#and dean being afraid of heights was adorable
nickelkeep · 1 month
I was tagged by @hollyspn
I'll tag @imbiowaresbitch, @cr-noble-writes, @bleuzombie, @hunterinakilt, and @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you for a nice odd five
Do you make your bed?
Sort of? The pillows don't really move, and the blanket gets thrown in place.
What’s your favourite number?
First, the joke number. 77 If you get why, I'll write you a ficlet. (First person with the correct answer) But my actual, honest-to-the-ground favorite number? 13.
What is your job?
Because I'm disabled, I'm a SAHP. But I flip things for extra money on the side, as well as some freelance copy editing and commissions.
If you could go back to school, would you?
I actually did for a little bit. But I got royally fucked over because of being disabled. I like taking free online classes every now and then.
Can you parallel park?
A job you had that would surprise people?
I don't think any of the jobs I held would surprise anyone. I think it's when I started working that surprises most people because my grandmother used me as child labor when I was like 4.
Do you think aliens are real?
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes. It's how I learned to drive.
What's your guilty pleasure?
I don't like the term guilty pleasure. If it's something that brings you joy, why should you feel guilty about it? Unless it's something that you should be you know, put into therapy or jail for. But something innocent like Dean Winchester loving Taylor Swift? Come on. That's not a guilty pleasure. Enjoy it. Yolo. Oh, but what's my guilty pleasure? According to my sister, it's Bailey Sarian. I don't feel guilty listening to her though.
A lot. I think it's 20? And I'm getting a couple more for my birthday here in a couple weeks.
Favourite colour?
Favourite type of music?
Alt Rock and Alt Folk. My favorite band is Sleeping Wolf. According to Spotify, they're 'pop rock', which I politely disagree with. I also love what we called back in the day nu-metal, so Slipknot, Korn, Breaking Benjamin, etc.
Do you like puzzles?
Any phobias?
Clowns, to an extent. Like, I'm not afraid of the clowns that are meant to be scary. I fucking love those. But the normal everyday clowns? They actually make me really fucking nervous. I also have a little bit of a fear of heights. But it's more like when I'm on a ladder because I know what a fucking klutz I am.
Favourite childhood sport?
Lacrosse. I was hoping to go to college on a Lacrosse scholarship.
Do you talk to yourself?
All the time. I'm actually talking to myself while filling this out.
What movies do you adore?
The Princess Bride is my all-time favorite movie. Nothing will dethrone that. Ever. Howl's Moving Castle? Second favorite movie. Nothing has dethroned that. 3-5 usually rotate between Gone in 60 Seconds, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, and The Fifth Element. I am also a huge horror movie aficionado. I will talk about horror movies for DAYS.
Coffee or tea?
Iced Coffee.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
A teacher.
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musecaravan-info · 8 months
Severus Snape
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"How far can you go down the wrong path before you can’t get back on the right one?" ~ Carolee Dean, Take Me There ~
Basic Information
AGE: That depends 100% on the timeline you want him in
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
PRIMARY OUTFIT: Severus doesn't really care much about his appearance regardless of the timeline. The only caveat to this rule is his Professor robes. Those are always neat and pristine.
His personal wardrobe (especially once he could afford to buy his own clothes) is worn, but well-cared for. Basically , he doesn't believe in waste. He has exactly the amount of clothes he feels are necessary, and wears them until they wear out to the point of irreparability.
His wardrobe consist of dark colors and long sleeves (to hide old scars... and other things.) Everything he wears is simple in make and design - no patterns or frills- just solid colors. He prefers to not stand out whenever possible.
The personality you get when dealing with Severus will rely heavily on who your muse is and what point in time we're writing in. He is, after all, many different things to many different people at different points in his life. In general, Severus is a quiet individual, who's mastered the art of observing while remaining invisible. He's spent his whole life 'getting used to disappointment' and it shows in his reactions to people and to the world at large. There's a lot of anger pent up inside of him. He tries to keep it in check - to not be like his father - but he's not always successful.
Powers & Weaknesses
Severus is an incredibly powerful wizard. In addition to being HIGHLY skilled at potions, he is an unsurpassed Occlumens AND Legilimens. He also excels at wandless magic, and can cast (and expertly control) a fully-formed Patronus. From a young age, he's also had the ability to create spells 'on the fly,' so to speak, using his knowledge of spellwork and Latin to summon spells only he knows how to do.
As for weaknesses... none when it comes to his magic. However, his personality leaves a lot to be desired. He allows bitterness, jealousy, and anger to rule many of his actions, and can be very self-serving when the mood strikes. I would say his biggest weakness is being unable to see the good in others. It's almost like he's afraid to. The only person he ever saw any good in was taken from him, and he never wants to get attached like that again.
It can happen. But even with people he knows it MUST build over time. The only obvious exception to this rule is Lily. He loves her. Always has, always will. With others he needs to trust... and then to care. Those aren't easy things for him, but that CAN happen, given enough time and patience (...and maybe an angsty scene where he thinks the person is dead, for example. ;D)
Where to Find Him
This will depend on the timeline you want to write in. Let me know what you're thinking, and I'm happy to give a few ideas about the best place your muse can meet him. ^_^
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Severus Snape is a canon character from the Harry Potter universe. A lot of what you’ll find here is canon to the books. This canon universe is my default when writing starters, etc. unless you ask me for something AU. The timeline I choose will likely depend on who your muse is. However, I'd much prefer we discuss it beforehand, so we're both on the same page. Thanks! :)
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Severus isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
None at the Moment
Your Thread Here!
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
I ask that you please keep in mind that there is only so much about Severus that’s actually canon - the rest is much more about perception. And if my perception differs from yours, telling me (while it might spark an interesting discussion) probably isn’t going to make any difference in how I choose to roleplay him.
I have watched the movies and read the books more than once (except for Deathly Hallows - that one is too hard for me to get through emotionally.) However, please know that I do not have a photographic memory, so if I make a mistake with something don’t be afraid to tell me. As long as you’re not rude about it, I promise to hear you out. ^_^
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
All Things Severus
All Threads
Ask Replies
Meme Replies
Special Links
Original Blog
Quotes that Fit Severus
Fandom Meta about Severus that I Like
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clairenatural · 4 years
Suptober 2020, Day 10: Sweet rides. Destiel (and background Saileen), honestly just 2k of state fair fluff
The Kansas State Fair rolls through a few months after their final boss battle with God himself. In the spirit of trying to heal and taking some time to just breathe, they all pile into the impala and drive the three hours to Hutchinson. All five of them, after Sam bounds into the kitchen one morning to excitedly announce that Eileen wants to come, and Dean can’t remember the last time his car (or his heart) was fuller.
Sam spends the first hour of the trip awkwardly turned around in the passenger seat, contorting his long torso to be able to sign with Eileen, until eventually Dean pulls over and makes him switch with Castiel (who probably should have been in the front in the first place). He watches his brother and his girlfriend start trying to teach Jack the ASL alphabet but keeps his own hands resolutely constrained to the steering wheel—if he gave them free reign he knows they’ll do something drastic, like reach out for the angel riding shotgun.
Still, the ride is nice. It’s the early Kansas fall, when the air is turning crisp but the sun is still warm, and the giddy relief of seeing Castiel smile without some cosmic threat looming over them still hasn’t worn off. By the time they pull into the fairgrounds it’s afternoon, and Dean is laughing along with the rest of them. They step into the hustle and bustle of the fair, and Jack’s face lights up in a way it hasn’t since before the weight of killing God was shoved onto his shoulders. Sam and Eileen split off pretty immediately, and they’re so happy Dean can’t even pretend to be exasperated. He’ll make fun of Sam later—right now he just watches them run away, giggling like teenagers, with a fond expression that could border on pining if Dean Winchester was the type to pine.
Then it’s just him, and Cas, and this half-angel kid who’s simultaneously all-powerful and a toddler. Jack, one of the most powerful beings in the universe, quintessential in the defeat of God, who still approaches cotton candy with a childlike wonder fitting for his three years of life. They discover that Jack likes cotton candy but loves rollercoasters. Dean, who discovered he hates rollercoasters a few decades ago, sits this one out—content to watch Jack drag Cas from ride to ride while he sits on a bench and eats corn dogs. When they finally stop for a breather it’s the tail end of the afternoon and Dean greets them with lemonade and funnel cake, and they watch the fair go by while eating the kind of fried food you can only find at state fairs. Cas is dismayed at the deep-fried Oreos. Dean eats three. It makes him feel sick—turns out even his stomach has limits—but it makes both Cas and Jack laugh, which makes it worth it.
Overall, it’s the perfect day, which might be why Dean’s immediately suspicious when Sam and Eileen show up some time later with matching mischievous smiles. They sit down at their picnic table and Sam leans in to slide something into Dean’s pocket, adding a whispered “thank me later” into his ear, before clearing his throat and turning his attention to Jack. “Hey, uh, Jack,” he starts, and Dean’s suspicions grow. “Eileen and I spent most of today playing games—you wanna show us the rides? Maybe,” he nods towards Dean in the least subtle way possible, “give these two a break?”
Jack looks between them for a moment before something seems to dawn on him and he smiles, which Dean does not like at all. “Yes,” he replies, simply, and starts to stand. “The best one is that way.” He points to the exact opposite end of the fair. Dean groans internally. Damn kids.
Cas watches them go with a look of contentment Dean isn’t sure he’s seen on the angel before, and he peeks at what Sam had slid into his pocket—two tickets for the massive Ferris wheel. Dean sighs and looks at Cas, then to the wheel. The afternoon is well on its way into evening now, and the low sun has the metal structure backlit and glowing. He looks back at Cas, who’s watching his odd reaction, confused. “Dean?” he questions.
Dean thinks about how much shit he’ll get from Sam (and Eileen) if he doesn’t go for it. He thinks about having to go another day, or even another hour, without holding Castiel’s hand. He thinks about how there’s nothing really stopping him—not anymore, not with the world safe and Cas not going anywhere anytime soon.
He makes a decision.
I’m in love with you. Please ride the Ferris wheel with me as the sun sets, he thinks.
“There are, uh. Some sweet rides here, huh?” he says instead. Castiel frowns at him, brow furrowed, and Dean wants to be enveloped by the earth like some cliché in a tween movie.
“You’ve spent most of the day avoiding them at all costs,” he points out and, yeah, that was not Dean’s best line. “I had to ride the, uh. The ‘Space Roller,’” he points at a giant spinning structure, “Twice.” Cas grimaces at the memory, and Dean frowns in sympathy. It was the only time he’s ever seen the angel nauseous.
“Jack had a good time, though,” Dean replies, because bringing up Jack is always a foolproof way to make Castiel smile again. Cas smiles in the way he always does when he thinks about his son, and it’s adorable but also off track, so—
“Ride the wheel with me,” Dean blurts out, before Cas can respond to his comment about Jack and before he can lose his nerve. Cas looks startled, either by the abrupt subject change or the two tickets that Dean slapped onto the table with his statement. “Sam—I mean, Sam and Eileen didn’t—” Castiel’s expression has changed to bemused confusion, so Dean stops talking and starts again. “Sorry.” He clears his throat. “Sam had extra tickets. I just thought it would be nice, you know. If you wanted.”
The smile he gets in return simultaneously puts him at ease and sets his heart racing. “I’d like that,” Cas says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world, and he’s already standing and gathering their trash by the time Dean’s brain catches up.
There’s a couple in front of them in line for the Ferris wheel. They’re holding hands. Dean forces his into fists in his pockets. Not yet, he tells himself. Soon.
Unfortunately, the cabin they eventually climb into starts rocking dangerously the moment it’s lifted off the ground, and Dean immediately decides this was a Bad Idea. They get halfway up the wheel before they lurch to a stop and dean makes a noise that is definitely not a whimper as he waits for the swaying to stop.
“Are you alright?” Cas asks, deeply concerned in the way he always is about Dean. Dean shrugs, not letting go of the lap bar.
“Yeah, you know. I just, uh. Got this thing about heights. It’s fine. I’m fine.” He sees Castiel’s face shift out of the corner of his eye and realizes he’s smiling. Dean is having a near-death experience and the angel next to him is smiling.
“Dean Winchester, a man who fought God, is afraid of heights?”
“Shut up,” Dean grumbles. “This thing is not structurally sound.” He tries to crane his neck outside the basket to examine the metalwork, but the movement makes the entire thing rock. He retreats, holding onto the lap bar for dear life, and sneaks a glance at Castiel. “Man, how are you not freaked out by this?”
“I suppose I’m used to falling,” Cas replies, as easy as ever, and it slows Dean’s brain down enough to look at him again. He’s still smiling, but there’s something else there. Something sadder.
“Cas—” Dean starts, but is abruptly cut off by the wheel kicking into gear again, squeaking as it pulls them over the crest of the wheel before stopping once more.
The sun is setting over the fair, casting everything below in shades of orange and gold. There’s the faint sound of children laughing and fair music drifting up from the ground, and the expanse of Kansas is visible beyond the fair’s borders. It’s breathtaking, really. It’s the part where, if this was a rom-com, Dean would make his move.
Instead, he’s clinging to the lap bar of the Ferris wheel car, and Castiel is doing his very best not to laugh in the seat beside him. Dean groans, squeezes his eyes shut, and considers disowning Sam.
“Dean,” he hears Cas say, mirth in his voice but also unmistakable softness, and then a warm hand is covering his own on the bar in front of them. “Look at me.”
He does, forcing his eyes open, and—oh. Cas has moved closer, and his blue eyes are lit up by the last rays of daylight, and suddenly Dean’s heart is racing for an entirely different reason. “Uh. Hi,” he says, because his brain seems to have shorted out, but the corner of Cas’ eyes crinkle into a smile and it’s beautiful.
Castiel’s hand is still warm on top of his own, grounding him even as they’re far off the ground. He’s looking at Dean like he’s the most precious thing in the known universe, and Dean realizes that now, actually, is when he would make a move.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas replies.
And Dean kisses him.
Dean barely registers that Cas is kissing him back—Cas is kissing him back??—when he absently takes both hands off the lap bar to pull Castiel closer, which means the entire car rocks again. Dean makes an undignified noise and pulls back to re-steady himself, and his cheeks are burning but Cas is laughing so that means it’s probably okay.
“When we get back to solid ground I’m kissing you for real,” Dean promises as the wheel squeaks back into movement again. Cas hums in agreement and presses a kiss to Dean’s cheek, and Dean can feel his smile. They hold hands on the bar of the carriage as the wheel turns them back down to earth.
Dean makes good on his promise as soon as they touch down, dragging Castiel behind a nearby tree and pulling him into a real kiss—solid, like the ground they’re standing on. Solid like the foundation they’ve been building for the past decade, of trust and love and family.
When they finally make it back to the picnic table, they look far too disheveled to blame it all on the ride. Sam looks up from the sundae he’s sharing with the other two, grins down at Dean and Cas holding hands, and winks at his brother. Dean rolls his eyes, blushing, but he squeezes Castiel’s hand and pulls him closer.
When they pile back into the Impala later, joined by the army of stuffed animals they’d managed to accumulate (Sam and Dean in an informal competition to see who could win the most for Eileen and Cas, Cas and Eileen irritated at the insinuation that they couldn’t win toys themselves and walking away with even more, Jack being innocently and gleefully good at every fair game he tries), it’s with a peace and contentment that the family hasn’t felt in years. Sam and Eileen immediately fall asleep in the backseat, curled up together, and Jack is watching the Kansas landscape pass by the window with a soft smile. He’s holding a stuffed panda.
They don’t speak much, not wanting to wake up the sleeping couple or disturb the quiet peace they’d created, but Dean and Cas hold hands across the bench seat, and every few miles the angel will pick up their hands to press a kiss to Dean’s fingers. Dean feels like he’s flying, like he’s standing on top of the Empire State building, like he’s reached the peak of Mount Everest. For once in his life, he’s not afraid of the height.  
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jawritter · 3 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
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Chapter 9
Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​​​​​
Square Field: Sledding
Word Count: 1334
Warnings: Fluff, mild language, brief mention of John’s A+ parenting.
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 10 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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You stood at the top of the snow-covered hill, flat sled in hand, and watched as two teenagers boarded the sled next to you, sliding down without hesitation. 
The hill was higher than you expected. Normally heights didn't bother you. You'd flown plenty of times in your life. You'd even done a little rock climbing. This seemed very high. Maybe it was the sun glaring off of the snow that made it feel higher than what it actually was? 
Dean's hand came down heavily on your shoulder, and you turned to see his emerald green eyes staring down at you. His freckled face was slightly red from the cold.
"Ready Sweetheart?"
You gave him a short nod and dropped the sled to the ground. You were a hunter for fucks sake. You weren't about to let a little snowy hill be your demise. 
Once you had dropped yourself into place on the sled, Dean dropped down behind you; wrapping his arms securely around your waist.
A swarm of butterflies was set free in your stomach at the feel of his solid body behind your own, even threw the jackets and things you were wearing to stave off the cold. 
It didn't take much of a shove from either of you to get the sled moving. Dean's laugh pierced the air behind you, and you never wanted it to stop. It was the simple things about him that made you the happiest. Like the deep laugh, you rarely got to hear on a normal basis. 
"Come on, let's go again," he said, getting to his feet before helping you to your own before grabbing the sled. 
There was an almost childlike excitement on his face. There was no way you could have said no to him.
This was the first time Dean had ever been sledding, and as you prepared to go down again, you could see just how much Dean had been robbed as a child. 
John never bothered to take the kids sledding, or do any other fun activities with them. It was always his work, his obsession. It wasn't fair to them then, and it wasn't for now. It made Dean hard and turned him into the little grunt, the soldier, John's perfect little punching bag. 
You lost count of how many times the two of you had gone up and down that hill. When you were both finally so tired and cold you were both shivering, Dean decided to call it a day, but you had more fun than you could remember having in a very long time.
"I know it's late afternoon," Dean said as he climbed into Baby's warm interior. "But I could really go for some breakfast for supper." 
"Oh man, that sounds amazing," you agree, smiling at him as he pulled onto the main road and headed towards the little Waffle House that was just about three miles from the cabin the two of you were staying at.
Once you were both inside the warm restaurant, a cup of steaming coffee in hand, and your orders placed, you looked over at Dean who was looking through his text messages as he waited on his food. 
He looked ten years younger than he did when the two of you got here a few days ago. He was more relaxed, almost like a huge weight had been pulled off of his shoulders. It was the first time you could ever remember Dean being this at ease. You didn't want to go back to life once Christmas was over. You wanted him to have this all of the time, not just for a few days out of the year. 
"Sammy and Eileen are going to take a few days to get her moved into the bunker before we get back," he said, putting his phone away into his pocket, and reaching for your hand across the small table. "So when we get back we will have more people living with us again. It's been too quiet around there lately, it will be a nice change."
"So you're okay with a couple of newlyweds hanging around after they tie the knot, being disgustingly cute all over the place?"
Dean laughed in spite of himself, his thumb making little random patterns on the back of your hand. 
"Well, we will just have to be as annoyingly cute. Give ‘em a run for their money,” he said with a wink. 
A deep blush crept its way up your neck and all the way to the tips of your ears. So there was hope of him still being this close to you after you got home to the bunker? 
"I love it when you do that ya know?" 
"When I do what?" you asked him.
"Blush, it's adorable." 
Well damn if that didn't make it worse, and you hid your face in the bend of your arm. Dean reached across the table pulling your arm away from your face. 
"Don't hide from me pretty girl." 
Before you could respond the waitress appeared with your food, and Dean's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning as his pile of food that appeared in front of him. 
"So, day 6, what did you think?" he asks, mouth stuffed full of waffles, looking more adorable than a grown man ever had a right to.
"I loved it, it's been years since I'd been sledding."
Dean smiled into his coffee as his eyes stayed trained on yours. 
"Good, cause I was a little afraid by now you would be ready to get rid of me," Dean said, eyes still locked on yours. 
"What! Hell no! In fact, I don't want to leave!"
The confession slipped out before you could stop yourself. To your surprise, Dean looked relieved. 
"You know," Dean said, shifting nervously in his seat. "This doesn't have to end when we go home. I mean, we can still, ya know, spend time together."
The shock must have shown on your face, because Dean scrambled for his words as he reached around the food that was still sitting in front of the two of you, grabbing your hand in his. 
"I mean, that's only if you still want to spend time with me. If you haven't noticed, I really, really like you Y/N."
Your mind was reeling. Sure, Dean had kissed you, a lot by now, but you had refused to look too far into it because Dean Winchester, "doesn't do relationships." You were inadvertently trying to protect yourself from impending heartbreak, and you hadn't even realized that until now. 
"Dean, I thought you said...I thought l…" 
Words failed you, but Dean seemed to catch on to where you were going. 
"I know, I said I don't do relationships, but baby things have changed. Chucks gone, Jacks in charge, things are as they should be. I don't have a big target hanging over my head anymore. Being with me isn't a death sentence anymore." 
You swallowed hard, your heart was hammering against your rib cage like a jackhammer. 
You had always dreamed Dean would notice you, would want to be with you, but you would never let yourself hope it would ever happen. 
"Baby, say something, please."
You blinked hard and nodded your head. "I would love that Dean, but only if you're sure you want this."
Dean smiled widely, leaning across the small table and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss that had your toes curling in your boots. 
You could almost feel the shift in things between you and Dean, like a promise, or a bond that was formed. It was something you could cling to, almost tangible. As real as Dean's hand that was laced in yours as he made his way back to your little side of Heaven for the night. 
He had always had your heart, but knowing you had his? That was the best Christmas present you could ever get and by far the most precious.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Series Tag List: 
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Meeting and Dating Fulton Reed
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(Not my gif)(requested by anonymous)
- You had been walking home from school when a few boys came up to you and began to harass you. Soon enough they began to corner you and you became increasingly uncomfortable. While you were searching for a way out of the situation a deep voice called out and scared them away. It was then that you saw him: your brooding knight in shining armor.
- Now if you saw Fulton under any other circumstance then you’d probably be at least slightly scared of him. There’s a ton of rumors surrounding him and his appearance in general is intimidating but he had just, in your eyes, saved your life and now you were transformed into a clingy young girl with a borderline savior complex.
- Fulton isn’t the most social being in the world so he gives you a once over and walks away without another word. But you were just rescued goddamnit and he’s all cool and mysterious and you want to talk to him and say thank you (and not walk alone) so you follow.
- He doesn’t notice you at first because you’re just trying to catch up with legs that are at least a little smaller than his but then you accidentally kick something and sends out a loud sound. He whips his head around while you internally wince and try to give him a smile. He just stares at you so you begin to try to explain yourself and why you’re borderline stalking him through the streets.
- He can’t help but find it cute seeing you ramble and the whole situation is kind of amusing to him so once you’ve finished talking he nods his head at you to follow him. You do most of the talking so much so that you think he’s probably not even listening but when you stop for a while he’ll look over at you and you’ll know that he’s paying attention.
- It’s when you mention hockey that he really perks up so you just keep on that subject for a while. You don’t get any verbal responses but he seems to like the topic and you keep that in mind for the next time you see him.
- He walks you all the way home before he disappears from sight into some random alley by your house. It’s weirdly endearing.
- You don’t see him for a while so you’re pleasantly surprised when he shows up at hockey practice. You make the effort to approach him and try to start up a conversation but you have just about the same amount of luck as your first meeting. You wonder if he just doesn’t like you but it’s soon made obvious that that isn’t the case.
- For example: he’ll always practice near you or take the seat next to yours even if there’s more than one seat left open around you. He takes to walking you home and lingering nearby whenever you do something. He just…never really talks? And it bothers the hell out of you because he’ll talk with the other ducks perfectly fine but when it comes to you he’s a mute.
- Connie figures it out before you. While you’re out on the ice together she brings it up when she sees him watching you from the stands. You kind of scoff at the idea of him having a crush on you but then again…it would make sense wouldn’t it. Why else would he be so attached to you yet too shy to talk? So you test the theory.
- Towards the end of practice you finish up what you’re doing and go to the bench where you sit next to him. Slowly you inch your hand closer to his until you carefully slide it underneath his and interlock your fingers. You don’t look at him but from the corner of your eye you can see him look at you. He doesn’t say anything but you feel him grip back and the two of you silently hold hands for the rest of practice.
- After practice was over you left for the locker room and changed before you came out to find Fulton waiting to walk you home. He said just as much as he usually did but after half a block of walking he reached over and held your hand.
- The same thing happened for the next week; holding hands while you walked home and whenever you were on the bench together. It was sort of like your own little secret that no one else but you knew about, your first secret romance.
- Finally one day when you got to your house he paused and cleared his throat nervously before asking if you’d like to hang out. Well actually he said~ “Well I was just wondering if um, you’d like to hang out sometime, anytime, ya know…with me, alone....”
- That was probably the most he’s ever said to you in one sitting; you were impressed. You smiled and agreed and the next day the two of you went to a pizza shop together before practice. He was adorably shy with you at first but he warmed up. He finally talked to you and you fell for him even more than you already had.
- Connie wanted all the details once you got to the skating rink and you indulged her while the two of you giggled. At the end of practice Fulton asked if you would want to go out again, you agreed; he asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend, you laughed and once again agreed. You’ve never seen him smile so big.
- Your first kiss is a week after you start dating. The two of you were practicing in his usual spot and you had just narrowly dodged one of his shots. He’d quickly went over to check on you but once he’d finished giving you a once over he kept his hands on your face and leaned in to kiss you.
- He has very kissable lips and you take advantage.
- He lifts you into the air a lot, you have to be ready to wrap your legs around his waist so that you don’t fall. He thinks it’s funny/cute when you shriek at and lightly hit him for it.
- Making each other mixtapes.
- Sharing headphones.
- My god if you ever wore a band shirt around him he’d lose his mind.
- Holding hands while you roller skate.
- Having your own handshake.
- Yanking his bandana off just to mess with him a little. He bashfully forgives you once you compliment his hair.
- Playing with and fixing his hair. It depends on the day as to whether you mess it up or make it better.
- Fulton is a gentle giant for the most part but he’s very protective of the ducks which includes you. You remember that scene with Tammy getting thrown down? That’s him with you whenever someone does anything to you in the rink.
- No one even thinks about messing with you anymore. They’re too afraid.
- Practicing together, you keep watch for any passing cars or people whenever he takes a shot.
- Ice cream dates.
- Helping with the ducks revenge plans.
- Making sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble cough cough the zamboni incident cough cough.
- Bribing him with kisses when you really want him to do something.
- He keeps his arm around your shoulder a lot; you’re the perfect height for an arm rest.
- Lets be honest, he can be pretty jealous when he wants to be and he’s not afraid to get in someone’s face.
- When Portman first came to the group part of Fultons initial disdain for him was because he called you babe. They later hashed it out but before they became friends Fulton would glare and drag you away from him whenever he got close.
- Dean and you get close once they do become friends. You probably don’t really like him at first but he grows on you.
- Honestly I feel like Dean rubbed off on him a little in a subtle way. Like he rarely called you pet names and then all of a sudden he started to call you babe; not that you mind.
- Getting a lot of compliments and flirty pick up lines. He likes to say that he’s making up for when you first met.
- Piggyback rides.
- Tight hugs, especially after big wins and other victories.
- Resting against each other when you’re tired especially towards the end of practice or after a big game.
- Checking on each other whenever you take a tumble or get thrown down.
- Sometimes you just lay out on the ice together and pretend to be corpses. It’s very therapeutic
- You and Connie get together and talk about your boys. Both Fulton and Guy are slightly scared of what goes on during your hangouts.
- Just get used to having your dates crashed by the gang because it’s going to happen a lot.
- Portman is often the third wheel to a lot of your hang outs.
- You always stick up for him when someone tries to start rumors.
- Nose and forehead kisses.
- Using him for his body warmth when the weather gets really cold. You just crawl into his jacket and bury your face in his chest.
- Stealing his jackets and old shirts.
- If you’re clingy then just know that you’re his ideal girlfriend. He loves all the affection. Someone give this boy a hug.
- Even so he isn’t very big on Pda; it’s uncomfortable for him. He much prefers to be affectionate in private although he doesn’t mind the tame stuff in public like hand holding or hugging.
- Helping each other study.
- Comparing hand sizes, it usually ends with him lacing your fingers together.
- His face immediately brightens when he sees you.
- Pulling him into a kiss by his scarf.
- You’re used to working through your issues as teammates so you rarely fight with each other. Even when you do you never hold a grudge and you’re able to work things out pretty easily.
- Spending your summers together.
- Always looking out for each other especially during games.
- Fultons a ride or die. He’s always there for you and will always be there for you, no matter what.
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
Cafe AU
6/11/20 - Someone requested I do some Cafe AUs, and boy am I glad they did, or else I wouldn’t have read these fics. They are just another level of relaxing (mostly!).
A Little Slice of Heaven by onamelancholyhill on AO3. (112,265 words).
Tags: Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Falling in Love, POV Dean Winchester, POV Castiel, POV Third Person, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Friendship, Family, Episode s04e17 It’s a Terrible Life, Alternate Universe - Human, Explicit Sexual Content, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Bisexual Dean, Idiots in Love, Making Out, Apple Pie Life.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Jim Morrison once said, “The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are.” That was Castiel Novak’s motto in life, and the reason why he accepted his grandmother's inheritance and took the responsibility it implied. Dean Winchester, a remarkable accountant at Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc., however, had other priorities. He lived to serve, hidden in a mask that didn’t allow him to be honest with himself, but lonesome and boring. When destiny made their paths cross, in a less than promising way, with Dean as the instigator and Castiel as his victim, Dean’s mind started wandering, in between pies and cakes, coffees and muffins... What if Mr. Morrison was right? After all, as the guy used to say, "there can’t be any large-scale revolution, until there’s a personal revolution first."
Notes: So cute, and the plot was great! It’s really making me want to rewatch It’s A Terrible Life. I did have to google who Sarah Blake was though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fic with her in.
In the House of the Rising Bun by imissmaeberry on AO3. (9,046 words).
Tags: Bakery and Coffee Shop, Baker Dean, Barista Sam, College Campus, Poet Castiel, Mutual Pining, Daddy Issues, Background Sam/Jess, Past Balthazar/Castiel.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester only has three rules concerning the cafe he and his brother Sam own, "House of the Rising Bun".
1. Any and all opportunities to make a pun will be taken. 2. Free regular coffee with your student ID (If you want some of that fancy nonsense you gotta pay, sorry kids). 3. Anyone and everyone is always welcome.
Between Dean running the shop full-time and Sam helping out whenever he isn't in class, there really isn't a whole lot of time for romance for either of them. But that all changes when they gain a new regular - some writer from London - who may or may not have the bluest eyes Dean's ever seen.
Notes: First of all, the puns were amazing and I am willing to fight people on that. Secondly, that was so sweet and funny I am afraid I might have to disappear under mysterious circumstances and open my own cafe...
Just Your Heart, In Exchange For Mine by noxsoulmate on AO3. (46,808 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Bakery Shop Owner Dean Winchester, Retired Hunter Dean, Cas is a witch, Canon-Typical Violence, Witch Curses, Demisexuality, Dean Winchester’s First Time With a Man.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean owns a bakery and Castiel loves his pie. This could be such a cute little bakery love story – if it weren’t for the fact that one was a retired hunter and the other one a powerful witch. There’s also the matter of the black little cat Dean finds in front of his bakery one cold and rainy night. Not to forget the crazy witch on the loose, ripping out other witches’ hearts.
Notes: Absolutely adorable, and the artwork was phenomenal! This fic also hit me right in the feels.
Through a Bakery Shop Window by thatwriterlady on AO3. (2,860 words).
Tags: Dean Has a Crush on Castiel, Shy Dean, Sweet Castiel, Dean has Asperger’s, Dean has Social Anxiety, Socially Awkward Castiel, Fluff, Coffee Shop Owner Castiel, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Discussion of Asperger’s, Mention of Autism, Dean has OCD, Castiel has OCD, Castiel has ADD.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Dean passes a bakery every day on his way to work and it smells so good. Through the window he catches glimpses of the man that works there. Dark, messy hair and a bright smile intrigue Dean and he decides to break his usual routine and drag his brother in one Saturday for breakfast. He didn't intend to even so much as see the man, let alone talk to him, but Sam is rather persuasive...
Notes: Okay, this was so precious! Plus Sam and Gabe having a conversation about their little brothers was so cute.
My Own Little World by tale_to_tell on AO3. (6,858 words).
Tags: Hurt Dean, Protective Castiel, Meet-Cute, Fluff, Pining, Coffee Shops, Implied Domestic Violence, Abusive Alistair, Abusive Relationships, First Kiss, Human Castiel, Protective Sam Winchester, Dean Has Self-Worth Issues, POV Castiel, Love Confessions, Implied Sexual Content, Light Angst, Happy Ending.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Castiel stumbles into a local café in order to avoid the rain, and during the process he meets a very attractive barista by the name of Dean Winchester. It doesn't take long for Castiel to fall in love with Dean's wit and charm.Too bad that Dean has a boyfriend.
Notes: This was fairly sweet, and I was not expecting the Sabriel content (always read the tags, folks). Also, return of Alistair being an asshole! I would have forgot he existed if he didn’t keep popping up in these fics.
Alfie wears a dress by Morethanacupcake on AO3. (2,402 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe, Bakery and Coffee Shop, First Meetings, Love at First Sight, Kid Fic, First Kiss, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: "But the little boy watching TV on his living room is sporting a huge bruise on his cheek, the dark and purple kind. And he’s wearing a dress.” Dean meets Alfie Novak, a sweet little boy who likes to cook and wears dresses. He meets Alfie's dad, Castiel, and starts a little revolution in their little town.
Notes: This was so sweet, Cas is the best dad, and I will be forever plagued by the image of Ash and Benny in a dress.
Finding the Words by Honey_Bee80 on AO3. (1,530 words).
Tags: Bakery, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Baker Dean, Writer Castiel, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Cas is Clueless, Bisexual Dean, Pansexual Castiel, Writer’s Block, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Human, Human Castiel, First Dates.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Cas is a writer who's stuck. Dean and Sam own a bakery. Basically I'm a sucker for coffee shop/bakery stuff and needed Cas in glasses.
Notes: This was fairly adorable and the way the author managed to slip in a hint of Cockles was very smooth (although shipping real people makes me a little bit uncomfy).
Chocolate, Caramel, and Zombies (Of a Metaphorical Sense) by TextReciprocation on AO3. (1,461 words).
Tags: Bakery and Coffee Shop, Alternate Universe - Human, Fluff.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Castiel approached the counter and looked at the menu contemplatively. The barista spun around to face him, eyes bright and hair untidy. He was roughly Castiel's height and build, with sandy hair and lightly tanned skin. Castiel's breath caught at the sight of him, but he bit his tongue, chastising himself.Cute baristas were rarely gay and always taken. Castiel knew this. Fate, as it happened, was a cruel mistress.
Notes: Very cute, and Cas was an absolute mood in this. It made me feel tired just reading it!
And as a bonus for all the Good Omens fans...
The Angel Cake Challenge by almaasi on AO3. (8,132 words).
Tags: Canon Universe, Fluff, Romance, Team Free Will 2.0, Day At The Beach, Mistaken For A Couple, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Food as a Metaphor For Love, Public Displays of Affection, Pet Names, Endearments, First Kiss, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Closeted Dean, Coming Out, No Prior Knowledge of Good Omens Needed.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: There's a kooky gay couple sitting in this little beachside bistro, at the table next to Dean. Dean's biggest mistake was telling them they looked cute together. Now they've noticed Cas, and they're silently encouraging Dean to be as openly affectionate as them. Dean didn't sign up for this challenge. But now? Hell, he's in it to win it.
Notes: Okay, technically no one owns/works at a coffee shop, but it is set at one, and it is adorable. I love my Ineffable Husbands, and I love Destiel, so this was perfect. Also, I may not have met him yet, but Jack was adorable.
So, if I disappear forever, you’ll all know where to find me. Seriously though, these are some of the cutest fics I have ever read. And if you ever want to suggest a fic or a list, please don’t hesitate to ask me!
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winchester19-67 · 4 years
The Oak Tree - Three Years Timestamp
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1,612
Square Filled: Cooking for your Partner
A/N: This is a timestamp for The Oak Tree. This was written for @spnfluffbingo.
Series Masterlist
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Three Years Later
"No, you stop!"
"Shh!" Dean whispers to the three tiny humans as they walk out of their room and into the hallway. "What did I tell you about being quiet so that we don't wake up Momma?"
"Sorry, Daddy," three small voices echo as they look up at Dean with totally guilty looks on their completely adorable faces.
"Now, please settle down before you ruin this," Dean tells then as he kneels down to their height. "Because if you wake Momma then it won't be a surprise, alright?" Dean gets three nods and he smiles a bit at them as he stands up to lead them on down into the kitchen.
"Alright," Dean says as he flips the kitchen light on. Dean walks over to pull out three little stools and he sets them up around the kitchen island. "There you go." Dean chuckles as he watches his baby girl run right over to her pink stool, while the boys inevitably fight over which one gets the blue stool and which one gets the green one.
"I want blue!" Cayden screams as he clenches his fists down by his sides, his face turning completely red.
"Hey, settle down," Dean says sternly as he picks Cayden up. "If you don't calm down you'll go to your room and won't help at all."
Cayden pouts at Dean as he shakes his head a bit, so Dean walks over to put his son on top of the green stool beside of Oakley's. Cayden gives Dean a mean look and Dean points at him.
"Behave," Dean tells him. He moves the other stool over to the other side of the island to keep the boys seperated. "Okay," Dean says as little Sam climbs up onto his stool and looks up at Dean. "You three are going to help me fix Momma's breakfast."
"Why?" Cayden asks.
Dean gives him a look. "Because it's a nice thing to do."
Dean takes a deep breath. "Because we love Momma."
"Oh," Cayden says, seeming satisfied by that answer. Dean rolls his eyes a bit as he looks over at Sam.
"Since you've been the quietest so far you get to crack the eggs," Dean says, not understanding what's so fascinating about it to his kids that they usually fight over who gets to do it.
"Awww," Oakley whines as she pouts up at Dean.
"Sorry, sweetheart," Dean tells her. "Why don't you help me make the pancakes, alright?"
"Okay, Daddy," Oakley beams. Dean chuckles as he reaches over to ruffle up her hair a bit. Dean looks over to see Cayden standing there with an expression on his face like he's afraid that Dean forgot about him, or he isn't going to be allowed to participate. Dean kneels down in front of Cayden and he smiles softly at him.
"Want to help Daddy do the cooking?" Dean asks him. Cayden's eyes light up as he excitedly nods his head at Dean. "Alright," Dean chuckles as he stands up and looks down at his three favorite little faces. Dean turns to get everything that they'll need, and Cayden takes the opportunity to reach over and gently shove Oakley.
"Hey," Dean says as he turns to look at them. "What's going on?"
"Cayden pushed me."
Dean looks over at Cayden and he scowls. "What is with you today? Do you want to help?"
"Yes," Cayden says softly, withering underneath Dean's intense stare.
"Then straighten up," Dean says. "And apologize to your sister."
"Sorry," Cayden pouts. Dean sighs as he turns around but Cayden gives Oakley another shove anyways. Instead of hollering, Oakley turns and shoves Cayden so hard that he falls off of the stool and onto his bottom. He immediately bursts into tears and Dean sighs as he turns around to pick him up. Dean really wants to sit Cayden on the couch and let him cry himself out, and yet his first instinct is to always comfort his kids when they are hurt. Even if they were kind of asking for it.
"Okay, you're alright, little dude," Dean whispers as he bounces Cayden a bit in his arms, holding tightly onto him to make sure that Cayden feels protected. "You should know by now that you're not going to get away with messing with your little sister," Dean laughs softly.
"I am sorry, Daddy," Oakley says as she looks up at Dean with tears in her eyes. Dean takes a deep breath as he kneels down to Oakely's height with Cayden still held tightly in his arms.
"I know, princess, but I'm not the one who you should apologize to."
Oakley looks over at Cayden and frowns a bit. "Sorry."
"Okay," Cayden sniffs as he hides his face in Dean's neck.
"Alright, now can you two please get along so that Mommy can get her breakfast before supper?" Dean gets two nods in answer and he looks over at Sam who's patiently standing there. Dean takes a deep breath as he let go fo Cayden and turns towards the fridge to get out the eggs. He sets them down on the island and gets a bowl out before setting it down in front of Sam.
"Okay, buddy," Dean says as he takes a few eggs out of the carton and hands one to Sam. Dean keeps his hand cupped over his son's little ones as he guides him on what to do. "Good job. Look, not one egg shell in the bowl either!"
"My turn!" Oakley hollers as she bounces up and down.
"Okay, sweetheart, calm down before you fall off there," Dean laughs as he grabs the stuff to make the pancakes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Mommy's still asleep," Okaley frowns as Dean pushes the bedroom door open with his foot.
"Well, then you three are going to have to wake her up," Dean tells her. When Cayden hears this, he takes off running across the room screaming his little lungs out. Dean chuckles when the other two follow suit and jump up onto the mattress beside of you. Your eyes slowly open and a wide smile spreads across your face when you see the faces of your three babies.
"What are my favorite people up to?" you smile when you look over to see Dean standing there in the doorway.
"The kids wanted to make Momma some breakfast," Dean tells you as he walks over with a tray of food in his hands. He sets the tray down in your lap, leaning over to give you a kiss. "Morning, sweetheart."
"Good morning," you smile up at Dean.
"I'm surprised that they didn't wake you up while ago," Dean chuckles. "They weren't exactly quiet and we had a couple of fights."
"Let me guess who was the little instigator," you sigh as you look over at Cayden. He gives you a sheepish smile and hides his face in the pillow beside of you. "Mommy's little troublemaker," you laugh as you reach over to ruffle up Cayden's hair.
"Yeah, and he made the mistake of messing with little sister," Dean says.
You look over at Oakley and smile. "And you got the best of him didn't you, babygirl?" Oakley giggles as she nods her little head, and then you look over at Sam. "What about you?"
"He was a good little boy," Dean says as he takes a seat beside of you.
"Have you eaten?"
Dean nods his head. "They decided that they wanted cereal instead of that big breakfast that they helped me slave over."
You laugh as you lean your head over onto Dean's shoulder. "Thank you."
"The kids wanted to do something nice for Momma. Didn't you..." Dean stops when he looks over to see that the kids have already jumped off of the bed and ran out of the room.
You laugh as you look up at Dean.
"How on earth do you keep them from killing each other, or keep yourself from pulling your own hair out?"
You giggle as you shake your head a bit at Dean, picking up your fork and bringing it over so that Dean can take a bite of eggs. "A mother never shares her secrets with anybody, Dean."
"Not even with her husband?"
"Especially the husband," you laugh. "You've gotta learn all these secrets yourself, baby."
"Thanks," Dean says as he scowls a bit at you, trying his best to hide his smile. Dean reaches over to take the fork away from you and you scoff. "Calm down woman. I'm not taking it away from you," Dean laughs as he begins to feed you, causing you to playfully roll your eyes at him. Dean chuckles as he leans over to press his lips to your forehead. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you, Dean," you smile widely at him. There's a loud crash in the kid's room and then a loud cry. Dean sighs as he drops his head a bit.
"I got it," Dean says as he stands up off the bed. You smile at Dean as he leans over to kiss you. Dean pulls away and he softly laughs at at the look on your face. "What?"
"Nothing," you tell Dean as you shake your head a bit at him.
"No, tell me," Dean says softly as he reaches over to tuck a few stray strands of hair behind your ear.
You swallow hard. "I know that we've been through a lot you and me, but I am really happy that it means that I get to be here with you and the triplets."
Dean smiles widely at you, nods his head in agreement. "Me too, sweetheart."
Tags: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @polina-93 @ispeakwinchester @deans-baby-momma @shadowkat-83
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sammyhale · 5 years
J2 DallasCon 2019 Main Panel
J2 jump onstage!
Jared: *showing his Texas shirt* This was a gift from a dear friend from set (Maisie)... Jensen: That wasn’t me.
Jensen describing Jared’s shirt and he’s rubbing his hand all over the graphic and Jared’s chest.
Jared mentioning J2’s matching beards 
Jared: Love is Love. 
Jensen, unprompted, requested that Jared list the US States, which Jared did perfectly in alphabetic order. Jensen: That’s my favorite. 
Jared: In the words of Demi Lovato, sorry not sorry. Jensen:... What? 
We all just sang Deep in the Heart of Texas with Jared and Jensen
Jared pointed out that his and Jensen's parents are both here. We also saw them all hanging out together earlier in the vendor's room!
Jared: we went on a world tour and I found out that I'm afraid of elevators, so I'm taking steps to avoid them Jensen: your bad jokes have reached new heights
Jared has been running around a lot. Jensen says, "I'm sorry. He's usually better than this. He gets nervous around his mom and dad." Jared: it's true
Jensen after patting Jared’s chest: but he brought his mountains... 
Q: Have y’all ever considered racing the Impalas and who would win? Jensen: There’s only one that has a big v8 in it. When we escape with her quickly after the show ends down to Austin there’s a little racetrack down there. We might go give her a test.
Classic J2 (x, x)
They’re both in such good moods today :)
Fan: thank you for existing. Jared: you can thank those 4 people right there (points to their parents) Fan: why did you open bar/brewery? 
Jensen: gives a long intentionally boring answer about profit margins and finding a hole in the market to explain why he and Jared both started businesses related to beer. Jared: It was because beer.
Jared mom, dad, shut your ears. When I was not 21 yet and I had a fake ID-- Jensen: I never had a fake ID. Jared: .... Jensen: I had a real ID from my friend who was 21 and looked like me. Jared: Fair enough. Jensen: I MEAN NO I NEVER DID THAT Jared: HE NEVER DID, ALAN.
Jensen pretended to collapse on the ground and Jared went to grab him and pick him up and put him back in his chair and Jared’s like he’s got some mountains too!!
Jared said best friend and pointed at Jensen 
Jared was trying very hard to acknowledge his privilege and say how lucky he is and how great his parents are. 
Jared: I was born fortunate in that I am a tall white man and I live in a world made for tall white men. My parents didn't have all the money I have and they sacrificed everything to make sure we had what we needed growing up & that was what I learned from them
Q: What would you say is the most influential thing your parents taught you that you are passing on to your kids? Jared: I’m a very lucky guy, husband, and father. My parents taught me I should do the best I can. They sacrificed a lot for me. They gave every single ounce of their being to me and my siblings and I hope to do that as much as I can for my children. Jensen: I could give a laundry list but one is the gift of laughter. There were always jokes, not good ones, but there was constant laughter in the house and I hope to raise my kids in a house with equal laughter. 
Jared recommends acting as not a career, but as a passion 
Jared: I don't recommend acting as a career. If it turns into a career, that's great. There are actors that have changed my life that you wouldn't know the name of. Just b/c we have a lot of episodes doesn't mean we're better actors. It needs to be a passion first.
Jared: Just because we’ll have more than 370 episodes of show between Jensen and I, doesn’t mean I’m a better actor. For me, acting is what I needed to do and I’m blessed enough to get paid for it.
Jensen: There are so many different platforms and mediums to tell stories. Like Jared said, do it because you love it, not because you want to get paid for it. 
Jensen thinks the biggest challenge of voice work is not having someone else in your scene who you can feed off. He also teased that he's recorded some other voice work we haven't seen yet! 
Q: what is one theme you would want someone to take from the show? Jared: Texas Jensen: via Kansas 
What do you want fans to take away from the show? Jared: Sam and Dean did the best they could with what they had. Just do the best you can do and be true. You don’t need to be perfect. Work hard, be honest, loyal, sacrifice.   Jensen: The good fight. The brothers fight for each other and they fight for what they believe is right. 
Making each other laugh :)
Someone passingly mentioned pie and Jared started listing pi off the top of his head. He is in show-off mode for his parents today :P
Jared says Jif. Jensen says Gif. Debate ensues. 
J2 know how the show is gonna end
Jared says they already met with producers and writers after their trip to Australia and they know how the series ends Crowd: OOOOOHHHHH 
Q: Most difficult thing for the boys to face again? Jared: We went to LA to meet with producers, writers, directors. We know how the show will end... The last scene of spn will be the most...*gets cut off* Jensen: I hope no more leviathans
J2 being adorable
Jensen wants Hookman to return. Jared loves that legend too. Jensen wants to kill Yellow Eyes. Fan: Ruby Jensen fakes holding Jared back.
Jensen: If there was one thing I’d really love to not have to deal with again it’d be the bees. I could live with never having the bug episode again. Ever. If those come back I’m out.
Jared: You can kick me in the shin, punch me in the face, hit me in the crotch, and it’s fine. But if you spit on me, I’ll kill you
Jensen: ...when you killed a hellhound... Jared: I killed a hellhound? Jensen: yeah because you're not a Losechester ;)
Fan asked about if Sam and Dean will do something to show Cas gratitude (during Misha’s panel on Saturday he mentioned this in re: to what could be happy enough to send Cas to the Empty). J2 thought the fan was asking how the boys would show gratitude if Cas died and went to the Empty. Jared: I think we'd keep doing what we've been doing. If you lose someone, you keep on fighting the fight. Talks about how they don’t grieve like how people in real life would or should. Jensen: the best way that they can honor the lives they've lost is to continue fighting and saving lives  (For full context: video) 
Q: something you've always wished to change in the show? Jared: that my brother wasn't so short. When we straighten his legs, he's as tall as me Jensen: maybe more trips to the barbershop. It's like having a sheepdog in the car. 
Fan from Norway suggests setting the show in a city there with a hard name. Jared: God bless you. Jensen: WATCH YOUR MOUTH. Jensen: I thought when she said where she was from, you were going to respond "NOR-WAY!"
Who do you fanboy over? Jared fans himself and says “Jensen Ackles” :)
Jensen talks about how Jared fanboyed over Eddie Vedder 
Jared tells more of the story. He asked if Eddie's cig is real. Jared smoked whatever Eddie was smoking & Jensen dragged him off
Jensen: "It was like a vapor cloud of everything cool that had ever been in Jared's body evaporated away & I was standing next to this empty shell of a person."
Jared to Jensen: I pick you
Last question: The girl was reading the question off her phone about the French Mistake and Jared saw she wrote another question about sexy moves and decide to answer that one instead and dance around. 
Q: If your character took over your body, who would notice first and what would be the biggest difference? Jared: I don’t think I would talk so much because Jared talks a lot. If anyone saw me eat. Jensen: Voice and anyone who talked to me would notice.
Classic J2 fist bump brings the panel to a close!
Info via: Fangasm, Cherie, Michael, Amy, #spndallas
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proflongbttm · 5 years
Facts about Neville Longbottom:
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Has a potted plant on his bedside drawer which he waters every morning before he does anything else
He names it the first day he got it
After the incident of Sirius black breaking Into the gryffindor common room he tried to perform memory charms on himself for the next two weeks.
His favourite color is purple
Has a collection of scarves and mittens and other winter wear
His favourite is the scarf his gran made him
They have little leaves on it
Has such a sweetooth its ridiculous
So many sweets
So he got really upset when he was banned from hogsmede
His favourite sweets are peppermints (@malfycs)
Hermione tells him about muggle cooking, and how fun it can be
He tries it out and finds out
He is a really good cook, but a bit clumsy with a knife
So he tries out baking
And is the new Mary Berri of the wizarding world
Makes a mean apple pie and delicious brownies
Him, Seamus and Dean are squad goals.
Dean and Seamus stand up for Neville if needed
Neville helps them in herbology
They help him in potions
Usually ends in a bang, some smoke, a burnt cauldron and a detention from Snape
Thanks again Seamus.
Him and Hermione have study sessions together, she helps him with a lot of his subjects.
Him and Ron talk about Quidditch together
Him and Harry bitch about Snape together.
They carry the legacy of the 'Fuck Snape club' from the Marauders
Goes for walks along the foresty areas around hogwarts with trevor to give him fresh air
Usually sits by the streams and rivers with him and just watches the view
Sometimes he comes by Hargid and they have little talks
Mainly about living plants
He trained the most in dumbledores army
He was practicing so often to try and get the spells right
Pulled many all nighters because of it
He's trying his best god dammit
Gets freckles in the summer
So damn many
Especially on his arms
I don't make the rules sorry
Is obsessed with jigsaws
But always looses a piece or two so he never completes them
It he still does em anyway
He practiced dancing for the yule ball at least two weeks before it
And it paid off
He also asked George advice on how he should ask someone to go with him.
George said to play hard to get
The only thing Neville was finding hard to get was a date to the ball
So he just went up and asked Ginny face to face
He nearly collapsed when she said yes
He was one of the best dancers there
Is friends with a few of the ghosts and often studies or reads with them
Is very very afraid of heights, because of his uncle and because of broom practice
Has named all of the plants in the green house
Looks up to Fred and George a lot
Wishes he was as confident and funny as them
A big fan of their pranks, as long as their not on him
A lot
He woke up Seamus once by having a conversation about cheese
"No I want the cheddar please, thanks Jane"
They still don't know who Jane is
He doesn't know a jane
Had a goal of writing a book about herbology for the longest time
After the war all the younger students talked about how he killed Nagani and how he was a hero
His face went so red
"Yeah I guess I am"
Has tried to fix his teeth with spells before because people made fun of them
Knocked three of them out
Had to go to Madam Pomfrey and explain
He was so embarrassed
When he visits his mother he tells her about all the different stories about hogwarts, even though he knows she doesn't understand
Tells her all the gossip
" - and apparently their dating now, even though they say they don't but that's a load of rubbish"
For her birthday Neville always brings her magical color changing flowers that he picks himself
Rarely curses
One day he said that Draco Malfoy can go fuck himself
Everyone who heard gasped
"Who taught him the F word?! "
"I'm 16..??? And can hear you. "
He always smells like earth and a bit of sweat (he's a nervous teenage boy, no matter how many evil snakes he kills)
Goes to parks and feeds the birds with his nan sometimes.
As much as she terrifys him he loves her.
Is almost as scared as professor Mcgonagall as he is Snape, but would never say it.
Hate being barefoot, always has some form of footwear on, socks or otherwise.
Could be afraid monster will eat them
I don't blame him
Sorry off track-
Has so many scars from bumps and dinks and falling
Always has a bruises on his legs from walking into stuff
He fancied a Hufflepuff girl once and Seamus called her over
They talked a bit and it all was well until she went to leave
"See you later! "
He couldn't look at her for a month
He gets on super well with Proffesor Sprout
She recommends different herbology books to him all the time
A really strong reader too.
This was my ted talk
Feel free to add on
If you wernt aware about how much i love this boy, you are now. You're welcome
I adore Neville
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dawnie1988 · 4 years
Tagged by @cloverhighfive thanks!
1. Do you make your bed? Only when my mom's home nurse comes by once a week
2. What’s your favorite number? 7
3. What’s your job? In Home Support/In Home Care Provider for my mom
4. Can you parallel park? ......Debatable and only with a lot of room
5. A job you had that would surprise people? I've only ever had the one, been doing the same thing since I was 18
6. Do you think aliens are real? Absolutely, there's gotta be something else out there
7. Can you drive a manual car? No, but have always wanted to learn
8. What’s your guilty pleasure? Not too sure on this one actually, smut stories? I've also been on a massive fruit roll up/fruit by the foot binge this week
9. Tattoos? 3, two tribal-esque style elephants on the front of my right wrist, a swallow with two music notes on the front of my right shoulder and 'a little girl use to live here...' with a small butterfly around my left hip
10. Favorite color: Blue/The Blue Family
11. Things people do that drive you crazy: Ask me my opinion on something when they clearly have a set opinion and just try to talk around in circles until I agree, Not using their turn signals when driving, Not picking up after themselves, Not asking me themselves to do something for them, Generally being hypocritical
12. Any phobias? I feel like I'm afraid of just about everything these days but the biggies are - heights, spiders, sharks and national disasters
13. Favorite childhood sport? Me and sports, that's funny 😂 Idk, kickball?
14. Do you talk to yourself? All. The. Time. I constantly have a second life going on in my head
15. What movies do you adore? Benny and Joon, Beauty and the Beast (animated version), It Happened One Night, City Lights, American Grafitti, Grease, In America, The Last Unicorn, Big Fish, POTC, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Short Circuit, Wall-E, so so many!
16. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes
17. Favorite kind of music? Just about anything from the Doo Wop/Soda Shop and Motown era and Indie Folk
18. Tea or coffee? Tea, every so often
19. What was the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? Animal Trainer or Artist
Tagging @flamencodiva @thefaithfulwriter @tumbler-tidbits @idreamofplaid @dean-winchesters-bacon @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @fangirlxwritesx67 @katehuntington @whatareyousearchingfordean @maddiepants @muchamusedaboutnothing and anyone who wants to play of course ❤
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Sam Dating A Tall/Short Girl
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A/N: this is originally titled Sam Dating A Tall Girl on my ao3 But I decided to add the short girl section on and add a bit more onto the tall girl section. Two headcanons in one... enjoy, don’t be afraid to send in requests! Also wrote this on my phone so sorry for any spelling errors.
Sam not having to bend every time he kisses you/ makes out with you.
Spooning. Taking turns being the little spoon.
Dean feeling intimidated when he is around the both if you’s since he is short.
Being sarcastic when some assbutt says something rude about your height.
Not having to worry about a height difference.
Sam being protective over you.
Sam loving your long legs. Especially when they are wrapped around him.
Fitting into his clothes. {Jumpers/tshirts, etc...}
Wearing his clothes.
Sam not having to worry about reaching up on a high shelve to get you a cup.
Being the dream team or couple goals.
Crowley calling you and Sam moose. {well when he was alive.}
Not having to slow his pace for you to catch up to him.
Always finding you in a crowd.
Trying new unique sex position.
Treating you like a queen.
Selfies on point.
Sam loves watching you walk, not in a creepy way he just loves them long legs of yours.
Hand holding.
    Having to lean/bend down to kiss you, straining his neck, though you give him massages so it’s all good.
 Whenever you get lost in a crowd it’s difficult to find you, though if it’s a bonus for you when you’s had a bad fight and you want to get away from him and cool off.
  Everything you do is cute and adorable to him.
Sometimes you wear high heels so he you can be kind of leveled with his height.
Just because you are short doesn’t mean he underestimates you. You are one tough girl.
 Sam wrapping his arm around
You give the best hugs, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head against his stomach. Or standing behind him and wrapping your arms around him while resting your head on his back. It’s the best feeling.
Sam never resting his arm on the top of your head.
You make one hell of a little spoon.
Sam having to help you reach things. He finds it cute when you reach up and try to get the object.
Asking you to crawl into small spaces that he can’t fit into.
Hand holding.
 Always holding onto his arm.
Sam having to stop or walk slow for you to catch up to him, though you walk fast.
Sam bending down to your height when you want to whisper something into his ear. Unless of course, he is sitting down.
His clothes/jumpers drowning on you.
You are filled with so much affection towards him.
   You have a big personality.
 Finding it cute when you get angry/mad or when you try to fight with him, he can’t help but let out a chuckle and smile.
 Sex is always amazing, he can put you in almost any position.
Piggyback rides.
Sam finding your hands cute. Especially when he holds your small hands in his big ones.
 Sam treating you like a queen.
Sam finding you just some damn cute and sexy.
 Being fiercer than you look.
As small as you are, you have the biggest heart.
 Sam being extremely protective over you.
Major height difference.
Feedback is appreciated!
If you want to be tagged in any spn stuff of mine just message me or you got a fic/headcanon idea just message me as well..
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thatslayer · 4 years
repost,  don’t reblog
basics !
FULL NAME.   Faith Lehane PRONUNCIATION.  Just like it looks. NICKNAME.   Slayer, mostly. Tony’s still trying to come up with the perfect jab. (crossed worlds), Baby/Honey (Sam, bunkerverse), Baby (Alaric, Wartown) GENDER.   cis female HEIGHT.   5′4″ AGE.   Verse-dependent, but generally late-30s. ZODIAC.   Sagittarius SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, broken Japanese
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR.  Brunette EYE COLOR.   Brown SKIN TONE.    White as snow BODY TYPE.  Athletic ACCENT.   Slight Bostonian VOICE.    Growly DOMINANT HAND.  Right POSTURE.   Usually pretty straight and tall. SCARS.   Faith’s scar tissue heals crazy well, even for a Slayer, the amount of scarring she should have that she doesn’t is crazy. She does have an ax mark on the back of her left shoulder that she’s had a hell of a time with and a faint, white stab wound on her abdomen. TATTOOS.   Tribal vines in the middle of her upper right arm and, though not a tattoo, she’s got a small anti-possession symbol heat-branded into her left hip. BIRTHMARKS.   Nothing too noticeable. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  Boobs. Lips. Eyes. Hair.
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   Boston, Massachusetts HOMETOWN.    Boston BIRTH WEIGHT.   6lb 7oz BIRTH HEIGHT.    18 inches MANNER OF BIRTH.   SVD FIRST WORDS.  Bam! SIBLINGS.   Only child. PARENTS.   Father: Pat Lehane, Mother: Unnamed PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.    Faith’s parents were abusive, unstable alcoholics. Her mother’s dead, her father tried to reunite with her post-series to get her to bump off a mob boss to which he owed a substantial amount of money. There’s not much more to it than that. Her unhappy childhood has left her with a need for family and friends so strong it’s often used against her, easily.
adult life !
OCCUPATION.  Vampire Slayer, Trains Slayers at the Salvatore School ( faithandthesaltzmen ), Hunter ( bunkerverse ), Avenger ( crossed worlds ) CURRENT RESIDENCE.   Verse-dependent, Men of Letters Bunker ( bunkerverse ), Mystic Falls ( faithandthesaltzmen ), Los Angeles ( wartown ), Vaguely NYC ( crossed worlds ) CLOSE FRIENDS.  Sam Winchester, Elektra Natchios, Rupert Giles, Alec Lightwood-Bane, Cassandra Cillian, Alaric Saltzman. Bonnie Bennett, Damon Salvatore, Steve Rogers, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Jeremy Gilbert RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Verse-dependent but usually single. Sam Winchester ( husband, bunkerverse ), Alaric Saltzman ( boyfriend/watcher in Wartown, husband in Faith and the Saltzmen ), Johnny Lawrence ( estranged husband, peace in the valley ) FINANCIAL STATUS.  Poor as the day is long. DRIVER’S LICENSE.   None, usually. In #bunkerverse, Sam and Dean have her outfitted with fake ID’s, badges, even a new birth certificate and social. CRIMINAL RECORD.   :D Not to be all West Collins about this but SO many. Murder in the second degree, breaking and entering, violence, beating the snot out of police, escaping from prison and so on and so forth. VICES.   She smokes, although there are a few verses where she’s keen to quit. Her drinking was never serious. Is sex a vice? Because...
sex and romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Heterosexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   Demiromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  |  switch   PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive  |  DOMINANT  |  switch LIBIDO.   Ridiculous. TURN ON’S.    Kindness, intelligence, gentle nature and if that could all be a thin layer over an actual monster, that would be great. Also, violence and adrenaline because of course. TURN OFF’S.    Cowardice, gruff or unkind nature. LOVE LANGUAGE.  Kindness, sympathy, skin. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   She’s a tough one to crack, but when she finally trusts you she’ll get too close. When she falls, she falls hard. She’ll be as kind and adoring as you let her. Hurt her, though, and that’s your only shot. She’s too insecure for that, she won’t come back for seconds.
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   ‘Bent’ by Matchbox 20, ‘Grey Street’ by Dave Matthews Band and ‘Another Suitcase in Another Hall’ from Evita! HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   The three Ss: Slaying, Sex and Sandwiches. Not in that order. MENTAL ILLNESSES.  Severe depression, intrusive thoughts, compulsive thoughts, feelings of inferiority, feelings of superiority, slight paranoia, trust issues. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  She bounces back pretty fast. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  That’s not a real thing. FEARS.  She used to be terrified of being alone, but after actually being a lone for so long she’s just ‘this is fine’ about it. She’s more afraid of herself, of what she’s capable of and of backsliding than she is of anything else. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   Zero, but there are the odd moments when she can fake it. VULNERABILITIES.  Faith comes to the party pre-negged, so she’s pretty easy to manipulate.
TAGGED BY: I stole it, lol. From @decdbutstillprxtty
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
How did J2 feel about Misha misbehaving with Jared on stage?
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One of my awesome doll faces sent me this interesting question about the above gif:
Thought you might find this interesting. This is probably the first thing that gave me a very bad vibe about Misha. The first part is what I’m talking about, how Misha behaved and then Jensen. Misha is just so gross and completely violates Jared and makes both of J2 uncomfortable and Jensen especially just looks upset. I thought he was actually going to walk off stage. Watch the video, it’s very cringy and made me actually upset. Let me know what you think.
Thank you to doll face, for that ever-so-awesome question which I had to crop slightly.  Apologies for that.  Now, remember, I am not a shipper.  I am a slash fiction fan [there is a difference] so I will not let me sexual fantasies govern how I interpret this. 
For those five sad creatures in fandom who still haven't seen the footage, what have you been doing, hunny?  I am helpfully providing a link here.
So they were all signing shirts to be auctioned off for charity.  Misha chose to sign Jared, doggy-style.  SMH.  Jared takes the time to do a spot of cleaning because he had thrown candy wrappers all over the floor.  He blushes and laughs when he stands up to his full height.  If you look at the footage, Jensen looks away, very scandalized.  He even shoots out of his chair and goes to the farthest part of the stage, the minute Jared approached him.  When Jensen gets back, he still keeps his distance from both Jared and Misha and says [although the audio is not totally clear] ''I don't want to be a part of this''.  Even as the auctioning starts, Jensen hovers around the stage uncomfortably, before giving up and perching himself on the seat farthest away from the other two.  Now for the analysis.
Misha is attracted to none of the men on that stage.  He is not gay.  He is a straight, sexual deviant.  He likes females, young and stupid being his preference, hence his wacky fan base.  However, what ever he does on stage is communication for his fans.  Misha calculates his moves with his fans.  He wants to arouse a bunch of them simultaneously without doing it manually, if you understand what I mean.  So throwing inappropriate shipping nonsense like this, out there [kid friendly audience or not] is one way he does it.  He also wants to communicate that he is the Alpha.  If he is on stage with someone, he wants sexual power over them.  That is why usually he doesn't prefer people like Jared and Sebastian, because they are not fazed by his antics and are also sexually outspoken.  He doesnt even want Robbie, because when he kissed Rob once, on the mouth, Rob just kissed him back.  Even at this moment, Jared blushed but didn't scurry away from Misha's grasp.  That is why he plopped himself back into his seat afterwards.  He didn't expect Jared to just laugh about it.  Jensen's reaction is probably why he chooses Jensen.  Jensen gets uncomfortable and that gives him power.  That is why his fans consider him to be the Alpha is the Jensen/Misha pairing.  He puts himself in that position. 
There is a scene where Casifer is speaking to all the fledgling angels who are petrified of their demonic older brother.  That is the closest Misha came to playing a character similar to his own because he really went all out for it.  At one point, he very nonchalantly straddles one of the kids.  And that poor kid is so uncomfortable that he almost never raises his eyes to make eye contact with Misha.  That was not scripted.  Misha told nobody he was going to do that.  That includes the kid he was straddling.  And the discomfort shows on the poor kid's face.  Then Misha gets up and ruffles the lapel on a blond kid's coat.  And for a split second, you see dread in the kid's eyes, the minute Misha touches him.  When another actor says ''evil incarnate'', and Misha approaches him, the kid flinches backwards as if petrified that Misha is going to straddle him or something similar.  Misha was in his element.  He loves that.  Notice how there is no gag reel for this scene.  Nobody was having fun.  Nobody laughed.  The straddling was done once and the cast didn't react.  So the scene when on. 
There's the link for anyone who hasn't seen it, or who had blocked it out of their memory.  The hellers were gushing over it.  Misha is so ''gay and funny''.  SMH.
In his TSA short movie, Just Relax [which he co-penned], he put himself in a position of sexual power over the actor who was supposed to be Jensen's stand-in.  In the gas station scene where Cas went to buy pie for Dean, grabbing the kid at the counter was not in the script.  The kid was not notified of Misha's plans, so his reaction is authentic.  Misha really likes doing that a lot.  See, what I mean by sexual power. 
Jared is also straight, but unlike Jensen, he is less shy about his body, touching and being touched.  I hate when people use the words ''sexually comfortable'', because it automatically gives foolish people the impression that anyone who is opposite to that is prejudiced.  No, they are not.  They just don't want anyone to touch them unless there is some familiarity, thank you very much.  Jared also engages his fans, from a slash point of view.  But there is a difference between him and Misha.  Look at the gif.  Jared stumbled ever so slightly while Misha was bending him over.  That means that Jared was not made aware of what Misha was going to do.  This goes back to Misha and his need for sexual power.  He wanted to take Jared by surprise, so he was controlling the situation. 
Notice, that Misha hasn't really done that again since.  Because no matter what, Misha is a straight man, and he is afraid Jared will take that as a cue to ''make the next move''.  Never dare Jared Padalecki.  Misha doesn't want that.  Remember, the gag reel in a previous season, where Jared grabbed Misha and pretended to kiss him.  And Misha screamed his annoying signature high-pitched voice.  I cant stand that sound.  That is what Misha doesn't want.  He doesn't want a tall, broad guy like Jared having that kind of power over him.  He wants to be the Alpha.  Remember Honocon, when Jared was speaking like Mark S and caressing Misha.  Go watch it again.  Misha got uncomfortable.  He doesn't have sexual power over Jared and he knows it.  
Another difference between Jared and Misha is that Misha takes liberties with other people's bodies whether he is familiar with them or not.  Jared has common sense.  He plays pranks on his co-workers, sure.  But he doesn't make them uncomfortable to the point where they don't make eye contact.  Take the tattoo scene with Alex.  In the gag reel, he is seductively caressing a grinning Alex's chest before Jensen gigglesnorts and triggers a laugh attack from the younger actor.  Alex, until that point, has known Jared for about two weeks [unless you count promo work during hiatus] and is comfortable with him.  He is not flinching during the whole scene.  He is just laughing and blushing.  Side note:  Alex has an adorable laugh.  Before using a gag reel, SPN editors ask an actor's permission to use a gag clip.  Alex said yes.  Jared made him laugh.  He didn't make Alex feel uncomfortable. 
Unlike Misha, Jared doesn't force people to think he has sexual power.  He sort of just does.  The only thing that bothers him, is that pesky depression.  I find it insulting when people think Jared is physically and sexually weak because of depression.  Shame on you.  But other than that, sexually Jared is not a man you want to dare.  He shares his body generously, especially if he knows you.  One thing to note here, is that Jared doesn't sexually cross boundaries with Jensen, whom he loves the most from all his co-stars.  Well, not in public anyway.  According to BuddyTV, whilst rehearsing an argument scene between Dean and Sam, during Season 2, both Js suddenly stopped and started leaning in, very seductively, to kiss each other.  The director yelled cut and told the giggling scoundrels to ''do it properly this time''.  So why did Jensen get so angry when Misha bent Jared over on stage? 
If I guess correctly, Jensen is exactly like me.  Remember, the Vancon where Richard was not available to MC the event and the Wayward whatevers took over?  Remember their sexual display in front of Jared, Jensen and Rob?  I hated that sequence.  That is one of my favorite cons, because of Jared and that cardboard cutout, amongst other things.  So I always re-watch it and I always skip that bit.  I don't want to see that.  Two reason why.  First, Kim and Brianna overdid it.  The joke carried on for too long especially with children in the audience.  Second, I am a straight woman.  Their display neither aroused me or interested him.  I watch porn.  I watch gay and straight porn but the men have to be beautiful.  I am not going to sin with ugly men, thank you very much.  I don't watch girl on girl.  I don't like it.  And to have an exhibitionist do that right in front of my face, will tick me right off. 
Jensen got irritated because he doesn't need to see that expletive right in front of his face, and in a public setting no less.  When he realized that Jared was not at fault, he signed his autograph over Jared's chest with a smile.  After all, Misha took the choice out of Jared's hands.  But Misha didn't get that courtesy.  Jensen constantly reminds Misha [and his hellers in fact] that ''this is a family show''.  Even Jared respects that rule and keeps his humor playful and without swearwords.  I noticed that with the Wayward whatevers Jensen just acknowledged that they were ''different'', he involuntarily enjoyed it [he is a straight man after all] but he didn't appreciate the display in that type of setting, because they were in public.  Jared seemed a little more uncomfortable with their display, ducking his head and turning away from them.  I think Jensen was able to school his facial features more than Jared, but both disapproved to a certain extent.  They are married men after all.  If Misha was there, he would have joined it. 
Jensen is just like me sexually.  He is not a prude, he appreciates slash fiction for exactly what it is, but he doesn't like vulgarity and exhibitionism.  He does make dirty penis jokes with Jared, but they are not so over-the-top that you regret attending the con with a younger person.  Jensen is more shy that Jared is, especially around strangers.  Jensen is known for keeping his private life private [well he used to], which is why he cringed when Danneel said ''this is where the magic happens.'' when referring to their bedroom.  That is not a part of his life he wants to share with fans because unlike Misha, Jensen is actually a gentleman.  Jensen is not trying to be an Alpha.  His body language and baritone voice betrays him.  I think Jensen actually tries to be a big brother or nurturer to other people.  The Alpha thing is sort of accidental, just like with Jared. 
Like me, Jensen doesn't like to strip down in front of cameras.  Jensen, just like me, can be very provocative with the right person.  He once took a ripped shirt photo with Jared and Sebastian.  They was trying to make deep cleavage shirts.  The deep cleavage idea belongs to Jensen.  He will never do that on stage though because he doesn't want the cons to go from family shows to something vulgar.  Jensen, like me, doesn't want to be crass and use cuss words during conversations.  If he is asked to speak about sex, I think he will speak about it very intelligently, without making it childish [like Jared would] or filthy [like Misha would].  Jensen was extremely succinct and accurate whilst discussing wincest.  It shows that he not only understands sex but also women and how the mind of a woman works.   
I hope this answered your question sweetie.  If anyone disagrees, kindly let me know.  After all, it is just an opinion.  Sincere apologies for this long post.
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percywinchester27 · 6 years
Tic Tac Toe (Part-14)
Word count: 4.7k 
Pairing: Sam X Reader
Warnings: Angst, Feels, Fluff
Series Summary: The reader shifts into a new city after being offered a dream job by a big firm. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect after an ugly break-up with a douche-bag Ex. But things turn out not as dreamy as she’d want them to be and the only thing that keeps her smiling is a totally coincidental game of Tic Tac Toe.
A/N: Please do leave some feedback? I LOVE YOU guys!!
Beta: The forever awesome @sdavid09 and my darling @deanssweetheart23. You guys rock, you guys rule!!
Catch up: Part 1, Tic Tac Toe Masterlist
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You woke up to an empty bed, the sheets besides you cold and smoothed. Your mind immediately replayed the conversation from last night trying to figure out if you'd said anything that could have been taken in a wrong way, finally deciding that it must be something else. After all, you really had no clue how Sam's mornings usually started.
Ambling out of the bed, you stepped into the soft carpet, shivering lightly in the cold that hung in the room despite the heater. Outside the window, the sky was overcast. It looked like it was about to snow. You pulled the fluffy robe from Sam's bathroom and pulled it over you. Given the lack of sweaters, this would have to do.
The bathroom was empty, which wasn't a surprise since there was pin drop silence in the room, but the house seemed quiet too. You figured that John and Mary might still be sleeping. They must have stayed up late with all the guests.
Not knowing where else to look, you decided to take a small walk to the pier. Even if Sam wasn't there, it was a peaceful place and it was bound to look beautiful in the thickly settled fog. As you walked down the curved, winding foot-trodden road, you decided that you really liked this place. The house had an old charm and the wide back yard with the pier jutting over the stream made it look surreal.
What made it even surreal in that moment was Sam Winchester's stretched body as he bent down to touch his fingers to his feet. He was standing at the far end of the pier, legs spread apart, stretching his limbs.
Right then, even the cold seeping through the robes into your skin didn't mean a damn thing because you could stand there and stare at him all day long. Sam was dressed in a light grey, loose sweater over darker sweatpants. His long hair was slightly disheveled, and beading with sweat despite the chill. Even though the clothes were a loose fit, seeing him stretch like that, you didn't have to stretch your imagination as to what lay underneath it. Those bulging arms, thick thighs and broad chest were painfully obvious. And then there was that slim waist, pink lips and cheeks flushed because of the exercise. So lost were you in admiring both the man, and your insane luck at finding him, that it totally missed your attention that he was now looking at you.
"Like what you see?" He asked, trying to appear causal, but his already flushed cheeks deepened in their shade of red. He could flirt yeah, but not without blushing apparently. It was adorable.
"Sure," you murmured, walking up to him. "Last I checked, it wasn't a capital crime to shamelessly objectify your boyfriend." You inspected your nails. "Was it now?"
His fingers found your lower back as he pulled you to his chest. "Nope. Last I checked, it wasn't a crime. But I haven't checked in a while you know…. maybe now it is."
His face was very close to yours now, close enough for his foggy breath to mingle into yours.
You couldn't take your eyes off his lips. "What are you gonna do about it?" You gulped.
He didn't answer, just dipped his head and quickly captured your lips into his, kissing you sweetly and softly.
"That's the punishment?" You breathed, arching an eyebrow.
Sam's face split into a wicked grin, as his he dragged his knuckles along the sides of your stomach. "Nope, that was just the teaser!"
Peals of laughter erupted from you as you tried to escape his relentless hands. But Sam was so much stronger than you. You pushed against him, luckily catching him off guard and made a run for the huge white house.
You were athletic, and pretty fast when it came to running, but Sam had the advantage of his height. In spite of the initial surprise, he soon overcame it. You could hear booming laughter as he called after. Just when you had reached the back door of the house, his strong hand gripped you across your torso and easily lifted you off your feet.
"And where do you think you are going, missy?" He playfully growled in your ears, making you giggle breathlessly.
It wasn't before he hastily opened the door and pushed you against the wall of the passage that you finally caught your breath, but not for too long. Sam swooped down and met your lips with his again. This time you moved first, bracing yourself against the wall raising up enough to tangle your arms around his neck. His hot skin burned against your cold fingers and you felt a tremor run down his body.
It was like being back in high school. The two of your couldn't stop panting, or even laughing, but neither of you wanted to stop kissing. It felt so good, it was almost juvenile.
A loud throat clearing made you spring apart. John was standing at the foot of the staircase looking everywhere but at the two of you. You heard Sam groan a little, and it made you giggle all over again.
"Ahh… Sam," John cleared his throat again. "There's something I need to talk to you about, regarding the move. I have to leave in an hour, so now might be a good time for that."
You turned around and deliberately kissed Sam on the corner of the mouth, not caring what John Winchester made of it, and whispered in his ears. "I'll see you later."
Sam leaned into you longingly. He looked like he wanted to follow you, that having a breakfast discussion about work was the last thing he wanted, but you blew him a kiss and walked past him. When you reached the foot of the stairs you turned to look John straight in the eye. "Morning, Mr. Winchester."
You could still see Sam mischievously eyeing you, ruffling the hair at the back of his neck as you rounded the corner and into the hallway leading to his room.
Once in, you stripped out of your clothes, almost wishing that Sam would walk in. A girl could hope right? A quick shower later, you threw on one of the only pieces of outgoing clothing you had. Jeans and a beige turtleneck. You were in half minds to pull on that robe again, but the phone pinged just in time to save you from donning bathroom wear.
It was Jo.
*I know you barely have any clothes. How about we go out shopping today?*
She was a girl after your own heart.
You quickly typed back-
*Yes girl, yes!*
The reply was instantaneous.
*Pick you up in 15. Don't bother with the breakfast. Waffle house it is*
You gave the robe a smug look, pulling on Sam's sweater over the turtleneck and quickly ransacked through your bag to find the stash of cash. It wasn't much, but it'll have to do till you got to your mom's place for New Year. You bounced down to the living room after 15 minutes.
Sam and John were in a deep conversation and you slowed your speed. You were tempted to go bounding up to Sam and give him a steamy kiss right in front of his judgmental father, but thought better of it. He was discussing work and he needed to concentrate.
You had every intention of just slipping out without him noticing. You could always text and tell him where you were. But Sam saw you out of the corner of his eye.
"Uhhgg yes?" You asked, stopping in your track.
"Heading out?" He stood up and slowly walked towards you.
"Yeah, Jo is taking me out for breakfast and I have to get myself a new sweater," you pointed towards his stolen one.
Sam laughed. "You could keep that one. All my clothes look better on you anyway."
You bent forward and whispered in his ear. "But when you take them back, I'll be left with nothing."
The blush on Sam's face was worth the overt flirting. He looked down and pulled the phone out of your hand.
"I'm turning the GPS on and syncing it with my phone. So that way when you're done, I'll come find you. It's better this way than you having to find addresses around an unknown city. Just text me when you're finished with all the shopping." He kissed you softly on your cheek.
As you walked out of the door, you thought back to the time when you were in a shitty relationship with Mark. He would never let you go out with your friends without making a big deal about it. You would have turned your GPS off without wasting time if Mark had done this,  because he was exactly the sort of controlling jerk to track you with your phone and harass you with it. But not Sam. On the contrary, Sam was worried about you stumbling around the city alone. He was completely fine with you getting your ‘me’ time with Jo. Sam Winchester, you decided as you climbed into Jo's car, was a gift to humanity.
"What are you so happy about?" Jo enquired, hitting the pedal.
"Ya know, about being in love with the best guy ever!" You sighed dreamily.
She rolled her eyes. "And Dean thought Sam had it bad. You have it so much worse, girl."
You weren't going to deny that.
Jo drove in silence for a while, and you did not break it, lost in your thoughts, before she spoke.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the other day."
"About what?" You asked, genuinely puzzled.
"You know, John being a dick to you…" She hesitated, afraid that you'd get offended.
"No, it's cool," you brushed it off. "I can't change what he thinks about me. But I ain't changing myself for his sake either. I guess John will have to learn to deal with me being in his son's life!"
"That's my girl," Jo smirked.
The rest of the day was spent mostly laughing. Jo told you all the embarrassing stories from their childhood. Your favorite was one where Dean had dressed as Superman for Halloween and Sam had dressed as Batman. Now Dean had been older, so when he jumped of the roof, he had landed on all four, while poor Sam had broken his arm. A because he was a kid and B cause Batman can't fly.
You found yourself an adorable Navy blue sweater that went well with a lot of your things, and Jo found herself an obscenely sexy pair of lingerie. You were both giggly and breathless by the time you stepped in front of a huge auto-body shop.
"C'mon, let's go find Dean!" Jo tugged at your arm and pulled you inside.
"Dean owns this?" You asked incredulous, looking at the sheer size of the place.
"Part owns this," Jo corrected. "Dad is still a 40% partner. They have this along with a couple other workhouses, few garages and repair shops in and around the state. It's a big business."
It was so different from what Sam did but it seemed so exciting. Both John and Mary must be so proud of what their boys had achieved. Your eyes flitted towards the glass doors on the side leading into a couple formal cabins at the side. You wanted to see Dean, because even though it had only been two days, he felt more of a friend to you than most people in your life… almost like a brother.
"Where are you going?" Jo tugged at your hand.
You pointed towards the cabins, confused. "To see Dean. That's where we're going right?"
Jo laughed. "Oh no…he's not gonna be in there with a suit on. Come!"
She dragged you along a set of expensive cars to the very end of the work shop. Dean was bent over the front of a vintage car with its hood popped open, dressed in coveralls. His hands and cheeks were stained in grease and he had look of utmost concentration on his face. Of course he was just as humble. You could see where Sam got it from.
Jo sneaked up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands. Dean laughed, easily pulling her around and kissing her on the lips.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Hell yeah!" She smiled.
That's when Dean noticed you.
"Y/N!" His face lit up in a genuine smile, as he hugged you tight. "There's the girl who puts up with my brother."
"Hush," you admonished him but laughed nevertheless. "It's not his fault that he's so busy lately."
"It's not always going to be like that you know," Jo ran her hand up and down your arm soothingly. "This move is a big deal. It'll keep him hella busy for a month or so. But things will settle eventually."
You sighed. More than wanting to spend time with him, you were just worried. Everything was changing too fast around him, he was bound to be scared.
"While we are on the topic of the move…" Jo hesitated, wrapping her arms around Dean's waist. He, in turn, looked very apologetic. "I'm shifting here permanently. Not only am I getting promoted, I'm also moving in with this dude here." Jo pecked Dean on the cheek.
You just stared at her in stunned silence. Of course you were happy for her. They were getting married now after all, but you would miss her so much. She'd been so genuine and had stood up for you. She was a very good friend and you were just getting to know her better.
"I'm so happy for you guys," you said sincerely. "But ain't gonna lie, I'll miss the hell out of you, girl!"
"Hey," Dean said, "Look at the bright side, almost that entire office is shifting. Most of them were originally from here, and they'll all either wanna come back home or move to Chicago for better opportunities. It'll be a new crowd that won't judge you. Hell, they wouldn't know you and Sam are seeing each other."
You thought about it for a minute, surprised that it didn't matter to you anymore. Fuck what people had to say. But maybe it wasn't so bad either. Sam had made it crystal clear that you'd be treated like any other employee. No special treatment, and no mention of your relationship. A clean slate. It would be relieving to say the least. It would actually be like a first day of work, but without Gordon and with a completely new team. Kinda exciting.
You looked up at them with a smile. Maybe it would be good for you.
"And hey Charlie is still there. The IT department would die without her. Besides, she is too good friends with Sam to leave him to deal with a brand new staff."
"We'll be there for a while too," Dean added. "I'm gonna help her move in the second week of Jan. We can catch up then."
"That would be great, guys," you said gratefully. "I will look forward to it."
Dean reached out and ruffled your hair, just like he did with Sam, and it made you immediately feel warm and homely inside.
"C'mon, let's get back to the Christmas tree. We haven't put up one piece of decoration on it," Dean suggested and the three of you nodded. You immediately texted Sam to let him know that you were going back to the family house.
Sam wasn't there. He'd had to rush to office, but you never felt lonely even for a second. The evening was spent amazingly. Mary was a fantastic cook and they had a massive Christmas tree which the three of you pulled from the backyard and into the house with additional help from Cas. The four of you had a great time between being bruised by the tree and decorating it. Cas was one of his kind. He was more serious but also somehow very innocent. Every innuendo that Dean made had to be explained to him, and Dean made a lot of innuendos, especially because Cas didn't understand him.
Cas also told you a lot about the company policy and gave you the highlights about all the associates, and the couple partners, while Jo gave you the dirty laundry. You didn't remember the last time you'd laughed so much. This felt like being home, like being amidst family.
By the time the tree was decorated, all of you were tired, and too giggly, in a way that one person laughing was setting everyone off. You clutched at your stomach, falling back on the sofa exhausted, your hair splaying behind you.
"Gosh… y'all need to stop laughing. Because I need to stop laughing," you laughed.
"Oh no, don't." You felt his hands trailing along your shin before your eyes met with his beautiful hazel ones.
"You're back," you squealed, jumping up from the sofa and straight into his arms. The shenanigans from the afternoon had made you very bold somehow.
Sam was pleasantly surprised, but his strong arms caught you the moment you landed against his chest, your legs swinging in the air behind you.
Sam didn't give you the time to think about it, or even catch your breath before his lips crushed to yours in a bruising kiss. His fingers dug into your skin almost welding you to his body while his lips moved passionately against yours, almost forcefully. It reminded you of the kiss you had shared three nights ago, after Sam's nightmare, and it scared you because you knew he was scared of something.
"Get a room y'all," Dean catcalled from the other side, and Sam finally broke his kiss.
"I put up with you and your fiancée making out like it was a college frat party all day long. You can shut it, Dean!" You yelled back distractedly, making him chuckle.
Sam looked back at you with a politely amused expression, not expecting you to be so informal so soon with his brother, but it did not completely hide the sad look in his eyes.
You touch his cheek softly. "Hey, what's wrong?"
He put you down, but his hand didn't leave yours, while his eyes found a spot on his spotless shoe.
"Sam?" You shook him lightly.
"I'm not around for the next few days, Y/N," he finally sighed. "I have to fly back home and then to Chicago for work."
"So you're not gonna be here even tomorrow? For Christmas?" You asked, the heartbreak clear in your voice.
He was quiet for a moment, still not looking up. Oh no, it was worse.
"I have to leave right now, Y/N. It's important, there's no way around it."
"You can't be serious man. You brought her here to spend the Christmas with her, and you're off to work?" Dean questioned. "C'mon!"
Sam said nothing. It was obvious that he was beating himself up over it.
You put a finger underneath his chin and made his look up. "It's okay. You do you, Sam. I understand that this is important."
He was so shocked at your response that words failed him, so you continued.
"I know you wouldn't leave me here if it wasn't absolutely necessary. I get it. The last thing you need worry about is that I'll be angry, because I'm not. It's your responsibility, and I am glad that you're not shirking it off to play hooky with your girlfriend."
Sam gave you the most tender look. Like it was ripping his heart into two to leave you behind for most of your holiday. This was not acceptable to you.
So you leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "Actually you being all businessman like this is big turn on. What can I say? It's a kink."
And in spite of himself, Sam laughed. It was an unexpected and breathy sound, but happy nevertheless.
He looked deep in your eyes, and kissed you softly on the lips once more. "You are something else, woman."
"I know right!" You smiled brightly. "You are a very lucky man."
"That I am," he whispered, before backing a little. "I need to go up and pack my stuff."
You watched as he made his way up the stairs.
"You did a good thing, kid," Dean said from behind you and you dropped back on the couch, putting your head in your hands. "This sucks!"
"I'm sorry," Cas said soothingly. "Hopefully he'll be back soon."
Sam was already upset about leaving you. The last thing you wanted to do was let him go with a guilty conscience. He didn't need that too. He'd been pretty vague about when he'd be back, but you were scared to ask him about the New Year. The prospect of facing New Year's Eve alone was marginally better than the prospect of knowing five days in advance that you'd be spending in alone in your hometown. It was the absolute last thing you'd wanted. Maybe, just maybe he'd find time to see you.
It was with slumped shoulders that he came back down, into the now morose room. An idea struck you and you ran back up the stairs muttering a "be back soon." The moment you were inside, you rummaged through your tiny back pack and pulled out the rectangular package.
You rushed down and handed it to a very confused Sam. You pulled his phone out of his hands much like how he'd done it in the morning, and furiously began clicking on the screen.
"What's this?" He asked, looking at the dully wrapped package.
"It's your Christmas present. Open it tomorrow morning," you said, not taking your eyes off the screen.
When you were done, you handed his phone back to him with a somewhat satisfied smile on your face. "Here!"
"What did you do?" He asked.
"I installed tic tac toe on your phone. That way I can play and finally beat you at it!"
It was probably the last thing he expected, which was why his cheeks pulled up into those adorable dimples. "You can try," he said, pecking you once more.
"It's so on!" You giggled, and Sam's eyes softened. "Now go!" You pushed him lightly, before the urge of whisking him off to the bedroom and hiding him there forever overpowered you. "I can't wait to beat you!"
"We'll see about that, O," he smirked as he turned around and walked out of the door without a backward glance. Which worked well because tears sprung up in your eyes the moment he rounded the corner.
It was late and you'd already had enough food. "I'm gonna turn in guys," you smiled half heartedly and hugged everyone, wishing them a Merry Christmas.
You'd already kept everyone's presents under the tree long back. Sam's had been still up cause you had been hoping to give it to him personally. Once you were up, you stripped down completely and stepped into the shower, washing both the day’s excitement and disappointment off you.
When you walked back in the room, you noticed that Sam had left his soft cotton shirt and sweatpant for you there. Without hesitation, you pulled them on and dived under the blankets, trying to selfishly surround yourself with everything Sam. It worked for a while till your senses got accustomed to the smell of him, but fizzled out soon, even though you tried to cling to it.
The bed that had been all too constricting last night seemed too big tonight without him next to you. You wanted more than anything to be able to curl up to him, and the thought made you sad.
Sleep did find you eventually after some trying, but it was fitful and you were very cold. You didn't know if it was that or something else, but after a while something made you suddenly bolt upright in your bed, your eyes wild in the darkness. It took you a moment but you recognized a silhouette standing by the edge of the bed. After a mini heart attack, your vision cleared enough to recognize the wide frame and the bowed legs.
"Dean! What the fuck? You scared the hell out of me!" You yelled in a whisper which was pointless because there was no one else to wake up.
"Don't go swearing on Christmas Eve. Santa won't toss your present down the chimney." He chuckled, extending his hand. "C'mon, come down."
The fluorescent clock by the bed read 00:44.
"Nope!" You put your hands up. "It's so cold outside. I ain't moving my already frozen ass."
He laughed again at your petulance. Bending down to take your hand and pull you up anyway. "Why are you doing this to me?" You whined. "I thought we are friends!" But you stepped out of your bed anyway, pulling the newly bought sweater around you.
"If you are making me sneak away with you to spy on Santa, I'm suing you!"
He only chuckled.
When you stepped into the living room, the first thing you saw was a bright roaring fire in the fireplace.
"Wow! We are barbecuing Santa now, are we?" You muttered, but immediately after, your eyes slid down to the rest of the room. Huge fluffy blankets and mattresses had been spread out around the tree and the couch, soft Christmas lights twinkling above them. The whole place looked so fluffy. Jo was already lounging on one of the fluffy blankets, a mug of hot chocolate in her hands, and Cas was trying to not look out of place with blankets covering him. They were all dressed in comfortable sweats.
They were all staying here… for you. Not celebrating with their parents or privately. They had scrapped all their plans so you wouldn't feel lonely tonight. The tears that had threatened all night, finally spilled over.
Jo was quick to put the mug down and be by your side. She pulled you into a tight hug.
"Thanks guys," you blubbered. "You didn't have to do this for me!"
"Sure did!" Dean chimed in. "It's the least we can do."
Cas was up too. He handed you another mug of hot chocolate. "This is Ellen's recipe. It will make you feel better in a sip. I drove down to get it for us."
You were so overwhelmed by the gesture that you threw your hands around him. "Thanks Cas. You all… this is just…"
"You don't have to thank us sweetheart," Dean said, giving you a side hug. "We wanted to do this. Besides it would be worth it when dad wakes up in the morning and finds us all passed out on his living room floor." That made you laugh.
This time around, you didn't talk much, just listened to their friendly banter, simply happy to share the moment with them. When you all fell into bed at 4, all exhausted, you couldn't fight your drowsy eyes anymore. Just when you were about to fall asleep, a ping sounded from your phone. Opening one eye, you clicked on the notification to see the game screen.
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Followed by a message. *Your turn, Sweetheart. By the way, I love you.*
You could help the smile that stretched your lips, as you marked an "O" right next to his "X"
Quickly typing: *Oh it's so on! I love you too, Sam. So much...*
He was probably on a connecting flight so the quick reply didn't come, but you hugged the phone tightly to yourself, hoping as you closed your eyes that you'd see the man you loved sooner than you thought.
A/N 2: PLEASE do consider leaving some feedback! One word, an essay... anything! :) It adds years to my life! Y’all are the fucking BEST!
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@sdavid09  @grace-for-sale  @kas-not-cas  @bellastellaluna  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing   @like-a-bag-of-potatoes   @clairese1980   @badwolfrunner   @poukothenerd  @vougebandit   @thevioletthourr   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit   @vougebandit @vougebandit  @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @frickfracklesackles   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @holystilinski  @thevioletthourr  @angel-blazing @thevioletthourr  @vougebandit  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @vougebandit  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @maddieburcham1  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @maui137  @thevioletthourr @prairiebirdie  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @pillow223 @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr   @thevioletthourr @taychen01  @thevioletthourr  @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
How Dean Reacts to you being shorter than him.
He LOVES it.
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Dean is a protector; the fact that you are smaller than he is (Jensen is 6’1” according to Google. If he’s wearing boots, we can add a couple of inches. So, he’s anywhere from 6’1” to 6’3”) gives him more reason to be protective of you. If he gets even a hint of danger; he is pushing you behind him. If you need to run to safety, he will push you in front of him so that he can get between you and whatever is chasing the two (or three if Sam is there) of you. If you’re in an unfamiliar situation, you are immediately tucked under his arm of half hidden behind him so he can keep you safe. If you’re in crowded places, he has an arm around your shoulders because he’s afraid he’ll lose you in the crowd.
As protective as he is, this also means he teases you endlessly about your height.
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You: “I was gonna drop kick that dude”
Dean: “Okay Tiny Tim, sure you were”
He likes to compare the size of his hands, arms, legs and feet to yours, finding it amusing that you’re so much smaller than he is.
Him: “My hand could eat yours as a snack!”
He uses nicknames such as:
-short stuff
-short stack
-small fry
-shortcake (or shortbread)
-ankle biter
around other people. If you’re married it’s Winchester bite size or tea cup Winchester.
When you’re alone; it’s cuter stuff like:
- Thumbelina
- Tink (short for Tinkerbell)
- Minnie
- Smurfette
- Lil Bit
He lets Sam tease you about it too; Sam calls you things like Pipsqueak (Pip for short), cupcake and shrimp. If Castiel and Jack understood why this was supposed to be funny, he would let them too. However, if anyone else tries to tease you
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You are basically always running to keep up with them because one of their strides equals two of yours.
You: “Wait for me, I have little legs!”
Dean: “Sure you can keep up there munchkin?”
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When you get angry or start saying how you will rip someone limb from limb if/ when you find them, the teasing kicks into over drive. He finds you so small and adorable that he doesn’t think you can be scary.
Dean: “You’re about as terrifying as the Easter bunny”
When someone (even him) underestimates you because of your size and you prove them/him wrong, this is his statement.
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This also means you get to use his shirts as dresses! Throw on a belt and shorts in the summer time or leggings in the fall/ winter and you instantly have an outfit. Not that he minds, he loves seeing you in his shirts.
Him: “Are you wearing MY shirt?”
You: “Yeah, problem?”
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He may not admit it out loud, but he secretly loves that he can pick you up and throw you around, this is especially fun in the bedroom.
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It also means that if you get hurt, it’s easy for him to scoop you up and carry you to safety.
When he goes on a long hunt without you, this is how you greet him.
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*spider monkey mode*
Sam: 😐😑😐😑😐
Dean: 😳😍😍😍😍😍
When you’re cuddling, you’re always the little spoon (for obvious reasons) but sometimes you want to be the big spoon to change things up
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Him: “You’re not spooning me, you’re more like a backpack”
You: “Correction, a JET pack!”
He worries (and I use that term loosely) about him and/or Sam stepping on, tripping over or sitting on you if they aren’t paying attention to where they’re going.
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Lay Here In My Arms (5/14): Passionless, Passionate
Summary:  It's Jabby time! If you haven't yet, please read 'Fresh Pickled Toads', it introduces James' asexuality and a bit of Abby. I've put a reminder note in the text where it will be useful to see :)
Pairing: James Sirius Potter/ Abby Wood (Fading Scars)
Read it on AO3
           James didn’t meet Abby Wood until he was thirteen.
           Mum and Dad were still friends with Oliver and Katie, but the Woods weren’t often home; they both travelled for Quidditch (both played for Puddlemere, which made commentary interesting), and took their daughter with them. They didn’t come back much, and apparently Abby had a private tutor for her lessons.
           When they finally met, it was at the Quidditch World Cup. Abby was almost as tall as her mother, but she was still shorter than James. She sat beside him during the first match of Wales against Japan, but she didn’t seem very focused on the game. Instead, she showed James her latest knitting project and they talked about Wales’ Keeper, who did some beautiful Potions work when she wasn’t playing.
           After the game, they were sent to get water by their parents. James walked beside Abby, wondering what to say.
           “Is it nice, travelling all the time?”
           Abby shrugged. “It’s okay, I suppose. I’d love to go to Hogwarts, but Mum and Dad reckon that I can start next fall. I’m only twelve, and I’d miss them.”
           “My parents are away a fair bit,” James replied. “Mum covers sports all over, and Dad has missions. But they’re home whenever they can be.” And of course, he himself was away for most of the year now.
           “What position do you play in Quidditch?” he asked.
           “I don’t really play one.”
           “Well, of course you’re not on the team. I just mean—you must play with your parents for fun—”
           “I switch around.” Now Abby sounded different; cross. “I’m not very good at any of them.”
           “Oh. Well that’s okay, so long as you’re having fun.”
           Abby slammed the bucket down. “I’m not.”
           James looked at her in surprise. “You’re not? Well, why do you keep playing?”
           “That’s a stupid question. Of course I have to play. My parents are both Quidditch stars, and they tour, and they’re making special allowances so that I can get an education and train professionally.” Abby sat on the ground. “I have to be good, and I have to love it, but I’m rubbish and I don’t like it at all.”
           James sat down next to her. “I’ve never met someone who talks in italics,” he said, doing it purposely.
           “Mum says it’s me being dramatic. But I want to be dramatic sometimes!”
           James smiled. “It’s not a bad thing.” He tried to think of the right thing to say. “Have you told your parents?”
           “They don’t believe me. Mum’s trying to talk Dad round to letting me go to Hogwarts. She thinks my trouble is that I don’t know enough people, or not enough kinds of people. But I’ve met loads of people at Quidditch camps and games and I like people, but I don’t like Quidditch.”
           “What about it don’t you like?” James asked.
           Abby looked up at him. “No one’s ever asked me that.”
           “That’s a logical question!” James was flummoxed. “What do they ask?”
           “When I’m going to change my mind.”
           “Well, what don’t you like about it?”
           Abby sighed. “I’m afraid of heights. That’s the first bit, but I’ve done my best to get over that, and I still don’t like playing. I suppose it’s the brutality. People just accept that terrible accidents happen, and it’s only a game!”
           “Your father almost died during a game, didn’t he?”
           Pain flashed in Abby’s eyes. “He collided with a Bludger. When he was getting well, he told me that he was glad he caught the Quaffle first! I don’t understand! There are things worth dying for; Quidditch isn’t one of them!”
           “Maybe you don’t feel that way, but he does.” James saw the same fervour in his own father’s eyes sometimes. “We can’t criticize the passions of others, but it’s wrong to impose our own, too.”
           Abby pulled at the grass. “Do you think you could help me explain all that? I just can’t fight about it again.”
           “Sure. I like helping people.”
           “Really? Abby picked up her bucket again. “Why?”
           “I suppose I’m alive because people helped my Mum and Dad, even in little ways. And if I’ve learned anything from reading, it’s that when you see something’s wrong, you have to do something.”
           After a long discussion that night, Oliver and Katie finally accepted that their only child didn’t like to play Quidditch.
           “We still love you,” Oliver said. He was joking, but Abby burst into tears.
           James left then, as a stunned Oliver held his daughter and Katie stroked her hair. He couldn’t help much more, and he had a feeling the family needed some time to sort themselves out.
           In September Abby came to Hogwarts, and she was sorted into Gryffindor as a second year. James was curious about her, but he did play Quidditch and was in Charms Club and in the new Defence club and still read a lot in the library (and watched Roxy and Nat not-make-eyes-at-each-other), so he didn’t see her much.
           But he and Abby did hang out sometimes with Hagrid, and he took them into the Forbidden Forest and introduced them to the centaurs. Abby was fascinated, and she ended up taking Divination and, when Professor Trelawney really couldn’t teach her much more, she followed Firenze into the Forest.
           Abby found delight on the football field too. Dean Thomas called her the ‘best forward he’d ever seen’. James couldn’t join the team (too busy), but he came to every single game he could, and the two of them would play on the weekends sometimes, just kicking the ball back and forth and running.
           And James slowly, slowly, painfully, found out that his own passion was not for the flesh. When he and Jenny Marks had sex, he did everything he could to make sure she enjoyed it, but when it was over, she frowned at him.
           “What’s wrong with you? You don’t look happy.”
           “You were great, it’s nothing. I’m just…not used to it.”
           But it never got easier, and finally Jenny broke up with him, disgusted with his lack of interest. “You’re a freak, Potter. A damn freak, and you don’t deserve love!”  
           Albus and Company offered to curse her. James wouldn’t let him. Maybe he was a freak.
           “She’s horrid,” Abby said. “Why did you date her in the first place?”
           “She liked me,” James answered. “And she was different.”
           Abby squeezed his hand. “I don’t think you really want different.”
(And this is where ‘Fresh Pickled Toads’ happened so go check that out if you haven’t read it)
           After the big declaration in the hall, James took Abby by the hand and led her outside. “Are you sure?” he asked her. The scarf she’d made him was soft and fluffy against his neck.
           “Of course I am, Jamie. Don’t worry, I love you.”
           “Why do you love me?”
           “You’re the only person that asks the questions I want to answer.” Abby laid her head on his shoulder. “I adore you, Jamie Potter. Now come on, let’s play football. We can skive off first period.”
           “Neither of us have class, it’s not skiving.”
           Abby transformed a rock into a football. “Don’t take the fun out of it, Head Boy.” She kicked the ball and started running, and laughing, James ran after her.
           Everyone was delighted when James and Abby got together. The only people who felt mild panic were George and Oliver, who had a frantic consultation ensuring that yes, Abby was Oliver’s child, and in no way related to the Weasleys. When Katie overheard them, she nearly killed herself laughing.
           “Abby looks exactly like Oliver, George! Don’t be stupid!”
           “We had to check!”
           “Have you checked Roxy and Freddie?” Oliver asked, nervous again.
           That prompted another round of laughter from Katie. “Oh, I’m telling Angie!”
           Abby and James never heard any of that conversation. They were busy being happy, and learning how to have a relationship that had none of the firsts of a conventional relationship. There were no bases, no fears of getting caught. They found other firsts instead; first time they slept through the night together (Abby snored); first time they danced on the Hogwarts roof together at midnight (James twisted his ankle and Abby had to carry him down to the Hospital Wing); the first time James was invited to Puddlemere United’s summer camp.
           “I know you don’t want to go professional,” Oliver explained, “but I thought you might enjoy it, and it will give Katie and I some time to get to know you better.”
           James came back from that week tired and feeling a bit like he’d been administered Veritaserum, but his goal shots were much stronger now and he understood Oliver and Katie much better. They were people who’d never envisioned children, but they’d had one and done their best. And in the end, Abby was happy and knew she was loved. Mum and Dad always said that was what was the most important thing.
           Having a year apart from Abby while she finished school was difficult for James, but he pulled through. Always one to keep himself busy, he divided his time between volunteering at the women’s shelter and doing an apprenticeship at the Apothecary. He was the only one in his immediate family who genuinely enjoyed Potions, and it was the ingredients themselves that fascinated him. He dreamed of finding new uses, new ingredients, just as Grandmother Lily had. Just as Aunt Hermione experimented with now.
           When Abby was finished with school, James was elated. They were still close, he still loved her, she still loved him. Abby joined him at the Apothecary; her interest was in the tools of the potion trade, and they made a good team. So they were happy.
           Then Jenny threw a wrench into their lives.
           She sent him a beautiful wedding invitation, announcing her nuptials to a man James had never heard of before. Abby had, and her lips twisted.
           “He used to play for Puddle,” she explained. “He’s the stupidest person I’ve ever met.”
           “Well, they’re happy,” James sighed. “Who cares, honestly?”
           But he did care. Not because Jenny was getting married to someone else, just that she was getting married at all. Something didn’t feel right about that.
           Abby turned the invitation over and growled. “She’s only invited you, Jamie.”
           “Well I’m not going without you, obviously.”
           “Look, Jamie.” Abby pointed to the sentences in Jenny’s handwriting.
           Obviously you won’t want to attend, Jamie. I can imagine seeing something you’ll never have will be painful for you. Besides, it’s only a matter of time before your girlfriend realizes that you’ll never put out and leave you. I thought I’d send you the invite anyways, for old time’s sake.
           “That’s it!” Abby snapped. She knelt.
           “Abby, what are you doing?”
           “Jamie Potter, will you marry me?”
           James stared at her, positively stunned. “What?”
           They called a family meeting. Freddie, Rita and Pierre came last, Apparating from France.
           “You’re both far too young to get married!” Mum protested. “You know we don’t care if you live together; why not wait?”
           “You can’t let some horrid monster like her decide how you live your life,” Lou pointed out. They were leaning against the wall. “Get married, don’t get married, but don’t just do it because of her.”
           “We do love each other,” Jamie replied. “And I know we’re young—”
           “Younger than your Mum and I,” Dad said. “And we got married quite young.”
           “And do you regret that, Dad?”
           “No, I don’t. I’ve never regretted that. What I do regret is thinking that marrying her was the best way to make our relationship permanent. That it was the ultimate way to show her I love her.”
           “When really it was growing your beard.” Mum smiled and kissed him.
           “Our grandparents got married young. All four sets.”
          “That was almost forty years ago! And it was the middle of a war! Things are better now.”
          “It’s more than that.” Abby was wringing her hands. “There’s another reason.”
          “If you’re pregnant, you can still live together,” Aunt Audrey soothed.
          “She can’t be pregnant by accident, I’m asexual!” James snapped.
          “Right. Sorry.”
          “Jamie, I didn’t just ask because of Jenny,” Abby said. “I asked because…because you do anything for what you’re passionate about. You rush in, you commit, you have mad schedules that don’t make sense to other people. I didn’t understand that when it was other people’s passions. But you…I am passionately in love with you, with our life together. And I’m ready to be married now, even tonight. I know I’ll always be with you. I want to do this. If you don’t want to, that’s okay. Really.”
         James kissed her, because he couldn’t speak. When he did find his voice (and his breath), he added, “and, you know, if we’re both ready and it pisses off Jenny…why not?”
         Mum and Dad looked at each other. So did Oliver and Katie.
        “If that’s what you want, we’re with you all the way,” Mum said. “Just not tonight?”
        “Of course not! I need to find a dress!”
        The wedding took place two months later, just enough time for Abby to find the perfect dress (and for Rita to recreate it with dozens more sparkles and in bright blue), and for James to secure the purchase of the Apothecary. The owners were retiring, and some of the money that James’ ancestor had made inventing Sleekeasy went into buying the shop.
       “We’ve got money of our own, son,” Dad said when he finished signing the papers. “Besides, I quite like investing in businesses. Just promise me you’ll keep Mum and I supplied with Pepper-Up Potion?”
        James hugged him as hard as he could to reply.
       There were some delays the day of the wedding; the first wedding in the family since Teddy and Victoire. Estelle insisted on having a dress that looked like Aunty Abby’s, the peacock Draco Malfoy sent for a wedding gift escaped and the cake Grandma Weasley had worked on so hard got dropped. But magic solved one problem, a careful broomstick search solved another, and Uncle Ron displayed grace under pressure and whipped up a second cake.
       It was twilight when James and Abby walked through the fields of the Burrow together, hand in hand. Aunt Luna had released some twinklers, glowing birds from South Asia, and they darted around the two of them. Jamie pulled nervously at his shirt collar.
      “Abby, are you sure?”
      “I’m sure, Jamie. Really sure. Are you?”
      Those were the really important words, the most important vow. But they dutifully spoke the true ones a few moments later with their family watching. Abby had to hold Estelle, who was inconsolable without her aunt, but when James swept Abby into his arms and kissed her forehead, the little girl was quiet at last.
      James and Abby went for a week to go adventuring, and found it in a Muggle rock climbing place. Abby was delighted with the sport, and when they came back she joined a club. James went with her once in a while, but he didn’t mind her being gone; it was good that she had friends, and it gave him some time to read through Muggle romance stories (which were fascinating to read, even the rubbish ones. Perhaps especially the rubbish ones).
     One day, though, he asked her to stop.
    “Are you lonely?” Abby asked immediately.
    “No. I just…” James took her hands. “I was wondering, actually, if you would like to have a baby? I’m happy to have one with you, but if we’re trying to be pregnant then you’ll have to stop. Is that okay?”
   “Are you sure?” Abby asked. “Sure, sure?”
    “Completely. And I do know how to make sure you feel good, so don’t worry—”
   Abby kissed him. “Let’s make a baby, Mr. Potter. I’m excited to have your baby.”
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