#alternative to d&d
legionofmyth · 9 months
Unveiling the Epic World of Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition
📚 Unveil the magic of Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition! ✨ Join us on an epic tabletop journey as we explore this captivating world. #TTRPG #PalladiumFantasy #TabletopGaming #RPGAdventure #UnveilTheMagic
Palladium Fantasy RPG (2e) – [PDF]Welcome, fellow adventurers of the tabletop realm! If you’re seeking a new and exhilarating journey in the world of tabletop role-playing games, you’re in for a treat. Today, we’re diving deep into the captivating universe of Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned Dungeon Master or a rookie explorer, this game is bound to ignite your…
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corroded-hellfire · 7 months
Where the Heart Is: Epilogue - Eddie Munson x Reader
Part 5
Summary: It’s moving day and the next chapter of your life with Eddie is beginning. And somewhere down the road, pieces of your heart collide with one another, making your anniversary all the more meaningful.
Note: The story has finally come to its close. It amazes me that this was never intended to be a series at all—it turned into one purely because it became so requested of me. It’s been a year since this fic first posted and the number of you who have stood by all this time to see it to the end hold such a special place in my heart. Thank you all for your kind words, generous reblogs, and all the love I’ve received over this story. I have loved writing in this world and would always be open to receiving requests in it. I hope you enjoy this little slice of their happily ever after 🧡
Words: 4.6k
[Where the Heart Is masterlist]
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“Jesus Christ, Munson.”
Steve sits down on the edge of the U-Haul, trying to catch his breath after shoving Eddie’s amp on board. The bed of the moving truck is decently full already. The Harrington household was the first stop, and Steve’s things bound for Boston were loaded yesterday. 
Today at the Munsons, it’s time to do the heavy lifting. Well, for Eddie and Steve to do the heavy lifting. Not to say that you and Nancy aren’t helping, but you have the easier job of loading up the back of Eddie’s van with boxes full of clothes and other smaller and more delicate objects that are certainly lighter than the alternative. 
“What’re ya whining about now, Harrington?” Eddie says, sweat dripping from the curls that frame his face. His hair is in a bun at the base of his neck but it’s not enough to keep him cool in the late August heat. 
“That amp weighs more than your bed did,” Steve says. 
“No shit,” Eddie argues, wiping his sweaty forehead off on the sleeve of his t-shirt. “Because one is a mattress and a basic frame to hold it up and the other is a goddamn expensive piece of musical equipment. I hope you didn’t ding it at all.”
“I’ll ding you,” Steve mumbles under his breath as he stands back up.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“Nothing, nothing,” Steve says as he hops up the steps back into the trailer. 
“How ya doing, babe?” you ask, coming over to Eddie after carrying a box of his D&D stuff over to his van. 
“Hot. Sweaty. Tired.”
“Aww,” you coo and wrap your arms around his neck. It doesn’t matter in the slightest to you that he’s all sweaty—you’ve been the cause of him getting sweaty many times before. Eddie rests his hands on your hips and pecks your lips. 
“Eddie!” Wayne calls from inside.
“Are you bringing your desk?”
Your boyfriend chews on his bottom lip, deliberating. “Well, do you wanna keep it?”
“What the hell do I need a desk for?” Wayne asks, making you chuckle. 
“Okay, we’ll take it.” Eddie huffs a laugh and gives your hip a squeeze.
“I’m glad that Wayne’s getting a proper bedroom back,” you say.
“And I’m sure he’s glad that we’re bringing the old bed with us and he’s getting a new one. I don’t think he’d get much sleep on it thinking about what you and I have done on it.”
“That doesn’t even include you on your own for years before that,” you tease. Eddie digs his fingers into your ribs, making you squeal and giggle as he tickles you.
Nancy comes out of the trailer, balancing two medium sized boxes in her arms. She raises her eyebrows at Eddie as she walks past him to get to his van.
“Wayne looks like he’s planning on helping Steve carry that desk out here. I’d get your ass in there,” she warns.
Eddie sighs. “Ugh, stubborn old man.” He kisses the top of your head before disappearing inside his home—or rather, former home. 
You walk over and help Nancy load up the two boxes she just brought out. Both of you walk over towards the U-Haul and Nancy smacks her hand against the side of it.
“I am not looking forward to driving in this thing with Steve all day,” she says. “He’s never driven something this big but of course he’d never admit that it’ll be difficult.”
You chuckle and nod along, knowing your boyfriend would be the same way. You open your mouth to respond when you hear yelling coming from inside.
“No, tilt it like this!”
“I know what I’m doing!”
“Remind me to never let you work on my car if this is the way you handle things!”
Nancy sighs and shakes her head.
“Do you think it’s too late to tell them that they can’t move in with us?” she asks. 
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Once everything is on the truck and ready to go, Steve and Nancy say their goodbyes to Wayne and slip into the front seats, giving you and Eddie the chance for a more private farewell. You give Wayne a big hug, which he happily returns.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him,” you promise.
Wayne chuckles and shakes his head as the two of you pull apart. 
“Just worried about how long before you call me to come pick him up ‘cause you’ve had enough of him.”
“Never,” you assure Wayne, taking one of his weathered hands in yours and giving it a squeeze.
“You heard her,” Eddie says, nodding his head towards you. “She’s never letting me go. I’m gonna be a prisoner.”
“Locked up in a nice Boston apartment with your girl and two of your best friends,” Wayne says, shaking his head. “When will justice be served?” 
When you step back from Wayne, you’re not sure if Eddie wants you to stay or go wait in the van while he says goodbye to the man who raised him. When your boyfriend playfully tugs your ear on the way to his uncle though, you take it as it’s fine for you to be here. 
“Well, I’ll see ya soon, Old Man,” Eddie says as he pulls Wayne in for a hug. 
“You drive safe, okay?” Wayne asks, his hand clapping his nephew on the back as they hug. “And I mean real safe, not ‘Eddie safe,’ okay? You got precious cargo there you’re carrying.” Wayne throws you a wink over Eddie’s shoulder. 
“Oh, I know,” Eddie says. He pulls back and sighs. “Gotta make sure my guitar gets to Boston unharmed.”
Wayne shakes his head and turns to you. “He ever acts up, just smack him on the back of the head. Like this.”
“Ow!” Eddie complains, reaching up to cover the spot where his uncle just thunked him. With a small giggle, you nod your head, affirming that you’ll know what to do.
There’s a brief moment of silence before Eddie sighs and claps his hand onto Wayne’s shoulder. 
“You take care, you hear me? Don’t make me start sending Red over here to check on you. Or maybe I’ll just call Abigail.”
At the sound of his new girlfriend’s name, Wayne rolls his eyes. 
“I can take care of myself. I’ll see you up there in Boston for Thanksgiving,” he says.
Eddie nods. He goes to take a step towards the van but twists and gives Wayne another hug instead.
“Thanks for everything, Wayne. I mean it. For everything.”
“You’re a good kid,” Wayne says as he hugs him back, tighter than the last time, you notice. “‘M proud of you, son.”
By the time they break apart, your eyes have misted over. Blinking away the tears seems to help, but one or two manage to escape and slide down your cheeks. 
Eddie walks over and laces his fingers with yours. 
“Ready, sweet girl?”
“Let’s go.”
The two of you hop into the van and, ahead of you, Steve starts up the truck. Eddie’s van rumbles to life and you just pray this thing makes it to Boston. Perks of having a mechanic for a boyfriend, though, are that you don’t have to wait around forever to have some mechanic come by and check it out, then fork out the big bucks for whatever is wrong with it. 
Eddie puts the van in drive and follows Steve down the road, towards the exit of Forest Hills. Dark brown eyes flick up towards the rear-view mirror. Eddie watches the front door to the trailer close behind Wayne and takes a long look at the home he grew up in. It’s small, old, and not in the best condition. But it’s where he’s lived his life and had some of the best times he’s ever had. It’ll be weird to him to have a new home. To be in a new city. In a new state. But he’s excited. Excited to turn the page and start this next chapter of his life with you. 
Rough, callused fingers find yours as you pull out of the trailer park. You intertwine your fingers with his and bring his hand up to your hand for a kiss. 
“You okay, handsome?” you ask.
The grin he gives you makes your breath catch in your chest. You’ll never get over how breathtakingly beautiful he is. The way his curls frame his face just right and how his long eyelashes brush his cheeks every time he blinks. 
“Me?” Eddie asks. “Never been better, baby.”
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If Steve and Eddie thought that getting furniture out of both their houses and into the truck was hard, they’re in for a nasty surprise. The apartment you’re all sharing is on the second floor of the off-white building the moving van and Eddie’s truck are parked in front of. Both Steve and Nancy’s cars are parked behind the building, in a small private lot. Steve had driven his car here and then flown back with Nancy before the move. 
“Ah, Jesus,” Steve sighs as he takes a look at the staircase the two of them will be maneuvering furniture up. 
One of the advantages of living close to the school though, is that students are always around, either passing through or lodging somewhere nearby. Luckily, two guys from your and Nancy’s English class last semester come out of the apartment building next to yours. 
“Whoa, need some help?” One of the guys, Jerry, asks when he sees the U-haul stuffed to the brim with furniture and boxes. 
“Boys?” Nancy asks, turning to face your boyfriends. “Will your pride allow you to let others help?”
“Shit, my pride got knocked out of me the second time I dropped my dresser on my foot,” Eddie says. He turns to Jerry and offers his hand. “We’d appreciate that, man.”
With the help of Jerry and his friend Rich, all of the furniture and belongings are moved into apartment 286 within a few hours. The two good Samaritans wouldn’t accept pizza and beer as a thank you, just insisted helping was no trouble and it counted as their workout for the day. 
Between the loading of the vehicles, the long drive, then the unloading of the vehicles, the four of you are thoroughly exhausted. All of the furniture is still in pieces and none of you care beyond making sure each bedroom has the right mattress in it for your inevitable crashes tonight. 
“Thank God the bedrooms are on opposite sides of the apartment,” Eddie says to you as you walk out from your shared bedroom. 
“I said the same thing to Nance not ten minutes ago,” Steve says. He sets down a box labeled “Living Room” in big black letters. “I don’t wanna hear a damn thing that’s gonna go on in that room of yours.”
“Glad we could finally agree on something,” Eddie says as he slings an arm over your shoulders.
“That’s fine,” Nancy says as she comes out of her and Steve’s room. “But you know we will talk about what goes on in there to each other, right? Girl code and all.”
“Girl code consists of telling each other what goes on in the bedroom?” Steve asks, eyebrows so high they’re practically hidden in his hair. 
“Not everything,” you say to placate the men. Even though, obviously, you and Nancy do discuss just about everything that goes on in there with each other. What else are you supposed to talk about when getting coffee together?
“Okay, I’m starving,” Eddie says, resting his free hand on his stomach. “Please tell me we have a goddamn phone book so I can order some food.”
Pizza is ordered and delivered, and since none of you had brought a couch to your new home, the four of you sit on the floor in the middle of what will become your living room as you eat it. Steve pours a cup of Pepsi for everyone, and you all raise your red solo cups. 
“What should we toast to?” you ask. 
“A smooth semester,” Nancy says.
“To Munson and I finding good jobs here,” Steve adds. 
“And to the many adventures we’re gonna have and how they’ll make everyone back in Hawkins completely jealous,” Eddie says. 
“Let’s try and keep them in this dimension, yeah?” you say.
“Deal,” Eddie replies.
“To our new beginnings!” you say as you lift your cup. 
The four of you tap your cups together, being careful not to be too hard lest you spill some. 
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It’s an early night, considering how exhausted you all are. That’s why when you come out of the bathroom, yawning and rubbing your tired eyes, the last thing you expected to see when you walked into your room was Eddie plugging in a strand of multicolored Christmas lights. The strings of lights are draped over piles of boxes, Eddie’s dresser, your bedside table, and a bookshelf you’d brought. 
The lamp connected to the fan on the ceiling is still on, so it’s hard to really see the glow emanating from the little bulbs.
“What’s all this?” you ask, tapping your fingernail against one of the small red lights. 
“Well,” Eddie says as he stands up from his crouched position, “I remember you told me at Christmas you would hang lights in your room and watch them blink and shine as you fell asleep. And, I mean, I know it’s not Christmas time, but I figured these lights might make you happy anyway.”
Your face feels stuck between a grin and a cry as you walk over to your boyfriend. His cheeks are warm as you cup them in your hands and press a kiss to his lips.
“I love them. I love you,” you say softly. “They do make me happy. But you make me the happiest.” You take another look around the room, watching the different colors do their best to be seen in the brightly lit room. “These lights kind of follow us, huh?”
Eddie chuckles and nods his head. “Pretty sure we have custody of them by this point.”
“Maybe tomorrow we can hang them up? Like they were in the van?” you ask. “I mean, who needs crown molding when you have Christmas lights?”
Eddie chuckles and runs his hands up and down your arms.
“God, I can’t believe this is our room. That I get to fall asleep next to you every night and wake up to you each morning.”
“And some fun stuff in between.” You smirk and raise an eyebrow at him.
“Think we should christen the room?” Eddie asks.
Instead of answering, you get down on the mattress that’s on the floor while the bed frame is still dismantled. You pull your pajama shirt up over your head and toss it behind you.
“Pants off, Munson.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” 
Eddie practically hops out of his pants and throws them in a corner. He yanks the longer chain attached to the ceiling fan and the main light goes dark. Dozens of pretty lights twinkle and dance as you take in the strands around the room. The only word you can come up with to describe how it looks is magical. 
There’s a dip on the bed next to you and you look over to see Eddie stripping himself of his shirt as he sits down. He lays back against his pillows and opens his arms for you.
“Come on, baby,” Eddie says. “Let’s fool around on our bed.”
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Three Months Later
The apartment is fuller than you’ve ever seen it. You’re in the kitchen, checking on the green bean casserole that you made. Your friends and boyfriend unanimously decided you should be in charge of the side dishes for Thanksgiving because you’re the best cook. Nancy has been making cookies for the last few days with Holly, who flew in for the holiday. That left Eddie and Steve in charge of the turkey. You’re not sure how that’ll go, and if you made a few too many side dishes in case the bird ends up inedible, so what?
“Oh, sweetie?”
You turn around from washing off your hands in the kitchen sink to see Steve’s mom standing before you with the pumpkin and apple pies she brought. 
“Can I help you, Mrs. Harrington?” you ask.
When she smiles you immediately know where Steve acquired that feature. Similarly, Mr. Harrington, who is out in the living room talking with Wayne, has the same eyes and nose as his son. They share the same confidence too, even if Mr. Harrington’s sometimes borders on cocky.
“Did you want the pies in the fridge?” Mrs. Harrington asks.
“Oh! Yes, please.” You open the refrigerator door and carefully take the desserts from her and lay them near the carton of milk. “I’ll put those in the oven after everyone is done with dinner.”
Mrs. Harrington takes one of your hands in hers and gives it a soft squeeze.
“Take a deep breath, dear. I know it can seem overwhelming, but you’re doing great. Everything smells delicious. If you need any help, you let me know, okay?”
“I will,” you agree. “Thank you.”
She gives you one last kind smile before walking back out to the living room. 
Somehow, you feel calmer after just those few words from Mrs. Harrington. You’ve never even met her before today, but her nurturing presence was comforting. It’s a melancholy feeling because you’ll never have that with your own mother. As much as you’ve accepted that, it still finds a way to sting every now and again. 
A ding on the oven lets you know that the biscuits are done. Once you’ve gotten them out of the oven and given the stuffing a few stirs, you see someone come into the kitchen out of the corner of your eye.
“There’s my favorite cook.”
You giggle and step forward to hug Wayne. You’d hugged him when he arrived earlier, but you’re stealing another one now anyway. 
“And look at that!” Wayne says. “Wearing the apron I got you for Christmas last year.”
“Oh, I wear this every time I cook,” you tell him proudly, looking down at the turquoise material tied around your waist. There are a few stains here and there despite your best efforts to keep it pristine. 
Eddie pops into the kitchen claps a hand against Wayne’s back before coming to stand next to you.
“Need any help, babe?” he asks. 
“Actually, I think dinner is just about ready. Help me set the table?”
“No way,” Wayne says with a shake of his head. “You worked hard cooking all this for us, Eddie and I will get everything out on the table.”
The dishes exit the kitchen one by one, to be laid out on the dining room table and Eddie’s old desk that have been pushed together and covered with a burnt sunset tablecloth. The chairs are mismatched as well, but you all had to work with what you’ve got. 
Once it seems like everything has been situated, you take a deep breath. It’s out of your hands now. All you can do is hope people enjoy the food you made. 
Everyone is gathering around the table, sitting down in front of lovely place settings that Nancy worked very hard on. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington take two seats at the far end of the table. Steve sits down next to his father at the head of the table, with Nancy on his other side. Holly giggles about something Steve said as she slides in the chair next to her big sister. 
Wayne slips past you and takes a seat next to Mrs. Harrington. The second head of the table, opposite Steve, is free and you give a little bow and motion for Eddie to take it. He chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
The two empty place settings on either side of Eddie seem to stare at you. The extra chairs mock you as you look over the people sitting at the table in your home. Steve and his parents, Nancy and her little sister, Eddie with his uncle. Family. Not just the individual ones, but as a collective group. The four of you who live in this apartment have brought the people in their lives into all of your lives. It’s an extension of a family that keeps going on and on. 
“Ah,” Eddie says as he hops up from his seat. “Forgot the wine that Wayne brought.” He gives your lips a quick peck before walking into the kitchen. You can’t help but smile as you watch him. This is where you belong. Eddie is your family and your home. 
The quiet knocking pulls you out of your latest Eddie-zone-out. It sounds again and you realize someone is knocking on the front door.
“I’ve got it,” you say as Steve starts to stand. 
The cold doorknob bites your hand as you twist it to reveal who’s standing there. At first your eyes are too high, catching on a familiar face but not quite the one that fills you with glee. When you look down, there she is. Large, inquisitive eyes, wide smile, and two pigtail braids to top off her lovely purple dress. 
They’re here. You’d extended the invitation to your sister months ago, but never heard back. That wasn’t unusual of your sister, but it did complicate your planning. Nancy insisted that you have the extra place settings and chairs for them just in case. Though you truly believed it would all be in vain, you agreed. 
Tears collect along your waterline, and you know it won’t be long before they’re leaking down your face. 
“I am so happy you’re here. Look at how tall you got!” You lean down and Chloe instantly jumps into your arms. The hug you give her is as tight as it can possibly be without hurting her. “I missed you so much!”
“I missed you, too!” Chloe says as she pulls away and you stand up. 
More surprising than opening your front door and seeing your sister and niece, your sister leans in and pulls you into a hug.
“It’s really nice to see you,” she says.
As stunned as you are, you manage to hug her back. It’s a warm and comforting hug—something you never thought you’d get from her again. 
“It’s nice to see you too, Melanie.” You find yourself actually meaning those words. This is certainly no indication that things will become more stable between the two of you, but at least it’s a nice gesture on a holiday.
“There’s someone I want you to meet,” you tell both of them, but give Chloe a wink. “Eddie? Babe?”
He steps out of the kitchen, wine bottle in hand, and his head swivels as he searches for you. You see his eyes take in you, then the woman and little girl who look very similar to you. A grin lights up his face and you just know how happy he is for you. He sets the wine bottle down on the table and walks over to you. The closer he gets, the shyer Chloe becomes. Though she’s too big for it now, she tries to hide herself behind your legs. 
“Eddie, this is my sister Melanie and my niece Chloe,” you say. 
Your boyfriend squats so he can be on more of an even level with the girl. He offers a hand to her.
“It’s nice to meet my girlfriend’s favorite person,” he says. 
Chloe still looks a little unsure, but she comes out from behind your legs just enough to shake his hand. 
“I think that’s you,” she tells Eddie softly.
“Why’s that?” Eddie tilts his head in curiosity. 
“Because she’s never smiled like that when she’s looked at me before.” Chloe looks up at you, now a speechless mess, and then lowers her head to look at Eddie again. “When you came outta the kitchen. It was a big, big smile. I never seen her smile that big before.”
Heat rises to your face as your niece calls out your terminal case of lovesickness. Eddie doesn’t seem to know what to say either as he stands back up and takes your hand in his. 
“Let’s, um. Let’s all sit down before the food gets cold,” you suggest. In your frazzled state, you forgot you didn’t exactly introduce your sister and boyfriend properly. You quickly remedy the situation and let them shake hands and have a polite greeting while you bring Chloe to the other side of the table where you’re sitting. 
“Here we go,” you say as you help her into her chair. “This is Holly. She’s my friend Nancy’s little sister. That’s Nancy there, that’s Steve, those are Steve’s mom and dad, and this is Eddie’s Uncle Wayne.”
Chloe is seated directly across from Wayne and gives him a shy smile. 
“Hi, darlin’,” Wayne greets. “Are you happy to see your aunt?”
“Yes!” Her face lights up and it absolutely melts your heart. 
Eddie and Melanie come over and join you at the table; Eddie next to you at the head of the table, and Melanie directly across from you. A special sort of warmth you’ve never felt before overtakes your body. It's comforting, like wrapping yourself in the fluffiest blanket on a cold day. The source of this feeling smacks you in the face. You’re sitting between your two favorite people in the world. A part of you never thought this would actually happen, but here it is. It’s overwhelming in the best possible way. 
Steve rises at the opposite end of the table, his wine glass in hand. It looks like someone poured it in Eddie’s absence. All heads turn to Steve, some unfamiliar faces staring back at him, and a lot of familiar ones. It doesn’t make a difference though. Steve is addressing everyone at the table. 
“We’re grateful that each of us has some family with us today. The world is crazy, and you never know when things are going to go upside down.”
You, Eddie, and Nancy share a look, smirks on each of your faces at Steve’s hidden joke that only you three would get. 
“So, here’s to family, friends, and the moments that bring us together.”
Everyone clinks their glasses together, reminiscent of the four of you knocking your red solo cups of Pepsi against each other. The difference between then and now is purely the nicer dinnerware and fuller apartment. The sentiment is still the same. A celebration of what you’ve accomplished so far and excitement for the adventures that lie ahead. 
Under the table, Eddie laces his fingers with yours. Your mind wanders back to last Thanksgiving. The first time you and Eddie held hands. The first time you kissed. The first time you met. Back then, you never could have imagined what was beginning to blossom. The surprise of it sneaking up on you is half the fun. 
Now you’re here, exactly where you belong. The people around this table own pieces of your heart, with Eddie holding the largest shard. This is what family is. This is home.
Eddie lifts your hands from under the table and presses a kiss to your knuckles. The soft chink of your charm bracelet the only sound penetrating the bubble that you and Eddie are in. Your newest charm, the little silver turkey you received this morning, stares up at you from where it rests on your wrist. 
Soft lips on the back of your hand have your eyes rising to meet Eddie’s again. He leans in and steals a soft, tender kiss. A small giggle from behind you lets you know that you’re being spied on. But you couldn’t care less who watches you kiss your boyfriend. 
“Happy Thanksgiving!” someone calls, you’re not sure who. 
Eddie just smiles and gives your hand a squeeze.
“Happy Thanksgiving, Eddie.”
“Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”
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keruukat · 5 months
I fully expected a rant as an answer to the last question lol
Tell me about the CJVerse please :)
Hoo boy where to start!!!! Basically its a chatroom-style roleplay where alternate-universe versions of Heart, Mind, Soul, and Whole (the characters from the CCCC music album by Chonny Jash) are placed into a chatroom to interact. It’s been going since April and currently there’s about 16 of us roleplaying in it but over 100 characters. Probably 150+ characters, not counting the non-canon free-for-all chat where people put AUs of AUs haha.
I’ve got a hefty amount of characters in there, but not nearly as many as some of my other friends like @disruptivevoib or @agent-8449 (they’re insane /pos)
I think I have…? 12 guys between canon and FFA?
My favorite guy is Static, he’s my Mind from my Trial AU. Originally based off of canon, but has since diverged a LOT due to the nature of the chatroom. He’s actually very sweet? Gained some self-awareness and is actively attempting to better himself and help out Hearts. Most of the chatroom likes him but he does have some enemies. Most important enemy is Tune, who hates him due to trauma he inflicted in the past.
But lemme give an updated comprehensive list of all of the characters I RP as! Didn’t mean for this to turn into a masterpost but fuck it we ball
Tempo <Whole> (canon)
Amp {Soul} (canon)
Static [Mind] (canon)
Tune (Heart) (canon)
Tenor (Heart) (Canon)
Trill <(Heart + Whole (Sing) 2/3)> (FFA)
(AU with @squeak-4657 and Q-ott)
Tachycardia [(Mind??? Mind-Heart mashup? Fucked up Static.)] (FFA)
(AU with Q-ott)
Robert [Mind] (Canon but haven’t used him in a while)
(AU with @disruptivevoib, @shadywoods, and Q-ott)
The Sound of Deep Waters [Mind] (Canon but taking a break from him. Hard to RP as an eldritch horror lmao)
(AU with @agent-8449 and @nitroish)
Now for some misc 2/3! All FFA
Petrichor [[Mind x2, Static + Storm (Q-ott) 2/3]] (FFA)
Chrysanthemum [(Mind + Heart, Static and Frizzy (Francey) 2/3)] @squeak-4657
Psalm (((Heart x3, Tune, Rain (Ouro), and Saint (Rapt) 3/3))) (FFA) @rosyfox2002 @shxwrunner
Plus three more 2/3 I’m cooking :3
Anyway!!! Yeah if you or someone else wants to ask about any specific AU or character I’m always happy to infodump :D
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hjsxms · 9 months
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Welcome to my very own version of the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California ♡
Located in 'Brindleton Bay' on 64x64
Lot Type: Museum
Use bb.moveobjects
[No cc]
wild life exhibits, kelp forest, the "splash" zone, dining, auditorium, gift shops, outdoor reef viewing, photo booth, open sea...
Pls!! Do Not Re-upload As Your Own!
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This lot was built completely cc-free. For aesthetic purposes only, I used mods for wild fish and some deco-animals. Not included!!
I also recommend the Auto Employee Mod & More Visitors Mod from @littlemssam for better game play!
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Alternately Available On The Gallery: akaHoneyJ
Check under *Include Custom Content*
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heresathreebee · 2 years
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Eddie Munson | Stranger Things 4 || Face Sitting/ Fucking // Dry Humping
Eddie Lives AU/ Roommates; 2.8k words; NO BETA/ SELF-EDITED, Roommates (living with their older relatives), Swearing, Cramped Quarters, Sexual Frustration, Threat of Destruction of Property (poor Sweetheart the electric guitar, she’s done nothing wrong), Dry Humping, Magic Wand Vibrator, Slight Choking, Squirting
Previous | Masterlist | Next: Kurt Kunkle Love Bites/ Marks
You didn't hate him– you just hated everything around him. Living with Eddie Munson and his uncle Wayne meant less room in the trailer, more messes that you alone were expected to clean, and zero privacy. Your aunt originally invited Wayne and "his boy" as she called him to stay with you and her, but when an eviction notice came unexpectedly, the lot of you had been forced to return to Forest Hill for housing– right back into the infamous scene of Chrissy Cunningham's death. 
Some changes had been made– A loft was built on top of the trailer with enough room for one queen sized bed that your aunt and his uncle traded. Meanwhile, the actual trailer's only bedroom had been turned into two via a "privacy curtain" and downsized a lot of things to fit all of you in. Your room held a twin sized mattress and a chest of drawers you used as a desk, and Eddie’s room mirrored yours plus a stack of amps for his electric guitar. 
That damn guitar. If he's not jamming in his friends' garage or running D&D on Fridays with those high schoolers, he's strumming that fucking instrument and blasting (quietly if you ask) his music all night. At least he knocks on the privacy wall before he bothers you with something mundane when he can't entertain himself. 
Somewhere along the way, after months with no way to relieve your urges, you snapped. Eddie nearly jumps out of his skin when you throw the folding curtain aside and stomp into his space. 
"What'd I do? What'd I do?!" 
You grab his ankles and drag him down the bed and he gets lost in the blanket he was curled up in. You catch his guitar before it hits the dirty floor and hold it over your head much to Eddie's dismay. His eyes become saucers and his face gets stern. 
"Don't," he hisses with one hand out as if to placate a rabid animal. 
Unperturbed, you sneer. "It's Thursday. Don't you have somewhere else to be?!" 
Eddie shrugs. "We– I… one of my buddies was forced to go camping. We- we can't play without the drums." 
You grit your teeth, unsatisfied. "So do something else. Somewhere else!" 
"I-I-I," Eddie sputters as he watches your nails dig into his precious baby. "Like what? Where do you want me to go?!" 
"Outside, Eddie!," you scream. 
…you uh, don't know how to answer that. In fact, you were banking on simply scaring him so bad he left without question, yet here you are. He wasn't being loud today. He wasn't making a mess or bothering you for once. He was just there and he could hear everything, just like you could hear everything he does in his room– especially the private stuff. 
"Just– " you sigh and use your head to support the guitar you were holding as your arms grow tired. "An hour. I just want an hour alone. Is that too much to ask?" 
Eddie looks at you sympathetically. "... I wish I could, but uh… I actually can't just go outside and loiter like I used to..." 
Oh fuck, you forgot. Munson was legally cleared of murdering the cheerleader (you wouldn't have believed it anyway not since you met him, the scared little lay about) but that didn't mean their weren't people still hunting him. No other suspects were arrested for it, the cause of her death was still unknown. 
You tossed Eddie his guitar back and worried your lip trying to come up with an alternative. Maybe you could take your vibrator, a towel, and his van to an empty parking lot. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him but, you would be way more comfortable doing it at home. You can’t just ignore it anymore, it’s consuming your every thought and ruining your panties… 
“Is there… something else I can help you with?,” he asks warily. 
You know what he means– you know! But you can’t stop from shifting your feet and rubbing your thighs together just to provide some relief. You try glaring meanly at him but it feels a lot more sexually charged than it should be and unfortunately, Eddie looks like he’s catching on to your dilemma. 
“Oh,” he murmurs. “You want alone time to… oh!” 
You roll your eyes and turn to go back to your room but he stops you. "Hey wait! I could still… I could still help you with that too. If– if you want…" 
You look over Eddie. Before you busted down the wall between your rooms, he had been relaxing. His hair was tied up, wearing the gray shirt you were secretly obsessed with because it was Unnaturally Soft, and barefoot. You reach down to rip the blanket off him, revealing for a split second that he was only wearing boxers before he shielded his modesty with the base of his guitar. 
Well, he did look delectable like this. And you were desperate at this point. "There are going to be rules." 
Eddie furrows his brow as you disappear into your room, only to return a moment later wielding an object he had only seen in pornos and sex shops. "Rule one," you say as you point the vibrator at him menacingly, "never ever ever speak about this to anyone." 
"Done, our secret." Eddie's eyes follow you as you saunter towards him and swiftly straddle his hips. “Anything else?” 
You reach down and accidentally flash him your cleavage before jamming his guitar in his arms. “Rule two, don’t look at me and keep playing.” 
“Ok– UGM.” You sit on his hips and feel the hump of his ‘boy bits’ against your sex– both lightly clothed in cotton. “Any requests?” 
“Know anything with a semi-sensual bass line?,” your voice comes in a sigh as you rut against him, feeling yourself grow hotter as you finally feel the beginnings of your game coming to fruition. The first phrases he strums are intensely familiar. “Oh, House of the Rising Sun? You’ve been snooping through my things.”
Eddie shrugs and turns his eyes to the ceiling as per the second rule. “Hardly snooping if you leave your cassettes in my van.”  
He grunts and closes his eyes, his fingers skipping over a note as you rut again and set your vibrator to the lowest setting. You can feel his thighs stiffen under your ass as you pull the top of your dress down and bare your hardening nipples to tease them. 
Your eyes drift closed as you feel everything. “Fuck Eddie.” 
The man hums in response and you both hissed as the vibrator made contact with your clit and the base of his hardening cock. In an instant, two clammy hands grasp your hips and forced you up. 
"Stop," Eddie begged, "hang on, I need…" 
You catch yourself from falling on him with a hand on his pillow and pause. Eddie is panting as he reaches into his boxers (not minding a few wet spots) to settle his cock against his belly and hooking the waistband under his balls. Obediently, his hands return to his guitar and he nods at you. 
"Ok I'm good, you can–" 
You snapped his underwear back into its rightful place halfway up his cock and Eddie almost screamed, his eyes pricking with tears and veins bulging in his neck. He glares at you with more malice than you thought he was capable of and he forces you to sit down on his hips before returning his eyes to the ceiling. 
"Nice tits," he growls. 
"I know," you chuckle and resume your minstrations. 
Eddie's guitar picks up where he left off. You continue rocking your hips and return the bulky vibrating wand to stimulate your clit, even brushing the sensitive frenelum of Eddie’s cockhead with the wand and loving the way he bucks up into you. The coil in your gut tightens harshly and you feel something unexpected but exciting building with it. 
You hum long and low in your throat. "Keep playing, Eddie." 
"'M trying," he groans, "getting close." 
Your wand dies unexpectedly and you quickly toss it aside with a huff. "Just keep playing. Fuck, Eddie…" 
He loves the way his name sounds, and when you say it like that… he misses the E string again and holds his guitar up to his neck. The last thing he wants is to come all over his precious Sweetheart, even if it annoys you. He tries strumming the melody from up high. It sounds a little out of tune and he catches you smiling (your eyes are closed, or you'd scold him for breaking your rules). 
"Thought you said you learned Master of Puppets in 30 days," you tease, "but now you can't play four bars on repeat. S'matter, pussy too good?" 
Eddie grips his guitar roughly. "Can feel how wet you are…" and see your pretty chest swaying. He shuts his eyes tight. Your threats are rarely empty and he needs to come, he'll die if he doesn't. 
"Oh shhh–" 
Eddie hits himself in the face trying to thrust Sweetheart out of the splash zone. He growls as streams of pearly white fluid pools in his belly button and paint streaks across his shirt, even tiny droplets splash under his chin. Your movements milk every drop out of him, and as soon as he cracks an eye open, he sees you triumphantly admiring your handy work. 
"Fuck," Eddie hisses as his cock throbs one more time and everything starts to feel overly sensitive. "Too much, too much." 
Reluctantly, you stop rocking and stare down your nose at Eddie. He knows what you're thinking already and tries to dissuade you with a firm hand on your hips. 
"Just need to catch my breath," he pleads. "Why don't you take this off before it gets ruined?" 
His fingers gently tug on the sun dress pooling around your hips. In truth, he wants to be able to see more of you, and you oblige his suggestion with seductive grace. Now it's just you and two layers of cotton underwear sitting on his softening cock and empty sack. He sets his guitar just off the bed and helps you adjust your placement for better friction. 
"Pick that up," you command. "I didn't say you could stop playing." 
Eddie sighs, "yes ma'am." 
He folds his shirt in half to cover his mess and settles Sweetheart back in her place against his ribcage. He glances back at you again as he finally notices the vibrating wand has disappeared. 
"Look the other way." Your eyebrows are drawn together and you unconsciously cover your breasts with your hands until he obeys. 
It's weird to him that you choose to be shy at this moment. After all, you were downright prideful a moment ago, and he is the only one covered in cum right about now. 
"Any other requests? A different song perhaps?" 
Eddie tunes a string that sounded off and begins to play something a little less somber but with a heavy bassline. Sunshine of Your Love fills the space between you and he can hear you smiling through your praise. 
"I like this one," you chuckle and begin to rock your hips again, slower this time to build back the momentum you lost. 
He's less sensitive now and simply enjoying the feel of you, wanting to get you off like he said he would. Still, it's fun to hear you 1) laugh and 2) like his taste in music. If he could get hard again, he totally would. 
It's not long before he feels your warm hands come down on his shoulders for support and it takes every ounce of his control not to look at you. The gentle sighs that fall from your lips come in time with the rising speed of your thrusts against his flaccid junk. Eddie counts to four in his head, bends his knees, and bucks up in perfect time to help you get off. 
The prettiest filthiest sound pours out of you halfway between a sob and a sigh. You bite your tongue hard to stop yourself from saying his name again and scold yourself internally for even thinking about it. This isn't about Eddie, this is about getting off. But no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to get there. Not without the wand and not without thinking of Eddie. 
"Fuck..." The curse is dripping with frustration and Eddie's heart pangs with sympathy. 
Eddie's had enough. You can't finish like this but you are too stubborn to help even yourself. It's time to take over. 
You gasp as you suddenly feel Eddie's fingers wrap around your throat. There's a dark look in his eye as he sits up on his elbow, guitar set aside again. It fills you with heat that pools in your gut. 
"Come on, princess," Eddie says, his voice low and gravelly, "what's the matter? You want to come, don't you?" 
"Ah! Eddie!" One second you're dry humping your roommate, and the next you find yourself on your back with said roommate hovering over you. His rough hand squeezes your wind pipe for a second causing stars to dance in your eyes and his hips press down, pushing your thighs wider to accommodate his width. You tell yourself you shouldn’t feel so aroused by this lazy nerd musician. 
“If you want me to stop, say the magic word. But before you do–” he tilts his head back and licks his lips. “Tell me this doesn’t feel good.” 
Eddie thrusts his hips once and you know you’re done for. He’s grown hard again that much is sure, and the way his cock is sandwiched between your soaked folds to brush your clit with his head is enough to make you cry. His thrusts are short and needy, but not because he is desperate– it’s because you are. You know if you asked him to fuck you like a toy, he would happily oblige and you have to bite your tongue to save you from yourself. 
“What’s that, baby?” Eddie smugly addresses the punchy whines escaping from you. “I can’t hear so good, did you say you want me to stop?” 
“No please!” You cry and dig your nails hard into the hand on your throat to keep him there. “Please don’t stop, Ed, please…” 
Satisfaction curls cat-like on his lips. “That’s what I thought you said, sweetheart. Now, who’s making you feel good, baby?” 
Oh this asshole, you think, I’m going to kill him someday. “...you are.” 
“And what’s my name, princess?”
You roll your eyes internally. “Eddie.” 
“Uh-HUH. Eddie who?” 
“Eddie fucking Munson!” The devil rewards you with a warm fingered pinch on your exposed bud. 
“That’s right! Good girl.” His rhythm is so perfect, you can count it– 120 beats per minute. “And who’s touch are you gonna beg for?” 
“Eddie Munson…” Your voice becomes airy and high. Every stroke building like water behind a dam and his toying with your chest sparks like magic. 
“And who’s the lucky son of a bitch who’s gonna make you come?”
He speeds up, anticipating your peak, the wall you keep hitting but couldn’t pull yourself over. Instead of answering him with his name, you scream under him and arch your back as stars explode outwards behind your eyes and deep in the pit of your stomach. Fire washes over your skin, then ice as the sweat on your body cools, and a comforting warmth returns as you feel Eddie’s chest covering yours and his head fall into the crook between your neck and your shoulder. 
It takes you a few minutes to feel your toes. You cradle the back of his neck craving his contact and forget you ever hated Eddie the freak Munson. 
“Thank you,” you whisper sheepishly. “Maybe this is an insane thing to ask but… do you know how fast you were going when you made me come?” 
“195,” he mutters matter-of-factly. 
The ticklish feeling causes you to laugh. “On a school night? Shame on you.” 
The way he nuzzles into your neck fills you with something sweet, until he speaks again with that trademark smugness. “And I made you do a lot more than come, baby.” 
You become very aware of the fact that your underwear and the bed beneath you is drenched, like genuinely soaked, swimming in liquid. Even the bottom half of Eddie’s shirt which slipped down while he was over you was wet as well as sticky where his cum was barely dried. You roll your eyes and promise to never let yourself do this again. 
Your vow lasts all of two hours.
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Using my roommate like a sex jukebox? Its more likely than you think!
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simmergi · 2 years
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1- DARK MODE : https://modthesims.info/d/669357/dark-mode-ui.html
2- CÂMERA MODE : https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=536953
3- IPHONE 12- https://blog.naver.com/shj6819/222852996273
4- BETA WallPaper Override Vol.1 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/beta-wallpaper-1-70990566
5- Alternate Phone Icons : https://kuttoe.itch.io/mini-mods-small-additions
6- TS4: BTS Sansung S20 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bts-sansung-58294880?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9X2hLcEJha0Nmek5zQkUteHVnOXJIdGdYbE53d2UzbkImcD0wJm49dG56bjdoblRwVnNxZXlucEtrSWRPUSZ0PUFBQUFBR09IWUNj
7-  Phone Nokia 3310 : https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/default-replacement-phone-nokia-3310/id/1574991/
8- Smartphone Override : https://modthesims.info/d/651021/h-amp-b-star5g-smartphone-override-choose-only-one.html
9- FLIP PHONE : https://www.patreon.com/posts/flip-phone-phone-44142122?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9dkpiMDhmeG5HSnFtUVgta1ZoVWlyX1RwRW02TERKeG0mcD0wJm49TEx4S3hsRDA5V0w3aWJiME5ob3d2dyZ0PUFBQUFBR09IZzM4
10- OVERRIDE AIRPODS : https://blog.naver.com/shj6819/222872059182
11- PAIRED SELFIE : https://www.patreon.com/posts/pairedselfie-71413780
12- SINGLE SELFIE : https://www.patreon.com/posts/singleselfie-01-72016040
💜🖤BEBÊS 💜🖤
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16- SUBSTITUIÇÃO COMIDAS JOGO BASE OPÇÃO 1 : https://yakfarmcreations.tistory.com/2?category=747918
17- UTOPIA SIMS SUBSTITUIÇÃO COMIDAS JOGO BASE E POR PACOTES OPÇÃO 2 : https://utopiamordor.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post.html
18- SUBSTITUIÇÃO LOUÇA DO JOGO : https://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailView.nhn?isHttpsRedirect=true&blogId=luz_estrella&logNo=220979161952
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20- PRATOS SUJOS QUANDO TERMINAR DE COMER : https://www.patreon.com/posts/30912062
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25- SUBSTITUIÇÃO CONTROLE REMOTO : https://modthesims.info/d/641597/default-replacement-remote-control.html
26- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PROGRAMAS DE TV : https://midnitehearts.tumblr.com/post/190681550432/ultimate-movie-mod-for-the-sims-4-this-is-my
27- PS5 : https://modthesims.info/d/650136/sony-ps5-set-functional.html
28- CONTROLE PS5 : https://modthesims.info/d/650139/ps5-dualsense-controller-override-functional.html
29- SUBSTITUIÇÃO JOGOS : https://modthesims.info/d/650684/better-console-games-ps5-edition.html
30- SUBSTITUIÇÃO DOS CARROS : https://blvck-life-simz.tumblr.com/post/643971826601574400/bls-default-vehicle-replacements-basegame
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34- NO ZZZZZZ : https://modthesims.info/d/540287/no-zzz-for-sims-4.html
35- ANIMAÇÕES PÓS OBA OBA : https://modthesims.info/d/577758/pillow-talk-after-woohoo-1-18.html
36- PLUMBOB MENOR : https://www.patreon.com/posts/44267079
37- SEM PLUMBOB : https://www.patreon.com/posts/missing-plumbob-55021084
38- MOSAICO MENOR : https://modthesims.info/d/599715/smaller-censor-toddler-update.html
39- SUBSTITUIÇÃO NEVE : https://modthesims.info/d/637604
40- SUBSTITUIÇÃO NUVENS : https://www.patreon.com/posts/57436640
41- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ROUPA DONA MORTE 1 : https://alectorcc.tumblr.com/post/617927939873488896/first-of-all-the-skull-hood-mesh-and-texture
42- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ROUPA DONA MORTE 2: https://modthesims.info/d/637326/grim-reaper-default-replacement.html
43- SUBSTITUIÇÃO TÚMULO / URNA : https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=563676
44- SUBSTITUIÇÃO MUNDO DOS VAMPIROS : https://alectorcc.tumblr.com/post/617372813000671232/heres-a-longer-project-of-mine-of-retexturing
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46- SUBSTITUIÇÃO DA LUA : https://yakfarmcreations.tistory.com/63
47- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ROUPA DO PAPAI INVERNO : https://modthesims.info/d/637481/father-winter-as-santa-a-default-replacement.html
48- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PACOTE DE CAFÉ : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-coffee-bag-71889089
49- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PIZZA : https://www.patreon.com/posts/52899645?epik=dj0yJnU9VzRkRHNKMVItdXBLWDF1VkprSkc3TndyY0VFdUl2bGEmcD0wJm49clk3SXlUVmR0VXgyR0ZXQ0RscnRxZyZ0PUFBQUFBR09IeDlR
50- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PACOTE DE COMPRAS : https://www.patreon.com/posts/realistic-bag-54587402
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ao3feed-jaytim · 8 months
Ridiculous times &amp; men with ridiculous names
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51073690 by BlueShadeFics Jason and Timi are left alone in Gotham to manage a massive gang war kicked off by a villain with a very over the top name and a patron that lurks in the shadows. Words: 4915, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 11 of Shutterbug and Seaglass Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Additional Tags: rated m really more out of concern, major burn wounds mentioned, Stephanie Brown makes bad descisions, Bruce Wayne's D- Parenting, a character is killed but its not graphic, canon belongs in a blender, gang wars mentions but not graphic, No beta we die like mne, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Female Tim Drake read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51073690
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chordsykat · 1 year
Can you explain what type of guitars and speakers someone like Toki might use when he's on stage? I'm a noob and don't play at all, but, want to write some music scenes into a story. Sorry if this question is dumb.....
No such thing as a dumb question around here, OP -- just dumb answers because it's me. :D
And apologies that it took me a while to come back around to this one. Talking guitars gets the neurodivergent side of my brain all sex-crazy, so you're in for a ride. And so, I'm proud to present:
A Semi-Competent Explanation of Gear for Metalocalypse-Inclined Persons Who Might Not Speak Guitar-Weirdo.
Strap in and learn a thing, kids!
The Guitar: Toki uses a Gibson Flying-V and in later seasons, he's shown using an Epiphone Snow Falcon Flying-V. Gibson is a guitar manufacturer that's been around for a longass time, and they actually own Epiphone these days. Generally speaking, Gibson makes high-end guitars and the Epiphone division makes more affordable versions of those guitars.
Though they've steadily lost some ground to competition from other brands, (ESP/LTD/Jackson to name a few) Gibson/Epiphone Flying-V's are still a common sight and a favorite guitar amongst metal artists. The author of this guide finds them to be more balanced than the Gibson Explorer, and notes they allow better fret access than even a Gibson Les Paul. In fact, I have no idea why Skwisgaar chooses to play an Explorer (except the whole aesthetic/James Hetfied thing - I get it, I do)... given the choice between Explorer, V, and LP, I'd go with the Les Paul or the Flying-V over the Explorer for playability, alone. But that's me.
(Side note/bitch: Eden's Reverse Flying-V? Much as I love how they look, I have no idea how anyone ever managed to think making such a thing was a good idea... Yowza. :D)
The Pickups: If you're not already aware, pickups are the little "soap bars" that hang out in the middle of the instrument which are responsible for "picking up" the vibrations of the strings and converting them into an electrical signal which an amplifier can translate into "guitar sounds."
Dethklok uses EMG pickups, and according to Skwisgaar's interviews, they're probably 81/85's. These are active pickups, which means they have a battery they hook into in order to work. This also makes them louder than traditional magnetic humbuckers. 81's are usually positioned at the bridge (lower on the guitar) and are a preferred lead pickup for heavy metal artists especially. 85's are the all-around reliable rhythm humbucker most often paired in the neck position, but some artists also use a second 81 (I wouldn't be surprised if Magnus, king over-overdoing everything, does this) for rhythm. Less commonly, metal artists might use an 89 in the neck position, which can be setup to toggle between a humbucker or olschool single-coil mode (Caj uses an 81-89 setup). There's also an EMG 60, which produces a super clean tone in the rhythm position.
The Amplifiers: If you're going to end war and stuff, you gotta play loud. Dethklok used to play Krank amps but have since moved on to Marshall. Unfortunately, Krank seems to have gone out of business as of 2013, which is a real shame, because in the early-aughts, they were (in my opinion) setting themselves up to shake up the gear industry in some very innovative ways. I remember getting into them and Orange at the same time, having only known Marshalls, for the most part.
But Dethklok now uses Marshalls exclusively, so no reason for me to be getting all reminisc-y. Typically, guitarists of a professional capacity will use tube amps - so named for the vacuum tubes they use to get their sound. The alternative, solid state amps, work well enough... but they don't sound half as good when they get loud.
Pedals and Junk: Not really sure what pedals Dethklok might be using, specifically. I'm sure there's the usual wahs, choruses and distortions. You're better off asking Brendon about this one. :D
Anyway -- hope this was helpful, OP. It's not a lot but if you want more details about how any of these things work, hit me up and I'll do my best to be a resource for your music-related questions.
Sorry it took me a while to respond!
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eadrey-the-iptscray · 3 months
"A Rare Thing, Indeed" Masterlist
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I will be writing an epilogue but the main story is done.
For New Readers:
This is an alternate universe initially set in the Pacific Northwest, but it eventually covers what happens in the movie. Sort of.
The (fictional) Shatterdome is a hidden base in (nonfictional) Pacific Rim National Park Reserve on Vancouver Island.
The jaegers are modeled after the AMP suits from James Cameron's Avatar. The kaiju are also scaled down.
The Anteverse is a mirror dimension, similar to the Upside Down in Stranger Things or Shadowfell in D&D (Forgotten Realms).
The Main Story:
PART ONE: 50 Bucks and Some Interesting Side Effects Raleigh and Mako meet in college, when they discover firsthand what sharing headspace entails.
PART TWO: Like It or Not, We're Connected Raleigh and Mako part ways to join the Jaeger Academy and finish college, respectively, but life keeps them apart.
PART THREE: The Longest Week in Earth's History Raleigh and Mako reunite at the Shatterdome during humanity's last stand.
PART FOUR: What Do Knights Do With No Dragons Left to Slay? Raleigh and Mako deal with the fallout after Operation Pitfall.
PART FIVE: Anyone Can Fall Raleigh and Mako must navigate uncharted territory or die trying.
Bonus Content:
Tales From the Breach: The World of ARTI Includes fictional articles about the Breach, PPDC propaganda posters, Newt's journal entries... basically any worldbuilding content I couldn't include in the main story.
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dianymphii · 2 years
Twst Characters as Music Artists
Riddle: Little Tart
Idk piano music? Asian traumacore (like me!) so maybe he just does piano covers.
Ace picked his name and now he doesnt know how to change it.
It is technically perfect but a soulless perfomance. Sucks to suck kid
Trey: Muffin Man
He is too busy to make music but someone sampled him for an audio clip and named him That as credit. A double betrayal.
alternatively cooking by the book remix ft lil jon vibes but only posts it once, and in a weird stress frenzy.
no he will Not talk about it tyvm
Deuce: 2euce
garageband beat maker, he wanted to do a fun play on his name but ace just calls him Two-ce. deuce does not like this.
Ace: DJ Ace
he doesnt even dj
Cater: Di4mond
lofi beats to shit and piss to
posts guitar covers, really giving softboy, genuinely pretty good but like kind of hates his music.
he is the person who inspired two-ce
Leona: King’s Roar
leona could not be assed to use his creativity to make a name so he looked as his unique magic like. yeah ok.
idk why but i can feel in my soul he could produce some FIRE beats, maybe even like put in joke sound samples of other people but remixes them in a way that sounds fucking good. he only posts like once every 6 months to a year but everyone gets real excited like BITCH I THOUGHT U DIED!!! nah, he was nappin.
he also does not read or respond to comments. he has a vague awareness his music is popular but also does not care. if u bring it up tho he's gonna be real smug about it. fucking asshole.
Jack: Unleash Beats
i could sit here and say i think jack was inspired by leona to play on is UM for a name but honestly i just thought it was so funny i almost crapped my pants.
maybe he raps if he doesnt cringe himself out.
Ruggie: RUGGIE
this is a classic man, no need to get weird he is ruggie and he knows it. actually might have gone by ruggie b on soundcloud, all lowercase, but leona let him be on one of his tracks, promptly forgot the name he used and couldnt be assed to check. typed RUGGIE in caps cuz thats deadass who he is. the song he did with leona was so popular he had to rebrand to keep the hype.
good at freestyle, more rnb vibes
Jade: Nothing (nothing is also not his name)
ok so you know AZARI???? that person with the viral and rather slappin' tunes and has no channel name and no video titles??? its just blank? thats jade. i dont want to imagine what sounds this monster produces but im going to say some words and let you fill in the rest in some lovecraftian horror
contra bass
5 amps
floyd walking in on him
a car crash
quits after like 3 songs he just wanted to see what would happen, step 293 in his 109283 step plan.
Azul: Over The Sea
idk more piano. chill lounge beats to extort innocents to
floyd's outdoor fit is azul merch
azul did force him to wear it
this means azul's merch is an ajuma visor. pop off king!
Floyd: beneath the waves
u know yuno miles? composer of such hits like dookie on my shoe and lay an EGG? floyd makes That.
someone invites him on stage to freestyle as a joke and he pulls the best freestyle rap you have ever seen. it is so fire the room starts smoking. did we order a fog machine? no? well shit. someone asks him to do it again and he says 'nah'
Kalim: The Sultan. Son of Song
i know he can sing but my mind says vegetales
someone pitches the name to him and hes like haha sounds cool! not slavemastercore at all :D (dont come for me)
Jamil: Viper
another lad who cannot be assed, but viper sounds cool so he wins this round.
makes the most angry diss tracks while making eye contact with kalim. kalim cheers.
Vil: Vil Schoenheit
he is boring and professional and it is the name listed in the credits for his next musical production.
Epel: Big Apple
im sorry about ur name epel
very angry. why is everyone is so angry.
Rook: The Hunter
leans into the french thing. uncomfortable sexual lyrics. not uncomfortably sexual, but like. uncomfortable and also sexual. "I could smell you from across the room The smell of your sweet perfume Your body covered in white lace Compels me to take chase, la chasse" (lyrics by @twsty-mad)
Idia: Gl00my Samurai
steve aoki
will mix orchestral soundtracks into his edm for optimal gaming experience
yes i did rip his gaming handle. i think for all he is people avoidant he would like people to recognize his prowess as an artist of game And song
Ortho: Soundboard
is how idia makes music
Malleus: m.d.
leonacore in that he doesnt post often but when it hits it hits. dark melancholy rap vibes.
uses his initials like when he signed off that christmas card maybe even has a song about that and how he keeps waiting for a reply. add a return address next time
literally No information about him online, gives off mysterious anonymous vibes. who is he! does anyone know his alt accounts! no fool. he doesnt have any. he doesnt even have twitter. i think he is happier for this.
Sebek: Retainer to the Prince of Briar Valley
this man will not relax.
raps but really bad.
classified as screamo on decibel alone
Silver: silver lining
lofi music you can wake up to
"please god let it work this time"
it doesnt
Lilia: D.I.L.F.
Destroy Invalidate Lie and an F or SOMETHING that stands for dilf that isnt dilf just to stress his son out.
gaslight gatekeep girlboss but like idk edgy
makes death metal bagpipe music to surprise to (edited) Made w/ @twsty-mad
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legionofmyth · 1 year
5 MORE Alternatives to Dungeons & Dragons
Are you looking for an amazing fantasy role-playing game? Here are five (more) alternatives to Dungeons & Dragons you don't want to pass up! #TTRPG #OSR #DnD5E #DnD #ACKS #CastlesAndCrusades #BasicFantasy #AdventurersDarkAndDeep #DungeonsAndDelvers
ALTERNATIVES TO DUNGEONS & DRAGONS I am back again with another list of good, nay, the best(!) alternatives to Dungeons & Dragons.  You see, no matter how GURPS and HERO System may try to convince you otherwise, there is no one-size-fits-all system or setting that’s perfect for everyone, and that includes Dungeons & Dragons. [Check out the first list of alternatives here.] In the previous list…
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bogambiance · 2 years
Eddie Munson is in the Upside Down and he’s wielding a homemade sword and a nail-studded shield against an interdimensional swarm of bats alongside a child.
The kid’s smart and capable of course. Still a kid all though, even with all his experience in alternate dimensions. Real ones, too, beyond those featured in the Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook. But if it had to be a child, Eddie’s glad it was Dustin.
Dustin Henderson was hilarious and annoying, so confident it came off rude and unbelievably clever — the little brother Eddie always wanted. Not that he was ever going to tell the kid that. At least not until Dustin graduated or something, and Eddie was struggling to figure out what to put in the card besides $15 cash.
He wished Dustin didn’t have to be there at all. He shouldn’t be, really. He was so young. Eddie wished he was capable of executing the distraction himself, without having to endanger anyone else. He wished he was brave enough to at least try. But as it was, it was him and a 14-year-old nerd doing their part to save the world.
Not the worst odds he’d ever gone up against.
There are other ways they could’ve called the bats, but back in Eddie’s real trailer Robin had pointed to the amp and smiled. “I bet there’s nothing in Hawkins louder than Eddie Munson on guitar.”
Steve had laughed quietly, like he thought Eddie might take offense. Max had snorted, her faithful headphones hanging around her neck and blasting Kate Bush. She was afraid and trying not to show it. Lucas had tried to amend Robin’s statement, saying “walking right into Vecna’s house and putting on a free show? Isn’t he the bad guy?”
It was sweet. That’s what his new friends were, overwhelmingly so — sweet. Smart. Bloodthirsty. Thoughtful. Funny. Vicious. Wholly unexpected. Eddie was embarrassed by how good it felt to be liked by them.
He wondered if he and Robin would hang out after all this; if she would come out to him on her own or if he would have to go first. It would probably be Eddie. He wasn’t especially patient.
He wondered how long Steve was going to hold onto his vest. He’d left Army Surplus with it stuffed into one of those plastic Thank You, Have a Nice Day! bags, but didn’t give it back. Instead Steve made brief eye contact with him before tucking it away, looking nervous like he’d been caught sneaking dessert. There’s something there, Eddie thought. Something in the lingering glances and the lack of personal space and the charged comments.
But strangely, Eddie was mostly wondering about Hellfire. Sitting on the roof of his not-trailer in an alternate dimension while he waited for a flashlight signal from an 11-year-old to call upon demobats, he thought about the future of his beloved club. What would become of it? Would they have to change the name after all that happened? Would people everywhere stop playing D&D because they were afraid of the devil?
What a silly thing to be afraid of, he thought. Eddie had seen the devil, had watched it crack bones and steal eyes. And it hadn’t needed a role-playing game to do it. He hoped that if he left Hellfire in good hands, it could make a comeback.
Eddie looked at Dustin sitting there next to him in his stupid fucking knight outfit and asked what kind of campaign he would run if he was a dungeon master. Dustin’s face lit up, and the way he went on Eddie knew he’d been thinking about it for a long time. His plans were so detailed, going beyond the narrative to include hand-painted minis, ambient music for battles, and even props. It made Eddie smile, and he decided that when this was all over he’d show Dustin how to run Hellfire.
But his musing were cut short by the signal, and when Eddie stood up to grab his guitar his hands were shaking. But Dustin? Dustin knelt down to turn his amp up, and he almost looked excited. Eddie wasn’t like him or the rest of these battle-weary soldiers — he was afraid. Terrified, even, deep down to his bones. He didn’t want to be there and he didn’t want to see the demobats again and he absolutely didn’t want to taunt them, to offer himself up as a sacrifice to their terrible jaws. It made him freeze, that fear. But then Dustin gave him a thumbs up and even though he was mind-numbingly afraid, Eddie moved.
“Chrissy,” he whispered to himself. “This one’s for you.”
Eddie started Master of Puppets like he hadn’t only been learning it for a handful of weeks, made it sound easy and powerful and sick as fuck, if he could say so himself. Playing it felt more important than anything else he’d done in his life. Maybe it was; they were trying to save the world after all. Then the swarm appeared.
Everything happened so fast after that. The next thing he knew, Eddie was getting ready to crawl back through the ceiling to safety. He’d done it, him and Dustin. Their part was complete. Now it was up to his friends to do the rest.
His friends.
Eddie paused where he was holding the knotted sheets. The bats threw themselves against the tin trailer, making a dull thumping sound that overwhelmed all other noise. Dustin was staring up at him, waiting for him to follow. Eddie figured that as soon as they left the Upside Down, the bats would know. They would sense it and retreat to the house, their hive mind like nerve endings all leading back to Vecna.
Eddie thought about Vecna’s gnarled skin and reality-bending power, vile and terrible and more lethal than an atomic bomb. He thought about Chrissy Cunningham, standing in his living room so beautiful and sweet one moment and then bending until she broke the next. He thought about running away after, about not even checking if she was still alive or calling an ambulance before he booked it. He thought about how much was riding on this stupid, doomed plan of theirs. He thought about his friends all doing far more dangerous things than he was, be it invading the monster’s lair or being invaded by the monster themselves. He thought about a town that hated him but a few wonderful, stupid, foolhardy people who loved him — about Wayne, about Gareth and Jeff, and about all the morons risking their lives alongside him. 
He looked up at Dustin where he was safely deposited in the right side up. The kid’s gonna be okay, Eddie told himself. He would get to be dungeon master, and then grow up to be a rocket scientist or something, probably. He would live a long, full, happy life. Eddie was going to make sure of it.
Before he could think better of it, the 20-year-old reached up and sliced the rope. His heart fell just as the line did, his only exit going slack and dropping into his hands. But it was too late to turn back now.
“What are you doing?” Dustin yelled.
“Buying some time.” 
Eddie ran out of the house and threw himself onto Mike Wheeler’s bike, his heart pounding as the demobats screeched. He peddled as fast as he could, hoping beyond all reason that he would outrun these things. It was stupid, really, and he knew that. But he had to try — had to do all he could to make this plan work, to ensure his friends’ safety, to buy them just a little more time.
And he did. With his help, Nancy, Steve, and Robin got to Vecna and made that motherfucker pay. They burned him beyond recognition and shot his corpse until he was little more than a pile of flesh. Finally defeated, the creature would be forced to exit Max’s mind once and for all. She would fall, safe and unharmed, into Lucas’ waiting arms.
At least that’s what Eddie told himself as he stared up into the dank, gooey darkness of the Upside Down sky and bled out. He knew that’s what was happening, had known since the demobat bit into his neck artery. But what was there to do? By the time they all fell around him like birds in a plague, it was too late. He tasted ash and copper and the miserable slime that covered everything in this hellhole, and tried to keep still. He heard his heartbeat, which had thumped so hard while he fought, begin to falter. He watched his blood, which had been pouring out of him when he fell, slow to a dribble. He felt his wounds, unbearably painful only moments ago, go cold and fuzzy, like a limb fallen asleep. Eddie thought falling asleep didn’t sound too bad right then. Just for a second, he told himself, then I’ll get up and go home.
But then he heard Dustin screaming, and he opened his eyes. That stupid fucking twerp, how did he get back through the gate? The 14-year-old’s face appeared above his, and Eddie was ashamed to be relieved. He’d done this to help Dustin, not put him in more danger. But he was glad he wasn’t alone.
“Eddie, Eddie,” Dustin panicked, hands frozen above his mentor’s quickly paling body. “Oh God, Eddie!”
“Bad, huh?” He tried to joke.
“No, you’re gonna be fine,” Dustin lied. “Just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?”
“All right, all right,” he said to himself, grabbing Eddie’s shoulders and dragging him onto his lap.
“I think...”
“Come on,” Dustin begged. He touched a wound and his fingers came away with blood.
“I think I just...I think I just need a second, okay?” Eddie said. He wished Dustin wasn’t here to see him like this, didn’t want the kid to watch him die.
“Okay,” Dustin choked, moisture filling his eyes.
Eddie knew but didn’t care that it was self-indulgent when he asked, “I didn’t run away this time, right?”
“No,” Dustin cried. Tears rolled down his cheeks, still round with youth. “No, no, no. You didn’t run.”
Eddie smiled. That made him feel brave, finally. He just hadn’t realized it would cost him so much. “You’re gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?”
“No, you’re gonna do that yourself.”
“Nah man,” Eddie shook his head as much as he could, which wasn’t a lot. His body wasn’t really responding anymore. “Say I’m gonna look after them. Say it.”
“I’m…” Dustin was fully sobbing then, but managed to choke out, “I’m gonna look after them.”
“Good, cause I’m actually gonna graduate.” Eddie chuckled weakly at the idea. It was a little funny. “I think it’s my year Henderson.”
Dustin nodded hard, his hands gripping Eddie so tightly that it would’ve hurt, if he could still feel things. He took a long moment to form his next sentence, the words almost getting lost in the blood that gurgled in his throat. “I think it’s finally my year.”
With what little strength he had left, Eddie reached up to squeeze Dustin’s arm — his heir, his friend, his brother. “I love you man.”
“I love you too,” Dustin assured him. Eddie believed that. But he hoped that at some point Dustin would forget this day.
“Eddie?” Dustin called, and Eddie didn’t understand why he was yelling. He was right there. He could hear Dustin fine, until he couldn’t. “Eddie? Eddie! Come on, Eddie!”
Dustin’s voice faded, fainter and fainter as the sky lightened. The Upside Down melted away and left there on ground was Eddie, suddenly 13 again. He and Wayne had just moved into the trailer park and all their things were still in boxes. His uncle had sent him outside to run off some energy before he continued “helping” so Eddie had sprinted to the entrance of the the park. He’d returned exhausted, his chest heaving, and fell onto his back in their new yard where his body was cushioned by the tall, soft grass. Just inside he could hear Wayne mumbling along to the Grateful Dead, accompanied by the clank of ceramic as he put away the dishes. The air was thick and heavy with summer heat, smelling like the dirt road he’d been running on and pollen from the woods. He was being cradled by the earth beneath him, by the hot sun above, by the enormity of new possibility stretching out before him in this new place, in his new home of Hawkins, Indiana.
Eddie stared up into the endless, impossible blueness of August sky and thought about all that could come next. He forgot what he had been doing before lying down, but he figured he must be closing his eyes because the light was fading. That’s okay, he thought, I’m tired anyway. Wayne would come wake him up when it was time for dinner. Eddie stopped fighting the encroaching blackness and instead focused on the sound of the radio intertwined with his uncle’s comforting voice where it drifted out through the open window. 
But if you fall, you fall alone If you should stand, then who's to guide you? If I knew the way I would take you home
Eddie smiled to himself. He felt the tall grass tickle his exposed skin, the summer sun warm his cold body, the gentle breeze sift through his dark curls, and then nothing.
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ashchen0527 · 8 months
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/50708986"><strong>Fatal Attraction</strong></a> (9862 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/zorosword"><strong>zorosword</strong></a><br />Chapters: 3/30<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/One%20Piece%20(Live%20Action%20TV%202023)">One Piece (Live Action TV 2023)</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/One%20Piece%20(Anime%20*a*%20Manga)">One Piece (Anime &amp; Manga)</a><br />Rating: Not Rated<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro, Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy/Vinsmoke Sanji, Kaya/Usopp (One Piece), Coby/Helmeppo (One Piece), Nami & Vinsmoke Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy & Usopp & Coby<br />Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami (One Piece), Usopp (One Piece), Coby (One Piece), Monkey D. Garp, Arlong (One Piece), Buggy (One Piece), Dracule Mihawk, Aka Ashi no Zeff | Red-Leg Zeff, Kuina (One Piece)<br />Additional Tags: Alternative Universe - No Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Gay Monkey D. Luffy, Gay Roronoa Zoro, Demisexual Roronoa Zoro, Bisexual Vinsmoke Sanji, Lesbian Nami (One Piece), Trans Coby (One Piece), Gay Coby, Asexual Coby, Pansexual Usopp, Threesome - M/M/M, Polyamory, NOT a love triangle 'cause I hate that shit, they're two years older than they were during first season/East Blue arc, so Luffy is 19 while Zoro and Sanji are 21, Roronoa Zoro and Vinsmoke Sanji Bickering, Protective Roronoa Zoro, Protective Vinsmoke Sanji, these two are just very whipped for Luffy what can I say, Monkey D. Luffy is a Ray of Sunshine, Enemies to Lovers, Sort of? - Freeform, also I'm a new fan of the live action and I still haven't touched the anime or manga, Boys In Love, Boys Kissing, btw if u can read this visualizing the live action cast that'd be neat, bc I wrote this thinking abt them, like they're all super cute and hot and sweet and I'm in love sorry, I'm Bad At Titles, also kinda bad at summaries, Internalized Biphobia, coming to terms with sexuality, Zoro got that dawg in him<br />Summary: <p>A hitman with an uncommon code of conduct and a thief with a dream he carries since childhood. The two cross paths when a powerful criminal hires the both of them to get close to the grandson of the East Blue's police chief in order to find out where he keeps a valuable item of his. And in the case of one of them, to also take his life.</p><p>Except they don't know why the other is there in the first place, setting a cold race so one of the two can get his job done first.</p><p>Circumstances change when they develop feelings for their target. And maybe for each other.</p>
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mushrubes · 2 years
27 | Hero
I was made for lovin’ you
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Pairing : Eddie Munson x (they/them) Henderson! reader
Summary : The group go ahead with the plan, it all going well until it slightly backfires due to Dustin, Eddie and Y/n underestimating the bats, will Eddie decide to run or be a hero and face it?
Word count : 2k
The ride to the Creels was tense. Everyone geared up, all their supplies at the ready, no one daring to say a word. Steve and Nancy were still up front, Erica, Lucas and Max behind and then Dustin, Y/n, Eddie and Robin all squeezed in at the back. Dustin was hugged up to Y/n, their right arm around his shoulders while their left hand was intertwined with Eddie's squeezing it tightly. Steve pulled up, Erica, Lucas and Max all climbing out after Y/n hugged them all, sending smiles to the others as they all anxiously hoped this plan would work out. That they wouldn't lose anyone, no one would be massively injured, and they could finally cure Max and clear Eddie's name. Max and Y/n looked at each other knowingly one last time as they both felt Vecna's presence, knowing he wasn't going down easily. Steve took one last glance at the three and everyone else before he set off again, towards Eddie's trailer.
"Okay. I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one?" Nancy breathed out, just wanting to make sure everyone knew the plan. "We meet Erica at the playground, she'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Robin finished, Nancy nodding and taking a deep breath before continuing. "Phase two?" she questioned, fiddling with the flashlight in her hands, trying to keep herself calm. "Max baits Vecna, He'll go after her, which'll out him in his trance." Steve finished. "Phase three?" she wondered, looking over at Eddie, Dustin and Y/n who were sat at the back. "Me, Dustin and Eddie draw the bats away." Y/n replied, Eddie pulling them closer to him and ruffling Dustin’s hair. "Four?" She continued asking, looking back at Steve and Robin. "We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and... flambe." Robin said, shaking the liquid in her hand. "Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy instructed, all of them nodding and heading out to the trailer where the gate was, taking turns to go through the gate and get all the needed weapons through safely.
"Hey, guys, listen, if things start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort, okay? Draw the attention of the bats, keep them busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-" Steve lectured, Dustin rolling his eyes. "Decoys. Don't worry, you can be the hero, Steve." he huffed, nodding along. They said their goodbyes before Nancy, Robin and Steve headed off and Y/n, Dustin and Eddie went back inside the trailer, grabbing things and blocking the windows up before they got the signal saying phase two so the three went to go get everything needed to distract the bats.
"Jesus Christ…It's like, she was destined for an alternate dimension." Eddie said in awe, walking over and picking up his guitar. "What do you say, Hendersons? Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" he grinned, both of them grinning straight back at him. "Is that a rhetorical question?" Y/n smirked as he kissed their cheek before putting the guitar strap over him. "Let's do it." he grinned, heading outside as Y/n grabbed his amp and Dustin followed behind. They carefully got on the roof of the trailer, Eddie helping Y/n up and then Dustin once he had sorted the plug out. 
"Copy that! Initiating phase three!" Dustin responded, Y/n connecting the wires and the amp whining, signifying it was on. "Chrissy, this is for you!" they cheered, Eddie taking a big gulp before starting. Dustin and Y/n crouched down near the amp, a smile appearing as Y/n recognised the song - 'Master of Puppets'. They held in a chuckle as they saw Dustin looking at him in awe, bopping his head in time to the guitar, Y/n wrapping an arm around Dustin and holding him close to them. "Here they come!" they alerted, seeing the bats in the distance starting to swarm together, getting ready to approach the sound coming from the guitar. The pair of them watched, head banging along with Eddie, Y/n taking a deep breath as they saw Steve, Nancy and Robin head into the woods and keeping themself calm, hoping they'd be fine, and Max was currently fine. The bats got closer and closer, their shrieks quickly becoming louder by the second. Dustin looked over, pressing the binoculars to his face, his smile disappearing. "Eddie! We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" Dustin shouted over, as he nodded, quickly carrying on and bracing himself.
"T-minus 20!" Dustin bellowed, Eddie still shredding his guitar and biting his lip, trying to keep himself under control. "T-minus 10!" Dustin informed, grabbing onto Y/n's hand and gripping it tightly, almost cutting off the blood circulation. "Five!" Dustin started counting down, his foot nervously tapping on the spot. "One!" he shrieked, Eddie finishing before they ushered down, quickly heading back into the trailer before the bats grabbed them, Eddie only just making it inside behind them as a couple landed on the roof and around the trailer. The three panted, trying to gain their breath back before looking at each other. "Dude! most metal ever!" Dustin hollered excitedly, Y/n grinning and nodding, laughing as they watched the two males jump up and down and almost squeal. The ceiling and walls started banging, the bats trying to get inside making them all quickly grab a shield and spear each, standing back to back in the middle of the trailer. 
"Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?" Dustin shouted, earning a slap and scolding from both Y/n and Eddie. "Shh! Is that really necessary?" Y/n questioned, looking at their brother in disgust and disappointment. "They're on the roof..." Eddie told them, Dustin muttering curse words underneath his breath. There was a vent on the roof, the three of them slowly moving towards it as the banging and shrieking stopped. "They can't get through there, can they?" Dustin asked, just before one broke through, shrieking at them, causing all of them to yell. They immediately all shoved their spears at it, stabbing the bat numerous times and chanting 'die!'. "Eddie! We need you!" Dustin shouted as he saw him stop and walk over, grabbing something near the wall. "Move out the way!" he called, placing a chair and standing on it before holding his shield up and covering the hole. "Oh shit...holy shit." he panted, looking back at the pair. "Are there any other vents?" Y/n worried, Eddie's face dropping as he jumped off the chair. "Oh shit." he breathed out.
They were too late, the bats already managing to break through the one in his room, causing them to quickly change direction and run back as Eddie shut the door. "That's not gonna hold!" Dustin yelled, watching the bats already start to break through. "Let's go! Let's go!" Eddie yelled, Y/n telling Dustin to go up first before they followed after him, landing with a grunt. "Eddie! Come on!" Y/n called, looking up at him, worried for his safety. "Eddie come on! Let's go! Eddie, you're so close!" Dustin shouted, urging him to hurry up. They saw him pause, Y/n seeing the look in his eyes and a bad feeling filling their gut. "Eddie Munson, don't you dare!" they shouted over to him, seeing him get off. 
"Eddie, no! Eddie, stop!" the siblings shouted as he cut the rope, moving the mattress. Y/n hurried over to the cupboard, getting more sheets out and quickly tying it to the other rope. "Stop! Stop!" Dustin cried, holding his hands behind his head. "I'm buying more time!" he called up, a tiny bit of guilt filling him as he saw both of their faces, their eyes watering and threatening to fall any minute. "Eddie please!" Dustin begged as he ran away, Y/n looking pissed off and chucking the rope back through.  "I'm coming with you." Dustin said as he watched them climb up, stopping midway and looking at him with wide eyes. "Dustin, no! I can't risk losing you too!" they tried to plead but saw Dustin not changing his mind. "You're not going in there alone!" he argued, Y/n grimacing and nodding, heading back in and grunting as they hit the hard floor, Dustin following in after.
Eddie grabbed one of the bikes and cycled into the clear area, trying to lead the bats away from the trailer. "Come get me, you sons of bitches!" Eddie yelled, Y/n pushing the door open and heart dropping as they saw the bats all swarming after him. "Shit." they breathed out, eyes widening. "What on Earth is he doing-" they started as they saw him get off the bike and stand in the middle, all of them surrounding him. Their heart dropped and they felt the world stop as they saw him drop to the ground, almost all of them landing on top of him, wrapping their tails and biting him from all angles. They wasted no time in running over, ignoring Dustin's pleading calls to come back and wait for the swarm to disappear. Most had flown away, heading away from both the trailer and the creels, allowing them to fight off the ones still left with the spear and shield. "Fuck you!" they grunted with every hit before stabbing and pulling the last one which was strangling him away. "You idiot! What were you thinking, Eddie!" they scolded, placing a hand on his cheek as they took in what had happened and how he looked, Dustin now joining them. They took off their jacket, tearing at the material and wrapping some around him, trying to stop the wounds from making him bleed out, most of it stopping but a couple bleeding out still - enough for them to worry about him possibly bleeding out.
"Oh god, Eddie." Dustin breathed out as he kneeled down on the other side. Eddie withered around, eventually giving up as he was too tired. "Bad, huh?" he groaned out, trying to make a joke. "No, no, no, no, you're going to be fine., we just gotta get you to a hospital." Dustin assured, catching glimpse of the other three returning. "Steve!" he yelled, getting the brunettes attention who ran over as fast as he could, making his way through the vines. "I didn't run away this time, right?" he breathed out, smiling at Y/n who currently held him in their arms. "No, no, no, no. The one time you were meant to, you didn't, you didn't run." they assured, Eddie's hand coming up to wipe their tears as they quietly sobbed. "You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay? Along with Dustin and Mike." He spat out, Y/n vigorously shaking their head. "No, you're gonna do that yourself." Dustin interrupted, denying him as Eddie disagreed, his eyes almost half shut. "Say 'I’m gonna look after them.'" He asked Dustin who still shook his head, Steve still not there, being across the other side of the trailer park. "I'm...I'm gonna look after them." Dustin gave in as Y/n tried helping Eddie up, getting him to sit up at least. 
"Good...cause I'm actually gonna graduate, I think it's my year, Dustin. I think it's...finally my year." he struggled to get out, Steve still not here making Y/n hyperventilate and Dustin worry even more. "Y/n/n? We still on for our...our date on Friday?" Eddie spat out, chuckling weakly. "Obviously, you idiot! As long as you don't die on me." they smiled, tears streaming down their face. Their heart dropped as they got no response. "I love you, sweetheart. And I love you, Dustin." he sniffed, the light in his eyes dropping making Y/n grip onto him tighter and Eddie intertwine his hand with his. "I love you too, Eds. We both do..." they muttered, gripping onto him. Their hearts dropped as they saw him almost go fully limp, his eyes shut, and his pulse seemingly get slowly. "Steve! Hurry! We need to get him to the hospital!" Dustin called, the three immediately running over as they realised what had happened. 
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kevrocksicehouse · 1 year
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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3.
D: James Gunn (2023). 
The secret surprise of James Gunn’s latest and last go-round with the dysfunctional gutter outlaws turned grungy cosmic superheroes, is the director’s heart. It was always there – the first two movies, in which a talking tree (v. Vin Diesel) that communicates by a million different inflections of “I am Groot”; Rocket (v. Bradley Coooper), a genetically modified raccoon mashup of Buck Rogers and Ratso Rizzo; team leader (and goofus savant) Peter “Star Lord” Quill (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana) “the deadliest woman in the galaxy” (actually a time variant of the Gamora that was killed in the last Avengers saga who has no emotional connection to the team or her romance with Quill) and her sister Nebula (Karen Gillian) both children of galactic scourge Thanos; Drax (Dave Bautista) a super-strong warrior who alternates between dim-witted and other-witted; and Mantis (introduced in Vol. 2 and played by Pom Klementieff), Quill’s half-sister and empath: stumbled into becoming a team were a sterling “you make your own family” story disguised as it’s opposite. But Gunn’s ability to evoke pathos even while making fun of it is both fine-tuned and amped up. At his best he suggests Steven Spielberg as a Farrelly brother.
The movie feels clunky and overstuffed at first, as Gunn tries to juggle all of these characters and more but after Rocket is seriously injured in a kidnapping attempt masterminded by The High Evolutionary (the mad geneticist who created him played with cruel savagery by Chukwudi Iwuji) and the team has to find the computer code that can save him, the film finds it’s footing, alternating a race-against-time rescue quest with flashbacks to Rocket’s origin that Gunn turns into a grim fairy tale of young animals trying to survive a life defined by sadistic experimentation. The flashbacks give both the characters and the story a new emotional depth that colors the action and laughs (which are abundant). This is almost certainly Gunn’s last Marvel movie for some time and it’s a little poignant that he’s ending the franchise on such a high note. The dysfunctional clowns self-appointed to protect the cosmos will leave you with a smile on your face and a tear in your eye.
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huggybug · 2 years
so apparently sakic wanted miro over makar during the draft but since the stars got miro at 3rd pick they went with makat at 4 (https://milehighsticking.com/2020/06/24/colorado-avalanche-look-back-cale-makar-selection/amp/)
do u realize that if the circumstances was different the canucks would’ve landed makar since he was their top choice and petey was the second (at least according to some dudes on twitter) and with that petey wouldve landed in the ranger’s lap like they were expecting him to since no one expected him to go up that high during his draft year (like apparently they traded with ari since they wanted petey and petey was expected in range 6-20 during the draft)
idk abt the stars or vgk but the list wouldve gone like this
1. nico
2. nolan
3. idk who maybe glass or mittelstadt???
4. heiskinen
5. makar
6. dk who again glass or mittelstadt???
7. pettersson
in an alternate universe where the stars didnt draft miro, makar wouldve been a canuck and pettersson a ranger. 😤
this was a lot to take in.
ok but imagine quinn and cale together like that would be so insane even though they probably wouldn’t play together because schenn and quinn but cale would work so well with our d and we would be in such a better place if our defense was stronger omg but also i would be so sad if we didn’t have petey😭 but then again we’d have cale….
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