#and he is the bird loving sibling who is afraid of bugs
e77y · 2 months
At least there is a little birdy on the fence outside my window also…
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((These guys won't likely ever be showing up on this blog, but I've had thoughts about them for a while.
Santa narrates about Jack and Sally having 4 or 5 children, but Sally is gonna be firm about stopping at three. Because Three Is Enough. Three Is DEFINITELY ENOUGH.
Harry is the oldest, and takes after Jack the most with his energy and takes a lot of pride in learning about his dad's job, but he's not too quick to rush into taking over the Family Business, and Jack and Sally make sure that he and his sisters get to live like any normal kid in town. His energy can become a problem when he needs to be sitting still, and he gets bored pretty fast, so Jack and Sally love to come up with different games and puzzles for him to do.
Lotte is the middle child, about two years younger, and more quiet and usually off in her own little world singing to herself and writing super flowery poetry, and stories about dark princes and knights. Lotte also is afraid of literally nothing, and if a monster were to scream in her face, she doesn't even flinch. When it comes to scaring right back, she is terrifying, all she has to do is lift her bangs and stare the threat down with her piercing gaze. Aside from her own family, nobody else, not even Lock Shock and Barrel have seen her eyes.
Mallaidh is the youngest by five or six years, a wild spirited child who likes to walk barefoot and travel the woods and bring home bugs and mice and large birds as her new friends. And she's also the most prone to getting into trouble, and being a bad influence on her older siblings, which isn't hard because she's often the sharpest wit of the three, even at a younger age. She also hates being the smallest, and has repeatedly asked her dad if she can borrow the stretching rack in his study to give herself a few inches, and it's one of the few times Jack can bring himself to say no to her, because she's such a daddy's girl.
Sally sewed them all their clothes, some being pieces from old dresses she didn't wear anymore. Over time they'll figure out their own senses of fashion, but as kids, they're happy to wear what their mama makes them.
Harryhausen and Lotte are named after stop motion animation pioneer Ray Harryhausen and silhouette animation pioneer Lotte Reiniger. Mallaidh is named to honor her godmother at Jack's request. I'll let y'all figure that one out. ))
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johnbierce · 10 months
People really liked the photos of my cats, so I guess I should officially should introduce them? Fair warning, some sad kitten stuff in the post. (More cute and happy stuff, though.)
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So we've got three cats: Seth, Cairo, and Hathor. They're all Vietnamese street cats we mostly adopted via fostering from a local shelter. (I live in Vietnam, I love it.)
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Seth, the ginger, is the oldest (1 year old) and biggest of the three. He is incredibly attached to the other two, and is an extremely protective, loyal big brother.
- Lets kittens nurse on him, will let the kittens steal his food.
- He's addicted to dried fish. ADDICTED. He will bite your fingers if you don't give him his dried fish fast enough. Will NOT share his dried fish with the kittens.
- Loves belly rubs to a ridiculous degree. I've given him 34 minute belly rubs before. (I timed it.) Just full on both direction belly rubs, to a level that would satisfy dogs.
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- Very smart cat. Stole the brain cells from all the other gingers.
- Handsome, kind gentleman. Very polite. Slow blinks whenever he sees us.
- Chatty.
- nose and toe beans are so pink that we constantly fear Anish Kapoor coming for them
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Hathor, the tortie, is the youngest and smallest. I doubt she weighs more than two kg, and doesn't seem to be growing any more.
- Very smart. TOO SMART. Opens drawers. Hunts everything. Commits crime. Loses her collar constantly. Possibly trading it for crime related tools?
- Loves being carried like a baby.
- Tolerates belly rubs.
- Sploots
- Bleps more than the vast majority of cats
- Follows Seth everywhere, nurses on him (pretty sure she thinks he's her mom?)
- Very chatty. Not afraid to yell when needed.
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- Grooms and is groomed by Cairo a lot
- Our only non-foster- adopted her from a lovely couple that rescued her mom and siblings off the street. (Street life is TOUGH for cats in Vietnam.)
- very shy around strangers
- likes high places, like atop the kitchen cabinets
- Did I mention the crime?
- murders more lizards and bugs than the others combined. Also birds. And a bat once.
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And then we have Cairo. The middle cat both by size and age. He is... a fuzzy little grumpy dumbass with a tragic backstory.
- When he and his brothers were discovered, two of the three were stuck in a concrete drain pipe and had to be rescued by a work crew with power tools. The third was stuck in a bush nearby, and could have easily escaped by simply backing up. Guess which one Cairo was?
- We only fostered two of them, the original foster intended to keep the third, who was a special needs kitty (back injury, would be months or years before he could have walked.) Tragically, all three were infected with FIV, and both of Cairo's brothers passed away from it. However, we managed to catch Cairo's symptoms in time, and the vets here in Vietnam have an actual functioning treatment for FIV, and Cairo pulled through just fine! (The treatment is NOT cheap, takes months, and is only effective if you catch the FIV in time, which we just barely did. Cairo had to spend two weeks staying at the vets in intensive kitten care.)
- We didn't originally intend to keep Cairo, but after losing his brother and almost losing him, yeah, we foster failed hard.
- Did I mention Cairo is NOT smart?
- Hyper food-motivated
- Has a raspy voice like a pack-a-day-smoker, even when he was a tiny kitten.
- Excellent at grooming himself, very classically handsome.
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- When play fighting the others, his only strategy is to open his mouth as wide as possible and lunge straight at the others. He, uh, never wins. Not even against Hathor, who is TINY.
- Our cuddliest kitten
- Spotty belly, which, sadly, he doesn't enjoy having rubbed
-Likes to nurse on my shorts. Very cute, but very painful, because he kneads his claws into my thighs. And I have, on multiple occasions, answered the door for deliveries with a big kitten drool patch on my shorts that looks just like I wet myself. And I don't speak Vietnamese (and even moreso not the local dialect), so I can't explain that it's just cat drool. 😥
- Always confused at how Hathor and Seth manage to climb tall things.
- Confused about most things, really.
- SCREAMS. Cairo hungry? Screams. Cairo wants in the office with the AC? Screams. Wants to nurse on my shorts? Screams. Very effective communicator.
- Grumpy little grumbler. Constantly complaining about something or other in his raspy little voice. Is he being picked up or pet when he didn't ask to be? IT'S THE WORST THING EVER DONE TO ANY CAT EVER
- Has never been fed. Ever. Not once in his life.
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You might have noticed that there are, in fact, FOUR cats in the top photo.
The fourth cat isn't ours, he's just a neighborhood cat that enjoys hanging out at our place and annoying us. We call him Vegemite, and he:
- Meows constantly, even at the other cats, to their confusion and annoyance. They don't like him, but tolerate his presence. (Except Hathor, who smacks him in the face ten times a day. Not hard, and no claws, but she doesn't want him right next to her.)
- Had to be trained not to steal our cats' food. (We feed him separately from them- dude was SKINNY when he first started coming around. Not our cat, but dude needed a good meal or three.)
- Un-neutered, and sprays our house sometimes. Has peed on my wife's laptop MULTIPLE times.
- Still trying to figure out who his actual owner is? If he doesn't have one, we're going to get him neutered and get him shots. He was way too friendly to be a full-on stray, though, strays in Vietnam are NOT friendly. (The ones that are get stolen for the pet meat trade, which is a really fucked up industry that almost everyone in Vietnam hates, outside its small customer base. News reports of pet thieves being severely beaten are not uncommon here.)
Anyhow, kitties! They're very good, and we love them very much!
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The Fate that binds us
Chapter 2
Artemis and Diana
The chicks kept me quite busy for the next few days, and whenever I wasn't tending to them, I was taking care of my duties as a member of the Kid pirates. Things like helping our handymen with repairs, or washing dishes, or being on the lookout for any unknown ships approaching the island. Hawkins occasionally visited to help me with the birds; I had never asked and he had never offered, he just showed up and I never sent him away. Soon the crows perked up whenever the door opened during feeding time, and one of them even seemed to prefer being fed by him. 
„Do you think I should maybe try to take them outside for a bit?", I asked one day, about a week after I took the crows in. They had grown much stronger feathers by now, and were already exploring my room with all of the vigor of a small child. Bigger, but not big enough to leave the nest yet.
„They'd probably love that", Hawkins replied in his usual calm voice.
„But I'd be afraid to lose sight of them."
„Young crows usually stay close to their parents, so I don't think that will be a problem." He held out his hand, and 'his' crow eagerly sat down in his open palm. I did the same with my crow, and followed him outside.
It was a lovely day, the sun was bright and a gentle breeze blew through the leaves of the trees. Hawkins and I picked out a nice clearing and carefully put the little ones down.
„Have you thought about naming them yet?", Hawkins suddenly asked.
„Have you?", I replied, slightly taken aback.
He gave 'his' crow a fond look. „...Artemis."
Artemis? It was somehow fitting for him to give her a name like that. I wanted the siblings to match, so I nodded and said: „Then my crow will be Diana." Then I paused. „Hey Hawkins, how can you even be sure that they're female?"
„I'm not. And I don't really think they would care. Insisting on matching names to genders is a very human thing, after all."
„I suppose so." I watched the newly named Artemis and Diana bounce around the clearing, chasing bugs and playing with sticks and pebbles and making their first attempts at flapping their wings. Seeing them happy, healthy and carefree like that filled me with a deep peace, and for a moment I wondered if this is how mothers felt while watching their children play.
Artemis hopped up to Hawkins, who was sitting on a treestump and shuffling his cards.
He lifted her up, set her down on his knee and held the deck up to her beak. „Pick three."
I was gonna ask him if he really expected her to know what he was talking about, but before I could even open my mouth, Artemis ran her beak across the sides of the cards and pulled three of them out of the stack. Hawkins put them on his straw net to inspect them. „Ah, yes. Very good. Seems like you have a pleasant future ahead of you."
Artemis cawed cheerfully and hopped back down to join her sibling again.
The corners of my mouth tugged upwards. I had never thought that 'adorable' would be a fitting description for Hawkins under any circumstances. And yet… here we were.
Artemis and Diana soon grew tired of playing, and we took them back to my room so they could eat and then rest. We were silent the entire time, until they were full and he turned to leave.
„Hawkins… wait."
He stopped and turned around to me with an expectant look. „Yes?"
I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. „I… I wanted to thank you. For helping me. I don't think that Artemis and Diana would be as lively as they are now if I had to take care of them on my own. So… thank you."
He stood still for a moment, as if pondering my words. Then he replied: „The shadow of death had already fully retreated by the time I decided to help you raise them. You were the one giving them life, not me. Had it been up to me, they would have been left for dead, remember?"
I did not know how to respond to that, and before I could figure out an answer, he was already out the door.
I kind of wished to talk to someone about this whole situation I found myself in. Someone who wasn't Hawkins, of course. I quickly tossed the idea of talking to Kid; he wasn't exactly the empathetic type and probably wouldn't understand what my problem was. Hell, I barely understood what my problem was.
Killer, maybe? He was a lot smarter and more mature than Kid, but he also would only have told me to not get too friendly with Hawkins.
Apart from that, I wasn't particularly close to any of my crewmates. Not close enough to have a heart-to-heart, anyway. Kid, Killer and I used to be incredibly close as children. But the farther we ventured into the New World the more I felt like they had simply outgrown me. Which was sad, but nonetheless normal. People mature, and they grow, and one day they might wake up and not recognize each other anymore.
I let out a deep, exasperated sigh, before feeling something tug on my sleeve. I found Diana standing on the table, trying to get my attention. I ran the tips of my fingers across her soft, feathered head. „Oh dear. What did we get ourselves into?“, I asked her.
She gave no answer but a quiet caw.
I could hardly sleep during that night. Hawkins was so confusing to be around, with these occasional glimpses of genuine gentleness shining through the stoicism. Add to that the fact that he had approached me seemingly without reason. 
I spent a few hours tossing and turning before deciding that I just couldn't sleep. Maybe a short walk would help me find some rest.
Pleasantly cool air filled my lungs as I ventured out into the night with nothing but a small lantern to help me not get lost.
Following the forest path, I soon found myself en route to the harbor, where the other two crews were resting aboard their ships. I hadn't seen either of the two vessels up close before; I simply hadn't cared about them.
Now that I had them in front of me, it was pretty easy to tell which ship belonged to which crew. Apoo's ship was bright and fairly friendly looking, with bright pink sails and a huge horn as the figurehead.
Hawkins' ship on the other hand had a foreboding aura about it, with its black sails and voodoo-doll figurehead. Seemed like Hawkins and his crew were really dedicated to their aesthetic.
Maybe I had gotten a bit too close, because soon, a small light from a lantern similar to mine lit up on Hawkins' ship and a hooded figure leaned over the rail.
„Who goes there?!"
I couldn't even answer, because almost immediately, Hawkins appeared next to the figure. 
„Cora, is that you? I knew you would visit soon." He turned to the man next to him. "Let her board."
„But Captain-"
„Fate led her here tonight. She means no harm to us." 
„Aye aye, Captain."
The ship was deathly quiet, the dark wood and sails only making the surrounding night feel deeper. 
„Welcome aboard the Grudge Dorf", Hawkins said.
„Thank you", I replied breathlessly. "Sorry to bother you this late. I was actually just out on a walk when your crewmate spotted me."
„As I already said, it was fate that you would end up here tonight. The cards foretold it." He took my hand. „Come. I have a bottle of wine in my cabin, perfect for this occasion."
I found myself compelled to follow him, even though this was obviously a bad idea.
Hawkins' cabin was stuffed full of all kinds of books on divination and magical looking items. The heavy scent of incense was drifting through the air, making me already feel light-headed.
He led me over to a small table with two chairs, where I sat down and watched him get out the wine and two glasses.
Why did this all feel so perfectly orchestrated? 
The red liquid splashed into the glasses, looking eerily blood like in the dim light of the oil lamps. I tried my best not to let the glass slip through my shaking fingers when Hawkins passed it over to me. His hand briefly brushed against mine in the process.
„To the fate that binds us", he said and raised his glass in a toast.
I could only stammer out an awkward "Ch…cheers" in response. The first sip of wine burned my throat; I wasn't used to drinking anything stronger than beer, and I never drank more than one, something that was the source of a lot of teasing from Kid. I just hoped the wine wouldn't get to my head. 
„Your ship is… lovely." My pathetic attempt at smalltalk made the barest hint of a smirk appear on Hawkins' face.
„It's a fine ship, indeed." 
He really didn't make this any easier for me. In fact, he didn't seem bothered by the painful awkwardness at all.
I looked around, desperately trying to find something to talk about. Finally my eyes landed on the bookshelf „So… you practice other types of divination, too? Not just with your cards?“
„The cards are my preferred method, but yes, I also know others. Pendulums, numerology, hand reading….
„And that‘s how you knew I would be here tonight?“, I asked.
„Yes. A meeting in the middle of the night...“ He closed his eyes, then opened them again.
Something about his red eyes meeting mine ignited something in me. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Or the incense. I was so out of it that I began to imagine silly things like him just lifting me onto this table and having his way with me right there.
Now I definitely knew that the alcohol was getting to my head. I could not let him know that this was going through my mind, under any circumstances.
„I… I should probably…“ I got up but found myself swaying. Hawkins quickly got up to hold me steady and before I knew it I was leaning against his chest, just trying to somehow stay on my feet and not embarrass myself further.
His hand closed against my jaw and lifted my head. Once again I caught a brief glimpse of his hypnotic red eyes before his lips were pressed onto mine. I gasped against the kiss, completely overwhelmed with what was happening. My attempts at steadying myself by holding onto his shoulders only caused his coat to slip down.
Was this really happening or had the alcohol caused my fantasies to become so intense that they were indistiguishable from reality?
No, this couldn‘t be in my head. His mouth was hot against mine, his arms pressed me against his strong body. It was true, and it was amazing. Once I finally found my footing I buried one hand in his hair to pull him in even closer.
With one fluid motion he twirled me around and dropped me onto his bed, and before I could even react, he was on top of me again, kissing me.
I shoved his coat off his shoulders the final bit of the way and he shrugged out of it and tossed it onto a nearby chair. He looked at me for a bit, eyes softening at the sight of me, then he let his fingers slip under the hem of my shirt and coaxed me into sitting up a little so he could pull it over my head. Once that was done, his lips were on my neck, kissing the sensitive skin.
Now I was grinding against him. I was moaning and gasping under his gentle touches.
„Hawkins… p… please...“
He kissed my lips again. „Shh… Easy, love. There‘s no need to rush.“
But while he spoke, he opened up my pants and pulled them down my legs until I was fully bare before him. Then he placed my legs around his hips, so I was grinding against his still clothed crotch.
His hand wandered from my breast down to my stomach, further down so the tip of his thumb grazed against my clit, making me arch my back and let out a loud moan.
„You‘re so sensitive. Have you never been touched like this before?“
„N… n… never...“
„Then let me make sure that you remember the first time fondly. Though I fear that I also cannot wait much longer...“ He let his thumb circle around the bundle of nerves, always just close enough to feel the barest hint of a touch, but never actually enough.
„Please...“ I felt so dirty, begging like that. But I needed him so desperately, I felt like the unsatisfied lust was tearing me apart.
Finally, he loosened his belt and dropped his pants. And there he was, proud, erect and ready to fulfill my wish.
He crawled onto the bed with me, both of us now naked as the day we were born, and he pulled me in. A short, sharp pain rushed through me and we were one. He kissed me once more, and began moving, each retreat was followed by a wave of pleasure when he thrust back in. I dug my nails into his back, not enough to actually injure him but just enough to leave some marks.
He was groaning and gasping, and seeing him so lustful only heightened my arousal. We were a constant ebb and flow of movement, our bodies embracing like they were made for each other, dancing entwined at the edge of paradise.
I came first, a sea of stars exploding in front of my eyes. Shortly after that, I felt the heat of him pumping his seed into me. The thought that I might get pregnant didn‘t even occur to me. I was just tired, and satisfied down to my very core.
He came to rest next to me, pulling the duvet over both of us. „Sleep now, my love.“
His arms were still around me, skin pressed against skin, and with that, I finally dozed off.
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merbis · 2 years
Bug Fables x Animal Crossing adoption stuff
Vi Nook: Bianca had quintuplets and gave temporary legal guardianship for Vi to Tom Nook, who lost any fight he had after meeting Vi. Vi then decided Tom was her dad and would not budge on that.
Vi Nook: Has ambition and drive. She wants to travel the world. Her dad is relieved she doesn't want to "make it big" in the city. He is also terrified of the whole, "traveling really far away" thing.
Leif Resetti: He and his sibling were the only ones not afraid of their then foster father, now dad.
Leif Resetti+Able: Leif is indebted to the Able sisters (by choice). He's gone there often and picked up their demeanor. He's got the presence of Sable, but the roasting skills of Sonny. He's 100% Resetti and 100% Able, and he loves both of his families very much.
ZM Resetti: Used to have a short temper, but quickly became more empathetic and patient. Has strong lungs, but uses them for comedy. They're 100% Sonny's child.
Kabbu Brewster: Gay birds adopt cinnamon roll. (You can't convince me that Kabbu isn't Blather's son.)
Very wholesome family.
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Lifetime of Waiting *Chapter 1*
Anthony Beauvillier and Mathew Barzal X Original Female Character
Soulmate AU (All aspects of the fic are real and in real time except for flashbacks and the aspects of soulmate/aging)
Authors Note: Hey y’all so I’m super nervous about this fic but I know a lot of us are wh*res for these boys and I thought that “hey, why not take a stab at a soulmate fic like this” so I’ve been sitting on this for a while trying to figure out how this goes and have decided how I wish the story to go forward as. So I hope you enjoy and if there’s any feedback or criticism I’d be more than happy to hear as I haven’t written in a bit. Enjoy!
Takes place January 2020 pre covid in New York City, New York, USA
Also I promised @matbarzyy that I would tag them when it came out like a few months ago! Sorry about the delay! I got sidetracked with school and wasn’t happy with the way it was going.
Gif by: samgirard (didn’t want to tag them to have them get notifications but thank you for the gif if you see this 💜)
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“Come out with us Tessa, it’ll be fun I promise.” Tessa sighs looking up at her roommates from her case work she was working on for school.
“It’s not like he’s gonna be there or my other one, so what is the point?” She says with no emotion in her voice.
“You’ve got to get out to find them.” Anise exclaims looking exasperated.
“I have this curse on me, you know this! I am alive until I find them and until then I am stuck in my 23 year old body forever! Once I meet them, only then will my body begin to age naturally. Do you understand how long I have been like this? My parents and siblings except for Jonah have been gone for over 100 years” Tessa holds back tears at the thought and mention of her family who she outlived due to a once in a lifetime curse she was born with.
“It’s 2020 babe, anything can happen. You’ve only been searching for them for how long?”
“I was born in 1880.” Anise’s eyes practically bug out of her head.
‘Ooppp.. Well you’ve only been looking for them for 140 years that’s not too bad.” She tries to downplay her own reaction to how old her roommate and best friend was. Anise herself was born in 1925 so she was 95 figuratively speaking but physically, she was stuck in her 25 year old body, plagued with the same curse Tessa has. “I mean Tessa, you have got to be getting close by now right?”
“I’m just convinced they do not exist and I’ll be stuck like this forever.”
“Don’t be so melodramatic girlfriend, they are out there. I promise!”
“I can be as dramatic as I want!” Tessa protests rolling her eyes. Anise glares at her and then looks back at Isabella, another one of their roommates who is just leaning against the island in the kitchen scrolling on her phone.
“We’re not letting you out of this, you have to come with us. Please Tessa, you have to.”
“Fine, let me go and get ready, but you’re buying me some drinks got it?” Anise squeals happily nodding her head.
“Thank you, thank you you’re the best. I promise you’re not going to regret it!”
 When they pull up to the club Tessa has a pit in her stomach, like something is gonna happen but she puts on a brave face and makes her way into the club with her friends. Turns out, her friends had ordered bottle service for the night in a VIP booth.
“You really want me to get drunk tonight don’t you?” Tessa giggles throwing herself down into the booth.
“YES! You need to lighten up and let loose. You’ve been cooped up in that body of yours for so long, it’s time to let loose and live your life! You’re only going to be 23 for so long.”
“Anise, I have been 23 for 117 years. I think I’ve lived enough for all of us!” Anise rolls her eyes at her best friend.
“Relax, you’re going to find your soulmates and you’ll start aging.”
“They better hurry the fuck up.” Isabella pours her friends some shots and shoves them towards them.
“Drink.” Isabella orders both of them before downing her own vodka shot. Anise and Tessa down the shots quickly obeying Isabella before turning back to their conversation.
“They’re probably stubborn like you Tess. Stubborn, feisty and full of life. Maybe they have been waiting for you for a lifetime too.”
“Hopefully, can you pour me another shot. I need to forget about them for a while.” Isabella laughs nodding her head.
“Do not have to tell me twice!” The trio do two more vodka shots before Isabella’s soulmate Ryan shows up.
“We’re going to go dance if you two want to join us.” Anise and Tessa say to the love birds across from them.
“We’re good here, you two go!” Ryan pushes the two girls to go dance. The two girls move to the middle of the dance floor with the sweaty bodies surrounding them. The music playing from the speakers was vibrating through Tessa’s body, amplifying the alcohol that has been consumed by her and Anise.
“Tess, there’s two men over by the bar staring at us.” Anise speaks into Tessa’s ear before making a gesture towards the two men by the bar, each holding a bottle of beer tightly in their hands. While it was dark and hard to see clearly Tessa could make out the two men thanks to the light by the bar. From what she could make out the two men were buff in a nice sort of way. Not the type where it’s so intense but it’s noticeable.
“Should we give them a show?” She asks turning to face Anise.
“We should.” Anise smirks and turns Tessa back around so she can grind into her. Tessa runs her fingers through her hair and down her body in a way that was captivating to others watching her. She closes her eyes and lets herself get lost in the song and how her body is feeling. When she opens them she makes eye contact with one of the men who seems to have a dark and stormy look in his eyes. Like he wanted her in any way he could get her. She shivers but thinks it was due to a breeze and not her desire that slowly crept onto her.
As soon as Anthony Beauvillier and Mathew Barzal entered the club with their teammates they knew something about tonight was going to be different.
“I’m gonna go grab a beer, you want to come with me?” Mat asks.
“Sure let’s go.” The two make their way through sweaty bodies and drunk people to the bar to grab a beer. After they get their beers they are leaning against the bar when they see someone that catches both of their attentions.
“You see that woman over there?” Anthony asks motioning to the woman grinding on another woman without a single care in the world.
“Fuck, you noticed her too?” Mat asks.
“She’s hard not to notice.” Anthony takes a sip of his beer as the girl looks up and makes eye contact with them, specifically Anthony. He smirks and she looks visibly worked up by a single look. Tito’s grip on his beer gets tighter as she licks her lip and turns to the girl she was dancing on. When the woman turns back around both men feel their pants tighten as they watch the show she was putting on.
“Is she driving you as insane as she is me?” Mat asks giving a quick chug of his beer. He turns around and orders another beer.
“Yes, she has been driving me crazy with her dance.”
“I’m gonna go talk to her.” Mat says quickly chugging his second beer.
“Will she be good with both of us coming up to her?” Tito asks worried about her already.
“She should be good.” Mat shrugs. The two men walk over to the girls in the crowd.
“The two men are coming over, want me to dip out?” Anise asks and Tessa nods.
“I’ll be okay, I don’t think they’ll hurt me.”
“If you need me I’ll be over there. Don’t be afraid to pretend you’re friends with other people here.” Tessa giggles and nods shooing her friend away. Mat and Tito stop right in front of her and smile.
“Hey beautiful, if I can call you that?” Anthony asks giving the young woman in front of him a soft smile.
“You may! What are men like you doing here talking to a woman like me?” Tessa asks trying not to continuously check either of the men in front of her.
“Well we just happened to see the little show you put on for us back there.” Mat says coming around to press his chest against her back. Tessa feeling the drinks still coursing through her veins grinds back on Mat and he groans.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She plays innocent biting her lip.
“I think you do.” Tito smiles at her.
“Pfft nah... I’m innocent.” She smiles and Mat puts his hands on her hips. He feels an overwhelming sensation take over and he can tell Tessa feels it to by the way she pushes back into him.
“Soulmate?” He whispers in her ear and she shivers closing her eyes nodding softly.
“Soulmate.” She whispers back and Tito’s eyes bulge out of his head practically. He reaches forward and grabs her hands feeling the same overwhelming feeling Mat felt.
“Fuck, soulmate.” She smiles and nods feeling overwhelmed by what’s going on. She has waited for over a century to find them and now they’re right in front of her. It almost feels like a dream, an amazing dream that she was afraid of waking up from.
“I need to get a drink I’m sorry!” She runs away from the two boys and over to the bar.
“What can I get you beautiful?” The bartender asks.
“Can I get a triple of gin and ginger ale.” She says and he nods going to make her drink. She waits tapping her fingers on the bar running the situation through her head again. She felt different, changed almost in some weird way.
Tito and Mat looked at each other in disbelief as their soulmate ran away from them.
“Why is she running?” Mat asks running his fingers through his hair.
“Couldn’t tell you bud.” Tito shrugs.
“We gotta go after her, we don’t even know her name!” The two men spent the rest of the night looking for the soulmate that got away.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM OC Profile ✧
Phoenix Nobleworth
" You're like a poisonous flower, Phoenix. Beautiful and inviting with all your colors and aromas and deadly force. "
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Full Name: Phoenix Lazar Nobleworth Silverwood
Nicknames: Pheny. Birdy (by some of his Hufflepuff friends). Nobleworth. Silverwood (by Snape out of spite).
Gender: Male.
Birthday: 12th of May, 1973.
Born: Deva, Transylvania, Romania.
Mother: Biological: Antonia Lazar, full Veela. Adoptive: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood.
Father: Biological: Emilian Nobleworth, Scottish, Half-Veela, Gryffindor. Adoptive: Palmer Silverwood.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Indigo Silverwood (b. 1973).
Ethnicity: Romanian, Scottish.
Species: Veela.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
MBTI Type: IN(TorF)P-T (I can't decide, so he's both).
Blood Status: Half-blood (I think.)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Eyes: His eyes are a shade between green and blue with very light tones of lilac depending on the light. But due to his Veela powers he can change them into an shape or color he likes.
Hair: A light shade of golden blonde, wavy, usually grown below his chin. (At some point, he dyed a strand turquoise to impress his crush, I know, wild.)
Height: He's reasonably tall usually towering by little other boys, with long legs.
• He's got those handsome looks expected from a full Veela, structural face but round features give him a soft look. He's very strong despite his slim figure. His skin is pretty fair but he has a myriad of scars from past transformations.
• He's told he's a perfect mixture of his parents which gives him a friendly and suave look that easily turns authoritative and seductive when he uses his Veela powers of seduction.
Veela Form: Different from what's described in canon, I like to imagine Veelas having feathers that differ from people to people. Phoenix's feathers are fair golden with the inner side of his wing in shades of red, the feathers go up to the knees and elbows while hands and feet become bird-like with long black talons. His features and ears become sharper, and his teeth, fangs. His eyes turn silver-white when he turns by his will and bright yellow when forced to turn.
Transformation is hardly ever painless and he often hurts himself and takes longer to heal because of the Veela blood. Both spells and potions don't work as effectively, which is why he fights to control his temper, beyond the fact he can end up hurting somebody else.
Transformation occurs when he's either angry, instigated or when someone pulls out a string of his hair. Unless for the latter, he has partial control over his transformation/consciousness (nevertheless requiring practice and focus).
Magical Aspects
Wand: Pearwood with Veela hair core and an amber stone for stability, 14'' and flexibility. "Pearwood produces wands of splendid magical powers, which give of their best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous, and the wise, also among the most resilient." Veela's hair core is known to be temperamental — which is why Olivander had trouble making Phoenix's wand, having to insert molten amber to the torn wand for stability. The hair came from one shed by his mother which they used to keep stored for such use.
Patronus: Thunderbird. The Thunderbird is a large, magical avian beast native to North America. A close relative of the Phoenix. They can create storms as it flies and is highly sensitive to danger. They possess three pairs of powerful wings and have feathers that shimmer with cloud-like patterns.
Patronus memory: The day his wizard powers started presenting themselves — he stopped a sculpture from falling on his dad's head within a beat of his heart — and they had a real feast that night.
Veela Abilities: Beyond the popular ability to seduce - which really began when he turned 14 -, Veelas can also dwell and create fire from their hands in human form but requires training to control.
Penny (in specific because he hates to see her cry) holding his dead sister, hurt and bleeding, and hearing Penny say how could he have done that, because he's terribly afraid of losing his control and hurting Indigo.
Riddikulus: Penny tuns into Tonks and Indigo wakes up saying it was ketchup and makeup all along.
Amortentia: Regular burning candles, purple passionfruit, the smell of the house/apartment he lives in with his family, Peppermint tea, and the smell of fresh clay.
Once he gets over the fear of losing control somewhere around the end of his 4th year, his boggart in year 5 turns into Inferius versions of his parents after he learns about them in DADA, but even worse than described in the textbooks, with bugs crawling out of their mouths, a half-rotten dragon head on their lap and clothes stained with nearly black blood.
He has a hard time using Riddikulus on that one.
Pets: A Flama Squirrel (I made up from a real one), a magical squirrel that sets itself on fire when threatened, mostly predated by smaller breeds of dragons and Chimeras. The Flama's liver is commonly used in Erumpent potion with the intention of increasing its property but its lack doesn't spoil the potion, and their glands used to be common in perfumes for aphrodisiac fragrances until they started going extinct from excessive hunting.
Things he always carries with him: His wand, a chocolate bar, his favorite quill, a flask of water, and his class schedule cause he forgets them very often.
Lucky Amulets: A feather from his mom and another from his dad that he can wear on his hair and does on special occasions.
Best Friends
His sister, but as I did for her, I want to write their relationship in another post.
Aspen: Not only his cousin but also one of his best friends. Their personalities clash, her being outspoken and feral, and him being softer and more collected, yet they can't live without each other. He considers himself her protector, but from how savvy she is, it's her who ends up protecting him most times.
Boy!Rowan: His first Hufflepuff friend having met at the Hogwarts Express on their first ride. Rowan is his best friend and partner in crime. They usually spend time reading, walking open fields, and helping his sister with her plans of finding the cursed vault. Rowan supports him with tests and homework when his personal life gets overwhelming.
Chiara: They easily bond after he finds out her secret about being a werewolf, and they share support and help in times of instability. They like going out on picnics and to watch the creatures in the reserve. They actually enjoy dueling each other for fun, it's cute.
Penny: His first crush while still a boy in Hogwarts, he enjoys her company from her confidence and overall bright personality. Despite growing out of his affection for her, they're still good friends and enjoy each other's company. He offers a comforting shoulder when her relationship with her sister gets tricky.
Diego: He and Diego take a long time until they officially hit it off. Diego's personality being too grandiose and extroverted for Phoenix's taste. But as soon as he discovers that Aspen has a mad crush on him, goes out of his way to find out more about him, not trusting him to be a proper suitor for her. Despite his opinions, with time, their relationship evolves into a sincere friendship from Diego's good humor and adventurous heart.
Badeea: The one person he never thought he'd be friends with considering her intellectual (Ravenclaw-like) demeanor and collected attitude. But one day, when she gathers the courage to call him to pose for one of her paintings, he finds out she shared the exact same thoughts about him. Their friendship is quiet-like and profound, they share their thoughts about recent reads and go stargazing.
Orion: He first interacts with Orion when his sister joins the Gryffindor quidditch team and never he would've guessed how much Orion would mean to him. But with time he learns that Orion's presence is a suave and soothing one, and when he confronts Orion about how he can be that way, he decides to guide him into spiritual and mental balance. They meditate, chill and bond over shared experiences -- both being orphans, cool-headed, and deeply compassionate people.
Dormmates: It's him, Rowan, Diego, and two muggle-born boys, Lance and Edward, through which they learn a lot from the muggle world.
Favorite Classes:
History of Magic (when his friends are teaching)
Ancient Runes*
Least Favorite:
Favorite Professor: Minerva McGonagall. She's just so thoughtful and poise, the coolest animagus and the most powerful witch he knows.
Least Favorite: Snape for obvious reasons. He doesn't hate Snape but he also rather not be in his presence in potions class.
Quidditch: He cheers for Gryffindor when his sister is playing against the other houses, but his allegiance is to Hufflepuff. Imagine his excitement when Cedric Diggory joined the team and came down slaying with his abilities.
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Yum,yum my Hufflepuffy boy, I love him. Can't wait to get into more detail about his past and romantic relationships.
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gayregis · 3 years
what's a witcher headcanon you have but has literally nothing to back it up?
like i know eskel would be scary good at estimating times for a microwave and milva would be a god at jenga. why/how do i know this? who's to say
i can actually somewhat explain both of those headcanons. eskel either can cook (correct, wholesome headcanon) or can’t (wrong, stereotypical canon) and both of these possibilities mean he has to know how to use a microwave really really well. as for milva, butches love construction, jenga is practically the science of building houses but as a game.
as for my own... hm kind of difficult because a lot of my headcanons are based in canon so... some of these are more connected to canon than others, but they’re closer to my own uniqueness rather than sapkowski’s work:
dandelion’s family (the de lettenhoves) paid for his college education in exchange that he would never use his true name and titles when he published his works, because they are a family largely involved in governmental appointments, and did not want any horrible saucy love poetry (most of what he wrote when he was nineteen) being linked back to them. to this day they’ve disowned him, he lost his lands, and he is forbidden from coming back to any of their estates if not undercover. it’s all very hush-hush. they tricked him into thinking that it was for his own good, telling him that his real name was far too famous, even more famous that he would be soon...
dandelion’s father died when he was young, which led his mother to guide his childhood (basically instructing the servants to raise him) in a strict and masculine direction... this obviously did not work out as planned. but it’s largely why dandelion is regarded as a disappointment by his family, because he was expected to follow in his father’s footsteps to stay at the estates (ha!) and marry (ha!) to create an alliance with another noble family.
dandelion and essi’s entire backstory that i’ve planned out: essi enrolled as a student at oxenfurt and as a first year she was appointed by the department to be under dandelion’s guidance. they hit it off on the wrong foot at first (essi thought dandelion was lazy and slovenly, dandelion thought she was prissy and stuckup). but dandelion quickly recognized that essi was extremely talented and had a gift for music, so he asked her why in hell was she directed for further guidance? she admitted that she had stage fright... horrible stage fright. he laughed, thinking she was joking. she wasn’t. the story that follows then is that essi’s stage fright was symbolized by her iconic hair which fell over one eye, which was mocked by her peers - dandelion advised her to own it instead and turn it into a persona - much like what he did when he was her age, his peers called him dandelion (buttercup) on account of his blonde hair that has a tendancy to fan out like petals, and he adopted it as his persona.
on a similar note, what dandelion’s office at oxenfurt looks like: it’s basically treated as a walk-in closet for outfits he’s purchased but doesn’t have a permanent space elsewhere for. other valuables that can’t be kept on his person or in his saddlebags are kept here too. it’s much less of an office to do work and way more of a storage room. the desk has many finished bottles of alcoholic drinks and a lot of manuscripts stored inside (his own, because of the works he admires, he can recall from memory precisely what was written in them)
milva (sorry all of them are about her being a lesbian)
the dryads of brokilon adore milva more than they would ever let on. they find her very interesting because she’s a human, but she’s also one of them, but she also works with the scoia’tel. when milva comes back to brokilon after a journey, she finds herself crowded by dryads asking her how she is doing and what happened on her trip. because of this, milva’s quite good at storytelling, in her own colloquialisms and manners of speech. the dryads are captured by her stories of the world beyond brokilon, and very much enjoy her company, though milva was unaware of exactly how much they enjoyed it (if you get what i’m saying). 
milva realizes she’s a lesbian in toussaint because of her encounter with the baron de trastamara, in which she rebuked his marriage proposal and cried at the kitchen table and in the stables. she appreciated the baron’s friendship more than his romantic advances, and she was crying because she was upset that she couldn’t find true romance in her heart for him. angouleme states at the kitchen table that the hunting trip was overnight, suggesting that the baron asked milva for sex. i headcanon that he did, and milva couldn’t find it in herself to say yes. when the baron became upset at this and pestered her a little to find out why she refused his advances, she had an emotional outburst at him and left at once, for she herself didn’t really know.
additionally, many of the women shopkeepers in toussaint flirted with milva but she didn’t understand their advances. particularly a fishmonger and a fletcher, both of which are OCs... it wasn’t until angouleme (not giving milva an option on whether to accept her company or not) followed milva around on errands one day that she witnessed their interactions and then (in a very annoying little sister manner) bugged milva about how cute of a couple they would be, to which milva took shock and offense. but this got milva thinking about the subject.
regis took on a variety of ridiculous titles when he was younger. “the prince of darkness” and things like this. it added to his already quite-long name. it sounded as stupid as it does with me explaining it.
regis has never paid rent or taxes. he acquired the house and shop in dilingen because he came to the city after he had rehabilitated himself, and found it in a state of disrepair and abandonment. he fixed it up very nicely (perhaps much like as he did with himself... symbolism!) and grew flowers in the windowsills. when city officials came to investigate, accusing him of taking up residence illegally, he simply placed them under a vampire’s spell and told them: “nonsense, i’ve always lived here!” to which they replied, “oh, of course you have, master barber-surgeon! apologies for bothering you!”
in his house and shop in dilingen, the layout is like this: the first floor is the shop, which carries a variety of medicaments, herbal remedies, and also has a setup for surgery. behind a hidden door is the stash of mandrake brew that only select customers know to request (regis only tells them about it if he has vetted them beforehand - i.e., known them well and known them well enough that he knows he will not start an addiction for them, i.e., he doesn’t sell to the young and stupid, or horribly depressed and afraid, but just those looking to enjoy life). the second floor is his house, which is decorated sparsely much like his cottage nearby fen carn. it’s nicer, with furnishings sourced from around the city, but is still humble. the attic is the setup for barber-surgery, but for birds - mostly corvids but other urban birds as well, that have injured themselves or are having other troubles. he welcomes them to roost and come to him with any problems they may be having.
angouleme’s biological mother was young(ish) when she had her, which also pressured her into giving her up to relatives - she was an unmarried maiden, and being a noble, that is significant for making political alliances with other noble families. they pretended she was a virgin so she could remarry and bear children in marriage; however, because she and the other nobility of cintra were slaughtered, caught right in the crossfire of the nilfgaardian massacre of cintra, she didn’t survive into her first pregnancy, so angouleme has no bioligical half-siblings.
angouleme is trans and likes dressing femininely, but on account of her situation was never able to on the road, until she got to toussaint and had not only the safety but the finances to do so. somewhat based on canon that she was happy to get out of riding pants in lady of the lake, the narration calls her a “pretty girl”... it’s just nice to imagine her happy and with gender euphoria instead of dysphoria
regis is a good mentor and guardian to her in toussaint. it started as them both being up late in the kitchen and regis (as he does) giving advice, without suggesting any shame or judgement. after a while, angouleme trusted him enough to ask him for help when she got into trouble with local banditry. thens he invited him to help her on heists. he was hesitant at first but agreed, citing that she needed supervision for such activities. he brings a book to read while she does whatever she needs to do, but perhaps is more involved than he would admit - pointing out hidden safes and such in the darkness with his vision.
i didn’t do any for cahir or geralt because i feel like canon’s already gotten them enough? 
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aliceaddellheidde · 3 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 1 – Advantage
WORDS: 1601
WARNINGS: violence, swearing
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes. 
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless and are using they/their pronouns. I hope I'm using it correctly. Don't want to insult anybody.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you two touch. 
This is multi-chapter story. 1/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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Moi and Rai were best at their job. They were taking care of human being´s souls. Making sure everyone will meet their soulmates sooner or later. You see, it´s not easy work. Especially when you have younger sibling. Parca were exact opposite of his relatives. While Moi were warm, dressed in brown-red-orange-yellow clothing and Rai, cold in purple-blue-green-pink attire, Parca were like a shadow. Black-white-grey-silver outfit matching their neutral, mischievous personality. As the youngest, Parca were causing a lot of problems, making eternity harder for Moi and Rai.
„Hear, hear my dear fellow immortal!” Parca were dancing around big hall where Rai were checking on their broken souls, looking for suitable candidate for today. „What do you want Parca?” „Oh, don’t be grumpy. I have news for you and our precious Moi.” „They are next door. You know we have counting at this hour. Don’t you have as well?” „All done. But there is something our boss want you and Moi to do. As priority.” „I'm sure it can wait.” „Um-mm, nope.” Parca grin as Rai frown. Then bright light appears and with that Moi too. „What's so urgent?” Parca gave them gloving rolled up parchment. When Rai open it, Moi gasp. „Finally! He was bugging me since 1937!” „There is one problem tho dear Moi. Look.” They read written words loud. „James Buchanan Barnes and Y/N Y//L/N. Shite.” „Moi, language!” „Details. Now lets work. Those two will be a tough nut.”
And since that day their plan set in motion.
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You absolutely hated Bucky Barnes. Why? Because he was annoying little shit, always thinking he's better than you in everything. It was partly true, but he doesn’t need to know, right?
You just came to kitchen for breakfast when wall of muscles stopped you. „Look where you going dipshit!” Bucky smirked at you. „Someone woke up in bad mood?” he teased. „Shut up.” you hissed and opened upper cabinet only to find it empty of your favourite cereals. „Borky! Where is my food?” You turned around, but he was gone. With sight you took cereals from Wanda´s shelf. She will forgive you.
Morning shower was very relaxing. You almost forgot about Bucky. Until loud alarm went off and you dropped your shampoo as you jumped. „Damn it Rogers.” you cursed, quickly dried yourself and ran into your room for clothes when bucket full of glitters fell on you, leaving you startled. You couldn’t take another shower and had to change before Steve would come looking for you. Shaking glitters from yourself, best as you could, you put t-shirt and shorts on and hurried to meeting room. Everyone else was there.
„What happened to you?” Sam asked. Bucky was visibly holding back from laughing. „I had fight with my hobby cabinet. What do you think happened? This motherfucker prepared trap on me!” you sassed and gave Bucky middle finger. „That's enough! Y/N, sit down. We have emergency mission. Source said there is hidden Hydra facility in Atlanta. We don’t have building plans, but source said there are weapons and maybe a lab as well. Our tactic is go in, capture those peasants and destroy it.” Tony lifted his hand. „Yes Tony?” „Maybe we can take some guns for studies. And lab tech. You know, to better understand our enemies what are they doing.” Steve sighted. „Fine Tony. You can have one or two of their weapons. Banner and Dr. Cho will have lab stuff. Sam, Bucky, Y/N - suit up. Departure in 15 minutes.” You were leaving when Steve stopped you and Bucky. „Buck you have something to say to Y/N?” „Sorry.” he rolled his eyes. „Help her vacuum the floor. Quickly. And don’t try anything during mission. Both of you. Understood?” „Yes.” you said at the same time. „Great. Dismiss.”  
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„Ok, Mr. And Mrs. Grumpy. We´ll fly for an hour. Try not to kill each other.” Sam said from pilot seat. You took out your book and started reading. It was quiet for few minutes. Then you heard loud chewing and bubble bursting. Bucky smirked at you when you looked at him. You went back to your book and tried to ignore him. That worked for 10 minutes. „For fuck sake! Stop it!” you shouted. „What is it now?” Sam was tired of your fights. „He's chewing like an animal!” „Oh c'mon Buck. You can´t stop it for one flight?” „I´ll try.” Sam went back to cockpit and you put headphones on. To yours and Sam misfortune Bucky had yet another idea how to make you unhappy. His music was much louder than yours and his beaming smile was enough for you to throw your patience out of window. „Sam! I´m  gonna to pilot and you sit here with this idiot.” If it meant to stop your fighting and have nice flight, Sam did it with no problem. Parca were pleased with themselves, little smug smile on face. They had so much fun. Rai and Moi were shaking their heads in cockpit.
„Why you have to do all those things to her Buck?” his friend asked. „It´s fun! She's like small child when she's angry. All red and death stares in one minute and second later she bakes chocolate cake for whole team.” „We all know you love her cake. But you really should try to restrict your pranks. I don’t want her to leave because of it.” „Nah, she's tough.” „As your captain I have to insist.” „Damn Bird brain, when did you turn into such strict man?” „On this mission. Wanna play cards?” „Sure.”
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„We will land in five minutes. I sent Redwing already. He shot guards on the roof. There are 30 subjects in, garage full of cars and weapons.” „No lab?” „Maybe underground. Think Y/N, geez.” „Stop that. We have work to do.” With that Sam walked out. „After you.” Bucky mockingly bowed. „I hate you.” you said and followed your captain.
You prepared your gun and ran next to the wall, Bucky right behind. You looked from around the corner. „There is big concrete field. We have to run across it.” „That's stupid idea. They will see us right away.” „Then come up with better plan Mr. I-know-everything.” „I will. Let me think.” „Don’t hurt yourself.” „If you would shut up, you would know you have to find other way. There are mines under that concrete.” Sam said into our comms. „You almost got us killed! Are you brainless?” Bucky looked at you with disappointment. „I didn’t know there are mines!” He was silent, only moved his head for me to follow him. „Sam, is roof still clear?” „Yop.” „Can you get us there?” Metal wire appeared next to you and you took it. „Hold tight Y/N.” You knew what will come, but it was still weird how small thing like Redwing could lift you and fly. „Amateur.” Bucky scoffed and jumped on the roof with ease. „Show off.” you sneered when you landed next to him. „At least I have something to show.” Suddenly you felt small sting in shoulder. „Ouch, what the fuck? Were we drugged or what?” „No. Only little electric shock because you are not doing your work. Move your asses.” „Yes Cap.”
You ran across roof, then jumped on main building and hopped down on the ground. „Should we knock?” „Don’t be funny. I found you way in. There are back door on your right.” You moved there. „Stay behind me.” Bucky said and opened the door. You walked in and right away gunfire started. Bucky was effective as shield while you both tried to defence yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, there were Parca sitting on the car, laughing. Moi and Rai were there too. And thanks to their intervention you disarm almost all men inside the garage. Those who tried to run fell into Sam's trap. Moi moved destroyed cars and dead bodies for you to see secret door to laboratory.
You opened it and had to move from flying glowing ball. „Bucky, look out!” you screamed but it was too late. It hit him and his eyes rolled up as he fell down. Parca were very happy with their work. Moi and Rai not at all. You shot few guards and captured lab doctors. „Sam! Get Bucky out.” „Working on it.” You walked back into garage and found Bucky on the floor, panting. „You all right?” „Yeah.” „Take them. I´m going to check other buildings.” He nodded and even when he was shaking a bit doctors looked afraid of him.
„All clear. Gonna prepare some boxes for you Sam.” It took around 30 minutes and once you were done and safe in quinjet he blew up the facility. You turned to Bucky. „How are you feeling?” „Like I got hit by lighting ball.” „Ha, ha. Now for real.” „Fine. But my arm isn't working how it should.” „Let me see.” You started carefully repairing it and he was watching you all the time. Moi and Rai smiled at each other. Then Parca moved your hand wrong direction and Bucky yelped in pain. „Sorry! I´m so sorry!” „It´s ok. At least touch sensor is working.” You laughed in relief and continued your work.
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„Good job. Were there any problems?” Steve asked when you landed. „Just Bucky´s hand. He went to medical bay already. Y/N took amazing advantage of situation and secured laboratory and all buildings” „Good. We will sort things out from here. You go and rest. See you tomorrow.”
You said your farewell to Sam and closed door of your personal paradise called your room.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Are you excited for the holidays? Yesss.  Are you watching anything on tv right now? No, I’m watching/listening to an ASMR video. 
Who is your best friend? My mom. What does the word love mean to you? That’s a complex thing. Can you play any instruments? No.
When's your birthday? July 28th. What do you want for Christmas? I don’t know. Actually, my family and I have been talking about maybe going somewhere for Christmas instead and putting our money towards that. I’ve always wanted to experience Christmastime with the snow, so that would be really fun. What time is it right now? 4:41AM. Should you be doing something else besides this survey? Sleeping, probably. ha. Are you a facebook addict? No, definitely not. I go on there, but I don’t spend much time on it. Do you understand Chuck Norris jokes? I remember that was a big thing when I was in middle school for some reason and I didn’t know who he was. Then when I did, I just knew him from informercials.  Do you have a pet cat? Nope. Name one tattoo you would like to get someday. I’ve wanted to get ‘free bird’ for several years, but I just don’t see myself ever getting it done. Do you like the color pink? Yeah. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I could. Are you afraid of stink bugs? I’m afraid of ALL bugs. Do you always burn your toast? No. Actually, I usually end up not toasting it long enough. Do you have a printer? Yeah. What is the closest thing to you that's yellow? A couple of hair clips. Does anyone own any embarrassing pictures of you? Yes. They’re not meant to be embarrassing, but I just think they’re really ugly so they’re embarrassing to me. Do you wear contact lenses? No. Do you not agree that gas prices are ridiculous? So I’ve heard. How's the weather where you're at? Hot and miserable. Do you have a cell phone? Yeah. Do you still live at home? Yes. Are you currently enrolled in college? No, I graduated back in 2015. Do you have a drivers liscence? Nope. Name one event that made you happy today :) Not much has happened, it’s only 4 in the morning. Do you listen to what others say about you? Depends. Have you ever played Farmville? Nah, I never got into that. What is your favorite video game? Mario Bros, The Sims, and Life is Strange. What song represents your life the best? I don’t know. How fast can you type? Pretty fast. What are you afraid of the most in life? Losing my loved ones, death, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life. Do you have a religion? I’m a Christian. Are you into anime? No. Do you prefer day over night? I prefer night over day. How many hours of sleep do you get per night? Eh, 5 at most usually. Do you have any siblings? I have two brothers. Have you ever donated to a charity? Yeah. What is your worst feature? Everything. What is the last thing you've eaten? Ramen. What's the longest you've ever stayed awake for? Like 30 something hours. Do you believe in soul mates? I don’t know. Who is your hero and why? My mom. She’s just very selfless, caring, hardworking, and does so much for me. Who is your favorite musical artist? I have several. Do you have a secret talent? If I do it must be a secret to me then, too. What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow. When is your father's birthday? March 20th. What are you doing besides this survey? Watching/listening to an ASMR video. What do you do in your spare time? All my time is spare time since I don’t have a job, I’m done with school, and I don’t have anything else that takes up my time. Everyday consists of much of the same: checking social medias, watching TV, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, watching YouTube, perhaps some coloring, eating, and resting. Do you still like to take naps? Yeah, even though I always feel groggy and bleh afterwards.  Do you have any children? No. Have you ever danced in the rain? Yeah. Do you watch the Disney Channel? No, not anymore. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve watched anything on there. I like watching shows from younger days I liked on there on Disney+, though. Those were the good ol’ days.  What was your last dream about? I don’t remember. Do you swear? Sometimes. Are you a sarcastic person? I have my moments. Are you bad at spelling? No, I don’t think so. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Walmart. Do you overthink things? Oh yes. What is your biggest pet peeve? One of them is eating sounds.
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villainship · 4 years
[Details about Kallir]
A Q&A meme from @a-muirehen​! <3 Zabrak agent buddies. . . (With Liran’s answers at the Source Meme) (Credit & thank u @claudela​ for the screenshot from ages ago)
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name :  Kallir-- Malith, to himself & (eventually) those who matter alias(es) :  Imperial Intelligence named him Kallir. He didn’t really make a “name for himself” under any other aliases in his career, though as a spy he’s had a bunch. gender :  Male age :  Maybe 11 BTC, or so??? (Most likely within a range of 10-16 b/c I’M still figuring things out. /He/ knows within a few months, even without his exact birthday) place of birth :  What he knows is that there was a ship carrying numerous passengers, headed through the Dromund system, which was interrupted en-route by an accident onboard. There were fatalities. One infant zabrak came to Kaas city’s medical facilities along with the emergency casualties, and for whatever reason that baby was handed-over to Intelligence for their training program. That’s all the records say. He could have come aboard at any stop on the route, and from wherever else before that. spoken languages :  “Several”. All from spy school training, or learned as-needed on the job sexual orientation : Gay occupation :  Covert operative (and combat medic, in a crisis) for Intelligence--until he has help escaping into the free-spacer life on a bounty hunter’s ship.
APPEARANCE eye colour : Orange-yellow (with a red rim around the irises) hair colour : Vivid red height :  5′2″ scars :  None especially noteworthy in very obvious places, but he sure does have a few with dramatic stories overweight :  No underweight :  Maybe--it’s more that his frame is small overall
FAVOURITE colour : Gray and soft browns, sometimes green; earthy colors. music genre :  He could probably go for a “tranquil spa”-style background soundtrack, really. Lol. But he’s also interested in any live performance Keran wants to take him out to hear. Much more lively. movie genre :  Nature documentaries. tv show :  A super low-key series where the host travels the galaxy to feature different species of colorful moths. food :  A broth with a savory flavor and a bit of spice that they make with mushrooms and citrus and the fruit of those palms on Rishi. (...space!coconut soup) drink :   Something with space!cranberry, probably. book :  He doesn’t enjoy much reading, but I bet he could find a weak spot for a collection of Emotional poems that connect to him (Also: guidebooks about bugs and birds and various small creatures)
HAVE THEY passed university :  I think the Imperial Academy should count. Lol had sex :  Yes had sex in public :  Good question gotten pregnant :  No kissed a boy :  Yes kissed a girl :  Maybe not?? Can’t think of why there would have been a cause for it gotten tattoos :  Yes, matching patterns on his face and--mostly--his back (but also the rest of him at least a little bit) had a broken heart :  Oh yes. been in love :  Yes stayed up for longer than 24 hours :  Yes
ARE THEY a cuddler :  Given the right conditions/opportunity a kisser :  Sometimes!! scared easily :  Not exactly jealous easily :  Usually not trustworthy :  No dominant :  ..u kno.. Every now and then. submissive :  Usually in love :  Y e a h single :  No
DARK SUBJECTS have they harmed themselves :  Mentally and emotionally he’s hard on himself--otherwise, there’ve been times he was “intentionally careless” thought of suicide :  Yes attempted suicide :  He backed off without revealing anything of it to anyone, but-- Awfully nearly. When he knew he was about to be graduated to real missions as a full-fledged Agent, and his personal life (such as it was) had reached an all-time low, he had a quiet sit-down alone with the supplies he stole from the medical stores. : ( wanted to kill someone :  --not most of the people he actually HAS killed (regrettably for him). But. Yes. There’ve been some he DIDN’T kill, who he really wished he could. \:)) have any fears : The people in authority in hierarchies make him uncomfortable. (Most) Sith are especially unnerving; he’s afraid of what they can do with their Force powers, or just by giving orders. Other than that, there are probably thousand different triggers of anxiety and upsetting memories in him, but he’s had to try not to react to any while he was an Agent. Buried it all inside. One he can’t hide: how afraid he is when anything threatens Keran. THAT Sith is too important to him.
FAMILY sibling(s) :  None as far as he’d know parents :  He’s not sure who they were children :  Not planning on any pets : Maybe he’ll get a small lizard sometime! Or a terrarium for some bugs? Mjau will have to approve it on her ship. In the meantime, he’ll put up with some other people’s droids
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albatris · 4 years
T for the oc asks?
hey! thanks for the ask! I think I have two T characters that I can remember and I have another T in my inbox so…… as per usual I’m gonna start with the easier one hahaha
which would be Tris, much to the surprise of……… no one, probably?
also, obligatory apology for the lengthy rambles
I swear not all my responses will be like this ok
I just don’t know how to, like.......... shhh, ever
Full name: Tristan James Greer, n like. as mentioned in a previous ask he and his older brother Jacob share a middle name because of just. incredibly stupid reasons. both in terms of canon explanation and Me As A Writer explanations
Nicknames, if any: technically I guess “Tris” is the nickname, although it would be more accurate to say that “Tris” is his name and “Tristan” is a word he is entirely divorced from and will not respond to, unless you’re one of his two siblings, or his parents using A Certain Tone Of Voice, or sometimes Shara who forgets, or legal forms, or it's pertinent to a joke he'd like to make
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Ace, definitely at least a little bi, not that it ever really comes up in a major way in-story. Like, could definitely be argued he had a crush on Kai when they first became friends, but like. who knows whether that was legitimate romantic attraction or whether he was just so unbelievably caught off guard by someone being genuinely interested in and nice to him that it immediately crashed his entire emotional system and caused his brain to short-circuit. could go either way. also who of the atdao gang DOESN'T have at least a slight crush on Kai, probably
A song I associate with them: How about five instead!! Good Tris tunes include but are in no way limited to: “Boys Will Be Bugs” by Cavetown, “Sloom” by Of Monsters and Men, “If This Ship Sinks (I Give In)” by Birds of Tokyo (melodramatic edgy Tris vibes), “Monsters” by The Boy Least Likely To and “The Future’s Right In Front Of Me” by A Great Big World
3 important relationships:
Okay so first off would be Noa, his best friend of an amount of years that I always just fucking make up because I can never remember. More than 3 and less than 7. Anyway these two only started hanging round each other ‘cause it was mutually beneficial, ‘cause kids are mean and they eventually twigged that they were less likely to be targeted as a pair than on their own, but pretty soon they were like "oh wait hey you're actually a nice person and I genuinely enjoy ur company and we make a good team" and their friendship grew from there n now they're bros.
honestly I have like seven hyperspecific rambles in my drafts about Tris and Noa's friendship n how they relate to each other could honestly talk abt both of them for hours
in terms of Tris I will say that Noa is part of the extremely extremely small group of people that he's generally willing to trust completely with zero strings attached, which is like. sure something. n she's someone he generally considers a touchstone of reality and someone he can rely on when he can't necessarily trust his own perceptions. also she's someone who is a half-decent opponent at upside down Mario Kart which is a plus
and also, Jacob, arguably the most important person in Tris's life, someone he thinks the world of and considers his biggest role model. like. not in terms of Jacob's intelligence or success or how hard he's worked n all the reasons their parents think he's the ideal Tris should be striving for, just in terms of like. the sort of person he wants to be, someone kind and well-liked and fun, someone with a good heart, which is super corny now that I write it. Cool. Great. Cool. Tris did not have a lot of super great adult role models growing up 'cause his parents are a nightmare and most teachers found him frustrating beyond belief, nor did he have a lot of friends being a weird neurodivergent kid lmao, so his relationship with both his siblings but especially Jacob has been one of the only sources of stability and genuine warmth and connection through most of his life
so I mean basically he pretty much thinks of Jacob as Literally The Coolest Person In The Entire World which is funny because Jacob is just a complete dweeb
n then thirdly. I mean. parents, again much for the same reasons as I listed in Jacob's post. controlling, emotionally distant, impossible standards, more concerned with maintaining a perfect image than any of their kids' actual wellbeing, blah blah
Jacob is currently the only Greer sib who has any real grasp on exactly HOW unhealthy their relationship with their parents is? Tris has a whole thing going on in the story where he's kinda juuust starting to come to grips with things and work through some of his complicated feelings towards his parents and reconcile the ideas of "I love these people" and "these people kind of really truly genuinely fucked me up and none of what happened to me was normal or my fault and I'm going to be untangling the repercussions for a long time" and how both these things can be true for him at the same time
also Jacob's like thirteen years older than Tris I feel like I forgot to mention this here
I'm tired, yeah
2 fears:
1. everything
2. literally everything are you kidding me. weird birds. diseases. public transport. dying. sudden change. loud noises. crowds. hot weather. roadworks. natural disasters. people walking behind him. it'd be easier to list the things he's not afraid of. it's a miracle he leaves the house at all
ok those aren't good answers ummmm let's see
here's one: being somehow responsible for harm coming to the people he cares about, being the cause of something that directly hurts someone else, etc. etc. in broad general terms, but also in terms of intrusive thoughts and in terms of delusions/hallucinations that sometimes wander into the realm of threats, orders, "do this thing or your best friend will die horribly", kind of thing. so. the stress that he's going to disobey something or misinterpret something and his loved ones being punished for it....... all of that
1 element of their backstory:
his parents once tried to have him exorcised as a child and he’s only just now beginning to realise this was a "legitimately fucked-up experience” not “haha relatable childhood hijinks”
also on a lighter note he insists to Shara that this makes him immune to demons and she is fairly certain this is not how it works at all, but neither of them can technically prove it's NOT how it works without actively trying to get Tris murdered by demons, and while this DOES sound like a fun after-school activity, both their parents said no
anyway cool that's it from me! I'm not going back to edit this at all! I don't remember what I wrote even slightly! I'm going to bed! I should have probably picked a more fun backstory fact! The one I chose is horrible! Goodnight!
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toga himiko
its about fucking time, i missed her
- she likes to collect the weirdest things. knives, cool looking leaves, bugs she finds on her walls, jars to keep the bugs in. she decides to start collecting things as soon as she has more than three in her possession at one time. the league has no idea what to think about this.
- occasionally she'll show up to meetings as spinner. spinner has no fucking idea when or how she got his blood, and everyone else is somewhat wary that she has their blood, too, and will not hesitate to use it at any point.
- she goes on walks sometimes (in places not very populated for obvious reasons) and will just take in her surroundings. it's not often she gets time to herself anymore and constantly being around other people exhausts her sometimes so she'll just leave for indeterminate amounts of time.
- himiko's gotten into the habit of trying to stab people as a first greeting. needless to say this is awful and never ends up well
- i like to think she's sort of adopted the league as her family, even if they don't all see her that way. they're her older siblings, except for kurogiri who had a very spicific fatherly aura to him, and occasionally mr. compress, who also has a fatherly aura to him
- she used to have frequent girl hangouts with magne before the stuff with the yakuza happened, so now whenever she does her makeup on her own or tries to have a spa day she'll get super sad because her friend isn't there with her. she also has no idea how to do makeup on her own and will often ask the others if they know. mr. compress refuses to let her know he does.
- now that she has an eyepatch she likes to use it as an excuse to call people by the wrong name or tell people they're ugly like "oh sorry i didn't realize who you were or what you looked like because you were on my bad side :/" and she's the only one who gets a kick out of it
- her favorite thing to do used to be stealing the hand on shigaraki's face. he would throw a hissy fit and she found it funny. now, though, it's annoying the shit out of hawks because, since he's on their side, he won't arrest her, and since he wants to be seen as trustworthy he won't attack her. he's the perfect target to bother all day every day. twice often joins in because he genuinely thinks they're just trying to befriend the guy
- also himiko and twice are best friends this is non-negotiable
- her nails are perfectly manicured to be goddamned knives like those things can and will cut you to shreds given the chance
- her hair is always put up into messy buns because she never learned how to do any other hairstyle other than a basic ponytail or pigtails. she doesn't even know how to make them clean or nice buns she just throws them up every day and hopes they look fine
- himiko really loves red meat but, before the whole liberation front thing came around, the league didn't have nearly enough money for that so she stuck to eating whatever they could get their hands on, which was more likely then not super cheap sushi that will definitely make you sick
- contrary to popular belief, she actually is low-key in love with midoriya and uraraka, she just has the absolute worst way of showing and expressing it. she sees expressing love in a weird way and twists it to attune to her quirk and what can be assumed of her past. she really does like the people around her, and she really does have crushes on midoriya and uraraka, but it's just expressed differently, causing many to write it off as an odd obsession
- she does not own a toothbrush. this nasty bitch(/j) does not brush her teeth. her sharp teeth instantly tear up any toothbrush she tries to use and the league just didn't have the expenses to pay for it, and she was not about to use a toothbrush from a dumpster or something. gross.
- she doesn't quite know how to hate someone. this ties in to her skewed sense of love, as she just loves and loves and loves that at some point she forgot how to hate. sure, she dislikes people, or sometimes she dislikes their actions, but she can never bring herself to hate someone. she's doesn't know how. this becomes a problem considering she's literally 17 and also affiliated with villains which means she's around so many horrible people all the time
- she has no academic knowledge past, like, maybe middle school. she knows basic math but she could not for the life of her tell you anything about algebra. she could go on for hours about knives and the different kinds and their variety of uses but ask her anything about science and she Will Not be able to tell you. she doesn't know anything about anything and she's proud to be a dumbass.
- her favorite animals are birds (especially tiny orb-like ones, you know the ones)
- she's the only one in the league that has a phone that isn't a burner. she is very active on social media and has the best time prank calling people. shigaraki once got on her case about it, because it's much easier to track her phone, but she brushed him off completely. she also has a bunch of cute little charms attatched to her phone
- also no one knows how she got the phone because they're all broke as fuck and she flat out refuses to tell
- before she joined the league, she would go around steal blood from random people with no pattern and just walk around as their double for a day
- also, before she became a wanted criminal, she liked to go to crowded meet ups like cons and stuff and just make friends because, guys, she's literally like, 17. she never kept any of her friends though, for obvious reasons :(
- occasionally, she will find shigaraki and spinner playing video games together and obsolutely crashes the party. she's crazy good at mario kart but sucks at almost every other game that's ever existed, even other racecart games
- i love her and although we just had a villain arc in the manga i miss her :( horikoshi give me my girl back where is she
thank you for reading! i love hearing other people's headcanons, so don't be afraid to pop into my asks or submissions! until next time!
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awkwardplantwrites · 5 years
Finding Magic Chapter Five
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Chapter 5: 2470 words / Reading time: 11 minutes
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Action
Find the chapter on wattpad (Bippick is my wattpad username)
New to the story? Missed some updates? Find all the chapters here on tumblr
(Artwork by @pe-ersona ~ Feel free to let me know if you enjoy the story!)
The forest grew more dense the further they walked in. Moss grew on rocks, branches swayed above them, and leaves and flowers littered the ground. A dirt path worn into the ground by previous travellers was nowhere to be seen, as if they were the first people to enter this forest. Pepi looked at Renato. The rope still bound them at the wrist, unable be cut it apart without magic.
Renato looked like he'd seen better days. His middle parted, dark brown hair had grass stuck in it, mud covered his favourite navy blue cloak, and he had a bruised eye that seemed to throb with every step they took. Renato tightened his lips, rubbing his wrist where the rope hung.
Pepi overheard some of the conversation between Renato and Helaine that morning. From what he understood: Renato felt like Pepi wasn't telling the whole truth. Which - if you remember a certain cousin Rupert from Chapter 3 - was true. Though Renato wasn't honest either. He hadn't said a word about his injuries, as usual.
Pepi patted him on the back. "How're you feeling? It's not even afternoon and we've already had quite a day, huh?"
Renato perked his head up, a glisten of interest within his tired eyes. "I'm alright, how are you?" Pepi rolled his eyes at the automatic response.
"We've lost our wagon. You won't be able to rest if you become weak. Might I remind you you're ill? Do you want me to carry your bag?"
"Oh, uh," Renato stammered, fumbling with the bag straps on his shoulders. "No need, I can carry it." His eyes wandered to Pepi's with a question in them, but he blinked it away. "I'm tired," Renato admitted.
"We went to bed late last night."
Renato furrowed his brow. "It's not… It's a different type of tired. I don't think you'd understand."
Glancing down at his own black boots as they trode on wildflowers and grass, Pepi combed his fingers through his hair. "The kind of tired where you feel as though you're dragging the entire world on your shoulders, and it's heavier with every step you take. Something like that?"
"… Something like that, yes." Renato fiddled with the clasp of his cloak.
The trees had become so dense that they had to walk in a single file line. Birds sang no songs. No deer or rabbits or foxes strolled around. Even the breeze had silenced and the trees now showed no movement. Their footsteps seemed to make no sound either. Pepi bit his bottom lip, heart beginning to race, and his breathing hitched. He scrambled into his backpack with shaking fingers, pulling out two small loaves of bread.
"Let's eat! We- we skipped breakfast and boooy am I hungry after all that running!" He stuffed some into his mouth and passed the other to Renato.
Renato took the bread from Pepi with his free hand and tutted. "Pepi, I know you love the sound of your own voice. However, it's possible to have a period of silent tranquillity." He nibbled into the crust.
Looking around for any sound, movement, any life at all in the forest, Pepi's heart beat a little harder. "D-dont you find it s-strange that it's this quiet?" He wiped the sweat off his brow. "To be honest, I… I can't stand being in a place with no noise. It really scares me."
"Oh. I like the quiet. I don't understand what's frightening you. We can talk though. I might space out but I'll do me best to distract you."
"Finally, Renato the Entertainer. That's all I've ever wanted."
"If you want entertainment, I can tell you stories. Me mam says I get me storytelling skills from me dad. I like reading about folklore and history," Renato spoke softly. "You know, I enjoyed getting to know Kater and Helaine. Hearing about their lives was like listening to tales from history books. Less extravagant, but still interesting."
"I guess so, yeah. Save your stories for when we're at a campfire and there're others who can listen. Most people never learn to read and I bet they'd love to hear them."
"True. Helaine was also telling me about Spirit's Eve. It sounded fascinating. People hung up decorations, they were playing games, dressing up… She also told me about holidays. Where you celebrate. Have a feast Take a day off. I'd like to bring that to Llantry."
"Ah I noticed, though I thought it wasn't the right time of year. Don't you get time off to be with your friends?"
"No. We work then go home. It's difficult to have friends in Llantry. You know what everyone in town's doing, because it's the same thing they've always done. There's never any need to make small talk. We're all like an old married couple, where they sit side by side all day without saying a word."
Pepi still knew of their eerie surroundings, however, Renato's voice calmed him. "This journey's quite the break of routine, then isn't it?"
"I've never left Llantry before, so yes."
The more Renato spoke, the more guilty Pepi felt. Renato was tired yet he saw to Pepi's needs without question. As expected of a healer and leader. The guilt doubled. Why should Renato comfort him when he got nothing in return? Renato earned Pepi's respect and gratitude but even then it wasn't a fair exchange. There were certain things Pepi felt too afraid to share about himself. But if Renato wanted the truth from him, for him to open up: it was the least he could do. If only a little.
"Did I ever tell you I come from a massive family?" Pepi asked.
Renato looked upwards in thought. "Don't think you have."
"I have way too many cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We're close to our extended family. Plus there's my nieces, nephews, brother, and sisters…"
"I'm surprised you have enough air in your lungs to list all those relatives!" Renato gave a small smile. "What's their names? How old are they? Are your siblings candy merchants too?"
Pepi chuckled, feeling a small weight lift off his chest at Renato's brightening expression. Then it fell right back where it left as it dawned on Pepi how much he'd been shutting Renato out. He answered Renato's questions, gushing over his youngest niece's first words, his brother's banter, and his uncle's farm.
"If it isn't obvious already, Uncle Wylas is my favourite uncle. I liked to run over to his place when I wanted to skip out on cleaning duty and get away from the house. He made a chicken coop that looked like a ship and we gave the chickens pirate names. One time we got an artist to draw Blackbeard, a chicken who just had to get the most corn in the mornings, wearing an eye-patch." He showed it to Renato.
They came across a clearing, with a river in the middle that had small waterfalls streaming into it. Pepi revelled in the sound. The area seemed to sparkle, with glowing yellow bugs sitting on long strands of grass, and luminescent butterflies flitting from flower to flower. Pepi and Renato sat on the riverbank, finishing the last of their bread. Pepi noticed Renato gazing at a flower beside him that looked like a wild daisy with red petals. Renato picked it with his free hand, bringing it to his nose to smell. The petals closed, reopening with a burst as smoky gas covered Renato's face. Pepi laughed as Renato coughed.
"That's what you get for picking a flower!" Pepi commented, taking the flower to put into his pocket.
Pepi took his boots off to dip his feet into the river, watching as colourful reeds drifted around his ankles. Renato lay down with a sigh.
"Do trees know where their next arm's going to come from?" Renato asked. "A tree starts growing a branch. It doesn't mind this new arm. It says, 'Hell yeah man, I got another arm so I can get more sunlight and live life!'"
"I don't know," Pepi replied. "You've got me thinking now. Do you have any other thoughts about trees?"
Renato dragged Pepi over to a low hanging tree branch, giggling as the leaves brushed over his head and fell to the ground. "It's petting me," he laughed. "Pet sounds like Pep. Pep-pep-pepepepep."
"By Lidion," Renato gasped. "What if people's hair was like tree roots? And people absorbed food and water through their hair? A moment ago y-you could've been sipping water from that river with your hairy legs!"
"You're being more amusing than usual." Pepi picked the leaves out of Renato's hair. "It worries me."
"Believe it or not I've a wealth of humour, I'm just very cheap." Renato pulled Pepi down as he lay face down and groaned. "Me head feels like it's buzzing." Renato clutched his head and smiled as though he couldn't force his muscles to frown. "Am I flying? Why is the grass so sharp?"
A rustling nearby made Pepi sit up in full alert. He peered around them. Finlay flew out his pocket pulsing yellow, but he was still concerned. Pepi put his boots back on.
"Who's there?"
Renato yawned. "Probably just an animal."
Standing in front of Renato, Pepi shook his head. "I haven't seen a single animal."
From a bush appeared small humanoid creatures.
"Fairies!" Renato gasped.
The fairies ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, shouting in high-pitched voices. "It's the human, he came back! Quick, get his instrument!" A few fairies darted back to the bush and returned with a string instrument that Pepi recognised.
"My lyre! I thought I lost it… But how did you- why do you-"
"Do you just know everyone everywhere, Pep?" Renato pulled at Pepi's trouser leg.
"Uh, no, it's more like they all know me and I haven't the foggiest idea why they do." Pepi picked up the lyre and inspected it. It really was the one he'd lost, with the exact same wonky engraving of his name, the same scratches. He put it into his bag.
"Cast us a spell, human!" The fairies climbed onto Renato, poking Pepi in the leg. "We want to see you do the pretty lights again!"
"What are you talking about? I can't do magic," Pepi told them.
"The human doesn't know! Doesn't remember! Niklam erased his memory!" The fairies tittered. "What a trickster!"
Pepi brushed the fairies off his leg, who fell onto Renato's chest. "Wait, who's Niklam?"
The fairies ignored him, choosing to fly over to the flowers instead. The flowers were about the same size as them, and the fairies pulled at the petals, shoving their faces into the flower head, laughing when the petals closed over their heads and gas covered their faces.
Pepi rummaged in his bag with one hand then took out the job hiring poster from two months ago, showing it to the fairies. "Is Niklam the one who gave me this? Who are they?"
However, like Renato, the fairies were too busy being silly to notice him. Some attempted to fly but stumbled in their takeoff and fell down, laughing hysterically. Pepi put the poster away and groaned.
"They're so cuuute!" Renato laughed with them as some fairies made tiny braids in his hair.
Other fairies noticed the rope tying the two humans together and snapped it apart using a flame spell that singed Pepi's wrist.
"Ow! A simple magic knife would've cut it just fine."
A fairy wearing shorts and a garland of Autumn leaves flew clumsily up to Pepi's face. "Shay tanks to us! We helped yuh. Yuh should looshen up a liddle." The fairy raised their palms, shooting a spell in Pepi's face.
Pepi jumped up and began playing the lyre, then danced to his own music against his will.
"Oh no," Renato sat up, leaning on his elbows. "They used a charm spell on you!" His head fell back down and he laughed, causing the fairies dancing on his stomach to stumble.
Normally, Pepi loved playing music; in fact, he wanted to be a travelling minstrel one day. But something was wrong with Renato and Pepi had a spell cast on him that neither of them could reverse without magic. He'd been correct to be on edge the moment they stepped into this forest! Pepi tore the lyre from his own hands and stuffed it into his bag. A fairy shot another spell at him, forcing Pepi to sing as he continued dancing.
"Shoo little flies and get off my knight or you'll be in for a nasty surprise!" Pepi swatted the fairies off of Renato, who fired spells at Pepi that missed by a long shot. "Renato, we need to be on our way since we've got places to go and shouldn't stay!" Pepi sang and pulled a dizzy Renato up to his feet, jerking Renato because of his jig.
The fairies suddenly screamed and flew away into the forest upon seeing something. There was a crack of thunder. Pepi looked at the fairies’ line of sight and cried out in joy upon seeing a large black horse jumping down the waterfall and into the river. Finlay flew out of Pepi's pocket and hit him in the face, but Pepi ignored it and shoved Finlay back into his pocket.
"We're saved, we are! By a horse of the night, which can take us far until these fairies are out of sight!"
The horse stopped in the river, staring at Pepi with glowing white eyes, as water dripped down its massive mane that looked like a bundle of riverweed. For a second, Pepi thought back to his encounter with the dragon in Llantry, how it locked eyes with Pepi like this horse did. Rearing its head back, the horse let out a harsh neigh of chilling laughter. Then, galloping out of the river, it stood high above Pepi and Renato.
"That's a bad horsey…" Renato mumbled, holding onto Pepi's shoulder for support in standing while his mind spun.
"We need to break the spell or I'll dance forever and you'll never be well!" Pepi found a big rock to climb on, to make jumping onto the horse's back easier, and guided Renato up. Renato swung his legs over its back, slumping forward onto the mane as he complained about the smell.
"Let's go to the nearest town, hold on tight or you'll fall down!" Pepi warbled, grabbing their bags, and sat behind Renato on the horse while his legs bounced up and down like they had a mind of their own.
They rode out of the forest and time started again. Birds tweeted in bushes, the rain hammered down, and thunder rolled in the distance. The horse wailed. That's such a Mood, Pepi thought.
tag list:  @quilloftheclouds @ashesconstellation @city-by-the-sea @imturtlelyawriter @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @books-of-lunacy @agnodice-writes @siarven @fantasy-shadows @worldbuildng @wannabe-word-palace @dreamsofbooksandmonsters @twentytwohearts @pe-ersona​ @writersloth​
thanks for reading!!
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 23
Ava’s Surprise Party
Summary: In which Ephemer throws a party for Ava in her office, and Gula promises a party... somewhere else. Word Count: 1,538 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
Ava gave a sullen sigh as she looked over the list in front of her. There were a little under 1,400 students actively attending Daybreak Academy, and over the past week she had narrowed it down to seven. It honestly felt like she was giving up, what with Ephemer's name being the first she wrote down and later on adding two of his friends. She had even written down a pair of siblings. How lazy was that?
Just make sure that your new student council can work well with each other, or it'll all fall flat.
The Vulpes headmaster absently reached for her coffee cup and took a slow sip. As far as she knew, all seven of these kids had met each other at least once. They were also among the most exceptional students as well- Ava had done enough checking and rechecking of their grades and teacher remarks to feel like she could justify it.
None of us wanted five headmasters.
But that was then, and this was now. No one had expected her and Gula to sign on after graduation- with Luxu and MoM, there were five headmasters already running the place. Never minding Gula, there was such a tremendous age gap between her, Invi, Ira, and Aced. So much so that those three had been considered senior staff for years; Gula had only just passed his fifth year, and wouldn't be considered senior staff for only five. There was only one name on this list that caused the biggest gap in age -roughly 8 years- but it was still a far cry from the 16 years between Gula and Aced.
A small creak at her door made Ava suddenly look up, immediately flipping over her list as if it contained something more scandalous. But no one was on the other side of the door. Before Ava could question what was going on, a song started to play, almost making her jump in surprise. It was a pretty bubbly pop song with a slightly distinct disco-like backing to it.
'Dudu dududu, kissing you baby~!'
A flat “What.” escaped Ava's lips as she stared at the doorway.
'Dudu dududu, loving you baby~!'
As if to answer her confusion, Ephemer's head peered through the door. “Happy birthday Ava!” he declared, before leading what could only amount to a small parade into her office.
Ava's eyes widened as multiple people came through her office door; Ephemer was holding a boombox playing that K-pop song, his friend Skuld was holding a two tiered birthday cake, one of his friends was holding a rather large present, another was holding a much smaller present, and then there was Gula. Of course Gula would join in on this madness. As everyone piled in, Ephemer continued to let the song play as he set it down on the visitor's chair.
'Geudaewa, bareul matchumyeo geoto; neoye du soneul japgo. Ni eokkaeye pidaeyeo malhago shipeo; Gomaweo saranghae haengbongman julkkeyo! Kissing you, oh my love~!'
Thankfully, he did turn the volume down quite a bit as Skuld set down the birthday cake in front of Ava.
“Happy birthday Ava!” Ephemer then cheered again, this time being backed by everyone else at a slight delay. Ava was still in so much shock that she only stared at him.
Eventually, her eyes started to trail from the boy to the rest of his entourage. There was Skuld, who Ava had no doubt had made the cake. There was another girl with short strawberry-pink hair carrying a large present. Looking over the girl's tanned skin and emerald green eyes, Ava realized that this was the Anora that Ephemer spoke of every so often. Ava then turned her attention to another boy, his hair was unruly like Ephemer's, but shorter and colored a beautiful golden yellow. He was also holding a present, but his was much smaller. And then there was Gula, who looked awfully pleased as punch about something. She was afraid to know of what.
“This… is a surprise.” Ava finally admitted, looking them all over. “I don't know what to say.”
“Say yes, obviously.” Gula smirked. Anora and the golden haired boy took it as their cue to give Ava their presents.
“O-oh!” was all the female headmaster could muster. “Th-thank you.”
Each child gave her a bashful smile before backing away a bit. With all eyes on her, Ava looked from the small group to her presents. Warily, Ava started to unwrap the biggest present, picking the wrapping off as if she planned on preserving it. She tossed the wrapping paper on the floor with a small flinch- she'd have to pick that up before the custodian came in. The look on her face became mixed when she revealed what the present was. She looked at Ephemer, even more confused than before.
“A fish tank?”
“That was my idea.” Gula spoke up, smirking at her in a way that always sent a chill up her spine. “I've noticed that it always bugged you that we don't allow certain pets on school campus. Mostly mammals, like dogs and cats, with the occasional denial of birds. But it doesn't say anything about fish, small reptiles, and amphibians.”
“After the dance and play are over, we're gonna go pet shopping!” Ephemer joined in, unable to hold back his happiness. Again, Ava was speechless.
“You guys...” she tried to say, but the words failed to leave her lips. Instead, she looked down at the other present, and started to reach for it. She gave them all a wary look before she started to unwrap the smaller present. It was revealed to be a velvet jewelry box.
Ava opened the box up to see what was inside, and almost gasped in astonishment. Inside was small die cast charm; decorated to look like a key-like sword that held a gradient from white, to yellow, to pink, and back again. At the base of the key sword was a very small, very detailed fox head with even tinier sapphire eyes. It was absolutely beautiful.
It was Ephemer that knocked her out of her surprised with a cheerful, “It's for your charm bracelet!” And just like that, a sudden wave of sadness washed over Ava.
“Oh… Oh, Ephemer,” she softly said, a thin smile on her lips as she set the charm back down in the box. “You know I don't wear that thing anymore...”
“I know.” the boy admitted as he scratched the back of his head. “But that doesn't mean we can't still add on to it, right? They're kinda like memories.”
Despite herself, Ava gave him a smile. “Of course.” she agreed. With that, she turned her attention to the others. “Now, what happened to that cake? We can't have party without the best made cake in the world!”
And so, Ava's small birthday party began. It was a fun time, she had to admit. Ephemer formally introduced Ava to Anora, and even casually introduced the boy with golden hair (Ventus was his name) like an old friend. Ava wondered how much she and Ephemer thought alike before shaking the thought away. The party went on for a good two hours before Ventus decided that he should leave. Skuld was quick to go soon after, as if she was waiting for an excuse to go. Ephemer and Anora stayed behind for a bit longer, and even helped clean up a bit before they left.
This only left Ava with Gula, and she could feel the temperature rise as he looked at her.
“That was a nice little party.” the Leopardus headmaster grinned as he sat down on Ava's desk.
“It was.” the Vulpes headmaster agreed, trying not to look at Gula and his smug expression.
“Too bad it's not quite over yet.”
Ava immediately looked up at Gula- her face was a mixture of surprise and confusion.
“What do you mean?” she asked before she could stop herself. To her absolute fear, Gula only shook his head and put a finger to his lips.
“It's a surprise.” he insisted. “But… meet me at 10 at our dorms.”
“Yeah,” he smirked. “It's after curfew.”
“Why would you need me after cur-”
There was no stopping the flirtatious smirk on Gula's face, and the heat rising in Ava's cheeks.
“Happy birthday Ava.” Gula wished her, giving a small kiss on her temple before he started to leave. Ava refused to look at at him or even respond.
Once Gula left, Ava needed to clear her thoughts again. Sighing, she flipped over her student list and started to comb through it again. She lightly bit her lower lip and rabidly tapped her pencil on her desk. Her thoughts were mixed between the list and Gula's promise- they both gave her butterflies, but for two completely different reasons. After some consideration, she finally decided to cross a certain name out. The student was still far too new to have that kind of burden placed on them. However, for some reason, Ava almost couldn't justify it. Giving one more sigh -this one a bit more thoughtful- Ava put her list away and tried very hard to not think about Gula.
Happy birthday to her indeed.
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lollytea · 5 years
can you tell us more about the snufmin kids, if thats okay?
Oh of course, of course!! i love those children so much dude!!!
[Original OC post]
-Torben’s origins are kinda a downer but basically his mom was a witch on the outskirts of a little village (real far away from moominvalley) who was killed after a lot of fearmongering. they raided her cottage afterwards and found baby torben and assumed him to be a child she stole.
- They couldnt find the “real mother” and he ended up in the care of a childrens’ home. He actually bounced around a few of them until he ended up in the home where he met with his future siblings. according to those working there, he had a rather unnerving stare and a lot of them felt there was something not quite right about him. (the rumor going around was it was something the witch had “done to him” and that “the poor child might never be the same”)  he was a lot more sullen as a baby who didnt have much of an interest in toys and had a hard time connecting with the other children. He brightened up considerably when he found Birch and Essi
- Birch was an oddity from the start. (Species headcanon from here) Its natural for woodies grow in groups, usually from trees and bushes, so theyre biologically social creatures who are hardly ever seen alone. But Birch may have been a spectacle of his species, as he was formed in a moss patch and born all on his own. 
- Another thing that was considered strange about him was his lack of imprinting. Woodies tend to latch on to the first “safe” person they meet, who then forcibly becomes their “parent”. (Woodies are produced asexually and have no “real parents” so finding a person of protection is often done as a survival tactic. It’s recommended that one stay away from woodies if one is not ready for children.) Baby Birch was discovered by a farmer and surprisingly did not take to him right away, like any woodie does. Actually he was rather standoffish and even bit if the old man touched him. He was sent to the home not long after. 
- Space was tight and there werent a lot of cribs/beds to go around, so Birch didn’t have one to himself. Instead they just squeezed him into 2 year old torben’s crib for the two children to share. Here they became inseparable, with Birch, maybe not imprinting but forming a close bond with somebody and finally finding a source of comfort. He bit a little less after this. Likewise with Torben, who gained a caring gleam in his eye once he had a little one to care for. Even when Torben was old enough for a proper bed, he insisted Birch sleep with him and would not budge on the matter. The home gave in and allowed it. 
- Essi’s origin was a simple one, of just being born at the wrong time. In a house packed with mumrik children, one more simply could not be accommodated. I dont want to say her birth parents were terrible people but with the amount of kids they had, they were rather jaded to a fresh baby face and werent too emotional in deciding they need to be rid of her. 
- She was never an angry or intentionally misbehaved baby when under the care of the home. She just needed a lot of stimulation that she wasnt getting and tended to tear up her clothes, curtains and bedsheets. It was also concerning that she never cried, or babbled or made any sound at all. It had falsely interpreted as some fort of defect child. They didnt know if it was right to mix her with the other babies, seeing as with the damage her claws had already done, they felt she could be dangerous. She was left on her own a lot.
- The other two met Essi when they were caught stealing food from the kitchen and locked away on their own to think about how sorry they were. But being tight on space, the only isolated room was the one where Essi was kept. They had heard about her being “the baby who didnt cry” and were very intrigued. but upon further inspection of the wriggling little girl in the cot, Torben observed that she looked lonely. They wondered if she simply wasnt capable of crying, which would be awful if one wanted to express their sadness. After entertaining her throughout their isolation period, the two decided that she was now their baby. And they would be her siblings. They would all belong to each other. As a family.
Miscellaneous HCs:
-Torben sleeps like he’s fucking comatose. There is no waking him. Even when living with Moomintroll and Snufkin, he and Birch still share a bed and Torben kicks and Birch (a light sleeper) hates it. But no matter how much arguments and late night brawls this causes, they still refuse to get separate beds. 
- Essi has a crib in Moomintroll’s room and sleeps there until she’s like 4. (She always magically ends up from her crib to her papa’s stomach by morning.) They tried to get her a “big girl room” when she was bigger but she didnt adapt very well as she couldnt sleep when she was alone. They had to move her into her siblings’ room. She slept soundly after that. 
- Moomintroll and Snufkin often tell the kids stories from their youth, sometimes using anonymous names to work as “fictional stories” lest they frighten them (or for the sake of their own dignity). Essi is very disturbed by the story of the the hobgoblin’s hat, while Birch can only scoff and wonder aloud what sort of idiot was that moomin who went and put the thing on his head. Moomintroll stares dead ahead and refuses to meet eyes with a highly amused Snufkin.
- Early on in his training, Alicia gifts Torben with his own witch hat. With much excitement, he immediately plops the thing on only for his whole head to disappear under it. Alicia laughs, informing him only a fully trained witch can wear it properly and the hat will adjust accordingly once he’s ready. (The hat freaks Moomin the fuck out. He does not care for magical hats anymore.)
- Essi has a little stuffed yellow bird that Mymble got her, which she carries around (often in her mouth) everywhere. She named him Comet, based on the story of when her papas first met.
- Speaking of Mymble (the younger), she loves doing Essi’s hair, although it took her a while to get accustomed to the little mumrik’s big mop of curls and couldnt understand why brushing it was so hard at first. She’s familiar with it now and often weaves in little flowers and ribbons. 
- Birch is very close with Snorkmaiden who thinks his flowering skin is very pretty and encourages his writing and curiosity. (Being a huge fan of the written word herself, mostly fairytales.) 
- Moominpapa is also supportive of his eloquent grandchild (Splendid! Another writer in the family, eh?)  but he’s a little more pushy and it takes a bit of chiding from moominmama to get him to stop saying “have you considered writing about Me??”
- Torben loves Snork. Snork.....hates Torben really. Well, its not that they hate him, its just that Snork has spent their entire life on this flying machine project and torben+flying broomstick= a mockery of it all. Not to mention Torben is annoying as fuck and spends way too much time pestering Snork about god knows what.
- Essi and Little My hunt bugs together. Lov the cronch
- Birch is afraid of thunderstorms. The whole family usually piles into his bed on thundery nights to make him feel safe. 
- Once Torben is at an adequate stage of witching training, he’s allowed a familiar. Of all creatures, he chooses Essi, the closest thing to a black cat he has. She happily obliges and spends most of her late childhood, mid teens operating under this duty.
- Snufkin has composed a tune for each of his children that he plays when alone and thinking about them, or by their bedside and playing them to sleep. Torben’s tune is called ‘Bonfire in the Rain’ Birch’s is ‘Baring Shards of One’s Looking Glass’ and Essi’s is ‘She Who Stirs the Stars’
- To help with Birch’s collecting hobby, Torben enchants a little velveteen pouch an gifts it to him. It never overflows and Birch can fit the whole forest in there if he wishes. It’s very handy to carry around when Birch is vagabond. Extremely light luggage.
- Torben also gifts Essi with a locket encapsulated with the essence of a star. Just enough heat and light to illuminate her way and keep her warm at night. It’s her prized possession. 
- Birch is ace and a he/him nonbinary. He’s not entirely sure if he’s aro as he feels pretty picky about close friends too. but romance has never appealed to him much. 
- Essi is bi. She’s only briefly been involved with like 3 people before meeting the love of her life, Sislaf. 
- Torben is as fluid as can be. He doesnt really have a way to describe his sexuality, he just knows that he loves and loves and loves a lot. He’s a bit like Mymble in the sense that he dates a lot and is always very naive and devoted right away, only to get himself hurt later. He’s quite sensitive about all that.
- Once the kids are grown, they do end up going their separate ways in life but remain close and visit eachother frequently. They keep in contact by letters. Birch is eternally pissed about his messy handwriting compared to Essi’s beautiful scrawl and Torben’s neat yet flashy one.
- Torben becomes the Moominvalley Witch, now that Alicia’s family have moved on to other places. He builds himself a small cottage on the outskirts so he can have time alone to think and brew. He’s still a walking distance from his parents home though. Flying distance if he’s feeling lazy.  
- Birch’s travels become longer and in time and through word of mouth, the tale he tells become quite well known. He’s a famous storyteller now, whether he wants to be or not. Luckily, he’s begrudgingly embraced it (better than Snufkin did with his fame) and spends a lot of time in taverns, entertaining the regulars.
- Essi was the one who found it the hardest to grow up. Shes a family oriented person so she didnt want to be alone but she also dreamed of adventure and couldnt just drag her whole family along with her (especially her papas who were at the point where they just wanted to rest and settle down) But she found her calling. Criminal. Leader of a pack of criminals actually. Some were old friends from moominvalley, some she met along the way but Essi was lucky enough to find herself a group that became like a family to her. They traveled land and sea, doing all the righteous work and righting the injustices that Snufkin used to do. Only this time, its not just one little man. Its one little woman and her gang. 
- The siblings meet up a lot, usually around a campfire where they share a pipe and laugh about nostalgia. Torben’s particularly good at animating the smoke into moving images, while Birch tells a story to accompany it  and Essi claps along. And even when shes grown and tough, during moments like this Essi still feels the comforting warmth of being a baby sister
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