#and anywhere in between
synonymroll648 · 2 years
k k k so i'm gonna start on my soldier poet king au, do you still wanna collab? If so, then we can figure out what we'd like to do w/ outfits and roles (I already have my pose and bg in mind.)
But, I also noticed you're really into the Roadtrip prompt, and with the time we have--so sorry btw--if you only feel like you can really do one that's fine too. That's not to deter you from anything of course! I've just done the thing with ship weeks where I've wanted to do a lot more than I actually could.
So, whatever you want to do I'm fine with! Just lmk and I'll start the art piece whenever.
*incredibly sad sigh* i genuinely really really really want to collab because it sounds super fun, but knowing how i am with deadlines, i unfortunately doubt that i'd be able to hold up my end/the fic end of the collab while still doing the roadtrip fic. but knowing how sensational your art is, i'll probably find myself writing something to go along with your finished piece because. like. c'mon. i already know it's gonna make me go apeshit /pos and it'll probably give me a lot of inspiration-fuel :)
have a shitload of fun with it dude!!!! :DDD
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gumdefense · 7 months
We have moved past Maya and Franziska wingmanning narumitsu as a society. They would not fucking do that. We need to realise the truth which is that Larry and Gumshoe would try to wingman them and only succeed through failure
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hugs-and-stabbies · 22 days
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The self-awareness on this guy 😞 someone pls send him an "are you bi?" quiz STAT
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harbingersecho · 3 months
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie posting a Tiktok at like two in the morning like, “I think it’s great if your parents are absent for the majority of your life and in general just suck that you form your own family with your ex-girlfriend’s brother’s friend and a lesbian you met at the mall, but-“
He flips the camera around to show Ozzy sleeping next to Steve sleeping next to Robin sleeping next to Dustin, who is spread out over Eddie’s entire side of the bed, “-but do they have to be in my bed???”
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wintersoldier2005 · 2 years
sorry but the idea of bruce being dick's father in his mid 20s. he's always a little tired but otherwise he's young and looks it too. he can pick dick up with one hand to put him on his shoulders. he doesn't know jack about taking care of kids. they play a game that they both love where bruce picks him up and just like... throws him off of the spiraling staircase to watch how he catches himself in the air and lands unharmed. they play soccer together in the backyard and bruce is so young and spry and he can do a bicycle kick (dick goes to school and tells everyone that bruce can do a bicycle kick. not to flex but he's really cool guys.) he lets dick make dino nuggets as their dinner three nights in a row when alfred is gone and they make a stupid big everything but the kitchen sink sundae and split it afterwards. kid you're killing me, he says, because he has a sweet tooth that alfred doesn't enable. maybe sometimes they argue and argue bad, especially as dick grows up, but at the end of the day that's his dad.
one day like ten fifteen years later when damian is young dick looks at bruce and all the sudden what happened.... his dad has crow's feet and his hair is graying a little...! that sort of tiredness that people get as they age! he's still strong he's the fucking batman but when damian wants to play a game (being hurled off the balcony into the pool) bruce looks at dick and smiles and he's got lines on his face. he's aging. and that's still bruce but he doesn't laugh with his head thrown back anymore and he doesn't style his hair the way he used to when he was in his 20s and he's stopped wearing the loose button ups with the first button undone he wore when he picked him up from school in the convertible. his dad is getting older and even bruce wayne can't escape the passage of time. he tells damian no being thrown off the roof. damian protests. but grayson says you used to throw him off the staircase when he was my age. bruce throws his hands up and turns away and gives dick a look before he goes that tells him he'll be in his office and if there happens to be a loud splash from the pool... well that's none of his business is it.
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the-brash-spud · 4 days
Billy would definitely be talking mad shit about (almost) all gods to JL. Wherever it is ancient, old, or new drama, and by now picking up habits from those gods and being opinionated himself about the whole situations to mainly Aquaman's -bc poseidon- and Wonder Woman's -bc most female gods- dismay.
The whole thing would've gone to a head when Marvel again says shit about poseidon for almost sinking all of Japan again -honestly Japan's natural disasters are crazy common, like did some old Japanese emperor piss on the tridon he found bc he thought it would've been funny or something?- and Aguaman snaps at Marvel about why he never says shit about for example Zeus bc he probably deserves most shit-talking from a human. Marvel wheeze laughs like, "Dude, he's sponsoring me. The one time I talked shit about him, I had to sacrifice a chicken and two goats for him to give me my powers back. Do you know how expensive those get?"
So anyway, Superman would've gotten salty that he got mind controlled by a space catapillar during that time because Marvel couldn't keep his opinions to himself.
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kojitheopossum · 29 days
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Final breath of a dying star
Closeup and lightless + bonus version under cut
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neproxrezi · 9 months
it's not the greatest stats-wise but the best weapon in armored core six so far is the sweet sixteen
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there are certainly stronger shotguns but why would you use them when you could take someone's ass to the contraption. what the fuck is this thing
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insomnya777 · 2 months
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boat boys coded
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ruvviks · 4 months
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opening up general commissions so i thought i'd make a new post, most info is already in the slides but i require a document with information and references before we can get started, list below!
which type of commission you want (head/bust/half body + lines/color)
short description / introduction of your oc
at least one visual reference but preferably more; face claim, art, picrew (if the maker allows it), NO a/i art!
additional visual references such as pose, clothing, tattoos, and color scheme; if you don't have any preferences, you can skip this!
additional details that i need to keep in mind (freckles, scars, stuff like that)
what kind of background you'd like (solid color, gradient, dual color)
DM me before paying! i would like to see references first before receiving payment, so i'll know what i'll be working on!
if there's no open slots left, i can put you on the waiting list and i'll reach out to you as soon as i've worked through my queue :D i work in batches as to not overwork myself, so i cannot give you an indication on how long you'll be on the waiting list
i'll keep you updated throughout the entire process, please keep an eye on your tumblr dms when commissioning me for smooth communication! i'm willing to move to discord for communication too, but if i don't know you well please keep it professional
i might charge extra for complicated background pattern requests, complicated armor or complicated tattoos, but feel free to request anything because we can always discuss details about stuff!
the end result is a digital artwork of your oc, you will not receive any physical goods!
you’re allowed to post the art wherever and use it for icons and such, as long as you don’t take credits for the art yourself. you are not allowed to sell it or use it for n/f/t or a/i purposes
ko-fi: ko-fi.com/nuclearvessel
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fanning-the-flames · 5 months
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Work has been busy so finishing up Jiujiu!Jiang Cheng from here is how I’m coping! I can’t tell if the colors are looking wonky or not (curse of digital art and why I only use night shift lightly).
Second Jiang Cheng in an art nouveau inspired style (this being the first).
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nicollekidman · 2 months
remember that growth is not always an upward trajectory, that sometimes it's one step forward two steps back... yes, folklore/evermore were a maturation and progression for her and yes midnights and ttpd may feel like steps back but that's part of growing for her <3 trying to say i think she's still growing and you're right she needs some new collaborators lol
we need to stop talking about taylor swift like she’s a glass ballerina in a music box and if we speak too critically she’ll shatter. i think she should take some of her billion dollars and hire people who will bully her into editing her ideas and remind her she used to be a real person so her songs stop feeling hollow and overly produced
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autistickaitovocaloid · 4 months
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Birthday boy at the bottom of an ancient ocean
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t1oui · 23 days
definitely not hp related but here's my hcs for the sexualities of the main 7 bc i was thinking about valgrace again and there's no way this crew is straight
percy - queer annabeth - bisexual demiromantic hazel - omniromantic demisexual frank - panromantic aceflux piper - sapphic leo - bisexual jason - panromantic asexual
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desos-records · 7 months
[Spoilers for Empty Grave]
"Save yourself for me"
I am once again losing my mind over a single line from Lockwood & Co. It means so much with so little.
Because he isn't saying 'save yourself because I'm the one who deserves to take on risk and danger more than anyone else' which is what Lockwood from previous books would say.
He's saying 'I cannot stand you getting hurt. I know I can't stop you from doing something stupid anymore than you can stop me, but save yourself because I love you. Save yourself because you love me.'
Repeatedly throughout the series Lucy and Lockwood are just: 'I care about you, please don't hurt something I care about.'
Which is why Lucy stays because she can't stand him getting hurt either. From the minute she learns about his self-destructive tendencies she's been quietly saying 'save yourself for me' because she's afraid he won't save himself for his own sake.
It absolutely guts me. Why is it always 'Come off it, you know I'd die for you' and never 'Save yourself for me,' which means infinitely more.
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