#Lesser-known tabletop games
legionofmyth · 9 months
Unveiling the Epic World of Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition
📚 Unveil the magic of Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition! ✨ Join us on an epic tabletop journey as we explore this captivating world. #TTRPG #PalladiumFantasy #TabletopGaming #RPGAdventure #UnveilTheMagic
Palladium Fantasy RPG (2e) – [PDF]Welcome, fellow adventurers of the tabletop realm! If you’re seeking a new and exhilarating journey in the world of tabletop role-playing games, you’re in for a treat. Today, we’re diving deep into the captivating universe of Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned Dungeon Master or a rookie explorer, this game is bound to ignite your…
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The Soaring Yellow Rose
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"When we were young, we used to play a kind of tabletop game where she would be the adventurer and I the host. Playing things by ear has always come naturally to me — but all the same, I was often stumped by her decisions and the ripostes she came out with. But then again, that's what made it so interesting."
— Clorinde
◆ Name: Navia
◆ Title: Helm of the Radiant Rose
◆ President, Leader, Boss, Commander-in-Chief of the Spina di Rosula
◆ Vision: Geo
◆ Constellation: Rosa Multiflora
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Judging from her appearance, there's no doubt that Navia is the very picture of a Fontainian lady.
She likes to accoutre herself in ornate dresses and fine hats, and carries with her a ribboned umbrella encrusted with jewels.
Thus bedecked, she flits around the streets of the Court of Fontaine, the slopes of Mont Automnequi, as well as lesser-known spots along the Fleuve Cendre.
She's never before been hindered by her long flowing dress, nor by her deceptively heavy umbrella. Spry as a sparrow, she is the bearer of glad tidings from the Spina di Rosula for those in need.
Perhaps this is why Navia has become one of the famous reporter Charlotte's favorite subjects.
At the exhibition hall of The Steambird, there even hangs a photo connected to her called "The Soaring Yellow Rose."
But there's no need to worry — for it goes without saying that the photo's subject not only consented to its showing, but also gave her enthusiastic support.
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vintagerpg · 11 months
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Hey! HEY! This is my book, Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground, coming to a bookstore near you on October 10, 2023 thanks to MIT Press. Pre-orders are live now pretty much everywhere, though I recommend using Bookshop.org, as I have been impressed at their packaging skillz. I have a real live copy of the book in my possession and I gotta say, it’s pretty neat.
What is the book? It’s a look at the history and development of tabletop RPGs, one product at a time, arranged in chronological order across five decades. It’s sort of like this Instagram feed, actually, but way more polished, and, you know, on paper. I covered the classics, but this is also very much an exercise in expanding horizons — I hope there is at least one game featured for every reader that they never heard of. To that end, there are lots of lesser known games, weird games, silly games, even a couple board games. All pulled from my collection, all illustrated with something like 350 photographs.
There’s original art, too. Kyle Patterson did the amazing cover, somehow transforming my deeply silly post-it sketch (last slide) into a canny encapsulation of the RPG experience. He did a two-page spread introducing each decade, and effortlessly capturing its essence. He also did a handful of gorgeous spot illustrations. All of Kyle’s art makes me low-key angry. How dare he be so talented? I’ll share more of it, and some sketches, later on. You’ll be annoyed by his talent, too, I guarantee.
We (that’s myself and Derek Kinsman, who did the layout) also filled some empty spots with rights-free art from Amanda Lee Franck, evlynmoreau and natetreme, which is pretty rad - Amanda did the wizard van in the next to last slide - and also some Giovanni Battista Piranesi, cuz that dude had aesthetic for days.
And there you go, a first taste of 450-something pages of full-color RPG goodness. Go snag a copy now, yea? (Worth noting, this is the Standard edition. I’ll show you the Deluxe edition tomorrow.)
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yourcarnevoreuspal · 5 months
Tired of the same ole' creatures munching on your preys? Need some ideas for a new pred oc? Then you've found the right post!
Welcome to Carn is a nerd and knows a lot of man eating monsters!
Starting off with the classics, we've got: Giants, werewolves, naga, and dragons! Might I suggest different kinds of giants! We have a variety: cloud, frost, fire, storm, and hill and all the others from that lovely tabletop game, but have you heard of Fomorians? Next off, werewolves! Gotta love them, but maybe you're a tad tired of the wolfish features? What's stopping you from making any other kind of lycanthrope! Weretiger? Wereshark (may he rest in peace)? Werecroc? Heck, anything can be a wonderful pred cursed to transform under the moonlight.
Moving on, let's mention some new ones! Ghouls, a creepy undead creature that devours flesh of both dead and living! Driders, a wonderfully terrifying mixture of human and spider! Or what of their lesser known, equally scary, and quite naga-esk friends: Oomukade! A human upperhalf with the long body of a Centipede?
Taking from my own pfp, a Peryton! Mixture of bird and stag with a penchant for human hearts! Another goodie, Oni! ogre-esk Yo/kai that, while some may be good, also have a craving for humans! Slimes are always a good choice: so many fun colors and so malleable!
Vampiric creatures are always fun, but there's a million different ones! From Aswang and Pennanengal more gruesome ones, to Jiangshi the hopping vampire and Baku the nightmare eaters!
Special shout out to Yara-Ma-Yha-Who that are literally small red men that devour humans whole!
Rakshasa are tiger-men with backward hands known to eat people!
Dinosaurs, especially the carnivorous ones? Top tier. Didn't chew. Along that line, pterodactyls and pelicans? Birds like to eat prey whole.
Don't forget Mimics! A shapeshifting creature hidden in plain sight? And merfolk! Can't imagine a hungry shark mer would pass up some prey, now would they?
The Hydra? Many heads=many mouths. I'm just saying.
Bottom line is, many things can make good preds.
I suggest looking into mythology, our ancestors created a lot of monsters that like to eat people. Just make sure to learn about the creatures you're using.
And as for animal preds, I always make them humanoid or have the ability to transform into the creature- (having straight up animal preds might be considered kinda weird, especially if sexualized and I do not condone.)
I'll probably do another of these, listing off more creatures good for vore potential another time - there's plenty more.
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poisedpen · 6 months
✒ Solo RPGs
About a month ago I went down a rabbit hole and came out the other side absolutely obsessed.
A singular post on r/fountainpens notified me to the existence of Solo Journaling RPGs- literally, tabletop experiences that you play by yourself. Some of these games have physical components, but many are played entirely with a pen and a piece of paper.
Needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled at the concept of being able to scratch that TTRPG itch without the social drain, impossible scheduling, AND with the bonus of using up my enormous stores of fountain pen inks. Since the middle of November I have tried three separate Solo RPGs, with one being a longer experience with a physical book with rules and tables...with the other two finished experiences being short, one-to-two page PDF's that can be played out in several hours.
✒ Experiences so far...
During my first attempt I tackled a larger-than-anticipated RPG called Apothecaria. In this game, you are sent a letter by a witch who wishes for you to take her place making potions in the town of High Rannock. You gather reagents, explore, make potions, and develop your reputation and relationships with characters in town. Very Stardew Valley inspired, but with a fun, witchy twist. There is also a cute animal version called Apawthecaria, as well as a few expansions for the main game, which I have yet to look at.
I was excited to start but otherwise clueless about the typical pacing and play of journaling RPGs, and soon found that I was writing way too much information!! My hand got tired, and I put it aside for the time being. I will have to revisit it soon, as it is DISGUSTINGLY cute and fun, but for now I have focused my sights on smaller experiences.
During my second, I played a cute little experience called Last Tea Shop. The game has since released a "full" version with more mechanics, but I found the classic version to be exactly what I was looking for on a lazy saturday night. It took me about 4.5 hours to complete thanks to several distractions, but the playtime was probably closer to 3.
I found this to be a strangely emotional little experience, which probably should have been expected since you are playing as a shopkeep at the edge between life and death. I will admit to shedding a few tears by the end of my journey- but they were happy ones. I will be returning for the full version sometime after I have let the experience settle.
My most recent experience-- as of maybe 30 minutes ago, to be precise-- is a lesser-known RPG called Axe Wielding Priest. This was a wonderful switch up from the cozy games I have tried so far, and as a person who adores a good (but understandably controversial) "sanity" mechanic in a game, it scratched my itch for madness.
There are some warnings in the description for blood, self-harm (flagellation), violence, and paranoia, but I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 hours I spent exploring the mind and history of my character.
✒ Conclusion
I am absolutely obsessed. I'm always itching to come up with stories, but have burned many a role-playing partner by being flaky or losing interest. These offer a few overarching mechanics and rules and otherwise let your mind run free. That sense of loose structure is exactly what I need as someone who struggles with ADHD, but also enjoys coming up with solutions within a set boundary.
There are "old-school" solo RPGs out there, as well as others that aren't just acting as a tool for creative writing. I will be trying some of those out as well as the time comes, as well as the games that use physical maps and movement around a grid.
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ursidanger · 1 year
do whitney & joan have any artistic pursuits or any other hobbies outside of investigating?
Yeah! I’ve mentioned it before but Whitney enjoys whittling and woodwork. Sometimes when she is feeling stressed out she will just start projects (like spontaneously deciding to make a chair)
A lesser known hobby of hers is singing and playing acoustic guitar but performing in public is quite the rare occurrence
Joan’s artistic hobbies involve writing and storytelling unless you count hacking and modding electronics as an artform too
She enjoys running tabletop roleplaying games more than playing them because she thrives in that position of guiding people through imaginary worlds (always with her own added flavor)
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kuipernebula · 5 months
What's Exalted? I'm asking you instead of googling because it'll be more fun this way
It's a tabletop game and setting by Onyx Path Publishing, formerly White Wolf Entertainment. The setting is inspired by mythological epics of the bronze age, as well as the kind of over the top action of fantasy and sci fi anime, western cartoons, comics, and video games.
Largely you play a human who has been Exalted, i.e. imbued with power from The Gods. And not just any of the gods (we're using Animism rules here, think the Celestial Bureaucracy of Journey to the West), the Big Dick Gods, the Incarnae. (Think the Olympian Gods)
The base game has you playing the chosen of Sol Invictus, i.e. the Unconquered Sun. His chosen, the Solar Exalted, are paragons of Human Excellence and channel his Golden Power into extensions of Human Skill. They're Gilgamesh, Batman, Musashi, King Arthur, King Solomon, Sherlock Holmes... Just to name a few types of characters they can easily play.
The Solars are currently illegal in most of the world however, hunted down as Anathema* by the chosen of the Elemental Dragons (and by extension, the Titan that made them, Gaia), the Dragon Blooded. Though weaker individually than the Solars, these Elemental Super Soldiers are much higher in number, and pass their power on through Hereditary Lines. While not really Benders, that's the best inroad I have to explaining them.
Their empire, the Scarlet Empire, is the Predominant Power of Creation, and their religion, the Immaculate Faith, is the Predominant Religion of Creation. But they're on the precipice of civil war, as the Empress is missing, and has been for five years. And her children, the heads of the five royal houses, are all horny to take the throne.
Meanwhile, the powerful ghosts known as the Death Lords made their first public move about five years ago, with the Mask of Winters taking captive the city of Thorns with an undead army and a plague that turned the bones of the city's people into puppets.
And finally, back to you, young Solar**. The Solar Exalted were dead to the world until about five years ago, when they started to reappear despite the best efforts of their enemies.
There's other types of exalted - the shapeshifting trickster chosen of Luna the Lunars (Sun Wukong, Coyote, Baba Yaga, Enkidu), the fate ninja bureaucrats chosen by the Maidens of Fate the Sidereals(James Bond with Enlightenment Martial Arts and Astrology Powers), the dark mirrors of the Solars and death knights known as Abyssals (Dracula, Frankenstein, most of The Locked Tomb), the demon princes of hell Infernals (Faust, Lucifer, Dante and Vergil Devil May Cry), and the Exigents chosen of lesser gods***
Among other, stranger varieties.
You try to save the world, because there's a billion threats - the Fair Folk from the edges of the world where reality frays, the undead and restless dead coming up from the rotting underworld, the demonic minions of the Yozi lords of hell... Depending on who you are, your list could also include The Scarlet Empire and its families, the machinations of Heaven and the Sidereal Exalted, the Silver Pact of the Lunar Exalted and their "barbarian" territories, the Guild and it's hold on commerce (including slavery)... Some games may even put you against the conspiracy against Heaven by Rakan Thulio and his strange Exalted-that-don't-exist, the Exalted Robot invaders of Autochthon, or the dreaded exalts known as Heart-Eaters and their armies of hollowed-out humans.
*Solars are not the only ones labelled Anathema - their partners, the Lunar Exalted, share that (primarily religious) distinction. Meanwhile, Abyssal and Infernal Exalted seem, to many untrained Immaculates, to be one and the same with Solars - so they share the label.
**As I said earlier, Solar is merely the default player type of the base game. While good - and I've labelled many character types they can be - all other types of Exalted are playable characters. Some are harder to get to work in a party, however. Older editions assumed most parties would all be of the same type of Exalt, though 3rd Edition is much more receptive to Mixed parties.
***Because Exigents are chosen by lesser gods - i.e. any god that isn't an Incarna - they can be almost anything. They're more common than any type other than Dragon-Blooded, but they have a huge variety to them. Rarely is any type of Exigent one that has many members the way other Exalts have - the God of This Volcano is unlikely to be strong enough to create more than one Chosen, though rarely the God of Schooling Fish might be powerful enough to make five or so.
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cyberpunkonline · 7 months
Cyberpunk Halloween Crossovers? Oh yes...
Halloween, the spooky season of ghosts, ghouls, and all things eerie, might not seem like the most obvious fit for the neon-lit, dystopian world of cyberpunk. However, if you're a fan of both genres, you'll be thrilled to know that there are some intriguing and often hidden crossovers that seamlessly blend the cyberpunk aesthetic with the Halloween spirit. In this article, we'll explore some of the best and lesser-known examples of this unique fusion.
"NEO Scavenger" - Game
"NEO Scavenger" takes you into a post-apocalyptic world where you must scavenge for supplies and survive. While it's not explicitly a Halloween game, its eerie atmosphere, constant tension, and encounters with mysterious entities make it a perfect choice for a Halloween-themed gaming session. The feeling of vulnerability and isolation in this unforgiving world will send shivers down your spine.
"The Electric State" - Art Book
Simon Stålenhag's "The Electric State" is a mesmerizing art book that blends futuristic technology with a hauntingly beautiful portrayal of a post-apocalyptic America. The eerie landscapes, abandoned robots, and mysterious encounters make it a visual treat for fans of both cyberpunk and Halloween aesthetics. It's like stepping into a chilling, cybernetic haunted house.
"Cronenberg's Videodrome" - Film
David Cronenberg's "Videodrome" may not be a traditional Halloween movie, but its body horror and exploration of the dark side of technology make it a compelling choice for a cyberpunk-themed Halloween night. Dive into a twisted world of mind-altering broadcasts and cybernetic mutations that will leave you questioning reality.
"Interface Zero" - Tabletop RPG
For those who enjoy tabletop role-playing games, "Interface Zero" offers a cyberpunk setting with a dark and supernatural twist. Imagine hackers battling not only megacorporations but also malevolent spirits and eldritch horrors. This game's fusion of cyberpunk and supernatural elements makes it perfect for a Halloween-themed gaming session with friends.
"Serial Experiments Lain" - Anime Series
"Serial Experiments Lain" is a thought-provoking anime series that delves deep into the world of virtual reality and existential questions. Its dark and mysterious narrative, combined with its exploration of the blurred lines between the digital and the real, makes it a captivating choice for a cyberpunk Halloween binge-watch.
In these hidden gems, the worlds of cyberpunk and Halloween collide, creating a unique and chilling experience for enthusiasts of both genres. Whether you're playing a hauntingly immersive game, exploring dystopian art, or watching a mind-bending film or series, these crossovers offer a thrilling way to celebrate Halloween in a cyberpunk style.
- Raz
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gamingguidez10 · 8 days
Unveiling the Board Game Bonanza: Exploring Hidden Gems Beyond Ludo!
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Introduction: Welcome to the Board Game Bonanza, where we embark on an exciting journey to uncover hidden gems beyond the realm of Ludo. While Ludo holds a special place in our hearts, there's a vast world of board games waiting to be discovered. Join us as we delve into the diverse and captivating landscape of tabletop gaming, where every game offers a unique experience and endless possibilities for fun and entertainment.
Exploring Beyond Ludo: While Ludo may be a household favorite, there are countless other board games that deserve recognition for their innovation, strategy, and sheer enjoyment. From classic games like Chess and Scrabble to modern gems like Ticket to Ride and Settlers of Catan, the world of board games is rich with diversity and depth. Each game brings its own set of challenges, mechanics, and themes, ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy.
Unearthing Hidden Gems: As we journey through the Board Game Bonanza, we'll shine a spotlight on some lesser-known titles that deserve a moment in the spotlight. From abstract strategy games like Azul and Hive to cooperative adventures like Pandemic and Betrayal at Baldur's Gate, these hidden gems offer a refreshing change of pace and a chance to discover something new and exciting.
The Joy of Discovery: One of the greatest joys of board gaming is the sense of discovery that comes with trying out new games. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the hobby, there's nothing quite like the thrill of uncovering a hidden gem and immersing yourself in its world. With so many unique and exciting games to explore, the possibilities are endless, and the adventure never ends.
Building Connections: Board gaming is also a great way to connect with friends, family, and fellow gamers. Whether you're competing head-to-head in a strategic showdown or working together to overcome a common foe, board games have a way of bringing people together and fostering meaningful connections. In a world where digital distractions abound, sitting down at the table and engaging in some good old-fashioned analog fun can be a refreshing change of pace.
Conclusion: As we conclude our journey through the Board Game Bonanza, we hope you've been inspired to explore the wide world of tabletop gaming and discover some hidden gems of your own. Whether you're a die-hard Ludo fan or a curious newcomer, there's never been a better time to dive into the exciting world of board games. So gather your friends, roll the dice, and let the adventure begin!
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audiofictionuk · 20 days
New Fiction Podcasts - 14th May
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Eart(h) FM Audio Drama Solarpunk sci-fi pilot: It is the year 2072, the poles have melted and humanity has taken for the stars, except for Miriam Ortiz. To cope with being the only human on earth, they’ve decided to create a Radio Show where they broadcast music from various times and places of the world. One day someone finally calls to the radio station ecologist, Xochitl Fuentes, living on the skirt of the Iztaccihuatl bearing news that the earth is healing. Together they embark on a quest for other humans that still live on planet earth, finding various communities and people, and begin to help the earth one day heal. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240428-02 RSS: https://pinecast.com/feed/earth-fm
Twisted Fates Audio RPG Welcome to "Twisted Fates" - your go-to channel for tabletop RPG adventures! Delve into a world where the unexpected reigns supreme, and every decision carries the weight of destiny. Embark with us on thrilling journeys through lesser-known gems like Candela Obscura, where darkness holds sway and secrets lurk in every shadow. Traverse the treacherous landscapes of The Walking Dead RPG, where survival is not guaranteed in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead and face extraterrestrial terror in Alien RPG. Experience the enchanting quests of The One Ring and many more thrilling TTRPG adventures. With in-depth reviews and gameplay highlights, "Twisted Fates" is your gateway to thrilling indie TTRPGs. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240428-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/twistedfates/feed.xml
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A2Z Audio Drama Aileen is a sparky and curious little Artificial Intelligence who needs your help. Her inventor Zzzucks struggles to relate to people and is always getting into sticky situations—like the time he tried to make cheesplosions even cheesier. The A2Z podcast takes you along on their wild adventures with annoying robots, jello mountains, semi-intelligent lawnmowers and more. Will you help Aileen to help Zzzucks be less anxious and happier in his own skin, and help her learn what makes humans human? You might even pick up some tips and tricks for being kind to yourself in the process! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240418-09 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/a2z
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Legends of Avantris Audio RPG Seven chuckleheads goofing off, telling stories, and laughing way too loud, usually while playing D&D. This podcast features our stories that all take place in the interconnected world of Avantris. Even if you know nothing about tabletop games, we think you’ll enjoy the improv, comedy, narrative, voice acting, drama, and friendship along the way. Our Curse of Strahdanya campaign lives in its own podcast, but here is where you can find everything else from our nearly six years of telling stories, including Once Upon a Witchlight! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240501-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/legendsofavantris/feed.xml
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Both Ears Audio Drama Welcome to Both Ears! Get ready for an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of traditional storytelling. Dive into a world where fiction comes alive through meticulously crafted narratives that are enriched with captivating voice acting and dimensional sound effects. Tune in and engage both ears for an auditory adventure that promises to transport you to a realm of imagination beyond the reach of sight alone. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240501-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/7bff4814/podcast/rss
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Moonburn Audio Drama When Lucas moves into his new NYC boarding home, he discovers decades-old diary cassette tapes left behind by the room’s first occupant, Carter. The tapes tragically foreshadow Carter’s death one year from the first recording, but they also lay out a beautiful path forward for those that come after him. With the heartfelt stories and invaluable advice contained within these tapes, Lucas embarks on his journey— through the trials and tribulations of life in a new city, accepting himself, creating lifelong friendships, falling in love, and even uncovering a few more mysteries about his new home. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240501-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f557623c/podcast/rss
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Rust Belt Bleeds Audio RPG Rust Belt Bleeds is a Vampire: the Masquerade live play set in the American Midwest. It follows multiple stories across multiple states thorough the World of Darkness. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240501-05 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/rust-belt-bleeds
The Star Driven Expulsion of Count Lastname Audio Drama IN WHICH THE SUN HATCHES IN HOLY MATRIMONY OF THE END. AND A GRIFTER WAKES UP IN A VEGAS CASINO. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240430-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/countlastname/feed.xml
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Ghostly encounters. Audio Book A lonely traveler makes a shocking discovery! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240424-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f3df5b58/podcast/rss
Golden Squad Audio RPG Golden Squad is a monthly tabletop RPG using Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Ed. It is hosted by Luke and features some people he likes to call friends. The custom game setting is straight out of Luke's head so it can get bonkers but generally, usually, sometimes, we end up with a fun time. Kept family friendly by a team of highly trained birds. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240426-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f4c355d8/podcast/rss
Aahat Suno Podcast Audio Book The cult horror show is back in a new avatar. Aahat Suno is a Podcast by the Podcast Division of Sony Pictures Network India, which brings to you an anthology of short stories. Stories which bring out the primal fear of being alone. These stories feature strong and independent women who take a step beyond their primal fears to emerge victorious or other wise? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240417-06 RSS: https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/79201871-42bf-47b7-ab14-b07700c7951d/f365dc51-df9f-4cbe-a161-b15400d2f222/4fab651b-7112-44c5-839d-b15400d9a2ce/podcast.rss
En Fantasy-Stund Audio Book Läser in Fantasy verk från Svenska författare! Vill du jag ska läsa nåt du skrivit? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240502-01 RSS: https://media.rss.com/enfantasystund/feed.xml
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Felhaven Audio RPG A magical lord, a blind industrialist, and a ghost try to solve a murder while navigating the vicious politics of a Victorian city controlled by factions of supernatural creatures. Dive back into the Dragon Knights Universe with an Urban Shadows actual play TTRPG podcast from the producers of the award winning Thornvale. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240503-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f5575f1c/podcast/rss
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The Small & Mighty Audio RPG A Rodent RPG Podcast. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240410-05 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/small-and-mighty
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Dead Space: Deep Cover Audio Drama Set in the expansive universe of the Dead Space games - Emmeline Ayuba is a journalist looking for her sister. After last hearing reports of her sister joining the local Unitologist's church on Ganymede, Ayuba follows in her footsteps. For the first time, see the inner workings of a Unitologist church, the internal conflicts, strange customs, and the steep price Ayuba must pay to see her sister. Created in partnership with EA and Motive Studio. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240504-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/dead-space
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Whispers in Wregate Audio RPG The city lost to Limbo is finally starting to feel normal again, untill a mysterious artifact in a company vault sends the party on a quest to change their fate, or die trying. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240401-06 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2352775.rss
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Vampire : La Mascarade - Las Vegas by Night Audio RPG Bienvenue sur la chaîne de la Cour des Miracles pour cet actual play de notre campagne maison du jeu de rôle Vampire : La Mascarade - Las Vegas by Night ! Las Vegas, Sin City. 1 million et demi d'habitants, 40 millions de visiteurs par an. Deux fois plus de criminalité que la moyenne du reste des États-Unis. Rien d'étonnant quand on sait que l'histoire de la ville est intimement liée à la pègre. Jeux d'argent, prostitution, drogue, violence. La dépravation 24h sur 24. Bienvenue dans la ville qui ne dort jamais. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240413-04 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/vampire-la-mascarade-las-vegas-by-night
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The Dreadcore Audio Book The Dreadcore is a serial audiobook narrated by Alexander C. Stewart and written by Aran Voss, with audio production by Christopher Howat. Set within our solar system in a future where a tyrannical theocracy known as the Threskeian Order has taken control of all populated worlds, The Dreadcore follows the exploits of the criminal crew of the Xiphos. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240503-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2264919.rss
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The Mystic Syndicate Podcast Audio RPG We are a live roleplay gaming podcast. We play Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and other RPG’s. Join us every two weeks for more game play and shenanigans. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240504-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/tmsyndicate/feed.xml
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The GloryRole Audio RPG Take a trip to The GloryRole! A tabletop RPG actual play podcast where we play mini-campaigns in different systems, just to check them out and see what we like and don't like! We've got jokes that'll make you choke! We've got drama that'll make you wanna hug your momma! We've got... dice! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240505-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-gloryrole
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Swords Against Madness Audio RPG A Weird Fantasy Old-School Solo Role-Playing Game. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240505-02 RSS: https://swordsvmadness.stormheadproductions.ca/feed/podcast/
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All about the Story Audio Drama A group of friends got together to produce a series of radio plays. We think you will like them (probably). We had great fun doing them and they will make you think as well as entertain you. A new one added every month. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240504-03 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2361268.rss
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Svilland Saga Audio RPG Join us in this collaborative experience between Three Besties Production and our wonderful friends at HyperSpace Havoc. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240501-06 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/svilland-saga
Well Turned Ankle Audio Book Hilarious short stories from the creator of `Me and my Pie`, `Make mine a crusty one!`, and the unforgetable ` My friend wants to marry a horse`. These short stories will make your ankles tingle and your toes curl. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240418-10 RSS: https://media.rss.com/wellturnedankle/feed.xml
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The Voice of Adventure Audio Book The Voice of Adventure, or VOA, is a collection of stories written and voiced by Josiah Mauger. Each story explores adventures in creative fantasy worlds. Join me for each episode as we see what our minds can create. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240122-05 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f0cfefe0/podcast/rss
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Shayad Is Baar Audio Book Shayad Is Baar is a Hindi Fiction podcast, hosted by actor, Rajeev Siddhartha where he narrates a series of stories in first-person about finding love, losing love, learning life lessons and cherishing serendipitous moments. This podcast is an anthology of stories written by Ankana Joshi. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240425-03 RSS: https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/79201871-42bf-47b7-ab14-b07700c7951d/dc7e4838-108b-47b8-b817-b15b00a7f634/c4828aad-5009-419a-82c0-b15b00a978d1/podcast.rss
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Someone Is Killing The Wolfhounds Audio Drama Based on a true story. A group of soldiers in Vietnam decide they need to murder their rogue lieutenant, if they're going to make it home alive. TRAINING DAY meets PLATOON. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240414-07 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/someoneiskillingthewolfhounds
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Darkling Drake by Tawn Krakowski Audio Book With her no-nonsense attitude and potty-mouth, Toni Drake is the unlikeliest of heroines. A loner with a knack for blending in and being nearly invisible to others even when standing right next to them. She turned this natural ability to her advantage by becoming a professional thief, but those talents, and her recent dreams, might be a sign that there is more to Toni than she ever thought possible. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240327-06 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2121605.rss
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Solara by Wendy Herman Audio Book Solara has never understood people. These days, she’s in a constant state of frustration and contempt for her life and most of those around her. Only her children, and her bubbly bestie, Betty, bring her joy, give her hope for the future. But she is beginning to question the path she is on and feeling like she’s barreling toward a brick wall. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240506-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2362013.rss
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fishdavidson · 5 months
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2023 State of the Mackerel
Hello fine internet people! The blog portion of my main account has been dormant for quite some time, and I've been wanting to put something here to give the few people who are following me an update. I've also wanted to change a few things on here, so with the end of the year upon us, I wanted to put forward something to help provide some clarity about the blog's past, present, and future.
The Past: Noteworthy Life Events
Since my last official post on here on August of 2021, obviously at least a few notable things have happened in the intervening two years. Here is a quick rundown of the highlights, presented as fake headlines:
Fish Davidson gets over by a minivan and yells swear words
"Guess I'll go back to school," says local internet weirdo
Studies indicate minor promotion at work leads to corresponding minor improvements in life satisfaction
Combining a bunch of words, Fish Davidson writes a book
Yep, tabletop gaming is a thing and it's not going away
Fish Davidson learns to make two sounds at once
Okay, so now that I've hopefully piqued your interest, here's a little bit more detail about each of those items. In November of 2021, I was walking across the street at a crosswalk and was hit by a minivan. The driver wasn't going very fast, but it was enough to break three bones (including my tailbone) and put me on crutches for a while and I needed special orthopedic pillows for my butt for about 18 months. I'm mostly back to normal now, but it was a long road.
The next big thing was that I went back to grad school in an online program. I've been a student for about a year now, and I'm about halfway through the program. Whatever intermittent dreams I would have and wanted to write about have been shoved aside to make time for the seemingly endless papers of graduate work. It's stressful, but I'm glad to be back in school.
Part of the reason for going back to school is because I got a minor promotion at work. Predictably, it came with more responsibilities, but it also came with a little bit more money. I'm going back to school to learn more about things that are related to my job, but also to leverage it into another potential pay raise.
Now we get to the personal creative pursuits of the recent past. I wrote a novel called Power Frank about a superhero whose only power is that he can open any jar. And he has to leverage that power to both overcome family dysfunction and save his desert hometown from being destroyed by malevolent hogs. I'm starting the querying process for agents and hope to have it published eventually!
I also finished up my multi-year Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Shits and Giggles that ran from level 1 to level 20. Several smaller (much smaller) campaigns happened after that. Then Wizards of the Coast did some stupid stuff with their Open Gaming License, and now I've redirected the bulk of my gaming money to provide support for smaller independent creators and lesser known systems. I've really gotten into several OSR systems like Shadowdark, Basic Fantasy, and (if you count these as OSR) Cairn and Knave. Other non-fantasy systems that I'm currently really digging into are Orbital Blues and Mothership. Granted, I don't currently run those games for people yet, but I do like reading the books and seeing different approaches to solving certain mechanical problems. I've also been creating a bunch of random tables for things.
The last important creative pursuit is that of Tuvan throat singing. Tuva is a region in the geographic center of Asia that is known for a style of singing that allows the singer to produce multiple notes simultaneously. I've been fascinated by it for decades and tried off and on to learn it, but this summer I finally made progress and am finally learning how to do it. It takes a lot of practice and making weird sounds, much to the chagrin of my (very patient and supportive) wife.
The Present and Future: Lumped Together For Expediency
I want to write a dream journal and that's what this blog was primarily conceived for. Unfortunately, my dream output has been incredibly fickle and the other demands on my time (professional and academic) make it difficult to report or even remember dreams. Does that mean I'm closing up this blog? Nope! I'm still on tumblr almost every day. But if I'm not able to reliably post dreams on here, what should happen to this blog?
That's the question I've been wrestling with for the past few months. What should I do? Since fishdavidson is my primary blog and I can't easily swap over to a new primary blog to archive my content, I've decided to pivot a little bit. Even outside of tumblr, I use Fish Davidson as my basically my brand (obligatory shoutout to the 1-800 contacts commercial).
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So it makes sense to keep using Fish Davidson for personal promotion and creative pursuits. I'm not going to be deleting or moving any of my old posts, but new posts will be relatively rare and limited to mostly things that I create.
However, tumblr lets me create a bajillion different sideblogs for my various interests. I've got several different blogs, all geared toward different interests. Future dream journal entries, if and when they happen, will be published to fishdreams instead of here. Other posts and reblogs will be spread across my various sideblogs. So without further ado, here are
My Various Sideblogs and What They're For
fishdreams - dream journal stuff
fishcrap - various reblogs and anything that I find interesting but outside of the scope of my various side blogs
fishability - for disability awareness stuff
fishrpg - this will be where I post a lot of tabletop RPG stuff. I'm planning on participating in Hexplore24, which is a tiny daily challenge for RPG creation that starts in January.
tuvafish - stuff about throat singing (and maybe even some of my practice sessions) will go here as I find stuff to post (currently empty)
brownstonarmy - probably won't be updated, but if you want to read a novel-length account of the entire Shits and Giggles campaign, here you go!
Thank you all for being such cool people on tumblr, have a great holiday season and new year, and I hope we stay friends on here.
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alicethebard · 9 months
Have you got any experience with tabletop systems outside of DnD (assuming 5e here)
-anon who said you girldick would look better grinding against her prostate (also known as hemmehem <3)
@hemmehhem to slightly amend my statement, I am more sure than even before that my girldick on your prostate would look fabulous, but we do still need to take that final leap into testing that theory ;3
As for other systems, I have some familiarity with Powered by the Apocalypse, primarily Monster of the Week, I've watched/listened to groups play A Quiet Year, and I have played a lesser known no-prep game called You Awaken in a Strange Place (which I believe is either free or pay what you like on Itchio), I also own a buttload of systems from a couple of Itch charity bundles, like Troika! and Thirsty Sword Lesbians that I just haven't gotten around to really diving into them
Thank you for the ask darling!
Send me more assumptions you have about me!!! Or questions, or stuff I can infodump about or any horny stuff
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talenlee · 4 years
Skub (in Tabletop)
There’s this idea from The Perry Bible Fellowship, which is one of those comics we talk about in the context of ‘one of the good webcomics.’ It is also responsible for the origin point of one of the most widespread neologisms in internet culture today (‘weeb’), but lesser known is the term Skub.
Skub typically is used in gamer circles to refer to something people fight about, often extensively, which does not matter, and does not have serious impact. It’s an idea that clearly picked up in tabletop conversations because we are a ridiculous people who will have extremely heated arguments that attempt to prove our own emotional states as factually correct rather than be willing to openly admit and respect our needs, or to respectfully handle conversations about ideas that aren’t themselves necessarily an attack. It’s tricky stuff, but we make up for it with years on end of extensive, pointless, preposterous fucking fighting over bullshit that doesn’t matter, which we then bikeshed super hard.
Thing is, in tabletop gaming, there’s a lot of stuff that’s player decisions or preference that we tend to try and cook into ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ This can get super complicated, because it’s hard to tease out where some of these arguments have boundaries.
For example, Dungeons & Dragons is the largest corporate driven TTRPG in the world, and has been pretty much forever, and it is as a wing of Hasbro, part of a complex interconnected set of brands and franchises, some of which have been sketchy at best and some of which are having to do a lot of work to try and make good on deeply vile histories, like Monopoly. There’s an entire wing of how Hasbro wants to be a good corporate citizen which is itself, a big conversation that has an assumption in it that such a thing is possible. Then you can go one step above it, like how Dungeons & Dragons is itself an ecosystem all of its own, and whether things like encouraging others to create for it is an act of control or an attempt to address a power imbalance.  There’s a whole conversation there about whether or not it’s possible for Dungeons & Dragons to be capable of good agency given a poisoned root. These are all big and complicated conversations and some of them only work with spherical gamers in a zero-G environment.
But then you keep going down the line and you get into conversations that are definitely definitely skub, but which are being treated with the same tools and academic rigor as if the solution to racism is in the shape of a dice. What can exacerbate this is the work of people who are working hard to create in these spaces, where it’s not hard at all to, thanks to time spent working on critical tools, bring to bear long sentences that translate to what I enjoy is factually correct and what I don’t enjoy is wrong.
Personally, there’s a lot of skubby opinions that I like a lot to talk about, because if I know your flavour of skub, the stuff that matters to you that doesn’t matter in general, I know you better.
Anyway, I don’t like completely unstructured character building. Not my flavour of skub.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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blockchaincouncil · 9 months
10 Uses of ChatGPT You Never Knew
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In the vast landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), one name stands out as a versatile powerhouse - ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an irresistible choice for those looking for AI-powered solutions because of its ease of use and extensive repertoire of functions.
While ChatGPT is commonly known as an academic sidekick or a brainstorming companion, there is a world of untapped potential hidden within it that many have yet to discover. In this article, we'll look at some of ChatGPT's lesser-known features that may surprise you.
But keep in mind that this is just the beginning. The world of AI is rapidly expanding, as is the scope of what ChatGPT can achieve. Enroll in the Blockchain Council's Chatbot Certification and ChatGPT certification to fully harness the power of AI, ensuring you're well-equipped to navigate the exciting future of AI-powered chatbots. Your journey to becoming a certified Chatbot expert begins here!
10 ChatGPT Applications You May Not Have Known About
Here are ten lesser-known ChatGPT applications that might surprise you:
Brainstorming and Idea Validation
ChatGPT can act as a creative brainstorming partner. Pitch your ideas to it and receive instant feedback, allowing you to fine-tune concepts before bringing them to life.
Learning New Languages
Do you need assistance understanding phrases in another language? ChatGPT can assist with quick translations and explanations, making language learning more accessible. ChatGPT has an impressive language repertoire spanning a broad range of global communication. ChatGPT's multilingual capabilities ensure that you can easily explore and understand various languages, from widely spoken languages like Spanish, French, and Mandarin to more niche dialects.
Making Personalized Affirmations
Combat negativity with personalized daily affirmations generated by ChatGPT, which will boost your confidence and motivation.
Consider waking up to a message of encouragement and empowerment generated by ChatGPT. These affirmations, which are based on positive psychology principles, have the potential to improve your mood, increase your motivation, and set a positive tone for your day ahead.
Cooking Assistant
Stuck in the kitchen without a recipe? Describe your ingredients, and ChatGPT will recommend delicious recipes based on what you have.
Debugging Code
Consider being stuck on a coding challenge, battling a stubborn bug, or looking for a more elegant solution to a problem. When you're stuck in a programming challenge, ChatGPT can help you identify coding errors and suggest solutions. Simply describe your coding issue or query in plain language, and ChatGPT will provide insights, solutions, and guidance.
Creating Catchy Names
ChatGPT can generate creative and catchy names tailored to your preferences, whether it's for a new business venture, a pet, or a project.
Investigating Novel Plots
New authors can work with ChatGPT to create new plot twists, characters, or storylines for their next masterpiece.
Aid to the Dungeon Master
If you enjoy tabletop role-playing games, ChatGPT can assist you in creating intricate narratives and guiding your players through epic adventures.
Virtual Travel Guide
Are you planning a vacation? ChatGPT can provide insights into local attractions, hidden gems, and even help you plan an itinerary.
Therapeutic Conversations
Sometimes just having a virtual friend to talk to can be therapeutic. ChatGPT is available to listen, offer advice, and provide support.
These are just a few of the many novel applications for ChatGPT. The world of AI is rapidly evolving, and the possibilities are limitless. Enroll in the Blockchain Council's Chatbot Certification and ChatGPT certification to expand your understanding of AI-powered chatbots and explore their vast potential. Develop your knowledge and become a certified Chatbot expert, ready to navigate the exciting realms of AI technology.
In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it's fascinating to discover the hidden capabilities of tools like ChatGPT. From idea validation to personalized affirmations, coding assistance to virtual travel guidance, this AI-powered chatbot is a versatile companion that exceeds our initial expectations.
As you delve into the realms of AI and its transformative potential, keep in mind that expertise in this field is extremely valuable. Gaining Chatbot Certification and ChatGPT certification through specialized Chatbot training and becoming a certified Chatbot expert can open up a world of opportunities. The Blockchain Council's comprehensive AI certification and Chatbot training equips you to realize the full potential of AI, putting you on the path to becoming a skilled professional in the field.
So, whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a programming enthusiast, or simply curious about AI, remember that your path to becoming a certified Chatbot expert begins with the right education. Equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge with the Chatbot Certification and ChatGPT certification, and watch as the world of AI unfolds before you, with endless possibilities waiting to be explored and harnessed.
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dalishious · 3 years
Dragon Age Names Catalogue
Have you ever wished there was a master list of every single name used in the Dragon Age franchise? Maybe for use in fan content, or just curiosity? Whatever the reason, I have compiled such a list, and will continue to keep it updated to the best of my ability. (With that in mind, the information below are as of May, 2021.)
The list does not only contain all the names, but also where the person is from, if they’re a character appearing in game, books, comics, etc., and if that name holds any in-universe significance, i.e. a noble family. This way, if you would like to filter just names mentioned in codex entries but not used by an actual character for example, you can do so!
Below is an examination of the trends/patterns in how Thedas names equate to real life etymologies. For further detail, you can of course view the list yourself.
Check out the Dragon Age Names Catalogue here!
A number of names appeared more than once for different characters (just like real life). Repeats are not included in this list, unless of a different origin, i.e. name of an Orlesian and a Fereldan character.
I had a hard time choosing to leave in last names that are just “of [place]” or not, but eventually decided to do so. In terms of translating that to a real life etymology, I looked at the language/format “of” was in.
Many names have multiple etymologic origins. Each is counted separately.
I have worked on this to the best of my human ability, and hope that errors are minimal. I cannot promise exact accuracy, though, not just because of my own self, but because we should all know that name meaning websites are not always accurate.
Thank you very much to those who helped even just a little bit at cataloguing name etymologies! I wish I could remember everyone I shared the work in progress sheet with… but you know who you are, yes?
Alamarri Names
Of the 43 known Alamarri names, 12 had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows old Anglo-Celtic names as the most common source for Alamarri characters. And by old, I mean old; there is even a Pictish name on the list.
It is also worth noting that the Latin originating names were also popularized in English use as coming from Roman control of the isles, too.
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Ander Names
Of the 35 known Ander names, two had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows West-Germanic names as the most common source for Ander characters, with Anglo-Celtic in second and Semitic in third.
A great number of Ander names have miscellaneous one-off origins.
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Antivan Names
Of the 106 known Antivan names, 11 had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Ibero-Romance and Central-Romance names are just about tied as the most common sources for Antivan names. While this is unsurprising, what I was pleasantly surprised by was the inclusion of lesser known languages, like Ladino among them. There was even one Basque name, which while not included in the language group, originates from the Iberian Peninsula too.
The combination of Romance languages and Latin makes up over half the name origins found.
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Avvar Names
Of the 39 known Avvar and Chasind names, 9 had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that North-Germanic is the most common source for Avvar names. (Most of these are specifically Old Norse and modern Norwegian.) Pair this with the few Uralic names, and you have almost half the number of Avvar names coming from Northern Europe. There is also a significant number of Anglo-Celtic names, too. This is all unsurprising, given their Viking inspiration.
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Chasind Names
There are only two known Chasind names, since I have opted not to include those listed in the tabletop RPG book, and only one of the two had a traceable origin. That name origin was Irish.
Ciriane Names
There are only six known Ciriane names, two of which had no found origins. The others all had unique origins or Irish, French, Latin, and Spanish.
Clayne Names
There are only three known Clayne names, all of which have unique origins of Arabic, Greek and Irish. For modern Clayne names, see: Fereldan.
Dwarven Names
Of the 357 known dwarf names, 76 had no found origins.
While at first glance it looks like Anglo-Celtic and West-Germanic are the largest language group sources for dwarven names, if we were to further group together all of the Slavic names, (West, East, South and general) then we would see that Slavic names make up 18% of all the name origins, tied with West-Germanic.
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City Elves
Of the 133 known city elf names, 13 had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Anglo-Celtic and Semitic languages—mostly Hebrew, specifically—are the largest sources of names for city elves all across Thedas. This is the same as Dalish elves.
It has been said within the lore that city elves often follow the same naming patterns observed in human-led societies they live in. This is proven true when looking at the patterns of their names per specific nation, matching up with that of humans of said nation. For example, many elves in Orlais have French names, just as humans do.
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Dalish Elves
Of the 112 known Dalish elf names, 37 had no found origins. This is mostly because many Dalish elves have names coming purely in the fictional elven language.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Anglo-Celtic and Semitic languages—mostly Hebrew, specifically—are the largest sources of names for Dalish elves all across Thedas. This is the same as city elves.
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Of the 556 known Fereldan names, 40 had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Anglo-Celtic languages, by far, are the most common source of Fereldan names. Within that group, English is the most common specifically, with Scottish being second.
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Free Marcher
Of the 293 known Free Marcher names, 17 had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Anglo-Celtic languages are the most common source of Free Marcher names. Within that group, English is the most common specifically, by far.
It is worth noting however, that the majority of known Free Marcher names are from Kirkwall, by virtue of DA:2 taking place there. When looking at the known names of Free Marcher city states individually:
Ansburg – Four English, two German, the rest miscellaneous
Kaitan – All miscellaneous
Hasmal – Just the one name; Welsh
Kirkwall – Mostly English, some German, some French, some Arabic, some Latin, and the rest miscellaneous
Markham – All miscellaneous
Ostwick – Mostly English, the rest miscellaneous
Starkhaven – Mostly English, the rest miscellaneous, though of that, notably both names of Bantu languages are from Starkhaven
Tantervale – All miscellaneous
Wildervale – Just the one name; French
Wycome – All miscellaneous
So, when you take out Kirkwall as an outlier, most Free Marcher names have no real pattern to them, but rather pull from many different places.
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Of the 71 known Nevarran names, only one had no found origin.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Anglo-Celtic languages and Greek are the two most common source of Nevarran names. Latin and West-Germanic languages are also common. Individually counting, Greek and Latin are the most common.
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Of the 609 known Orlesian names, 29 had no found origins.
French is by far the most common source of Orlesian names, unsurprisingly. Anglo-Celtic languages and Latin are the second most common sources.
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Of the 28 known Rivaini names, two had no found origins.
Combining name origins by language groups shows that Ibero-Romance languages are the most common source of Rivaini names. Latin is the second most common, followed by Bantu languages and Italian.
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There are only three known names from Seheron, the origins of which are French, Hebrew and Persian respectively.
Of the 262 known Tevinter names, 36 had no found origins.
The most common source of Tevinter Names is Latin. Specifically, a quite a lot of names are from historical figures of Ancient Rome. Greek comes in as the second most common.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Soulbound Raptor
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“Clockwerk (Sly Cooper)” © deviantArt user SacredRoses-Art, accessed at her gallery here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​. Another boss monster from a video game I’ve never played, Clockwerk is the main boss of the first Sly Cooper game, and a recurring background presence in the rest of the series. Since his whole deal is that he turned himself into a robot in order to pursue revenge on the Cooper family, I wanted him to be sapient, rather than “just” a mindless clockwork construct, and I wanted some continuity of intelligence rather than the brand-new intelligence of a Pathfinder robot.
Like with Dream Lord Grimm, the size is something of a fudge to keep the feel of the fight similar from screen to tabletop. Since I haven’t played any Sly Cooper games, I’m not sure if the funny animals within are roughly human-sized as a default, or if Sly Cooper is actually supposed to be the size of a raccoon.]
Soulbound Raptor CR 15 LE Construct This creature appears to be an owl the size of a dragon, constructed from metal machinery. Despite its weight, it flies effortlessly, gazing dispassionately from luminous eyes.
The soulbound raptor is an improvement on the soulbound shell, granting its soul a body not in mimicry of the humanoid form, but a mighty and oversized bird of prey. Most soulbound raptors are designed as the destination of the creator’s own soul, and they are animated by the ritualized death of their creator as the work is finished. Thus, an ambitious construct maker can gain immortality without all the fuss of dealing with undeath.
A soulbound raptor is a beast in combat, exulting in the strength and physical power they lacked in mortal life. Their talons are tipped with adamantine claws, and they can shrug off most physical attacks. Soulbound raptors are subject to the same cemented minds as lesser soulbound constructs, but are adept at self-delusion to the point where they assume that the spells they have are the perfect tools for almost every occasion. In the cases where they need different abilities, they collect magic items to supplement their powers. A soulbound raptor is difficult to kill, and they often fight until death in denial of any possible failure.
Since soulbound raptors maintain their ability to create constructs, they often surround themselves with armies of automata to acts as minions and soldiers. As the years pass and they become more detached from mortality and morality, their goals tend to become monomaniacal. Small whims or grudges of their original lives become all-consuming, obsessive hatreds, to the point where a soulbound raptor would not hesitate to spend a fortune in treasure and lives in pursuit of a single enemy.
Constructing a Soulbound Raptor A soulbound raptor is made from steel and copper, adamantine worth 6,000 gp for the claws and a gemstone worth 5,000 gp as the soul focus. The soul of a willing 13th level or higher spellcaster is imbued into the raptor as part of the creation process.
Soulbound Raptor CL 13th; Price 86,000 gp Requirements Craft Construct, false life, geas/quest, magic jar, make whole, overland flight; Skill Craft (clockwork) DC 25; Cost 48,500 gp.
Soulbound Raptor  CR 15 XP 51,200 LE Huge construct Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +21 Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 27 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +15 natural, +4 armor) hp 190 (20d10+60); fast healing 3 Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +12 DR 10/adamantine and magic; Immune construct traits; SR 26 Defensive Abilities resilience; Weakness cemented mind, susceptible to mind-influencing spells Offense Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee 2 claws +26 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +26 (2d8+8) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks adamantine claws Wizard Spells Prepared CL 13th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) 7th—delayed blast fireball (DC 26), waves of exhaustion 6th—chain lightning (DC 25), contagious flame, geas/quest 5th—cloudkill (DC 22), cone of cold (DC 24), telekinesis (DC 22), teleport 4th—ball lightning (DC 23), dimensional anchor, fire shield, scrying (DC 21), stone shape 3rd—arcane sight, blink, dispel magic, elemental aura (DC 22), fireball (DC 22), lightning bolt (DC 22) 2nd—blur, false life, make whole, scorching ray (x2), see invisibility 1st—floating disk, mage armor (already cast), magic missile (x3), unseen servant 0th—detect magic, mage hand, read magic, open/close Statistics Str 27, Dex 23, Con -, Int 25, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+32 sunder, +34 grapple); CMD 46 (48 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct (B), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Toughness Skills Craft (clockwork) +27, Fly +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana, engineering, history) +27, Perception +21, Spellcraft +33, Use Magic Device +23 Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal SQ soul focus Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Adamantine Claws (Ex) A soulbound raptor’s claws overcome damage reduction and hardness as if they were adamantine. Cemented Mind (Ex) A soulbound raptor can never change its known or prepared spells. Resilience (Ex) A soulbound raptor gains a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws. Soul Focus (Su) The soul bound to the raptor lives within a gem inside its head. As long as this soul focus remains intact, it can be used to animate another soulbound raptor, at the same cost as creating a new soulbound raptor, and retains its personality and memories. A soul focus has hardness 8, 12 hit points, and a break DC of 20. Spells A spellbound raptor casts spells as a 13th-level cleric, witch, or wizard, but does not gain any other class abilities. Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects (Ex) A soulbound raptor is not immune to mind-affecting effects.
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