#and dani is just *shrugs* 'guess that happened' and continues with her life as if nothing has happened
caitlynmeow · 3 months
Alcina certainly had distinctive reactions to her daughters hitting puberty and also the daughters all had different reactions from one another. Also, the daughters were late bloomers; Bela and Daniela were over 16 and Cassandra was 17 so it was very new to them.
They all needed their mom when it happened but it was chaotic still.
Bela tried to tough it out and acted as if she wasn't fazed, just being very matter-of-fact about it because what would her mama say if she saw her freak out over something so mundane? But Bela couldn't fool her mother because Alcina noticed her pale face and slight shaking, like girlie was about to pass out and was acting nonchalant tho she did have a little panic moment when Alcina told her it was okay and that she could just-- Allow herself to feel all sorts of things.
Cassandra was the opposite. She was all panicky and loud wanting her mama and she did enough crying too because what is Cassandra Dimitrescu if not dramatic? There was some exaggeration of course, but she is also good at riling herself up so she made herself actually panic for no reason. Alcina was there with her because part of that dramatic personality is Alcina paying attention to it and fawning over her daughter. Which she did. Alcina was there to manage the freakout and stayed calm enough for Cassandra to finally calm down and listen to her.
Daniela was different. One, she has two older sisters so she knows what's up, and two, being the youngest it was Alcina freaking out this time, not Daniela. The youngest Dimitrescu walked casually into her mother's room one day declaring that she got her first period the day before (she told Bela first because she's trying to prove to her mother that she's capable of handling things on her own) and Alcina's reaction was "WHAT?!" Because what does she mean she is old enough now? The lady of the castle knows that she is being irrational, but Daniela is her baby, and having her grow up like that was jarring to Alcina.
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daniiidenniiison · 1 year
continued from here for @theotherbilly
It was a little too late for Billy’s advice after she’d kind of slipped what had happened to Max, only for him to give her the same kind of response he had when she’d tried to tell him the first time. “Well, I might have tried to tell them some things already, and Allison was a lot more understanding than Max was, to say the least. To be expected, I guess,” she admitted with a shrug. At least, staying away from the sisters was something they could agree upon: Dani didn’t want to come within a hundred feet of any of the three of them. Thackery and Billy were the only two she could rely on to feel a little less insane. “Anyway, I can’t just let them sit and suffer for the rest of their lives, not knowing what the hell happened to them. That would be cruel. Like, it seems like they can’t remember years of their life, Billy. It’s all a haze for them. What the hell did these women do?”
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datawyrms · 3 years
“Did you apologize to Tucker yet?”
“About what? Wait, are we talking again? I thought we weren’t talking.” The ghost circled back, blindly fumbling with the thermos lid, eyes busy squinting at the hunter’s mask as if it would let him see through it better. “You’re not gonna say it’s fine then shoot me, are you?”
“Why do you always remind me why I don’t like talking to you like this.”
“What���d you mean like ‘this’? Like I should pretend that isn’t a totally valid question?” 
Valerie groaned, gesturing at the ghost. “Like that sort of thing is normal!”
Phantom smirked, letting the edges of his boots hit the hoverboard. “Welcome to my life.”
“And how you just keep that stupid confident face up.”
“Uh huh. I thought you were lecturing me about Tucker, not my personality.”
She deeply considered having the board jar the ghost off, but that’d probably just amuse him more. “You seriously don’t remember why you should be apologizing?”
“Well according to you, I should basically apologize for existing. So sometimes I lose track on the particulars.” There was an edge there that the blithe tone couldn’t quite cover up, even as the ghost sat down. “Y’gonna enlighten me or what? I’m bad at twenty questions.”
“You broke your promise to him, remember?”
The blank stare she earned in response was absolutely infuriating. “Uhhh. Which one?” He had the sense to look embarrassed, hand glued to the back of his neck.
That wasn’t going to help him though. Shooting him was actually sounding like a fair idea if it was the only thing that would get him to actually learn and pay attention. “To stop possessing people. The big one? The really easy one that NONE of his other friends need to worry about doing ‘accidentally’?”
“Wow Val, if you just wanted to say you think I’m weird you didn’t need to drag Tuck into it.” The embarrassment slid into a scowl easily enough, arms crossed as if that would defend him. “I haven’t done that for months.”
“He’s been telling you he hates it for years.” Before she even figured out Danny’s dead man walking secret. Tucker was too good a friend to be ignored for literal years because a ghost conveniently forgot how fucked up it was to invade someone’s body and use them as an unwilling meat puppet if it was ‘helpful’.
“I try, okay? I’m not doing it to upset him!”
“Somehow everyone else can manage without doing it.”
The ghost tilted his head. “Well duh, you guys can’t.”
“Even if we could, we wouldn’t.” She snapped, the confusion and completely casual excusing of his actions just a little too much to deal with. “Heroes don’t control people.”
“Well excuse me for needing to protect myself. If what I am gets out to the wrong people, I’m dead. More dead.” He groaned face in hand “You know what I mean. Worse than dead. Dani too.”
“Do you really think Tucker’s dad would have ratted your whispy ass out? That he wouldn’t help you explain? Or was it just an excuse to let yourself do what you want?”
“Well you seem to have decided that it was! Which it wasn’t!” His eyes flared green with the defence, and Valarie had to work to not react to the impulsive want to get away from an angry ghost. “I just- reacted, okay? I told him that!”
“Well Tucker and Sam keep forgetting how much of a ghost you are, so of course they won’t buy that excuse.”
“Excuse? It’s not an excuse!” He was up, the offended squawk reminding her so much of how he was before. When they were all fourteen, and every uncomfortable problem could be chalked up to being ‘a moody teenager’ and ignored for a while longer. “And you could stop saying ghost like that, while you’re at it?” The glow dimmed, but he kept the distance. “Sound like my dad.”
“What, you want me to say it like you do when they keep coming here to threaten people? Deal with it.”
“There are plenty of ghosts who don’t do that.”
“Yeah. They don’t come here, and they aren’t my problem,” she shrugged, considering. “I’ll say it nice to them.”
“Oh, real funny.”
“You deserve it.”
She expected a scoff, at least. Probably a laugh, considering how often he’d joke about being the town’s public enemy for a time. Instead he averted his eyes. “Maybe we can finish this talk on the ground?”
It was easier to be ticked off at him when he was joking, or steamed himself. Phantom didn’t ‘do’ uneasy. Maybe it was a good sign that he was actually listening, if he wanted to continue ‘off the clock’. “Space cadet wants to land? Sure, if you want.”
“I wouldn’t go with ‘want’, but yeah.”
It wasn’t much trouble, in the middle of the day. A quick glance while hidden in at least one direction was enough. People who lived in Amity Park knew they should get out of the area of a ghost sighting at this point. Even if she and Phantom were trusted enough to deal with it, stray shots happened. Things fell. Not too many eyes to avoid, even if her identity felt like an open secret most of the time.
Danny had it even easier. He just had to think. It felt like a sick joke, that he could stop being dead on a whim and blend in fairly well. The gangly man leaning against the tree looked human. Black hair, blue eyes, needed a tan, unremarkable. Average. Unless you knew what to look for, anyway. How a casual slouch didn’t match up with how he was always looking for something, a tense energy that seemed desperate to crack free of that spine. That he could walk in winter with the thinnest of jackets and not shake from the cold even once. “Hey.”
Valerie rolled her eyes, sitting on the bench. “Hey yourself.”
Danny grimaced, looking up and away. “How much of a ghost I am, huh?” It wasn’t an angry question, exactly. He was still slouching, hands in pockets. Guarded and uneasy. How much of that fear and caution the person she thought she knew, and how much of it was just another part of his act?
“You’ve said you’re at least half of one.”
“Yeah. You just make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
The whole crux of the issue, really. How no one really knew how to deal with Danny, his secret and how he’d changed. “It’s not a bad thing on it’s own.”
“So I’m the part you like to sneer at,” his brow furrowed, the creases and wrinkles more ominous as blue slid closer to green. “I thought we went over this. You know what actually happened. How I never really attacked people.”
She admired Tucker and Sam’s patience, she really did. “We have. It’s not about that stuff. That’s years ago, you know it. It’s the other stuff.”
The anger was gone in an instant. “What other stuff?”
He was a living migraine waiting to happen. “How you keep thinking things from seven years ago are more important than things happening right now?”
“Hey, you’re the one that held the grudge for two.”. 
“Months. Not years.”
He slouched more at the correction, apparently very interested in his own hands. “Oh. Right.”
“You haven’t been using the reminders like Jazz told you to, have you.”
“I can remember fine! I don’t need some box doing it for me. I’ve just been busy.”
Busy. That was his excuse this time? She crossed her arms and leaned back. “Okay, what year is it?”
“Uhm.” he paused to pick at a non existent loose thread “One starting in 2?”
“What! Lots of people don’t care too much about the time.”
He didn’t even try to guess within ten years. There was living in the present, and there was this. “No, you know your ghost side makes you act in certain ways and keep denying it. So you still get the complete pain version of ghost. Get it?”
“I’m not that different.” He wouldn’t look at her, hand clenching. “I’m human too, you know.”
“Uhuh. The way your eyes flare up when you’re mad is super human.” She ignored his scowl, pushing forward. “I get it. You don’t like being reminded. Tuck and Sam try to ignore it for your sake.”
“Val, I’m not denying it okay? I know. It’s pretty obvious!”
“Then stop pretending you don’t know. They’re trying so hard to help you have a chance of getting a job that isn’t with your parents and you won’t even use the reminders to help you remember where in time you are!”
That got him to bristle, shaking off his slouch in a sudden reminder of how tall he really was. “Why does it matter? We’re all just kidding ourselves about me ever leaving here.”
“So you just won’t try? Just give up on finding anything else? For someone who keeps insisting he’s human, you sure seem eager to ditch that half of your life.”
“That isn’t what I’m doing.”
“Then what are you doing? Because all I’ve seen you do is get tetchy about ghosts and instinctively do ghost things. When you’re human.”
“I’m putting in the work.You know it’s hard to study or hold down a job.”
“So stop making it harder on yourself.They’ve found ways to help keep you grounded, so do it.” Sam should be saying this, of course. She’d heard it frustratedly repeated so many times, but she never dared to actually say it to the one who had to hear it. Because he was already prone to pulling away or vanishing when you pressed too hard, made things too uncomfortable. Ghosts didn’t do coping, and Danny was never great at facing personal issues head on before becoming a menace to her sanity either. “You think making things harder makes you more of a hero?”
“‘Course not.” He wasn’t looking at her anymore. He was looking for an escape, an out. “I shouldn’t need that stuff, alright?”
Now it was her turn to be puzzled. “Why shouldn’t you?”
A lopsided grin answered her question. “Who likes admitting they’re a freak?” The tree no longer had a human standing by it, but his voice was easy enough to hear. “ But I guess some people care about a freak like me anyway.”
(did Valerie use a tracker to smack him and say ‘you’re not a freak’ right after this? yes)
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queenbrightwhitly · 3 years
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“Ugh, this is by far the worse day of my life.” You fell back on your bed dramatically, spreading out across your sheets.
Dani stood in the door way with JT; both looking amused. “It’s for your own good, plus this way we can keep a close eye on you.”
You scoffed, looking up at both of them annoyed. “You both aren’t even going to be here! It’s some guys that Gil found in the office with nothing else better to do than babysit.”
“It’s not babysitting.” Dani said.
“It’s babysitting.” JT stated. Dani glared at him, JT only shrugged. “No point in lying to her, it is what it is. We should honestly get the SWAT to watch over you, knowing you’ll probably ignore us and do something stupid.”
You rolled your eyes. “I get a few creepy stalker letters and now I’m under house arrest. Perfect.” Proping up you smiled brightly. “You both should totally stay, we can order pizza and play monopoly, I also have UNO.”
“This isn’t a sleep over Y/n. This is serious.” JT scolded.
You huffed, folding your arms you started pouting like a child. Mostly to annoy JT further. “Malcolm would play UNO with me. Where is he anyways?”
Dani smiled. “Your Prince Charming is currently looking into a lead with Gil about your stalker. He wanted to make sure they got the right guy.”
You wanted to sass something back. Dani knew about your little fondness for the profiler, but JT certainly didn’t, and you didn’t want him to. He would never let you live it down. You were surprised that Malcolm himself hadn’t figured you out... Than again he could have and not said anything.
“Whatever, you guys are no fun anyways.” You reached over to grab the remote, turning on the tv you saw out of the corner of your eye them leaving. This was going to be a long boring night.
You spent the last few hours, doing random things. You started with your laundry, than you went and made yourself breakfast for dinner, finally you had settled with changing into your PJs with a bowl of fresh popcorn as you were scrolling though the tv trying to find a movie to watch.
Suddenly hearing a knock on the door, you froze, getting up you peaked outside to see the police officers had left. When did that happen?
The door banging was louder this time, making you flinch. Quietly moving to the kitchen you grabbed the small pistol you kept hidden under the sink. You slowly walked closer to the door, the banging not letting up, you got closer and proceeded to lean against it. Looking through the peep hole you sighed in relief upon seeing none other than Malcolm Bright himself.
Unlocking your latch you opened the door. Malcolm smiles widely at you. Looking down at your hand his smile dropped and he looked more concerned now.
“Come on in.” You greeted happily, ignoring the way Malcolm kept looking at you. You knew that he was profiling you. “I just made popcorn, want some?”
“Why do you have a gun?” Malcolm asked.
You rolled your eyes turning around to face him. “Well, Malcolm. When you get a bunch of creepy love letters and get the feeling that someone is watching you, a gun just becomes a part of your household accessories.”
Before he had the chance to respond you walked over to your kitchen counter and set the gun on top. Malcolm closed the door behind him and sat down on one of your kitchen stools. He was eying the gun, looking like he hadn’t seen one before.
“What are you doing here Malcolm? And where’s my babysitters?”
Malcolm turned back to you, an amused smile gracing his face. You tired your best to act casual, but you felt yourself get nervous.
“Gil and I found the guy who was sending the letters. Apparently he was planning on coming to your apartment tomorrow to try and see you. He told us everything once JT got into his face, he wasn’t as nearly as threatening as he was writing about himself in those letters.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Well, I’m glad that’s over with.” Malcolm nodded, taking another look at your gun again.
“Malcolm, why do you keep looking at my gun?” You asked, causing him to put his gaze back on you.
“Sorry, I just,” stoping for a second he continued. “You were really scared. I just didn’t realize how scared.”
“What are you talking about?”
Malcolm nodded towards the gun. “I’m guessing you didn’t feel comfortable with the officers Gil left for you. Plus your hand hasn’t stopped shaking this whole time.”
You glanced down at your hand to see it was indeed shaking. Taking your other one you placed it on top your wrist trying to still your movements. “Dani also happen to mention you weren’t too happy about none of us being here.”
“Yeah, well I can’t blame you. You were out finding my stalker, so thanks for that.” You shrugged, looking anywhere but him.
Malcolm nodded. “Dani also said something about you wanting to play UNO with me? I’m not quite sure what that means”
“Oh my, she-“ you instantly groaned in frustration. “I’m going to shot her.”
Malcolm smiled, taking a hold of your hand across the table he brought it to his lips. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something Y/n.”
“Ok?” You kept you eye on Malcolms hand in yours, moving his thumb across your palm.
“I’ve been taken notice of you lately, and based on certain bahavior it’s seems you may have particular feelings for me. Is this true?”
Malcolm kept his eyes on you, watching intently for any sort of reaction. He felt your hand still in his own, noticing your lack of eye contact with him.
You sighed, fully aware you’ve been caught. Not like you really had a chance in the first place. “I feel like you already know the answer to that.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want you to clarify it for me.” Malcolm said.
“Should I even go as far as to do that?” Malcolm smiled, his hand pulling yours back up to him, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“I would really be thrilled if you did.”
You smiled, walking around the table you stood right in front of Malcolm, his hand never letting go of yours.
Leaning over you softly whispered in his ear. “ I happen to have particular feelings for you, Malcolm Bright.”
Just as you said that, Malcolm let go of your hand and placed both of his on your cheeks. It took you a second to realize he was kissing you, but once you did you instantly kissed him back.
His hands roamed from your cheeks to your waist pulling you closer to him. You stood right between his legs which were hanging off the bar stool. You had one hand on his chest while the other was tangled in his hair. He wasn’t letting up in the kiss, which went from a sudden kiss to wild make out session.
Malcolm leaned forward, wrapping his arms around your legs be stood up and carried you with him. Walking over to the couch, Malcolm sat down with you on top of him. You straddled his lap, his hands on your hips drawing circles.
You both needed air but Malcolm was the one who pulled back first. Resting his forehead against yours, you both were breathing heavily. Malcolm looked down at you, his pupils were blown wide, his breathing slowly going back to normal.
You looked at him questioning. “I really hope that was a good wow.”
Malcolm looked down, smiling he nodded. “Yes, very much so.”
Suddenly a noise came from outside causing you to jump. You tried to reach for your gun but suddenly became panicked, Malcolm instantly took notice and took a hold of your shoulders.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re-“ Malcolm stopped himself, taking notice of your behavior. “You’re still terrified. Y/n, you know he’s gone. This guy is officially locked away.”
You nodded, looking around you sat yourself on the couch next to Malcolm and grabbed the blanket that was resting on top of your couch. “I know.” resting his arm on the couch, holding his head up with his hand he stared at you.
“Talk to me,” Malcolm spoke softly. Reaching up he placed a stray hair behind your ear.
You sighed, smiling briefly. “I’m normally not so paranoid. It’s just- the last time I wasn’t, someone died. I guess, being put on the sidelines kinda just made me think of what might happen to one of you guys.”
Malcolm nodded. “That’s why you wanted Dani, JT, and I to be here. It wasn’t about not having someone you knew or the fact that you would be bored by yourself. You didn’t want us getting hurt looking for your stalker.”
“You all shouldn’t have to deal with my problems, much less if you guys are going to get hurt doing it. I can take care of myself, I’m a cop ya know.”
Malcolm smiled. “Indeed you are. Although I’m kinda glad you said something, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” 
“Is that so wise guy?” You smirked, taking a hold of his tie and bringing him closer. Malcolm smiled, leaning forward he connected his lips to yours. Both of you became tangled with each other, Malcolm rubbed his hand up and down your leg through your blanket, while his other one came up and caressed the side of your cheek.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you messed with the back of his hair, his bangd were now in front of his face all messy and tangled. Pulling back you tried to catch your breath, Malcolm on the other hand attached himself to your neck. His lips were soft and warm, the feeling sending chills up your spine.
Just when things were starting to go further both your phones started ringing. Sighing, you reached in your pocket to see Dani’s name come across your screen. Malcolm showed you his phone and sure enough Gils name popped up.
“I think that’s our sign we better get up.” You joked, moving to stand up, you helped Malcolm get up, his hand interlocking with yours.
“We’ll finish this later.” Malcolm said, leaning down he kissed the top of your head. “I never thought I would be so disappointed to have a case.”
“I’m sure that will change when you find something stupid to do.” You teased, leaning your head on Malcolms, you both made your way to the precinct.
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Playin' With Fire
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Summary: Dani has moved in with Will and Benny Miller. One night they throw a party and she finally gets to meet the final Special Ops teammate, Frankie. There is an obvious connection between the two, but what happens when life throws a roadblock in the way of them being together?
A/N: So here it is. My first ever Frankie fic, my first ever Pedro Character fic, my first ever fic that has all the parts completed. I would like to say a BIG thank you to @221bshrlocked for the mood board because hers is TEN times better than any of mine were. Each part will have their own warnings. Translations will be at the end of every chapter, let me know if any of them are wrong. Also let me know if I've missed any warnings. Y'all forgive me if my writing is crap.
Warning: Explicit language, mentions of someone getting handsy, um dirty dancing?, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 4,205
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It was a warm summer day, Benny’s birthday to be exact. Will had decided to throw a party at their house for him. Will had mentioned that their childhood friend, who they called ‘Tequila’ just moved in with them. Frankie had shown up early to help Will assemble the new grill he had gotten. He never expected for his entire life to be flipped upside down.
He knocked on Will’s front door three times before it swung open and there she stood. Dirty blonde hair that hung just below her breasts, eyes so blue it put the sky to shame. He was sure he looked like a damned fool, mouth agape, probably catching flies. Then she smiled, and Frankie’s heart beat faster than ever thought possible.
“Hey, you must be Catfish. Will told me he was expecting you.” She greets him and her voice sounds like a fucking angel. There was no way that she wasn’t messing around with Benny. She looked just like his type.
“I’m Dani, Will and Ben’s roommate, but everyone calls me Tequila.” Frankie groans internally, he was so screwed. She opens the door a little more and moves out of the way. “Will’s in the backyard.” She points through the house.
Frankie hurried past her and mumbled a “Thank you”. Frankie’s eyes were trained to the floor as he briskly walked toward the kitchen and out into the backyard.
“Fish!” Will bellowed with a huge smile on his face. “I guess Tequila let you in.” The two men embraced in a bro-hug. Frankie nodded, moving over to where Will had the grill pieces laid out.
“She did. You never mentioned your new roommate was a woman and hot.” Frankie responded, looking over the directions. “You know man, you pay like fifty extra bucks and they put this shit together for you.”
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It took Frankie and Will three fucking hours to put the grill together. By the end of the last hour, Frankie was cursing Will, telling him he’d never help him do something like this again; Although, they both knew that was a lie. The two men walked into the kitchen, where Dani was prepping the steaks for dinner. “Finally done, boys? I threw a couple of buds in the fridge for y’all.” She chuckled as the back door opened.
Frankie knew he shouldn’t, but walking up to the fridge, he couldn’t help but steal a gaze at her back side. The shorts she was wearing left almost nothing to the imagination. Her tanned legs seemed like they went on for days. Her feet clad in converses, which made Frankie laugh, because who wears those any more.
Dani heard the laughter and turned around, seeing Frankie looking at her feet. "My shoes funny to you, Catfish?" She asked, with a playful smile on her face.
Frankie's head shot up. " No, no. I love Chuck Taylors as much as the next person. It just surprises me that people still wear them." He explained himself, hoping she didn't catch him staring at her ass, too. Frankie opened the fridge and grabbed two beers, before asking her if she wanted one. She shook her head, stating she doesn't drink beer. Frankie wondered what that meant, and handed the other beer to Will who watched the scene unfold in front of him with a smirk on his face.
There was about an hour to kill before everyone showed up to celebrate Benny's birthday. "The steaks should marinate for at least another half hour." Dani explained to Will, "And make sure you don't burn 'em this time, Ironhead." She teased him, and he threw a hand over his heart, feigning that it was broken. The two went about the kitchen prepping side dishes for the night.
Frankie was outside, trying to figure out why the grill wouldn't light and he was sure Will fucked something up. He couldn't help but wonder what Tequila and his friend were talking about.
Dani turned to her best friend, "So, what's Catfish's story?" She asked, twiddling her fingers. Will looked at her with a raised brow.
"Frankie? Why?" Will questioned her teasingly. Blush covered her cheeks and she averted her eyes to the floor.
"I dunno. He seems sweet." She replied and Will smirked, giving her a knowing look. "Will, stop it. All I said was he seems sweet." She playfully smacked the other blonde.
"Well, Ironhead. I figured out what you fucked up." Frankie's voice boomed as he opened the back door. He noticed that the two were talking and apologized for interrupting.
"It's fine, Frankie." Dani smiled, "What did this dumbass do now?" Frankie realized that was the first time she said his real name, and it was the greatest thing he has ever heard.
Frankie turned to Ironhead. "Maldito idiota. You forgot to connect the gas line. The whole place could have gone up." Will's eyes almost popped out of his head.
Tequila turned to Ironhead. "What the fuck, Will?!" She screeched. Will threw his hands up in defense.
"I'm sorry. I got distracted." He tried to save his ass. "I swear I connected it."
Frankie and Tequila rolled their eyes. "Well, I hope your girl of the week knows she almost killed us." Tequila groaned and walked outside, knowing exactly what was keeping Will distracted. Frankie just shook his head and followed her.
"Hey," he started as he walked up to her at the cooler. She gave him an acknowledging nod as she pulled a bottle of tequila out. "Oh. Is it time for the hard stuff,already? Una chica después de mi propio corazón." The spanish rolled off of Frankie's tongue and Dani could have fallen over.
She would never admit it to anyone, but she had a thing for languages. Or maybe she just had a thing for Frankie and his Spanish. She wasn't sure which. "Yeah, well after finding out your best friend almost killed you for a few nudes from his fling of the week, tequila seems appropriate." She forced a laugh. Frankie definitely caught on that she described Will as her best friend and that he was having flings.
Frankie nodded in agreement. "So, is this why they call you Tequila?" He tried to change the subject, pointing to the bottle of Patrón. She shook her head 'no'. Before she could tell him, Will stuck his head out the door, yelling that Santiago was here.
"Santi!" Tequila squealed, rushing to the door, and she missed the look on Frankie's face. It was a mix between hurt and confusion. How did she know Santiago when Frankie had no idea she existed? Frankie groaned and walked toward the house to greet his friend.
Dani had already made it inside and was wrapped in an embrace with Pope. “Fuck,” Pope groaned with a smile as Dani jumped into him. “Hey, Tequila.” He hugged her tightly.
“Look here, jerkface,” She said as they separated, “Next time you hook up with one of my friends and leave me to deal with her crying, I’m kicking your ass.” She poked him in the chest to get her point across.
Santiago just hung his head and mumbled a “yes ma’am” before Frankie caught his eye. “Lo que hasta hermano” He greeted one of his oldest friends. He looked at Dani and mouthed “help me” to Frankie, earning another poke from the blonde girl.
“Estás solo, hermano. Ella da miedo.” Frankie smiled, pointing to Tequila. She huffed and crossed her arms.
“Oh, fuck you guys. I’m fluent in Spanish. Deja de hablar mierda de mi.” The words rolled off her tongue with ease and Frankie almost lost his shit right there. Lucky for him, Will broke up the tension.
“Benny just texted me, he will be here in twenty. Tom is bringing Molly and will be here in about fifteen.” Dani excused herself to go get ready, claiming she wasn’t presentable for a party. If it had been up to Frankie, she wouldn’t have changed at all. He found himself excited when she came back about fifteen minutes later in the same shorts, shoes, and a cropped Guns-n-Roses t-shirt.
The party was in full swing. The seven of them were gathered around the fire pit. The group was too many drinks in and knew they would be crashing here. Thankfully Benny and Will had the room.
“So, Dani. Why do they call you Tequila?” Molly had asked and Will and Benny started laughing. Dani just shook her head. Benny answered before she could.
“Because Dani can knock you on your ass with one good shot, just like Tequila. Trust me, I know.” He explained, speaking from experience. Molly looked at her with wide eyes and she just shrugged.
“I bartended my way through college. Sometimes an asshole would get too handsy. It paid off to have two protective guys who taught me how to throw a good punch. Plus, I really like tequila.” She winked at Frankie, referencing their conversation earlier in the day, taking a sip of her tequila sunrise. She made a face, realizing it had watered down. “I’m going for another, anyone else need one?” She offered and everyone raised an empty bottle.
She got up from her chair and turned toward the house. Frankie got up too, “I’ll help you,” he offered, ignoring the whistle Santi let out. He was clearly feeling good. Frankie flipped him a quick bird and continued into the house.
Inside, Dani was already grabbing bottles out of the fridge, mumbling about how they have already almost finished off their stock. “Oh, here” Frankie started, leaning on the counter. Dani closed the door, turning her attention to the man beside her. “Let me help.” He said, taking the bottles out of her hands, seeing her struggle to hold them all. “Can I ask you something?” Frankie gets the words out before he changes his mind. She hmms in response.
“How have we never met? I mean you obviously know Santi.” He takes his hat off to run a hand through his hair. Dani smiled at the sight of his hair all disheveled.
“I’ve been asking myself that all night. You do seem to be the better of the bunch.” She flirted, hoping he would return the gesture and he did.
“You are definitely not what I was expecting when Will said they had a roommate.” He smiled, leaning a little closer to her. Dani noticed and moved closer herself. Before they could cross that line, they were startled apart by a very inebriated Benny.
“Tequila!” Their drunk friend slurred, “Wha’re you ‘n fish doin’? Cat, you hittin’ on my girl?” He tried to be serious, but Benny stumbled over his own feet into Frankie.
“Woah, Benny. Careful.” Frankie caught him and set him up right. Dani laughed, he always was a lightweight.
“We were just about to bring the drinks out.” She says, grabbing the bottles off the counter, leaving a couple for Frankie to carry.
Back outside, Dani and Molly danced to whatever music Will had playing. “Yeah!” by Usher came on and Molly squealed that she loves this song. “Dance with me, Tequila!” She pulls her closer and Dani lets her, the alcohol clearly gone to her head. The two girls are all but grinding on each other. Tom quickly gets up, knocking his chair backwards. He takes Dani’s place dancing with Molly, grumbling something she would never repeat in public.
Frankie wanted nothing more than to join her now that she was dancing alone, but Santi beat him to the punch. “Baila conmigo, cariño.” He whispered in her ear and she giggled. Frankie wished it had been him to get that noise out of her. Dani shook her head and pushed Santi away.
“Solo en tus sueños, playboy.” She responded and it was Frankie’s turn to laugh. Dani walked away from Santi over to where Frankie sat. “Dance with me, Frankie?” She asked sweetly. How could Frankie say no?
He followed her just as a Def Leppard flowed through the speakers. She began moving her body to the beat of “Pour some sugar on me”. Frankie did his best to keep up with her, but he kept losing concentration, especially when her ass connected with his crotch one to many times. His hands instinctively went to her hips and pulled her closer. “Joder, princesa. Tienes que parar antes de que pierda el control.” He groaned into her neck where only she could hear him.
She turned to face him, throwing her arms around his neck to pull herself closer. “Tal vez eso es exactamente lo que quiero.” She purred in his ear.
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The sun beamed through Dani’s window way too early the next morning. She groaned and rolled away from the penetrating light. As she turned, her hand hit a warm body and it elicited a groan. “Too early.”
Dani’s eyes shot open, trying to see who was beside her. Looking around, she realized that she was not in her room, but instead in Will’s. “Will?” She questioned, berating herself for going this far with her best friend. The other person threw the blanket off their head and Dani let out a sigh of relief. Seeing Frankie took the weight off of her shoulders.
“Hermosa, did you just call me Will?” Frankie asked, sleep thick in his voice. Dani was so embarrassed.
“Sorry, fish. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in Will’s room. What the fuck happened last night?” Dani questioned the man beside her as she sat up to assess the room. She looked around for any indication that something transpired between them last night.
“Trust me, Tequila. You’d know if we slept together.” Frankie sighed, as he swiped a hand over his face. Cocky much, Dani thought; However, he was right, she didn’t feel like she had sex. “I need coffee.” He griped, throwing his legs off the bed and standing up. Dani caught him out of the corner of her eye. He had on sweats and no shirt. She turned her head, shamelessly checking him out, before he pulled his shirt on. “Take a picture, Teq.” He laughed and she threw a pillow at him.
Dani forced herself out of the bed too, happy to see her drunk self had put on decent pajamas. The two padded into the kitchen as quietly as possible. They had passed Santi and Ben passed out on the couches.
“Where are Molly and Tom?” Dani whispered to Frankie and he just shrugged. Frankie rummaged through the kitchen searching for the coffee. “Teq, where are the filters?” He yawned, holding up the coffee can.
“Shit, we might be out.” Frankie whined at her answer. “Come on. There’s a coffee shop within walking distance.” She continued, heading towards her room. She opened the door and found out where Molly and Tom were. “Holy shit!” she gasped and immediately turned around. Frankie heard her outburst and rushed over to her, seeing the same sight as her, Molly perched on Tom’s lap, moving in an obvious way.
“Jesus,” Frankie said, covering his eyes.
“I’m just gonna borrow some clothes from Benny.” Dani said walking away and closing her door. Once in Benny’s room, they found Will sound asleep. Dani quickly picked up some sweats and a tee from Benny’s drawer. “I’ll be right out.” She told Frankie as she entered Benny’s bathroom.
When she emerged, she had dressed and her blonde locks were haphazardly thrown into a bun. Frankie loved this look on her. She was just as beautiful as she was last night, and this looked more natural on her. “You’re staring, Catfish.” She teased him, “Let’s go get coffee before anyone else wakes up.”
The walk to the coffee shop was a pleasant one. It was about 7am and the North Carolina humidity hadn’t set in yet. Frankie and Dani chit-chatted the whole way. She had learned that he had met the guys while in the service. He joined right after high school, just like them. He was their pilot. His favorite color is black, and that is exactly how he likes his coffee. He drives the same chevy he got on his 18th birthday, and has no intentions of getting rid of it because “she still purrs like a kitten”.
He learned a lot about Dani, too. Her favorite color is purple. She likes her coffee with just cream. She met Benny first, since they were the same age. She is an only child, so Ben and Will are basically her older brothers. She just finished her residency at the county hospital and is getting ready to take her boards. She absolutely loves 80’s hair bands and country music, but has a soft spot for R&B and rap.
They were nice enough to get coffee for everyone, even though Tom and Molly seemed to have enough energy this morning. “I have to buy a new mattress now.” Dani cringed at the thought of what Molly and Tom were doing.
They got back to the house to see that everyone was now awake, and fully clothed. Dani gave Tom and Molly a dirty look and they both apologized, confusing everyone else in the room. Frankie started handing out the coffees, getting mumbled “thank yous” from the group.
“Are those my clothes?” Benny asked, gesturing to Dani. She nodded and proceeded to tell everyone why she had to wear Benny’s clothes.
“Holy shit. You need a new mattress now.” Will snorted, his face drawing up in disgust.
Dani laughed, “That’s exactly what I told Frankie!” Molly’s face was beet red and Tom just hung his head. “Awh, come on, guys. We’re just kidding. Although, I do need a new mattress.” She tried to lighten the mood.
Frankie quietly sipped his coffee, trying to figure out if he should ask Dani out on a date. They’ve only known each other for a day and Frankie can’t imagine his life without her, even just as a friend.
What seemed like hours passed and the group slowly trickled down until it was just Benny, Dani, and Frankie. Benny was the next to leave, loudly saying he was going to take a nap and for Frankie to behave himself. Frankie just shook his head at his friend.
“I guess I should be heading out soon.” Frankie sighed, not wanting to leave. Dani nodded, trying not to look disappointed.
Frankie scooted closer to where she was sitting on the couch, lifting her outstretched legs over his. The two sat in silence, purely enjoying each other’s company. “Fish,” Dani started, “You wanna get dinner sometime?” She asked, biting her lip nervously. Frankie looked at her, shocked, that she asked first.
“I would be damn stupid to say no.”
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Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Dani and Frankie had become best friends. Even through all of the flirting, they never crossed that line. Dani was working at the hospital, and Frankie was back on rotation at the airport. He was gone most days, but he was due to come back for a short time.
Frankie was ready to be back home. He loved flying, but now he had something worth being on the ground for. He had called Dani before his last flight left, telling her he would be back by 9am the next day.
Like clockwork, Frankie was knocking on the door at the Miller Party House™ by 9:30am. Dani begrudgingly dragged herself out of bed and threw on her robe. She scurried toward the door, pulling it open to reveal Frankie with a bouquet of sunflowers. Frankie laughed, “No need to get dressed up querida, it's just me.” He teased her.
Dani pulled him into the house and hugged him tight. “Fish! I can’t believe you’re here.” She said sleepily. Frankie smiled at her tiredness. She just looked so damn cute in her fuzzy robe and bed head. “Give me thirty and I’ll be ready.” She yawned as he released her from his hold.
He watched her pad her way down the hall to her room, his smile never leaving his face. He made his way to the kitchen, knowing where everything was, he started a pot of coffee. Even though they were going for breakfast, he knew she would want a cup to-go.
True to her word, thirty minutes later, Dani emerged from her room, dressed in distressed jean and a black T-shirt. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun, her signature go to. She walked into the kitchen where Frankie just finished making her cup of coffee.
“Just the way you like it.” He promised with a wink, as he handed her the cup. She happily accepted the hot beverage. Taking her first sip, she moaned at the heavenly taste.
“You are the best, Cat.” She murmured, walking past him, only stopping to place a sweet kiss to his cheek. She all but inhaled the drink, before she slid her feet into her trusty converses. The two made their way outside and climbed into Frankie’s Chevy.
The drive to their usual diner, Luanne’s, was a short one, but it was filled with laughter. Frankie was at his happiest when Dani was with him. They pulled into the parking lot, Frankie backing his truck into ‘his’ spot. He hopped out of the cab, rushing to the passenger side, so that he could open Dani’s door.
“Who says chivalry is dead?” She joked as the door opened and Frankie held out a hand for her to take. She gladly accepted it and slipped out of the truck. The two walked hand in hand to the door. Frankie pulled it open to see Luanne standing behind the counter.
“Well look what the cat dragged in! I ain’t seen you two in a hot minute.” She greeted them, not bothering to get menus because they always ordered the same thing. “Your usual booth is open, go on and take a seat. I’ll get the coffee.”
Frankie and Dani mumbled a “thank you” in unison as they moved toward the back of the restaurant. Just as they were getting comfortable, Luanne walked up with a thermal carafe and two coffee cups. “What have y’all been up to?” she asked, sitting down the coffee and some cutlery.
“I just got back into town.” Frankie explained, “Had to drag this one out of bed.” He laughed as Dani stuck her tongue out at him.
“Well I’ve been taking extra shifts at the hospital. I think I’ve earned the right to sleep in.” She shot back at him with a smile.
“Y’all are the cutest. What are we getting today? The usuals?” She didn’t need to ask, she already knew. They nodded. “ Alrighty then. Coming up darlin’s.” Luanne walked away, leaving them to each other.
“So, extra shifts at the hospital?” Frankie asked her as he poured coffee, sliding her a cup.
“Yeah. Residency is kicking my ass. I’m trying not to fall behind.” she told him. “I take my boards in a week and I’ve logged almost no time in neuro.” She sighed. She didn’t want to go into neurosurgery, but she still needed the hours.
“You are going to be the best damn trauma surgeon Memorial has ever seen.” Frankie promised her, “And if they can’t see that, then fuck 'em.” He smiled at her. Luanne brought them their breakfast and they halted their conversation.
When they were done eating, Frankie insisted on paying, telling her she could get it next time. They left the diner and went back to Dani’s place. “You have me for the day, hermosa. What do you wanna do?” Frankie asked her. Dani tapped her pointer finger to her chin, pretending to think.
“I believe we have a show to catch up on, Morales. Seeing as I can’t watch it without you.” She teased him. “You grab the snacks, I’ll get the drinks, and get Hulu up.” He nodded in agreement and they separated.
When Frankie entered her room, she had blankets and pillows set up in a mock fort on the bed. How she did it so fast, he will never know, but he isn’t complaining. The two settled down and turned on ‘Sons of Anarchy’.
The show was gruesome and Dani hated watching it without Frankie. “Hey, fish?” She started, “Doesn’t Jax look a lot like Will? I mean, if he had long hair?” She asked, and Frankie studied the screen.
“Nah, I don’t see it.” They laughed and continued watching. She wasn’t sure how many episodes they watched, but she looked over and Frankie had fallen asleep. She closed the laptop, moving off the extra pillows, and covered Frankie with a blanket. His signature hat was falling off his head and she set it on her nightstand.
Dani sat there on her bed, looking at her best friend sound asleep. He looked peaceful. His face smooth of the worry lines he normally sported. His curly hair in disarray. She couldn’t help but smile. In that moment, she knew there was nowhere else she’d rather be. She curled herself up in the bed next to him, where she drifted into a relaxing slumber.
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Maldito idiota - Fucking Idiot
Lo que hasta hermano - What’s up brother
Estás solo, hermano. Ella da miedo - You’re alone, brother. She’s scary.
Deja de hablar mierda de mi. - Stop talking shit about me
Baila conmigo, cariño. - Dance with me, honey
Solo en tus sueños, playboy - In your dreams, playboy
Joder, princesa. Tienes que parar antes de que pierda el control. - Damn it, Princess. Stop before I lose control.
Tal vez eso es exactamente lo que quiero - Maybe that’s exactly what I want.
Hermosa- beautiful
Querida - Dear
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Happy Birthday Remus!!
This fic is written by me and the brilliant dani! @unadulteratedpaperparadise. she'll probably say we both did the same amount, but without her there wouldn't have been a remus birthday fic today, so give her all the love! she deserves it.
Characters by @lumosinlove
“I don’t know about this…” Remus said questioningly.
“C’mon, Re,” Sirius pleaded. “It’ll be fun, I promise.” He punctuated his sentence with a kiss to Remus’ ear.
Remus sighed, “Fine. One time and if I hate it, I get to do yours.”
Sirius' eyes lit up and he actually bounced a bit on his toes. “Hell yes, Re! You’ll look even better than you usually do.”
A blush crept up on his face and he couldn’t keep the smile from his lips. “So?”, he asked, looking expectantly at his boyfriend.
“Ooh, okay. Sit down”, Sirius barely hid his smile as he turned around to get the makeup from where he’d put it.
“Okay, baby,” Remus laughed as he sat down. “You’re really excited about this, huh?”
“Yeah, I mean I just think you’ll look hot,” Sirius said. “I mean, you always look hot but-”
“Relax, I know what you meant,” His infectious chuckle continued.
“Okay. Can I start? Are you ready to become even more beautiful?”, Sirius was smiling over both cheeks now as he picked up a brush and some kind of container.
“Stop it,” Remus blushed a little every time Sirius paid him a compliment, even after all this time.
His smile turned into a grin and he was sure Remus knew what he had gotten himself into. “What? I can’t tell my gorgeous, brilliant, wickedly hot boyfriend that he is the light of my life and the best person on earth? Now what’s the fun in that?”, he leaned down and kissed Remus’ cheeks, where his blush had darkened to a deep red.
Remus hid his face in his hands, willing the blush to go away. He stared up into those beautiful blue eyes and suddenly it didn’t matter if he was blushing; it didn’t matter if he was at the bottom of the Mariana Trench or the top of Mount Everest, he would look up into those eyes. Those eyes that looked at him like he was worth something… worth everything.
Sirius’ smile softened, “You’re perfect.”, he paused and just looked at the other for what felt like an eternity, “Okay. Makeup!”
Sirius pulled out the makeup bag that Lily had prepared for him. It was reflective, proclaiming “Find yourself and be that!” Sirius smiled at the wording, knowing that now he had found himself and that he was, in fact, being that.
He got out a sparkly eyeshadow and a big fluffy brush and then stopped looking a bit sheepish, “What do I start with?”
“From the one makeup video I’ve ever watched, I think you start with foundation?” Remus guessed, shrugging.
“Ah. Yes, of course,” he went looking through the bag again mumbling to himself, “Foundation. Yeah, I know what that looks like, I’ll just-”
“Glass bottle.”
“I knew that, but thank you. Foundation.”, he said as he held up the bottle in victory, accompanied with a sponge in the other hand.
“I think you gotta wet the sponge first,” Remus supplied helpfully (?). “I mean, I think.”
“You’re awfully knowledgable for someone who’s only watched one makeup tutorial, huh?” Sirius smirked as he splashed a little foundation onto the back of his hand.
“Maybe I watch the occasional beauty guru,” Remus conceded. “Maybe I watch beauty ASMR videos and if I do, it’s my business and mine alone.” He huffed out, a little embarrassed.
“You are adorable.”, Sirius placed a lingering kiss onto Remus' forehead, “And now, foundation!” The black-haired boy carefully soaked the sponge into the liquid and dabbed it onto his boyfriend's cheeks. “Is this right, Mr. Makeup ASMR?”, he asked Remus in a teasing tone covering his face slowly in the light beige Lily had brought them.
“Yes,” Remus gritted through his teeth playfully.
“Awww, you look like an angry little puppy when you do that,” Sirius cooed whilst continuing his ministrations. “Don’t pout, it’s bad for the makeup.” Remus’ eye twitched in mock-irritation.
Remus sighed once the other was satisfied with his work. “Concealer is next. So please, make these under eye bags disappear.”
Sirius acted annoyed, but he knew Remus could see, he was glad for the instructions. “I love them, though. They’re part of you. You work too hard, that’s what they show.”
“This is makeup. It’s reversible.”, Remus smiled. He had never liked his eyebags, which had always kind of just been there, but it made him warm up to hear Sirius did.
“Fine.” a pout on his lips, the taller man covered the skin under Remus’ eyes with a lighter shade, watching the light purple disappear.
“So pretty, baby,” Sirius said lovingly as he patted the product into his boyfriend’s delicate skin.
“Hey, that’s my line,” Remus reached out to hold Sirius’ left hand, which was resting lightly on his cheek to give him stability when applying the makeup. He gently tugged it away from his own cheek to place a kiss in between his boy’s knuckles. “You’re so soft here. I thought your skin would be rough.” He flipped Sirius’ hand over in his his, analyzing every nook and cranny, crevice and callous.
“Why would my knuckles-” Sirius’ affection for the man before him killed the query on his lips. His eyes fluttered down briefly then, softly, met Remus’. “I like being soft with you.”
“I like all of you, baby. Smooth sides and rough edges,” Remus said, still absently playing with Sirius’ hand.
“Even after all these years, you still always know what to say to me,” Sirius said, staring deeply into Remus’ light amber eyes.
“I still don’t think that’s true,” Remus huffed a quick laugh.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Sirius pulled away slightly to pick up a small pot of blush.
He used a large fluffy brush to pick up a little bit of the bright pink product and leaned back over to his lover.
“Light, upward strokes,” Sirius spoke softly, intently focused on the application of the blush.
“Huh, never knew you to be one for light strokes,” Remus joked.
Sirius couldn’t help the smile, but chose to wash over the comment, instead applying the pink power onto his boyfriend’s cheeks. “You look so cute! Like you’re blushing.”, he said, once he was done, looking at Remus.
“If that’s what it looks like you might have added too much.”, he laughed, ignoring the actual blush that spread under the makeup across his cheeks. As Sirius just kept staring at him,his face felt hotter. Remus took a deep breath, “Come on. Want to do something with my eyes?”
The black haired shook out of his trans, “Yes, yeah, of course. This is the most important part. You’re going to love it.”
“You promised that for the rest aswell.”
Sirius turned around, the smallest amount of actual hurt on his face mixed with a load of cockyness. “What? You don’t love your look so far?”
“No, I adore it. I look fantastic.” Remus answered, his voice dripping in irony.
The other smiled and then dropped a kiss onto his nose, “You always do.”
“So we’re done?”
“You’re not getting out of this, love,” Sirius came back with a whole palette of colors, ranging from deep purples to sparkly golds. He struggled to open it and after a while wordlessly held it out to Remus.
He smiled, but opened it for his lover and returned it.
Sirius sprinkled a light layer of sparkly gold over Remus’ eyelid. He added a burgundy to the crease, accentuating the shape of his eye with classic Lions colors. He added a couple swipes of mascara.
“I’m not fucking around with eyeliner,” Sirius laughed. “I feel like I could do some real damage with that stuff and I do not want to go to the ER today. Or anyday. No ER for you, my sweetheart.”
Remus joined in with his boyfriend’s laughter. “Yeah. Imagine having to explain that.”
“I accidentally stabbed my love blind with eyeliner,”
“Sounds about right,” Remus chuckled. “That would definitely happen to us.”
Sirius made grabby hands at Remus’ sweater paws and reached out to pull him up and out of the chair he was sitting in, spinning him around slowly to face the mirror.
“I look…” Remus trailed off. Sirius came up behind him and snaked his arms around his waist.
“Pretty. You look so pretty, sweetheart,” Sirius cooed sweetly.
“Yeah,” Remus whispered, vaguely aghast. “I look pretty.”
“Let’s go take some pictures, pretty boy,” Sirius swatted at Remus’ ass playfully. Remus cracked up, tilting over the hips just laughing so hard.
“Let’s go, baby,” and with that, Remus placed a sweet kiss on Sirius’ lips and took his hand, leading them downstairs for a mini photoshoot.
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Holy Matrimony
This is my first time writing for the Prodigal Son fandom, but I’m still excited either way. This was requested by @jiejie-eonni-onee-sama, and the idea is so adorable and funny. Gif and characters are not mine. Hope you guys enjoy it!!!
Description: Malcolm plans to propose to his girlfriend during their date at a fancy restaurant, but some of the team and his family arrive to make sure he doesn’t blow it. An unexpected quest also makes an appearance
Warnings: just some mild swearing, spoilers for season one, and a brief description of a crime scene, but otherwise none
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“I know this is a big night for us, but you didn’t have to rent out one of the fanciest restaurants in town. I’m perfectly fine with a night in at home.”
Malcolm turned to look at his girlfriend of eight months as he continued to button up his white dress shirt. “Come on, Y/N. It’s going to be wonderful I promise. Besides, I would do anything for you.”
That was very true. This was the longest relationship that Malcolm had ever been in, and Y/N was different. He was worried after what happened with Eve, love would never return into his life. It did, however, and he was grateful to Y/N for all she had done for him so far. Tonight was the night he was going to show how much he loved her.
“Our cabs here,” Y/n said as she straightened her outfit. “You ready for go?”
“Yeah, just a few more minutes. You can go ahead down stairs, and I will catch up with you in a minute,” Malcolm responded. While Y/N was a little suspicious as to why Malcolm needed to stay back, she shrugged it off and walked out the door of the apartment. Once Malcolm was certain that she was gone, he opened a drawer that was located discretely under the bar.
He pulled out a small velvet box, and inside was the ring that he planned to propose to Y/N with. His family and friends were all supportive of this move, and yet he was still a little worried. He took a deep breath and placed the box in his suit jacket. “It’s okay,” Malcolm whispered to himself. “Nothing could possibly go wrong.”
Sunshine tweeted happily. “Thanks, Sunshine. The next time you see the two of us, you’ll have a new mom to look after you.” With that, Malcolm opened the door and dashed down the stairs to the cab. The giddy energy he felt fueling his steps.
The couple sat in a rented out section of the restaurant. Malcolm didn’t want to raise any extra attention when he proposed to Y/N, and while renting an entire room might have been much, he didn’t want to risk it. His family already had to much attention focused on them because of his father, and he didn’t want anymore.
“Excuse me, but I’m going to go use the restroom before our food gets here,” Y/N said as she stood up from the table.
“Sure, that sounds great! I’ll be waiting here doing nothing in particular,” Malcolm stuttered as he fidgeted in his seat. Y/N smiled at him as she walked out of the room. He’s a lot jumpier than normal, she thought, Perhaps he has a recent case on his mind. In fact, the only thing Malcolm had on his mind was her, and he mentally screamed as he placed his head in his hands.
“Oh my god he’s going to blow it. My son needs to get it together.”
Outside of the restaurant, Jessica Whitley was standing outside with a pair of binoculars, her daughter Ainsley by her side. They were leaning against the brick wall of the building across the street. The pair was trying to spy on Malcolm and make sure that he didn’t mess this up.
“Well, you know how my brother can be,” Ainsley replied as she examined her fingernails.
“Your daughters right,” Gil chimed in as him and the rest of the team walked up to Jessica and Ainsley. “Malcolm Bright does whatever Malcolm Bright wants to do. We can’t control him.”
“I’m his mother for crying out loud, so I have more control than you think. What are you guys doing here?”
“Coming to see how Malcolm will manage to pull off this proposal. Same as you guys,” JT stated.
“I think you guys are being to hard on him,” Dani commented, “As much as Malcolm loves Y/N, he will know exactly what to say.”
“That’s right! From my statistical analysis, their love for each other is 100% legit,” Edrisa added in as she appeared from behind Gil, Dani, and JT. “Also, it’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Whitley.”
“Likewise,” Jessica said with a smile. “Well, looks like the gangs all here.” The group waited and watched as Y/N returned to her seat at the table. The couple had begun eating, but the group that they didn’t know was waiting outside began to twist with anticipation.
“That’s it! I cant take this anymore. I’m going in,” Jessica declared as she shoved the binoculars she was using over to Ainsley. With determination, Jessica strides across the street. All the while Ainsley and Gil were trying to drag her back, but it was to no avail, and they began to follow her too. The rest of the team was close behind. However, another lone figure was lurking in the shadows.
“Holy crap, this pasta is the best I’ve ever had. No offense to your cooking of course,” Y/N said through a bite full of her food.
“None taken,” Malcolm replied with a chuckle. “I know how much you love Italian cuisine.”
“You know what I love more than pasta?”
“Day time television?”
“No, silly. It’s you! Ever since we first met at that crime scene, I just felt a connection with you.”
Malcolm couldn’t help but grin at the memory. Y/N was also part of the team, and the two had met during a case at a Bakery. At first Malcolm didn’t understand how Y/N was able to eat pastries while a man’s guts were strewn across the floor. Then he soon realized that she had witnessed a lot of crime scenes in her day.
This had to be the right moment. Somewhere deep inside, Malcolm knew that it was time to pop the question. Malcolm took a bite of his pasta, and tried to begin his proposal. However, when he saw his mom walk through the entrance of the room, he nearly choked.
“Mom! What are you doing here?! How’d you even know we were in here,” Malcolm questioned as he whiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh please dear, finding you wasn’t that hard. I came in because you need to stop stalling and do what you came here to do,” Jessica replied.
“Well I was going to say it, but-,”
“Jessica please, come back outside and let the kid do his thing,” Gil insisted as him and Ainsley enterted the room as well.
“Gil?! You’re here too? Let me guess the whole rest of the team is here,” Malcolm added with a wave of his hand. The rest of the team slowly made their way into the room, and Malcolm let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, now that everyone is here. May I please finish?”
Everyone nodded eagerly, and so Malcolm turned back to his girlfriend, who was still in shock by all the people who had just shown up out of the blue. It was a lot, but Y/N didn’t mind. Malcolm grabbed her hand, and Y/N’s E/C eyes met his icy blue ones. “Ever since I met you Y/N, my life has changed for the better. When I’m with you, the darkness in the world fades away. Now while I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here for this, I’m still certain that this is the right-.”
“Now hold on, my boy. Before you say those oh so famous words, aren’t you forgetting the one person that’s not here?”
The entire party froze as Malcom’s father, Dr. Martin Whitley, emerged from a dark corner of the room. Gil, Dani, and JT all pulled their guns from their holsters. “Holy shit,” JT said, “I thought this dude was in prison?”
“Yes,” Jessica snarled. “That’s exactly where he should be.”
Martin simply rolled his eyes at his wife and the others. “Oh come on now, you can’t expect me to miss the biggest day of my son’s life do you? I promise I will go back as soon as everything is done. Gil will make sure of that I’m sure.”
“Damn right I will, but for now I’m reluctantly allowing this to happen. No funny stuff though,” Gil said. Martin simply nodded as he gestured for Malcolm to continue.
Malcolm took a deep breath and focused his attention back on Y/N. “Well, as you can see my life is pretty crazy. I have a serial killer for a father, a mother who can sometimes be just as crazy.”
“Hey, that’s not very nice,” Jessica said as she pretended to be hurt, but her smile gave it away. Malcolm shook his head as he continued. “All of these people support us, and I plan to support you until the day I die, which hopefully will be a long time from now. So, without further ado,” Malcolm got down on one knee, and opened the velvet box. The central diamond in the ring sparkled due to the chandelier light from above, and Y/N let out a gasp. “Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
“Of course I will!! Now come here my soon to be husband,” Y/N pulled Malcolm up by the lapels of his jacket and kissed him on the lips. At first her boldness caught Malcolm off guard, but he relaxed into the kiss. All the while cheers filled the room, and Martin even gave a few claps himself.
“So, will I be invited to the wedding,” Martin asked with a raised brow.
“Unless you happen to escape again, I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” Gil retorted as the cuffs snapped on Martin’s wrists. However, Martin only laughed at this. If he escaped once, he could easily do it again, and nothing was going to stop him from seeing another big moment in his son’s life.
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magalidragon · 3 years
#4 or #5 for romantic one liners please and thank you 🤗
HOW ABOUT BOTH!? 🥰😭🤗 And even better how about both in the silent shadows universe!? AND WHAT IF I MAKE IT ANGSTY!?!?! (Moodboard to follow)
Sooooooo sorry it took me an age. 😭 I hope you like it even if if gave me perverse pleasure to torture the beans a bit.
Romantic One Liner Prompts
4. “Not to sound cheesy but your smile really lights up the room.”
5. “I cannot find the words to describe how I feel about you.”
Shadow watched her warily from his position on her bed, head on his paws, and his tail shoved underneath his back legs, eyes darting occasionally between her pacing form and Drogon sitting atop her dresser, hissing at him every few minutes.  He was vibrating, nervous and keying in on her emotions, which were pouring off of her with every second.
Her frustration levels had exploded in one godsawful fight and she'd hightailed it out of Jon's house and to her apartment, not wanting to deal with him for another second longer.  It wasn't her fault, she kept telling herself, speeding away from his house, skidding snow and melt, and exploding into her apartment at full steam, shouting how annoying he was, how much she was sick of his behaviors.
"I owe it to myself," she said to Shadow, passing by him again.  Her fingers clenched into her palms, nails digging deep.  "I mean, I'm the one who is going through all this stuff physically, right?  The least he could do is just..." She growled.  He was still holding back.  He was still refusing to speak to her, keeping his emotions close to the vest, but they had moved beyond that.  Or so she thought.
Instead of talking to her, instead of at the very least telling her he wasn't thinking the same, he'd shut down, he'd withdrawn into himself, and he had been spending most of his nights on "observation calls" with the wolves, deep in the forest, and not in their bed.  "He has to stop doing that," she told Shadow.
She scrubbed her fingers over her face, exhausted, and sank into a chair in the corner.  Her stomach hurt, her head hurt, and she ached every which way.  It was the bloody hormones.  The little notebook at her side, resting innocently on the end table, mocked her with its check marks and color-coding.  Next week was their first egg retrieval and he'd give his sample.  They were flying out to Essos in a couple days.
Or rather, they were planning on it.
Right now she had no bloody idea what was happening.
Leaning over her knees, she pressed her face into her palms, thinking back over the argument.  It was so stupid.  It was just over dinner.  Dinner, of all bloody things!
He'd come home, to find her making them grilled cheese sandwiches, because there was nothing in the fridge and she thought he was getting something.  He had texted her before leaving the sanctuary that he thought she was getting stuff.  Annoyed, she snapped she'd just make something.
He tapped her shoulder when he came into the kitchen, even though she heard him and had ignored him.  He picked up one of the slices of grilled cheese and smirked at her, biting into it and then signing.  "Not to sound cheesy, but your smile really lights up the room."
She had been smiling, but not at him.  More so at Ghost ,who was in the other room with Shadow, wisely sensing the tension.  Jon laughed at his own joke, but she was not amused.  She signed, angry.  "You were supposed to get dinner."
"I thought that was you, I was busy."
"Busy?  You're the busy one?  You've been sleeping in the forest for the last week!"
He shrugged, continuing to eat.  "Aye, it's breeding season, lots to observe."
"Breeding season?"  She shouted now, slamming her hands on her stomach, which had puffed out because of the hormones.  He flinched, not looking at her.  She grabbed his face, jerking his eyes towards her lips so he could read them-- he wasn't getting out of it that easy.  "Yeah it's breeding season Jon!  We're going to Essos next week for the IVF and you've been hiding from me, not listening to me, and now you're making jokes like it's all fun and games?"
They hadn't even talked about the IVF.
That would require them to be in the same house at the same time.
So basically, he was avoiding her.
And she had been avoiding him, because he had been avoiding her.
His lips twitched, his eyes shuttering, and she lunged for him, but he was already turning away.  "Don't you do that!" she shouted, although it was pointless, because he was already walking away from her.  She grabbed his arm, jerking him around, furiously signing.  "Don't you run away from me Jon!"  Tears stung the corners of her eyes.  "We have to talk about this!  I decided to do this with you because...because I was ready but if you are changing your mind..."  It had been three months since he ran into that hospital corridor, proclaiming his love and throwing himself at the mercy of her love, saying he wanted to be with her, he wanted a baby with her too, he was ready.
And now he was changing his mind, basically, or that's what it seemed to her.
He shook his arm free.  "I'm not changing my mind!  I've been busy!"
"Oh you're busy?  Well so am I!  Busy trying to figure out if I even want this baby with you now!"  It came out before she realized it and she saw his face, the ashen color, and she hesitated.  "Jon I didn't..."
He shook his head, sneering, and spoke, voice thick.  "You feel that?  You...I told you....I'm not..."  He scrambled for the words and signed, his face a twist of pain and anger.  "I told you!"
Told me what?  She was so mad at him, she signed again.  "I'm not staying here tonight."
Shadow was out the door with her before she knew what was happening, and now here she was, lost and confused, and frustrated.  Upset.  Hurt.  She blinked away tears, tucking her feet under her in the chair, sniffling back sobs.  It was too late in Essos to call Missandei or Rhaegar.  There was always Arya, but when it came to matters of Jon Snow vs. Daenerys Targaryen, as close as she was to Arya, she did tend towards siding with Jon.  Since it was about...whatever it was about, she probably would stay out of it entirely.
There was Shadow, but as he was deaf, he couldn't' even hear her voice.  He hopped off the bed, however and rested his chin on her knee, dolefully staring up at her.  She scratched his head, whispering.  "You're a good boy."
This was supposed to be different now.
Jon and her had different priorities in life, they'd realigned those.  He'd gone to therapy-- was still going actually-- resulting in him being more open with her, more accepting.  He still struggled, she understood that, she sympathized and she felt it deeply, but gods....he had to realize at this point in their relationship, she was there for him!
"He can talk to me," she mumbled, closing her eyes.
But what if he couldn't?
Her eyes opened and she blinked a few times, her heart hurting so badly it was bleeding everywhere.  She missed him.
If he couldn't talk to her, then why?  Was it about the baby?  Was she pressuring ihm?  She frowned, looking over her behavior, but then she shook her head, growling.  No!  It wasn't her!  She had been more than open with him, more than understanding, and sometimes that was what drove her so crazy with the man.  She had bent over backwards for him.
But she'd been passive aggressive the last week.
She'd been ignoring him too.
She took a deep breath and picked up her phone from the end table, staring at the screen.  There were several texts from him.
Can we talk?
I'm sorry.
I don't want to do this over the phone.
I'm coming over.
You don't get to ignore me.
You've been ignoring me too.
What the fuck.  talk to me.
Whatever that last one meant, she wasn't going to try to figure it out.  She opened up the messages and sent him back a response.
I'm here.  I'm not ignoring you.
She paused and took a deep breath, typing fast:  I don't understand what is going on.  Talk to me Jon.  If you don't then I guess I know where I stand in the scheme of things.  She closed her eyes and hit send, following up quickly with:  I love you.
The instant she pressed send, her door rattled, keys jangling in the lock.  Shadow didn't react, obviously, but the dragons did, Drogon and Rhaegal springing up and running to the door to see who had arrived.  At their departure, Shadow turned and barked, taking a sniff and eyes widening when he caught Ghost and Jon's scents, rutning and greeting them.
She remained in her chair, waiting for him to enter.  He did, a few seconds later, and he looked miserable.  His eyes were sunken, his hands shoved in his pockets.  He wasn't wearing a coat, the flannel shirt hanging off his shoulders loosely, his frame appearing thin to her.  She hadn't noticed, but he did look like he'd lost some weight recently.  He stared over at her and she waited, continuing to keep her hands still, although they itched to begin speaking.
"I cannot find the words to describe how I feel about you," he spoke.
Each time he spoke, stretching his vocal cords to their limits, his heart racing nervously because he could not tell what he was actually saying, the pitch and the volume, her pulse quickened, because it was his true voice, and he was vulnerable when he did it, his heart out in the open, offered for the trampling.
It made her melt, it was her favorite sound in the world, expect maybe his laugh.
It meant things were important, when he spoke to her like that.
She didn't move, her muscles locked, gaze intense on him.  He continued, stuttering.  "I...you make me..." He clenched his fist and pressed to his chest.  "Hurt.  Here."  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.  "I...scared.  Scared of it...so real now.  All real.  I...forget.  Forget because I feel so much."
The vision of him before her wavered, tears filling her eyes, unshed.  She knew what he was talking about.  He loved her so much it overwhelmed him, it scared him, and he reverted back to the easy thing.  To the forest, to his wolves.  She lifted her fingers, folding them into the words.  "You cannot do that anymore  You cannot run from me."
He nodded.  "I know."
"I love you so much Jon Snow.  We are in this together.  Both of us.  it has to be both of us."
He pushed from the door and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her and covered her hand with his.  She could see the pain etched in the lines therading from his eyes and around his lips.  "I want a baby.  With you.  Only you."  He hesitated and she struggled to understand, the emotion so thick in his words he was almost unintelligible.  "I am scared.  No going back.  I forget you...you want me."
Her hands went to his face, cupping it in her palms, and she spoke, crystal clear so he could read her lips.  "I want you more than anything in this world Jon Snow.  I love you and I want this baby with you."  She hesitated and continued.  "I am sorry I ran off tonight, but you make me...I can't read your mind and I don't deserve it when you push me away.  Again."  And again and again.
He nodded quickly.  "I know.  I'm so sorry.  I just..."  He shrugged, helpless.  "My whole life.  NO one...wanted...me."
It killed her, that he had been so locked away after his accident.  No one saw him as anything but that deaf boy, shuttered in the attic, locked in his silent world, just his wolves.  And her.
"I want you," she signed.  She smiled.  "All of you."
"i know."
"Then stop closing me away Jon."  She bit her lower lip, shrugging sadly.  "Because I cannot risk the pain of what is going to happen to us if we aren't in it together."
He nodded, but she didn't think he quite understood.  He seemed so certain that this would work.  They would fly to Essos, they'd go through the procedure, and a few weeks later they would have a baby, but she knew better than to be so hopeful, so certain.  She was cautious about it.  It was the only way to protect herself.
Just like running away was his.
She brushed his hair back behind his ear, curling it around her finger, speaking out loud again.  "I'm sorry I ran away too.  We can't do that."
"No, we can't," he signed, agreeing.
They would figure it out.  She fell into his arms, both of htem sinking to the floor, embracing tight.  He kissed her neck, face buried in her hair and she did the same to him, swaying lightly in his arms.  She loved him so much it hurt.  It would always hurt.  The good kind, she thought.  She pulled her face away and stared at him, his pain and fear still evident in the furrow of his brow and the pressed line of his lips.  She touched her fingertip to them, shaking her head.  "You will be a good father Jon.  I want this with you.  Only you."
It had been easy in the beginning, to say that she would do the donor sperm, because she wanted this baby.  Now she couldn't think of anyone else as the father of her child.  Not some nameless entity in a test tube.  It had to be Jon and only Jon.
He kissed her gently.  His hand came up, signing.  "I only want this with you too."
They kissed, deeper this time, the emotions surging inside of them, the hormones raging in her.  It had been weeks; she'd been so scared of potentially messing something up and they had a stopping point.  Mel told her they needed to refrain from anything a week before, part of the protocols.  She hadn't had to worry about it the last time, since she'd been doing it on her own, but now she needed him desperately, especially if it was going to be the last time for a week.
He lifted her up from the floor, easily carrying her over to the bed and depositing her on it, breaking away from their furious kisses long enough to shut the door on a nosy Shadow and Viserion, who were trying to sneak back in.  She giggled, reaching up for him and leaning back, head lightly hitting her pillows and traced his cheek, scratching at his bristly beard.  He smiled gently.  "I love you so much," she said.
"I love you."  He rose over her, touching his nose against hers, breathing deep.  His hands found hers and squeezed, stretching them up over her head, his lips brushing down her cheeks, to her chin and began tracking down, letting go of her to begin plucking at her clothing, while she remained in place, hands up over her head, eyes fluttering shut.
A few hours later, she tapped his heart, lifting up to rest her chin on his chest, peering up at his face, which was tilted up to the ceiling, watching the moonlight play shadows through the open window.  She took a deep breath and sighed.  "Jon," she said.
He didn't move and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, speaking out loud, to nothing really.  "Jon I need you to do this with me.  I can't do it alone.  We're in this together.  You and me.  No more running away and I won't either.  We're making a baby together.  We're going to be parents.  I love you more than anything, but if this keeps up, I can't do this.  It isn't fair to either of us.  I know you can't hear me, but I want you to know, and I hope you can understand."
There, she said it.
She lifted up a little farther, looking down at him.  His eyes flicked open, a smile lazily pulling over his lips. He turned a little closer to her, and his voice was raspy, breaking when he spoke. "You are awake?"
She smiled and nodded.  He smiled again and fumbled some signs.  "Do you want to go see some pups?"
Eyebrows lifting, she shrugged and let him pull her from the bed.  They dressed and he drove her, Shadow, and Ghost out to the sanctuary and they rumbled through, coming to a stop before one of the gates.  He opened it and they started walking in the darkness.  He was oblivious to the creepy crunching of their feet on dry leaves, the occasional hoot of an owl, and even fainter, howling from a wolf in the distance.
Ghost and Shadow moved with the darkness, flashing here and there in the trees, like their namesakes, and she held Jon's hand as he led her through the brush, until they came upon a huge oak tree with a marker on it.  He crouched and picked up a flashlight, flicking it on and handing it to her.  He crept a little closer and got down on his stomach, waiting a few moments.  The brush rustled and she held her breath, a massive gray wolf appearing, focusing on him.
He stared at the wolf and after a moment, the wolf's tail wagged and he approached, licking Jon's hand and bowing his head in deference.  Jon stood and went with the wolf and a few others from the pack who came out.  He disappeared and a few moments later, he emerged holding a wiggling bundle.  She stood and carefully approached.  The wolves stared at her, obviously nervous at the interloper, but not moving because their alpha was trusting her.
Jon passed the bundle to her and she smiled, holding the warm creature, squeaking and wiggling in her arms.  It was still so small, these majestic creatures large enough to take down grown men and jaws as strong as steel, and yet here in her arms was this helpless little creation, fine downy fur a thin layer over its short limbs, ears barely flipped over, and eyes still shut.  She took a quick glance and noted the pup was female, wiggling into her, nuzzling and searching for her mother, crying out and eventually settling when she grew tired.
She stroked the little pup, eyes closed, and Jon took her back a few seconds later, returning her to her mother.  A few minutes of checking on them, bringing out another-- this one a little brown and gray one with a curled tail and one eye half open-- to nuzzle against her, they said their goodbyes to the pack, who appeared relieved to see them go.
It was magical, she thought, walking back with Jon to the car.
She stopped in her tracks at one point, letting go of his hand.
He turned, frowning.  "Okay?" he asked.
She took a deep breath, signing, the moonlight bright enough for him to see.  "I told you earlier, but you...I didn't want you to hear me."  He stiffened, knowing that meant she was talking to him.  She hated doing it, but she wanted him to know.  "We have to be strong Jon.  We can't run away.  I'm serious.  If this keeps up...." She trailed off and sobbed, letting it linger.  SHe didn't want to say it.
He tilted her face up to his, thumb brushing her chin.  He nodded.  "I know."
"I love you," she whispered.
He wrapped his arms tight around her, squeezing, and said nothing, but she knew.  She exhaled, relieved.  It was just a bump, she told herself, just their constant struggling.  They had to work on it.  It wasn't supposed to be easy.
They had the rest of their lives to look forward to, she thought, letting go of him so they could walk back to the car.  She squeezed his hand tight.  They were going to be parents.  That would be the hardest thing, this was just a blip.  Just a little shadow.
They would be fine.  They were having a baby after all.
Just another month and they'd know.
Jon lifted her hand to his, kissing her knuckles, and she smiled, leaning against him and closed her eyes, walking back towards the car, feeling hopeful.
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wheresmynaya · 3 years
Lost in the Lights Ch.15|Brittana
A/N - Thank you for being patient and still leaving behind your reviews! The struggle to write continues so I think next chapter will be the final one. Thanks for sticking it out with me 💙
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut
The first thing Santana notices when she awakes is that it’s too damn bright. It’s kind of ridiculous how bright it is – like there’s no logical explanation for why anyone would be okay with waking up to that – but then she remembers something.
This isn’t her room.
She knows as much because Santana likes to keep her room as dark as possible during the early mornings and this is the complete opposite. But that’s not the only thing out of place. Everything feels different; the bed is softer, the blankets are warmer, and it’s like the pillow she rests her head on has been infused with her favorite scent: Brittany.
The smile forms without thinking and suddenly she doesn’t care all that much about the equivalent of a million flashlights being beamed at her eyelids – she might be exaggerating a little there – because this isn’t her room.
It’s Brittany’s.
Despite not being a morning person in the slightest, Santana’s always been the first to awake at sleepovers for some reason. Maybe it’s her body’s way of letting her know that she isn’t in her usual surroundings, but for once she just wants it to chill. She always hated having to wait until everyone else woke up, but she finds that she feels a little differently this time around.
While it seems like the rest of Lima still sleeps, Santana takes the quiet moment to admire her girlfriend. Because before, when she’s out there in the world it sometimes feels like she has to be guarded about it – her glances are usually stolen, her smiles are small and secretive.
But she doesn’t have to hide here.
Brittany’s blonde hair is all over the place while one arm drapes lazily over Santana’s hip and the other is crooked above her head. She’s sound asleep with these soft little snores escaping slightly parted lips and it makes Santana smile. Brittany swears she doesn’t snore even though Santana has heard it on multiple occasions over the phone, but it hits differently now that she’s actually here and can see it for herself.
If anything, it just makes Santana want to kiss her even more.  
She doesn’t though; it feels like it’s still way too early for anyone to be awake so Santana let’s her sleep while she continues to admire. She has rarely been able to be this close to Brittany without feeling overwhelmed by everything so it’s nice to be able to do this now.
Watching someone sleep has always sounded so weird to her and she’d judge anyone hardcore for doing it and yet here she is doing the exact same thing, only now she gets it. To be so close that she could count every little freckle dotting Brittany’s cheeks, it’s almost like being caught in a dream.
Santana runs the back of her finger along Brittany’s cheek and it’s like the touch solidifies that this is real, that it’s actually happening. A year ago, even six months ago, Santana would not have imagined this kind of reality for herself. She figured after everything that went down with Dani and all the drama with Bree and JBI, she wouldn’t find happiness until she had put Lima far, far behind her.
How wrong was she?
Santana glances to Brittany and she has to stifle a chuckle because this girl; this beautiful, talented, amazing girl literally just appeared one day and her whole life changed. Really, everyone’s did. To have a female quarterback leading the Titans and actually doing it well was something no one saw coming and it amazes Santana. Of all the people Brittany could’ve set her eyes on, she chose her.
And the same goes for Santana.
In all her daydreaming, Santana hears Brittany let out a sleepy sigh before she’s tightening her arm around Santana’s hip. The blonde snuggles in close, her head sliding off the pillow and instead nestling against Santana’s chest. The brunette smirks at that – if it weren’t for the little snores returning, she would’ve thought Brittany had woken up.  
Instead, the brunette gets cozy too. Maybe if she closes her eyes, her mind will stop and sleep will find her easily once again?
The next time Santana awakes, it’s to Brittany pressing gentle kisses all over her face. As she begins to stir, the kisses get quicker and sloppier until Santana’s giggling for Brittany to quit it.  When the kisses finally pause, Santana cracks an eye open to find Brittany hovering over her with this goofy grin on her face.
“You really want me to stop?” Brittany asks devilishly.
Santana’s only answer is to wrap her arms around Brittany’s shoulders and pull her down for a real kiss. She can feel Brittany’s smile as their mouths move and she can’t think of a better way to wake up – if only they could do this every morning.
“Good mornin’,” Brittany mumbles against Santana’s soft lips.
“Mhmm,” Santana replies happily.
Once they pull away, Brittany moves to keep herself hovering over Santana. It’s a risky move because Brittany’s strong arms tense in the most distracting way, not to mention how Brittany’s baggy sleep shirt hangs loose around her torso – meaning Santana can see that she definitely isn’t wearing a bra.
“It’s a very good morning,” Santana flirts.
“Hey,” Brittany teases when she catches on then rests back on her heels.
Santana pouts at the lose of a great view and it makes Brittany giggle.
“Careful,” Brittany jokes as she taps on Santana’s bottom lip, “Might get stuck like that.”
Santana rolls her eyes playfully at the jab before smiling, “Did you sleep well?”
Brittany nods, “I should sleep in more often. I don’t usually miss a morning run.”
“God, you do that on the weekends too?” Santana scrunches her nose cutely, “Gross.”
Brittany chuckles, “It’s always Leg Day, baby!”
Santana knows it was meant to be a joke judging by Brittany’s sing-song tone but hearing Brittany say baby reminds her of last night and she can’t fight a smitten little smile from forming. If Quinn could see her now, a constant smiling fool, the teasing would be endless.
Santana doesn’t care though, she might even put up with it if that means she gets to keep Brittany.
“You’re crazy,” Santana ends up saying to cover up the obvious adoration. She doubts it works judging by the soft expression on Brittany’s face too.
“Hungry?” Brittany asks a second later, “My mom’s making breakfast.”
Santana feels reality starting to set in and their little bubble beginning to burst. She knows they can’t hideaway like this in Brittany’s room forever, but it would kind of be nice to.
Nevertheless, she sits a little straighter and nods, “Yeah, starving.”
The couple venture downstairs awhile later after brushing their teeth and changing into warmer clothes. All that means is Brittany opted for fuzzy rainbow socks while tossing Santana one of her hoodies that was always a little too big for her. Santana has to roll the sleeves twice for it to sit comfortably while Brittany teases her for being so tiny.
“Mornin’ girls!” Whitney greets when the pair make their way into the kitchen.
Whitney’s definitely been busy as the entire island counter is covered in various plates stacked with different flavors of pancakes and bowls filled with blueberries, strawberries and chocolate chips. Other toppings surround a long wooden cutting board and Brittany’s already poking around for a snack.
“Good morning, Mrs. Pierce,” Santana greets politely while Brittany steals a strawberry from a small bowl.
“I see the couch was empty this morning,” Whitney comments cryptically in Brittany’s direction.
When Santana glances to Brittany, she can see the blonde’s face go red and blue eyes dart away from Whitney’s.
“I – well,” Brittany stammers, “It gets cold down here at night...”
Santana’s eyes go wide. Was she not meant to stay in Brittany’s room last night?
“Uh-huh,” Whitney gives her a knowing look.
Brittany smiles apologetically, “Sorry?”
Whitney only shakes her head and nods to the counter, “You two hungry?”
“Yeah, but I only said Santana was sleeping over, not the entire school,” Brittany jokes as she pops the berry into her mouth.  
“I know,” Whitney laughs before flipping another pancake, “I might’ve gotten carried away. I saw this thing on the internet called a pancake board. It’s like one of those fancy cheese platters but pancakes. I figured I’d give it a try. How’s it look?”
“Amazing,” Santana compliments, “Way cooler than any breakfast I’ve ever had.”
“You’re too sweet,” Whitney smiles and swats at Brittany’s hand going for another berry, “Leave some for the rest of us.”
Brittany backs off with a chuckle and Santana finds herself grinning too. This family dynamic is so different than what she’s used to and it kind of catches her off guard to be in such a laid back environment. Growing up, breakfast at the Lopez residence was far and few between with her parents’ work schedules. If they were miraculously together, they’d usually just go out to somewhere fancy with a dress code.
She starts to feel a little fidgety and asks, “Did you need any help?”
“I should be finishing up in here soon,” Whitney answers, “Maybe you both can clear a space in the living room and check on Pete while you’re out there. I haven’t heard him in awhile, make sure he isn’t up to anything.”
“You got it, mom!”
Santana nods too and follows after Brittany to the living room, confused as to why they won’t be eating at an actual table.
“You didn’t tell me I was meant to sleep on the couch last night,” Santana mentions softly.
Brittany just shrugs, “I was meant to but no way I was gonna stay down here by myself.”
“Chicken,” Santana teases.
“Says you,” Brittany smirks before calling out for Pete when she finds the couch empty but the cartoons still playing on tv.
Santana looks around the room too; no sign of Brittany’s little brother anywhere.
Brittany lets out a playful sigh and nudges Santana to play along, “Bummer, he’s not here. Guess Santana and I will just have to eat all the pancakes by ourselves!”
“Wait!” Pete shrieks before he pops out from under a stack of throw pillows. The expression on his little face goes from shock to excitement when he sees that Santana’s standing alongside Brittany, “Santana’s here?!”
Santana’s never seen someone so excited to see her – apart from Brittany – and Pete’s rushing towards her with a giant grin on his face. He throws his arms around her as soon as she’s in reach and Santana doesn’t know what to do but stiffen and look to Brittany for an explanation.
Brittany only laughs, “I might’ve told him you were coming over later today for lunch.”
“You’re here so early!” Pete beamed as he looked up at her, “You going to have breakfast and lunch with us too?”
Santana bites her lip at his excitement and the adoring look Brittany’s giving her.
She’s never been too fond of being around kids, she’s never known how to act – she still doesn’t, but Pete’s different. He’s actually cool and Santana finds it starting to get easier to interact with him the more time she spends around the Pierces.
“Looks like it, P,” Santana ends up replying coolly with a ruffle to his hair before sinking down to whisper to him, “Also heard that you might be the Monopoly King around here.”
“I am,” He responds proudly before puffing out his chest, “You wanna challenge me?”
Santana smirks, “Maybe after breakfast.”
When Pete’s smile widens, it looks like Santana’s just made his entire day. When she glances over at Brittany, it looks like she has just made her entire day too.
It’s a total back to reality moment for Brittany as she pulls into the McKinley High student parking lot on Monday morning. After the blissful weekend she had, she never felt so bummed about it having to end for the sake of going back to school.
Spending all that time with Santana was just…perfect. She fit in so well with her little family – even Pete was begging for Santana to stay a little while longer after winning a second round of Monopoly. But all good things must come to an end, at least for a little bit.
It’s the beginning of a big week for her though so she at least has that to curb her slight grumpiness. The Championship game is this Friday which feels like the culmination of her entire high school football career. She hasn’t been putting too much thought into it – too wrapped up in her new relationship with Santana and the rivalry between the Titans and the hockey team – but now that it’s all starting to come to an end…she feels a little sad.
Playing football has always been something that has made her feel closer to her dad. It’s something that he exposed her to when she was young and it blossomed from there and it should make her feel proud because she has come so far thanks to him, but it makes her feel like a chapter is closing.
A chapter she started with her dad and ended…without him.
She quickly pushes those thoughts away, not wanting to get caught crying in her car by Santana – or even worse by someone random. No, she has to seek out the positives because that’s exactly what he would’ve wanted her to do. He would’ve told her not worry about him, this is all about her and she should feel proud of her accomplishments.
It’s easier said than done lately, but she just focuses on her dad’s wise words of wisdom and prepares herself for a busy, busy week ahead.
For the most part, it’s smooth sailing for Brittany.
On Monday there was a quiz in her History class, but she was actually prepared for it so it didn’t stress her out too much and she was confident that she did great. On Tuesday, her Astronomy class got back their graded assignments and Brittany surprised herself with a perfect score – the only one in the entire class.
Santana was so proud of her for that one that they skipped their study session at Elliott’s to instead make out in the back of Santana’s car. Brittany remembers how they giggled like mad afterwards because Santana had to turn on the screen defroster, it was that foggy inside.
This week, Brittany felt like she was on a roll and that reflected during football practice as well. The quarterback nailed every throw – even the trickier ones where the defense applied extra pressure. Although it was only practice, her passer rating must’ve been through the roof because she was doing so well with her completions.
But it wasn’t just her, the entire team was doing exceedingly well too. After the stunt they pulled last week in the cafeteria, the Titans seemed to be more united and that showed in the way they practiced. Sam and Mike hadn’t dropped one pass yet and you couldn’t strip the ball away from Puck if you were the strongest person on Earth.
Anyone with eyes could see that the Titans wanted this Championship win, that practiced that hard. Brittany’s teammates were putting in extra work in the weight room and staying later after practice ended just to get in a few more catches.
Everyone was determined as ever and that pissed the hockey guys off even more so. But like always, Brittany opted for the higher road. She wasn’t going to stoop down to their level – no Titan was going to – and she just hoped that they’d eventually take the hint that they weren’t going to be intimidating anyone any time soon.
By Wednesday, the anxiousness over the big game starts to settle in. The school is all a buzz about the possibility of Brittany and the Titans ending this Championship drought. Any other day, that buzz would leave Brittany feeling giddy but the pressure of winning and the sadness she feels about this chapter coming to an end is louder.
She knows it’s not exactly where her head needs to be right now, but she can’t help it. This storm cloud has been brewing for awhile and she has done her best to keep it at bay but it was only a matter of time before she stopped being able to outrun it.
Miraculously though, she isn’t the only one that has noticed the shift in her mood.
Brittany’s sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded by all of her friends and teammates while she slowly picks at her lunch. Usually by this hour, she’s starving but not today. It’s not that she has lost her appetite because she loves chicken patties but she’s just not feeling it. She can tell Kurt and Mercedes are talking excitedly about something and Brittany wishes she could focus enough to be apart of the conversation but all she hears is noise.
It’s almost like she’s caught in a daze and everything’s moving around her like usual but she’s stuck in slow motion. It’s a weird feeling, one she hasn’t experienced in a long time – maybe since she moved to Lima.
No one notices either, not until someone fills the seat next to her.
“Hey B! I got you something,” Santana says cheerfully.
Brittany goes to glance in her direction but her smile isn’t quite as bright as it usually is and that’s enough for Santana.
“Are you okay?” She asks as she slides the gifted pressed juice onto the table.
“Is that for me?” Brittany asks instead and nods to the juice, similar to the one Santana brought her at the beginning of the year.
Santana looks between the drink and Brittany, “Yeah. Figured you might need the energy boost. I remember you saying this morning that you had some trouble sleeping last night so I stopped by the Cheerios lounge before coming here.”
Brittany smiles adoringly at her. It still surprises her how caring Santana can be. It’s enough to distract Brittany from her troubles for the time being. How could anyone think about anything else when her girlfriend is the most thoughtful person in the world?
“You’re too sweet,” Brittany compliments as she squeezes Santana’s knee beneath the table, “Thank you.”
Santana just shrugs her shoulder bashfully, but their little interaction is enough to gain the rest of the table’s interest – specifically Kurt and Mercedes.
“I had my suspicions but I couldn’t be sure,” Kurt comments behind a playful smirk, “Not until now.”
Santana quirks her brow and Brittany frowns in confusion.
“Really?” Mercedes looks at him with this unamused look on her face, “I clocked it the day she came to sit with us. Cheerios don’t ever break rank.”
Brittany starts to catch on and glances to Santana again to see her reaction because so far the only people at school who know about them are: Quinn, Mike and Sam. And apparently Kurt and Mercedes have a bit of a reputation for being the school gossips so if they get a hold of this it would be public knowledge now.
Brittany’s heart beats a little quicker as she continues to watch Santana.
“Don’t assume,” Tina scolds the both of them before smiling at Santana and Brittany, “Although you two would make a really cute couple.”
Brittany blushes while both of Santana’s brows rise. Brittany has no idea what to say to and she can’t tell if Santana’s about to beat Tina with her lunch tray or laugh. She’s hoping it’s neither; she’s hoping that Santana would want to tell the truth. Santana has been doing so well so far, why wouldn’t she?
It’s a long pause afterwards where everyone just waits for an answer from either Brittany or Santana. Brittany’s waiting on her girlfriend to take the lead but she wonders if Santana’s doing the same too.
“So are you?” Kurt asks; cutting through the silence and right to the chase.
“Well,” Brittany starts uneasily, “We – “
“Yes,” Santana answers without wavering, “We’re together.”
Brittany’s jaw just about drops and so does everyone else’s.
“This is outstanding!” He cheers, “I’m – “
“Hold up,” Santana raises her finger, “No matter how excited you are or whatever, this is not your business to tell. It’s ours – as in me and Britt – not you. Don’t go throwing us a rainbow themed party or build us a Pride Parade float to have us chauffeured around on. That’s not how we’re doing this.”
Kurt’s lips part but Santana cuts him off again then eyes everyone at the table down – excluding Brittany of course.
“Every single person that knows so far knows because we told them and because they know how to keep their trap shut about things that aren’t theirs to share so if this were to get out before we decide, I know exactly who I’ll be going after,” Santana warns before straightening up, “Believe me, you don’t want that. These Puck Heads and their lame ass slushies have nothing on what I’d do.”
Kurt, Mercedes and Tina all gulp. Santana just smirks.
Brittany looks back and forth between everyone uneasily – halfway turned on by how assertive Santana was just then and also a little guilty about threatening her friends. Then again, when it comes to this she guess a little tough love might be in order.
“Stay in your lane and we won’t have problems,” Santana adds in a friendlier tone, “Understand?”
Brittany’s friends just nod in unison.
“Great talk,” Santana grins before turning her attention back to Brittany with this sickeningly sweet smile on her face, “So B, how’s your day been so far? ”
Brittany’s a little speechless at first but then she lets out a chuckle before answering Santana’s question.
The rest of lunch goes on smoothly. Santana and Brittany talk about their day so far and what assignments still need completing. They make plans to go to Elliott’s again this weekend to study together – like actually study this time and not…do other things.
That’s when Puck goes to stand on his chair to apparently make an announcement.
“Puckerman, get down!” Mr. Phillips scolds.
“Just a sec, Mr. P, I’ve got to say something,” Puck tells him.
“Do you need to stand up there while you say it?”
“How else will everyone hear me?” Puck shrugs.
Mr. Philips narrows his eyes.
“I’ll be super quick,” Puck assures him.
“Fine,” Mr. Philips rolls his eyes and wanders away.
Brittany and Santana pull away from their own conversation long enough to see what’s got him so worked up. They aren’t the only ones listening in though, Rick and the hockey guys linger nearby too.
“Listen up! So everyone knows the Titans are going to kick Carmel’s ass this Friday, right?” Puck asks and everyone within listening distance cheers loudly.
Mr. Philips turns and gives Puck a glare.
Puck just smiles apologetically before continuing, “It’s history in the making, our parents didn’t even experience this shit, so I think that deserves celebrating. The Titans deserve celebrating! This has been a great year for us – mostly thanks to Pierce over there.” Puck points over to Brittany and everyone cheers again for her.
Brittany gets a little bashful around the applause but even more so when she finds Santana smiling at her so proudly. If she knew any better, she’d think Santana was about to kiss her.
“Without her, I don’t know where we’d be. No offense, Hudson.”
Finn just shrugs, seemingly unaffected by the jab.
“So in saying that, I only know how to celebrate one way,” Puck smirks, “Victory party at my place after the game! Everyone’s invited except those losers.” Puck nods over to Rick and starts to laugh when he sees the hockey guys getting pissed.
The Titans all pound the table as Puck gives an approving nod to their response before making his way off the chair. Brittany laughs at the display while Mr. Philips rushes over to quiet the team down.
“Puck and his parties,” Santana comments with an eye roll, “Looks like you guys better win.”
Brittany sighs playfully, “No pressure, right?”
“What? I thought you work well under that?”
“You’d know, wouldn’t you?” Brittany smirks and Santana gasps at the suggestion.
Brittany just laughs as she watches Santana’s cheeks grow a little darker.
By the end of lunch, Santana and Brittany have to go their separate ways instead of walk together to their next class. It’s something about Santana needing to stop by Ms. Pillsbury’s office before so they part ways at the cafeteria exit.
It’s no big deal. Brittany uses the time instead to head to her locker and drop off all the books she won’t be needing for homework later. Maybe if she doesn’t have to carry as many, she can help Santana carry hers?
The thought makes Brittany smile before she’s closing her locker and heading to class.
Like any other day, she takes her usual route to Ms. Holliday’s classroom. She walks past her History class from this morning and spots Sam getting settled at his desk. They wave at each other before Brittany continues on. She passes a corridor and another block of lockers before turning down the hall, only this time someone waits for her there.
Well not someone…as in singular.
“Sup Pierce,” Rick nods while his usual two guys flank him.
Brittany feels the atmosphere shift so she stands a little taller.
“Hey,” Brittany nods. She notices they each have a hand behind their backs and she can already guess what’s coming.
It all happens in an instant. One moment she’s minding her own business heading to class and the next she’s drenched from head to toe in red slushie.
“What the hell?!” Brittany snaps as she wicks slush from her face.
“Equal treatment, right?” Rick sneers as he and his guys toss their emptied extra large slushie cups at Brittany’s feet where red slushie is already starting to drip off of her.
Brittany’s too cold and shell-shocked to even say anything more, but what leaves her speechless is seeing Karofsky and Azimio watching the whole thing from behind them. Brittany waits for them to jump in, to give her some type of back up here…but they don’t.
They don’t say a word. They just turn and leave.
“Let this be a lesson to you, Pierce. Some things you just can’t change around here,” Rick says, “Football’s reign was over the moment they enlisted you as their quarterback.”
“Yay, girl power!” One of his guys jokes before they leave Brittany standing there.
She can’t tell if her brain is completely frozen by the slushie or if she’s just too angry to move. All she does is stare down at her feet, watching the slushie pool around her once white Converse.
She thinks about Azimio and Karofsky and how they turned their backs on her and she’s never felt so hurt before. Which is saying something because she was literally tackled to the ground because of them, but this is different. They aren’t on the field and to see them walk away like that just shows how horrible they actually are.
“Oh my God,” Someone says and it breaks Brittany from her whirling thoughts.
When Brittany looks up, she finds Quinn searching her with worried eyes.
“Are you – ” Quinn starts but she sees something written all over Brittany’s face and stops. Instead she puts on an apologetic smile, “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up before it stains.”
Brittany thinks she nods but she isn’t sure. She doesn’t start to move until Quinn’s hands are on her shoulders, coaxing her along.
The bathroom is just on the other side of the block of lockers Brittany and Quinn were standing next to and Quinn quickly gets to work wetting a paper towel. She hands it to Brittany so that she can wipe her face.
Now that she’s starting to regain some feeling, Brittany begins to get angry. She’s kept her cool for so long, let everything roll off of her but this? A line was crossed so she doubts she can be as forgiving.
“I can’t believe this,” Brittany says as she slams down a wad of soaked paper towel into the sink.
Quinn looks somewhat surprised by the outburst but nods anyway, “At least it’s not the blue one. That’s the hardest to get out.”
Brittany shakes her head as Quinn passes her more paper towels, “I can’t believe people are still like this. I can’t believe Azimio and Karofsky just stood there. I’ve never met so many guys who just refuse to accept a little change. I’m not even doing anything radical here! What’s the fucking problem?”
Quinn drops her hands to rest on the sink as she listens. Brittany’s fuming but what surprises her most are the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She blinks furiously to keep them at bay because she has sworn to never shed a tear over this crap and she doesn’t want her first bonding moment with Quinn to involve her tears.
So she takes a steadying breath, “It would be one thing if the Titans weren’t winning, but they are. We’ve broken records together and I’m leading them to a Championship after how many years? Why isn’t that the focus for these people? Why does it matter that I just so happen to be a girl? Why is that an issue in the first place?”
Quinn lets out a sigh and shrugs, “The hockey guys are idiots. I don’t think they even know which narrative they want to pick. Is it because you’re a girl? Is it because you’re a Titan? Is it because you’re winning?”
Brittany lets out a frustrated sigh.
“They’re going to be Lima Losers for the rest of their lives while you’re out doing bigger and better things. You aren’t meant for this place, Brittany, they are and that’s why they’ll never leave. They’ll never evolve. Why do you think anyone with common sense wants to run as far as they can from this place? No one wants to be a Lima Loser and those that don’t care about becoming one – like the Puck Heads – aren’t people you should lose any sleep over.”
Brittany nods. She remembers a conversation a long time ago about Quinn wanting to go to Yale because it was so far from Lima. She always wondered why anyone would want to leave their family like that, but maybe their families are made up of people who refuse to evolve like Quinn said. She thinks about Santana and her dad and how Santana’s one of those people who want to run too.
Brittany didn’t really get it before, but she does now.  
“I’ve never experienced anything like this,” Brittany mentions while Quinn continues to fuss over her. It makes her chuckle despite everything and she wonders if she’s like this with Santana too.
Then she remembers something.
“She would’ve been with me,” Brittany mumbles out the realization. Quinn gives her a confused look, “Santana. We usually walk together to our last class but she went to see Ms. Pillsbury this time. She would’ve been with me. They would’ve gotten her too.”
Quinn shakes her head and lets out a dry chuckle, “It did not go over well when they slushied her the first time. I doubt it would go over well if she were there this time.”
Brittany frowns, “She’s been slushied before?”
“Yeah. Last year,” Quinn’s expression grows somber, “Shortly after everything came out.”
Brittany feels like she’s been gut-punched as she starts imagine what that must’ve been like for Santana. She can just hear the comments Rick would’ve cooked up and how small they would’ve made her feel. It infuriates her even more and plans of retaliation start to piece together.
“You want me to text her to bring you a change of clothes?” Quinn asks upon Brittany’s silence,
Brittany looks to Quinn through the mirror and shrugs, “It’s fine. I’ll be okay for one class.”
Quinn raises her brow and it’s funny how similar the expression is. She wonders if she got it from Santana or maybe it was the brunette that rubbed off on her.
“You can’t walk around like that,” Quinn says, “Your clothes are soaked through and your letterman jacket is already stained.”
Brittany looks to her sleeves and frowns, “Crap. I can’t afford to buy another one.”
“Don’t worry, I can sort that for you,” Quinn adds casually, “I know a guy, owns the best dry cleaners in Lima. Technically it’s the only dry cleaners but he’s great. You can get it back in time for the Pep Rally on Friday.”
“Oh,” Brittany replies. She’s not really used to this kind of interaction with Quinn. Not because they don’t get along or anything, but because they’ve never really had the opportunity. It’s kind of nice, Brittany thinks. She’s glad Santana’s had a friend like her all these years.
“Look, it’s not a big deal,” Quinn says with a smile, “I think I have a pair of warm-ups in my locker and I’m sure Santana’s bound to have something in hers too. You can at least be more comfortable for your last class.”
Brittany finally nods, “Yeah okay. You can text her.”
Quinn only smiles in return before she’s reaching for her phone.
Santana practically comes running into the bathroom with a stack of clothes under her arm. Her expression goes from hurried to concerned when she finds Brittany leaning against the counter with her clothes stained red.
“Shit,” Santana gasps and throws the clothes at Quinn. As soon as she’s close enough, her hand goes up to cup Brittany’s cheek, “You okay?”
Brittany leans into the touch and smiles, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just frustrated, I guess. I’m glad Quinn was there though. I might’ve done something stupid if she wasn’t.”
Santana nods and whirls around to Quinn, “Who did this?”
Brittany goes to cut in but Quinn’s already answering.
“Who do you think?” Quinn replies, “Karofsky and Azimio were there too. Not with them, but they didn’t exactly do anything about it either.”
“Son of a bitch,” Santana snaps as she starts to pace, “That motherfuckering fuck! I’m going to load up on slushies, see how he fucking likes it. Or maybe I’ll use something worse like…like dry ice.”
“Where are you going to get that from?” Quinn asks while Brittany looks on worriedly.
“I don’t know, Q. I’ll figure it out!” Santana brushes off, “I swear, I will go all Lima Heights and they’ll regret the day that they decided, that they even thought about doing this to – “
When Santana turns to Brittany, she pauses upon seeing the blonde’s expression.
“Please don’t,” Brittany says.
“But –“
“No more fighting for you,” Brittany tells her sternly. She pushes off the counter and goes to run her hands down Santana’s arms calmingly, “I don’t want you to get into any trouble over this, over me.”
Santana’s jaw tenses. She looks conflicted, “You can’t let them get away with this, Brittany.”
“I won’t. I told my guys no more slushies or fighting, I can’t go back on my word now just because I’m angry. I’m not going to feed into this bullshit.”
Santana shakes her head, “No. Now is not the time to be diplomatic.”
“It’s also not the time to get even.”
“She’s got a point,” Quinn mentions from behind them. Santana glares at her while Brittany gives her an appreciative nod.
“Listen,” Brittany says softly to Santana, “I know you’re angry, baby, I’m angry too. I’m really, really angry but I was always taught that you can’t act on anger. Violence doesn’t solve anything, we have to go about this differently if we want there to be actual change.”
Santana relaxes just a little more, “I’m more of a punch the crap out of them now and ask question later type of girl.”
“I know you are,” Brittany smirks, “I’ve got something in mind for Azimio and Karofsky. Just let me take care of this.”
“Fine,” Santana lets out a deep sigh, “But if I come across any of them off of school property it’s fair game.”
“I,” Brittany starts before she relents with a smile, “Okay.”
“Maybe you should get changed, Britt,” Quinn steps forward to offer the clothes.
Brittany nods and takes the stack, “I’ll be just a sec.”
Santana nods too before leaning in to kiss her cheek.
When she comes out, Brittany’s wearing Quinn’s pants and Santana’s Cheerios jacket. She glances at herself in the mirror and chuckles.
“Feels weird not wearing a shirt under this,” Brittany comments.
“You didn’t have an extra shirt?” Quinn asks Santana.
Santana shrugs, “I just cleaned out my locker yesterday.”
Brittany looks to the Co-Captains and replies, “It’s okay. I only have to sit through one class anyway. Speaking of which, we’re all super late.”
“Ms. Holliday will understand,” Santana says before looking to Quinn, “You on the other hand are screwed.”
Quinn rolls her eyes and Brittany instantly feels guilty.
“Crap. You wouldn’t have been late if you didn’t help me,” Brittany says.
“Don’t worry about it,” Quinn brushes her off, “I’ll just get Ms. Pillsbury to write me a note. I’ll see you guys later.”
Surprisingly, Quinn gives the both of them a hug before she’s on her way.
Santana raises her brows at it but she doesn’t comment. Instead, she looks to Brittany and smirks.
“What?” Brittany asks as they head out of the bathroom too, “Do I still have slushie dye on my face?”
Santana chuckles cutely, “No. It’s not that.”
“Then what?”
Santana slides her arm through Brittany’s and gives it a squeeze as they walk in the direction of Ms. Holliday’s classroom, “I’ve seen plenty of girls walking around here wearing someone else’s letterman jacket, but I’ve never seen someone in another girl’s Cheerios jacket before.”
Brittany looks to Santana and chuckles, “Yeah? How’s it look?”
Santana just grins, “Hot.”
Despite the weight on her shoulders, Brittany can’t help but laugh.
By football practice, every single Titan knows what the Puck Heads did and they are pissed. Brittany worries that they might have an all out brawl afterwards and that’s not what anyone needs right now. She does her best to keep the peace still even if she’d also like to punch Rick in his dumb face.
“I’ll talk to their Coach,” Coach Beiste says in hopes to calm the team down, “Their behavior is unacceptable and I’m sick of no one dealing with it. Don’t worry, Pierce, there will be repercussions to their actions.”
Brittany nods, “Thanks Coach.”
“I just can’t believe they went after Pierce like this,” Finn snaps.
“I bet they waited until she was alone,” Puck adds, “Just like the punks they are! They wouldn’t dare go after her if we were there.”
“We should’ve been with her,” Mike says to Sam.
“But our classes are on the opposite side of the school?” Sam frowns.
“So? Britt needs a security detail.”
“No I don’t,” Brittany cuts in, “I don’t need a security detail like I’m the President or something. And I wasn’t alone.”
“Wait, what?” Finn looks confused, “You mean Quinn?”
Brittany shakes her head, “No. I mean Azimio and Karofsky were there.”
“What?!” They both snap.
Coach Beiste looks at them expectantly, “Is this true?”
“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Karofsky tries to lie, “I wasn’t – “
“Don’t,” Brittany stops him and turns back to the team, “Why would I lie about this? What would I gain by throwing half of my O Line under the bus? They were both there and neither of them did anything, but is anyone surprised?”
Mike glares at them, “Nope.”
“Not even a little,” Sam adds.
“I’m really disappointed in you two,” Coach Beiste says, “What the hell were you two thinking?”
“What did you want us to do?” Azimio tries to defend himself, “She’s got that stupid no slushie policy in place!”
“You could’ve asked if she was okay? You could’ve gone to get a teacher. You could’ve let me know so I could talk to their coach? Literally anything that would’ve made you look like a team player, that would’ve shown that you care about everyone on this team.”
Azimio and Karofsky look away guiltily.
“You have proven to me and everyone on this squad time and time again that you aren’t team players and I’m done. There is no room for that kind of behavior here,” Coach Beiste says with a kind of finality that makes everyone perk up.
“Wait,” Karofsky pleads.
“I’m done with the excuses and this was the last straw!” Coach snaps, “You’re both off the team.”
“But the Championship game is in two days!” Azimio implores.
“I know when it is!” Coach replies loudly, “And you know what? I’ve got a friend from Ohio State coming to watch too. Maybe he’ll pick some of you up, but not you two.” Coach turns her steely gaze on Azimio and Karofsky, “You two will be watching from the stands – if I even allow that.”
“But – “
“Go!” Coach tells them both firmly, “Clean out your lockers and leave.”
Neither of them say another word and sulk off of the field. Brittany just stares wide-eyed. She didn’t think Coach would go that route – actually she wasn’t sure of the route at all – but she’s glad this was taken so seriously. Those guys have been skating by for so long, she’s glad something’s finally being done about them.
“Anyone else not want to be a team player?” Coach asks.
No one makes a sound.
“Okay good,” Coach smiles, “Now about this recruiter from Ohio State. He’s a good friend of mine but he’s hard to impress. Very high standards so play well because Cooter just might be your ticket into OSU.”
Brittany’s heart rate spikes. She’s heard of the possibility of a recruiter attending this game since the beginning of the season, but now that she knows it’s actually happening she needs to be on her A game. She needs to push everything else aside for now and focus on football and winning this game because –
“Wait,” Finn says with his signature dopey, confused look, “His name is Cooter?”
Coach Beiste nods.
“Cooter…the Recruiter?” Finn adds and Puck’s already snickering.
“That’s unfortunate,” Kurt jokes flatly and the rest of the team starts to chuckle.
“Cut it out,” Coach warns, “We’re going to be training harder than ever for the next couple of days. I’m extending practice for two hours in preparation for the rest of the week. We’re not getting this far only to lose. That’s not an option for us.”
Brittany nods; she’s right about that.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
New Dawn: New Horizons Chapter 2 - An Archangel’s Daughter
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2.6k
Summary: Gabriel confronts Lucifer to protect Daenerys from him. Cristina tells her parents about her encounter with Lucifer. 
Guest OCs: Thomas Winchester-Smith (FC: Colin Ford), Jeffrey Winchester-Smith (FC: Dylan Everett)
Guest characters: Carmina Rye, Gabriel [Supernatural], Lucifer [Supernatural]. Sam and Dean Winchester [mentioned]
Written by @athenalillystar and myself. Supernatural & Far Cry New Dawn crossover. Hope y'all enjoy! 💗💗
Taglist: @wargames94 @rabbitsoldier @mrsladydiana @vicki-the-sinner
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The Winchester kids, and Carmina Rye sitting at Roughneck’s Crag. Laughing, having a great time, and enjoying the Montana night around the bonfire. 
Not far from them, Lucifer appears, tracking down Daenerys. Just to see how special this human child is to his brother. He walks through the tall grass, the lights from the hut lightning up the dark mountain, wooded area with dead trees, dirt roads and the loud rock music playing.
Lucifer sees the kids, figuring out which one of them is Daenerys. Clearly it’s not either of the two boys, it's not the tall brunette with the blue streaks because he met, and spoke to her hours earlier. 
So it’s either pink, purple hair (Daenerys), glasses (Bianca), or beanie (Carmina).
He listens in on their conversations from 25 feet away, hiding in the darkness. Underneath the water tower. So far he’s able to get their names.
Jeffrey, Thomas, Bianca, Carmina and Daenerys, but still doesn’t know who is who. The small pink, purple haired girl steps away from the others.
“Dae, where you going?!” Cristina asks.
“I’m getting a drink!!” she responds. 
“Get me one too!” the elder sibling responds. 
“So you’re the one who’s holding my brother back” Lucifer says to himself. 
He follows her, while remaining hidden. “Who would’ve known the small pink, purple haired one would be “fathered” by my brother” he tells himself, “It makes sense. She looks like a unicorn threw up on her hair, she looks like she eats a lot of candy, sugar, and yet has a petite figure”. 
He watches her go through the cupboards inside the hut. He’s about to approach her, when the sound of wings fluttering stops him.
“What are you doing here?!?” an angry whisper asks. He turns around, and sees a furious Gabriel with his arms crossed.
Lucifer smirks, “I see you’ve been working on your dad face. Keep it up, it looks good” giving him a thumbs up.
His arms still crossed, and still angry, “What are you doing here?!?” he asks again.
“I just wanted to see what was so special about “wittle” Daenerys” he says mockingly.
“Get out of here!” he demands him.
He scoffs, and crosses his arms “No, and if I don’t, what are you gonna do about it?!. With very little powers you have”.
He takes a few steps closer to him. “I’m not gonna need much to take you down Lucifer” Gabriel threatens him. He gives him a mocking look, and chuckles. 
“Really? Because I can kill you right now, and little Dany won’t know what happened to her “father”. Does she even know you’re an Archangel?!. Well half Archangel, but more on the human side”.
Not wanting to give his brother the satisfaction on telling him the truth. He continues to stare at him, not saying a word. His lack of response makes Lucifer’s mouth drop open in a dramatic fashion.
His hand covering his mouth, “Oh my dad, she doesn’t know you’re, or were, an Archangel!?!”.
Gabriel looks away for a moment, and back at Lucifer, shaking his head “No. No she doesn’t know, and I don’t want her to know. She doesn’t know I’m not her real father, and Kate wants it that way”.
Lucifer clenches his teeth, squinting his eyes and says mockingly, “It’s never a good thing to lie to your child. Well she’s not your child, so I guess it's okay to lie to her”.
He stares at him once more, telling his older brother in frustration “Lucifer, just leave. I have enough on my plate already”.
He immediately responds back, “And what is that Gabe?!. Not having your powers?. Dad not answering your calls?. Being a human?. It sucks doesn’t it?!?”.
He raises his hand, snapping his fingers, freezing time, and approaches the group of kids. Standing behind Daenerys.
“Lucifer!” Gabriel mutters angrily, marching towards him “Lucifer, get away from them!!”.
He glares at Daenerys in disgust, “What is so special about this small human?!?. I mean this color. It's so bleh” he gags in disgust.
“Lucifer, stay away from them!” he threatens him again.
“But this one!” he points to Cristina, “This one, I like. I spoke to her earlier”.
Gabriel looks at him in confusion, “You spoke to Cristina?!?”.
He nods his head, “Yep. We had a nice little chat. About how dad farted on humanity, tried to wipe them all out. How he spoke to Joseph Seed about the Collapse, and how he played him”.
“She knows you’re!?!” he asks, motioning his hand up, and down “Lucifer?!”.
“Yeah, she freaked out!. I don’t think mommy Paige told her about, our kind” he whispers the last few words.
He follows up, “Which makes sense because your pink headed daughter doesn’t know you’re an Archangel, and pretty much lied to her, her whole life. How old is she? 12? 14? 15?”. 
“She’s 16” he mutters, rolling his eyes. 
“16!” he says “ethusasically”, placing his hands on his cheeks, “Wow, she should be in high school. Talking about boys, getting her nails done, or something like that. I don’t know”.
Still fed up with his brother's antics and already annoyed that he decided to show himself to his human niece, and is threatening his daughter. 
“What are you trying to do here?!?” he asks, irritated with his brother's antics. 
“Seriously. What is so special about her?” he motions to Daenerys, “What’s so special about Kate Winchester, or the Winchesters in general?!?”, trying to somehow convince his brother.
Gabriel groans in annoyance, rolling his eyes, “Okay, fine. When I cast out of Heaven, and landed here, the only humans I knew were the Winchesters. I didn’t know Kate, and Paige were pregnant. With very little strength, and powers I had, I went to them and their family. I knew they would take me in. Yeah they didn’t really trust me at first, but then I explained to them what was happening in the world. They believed me. Now with Dany, when Kate was pregnant I took care of her, and she gave birth, I took care of the baby. I helped Kate raise her, and that's why she's so important to me. I watched her grow up, and she saw me as her father.”
Lucifer acts touched to what his little brother had said. He says, pretending to be tearful. 
“That was just so touching” he wipes a fake tear from his eye. “I can feel my heart growing with happiness”. 
Gabriel knows he’s faking it. It’s his thing.
“Yeah sure. You really think I’m gonna believe that crap” he tells him.
Gabriel looks at his temporarily frozen daughter, “Believe me or not, I don’t care. Whether she came from me or not. She’s still my daughter. I helped raise her, and if I have to protect her from you, or any other bag of dicks, I will. My lack of powers won’t stop me from protecting her”.
Lucifer shrugs, lifting his arms up, “Have it your way, but also remember I’m still not done with you”.
He snaps his fingers, disappearing, and unfreezing time. Gabriel quickly teleports back to the compound. 
Daenerys looks in the direction where her dad was standing. Thinking she saw him, just merely seconds ago.
“You okay Dae?” Bianca asks her. 
She looks around confused, “Yeah, I thought I saw my dad. That was weird” she laughs it off. 
They all stay there for another 15 minutes before getting up, heading back to their car, and going home.
Back at the compound Gabriel walks through the front door, and a worried Kate approaches him.
“Gabe!! Where have you been?!?” she asks, now relievedly.
He stammers a bit, “I-I uh”. He lets out a sharp exhale, and tells her the truth, “When I went out earlier to contact my dad, Lucifer”.
“Lucifer?!?!” Kate exclaims. It catches Paige, Kenneth, Adrian, Mandy, Mark and Nate's attention, making all of them turn around.
“What about Lucifer?!?” Paige asks from the kitchen.
He continues “Lucifer appeared to me, and he wanted me to go with him”.
“Go with him? Where?” Kate asks.
“He didn’t say. He saw you Kate in one of the windows, and he was like “You live with the Losechesters now?!” and I told him that I am. I told him that I couldn’t go with him because of her”.
“Daenerys?!” she whispers.
Nodding his head, “Yeah, he went to where they were at tonight, and I was able to confront him before she could see him”.
“Oh no, no, no” Kate mutters, shaking her head. 
The others, Cody, Martin, Barbara and everyone else hear the commotion and enter the living room. 
“He didn’t say anything to her, or he didn’t do anything to them?!?” she asks, about to start panicking. 
“No, no he didn’t do anything to them, or to her. But he did mention that he. Talked to Cristina earlier” he hesitates on the last part.
“What?!?!” Paige shouts, getting up from her seat “What did that asshole say to her?!?”.
“He knew she was your kid, and he also wanted to know why Daenerys is so special to me. I told him why, but he didn’t believe me. Which is typical of him".
Exhaling in frustration, “I can’t believe him. I can’t believe he would show himself to her, and all those years. I tried shielding our kids from that life and all that demon crap”.
“Well it doesn’t really help when we have an actual Archangel living with us” Mark informs Paige.
“I know, I know, but none of the kids know he’s an Archangel” she tells them, stress in hervoice.
Gabe sighs “That’s another thing Lucifer mentioned”. 
“What?!” Kate asks.
“He asked if Daenerys knew I’m an Archangel, and I told him “that I don’t want her to ever find out about it", and he tried to make me feel guilty for lying to her”.
They all stare at him, he continues “He also asked if she knows that I’m not her real dad”.
Kate looks at the floor in anger, her hands trembling, “I can’t believe him. I expected this from him, but him putting our daughter into it, that's crossing a major fucking line”.
They see headlights, a car pulling into the property, they all turn back and see the kids. 
“Okay, let's not say anything to them until we get all of this figured out” Paige tells them. 
They all agree, and go do their own thing. The kids enter the house, still talking and laughing.
Gabriel, who is still worried about his brother doing harm to Daenerys, stays quiet about the whole thing until he can figure out a way to get rid of him. Or somehow keep his ass quiet, and prevent him from showing himself to her, and the other kids.
Later that night, Cristina is unable to sleep, or prevent her mind from wandering because of Lucifer. She gets up out of bed, goes to her parents room. 
Paige and Kenneth look up at her.
“What’s wrong Cri?” Kenneth asks.
A look of worry and confusion on her face, “There’s something I need to tell you both” she says to them. 
“What is it?” Paige asks, already knowing what this is about. 
She sits at the edge of their bed, “Earlier today when Daenerys, Bianca and I went to scavenge for supplies. When I was alone in one of the houses looking for supplies. A man appeared, and he said his name was Lucifer”.
Paige and Kenneth look at each other, “What did he look like?!” she asks.
“He was tall, had blond hair, blue eyes. Had some facial hair. He was wearing a mustard color, beige jacket, white t-shirt, and dark blue jeans” she explains every detail of him, from what she can remember of the encounter.
Paige sighs, looks down at the floor. “That was indeed Lucifer.”
“He said he knew you, and aunt Kate” Cristina tells them. 
Paige nods her head, “Yeah, we have a long history with him. Kate killed Lilith all those years ago, and Kate happens to be Lilith’s true vessel. We thought killing her, for the 2nd time, would prevent Lucifer from rising, and getting out of his cage but it did the exact opposite. It freed Lucifer from his cage. She had me killed, and I died. I spent 20 years in Hell, which is 2 months Earth time. I was raised from perdition by the Archangel Michael. In total I’ve died 7 times”. 
Cristina looks at her mother with wide eyes and disbelief. Completely speechless. She looks over at her father Kenneth, and he nods his head. This better be all a dream. This can’t be real!.
“What? How? When? What?!!” she stammers, “Who else knows about this?!?”.
“I do, your grandmother, and your aunt” Kenneth answers, “No one else can know about this. Not your siblings, not Daenerys, not a soul can know about this sort of thing.”
Paige explains to her eldest, “I was 4 years old when my dad died. He died in a house fire that was started by a demon named Azazel. Your grandmother, aunt and I travel a lot, hunting down the demon that killed my father, and ruined our family. It’s a very long story, just to give you the short version. I never wanted you, and your siblings to live the life Kate and I lived growing up”. 
“We wanted a normal life for you guys” Kate jumps in, leaning against the doorframe, “I agree, no one else can know about this, and the man you saw today. Lucifer, the real Lucifer”.
“Okay so what about Sam and Dean Winchester?!?” she asks, "Who are they??".
Kate and Paige look at each other and nod their heads.
“They’re family. Were family. They were our 1st cousins, their dad John, and our dad Joel were cousins. Their dads Henry and Alfred were brothers” Paige tells her, holding back tears, "Your brothers are named after them. They were the best hunters we have ever known. They were very brave. They've saved the world so many times, and we've never forgotten about them. We always think about them." 
“We come from a long line of hunters. Not your typical hunters, but we hunted monsters. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, demons, all that shit” Kate tells her. 
“I need to go lie down” Cristina says, getting up from the bed, going to her room. Feeling lightheaded.
“Don’t tell anyone. Please, we don't want anyone to freak out, or panic. So just don’t tell anyone” Paige pleads her. 
“Okay” Cristina mutters, nodding her head. Walking towards her bedroom. 
Going to her room, laying down on her bed, and trying to go to sleep. Only to wake up minutes later to the sound of rustling in the corner of her room. She sits up, turning on her light. Nothing. She lays back down, closing her eyes.
The rustling returns but she ignores it, turning on to her side, facing the wall. She hears very faint humming, thinking it's just her imagination. She ignores it. It grows slightly louder, and kind of obnoxious. 
She sits up, and turns on her light again. She sees the same man from that afternoon. Lucifer.
“Hello!” he greets with that same calm voice, and a slight smirk on his face.
She’s about to scream, but he covers her mouth immediately. Muffling her screams.
“Why do you humans always act this way to surprising visitors?!?!” he asks annoyed, shaking his head.  
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shawnssongs · 4 years
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𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 ⋄ 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤
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02. 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
It’s the first day of senior year (also we’re just going to pretend they’re all seniors in high school, the pogues and the kooks, including Rafe at Kildaire County High)
series masterlist 01.
an: sorry this chapter is kind of boring! I promise there’ll be more action in the next one :)
warnings: typos, probably wc: 1.4k ish
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thanks @jjmaybankx for the moodboard!
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It was finally here. The first day of senior year. JJ never cared much about school since it had never been on his list of priorities, but he always loved the first day. He’d usually spend all summer working or hanging out with his friends, so being the social butterfly that he is, he loved catching up with everyone else that he really only saw at school. Plus, at this point, he needed to catch up with his own friends as well. He felt like he hadn’t seen John B, Kie, Pope, and Sarah in months, and other than a few “hey”s here and there, he truly hadn’t.
John B was the same way. Ever since finding out what happened to his father, he’d gotten back on track with his education. His grades improved junior year, especially with the help of Sarah Cameron. John B was ready to catch up with his friends, but he was really just waiting for JJ. His best friend had been MIA all summer.
“John B!” Kiara greeted with open arms when she noticed her best friend standing next to his beaten up Volkswagen.
John B accepted the hug gladly.
Sure, JJ had been absent, but John B had also admittedly been spending more time with Sarah than with the rest of the pogues.
“Where ya been?” He asked her with a smile.
“Around,” Kiara chided, “unlike you, lover boy.”
John B chuckled at Kie when he noticed Pope approaching. They all greeted each other, catching up a bit when Pope asked where Sarah was.
John B shrugged in response. “Met a new girl. She told me she was going to show her around.”
“Sarah loves strays,” Kiara acknowledged.
“There he is!” Pope cheered, gazing behind John B and Kiara at the missing member of their group.
“Man of the hour!”
“Where have you been?” John B asked when JJ was close enough, reaching his hand out for a quick hug.
Kiara prodded. “Yeah, what have you been doing all summer?”
JJ just smiled, playing it off. “I was hanging around at the beach.”
“So were we.” Pope added.
“Guess we didn’t cross paths.” JJ shrugged.
“Or you were too busy checking out tourons to talk to your friends.” Kiara crossed her arms across her chest accusatorily.
“Nah, I did meet this one cool chick though.”
John B noticed the little twinkle in his eyes. “You mean she put out?” He asked, earning a punch in the arm from Kiara and a glare from Pope.
“Is that all you ever think about?” Sarcasm dripped through JJ’s voice. Clearly, he was the one with that reputation, not John B.
The group continues to giggle like children and tease each other as they caught up outside Kildaire County High.
Meanwhile, Sarah Cameron had been incredibly helpful to you so far. You met her just a few days ago when you found out you’d be staying in the Outer Banks instead of moving back home. She agreed to meet you early and show you around the school a bit so you wouldn’t be too lost on your first day.
“Do I look okay, Sarah?” You ask her, noticing all the students walking around in cut off shorts and crop tops. You weren’t allowed to wear just anything like that back home at your private school, so you really weren’t prepared. In a pair of linen shorts and a button up tee, you felt a bit out of place.
“I’m really nervous.”
“You look terrific,” she complimented.
“So this is Kildaire County High?” The school seemed surprisingly active. It was small, and rundown, unlike your school back home, and even though your old school was large and daunting, somehow you still felt more intimidated by Kildaire County. The uncertainty was causing your nerves to run rampant.
Sarah gripped your arm to calm you. “I know it’s not much, but you’ll love it. Come on,” she smiled, “I’ll help you find your first class.”
With Sarah’s help, you managed to make it through your first couple classes of the day until it was finally time for lunch. The cafeteria looked run down and dirty, but luckily Sarah pulled you outside to meet Kiara, who she’d described as her best friend.
“Y/n, this is Kiara. Kie, this is Y/n!” Sarah introduced giddily, excited to have another friend to do girly things with like shop and do each other’s hair and makeup. The boys would partake sometimes, but it wasn’t the same. Kiara was just as stunning as Sarah, the two of them contrasting in every way. Kiara’s skin and hair both darker than Sarah’s golden complexion, the straightened strands of Sarah’s light hair next to Kiara’s curls. As beautiful as they were, somehow you didn’t feel envious. You felt content. You felt sure that these two girls were people you wanted to keep around. Back home you never got that feeling. You were always comparing yourself to the other girls, trying to be like them or dress like them because that was what was most desired. Here, with Kie and Sarah, you knew they’d accept you for you, and you weren’t afraid to be yourself, because they clearly weren’t.
“Hey!” Kiara greets, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Hi! It’s nice to meet you!” You smile as she reached out for a hug.
The two girls caught up on each other’s summers a small bit of time since they’d spent most of it together. You gathered that Sarah is dating a cute surfer boy named John B, and Kiara has a thing for a studious kid named Pope. It wasn’t long before Sarah asked you how your summer in the Outer Banks had gone, and boy were you glad to tell.
“I met a boy at the beach.” You boasted, unable to hold back your smile.
The guys ate their lunch by the Volkswagen because Sarah apparently didn’t want them to scare away the new girl she’d befriended. He didn’t mind though. They had a lot of catching up to do.
“Okay, so what happened with that girl you met this summer? Stop playin’ around.” John B asked his friend sternly, not wanting anymore jokes.
“Nothing!” JJ lied, but he knew he couldn’t get away with it.
Pope rolled his eyes. “Sure, nothing.”
“Come on, you guys don’t want to hear all the horny details, right?”
The guys pestered him until he finally gave in.
“Alright! I’ll tell you.”
“Oh he was so romantic!” You gush. “And cute. Really cute.”
The girls ooh and aww as you continue your story.
“He ran by me, showing off, splashing around.”
“She swam by me and got a cramp. I saved her life, man.” JJ embellished. “She almost drowned.”
Pope and John B didn’t believe him, but they let him keep going. “Took her surfing, showed her the ropes.”
“We went strolling along the beach. We stayed out until ten o’clock.”
“We made out under the dock.”
“Then what?” Pope asked.
“We got friendly.” JJ quirked a brow, smirking at his curious friend. “Down in the sand, if you know what I mean.”
“He got friendly, and he held my hand,” you explain to the girls, recalling the memories. “He was sweet. He just turned 18.”
You pause, the girls watching you in anticipation. “It got colder. That’s where it ends. That’s when we made our true love vow.” You knew it’s sounded extreme, but you wouldn’t explain it any other way. You loved JJ Maybank, even if you only got to spend one summer with him, and losing your virginity to JJ was you vowing your love to him.
“Y’know, I told her we’d still be friends.” JJ shrugged. “I wonder what she’s doing now.” He truly did, more than the guys knew. Y/n was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and now she’s just gone, clear on the other side of the States.
“He sounds real nice.” Sarah smiled. She was a hopeless romantic, of course. She loved the story.
You agree. “He was a gentleman.”
“What was his name?” Kiara asked, sure she’d recognize any of the locals.
“JJ. JJ Maybank.”
Kiara noticed Sarah’s eyes widen and just before she was able to tell you, Kiara kicked her leg under the table.
“Maybe if you believe in miracles,” she started, “he’ll show up again, somewhere unexpected.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!” Sarah chimed in, a bright smile adorning has face.
The six of them went back to class as the bell rung, all blissfully unaware of the events to come.
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an: kinda hate this ngl... excited for the next chapter though :) thanks for reading, and please send feedback!
also, ty to now both @milaonthemoon​ and @storiesbymads​ for your spotify playlists that helped while I wrote and edited this :)
tags: add yourself! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION AND SPELL YOUR URL CORRECTLY (or comment if you just want to be tagged in the series) series @talksoprettyjjx @hazelgirl355 @ssjiara @socialwriter @milaonthemoon​ all fics @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @harrysbbby @maybe-maybanks @maybankdreams @ilovejjmaybank @i-love-scott-mccall @sarahcxmeron @obx-direction-sos @mahleeyuh @jjmeybank @simonsblue @deviouscharitos​ all obx @thelocalpogue​ @maybankiara @ewgrossiknow @poguelifesurfshop @stargazingstarkey @pogxe @t8-er-tot @amanecer-cora @rudths @x-lulu @pixelated-pogues​ @apoguecalledjj @hiddleless @sungieeeeeee @letsgotothehop @tcmhollnd @jjs--whore @jjswhore @miawantsapuppy @talksoprettyjjx @dani-c2 @hemmoemotional @kennedywxlsh @drew-starkey @beth-winchester21​ jj @teamnick​ @everyonesababe​ @infinitydols​ @ritasunflwr​ @jjaybank @theloveofpeterparker strikethrough means it wouldn’t let me tag you, and PLEASE let me know if there are any mistakes. also sorry this looks so weird..
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The Possibility Of You And Me 🎄 Chp. 1
Fic Summary: Arya is in her mid-twenties and is in a place where she never thought she would be. With friendship and courage she's ready to start a new chapter, back to her love of acting--Meeting new people,,,But she never expected to see the one person she thought she would never see again... ;)
Chapter 1 AO3 Link
Side Note: Okay, so this is a different story that I wanted to write. Be prepared, Gendry and even Arya might sound OC during a few flashback scenes, maybe not actually-- BUT this is HEA, so remember that :) This first chapter, I hope, will get you interested to read more so here you go :)
Chapter 1
It was Christmas morning, and all Arya Stark could do was groan. She rubbed her sleepy eyes before she briefly looked at her window, watching the snowfall endlessly. She sighed, turning on her side and closed her eyes, wanting sleep to take her again and back to that dream—
Just then, her bedroom door opened, and two young voices screamed, "Aunt Arya! Aunty Arryya!"
Arya opened her eyes again, rolled them playfully, and scoffed, getting up before her three-year-old niece, Jaena, and five-year-old nephew, Ned, jumped on her bed. "Happy Christmas, you little elves," she said, watching her niece and nephew continue to jump on her bed.
Jaena giggled. "I'm not a elv—I'm a woof!"
Arya nodded, knowing what she meant to say. "Yes, you are a red wolf," she said, finally getting up from bed and stretching her arms and legs. She then walked toward her bathroom to brush her teeth. She looked at herself in the mirror while brushing her teeth. After, she quickly brushed her hair. After putting her brushes away, she looked at herself in her long-sleeved gray knit blouse and matching pajama bottoms. She shrugged and thought she looked presentable enough.
"Grannyy told us to get you!" Ned yelled as he finally sat down on the bed.
"We can't open the prezz-ents until ev'ry one is downsairs, Aunty Arryya," Jaena yelled as she continued to jump.
"Mmm...I figured," Arya murmured as she opened her closet and wrapped a warm purple scarf around her neck. She slipped on her Ugg slippers. "Okay, you two, let's go open presents." She grinned at them.
"I wanna jump," Jaena said. Ned jumped to the ground and started running toward the hallway, raising his hands and screaming, "Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!"
Arya chuckled. She looked at her jumpy niece and smiled. "Okay, you wolf, it's time to go." She quickly grabbed Jaena mid-jump and carried her tiny body as she started to walk out of her bedroom. She looked at her niece's red hair and playfully messed it up, making the girl giggle. Arya smiled and then said, "Let's first get some cookies."
"Yay!" Jaena screamed as she held on to her Aunty.
As classical holiday music played in the background, friends and family of the Stark's were around the heavily decorated Christmas tree. The tree had grey, blue, and purple colored ornaments and colorful lights not just wrapped around the tall tree but all around the family room and the house.
Arya drank some coffee before placing the mug on the end table beside her. She sat in an oversized armchair, farthest away from the Christmas tree and everyone. She snuggled with her new knitted blanket that Sansa made for her.
Minutes later, Arya looked up from her phone and saw Robb and Talisa sitting on the floor, closest to the tree. Their kids wrapped tinsel around them. Young Ned went to sit on his mother's lap while Jaena placed a sticky bow on Robb's head.
Arya chuckled as she saw her parents sitting next to each other on the couch, holding hands, and whispering to each other. Sansa and her boyfriend of many years, Arya lost count, Theon Greyjoy, sat on the other side of the tree. With Sansa's help, he was trying on the turtleneck sweater made by her.
Arya sighed, taking another sip of coffee, observing her cousin, Jon, making sure his pregnant wife for the fourth time was all right laying on the chaise lounge, and hearing Ygritte saying for the fifth time, "I'm fine! Argh!" Arya was distracted that she didn't listen to her best friend, Daenerys Targaryen, sit beside her.
"Oh, wow! Did Sansa make this? It looks beautiful and feels so warm," she said, taking some of the blanket from Arya's lap.
Arya half-smiled with her brow raised. "Mmm... Sure, you can take some of it."
Daenerys smiled, placing the blanket over her lap. "Even though the heater is on, I forget how cold it can still be up here!"
Arya leaned into her friend, "I missed you."
Daenerys leaned into her in a half hug before releasing her. "Same here," she smiled before looking at everyone in front of them. "I was wondering why you were way over here and not with everybody else."
"Just a habit, I guess." Arya shrugged her shoulders.
Daenerys shivered in her silk pajamas before raising the blanket to her waist. She then put her hair behind her ears and said, "Thank you for these earrings; they are my favorite present so far."
Arya nodded. She saw the silver dragon earrings shimmer beautifully with her fair hair. She reached over to the end table and grabbed a slim box, opening and revealing theater tickets. "I can't believe you were able to get these tickets."
"I know you're a fan of the director, so voila!" She grinned, hoping to see more response from Arya. She then gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm worried about you, Arya."
Arya looked startled as she said, "What—Why?"
"Since you came back to Winterfell four years ago, all you do is work, come here, eat then sleep, then start again. When was your last audition?"
Arya sighed, not wanting to talk about this. "You perfectly well know, Dany. Four years ago." She leaned back into the chair. "I gave up acting long ago."
"You should have never listened to that jerk from Essos. After that, you lost a part of yourself. I want to help you get back to what I know you love."
"That part of my life is over," Arya said solemnly, then shrugged, looking ahead.
"You're just going to do an endless stream of jobs, including giving lessons on how to ride a horse for the rest of your life?"
Arya crossed her arms. "Maybe...Look, can we drop this, please?!"
Daenerys sighed, then shook her head. "Fine." She loved Arya like the sister she never had and remembered what it was like to see her on stage and dazzle in front of everyone. "Arya?"
"Yeah?" She said, staring ahead.
"I'm moving back to Westeros."
Arya turned her head quickly to look at Dany. "Really?" Skype, text messages, and e-mails were not enough forms of communication to talk with her best friend. She barely saw her in person in the last four years.
Daenerys nodded with a smile. "I applied for a few positions at magazines and publishers over here and got hired in King's Landing."
"Congratulations. You're a great writer-- I'm so happy for you." Arya squeezed Daenerys' hand.
Daenerys squeezed back and said, "I've found a condo and plan to move in after the New Year, and I need a roommate."
"Will you be my roommate?" Daenerys asked with a hopeful expression.
"What?!" Arya's eyes enlarged.
Daenerys nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! It'll be great, and you can find a job in the world you love!"
"Wait—I...Oh Gods," Arya muttered. She felt all of a sudden everything was happening so fast. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath then let it out. She did this a couple of times before opening her eyes. "I don't know..." she said with honesty.
"Look, Arya—I'm sorry that I just sprung this on you, but I think it's a great opportunity for you."
"What if I don't find a job in the industry?"
Daenerys scoffed and said, "Always thinking negatively."
Arya raised her hands in surrender. "I'm thinking realistically."
"There are so many opportunities in King's Landing. I know you'll find something." She assured Arya, bumping her shoulder gently with hers.
Arya nodded. "I'll think about it. That's the best I can do right now."
Daenerys smiled. "Okay."
Arya wanting to change the subject quickly, said, "Hey, do you want to see a video I took last night of young Ned and Jaena sneaking up on Jon in the kitchen, and he screamed like—" She showed Dany her phone when suddenly Jon's very high pitched scream was heard, making both laugh out loud.
"What are you two laughing at?" Sansa asked, putting on a kid's version of reindeer antlers on Jaena.
Arya raised her brow. "Oh, you want to know?" She pressed buttons on her cell, and a second later, various chimes were heard around the room.
"That's me!" Young Ned said, still sitting in his mother's lap as Talisa and he looked at her cell phone.
Robb laughed and said, "Oh, this is wonderful."
Ygritte laughed, looking at her phone, "This is going to be my ringtone."
"Arya!" Jon screamed from across the room.
Arya chuckled and looked innocently across the room at Jon. "What?" she asked.
"You sent it to everyone!" Jon yelled, shaking his head. The video was being played over again, even making Arya's parents laugh.
"Oops," Arya said with a shrug.
Days later, before the sunset, Arya rode her favorite horse, Nymeria, toward the edge of the woods. She stopped and looked out at the town of Winterfell below. It looked like a lively town with snow and lights clustered all over.
"There you are," her father, Ned Stark, said as he approached with his horse.
Arya turned around and saw her father dressed in one of his bulky coats. She smiled.
"Have you made your decision?" Ned asked. He got off his horse, and Arya followed suit.
She walked around her horse to stand next to her father, looking over the town. She felt her eyes were getting glassy. It was a mixed emotion of missing her family but strangely excited to find what comes next. She looked up at her father's face, and in a shaky voice, she said, "Yes." She made the decision days ago.
Ned nodded and formed a small smile. "Good." He wrapped his arm around his daughter. "We're going to miss you," he added. She wrapped her arm around him and leaned into him, knowing she would miss her father the most.
A week later, Arya found herself in front of a modern designed condominium building.
"It's so big." Arya looked up. "Which level are we on, again?"
"We're on the eighth floor," Daenerys said as she grabbed a box from Arya's hybrid vehicle then closed the door with her hip.
On the other side, Arya grabbed her luggage or instead just her bag, realizing all her clothes were scattered on the ground in the back seat. She sighed, realizing her niece and nephew probably did this; This made her chuckle.
Daenerys smiled. "What's so funny?"
"I think in retaliation to moving away, Ned and Jaena took all my clothes from my luggage and scattered them on the ground."
Daenerys laughed. "Lovely—Do you want me to help?"
Arya shook her head. "I got it. I'll see you up in our condo."
She nodded and said, "Okay—I'll order take out."
"Yes! I'm starving." Arya smiled before looking at the mess of clothes in front of her. "Those little—" She laughed again before she started to fling her clothes in the luggage piece.
Holding luggage pieces in each hand, Arya walked inside the lobby. With her left knuckle, she pressed the button for the elevator. A minute later, the door opened, revealing someone she had not seen in years except in her dreams.
She spoke without thinking. "Gendry?"
He first looked at her in confusion before recognition set in a second later. He gave her a half-smile. His eyes met hers with gentleness. "Arya," he said calmly.
She didn't expect the way he said her name to take her breath away. She gulped, unable to speak. She stepped into the elevator with her luggage.
They were less than a meter away from each other as they continued to stare at each other. Arya didn't see Gendry move away. He continued to stand where he was. Her eyes didn't leave his, even as the elevator doors closed behind them.
End Note: I know, there was just a little Gendry at the end, but of course MORE is to come!! <3
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Tell the Wolves I’m Home
For the Daenerys Resurrection Week Event Day 5 (I don’t know if this event is still going on, but whatevs. I wrote this so here you go) Thanks @adecila for the moodboard
Can also be found here on ao3 if you desire to leave a comment.
It was almost six years after he left the Wall with the Free Folk before Jon’s past caught up with him. He kept his distance with certain aspects of the Free Folk in regards to taking a woman or having told the explicit details to those who’d asked what had happened south of the Wall. The only one who knew everything was Tormund and even he didn’t know that Jon was now a kinslayer. For amongst the Free Folk, kinslayers were cursed. However, he still helped within the community and went hunting with them.
It was during one such hunt where the group noticed smoke rising heavily a distance from where they were and had decided to go see what was going on.
Upon arrival, the hunters in front of Jon stopped dead in their tracks with gasps of shock. Pushing them aside, Jon couldn’t help but have a similar reaction.
A weirwood tree burned so badly that only the husk of the trunk remained. But Jon’s eye caught on to what was attached to the burnt trunk. Everyone else did as well and turned from the tree to murmur to each other.
His heart beat wildly and his hands began to shake ever so slightly as he walked up to the partially burned crow that had been impaled to the ruined wood with a dagger. The shaking in his hands increased as he pulled the dagger out and realized that he knew it. He knew it well. Well enough to never be able to forget it.
The dagger he’d used to kill Dany.
It was so blatantly obvious that this message was meant solely for Jon, but he had no idea who left it or when they would come for him. At night, he found himself sitting on his furs, holding the dagger as memories he had tried to distance himself from came rushing back full force.
His answer came on the bleak, muted rays of the morning four days after the discovery. A familiar cry rang through the air that had Jon’s heart stopping and his eyes snapping up towards the sky, desperately searching for the source. Off in the distance to his left, he saw the brief outline of a black dragon before it disappeared into thick clouds, calling out again as it did so. He’d have convinced himself that it was only his imagination had it not been for the fact that everyone else had seen it too.
It continued on like this for almost a week. Jon would see quick glances of Drogon flying, always far enough away that the dragon couldn’t be bothered by the Free Folk but close enough that he could just see the red in his wings and clearly hear the echoes of his cries. He tried to quell the growing feeling of doom each day, but was unsuccessful. Especially when he unconsciously found himself trying to follow the dragon’s trail and would stumble upon the burned carcasses of crows on the ground as well as two more burned weirwood trees.
Jon knew his time with the Free Folk had to come to an end when Drogon started flying closer to where they were, looking around as he went as if searching for something… well, someone. That’s when the worried whispers and fearful looks towards him began. He knew they remembered when he flew on Rhaegal and that he would be the only reason that the dragon would have come here and stayed near for so many days.
On the night of the eighth day, he packed up his belongings, intending to search for Drogon. Or let the dragon find him. Whichever came first.
Upon making his way out of the camp, he pulled up to a stop when Tormund stepped in front of him, a pack on the tall man’s back.
“So I guess we’re goin’ to find that dragon of yours, eh?”
“He’s not my dragon and I can’t ask you to come with me,” Jon said, shaking his head in refusal at his friend.
Tormund clapped him on the shoulder with a sigh and a grim smile. “Ah, I’ve already followed your pretty crow face enough times to know that someone has to look out for you. ‘Cause you sure as fuck won’t.”
With a clenched jaw, Jon slowly breathed out through his nose. He didn’t want his friend involved in this. “You know we’ll probably die.”
The ginger man shrugged, unfazed as he turned towards the woods. “It won’t be the first time we went head first to our death. Who knows? Maybe we’ll come out of this one too.”
Jon looked at Ghost in resignation, knowing he couldn’t dissuade Tormund once his mind was made up. The direwolf’s red eyes stared back silently before he too trotted off on silent feet, leaving Jon no choice but to follow.
As they searched, they realized that no matter which direction the dragon went in the morning, he always flew back northeast. Jon had Ghost lead, using the direwolf’s superior smell to their advantage. It took five days, but they finally found where Drogon had made a temporary lair. An icy lake settled at the bottom of a few mountains where a large cave was carved out of one of them. There was a little forest on the far edge of the lake to their left.
From where they stood, Jon could clearly see how much more Drogon had grown as the dragon perched at the mouth of the cave. Where he’d been huge before, he was twice as large now, if not more.
“All right, we’ve seen the beast,” Tormund muttered to him. “Now let’s get the fuck out of here.”
But Jon found himself unable to move as he continued to stare at the dragon. What was he doing all the way up here? Was he really here for Jon? Had he come back to Westeros and made his way up the realm, avenging his mother? If so, why now? Why wait this long? Or was he simply wandering the earth? Was he connected with whoever left the dagger? Had he...had he somehow found a new rider?
Jon was brought out of his confused musings when Drogon sniffed the air. His head suddenly turned to them, those red eyes staring right at him.
“Fuck,” Tormund breathed right before Drogon let out a roar that Jon felt in his bones and lifted into the air.
“Run!” Jon shouted to his friend.
Not needing to be told twice, they both took off towards the woods. It was a futile attempt. They were covered in shadow and then Drogon was in front of them, forcing them to halt in order to try to keep their balance as the ground shook with his landing. When Jon looked behind them, he saw that the dragon had used his tail to block them in, effectively trapping the pair. He could see Ghost staring at him from a distance, unable to do anything.
Turning back to face Drogon, he was met with an open mouth filled with black teeth the length of Longclaw. He could even see the glow of the fire building in the back of the dragon’s throat. Just as he accepted this was how it was going to end for him, a voice Jon thought he’d never hear again said, “Drogon, kelītīs.”
That huge maw snapped shut and the dragon turned his head to the side. A figure cloaked in black stepped out from behind his wing and into view. Jon felt faint as two small hands pushed away the hood to reveal the face of Daenerys Targaryen.
He stumbled back, barely registering the soft curse Tormund let out as he stared with wide eyed disbelief at the woman he’d loved; the queen he’d murdered before him. It had to be a dream or a hallucination. He had to have gone mad because she couldn’t be standing in front of him, here in the far reaches of the North.
But he knew it wasn’t. Because the Dany in his dreams had long flowing locks of silver all the way down her back that were intricately braided with little bells. This Dany’s hair hung in loose waves that ended at the top of her breasts with only a few strands tied back so it wasn’t in her face. The Dany in his dreams didn’t wear black lightweight leather armor that mimicked dragon scales with a sword hanging from one side, looking like the warrior queen, Visenya Targaryen, come again. The Dany in his dreams certainly never looked at him with such cold loathing.
“I knew you’d come, Jon,” she said. Her voice was like a bolt of lightning down his spine. She rested a small hand on her dragon. “You wouldn’t be able to resist following him, seeing why he was here. Especially not after the gift I left for you.”
Jon couldn’t form a response. He could only stand there and stare, breathing as if he’d run for miles. He let his eyes drink in all the details of her that time had made him forget. He was pretty sure he was looking at her as if he was a man dying of thirst and she was his salvation.
Unmoved, Dany simply arched a brow. “You seem surprised to see me again. I’m not sure why though.” Cocking her head, she gave him a mean smile that was completely foreign to see on her face. “Would you like to see the proof that it’s truly me?” she asked, her hand skimming just under her left breast. “We can compare our scars and reminisce how we were both stabbed by men who were supposed to be loyal to us only to be brought back to life by a red priestess.”
Jon sucked in a sharp breath in shock and couldn’t hide the hurt in his eyes. Dany’s smile turned into a full on grin that looked more like she was baring her teeth. When she started walking towards him, her cloak rustled and his eye caught on the handle of the same dagger he found in the weirwood hanging off her other hip. Seeing where his attention was just as she stopped in front of him, Dany looked down and pulled the dagger out, examining it as well.
“I was going to leave this one for you,” she told him as she began spinning and twirling it expertly with her fingers. “But strangely enough, I found myself unable to part with it. So I had a twin made and left that one for you instead. I thought you’d enjoy the sentiment of the gesture regardless of whether or not it was actually the original blade.”
She looked up at him and his heart stopped at having her so close to him. It stunned his entire being for a moment. And in that moment of being caught off guard by her nearness and her beauty, Jon wasn’t able to do anything when she suddenly wrapped her foot around his ankle and pulled forward while pushing down on his shoulder, forcing him to his knees. Before he could react or fight her off, one hand grabbed his hair to pull his head back, meeting her violet eyes again. The other held the dagger to his throat.
“I’ve learned a few things since I was brought back,” she said with a smirk.
Tormund shouted out and made to move forward as if to help Jon, but was immediately halted by Drogon turning towards him and letting out a horrible roar. Throughout the entire exchange, Dany’s eyes never left Jon.
“I wouldn’t move if I were you, Tormund Giantsbane,” she warned calmly, finally turning her focus to him with a sardonic smile. “After all, you’re dealing with a dragon rider and according to you, only a king or a madman would ride a dragon. And since I’m obviously no king, by your logic, I am therefore the madman.” Violet eyes went back to Jon then. Her smile softened into a mockery of something gentle because her eyes still held that emptiness in them. She let go of his hair to trail her fingers lightly down his face. “And mad people...well, it’s best to treat us with caution. We can be so very unpredictable when provoked. Sometimes with catastrophic results, wouldn’t you agree, Jon?”
He flinched away at her words, how casually she called herself mad and the reminder of what she’d done, unable to look at her. She caught him by the chin though, refusing to let him move. “Oh, no. None of that now, Jon,” she reprimanded with that same tone. She jerked his head back up. Her eyes were colder than the harshest North wind and the fingers holding him dug into his skin to the point of pain. “Don’t hide from the monster you helped turn me into. Look at the fruit of what your actions bore. Accept it, as I had to.”
Jon’s throat ached with how tight it was from holding in all the emotions swirling in him and he felt that he would break any moment. Still, he didn’t look away from those eyes that were so similar yet so very different. They didn’t look anything like they had the last time he’d stared into them. They were as clear and still as water. There was none of the passion he remembered seeing. Even in the throne room, she’d gazed up at him with love. Now they were dead. Oddly enough, it was that fact that made him want to weep, but he held it in. After a while, he finally was able to ask, “are you here to kill me then?”
She smiled as if he’d said something completely ridiculous and could only laugh sympathetically at him. “Kill you? I’m not here to kill you, Jon Snow. No, I’m here to warn you. Because soon, I have a very strong feeling that others are going to come looking for you. My dear old Hand and your supposedly all seeing king brother for example. Maybe even your treacherous sister.”
Even though he stayed silent, she apparently could see the wariness in his eyes and explained, “they’re going to want you to stop me. After all, you’re already apparently cursed from killing me before, aren't you? My blood is already on your hands, so what’s the harm in dirtying them a second time? Better you than them.”
Swallowing that old familiar feeling of dread mingled with panic, he quietly asked, “stop you from doing what?”
“You’re so far removed from the rest of the world up here in your little idyllic winter wonderland, you've no idea how one can smell it in the air when arriving on these shores; how the earth here is practically quivering with it in anticipation. The deep breath before the plunge.”
“What? What is it?” he rasped.
“Revolution. Liberation,” she said with an indulgent smile that still didn’t reach those cold, cold eyes. Yet she still managed to stare at him so piercingly that he felt like the deepest parts of him were being stripped bare. “Fulfilling my oath to break the wheel and remake the world.”
The memory of her speech to her armies after she’d burned King’s Landing came to him and made him go cold all over.
“Dany, you–” The name was out before he could think and he paid for his mistake. His head was turned to the side by the force of her smack to his cheek. She grabbed his hair and yanked hard as she leaned down until only a few inches were left between them.
“Don’t you ever call me that again,” she snarled. And just like that, her eyes were suddenly filled with such rage that they practically glowed. The only consolation in being on the receiving end of her fury was that at least there was the life he remembered in them. It hadn’t completely disappeared.
The blade at his throat pressed in hard enough to pierce his skin. “You lost that right when you abandoned me in Winterfell; when you continuously refused to return the love I felt for you in the time I needed it the most; when you stabbed me in the heart.”
With a look of disgust, she let go of him and took a few steps back. Not looking away from him, Dany twirled the dagger in her hand before sheathing it. When he remained kneeling, she snapped, “get up. You look pathetic.”
Jon clenched his jaw but did as he was told. By the time he was on his feet, she had regained her cold, steely composure. The way she stood with her hands folded in front of her and her chin held high felt like a kick in the gut as a painful wave of nostalgia washed over him, forcing him to remember the queen she used to be.
“Even if you did wish to stop me, you can’t. It's too late. It’s already begun.” She looked out over the white expanse in front of them. “It’s taken years of convincing and whisperings of a better life. Years of organizing and planning while simultaneously continuing to free the remaining slave cities in Essos. But the common folk of Westeros are finally waking up and finding that they’re unsatisfied. They realize that they want more; that they can have more. Because I will give them more.”
“The Iron Throne is gone. ” he said, almost pleading with her.
She huffed a laugh, still eyeing the area around them. “I’m not doing this to be queen. I don’t need to be queen. That’s my point. Kings, queens, lords, ladies, they’re all unnecessary. Once I’ve given the people their liberation and the tools to use for their next step in governing themselves, I’m leaving. My old bear once told me that dragons plant no trees. Dragons make no homes. I forgot that. I listened to the young, lonely woman inside of me and tried to make the home I’d always yearned for. With you,” she said. She looked at him from the corner of her eye. “But we both know how that turned out.”
Ignoring each new slice of pain her constant jabs caused him, Jon asked, “what are you going to do to the nobles then? How will you handle them and their soldiers, Daenerys? The common folk don’t know how to fight against armies.”
Another joyless smile as she turned to face him fully and cocked her head. “Now why would I tell you that?” Jon’s lips thinned, knowing she was justified in not sharing her plans with him and feeling like a fool for thinking she might. “I’ll give you a boon though and say that they won't be alone. Plenty of those with power understand what I’m fighting to achieve and are willing to help me.” She gave a sly smile as she went on to say, “and also, Drogon presented a gift to me right after I was brought back that he came across during one of his travels to Valyria. And I’ve not wasted it. Would you like to see?”
Without waiting for a reply, she turned to Drogon who lifted his head and called out. Gooseflesh erupted across Jon’s skin when an answering call was heard, then another. Out of the large cave emerged two dragons. They took to the air and lazily made their way to where they stood. When they landed on either side of Drogon, the size difference was easily noticeable, but they were still extremely large. Probably the size of Rhaegal when Jon had ridden him.
Impossible, he thought. But of course it wasn’t impossible. Of course if anyone was going to bring dragons back into the world again, it would be the mother of dragons.
Dany walked up to the one whose scales looked like gold coins. Its horns and wings were a rich, dark blue color with a sheen that was reminiscent of a pearl. Dark gold eyes flickered from Dany to Jon.
“Mirax,” she said reverently, laying a hand on the dragon’s snout before walking to the other and repeating the gesture. This one a dark pine green with black horns and wings and silver eyes. “Morrelion.”
Looking at Jon, she dropped her hand. “Named after my two closest and most beloved advisors. Brought back to life just as my first children were.”
She then pulled out her sword and gave it a few expert swings. “You see, Jon. I learned from my mistake. I’m so much more prepared for Westeros this time. I can now fight just as easily with a sword as I can off the back of Drogon. I understand the loyalty you gained from fighting side by side with your men. The difference between us though is that while you’ve led armies, I command legions.”
For some reason, knowing that Dany had not only learned how to fight but had apparently been in battles made his heart hurt. A very small, irrational part of him hated that he wasn’t the one who taught her; that he hadn’t been there, fighting by her side.
When the blade caught the light, his eyes widened a little as he saw what it looked to be made of. She flashed him a smug smirk as she kept it aloft, confirming his thought. “Yes, Valyrian steel. Another gift from someone who felt I was finally deserving of it.”
Resheathing it, she said, “so I’ll handle the lords and ladies and everyone who opposes me the same way I handled the great masters. They can live in my new world or die in their old one.”
Jon stiffened. Her purple eyes caught the motion and her smile turned deadly. “Are you thinking of your beloved siblings? The family you constantly chose over me? Never fear, dear nephew, if they die, it won’t be at my hands. I simply plan to be there to enjoy their downfall. Along with your old friend Samwell Tarly and my dear Hand.”
She began stalking towards him, like a cat toying with her prey. “Your continued loyalty to them is ever so interesting though. What was it you Starks were always posturing? The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives?” Stopping, she held out her arms and looked around. “Well? Where’s your pack, Jon Snow? Where’s your family?” With a scoff, she let her arms fall. “I’ll tell you where. They’re enjoying the spoils of our downfall. Your so called family used you as their puppet and threw you away once they got what they wanted and you were of no more use to them. The same as you all did to me.”
His fists clenched so hard, he could feel his nails biting into his skin. Again, she saw it. “The truth is a harsh mistress to lie with, isn’t she, Jon?”
“I never used you. I followed you. I pledged myself to you.”
“That’s right. Do you remember your vow to me right before you stabbed me in the heart? I was your queen, now and always. I wonder if that still holds true,” she mused, stepping towards him again. He didn’t move, didn’t even blink, as she leaned in and loudly whispered, “shall we test to see if your family’s saying holds true as well? Does the lone wolf really die?”
“Stop it,” he snapped. He hated the words coming from her mouth. He hated that the woman he’d loved had become so cold and cruel. He hated that he was the reason why she was.
They stared at each other for a long moment before Dany’s lips slowly curled up. “As my nephew, the rightful king commands,” she mocked, dipping into a curtsy.
“I’m not the bloody king of Westeros,” he growled through clenched teeth. “I never was and I never wanted that damned throne.”
Her smile fell as she straightened. “No,” she disagreed, “you were a king, Aegon. Now, you’re a queenslayer, an oathbreaker, a kinslayer. Now, you’re nothing.”
Inhaling sharply through his nose, Jon closed his eyes. “Say whatever you want to say. Hurt me however you want. I deserve it. I hate myself for what I did. But I had to do it, Daenerys.” He opened his eyes to meet hers, his voice rising as he went on. “You were out of control and you didn’t even care that you’d just murdered thousands of innocent people!”
“And you didn’t even try to help me! Even before King’s Landing!” she yelled back. “You didn’t talk to me, you didn’t defend me, you didn’t do anything! You stood there while your sister, oh excuse me, cousin, openly disrespected me! I lost my armies to save your people and you couldn’t even tell them to be at least a little grateful! No, you just sat there and smiled like a gods damned fool and the puppet you were. I was drowning and not only did you not try to pull me out, you pushed me under and let the waves consume me.”
Taking a steadying breath, she composed herself. “But you made me realize that I can never depend too much on anyone in this world. Even my shadow leaves me when I’m in darkness.”
Jon’s eyes fell closed a second time as he absorbed the truth of her words. “I’m sorry, Daenerys,” he said brokenly. “You’ve no idea how much.”
“We’re all sorry for something, Jon Snow. I would know that better than anyone,” she finally said in a cool voice, making him look at her. “But words are wind. Action is what’s needed to make up for the wrongs we've done to others. It’s why I’ve returned to this forsaken land. I’m here to pay the debt I owe.” Her lip curled. “So don’t stand there and insult me with your paltry excuse of remorse.”
“It’s not an excuse,” he argued. “I hated it. Even though I was told it was the right thing to do, the only thing to do, it didn’t feel right. Not then, not now.”
He could tell that she refused to listen to what he had to say. When she stepped away, he matched her by stepping forward.
“If you can’t believe anything else I’ve said, at least believe that I loved you. So much,” he told her, desperation in his voice as he begged with his eyes for her to believe him.
Dany looked at him with something akin to stern pity. “I’m sure you thought yourself to be in love with me.”
Anger flared up in him at the way she so easily dismissed him. When he grabbed her shoulders and her face went blank. “Damn it, Daenerys! I know my own feelings! You were the love of my life!”
Once again, they got trapped in each other’s eyes in a silent battle of wills. Even though her expression didn’t change, he felt the air around her soften. Ever so slowly, she lifted her hands to cup his cheeks, her eyes never leaving his. The heat of her skin; the gentleness of her touch as she rubbed her thumb across his skin was what finally broke Jon. The ache in his throat he’d been holding back the entire time loosened enough that the smallest sob broke through before he could stop it. He turned to nuzzle into her palm as his own hands went to her neck to pull her closer. The smell of smoke, snow, and Daenerys filled his nostrils and made him want to bury his face in her neck.
“If that were true,” she whispered, her hot breath fanning his lips, “you wouldn’t have pulled away from me when you found out that you’re a Targaryen. You would have stayed. Because it wouldn’t have mattered...in the end.”
He shook his head, trying to find the words that would make her understand the turmoil he’d felt back then; wishing that she believed him and hating that she didn’t.
“I loved you,” she said quietly, “more than anyone else I had ever loved before. So much that I gave you everything I had.” She pulled back, letting him see her sorrow and hurt as her next words sliced through him worse than anything else she’d said. “And you repaid that love by showing me that once again, I wasn’t enough.”
She dropped her hands from his face and stepped away, taking all the warmth with her and leaving him with nothing but regret. The rawness of her words and openness he saw in her gaze made Jon’s face crumble under the weight of it all. His chest clenched so hard, he didn’t know how he was still standing. Before he could say anything though, she blinked and her face quickly became hard as stone. “But as I’ve said, I learned my lesson. I don’t want you or anyone else to believe that the love I once held for you is why I spared you. The reason I have not and will not kill you is because I want you to live with the knowledge that I’m not only alive, I’m thriving.” Her eyes narrowed. “And I want it to choke you.”
With that, she headed to Drogon and climbed onto his back. Once settled, she looked down at him imperiously and said, “The time of the wolves is over. Dragons put them on their thrones and it will be dragons that tear them down. Stay here or don’t. It makes no difference to me. But if you do stand against me, Jon Snow, I will show you as much mercy as you showed me. Except I won’t tell you pretty words and kiss your lips as I do.”
Then Drogon was pushing off into the air, with the other two following, flying towards a place and future Jon didn’t know. He couldn’t tear his eyes away even when Tormund came to stand next to him. With each flap of those wings that took her farther away, the part of his heart that still belonged to her broke anew.
It was only when they were mere specks that Tormund let out a whistling breath and asked, “what in the fucking hells are you gonna do now?”
And well, that was the question, wasn’t it? Because he had absolutely no idea.
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blackevermore · 3 years
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain
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{ Chapter 10 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 5086
P.s: I feel like this chapter is shit :/ but we honestly have to keep going!!
Danny could feel it, Sam could feel it because Danny could feel it, and Tucker could only feel it because Sam told him via passing a note. Something was wrong or something was going to be wrong. Danny had kept it to himself all morning up until lunch. The annoying feeling like he should probably skip class and fly around to make sure everything was okay itched away at the back of his head.
“Okay so lemme get this straight, Vlad is currently keeping a ghost at his house that Clockwork told him was coming to haunt him from the past. He has to deal with it or something bad will happen in the future?” Sam recapped and Danny only nodded as he bit into his sandwich.
“Not gonna lie Vlad did give off that energy his family owned slaves,” Tucker muttered and Sam kicked him under the table. “What?! Come on I mean....come on.”
“I said the same thing Tuck,” Danny chuckled and rested his face in his palm. “But he insisted they didn’t and this ghost was purely a paid-ish servant. But whatever, she’s here and lemme tell ya she’s got this crazy power that changes your emotions. Yesterday after finally getting her down I almost punched Vlad for breathing.”
“You should have done it anyway and played it off.” Sam smirked and poked at her salad. “I still don’t like the guy.” She sighed and pushed her food away, not really feeling hungry.
“I don’t blame you, but I assure you he’s not the same person anymore. Same antics but now in an Addams family uncle way. Plus Dani and him playhouse and I think that actually made him become better. We haven’t fought in almost two years so I say that adds up to something.” Danny smiled and Sam only nodded along and shrugged. Danny knew it would take Sam a few more years to wrap her head around Vlad actually laying off and doing something else with his life. Hell, it took Danny by surprise when everything suddenly took a turn and both of them were outed out as halfas. 
Danny actually felt like he had a friend to help take the blow with when it came to explaining to his parents about everything. Vlad had stood as his rock and that was enough for Danny to consider Vlad really was changing. Guess he finally grew up. Danny chuckled at his own joke then turned to Tucker. Tucker was a lot more laid back about the whole thing, of course, he was also ready to throw down if Vlad tried his shit, but if Danny felt safe, so did he. But it’s always been like that and that's why they got in trouble the most and Sam was the brains of the group.
“I just have a bad feeling.” Danny turned away from his friends and looked around them. Danny tried to single out if the feeling was coming from any of his peers. High school was filled to the brim with overly emotional teenage hormones that rubbed off on each other. Maybe Danny picked up some cheerleaders' manic panic feelings when he walked past them this morning. Or maybe it was the game club’s mourning from their loss last week, Danny understood that especially when he and his friends lost their games. “But it's not a ‘Vlad’s planning something dangerous’ bad, just an ‘oh no’ bad.” Danny sighed and ruffled his own hair to distract himself. He was tired and stressed out about school and life in general, he didn’t need anything else, mudding up the last of his managing teenage mind. Sam was quick to change the topic to something more fun and Tucker quickly took the chance to show off a new feature he tweaked on his phone. 
Danny only half listened as he continued to watch people and drown out from the rest of the world. That was quickly cut short when a fire truck raced quickly past the school and busted left down an avenue and headed off into the distance.
“Who sets stuff on fire at 11:30 in the morning?” Sam snickered.
“It’s almost 12, they waited long enough,” Tucker added which made the girl laugh and Danny nodded with a smile. Danny was about to make the following joke but his phone dinged with a message. He pulled it out and his face nearly turned white as he saw it was Dani.
Phantom 2: Fire Truck just shot past me and their heading towards dad’s
Phantom 1: Shouldn’t you be in class...
Phantom 2: Wrong response…...FIRETRUCK HEADING TO MASTERS HOUSE!
Danny slammed his phone down and grabbed the sides of his head. His friend's small conversation was brought to a halt and they looked at him. Danny groaned and stood up and one command so did Sam and Tucker to do what they did best and cover Danny so he could transform and take off. They were seniors and yet the ol’ ‘cover me guys’ was still strong in their blood. 
“Be back before last period or Lancer will be on your ass.” Tucker winked and Danny rolled his eyes before turning invisible and taking off. His friends couldn’t see him but they could take a guess which way he was going. Tucker turned to Sam and hummed before putting his hands on his hips.
“Should we follow him?” The geek asked the goth.
“You just don’t wanna present in Econ next period.” Sam rolled her eyes and sat back down at the table, now feeling the urge to finish her salad.
“You do most of the talking anyway, I’m just there to flip the slides.” Tucker shot Sam finger guns and the girl only smirked and shook her head.
 It took Danny no time to make it to Vlad’s home and see two windows had been blown out on the top floor and pink and purple smoke mixed together piling high into the air. Neighbours on either side of Vlad were out of their house and watching in worry. Danny could hear the firetruck getting close. Danny began to cough as the smoke got into his lung, he lowered himself and quickly shot inside the house to see what was going on. When he landed in the bedroom hallway and quickly started to check the rooms. When he got to the end of the hallway he saw the anti ghost bars were turned off and Tayonna was gone. There was a fire in her room and busted windows.
“Oh shit,” Danny whispered then felt the floor rumble from below. He sank through the floor and was almost hit with a pink blast. Danny barely missed it as it flew past his head and quickly dove down to the floor. He turned visible and made cover as another blast flew over his head. Danny looked up from the floor and saw Plasmius dodging another attack and Tayonna still in her human form standing firm on the ground. Tayonna held purple flames in the palm of her hands and a giant ring of flames surrounding her.
“Tayonna stand down!” Plasmius yelled and fired a fireball towards Tayonna who reflected it with one of her own.
“You no longer tell me what to do Vladan!” Tayonna rose her hands towards the air and conquered three ectoblast that was set ablaze
“For the last time, my name isn’t Vladan!” Plasmius yelled and blasted one of the fireballs Tayonna held steady. Danny could tell Vlad was slowly reaching his limit of tolerance. It was likely Tayonna tried her mind junk on the man and it backfired terribly. Tayonna threw down her hands to send off the last two she had. Plamsius shot down the second one then took hold of the last one and threw it back. Tayonna wasn’t prepared for the returning attack and it hit her in the chest, sending her falling to the floor. The girl groaned and tried to push herself to the side to get back up but Plasmius shot at her again. 
Tayonna must have sensed it and threw her arm back to create a line of fire around her to stop the blow. She slowly stood up and stepped back before doing a digging motion that created lines of electricity to shoot across the floor and upward to where Plasmius stood. Being as fast as the older ghost was, he simply teleported away before any of the bolts could hit him. He teleported right in front of the girl ready to shoot her back but Tayonna was faster and like a glitch she was inches away from him, placing both of her hands on his chest and with full strength shot him back with purple static. 
The cry of plain Plasmius let out told Danny that the attack was more than he was ready for. Plasmius was slammed against the door and Dany was happy he didn’t go through it. Tayonna began to float into the air doing the blurry ghostly movements Danny saw at the pond. Danny thought quickly and reached for the thermos, he was so happy he always kept that bad boy strapped, and unclasped it and sucked Tayonna in. The girl turned at the feeling of being pulled and let out a horrendous scream as she was dragged into the dark void. Within seconds she was sucked in and Danny was making sure the lid was on as tight as it could go. Danny quickly hurried over to Plasmius as the older halfa pulled himself from the door and rolled to his knees. The same creepy red mist fell out of Vlad’s mouth and the man let out an ugly fit of coughs.
“What the hell happened?!” Danny didn’t mean to raise his voice but in a fit of panic it did and Plasmius only groaned and pushed himself up by a knee. Once standing Plasmius turned back into Vlad and the older man couldn’t help but clench his chest. “How did she get out? Who let her out? Vlad, you didn’t let her out, did you? Why would you-”
“Shut up!” Vlad yelled and pushed the boy away in annoyance. “Get out of here before they break down my door and see you.” Vlad turned away from Danny and tried to look less in pain than he already was. Danny frowned and grumbled about Vlad being a dick and shoved the thermos towards Vlad. At first, the man was confused but took it anyway before turning another cold shoulder to Danny.
“You have to answer me later!” Danny yelled before shooting through the roof and up into the sky. The firefighters had just broken down the door and neighbours were gasping as they saw Vlad being pulled out of the house. Danny stayed a while to make sure nothing else crazy happened before he heard the sound of his phone ding. It was Sam telling him to hurry up, last period was in 20 minutes. Danny shoved his phone in his pocket and rocketed back towards his school. He knew he would have to come up with some other ghost fighting excuse for why he missed two periods when he got home. Danny told himself he needed a break. He needed a break so he could make it to graduation and to sweet sweet summer break. 
 Danny was already checking his phone for a news update for the incident at Vlad’s house. But there was nothing. Surely the people of Amity would know if their former mayor’s house went up in flames. It surely knew when Vlad’s ass was all over the news. Danny told Sam and Tucker he wouldn’t be walking home with them but to make sure Dani got home safe. When he got out of school he still had to serve a hour long detention from Lancer for something he already forgot about. Danny made his way through the air to Vlad’s to check up and see what happened after he left.
Danny stood right outside the house invisible, everything was quiet, the smoke from the upstairs windows was gone. When Danny made it up to the front door he noticed it was no longer busted off the lock. It was fixed as if the events of today didn’t even happen. Danny ghosted inside and gasped, the whole foyer was cleaned and just as fancy as it was when Vlad first moved to town. Danny could see his reflection in the marble floor which he couldn’t the day before. Danny flew upstairs and even the stairs had been clean.
“Vlad?” Danny called out hoping that maybe the older halfa would be lurking around. Danny poked his head through a few doors and saw no sign that Vlad could even be home. He got to the bedrooms and checked those and still no Vlad to be found. Danny did notice however the guest room Tayonna was in was cleaned and the windows were brand new. Danny poked his head into the room but didn’t sense anything, not even Tayonna’s ungodly emotional pulls. 
Danny looked around once more just to double check himself but no one seemed to be home. He was about to give up and fly home until he heard the sound of stuff slamming coming from below. Danny moved with caution as he went to Vlad's basement. Down below Vlad sat at a worn down chair tapping away at a computer with the thermos next to him. Ghost scattered around the place rebuilding screens and some of the portal that was broken by Tayonna. Danny landed on his feet and quickly ducked as a ghost flew over him with a monitor in hand.
“Good to see you back, little badger,” Vlad called over his shoulder as he continued to type away. 
“How did you-”
“Simple,” Vlad spun around and leaned back in his chair. Danny’s face turned to confusion before he narrowed his eyes and shook his head. As long as it wasn’t actually hurting anyone Danny could turn a blind eye to it. “After I got everyone to leave and nearly all the news anchors to pretend they never had a story. I had to get the place fixed up and I really didn’t feel like calling anyone. Besides, we have wonderful handymen in the Ghost Zone.” Vlad didn’t seem to be in the ugly mood he was in earlier, Danny could see in his eyes there were still traces of annoyance and maybe the typical Vladness, but not anger. It almost seemed like Vlad was in a better mood and Danny wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or if he could quickly punch the man to double check.
“Has she been in there the whole time?” Danny pointed over to his thermos and Vlad sighed and nodded.
“I wasn’t letting her out again.” The man grumbled and spun back around towards the computer.
“Again? So you did let her out.” Danny walked closer and picked up the thermos making sure Vlad hadn’t started poking at it. Vlad ran a hand over his hair and nodded looking almost ashamed he had to admit he caused the problem.
“I was curious of how far her mimicking powers could go and as soon as I asked-”
“Seems more like you to command than ask.” Danny corrected.
“As I asked her to do it again she refused, then the red mist showed up and jumped down my throat and before I knew it I was reaching out towards her and grabbed her arm. Then of course you showed up and saw where that led us.” Vlad rubbed his throat a bit then cleared it. A bit more of the mist flew from his mouth and Vlad waved it away angrily. “Blasted thing.”
“Is this mist also a ghost?” Danny tried to sense if the mist was around or not. It seemed like it was gone at the moment and Danny sighed. Danny knew whatever it was that now clung to Vlad like Tayonna had an important role in this mess as well.
“I don’t believe it’s a ghost. It’s more so like dead ghost memories that follow her. It could be what makes her restless and has manifested into a physical form.” Vlad rubbed his chin and held out his hand for the thermos. Danny was slow on handing it over but finally caved. Vlad was about to untwist the top but Danny quickly shot out his hands and stopped him.
“Whoa, what are you doing?! She almost set your place on fire and now you're gonna let her out, again?” Vlad quickly snatched the gadget away from the boy and pointed behind him. Danny turned his head and saw a ghost trap on the floor already set up and ready to go. Danny hadn’t realized that he almost stepped in it. Would have been great if Vlad had just said to move out the way or something.
“She’s not going to cause any more trouble once I get this on her.” Vlad reached over and pulled the drawer open and pulled out a collar.
“So you’re gonna do the collar thing again, that’s totally gonna get her on your side.” Danny crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. He couldn’t help the faint sting and itch around his neck as memories of being in the collar himself flashed through his head. Danny should have known Vlad would keep the damn thing even after Danny broke it.
“I defused the shocking system, all it will do is make her as powerless as possible. That means even her emotional mind games. She will be as human as she’s pretending to be.” Vlad handed Danny the collar to hold as he fiddled with the thermos to get it open. Danny eyed the thing and repeated Vlad’s words in his head. And with three easy seconds, he had a monkey brain moment and snapped the thing around his neck. Danny felt his powers get pulled back inside his body and his core shut down as he collapsed to the ground and turned human. Vlad snapped towards the boy and palmed his face in disbelief. Vlad quickly gave the command for the collar to release and Danny shot back up holding his breath. The teen tried to play it off like he wasn’t caught red handed playing around.
“I’m good...we gucci.” Danny shrugged and blushed from embarrassment. Vlad rolled his eyes and picked up the collar once more and handed it to Danny with a silent ‘stop playing’ and turned back to the anti ghost circle. Vlad popped off the lip and flipped the switch to release and pressed down on the button. A bright blue glow sprung to life from within the container and Tayonna was shot out to the ground. She was discombobulated as she held her head, slowly blinking and looking around. When she turned and saw Vlad and Danny she got to her feet and flicked her wrist to activate her powers. 
When she didn’t see the glow of purple she looked down at her hands and back up to Vlad with anger. Vlad tried not to meet her in the eyes but there was something alluring about them and he couldn’t pull away. He strongly regretted it when he saw how angry she was and how angry he became suddenly. His anger rose as he thought about the years he spent in the hospital alone. The anger he still held against Jack and the fact he himself didn’t have the honour of marrying Maddie. 
Vlad almost lost himself in the anger until he felt Danny nudge him. He snapped his neck towards Danny and the poor boy jumped back as Vlad’s eyes faded from blue to a red void and back again. Vlad blinked a few times then covered his face to get away from Tayonna’s sight. When he felt himself calm down with the help of counting down from ten he turned back towards the boy and pointed towards the collar. 
“Yeah well, how are we supposed to get it on?” Danny whispered and Vlad groaned as he hadn’t thought about that.
“Fudge muffins.” Vlad closed his eyes and sat back down in his chair. He knew he couldn’t simply ask her to wear it without having to wrestle her down to the floor. Which threatens the chance of them rolling out of the circle and her being able to use her ghost powers. Vlad didn’t have time for his lab to be ruined all over again as it was nearly finished. Vlad had to think of something that could possibly trick the ghost into wearing it. 
“Tayonna,” Vlad called out to her calmly and that seemed to confuse not only her but Danny. “Let’s make a deal.” Vlad didn’t wait for a yes or a no as he stood up and crossed his arms behind his back and walked to stand right in front of the girl. He left himself open as he locked eyes with her again. Either he would end up yanking the collar from Danny and getting it around her neck while dealing with false emotions. Or in the low chance he managed to get her to back off and be compliant he would simply snap the thing around her. It seemed that the former would be the winner until she started to breathe heavily, her brows turned upward in sadness and she finally backed away from him. She lowered her head and turned away. Vlad fought the smirk that laced itself across his lips and kept them pressed tight. 
“What do you want?” Tayonna asked, not above a broken whisper. Vlad held out his hand to Danny and the boy handed him the collar.
“You will wear this collar and we can actually speak like civilized people. Or you will stay down here in the basement in this small circle until you can be civilized.” Vlad held up the collar with an open hand and waited for the ghost to turn towards him. It wasn’t much of a deal and he knew it but whatever had to be done would be done. He could see the way her hand slowly inched up her dress and he tsked a few times. “If you try that again I will not hesitate to rip you apart molecule by molecule. I don’t take playing with my core lightly.” Vlad’s voice dropped to a growl and that worked to get the ghost to move her hand away from her chest. She turned towards him qualmy, eyeing the collar then up to his eyes, she scrunched her nose at the idea of having to wear it.
“You’ve never put me in a collar.” She said.
“And I wish I didn’t have to,” Vlad didn’t know why he said that nor where it came from. When he saw the way her face dropped again he felt it in his heart and it made him take a deep breath before letting it out. “If you wear it, it won't hurt you, I promise you this.” It will never hurt again. Vlad was sure these were just her false emotions projecting but deep down he could actually feel that he meant it. Somewhere inside him he truly didn’t want to collar her or hurt her, and that bothered him. Tayonna looked lost in thought as she looked between the two males in front of her. Danny looked confused by Vlad’s sudden calm demeanor and ready to stop the whole thing. The boy held his wrist and just stood there. Tayonna looked back towards Vlad and her eyes went wide. Vlad could see it in her eyes she looked at him as if he was someone she was looking for and it pained her. Then her brows fell in knots and she shook her head before walking closer to the edge of the circle.
“I promise,” Vlad whispered to her once more than brought the collar up to snap around her neck. Tayonna flinched a bit at how tight it was then brought her hands up to touch it. Vlad held out his hand and she hesitantly took it as he led her out of the circle. Vlad almost felt happy to have the girl calm and willing. He watched her face closely as she looked around her. She was beautiful. What? Vlad winced at the small voice in his head but continued to stare at her. She’s always been so beautiful. Vlad’s eyes went soft like the way they did when he looked at Maddie, but in his mind, there was no Maddie, just Tayonna. Tayonna quickly took her hand back and held onto herself when she noticed Vlad’s hard stare. She wavered on if this was a good idea or if she had just handed herself over to the wrong person. Vlad snapped out of whatever fix he was in and cleared his voice before turning towards a very baffled Danny.
Vlad held up a hand, he didn’t have the answers himself, “It seems we might be getting somewhere, Daniel.” Vlad walked past the boy and lifted up his jaw. Vlad walked towards his portal just as the last monitor was fixed in place. He forgot all about the work being done during that whole thing. Vlad thought it was best now that he got the girl out of the circle to put space between them. He didn’t need any more little voices in his ear telling him things he didn’t believe.
“All done, boss!” The ghost workers all called off and Vlad thanked them before turning on the portal to allow them to leave. Vlad sighed in pure happiness as the soft green glow of the Ghost Zone illuminated his face. It was comforting since Vlad spent a lot of time there when he wasn’t taking care of his companies. It felt like he needed to take a quick flight through the zone to refresh himself before stepping foot in his house ever again. But that will have to wait as Vlad now has to get Tayonna to talk. Vlad turned back to the others and the default smile he normally wore. Danny only gave him a slightly worried expression while Tayonna turned completely away from the portal.
“Well, Daniel I think it’s best if you made it home.” Vlad stepped to the side and held out a hand ushering Danny. The boy bit his lip and looked back towards Tayonna who hadn’t moved an inch since getting out of the circle.
“Is this a good idea?” Danny walked over and going ghost.
“I can assure you it will,” Vlad gave him his best smile and nodded.
“You’re not gonna do anything...dangerous to her are you?” Danny leaned in towards Vlad with narrowed eyes and a finger pointed towards his face. 
“Daniel, have I done anything to warrant your concern, as of recently?” Vlad’s smile dropped and he cocked a brow towards the teen. Seriously if Vlad wanted to cause trouble he honestly wouldn’t wait for the opportunity, he would go out and do it. Danny seemed to back down from that and rubbed his neck.
“No but old habits die hard. Keep me updated, fruitloop.” Danny shot through the portal and off into the Ghost Zone. Vlad sighed and rolled his eyes and closed the portal before turning on his heels and walking back towards Tayonna. When he got close she flinched away from him and shot him a glare. 
‘The constant mood swings are rather annoying’ Vlad thought but kept his face neutral. “Miss Tayonna, it would be better if we went upstairs. Unless you wish to stay down here.” Vlad held out his hand but she refused to take it, with a shrug he dropped it.
“I don’t.” She responded and Vlad nodded then started towards the basement stairs to head back towards the first floor. Tayonna silently followed behind him. 
 Vlad kept an eye on Tayonna as he ventured around his house. She continued to follow him without complaint. At first Vlad found it endearing, she seemed so lost and followed him everywhere, but when he forgot she was there from how quiet she was and tried to go to the bathroom he quickly had to set rules of sorts. 
“You don’t have to follow me, you could go sit somewhere until I come for you.” Vlad turned around and faced her and she seemed embarrassed for a moment. She turned her head from him and huffed.
“I have no idea where I am.” She mumbled.
“You’ve been in my house for almost a week and you don’t know your way around?” He tried to not sound condescending but it was a bit hard when the ghost that’s been haunting you acted like a puppy.
“I stayed by your side the whole time.” Tayonna looked back up to him and Vlad felt his heart skip a beat and his mouth run dry. He thought it was oddly flattering until he remembered she did it in ill will. Then there was something that caught his eye that really made him choke up. On the right side of her neck in the small dip before her shoulder were bite marks. That’s when he noticed the way she tended to only stand towards him on her left. Tayonna noticed his eyes staring towards her right and she turned away. Vlad didn’t have to say anything to confirm that that one particular dream she had actually infiltrated. ‘Dream manipulation, emotional manipulation, and mimicking...interesting’ Vlad blushed a bit and cleared his throat. Even with the stab in the back, he couldn’t help but still enjoy it for what it was. But he wouldn’t rub that in her face, yet.
Vlad turned away and motioned for her to follow him towards his downstairs office. He opened the door and allowed her to walk in first, he offered her a seat and Tayonna took it. Vlad walked over to his desk just as the phone began to ring. Ahh yes, what a wonderful time to receive a personal call. Vlad frowned and let out a heavy sigh before answering.
“Masters speaking.” Vlad gave his professional voice and the voice on the other side sighed and for once Vlad felt at ease by the rude welcoming.
“Hello Sir, you have got to be shitting me.”
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Life in Apartment 4D
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Summary: 2 musicians become roommates with a writer and a photographer. Shenanigans ensue.
A/N: @philthepegacorn​ and I are whores for Mashton. Because fuckin’ duh. A bit of a New Girl AU.
Word Count: 4.7k
And away, and away we go!
“Oh, c’mon!” Abigail cursed as the shower spurted water before stopping. “Dani!” the woman hollered.
“Yeah?” was the answer from somewhere else in the apartment.
“We paid the water bill right?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Are they doing maintenance?”
“No idea,” Danielle’s voice sounded closer as she appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. “Why, what’s up?”
“Watch,” Abigail answered through gritted teeth, twisting the shower on.
“What the fuck?!” Danielle asked in aggravated shock when nothing happened.
“Time to move?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Danielle sighed. “No fuckin’ idea.”
Abigail brought a finger to her lips in thought. “Hmm… Oh! Eh, nah, nevermind. That won’t work.”
“What won’t work?”
“This guy I went to high school with. He posted something the other day about him and his roommate looking for someone.”
“And why won’t that work?”
“You really wanna live with 2 guys?”
“Are they cute?”
Abigail’s cheeks flushed pink. “No comment.”
“Oooo, you’re blushing! So high school boy and his roommate are cute! Or at least high school boy is. So what's the problem exactly? They need roommates, and we need a place to live.”
“Cuz we barely talked in high school. Like we were in the same grade, and shared some classes. But it’s not like we were friends or anything.”
“Aw, was he the cool kid, and you were the nerd? How adorable!” Danielle teased her friend.
“Hey!” Abigail gasped with mock indignation. “I could’ve been the cool one.”
“Mhm, sure ya were,” Danielle continued to tease. “You forget I’ve seen your yearbooks.”
“Okay,” Abigail relented. “I wasn’t the cool kid. But he wasn’t either? Like we were both dweebs. Just different camps.”
“Didn’t stop you from crushing on him though.”
“No, it did not,” Abigail laughed, remembering her high school days with a soft fondness. “But it didn’t matter. We were friendly with each other, sure. But we weren’t close. Certainly not close enough for me to call him up, and be his roommate.”
“Who said you had to call? Just send him a message.”
“Ugh, I hate you…” Abigail groaned, but reached for her phone anyway.
“Oh, you love this, don’t lie.”
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Ashton’s palms were sweaty as he paced about the living room. “Would you relax?” Michael asked, exasperated. “You said she was a cool girl, right?”
“Yeah, from what I remember. But I haven’t seen her in eight years. And it’s not like we were friends. Friendly, but not friends.”
“You had a crush on her, you mean?”
Ashton shrugged, a sheepish look crossing his features. “A little yeah,” he fessed up.
“Please don’t fuck our potential new roommate…”
Ashton’s eyes went wide, and he was about to berate his friend for insinuating such a thing, but was cut off by a knock on the door. “That’s them!” He wiped his palms against his jeans to dry them as he rushed to the door.
Michael sat up straighter on the couch. “Them?”
“Yeah, she has a roommate.” Ashton ran his fingers through his hair, giving it a devil-may-care disheveled look, before pulling the door open. “H-hey.” His greeting got caught in his throat as he looked at the woman in front of him, comparing her with the girl he remembered.
“Hey,” Abigail smiled hesitantly, analyzing Ashton in a similar fashion. “Um, this is my friend, Dani. Dani, this is Ashton. And you must be Michael?” Her teeth nipped into her lower lip as she glanced over to the green-eyed blonde still seated on the couch.
“Yep. Nice to meet ya girls. C’mon in.”
At Michael’s instruction, Ashton snapped out of his haze with a clearing of his throat. “Yeah, please. C’mon in. Have a seat.”
“Roomy,” Danielle commented, walking confidently across the floor and taking a spot on the couch.
“So, what do you girls do?” Michael asked, getting the conversation going as they all sat down.
“I’m a freelance photographer, and Abby’s a writer,” Danielle explained.
“Writer, huh? Anything published?”
Abigail nodded. “Yeah, I had a book of poems published a few years ago. And if you’re worried about space, don’t be. Dani and I both teach on the side, so it’s not like we work from home. I mean, we do. But, not all the time.”
“Nah, it’s not a problem,” Ashton told her. “We work from home a lot, too.”
“Yeah, when we’re not bartending down the street.”
“Oh, you bartend?” Abigail asked, leaning forward a little.
“Pays the bills when music doesn’t,” Michael answered with a shrug. “What was the name of the book you published?”
“Matters of the Heart.”
The green eyes lit up in recognition, a sly smile on his face as he looked over at Ashton. “Hey, i-” Michael started but Ashton gave him a sharp look. “I think I’ve heard of it,” Michael fixed. “Uh… Ash, should we give them a tour of the place?”
“Fuck!” Michael cursed, slamming the front door shut and stalking to the fridge.
Three sets of eyes watched as the man grabbed a beer, popped the cap, and drank deeply from the green bottle. “What?!” he demanded in agitation.
Abigail and Danielle raised their hands in surrender, leaving Ashton to defuse the situation as the reigning expert on all things Michael. “You alright?” Ashton ventured, sliding his headphones off to hang around his neck, drumsticks still in his hands.
“I’ll give ya two guess,” Michael grinned sardonically.
Michael made a string of noises, cutting Ashton off, “Buh, buh, buh! That name’s forbidden from the loft.”
“Okay,” Ashton said with a slow chuckle. “Did you break up?”
Michael leaned his arms against the countertop. “Can you call it a break up if it happens every other week?”
“When you keep getting back with her? No.”
“Fuck you,” Michael scoffed, but amusement laced the words rather than malice. “Like you and Kay were any better.”
“Yeah, but when things broke off, they stayed broken off,” Ashton pointed out.
Michael drained the last drop of his beer, flashing another sarcastic grin. “And you just stayed broken.”
“Fuck you,” Ashton laughed. “Back me up here, ladies. Which is better? A break up that stays a break up? Or a constant back and forth?”
“Oh, hell no,” Danielle said, waving her hands. “Nuh-uh, you’re not dragging me into this.”
“Boo, you’re no fun,” Ashton teased, before turning to Abigail. “Abby?”
“Depends,” the woman shrugged.
“Ooo, a cop out. Not much better than Miss Abstaining,” Michael joined in on the teasing.
The women laughed. “It’s not a cop out,” Abigail went on to defend. “It depends on a number of factors. How long you’ve been dating, break ups aside. How many break ups you’ve had. Whether or not you see other people in between the breaks. And how you feel about each other, of course. The problem is, your answer may be one thing while theirs is another.”
“When the love don’t line up!” Ashton sang for no reason other than he could.
Abigail laughed, “Yeah, kinda. So, I guess my question to you, Mikey, is whether or not you think it’s worth it to keep doing this back and forth?”
Michael shrugged, walking over to plop down on the couch, resting his head in her lap. “No idea. I mean, I like her. I like spending time with her. She’s hot. The sex is good.”
“Jar!” they all scolded, and Michael sighed. He dug into his pocket, pulling out a few bills and flashing them wildly until Ashton grabbed it and shoved it in the jar on the coffee table adeptly labeled “Douche Jar.”
“You sound like a teenager,” Abigail told Michael, her fingers scratching through his hair. “You gotta decide if that’s enough for you now in this stage of your life. And if you’re breaking up with her as frequently as Ash is suggesting, then I think you have your answer. You just keep crashing back together because it’s easier than facing something new. You know your pattern with her. Doesn’t make it a good pattern, though.”
“Yeah, suppose you’re right…” Michael sighed, his eyes closing as Abigail’s fingernails continued to scratch against his scalp.
While the sight of any of the roommates curled up in another’s lap receiving head scratches was not at all an uncommon occurrence as they had all grown rather close during the last six months of cohabitation, a twinge of jealousy stabbed into Ashton and Danielle’s hearts. And while Danielle didn’t fully understand hers, Ashton most certainly did. 
The drummer pocketed his drumsticks, rising to his feet. “What’re you doing?” they questioned as he started dragging chairs into certain positions.
With the chairs in place, Ashton moved to throwing the couch cushions haphazardly about the room. “True American,” he answered.
Michael’s head snapped up. “You don’t drink.”
“A bartender who doesn’t drink?” Abigail asked with an air of impressed approval.
“Staying sober while getting others drunk is my superpower,” Ashton winked, going to the fridge and grabbing the case of beer in there. He set that on the counter before grabbing a case of soda for himself.
“We’re forgetting a key component here,” Danielle interjected. “What the fuck is True American?”
“Drinking game,” Michael answered, helping Ashton set up a tower of drinks smack dab in the middle of the cushions and chairs. “Grab the king, Ash.”
“Catch.” A bottle of whiskey got tossed in the air, Michael catching it with ease, and setting it in the middle of the tower he and Ashton had crafted. “Rules are simple,” Ashton started to explain. “1.) You always have to have a drink in your hand.”
“2.) You have to finish your drink before starting another,” Michael added.
“And 3.) the floor is lava,” they both finished. “Pick your poison.”
Abigail grabbed a can of Coke, while Danielle opted for a beer, both of them waiting hesitantly for the next instructions.
“FDR!” Ashton shouted, cracking open his can, gulping it down fast, and jumping on a cushion.
“JFK!” Michael yelled in response, following suit, finding a perch on a chair.
“Wait what?!” the women asked in amused confusion and they each found their own lava-free spot.
“Drink!” was the only instruction they got.
For the next hour, the loft came alive with loud laughter, hollered American history references, and so much drinking, until the cases were drained, and discarded cans littered the ground. Eyes got glossy sheens or wild looks as the alcohol and caffeine buzzed through their veins.
“Hey, who’s that guy with Abby?” Ashton asked in a hushed tone.
Michael followed the hazel eyed gaze to where Abigail was sitting in a booth across from another man. If he had to guess, the way she was leaning across the table, a dreamy smile on her face, she was having a good time. And by the looks of it, Ashton didn’t like it one bit. “Oh, that’s um…” Michael scrambled to remember what the girls had been talking about before he left for his shift at the bar. “Nathan, I wanna say? Dani was helping Abby get ready before I left.”
Ashton scoffed. “And he brought her here? What a joke…”
Michael shook his head. “No, Abby arranged it that way. Something about neutral ground in case she was misreading signals.”
“Looks like she can read just fine.” Ashton’s grip on the glass he was drying slipped.
Michael’s hand flashed out to catch it. “Green’s not a good color on you,” he said, handing the glass back.
Ashton cheeks flushed with color. “I’m not jealous.”
The blonde scoffed. “Yeah, and I hate videogames.”
“You love videogames…”
“Yeah, thought we were lying to each other. You ever gonna tell her that you like her?”
Ashton sighed. “I dunno. How do you explain to someone that every time you see them you feel sixteen again? Like I’m seeing her for the first time again but instead of in a school hallway, it’s on my couch at the end of the day? That… all I’ve wanted to do for the last eight months is cross the distance between our rooms, but my head won’t let me believe that she could want me back. I mean, why should she?”
“I imagine you can tell her just like that. And why wouldn’t she want you?”
“Because I’m me. I was a loser in high school, and I’m a loser now.”
“A loser who makes her very happy whenever she’s around him.”
Ashton scoffed in disbelief. “Yeah, right.”
“I’m just saying… she’s never offered to have a writing session with me.”
Ashton blinked, thinking back on more nights than he can count where he and Abigail had stayed up well into the middle of the night, tossing ideas back and forth, some resulting in poems, and others in songs. Then, he looked back over at the woman who was laughing at something her date had said. “Doesn’t matter. Once again I lost out to the guy who didn’t overthink it.”
“Well, not that I’m rooting for her to have a bad time. But I’m always rooting for you.”
Ashton let out a small chuckle. “Thanks. But weren’t you the one who told me not to try and sleep with her?”
“I’m allowed to change my mind. Just when you do get her- and you will- don’t fuck it up.”
“Are you changing your mind because you’re rooting for me? Or are you changing your mind, so you don’t look like a hypocrite when you finally sleep with Dani?”
Michael sighed dreamily at the mention of the fourth roommate. He’d taken Abigail’s advice, opting to break his pattern with Crystal and look towards something new. A something new he hoped would include the snarky, and nerdy photographer.  “Little column A, little column B.”
“Jar,” Ashton deadpanned with roll his eyes. A compromise about when Michael asked Danielle out, he’d ask Abigail out was on the tip of his tongue when the scene across the bar changed. Abigail’s face was pinched with disgust. She sat back with a visible huff, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. There was a small squeal of outrage before Abigail splashed her drink in the man’s face, stalking off to the bathroom.
Michael’s hand landed on top of Ashton’s on the bar, the older man already in motion to hop over the bar and rush to her aid. “No,” Michael hissed.
“Why not?!” Ashton hissed back.
“Because if you go after her looking like a bat out of hell, she’s just going to get defensive, and take out her anger on you. Take your jealousy out on him. I’ll get her home.”
“What about your shift?”
“I got a break coming up in a bit. Just say I ate something bad, and got sick.”
With their objectives clear, they both jumped into action, Ashton stalking off to give Mr. Bad Date a piece of his mind. “You need to leave,” Ashton spoke clearly, authority ringing confidently in his tone, trying to keep his snarl at a minimum.
“That bitch threw a drink in my face, but I need to leave?”
“One, she’s been a loyal customer of this bar for several months now. Two, I don’t ever wanna hear you associate that word with her. Three, I don’t ever wanna see you in here, or around her ever again. Am I making myself clear?”
The man rolled his eyes, pushing himself out of the booth, the drink dripping down his shirt and onto the tips of his shoes. “Whatever,” he scoffed.
While Ashton watched Mr. Bad Date slink off into the night to go piss off some other girl, Michael was rapping softly on the single use bathroom. “Abby? It’s Mike. C’mon, let me in. I saw what happened. Abby… Don’t make me get the key.”
The door opened reluctantly, revealing Abigail with red-rimmed eyes.
“You alright?”
She shook her head. “No…”
“You handled him well. Nice throw. Ash is out there finishing the job. Tossing him out on his ass.”
Abigail laughed despite herself, imaging the sight of Ashton intimidating the everloving shit out of her date. The scum deserved so much worse than Ashton’s bad temper. “Thanks.”
“C’mon,” Michael beckoned. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Aren’t you on the clock?”
“I’m on my break. And my stomach’s feeling kinda funny.” He clutched at his stomach and dramatically groaned, his face twisting in fake pain.
With his arm around her shoulder, and hers around his waist, the duo made their way out of the bar, nodding at Ashton as they walked by. “God, guys suck!” Abigail complained as the night air hit her face. “No offense,” she added apologetically.
“None taken. I know you don’t mean me.”
“Do I have a sign on my forehead reading ‘please be a douche’ or something?”
Michael chuckled, giving a shake of his head. “No. You’re just looking in the wrong places.”
Abigail scoffed lightly. “What? Is this the part where you confess your undying love for me, and hope I feel the same?” she teased. “Ever since you first walked into my apartment,” she added with dramatic flair.
Michael laughed louder, pushing open the door to their building. “Not me, sorry.”
“Aw, you don’t love me?”
“I adore you,” he clarified. “My life has definitely changed for the better since you and Dani moved in. But-”
“Oh…” Abigail interrupted, his words clicking. “You like Dani, don’t you?”
That wasn’t what Michael had planned on saying, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah. Think I got a shot with her?”
“Only one way to find out,” she told him, unlocking the apartment. “Thanks for tonight, Mikey,” she said, stretching up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek affectionately before disappearing into her room.
Danielle waited for Abigail’s door to close before revealing her position on the couch. “You were her date?!” The words were a harsh accusation.
“What?!” Michael laughed.
“Abby! Her date tonight. It was you?!” Again, the words were harsh.
Michael continued to laugh, only making Danielle angrier. “And what if I was?” he taunted, closing the distance between them to tower over her.
“Well... I...” she sputtered, crossing her arms and having to tilt her chin upwards to look at him. “She likes Ashton, so you’re wasting your time,” she concluded with the confession that she thought would hit Michael the hardest.
“And Ashton likes her back, and I’d never do that to my best friend. Plus, I have my own eyes on someone else.”
“Oh, yeah? Then why’d you go on a date with Abby?”
“When did I ever confirm that statement?”
“Well… she just…”
“Thanked me for walking her home after the guy she was on the date with turned out to be a douche.”
“Why didn’t Ash?”
“Because Ash got jealous, and his temper would have clashed with hers. I felt bad her date sucked, but I was the one of us with the head cool enough to talk her down. So Ash used his temper to kick the guy out, and I used my cool head to not aggravate her further.”
“That’s really smart actually…”
“Mhm. Done being jealous now?”
“Jealous? Who said I was being jealous?”
Michael gave a shake of his head, chuckling lightly. “I’mma tell you the same thing I told Ash. Green is not your color.” And before either of them could get in another word edgewise, he ducked down his head, connecting his lips with hers.
In the morning, both girls were bursting with the news they wanted to tell each other. “So, how’d your date go?” Danielle asked as they ate their breakfast.
“Horrible,” Abigail laughed. “Just God fuckin’ awful. His jokes were cringey at best, and sexist at worst. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Mikey hadn’t saved me. Probably kept crying in the bathroom like a girl at Prom.”
Danielle laughed with her. “Thank God for Mikey, right?”
“Oh, definitely,” Abigail agreed. “Who knew guy roommates would come in handy. Although, for a second there, I thought he was gonna try, and hit on me himself.”
Danielle shuddered and pulled a face. “Bleck!”
Abigail shrugged. “Eh. Wouldn’t be that awful if he had. He’s a great guy. Just not the roommate I want hitting on me. So, how was your night? I heard you and Mikey going at it there for a minute. You guys good?”
Danielle’s teeth nipped into her lower lip, remembering how she’d woken up in Michael’s bed after their kiss had escalated at a rapid pace. “Oh, yeah. We’re good.”
If the words weren’t a dead giveaway, the blissed out smile was. Abigail’s mouth dropped open. “Ohmigod!” she squealed. Then, in a shocked whisper, “Did you?”
“Oh, yeah,” her friend nodded, the smile getting bigger.
“Ohmigod!” she squealed again, before both women erupted in childlike giggles.
“Ohmigod!” a high pitched shriek joined the mayhem, Michael flapping his hands as he wandered into the kitchen, a dopey grin on his face. “Mornin’ beautiful,” he greeted, placing a kiss to Danielle’s cheek that flushed brightly. “Abby,” he grinned across the table.
“Morning,” Abigail laughed, scraping her seat back, and carrying her plate to the sink. She sighed at the sight, checking the time on the microwave. “Hey, I’m gonna run the dishwasher. You guys got any dishes hiding?”
“Don’t think so,” Danielle said, getting up with her own plate.
“Nope,” Michael said with a shake of his head. “But you might wanna check Ash’s room. Man hoards cups like no one’s business.”
“Yeah, and I’d rather not wait for him to get in from his workout.” Her lips fluttered together in thought as she looked from the sink to down the hallway, deciding which to do first.
“I’ll start in here,” Danielle offered. “You go get the cups from Ash’s room.”
Abigail practically skipped down the hallway towards Ashton’s open door, pausing briefly in the doorway. She’d walked by the man’s room about a million times, but she’d never crossed the threshold. She supposed she could run up to the roof and interrupt his workout… No, she shook her head. They were just cups. It wasn’t like she was going to rifle through his belongings. And the cups were right there on his nightstand. She could see them from where she was standing. No. Ashton wouldn’t care.
With a deep breath, she crossed the imaginary boundary to retrieve the glasses on his nightstand, stilling when she noticed a book resting amongst discarded rings and silver chains; her book. The spine was worn down with deep crease lines, indicating that it was well read. Her heart started to hammer erratically in her chest. When had he bought it, and how much time had he dedicated to give it it’s well-loved appearance, and highly-prized spot right by his bed, always within grasp?
Before she knew what was happening, the book was falling open in her hands. Her butt found the edge of his bed, staring down at her book in her hands. Their hearts and souls resided alongside each other in the form of perfectly typed pages, scrawled blue ink, and streaks of yellow highlighter.
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“What are you doing?!” Ashton’s sharp tone snapped Abigail out of her daze.
Her body jolted, a startled gasp flying past her lips, the book landing face down on the floor, some of the pages bending. “Sorry!” she rushed, hurriedly picking up the book. “I was getting the cups off your nightstand, and I saw the book, and I…” she continued, brushing her hand along the cover, and setting it gingerly back on the nightstand.
“And you what?! Just thought you’d start peeking through my things?!”
“Well… I mean… it’s my book.”
“You wrote it, sure. But I paid for it. That’s my copy. You shouldn’t be going through my things.”
“I wasn’t going through them. It was on the nightstand. It’s not like I went digging through your underwear drawer for it,” she said through gritted teeth, her prior embarrassment turning into defensive anger the longer he stood there scolding her like a toddler caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
“Oh, so the book just magically opened up in your hands, and you just magically started reading it?!”
“It’s my book!”
“That I’ve written in!”
“Believe it or not, plenty of people do that, Ashton. That doesn’t make you special.”
“That doesn’t make it less personal!”
“Any less personal than you reading through my most private thoughts?!”
“You fuckin’ published your thoughts for the world to see!”
“And you left it on your nightstand for anyone to see!”
Ashton passed a hand through his hair, exhaling slowly through his nose. “Just get the fuckin’ water glasses…” he muttered after a beat, noticing the shine to her eyes as she held back tears. He didn’t want to be the reason she was crying, when he’d been the one stupid enough to leave the book by his bedside. He should have hidden it in his underwear drawer, but he didn’t like the idea of not having it close at hand. If there was a pocket-sized version, he’d carry that around so he always had it.
“How long?” she asked, her voice shaking with the effort to keep it controlled.
“How long what? How long have the glasses been in here? I dunno. A week maybe. It’s just water though, so it’s not like they’re gross.”
“Not the glasses… the book! How long?”
“4 years…”
“You mean when it got released?”
He gave a quick nod. “Day of.”
“Because it’s good. Because I was proud of you. For doing what you said you were gonna do. For putting your vulnerability out there for everyone to see. Because we’re friends, and friends support each other.” Ashton left out the part where it was also because he was in love with her, and wanted to know if she felt the same way. If she had written about him, the way he had about her.
She hung her head. “We weren’t friends, Ash. We are now. And I’m glad for that. But we weren't when you bought this book.”
“I wish we had been. I wish I’d been brave enough to know you the way I know you now. 4 years ago. Hell, in high school even.”
“Me too,” she whispered, a tear of regret sliding down her cheek. A decade’s worth of pent up feelings filled the air between them and she still wasn’t brave enough to break through it.
She wasn’t sure when he had crossed the room to her, his fingers hooking under her chin to guide her face to look up at him. “But I know you now. And I can’t make up for lost time, but I can make sure we don’t waste anymore.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, more tears sliding down her face as her heart broke in her chest. 10 years worth of longing to only have him halfway. She supposed it was better than not having him at all, but the pain stung all the same. “Friends?” Her voice cracked and she visibly winced as the word rolled off her tongue.
Ashton shook his head. “No. I, uh- I don’t think I can do that.”
“But you-” Her lip started to quiver, so she bit it harshly, averting her gaze.
“Look at me,” he coaxed, his thumb rubbing along her cheekbone. “I meant that I can’t be friends with you because I’m past that point. When I say I don’t want to waste anymore time, I mean I don’t want to waste it by trying for anything less than what I really want.”
“And what do you want?”
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that,” she breathed in relief.
He reached over to grab the book, waving it in front of her face. “4 years give or take?” he teased lightly, dimples indenting in his cheeks.
“Longer than that,” she admitted, her entire face warm with her confession.
“Oh?” he continued to tease with a bemused smile.
“Ash,” she redirected, stretching upwards to intertwine her fingers behind his neck. “Shut up, and kiss me.”
Ashton didn’t need to be told twice.
“Oh, looks like you two finally figured it out,” Michael said from the doorway, making the couple jump apart. “Oh, no. Don’t stop on my account. Just gonna squeeze by ya, and get these cups…” He made a show of tiptoeing by them to gather the glasses.
“Michael!” Danielle hissed, stomping into the room and dragging her boyfriend out by the arm.
“Ah, young love!” Michael marvel, allowing himself to get towed out of the room. “Kinda makes you wanna fuck, huh?”
Michael was already digging into his pocket. “Worth it!”
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frenchfrysplash · 4 years
fic: between heaven, the sky, the earth
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Chapter 2/10
Read on AO3 Here! Or you can continue into the Read More.
Summary: Jamie goes between one moment, and the next. Falling around her like rain, like snow.
She’s here for a reason. Here to help.
She just needs to remember.
Chapter Two: the pitiless wave
And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand- How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep- while I weep! O God! can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave?
- Edgar Allen Poe, A Dream Within a Dream
December 1996
"Hm?" Jamie turned away from the window, where she had been gazing out at the way the Christmas lights lit up the newly fallen snow. Henry Wingrave always went all out with Christmas lights, decorating not only his big Massachusetts house, but the trees and hedges of the ridiculously large property as well. It was as though his determination to make up that lost year to his niece and nephew had been channelled into twinkling reds and greens, yellows and blues, and at least one blow up snowman, which Flora still loved, even at 17 years of age.
Said 17-year-old was looking at her now, holding two mugs of hot chocolate, eyebrows raised. Jamie didn't think she would ever stop seeing the little girl she had first met, even as Flora looked more and more like Charlotte Wingrave with every passing day.
"Sorry, Flora," Jamie said, taking the proffered hot chocolate. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
"Uncle Henry's lights have been known to hypnotize many a fool who wanders this way at night," Flora said, sounding older than she was, just as her brother had, once upon a time. "We find them in the spring, wandering in the forest."
Jamie snorted. "You went from strange little girl to strange teenager, you know that?"
Flora shrugged, sitting down on the couch in front of the fireplace. "Normal is overrated."
Jamie had heard Flora and Miles' accents change over the course of the past nine years, between phone calls and visits and VHS tapes sent in the mail of dance recitals and school plays. Dani had almost let the little family drop out of touch, but in the end, hadn't been able to resist when Flora called on her ninth birthday asking why Dani hadn't answered her invitation. Still, the change was jarring sometimes, especially when she had been so lost in the past a moment before.
Or had she? She was certain she had been thinking back on some memory, but what it was exactly escaped her.
"Am I going to have to look for you in the woods come Spring?" Flora asked, an amused expression on her face. "Where do you keep going?"
"Just remembering when you were little," Jamie said. "And Dani made you do all the weeding for the day, and I got to sit and drink gin and tonic. Christ, I should have told her I'd marry her right then and there."
"I could tell you liked her, you know," Flora said, eyes dancing in the firelight. "From the moment you first saw her."
"Flora, you were eight," Jamie said. "How could you possibly tell?"
"You're not denying it!"
"Denying it?" Jamie laughed. "Dani and I have been together for nine years, I think we're well past denying it." The glint of her ring caught both of their eyes, and Jamie felt a stupid grin spread across her face at the sight. "You didn't answer the question, little miss trouble."
Flora giggled, for a moment looking like that little girl Jamie saw in her mind's eye. "Well, maybe it wasn't the moment you first saw her. You were pretty rude to her, actually."
Jamie gasped, affronted. "I didn't even say anything to her!"
"Exactly!" Flora pointed at her triumphantly. "You were terribly rude."
A trace of the British accent she had left behind long ago was in her words. Jamie couldn't help but smile as she sipped her hot chocolate.
"Alright then," she said. "How and when could you tell I liked your dear au pair?"
"You stayed the night because she was scared," Flora said simply. "You'd never stayed the night at the manor before."
Jamie frowned, thinking back to that night. The thought that Peter Fucking Quint might be lurking around the grounds had made her blood boil, and really, there had been no question of her and Owen sticking around. It hadn't really been because of Dani, though Jamie remembered the way Dani's eyes had looked, shining in the darkness as they walked the grounds together, wide and scared and determined all at once. Remembered the relieved expression they took on when Owen suggested staying. Remembered how she hadn't even hesitated to stay when she saw the way Dani's shoulders relaxed.
And Jamie had been convinced Dani was straight, then. Who the hell knew?
"I used to think it was because of the ghosts," Flora was saying, bringing Jamie slamming back into the present and making her choke on her hot chocolate.
"S-sorry," she coughed. "I'm sorry. Did you say ghosts?"
"Yep," Flora looked towards the fire, thoughtful. "I know that's silly now, because there's no such thing as ghosts, right? But I remember thinking 'ah, Jamie must be scared of the ghosts. That's why she never stays for dinner.'"
Jamie blinked. Flora and Miles, she was certain, did not remember the events at Bly. Whatever happened in children's minds to protect them from trauma had taken hold, and all of the fear and strangeness of that summer had faded away. But could Flora possibly remember, somewhere, in the back of her mind?
"I used to have an imaginary friend there, you know," Flora said. "A little boy. I thought he was a ghost, because he didn't have a face-" Jamie's sharp inhale went unnoticed. "- and he scared me so badly I went running to Mum. Uncle Henry was there too, I remember." An odd expression passed over her, but she shook her head, as if to rid herself of it. "Anyway, I showed them where I'd seen him, and I told them I was scared, and Uncle Henry, well, he did his Uncle Henry thing and made me feel better."
"Oh?" Jamie asked, hardly breathing.
"Yeah," Flora laughed. "He told me to give the little boy a story, and a name, and maybe then he wouldn't seem so scary." She looked at Jamie, grinning. "He's always full of little pearls of wisdom like that, you know."
"Yeah," Jamie said, voice faint. Her heart was thundering in her ears, but not because Flora was talking about ghosts.
No, it was because standing behind Flora, silent and looming, was The Lady in the Lake.
"Is that what you want?" Jamie asked. "Is that why I'm here?"
The Lady in the Lake said nothing. Jamie leaned over and set her mug down on the coffee table. It disappeared as she did, along with Flora, lost to whatever new memory was coming. The living room was falling apart around her, lights going out one by one, walls crumbling, floor cracking and disintegrating into darkness.
"Your name," Jamie said, struggling to pull herself up straight on the couch. Her limbs suddenly felt heavy, bogged down by a life time of memories crashing about her all at once, fighting to be the next to play out. "I know your name."
The Lady of the Lake loomed ever closer, closer, closer, and Jamie-
June 1987
Sleeping on a couch wasn't fun at the best of times, and sleeping on an antique couch in overalls was downright traumatic. There was an ache at the back of Jamie's neck as she opened her eyes, woken up by what she thought were footsteps receding behind her. She lifted her head, glancing over the back of the couch, into the empty foyer.
Must be the ghost.
She chuckled at the thought, and levered herself up, stretching her arms and shoulders. Massaging at the crick in her neck, she headed towards the bathroom just off the kitchen, taking the time to splash a little water on her face before heading back out.
The kitchen wasn't empty. Dani stood at the centre island, back to the stove, frowning down at a teapot and teacup. Jamie felt her breath catch in her throat, taking in Dani's long blonde hair and the way it fell partially in front of her face; the way her nose scrunched up in frustration; the way her fingers tapped against the counter-top.
Dani was beautiful, and Jamie would be lying if she said she hadn't noticed it. She had seen it on that very first day, when she'd walked into the kitchen and felt any introduction she was about to make stop short in her chest. Ah, there you are, were the words that had floated across her mind, and the feeling had only strengthened since. Like Dani was meant to be there, in her life, and Jamie had just been patiently waiting until she arrived. Even as she tried to keep some distance, sure Dani was as straight as they come, her every heart beat seemed to repeat those words she had first felt when she had seen Dani.
Ah, there you are.
"Something the matter with the tea?" Jamie asked, settling herself into the bar stool closest to the au pair.
"Jamie!" Dani looked up, eyes widening in surprise. "Hi, uh, I was-" she glanced down at the pot of tea. "I was making you tea."
Her last words came out in a murmur, and were accompanied by a light blush on her cheeks. Jamie tried to suppress a grin.
"You were making me tea?" She asked, feeling inordinately pleased at the thought. "Just me? Not Owen or Hannah? Or the kids?"
"They're sleeping," Dani pointed out.
"So was I, until a few minutes ago." The grin couldn't be suppressed.
Dani ducked her head. "You said once you're an early riser, and I saw you on the couch and thought - you know what, whatever, if you don't want any-"
"I didn't say that!" Jamie held up her hands. "I'd love some tea."
Dani narrowed her eyes at her, but a small smile broke through, and she pushed the teacup in Jamie's direction.
"Not even gonna ask how I take it?" Jamie raised an eyebrow. "Such confidence."
"Um," said Dani, smile fading as Jamie took a sip.
And immediately spat it back out.
"Poppins," she said, voice deadly serious, setting the teacup down. "Are you trying to poison me?"
"I'm sorry," Dani rushed out, covering her eyes with her hand. "I'm shit at tea. Miles tried to give me pointers, but I can't seem to get it right. I just - it was so nice of you to stay last night, and I wanted to do something to thank you, and British people like tea! So I thought I would make you tea, but I'm so bad at it, I knew it was a terrible idea."
Jamie waited for the end of the word tsunami, desperately trying to keep a straight face. Finally, though, Dani peeked at her through her fingers, and she couldn't stop herself, dissolving into laughter.
"Well, that's just mean," Dani said, dropping her hand from her face. Her indignant expression caused Jamie to laugh harder.
"Sorry," she said, calming herself down. "I'm sorry. It's not even that funny."
"I just wanted to do something nice," Dani muttered, looking back down at the tea and pouting.
Jamie took a deep breath, and ran her fingers through her curls. She closed her eyes, centring herself, and so missed Dani looking up at her, eyes widening and mouth parting slightly in an inaudible gasp. By the time she opened them again, Dani's gaze had averted, and she was none the wiser.
"Ok, how about I give you a lesson, then?" Jamie asked. She stood up, picking up the pot and the cup, making her way to the sink where she dumped out both.
Dani watched her, perplexed. "A lesson?"
"On the proper way to make tea." Jamie searched out the second teapot, not trusting the first not to retain the contamination of Dani's disastrous attempt, as well as two teacups. "Per Jamie Taylor, tea-making prodigy."
"A prodigy?" Dani turned, leaning her hip against the counter, arms crossed. "I didn't realize I was in the presence of such genius."
"I keep it to myself, mostly," Jamie said, shrugging. She filled up the kettle and set it on the stove to boil. "Now first, we boil water."
"And then what?" Dani asked, amusement lighting up her face in a way that made Jamie want to swoon.
"One thing at a time," Jamie said. "That's your problem, you Americans, always rushing about. Tea takes time."
"I see." Dani glanced at the kettle, then back at Jamie. She seemed to be struggling with the silence that had fallen between them, though Jamie found it quite comfortable. She tilted her head. "So, no change of clothes, huh?"
"Nah," Jamie looked down at herself. "I rushed out of my flat pretty quick last night when Hannah phoned. Hated the thought of Pete wandering the grounds, probably flattening all my flowers. On purpose, knowing him."
"Yeah, that would be the worst thing he could do," Dani said drily. She was quiet for a moment, opening her mouth to talk, but startling at the whistle of the kettle.
Jamie quickly removed it from the burner, setting it aside. She turned to her teapot, and added teabags.
"Two teabags, huh?" Dani asked.
"More or less depending on how strong you like it." Jamie grabbed the kettle and poured the boiling water in. "Two to a pot is pretty reasonable though." She set the kettle aside, and placed the lid on the teapot. "Now, we let it steep."
"So it'll actually taste like something," Jamie said. "And not just milky water with a bit of sugar."
"Ah," Dani peered at the teapot. "That makes sense." She smiled a somewhat embarrassed smile. "I didn't realize you had to do that."
"Which resulted in you almost killing me," Jamie said.
"I didn't almost kill you-"
"I saw me life flash before me eyes, I did."
Dani snorted, and looked away. Silence fell again, and Jamie took the moment to just look at Dani. She studied her profile, traced the contours of her eyebrows, her nose, her cheeks, her lips, down her neck, along her collarbones. Something tugged at her, insistently. A feeling that she had forgotten something, nagging in the back of her mind, like when you're not sure you locked the door before leaving in the morning.
"Where do you live, anyway?"
Jamie blinked, surprised at the question. It must have shown on her face, because Dani blushed and looked away.
"Sorry," she said. "I mean, I know you live in Bly, obviously. But where in Bly? Not that it'll mean much to me, since I've never been into town. But I was just curious, I guess."
"S'alright," Jamie said, smiling at her. "I live near the centre of the village, actually. In a flat above the local pub. Takes me about twenty minutes to drive here."
"Oh!" Dani considered this. "What's it like living above a pub?"
Jamie thought for a moment. "Not terrible," she said finally. "Not ideal either. I can pop down and get a drink whenever I want, but then I can hear everything going on down there all night. It's not exactly busy, but some nights they have live music, or it's a Saturday and things are getting rowdy." She shrugged. "It was almost a blessing staying here last night, with the silence." She rubbed the back of her neck again. "The couch was torture though."
"Well," said Dani. "Next time you stay over, we'll make sure you get a bed."
"You offering, Poppins?" Jamie asked, delighted at the way Dani's ears turned bright red. "Nah, I'm sure you'd rather our resident chef."
She made her way over to the fridge, pulling out milk and setting it on the counter, goosebumps prickling her arms as she felt Dani's eyes on her. Distance, she thought, was best.
"No," said Dani, voice so low Jamie almost didn't hear her. "I don't think I would."
Jamie turned to her a little too fast, almost dropping the sugar bowl. Dani was watching her, arms still crossed, expression soft. Jamie felt a surge of…something towards this woman. Something deep and all-consuming, something that was impossible for her to be feeling, given how short a time she had known her. But it was there, an ache in her chest, painful and wonderful and too much.
The sugar bowl fell to the ground, shattering.
"Jamie?" Dani asked, pushing herself off the counter, concern colouring her features. "Jamie, what's wrong?"
It was only now Jamie felt the tears tracking down her cheeks, blurring her vision as she stared at Dani, whose eyes were wide with shock, her mouth moving as she asked Jamie what was going on, what was wrong, what could she do?
Jamie heard none of it, only gazed steadily at her dead wife.
"God, I miss you," she said.
Dani's face was stricken. Jamie took a few stumbling steps forward, cupping Dani's blurred face.
"I wish you were real," she whispered. "I wish this wasn't just a memory. I wish-"
She stopped when she saw Dani's eye-line shift.
Over her shoulder.
Slowly, she turned around. And gasped, stepping back involuntarily, into the space Dani had just now vanished from.
The Lady in the Lake stepped with her, eyeless face filling Jamie's vision. She raised her hands towards Jamie's neck, and Jamie shut her own eyes, readying herself for those cold, clammy fingers to wrap around her neck.
Instead, she felt them wipe at her cheeks.
Jamie opened her eyes again, heart pounding, as the Lady in the Lake wiped her tears. It didn't really help, since her hands were damp from their watery home, but there was a certain clumsy gentleness there. Like this was something the Lady had done before, but not for a very, very long time.
As she stood there, utterly terrified, Jamie became aware of another noise beyond her own shuddering breaths. There was a sound coming out of the Lady's throat, guttural, animalistic. She seemed to be trying to say something.
All at once, Jamie remembered.
Carefully, she raised her own hand to cover the Lady's at her face, curling her fingers around it and bringing it down, squeezing. She swallowed, fighting past her fear, and brought her other hand up, trembling, to touch the Lady's waxlike face.
"Viola," she said quietly. "Your name is Viola Lloyd. Do you remember?"
The noise from the Lady's throat changed, slightly. Jamie dropped her hand to the one holding the Lady's, and squeezed, almost encouragingly.
And finally, finally, the noise that came out of the Lady's throat wasn't just a meaningless sound anymore.
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