#and I didn't even go into many of the other sh*t that went down
nilolol30 · 7 months
Hey can you do scenarios of Wukong and Macaque comforting reader of they forgot their birthday?
(I didn't know if you'd want them together or separate sorry if it was together)
Everyone is aware of how easily something's slip over the great sages head but after awhile you two got together he promised he'd always remember every special moment and occasion with you including birthdays.
He had many close calls but never forgetting he went so far to put the date of your birthday on his kitchen fridge, bedroom wall and even a small note on the bathroom mirror it was really sweet but he was bound to forget once.
You received a few birthday calls and texts in the morning from the gang they asked if you could come down to Piggy's Noodles so they could treat you out.
Starring at the text you look over to Wukong who was laying on the couch watching a movie with the little monkeys "Hey you wouldn't mind if I go to Pigsy's for a bit right?" Wukong looked over to you "Uh yeah I don't mind you don't need my permission peaches" he let out a small laugh.
"You want to come with me?" You slightly hoped he'd say yes at least you'd celebrate together "Nah I'm good" he smiled and went back to watch the TV again it's then you realized he forgot but it's okay you didn't want to bother him and it was just another birthday nothing special.
"Okay see you tonight then..." but you gotta admit it still stung a bit.
After you left one of the little monkeys stared at Wukong unimpressed the sage could feel it he looked at the monkey next to him "What?" The monkey only sighed and jumped off the couch and made it's way to the kitchen.
"Well someone's in a bad mood" rolling his eyes Wukong went back to watching the movie after a minute the little monkey jumps back on the couch and shoved a piece of paper in their kings face.
"Hey hey! What's going on with you today what's this?" Wukong takes the paper a read it...it had your birthday written on it and his face immediately fell into disbelief "CRAP" he jumped up from the couch and immediately ran out of the hut and summoned his cloud and speed down the mountain.
He managed to catch up to you halfway down and hugged you "Im so sorry! Im such a jerk peaches I promised not to forget and I did I love you so much happy birthday I'm so-" you hushed him before he continued to apologize again and again you hugged him back.
"It's okay honey! It's not that important-" "Yes it is! You being born should be celebrated! Even all over the world!!" He chipped in and giving you kisses on the cheek "Okay okay but still it's okay!"
After that Wukong went with you to Pigsy's and insisted on treating you and pampered you the entire day while still slipping in some apologys.
Macaque rarely forgets things he always tries to keep even the smallest details in his mind but everyone gets forgetful especially after a extremely busy few days you left earlier today even inviting Macaque to come with but he declined.
He thought he saw a flash of disappointment on your face but you smiled and said okay and left now he's laying in bed eating a banana he grabbed through a portal.
Halfway through the banana he decided to listen in on you he swears he only does it to check up on you so he was surprised to hear a friend of yours tell you happy birthday he immediately paused mid bite when he connected the dots.
"Oh sh*t..." He threw the half eaten fruit out the open window and immediately went to work.
You walked to your front door unlocking it your other hand holding a bag with some presents your friend/family gave you when you heard the click you pushed the door with your foot but let out a small gasp at the sight in front of you.
The living room was decorated with streamers and balloons themed with your favorite colors and Infront of you was Macaque himself kneeling holding out a cake with frosting that said 'Im sorry happy birthday!!' You smiled closing the door and putting down the bag.
"Macaque...thank you and it's okay" he smiled and stood up setting the cake on the table "Still though sorry about this morning should have realized sooner" you gently put your hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss on the nose.
"It's fine but you didn't have to do this" you laugh looking at the decorations "Uh yes I did! What kind of boyfriend would I be hm?" Macaque took your hands and lead you to the couch "Now how bout we light some candles so you can have your birthday wish!"
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spookyghostbunny · 7 months
Throws this fic at you then runs
The circus members couldn't help but to feel sorry for their new little jester. Everybody who enters the digital realm has similar reactions, but Pomni was a constant walking ball of anxiety. You couldn't blame her. The overly bright colors alone were enough to drive anyone insane.
Ragatha was absolutely furious. Jax had played yet another cruel prank on her, and she was out for revenge. On her way to confront the prankster, she spotted Pomni's picture. Poor Pomni. Even her own door displayed how fearful she was. It made Ragatha's digital heart ache more for the girl.
Completely forgetting about Jax, she lifted her hand and delivered a few hesitant knocks. "Pomni! It's me, Ragatha! I was uh- wondering if you... wanted to talk? I understand if you don't! That's completely cool, and I respect if you didn't want to! You don't really know me, and you probably want to be alone-"
Ragatha's rambling was cut off when she noticed a pair of nervous colorful eyes staring up at her.
Were Pomni's eyes always that cute?
Ragatha flushed and shook her head. "Oh! Hey, Pomni! M-may I come in?"
Pomni nodded, leaving the door open for the doll as she went back inside. Ragatha followed, sitting down on the bed next to the smaller girl.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ragatha tried to strike up a conversation. "So! How... How are you doing?"
Pomni glanced up at her before looking back down at her hands. "I- I don't know anymore... I'm still convinced this is a t-terrible nightmare.... Sh-shouldn't I have w-waken up by n-now?" Ragatha could feel Pomni trembling beside her.
Ragatha's eyes soften as she puts a hand on Pomni's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, new stuff. I understand how you feel... We all do. You'll get used to things eventually and-"
"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET USED TO THIS! I WANT TO LEAVE- NEED TO LEAVE! I CAN'T STAND BEING HERE A SECOND LONGER!" Pomni curls up into a ball, hiding her face in her arms. "I just want to go home..."
Ragatha was surprised by Pomni's outburst. Each word sent another sharp pang through her heart. Not wanting to make things worse, she quickly thought of ways that could help her friend? feel better.
A silly idea popped into her mind. Hmm... This might just work.
Carefully as to not startle her more, Ragatha pulled the jester onto her lap. Pomni looked at her with a mixture of confusion and surprise. "R-Ragatha?"
The doll smirks, forming her hands into claws and wigging them above Pomni.
The anxious jester squeaked when she realized what was about to happen. "Wait! Ragatha- Nohohoho!" She immediately giggles when Ragatha starts scribbling her sides. She weakly kicks and squirms, but she doesn't put up much of a fight.
Ragatha's smirk melts into a fond smile. This was the first time she saw a genuine smile on Pomni's face. And her laughter is adorable! The doll just had to hear more of it. "Aww! Is the newbie ticklish?~ Tickle tickle, Pomni!~" She teased, moving down to squeeze Pomni's hips.
Pomni's giggles turned into full blown laughter. "Nahahaha! D-dohon't tehehehease!" Pomni cried, hiding her blushy face in her hands. She was actually starting to feel a bit better. It felt nice to laugh and let go after feeling so many negative emotions.
"Why? Does it make the tickles worse?~"
"Yehehes!!" Pomni squeals, lightly bapping at the doll's plush arms.
Ragatha just laughed. Pomni was truly adorable.
5 minutes later Ragatha slows her tickling until she finally comes to a stop. She holds Pomni close, rubbing away the phantom tickles. "How are you doing now, Pom?"
Pomni snuggles against Ragatha, still feeling very giggly. "Fihihine.... Thank you."
"Anytime, new stuff."
They sat there cuddling and enjoying each other's company for a while.
Suddenly, Ragatha remembered something important. "Wanna help me get back at a certain rabbit?"
For the first time, Ragatha saw some mischief in Pomni's colorful eyes.
(You don't wanna know how difficult this was to write)
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9r7g5h · 6 months
It's Ok to Skip a Few Steps - Part 2
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: T
Genre: Gen
Summary: With the way their relationship is, it's ok to skip a few steps.
Words: 1,862
It didn't take long after they debuted for the rumors to start. I mean, come on. There was obviously something going on between the newly licensed pro heroes Deku and Dynamight. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see it, and even if it did, there were enough of them in the fandom breaking down their many interactions for everyone else.
Just look at how they fought, for one. Sure, all of the heroes to come out of UA were strong, capable, more experienced than their titles of sidekick should have indicated. But the ones trained under Eraserhead had been a different breed. It didn't matter which ones were paired together, efficient and effective plans were made on the fly, taking out the last of the villains kicking around after the League's fall with ease. When battle analysts were questioned, many of them just shook their heads and pointed out that those kids had fought in a war, so of course their abilities far outmatched those of their peers who hadn't. Though how just a glance and a smirk could result in Chargebolt being made weightless by Uravity and tossed by Sugar Man into the center of the villain's hideout so he could short circuit the lights, letting Tsukuyomi go on a rampage without a single word spoken was beyond them. Even the best previous heroes needed to talk at some point, but these kids? Nah, they seemed able to just know.
But for Deku and Dynamight? It was on a whole different level from their classmates. There was video footage of them on opposite sides of the battle field reacting to each other, somehow knowing what was needed and when and why to push their way into victory. There were no scheming looks, no body languages that could give a hint, just a deeply ingrained knowledge that the other needed them, with the help already on the way.
It was kind of terrifying, in its own hot way.
Then there was the fact that they lived together. Ok, sure, it had made sense when they had first graduated UA, the fandom had agreed, the two of them and Shoto all moving in together. It was safer, and while sidekicks did make more than your average 'right out of high school' 18-year-old did, separate apartments still would still have put a strain on them. But then Shoto left when he started dating Cellophane, and Deku and Dynamight just continued to live together. Even after they became pro heroes, they continued to live together. When they moved apartments, they continued to live together. When they rose in the ranks and made enough that they both could have easily bought multiple houses of their own, they still lived together.
Finally they were just always together. It was rare for an interview to have just Deku or just Dynamight, instead both men squeezing together on one small couch or sitting with the arms of their chairs touching. They almost always patrolled together, and while Deku seemed fine when they didn't, Dynamight's scowl never seemed to waver when he was alone or paired with someone else. If they weren't together when a battle started, the other quickly showed up, as if the idea of one of them going through a battle alone was a cardinal sin in and of itself.
The one time Dynamight went on a mission out of country and left Deku behind was the first time since the League their city knew fear. Villains were more roughed up, the ball of sunshine that had kept their city moving had disappeared, and legit flood warnings had been put in place. They were no longer allowed to take long term missions away from each other.
Even off duty, they were rarely apart. Sure, they could occasionally be seen enjoying time away from each other, instead surrounded by their friends from school and current hero coworkers. Pinky, Red Riot, Chargebolt, Earjack, and Cellophane hanging around a grumpy but pleased Dynamight. Uravity, Ingenium, Shoto, Creati, and Mindwipe barely keeping up with the bouncing beaming Deku. But outside of those get-togethers, they were just...always together.
There were entire blogs dedicated to the candid pictures taken of Deku and Dynamight on their days off. It didn't matter what they were doing - grocery shopping, at the park, at a festival, picking up fast food - where one went, the other was close behind. Smiling at each other (well, Deku smiled, Dynamight just had a softness about him, an ease of the tension in his eyes), holding hands, clearly enjoying spending time with each other, even if they didn't want to be there. Even being stuck updating paperwork at the city hall seemed pleasant in the one picture of them doing so, Dynamight hiding a snicker behind his hand at Deku's annoyed pout.
And yet. And yet.
"Of course I'm not dating the damn nerd." The response had been given without a single thought, Dynamight walking away from the reporter who had tried to get a scoop without a second glance. That little clip had blown up online, because really? Really? After all the evidence had been laid out, with everything so clear, they weren't dating?
"As a close friend and coworker of both Dynamight and Deku, it would be incredibly inappropriate and unprofessional for me to speak on the nature of their relationship." Ingenium's hand never stopped moving, his fan Q&A having taken a strange turn that left him blushing. "But I and many of my other former classmates have been given permission to confirm that Pro Heroes Deku and Dynamight are not currently dating. Now, if we could please return to the topic at hand..."
It went on like that, each hero who knew the two eventually dragged to weigh in on the relationship they'd denied. The final nail in the coffin came a few weeks later, blushing even as he shook his head at the question.
"Kac-Dynamight and I aren't dating, no." Deku confirmed a few weeks later, scratching the back of his head almost apologetically as he answered the morning talk show host. "We did for a few days in high school, but we're not now." That blew up even more, the confirmation that there had, at one point, been something between the two (as well as the antis finally having to accept that their precious Deku wasn't, in fact, straight). But 'only a few days' let a lot of air out of the DynaDeku ship; the two of them had been friends their entire lives, clearly had some level of love for each other, something that could have easily been mistaken as romantic, even by them, apparently. But with it finally confirmed by both parties, and by Deku, of all people (the sweetest hero on the current roster, who of course wouldn't lie about his relationship status), the matter was put to rest.
For a few months, at least.
It was a nomu attack. How, they weren't sure - in the almost decade since the war had ended, none of them had been seen, and the few surviving members of the League had been reformed, horrified at the attack. The best theory anyone could come up with was they'd been one last "gift" from AfO, some hidden lab with life support on a timer. A sentient bomb set to rock the bit of peace they'd managed to scrape back together, and who knew how many others were out there? But questions aside, it was the nomu attack that brought the topic back to the forefront of everyone's mind, mainly because Deku and Dynamight had been the ones fighting the thing.
It'd been eerily similar to the battle between Endeavor, Hawks, and the nomu many years before, some pointed out. Fire and explosions keeping the beast at bay while Deku's blackwhip and float helped to evacuate anyone too close to flee. Constantly sending attacks at the monster so Dynamight could fall back for a brief second, could catch his breath as a blast of force knocked the nomu away. The two working together the best they could, until the creature was finally taken down in a ball of flames, ash and dust littering the ground as the two heroes landed.
Dynamight had been weak, his gloves burned away, arms shaking and bruised from the number of blasts he'd been forced to set off. When Deku had stepped forward to help him stand, Dynamight had accepted the help without an issue, a sweet moment caught on the multiple cameras as he swung his arm around Deku's neck.
The cameras also caught when he used said arm to pull Deku into a kiss, one the green hero seemed to happily return, and the cameras also caught the seemingly half-melted ring stuck on Dynamight's hand.
"People only asked if I was dating the nerd." While their PR team had refused to let an actual camera crew enter the room while Dynamight was still in recovery, the interviewer, trusty recorder in hand, had been allowed entry. If just to get the mob currently camping on the hospital grounds to move. "No one ever asked if I locked that ass down, so I just answered the question I was asked."
"But Deku, you said you two had only dated a few days while at UA, and now you're married? What happened, and how long?"
A cute little huff preceded the answer. "I knew we should have just told them, Kacchan. We did date for only a few days. And then we got married." A long pause, though the shy little laugh made up for it. "I guess we kind of skipped a few steps, huh?"
"Not steps I needed when I knew I loved the nerd. And clearly we're making it work, almost nine years later. So back off, extras. You have your answer, my husband and I are done with this shit."
The recording done and released to the public, it didn't take long for the fans to find what they were looking for. While they never seemed to wear the rings outside of work (Hatsume Mei having confirmed they were of her design, made to track the others wearabout as well as be quirk resistant and just stylish wedding rings in general), the multitude of candid photos taken over the years pointed out a very interesting trend in their fashion - matching chains, keeping something close to their hearts, that they never wore when on duty. Chains that, when the imagines were zoomed in and enhanced and had enough quirks used on them, seemed to have something round hanging from them under Deku and Dynamight's clothes.
Chains not often seen again after the truth came out, since, as Deku and Dynamight left the hospital hand in hand once Dynamight was recovered, the rings bright on their fingers instead.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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unstableblond · 8 months
story time about how my older sister is a horrible person lol
my sister was always irresponsible and never really cared about anything other than MEN
she literally abandoned her children because of men because her life was destroyed by herself because of this obsession with men, and the funny thing is that all the men she ever dated were all insane and just as broke as she was
her daughter's father took his daughter to live with him because my sister was clearly not a good mother, there was even one time when she went out drinking and trying to k herself while her children were with her, which is completely crazy and disgusting of her!! she literally didn't even care about the trauma it caused her children and all this because of a damn man
i remember the night i took care of my cousin and it broke my heart to see her crying and i spent the whole time trying to calm her down..and it makes me angry how she was taken away from us..she was not only a cousin but also a best friend to me
in the final months of 2021 i found out that my sister's boyfriend hit her and i knew this only because i heard her conversation with my mom, my blood started bubbling when i heard this and i wanted so bad to destroy this guy..she broke up with him later and then one day we had a conversation together and she swore to me that she would never go back with that man but at the same time she said that she missed him ugh i said it's normal to feel attached to a person but no matter what she shouldn't get back together with him, she promised me, but a while after that i found out that she got back together with him AND IT MADE ME SO INSANELY ANGRY i swear!! i never felt so mad as i felt that day.. but she is an adult woman and we cannot control her choices but only advise so there was nothing we could do..i told to mom that if my sister wants to keep that monster then ok but i didn't want her to bring that monster close to our family and she agreed but after a few months my mother and i moved to a new address and guess what 💀 she came to my new house to help and brought that damn man and I literally freaked out and started screaming saying a lot of things to him and her
i screamed loudly that i didn't want him in my house or near my family or i would report him to the police for abusing my sister and this bastard left with my sister who got mad at me for literally making getting mad at her for getting back together with her abuser 💀 she really thought i would be smiling, jumping, and dropping flowers when i see that she was back with her abuser bffr
she has stolen money from my mom many times throughout her life without even asking permission and she always did that with my mom's clothes too
in addition to dating broke and unstable men, she tries to bring them into our lives to become our problem too because she wants to destroy our lives just like she did with her own
we don't want to meet your new boyfriends who literally always have the same pattern among themselves and always end in the worst way possible so stop bringing them to our homes girl
she thinks she's always right and when someone scolds her for her behavior she acts like she's 14 it's funny how pissed off she gets because we're always right and she's wrong but she doesn't accept that
at the beginning of the pandemic, she literally moved to live with us and her damn boyfriend, a different man than the one i mentioned minutes ago, but he was as sh*t as any other man she had ever dated..and it was literally a big hell in our lives having to put up with her and her boyfriend plus she also had her other two children living with us in a house that wasn't even that big 💀 every day i woke up and wished i was de@d because living there was unbearable
this guy was very obese, in addition to being obese he also had problems with his legs and had to walk with the support of something
i was so stressed out that he was always walking around at the speed of a turtle and i couldn't even walk past him because his body was LITERALLY taking up all the space there was
she had to bring her damn man with her to destroy our lives for a whole 1 or 2 years
the craziest thing of all is that my mom had to work and pay for everything for my sister and her useless boyfriend who did nothing but lay around
and in the end even though he could barely move he cheated on her and that makes me laugh every time i remember it
she even dated a guy who destroyed her entire house, tried to str@ngle her and even threatened her and brought him into our house putting us at risk because this guy was literally insane and could k us all because of her
i know that after i'm no longer here she or her children may try to defame me to make me look like a horrible person just to alleviate their mistakes that are being exposed by me rn lol i just want to make it clear that if you say anything bad about me and make up lies i swear i will come back as a vengeful spirit and ruin each and every one of your lives (oops i forgot..her life is already ruined lol but maybe i can make it worse) we all know you are a liar and a terrible person and unfortunately your children are the same, don't try me girl.
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Doc ock and underpowered villain y/n? Just makes sense to me
I'm not really good at writing VIllain readers and this might be the only one I'll do, so I'm really sorry if this turns out horrible 😭
You were a Villain, to put it simply enough. You lived a terrible life under your sister's shadow, as she was born with a powerful gene that gave her strong abilities, and she could do many things, causing you to be forgotten about and abandoned. She took everything from you, friends, family, and even lover. 
That caused you to go to your breaking point, and you planned to end it all one day, until she stopped you and she sneezed on you. Which caused you to gain a new ability. 
Now, you decided that since you essentially lived nothing, you could become a foil to her, and you became a criminal, something you did to merely anger her, and to your family, you didn't care about them. You didn't care about anyone, because no one cared about you anymore. Now you would take over the world and show what happens when loneliness gets too much to one person. 
"That is why, Wall crawler. That's why I need this money. To prove my sister wrong and the world as well that no one can stop the Solitarianne. That's why, today, I Will DETROY YO-" 
You felt a fist crack at your face, and the pain was immense. You began to cry loudly as blood gushed from your nose, and Spider-Man stared at you as you began to cry. "Some villain. You went down in one hit!" He cracked, and you still cried. "SH-SHUT UP! WAAAAAHH!!! I'M DYING! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!" You cried, as you tried to stop the bleeding from your nose. 
"Okay, Jesus, calm down. Your only bleeding a little-oh, I think I might have broken your nose...oh, yeah...I think I did...sir, do you have any band aids?" 
"Sure, Spider-Man. I'll get you some on the house, thanks for stopping her for me." The store keeper said. 
It was a sunny day in New York, and here you were wearing a tacky Magician's outfit that lacked finesse and had too much glitter if we're being honest here, and you were robbing a convince store. Just some money and a candy bar, until the Hero came in and swiftly punched you. Curse your mediocre ability that came with a severe weakness. As Spider-Man wrapped your nose, you heard sirens approach the store as the police came over to pick you up. "Thanks Spider-Man, you're a hero to the city. We really appreciate it." A cop said, and handcuffed you. "No problem fellas, just make sure she sees a doctor...maybe a osteologist as well." He said as the cops cheered him on and the convience store as well, and you were taken to a cop car. 
"Watch your head." The cop said as you hit your head on the car. "OW!!" You shouted, and the cops chuckled as you were driven to jail. "So, new villain, huh? Looks like the local kids have been looking at social media too much lately." The cop driving said. "I'm not a child." You huffed, as they drove you to jail. Inside, you were panicking. This was your first major crime. You were being actually arrested this time, you usually did infractions and petty crimes such as speeding, occasionally driving without a license, taking a large amount of condiments from stores, and littering. But robbing a small store, one that people barely even go to, you thought would be easy but that-that demon spider had passes by and brutalized you. It was over. You were going to rot in that place and be ruined. Perhaps you could have been a manager to your sister or something...maybe your crimes were essentially useless. 
The car stopped at the police station where they sat you down and asked for information, which you answered politely and honestly to avoid them possibly giving you a worse sentence. You confirmed your statements and other things, only for them to calmly tell you to call a lawyer and wait for a trial. In the meantime, you would spend time in the police department's small jail. You were escorted to a empty cell and to get rid of the costume and to put on a simple t shirt and pants, luckily for you, your cell was dark and there didn't seem to be anyone around. 
Once you were done, you laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I'm a criminal now. This is exactly what I wanted. You thought to yourself, staring at the ceiling above. 
"Five Years and community service? Well, I'm glad me and Murdock could sort your issue and make it right. You got it easy." 
You glared at your sister from beyond the glass wall separating you and her, each other calling on the phone. "Well look, we can sort our familal problems after your done with your service. Look, this is all kinda your fault as well and I'm sorry for that. But hey, at least you didn't do anything too henious." She said and you kept glaring at her. "You're also kinda embarrassing me with all the heroic gigs I'm trying to get. There's this cool group of Inhumans I'm trying to join so...dissappear in my life for a while, okay? And then go back to being squeaky clean and maybe I'll  introduce you." She said. 
"I was already gone from your life to begin with." You bitterly told her as she looked back at you. "Yeah, well, people change, okay? But hey, forgive and forget, alright?" 
"I'll never forgive you." 
You hung up the phone as she watched you leave. 
You laid down on the court, as you heard giggling from other women on the other side. It was just like school, but honestly, a little better. You watched as they all chattered like school girls, staring at the men's prison on the other side of the court, where you could get a good look if you were close enough. 
Curiously, you climbed on a table close to the edge of the wired fence and you glanced over to see the men were on probation, and they were cleaning what looked like a large swimming pool, and they didn't seem to be doing a bad job. 
An unfortunate sight was of course that all of them were shirtless, exposing you to many different sights, but you noticed one specific group, filled with the most notorious men you've seen on the news. The Sinister Six. 
You recognized their faces, but seeing them with their exposed builds was a sight to behold for sure. You kept hearing the squealing women behind you gush on and on about how they admired and to be honest, you didn't really hear that much about them because you were so hooked on to your own problems. Perhaps you could learn a little from them. And also, one did catch your eye. 
He was pretty good looking, but something that caught your eye was the fact four very large metallic arms sprouting from his back. Quite the interesting sight indeed. 
You kept watching him clean the pool as he suddenly stared up at you where you ducked down and some other women squealed. You heard a prison guard bark at them to cut it out. 
Your heart fluttered, you really didn't expect him to look up back at you like that so suddenly. You looked over at the women as they grumbled away. You were really nervous about what that meant, one of the members suddenly gazing at you. That thought haunted you until lights out, where you laid on the bed as you tried to sleep. 
Still though...
Why did he stare at you like that? 
Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, there was an enormous explosion and you heard the locks from your cell click as it swung open, where your Cell mate made no waste in running out. "What the hell?" You said, and went out to check out what was happening, before a suitcase was dropped in front of you and you opened it to see your Villain outfit inside, along with your pack of cards. 
You smirked at your luck as you began to tug off your jumpsuit and put it on before running out. You didn't know why someone considered giving you back your outfit as you ran away. 'Thank you, fellow villains.' You whispered as you sped through the guards trying to catch you as you threw your cards directly at their face, barely scratching at them but still being quite bothersome. You got to a wall with a large hole where you saw a lot of guards being thrown out and bright flashes and crashes. You pulled out two cards and began to scale the walls, carefully avoiding any guards shooting at you and the other trouble that was occurring down near the hole, and to avoid any other prisoners trying to cling onto you and sure enough, you made it. 
Outside, you saw it was only a lot of blue, stranded out in the ocean, but you saw what appeared to be a helicopter. You never rode a helicopter but you knew what to do, hotwire It and get out. You cut the wires and connected them, but before you could start it, there was a loud clanging noise. 
"What the-?" You said and felt the helicopter shake and you looked up and saw that there were metallic snakelike things on the helicopter, before the door flew off. You ducked as you saw a man enter the helicopter, and looked around. He then took off his glasses as you slowly crept out of your hiding spot. "Hey, I'm only starting this, I swear I'm not gonna leave here without you...sir." You said, and he immediately took his eye on you. "What are you doing to my getaway?" He asked, somewhat sternly. You recognized him as the man who stared up at you, in jail. 
"I'm only gonna start up this thing, I didn't know this was your ride." You told him, and he rolled his eyes. "Well, if you can at least ride this for me that will be enough." He said, putting his glasses back on. "Now let's go." He said, and you started the thing as you nervously tried to board the thing, as it looked pretty much impossible to steer for you. But you did an alright job driving, but it wasn't all that straight, especially when you could barely see the dark night. "I want you to land on this one large abandoned warehouse not too far from the Hudson River." He said, as you gulped and squinted through the night. 
"How're the lights supposed to work on this thing?" You yelled at the man nervously, and he took over, clicking some buttons on the helicopter. "You click right here, and that's how you do it, and don't drive too recklessly either, we're supposed to be appearing like a normal helicopter." He said and showed you the controls, quite close to you. 
"Ah." You said, as your face was directly smushed right next to his chest, you blushing brightly. "Are you listening?" He said, and you awkwardly nodded. "Yeah, sure." You said and eventually, you landed the helicopter near that empty lot near the warehouse he wanted. The two of you left the helicopter and he led you in the empty warehouse. 
"Now that you've proven to me that you are at least of some help, you can be of assistance to me, and you can help me take over the world, even if you seem weak. I'm not one to really dispose of anyone, and you seem to have clever thinking abilities. Now then, who are you?" He asked. 
"I'm uh, (Y/n) (L/n) but I also go by Solitarianne, and I tried to be a rival to my sister but it kinda screwed up due to me being really weak." You said, staring at your pack of cards. "I only got the ability to throw cards really well, like perfectly. And the downside of that is I lost 25% of fiber in my bones." You told him. "How cruel is that?" You said. "And this happened because I was ignored by everyone, thanks to my sister who is a lot better than me. It's not fair." You said, looking down. 
"Well, my parents were the absolute worse, but I can see how you ended up like that, hurt and alone." He said. "And as for my name...Otto Octavius." He said. "We may have a lot in common." 
"Being alone is painful. We know that." Octavius said, and he wrapped an arm around you. "So let us stick together and show the world who hurt us what happens when you ostracize two very lonely people." He said. 
"That sounds..." You said, and leaned into him. "Wonderful~" 
And so, two outcasts from society worked together to rule the world that so cruelly treated them, as they were bound not just by similar backgrounds, but from feelings coming together.
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tarotofhope · 1 year
I hope you understand mindsets like; ‘You must be slapped if you blame others for ruining your life. Why did you let people decide for you, in the first place itself?' are actually very helpful in the long run of life. It is a refusal to let anyone or anything have power over you, regardless of circumstances. But you took that as an accusatory statement and had a moment where you felt self-blame. Blaming people gets you nowhere in life, even if they’re responsible. Blaming yourself is not helpful. When you blame other people, you turn down solutions to instead wallow in your sadness. It’s dangerous to wallow for that long. Many love the idea that there can be a definitive source of problems and use that as an albatross, to shoulder their own deficiencies. That will cripple you in the long run. You don’t have to like people but don’t compound your personal hurt by blaming them for where you’re at. Viewing yourself as a victim is not cool or helpful. It will damage you. You’re capable of more, so do more.
There...that's the problem. People talk way ahead of the problem. I'm a person who had a lot of childhood trauma. My teenage life has also been very bad when I was in college. So, it would be better that people mind their own business rather than blurting out solutions to problems that they themselves have not faced. Forget about me, but that's not the way you talk to people who are going through depression/suicidal thoughts..this will only increase their problems. At these times, everybody needs a listening ear and not somebody who tells them to get their sh*t together and to stop crying. People don't let other people grieve, people are forced to do their healing faster, that's the main problem. Everybody takes their own time. I'm not blaming the teacher here, but people like her..who think..'huh! so what!! just get rid of it' 😒 She didn't seem to have gone through major problems herself in her life. This was very crystal-clear from the starting itself through her own explanations. Some people go through problems later on in life, during their 30s or so, then their problems become very valid and understandable. Why so? Only because they're now grown ups? But what about minors/children. You cannot just sum up their problems into just one solution. It's important to give advice but it's more important to give the poor person some time to heal. At that time, I was facing a lot of problems and I just needed a listening ear. I did come across some very good people as well. I was not begging for sympathy from anybody. Some people really understood my problems. No solutions, nothing. They simply were ready to listen, they were just there for me. But some people were very rude. They only put more fuel to the fire. In the end, everybody learns something but they must not be judged for their problems. Some problems are really not in our control and people will need time to come out of it. When my problems went sky high, I even went to see a counsellor. She only heard one fraction of my problems(it was basically my whole family's problems) and directly started judging very negatively. She started giving solutions, which were not even related to any problems because she didn't listen everything. She simply charged an exorbitant amount of money at last and I received no help. Just look at you, how you came with your answer as an anonymous..I feel like laughing..😂
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inlovewithcharmers · 2 years
The Return P3
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Warings: Cheating, Hints of mom dieing and more cheating, sad, Cussing, sl*t shaming.
Jr stopped at his house.
We stopped by the door as he told me this story.
There is no way you did that I said.
If you think that wasn't me you should've seen the other guys face.
Jr opened the door for me as we both stopped, both of our faces in shock as we seen Nergal with a different woman and sis was gone.
Son! look honey now we have another couple with us. Mandy's eyes went wide woah there
Nergal you need to lay down Mandy said taking notice that Nergal was wobbling around the house.
Nergal just started saying random gibberish
as jr was running around the house shouting for his mother.
Mandy saw that nergal was controlling her, seeing that her eyes were completely green. The woman was also muttering gibberish.
Oh that sl*t nergal laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Shes far gone son-
DONT CALL ME THAT!!! jr yelled interrupting Nergal
Nergal continued. She may have been something to you but that h0re was nothing to me.
Jr still in shock ran out
holding back tears from loosing his mom.
JR!!! Mandy yelled as she tried calling after him but he never came back.
You're free to enjoy your stay Mandy Nergal laughed. Mandy looked at him, fu*k you! she said to Nergal as she ran off to find jr knowing exactly where he was. He was at the underworld version of his dads old pizza place.
A depressed Jr was laying on the roof strumming, his guitar to you get me so high by the neighborhood.
Mandy tried holding in a laugh because you gotta admit it, he was cute but she knew whatever she was thinking wouldn't happen
Paden would still love her the next day like always right?
Jr: Hope you don't regret it
I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
we never got the credit
nobody seemed to hear us but we said it neither of us planned it and for a long time I took it all for granted I really thought we had it but at the time it was more than I could manage, so
If we can leave it all behind us
And meet in-between
It would get me so high all the time high all the time
I wanna be high all the time would you come with me?-
Jr looked down at me playfully looking annoyed.
You know If they had phone's in the underworld you wouldn't need to look at me so much like I'm a window? he joked.
Mandy rolled her eyes as jr slid down a pole walking towards her.
Mandy paused while sighing as she looked at jr.
Jr looking a tad upset almost knowing what she was about to bring up.
Jr I'm sorry you had to go through that-. Jr cut me off
Mandy it's not your fault there's always people with sh!tty parents. I'm completely fine I swea-
Mandy cut him off with a slow passionate kiss. She kissed him. Not on purpose just out of thought that came into reality.
Jr's eyes went wide. He didn't know what to do when the girl he had a crush on at the age of nine had her perfect lips on his.After the kiss ended both of there eyes went wide.
sh!t,sh!t,sh!t,sh!t, both of us said. It's not like you're a bad kisser or anything it's just me. Both of us gasped. I mean no you're not both of us said.
Well this is awkward we both muttered.
Jr rubbed the back of his neck nervously
as he saw something that could make this even worse. A bat cleaning up the place somehow got a hold of Irwins old valentine's card.
While Mandy was looking away I acted like I was fiddling with my hair incase she looked
. I shook my finger left and right signaling no to the bat as many times as I could.
That bloody b*s*ard ended up not listening
and dropped the damn card
that wouldn't let me take a f**king nap.
Mandy was shocked and completely speechless.
I decided to call it a night so I wouldn't see more things I regret randomly appearing infront of a girl.
You know what f**k it.
Ima get you home. She agreed.
I walked with her to the door. See ya around I half smiled as I waved. See ya she said shyly as she shut the door.
She still couldn't believe that all happened.
After controlling her breathing she walked up to her room while muttering I'm so screwed.
Outside jr didn't know how to feel.
He kicked his motorcycle and fell. He got up and was pacing back and fourth. Still in your driveway like an idiot forgetting what he said about windows. He finally snapped out of sh!t he said. He quickly sat on his motorcycle and drove off.
The next day
Grims Pov:
Something felt off last night.
It was my turn to sleep over at Mandy's and she came home late she never does this. Mandy would kill anyone in sight that woke her up. This is literally Mandy
and the only thought of why this could happen is a boy? I decided to confront her.
Mandy where the hell have you been?!!!
I startled her causing her to let out a shriek..
what the f*ck grim?!!!! Mandy whisper shouted.
You haven't answered my question I said.
Well first off bone head you just don't randomly. sneak up on someone that just had a rough morning now scram.
Before I could even let her walk away I asked was your little meet up with jr that embarrassing.
Mandy couldn't help but blush
so she ran upstairs to her room and shut the door.
Wow.... this is going to be a chaotic yet very interesting day tomorrow.
The next morning at school was completely calm and collected. No one said a word in the hallways.
Mandy looked upset trying to get a hold of Paden
that apparently ditched her for Mindy out of all little sh!ts it had to be the biggest one in school.
Many got confused because Mindy would usually be at cheer tryouts by now.
Paden was never into that stuff.
She walked up to me and whispered come on we got a cheerleader thing to crash.
I gave her a wicked boney smile let's do this!
Later that night we snook in.
Holloback girl was playing in the background as we cringed.
Mindy: uh huh, this my sh!t
all the girls stomp your feet like this a few times
I've been around that track so it's just not going to happen like that
cause I ain't no hollaback girl I ain't no hollaback girl
Paden: a few times I've been around that track so it's not going to happen like that cause I ain't no hollaback girl
Grim cut the wires to all of the lights off while the music was still playing.
Mindy let out a AGHHHHH in frustration. As she tried turning on the lights but nothing worked.
My turn b!tches Mandy said as everyone saw her shadow.
Mandy: I heard you were talking sh!t
and you didn't think I would hear it people hear you talking like that
getting everybody fired up so I'm ready to attack,
Mindy&Paden: gonna lead the pack gonna get a touchdown,
Mandy: gonna take you out
that's right put your pompoms down
getting everybody fired up
Mindy strutted up to Mandy. Do you always have to ruin everything?
Mandy responded do you always have to be a h0re?
Mindy gasped and had some of her friends catch her.
Mandy death glared Paden and said let's go grim.
Yall are done. Toasted. Threw. Finished. Kablooey. Grim shouted turning to Paden as they left.
Mandy's Pov:
I decided to go to see Jr cause I wasn't thinking of staying home so I took a portal over to there.
I knocked on the door, Jr answered.
Hey he said are you okay? he asked. Do I look okay? I responded. Ummm no you don't that's why I asked. Come in.
He opened the door for me.
what's wrong? Jr looked worried.
Paden.......moved on I said.
Damn what an idiot jr said. Look at you. Like who the hell would say no to you?-
jr realized what he said and blushed a bit.
Well you can sleep on my bed
there's an old cot outside anyways so I'll just take that-
before he could leave I grabbed the back of his shirt getting his attention.
I don't want to be by myself Mandy whispered.
Okay jr said
I'll stay.
He sat down by her side
and kissed her forehead.
Goodnight Mandy, night jr she mumbled
making jr laugh a little before she drifted asleep in his arms.
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fumikomiyasaki · 5 months
[ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine
[ dream ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare
With Asif and Rubina :) (You did mention that Rubi has nightmares, right? :0)
non verbal meme
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Doing an errand, Mellow entered the pomefiore dorm a little nervous... after all this dorm was known for having a dorm leader with high beauty standard and even if Henry was friends with him Mellow was still worried to be judged... so he clinged onto the box he was carrying untill stopping at one room handing the students the package... yet before he left something or moreso someone drew his attention... it was "her".
He met Vivienne just some days ago but given how special that first meeting was to him and it got him to have a massive crush on her from afar he struggled. Even what she lend him he just put in her locker without approaching her and just left a letter cause of that, but across the room she spotted him and waved. In a nervous gulp he stepped forward to approach her trying to ignore his fidgetting hands.
"Mellow, its nice to see you here."
Her smile already got him to try to hide his face in his collar.
"I-Its good to see you as well, I w-was a little busy so... I couldn't return it personally."
"I am still happy you did... right can I ask you for a favour. My dance partner for practise has sprained their ankle... would you maybe join me for a dance?"
"M-me? N-no, I would only step you on the feet."
"Then its not to late to learn right?"
He took a deep breath but then took the hand she offered. Was he really fine with this, his heart was beating out of his chest just talking to her and now he was this close with her dancing slowly in front of other students, he tried to think of something else to not faint right then and there... but looking back at her eyes he couldn't help but let an awkward smile slip.
"You are doing well, Mellow!"
"T-thank you."
It was like he woke up this morning hit his head and now is in a dream he didn't want to wake up from. Eventually they finished the dance with a light bow, his face was deep red letting her hand go.
"I am sorry, V-vivienne but-"
"You need to go back, right? Still it was a pleasure to dance with you. I hope you can stop by another day."
"M-maybe... I will try or.... i-in doubt I show you around my dorm."
"I would be happy."
For him this was one of the days he was surprised that he actually could speak up that much... even if he left the dorm still nervous and with a not stopping heart pump but... he also left with a soft smile to himself, he sat down in the courtyard before leaving to his dorm... suddenly struck by inspiration and began sketching... as Leroy caught him.
"You really are down bad Mel... already sketching her."
"ACK-- L-leroy... don't surprise me like that."
"I am just happy for my friend to finally approach someone on his own."
Mellow clinged to his notebook and sighed... at least his friend brought him back to reality again.
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Taking a break from the trouble in her dorm she accepted an invitation from Asif to stay over at his dorm, calming from all of Flynns antics and the messyness of it all... but it was also cause recently she got calls from her family again... putting more pressure on her in representing her name... she eventually left the feast early and went to be trying to get some shut eye... however this hope of rest was not granted to her.
As she closed her eyes she found herself in a rose garden... each rose however bled their color of red away to a white rose.... the red trail was something Rubina followed and quickly chased after just to find that same view she was greeted with that many years ago... her sister lying on the ground... her parents as distorted twisted figures behind her... walking away from her as if abandoning her... and she once again couldn't do anything to prevent it. Her white wings consumed the previous red of the roses and as she looked into a shard on the floor her eyes had a similar shimmery red as she cried out...
Just for this vision to be shattered as she heard a voice.
"Ruby? Are you alright?"
Asif looked down at her in concern as her hand still gripped the sheet in panic... she breathed hard before looking up at him and getting up to hug him.
"Again it plagues me... I don't want to remember it... I..."
"Its alright... it was a nightmare... I am here."
"Thank you."
She held onto him for a while before sitting down on the bed with him.
"After my sister... died... I feel trapped... my parents want me to bring the family honor... they don't even remember her... and I am the one who has to be perfect... it drives me mad... I feel like a bird trying to fly and break free but... I am sick of trying..."
"Ruby... listen they can't harm you here... and no matter what happens... you can always run away and stay with me or friends."
He gave a firm nod. "I can't ignore if someone that beautifull and incredible has to cry so much cause of things she should not be burdened by."
"Thank you Asif... I still am unsure if I can sleep after this...would you um... stay with me?"
"Of course."
He felt her wings move a little hugging him for a while... it was a bit more of a calm breath he heard from her... maybe telling her some stories before sleep will give her a peacefull one... he could at least try.
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uglybirdsnest · 1 year
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Vapor Trails
- Chapter 05 -
Chapters list • My AO3
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The next morning, the whole class was astonished by a boy with a messy appearance who just walked into the classroom in the middle of class. "Hey, Andou Daisuke, stop there!" Kasukabe-sensei who felt irritated shouts because all of the students now aren't directing their eyes towards the blackboard but towards the boy whose name was being called. "Andou Daisuke!" He repeated only to get ignored by the boy.
Daisuke walks straight to his seat, but he realized that the boy who always sat next to him was not Toshiya now, rather a short boy with a bowl-like haircut who is currently sleeping. Who's his name again? Daisuke doesn't even now (and care). Feeling a little curious, he glanced to his right and saw that Toshiya is now sitting behind a boy with slightly long hair and bangs. He poked the boy's shoulder saying "Shinya-chan don't mind him." and the boy gave Toshiya a side eye before turning his head slightly and answering "You're giving me creeps, stop bothering me."
"Shinya-chan, rude!"
Aaah f*ck. Daisuke doesn't want his feelings to be all over the place on this lousy morning. Remember, he must focus. He puts down his bag and was preparing to take out his book when Kasukabe-sensei arrived at his seat with a long wooden ruler. The sound of a wooden ruler hitting Daisuke's table made the bowl-haired boy startled and wake up. "What is it noooow!" he groaned.
"Ah, it's just you. Disturbing my f*cking sleep." He tried to put his head on the table again but two fingets landed on his ear. "Ow ow ow ow!! What the hell!!"
"Ah, Kyo-chan's ears got tweaked again!!"
"Don't 'chan' me, idio- ow!!" He meant to answer the boy's 'insult' but instead he got his ear tweaked even more and now his ear becomes redder like an apple that's ready to be eaten. The bald man hummed in an angry tone and goggled his eyeballs, and with his mout open, he shows a row of yellow teeth due to frequent coffee drinking.
"You only like him because he's smart! He smoked cigars in toilet many times before. He's just another delinqu-"
"Don't talk back to your teacher!!" Kasukabe-sensei snapped and hit the boy's head with a ruler to made the boy groaned again. Toshiya just giggled in his seat in the corner with a very satisfied face. "I'm an elite delinquent though! Aah~.. Oh! Weren't you there too, Kyo-chan?" Toshiya said once again and Kyo swears he will kick his ass later. Shinya just made a disgusted face as he continue his notes while all of the class laughing.
Daisuke had completely forgotten that Toshiya always tries to mingle with everyone. Although he prefers to spend his time with Daisuke, he also jokes around with almost all of the boys in class, moreover with that Kyo guy. Daisuke actually had seen those two went to men's toilet on together on breaks to smoke. Of course it would be easy for him to find a replacement for Daisuke, right? Now Daisuke was wondering to himself, did Toshiya choose him because he looked the most pathetic sh*t in class? If he think about it, Toshiya would be better off beside the other guys than he is.
"I want to be here." Daisuke answered nonchalantly while looking for his stationery. Where did he put his blunt, thumb-lenght, pencil?
"You're already expelled, Andou. We already gave the letter to your mother, correct? I'm sure your presence is not needed anymore." Kasukabe-sensei turned to Daisuke with a raised eyebrow. The boy knew it. That's why he put his things back into his bag and got up from his seat so recklessly that his chair fell to the floor.
He couldn't possibly visit his mother at this hour because it was still school time and he didn't want to make his mother ore stressed by seeing her stupid son in the morning on the hospital instead of school. Finally Daisuke chose to go to the Naka market and start his work as a manual laborer again.
The clock at the bus station now shows 4PM, Daisuke rides his old bicycle to the hospital to see his mother's condition. But he couldn't do much because his mother is sleeping. In the end, he just sat with her until the sun went down.
Daisuke parked his bicycle in his yard and entered the hut. Smelling his shirt which is now very smelly with sweat, he immediately went to take a shower. He was about to dry himself with a towel before he realized that there was not a single towel in his sights. So he decides to use his shirt? to wipe his body and came out of the bathroom without any single fabric protecting his skin. The cold air began to be felt by the boy because he got goosebumps and his skin made small microscopic dots.
Should he make firewood after this? Or.. should he just light a candle? But, can the candle warm his body? Wait a minute, does he still have clean clothes to wear anyway? Who knows. Daisuke just hoped he could find a long sleeve shirt that at least isn't too smelly to wear. Daisuke's room door, which was now rickety because it was eaten by termites, made a loud squeaking sound as he open it and stepped inside.
"You took way too long!!"
Daisuke was surprised to hear someone else's voice in his room. From the darkness of the room he vaguely saw a figure of...
"Waaah!! Why are you naked????"
Toshiya covered his entire face with his palms even though his long fingers left a slight gap for his left eye to peek out. His cheeks and ears turned red and his heart pounded. This stup*d ass...
"Why are you blushing, sh*thead?! Are you a girl??" Daisuke with his right hand throws his dirty clothes towards Toshiya and one of his shirts lands right above his head covering his view from Daisuke. "D-Dai-chan! Why are you naked- Gyaa!! Don't come closer! I'm not ready to be a father yet!!"
"Can you shut the f*ck up??! I don't want the neighbors to hear and make up strange rumours!" Daisuke threw Toshiya again with another dirty clothes he just picked up from the floor. "-urgh!"
The two of them walked along the path along the watermelon field with Daisuke guiding his bicycle. Half of his mind was a little disbelieving that after what he did to Toshiya, he still wanted to see him, let alone walk with him. And half of it, he thought that Toshiya is just dumb, that's why.
It feels very awkward. Of all the sounds that were there that night, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard clearly by Daisuke. Where had the sound of the crickets and frogs gone a moment ago? This silence was killing him. Haaah, he really should get on his bicycle and go to Kaoru's stall before 7PM. And now he's forced side by side with the boy who's trying to cover up his blushing by making a serious face (he failed). Daisuke glanced at the younger boy next to him and couldn't help but sigh.
"Dai-chan.." Toshiya began to spoke, finally killing the silence. "It's really sucks when someone doesn't have something to fulfill what they want. And I know that it's really frustating when you don't have a dream like others." he continued. Daisuke can only laugh wryly because that's the truth.
Daisuke looked at the night sky, following the moon before he answers. "I think.. I'm alive because I can't die yet. I'm trying to vent my anger but I only have myself so what's the point? I'm afraid to open my eyes every day and breathe. It's like.. I'm floating in the sky, I'm fa-"
「 … 」
Continue to read the rest of Chapter 05 on my AO3 (link)
Hello. Thankyou for clicking this story. As I said before, on tumblr I will only post half of the chapter, so you need to go to my AO3 to read every chapter fully.🤍
Always remember that my stories are FREE, because this is a fanfiction, that should be released free and I purely wanted to share it with all DEG fans, moreover Die lovers 🤍
Lots of love,
Bird 🕊
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anewbeginningagain · 3 years
Thank you for what you said about being disappointed in the fandom and not in VM. I came to follow you through the VM fandom and I do remember you clearly drawing a line when the shipper/anti discussion got to be overwhelming. I respect that so much. I loved them as performers and as a team, and I have always believed them when they clearly said they were not a couple. I also believe they have now each forged paths that fit them and that were 100% what I would have expected given what they expressed interest in over the years.
How did you know when to step back? While I wasn’t a shipper, I mistakenly thought that the shipper discourse was all in good fun and hung around far too long. During that time, and especially around the WOF events, it felt like nearly every VM blog (even the normally neutral ones) had drunk the shipper Kool Aid and was taking sides between VM. I really can’t look at any of those blogs with any respect, to say nothing of the truly vile people who continue to propagate lies about VM to this day. So I’m now also very bitter at the fandom, because it put a darkness over the last year we got to see VM be a skating team, and we won’t get that time back.
I don't think I knew when to step back, I stepped back too late tbh. For a long time I tried to fight what was done to them because it was just such injustice in my eyes and in my character I find it hard not to fight for what I believe even when it costs me. I'm putting this under a keep reading since it turned out long.
I think my experience was different for many reasons, I wasn't on tumblr before TS, I didn't know what a fandom is and was never part of one, didn't even know what shipping was. So coming here in 2014 and lurking until I joined fully was a strange experience. And that's partly why I was a part of it but also always an outsider, I didn't have group chats or was a part of some clique. At times I chatted with other blogs but it was mostly impersonal. That's also why I was a very low-key shipper in some ways but I was also much more realistic in terms of what it actually means and what I expect from them (nothing at all btw, shipping them was always on me, not on them, it was my decision and they owed me nothing).
The thing with the TS fandom is that it was toxic from the start and I was completely aware of it. One of my first ever posts was me publicly calling out another blogger for being a bully, it wasn't even done to start a fight or anything, I just didn't know what the decorum was around here... But it was well deserved and only escalated from there. The fandom basically turned people into monsters in my eyes - people were bullies, harassing others, belittling them. Every time a blogger would come out and share a personal experience like TS helping them deal with personal heartbreak - those "monsters" would drag them both anonymously and publicly. And while it drove me crazy to watch it, what made it worse is that most people were reluctant to stand up against it. And this was when the fandom was way smaller than it became in 2018.
During 2016-2018 before they went viral the fandom still had many low points, they'd start a rumor about every person TS were seen talking to, every photoshoot Tessa did made people question her motivation and commitment to skating and made them angry at Scott for not trying enough, every skating related decision was questioned and they were announced as DOOMED about once a week. It was a time where the fandom will have a meltdown about once a month over the dumbest things ever. And yet at that time, it was still worth being around. The good outweighs the bad.
But it stopped being the case in 2018. I was so happy they went viral but the new batch of fans made things a lot worse. They came in knowing nothing and completely fell for the "monsters" that were always around, they needed the entertainment and they didn't care about the consequences of their actions. Some of them came from other fandoms and didn't realize that what you can do when shipping two movie stars, can't be done when it's two Canadian athletes who are much more accessible and way less prepared to deal with the insanity. It became a circus and TS were the opening act, there to either behave as the masses pleases or fall apart in front of them for entertainment purposes. Everything was fair game to those people, their private lives, their reputation, their families, their integrity, it was all a big game.
So even when it was fun I knew it won't last. There were too many people around that I knew in my heart were horrible people, I think about a month after the Olympics I started blocking accounts who were determined to make stuff up or those trying to "educate" new fans by telling them complete fabrications while still abusing the old bloggers that were around. But I was also getting to know new blogs and while some are still around and are totally great, most were either awful from the start or die-hard shippers who were bound to turn on TS once it will get out that they aren't a couple. And then all the rumors about TS being stalked started going around and things became way too much for me.
And I think I knew that it will be a shit show around here when it will come out that they are not a couple, but even I couldn't have imagined the level people were stoop to. The complete insanity that went down reached the media, other skaters were asked to comment about nasty rumors about them, they and their loved ones were cyberbullied.
I think the time I knew I have to make a complete purge to my timeline both here and on twitter was when someone tagged Scott's girlfriend's old husband in a tweet asking him to get her away by taking her back while attaching legal documents from their divorce papers. That was so demented that I knew I don't want to even be associated with those kinds of people. And there are tons of other horrible things that were done, it's just too infuriating to name more of them.
But the one consistent thing in this fandom was that a big part of it will always try to ruin the happy moments: Their first ACI - some tried to make up some guy Tessa is supposedly dating and was there, first SCI - they couldn't even beat C/B in the FD, a small error at 4CC SD - they are falling apart, a stumble at worlds - they won't be allowed to win the Olympics, they choose MR - it's a warhorse and the judges will laugh at them, the entire 2017/18 - they are doomed, touring Japan - they are a couple but are fighting just look at their body language, thank you Ilderton - can't even look at each other. I can legit keep this going for days.
About 95% of TS fandom is the absolute worse, always have been and always will be, and when anyone come across those "nice" fans who interact with Tessa on Instagram or are part of fs twitter - keep in mind most of those people behaved like horrible human beings, not only to TS but to other fans as well. So yeah, I'm bitter LOL.
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67 for the kiss prompts 👀
of course it's another safehouse fic! warning for some self-loathing on the parts of jon and martin. 
67. When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More.
Jon's on the phone with Basira in the other room. Martin can hear the rise and fall of his voice through the walls. He halfway wishes he'd said yes to Jon's offer to put her on speaker—he wants to know how bad it is. Wants to know exactly how badly he fucked up when he followed Peter into those tunnels (in more than just the obvious ways). 
Jon's said it wasn't his fault. Said that this morning, over the eggs he'd scrambled on a whim that were going cold on Martin's plate, covering Martin's hand with his: "It wasn't your fault, Martin. It wasn't. I-it wasn't even just the Not-Sasha, it… Trevor and Julia…" And then he'd stopped, a pained expression on his face, and Martin knew he wasn't the only one feeling guilty for everything that happened at the Panopticon the day before. 
The reality of Jon being here is still so new, so strange, after not talking for months, for a year, what with the coma, and the Lonely… Martin doesn't think he ever even had Jon to his flat before this; he thinks he suggested it once, after a drink one night, if Jon wanted to come back and have some tea, and Jon had politely said no, thank you, with a look in his eyes that made Martin think maybe he was thinking about all the kidnappings. So, yes, this is the first time Jon's ever been here. After months of silence, months of Martin talking himself out of going down the hall and talking to Jon, telling Jon how glad he was that he's alive, how sorry he was that he couldn't stay, how much he hated this, every bit of it… After it all, Jon came for him. Peter's dead, and there's no reason for them to stay away now. 
It's a relief, beyond what Martin will ever be able to articulate, but it's still strange, after all this time. Waking up in his bed to find Jon lying on the other side, stiff and tentative under the covers. To find Jon in the kitchen after a shower, making eggs and tea. To have Jon halfway holding his hand. Even after everything—after that period before the Unknowing where they were really sort of friends… this is surreal in a way Martin can't really explain.
Jon had actually held his hand all the way out of the Lonely, all the way back to his flat. Had reached for it over the expanse of Martin's mattress and held on. Martin doesn't remember him letting go. He doesn't remember ever wanting him to. It's a good surreal, he thinks. It's good. 
Jon comes out of the kitchen, now, his hand clutched around his phone, his face grim. Martin startles a little, his hands clenching together in his lap. "H-how was it?" he says. "Is it… d-do they have any sign of…" (Basira had filled them in on Daisy last night.)
"No, no, no sign." Jon sighs a little. Sits down on the couch beside Martin, so close their knees bump together. He doesn't meet Martin's eyes. 
Martin feels a habitual lump of worry rise in his throat. "You can tell me, Jon," he says, in case Jon is trying to shield him somehow. "It's… it's bad, isn't it?"
"I… yeah. Yeah, it's not good." Jon looks at him finally, his expression suggesting that’s all he’s going to say, like he’s going to try and protect Martin no matter what Martin says. “Basira… Basira says they’ll blame me,” he adds. “Again. She says they were already asking questions, they… sh-she said they’ll be looking for me again.”
" What? " Martin's aware his voice sounds insulted, and he is, on Jon's behalf, framed again for murders he didn't commit. (Well. Jon did kill Peter, but. Martin's not mourning that, not at all, he deserved it, and Peter isolated himself enough that the police shouldn't be looking for him. And the thought of Jon being blamed again for something he didn't even do…) "You didn't do anything, h-how can they blame you?"
Jon laughs a little, quiet bitterness in there. "It's easy. A-and it is my fault, sort of. I'm the one who antagonized Julia and Trevor. I'm the one who… who kept that stupid table, and then destroyed it and let that thing out. I'm the one who…" He stops. Winces, shakes his head a little. "I-it doesn't matter," he says. "Basira's sure they'll blame me. She says I need to get out of London." 
Martin latches onto that, his heart leaping in his throat. Maybe he has no right to be this concerned, considering he's holed himself up for months, ignoring Jon and working with Peter for a plan that didn't even do anything —but he can't help but panic at the idea of Jon leaving again, going somewhere else, somewhere where they can't keep him safe… Not that Jon isn't entirely self-sufficient, he's been fine all this time, he's saved Martin, and not that Martin's been doing a good job at all, considering everything, Jon came into the Lonely because of him and could've just as easily been lost, and it would've been his fault. But after everything… America, Ny-Alesund, the Unknowing, every time Jon went somewhere and Martin didn't, and something horrible happened, and Martin just… 
He tries to force the panic out of his voice, tries to speak levelly when he says, "Leave… leave London? And go where? "
"Scotland, apparently. Daisy has a safehouse that she… that she obviously won't be doing, and Basira said…" Jon swallows hard, looks away. "Well, she said I should leave right away. She said she would bring me the key here, and I should leave on the next train." 
"Oh," says Martin. A part of him is nearly shouting, Don't go, don't leave me here, but this is ridiculous, Jon has to go, and he can't ask… not after everything Jon's done… (But he doesn't want Jon to leave, he doesn't want to be alone again.) "I… y-yeah. Yeah, that's best," he says, because he can't, and he'd rather have Jon alive and somewhere else than arrested or dead, again, and his throat is closing up a little. "If they're looking for you, you should leave as soon as possible." 
"Right," says Jon. "Right, a-and I would…" He's staring down at his hands, intently, like he's trying to find answers in the lines of his palms. Martin is thinking absently that he does that, too, and isn't it funny how many habits he and Jon share that he's never realized, when Jon looks up abruptly. He's got an expression that's almost shy on his face; he says, "I-I was wondering if you'd like to come with me."
They're quiet for a moment.. Martin's staring; he thinks he definitely might be staring. His mouth might be hanging open. Jon starts talking again, too fast and stammering and anxious: "O-obviously if you don't want to, th-there's no obligation, of course, i-it's just that I… well, I haven't seen you for such a long time, Martin, and w-we just started talking again, and I… I thought you might want t-to get out of here, maybe, the Institute, it's… and I don't want you to be alo—" 
Martin kisses him. Leans forward, just like that, and abruptly kisses Jon, cutting him off mid-sentence. Jon makes a little sound, a punched-out gasp, and his hand moves up, resting suddenly against Martin's jaw. 
It takes a moment for Martin to fully connect his actions— Jon just asked me to go to Scotland and You just kissed him —and he pulls away abruptly. "I-I'm sorry," he says wildly, thinking I should've asked, thinking Martin, you idiot, just because he followed you into the Lonely doesn't mean he wants to… 
Jon's looking at him. His eyes are dark and wet and full of some emotion Martin can't place, and he's just looking at him. His hand is still on Martin's jaw, his fingers warm against Martin's chilly skin. Martin's eyes dart to the side—to Jon's fingers, his bitten nails, resting against Martin's cheek—and then back to Jon. "I'm sorry," he says again, and Jon shakes his head, just a little. Rubs a thumb over Martin's cheek. 
The gesture is enough to make Martin want to break. Just shatter in a dozen little pieces inside. He's not sure what to say—his brain, wildly grasping, comes up with, "Are you sure you—" And Jon leans forward, just as abruptly as Martin did, and kisses him again. Kisses him gently, sweetly, with a sort of underlying desperation that sounds like it did in the Lonely last night. We need you. I need you. His hands are still on Martin's face. 
Martin makes a little sound of shock. Fumbles up with shaking hands to cover Jon's hand with his, to grasp it gently and desperately (the way Jon is kissing him) and not let go. Not this time.
Jon's the one to pull away, first, just far enough to rest his forehead against Martin's. He laughs a little, nervous energy, and doesn't let go of Martin's hand. "You don't need to apologize, Martin, you…" He laughs again, quietly. "I'm very sure. I am. I've been wanting to do that for… quite a long time."
"Oh," Martin says faintly, his thumb tracing the line of Jon's palm. "You have?"
Jon nods, his forehead thunking lightly against Martin's with the motion. Martin chuckles. "Me… me, too."
"Oh," Jon says softly. He squeezes Martin's hand. 
Martin looks down at their joined hands (on his knee, now), leaning into Jon a little. (Just a little.). "Yes," he says, and there is no tremble, no hint of hesitation in his voice. He's sure about this, maybe the surest he's been in a long time. "Yes, I'll go to Scotland with you."
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Robby Keene X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings: FILTHY SMUT! Choking! Rope! Just FILTHY! Season 3 Robby!
Here’s a edit to go with the one-shot pretty much! Made by me!
Birthday Wish
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  Your birthday was coming soon, well in less than a couple hours. You weren't to happy to say the least, for some reason you never liked your birthday. You didn't know why but it was just I guess a normal thing for you.
  Not many people knew when your birthday, the only people that knew were Miguel which is your best friend since birth, Johnny, and you're parents.
  Even Robby your lovely boyfriend didn't know, you just didn't feel it were to important. Johnny found out when your birthday was by accident from Miguel as he had slipped it out.
  You obviously couldn't stay mad at Miguel so when he apologized you let it go. Anyways, it was just another day at school with boring students and boring teachers. But thankfully it was lunchtime so no annoying work or teachers for 45 minutes.
  You sat at a table with Miguel, Hawk, Demetri, and your boyfriend Robby. Both Hawk and Demetri left for some project due that Hawk kept complaining about; saying it was nerd sh*t.
  You picked at your dry frys on your plate until Miguel struck up a conversation "hey Y/n what are you planning on doing for your birthday in a few hours?" He questions interested.
  You look towards Miguel "nothing, I'm pro happy just going to sleep and eat" You say bluntly until Robby buts in.
  "Wait, babe it's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me?" He questions confused, as he furrows his brows together.
  You look at Robby "what? It's not a big deal. I don't worry with it anyways" you say honestly.
  "Baby it's your birthday, it's a big deal, at least to me... well now anyways" Robby states honestly.
  He looks around for a bit before biting his bottom lip and pressing his lips to your in a quick kiss before getting up "where are you going?" You question as he walks to the exit discreetly.
  "You'll see when I pick you up later!" He says as he walks out of the exit back door.
  You turn back confused to Miguel "did he just leave in the middle of lunch?" You question awestruck.
  "I think so..." Miguel says also awestruck.
  You giggle to yourself slightly as you continue lunch. The time went to pretty slowly, without Robby here it wasn't interesting nor was it fun.
  Soon after what felt like a life time the bell ring indicating for the students to leave, you happily leaped out of your seat and headed towards your car only to be greeted with Robby holding a huge bear that sat on the hood of your car as you walked towards him.
  "What's this for?" You question.
  Robby smirks "this is part of your preset for today" he says as he picks it up and hands it to you.
  "He's all yours" He says crossing his arms with the same smirk on his face as he watched your facial expressions.
  You smile brightly "Robby I love him! Can we name him Snuffles?" You question excitedly.
  Robby chuckles "he's yours princess, you can name him whatever you wish. But Snuffles is cute" He puts in.
  "Thank you baby" You smile bashfully as you sit the bear back on the hood of the car to press a kiss against Robby's lips.
  He smiles at the gesture as he leads you to the passengers side with your bear of course, he opens the door for you and closes it once you enter.
  He runs to the passenger side and slides in, he pulls your keys out of his pocket showing them to you with a smirk on his lips you gasp "you sneaky b*tch" you giggle.
  He chuckles and cranks the car up, arriving at your destination a few moments later.
  Robby gets out of the car, walks over to your side and opens the door for you as you hold the bear in one hand getting out.
  "Alright so I want you to put this on" He says taking a blind fold out of the back of his pocket before gently tying it around your head, covering your eyes.
  He grabs your waist and leads you into your house, up the stairs and to your room. Your parents weren't home and seeing as you told them you didn't like your birthday they accepted your wishes and let it go: plus they were working late which really worked out.
  Robby closed the door behind him and runs over to the curtains dimming them a little with a red blanket to illuminate the color red.
  He grabs the bear from your hands and sets it in your office chair at your desk, he places one hand on your neck and one hand on your cheek pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
  Slowly he pulls away, letting your lips linger slightly. He moves one hand from your cheek, keeping the other on your neck gently and wraps his hand in a piece of your hair before pulling it gently and placing another heated kiss to your lips causing you to let out a breathy but desperate moan.
  "What's all of this?" You question breathlessly as he pulls away from the kiss.
  "This is your birthday present silly" He smirks as he tugs the blind fold off letting you see the room.
  The bed being covers in roses, a small bag on the side of the bed and the light from the sun illuminating off of the red blanket making a red effect setting the mood more.
  Robby lifts your chin up with his pointer finger "now be a good girl and lay on the bed for me" He says sweetly, but dominating at the same time causing your breath to hitch.
  You kick your shoes off and climb onto the bed, Robby walks over to you and climbs onto the bed pushing some roses out of the way as you lay down completely.
  "You're so beautiful" He smiles, running a finger down your face stopping at your bottom lip tugging it down a little.
  He presses small kisses to your neck making sure to breathe on your neck a little causing goosebumps to arise on your skin.
  He trails kissed along your neck, the middle of your breasts, until he reaches your stomach lifting your shirt slightly.
  He trails his eyes back up to meet your turned on ones, "can I remove these?" Robby asks tugging on your jeans.
  You nod your head to in the moment "yes please" You mumble slightly causing him to smile as he unbuttons the buttons and starts tugging them down.
  He pulls them all the way off and throws them on the ground, placing both of his hands on your hips he places a kiss on your covered core.
  You moan slightly at the little amount friction causing Robby to smirk as he tugs on your underwear pulling them all the way off.
  You felt your skin getting hot and started to pant so you pull off your shirt and tank top to reveal your black bra.
  "So beautiful" Robby hums as he places a kiss on your clit slightly.
  Finally he decides to stop the torture and flick his tongue against your clit a few times while maintaining eye contact.
  "Oh my-" You moan obviously aroused by his actions.
  Robby swirls his tongue against your clit a few times before sucking slowly causing you to arch your back.
  You run your hands through his now shortish but still long hair as he continues to suck and nibble gently at your clit.
  Your hips start rocking back and forth against his mouth causing him to smirk as he hooks one arm around your waist while he runs his middle finger teasing your pussy as he slowly enters his middle finger causing you to moan.
  "Robby..." You whine out as he continues to flick his tongue against your clit not holding back on the assault.
  He maintains eyes contact as he pulls at your clit sucking firmer causing your high to spark. "Oh~" You whimper as your hips rock faster against his mouth indicating that you were getting closer.
  He slips in his ring finger which actually had a ring on it, the cold metal causing your to jump but moan as well, he had no idea how hot he could be.
  "F*ck!" You yell as both of your hands go to gripping the sheets as you rock your hips more against his tongue that laps circles around your clit not missing a spot.
  "I'm gonna cu-" You barley have time to make out as your high over flows you causing you to cum on Robbys lips and tongue.
  He rides out your high but doesn't stop causing your hips to jerk, being overstimulated "Robby I-I" You try to get out but overstimulation stops you from doing so.
  He replaces his mouth with his thumb finger rubbing circles viciously "I'm not stopping until you cum on my tongue again" He moans replacing his thumb with his lips.
  "Oahu~" you whimper out as you were sensitive.
  He pushes his fingers in your core hitting your G-spot causing you to moan "you're so wet for me Y/n, look at you got my fingers all drenched in your cum-" Robby says seductively as he continues to suck on your clit.
  You throw your head back at the dirty talk which always made you cave, "you're doing so good- does that feel good princess?" He hums keeping eye contact as he thrusts his fingers in and out harder while sucking on your clit.
  "Oh my yes! Robby amazing!" You try to form a correct sentence.
  You felt every lick, nibble and suck aware of every touch as your body was on high alert it didn't take long for you to cum again seeing as he didn't stop once after your first.
  Once you came for the second time Robby licked and swallowed every bit moaning at your taste "you taste delightful" He smirks as he sucks off his two fingers.
  He crawls back to you pressing his lips against yours and wrapping his hand gently around your throat, kissing you with full passion as you taste yourself on his tongue.
  He parts the kiss only to press more into your neck sucking slightly, creating small hickeys all over your neck and breasts.
  You flip Robby over which surprisingly he lets you do as you tug off his shirt to reveal his toned body, you press small kisses all over his neck moving down to his stomach as you go to unbuckle his pants, ready to go down on him but he stops you.
  You look up at him with doe eyes as he grabbed your hand "no princess today is all about you" Robby says as he flips you back over.
  You nod gently as he gets on his knees and tugs off his pants along with his boxers throwing them off the bed.
  His hard on slaps against his stomach causing your eyes to widen, for you to have not gotten to give him any friction he sure was hard-.
  Robby grabs your thighs parting them as he sets himself in the middle rubbing his cock along your swollen clit causing you to moan.
  He places the tip of his cock at your entrance but looks at you for confrontation, you nod your head fast "please- I want your cock" You whimper, being turned on completely changed your care button.
  Robby smirks slightly at this as he slowly slides his cock into your pussy, whimper slightly as he feels your tight walls caving in on his cock.
  "F*ck you're so tight-" He praises as he rubs your thighs staying still but moving slightly so he wouldn't hurt you.
  "Oh my-" Your eyes roll back into your head at the pleasure of how his cock stretches you out.
  Robby continues with a slow and sweet pace, you rock your hips against his cock tired of the slow pace "faster please" You whimper out.
  Robby smirks and grabs the bag that was on your table opening it and pulling out a rope, your eyes widen as he tilts his head asking if it was okay to which you nod, your eyes shinning as you were excited.
  He grabs both of your hands and ties them together before tying them to the bed post, Robby grips your hips and slams his cock into your pussy causing you to moan loudly as you tug on the rope it not even budging.
  Your mouth opens wide as your eyes roll back as he lifts up your hips and repeatedly slams his cock into your pussy hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
"Robby!-" you moan you as his cock continues to hit all the right angles.
His pace never slows, in fact he goes even faster and deeper with each thrust that you didn’t even know was possible. The bed post hitting the wall furiously as he continues to hit your sweet spot.
"Yeah? Does that feel good~?" He asks breathlessly as sweat starts running down your body’s.
You nod your head furiously not being able to speak, adding more pleasure Robby rubs your clit with the pads of his thumb: his thumb ring rubbing against your clit causing you to arch your back.
You felt even more overstimulated as you tried to squirm your way out, but it was nearly impossible with both his tight grip and the rope holding you back.
Robby grabs the top of your bra and flips it over as he continues his vigorous thrusts, both your breasts being exposed causing you to moan as Robby flicks the perky bud with his other thumb.
His cock continues to stretch you out as he hits your g-spot repeatedly, his left hand wraps around your throat slightly as he continues to pound you into another dimension.
Robby’s cock begins to twitch inside you indicating that he was close, as your walls continue to pulsate around him indicating that you were also close.
"Robby~ I’m so close~" You whimper simultaneously rolling your hips against his cock that continues to f*ck you until your shaking.
"Yeah?~ be a good girl and cum on my cock for me yeah~" Robby says seductively as his cock thrusts into you faster which you thought was impossible by now.
Robby’s hips started to burn as his cock started to twitch, the tip burning with anticipation as you finally cum around his cock at his words, your eyes closed shut as your mouth falls open small moans falling out.
Robby thrusts slow as he lets you ride out your high as much as he could before pulling out and cumming on your pussy slowly rubbing his cock against your sensitive bud initiating his high more.
Both of you take a breather as he sucks off his thumb that was soaked with your juices keeping eye contact as he moans against his finger- addicted to your intoxicating taste.
You practically melt at that action, as Robby gently undoes the knot releasing your hands. He throws it to the side and bends down connecting his lips onto yours.
His cock resting on your numb pussy as he does so, you moan into the kiss running your hand through his soft locks. Soon you both pull away catching your breaths.
"Gosh Robby that was amazing" You simp.
Robby smirks as he rests his head on your chest pressing a small kiss to your breasts "I’m glad you liked it"
"Liked it? Robby I loved it~" You chuckle slightly.
"Good because I bought us dinner as well" He smiles softly.
Don’t you just love a man that can blow your back out and feed you after?
This requested by @peachymelon69 for her birthday! Happy birthday!!!
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softie-rain · 2 years
Meet me at the Hanging Tree
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previous chapter: Chapter 5
next chapter: Chapter 7
Pairings: Peter Maximoff x fem!reader
Series Summary: Panem, governed by President Magnus, is getting ready for the 75th Hunger Games. It's in this Memory Edition that the reader will learn how far one can go for the loved one, even if that could bring her to certain death.
Series Warnings: Murdering, described death and violence, suicide, death for natural causes such as starving, hypotermia, dehydratation and wounding infection.
Chapter Six: Let the Hunger Games begin
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summary: And finally, all the tributes are dragged in the Arena to begin their journey towards their possible death.
warnings: described death, blood, described violence, starving jokes (the reader jokes about the starving situation in district 12, but it's just mentioned), swearing
a/n: yay first day in the arena :) I'm honestly so happy with how this series is turning out, love it. Also i know the forest It's a bit obvious but, my choice was purely convenient since I'm more familiar with the vocabulary.
And if you're wondering how long this fic is going to be, good. I am too. (i have the whole story planned it's just going to take a while to develope it. This will be a very long one I'm afraid)
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Saying y/n slept bad was an understatement. She never had the best sleep back in the District either, but she couldn't recall another night when she woke up that many times. 
When she finally heard the avox knocking at her door (she didn't quite understand the use in doing it since she entered the room without waiting for an answer) she assumed it was five in the morning, at least. Without signing a word, the girl left a pile of clothes -actually they were just a t-shirt, a jacket and a pair of pants- on the bed, bowed briefly as a sign of excusing herself and then left the tribute once again alone.
She got up and started getting dressed. Her mind started to wonder how the arena would look. Will it be desert? Jungle? For what she knew, it could have been even the ocean. 
Given her clothes, it must have been a dry place. They fitted her shape perfectly, and they were, to her surprise, comfortable. Once she was done, the girl looked at herself in the mirror. "Not yesterday's dress, but this will do just fine, won't it?" Her eyes went from her reflection to the door, where the mentor was. "I guess so." He moved his chair so that he was right next to her. 
"You once told me you hunt. For how bad it sounds, this won't be so different." She closed her eyes and shook her head, refusing to believe those words. 
"I hunt small animals like rabbits or squirrels. Not humans! There's a giant difference, and besides I barely find the strength of killing those poor creatures, let alone kids my own age, if not younger." 
"Once you're in there, you're going to find out that maybe killing those kids will turn out easier than killing a rabbit."
"Highly doubt so."
"Are you sure of that?" 
"I'm not a killer, Charles."
"Not yet."
Why was he speaking like that all of a sudden? Where were all the comforting words, and the advice he had given her and Darwin over that week? "Look, I know it's hard. But there's nothing you can do about it. Darwin already came down to these terms. You should too." He finally stated, and then left her alone in her room once again. Not for long, since the second he was out she was forced out of her comfort zone too, directed to the roof. 
She glanced one last time to the bed and bedroom, taking everything in as that was her last moment of freedom before the certain death. But was it ever freedom after all?
A helicopter was waiting for her, as she got on where other female tributes were already prepared. She uncomfortably looked around and sat at her place. A woman with long brown hair and a white gown locked her in the seat, and inserted something in her left arm with a needle. 
The district 12 tribute winced slightly as what she assumed was the localizator was inserted in her arm. After the woman moved, she found in front of her Kitty. Once again, the girl from district 6 smiled at y/n, and once again she smiled back. But this time it was more like a comforting smile. Something that said "you can do this." And for some reason, y/n believed that.
When they heard the helicopter land, panic started making his way through her body, destroying any bit of strength she had built. No more lies, no more smiles. She was going to die. 
As she waited for Emma to arrive (or so they told her she would) her mind went to Peter. How was Erik junior handling the situation? He was probably handling it well, right?
Peter was not handling the situation well. 
From the sleep full of nightmares to the terrible fly next to Scott himself who kept glaring at him, things were going down indeed. 
In front of him was Warren, and he damned fate for putting him in between the two people he said no to the day before. At least Warren seemed to have taken his response in a mature way. 
Scott haven't. 
He was sure that, the second the gong started the Games, young Summers would have been on his neck, cutting it nice and easily. Just the thought of all that blood spilling out of him surely made the other tribute grin widely. As an instinct, Peter brought his hand to his neck, almost trying to protect it. 
After they landed, he made his way to the small room with the tube that was going to take him to the Arena, escorted by two peacekeepers. He caught with his eyes a tribute that looked like y/n entering the room one room away from him. He sighed in relief. At least they were close and that would have made running away easier. 
They hadn't made an exact plan for the bloodbath, but they agreed they wouldn't have tried anything extreme, only took a bag if it was close to them. If not, they would run away immediately. 
He silently prayed that she would survive the bloodbath, god knew what he would have done if she died before him… For tactic reasons, obviously. Nothing more. 
Y/n tried to see through Emma's look of concern and comfort, but she couldn't. All she saw was pity and, to be honest, she wasn't expecting anything different from that. “I know I haven’t known you for that long but… I really do hope you'll win." 
She tried to say, but it was clear that she had no idea what to tell the girl to comfort her. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She exclaimed, almost forgetting what was about to happen to the tribute in front of her. "Charles told me to tell you that he believes in you, and he's sure you'll do the right thing up there." 
Y/n chuckled sadly. "He, uh, he didn't look so sure this morning." Emma gave her a sympathetic look. "I know, he never does at this point. He learned that it's better if he doesn't get attached to his tributes…" She nodded, understanding the feeling. He was right, no matter how much he believed in her or Darwin, their chances of winning were as high as the sky. 
30 seconds 
Someone announced in the speaker. The young girl took a deep breath in and entered the tube. Emma gave her one last look of hope, and then she started moving up, until she couldn't see anything. 
Then, light. 
Her eyes were met with a bright light, and for a moment she had a deja-vu moment of the reaping morning. As her eyes adjusted to the sun, she looked around. Generally speaking, the biome was a forest. As far as she could see there were trees, trees and more trees. Her spot, like anyone else's, was on the soft green grass. But the Cornucopia was on a small island (if it could be called that) in the middle of a lake that covered basically the whole round space, and stopped a few feets away from the tributes. All the weapons and bags were in or next to the Cornucopia, so that meant swimming to get them. 
Well, my plan of getting something just got fucked up. There's no way I'm getting near the water. She thought. She had ten seconds to look around and, two spots away from her, she found Peter already staring at her. 
They gave each other a nod and finally, the countdown finally came to an end. As soon as the cannon-shot was heard, she saw all the tributes throw themselves in the water, Darwin included. 
Instead, she immediately ran in the opposite direction. Fortunately none of the tributes followed her, too busy in swimming to the Cornucopia. In the rush of the moment, she wasn't scared. She didn't feel any fear or anxiety, her mind only focused on finding a safe spot where to hide. She quickly climbed a tree that was close to the forest entrance, and once she was high enough she observed the scene down her. 
In other conditions, she would have yelled in horror.
Everyone was fighting and killing even over the smallest pack they could find. She spotted Lorna, already in possession of a weapon, throwing it to a kid who wouldn't have been older than 13 years old. The knife went straight to his heart, making him fall to his knees and then lay down, dead. 
She noticed Scott and Ororo fighting together against what she was pretty sure was the girl from 4, and Rogue beating someone else to death next to them. 
The blood stained the sand everywhere, and she couldn't help but look away when Darwin himself won over a guy by hitting him repeatedly with a rock. 
The younger one's scream filled her ears, and she covered them trying to shut them out. The girl noticed that finally most of them were leaving, some in groups. Scott, Ororo, Rogue and, reluctantly, Kurt, left to the east. Kitty ran in the same direction y/n had taken previously, running deep in the forest. 
Damn it, where are you Peter? She looked around, but of the young Capitol Citizen, no trace. 
Almost half an hour later, everyone had left and she seemed to be the only one around, so she slowly climbed down the tree and started walking the same direction Kitty had gone, hoping that she wouldn't meet anyone. I have to find water. Water, and some food. But mostly water. 
As she mentally organized her thoughts, her mind once again went to Peter. "Where are you Peter?" She repeated, out loud this time. It almost came out as a whisper, but she hoped that, somehow, he would hear her anyway.
Suddenly, she heard a crack coming from behind her. Not even bothering to turn around she started running once again without looking where she was going. Something she probably should have done since a few minutes later, she tripped on something and next thing she knew, everything went black.
What woke her up was the intense smell of herbs. Opening her eyes, she carefully looked around. She was in a cave, so small she barely fitted in. The entrance was covered by many leaves, even if they weren't helping much. "You woke up. Good." She immediately turned around hearing a voice, prepared to defend herself, somehow. "Hey don't worry, it's just me. You should be more careful where you walk, you know?" Darwin appeared from the inside of the cave (again, not that it was that big). 
The girl sighed in relief. "Thanks. For the rescue." He smiled, sitting next to his friend. "I tried to look for that Peter guy too -y/n noticed he rolled his eyes at the mention of his name- but he's nowhere to be found. Besides, carrying you around was tough enough. You're heavy you know?" 
Darwin had this humor that, no matter how serious the situation was, he could always put a smile on her face. A characteristic she used to hate, but learned to appreciate and almost need. "Weird. I don't eat much, I wouldn't want to ruin my skinny body." She joked, making Darwin chuckle back. 
"You must be thirsty. Here, I found a bag that had a small flask inside, and I filled it with lake water." He offered her said flask, and she went to take it. 
The memory of him killing that boy flashed in her mind, and suddenly she wasn't feeling that thirsty anymore. "Let's save it for later." She proposed, to which he nodded. She looked outside, and it was getting dark already. 
"What did I hit when I fell?"
"A rock, I think. You had a cut on your head, nothing serious, I cleaned it quickly."
"And I passed for…?"
"A few hours."
She stayed quiet. "We can't stay here long. It's not covered enough, they could easily find us." She started getting up. 
"We're gonna have to sleep in turn. No fire, and as soon as the sun rises, we'll start walking. What?" She went on until she noticed Darwin's impressed look. "You work well under pressure, it seems like you've already been in a Game before."  
She was about to tell him about her hunting trips, but then she remembered that they were being recorded. "Yeah, I just use anxiety as a way of thinking clearly. Weird, I know." 
"Make sense, actually."
She nodded, briefly smiling. 
She went to speak again when the Horn of Plenty started playing loudly, and the Capitol emblem appeared in the sky. Right. The deaths. The cannons probably fired while she was passed out. 
In total, 9 deaths. During the bloodbath? Only nine people died? Woah, they kept it down this time. She made a quick mental list of all the fallen tributes: 
both the kids from 4 -the boy was Lorna's victim-, the male from 5, the girl from 7, the boy from 8, the girl from 9, both 10's tributes -she recognized that he was the guy that lost against Darwin, and she was Rogue's first kill- and finally, boy from 11.
She'd lie is she said that she would have prefered more deaths. She hated thinking like this but, first there was an higher chance of her dying. Second, an higher chance of her having to kill someone. 
She pushed that thought away, and layed down again. "You should rest. I'll do the first turn." Darwin told her, and she just nodded without having the mental strength of saying nothing back.
She fell asleep faster than she expected, her last thought going to Peter, as always.
Where are you, Peter?
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tags: @raincoffeeandfandoms @sweeter-innocence-fics
comment or reblog if you wanna be added or removed :)
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 3: Kindred Spirits Always Find A Way To Assemble
Time: 5:30am
location: Louvre
Ladybug, Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir are fighting an akuma, not anything major, just Mr. Pigeon and his pigeons trying to melt the Louvre with deadly acidic bird dropings, so yeah, nothing major. Just another early bird gets the akuma kinda day...
"Looks like the early bird is trying to melt the Louvre, what say you M'lady, shall we make this swift and- *Loud sneeze* Let me now *sneeze* when I'm *sneeze* needed" - Chat Noir
"For to long our kind has been oppressed, they feed us miserable seeds, when we beg for bread, we shall show them no mercy, as our justice shall be swift!" picks up two pigeons, holds them by their legs and aims the rear cannons "Surrender your Miraculous and your justice shall be swift and painless!!" with an evil villain laugh at the end bla bla bla.
" Anyone else getting Pigeon (French) Revolution vibes? No? just me? Cause I swear he said seeds instead of cake."
"Not the time Bunnyx." - Abeille
"Oh it so Is The Time." - Bunnyx
"Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object!" - Chat Noir from a distance.
"Viva La Revolution!!!" - Trickster
"Dear Kwami, how did it come to a frickin Pigeon Revolution?!" - Ladybug
As the last line is said, Mr. Pigeon fires the -ehem- cannons at the heroes, only for them to be an illusion. In the confusion Bunnyx pops out of her burrow and wacks Mr. Pigeon on the head, effectively knocking him out.
"The Pigeon Revolution is over, we have taken back our home, and shall continue to defend it from the creepy Man of MOTH!!!!" - Bunnyx
and with that Bunnyx brakes the Akumatized object, and Ladybug purifies the akuma.
"Ok, I will admit that last speach was funny, now lets hurry back before hells bells go off." - Ladybug
" Bla bla bla, nothing important, bla bla bla bla, yada yada yada bla yada." - Mrs. Bustier
"'Viva La Revolution', that was perfect." - Whispering Alix
"It just came to me, but Chats 'Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object' line and your 'Man of Moth' speech were really well timed !" -whispering Peter
"well of course, I'm always punctual with any time sensitive joke/pun." -whispering Alix
"Will you to zip it! we can't have these simpletons finding anything out!" -whispering Chloé
"Please, they all share a broken defective regect of a brain cell, I doubt they could ever put two and two together." -whispering Alix
"Hey, do you think we should start a protest in our classroom?" -whispering Peter
"... Viva.La.Revolution!" - whispering Chloé with a mischievous grin
"No." - Maria
•~—~—~—~ Later when Mrs. Bustier is out of class ~—~—~—~•
"I just don't know what to do." - Lie-la
" You think she finally realized how horrible that hair style is?" - Alix
"After visiting Gotham a few months ago I met Damian Wayne, you might've heard about him, he's just so amazing, kind-hearted, and brave. We had a wonderful time, but then he asked me out! And I don't want to hurt Parkers feelings, I care for both of them!" - Lie-la
"Man, she must be extremely full of it to keep pulling that sh-t out of her @ss every hour or so." - Alix
"Wow Peter, didn't know your cared for Ms. Rossi like that" - Chloé said in a sarcastic tone.
" I'd rather strap her to a supersonic rocket heading for a black hole, and I'm pretty sure this Damian Wayne would do the same... he probably has the money for it actually." - Peter
" Enough plotting, we still need to get enough money, if we want that summer trip, we've already crossed off: Baking sales, becoming a mime, jobs are out unless they're fine with you leaving right after joining, and we can't just ask for donations." - Maria
" I can use my MDC mon-" - Maria
"Oh hell no you won't! You worked your butt off to get that money, you said it yourself! That money is for when you apply to college! I refuse to let you waste your money on our ignoramus classmates!" - Chloé
Thankfully by now everyone was out of the classroom.
" Oh Kwami she's serious, she never uses her big words!" - Adrien
" Then what do you suggest Chloé?" - Maria
" I'll ask daddy to pay!" - Chloé
" I can also ask my father, he'll probably do it if Mr. Bourgeois puts in a donation." - Adrien
" But- " - Maria
" No! The decision is final all in agreement say aye!" - Chloé
"Aye!" - Everyone
"You've watched to many movies Chloé, fine, but please don't drastically overdo it." - Maria
" When have I ever drastically overdone something? Name one time." - Chloé
"Well, there was the time you over did it, by not sleeping for almost three weeks." - Maria
" and after that you got so fed up with one akuma that you kicked him with the force of a thousand suns down unda, you may have scared him for life after that honestly. " - Adrien
" Oh! or the time you went overboard with Peters B-day, and the cake landed on his face! - Alix
"Well in her defense, the cake was great, but it was kinda a mouthful." -Peter
"... I said name one time. (ー_ー)" - Chloé
Sooo, after all that happened Mr. Bourgeois, Fallowed by Gabriel Agreste, gave a very generous donation, so that solves that problem.And since I'm sure you don't want to see (More Lies) boring stuff, lets skip to two days before the trip begins.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜time skip " You're welcome, I'm here all eternity." - Bunnyx〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
•—–· At Chloés Hotel ·–—•
"Ok are we sure we have everything?" - Maria
" Yes now can we please watch something already, we've triple, and even quadruple checked everything, we're good." - Alix
" I have to go out and inform Tempête and Vipère, before anything else, be back soon." - Maria then heads out calling upon the other heroes.
" So what do you need?" - Vipère
" Do you have a top secret mission for us?" - Tempête
" For the summer Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir will be unavailable, unless they are truly needed, I however will be able to travel back and forth via portals for fights. Paris will be in your care while we aren't here." - Ladybug
"It is our honor, we shall defend Paris with our lives." - Tempête
" Agreed, enjoy your summer." - Vipère
"Thank you, stay safe."  and with that Maria headed back to the hotel prepared to watch movies, only to be bombarded with questions as soon as she got back.
" HOLD UP! You know MAGIC?!" - Alix
" When were you going to tell us?!" - Chloé
"So cool, how does it work?" - Peter
" Can you teach us?!" - Adrien
" Spots-Off, yes I know magic, I swear I've told you before. Do you want a demonstration?" - Maria
They all shook their heads excitedly.
" Ok well, I'm able to Heal myself if I get hurt, but I don't wish to hurt myself just for that, I can also increase my Luck with magic, as well as Communicate/ Manipulate plants, and see peoples Souls, thanks to Tikki. I learned Protection magic thanks to Wayzz, and Illusion magic thank  to Trixx. I'm also learning Teleportation from Kaalki, which I've almost completed, and Mutitude from Mullo, which still needs work." - Maria
" If you can really talk to plants, what did we do earlier while you where out, hmmmmm?" - Alix
Maria then walks over to the roses near the couch and whispers to them, after a moment she turns back to her friends, and calmly says "Traitors."
" What do you mean?" - Peter
" You continued watching Star Wars: Clone Wars Without me!" - Maria
" Ok we believe you, but does this mean we can also use magic?" - Adrien
"Hmmm, let me see" as she says this her eyes start to glow an almost ethereal icy blue.
" Why are you eyes glowing?" - Chloé
"Looking at you souls... ok" she then claps her hands and her eyes go back to normal "Adrien, you can use slight Destruction magic on objects, if you use it on a person it would just cause them extreme pain, you can also cast Bad Luck on someone, so I guess thats good, and you can also learn slight Jubilation magic. Peter you can learn Illusion, and Protection magic. Chloé you can Learn Subjection, and Multiplication magic. And Alix, you can learn Evolution, Intuition, and Teleportation magic." As Maria finished, she saw the star struck looks in their eyes at the thought of learning magic became obtainable for them.
"Teach us!" they all bowed only to get a laugh from Maria in response.
"You would have to ask the Kwamis that, I only know what I know thanks to them." - Maria
And for most of the night they all started practicing magic. And when they woke up, they continued to practice, they had fun and were really enjoying it.
Then came the day Maria and her friends were to head for Gotham, and it was hectic, but everyone made it in one piece after an 8 hour flight, which at this point Maria was glad she sent all of her important luggage ahead of time, because somehow her luggage with only her toiletries and pyjamas was stolen, so all she had now was her back pack on her and the Miracle box in a Pocket dimension (thanks to the training from Fluff and Kaalki)
Lila was annoyed, when Maria didn't even care that she lost her bag with all her stuff (jokes on you she sent that one to the hotel 2 days ago HA!) they ended up checking into the hotel, everyone was with someone, Peter was with Adrien, Chloé was with Alix, and Maria... just had the Kwamis, yup that's right, apparently Lila has a condition that prevents her from being in any room below a quality vip room, so now she was upgrade and without a roommate, good for Lila, and Lucky for Maira, because now she doesn't have to worry about someone noticing her climbing out the window to go free-running across rooftops as Multimouce.
Around 7:30 pm. everyone heads out for lunch... and they leave Maria behind.
"Of course this happens." and with that she asked the receptionist for the directions to where her class went, afterwards she went out and proceeded to get lost, after trying to retrace her steps, she just got lost quicker, and her phone was at 20% what luck.
After walking for a little bit, she had decided to take a break, and as she leaned up against a wall, she closed her eyes.
'Maybe if I search for the receptionists Soul I can find my way back.' as she was doing this, she saw souls of all colors walking by, she even noticed a dark emerald green soul, and a dark blue soul across the street on a rooftop... and then she felt her hair stand on end, a few feet to her right was a bloody rust looking soul, she could tell it was a male, late 20s, average build, and 5'11, he was targeting her. As she opened her eyes  she did a quick scan of her seroundings, noticing an alley, she started to walk again. Sensing the slight increase in speed from the man now behind her, as he got closer, she made a sharp left into the alley, she made it a few feet in before the man started laughing and walking closer, she saw the disgusting look in his eyes, and the outline of a gun in his front left pocket.
"Come on now girlie,  I just wanna talk."
" I am good thankz." she made sure to add an accent to make him feel like he had an upper hand, which seemed to work, if his sickening smile was anything to go off of.
He stepped closer and Maria (the little genius she was) decided to act nervous, which only lowered the guys gaurd even more, once he reached to grab her in a quick motion she proceeded to do this.
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She held the guy in a lock until he fell unconscious. As she stood up, she noticed a hand reaching for her, she then grabbed the hand and flipped the figure over her shoulder hard, hearing a yelp from the man as she did so.
When she realized who she had flipped over, her face turned bright red
"Mon dieu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you are you ok Monsieur Nightwing?!"
"Yeah I'm fine and don't apologize, reflexes like that are key to survival here in Gotham, isn't that right Robin.... Robin?"
When Nightwing didn't get any sound from Robin he looked over to see the boy a blushing mess, then Robin snaped out of it, cuffing the mugger, and turning his attention to the girl.
" Ehem. Mam it's dangerous to be out here at this time alone, please allow us to take you wherever you need to go." - Robin
"Oh thank you um, do you know where Wayne Hotel is? I was supposed to go with my class to dinner, but they... “forgot” me, I decided to try and meet up with them, but I failed horribly." - Maria
"Wait they just left you? and in Gothan of all cities?! What kind of teacher does that?!" - Nightwing
" An instegator." - Maria said under her breath in French, she didn't notice the slight shock on both their faces from what she said.
"Anyway lets get you to your hotel before it gets any later." - Nightwing
"Thank you again." - Maria
She arrived safely, thanks to Nightwing and Robin, she thanked them one more time and went inside, when she got to her room she found her friends pacing back and forth in the room, Chloé and Peter looking like they would soon become two people on a mission to find her, but thankfully she was back, she of course had to answer alot of questions, but that was no big deal. After answering all their questions, everyone went to their rooms, and fell asleep, they had a big day tomorrow afterall... ... and then Marias' Akuma alert went off, ok so it took about thirty minutes to defeated the akuma 2 more before she could cure anything and another 5 minutes before she could head back to her room, and it was now 2am, but she could still wake up early right? hehe (・–・;) right?
No, the answer was no she couldn't, well technically she was up on time for when the bus "should" have started getting ready to leave, BUT turns out Lila SOMEHOW, managed to get everyone on board without even thinking of her an hour early! Maria asked for directions once again, and the receptionist had a worried and apologetic look on her face, Maria thanked her again, and headed out, this time however, she made it without getting lost and without getting mugged, Yay! She even had enough time to get a coffe (Tim special was a wierd name but oh well it did the job pretty well) from a shop near by (double yay!) before entering the WE building.
" You have to start the tour! we've been here for an hour and thirty minutes already!" - Ms. Bustier
"Like I said before, I will not start the tour until your student gets back, and if they don't get back, then we better hope nothing happened to them, or else it's your fault for your negligence." - Tour guide
"Sorry I'm late, the bus left earlier than what we scheduled, why didn't you inform me about the change?" - Maira
"Lila said you were the one who made the changes and that you were just trying to get attention, I am VERY disappointed in you Maria, now apologize to your class for delaying the tour!" - Ms Bustier
"I think you mean “I'm sorry we left you behind in a city where murder happens to young kids on a daily basis” now you apologize to Your student that is Your responsibility." - Tour Guide with a glare that could kill a thousand armys
Ms. Bustier proceeded to apologise to half the class's disbelief.
"Alright then, now that thats all taken care of, Hello and welcome to Wayne Enterprise, where we focus on making Gotham and the world a better place. I'm Dick Grayson, and I'll be you tour guide for today."
As the tour went on Maria stood at the front with her friends, she took notes of everything that was said, and she ignored whatever nonsense Lila was spouting, somthing about saving or dating Damian Wayne, she didn't really care.
When the lunch break came, she sat with her friends until she needed a long overdo refill on her coffee, she walked over to the coffee machine and started figuring what combination will keep her brain working for the rest of the day.
"Press button 3 followed by 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 7, that is the ultimate coffee mixture, if your mortal self is up for the challenge." - Sleep deprived guy
"I accepte." she presses the buttons in the exact order and then " Wait none of the cups are big enough."
"Here, secrect cup, from beyond the mortal realm." - Sleep deprived guy
" Thanks" she grapped the very large cup, and filled it with coffee till it was almost to the rim, she put the lid on and instantly took a big sip from the scolding hot coffee (she can heal, her tongue's fiiiiiiine)
"... Not bad, taste similar to the Tim Special I had earlier, but maybe a bit stronger." - Maria
" Kindred Spirit, let us be friends, you have drank the sacred coffee and are now immortal, congrats." - Sleep deprived guy
"It was not easy, but I have come this far, and I shall go the distance with nothing but coffee in my veins." Maria said in a serious tone as they shook hands "I am Maria, keeper of all nighters, and who might you be, my kindred spirit."
"I am Tim, the keeper of sacred coffee and all that is unholy."
"It was an honor to meet you Sacred Tim, may the coffee gods guide you in your journey, sadly we must part ways, for the lunch break is over, farewell..." and with that Maria left to rejoin the group.
"Dear god where the hell did you get that much coffee?!" - Chloé
"Kindred Spirits always find a way to assemble." - Maria
"Huh, so there is someone out there who is also a sleep deprived child." - Alix
The tour continued, and Maria noticed their tour guide kept looking at her with growing concern as she slowly made her way through the lovely coffee, she finished the cup within 1 hour and 30 minutes, and most of the staff kept looking at her as she now held the empty unholy cup, that was said to put people (that weren't chosen by the coffee gods) into caffeine induced commas, but she was fine, if anything she was more awake than yesterday and today combined. So yeah Today had a rocky start, but I'd say things are only just beginning.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Bonus Art 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
This is what it looks like from Marias' normal vision, to her Soul Vision (~‾▿‾)~
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Chapter 3 completed, hope you're all having a wonderful day, and staying positive BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd Place★: @zalladane
4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th Place★: @meme991001
10th Place★: @buginetye
11th Place★: @blackroserelina
12th Place★: @jessigurl-design
13th Place★: @adrestar
14th Place★: @moon5608
15th Place★: @little-bluestar
16th Place★: @batgirljr72
17th Place★: @myazael
18th Place★: @our-preciousss
19th Place★: @wolf2118
20th Place★: @nyx-in-line
21st Place★: @kking13
22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64
24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th Place★: @kashlyn
26th Place★: @tbehartoo
27th Place★: @heart-charming
28th Place★: @solangelo252
29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
375 notes · View notes
applepi-1 · 3 years
They comfort you after a break up
Sugawara x you
Kenma x you
Suna x you
(Picking names was hard, I used a random picker wheel and apparently, my computer loves Tsukishima, Akaashi, and Bokuto a lot.)
Also Kenma's is longer... :)
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Suga- 820 words
You were at his house in front of his door, sighing lightly before knocking. You could hear his footsteps, you felt stupid and guilty for waking him up at 11. He looked at you softly, only to turn into worry as he noticed your clothes were a bit messy, your cheeks were puffy, and your hair looks like a rat's nest. "Uh, Y/n?"
"Can I stay here tonight...?" Suga opened his door letting you walk in, immediately closing it behind you, grabbing your arms so he could look at you better.
"What's going on?" He quickly stepped to you, "Oh no no no, N/n, don't cry, it'll be okay, I'm here now." He sat you on the couch before sitting next to you, taking you into his arms. He cradled you, as you wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him as you cried into his chest. He silently held me for a moment before he spoke again. "Y/n, do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened."
You pulled yourself out of his chest enough to look him in the eyes, "B/n broke it off." Ugh. You don't need him to see you like this. You know that he wouldn't react very well to the breakup. When you had first said yes to B/n when he'd asked you out, Suga had gone to him and told him to take good care of you, and to talk things out if they got rough. Well, B/n left you crying and Suga is not happy to see you like this. You're sure he's thinking about stabbing him multiple times.
His expression went from concerned to shocked to angry to comforting in less than two seconds. "Oh Y/n," he hugged you, holding you tighter. "Did he say why?"
"He just wasn't feeling it anymore, his feelings had gone flat and run out." You cried into his chest, your salty tears staining his Polo shirt. "He wasn't interested in me anymore."
He rubbed your back, comforting you, "Y/n, it's going to be okay, I've got you. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." He pulled you into his lap as he leaned against the back of the couch. "I know that it hurts, but I promise you I will never let anyone hurt you like this ever again." He kissed the top of your head and you cried harder.
"Sh...Sh...n/n... We should watch a movie." He whispered once you calmed down.
He reached across the couch and grabbing the remote. He typed in a movie title quickly so that you couldn't see. Then it was loading in front of you.
You admired how he was so focused on making you happy. You liked that he paid attention.
But of course, you paid attention to him too. You noticed how his hair is a mess, and how he was wearing a t-shirt, he knew he could always be comfortable around you. You loved the way he carried himself confidently when he walked. You loved when he called you, 'Love', it made you feel a different kind of special than other names. You picked him as your best friend for a reason.
However that may be, you also couldn't help but admire that when he reached for the remote, his arm was very close to you and his lean muscle was hard not to attend brain cells too. He held you tight and you could feel his strong chest, and his toned abdomen embracing you. When you looked into his eyes, you could feel yourself falling in love with their shade and color. When he spoke, his deep voice entranced your thoughts. You couldn't deny that he was attractive.
"Love," he said. "Are you watching the movie?" he asked, running his fingers through your hair, twisting the ends between his first finger and thumb.
You looked up at him, "Sugawara,"
"Yes?" he asked.
"I just wanted to say your name," you said. "I like to say your name."
"I like saying your name too." he smiled.
You looked into his eyes, and he looked right back at yours, he very slowly, leaned in slightly, his eyes starting to close. He lightly pressed his lips to yours, in a very tender kiss. He pulled away, slightly. A blush rising on your cheeks. Your heart fluttered. He smiled and you did too.
You rested your head on his chest once again and thought about what just happened. He kissed you. On the lips. With his lips. They were soft, and they pressed on yours ever so lightly and you wanted that amazing feeling again. The soft gentleness of his love pressed to your skin, your lips. You loved him, he was your best friend.
You looked up at him again, making him look at you. "Suga, what just happened?" You asked.
"I kissed you," he said. Then he thought for a moment, "Yeah, I kissed you."
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Kenma- 1705 words
"Kenma?" You asked on your phone, your voice wavering. You could just feel the lump/frog in your throat creeping up because, first of all, even though Kenma was your friend, you always got a little bit nervous when you talked to him, once you had developed a crush on him. And second of all, you were on the verge of tears.
"Hey, Y/n. Are you alright? Do you need me to come by your house? Is there anything wrong? Or am I just overreacting?" he said. You could tell that he was obviously worried, just by hearing his tone and his many questions.
"I'm fine. But can you please come over? I need a friend." You stated simply, not revealing too much.
"I'll leave my place in a minute and I'll be over there as soon as possible. Okay?" You nodded in response, forgetting that he couldn't see me at the moment.
"Thank you." Your voice was barely above a whisper now. Kenma wouldn't get off the phone because he kept wanting to make sure that you were alright. "Dude I'm okay. I'm just not sure that you'll be if you keep this call on while running. I need you, though, so please just hang up and come as soon as you can." You had to be the one to hang up, even though it pained you to do so. At the moment, though, it had seemed like it pained him more.
~ Time Skip ~
There was a knock on your door and you knew who it must have been.
You knew that it was too early for your family to be back. You were home alone while everyone else was out at dinner. Somehow, you had convinced your parents to let you stay home, alone. They said that as long as you didn't party and no one, that you didn't trust, came into the house, they'd be fine with it and they'd probably let you do it again.
You got off of your bed, which you had ended up crying in, and started walking down the stairs.
Sweeping your hair out of your face and trying to smooth it out, you went over to the door. You took a deep breath, pulled down both of your sleeves, and put on the best fake smile that you could muster.
As soon as you saw him, you couldn't take your eyes off of him. You didn't even offer to let him in at first. All you did was take in his handsomeness. blond hair with black roots and his golden eyes; wearing his usual, laid-back outfit that you always enjoyed. It was weird to you how one person could help alter your mood, by even just the tiniest bit.
"Aren't you gonna let me in?" he asked, smiling at you, with a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. He looked down at his phone hoping you didn't see it.
"Oh, sorry!" You apologized, gesturing for him to come into the house and shut the door behind him.
"Hey, I hate to do this to you, but do you mind if I take a look at what's in the kitchen?" he asked. "I had practice and I changed, walked over to my house and that's when you called. Now I'm starving."
"Sure!" You replied with fake cheeriness, going toward the living room. He walked into the kitchen, which had a pretty nice view of the room you were going in. "And I'm sorry. I should have let you stay over at your house." You faked a laugh, which screamed the word 'fake', and that gave your whole charade away. He walked into the living room, where you were about to sit down on the couch. Taking a seat next to you, he turned toward you.
"Y/n, what's with all of the apologizing?" Before you could respond, he added, "If you really wanna apologize, don't feel bad about things like those. Apologize for lying to me."
You knew that he wasn't going to let you lie to him anymore, who were you kidding to be lying to him, so you quit your act and put down your guard. You looked into his eyes and he could see that you were on the verge of breaking so he put his arms up as you crashed into him and wrapped your arms around him, starting to let out your sobs. You cried into his t-shirt and, strangely, he didn't actually seem to mind. He wrapped his arms around you and brought you in even closer to him.
When he started to rub circles with his hands on your back, you started to relax. Nobody had ever made you feel that comfortable before when you were as distraught as you are at the time.
You started to control your breathing and he just kept you enveloped in his arms. He put his chin on top of your head and mumbled, more to himself than to you, "It's okay pudding."
Once you had stabilized your tears and breathing, you looked up and took a quick glance into his eyes. You looked away quickly, though. You were fearing that he was going to judge you or use this moment against you. It's not like he was that type of person, because he really wasn't, but nobody had actually seen you so vulnerable before and you weren't sure how he, nor anyone for that matter, would respond.
"It's okay," he promised. "You can tell me anything and I swear I won't tell anyone unless I think it could help. And I'd tell you first. You do not have to feel embarrassed around me."
You looked back into his eyes and saw how sincere he was being. Just by looking into his eyes, you could see loyalty, sincerity, honesty, and care. You were super grateful to have him as a friend. He's not used to this, Kenma's not used to comforting anyone, or good with his words, so it shocked you a little.
"I, uh, you really wanna know?" You asked. When he nodded, You decided that it was now or never. "B/n broke up with me..." You whispered making Kenma sad. "And you want to know the reason why?" You asked dramatically, but before he could ask you gave him an answer, "It's because I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for a long time now. You know that. And it's been so hard and nobody understands. Every time people find out, they judge me. Or they just tell me to get help. But whenever I try to get help, nobody cares. Even if they do care, they don't understand, though. I hate sounding selfish and bitchy, but I just wish that there was someone who cared and understood, y'know? It's hard enough going through your teenage years, trying to figure out who you are, but then having depression and anxiety on top of it really sucks. And it's a really crappy thing to go through." He just sat there, stunned, so you continued. "I mean, having to deal with me has, probably, always been tough, but it's probably gonna be harder now. Plus, it's like what if I end up using this as my excuse for all my irrational decisions? I would be abusing this disorder, almost as much as it's abusing me. And it's just really hard to deal with. Because even the people who care a lot, and who try to understand what I'm going through, can never really help. I'm not sure if they just don't get it or if they just, honestly, don't actually give a crap. As much as I want them to understand, though, I really couldn't wish any of this upon them because nobody, even the worst of the worst, deserves to go through depression and anxiety. And I just don't really know what to do with all of these pent-up emotions."
By this point, you had let out all of your emotions and tears; that was enough explaining, at least for the time being.
"Y/n, don't ever feel like you have to keep secrets like those from me, okay? I care about you, more than you could ever imagine, and I want you to know that and to be able to open up to me."
"I know you care, Ken." You mumbled, leaning away from him.
You just sat there, gazing into each other's eyes, and he let out a sigh. "Of course I care. You're my best friend, and you have been for a while now. Hell, you're more than that! All I want is for you to feel comfortable around me. I mean, I don't really understand what you're going through and I also don't understand why you're going through it, but I do know that you're such an amazing, gorgeous girl that doesn't deserve any of this bull. I can't even begin to pretend to understand any of this so I'm not going to. I'll try to understand, sure; but I'm not going to act like I do because that'd be a lie. But I really like you and I don't wanna see anyone go through this pain, especially not you."
You had no idea how to respond to that so you just sat there, staring up into his eyes. How do you respond to that...? Kenma- a boy who never said much since you've been friends- just full-on rambled to you. "But what about all my flaws? Do you really want to have to deal with this?"
"You have a hell of a lot more to deal with than I do so I'm not gonna be the one to complain. And I don't care about your flaws. I mean, I do care about them, but I don't hate them. Your flaws are what make you the person you are and the person you are is imperfectly perfect and perfectly imperfect. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. Because I have the power to see beyond your flaws and to see who you truly are, and I am going to use that power like I already have. Your flaws just make you even better, in my opinion."
Again, you were speechless.
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Suna- 662 words
You ran to the gym quickly once you ran all eyes were on you. But all you could do was run to your best friend. Miya Osamu was confused as you immediately wrapped your arms around him. "Y/n?" He didn't have the time to look at you, they were practicing against Karasuno, and any other time you would've cared, Suna walked in with the other Miya twin looking at you in shock, but Suna ran over to you before Atsumu could open his mouth.
"Y/n?" He pulled you away and took in your appearance, you were supposed to be on a date with that guy, B/n. But now looking at you, your shirt was a mess and unbuttoned a little, your cheeks were red and puffy, your lip was busted a little, and your hair... god you were a wreck, he immediately wrapped his arms around you letting you cry into him. "Atsumu, get my jacket." The boy did as told handing it to him, before he wrapped it around you, letting you put the jacket on as he zipped it before pulling you back into his chest. "What happened, N/n?" You held onto him tighter, he sighed and looked at the other members. "Would you tell me if we were alone?" You sighed leaning up to whisper it into his ear.
"It... it was a bet..." He furred his brows at the answer, everyone looked confused as well.
"What do you mean...?" You sighed again tugging his shirt, he got the message and bent down a little.
"It was... a-all a b-bet... to g-get into m-my pa-pants..." You admitted embarrassingly. Suna's eyes widen looking down at you before his blood boiled.
"It was what?!" His voice was low and cold, it literally made you shiver. He didn't want you to repeat yourself, eventually, Sugawara came over rubbing your arm softly.
"What happened, dear?" Sugawara always gave off this mom vibe making you smile a little, but that mom vibe was immediately replaced with scary after you told him the story.
"Where're my knives Daichi?!" Daichi jumped looking at his boyfriend {;) I'm kidding, maybe..}
"Uh... it's that bad?" He looked at you making you nod, saying it was okay to tell him.
"Oh, it's that bad. It was all a bet." Everyone looked at you in shock. Tsukishima even gave you a small smile. You just nuzzled your way into Suna trying to make yourself disappear.
"I'm sorry... S-Suna..." he looked down at you before gently rubbing your arms kissing your head lightly.
"I knew you still had a thing for him, you lying bitch!" You immediately tensed up, Suna looked at the boy over his shoulder. He stopped short in his track as he noticed all the death glares he was receiving.
"What did you just call our manager?" The twins said together looking at the boy with murderous glares.
"Daichi, I need my knives!" That was what made him run, but all the boys followed, all except you two.
"You okay...?" You looked up at him and shook your head.
"Not really..."
"Hm, want to come over and watch a movie...?" He was ignoring what your ex said, making you sigh.
"You don't have to beat around the bush, I get it, you don't like me... so..."
"I-I didn't think much of what he said." You don't really ever see a blushing Suna, so it was a first. "I-I thought he was lying... but, w-who said I didn't like you back?" Your eyes widen a little as he looked away.
"Do you... like me back...?" All the boys stopped at the door hearing your conversation and like Suna would do if this was one of the twins, they filmed it.
"I... I do..." You felt a smile appear on your messed-up face. Suna looked down at you and smiled back. "I-I'll kiss you when your lip isn't busted." You both laughed before hugging your best friend, well now boyfriend.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
A thing I can stand about some SNS antis is how unwilling they are too acknowledge their own homophobia. You firstly get those that insist any shippers is automatically fetishizing mlm relationships by liking SNS despite a good bunch of the current fandom being made up of queer fans ( men, women or not - I myself am a lesbian ). There's those that grin smugly about the heteronormativity shoved in our faces: 2 canon m/f relationships can have less than half of the m/m's pairing screen time and development put together and still be considered more valid. "Umm they were never gay, they weren't written this way, why shove it down their throats?". Geez, wonder why an author originating from a culture that deals with homophobia would not be willing to even imagine the possibility of a romantic direction between his male leads. A real mystery. And the way they'll stretch out canon to its breaking point to justifying their ship's existence from the beginning while falt out dismissing stuff directly shown and stated by Naruto and Sasukw ( Naruto putting Sasuke above his Hokage dream by being ok with dying together, Sasuke himself saying Naruto is the only person standing between him and loneliness ). On that matter, many seem to have this obsession with "being planned out from the start ( their ship )". I do not understand it especially when Naruto has such a dissonance between its meta voice - the author - and the canon actually written. Kishimoto has mentioned Hinata was always watching Naruto and some sketches I think show her desing at least was in his mind from early stages, but any serious relevance from her in the canon text is non-existent. Look, Kishimoto could have claimed in an interview that Kiba was secretly the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths and it would have meant jack sh*t, because outside confirmation from the author is supposed to enhance what is already in the story, not create its basis from scratch. Does it matter that NH and SS were planned early on if their execution is boring at best and annoying at its worst?
As for planned early on, is there any proof, Anon?? I am asking this seriously. If you have the interview proof regarding this 'Planned from the start' bullshit, please send me the link. I want to see it with my very own eyes.
Because Kishi himself openly acknowledged in 2 interviews that NH was decided halfway through the series.
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If Kishi planned about Naruto's pairing only after halfway into the series, then there's no way that he planned for Sasuke much before than that.
And you know know what? He told in a 2006 interview that he never wrote romantic relationships till then. That is after completing part 1.
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So, either those antis are lying or Kishi was lying. I bet it's those antis.
When they say, 'They are not Gay'... I always retort back with, 'Well, you may be true. But saying Goodbye when staring at Naruto with so much pain in such a close proximity but didn't bother to show his face to Sakura.... Completely obsessed with a boy for 4 to 5 years of his adolescent life to the point of ready to die along with Sasuke whereas completely ignoring love proposal from 2 girls .... Completely went deranged to the point of recognizing no one and even reached the stage to kill anyone with no hesitation, including the girls who loved him with all their hearts. But the moment, a certain boy's face appear before his eyes, he stops his rampage.... These are not Straight behaviours either'...
Most people could never properly answer this, but they retort back to other bullshit which leads to an endless argument. That's not even worth it. So, I just try to avoid them like pests.
Not only that, that damn Kishimoto just painted 'not just friendly' paint on most of the posters.
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I mean, the very first pic I've attached here looks like something weird is going on underneath... I showed that picture to my friend who never watched Naruto, to ask what he could infer from that picture and he asked me with a scornful look, 'It looks like these guys are jerking off and why do you have this kind of pic in your phone?'... I can't even answer that question.😂😂
The second one, God!!! Tilting their heads in the opposite direction is not suggestive of 'Kissing' at all. Because I am Blind.
I mean these are not fanmade but that bastard kishi's handiwork.
Alright leave everything, aside.
There was this day, I got an ask about how do I feel about ItaSasu ship. I flat out refused and said 'Gross'. Because I always see myself in Itachi and my sis in Sasuke. Just shipping two fictional brothers made me gross out.
And what kishi did when he let so many people openly ship SNS?
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He did Nothing to stop this!!
If Kishi truly wished them to be brothers, he should not have let this scene happen in the OVA... Because, If I write a novel and somehow it is going to be adapted into a movie, I don't want my production company to depict brothers like this. I get uncomfortable if they do these things, Anon.
Also which friend would 'Accidentally' fall on another boy's duck or mouth multiple times??.
Even after their supposed 'canonical' marriages, Kishi, that sly bastard is writing scenes like these. He just could've made them shower love towards their wives like how Minato loved Kushina. But kishi be like, 'No No, I will give Kushina's role to Sasuke to talk about Naruto's stories'.
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It looks like a princess who is fainting and the hero catches her up.
When we point all these out, they just pull out 'SS/NH is canon. They were meant to be from the beginning'....
All we have to do is to ignore these buffoons and let them scream amongst themselves.
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