#although the second time is pretty horrifying and Not Good
bleedingoptimism · 6 months
They hear the ‘ding’ of the elevator as they walk inside the very luxurious building and Robin grabs Steve’s hand and makes them run to the door yelling, “Hold! Please!”
A hand covered in rings and with short nails painted black appears from inside and holds the door for them. They get in as Robin breathes out little ‘thank yous’ under her breath and Steve smiles at the gentleman who helped them. His brows go up a little at how handsome the man is. He’s wearing black dress pants and a black silk shirt under an also black suit jacket. The whole look is expensive and the man wears it very well. With his long curly hair tied at the back of his neck, plus the rings, the nails, and the surprising amount of piercings in his ears, he looks like a rockstar. He has a cute nose and full lips that look very enticing and big beautiful brown eyes that are looking back at him. 
Steve smiles once more and nods politely figuring he should stop staring. They have to go up like a billion floors or something so this is going to be a long elevator ride. Probably shouldn’t make their traveling companion uncomfortable. 
He distracts himself by looking at Robin, fixing her hair behind her ear. She looks great. Slack pants and a tight dress shirt in grey tones with black suspenders adorned with metal cufflinks. Short hair loose and just the right amount of disheveled and a graphic eyeliner so sharp it could cut you. He would know. He did her makeup. They were asked to dress party chick but professional, which neither of them knew what the hell meant but Steve is pretty sure Robin nailed it. He just hopes he did a good job too.
He’s wearing a white thigh shirt of a soft material he couldn’t for the life of him remember the name of and black dress pants, the ones that fit him like a second skin, paired with a big leather belt, just to add a little extra. He tries to inconspicuously check himself out in the mirrors of the elevator but accidentally meets eyes with the well-dressed man again. Who adverts his gaze quickly and Steve realizes he just caught him checking him out. He smiles to himself and looks down bashfully only to be horrified by what he notices because, his white shirt? The stupid fabric he can’t name? Totally sheer. Well not totally, but a little. Like he can see his nipples right now a little.
Oh my god. Oh my god.
“Robin, we need to go.” he suddenly says grabbing Robin by the back of the elbow. 
Robin turns to him previously just nervously watching the floor numbers change and frowns worried, “What? We are already here, Steve! What do mean?”
“I need to go home and change Robin! I can’t-” He whispers to her, although he knows it’s in vain, there’s no way the handsome man isn’t about to hear a very embarrassing conversation. 
“We are literally in the elevator. We are not going back home so you can change!” Robin huffs annoyed now that she knows it wasn’t anything more serious, “What’s wrong with your clothes?” she asks pinching his shirt between her fingers.
Steve turns his back to the man and crowds Robin, facing her, “Can you see my nipples?” he asks trying to keep his voice low but he hears a cough that sounds suspiciously like a chuckle behind him. 
Robin looks at him like he’s lost his mind but, as always she goes with it, “Yes?” 
Steve puts his palms over them and gasps and Robin starts laughing “What are you doing?” she says between giggles at the same time Steve exclaims, “I can’t show our new boss my nipples!” 
“Steve, what?! I thought it was on purpose! You know, just a peek, a little chess hair, a little nipple.” Robin says still laughing but stops when she sees Steve is looking actually distressed. 
She huffs and runs her hands up and down his arms comfortingly.
“Why would I want to show them my nipples!” Steve groans and Robin shrugs.
“It’s sexy? We were asked to dress for a party”
“Why would I want to look sexy for work?” Steve asks again, still trying to convince Robin to let him go home and change.
But Robin tilts her head to the side, “But you can’t turn that off, though? Like, you are always sexy.”
Instantly his mood changes and he smiles and coos at her, “Aww, that’s so sweet, babe! But you are biased…”
Robin scoffs at being babied and raises an eyebrow, “How am I biased?”
“Because you love me!” Steve answers like it’s obvious. And Robin nods as if taking in the information.
“Okay. I see your biases and I raise you the following point: It’s objective. Because I’m a lesbian.”
Steve laughs, but he’s not the only one. For a second, Steve had forgotten they had an audience member. A very handsome audience member. He blushes, the guy must think he’s such an idiot. But at least he thinks they are funny. He turns back to his side and smiles at him again. 
But Robin suddenly jumps a little beside him, like she had just noticed him, and says, “Stranger! Opinion?”
“Rob, no-” Steve starts but Robin leans over him to talk to the man, “Shirt. Good? Bad?” She says moving her hands in front of Steve as if she was showcasing him. Steve blushes some more and tries to keep a neutral face. So he ends up just white-man smiling awkwardly.
The man chuckles again and then looks at Steve from top to bottom and back again, “You look good,” he says smirking.
And Steve's blush deepens. But Robin either doesn’t notice or is enjoying it, because she keeps questioning him, “Good. What are thinking? Slutty or sexy?”
The man leans his head to the side, his eyes roaming over Steve's chest and Steve has to resist the urge to cover his nipples again.
“It’s sexy.” he says, voice deep and serious as if this was an important conversation and not Robin and Steve being dumbasses, “Like, sophisticated sexy.”
Steve shakes himself to try to make his blush go away and addresses the man, “I- well, thank you, first. And second, I’m sorry you were dragged into this. But would you want to look sexy meeting your new boss?” he asks him.
He taps his chin in thought and then says, “Your friend is right though, are already here. Just don’t flirt with them and you'll be fine!” 
At that Steve purses lips and Robin snorts rudely. “That might be a problem,” she says.
The man laughs surprised and Steve can’t help but think he has a really nice laugh, “How?” he asks them.
“Steve has a little miscommunication problem,” Robin explains, “When he tries to be charming people think he's flirting.”
Steve crosses his arms and huffs making the few locks that fall on his forehead lift a bit and fall back down, “I have no idea what I’m doing wrong! I’m just trying to be nice..”
The man is looking at him with raised eyebrows and he blinks a couple of times before snickering, “Looks like your friend is right, again. You just can’t turn sexy off, uh?”
Robin laughs really hard at that and Steve goes back to full tomato status.
“I could've tried!” he says, not even sure what are they arguing about anymore.
“How?” Robin asks him amused.
“I don’t know, a big sweater? Something knitted, comfy?” he tries but they both shake their head at him.
“That sounds sexy too,” The man says and Steve frowns,
“Literally. How?” 
“It gives off fuck vibes. Like you are really fuckable,” he says, and then his eyes go wide and he bites his lips.
Robin’s eyes go wide too and she snorts, looking at Steve who is just staring at the guy with his mouth hanging slightly open.
“Sorry!” the man says, raising his hands in mock surrender, “That was so out of line- I- oh! Saved by the bell it seems,” he says when the elevator dings, “This is my floor”
The doors open and Argyle and Jon are on the other side and Steve realizes, this is also their floor.
“Eddie!” Argyle says as the man moves towards him and they shake hands enthusiastically. 
“Steve, Robin” Jon greets them with a smile as they slowly walk out of the elevator, watching Eddie’s deer-in-the-headlights expression.
“Ah! I hope you had a pleasant elevator ride and didn’t do anything awkward!” Argyle jokes completely oblivious, “I’m a little sad I didn’t get to introduce you guys!”
“...What do you mean?” Robin asks with a forced smile.
“Steve, Robin: This Eddie Munson!” Argyle says moving behind Steve and Robin and hugging them by the shoulders so they stand directly in front of Eddie, “Your new boss!”
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bonkhrnyjail · 2 months
sweet plum | chapter six
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masterlist | pinterest | spotify playlist
pairing: pedro pascal x fem!reader (plus size)
summary: the last of us wrap party is tonight, and the tension between you and pedro can no longer be ignored…
rating: mature (will become explicit in future chapters)
warnings: alcohol consumption, mild sexual content
a/n: THANK U GUYS FOR THE LOVE ON CHAPTER FIVE omg. i’m kicking myself for not posting this fic on tumblr sooner! pls enjoy chapter six and feel free to not analyze what our lovely reader’s actions might say about me as an author or my relationship to conflict <3 love y’all.
You’ve been avoiding Pedro like the fucking plague.
Sixty missed calls. Even twenty texts, and off the top of your head you can't remember the last time he actually texted you. The calls became less frequent as the weeks passed, but he still tries at least once every day. You silence them every time.
The day you kissed him, he tried to call you ten times in a row, unbeknownst to you. You had thrown your phone across the living room the second you made it through the door and laid completely catatonic on your bed until your roommate got home.
“Babe, you’ll never guess who I saw last night— Are you good?” she inquired nonchalantly as she entered your room to find you face down in your mound of stuffed animals.
Droplets began to prickle the corners of your eyes as you let out a muffled groan in response. Your mouth wasn’t capable of words, the fat, dry lump in your throat stubborn and unyielding, forcing you to clench your teeth around nothing. A hand landed softly on your shoulder.
“Woah, hey,” she started to rub your arm up and down as a full body sob rippled through you. "Talk to me."
You looked up at her, tears rolling fast and hot down the apples of your cheeks, and threw yourself into her chest.
“I- I- I did something st-stupid,” you managed between sobs. 
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” she tried to reassure you gently, smoothing down your hair. “Unless you accidentally shaved some of Pedro’s hair off or something. I’m sure he’d forgive you anyways, though.”
You tried to form words against the sobs clawing their way out of your chest.
“Bad, Abby. Like, r-really bad.”
“Well shit. What’s the damage?” she spoke somewhat brashly, which was nothing new when it came to her attempts at being gentle. “Do I have to kill somebody? ‘Cause I will, I've been playing a lot of first person shooter, I can handle it.”
Laughter overtook your cries, although whatever sounds were coming from your throat were a horrifying mixture of both. Abby chuckled at the sound. You continued like that for a while, laughing and crying and laughing again, until the tears finally stopped.
“Can you tell me what happened?” she blurted as a soberness enveloped her tone. “I’m sure I can come up with a solution. You know I’m crafty.”
“Do you know how to erase memories?” you mumbled as you sat up straight. “That’s the only solution I can think of.”
“No… but I own a bat. Blunt force trauma is a pretty surefire solution.”
“Jesus… not to Pedro.”
“Did you, like, shit yourself or something?” she blundered, immediately biting down on her lip after the words left her mouth. “Sorry, no, this is serious. Serious time.”
You let out a gargantuan sigh as you stared fervently into your lap.
“... I kissed him.”
“You WHAT?” she grabbed your shoulders and shook you aggressively. “YOU WHAT?!”
“WHAT? HOW? WHEN?” she shrieked, piercing the hell out of your eardrums.
“I kissed him, on the lips, on the doorstep.” 
“ON THE DOORSTEP?!” she flailed her arms, slapping your shoulders in the process. “AND I MISSED IT?!”
“You’re hurting me.”
“Can we use our inside voices?”
“FUCK— ok, sorry,” she mellowed, blowing air through raspberried lips. “Why are you so upset? I thought you wanted this to happen!”
“I... I did. And didn’t. It’s complicated,” you babbled through your frustration. “I just… kissed him. I didn’t think, or ask, and I can’t take it back.”
“Well, did he kiss you back?”
“Uh… I...” you muttered hesitantly. "I think so."
Abby sprung from your bed, squealing and dancing as her fists punched awkwardly into the air. The sight alone made you cackle.
“OK- so, what happened after that? Did he confess his love to you?” 
“Jesus christ… no, that’s not what happened,” you groaned. “I sorta... ran away.”
“You WHAT?!”
“Oh god, please don’t kill me,” you whined. “I didn’t know what to do, I only realized what I had done after I had done it and I fuckin' panicked. He tried to grab my hand but I ran inside as fast as I could.”
“Dude, you have got to be kidding me,” her tone went flat, eyes laced with disappointment. “Where's your phone?”
“I don’t know, I threw it across the living room when I got up here. I was kinda freaking out.”
Abby immediately jumped off of the bed and started toward the door to your room, despite your insistent pleas to leave it be. She came storming back inside moments later.
“10 missed calls. 10 MISSED CALLS,” she pointed aggressively to your lock screen displaying the missed notifications. “Look, he even texted you.”
You snatched the phone out of her hand, shoving it under your pillow. “I can’t… I can’t right now.”
“If he didn’t want this, he wouldn’t call you that many times, and he definitely wouldn't have kissed you back," she trailed off for a moment, some sort of realization sparking behind her eyes. "Wait, did he get you those flowers on the kitchen counter?”
“I- yes. Just because I helped him out today last minute.”
“No, not because you helped him out last minute. Flowers from a man mean one of three things. Number one, congrats. Number two, condolences. And number three, please have sex with me.”
“Jesus,” you giggled. “And what does it mean if he brought me a coffee too?”
“Your usual?”
“Please have sex with me and be my wife forever and ever.”
You rolled your eyes and flopped back into your pillows, covering your face with your hands and groaning. Abby sat with you for a while, but eventually gave up, knowing damn well that you're to stubborn and you'd make your own decisions regarding the whole situation. She knew she never stood a chance to change your mind anyways.
The days passed, slowly at first, but eventually you found your way back to a steady rhythm. You went to work, saw your friends, read a lot, and spent practically zero time on your phone. Impressive how avoidance managed to cure your social media addiction. 
You'd pushed it out of your head that you’d have to see Pedro in a few weeks. Then the weeks turned to a week, then to a few days, then to a day.
You woke up this morning and it all came crashing down.
The wrap party is tonight. Then the premiere tomorrow. Everyone is going. You couldn’t get away with skipping it if you tried. Bella would probably storm into your apartment and drag you out by the hair.
You haven’t even told Bella about the kiss.
You end up lying in bed for hours, watching video after video on Youtube to silence your racing thoughts. You had set an alarm on your phone earlier to remind you when to start getting ready, and it frightens the hell out of you, jolting you from a groggy haze of half-sleep. You curse under your breath and roll lazily onto your feet, your blankets crumpling to a pathetic-looking pile on the floor. 
You power up your speaker and choose some music, an upbeat and catchy playlist to try and redirect your energy. The upside in all of this is that you can get all dolled up. It gives you an excuse for extensive self-pampering and wearing outfits that mostly collect dust in your closet. 
An everything shower is an understatement of what you have planned. You have your products lined up, various scrubs, masks, body washes, etc, and a fresh razor sitting right beside them. You crank the faucet on, just a hair below the boiling point, and step into the tub.
The steam coats your lungs as you inhale deep, the sudden sensation of the water colliding with your skin sending a stark chill down your body. As you close your eyes, leaning your head back and letting your hair fall into the steady stream, your focus slips to a corner of your mind, the pesky corner that you've tried desperately to keep locked away. Because once the thoughts start, it’s damn near impossible to wrangle them back in.
The fantasy is vivid. You can almost feel Pedro’s hands in your hair, massaging shampoo slowly and intentionally from behind you. He’s close, his bare body pressed to your back, his skin hot and pulsing against yours. He leans you back to rinse the product from your hair, pressing a small kiss to your forehead as he squeezes your shoulder softly. 
“Mmmm,” he hums, trailing languid, open-mouth kisses across your cheek and down your neck. “My sweet plum.”
A faint voice in the back of your mind is shouting wildly, trying to stop the scene from playing out in your head, but it's not enough to break through the noise.
He runs his hands down the front of your body, gently tracing your curves and valleys, finger-painting your skin with adoration. Your head falls back into him as his kisses grow deeper, longer, more desperate, him hardening against you as his gentle caresses turn to needy grasps. 
“Let me… please,” you whisper into his ear, snaking your hand behind you and running your palm against the underside of his shaft. His body presses harder into yours as he lets out a soft grunt of approval directly in your ear, the vibration of it surging straight to your core.
A jolt of cold water shocks your body, tearing you from your fantasy. You come to and find yourself leaning against the wall of the shower, your ass having knocked the knob to the coldest setting. 
“Christ,” you mutter under your breath, cranking the control back to where it was and reaching for your overpriced shampoo bottle. 
You go through the motions of the rest of your shower, losing yourself in the music and singing along as you always do. Shower concerts have been your most recent replacement for the therapy that you can't quite afford.
You paint your toes, your leg hoisted up precariously on the counter and torso bent over to reach as your fuzzy robe dangles from your hips. You choose an eggplant purple, matching the accents in your dress. The press-ons that you found are a damn-near perfect match to this color, with a swirling design decorating the tips of the almond shape. 
The dress is more of a dainty feminine than you typically go for. You generally gravitate towards sultry colors and styles, but the cut of this dress instantly drew your attention. A plunging neckline with miniscule gold buttons decorating the front. Beneath the bust, a sheer panel with corset boning outlines the waist, and the remainder of the skirt flows heavily, the hem sitting perfectly at your ankles. It reminds you of a Free People style dress, but in your size. Hallelujah.
With a feel-good playlist booming through your speaker, your makeup goes on quick and easy. A thick, black wing smoked out with a deep purple and a subtle, black cherry sheer lip. Everything else you keep fairly light and natural, letting the boldness of the eye do the talking.
You pull your hair up into a bun, making sure the dress is the center of attention. You leave a few, short pieces out and curl them, creating the sense of a haphazard version of a Victorian era updo. After donning some simple gold jewelry and your Mary Janes, the outfit is complete. You throw on an oversized brown blazer just to keep you warm, but you’ll likely take it off the moment you get to the party.
Your uber arrives moments later, somehow exactly as you descend the stairs outside your building. Your driver, an older man named Mario, gets out and shakes your hand as he introduces himself and his very nice BMW named Maria.
You've never met anyone quite this aggressively Italian.
The good-natured man even asks if you'd like to pick the music for the ride. You choose something that you hope the both of you will like: ABBA.
“This was popular when I was your age!” he gushes, the gravel and rasp in his voice more audible than the actual pitch. 
“ABBA is absolutely timeless,” you chime, adding a few more songs to the queue.
You chat the whole ride there, his jovial presence somehow working away some of the knots of anxiety in your stomach. He asks all about your work, thankfully steering clear of who you work with, and even prodding you for styling tips for his “thick and unruly” curls. 
He pulls up to the entrance, stopping near a hoard of your coworkers from the crew crowded amongst the steps to the double doors. You exchange goodbyes with Mario and slide out of the car into the brisk air, your blazer draped over your shoulders and doing a very ineffective job of retaining any of your body heat. You hear a shriek of joy emerge from the blob of people in front of you, followed by your name in the same cadence. Most of the heads you can see turn to face you, arms reaching out for hugs and smiles as far as you can see. 
You’re going to make this a good night. No matter what.
.   .   .   .   .
It’s significantly warmer inside the venue, so you decided to drop your jacket at the coat check. It’s much more crowded than you expected, but then again, everyone was invited. Some of your friends from makeup even made the trip from New York to be here. Since you’ve never been to one of these before, jokes keep getting thrown around along the lines of “Baby’s first wrap party!" and you losing your wrap party virginity. The group dynamics from the days on set settle right back into a rhythm, your place as the baby of the group still yours for the taking. You don’t mind the coddling, as it seems to help keep your mind off of the inevitable. 
There’s a slurry of waiters dipping and dodging amongst clusters of bodies, hors d'oeuvres and drinks displayed gorgeously on shiny golden platters. Someone’s arm is dragging you towards the open bar across the dance floor, where a herd has already begun to form. A slew of voices and faces pass you by as you travel swiftly through the crowd, and you’re unable to make out anything distinct amongst the clamor.
Until you hear his voice.
That familiar boom of laughter, crisp and thunderous, crystal clear amongst the hundreds of noises up against it. You immediately whip your head around to locate the source, forgetting your hand is in the grips of your friend and nearly snapping her limb off in the process. She lunges forward into you, nearly knocking your hors d’oeuvres plate from your hand and garnering the attention of several people surrounding you.
You somehow stumble back to balance and a very attentive waiter quickly swipes the mostly finished plate from your hands. The swiftness of everything is making you dizzy, sounds and sights swirling in the warm glow of the gorgeous chandelier decorating the space above you. With every turn of your head, the crowd in front of you shifts to blurry outlines of colors and shapes, like ink bleeding from the hard lines where people should begin and end. 
Suddenly you feel arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing your organs to a pulp.
“Who-” you look down to see two small hands with black painted nails. “Is that my Bellie?”
A head pops into your peripheral with a wide, toothy smile. You let out a little shriek as your arms envelop them and squeeze, lifting them off the ground a bit with the sheer force of it.
“I missed you so much—'' you pause, taking in their presence once more. “Look at you! You look amazing!”
“I look amazing?” They toy gently with the skirt of your dress. “You look amazing!”
You embrace once more, the excitement of seeing them in person completely overriding your ability to control the gleeful noises escaping your body. They pull away, your hands still gripping each other’s elbows.
“Have you seen P? I know he’s already here,” they pull their phone out of their back pocket, his location pulled up on Find My Friends. 
“Oh, uh… I— I haven’t yet,” you hear your voice quickly morph into a downbeat tone against your will. 
“Uh oh,” they blurt. “Why is your face doing that? Did something happen?”
“I- uh…” you stumble over a sad attempt at words, muttering unintelligible syllables. “Well—”
Your train of thought comes to a screeching halt as he appears through a sliver in the crowd.
And, god, he looks handsome as ever. A nice, nice white suit clings ever so perfectly to his muscular, statuesque frame. The collar is folded neatly against his strong, thick neck, a few subtle veins protruding softly from his caramel skin. His dimples are on full display as he throws his head back with laughter, the little heart-shaped patch in his beard perfectly prominent. 
Bella follows your gaze until they see him. They call out his name and wave him down on their tiptoes. He immediately clocks the voice, and you watch as the small smile on his face spreads to a wide grin. He excuses himself from his current conversation and starts towards your direction.
Your stomach drops. You quickly survey around you to find that there is no clear escape, there are clusters of people surrounding you on each side and no pockets that you could gracefully slip into to weave your way through the crowd. For better or worse, you’re trapped.
He quickly scoops Bella into a bear hug, his arms enveloping their small frame in it's entirety. He spins them around, their feet dangling, hovering just above the floor. You stand there, frozen, little bunches of your dress clumped up in your tight, fidgeting fists. The fabric rolls between your thumb and forefinger, a haphazard attempt at soothing the anxiety surging through your veins.
It takes him a minute to acknowledge your presence, and with every second that passes, your urge to bolt revs in your belly.
Once his gaze meets yours, a soft, forgiving smile paints across his lips. You force the corners of your mouth upwards, attempting to create what hopefully appears like an expression of joy. Hopefully.
It comes out more like a sigh when he says it, like it’s been pounding at his chest, just waiting to be released. His hand lays flat on his abdomen as he taps his pointer finger repeatedly. The muscles in his neck flex, creating movement in the collar of his shirt.
He’s nervous. You know him well enough to know that, and you know you’re likely not hiding your true state very well either. He knows you just as well.
You try to respond.  The air you've been holding prisoner in your lungs tumbles out, catching in your throat.  A feeble, "H-hi," is all you can manage.
“You look…” his eyes wander your body, your face, your hair, his lips parted ever so slightly. “You look lovely.”
The statement reverberates in your mind until you hear a distant call of your name. A quick turn of your head finds your favorite hairstylist waving you down.
“I—” you swallow and start over. “Thank you. Thanks. I—, sorry, I gotta—” you motion toward your destination with your thumb before decidedly turning and slipping through the crowd, a copious amount of polite little statements slipping off your tongue in order to get out of sight and away from him.
.   .   .   .   .
“So… what the fuck was that?” Bella states gruffly, sitting opposite of you at a small high top table, tucked away in a quieter room off of the main ballroom. “That was, like, painful.”
You let out a small groan, knowing you’d have to tell them at some point, but dissenting the fact that the time for that confession seems to be right this very second.
“I kinda… I fucked things up between us.”
“I doubt that,” they say reassuringly.
“No, seriously, I—” you stop yourself mid-sentence to catch your breath. “I kissed him, Bel.”
They let out a satisfied chuckle.
“Well thank god. It’s about goddamn time.”
“No, no you don’t understand,” you babble. “I kissed him without thinking, realized what I did, and ran.”
“Ohhhh my g—” they blow a raspberry. “Ok. Well. When was this?”
“Like… a month ago?”
“A month?!”
“I haven’t spoken to him since.”
“Jesus christ… I’m assuming he’s tried to call you, yes?”
“Pretty much every single day since it happened,” your words come out more sigh than pitch.
Bella rubs their temples, an incomprehensible expression on their face.
“Gosh, it feels like mom and dad are fighting.”
That makes you snort laugh, to your own surprise.
“Well clearly he’s not angry at you. And you can’t avoid him forever,” they reason, their bluntness somehow comforting, unraveling the little knot sitting in your gut. “I wish you two would just put all your cards on the table. Worst comes to worst, things don’t work out.”
“I just really don’t want to lose him, Bellie,” you mumble into your drink.
“You will if you don’t talk to him,” they quip right back, eyes stern and decided.
You know they’re right. As much as you don’t want to admit it, you know.
“I’ll talk to him. Tomorrow. Tonight is supposed to be fun.”
“Fair enough. Now, come dance with me.” they hop to their feet and extend a hand.
You take it with a smile, and within a mere second they’re whisking you towards the dance floor.
.   .   .   .   .
You’ve had 3 drinks. Three strong drinks. On a stomach with only a few bite sized hors d'oeuvres to soak up the copious amount of gin in your system. 
And it’s helping, sure. Helping you forget momentarily that Pedro is probably within 100 feet of you at any given moment. Helping your breath move in and out the way it’s supposed to, without catching on threads of worry webbed inside your lungs. Helping to loosen the knots that riddled your body when you got here.
But it’s also making you dizzy. 
Dizzy enough that you’re not quite sure when you end and others begin. It’s all lights and laughter and limbs, filling your senses to the brim. The corners of your vision have a little haze to them, a haze that’s starting to grow inward.
You stumble your way out of the hoard, searching for the nearest corner to tuck yourself away in for a moment. A friend hollers after you, asking if you’re alright.
“I’m good! Just got the spins,” you reassure her. “I’ll be back.”
A little awning reveals itself to you in a narrow sightline through the crowd. You follow the slender gap without a second thought. Once you reach the end, you find a dimly lit hallway with an emergency exit sign illuminating a sturdy black door. You steady yourself on a railing and lean your weight into the wall, your head bowed slightly and shoulders rounded.
The pattern on the carpet sways in your vision as you let yourself hang for a moment, releasing tension from your upper body and pushing your feet firmly into the floor as some attempt at grounding. After a moment, you decide to take your shoes off in hopes it will inspire your body to feel more “at one with gravity”.
The sound of booming bass still accosts your ears, but more muffled now, and the sound waves flow through you, perfectly in time with the beating of your heart. It isn’t until your name is spoken the third time that you really hear it.
Your eyes shoot up to find Pedro, a worried, scrunched brow on his face and a bottle of water in his hand. 
“Oh- um…” you stammer. You continue to fight for the right words, any words, until he cuts you off.
“Drink this,” he twists the cap and gently places the bottle into your right hand. “I haven’t seen you take a sip of water the entire night. No wonder you’re dizzy.”
A moment of confusion clouds you, but you quickly remember that you shouted over the blaring music for all to hear of your current state. Your voice can be quite head-turning with a lack of inhibition. You obey his word and take a swig from the bottle, the crisp, cold water relentless against your sensitive teeth. The temperature is a visceral opposite to the flush of your face, causing you to furrow your brow slightly as it travels down your esophagus. 
He lets out a chuckle as he scans your expression.
You produce an affirmative grumble and try to pass the bottle to him, but he gently pushes it back towards your chest. 
“Have some more.”
Your eyes flutter under the softness of his gaze. You try to gulp down the dry seed in you throat.
“Pedro, I—”
“We don’t have to talk about it right now.”
“Bella told me I have to talk to you,” you admit, your chin tucked and stare driving into the carpet, whispering in a way that sounded more like you were reminding yourself than telling him.
It makes him laugh, releasing that sweet, boisterous sound and it's accompanying smile you missed so dearly.
“Taking orders from Bellie now, eh?”
“They can be a bit militant when push comes to shove, to be honest,” a puff of air passes through your nose as a smirk tugs at your lips, your eyes glued to the floor. "'Specially if I'm being an idiot."
You take a few more sips of water and Pedro shifts to stand beside you, kicking his foot up with his back flat against the wall. Neither of you speak, only the sounds of your breath filling the space between you. 
You both inhale at the same time, as though you are both about to speak. 
“F—sorry, y-you go,” you gulp, though your mouth is bone dry.
He lets his exhale escape through puckered lips, and you watch as his hiked up chest deflates. His hand sits flat against the first button of his suit jacket as he thumbs at the lapel.
“I’ve spent the past month in agony, you know.”
You gaze up at his face, his eyes fixed on the glint in his freshly-shined shoes. He rolls his bottom lip through his teeth nervously, the hue of the skin shifting from an off-white to a bitten pink as it’s released from the grip.
“Missing you…” he spoke softly. “Wanting to talk to you…”
Guilt spreads like a wildfire, scalding your throat.
“Pedro, I— I am so s—”
“Wanting nothing more than to kiss you again.”
The words kick the air from your lungs, your lips parting to make way as the muscles in your jaw give out entirely. He turns to face your visage, and you find his painted with an expression of pure yearning. His eyes have a sparkle to them, but not of joy. It’s more like a heat, a burning that seems almost painful to endure. The thick, inescapable tension wraps itself hermetically around your neck.
“I— You didn’t even give me a chance to kiss you back.”
Before you can even process the words, the clinking of glasses sounds in the distance. Through the muffled shouting you hear a strained attempt at organizing a drunken group photo.
“We should probably…” you floppily gesture towards the ballroom, the alcohol seemingly turning your bones a bit soft and pliable. “Can we talk about this after the party? I'd like to be a little more sober if I can help it.”
“Right, uh—” he adjusts his tie slightly, insecurely clearing his throat. “After the party. I can do that.”
“I promise,” you assure, though you’re acutely aware that he has very little reason to trust you, considering you avoided him for almost a month straight. You reach for his hand, the one that’s still fidgeting with his jacket, hopeful your touch will convey your sincerity in a way that your words can’t.
He smiles, somewhat forcibly. and offers his arm.
“Shall we?”
You make your way back to the crowd, observing with a small chuckle as a few people with phones in hand attempt to herd people left and right, trying to create some semblance of a formation. The two of you slip into the hoard easily, gliding right into a perfect little cranny to the left of the pointed cameras.
Pedro slides his arm around your waist as you pose, and you’re certain he can feel your raging pulse thumping through every vessel beneath your skin.
“Ok, now a funny one!” says one of the photographers.
You turn to each other, smiling and searching for an idea. Drunken and foolish, you take his arm and pretend to bite it. 
He lets out a hearty laugh before leaning into the “scene”, his face mocking an expression of terror. You have to stifle your giggles with an open mouth, which results in a strange, almost strangled sound escaping you. It only encourages his laughter, which encourages yours, and droplets form at the crest of your eyes as you wait for the signal to drop the pose.
“Got it!” someone blurts across the ballroom.
“Sorry about that,” you guide his arm back to his side, giving it a gentle pat into place. “These hors d'oeuvres just made me hungrier.”
You laugh at your own joke, snorting on the inhale, and you look up to see his smile, wide and gleaming, the bounciest part of his cheeks sporting a salmon-pink hue. 
A distant voice calls for Pedro, hollering something about an actors-only picture, and he turns his head to find the source. You grab his hand before he starts towards them.
“Call me, ok? After the party,” you gently squeeze at his wrist. “I promise I’ll answer this time.”
He nods, his sickly sweet smile punctuated with picture-perfect dimples. He turns his back to you and weaves his way through the crowd. 
.   .   .   .   .
You finally made your way out of the coat check line after a grueling twenty minutes of needing to pee but not wanting to give up your spot in line. You’re standing outside the entrance now, the brisk air nipping at your bare ankles. You idly pull out your phone to find two text notifications from Pedro.
The first is an address, with a unit number. Los Angeles. You recognize the street name.
The second message reads:
I just got home. Buzz me when u get here. :) 
You almost start to skim through the unread messages he’d sent you since that night, but you’re quickly derailed by another buzz.
Pedro Pascal sent you $100. Description: for your ride.
You laugh out loud, amused by his overestimation of the price, but nevertheless stunned by his unfailing thoughtfulness. You start towards the stairs, your nerves burning and buzzing, entirely uncertain and out of control of what the evening holds.
. . . . .
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sixosix · 1 year
Hi! I'm on a sae brainrot lately it's gonna consume me and your fics are soo good😫 can I req a sae with reader in love with him despite being friends with rin, I just love the idea of rin being annoyed with the two of them giving each other heart eyes when reader comes over to their house, thank you sooo much!
think of this as an au where the itoshi brothers aren’t as insane and strained ur welcome ALSO ANON HELPP this idea is so funny
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rin doesn’t consider himself as someone who has homicidal urges. on a good day, at least.
but you are making it harder and harder not to just strangle you and yell out strings of profanity whenever you sigh dreamily over his brother.
his big brother, of all people. rin knows that he and sae are pretty popular, but for his best friend to be head over heels for his brother when you should be immune to the itoshi bloodline is a bit absurd.
“it’s the best friend’s brother thing,” bachira said. rin has no idea what that means, but apparently, it’s when people go crazy over the best friend’s brother. rin hopes that none of sae’s friends are giving him the same googly eyes you do whenever sae passes by—that would be horrifying.
“he’s so handsome,” you explained to him when he asked why you are so obsessed with his brother in blood. “so—! just soo fucking—” and then rin asked you to not finish that sentence because he might have to damage his eardrums by hand if you continue.
that’s not even the worst part, no.
a normal person (like rin) would think that, okay, pining isn’t that bad. crushes are normal. my friend’s weird obsession with wanting to kiss my brother stupid is normal, maybe. but no. it’s not that easy. rin cannot just coax you to move on or force to imply anything in case sae hunts him down.
because his big brother, itoshi sae, is in love with you.
rin doesn’t know when— how it started. he just found out when you had to come up to rin to ask for something and left like a frightened deer, and sae, dead-inside, doesn’t-give-a-fuck-about-you sae, kept staring at you until you were out of sight. there was a smile on his face—a fond one, if that makes it any better.
(it does not. rin didn’t even know what to say at this point. his hands are itching.)
“that’s just a little brother thing,” shidou remarked once when rin lamented about his worrying urge to throttle you and sae simultaneously. rin understands that one, at least.
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you have to come over today.
it’s not a big deal since you’ve come to his room to hang out before. it’s not always voluntary on rin’s part; you just appear out of nowhere, carrying pillows and about three blankets, materializing out of nowhere and onto his doorstep.
the difference is that his brother is back in japan, and you’re coming over today.
why is this a problem?
well, for starters: rin is not fond of seeing you make a fool of yourself and cry about it to him later on. he sleeps through it, usually, but you smack his head when you meet again, and he is afraid he might get brain damage soon.
second, rin only stays in his room, so it is where you follow. if the time comes you leave, sae will interrogate the hell out of him and give the coldest glares out of sheer jealousy. rin cannot be bothered to explain that no, he doesn’t like you that way, and sae is free to take you.
he doesn’t want to expose you like that, though. he is not that much of an asshole. as horrible and hilarious it is to watch you trip over yourself to see him, rin knows you genuinely like sae.
rin sees it in the way you smile helplessly whenever anyone mentions him, and rin can tell that it’s serious. you’re still his friend; he still cares about how this will work out for you.
“rin, i’m telling you,” you say, and in your excitement—or hysteria, really—you fail to notice that your voice is terribly loud. “shidou is out to get me. i have nightmares about him hunting me down because i beat him four times. he has a bat with nails on it.”
“let him win, then,” rin deadpans.
although it is his house, he’s the one trailing after you. mostly to make sure you don’t eat all the ice cream. again.
“i can’t lose to shidou, rin. that’s a stain on my resume.”
“then don’t dream about shidou with a bat with nails on it.”
“you’re the life of the party, itoshi.”
you yelp as you turn into a sharp corner on the way to his room. rin blinks at the sound and visibly deflates when he realizes who you’ve crashed into. he holds back a groan, knowing precisely what’s coming next.
cue: romantic guitar, doves flying, bells ringing.
“y/n,” sae says, holding you up by the shoulders.
“...sae,” you reply, belatedly. and then proceed to gape at him as if you forgot that he is rin’s brother and they live together for that reason.
“nii-chan,” rin says, too, because he really is not in the mood to witness this.
sae blinks up at rin. “where are you two going?”
rin hesitates. “my room.” you’re still steaming because sae is still holding you.
sae narrows his eyes.
“y-you can join us!” you blabber, refusing to meet sae’s eyes—which is horrible, really, because if you just took a single glance at sae, you’d see how his eyes softened impossibly.
“don’t say that.” rin scowls. he already has it rough having one lovesick freak in his room; he is not fit to handle two simultaneously, for each other, too.
“i’ll join,” sae decides instantly, staring right at you. rin wants to throw his hands in the air. “what did you say about shidou?”
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thx for reading i had too much fun w this LMFAOOO
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lavouredior · 8 days
Would you be willing to do Alastor x Shy!Bunny?
Like she constantly gets flustered easily around him and he enjoys making a game of it? Please and thank you!
i have been DYING for someone to request alastor & bunny!reader so i am going to be LIVING this one up !!! might do a part 2 of this one tbh
warnings: cannibalism mention, murder mentioned, reader is referred to as prey
“oh and who would this be?” a demon you’d never need before asked charlie who was touring you around the hotel as you were their newest resident. you didn’t make eye contact with the demon. you were small to begin with and one thing you knew from the demons you had met on the street is eye contact is a bad thing to make.
“our newest resident!” the cheery hotel owner replied. the taller demon nodded. “let me continue the tour with the little bunny charlie, i’m sure you have more important things to do.” charlie nodded excited that alastor was taking charge for once.
once charlie left alastor grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “you know little bunny it is indeed rude to not make eye contact with someone.” you just stared back at him. too scared to say anything causing a static laugh to come out of him. “oh dear, little prey like you would have never made it alive out on the streets good thing you came here. although i do love the taste of bunny.”
his last comment scared you. “b-but you’re a deer? aren’t you prey too?” he took a deep breath at that comment. “i may be prey animal but you will find that i’m quite capable of holding my own unlike you.” he let go of your chin causing you to look back at the ground. “my i must’ve forgotten my manners. i’m alastor. the radio demon.”
your heart practically stopped at the last comment. although you are already dead so it was stopped to begin with . . . you had heard about the radio demon from many different places, specifically some tv demon named vox who was very angry about the demons return.
“oh don’t look so frightened my dear! i am not planning on harming you for now!” you chose to ignore the last part of his sentence. “now i must ask what did a little bunny like you do to end up in hell hmm?”
you just stared at the ground playing with your fingers. “i stole food once for my little sister.” your response caused the demon to let out another chuckle. “how pathetic! no wonder you’re a bunny.”
he wasn’t wrong. you lived a pretty pathetic human life and being a bunny in the afterlife caused you to be even more pathetic. your nose twitching at any sense of fear, like now. you just were scared at pretty much everything.
“why are you here?” you questioned, stupidly. “why i had killed a few people, ate a few as well.”
his response caused you to back up a bit from the demon. “y-you killed people?” he let out another chuckle this time crouching down to your height so you couldn’t fight eye contact with him. “oh my dear, don’t be scared.”
that’s when alastor got a specific idea in his head. you were horrified of him, he could use it to his own advantage. have a little fun with you and your pathetic self. make a deal with you so he owns your soul before ultimately forcing you to have some sort of usefulness to him.
alastor eventually toured you around the entire hotel before leaving you in the living room for the beginning of charlie’s “team bonding”
alastor had sat on a couch opposite of you, he watched you. even though you looked everywhere but him. a tap of his microphone on the ground and your attention was immediately to him. his smile grew as he saw your face start to turn red and you pull your knees to your chest for comfort
once the team bonding was over he motioned you over to him. “quite a shame you don’t hop around.” you just looked at the floor as you stood in front of him. “oh you pathetic little bunny. how long were you out on the streets before you found yourself here?”
“a couple months . . .” he nodded. “they were horrible weren’t they?” you nodded back looking up at him for a second before turning your gaze back to the ground. he shook his head at your refusal to look at him before pulling you onto his lap.
“you know i could help you. make sure you’re protected and safe.” your ears, which were usually flopped against your head perked up, causing alastor’s smile to grow again.
he set you on the ground before extending his hand. “you sell me your soul, i protect and keep you safe?” you just stared at his hand. “why my soul?” he chuckled “because hell is no place for a shy little bunny, my dear.”
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yuuuhiii · 1 month
hiiii! can i get a jjk matchup for reader who is energetic and loud most of the time, but when they're alone with their s/o, they're actually very cuddly and giggly all the time? thanks 🥰
I match you with CHOSO
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Choso fell in love with you at first glance. However, he didn’t know that. The sound of your laughter had the hairs on the back of his neck standing up.
It was new to him and automatically he thought you were a threat. How when he stared at you he was afraid his heart was going to burst out of him.
Was this your curse technique?
“Yuuji.” He calls out and Yuuji stops abruptly looking around.
“Hm? What happened.” He blinks and Choso points right at you, making Yuuji slap his hand.
“No pointing! What’s wrong with her?” He says in concern and Choso raised a brow at you.
“It’s weird, I don’t feel any cursed energy but she’s making me feel weird, very weird.” Yuuji looks horrified for a second but then he thinks. Then he smiles, deciding to egg him on.
“Like what?” Yuuji plays stupid.
“I don’t know. I’m attracted to her though. She’s a very pretty woman.” Choso keeps it short.
Yuuji takes it upon himself to talk to you. You’re a little confused as the man stands there awkwardly, making direct eye contact with you. He was attractive and whoever this kid was, sure was good wingman with the way he was hyping him up. You laugh at the boy.
“Ok , ok. Here’s my number.” When you look at him you smile and you watch his eyes widen and blink, his cheeks turning pink.
Choso swears he’s the most luckiest man to ever walk this earth. He’s only been a human for a bit and you’ve truly shown him what it’s like to feel alive. Everyday is a new day with you and it just makes living all the more fun.
Although he loves the times when you both are behind closed doors. In the comfort of your guys bed and in each others arms. He wonders how you can make him feel so loved or just feel all of these things in general. He’s still trying to figure things out but having you by his side has made things so much easier for him.
Choso laid with his head on your stomach. You combed your hands through your hair, smiling at your boyfriend going in and out of sleep.
“Cho? Just go to bed.” You laugh and he blinks, trying to stay awake he cuddles closer to you.
“I can’t, I’m watching the show with you.” He says groggily, you giggle and he smiles softly at the sound.
“S’ok, I’ll turn it off.”
He nods and grabs the remote, clicking the tv off. He immediately scoots next to you, pulling you directly in to him. He tucks your head in between the crook of his neck as he strokes your hair. You smile against him and he finds himself smiling as well.
“Why are you smiling?” He asks and you let out a pleased sigh.
“Because, I love you.” You say with a peck to his jaw and he flushes.
“I love you too, forever.” He whispers, placing a sweet kiss against your temple.
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© yuuuhiii 24 : don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms
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allfattenedup · 1 month
Hello and what great progress, exceptional!!!
I see myself in you even if I'm just starting out... cause I was also a thin athlete, even too thin at certain times, I can ask you what pushed you to start and after the first phases what did you did it push you to move forward and never go back?
Thank you so much!
I've told this story a few times but not for a while. So I have always had this kink. But I was also pretty vain, lol. I don't mind admitting that. I wanted to look hot, it was important to me. So, I won't say I buried the kink - I definitely jerked off to pretty much only fat guys and girls, and even fantasized heaps about myself getting fat, but I was just really strict in my mind that it was a fantasy only and that I'd never actually do it to myself.
Eventually, it became overwhelming. In hindsight I realise it was a self sustaining cycle — I was working out more and taking better care of my looks to try to drown out the desire, but the more I did that, the more delicious the thought of ruining it all became in my mind. The pull became way too strong. It was all I was thinking about all the time.
So, I did eventually make a deal with myself that I would gain 20lbs, just to get it out of my system, and then lose it before anyone really noticed.
That was the best/worst/best/worst decision I ever made.
Because oh my god, if I thought fantasizing about myself with a belly was hard to resist, actually having one? Actually watching and feeling one grow and wobble and push over my waistband? A potent lifelong sexual fantasy coming to life like that? Fuck me, I didn't stand a chance.
It got out of control real fucking fast. I swelled like crazy. Got the heavy hanging stomach of my dreams and nightmares. Got a pair of moobs, got a double chin and a fat face. I quickly realised I also had an embarrassment kink and with that, the guardrails just came off. The safety net burned up. The thought of having to face people in this body was as delicious as it was horrifying so there was no way I could stop myself from making it worse and worse and worse. I've done a few different drugs in my life and I have NEVER been as out of my mind as I was during that period of time. Absolutely off my face on lust.
Although it's not quite true that I never went back. I exploded with fat so fast that it seriously freaked me out. And even though I was literally getting off on the panic of how obese I was, eventually it became too much and I did actually lose a lot of weight. Not down to my original weight but enough that people were congratulating me everywhere I went for how "good I was looking". It felt nice, honestly. I missed the erotic tornado of weight gain, but it was kind of nice to feel normal again, to feel a little bit confident in my looks again, and I promised I'd leave this whole surreal experience behind me. But then eventually... it was all I was thinking about all the time. It became overwhelming. The pull became too strong.
I should have known what would happen. I came back to tumblr. Explained myself, showed my weight loss. People were really kind and supportive. I admitted that I just wanted to be part of the community again but I'm not gonna be gaining any weight back. And then that became 'I'm only gonna gain a tiny bit of weight back'. And then for probably about a year I was "not gaining" while slowly getting fatter and fatter. I started a Patreon and the thought of being fattened for a living started to ping that overwhelming desire again. My body started to take on a different shape than it did in my first gain. So all of a sudden that made everything new and hot again. I was in denial for wayyyy longer than was reasonable. I somehow managed convinced myself I wasn't really gaining on purpose, meanwhile I was ordering a second pint of Ben & Jerry's while still shoving down the first. I'm sure half of you guys knew I was intentionally gaining again before I did. And that's where we are now. I gained slower this time. My body is handling it better. Seems to me the only way from here is up 😈📈🥵
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risuola · 8 months
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BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE — F. READER x KAMO CHOSO, who’s your not-so-ordinary roommate
Blood is Choso’s thing, so it’s no surprise that he’s absolutely turned on when you show up in your shared room covered in it. Quickly, he abandoned watching tv and focused all of his attention on you. To help you, of course.
cw: smut, temperature play, breath play, choking, blood kink, body worship, littlest bit of aftercare, Choso is mean, but also he's the sweetest bean (couldn't decide), reader discretion is advised — 2,4k words
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“Breathe through your nose.” Choso’s deep, labored tone barely got acknowledged by your brain and something akin to hmph! made an attempt to leave your throat. You really couldn’t remember exactly how the hell you ended up there, on the leathery couch in your shared room, on your knees and elbows, with hands clenching the slippery fabric just to steady yourself a little bit.
Kamo was right beside you, ruthlessly pounding into you with all of the force his muscled body contained, bullying his cock deep into your soaked and dripping insides. For a good while now, he kept his large hand roughly pressed over your mouth, limiting your airflow enough to have you struggle. Breathe through your nose, he advised you with a wicked smirk twisting his lip line but that was easier said than done. It wasn’t him who was nearly choking on his own tears and moans.
Your senses were hazed and eyes tightly shut, you couldn’t properly focus on the oxygen when he was just so harsh with the way his hips were thrusting into you, his pelvis clashing with your ass time after time, pushing you over the edge of insanity with so much ease it was just horrifying. If there was anything that you would never suspect Choso to do, that was it. You knew the death painting long enough to have a pretty solid opinion on him – he was calm, stoic even. Sometimes silly and very caring, but overall, he wasn’t giving off the vibe of I can and I will fuck you dumb kind of man. Damn, you didn’t even suspect him of really having any sexual drive to begin with, although that would be your mistake. He was, after all, half-human, but now, you couldn’t shake off the feeling that it was actually his curse side that made him so insatiable. So ruthless and dominant.
You gasped for air desperately when for a short second he loosened up the bruising grip he had on your face, only to take away your freedom of breathing once more. It was taunting, he basked in the way you tried to fill in your lungs and with almost psychotic satisfaction he took that away from you again. The mind-numbing, eye-watering pistons of his dick didn’t stop for a single moment as he persistently was making his way under your skin and into your soul. All you could see was blur of dark, night shades and red, so much red. Your red.
You got to your shared room late, after the unfortunate encounter with one very virulent curse that although easily exorcised, still left you with dozens of little slits and slashes across your body. Those little, bleeding creases in your skin were the reason for Choso immediately stopping whatever he was just doing and jumping to you, wanting to help, but instead of it, he for sure made the blood loss worse. He couldn’t help himself. You, covered in fresh crimson did something to him, and just like he was perfectly able to control and manipulate blood in and out of his body, now he couldn’t stop it from flowing down, straight to his cock. He wanted, no, he needed to touch you, to taste you, to just possess you, even if for a moment and when for god knows what reason you allowed him to do whatever he liked, he just lost it.
There was not an inch of your body that he wouldn’t caress. Your red covered his hands, his mouth and clothes, even those that at this point were already on the floor. There was a sting to your wounds, every time his tongue swiped over one of them your spine was electrocuted with an impulse of painful pleasure. Those impulses flooded your brain and then filled every cell inside your body with pure ecstasy.
Choso was experimental with you, he was observing and learning, soaking in your body’s reactions to whatever he was doing. He registered every shiver of you, every louder moan of satisfaction and every whimper of discomfort. Not a single jolt went unnoticed and some of your reactions he found absolutely addicting. Like the little squirm you were doing, the unconscious line of protection your skin had whenever he would run his cold as ice fingers along your spine. His internal temperature control really got in handy in making you lost in the sensation of him.
“Cho-so~ah,“ you whined quietly as he swiftly flipped you onto your back. Once back between your trembling thighs, he was immediately pushing his way back between your velvety walls, grazing over every sweet spot in you as he slipped in. There was a ring of creamy white at the base of his girth already formed, the testimony of how fucking good he was in just brainwashing you into nothing but mess. You came already, although you couldn’t tell how many times, and he also came at least once – an evidence of that gushing out of your hole every time he drilled into it.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” He groaned lowly, leaning over you and wrapping his lips around one of the most bleeding slash you had – the one right above your collar bone. He sucked on in, savoring the sweet metallic that melted in his mouth, and it made you feel almost light-headed. He really made you feel like you’re floating and if not for the constant, harsh thrusting that grounded you, the heavy weight of his cock pumping your already oversensitive pussy in a pace that you could have sworn felt inhumane – yeah, if not for that, you might have actually lift above the bloody mess you did on the hotel couch.
“S-so good,” you mumbled absentmindedly and gasped loud as his ice cold, wet tongue flicked over your hardened nipple. It felt like he just put an ice cube over the bud and he played with it, twirling and twisting it all over your skin, making you shiver harshly underneath him, and even more wet although that you thought wasn’t possible. The slick sounds were filling the otherwise silent room, you could feel the pouring juices covering your thighs as he was dragging his hips back and forward, back and forward, fucking your way into oblivion.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” Choso chuckled, something evil and menacing lingering underneath his labored tone. That little thing got your pussy squelching around him, your legs quivering as you felt your climax approaching – a second one, and he groaned deliciously, feeling the pressure of your walls trying to milk him. “Just a little bit more,” he almost ordered, his voice now bearing hints of desperation as he picked up the tempo.
Despite how fast he was moving, despite the force he was putting into those slams, they were all precisely hitting the right spots. Choso absorbed the pleasure that was overflowing your body, he was drinking it, basking in it. Teasing you endlessly with how cold he can make his body or how hot he can be a second later. It was a sensory hell for you, and heaven at the same time. You felt like burning – any time he’d make himself warmer, he left searing traces along your shapes and then, right after that he contrasted it with the ice cold, wet kisses and long licks, making you crumble below him.
“I can’t–,“ you tried. Everything inside you screamed to cum yet again, you couldn’t think at all at this point. It was just stars and white haze in front of your eyes, the room blended into one big splotch of nothing and only thing that mattered was the death painting inside you.
“I’m sure you can,” Kamo chuckled, allowing his long, slender fingers to wrap around your throat. With the firm, bruising squeeze he took the breathing privilege away from you and immediately, your hands landed on his veiny forearm, trying to force him to ease the hold, but he just smirked at your efforts. You looked so pretty below him, so gorgeous with your shaking legs around his hips, squeezing him from time to time, with your chest heaving and aching for air, your face stained with tears and your tits bouncing every time his hips slammed into yours. Not to mention all of the blood smeared over your delicate body. You were taking him so well, even though at first you swore he’s not gonna fit you, that he’s too big and you physically can’t take it. Now your pussy was sucking him in more and more, absolutely weeping around him, swallowing him to the very bottom. “I saw you in battle,” he applied even more pressure over your throat. “I know you can take much more than that.”
Something incoherent left your squeezed airways, a sound bearing no particular meaning and you could feel another load of hot tears threatening to roll down your cheeks, already gathering along your lash line. Your nails left red, long marks over Choso’s forearms, matching the ones that you already gave his back and shoulders before. Sharp jolts of seething pleasure were shooting through your center and spreading ecstatic hellfire over your entire body. Despite the cold touch of his fingers, you were burning alive, you could feel the flames overtaking your veins as euphoria was rushing through them.
Kamo’s grip was unforgiving, he was thriving in the way your entire form was tensing underneath his touch, he could almost hear it screaming for a break. The heavy sound of your heartbeat seemed like music to his ears, he couldn’t stop himself, not when your pussy took him with so much insatiable hunger.
He took his hand off your neck and once again, you gasped for air, filling your lungs desperately and as if the relief of being able to breathe reached down to your cunt, you could feel yourself being close again. The trembling of your thighs became more apparent and Choso groaned deeply, the sound half-airy, as he felt his dick being squeezed by your velvety walls and he had no intentions to stop it. If you wanted to milk him again, who he was to say no to it?
Putting all of his gathered knowledge to use, he reached down, pressing his thumb over your swollen clit, rubbing circles onto it and almost immediately, making you lose it. That climax somehow felt even more intense than every previous one; it overtook you in light speed, sending your mind into another dimension and if not for the absolute malfunction of your brain functions, you’d probably be worried if you’ll be able to come back from there.
“Look at me,” Choso growled and you had no idea when he leaned down onto you, trapping you between his strong arms with his face just a breath away from yours when you looked hazily into his dilated eyes. Your fingers found their way into his hair, brushing through his dark, long locks. “So beautiful,” he muttered, stealing kiss after kiss from your ajar lips.
Your back arched when he came, you could feel his dick flexing and throbbing inside of you as he was emptying his balls, spraying your velvety, oversensitive walls with his hot load, and he had a lot to give. He wasn’t even done and already he was spilling, his cum dropping down onto the couch, where a mixture of filth created a stain. There was so much mess all around you two, blood, sweat and tears, your juices and so much white Choso shot out.
He groaned into your lips, his pelvis moving slower, languidly fucking you through your highs. His mouth shifted to taste the salty residues from underneath your eyes when he finally stilled. The wet sounds that were bouncing off the walls for a while already now quieted down, making space for the melody of heavy breathes and soft, satisfied yet exhausted groans and whimpers.
“Let me get us cleaned up,” Choso murmured into your ear once his heartbeat steadied – much quicker than yours, and you gave him a nod of approval.
With a delicacy so different to how harshly he was treating you for the last, what felt like, hours, the death painting swooped you off the nasty leathery seats and carried into the bathroom. With a supporting grip over your waist, he slowly washed away all of the filth from your body and from his own as well, and you helped him as much as you could, despite your arms screaming from exhaustion. Touching him was addictive, you couldn’t pinpoint why were you so attracted to him so suddenly.
“You are so gorgeous,” he praised you softly, drying your skin gently with a towel. You felt much better without the sticky layer of dried blood and sweat covering you, all of your wounds already started to heal. When he was down, supporting himself on one of his knees and patting away the droplets of water from your thighs, you could finally take in his form. Strong, toned muscles stretching underneath the light layer of skin created a god-like statue. Choso’s figure was really to die for, with broad expanse of his shoulders and thin waist, very prominent abs and leading down to delicious thighs. All of him was impressive, it really was hard to believe he was half-curse, counting 150 years of age.
“You are gorgeous too,” you told him but he kept his gaze down suddenly shy to hear compliments and he brushed it off, with a soft shrug. It really seemed amusing now, that just few moments back he was ruthlessly pounding into you and now, he couldn’t even look you in the eyes when you praised him.
“Let’s get you to bed,” he spoke, putting away the towel and swooping you once again into his arms. In a matter of few minutes, all the lights in the house were off and you were under the sheets in your bed, your head resting over the firm surface of Choso’s chest as his heartbeat was lulling you to sleep.
Before, you thought that day sucked – the little curse caused you more troubles than it should and even if you exorcised it, it still managed to put some cuts onto you. You got back home pissed, annoyed mostly by the way you created an opening for it to even land an attack on you. You were a high grade sorcerer for years now and yet, sometimes things like this surprised you, but in perspective… nothing surprised you more that day, than Choso did. If the sky suddenly turned green and the grass became purple, it would stun you less than what the death painting hid underneath his usually calm demeanor and after that, you were curious what else he had in his store.
You will check that later. You absolutely will.
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kalims · 1 year
or, a morning with leona.
나를 소중히 (cherish me)
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as someone who didn't stay in places with searing, hot weather you can say that the environment of savanaclaw is pretty warm compared to the average ramshackle cold.
if you had told your past self that you were spending the night in savanaclaw they probably would've laughed at you and cursed out the gods—promising you that they would never, ever do it.
well you do understand them. the way you were treated when you arrived is pretty extreme. you did forgive but you never forgot, was it childish of you to hold a grudge? probably. did they deserve it? absolutely. can you blame yourself though? out of all the dorms they were the one you had the most rough impression of.
you were absolutely sure they were gonna 'teach you a lesson' the first time you arrived and they thought you were too puny for them.
besides the past that was kind of horrifying first time you dealt with it. you do agree that you would've never spent another second in here if it weren't for your lover: leona.
albeit a little rough around the edges he's pretty sweet though your friends think otherwise. they think you're both insane and patient for 'dealing' with a person like him and just like any good partner you got offended on his behalf.
I mean how could they judge so fast when they didn't even know him?
well to be fair you doubt everyone else would be lucky enough to leona opening up like you.
day by day you end up spending an awful lot of time around savanaclaw— around leona to be exact. during your time together he taught you the beauty around the savanah, although not verbally he did.
it made you dislike the dorm a little less. (but of course that's progress! atleast you're talking with the residents that threatened you before with less,, vigor,)
you did see the resolve of the students, admirable really but it was no excuse to torment the weak. using their strength as an excuse to bully those they deem inferior might as well land them a punch from you.
even though they were practically his own. you doubt leona would stop you, and if he thought the same thing like them you wouldn't landed the same punhc at him.
you once joked about it and leona said he'll really take that tooth if you dared.
while you were laughing your ass off at the thought of him doing that for no reason at all leona found your laugh contagious, as he can't help closing his eyes and smiling at the sound of laughter in his room. he'd never thought it would be filled with anything other than silence.
in a way he looked forward to simply chatting in his room together, even though you were usually the one talking.
the mornings in savanaclaw were of course—hot.
by the casual demeanor the students display you can tell they're used to this kind of weather, literally no wonder there's a lot of big and muscled guys here. you, are by no means pleased at all. honestly kind of irritated by the amount of sweat you,, sweat in the morning. when the sun is just starting to heat up.
honestly nothing woke you up but the warmth.
blearily and half conscious your eyes adjust to the surroundings, taking in the mellow color of sunlight. it's a little earlier than usual so it's a little cold—given how the sun hasn't come up yet.
you take a few moments of silence. staring at nothing in particular, you could practically hear the gears in your head start as you register your consciousness.
you shift. yeah the light was nice and all but it's not letting you sleep with it practically in your face.
so you roll to the right, groaning at the fact that you had to disrupt your sleep and knowing yourself? now that you moved you'd be having a hard time falling asleep again. then again it's monday and class starts in a few hours.
ugh.. fuck I hate mondays, you swear you blinked and the weekend was over already. whoever thought two days of rest was enough you would pluck their eyes out.
you were all about hating the world till you rolled around and was met in sight of leona's peacefully slumbering place. you were right, whenever he wasn't frowning he was really handsome. then you thought; how could you hate the world when it's right here? right next to you?
engrossed with your sappy thoughts you release a long, fond sigh. even asleep leona seeks out to comfort you, evident in the way an arm snakes around your lower torso and snuggling into you.
you swear you hear a pleased hum from him.
weirdly you think about how lucky you are.
"do you know how hard it is to sleep when someone's staring at you?"
leona drawls out. startling you when his eyelids peel open, staring at you casually but you can still see the sleep in his eyes. he takes his other arm and pushes back his hair with a groan. most likely iffed that you had interrupted his sleep.
despite his sour look you grin at him.
leona never hated that face more, cause it looks like you'd follow him to the ends of the world, that grin is the determination that keeps you going and don't get him started about your eyes. he hates the fondness in it because it makes his heart race.
and he hates you for staying, and loving him.
"sorry," you say but your face says anything but an apology.
"stop looking at me like that,"
"sorry," you say again. wearing a similar face, definitely less sincere than the last.
you continue to look at him like that.
grumpily leona turns the opposite of you and no matter how many times you whined out a, "hey!" he merely shakes you off and continues to ignore you.
he went even as far as to peel off the arm you stuck to him.
you sigh. "ugh.. you're so mean," and deflate. perhaps making it seem like you're actually upset is a decent strategy?
you were no stranger to leona. you knew him, and he knew you. his favorite time of the day to nap, the spot he goes to hide away, the things people don’t bother to know. in a way you feel like he is your soulmate, in this life you’ve known him for less than two years but it feels like you’ve known him since forever.
rolling your eyes you throw your body over his,, and the startled grunt he releases is the highlight of your day. leona stares at you ‘venemously’, it it were any other person he would’ve started strangling them but it’s you.
it’s always you, leona thinks.
“i said i’m sorry,” you say, pecking him on the lips. leona ignores the volts it spreads in his body, tingling but all the more addicting. it sends a jolt to his heart that can never seem to stop after.
for once leona thinks that it’s not too early for this. in fact, there’s never a time where he doesn’t want this affection you’re showering him in, nor the casual teasing and joking around the two of you. because it’s like your mind and hearts are connected.
that’s right. you’re his soulmate and he is yours.
"whatever. you're annoying," leona spat and you nudge him with a laugh.
laughter echoes around the room.
as he said, your laughs are contagious. it's like a plague. something he'd wanna get away from but it's like singing in his ears, a melody that takes away his breath and relives him the joy. he hears it and he's already struggling to hold a smile at your own.
which is uncharacteristic and he hates it.
it's not that he's stuck with you, you're stuck with him.
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note. I read this one story in quotev and idk why but it really inspired me, the writing was so good. it was realistic on a degree 😭 and addresses the problem of growing up
yeah never thought I'd enjoy a haikyuu fanfic cause I've left the fandom for years
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sweetstarart · 3 months
40 Wallace Wells Headcanons!!!
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He loves the band gorillaz! His current favorite songs are Dare, Dirty Harry, Rock The House and 5/4
He used to animate and draw in college but he hasn't really picked it up since then
He and Scott don't have much closet space, so they put some of their clothes in a kitchen cabinet. Scott is very scared Ramona will open it one day
When he eats burger He takes the pickles off and saves them for last. He does the same thing with shrimp pasta and also likes it most when there are 5 shrimp left over to eat. Scott thinks this is weird.
He's quite a powerful psychic, but since he's a beginner he has no idea how to utilize his powers. In the future, Old Wallace becomes one of the most powerful psychics in Toronto
Old Wallace's hair turned grey after what him and Mobile simply refer to as a "Psychic Mishap". This same mishap lead to him also needing very strong prescription glasses
He has 5 favorite colors, Green, Pink, Black, Teal and Red. If you ask which is his favorite, he'll usually cycle through 3 of those options before telling you he doesn't have a favorite
He scratches his knuckles when he gets nervous
He keeps his hands behind his back while doing this so people are less likely to notice
Sometimes he taps his fingers instead
Starting book 2, He's been taking French classes. He likes to say dumb things in French around the house that don't apply to whatever they're talking about, Scott is none the wiser
He likes turtles!
Although Wallace sometimes kicks Scott in his sleep, he can actually be fairly affectionate sometimes if he's feeling happy or lonely. Sometimes he hugs Scott in his sleep
Strangely enough, he doesn't do this to mobile until a few years into their relationship
Wallace used to have braces and acne in high-school. It is one of the very few things he's insecure about
He constantly forgets Young Neil's name and swears its either Francis or Dennis
Him and Other Scott have known eachother since they were kids but only became friends in high-school, when Wallace would stay over at his house from time to time
According to Scott and Other Scott, seeing Wallace win a drinking game is one of the most horrifying things they've ever seen
His record is 19 beers in 5 seconds
Oftentimes He wears a variety of Bracelets on his arm. His sweater usually obscures this, but they can be heard clanking together when he runs. When asked why he does this, he says he's "Matching with a friend"
His birthday is July 4th
He ran away from home during high-school, leading to him crashing at his friend's houses until he finally got an apartment
He frequently stayed with Scott, Other Scott and Roxy (until they stopped being friends towards the end of high-school)
Like the anime said, he let Scott crash at his place and he never left. At first, he figured since Scott let him stay over a week once, it only seemed fair to do the same. Soon a week turned into a month,but he couldn't bring himself to simply tell him to leave
He's somewhat of a pushover, but is too prideful to admit it (or embarrassed... who knows!)
He has tons of pride merch that he saves specifically for the month of May. Not June, because he "likes to stand out" (It's actually because when he started doing this, he got the month wrong)
He won a Ball point pen from a high-school drinking game. He calls it his most "prized possession" and he keeps it in a jewelry box alongside his bracelets
Scott is listed as "The first guy you should call if I ever get drunk and pass out bc he knows good and well he owes me a favor" on a list his frequent bartender asked him to make (Her name is Leni btw)
He and Gideon (the cat) would actually get along pretty well if they ever met
He and Gideon (the man) would not get along very well. But Wallace would find him extremely attractive in secret
He finds most of Ramona's exes attractive with the exceptions being Roxy and Kyle katayanagi
He passed his driving test while completely drunk. He woke up the next day and had no clue how to drive and couldn't even remember doing it until he found the license in the kitchen sink
He's had tons of flings, but never had an actual boyfriend until he met Mobile
He is so gay, that he litterally pukes rainbows
He thinks Stephen is hot. His only reason for not pursuing him is the fact that Scott made him promise to never make out with his friends
His favorite food is shrimp Alfredo
The reason Wallace makes bacon so often is because he bought it in bulk once as a dare from one of his friends. No clue what kind of bacon it was, but it expired a year from that day and the bottom shelf of his fridge was packed full of it for months
He always loses at rock paper scissors
He knows how to play piano
He has Hayfever
And... that's it! Except not really, I actually have way more!
But thats all I'm posting for now...
Thanks for reading!
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mixelation · 7 months
i was thinking about reborn au & the iwa chunin exams and i..... genuinely do not know what tori can actually do?? cut also contains me whining about timing of events
okay, so my timeline:
i usually do everything timeline-wise relevant to team 7's age, so: itachi is ~5 years older than sasuke, which makes tori ~4 years older. i headcanon the hyuuga affair as being part of the end of the third shinobi war, so tori would be ~7 when that happened.
the ame trio prevent a lot of fighting happening in rain country, so sound is actually a lot worse off than the original timeline (although tori... doesn't know this). her adoptive clan is having SEVERE supply issues so she doesn't actually get much instruction with anything metal until orochimaru officially unites the sound country clans into oto. i'm debating the effect of ame not being the stage for war having the effect of making it last longer, so tori is anywhere from 8 to 10 when suddenly she's part of oto
i'm not sure what orochimaru implements in terms of training? the Vibe i was going for is that he wants to improve childhood training because his next move is going to be icing out (or murdering) the adults bc he wants a hoard of shinobi who are 100% loyal to him. idk, maybe he unites them before the end of the war and sends a lot of adults to their deaths. so tori might have actual instruction from like 7-8?
i don't think tori actually LIKES most training. she doesn't super care about being a badass; she wants to research how chakra works and make a lot of insane seals to test her theories. so she taps out of training whenever she can in oto, which becomes increasingly often as she's given more independence as a researcher.
i think orochimaru would base any training program on the konoha academy curriculum, so tori definitely knows the basic 3 jutsu. since she spends all her time thinking about chakra, i think i'll let her have pretty good instincts on how to mold chakra. she rarely struggles to learn ninjutsu, but she doesn't have a ton of chakra and she doesn't have a lot of motivation or teachers available. no one's formally taught her treewalking bc anything beyond the basic training in oto is sort of chaotic and she doesn't have a built in family structure to learn it from, so she's self-taught (she self-taught wrong LMAO) and also she didn't really bother with it until she fled oto. i'm going to let her know some techniques which are TECHNICALLY medical but she learned from orochimaru to do surgery in the name of science. she doesn't like using them in combat because they're..... messy
i think orochimaru is the type to make children fight each other. tori relies a lot of children just being kind of stupid rather than any actual combat skills, but as she gets older this strategy works less well. her taijutsu is therefore....... iffy. for weapons she's most competent with a staff (from the ol' bamboo pole days) but she doesn't like it bc it's very Sound Country(tm) and she doesn't really identify as an Oto-nin. her aim with a kunai is... okay?
With Team 4, I think Kushina really quickly is like "okay, so this team is about making sure tori can hit someone properly (and me teaching this one transport seal to her for the mission)" and tori just doesn't think this is very fair. why aren't you teaching her MORE seals, instead? They only get ~3 months so i don't think she makes insane progress, but she gets better!!
tori's fighting style is very "i will seem harmless until very suddenly I Am Not" so she gets kind of into trying to come up with a technique that gives her a one-hit kill. for this she turns to misapplied medical jutsu and kushina is just like "wow, horrifying, keep it up."
(fuinjutsu is actually pretty tricky to incorporate into active combat, because even if you have pre-made seals, it'll take you a hot second to active them, which is often a hot second too many)
tori's skills are all over the place in a way that seems completely illogical unless you ARE her, and also her measuring stick is Akatsuki, so tori is like "oh yeah, no, i think the average genin could obliterate me?" but the SECOND she realizes that winning her first tournament match means she'll fight itachi, she's like "actually i am going to dedicate my whole month of training to that fight" with the assumption she'll just win against unknown genin #2. whatever, tori knows what a real threat looks like
(also, a WEIRD part of the team 4 dynamic from an outsider's POV is that itachi and deidara don't, like.... disrespect tori? yeah her taijutsu is horrific but also she's INCREDIBLY skilled in a handful of other areas and they're acutely aware of this, but like. they shouldn't be LMAO)
anyway, i want them to run into sasori on a mission, and ORIGINALLY i was going to make this their one c-rank pre-exam. but also i think the exam is the turning point for minakushi to be like "ONE OF US" wrt deidara & tori, and i think "buddies with sasori????" would uuuuh not fly (at least with mianto) until after this turning point. so my new concept for their pre-exam c-rank is they run into chump shinobi and kushina is like "NO TORI HAS TO FIGHT THEM" even though literally any other member of team 4 could win in their sleep. she believes in you, tori!!!
so i think the sasori mission happens post exam? i'm not 100% sure how team 4 functions post-exam. it seems like kind of a waste to have itachi & deidara running c-ranks (esp itachi since he already has a record with konoha), but maybe minato is like "hey buddy..... so upon reflection and reviewing a lot of your files, maybe you should have friends your age??" so then the Point of Team 4 becomes integrating tori & deidara into konoha, and they take progressively more insane missions. the missions get more insane & less frequent as they figure out their own paths. itachi steadily starts getting tapped for ANBU again and tori starts rotating in R&D and gets strong armed into field medic training. i think deidara..... would also go into R&D, because his art is technically jutsu development. this is the funniest thing that's ever happened to tori
tori STILL doesn't like training but she has to log a certain number of hours to maintain her status as an active shinobi and her main sparring partners are like. insane s-rank people. so.............
(tori: I AM GOING TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH NORMAL PEOPLE (makes enemies instead) how)
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
In Too Deep (Arven x GN!Reader) | Ch. 2*
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Summary: “I grin kindly, and although he can’t see my mouth, he can probably see it in my eyes. He smiles back. 
‘You’re doing perfect. And if you want to stop at any point, we can, okay?’
Arven nods, and I crouch down to his level, kissing him softly. I’m about to get back up, but he holds me low to the ground with him. Pushing me back against the wall with the force of his kiss, he greedily mumbles into my mouth, 
‘As if I’d ever want to stop.’”
Author’s Note: My headcanon age for Arven is that he’s a young adult, somewhere between 20-24 years old. If this proves to be wrong in the future, please consider him to be aged up to this range!
Likewise, for the sake of the continuity (i.e. Little Buddy and whatnot), you have a similarly tiny stature to the main character in Pokémon SV. For the sake of all of us, your character here is not a teenager lol, but instead roughly the same age as Arven, give or take a few years.
Thank you for understanding!! ^^ Enjoy, sorry about the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter, and take care x
Check it out on ao3!
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I look to my left and see Arven standing there, staring down at me, wide eyed and red cheeked. Not exactly knowing what to feel yet other than fear, I let out a surprised yelp, my own eyes bulging out of my skull. Realizing my hand is still against myself, I look down at it and let out another panicked yelp while removing it from my pants. I stand up and wipe my shameful hand onto the side of my shorts before putting my palms against the front of my face and pacing. 
This isn’t happening. This isn’t real. This can’t be happening there’s no way I just fucked up that badly.
Approaching the wall again, I cross my arms in front of my face and rest my forehead on my forearms, looking down at the ground below me. My heart is racing as I hear footsteps coming closer.
“I am so fucking sorry you had to see that,” I mumble. 
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he chuckles. “I came out to check on you and heard you, uh… yeah. Thought you were in danger, at first.”
Heard me?! I thought I was doing so well! “Oh my god.”
“Hey.” Arven plants his hand on my shoulder, and I turn my head to the side to face him. I only meet his visible iris for a second before my own two veer away, unable to handle the confrontation. “Hey,” he repeats, this time more firmly. I finally meet his face, and he’s… smiling? His brow furrows as he asks me, grinning very deviously, “What were you thinking about?”
“W-why would I tell you that?!” 
“Just seeing if you’d say it,” he shrugs. 
Seeing if I’d say… it…
Why does it sound like he knows?
“What do you mean?” I whisper, horrified.
Gnawing his lower lip while his eye roams my face, Arven takes a deep breath in, seeming to hype himself up for Arceus knows what. He’s got the same look in his eye that he typically only has when he’s about to do something risky or brave or stupid. A look I’ve only seen him use in battle, or during his various culinary experiments.
The hand on my shoulder tightens, and he swivels my much smaller body with ease so that my back is against the wall.
I must look like a Magikarp with the way I silently gasp, words eluding me, and lungs threatening to choke on nothing but air. If I didn’t resemble a tamato berry before, I sure as hell do once Arven’s right palm comes up to the wall, resting just barely above the left side of my scalp.
“What I mean, my freaky little buddy,” he teases, finally answering my inquiry, “is that it sounded like imaginary-me was giving you a pretty good time.”
“Imagin–?” Oh no. “Did I… like… s-say anything?” I question, my voice barely audible.
“My name.”
“Your…” A breath shudders out of me while I look down, avoiding his face. “Oh god.”
“Said that too,” he murmurs, a smile evident in his voice.
I bury my face in my hands again and groan. Arven, apparently taking none of that, removes his palm from my shoulder and uses it to grip my wrists, pinning them above me.
Just like I had imagined at several points throughout the day.
Holy shit.
I track his movements, eyes wide, while muttering some incoherent, flustered nonsense.
“What was that?” he laughs, his nose crinkling a little.
“Nothing! Uh…” I meet his eye. “So, what’s, uh, what’s up?” 
“Small talk? Really?” 
I sigh. “Look, bud, I dunno what I’m supposed to say in a situation like this,” I whisper dejectedly.
Arven chuckles. “You don’t need to say anything.” His pupils are blown wide as he hovers over me, scanning my face. He begins lowering his head towards the left of mine, and continues, “Don’t you understand how amazing this is?” 
“What d’you mean?” I shudder, feeling his breath against my skin. I tilt my head slightly to make room for him, as if on instinct.
“Since I met you, I’ve known you were special to me,” he mutters beside my ear. I hear his forehead rest lightly onto the wall, while his hand slides down it, before wrapping around to the small of my back. “But you’ve spent so much time with Princess Nemona, and those Team Star punks, and practically everyone else in Paldea, right? And that’s not to say I don’t admire your ambition, because of course I do… but you had me thinking I was only a fraction of what was on that steel trap mind o’yours.” 
My heart feels like it’s going to burst as I lean into Arven’s touch to the best of my ability. My hands are still pinned in his fist, but I connect my torso with his as much as I’m able. Seeming to notice it, Arven balls up the fabric on the back of my shirt and inches his body closer.
“But it turns out,” his voice lowers into somewhat of a growl as he turns his head towards my ear, “You’ve been all mine this entire time, haven’t you?”
Too intoxicated off his honeyed words to form my own, I slowly nod.
I feel his lips form into a smile, and he giggles a little. My brows furrow. He… he isn’t making fun of me, is he?
As if Arven read my mind, he quells my worries. “I haven’t even had the chance to try and kiss you yet, let alone ask you out. And here I am, praying to Arceus that you’ll let me fuck you right now.” 
I take a sharp breath in, turning my face a little to see Arven’s. Is he for real?
…Wait, isn’t he a virgin? How does he know how to be this hot?
Remembering that his dorm is full of manga, and realizing there’s almost definitely some hentai mixed in there — plus, he’s more than likely watched porn — I decide that it checks out, and swiftly move on.
Arven’s visible eye meets mine. My face feels hot, and his looks like it does too. His lips are narrowly parted, and god, I really want to kiss them.
…And he just said he wants that too.
Oh my god this is actually, like, happening, isn’t it?
I manage to squeeze out a few shy words in spite of my ragged breathing. “Kiss me first?”
Exhaling an airy laugh, he nods, before releasing my wrists and body from his grasp.
“‘Course,” he utters softly.
Arven brings his hands to my face, cups my cheeks in them, and leans down towards my mouth while I crane my neck up to meet him. Unsure of where to put my hands, they land on Arven’s wrists just as we lock lips. His are chapped, which somehow makes sense. His smooches are a little messy, but assuming he’s never done this before, I predict all of this will be messy. 
Leaving my left hand around Arven’s wrist, I bring my right one up to his squared jawline, cupping my palm around it. I do my best to ease him into a better rhythm — silently showing him the ropes — and he proves to be a perfect student.
Taking my bottom lip between his teeth, Arven pulls a gasp from me, and uses the opening to let his tongue explore my mouth. Smooth. I let out an unexpected moan at the feeling, and he grins against me. 
Both my hands tangle into his mane as he deepens our kisses. He’s becoming far more bold with his movements, thanks to my accidental noises of encouragement. Soon enough, Arven repositions his right hand back onto the wall and trails sweet pecks — some more open-mouthed than others — to the corner of my mouth, down towards my jaw, and onto my neck. He begins close to the center of my throat, and works his way into the crook, somehow knowing exactly where his contact will make me tingle. 
Noticing how I shudder and tighten my grip in his hair when he reaches one spot in particular, Arven licks a small strip of skin. Then, he lightly bites down on it, eliciting an embarrassing whine from my throat. 
Smiling against my skin, he lilts, “Feel good?”
“Mmmhm,” I hum, blissfully unaware of his palm leaving my face and tentatively making its way down to my chest. A featherlight touch to my nipple sends a shock through me, and I peer down, delighted by the sight of his huge hand pressed over such an intimate spot.
“Is this okay?” Arven asks, raising himself back to lean his forehead against mine.
I hum my affirmation to him again. Nodding only slightly, so as to not jostle his head while doubling down. 
My eyes shut while he brings his palm lower to the hem of my shirt. He hikes it up slightly, placing his calloused pads on my side. Moving his touch upward, carefully making his way back to where he had just been. 
When I open my lids, my vision flutters up towards pinkened cheeks while Arven feels me up without any fabric in the way. I can’t help but catch his curled lips between mine again as he pinches and twirls me beneath his fingertips. Must’ve caught him by surprise – he moans for the first time tonight, and it sounds more beautiful than I’d ever imagined. 
My mouth parts into a toothy grin, and before I can poke fun at him (unjustifiably, given earlier circumstances), he tugs my shirt all the way to my neck, leans down, and begins to lick and suck my around my chest. I whine as he suctions the skin between his teeth, leaving a harsh bruise. 
After kissing it better, he kneels. Peppering more kisses down my tummy and onto my hip, without breaking eye contact. One of my hands leaves his hair, and I timidly hide the lower half of my face under the collar of my shirt. The other stays against Arven’s head, offering soothing pets in return for how good he’s making me feel without having really done anything yet. He only lowers his turquoise iris to focus on untying the string from my shorts, and I take the opportunity to bask in a rare sight: his entire face. As I lift his bangs, he glimpses up and playfully glares at me.
“You’re so handsome,” I murmur. I worry it’s muffled by my shirt – that he won’t be able to hear me through the rolls of fabric – but a wide smile tells me otherwise.
One of Arven’s hands stays on my side, engulfing the damn thing. The other makes its way around to my ass, giving the right cheek a light knead — like I’m his dough, or something — taking up the entirety of that with his palm, too. I feel oddly satisfied, maybe even turned on, by how much bigger he is than me. 
He looks proud of my upturned brows and heady breaths while he continues to kiss lightly along my waistband. Stopping for a sec, he tilts his forehead to rest on my hip, and sighs. 
“I’ve… never done this.”
“Yeah, it’s come up once or twice.” I grin kindly, and although he can’t see my mouth, he can probably see it in my eyes. He smiles back. “You’re doing perfect. And if you want to stop at any point, we can, okay?” 
Arven nods, and I crouch down to his level, kissing him softly. I’m about to get back up, but he holds me low to the ground with him. Pushing me back against the wall with the force of his kiss, he greedily mumbles into my mouth, “As if I’d ever want to stop.”
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devildom-moss · 10 months
You know that hit game FNAF?
I hope you do.
Anyways, could you write headcanons about how well the side characters would be at playing it?
Thanks <3
Okay, so I have never played this game - or really had any interest in playing it, so I watched some guy play one of the games, and I did a bit of research. Sorry this took so long! I did my best, though... I'm finally almost done with requests. I've got two more left (good news for the Solomon lovers).
The others playing FNAF headcanons (dateables + new sides)
Diavolo downloaded it after tuning in to one of Levi’s streams.
He found it amusing. Scary animatronics are so entertaining – although he thinks they’re more cute than scary.
Laughs in the face of jump scares and death. “Haha, look, Barbatos. The big fox one killed me. I’m dead now.” / “That’s very nice, My Lord. Did you finish your paperwork already?” / “. . .uhm.” / “You have ten seconds before we reenact your game. I’ll be the fox.”
Does not care about the lore. He’ll listen and might retain some details when Levi explains it, but he will not dig deep or look for easter eggs.
He kinda sucks, but he has a good time, and isn’t that what matters? He’s not super careful or watchful because it’s just a game. There’s nothing at stake, so he can relax and just mess around.
His favorite character is Foxy, and it’s genuinely as simple as “he’s red, and he’s a pirate.”
He has no interest in playing at first.
Slight aside: I think he’d like horror games, but he strikes me as more of a cinematic, artsy horror game guy – like Bramble or Little Nightmares. He also strikes me as someone who might enjoy farming sims, like he would love Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. Pumpkin Panic would probably be a happy medium.
He’ll play if Diavolo, MC, or Luke ask him to; for anyone else, he’ll politely decline. Surprisingly, he’s not too bad. He’ll probably die once or twice, but he figures out what he has to do pretty quickly.
Barbatos doesn’t react to jump scares, and he avoids them as much as possible. He can play without moving his face – at least until one of the three people who could get him to play compliments him. In that case, he’ll smile a bit wider.
Nothing in that game could be more horrifying to Barbatos than Chuck E. Cheese – a real human world place where people take their children for some unfathomable reason. It’s run by a rat! That’s one of the reasons he won’t play if Solomon asks him too. One time Solomon loaded a Chuck E. Cheese mod version of the game that he asked Levi to make, and Barbatos nearly broke the control from fright.
The game is a little too scary for his liking, but he still plays it occasionally – just not alone. He gets more paranoid and jumpier for a few days after he plays, but he’ll insist that he’s fine to keep playing if anyone asks.
He’s not great, but he’s still the best out of everyone at Purgatory Hall. He tenses up and just either goes wide-eyed or starts yelling at the characters in the game, but other than that, at least he knows what he’s doing.
Luke likes all the toy versions of the animatronics because they look cute, but the nightmare ones freak him out.
A wave of relief washes over him once he beats a game. He’s so happy that he can finally turn the game off.
This poor man does not understand how to play – at all. He forgets which keys do what constantly, so he can’t react fast enough.
It’s a very stressful experience for him when he tries to play – all 10 minutes or so before he loses. Simeon doesn’t get scared so much as he just repeatedly asks what he’s supposed to do with increasing urgency.
Simeon would prefer to watch someone else play, but overall, he isn’t that interested in the game.
However, Simeon does find the lore and story interesting, so if he watches Levi or Luke playing, he’ll ask them questions about the plot.
Somehow, watching Luke play makes him more anxious than when he plays – probably because he doesn’t want Luke to lose and be disappointed.
Solomon enjoys it because it’s supposed to be dark and scary, but it doesn’t actually scare him at all – barring a few cheap jump scares. Still, he kind of likes it.
Unfortunately, Solomon kind of sucks. Like Diavolo, he finds the game so amusing that he just chuckles when things get stressful. He’s the type to hear or see something spooky in the game and do nothing just to see what happens. Okay, so maybe Solomon doesn’t suck, he just likes to see how the animatronics are going to get him – a real “oh boy, I sure hope I die” approach.
Solomon loves watching Luke play. It’s hilarious when Luke freaks out – and it’s even funnier to watch Simeon get nervous on his behalf.
Unironically thinks the nightmare versions are cute.
She hates jump scares so much.
She played once, and at the first jump scare, she let out a stifled shriek, pressed esc, put her cat ear headphones down, and left the room (to go find MC, probably).
No thank you. She doesn’t need that stress in her life. She will not try that again. She might watch someone else play but only if MC is there to comfort her or if it’s to laugh at Mammon for being scared.
She’s not afraid of the game, per se, she just doesn’t like being startled. She thinks the characters are cute, in a way - like creepy cute.
He thinks it’s stupid, and he doesn’t understand why it’s so popular. Raphael doesn’t care for gaming in general – but especially horror. He doesn’t want to simulate a stressful situation for no reason. If he wanted stress, he’d call Michael.
Raphael will try the game if Luke asks him to, and he does alright, but gets bored right up until he messes something up and dies. You wouldn’t even be able to tell he was in trouble. An immoveable frown sits on his face the entire time.
When Luke asks if Raphael would like to try again, Raphael tells him that if he wants a spear-free computer, he won’t make Raphael play anymore. The message was received.
Raphael will only watch if Luke, Simeon, or Lucifer play, and even then, he would probably pass most of the time.
He doesn’t strike me as much of a gamer, either. If he does play games, he’d probably choose games that are visually stunning and at least semi-relaxing, like Journey or Flower (probably Zelda games too).
He would play it if Luke asked him to or if he wanted to do research on it for journalism purposes.
Mephisto does relatively well, but he likes to investigate a lot, so he gets a bit distracted and takes it slow sometimes. Unfortunately – or fortunately – he has a habit of stopping after losing once. He’ll pick up the game again some other day, but once he loses, he stops that game for the day. On one hand, Mephisto does not allow himself to get pulled into games that he loses, but it makes his progress slow.
When Mephisto plays, he bounces his leg the whole time to contain his anxiety. He appears relaxed, but he flinches at jump scares and his eyes widen when he’s actively trying not to die.
He’s super into the lore – call it journalistic curiosity or just call him a nerd.  
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barrenclan · 4 months
Given that you’re a fan of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, do you have any ideas for a song/songs that would fit any character/s?
OH BOY! Absolutely! :D Here's a few;
"You Stupid Bitch" is obviously a perfect Slugpelt song; that kind of self-deprecation, especially the kind of sardonic hatred that it personifies. With the lyrics about Josh I can also imagine it taking place directly post-Cashew abandoning her.
"You ruined everything You stupid bitch You ruined everything You stupid, stupid bitch"
"Yes, Josh completes me, but how can that be When there's no me left to complete"
Hilariously, I can kinda imagine "After Everything I've Done For You" as a Ranger to Rainhaze song? Although not all of the lyrics fit I really like the tone of Ranger singing 'how dare you be so ungrateful, for me ruining your life'. It'd also pretty Dustfeather pretty well.
"After everything I've done for you (That I didn't ask for) Do you have any idea The work you're undoing?"
"What's that look on your face? You're horrified You think I'm a monster For doing your dirty work You think love is stainless and pure But beneath all the fantasy There's filth and there's gore"
And then as a complete joke how about "Let's Have Intercourse" with Deepdark. What a charmer! He's so early-season Nathanielcore.
I'm not adding lyrics... just listen to the song.
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Yes, The Nowhere King is already on the PATFW playlist!
I do appreciate a good FNAF song, especially since Pizzaria is my second favorite game. (SL is first.) Hm, this one is interesting! I can see it fitting Rainhaze pretty well...
"It's a bright new day, and it's your time to shine Time to take your career into your own hands Spend all your money and the stars, they will align"
"Wait, I hear voices on every side And I wonder where And I wonder why Where do they hide?"
"I'm sorry, you've been misinformed This is just a never-ending labyrinth and nothing more Endless circles of fear Chasing cries of children that seem so near Out of reach, you will never find them Don't you see? This is where your story ends"
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I can see it!
"Can't pick them out Can't press them in I'll never hide my scars"
"One unsheathed knife must glint In an alternate timeline's light One rust-ridden blade juts out Of a friendly moonstruck shape" <- I love this turn of phrase
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We got a sleep motif reference boys! Pack it in!
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Oh yeah! I've seen this song used for good PMVs before. I like this kind of music with Rainhaze, too; that stomp-clamp indie kind of sound.
"If they find the body in the basement In the very house that she was raised in" <- ohh......
"So when we get the sign From God I'll be the first to call them I'm taking back the number of the beast"
"Should I choose a noble occupation? If I did I'd only show up late and sick And they would stare at me with hatred"
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Oh gosh yeah I do remember being a little confused by that ask. So ominous! But I agree, it's fitting for him.
"I roam these halls, search the night In hopes that I may see A remnant trace, a glimpse of you"
"There and then, I should have known It was me all along Nevermore to leave here Nevermore to leave here My love is the killing kind"
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Rainhaze has this wonderful effect on people's brains where instead of Thoughts there is Rainhaze. Definitely adding "Her Sinking Sun" to the playlist.
"Torn apart from everyone Her sinking sun I watch it die"
"Animals begging to eat They can't survive Not meant to be"
"Flowers of skin and bone We're all alone Waiting to die"
"Water rushes through my heart It's torn apart By yr trusting eyes"
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That's a cute idea, I like it! Well, not cute all the way, but you know what I mean. Or in another way... Pinepaw looking for Asphodelpaw after she disappears. A shorter timeline, but maybe more accurate to the song.
"Have you seen my sister, Evelyn? Dang, she's gone and wandered off again! I've been lookin' high and low Where oh where'd my sister go?"
"Is she studyin' Kabala? Did she win a million dollars? Or is she dead in a ditch somewhere?"
Boooo I ran out of links fuck you tumblr
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Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat...
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It took Gaolang exactly 2.3 seconds of looking away from the King, when on a leisure trip through the kingdom - And King Rama was already chatting with some girl who seemed to be fangirling over him and how pretty he was.
No doubt, a foreigner.
This girl had a friend, who looked completely horrified at her friend's action, calling her rude and trying to drag her away (and failing), all while apologising profusely, to the point that she might drop to the floor and beg forgiveness.
The duality of two friends.
At least they didn't seem to have any kind of hostility... Unless you count the girl's thirstiness a hostility, in which case, he'll have to act.
But King Rama seemed to be amused by their antics, and even looked at Gaolang and pointed out how they compliment each other in a similar way he and Saw Paing do.
Gaolang cringed all the way across the globe.
Worse - The fangirl proposed a double date, and although both you and Gaolang simultaneously yelled 'No!', the King agreed, for multiple reasons.
One of them, the pretext that he wanted to show the two of you the Thai culture.
The other... That Gaolang should go out and date more.
Your friend agreed and said the same thing about you.
You and Gaolang were silently sulking the entire time, completely unaware of what to even say. It wasn't that either of you was anti-social, but the situation as a whole was so rushed and uncomfortable, that all became a blur.
Not that it was a problem for either the King or your friend who chatted up a storm.
But then, something from the two's conversation catches the attention of the bodyguard, which although surprises him, also makes him smile. "Y/N recognised him! She's obsessed with that MMA shit, of course she'd know the most famous karate fighter--" "BOXING!" you corrected her harshly, only to realise you were in from of two strangers and you slapped a hand over your face in embarrassment and quickly apologised.
But your flustered and apologetic expression was so cute that Gaolang's heart melted and he started a conversation about your hobbies and what aspects of fighting sports do you like - Conversation that eclipsed the other two's easily, and made the time flash so fast that you didn't feel the hours passing by.
That night, you didn't sleep at the hotel, but at the King's palace, much to your dismay. You were pretty sure Rama and your friend had a hot night though, good for her.
You, however, didn't want to go sleep, so you wandered around the fantastic gardens - So many flowers, so many different trees, and the artisan fountain - Everything could be described with superlative words.
"Are you searching for my training spot?" the familiar voice of the boxer scared you half to death. "G-Gaolang. Hi. Uh... N-No." you took a deep breath to get over your startling. "I... Didn't feel comfortable sleeping in a palace. It's beautiful and grand and all... But it's not for some ordinary person like me. And since this place has such a beautiful garden, I thought I'd explore and admire the place. It's not every day you get the opportunity to travel..." you found yourself letting out and amused breath. "Let alone being invited in a palace by the King himself... And meeting the Thai God of War himself." "You flatter me." he muttered, seeing that you weren't being serious. "Sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable... I mean, more than I did with this whole situation. I tried to stop her from approaching, but she's surprisingly much stronger than I gave her credit." he let out a small chuckle, guiding you forward. "It's fine. I can show you around the garden if you want." of course, you agreed.
The first place he took you to was his training ground - It was mostly empty, save for a pole. He told you that he mostly comes here to meditate and clear his mind, and only occasionally works out here. He loves the nature and finds himself connected with it to the point of achieving a certain kind of peace that he can't find anywhere else.
Hearing that, you got excited, as you were the same - You always tried to find some time to take a walk through the forest around your home, or at least to the park - Though, going to the mountains or by the sea, in a place with as few people as possible, and just listening to the music of the world made you feel tranquil as nothing else.
The whole night, the two of you spent it on the grass, watching the stars and chatting about thing - Mainly, he'd tell you things about Thai culture, and in turn, you'd tell him of your own country. You haven't had such lovely company before, and it was surprising that you felt so at ease and comfortable with a complete stranger.
Though you must have nodded off a little at some point, he made sure your head was resting on his shoulder, and you were leaning on him comfortably.
The next day, though a bit tired, the two of you went to have some breakfast and a stroll through the city - Here and there, Gaolang would tell you little tid bits about every little store, and every random thing that he knows of decorations, statues and what not.
But as much as you enjoyed his company so much for days, you soon had to return to your home, which made your heart shatter. Though you were a bit homesick, you wanted to hangout with Gaolang more.
You thought this was the last time you'd see him - Only for him to ask for your phone number - It was a promise of reunion.
"Text me when you get home safe."
Your heart melted.
"Spending time with you was a great experience. I hope we'll see each other again."
Attached to that was a PDF with two plane tickets and two VIP tickets for the whole boxing championship WBC that was being held, coincidentally, in Bangkok.
You were so excited that you could barely hold your excitement - You and your friend took a holiday from work and flew over... Though your friend would eventually remain with the King in the palace.
Gaolang gave you the option of staying at his apartment for the duration of your stay, so that you wouldn't spend so much money on accommodation - All that while also apologising for sounding ungentlemanly - But you agreed, of course.
No money wasted, and more, you get to spend day in and day out with your new favourite person? How could you refuse?
He came to pick you and your friend from the airport, and first let your friend by the palace, then showed you his apartment, in this incredibly tall sky-scraper glass building.
"This -- This is beautiful! Did you get it like this, or did you decorate it yourself?" Gaolang smiled at you, seeing as you like his apartment. It was minimalistic, with soothing tones of white and light blue, but here and there, some Traditional Thai trinkets, statuettes and paintings were gracing the place. "It's all my style. I had it done from the scratch." he informed, carrying your luggage in your room, watching from the corner of his eye as you danced around the place and admired every piece of decoration. "You have fantastic taste. My home is a lot smaller than this, but it has similar colour scheme. Thought it's not white 'cause it gets dirty so easily and it turns yellow... I don't really have the time to clean everything every day. And instead of light blue, I have a specific shade of aquamarine." he could see how much you love your home by the way you talked about it. "Oh! Look at this - It's so beautiful... These colours are out of this world." Gaolang looked back to see what had captivated you so much - And it was a traditional painting of a peacock, that had gold used as paint for parts of the feathers. "I have a peacock painting back home too. It's almost as big as the wall it's put on. But its colours are more... Watercolour based. They're very soft. But... This is the opposite, with bold, vivid colours, and it still maintains its beauty and grace." "It represents beauty, wisdom, openness and purity in our culture. We generally value rich colours. The blue is a peacock's main colour - In Buddhism, it represents knowledge, as well as love, kindness and peace." Gaolang was happy to see someone genuinely interested in random tidbits - And he loves speaking of his country and culture more than anything in this world. "Oh, really? Blue is my favourite colour. It feels so calm and peaceful. No wonder it has such lovely symbolism." he hummed in agreement. "Actually - I was wondering. Since you're so into symbolism, do the colours of your outfits when fighting mean something? I always see you in yellow and black and ---..." you suddenly stopped, slapping a hand over your mouth. "And I sound like a stalker fangirl again, please forgive me, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." "Don't worry, you're not. Nobody asked me that before - People usually don't care about things like that, they just focus on the fighting, and I can't blame them for that. That's why they go to a match, after all." he invited you to the living room and came over with a beautiful coffee set and poured so elegantly that it almost fascinated you. "Yellow is a colour that transforms Pride into wisdom and uniformity. It reminds me not to get vain, despite the power of my right fist with which the Gods have blessed me with. That's why I generally gave up on public sports and became King Rama's bodyguard." though you might not have noticed it yourself, Gaolang saw the sparkles in your eyes, pure admiration, at the way he was speaking so humbly. He was gratified and honoured. "Black has more meanings. One of them is that it brings a certain power when contrasting the gold, and it's used to show the unmatched power of deities... But it is also used to transform hatred and ignorance into clarity and truth." "I've never heard of these meanings for colours, I'm fascinated. I could listen to you speaking all day and not get tired." that smile of yours was so genuine and sweet, that it encouraged him to speak more - That is until a weird guy spidered his way for tens of floors... Outside... And he was glued to the window.
Gaolang's day was ruined. He wanted to let that dumbass fall to his death... To end this idiocy forever...
But ultimately, he got up and opened the window, allow the idiot to get inside... And screech his name so hard that he feared the glass might shatter... For the whole building. It also startled you enough to flinch - This weirdo, with his weirdo grin and excessively loud voice was challenging the Thai to a fight.
The look on Gaolang's face screamed murder. It was actually hilarious to watch them interact - And now you realised what the King meant when he mentioned his friend and how different he was. This must be Saw Paing, the eternal rival... And pain in the ass.
From that day forward, Saw Paing would appear randomly, out of nowhere, and end up trailing behind you and Gaolang like a lost puppy, much to the boxer's complete dismay.
Even on a date, he can't get rid of this guy - He almost expected him to appear from inside the soup!
You even spotted him barging into the bathroom while Gaolang was showering - That was uncanny to watch.
That is how you ended up gathering the courage to come up with different excuses to drive him away, when you wanted to spend time with your favourite person.
Gaolang is at the Palace. Gaolang is running an errand. Gaolang is doing groceries. Gaolang is taking piloting lessons. Gaolang is praying at the temple.
Gaolang is balancing the TV antenna on top of the building to get some signal.
No matter how ridiculous it was, it somehow made Saw Paing calm down immediately leave the apartment, much to your relief. And Gaolang's too, as he was hiding.
You started teasing the poor man, but quickly stopped when you saw how miserable it made him.
The King made fun of Gaolang for adopting a puppy with his new lover - It was a painful joke to hear.
"So... Not to sound shallow, but I always had this... Maybe not criticism, but maybe... Curiosity." you sit on a comfortable chair near the railing from where you were watching the Boxing finale with Gaolang. "I like watching public sports... But I don't like the restraints. I get why they're important, but I want to see something with no rules, just an all-in fight until someone gets knocked out. I first started watching Boxing with dad when I was little. It was really fascinating... Eventually, I started watching compilations on Youtube, and... Of course, Muhammad Ali is a God, even compared to people now. Actually - I'd have liked to see you fight him." you smiled at him - And he nodded. "It would have been an honour to face the great Muhammad Ali in a boxing ring, I agree." he acknowledges the match up with a smile. "So, in a real fight, where anything goes... Won't Boxing be at a slight disadvantage? So - I found out about Muay Thai. Punches, elbows, knees, feet - It looked like a style where anything went... But soon, I realised, that this style is focusing a lot of the kicks, and not enough on the punches, right? So, my idea was - What if you combine these two styles? Will you get the ultimate fighting style?" Gaolang looked at you in surprise. Though his thinking was slightly backwards, having started as a Muay Thai champion and only then focusing on Boxing, the main idea was the same. "Was that how you found out about me?" you nodded. "Sort of. It's not difficult to stumble upon the name of world-renowned champions in any kind of subject. The internet is filled with that. I didn't actively search you. Instead, I was looking up some details about the WBC streaming, and a picture of you came up - Gaolang Wongsawat, the Thai God of War - Or something like that. It got me curious if you had any experience in your own country's national sport." you explained lightly. "And I did." he nodded. "You must be a beast when it comes to real fighting, considering you've combined these two styles and perfected them. I'd love to watch you fight." Gaolang blushed slightly - He agreed with that notion - Real fighting, like a real warrior, as opposed to an entertainer for a TV-streamed public sport. He didn't look down on the UFC champions and what not... But the real deal fighting always happened in the underground. "If the opportunity arises, I'll have you cheering for me."
And he did, as soon as he entered in the Kengan Tournament.
You'd cling to his arm the whole time, listening to his fighting commentary through every match - It was fascinating how much knowledge he had, even of styles that he wasn't into.
But you weren't a newbie either, so you surprised him with your own trivia and proper knowledge, which impressed him.
You'd massage his shoulders and neck before a fight, and though it flustered him a bit, feeling your hands touching and trailing against his bare skin, he ultimately appreciated it... And wanted more.
You also helped him put on his boxing coat - And he realised that he wanted you there for him for every Boxing match he had.
And bring him water.
And literally just stay there and look up at him with that angelic face of yours, and encourage him, even though he didn't need it.
His fight against Kaneda gave him a revelation, and a proper friendship with that guy, and he started hanging out with the two of you quite often.
Would also often speak to you of Kaneda's wisdom and drive to become stronger, something that everyone should aspire to become.
It was also a reminder for him not to step into the succumbing darkness of vanity in which he'd often find himself in, when he automatically underestimates his opponent and thinks him lesser.
He got humbled quickly in his fight against the Fang though - It was, by far, the most fascinating match from the whole tournament to that point, and even though Gaolang lost, you were grateful to have been a witness to it.
You comforted and congratulated him for his fight, and though he was ashamed for his loss... He was clearly pumped up and proud of himself - He had a completely positive outlook on the situation.
Even though you were freaking out when you tried to massage his right hand and realised that he wasn't feeling it at all, and it was very much shattered.
You were so visibly afraid that he wouldn't be able to fight as he wished anymore, that he used that limp hand of his to cup your face, and he pulled you into a sweet kiss, smiling so tenderly at you that you froze and got flustered.
But then he placed his forehead against yours, holding your face dearly, and thanking you for caring so much about him, his well-being and his feelings.
It was easier to get through all the difficult times, if you were there, by his side, holding his hand and smiling at him so lovingly.
You were also there to calm his anger down after his fight and complete disappointment at Saw Paing's giving up discourse.
How DARE he give up? Pathetic.
You're there with him during the coup d'etat, and you're afraid because every enemy has weapons and wants to kill the weaponless fighters - But your fear is that Gaolang's hand might really be put out of function if he tries to fight.
So when the spear-guy leapt forward to fight the Thai who was the self-appointed protector of you, Kaneda and Cosmo - You took advantage of the enemy's attention being set on the boxer and grabbed the spear's long, wood handle and hit it hard against your knee, breaking it and taking the blade-half into your hand, threatening the enemy with a smug expression on your face.
The greatest challenge is met when you underestimate your opponent - Or if you don't even consider them an opponent to begin with.
Thankfully, the Chairman's bodyguards and whatever other assassin bunch he had came by to defeat the other enemies, so Gaolang's right hand was saved!
It was also then that you confessed to him that you actually did know some martial arts, more or less because you wanted to find a fun way to workout, and kick-boxing videos were super cool to follow - Especially with music blasting in your ears.
Also, because you were so interested in different kinds of fighting styles that you studied techniques and tried to apply them in real world - Punches, kicks, jabs... Though there wasn't much you could do without a proper instructor and a poor victim to practice on.
Impressed, Gaolang said he'd teach you, although he wouldn't actually do anything to hurt you - He knows his power, so not even as a joke would he tried to even throw a feint at you.
You can practice on him all you want, he doesn't mind - In fact, he probably won't even feel your hits.
He's incredibly encouraging of you, and he wants to help you have a healthy life style (even if you already have one) - By this point, you may or may not have moved in together already, so it's much easier to do things together, like going grocery shopping (and watching him haggle with the sellers) and even better - Watching him cook.
If you thought he was beautiful fighting, he was even more beautiful doing domestic things, cooking being your favourite probably.
He also randomly finds himself humming or singing under his breath... It's usually his national anthem, or traditional songs, but his voice is beautiful, so you don't mind - The mere fact that you can hear him sing is enough to make you happy.
But when you go to karaoke together, his friends all groan when it's his turn and he sings the Anthem. Again. For the hundredth time.
Moving in with Gaolang also means moving in with Saw Paing, unfortunately.
Yes, he becomes a good friend of yours, and at least he actually agrees to properly fight you so you can train -
But he ended up barging in on the two of you trying to get intimate. Multiple times.
At this point, you're surprised the Burmese is still alive.
You, yourself, ended up leaping on him and strangling him, more than one time, when he scared you after getting out of the bathroom, after having taken a bath and walking out in a bathrobe only.
You asked Gaolang if Saw Paing was secretly a ninja, otherwise you can't explain how he ends up in your house like that.
But when you actually do get to be intimate with Gaolang, everything is beyond perfect.
He's the perfect man.
Imagine - Dim lights and soothing fragrances from candles, soft, romantic songs playing in the background, flowers, a romantic dinner and sooo many compliments.
Small, sweet kisses that gradually turn more passionate, lingering caresses, embraces, confessions and so much worship.
Everything he does to you, and especially the closeness of your bodies flushed against each other, suffocates you with the most tender love there is.
Your intimate nights together aren't often, as you're both very busy people, and usually, cuddling together until you fall asleep is the most satisfying way of ending a tiresome day.
He's a fantastic listener and an even better advice-giver, so if you ever need to vent out or you have a problem, he'll hug you and say "We'll solve it together."
He took you with him to the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament and had you watching from the fighter's room - But immediately regretted it when you had to witness the complete shit show that all the others made, 'trying' to choose who'd go first.
It was you who looked at him and convinced him to go, sure that he'd win and boost the morale and confidence of your side.
He put his forehead to his - Your special, intimate gesture - You needn't say anything, as it was the only 'I love you' you both needed.
Through his whole fight he heard only his name being chanted by your sweet, angel voice... And shockingly enough, Saw Paing's gritting one also.
What the hell possessed him to bring a large flag with his name printed on it, and just wag it around?! The fisherman also had a flag... What a shit show.
Gaolang was happy.
He was motivated even more to win, and he dominated the whole second half of his match, and when he delivered the finishing blow to his legendary opponent---
He lost by ring-out.
He wanted to bash his head against the nearest wall to the point he wouldn't wake up anymore from the shame and disappointment he was feeling.
Not only once, but twice now, he lost in a Kengan match.
This wasn't only a humbling experience, but a humiliating and soul-shattering one, to the point that not even your embrace or comforting could stop him from hiding his face by keeping a towel in his head.
Even though Tokita and Kano praised him for being the true winner, it meant nothing.
"HA! ALL THAT FAME - AND FOR WHAT?! THAT GUY IS THE SHITTIEST FIGHTER I'VE EVER SEEN! THIS IS THE UNDERGROUND, NOT SOME WEAK-ASS TV SPORT! YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE BITCH!" though it was the side of Kengan that had to choose first who to send for the next match, a Purgatory jerk was already in the ring, shaming the poor boxer.
In a split second, you were dressed in shorts and a crop top, your cute dress discarded on the ground, and the Kengan fighters watched in disbelief as you punched Lihito out of your way and nonchalantly walked towards the ring, all whilst putting on Gaolang's boxer coat.
Your name being screamed with distress fell on deaf ears, as well as any mock or taunt from your cocky opponent.
Gaolang stared with wide eyes and sheer horror at the fight happening before his eyes - But he also wondered, how the actual F U C K could you fight so well?!
Never mind, he recognises some of that Burmese idiot's moves - God damn it, Yoroizuka Saw Paing, you're dead.
He jolted to his feet immediately once he heard you speak in the ring, after you delivered your first countdown worthy punch.
"You dare tarnish Gaolang's legacy and speak ill of his strength, yet you were knocked to the ground by a woman who has nothing to do with fighting. If anything, you're, by far, Purgatory's biggest pathetic disappointment." since when were you so shady?! And what's with that harsh, cold glare?!
You were the sweetest, softest, most tender angel - His beloved sweet girlfriend...
Ngl he was kinda turned on, especially as you must have been truly angry that someone insulted him, to the point that you went headstrong into a fight like that. Reckless! As! Hell! But so hot.
The whole place either remained breathless or erupted into loud cheer as you finished the match by delivering Gaolang's own Flash and uppercut the idiot right in the chin, knocking him out.
"You made fun of Gaolang and his right fist... Yet in the end... You were defeated by someone dressed as him, using his most famous move, performed with a right fist." you glared down at your fallen opponent, wiping the blood from your face with your forearm, making Gaolang's head spin. "If all Purgatory fighters are like you... No wonder you need to rely on ring-outs and countdowns. You're fucked." you scoffed, walking back to the Kengan fighters - With that cocky fighter smirk on your face.
You don't even get to hear those guys praising your clean win as you're pulled into a deep kiss by the Thai boxer who didn't want to let go of you.
"Don't do that again, please. You scared me into an early grave." your only flashed him that sweet, innocent smile of his.
Marry me.
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aller-geez · 10 months
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Hello, yes! I finally pulled myself from my writers slump, and just had to have this RemixLevi fic after seeing this snz prompt by @blooming-trees the other day..
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Nearly 3K words, RemixLevi snzfic with Remi as the sneezer bc obviously I’m a little bit partial 🫠🫠 Pls enjoy 🖤 would love feedback if you have any! 😭🤧
I’ll Make You A Deal…
A RemixLevi snzfic 🖤
“Remington! What the hell!?” Levi shrieked in frustration as he stormed in from the kitchen, waving around a few different food items in each hand and flinging droplets of water everywhere as he did so. The leopard was greeted by a very lethargic looking wolf who laid stomach down on their shared bed, his mouth hanging open slightly as his dull green eyes remained locked on the screen of their tv and the Xbox controller already clacked away loudly in his hands despite it being 9 am. Both Remi’s eyes and his nose were rimmed with the same matching red, moisture glistening from his septum as he gasped out ragged breaths from his spot the bed. With a liquidy yet unproductive sniffle, the large man finally paused his game to look over at the cat with an eyebrow raised.
“What’d I do?” Remi asked in a low, hoarse voice.
“Did you forget to close the fridge last night after you made your late night snack?” Levi crossed his arms across his chest as he waited patiently for his mate’s reply, almost like a mom after receiving a bad report card.
The wolf visibly thought for a second, trying to imagine himself making his toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 2 am the night before, although everything was pretty fuzzy. Drinking the entire bottle of NyQuil to finally be able to sleep through the constant buzzing in his sinuses probably wasn’t his smartest idea; although he did finally manage to fall asleep afterward, so the canine couldn’t complain too much. “Uh, I don’t remember?”
Levi held the items in his hands out in front of him, waving them around a little with a frustrated scowl. “No, you left it open all night and now all of this food we bought for this whole trip is spoiled!”
A flash of guilt passed over the large man’s features, and he sighed softly before muttering a couple of deep, chesty coughs into his balled up fist. “I’b sorry, Levi, that’s by bad.. I guess it’s doordash for the week, huh?” Remi offered, hoping to try and make a little light of the shitty situation he caused.
Levi gasped and shook his head quickly, a look of horror on his face at the thought of Door Dash for every meal for the next eight days, when they had a perfectly good kitchen to cook in right inside their bus. “Ummm.. no.. we’re going to find the grocery store and get FOOD.”
“Levi, combe od..” The wolf nearly whined, suddenly looking equally horrified thinking of having to be anywhere around people right now in his current condition. As if on cue, Remi’s chapped, dampened nose twitched to life, the tickle quickly becoming too intense to ignore and he could only duck his head down towards the bed weakly. “Hh'IISHH! —hd’ISCHhh!! —h’dtTISHh!!”
A mist of contagious droplets coated the bedspread in front of him, the wolf was left sniffling thickly while scrubbing at his septum with an index finger knuckle. “Nngh. How the hell are we godda do that? Just drive there and park our giadt blue bus in the parkigg lot?” Remi slowly began to rise to a full sitting position, and once he sat on the edge of the bed, his long fingers snatched a few tissues from the box on the nightstand. With a thick gurgle, the wolf drenched the ball of tissues in his hands in one blow, grimacing before tossing it in the trash can and clearing his throat.
“There’s one not super far from here, but I can’t read the directions at the same time as watching the mountain roads..” The leopard thought out loud, taking a second to ponder, before his face lit up mischievously. “I know! Since you left the fridge open all night, your punishment is giving me directions~” Levi giggled with a cheeky grin, sticking the tip of his tongue out towards the very unenthusiastic wolf.
“Levi.. you kdow I dod’t feel good..” The canine whimpered with a defeated exhale, the other’s stern parental -like expression softening slightly when his icy blue orbs met with Remi’s dim green ones.
“I’ll make you a deal.. If you can help me with the directions there, I’ll go in and do all of the shopping and you can go back to bed, okay?” The leopard offered with a gentle smile, to which Remi shrugged his shoulders with a quick eye roll.
“Fide.. But I’m goidg to be extra addoyidg..” The wolf chuckled softly, but his laugh was quickly cut short by a deep, painful coughing fit that echoed through the small living space. Once able to catch his breath, he pulled his hood over his head and came to his feet. Remi managed yet another sigh, and Levi rolled his eyes playfully at how dramatic his mate could be for such an otherwise extremely intimidating guy. The two made their way up to the front where Remi lazily plopped himself down in the passenger seat, and Levi shimmied his way into the drivers seat, keys in hand.
“Here, I pulled it up on my phone already, just tell me as the turns come up?” Levi smiled graciously again towards his mate, passing him his phone with the screen already open on the route. Remi took it, leaning back a little in his seat to try and make himself more comfortable for the 20 minute drive, sniffling sharply against one of his wrists. “Nnngh, my dose is so stuffed up..” He complained hoarsely, to which Levi passed him a quick, empathetic expression.
“I’m sorry love, I’ll get you some more NyQuil at the store if you take it how it’s supposed to be taken..” The cat chuckled breathily, slipping the keys into the ignition and turning them. The bus engine roared to life, and Levi rubbed the steering wheel gently with a smile. “Good job May, let’s get going!” He cheered happily, quickly clicking his seatbelt on. With an almost inaudible grumble from the wolf, they were off.
Only a few moments after leaving the gravel road of the rest stop they had been staying at, the bus finally made it to the main road, coming to a full stop at the stop sign.
Levi took the opportunity to turn to his mate to make sure he was still paying attention to navigating as the other had a habit of getting distracted, but was met with the wolf’s fluttering eyelids, and quickly flaring reddened nostrils that gleamed with moisture. Before words could come out of the cat’s mouth, Remi pitched to the side, one arm weakly lifting towards his face in a half assed attempt to cover his sneezes, although he failed miserably.
“hh'IETSH’UE! HI’DTSCHIEW!” The wolf sneezed harshly into the open space of the cab, spraying not only himself and the air around him, but even Levi was a casualty, placed perfectly in Remi’s ‘Splash Zone’. Without a word, the cat swiped away a few particularly large droplets that had landed on his arm, although he was used to it after being with the large, immune deficient man for so long.
Remi snorted thickly, before scrubbing at his nose in quick, circular motions, a soft clicking sound echoing loudly above the low hum of the vehicles engine as he did. “Nnngh, by bad..” he grumbled again, finally able to focus his eyes on Levi’s phone.
Seeing Remi relax once again took some of the edge off for the leopard, exhaling silently and looking back towards the road with a smile. Pushing forward, they traveled onward for a bit, before the wolf cleared his throat suddenly.
“Turdn left odn Naglee Road up here.” He instructed, looking up at Levi to see that he had heard him. The smaller man nodded with a grin, thankful Remi wasn’t too preoccupied to get them lost, and did as he was told. The bus cruised around the corner smoothly, and the map on the phone in his large hand updated accordingly.
The wolf attempted to snort back some of the congestion that was beginning to make his face throb, although at this point, it was pretty much useless. He whined softly, pinching just under his bridge piercing as another tickle began to bloom deep within his sinuses. Every sneeze felt like it would make his head pop with the pressure, and he REALLY wanted to go lay back down..
Suddenly, Remi’s mouth began to curl up into its own mischievous smirk. To be fair, he told Levi he would be extra annoying if he had to be up here.. Why not make it fun?
Sniffling softly a few times to tease the building tickle from his nose, the wolf wouldn’t have had time to cover even if he wanted to with how fast it completely took over.
“—HEH’TXSSHhh’ih! Hd’IZTSSHHhhh’ih!” The two forceful sneezes tore from the large man’s throat, a large cloud of contagious mist filling the space between them again, and coating the other’s freckled arm. When Levi’s eyebrows furrowed to try and concentrate more on the road, Remi’s smirk got a little bigger. Even someone as sweet and patient as Levi was had to have their breaking point, right? Anyone else would have already been done with Remi’s childish behavior.
Snuffling wetly, he leaned back in his seat again, this time with his sock clad feet up on the dashboard, to which Levi gave him a quick side eye. The wolf grunted, slipping them off again and thumping back on the bus floor.
“What’s the next turn?” Levi asked over his shoulder, clearly unamused by his mates shenanigans.
“Turn right on Belbourde Street in a half mile.”
“On.. what street?” Levi questioned, his eyes flickering to his mate’s face for a second before returning to the road in front of them.
“…..Belbourde.. Bel—“ The congestion behind Remi’s eyes continued to increase, leaving all of his words rounder than intended, and he sighed in frustration. “BMELBORNDE” he barked finally, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a self conscious huff, and Levi couldn’t help but laugh gently.
“Okay baby, we should be almost there. I think there’s one more turn off after the Melbourne exit.” The white haired man smiled, quick to reassure his mate, despite how much of a brat he’d been. But then again, that was just who Levi was.
The wolf huffed again from his seat, coming to the quick conclusion that the extra 10 minutes he would get if he was told to go lay down now weren’t as worth while as he thought, and the canine gave up the grocery sabotage entirely.
Again Levi turned the bus around the next corner with ease, driving the huge vehicle expertly around the tight, windy roads down the mountain a little ways, seemingly in his element as he remained completely focused on the task at hand. After a second, the cat waved one thin hand out towards Remi to get his attention again. “Hey, the last turn off shouldn’t be too far off from this one.. what’s the name again?”
The wolf blinked towards Levi for a moment, his brain fighting for its life against his raging fever that flushed his cheeks and forehead, but he slowly began to register the question he was asked. His dim emerald eyes shifted down to the leopard’s phone screen that sat face up on his lap, squinting to try and read the words through his double vision. When he still couldn’t make out the number or the name of the exit, Remi began to get frustrated again, swiping the phone from his lap and bringing it up close to his face.
“Oh, found it..” he mumbled, Levi passing him slightly anxious glances as more and more exits began to fly by their window.
“Okay, it’s.. Hehh..” The canine’s breath snagged sharply, the intense buzz within his nose returning full force.
God, his nose tickled SO damn badly…
As his thick eyelashes began to flutter ever so slightly, he quickly clamped one large hand over his nostrils to squeeze them shut with a loud squelch , although his breath still hitched helplessly while his jaw hung very slightly slacked.
“Hiihhh.. it’s.. f-fuck.. hhheh—hold on..” Remi’s eyes began to water from the effort it took to fight off such an intense tickle that was burning white hot within his quivering nostrils, although still trying his best to do what Levi had asked of him.
Levi’s gaze flashed back and forth between Remi, and the road, even attempting a quick snatch of his phone from Remi’s otherwise occupied hands, but he was unsuccessful. “Rem!” The cat grumbled loudly.
“Th—huhhh.. The n-nehhhh..” the wolf gasped, raising one finger to point out of his window at a passing sign, and Levi thankfully was able to catch a glimpse of it before it flew by their vehicle.
“I turn off on Pacific Road!?” The leopard raised his voice a little in a panic as the exit sign got closer and closer.
The wolf couldn’t do anything other than nod exuberantly, afraid of the repercussions that would come from removing the hand he had pinching his nostrils closed, but as Levi whipped Maybelle around the corner to be able to make the exit, Remi’s hand slipped from its position in order to brace himself on the door of the bus.
As soon as the fresh air flooded into his reddened, sensitive nose, he gasped an enormous breath of air into his lungs, trying to mentally prepare himself for the hammer to the temples.
“hih’AESSSHH’ue!! HA’AETTCCCHH’uh! Hihhh— hiiih’AETTCHH’uh!! Hhah’AETTTSHH’uh!” Remi sneezed so loudly that the bus windows shook, his poor nose desperate for a release, one way or another and eardrums be damned.
The smaller man let out a startled squeal as the whole right side of his body was sprayed by the canine’s mess, flashing a look over at the disheveled wolf riding passenger who was still frozen in place. Both hands were in front of his face, and his long body was doubled up on itself, hugging his own knees with his feet planted on the floor. Remi dared not move, dared not even breathe lest his nose might have something else to say about it. He stayed frozen for so long, that when the leopard finally pulled into the parking lot at the local grocery store a minute later and carefully brought the bus to a stop in one of the parking spots, the wolf still hadn’t even picked his head up.
“Rem? You okay? Those were some pretty big ones..” the leopard’s eyes were filled with concern for his mate as he stretched out one thin freckled hand to rub his mate’s shoulder gently.
Remi opened his mouth to reply, but the scratchiness of his voice overwhelmed his already sore throat, plunging the weakened man into yet another thick, chesty coughing fit that made him tremble slightly from the force. ‘Nnnngh…” the wolf whimpered after a few seconds, followed by a loud snort that still did almost nothing for the congestion packed into his raw sinuses. “Okay.. I gave you directiodns, and dow we’re here… I’b goigg back to bed dow..” he nearly whispered, his head completely reeling and every inch of his body pouring sweat.
The leopard’s face was taken over by an empathetic, caring expression as he eyed his sickly mate, nodding his head in agreement. “Of course baby, thank you so much for your help. Go ahead and go get comfy in bed, and I’ll rent us a couple Redbox movies, and get us some lunch, okay? If you want, I can even rub some of that vaporub on your chest if you think it helped last time?” Levi leaned down to kiss Remi’s very damp forehead, and the wolf sighed happily this time, his gaze slowly raising to meet the icy blue pools of his mate’s.
“I definitely won’t argue with you.. that all sounds so nice..” the large man’s voice was breathy and exhausted, followed by a few loose coughs that didn’t make it out with the others, and a forceful, deep snuffle as he ever so slowly rose to a standing position. As the canine trudged weakly back to bed, he turned just in time to catch Levi as he was pocketing his wallet right before heading out the door.
“Don’t take too long, okay?” Remi called out hoarsely in an uncharacteristically needy tone that made the leopard’s heart almost explode out of his chest with pure love and admiration for the big wolf.
With a thoughtful smile, Levi nodded as he quietly pulled open the door of the bus, the crisp early afternoon air caressing his face as he stepped out. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Acushla…”
The End…
Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far, it really means a lot to me! 🥺🖤
Hope you enjoyed my snz-y, needy boy as much as I enjoyed writing him 🥺
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Fourth and last (maybe... Side-eyeing u Icha Icha Strap from one of the Naruto games) installment of the Icha Icha Kakashi x Iruka series I've been doing: Icha Icha Tactics. The loose theme this time is paperwork and transformations. Because tactics involves both of those, sure. I spent a good while with this one figuring out which fics I wanted to put into it and of course once printing it out I immediately wanted to rearrange and insert different fics again... there are simply too many well written and satisfying shorter kakairu fics out there, I have to say, that they all cannot fit within four reasonably sized books, what an absolutely horrifying prospect to have.
All in all, it's very pleasing to have the entire collection all together, which I originally started this spring, and I have learned a lot in the time that has passed since Icha Icha Paradise, which is the second(ish) book that I have bound. To my mild horror, the collection has also become a comfort object for it's stories (ah, escapism my old friend) and somewhat prized possessions of mine, which although it is pleasing to know I am enjoying the fruit of my labour, it is most definitely not the degree of emotional connection to these particular books, out of all the books I've bound, that I had expected when I originally started binding this series. I have, as a result, re-read through the books multiple times now since I have bound each of them. Ah well, I digress.
A master post of the Icha Icha series can be found here.
And here are the fics within Icha Icha Tactics:
Dog Days (4k, T)
Written for Kakairufest 2017 Summer Round, Classics Prompt 11: A character undergoes a troubling physical transformation.
Stranger than fiction (5k, T)
Summary: Prompt: Classics 13 - Don Quijote
"You think people are not going to notice Kakashi ignoring his duties and hitting on anything with a pulse that stands still long enough?"
Secretary (10k, T)
In the aftermath of a war, Kakashi falls in love over politics and paperwork.
It shouldn't be this romantic.
How to file form 39-B (10.5k, E)
The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty good painkillers.
A General State of Affairs (10.5k, E)
Determined not to fail his latest mission, Iruka sets out to deliver a vital scroll to General Hatake Kakashi of the Third Division.
Finding Halves (18k, T)
Hatake Kakashi’s entire life was the furthest thing away from normality, he should have expected the same with his soulmark. It appeared during the third year of his tenure when he was thirty-six, a good twenty years later than the population’s average, the mark inconspicuous at the inside of his upper left arm. Kakashi paused mid-shave, fingers still zapping with electricity, he stared at his own reflection in the mirror for a long, long time.
Worst Day Ever (22k, M)
Iruka just wants to be left alone at the hot springs to deal with Valentine's Day - the worst day of the year for him. Why can't Kakashi leave him alone? Must he bait Iruka--today, of all days? And... why is he trying so hard to get Iruka into the private spring with him...?
Strays (32k, M)
Iruka finds an injured dog.
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