#and im currently analysing the cinematography
richkidcityfriends · 2 years
someday i will learn how to like things a normal amount
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knittinganarchist · 7 years
tagged by @authenticaussie Always repost the rules Answer the 11 questions posted for you Create 11 new ones or Tag 11 people (if you want!! No pressure <3) 1. whats the last song you listened to and do you recommend it/the musician? It was the Bastille remix of Bloody Shirt by To Kill a King, and I 100000% recommend it. 2. what were some of your favourite cartoons as a kid? Definitely "The Last Airbender", but before that i remember watching a lot of Sailor Moon. 3. how do you feel about scary movies? Kinda eh. Like they're okay, but i'm not a huge fan unless the plot or the mythology behind them are really good? If it gets too scary i have a habit of just analysing the cinematography to distract myself hahaha 4. how do you take your tea/coffee? For tea i usually have earl grey with milk and two sugars, and for coffee i have milk and as many sugars as i can get away with. 5. since you made your tumblr, what fandoms/interests have you been through phases of blogging about? When i first got it i was all about aesthetic stuff, a lot of art and animation, then through high school it was very superwholock/homestuck oriented, i think lately i've been more about night vale, over the garden wall, gravity falls, steven universe, all that cute animated shit. 7. what’s your current favourite movie, your childhood favourite movie, and your all-time favourite movie? My current fav would be Kubo and the Two Strings, it's just so gorgeous and beautiful. My childhood fav was definitely Alice in Wonderland, but the Disney animated version specifically. And my all time fav, geez... i'm gonna tentatively say Paranorman? 8. what kind of names did you give your toys as a kid? I had Alice, Lorna, and Michael, were my dolls, and my teddy was called Katelyn. 9. what’s the funniest meme right now? Definitely the "History of the World i guess" like its hilarious and kinda abstract and without context seems like the shittiest educational video. 10. what’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled/ever had pulled on you? My 8yo brother made me tea in the morning and i knew he'd put salt in it bc i heard him giggling up the hallway, and i looked that kid in the eye and took a sip and thanked him. I then proceeded to drink the whole damn cup, and ask for another if the kettle was still hot. 11. what’s the first song you can remember loving? When i was about 8 i think, i was obsessed with anything by ABBA, i had a cassette player and i found an old ABBA cassette in the garage and i was hooked. What do you think you smell like? Hopefully i smell like Marc Jacobs "Dot" perfume bc thats what i got for christmas. Got any new projects that you’re really excited about? I'm working on a short comic i was to release in october, and am contributing to an art zine! What was one of your biggest life changes? Uni for sure. It's just such a healthy change from high school and now that i'm out if that environment i've really been able to get myself together a bit better! What countries have you traveled too? I've never left the country ahha Where do you want to go? What do you want to see? I've always wanted to go to NASA!! or see the art galleries in Europe!! But my realistic goal is to go on a roadtrip with some friends to see all the Big Things in Queensland. What are you most worried about right now? What will you do to stop the worry? I worry constantly about social situations, the future, god everything... Mostly due to my lucid dreaming i sometimes have moments where i feel like im dreaming when im awake, its terrible, and i always worry i'll get stuck feeling that way. And i have no way of dealing with it, but if i find a way i'll let you know! If you had to give yourself a new name, what name would you pick? I don't know, when i was little i wanted Lorna bc i think i knew a girl at school with that name. What quality about yourself do you value most? I'd say my creativity; my ability to have ideas and stories and images in my head and turn them into art and poetry for others to see? its good fun. What’s in your fridge? Is it Edible? At the moment i have a lot of mince and tomato sauce bc im planning to make some enchiladas for dinner tomorrow. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? For the longest time i was going to be a ballet dancer, and then when i hit high school i wanted to be an artist. What is one of your favourite deserts? STICKY DATE PUDDING!! or lemon meringue pie! I'm tagging: @thatrandomhopeguy @strompilto @celestial-gh0sts @nathamon
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