#and Victor of course loves his plants
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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Today’s update brings us to Fall Friday in the Chill Save, and the update that I played on my birthday a couple of weeks ago! And it’s one of my personal favorites, as we shall see in a couple of posts...for now, though, let’s focus on what happened this morning for our trio:
-->Smiler and Alice had a pretty chill morning, all things considered -- Smiler spent most of it editing their new gadget review video, uploading it, and mopping slime creatures, while Alice enjoyed the new rocking chair in the seance room, gathered some inspiration from her and Victor’s decorative wedding pillars (with Guidry offering his opinions), and letting loose with a somber howl to keep the old Fury low. Nothing too special!
-->Victor, meanwhile, had a much busier morning, starting HIS day by doing a ceremony at the seance table to help keep the house’s spiritual energies nice and calm. :) Made the lights flicker, but otherwise went off without a hitch, AND got him up to Medium skill level three! So now he can do some new ceremonies, including summoning Bonehilda if they need her. :) As a reward, I let him finish his ectocake for breakfast, which ended up filling his entire Hunger bar for a good few hours. Nice! :)
-->And then, of course, it was into the greenhouse, to weed, spray for bugs, and water anything that needed tending! Was very pleased to see most of the plants had regrown from their dirt pile states and thus were providing plenty of harvestables. . .less pleased to see poor Victor getting stung by his grumpy bees as he did his rounds. Fortunately a bit of mite treatment and a bit of bonding got them all on good terms again. :) Gotta keep the bees on-sides if he wants that honey and wax! But yeah, seems like things were going well for Victor’s garden, huh?
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xxblairexxss · 11 months
Pairing : Jude Bellingham x reader
Theme : Fluff
Got this idea from those tiktok videos of him playing football with a group of kids. You probably know which one I’m talking about if you stumbled across one. Haven’t proofread! Sorry for any mistakes.
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Jude was like your mom’s favourite child. She was eternally grateful for her lovely daughters but when you introduced your boyfriend to the family, you knew she had put him above you and your sisters. Your dad was a huge fan of football and he thought you were joking when you told him you were dating Dortmund player so of course when Jude first joined your family’s dinner, your dad was elated that you thought he would have forgotten about you if it wasn’t for your constant glare at him.
Since then, Jude always got invited to any family events of yours, just like how he always invited you to his family events.
judebellingham has added to their story
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Your nephew, Noah was obsessed with football. Guess it ran in the family because of how the obsession went from your dad to Noah. Different from you, who barely knew anything about it. Noah had asked you a week prior if Jude was gonna come to the housewarming party but when you asked why he was so eager to know, he said it was secret. Turned out he wanted to ask Jude to play football with him because he got a proper football ball from his birthday last month.
You were in the kitchen, taking over the duty to cut the fruits so your sister could sneaked out to the nearby store to get some more ingredients for roasted garlic hummus with her husband. You were left with Jude and the kids as your parents are yet to arrived.
You were decorating the plate with the colourful fruits when you felt a sudden impact on your side. It was Noah, who was suddenly crying and hugging on your legs. Confused, you bent down and wiped the fresh tears on his cheek as he pulled away.
“What’s wrong? Did you fell?”
“Why did you cry?”
“Jude wouldn’t give the ball back…”
That was when you saw Jude walked in with Noel, Noah’s baby brother.
“Jude Victor William Bellingham! Did you seriously make my nephew cry?”
“I didn’t! He asked me to play like I was in a match.”
“You are so silly! He’s not prime Lewandowski, is he?”
He chuckled in response before leaving a peck on your lips and squatted down to be on the same level with Noah, who was now refused to look at him.
“I’m sorry, buddy. Let’s do another round, yeah? You’ll be in the same team with Noel and I can only play with one leg, how about that?”
Noah responded with an immediate “Okay!” and a wide grin as he ran to Noel to pull him outside. You could see the little one waddled trying to catch on his brother.
Jude stood back up and pulled you closer by your waist. He found you so adorable when you were still frowning at him that he wanted to just planted kisses all over your beautiful face.
“I’m sorry, princess. I swear I didn’t mean it. Anyway, I didn’t know you actually have some basic football knowledge. I thought you don’t know any other players except me. That was kinda hot, not gonna lie.” He bended down his head to kiss on your exposed shoulder blade from your off shoulder crop top, pressing his body against yours even more.
“Well, I’m actually a barca girl.”
Jude tilted your chin up as he brushed his lips against yours before nibbling softy on your bottom lips.
“Shut up, you’re my girl.”
“Jude, come on!” You heard Noah called out for him from the backyard, probably getting annoyed at how long he was taking his time.
“Coming!” He pulled away and strode across the living room to the kids, leaving you with butterflies in your stomach, even after all these years.
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ap-kinda-lit · 10 months
Fun Dragon Ball headcanons
Goku and Vegeta are experienced with video games because of their sons. They even sometimes play them together. Goku's favorite is Sonic the Hedgehog and Vegeta's Mortal Kombat. Vegeta is usually the victor in their matches.
Bulma makes up to Vegeta by letting him give Bulla a middle name. He picks Eschalot of course. He chooses this name after a famous Saiyan princess. Princess Eschalot was known as the ideal Saiyan princess: strong, intelligent, brave, beautiful, and a fierce warrior. She refused to marry and decreed that she only would if the suitor beat her in combat. Not only did she defeat each and every one, she even killed them.
The gang sometimes go to Yamcha's baseball games. The kids even have his baseball cards.
Piccolo's favorite water is from watermelons. Dende's is coconut.
Trunks and Bulla are grossed out when they learn their mother and Uncle Yamcha used to date.
Goku sometimes stops by Tien's school to observe or participate in lessons.
Goku and Chichi planted their own apple tree in their backyard shortly after they married. It's still there all these years later.
Vegeta is very approving towards Mai as a match for Trunks, especially since finding out she was an assassin.
Goku likes to bring Chichi souvenirs from his adventures. They could be a stone from a foreign planet, a seashell from the ocean, or a flower from the mountains.
Vegeta is a secret Taylor Swift fan. He listens to her music when he's training or thinking by himself.
The children like Broly and love to play with him.
Goku can be a jealous husband in a subtle way. If he notices a man checking Chichi out or trying to flirt with her, he will hold her hand and refer to her as his wife or use endearing names towards her.
As far as the public is concerned, Vegeta's a cryptid. Everyone knows his name and recognize him as Bulma Briefs' husband, but that's about it. Nobody knows who exactly he is, where he came from, or how he and Bulma met and got together. It's even more difficult since journalists are too scared of him to approach him for an interview.
Since he can remember, Goku has had dreams where he is floating in a yellow void, surrounded by large shadows of people and muffled voices. Most of the time, he sees and hears a small and friendly woman, a large man with a deep voice, or a short child who likes to knock on glass. Goku doesn't realize until many years later that these are memories of his time in his incubator and the people he was seeing/hearing were his parents and young Raditz.
"Hungry like a Saiyan" or "eat like a Saiyan" are common metaphors among certain alien races.
Krillin stays in touch with his Buddhist roots. He visits temples, even his old temple where he was raised. He sometimes brings 18 and Marron with him.
While it's not shown, Launch does stay in touch with everyone.
Chichi speaks fluent Cantonese and Mandarin. She personally teaches Gohan and Goten from a young age. Goku has even picked up some terms here and there. When she’s angry enough, Chichi will curse in either language.
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voilaammayi · 4 months
okay okay wait a second
victor trevor interrupting stranger’s conversation just because he heard the name sherlock holmes in it? asking if he has been mentioning him? being the only friend sherlock had in college? remembering that the one kind of pasta he eats is penne and having his own predictions about who sherlock’d be in the future? asking right away if he’d been right? thinking that sherlock of all people was a great laugh? and have I heard being in between boyfriends???
finally, speaking about sherlock with this warm nostalgic tone and always with a bashful laugh hidden behind it? oh my, mister victor trevor, you were in love!
and don’t mind me at all, but I’m having a certain vision - of sherlock and victor in college, victor coming late to their dorm after long evening studying in the library or a night out with friends in a pub, and finding sherlock transfixed on some experiment, of course having gone a whole day without a proper meal. victor complaining loudly about you and your fucked up diet, honestly, sherlock, but at the same time getting ready to go make sherlock some pasta for a late night diner. because did you know this penne with mascarpone and tomato sauce that is the only pasta sherlock eats, is originally a victor’s recipe? and after it’s done, them both sitting on a couch, sherlock eating from a pot - they’re students after all, the dishes are in a big dirty pile in the sink - while victor watches him out of the corner of his eye. then the rest of the evening spend on Sherlock talking about his experiment, some interesting plant or a new deduction, while victor just listens to him with a dreamy expression on his face, because that’s what he has been waiting the whole day for.
and I won’t speculate whether sherlock was in love, too, because the man is a mystery to me, but I do imagine victor calling him after the events of gloria scott, asking if he can come by to baker street to thank properly for solving the case. after sherlock agrees - but invites him over when he knows nor john neither mariana would be home - victor arrives with a shoping bag in hand and, in spite of some attempts at protest close to it’s not necessary, he prepares the penne pasta for sherlock one last time. then all is done and there’s no excuse for him to stay longer, really, so he stands up to say goodbye. quick enough for sherlock to not be able to do anything about it, victor kisses him on the cheek. but he had been watching sherlock during the case and heard enough my dear watson to know that he has lost his chance. so he says simply good luck, sherlock and walks out of baker street.
john would come back to the flat few moments later to find sherlock standing in a doorway, hands holding his cheeks. sherlock being even weirder than usual, john would get worried and trying to pry any information from him, even checking his temperature by a quick touch to the forehead. but as sherlock doesn’t comply, in the end john would just shrug his shoulders and leave him alone, only to become perplexed seconds later, when he enters the kitchen.
because there are leftovers of penne with mascarpone and tomato sauce already on the countertop, while john himself was just about to cook them this same thing for dinner.
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
Pagan Wedding Flowers (and other plants) Cheat Sheet
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Flowers have been associated with weddings for almost as long as humans have been getting married. In fact, the use of flowers in ritual may actually be older than humans! Neanderthal graves in Iraq suggest that Neanderthals buried their dead with flowers. There are mentions of flowers in our earliest recorded accounts of weddings, such as in Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
Historically, couples would have used whatever flowers were available to them. While some cultures had flowers they preferred for weddings because of their symbolism, couples would have been limited by what grew in their area and by what was in bloom at the time of their ceremony. To be truly as historically accurate as possible, consider using flowers you grew or foraged yourself. Bonus points for native blooms!
For those who aren't into growing or gathering your own wedding flowers, modern florists and greenhouses allow us to choose from a wide range of flowers, many of which aren't native to our homes. This makes it much easier to choose flowers based on their symbolism, history, or cultural meaning.
Historic Wedding Flowers + Plants
Roses have been the flower of choice for Western weddings pretty much forever, and with good reason. The rose is associated with several ancient goddesses of sex, fertility, and/or romance, such as Inanna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, and Venus. (Later, medieval Christians would also associate this flower with the Virgin Mary.) Including the goddess's flowers in a wedding may have been a way of invoking her blessing on the union. Sappho called rose "Queen of the Flowers."
Roses are held in a high regard in pretty much every culture with access to them. They're strongly associated not only with love, but also with beauty, wholeness, blessings, and even spirituality.
Rose was included in wedding celebrations in Ancient Hellos (Greece) and Rome. It is associated with the planet Venus and the water element.
Wheat was also a popular inclusion in weddings in ancient Greece and Rome. Hellenic brides would carry sheaths of wheat or another grain to invoke fertility and good fortune. Wheat was strongly associated with agrarian goddesses like Demeter, Persephone, Ceres, and Proserpina. Carrying wheat may also have been a way of expressing a wish for the marriage to produce many children. Pliny the Elder explicitly says in his Natural History that wheat was included in weddings to honor Ceres.
In modern occult systems, wheat is associated with fertility, the conception of children, and wealth. It is associated with the planet Venus and the element of earth.
Olive branches also featured in Hellenic weddings. Olive was an important crop in the ancient Mediterranean, and olive branches were a symbol of peace and friendship. Olive was also used in the victors' crowns in the Olympic Games. In Athens, the olive tree was a symbol of Athena. It was also carried by worshipers of Apollo when they visited the Oracle at Delphi. Olive was also important to the Romans, who associated it with Mars in his aspect as a protector of peace.
In modern magic traditions, olive is associated with beauty, healing, stamina, wealth, fertility, protection and of course, peace. It is associated with the sun and the fire element.
Orange blossoms were included in Hellenic weddings as a sign of happiness. These strongly scented white flowers also sometimes appeared in Roman weddings. Thousands of years later, Queen Victoria wore a crown of orange blossoms at her wedding, but for her they were a symbol of chastity.
In modern systems, orange is associated with joy, partnership, sweetness, and good luck. It is associated with the sun and the fire element.
Hawthorn appeared in weddings in ancient Rome. Pliny the Elder said that Roman bridal processions included a hawthorn torch dedicated to the goddess Ceres. In Rome, hawthorn was more generally associated with love and good luck.
In Celtic cultures, especially Ireland, hawthorn was believed to be a fairy tree. For this reason, cutting a hawthorn tree or bringing hawthorn branches inside was considered bad luck.
The blooming of hawthorn trees was used to determine the date of Bealtaine, and hawthorn boughs were often decorated with flowers, ribbons, and egg shells to make a May bush, which was placed by the front door for good luck. In Britain, hawthorn wood was used to carve maypoles. Hawthorn flowers may be especially appropriate for a May wedding or handfasting.
In modern occultism, hawthorn is associated with protection, healing (especially healing the heart), romantic love, fertility, granting wishes, and happiness. It is still strongly associated with weddings and marriage. It is associated with the planet Mars and the fire element.
Lotus may have featured in ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) weddings. The lotus was an important symbol in Kemetic religion, and was associated with the sun, rebirth, and the creation of the world. Lotus flowers featured in festivals to honor Hapi, the androgynous god of the Nile. The lotus is used in art to represent Upper Egypt. An Egyptian poem from 1100 BCE connects the lotus to marriage.
Lotus flowers were also popular in ancient Chinese weddings, and they're still used by some Chinese couples today. In Chinese culture, lotus represents purity, honor, and long life.
In modern traditions, lotus is associated with protection, spirituality, and blessings. It is associated with the moon and the water element.
Yellow flowers were used in pre-Christian Ireland for blessings and protection. The exact flower used for these rituals is not specified, so it seems like the color was what mattered. Modern pagans looking to carry on this tradition have lots of yellow flowers to choose from. Some popular choices include yellow roses (see above), yellow amaryllis (associated with creativity, playfulness, and joy), chrysanthemum (associated with long life, optimism, and protection), marigold (associated with happiness, rebirth, and vitality), and/or daffodils (associated with love, fertility, and luck).
Modern Wedding Flowers
We've gone over some of the flowers that were popular in historic pagan weddings, but it's also easy to pagan-ify the flowers that are most popular in modern weddings. Here's a quick rundown of some popular wedding blooms and their neopagan and occult symbolism:
Peony is associated with purification, healing, prosperity, and success. In ancient Rome, peony was believed to be sacred to Mars. It is associated with the sun and the fire element.
Dahlia is associated with mystery, occult wisdom, and transformation. It is associated with the moon and the water element.
Lilac is associated with balance, peace, romance, protection from evil, and attracting friendly spirits. It is associated with Venus and the water element.
Sweet Pea is associated with comfort, charm, and sweetness. It is associated with Venus and the water element.
Hydrangea is associated with healthy boundaries, breaking negative patterns, hex breaking, and protection. It is associated with water and with both the moon and Neptune.
Tulip is associated with beauty, desire, gratitude, love, prosperity, and simplicity. It is associated with Venus and the earth element.
Orchid is associated with beauty, elegance, sexuality, fertility, and romance. It is associated with Venus and the water element.
Lily is associated with spirituality, beauty, harmony, and protection from the evil eye. It is associated with Venus and the water element.
Carnation is associated with beauty, love, rebirth, strength, and healing. Carnations are associated with same-gender love and especially love between men because of Oscar Wilde's fondness for them. They are associated with the sun and the fire element.
Gardenia is associated with love, peace, healing, and spirituality. It is associated with the moon and the water element.
"New Neanderthal remains associated with the ‘flower burial’ at Shanidar Cave," Cambridge University Press
"History of Wedding Flowers" by Benna Crawford
The Roman Wedding by Karen K. Hersch
"The Olive in the Ancient Mediterranean" by Mark Cartwright
"The History, Mythology, and Offerings of Hawthorn" by Meghan Pivarnik
Where the Hawthorn Grows by Morgan Daimler
Temple of the Cosmos by Jeremy Naydler
The Magic of Flowers by Tess Whitehurst
The Magic of Trees by Tess Whitehurst (see my disclaimer about Whitehurst's books, but these are some of her better ones)
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
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fyreflys · 7 months
Could you write Peeta giving Katniss a long and thorough bath after he plants the primroses in canon? Because she’s such a little hawt mess when he comes home <3
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(Peeta’s POV) - Halcyon, The Paper Kites
Warning: slightly suggestive (they bathe together) - mostly just fluff, no smut
Please ignore any mistakes I sped-ran this & did not proof read whooops
When they put him on a train back to 12, he’d felt a million things and nothing all at once. He’d closed his eyes, and tried not to think about the other times he’d taken this exact route. What each meant. What happened after.
Seeing district 12 in absolute ruins shook him to his core. For a moment he forgot about the torture in the capital, and the hijacking, and Katniss. For a moment he stood amongst ashes and felt grief that ripped him so strong he fell to his knees.
Somehow, Haymitch was there to pull him back from the rubble of himself. There to drag him to victors village, and shove a glass of water in his face. Once a mentor, always a mentor. Peeta would be impressed with Haymitch’s ability to pull himself out of his slum long enough to greet him upon arrival, but he’s too busy trembling near the fireplace.
He still feels like ghost most days, drifting through the world. Losing chunks of time, and finding himself in places he didn’t remember going.
Planting primroses in victors village ends up being one of those times.
She looked worse for wear than he was expecting. When he’d asked about her, they told him she was doing okay. But as he stared up at her, hands covered in dirt, she looked worse than “okay”. More like barely hanging on. Lucky to still be standing on her own two feet.
She clutched him a tight hug, and Peeta felt the tensions in his shoulders roll off. Warmth. That’s what Katniss is.
How they got from outside to here, in the bathroom, is a little unclear. Something about him asking her when she showered last, after they made into the house, turkey tossed in the fridge to wait for dinner. Something about her shrugging her shoulders.
He’s not sure how he convinced her to this. Tears were probably involved. Yes. Tears were involved. She broke down crying. Something about Prim. He carried her up the stairs. Right. Yes.
And now…now she’s in underwear and a tank top, and he’s running a bath. It’s quiet. He’s hesitant to touch her, and she takes his hand. And he’s less hesitant.
“Do you…want me to help?” He asks softly.
She doesn’t really answer. Instead she wipes her tears, and steps into the shower, still holding his hand. She stares down at the faucet. He puts in the plug after it’s warm. She squeezes his hand.
“Thank you.” She whispers.
“Of course.” I love you.
Real or not real?
That’s Real. He knows that’s real. Right?
She slips off her underwear and takes a seat in the tub. She peels off her tank top. He swallows, eyes flickering across olive skin. Cheeks hot as he desperately tries to advert his attention elsewhere. He pours in some soap and watches as bubbles foam at Katniss’s toes. He shuffles to sit behind the tub so he’s looking at the back of her head.
He delicately undoes her braid, combing fingers through her hair. It’s not nearly as clean and shiny as usual. He finds a cup to scoop water into her hair, slowly drenching it. He shuts off the water once he decides it’s high enough, and then grabs shampoo. He lathers it into her locks. Her shoulders relax, head tilting back as he massages her scalp. He scratches, softly, and she hums. He’s gentle as he scoops and pours water to rinse out her hair. It’s clear she hasn’t bathed in a while. So he decides to scrub in another round of shampoo. Katniss leans into his touch, and he can’t help but feel warm at how domestic this moment is.
He rinses her hair again, and then gently smooths in conditioner. Katniss catches his hand as his fingers comb through her hair.
“What?” He whispers.
She glances back at him, grey eyes dull as they flicker over him. She reaches to tug at the sleeve of his t-shirt, nibbling at her lip. He feels heat race across his cheeks.
“I missed you.”
She says it like he’s back back. As if nothing ever happened. He’s still not sure he’s himself anymore. But they’ve always been good at pretending. Granted, he wasn’t ever really pretending. But he can try. Fake it till you make it.
He offers a small smile. “Yeah.” Is all he can really offer. Because he’s swayed back and forth between trying to remember what she means to him, and being slammed with an overwhelming sense of hatred. Its a been a while since anything close to that has hit him. But to say he’s missed Katniss doesn’t feel entirely right. Not when he’s still not sure how to feel about himself, let alone her. But he supposes being in front of her again…helps, in a way. Seeing her like this, bare to the world and vulnerable, helps his mind confirm that she is in fact not the monster he was brainwashed to believe. So maybe…maybe its something like relief.
She tugs at his sleeve again, wet fingers slipping up his arm to ghost over his bicep. She looks spacey, as if stuck in thought for a moment. He reaches to take her hand, squeezing gently.
And then grey eyes snap back to him. And she licks her lip.
“You’re dirty.” She whispers, reaching to wipe his cheek.
He glances down at his white t-shirt. And she’s right. He is dirty, from wiping his hands off on his shirt.
“And wet.” She adds on.
And he’s that too. Wet from washing her hair.
Her thumb brushes over his wrist. And she has a look on her face. And he’s not sure if he would have been able to read it a year or so ago, or if this is another one of those instances where she is an enigma. Because he’s never been able to read her well. Or…he thinks he hasn’t.
“You should…wash off.” She says. “You’re already wet.”
It takes a moment for his mind to wrap around that one. And then he’s bright red.
“You- you mean like- join you?”
She doesn’t give him any indication of yes or no. Just stares at the lip of the tub.
His heart picks up in his chest. And he decides, fuck it. He pulls off his shirt. Her eyes immediately flicker towards his chest.
“Yeah. Join me.” She whispers.
And he takes in a shaky breath. Oh.
She scoots forward in the tub to give him room to slide in behind her. And he knows he’s bright red.
He slips off his pants. Hesitates at his boxers.
“Katniss…you’re sure…”
“Just bathe with me. Please.” She pleads softly, like this is all the fight she has left in her.
She’s naked. He very well could be naked too.
“I…should I-“
“Do you usually take a bath in your underwear?” She asks exasperatedly, turning around to look up at him. Her eyes stray slightly. Which makes his cheeks burn.
She hums, and shifts in the tub, turning back around. He slips off his boxers. Tosses them on their pile of clothes. He takes a seat on the lip of the tub to take off his leg. And then he shifts to swing himself in behind her.
The water is warm as he sinks in. It feels really good. Katniss glances at him, and then she leans back against him. His breath catches at her touch. She pries one of his hands off the lip of the tub, where he hadn’t realized he was keeping a death grip. And she holds it, squeezing his knuckles as she lays against him, between his legs.
He’s certain he’s bright red. His pulse is racing, heart hammering in his chest. And he really hopes he doesn’t get too excited from this. Or at the very least, he hopes Katniss can’t tell.
This is far from what he was expecting today. In fact, today’s been a lot like a roller coaster of emotions. Up, down, sideways, and now this.
They sit in silence for a long moment of time. Katniss traces patterns across his wrist and up his palm, slowly melting into his chest. He closes his eyes, and wills his heart to please stop hammering in his chest. It doesn’t really work.
Katniss sniffles, and he shifts to look at her. He frowns when he sees tears running down her cheeks. And that gets his mind off the fact that they’re both naked and pressed together in a tub.
“Hey- what- what’s wrong?” He reaches to cup her cheek.
She swallows, shaking her head.
“I just- I miss my sister.” She whispers, and then suddenly a sob croaks out of her lips.
He hushes her, thumbs swiping her cheeks. She turns her face into his neck, and all he can do is wrap arms around her and squeeze. She hiccups as she cries, and he presses a kiss to her temple.
“I know, Katniss, I know.”
He doesn’t, really. He lost his family too. Didn’t really have time to grieve them. But he wasn’t as close with his brothers as Katniss was with her sister. His family kind of abandoned him after his first games. And he never really got past that. But Prim was always there for Katniss. And Katniss was always there for her. So he can’t really imagine what that’s like. But he’s sure it hurts. A lot.
He rubs his thumb against her ribs, squeezing her close. And she melts into him, sniffling as her cries soften. He whispers against her hair. Promises and assurances he knows he can’t keep, but he can’t stand to see her cry. And it works. Soon she’s just red eyed and exhausted. He presses a kiss to her forehead.
“Let’s finish getting you cleaned up, yeah?”
She nods.
He finds a washcloth sitting on a ledge within reach. He dunks it in the water, and wrings it out. He has her grab him the soap bar, which he lathers into the washcloth. Katniss closes her eyes as he gently runs the rag down her arms, scrubbing softly. He pushes her up to sit so he can get her back, across her shoulders and down her spine. He adds more soap. And then he scrubs under her arms, and down her sides. She leans back into him when he runs it across her collar bones. And then he pauses.
“You can touch me.” She breathes, softly. “I trust you.”
He takes a deep breath. He knows that means a lot, coming from Katniss. Or…somewhere in his mind he knows that’s meant to mean something.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to. It’s that he doesn’t think he should. This is a fragile moment. Neither of them are ready for anything like this. Not right now. Not when they’re both so damaged and still trying to heal.
“Peeta,” she says, “You’re thinking too much.”
And he supposes he is, thinking a lot. Sometimes he thinks it would be easier if just couldn’t think.
It doesn’t mean anything. This is just…them taking care of each other. And he’s happy with that. That’s really all he can handle right now. So this is okay.
His hand dips below the water to carefully clean her chest. Her head falls back on his shoulder, cheeks momentarily burning red. And he’s overcome with the desire to kiss her. She looks so gorgeous, leaned into him, blissful and vulnerable in a way she’s never been with him before. And maybe this is exactly what he needs.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, pausing his scrubbing of her tummy.
She blinks, grey eyes meeting his. Her gaze flickers down to his lips. And she nods.
So he does. Meets her lips. It’s an awkward angle. And he realizes the last time they kissed was down in the transfer, when she was trying to pull him out of a hijack episode.
“Stay with me”
When he pulls away the words leave his lips without his control.
“Is this real?”
She pauses, grey eyes searching his face. A hand comes up to cup his cheek, stroking his jaw.
“Yes, this is real.” She whispers.
Good. He needs this to be real. Really needs this moment to be real.
She kisses him again. Shorter, this time. But the meaning still stands. It still gives him butterflies, and he suddenly feels giddy.
She smiles softly at him as he scrubs down her hips to her thighs. And he decides that maybe he should stop there.
She hums.
“I think you should do the rest.”
She blinks slowly. And she sighs.
She takes the cloth from him. Instead he goes about rinsing the remaining conditioner from her hair as she cleans. And he can’t help himself as he peppers kisses to her shoulders. She relaxes back against him when she’s done.
“I don’t want to get out.” She whispers.
He snakes a hand around her stomach to hold her closer.
“Me neither.”
Silence. Warmth. His heart feels overwhelmingly full.
He laces his fingers with hers, smiling as he pulls her hand out of the water.
“Your fingers are pruning. I think that means it’s time to get out.”
She groans.
“We can cuddle in bed.” He says softly.
She huffs. “Fine.”
She pulls the drain, and he leans forward wither her to rest his chin on her shoulder. She curls up, and he curls around her, the air freezing in comparison to the warm water of the tub. With a little coaxing, he convinces her to turn on the shower head to rinse them off of suds. She helps him stand on one leg, and rinses him off. He holds onto her for balance.
She bundles up in a towel, and the digs through the cabinet for an extra. He takes a seat on the lip of the tub, catching the towel she throws his way. He swings his legs over to dry his nub and pull on his prosthetic, and then he stands to make his way to his bedroom. He pulls on fresh clothes. Something soft and comfy. He’s in the process of finishing pulling on sweats when hands snake around him. He jumps, spinning to yank away.
Just Katniss. Katniss is good. Katniss isn’t going to hurt you.
“I’m sorry-“ she starts.
He takes a deep breath. Counts in his head, like his therapist has been trying to get him to do. And then finally opens his eyes.
She looks scared, arms hugging around herself. He sighs, and steps forward to crush her in a hug.
“You can’t sneak up on me like that.” He whispers, “it triggers me.”
“I’m sorry-“
“It’s okay. I know.”
And he does, know. He mind feels the clearest it’s been in weeks. And he’s not sure why. But it’s probably something to do with her.
They sway in place as they hug, and he takes deep breaths to try and calm himself. Her hands are warm on his back.
“Help me brush my hair?” She whispers after a while.
He smiles. “Yeah. Will you keep it down? It’s pretty.”
She hums. “I’ll consider it.”
So they do. They gently brush out Katniss’s hair. Peeta regals her with the coping strategies he’s been working on since they last saw each other. Katniss fills him in on how things in district 12 have been. Which is, admittedly, not a lot.
They curl in on her bed, her head against his chest, fully melted into him. She starts to cry again, and he wipes her tears. And hugs her close. And let’s her cry. And he cries too.
Later he will find himself on the kitchen floor, bread rolls scattered around him, with Katniss in his lap. He’ll have blanked out while baking her cheese rolls. A hijack attack that he should have seen coming with how up and down this day has been. And Katniss will coax him out of it. She’ll tell him where he is. Assure him that it’s okay he dropped the rolls.
And he won’t believe her entirely. But he’ll want to trust her. So he will.
They’ll clean up, and move to the couch. Where they’ll cuddle, and Peeta will fully come back to reality. And he’ll be relieved that he’s finally here.
But for right now, Katniss is in his arms, warm and cozy and safe. And that’s exactly what he needs.
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Hi, idk if requests are allowed rn or if this one is gross to you (please ignore if it is-), but how do you think the SVE bachelors would treat their pregnant spouse during pregnancy? Also, how would they handle labor?
I recently answered a very similar question, only it was about Lance (well, also Isaac, though he's not a marriage candidate yet). So that leaves only Victor and Magnus! :D
(warning: pregnancy)
Victor will protect and watch over his wife like 24/7. He's actually always done that, but here it was even more so.
A hundred and one books about pregnancy from his library moved instantly into his hands. He must know what he can and cannot do, and how to help his wife in case her water breaks.
He will constantly ask his mom about how her pregnancy went.
Victor will get absolutely anything his wife wants (if it is not harmful to her health and the baby's, of course): you want strawberries, but it's out of season and you haven't had time to plant them in the greenhouse? He will get you a whole box of strawberries from the other side of the world. You don't want strawberries anymore, but blueberries or bananas? You got it. All the best!
Sometimes he asks his wife again if she really wants... chocolate-covered bacon? Pickles and ice cream? But in the end, he agrees to his wife's food whim.
A mini heart attack every time his spouse grabs her stomach. Victor, like at the starting line before a race, is ready to assist his wife and get her to Harvey's clinic.
If it's possible, he doesn't leave his wife's side for a second during labour.
Cries like a baby when he sees his newborn child. Lots of kisses and praise for his wife for being so strong and beautiful.
Magnus Rasmodius:
Very calm about it: no panic about his spouse's pregnancy.
The moment the labor begins, he just instantly teleports himself and his wife to Harvey. Naturally, he will be a little nervous, but for his wife's sake he tries to keep his composure.
Magic, by the way, has become a very convenient way to get any fruits or vegetables his wife wants (if it's not bad for her health, of course).
He still can't believe his happiness that he is now a loving spouse and a future happy father. After past failed romances, he never thought he could be truly happy again...
Can be a little paranoid about the safety of his wife and child at times, if he feels his ex-wife is trying to make more trouble in the Valley than usual (if she lays a finger on them, Magnus will simply destroy his ex, mark his words).
It's pretty awkward taking his pregnant wife out of an aerobics class that Caroline is leading and has arranged for Farmer to do special maternity exercises.... But for his wife's sake, anything.
Not a step away from the bed where Farmer lies with her baby.
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danisbrainrot · 3 months
Hi 🌲
I couldn't stop thinking about Johanna and reader getting married. I think Johanna would randomly propose (so random she may propose after a nap).
At the wedding I imagine it would just be reader, Johanna, and their pets.
In the book, each district seems to have a wedding tradition, so I think in District 7, they may plant a tree to symbolize their growing love. Since they use rope to help climb trees, maybe they could tie a knot in a rope, with each of them holding an end to symbolize their trust in one another and how their lives are now intertwined.
And the next time she sends a letter to Finnick, Katniss, or Haymitch, she'll just attach a picture of her and reader in their wedding gowns with a note saying, "l got married, by the way"
I would love if you could do some headcanons or a one-shot about it, but even so, I wanted to share it with you because I couldn't stop thinking about it
this is going to be a ramble, soz, but i'll definitely add it to my list for a one shot idea.
words can't describe how much i love this idea, thank you so much for sharing it with me! honestly, i agree with everything you said, because i love the idea of johanna and you having a really private and intimate wedding, and the thought of her just mailing everyone a photo of the ceremony as a kind of, "oh yeah, by the way, here's what happening in my life recently." but in reality, honestly, i think the two of you would have your own private ceremony and then like, a nice little gathering with the remaining victors (and finnick because, he's definitely raising his son in district four, i don't know what everyone else is talking about. mutts? what mutts?). i just love the idea of their being like a first dance or something, and johanna and reader are gazing into each other's eyes so lovingly, and everyone's swooning over them (well just peeta and annie, i can't really see the others swooning over them, tbh). but if you and johanna want to, you'll have a quiet ceremony for just the two of you. either way, she doesn't mind. as long as she has you.
also, for the wedding tradition, that's literally so creative??? give me your brain please, because you have come up with some of the best prompts i've ever received, and now you've given me another banging one. i think that johanna wouldn't really be into that kind of stuff, she's not a very traditional kind of girl, but you'd be super into it so of course she'd pretend to love the idea as well. the tying of the rope kind of reminds me of the greek wedding crowns, where they're joined by a ribbon i think (idk much about greek weddings, tbh, i've only seen my big fat greek wedding and i remember that scene.) i think that's such a cute wedding tradition, and secretly johanna would love it because she's terrified of losing you, that physically tying you to her makes her feel comforted. the rope symbolises a lot more than just a union, it symbolises a connection that the two of you will always have.
for the tree idea, i think it would be one of those traditions where johanna would find it extremely corny, but because you find it endearing she doesn't say a single thing. she's on her knees, getting dirt under her fingernails with you just so she could plant this tree with you. if you needed a physical symbol of your growing love, then she'd give it to you, because you'd offered her more than she could ever repay you for. safety, comfort, contentment. you were home to her, and she wanted to show you how much she loved and trusted you in whatever way possible.
i can see wedding dresses going either way, tbh. you both wear one, or johanna wears a suit while you wear a dress, or vice versa. hell, i could even see one where you both wear suits. i don't think they'd be white though. white would remind johanna of snow and torture, so i could imagine like a red for her—purely because it would match her hair. and then for you, like a deep rich green, for the forest and the trees. (omg, i just realised those are christmas colours, but honestly, i don't think panem even has christmas, so it's just a bit of fun for us).
honestly, the wedding is set in the backyard, among nature. that's the vibe for the whole ceremony—people there or not. it's got a rustic, woodsy atmosphere and the two of you love it because it is just so, intrinsically, home. bonus points if johanna's saved the pinecones and all the stuff katniss got her in mockingjay, and made a little display with it.
as for the proposal (probably should have started off with this, lol, oh well), if it was by you, you'd have gone all out (not in a public way, but more of a romantic dinner or date way) and planned it to a 't'—and while johanna appreciates the effort and love you put into it, she'd love a more intimate proposal. and what's more intimate than when lying in bed together, watching the drool spill from your mouth as you snore slightly and take up most of the bed? she'd shake you awake and propose to you there, realising that she wanted to see that sight every morning when she woke up.
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In chapter 23 of Catching Fire, Katniss says this when she looks at the other victors showcasing their district-inspired skills/talents:
Of course. Johanna Mason. District 7. Lumber. I bet she's been tossing around axes since she could toddle. It's like Finnick with his trident. Or Beetee with his wire. Rue with her knowledge of plants. I realize it's just another disadvantage the District 12 tributes have faced over the years. We don't go down in the mines until we're eighteen. It looks like most of the other tributes learn something about their trades early on. There are things you do in a mine that could come in handy in the Games. Wielding a pick. Blowing things up. Give you an edge. The way my hunting did. But we learn them too late.
It made me think of Gale. Of course, Katniss and Finnick realise they're all still playing the games in Mockingjay as the rebellion continues to fire up. And it's interesting that Gale does in fact end up playing in the games and using his skills he probably learned in the mines ("blowing things up") for causing irreparable damage to so many lives. When given the opportunity, "outside" of the games, he doesn't choose the path of empathy and kindness. He chooses destruction. And I think that's a big difference between him and Peeta/Katniss/even Finnick. And a big reason why Katniss cannot move past who she sees him become. At every opportunity, Gale is moved to vengeance and destruction, like his suggestions in district 2. Never mind love, but I think Mockingjay showed her the vast divide between them in their approach to the rebellion and human life, and their friendship was always doomed in a way.
When Gale finally got to take part in the games, he took part in it actively, and in a way that showed he put violence and vengeance above his humanity.
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peterjakes · 1 year
Katniss x Peeta - ‘you said I have to trust more freely’
It's been months since Katniss and Peeta found themselves back in District 12. As the district builds itself back up after the War, so do the victors, healing together. Something is missing however, something unspoken, something that has always been there. They just can't quite admit that.
I have missed these two so damn much recently. the hunger games resurgence is back and I'm so here for it. I've wanted to write something about Katniss and Peeta for a while but just never got around to doing it. I feel like this might be a series but not 100% sure. thank you as always for reading x
also posted on ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/44714848
It was midnight, or at least Katniss thought it was. The moonlight had managed to escape through the small gap of the curtains, finding its way up to Katniss. It hadn’t disturbed her; in fact, she was glad of it. Glad of the company. She was alone, like most nights. Her body still hadn’t gotten used to that. Those days spent in District 13, everyone packed in so tight, everyone together. Before that, she’d often fall asleep in Peeta’s arms, protected by that kind, warm shield. Before everything, before the War, the Quarter Quell, the first Games, Prim would often take up space, along with Buttercup watching the two of them closely.
But now it was just Katniss.
Peeta was just across the path, it couldn’t be more than 100 metres from Katniss’ front door. But it felt like eternity. She didn’t dare leave her home, didn’t dare disturb him. She couldn’t bring herself to do that. After everything. The two of them had both come home, they both found each other again. But Katniss didn’t know if they could let each other in. It wouldn’t be like before, of course, it wouldn’t. It couldn’t. But Katniss couldn’t deny she missed him, missed how things were. She wouldn’t admit certain things to herself, let alone Peeta. But the War was over, it was done, and Katniss had to live again. No matter how hard it would be. Katniss didn’t want to do that alone.
Knowing she couldn’t lie in the darkness any longer, Katniss forced herself out of her bed, brushing the bedclothes off her frail body and moved out of her bedroom. She found herself walking towards the front door but made a quick change at the last minute and followed the natural light in the kitchen. The blinds were not drawn, allowing a direct view of the house across the street. The baker’s boy, her once star-crossed lover, the Capitol mutt, so many names occupied that house and yet it was only one person she yearned to see. Peeta, her Peeta. Peeta who had burnt the bread on purpose to feed a starving girl. Peeta announced to the world his love for a girl who paid him no attention. Peeta who joined the Career pack for Katniss. Peeta, who begged Haymitch to save Katniss when the Quarter Quell was announced. Peeta, who agreed to no allies, just the two. Peeta, who didn’t care for his own wellbeing, only Katniss. Peeta, who suffered and endured so much at the hands at the Capitol. Peeta, who had lost himself entirely. Peeta who had come back home, for many things and for Katniss.
Katniss was angry with herself. Angry for letting it get this far. It had been months since they’d arrived back home. Months, and yet it was as if it was only yesterday that she found Peeta planting those Primrose flower he’d found. It wasn’t as if things hadn’t changed because they had. The three of them – Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch, had learned to heal together. But that didn’t mean it was like before, it could never be like that again. Katniss had understood that, and she was sure Peeta too. He’d kept his distance, almost like the time after their first games and Katniss hadn’t wanted that. She didn’t like it.
It wasn’t as if the two of them were ignoring each other completely. There would be times when the three of them, Haymitch included, would spend those long, dark evenings together trying to fill the void. Panem was moving on. The Games were over and of course every single detail had to be televised. Katniss had seen far enough of the Capitol, but it wasn’t just there. Buildings were being rebuilt, houses, hospitals, memorials – all in the districts. Katniss wondered when it would be District 12’s turn. She’d have to make a mental note to avoid the town. It was unlikely that they would want Coin’s killer around for the show.
And those evenings, those times spent together, the three victors, weren’t as bad Katniss had imagined. It could get lonely in that big house, and she missed their company. Katniss would make sure to hunt during the day, wanting to do something with her time and not wait about all day. Peeta, Katniss assumed, spent time trying to remember. He’d sometimes paint, maybe bake, read. Haymitch would always smell like a brewery, so it was obvious what he was doing with his day.
But things were different. It wasn’t icy, but there was a definite barrier between the two. Katniss had to admit she hadn’t made the best effort to overcome that. But how could she? What would she say to him?
Knowing there was no point trying to get some sleep, Katniss decided to do what she did best – hunt. It was still relatively dark outside, but that didn’t matter. The morning light would appear soon, making it easier and clearer for Katniss. She couldn’t stay cooped up in her home, all alone with her thoughts and her nightmares. She found her bow hidden in a corner in her bedroom; it was well-used but still good. Her hunting boots were hanging by her bed, only being washed a few days ago. She had spent so much of her time out hunting these days, trying to ignore the inevitable. The days were long, the nights were longer, and Katniss needed something to occupy her time. Peeta had his baking, his painting or at least he had. Katniss knew he was learning again, trying to learn, trying to remember. Haymitch had his drink, though it seemed a little less often than before. Perhaps the ‘prohibition’, as he once called it, in District 13 had worked.
But for Katniss, she needed to hunt, to keep busy, to have a purpose. She’d hunt a few rabbits, maybe a squirrel, like she used to. She’d still go down to the market but not to sell the animals, but to feel some kind of familiarity. District 12 had started to build itself back up. Some who had survived and were taken to 13 had come home, others stayed. The population was few, but it was enough.
Changing into her hunting clothes in front of the long mirror, Katniss noticed how thin she looked. She was always thin, always skinny. That’s what spending 16 long years growing up in the Seam did to you. But becoming a victor, she’d changed. But now? Well, her fingers were bony and slender, her thighs barely touched, her jacket almost engulfed her. If her mother was here… But she wasn’t. It was just her, alone in the big house. Her mother and Prim’s room had stayed untouched. Katniss hadn’t dared to enter them, not wanting to accept that it was just her now. The house itself was almost the same; Katniss hadn’t many possessions left to bring. The photo of her father, Peeta’s pearl, her Mockingjay pin, Peeta’s medallion.
By the time Katniss left the house and hopped down the stairs, the moonlight had disappeared, allowing room for the looming sun. Good, she thought. She knew Haymitch wouldn’t want her to go walking into the darkness and she didn’t exactly want to. She knew Haymitch didn’t like her hunting, not as often as she did. But how else would she occupy her time? What else would she do?
Katniss hadn’t expected to see anyone on her way back. The sun was barely rising, and the Victor’s
Village felt so far away from the rest of 12. But as she walked through the fallen gate, there it was, that familiar figure. Peeta had stepped out of his own home, wrapped up warm in his trench coat and scarf.
He was carrying something in his hand and was making his way towards the house across the path.
Peeta had almost made it up the steps when he noticed a shadow behind him.
“Peeta,” Katniss gasped out his name, as if she wanted to reach out to him but didn’t dare.
“Katniss,” Turning around the see Katniss watching him from below, Peeta moved down a few steps, so he was level with her. “I, er, came to see you.”
“To give you this.” Peeta shrugged as if his gift was hardly worth leaving the house for. But Katniss didn’t feel that, not one bit. Slowly passing over the small gift, Peeta’s fingers lingered against Katniss’ for a moment before retracting them, carefully watching, and waiting for Katniss’ reaction.
It was warm and you couldn’t deny that smell, God, it smelt good. Katniss knew exactly what this was even before unwrapping the paper. “You’ve been baking again?”
“Yeah,” Peeta nodded, his eyebrows were furrowed as if he was thinking. “Or trying.” Laughing awkwardly, Peeta, moved his hands into his coat pocket. “I can’t quite…”
“I understand.” Katniss started to nod. “I’m sure-“
“Try it, and let me know, OK Katniss?” This seemed a little abrupt, maybe not intentional but Katniss couldn’t help but feel like Peeta was trying to get away.
“Of course,” Peeta moved to leave before Katniss managed his name again and stopped him. “Peeta?”
“Yeah?” Peeta turned around, looking expectantly. And there it was. It was as if she was back on the
train. The train that seemed to lead nowhere. That look, why did he have to give her that look? Her
heart felt stiff, it felt like it could break at any moment. It was as if it was Peeta, her Peeta staring back at her.
“Join me? Later. I have dinner.” Katniss motioned towards the animals she was holding in her hand. It would be nice, she thought. Just the two of them. Maybe she would be able to fill that gap that was keeping them apart, move the barrier. Katniss just wanted to talk to Peeta, to spend time with him. It was lonely, too lonely. She could feel herself falling and there was no one around to catch her.
Peeta smiled at Katniss, it was one of those little smiles he would often give her. “OK, OK Katniss.” Katniss could sense Peeta was thinking about something, just for a slight moment. Was it a memory?
“What is it?”
“The squirrels. My father bought them sometimes. Real or not real?”
“Real.” Katniss nodded, but turned quickly towards the steps, not wanting Peeta to catch her faltering. It’s like a game, every time. Peeta would have a memory, something would trigger it. It could be something small like the smell of bread or something big like Katniss’ repeating something Peeta had once said to her. More often than not, Katniss would answer ‘Real’. It was as if what the Capitol had done to Peeta, what they had made him believe, was slowly disappearing. That the old Peeta was growing stronger. But then there would be a memory, something horrible, something harsh. Katniss knew Peeta still had nightmares, just as she did. But the two were too far to comfort each other, even if that was exactly what she wanted.
Recently, her nightmares were filled with Gale. It would start with him, start with the bombs, with that explosion. But then he’d disappear. She’d search for him in the woods, but he wouldn’t be there. She would go around and around in circles, until the voices appeared. They would be loud, they would be screeching, she couldn’t get away. That was until she would feel those arms around her, that soft touch. The one thing that could always bring her back, comfort, protect her. It was Peeta.
Katniss hadn’t thought of Gale often, she didn’t want to. That last day, when she said goodbye, she knew it was for good. She had accepted that; she’d wanted that. She didn’t want to see Gale again and she knew she wouldn’t. That part of her life was gone. She didn’t need his fire or his rage. She had enough fire for himself. What she needed was calm, kindness, the dandelion in the spring. But he seemed so far away, untouchable. Katniss often wondered what Peeta had thought. Before the rebels won. Peeta had understood, he knew how Gale felt about Katniss. How she felt about him. But Katniss didn’t feel like that, not anymore. She wondered how Peeta felt about her. Whether some of those memories had some effect on him. She knew she couldn’t ask and didn’t want to. But it made her think. Sometimes Katniss thinking like that wasn’t necessarily a good idea.
Later that evening, the two sat in silence for the best part of the meal. It was nice, just enjoying each other’s company. The conversation was polite, nothing too deep. They spoke about their days, what was happening in District 12 and the rest of Panem. It seemed there was an unspoken agreement to not mention anything else, anything that had happened a few months before.
Katniss spoke of her time in the woods, in the Meadow. How quiet it seemed now, how peaceful. She knew she could delve further than she had in the past but didn’t want to admit that to Peeta. She didn’t want to worry him and turn the conversation into something else. Peeta asked about what she’d shoot, what she’d hunt, her favourite time to go. It seemed like he was making light conversation, but Katniss didn’t mind.
Peeta wanted to bake something new next. He’d tried the simple loaves, like the ones Katniss would often trade for the squirrels or simple game with Peeta’s father. The cheese buns would be next, which brought a smile to Katniss’ face. Peeta mentioned how they were her favourite, without the need of reassurance that this was a real memory. He wasn’t sure when he’d be able to get the right ingredients but wanted to try. Katniss asked about whether he’d make something more elaborate, something that needed to be decorated. Peeta didn’t want to get too ahead of himself but promised to try eventually.
Like most of the district’s, 12 was building itself up once again. More people had come home, though the population was far from the 10,000 it had before the bombs. The town was hit the most, but most of the rubble had been cleared. There were plans of rebuilding some houses, but other buildings too. Katniss wasn’t that interested in any of that, she would spend most days hunting out in the Meadow. Only sometimes would she walk through the market but couldn’t stay for too long. The memories. They were always there.
Peeta seemed quite enthusiastic about it, however, so she played along. Asking questions and wondering aloud about the plans.
Peeta had also received a letter recently from Annie. Katniss understood why she’d written to Peeta and not her. She hadn’t a lot to do with Annie during the War and even afterwards, it wasn’t as if they spent a lot of time together. Katniss was far closer to Finnick that she ever was to Annie. But Peeta… Johanna once said she and Peeta were neighbours in the Capitol. Katniss imagined Annie’s cell wasn’t too far along. They had something shared that Katniss would never understand.
The letter contain some general stuff, Finnick’s son was growing up so fast now. She’d sent another photo along with the letter which Katniss thought should have been nice, but it just caused an immense wave of sadness. The child had Finnick’s eyes. His cheeks were far less squishy now. He was definitely growing.
As her and Peeta mused over the letter and photograph, Katniss thoughts drifted to their ‘baby’. It was only ever a ruse, an attempt to cancel the Quarter Quell. Not that it worked, not that it was ever going to work. But what Katniss wanted, what she tried to achieve. She just wanted a world that would be safe, for Peeta and his child.
The Games were over. That meant any child would never have to suffer the pain, the horror, the guilt that came with the Games. One thing Katniss noticed about District 12 now was how little children she saw. She knew what happened to most of them. She knew what happened to many of the Capitol’s child. It was almost too raw to think about.
Peeta had somehow acquired a yellow sauce and decided to drizzle it all over his food. Katniss clearly couldn’t hide her disgust. All that hard work and it had been reduced to yellow messiness. Noticing Katniss’ expression, Peeta placed the pot of sauce in the middle of the table and motioned towards his place.
“You have to trust me, Katniss. This,” Peeta pointed towards his plate, a mischievous smile appeared on his face as he did. “This is good.”
Katniss shook her head, and a small smile forced itself out and started to creep along her face. How did Peeta manage to do that to her? The scowl had gone. She didn’t want to scowl at him, not ever. “I don’t believe you.”
“Suit yourself.” Peeta shrugged, focusing his attention back on his plate. “This is great though, thank you.”
“Thank you. You made the bread.” And it was delicious. Katniss had forgotten how good the Mellark bakes had been. “Have you baked much else?”
“Bits and pieces.”
“And you didn’t let me try?”
“Well, this is the first that’s been good and properly good.”
“Such a perfectionist.”
Peeta smiled and a small chuckle escaped his mouth. He finished his last bite of the loaf before speaking again. “My mother was. Real or not real?”
“Real, I think. I’m not completely sure. From what you said…I guess so.”
“I remember one time; my father was at the market with my brothers. It was just me and mother.
She…she was angry about something. The way I was kneading the dough. Said I wasn’t strong enough. She was right; the whole batch came out wrong and we had to eat it for the next three days. I was always doing things wrong, especially in the beginning.”
Katniss hadn’t heard this one before. During their first games, the two spoke about their childhood. A lot of it was for the cameras, but not all. Then those long nights on the train when the two would find each other to protect from the nightmares. If they couldn’t sleep, they would talk.
It was at 13, when Delly and even Prim would try to help Peeta remember. Childhood memories, memories of his home, of the bakery, of school and then of Katniss. But this one never appeared.
“And then there was that time with you. When I burnt it on purpose. For you.” Another memory. A special one, at least to Katniss. It had a different feeling now, though. That Peeta, the one who burnt the expensive bread on purpose, the one who took a beating from his mother, he gave a starving Katniss the bread, he was gone.
Katniss could feel herself getting teary, and this time she was too tired to stop it. She would have to let Peeta see this. See these feelings.
“Katniss…I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Don’t…don’t apologise.”
Leaning back in his seat, Peeta sighed, furrowing his eyebrows. Katniss couldn’t gauge when he was thinking, let alone what he was feeling. How could she have experience so much with someone and feel like she didn’t know anything about them? She felt almost useless in that moment.
“How did we get so messed up?” There was something different about Peeta’s voice. A sense of resentment, but also laughter. It was as if he didn’t laugh, he’d end up crying. Katniss hadn’t seen Peeta cry since the end of the War, and that wasn’t something Katniss wanted to see. And yet here she was, allowing herself to cry in front of Peeta.
But it was like she thought, things had changed. Maybe she could be vulnerable than she had before. It was always a little different with Peeta. There had been so much acting, and yet sometimes it felt as if Peeta was the only person Katniss could be her true self with. It was true that in a way they’d grown closer, along with Haymitch. But before today, Katniss had the feeling that they were growing apart, almost to the brink of no return. But she was wrong. There was still something there, there had to be. It was just something different.
“Will you, will you stay here, tonight?” Katniss moved her plate away as she spoke, as if she didn’t want Peeta to hear her request. “Just…nice to have company.” She knew she couldn’t look in his eyes, couldn’t see that sadness. Instead, Katniss decided to watch Peeta’s hands. Those hands that created such beauty, those hands that were so delicate, those hands that were so kind.
“I’m sorry, Katniss.” Peeta kept his eyes locked with Katniss’, the sadness in his eyes was still there. But it was more subtle this time.
“I should have realised…after everything. It gets pretty lonely, doesn’t it?”
“I’ll stay, of course I’ll stay.” Peeta’s arm moved across the table and his hand finds Katniss’. They touched for a moment, before they interlocked with each other. Katniss didn’t want Peeta to let go.
There was something unspoken between them, Katniss could feel it. Soon after, the plates were washed up, the table was cleared and the two of them made way for bed. It was as if Peeta knew, he made sure to not touch Prim’s bedroom door, finding solace in the sofa planted in the middle of the room. Katniss knew it was stupid to think for one-minute Peeta would follow her into her bedroom, even though she longed for it. They said their goodnights, polite and distant once again and then Katniss was alone, as she always seemed to be.
That night, the nightmares came to visit Katniss once again. It seemed that she had only closed her eyes for a minute when her face appeared in the darkness. It was only for a moment, and then she was gone. This happened almost every night. It was as if she herself couldn’t bear to stay a moment longer. The last thing Katniss saw of her sister was her lips mouthing her name. And then poof.
The next image is one she expected. Gale visits her in the darkness, his words were all jumbled and messy. And then he left.
Peeta was the last face she saw. Not the Peeta lying on the couch, but the Peeta that she remembered from the first games. the innocent, kind Peeta. but he soon disappeared, being replaced with the Peeta Katniss met after so long apart in 13, the Peeta who attacked her.
But then it’s all gone. Katniss lay awake in her bed. She was being woken up by that kind, familiar face. Peeta, clearing hearing the screams like he has so many times in the past, had come to her. To save her.
“Katniss! Katniss!” Peeta was knelt down between the bed and the bedside table. His left hand was rubbing Katniss’ shoulder, trying to soothe her. That concerned look he often wore had appeared as his eyes searched for something to reassure him. “Hey, hey…It’s OK. It’s me, It’s me.” His hand moved away from Katniss’ shoulder to his cheek, allowing his fingers to slowly caress the redness in her cheeks away.
“Peeta, Peeta, I’m sorry. I’m so-“ Realisng where she is, where she truly is, Katniss focused her eyes onto Peeta who was right beside her, his breath almost touched her nose. That warmth, she didn’t want to let go of it.
“Hey, it’s OK. I’m here.”
Katniss’ breathing was still fast and harsh. Peeta had now moved on to the bed as Katniss shifted over. His arms found a way around Katniss and the firm grip of his fingers forced their way onto Katniss’ shoulder. Feeling more at peace, Katniss burrowed her head into his chest, listening to calmness of his heartbeat. It brought her back to reality, back to her room, back to her bed where Peeta is lying beside her.
“That was bad one, huh?” Peeta whispered this, as if he didn’t want to stir Katniss. The softness of his voices reached Katniss’ ears and it calmed her. He always knew how to do that. “It’s OK, it’s not real. It never is.” Katniss had forgotten what it felt like to hear Peeta’s reassurance. He’d so often give it, especially during those hard nights before things changed. But the past few months, it was as if he wasn’t quite able to, as if he’d forgotten. Peeta had to relearn and re-remember so much. Katniss had tried to reassure him, tried to help but she never seemed to quite manage it the way Peeta did. He was too good.
“I know, I know.” Katniss barely managed to speak this, she sounded muffled, with her lips touching the fabric of Peeta’s shirt. Peeta doesn’t need her to repeat this, he can hear perfectly. Moving closer, Peeta allowed his firm grip to loosen a little, but kept his arms tightly wrapped around Katniss’ body, not wanting to let go. He could clearly sense the stillness in Katniss but made sure to stroke the top of her forehead. Katniss remembered this so clearly from before, something Peeta would do whenever she had a nightmare. He clearly remembered too, knowing it works.
“Peeta.” Katniss spoke louder this time, wanting to be head. Her head moved closer towards Peeta’s, finding his eyes in the darkness.
“You’ll stay? Just tonight, for a little bit.”
“Always.” There’s no hesitation in his voice, just certainty. Peeta had no intention of leaving Katniss alone that night, none. Sliding his head down to the pillow, Peeta moved closer to Katniss, the closest he could get. The two lay like that until Katniss drifted off to sleep, knowing she was safe in Peeta’s arms.
Katniss awoke that morning to find herself alone. She could still feel the indent of where Peeta’s body lay in the night. She wondered how long he had stayed there. But this wasn’t a good thought. Of course, Peeta had stayed the whole night until he’d woken up himself. She’d imagined the couch had no company that night.
Finding the strength to move, Katniss pushed herself out of her bed and made her way to the kitchen. She could smell…something. Not food, but something. Peeta had his back to her, clearly focusing on something in the kitchen. Katniss didn’t want to rush in and interrupt him. She watched as Peeta’s arms moved across each other. It was a rare sight to see Peeta alone, really alone. She didn’t want the moment to end. But clearly Peeta could sense he was being watched and turned to find Katniss standing by the edge of the kitchen table.
“Morning.” Peeta nodded, a sullen expression appeared on his face as he passed a warm mug to Katniss. “For you.”
“Thank you. Did you get back to sleep?” Katniss already knew the answer to the question before it even escaped her lips. Peeta hadn’t slept after Katniss drifted off. In the past, during those long, dark nights on the train, both Katniss and Peeta would find solace in each other’s arms and would find some peace in their sleep together. The best night sleep that Katniss had were always with Peeta, when she knew he was there, ready to catch her. She wondered if it was the same for him. It had to be. But maybe not now. The Capitol, Snow, everything had taken that away.
“Er, no, I didn’t. But it’s fine, I don’t sleep most nights. Better than the nightmares.” Katniss could tell. The dark circles under Peeta’s eyes were more vivid that morning and something felt different. Was he angry? Was he upset? Katniss couldn’t tell. She felt sad, sad that the peace they had the evening before had seemed to have vanished. And she didn’t know why.
“Yeah.” Understanding completely, Katniss moved to sit down next to where Peeta was still standing. She watched him as he followed her lead, taking the seat opposite her. She took a sip of the tea; it was warm, soothing. Just like Peeta. Peeta watched her for a while, ignoring his drink completely. The steam rose up and above him as the morning lights reflected from the kitchen window. Sitting there, on a quiet morning, with Peeta sat just across her, Katniss wished she could just freeze time. It would make things a lot easier.
After a while, Peeta spoke, which almost made Katniss jump. She was lost in a trance of her own thoughts. “Katniss, I think…I think we need to be honest with each other.”
“What do you mean?” Katniss questioned the boy sitting across from her. Peeta’s expression had changed since the two sat down together. It softened slightly, that almost sulky look had disappeared now. It wasn’t exactly concern, but there was a seriousness to him. It was as if what he was about to say is the reason why he seemed different that morning.
“I think, you know…Things…things aren’t going to be like before. But... we’re here, it’s over.” Over. Will it ever really be over? The War has ended, the Games are no more. Katniss, Peeta; they both came home. This is supposed to be the time for, what was it that Dr Aurelius said, ‘healing’? How could Katniss ever heal? How could she ever forget?
Katniss knows what Peeta is trying to say, she understood what he wanted. After everything that he went through, after everything that happened, he wanted it to be done, wanted it to be over. It was the only way he could ever live a life, a decent life. Katniss wanted that for him, she truly did. But wondered if he’ll ever get it. “We have to move on.”
“We do.” Nodding along, Peeta gave Katniss a small smile and his hand found hers once again. This time, it was Katniss who moves closer, allowing her fingers to stroke along Peeta’s knuckles. She doesn’t want to stop, but eventually placed her hand into Peeta’s, feeling that warmth once again. The hunger wasn’t quite there, it wasn’t ready, but Katniss could feel it growing, blooming. It was almost ready to pounce. Almost.
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meetinginsamarra · 1 year
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sorted by word count/series
Mutual Attraction 94k , pre ASiP, different first meetings, casefic, pining
The day when a homeless drug addict and a suicidal ex-soldier met was the beginning of something until then unheard-of: Mutual Attraction. Of course, not all was what it looked like in the first place but the days of boredom, loneliness and lack of purpose were history. A case had to be solved, lives had to be saved and a developing relationship had to be tackled.
Here I Am -series, the pornwithoutplot which evolved into pornwithplot with feels and whump
The Toe that didn´t belong 6.9k, Part One
Every time John thought back to the occasion the funny thing was that the first thing he had noticed to be out of place had been a…toe.
The Embers still glow when I´m sober 14,5k, Part Two
When Sherlock woke up the morning after he actually felt good. Which was completely unexpected. Although he was sort of anxious about John´s reaction when he would notice that the punk who did not belong in his bed and who had coaxed him into having shameless sex last night was still there.
Gravity is missing from everything 23.5k, Part Three
People bumped into him, cussing and throwing death glares. Blocking their way, Sherlock stood frozen in a throng of commuters. “Are you high?” one shouted into his vacant face. Funnily enough he actually was not. This was all John´s fault. Inflicting a date on him. To have dinner.
Learn My Scars, 38k, written for whumptober 2022, Serbia and the aftermath
After being thrown down and strangled, Sherlock leaves John in the restaurant, angry and deeply hurt. When John follows Sherlock to 221b, he learns that Sherlock’s scars have not been acquired by “gallivanting around” for two years.
The 13th Book 26.5k,  a magical realism AU with demon Sherlock
Summoning a demon was actually quite simple if you could avoid getting killed in the process. Therefore, only the powerful, the desperate or the stupid would attempt it. John Watson was likely the first, definitely the second but hopefully not one of the third kind.
Sherlock’s Secret Laboratory Journal 6k, my outlet for writing cracky hilarious Sherlock, will become a series with adding a chapter for each new experiment
What does a helplessly pining but absolutely clueless Sherlock do in order to woo an oblivious John? He turns to the internet for advice on the art of seduction and notes the experiments in his secret laboratory journal.
Oyster and Mushroom Soup 9k, Sherlock’s latest attempt at seduction, Part 2 of the Secret Lab Journal series
Sherlock's second try to win over John involves a lot of special cooking recipes.
Wretched and Divine – series punklock and doctor John
Wretched and Divine 5.1k, Part One
Dr. John Watson is on call at the A&E when he attempts to treat a very special patient. Instead he finds himself a very special treat.
The Aftermath is Secondary 19.5k, Part Two
Will John and Sherlock really go on the agreed date in the infamous punkrock club “The Misfit”? Will their sexual tension finally be resolved? Is it really going to be dangerous? And will Sherlock really wear the promised fishnet top? (Oh God, yessss!)
Winning a lost bet 8.2k, pole-dancing at the XMas party
A lost bet makes Sherlock and John perform a pole-dance in costumes at the Yard´s Christmas party. It was supposed to be humiliating but instead the couple nailed it.
Until the final breath escapes 1.9k, spooky Halloween fic
In a world turned hostile they hold onto their love until the final breath escapes.
First-Hand Experience 0.9k, for Sherlock Challenge “Move”
Sherlock stood awkwardly in front of John, looking down at it and suddenly asking himself if this had actually been such a good idea.
221Plants 0.8k, for Sherlock Challenge “Plant”
Why is there a jungle on the coffee table in 221b?
Flag 0.8k, for Sherlock Challenge “Flag”
Sitting by the well after John´s rescue, Sherlock remembers his friend Victor.
Nail  0.2k, for Sherlock Challenge “Nail”
Sherlock´s thoughts before he falls
Mark 0.1k  drabble for wednesday 100 writing challenge
Sherlock is the hundredth day away from John
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fireheartwraith · 2 years
I just got Goncharov brainrot and !!! I need to talk about how it kind of reminds me of Macbeth (though it’s been a while since a read it) and how some people miss the Point, so let's break the movie down
We all know that Katya was from a powerful Russian family but, because misogyny, felt like her potential was being stunned. She eventually fell in love with Goncharov since he was the only one who listened to her ideas. Of course, a case can be made that they were never actually in love but simply using each other to achieve their own goals.
Since we only see their beginning through flashbacks though, I propose that both interpretations are true: high on the possibility of finally having what they wanted, they made themselves think they were in love with each other when in truth they were in love with the idea of having power. I even have evidence! The first time we see them meeting at the party, the roses are pink, but the second time they are paler and beginning to wilt. Very obvious allusion to the rose colored glasses falling. Also note that the rain became a storm
Them going to Naples to evade the Russian government was Katya's brother was her idea, not his. She first mentions vacationing in Italy as a child at breakfast right after they were discussing how to cement their influence, and then server him wine from Naples at dinner. This was a deliberate choice on her part, otherwise they wouldn't have shown her picking it, it would have just skipped to the dinner scene with goncharav and her Valery. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a 'Katya is the true protagonist' truther, but oh well. This is also foreshadowing how Katya kills her brother later on by poisoning his wine. Very Medea of her.
Once they get to Naples we can see Katya talking her husband into their most risky plans, but eventually we see Sofia planting seeds into Katya's head that eventually leads Goncharov to order Andrey to kill the son of their rival family, the Rossi, which sparks a war between their families. Rossi also plays into the red theme, both Katya and Goncharov get more and more surrounded by the color as the movie goes on.
Remember how Katya leans into Sofia and then says she smells like lilies? The next time they talk about perfume, Sofia says she likes jasmines, so why did she smell like lilies? Well, if look through the window of the Rossi family's house when Valery goes there, you can see they have a lily garden, and we know Sofia was in debt to someone powerful, likely the Rossi family. She made the Goncharovs take out the people after her and many of y'all didn’t even notice!! If we consider the strings being pulled like the ultimate wand from harry potter, one could say that from this point onwards Sofia is the one controlling it, not Katya or Gorbachev. But Sofia herself is being controlled by her debt, so she's also caught in the strings
Ice Pick Joe cornered Katya about her sabotaging her husband because she wanted the competition to take him off so she could take over the business and unfortunately Goncharov overheard their conversation. And obviously there's a clock behind him when he leaves.
We see Katya and him getting further and further apart after this, Katya going to Sofia and him to Andrey, which takes a toll on their operations since they are not in sinc anymore. Mario then reveals to the Rossi Boss (who may be a stand in for destiny since he is the only unnamed main character and the clocks are always static when he's around, showing he will never 'run out of time' like the rest of the cast) that Andrey was the one to kill his son, resulting in his falloff with Gorbachev. Then Ice Pick Joe makes good on his promise to always side with the victors and kills Andrey to get into the rival's side.
This is the final straw for Goncharov, that absolutely spirals after his "best friend's" death, much like Dom Casmurro. Though in the book he also thought that Capitu had cheated on him with said best friend and here Goncharov just thinks his wife betrayed him and killed his bff. But still, he's crazy now so we finally get to the climax!!
He locks Katya, him, and IPJ in the boathouse and then sets fire to the place, paralleling him and Katya ser fire to her family home to buy them time to get out of Russia. IPJ and Katya manage to kill Goncharov, and then Joe tries to kill Katya but runs because the building is starting to collapse. Despite her injuries Katya also manages to flee, and we get to the bridge, aka my favorite scene
So, Sofia meets Katya in the middle of the bridge, and it looks like she was waiting for her. We can still see the smoke in the air and the fire from the boathouse reflecting in the water. And then Sofia points a gun at Katya. She is too hurt to run and IPJ took her pistol, so she tries to talk to Sofia, who kisses her cheek like Judas and says "oh, love. If only freedom wasn't power" and shoots her in the heart. These are the last words we hear in the movie. I've seen some discourse on why she says that instead of "if only power wasn't freedom", which would make more sense considering that both she and Katya talked about wanting freedom, but I think that's because both of them wanted power more than they wanted freedom. She could have just sold them out, but she went the extra mile to get in with the Rossi
Katya's body then falls in the water as the bells ring midnight, meaning it's a new day. We look back at Sofia and we see the hand of the Boss on her shoulder (look at the ring), proving that she killed Katya to get in with them. We can see the fire reflecting in her eyes and she would look impassive if it wasn't for that single tear. The clock is still chiming, so I think the tear isn't for Katya but for herself, since now she is also running out of time.
The movie ends with Sofia, Mario, and Ice Pick Joe being the only ones from the Gorbachev mafia clan to survive, and only because of their betrayal. Some people complain about this "message" but they are dumb and miss the point of the movie, which is that the persuit of power can only end in death because those that seek it will never be satisfied with how much they have. Hence all the clocks. They were doomed from the moment they went down this path. Like Macbeth. And now it's Sofia turn.
So yeah. It may be a mafia movie, but that’s just the setting. It was never about that.
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tsumuuu · 1 year
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𝒞𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝓇𝑜𝓁𝓁 - 𝒜𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓊 𝑀𝒾𝓎𝒶
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hey guys!! sorry for not updating in a while, I was in a pretty bad mental state and I needed to get that out so I wrote a fanfic about something I needed to vent about! I will get back to doing requests soon!
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word count: 2.0k
notes: gaslighting, manipulation, and a tiny bit of violence near the end. Vent fic!
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You loved him, you really did. You would do anything for him, but here he is standing here, admitting to cheating on you, telling you that you meant nothing to him. You were just another  fuck-buddy to him. Just another girl in his life whos coming and going, like a leaf blowing in the wind; he’s leaving your life.
You’re currently on your hands and knees, while he’s standing straight. They victor and the loser.
“You’re too naive (y/n)” Atsumu looks at you with an emotionless gaze, it’s not like he gave a shit about you anymore. Your feelings dont matter.
love, what is love really?
It’s a cold winter day, you and Atsumu are sitting in his house drinking hot chocolate and looking out the window. It’s snowing outside, like a canvas painted white. The house is dead silent, it’s just you and him in the house, nobody else is home, not even his gray-haired twin.
“Hey ‘Tsumu?” you let out while looking out the window, to a view of pure white. 
“Yes, darlin’? He replies back almost instantly to you.
“Let’s go make snow angels!” you say excitingly to the love of your life. You turn you head toward him showing him you’re huge smile.
He looks at you with those beautiful brown eyes of his. The ones that you fell in love with, the ones you could stare at for hours without looking away.
“Of course darlin’, lets’s go outside and make some snow angels!” he smiles back to you and he puts his hand out in front of you, for you to grab.
You grab his hand, his hand is so much bigger than yours. They’re incredibly plush as well. You’d expect them to be beat up because he is a volleyboy player after all.
As you make it to the front door and put on your coat in boots you look at the love of your life, he’s yours and you are his. 
Next, thing you know is that you’re out the front door and on the snow with your lover making snow angels on the freshly planted snow.
“You’re my cinnamon roll ‘Tsumu.” you blurt out as you’re on the ground looking up at white sky.
“A cinnamon roll? Why’s that darlin’?” he adds on to your statement as he as well in on the ground lookup up at the white sky.
You think of why you would call him a cinnamon roll. Is it his warm hugs, or cinnamon like smell? Maybe even both.
“Because you smell and are warm like a  freshly baked cinnamon roll!” you say as you let big smile.
“Well then yer ma blueberry!” The love of your life says back to you as he also looks up at the pure white sky.
As he called you a “blueberry” you sit up off the plush snow, and look at him. He’s still sprawled on the ground, arms and legs spread. 
“Your blueberry? Why specifically a blueberry?” you questioned the blonde setter who is still looking up at the white sky.
“Because you’re sweet…” he says as get gets up off the ground, “sweet like a blueberry!” he then proceeds to tackle hug you to the ground on the plush snow, while planting many kisses on you.
You let out a squeal at the amount of affection your lover was giving you.
His blueberry, you didn’t mind it.
“Did I truly mean nothing to you ‘Tsumu? Was i just some game to you? Someone to dump all your problems and feeling on and leave to rot?” you scream back at him, he did mean the world to you, he was your everything. After all, he always told you how much meant to him, and that he would be nothing without you.
problems, everyone has those… 
It was a winter afternoon, you and Atsumu were currently in a fight over the way you were treating him. Every single fight you two got in, you were the one at fault. It only worsened your mental health.
“(y/n) you don’t give a shit about me!” he yells at you.
But you do. You do care about him. He’s all you you think about day and night. 
“I do ‘Tsumu, i really do!” he yell back at you beloved boyfriend.
He when just stares at you with no emotion, he does this every time you fight with him. 
“Maybe if you would just change yourself for the better, none of thie would of happened.” Atsumu tell you as he’s walking away from the situation as if he didn't want to deal with you anymore
“‘Tsumu wait.” you say as you attempt to go after him.
“I currently don’t want to be around someone who is flawed. Just leave me alone (Y/n).” tell sternly tell you. As he walks away faster.
Your heart breaks at the statement Atsumu just made. There are flaws in every human, some more than others. 
Maybe you we’re the best at communicating your feelings but, you still undoubtedly loved him with all your heart.
Our relationship had problems, it doesn’t mean you didn’t care though.
I love you Atsumu Miya
“(y/n), you never gave a shit about me. It was always about how you felt. Never about me. I left you to start something with Shizuko. She’s everything that you aren’t.” He smirks at your limp body on the floor
This is a familiar feeling… The feeling of being stabbed through the heart…
“What about all the times you said I was your everything? What about about the memories we made together? Were they nothing to you Atsumu?!?” At this point it feels like the world is crashing down onto you. 
“I put my faith in you for the last time, I’m sorry to say darlin’ but that was the last thing holding everything bad back. I really did trust ya.” he simply tells you as he’s now walking away from the scene. To his new girlfriend Shizuko.
trust, what is trust?
It’s winter, you’re at your house and he’s at his house. You two are just talking. Suddenly Shizuko is brought up in the conversation. Usually this means you guys are talking about how much the both of you dislike seeing her and talking to her.
“Hey ‘Tsumu? That homewrecker Shizuko, you’re not friendly with her right?” You ask your boyfriend.
Shizuko is known for getting in-between people’s relationships as she has been the cause why Osamu and his ex-girlfriend broke up. She’s also known for going guy to guy begging them to choose her over their girlfriends. At this point, nobody with a brain likes her other than some of the few braindead friends she has.
“Well, blueberry, she asked me to go out with her today! I think i’m going to go.” he replies back 
Atsumu had just got back from nationals and the first thing he wants to do is hang out with Shizuko? 
“Atsumu… The first thing you want to do its hang out with Shizuko and not me?” you ask with a hint of sadness in your tone of voice.
“It’s just unfortunate timin’ darlin’, I would hang out with you but a lot of the volleyball team is going.” he replies back with an apologetic tone in his voice.
Is he truly sorry?
“Alright ‘Tsumu, you can go, have fun while you’re there” You tell him trying to sound happy so he isn’t suspicious. If this makes him happy, then so be it. You can manage!
As time goes on and you scroll on instagram, you see Shizuko has posted on her instagram. The pictures she had posted contained images of her and you boyfriend. One of them had her and your boyfriend holding hands, another had them hugging, and the final one had them playing a shooting game together. You felt left out. Betrayed even, Or was this just jealousy? Perhaps even hatred.
When Atsumu got home he explained how much of a blast he had playing billiards with the team and Shizuko. Also how he had won a rabbit plush for Shizuko. Things he had said he wanted to do with you. 
“We plan on going again on friday (y/n)!” Atsumu exciting tells you. More words that break your heart and more words that hurt your feelings.
“Hey, ‘Tsumu? Can I come along this time?” You ask him in a polite tone of voice.
He pauses for a bit, not responding to your question.
“Cinnamon roll? You add on to your previous question.
“Uh no, sorry. Shizuko doesn’t want you to go.” he replied back after what felt like forever.
You sit there, dumbfounded at what your boyfriend just said. Does he realize how much of a red flags that is? To have your boyfriend hang out with a known homewrecker? She destroyed the relationship between your own twin brother and his girlfriend, and you want to go somewhere with her?
“Look, ‘Tsumu, I’m not comfortable with you going.” You say, finally standing up for yourself for once. You usually dont argue back due to the fear of him leaving you.
“(y/n) that’s just unfair to me and really controlling.” he tells you also trying to clearly stand up for himself.
“Why hang out with Shizuko though?” you ask him on the verge of breaking down
“Because she’s a friend of mine.”
A friend? A friend of his. One that hurt his brother and he still considers her a friend? 
“What happened to not liking her?!?” 
“Oh! She turned out to be a pretty good person.” Atsumu tells you estatictally. As if the situation between her and his brother didnt happen at all.
“Well, ‘Tsumu, This is very unfair to me! I don’t feel comfortable with this an thats final!” You snap. You cant take anymore of this. You refuse to be left out again. 
“Whatever, I’m going to bed. Night (l-n)!” he hung up on you. How petty can he be?!? 
This is why you avoided arguments, this is why you hated them. Your boyfriend will always bring up some petty excuse to make you at fault, never validating your feelings, never once thinging about you when he claims he does. Can’t you be selfish for once? Can you? 
You love him though. Shouldn’t that be enough for you to be happy and satisfied with this relationship? You’d do anything for him, so let him go with Shizuko. You love to see him happy.
I love you Atsumu Miya. 
“Oh poor little (l/n)-san, how will you ever recover from this? Oh right! You’re a mental freak! You won’t recover.” Shizuko tells you while grabbing you face and laughing right at you. 
“Shizuko, you dirty little homewrecker!” you try standing up for yourself against Shizuko with no avail. She had slapped you right across the face.
“Me? The dirty one? You manipulated him. To add on to that you lied and controled him. If anyone is the dirty one, it’s you. Learn your place ya’ little slut!” she yells at you as she kicked you right in the stomach, landing a hard blow.
Now you’re on the ground, alone on the on the fluffy wet snow looking up at the cloudy sky.
Winter will eventually turn to spring, a start of a new season, a new fresh beginning for your third year. 
But the scent of the freshly baked cinnamon roll stays for awhile but, will blow away with the wind, becoming a new.
He was your cinnamon roll, and you were his blueberry.
The amount you loved him will never change.
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 ©tsumuuu 2023
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void-botanist · 8 months
Happy STS! Imagine that your characters are forced to take part in the Hunger Games. Who is the most likely to win? Who falls first? Who attracts the biggest number of sponsors and how?
you: [interesting question] me: 🥺 they have to hurt each other??? 😭 me: [immediately gets way into searching to remind myself how the Hunger Games went so I can analyze how this would go]
Imagining that they were somehow simultaneously from my setting and the setting of the Hunger Games (i.e. this wouldn't be completely out of the ordinary for them) here's how I think it would go:
(throwing a cut in here because I got unintentionally long-winded and also obviously a lot of people dying)
For Nicea, Tatya is in a unique position to win because she is not only physically capable of killing people but she is a warp witch and a shifter, so anyone she can't take down in direct combat or by trapping them, she can take down by popping into a warp, which will kill them within a few seconds. If the rules were adjusted so that voluntary magic was not allowed, she still would have the slight advantage of being able to transform into a wolf - assuming the length of the Hunger Games intersected a full moon on her home planet of Basenaum. But let's say it does, because that's fun. If she was pitted against Isabel (who would be from a different district), she would have a very hard time killing her. Depending on how messed up she's gotten over the course of racking up the highest body count in the current Games, she'll either choose to go honorable hand to hand combat to the death (she still wins, most likely, and it hurts) or to ambush her in wolf form after surrendering as much as possible to her wolf brain. However, if Tatya wasn't in the Games, the most likely winner would be Tristan (nimble, solid) or Isabel (gonna fuck you up no matter what). Or Tristan's mentor Von (good at doing what needs to be done), if he were younger and could still make the Cornucopia run.
Who falls first is hard to say. A lot of Nicea people would immediately scatter rather than take their chances with the Cornucopia, which would make it easy pickings for the ones who do. Rodney has a massive target on his back once people figure out that Isabel is a favorite. Cady and Declan are both relatively easy targets to begin with (but they are also sponsor favorites because they're extremely cute). But if Christina is in the mix, she is definitely the first one to fall, either by self-warping (if that's not against the rules) or letting herself get killed in the rush. She would rather die than have to kill anyone.
As for sponsors, aside from Cady and Declan, Tatya does pretty well with her easy charm and the promise that she will transform into a wolf. Spinder's got a couple that he's certain are sending him stuff out of pity, but he uses it anyway. Isabel gets sponsors based on her charisma and the dramatic "I'm gonna protect my brother" angle, but they only really double down after Rodney dies and she goes rage mode.
For AOM we have to pretend that there are a lot less family relationships at play, at which point the two most likely victors are (young) Edith (fearless, definitely succeeded at the Cornucopia run) or Celia (unpredictable, tough because dragon). Graham expects to have a better chance through trapping than he does. But Donovan probably falls first because he fully believes he can rush the Cornucopia successfully and he gets sniped on the way. The sponsors are most interesting, though. They sign up for Leon and Edith as a tag team, but one way or another Leon dies first and they're instead trying to egg Edith on in the poetic justice of taking down the rest of the competitors with his weapon of choice: a sword. They also love Horatio, though at first they thought he was going to be a naive first kill, because he has an expert knowledge of plants and a shocking success rate with poisoning people (thanks to his ally Sorian, who is a decent sharpshooter). Nobody likes Avis out of the arena either, for reasons of she is bitter and awful, but she is a good sniper and she has managed to keep herself and Sid alive so far, so they're slowly sending her more stuff. Surprisingly they don't like Celia that much, even though she's kind of the tank of the bunch, because she's not Interesting in the right way (too horny. this is a death game, woman).
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qwanderer · 3 months
First Lines
Thanks to @mcfiddlestan for the tag! This sounds like a fun one
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
1 Variable (Vegetable)
“I am gonna get you two to eat salad,” Eliot said, “eat salad and like it, if it kills me.”
“No!” Parker stood up and marched over to him, waving a finger in his face. “You are not allowed to die! I’ve been very clear about this.”
2 The Disaster Job
Northeast Philadelphia
Their client’s name was Danielle, and if at least two-thirds of the team wasn’t reminded vividly of Nana when they met her, Hardison would eat his hat. 
3 Like Yellow Eyes
Crowley emptied all the plants out of the Bentley and into the bookshop, and for a moment, the Bentley thought that perhaps, just perhaps, the two idiots who most often occupied its seats had gotten their shit together and were moving in together, properly. 
But then the angel walked out of the bookshop, and. He was holding The Keys. 
4 Like Golden Light
The Bentley had felt it, of course. The way Crowley had hoped, and tried, and ended up brokenhearted. 
5 what to (be) for the woman who (is) everything
Lord Aral Vorkosigan woke up naked, tangled skin-to-skin with his new wife, and experienced the same kind of terrified awe he had when he’d determined that she wasn’t a drunken hallucination. The heavens had opened up and delivered to him everything he needed most in one delightful Cordelia-shaped package, and now he just had to figure out how to keep her. 
6 ...And breathe out.
Eliot pulled his car up to the farmhouse and parked, getting out and looking around at the farm. Still the same old familiar place, even though these days, every time he visited things looked a little different. At least it wasn’t crawling with folks in protective suits anymore, all these months after he and Harry had found the battery dump. 
7 Personification
The multiverse took all he had.
8 In Your Shade
The hard part was choosing a single Thor, in all the infinite throng, to visit. 
9 Sanity Check
The TVA had the ability to trace Victor Timely’s variants through his temporal signature, but they couldn’t see everything all the time, so it was one of Loki’s priorities to keep an eye out for other potential threats to the continued health of the multiverse.
And Loki was, at this moment, watching a Tony Stark build a device that could rip the multiverse asunder.
10 King of Infinite Space
Loki came to find Tony when he didn’t show up for dinner. He was in the Repairs and Advancement workshop, of course, bent over a sheaf of papers, leaned in close to a screen. Squinting like he did when his eyes were ready to give out.
Okay, honestly what I'm noticing most here is the variety! That's four different fandoms. And they're like, domestic fluff, episodic jobfic, poetic metaphors, angst, pillow talk, coming out story, dramatic fate-of-the-universe fix-it, siblings reunited, polyamory negotiations (a big theme of mine in the long term), and smut.
As per usual, I don't have the spoons to tag, but anyone reading this can consider themselves tagged! I'd love to see your stuff.
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zannolin · 1 year
@define-lying replied to your post “writing my fics and planning the notes in advance...”:
Wait I’ve always been confused about this because of the scene in the first movie where the boys hide in Darla’s room and she learns the secret. Was there another bed in the room that I missed? Where was Mary during that scene? Genuinely would love your insight
​yes SO. i have two pieces of evidence for this and if you really wanted it to, it could go either way but i will discuss that shortly. so exhibit A, we have this passage in the shazam junior novel (chapter 8) which originally planted the thought in my mind:
They could hear Rosa coming up the stairs. There was no time- no way they'd make it to Freddy's room. Billy opened the first door they came to, yanking Freddy in behind him and slamming it shut. He turned around, heart hammering, and there, in the darkened room, was Darla. She was sitting up in bed, staring at them, her eyes wide with fear. In the other bed, Mary slept soundly, earplugs in and eye mask on. "Billy? Freddy?" Rosa called from the hallway. They heard her footsteps pass Darla and Mary's door and head farther back toward Freddy's room.
(they do explain why she doesn't wake up during this scene and yes it's because of the mask and earplugs and personally i thought it was hilarious)
so there's that, of course, and we'll come back to the canonicity of this momentarily. there's also exhibit B: the deleted scene of darla and billy having a tea party, wherein you can see a second bed (and two desks) in darla's room:
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this bed is not visible at all during the main scene in darla's room so i actually thought the room was much smaller than it actually is. it's hard for me to make out some of the details because youtube quality but i'm not really seeing anything that's explicitly mary's, but the entire room DOES look lived in so take that as you will.
NOW. this can go either way for a couple reasons. first, the junior novel is arguably not canon. some events are changed towards the end, and it follows the earlier/alternate version of sivana's backstory from the deleted scenes. the wizard also like straight up dies, but then again it really seemed like he did in the original before fotg so i'll cut that some slack. however, this is dc we're talking about. doesn't everyone just cherrypick canon from the comics anyway? jk but really i do what i want. secondly, there's also the argument of the canonicity of deleted scenes, but i feel like that's kind of neither here nor there for this one since it seems to have just been cut for runtime or something, not because it alters the story in any way. thirdly you could just make the argument that there happens to be another bed in darla's room for purposes of, idk, taking more kids in at some future point, because there's actually two sets of bunk beds in billy and freddy's room.
i will elaborate on this because i've been wanting to talk about it for ages but could never find an excuse. you can see in the first scene in the room that one set is to the right of the door upon entering, are parallel to each other, and pretty low to the ground:
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while the billy sneaks out scene shows the ones they sleep on has the bottom one perpendicular to the top. you can see in the scene where the kids come in after victor tells him off that billy is sitting on this bottom bunk, and the beds are placed across from the door, in the corner of the room we don't really see much in any other scenes, which is why it's not something i caught on my first or second watch:
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sidenote this room is shaped so weirdly my brain cannot comprehend it. also did anyone else notice his fully packed backpack sitting there on the bed? he was totally gonna run after this :) anyway if you pay attention you can see they're a lot taller than the other set; they actually stand next to them when freddy is showing billy his batarang. more unnecessary shots to prove my point (note how you can see the unused set in the background):
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point being if you wanted to give mary her own room you could just make the argument that the novel isn't official canon and the bed is just there for in case they get another kid. but i think the original intent is that mary and darla share a room, just going off the junior novel, which also gives a valid and entertaining explanation for where mary was during the scene that took place in darla's room (or alternatively, you can go with the option presented in the billy sneaks out scene that she's just up late when everyone else is asleep or something). it can go either way but my instinct is yeah they share a room (there's only so many rooms in this house, after all, and there's eight of them) it's just never explicitly stated in the movie.
thank you for coming to my highly unnecessary TED talk.
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