#and i actually don't really like the idea of mike kissing will to get him out of the trance
uselessnbee · 1 year
and i really hope the byler first kiss won't happen in Will's vecna trance not even because it would be heartbreaking for my byler heart and for Will but just the fact that Will's first kiss would basically be vecna would make me literally die from cringe
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byers-bowlcut · 1 year
I've seen people say El likes the IDEA of having a boyfriend more than she actually likes her own boyfriend, and jfc it's so true 😭 Like it's all over the show:
Season 1
She's initially attached to Mike because he's the first person to give her shelter, food, genuine human care and just,, not calling CPS immediately. Her feelings for him was born from trauma and dependency in season 1. And throughout the rest of the 3 seasons, we don't see it grow past that.
Also I think it's noticeable in S1 that:
She was uninterested when Mike tried to share his hobbies with her
She also did not seem to mind AT ALL when she questioned if Mike could be her brother. He voice is neutral and curious here, not the least bit repulsed by the thought of being siblings with Mike, like girl does not care 😭
Season 2
This season has zero onscreen moments of Mike and El actually getting to know each other further. They were separated nearly the whole season.
What we DO see:
El's attachment and dependency on Mike that was developed from S1
We also find out how El spent a year of her life watching melodramatic romance films. Many other middle schoolers might identify that relationships in real life don't work like those films. But El is fresh out of lab life, she's literally learning the world through this TV, and has now become obsessed with the IDEA of having a boyfriend/relationship just like that.
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Season 3
Again, no onscreen moments of El showing interest in who Mike is as a person.
The very first scene we see of them, she's trying to get him to stop singing along to the song they're listening to. She seems to like kissing Mike. But isn't shown enjoying anything actually characteristic about him, like sharing interests with him such as music.
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Hopper indicates that they don't do anything meaningful together either. We see here that before hanging out with Max, El had little sense of her own style, her hobbies, her interests- meaning spending time with Mike for months probably didn't involve many talking points did it?
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Also in season 3, El dumps Mike with ZERO hesitation. Then she has the time of her life with Max. The most acknowledgment we get that she's oh so heartbroken is a small frown to Max that her and Mike aren't on best terms. And even that doesn't seem so paramount cause 1 episode later she totally dismisses Mike after he explains how Hopper threatened him. She just tells him maybe Hopper was right 😭😭
It's literally ONLY once she starts becoming in danger that she starts clinging onto him again. I feel like we've seen this film before hm.
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Like where are any signs that she likes Mike as an individual, and is falling for who he really is, rather than simply being attached due to trauma, and liking the concept of doing romantic things (ie: kissing, dancing at the ball, etc.)
Season 4
This is the season it becomes the MOST OBVIOUS: El loves the concept of a happy relationship and being loved, but not really loving Mike for who he is. And bringing in Will's feelings just emphasizes this point.
To start, El continues doing all these relationship-y things that she did in the start of S3. She has Mike's name and pictures plastered all over her room. She makes a "Mike box" with his pictures decorated all over it. But the thing is: this is all sort of a façade at this point. We know she's BEEN unhappy with him for months ("From Mike! From Mike! From Mike!"). But with all these items, she's basically trying to convince herself that she's in this happy, fantasy, movie-like relationship, like she probably watched in hopper's cabin in season 2.
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And then, there's the sheer difference between her and WILL in their feelings for Mike. We see it right off the bat when Mike comes to the airport: Will and El both have plans to give Mike something.
Will plans to give him a painting he worked extremely hard on. The painting is a connection of what they BOTH love: DnD, and it includes their friends who also play the game. It's very personal and immediately touches Mike. What's more is, the painting illustrates the exact qualities about Mike that Will loves: his leadership, his bravery, his guidance. This painting literally spells out to us that Will truly loves Mike for WHO HE IS.
Meanwhile, El plans on giving Mike a fun reunion date. She has the whole day planned out. And immediately: we see that what she wants to do doesn't actually takes Mike's interests and personality into consideration. You can see and hear the strain in his voice when he talks about "burritos for breakfast" 😬
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You can see how he's not that relaxed at rinkomania, and nervous about skating, saying he's clumsy. He probably would've much preferred movies and playing a board game, over skating. But El has her own ideas. When she brings Mike to rinkomania, she tries to act really cool about it. She wants to impress him, wants to seem like she fits in and belongs.
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Her present was never actually ABOUT Mike, and about loving Mike that she would plan this huge date for him. Her present was about her desperately wanting to have this cool date like every other normal teen girl might, with a normal boyfriend, and make it seem like they have a happy perfect relationship.
And then finally we reach their S4 fight. I find it extremely interesting how Hopper's cabin is framed in the background during their whole fight. It's almost like an indication that her desperate need to be loved by Mike stems from her trying to cope with losing Hopper and the hole left by him, that clearly did not exist when she happily dumped Mike in S3.
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In their fight, when the topic of bullying comes up, Mike says he understands her, but El is quick to say he doesn't. She thinks Mike doesn't understand her, but this is just as much her not understanding HIM as well.
She doesn't get the extent of Mike's insecurities (definitely partially a result of bullying), something that Mike later divulges to WILL and not her. If the writers wanted to show us how much El understands Mike and loves him for who he is, her and Mike would work through his insecurities in their rs together, NOT through a middle man.
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Overall it's pretty striking that we've never once heard El actually compliment Mike, or articulate, or even show what exactly she loves about him through four whole seasons. I mean...
Attachment to him due to trauma or grief =/= loving him for who he is.
Wanting to BE loved =/= loving him for who he is.
So really in terms of a relationship, what El ACTUALLY wants is the concept/idea of a regular boyfriend, and a happy easy relationship, all in an attempt to feel normal. And that's why we see them fall apart the way they do in season 4, and why Will is currently so involved. Because Will DOES see and love Mike for exactly who he is.
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rogueddie · 4 months
I'll Be Here T | 1,187 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is being willing to wait for them
Eddie has always known that, one day, Steve would move to the city with Robin so he can finally go to college. Eddie has grown too aware of Steve, his tells and how much he needs Robin.
When he first brought up college, he was venting about how horrible it would be to go so long without seeing Robin.
Eddie had struggled to hold back his laughter, painfully aware that he wasn't actually venting. He was trying to find an excuse to follow her. He was trying to convince himself that it would be worth putting the effort in to go to college too.
So, when Steve shuffled in one day, concerned but excited? Eddie wasn't surprised.
"I got in," he'd started. "To college, I mean. I applied with Robin and... I got in."
"That's amazing," Eddie said. "Baby, I'm so proud of you."
And he was. He was so extremely proud and excited.
But, when the day finally came for Steve to leave, he found it hard to bring those emotions back. He hated how clearly Steve could see through his forced grins.
"I'm fine," Eddie had insisted when Steve asked. "Really. I'm going to miss you, but this is so good for you. I'm so excited to hear about what you're going to do."
"I'll call," Steve promised, arms tight around him in a hug. He only pulled back to litter Eddie's face with kisses.
And, as promised, Steve called as soon as they arrived in their new dorm. Eddie could hear Robin babbling in the background, excited about their tiny little space, whilst Steve tried to hold in his laughter long enough to spew his usual romantics.
He'd called the next day too, to let Eddie know how they'd settled in and talk about all the different activities he was planning on checking out. There was even a D&D group that made him think of Eddie, that he didn't join simply because he wants his first game to be with him.
It wasn't until the next week that he called again. Steve spent the entire call gushing about a teacher who'd sat down with him and talked him through all his options.
"I'm going to be a teacher!" Steve had finished his speech off. "For, like, middle schoolers!"
"That's amazing!" Eddie replied. "That's- Stevie, that's perfect for you! You're gonna be amazing!"
"Yeah? You really think so?"
"I know so."
Steve had warned him that he would be busy, that he wouldn't be able to call as much.
It still made something deep in Eddies chest ache when another week would go by with no news from Steve.
Eddie wasn't worried though. Not really.
Especially when he came back with Robin for Christmas.
He hadn't been able to stay more than three days but, the entire time he was back in Hawkins, he was glued to Eddie. He grabbed and held on, as if he was finally able to breathe. As if he would die if he didn't get to touch Eddie for one second longer.
Robin constantly joked that she was going to need a crowbar to pry him off of Eddie.
She was almost right. It had taken him so long to say goodbye that they left more than an hour later than they had originally planned.
Eddie waved to them as they drove off. He was surprised at how excited he felt- it would only be a year until he got to see Steve again.
They'd been reluctant to admit their plans to stay in their dorms over summer break, but Eddie had encouraged them.
It was a good idea after all.
"But he could be doing anything," Mike had frowned, confused at how calm and content Eddie was. "With anyone. And he's not talking to you! Doesn't that make you... I don't know, worry?"
"No?" Eddie frowned back. He didn't understand why the kids were so confused. "Steve wouldn't do something like that. I know that, so what do I have to worry about?"
"You're just gonna wait around forever then?"
"Nope. He's just at college, kid. He's gonna come back and, when he does, I'll be right here."
When Steve went into his second year, he had settled enough that he started calling once a month.
It quickly became Eddies favorite time of the month and, if anyone tried to get him to do anything else on the day, he would blow them off. He couldn't be late home- not when Steve was going to call.
"I miss you," Steve would always say, in lieu of a greeting.
"I miss you too, baby," Eddie always mumbled back. He would cradle the phone close, with both hands, as he did.
"I keep thinking about you," Steve promised.
He would say it every call, repeating it as though worried that Eddie might forget. That Eddie might doubt that.
Eddie would always divert the conversation before Steve could spiral too much.
He always gave the same farewell when it came time for Steve to hang up so he could study or take part in whatever activity Robin has dragged him into that week.
"I'll be here," Eddie always said. "Don't worry about me. I could wait forever for you, big boy."
The third and fourth year went the same as the first.
Each Christmas was glorious. But, for the third Christmas, they'd managed to organise enough so they could spend a whole week in Hawkins.
Eddie insisted on taking polaroids of them. His favorite is the one he'd snapped of Steve, who was unaware, soft and sleepy in Eddie's kitchen.
"This is the last year," Steve told him, at the start of his fifth year. "Just this year, then I'm coming home."
One more year. It was the phrase that had been getting Eddie through the waiting, but it didn't help anymore. It only made it worse.
He couldn't stop thinking about how, when Steve does come back, he's staying.
Wayne helped him move out the trailer, and into his own. It wasn't any bigger than Wayne's, but it was enough for Eddie. He knew it would be enough for Steve.
The hideout didn't pay well, but Eddie was careful with his government hush money. He had plenty, more than enough to last a lifetime if budgeted right.
He made sure everything was ready for Steve. He made sure their home was ready.
And, when Steve does come home, all Eddie feels is love.
"Welcome home," Eddie says, leading him into their trailer.
"Oh, it's perfect," Steve whispers.
Eddie can hear the genuine awe in his voice. He grabs Steve, turning him around so he can finally see the expression too.
"You're so beautiful," Eddie says. "God, I missed you so much."
Steve practically throws himself at Eddie, their teeth clashing harshly with how hard Steve kisses him.
"Fuck," Steve groans, holding Eddie's face in both his hands. "You really waited for me all this time- Eds, God, I love you so much."
"I love you, too. I love you, more than anything, baby. You're worth the wait, you're so worth it."
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eddiezpaghetti · 5 months
Okay, so my experience with Stranger Things is a weird one.
I didn't care when it first came out, started to watch it out of "might as well" in 2020, wasn't interested in it enough to make it past S2, forgot about it outside of going "oh, hey, cool, there's a lesbian in it now, I guess," in S3, got really annoyed when "Running Up That Hill" got popular from it because it was a song I listened to on fucking loop after one of my best friends died in high school and I fully expected its appearance in the show to ignore the whole survivor's guilt theme of the song (and was very happy to learn later that it did the exact opposite of ignoring the lyrics), saw people drawing Eddie, suddenly got a lot more interested, watched just the fourth season like a fucking psychopath because I was seriously only there for Eddie, then got interested enough to start the show over properly, having mostly forgotten what I did watch of the show before.
And let me tell you something from the perspective of someone who started with the complete fourth season, who wasn't there from the start, who wasn't tainted by ship goggles or this internal battle of hope and despair, who wasn't theorizing about what the painting could be or expecting Mike and Will to kiss when Volume 2 happened or rooting for Mike and Eleven's relationship to go down in flames or whatever the fuck. Just someone who went blind into Season 4.
It's really fucking obvious that Will and Mike are gonna be endgame.
Like holy fuck. It's so fucking blatant I don't even know why people are nervous.
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No sane fucking person would shoot this scene this way if they wanted the audience to care about El and Mike as a couple. Despite being all blurry in the background, Will's reaction to what's happening here is smackdab in the fucking middle, clearly showing that the important part is what's going through his head here. What he's feeling. It's like the opposite of that scene from Kingdom Hearts II where Sora and Riku reunite and Kairi just fucking vanishes into the aether while it's happening because, despite the fact that she was standing between them when the scene began, she doesn't matter to the scene, so she's just kind of gone when the camera angle changes. Will could have been behind one of their heads, or so far in the distance he blends in with the background, but he's not. He's so obvious that despite being massively blurred out, he's still the first goddamn thing you look at. What, you think that's an accident? You think he's in the middle of this dramatic fucking scene because of a mistake? He basically has a big flashing neon arrow pointing at him with "THIS IS THE POINT" being screamed through a megaphone.
And then this?
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They're paired up like they're taking fucking prom pictures. Each one of these pairs is so fucking close to one another and so fucking far from everyone else. It's not, "Oh, they're standing vaguely near each other in a group shot," it's fucking Noah's Ark out here. Again, there's no way to take this as an accident. It's not just a framing issue. If they wanted to make the shot look balanced while still not hiding anyone else behind El, they would have scattered people around much more naturally. Even if they wanted to keep Nancy with Jonathan and Hopper with Joyce, there's so much room on that hill for three people to stand on El's left and three on her right. But they didn't do that. They put Mike and Will together on purpose in the most obvious way possible.
Like I get that coming up with crackpot theories is fun in and of itself and I'm not blaming anyone for having fun. I totally get the appeal of arguing a point and reaching for every stupid little thing to pull into it because it's like a game, okay? I've done that. But if you're trying to actually convince someone (whether it's someone who wants to believe or someone who's pissed at the very idea that Mike and Will could be in love), stay away from blue and yellow lights, stay away from costume design, stay away from the existence of closets in backgrounds. And don't worry about whether Mike's gay or bi when he's in love with Will either way. I'll give you a little tip about persuasion: You're only as strong as your weakest argument. Even if you've got strong stuff in there, too, the person you're trying to convince is going to dismiss anything you say as complete insanity the second you start going on an entire tangent about the shape of a character's fucking pocket.
Sometimes, clothes are just clothes. Sometimes, there's a closet in the background because it helps establish that a character is in a bedroom. Sometimes, blue and yellow are just a couple of colors that look nice together. And sure, it might be set designers and costume designers and cinematographers smirking and winking at the audience from behind the camera. But if the show was just those things, instead of those things in the context of everything else, they wouldn't be saying anything of note.
But this?
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This tells a story all on its own. Someone with no context can look at this and automatically assume that each paired person is standing with someone they care about deeply, seeking comfort as they watch some sort of disaster unfold. And yeah, romantic couples usually come in twos, and we live in an amatonormative society, so that's going to be the first association anyone makes seeing a bunch of people paired off.
It's the same reason you look at this
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And go, "Oh..."
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"Those two are probably a couple."
And I genuinely don't understand how people could have watched S4 Vol. 2 and gotten scared. Because as someone who went in with no investment whatsoever, I just looked at these two--
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--and went, "Oh, those two are a couple. Good for them." And I moved on. Shut up about the trees for five seconds and just see the forest for what it is.
Oh, and if you're still nervous? Little thing from a storyteller here: You don't leave a hanging thread like "Will confessed his romantic feelings for Mike by projecting them onto El, but Mike either didn't understand or at least didn't say he understood," without coming back to that later. That's Chekov's gun hanging on the wall, babes. It's gonna fire at some point. If Mike was going to reject Will's feelings, if they weren't relevant, they would have had that discussion in Argyle's van. There'd be no reason to leave you in suspense.
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vannyaftonlova · 7 months
Jealousy Isn't a Good Look | Pt. 1
warnings: angst, verbal fighting, jealousy
You started working at Freddy's not too long ago. Vanessa knew what the job entailed, so as your "friend" she tried to get you as far away from it as possible, but you needed money, so she reluctantly gave up. She knew you and Mike would become acquainted, but she didn't expect to walk in and see the two of you cracking up over some inside joke she didn't know.
Nothing was every actually established between the two of you. Multiple kisses have almost happened, you're both always very touchy with each other, but it seemed to not be going anywhere.
You hand landed on Mike's arm as you laughed. He had his eyes glued onto you and was laughing along. Unknowingly to you, his hand started to gravitate towards your thigh, and Vanessa had seen enough.
She cleared her throat and put on a fake smile. You quickly turned around and stood up. You rushed over to Vanessa with a smile on your face.
"Hey, Vanny." You wrapped your arms around her and pressed your body against hers.
She put her arms around you and pushed down her jealousy over mike. "Hey, you." Her voice sounded a tad irritated, but you just assumed it was from a bad shift.
You leaned back and looked at her. "You okay?" Your face was filled with concern.
She shook her head. "Yeah! Yeah, totally." You gave her a questioning look.
"I really don't believe you, Ness." You took a step back and crossed your arms. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. You sighed and turned around to look at Mike. "Hold down the fort, we'll be right back." You quickly turned back around, grabbed Vanessa's arm, and started dragging her to the nearest supply closet.
"Hey-" She said, but was cut off by you shoving her in the closet, shutting and locking the door behind you.
"What's wrong with you tonight, Vanny?" You crossed your arms and stared at her.
She scoffed. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She looked everywhere but at you.
"You definitely do. You won't even look at me." You took a step towards her, but she shuffled backwards.
"Why do you care? You clearly don't care about me." She spat. Her voice was filled with malice.
Confusion washes over your face. "What the hell are you even talking about?" You start getting snippy with her.
"Don't play dumb. I'm talking about you and Mike!"
You took a second before laughing with sarcasm. "Oh my god." You shook your head. "You're fucking jealous."
That word, jealous. You could see the look behind her eyes change. You would think she would have shrunk, but she became ten times more pissed off at you. "Sure. Yeah. I'm jealous. Rub it in. Tell me how much this humors you, how pathetic you think I am."
"Why the hell would I ever think that? You know damn well-"
She cuts you off. "You're always so busy with Mike. Your stupid inside jokes. The way you touched his arm. Hell- the way you were going to let him touch you!"
"Don't act so high and mighty, Vanessa." You spat. You stepped forward and poked her in the chest with your finger. "We aren't even together! You haven't made a single move to give me a reason to not let someone else be all over me."
She stepped closer to you. She loomed over you with a look of pain and anger in her eyes. Your heart hammered in your chest, from both anger, and now excitement at your close proximity. "Do you think I haven't wanted to do something?"
"You haven't made it seem like it. I've been waiting for-" Vanessa cut you off by slamming her lips onto yours. It took a second for you to realize what was happening, and by the time you did, you felt her undoing her tie.
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ironstrange1991 · 6 months
Forbidden (Part 7): That Was A First
+18 Smut
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The night with Stephen at the Sanctum Sanctorum takes a somewhat interesting turn
Word Count: 5,6k
Warnings: Dry humping, cuming in pants (and panties)
A/N: This was such a fun to write and I really hope you guys like it. It isn't much but be patient with our reader, she is learning ;)
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Ultraviolet played softly through the TV speakers as you and Stephen were sprawled out on the couch in the living room of the Sanctum Sanctorum.
The night that seemed to be a real failure, took a completely different turn when he rescued you from one of the terrible parties at Mike's house and now you were lost between kisses, confessions and giggles.
"So..." He pressed when he noticed that you were too quiet while listening to the song.
You smile broadly. "It's hard to be impartial in my analysis when you said you think of me when you listen to this song."
He chuckled, placing a small kiss on your cheek and moving his lips down your chin and then back up, practically nuzzling his face onto yours. The touch of the goatee making your body tingle. He bit your earlobe and whispered to the lyrics of the song to tease you.
"Baby, baby, baby, light my way."
His baritone was so sexy in that context that it made your entire body shake.
"Okay, I think I like it... very much." You responded, cupping his face and pulling him back to your lips. Again and again. You just knew that you would never be tired of kissing those lips.
He hummed with satisfaction, his arms that were around your waist pulled you closer and you fit your leg between his, easily getting used to that new proximity.
When you broke the kiss you found yourself tracing the small bruises on his face. You didn't like that, it was inconceivable for you that someone or something would want to hurt such a pretty face.
"Are you going to tell me how you got hurt?"
He sighed. "I had a meeting with two former Kamar Tag students who ended up taking the wrong path and they didn’t make things easy for me. My mission was to bring them back or..."
He didn't finish the sentence, but you understood. You weren't naive, Stephen's job was to protect the world, but not all people could be saved, especially not when they became a danger to other people. Tony had already explained that to you.
"Maybe it's better if I don't talk about my work..." Stephen started to say, but you interrupted him.
"No, please. You can tell me anything. I'm not a child, Stephen. I understand how the world works.
He smiled and closed his eyes when he felt your fingers on his face again.
"I just hate seeing you hurt. Especially those cheekbones." You placed a small kiss on his wound and watched as he moved his fingers in a complicated gesture and a golden light emanated from them. He brought the light to his face and like magic the bruises closed and then disappeared as if they had never been there.
"Better now?" He smiled widely, probably noticing your surprised and delighted expression.
"This was so incredible!" You gasped.
 "You haven't seen anything yet, sweetheart." He giggled holding your face in both hands and kissing your lips softly.
"Then show me. I want to see you do magic."
"I prefer the term spells." He corrected you and you rolled your eyes.
"It's the same thing."
"We'll have plenty of time for that. I promise. And eventually I can use a spell or two on you." He teased, pulling you back to his lips and you surrendered with a hum, letting him control the kiss.
You couldn’t tell if he was serious or not, but a part of you liked the idea. Dating a sorcerer was pretty sexy, actually.
Stephen pushed his hips against you so you could feel his hard on and although it was all new, you didn't flinch this time, on the contrary, you let out a little moan in his lips that made him tangle his fingers in your hair and deepen the kiss, turning it into a clash of angry tongues and teeth.
He was the one who pulled away gently and then admitted it, "Fuck, sweetheart, look what you do to me." Then he grabbed your hand and brought it to his hip. You palmed his erection, slightly surprised at how massively large he seemed even confined within those tight jeans.
He sighed satisfied with the touch, staring at you as if he wanted to analyze your reaction.
You opened your mouth and closed it again, biting the inside of your cheek instead of saying what was on your mind.
"What is it?" He asked and you hid your face in the crook of his neck inhaling deeply, delighting in his scent.
"No no, sweetheart, let's make a deal. From now on you're going to tell me whatever's on your mind. Okay? You can trust me."
"I don't know..."
You groaned in surrender. "I was just going to say that you just feel so..."
"Big?" He teased with a cocky smile.
You nodded, hiding your face in him again. "I mean, how is this supposed to fit..."
"It won't be a problem, love, you were made to take me inside you. You'll see."
Stephen couldn't believe you were there in his arms after he spent so long pining over you believing he could never have you. It was even more unbelievable when he realized that he would be your first. There were so many things he wanted to show you, so many ways to achieve pleasure. He was dying to finally have you, but he was mature enough to understand that he would have to have a little patience. He would have to take it slow, testing the water and seeing how far you would let him go.
Stephen had been without sex for almost six months and it was making it harder for him to hold himself together, being there alone with you in his arms and although he was mature enough to control himself, a part of him was willing to tease you a little and that was precisely what he did when he grabbed the fabric of your dress and lifted it up a little revealing your thighs to him.
 "You know, America bought a certain magazine and I ended up seeing some pretty compromising photos of you."
You smiled proudly, but didn't say anything.
"Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you have a tattoo here." He said, finally laying eyes on the intricate bouquet of flowers that you had tattooed on your right thigh and that outlined it getting dangerously close to your crotch. He traced the outlines of the design with his trembling fingers, moving up your dress enough to get a peek at your panties. They were pink and lacy, and his cock pulsed inside his pants.
"Did you like it?" You asked innocently and Stephen swallowed thickly.
"Oh, I loved it." He responded mischievously and then turned his attention back to the actual drawing. "But I'm curious, why tattoo here?"
"Looks good in a bikini." You responded with a playful smile on your lips.
"Hum, I guess I need to see that."
"You'll have to take me to the beach."
"Oh, it's definitely in my plans now."
You smiled broadly already contemplating  the idea of seeing Stephen in trunks.
"So, you liked the photos?"
"I loved them, sweetheart, but I don't like the idea of ​​other men looking at you.
"Hum, jealous?"
He smirked. "Perhaps a bit, but I definitely loved the photos."
You hummed happily watching him trace the flower petals gently with his fingers.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, genuinely curious. Stephen never thought about getting tattooed. Not because of the pain, he was used to feeling pain, but because he didn't think it suited him. It was totally the opposite with you. He loved each one of your tattoos.
You thought for a second as if you were choosing the best way to explain.
"It hurts a little, not a lot. But it depends on the place too. This one was pretty painful. But I have a good resistance to tattoo pain. It's quite different with piercings, though."
"I heard that some people even like the pain." He pointed out and you grimaced.
"Definitely not me. I am a crybaby when it comes to pain."
He smirked, pulling down your dress again and covering the tattoo completely.  "I'll be very gentle, then."
You felt your cheeks getting hot again. He was so cocky and sweet and dirty all at the same time. He was passionate and you couldn't resist him, you could feel yourself literally melting for him, totally aware of the wetness in your panties and you had never felt that way for any man.
Suddenly you felt a little bold.
"There's one you haven't seen yet." You told him knowing it would make him interested and at the same time trying to hide how much his comment messed with you. "No one has seen it yet."
He smirked kissing you "I'm afraid to ask where it is, sweetheart."
You chuckled, turning onto your stomach and crossing your feet, swaying your legs cutely in the air.
 "Why don't you search for it, then?" You suggested giving him a sweet wink.
He chuckled in disbelief but gave in to curiosity and sat down.
"Is not here." He said tickling your feet and making you giggle. His hands ran down your legs and you closed your eyes feeling the heat and gentle tremor of his hands running up your thighs.
"It's not on your legs, nor on your thighs. Perhaps..."
You bit your bottom lip when his hands went under your dress. That was without a doubt the most erotic thing you had ever done. - Forget the shitty handjob.
"Can I?" Stephen asked, a little unsure of what he was doing, but when you hummed positively, he felt impelled to continue. He lifted the delicate fabric of your dress and was treated to the sight of your cute little round ass adorned by the lace of your pink panties. Your skin was so delicate that all Stephen could think about was how beautiful it would look with his red handprint on it. But instead, he caressed your cheeks, feeling his cock throbbing again in his pants.
"Definitely not here."
 He continued lifting the dress until he finally found it, in your lower back, above the waistband of your panties. Just one word written in delicate cursive: sweetheart.
Stephen couldn't contain the little groan that escaped his lips. He was speechless, one part of his brain went into short circuit and the other was trying to understand if that was on purpose or not, but you answered his silent question almost immediately.
"I made it after the night you called me like this for the first time. I didn't tell anyone and I know it was a bad idea, but I like it. I like it even more now."
Stephen traced the letters with his fingers and without holding back he leaned to kiss the tattoo lingeringly, watching your skin prickle with the touch and to his surprise you pressed your thighs together and moaned. An unmistakable sweet little moan.
Stephen was determined to play nice, but you had just made everything very difficult for him. He could barely think straight. All his blood seemed to immediately descend into his dick.
"You always wanted to be my sweetheart, didn't you?" His voice sounded almost shaky coming from behind you and you couldn't deny the truth in his words.
Stephen moved his lips up your back, biting your skin over the thin fabric of your dress. He was practically on top of you and even though he was holding most of his weight in his arms, you could feel it and it felt so good.
When he brushed aside your hair and ran his lips down the back of your neck, your entire body trembled and you gasped, delighting in the feeling of his beard on your skin.
"Feels good, uh?" He teased and you responded with a shaky uhum.
He chuckled, pleased to see your reaction to his touch, and brought his lips to your ear. He licked and nibbled it and then spoke in his baritone voice. "I'm not going to take your virginity tonight, but that doesn't mean we can't play a little."
You barely realized you were holding your breath until it escaped your mouth in slow puffs.
He pressed his hard on against you, grinding himself in your ass and it felt so good. For the first time in your life, you craved the intrusion. You wanted him inside you.
"That is if you want it, of course." He whispered in your other ear, nibbling on your earlobe. "I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to, Y/n. Never. But you'll have to tell me."
You hummed trying to find your voice. "I want to."
"Good girl." He cooed letting out a satisfied hum and got off of you and laid down by your side again.
"Then lay down here on top of me." He instructed cupping your cheek and kissing you softly.
Your cheeks were hot, but your entire body was hot now. The arousal between your legs so obvious that even you could smell it.
You moved to do as he asked, but he corrected you. “Hike up your dress.”
You overcame your shyness and knelt down next to him and did as he asked, but before you could straddle him, he flicked his fingers and his jeans and shirt were replaced by a pair of sweatpants and a tee.
"How did you do that?" You gasped.
"Lots of practice." He responded grabbing your hand and pulling you on top of him.
"I like your panties. Does the bra match them?"
You just nodded, unable to say anything.
"Hum, would you let me see it?" He asked, lifting his hips up to make you feel his erection on your core. The sensation made his entire body shake.
"I don't know, Stephen. What if someone shows up and sees us?"
He shook his head confidently, "Wong and America will be spending the night at the Kamar Taj. They're most likely sleeping right now."
You thought for a moment and then confirmed with him "We are not having sex tonight."
Stephen shook his head and smirked watching you take off your dress and throw it on the floor and then he devoured you with his eyes. All matching in pink lace, all for him. Your breasts were small, but they were beautiful. His cock pulsed beneath you.
"There are many ways to have sex, sweetheart and not all of them involve penetration. I'll show you."
He held your waist with one hand and the other he took between you and grabbed his cock through the fabric of his pants positioning it the way he wanted and then he opened his arms for you. "Come here."
You surrendered to his request and let yourself be enveloped by his strong arms. Your legs on either side of his waist, straddling him and when you dropped the weight of your body on top of him, the contact of his erection on your covered core made you both gasp at the sensation.
You could feel how hard he was and he could feel the moisture seeping through the fabric of your panties and making him wet.
Stephen was so proud to be responsible for making you wet like that. All the surprise and sudden fear of discovering that you were a virgin was replaced by satisfaction and uncontrollable desire. Knowing you were so innocent sparked something in him and only his conscience was holding him back. However, he felt his control slipping away with each passing second.
He cupped your cheeks with both hands and kissed you hard and then moved his lips down your chin, nibbling lightly until he reached your neck. He kissed, bit and sucked the skin pulling a hum from your throat and without you realizing you started to grind yourself in his erection and Stephen felt as if an electric current had passed through his body.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" Stephen teased moving his hands to your ass cheeks and forcing you back and forth and without any shame he moaned.
"Shit, it definitely feels good for me."
You couldn't believe what you were doing. Your cheeks were so hot they felt like they were on fire, your entire body was shaking and you couldn't respond because you seemed to have lost the ability to speak.
Still, your body seemed to have a mind of its own and before you knew it you were moving alone on top of him, completely surrendered to the desire that took over you.
"Oh my god, Stephen... what are we doing?"
He smirked and bit your chin  "We are having fun, sweetheart. Tell me, does it feel good?"
You moaned, increasing the pace of your hips on top of him, his hard cock providing you with delicious friction on your covered clit.
You cupped his face between your hands and pulled him for a desperate kiss, your tongue entered his mouth and clashed with his in a battle of pure lust. Stephen hummed in your mouth, positively surprised by your change in behavior resulting from your arousal state.
"Feels so good... Oh Stephen..." You whimpered, letting yourself be carried away by the moment and he wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you impossibly close to him.
"You can hide your face in me if it helps you feel more comfortable." He said. "Just keep moving, sweetheart. Don't stop."
You did exactly as he suggested, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, letting your body guide you through all the sensations, inhaling Stephen's scent into your lungs and feeling the familiar knot tightening in your stomach. It was embarrassing, but your walls clenched around nothing.
His name. Stephen lost count of how many times he found himself fantasizing about you moaning his name like that. It was so beautiful. The sweet noises you made were so beautiful.
He hummed thrusting up to increase the sensation and you could feel his dick throbbing beneath you and somehow you knew he was as close as you were.
"It's okay, sweetheart, don't hold back, let go for me. Pretend you're alone in your room doing whatever you do when you think of me." He whispered in your ear.
Stephen knew you were holding back, shyness getting in your way, preventing you from reaching your sweet release, but when you followed his advice, he felt your movements getting faster, your sweet pussy rubbing against his dick faster and harder and so quickly he understood that you had finished, he also felt himself cumming.
Your heart was pounding in your ears. Your eyes were closed, but you could see flashes of light in the darkness as your entire body seemed to convulse on top of Stephen's. You moaned loudly and your moan was followed by Stephen's groan and you felt his body trembling beneath yours and then a strange wetness wetted between your legs. It took you a few seconds to understand what it was and when you did you felt your entire face burning. You thought it was ridiculous that you were still capable of blushing after what you had done, but Stephen thought it was adorable.
He stroked your hair and you finally found the courage to look at him and when you did there was a wide smile on his lips and his eyes had a sparkle that you had never seen before. He caressed your cheeks and before saying anything, he gently pulled you to his lips and kissed you softly. When he broke the kiss you opened your mouth, but closed it again not knowing what to say and ended up nuzzling your face in his. Like a cat. You just wanted to be so fucking close to him. Never ever to be apart again.
"You okay?" He asked, sounding just as unsure as you were. Your entire body was shaking, but you nodded and he held you in his arms.
"Sweetheart, you can talk to me."
You cleared your throat. "I don't know what to say. I've never done this before. I don't know what people talk about after they do it."
Stephen smiled. "We can talk about anything. You can start by telling me what's on your mind right now." He suggested.
"I love you." You ran to say before you lost your courage and Stephen smiled again. A smile you hadn't seen before. A little surprised, a little incredulous, but extremely satisfied.
"It's what's on my mind right now, but at the same time it feels like it's all over my body. I've never felt like this before."
"It's your hormones. Oxytocin to be precise. I’m feeling it too. It's always special when you do it with someone you love. And we barely did anything, sweetheart."
You cupped his face "Do you? Love me?"
He sighed, holding your chin between his index finger and thumb. "Yes I do. I've fought my feelings for so long, Y/n. You have no idea how good it feels to finally be able to feel them."
You nodded. "Actually I do. I loved you from the first moment I saw you and I waited five years for Tony to bring you back to me. Still, I never thought I could have you. I thought I would always have to love you from afar."
Stephen held your face between his shaking hands. "I'm here now. We're together, sweetheart."
You felt your eyes getting wet with tears, so many feelings building up in your chest, your stomach was feeling weird, but you fought against it, afraid that Stephen might find it childish to see you crying.
"I still can't believe what we just did." You said hiding your face in him.
"Hey, none of that! No more shyness. I want you to tell me, did you like it? Because, I think it was pretty obvious that I liked it."
You gave a small giggle. You were well aware of the mess between your legs. "I liked it. It was really good. I've never... well, you know."
"What?" He insisted.
"I've never cum with someone before. It's always been a solo experience."
He smirked, "I don't know if we can classify it as solo if I was on your mind the whole time." He teased.
He was so cocky, even at that moment. But you liked it.
"I never thought it could be done like this." You confessed and Stephen chuckled, stroking your back absently.
"Men can be creative when they want to have sex. And there are many ways to do it. I'll show you. To be honest, I'm pretty excited about the idea of ​​being your first. Being the one who will show you all the good stuff."
You smiled to yourself, feeling your body slowly relax. Your heartbeat returning to normal.
 "I thought if you knew I was a virgin, you would get scared and run away."
He shook his head. "I was scared, really, but I didn't think about running away from you. Quite the opposite."
You smiled and pulled him back to your lips and Stephen sighed contently, feeling all his worries melt away as he realized that you were okay with what you’ve done.
He knew he hadn't planned it, but in his defense, seeing that tattoo on you did things to him.
Either way he was more than pleased with the way the night turned out. There were definitely a few months of pent-up sexual frustration inside him and his hands helped to a certain extent, but he needed something more. And as much as dry humping seemed like a teenager thing to him, he couldn't deny that he loved the experience. However, the resulting mess left him feeling wet and sticky and definitely in need of a shower.
He caressed your face gently.
"I need to clean up now, sweetheart. I made quite a mess in my pants."
You agreed, dismounting and sat down next to him, looking a little unsure of what to do next.
Stephen stood up and allowed himself to actually look at you dressed only in a set of pink lingerie, your panties wet with your fluids and his. Your hair was all messed up, your lips were swollen from all the kisses and the skin around your mouth was burned by his beard. You looked beautiful and most importantly, you were his. He was still trying to get used to the idea.
He reached out to you. "Come on. I'll give you a change of clean clothes. You can't keep those dirty panties."
You looked at him a little shyly, but you let yourself be pulled. Stephen grabbed your dress and the two of you slowly walked up the stairs.
Stephen's room was bigger than the room you slept in the night he saved you at the night club. His bed was huge, a four poster bed.
You barely noticed that you had stopped in the middle of the room to stare at the bed or that he had left you to your thoughts and walked away when he returned with a tee and a boxer brief and handed them to you.
"You can use the bathroom. Make yourself at home. I'm going to take a shower in the next room. I'll be back in a minute."
You nodded, watching him grab a change of clothes and leave the room.
Stephen didn't know what to expect from the rest of the night, but it was already after 3 am when he went down to the Sanctum lounge to turn off the TV, which was now playing some random music that he didn't recognize. He picked up the bottle of wine and the glasses and took them to the kitchen and then picked up your jacket and boots and went back to his room.
You were sitting in one of the armchairs next to the fireplace. His tee was big enough to cover your thighs and you had braided your hair now. The little makeup you were wearing seemed to disappear. He had never seen you so natural, so simple and yet so beautiful. Stephen was still reluctant to understand how you could bewitch him like that. He never felt that way about any woman.
"I used your toothbrush. I hope you don't mind." You informed with a shy smile.
"Not at all." He responded closing the bedroom door and placing your boots on the floor next to the bed and hanging your jacket on the free armchair next to you.
"I don't know what I should do now. Should I leave?" You said being one hundred percent sincere. You had never had that level of intimacy with anyone, you didn't know how things worked and looking at Stephen dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt was giving you an air of domesticity that was achingly passionate and inviting.
Stephen shook his head, "No. I mean, I can take you home if you want. In fact, I can open a portal to your room right now, but... I don't want you to leave."
You smiled shaking your head "I don't want to go either. I don't want to be away from you."
He reached out to you, "Then stay with me. Tomorrow morning I'll take you to your room, if you want."
You pretended to think for a moment, but the truth was that you agreed to the idea immediately.
"Don't think too much. We did nothing wrong." Stephen reaffirmed. "It was actually really good and you are still a virgin as I promised." He smirked. "Spend the night with me. I won't try anything else, I promise."
You sighed, holding his hand and letting yourself be dragged to the bed.
"Smart girls would say it's not smart to go to bed with the guy you like on the first date." You teased as you crawled under the comforter and made yourself comfortable on the pillows. Stephen's scent was permeating them and that was definitely your favorite scent now.
"Practically speaking, we can't even say this was a date. At least not a traditional one." He responded and to your surprise he took off his shirt before lying down next to you and you had to swallow your saliva when you saw him half naked for the first time.
"We… drank wine and danced... It's...very traditional for me." You struggled to finish the thought. Of course you knew that Stephen had a well-defined physique. Just by looking at him you could already deduce that, and you could also feel his muscles under his shirt, but actually seeing them was something else entirely. You were practically drooling and you doubted he didn't notice the way you were devouring him with your eyes, but he didn't say anything, just crawled under the comforter with you. You felt your body becoming tense at the new situation, but Stephen had a way of making everything better just by smiling at you.
"Remember I mentioned before about using a spell or two on you?" He said touching your neck. "I guess I'll have to do it now if we don't want Pepper to see this."
You touched the spot where he was touching and your skin felt slightly sore.
"Did you leave a hickey on me?" You asked incredulously. You had just brushed your teeth in front of the mirror. How did you not see that?
He smirked, "In my defense, you didn't make things easy for me when you made me feel so good."
You chuckled, "So now it's my fault?"
"For being cute and delicious? Yes."
Before you could think of how to respond to that, he moved his fingers and orange light emanated from his hand.
You flinched a little. "Will it hurt?" You asked and he shook his head.
"No, but you will feel a strange sensation. May I?"
You nodded and he brought his hand closer, letting his magic touch you. It was warm and ticklish, but it wasn't a bad feeling. In fact, you even liked it.
"And it's done." He reported and just as it came, the orange light disappeared.
"This is super cool." You said "Can you show me more?"
He smiled. Sometimes you reminded him of America. So young and excited about everything. But Stephen shook his head, dismissing the thought and berating himself. He definitely needed to stop comparing you to America now.
"I will, but not tonight. I think you've had too many new experiences for one night."
You sighed in frustration, rolling your eyes. "Now you're talking like you're my dad."
"Well, I'm old enough to be, aren't I?"
"Okay. Whatever."
You lifted your head and adjusted the pillows trying to get comfortable. Stephen adjusted himself, turning to his side and took your hand in his, your fingers intertwining.
"We need to talk about something important." He said, blue eyes fixed on you.
"Birth control. I assume you're not on anything."
"I didn't need to be...until now."
Stephen nodded, reaching his other hand to touch your cheek. "It's okay. You're right. You had no reason to use anything if you weren't sexually active, but now we need to think about it and I don't want you to think for even a second that you need to figure it all out on your own."
You nodded. "You're a doctor. You can prescribe something for me."
He smirked. "For your head, certainly. Or if you're having some trouble with your nerves. I'm a neurosurgeon, sweetheart. But what I can actually do is refer an old co-worker to you. She works in a hospital not too far from here. You can talk to her and choose the best method for you."
You nodded and Stephen leaned to kiss your lips softly and then sighed. "And I'm going to get tested for STDs. Even though it's been almost six months since I've had sex, I want to be sure."
You looked at him, looking surprised.
"What is it?"
But you just shook your head and bit your bottom lip.
"Tell me."
"It's just... being who you are and because of your appearance... I didn't think you'd go this long without..."
He nodded. "All my sexual relations over the last few years have been one-night stands, sweetheart. And to be quite honest, being in love with you, no woman has seemed like a good enough substitute."
"That's sweet." You smiled realizing you were tracing his goatee with your index finger and giving a long yawn.
"I like your goatee. I think I have a thing for men with nice facial hair"
Stephen kissed your hand sweetly and caressed your cheek.
"And I love you." He completed. "But I'll let you sleep now, sweetheart. We can talk more in the morning."
"Hum, okay. Good night." You answered with your eyes already closed.
"Good night."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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cryptidcorners · 7 months
hi c: i was hoping i could request smth like reader doesn't like her laugh bc she got like made fun of it in like highschool so she like when she does laugh around mike she gets like really embarrassed and mike is like ???? i like your laugh C: (SORRY IF THIS IS CRINGE LOLOL) have a great day :)
Mike Schmidt x F!Reader - Pretty Laugh
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Description: Mike finds his girlfriend's laugh adorable, and is incredibly shocked to find she's embarrassed about it . Requested by anon .
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Media: FNaF!Movie
Character: Mike Schmidt
Tags: Girlfriend!Reader, Established Relationship, Fluff, Comfort, Mike Rambling, Romantic, Cute Stuff, Slice of Life, Encouragement, Slight Protective Mike
Warnings: Some mentions of bullying . Not too severe .
Check out my TOS before reading . Thank you ! + MIKE SCHMIDT MASTERLIST
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"I'm sorry," you choked back a harsh giggle. "my laugh."
Mike's smile softened as he caught his breath, eyes fluttering, "What are you talking about?" his tone was breathy from the aftermath of giggling so hard. You shyly averted your eyes away with a gentle shrug, "It's annoying."
Mike's brow arched immediately, already puzzled. "Annoying? Who told you that?" his tone sharpened. He stayed closer to you, hand wrapped around yours with a desperate gaze. You assured him quickly with a gesture, "Oh, no, no. Nobody said anything." You sighed, "I mean, right now."
Mike frowned, resembling some defeat pup. It ached him to see you blue, even if it was something minor. "Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was slow and already growing tender. He watched your gaze narrow and immediately reeled back, "I mean, we don't need to. We can keep talking if you'd like," Admittedly, you felt silly talking about something that happened years ago, but, Mike never judged you. So it never hurt to open up.
You lightened your chest with a rough exhale, "No, no. I should. I really should," Mike scooted closer, giving you the comfort of leaning on him slightly. His presence always invited you in, even during the darkest of times. "Well, in highschool, I was constantly made fun of, like, by everyone. Because of my laugh. They'd try to make me giggle so I could do it, and it'd be so embarrassing." You explained, "Even my friends teased me, and did the same thing. It got to the point where I'd just avoid seeing people or trying my best to seem out of it. Called me a witch, clown, you name it. Now, I'm just . . . a little insecure about it? I never told anyone."
Mike broke the silence, "I think your laugh is pretty."
He nodded and cupped your face. He started kissing you gently, lightly pecking your face with ticklish signs of affection. You couldn't help but giggle, "Mike, what are you doing?" and yet, you were hugging him tightly.
"I wanna hear you laugh more, obviously." He answered, "And I want to make you love it as much as I do,"
You pulled him in, smiling infectiously. "You're so cheesy, but I love it."
Mike chuckled. You had no idea how he made your heart soar just by complimenting you. You melted in his touch, truly comfortable wrapped around his arms. "Thank you,"
Mike gazed at you warmly, "You're welcome." and he was already thinking about all the ways he could make you laugh.
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A.N: this was so cute I'm dying actually!!!
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mivivienda · 6 days
— mike schmidt x rich.reader
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𝐧.       first time writing for the sleep-deprived man himself, and i'm honestly loving the idea. enjoy!
𐙚       what happens when mike schmidt gets a lover who so happens to be rich?
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.       'out of my league' by fitz and the tantrums
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🦺 — he didn't know you were rich at first, and when it was revealed you were rich, a lot of people would view that as a good surprise. but to mike, it was not.
🦺 — he figured out you were rich when you took abby and him on a surprise trip to hawaii, due to the fact you had heard mike jokingly say he could use a beach day, and a beach day he would get.
🦺 — mike wasn't aware you all were going to hawaii, so when you told the two to pack their bags and announced where you were going, the expression difference on the siblings was hilarious.
🦺 — abby practically lit up like a child did on christmas, but mike sat there with his eyes wide and his heart dropping. how did you manage to pay for that? how would he pay for this trip?
🦺 — after abby went to bed, you both had a long talk about it, and that's when you showed him how much money you had.
🦺 — everything seemed to click. that's why you offered to help with rent, food, and everything else.
🦺 — you had to tell him you've been saving your whole life so he didn't assume you robbed a bank or whatnot. that amount of money seemed like ones criminals would have in the movies, yet here you were, having maybe even more than what he sees in the films.
🦺 — it wouldn't be shocking if he started to cry a bit because of the surprise. it wasn't that he was sad, but he felt guilty for you spending so much on him and abby, and it was also the idea that you were willing to do it. all because he joked about wanting a vacation.
🦺 — this man gives you whatever he can give after that.
🦺 — when you both go to bed, he holds you close while whispering praises into your ear, and constantly gives you kisses.
🦺 — after that, when you three go to hawaii, he attempts to pay for things, but you won't let him. you tell him to save up for stuff he wants, or things for abby.
🦺 — speaking of abby, she's practically in her dreamland when you all arrive. she plays in the water and even makes a few friends at the beach! and when you catch her looking at an art set for a little while, you surprise her with it when you arrive at the house you all have been staying at.
🦺 — you also surprise mike with a spa day so he can actually relax, and it takes a little bit of convincing for him to actually do it.
        "i got you a day at the spa tomorrow!"
        "the spa? i—who's gonna watch abby? what about you?"
        "abby and i are going to have our fun while you relax for a bit, okay? i'll message you every hour if you're worried."
🦺 — after you said that, mike showered you in kisses to the point abby ended up walking in and faked gagged at the sight. it made him stop, but only until she went to bed.
🦺 — by the end of the trip, the two have been heavily pampered, but mike still can't help but feel guilty.
🦺 — he worries that you'll spend too much on them both, or that you'll start thinking he's only dating you for your money considering him and abby don't have much of it.
🦺 — it'll take a lot of reassurance, but he'll eventually stop worrying unless you're buying something he considers to be really expensive.
🦺 — which is about everything, but you don't need to know that.
🦺 — if you try and buy something for him or abby, you might have to lie about the price and hide your receipts. you don't like hiding things from mike, but it's better for him if he didn't know.
🦺 — but if he does find out though, you might get a huge lecture.
        "where did all of these receipts come from?"
        "they're from a while ago, mike."
        "then why does this one have yesterday's date on it?"
🦺 — you might want to consider burning your receipts from now on.
🦺 — though, with mike, whether you're rich or not, he does truly love you for you. as it was said earlier, he fell in love with you before he even knew you were rich, but now that he knows, you just full on spoil him.
🦺 — and for some reason, he likes that because it makes him feel important enough to be spoiled.
🦺 — he does prefer little things over big things, like a small frame that has a photo of you and abby instead of a brand new tv or whatever.
🦺 — he also does try to buy things for you, even if he can't afford much. he'll save up just to buy you something you've been wanting for a while.
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𐙚       requests are open !
reblogs + hearts + comments are appreciated, but i thank you for taking the time to read my works as well!
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Mike Schmidt x Male reader
Mike is such a little meow meow boy and as such I've declared him a bottom (my opinion means nothing) my first actual fic
It's late around 6 pm, your lazeing on your couch in nothing but your boxers and sweater, when you hear a knock on your door, reluctantly you get out of your comfortable spot in front of your TV to get it. Peaking through your peep hole you see your perpetually tired and pretty neighbor, Mike and suddenly you feel like maybe you should have made the extra stop to put on pants. But you're here now so you open the door, "Hello," you say nervously hiding half way behind your door hoping he doesn't notice the Minecraft boxers wrapped around your waist " what brings you over?" He looks anxious now that you've opened the door a little drop of sweat forming on his brow , "um I'm sorry to intrude and all but um..." He shifted nervously from foot to foot then said "Can you watch my little sister I have to go to work and my usual sitter is M.I.A." You think for a second then ask "What do I get out of it?" You knew he was struggling so you didn't expect money you just wanted to make the brown eyed boy squirm. "Anything." He half sighed "Anything?" You repeat questioningly "Anything" he said looking at you with his big brown eyes, how could anyone say no to him with eyes like that you thought before stating "ok I'm holding you to that."
You quickly go back inside and put on a pair of sweatpants and shut down your house before following him across the street to his place it was a carbon copy of your house just a few things were different. He leads you inside where he tells you what your responsibilities and such are like his sister's name is Abby and she spends most her time drawing and that she already ate dinner so u just gotta make sure the house doesn't burn down while he's gone, well that's what you got between checking him out and his anxious chatter. Then after that little speech he says bye to his sister to her protest as she doesn't want to be separated from her big brother, then once he separates from her he says a polite "bye" and heads out the door. Which leaves you alone with a kid you only met once before when you first moved in. Honestly you had no idea why he trusted you to watch his sister but you got to know the pretty neighbor boy better so that's a plus.
You slowly make your way to Abby's room knocking lightly, "hey can I come in?" You ask and the door is opened by the small girl. "So you're who's watching me now?" She asked unimpressed. You just nod, man kids are rude then what she said next gave you a bit of a shock, " I don't get why he talks about you so much, anyway do you like drawing," you chuckle lightly "of course, I love drawing." So you drew with the kid until she fell asleep at her desk. She is a cute kid you thought to yourself as you tucked her into bed. You then went and sat on his couch and fell asleep watching his TV.
You feel the couch dip as someone sits on it waking you, you look over to see mike then look at the clock its 10 am and you groggily say "sorry for falling asleep for so long." He looked over and apparently he didn't notice you woke up. "Sorry for waking you." He said in a whispered voice, God his voice is really nice. " So I've been thinking about what you can do to pay me." You say slyly. "Yeah," he said curiously "what?" You smirk " I'd except payment with a kiss." He instantly flushed and looked away a little bit of sweat beginning to form. You quickly say "it was just an idea you don't have to." You beginning to believe you read him wrong only for him to say "no it's ok," he turned to look at you "I was just caught off guard." He then grabbed your face giving you a small peck. Your hands going to rest on his hips as you kiss him, this one lasting longer. The kisses got more heated with each one before he pulled back, a little gasp coming from between his chapped lips. "Oh god." He groaned quietly, you gently pulled him onto your lap giving he plenty of time to pull away if he wished. His hands now rest on your shoulders, as you slowly kiss his neck his stubble scratching your face. He let out little whimpers and whines his hands going to pull on your hair. Then he jolted a little and began peeling himself away from your grasp. "hmmm..?" U look up at his questioningly "um I think um maybe we should stop, I'm really tired, and I gotta take care of Abby when she gets back." He looked nervous. it was cute his face was flushed, a tent in his worn blue jeans, and his brown eyes almost totally eclipsed by his pupils. Thought he did look like he was about to fall asleep on his feet "yeah you should get some rest." You stood up a tent in your pants as well. "Can u watch Abby again tonight?" he asked nervously "she seems to really like you." You smirk at him "you don't have to pretend you don't just want to see me again, and of course I'll come back if that's my payment." You give him one more kiss he whines into and then you go back to your place the house seems so empty compared to his. The warm lights seeming cold and the rooms look bare, but that's how it always is.
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dearanakin · 8 months
"Bad Reputation" - Steve Harrington x f!Reader
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Summary: You wanted to pretend you were going out with someone as the guy from school insists on hooking up with you. Among the people at a party, you choose Steve Harrington, who has a bad reputation.
Warning: Cursing, fluffiness, alcohol
Word count: 3.1k
Someone from school was throwing a party you weren't supposed to be at, but you went to anyway. Robin made you go with her so you would do something on the weekend.
And then she dragged the whole gang with her, including the kids - the kids were actually 18 now.
Among too many people, you were trying to squeeze between them so you didn't bump into Riley, because he was insisting too much on hooking up with you for weeks.
You were thinking about hitting on someone just so you could get rid of him, but the only guys available, which you would hook up, included Eddie, who was getting high with his friends.
Jonathan, but he was too preoccupied with Nancy, and... Steve Harrington. You didn't know him well enough, and he was really involved in just talking with Dustin and Mike and some other guys, drinking some beer.
The fact he wasn't hooking up with any girl was weird, but understandable.
It's not like he was still that guy who would make a line so girls with kiss him. His bad reputation ended up making him become different than that guy.
You thought to yourself, that maybe if you could ask him a favor, you could make Riley give up on you.
Not that it was the greatest idea, but Eddie wasn't actually really into hooking up at parties and you were somewhat friends.
You walked towards the boys and Dustin and Mike ceased the conversation just to have a look at you. Henderson gave you a smirk and you thought it was cute.
You noticed Steve made the same course as them and stared at you. Well, you made it halfway, might as well just finish it.
"You're Steve Harrington, right?", you asked as he nodded, puffing his chest. He was "retired" from being a jerk, and now the girls would usually hit on him.
"Yeah, that me", he said as he gave a side smile to the other boys. Both of them gave him a grimace look, leaving you both alone. "And who are you?".
"I'm (Y/N). Can you do me a favor?", you were looking around you as you tried to find Riley. Harrington wasn't really getting your point, but nodded anyway.
"I'm trying to get rid of a guy, can you pretend we're going out?". You spoke close to his ear as the music was too loud.
"Uh, sure. But you know I have a bad reputation, right?", he questioned, like it's a warning. You honestly don't care at all, because you don't judge people either way.
"I don't mind, really. And I don't see it that way". You smile at him, you really didn't.
"You're not pranking me, are you?". He sounds really suspicious and it almost makes you gasp.
"Why would I do that?", you seemed kind of offended, he was playing defensive. "Look, are you gonna help me or not?".
Steve looked like he was having a meltdown, he took too long to think and you were already giving up your decision. Maybe it would've been better to ask Eddie, he's always doing crazy shit anyway.
"Fine", he gave in. "And what's in for me?", Steve asked and you grinned at him, sipping on your beer. "You know what? I've got something better. I pretend to be your hook up, and you help me get my good reputation back".
You almost snorted, why would he, of all the things he could ask for, want to have a reputation after all?
Although you knew he was always a jerk to girls, he would always be the least of the romantic, always getting in trouble for going out with committed girls as well.
Maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all, he was nice, you've heard. Robin was his closest friend and she sure would never lie about him.
You found Riley walking around with a friend and immediately crashed your lips against Steve's. He wasn't really waiting for that so it was a sloppy kiss at first, just pecking.
He wrapped your waist with one of his arms while holding the beer with the other. He tasted like cinnamon as he was chewing a gum and it made you melt down under his kiss.
You opened one of your eyes slightly as you watched Riley leave. You broke the kiss and looked and Steve, who was still shocked by your sudden approach.
"Wow, could've warned me first", he said as he rubbed one hand against his soft hair and you chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were expecting it", you used your thumb to clean up your smudgy lipstick on his lip.
"Not that fast, honestly", he gives you a nervous grin. "Who is the guy, by the way?". Harrington asked as he followed you to the kitchen. You were looking for something stronger. You needed something to get through the night.
"Riley Edwards he's on the band group. Robin probably knows him". You found a bottle of Gin and decided to make yourself a Gin Tonic.
Steve was just behind you as you were making the drink. You probably didn't know what to do next, you just know you're supposed to be kissing when the guy is around.
But other than that, what are you going to do when he's not around? Maybe kiss him again properly would be nice.
"I already said no to him. But he's too persevering", you finished your drink and almost chugged it entirely.
Steve watched you with his brows furrowed. "Jesus, easy with that".
"You're not playing boyfriend here", you provoked.
You laughed at his sudden worriness and offered him the cup. He grabbed it and sort of savored it first before drinking it. His face went bloody red and he almost choked.
"Fuck, this is strong as hell, (Y/N)", you were still chuckling watching him scrunching his nose.
"Yeah well, don't act like a baby girl", you drank the entire cup and decided to make another one, while he rolled his eyes to your response.
"We said we'll help each other out, right. How am I going to pretend to be your hook up if you're hammered?", Steve had a point though.
And then you decided you would slow down on the alcohol. Maybe later probably. You found a tequila bottle and placed it on the sink as you looked for shot glasses.
He looked at you and shook his head. "Nope. No, no, no. I am not drinking that. Forget it".
You gave him a side smile, Steve still held a grumpy face because that wasn't what he signed up for.
You filled the glasses and went looking for some lime, only to find all of them were already in the trash.
Harrington was still in disbelief. "Fuck, I don't drink that without a lime".
"Oh my gosh, how do you want a reputation if you can't even fucking drink a tequila shot?".
"Well, I don't drink tequila shots, for starters", he retorted.
"If you do it, I'll flash you", you saw his eyes brighten up and he downed it all. He hissed at the taste and chugged on his beer.
You did you shot and closed your eyes. This was probably the strongest tequila you've ever had in your life. You leaned against the sink and took a deep breath.
"Now flash me", Harrington sat on the table, making a "come here" gesture and you burst out into laugh.
"Oh, Steve. I was just kidding", you squeezed his cheek and he frowned. It made you laugh harder.
"You manipulated me!", he shook his head as he watched you still laughing at him.
"Maybe I'll do it, who knows?", you respond.
You opened the fridge looking for a beer, grabbing one bottle and leaving to the backyard holding Steve's hand. He was on your tail still trying to get rid of that horrible taste.
Madonna was blasting outside and you saw Robin dancing with a girl, you couldn't but hold a smile at her.
She was having so much fun and she deserved to. Steve grabbed you by your waist while dancing and you thought it wouldn't be a terrible idea to dance with.
The alcohol started to make its way through your system and you knew it will soon hit your head. But you didn't care at that moment, because you wanted to have fun as well.
He was intently resting his face against your shoulder and you laughed at the way he was playing an affair so perfectly. Or maybe he was already too drunk too.
You spinned around to face him and he definitely had a drunk smile on his face. His hair was kinda messy and he smelled like Calvin Klein and tequila.
"How am I doing?", he asked as he still danced, twirling you around him and you chuckled.
"Better than I expected", you said. "How are you not hitting on girls in this place?".
He had a different look in his eyes as he shrugged his shoulders. Steve sipped the rest of his beer and licked his lips. Suddenly you felt very attracted to him.
"I don't care about that anymore. I just want people to realize I'm different now".
"And yet you still want to rebuild your reputation", you retorted him and he leaned against the wall. One of his knees bent over as he rested his foot there.
"I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore", he seemed upset. Things with Nancy didn't go well either, that was when he realized he needed a change.
"You know what I think?", you asked as you got closer to him. He raised his eyebrows waiting for your answer. "I think you look very pretty right now".
You grabbed him by his colar and he stiffened against your touch. "And you don't seem to be a bad guy at all. But I'll help you fix it". As you finished your line he leaned on to kiss you.
It was an intentional kiss with a mixture of booze and desire. He was obviously very attracted to you as well and made it clear as his tongue touched yours.
He grabbed your hip firmly with one free hand and deepened the kiss, tasting every bit of you. You gritted his tongue between your teeth and heard him groan, amused.
Harrington twisted you around and pulled you against the wall, almost merging into your body as he started to kiss you faster. You were lightheaded over the alcohol and the kiss, nibbling on his lower lip and he rubbed his finger against your skin.
It didn't last too long as you heard someone behind you. "Well, holy fucking shit", the voice said. You and Steve both opened your eyes at the same time, he even loosened his touch against you.
Billy Hargrove stood behind you and laughed along with his friends from the basketball team. "If it isn't King Steve fucking Harrington working his way up to someone's pants".
His words were nasty and you felt Steve growing mad in front of you. He turned his torso around and faced Billy, who was holding a sarcastic smile on his face.
"Just get lost, Hargrove", he said, feeling a little groggy from the tequila and the other one laughed. Everyone around stopped their dancing to stare at them.
"No, you know my favorite hobby is to never leave you alone", Billy stated, sipping on his beer.
You couldn't be more stressed over this, you just wanted to have a good time. You should've known he was going to make an entrance and make someone's life a living hell, and it always had to be Steve.
"Whatever man, I'm not playing your game", Harrington said and faced you. He tried to ignore Billy but the guy just wouldn't stop being an asshole. "I'm sorry you have to go through this".
His words were so soft and warm and it made you feel angry by the way Hargrove just makes someone uncomfortable and it wasn't right. It was just so messed up.
"Why don't you go find someone's pants yourself, hm? You think you're so different from everyone else but you're just another asshole", you pointed at him and he furrowed his brows, still chewing a gum.
"Steve Harrington is a great guy. He's mature enough now to realize he was a jerk and he's not like that anymore. Now, if you'll excuse us, you're disturbing my moment with him, at least he's getting in someone's pants", you finished as you pulled Steve close to you.
On purpose, of course, you made him grab your ass as you gave him a feral kiss and he responded to it the same way as you. Harrington felt his head pound over the stress and the way you pulled him against you.
You heard when people around you booed Billy and cheered, throwing plastic cups over him and the basketball team. You waited until he left to break the kiss, but Steve kept on going, squeezing your ass and moving his tongue too fast.
A moment after that and he had to pull some air into his lungs, laughing. "Shit, you just- that was so wild". He pecked your lips, licking them.
"Think you still want a reputation?".
"Fuck no, doesn't matter if it worked or not", he gave you an honest smile, holding your waist too close to him. You felt that part of your skin become numb.
"That's good for you. You don't need to be so dependen-", he cut you off as he cupped your face and gave you another kiss.
Steve took his time to taste you with a slow kiss, holding you against his firm hands, savoring your taste. You didn't have time to react as he grabbed your hands and dragged you inside the house, going upstairs.
Obviously you knew what was going to happen, and unlike you thought, you were hoping for it. Not because it was Steve, but because the way he's been treating you the whole night.
He didn't stop between groups to show off, he didn't brag about winning another night.
He made a mental note to himself he wouldn't fuck anyone at the party, but the way you were looking at him and the way you reacted to his touch gave him fuel to his body. Maybe it was also because of the alcohol.
He never liked to mix drinks because of the way he tends to act around people, like it would be different this time. He found a spare guest room and closed the door with a kick, hovering over you in the bed.
Harrington hit his knee on the corner of the bed and yelped, making you laugh. "Fuck. Shit".
"Such a smooth way to get into someone's pants", you say as you chuckle, looking at the stare he gave you.
"Shut up or I'll rip your clothes off", he warned before leaning over you, spreading wet kisses on your skin.
"Yes, please", you whine. Steve feels his body shiver by the way you say it and sucked on your neck. If it gets a hickey or not, you will not care about it on the next day.
He took a long time on the crook of your neck, inhaling your perfume and the smell of your skin. His hands were properly rubbing your inner thighs and your core squeezed.
His bulge started to grow and he felt an intense urge of pounding on you all night. But something inside his guts tells him otherwise and he breaks the contact, and you flinch.
"Everything okay?", you squeeze his wrist lightly and he rubs his hand against his silky hair. He hums before sighing heavily.
"Yeah, fuck. Sorry. Shit", you don't understand squat he's complaining about. His dick is pressed against his jeans, almost crying for help.
"Steve?", you coax. He looks at you like he's having trouble fixing his thoughts.
"I don't wanna be this guy. Like, this", he mentions with his index fingers, pointing at him and the bedroom. "God, I wanna make things right. I wanna have sex, not fuck around".
Okay, he's drunk. But this talk is kind of nonsense to you.
"Is this because of what happened? Because I don't give a single fuck", you explain, watching him sit next to you. He shook his head.
"No, not at all. I don't wanna fast forward moments like that, around too many people. Yeah I think it's hot as fuck and I'll probably cum in like three minutes, which is exactly my point here. I wanna appreciate things", he made a speech you were not in the mood to hear because you wanted to suck on him so bad.
But then you realized what he meant. It's supposed to be a fuck and nothing else, and that wasn't what you really wanted. You wanted a relationship, a commitment.
"Maybe this is a drunk talk but I've been feeling like that for a while. And on that note I realized you didn't come after me because it was me, because obviously you would find someone better than me. Eddie would be a nice option", he grasped one hand on your thigh, softly.
"But I look at you and I see you don't care about how people look. And I really dig that", Steve wouldn't shut up and you just wanted to kiss him. But if you laughed he would be offended, so you let him speak. "And now I feel such a douche, I look so needy when I'm drunk. Fuck me".
You laughed at the way he said it and he looked at you, chuckling.
"Steve, I get that. I get you. I don't like it either, but I just thought 'why not?'. And it's okay to not want that. I mean your crotch says otherwise, but I understand it", you joke about his bulge and he leans against the bed, hiding his face with one hand and holding his crotch with the other.
"Fuuuuck. Alright, show's over. I'm definitely going to need a thousand shots after that". Harrington got himself up and walked to the the room. "Care to join me?".
"Hm, I have a better idea", you grab his hand and pull him across the house, making your way outside.
"Where we going?".
"To my house. We're going to listen to some nice and less loud music, eat some snacks and then maybe have proper sex". You stop walking, only to look at him as you speak into his ear. "Without anyone else around".
His face brightens up and he pulls you closer before you can walk again. "You just made your way to my heart instead", he says giving you a soft and gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I wanna pick the songs", Steve stabilished while grabbing your hand, walking on the sidewalk by your side.
You didn't care you left the party with King Steve, per se. He was definitely getting under your pants, but with a meaning. You laughed at the way he said he wanted to pick the music, and then it came to your head that this is the result of a great idea you had, only because someone wouldn't stop being so annoying.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Skam show-runner Julie Andem clocking the fuck out of Mike being queer-coded in s1 of Stranger Things, and then using it as inspiration to queer-code Isak in s3 of Skam can be something so epic.
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THIS! THIS is what I'm talking about!
In ST, there are two scenes in s1 (pretty/still pretty) that milkvans use as irrefutable proof that Mike has always had romantic feelings for El, with the primary object in the scene being a mirror.
Mirrors in film mean something more often than not, but especially when they are the focus of a scene is when they definitely mean something. And the way they go about it differently in between those two scenes in ST, drastically differently, and considering the subject matter is very very queer coded, is how you really know there is a significance in this case.
And that scene above from Skam proves it.
Because apparently, another filmmaker watched ST, picked up on those odd details surrounding Mike and said shit I'm gonna use that...
Notice how Isak here, a gay teenager who is fully in denial with others and himself, to the point where he makes really homophobic remarks often, gets caught denying a bunch of girls as being attractive in a conversation with his friends. And so now they're questioning him and making him feel on edge bc the focus is on him and his attraction (lack thereof) to girls.
While his friends aren't even implying he is gay in this moment, it's just them genuinely being confused why he doesn't think any of the girls they think are attractive are attractive, you can still see that Isak starts to feel the pressure and so he latches onto the first girl he thinks of, Emma.
Emma just so happens to look like Natalie Portman with her extremely short hair.
Low and behold this very girl enters the room shortly after he says this and so now Isak has to face this and give his friends the impression he is fully interested in this girl, otherwise they would DEFINITELY suspect something is off. And so he goes all out.
He outs himself.
He literally says Don't you look like that boy from Stranger Things, and then follows it up with saying he would only be attracted to her if we're assuming he is attracted to boys, only to quickly backtrack and start to approach her really flirtatiously, then going all out by making out with her.
As this happens, he is kissing her in the bathroom, in front of a mirror...
Now I want to make clear, I am not saying ST was inspired by Skam. I'm pretty sure I did make that clear, it's actually the other way around, which is even more incriminating arguably.
S1 of Stranger Things came out in 2016, whereas s3 of Skam came out the following year in 2017. The hype for ST was so immense, to the point where you had Norwegian teens referencing it in everyday conversation.
The creator of Skam took scenes from ST that framed Mike very peculiarly in s1, and used it as queer-coding for a character that ended up being revealed as gay.
For those that haven't seen Skam Norway... Run. Leap. Drive. Teleport. Do what you have to do and go watch it. It's not available on any streaming, in fact it's only available online through fan-sites outside of where it's based. Conveniently, all 4 seasons with English subs can be found HERE.
Basically this show is amazing and you need to watch it. Some seasons I like more than others. But the gist of it is that every season focuses on a different character from the main group, where they experience some sort of misunderstanding/miscommunication that leads to them being misinformed about certain things, followed by them making mistakes and having doubts, though it tends to end in a way that feels so refreshing compared to what we're used to.
Skam also translates in english to shame, so the idea is that there is an arc surrounding some form of shame every season.
With Isak in particular, he's the focus for s3, though his arc starts to become more clear as early as the end of s1.
Eva, the character in focus for s1, borrows Isak’s phone to call someone, and ends up seeing that there's gay porn in a bunch of his tabs on his browser. Their friend Noora also witnesses this and she ends up being the focus of s2.
Throughout s2, we get even more blatant hints that Isak is gay and in love with his best friend...
So it's established pretty early on throughout the series that Isak is queer and in denial about it, but it isn't until s3 that he himself is able to confront it.
The way they go about this arc, with Isak having unrequited feelings, is exactly how ST would have done it IF Mike hadn't returned Will's feelings.
So if you're looking for more byler proof, go watch this show and see how they don't let Isak pine over his best friend Jonas for more than 2 seasons.
When the story finally puts Isak at the forefront, they give him his own love interest instead of keeping him pining for his friend. It's really pure and amazing and TBH I would have been fine if ST was framed this way, with it being clear from the beginning Isak's feelings were unrequited, and with the other half of the series focusing on him moving on and finding love himself, and also with his best friend and him still being very close.
Although Isak has that queer-coding from the very beginning, with him looking at his friend all fondly, he is still not able to confront any of it. The following season he dates a girl and is a little over the top about it, though we can also see that he is struggling despite not wanting to face it. It isn't until s3 when the story shows us his inner struggle at the forefront, that we see him finally confront it and accept it.
For those that don't know, Skam also loosely inspired the Nick Nelson gay test scene... So we have character that despite showing many signs of being queer, to the point where we know he literally watched gay porn, is still finding himself in a situation where he's taking gay tests 2 years later....
While he might have the knowledge deep down, he was not willing to face it. In fact he was doing everything he could to avoid confronting it.
But then he falls in love and suddenly it's not something he can ignore anymore...
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Hi! really love how you work angst to happy endings in your stories, they’re written so well! Can I request a story that goes something like this?:
Let’s say the guys are having a hard time progressing at a certain point in Eddie’s campaign and one of them suggests to take a peek at Eddie’s notebook for some hints and they ask reader if she could help distract Eddie. When they almost get caught reader ends up kissing Eddie to distract him from seeing one of the guys. The kiss kinda gets heated for both of them but once the coast is clear reader abruptly stops the kiss and leaves but now Eddie suddenly has heart eyes for reader and tries to romance her after. she does fall for him until he finds out the truth about the kiss and gets all upset thinking she doesn’t like him at all.
Idk what else but please make it a happy ending! Hehe thank you!
I love this! Absolutely. I hope this is what you wanted :)
Never proofread
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Y/N has been part of Hellfire for a few months now, and Eddie has been stuck on her since. He used his leader status to convince her she needed to be seated next to him at all campaigns, an excuse to be near her at all times. But he also didn't want a relationship, so he didn't try to become anything more.
The club were growing frustrated, every week they played Eddie's campaign and struggled to make progress. Finding themselves stuck and no idea of the direction to go.
They tried to talk about their ideas when Eddie was gone, but he'd always find out what they were planning. Snickering that their ideas would not be successful. Every idea led to failure.
Now the club sat in the hellfire room, thinking hard of what the next step would be. Eddie ran to use the restroom, knowing his sheep needed time to plan their next move.
"This is impossible....maybe we need to cheat." Mike thought out loud. The rest of the club snapped to look at him.
"Are you crazy? He would actually kill us." Dustin replied. He truly thought Mike had lost his mind.
"But honestly it's all we got. There's no way we are going to make any progress without any sort of direction and you know he isn't going to give it to us." Lucas added.
Dustin felt wrong about cheating and Y/N did too.
"I don't know. He works really hard and that's an easy way out." She said, she didn't want to discredit all of Eddie's hard work.
"It's the only option." Mike said. Reaching forward to snatch Eddie's notebook.
The club quickly read through the notes, knowing Eddie would walk back in at any second.
Dustin quickly wrote down what he thinks would be helpful and used it to their advantage.
"Quick he's coming!" Mike rushed out
Dustin tried to write as fast as he could, "Just a lit-" But the door opened, and Eddie came walking in.
His eyes landed on the club suspiciously huddled together over the table.
"What are you guys doing?" Eddie asked, trying to get closer to peek
The club panicked, "Y/N do something." Lucas whispered in her ear.
Her mind blanked she didn't know what to do, but his heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer.
She panicked, feeling his body inches away, if he got any closer he would see what they were doing.
"Hey, I a-" Eddie was caught off when Y/N smashed her lips on his. He felt his body go into shock, her lips were warm and soft. Something he didn't really think about, but now he knew it was all he was going to think about.
Her hands were in his hair, his tongue slipping into her mouth. He was running his hands all around her body, craving to touch her and touch her everywhere.
She whined as he rolled his tongue against hers, a deep groan leaving his throat as she tugged on his hair.
Dustin cleared his throat, alerting Y/N that he finished writing down the notes.
The sound knocked her back to reality, and she pulled away. Her face was on fire as she refused to look at him.
Eddie blinked watching as she sat down like nothing even happened.
A few days passed since the kiss, and neither has talked about it. The club acted as if the kiss never happened. Eddie was starting to think maybe she found it a mistake.
Eddie craved her more and more. He feels he has fallen for her even more. He wanted her, but he fears she doesn't want him.
The club was successful in completing the mission. And to celebrate, the club went to dinner. Eddie sat across from Y/N, at the end of the table. The rest of the club was stuffed in the booth next to them.
The club was talking about their big win, with cheers all around. Eddie was proud of his club but curious as to how they pulled it off.
"How did you guys do it? You went from being so behind to knowing everything." Eddie said, looking at his club suspiciously.
"We might have cheated," Dustin admitted. He felt ashamed and he needed to get it off of his chest.
"When?" Eddie asked he had a feeling something like that happened, but he wasn't mad.
"When you were tongue deep in Y/N's mouth." Mike laughed
The club laughed but Y/N shrunk in her seat, Eddie's eyes snapping to her instantly. A hurt expression crossed his face.
She kissed him so they could cheat?
She didn't like him at all
"Oh? So that kiss was just a distraction?" Eddie asked. The shakiness in his voice made her look right back at him, guilt in her stomach.
He took her silence as an answer, "I'm gonna go smoke." He snapped, moving out of the booth.
He stormed out of the restaurant, not looking back as he leaned against the wall to light his cigarette. He felt like an idiot, of course, she wouldn't like him. She was way too good for a loser like him.
Y/N felt horrible watching him through the window, "Should I talk to him?" She asked
The group looked between her and Eddie, Dustin was the first to speak up
"I think you should."
She nodded and removed herself from the booth.
A gross pit in her stomach as she found Eddie against the wall.
"Hey, can we talk?" She asked
"About?" Eddie shrugged
"The kiss" She muttered out
"Didn't mean anything, so what is there to talk about?" He asked, inhaling the smoke as he stared at her.
"Eddie, look it wasn't like that. Yes, I kissed you as a distraction, but it wasn't nothing." She admitted
"No, I get it. You kissed me so you guys could cheat. No care about my feelings about anything of it." Eddie snapped, rolling his eyes.
"I knew cheating was wrong and disrespectful to you, and we shouldn't have done it. And it was wrong to kiss you out of nowhere, and as a distraction. And I'm sorry for that." She said
"I appreciate the apology." He said she hated that he had no emotion on his face or behind his voice.
She figured that was the end of it, nodding to herself as she went to head inside, but he stopped her.
"Why was your first thought to kiss me?" He asked, he hoped in some way she was attracted to him or even liked him.
She got shy at the question, feeling her face warm as she thought it over.
"Because I've always wanted to." She shyly admitted. Her hands were in her pockets as she looked up at him
The shock on his face was clear to see, the cigarette hanging from his lip as he stared at her.
He didn't expect her to actually be into him.
"Did you kiss back because you wanted to? Or so I wouldn't embarrass myself?"
"I wanted to." He admitted, smashing his cigarette into the concrete, as he smiled in her direction.
She smiled back, a new atmosphere enclosing them.
"Can you do it again?" She asked, stepping forward as she leaned in.
He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting up her chin with his finger.
Meeting her lips halfway, his stomach fluttered at the familiar feeling of her lips.
She tasted his cigarette, and she loved it. The kiss felt dirty and hot. Their bodies crave each other and now they can give in.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
underexplored concept: practice kissing but miwi.
mike and will are little dudes and are complaining to each other about having to date girls when they grow up. they don't know how to talk to girls (or at least girls that aren't Holly or Nancy), they don't know how to dance with them, and of course, the biggie: they don't know how to kiss.
they practice kissing against their own hands and laugh until they're crying. mike makes grosser and grosser faces to make will laugh even more. eventually they give up, sigh, and agree that it's probably not the same with an actual person.
will has a little idea but doesn't want to say it bc it's kind of a weird idea. he gets quiet, and mike notices and hollers at him jokingly to share what's on his mind. little will blushes crimson and asks "do you promise to not think it's weird if i say it?" and mike nods his head fast, a little hint of butterflies in his stomach.
will blurts out "what if we tried kissing? like just as practice so we're ready when, you know." mike looks at him with wide eyes and says "oh. oh that's probably better than kissing our hands." he snorts, shrugs, and says "yeah let's try it. but we can't tell anyone, okay?" will nods, his heart racing. he's not entirely sure why.
mike leans forward, and tries to not make one of those dumb faces that made will laugh so much earlier. will definitely isn't laughing now though, so mike figures his face isn't too bad for any potential future kisses. will's eyes fall closed and mike thinks that makes sense so he closes his too. he didn't account for their noses, so they bump a little too much, but he adjusts, and then presses his mouth right there to will's. it's easy. it's nice. he holds his lips there against will's soft mouth for just a few seconds and then pulls away.
will is nodding again before mike leans all the way back again, looking kind of wide eyed and confused. mike doesn't know why. he feels confident now. kissing is nice, kissing feels good. if it was that easy and nice with will, then kissing girls shouldn't be a problem. right?
mike claps his hands together and says "a successful experiment! it's definitely a lot easier trying that way than with our hands." he laughs, and will follows. mike grins at him for having such a good idea. he looks at will's lips and it's a funny little jolt. his mouth had been right there, on will's. will is looking back at him, still a little wide eyed, when mike looks up to meet his eyes.
mike quickly makes a gross face again and pretends to kiss his hand, and will laughs. everything back to normal.
mike just has to worry about dancing and talking to girls now. at least kissing is nice. really, really nice.
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bambi-kinos · 3 months
McLennon male/female AU
So way back in June 2022, I was talking with some friends including @dovetailjoints about this Paul McCartney manip where his face was converted to a woman's:
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I promptly lost my mind on account of being a huge d*ke so I started spinning up a McLennon m/f AU about it. I still think about it a lot but I also don't know if I'll ever write it or not. Looking at @erinarigby's beautiful rendering of John and Paula reminded me of it, so I am publishing these notes for the pleasure of the reading audience.
I might still return to it at some point but I am currently waist deep in my longfic and have different projects lined up after that.
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John and Paula are at the fete together but Paula is being crowned the Rose Queen or whatever it was that was happening in the background. Her best friend is Dot and her closest guy friend is Ivan and she's too busy basking in the attention of winning a competition to give a single fuck about John Lennon. She already knows her worth so who gives a fuck about that guy? They do NOT have a fateful meeting at the church hall.
(The secret is that she quietly follows him on the bus and has his route memorized. Light stalking of the teenage girl kind and I bet Dot has been helping but they treat it as a big joke.)
Ivan and Len both know Paula from school before they went to gender segregated academies or whatever. Paula actually finishes her education here because her dad wants her to do it and I bet she would have been a daddy's girl through and through. Mike is still her little brother and she vacillates between doting on him and bullying him. (Older sisters can be really mean to their younger brothers, I've noticed.)
Ivan still sings her praises to John but John does not take this in the slightest bit seriously. He and the rest are convinced Paula is Ivan's secret girlfriend (it's actually platonic between them, George is the one who carries a torch for Paula) and that Ivan wants her around so that he doesn't feel lonely at Quarry Men practice.
Things finally come to a head when Paula helps Ivan carry his tea chest bass to a QM band practice. The mythical J. Paula McCartney! (She won't tell anyone what the J stands for because it's embarrassing.) Paula's face definitely catches some unwanted attention so she deliberately plays up being Ivan's girlfriend to escape it. I imagine she's pretty cold about this kind of thing and probably much more ruthless than AMAB Paul because she has to play for keeps to be taken seriously.
Then she notices John playing with banjo chords. She says something. This goes very, very poorly.
John could take direction from an AMAB Paul who showed off his skills but Paula just rocks up and makes fun of him to his face. "She doesn't even play! Ivan, muzzle your bitch and get her out of here." Doesn't help that John is immensely taken with her but he doesn't like this at all.
Years of slapslap (no kiss) ensue, Paula eventually does make her skills known to John in someway but he's able to put her down for being a girl and therefore not a threat. I have no idea how they would both develop musically but I imagine that any attempts at a collaboration between them would go immensely poorly at this stage. John would not be able to put aside the sexism and Paula would needle him mercilessly.
Eventually though they come to a sort of détente which means that their two social spheres get some measure of peace after some 2 odd years of them screaming at each other during house parties. Everyone else can tell they want to fuck each other's brains out but they both frequently declare their public loathing of each other. For some reason John makes it his business to know what the guitar girl from Allerton is doing with her time and who she is spending it with. As she gets older this might even become a more reasonable proposition as Liverpool is still a rough neighborhood and she insists on walking home by herself after dark. Eventually she and Ivan stage a public break up so that John realizes its "over" (lol) between them and stops bothering poor Ivan about it.
George is more territorial about Paula which is cute coming from a pipsqueak that John easily has 30 pounds over. Unfortunately Paula does not see George that way.
At some point Paula becomes a bit of a woman about town and starts seriously dating men. John muscles his way into this, for some god forsaken reason, and makes a nuisance of himself running off Paula's dates. More screaming matches ensue but John seems incredibly agitated about something that Paula doesn't understand.
At some point in the détente John makes it into art college. Paula makes sure to mock him to his face for being an academic failure and reminds him that he'll never graduate because he doesn't have the guts. To this end John does in fact buckle down out of pure spite. I don't know if he would actually finish but I think he'd actually develop as a painter and a sketch artist just to show her up. I don't think John Lennon of all people could bear a beautiful woman mocking him for his inadequacy.
John might go on two dates with Cynthia but I think she would be a little unsettled at how he manages to insert Paula McCartney into every single conversation, but not in a jealous way. Cynthia tracks down Paula at some public gathering and asks her if she's being bothered by John. A trio of Dot, Paula, and Cynthia forms. SLEEPOVERS etc. John settles down because Paula isn't actively dating anyone here, she has her galpals and they are extremely epic friends.
Something happens that triggers Paula and John running off on their own. I'm imagining John stealing a college teacher's keys and they drive out to get some lunch somewhere. It's an unexpectedly good gesture from John Lennon who Paula usually dismisses as a cad.
I think at some point during this conversation John would admit that he knows Paula is a good guitar player -- its just that he can't really own up to it in public. A unique moment of vulnerability from him and she responds in kind. She tells him she thinks he's the best singer she's ever heard. For the first time things are not shitty between them. John probably ruins this by honking her breasts.
Paula graduates secondary and has to decide what the fuck to do now. It is 1960, they're going to go to Hamburg eventually but not yet. John has managed to establish something with Stu and I think Paula sent George John's way because he needed support that he refused to accept from her because she's female. She's been a loner for all her life, it's not a big wrench now.
George has had a front row seat to John's Paula obsession for years now and he's both intrigued and weirded out and wants to date Paula himself.
I'm imagining some scenario where John finally goes…why not try it. What's stopping him. So he finds her at an outdoor market and he actually tries to be smooth. He catches her eye on the other side of the road and nicks a wildflower bouquet. He trips comically and almost goes down but then appears three stalls later. Paula is laughing, yes yes she thinks it's funny. He waits at the end of the strip and gives her the bouquet and they spend some quiet time together. Nothing sexual, John is just ready to try something he's never attempted before: treating a woman like a person.
Paula reciprocates and buys him something to eat probably. He really is very handsome and very intelligent. She likes him better without the quiff and says so. He succeeds in making her laugh. His hair is so red and he's still the beautiful boy she saw on the bus.
They're watching the sun set over the Mersey when she says "I was accepted to [university.] I'm leaving at the end of the week. I'm studying music."
John goes quiet but doesn't really react except to congratulate her. He knows she will do well.
He goes home and it goes poorly.
Cyn and Dot throw a big good bye party for Paula to celebrate her leaving home. Their pearl is escaping into the big wide world. Paula is deeply unhappy. Something is missing. She gets very very drunk. George shows up and tells her that John and Stu have secured a gig in Hamburg. They'll be leaving at the end of the week too. For some reason John was really, really intent on leaving all of a sudden. Paula definitely locks herself in her childhood bathroom and cries her eyes out.
John notably does not put in an appearance at the party even though Stu and his hot friend Pete Shotton definitely do along with George. Everyone knows that John and Paula have a thing so where the hell is he? Even if they don't like each other they've still been a big part of each other's lives -- John has an arrest record because he punched out the guy who spiked Paula's drink a few months ago and she screamed bloody murder in the police station until they let him go. What gives?
John still does not put in an appearance. Someone sees a creeper by the front door but he slides away before anyone can see him.
Around 4am Paula finally drags herself upstairs upset and wasted and not sure why she's unhappy. She hears the rocks clatter against her window and by the time she pokes her head out John is risking death by climbing up the drainpipe. She almost screams but helps him inside instead.
John is a MESSY PERSON and he promptly goes to pieces in her arms. What am I supposed to do without you, he sobs. Aren't you going to miss me? Aren't you going to think about me? Don't I matter to you at all?
They have another small argument but its not very serious and its clearly flirting at this point. They're both pretty bombed so they just end up stripping and holding each other.
Jim finds them the next morning. It goes poorly.
Paula decides she's going to Hamburg with John. He told her they need a fifth person and he gave her the eyes. She knows what he wants and she knows what she wants and she isn't wasting money on some stupid school. She doesn't want to be a music teacher anyway.
Jim informs her she is not going to Germany in the company of four randy boys much less with the town ne'er do well John Lennon. Paula bides her time and packs a bag and her guitar. She escapes out the window the morning that they're set to leave for Hamburg and shows up at the last second. John hugs her tightly and doesn't let go for several hours. She just blew her uni placement to be with him.
Hamburg happens. It goes poorly but also very well. John suddenly gets a lot more sensitive to their accommodations. If it was all blokes he wouldn't care but now that they're out of the cradle of Liverpool he's suddenly sharply aware of how many people are watching them, and watching Paula, and how vulnerable she actually is. Paula adjusts to the German catcalls and otherwise refuses to appear ruffled. Honestly don't know how to render this particular section except that John would get an early education on how a woman and a bandmate can be treated. This isn't Cynthia being pawed at by a German sailor, this is his bandmate Paula having to dance away from blokes trying to climb up the stage to get to her. "Alarmed" doesn't quite cover it.
For Paula its an education. She's never performed live in front of an audience before; this version of Paul never performed with the QM. Gelling with the band out of no where is a hell of a challenge but Hamburg still makes them. She surprises John by engaging in the loogie races and by being intrigued by the sex workers around town. I think that she and John still wouldn't be having sex at this point because John is still absorbing all the new experiences and it's easier to keep her on a shelf where he can admire her tits without actually trying to fuck her. In John's mind he's keeping the upper hand by not ruining Paula by having sex with her. In his mind he's protecting her from something; he doesn't feel worthy of her and if they get physical he's scared of making her "dirty."
Paula still has ways of unsettling him though. Imagining John's face if she shows him the underbust corset she bought without a shirt to go under it. He's only seen her nipples in the dark before so seeing her dressed up like one of the street girls makes him pretty feral and that's on top of the prellies.
Paula only performs dressed this way once which results in some mass chaos at whatever club they're performing at that night, kek.
Honestly Hamburg is still intensely deranged and Lennon and McCartney's fixations one each other becomes even more pronounced once they start writing songs together. I can't imagine how their music would change once they have access to Paula's vocal range. Probably something more Nightwish-esque as I think Paula being a woman would make John more tolerant or intrigued with operatic styles just because he wants to hear her belt it.
George still gets deported for being underage but I think John and Paula end up staying in Hamburg together because Paula doesn't light a condom on fire this time. She's too busy putting it on John. I like to think they spent Christmas in Germany performing and boning.
They finally make it home after New Year's. Paula is half dead and John is barely a person because he's full up on amphetamines and sex. Mimi won't let John into the house because he had the nerve to take off with a scarlet woman to Germany without asking permission which means…
Jim does not officially let John into the house so Paula sneaks him in through her window. The band recuperates through out January and John gets used to sleeping next to his lady. It's a quiet hibernation period that they think back on fondly later.
At this point Paula is somewhat disgraced for running off with John Lennon and once again John gets to see this up close and personal which is discomfiting for him since its his actions that are visiting these consequences back on Paula's head. He didn't quite understand how intense the judgment was before he saw it aimed her way. It forces him to grow up a little.
But he still takes her to Paris. Common expectation is that they're running away to get married. Neither of them want to get married yet but they're also doing the Lennon-McCartney dance with each other where they become screamingly jealous of anyone who looks at their partner.
Things progress to 1963. They meet Brian, shit happens idk. Beatlesmania kicks off. I have this idea that maybe Paula crossdresses as a man. She is beautiful but she still has a strong jaw and her breasts are small enough to bind without much effort. She is also still the tallest member of the Beatles and she easily has a full inch over John in height (which regularly leads to the best erections of John's entire life.) Being an Amazon has its advantages and this one means she can present herself as a man to secure a unified front with the other Beatles.
I am unable to render how Beatlemania would change if Paula was the single girl in the Fab Four but I can imagine how it would change their look -- 3 beautiful matching boys and the sole female. Lots of color play in my mind going on and of course there's the quiet understanding that Lennon and McCartney belong to each other.
Paula "accidentally" gets exposed as a woman when John loosens her undergarments as a prank and her breasts pop out during a performance. (I don't think anyone would see her nipples, it just be immediate cleavage and a button pops off her jacket.) I am unable to render how this would go, I can't imagine anything except a huge uproar that would send the Beatles into the stratosphere. This would become a moment that gets debated for decades, whether it was a prank from John or if John and Paula came up with it together.
Paula has incentive to do something like this: Brian won't let John and Paula get married because it would disrupt the Beatles image.
1965 - the big one, I think. Paula can be a woman in public now which results in the photoshoot that breaks the world. Referred to only as "the Beatles wedding." It's just too good to pass up.
Paula gets to model a few hundred different wedding gowns (most of these are separate from the boys just because there's so many and she looks good in everything) with various accoutrements anc accessories. There is a portion where the boys will be dressed up as grooms and they'll be getting special sessions with her each.
John is a complete and utter bastard leading up to and throughout the days of this shoot and its commonly conjectured in Beatles fandom circles for decades afterwards that he was seething with jealousy and humiliation -- he should have married her years ago so that this kind of spectacle couldn't come to pass, and he knows it, but he can't change it now and he's furious that she's dressing up as a bride when she's not even really his. And on top of it George and Ringo are getting to see her before he does and they won't tell him what she looks like.
"I hate you and I will never forgive you for as long as I live," is what George tells John when he asks how it went, what she wore, what it was like. John is hurt and confused.
"You're a lucky man John Lennon. Don't squander it," is what Ritchie tells John when he asks about it. "Make sure to brush your teeth and whatnot though."
John is nervous as hell even though its just some stupid photo shoot and they've done thousands of those already. Brian won't let him drink to calm down so John now has to face Paula in her wedding gown while completely sober.
There's a modern trend of "photos of grooms seeing their brides in their dresses for the first time" and I think all 3 of the boys would get these with Paula. It might even be enough to power several magazines, idk. Collectors items and whatnot. The McHarrison issue, the McStarr issue, the McLennon issue…
Photogs definitely capture the moments leading up to the reveal and then the seeing, the shock, the surprise, the awe. George started laughing and flung himself at her and danced her around, Ritchie did that presses-his-fist-to-his-face thing men do sometimes when they're overcome, yes, Paula is an absolute joy. She made sure to insist on having all different dresses per day because she didn't want repeats. Her boys deserve something brand new every time.
John though. Oh, John. Very nervous, trying not to be, clearly hating the camera, he doesn't turn when he's supposed to and he only reacts when she touches his shoulder and calls his name. Honestly I can see them leaning into a beauty and the beast angle with these two.
If there was any doubt before there isn't now. It's love. Everything else fades away and it's just John and Paula being themselves, except they were always in love, weren't they.
The world promptly goes completely insane upon the release of the Beatles wedding photographs. They got what they asked for and then some. Honestly John and Paula probably have one iconic photo spread of just the two of them that day and in that timeline, that portrait blots out pretty much anything else of cultural significance from 1965-1968. The world turns on but the wedding portraits from that day is what ends up being the most iconic part of Beatlemania.
after that IDK, I'm not really capable of thinking past that. I just like the idea of the wedding photoshoot and how John and Paula came from those humble beginnings. I think they'd definitely have children together but I don't know if they could manage a stable family unit or if they'd be able to save the band from the break up. But there wouldn't be any faffing around about "the Lennon and McCartney rivalry" or "they always hated each other." The wedding shoot was too real.
Notably, John and Paula did attend the premier of A Hard Day's Night with Paula in a white dress and John in a black tux. Symbolism.
I think by the time the Get Back sessions happen John and Paula have an almost three year old and Paula is heavily pregnant with their second or third child. Instead of the deadline being Ringo's acting job they're trying to get one last project in because the second baby is due in February.
I think with Paula's height (she would still be taller than John after all and this time she's wearing high heels to make the point) and her androgyny they would also get some mileage out of early boundary pushing by dressing her up in the boys clothes, so the Shea uniforms would definitely make an appearance unchanged except Paula's tits are out to here and John spends a lot of the stadium concert unbuttoning her jacket every time she buttons it back up.
Just occurred to me that Help! would be a much more straight Dr. No parody especially with Paula as the built in Bond girl. AHDN would be more similar as a documentary with surreal comedy elements but Help! would definitely be more ridiculous and Johnny gets his girl in the end haha
These are all my notes from last year. Thought you guys would appreciate. As I was writing this out last year, I remember being caught between two impulses: the "John and Paul would be a pregnant teenagers couple" idea (which I see many other based users have agreed with!) and then the "Beatlemania but if Paul was a woman" idea. In the end I went with the Beatlemania Paula because that's more interesting as a story especially with Paula having to exploit her androgyny for success. That being said I think Paula would absolutely be the Domme to John's sub, there's no way a Beatlemania Paula doesn't have John's balls in a cage and John liked being controlled by a strong woman. He's not allowed to finish until she tells him that he can.
I remember thinking that they would have their first child in 1965, with the idea being that Paula is pregnant during the Beatles Wedding Photoshoot, which would take place sometime in the winter so that the fashion designers could sell their wares with Paula advertising them. IMO Paula would make John wear condoms for years but once Ed Sullivan happens John makes a disturbingly sincere plea to trash them and Paula assents. Two months later she's pregnant after John's been climaxing inside her multiple times a day <3 But honestly, she's rewarding him for being so fucking brave all the time, he's unironically earned it.
I also think that a female Paula is still has full on baby rabies and by late 1964 she's desperate to get pregnant by John so they can finally start their family. There's an element of rebellion too because she'd be furious with Brian for not letting her and John get married and retaliates by having out of wedlock children.
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iridescentpull · 1 month
Day five of Hideduo/FitPac Kiss Week – Desperate/Dramatic Kiss & 2b2t/Fuga AU
[ ao3 link here ] [ fic below cut! ]
Pac would say he's lived through pretty unusual things.
But this has got to be the craziest.
One minute he's in the middle of the sea, escaping from a maximum security prison with Mike and Guaxinim, one leg less and with a stab in his shoulder. The next, he's falling from the boat and into the deep, blue sea, and everything goes black.
And now, he's here, in the land he's learned is called 2b2t. A world full of anarchy, and where only the strong can survive.
Pac is a survivor. He's survived the streets, he's survived prison, he's survived criminals and a cannibal. But this? This is something different.
He doesn't know how to get out. If he even can get out.
Until he comes across a man with an arm less and with a distrust of others. And with him, maybe, just maybe, he can make it out alive. 
That was a month ago, and Pac would like to say he's gotten to know Fit quite well. At least, as well as you can get to know a guy with trust issues and who always carries around an axe and is ready to kill. But Pac is an optimist by nature, and he'll take any chance of survival that he can get.
Even if the guy seems to be a bit of an asshole.
Fit and him have been wandering around the land for the past weeks. The older was traveling to one of his bases hundreds of thousands of blocks away, and Pac didn't want to be alone so he decided to tag along. He has to admit, it has been... fun, traveling with Fit. They've gone to war, they've fought for their lives, and they've had their fair share of laughs. Pac is actually looking forward to arriving at their destination.
And if he caught a few feelings toward Fit? Well, that's his own business, isn't it?
"I think we'll stop here." The American says, inspecting the cave he's found. It's a bit small, and the roof is low, but there's no spawners and there's an entrance facing the ocean, which would make it easier to fish. Pac likes it.
They place their belongings on the floor, and they both go about their separate businesses. Pac prepares the sleeping bags while Fit hunts for some fish. It's nice, it's quiet, it's domestic.
Hours pass by and the pair are sitting inside the cave, a fireplace between them. Fit has a journal in his hand, documenting the day's journey while Pac is busy cooking the fish filets. It's not his best meal, but he can't really complain.
"Hey Fit?" The Brazilian asks, quickly giving a glance to the other. Once the older hums, Pac continues. "Do you have any dreams?"
Fit looks at him. "Dreams?"
Pac nods. "Yeah. Like, you know, dreams you want to accomplish." He says, flipping the fish on its side. "What you might want to do once you leave this place."
"Leave this place?" The other says, and there's a tone Pac doesn't know how to decipher. Fit chuckles, but there's no humor in his voice. "You think there's a way to leave this place? You're crazy."
The Brazilian hums. "There's got to be, right?" Pac says, and he's trying to be optimistic but the words come out a bit more bitter than intended. He sighs, running a hand over his hair. "I mean, if I ended up here, then it means there has to be a way to leave."
"Pac, there is no exit." Fit says, and his voice is tired, resigned. Pac knows Fit's lived here for longer than he has, but the younger doesn't want to give up. He can't. "Trust me. There's no way to leave."
And Pac rolls his eyes, because he is getting tired of this. "And how do you know?"
"I've tried to find a way to leave." The American says, putting the journal down. His voice is steady, but the way his hands shake is the only thing that gives his emotions away. "There is no way. You better start getting used to the idea of being here forever."
The male groans. "That's all you say!" He exclaims, and his tone is loud, angry. "Why don't you stop being so fucking pessimistic for once and just hope? You can't keep being a coward and not doing anything."
"Oh, I'm a coward?" Fit scoffs, and he puts the journal away, his attention now fully on Pac. "Tell me, you've lived in this world for a month. And I've lived here for years. I've seen people die and never come back. I've seen the cruelty of man and I've seen the evilness in humans."
"And yeah, maybe I'm a coward." The American continues, and his voice is hard, his eyes cold. Pac can't look away. "But at least I'm alive. And I won't let some newbie tell me what I should and shouldn't do."
Pac is speechless. The younger can't find the words, and he can't form any coherent sentences. His mouth keeps opening and closing, and there's a lump in his throat that won't go away.
He is mad. At Fit, at 2b2t, at this situation. He is so angry, he feels his blood boiling under his skin and he's about to burst. He wants to yell, scream, break things and curse this stupid server.
He wants to go home.
"Fuck you." He spits, and his words are poison, his voice is venom. His face is twisted with anger, and Pac is sure his eyes are red. He wants to hurt Fit, wants him to understand how Pac is feeling, how he wants to get out of this place, how he can't be stuck here for the rest of his life.
How he is afraid.
"You're a coward, a fucking coward." Pac is screaming now, his face is red. "There HAS to be a way back, why won't you believe me, caralho ?!"
He's pacing the cave, running his hand through his hair. Pac's heart is beating fast, and he is breathing harshly. He feels like a caged animal. He feels like a stranger in his own skin.
Fit snarls. "Shut the fuck up, do you want us to get found?!"
"Oh, I don't give a shit!" Pac screams, his voice hoarse. He turns to the other, his face red with fury and his eyes shiny with tears. "You've given up, you're just a coward. I will find a way to leave this shithole." He says, and his voice is broken. "I'm not staying here."
Fit stares at him, and his eyes are full of hurt, his face twisted with pain. "Fine." He spits out. "Be my fucking guest. Get yourself killed for all I care." 
And Pac wants to scream, wants to yell, but the words are stuck in his throat and his mind is a mess and his chest is aching. "Fine." He repeats, and his voice is a whisper, a shadow. He doesn't have the strength to scream. "I will."
Pac packs his belongings and leaves the cave. He doesn't look back. He wanders through the beach for a few hours, before settling down in a crevice on the side of a hill. His stomach grumbled, but he ignores it. He doesn't have the motivation to cook anything. He doesn't have the motivation for anything.
The Brazilian falls asleep to the sound of the waves and the cold night wind. His last thoughts are of Fit, and how he wishes things could have gone differently.
He wakes up to the sound of fighting outside the crevice. There's a sword, and an axe, and the sound of wood being destroyed and rocks breaking. Pac feels his heart beat faster as he looks around, his hands searching for his weapons. He picks his sword, before slowly peeking over the edge of the crevice. 
And then, he sees him. Fit is standing there, and his short hair is wild and his face is full of dirt. There's blood splattered over his shirt, and his axe is dripping with it. The American is panting, standing over a body, and there's a wild look in his eyes, and for a moment Pac is enthralled.
Then, Fit spots him, and the male is climbing up the crevice, and Pac can see the relief in his eyes and the way his shoulders slump. "You're okay." He says, relieved. Fit's voice is soft, and it makes Pac's heart clench.
"Of course I'm okay." He says, and there's still a hint of anger in his voice. The American sighs, and Pac can feel the exhaustion rolling off of him.
The male starts walking towards him. "Pac, I-"
"Fit!" The Brazilian tries to warn, but it's too late. “Watch out!”
The sound of a slash is heard, and the other is falling down, and his eyes are wide and his face is pale. There is a person behind him, holding a diamond axe and his eyes are gleaming with murder. He is about to give the killing blow when Pac pushes him, sending him tumbling to the floor.
"Fit!" He yells again, watching as the person who's been his only friend for a while, his one constant, starts to slowly close their eyes. " Fit! Fit, no!"
The Brazilian turned to the person in front of him, who's slowly approaching him with their diamond axe held up high. He could see their grin through the holes of their mask, and he felt so angry. It felt like he was reaching his breaking point, all the bad luck from the past few days coming together to finally ruin him.
"Filho da puta!" He yelled, crouching as the other figure swung their axe. The diamond sword in his hands felt heavy, but he didn't have time to think about that. He had a fight to win. "I’m going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"
With every word, he swung his sword, hoping that he would manage to at least do some damage to the person who ruined everything. They blocked all his hits, however, and before he knew it, they'd knocked the diamond sword out of his hands and had him pinned against the wall of the building he was standing in front of.
He struggled as the other person watched, and Pac could see amusement on their face. He glared at them, his fists clenched as he tried to find a way to escape.
"Let me go!" He yelled, struggling harder against their grip. "Let me go, resto de aborto! "
The person huffed, and Pac wanted nothing more than to punch them in the face. "Not gonna happen, mate."
He continued struggling, and it seemed like the person was starting to get tired of it. Pac's eyes flickered to the axe that was still being held by his neck, and he swallowed as he felt the sharp edge of it prick at his skin.
"Now, now, calm down, or I might end up hurting you." The person said, and their voice sent shivers down Pac's spine. Their tone was very amused, almost like they were enjoying his pain. "Wouldn't want that, now would we?"
Pac glared at them, before grinning. "You wouldn't want to mess with me." He said, trying to keep his voice steady.
The other person snorted. "Sure, whatever you say, mate." They said, and Pac could hear the sarcasm in their voice. 
"I mean, I did escape prison, didn't I?" He continued, trying to keep their attention off the fact that he'd managed to wiggle his left hand out of their grip. He could see the person's eyebrows raise. "And I don't think you'd want to mess with me, I know how to use a sword, you know?"
"So?" The other person asked, raising an eyebrow. "What are you gonna do, stab me with it? I don't think you'd manage, I'm stronger than you."
Pac hummed. "Maybe." He said, before kicking the person with his prosthetic leg. He saw their eyes widen as they flew backwards, and he took that chance to grab the axe out of their hands. "But I'm smarter."
"You son of a-" They cut themselves off, glaring at him. "Fine, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get."
Grinning, Pac rolled his arm. "Come at me."
The two started running at each other, their hands stretched out. Just as they were about to meet in the middle, Pac turned and grabbed Fit's diamond sword from the ground, and swung it. The person, however, wasn't as lucky, and Pac ended up stabbing them in the shoulder. They let out a cry of pain, and Pac grinned, pulling the sword out.
"How about that?" He asked, and the person growled.
"I'll kill you!" They yelled, running at him again.
This time, though, Pac was prepared. He swung his sword, cutting the person across their torso. They staggered back, their face twisted in anger.
"You little bitch." They snarled, and Pac rolled his eyes.
"Whatever you say." He said, watching as the person stood back up and ran towards him. He was able to dodge their attack, and they let out a frustrated noise as they ran past him. Pac swung the axe and hit the person across their stomach, making them cry out in pain and collapse against the ground.
Pac walked towards them. "A tip for you: always tie your victims first." He raised the axe, before slamming it down, killing the person immediatly.
Breathing heavily, he let go of the handle. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, and his head was pounding. His heart clenched at the realization.
"Fit!" He yelled, rushing to where the body of the veteran laid on the floor. He dropped to his knees, and pulled him into his arms. He placed a hand over the gaping wound on his chest, trying his best to stop the bleeding. "Fit, Fitch - I need you to wake up."
The man groaned, and Pac's heart skipped a beat. He pulled the male closer to him, trying to ignore the blood that was staining his clothes. His hand went to the bag the other was wearing, pulling out one of the healing potions Fit had inside.
"Hey, Fit." He whispered, uncorking the potion. "Come on, open your mouth, you need to drink this."
Fit's eyes opened, and the man looked at him blearily. "Pac?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's me." He replied, putting the potion to the other's lips. "Come on, Fit, you gotta drink this."
The veteran opened his mouth, and Pac helped him drink the potion. Once the other had finished, he threw the empty bottle to the side, and wrapped his arms around the male, pulling him close. He ignored the blood, and focused on the sound of the male breathing.
"Hey, Fit," he whispered, closing his eyes as he let his beating heart calm down. "Don't ever do that again, okay? Not here, not now, not ever."
Fit chuckled. "I'll do my best." He said, and Pac's heart ached. "I'm... I'm sorry for earlier. For saying those things to you, it was..."
"Hey, it's alright," Pac replied, looking down at the other. "I was being an ass, too."
Fit cackled. "That you were, that you were." He sighed, and Pac pulled him closer. "I guess, you're right. About being a bit of a coward, that is."
"Me? Right? Who would've thought you'd admit I was right." The Brazilian teased.
The other smacked his arm, and Pac laughed. "Shut up, you idiot." He sighed, his eyes fluttering shut. "I have a lot of things I regret, but I don't want to regret one more thing."
"Like what?" Pac asked, running a hand through the other's hair.
And suddenly, their lips were touching.
The kiss was messy, and awkward, and Pac felt like his entire body was burning, but he loved it. The kiss was everything he'd dreamed of, and more. When they pulled away, Fit had the dopiest smile on his face, and Pac felt himself mirroring the expression.
"Woah." Fit said, hazel eyes wide.
Pac laughed. "Yeah, woah." He agreed.
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dinolich · 1 month
One click spot for frequently asked questions, pertaining to HELLAWEEN and art in general. This will be linked in my bio and updated over time.
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HELLAWEEN -What was the inspiration behind HELLAWEEN/How did it come to be?
In 2014 I had just graduated college and moved across the country for a storyboard internship at a film studio. I had a huge quarter life crisis when the environment clashed with me in every way, which left me questioning if I had made a massive career choice mistake. To help take the edge off I decided I needed to come up with some characters that were as self indulgent as possible. So I asked myself "What if there was Halloween level of a Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater game?" and "What if My Chemical Romance wrote the soundtrack to Scooby Doo?" and thus, the main cast was born. Originally I didn't have any plans with them, I was just having fun drawing them for inktober and developing their personalities. Once the internship ended and I was able to set my career back in motion with some significantly better studio atmosphere fits for me in California, I started getting more serious about developing a linear story. I spent some time pitching different versions to tv studios and shorts programs. Got some great feedback but no real bites. Fortunately, I had a post blow up that caught the attention of my publisher who reached out to see if I was interested in doing a book instead and I LEAPED at the opportunity! HELLAWEEN is very much inspired by my own teenage years, growing up in the Bay Area, being surrounded by alt and skate cultures in the 2000's. As well as exploring identity, and growing up queer but the words for "how" didn't really exist yet. Plus a deep love for spooky cartoons and stylish anime, of course.
-What kind of music pairs the story/characters?
Great news I have playlists for everyone
Gwen- Ashnikko and My Chemical Romance Miles- 100 gecs and Oingo Boingo Sloane- PUP and The Cure Hiro- Gorillaz and Maximum the Hormone Bea- AFI and The Used -Do you have any voice claims for the cast?
I’d mostly want them to be played by actual teenagers. But I have a couple in mind that I think could work—
Gwen I could see Valeria Rodriguez (Lagoona and Spectra on the current MH series) Miles maybe someone like Zeno Robinson (Hunter Owlhouse) Sloane I have no idea, but definitely a VO who’s non binary
With Hiro and Bea it’s impossible to not hear Dante Basco and Grey Griffin in my head.
-What are the character's pronouns/orientations? Gwen- She/Her Miles- He/Him Sloane- They/Them Hiro- He/him Bea- She/Her In general I don't want to define their sexual orientations. I'm an aroace author and it's not something I'm interested in writing about. Ideally, I'd like to give the audience room to project themselves onto the characters. Don't get me wrong this book is QUEER and themes of identity are important, just don't expect any kissing in the canon story. Headcanons on the other hand, go nuts!!! Can I get HELLAWEEN in ____ country/language?
Getting it published outside of the US is not out of the question, but at the moment I don't have any concrete info on that. I've heard folks have had good luck getting the book through their country's Amazon site or Bookshop.org Can I draw fanart/make my own playlists/write fanfiction/make a character?
oh my GOD yes ART Who are your artistic inspirations?
Jhonen Vasquez and Aaron Alexovich, FLCL, Jamie Hewlett, The Muppets, Mike Mignola, Mob Psycho 100, Rem's Devil's Candy, 2000's age Neopets, Pokemon, plus online artists I’ve looked up to for years or grew up drawing with. What programs do you use?
Comics- Clipstudio Paint Sketching- Procreate Storyboarding- Storyboard Pro What ink markers do you use in your sketchbook?
Copic markers, pentel pocket brush, pilot brush pens, micron fine liners Check out my episode of Creative Block!
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