhh… It’s like… Discuss the ways… the book is… similar to a play? And… does that make the book better or worse?” he recalled, doing a pretty good job at remembering the essay question. To be fair to Eddie, he had planned on doing it. He really wasn’t trying to fail again. But Wayne had to cover an extra shift, so Eddie had to do the laundry and grocery shopping. He would have time to do it all too, but he was shitty at time management.
You laughed. “That’s the same question from last year. It’s about how each section starts with these long, descriptive paragraphs. They set the scene the same way it would in a script for a play,” you told him as you fished out a notepad and pen from your bag.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asked.
“I can’t get you an A, not without the book and more time, but I can probably get you a pass?”
Eddie was stunned for a second, watched you begin to madly scribble out sentences, trying to use your thick thighs as a table, your legs still folded under you.
“As a thank you,” you said. “Now shush. Let me do this,”
“Well fuck, alright. Here, let me be useful, at least,” Eddie said, laying down on the grass. He took the notepad and put it on his chest, gestured for you to continue, then put his arms behind his head.
“You have to close your eyes if you’re gonna lay like that,” you told him, leaning down and letting his ribcage keep the notepad mostly steady.
“Like what?” Eddie asked, looking up at you. He didn’t like the frown you shot him, so he did what he was told and closed his eyes.
Relieved that he didn’t press the subject, you could focus on the homework without feeling the heat of embarrassment. You were sure that you looked horrible from his angle. Fat.
There were ten short minutes left until the next period when you finished. “Done!”
Eddie’s eyes opened and he sat up. “She’s gonna know I didn’t write this,” he said, flicking through the pages.
“It’s not against school rules to have someone else scribe your work,” you said.
“Look at you. Loopholes, huh? How do you know that one?” Eddie asked. When you hesitated, he smirked. “You’ve done this before,”
“You really are different. To how you were last year, I mean,”
“Is that… good?” you ventured.
“Yeah. I think so. You don’t?”
Jesus. That was a can of worms you did not want to open. You shrugged and went back to looking for your compact mirror. When you found it and saw your reflection you almost gasped.
“I look like a raccoon!” you squealed involuntary, furiously rubbing under your eyes trying to shift the mascara.
“A cute raccoon,” Eddie clarified. You shot him an angry look that he just chuckled at. “Here, lemme,” he said, pulling the bandana that hung from his back pocket out and picking up your water bottle. Empty. “Spit,”
“No water. Spit. Unless you want my spit on your face?”
You hesitated, realising you didn’t know how to just… spit. The next best thing was taking the bandana and sucking on the tip of it, handing it back to Eddie despite knowing what it was for. You could have done it yourself, but he had said to let him, and there was something in that tone that made you want to comply again.
Eddie held your chin with one hand and wiped at your messy makeup with the other.
“There. Pretty as a picture,” he told you, letting go.
Checking his work in your mirror, you nodded. “Thank you. Again,”
“Think I might need to thank you for that one. Come on,” he said, standing up and offering you a hand. “You better get a head start.”
You brushed the grass off your knees and picked up your bag, slinging it onto your back. “What do you mean?”
“Can’t go out there together. You, seen with me, behind the shed? Social suicide,” Eddie said not sad but neutrally, which was way worse.
You’d already survived social suicide. Something Eddie had no idea about. When he found out what had happened, you were sure he would be disgusted by you too. He’d feel like the people who used to be your friends did. It would be the only thing Eddie Munson, the basketball team, and the cheer squad had in common, but it would unite them in their shared revulsion.
Until then, you could pretend.
“So, you won’t walk me to class?” you asked looking up at him.
That goddamn smile was solar power. “You sure?”
“I’m sure,” you confirmed.
Eddie nodded once and began to walk with you in the direction of the main buildings. The bell rang as you approached, and soon enough you were surrounded by students. Most of them had their own shit going on and paid no mind to you or Eddie. Some of them were interested in your fall from grace.
The walk was void of conversation, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. At the door of your classroom, Eddie spoke. “Feeling okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I think the valium worked,"
“Good. That’s good… Well… knock ‘em dead, kid,” Eddie said, punching you in the shoulder so gently you hardly felt it.
“Thank you, for everything. I…”
“S’okay. Just… Remember. You’ve only got a year left here. Then you’re okay. Whatever else is going on, it doesn’t matter,” Eddie said, his gaze falling on your classmates as they approached. You nodded. “See ya around.” All you could do was nod, because how you felt as he stepped away from you was beyond your capacity for words in the moment.
End Note: Future chapters will likely be longer; the overall word count is at 12,000 and I am nowhere near done. Let me know your early thoughts and feelings!
Find me on AO3 here. Want an Eddie Munson zine? Check it on on my Insta.
Eddie Taglist (Open): @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Getting into the well known ones that I just wanna know what you think about them
I did les earlier so I feel like it’s fitting to end today with davey
david jacobs. what an enigma. the middle child of esther and mayer jacobs, brother to sarah and leshem jacobs. he’s a hot mess and a half shoved into someone who looks like they have their shit together, and his anxiety has anxiety. he isn’t the mom friend, but he is the friend who will come to bail you out of jail at 3AM.
he was named after david, who is an important religious figure in all abrahamic religions (sarah’s named after a spiritual woman also named sarah. les’ name isn’t found in the torah, but it means precious gem in hebrew).
when he first realized he was gay, he had the biggest religious crisis. by the time he met jack, he had already swung back and forth from devout religious to atheist TWICE. (he did eventually settle on believing that there was a god, and praying a little bit, but not to the point that he had been previously)
one time, a girl at synagogue told him that he looked nice when he wore blue. it didn’t really occur to him that she was probably trying to flirt with him, but he did learn to wear blue whenever he was trying to impress someone (hint. entire second act of livesies. one francis sullivan never looking away from him.)
he and kath pretend to be in a relationship sometimes. it’s kind of shocking at how well they make it work.
he skipped a grade in school, and so he’s directly behind sarah’s class when they’re both in school. she hates it and pretends she doesn’t know him in the most older sister-ly way possible (anyone else talks any crap about her brother, may the lord have mercy on their souls, because no one’s finding their body).
race gave him a very animated shovel talk when he and jack got together. spot turned right around and gave jack one, because “you’re the goddamn reason brooklyn and ‘hattan ain’t soakin’ each otha right now. ‘course imma make sure kelly don’t mess it up”
davey’s really good at impressions. like, ridiculously good. he can mimic ANYONE. when jack and race find this out, all hell breaks loose. (his pulitzer? spot on)
he gives race his old math work so he can study it.
he would either be a poli sci major (because he feels pressure to have a “real” career) or he would become a high school english teacher. no in betweens.
even if he’s not inherently religious, he still keeps kosher.
he hates planes. hates the altitude, hates the pressure, hates having to go through the security. sir is having NONE of it, thanks. he’ll drive.
sarah forced him to be the one to explain to les how babies were made. he has many regrets about that speech (it was the most medical, scientifically accurate thing ever), and they’re both still traumatized.
he doesn’t like getting drunk or high because he doesn’t like the feeling of not being in total control of himself.
(he is definitely a little bit of a control and clean freak, and I love him for it.)
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Hi friends, my 2 series are coming to an end and I just can't decide what to work on next. I have a few WIPS that have been in my pages archive for about a year (maybe more now?) but I wanted to give you guys some sneak peeks of them to see if I should just work on one of those? or just do something new?
Keep reading for sneaks of 3 WIPS!
Warnings: descriptions or orgies, threesomes (ffm), masturbation
I don't have a title for it yet but I have 2 parts done. It would be a short series, maybe 3-5 parts. The premise is that Y/N is the new music teacher at a private high school and Harry is the English Lit teacher and they have big crushes on each other from like day one. Here's a sneak peek from part 1:
“… I want to introduce you all to Miss Y/N Y/L/N!” He said cheerfully and she just smiled and waved to everyone from her seat, “She’ll be the new conductor for our choral groups and the school band and will be taking over a few related classes.” “He said ‘miss’, H…” Niall said softly as they both pretended to pay attention to Mr. Blake’s usual speech about how this year things were going to be exceptional and the schedule for some refreshers and training on school policies and that’s how the next hour or so went until he wrapped it up.
Everyone was getting ready to leave, some teachers were chatting a bit, and Harry was grabbing his backpack when Niall tapped his shoulder, “Check out Brian.” Niall sniggered.
Brian was the Biology and Chemistry teacher, but he couldn’t be more clueless about chemistry between people, he was always so forward and tactless in his advances. He wasn’t unfortunate looking or anything, but he had a bad personality and it was showing through Y/N’s awkward smile and the shakes of her head. Her posture was stiff and her eyes darting around, until they met Harry’s again.
 “I’ll be back.” Harry mumbled to Niall, as he started heading over towards them, “Brian, buddy, how was Maui?” Harry asked aloud, diverting Brian’s attention from the pretty girl before him to himself.
“Bro, it was sick! You would not believe the babes they’ve got over there!” He said and Harry’s eyes widened as he nodded along in feigned-amusement.
“Yeah, I bet!”, Harry patted his shoulder, “Well bud, Ni and I wanted to know a bit about the island, we’d love to visit sometime.” He said.
“Oh! Yeah, I have this travel guide in my car, I’ll be right back!” He said, completely forgetting about Y/N, not even shouting out a ‘nice to meet you’ to her before he was hurrying out. She and Harry chuckled and when he turned his attention to her he finally took her in up close, she was so pretty that being near her felt like a breath of fresh air. 
“What was his line?” He asked and Y/N giggled and shook her head. The fact that he knew there had to have been some sort of line spoke volumes.
“It was, “Hi, I’m Brian, the chemistry teacher. I’m sensing some chemistry here.” She repeated awkwardly and he sniggered in amusement.
“Wow, he’s gotten really confident, hasn’t he?” He chuckled and Y/N shrugged, “Well, I now know you’re Y/N?” He said and she smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, that’s me…” she confirmed timidly.
“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Harry, or the English teacher.” He said and she nodded.
“Cool. It’s really nice to meet you.” He smiled as she extended her hand and he took it in his and shook it.
“Well, I’d love to stay and chat,” he said as they pulled their hands back,  “but I’ve bailed you out and now Niall and I will be chatting with Brian for another half hour trying to explain to him that he can’t be appropriating the parts of the Hawaiian culture he has identified with. And we will fail…and then he’ll forget all about it until his next summer vacation when there’s a new culture he can fixate on.” He said and she laughed at his statement. It made him smile wide, her laugh was such a beautiful sound.
“Well, before you go do that, allow me to thank you for bailing me out. I hate when people think they can just hit on you.” She said brows furrowed in some confusion.
“Well Miss Y/L/N, welcome back to high school where everyone is going to hit on you. These boys and some girls are completely shameless, in my experience, that is. I would say come down with the fiery wrath of hell itself before being really nice and they should leave you alone for the most part.” He recommended and she sighed.
“Yeah, I’ll try… well again, thank you, Harry, the English teacher, and uh- I’ll see you in a few weeks.” She said with a friendly smile and he nodded, watching her walk off on her own and right before she left the room she glanced back at him and offered one final smile before she was gone.
A one shot about Harry the trust fund child. He's come to LA on business with his dad to learn more about the responsibilities of CEO as he's in line to takeover though he really doesn't want to. They're set to golf with the administrators of the LA branch of his dad's company and they have a membership at the country club where Y/N works. She gets assigned to wait on them during their visit. Here's a snippet of that:
“C’mon, we should get going before the green gets too packed.” He said and she just stood without protest and followed along as they went along. There was a golf cart ready for him already with his bag of clubs resting in the holder at the back and soon they took off. As soon as they got to the tee-off location Harry set up as he explained some of the rules. Y/N was completely zoned out just as she was sitting on the cart watching him bend over to get the ball in position. He looked so good it almost hurt.
“-does that make sense?” He suddenly asked turning to her and she immediately nodded.
“Yep, makes sense.” She agreed and he smirked.
“That totally went over your head didn’t it?” He asked and she shrugged with an embarrassed and nervous laugh.
“I kind of tuned out after the first sentence, unfortunately.” She giggled.
Figured…” he mumbled with a chuckle as he stood back up and went to his bag of clubs, “So the first club we’re gonna use is the driver.” He said as he pulled it out and she stood as he signaled her over, “The driver should be used when you’re hitting off the tee, not the ground.” He shared and she nodded, she didn’t even care about this but having him explain was hot enough all on its own.
“I’m gonna lose so bad…”
“We’re not playing a real game, just working on my game and simultaneously giving you a lesson.” He smirked.
“Yeah, alright.” She said and Harry helped her get squared off correctly, directing her on how to position her body and hold the club.
“So when you swing, you just need to be loose, not rigid, though it might look that way.” He explained and she nodded. “May I?” He asked as he came up to her and she nodded. He showed her how to place her hands on the club and she was covered in goosebumps as he hovered over her, his speaking caused the little free-flying hairs by her ear to tickle the shell of it, “So put your hands like this…” he said as he fixed her hands on the rod of the club, “Yep. Just like that, then you’re going to keep this leg planted,” he said patting her left hip, “and this leg’s the one that’s going to pivot.” He explained as he patted at her right hip. “So bend your knees a bit. Yep, good. Now line it up and swing back, keep it straight and then complete the motion.” He said as he swung her forward, stopping right before she hit the ball.
“Seems simple enough.” She smiled and he nodded with a smirk.
“Now you try.” He said and she assumed the position, “Good. Don’t raise it so high. Yeah, looks good. Now swing.” He said and she swung nice and easy and then squinted her eyes to see where her ball went. She was immediately distracted by Harry inhaling loudly before he burst into laughter and she turned to him with a scoff.
“What?” She giggled.
“Oh, love…” he chuckled as he walked past her, just a few feet away and he picked up the ball that had just rolled off of the tee and she looked so confused until she looked down and saw that she had hit the tee and completely missed the ball. Then she started laughing as he came back, his bottom lip was bitten between his top teeth, he looked so cute.
“I thought you said you were a good teacher.” She teased.
“I can only do so much.” Harry said, “Don’t worry though, I did the same thing my first time.” He assured and she giggled.
“Yeah when you were like 7 probably…” she grinned and he shrugged and nodded, “How about you just do your thing, I’m a visual learner.” She said as she took a seat on the golf cart and he chuckled as he set up again. He got in position, squared up, and took the smoothest swing she had ever seen and they both watched as his ball disappeared into the landscape, “Very nice.” She said and clapped a few times for him and he turned around with a smirk.
“I guess showing off for pretty girls is great motivation.” He said and she rolled her eyes playfully as he put his club back and settled into the driver side and they took off. 
His ball was within range of the first hole, which she knew was a good thing. And he easily made it his next shot. He looked really good. And sure, Harry had called her pretty, but she knew he was a bit of a flirt, she wasn’t taking it to heart. As they proceeded through the course Harry was doing well, he only got stumped for a few extra hits in a sand trap. But only because his ball landed right under the lip of it. Y/N had watched enough that she felt confident in trying once more.
“I’m ready to try again.” She said as they took off towards the ball.
“Alright.” Harry smiled and reviewed the steps with her as she walked over to the ball with a different club, the hole was still quite far. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” She smiled and lined up to the ball. Harry bit his lip at the way her bum perked up just a bit, it made the hem on her tennis skirt the tiniest bit higher. He watched her swing back and then she hit the ball. Harry grinned and then his smile dropped as he saw the ball flying way past the hole and towards a group of old guys on the other side of it.
“Fore!” He shouted and she frowned, even she knew what that meant. “Fore! Fore! Fucking fore!” He shouted and waved his arms towards the people the ball was flying towards and they looked around before moving off to the side just in case and even from where they were standing they heard the clang of it hitting the roof of the group’s golf cart. “Ooh!” Harry winced and she pressed herself into his side instinctually, face feeling hot as the sun with embarrassment. She felt surprised when his hand landed around her waist, “Sorry!” He shouted and she waved at the group of old guys in contrition with a sympathetic smile.
“Fuck.” She mumbled and he turned to her, still holding around her waist. He was grinning and she shook her head and just pressed her forehead to Harry’s shoulder as she giggled. Her hands were wrapped around what they could of his biceps and she was trying not to melt in his arms.
“It’s alright, it happens.” He said and she groaned, “I killed a bird once.” He confessed and she pulled back and laughed. He thought it was cute when she laughed, her eyes crinkling all cute like they were now.
“Yeah right!”
“I’m serious!” He said and she rolled her eyes. He playfully pinched at her waist and she shrieked, “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” He said.
“Yes, sir.” She said with a grin and she couldn’t help it as her eyes glanced at his lips. His smile was just really pretty.
“Should we call it quits or do you want to keep going?” He asked and she shrugged.
“Whatever you want.” She smiled.
This would be a one shot. It's about how Y/N's friends take her to a sex club for the first time to expand her horizons and help her loosen up a bit after she's been under a lot of pressure. Harry happens to be there that night and has taken an interest in her from across the room. Here's the snippet from that:
She saw a neon sign hanging over the entrance of a hallway at the opposite end of the room they’d just entered, “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” and she turned to Harry who chuckled and then dipped down to reach her ear better.
“I mean that’s a bit dramatic but in a way you’re never really gonna be the same after you see everything going on.” He explained before pulling back just a bit and she looked to him a bit nervously, “We don’t have to go see.” He said to her and she looked from him back to the sign as she pondered the options before her.
Maybe this was exactly the kind of thing she needed to shock her out of her weird mental state but also her dry spell. As attractive as Harry was, she was positive that he was just being nice, he didn’t seem to be putting any moves on her. Yes, he was a complete flirt, but he seemed to err on the side of caution, which was nice, but a part of her started to wonder what he would be up to now if he hadn’t wandered over to her tonight. She was into him and she knew that when she got home she would certainly pull out her trusty toy and play with herself to the memory of his voice and the smell of his cologne, and his big hands and intense eyes. It would help to hear him explain things to her or encourage her to look at something or describe any smutty thing they saw. So yeah, maybe physically he wouldn’t end her dry spell, but he would certainly help with her pushing past it. She swallowed thickly and blinked up at him.
“I think I do want to go see.” She mumbled to him and he just held her eye contact for a few more second and she nodded, reaffirming her decision and he licked over his lips.
“Alright. Just grab my hand, want people to know we’re together. Don’t want them bugging you or me.” He said to her and she nodded, slipping her hand into his as he offered it up and he proceeded to guide them over. 
“These two first rooms at the entrance of the hall, they’re the orgy rooms.” He explained and she tensed a bit upon hearing that as they neared the opening of the hallway. It was a long hallway. The closer they got the more prominent the sounds of people fucking permeated the air, “Curtains instead of doors so anyone can go in at any time. But of course, gotta ask for permission before you join in.” He said and she bit on her lip and nodded in understanding, “Wanna see?” He asked, stopping by one of the curtains and she glanced up to him with a nervous smile.
“No, that’s alright, I can hear plenty. I’m sure I can visualize what’s…going on.” She giggled nervously.
“You’d think. But ummm…yeah, the things you see in group sex are…things you can’t even imagine...” He said to her with a slight furrow in his brow and her eye brows raised in surprise.
“D-do you like doing that?” She asked and he shrugged.
“I’ve done it before, but I’m not exactly jumping at every opportunity to do it again. I’d really have to be in the mood for it I think.” He explained and she nodded.
“What was it like?” She asked. The soundtrack to their conversation was now the sex sounds coming from the orgy just a few inches away from them.
“Well…being me…the times I did that I quickly became the center of attention. Which was nice to some extent.” He recounted, “It was a lot. Very overwhelming.” He chuckled and she nodded in understanding, “It was fun, but exhausting. I also had some things to do the day after and I was dead and sore and…yeah, just bad timing I think.” He explained with his eyes a bit narrowed at the memory.
“I can imagine.” She chuckled and he nodded.
“C’mon.” He said and led them down the hallway until they reached an intersection. To the left there was a sign for bathrooms and a mostly desolate hallway. But the room that Harry was pulling them towards was one with windows. There were several people lined up around the room watching whatever was going on in there, she couldn’t see yet as Harry was before her. Harry tiptoed a bit to see over the people crowded around and then turned to her, “It’s a threesome, two girls, one guy.” He informed her, “Do you want to see?” He asked her and she felt a bit embarrassed in admitting it, but she nodded. He smirked and she rolled her eyes, “None of that, I was just gonna say good, because from the glimpse I caught it looked good.” He chuckled and she sighed and he turned back and pulled her into the crowd. 
The moment people realized it was him, they started moving to the sides on their own to let him get up near the window. She did feel a bunch of eyes on her as he pulled her along and then he made a space between his body and the window looking into the room and she scooted in as his body encased her between him and the large window. Y/N wasn’t going to lie, it was mesmerizing to watch these very real people pleasuring each other. Currently one girl was getting fucked from behind while she ate the other girl out. She was intently watching everything going on and the sounds they were making. From the corner of her eye she saw some movement and glanced over to see a man rubbing over the evident bulge in his trousers. She quickly reverted her attention to the scene before her and dug her fingers into her purse. 
Harry’s body wasn’t directly pressed into hers, but she could feel his warmth and his chest would slightly touch her back when he’d take a deep breath. She let her eyes glance down to his hands resting on the ledge of the window frame. She bit her lip and felt herself start to get wet when he suddenly tightened up his fists and she quickly glanced up to see what had affected him so much and it was that the man now had his large hand around the neck of the girl he was fucking. 
Y/N wasn’t a stranger to choking, she had only had it done to her once before and she had a phenomenal orgasm from the floaty feeling resulting from the slight breath play and she now looked back at Harry’s hands and she could picture them wrapped around her throat as he pounded her into a mattress.
“I think they’re a couple, the other girl’s leaving.” He pointed out quietly and she glanced up from his hand and focused back on the couple inside as the other girl slipped out and someone immediately went up to her and she rushed off with them. After the third was gone a large portion of the viewers left, but she was just stuck there, watching as this man turned over the girl and sunk back into her in the missionary position, still gripping around her neck as he railed her so hard that her eyes were pinching shut as she cried out.
“Fuck.” She whispered subconsciously and Harry smiled, but didn’t respond. 
He wondered what about what this couple was doing elicited that reaction from her. He wished he could hear her thoughts. Harry was growing hard, he was trying to keep it at bay, but he couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to push Y/N’s hips back so that he could grind against her ass while they watched this couple fuck. He wanted to slip his hands under that short dress she was wearing and feel at her knickers, he wondered if she was already wet. The way she suddenly shifted the weight of her body from one leg to the other silently confirmed that for him. Y/N’s breathing picked up as the girl started to finish and then she turned around just to be right up against Harry who smirked.
“I think the point was to watch them come.” He chuckled as he maintained eye contact with her. She glanced away with a timid smile.
“They’re so into each other, it seemed a rather intimate moment to me.” She shrugged and Harry hummed.
“Well, should we keep looking around?” He asked and she looked back into his eyes and nodded.
So those are my WIP pieces that are more or less together. I have other stuff but it's more concepts as opposed to started work:)
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the---hermit · 6 months
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@serendistudy sent me the most beautiful wintery card, and yes I am still posting museum pics.
I am cold and sleepy and I can hardly focus on my book during the day so I am glad I am still doing the relistening of the magnus archives, because it's keeping me company. I have been midly productive today with more low energy tasks, but I am happy I finished brain dumping everything I want to say in the lecture about my experience working on my thesis. I feel like the biggest part of the job is done, now I just have to figure out a way to structure my speech, and I might do that next week. I also realized that I am actively avoiding working for my English lit class because it gives me anxiety for some reason. Hopefully next week I'll be more energetic and manage to read some articles to finally write my paper. Another prority is going to be reading and writing notes on the book I have to study for my power practices class. I wanted to create a to do list with deadlines for myself but today I was too mentally tired to do that so I'll either do that tomorrow if I feel like it or on monday afternoon.
calm hobbit winter activities and productivity:
read first thing in the morning
finished fixing and highlighting the lecture notes of my power practices and men theories class
continued working on the material for the lecture i'll guest in at the end of the month (I am writing down a bunch of ideas that I will later organized in a somewhat coherent speech)
reorganized part of my stationary
made a very simple weekly spread on my bullet journal for next week
finished gathering ideas for the lecture I'll have to speak at before the holidays, so now I am only left with putting everything in a coherent order and figure out what I am going to say
Irish on duolingo
today's self care:
took my meds and supplements
low energy tasks
warm herbal tea with honey to help with my pains
📖:Bookshops And Bonedust by Travis Baldree
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He was called "filthy" because his skin was dark, unintelligible because he could barely speak English. When he arrived in this country, he was placed in a special class for immigrants. But, a few of his teachers saw something in the way he expressed himself, through his drawings, through his view of the world. He would soon master his new language.
His mother had made a difficult decision to take him, his two younger sisters and a half-brother to America, seeking a better life for their family. They settled in Boston's South End, at the time the second-largest Syrian-Lebanese-American community. The family would struggle and the young boy would lose one sister and his half-brother to tuberculosis. His mother would die of cancer.
He would write, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
He was born in poverty on January 6, 1883 in what is now modern day Lebanon.
He believed in love, he believed in peace, and he believed in understanding.
His name was Kahlil Gibran, and he is primarily known for his book, "The Prophet." The book, published in 1923, would sell tens of millions of copies, making him the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Laozi.
Published in 108 languages around the world, passages from "The Prophet" are quoted at weddings, in political speeches and at funerals, inspiring influential figures such as John F. Kennedy, Indira Gandhi, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and David Bowie.
He was very outspoken, attacking hypocrisy and corruption. His books were burned in Beirut, and in America, he would receive death threats.
Gibran was the only member of his family to pursue scholastic education. His sisters were not allowed to enter school, primarily because of Middle Eastern traditions as well as financial difficulties. Gibran, however, was inspired by the strength of the women in his family, especially his mother. After one sister, his mother, and his half-brother died, his other sister, Mariana would support Gibran and herself by working at a dressmaker's shop.
Of his mother, he would write:
"The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word 'Mother,' and the most beautiful call is the call of 'My mother.' It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything – she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness."
Gibran would later champion the cause of women’s emancipation and education.
He believed that “Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.”
In a poem to new immigrants, he would write, "I believe you can say to the founders of this great nation. 'Here I am. A youth. A young tree. Whose roots were plucked from the hills of Lebanon. Yet I am deeply rooted here. And I would be fruitful.'"
He would write in "The Prophet":
“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.”
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
I need to know what wagahai means Right Now /lh
oh this is a fun little language lesson! so japanese doesn't have pronouns in the same way that english and romance languages do. In practice, the only commonly-used pronouns in japanese are personal pronouns, essentially the equivalent of "I" in english, which a person uses to refer to themself. if you consume a lot of japanese media you might recognize common pronouns like watashi, boku, ore, etc. in japanese media, a character's manner of speech is often a huge part of their characterization, and this includes their personal pronoun. bubbly female characters will often use atashi, a slang version of watashi that gives off a girlier vibe, young/inexperienced male characters will use boku, delinquents or teenage boys will often use ore, etc etc. wagahai is technically a personal pronoun, but it's VERY outdated and suggests self-importance/nobility, so it's NEVER used in modern japanese. it's sort of like talking to someone in pompous, accented old english. it instantly gives off a vibe of like, outdated pretentiousness yknow?
so the reason morgana, a talking cat character, uses wagahai despite it being so outdated is a reference to a novel by natsume soseki called "i am a cat" or "wagahai wa neko de aru" in japanese. the narrator of the book is a housecat who uses the pronoun wagahai and archaic phrasing in general as a sort of humorous juxtaposition to the fact that he's just a housecat living with his incredibly normal middle-class owner (the pronoun wagahai was already outdated when the book was written in the early 1900s.) "wagahai" as a pronoun nowadays is usually only used by self-important animal characters as a reference to the book. (i believe bowser also uses wagahai in the japanese mario games? correct me if im wrong.) anyways the reason i mentioned it was weird that morgana keeps using wagahai as a human is that the only phrase that wagahai evokes in my head is wagahai wa neko de aru, literally meaning I AM A CAT. almost anyone who knows modern japanese would think it's weird to hear a modern human using it lmao
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