#american school system
shepherdingthepie · 3 days
I know having a school police officer and k-9 police dog is such an American thing but like our dog is the sweetest creature I have ever met- he’s a yellow lab and a literal angel and ahhhhh he understands I’m like him he sniffs me and seeks me out in the hallways and I never feel more like a dog at school than when he’s around
and everyone else thinks it’s cool that he likes me so much and they say I have a “special connection with animals” and they don’t even know half of it
raaargh this is a police dog appreciation post
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In the United States it's common for high schools to stage a simulated lethal crash to teach kids about the dangers of distracted or impaired driving. This often includes fake blood and first responders to stage rescuing people from the crash. Is this done anywhere outside the United States? I don't feel like it is. So I ask
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
Guess who’s enrolled to get her bachelors and masters degree in engineeringgggggg
Ps I’m doing my minor in fine arts and I’m so excited and I’m doing a program where I can do college in five years and graduate with my masters and bachelors so I’m stoked- hopefully I’m set to graduate without student loans so no debt!
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exilley · 1 year
Public education is not actually about academia, it's about industry. The purpose of american schools, from day one, was to integrate members of the general people into a society that is nigh dependant on submission to the status quo. If you ask any teacher, student, parent, counselor, or any other person who is invested in public schooling, what the purpose of going to school is, they will respond with some variation on how it's meant to prepare kids for their future careers. What's important is not that one is in touch with their history, or able to perform basic mathematics, or that one can engage with literature and art in a meaningful way. The important part is that schoolchildren have a dispassionately earnest work ethic, an unyieldingly flexible standard of punctuality, and an uncompromising set of inordinate values about properness drilled into them. I don't think it's funny or ironic that school settings are commonly compared to prisons, and I don't think education should have to exist to serve the purpose of monetary and political benefit to be considered worthy of investment. Until public education as an institution is no longer viewed as an extension of industry, intellectualism will never thrive and no number of foundational reworks of the system will be effective at remedying the underlying cause of dysfunction and corruption.
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dabblingreturns · 27 days
The introduction of stress as a game mechanic in fantasy high junior year is both the worst and the best thing.
Like ofcourse junior year of American highschool is the most stressful. So this is acurate, on the other hand, why are you doing this to my poor babies brennen lee Mulligan?
In fact, why did you do that to me, American education systems?
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dick-helmet-magneto · 8 months
Okay another school related poll
We could walk to our cars but only with express permission. The idea of going somewhere for lunch or a break was not even dreamed of. Like we couldn’t even leave the building to sit on the picnic tables right outside.
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sparkystar26888 · 3 months
once again fantasy high is pointing out flaws in the american school system. a prioritization of practicality over pursuit of happiness. wealth being a barrier to many the "higher" the education. home struggles and outside school accomplishments meaning nothing to most teachers and staff. from the preview of next ep, the idea that every thing you are a part of in school is your top priority, and you do not deserve fun.
d20 has tackled capitalism, religion, pollution, a mix of the three. and now for the fucked up, rigged against any who are not white wealthy boys, archaic and outdated system that is school (not just in the US)
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I was today years old when i found out schools in the US have 3 minute breaks. What the fuck do they want you guys to do?? Piss on the floor???
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Being graded in PE was kind of fucked up. If you don't meet these ultra specific fitness requirements then we will fail you is such a wierd take, especially since every person is individual and while some are naturally gifted, others (like myself) simply aren't. It probably doesn't help that as an asthmatic I was forced to push myself way past my physical limit for the sake of a grade and wasn't given any exceptions despite the fact that I...ya know... couldn't breathe. At the very least you would think they would take that into consideration when grading, but no. School system is wild.
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public-school-things · 7 months
When my freshman year German teacher left and the new teacher came, it was found out apparently the old teacher was trying to teach us 'Pennsylvania Deutsche' (Amish). Not German. I have literally never gotten over that. THIS GUY WAS TEACHING THERE SINCE THE 90S AND NOBODY. NOT A SOUL EVER NOTICED!!!!!
(This is like trying to teach the modern English language using unaltered Shakespeare)
that is in a way so fucking hysterical. im surprised no one noticed. did you guys not have language standardized tests? either way, thats so amusing omg.
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If you wanna know how much horseshit the American school system peddles, one time in elementary school they made us watch a video about bullying and anger management and how fighting is wrong even in self defense, and they recommended that instead of hitting your bully you should write them an angry letter to get all your frustration out and then tear it up and throw it away, so I did, but then they dug through the trash showed the pieces to the teacher and I got in trouble anyway even though I did EXACTLY WHAT THE VIDEO SAID, and it's not like I had written the type of stuff that would get me suspended or sent to the guidance counselor, no cursing, no threats, no red flags, just childish shit like "I hate you, you're mean, I hope you move away, I don't know why anyone would want to be your friend," but the teacher said I was being the bully and gave me a week of lunch detention even though it was torn and crumpled and clearly never meant to be read.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 7 months
Just want to remind you guys that if there’s anything you’re going through, hurting yourself or ending it is not the best answer. Most problems are temporary and can be solved with work. Some are chronic and you have to adapt to life with them but that doesn’t mean that life isn’t worth living. There is someone out there willing to help and who cares. Please, please reach out to someone. I say this all in the memory of a classmate who killed themselves almost two years ago today. He was depressed because his best friend died in a tragic accident. People were willing and ready to reach out and help, but no one knew until it was too late. I’ve survived three attempts so I know that you find a place below rock bottom at that stage, but you rise up eventually and life will be okay again. I’m not a happy go lucky gal, I have OCD, depression, anxiety, and in a few years, I’ll probably have an incurable genetic lung cancer or have to get a total mastectomy from genetically induced breast cancer. I love life, I have accepted these things and I encourage you to live the life that you have, even through trials and tribulations.
I realize my tags can be random, but I’m reaching out to especially those who read my stuff
If you take comfort in it, here’s something that gets me through my bad days:
“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” - 1 Peter 5:7
“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28
“I have said all these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” - John 16:33
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deedoo-r · 23 days
Genuinely, nothing has ever been as mind-numbing as spending like 10 hours trying to complete like 8 school assignments.
there have actually been times when I just have to stop and go to bed because I have genuinely lost the ability to think
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spierters · 9 months
thinking about that time we were learning about farming in like third grade (I was 7 or 8) and the teacher asked the class if anyone's yards were arable land good for growing things or something stupid like that and innocent little me answered that my yard was good for growing dandelions (pretty! lovely!) and to my horror and confusion she was so offended by that response that she made me stay inside for recess and do schoolwork :(
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I am LIVID right now, fuck American public schools
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delilahmidnight · 6 months
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