#also yes I said frick it I love colors to much
nanawritesit · 11 months
Yeosang Boyfriend Headcanons!
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this guy is such a lil sweetie! he was a bit shy to approach you at first 🥺
as i said before in my previous ateez headcanons, yeosang is a big starer. he would legit just stare at you for half an hour and consider it flirting
however once he senses that you’re interested in him as well, his flirt game is turned up to the MAX
he drives you crazy the way he gives you delicate little touches, your heart stops every time he brushes your hair out of your face or pulls a loose thread off your sweater
when you weren’t afraid to flirt back with him, he knew you were the one. the second you started teasing him and giving him a hard time, he was like, “this is it. i need them.”
he’s so fricking observant too. he’ll memorize every little detail about you so he can bring it up in a conversation later
he’s also an impulsive gift giver
“hey remember that one time you said you mentioned that obscure cartoon you used to watch as a kid? well i saw a keychain of it and thought of you, so here you go!”
he tried really hard to wait to ask you out, wanting to give you time to pine over him and create a slow burn, but he just CANT WAIT to make you his.
and he was so tickled when you said yes, he would not stop giggling like a little school girl 🥰
he also knows how adorable you think his laugh and fanged smile is, and will use it against you to make you fall for him even harder
his excellent observance doesn’t end when y’all start dating. even if you just have the slightest change in your breathing pattern, he notices and is like “hey what’s wrong”
he’s the first one to notice when you get a new haircut, knows you’re sick the second he looks at you, adjusts your necklace when it gets turnt around, ties your shoe when the laces come undone…
because he stares so much he knows every little detail of your appearance
the different specks of color in your eyes, all your little moles and freckles, any scars you might have, the way you part your hair, whether or not you’re wearing makeup and what kind…
speaking of which, he dies a little on the inside every time you kiss his birthmark ❤️ he was scared to show you his bare face at first, but you were quick to tell him how beautiful he is (as you should 😤)
yeosang calls his partner “honey,” no i do not take criticism
and in his deep ass voice? ugh i would melt 😭
*when you surprise him at work* “honey! what are you doing here?”
*barging into your apartment* “oh my honey, i brought you your favorite food!”
*coming back in from getting the mail* “hey honey, come look at this new drone i got!”
he may seem all cool and statuesque, but deep down he’s just a big nerd 🤓 he’s always asking you to come to the park with him to fly his drones
makes you help him sort his candies by color 💀
he loves that you never see him as judgmental or picky because of his honest nature. you always take special interest in his opinions, and admire that he’s not afraid to speak his mind
and he does the same for you as well! he thinks so highly of you that he’s always interested in what you have to say about things. he wants to know all of your likes and dislikes :)
you guys tell each other EVERYTHING, there’s not much you guys keep secret from each other 💀
you know all of his memories with the boys, his childhood stories, his most embarrassing moments.. he knows all the drama in your friend group, your family situation, and your deepest secrets
he’s a morning person, so if you’re not then you’ll have to get used to him waking up early and fluttering around the house doing things
(and um i’m not a morning person but hearing his voice get even deeper in the morning would motivate me to wake up 😳)
after a while he gets lonely and starts pestering you to wake up and spend time with him in a pouty voice 🥺
*poking your face and shaking your shoulder* “honeyyyy, it’s almost noon… the day is half over and you haven’t even cuddled me yet…”
he thinks you’re incredibly cute when you’re half asleep and groggy in the morning :)
he ends up threatening to cook you breakfast which makes you LEAP out of bed 💀
consequently, he’s not a big night owl unless he has to be… if you’re one, he ends up converting you to a morning person because he’s so fricking persistent 🤦🏼‍♀️
but for a while if you’re hanging out with him late at night he’ll start nodding off, and when you wake him he’ll go “i wasn’t asleep” 🤡
san and wooyoung will try to call you guys at 9 pm to see if you want to go out to get drinks with them, only to find out that both your phones were shut off, and you were both in your pajamas doing face masks and watching a movie on the couch together, fading in and out of consciousness ❤️
wooyoung once called you his grandparents 💀 y’all know it’s bad if he’s not taking an opportunity to call hongjoong and seonghwa old
caring for the scrapes on his elbows and knees when he falls off his skateboard 🥰
he also desperately wants to teach you how to skateboard if you don’t already know how! he’s so patient and gentle with you, always letting you fall into his arms and catching you when you slip :)
“it’s okay honey, i’ve got you! i know it’s scary, but i promise it’s so fun once you get the hang of it. you’re actually doing really well for your first time!”
you guys will eventually become the cool skater couple that everyone is jealous of 💀
he ALWAYS smells good, and his scent somehow embeds itself in all your clothes and furniture so even when he’s not there, you’re thinking of him
when you see him after you’ve been apart for a long time, of course you’ll run up to each other for a bone crushing hug, and as soon as his familiar scent hits you your eyes well with tears
he hates seeing you cry, even if it’s from happiness
*wiping your tears with a reassuring smile* “oh honey, please don’t cry… we’re together now.”
he’s constantly putting your needs before his own, you actually had to sit him down and explain to him that while you love and appreciate his selflessness, he needs to take care of himself more often
he’s not the biggest fan of PDA, but he does enjoy holding hands… he likes walking with you and swinging your interwoven hands back and forth ❤️
you’ll catch him smiling at the sidewalk and ask him what’s up, he just says “i like the way your hand fits in mine.”
yeosang is a big forehead kisser 🥰 it’s his favorite way to show his affection in a sweet and delicate way
he’s so sensitive to your touch… if you just brush your hands over his shoulders and arms, it’s enough to make his heart flutter :)
there are a lot of nights were you guys just lay in bed next to each other and talk about EVERYTHING… it just goes on and on until one of you falls asleep
he never really lashes out on you, no matter how upset he is. before every reaction, his words and actions are carefully chosen and thought over.
he’s also very good at forgiveness. that’s not to say that you can treat him badly, but everyone makes mistakes and he knows that. he has this amazing ability to see things from different perspectives that allows him to forgive you when you slip up
overall, having yeosang as a boyfriend is a blast. he’s so sweet and attentive, and you never run out of things to talk about. and even if you did, he would just make something up to fill the silence! no matter what, you always feel so loved and appreciated with him by your side 🥰
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diamondwind99 · 2 years
Soooooo... the new video! Definitely wasn't what I was expecting and I love it! I've missed hearing that little theme song!
I've got to hand it to the team, even though it was an ad it was really cool to see the ad presented as a mini Sanders Sides video, especially considering how much we've all been missing it.
So here's a bunch of other things I thought was pretty awesome.
The premise! It's funny, I've had conversations with some other friends of mine about this exact same thing. We've obviously come to the conclusion that we are never throwing away our beloved plushies. I actually just got another one recently :)
I'm loving the new camera angles. It's so interesting and fun, and it's great seeing Thomas exploring some new ideas! Seeing the sides in different environments opens up all sorts of opportunities.
Patton kicking in the door. Patton, you are amazing and I love you. Underrated side imo. I just wanna say he's imperfect and I love him. Thomas's startled "yes sir" was hilarious.
"Mr. Feelings is my father, call me Patton" "Watch it and get wrecked" "powerpoint scares me" I just love Patton okay
Patton bringing in the science and impressing Logan?? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
TLDR Patton you're adorable and ily
I screamed so loudly when Virgil came in. I've missed that emo so much. His part was so wonderfully spooky and perfect.
"pre-voodoo voodoo dolls" "[I'm not entirely sure what he said there] m***erf***ker!"
Virgil canonically loves dogs. Stuffed spider is canon too.
Excuse me a moment while I scream because MY PRINCE HAS ARRIVED!! I missed Roman so much, omg
Plushie Roman and Classic Roman. I love that. And Roman I love your use of 4th wall breaking :)
"You're too kind, classic Roman!" ...Okay, was it just me or did I hear Remus there?
The quiz no's bit. It just speaks for itself, I don't need to say anything.
"Well f**k." Roman my darling you are a mood. (Thomas did say it was a good effort! :D)
...Is that Pokemon music? I dunno where it's from but I definitely recognize it.
"A trusted aide who will never leave your side, who will always agree with you, who will never sass back or betray you in any way!" Oh Roman... he's clearly still thinking about Janus and everything that led up to POF. He's still very much hurting. I hope that part of the finale will handle some of that. Roman really needs to work through it.
"Loneliness?! Who said anything about loneliness?!?" I wonder if both Logan and Roman are feeling lonely. Logan because he's not being listened to and constantly having his voice shoved to the side. Roman because he feels like the other sides don't value his input and constantly change the rules on him, when all he wants is to make Thomas happy. Come to think of it, Logan and Roman are both feeling sidelined (ha) for somewhat similar reasons - they're not being listened to.
Yeah Logan, I'm surprised they all managed to work together too.
Heck yes Logan. Contribute to these facts. I fricking love Logan. So much.
"Hey Logan could I get you to say 'I'm agreeing with you again?'" Awww yeah Ro, you did it, you impressed Logan :)
When Roman's nickname falls flat Virgil is just like "don't worry bud, you'll get 'em next time" and I think my entire existence just melted on the spot. Called Roman bud. Was encouraging. These two have come so far and I love them both so much and did I mention I melted on the spot.
"Sometimes passion makes you act a little silly" Hmmm yeah that's something to think about, Logan :)
Logan's disbelieving face at the end there lol. I love you Logan. So much.
And now, and entirely separate section dedicated to the Sides' ROOMS!!!! :D
Patton: I saw lots of cats and lots of stuffed animals, and his color scheme, and seeing Virgil's card from Season 1 up there was just adorable. Also some photos and a second cookie. Nothing unexpected, but seeing Patton without his glasses was a bit odd, lol.
Roman: Roman's color scheme throughout as well. I also saw some scented candles, a book that I couldn't tell what it was, and some Roman figurines, and of course Roman's sword at the ready next to him. The mask was an amazing touch. I loved the poster from Up that says "adventure is out there!" The corkboard has some interesting tidbits, such as photos from past Sides' photoshoots and a picture of Leslie Odom Jr. I absolutely LOVE that there are sparkly floaty clouds and stuff flying around, so one of my headcanons is now CANON!! What I specifically want to point out is what was on the three sticky notes. "You got this, pal!" - It's so wholesome but a bit sad. He so clearly needs encouragement. "WWLOJD" - This took me a bit to figure out. At first I thought it was a hint towards the title of an upcoming video, but then I realized it says "What would Leslie Odom Jr Do?" and I think that is awesome. I think Roman has a hero :) Oh, and of course we can't forget the Remus cameo. I saw that, stinker. Roman's gonna come after you for that one. I hope we get some sibling shenanigans soon :) Also, Roman is wearing his Beast onesie. He's. Just. So. Adorable.
Virgil: Green Day American Idiot shirt. Epicness. "# of Days Since Last Total Disaster: 5" Virgil I freaking love you. Some nice purple color scheme, what looks like a lyric video in the back there. Not sure what book that adorable stuffed spider is on. Also saw a white noise machine. Really nice touches in there :)
Logan: Okay, seeing Logan without his glasses felt kinda weird lol. I'm so used to the glasses. But the fact that he has all of the plushies there... that is just the sweetest. I also saw an empty Crofter's jar, a Rubik's cube, his notebook, and extra flashcards. I also saw that he kept Roman's Sherlock fanfiction that he wrote for Logan. I melted.
Anyway, that's everything I saw! If you made it this far, thanks so much. I really appreciate it if you stuck with my ramblings this long. I don't often write episode reviews of analyses, but the ones I do wrote I can get pretty long-winded lol. I just love the Sides so much. See you guys when the next episode comes :)
I'm just wondering... where's Janus? dun dun duuuuun
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justdimaprops · 6 months
Please ignore these if you don’t feel like answering them or you already answered them ❤️ Fancy a fun question chain to pass around f1blr?? Over to you, lovely!
Name (or what you want to be called on tumblr)
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
Any pets?
Favorite driver(s) currently on the grid, and why?
Favorite driver(s) not currently on the grid and why?
Favorite romantic driver pairing(s) (e.g. Maxiel, Carlando)
Driver you’re most attracted to physically
Driver whose personality you like best
Favorite driver friendship(s)
Favorite team principal
Favorite team
Least favorite team, if any
Driver(s) you dislike, if any
If you’re a fic writer: if you could only write about one f1 pairing for the rest of your life who are you choosing?
Please send this to 10 (or more!) other F1 tumblr users that you love and want to get to know better 🫶
Name (or what you want to be called on tumblr):
Dima! although fun fact, the name Dima is as in the diminutive of Dmitri 🫣 When I made this account I didn't wanna use my real name, and I was figuring out my gender identity back then (but I knew I was leaning more towards the masculine side of things) and I just loved the name Dmitri so I chose Dima since it can be both feminine and masculine
Where are you from?
I don't really try to hide it but I'm not gonna outwardly say it :p I can speak Arabic tho, I'll give ya that
Where do you live?
[Insert Wherever I May Roam by Metallica]
Any pets?
YES! I have a little kitty cat, she's my love and delight, her name is an Arabic word for rainy clouds due to her color and floof (and it was raining the night I got her). We also have an African grey parrot but that's my mom's and he's a jerk, we have a love-hate relationship.
Favorite driver(s) currently on the grid, and why?
Carletes <3 It started as simply his intelligence and driving style; he got a great balance of artistry/elegance and scrappiness, then it became because of him as a person. And of course Landito, he's such a talented driver and it's so fun watching him grow.
Favorite driver(s) not currently on the grid and why?
Seb and Kimi. Is there much needed to be said about Seb? Dude's a legend, not mentioning all the activist work he does. Kimi was a fricking joy to watch! All that 'leave me alone I know what to do' attitude is a *chef's kiss* (then it's even more exciting when he loses it lol) and I can already see some of that in Carlos and I'm here for it.
Favorite romantic driver pairing(s) (e.g. Maxiel, Carlando)
Carlando obvs, and I do like Maxiel as well.
Driver you’re most attracted to physically
Hear me out, I'm frothing for a certain Spaniard but I can't deny that Kimi got one hell of a chock hold on me :") AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON LEWIS GOOD GOD (sorry Landito, lucky for you you got an Adonis of your own you don't need me)
Driver whose personality you like best
I always love me a smart dork (Carlos), and a black cat (Lando). And there's this type of guys that I have always attracted for some reason, I can't name it but I can distinguish it and it applies to (Esteban Ocon) bet you didn't see that one coming.
Favorite driver friendship(s)
Lando/Alex/George are pretty fun together, and so are Lando and Oscar. And of course Lewis/Seb
Favorite team principal
humm..I don't really get into the principals much, but if I gotta choose one then probably Toto. I've seen some of his interviews and he seems like an intelligent person and I really enjoy listening to him.
Favorite team
I don't wanna say Ferrari or McLaren since they obviously have my boys so other than those I would say Williams or Aston Martin
Least favorite team, if any
......Fer*gunshot* IM KIDDING I SWEAR
Driver(s) you dislike, if any
Listen, I don't HATE him, and it's more vibes than any other logical reason but George. He looks like a Ken doll and is so Posh! And I'm posh in real life, yet his poshness still bothers me! It's better when he's with other drivers, especially the trio, but when he's by himself it's just so concentrated and comes off...???
If you’re a fic writer: if you could only write about one f1 pairing for the rest of your life who are you choosing?
I will miss Maxiel and Strollonso but my man I can't live without my Carlando
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octoxen · 1 year
gets ready for Xen happily rambles about the Final Episode of Alan Becker, THE KING
i was supposed to ramble about this last night/ after its premiere, but i was so sleepy lol-
If you haven't watched it, here it is!
For those who do not know about the series, I highly recommend watching from Episode 1 before this episode to prevent spoilers and confusion.
Basic Information:
this amazing series that I always ramble and brainrot about is made by one of my favorites, Godliest Animator of the whole time, Alan Becker! (It is also a part of my childhood btw.) The Mini animated series features 5 stick figures, Second Coming, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow who are created by Alan himself on his computer, the legendary AAA game, Minecraft is also featured in the series. The series' plot basically starts with the Stick figures messing around and playing with the minecraft icon which it then turns to the five venturing deep into the world of minecraft, from a soft or happy story to intense and angsty lore, the series currently contains 3 Seasons and 30 Episodes, it started in the year 2015.
Now I'm gonna talk about the final Episode:
The King [Ep. 30]
Honestly...this has to be the best episodes and one of my favorites from the series itself, Alan and his Animation crew outdone themselves, making the 7-8 months of work and compilation all worth it, all I have to tell them is they did an Epic job and thanks to them, the episode was possible to be made, I thank all of them, including Alan for making this series, its already like the series we see on our local TVs, but this is different. There are no voices, nor dialogues, but just Stickfigures, movements, perspectives and beautiful music, and an epic Tale of 5 stickfigures.
I also had no idea King Neo/Orange's background was like that, what DJ (Alan's friend) said from the commentary was true, "Every villain is actually a hero in their own stories/head", yes, just look at how Orange hated minecraft because of the test gameplay and glitch that happened which caused his son's/sibling's demise, he just wanted to get his son back, unfortunately King can't because his beloved one is already dead. (maybe.)
The glitch scene, specifically THIS scene
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This. Shocked me. It reminded me so much of Pibby apocalypse. I was screaming "NOOOOO" while the video progressed, look at Orange :(, much worse, HE SAW HIS OWN BELOVED ONE DIE AT THE FRONT OF HIS VERY OWN EYES!!! I MEAN- WHO WOULDNT BE ON DESPAIR SEEING THAT? YOUR LOVED ONE, MEETING THEIR DEMISE INFRONT OF YOUR VERY OWN EYES!! My goodness...ALL I CAN SAY THIS IS VERY GOOD, SNACKABLE ANGST HMHMHMHMUHEHHE. The quality of the animation was so good too! The series really became an anime in a matter of time lmao-
next up, when Orange planned how to destroy minecraft, I saw some scientific formulas there which activated nightmare fuels..hahahhehe. Mans really doing everything just to get his son back :(
When Purple saw that Orange was looking for the colored stickfigures (because he saw them playing minecraft at one of the local tvs in the city, he figured out they might know where the minecraft icon is and help him destroy it.), Purple went to Orange, telling him that he has already met them. Proving that, Purple did some fighting moves, but Orange didnt respond, Next, Purple pulled up and elytra which was from minecraft and equipped it, flew up and away with a firework and Orange finally responded and took him in.
Finally, the fight scene. Purple punching King Orange was kinda satisfying after that betrayal, but the staff was stolen by Orange once again so their plan to catch King Orange failed-
the movements were also clear to see, I wonder how many animators animated every single stickfigure and mob in there to make the movements-
--------skipping few of the scenes
Purple stood up and ran to King Orange, he countered the white void, reaching his hand to the King, this activated Flashbacks of the tragic Past, Purple struggling similar to Orange's son struggling to get out of the glitch. and when Purple gave up, Orange put the staff down and ran to Purple, he then realized that he was doing the same thing that Minecraft did to his son. He also realized Purple was the only one who understands him, who was with him through his plan and is like his beloved one, He also jumped in to the void to get Purple as his memories of him betraying Purple flashed, but Purple dissapeared to particles as Orange also dissapeared..
The way they did everything together just to stop minecraft from getting destroyed..the audacity of these 5 stick figures, I love them and their friendship so much!
And now the part that really made me scream.
This scene.
I know some actually dislike the ship, King Orange x Purple because their relationship is more of a Father and Son dynamic, but for me and as one of the ones liking their dynamic, I actually cried when they hugged..King Orange is the new Father Purple needed, and Purple is the new son King Orange needed. I cried so much at this part, being happy because they finally realized they needed each other to fill the hole in their hearts. NOT TO MENTION THE DRAMATIC MUSIC HOLY GDOSYQJHWJQHWMAHAKH
by the way this isnt the end of my rambling- Im editting a few later but
"It all started with 5 curious stick figures, ended with an epic legacy."
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stargazeraldroth · 7 months
Hm… I’m curious- How does 404 even know Ink? Assuming he actually knows him at all, of course- Did he wanna be Ink’s rival when they were younger, only to get upstaged by Error? We’re they friends and 404 just got way, way too possessive? Does he actually think Ink is in love with him, or does he not care about that? Do Ink and Error even know he exists, or is this a case of, like, erotomania or something?
Does Didi factor into it at all- What does she think of Error and 404?
Congrats, Anon, you did it. You made me look up what erotomania is. Not like it's dramatic or anything, since I know some similar words (such as nymphomania), but still. I didn't even know this was a word. For those who don't know what that word means, it's basically just an excessive desire to smash like hell.
And you know what? Yes. Yes he does. He's also a fricking yandere, for that matter. But the erotomania isn't that important, it'd really just be like, trivia or subtext or some crap. I know I said that there would be more mature content in the Pokemon AU, such as Pokemon experimentation (*cough* Didi *cough*) and potentially even character death, but I don't know how I feel about adding any kind of NSFW content. If I do, it'd most likely be in the form of adult jokes, like the ones hidden in cartoons or something.
I actually forget what the plan for 404 was, so I'm just gonna be pulling everything out of the trenches of my memory and my ass. I think one of the ideas was that 404 was gonna be one of the students that went to the same academy as Ink, Error, and others. 404's a strong trainer in his own right, but battling also isn't his strongest passion. I'm thinking he's kinda like Colress. I'd say he and Ink at least knew each other, maybe they were classmates, but drifted apart due to different paths- Ink went on to become a Champion and 404's working as a scientist. The important thing with the Cult is that they're all pretty delusional, which should be obvious by their goal of obtaining perfection by any means (and what the frick they're doing), so 404 is very much delusional about what could be. I like to think that 404 and Error were always rivals, even when Ink wasn't in the picture, and the fact that Error married Ink just rubbed salt in the wound for 404.
Astral Mother: And then we'll kill Ink, one of our greatest opponents-
Astral Mother:
X-Gaster (he's also here, completely separate from normal Gaster):
Astral Mother: ... Fine. You can keep him.
404: YAY :D
Didi is actually very crucial to the storyline, more than what you'd expect for a Champion's Pokemon. Didi was actually one of the Pokemon experimented on and abused by the Cult, which led to the discolored look they have. Instead of looking like a shiny Diancie, they have a brownish palette for their "skin" (is it skin or is it all just rock?), to match Broomie's own color palette. I forget if I mentioned that, but Didi's basically the Broomie of this AU, hence why she has a nickname and isn't just called "Diancie". The Cult used Didi to create hundreds if not thousands of diamonds for their larger scheme. This is where Ink comes in: in true Protagonist Fashion, he ambushed the operation and beats everyone there, freeing Didi in the process. Now, just to clear things up, the Cult wasn't present for this. It was actually a different group carrying out orders from the Cult. In other terms, the Cult is pulling the strings behind everything, and other Cults essentially get forced into cooperating with them.
As for Didi's bond with Error, there... really isn't much of one. Until it gets revealed, Error's actually one of the only people who knows about Didi being in Ink's possession. And while he can't say he's too fond of Didi, they're a good Pokemon. He just wishes they would stop trying to jump on the bed, they can't keep replacing the sheets and blankets. Well, they can, they're rich, but you know what he means.
So, to summarize: 404's a yandere and a sore loser, Didi is an experiment survivor, Didi tolerates Error, and Didi despises 404.
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hueningshaped · 2 years
no because you definitely do have big brain energy!!!!! tumblr why do you hate seeing us happy and in love. "i only ever thought about replying to you and the joy i feel from communicating with u" literally cannot see through my tears why do you have to be so adorable☹️ a button? i mean you're definitely as cute as one😌 about hobbies,,, i used to draw quite a bit but i haven't done that in YEARSS, i feel like nowadays i don't really have anything i could call a hobby quite depressing tbh😐 what about you!!!! and omg stop i don't even really consume mbti content but whenever i come across something my type always gets dragged i love u😭😭 beffie we're in the same boat about astrology i am very bad at it i should be glad that i can name all signs atp🧎🏻 but i find it so interesting so i just got my chart calculated and read on one of those astrology sites online :D i'm a taurus so we're both earth signs😼 (whatever that signifies😭) ooooo another trip!!!! how long will you be gone for!!! as always i hope you have fun and stay healthy🫶🏻🫶🏻 omg i love both dogs and cats but i think i might like cats just a little bit, although i always feel like i'm at a job interview whenever i meet one because i've never had a pet so i get very nervous around them :/ what about you!! do you have a preference + do you have/have you ever had pets😸 that encore stage☹️☹️ one of the first txt vids i ever saw literally could already feel that i would not be able to let go of them anytime soon😵‍💫 AND THE COMPILATION NOOOO :( he is so very dear and precious to me head in hands here's something for u too!! he is gigantic with tiny behavior😞 you could never ever talk too much whenever i get a post notification from you i'm just 💓💘💗❤️🫶🏻 my entire day brightens up immediately!!!! also YES I SAW how did he change hair colors TWICE since my last ask😭 soobin said he will be bleaching it and i just need to know so bad,, my brain is itching for information😾 thank u for the beoms☹️☹️☹️ i always get so happy that you take the time to add some for me and i'm even happier that i get to do the same for you now since i finally managed to set up my new blog!!! - apple, formerly 🧃<3
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there’s this movie i love and probably for the inside jokes that it gave me and my sibling but one of the lines is “…thank you. i love you. i knew it the minute i met you. sorry it took so long for me to catch up. i just got stuck…” and i think it really works for what i mean for you. sorry ive been so bad lately. you finally made ur blog and it’s so beautiful <3 of course it fits u so well ~ you’re AS CUTE — CUTER THAN A BUTTON!! honestly it’s hard to have time to do anything we all remotely like since life is so busy so i get u!! i don’t have any besides reading and music haha im boring as frick 🫶🏼 i love u ❤️‍🔥 earth signs woahhhhhh me trying to tie it to atla w/ my limited knowledge haha i just got back and i was driving for most of it 😵‍💫😵‍💫 hey i like cats just a bit more also hehe they’re more our temperament i think haha but AWWW that’s so cute (to me) that seeing one means a lot to you (in that sense) but i hope it’s not a bad nervous 🥺 i have 4 cats and 5 dogs but the cats are more mine rather than the dogs haha (we’re like an animal shelter 😭) i love my kitties more than anything !!!! OMG even though it was literaly 3 seconds THAT VIDEO IS SO PRECIOUS hyukaaaaaa ❤️ u know what’s sick i see ur notif (if tumblr actually does notify me) and i just think about it for a while and anxiously try to clear my schedule just to have a clear head when i do respond to you (it’s a habit ive noticed that applies to ppl i love) and it’s so odd so that’s to blame 😥 sorry im like this 🥺 AHHHH !! soobin never bleached haha but maybe he will for jpn and South Asia tour :0000 who knows hehe truthfully im happy and infinitely lucky you still talk to me ik im very frustrating 🥺 so thank you very very much. i sincerely hope you’re doing well and are safe and taking care, my dearest apple. you mean very much to me ~!!! ALSO THE PICS U ADDED ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!! AHHHH some of my fav really 😽🥹 here are beoms and a song you remind me of even though i just cried to it dw 💓
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ermespop · 2 years
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Bestfriend Luisa Madrigal
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character(s): Luisa Madrigal, (1) mention Mirabel Madrigal
warning(s): ⚠️mentions of suicide
author's note: headcanons nobody asked for! but girrrlll,, i just did this in one sit !!!
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Random headcanons
carrying stuff all day tires her out
but it doesn't mean she'll ever pass up on the opportunity to carry you around town
after a while of knowing each other y'all wanted to have matching friendship bracelets
but neither of you knew how to make them :(
so y'all asked Mirabel for help and the next day you had a bracelet with each other's favorite colors ( :D
sometimes you help her with chores that don't really require a lot of strength
you and Luisa LOVE having spontaneous duets
like she could be running around town doing chores with you in her shoulders and then you start singing out of nowhere and then she starts singing and then y'all become LOUD AS FRICK lol
there was one time that you were feeling really bad for some reason and no matter what she did she couldn't lift your spirit
that day you told her that you wish you could jump from one of the town's houses
and this is how it went
"okay, go for it"
"for real, dude?"
"ye I'll catch you :)"
you my friend cried that day, a lot
you did jump off the building and she did catch you
and she made sure you told her whenever you weren't having the best day so you both could do your best to prevent those feelings
you both once joked about moving out of your parents place's and building a small house in the middle of the forest to live there
and then Luisa was like "wait… i can do that"
y'all built that house and is now your secret hide out B)
you also had this day, she was really busy and you guys hadn't seen each other since morning
she met you in the evening and you asked how her day was
she just hugged you a little tighter than usual and then said "much better now"
the next day she explained to you how just being with you helps her de-stress
oh right, you guys share hugs regularly, but like always
you greet each other, say bye, celebrate, congratulate each other, cheer, comfort and simply show affection by hugging
AAALLLL types of hugs
side hugs, back hugs, bone crushing hugs (more often than not), front hugs, neck hugs, head hugs, etc., (if you don't get some of these you can google them i did too lol)
oh ye, y'all stile each other's hair every weekend so you start every week with a different haristyle
so yeah Luisa as your bestfriend 10/10 would recommend 😌👌
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author's note (2): i love the way these ideas just kept coming one after the other 😭
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© ermespop | Please don't ever copy, translate, edit or repost my work on tumblr nor any other social media and/or site.
• Likes, comments, reblogs and follow are so greatly appreciated ๑´ᴗ`๑
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Family Cuddle Pile
a/n: I actually wrote this a while ago but it was perfect for the request. Theirs like, no content for this ship an I love it so much! Thank you for reading :) @arodynamic-enby
Pairings: romantic Anxceitmus and kid!Patton also super background Logince
Warnings: tattoos, less than ideal parent mentions, food mention, and light cursing
Word count: 1,844 
Remus flopped out of bed, throwing his body carelessly across the room. He hastily threw on his clothes. Short shorts, ripped fishnets, a vest that was more patches than original material, really big clunky shoes, and a ripped up band-t. He also hooked his favorite bone earrings in his tattered earlobes. 
He stomped into his apartment’s kitchen. He grabbed a stale piece of bread he soaked it in coffee. Yawned and grabbed his bag, racing out the door. 
His brother was waiting for him at the tattoo shop, sketching a new idea. Unlike him, Roman only had a few tattoos, including not one, not two, not three… but three Disney quotes, a frog on a mushroom, a rose on his arm, and a constellation. Most of his tattoos were covered by tasteful burgundy overalls and a white button-down shirt.
Remus’ tattoos were also mostly covered by his clothes. But he had a tattoo sleeve depicting the garden of Eden, a matching frog on a mushroom, a quote from one of Roman’s books, medically accurate bone structures on his hand, a realistic spider on his neck, and a snake wrapping around his non-sleeved arm. And those were just the visible ones. 
Suffice to say, the twins were very different. 
Remus threw his bag onto the floor in the backroom, “Ro, when’s the first appointment!!” he yelled. “Your’s? At 11. FYI, Jan n’ Pat are coming over at 12, for motivation” Remus smiled, fuckin’ superb. 
He busied himself in collecting the ink and preparing the tattoo gun. The client wanted a fucking orange on their wrist, it should only take an hour or two but Remus was not excited to do a frickin’ orange circle. 
The prissy orange bitch came in and Remus got to work. They didn’t move much and only cried a little bit when the needle started jabbing at their skin. Remus liked this part of the process, stabbing people consensually was his favorite thing ever… also the art part but stabbing people!
Almost exactly an hour later the door jingled open. “Dada!!” a tiny voice called back into the store. “I’ll be there in a minute patty-cake” Remus called from his spot hunched over the client's arm.
He added the final touches to the fruit and helped the orange bitch off the chair. Roman swept the client away, Remus practically ran to greet his partner and son.
Janus wore a leather corset over a black collared shirt and baggy pants, their long platinum hair framed their face under their signature hat. They were holding hands with a toddler wearing mostly pink and blue, his blond hair (that matched Janus’) was a mop of curls barely held together by a few butterfly clips. 
“Dada, Dada!!! I got you a flower” the little boy cried, letting go of Janus’ hand and stumbling towards the tall man who scooped him up. Patton giggled and held out a sweaty flower clenched in his chubby fist. 
Remus accepted the flower with a gasp, ”this is really for me?” he said joyfully. Adjusting the small boy in his arms Remus turned towards Janus who was looking at the pair with a disgustingly sappy expression. 
“What are you lookin’ at hot stuff?” Remus teased. “Shut it you,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to Remus’ check. Patton made a noise, “icky” he said pushing Janus away. They laughed, “yes darling, we’re very icky”. 
“When’s verge-“
“he’ll be home at 4” 
“Stop by the Sleepy Café before you bring Pat to the apartment?”
“Can do scootal-lo!” 
Remus turned back to the little boy in his arms, “looks like you're stuck with me squirt”. Patton beamed and snuggled into Remus’ chest. Janus smiled again, “I’ll see you, boys, at dinner,” they said, ruffling Pat's hair and peaking Remus on the lips quickly so as to not upset the toddler. “Bye-bye Janny!!” Patton called after Janus as they left for work. 
“Righty-o,” Remus said, carrying Patton into the back room. “I know Ro’s got a couple coloring books, wanna do those for a bit?” Patton nodded and reached towards the ground to be put down. Remus plopped Patton on the couch and pulled out the book and pens as well as a sketchbook off his own. They sat together coloring and drawing until Roman came back to hug Patton. 
“Ah, my favorite nephew!” Roman said, scooping up the little boy. Patton laughed and pulled Roman’s hair. “Roro, can I color your arm pictures??” he asked, pointing to Roman’s rose tattoo. Roman plopped the toddler back down on the couch and handed him a pen. 
Patton went to work on the rose, scribbling reds and pinks and greens across his arm. Roman gave him complements each time Patton paused, and each time Patton shushed him and went back to work. Remus finished up his sketch, adding it to the pile of tattoo ideas they were eventually going to put up-front, and sat next to the toddler. 
“That’s really good pat-” 
Remus nodded and mimed zipping his lips. He liked spending time with the kid. They weren’t biologically related but who gives a fuck about blood, unless it’s outside of your body, then it’s fun. 
“I don’ wanna” Patton wined his dad sighed “I know bubbles but we gotta go home to Papa and Janny, isn’t that fun” Patton considered this, “but Roro’s pretty arm picture” he argued. Remus scratched the back of his neck, “Pffffff- Ummm, how about this, we go home now and I’ll take you back to the shop tomorrow after pre-school” 
Patton brightened considerably, “ok” he chirped. “up please” the toddler’s chubby hands reached towards Remus who obediently scooped him up with a coo. After all who was he to say no to uppy hands. 
“See ya tomorrow, have fun on your date with the nerd” Remus sang as he snatched his bag juggling the still fussy Patton in his other arm. “Fu- Frick off Re. Say hi to your partners for me,” Romans said affectionately and waved as his twin left the building. 
Remus happily trotted out into the road. The tattoo shop was located on a quaint little street in the more commercial segment of their town only a short walk from Janus’ job. 
A light drizzle floated around them and the air was warm and comforting. Patton squealed as a large drop of water hit him in the head, prompting a laugh from Remus.
A jingle sounded through the peaceful cafe, the brown room was illuminated by those cool old fashion lights and a lovely array of pastries made the air smell of chocolate and blueberry scones. But the scones, as delicious as they were, weren’t the snack Remus was here for
“Hey babe- Remus why are you soaking wet”
“Puddle” Patton screeched. 
“Kid’s right, Puddle.”
Janus pinched their eyebrows, “ya know what, I’m not even surprised anymore. Just make sure Patton doesn’t catch a cold” they scolded. 
Remus nodded and saluted in mock seriousness, “yes captain” he said and pressed a kiss to Janus’ face over the cash register, “I’ll see ya in a bit” Remus grinned and led Patton back out of the cafe. 
Janus sighed lovingly as they watched their boyfriend and son turn to cross the street, Patton’s hand clasped around Remus’ happily. “Stop looking so happy, you're scaring the customers” Remy teased from across the counter. “Ha, Ha,” Janus glared and went back to work” 
Janus’ apartment was a cute two-bedroom space on the fourth floor of the building. The furniture was an interesting combo of vintage and things from the side of the road. The vintage parts came from their parent’s house, their father had died two years after Janus’ had run away and hadn’t thought to write them out of the will. 
The three of them had made a date out of customizing the few pieces that Janus wanted to keep. The customization mainly included darkening everything and adding more gothic touches. Virgil had done the fabrics, Remus the painting, and Janus moral support/ director. 
The three partners had also painted the kitchen/dining room/living room black with one yellow wall. Janus and Virgil’s room was dark purple instead of black with highlights in the same yellow. Patton’s room was the only one that didn’t  look marginally like a cave. 
The walls were a cream-yellow that lit up in the morning sunlight. After Janus announced that they were going to have a baby Remus had spent three hours painting the grey ceiling with white fluffy clouds. It was one of his favorite projects. 
Patton of course had no regard for the work put into the entirety of his home and was the usual menace of a toddler. And today a toddler with cheerios, truly a sight even god would tremble before. 
Remus plopped down next to Patton who was pushing cheerios around his highchair tray with an intense focus. He smiled at the little boy and flicked on the tv, “got any requests pip-squeak?” Remus asked. Patton looked thoughtful, “dead lady!!” he cried excitedly hitting the tray with his fists, cheerios flew everywhere. Remus nodded, understanding, “Corpse bride coming up!” he picked a few cheerios from the couch “you really are Verge’s kid” 
When Janus got home Patton was curled up on Remus’s chest. Both slept soundly despite the dead folk on the screen in front of them singing about the wedding. 
Janus smiled, their family was fucking adorable. They slipped off their shoes and snuggled up into Remus who hummed happily and pulled Janus into the hug still asleep. 
Three hours later Virgil trudged up the four flights of stairs huffing indignantly with each step. Of course, he could take the elevator… but it might break down and he would be stuck for hours. Or someone could get into the elevator with him and he would have to interact with a stranger. So stairs it was. 
He rummaged around his baggy hoodie, running his fingers through his dark purple hair in annoyance when he couldn’t find the key. Once he found it Virgil carefully (as he did everything) opened the apartment door. His combat books clunked satisfyingly against the hardwood floors as he entered his house. Virgil felt the tension leave his muscles, he was home. He glanced across the room, looking for his family. 
Virgil’s face lit up like a god damned Christmas tree. 
Across the room, both his partners and his son were curled up sleeping happily. Drool covered Remus’ face and Janus was snoring, they were the most precious thing Virgil had seen all freakin day. 
The three of them woke as Virgil wrapped his arms around them, Patton squealed in excitement. “Hello, darling” Janus mumbled sleepily into Virgil’s arm. Remus just groaned and nestled into the hug. The toddler wriggled between his dads squealing profusely. “Shhh, s’ sleepy time” Remus mumbled, rolling deeper into the cuddle pile and shutting Patton up. 
Virgil smiled and pressed a kiss to his partner’s cheek. “Mmm, love you” they purred. “Love you too Jan,” Virgil said, nestling his face in their neck. Virgil knew he would have to start dinner soon but that could wait, for now, cuddles.
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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My final thoughts on WandaVision (so it goes without saying if you haven’t finished it, don’t look past Vision)
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What I liked:
• I loved the sitcom concept, super cool. And finding out why she hung onto sitcoms for comfort was just *chefs kiss* pay off wise.
• I loved how it started out as a slow build up (but I do think it would’ve worked better to have longer episodes to make things fit better and not feel as rushed towards the end)
• I loved Darcy, Monica and Jimmy’s trio. They were so fantastic together and the actors all did great.
• On the note of Monica, IM SO EXCITED TO HAVE A WOMAN OF COLOR SUPERHERO (especially since she’ll eventually be a main character not just a “sidekick”) 🥳
• I LOVED Pietro/Fietro/Ralph/Uncle P (whoever the hell he actually was). I obviously have some dislikes about the last episode, but we’ll get to that later. I loved how fun Evan Peters was. He really did a fantastic job even though no one knew what was going on with his character, he ate that shit up and left no crumbs.
• Wanda and Visions love story is so much better now that we got to build up to it rather than us just jumping into it (how I felt in Infinity War)
• Billy and Tommy are some of the sweetest children I think I’ve ever seen in a movie/show world and I love them with all my heart and soul and I really hope they do return.
• “what is grief if not love persevering”
• “we’ve said goodbye before so it stands to reason... we’ll say hello again” IM CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT.
• Wanda tucked in Billy and Tommy so they’d be asleep before they were sucked away with the hex 😭😭😭
• “thank you for choosing me to be your mom” 😭
• That second end credit scene with Scarlet Witch astral projecting was so trippy (I love it) and the boys calling to her broke my dang heart.
• overall the special effects looked really cool
• omg Elizabeth Olsen breaking her back to create the hex was 10/10 she’s so dedicated to the motions/physical acting of it all. Also all her crying scenes, it all felt very real and it really made me sob whenever she was hurting.
Things I didn’t like:
• Episode length. I understand they wanted it to go with the length of a normal sitcom, but it doesn’t work when you’re flashing back and forth between the sitcom and the real world. The time got messy towards the end and things felt rushed like the Vision vs. White Vision battle was just boring because it had no climatic energy to it.
• Too many loose ends/wasn’t clear enough. By that I mean, who was Jimmy’s missing person that led to him learning about the hex? (I’m hoping it was Evan Peters’ character, but more on that later). What happened to White Vision? Does Wanda have Agatha’s power now or did she just make it so she couldn’t use them?
• Ralph Bohner? Really Disney/Marvel? Really? You’re telling me you got Evan fricking Peters just so you could stunt cast and fuck with the audience and end it with a dick joke? Not cool.
• Why no Darcy in the last episode other than 2 seconds :(
• Hayward... Thats it. I just really hate him.
• some of the script/lines were a little questionable... like idk a lot of Agatha’s lines once she was revealed as the villain just were lack luster after her amazing intro and they were sort of tacky.
• I didn’t like how they hyped up certain things just for them to not really be significant (like Monica saying she knew a space engineer who could get her in and it was all mysterious, then not even ending up needing the truck they built or the character not really having much of a “wow” show up)
• I’m back to the Evan Peters thing. Why would they hype up his character’s mystery identity for him to just be a random dude named Ralph Bohner??? That’s such terrible writing (obviously I’m not an expert writer, but I actually did internship at a magazine where I had to read submitted stories and judge them and see if they were worthy of publication. And my minor in college was writing. So I do know a little about story telling, and something is off about the way they did this.). It’s either the fact that it’s just plain bad writing, or it’s a misdirect. I want to believe that Marvel knows how much people would enjoy EP in this show and would eventually expect more from him in the MCU. Now obviously, this is Wanda’s show and she decides what makes it on and what doesn’t, so maybe Ralph is the missing person Jimmy was looking for, but Wanda doesn’t know that, nor would she want it on her show. Maybe he really is Quicksilver but they put him in the Witness Protection Program when he came over from another universe? Or maybe he really is just a nobody who Agatha lived with because his house was conveniently close to Wanda’s. Or maybe he is someone of significance because who just has a random headshot lying around with their proof of ownership of their house and other paperwork and then laughs at their name Bohner even though if they’d had that name their whole life they’d be sick of the dick jokes?? Maybe they left it vague enough so they could gauge audience reaction to EP, if it was good they could come back to it in a mutants movie/show (or maybe even Doctor Strange 2 or Spider-Man 3) or if it was bad, just leave it at he’s a random person who already lived in Westview. Idk all I know is if they don’t end up bringing him back I’m definitely gonna be significantly less interested in any morphing of the XMen and mutants into the MCU.
Lastly, I just wanna say the actors and actresses all did fantastic (especially Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany). They all play such complex roles this time around and it really showed how passionate they were about this project. I loved them all so much and they truly brought this show to life (yes it has flaws, but it was their first attempt at a MCU timeline show, and the actors did what they could with what they were given so none of my criticism go towards them). I really enjoyed this overall (and I’m genuinely sad to see it ending) and I’m looking forward to seeing Wanda being a bad mamma-jamma in Doctor Strange 2.
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ackerfics · 3 years
hi, rory! <3 what majors would the sc veterans take if they were in the modern world?
hi, anon !! thank you so much for this ask, this is heaven in disguise from all my schoolwork. tbh, the whole time i was working for a lab report, my mind will go back to this ask bc i wanted to have the association as accurate as possible hhhajshw
i asked one of my friends for help and thank God for them bc my single brain cell really said 'it's time for you to rest' after staring at one backlog. without further ado, here are the veterans' majors if they're studying in university:
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first off, hange zoe, because if you ask me this question in real life, they would be the only one i can answer. every damn time i would think of them in a college setting, being a biology major is really hange's forte. at this point, this is what everyone would associate them with.
hange is all about experimenting and doing brilliant breakthroughs in any field of science but knowing that they have this unparalleled fascination with the unusual and unexpected life-forms (ahem titans ahem), the biology lab would be the surest place where you could find hange. i feel like biology is too broad so i will add that microbiology or bacteriology are just some of the specializations they will be taking in their time in college.
imagine, being lab partners with hange and immediately knowing that you will have one of the highest grades in the class because they're that well-versed in a specific lab report. and if you're partners with them for the rest of the academic year, you might as well have a shot at an immaculate grade. i'm not saying that you should depend on them too much though hHHHH, hange is still a member of the majority of the student body who relies heavily on caffeine to keep them invigorated. who isn't at this point?
so far, some of the biology majors that i encountered (well, more like chatted behind a screen — online classes suck), they have this energy that could drain my social battery too quickly and hange fits that description. (note that this doesn't apply to any college bc i observed this in mine soooo 🤭) they're the type to always go on a tangent on a certain science article or coerce you into joining this org thing. i can imagine levi just looking at hange like they're the one sucking his brain cells out whenever they speak about a documentary in bbc they watched the night before.
and if you're stuck on anything biology-related, hange will be the best person to ask help from. they're the first ray of sunlight you get while waking up. they're that approachable.
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okay, so erwin smith.
don't come at me but he just radiates this ceo vibes and with that, one of his probably majors is business administration. i know this is so stereotypical of me but let's face it, erwin is a smooth talker through and through and if he doesn't take up marketing, business is one way to spend his college years. knowing his personality in attack on titan of establishing deals easily with a determined resolve, he fits the broadest description of being a business administration major. (again, don't come at me because my consultant for this statement is google and nobody comes after google sometimes hhhhh)
just for the benefit of myself, i will add what google says about this major, "[they] learn the mechanics of business through classes in fundamentals, such as finance, accounting and marketing ... students find ways to solve problems using data and they develop communication and managerial skills." and i thank you.
he's also probably the most well-spoken and most professional when conversing with others among his friends (and i'm not saying this to drag the other characters but this is what i pick up on) and that is exactly the qualities his major specializes. it is expected for them to strike deals and be a people person and who better character for the job than our very own erwin smith 🤩
now i mentioned 'one of the probable majors' and yes, aside from business administration, philosophy just exudes erwin smith. ngl, when i imagined erwin in a college setting, this major will always come first. his mind is just so sexy to me??? and i hope you guys think the same, too, because i don't want to be the only one who thinks that 👀 kidding aside, erwin is one of the smartest people in attack on titan and every time he speaks in one episode, my brain will instantly go mush, and that's what i feel when i hear philosophy majors talk.
philosophy majors (according to any other youtuber who does lookbooks for various majors hhhhhh) challenge what is unanswerable and analyze questions with no right answer. i feel like erwin, like hange, will talk all night to explain a theory. just imagine a date with him and you just listen to him rant about a topic that they should be making a report on. just listen to this man, okay?? it's adorable when he lets his guard down to include you in his little bubble of philosophies. he would also mention random things that he learned in classes, sometimes finding joy in knowing the philosophies of other people, or even deciphering levi's dream of an apocalyptic world. (it pisses levi off but he just leave him be.)
if you want a man who can do both of these majors, erwin smith is the answer 😉
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sigh, mike zacharias.
this man holds so many talents and will forever amaze me.
i assume all of us here watched the movie perfume. and no, i'm not saying that mike is going to be a murderer but just like the main character of that film, making perfumes will be his forte with that sense of smell of his. and here, i conclude that mike will definitely take up chemical engineering.
he gives me the vibes that if it covers the one thing he does best, he will love his major. (mr. zacharias, can you please spare me that quality because i really need that now 😩) being in the labs while experimenting mundane things that can be found in the environment to create different scents is also a likely situation you can find him in, again, very much like hange. he's the type of student who really puts so much effort in staying afloat the honors list, even to the point of topping midterms in his major, for the sake of his dream. there will never be a moment where you will catch him complain about his major and professors.
he's that type of friend in college who agrees to any rant you say but in reality, he's got his life easy 😭
i headcanon mike owning a perfume shop after college just like how levi always dreamed of having a tea shop.
okay, imagine this little scenario if you're dating mike where he creates this unique perfumes as random gifts for you. they're not the typical perfumes that can seep through the room and can make you gag for no reason, they're subtle scents that will stay for the duration of the day. because again, he's got a sensitive nose, so making perfumes according to what his sense of smell dictates will always result in a revolutionary experiment. if you're randomly blurting out that you want a fusion of flowers and fruits as your perfume, say no more, he's your man.
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now, the veteran who i find the hardest to associate a major with — levi ackerman.
after much deliberation and a break from plant physiology, i see him taking up law or criminology.
(i asked some of this from my mom because she attended law school :>>>)
levi is so organized and detailed in the things that he do and he fits in either of these majors since they require tedious memorizations and analysis of laws and crime scenes while being assertive enough to defend someone. he's the typical person who blurts out the true situation of a crime scene when watching film adaptations. yeah, he's that person, the one who sucks the enthusiasm out of you while watching a movie because he just had to correct some of the scenes. nevertheless, he means well though, he just wanted you to understand the reality unlike how films portray gruesome murders. movie nights always end up with levi ranting about half-assed mystery clichés.
levi's binder of readings are always too bright for everyone's good. his notes are full of highlighters and scribbles that it can blind someone. for one, he's always up all night studying his readings and cases for a practice court so by choosing neon highlighters, it's a way for him to wake up. there isn't one book in his possession that he doesn't highlight like it's a fricking coloring book. hange once jokingly said that his binder now acts like his bible and for once, he agrees because he was never seen without one. hange had a field day since levi never agrees with them.
when doing practice courts though, his go-to resting bitch face always come in handy when carrying out his role as one of the lawyers. he's just so sexy with his hands in the pockets of his slacks as he tries to justify his supposed client. the way he questions the accused definitely isn't hot because he's like one of the panelists in your thesis defense, the one who just comes up with questions that have you melting on the spot. he's dangerous i tell you. it also doesn't help if you accidentally hurt one of his friends or just landed randomly in his blacklist for being annoying as hell. relax though, he doesn't mean harm other than the fact that he's ready to throw some hands from all the pent-up rage he gathered in his body.
of course, i couldn't forget how he dresses up like a typical dark academia fanatic so look out for eye-candy.
if you want someone who can recite articles from the constitution, this man is perfect for you 😌
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i had so much fun doing this !! again, i'm not generalizing every major i've talked about in these little headcanons, this is all for fun and based on the people i encountered in college. if you want more of this, don't hesitate to ask !! 😚
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NCT as High School Teachers
So I saw a thibg on instagam that said nct as teachers so lets go
We’re going by age so I know I get all of them but I also don’t know all of them too well. I’m literally so upset I cant do xiaojun because I love him but I also don't know him well enough I’m sorry honey. also some of these I really pulled out of nowhere so they might be way the frick off
I think he’s like one of those teachers who loves his job and wants his students to love his class but like he teaches selectively at the end of the day and they just want to go home
Teaches like language arts or some sort of literature
Is so happy to teach everyday
Everyone's best friend
Knows every bit of gossip going on in school
Nobody knows what his job is
Meanders around campus all day
Knows your name somehow
Teaches something to help improve life skills like speech or something. Teaches Home Ec.
Loves his students and wants to be involved in their lives
Pretends like he’s not listening to all the student’s gossip so he hears it all
Gets bombarded in the teacher’s lounge on what’s happening (needs to be cajoled)
Surprised by all the scandalous things his students get themselves into
We all knew this was coming
The hot substitute teacher
Works like once a semester
When he comes to work the whole school is rocked and he knows it
Walks around the classroom all day like sir why are you strutting
Sits with his feet up on the desk
Probably wants to be a really good and strict teacher
But the kids know they can walk all over him
Senior teacher
So when the seniors are informal with him so are the rest of the students
Extremely silent classroom you could hear a pin drop on the carpet
But like then he’s seen around the other teachers and he's so smiley
Either lectures and notes or busy work
Will not. Under any circumstances. Allow friends to sit next to each other.
“Do whatever you want, I don’t care”
Art teacher
So he can do whatever he wants, pass kids, and gets paid to use the school’s art supplies
Scolds kids who insult other kids’ artwork
Randomly subs for PE one day and makes the students learn dance
Honestly idk probably an elective
His class is pretty average just like any other
But wow sir hello
Everyone is in love with him
Is besties with Taeyong and like wow what a pair Probably has a movie day like at least once a month
Likes select students who will then learn that he likes stuff like ballet and singing
Students only learn about him through Yuta
People take his class cuz they know Yuta will visit him even when he doesn’t work
Well and ya know because its Sicheng
Is a pretty chill teacher
Girls literally coo at him instead of doing their work
Wonders why he has to fail students when he doesn’t teach anything
Speaks in tiny and loses control of his class sometimes
Shares a room with another teacher like idk Jaehyun.. Idk why but he does
(I have just been informed that he does in fact share a room with Jaeyun so there you have it)
Teaches like P.E.
It’s something he can do and be loud about
Loves shouting orders but he never sounds angry like a normal coach lol
Actually scratch that he can sound angry sometimes
PRETENDS to be angry and yells then laughs like lol you should see your faces
ALWAYS plays with the students he never stays on the sidelines
Allows you to wear normals clothes not just the ugly gym uniform
Yes he teaches english
But half the class is just him laughing
Lots of the other teachers visit him
Like Yuta and Haechan
You can hear him from down the hall
I feel like he’s that teacher that has mistakes in his notes or tests or something, like small little spelling errors idk I can just see it
Firmly believes that you learn best by immersion and therefore you watch TV in class ALL THE TIME
Drama teacher drama teacher drama teacher
All around good vibes
Finds things funnier than other students do
Truly anything goes in his class
Has never written up a student
Does stuff. Like you’re not the only one up there embarrassing yourself he does it first so y’all aren’t shy
No shyness allowed he will shell you like a pistachio
It’s not even that he wants his students to do well or any dumb excuses like that he’s just strict
He gets teased all the time by the other teachers and his students cower at them
They honestly think it’s his twin brothers talking with the other teachers who is this man
Teaches a language class
So its like you either speak in that language or you don’t speak at all
Really cuts the stupid out of his class
And his class is really difficult for no reason everyone is like “But sir this is 101”
Good wholesome teacher everyone can like
I can see him in like home ec
Kids come and talk to him all the time
His tests are so easy you are guaranteed to pass his class with flying colors as long as you know how to spell your name
Study hall
Wants to have no responsibility Leaves the classroom all of the time, like he’s never in the classroom
Visits Mark so much
And Johnny so many visits to Mark and Johnny
He probably dabbles a little bit into phys ed
Also enjoys teaching so much
Has a big smile in class all the time
Learned everyone’s names down after the first day of class
Wants everyone to have a good ol’ time
Probably gets along with the younger boys 
Teaches something but people only learn german from him
No learning goes on in his vicinity
I love him but I feel like some people would find him a lil annoying
The jokes never stop
Teaches freshmen math
He’s really hit or miss with his students
Sometimes they like him sometimes they don’t get him
I feel like he’s the teacher that always has like a group of students that eat lunch in his room
Always looks so fine like he dresses really well and all
Probably makes you do a lot of group projects I feel
The youngest teacher
No one’s sure he’s actually allowed to be a teacher because he’s very discreet with his timeline like nobody knows his age but he has a mysterious amount of degrees
Like no one knows the details of his life he’s just there
Was mistaken as a student on multiple occasions
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sophieakatz · 3 years
Thursday Thoughts: Good Omens and Judaism
Recently, I watched Jill Bearup’s review of the Good Omens Amazon Prime adaptation – a video you can watch here, and even if you don’t, I highly recommend you watch any of her other videos, especially her newer stuff about fight choreography – and something she brought up set my brain rolling down a particularly interesting hill.
She compares the series (written by Neil Gaiman) to the book (written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman), and points out how one of the things the series does differently is that it shows the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn’t appear in the book Good Omens, though a major part of the story’s premise is that all the events described in the Bible actually literally happened. The book is centered on the birth of the Antichrist, but it doesn’t present us with the Christ that he is “anti” to.
Bearup comments that the story of Good Omens doesn’t really work so well if Jesus’s death (and subsequent rebirth) is one of the things that actually literally happened in the world. This is because the other major part of the story’s premise is that Heaven is, in many ways, just as bad as Hell. The angels are just as much a threat as the demons are to the world, to humankind, and to our protagonists. There is no inherent, definite separation between “good” and “bad” in Good Omens; humanity, and life on Earth, is the important thing worth fighting for.
But Jesus’s death indicates that there is an inherent “good” separate from “bad.” It also indicates that Heaven is the ultimate good place, and the ultimate goal, because Jesus’s death was for the purpose of redeeming the sins of humanity so that humans could in the end go to Heaven. If Heaven is just as bad as Hell, how can there also be this objectively good “dying for our sins” thing?
I find this view particularly interesting because none of this occurred to me while watching Good Omens. I didn’t think at all about the Jesus scene or what it implied. It didn’t linger with me; it didn’t affect my interpretation of the rest of the show.
And that’s really because Jesus doesn’t matter to me. At all.
I didn’t grow up with the Jesus story. My first exposure to any New Testament content was the time my dad was in a community theatre production of Jesus Christ Superstar. He played Caiaphas, and we have home video of my siblings and I – little Jews between the ages of 2 and 8 – singing about how much of a problem this Jesus guy is in our best imitation of a bass voice. Mom didn’t let us stay to watch the second act, so we missed out on all the betrayal and whipping and death parts, and once the run of the musical was complete, we never watched it again.
In middle school, it took me until the last chapter of The Last Battle to realize that Aslan had been Jesus all along. Yes, I did read all seven Narnia books; I just thought it was fun fantasy, until they all suddenly died and went to heaven. In hindsight, I get how heavy-handed the sacrifice and rebirth in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is, but at the time, I didn’t know that part of the Jesus story, let alone that it was something people cared about or believed.
Bearup is right – Good Omens doesn’t work with Jesus. The series worked for me because I didn’t think that the Jesus death scene had any impact on the rest of the story, because as a Jew, that scene doesn’t have any impact on my life philosophy.
And I think that’s the key thing here. Good Omens makes the most sense if you remember that it’s a Jewish man’s take on Christian theology. Neil Gaiman is Jewish. Of course Jesus doesn’t matter in Good Omens. He’s a detail that doesn’t fit with the story’s philosophy and is therefore easily deleted or relegated to a flashback that’s actually about Aziraphale and Crowley’s friendship.
Which brings me to something I did think about while watching Good Omens. Though it focuses on the Christian Bible, Good Omens is really fricking Jewish.
For Jews, the here and now matters so much more than whatever is after death! The mashiach hasn’t come yet; no one’s “saved” our souls. In fact, our souls don’t need “saving” – “Elohai neshama shenatata be t'horah he,” we say – “My G-d, the soul You have given me is pure.” We are already good, as we are now. We’re here on Earth doing the work of creation every single day, and that work is important. All that we create – all the stuff that Aziraphale and Crowley love about us in Good Omens – is important. The very idea of everything being destroyed so that we can all be shuttled off to Heaven or Hell is, well, icky.
The existence of the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley is also very Jewish. In the Torah, angels don’t really have personalities. They’re malachim – literally, messengers. If one shows up, it’s treated in the text like it’s just speaking G-d’s words. We have stories about them in the Talmud that give angels a little more color, but they’re not exactly painted in a very “good” light there. In one midrash, when the Red Sea closed over the Egyptians, allowing the Jews to escape slavery, the angels sang and danced in celebration. G-d then said to the angels, “Why are you celebrating? My children are drowning in the sea.” So the idea of an angel like Gabriel, who’s spent his whole time hanging out in heaven, being a jerk who doesn’t care about humanity fits well with the Jewish perspective. However, if an angel did stick around on Earth for thousands of years, getting to know us, instead of simply parroting G-d’s words… then he’d probably become a decent fellow who loved humans. That’s Aziraphale.
As for Crowley, well, Jews question everything. Arguing with G-d is our thing, all the way back to Abraham. We love G-d, sure – if we believe in G-d, and there are plenty of Jews who don’t. For every law that exists, for every story we tell or prayer we recite or tradition we take part in, there is a Jew who has said, “But why, though? Does it really have to be like that?” And isn’t that what got Crowley in trouble in the first place, and what motivates him throughout the series? “Does it really have to be like that?”
Good Omens talks a lot about “God’s ineffable plan,” and it leaves things ambiguous in the end about whether the events of the series actually were Herself’s plan. That’s very Jewish, too. The Jewish answer to “Does G-d have a plan?” is, basically, “Does it matter?” We’re here now. We’re living our lives now. We’re doing what good we can now. If there’s a Heaven or a Hell, if there’s even a literal G-d, if any of the stuff in the Bible actually literally happened… Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Tl;dr, if it feels like Jesus doesn’t make sense in Good Omens, that’s because he doesn’t. Jesus left Judaism behind, and Good Omens is a Jewish story. It’s Jewish fanfiction of the New Testament. Which itself is fanfiction of the Torah. Think about it.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
♡nsfw alphabet w minho♡
I tried my best to make a list of my own, but I borrowed a few terms from this lovely template! 
requested by a cutie anon! 
Aftercare: (what they are like after sex) ok, so I see minho as someone who would be super caring after you’ve both properly come down and would want you to feel as comfortable as you can be--he doesn’t want you do have to do much. I am a big believer in minho drawing you a bath to help you relax and get cozy after: he’d hold you in his arms too while giving you a little massage. 
Bdsm: (are they into it? how “hard” do they like to go?) yes. the answer to this is yes. I feel like minho is one who really really gets off to the feeling of being the one in control, and knowing that you’re under his control. hearing your little whimpers, or seeing the way that you toss around when he’s using toys or has you bonded turns him on like no other. along this line, I feel like he’d also gladly tease you relentlessly until you’ve got tears in your eyes. he’ll only give you what you want if you ask him nicely 
Cum: (anything to do with cum) sooo minho loves cuming on you. he loves it a ton. for him, its the perfect picture when you’re gasping underneath him, just off your own orgasm, hands bound or clawing to the bed when he’ll cum on your chest, or your back, mayyybe even your face if you’re comfortable. oh! if you’ll cum on him...he doesn’t mind that either.
Degredation: (do they like using names on you, or for them?) as we have seen above, I feel like he would be into using degrading names, or having you say them back to him, for example: “you’re such a whore for my dick, tell me that you’re a whore for me.” etc. Of course, he never means what he says, he just knows that it amps things up for the both of you. 
Experience: (how experienced are they?) minho is fairly experienced, and also knows well what he likes and knows how to ask you what you like as well. minho isn’t scared to give you instructions or guide you in how you pleasure him as well--he would ask you to do the same!
Favorite (pet names): well, i think that there is a general consensus that minho likes kitten and kitty--it just makes sense lol. Otherwise, the softer ones would be my love, sweetheart, hun, doll, baby girl/boy etc.
Gagging: (size kink perhaps?) I think yes on this one. minho is alll about the power that he has over you, so seeing you gag would boost his confidence. knowing that you have to work a little harder to take him in reassures him that you’re his and that you only bend to him. at the same time, he would never push you to do something that made you uncomfortable and would ask you if you wanted to use safe words/ symbols. 
Hair: (how well groomed are they?) this is kind of funny because I think that minho would actually really care about this. mostly from a functionality standpoint, but also when he’s trimmed he feels more confident and like he’s got everything together and organized for when he’s with you. 
Intimacy: (the romantic aspect) so minho has 2 modes, and they vary depending on his mood or yours. mode 1 is where he’s doming the hell out of you and he gets to do what ever he likes, making you cum over and over again, teasing you for as long as you can take it and doesn’t show much mercy. on the other hand, when the vibe is different, holy hell he can give you the softest, most intimate sex that you can ever experience. i’m picturing super slow and deep thrusts into you, kissing you just as slowly in between while he tangles up his hands in your hair u g h i love thinking about this 
Jack off: (all about masturbation) I see Minho as one who would jack off really lazily, much later at night when there isn’t too much else to do; it isn’t something he prioritizes often unless there’s something that crosses his mind that really turns him on, he’ll even risk doing it somewhere semi-public if it means he gets to roll the image over and over in his mind, especially of you. Oh, and he loves jacking off in the shower when its steamy and warm, I don’t make the rules!! 
Kink(s): Minho loves having you all dressed up for him, I’m talking lace, velvet, anything strappy, harnesses, collars, chokers, thigh garters, maybe some kitten ears, mostly he just loves watching you and this is like icing on the cake. I see him having a hand kink as well?? When he’s worshiping your body, he watches his hands trace you all over, he loves it when you suck on his fingers, or when he rubs his thumb over tongue. Also, breath play, edge play and voyeurism!  
Location: anywhere. and I mean it. the more risky it is, the more exciting it is for him. bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, kitchen, living room couch, dining table, shower, bathtub, hotel rooms, the place doesn’t matter, it’s you that does. he would never miss an opportunity to be intimate with you whether its more slow and passionate or sweaty, rushed and needy. 
Multiple (partners): i think that this is something that minho would be open to! but not at first. minho is someone who can be very possessive at times, so sharing you with others when the realtionship is new makes him a little nervous--bc he wants you to be all his! after a while though, the idea of sharing you with someone and watching you get wrecked under them...he wouldn’t oppose. 
No: (something they won’t do, turn offs) while he won’t say no, daddy kinks aren’t his favorite, it’s simply something that doesn’t turn him on; he prefers to be the one calling you names hehe. he’s mostly an open minded person, just because he gets off on helping you get off. 
Oral: loves loves giving oral to his partner, it’s one of his favorite ways to begin foreplay, he’s exceptionally skilled as well, and knows perfectly how to use his mouth to tease. gives one hell of a blowjob, and knows how to make you cum over and over just from his tongue on your clit. he won’t ask you to blow him, but rather tease you until you’re begging to do it for him. 
Pace: super slow or super fuckin’ fast. there is no in-between and that’s that on that! if you ask me, as much as he revels in pounding you into the bed, it’s the slower and more sensual moments that linger on his mind longer. 
Quickies: i think this goes without saying, but minho never passes up the opportunity to take you right then and now. funnily enough, if you’re at work/school and send him a message about how you might be feeling a little horny, this man will drive all the way to you just to help you out. lil anecdote: his favorite thing to do is fuck you bent over a bathroom sink, battling the time before someone notices you’re away. he loves watching your fucked out face in the tinted green bathroom mirror. 
Ropes: (tying you up au) i added this to the list mostly for fun, but also I’ve got this idea of minho loosing his mind over having you tied up or restrained. ropes, ribbons, velvet, bow ties, handcuffs and much more. there’s nothing more that he likes than seeing you all helpless and not able to do anything about it. he thinks you looks so pretty tied up especially if it’s ribbons of pretty colors that look beautiful on your skin. 
Stamina: bucket loads. I’ve definitely seen something somewhere talking about how minho’s got a dancers stamina and I can’t agree more. minho’s got the stamina to draw out his thrusts for hours or give it to you as quickly and as roughly as he possibly can, granted he’ll be a sweating mess by the time that he’s done, but he sees that as sign that he did his job very well. 
Toys: in my oponion, yes and no. lolll I say this for the reason of minho’s ego getting in his own way. he feels fuckin’ amazing knowing that he can make you cum as hard as you do only from his body and would much rather use the tools at his disposal rather than toys...but...seeing what toys can do to you and how he can use them to his advantage is soemthing he won’t pass up. His personal favorites are all kinds of vibrators, cock rings, hmmm and occasionally nipple clamps
Unfair: (tw: dubcon) (how much that they like to tease) oh my, very much so. fuck, it’s probably his favorite thing to do to you! I’ve said before on this account that minho is into teasing even when it isn’t “that time” meaning he’ll brush up against you in public with his hand or grind himself into you when you’re sitting in his lap. his hand will creep up your thighs slightly when the two of you are in the car together to make you squirm a little bit. and of course, he’ll tease you for real when he’s got you all to himself, and would do it for hours if you let him. 
Volume: frick i love thinking about this!!!! i see minho as being someone more on the quiet side: shaky exhales, choked little breaths, the occasional soft “mmm” or “ahh.” if he’s really loosing himself in it however, looking down at you with tears in your eyes, or drool slipping down your neck from blowing him, he’ll let out some of the most unapologetically erotic moans on his pink lips
Wild card: (you pick!) i would like to use this place to talk about how much a bratty sub makes him go frickin’ feral. There is something about the way that you bite back at each of his demands, it only makes him want to dig into you even harder. you’d say to him as he’s relentlessly fucking into you “i-is that all that you can do? you’re bo-boring me...” in seconds, he would have you flipped around into a completely different position, something you didn’t even know existed that makes your muscles burn but your heat ravenous. he’d say, “if i’m so boring how is it that I’ve made you a fucking mess for me three times already?” 
X-ray: (what’s going on under those pleather pants) thicc thighs I’ll tell you that HA, jk that’s just me having the biggest most embarrassing thigh kink alive lmaooo. buuut it’s true! minho’s got those perfectly toned and thick thighs that he loves having you grind on of course. as for what this letter is really about, I see minho has having just the right proportions. not to be cheesy, but it’s like this boy was practically frickin made for you!! buuuut I think we all know that minho’s packing with something  
Yes: (biggest turn ons) on top of the ones mentioned above, I wanna make this one kinda cute and sentimental just bc I can lolll, but a major turn on for minho is a bomb ass personality!! minho really treasures people who are unique, true to themselves and passionate about something! he finds this super super attractive. this man is an absolute SIMP for a personality and that’s the first thing he falls in love with about you! (also shhhh I’m not pushing my pan!minho agenda shhh) 
Zzz: (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) kinda like with aftercare, minho can’t rest himself properly until you are fully taken care of! as soon as he knows that he’s covered all the bases: cleaning you off, getting you clothes, water, food, giving you a massage if you need it. as soon as the two of you are all cuddled up in together, then he’ll be able to relax himself, patiently smoothing down your hair as you fall asleep yourself, then, he’ll be out like a light. 
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haikyuu-sins · 3 years
Hiiiii! Since you are in the need for Law request I have plenty lol He lives in my head rent free 😁
So since Law is a Lowkey fanboy for ninjas what if on Zou when everyone met Raizo they met a kunoichi med! Ninja and Law was instantly infatuated with her. He’s impressed with her medical knowledge and her special medical techniques, and wants her to join his crew. And while traveling to Wano they get a little close in such short time that he doesn’t feel he can just forget about her. If that’s too much or too descriptive I apologize and feel free to cut whatever if it is too much.
Gimmie all the requests!!! And too much??? Too descriptive??? Oh my gosh I LOVE when there’s a lot of description!! It makes it so much easier and a lot more fun to write when I know exactly what you want and frick, I absolutely LOVE this ask!! I have a feeling I’m going to have a lot of fun writing this one so I’m sorry if I went overboard with it 😅 (I’m also not a doctor so forgive the misinformation if there is any, I’m just making shit up lol) update: I went overboard.
*****Law x Med Kunoichi! Reader
“Raizo, seriously, you need to calm down.” you tell the ninja who’s in chains because of how upset he is. “I get it, but the mink are fine now. I healed them the best I could and there weren’t many serious injuries.”
He was still on a tirade or yelling and crying but you just ignored him and kept him company. You just sigh. There wasn’t much you could do to help him. “Now you just need to shut up.”
There was yelling coming down from the stairs in front of you along with the sounds of multiple people sprinting. Were... they yelling ‘Ninja?’ It didn’t take long for multiple people that you didn’t recognize to be right in front of you.
There was a gasp. “Raizo is a woman?!” a man with a straw hat shouted, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.
“Um, no, that’s Raizo.” you pointed to him.
All of them seemed to physically deflate when they heard that. “Wait... are you a kunoichi?!” the long nose yelled.
They were all shouting out rapid fire requests and you couldn’t even get a word in to tell them that you were the medical ninja. But hearing everything they were saying, you couldn’t help but smile and laugh. The little reindeer was asking if you said ‘nin nin’, another was asking you to hide in the ceiling and get stabbed with a spear, while someone else was asking for the shadow clone technique.
“Nin nin?” You had to put your hand over your mouth to cover your giggles. “Stabbed with a spear? Goodness...Is that what you think of us?” Looking over at Kin’emon and Kanjuro you saw that they had strange looks on their faces. It was cute hearing everything that they thought ninjas did and they were eager to see it all. “You should be asking Raizo to do all that, I don’t don’t have the energy for it right now. I’m the med ninja and I’ve been helping with healing the villagers...and there’s a lot of them.”
Law’s ears immediately perked up at the mention that you were a medical ninja.
“Which reminds me, I should be doing some more rounds for the minks who were more seriously injured.” you sighed and stood up from your spot.
“Would you mind if I came?” the man with the tattoos asked as you walked past them.
“Sure! The extra company is always nice.” you smile at him and he follows you up the long set of stairs out of the tree. “So you were curious about the shadow clone technique?” You glance over at him and he doesn’t exactly know what to say. He doesn’t want to sound too eager if he says yes, but if he says no then he won’t be able to see it. You can tell that he’s trying not to be excited and it makes you chuckle. There was a quick hand sign and another one of you popped up in front of you.
“Hello!” your clone smiled and waved at him and you could see his eyes widen, and then a small smirk. She poofed away in a puff of smoke after the introduction. “Oh and also, we don’t say ‘nin nin.’ I’m not sure where you heard that one.”
His shoulders drooped slightly and you could see that he almost looked disappointed. “Oh…”
“What was your name? I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier with all of the commotion. I’m (Y/n).”
“Trafalgar Law.”
“Is this your first time on Zou?” you ask him, opening the door to the room where your patients were.
“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about it, but I wouldn’t have been able to get up here to see it.”
“That’s a shame. There’s tons of medicinal plants on this island that you can’t find anywhere else. I assume you’re a doctor since you wanted to come with me? You seemed pretty interested when I said I was a medical ninja.” you sat down next to one of them and began your work.
He was surprised by how perceptive you were and he nodded as he watched you diligently heal the minks. Your hands glowed a light blue color and they moved up and down to where they were injured. Law heard you sigh heavily and he wondered what was wrong since he couldn’t see anything. ‘It must be internal.’ he thought to himself.
“It’s internal bleeding that I can’t stop with just my healing. I’m going to have to do surgery. Can you grab me that?” you asked him, pointing to a small tin that was on the shelf.  Law picked it up and opened it wondering what you would be doing with a balm. “Don’t smell it!” you warned him. “It’ll knock you out.”
He slowly put the cap back on it and handed it to you.
“It’s from the leaves of a certain mix of flowers here. I’ll show you after I’m finished.” you smiled and took it from him as you spoke to your patient about what you were going to have to do to him. “Come here.” you motioned Law closer to you. “If you want to watch you’ll have to be a little closer than that.” Law did as he was told. When you had the mink smell the balm, he almost passed out immediately. “They have better noses than us so this works much more effectively than it would on a human. It still will though so you have to be careful.”
He took all of the information in that you were giving him. He had never seen the techniques that you used. What was even more baffling to him was that it wasn’t even because of a devil fruit. They were all things that were taught to the medics at a more advanced level. The way you only used a finger to cut open your patient was incredible. He didn’t know how you did it, even when you explained it to him because it was something that he knew he wouldn’t be able to do. You could generate heat in your fingers that were hot enough to cauterize a wound.
What would have taken a normal doctor over an hour to do, took you about 10 minutes. Then you went on to the others who needed your help. They didn’t need surgery but he watched you in awe. It looked so effortless on your part, other than the fact that you looked a bit out of breath now because of how hard you were working.
“Oh man, I need to sit down for a little. Then we can go out and I can show you what I collect when I’m here!” you smiled up at him as you went over to a chair and plopped down, resting your head on the wall and closing your eyes. “I don’t usually get this tired. But having to heal everyone who was injured- including Duke and and Catviper who were really hurt-it takes a lot of energy out of me. It’s worth it though.”
The two of you talked about everything and nothing while you rested. You told him more about ninjas to which you had all of his attention and about Wano and what exactly to expect when they all got there.
“Are you going to be coming with us back to Wano?” Law asked as casually as he could.
“I would assume I am? I mean I could always go back on my own though if there isn’t any room for me! I came here by myself anyway, before Raizo. So I do have a way back.”
“There’s plenty of room, don’t worry. It’s probably too dangerous to go back on your own anyway after the attack.”
“What, do you think I can’t take care of myself? Come on, I’m a kunoichi! I don’t have this sword for decoration. Or do you just want me to be safe?” you tease him with a smile.
In truth, he wanted you to teach him. You had so much knowledge that he didn’t. “I just-”
“I’m just teasing.” you smile softly and stand up. “Are you ready? We can go now. I’m rested enough if you want to get some herbs for your trip.”
He rolled his eyes at your first comment. “We can wait until you’re fully rested if you want.”
“That’s okay. There are some flowers that only bloom at night so we have to cut them off before they can close back up. It’s best to just go at sunset and get the others that you need first.” you grabbed a big bag and already started to walk out the door. Law quickly followed behind you and the two of you were on your way.
In the few hours that you and Law had met each other, you already felt like you had formed a kind of bond with him. You showed him all the different leaves, roots, and flowers that could be used for a multitude of things.
“I can teach you how to make a bunch of things when we’re on our way back to Wano if you want?” you asked hopefully, just wanting to be around him more.
“So you’re coming with us?” Law raised a brow and tried not to smirk at you.
“Well you insisted on it so I guess I have to!” you joked. “But yes, I’d actually really love to come with you. I-I mean with everyone!” You stammered, face turning a bright shade of pink while Law just smirked while he put some flower stems in the bag.
Not too long after, you and the others left on Law’s submarine. It was nerve-wracking at first and you’ll admit you were terrified. Being with the others you knew wasn’t that bad though. You were introduced to the StrawHat Pirates before you boarded and got to know Robin a little better. She was sweet and knowledgeable. But Law was the one you spent the most time with. Even if there wasn’t a reason, you made one up. You’d ask him random things, just went to see what he was doing, or showed him some of the extra things you’d made for his infirmary. You would just say that you made more than you needed but really you were just making it for him.
Law knew more than anyone on the sub that he wanted you to stay so he made sure that you got along with the rest of the crew. You wanted them to like you so you had Kin’emon help you make some traditional dishes from Wano. On one of these days, you went to find  Law so he’d be able to try some before the rest of the crew ate it. He was of course in his office working on some kinks that needed to be worked out before they got to Wano.
You knocked on the door and he told you to come in. “Hi Law~” you smile and go to his desk and put the bowl of red bean soup on it. “I had a feeling you’d be in here for dinner so I wanted to bring you some food before it ran out or got cold.”
He sighs and leans back in his chair while he runs his tattooed fingers through his hair, obviously stressed about what’s to come. “Thank you.”
“You know you really should relax. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. I understand that you’re under a lot of pressure right now, but stressing about it is just going to make it worse. You’re better off taking a break and eating some of the soup I made.” you grin and push it closer to him, encouraging him to try it. “Come on~ I wanna see how much you like it! I know you will!”
Law accepted your offer and took the bowl. You watched him with raised brows and an expectant look on your face as he took a sip of the soup . “Well~?”  
He wanted to melt in his chair at that moment. The feeling of the hot soup ran down his throat and calmed him unlike anything he’d felt before. He’d never had this before but somehow it reminded him of home. “I’m deciding whether I want you as my cook or my other doctor.”
You tilt your head to the side, your brows now scrunch together and your cheeks flush. “What...what do you mean your cook or other doctor?” you had a feeling you knew where this was going but you wanted to make sure.
“You know exactly what I mean. I mean, you should join my crew.”
You thought about it for a moment. “Would I be a pirate or a kunoichi? ...Because I do like being a kunoichi...and would I have to wear that outfit everyone does? I like my kimono that I have on.” Truthfully, Law did too and he wouldn’t mind if you continued wearing it either, he thought you looked nice in it.  
“You can be whichever. If you want to keep your kimono on to pay a sort of tribute to being a kunoichi, you can do that. I don’t mind. I get it, it’s what you know and what you grew up with.” It was your ninja way.
As he spoke, your smile only grew wider and you couldn’t believe what he was saying. It was exactly what you wanted and you were so glad that he brought it up to you since you thought it might be inappropriate to ask him yourself to join his crew. You just wanted to be around him and you were hoping that he would feel the same.
It was strange. Law had never felt this much of a connection with someone in such a short amount of time. But there was first for everything and he didn’t mind this first.
“Of course I will!” you just wanted to wrap your arms around his neck, hug him tight, and not let go. “I was kind of afraid you weren’t going to ask...” you say to him sheepishly chuckling.
“Oh were you?” He takes another sip of his soup while raising his brows.
“Yeah...I really like spending time...with you. It’s been nice getting to know the crew too. I’ve had a lot of fun with them so far. Now I don’t have to worry about being sad when you guys have to leave Wano and missing you-missing everyone!” you say the last part quickly.
“If you were going to miss me then you should have just said something.” he smirks at you.
Rolling your eyes, you’re tempted to push his shoulder, but he has hot soup and you’re not going to spill it on him. “Oh shut up and eat your soup before it gets cold. Captain.”
Now that’s something Law can get used to hearing you say.  
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
dinluke destiny au? >:3
Well, okay then, friend, if you insist???
Luke is definitely a Warlock because Space Wizard? All floaty mcfloaty cool kid in the rad robes and stuff. (Hunter tendencies though because totally cool hooded cloaks and man, fashion choices, right?)
I really kind of love the idea of Artoo being his Ghost? Perhaps inherited from Anakin and then you get Luke with all this self-doubt about not being a “proper” Guardian and such.
(Artoo honestly has no goddamned time for his nonsense because Darkness to be defeated and also, is this Skywalker really going to question his judgement about these things? IS HE???)
But also, also. Lends credence to the story Obi-Wan tells him about his dad being killed by Vader if he has his dad’s Ghost and all, you know? So, yeah.
Din as a Titan because he relies so heavily on his armor to take punishment in a fight - super obvious in s2, ep 15 when he was in disguise and was like :O at the fact he couldn’t just take a hit without getting injured and anyway, Din’s definitely a Titan.
Grogu is too young for all this nonsense, but he’s showing far too many Warlock-ish tendencies for Din’s peace of mind. (Like. Look at Luke, okay. Just five minutes of watching him is enough to serve as a cautionary tale, pls Grogu, do not be like the space wizard with no sense of self-preservation instincts to speak of.)
Leia I’d put down as a Hunter? Like. Rebel Alliance and all and her stint as Boushh and Endor, and anyway, definitely a Hunter. Gunslinger because pew-pew shooty and, but also Arcstrider with the staff, and anyway, yes. Nightstalker because sneaky mcsneakerson and such which would be useful with the Rebel spy stuff. Revenant because awesome.
Also, also, I love the idea of C-3PO being her Ghost? Like. He was just a Guardian-less Ghost who ran around with Anakin and Artoo and such in the Before times and it wasn’t until Leia that he was like, “Oh, dear.”
Obi-Wan is totally Space Wizard Warlock and delights in it. Just. Utter bastard about it and so charming people can’t hold it against him for long.
Han is just. I really love the thought of him being lightless? Just your average smuggler with his BFF Chewie who might as well be a Titan
Anakin is definitely a Titan in my mind? Like. Especially as Vader with the everything, but mostly the armor and the way he just bulldozes anything/anyone in his way and yes. (Though really, even as a Jedi he has Titan-ish tendencies.)
When Palpatine corrupts him he loses his Light, and Artoo is forced to ~flee for his little Ghost life, C-3PO shoving him along and keeping him from trying to go back and get Anakin to snap out of whatever happened even though he knows it won’t work, but Anakin is his Guardian, and anyway, I just made myself sad?
So yeah.
Palpatine’s a complete bastard of a Warlock, that’s petty much it???
(Although I’m bot above suggesting he experimented on his own Ghost and such in pursuit of understanding this new power he unlocks, because yes.)
Some...thing in which there was an Incident wherein a Guardian by the name of Palpatine was corrupted by some ~dark power or what have you. Experimented with the Darkness and went a little (lot) mad, and nearly took the Last City down with him.
Corrupted another Guardian as his apprentice, and Padme took the twins and went into hiding.
Fast forward a few years and this little resistance and Luke and Leia as part of it and anyway, things don’t go well for them.
Vader finds them and either recognizes them as his and Padme’s children, or worse, possibly, and doesn’t.
Fight sequence in which our heroes die very heroic deaths and are resurrected by their respective Ghosts who totally stowed away to wherever they were going when Vader found them, and anyway.
The whole Amnesia thing with these two Ghosts who definitely know more than they’re letting on.
Artoo’s a little odd in that he communicated in beeps and whistles and so on, and C-3PO is super sketchy about ducking Luke and Leia’s questions as to what the hell is going on, and anyway.
There’s this old Warlock - hermit type, recluse and all - who will be able to help and so they head out to look for him rather than heading to the Last City and the Tower and the Vanguard.
Along the way they run into these odd characters like a certain Titan and this tiny gremlin kid of his - kind of green, but adorable as hell - and this smuggler and his BFF, and anyway.
Vader and Palpatine find out about Luke and Leia and send people after them constantly for very different purposes.
Vader wants to recruit them to his side, Palpatine wants them dead, but doesn’t tell Vader that, and anyway.
Lots of close calls and Din watching this human disaster of a Warlock learning to use his Light.
Meanwhile Han is doing the same with Leia although she’s more >:((((((((((((((((( about the that than Luke is with Din because Han, right? Kind of an asshole.
Situations in which they get separated, Luke and Din and Grogu going it alone to get to some rendezvous place while being pursued by baddies. Conversations around campfires at night when it’s safe to start one, and huddling together for warmth when it isn’t.
Fighting back-to-back against a patrol of Fallen or Cabal or whatever. Rushing over when one of them goes down and reviving them, and just.
All that kind of stuff?
Din catching Luke at sunrise one morning - or more than one, who knows - when he’s still trying to get the hang of wielding the Light and he’s meditating. Helmet at his side, eyes closed and serene look on his face. Sunlight hitting hi just right, bathing him in soft colors to make Din go oh no, he’s hot, in his head because he totally has feelings for the most exasperating Space Wizard he’s ever met.
More shenanigans in which they’re totally terrible at flirting and Han and Leia who had their own oh no, they’re hot moments a while back are like dear God, they’re so dumb.
They get to Obi-Wan who is like, well, this is a thing, isn’t it?, and then Vader attacks and more fighting and shooting and even some stabbing?
And just.
General Adventures until Luke does his Space Wizard nonsense and Vader denounces the dark power Palpatine used to corrupt him for love of Luke and Leia and doesn’t die, because space magic.
(And also Artoo, although he can’t quite fix everything because whatever the dark power Anakin was corrupted by broke that link between them and it’s like. He saves Anakin but Anakin’s sacrificed his Light, and anyway, small price to pay for what he’s done.)
Luke has this moment, though, right, because Artoo was his father’s Ghost and his father is dying and Luke is willing to give up his own Light for his father, but Artoo can’t just do that even if he wanted to, and really.
Luke is his Guardian now anyway, so.
Just all kinds of Drama and Angst.
When it’s all over, Anakin wants to find Padme and seek her forgiveness - no knowing if he’ll get it with all he’s done, but he wants to try if she’ll let him, and anyway. He needs to get his head sorted out first, and just. Wanders about doing just that.
Obi-Wan looks at Luke and Leia and mentions the fact they still haven’t been to the Last City or the Tower, and could do that if they want? Meet with the Vanguard mentors and join the ranks of the Guardians in an official capacity and the whatnot.
Leia glances at this scruffy smuggler and his BFF and the way Han looks less than thrilled at the prospect because if they see him he’d be in all kinds of trouble, and anyway.
Not like there’s any rush to get to the Tower and all that just yet, is there?
And Luke, okay, Luke.
He looks at Din and Grogu and is like, “What she said.”
But also, okay, also.
They find Padme because she never knew what happened to them and it’s all Drama and Angst and whatnot - Luke and Leia remember their lives before the whole becoming Guardians thing, but it’s still a little fiuzzy and it’s all-over awkward and Drama and Angst, but hope of things getting better in the future and I made myself sad again, but they definitely get better.
And then, idk.
Shenanigans in which they eventually do make their way to the Tower and Zavala, Ikora, and Cayde are like “You’ve certainly been busy” because of course they know all about what happened, but busy with Vanguard matters/other crisis and anyhow.
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